#I can’t draw comfortably due to my current living situation and man.
dk-wren · 5 months
Buddy Daddies Week - Fic
Today, Jan. 7th, and the 7th day of my celebration week, marks the one year anniversary of Buddy Daddies episode 1's premiere!
To celebrate, I wrote a fluff fic for this family. In writing this, I learned that writing angst is where I generally feel more comfortable or tend to veers towards. However, since this is a happy occasion, I wanted to attempt my first fully fluff fic for Kazuki, Rei, and Miri. Attempt is the key word because a little angst still managed to slip its way into this fic, so I apologize. I hope you enjoy it!
And before I also add the fic on this post, I just want to express my gratitude and appreciation to everyone who has been following along all this week! It means so much to me that you are spending your time interacting with/reading my posts. I'm so happy there are people still active in the fandom and enjoying my chaos. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart!
And happy anniversary Buddy Daddies!
-Dakota Wren
     A hand on top of his head, gently running through his hair, pulls Rei out of his sleep. Unlike previous times when in a similar situation, where he’d come back to consciousness with a hand gripping his hair, perhaps jerking him around, Rei knows he is safe.
     The sun filtering through the windows and the sound of his partner’s voice, slowly wake Rei up. He can rest easily now that he survived the night, or rather, they survived the night, and are watching the sun rise on a new day, one that’ll mark the start of the next chapter of their lives.
     “Morning,” Kazuki whispers as he continues carding his hand through Rei’s hair. A mumbled “morning” comes out as Rei’s response.
     A faint laugh causes Rei to finally open his eyes and look up at the man he is currently laying on top of, in hopes of catching even a glimpse of the smile that always manages to warm his heart. And from Kazuki’s point of view, when Rei finally turns his attention to him, Rei is wearing a dopey grin he probably isn’t even aware of since the sleepiness was still wearing off. That draws out another laugh from Kazuki, widening Rei’s smile even more.
     “I can’t believe this is the same man that managed to take on the great Suwa organization, who chose to face the Boss by himself,” Kazuki thinks out loud. Rei looks back down, and to a stranger, the way his lips pursed together would make it seem as if his smile had completely vanished from his face. For Kazuki though, he knows Rei’s smile has just evolved to the one he wears whenever Kazuki compliments or praises him. “But, I can believe this is the same man who pinky promised his daughter he would be at her Christmas concert, and wanted to dress up as Santa for her, and ate five sugar cookies to keep up with her-”
     “I get it, Kazuki,” Rei interrupts, this time out of embarrassment rather than annoyance. 
     “And they weren’t small ones either,” Kazuki reminds him, causing them to share a laugh.
     They look at each other for the next few moments, each probably with a hundred thoughts running through their head: how lucky they are to have the other, that they really stood up to the organization and (hopefully) removed themselves from that world, what their second chance for a family would look like, and where they would go from here? After the events of the past couple weeks, the previous night was the first time Rei had slept so soundly. Perhaps it was due to his exhaustion from the day’s events, after all making french toast, storming a mansion, and making it to your child’s recital on time took a lot of energy. But, Rei knew it was likely due to sleeping in an actual bed, and sharing it with the man he loved, and was eager to spend the rest of his life with.
     Since it was on the later side by the time they returned home from Miri’s Christmas concert and party, Kazuki and Rei split the evening routine in half as they helped Miri get ready for bed. She was practically asleep brushing her teeth, so Kazuki had to take over to make sure all the sugar was cleaned off. Even though Kazuki helped Miri with this task, Rei fondly watched both of their reflections in the mirror from the doorframe. And after they finished, Kazuki picked Miri up and carefully handed her to Rei, who would be the papa to tuck her into bed that night. Kazuki made sure of that after everything Rei went through that day.
     “Night, Miri,” Kazuki said as he kissed her cheek, causing her to mumble something that they assumed was meant to be “Good night” while relaxing further into her Papa Rei. Bringing his gaze back to the man currently holding their daughter, Kazuki then asked Rei, “Hey, if you’re not too tired after putting her to bed, let’s talk in my room.”
     “Okay,” Rei replied as they separated. Kazuki entered his room to clean himself up and change into something more comfortable (and less bloody) while Rei took Miri into her room, first placing the now sleeping girl on her bed, then tucking her in before going around her room to pick up her favorite stuffed animals and a book for her bedtime story. About half way through, Rei picked up on the faintest snore. Deciding to instead let Miri be and leave then, he gave Miri his good night kiss and quietly exited her room. As he reentered the second floor hallway, Rei could hear the shower running in Kazuki’s bathroom. Considering he wasn’t in that much of a better state than Kazuki, Rei decided to use the other bathroom to clean himself up and also get ready for a much deserved rest before talking with Kazuki.
     On their way to the Christmas party, Rei cleaned and dressed his arm to the best of his ability while Kazuki drove, hoping that Kazuki’s focus on the road would prevent him from seeing the extent of the damage. Staring into his bathroom mirror, Rei undid the bandage and examined what kind of a state the wound was in. He grimaced as he brought a warm towel to clean off the blood that dried itself around the wound. Reconsidering his next steps, Rei grabbed a painkiller before continuing on with his nightly routine. When it came time to redress the wound, Rei tried to do it as gently as Kazuki would. In the time they had spent working together, if either of them were injured during a mission, Kazuki or Rei would help the other out in dressing them. Rei learned very quickly that a wound could be dealt with and properly cleaned with gentleness once Kazuki began helping him. Efficiency didn’t mean fast and rough, as Rei had done when by himself. However, Rei didn’t feel ready quite yet to show Kazuki the extent of the damage, even if he suspects that will be something they discuss soon. Cleaning up his supplies and dirty clothes, Rei readied himself for whatever talk Kazuki had in mind and headed out of his room.
     Rei knocked lightly on Kazuki’s door, waiting for Kazuki to respond before entering. A soft, “come in,” was heard and Rei walked into Kazuki’s room, who he found sitting on the edge of his bed as he finished wrapping his own wound. Looking up, Kazuki said, “I’m almost finished. Here, let me move this and you can come sit here,” patting the spot next to him on the bed.
     Rei quietly nodded his head and made his way to Kazuki’s side. His wound didn’t look too bad, but still, Rei couldn’t stop himself, “You know, I could’ve taken care of that. Or helped you.”
     A look passed over Kazuki’s face, one mixed with hesitancy but also trust. “I know, Rei. Thank you.”
     Rei shrugged in response, which Kazuki interpreted as his way of saying “no problem.” Slowly moving his gaze up Rei’s arm, Kazuki noticed a bandage peeking out just below the sleeve of Rei’s t-shirt. Turning his attention forward again, Kazuki continued on, “Same goes for you. You already had to deal with your arm once by yourself in the car. It’s only fair I help you out too since you helped me back at the mansion with this,” gesturing to where his leg wound was.
     Rei stayed silent for a few seconds, a neutral expression on his face. Kazuki wasn’t sure how to proceed until Rei broke the silence, “I know, Kazuki. Just didn’t think you needed to see it tonight. It would have kinda ruined how nice the rest of the night was.”
     “I highly doubt that, but if you insist. Please, let me at least look at it sometime soon, as in tomorrow. You’re not alone anymore, Rei, so you don’t need to suffer alone either.” 
     Kazuki shifted his body so that he was facing Rei, taking Rei’s hands in his own. Rei looked at Kazuki, his attention slowly rising from where their hands held each other up to his partner’s warm gaze. “Look, after everything that happened today, I just thought we should talk a little bit about it and what to do next. A longer conversation will probably be necessary to really go over everything, and to figure out what we’re gonna tell Miri. I just thought it might be good to at least start getting everything out in the open tonight.”
     Rei nods his head in agreement, followed by a long yawn. Kazuki could tell that Rei was mere minutes from falling asleep, and even though Kazuki knew Rei could force himself to stay awake, Kazuki didn’t think it was necessary. Truthfully, Kazuki knew this conversation could absolutely wait until the morning, he just wanted to invite Rei to his room on the off chance he didn’t want to be alone that night. Giving it a shot, Kazuki decided to just ask Rei. “Screw it, it’s late, we both had long days, let’s call it a night.” Pulling the covers up, Kazuki slid into bed, looking at Rei, who was also looking back at him from where he remained at the edge of Kazuki’s bed. As he settled the covers and blankets back on top of himself, Kazuki pulled up the blankets for the other side of the bed, telling Rei, “Spot’s yours if you want. No pressure though.”
     While Kazuki had really only wanted Rei to know he had a spot in his room, especially if it meant Rei wouldn’t sleep in their tub, Kazuki hadn’t expected Rei to get under the blankets so willingly, then slowly move himself towards Kazuki. Reaching to turn off his bedside lamp, when Kazuki rolled back over Rei was laying closer to Kazuki than they ever had before. After making quick eye contact, both felt a surge of embarrassment run through them as they both realized how close they were (and without Miri as any sort of buffer). Rei broke away and closed the remaining distance between them, resting his head now on Kazuki’s chest. Holding his breath to the count of ten for Kazuki to say anything, but no objections being said, Rei quietly told Kazuki, “Good night.” Rei felt a hand rest on his waist as he heard Kazuki return a “Sleep well, Rei.” 
     Realizing neither had moved from the position they fell asleep in, Rei also realizes he probably was pressed against Kazuki’s side the whole night. Wanting to check in with him, Rei asks, “How’s your leg?”
     Brushing it off, Kazuki responds, “Oh, it’s fine. Still hurts like hell, but I think it stopped bleeding. Just lucky we got the bullet out almost right away. And based on what you said, we’re lucky it didn’t hit anything too important.”
     “Yep. You might limp for a bit, but in time, it’ll be back to normal again.” Kazuki notices that Rei’s smile never falters, concluding that Rei is telling the truth, or at the least, they have nothing major to worry about in terms of Kazuki’s injury.
     “How’s your arm?” Kazuki inquires, thinking he should be the one to ask since Rei took a (self-inflicted as clarified last night) bullet to the arm.
     For the first time this morning, Rei’s smile truly falls. Kazuki starts to feel bad, but he is also concerned for him and needs to know. “I still can’t feel much…or really move my fingers.”
     “Oh Rei…”
     “It’s fine though. I’d gladly do it again if it means I get to spend the rest of my life with you and Miri,” Rei emphasizes by putting his smile back on, one that Kazuki can tell while a little pained, is genuine.
     “Well, hopefully, you’ll never have to.”
     Kazuki isn’t sure if Rei would feel it, but he grabs Rei’s injured arm and brings it up to kiss the top of his hand. After Kazuki releases Rei’s hand, he stares at the spot Kazuki kissed for a few moments while Kazuki looks fondly down at his partner. Rei interrupts their blissful silence, apologizing, “Sorry I won’t be able to help out as much around the apartment anymore. Bad timing I guess, you know, just as I was starting to get the hang of some things. Give me time though and maybe I’ll be able to use my arm again…or I’ll be able to figure out how to do stuff one-handed.”
     “Rei, you don’t need to worry about that right now. For as much as I nagged you about it before, believe me, that is not my top priority now.” Taking in a sigh, Kazuki continues, “For now, we should be worrying about what we’re gonna do with Miri over the next few days. It's almost Christmas and I have no idea what we’re going to do for the festive season.”
     “I’m sorry I can’t be of much help with that either.”
     “Hey,” Kazuki says while lightly poking Rei’s forehead, “stop apologizing. Neither of us really grew up experiencing a traditional Christmas and we typically had missions on Christmas or Christmas Eve, so neither of us get to feel sorry.”
     “Alright, if you say so. Um…did…did you wanna talk now about whatever was on your mind last night?”
     “Huh? Oh, no, we can deal with that later. Since it’ll kinda be the first time for both of us, I think we should focus on enjoying Christmas and making Miri happy. Is that okay with you?”
     Rei snuggles back into Kazuki, planning to stay right there for as long as possible, or until Kazuki gets up, or they’re called by Miri. Luckily for Rei, Kazuki relaxes back into his pillow, clearly considering falling back to sleep again. In such a state of peace and bliss, Rei is starting to doze off again, when Kazuki shakes his shoulder the slightest bit, telling him “I think our little girl is up. Pretty sure I just heard her walking around outside.”
     And sure enough, Kazuki and Rei hear the jangling of the doorknob, and the slight creak of the door, as Miri pokes her head into Kazuki’s room. “Papa Kazuki, are you up yet?” she asks. Peeking her head in slightly further, a giant smile breaks across her face. “Papa Rei, you’re here too?”
     “Good morning, Miri.” 
     Seeing her two papas already snuggled in bed, Miri doesn’t need another invitation as she approaches the foot of Kazuki’s bed, pulling herself up onto it. As Miri makes her way to her papas, Rei pulls himself off of Kazuki and rolls to the side, leaving the spot where he was now open for Miri to crawl into. Plopping down in between her papas, Kazuki gives Miri a big, slightly over the top kiss on one cheek, which Rei follows by a soft kiss on her other one. Giggling at the show of affection, Miri settles herself while Kazuki brings up his blanket so now their whole family is under it.
     “Say, Miri, Rei and I don’t really have any Christmas traditions. And we were so busy with…work…in the past, we never really got to do anything fun this time of year. Did you and your mama have any traditions or do anything special this time of year? We’d love to do something in the holiday spirit with you, but we just don’t know where to start.”
     “Hmmm.” Miri looked deep in concentration, her brow furrowing as she replayed memories of Christmases past. “Mama and I would usually walk around and look at the lights.”
     “That sounds fun. We could do that tonight! How does that sound, Miri?”
     “Really?” Miri says in disbelief.
     “Sure, why not? Right, Rei?”
     “Mmm, sounds fun.”
     “Everything’s so pretty! And so bright! There’s red lights and green lights and blue lights and yellow lights and purple lights and some are on a string and others are in shapes. Mama and I saw one that looked like a snowman and a reindeer last year!”
     “That sure does sound exciting. Is there anything you two would do during the day?” Kazuki continues on.
     “Well, we usually decorated our tree. Sometimes she’d make cookies. And if it snowed, we’d play for hours in it!”
     “I mean, we’re gonna have a white Christmas, so we can definitely play in the snow today.” 
     “Miri, what kind of cookies did you make?” Rei asks.
     “Sugar cookies, and then we’d decorate them together!” Miri excitedly says, likely remembering a fond memory of her time spent with Misaki during a previous Christmas.
     “Kazuki, can we do that?”
     “I don’t see why not? I’ll have to find a quick cookie recipe, but I should have all the ingredients.”
     “Even for the frosting?”
     “Yes, Rei, even for the frosting. I’m not sure about sprinkles though. If I do, they’re probably not Christmas ones.”
     “Mama and I would use icing to decorate too!”
     “We can do that then,” Kazuki laughs. “Miri, Rei, I think we got our day planned out for us then. I’ll go make breakfast, and then afterwards, we can all play in the snow. You two can keep playing while I prep the cookies. Probably after lunch then you could decorate them, unless you want to help make the batter? Which then I guess you can come in early from playing in the snow or we can wait to start the cookies until after lunch. And tonight, we’ll go around town looking at all the pretty lights.”
     “Yay!” Miri exclaims. Funnily enough, her energy level quickly drops, as she starts snuggling next to Rei, on the verge of falling back to sleep.
     “I guess we can sleep in today too,” Kazuki adds after noticing Miri. “You keep her company, I’ll go make breakfast in like…thirty minutes?”
     Leaning over Miri, Rei slowly moves his head towards Kazuki until their foreheads are pressed against each other. Rei softly whispers, truly for Kazuki’s ears to hear only, “Is this really happening?”
     “It is.”
     "We’re really gonna do all that today?”
     “Yes, Rei. You, of all people, deserve to know what it’s like to celebrate Christmas and to celebrate it with the ones you love. And hopefully, we’ll be doing all these things together, maybe even adding some new things in the future, for many years to come.”
     Tilting his gaze up slightly to get a better view of Kazuki, Rei responds, “I’d like that.”
     “Me too.”
     “As long as I have you and Miri, I don’t care what we do or how we celebrate.”
     They smile at each other, nothing but warmth in both of their gazes. Rei then looks down at their now, fully sleeping daughter, not remembering a single time he’d been happier or more at peace. Kazuki takes in the sight before him: his daughter lazily lying between himself and Rei, Rei tenderly looking down at her.
     “Yeah, I wouldn’t have this any other way,” both Kazuki and Rei think to themselves.
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calzona-ga · 3 years
In her unauthorized book, Lynette Rice explores the stories behind some of the ABC drama's biggest moments, including — in this exclusive excerpt — the factors that led to McDreamy's shocking death.
In How to Save a Life: The Inside Story of Grey’s Anatomy, author Lynette Rice recounts the ABC medical drama’s eventful 16-year history, revealing new details behind some of the show’s biggest departures. Included in the unauthorized, 320-page oral history (St. Martin’s Press, Sept. 21, $29.99) is a chapter that offers new insight into leading man Patrick Dempsey’s shocking exit in season 11 of the Shonda Rhimes-created drama. In the chapter, Rice speaks with Dempsey’s co-stars and exec producers who were present during filming of his final days on Grey’s Anatomy, and reveals claims of “HR issues” that contributed to the death of his alter-ego, Derek “McDreamy” Shepherd.
“There were HR issues. It wasn’t sexual in any way. He sort of was terrorizing the set. Some cast members had all sorts of PTSD with him,” recalls exec producer James D. Parriott, who was brought back to the series to oversee Dempsey’s exit.
In more than 80 interviews with current and former cast- and crewmembers, Rice, an editor-at-large at Entertainment Weekly, also explores the show’s early days, recounts the thinking behind some of its more polarizing storylines and offers exclusive details about the show’s behind-the-scenes culture.
“After 17 seasons, fans still can’t get enough of Grey’s Anatomy,” Rice tells THR. But what went down behind the scenes was just as dramatic as what viewers saw every Thursday. I’m excited for fans to read what I learned about those early days, along with what it was like to work for Shonda Rhimes, and why the drama was so freakin’ headline-prone.”
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Below, The Hollywood Reporter shares an excerpt — the full eighth chapter — from How to Save a Life, and tune in Friday to TV’s Top 5 for an interview with Rice about her book and the other big reveals she uncovered in her reporting for it.
(Reps for ABC, ABC Signature, Shondaland, and Dempsey declined comment on the reveals in Rice’s book.)
“He’s Very Dreamy, but He’s Not the Sun,” Or, How Grey’s Anatomy Loved — Then Learned to Live Without — Patrick Dempsey Ellen Pompeo may have played the titular role, but for many fans over many years, Patrick Dempsey was the real draw to Grey’s Anatomy. Some of it had to do with his celebrity: Dempsey was the most famous member of the original cast at the time of the pilot and brought with him quite a cult following from his 1987 movie Can’t Buy Me Love. But a lot of it was due to the way Rhimes wrote her McDreamy and how Dempsey depicted him. James D. Parriott I would say, “The guy would never say that,” and Shonda would say, “He’s McDreamy. He’s the perfect man. He would say that.” I’d say, “Okay. It’s your show.” Eric Buchman Shonda had a very clear idea of how important it was to keep Derek as this almost idealized love interest, not just for Meredith but for the audience. Naturally, the writers—especially writers who had been working on one-hour dramas for a while—were like, “Well, maybe have McDreamy make a big mistake in surgery and kill somebody. Or he develops an addiction of some kind. What is his deep, dark secret?” Shonda was very insistent: that’s not the character we do that with. Even when you find out he’s married, that was done in a very sympathetic way that kept him being a hero. He was wronged by his spouse and in spite of it all he was still gonna give his marriage a second chance. Stacy McKee Shonda was protective of McDreamy, but it was really with an eye toward being protective of Meredith. I don’t think the two were separate from one another. I don’t think she wanted to put something out there that maybe on the surface might seem a little frivolous. At its core, there was something really substantial that she wanted to say. She wanted to be very specific about the type of relationship values that she put out there. Tony Phelan I was in editing with Shonda once, and it was the scene where Meredith and Derek had broken up. He comes over and she’s like, “I can’t remember the last time we kissed.” And he says, “I remember. You were wearing this and you smelled of this …”
Joan Rater “Your shampoo smelled like flowers, you had that sweater on …” He described their last kiss. Tony Phelan Typically in editing you start on Derek, then you cut to Meredith for a reaction, and then you’ll go back to him. I noticed that we weren’t ever cutting back to Meredith. I asked why. Shonda said, “Because the woman in Iowa who’s watching this show wants to believe that Patrick is talking to her, and if you cut back to Meredith, it pushes them out of it.” In those special moments, we would just lock into Derek and let him do his thing. Joan Rater And he was a master at it. Patrick Dempsey He’s the ideal man, and that’s what Shonda constructed. There’s a projection [of him] onto me when you come in contact with fans, certainly with the younger and older fans. There is a certain amount of expectation. There is a responsibility to it. It made me grow, too. There were good qualities [of his] that you work on to obtain. Off camera, Dempsey was equally as charismatic to his fellow actors, crew members, and anyone who would come to visit the set. Lauren Stamile I was going in to meet him, and I remember I had this little cardigan sweater on and I took it off before I got into the room. Dempsey is one of those people—it’s almost like there’s a light shining around his body, and you feel like you’re the only person in the room. I got so hot and I remember saying, “Gosh, I would take off my sweater if I had one on because I’m so hot, but I took it off.” I was just babbling. He said, “You look nice,” and I said, “You look nicer.” I felt so awkward and he was so gracious and lovely. I was having a nervous breakdown. It’s like this “it” factor. I was like, God, whatever he has, I wish I had. I think it was very obvious how nervous I was, and he went out of his way to make sure he introduced me to everybody and made sure I felt comfortable, which he certainly didn’t have to do. But he did. Joan Rater He knew I had a giant crush on him, and he loved it. And when we’d go to table reads—I was an actress at one point in my life—they would always give me Meredith if Ellen wasn’t there. And I’d be getting my chicken tenders at craft services before the table read and he’d come up behind me and say, “Are you reading Meredith?” in my ear, like, so sexy. I’d be like, Oh my God. I mean, I could barely … I could not look at him. Tina Majorino I worked with Patrick a ton. I love him so much. We had a really great time working together. I think he’s such a great actor and he really made me laugh a lot. I feel like we had a good dynamic in scenes together, and it was always fun to play opposite him. Yes, he’s that charismatic in real life. Yes, his hair is that awesome. Yes, he is dreamy up close.
Chandra Wilson Patrick Dempsey will forever be known as Grey’s Anatomy’s McDreamy. Derek Shepherd is a permanent part of television history.
Norman Leavitt He is a big, personable guy.
Jeannine Renshaw We all love Patrick. Patrick is a sweetheart. If I saw him on the street, I’d give him a hug. I love the guy.
Mark Wilding I’ve always had a soft spot for Patrick. He really does try to do the right thing. Brooke Smith, who played Dr. Erica Hahn, remembers how Dempsey defended her when the decision was made to fire her from the show in 2008. Brooke Smith I remember calling him and saying, “Oh my God, they said they can’t write for me anymore, so I guess I’m leaving.” And he was like, “What are you talking about? You’re the only one they’re writing for.” Which at that time, it kind of did feel that way. But I guess someone didn’t like that. They gave me a statement [to release, about her departure] and I never said it. Patrick said that he actually took it out of his jacket on The Ellen DeGeneres Show and read the statement. He won’t let me forget it. He was like, “I defended you, see?” And it was true.
By season eleven, however, fans saw a disturbing break in MerDer’s once unbreakable bond. Six episodes had gone by without a peep from Derek, who was supposedly in Washington, D.C., where he had apparently made out with a research fellow. Fans began threatening to bolt if their hero didn’t return soon to Seattle. “I have never missed one episode,” wrote a fan on Dempsey’s Facebook page. “But I swear if [Rhimes] kills you off I’m done.” But there was a critical reason for Derek’s strange absence: behind the scenes, there was talk of Dempsey’s diva-like fits and tension between him and Pompeo. To help manage the explosive situation, executive producer James D. Parriott was brought back in to serve as a veritable Dempsey whisperer.
Patrick Dempsey [That] was the first year that I haven’t been in every episode. I [was] in every episode since the pilot— close to 250 episodes. That [was a] huge run. James D. Parriott Shonda needed an OG to come in as sort of a showrunner for fourteen episodes. There were HR issues. It wasn’t sexual in any way. He sort of was terrorizing the set. Some cast members had all sorts of PTSD with him. He had this hold on the set where he knew he could stop production and scare people. The network and studio came down and we had sessions with them. I think he was just done with the show. He didn’t like the inconvenience of coming in every day and working. He and Shonda were at each other’s throats.
Jeannine Renshaw There were times where Ellen was frustrated with Patrick and she would get angry that he wasn’t working as much. She was very big on having things be fair. She just didn’t like that Patrick would complain that “I’m here too late” or “I’ve been here too long” when she had twice as many scenes in the episode as he did. When I brought it up to Patrick, I would say, “Look around you. These people have been here since six thirty a.m.” He would go, “Oh, yeah.” He would get it. It’s just that actors tend to see things from their own perspective. He’s like a kid. He’s so high energy and would go, “What’s happening next?” He literally goes out of his skin, sitting and waiting. He wants to be out driving his race car or doing something fun. He’s the kid in class who wants to go to recess.
Patrick Dempsey It’s ten months, fifteen hours a day. You never know your schedule, so your kid asks you, “What are you doing on Monday?” And you go, “I don’t know,” because I don’t know my schedule. Doing that for eleven years is challenging. But you have to be grateful, because you’re well compensated, so you can’t really complain because you don’t really have a right. You don’t have control over your schedule. So, you have to just be flexible.
Longtime Crew Member Poor Patrick. I’m not defending his schtick. I like him, but he was the Lone Ranger. All of these actresses were getting all this power. All the rogue actresses would go running to Shonda and say, “Hey, Patrick’s doing this. Patrick’s late for work. He’s a nightmare.” He was just shut out in the cold. His behavior wasn’t the greatest, but he had nowhere to go. He was so miserable. He had no one to talk to. When Sandra left, I remember him telling me, “I should’ve left then, but I stayed on because they showed me all this money. They just were dumping money on me.”
Patrick Dempsey It [was] hard to say no to that kind of money. How do you say no to that? It’s remarkable to be a working actor, and then on top of that to be on a show that’s visible. And then on top of that to be on a phenomenal show that’s known around the world, and play a character who is beloved around the world. It’s very heady. It [was] a lot to process, and not wanting to let that go, because you never know whether you will work again and have success again.
Jeannine Renshaw A lot of the complaining … I think Shonda finally witnessed it herself, and that was the final straw. Shonda had to say to the network, “If he doesn’t go, I go.” Nobody wanted him to leave, because he was the show. Him and Ellen. Patrick is a sweetheart. It messes you up, this business.
James D. Parriott I vaguely recall something like that, but I can’t be sure. It would have happened right toward the end, because I know they were negotiating and negotiating, trying to figure out what to do. We had three different scenarios that we actually had to break because we didn’t know until I think about three days before he came back to set which one we were going to go with. We didn’t know if he was going to be able to negotiate his way out of it. We had a whole story line where we were going to keep him in Washington, D.C., so we could separate him from the rest of the show. He would not have to work with Ellen again. Then we had the one where he comes back, doesn’t die, and we figure out what Derek’s relationship with Meredith would be. Then there was the one we did. It was kind of crazy. We didn’t know if he was going to be able to negotiate his way out of it. It was ultimately decided that just bringing him back was going to be too hard on the other actors. The studio just said it was going to be more trouble than it was worth and decided to move on.
Stacy McKee I don’t think there was any way to exit him without him dying. He and Meredith were such an incredibly bonded couple at that point. It would be completely out of character if he left his kids. There was no exit that would honor that character other than if he were to die. Patrick Dempsey I don’t remember the date [I got the news]. It was not in the fall. Maybe February or March. It was just a natural progression. And the way everything was unfolding in a very organic way, it was like, “Okay! This is obviously the right time.” Things happened very quickly. We were like, “Oh, this is where it’s going to go.”
So that was that: McDreamy would die in episode twenty-one of season eleven, even though Dempsey was in year one of his recently signed two-year contract extension. Rhimes wrote a script that was befitting of her lead’s heroic persona: she began “How to Save a Life” by having Derek witness a car crash and helping the injured. Once it appeared everyone was out of harm’s way, Derek continues on his road trip but is suddenly broadsided by a truck.
Rob Hardy (Director) The paramedics leave. He’s there by himself. He’s having a moment. The nice music is playing, and all of a sudden, bang. It comes out of nowhere, which, you know, is how accidents happen. So as opposed to watching it as a viewer, we saw the accident happen through Derek’s perspective. Derek ends up at Dillard Medical Center, a hospital far from Grey Sloan and the talented doctors who work there. His eyes are open, but his brain is severely damaged. No one hears his plea for a CT scan; he can’t speak. To help keep the episode a secret, the scenes were shot in an abandoned hospital in Hawthorne, California, about twenty-two miles from the show’s home studio in Los Feliz.
Mimi Melgaard It was really hard on all of us because it was so secretive and we had so many different locations. We shot at this closed-down hospital that was absolutely creepy haunted. All the scenes there were so sad anyway, and in this yucky-feeling haunted hospital? It was really weird. His whole last episode was really tough. Patrick Dempsey It was like any other day. It was just another workday. There was still too much going on. You’re in the midst of it—you’re not really processing it. Rob Hardy Here’s a guy who’s immobile. Now you’re inside of his head. We were trying to make that feel scary from the perspective of a person who’s used to being in control, from a person who usually has the power of life and death in his own hands. But now he doesn’t have the ability to speak on his own behalf.
Samantha Sloyan When I went to audition, I didn’t recognize any of these doctors’ names. I assumed they were just dummy sides so people wouldn’t ruin the story line or anything like that. All we knew is that we were dealing with a man who’s been in a car accident. I had no idea that it was going to be Derek. I just figured I was going to be a guest doctor and that whoever this person was who was injured, was going to be just a character on the show. Once it became clear what we were working on, I was like, Oh, my gosh. I can’t believe this is the episode I’m on.
Mike McColl (Dr. Paul Castello) I signed an NDA before they would release the script to me. I was reading it in my house, and I was like, “Oh, my God.” I didn’t tell anyone, including my agents. I just said, “This is a really great booking. It’s a great role on Grey’s.” And they didn’t know anything until it aired.
Savannah Paige Rae (Winnie) The first scene I shot was actually the sentimental scene when I’m saying, “It’s a beautiful day to save lives, right?” I’m in the hospital room with Derek and talking to him. Even though I never watched the show, I recognized the value of the episode I was in and just really took it to heart. It was so special that I got to be a part of it.
Rob Hardy [Patrick] had a lot of emotions during the whole shoot, which evolved. I think when we first started, he was very calm and cool … the same Patrick that I remembered when I worked on the show a year or so before. With each passing day, he was a lot more emotional. A lot more was on his mind, and that would show itself in different ways. The finality of the episode and for his character was setting in. You’ve become a global icon on this show and then in five, four, three, two, a day … it’s over.
James D. Parriott Patrick was very cooperative and good.
Mike McColl When I met Patrick, he’s lying on a stretcher and we’re rushing him into the ER. I just introduced myself, shook his hand, and was like, “Man, I cannot tell you what an honor it is to be the guy to take you down.” He loved it. He could not have been nicer to me and was funny through the whole shoot. He was on the table in front of me there when I cut his chest open and all that stuff. He gave me a hug at the end. It was a real privilege to be a part of TV history in that way.
Samantha Sloyan I remember him being incredibly kind. They had his neck in a brace, and he’s strapped down to the board, so there wasn’t a ton of chatting. I remember him being really kind, but it was clearly intense for him.
Stacy McKee It was such a beautiful piece of storytelling. I knew this event was going to be a really sad, horrible event for Meredith, but I also knew it was going to be the beginning of such an incredible chapter for Meredith.
Dempsey completed his final hours of shooting on a rainy night. There was no goodbye party, no goodbye cake. Maybe that’s because some cast members were left out of the loop. James Pickens, Jr., told ABC News that the cast “didn’t know a whole lot. It was kind of on the fly. So whatever information we got, we pretty much got it kind of right before it happened.”
Caterina Scorsone (Dr. Amelia Shepherd) I didn’t get to say goodbye to Patrick when he left. I do think that helped, because I’ve been using the character of Derek in my internal landscape since Private Practice. Derek was the stability in Amelia’s life. He became a father figure after they watched robbers shoot their father. When he was suddenly gone from the show, we didn’t have that closure, so I got to play it out. She’s about to use drugs again before Owen confronts her in a way that she finally talks about her feelings about losing Derek. She doesn’t end up using.
James D. Parriott The day he left, that was my last day. There was a certain sadness to it, but I think he was relieved. I mean, I think it took a toll on him, too.
Rob Hardy I didn’t see other actors showing up and saying, “Hey, it’s the last day! Wanted to come and wish you well.” I didn’t get that. It was more the Patrick show. We were in the Patrick world, and then Ellen came, and there was definitely a lot of emotion that both of them had individually … not necessarily together. It was more so her being there on the day that he died. He had his own way of being with that, and the same thing with her. It was like two people who grew up together and … here we are. They had their own way of reflecting.
Patrick Dempsey I very quietly left. It was beautiful. It was raining, which was really touching. I got in my Panamera, got in rush-hour traffic, and two hours later I was home. Big news like this doesn’t stay quiet for long. Both Michael Ausiello—who left EW in 2010 to launch the news site TVLine—and Lesley Goldberg of The Hollywood Reporter learned two weeks prior to Dempsey’s final episode that he would be leaving the show. No reporter worth their salt wants to sit on a scoop—least of all one as huge as this—but Ausiello and Goldberg didn’t want to spoil the outcome for fans, so they agreed to hold the story until after the episode aired. I eventually found out, too, but in the nuttiest way imaginable: I was standing on the set of CSI: Cyber, watching Patricia Arquette talk about some droll techno-criminal. Unfortunately, the publicist also cc’d Dempsey’s manager and ABC publicist while trying to give me a major story, so I couldn’t immediately report the scoop. But I did use the information to successfully negotiate the one and only exit interview with Dempsey. Two weeks before his final episode, I met him and his publicist at Feed Body & Soul in Venice, California, for a story that would hit newsstands on April 24. He seemed a little shell-shocked and at one point choked up, but at the time he said nothing about how his on-set behavior may have contributed to his ouster. My editor, Henry Goldblatt, wanted to put him on the cover of Entertainment Weekly, but he couldn’t guarantee to ABC that no one would see it before the episode aired. Good thing we didn’t: some subscribers got the issue on the morning of Dempsey’s final episode— and one actually tweeted the story. Our PR department tried to get the tweets removed, but the cat was out of the bag: some fans found out early that McDreamy was about to be McHistory. Outlets like Variety reported how the story got out early, while our PR department released this statement: “We are surprised that an EW subscriber may have received their issue a day earlier than planned. We always try our best to bring readers exclusive news first. We would like to apologize to fans of the show that learned the news ahead of time.” Dempsey’s final episode was watched by 8.83 million viewers—the show’s largest audience since the premiere that season. Variety even pontificated whether the ratings boost was due to my exclusive with Dempsey.
Lesley Goldberg (The Hollywood Reporter) I’m used to working with networks to hold news as part of their efforts to guard against plot spoilers. But the way Patrick Dempsey’s exit was handled involved a layer of paranoia and secrecy that has been unlike anything I’ve seen in my reporting career. News that he was leaving, and his character being killed off, would have been a major story considering how big the show is domestically and internationally. However, it also would have meant spoiling the episode and, more important, damaging key relationships I’ve worked hard to build. At some point, publishing the news of Dempsey’s exit before the episode aired became an ethical question of what was more important—a big story and its subsequent traffic, which would have come no matter what, or the relationships and trust that it took years to craft. Ultimately, I still published early because EW subscribers received the issue with Lynette’s Dempsey interview before the episode aired.
Mike McColl The morning after Derek’s last episode aired, my daughter sent me a link that was on YouTube or Facebook or something. I actually pulled it up to look at it, and it was a Grey’s Anatomy showbiz cheat sheet. It asked the question “Who is the attending doctor who killed Derek ‘McDreamy’ Shepherd?” It included a photo that I posted from the set. I had on a bloody rubber glove and was in my scrubs and mask. I never obviously would have posted this before it aired. I posted it well after the episode aired, and I [captioned it] “McDeadly.” This writer said something like, “Kill McDeadly.” Maybe that’s why the producer didn’t choose a big-name actor to be the one who killed our beloved McDreamy! I want to be ultrasensitive to these hard-core fans because it means so much to them, and I certainly didn’t mean in that case to make light of it. It’s just, I’m an actor, and I recognize it for what it is. Is everybody clear on the fact that this is just pretend and Patrick knew he was going to be leaving the show? It was just like, “God. He’s okay. He really is okay.”
Peter Horton Derek was going to be there forever with Meredith because you went through a whole journey with them. That was incredibly fulfilling. So even if he’s not there, he’s there. I don’t think any of us really worried about that going away because by then you were so invested in it. The show can last as it has for years.
Patrick Dempsey Lots of people [miss him]. “It’s good to see you alive” is the comment I get. I’m like, “Yes, I’m very much alive in reruns.” People were really invested in that relationship. I knew it would be heavy. Very happy to have moved on with a different chapter in my life.
Samantha Sloyan The montage just killed me, when Meredith says, “It’s okay, you can go.” God, I’m getting choked up just thinking about it. The chemistry they have as a pair and the way they were able to build that and sustain it! So many of these relationships are, like, “Will they, won’t they,” and then it wears thin. They sustained it for the duration of their relationship on the show, and it’s just, I think, a testament to what those two created. It was just unbelievable.
Pompeo addressed Dempsey’s departure with a tweet that focused solely on his character, not on how she spent eleven years working side by side with him: “There are so many people out there who have suffered tremendous loss and tragedy. Husbands and wives of soldiers, victims of senseless violence, and parents who have lost children. People who get up every day and do what feels like is the impossible. So it is for these people and in the spirit of resilance [sic] I am honored and excited to tell the story of how Meredith goes on in the face of what feels like the impossible.” Meanwhile, fans futilely created a Change.org petition to reinstate McDempsey, while other, more desperate ones simply tweeted “We Hate You” to Rhimes.
Shonda Rhimes Derek Shepherd is and will always be an incredibly important character—for Meredith, for me, and for the fans. I absolutely never imagined saying goodbye to our McDreamy. Patrick Dempsey’s performance shaped Derek in a way that I know we both hope became a meaningful example— happy, sad, romantic, painful, and always true—of what young women should demand from modern love. His loss will be felt by all.
Talk about the mother (father?) of all postscripts: In November of 2020 Dempsey reprised his role as McDreamy in the season opener—but only in Meredith’s dreams. Stricken with COVID-19, an unconscious Meredith “imagined” reuniting with her husband on the beach. After talking exclusively to Deadline and saying how it was “really a very healing process, and really rewarding,” Dempsey would return for more beach-based episodes that would ultimately stand out as the best moments of season seventeen. “It was a second chance thing,” one ABC executive told me at the time. “Shonda likes a comeback. Also, they wanted him in their last season.”
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Hey! I'm in my second year of uni (Archaeology obvs) and as field opportunities start to come up, I'm getting nervous about navigating fieldwork being trans. mainly things like accommodation, bathing, etc, while needing to take off my binder, but also safety on an international level. I don't know how much you've dealt with, but do you have any advice/help/etc?
Hello there dirtling,
For clarity I will begin by stating that I am also a transgender man. I'm going to try and break down your ask into several parts to make sure that I address all of your concerns.
Accommodations: I would start by looking through the syllabi for potential field school programs because those often have details about housing in them. Often students are roomed together, which was something that I personally have been nervous about in the past. I would encourage you to advocate for getting a room for yourself if you feel comfortable doing so, but you are under no obligation to disclose your status as transgender. If you have a therapist or psychiatrist who can write you a letter saying that you need single housing due to mental health conditions, I would suggest you follow that route.
The silver lining of the whole covid situation is that most programs have changed their housing policy to account for single housing for all students. Additionally, if you can find a program that houses students in college/university dorms (providing you're comfortable living there) you might be more likely to secure a single room than if a field school is having students stay in a hotel or house.
I think that it would not be unreasonable for you to reach out to the coordinators of whatever dig you end up going to and ask them what the bathroom arrangement will be like. Some places have Porta-Johns, some might be near a facility that has indoor restrooms (although this is very rare), and some might simply have people going in the woods.
I know that bathrooms can be intimidating, but I've found that most people really aren't that interested in scrutinizing other people's restroom behavior. If you're going in the woods, make sure that you have privacy. If it's a porta-potty the good news is that no one is going to be going in there with you. If it's indoor restrooms there might be a gender neutral one you can use, you can find someone you trust to go with you, or you can wait until it's unoccupied.
As for bathing, that might be the most difficult part. I lived for a year in an all boy's dorm that only had gym style bathrooms. There were curtains in front of the shower stalls, but that was pretty much it. I took to showering late at night or at weird times in the afternoon to ensure that I had the most privacy as possible, and I would put on my underwear and a tank top before getting out of the shower.
Personal Safety:
Anthropology tends to be pretty accepting, and there are several trans archaeologists that I know who have all had positive experiences within their anthropology departments. However, I can't speak for the culture in countries outside of the United States. I think that a lot of digs/field schools in the northern part of America or Canada might be good options for you. You mention going abroad, but you could also look at programs within your country of origin where you're most familiar with the social situation.
I've had top surgery, and I'll admit that I've been out of the binder game for a while, so if anyone with more current information wants to chime in, feel free to do so.
I haven't done fieldwork in a binder, but I did do a lot of traveling and hiking in pretty hot areas, and that's the experience that I'll be drawing on. You might want to look into lighter weight and breathable binders (the one I used to wear was an Underworks 983). Be cognizant of how much physical activity you're engaging in and take breaks to make sure you're able to catch your breath. I would also invest in a loofa or shower brush to scrub your back with because the sweat, body oils, and skin there can cause acne. You may have to deal with acne anyway, but you definitely don't want stuff building up and clogging pores.
You are far from the first trans archaeologist, and there are some amazing professionals from previous generations who have worked really hard to pave the way for people like you and me. One of them, Barbra Voss, wrote three articles that came out in March about gender related harassment in archaeology and what we can do to prevent it. They are:
Documenting Cultures of Harassment in Archaeology: A Review and Analysis of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Studies
Disrupting Cultures of Harassment in Archaeology: Social-Environmental and Trauma-Informed Approaches to Disciplinary Transformation
Using Public Health Interventions to Prevent Harassment in Archaeology
I believe that none of them are behind a paywall, but if they are please let me know and I'll find a way to get you access to them. I would highly suggest you read all of them carefully.
Finally, I want to close by reaffirming that trans people can and should be archaeologists. There is room in this discipline for you, and just because some things might be difficult doesn't mean that there isn't a way to make it work.
Keep your trowel sharp and your heart hopeful,
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nanasparadise · 3 years
“Your musketeer in a blue tunic” Yan! Polnareff x female reader (musketeer AU)
Hiya everyone! As promised, here is a Yan! Polnareff writing, since he was in the top four of the poll for the special but hasn’t reached the top three. I thought it might be a fun idea to make him a musketeer and now I’ve realised this fic turned out to be low-key a Belle and Gaston situation from Beauty and the Beast lmao. Anyway, there might be historical inaccuracies in the story, I’m sorry for that.
Summary: You’re a farmer woman in 18th century France and a certain musketeer keeps crossing paths with you…
TW: toxic relationship, noncon kiss, low-key harassment, forced marriage, MATURE AUDIENCE ONLY/MINORS DNI
I do not condone any yandere behaviour in real life.
Word count: 3900
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“Just about half an hour and I’ll be there”, you mumble to yourself. 
The pouring rain drenches your whole form, an icy cold having already nested deep in your bones. But you can’t stop now, even if it’s raining cats and dogs. You know you have to arrive to the main market place, which is located a good three hours from the farm you live in. If the wool – which you hope isn’t too wet, knowing the burlap bags aren’t protecting it well from the rain – won’t be sold today, you don’t know how you could afford some bread for your family. You think of your little siblings, how they always stare at you with big eyes, expecting at least some crumbs of stale bread in order to satiate their hunger a bit. Your heart aches painfully at that mental image. No, you’re going to sell the wool at all cost, no matter if it means you get sick due to the weather. You owe it to your loved ones, needing to protect and provide for them as the oldest sibling. 
A chilly wind blows intensely into your face, making you shiver even more. Lucky for you, no other person is currently on the road, meaning you’re in safety. You’re aware about how many sketchy men lurk in these streets by the countryside, just waiting for a young woman like yourself to pass by and to do God knows what with her. As a protection measure, you always carry a knife with you, hidden in your boot. Fortunately, you haven’t needed to use it, yet…
Suddenly, you hear the footsteps of a horse approaching you, the characteristic sounds of its hooves drawing closer to you. Your first instinct is to immediately pull out your knife, but you refrain yourself. 
“It’s probably just another merchant who wants to go to the market, too”, you think, comforting yourself. And even if that shouldn’t be the case, it would be wiser to take your possible aggressor by surprise with an attack if needed. 
The steps are now dangerously close to you, too close for your liking, until they come to a halt. Surprised, you stop your walking as well and look up to the person on the horse. Next to you on his steed is a man around your age, probably a few years older, with peculiar silver hair and bright blue eyes. Through his uniform, consisting of a characteristic blue tunic with a white cross on it, you immediately recognise the stranger as a King’s musketeer. You hastily curtsy and meekly avert your gaze, given that he’s of a higher social rank. Why would a musketeer want from you, a farmer? 
“Good day, Monsieur”, you greet the musketeer politely. 
“Good day, Mademoiselle”, the stranger answers jovially. “Please forgive my intervention, but what does a young lady like you travel alone on such a dangerous road?”, he asks you, sincere concern marking his voice. 
Why would he care? And why would he refer to you as a lady when you’re clearly just a commoner? You get the sudden urge to grab your knife again, but of course your rational brain side hinders you from doing so.
“I’m only going to the market place, good sir. I’d like to sell some wool”, you explain shortly, your eyes still not meeting the stranger’s. 
“All alone?”, the Frenchman wonders. 
“I’m afraid I don’t have much of a choice, Monsieur. My father has to work on the farm and my mother looks after my younger siblings”, you reply truthfully. Honestly, you’d prefer not giving too much information away to the stranger, but lying doesn’t seem like a safe option either. 
“I see, Mademoiselle,” the musketeer utters politely, “in that case, I’d be pleased to escort you to the market place. After all, my heart couldn’t handle if something happened to a damsel.” 
“Thank you for your generous offer, Monsieur”, you answer civilly, curtsying gracefully again. Though internally, you sigh and roll your eyes at the Frenchman’s words. 
“More like his ego couldn’t handle getting rejected by a common woman”, you ponder cynically. You’re about to continue your walking as the stranger stops your action abruptly. 
“Wait a moment, Mademoiselle,” he shouted hastily, “I’ll take your bags and settle them on my horse.” The silver-haired man dismounts from his white horse and takes the bags filled with wool from your hands, placing and tying them on the animal’s back. 
“You are far too kind, Monsieur”, you say with an overly sweet voice. Lucky for you, the stranger doesn’t seem to notice the hint of sarcasm hidden in your tone. Instead, he smiles brightly at you, revealing a row of impeccable white teeth. 
“As a musketeer, it’s my duty to help a lady in need”, he boasts proudly. Again, you fight the urge to roll your eyes. “Ah, how rude of me, Mademoiselle, I haven’t properly introduced myself. My name is Jean-Pierre Polnareff, I’m delighted to make your acquaintance, Miss…?” 
“Y/N L/N”, you reply meekly. 
“What a lovely name, Milady.”
The pair of you have been walking silently side by side for a while. You simply wish to arrive as fast as possible to the market place, wanting to get rid of Polnareff’s present. After some time, the stormy weather has changed into a brighter, more pleasant sky. Though some sun rays peek through the clouds, the cold from the previous rain remains. Upon seeing your slightly quivering form, Polnareff offers you a blanket he has in his supplies with him. Politely, you decline his offer. You certainly don’t want to be more in the debt of such a high ranking man. 
“I apologise if this may come across as rude, Mademoiselle Y/N, but I couldn’t help but notice that there isn’t a ring on your finger”, the musketeer suddenly mentions. The hairs on your arms stand up at his observation and you instinctively straighten your back. If Polnareff has seen your discomfort, he still chooses to continue speaking. “And you’ve said previously you’re living with your family on a farm. How come such a fair maiden like you isn’t married yet? I reckon you must have many suitors.” Something about his tone and the dangerous gleam in his blue eyes sets you on edge. 
“Oh, I do have had some suitors in the past,” you answer truthfully, but cautiously, “but I’ve chosen to not marry. My family needs me and I don’t wish to let them down.” Polnareff gives you a tender glance, the prying shimmer being replaced with sympathy now. 
“Maybe you’ll soon find a wealthy man who’s able to help your family out”, he mumbles softly, though you still could hear his words. 
“I’d rather not base my life on such an improbable dream. After all, I’m just a common farmer,” you say, slightly amused. “He doesn’t have a clue how life’s for a commoner, does he?” 
“So you’d like to marry? It’s your dream, didn’t you say that, Mademoiselle?”, Polnareff counters, hope swinging in his voice. Why is he hopeful? But you decide to not voice this thought. 
“Well, that’s quite a difficult question, Monsieur Polnareff,” you retort,  feeling unsure now “it would be the wisest choice for me to marry, but at the moment, I feel content to take care of my family.” For some reason, the musketeer’s face falls at your last sentence. Disappointment takes over it instead, his lips turning into a bitter, thin line. 
“Ah, I see”, he replies wearily. You immediately notice the change of atmosphere, though you don’t comment on it. Instead, you two continue strolling in silence.
Eventually, the pair of you arrive at the market place. During your travel, none of you spoke further, the mood being too tense and awkward. You settle your burlap bags on the floor on a free spot after the silver-haired man has removed them from his horse for you. 
“My sincerest thanks, Monsieur Polnareff.” You bow politely. Even though your eyes have been trained on the floor for only a matter of seconds, some stealthy thief has been able to snatch one of your bags. Immediately, your head leaps up. 
“Hey, this belongs to me! Give it back!”, you scream angrily. You wouldn’t let some trickster take your wool, not after working so hard for your family! You’re ready to run after the knave, but a hand on your forearm hinders you from doing so. 
“Let me handle this, Mademoiselle Y/N,” Polnareff says confidently, “you’ll have your merchandise back in no time. Just wait for me here.” Quickly, the musketeer dashes into an alleyway after the thief. Confused, you’re left alone at the market place, the man’s horse being your only companion. A sigh rolls off your lips. 
“Guess I’ll have to do what he says if I ever want that wool back”, you exclaim exasperatedly. This is the last thing you’ve needed today. First, you’ve been drenched by the rain, then a weird musketeer has started following you and asking you eerily invasive question and now your precious goods have been stolen. In the meantime, you try your best to sell the remaining wool.
After half an hour, you still haven’t sold any wool at all. Though you were definitely drawing attention on you by shouting out some offers, no one has seemed to be interested yet. No one even cared enough to look towards your direction. 
“I guess I’ll just have to stay all day, then”, you think gloomily. From the corner of your eyes, you notice an all too familiar form approaching you, though this time with a bag in his hand. 
“Mademoiselle Y/N!”, Polnareff shouts excitedly, “I’ve retrieved your bag from the thief!” A sincere expression of gratitude appears on your face. Yes, the man is more than annoying to you with his clingy behaviour, but at least he was chasing the trickster for you! 
“Thank you so much, Monsieur Polnareff!”, you exclaim happily, relieved to have your wool back. Now there’s only the matter of selling it left… 
“Of course, nothing to thank for, Mademoiselle! I’d never want to see such a charming lady like you in need.” 
Purposefully, you ignore his statement, an awkward feeling bubbling up in you. Instead you’re thanking him again. All the while, the Frenchman keeps staring at you with a look of fondness, a huge and proud smile adorning his face. In his mind, he’s just proven to you how capable he is of taking care of you and your family. How could you refuse him now? He’s literally your knight in shining armour! Or your musketeer in a blue tunic. It doesn’t matter, he’s practically your hero! 
Polnareff’s grin only widens at the thought of you swooning over him. The silver-haired man doesn’t know why he feels like this towards you. Maybe it’s because you just looked so pitiful when he saw you on that road, soaking wet from the rain. Maybe it’s his pride that doesn’t let him relent. Maybe it’s the way your eyes sparked with determination and love when you talked about your family. Maybe it’s your radiant atmosphere, which draws him in like a moth. Maybe you’re secretly a witch who put a love spell on his poor self, making him a fool for you after having only met you. Maybe, maybe, maybe…  
Polnareff quickly stops his pondering. “It’s not of importance,” he muses, “as long as she’ll realise I’m the best choice for her.”
“I see you haven’t sold any of your goods yet”, the musketeer says, trying to sound casually. Though in his thoughts, he already has a plan schemed. 
“No, unfortunately not,” you reply, an exasperated sigh following swiftly, “but there’s still some time left until I have to return home. Surely, I’ll be able to sell some.” 
“You know, Mademoiselle Y/N, I’d rather not see you standing here all day, maybe even for it to be in vain,” Polnareff utters, concerning coating his voice, “let me help you, I’ll buy the wool.” Your eyes grow big at his proposition. Even though it’s more than a generous offer, especially after all he’s been through for you today, you can’t help but feeling alerted. Why would he go all these lengths for you? He can’t be that kind, there must be something he wants in return. 
“You’re far too generous, Monsieur Polnareff. I can’t accept such an offer”, you tell the musketeer, hoping he’ll actually drop his suggestion. But the Frenchman remains stubborn as a mule. 
“Ah ah Mademoiselle,” he tuts you condescendingly, “I’m a man of my word. How much would you like? Are two livres enough?”
Your eyes widen so much at his offer, you wouldn’t be surprised if your eyeballs fell out. Two livres? Is that man insane? The wool is hardly five sous worth! 
“I think you must have meant two sous, Monsieur Polnareff,” you answer him, still shocked. 
“Pas du tout, Mademoiselle. Two livres is what I said and what I meant. Or would you maybe want more?” 
Vehemently, you shake your head. Two livres… That would feed your family for at least three months! “No Y/N, you can’t take this offer!” Your thoughts interrupt you suddenly. Not only does your conscience forbid you from doing so, your parents would also wonder where all that money comes from. They might assume you’ve stolen it as no one would believe a stranger to be so kind to just give a random farmer way too much money. 
“Monsieur Polnareff,” you try again to change his mind, “I really don’t think you should-“ 
“Ah, there’s my pouch!”, the silver-haired man exclaims happily, ignoring your previous words. Eagerly, he takes two shiny coins out of it, pressing them in your palm. Admitting your defeat, you curtsy and express your deep gratitude again. Though a small part inside you does enjoy the fact of getting provided for.
After your exchange, Polnareff insisted on bringing you home again. You dislike the idea of him knowing exactly where you live, but that man��s stubbornness and pride is bigger than the Palace of Versailles. Which is why the two of you are walking back to your farm, the wool resting on Polnareff’s horse’s back. 
“What are you doing with all the wool, if I may ask?”, you say with a questioning look on your face, “Surely, a musketeer doesn’t need to fabricate his own clothes.” The Frenchman rubs sheepishly behind his neck and offers you a smile. 
“Ah Mademoiselle, you see, I might just donate it. I’ve just wanted to help you out, I don’t need it myself.” Even though you still cannot bring yourself to trust him, your heart warms at his statement. 
“That’s indeed very noble of you, Monsieur Polnareff”, you reply candidly. The musketeer sends you another bright grin, a subtle blush forming on his pale cheeks.
The sun has begun to set as the two of you arrive on the farm. With a polite curtsy, you’re ready to finally return home, excited to tell your family the good news regarding the money. But Polnareff stops your goodbye. His hand finds its way to your wrist, halting your movement. 
“Before we must depart, Mademoiselle Y/N,” he counters hastily, “I’d like to be assured that we’ll meet again soon. I find myself enthralled by your presence.” 
Your heart beats faster at his proposition. Suddenly, you realise the dangerous situation you’re in, the big hand capturing your smaller wrist. Could you really deny him without facing consequences? Thoughts like these rush through your head as the man in front of you keeps waiting for your reaction. Still, you’re going to try. If something should happen, you still have your knife with you and your father would surely rush out once he hears your screams. 
“Monsieur Polnareff,” you start hesitantly, “I’m deeply flattered by your words. You are truly an admirable and honourable man whose kind actions shall always carry my most sincere gratitude. Though I must admit, I don’t think it would be a wise idea to meet again.” The Frenchman makes a crestfallen face at your words. You feel almost bad for him. “Ah, I think I should explain myself further. Well, Monsieur Polnareff, we are of two different social classes, continuing mingling with me would put a bad reputation on you. I cannot offer you something of interest. Plus, I like staying with my family so far, this is my home.” 
“Y/N”, Polnareff whispers affectionately, his thumb rubbing softly on the inside of your wrist. You shoot him a surprised look, confused by him dropping the formal title. If anyone would have heard this, they’d turn it into a scandal. 
“I know my offer might appear strange to you, but I wish to marry out of love one day. I’m aware it’s fairly uncommon and even looked upon with scorn to marry below someone’s station, but the matters of the heart outshine the matters of the mind in my case. I have more than enough money, a comfortable estate and an honourable title. So you’re correct by saying you can’t offer me anything. Though you forgot one important thing, dear Y/N: you can offer me companionship, love, a meaningful bond between two souls.” Upon his last sentence, Polnareff tenderly grabs both of your hands in his, admiring how they seem to fit perfectly. Too astounded by his words, you let the man do as he pleases. Quickly, Polnareff catches on with his speech. “Please Y/N, let me see you again. Let me court you properly. I can give you and your family a beautiful life, a life you deserve.” The silver-haired male’s form moves now closer to yours, his blue eyes fixated on your lips. This action breaks you from the spell you’ve been caught in previously as you abruptly rip your hands off his grip and step back. 
“I’m sorry, Monsieur Polnareff,” you manage to say, your voice sounding breathless from the adrenaline rushing in your veins, “I don’t think I’m the right woman for you. I do not wish to disappoint you further, that’s why I’m being direct with you. I’m going home now, please do not seek out for me. Have a good evening, Monsieur Polnareff.” You give him one last glance, noting his furious facial expression, before you eventually walk rapidly the path up to your family’s farm. 
“I’ll be coming back, Mademoiselle Y/N!”, you hear the musketeer shouting behind you, “I’m not giving up that easily!” His sentences only make you pick up your pace as fear makes itself present in your body. Why couldn’t he just respect your choice? You’re sure there are enough suitable ladies in his rank pining for him, so why would he bother you? Finally, to your happiness, you arrive at the front door. Quickly, you enter your home, locking the door from the inside. Still, it feels as if a pair of blue eyes continues burning holes in your back…
The following month had been both positive and negative. Positive, because your family didn’t need to worry about food thanks to the two livres Polnareff gave you. Negative, because the latter had been true to his word and kept showing up at your place. Every time you told him you won’t change your mind, the musketeer only seemed to be more encouraged to prove you otherwise. 
Today isn’t any different. As you make your way to the market to buy some food, you hear the familiar hooves approaching you. Annoyed, you let out a sigh and roll your eyes. 
“Bonjour Y/N! What a pleasant day to see you again, mon amour!”, Polnareff exclaims happily while he dismounts from his horse to walk next to you. 
“Bonjour Polnareff”, you reply politely. In the meantime, you’ve dropped the titles when you two were alone, not seeing the point of them anymore. Plus, the Frenchman even decides to call you pet names, so why showing him respect? 
“Ah, ma puce, no need to be so cold today! After all, I bring some splendid news”, the Frenchman replies excitedly. You eye him suspiciously, brows knitted together. What on earth is he planning now?  
“And that would be?”, you answer matter-of-factly. “You’re finally leaving me alone?” 
“You see, before I came to meet you, I’ve finally talked with your parents.” At these words, you immediately stop your steps. A feeling of dread emerges in your stomach, making you feel sick. 
“Oh no,” you think desperately, “this can’t be good.” 
“Very lovely people, indeed. It hurts my feelings knowing you haven’t invited me to them, mon cœur”, Polnareff continues his talk, a hand put on his chest in mock concern. 
“And why should I have done such thing?”, you reply coolly, though internally you’re freaking out. You already know you won’t like the answer… 
“My dearest, how come you act so cruel? Don’t you think your future husband should see your parents? After all, we’re betrothed now!” 
“No”, you retort without thinking. Your palms grow sweaty, a deep fear manifesting in your body. The silver-haired man smirks at your reaction. 
“Non? I think your parents disagree with you, ma chérie. In fact, we’ve already picked out a date for the ceremony. Can you believe it? In two months, we’ll be finally one.” Panic overflows your mind, your breathing becoming laboured. How could your parents decide on such a matter behind your bag? After everything you’ve done for your family? Polnareff notices your stress as he softly wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you close to his chest. The musketeer tries to comfort you by shushing you and gently brushing over your back, though his actions only fuel your terror. You squirm in his grasp, trying to escape him, escape this situation, but his grip on you only strengthens. 
“Let me go!”, you scream all while tears stream down your cheeks, “I don’t want to be with you! Why can’t you just accept that?” 
“My little Y/N,” Polnareff mumbles calmly, “if you hadn’t  been so stubborn, we could have discussed the wedding plans together. I know you think our union is not favourable, but if even your family agrees to it, it surely can’t be that wrong, hm? You’re so blinded by your little provincial life that you can’t see what’s best for you. And trust me, my dove, I’m the best choice.” The Frenchman grabs your chin, staring lovingly in your by now puffy eyes. “It’s fine if you need some time to realise that. As long as you remain by my side.” With these words, the silver-haired man puts his mouth on yours, his hand now wandering to your cheek. You wriggle harder in his grasp, though your attempts to escape remain futile. Tenderly, Polnareff caresses your face as his lips finally leave yours. 
“Je t’aime de tout mon cœur, mon ange*”, he whispers adoringly, pressing your face against his chest again. Your tears smudge the blue fabric of his tunic, your voice hoarse from screaming. And even though you wish this is but a nightmare, you start comprehending you’re truly trapped in Polnareff’s oh so loving arms for the rest of your life.
*former French currency. 2 livres are about 30 euros, which was a lot of money back then
*former French currency. 5 sous are about 3,70 euros, which was still quite some money back in the day
*”I love you with all my heart, my angel”
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vannahfanfics · 3 years
A Dash of Cream and Sugar
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Category: Mild Romantic Fluff
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Characters: Emi Fukukado, Shota Aizawa
Emi hunched over the counter, fist digging into her cheek with her lips pursed as she sourly fixated on the corner of the coffeeshop. Bent over a laptop, fingers smoothly gliding over the keyboard, the handsomest man she’d ever clapped eyes on diligently attended to his work. Onyx-black eyes lidded as they fixed on the computer screen, wavy brown-black hair tied in a loose bun behind his head, and a white dress shirt clinging to his lean but muscular frame, local prosecutor Shota Aizawa sure was a mouthwatering sight— and a frequent one. The man practically lived on coffee, and thus was a regular figure in the mom-and-pop coffee shop where Emi worked as a barista. 
He’s so attractive that it’s a crime, she moped, slumping further into the counter as her longing mounted. She released a dreamy sigh, hearts practically beating in her eyes while she watched him take a languid sip of his black coffee. How can he walk around looking that fine when he’s a prosecutor? Talk about hypocritical! She giggled at her own joke, drawing the attention of her coworker Yu. 
“Ahhh, daydreaming about life with our local sleep-deprived filthy rich prosecutor, are we, Emi?” the blonde woman crooned as she bopped Emi atop the head with an empty coffee cup. The other woman frowned and rubbed the top of her hair, turning to look at her friend with pursed lips. 
“Not so loud!” 
“Relax. The only one who’s unaware of your affections is the object of your affections,” Yu teased. Emi puffed out her cheeks angrily, but said nothing, because she was right. Despite Emi’s most valiant attempts at flirting— batting her eyelashes, fleeting touches, and even bending over the counter to give a great shot of her endowments— had failed miserably. The man was just oblivious. Stone-faced, he’d just take his coffee with a simple “thank you” and shamble off to his corner to attend to his paperwork. 
Emi was at the end of her rope. She wasn’t getting any younger, and dammit, she wanted this man. 
“What do I do, Yu?” she warbled miserably while turning to plank against Yu’s chest. The woman cooed and patted Emi’s back encouragingly, prompting the green-hand woman to seek further solace in her bosom. Buried in her pillowy chest, Emi’s words were muffled as she groaned, “I just want him to notice me…” 
“Alas, my dear Emi, men are dense sometimes,” Yu tutted and patted Emi atop her head. “However, we women must persevere to win the hearts of men, however blockheaded they may be! It’s clear we have to take drastic measures.” 
“Drastic measures?” Emi echoed, turning up her chin to peer at Yu with pursed lips and a few of her sea-green hair sticking up from her friend’s comforting caresses. 
“That’s right!” Yu asserted and clapped her hands down on Emi’s shoulders, making her jump a little. “You have to lay it on so thick that he can’t possibly think you’re doing anything but flirting. Listen carefully, dear Emi, and we’ll net your man for sure!” Emi straightened up and Yu leaned in close to whisper fervently in her ear, both their gazes flickering to the unsuspecting man sitting quietly in his corner and type-type-typing away… 
That’s how Emi found herself sauntering up to the small round table with a fresh coffee in hand, an exaggerated sashay in her hips and a pleasant smile on her freshly-glossed lips (courtesy of her savior Yu). She called cheerily to Shota, adding a delighted wave to play up the cute and endearing act, and her heart skipped a beat when his lidded black eyes slid in her direction. His eyebrows quirked up his forehead when he noticed the steaming cup of coffee in her hand, her seafoam green acrylic nails a stark contrast to the white paper cup. 
“What do we have here?” he smirked, straightening in his chair. Emi’s knees nearly turned to jelly when he stretched his arms above his head, part of his dress shirt coming untucked from the waistband of his slate gray slacks and revealing a bit of his chiseled abdominals. She wobbled in her heels, legs stumbling in front of each other, but thankfully he had his eyes closed as he popped his aching vertebrae. It gave her just enough time to stagger up to the table and catch herself with the edge— and greet him with a million-dollar smile when he cracked his eyes open. 
“You’ve been here for a while, hard at work,” she explained, setting the fresh coffee down. “I thought it was high time for a fresh cup.” 
“Much appreciated, Emi.” Her nerves sang as he used her name, just like every time; with how often he was here, he was on a first-name basis with all the baristas, especially Emi since she worked full-time to supplement her income as a part-time standup comedian. He took the cup and brought it to his lips, sampling it with a teasingly raised eyebrow. He then smiled at her, and she wanted to do a happy somersault when she saw the pleased twinkle in his onyx eyes. “Perfect. I would be disappointed if you didn’t have my order memorized.” 
“The strongest brew of the day with a dash of cream and sugar and an extra two shots of espresso, or as I like to call it, Liquid Death,” Emi joked with a waggle of her finger. “Of course I know it, since I make it almost every day.” Her heart thrummed when his smirk twitched into an amused smile. 
“And yet, it’s not on the menu.”
“The management believes that it may unnerve our normal customers,” Emi purred with a playful wink. A chuckle rumbled in his chest, throaty in deep, and she melted against the table as her knees once again melted at the devilish attractiveness of this man. I’ll die before I even get to ask him out! She thought, resisting the urge to fan her slowly-flushing face. 
“What a shame,” he tutted and took another sip. Emi watched him with an intense stare— more specifically, the writing in permanent marker on the cup he’d yet to notice, as it was currently hidden underneath his thumb. Would her and Yu’s carefully-constructed plan fall to pieces all due to unfortunate physics? Her heart pounded against his ribcage as she just watched him sip at the coffee, her brows furrowing more and more with each passing second. 
Please notice me… I’m right here! she pleaded silently, nearly reduced to tears with frustration. Her heartbeat rose in pitch with each thump, until it thundered in her ears at near-deafening intensity. 
“Emi? Emi. Emi.” 
“O-oh!” she stammered when Shota’s voice finally reached her. She jerked violently and fluttered her eyelashes as she came back to reality; it took her a few moments to register that he was holding out some bills to her and looking at her in concern. 
“You all right?” 
“H-huh! Oh, yes. I just got lost in thought!” she evaded with a light-hearted laugh. She looked down at the offered bills, then waved a hand dismissively with a smile. “Oh, don’t worry about the coffee! I used my daily free drink.” 
Shota raised an eyebrow questioningly, his hand falling a little. 
“Well, that leaves you without a drink, now doesn’t it?” 
“Bahhh, don’t sweat it!” she insisted with another fluttery wave, using her other hand to rub the back of her neck. “I don’t feel like drinking coffee today.” Shota looked unconvinced, but obediently tucked the bills back into his wallet. He picked up the coffee and sipped at it thoughtfully, once again failing to see the writing scrawled on the white surface. Emi wanted to fall over and throw a tantrum, it was so infuriating how the world hated her so!
“Still, I feel like I should repay you some way…” 
“Really, it’s not ne—” 
“If not monetary reimbursement, then perhaps a date?” 
Emi almost spit all over him with the completely flabbergasted sound that came out of her mouth. Shota actually chuckled a little at the way her mouth fell open and she just stared unresponsively, dumbstruck. 
“While you were staring off into space, I read your little love note,” he revealed, turning the coffee cup around and giving it a shake. Emi had written the poem “Roses are red, violets are blue, if it’s not too much trouble, can I go out with you? <3” in black permanent marker in the white space of the cup. “Quite original, I must say. Much more enjoyable than your phone number, though I suppose I’ll need it,” he said with a wolfish grin and a saucy wink that had Emi almost faint. 
“O-okay,” she said breathily, submitting to the urge to fan her face as a blush blazed across her face. She retrieved her trusty permanent marker and the empty coffee cup, lifting it up with trembling hands to write down her number. Her quivering hands made the numbers jerky and twitchy, but thankfully still legible. When she handed it back to Shota, he appraised it with a hum, and then set it down. 
“Thank you. What time do you get off tonight?” 
“T-tonight?” she wheezed. Though this was everything she’d ever wanted, suddenly it felt like it was all happening too fast. Somehow, she remained steadfast and squeaked out, “Ei-eight…” 
“All right then, Emi,” Shota smiled and leaned back in his chair. “I’ll see you for dinner, then. Now, you and I both should probably get back to work,” he said, motioning to the coffee bar with his chin. She looked back to see Yu struggling to man the front herself and casting desperate glances at Emi. 
“O-okay!” she said breezily, wobbling as the situation finally began to dawn on her. Still, her friend needed her, so she staggered back to her workspace to replace Yu at the register and fumble through the orders with a hazy mind. She kept thinking how much Shota’s coffee order fit him— though he seemed dark and brooding, just like pure espresso, but there was a hint of sweetness, a dash of cream and sugar, swirling within. She couldn’t wait until their date, when she could really get a taste of her new favorite brew…
Enjoy this oneshot? Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents!
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joontopia · 4 years
No Room For Love - ksj | Chapter 1
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pairings: jin x reader; jimin x oc
genre: ceo!au, business!au, enemies to lovers            contains angst, fluff, & smut
warnings: nsfw, death of a minor character, language, little bit of angst, eventual smut, minor violence
chapter warnings: alcohol consumption, talks of death/character dying
a/n: IT’s FINALLY HERE. I’m so sorry this took so long for me to get out. After work getting crazier due to the pandemic, a lot of personal life interruptions, and a last minute change in parts of the plot and minor character details, it’s here! Shout out to my best friend and twin flame for being the best beta reader and fixing all of my mistakes (even if you poke fun at me for it, i still love you). I hope y’all enjoy it and thank you so much for being patient with me. 
summary: You never belonged in this lifestyle. Never fit in with the high class society of the rich and famous. Being the illegitimate daughter of a famous CEO, you were always seen as an embarrassment. As dirty blood. But when your half brother, Jimin, decides to give up his inheritance to follow his dream as an Idol, you finally get the chance to prove yourself.
Burdened with the responsibility of protecting the family name and saving your father’s business, now is not the time for any distractions. But one night and one lapse in judgment lands you in the arms of rich party boy, Kim Seokjin. He’s reckless. He’s annoying. He’s absolutely gorgeous. And he’s definitely not the man your father has arranged for you to marry.
You can’t shake him or the feelings that come along. But soon you learn that there’s no room for love in a society that never loved you.
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It’s odd, the things you remember when you’re watching someone die. Little memories that you long forgotten about start to resurface in your mind. 
Like the tiny, two bedroom apartment you used to live in with your mom until you were thirteen. The walls you always remembered as a dull grey now shine in your mind as a bright sky blue. You’re sitting in the living room, dressed in a second hand princess costume. A handmade paper crown lies on the coffee table patiently waiting to be decorated with the mismatched gemstones that were spread around it. You’re smiling, drawing bright red hearts on the yellow construction paper. You can still remember the smell of the chocolate cupcakes your mom was baking in the kitchen for your sixth birthday. A hint of strawberry in the air from the homemade strawberry icing your mom was currently mixing on the counter, smiling every time she looked up to check on you. You felt your mouth start to water, remembering the taste of your birthday cupcakes. How every year, your mother would allow you one guess at her secret ingredient for her icing. You never were able to figure it out, and now you will never get the chance. 
That little apartment was always a place you had associated with embarrassment and sadness. This single, happy memory of your childhood home making you tear up in your mother’s hospital room, riddled with guilt. You wished you would have appreciated her more. Instead, you spent the majority of your teenage years blaming her for everything that was wrong in your life growing up. How you grew up known as the bastard daughter of one of the wealthiest men in South Korea. The product of an affair between your mom and the CEO of Park Properties, Park Ji-woon.
You hear a few light knocks coming from the doorway, ripping you from your subconscious back into the present. Turning to look at the unexpected visitor, you feel a blanket of comfort fall over you as your eyes fall on the boy leaning on the door frame. His light pink hair was hidden under a black hat and half his face was covered by a black mask, but the way his eyes turned into crescents from his smile was all you needed to see to know who it was. 
“Jimin.” You jump up from your chair by your mother’s bedside and run over to your half-brother, throwing your arms around him in a hug. 
“Hey, Peaches.” You smiled at the childhood nickname Jimin gave you when you were both kids. He rubbed your back in comfort before breaking the hug, moving his hands down your arms to hold yours. “I’m sorry it took me so long. I jumped on a flight as soon as I heard.” 
You look up at your brother with a small smile. “You didn’t have to come, Jiminie. I would’ve understood. You’re in the middle of a tour!”
“This is more important,” He says as he smiles back at you. Jimin was in the middle of a world tour with his four member idol group, Chaotic. He should be halfway across the world right now, performing half a dozen shows along the North American West coast. Instead, he is here at the bedside of his half sister’s dying mother, the woman who nearly ruined his family’s reputation. The media would have a field day. 
Jimin looks over at your mother, his smile dropping as he takes in the ventilator she’s hooked up to. The sound of it breathing for her mixed with the beeping of the machines echoed off the walls of the quiet room. 
“How much longer do we have?” His hands let go of yours as he walks over to an empty chair by your mother’s bed, taking her hand in his as he sat down.
“I don’t know.” You follow him, pulling up your chair next to him and sit down. “Doctor says it can be any moment now. Tomorrow, next week, the next few hours. She was slowly showing little signs of improvement, but suddenly it just took a turn for the worst.” You feel your eyes start to water and take a deep breath through your nose, trying your best to fight them back. It was only you and Jimin in the room. He wouldn’t blame you for crying. Anyone would be expected to cry in this situation, but letting your tears fall right now would just make this whole situation all too real. You weren’t ready to believe that your mother could be gone any day now.
“She’s always been a fighter, hasn’t she?” Jimin’s voice was barely above a whisper as his thumb rubbed the back of her hand.
“Yeah… She has.” You both sat there in silence for the next half hour. A few sniffles escape from Jimin, the bill of his black hat covering his eyes, making it hard for you to see if he’s crying. You hear another soft knock by the door, both of you turning to see one of the hospital nurses leaning into the room with a soft, close lipped smile on her face.
“I’m so sorry to disturb you, but visiting hours are almost over.”
You give her a small nod, returning the smile while telling her thank you before she disappears out of view. You hear shuffling next to you and turn to see Jimin standing up from his seat, smoothing out any wrinkles in his all black attire.
“Have you eaten yet?” He asks you as you stand up from your chair, following him to the doorway. 
“No, I was just gonna grab something on the way home.”
“Come out with me and Ashley tonight. Tae came home too so you don’t have to worry about third wheeling.”
You stopped in the doorway. Jimin turned to look back at you, catching the look of surprise on your face.
“Taehyung’s here, too?” You were surprised to hear he was back. Taehyung was your highschool sweetheart and Jimin’s best friend. Your relationship was short lived, ending on his terms, shortly after him and Jimin debuted together as Idols. You’ve only exchanged a handful of words to each other in the two years since then. It’s safe to say spending any prolonged amount of time with him was not on the top of your to-do list. 
Jimin gives you a soft smile, the look of confusion and surprise not lost on him. “He’s worried about you. I know it doesn’t seem like it, but he still cares about you, Y/N.”
You let out a sigh, turning your head to give one more look into your mom’s hospital room. Turning back towards Jimin, you walk towards him, following him down the hallway to the elevators. You were still surprised Taehyung flew all the way back from their tour in support of you. You sneak a glance at Jimin, starting to feel a little guilty that they both flew all this way for you. The least you could do was go to dinner with them.
“Yeah, I’ll go,” you finally answer him.
He turns to look at you, eyes shining bright under the bill of his hat as he smiles at you. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” you say, smiling back at him. “One night out in a while may be good for me.”
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Dinner went by in a blur. Your best friend Ashley secured a private room at a popular BBQ restaurant for the four of you. Perks of being the daughter of one of the wealthiest men in Seoul. Being the known girlfriend of the beloved Park Jimin helped, too. After an awkward, half-assed hug and an exchange of small talk with Taehyung, you spent most of the dinner avoiding eye contact with him. Ashley, sensing your discomfort, was doing her best keeping the boys talking about stories from their tour. It wasn’t long until a bottle of soju was ordered for the table. With everyone taking shots, it didn’t take long for you to start to feel more relaxed and enjoy yourself, laughing at Jimin’s recount of how Tae accidentally broke into the wrong hotel room while drunk. 
“He was just lucky it was our manager’s room,” Jimin laughed while Tae was shaking his head in his hand.
“Oh, poor Taehyungie. We just can’t take you anywhere, can we?” You said with a smile as you took another shot of soju.
Taehyung looked up at you with a brief look of surprise at you addressing him before turning his lips up into a smirk. He looked between you and Ashley, asking the two of you a question while pouring himself another shot. “So what have you girls been up to while we’ve been away?”
“Nothing as exciting as midnight skinny dips in hotel pools,” Ashley said with a huff as she rested her elbow on the table, head leaning on her hand. “Y/N-ssi has been kept busy with work. I’ve managed to get her to come out for dinner and drinks every now and then. She doesn’t like to come out and play as much as she used to.” Ashley looked at you with a pout.
“We’re not in university anymore, Ash.” You roll your eyes, smiling at your best friend as she stuck her tongue out at you. You and Ashley spent the better parts of your university days jumping from one party or club to another. A luxury you haven’t been able to indulge in as of late due to the increased involvement your father has been wanting you to have with his company. You hear Tae snicker across the table from you. You raise an eyebrow at him, not sure what exactly he was laughing at.
“We should go out tonight then,” Jimin said as he waved over the waitress, handing her his credit card to cover the dinner bill. Ashley squealed happily in response.
“Yes! There’s a new club I’ve been dying to go to! I can get us on the list.” Ashley grabbed her phone off the table, her fingers tapping away on the screen.
You nibbled on your bottom lip before speaking. “I don’t --” The words were barely out of your mouth when Taehyung cuts you off.
“What? Daddy’s little girl can’t come out and play again? I guess some things just never change.” You watch as Tae takes another shot of soju. You hated it when he called you a daddy’s girl. His tone of voice always puts such a negative connotation on it. You always knew your habit of doing what was expected of you bothered him. That very tendency of yours being one of the main reasons for your break-up. It was part of what fueled your partying back in university, feeling the need to prove him wrong. You try to tell yourself that you didn’t have anything to prove to him now, but you also didn’t want him to know his comment got under your skin.
“Let’s do it,” you say, standing up from your chair. Jimin and Tae looked at you in surprise as Ashley stood up with you.
“So awesome! Word hasn’t gotten out yet that you guys are back in town, so no one should suspect to see two Chaotic members out in Seoul. We might be able to go unnoticed by the media. Now come on, we can stop by my apartment to change before we go. I have the cutest outfit that you can wear.” Ashley grabbed your hand, leading you out of the restaurant. The boys following closely behind you. As you make it out to the street and towards Jimin’s car, you try your best to give yourself a mental pep talk.
“It’s just one night, Y/N… What could possibly happen?”
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“Hey, Yoongi. Chanyeol just told me that two members of Chaotic have been added to the guest list tonight. Should we block off one of the VIP booths for them?” Namjoon walks into the office, plopping down on one of the chairs in front of Yoongi’s desk. 
“Chaotic? Aren’t they halfway across the world right now?” Yoongi asks, feet propped up on his desk as he leans back in his office chair, scrolling through his phone. One of his hands absentmindedly fluffing his mint colored hair.
“Yeah, I think your boy got bamboozled, Joon.” Jin laughs, sitting up from his prone position on the office couch. Namjoon flashes his middle finger before running his hand through his light brown hair.
“Fuck off, dude. He says he’s friends with one of the member’s girlfriends. She texted him an hour ago saying it’s going to be her, 2 members, and some girl.” 
“He always says he knows someone’s girlfriend or cousin or whatever. This is the last freebie he gets. Anyone else, he needs to run it by me first.” Yoongi states, eyes still glued to his phone. Namjoon hums in response, too preoccupied looking at his own phone to give a proper acknowledgement. 
Jin looks at his own phone, checking the time. 10:47 PM. Yoongi’s club should be in full swing of operations by now, evident by the bass of the music vibrating the walls of the office. Jin stands from the couch, letting out a small huff of boredom. This was just another party, another night full of alcohol-fueled entertainment. Another night full of socialite girls with personalities as interesting as watching cement dry.  He takes a look at his two best friends, his two partners in crime. Best friends since childhood that grew up to be known as the biggest Playboys in all of Seoul. The first few years since they all came of age were fun, but lately the fun seems to have run stale, at least for Jin. When Yoongi opened this club a month ago, Jin was hoping it would reignite the passion for partying. It did for a while, but it quickly became the same party just a different scene. He claps his hands together, taking a few steps towards the door.
“Well, shall we get the night started?” Jin turns to his friends, the club music becoming louder as he opens the door to the office. Yoongi and Namjoon stand from their chairs, walking past Jin and out the door. 
“Good time as any,” Namjoon says while checking something on his phone. “Chanyeol says his friend is here with the Chaotic members. They’re making their way to one of the VIP booths now.”
“Moment of truth. This should be interesting.” Yoongi slaps Namjoon on the back, walking past him and down the short hall to the club. Jin follows behind them, closing the door. He lets a yawn pass his lips, stretching his arms out through it and placing his hands behind his head. As they make their way out towards the dance floor, the boys stop at the small landing that looks over the club. Namjoon points towards the VIP area, pointing out a guy with light pink hair with his arms around a girl. 
“That’s got to be Park Jimin,” Namjoon shouts at Jin and Yoongi over the loud music of the club. 
“Well, where’s the other one?” Yoongi shouts back. The three of you scan the dance floor looking for another one of the Chaotic members. After a few moments, Namjoon points towards the bar. “There! Pretty sure that’s Kim Taehyung. The girl next to him must be the other person that’s with him.”
Jin looks over towards the bar, his dark brown eyes widening as his eyes land on you. “Wow.” The word left his mouth without him even realizing. Namjoon turns to him and smirks. 
“Don’t get too excited, Jinnie boy. That’s probably his girlfriend.” Namjoon punches Jin’s shoulder lightly, walking down the small set of stairs after Yoongi and making their way towards the VIP section. Jin kept his eyes on you. He took in the annoyed look on your face as Taehyung was talking to you. There’s no way you were his girlfriend. Not with that look of disinterest in whatever it was that Taehyung was saying to you. He continued to watch as you grabbed the drinks from the bartender, turning away from Taehyung while he was mid sentence and made your way up to the VIP area. “Even if you are his girlfriend, you’re obviously not happy with him right now,” Jin thought to himself. “Doesn’t matter. You’ll be mine by the end of the night.” Jin started down the stairs, following his friends to the VIP area, smiling to himself. Looks like it wasn’t going to be another boring night after all.
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Holding the drinks you bought for you and Ashley, you make your way through the sea of dancers and back towards the VIP area. You’ve only been in the club for a total of 10 minutes and you already regret it, wishing you could leave now and curl up in the comfort of your own bed. The skin tight black bodycon dress and stilettos Ashley dressed you in; making you feel slightly uncomfortable and you weren’t quite drunk enough just yet for the short length not to bother you. Taehyung wasn’t helping your mood either. When he had offered to help carry drinks, you were hoping it would be an act of kindness performed in silence. Instead, you spent the entire time trying to tune out his backhanded apology. 
“I’m sorry if what I said at dinner upset you, Y/N. You didn’t have to come out tonight to prove anything. I know fun like this isn’t really your scene.”
You scoff at the replay of his words in your head. Fun like this. What was he trying to say? You enjoyed plenty of fun like this when you were in university with Ashley. You couldn’t help but think that he would know that, if only he didn’t find you not worthy of his time to stick around back then. It’s not your fault he decided to show back up when you have to act like a grown up. You have a reputation to upkeep now. You already have so much working against you, being labeled as a constant party girl wouldn’t help.
You start up the stairs to the VIP area only to be stopped when you feel someone grab your elbow. You turn to look at the unwelcome interruption and find Taehyung glaring at you with an annoyed expression, holding two bottle beers in his free hand.
“What now, Tae?” You bite at him, not even trying to hide the annoyance in your voice or on your face. 
“You can’t just walk away like that. It can be easy to lose you in this crowd. You need to be more careful.” Tae holds onto your elbow, only letting go when you jerk it out  from his hand.
“I know how to navigate a club, Tae. Believe it or not, this isn’t my first time at one. I can look out for myself.” You turn back around and start back up the staircase. You hear Taehyung say something behind you, barely making out him say “Fucking brat” over the loud music. Whether he meant for you to hear it or not, you don’t care. You decide to ignore him, rolling your eyes and continuing on.
Once you make it up to the VIP area, you see JImin and Ashley sitting with three other guys, talking and laughing.You take in the three strangers, trying to figure out why they look so familiar. The low lighting of the club makes it hard to see them clearly from this short distance. You could tell they looked around your age, if not just a bit older. You see the guy next to Jimin throw his head back in laughter. His mint colored hair pushed slightly back with a headband and a gummy smile displaying across his face as he leaned his head back down. Next to him sat a taller man with light brown hair and horn rimmed glasses. He was laughing along too, listening to the other two boys in whatever conversation they were holding. 
It was the third guy talking to Ashley that held your gaze longer than the other two. His profile alone was alluring. Your eyes travelled from his dark hair that fell into his eyes to the sharp cut of his jawline. From there your eyes moved to his neck, watching his Adam's apple bob up and down as he talked before taking in the wide set of his shoulders. You don’t realize you were fantasizing how it would feel like to run your mouth up and down his neck and shoulders until he looks in your direction. His eyes meet yours, smirking as if he knew what you were just doing, pulling you out of your thoughts and back to reality. You couldn’t help but look at his lips, noticing how plump they were before taking in his full face. From this angle, his features seemed soft and boyish if it weren’t for the contrast of his jawline. God, he was gorgeous. Ashley follows his gaze to you, smiling as she jumps up to grab her drink and pull you towards the table.
“Oh, Y/N! Tae! Perfect timing! Come meet our new friends.” Ashley pulls you down into the seat next to her, right across from the wide shoulder Adonis. Tae took the seat next to you, passing Jimin’s beer to him across the table. Ashley grabs everyone’s attention, introducing everyone around the table starting with the mint haired boy.
“This is Min Yoongi. He’s the owner of this club. Next to him is Kim Namjoon. His dad owns one of the largest recording labels here in Seoul.” The two boys take their turns waving at you. You return a polite smile before Ashley moves your attention to the last newcomer, his lips turning up into another smirk once your eyes meet. You feel your eyes trail down his body, eyes glancing over the part of his chest peeking from his white V-neck before landing on the exposed skin of his thighs from the sinfully ripped jeans he was wearing. You start wondering how his body looks under his clothes before mentally slapping yourself, shooting your eyes back up to his. He lets out a small chuckle and you know he is completely aware that he’s been mentally undressed by you. To be fair, it probably happens to him all the time. Too busy ogling over your tablemate, you don’t notice the death glare Taehyung is shooting his way or the way Ashley looks between the two of you with a raised eyebrow before continuing her introduction.
“And this is Kim Seokjin. Guys, this is Kim Taehyung and, last but not least, my best friend and Jimin’s sister, Park Y/N.” 
“Please, call me Jin,” he says, giving you a wink and you immediately feel heat rise to your cheeks as you smile. And then it dawns on you.
The drop of his name finally sparks recognition in you. Now you know why these three men look so familiar. You see their names and faces all over tabloids and socialite centric internet articles. Kim Seokjin and two partners in crime. The notorious, rich playboys of Seoul. Not necessarily bad news, but bad enough for you to mark him as off limits. He is definitely someone you shouldn’t be associated with. It’s too bad. He looks absolutely delicious. But like you said earlier, it’s just one night. One night couldn’t hurt much, right? 
“Nice to meet you guys. It’s a nice club you have here.” You look towards Yoongi and lift your drink in the air towards him. A little toast before you take a sip, leaning back into your seat.
“Thank you.” he says, nodding his head in appreciation. “So what brings you guys out tonight? I thought you two would be in the middle of a world tour.” Yoongi points between Tae and Jimin before drinking from his own beer.
“Yeah, we almost didn’t believe it was you guys when we heard it,” Namjoon said with a slight chuckle.
Jimin laughs before responding, his eyes turning into crescent shapes as he smiles. “I had to come back for a family matter. We’re in a break between shows right now anyways. We’ll head back once we get things settled. Tae came along for support.”
“Just trying to show support to those who need me,” Tae says as he throws his free arm over the back of your chair. You feel him try to subtly place his hand on your shoulder and you shoot him a glare out of the side of your eye. You sit up, leaning forward in your chair away from his arm, trying to cover up your scoff with a sip of your drink, hoping it would go unnoticed. You see Tae rolling his eyes from your peripherals, rolling yours back in response.  Placing your drink on the table, you look up at Jin sitting across from you just in time to see his darkened eyes as he takes in Tae’s arm on your chair. His eyes move to meet yours, the darkened look disappearing. You raise your brow at him curiously. Is he jealous? Over Taehyung? You giggle to yourself at the thought. If only he knew Tae wasn’t a threat. “If only you didn't have bad news written all over you,” you thought to yourself.
“So are you guys just out on a double date?” Jin asks, still looking at you. You involuntarily snort, causing the group to look in your direction. Ashley looks at you with a bemused expression, a little giggle slipping past her lips as she takes a sip of her drink.
“No, this is not a double date,” you say while trying to regain your composure. You continue your ramble, pointing between yourself and Taehyung. “We’re not… No. Definitely not a double date.” 
“Get it together, girl,” you think to yourself, grabbing your drink and downing the rest of it. Maybe you were drunker than you originally thought. Ashley takes the opportunity to take over the conversation, pulling the guys attention towards her and Jimin. You silently thank her as you peek at Taehyung out of the corner of your eye. You notice he has his jaw clenched and tense, probably a reaction from your blatant display of distaste at being considered his. You know you should feel bad, but you don’t. He lost the right to have any sort of claim over you a long time ago. You start to feel the need to escape and go to excuse yourself from the table.
“I’ll be back. I need another drink,” you announce as you stand from your seat. Jin looks at you, slowly rising from his chair.
“Would you like some company?”he asks, his plush lips turning up into a soft smile. You were about to turn him down, only changing your mind when you hear Tae try to interject.
“I’ll go with --” 
“Actually, Jin. I would love your company.” Jin’s smile grows wider. He offers his arm to you as he stands up. You take it, wrapping your hands around his biceps. Enjoying the feeling of how his muscles flex under your touch. 
The two of you walk towards the bar, ignoring Tae as he calls out your name. This wasn’t one of your best decisions, walking away from your friends with someone you literally just met. Especially someone you had just labeled as off limits. Your emotions and the alcohol in your system being the main influencers on the choice. Despite being practically a stranger, you feel safe with Seokjin. You tell yourself not to worry about it. One night making choices on a whim shouldn’t do much damage in hindsight, right? 
Your mind is lost to the beat of the music, focusing only on weaving through the crowd of club goers as you make your way to the bar. With every step, you can feel all the alcohol you’ve had  creeping up on you. You start to feel the tingling sensation in your face and you can’t remember the last time you felt this good. Feeling a little unstable in the stilettos, you cling a little tighter to Jin’s arm, focusing hard on not tripping.
Finally at the bar, Jin waves over the bartender, ordering the two of you a round of shots. You think about turning the shot down, but decide against it. You remind yourself this is the first night in a while that you’ve spent somewhere other than at home. You deserve at least one night to enjoy yourself. While waiting for the shots to be made, you lean your back against the bar and take a look around the club, finally taking the time to admire the layout. The majority of the first level was occupied by a lit up dance floor, the edges around the walls lined with couches and high top tables. The VIP area was located on a lofted 2nd level overlooking the dance floor. It's very packed now, the newness of the venue still not worn off. Your eyes wander back up to the VIP area and you notice Taehyung standing at the railing, staring at you. You fight the urge to roll your eyes at him, instead choosing to turn around and face the bar.
“Let me guess. Ex-boyfriend?” Jin leans up against the bar next to you, giving you a smirk when you turn to look at him.
“What gave it away?” You ask, propping your chin on your hand as you smile back at him.
“Would you believe me if I said I’m good at reading people?” Jin leaned closer to you, plump lips spread into a beautiful smile.
“I would,” you say, turning away from him as the bartender brings the two shots, picking yours up from the bartop. “But why do I get the feeling it’s more to do with knowing from experience?” Jin laughs, grabbing his shot and clinking the glass up against yours. 
“So you’ve heard of me?” He asks before you both down your shots. 
“Who hasn’t heard of the man who coined his own nickname, Mr. Worldwide Handsome?” You lick your lips, savoring the fruity taste of the shot that was still on your tongue. You’re amazed how you couldn’t even taste the alcohol and wouldn’t mind having another. “This was delicious, by the way. Did you come up with it?”
“Good guess, I did. It’s my secret weapon. You want another round?” Jin catches the attention of the bartender again, raising his glass and pointing at it. Already ordering another round before even waiting for your answer.
“Are you trying to get me drunk, Jin? Trying to take advantage of me?” You ask, the alcohol making you feel bold as you lean in close to him. He leans into you, too, moving his hand to push a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“Yes and no. You don’t seem like the type of girl to let that happen.” He lightly caresses the side of your face, fingers lingering on your cheek and you let him.
“Hmm, smart boy,” you say before moving your face away from his hand. The bartender drops off your next round of shots and you both waste no time in downing them. “So, what is your type of girl, Seokjin?”
“Why? Interested in applying?” Jin says to you before turning to signal to the bartender for another round. You answer him when he turns back in your direction.
“Sorry, Jinnie boy. But you’re not my type.” 
“What? Handsome not your type?” He says as the bartender drops off the third round.
“No,” you respond with a smile. “Trouble isn’t my type.” You both grab a shot. You go to drink yours while Jin gives you a smirk.
“Ah, but you do think I’m handsome.”He looks at you with a twinkle in his eye as he downs his shot and you laugh. He’s funny and you like his confidence. It’s a shame you won’t allow yourself to get to know more of his personality. That’s something that would take more than just tonight to learn, and again, he is not someone you need to be associated with. But damn, do you think he looks handsome. He’s absolutely gorgeous.
Jin places the shot glass on the bar top and leans in close to you. You feel a tingling sensation go through your body and convince yourself it's from the alcohol and not his close proximity. Jin gives you a quick look up and down, and you know he is completely aware of the effect he has on you. “You know,” he says leaning in even closer. “You’re spending a lot of time with a guy who isn���t your type.”
“What? A girl’s not allowed to have herself a little fun?” You bat your lashes at him, leaning in towards him, closing the little distance between you two. Your lips are inches apart, close enough for you to feel the warmth of his breath. You smell the fruitiness of shots on his breath and take a quick glance down to his lips, wondering which of you will break and close the gap first. Another few seconds of the stand off passes before you decide you were going to make the first move, only to be interrupted when you hear someone call your name. You and Jin pull away from each other and turn to see Ashley walk up with Jimin close behind her.
“Y/N! There you are! You left your phone up at the table. I’ve been trying to text you.” Ashley hands your little black clutch, fully prepared to lecture you for disappearing when she turns to look at JIn. Jin gives her a smile before she turns back to you. “Oh,” she says and gives you a knowing smile.
“Sorry, Ash. I didn’t mean to be gone this long. Jin and I were just enjoying ourselves,” you say as you pull out your phone, checking the notifications before putting it back into your purse. 
“Oh, I’m sure,” she teases. “Anyways, Taehyung already left and Jimin and I are heading out ourselves. Are you ready to go?” 
You instinctively move to follow Ashley, stopping yourself midstep. “Actually.” You look at Jin who is staring at you before looking back at Ashley. “I think I’m going to stay a little longer.” You look back at Jin who gives you a wide smile.
Ashley looks between you and Jin, smiling again when she leans in to give you a hug. “Text me when you get home, okay? And Seokjin...” Ashley steps back from you and turns to the tall man. “Take care of her. If anything happens to her, I know where to find you.” 
Jimin waves goodbye to you as he and Ashley turn and leave. Jin waves back before leaning towards you. “Should I be scared of her?” He asks with a laugh.
“Yes, you should be,” you say with a giggle. Feeling the alcohol course through your body, you start to move to the beat of the music. With a surge of confidence, you grab Jin’s hand and start pulling him onto the dance floor. “Now come on. I want to dance.” 
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You lose track of time out on the dance floor, getting lost in the music and enjoying the feeling of Jin’s body pressed up against yours. Ever so often, he let his hands wander up and down your body. You intercept his hand each time before they are able to discover an intimate part of your body, giggling and laughing each time you feel his pout against your neck. After a few songs of grinding up against each other, Jin decides to put on a show for you, granting you multiple displays of what he calls his ‘signature dance moves.’ One move in particular sends you doubling over in laughter, the way Jin stands with his feet shoulder-width apart, head thrown back while he wiggles his arms shamelessly from side to side. After exhausting all his talent, Jin pulls you back up into the VIP area asking to take a breather, his dark hair sticking to his forehead from sweat. You agree with him, your own legs starting to feel sore from trying to dance in heels. He sits you down in one of the booths before walking over to grab two bottles of complementary water from an ice bucket against the back wall, stopping for a quick chat with Namjoon along the way. 
You watch him, eyes trailing up and down his long body. Admiring the way his ripped jeans clung to his legs, sweat glistening on the exposed areas of his thigh. He opens one of the water bottles and takes a drink. You’re mesmerized by the bob of his Adam’s apple, wanting nothing more than to walk over and suck love marks along the surface area of his neck. You lightly shake your head, pulling yourself back to reality as you reach into your clutch for your phone, looking for a distraction. Clicking your screen on, your eyes widen when you look at the time. 2:03 AM. Fuck. You need to be up for work in a little over 5 hours. The small bout of panic sobers you just a little and you silently scold yourself for not playing more attention to how late it was getting. You look back up at where Jin stood talking to Namjoon, making brief eye contact with him. He gives you a quick wink before turning back to Namjoon, continuing on with whatever he was saying. You smile from the cuteness of the wink, feeling giddy from the action only for it to be quickly replaced by a small wave of sadness that washes over you. 
You really enjoyed yourself tonight. You couldn’t tell what brought on the sadness; the fact that your night of fun was coming to an end or the fact that, if you could help it, won’t ever see Seokjin again. You decide for it to be the former. It’s safer this way. You enjoyed your night with Jin and you completely understand why girls would still flock to him, regardless of his playboy reputation. If only you had the luxury of being one of those girls, you would throw caution aside and allow yourself to enjoy all that is Seokjin. To hell with whatever gossip or rumors would manifest about you. Unfortunately, you’re not one of those girls and you’ve been lucky enough already to make it through the night without anyone recognizing you. You let out a soft sigh, knowing the time has come for you to return back to reality. 
Placing your phone back in your clutch, you stand from your seat and walk towards Jin. You place your hand on his shoulder, pulling his attention to you. He turns back to Namjoon, letting him know he’ll catch up with him later before the taller boy walks over to the railing of the VIP area, joining Yoongi in watching the club goers down below.
Jin turns back to you, smiling as he moves you closer to the wall. “Sorry, I kept you waiting. Namjoon doesn’t know when to shut up sometimes. Did you start to miss me?”
He  hands you an unopened bottled water before bracing his hand on the wall behind you. You give him a soft smile as a thank you as you lean back against the wall. The beautiful smile on his face makes it hard for you to form words. Why did he have to be so goddamn gorgeous?
“It’s time for me to go home, Jin.” You cross your arms across your chest and tilt your head back to look up at his face. 
Jin nods his head before responding. “And so you came over here to invite me over? I accept.” He gives you another heart stopping smile as a light laugh escapes your lips.
“I came to tell you bye. This is where we part ways. It was nice meeting you, Seokjin.” You go to push off the wall to leave, stopping yourself as Jin goes to talk.
“Now why does that feel more like a ‘Goodbye’ than a ‘See you later’? Running off at midnight like Cinderella. Do you not want to see me again? I thought we were having a good time,” he turns his lips into a pout, but you can tell by his tone he was being playful.
“Running off at 2AM, actually. And It was a good time. But as I said before, you’re trouble. And I stay away from trouble. It’s best if we just end things here.” You try to stand tall, putting as much authority in your tone of voice as you can manage to let him know you’re serious. Jin leans in close to you. You inhale deeply trying to maintain your composure despite his close proximity, catching a light trace of whatever cologne he was wearing. It smelt woodsy and delicious and you were trying to figure out how you didn’t notice it before. 
His lip brushing against your earlobe sending shivers down your spine. “I can be a good boy,” he whispers to you and you smile, rolling your eyes as he pulls back just enough to look at you.
“I highly doubt that,” you tease him.
“How about this.” Jin reaches into his pocket with his free hand, pulling something out. He holds up his hand in the small gap between the two of you and you focus on the shiny round object before looking back at him. Your eyebrows furrow in curiosity. “We’ll flip a coin.”
You throw your head back and laugh. “Flip a coin? Really?” you said raising an eyebrow at him. His tongue sneaks out to wet his pillow lips before spreading them into a wide smile. You can still smell a hint of the fruity shots from earlier on his breath as he speaks.
“We flip a coin. Heads, you come home with me. Tails… Well, at least give me your number.” Jin chuckles after the last condition.
“What makes you think I’ll play along with your little game?” you ask before licking your lips, catching your tongue between your teeth as you look up at him.
“Live a little, princess. Take a walk on the wild side with me.” Jin flicks his eyes down to your tongue before looking back at you. His eyes looking darker even in the dimness of the club’s VIP area. “You ready? Call it in the air.”
You watch as he balances the coin on top of his thumb and index finger. He flicks his thumb up, sending the coin flipping in the air. You watch the coin, wondering what fate it would decide for you, already thinking up an excuse to get out of either. You see Jin move his hand out of the corner of your eye, thinking he’s going to grab the coin.  Instead, he catches you by surprise, grabbing your chin and lightly turning your face towards him, his lips crashing down on yours as the forgotten coin crashes down to the ground, rolling away out of sight.
Your mind goes blank at the sudden action, your lips on autopilot as they move in tandem with his. You feel butterflies in your stomach as you melt into the softness of his lips. You can tell that he’s holding back, probably expecting you to push him off at any moment. Your hands move to his chest, half a mind to stop things before they go too far. The small guttural moan that comes from his throat ignites a fire in your bones, awakening a desire in you. A desire that can only be satiated by one Kim Seokjin. Your hands move further up his chest and around his neck, pulling him closer to you as your fingers knit themselves in his hair.
Jin nips at your bottom lip, swiping his tongue across the bitten area, asking for permission to enter. You let him, the loud music of the club now being drowned out by the sound of your heartbeat pulsating in your ears. You nearly forget where you are, what you were trying to do before his lips found yours. The people and the room disappear around you with the only thing existing is Jin, his plump lips, and the delicious way his hands roam up and down your body. You allow his hands to roam freely this time, no intention in stopping his endeavors as you lose yourself in his touch. It wasn’t until the sound of Yoongi yelling at the two of you to get a room that you were pulled back into reality. Jin pulls back away from you just slightly, the both of you smiling as you try to catch your breath. 
“Well,” Jin says as he pushed a fallen strand of your hair back behind your ear. “What’s the verdict?”
You know you should go home. Leave him here without so much as your number as you return back to your uneventful life. But you can’t stop thinking about the way his lips feel on yours. How badly you want him and how that want extends for more than just tonight. It’s a bad idea. He’s a bad idea and no matter how many times you’ve told yourself that tonight, the one thing that you’ve said to yourself more rings louder in your head. It’s just one night, what’s the worst that can happen? 
You grab the collar of Jin’s shirt, bringing him in for another kiss. You pull away after one, smiling at the way he chases your lips, wanting more. “I’ll tell you my answer..” you pause, grabbing his hand in yours, pulling him away from the wall. “After you buy me another drink.”
126 notes · View notes
make-me-imagine · 4 years
Headcanon Request: Spending quarantine with your boyfriend Klaus, who you recently started dating. 
Requested by: @nick-1432
Triggers: Mentions of quarantine/COVID19
Gender: Neutral; Reader is human
Note: I never watched the Originals, so whenever I base anything in New Orleans, everything after that is my own Headcanon - more or less. 
Taglist: I actually remembered it this time!! @violentmommabear42; and @luciferseclipse​ - If anyone would like to be added to or removed from my taglist for any character or series, let me know! :)
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♚ You already thought your life was pretty bizarre, but once the virus turned the world upside down, it became a different type of bizarre
♚ Once the quarantine was announced, the Mikaelsons seemed less than bothered, they even seemed pleased with it
♚ Less annoying people walking around, and no worry of them getting sick due to the virus
♚ But you worried
♚ You worried for your mortal friends and family, and even for yourself
♚ You were human afterall
♚ Getting others sick is also what you had to keep in mind for the Mikaelsons
♚ “You may not be able to get sick but you have no idea if you can pass it to others, you need to quarantine as well!”
♚ Cue eyerolls from Klaus and Kol
♚ “Fine then, if you wont quarantine from others, I will quarantine from you”
♚ Klaus’s expression quickly changed from amused annoyance to surprise as you walked out
♚ So of course, he followed you 
♚ And this lead you to the current situation you were in
♚ “I can’t believe I let you convince me to quarantine with you” you sighed as you dropped your bags on the ground
♚ “Well I couldn’t let you sit in your apartment all by yourself could I?”
♚ He would try to convince you that it was only for you
♚ Even though that was part of the reason, it was also due to the fact that Klaus could not stand the thought of you isolating yourself from him
♚ He fell for you hard, and quick, and could not picture himself not seeing you every day
♚ So, Klaus had drug you off to a less occupied corner of New Orleans, to a big house his family owned.
♚ He decided that you would quarantine together, away from his siblings
♚ Klaus may not be overly concerned with the health of strangers, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to let you get sick, this lead to his protective side coming out
♚ You were his little human, that for some reason he fell head over heels for
♚ He would do the shopping and everything that involved public interaction
♚ And with your insistance he would wear gloves and a mask, to protect others, and you of course, which is honestly the only reason he really agreed
♚ You were to stay safe and secure inside the house. Not that it bothered you too much, but man did it get boring
♚ There were fears that came with quarantining with Klaus at first
♚ You had only been dating for a few weeks before all of this started
♚ I mean, you were still shocked that he fell for you, a simple human
♚ You were still insuecure about being in a relationship with the Klaus Mikaelson, and now you were quarantined with him ?!?!?
♚ Oh dear
♚ He noticed how you would tip-toe around him throughout the house, worried that you might bother him or get in the way
♚ This made him feel bad, I mean, he was entierly aware of how shocked you were that he returned your feelings
♚ And he wasn’t quite sure what to do about it
♚ But he tried his best to make you as comfortable as possible
♚ And it worked, soon after you fell into a comfortable quarantine schedule
♚ You took turns every day for who would cook and clean
♚ When Klaus cooked breakfast, you would cook lunch
♚ For dinner, you would cook together, every few days you would cave and order take-out
♚ Though, through your insistance, it was always from a small mom-and-pop style restaurant. 
♚ You would take a couple hours mid-day away from each other, but would eventually end up in the living room together
♚ He would be reading or drawing (usually sketching you in whatever position you were in), and you would be on your computer or phone, sometimes reading.
♚ Towards the evening the two of you would end up together on the same couch
♚ Your head on his shoulder or chest, his arm wrapped around you or gently combing through your hair as some movie or show played in the background that the two of you were partially paying attention too
♚ Some nights, after dinner, you would slow dance around the living room
♚ The two of you would dress up, make a night out of it
♚ He made you swear to never tell his family though, or else...
♚ There were the occasional arguments, but never over anything important
♚ It was either; Klaus not cleaning up after himself; or you insisting that you needed to go outside for a walk and him saying no.
♚ He would always lose
♚ Klaus would clean up his mess, and then drive the two of you to a remote park somewhere outside of town so you could wander around
♚ Even though the two of you were dealing with boredom and worry, you figured out retty quick that neither of you would have survived comfortably through this without having each other. 
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ohokimdumb · 4 years
Carlos Oliveira Headcanon (Quarantine Time) SMUT+FLUFF ❤🥵🍭
Request:  A Hc list about Carlos in quarantine with his gif- smut and fluff included. Doing my request or not tho I love your fics and they have been one of the few consistent positives in this whole pandemic crisis for me. Seriously thank you so much and I’m glad your doing what you love in in general👏🏾❤️
A/N: Thank you @fangirl1071​ for dropping in this request, I hope you love it as much as I loved writing it for you! ♥ Thank you so much for supporting my work and for the amazingly kind words ♥
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Quarantine means you and Carlos will have more than enough time with each other. Both of you have been laid off work due to the unfortunate circumstances. The two of you act like it’s torture, being out of work. Truthfully, it’s been the time of your lives. It’s also the perfect time for Carlos to challenge you. “I challenge you to complete my entire workout routine for a month.” Carlos challenges you. He thinks it’s funny, you believe it’s torture.
There’s a lot of movie watching and hand holding on the couch or bed, whichever you two agree on. Carlos chooses scary movies to hold you tightly in his protective embrace. You are easily startled so it’s a perfect, but selfish situation to put you. He only has you watch scary movies so he can feel like he’s protecting you. It’s who Carlos is, who he’s always been.
When time seems slow, board games come in handy. The two of you tend to argue about what to play, since you both want to play what you’ll win at. The decision always happens after an intense tickle war. Occasionally, Carlos lets you win, by pretending you have the ability to overpower him. But, he does act like a sore loser. “Babe, you always want to play ‘sorry’ because you’re top tier at it.” Carlos complains and you smile at his sour, but adorable attitude.
You and Carlos will also have moments of silence in your dimly lit bedroom. Laying on the bed, Carlos pulls you into a tight embrace as you both lay in silence. It’s the perfect time to contemplate life and why it’s on this path of struggle and horror. Sometimes you grow emotional at the thought of getting sick, or getting Carlos sick. Carlos knows when you’re distressed and immediately comforts you; pressing a gentle kiss on your forehead. “We’re in this together. No matter what happens, or what odds we face...it’s you and me.”
Snuggle showers; lots of hugging and hot water. Carlos strokes his fingertips up and down your broke as a sign of comfort.
Making dinner together every night. Carlos finally decides to share his family recipes with you; Frango a Passarinho, Pastel de Queijo, and his grandmother’s famous Sopa de Milho Verde.
Carlos letting you practice hairstyles on him. Only if you agree to give him professional head scratches after. (if you’re really nice, he might let you put his hair in a man-bun)
Quarantine has Carlos craving more than your kisses and the soft touch of your fingers twirling in his long, fluffy locks of hair. He wants to taste every piece of your body; from your breasts all the way to your ankles. He’s been so fixated on the lips between your thighs. Carlos loves the salty taste you have, and will do anything to feel your delicious saltiness on his tongue again. “Baby, please...I want to taste you again, I’ll do anything.” Carlos wraps two fingers around the side of your panties, awaiting your approval. You giggle at his adorable desperation to have you once more.
There have been a couple petty arguments between the two of you; verbal fights that make no sense. There is no shame in angry sex, and Carlos certainly lets out all of his emotions as he bends you over and fucks you doggy style. Even after he’s done teaching you a lesson, you are given a few loves spankings for talking back. It’s refreshing to see the dominant side of your protective teddy bear. “Is your butt sore?” Carlos smirks as he caresses your cheek with his thumb. You nod and his inner demon is satisfied with its work.
“Carlos, d-don’t stop...I’ve been good.” You beg as your nails dig deep into Carlos’ sweaty back, bouncing up and down as his cock roughly buries itself inside. Carlos huffs at your plea for more; desperate for him to fuck you into beautiful oblivion. “Good enough for me to cum inside?” Carlos asks you. You whimper in response as your walls intensely tighten around his throbbing cock soaking in your salty cum.
Carlos gently pushes you face-forward against the glass shower door, as he rubs his cock in between your cheeks. You gasp as you feel his excessively large member poke against your entrance. Carlos isn’t typically one to tease you, but constantly being stuck inside the house has him trying out new methods of pleasuring you. He sucks and nibbles all around your neck and upper back. Every so often his bites will be rough and painful, but it’s all in good fun; and he’s always been a man to mark his territory. Currently, you aren’t working...so Carlos can mark you wherever he wants.
When quarantine first starts, your body is ready to be fucked and and used in ways you’ve dreamed of. Carlos tries all types of positions with you for an extremely long period of time; hours. By the end, there are love bites, bruises, and scratches on both of you. Carlos can’t get enough of you, and refuses to let you out of bed.
As quarantine keeps extending, your body has become exhausted and you’ve grown weak. Carlos can tell, and he’s okay with being gentle and caressing your body in ways no other man can. As much as he loves to hear you scream and holler his name as he fucks you passionately until the neighbors file a complaint, he also craves gentle, loving intimacy with you.
Dirty talk...
“Say it...” Carlos growls in your ear. “I’m yours...no one can protect me like you...” You moan as Carlos deeply thrusts inside while he holds your hand tightly in his; letting you know you’re safe with him.
“How bad do you want to be filled up, meu amor.” Carlos harshly bites down on your neck, surely drawing blood from the sheer passion coursing through his veins. You can’t even respond from the delicious pain your nerves are expressing.
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lucas-koh · 4 years
Stitches - Bryce Lahela x MC II
Also uploaded to Ao3! Go check it out there if you’d like my user is margotmuses
Doesn’t follow canon, but elements of canon. FWB.
Song: Feel Real - Deptford Goth
Rating: M
Word Count: 3409
Please check out chapter one first if you haven’t already!
Taglist: @lahellacute @tyrilsnightbloom @bubblelaureno
Chapter Two: Suki’s Flip-Flop, Intensive, Very Long Day
On a pretty big whim, Sienna, Jackie, Aurora, and Elijah had decided to look at apartments and move in together on the walk home from Donahue’s. Turned out none of their current living situations were ideal, and as crazy as it sounded, Suki felt like this might just work out. Weirder stuff had happened, right? She’d lived with complete strangers in college, so this was no huge thing, really. Over the following week they scored themselves an absolute bargain of a stunning top level apartment which overlooked the classic Boston skyline. Somehow, they’d managed to convince the landlord to rent to them for cheap, and soon enough everyone started to move their stuff in.
To celebrate their gorgeous new apartment, the group decided that they would throw a housewarming party at some point in the next few weeks. Planning was immense - everyone wanted to do something different, plus finding time where everyone would be off work was difficult. Elijah had never thrown a house party before, so he was overlooking most of the planning, while Sienna and Suki did tasks such as stocking up on cheap booze. Aurora didn’t really want to get involved in the planning side of things, too focused on her studies, but was looking forward to the party all the same. She was crazy grateful to be able to move away from her overbearing aunt. Jackie also wasn’t so involved in the planning, but more out of lack of interest in making plans. After a week or so, they’d decided on a date. All that was left to do was to invite everyone. And, yeah, that pretty much meant everyone.
Suki’s mind had been pretty occupied, mostly by a certain sun-kissed surgeon who’d swayed her to The Stone Roses. Since that first night, Suki had only seen Bryce in passing in the corridors, always taking lunch breaks and the like at different times due to the different demands of their jobs. He’d wink or grin at her and for a moment she’d be completely focused on only that. Not to mention the all-consuming sexual chemistry they had with each other being sparked each time they merely passed by one another. She was continuously bothered by the strange familiar feeling she felt with him, increasingly frustrated that she couldn’t pin it down.
About two and a half weeks in, Suki was suffering from an absolutely awful day. None of her patients were looking at a positive outcome, and she was feeling utterly helpless about it all. Existentialism: Doctor’s edition. She’d shut herself away in a supply closet to be alone with her thoughts. And to cry. What good was being doctor if you couldn’t save lives? And everything felt like a minefield. One wrong move and it could all implode. Misdiagnoses were so easy to make and so incredibly dangerous, she could prescribe someone a medicine they were allergic to and make their symptoms broaden, or even just upsetting someone because there was nothing she could do. She worried she wasn’t ready for this job. It was all very well reading up about illnesses and treatments, but actually putting it into practice? Dealing with real life people? So incredibly intimidating.
Abruptly the door creaked open and Suki jumped back.
“Oh! Sorry, I didn’t… think anyone was in here.” It was Bryce. Of course it was. He looked just as good as ever, framed in the dark by the light from the hall. “I just needed to get some suture kits...”
“It’s fine, just shut the door,” her voice cloyed but she tried to subtly wipe the tears from her eyes.
He did as she asked and came closer towards her. Even though it was dark, he noticed the red rings round her eyes and wet cheeks.
“Hey, hey. What’s going on?” His voice was soothing and gentle, his usual cocky demeanours put on a shelf.
“It’s just… I feel like I have too much power. I pretty much get to decide who lives or dies. I get to decide which words to use to ruin someone’s life I-“ she couldn’t help it as the tears began to pour out again. She wasn’t sure why she was baring her soul to Bryce, but something in her knew he would know what to say. He stood and listened, watching patiently. Bryce stepped in so he was closer to Suki.
“If I tell someone I’ll save their life, but I can’t, how am I supposed to live with myself? How do I tell a parent their six-year-old will never see it to seven? Bryce…” she continued, her eyes were wide and glassy as she stared up at him. Hearing her say his name like that stirred something in Bryce he wasn’t quite comfortable admitting.
“I know. But you’re damn good at your job, Suki. If you tell someone you’ll save their life, and you do, how do you not believe in yourself? How do you tell an old man he’s in remission? There are so many good parts to this job. It’s hard as shit, yeah, but we knew that. It was never going to be easy.” He lifted up his free hand and ran his thumb softly along her eyes to clear her tears.
“But it’s my fault. If I fail a patient... Maybe I shouldn’t be here.”
He laughed a brief hearty chuckle. “You made It through med school, climbed your way to the top of the medical interns at Edenbrook, and you really think you’re in the wrong place? I’ve seen those rankings, Moore. You’re good crop.”
She gave him a lopsided smile. His confidence had a way of rubbing off on her.
“Every doctor has their moment of doubt. It’ll pass.” He continued.
“How do you do it?”
He shrugged. “I just know I’m damn good at what I do. It’s still early days, Suki. Just let it come and go.”
She nodded and felt the desire to hug him. Lucky for her, he held his arms out to her and she collided with his hard chest, again. She still had her arms crossed in front of her, but moved to cradle her head into the crook of his neck, shifting her body so she was leaning into him. Bryce’s arms enveloped her, like a large, hard, teddy. She felt like a baby, cocooned and cooed at by the light soothing motion Bryce was drawing down her back. It felt like the most natural thing.
“Shit. I guess you are damn good at what you do,” she said. Her voice was muffled by Bryce’s scrub top, but he heard her all the same, and couldn’t help but grin at the girl in his arms.
“I told you, I’m a talented guy.”
She pulled her head back after a minute, looking up into his brown eyes, which were honey like his skin usually, but deep and alluring in the dimmed light of the supply closet. His arms still cradled her.
She suddenly wanted to tangle her fingers into his hair and kiss him passionately. Because despite the snark, the ego, the cockiness, he’d made her feel better after an incredibly difficult day. And there was definitely something scandalous about being in a supply closet together. The thick sexual tension that had been whirring for two weeks now was at an all time high. Her eyes flirted down to his plump lips, still ghosted with a smile. Her heart was pumping right out of her chest, she was surprised he couldn’t feel it against his own. The chemistry could be cut with a knife. She tightened her arms around herself as she made the flash decision. Without giving him too much time to back out, Suki swiftly moved forward and pressed her lips to his.
He hesitated at first, still as stone, giving Suki a moment to freak out – shit, he doesn’t want to be doing this. I made the wrong call - before he pushed his lips back into hers with fervent want. They reacted to each other like it was something that had been simmering for way longer than just two and half weeks. Their mouths clambered almost clumsily around each other. Bryce’s hands moved up her back and to her neck with a caress, before he steered her round and pushed her up against the shelves. A few bits of equipment fell down, but they didn’t care. Suki pulled him as close to her as she could, hands gripping his waist. She could feel his muscles move under her fingers as they kissed, which sent a jolt through her stomach. She was actually kissing him. For some reason, the idea felt unattainable and the fact that it was happening felt fantastical.
His lips were soft but applied pressure, his tongue demanding and dominating. Suki let out an unintentional moan, causing a gruff noise from Bryce’s throat, and she could feel him smiling against her lips. Caught up in the passion of the moment, and wanting to savour every part of this, Suki lifted up a leg and wrapped it around Bryce’s hip. He responded by pressing his body tighter against hers and removing a hand from her neck to support her leg, copping a feel of her backside on the way there.
Suki didn’t even care that the shelves were digging into her back. All she cared about in that moment was getting as much as she could out of Bryce. Because, god, was he hot. His kisses were practised and skilled, clearly something he’d done a lot. She pulled him closer towards her, and he removed his lips from hers to burrow his face into her neck and suck at that sweet spot. She gasped at the sensation, earning a cocky chuckle from Bryce. If he gave her a hickey, she was dead.
To avoid that possibility, she pulled his face from her neck to meet her lips again, deepening the kiss, and finally threading her fingers through his floppy hair in the way she’d wanted to before.
A loud creak and unexpected light falling on her shut eyelids indicated that the door had been opened. Suki opened her eyes wide and looked over to the door to see an older Doctor. Oh god. She knew this guy. Dr Zaid Mirani – her attending. The leg which had been round Bryce’s hip dropped immediately.
“Can you give us a minute?” Bryce asked, frustrated, eyes shut and forehead against Suki’s, not giving a single shit that they’d just been caught in the act, not even bothering to see who it was.
“I need some scissors. Don’t let me stop you,” Zaid snapped.
At this, Bryce sighed and stepped away from Suki. Suki tried turning away coyly so that Zaid didn’t see her face, moving away from the shelves to give him access. There was a deafening awkward silence as Zaid rummaged through the shelves to find what he needed, Suki looking anywhere but at either of the men in the room. Bryce’s eyes watched her, flattening her hair down on her head and smoothing down her clothes.
After what felt like far too long, Zaid left without a word. The door shut behind him and Bryce and Suki were sent back into dim light. She looked over to Bryce finally, who was leaning against a cupboard with his hands in his pockets, a humorous smile playing on his lips. Even in the dark he looked good, hair ruffled from her fingers and lips swollen from relentless kissing. Ah, shit. He looked so good. Unlike Suki, he hadn’t taken the time to refine his appearance. But, she kind of liked it that way.
“That kinda killed the mood,” he said, pushing off the cupboard.
“…yeah. We should get back to work, anyway,” replied Suki. She was hot from embarrassment, again. This boy sure knew how to get her flustered, both unintentionally and intentionally. That kiss sure had some intention behind it. It had been a nice distraction, and admittedly she felt much better, but it was time to get back to reality.
He chuckled and scratched his thumb over his chin. He didn’t seem embarrassed at all. Then again, asking a resident to leave so they could continue their steamy make-out didn’t strike Suki as something someone who was easily embarrassed would do. Unluckily for her, Suki was a stickler for humiliation. Maybe hooking up with Dr Bryce No-Fear wasn’t something a blubbering blushing mess should repeat.
Bryce walked toward Suki, and she almost jumped back, worried he might try again. For a couple of reasons: worried they’d be caught again, and Suki would never live it down with herself, but also worried she wouldn’t be able to stop at a sensible place. He was too sexy, and too experienced. But he reached behind Suki to grab a suture kit. The whole reason he’d even been here in the first place. He held it up to show her, before making his way to the door.
“You’ll kill it out there, Dr. Moore,” he reassured before opening the door, letting the light flood the room again, and shutting it behind him once again leaving Suki in the dimness.
She crept out of the supply closet, not looking where she was going and accidentally ramming straight into Jackie.
“You look a mess!” Jackie laughed, noting Suki’s scruffed up hair and creased scrubs.
Suki cursed herself internally as she once again started to sweat.
“Oh! Long day, is all. I’m only halfway through, too!”
Jackie side-eyed her blustery response. “I’ve got to get this shot to this patient. You’re lucky this time, Moore.”
A couple of hours later, Suki was finally grabbing a bite to eat when she received a page from Aurora.
Suki rushed into the room, where Aurora was already debriefing the resident. Shit. It was Zaid. She prayed that he hadn’t caught her face before, that it had been too dark and she’d turned away quick enough that he hadn’t recognised her.
“Hey, Aurora. What’s the situation?” She breathed out, exhausted from speeding up there. Aurora looked grateful as she turned to Suki.
“Moore,” Zaid greeted tightly. Something told her that he had definitely seen her face earlier. He didn’t seem like the type to bring it up, though.
“Ms. Redford was admitted for a broken neck, but her blood work looks incredibly strange…”
“So, Dr Mirani’s a pretty grumpy guy, but why do I feel like there was a reason he was short with you earlier?” Aurora asked as the walked down the corridor to their next patient. Damn her for being smart and perceptive.
Suki weighed up whether or not to tell Aurora. It might be quite nice to have someone on her side, to tell all the awkward stories. She hadn’t done the whole secret make-out since college, and back then, she had a roommate to gossip about it with. At the end of the day Suki still barely knew Aurora; sure, they lived together, but they hardly even had a chance to be at the apartment together with their different shifts and the like. And when they weren’t at work, they were sleeping or eating. Maybe that meant telling her would feel like less of a big deal? Then again, even the idea of saying it was making her cringe. Plus, Aurora was great but she might not be too impressed that Suki had been taking time out of work to make-out with a surgical intern. In a supply closet which anyone could walk in on. And, had walked in on. A senior attending. She decided against it.
“I don’t know. I just don’t think he likes me much,” she wasn’t a very good liar, which Aurora seemed to glean; but she didn’t push further.
After what felt like the most exhausting day ever - having difficult patients, a mental breakdown in a supply closet, a hot make out session in the same supply closet, being caught by her attending, and then having hours more of gruelling work – Suki threw herself onto her bed dramatically. It felt like her whole body, including her internal organs, was on fire. She eventually got up to change into her pyjamas, clean her face, and brush her teeth. There was a knock on her door. She opened it to reveal it was Elijah.
“Hey, what’s up?” He asked, it looked like he’d been home a while. Suki was happy to see him nonetheless.
“Just winding down after work, you know.”
“Yeah, today was a long one,” he added awkwardly.
“Tell me about it.”
He seemed like there was something he knew, or wanted to say, but didn’t.
“Movie?” Elijah asked.
“Sure, I might pass out though.”
She followed Elijah to the sofa and let him load up Netflix. She pulled off the fluffy blanket from the arm and snuggled into the crook of the sofa, next to Elijah’s chair. They put on a classic romcom and settled in to watch it, everyone else either asleep or working. Suki and her other roommates had become close quickly, but she still felt she wanted to bond more with them, get to know them better. She truly loved each one of them, and they each had their own personal qualities which enriched the group.
“So-“ Elijah finally came out with about a quarter of the way in, only to turn and see Suki had passed out.
Elijah tucked her in on the sofa and shut the TV off so she wouldn’t be disturbed. He would have to talk to her again another time. He wheeled away into his own bedroom.
Around an hour later, Suki woke with a stir, taking a moment to recognise her surroundings. She must’ve fallen asleep here, and she noticed how she was tucked into the blanket. Elijah. How was she ever going to bond more with her flat mates If she couldn’t even stay awake to watch a movie with them? She sighed, folding up the blanket to place on the sofa arm again, and made her way into her own bed.
In the dark of the night, Suki’s thoughts wandered to Bryce’s lips on hers, his hands on her neck, his lips on her neck, his body close to hers…
She thought about that smirk and that laugh, the way his hair felt under her fingers, his taut stomach muscles under her hands. The way he tasted clean, faintly minty, the smoothness of his lips on her own. The feeling of her leg wrapped round his hip. If Zaid hadn’t interrupted when he had, Suki wasn’t sure she would’ve been able to stop. Truthfully, it had been a while since she’d slept with anyone, and a while since she’d actually been so sexually attracted to someone.
But she tried not to think about it. He’d helped her out of a tight spot earlier, and she’d thanked him. Now, she would have to put in all her effort to be a better doctor. Not try to sleep with the other interns. No matter how sexy their body and face and demeanour was. She wondered why he’d been so kind to her, taken the time to reassure her and validate her thought. Perhaps just a ploy to get that kiss, or something more, but Suki wasn’t really sure she cared if it had been. Even so, he’d seemed genuine. She supposed he was a doctor after all, helping people was second nature to him.
Come to think of it, the way they’d kissed in the supply closet struck that odd feeling in her again. How did she know him? Did he know her? Was she just superimposing someone else on to him to make him more appealing to her carnal desires and more of a mystery to solve? Maybe it was that if she let herself get hung up in this completely farcical idea, she could ignore what she was really thinking about deep down: her failures as a doctor.
So, maybe she didn’t know Bryce at all. She just liked how he looked and wanted there to be something. They say if you desire something, it pops up everywhere. So, those feelings of déjà vu, maybe they were all in her head. Or maybe she was just spiralling, after the ridiculously lengthy and eventful day. Her eyelids started to drop unintentionally. Maybe she would think about this tomorrow, instead…
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Word Count: 2.9K
*taps mic* Is this thing on? Aight, I know I said that I’d update CS every 3-5 business months, but life happened for both me & @hearteyes-for-killmonger. Let me just tell y’all how many times I wanted to completely scrap this book, simply because for a second, I fell out of love with it. I also thought that you guys were no longer interested. For our loyal readers, thank you for sticking with us! This chapter is fairly short, but MAJOR progression is made!
It’s also late, so this is un-beta’d. Any errors will be corrected in the morning.
Skylar’s face turned up in a wide grin as O’Shea came downstairs with her latest flower arrangement. If Oya wasn’t good at anything else, she was a professional at wooing her. The bright yellow of the freshly picked sunflowers was a beautiful contrast to the deep red hue of the roses. She’d forgotten that she’d mentioned that they were her favorites.
“With love, from Bae,” O’Shea read teasingly, only making the smile on Skylar’s face stretch wider. “And again I ask, why aren’t the two of you officially a thing? The mutual attraction is obvious and I don’t think I’ve ever seen you smile this wide. Like you’re really flashing all 32 right now,” she asked, placing the vase on the corner of Sky’s desk.
“Because it’s not that easy, Shea. I have walls that need to be broken down and we both have issues that we need to work through. This is why SPT is so important. I have to understand exactly who I’m dealing with before we take things to the next level.”
O’Shea nodded. She hadn’t really thought about their situation like that. She’d just assumed that Sky was still working through ridding herself of Monica and was afraid of being heartbroken again.
“I’ve been meaning to ask about that. So is she Erik’s client now?”
“Yes. He’ll be her official therapist and draw up our plan of action as far as treatment.”
“Why does she feel like she needs treatment? She doesn’t seem to struggle sexually.”
“Looks can be deceiving, Shea. Behavior is also an indication that there may be underlying issues. Most of the clients that Erik and I treat are fully functioning. Look at you, for example.” Shea pulls a face. It was entirely too early in the workday for Skylar to be coming for her edges. She hadn’t even finished her acai breakfast bowl. “Aye, we not talking about me,” she fussed, placing her hands on her hips.
“But you fit the example. Personally, I think her excessive need to be sexual is a cover for something deeper, I just have to get her to tell me what it is.”
Sky couldn’t deny the soft spot she had for Oya. Even if things didn’t work out on the personal side of their relationship, she still cared for her and wanted to ensure she received the best treatment. Regardless of past situations, everybody deserved to be loved and accepted for who they truly are.
A pregnant silence engulfed Erik’s office as Oya and Skylar waited for him to speak. For the last 45 minutes he had been busy typing away at his computer, only pausing briefly to think before starting again. Once finished, he leans back in the Italian leather chair, stroking his beard as he gives the therapy plan a final onceover.
“Alright, before we begin, we first need to get to the root of the problem. Oya, why do you feel you need SPT and what do you hope to gain from it, other than my business partner as a mate?”
Oya recoiled slightly at his brashness. She hadn’t expected to be put on front street so quickly, nor was she prepared to discuss her history so soon. She suddenly felt bare, like she had been stripped of all of her clothing in front of a crowded high school auditorium and her anxiety was spiking. Skylar took notice of how withdrawn she’d become and placed a comforting hand on her thigh.
“It’s okay, Oya. You don’t have to explain in detail just yet, we just need a general idea of what we’re dealing with so that we approach it in the best way,” Skylar explained, the gentleness of her voice causing Oya to return her soft smile.
While she knew that there wasn’t a logical reason to be afraid of Erik or his opinion, her brain had been conditioned to be critical of men ever since that fateful night in her uncle’s basement. Still, having Skylar there was comforting. Her presence made it easier to generate a Spark Notes version of her past.
“I was abused and shunned as a child and as a result, became overtly sexual. While I know that sex can’t fill the void that was left from that experience, it’s the only way to silence the voices in my head. I started looking into SPT because I saw that abuse survivors can benefit from it.”
Erik’s face softened from its usual hard line. While he’d assumed this girl had been through the ringer, his mind couldn’t begin to fathom just how deep her trauma ran.
“Here’s what we’ll do,” he started. “Since it’s obvious that you’re a lot more comfortable speaking to Sky about this, how about the two of you do dinner. If not tonight, then later this week. During dinner, Oya, I need you to be as transparent as possible. I need you to go into full detail of what happened and then Skylar will report back to me. The two of us will formulate a comprehensive 8-week therapy plan, which will be implemented starting next week. Are you okay with doing this?”
Oya nodded, finally allowing herself to completely relax.
“We’re gonna get you right, Ms. Ramirez. Over the next 8 weeks you’ll watch yourself become a new woman, I guarantee it,” Erik smiles, offering her his hand to shake.
She accepts the invitation, returning his smile in the most infectious way before turning to Skylar.
“I know SPT doesn’t always require sex, but we can still implement some BDSM therapy, right?”
Sky laughs in response. Leave it to Oya to bring sexual humor into an otherwise serious situation.
“Baby steps, Ms. Ramirez.”
Oya's salmon arrived on the table and she licked her chops, having been out all day without eating. Why Sky had inquired about her level of hunger, Oya stated that her radiant smile was enough to fill her, however, the angry cry of her stomach told a different tale.
The pair opted for a Friday evening dinner, an excuse for Skylar to have a drink or two and not worry about having to work the following day. She sips her Hendricks and tonic slowly, savoring the crisp taste of the cucumbers she requested be added to the concoction.
Oya slammed face first into her plate effectively scaring the shit out of Sky who was currently rethinking a few things in regard to diet based on Oya's uncouth and grizzly attack on her fish. 
"Well. She eats fish like I eat pussy," Sky sighed, brushing it off. Still, she found herself keeping her eyes down to her own plate.
"I wasn't that hungry," Oya belched, wiping her mouth with her stained paper napkin. "I'll take another one still."
After her second fish, Sky was appalled at the way Oya had violated those salmon. She decided that she would also train Oya to eat like a human being and they would practice on a sushi date, since they require smaller bites.
“Alright fish murderer,” Sky finally chirps. “You’ve avoided the inevitable long enough, it’s time to talk.” Oya lifts her head slowly, much like a dog who has just been scolded for peeing on fresh carpet.
“Do we really have to talk about this? Like is it honestly necessary?”
“Yes, Oya. With all due respect, we can’t treat you if we don’t know what we’re treating. You gotta give us something.”
“I gave you something earlier,” she snaps defensively.
“Yes, but that’s not enough. There are several forms of abuse, Oya. Just saying you were abused doesn’t really tell us anything. We can’t use verbal abuse treatment methods to treat a victim of physical abuse. You understand that, right?” Sky asks incredulously.
Oya pinches the bridge of her nose in annoyance. She was beginning to regret even bringing up the whole thing. While she thought she was ready to expose this part of her life, fear and her anxiety were getting the best of her. She was beginning to close up again.
Just tell her, her psyche coaxes. 
“I was raped by my mother’s brother when I was ten. It happened nearly everyday for 6 months. It took everything in me to say something to my mother about it, but when I finally did, she accused me of lying.”
A lone tear slid down Oya’s cheek at the memory.
“From that point on, I haven’t been able to trust or fully commit to a man. Which is why I couldn’t talk to Dr. Stevens earlier. I know he means well, but --”
“It’s a work in progress, I understand,” Skylar interjects.
“To this day, she refuses to acknowledge what that man did to me, even though he’s currently serving a 20-year prison sentence for pedophilia. From that point on, sex was my escape. I know it sounds oxymoronic, but it helped fill the void and silence the pain. Even if the gratification was short lived.
Skylar takes her hand, offering a napkin to wipe the fresh tears that slid down her face.
“I think we should start slow. I’ll get with Erik, but I feel like our first few sessions should be meditation and sensate focus. I want you to be comfortable with touching and being touched in a nonsexual manner before we move onto more advanced methods. Are you ok with that?”
“I think so,” Oya admits. “I’ve been using sex to run from my demons for majority of my life. I don’t want to hide anymore.”
“And when this is all over, you won’t have to,” Skylar smiles.
“I still wanna be your sex slave at some point, though,” Oya jokes.
“Check please!” Sky laughs.
After several back and forth debates as to where the session should be held, the doctors finally decided that Oya’s house would be best.
“It’s somewhere that she feels comfortable, and therefore, it should be easier for her to open up,” Erik said once the final decision was made. Sky nods her agreement, texting Oya to alert her of the plan.
Sky: Instead of coming to my office, we’ll be doing the session at your house. Is that ok?
Oya: Ooh, I get the good doctor all to myself. Say less. Here’s my address
Skylar chuckles at her eagerness, adding the address to her Maps app for later access.
“She seems excited,” she tells Erik, pocketing her phone.
“For now,” he says, sliding a manila folder towards her. “She’s flighty, so her nervousness can come back at any moment. Make sure you keep her relaxed the entire time.”
“Why you talking to me like she’s my first patient?”
“Just making sure your head is in the right place. You’re typically behind the scenes. Patients like Oya can be tricky.”
“I got this, dad,” Sky groans, swinging her bag over her shoulder as she stands to leave.
“You better stop. You ain’t called a nigga Daddy in a minute, Nola.” 
“Goodbye, Stevens! I’ll let you know how things go.”
“Text me. I promised the baby brat we’d go to the carnival later. She’s been dying for a funnel cake and a new stuffie.”
“Aww, how sweet,” Sky beams, armed with new ammunition to tease Shea with once they were back in the office. After reading through the therapy plan for herself, she rests the folder and her bag in the passenger seat and heads home. She would need the rest of the night to prepare for the next day’s session.
The California sun beamed brightly as Skylar made her way to Oya’s apartment. It was a beautiful three bedroom, three bath unit in Playa Vista, not far from the beach. Skylar was immediately drawn to the brightness of the space, the white walls with soft marble and gold accents adding to the feminine charm.
“I was thinking we could do this in my meditation room,” Oya said once Sky was done with her exploration.
“Ooh meditation room,” Skylar squealed, following her into what would become her favorite room in the entire unit. Behind the curtain of strung selenite crystals lay a spiritual oasis. Two black Buddah statues sat on both sides of the entrance while pink, orange, and yellow pillows decorated the floor. They looked to be from Bali or some other spiritual region. On the east and western walls were sun and moon appliques, subtle nods to the orishas Yemoja and Oshun, while chakra posters and decorations line the southern wall. On an inverted bookshelf near the front facing wall lay her crystals, sage, and a small altar Sky could tell had been used recently.
“Okay, I already loved the rest of the house, but this room is a whole vibe,” Skylar compliments, pulling out her notebook and video camera. “It’s standard practice that these sessions are recorded, but if you’re uncomfortable being on film, I have a tape recorder.”
“No, the camera is fine,” Oya assured, taking a seat on the pink pillow. She sat Indian style with her palms resting on her knees. Skylar placed her camera between two rose quartz cathedrals, taking a few test shots to ensure the angle was perfect. Once done, she mimicked Oya’s stance on the yellow pillow across from her.
“It is the third day of March and the time is 3:33 pm,” Skylar says, beginning the recording.
“I see you, Universe,” Oya muses to herself, allowing herself to be consumed by the feeling of divine protection.
“We’re going to start with simple breathing exercises to get you relaxed and comfortable, okay?” Oya nods in response. “First I need you to sit up straight, but keep your shoulders and neck relaxed.”
Oya complies, rolling her neck to the sides to release some apparent tension.
“Now, close your eyes and visualize your happy place. It could be the beach or your bed, just wherever makes you feel the happiest,” Sky instructs, doing the same. “Now, breathe in deep through your nose, hold it for about five seconds, then release through your mouth.”
The two repeat these steps about five times before Oya is finally allowed to open her eyes. Skylar makes note of the sated look in her eyes.
“How do you feel?” she asks softly.
“Surprisingly, I feel really good. I do breathing exercises often, but I don’t think I’ve ever been this relaxed before.” “Good, that’s what we want. Now, we’ll move into sensate touching. I’ll need you to remove your jewelry and as much clothing as you’re comfortable with.”
Oya’s face turns up into a sly smirk.
“Are you getting fresh with me, Dr. Greene,” she teases, slowly removing the white Nike crop top.
Sky chuckles before answering.
“Quite the opposite, Ms. Ramirez. In sensate touching, participants are typically nude and free from jewelry. The method we’ll be practicing this afternoon is non-genital sensate touching, which means that I will touch every single part of your body except your breasts and your vagina. While sensate touching may cause arousal, it is important that you remain professional and focus only on your own sensations while being touched, understood?” 
“Aye, aye, captain,” Oya responds, saluting for emphasis. This makes Skylar giggle.
“I can already tell you’re not going to make this easy for me, Ms. Ramirez.” “I promise to be a good girl, Dr. Greene. You have my word.”
“Alright. This first session will be strictly me touching you with my hands. If this goes well, then we can introduce other elements, such as feathers, scarves, and even oils. If at any point you feel uncomfortable or sleepy, let me know and we can continue another time.”
“I’m not allowed to fall asleep?” Oya questions.
“No. It’s important that you remain awake and conscious through the entire experience,” Sky responds, positioning herself behind Oya. Slowly and deliberately, Skylar rubs her hands up Oya’s arms, starting with just her palms. She moves up to her shoulders and neck, alternating between firm and subtle pressure to the pressure points there.
“Mmm,” Oya moans softly. “You should consider massage therapy,” she coos, allowing her head to fall slightly.
“You think so?” Sky asks with a grin. “Yes ma’am. Your touch is very relaxing, Dr. Greene,” Oya shudders as Skylar’s fingertips dance up and down her back.
“Well I’m glad you think so, Ms. Ramirez.”
The session continues for exactly 33 minutes before Oya’s eyes start to droop. “Okay, I think we need to stop, otherwise, I’m gonna be asleep in your arms,” Oya says, her voice audibly more soft and relaxed than when they first began.
Skylar shuts the camera off and makes a few more notes in her notebook before putting her things away. Without thinking, she sits down beside Oya, pulling her so that she was cradled against her supple bosom.
“I don’t think I’d object to that much,” she beams.
Oya bites her lip softly before staring up into Sky’s big green eyes. She could see herself getting lost in them for days.
“You think you’re capable of fixing me? I’m damaged goods, Dr. Greene.” Her voice came out just above a whisper, her tone laced with vulnerability. Skylar smoothed her hair, tucking a stray curl behind her ear before delivering her heartfelt response. 
“A smushed Reese’s cup is still a Reese’s cup, Ms. Ramirez. And I happen to really like Reese’s cups.”
Oya’s smile spread across her whole face, a soft twinkle dancing in her eyes.
“I’ll be your Reese’s cup.”
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mayhembunnywrites · 4 years
Eskimo Kisses and Starsent Wishes
Pairing: Nafla x Reader
Summary: Falling into your future.
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Nicholas Choi typically doesn’t get angry, but in this moment he can’t help but be a little pissed off. He had been in a public park after finishing up the photoshoot for unu, just trying to relax a little bit, when some woman had knocked into him. Oh, she had apologized, but it was half assed and he could tell! So he chased after her, and now he has finally caught up to her.
“Excuse me,” he says somewhat impatiently, noticing the toddler in front of you but not really paying attention to the little girl. Distantly, he does know that what happened next was very, very creepy by normal standards but, in his own defense, he couldn’t help himself. 
The moment you turned around to face him, clearly suspicious of this random man who you had never met, his world had stopped in its tracks. You were drop-dead gorgeous in his opinion, and he was dumbfounded as he stared at you.
“Uhh, dude,” you say hesitantly, nervous as this stranger, no matter how handsome, stares at you without words. “Sorry for running into you earlier, are you alright?” The minutes drag on as he stares at you, jaw dropped open. You hide your daughter behind your back as warning bells ring preemptively in your head, worried about this man who creeps you out to no end.
“Well then,” you say as you begin backing up, “I’d say it was nice to meet you but I would be lying, and I don’t want to do that in front of my daughter...Bye.” You turn around and pick up your three year old with a practiced ease, diaper bag hanging across your body as you nearly run away from him.
Nicholas shakes out of his stupor, reaching a hand out as if to stop you in your tracks as he watches you walk away. “No, stop,” he says quietly, the words feeling as if they were spoken through a megaphone to him, and he watches in horror as you leave his sight. He shuffles his feet sheepishly, turning around and moving to leave the park.
He ends up back at his apartment, staring up at his ceiling as he laments over his actions, redoing the scenario and imagining how it could have ended differently.
One month has passed before Nicholas next sees you at a party being thrown by Kid Milli, the small and friendly event being thrown for Giriboy’s birthday. He was shocked to see you there, interacting with these normally rough men and melting them to the core as you simply talk, not even noticing what you were doing to your good friends. 
As it was the first time he had met you, Nicholas was dumbfounded as he looked at you, the black and white t-shirt dress hanging off your form in a way that wasn’t sloppy in the least, and he can’t help but be amazed by the way you had dressed, even your shoes are black and white, and it appears as if you match the birthday boy in color scheme.
You flush as you notice the familiar man staring at you, and the smile falls from your face as you shift, moving yourself behind Giriboy and seeming to become part of his shadow. Your gaze drops to the floor, your hand lifting and gently hanging onto the back of Giriboy’s oversized and yet fashionable t-shirt. You accidentally tug on it as you casually attempt to move to a more secure position, only to freeze under Siyoung’s questioning gaze. Your eyes dart nervously from Siyoung to Nicholas, and Siyoung follows your gaze to notice Nicholas staring at you from across the room. 
Siyoung raises an eyebrow at the other man, drawing Wonjae’s attention to the situation and causing him to scowl slightly. 
Siyoung gently loosens your grip, a smile brushing his lips as he listens to your whispered protests. He squeezes your hands before approaching Nicholas, finally causing him to break from his stupor as he realizes that he appears to be in a lotoftroubleohshit. Nicholas feels as if the world is in slow motion as he watches the normally calm man approach him, noticing as Siyoung’s fists clench. Nicholas swallows air in his nervous state, unable to rip his gaze from Siyoung as he finally stops in front of Nicholas.
“Hey Nafla,” Giriboy says with an easy-going smile on his face, contradicting his tense body language, “How’s it going?”
Nafla feels as if he is under the gaze of a wolf on the hunt, and he can feel himself growing smaller under the other man’s assessing gaze. “It’s going well,” Nicholas manages to force the words out before he feels Siyoung wrap an arm around his shoulder.
“That’s good,” Siyoung says cheerfully as he starts leading Nicholas to the guest room in his home, knowing that Kid Milli is distracting you easily after so many years of friendship. Your little trio of friends was truly as tight-knit as could be, having been through so much shit together. The most prominent event that you had all been through together was definitely your little miracle, the result of a one-night-stand. 
You had contacted the man, but he had no interest in being a father, and you felt no need to push him into the position. Siyoung and Wonjae had been unsure whether to be happy or upset on your behalf at the news of your pregnancy, but they settled for holding you while you cried as you told them. They had only hugged you more tightly, and sometimes it feels like they never let you out of their embrace.
You had moved into Siyoung’s home for the duration of your pregnancy, staying in the guest bedroom as he gladly renovated the basement. The once large and unfinished basement had been turned into a series of sizable rooms, two bedrooms and one bathroom being added and customized to your liking as the months fly by, your stomach growing more heavy and your due date rapidly approaching. 
Siyoung or Wonjae accompany you pretty much everywhere when it gets close to your delivery date, assigning their friends or colleagues to the task if they can’t be there. From Reddy to Yun B, your friends had assigned suspiciously single rappers to guard you in their stead. Much to Wonjae and Siyoung’s mutual disappointment, you had befriended everyone you met, but that was as far as you all ended up getting. 
Wonjae and Siyoung had been on stand-by in the last month of your pregnancy, and you had never been more grateful for their presence than when they were by your side in the delivery room. They had both been glued to you during labor, planting kisses on your forehead and comforting you better than a parent ever could. It had been a long 20 hours of labor before your baby girl was delivered, So Min’s angelic features captivated both men and caused all three of you to coo over her.
The past year of her life had flown by in a flurry of smiles and giggles, crying and restless nights for both of you. Siyoung and Wonjae had begun to take So Min to the studio whenever you needed a break, both men taking to their roles as uncles with glee. Most of the time you were fine with it, but occasionally you would find bags upon bags of designer baby clothes and toys, accessories galore. Everything from a diamond-encrusted hair-clip to a Gucci diaper bag, if they felt you needed it then they would buy it for her.
You had been absolutely shocked to come home to your closet stocked with designer maternity clothes, the small amount of maternity clothing being replaced with soft dresses and shirts, maternity jeans and soft pajamas, even soft pairs of slippers to wear around the house. Yourself and Siyoung had gone furniture shopping when your rooms had been completed, and you had been shocked at the prices of the furniture. 
Siyoung had ended up with your permission to buy whatever he wanted for you so long as you didn’t see a receipt, and he happily agreed to your conditions. You had come home only a day later to find your room and the nursery full of the necessary furniture, all of it truly the best quality money could buy.
As the year had passed, more and more baby clothing had seemed to appear out of thin air, all of it beautiful and fully intact. All in all, living with Siyoung had been great since the beginning, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Setting up parties for any of you was now a whole lot easier than before, the location automatically settled to Siyoung’s house. You had dropped So Min off at Siyoung’s parents house earlier, the older couple gladly acting as grandparents for a night.
Nicholas was currently walking with Siyoung towards the nearby balcony, Siyoung’s arm slung casually around Nicholas’ shoulder, the empty balcony a welcome reprieve from the noise of the party. 
“You know,” Siyoung begins as he lowers himself into the comfortable armchair, “she’s single. I’ve been trying to get her to date for ages now, but she might scare you away.”
Nicholas blinks in shock, having expected to be told off for staring at Siyoung’s girlfriend but instead being encouraged to ask you out. “Y-you mean, you’re not dating her?” he says in disbelief, having thought that you were after you had hid from his gaze.
Siyoung lets out a laugh, smiling brightly as he thinks of you. "No, I could never date Y/N, we have too much history. Besides, she's too much of a sister to me. Let me introduce you to her." Nicholas gets a friendly pat on the back as he trails behind Siyoung in a dazed state. He is shaken out of his daze as he stops in front of you, noticing your questioning glance at Siyoung as he stops with a wide smile on his face.
“Hey Y/N,” Siyoung says without a hint of the nervous feelings that Nicholas is hiding fairly well, “I would like you to meet Choi Nicholas, otherwise known as Nafla. Nafla, meet Y/N. She’s one of my favorite people, so take care of her. Now then,” he nods at Wonjae with a smirk, “we’ve gotta go check on the rest of the guests, you two have fun!” Suddenly you’re both standing together, and you fidget in place and flush as you notice Nicholas’ handsome features.
The two of you stand together, taking in each other's features with shy glances and both of you shifting nervously before you clear your throat, taking a deep breath. “Hi, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Y/N, I think we ran into each other in the park that one time.”
“Ah, yeah,” Nicholas says with a slight blush, “Sorry about that, I must have looked like such a creep.” You move to protest before a shake of his head stops you in your tracks, “I just--you were so beautiful and I couldn’t do anything.” Nicholas stops talking, feeling as humiliation at his word-vomiting washes over him. His gaze falls to the floor and he doesn’t notice as your jaw relaxes into a smile, his words cute and making you flush.
“It’s okay,” you laugh, smiling fondly as his head snaps up and a relieved smile settles onto his handsome face, “I think I quite like you, as well, if that’s what you were getting at.” Nicholas gulps nervously, a smile still on his face as he mentally prepares for the next move.
“Well then, would you be interested in going out for a coffee with me?” he asks you, and your eyes widen as you bounce in place, the unexpected words taking you by surprise. Normally the men that try to flirt with you are much less blunt, but his straightforwardness is refreshing to you.
“I’d like that a lot,” you say, giggling nervously, “we can do it tomorrow for lunch, if you want.” You twirl your hair casually around your fingers, gently tugging on it as an outlet for your nervous state.
You let out a breath that you had been holding without your knowledge as Nafla, Choi Nicholas, nods. “That sounds amazing, should we go ahead and exchange numbers as well?” As both of you pull out your phones, you both feel giddy with delight. You don’t notice the eyes of your friends, your brothers, on you as you allow yourself to enjoy the night with Nicholas. 
The night passes as if it was a dream, and later that night you strip down and lay in your bed, reminiscing over your bold actions earlier. You are torn between joy and agony, the day running through your mind as you’re dragged into unconsciousness. The last thing you see as you fall asleep is Nicholas’ smiling face, and he is in your dreams that night.
A/N: This is part one of two parts, with maybe some drabbles later! I worked hard to get this much out and will probably revise it in the future, but it’s at five pages in the Google Doc with no sign of stopping so far. 
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bbaronpiper · 4 years
This is a project I did with @artsaree​  You can read hers here
well, I’m so nervous about this since we all know how good she is at writing but I really did enjoy writing this. haha so basically we had the same theme, setting and character traits. 
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Arón x reader
Usually, you spent your Sunday nights locked inside your home. Enjoying the calm before the storm people call Monday. Reading and researching about random stuff. At a young age, you always had this unusual, intense curiosity inside you which by the way leads you to your current situation. You turned your head to the side only to see Arón smiling cheekily at you. For some reason, being behind bars was like a joke to him.
Yep. You are locked behind bars instead of your room on a Sunday evening with your boyfriend who looked like he was having the time of his life, grinning at you like an idiot.
It was a week ago when Arón woke you up from your sleep. Poking on your cheeks lightly. You slap his hands away hoping he’ll stop. “Y/N! someone’s at your door” he whispered close to your face.
“Go get it, cabron.”
“You get it. This is your house Y/N. It was you he was calling for” probably just too lazy to get up as well
“Uugghhhhh!” You then pull the covers out of your body annoyed at whoever this person is doing at your door at 2 am. Dragging your feet across the floor lazily until you reached it. Yawning before unlocking it. Revealing a tall man with broad shoulders and a beard probably the same age as Arón. You didn’t recognize him at all. You had to rub your eyes to get the sleepiness out of your system.
“Y/N/N!” the mysterious man who interrupted your sleep said excitedly as he proceeds to hug you while you just stood there dumb founded. It took you a while to come to your senses and push him away.
“umm, sorry, who are you again? And how do you know my nickname? The only one who calls me that was-“ you cut yourself as you examine him closely. You watched as he smiled cheekily at you knowing you already recognized him.
“aaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Marco!” you screamed excitedly and covered your mouth once you realized you had neighbors.
You heard rapid loud thuds coming from the bedroom coming closer to where you’re at.
“Woahh!!! The fuck are you doing with that bat, Arón?” raising your arms up trying to stop him. You would’ve laughed if it wasn’t for the bold look he had on his face.
“I heard you screaming so I came as fast as I coul- are you okay? Who’s this? He said pointing to the man standing next to you, raising his eyebrow.
“This is Marco, my cousin. Marco, this is Arón my boyfriend” pointing at Marco then at Arón introducing them to one another. “Come in! come in!” you said squealing like a little child.
To cut the story short, Marco asked if he could stay with you and Arón for a few weeks until he finds a place to settle in. You haven’t seen him in 10 years. His family moved away when you were 8 due to some family feud and never saw him until today. Marco was your favorite. he was the only guy cousin you had, the rest were all girls which you didn’t get along too well. You were different than them you didn’t like tea parties and all that shit. You and Marco almost did everything together despite the 6 years age gap.
You spent the first nights staying up late with him catching up, telling stories reminiscing your childhood completely leaving Arón alone in the other room doing his work. This night, you decided to have a few drinks on your backyard.
“Ohh it’s still here?” Marco asked. Pointing at the old basketball ring hanged up on your wall. It was the same ring you two played with when you were kids.
“Yep!” you said popping your lips at the word. “You remember how you used to lift me up just so I can shoot the ball?” you said smiling to yourself at the memory.  
“What? Like this?!” Marco stood up abruptly walked behind you, trapped you inside his arms and lift you up. Your distinct crazy laugh was heard everywhere when you realized he trapped your arms as well so you can’t possibly reach for the ring. Once Marco realize this, he quickly let go of you making you fall to the ground laughing along with you. “You… stupid.. asshole!” you said in between laughs.
“Ahem, ahem!!” You heard someone clearing their throat. You instantly looked up to see Arón staring down at you with his arms crossed. Jealousy evident in his eyes. Marco was about to help you get up when Arón beat him to it. “I got her” he said through gritted teeth as he bends down held you by the waist and helped you get back to your feet like a child.
“Gracias” as you said nervously. Your face was close to his making you look straight into his eyes. You’re fully aware he’s pissed by the looks of him. He made sure you knew it. It was one of Arón’s bold personality. He speaks up and acts on it. He wasn’t afraid to show or say what he’s really feeling. “Time for bed?” you smiled innocently and smacked his ass. Trying to lighten the mood but he just nodded in return.
The walk inside the house was quiet with Marco following you both close behind. You can feel Marco’s not comfortable but kept his mouth shut. You said your goodnights once you reached the door of your own bedrooms.
You are now laying in bed with Arón with your head against his bare chest. You then reached to your side table and got a marker. You started drawing on his chest trying to connect his moles to each other. It’s your own way of showing him affection and sometimes just to mess up with him as an attempt to make him smile. You did it even to your own moles on your arms sometimes, you’re not sure where you got this weird trait but you figured it comes in with your eccentric personality. You always tried to connect the dots physically and even in real life situations. Arón usually let’s you do this to him except for tonight as he sat up on the bed leaving you confused.
“What was that?!”
“What was what, Arón?” sitting up as well pretending not to know.
“That! you let a random man live with us, ignoring me the whole week and now he’s touching you?” he said clearly annoyed.
“First of all are you jealous? Second, he’s not a random person he’s my cousin! And lastly, baby, I am not ignoring you!” you defended trying to make your point.
“Y/N you haven’t seen this guy for a decade! How do you know he’s your cousin? Just because he called you by your nickname?” Arón clearly stating the facts “also, so what if I’m jealous?! I’m your boyfriend and I don’t want anyone else to touch you like that!”
You burst out laughing as you just straddle onto his hips, facing him. “Bebe, I asked for his birth certificate” you kissed the tip of his nose as you laughed even more finding this argument stupid. “oh, you think this is funny, now?” he said sarcastic.
“I’m well aware you didn’t like him by the look on your face that night he came. But please just give him a chance, Arón. He’s really nice” your opinionated self, argued. “And besides, you have nothing to be jealous about. It’s not like I’m gonna fuck my cousin.” Wiggling your eyebrows at him.
Arón knows he’s gonna lose this argument. You were always the one who’s outspoken about your beliefs and opinions and fights for it. so, he just let it go for now.
“Oh right, but I’m gonna fuck you so hard tonight making sure he knows who you belong to” he smiled cheeky at you as his hands gripped on your waist lifting you up away from him and slamming you onto the bed.
The next night was different, you spent it with Arón on your backyard trying to make up for the nights you ignored him as he likes to say. He was puffing a smoke while you sat on his lap tracing your fingers on the moles on his chest connecting it like you usually do. He was wearing a shirt but you do this often you know their placement by now.
You heard the door opened and closed followed by the sounds of keys hitting the counter top knowing Marco arrived home from his house hunting. You heard him called your name and you yelled back at him saying you’re out back. Within a few seconds, you saw him poking his head out the door.
“Have you guys had dinner yet? I brought some food”
“Okay we’ll be right there in a few” and with that he disappeared and went inside.
Arón took one last puff from his cig, turn his head away from you and exhaled the smoke. “Oh now, I’m starting to like this guy” he said laughing a little. You smacked his chest in return and walked with him towards the house.
“So, how’s your house hunting?” Arón asked Marco. You kicked his foot from under the table knowing exactly what he meant by this. This ass was excited to get rid of your cousin.    
“oh it was okay, I actually have my eye for this house just 2 blocks away from here. I might get it.” he shrugged taking a bite on his food not looking once at Arón. “By the way, Y/N/N, I drove past the house we used to sneak out to when we were kids. Do you remember? The one with the swing on the backyard? You always ask me to take you there before”
You felt Arón shifting in his seat, clearing his throat. Uh oh.  “Oh yeah, but the owner moved away years ago and no one lived there ever since. I wonder if the swing is still there”
“We wouldn’t know for sure and I wouldn’t dare go and check it out. It looks like a haunted house now.” Marco answered. “okay I’m going to bed, quite tired. Goodnight guys!” he informed us maybe just trying to avoid Arón’s glares. But before he completely disappeared from our sight, he turned around and said “ And oh, if you two are gonna get it on tonight please try to tone it down a little?” Marco winked at you both trying to hold back laughter. You then proceed to slap Arón on his arm while he’s smirking knowing he did that on purpose.
“Let’s go check it out” Arón suggested.
“Now?” smirking at him. Arón’s bold personality and your eccentric ones doesn’t mix well at times like this. You know it would turn ugly. He was always willing to make a move despite knowing the risk. While you on the other hand who has intense curiosity about things and will never be afraid to get involved, always get the two of you in trouble. But you did it anyways.
You are now climbing the fences with a huge sign written with private property on it while Arón waited for you on the other side. “Catch!” you said as you jumped onto him earning a low groan from him. He caught you by the waist and put you down on the ground. The light from your phones are the only source of light, everything else was dark. You held his hand as you excitedly drag him to the back of the house almost running. “Slow down Y/N! I swear I’m gonna laugh at you if you land on your face” Arón teased you.
You raised your hand showing him that your fingers are intertwined with him. “Well, I’m taking you with me, cabron” as you laughed in his face.
It was not long when the dark surrounding was illuminated with red and blue lights.
“Joderrrr” Arón remarked as soon as he saw it. You giggled a bit trying to hide your nervousness as he let go of your hand, raising both of his up in the air when he saw two police officers getting out of the car and starts walking towards you.
“Do you know that this is a private property?” the lady cop asked. “And we would like to see your hands too ma’am, please raise them up slowly” she added referring to you.
Nodding your head yes to the officer as you did what you were told looking at Arón while he tries to suppress a laugh. You widened your eyes at him warning him to keep it together before you pissed these two officers even more.
“Since you both are aware that this property is off limits and you intentionally broke the law, we have to arrest you” The other police officer informed you.
Your eyes widened for the second time now as the lady cop is now securing the handcuffs around your wrist. Your heart was beating fast knowing this is now damn serious.
“Sir, she has nothing to do with this, this was my idea” Arón tried to save you. His protective side taking over. The officer ignored him, grabbed both of his arm, placed it on his back and secured it with a handcuff. “She’s here with you, therefore she’s an accomplice”
“Couldn’t you just let us off with a warning. We’re not thieves. There’s nothing to steal here anyways” Your outspoken self, added while you are now both being led to the police car. The cop just raised his eyebrow at you cockily “Ma’am, There’s no exceptions to the law.”
You are now sitting beside Arón inside the police car while the two officers roam around the property checking for more possible accomplice.
“We should make a run for it” Arón confidently suggested looking at you. “Yeah that’s a great idea no?” he questioned you. You looked back at him like he’s some crazy person while shifting at your seat trying to get comfortable with your arms behind your back. “No one in their right mind would do that”                      
“Well, that’s the real question here. Are we on our right minds?” He said. It wasn’t a question at all.  You stared at each other for a while before a small smile slowly form into your lips. Arón burst into laughter and you joining him. Oh boy how you are deeply in love with this man. You thought to yourself.
“I told you our personalities get us in trouble when mixed” you scooted closer to him as he did the same. You pecked his lips but he seems to want more. So he leaned in again and kissed you deeply this time. You had your eyes closed, your lips moving in sync with him not caring that you’re currently at the back seat of a cop car.
“Hey, don’t blame me! You were the one who’s so curious about that swing you and Marco used to love!” Arón then said after pulling away rolling his eyes playfully as he said his name.
“Fine! I’ll blame your stupid jealousy instead!” you fought back. You then saw the police officers walking back to the car.
“Well at least I’ll have you all alone to myself now” Arón grinned and winked at you. You nudged him using your shoulder as you both laugh at the thought that the only way to get you alone with him nowadays without your long-lost cousin in the view is to get you locked up in a jail cell with him.
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Lucifer Morningstar is an introvert.  A very awkward and unusual introvert.
In an attempt to not create a bunch of random side-blogs, I’m just going to drop this here.  Sorry Doctor Who/Torchwood fans.
With the whole covid-19 thing, I’ve been trapped at home more than I had anticipated recently and I was looking for something a bit more fun and frivolous to watch so I finally gave Lucifer a go.
I honestly don’t know why it took me so long to get to this, my brother had watched it when it was on tv and had mentioned it in passing several times.  Suffice to say, once I finally gave into Netflix, I found it to be quite an enjoyable watch.
What really struck me in the serious is how it becomes obvious that Lucifer is an introverted character who is hurt.  Wait - what you are thinking?  He’s an introvert?  Oh man, he’s totally a huge introvert.
Let me walk you through why he’s clearly an introvert despite a quick glance at his outward actions.
1.) Hiding in plain sight. 
An interesting aspect to his personality is how he hides in plain sight.  When he moves to LA, he rents the building that houses Lux and his penthouse suite.  Lux is a place where he is surrounded by people, if he wants to partake in revelry all he needs to do is go downstairs and party with people in the club.  However, he can also retreat to his place easily which is surprisingly well stocked with books and another piano for him to play in private.  I doubt all of his books are for show, he frequently denies thinking deeply about things, but he always seems to be one step ahead of others which has always implied to me he plays the “I’m smarter than I look/act” card.  Early on in the show, he occasionally invited people up to his place to party but it wasn’t a common experience.  Think of the pizza delivery guy being invited to stay and party.
Despite his love of drinking, drug use and sex, he makes it quite clear that drinking and drug use rarely have an effect on him for long.  He is rarely hung over or wasted since his metabolism clears the alcohol too quickly for him to feel it and on multiple occasions he states he mainly drinks as he likes the taste.  One of the few times he was high was after he smoked a massive amount of pot at the teenage delinquent recovery farm as indicated by him sitting at the detective’s desk eating potato chips and dipping them in nutella realizing it was an amazing flavor combination.  For him, drugs seem to simply be something that is fun and a way to amuse himself and based on his drinking, it is mainly a way to meet and socialize with people.
As far as the sex, it is clear that he uses his casual hook-ups as a fun distraction.  To avoid any possible intimacy with others, he hides behind the fact that sex is a pleasurable act and by keeping his sex life 100% casual, no person in his or her right mind would even consider dating him.  He has made himself impossible to be seen as possible long term boyfriend in a steady relationship.  He likely struggles with his own angelic power to pull out people’s desires and his ability to seduce them.  Since his default is to have people literally throw themselves at him, he likely sees most of them acting in response to his powers and necessarily to him as a person.  As he wants people to follow their desires and free-will (as he simply removed the inhibitions that were present and did not create them) he gladly indulges them as well as himself.  If I were him, I’d be like “well why not?” an attractive person wants to sleep with me, sure do it, no harm, no foul.
I found it most telling based on how sensitive he is to his sexual reputation as well as his ability to meet his current sexual partner’s needs.  First off, when a random kid pretended to be him, he was incredibly upset that his imposter lacked his skills.  He’s Lucifer Morningstar, he has skills and a reputation associated with them.  Secondly, when the detective decided to interview his previous partners for the past 8 weeks (all 92 of them) two things were very obvious i.) he went to great lengths to make sure no matter what he did, that person had the most amazing sex of his or her life ii.) not a single person he slept with saw it as anything more than an amazing night of no strings attracted sex.  His actions did not inspire them to want more of a relationship from him.  How his facial expression become quite sad as all 92 of them stated it was just empty sex showed how alone he is. Another unusual trait is that he has been the most sexually responsible angel ever.  Granted, the vast majority of angels were never going to have sex in the first place, yet he has a much more responsible track record than Amenadiel.  It is clear that he has had sex with thousands upon thousands of humans over the years and he never once resulted in a human-angel pregnancy.  This may also be linked to the fact that Amenadiel by default, desires a ‘normal’ regular relationship while Lucifer has been avoiding having a “normal” relationship.  It would imply that if he found someone to have a kid with, he would be in a “normal” long term relationship with that person.
Overall, his first career on earth was to make sure he had an establishment that represented what he felt others perceived as his core personality, that as the devil, he would have to surround himself by partying and temptations.  Owning Lux is a way for him to keep up appearances and maintain his public persona as well as his persona that is seen by celestial beings.  Lucifer is a classic example of a character who is totally alone in a crowd.
2.) Few close friends
Another true introvert trait is to have a small tight knit group of friends.  Lucifer fits to this exactly.  He has excellent social skills, and again due to his former job and his nature, yet does many actions by smooth, polite and calculated actions - from a distance.  His job of granting favors is based on how he knows someone, who knows someone, forming a vast network he has to draw upon to make sure that the favors work out the way the person would like them to.  He doesn’t do the favors though because he cares for the person, more than he seems to do it to pass the time until he finds a job with more meaning.
It is starting his second job as a civilian consultant for the LAPD that his preference and need for a small friend group becomes obvious.  The most obvious one is his relationship with Chloe. 
Chloe Decker: He is first intrigued at why his powers do not work on her, his immediate physical attraction to her as well as seeing her as a kindred spirit also drew him to her. She is the outcast of the department and he knows all too well what it feels like to be the literal outcast.  As a result of their common situation and the fact he can’t sway her, the two of them can speak openly and honestly.  Granted, the biggest issue with his relationship with Chloe is the fact that she denies the obvious truth that he tells her even though she has seen enough evidence that he likely is not some random British guy living in LA running a high end nightclub.
As their relationship deepens he begins to find comfort in the fact that despite his inability to influence her, she still appreciates his company and values him as a friend and a work partner.  Even though he panics and holds her miracle status against her at first, he comes to realize she can’t be held responsible for something she has no control of and is unaware of.  Linda time and time again tries to get him to realize that he keeps her away due to his absolute fear that she would reject him.  Since she’s the only person who could accept him as is, it means her acceptance of him is the biggest risk to his own heart in regards to her. 
In part, his complicated relationship is tied to his fear that she would reject him, so him loving and caring for a single person as he does for her is too risky.  He’s a seriously hurt dude, he’s terrified of being hurt anymore by someone he cares for.  Chloe really takes a long time to realize how deeply he is hurt.  I get that she’s his opposite but I do felt out of all of the characters, she got short end of the stick in regards to character development.  Everyone else has had major changes and realizations yet she only sort of struggled with Lucifer’s identity in the first half of season 4 and she was off her “mark” when she was a bit preachy with him.  Thankfully, she stopped that bit and realized that he more needed her to listen to him and to support him.  It really got that concept that sometimes you need to just be there for someone and not try to fix it - since Chloe is a fixer. 
Mazikeen:  She is his right-hand woman.  The only demon to leave hell to follow him to earth, she first acted as his personal assistant, running the day to day operations of Lux and also working as a bartender.  Despite all of their conflicts, they care deeply for each other and have each other’s back.
The hardest part of growth in their relationship is when it went from master-servant/boss-assistant to more that of peers.  Even as he began to change in how he worked with humans, he keep their relationship as their default from hell.  He really hurt her feelings since she developed feelings and both of them are terrible at expressing them to others.  They have a relationship and work dynamic that they had for thousands and thousands of years - it is pretty impressive that they are learning and growing in a relatively short time period to respect each other and mature.
I found the most emotionally moving parts between them to be in season 3 when Chloe begins to get involved with Cain/Pierce and he expresses his worry that at least he has her and she’ll never leave him.  Maze interprets this as him being selfish and treating her as his number 2.  She lashes out at him and all he does is look back at her in return is hurt as he almost quivers.  Since she was his right hand woman in hell, she is the person with whom he has had the longest and most trusting relationship with since being cast into hell.  Did he phrase things in a way that helped in the situation - no.  But was he telling her his honest feelings that he really does feel like she is someone who is always there for him and supports him - yes.   When she goes behind his back to work with Cain/Pierce, he’s hurt and feels betrayed.  Sure, some of it is karmic payback for the times he’s hurt her, but after his failed experiment with Abel, he has every right to not just pop willy-nilly between earth and hell.
I have the vibe that they will eventually settle into a sibling like relationship treating each other the same way he interacts with his angel siblings like Amenadiel and Azrael.
Ella Lopez: So far Ella has been the only human friend that he has worked with with whom he hasn’t used his angelic charms on.  He was uncomfortable around her at first; she’s religious, she’s outwardly friendly and very much into giving hugs.  Ella “wastes” her time on what he would see as pointless pleasantries in the office.  Yes, Lucifer will lay on the pleasantries, but his always have a purpose - Ella’s are just her being nice.  He did like her opinion that the devil got a bad rap, but then she kept thinking he was a method actor in addition to being a nightclub owner.
Despite their obvious differences the two of them are both very straightforward people who have a strong sense of personal justice and are dedicated to solving the crimes.  He quickly begins to joke around with her and with her four older brothers, she finds no issue with dealing with his antics - it is more like par for the course. 
The fact that Azrael also couldn’t help but become friends with her seems to indicate she has some sort of personality that celestial beings really like, especially those who have the shittier jobs e.g. Lucifer running hell and punishing and Azrael being the angel of death dealing with, well, death.  The fact that she made sure Ella would become friends with Lucifer was really sweet and even though he was at first upset since he doesn’t like people trying to manipulate with him, he realized that Azrael’s action was in right place. She got her favorite brother and favorite human to become friends since she knew they would get along even if she couldn’t be with them - you know, having the whole angel of death as her day job.
His love of Ella as a friend though came out when her older brother Jay was in town and mixed up in the illegal diamond cleaning.  Yes, he brought his own feelings with his older brother into the mix, but he was correct.  Jay is not the absolutely perfect brother, he was involved in shady stuff.  I think when he confronted Jay was one of the best scenes in regards to him standing up for and protecting his friends.  He made it very clear that if Jay ever hurt Ella again he’d be in trouble as he knew how important it was to her to continue to see her brother in her own most positive light.
I really get the vibe that they feed off of each other being goofballs - Ella was a nerd and picked on as kid and had a lot of issues to deal with.  He’s the cast out son, they are both outcasts on the rebound and they like to have fun with each other.  This really comes to a head in season 4 when Lucifer, Chloe and Ella go to the nudist colony.   Chloe is a complete stick in the mud and by the time she turns around the two of them are naked and ready to go.  As adults on their own and away from their family and their former “teenage” issues they finally get to be who they want to be and I just think their dynamic duo antics are adorable.  She is the friend that will do silly things with him while Chloe remains too, well stoic. When Ella has her crisis of faith, Lucifer doesn’t fan the flames instead, he’s confused how to react so he doesn’t tell her what to think.
Trixie:   She immediately loved Lucifer from the moment she met him.  He is incredibly awkward with her.  He’s not sure to do with her little kid hugs, he tries to not hold her hand when they investigate the elite private school.  Yet, no matter how frequently he calls her a little urchin and doesn’t understand why she likes him, she grows on him.
I personally loved her bedroom sign in the first season - “Trixie’s room - no boys allowed - except for Lucifer.”
Trixie is a classic example of kid radar seeing people for who they are; she accepts Lucifer and Maze with no judgement, she just sees them as these rad adults whom she can play with. 
I really liked when he tried to buy her the new doll since she destroyed her old one - in a way he respected her kid logic - did it teach her a lesson - no.  But it was a logical extension as a means to an end.  He came from a background of illogical parenting so to speak.  He dealt with rules that didn’t always make sense it is clear he spent too much time pondering them thus leading to his current situation.
Does he like other children still? Not really, he still didn’t know what to do when he touched a kid’s head with a little pat as his backyard picnic with Cain as he wiped his hand on his sweater.   Yet, since he has gotten to know Trixie through his interactions with her it is clear that he likes her.
Dr. Linda Martin: Dr. Martin is my fav female character on the entire show as she is a compassionate, caring and intelligent individual and a secret badass.  Her relationship with Lucifer started how all of his interactions with people who desire him do - with her wanting to sleep with him.  Over time, she realizes that she can’t and shouldn’t be sleeping with him and he also begins to realize that he can work with her without having to pay her with his body and pay her the normal way - with money.  He learns to treat himself with more respect and not just give away himself to her.  Showing a bit of a shift in how he sees himself with those he actually knows.
I think she really was his first example of how to have a normal human transaction with well, a human.  She is incredibly patient with him and even when he reveals his true self to her, she is able to accept him with a little nudge from Maze.  Despite being overwhelmed due to his families odd demands on her and almost killed by his very upset and stressed out mother, she protects him as a client and as a friend. 
Sure, he always interprets her advice in interesting ways and she knows him well enough to realize that he avoids things and is in denial but she always still cares for him.  He also does frequently figure out what she wants him to realize - he just likes to make it more difficult for himself.  I wonder if the more that they got to know each other, his ability to influence her waned as she saw him as more than a playboy and he saw her as a doctor who could help him and later as a good and trusted friend.
Most importantly, she never gives up on him and truly believes in him despite all of his detours and distractions.  When he has his identity crisis in season 4, she is the first person he shows his devil wings to.  This comes from a place of deep trust in her and even though she can’t help him, she is there for him as a friend. 
I don’t think he’d ever admit it to her directly, but Lucifer likely understands that Linda’s friendship with Maze has helped Maze grow as a person - er demon - and her advice has helped him in how he interacts with her learning how to change his relationship with her from boss-assistant to more that of peers and friends.
Dan Espinoza: Oh yes, despite all of their stupid male ego headbutting, Lucifer is friends with Dan and he does care for the man.  When they first met, Dan was definitely a being a bit of a dick to Chloe; mainly by keeping his own secrets to protect her even though it drove her nuts.  If anything bothers Lucifer more it is people lying and hiding things from him.  Lucifer is almost pathological with telling the truth and not lying; and well Dan was not the most honest at the beginning.
So of course, he received full on Lucifer hazing; once the police admin punished him by demoting him for messing with evidence he slowly became more sympathetic to Dan.  He did use his skills to get Dan to admit that he wanted to correct his mistakes and when Dan started to lose it with Azrael’s blade, he saw that Dan was a stronger and more complicated man than he wanted him to be.  If Dan were a simple man, driven by simple desires and actions, Lucifer could write him off.  But Dan isn’t, his biggest change is when he realized he needed to stop calling him Detective Douche and actually call him Dan, in part due to Dan standing up to his teasing.  
Was it right for Lucifer to keep up his petty antics for so long?  Likely not, but Lucifer learned that some of Dan’s actions and personality traits are actually good things and his day shadowing Dan was annoying for poor Dan, but at least allowed him to realize that not everyone is the same.
Lucifer also has been more honest about his feelings in front of Dan than many others - when they went to get a favor from the Russian mob boss, he freely admitted his own hatred for himself and how he hurts everyone he cares about. If he said that in front of Chloe or Ella, both of them would rush to tell him it isn’t true and he’s being too hard on himself.  Instead, Dan kept his distance and realized that both of them think the grass is greener on their side of the fence.  Lucifer is secretly jealous of Dan’s more simple approach to things and Dan thinks Lucifer truly is careless and wishes he could be a flippant as he appears to be.
Dan really is a reminder how how Lucifer is unable to open up to others and make himself more vulnerable.  Unfortunately, this results in Dan frequently getting hurt and he makes epic bad decisions in season 4 out of grief over Charlotte’s death, blaming Lucifer for all of his pain.  But no matter what happens, it is clear that Lucifer would not wish for bad things to happen to Dan as he is a good guy and a capable detective.
Is their friendship a perfect one?  Far from it, but both of them really do try to care and support the other guy as long as they aren’t pissed off at each other.  It likely doesn’t help that Lucifer’s friendship with Dan is pretty much his only one with a normal human guy.  He’s got plenty of angelic brothers and Cain really isn’t normal by a long shot so it makes Dan even more important to have him in his circle of close friends.  As a 100% totally normal dude, Dan acts frequently as the ‘in’ to understanding (or really lack of understanding) what is happening.
Eve:  I just finished re-watching season 4.  I’m still not sure where I’d place Eve in all of this.  She’s only in season 4 so far and based on her actions, I’m not sure I’d call her one of his close friends. If anything she was pretty much an impediment to all of his relationships - albeit maybe not quite on purpose . . .  she’s a woman who still hasn’t figured out who she is despite realizing she needs to not define herself in the context of a relationship. 
Sorry for not having more thoughts on this, I need to ponder it more. 
What I will say is that their relationship issues stem from the fact that he is an introvert and she’s an extrovert.  He realized that Eve was a “bad” influence on him and he struggled to express his feelings to her.  The fact that it takes him shouting out at her that he “doesn’t like who he is when he’s with her” was painfully difficult for him to say.  It is clear that he cares about her deeply and he wants her to be happy.  Yet, he can’t and really doesn’t want to deliver on her actions or feelings.  The worst part is that it tears him up inside since in a way he saw her as a possible long term partner which was a big deal for him.
3.) Works either alone or in small groups. 
When it comes to his role with the LAPD, Lucifer’s modes of action are not that of a typical extrovert.  He is either working closely with his partner Chloe, or occasionally with Ella or Dan.  He is never part of a large group nor is he taking a typical leadership role.  Due to his need to protect others and his need to get answers as quickly and directly as possible, he frequently goes off on his own.  In part, this is so that he can take full advantage of his angelic powers and immortality, but also to protect those he cares about.  Sure, he walks into a Korean gang headquarters and tells them to come out, but he doesn’t try to chit chat or smooth things over with them.  He goes in, finds the head boss and pretty much strikes a deal with him that he can’t refuse.  When he wants an answer his methods are far too direct.  Find suspect/target/person and just question them or threaten them and then question them.  There is no charming and social games.  He can’t be bothered with banal pleasantries when he wants to know something.  If Lucifer were a true extrovert he would want to talk to others and feed off of the energy he gets from being with them - yet - he never has shown this.  He sees getting information as a task he needs to complete as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Even though he is hurt when Chloe and Cain become closer and begin to hang out or work cases without him, he still shows up and does work to help out with cases.  He also is good at working by himself and is able to work things out when he applies himself.
He also has an excellent sense of intuition when reading people.  Of course, one of the major aspects of the show is that he projects his own issues onto others.  This leads him off of what they are doing sometimes, so his read isn’t quite right.  But he is perceptive when he sees odd behaviors and is able to connect things without full information.  This is both what he did with Ella’s brother Jay and more importantly with Pierce/Cain.  He invites him for a drink and then stabs him with the knife.  He looks incredibly nervous after he kills him as he can’t kill a human as an angel - he keeps switching between trying to be calm and have a drink while he waits for him to wake up with a nervous sweat.  Did he know for sure Pierce was Cain?  No, hence the nervousness until his intuition was proven correct was his true feelings on his gamble.
Furthermore, when he does work with Chloe or others, he always has their back and will go to any length to work with them.  This to me indicates that he finds working with a select few people with whom he can trust is how he is most comfortable and he doesn’t need to be the center of attention and the one in charge like how he was in charge of hell. It is clear that by the end of season 4 even though he returned to hell it wasn’t because he enjoyed to or wanted to - it was because he had to protect everyone he cared about.  He also has a natural chemistry and ease working with Chloe where even in tough situations they instinctively know what to do and how to act.
4.) He expresses himself through actions. 
Lucifer is an incredibly hurt individual.  He was punished by having to take a job that he didn’t even want or even desire and most of his family abandoned him.  He’s terrified to open up and show his true feelings and pain to others as they would take advantage of it as a weakness to hurt him further. Honestly, I think he still doesn’t quite understand how his actions landed him in hell.  He was questioning the establishment and it is clear he thinks deeply about rules and how they influence others.  Anything he thinks is illogical he ignores as he can’t be bothered to care to follow those rules and conventions.  I think about how he made Chloe rethink the “swear jar” for Trixie - he pointed out rules without a clear basis don’t make sense.
Since he struggles to express his feelings in a way to help others. e.g. mainly in his denial/fear to tell Chloe he truth does two things; i.) he makes it about him or ii.) he tries to demonstrate through his actions.
The making it about him method, is a subtle way where he wants to know how to solve his own problem to help him understand or interact with others.  But since he doesn’t want to say for example “I need to figure out how Cain can die since I promised him and I am true to my word.” he instead hides behind the idea of “I need to find the author’s killer so I can read how she got over her writers block.”  By extension, since the manuscript is an instruction guide, he thinks he’ll learn something so that he can follow through on his promise.  It is a very obtuse way to act, but since he hides behind his narcissistic facade no one will understand he’s not doing it for himself.
As far as his actions, he really shows it when he reorganizes Chloe’s desk; he realizes that she deals with all the paperwork and since she is capable she gets even more paperwork piled on to her workload.  He cleans up her mess and anal retentively arranges her pencils and makes sure the right angles on the files are all lined up.  He also found a method of filing that makes more sense to him and it inadvertently helps her find the missing piece of evidence for their most recent case.  I liked how he color coded everything.  Did he need to add the picture of him in his underwear as her backdrop?  Hell no, but he figures out that since she likes him, what’s wrong with her seeing a part of him that she likely will never see.
This also gets him into trouble; again, buying the doll for Trixie, trying to out perform Cain in gifts for Chloe and always seeing things as a competition.  He wants to give people physical proof of his care for people without actually saying it.  Specifically he wants to express his care through a tangible amount of some sort of physical object.
5.) He hides behind his narcissistic behaviors. 
As Lucifer struggles to come to terms with himself and expressing his feelings he has hid behind his narcissism.  What is a great way to keep people away from you and keeping your distance from them?  Being completely self-absorbed with yourself that no one would ever want to be friends with you.  His narcissism is a HUGE turnoff for the vast majority of the population.
It is so clear that he wants to develop close relationships but he’s so afraid of hurting others and even more so hurting himself. He’s hid behind his hedonistic behaviors and his self-absorbed actions for thousands of years.  He really is a very particular person; he is constantly adjusting his sleeves under his suit coat, his shoes are always perfect, he moisturizes and his hair is styled elegantly.  He likes things arranged elegantly and it shows how important control is to him.  If he is 100% in control of everything, again he’s protected from being hurt.
As he works at the LAPD and forms his important friendships, his appearance changes.  In the first season, he wears black or dark grey suits, his shirts are white, black, dark purple, dark blue and grey, if I recall correctly.  He keeps his look simple and professional, almost cold.  His matching pocket squares are also basic and mainly a single solid color with few patterns.
Yet overtime, he becomes more adventurous in his appearance, he starts wearing more light blue shirts, he begins to add in more color with burgundy, forest green, and even a caramel colored suit.  His pocket squares become more interesting with patterns and more color combinations.  With the increase in color and variety he appears much more approachable and has more of an air of friendliness even though he still only cares for his small group of friends.
A case that was a real struggle for him was with the online dating app for “fabulous” people - Top Meet.  He wanted to continue to judge people based on superficial appearances, as it has been his own wall and it has served him well.  When they ultimately confront the killer, his own knowledge of nature and narcissists allows him to save the day by tossing the head sculpture at him and the detective can apprehend him.
His car serves as both another front and also shows how he longs for few intimate friendships or relationships.  He’s got that lovely little Corvette and it is a two-seater.  He doesn’t drive a giant, flashy car that can fit lots of people.  Instead, he has a small almost cute (I personally think it is cute) car that only another person can sit in.  He only wants to ride with one person at a time as he values his close relationships.  Yet, having a car that only can fit one other passenger shows a part of his narcissistic front - that only a person who he’d see as worthy would be able to ride with him.
Overall, by looking at how Lucifer chose to have a job on earth in a nightclub where he could simply hide was the first indication he’s an introverted character.  The longer he has been in LA, the more close friendships he has formed and they are very important to him as well as his oldest friendship with Maze.  When he realized that Maze was attracted to Eve, he noticed it, but hasn’t made mention of it yet (likely that will happen in season 5).  The fact that he noticed it meant he really has stopped seeing her as his right hand woman and more just as an individual with feelings.  His close friendships really show that he’s an introvert not an extrovert.  It is obvious that he gains meaning and connection from these close relationships in a way he never experienced before.  His preference for working either alone or in a small team also shows that he is much more comfortable as well as his preference to express himself through actions as opposed to using words since that is much harder and more uncomfortable.  Lastly, by hiding himself from all others behind a self-absorbed image he has been able to keep others away from him for thousands of years.
The major point about his character growth is learning that having a small support group of real friends and family he can find what he’s been looking for.  A place to belong and be accepted.
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calumcest · 4 years
ok firstly please bear in mind most of these fics were written in 2014/15 when i was 16 so please do not judge their quality too harshly
[there are some fics on there that i haven’t put here, mainly chaptered fics but some others too]
drabbles (malum, lashton, cashton, mashton)
i can count on the sun to shine
It’s not been the easiest of days, but it’s not been the roughest either, so Ashton’s half-surprised when Luke crawls into his lap and curls up in it, looping his arms around Ashton’s neck and nosing into Ashton’s neck, breath warm and even against Ashton’s skin.
my beating heart belongs to you
“God, you’re all sweaty,” Michael adds, and Ashton snorts because that is fucking rich coming from the guy whose sweat has disintegrated two shirts so far this tour. “That’s how Luke likes me,” Ashton fires back, and Calum pulls a face whilst Michael laughs. “What’s how I like you?” Luke asks, coming up behind Ashton and wrapping his arms around him, resting his chin on Ashton’s head.
young and in love (that should be enough)
“Ashton.” Luke draws out the second syllable, pouting to add effect to his words. “Lukey,” Ashton says, stringing out the second syllable too in a softly mocking manner. “What do you want?” “A cuddle,” Luke announces, “from my favourite boyfriend.”
say you’ll never change
@Luke5SOS: It feels like we’re ready to crack these days you & I
it feels like we’re ready to crack these days, you & i [extended version of above fic]
It’s not really that pathetic that Ashton’s got tweet and text notifications on for Luke. Not really.
we gamble with desire
“Guys,” Michael says, making his way into the back lounge. “Have you heard of fanfiction?”
rules of the band
In retrospect, it’s kind of Ashton’s fault that it all starts. He’d eaten the last of the Vegemite, something he knows Michael and Calum feel very strongly about, and it had resulted in a sheet of paper pinned to the fridge by a frog magnet that had ‘Rules of the Band’ scrawled in Calum’s handwriting at the top. Rules of the Band
“Do you believe in soulmates?”
my friends are a different breed
“What’s happening?” Calum says, walking out into the living room. “Luke and Ashton weren’t kissing,” Michael informs him. Calum nods. “We weren’t,” Ashton says in what he hopes is a believable tone.
i’ve got a lot of friends who are stars
The city’s fucking beautiful at night.
dreams only last for a night
Luke prefers it when Ashton’s asleep.
happy father’s day dad :-)
@Calum5SOS: @Ashton5SOS happy Father’s Day dad :-)
my friends are everything
CH: Who’s eaten the last of the fucking vegemite
AI: wtf that was like rule number 1
my new comfort zone
It’s when it starts getting to the tense, anticipatory bit of the film where the gang of actual idiots are about to enter the house which Luke’s ninety-nine percent sure has a murderer in it, that’s when Luke whimpers and turns away from the screen, burying his face in the crook of Ashton’s neck.
as the night gets older of you i grow fonder
Luke’s eight when Ashton moves in next door. (based on the video for you belong with me)
coffee shop soundtrack
“Mind if I sit here?” the guy asks, and there’s a kind of apologetic hint to his tone. “Everywhere else is full.” Full? The coffee shop's never full- Oh. Apart from today, apparently. Every single seat is taken. “Oh, Luke says. “Uh. Sure.“
taking the long way home
“May we have your attention for flight BA8227,” the tinny voice of the announcement says, and Ashton’s stomach sinks. They never announce anything he wants to hear; there’s never any we’ve upgraded hardworking and broke session drummer Ashton Irwin to first class, he’s also been given unlimited air miles and a refund on his overpriced tuna melt. “We are sorry to announce that this flight is delayed by approximately seven hours. This is due to unforeseen adverse weather conditions. I repeat-”
if these walls could talk (they’ve seen way too many things)
The announcement comes late, at eight p.m., interrupting radio and TV broadcasts and flashing up on phone screens. Due to the current pandemic, the state is now on mandatory lockdown for three weeks. All citizens have until midnight to return to their places of residence. Those outside after midnight will be subject to severe penalties. Further information to follow. “You have to leave,” Ashton says. “You have to go.” Luke blinks. “They’re locking down the state.”
as he faced the sun he cast no shadow
Ashton doesn’t really realise he’s fallen out of love until it’s happened. 
you and i were fireworks that went off too soon (soulmate au)
chapter one ~ chapter two ~ chapter three ~ chapter four ~ chapter five ~ chapter six ~ chapter seven
The tattoos appear one Wednesday night. What’s yours?” Michael demands, sounding beside himself with excitement. Luke frowns. “What’s my what?” “Your tattoo.”
fight so dirty but your love’s so sweet
Luke hates a good ninety-five percent of his job. A solid thirty percent of that comes from the fact that he works as a receptionist at a hotel, which he thinks is possibly the most thankless job humanity could possibly have created. A further ten comes from the fact that his desk is right next to the kitchen, meaning mouth-watering smells are constantly wafting under his nose, and Luke’s not allowed to eat on shift. Fifty-five percent of it, though, is Ashton.  
there’s no time for running away now
It’s three a.m., and Ashton’s awake. On the surface, that might not appear to be a problem. And ordinarily, it wouldn’t be - ordinarily, Ashton would either roll over groggily, will sleep to come with every fibre of his being and maybe a quick prayer or two, or read something mind-numbingly boring like his urgent work emails to send him back to sleep. This, however, isn’t the most ordinary situation. Ashton is awake because of Luke.
make me a promise here tonight
“Calum,” Michael says, walking into the bunk area and stopping in front of Calum’s bunk. “Cal.” “What?” Calum asks, not looking up from his phone. “I think we should get married.”
we know this is the way it’s supposed to be
Calum’s always the first person Michael rings in an emergency. Like right now, for example. Right now’s an emergency. “What the fuck do you want, Clifford?” Calum groans, voice tinny through the shitty phone line, but he’s picked up after the first ring so Michael knows he doesn’t mean it. “I need help,” Michael says, trying to stop the phone from slipping down his chest from where it’s pressed between his shoulder and his ear. “Green, blue, or black?“
the first time i’ve seen love (and the last i’ll ever need)
“Tell me a story.” The words are whispered into the fabric of Calum’s shirt, and Calum’s arms tighten around Michael as he hums in response. It’s familiar, the situation, because it’s what Michael always asks for when he’s tired, scared, lonely, or just wants to hear Calum’s voice.
it should be criminal that you could be mine
He can’t help but get a little jealous when Ashton and Luke start properly dating, though. He can’t help but get jealous of the way Ashton’s always taking Luke out for dinner, always holding his hand, always buying him presents, always making these romantic gestures that Michael’s never had from Calum. (or calum’s version of a dinner date)
it always will be you (wherever you are)
It started off as something kind of unnecessary. Calum already had a Twitter account, and he wasn’t someone who was afraid to speak his mind. If he had something to say, he’d say it on his public account. He’d only made the account for when he was in a bit of a shitty mood and wanted to vent or when he had an inappropriate joke that only Michael would find funny.
falling asleep on a stranger
As it is, his bus is running late today and Calum had run all the way to the bus stop from his house (a good two minutes of exercise, at least, which means he’s breathless and almost breaking a sweat by the time he reaches the bus stop) because he’d thought he was late. When he realises, however, that he could have had an extra ten minutes and actually eaten some breakfast, he groans, lets his eyes flutter shut and mutters “fuck me.” “Excuse me?” a surprised voice says, and Calum opens his eyes so fast he thinks he might have accidentally blinded himself. Standing to his left, an amused look on his face, is a boy with fluffy-looking blue hair (blue).
this could be the start of something new
He pushes past throngs of tired-looking businessmen to get into the last carriage, looking around for some seats. He’s not the only one who’s had that idea, clearly, as the last carriage is nigh-on full and Calum has the choice of two seats - one next to a balding man who’s eating what looks to be a tuna sandwich (Calum balks at the very idea) and a tattooed-up-to-hell punk kid with a shock of light pink hair in a suit, jacket on his lap. Calum goes for the latter.
you’re already the voice inside my head
“Michael didn’t say anything, mate,” Luke says, confused. “Yes, he did,” Calum says, exasperated. “I…no, I didn’t,” Michael says slowly. “What the fuck, Mike?” Calum says, perplexed. “I didn’t say it, Cal…I thought it.”
i want to teach you a lesson (in the worst kind of way)
“Who’s that, sir?” Lily asks, jabbing at the window. “The new PE teacher,” Michael says. “He’s cute,” Sarah says, and a couple of the girls nod vigorously. “He’s also twice your age,” Michael says. “Go on, off to your practice rooms.” The girls groan, but one by one pull themselves away from the window and start to wander off. Michael stays by the window, one eye on the girls to make sure they actually go where they’re supposed to and one eye on the new PE teacher, who’s dividing the class up into groups and handing out footballs. He is kind of hot, Michael supposes, if you’re into muscular guys who are clearly good at sports. Which Michael most definitely is.
dancing with the demons (holy spirit, holy spirit)
“You’re kind of a shitty demon,” he tells Calum, who scowls. “Fuck you,” he says. “You’re kind of a shitty angel.” “Oh, dude, I know,” Michael agrees.
only you (and you can hear me) 
“Uh,” Calum says, looking out into the crowd, and Michael follows his gaze, trying to find what Calum’s staring at. “I’m going to go to the teepee with Heather.” Michael’s stomach sinks. “Really?” he asks, before he can stop himself, looking over at Calum. “Yeah,” Calum says, turning to look at Michael, and Michael whips back around before Calum can see the look of please don’t written all over his face. “Alright.” (tiny dancer scene from rocketman but happy)
i took a walk with my fame down memory lane (i never did find my way back)
chapter one ~ chapter two ~ chapter three ~ chapter four ~ chapter five ~ chapter six 
“Fucking shite,” Liam says, over the sound of the crowd’s growing murmurs. “Would’ve rather watched City fucking lose.” They all know he’s lying. Liam’d probably rather cut off his limbs one at a time than sit at home to watch City get thrashed. It reminds Calum where he is, though, as he takes a sip of his beer with slightly shaky hands. He’s in fucking Manchester, in a dingy bar with two of the biggest pricks he’s ever met in his life, watching shitty bands play mediocre songs to avoid having to watch his football team get massacred by Everton. It grounds him, shakes him out of it, makes him remember that he’s here, in England, not in Sydney, and he’s twenty, not seventeen. That was then, and this is now. But for a moment - just for a few seconds - he could have sworn that then and now were the same thing. Just for one moment, he could have sworn he’d seen Michael Clifford. - or: calum's in oasis and michael's in blur and it's the height of the 1990s britpop war
couldn’t make it more obvious could you (be any more obvious?)
“D’you think he was being serious?” he asks Ashton, who’s already engrossed in his phone again. “Hm?” Ashton says, without looking up. “‘Bout what?” “Jack.” That makes Ashton look up, brow furrowed. “What about him?” Calum hesitates. “Y’know,” he says, a little uncomfortably. Ashton cocks his head, raising his eyebrows in an I don’t know sort of way. “About them. Sleeping together.” “Oh,” Ashton says, shrugs, and turns back to his phone. “Yeah, obviously.”
love would burn this city down for you 
There’s something so comforting about the city. Calum remembers the first time he’d got it, that rush of everything and nothing and beauty and reverence as he’d stared out at the brightly-lit scene before him, overwhelmed and trying his best to drink it all in. Fuck me, he’d thought, a delicious numbness licking at his nerves. I’m fucking irrelevant. (It was the first time he’d ever known peace.)
‘cause all of the stars are fading away (just try not to worry you’ll see them someday)
Growing up isn’t easy. Nobody ever told him it would be. You’ll get hurt, his mum would say, eyes big and sad, and he’d shrug and say that’s life, not really understanding what she meant because he was yet to spend three nights in a row staring up at his ceiling, drunk and high and so miserable it somehow felt like everything and nothing at the same time. It’ll be difficult, his manager had warned, when they got their first tour with One Direction, and Ashton had shrugged and said isn’t everything?, not realising that what ‘difficult’ meant was sacrifice; his sleep, his home, his self, everything torn out at the roots and tossed aside for him to gather back into his arms again. The hardest part of growing up, though, isn’t when things happen to him, when someone breaks up with him or wakes him up two hours after he’s gone to bed or puts him on another plane six hours after he’s just got off one. The hardest part of growing up is when he looks around him and realises I’m not happy.
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nananaptime · 4 years
Had I Asked
Written for Writer of the Month on NCT Amino. 
I did not think this was going to become that good but I’m surprisingly happy with it!
Masterlist Rules
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Genre: Angst this time around yall 
Word Count: 1 299
Summary: Confessions during an apocalypse is a given, isn’t it...
Getting separated from my friends was not the way I wanted this evening to go. On top of that, it was raining, hard. I had assumed running from flesh-eating zombies would be the biggest inconvenience of my day but the rain mixed with hail had beaten it surprisingly easy. However, not even the rain had ended up annoying me the most, the fact that I was stuck running through the woods with one of the most obnoxious people in town beat everything by hundreds of miles. Yukhei was, for one, very loud and didn’t seem to understand when quietness was in order, not even when running for our lives from the living dead in a rainstorm. His voice could be heard over the roaring thunder and he still would glare at me if I tried shushing him. Of course, running away on my own was no option, not because I can’t take care of myself, because I can, but because Yukhei wouldn’t let go of my wrist and kept dragging me behind him. He may be loud and annoying but the man is just as strong as he looks, maybe even more so. 
I wrenched my hand free at last, and pulled him with me under a tree, hoping it would provide enough shelter for us to stay somewhat dry and be able to have a normal conversation without screaming.
“We need a plan,” I said as calmly as possible, trying not to shiver too hard due to the cold. “And before you answer with ideas or whatever, please try to keep your voice down, I ain't going down just because you can’t control your vocal chords.” A small sigh left his lips and he gave me an exasperated look which I returned, daring him to fight me on this. Eventually, he gave in.
“Fine.” He was basically whispering and I had to suppress a giggle at the fact that he had no middle ground. “There should be a cottage nearby, one meant for isolated vacations, I’m guessing it will serve well as shelter for the storm and the zombies outside.” I nodded, contemplating the idea while listening for dragging feet in case we needed to make a run for it. After having listened for a while, I determined that there were no zombies around at the moment so making a run for it was not currently a way to get ourselves killed. I grabbed Yukhei’s hand in mine, ignoring the sparks which made themselves up my arm, pressing the annoyance he usually causes me to cover them.
“Come on then.” No sooner than the sentence had left my lips did I drag him from his kneeling position and sprint out into the rain once again, hoping to not attract the attention of any flesh thirsty zombies. Yukhei easily overtook me and soon dragging me behind him once again. 
The cottage he mentioned was closer than I had dared hope, not even ten minutes of running had gone by before I glimpsed it in the clearing between the trees. I was so relieved, I didn’t notice the root sticking out from beneath the earth and before I knew it, I was sprawled across the ground, a pain in my ankle radiating to my knee. I bit down on my lip, drawing a bit of blood, in an attempt to not scream out loud.
“Y/N!” Yukhei was beside me in a matter of seconds. He glanced at my ankle and winced, looking me in the eyes instead of my twisted ankle. “Let me carry you,” he said as he wiped the stray tears which had escaped my eyes as I tried not letting the pain get the better of me. All I could do was nod and Yukhei lifted me up bridal style in the most gentle manner. A manner I didn’t expect coming from a guy Yukhei’s size. 
With my arms wrapped around his neck, he walked towards the cottage, keeping an ear out for any noises. All the while, I tried not to think of the pain I was experiencing as we got closer and closer to the cottage, to some kind of safety. 
The cottage was small but it served its purpose; keeping us safe for the night so we could form some sort of plan. Yukhei sat me down on the only bed in the room and started taking a look around, looking for something to stabilise my ankle with. Finally, he located a box containing bandaids and bandages, some torn apart, others whole enough for usage. He brought the box over to me and cradled my ankle, causing a cry to leave my lips. He instantly let go, apologizing for causing more pain. I waited a second before telling him to continue, now bracing myself for the coming pain. Yukhei cradled my ankle with even more care as he wrapped the bandage around it. Once done he grabbed my hand and squeezed it, reassuring me without words that everything was going to be okay. He then laid down beside me, urging me to lay down and relax, as much as you could during these circumstances. He sighed slightly as we got comfortable next to each other. 
“I wonder what happened to the others.” The concern evident in his voice. I turned my head towards him, rubbing my thumb across his hand. 
“I saw Kun getting Ten and Yangyang with him, they’ll survive with him, I’m sure. Sicheng, Dejun and Hendery won’t go down without a fight, I’d say the odds are in their favour.” He relaxed slightly at my words but I could tell he was still worried. I changed tactic. “What were your plans for this summer before all of this?” He started talking about how he was going to visit his cousin in the north whom he was going to go on a road trip with. He recalled some memories with him, laughing after a while. I smiled, happy to have distracted him at least a little bit. He then turned to me. 
“He was going to help me with some advice as well, but I think this epidemic has achieved that better than he ever would.” I gave him a quizzical look, silently asking him to elaborate. A small smile covered his lips. “He was going to give me advice regarding asking my crush out. This epidemic has urged me to just do it, If we’re going to die I would, at least, like to know your answer.” My breath hitched and I stared at him for a while, causing him to laugh slightly. “Yes, Y/N. I like you.” He said and booped my nose, an action seeming way out of place given the current situation. “So, what do you sa-” His sentence was cut short at the sudden noise outside the window. Yukhei was quick to his feet, he glanced outside looking for zombies intending to eat us alive, then he pulled the curtains together and approached the door. 
“I’m going to see if I can make them go in another direction.” His hand was already on the handle when I called out. 
“Wait! Yukhei, It’s too dangerous, let’s just barricade the door and hope for the best.” He approached my anxious figure, cradling my face in his hands, his eyes looking deep into mine. 
“I’d rather have them get me than you.” The kiss he pressed to my forehead had tears running down my face. “Just… give me your answer before I leave. Had I asked, would you have said yes?” I nodded, not trusting my own voice, as the tears kept coming. A solemn smile made its way onto his face. “That’s all I needed to know.
Then he was out the door. 
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Ben Solo (Kylo Ren) x OC.  Basically just some fluff during ‘The Last Jedi’ where we see a vulnerable Ben.
*This could possibly become more than one part*
OC(s) Used: Rashada
Word Count:  1,948
I followed along in the wake of Kylo Ren, hurrying to keep up with his long strides through the halls of the Star Destroyer.  I had a stack of papers clutched in my arms; very important papers from our last meeting.  Papers that I most definitely had not doodled on--to the amusement of the dark-cloaked man beside me--due to the boring atmosphere.  
We reached the bridge in an instant, and I slowed to a stop, panting slightly from the exertion of trying to keep up with Ben.  He had begun to talk with General Hux, who wrinkled his nose in disgust.
I fought the urge to roll my eyes.  Hux was a low-down scum that just sucked-up to whoever was in power.  He didn't have any loyalties except to himself.  
"Bonviere!"  The sudden call of my surname woke me from my thoughts.  I snapped to attention, waiting for Ben's next command.  "Hand General Hux your notes from our most recent meeting over the sizing of Stormtrooper helmets."  
I paled slightly, an image of the papers floating into my mind.  Those were the exact papers I had doodled on in boredom; and while most of the time I wouldn't have minded, this time I did.  My doodles happened to be of the man currently ordering me to hand them over.
Locking eyes with Ben, I pictured the papers in my mind, showing him the doodles.  "I can't give them to him, Ben.  Those are the ones I doodled on in the meeting..."  I murmured through the Force.
Outwardly, Ben showed no signs of our silent conversation, but immediately through the Force I could feel frustration and a touch of begrudging amusement.  "Ah, wouldn't want those drawings to go to the wrong person then.  They were quite good, I admit."  He rumbled, and I bit back a smile.  "Give me a different set of notes. One that hasn't been doodled on."
"Bonviere, just give them to me."  He commanded aloud, and I hurriedly to oblige, grabbing a different sheaf of papers that went over the details of how the proton cannons worked; right down to the smallest bolt.  
"Here you are, Lord Ren."  I said, and he snatched the papers from my grasp, shoving them into Hux's arms.  At the same time, he gently flicked his fingers beside Hux's eyes.  I cast my gaze downward to hide my smile.  That was such a classic Jedi trick, and it never got old.
Hux quickly glanced over the papers and nodded.  "This appears to be satisfactory."  He said stiffly, and turned away to resume whatever he had been doing before Ben and I appeared.
"Come along, Bonviere."  Ben ordered, striding away from me once more.  I let out a sigh and followed after him, wondering if it was too much to ask to cut down on the amount of walking we had to do.
Once we were alone, walking down a deserted hallway where the only sounds were the clank of our shoes on the metal floors, Ben slowed, turning to look over his shoulder at me.  His breath crackled through his helmet noisily as he let out a sigh.  "Finally, we are alone."  He murmured, removing his helmet and shaking out his black curls.  Brown eyes looked down at me, scanning over every piece of my body.
I grinned, shifting the stack of papers in my hands.  The action caught Ben's eye and a frown tugged his plush lips downwards.  "How do those meetings create so much paperwork?"  He grumbled, taking two steps to come snag the stack from my arms.  "It's ridiculous."
I shrugged, placing a comforting hand on his firm bicep.  "I have no idea, Ben...  Now, shouldn't we be heading to your quarters?"  I gently reminded, and he nodded silently, looking down at me with a smirk beginning to tug at his gorgeous lips.
Leaning down, he made as if to kiss me, but I placed a finger on his lips, stopping him from coming any farther.  Brown eyes stared at me curiously, the smallest bit of impatient dancing in the back of them.  "When we're alone."  I whispered, making Ben let out a long breath, straightening back up and striding forward quickly.
"Hurry up, Rashada..."  He called over his shoulder, his helmet swinging in his hand as he walked along.  
"Ben," I gasped out, my breath coming in ragged spurts as his lips gently landed on the curve of my neck.  "Stop...  That tickles!"  I giggled, trying to squirm away from his broad hands.  But my efforts were futile, and he kept ahold of me, a toothy grin lighting up his face.  
"It tickles, huh?  What about this?"  His hands glided down my sides, sending chills through my spine as his hands squeezed my hips, thumbs gently massaging my lower abdomen.  He swallowed hard, luscious, plush lips parting slightly as he took in a deep breath.  
I closed my eyes in bliss, tilting my head up to press a kiss to Ben's jaw.  A low rumble erupted in his throat and he gently maneuvered me backwards, pushing me back onto his bed.  Opening my eyes, I looked straight up into his soft brown irises.  Supporting himself on an elbow, he stared down at me, one hand splayed across the entirety of my abdomen; his thumb and pinkie  
finger almost reaching the opposite sides of my hips.  
He leaned down to press a long, lingering kiss to my waiting lips, murmuring words against them as he drew me closer to his broad torso.  "I love you.  More than I could ever say.  I love you, Rashada."  He mumbled against my lips.
I opened brown eyes to look up into his.  "Ben--" I began, but the sound of an alarm blaring drowned me out.
Instantly, Ben was on his feet, straightening out his black tunic and running a hand through his hair.  Grabbing his cloak, he shrugged into it and quickly replaced his helmet over his luscious features.  All this happened before I could even rise from the bed.
"I have to go."  Ben said, his deep, honeyed tones once more distorted by the helmet.  He strode hurriedly towards the door and disappeared through it in an instant, leaving me alone.
"Goodbye, Ben.  Be safe."  I murmured to the empty air, wondering just what was happening.  
Hours later, I found out exactly what was going on.  The Death Star had been destroyed, Ben had been injured badly, and the Resistance had won a battle.  
The second I received the news that he was back on board the Star Destroyer, I vacated my post and hurriedly through the hallways to his quarters where I knew I would find him.  
It was after these sorts of battles where he would be struggling the most.  The constant battle of the Dark and Light side almost tore him apart at times, leaving him just a shell of the man I knew and loved.
Pressing the code into the keypad on the wall, the doors slid open with a soft 'swish', and I stepped quickly into the room where I had been with Ben only a few hours ago.
But our situations had suddenly become much different.  Ben was leaning against the wall, his breathing heavy and ragged as he kept an arm clamped around his side.  
"What happened to you?!"  I exclaimed, hurrying over to his side and laying a hand on his cheek.  But he drew away with a hiss of pain, and it was only then that I saw the jagged cut running down it.  "Kriff, Ben....  You need to get a medical droid to look at you..."
"I'm fine."  He grunted, clenching his jaw as he tried to straighten up.  But the action must have caused him excruciating pain as he winced and kept his hunched stance.  "It's not that bad."
Placing my hands on my hips, I shot him a look.  "Ben Solo, you are the furthest away from 'fine' I have ever seen you."  I said firmly, "go sit on the bed while I get a med-kit."
"But I--"  He tried to protest, but I glared at him.
"No buts.  Sit on the bed.  Now."  I ordered, and he reluctantly obeyed, grumbling something under his breath about how I sounded like his mother.
Heading into the bathroom, I snagged the med-kit from underneath the sink and came back out to see him seated on the bed, struggling to remove his tunic.  
My expression softened as I watched him grimace in pain, and I let out a quiet sigh.  "Ben, let me help you."  I murmured, setting the med-kit down by his bedside.  Pursing my lips, I tried to figure out the best way to do things.  "Where is your wound?"  I questioned, and Ben tugged up his tunic a few inches, revealing an angry tear across his side, right above his hip.
Unable to help my expression of horror, I let out a gasp, making Ben smile grimly at me.  "Looks pretty bad, doesn't it?"  He said, and I nodded vigorously.
"Uh, yeah it does."  I said, motioning for him to lift his arms above his head.  Then I gently tugged his shirt upwards, peeling it off his sweaty torso and over his head, trying to avoid the nasty gash on his cheek.
Finally, Ben was shirtless, and I was able to wrap a bandage around his waist, covering up the deep wound in his side.  Handing him a pain-killer, I made sure he swallowed it before I turned to his cheek.  This wound would be a bit trickier to deal with.
Getting closer, I gently placed the sealant across the wound to try and minimize the scarring.  But I didn't think there was much chance of minimal scarring.  Not with a lightsaber wound.
"Am I going to live?"  Ben asked quietly, his deep voice containing the smallest hint of mischief, and my gaze flickered to the right, looking into his tired brown eyes.  
"Probably," I whispered back, noting the way his lids were growing heavy under the effects of the pain-killer.  "But you're going to need to sleep."  
My words prompted a soft chuckle from Ben as he shook his head.  "I can't sleep.  I need to go take care of business first.  We need to track down those Rebels so I can pay them back..."  His words trailed off into a yawn, and I smiled at the sight.
"That can wait, Ben.  You have to rest now."  I soothed, gently placing my hands on his wide shoulders and pushing him down onto the bed.  "Just focus on going to sleep.  I'll take care of anything urgent."
Turning away, I went to leave, but Ben's hand shot out and grabbed my wrist.  "Stay by my side...  Please."  I barely heard his vulnerable, whispered words, but they rooted me to the ground.  It was rare for him to completely drop his tough exterior and show me the real Ben; the Ben he tried to keep locked away.
Turning around slowly, I smiled down at the drowsy man on the bed.  "Of course, Ben."  I whispered softly, climbing into bed next to him and allowing his arm to draw me closer to his shirtless chest.  The lights dimmed slowly as he used the Force to turn them off, leaving us in darkness.
I could feel sleep begin to steal over me as I listened to the slow, regular breathing of Ben as he slumbered peacefully beside me.  Stroking a gently hand through his curly midnight locks, I pressed a kiss to his uninjured cheek.  "I love you too, Ben."
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