#I had to go far back into my bookmark and history to find some of these ngl LMAO
severussquick · 6 months
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Welcome to my little fic rec event that I just made up! I have decided to put together a month of fics that I really loved and share them with you - one per day!
Each day of the week is themed, and you can see what kind of a story is coming from the calendar below. I'll keep this post updated with links to each rec post as they come out, so if you miss one you can always check back here.
The posts will go out at 8am NZDT/11am PST/2pm EST/8pm CET which means that for most of you I am posting from the future! Don't worry about it, you'll catch up!
The Themes!
I have chosen these themes for the fics I want to rec because when I looked through my bookmarks, subscriptions, and history there were some definite patterns. Many MANY fics are still sitting in my to-rec pile so if you all like this let me know and I'll do another.
Bottom Snape
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Self explanatory! It's Snape as a bottom, I adore this and very much wanted to share my favourites with you!
Time Travel
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Oh Boy Am I A Sucker For Time Travel Stories!!!!! It's so bad I actually had to draw the line and disqualify Time Loop stories from consideration or else you'd have gotten a Month Of Time Travel! I'll do the loops next time.
Voldemort Wins AU
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I really like these, they're always so fascinating with how they portray 'victory' for the Death Eaters (spoilers - it always sucks So So Bad). Most of these are pretty Dark so heed the tags.
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Snape! But a woman! That's it. That's the category. These particular fics I'm recommending are classic gender-bends, not Trans Snapes, just FYI.
Marriage Law
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Probably only second to Time Travel in terms of Tags I Am On The Hunt For. I am a sucker for these. It's a bottle episode, but the bottle is a marriage! Love that!
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Stories focused on Snape and only Snape, character studies and such. I love these and they can be hard to find!
Long Reads
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Over 100k and not falling into another category. I like to read epics so I cannot promise that the other categories AREN'T long....
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Named after the host of that one challenge way back when, this tag means that Snape is Harry's parental figure or mentor. Some feature a pre-Hoqwarts Harry, some don't, but in all of them Harry and Snape have a father-son style relationship.
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Week 1:
Monday - Bottom Snape: When Dreams Come True
Tuesday - Time Travel: Elective Affinities
Wednesday - Voldemort Wins AU: The Snidget
Thursday - Marriage Law: Legislation
Friday - Genfic: Two Hours Late
Saturday - Long Read: Chasing the Sun
Sunday - Severitus: Grease & Lightning
Week 2:
Monday - Bottom Snape: Where Have You Been
Tuesday - Time Travel: Time Mutable Immutable
Wednesday - FemSnape: Equal and Opposite
Thursday - Marriage Law: The "not-so-little" Problem
Friday - Genfic: Repast at the Table of Glorious Toxins
Saturday - Long Read: Assisted Living
Sunday - Severitus: Time Left Today
Week 3:
Monday - Bottom Snape: In Perpetuity
Tuesday - Time Travel: Falling Apart
Wednesday - Voldemort Wins AU: A Fighting Heart
Thursday - Marriage Law: We'll Fall Quietly
Friday - Genfic: Where Loyalties Lie
Saturday - Long Read: Come Once Again and Love Me
Sunday - Severitus: O Mine Enemy
Week 4:
Monday - Bottom Snape: Tonight
Tuesday - Time Travel: How Should I Greet Thee
Wednesday - FemSnape: Lady Lazarus
Thursday - Marriage Law: Happily Ever After The Fact
Friday - Genfic: Penultimate Acts
Saturday - Long Read: A Dream Carved In Stone
Sunday - Severitus: Far Beyond a Promise Kept
Week 5:
Monday - Bottom Snape: The Second-Youngest Professor
Tuesday - Time Travel: The Bat Effect
Wednesday - Voldemort Wins AU: In his embrace
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honeybeefae · 1 year
To Build A Home (Nesta x Reader)
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Summary// Ever since you had met Nesta you knew she felt like an outsider. She always had her guard up, never letting anyone get too close until you had come along and slowly broke down her barriers. The two of you were more in love than ever and for Starfall, you wanted to gift her something truly special, but getting the nerve to tell her was proving to be harder than you thought.
(Day 5 of Starfall Week, I am so sorry this is late but the stomach bug has been killing me. However, I hope you guys are having as much fun with this as I am. This is probably my longest Starfall fic so far, I really wanted to write a fic just for her. I hope you guys enjoy it <;3)
Prompt: Character A swore they’d tell Character B something really important at Starfall but they’re nervous.
Nesta was lounging beside you in your bookshop, the sun hitting her in just the right light to make her seem otherworldly. You were trying to go over finances, chewing on your pencil, but kept getting distracted by your mate. 
It still felt funny to say that Nesta was your mate. You had first met in this very room, her entire demeanor one akin to an ice queen as you offered to help her find whatever it was she was looking for. She had declined but you couldn’t stop yourself from staring at her from the corner of your eye, completely enthralled from the start.
She had put all of the books on your High Lord’s account, watching you keenly as you fumbled over your words and blushed every time you made eye contact. As she walked out, you yelled out for her to come back soon, and to your surprise she did. 
It was a weekly occurrence that she would visit your shop, spending large amounts of money while barely uttering a word to you, and then leave. However, after a few weeks of it, she came to your shop on a rainy day, soaked to the bone with a fire in her eyes that would terrify anyone in her path. She marched straight over to your counter, straightened her spine, and all but demanded a job. 
“I want to work here.”
You blinked in confusion, looking her up and down while worrying she had lost her mind. “Uh…sorry?”
She huffed in frustration and repeated herself, adding, “It’s not my doing that I want this job but unfortunately I have found myself backed into a corner. If I have to work, it might as well be here.”
“Oh, um, well okay. I don’t really need that much help but I suppose you can come on the weekends-”
“Great.” She said, cutting off the end of your sentence and turning around to walk back out. You were still standing there dumbfounded before she turned at the door to look back at you. 
“Thank you, Y/N.”
And she had come every weekend, albeit begrudgingly, and helped you out in the shop. Nesta liked to sort the books and stay more in the shadows while you helped the customers and cashed them out. The two of you had short conversations that slowly grew to more friendly chats, where you learned more about her and where she was from.
It was almost a year before you had found the nerve to ask her to hang out after work at your tiny apartment above the bookshop. She said yes surprisingly quickly and it was on that night that you also shared your first kiss. The rest was a history that you kept close to your heart, the two of you inseparable and just fresh off your mating ceremony that had been attended by her family and yours. 
“You’re staring again,” Nesta smirked, glancing up at you with a quirked brow. “Am I that distracting?”
“Is it me, or is your head getting bigger again?” You tease, laughing when she hit you with the back of her book. “You know how distracting you are. I should kick you out so I can get some actual work done.”
She tucked a bookmark into her book and closed it, laying it beside her before rising up and resting her chin on your shoulder. You blushed and smiled, twirling the pencil between your fingers as she looked over your budget sheet.
“Are we doing okay?” She asked, pulling away to stretch her arms over her head. 
“Yeah, yeah, we’re fine.” You smile, hiding the sheet when she started to get a little too close. “What are you doing?”
“What are you hiding? I know that tone of voice, Y/N.” Nesta argues, her lips turning downward. “Is something wrong?”
The palms of your hands became sweaty as you put on your best mask, assuring her that there was nothing to worry about and that you were just stressed from the long weekend leading up to Starfall. 
Nesta studied you very carefully before relaxing back into her earlier position. “I didn’t know Starfall was such a big deal. I mean I have heard stories, of course, from Feyre and others, but people take it so seriously. Especially the gifts.”
“You’ll just have to see it for yourself, Nes.” “I suppose, though I don’t really want to go to the party tonight.” She sighed while closing her eyes. “I would much rather stay home with you.”
“I knew you liked me.” You grin, putting your budget sheets back into the locked drawer of your desk when you saw a familiar figure standing outside the shop. Before she could take notice you motioned for her to head upstairs, kissing her sweetly. “Why don’t you go ahead and start getting ready? I’m going to close the shop early.”
She tucked her book underneath her arm and went upstairs none the wiser, her footsteps becoming softer and softer before you released all the tension you were holding in your lungs. You booked it towards the door, opening it as quietly as you could, to reveal Feyre and Elain on the other side.
“Is it finished?” You whispered, only your head visible through the doorframe. The two sisters nodded, their excitement palpable. “Thank the Mother. I was afraid I would have to push it back until her birthday.”
“Nope.” Feyre chirped, holding out a small set of keys in her hand. “Thanks to the two best sister-in-laws in Pyrthian, and the help of their mates, everything is moved and set up for the two of you.”
“Oh, I wish we could see her face when she gets there. I just know she’s going to be surprised.” Elain said, clasping her hands together. “Does she suspect anything?”
“She’s starting too.” You mumbled, taking the keys from Feyre and turning them over and over in your hands. “I’m not the best under pressure and she definitely knows it.”
The two girls smiled knowingly, watching as you suddenly grew silent. They gave each other a look before Feyre reached out and touched your hand, pulling away when you jumped like a frightened cat. 
“Are you okay, Y/N? Is something wrong?”
“I just…” You trailed off, looking back into the shop to where Nesta had just been. “Do you think she’ll like it? Will she be mad that I didn’t have her help?”
Elain stepped forward and patted your shoulder, offering you a sincere smile. “Nesta might be shocked when she first sees it, but trust me. She is going to love it, I assure you. It’s the home of her dreams, especially because she’ll be sharing it with you.”
You chuckled, shaking your head. “I just get so nervous sometimes, it’s like the first time we met all over again. I find myself laying beside her at night and I question if I even deserve all this. Sometimes I’m afraid she’ll wake up and realize that.”
“I used to think the same things,” Feyre confessed, her eyes full of empathy. “I know exactly what you mean. But if you let those thoughts control you, you will always live in doubt. It’s okay to accept the love and care of another, even if sometimes we think we don’t deserve it.”
“We all deserve it, every person on this Earth.” Elain chimed in.
“It’s true. And you should hear the way she talks about you, Y/N, or how her entire life has changed for the better since meeting you.” Feyre added, looking at Elain who nodded along in confirmation. 
“We know her better than anyone and Feyre is telling the truth when she says she is a changed person. She’s happier. You’ve opened her eyes to what the world can be.” 
Tears were threatening to fall at their kind words. You had never had siblings before, or even a family. Both of your parents had passed early on in your life and so to be accepted like this by Nesta’s sisters made you feel whole. 
Footsteps sounded over your head and your eyes widened, wishing Feyre and Elain a hasty goodbye before shutting the door and locking it. The steps were getting closer and you looked around for somewhere safe to hide the key but in your panic, you ended up stuffing it inside your shirt.
Her heels landed on the hardwood of the shop floor and you looked up, your mouth dropping in awe at just how beautiful she looked. The gown was floor length and filled out her body perfectly, her hair in a half up half down hairstyle that accentuated the features of her face. She gave you a sultry smile when she stopped in front of you, closing your mouth with the tip of her finger.
“I’ll take that as a good sign.” She chuckled, her ruby lips calling your name. “Maybe we should skip the party, head back upstairs…”
Nesta’s hands started wandering up your shirt and it snapped you back into reality, her fingers dangerously close to the key. You immediately stepped back and went to go around here, mumbling that you needed to get ready before she stuck out her arm and blocked your path.
“Y/N, what is going on?” She snapped, crossing her arms with an angry look. “You’ve been acting weird, won’t let me look at what you’re doing and sneaking off early in the morning, and now you won’t even let me touch you.”
Your face was red with anxiety, unable to look her in the eyes. All you needed was time to get dressed and you could reveal to her your Starfall gift, which you were still very nervous about, and this was not helping.
“Are you even going to answer me?” She pressed, your gaze briefly rising to meet her. “Are you…are you seeing someone else?”
“What?! Nesta, no. I would never, ever do that to you.” You swore, shaking your head vehemently. “You are all I want in this life and the next.”
“Well what is going on then? I deserve to know.”
You took in a deep breath and looked out the large bay window in the front of the shop. The sun was already setting and Starfall was soon to begin. Nesta watched as you looked down at your outfit, mulling over something, before you muttered a soft, “fuck it.” and grabbed her hand.
“Where are we going?” She questioned, looking behind her as the two of you left the bookshop and went the opposite way of the House of Wind. “The party is that way, Y/N.”
“Just trust me, Nes. I’m going to show you why I’ve been acting weird.” You answered, going against the wave of people who were slowly going up the streets. “You deserve to know, no matter how nervous I am.”
Nesta was worried about where exactly you were taking her, her mind racing with one nightmare after the other. What could you have been doing that made you act like this? She couldn’t think of one good thing that would cause you to be so nervous. 
As the shops began to get farther apart and her feet started to hurt in her heels, the two of you finally arrived to a driveway of sorts. There was a small, rusty mailbox that was in desperate need of paint, and the driveway itself was made of cobblestone. However, there was a lush of trees and flowers lining it up and as Nesta’s eyes followed the path, she gasped when she finally landed on a grand house.
It was a beautiful estate with large windows, spiraling archetitcture, and a sort of eretheral look about it. You watched your mate take it in, your heart racing as you tried to read her face to see what she was thinking but finding it difficult.
After a few minutes of silence, of listening to the waves crashing against the shore and the birds in the trees, Nesta whispered, “Where are we?”
“Our home.” You smiled, squeezing her hand. “Come on, let me show you inside.”
You guided her up the drive and pulled the key out from under your shirt, unlocking the gilded doors and stepping inside. The parlor had a grand chandelier hanging from the ceiling while a winding staircase was on the left, the floors made of warm hardwood. 
She listened as you gave your tour of the house, pointing her towards the kitchen and living room, the bedroom the two of you would share, a few bonus rooms for guests or for certain plans the two of you hadn’t yet discussed, until you arrived at the last door in the hallway.
The keys jingled as you opened it with a different key, grinning from ear to ear as you pushed it open for her to see. Inside was gorgeous library, with the shelves reaching all the way to the ceiling. All of Nesta’s favorite books were held within them, along with a sitting area and desk, and a warm hearth towards the back. 
A large window was the main focal point though, the view overlooking part of Velaris and bay area where the ships were docked. The moon was now rising in the sky with the stars winking in and out. You turned to watch her as she strolled around the room, her fingers ghosting over the spines of the books, until she stopped at the window.
“Do you like it?” You asked earnestly, nerves twisting your stomach into knots. This was supposed to go differently, you were both supposed to be dressed and you were even going to have dinner first, but you had to tell her.
“Why?” She whispered, turning to look at you. Your face fell immediately, thinking she hated it, until you saw the tears welling up in her eyes. “Why would you do this for me?”
You walked over to her and grabbed both of her hands, your own eyes becoming wet. “It’s your Starfall gift from me, Nesta.” You smiled softly, biting down on your lip. “This is what I’ve been working on, why I’ve been going over the budget so many times and sneaking away. I wanted to make sure everything was perfect before I brought you here.”
She was speechless, absolutely stunned at the feat you had pulled off. 
“I wanted us to have a home of our own, not just some apartment above our store.” You continued, looking out the window. “And I wanted your first Starfall to be memorable.”
“You did all of this just for my Starfall gift?” She said incredulously, her lips parted in amazement. 
“Well, I mean…” You stammered, now worried it was too much. “Yes?”
Nesta was quick to pull you towards her and kiss you with the passion of a hundred poets, her love and appreciation practically soaking into your skin as you gladly followed her lead. 
The relief of her kissing you, of liking the place, lifted an enormous weight off your shoulders. You finally felt like you could breathe again and when you pulled away, you rested your head against her shoulder and let out a small laugh.
“You have no idea how nervous I was about this.” You confess, gazing up at her as she grinned and kissed the top of your head.
“And you have no idea how lucky I am to have such a wonderful, thoughtful, incredible mate you are.” She cooed, cupping your face and kissing you once more. “I love you with all my soul.”
“I love you too.” You blushed, the two of you turning to watch the beginning of Starfall in your new home. 
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miso-sopas · 19 days
Hi so got any ninjago x reader recs? Ever since reading Wisps, it has affected my brain chemistry and now i crave for more ninjago x reader content but im picky when finding fics, so got any recommendations?
Hello there! I had fun sorting out my bookmarks and history so recommending fics might be a thing in the future?
Just to note, I am not sure how to really curate your taste so most of these are what I essentially enjoyed reading and been a fan of so forgive me if some (or all 😭 no hard feelings though) aren't your thing.
Let's see...
Honestly Wisps is the *best* so far in my opinion! I don't know if this is pure coincidental but I am also hunting for some ninjago fics to feel emotions again lmao! And I tried my best in remembering what I've read or interested in so hope these are all ok for you!
+ Second best in my opinion is the 'Infinity Series' by Joos according to their quotev because at ao3 it's orphaned [ao3; quotev book 1 & book 2 ]
Unfortunately, the author has stopped updating this fic but going back at it was really enjoyable like in the Wisps. The summary according to the first installment 'Infinite Serenity';
"[Name] has died and became reincarnated in a childhood TV show of hers. She is raised as the adopted daughter of Sensei Wu, training as the Master of Infinity. Once the plot of the show really gets going, a being resurfaces from her. They claim to have revived her and can help her unlock the memories from her previous life. Now, [Name] must rely on this being to help protect Ninjago, and discovers how her past connects with her present." TW: Suicide, self harm, child abuse, some gore and swearing (please pay attention to the tags)
Please please heed the trigger warning, I don't remember much from the content but I definitely recall the author tackling those tags in a respectful way. The love interests are Kai, Nya, Jay, Cole, Morro and platonic with Master Wu and her cousin Lloyd Garmadon. Again, second best recommended fic in my opinion.
+ Next one, this is not one series but user Circus4APsycho8 (they have ao3 and tumblr) in my opinion have the best x reader one-shots from the fandom! My all-time favorite work of theirs is 'Secret Someone' [Highschool AU! Lloyd Garmadon x reader]- this one is really sweet ❣️
Here's these links for their ao3 works and their tumblr ninjago masterlist. All simple yet sweet, I love their writing style.
+ The next one is purely Lloyd Garmadon x Female Reader titled 'Butterfly Effect' by samsea at ao3. I think they're still updating and I am a big fan of hero x civilian pairings and just they're cute and in love.
Summary: "If it was up to Y/n L/n, she would read the summer away, lost in history books and adventure novels, finding excitement in their written words. Meeting Lloyd Garmadon changed her plans. Suddenly, Y/n is living a life she'd only read about; summer romances and cotton candy dates. Perhaps this was a new normal she could get used to. But she's been fated - prophesied - to be with the Green Ninja. And where there's a green ninja, trouble usually follows." Warnings: "The butterfly effect has mature themes such as gore, violence, toxic friendships, sexual themes (no smut) and cussing. the butterfly effect is not intended for younger viewers. Trigger warnings will be placed on chapters as they are needed. if you have any questions or issues please contact me."
Again, heed the warnings but the writing and atmosphere overall is really sweet and for some reason all cuddly and sunny. IDK but maybe I am always soft for Lloyd lmao.
+ If you're up to reading only x reader head cannons then I recommend user mouschiwrites here in tumblr. Their requests are closed now but the head cannons they made are cute and entertaining, like I can definitely see this character doing that y'know. Here's their ninjago masterlist
+ Here's some honorable mentions, I believe they deserve some love too!
In the Shadow (Various love interests) by RoseRain at Quotev
Legend of the Lightspirit (Various love interests) by softie at Quotev
Actually, while finishing my school projects I'm also checking out from another user snazzilystoopid's ninjago recommendation. So far, I am enjoying their second recommended which is 'Element of Wishes' by yourfavoritecloud at quotev BUT this one is an Character x OC one so if it's not up to your alley they have few recommendations. Honestly, I am up to anything as long as it entertained my monkey brain.
Sorry for the long post! Hope these works are okay for your taste but the closest fic that gives off the same vibes as Wisps is the Infinite series. And these are all by my own opinions and the fics I remembered catching my eye. I am very much open to other recommendations or shout-outs.
Side note, there's not much Ninjago fics out there that I might let my monkey brain loose and create one myself LOOOL.
Again, thank you for asking ( I feel honored for being asked by this, I'm a fanfic nerd 🤓)
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everyeternity · 2 months
i've tried to convey this concept a few times on this blog, but it's hard to get across without examples; so let me introduce you to some people i know.
disclaimer; details are omitted, fudged, or otherwise changed for the privacy of the individuals mentioned, with the exception of some businesses.
i knew a library associate from the us south who was hellbent for leather on creating the queerest little bookclub in their red state's history, and it took a couple tries but they finally got enough regular attendees to keep it going on a regular schedule.
i don't care how far i have to drive, and i actually have gotten my car towed the extra fifteen minutes to go to my auto repair shop of choice; not because they have all the equipment, but because they're the first to admit they don't. the main mechanic not only remembered our car ("the little blue one that got backed into?") when we called about an issue he recommended us go elsewhere for, but also gave my partner and i a list of shops to call and coached us on exactly what to ask for.
and just two days ago, i had the incredible pleasure of exploring a new to me local bookstore, filled with indie authors, small publishers, local crafter's wares, and even a fully stocked bookshelf of independently published zines! when i asked about a small local publisher that was featured heavily in their complementary bookmarks, the lady at the register lit up and let me know she owned it and beamed at an offer for local help or submissions.
nothing can substitute for time, authentic connection, and being there in a way that tells people they're safe with you. capitalism has robbed us of third places, this is true; but it also has convinced us that communities require money to build. the deceptively simple reality is that they don't, and they never have. in fact? communities require nothing but giving a damn, finding some people, and putting time into finding more.
many are comforted or dismayed with the idea that they're daisies in concrete, struggling to bloom when the world around them is paved and stifling; but so are the rest of us, and we can bloom together, should we choose to.
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foolofatook001 · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I got tagged by @havenotwillnotreadthebooks (wooo!) <3
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
I have 69 works rn lol
2. What's your total ao3 wordcount?
308,253!!! Which is a lot. My goodness.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Oh, so many. My biggest ones in terms of fic number are dsmp and then atla, although I think the life series is catching up
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
they are all dsmp which makes sense because the fandom is (was?) absolutely forking massive
We'll See Where We Land (296 kudos); Death and Her Angel (246 kudos); I Don't Discriminate (Between the Sinners and the Saints) (239 kudos); I'll Go With You (225 kudos); History Has Its Eyes On You (198 kudos) (wow I really went for the Hamilton titles lol)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why/why not?
I do! I don't get many comments, so I always try to reply when I do, because it's exciting to know that people enjoyed my writing :D
6. What is your fic with the angstiest ending?
Oh definitely How Soft Your Fields lol. No spoilers but that one got some people.
7. What is your fic with the happiest ending?
I'm gonna go with Sleepless in the Fire Nation, I think
8. Do you get hate on your fics?
Nope! Kefi also said this but I'd say I'm not a big enough fish to get hate lol
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Also nope.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's your craziest crossover?
I do write crossovers on occasion. As far as "craziest" goes, either Diplomatic Relations, which is an Avatar the Last Airbender/Lunar Chronicles crossover, or my Magnus Archives/Lord Huron lore series lol (this one more for like. nicheness)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I'm aware. Like I said, small fish.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not! Definitely down if anyone ever asks though
13. Have you co-written any fics?
I have! Who Killed Markiplier: Origins, with my dear friend who goes by Madness_Life_and_Choice on ao3, and then I'll Be Back Again, which was part of a collaborative "telephone" event I did with the ever-wonderful stardust server.
14. What is your all-time favorite ship?
Gotta go with Zutara for this one. It's definitely one of the ones I've shipped the longest, and a lot of the tropes/characteristics they have are what I find I like in other ships as well
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt will actually happen?
NGL a lot of my multichap dsmp fics. Some of them I have outlines for, and I feel bad for letting them languish, but I probably won't be back to them any time soon (although idk I've been rereading a lot of my bookmarks lately lol)
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'd probably say character voice? I like to think I'm pretty good at letting the character shine through in dialogue and in narration.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I don't always do enough description, I think-- I forget that not everyone has the same image in their head as I do.
18. What are your thoughts on dialogue in other languages in fic?
It can be done well and it can be done poorly, and it's Really Irritating when done poorly.
19. What was your first fandom?
Avatar: The Last Airbender.
20. What's your favorite fic you've written?
Probably Lord Knows I Should Be Pushin' Daisies, which was my first TMA/Lord Huron crossover and very near and dear to my heart (Johnnie Redmayne my boy my beloved <3)
tag time! I shall tag @wikipedianna, @liminalumi, @randomprojectedkat and @fennzer
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calowlmitygoddess · 9 months
Ill fill the writing meme because i love talking about myself lmao
1. What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting? Standart arial, and don't care, tought i tried the comic sans trick a few times
2. If you had to give up your keyboard and write your stories exclusively by hand, could you do it? If you already write everything by hand, a) are you a wizard and b) pen or pencil? Probably not, my handwriting is terrible, actually unreadable to anyone but myself. Ive used to write on papper back in highschool when i had to write basicly everyday, now i havent touched a pen in ages.
3. What is your writing ritual and why is it cursed? No standart ritual aside from needing music, anything else distracts me. The two songs i listened the most while writing is Respite on the Spitafields by ghost and Sacred Worlds by Blind Guardian
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral? Can't think of any rn :^
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true? I dont think i have any
6. What is your darkest fear about writing? That it all will be meaningless/no one will read what i do
7. What is your deepest joy about writing? Doing Something TM the whole, creation aspect
8. If you had to write an entire story without either action or dialogue, which would you choose and how would it go? No dialogue, just write a piece of someone going trought their day, ive wrote a small exercise a while back that fit this.
9. Do you believe in ghosts? This isn’t about writing I just wanna know No. Unless i hear a Noise TM then they are very real
10. Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you? All my unfinished things haunt me daily. So much promise and so far nothing real. I had to write a thing to help let go of their ghosts
11. Do you believe in the old advice to “kill your darlings?” Are you a ruthless darling assassin? What happens to the darlings you murder? Do you have a darling graveyard? Do you grieve? Only when it fits the narrative. I dont like killing characters whitout a major reason, usually thematic, otherwise it feels cheap.
12. If a genie offered you three writing wishes, what would they be? Btw if you wish for more wishes the genie turns all your current WIPs into Lorem Ipsum, I don’t make the rules. Have the skill needed to make my Big Project reality, Have it reach some form of Good greater recognition/popularity, the last one i would keep for later.
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy? Hard topics in general, big issues, relationships in any realistic way.
Literally just characters vibing, introspection, Over the top stuff.
14. Do you lend your books to people? Are people scared to borrow books from you? Do you know exactly where all your “lost” books are and which specific friend from school you haven’t seen in twelve years still possesses them? Will you ever get them back? No one ever asked for a book to me but id have no problem doing so. Im the one people shouldnt ever lend any books because i am very careless and would likely end up dropping coffee or something accidentally on it
15. Do you write in the margins of your books? Dog-ear your pages? Read in the bath? Why or why not? Do you judge people who do these things? Can we still be friends? I dont write in margins, but i did dog eared books in the past, and i use the jacket(?) of the book to mark my pages.
16. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark? fuckenn... i dont remember tbh, again i use the jacket.
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text. I have a post with a bunch of lore about the dragon species, i cant find it tought. But they are mammals that lay eggs, have no gender, their society mostly resemble that of bees, they have no currency, and the watsonian reason the main character goes by gendered terms despite not having one is because she thinks the words sound nice
18. Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end. Spicy addition: Questioner provides the passage. I dont think theres any passages that have interesting enough backstories.
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going? My dream since childhood was to write a book, ive always liked to tell stories, read and such, i would dictate stories that my mom would write down before i learnt how to do so. But then i got really into drawing and started to foucus more on that, and ended up shifting the foucus from writing text to comic making since every artist with ocs does that. I also changed foucus on projects faster than light, so i would write 2 chapters and give up the next day, or change the entire story the next week and such.
I stuck with comics as my goal for like the past 6 years, and only early this year i came to the conclusion that i really hate the comic making part of making comics, and that i like writting much better. Im very rusty+ the fact im not as avid reader as i used to, and the quality is not really good, but im having fun.
20. If a witch offered you the choice between eternal happiness with your one true love and the ability to finally finish, perfect, and publish your dearest, darlingest, most precious WIP in exactly the way you've always imagined it — which would you choose? You can’t have both sorry, life’s a bitch
Wip, finish the wip, thats all i wanted since i was 10, what even is the point of this question.
21. Could you ever quit writing? Do you ever wish you could? Why or why not? I just started writting 'seriously' so i dont want to quit just yet. Also i have a massive undeserved ego, i dont think even the most discouraging,awful negative review could make me quit doing it.
22. How organized are you with your writing? Describe to me your organization method, if it exists. What tools do you use? Notebooks? Binders? Apps? The Cloud? I have one google doc, with outline+ chapters as i write them, i used to have different docs for lore/outline/chapters but its easier this wau
23. Describe the physical environment in which you write. Be as detailed as possible. Tell me what’s around you as you work. Paint me a picture.
In the inn i stay during the week and my actual room in my house are essentially the same place, Is my room, its messy and damp but its confy enough. My table is turned to the small window and during the morning the sun hist right in my face. The table is equally messy, with cups and glasses over it, pappers stained with coffee and tea cover its surface. My one company, a small succulent that rests near the window, and a carved small owl that i need to constantly clean because its constantly molding due to the dampness.
24. How much prep work do you put into your stories? What does that look like for you? Do you enjoy this part or do you just want to get on with it? Idk what kind of prep work you would do. I just sit and write mate.
25. What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story? Godamn i cant think of any rn. Most of my Extremely well developed characters are from my BIg Story, but it literally doesnt exist anywhere outside my head yet, so idk what is and isnt relevant to it. For my current wip is a little harder since the characters are like less than a year old. idk...Orick looks like a cat person, i think he would like to own a cat.
26. How do you get into your character’s head? How do you get out? Do you ever regret going in there in the first place? I go "what would a person in this situation with this background do" and try my best to guess.
27. Who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? Why? Any character thats like a stategist or planner, because its hard to make them look smart without making it look like bullshit or predicting the future
28. Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why? Meira. Her narration came very easy to me, guilt ridden but still professional and calm, also Big Gay.
29. Where do you draw your inspiration? What do you do when the inspiration well runs dry? I was never a very original kid, im a vampire that sucks the soul out of other things to fuel my own. My current Wip main characters are based out of HK characters they resemble nothing of. Im always on the prowl for new media to steal from be inspired by
30. Talk to me about the role dreams play in your writing life. Have you ever used material from your dreams in your writing? Have you ever written in a dream? Did you remember it when you woke up?
Sort of. I've dreamed with plots before, and i usually do my best to remember, but while at the moment i wake up feeling like that was the best idea in the world, after a while when i think about it again, its just sort of nonsense
31. Write a short love letter to your readers.
Literally Thank you to anyone who ever gave me the time of day. Im still a little haunted by those i dissapointed by never fininishing stuff but the fact that yall liked enough to make me feel guilty for giving up is also good in a way <3
32. What is a line from a poem/novel/fanfic etc that you return to from time and time again? How did you find it? What does it mean to you?
'sometimes a dream is enough' - the last line from one of my favourite books. In context it drives me insane, it makes me rabid. But out of context its just neat
33. Do you practice any other art besides writing? Does that art ever tie into your writing, or is it entirely separate? Im a Drawer! also tried sculpting in the past. And YES, my current dream is to have an illustrated novel.
34. Thoughts on the Oxford comma, Go: No idea what an oxford comma is and at this point im too afraid to ask
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens? POV character being the protagonist, i just found it such a neat concept. Also the protagonist needing to be a Good Moral Character.
36. They say to Write What You Know. Setting aside for a moment the fact that this is terrible advice...what do you Know? Dinossaurs, i wanna write a story about dinossaurs one day...
37. If you were to be remembered only by the words you’ve put on the page, what would future historians think of you? Gay. Also very into dragons
38. What is something about your writing process YOU think is Really Weird? If you are comfortable, please share. If you’re not comfortable, what do you think cats say about us? I dont have any Weird habits i think? I can only imagine some kind of complain about how their current food sucks.
39. What keeps you writing when you feel like giving up? Not to be dark in the funny meme but giving up would literally remove one of the things that give my life some form of meaning
40. Please share a poem with me, I need it.
idk how to write poems sorry
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impishtubist · 2 years
Hi, I could also use a distraction right about now. I'm very very lonely. It feels like all my friends are in romantic partnerships and I had to move back in with family cause I can't afford a place by myself. So I'm living again in my childhood hometown, with all the terrible memories, and no company. Please tell me adulting gets easier, or how to make friends, or some good fics to read or shows to watch to help keep me busy.
Oh, Anon. My heart goes out to you. I could have written this ask 10 years ago. I had to move back in with family at that time in my childhood hometown, which I hated and which had terrible memories associated with it. It was awful. I absolutely know this pain.
I believe it does get easier. I truly believe that. It took years, but it did get easier. For me, it got to the point that I was applying to jobs all over the country, and I finally found one out west that would take me. I packed up what I owned in my car and drove 1000 miles west to a place where I knew no one and nothing. It was terrifying, and also the best thing I've ever done for myself. If a chance like that comes along for you, a life-altering chance, I suggest you take it! I have never regretted taking a huge chance like that. I think I would have only regretted NOT taking the chance, and staying still.
That being said, it's SO HARD to make friends as an adult. I feel you. Every time I move somewhere new, it's Meetup.com that I use to make new friends. I also use Tumblr and Twitter a lot! (And LiveJournal and Fanfiction.net and Dreamwidth.org) A lot of my life-long friends are ones I met in fandom spaces online who eventually became IRL friends. Pre-pandemic, my job was one that sent me traveling all over the country, so I met up with a lot of fandom friends that way. I highly recommend it, if you ever have that chance! 
As far as distractions go, I’m happy to provide! I have over 3000 bookmarks on AO3, so that’s a good place to start. Right now, my current distractions are A League Of Their Own on Amazon Prime and The Sandman on Netflix. So good, so queer! Good Omens is of course one of my favorite books and series, so I recommend that as well. MASH, of course (that’s on Hulu). Doctor Who and Torchwood, too, wherever they live now! I am enjoying all the free history documentaries I can find on YouTube! And of course my favorite YouTube channel is Ask A Mortician. Highly recommend.  
Also, do not beat yourself up about moving in with family and not making friends right now. We are still in a pandemic! It’s okay to lie low and not socialize. It’s okay to have to live with family - it fucking SUCKS to be a single person in the US right now. It’s much more expensive than being with a spouse. I hate it. We are living in unprecedented times. Be kind to yourself. Do what you have to do to survive.
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subterra-rose · 2 years
hello sorry but i rly like your art and taste in stuff so I'm sorry if I'm bothering u but do u have any favs/recs for ahit or too fanfic? favorite au stuff?
Thank you so much!!! Nah, I love when people send me asks or message me, Im just bad at remembering to respond because I'm always at work or school :3
Uhhhh, I'll admit I dont really interact with fandoms outside of my circle of mutuals and I'm really picky with fanfics, so I dont really read/follow them often but I have a few that I like? I'll put everything under a read more bc this could get long really fast LOL Some of these I haven't read in a while either so I remember liking them but I cant actually like... vouch for quality
For AHIT, the AUs I probably keep/ did keep up with the most were @/doodledrawthings' OTH au and @/ginumo's Mu of Subcon au and that one steampunk one who's creator I cant remember rn (I'll edit when I find it), I kind of look at everyone's now since I feel like the fandom isn't as active (But I also wasnt active for like.... 2 years so i missed a lot LOL) Also any AU where it's Hattie and Bow as adults I love bc I think its really interesting to see how they've grown up and Ive seen a lot of different interpretations AHIT fics:
Birds Can't Eat Chocolate (by @/majormeilani on here) https://archiveofourown.org/works/36067645 be kind (rewind) https://archiveofourown.org/works/30018924
Love Language https://archiveofourown.org/works/32547175 The Prince of Kindling: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35737528 Being Human (OTH!AU) https://archiveofourown.org/works/24826561
For TOH, I stay mostly up to date with my mutual's AUs so thats mostly like the Belos and Wittebane ones, but I like any of the ones where Luz and Amity switch places, the Golden Guard Tag Team AU TOH fics: I like @/novelist-becca's stuff! She's one of my faves for Raeda fics and one of the only people I mainly follow for fanfic But for fics I do like I'll list below: Luz-Centric or Lumity:
we can stay here and laugh away the fear: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27227170 Moonlight Masquerade (Lumity fic): https://archiveofourown.org/works/26366503 warm woolen mittens (these are a few of my favorite things) (Lumity fic): https://archiveofourown.org/works/25960222 Hunter-centric: To Hell with the Titan's Plans: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33540175 Naptime: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32649127
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xxsabitoxx · 2 years
Pick Your Poison
{Yandere! Sanemi x Fem! Reader}
Warnings: animal cruelty towards crows, dub-con, manipulation, degradation, mentions / fear of abuse, spit kink, dominance kink, some bondage, semi forced relationship, breeding kink, semi forced pregnancy, mentions of violence, stockholm syndrome
A/N: as requested by @muzanswaifu , here is a fairly dark Sanemi smut. It’s ironic cause I would sooner die than reveal my bookmarks and search history on Ao3 but post this lmao
Word Count: 6.4K
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You sat dutifully by his side, hands folded neatly in your lap with your head bowed. “I’m glad you’ve finally found a tsugoku, Sanemi.” Ubuyashiki’s voice was calm and soothing, far different from what you had expected. This was your first time in the presence of the master, after all.
“She shows amazing potential, I think it will be easy for her to adapt to the wind breathing styles.” You squirmed slightly at the praise, Shinazugawa was never one to compliment people. “That’s amazing to hear. Good luck, y/n.” You tensed a bit at Ubuyashiki referring to you directly. Your forehead nearly touched the floor as you bowed. “I hope to make you proud, my lord.”
So perfect. Samemi was mentally praising himself for finding someone like you. So naïve, so obedient, soon enough you’d be putty in his hands. He’d make sure of it.
“You two are free to go. Treat her well, Sanemi, don’t overwork her.” He nodded, “of course.” You watched Ubuyashiki leave the room, letting out a breath you didn’t realize you had been holding. You glanced over at your new master, the jagged scars on his face turning upwards. “What are you staring at?”
Your eyes immediately shifted to your hands, not looking up at the man beside you. “Nothing, sorry sir.” You silently prayed he wouldn’t start yelling. Since you were still in Ubuyashiki’s home, you may luck out. “Let’s go, it’s time to train.”
Other members of the corps had actually sent you their condolences when they found out you were to become the Wind Pillar’s tsugoku.
You certainly believed they were necessary. Having only started training with the man a few days prior, you were convinced you were on death’s door after the first session. He was nothing to joke about, regardless of you being a woman he didn’t hold back at all. It was a miracle he hadn’t broken any of your bones yet.
“Get into your first position.” You did as you were told, hands clammy as you grasped the hilt of your blade. First form: dust whirlwind cutter. You silently went through the motions of the first step, waiting dutifully for your master to instruct you. “Go.” Sanemi’s gruff voice barely reached you before you launched into the first form of wind breathing.
The training dummy before you was cut in half within the blink of an eye. The key to wind breathing was your speed, something you pride yourself in. “Get into your eight position” he never went in order. Eighth form: primary gale slash. You moved backwards, putting enough space between you and the next training dummy for the attack to work.
“Go.” He crossed his arms, watching as you leapt and swung your blade. You were perfect. In only a few days you were on the fast track to completely mastering wind breathing. Such a shame you’ll never get to put this to use. Ubuyashiki had to be out of his damn mind if he thought Sanemi was ever letting you go on a mission. It killed him already knowing you had.
You could have been killed before he even met you. How tragic would that have been?
“Fifth” be barked, watching you get into position for a third time. Fifth form: cold mountain wind. You steadied yourself, turning to the training dummy behind you and taking off at it. This move was one that required a few attacks before unleashing since it was more of an in the moment move. You landed it flawlessly nonetheless.
You were waiting for his next order, jumping slightly as your crow squawked above you. “L/N Y/N! Your assistance is needed up north…” you yelled as a rock was thrown, hitting your crow and wounding it. You caught it easily, tears welling in your eyes as you concluded it had a broken wing.
“M-master…” you wailed softly, cradling the bird to you.
“Stand up.” His voice was ice cold, so much so that you actually shivered. “B-but master…” at the sight of his raised hand you shut up, cowering slightly in fear of getting hit. Slowly you stood to your full height. “Kill the damn bird.” Your stomach dropped, “kill it?” There was no way he was serious.
“You heard me. Kill it.” You felt sick, hands protectively holding the bird closer to you. “I-I’m not going to kill my crow!” You could see a small handful of rocks in his hand, why would he do that to your poor bird? “How are you supposed to kill demons then? I chose you for a reason. Don’t disappoint me.” Each word was laced with venom, so much so that it brought you to tears.
“My crow did nothing wrong! Please master, I'm begging you!” You fell to your knees, shielding the crow from any of his attacks. Sanemi had to suppress a giddy smile, you submitted to him so easily. “Alright fine, we’ll take it to see Kocho.” His little stunt had worked, you had evidently forgotten the mission the damn bird had tried to deliver.
You stood slowly, not daring to make eye contact with him. Had he really gotten that upset that your bird had interrupted your training session? Didn’t this do the opposite of what he wanted? Now you were delaying your growth in wind breathing because you had to try and help your crow.
“Look at me, shouldn’t you be thanking me?”
Thanking him?
“Thanking…you?” You questioned out loud, slowly meeting his eyes despite your fear. “I'm letting that stupid fucking crow live. You should be thanking me for that.” Muscular arms folded over his chest, scars littering them in every direction. You drank in the sight regardless of anger radiating off the man before you.
“Thank you, master.”
In the following weeks, your crow slowly got better. To fill in the role while they were absent, you had a variation of birds coming to send you orders. All of which ended up severely hurt or dead.
Sanemi refused to let you leave his presence. As far as you were aware, Ubuyashiki was giving you a few months off to properly master wind breathing. Sanemi on the other hand was forcing other lower ranks to take on your missions for you. The moment one of those birds even dared to squawk, he was knocking them down. He’d choke out whatever mission had been assigned to you and sent some poor soul on their way to possibly meet their end.
“Come here.” You jumped at the sound of his voice, eyes shifting to look through the open doorway. Sanemi had requested you move into his estate about a week after the whole incident with your crow. He claimed it was for better and more strict training. You followed along despite the logical side of your brain telling you to run.
“What do you need, Master?” You entered his bedroom, the faint smell of alcohol greeting you. Really? He’s drinking? It’s barely past sunrise… You couldn’t really see him, the dim light of dawn just barely illuminating his bedroom. Nearly everything, including him, was cast in shadow. You stepped in slowly, eyes fighting to adjust to the dark. “I need you.”
Your steps faltered, coming to a halt completely half way towards his bed. “What?” You couldn’t bring yourself to keep moving. “I said I need you to get me water.” No the hell you didn’t. You blinked slowly, “o-okay I’ll go grab you some.” You left the room quickly, rubbing clammy palms against your uniform. You had initially gotten up so early to go and train.
“Damnit.” He grumbled against his pillow, foggy mind parting to give him a moment of clarity. “She isn’t ready yet, how sad.” He could smell the alcohol on his breath, groaning as his head began to twitch with a headache. If he wanted you, he needed to do it when he was at full strength. Not when he got bored and nearly drunk himself sick a few hours prior. There was only so much patience he had after all, it was getting hard with you living in the same house.
You placed the cup on his bedside table, trying to leave the room quietly. “One more thing.” His voice was groggy but a little bit clearer this time. “Yes?” You stopped at his doorway, realizing as he turned around to grab the water that he was shirtless. “Come back to my room around noon, I’d like to have a chat with you.” You let out a quick okay before stumbling out of the room. Air, I need air.
You gasped when you hit the backyard. Running your hands through your hair, you forced yourself to sit on the steps. Your fear towards your master had only built up as time went on. He could kill you at any second, regardless of corps rules. You felt more like his slave than his tsugoku, constraint training just to refuse you any missions. You didn’t want the few months off, you wanted to be on the field.
“I’m going insane.” You buried your face in your hands. It wasn’t just fear that was beginning to make you crumble.It was the hot and cold attitude of the wind pillar. There were times where he actually praised you during training, more so in a backhanded way but it was praise nonetheless in your eyes. And then there were times where he was brutal, tearing you down about every single thing you did.
That wasn’t even the worst of it. It was the odd tender moments, the lingering touches, the longing stares. You were by no means oblivious to your master’s desire. You probably would have even encouraged it if he didn’t scare the living shit out of you. You were walking on eggshells around this man, holding your breath when he lingered too long. That was no way to live, and it certainly was no way to try and pursue a relationship.
Yet your heart still ignores your brain.
You find yourself craving his touch after it disappears. You find yourself wanting to run your hands through his hair and trace all his scars. It made you nauseous. How could you possibly find yourself falling for the man who could quite frankly end your life and get away with it. You pulled your face from your hands, standing up and making your way further back towards the training grounds. “I just need to clear my head.”
You went through each form of wind breathing at least twelve times. Only stopping when the sun was nearly at its peak in the sky. You wiped the sweat from your brow, Sanemi’s words ringing through your head. “Shit!” You needed to bathe first, you were covered in sweat. “I should have time…” you took back off towards his estate, running through the halls until you got to your own bathroom.
You began undressing as quickly as you could, you silently prayed the water would be warm enough by the time you got in. “I thought I told you to meet me at noon?” You froze with your leg half way out of your uniform pants, turning slowly to see Sanemi standing in the doorway. “M-master! I’m…not decent, what are you doing!” Your hands came up to hold your breasts, the binding was still on them but you covered them anyways.
“Answer my question.” His eyes were shamelessly roaming your body. For once you felt defiant. “I’m not answering your question! Get out!” Bad idea. The wood of the door actually splintered under his grasp. “Excuse me?” Your hands began to shake, you blinked at him slowly before dropping your head down. “I was supposed to meet you, I’m sorry master.”
“Now was that so difficult? Is a bath more important than me?” He was stepping into the room now, closing the door behind him. “No master. It isn’t.” You want to cry, hands shaking as you move to pull your pants back up. “Did I say you couldn’t take a bath?” You froze again, head lifting slowly to meet his eyes. “No you didn’t, master.” He smiled, one that would be comforting if you couldn’t feel the anger radiating off him.
“Then take your bath.” You blinked, slowly realizing what he planned on doing. “Okay…” you let your pants fall to the floor, stepping out of them to place them in the hamper. You began undoing your breast binding, turning your back to Sanemi so he didn’t see. The last step was your underwear, embarrassment flooding your cheeks as you dropped them to your ankles.
Sanemi watched you with a smile on his face, eyes taking in every ounce of bare skin you gave him. He felt his dick twitch to life, shifting slightly to try and ignore it. He wasn’t going to take you in the bathroom of all places, he’d wait till you were clean and ready to talk. That was the gentleman thing to do, no?
You sunk into the water, slightly relieved that it was warm. “Are you going to watch me bathe?” You looked up at him, sinking enough that the water covered your breasts. “I am, since I can’t seem to trust you to be on time.” His arms folded, looking at him properly now you realized he was still shirtless. A black kimono hung around his waist, but that was it.
You looked away, busying yourself with cleaning off the quickest you could. “Do you need help?” You felt embarrassment flood your cheeks again, looking down at your body through the rippling water. “I’m okay, thank you.” You finished scrubbing yourself, turning away from him as you stood up. You reached for the towel you placed by the head of the tub, wrapping it around you before stepping out.
“I’ll give you ten minutes, I expect you in my room no later.” He left, leaving you dripping wet and alone in your bathroom. What the hell is going through his head? You ran to your room, drying off and changing as quickly as you could. The genuine fear you felt of disappointing him and the consequences that would follow fueled you.
You tied the string to your kimono messily, trying your damn hardest to dry your hair but giving up out of frustration. You had to assume nearly ten minutes had passed, so you were out your door and making your way to his room. “I hope I wasn’t late, I'm so sorry master.” I still don’t understand why I’m apologizing. You mentally scolded yourself when you saw him sitting on his bed.
“You’re lucky, you are a whole minute early. Kneel before me.” You raised your eyebrow, he wanted you to kneel before him? You did as you were told anyways, kneeling before him on the wooden floor. You bowed your head, eyes focusing on the floor just before his feet. “You’re so obedient, minus that little incident earlier.” You stilled completely as a calloused hand came up to touch your cheek.
“You can look at me, you know.” A second hand came up to cup your other cheek, gently lifting your face to look at him. For the first time since being appointed as his tsugoku, he looked calm…happy even. You remained silent, letting him hold your face. “I just wanted to ask you a few things. You’ve been my tsugoku for nearly a month now. You live in my house with me now. And yet I feel like I don’t really know you.”
You could only blink at him, unsure of how to proceed. This certainly wasn’t the man you’ve known up until this point. Certainly not the man that just intruded on your bath and forced you to bathe in front of him. “Are you okay with me asking you questions?” The rough pad of his thumb brushed your cheekbone. Such a tender act had you melting into his touch. “Yes master.”
How cute.
“You’re so beautiful. Why would someone like you join the corps?” You were slightly confused, the question seemed to be something he was asking himself. “Why?” Your hands slowly came up to press against his own. “You must be an idiot.” You stared at him in disbelief, there he goes again with the hot and cold behavior. “No really. You must be stupid to join the corps.” His grip tightened slightly, panic spiking in your chest.
“What questions do you have, master?” You needed to change the subject, quickly. “Do you plan on marrying?” Well that’s not any better than the last question. You flinched, what were you supposed to say? This was clearly some sort of test. “I do…but not any time soon.” Was honesty your best route? You decided to maintain eye contact, watching his face morph and shift into different emotions before settling on disgust.
“You really think someone would marry you?” What? What kind of test was this? “I’d like to hope so.” You mentally cursed yourself, he was going to keep going. “How about kids? Do you want to be a mother?” His hands we’re still on your face, holding it as if it were a precious gem. You wanted to get away from him, the conversation was taking a turn that made a pit form in your stomach. What is he trying to figure out?
“I…I think I'd like kids.” His face lit up as your stomach dropped. He let go of your face, standing up so your face was level with his groin. “How perfect. I think we were made for each other.” You felt your cheeks flood with embarrassment, eyes looking anywhere but in front of you. “I have a choice for you, y/n.” You held in a gasp at Sanemi’s use of your first name.
You remained silent, watching him move around his bed towards the sliding doors that led to the outside. The ones that were currently letting in a breeze, the only reason you felt like you weren’t suffocating. You dug your nails into your thighs as he dragged the doors shut. You didn’t know what he was about to say, but now you only had one escape route.
“I can either hurt you so badly that you’ll be crippled for the rest of your life…” your eyes flew wide, the urge to go from kneeling to crouching taking over. “Or you can mother my children. Those are your choices, sweetheart.” You were standing before you even realized it, he was absolutely insane. You turned to make a run for it, yelling in shock as his arm wrapped around your waist. “You aren’t nearly as fast as you need to be to outrun me. Plus we are just having a conversation.”
You clawed at his arms, kicked your legs, anything to try and loosen his grip. “It seems you forget who you’re up against.” He lifted you with ease, carrying you over and dropping you on his bed. You made an attempt to get up and try running again, but it truly was useless. Not when his thighs encased your hips, he sat nearly his full weight on your abdomen.
Large hands came down to grab each of your wrists, pinning them above your head. “What is your answer?” The crazed look in his eyes had you thrashing under him, not a single attempt worked. The pressure on your lower half began to morph into something else, something that had you questioning your own sanity. “W-what?” Your attempts at getting away slowly stopped.
“I gave you two options, you already fucking forgot?” He looked utterly disgusted with you. “Seriously, how do you expect to survive on your own when you can’t even remember a simple question.” The grip on your wrists tightened, earning Sanemi a shrill cry of pain from you. He waited until you had stopped, chest still heaving as he looked at you. “Do you want me to hurt you? Or knock you up? Those are your only two choices.”
“I want neither, I want to go back to my normal life.” Why did you ever agree to being his tsugoku? He clicked his tongue, eyes trailing over your body. He could feel every twitch, every shiver. “That wasn’t an option.” He switched to holding your wrists with just one hand, pulling the belt of his own kimono off. “I’ll just have to make the choice for you.” He began tying your wrists together, feeble cries to stop fell on deaf ears. His hips moved lower, the pressure of his body weight was now directly on top of your cunt.
“W-what choice will you make?” You're getting lost in his warmth, the way his hands slowly glide down your arms to your sides and back again. “You’re too special to me. I don’t think I’d be able to live with myself if I hurt you that bad.” His head lowered until his breath was fanning your neck. Your stomach squeezed at the realization of what his choice meant, nausea washing over you “no…no no wait… master… Shina…Shinazugawa!” His lips were pressing into the bare skin of your neck.
Goosebumps followed everywhere his lips touched. “So responsive.” He cooed against your skin, hands slowly coming down to rest on your waist. “You’ll be such a good mother.” His teeth sunk into the junction between your neck and shoulder. You could feel the pressure of his teeth biting into your skin, breath stopping the second you felt your skin begin to break. “Stop! Please!” Warm blood trickled down behind your shoulder and onto the mattress. Tears burned your eyes as blunt teeth finally let go.
His tongue lapped at your skin until the bleeding slowed. “I’m going to consume every single inch of you.” His lips pressed into your ear as he whispered, slowly kissing until he hovered just above your lips. You whined, you could smell your blood on his lips. You knew what was coming next, his mouth pressed to yours in a bruising kiss that tastes metallic. You didn’t want to submit, submitting was what ended you here in the first place. But the hands on your waist, slowly climbing to cup your breasts.
You slowly felt yourself becoming putty in his hands. The pleasure that coursed through you from his warmth alone was intoxicating, inviting even. The twinge from between your legs betrayed any sense of logic you felt. “These would look so pretty filled with milk. You know that? They’d be so tender, so plush and warm.” Saliva connected your lips as he spoke, slowly pulling apart your kimono. “They’d be so sensitive too.”
Your eyes squeezed shut, “d-dont talk like that.” You felt him begin to laugh, pulling your kimono off completely to fully expose your breasts “Why not? It’s the truth.” You hated how responsive your body was to him. His tongue began roaming your breasts, nipping softly as the plush skin. “You know, you made things so easy for me. You are so trusting, so naive.” He poked his tongue at your nipple, watching the way it hardened. Your brows furrowed, teeth sinking into the side of your cheek in effort not to moan.
“W-why do you - ohh - say that?” His lips wrapped around the perked bud, licking and sucking slowly. His lips left you reluctantly. “Because you did everything I ever asked of you, you did it without ever questioning me. Are you sure you don’t want this?” He kissed across your sternum to your other breast. You blinked up at his ceiling in surprise, did you want this or not? You couldn’t figure it out. Another cry left your lips when his teeth sunk down on the sensitive bud.
Your cries only fueled his own arousal, cock beginning to harden completely. “You’ll look so fucking perfect with a swollen stomach, carrying my baby so proudly.” His lips sunk lower, pulling your kimono apart more. You shivered as his tongue lapped at your skin, only to tense seconds later as his teeth sunk into your waist. “W-wait!” Your back arched in effort to get him off, teeth sinking and cutting your flesh for the second time.
Tears burned your eyes as warm blood trickled down your skin to the mattress for a second time. “Your blood is so sweet.” Your chest heaved as he spoke, the pain from his first bite was still pulsing on your shoulder. He moved lower still, pulling the rest of your kimono apart. “You didn’t even bother with underwear?” You would hide your face if your hands weren’t tied. You felt his breath ghost over your cunt, a small whimper leaving your lips
You let him spread your thighs apart easily, despite the biting he was being gentle. You mentally scolded yourself for relaxing into his touch. The second his teeth began scraping at your thigh you braced yourself. The feeling shot straight to your clit, heat flooding your cheeks as you realized how wet you had become. “So soft.” He mumbled against your skin, so much so that you barely understood what he was saying.
You felt butterflies in your stomach each time his teeth grazed your skin, silently waiting for the pain. “I almost can’t bring myself to mark these…” his hands rested on your thighs as well. “Then..don't.” You shivered as he kissed the junction between your thigh and cunt. “I said almost, sorry sweetheart.” You gasped loudly as his teeth sunk into your other thigh, biting hard enough to hurt but not enough to break the skin.
“Master! Please stop…stop teasing.” You were going insane. His teeth sunk deeper, pulling another cry from your lips. “Oh? So you want this now?” He was hovering just centimeters over your cunt, you blinked down at him absolutely confused. Do I want this? He pulled away from your cunt all together. “If you want it so badly, I’ll give it to you.” You watched with slight horror as he undressed completely, hardened cock slapping against his stomach.
“W-wait wait…” the realization of what was about to happen making your whole body tense. He was going to take you with no preparation. “No, I’m sick of waiting.” His hands gripped your thighs with such force you visibly flinched. “You’re wet enough, you’ll hug me so well sweetheart. Thank you for making me realize how long I was taking. You’re so eager to be full of me aren’t you? You’ll make such a good mother.”
“M-master please! I want your mouth first! I’ll do anything.” He was too big to be taken with no preparation, you swallowed your pride and began to beg. He didn’t seem convinced, but he did stop. “M-master…please. I want to feel your tongue, I want to feel your mouth on my pussy. Please…” your voice cracked, tears threatening to fall if he didn’t give in. “The things you do to me sweetheart…” he lowered again, a sigh of relief leaving your lungs as he lowered himself to his knees.
The grip on your thighs is still bruising, but now he was kissing along your labia and making his way towards your pulsing clit. You locked eyes with him, a smirk crawling up his lips before he buried his face between your legs. Your breathing stopped all together as his tongue began lapping hungrily. Your tied hands began to twitch as his assault on your clit was already too overwhelming. “M-master…” you sighed as his lips wrapped around the pulsing bud, sucking harshly.
“Y-you know…if my hands weren’t—ha—tied…” you swallowed thickly “I’d like to…to bury my hands in your h-hair master…” maybe if I can convince him to untie me…I can get away. You felt him begin to laugh, pulling away from your cunt for just a second to say “not until I can trust you to not run away.” Shit. He truly could see through every single lie. Every single bargain you had that didn’t coax him into touching you more…was simply ignored.
His kissed your clit a few times before pulling away, using two fingers to spread your lips apart. “How pretty.” He cooed more so to himself than to you, you couldn’t bring yourself to look down. “So warm and inviting, I can even see you contracting.” You squirmed, walls spasming from trying to reach your orgasm that Sanemi let fizzle away. The sound of him spitting made you jolt with shock, head flying upwards to look down at him. You could feel his saliva drip back out of you, slowly leaking down onto his sheets.
“Silly me…” you watched in silent awe as he recollected whatever had fallen. Using two fingers he forced it back into you, the sudden intrusion wasn’t even as jarring as his spit. He forced your hips upwards, that way nothing would leak out as he spit again, using his own saliva and your arousal to pump his fingers at a deadly pace. Squelching noises filled the room in time with your moans, completely and utterly lost in the pleasure that you had almost denied yourself of.
“See sweetheart? You’re mine. This body of yours? Mine. This pussy? Mine?” He was babbling out so many possessive terms you found yourself nodding in agreement. “All—Ahhh—all yours master!” What the hell were you saying? The orgasm he denied you of only a few minutes prior was building again, your whole body tensing as his calloused fingers hit every point perfectly. His tongue returned to your aching clit, tongue moving side to side in perfect rhythm.
“M-master!” Your back arched, crying out as you spilled all over his chin and fingers. Sanemi didn’t slow down until your back had hit the mattress again, pulling his two fingers out and smirking as he stood. “Open.” He held them by your mouth, smiling as you lazily opened your mouth like he asked. Your tongue swirled around his fingers, not really caring for the taste of your own arousal. But at least it was tolerable.
“See? I treat you so well. I make you feel so good.” He kissed your cheek, your forehead, your nose and lastly your lips. You couldn’t seem to remember why you didn’t want this in the first place, he treated you so well. “More…please.” It seems everything had left your mind, Sanemi himself was a bit surprised by your change in behavior. “You want more?” You nodded lazily, reaching out to touch him despite your tied hands.
He could have crumbled on the spot.
“I knew you’d come around sweetheart, Master will give you everything you could ever want.” You welcomed his kiss, too lost in your own pleasure to care anymore. At least you’d be safe with him, right? You felt him pushing your thighs a little further apart, a shiver passing over you when the bulbous head of his cock pressed into you. “It won’t hurt that bad…” he was still big, regardless of how much preparation.
You stiffened slightly, eyes watering as he pressed further into you. His head fell to your shoulder, kissing around the wound he had inflicted on you. You tried to relax yourself, the burning sensation easing as he sunk further in. “So fucking tight…” he was panting agaisnt your skin, you had never felt so full in your entire life. “Almost there…” you merely choked when you realized he still hadn’t bottomed out yet.
You gasped, hands searching for something to grab despite still being tied together with his kimono’s belt. You could feel him pressing against your cervix, the bones of his hips pressing harshly into the bottom of your thighs. Your walls were spasming uncontrollably, you could feel every single inch, every single vein that ran up his shaft. “M-master…” you babbled incoherently, watching through watery eyes as he propped himself back up to hover over you.
“You look so beautiful like this.” His eyes trailed from your face all the way down to where he was buried inside of you. “Can I move?” You nodded feebly, fingers aching to find purchase on his skin. Sanemi’s hips started off slow, giving you time to adjust to the sensation before picking up into a steady pace. Whimpers and moans tumbled from your lips each time he grazed the sensitive spot that had you seeing stars. “M-master….” You whined, back arching in a way that had him hitting every spot just right.
“Does that feel good?” He grabbed your thigh and pushed it further up, allowing him to hit even deeper. “You look so fucked out, how cute.” He pushed harder, tip kissing your cervix before he drew back out again. He continued like this until he seemingly got bored, “hold on…” he mumbled more so to himself than you, pulling out completely. “M-master?” You whined at the emptiness you felt.
He flipped you around without saying another word, leaving you so your tied hands were still above your head as your face pressed into the mattress. You grimaced slightly as you were dangerously close to the bloodstain your shoulder had left. “M-master?” You allowed him to push you upwards until your knees sunk into the plush material. “Sorry sweetheart, wanted to try a different position.” He placed a kiss on your lower back, cock head slipping between your folds
He plunged into you again, a shrill cry leaving you as his pace turned brutal. Every ounce of sweetness has been to try and gain your trust. You realized with absolute horror as he continued to pound into you ruthlessly. You tried to claw at the sheets, knees digging further into the mattress as he continued to abuse your aching cunt. Over and over and over he penetrated your walls so harshly you were seeing stars
“Sorry—ha—sorry sweetheart…can’t fucking hold back anymore.” You cried at the sudden switch, just like his hot and cold attitude had been this whole time. Reality was slowly clawing at your mind, but his dick was doing a far better job at keeping it away. A constant stream of curses and moans left your lips as each and every thrust slammed into your cervix. So much so that you were starting to lose feeling in your legs. “You’re going to look so good as a mother.” His gruff voice still managed to pull you from your haze.
“Please…p-please don’t.” He was burying himself so deep with each thrust it began to hurt. You knew he was close to coming, you could feel his cock twitching. He pressed into your cervix again, holding himself there with a cruel smirk on his face. “What was that?” You tried to blink the tears blurring your vision away. “Don’t…don’t come inside… please master.” He pulled you up by your hair, turning your face so he could see at least part of it.
“Oh…my sweetheart” he began, swiping away your tears with his thumb. Your moment of clarity being pushed away so easily under his touch. “I’m not wasting this. How else am I supposed to get you pregnant?” You blinked the tears away, melting into him with closed eyes. It was pointless, once his mind was made there was no changing it. He pulled back again, quickly picking up the pace. You squealed as your orgasm washed over you, not even realizing you had been so close.
“That’s right, come on my cock sweetheart.” Your walls spasmed over and over as he didn’t slow, quickly overstimulating you. Sanemi only thrusted a few more times before burying himself deep. The head of his cock pressing into your cervix was almost too painful to handle as he came. As your ears stopped ringing you realized you were crying, a wet puddle forming under your cheek. “Calm down, you’re fine.” He kissed your cheek, licking away the salty tears.
You couldn’t muster the energy to speak, knowing full and well he wasn’t going to let you leave that position for a while. Slowly, sleep enveloped you. The sheer exhaustion from your training paired with what you just did became too much to handle.
You blinked slowly, eyes adjusting to the dark room. The sun had set outside and the world was cast in shadows. You felt warm and cold at the same time, moving your body a bit only to flinch in surprise. Everything hurt. You tried to turn, eyes closing as sleep attempted to win you back over. “Fuck!” Your eyes flew open again at the tearing sensation you felt. Like reopening a half healed cut.
That’s when everything came back to you.
“No…no no…no way.” You mumbled to yourself, desperate to try and sit up. There is no way that happened. That was all just a bad dream. The aches, pains and cramping told you otherwise. “Oh you’re awake.” Your eyes frantically searched for the source of his voice. Your eyes landed on him sitting just outside the bedroom, the doors to the outside pulled wide open. The breeze was rustling his bed head, eyes trailing over to you lazily.
You remained silent, sitting up the best you could without causing too much pain. He walked over to you slowly, his kimono was back on him with his chest exposed. “You shouldn’t move around too much. I don’t want my hard work to go to waste.” Your stomach churned as you realized what he meant. “Once we confirm you’re pregnant I’ll talk to Ubuyashiki. Depending on his reaction I’ll either tell him I’m the father…or I’ll say you’re a whore.”
He sat on the edge of the bed, hand coming up to touch your cheek. “Either way, you’re out of commission. We’ll marry either during your pregnancy or after you give birth. Then again it really depends on Ubuyashiki.” He began chuckling to himself “I’m marrying you regardless. Maybe I’ll look like the savior.” Your heart was falling into your stomach. “Hopefully he isn’t mad.” What? Why was that your biggest concern?
“Oh sweetheart, I hope he isn’t.” This was your life now, you would marry the man in front of you and mother his children. All your hard work was gone, you nearly killed yourself trying to learn wind breathing. It was all for nothing. “Oh don’t cry…” he kissed your forehead, “everything will be okay. I’ll make sure of it.” You wanted to push him away, the cramping in your uterus only confirmed the thing you didn’t think you wanted. And yet you still stuttered out…
“W-we can always try again, if this doesn’t work, master.”
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bellmel · 2 years
I'm looking for more hinny fic recs. I feel like I've read all works from the better known writers in the fandom.
Any chance you might have recommendations for "hidden gem" authors?
I really love this ask, and I have to apologise for taking so bloody long to get to it.
I understand what you mean by ‘better known writers in the fandom’, but I guess even popularity of writers is a pretty subjective thing. Presumably, you mean the likes of Annerb, Northumbrian and Floreatcastellum, and I do love all their stories. I also love the stories from Hinny writers @fightfortherightsofhouseelves, @seriouslysam8, @breaniebree, @thedistantdusk, @secretkeeper13, @stuckwith-harry, @clarensjoy (I’m sure you’re well across most or all of these authors), and no doubt many more that I’ll think of two seconds after I post this. 
Aside from the authors I just mentioned, here are some of my favourite Hinny stories (I know you asked more specifically for authors, and for hidden gems, but I had too much fun going through my bookmarks). Hopefully there’ll be something in this list that you haven’t come across yet :) 
such a beautiful blank (but smooth it) by Pocketfullof, smutty_claus Ginny picks a rose, and her world spins out of control.
Altered by @better-than-firewhisky Two people head to their blind date, and fate intervenes.
The War Isn’t Over When the Soldiers Come Home by keepcalmsmile DeFonda Hepburn had met many parents in her many years as a nanny, but she'd never met parents quite like the Potters. Strangely enough, they have more in common than she thought.
all around you by @theroomofreq “Your sister is a professional football player?”  Ron stops and turns around to face Harry. “Yeah? I thought I told you?” “No. Ginny? Ginny plays professional football?”
and i'll owe it all to you, my little bird by ginnydear The AU where Harry's entire world turns upside down when Ginny shows back up in their lives after leaving and not talking to anyone for five years, but with plenty of good reasons.
cover my body with your autograph by @remedialpotions Maybe it’s because of the whiskey currently coursing through her, gradually lowering her inhibitions and her ability to second-guess herself. Maybe it’s because her entire life has been unceremoniously tossed into the air and she has no idea where the pieces will land, and she doesn’t want this new, intriguing little bit of it - him - to land too far away. She wants to keep him close, to stay connected. And she wants him to know that she’s more than just Ron’s little sister. *This one is my absolute, all-time favourite Hinny muggle AU. There is so much I love about this, and I’ve read it far too many times. It’s just absolutely glorious. 
Off-Kilter by @remedialpotions "For the first time in history, Ron and Hermione - Ron and Hermione - are the uncomplicated ones, and Ginny and I are a mess." 
About That Night by @brightlybound Before he disappeared entirely through the kitchen door, Ginny's eyes dipped (almost) of their own accord to check out his bum. Heat rose to her already burning face, and she blinked hard to dispel the image her mind had immediately conjured, of him naked and sated and wrapped in her mismatched bedsheets.
In every universe: All in one piece by @brightlybound "This was lightness. This was love. This was right." After spending a moment alone with Harry during her eldest brother's wedding, Ginny finds herself pregnant and must forgo her education for hiding. 
if you never bleed, you're never gonna grow by mp143 (this one is a WIP, but it’s regularly updated) For three years, she ignored the way she clung to updates about him from her brother, every little piece of his life he didn’t share with her in the course of a hookup. She disregarded the tightening in her chest and the fluttering in her stomach when they were together, noticing that he never stopped noticing her, anticipating her desires and giving them to her without her having to ask. And she refused to acknowledge that maybe, just maybe, it wasn’t only about sex — not for her, and maybe not for him either. And that’s, of course, how she ended up here: huddled over a cauldron in the bathroom of her tiny flat, trying to work up the courage to prick her finger and pinch a drop of blood into the potion.
Are you going to kiss me or not by Sorcerer’s Muse This is an alternate universe story where Harry never attended Hogwarts. For various reasons he and Ginny are both living pretty much as muggles and meet for the first time roughly ten years after the defeat of Voldemort. 
Deja Brew by @pottermum A wizarding hero seeks sanctuary in the Muggle world, as he tries to figure out the rest of his life. He works in a café called Déja Brew. Then one day before Christmas, she walks in - Ginny Weasley. 
Would You Be My Little Quarantine? by @celtics534 Moving was always stressful, but to be placed in a nationwide lockdown only a few weeks after moving was just too much for Ginny to think about. At least she had a fit neighbor keep her company... from two meters away, of course.
These two are WIPs that I love, but they aren't regularly updated. But I'm sharing them in the hope that if they get enough love, perhaps it will help to motivate the writers.
When the Party’s Over by Mintsea (be sure to check the warnings for this one) After ten years, golden couple Head Auror Harry Potter and Holyhead Harpies Vice-Captain Ginny Weasley unexpectedly broke up, leaving the Weasley family and gossip columns reeling. But two years later, a chance encounter at a London wizarding bar the week before Ginny's wedding to Neville Longbottom throws the new lives they’ve built without each other into turmoil. 
Issues in the Auror Office by transfiguredtoad Ginny Weasley has moved house and started a new job in twenty four hours, and both have brought her close to Harry Potter. At home, he's Harry, her mate, but at work, he's her boss - and fraternising within teams is forbidden. But she's falling for him, and he's falling for her. What are two Aurors in love to do?
I'm not always the best at finding hidden gems, but if you know of any Hinny authors or stories that you think are underrated and more people need to know about, please share them with me, or add them to the list :)
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hyogonokitsune · 3 years
longing -- suna rintarou x reader
college!au, tw alcohol use, lil bit of fluff, lil bit of angst, some smut at the end because I can’t fucking help myself 🥴 (oral -- m and f receiving, choking, creampie, cockwarming hnnff)
11,600 words
“Hey, ‘Samu, I gotta go lie down.” You had to practically yell to hear yourself over the music blaring from the speakers. Osamu was less than two feet from you, but you might as well have been yelling from a mile away.
“I said I gotta go—fuck! Where’s your room?” You had to speak directly into his ear to make yourself understood; Osamu leaned in close to respond to you.
You hadn’t had that much to drink, but the atmosphere of the party was wearing you down. The insanely loud music and the crush of so many sweaty bodies were starting to give you a headache, and you were in desperate need of a quiet place to recharge. Most of the people were crowded into the living areas of the house, so you decided to escape to your friend’s upstairs bedroom to catch your breath.
You shut his door behind you, muffling the sounds of the party downstairs, and laid down on the bed, closing your eyes. Even here, you could feel the bass pounding in your head.
The door opened then, but when you lifted your head to look, it wasn’t Osamu standing in the room. You groaned; you definitely were not in the mood to deal with a random guy.
“Can I help you?” you asked in a hard voice, sitting up to look at him better.
“Can I help you?” he replied, utterly deadpan. He walked over to the desk in the corner and plugged his phone into a charger, his back facing you. “You’re in my room.”
“What? This is Osamu’s room.”
“’Samu’s room is the last door on the left. This is the last one on the right.” He turned around to look at you, his expression indifferent.
Your eyes widened as you realized your mistake, quickly hopping off his bed. “I’m so sorry! I must have misheard him. I just needed to get away from there,” you explained, gesturing towards the door.
He smirked at you. “Too much to drink?”
“No, there are just too many people down there, felt like I couldn’t breathe.”
His expression softened at your words. “Yeah, that’s why I came up here, too.”
“Well, I’ll leave you to it, then,” you said, moving towards the door.
“You’re Osamu and Atsumu’s friend, right?” he said, stopping you. “They said one of their old friends was gonna come over tonight.”
Your hand dropped from the doorknob as you nodded, telling him your name.
“I’m Suna,” he said.
“Oh! You went to high school with them, right? They’ve told me about you.”
“Nothing good, I bet,” he said, the corner of his mouth quirking up into a grin.
“Almost all good things,” you responded truthfully.
“’Almost’”, he repeated, a low laugh escaping him. Suna watched you for a moment, looking as if he was thinking about something. “You can hang out here, if you want,” he said, motioning for you to sit back on the bed as he pulled out his desk chair. “As long as you don’t puke on anything.”
“I told you, I didn’t drink that much!” you huffed, but you sat down all the same. You had wanted to get away from all the noisy people downstairs, but this guy seemed laidback enough that he wouldn’t make your headache worse; besides, you were interested in talking to someone who had known the twins in high school.
Suna put on a playlist from his phone, setting the volume just loud enough to block out the house music blasting from downstairs. “You’ve known them a while, yeah?”
You nodded. “Since we were kids, but I didn’t go to Inarizaki with them.”
“Good call.”
“They’re not that bad!” you laughed. “Don’t tell them this, but I actually missed seeing them every day, so it’s nice that we ended up going to the same university.”
“Maybe I will tell them that, then they’ll spend more time harassing you instead of me.”
“Don’t you dare.”
You both laughed then, before falling into an easy silence. You shifted to get more comfortable on his bed, crossing your legs underneath you.
“Do you not like parties?” you asked.
“They’re alright,” he said, rubbing at his eyes. “I’m not too crazy about having ten thousand strangers in my house, though.”
You hummed in agreement, nodding your head. “Yeah, what’s fun about having random drunk people sweating all over you? I’d rather just hang out with a few friends, ya know?”
He snorted. “Hopefully it’ll be more like that in the future, but Atsumu really wanted to throw a big party for the start of the semester.”
You couldn’t help rolling your eyes. “He just wanted to introduce himself to as many girls as possible.”
“Yeah, that was his not-so-secret motive.”
There was another pause. Suna scrolled through his phone, searching for something.
“You wanna see some embarrassing photos of the twins?”
“Yes, absolutely I do.”
He grinned, unplugging his phone to come sit next to you on the bed. He leaned in close, tilting his screen so you could see it. “Oh, here’s a good one,” he said, trying to suppress a smile as he showed you a picture of Osamu lying face down on the ground. “He tripped when we were jogging, completely ate shit.” You couldn’t help but laugh at the image, especially with Atsumu in the foreground holding up a peace sign over his brother’s body.
Most of the photos were of the two of them fighting; having grown up with the twins, it was a little comforting to see that they acted the same around their new friends as they always had with you. You felt somewhat nostalgic at the thought.
Suna paused on a closeup photo of Atsumu, his eyes red and puffy as he tried to swat the camera away. “Ah, this was after he got rejected by a girl and he swore he wasn’t crying.”
“Oh my god, I totally remember that day!” you said, laughing hard. “’Samu called me, begging me to talk some sense into ’Tsumu because he kept whining about being turned down.”
“Seriously? God, knowing that makes this so much better,” Suna said, a crooked grin on his face.
“Please don’t tell him I told you that.”
“Your secret’s safe with me.”
He showed you nearly three years’ worth of pictures, pausing at the memorable ones to tell you the stories behind them. It was easy talking to him; you felt able to laugh naturally and relax around him despite being strangers, something that you weren’t able to do with most people you just met.
You didn’t realize how long you and Suna had been talking until you felt your phone buzzing in your pocket; seeing that it was a call from Osamu, you answered it.
“Y/n, did you leave?”
You were surprised by the panicky note in his voice. “No, I told you I was going upstairs.”
“Yeah? Well where the fuck are ya, ’cause I’m standing in my room and you’re not in here.”
“I’m in Suna’s room—”
Before you could finish your sentence, you heard footsteps stomp across the hall and the door flew open.
“What the hell are ya doing in here?” Osamu asked, still holding his phone up to his cheek.
“We’re fucking, obviously,” Suna deadpanned. You giggled, but Osamu didn’t look amused.
“I got the rooms mixed up, ’Samu,” you explained, getting up off the bed. “Suna’s just been telling me about your time in high school.”
“Oh, great,” Osamu said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “It’s late, you want me to walk ya back to your dorm?”
“Can you even walk, or are you too drunk?”
“It’s Atsumu you should be worried about. He fell asleep on the couch downstairs.”
“Why does that not surprise me,” you laughed. You made your way over to Osamu, turning at the door to address Suna. “It was nice talking to you, I guess I’ll see you around.”
He was scrolling through his phone again, only giving you a brief disinterested glance. “Yeah, see you.”
 You poked your head into Osamu’s room, only to find that it was empty. It was a little disappointing; you had been hoping to hang out with him for a bit, since you hadn’t had time to see much of him that week, but if he wasn’t around there was nothing to be done about it. The book you had borrowed from him a few weeks ago was already in your hand, so you placed it on his desk and turned to leave.
Stepping back into the hallway, you noticed that the door across from Osamu’s was open. You casually glanced inside as you walked past, catching Suna’s eye from where he sat in front of his laptop.
“Hey,” you said, leaning against the doorframe.
“Hey,” he parroted as he took his headphones off his ears.
“I came by to return a book that Osamu lent me, but I guess he’s not around.”
“I think he’s meeting with a professor.”
“Ah.” You fell silent, and Suna turned his attention back to his laptop. “What are you reading?” you asked.
He looked up again, his expression a little sheepish. “You’re gonna think it’s boring.”
“Try me.”
He sighed. “It’s an article analyzing the influence of Shakespeare’s histories on English nationalism.”
Your face brightened as you spoke. “That was published last week, right? I bookmarked that so I could read it when I got the chance.”
Suna looked surprised at your response, his eyes widening slightly. “It’s pretty interesting so far.”
“I have to say, though, you didn’t strike me as the type to be into that kind of stuff,” you said, just a hint of a teasing tone in your voice.
His expression was blank again as he responded, “Well, I am a literature major.”
“So am I!” you said, smiling at him as you walked into his room and leaned against his desk. “I don’t think we have any classes together, though.”
“It’s a big school.”
“Yeah, I guess so.” You paused, thinking of a way to keep the conversation going. “What’s your favorite Shakespeare play?”
Suna glanced up at the ceiling, bottom lip rolling between his teeth as he thought. “I guess I’d say Hamlet. There’s just so much shit going on.”
“Ah, so you love the drama of it all,” you laughed. “I think it’s a tie between Hamlet and Macbeth for me. The twist at the end is just—” you cut yourself off to do a chef’s kiss, prompting Suna to laugh a little.
“‘Macduff was from his mother’s womb untimely ripped’, such a raw line.”
“Yes, exactly!” You were beaming at him, happy to learn that you shared a common interest. Over the course of the last few weeks since you first met Suna, you hadn’t had much of a chance to get to know him, despite him being your best friends’ roommate. He usually kept to himself, and on the few occasions when he joined you and the twins to play video games or get dinner together, he didn’t talk much. He seemed like a naturally reserved person, and as you remembered this, you felt a small pang of guilt for disturbing him.
“Well, I’ll let you finish that article,” you said, getting off his desk and making for the door.
His voice stopped you before you could leave. “You can hang out here until Osamu gets back, if you want.” You turned to face him, a little surprised.
“You sure? I don’t wanna bother you.”
“You’re not bothering me,” he said. “I can finish this whenever.”
You couldn’t help but smile, feeling like this was a rare invitation coming from him. Your heart beat a little faster at the thought.
“Have you ever seen ‘Scotland, PA’?” you asked.
“It’s an adaptation of Macbeth that takes place in a fast food restaurant.”
“Yeah?” he snorted, a grin appearing on his face. “You wanna watch it?” Before you could answer, he was unplugging his headphones and bringing his laptop over to you.
“Sure, if you want to,” you told him, feeling like you were really lucking out.
Suna sat on the floor at the foot of his bed, patting the spot at his side as he started searching for the movie. You sat down next to him, careful to leave a space between you.
When you watched movies with Atsumu and Osamu, their incessant talking usually got on your nerves pretty quickly, but you found that you didn’t mind listening to Suna’s comments. Watching the film together seemed to make any lingering awkwardness between you two disappear, and before long you were laughing and leaning into each other.
“Oh, I hate this part!” you groaned when you reached a certain scene, turning to press your face into Suna’s shoulder.
“Jesus, that’s fucked up,” he chuckled, grimacing as Duncan’s character fell face-first into a deep fryer.  
“Then why are you laughing!” you said, lifting your head, but you couldn’t keep your own laughter from bubbling up in your chest. Suna gave you a crooked grin, your reaction only making him laugh harder.
“Oi, Sunarin! You got a girl in there or something?” Osamu’s voice floated in through the open door, his head appearing a moment later. His eyes widened when he spotted you. “What the hell are ya doin’ here?”
“Hello to you, too, ’Samu,” you said dryly. “I came here to return your book, but you were too busy to see me, I guess.”
“Took ya long enough,” he grumbled, but he grinned at you all the same. “I’m starving, you wanna grab something to eat?”
“Yeah, later,” you said, turning to look at Suna. “There’s still a bit left in this movie, you wanna finish it now?”
“Yeah,” he replied, a little surprised that you’d postpone hanging out with your friend to finish the movie with him.
“Ugh, fiiiine,” Osamu groaned, rolling his eyes at you, “guess I’ll go shower, then. But don’t take too long, I’m so fuckin’ hungry.”
 “Maaaan, I can’t wait until this semester’s over,” Atsumu sighed. “I feel like it’s draggin’ by.”
“Yeah, it’ll be nice to go home for break.”
The two of you were standing on a patch of grass outside the gym, passing a volleyball back and forth. It was chilly, your breath coming out in silvery puffs, but after spending most of your time inside studying for the past week, you had both wanted to get some fresh air.
“I just know I’m gonna fail my bio final.”
“You’ll be fine, ’Tsumu,” you chuckled as you bumped the ball back to him. “You’ve been studying more in the last few days than I’ve seen you do in your entire life.”
“Hey, I studied in high school!” he huffed, his face contorting in mock annoyance as he set the ball. “Just ask Suna!”
The mention of his roommate’s name made your stomach flutter, causing you to mess up the course of the ball.
Atsumu quickly stepped to the side to get under it, giving you a nice, high set in return. “Jeez, you’ve really let your skills slip, huh?” he teased, grinning at you.
“Shut up, piss head.” Your cheeks were already pink from the cold, but you felt them heating up.
“Why don’t you play anymore anyway? I’m pretty sure there’s a women’s club on campus.”
You shrugged as you responded. “I don’t know, I don’t think I’m good enough to play for a college team.”
You heaved a sigh. “Fine. I just think it’d be weird to play on a new team. I liked my old team, ya know? All my good memories are of them, I don’t think it would be fun to have to learn a whole new dynamic with new people. I’d feel like I was… I don’t know, like I was cheating on them or something.”
Atsumu looked at you like you’d just told him the most ridiculous thing he’d ever heard. “That’s still bullshit.”
“Well I don’t expect you to understand, you freak. You wouldn’t care who your teammates are, as long as you get to play volleyball.” You gave him a smile as you passed him the ball. “I still have fun playing with you and ’Samu, though.”
“You better. If that ever changed, I’d have to rethink this whole friendship.”
You both laughed, but a part of you wondered how serious he really was.
“Fuck, okay my fingers are actually starting to go numb. Can we go inside now?” you asked, shoving your bright red hands into your jacket pockets.
“Yeah, you wanna grab some dinner?”
The two of you set off for the campus dining hall, huddled close together for warmth. The sun was just beginning to set, making the bare trees cast long, spindly shadows on the path in front of you. You quickened your pace, shivering a little.
The dining hall was just beginning to fill up; you and Atsumu managed to grab a table near the back of the room before all the spots were taken. You wrapped your freezing hands around your bowl of soup, savoring the warmth. Atsumu wasted no time digging into his own meal.
“You might wanna wipe that rice off your face, ’Tsumu,” you told him in a low voice, “that girl over there is checking you out.”
“Huh?” he asked, his mouth full. His eyes glanced over to the direction where you were tilting your head. “Eh, whatever.”
You rolled your eyes, a small smile on your face. “You still hooking up with that girl from your stats class?”
“Yeah, I actually really like her,” he said, swallowing a massive bite of food. “She’s sweet, and funny. And she’s really good at—”
“Stop,” you said, holding up a hand. “I really don’t wanna know.”
He smirked at you. “I was gonna say helping me study. Jeez, what were you thinking about?”
You bit your lip, trying not to give him the satisfaction of seeing you smile.
“What about you? You been seeing anyone?”
“You know damn well the only guys I hang out with are you and ’Samu.”
“And Suna,” he added. You took a big gulp of your soup so you wouldn’t have to say anything in response. He was right, though; lately you had been spending more time with Suna, even without the twins around. “I’m kinda surprised at Suna, actually,” Atsumu continued.
“What, that he’s hanging out with me?”
“No, that he’s not hanging out with any other girls.”
Your brow furrowed a little. You had assumed that Suna got around; he was handsome, after all, and he had that mysterious, reticent personality that most girls went crazy for.
“I mean, back in high school he was kinda known for just having a ton of hookups. I figured he’d keep that up in college. I don’t know, maybe he’s too busy now,” Atsumu mused.
You mulled it over in your head. It seemed to you like Suna had more free time now than he would have had in high school; almost every time you stopped by their house, he was either in his room reading or listening to music, or else playing games with the twins. You were pretty sure he could have fit in a hookup or two if he wanted.
“Maybe he just wants to focus on his classes,” you offered, but it didn’t sound realistic even as you said it.
Atsumu snorted. “Yeah, like he’s gonna trade pussy for his GPA.”
“Charming, ’Tsumu,” you sighed. “It’s not really any of our business what Suna gets up to, though.”
“I’m just saying, it’s a little weird for him.” Atsumu’s arm stretched out to steal some food from your tray. “Maybe he’s met someone he really likes.”
His words made your stomach turn over, but you weren’t entirely sure why.
 A few days into the spring semester, both Atsumu and Osamu came down with nasty colds. By the time the weekend rolled around, they were completely incapacitated, unable to do anything but huddle up together on the couch, sniffling sadly.
You had taken pity on your friends, so on Saturday night (after receiving several dramatic texts from Atsumu that he was dying), you decided to go over to their house to cook them dinner. The twins were curled up on the couch watching a movie, wrapped in thick blankets with used tissues scattered around the coffee table in front of them. From where you stood in the kitchen prepping ingredients, you had a clear view of them over the counter; the sight of them looking so sorry for themselves reminded you of all the times you had gone over their house to keep them company when they got sick as kids. You smiled to yourself, thinking of those fond memories.
“Y/n,” Atsumu whined from the living room, his blanket pulled up over the top of his head. “I don’t feel good.”
“I know, baby. Dinner will be ready soon.”
Out of the corner of your eye you saw him tighten the blanket around himself, a dopey grin on his face. “Y/n called me ‘baby’,” he said happily.
“Simp,” Osamu muttered under his breath.
Atsumu stuck a leg out from under his blanket to kick his brother. “Don’t be jealous, you scrub!”
You couldn’t help but laugh at them; their usual bickering sounded especially cute when their voices were so congested.
“Even when you’re sick you guys can’t shut up.” Suna had come downstairs, rubbing his eyes as he walked into the kitchen.
“Sunarin! Are you finally gonna hang out with us?” Atsumu asked excitedly.
“Absolutely not. I don’t wanna catch whatever weird disease you guys have—”
“You make us sound so disgusting,” Osamu grumbled.
“I just came down to get food,” Suna continued, grabbing a Cup Noodle from the cupboard.
“Oh no you’re not,” you said, snatching it out of his hands. “I’m making dinner for you guys.”
Suna’s eyes widened a little in surprise, but he didn’t object. Instead, he leaned back against the counter, watching as you dried the vegetables.
“Suna, could you chop up the mushrooms for me?” you asked. “Oh, but wash your hands first, please!”
Without saying a word, he did as you asked. You could hear Atsumu snickering from the couch.
“Talk about a simp. Y/n actually got Sunarin to help out in the kitchen,” he said, smirking. Suna balled up the paper towel he was using to dry his hands and chucked it at Atsumu’s head.
“You’ve got snot dripping down your face, dude.”
“Shut up!” Atsumu cried, sniffling as he burrowed deeper into his blanket.
With Suna’s help, prepping the ingredients went twice as fast. You expected him to leave the kitchen once it was done, but to your surprise he stayed, leaning against the counter again to watch you as you cooked. Occasionally he asked you a question about what you were doing.
“The chicken takes a little longer to cook than the veggies, so I’m adding that to the broth first,” you explained. “The order you add things affects the flavor, too.”
“How many times have I offered to teach ya to cook, Sunarin?” Osamu called from the other room. “Guess ya only wanna learn when Y/n’s doin’ the teaching.”
Suna glared at him over his shoulder before turning his attention back to what you were doing. “I didn’t really have to know how before.”
“It’s never too late to learn,” you reassured him.
“Nothin’ sexier than a man who knows how to cook!” Osamu yelled, grinning. Suna ignored him, but you noticed the tips of his ears turning pink.
When the food was nearly done, you asked Osamu to clear a space on the coffee table. With Suna’s help, you carried over the meal you had cooked together, setting down the steaming bowls of soup, rice, and vegetables in front of the twins.
“My nose is all stuffed up, but this still smells so good,” Atsumu said, eyes closed as he sniffed the air.
“Yeah, your cooking’s always the best, Y/n,” Osamu agreed as he reached out with both hands for a bowl of soup.
“Oh, I picked up your favorite tea on the way over here, too,” you said, going back to the kitchen.
“What?! You really are the best!” Atsumu wailed. You walked back into the living room, carrying two mugs in each hand. “What did we ever do to deserve you?”
“It’s a mystery to me,” you replied, but the smile on your face was gentle as you handed the twins their tea. You passed the third mug to Suna, and the look he gave you was nothing short of tender as you sat next to him on the floor. The sight of it made your heart pound in your chest.
When you had all finished eating, you and Suna carried the dishes back to the kitchen while the twins dozed on the couch. After packing up the leftovers, you started washing the dishes and cooking pots, with Suna drying and putting them away.
“Thanks for making dinner for us,” he said quietly, not making eye contact with you.
“Of course,” you said, offering him a smile. “I don’t mind doing it.”
“You must really like those two idiots, if you’re willing to do so much for them.”
You looked over the counter into the living room where the twins were passed out on the couch. Osamu was curled up on his side, his head leaning against the armrest and blanket tucked up tight around him; Atsumu had his head thrown back, mouth hanging open as he snored softly. The sight of them sleeping so peacefully made a feeling of warmth spread throughout your chest.
“I’ve known them since we were three,” you told Suna, gaze still pointed towards the twins. “They’re like brothers to me.” You paused for a moment, thinking, before turning your attention back to the dishes in the sink. “I think it’s normal to want to do things for the people you care about.”
You caught Suna’s eye as you looked up to pass him a freshly-washed plate. He was staring at you intently, brows slightly furrowed, but you couldn’t quite name the expression on his face.  
 It came as no surprise when, a few days after taking care of the twins, you came down with a bad cold of your own. You managed to suffer through your classes and had just returned to your room to sleep for the rest of the day when, less than five minutes after changing into your pajamas and climbing into bed, there was a knock at your door.
“It’s open,” you called out, thinking it was one of the girls from your floor coming to check on you.
When Suna stepped into your room, you nearly fell in your haste to jump out of bed.
“Sorry, was I not supposed to come in?” he asked as you disentangled yourself from the blankets.
“No, I just wasn’t expecting it to be you,” you told him. You grabbed a hoodie from your closet and quickly pulled it on over your tank top, attempting to hide the fact that you weren’t wearing a bra.
“Oh,” was all he said. The two of you stood there staring at each other awkwardly for a moment, before you noticed the bag he was holding in his hand.
“What’s that?” you asked, pointing at it.
Suna blinked as if he had suddenly remembered why he was there. “The guys told me you weren’t feeling well,” he said, setting the bag down on your desk and pulling a container out of it, “so I thought I’d bring you some soup.” His voice got softer at the end, and you noticed a slight blush on his cheeks as he held it out to you.
He must have made it and immediately brought it over to your dorm, because the container was still hot to the touch. You struggled to keep your lower lip from shaking at the sheer thoughtfulness of it. “That’s really sweet, Suna. Thank you.”
“It’s probably not nearly as good as yours, but…” his voice trailed off. He scratched at the back of his head, the blush deepening on his face. “I tried to do what you showed me the other night.”
“Do you wanna have some with me?” you asked, but you were already taking down two bowls from the shelf above your desk and pouring out a serving for each of you, before putting the rest in your mini fridge. You ate a spoonful, eyes closing as you savored the taste. “Mmm, this is really good, Sunarin!” you smiled at him.
“It’s not bad,” he said, grinning a little bit.
“It’s really good for your first try!” you pressed on. “You know, if you want more practice, you can cook for me anytime.”
He snorted. “Yeah, that’d be a pretty sweet deal for you. But what would I get out of it?”
“Duh, you’d get to spend more time with me.”
“Oh, then pass.”
“Suna!” You pretended to pout, earning a genuine laugh from him. It felt good to joke around with him again, after not being in contact with him at all over the winter break.  
“Do you wanna hang out for a bit?” he asked when you had finished eating, setting his empty bowl on your desk. “Or were you just planning on sleeping for the rest of the day?”
You were a little taken aback at his question, since he had gone out of his way to avoid Atsumu and Osamu when they were sick. “Aren’t you afraid you’ll catch whatever I have?”
He shrugged his shoulders. “If I was gonna catch it, I would have caught it from Thing 1 and Thing 2 already.” His expression faltered a little. “We don’t have to if you don’t want—”
“No, I do!” you said, a little too quickly in your eagerness to not let this chance slip through your fingers. “I just don’t want to get you sick, that’s all.”
“I’ll be fine.” Suna rolled his eyes, smiling. “You wanna watch a movie? I’ll let you choose, since you’re sick.”
“Oh, how magnanimous of you,” you teased as you carried your laptop over to your bed. You sat down, propped up against the pillows, and shifted to the side so Suna could sit next to you. “Can we watch ‘The Devil Wears Prada’?”
“I feel like you’d kin Miranda Priestly.”
“I will leave this room, right now,” he threatened, beginning to stand up.
“No, no! I was only joking!” you laughed, grabbing his arm and pulling him back down. He rubbed at his face, but you could see his slight smile hidden behind his hand.
The movie was almost over before Suna realized that you had fallen asleep on his shoulder. When he first felt your head lean against him, the pounding of his heart had prevented him from daring to look at your face, but after several of his comments had gone ignored, he finally peered down at you, surprised to see your eyes closed. When the credits rolled, he had intended to get up and let you rest, but when he tried to move, your body shifted to turn towards him, an arm reaching out to wrap around his torso.
“Rin,” you murmured in your sleep, and the sound of your voice saying his name caused all of his resolve to disappear.
With you sleeping so peacefully, your warm body pressed up against his, Suna couldn’t bring himself to risk accidentally waking you up. The sun had already set, making your room dark and cozy, and so he figured he could wait there for a little bit until you woke up from your nap. Lifting one of his arms to put it around your shoulders, he closed his eyes.
When he opened them again, sunlight was streaming in through the window. He blinked blearily, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. His movements prompted you to wake up, your gaze slowly focusing to find yourself leaning on his chest like a pillow.
“Guess we were both more tired than we thought,” he said, his voice raspy from sleep.
“Mmph,” you mumbled, noticing a damp spot on his shirt from where you had drooled on him. God, how embarrassing.
“How are you feeling?” he asked softly, shifting to look down at you.
“A little better,” you said. Sitting up properly, you rubbed at your face, attempting to hide your blush from him. “Sorry that I fell asleep on you.”
“It’s okay,” he said, smiling a little before his face shifted into a more teasing expression. “Did you know that you mumble in your sleep?”
You groaned, hiding your face in your hands even more. “Yeah, I’m aware.”
“It’s kinda cute.”
“Please don’t make fun of me this early in the morning.”
Suna pulled his phone out of his pocket to check the time. “Ugh… I’ve got class at 9:45. I gotta go home to shower and get ready before then.” He stood up and stretched his arms over his head. You lowered your hands from your face just in time to catch a glimpse of his toned stomach as his shirt lifted up; the sight of it made your cheeks burn anew, your head turning quickly so he wouldn’t notice you staring.
“I’m glad you’re feeling better, Y/n,” he said, putting on his coat.
“Thanks again for coming over,” you said, forcing yourself to look him in the eye.
He grinned a little sheepishly as he made his way to the door. “Well, ya know… you gotta do things for the people you care about.”  
 Stepping out into the brisk early springtime air, you spotted a familiar head of dark hair a few yards in front of you.
“Hey, Sunarin!” you called out, waving at him when he turned around. He stopped walking to allow you to catch up with him. “Are you done with class for the day?”
“Yeah, but I’ve got practice.”
“Mind if I walk with you?”
He didn’t respond, but the slight shrug of his shoulders as he took off again told you that he wasn’t bothered by your company. You walked side by side, your hands brushing against each other’s occasionally, each brief contact setting off butterflies in your stomach. If it had any effect on Suna, he didn’t let it show.
“Have you thought about what classes you’re gonna take next semester?” you asked.
“Not really,” he said. “Why, you gonna start stalking me?” he added, lips quirking up into a grin.
“Just making conversation,” you grumbled, turning your face so he wouldn’t see your blush.
You looked up in the direction the voice came from to see a guy from one of your classes making his way over to you. You greeted him politely, and he launched into a conversation about the latest paper you had been assigned, falling into step beside you.
“Are you doing anything now? You wanna go get dinner with me?” he asked eventually.
“Oh, I can’t, actually,” you told him. “I have plans with a friend tonight.”
His face fell a little, but he quickly bounced back. “That’s alright, some other time maybe.”
“Do you know what you’re doing for spring break yet?”
“I’m not really sure, I’ll probably just stay on campus,” you said.
“Oh, me too!” he said, grinning at you. “Maybe we could get together then.”
You had reached a branch in the path, and he turned right to continue towards the dining hall.
“See ya around!” he said with a wave.
You waved back, noticing that Suna’s eyes lingered on the other guy’s back as he walked away.
“That dude likes you,” he said in a deadpan voice.
“He was trying to ask you out, dumbass.”
“What? No he wasn’t. I don’t think he’d do that in front of you.”
“Well, if he asks you again you should say yes.” Suna was smirking at you, but his voice was devoid of any emotion.
His words pricked at your heart, making your chest feel tight. The idea of him encouraging you to go out with someone else was a little upsetting. You turned your head away from him.
“Yeah, maybe,” you said absentmindedly. In truth, you had no interest in going out with that other guy, but Suna’s comment had left you unsure of what to say.
His brows creased a bit. Turning back to look at him, you saw that his gaze was significantly colder than it had been before. You opened your mouth to ask him what was wrong, but he cut you off before you could.
“I’m gonna be late for practice,” he said flatly, walking off quickly and leaving you to stand alone on the path.
 After that day, things between you and Suna were different. He was suddenly making himself even more scarce than usual, and during the few times when you managed to see him, he was quieter than before. You couldn’t think of what would make him act so coldly towards you, and the possible explanations you came up with in your mind only made you feel worse.
You were waiting outside the gym one evening for Atsumu and Suna to get out of practice. When you saw them walking out the door you went over to greet them, handing over the bag of pork buns you had picked up at the convenience store.
“You’re a lifesaver,” Atsumu said, gratefully accepting the food you offered him; Suna, however, stepped away before you could pass it to him.
“Sorry, I’ve got stuff to do,” he said cryptically before turning from you.
“We were planning on playing Smash later, are you gonna be around?” you asked.
“Probably not,” was all he said, waving one hand over his shoulder as he walked away.
Stung, you turned to Atsumu. “Suna’s been avoiding me, right? I haven’t been imagining that?”
Mouth full of pork bun, he shook his head. Swallowing thickly, he said, “Nope, he’s definitely been MIA lately. I don’t know why, though.” Seeing the way you bit your lower lip in worry, he was quick to speak again. “I’m sure it’s got nothin’ to do with you! Sunarin’s probably just busy.”
“Do you think he’s seeing someone?” You couldn’t stop yourself from asking.
“Nah, if he was I’d know about it. He’s never brought anyone back to the house.” He crammed half a pork bun into his mouth, struggling to chew it. “Honestly, he might just be a little homesick.”
“What?” It was hard to imagine someone like Suna being homesick; considering he spent so much time on his own, you didn’t think of him as the type of person to miss anyone.
“I mean, he told me he’s goin’ home for spring break to spend time with his sister,” Atsumu explained. “He must really miss her.”
You couldn’t help but feel disappointed at the news. A part of you had hoped that Suna’s avoidance of you actually was due to his busy schedule, and you had been looking forward to your spring break as the perfect opportunity to get some quality time with him. The fact that he wasn’t going to be there confirmed your doubts, proving, in your mind at least, that he really didn’t want to be around you anymore.
“You got any more of these?” Atsumu’s voice brought you out of your own thoughts.
“Yeah, here,” you said, giving him the bag of pork buns intended for Suna.
He continued chattering the whole walk back to the house, but you hardly processed a word. You were too busy wondering about what you could have possibly done to make Suna no longer want to be your friend.
 It had been several weeks since you had spent any time with Suna, aside from the brief moments when you saw each other at the house when you were visiting the twins, but he always gave an excuse as to why he couldn’t hang around. You knew he was a private person, but his sudden avoidance of you hurt twice as much after he had seemed to be getting more comfortable around you. Several times you had texted him to ask if he wanted to get food with you or watch a movie together, but he either claimed he was too busy with classes, or ignored you altogether. Eventually, you gave up trying to contact him.
But that didn’t stop your heart from fluttering when you did see him in person. You found yourself living for the moments when you would be sitting in the living room with Osamu or Atsumu, and Suna would come downstairs, giving you a quick nod before rushing out the door; or when you would be hanging out in Osamu’s room and Suna would walk down the hallway, locking eyes with you for half a second before going into his own room and shutting the door behind him. Each time you hoped he would stop and actually say something to you, and each time you were left disappointed.
So it came as a surprise when, one day when you and Osamu were in his kitchen making onigiri together, Suna came downstairs and actually lingered for a bit, even after spotting you. Not wanting to scare him off, you bit your tongue as he sat on the counter, watching you form the rice balls with your hands.
“Those look good,” he said; you weren’t sure if he was addressing you or Osamu.
“Here,” Osamu said, putting some on a plate and passing it to his friend. “You headin’ out soon?”
Suna nodded, his mouth full of rice. “Yeah, I’ve gotta meet with my advisor.”
“We’re going out to eat later, you should come. You haven’t hung out with us in a while.”
“Yeah, I know. I’ve been kinda flakey lately,” he said, his tone apologetic.
You couldn’t help yourself. Looking him in the eye, you spoke. “We’ve missed you, Rintarou. It’s not as fun without you around.”
“Gee, thanks,” Osamu muttered, but you hardly heard him. For the first time in weeks, Suna was looking directly at you, his gaze almost soft.
“Can’t imagine how rough it must be for you to have to spend time with these two goons,” he said, grinning.
“I’m standing right here, man,” Osamu said, his voice sounding only slightly annoyed.
You laughed, and to your amazement Suna returned it. You could feel your heart pounding against your ribs, hopeful that this awkward tension between you two was finally over.
“Text me when you guys are leaving, okay?” he said, hopping down off the counter and making for the front door. “I’ll meet you there.”
You couldn’t keep the giddy smile off your face even after he left. The thought of spending time with him again was almost too much for you.
“I wish you guys would just fuckin’ kiss already,” Osamu griped, his hands still deftly forming perfectly-shaped onigiri.
“Huh?!” you spluttered, nearly choking as his words sank in. “Who?”
“You and Sunarin, you clown. Do ya have any idea how painful it’s been watchin’ you two idiots for the past few months? Jesus, even ’Tsumu noticed.”
“Noticed what?”
“That you guys like each other!”
“I don’t—wha—,” you fumbled over your words, not entirely sure what to say. “Suna doesn’t like me!”
“Uh huh, yeah, okay. Y/n, the man made you a whole-ass pot of soup when you were sick. I’ve known him for years and he won’t even let me borrow his phone charger.”
“If he likes me, then why has he spent the last two months completely ignoring me?”
“Because Rintarou has the emotional intelligence of a fuckin’ cantaloupe.” Osamu finally turned to look at you, his hands resting on his hips. “Look, he’s never actually liked someone before—not for real, anyway—so I don’t think he knows what to do about you. He’s never gonna fess up and tell you how he feels, so his next best option is to just avoid you entirely. But he’s been missing you, real bad. I can tell.”
“So I’m supposed to be the one to tell him?”
Osamu smirked at you. “So you actually like him?”
You paused for a moment, sucking in a breath. “Yeah, I like him.”
It was the first time you had admitted it even to yourself. A wave of relief immediately washed over you, as if you had been holding onto a secret that you no longer had to hide.
Ignoring the blush you felt creeping onto your face, you forced yourself to look at your friend.
“But isn’t that weird for you? I mean, we’re your best friends, would you really be okay with it if we started dating?”
Osamu glanced up as he thought about it, taking in a deep breath and exhaling loudly. “It’d be a little weird at first, but I’d get used to it. But it doesn’t matter how I feel about it.” He looked back down at you. “If you’re happy, then I’m happy.”
“’Samu,” you wailed, “you’re gonna make me cry.”
“So, you gonna tell him or what?”
“I don’t know… what if he doesn’t feel that way about me?”
“He definitely does.”
“Well, maybe it’s just not a good idea for us to date… I mean, neither of us has ever been in a real relationship before, what if we just crash and burn?”
Osamu took in another deep breath, looking as if he was preparing himself for something unpleasant. “Look, you know I’m not a sappy guy, and I feel gross even saying this, but honestly, you and Rintarou are two of the most compatible people I’ve ever met. Even I can see how cute you guys are together. You’d be stupid not to date him.”
“Seriously, ’Samu, you’re actually gonna make me cry.”
“Whatever,” he said, turning back to make more onigiri. “Just hurry up and confess already, I miss hangin’ out with my friends.”
 You waited until Atsumu and Osamu were out of the house; that way, if things didn’t go well, you could quietly slip away to collect your dignity without having to answer any questions from them first.
You stood in Suna’s doorway, heart pounding furiously in your chest as you steeled yourself for what you were about to do. He was sitting on his bed with his headphones on, looking at something on his laptop, but when you knocked on the door frame he glanced up, noticing you for the first time.  
“Hey, Rintarou,” you said, your voice a little shaky. “Can we talk?”
He took his headphones off and shut his laptop, setting it to the side and scooting forward to sit on the edge of the bed. “Yeah, of course. What’s up?”
Forcing yourself to take a deep breath, you stepped into his room and sat down next to him. He was looking at you intently, a small crease between his brows. You glanced down at your lap, fingers twisting nervously, before looking at his face again. If you weren’t honest with him now, you never would be.
“I like you,” you said bluntly, “more than just a friend.” Suna’s lips parted slightly as if he wanted to say something, but no sound came out. “It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way,” you continued, really struggling now to hold his gaze. “I just… I had to tell you. And I’m sorry if that makes things weird between us, that’s not what I want. Your friendship means a lot to me and I don’t want to lose that, so even if you don’t—”
Your words caught in your throat, afraid of what he was about to say.
“Can I kiss you?” His voice was impossibly soft, the question sounding so delicate as it fell past his lips.
You could have sworn your heart stopped beating for a moment. You nodded your head. “Yes.”    
Suna’s hand reached up to cup your cheek before he leaned in, agonizingly slowly, to press his mouth to yours. His lips were so soft, his touch incredibly gentle. Placing both hands on the back of his neck, you melted into him, sighing as his other arm wrapped around your waist to pull you in closer. You could feel him grinning against your lips just before he broke the kiss, resting his forehead against yours.
“I like you, too,” he said softly.
Returning his smile, you leaned in to fit your mouth to his again, relishing the way it felt to be held by him, to have him kiss you so tenderly. It took all of your willpower to pull away from him.
“Rin, I have to go,” you whispered against his lips.
“What?” His expression was puzzled as you abruptly stood up.
“I have class in ten minutes,” you explained, making your way to the door.
“So you’re just gonna drop that on me and then dip?”
You turned to look at him over your shoulder, grinning. “Yup.”
“Unbelievable,” he muttered, but the smile was still on his face even as you left.
 The first few weeks after you and Suna started dating passed by in a blur. The heartache you had felt when he kept his distance from you had been replaced by a constant feeling of joy at the knowledge that you were together now. You still got butterflies every time you saw him, your heart melting each time you pressed a kiss into his cheek and saw a blush creep onto his face.
The only complaint you had was that after three weeks, you and Suna still hadn’t slept together. It wasn’t like you hadn’t tried, but there was always something that prevented you from actually succeeding: he was too exhausted after finishing volleyball practice; you both had term papers to work on; someone on your floor burnt popcorn in the microwave, setting off the fire alarm. The closest you two came to doing anything was one night when you thought you had the house to yourselves. You and Suna were making out on his bed, and he was just about to take off your shirt when Atsumu suddenly burst into the room to ask if they were all out of laundry detergent. He had quickly left, smirking, after realizing what he was interrupting, but you were too embarrassed to continue after he closed the door.
At this point, it had been over a year since you last had sex, and you were starting to go a little crazy. You were pretty sure Suna knew it, too, based on the smirks he gave you when he happened to catch the way you would stare at him periodically. After the length of time it took for you two to finally admit your feelings for each other, it was incredibly frustrating that the universe seemed to be keeping you apart again.
The end of the semester rolled around, and the twins decided to throw another big party before finals week. You managed to convince Suna to not hide in his room the entire time, and to your amazement he seemed to be having a good time, laughing in the corner with some friends from the volleyball team.
You were sitting on the couch next to Osamu, slowly sipping the beer in your hand. He was talking to you about your plans for the summer, but you couldn’t stop your attention from drifting over to your boyfriend every once in a while, grinning at him each time you happened to catch his eye.
“Our parents are renting that beach house for two weeks in July, you wanna come with us again?” Osamu asked, drawing your gaze back to his face.
“Huh? Oh, yeah, that sounds fun,” you said, a little distracted.
“Your boyfriend can come, too, of course,” he smirked.
“Shut up,” you groaned, trying to hide your blushing face by downing the rest of your drink.
“Bet you’re gonna miss him, yeah? Three months is a long time to be apart from your lover.”
“I swear to god, ’Samu, if you don’t shut the fuck up…” you grumbled, but you couldn’t help the smile that crept onto your face at your friend’s teasing.
Osamu’s attention was stolen then by someone asking him to go do shots, so you got up and walked to the kitchen by yourself to throw out your empty beer bottle. After you tossed it in the bin, you felt warm hands encircle your waist and a familiar voice whispered into your ear.
“It’s getting kinda crowded down here, you wanna go upstairs?” Suna’s warm breath tickled your ear, making you shiver in his arms. Turning around to face him, you gave him a quick kiss before taking him by the hand and leading the way to the stairs.
Closing his bedroom door muffled the sounds of the party, and you were able to breathe easier now that you were alone with him. Suna scrolled through his phone briefly before finding the playlist he was searching for, setting his phone down once the music started playing.
“Hey,” you said, grinning as you recognized the song, “this is the same playlist that you put on the night we met.”
He took a few steps towards you, arms snaking around your waist to pull you in close. “I know,” he said simply before leaning down to kiss you. You allowed him to deepen it, lips parting for his tongue, hands grasping at the fabric of his shirt.
Without breaking away, Suna guided you to his bed, gently laying you down and crawling on top of you, his knee coming up to press between your legs. You moaned into his mouth, feeling him grin against you. Breathing hard, you pulled his shirt over his head, leaning back so that you could look at him. You had known he was fit from all the times your body had been pressed against his, but seeing his muscular form with your own eyes was different. You squirmed under him, feeling your arousal growing between your thighs.
“I’ve wanted this for a long time, Y/n,” he whispered, leaning down to press kisses into your neck.
“I know,” you murmured.
“Yeah?” He pulled your shirt off of you, warm hands burning into your skin. “Do you know what I’m gonna do next?” he teased in a low voice, mouth moving down over your collarbones as his hands came up to cup your breasts, thumbs rolling over your nipples through your bra.
“Rin,” you whined when he pulled down the fabric to suck one of your nipples into his mouth, his other hand coming to rest between your thighs, groaning against your skin when he felt the wetness seeping through your shorts.
“Yeah, baby?” He was kissing a line down your stomach, goosebumps rising in his wake. He tugged off your shorts and panties together as you sat up to unhook your bra, tossing it onto the floor without taking your eyes off his face. Your hands immediately moved to the waistband of his pants, unbuttoning them as you planted sloppy kisses across his chest. He wriggled out of them and threw them to the side, before wrapping a hand around each of your legs and spreading them apart. “Is this what you wanted?” he asked, lips gliding over the soft skin of your inner thigh. “I’ve seen the way you’ve been looking at me, baby. I know how badly you want this.”
You whimpered, fingers running through his hair and gripping tightly. His warm breath ghosted over your skin, making you shiver again. A loud moan escaped you when he finally pressed his tongue against your pussy, running slowly over your folds and circling around your clit before moving back down. He repeated the motion, making your breath come out in short pants as your fingers tangled themselves further in his hair.
“God, you taste so sweet,” he moaned against you. His hands pressed down on your hipbones, pinning you in place as you started trembling around him, small whimpers leaving your mouth the closer you came to your release. You drew your legs up, the heel of one of your feet resting on his back as your spine arched, pressing into his mouth.
“Fuck, Rin, I’m so close,” you gasped out. He hummed, hands reaching up to trace his fingertips along your sides. You started moving your hips and he stilled, holding his tongue out for you to grind against. Within seconds you were cumming, legs shaking and nails digging almost painfully into his scalp. He kept his mouth open to allow you to ride out your high, gaze trained on your face.
“You’re so cute, baby,” he murmured, moving to plant a row of kisses up your throat and over your jaw. “So fucking cute.” His lips fitted against yours as he grinded into you, the friction against your clit making you gasp.
“Rin,” you whispered, pulling away to look in his eyes, “lie down.”
He rolled off of you, reaching out with both hands to pull you on top of him. You kissed him once, teasingly, before sitting up and gazing down at him. With one finger, you traced a line from his throat down over his chest and stomach, coming to rest where the skin dipped down between his hipbones, smiling to yourself at the way he shivered from your touch. Hooking your fingers underneath the waistband of his boxers, you gently tugged them off of him, watching the way his thick cock sprang out to slap against his abs. Heart pounding excitedly, you dragged your nails over the top of his thigh, pleased when his muscles tensed beneath you.
“Don’t tease me, baby,” he groaned, fingers digging into your arm. “I’ve had to wait so long for this.”
You would have been content to make him wait even longer, wanting to hear him begging you to touch him, but the pleading look in his eyes softened your resolve. “I know,” you purred, leaning down to run your tongue along the underside of his shaft, grinning to yourself when you heard his sharp inhale. You swirled your tongue around the tip, letting your spit run down his length, before wrapping your lips around his cock.
Soft moans and pants reached your ears as you slowly took all of him into your mouth. When the head of his cock hit the back of your throat you paused, tears forming at the corners of your eyes from the stretch of your jaw. You slid your tongue along his cock as you hummed lightly, eliciting a loud groan from him. Your hand came to grip his cock as you started bobbing your head up and down, moving in tandem with your mouth. Suna tilted his head to watch you, his chest rising and falling heavily. Keeping your eyes on his face, your mouth left his cock with a wet pop and moved down to suck on his balls, your hand continuing to jerk him off.
“F-fuck,” he moaned, throwing his head back against the pillow. His fingers entwined themselves in your hair, gripping firmly, but you had reached the limit of your patience. You crawled back on top of him, thighs planted on either side of his hips, and used your hand to drag his cock along the folds of your cunt.
“I wanna feel you, Rin,” you said breathlessly as his hands gripped your hips. “Wanna feel you inside me.”
Pressing his tip into you, you slowly sank down onto him, loving the way his mouth fell open as you took him completely inside you. The stretch made you gasp, head falling forward to rest against the crook of his neck. You kissed the skin just below his ear as you started grinding your hips against him, his fingers digging into your soft flesh. The sensation on your clit made you moan into his skin.
“Does that feel good, baby?” he whispered.
“Feels good,” you whimpered, your pace quickening. “S-so good.”
“Oh fuck, you’re so tight…”
The knot in your stomach was rapidly tightening. A few more motions were all it took for you to be cumming again; you pressed your lips against Suna’s, tongue reaching into his mouth as your orgasm washed over you.
When your hips stilled, he lifted you off of him and flipped you over onto your back, nipping at the skin of your neck as he repositioned himself between your legs. With a groan, he sank into you again, hips snapping against you urgently. Your body already felt worn out, but the sensation of him fucking you so deeply had you clawing at his back, desperately trying to pull him closer to you. He lifted your trembling legs onto his shoulders, the new angle of his cock thrusting into you making you cry out.
“Is that your spot, baby?” he crooned, repeatedly hitting the place that made your breath catch in your throat.
“Yes, yes, yes, right there, Rin, p-please don’t stop!” you babbled. One of your hands reached out to grab his and bring it to your neck, eyes pleading with him.
His fingers tightened around your throat. “Fuck, you look so cute taking my cock like that. You gonna cum again, pretty girl? Gonna cum all over my cock for me?”
His grip on your throat was making you lightheaded, the friction against your clit sending pleasant vibrations throughout your entire body. The spot his cock was hitting inside your pussy had you hurtling towards the edge again, eyes rolling back as you incoherently begged him not to stop.
“Rin, I-I’m cumming—fuck, fuck, fuck,” you practically sobbed as your pussy clenched around him again. He released his hold on your throat, moving his hand up to lift your jaw and kiss you deeply, relishing when you moaned into his mouth. Your lips parted and he rested his forehead against yours, gazing into your eyes, continuing to pound into you as you came. His breath stuttered as his thrusts grew more erratic, his face flushed as his cock throbbed inside you, hot cum filling your cunt.
“Fuck, Y/n,” he murmured against your lips before kissing you again, slower than before. He pulled out and laid down beside you, breathing hard. You reached up to brush the loose strands of hair out of his face, fingers running over his cheekbones.
“Why did we wait so long to do this,” you asked, making him laugh.
“We’re so fucking stupid,” he said with a grin.
You exhaled happily, moving closer to him and nestling your head against his chest. His arm reached out to wrap around you and press his palm into your spine to pull you closer. He was warm, but your uncovered body shivered against the chill in the air, goosebumps rising along your skin.
“Here, cutie,” he said, shifting so that he could pull the comforter over you. “Comfy?”
“Hmm,” you hummed, closing your eyes and pressing a kiss into his collarbone.
With Rin’s arm around you and his steady heartbeat in your ear, you fell asleep almost instantly, feeling more content than you had in a long time.
 You woke up before Suna. He had moved in his sleep, now lying on his back with one arm outstretched underneath your head. You watched him for a moment, smiling at the calm expression on his face, before climbing out of bed slowly, careful not to disturb him. Putting on your panties and one of Suna’s oversized t-shirts, you slipped out the door to walk to the bathroom down the hall.
Osamu and Atsumu’s doors were still closed, a fact that you were grateful for when you reached the bathroom and saw your reflection in the mirror. Your hair was a tangled mess, your neck littered with little love bites, damning indicators of what you had been up to the night before. Splashing your face with water, you tried to scrub off the smeared remnants of yesterday’s makeup. Satisfied when you no longer looked like you spent the night in a club, you crept back into your boyfriend’s room.
“Hey,” Suna mumbled when you stepped back through the doorway, propping himself up on one elbow and rubbing his eyes with the other hand.
“Hey.” You smiled at him as you shut the door.
“Take those clothes off and come back to bed.”
You giggled, shrugging out of your clothes and stepping towards his outstretched arms. He pulled you into a tight embrace, peppering your face with kisses. He settled you down on your side next to him, pulling your thigh up to rest on his hip.
“Rin!” you squealed when you felt the tip of his cock prodding at your entrance.
“I just wanna be inside you, baby,” he murmured. His touch had already made you wet, allowing his cock to slide into you easily. You sighed as his hips pressed up against yours.
His lips met with yours, his kiss achingly sweet. “I don’t ever want you to leave this bed,” he breathed out. You smiled against his lips, fingers running through his soft hair. He shifted his hips then, and the sensation was too much for you.
“O-oh,” you whimpered as your pussy tightened around him.
“Are you cumming?” he asked, the corner of his lips quirking up into a grin.
“Sh-shut up.”
He didn’t say anything else, simply tightening his arms around you and kissing you again. The two of you lay like that for a while, slipping into a peaceful state of half-sleep, until the sound of a distant door being flung open pulled you back.
“Fuck,” Suna mumbled under his breath. Not a second later, a loud knock sounded from the other side of his door.
“Sunariiiiin,” Atsumu’s voiced whined from the hallway. “Are you guys up yet?”
“Is that door locked?” Suna whispered to you. Commending yourself for your earlier foresight, you nodded. “Good.”
“Suna! Y/n!” He pounded on the door. “I know you guys can hear me, come on!”
“I gotta get my own place,” Suna grumbled, his eyes still closed. You giggled, and when the knocking on the door stopped you snuggled in closer to him, ready to go back to sleep.
Until your phone started ringing.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” you groaned, reaching out to grab it from the nightstand. “What do you want, Atsumu?”
“Aha! I knew you were awake!” He sounded very pleased with himself for succeeding in getting you to talk to him. “Can you make me pancakes?”
There was a pause as his question sank in. Holding your phone to your head and staring at Suna, you pulled away from him and sat up, eliciting a low groan from him. “You want me to make you pancakes?” you repeated in an incredulous voice. Suna cracked open his eyes, his face scrunching up as he heard Atsumu’s request.
“Get Osamu to do it.”
“He doesn’t make them as good as you!”
You could practically hear him pouting on the other end of the line. Pinching the bridge of your nose, you heaved a sigh. “Give me a minute.”
“Thankyouthankyouthanky—” You ended the call before he finished. Climbing out of bed, you pulled on your clothes again.
“Are you actually gonna do it?” Suna asked.
“He’s just gonna keep harassing us until I do it anyway,” you said. “Besides, it’s almost ten o’clock, we might as well get up.”
Suna rolled over and pressed his face into the pillow, groaning loudly. Grinning, you tossed a clean pair of boxers and a shirt at him.
Atsumu looked way too happy when you finally appeared downstairs. He and Osamu were sitting at the kitchen counter together; they nudged a steaming mug towards you when you walked in.
“We made you coffee,” he said, his grin wide across his face.
“Uh huh,” you grumbled.
“Where’s mine?” Suna asked as he trailed in behind you.
“Make your own, dick,” Osamu told him, smirking as he sipped his own drink.
Suna rolled his eyes, going to pour himself a cup from the coffeemaker.
Trying to hide your laughter from him, you gathered up the ingredients and set to work. When all the pancakes were done cooking you passed half of them across the counter to the twins.
“Mmm,” Atsumu hummed, closing his eyes as he took a bite. “So good.”
“I gotta teach you how to make these yourself, ’Tsumu,” you said, taking a bite of your own breakfast.
“Yeah, that way you clowns can let us sleep in for once,” Suna added.
“Don’t pretend, Y/n,” Atsumu said, “you know you love seeing my cute little face first thing in the morning.”
“I prefer seeing ’Samu’s, actually,” you teased. Osamu stuck his tongue out at his twin, laughing at his crumpled expression.
When you all finished eating, Atsumu and Osamu jumped up to wash the dishes for you. Holding your mug of coffee with both hands, you leaned into Suna’s side.
Looking over his shoulder at you two, Osamu grinned. “So, how was your night?”
“Fine,” you said in a casual tone.
“And that’s all you’re gonna get out of us,” Suna finished.
Osamu rolled his eyes, turning back to the dishes in the sink. “As if I’d want any details.”
“My night was great, thanks for asking,” Atsumu chimed in.
“Yeah? Was that before or after you puked in the backyard?”
You couldn’t help the relaxed smile that found its way onto your face, happy to get to listen to them teasing each other like always. With one hand resting on the counter, Suna’s other reached around your waist to tug you closer, fitting your body against his. Standing there laughing with your friends, with his arm around you, felt like the most natural thing in the world.
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dirtydancingdean · 3 years
✨ fic recs ✨
ok so back in like 2014 i watched supernatural for a solid 3 years until they killed kevin and charlie and i got bored of the bmol storyline. now im here again let’s not talk about it. BUT during this time i accumulated a Lot of fic and in the past two months i’ve gone through all 213 of my bookmarks and gone through like every rec list made after s12 in order to read fic set during every specific season while i rewatch the show. because im insane <3 im on s8 rn and wanted to share my list of favourites from each season so far as well as my favourite aus ! they’re all generally nsfw so minors be careful, and also check the warnings ! and i will update this when i finish s15 <3
asunder by rageprufrock (23.8k, e, background samruby)
obviously the most perfect thing to ever exist. 
and this, your living kiss by opal_bullets (56k, m, background saileen)
poet dean fic need i say more. part dean studies if dean studies was elaborated on lovingly in detail for 56k words, part gorgeous and beautiful poetry, part incredibly clever commentary on meta and fan allusions, and part stunning exploration of the relationships in the show turned on their heads.  
one white little lie by komodobits (11k, gen)
this is SOOO cute. cas is so embarrassing i was covering my face the entire time i was reading it. if u want to be cheered up. read this. 
broadway musical by griftings (12k, m)
this is genuinely sooo funny. big “castiel did you fuck the michael sword” energy and jimmy novak as that “am not against gays” tweet, plus jo <3
c-s-t-l by komodobits (90k, m)
i haven't read this in a while but from what i remember it was incredible and also had cassie <3 
rest is under the cut because it got long fhjfkfklf
pre-series/season 1-3*
a turn of the earth by microcomets (time travel, 95k, standford era, m)
i think everyone’s read this at this point but if u haven't. what are u doing. go read it. it’s absolutely everything i reread it in the week before the finale without remembering half of the stuff it talked about and i was a WRECK. if u think about standford era dean every day read this. cas punches john winchester in the FACE. 
geography by aeli_kindara (3k, teen and up, warnings for discussion of rape/non-con and prostitution)
not dean/cas but a really wonderful and needed conversation with sam and dean during 2x02.
season 4
so says the sword by komodobits (85k, e)
yeah. i dont need to say anything.  
consequences of falling by fayjay (37k, e, background samruby, warnings for rape/non-con)
THISSSS FIC. pls it’s perfect literally everything i wanted when i was watching s4 and obsessed with love as an act of worship + ruby and cas parallels. ruby and cas get drunk together! ruby says this: “dean and castiel sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes the fall from grace, then comes battling the hosts of hell and wishing that you’d managed to get your skinny ass laid before the freaking apocalypse”! what more could u want!
named by rc_machlan (94k, m)
literally the best fic in the world i am not going to say Anything if you love dean and angels and the mythology of s4-s5 that was promptly dropped, you absolutely have to read this.
four people ruby seduced & one she actually fell for (or: ruby's epic love affair with humanity in general and sam in specific) by tuesday (3.7k, e, samruby, ruby/jo)
this is more background deancas than anything else and does contain brief, not romantic in any way dean/ruby and dean/cas, but like. if u love ruby (which i do) u have to read this.
season 5
final fantasy by orange_crushed (1.9k, m)
endverse.....this made me want to die
the (mostly accidental) courtship of dean winchester by tuesday (11k, m)
a classic for a reason. really cute and soft and the handprint and cas beating dean up in 5x18 are angelic marriage rites. what more could you ask for.
the girlfriend experience by rageprufrock (15k, explicit)
of Course i mean of COURSE. thee s5 deancas fic.
strike me down and i’ll come back more powerful than you can possibly imagine by trinityofone (10k, gen)
post 5x22 dean and cas rescue sam from hell with the help of some special guests. PERFECT. the only valid good omens crossover.
season 6**
something stupid by zatnikatel (20k, e)
this broke my heart and put it back together. one of my favourite cas characterizations, takes place over s5-s6 and it’s just stunning. 
a crash course in someone else’s history by annie d (11k, teen and up)
s4 cas ends up in the body of cas in 6x20. fucking life-ruining.
season 7
make known by domesticadventures (16k, teen and up)
this is a really heartbreaking look at dean’s headspace near the end of s6 and throughout s7, and it’s really wonderful with a hopeful ending.
redemption road by a whole bunch of people (652k, virtual season, explicit)
oh boy. ok. know ur herstory ! this was written from 2011 to 2012 and it is thee s7 fic, a virtual season written by 17 fans all together. it’s very very long and it suffers sometimes from having being written a decade ago, but im making my way through it right now and it still fucking holds up. i really do recommend reading at least some of it, you can stop around halfway through and you should be fine.
season 8***
rinse, repeat by ias (3k, teen and up)
exploration of cas when naomi forces him to kill copies of dean and then his perspective in goodbye stranger.
my keeper by whelvenwings (5k, gen)
another goodbye stranger fic, this time with bonus artist cas!
though the course may change by imogenbynight (51k, e)
au after 8x23. i love this fic so much. dean accidentally ends up making himself have to go undercover with cas and pretend to be fake engaged. also, charlie and kevin. do i need to say more.
apres by imogenbynight (24k, e)
au after 8x23 where dean goes to find cas after the angels fall in paris 🥺
*i have found exactly one bela fic that i loved, and zero henriksen fics that i loved, so IF u have recs for those. i would appreciate that.
**mostly the s6 fics i read were uh...vampire dean fics...
***have found one (1) good dean/aaron fic but im still searching for the perfect purgatory crew fics 
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theladyofdeath · 3 years
Life As We Know It {Chapter 8}
Summary: After the sudden deaths of Nesta’s sister and Cassian’s best friend, they gain guardianship of their nephew, Nyx.
Based on Life As We Know It (2010) and a prompt sent in by anonymous for our Nessian fanfic contest. This is a modern au.
Instead of doing a tag list for this story, we have decided to have a set posting schedule. Chapters will be posted weekly on Mondays and Thursdays. Chapters will be posted on both my and Shelby’s blogs! >> @snelbz​
Life As We Know It Masterlist
Shelby’s Masterlist
Tara’s Masterlist
Tumblr media
Cassian didn’t have to go into the bar until noon, so until Viviane arrived for her first day at 11:30, it was just him and Nyx.
The sun was out, and Cassian intended to take full advantage of it. Nyx was in his stroller and Cassian was jogging down the side of the Sidra. He’d only had him for the last half hour.
After Cassian’s breakdown last night, Nesta had apparently decided to let Cassian sleep in. Before Nyx could even cry, Nesta had gotten him up, ready, and fed before she left for work that morning.
He was mortified that she’d had to see that, that he’d broken down in front of her like that. But there was so much of Rhys looking at him, all the time and he’d been holding it in for so long. And knowing that he hadn’t been able to figure out what Nyx needed was the final straw last night.
After Nesta had hugged him, he’d finally gotten the strength to pull himself together, and he pulled from her grasp. He’d noticed the dress she wore to go out then, showing just as much skin as that damn towel had, and had made an excuse about being exhausted. He’d shut himself in his room, staring at the ceiling until he fell asleep around two or three in the morning.
He wasn’t surprised she had barely wanted to see him this morning. She probably thought he was an irresponsible mess, probably figured she was better off taking care of Nyx on her own.
And maybe she was.
Nesta had some natural motherly instinct, just like Feyre and Elain had. It was an Archeron trait, Cassian had no doubt.
And although the Archeron sisters certainly hadn’t had a perfect upbringing, the three of them had always had each other.
Cassian couldn’t say the same.
His mom died young.
He’d never had a father.
Or siblings.
Or any other extended family.
He’d just had Rhysand and Azriel, and although fatherhood had come decently easy to both of them, Cassian couldn’t say the same for himself. He was the goofy, unpredictable uncle of the group, he was good in that role.
Not the ideal father figure.
Cassian picked up his speed.
Nyx giggled and threw his hands in the air. 
Regardless of his mood, he couldn’t help but smile down at him.
He loved this kid, and he knew that this kid loved him. He may not be his father, but he would do his damndest to make sure he knew how much he was loved. Every damn day.
Cassian had just gotten out of the shower and gotten dressed when he heard the doorbell chime.
Nyx was standing in his playpen, holding onto the padded railing when Cassian rushed to the door, throwing it open.
“Viviane, hey,” he said, opening it wide enough for her to step through. She gave him a polite smile and he shut the door behind her. “Okay, so Nyx is over there, Nesta left a note on the fridge with our cell numbers, the number for her restaurant, my bar, uh, his pediatrician-.”
Viviane laughed quietly and headed for the playpen. “I’ll call you if I need anything, but I’m sure this little dude is going to be an angel.”
She reached down and scooped him up and Nyx did nothing but beam up at her.
“He’s in good hands,” Viviane went on when she saw the worry in Cassian’s eyes.
“I know,” he smiled, although hesitantly. “Nesta will be home at four-thirty.”
“We’re going to have fun,” Viviane promised, and Nyx giggled.
Cassian took that as cue to leave and hurried out the door. It was stressful, leaving him for the first time, alone with someone they had only just met.
He found himself wondering if Rhysand or Feyre would approve.
He prayed they did.
When he got to the bar, Kallias was already there, making sure everything was ready for opening.
“You’re two minutes late, boss,” he teased.
Cassian snorted. “New nanny. Had a hard time leaving.”
Kallias raised a brow. “Hot nanny?” 
Cassian grinned as he came behind the bar. “Just your type, actually.” 
Before the conversation could deepen, Cassian seeing the intrigue in Kal’s eye, he was heading to the store room, grabbing a few bottles to keep within reaching distance when they undoubtedly got a little busy over lunch.
“I like hot nannies,” Kallias hollered. “It would be nice of you to share.”
Cassian snorted, heading back up towards the bar. He didn’t reply, shaking his head as he glanced at his friend, and he set about cutting and readying the garnishes for drinks.
With a dramatic sigh, far louder than it needed to be for Cass to hear him, Kallias began turning on the televisions around the room, two on different sports broadcasts and one on a local music channel.
Maybe he would set Kallias up with Viviane.
Even he had to admit…they’d make a pretty damn cute couple.
It was just before 4:30 when Nesta pushed open the front door, prepared to find the house thrown into chaos.
But, it was spotless, Nyx was sleeping, and Viviane was on the couch, reading a book. She looked up at Nesta and smiled.
“You’re home,” she whispered, even though Nyx wasn’t in the room. “He’s been down for about forty-five minutes. We played hard today. I think he’s worn out.”
Nesta blinked, carefully stepping inside and shutting the door behind her. “He was good?”
“Oh, he was great,” Viviane promised, standing up and closing her book with a bookmark placed neatly between it’s pages. “Although, his diaper rash is getting pretty bad. I changed him more often to try and keep him as dry and rash-creamed as possible. But, you may want to keep an eye out. I’ve seen worse, but you still may want to get a prescription from his doctor to help clear it up.”
Nesta hadn’t even noticed that Nyx had had a rash and chastised herself. “Yes. Absolutely, I’ll make him an appointment as soon as I can.”
Viviane smiled again, stopping to grab her purse where it sat by the floor of the couch and dropped her book inside. It was well loved, Nesta could tell, and for a moment, she considered asking what the pretty, young woman was reading.
And then she remembered who she’d been here alone with that morning.
Her eyes popped open. “Oh, gods, I hope Cassian was okay this morning. He’s not…always on his best behavior.”
Viviane brows bunched towards each other, confusion on her face. “I don’t follow?”
“I hope he didn’t say anything too inappropriate,” she rushed out. “He can be a bit much in the mornings, and-.”
“Oh, no, no,” Viviane interrupted, her crystalline eyes going wide. “No, he was an absolute gentleman. On good behavior.” She then added, “And please, don’t mistake my enthusiasm for this job, Nesta, I’m not interested in your husband or anything like-.”
It was Nesta’s turn to interrupt. “Husband?! No, no, Cassian isn’t my husband. Cauldron, no we just have to live together. He’s not even my boyfriend. I can barely stand the guy.”
Viviane hesitated. “Oh, I’m sorry, I just assumed-.”
“It’s alright,” Nesta said, and knew her cheeks were red. “I could see how it would be easy to make that assumption.”
Viviane nodded and rocked back on her heels, uncomfortably. “Right, well...I’ll see you all tomorrow?”
“Absolutely,” Nesta said, trying her best to give a convincing smile.
She knew she was failing.
Convincing smiles weren’t her specialty.
But, husband? As if she would ever marry a man like Cassian. They may have had a moment where they didn’t absolutely loathe each other the night before, but that’s only because he was having a complete mental breakdown.
Nesta may be a bitch, but she wouldn’t kick a man when he’s already down.
Well, at least not in that situation. In a different set of circumstances, perhaps she would. 
Viviane let herself out and Nesta said her goodbyes, and shook her head.
Oh, fuck no.
After a quick call to Nyx’s pediatrician, and an appointment made for the following afternoon, Nesta set out to make dinner. Nothing too crazy, just a new recipe she’d been toying with at the restaurant and she needed an unbiased opinion - one from someone whom she didn’t employ - to give her an honest opinion. She knew Cassian would be at the bar until eight-thirty or nine, but the chicken salad would be better chilled anyways.
Or she thought it was. She’d have to ask what he thought about that.
She was halfway through chopping up the roast chicken she’d spiced and marinated all day when the monitor to her left let out a lonely cry. Washing her hands, Nesta was hurrying up the stairs and found Nyx standing in his crib. He immediately reached for her, those blue eyes still drowsy with sleep, but Nesta knew he needed to be changed as soon as she got within sniffing distance. Hopefully he’d be sleepy enough that he wouldn’t fight her on the diaper change.
“What did Cassian feed you for lunch, kiddo?” She asked, scrunching her nose as she unsnapped the onesie he wore, and swapped out his diaper for a clean one.
True to Viviane’s word, Nyx had developed a splotchy, red rash on his bottom. After setting Nyx up in a swing by the door, Nesta took a few minutes to Google what a normal case of diaper rash looked like. Afterwards, she had wiped her search history and was thankful she’d gone ahead and called the pediatrician’s office, especially considering they were now closed until the following morning.
She also had to figure out a way to thank Viviane for her suggestion. Nesta almost felt like she owed the girl an apology for her initial reaction to her, based on her assumptions of Cassian. Not that she had any idea how Nesta had felt, but she still felt bad.
She may know a few things about Cassian Nazari, but she knew nothing about Viviane, not yet. Nesta should really give her the benefit of the doubt.
Even though such a thing was not her specialty.
The second they walked into the kitchen, Nyx was crying and reaching toward the fridge. Nesta put him in his high chair, letting him cry it out as she fixed him supper.
In the meantime, she dumped a pile of strawberry puffs on his tray.
He was immediately stuffing them into his mouth.
“You know, I’ve tasted those and they’re not all that great,” Nesta said, preparing him a small bowl of sweet potatoes.
Nyx looked at her and held up a star-shaped puff. 
She couldn’t help but chuckle. “No, but thank you for the offer.”
Nesta finished her salad and put the rest in the fridge for Cassian to eat once he got home. After taking a seat, and placing her salad and Nyx’s potatoes on the table, she dug in.
It was, obviously, delicious.
Nyx even seemed to be enjoying his sweet potatoes, though, as always more ended up on his high chair’s tray than in his mouth.
“You have an art for making a mess, buddy,” she said, shaking her head as she lifted another spoonful of the sweet potatoes to his mouth.
He took the bite into his mouth, and sprayed most of it back out in a raspberry.
She raised an eyebrow, setting the bowl down in front of her. “You’re just playing at this point, aren’t you?”
To say yes, in fact, he was, Nyx smacked a chubby hand into the mushed up mix of puffs and sweet potato on his tray.
“That means it’s bath time and then bed time,” she mused, wiping as much of him down as she could. She decided to go ahead and ditch his smeared onesie in the laundry room, and carried a diapered Nyx up to the bathroom.
A mostly uneventful bath later, she discovered Viviane must have been telling the truth about playing hard today. Nyx had been asleep before she’d made it through the second page of his favorite book, his pacifier falling out of his full, little lips.
She gently laid him down in the crib, and tiptoed downstairs to flip through bad reality TV until Cassian got home.
She hated how much she had thought about Cassian throughout the day. For once, it wasn’t about his body. Instead, it was about the fact that he had spent five minutes in her arms the night before, sobbing. She wasn’t sure what to think.
Cassian had a rough exterior. 
He was known for his good looks and how many women those looks attracted. Since Nesta met him five years prior, there were only a handful of things she could say about Cassian.
He was beautiful, but that much was obvious.
He knew how to make beautiful instruments, which meant he was good with his hands.
Nesta would be lying if she said she hadn’t thought about just how good he was with those hands.
Lastly, Cassian was cocky as hell. He was hot. He knew he was hot. And he had to convince everyone who didn’t think he was hot that he was hot.
But, one thing that Nesta hadn’t known about Cassian until the night before?
He cared.
He really, really cared.
And he was scared.
She had been willing to put aside their differences for Nyx. They’d come to that agreement when he’d begun to depend on them. But now, she wanted to make things work…for him. He was terrified of letting Rhys down, something she understood. Every time she thought of something she may have done wrong, all she could think about was how disappointed Feyre would be in her.
Except…she knew that wasn’t true. Just like she knew that Rhys would never be disappointed in Cassian. The fact that he’d stepped up, had been willing to care for Rhys and Feyre’s only child…
She just had to make sure Cassian believed it.
Nesta was half asleep on the couch when the door unlocked and opened, Cassian walking through. He blinked once upon seeing her, clearly not having expected her to be downstairs when he got home.
“Hey,” she said, stretching. “How was your day?”
He tossed his keys on the table by the door, looking around, pointedly not looking at her. “It was good. Where’s Nyx?”
“He’s been down since seven-thirty or so, Viviane did great today,” she said, watching him as he walked into the kitchen. “I owe you an apology. You were right, she’s good.”
She heard a grunt of acknowledgment as the fridge opened. He came back into the living room, shaking up a bottled protein shake and cracking it open.
“I made a roasted chicken salad,” she said. “I put leftovers in the fridge for you.” “That’s okay,” he said, voice low. “You can take it to work with you tomorrow. Don’t want to take your food.”
Nesta blinked. “I put it in the fridge for you-.”
“I’m tired,” he said, heading toward the stairs. “Night.”
Nesta’s mouth opened, then shut, then opened again. “I’m sorry, what?”
Cassian stopped at the foot of the stairs and looked over his shoulder. “What?”
I made you dinner. I stayed up to make sure you were alright. “Nothing. Just didn’t realize you were so insistent on being an asshole this evening.”
“An asshole?” he repeated. “I just got home, I’m tired, and now I’m an asshole?” 
Nesta just shook her head, falling back on the couch. “Nevermind. Goodnight.” 
Cassian just stood there, looking half like he wanted to go upstairs and half like he wanted to chuck the half-empty bottle at the back of her head. He’d already had a long, horrible day full of shitty, rude customers. He hadn’t even realized it was nearing Spring Break until the underage kids with shitty, fake ID’s had descended on the bar today. The amount of customers he had to turn away since they were practically children possibly outweighed the actual customers he and Kal had served.
He’d also had Nesta on his mind all day, on the pity she had to feel for him after he lost it the night before. The fact that she made him dinner was just proof of it, that he was right.
“You didn’t need to make me dinner,” he said, staring at the wall behind her head. “I can take care of myself, alright?”
Nesta’s eyes were closed, her arms crossed as she laid back on the couch. “I didn’t say that you couldn’t.”
“Just because I lost it for a minute last night, doesn’t mean that I’m helpless,” Cassian went on. “I’m just as capable of taking care of Nyx, of being a grown ass adult, as you are.”
Nesta’s eyes opened, then, and she slowly looked over to him. “Is that right?”
“Yeah, it is,” he said, simply.
“Really?” Nesta asked. “Because you’re acting like a gods damned child right now.”
Cassian snorted as he shook his head. “I don’t have the patience for you tonight. Goodnight.”
“You’re a real dick, you know that?” Nesta snapped.
“It’s all you think I’m good for, so I guess I may as well act like it, too,” he called out, not turning back to look at her.
The words struck her, made her feel two feet tall, especially considering how she’d begun to regard him instead. But she wasn’t able to stop the bite of her words as she snapped, “Oh, fuck you.”
Cassian didn’t say a word as he topped the stairs and headed down the hall.
She almost wished he’d slammed the door, almost wished he’d made a spectacle of being angry and shutting her out again, after what she’d thought may have been progress the night before. 
It was almost that much worse that his door shut with a soft click.
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poohkeepsee · 3 years
I was going through my AO3 bookmarks, and I wanted to organize them a little bit. These are my Dean/Cas canon-ish fic recs.
season 5
canticles  by  2street2car Words: 10,311     Chapters: 1
“But you know something? If I couldn’t get you laid, at least I gave you a good first date.”feat: footsies at a Ruby Tuesday, stargazing, the recreation of an iconic "Dirty Dancing" scene (no, not that one—the other one), and practicing for When You're With A Girl.
post season 6
Someone Who's Feeling For Me  by  ellispark  Words: 45,876     Chapters: 1
Dean sees her for the first time in nearly six years in some no-name town in Idaho, and it's panic at first sight.
Lisa Braeden, the one woman Dean ever actually had a shot at a real life with, back from where he buried her in his mind. And her hand is on Cas's arm like it's no big deal, like it belongs there. Cas, Dean's dorky, sweet, badass, angelic best friend, and he's just standing there next to Lisa and not moving her hand away.
Dean feels the jealousy rising, and it's not directed where he expected it to be. Because it takes this exact moment for Dean to realize he's in love with his best friend. He's in love with his best friend, and Lisa is looking at Cas like he's the best thing since automatic rifles, and Dean is utterly fucked.
post bunker
Sun Can't Set Until Nine  by  LeverDrift Words: 67,939     Chapters: 16
Cas moves into the bunker as his powers start to fail. Dean doesn’t know if the arrangement is as permanent as he wants it to be. He's also not sure why he keeps dreaming about his friend. All he knows is that he wants Cas to stay. Overall warnings: canon-typical miscommunication & Dean having self-hatred issues.
Life Skills  by  ilovehowyouletmefall           Words: 26,052     Chapters: 3
After Metatron steals Castiel's grace, and Cas comes to live in the bunker, Dean spends a lot of time with him, sharing all of his favourite things. Dean can't help it if sharing things with Cas just makes everything better. Besides, it's Dean's job as Cas' friend to introduce him to the joys of human life. To teach him how to be human.  And if one of the experiences they end up sharing is sex with women, well... that's just part of Dean's job as Cas' friend too, right? The desire is triangulated, the rituals are intricate.
Sam Stole My Boyfriend  by  sobsicles    Words: 8,445     Chapters: 1
“Dude, you’ve been staring at me a lot lately, like even enough that Sam noticed. More than usual. So, like, what’s up?” Dean pauses, purses his lips and reconsiders. “What did I do?”
Cas knows that would be a perfect time to confess to Dean what exactly happened and what he was thinking. Maybe, Dean had some insight into the situation or even some kind of comfort to offer. But, the longer that he sat there, he realized that he could not tell Dean absolutely anything. So instead, for the first time, Cas fumbled.
“Um,” Cas mutters and abruptly stands. “Freckles?”
Dean blinked up at him as Cas pivoted and left the room. There was only one remaining option he had and unfortunately, it involved Sam.
Aching in the Absence of You  by  sobsicles Words: 95,090     Chapters: 10
Brittle and battle-worn, Cas looks at him over coffee one morning and says, "I need to go," and Dean instantly knows that he's not coming back.
He's not really sure how he knows it, but he does. It settles into the pit of his stomach, curling hot and tight like something he instinctively wants to tear out with his bare hands. He takes a breath, and it gets stuck in his throat, hitching there. It hurts, hurts, hurts when he finally exhales.
"Yeah," Dean says, "of course you do," and he nods jerkily as he looks down at his phone. He doesn't say goodbye. He doesn't look up from the screen when Cas gets up and leaves the room. He doesn't finish his coffee, or move for a long time.
By nightfall, Cas is gone.
'Communication'  by  JustAnotherSamlicker Words: 11,656
The same story told from two perspectives.
Dean bought a house and he and Cas fix it up.
Is Dean moving out? Is Cas moving in?
Should they just talk to each other already? (Yes they should)
Build a Home  by  domesticadventures Words: 20,102
After they save the world, Dean expects Cas to come back to the bunker with them.
He doesn't
season 10
The Most Important Thing  by  NorthernSparrow Words: 94,462     Chapters: 14
Jimmy Novak remembers nothing of the last six years. Reunited with his troubled daughter Claire, he's struggling to raise her on his own. The most important thing is to make Claire happy. But why does he keep having these dreams of wings, and of two men in a black car? (Canon-divergent from S10E11, when we first met Claire again and Dean was still struggling with the Mark of Cain. Takes places several months later).
season 12
Heroes for Ghosts  by  pantheon_of_discord Words: 42,922     Chapters: 7
Canon-divergent from 12.08
After Sam and Dean are arrested, Castiel is left alone and scrambling to find them. He knows they’re locked away in a government facility, and he’s still able to hear their prayers, but no matter how he tries Castiel can’t seem to track them. He chases leads and even attempts to hunt on his own, but Mary is AWOL, Crowley refuses to help, and Castiel’s options are running out.
Weeks pass, Castiel’s hope dwindles, and through it all Dean prays, keeping them connected. His voice is comforting, frustrating, and occasionally annoying, but in his solitude Castiel comes to cherish it. But then one day, without warning, Dean stops praying, and Castiel is forced to confront some uncomfortable truths about his feelings.
season 13
i want to do with you (what spring does with cherry trees)  by  sobsicles   Words: 74,173     Chapters: 8
Dean keeps going back.
When he arrives, it's always to blooming flowers and a windmill in the background, not too far from a brook, the sun painting the plains.
He likes it there. He likes to stand in front of the makeshift urn and check that it's still where he put it, switching out the flowers when they wilt. He likes to listen to the sound of birds chirping, insects singing, the faint sound of water trickling in the distance. He likes to turn his face up and feel the sun on his skin, wondering if Cas would do the same if he were here, somehow knowing that he would.
He likes to talk.
There's never a response, but Dean feels the breeze rustle through his hair and watches the flowers bob when bees come to them and stares as the windmill keeps turning, turning, turning. And he imagines that Cas is replying—the windmill is the tilted head, the bobbing flowers are a gentle smile, the breeze is whatever words Dean wants to hear at the time.
Sometimes, it's almost like he's there.
Trial and Tribulations of Raising a Nephilim  by  Sickandtiredofyou Words: 14,910   Chapters: 6
Dean has far too much on his plate, losing his mom, his best friend and now being a single parent to a newborn nephilim.
In which Jack is an actual newborn instead of a teenager.
post season 13
dumbassery, denial, doing (the three d's to the destination)  by  sobsicles           Words:     108,427     Chapters:     4
Freedom is just one adjustment after the next.
Cas hums again. "I think you already have. It's been months since everything settled. All that's left to do is...get used to it, and perhaps—" His voice stalls out, uncharacteristically, and his gaze roams Dean's face with intensity. When he speaks next, his tone is a little raw. "Perhaps what one does with peace is...whatever they want."
"What if I don't even know what that is?" Dean grumbles, arching an eyebrow in challenge. "'Cause I know damn well you don't just mean good food and a good bed and time in Baby, not simple wants like that. You mean—ya know, the big things, the wants we didn't get to have before."
"Yes," Cas agrees. "If you're not sure, figure it out."
"Easier said than done."
Reasons to read this:
Dean reads a story that ends like despair and his reaction is FUCK THAT
Cas wears Dean's hoodie
Jack is a toddler
The Jack and Claire sibling energy we deserve
Eileen being awesome and pulling pranks with Dean while Sam thinks she's an angel
Sam knows
First Date  by  aeli_kindara Words: 8,968    Chapters: 1
“We should go on a date. You and me.”
Castiel wishes he could see Dean’s face. He wishes he had any idea what to say.
“I’m asking you out, Cas.”
Also known as the Dean Winchester makes the first move fic.
season 14
Broken Road  by  thegeminisage Words:     109,629     Chapters:     7
A 14.13 Lebanon rewrite. When Dean uses a wish-granting pearl to try and kill the archangel Michael before he can escape the cage in Dean's head, they instead wind up with a newly-resurrected John Winchester.
It's been more than a decade since John died, and a lot has changed: Mary is alive, Sam and Dean have what passes for a proper home in the Men of Letters Bunker, and they're living with angels. John doesn't know angels are real, he doesn't know about the fragile new relationship between Dean and Castiel, and most of all, he doesn't know that Dean said yes to Michael, or that Dean's plan to defeat Michael would send him to a fate worse than death.
Now Dean must contend with both his father asking questions he can't answer, and his loved ones learning about the darker truths of his childhood, all while constantly battling the archangel trapped inside him. But Dean coming to terms with his history may be the difference between this being the beginning of a journey—or the end.
post season 15
fools and pilgrims  by  lagaudiere Words: 31,904     Chapters: 2
Claire shows up at the bunker a day before Dean was planning to leave, with her hair cut short and a fresh tattoo on her left arm under a bandage. Chuck is dead, Jack has given up his godlike powers, and Cas is back from the Empty, which doesn't make it any easier for Dean to talk to him. Suddenly finding himself in a world without monsters, supernatural forces, or any need for hunters, Dean's solution is to go on a road trip. Claire tags along.
Dean-Claire mirror fic post Despair
what's missing is found (our souls can exhale now)  by  sobsicles Words: 27,403
It's not the first time Claire has ever gone missing. It is, however, the first time Kaia panics about it. Dean's dragged into the mess, but he soon finds that it's the best thing that could have happened to him.
canon(?) au  (Hunters and Men of Letters)
Dean Winchester's Secret (Angel) Boyfriend  by  reluctantabandon, Winter_of_our_Discontent Words: 11,191     Chapters: 1
Dean Winchester isn't exactly a team player. So when he starts mentioning a new Hunting partner, Ellen and Jo Harvelle aren't sure whether they should be worried or relieved.
But they're starting to get the feeling there's something important Dean's not telling them about Cas...
Shot Through The Heart  by  peanutbutterjelly-pie (Aleakim) Words: 11,191     Chapters: 1
Dean is a hunter.
Castiel is a Man of Letters.
And even though they have to work together on a regular basis, there is not much sympathy between them. Castiel thinks Dean too brash and reckless while Dean in return sees nothing more in the other man than a rude asshole with an obsessive love for books and a truly terrible fashion sense.
But fate clearly has a funny way of throwing those two together over and over again.
And somewhere along the way feelings change into something neither of them would have expected.
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rokutouxei · 3 years
a solitary walk
genshin impact | G | 2478 | [ ao3 ]  side hu tao/xiao | hu tao birthday fic!
every year, hu tao lives her life the way she believes it ought to be lived—loud and outright. even if reincarnation was real, and that one day we might die and then return to the earth once again, we will only ever be living this very life once. only once in these special circumstances, with these people, in this environment. it’s not because she fears death—no, it’s exactly because she knows death will come to her in the end that she lives like this.
lives treating the stone lions like they were actual cats.
lives climbing up the treacherous cliffs of huaguang stone forest to write poetry.
lives spooking others, walking late at night along wuwang hill.
hu tao knows death like the back of her hand, which is why life means so much to her. why she lives so much of it.
there is only one year a day when the anxiety is stronger than usual. when hu tao feels like living through these ideals is simply not enough. when she begins to doubt her place among the living, when no funeral pyre of inner demons can clear her head. on this day, on her birthday, it’s the long journey taking her from liyue harbor to the solitary mountains of liyue that truly takes out the storm in her heart, heavy and pounding.
when she can be between the pages of herself, among the voices of people she hopes love her.
   “going out today, director hu?”
zhongli is, as he usually is at this hour, promptly sitting in the study of the wangsheng funeral parlor, likely just having finished some morning lecture to the undertakers. hu tao hums, whizzing around him as she peers at what book he’s holding. a history on rex lapis.
“no business today, maybe we need to rework our advertising strategy,” she says, straightening her back. “with you here, i get free time to take a walk and think of better marketing tricks.”
“please don’t use me as an excuse to skip work.”
“aiya, what do you think of me? that’s not what i’m doing,” she pouts. then, she points at the book in his hands. “what were you reading?”
“the undertakers were interested in something i said about the themes of death in liyue’s history, and i was merely reviewing my history,” zhongli answers, strangely more somber than usual. “it is mortal to fear death, but it is to go beyond what it means to be mortal to try to comprehend death as greater than something to be afraid of. as with rex lapis, who surely has witnessed a great many losses in his long lifespan.”
“what do you think the divine feel about death, zhongli?” hu tao asks, hands behind her back, looking up at the mysterious man who always seem to know more than he let on. “do you think it still means anything to them, when they live across so much time and space?”
“i think, director hu,” zhongli says, “that every death can still leave its mark. the archons were mortal once, after all. to not fear death does not mean to not honor its rightful weight.”
“hmmm,” hu tao nods, deep in thought. “you may be right.” then, a clock down the hall begins to toll, and she is shaken out of her reverie. “aiya, what time is it! i have to go, thank you for entertaining my question. i’ll see you tomorrow!”
hu tao is just about out of the door when he speaks again.
“director hu?”
she blinks. “yes, mister zhongli?”
he gives a smile that feels like it bears too much memory. “happy birthday.”
hu tao only beams at him, and then hops out of the door.
   hu tao still remembers the disdainful stares of some of the older, more conservative people of liyue once the kids caught up to her little “hilichurl song.” something about little children chanting about death and murder in such a joyful manner did not sit right with several of the elders. this reflected poorly on hu tao, but—
did it matter?
the kids were—are—having fun, the song is catchy and she wouldn’t be conceited to say that everyone in liyue knows it at this point…
she remembers the little boy who had run up to her, who had returned fresh from a funeral rite up in wangsheng, holding her still-ashen hand saying, “you’re the big sis with the hilichurl song! teach me! teach it to me big sis!”
she remembers being that young.
she doesn’t quite feel like being this old.
the least she can do is immortalize its transcience; she’d write all the poems on death for the living if she had to.
   she encounters xingqiu, who has obviously just come from his daily perusal of wanwen bookhouse, two books under his arm and another clasped between his fingers. she comes up right up before him and goes—
he doesn’t even flinch, long used to hu tao’s little antics. he finishes reading the paragraph he is on before putting the book down, smiling at her.
“well, what is my liege doing this fine day?”
“oh, i’m off to take an adventurous little walk! what are you up to today, young master?”
the honorifics turned pet names were special little sparkles in their conversation. it had become so normal between them they no longer think about it, but the others who overhear are a little more curious.
“to put a little spice into the lives of a young exorcist and an aspiring cook, would you like to join me?”
were it any other day, hu tao would have said yes. there was nothing quite like getting off work early and messing around with chongyun and xiangling, mixing up the ingredients, activating excess yang energy. but today was not that kind of day, so she shakes her head and gives a little smile at her friend instead.
“not today, unfortunately. but soon, for sure!”
xingqiu nods. but before he leaves, he pulls out a bookmark of pressed silk flowers from behind his back, and hands it to her.
“taken fresh from the wilderness.”
“you mean yujing terrace?”
“where i got it is of no matter—” xingqiu says, stifling a laugh, “but instead what message it brings. may you find good company on this special day of yours, my liege.”
hu tao smiles, the kind that reaches her eyes, the one that so few people see, and then pushes xingqiu lightly down the road toward wanmin.
“go cause trouble!”
  the first half of the journey is a lot less tricky. at a certain hour every day, without fail, there are wagons that begin their trip from liyue to mondstadt. hu tao usually hitches a ride on one of these all the way to wangshu inn, where she stops for lunch.
wangshu inn has become such a common culprit to their little meetings that no one gets surprised to see her anymore, smiling and waving at everyone all the way upstairs to the top floor. (sometimes she even passes by the kitchen for some almond tofu, but, ah, yanxiao doesn’t really want her using the kitchen, if for the sake of the food she makes.)
today, when she gets there, she finds aether and paimon sitting at the tables at the very bottom, waiting for their meals to be served.
“hu taaaaooooo!” paimon calls and waves, to which she waves in response, hopping up the stairs to get to them.
“if it isn’t the mighty traveler and paimon! my offer for a discount coupon for accidents is still available, if you’ve changed your mind!”
aether ignores the joke entirely—wisely—and asks, “not staying at the parlor today?”
“aiya, does that seem like such a strange occurence? is it wrong for the director of a funeral parlor to catch a break?”
“...from offering discount coupons for parlors?” paimon turns to aether. “and why so far out here of all places?”
the traveler knows. “we haven’t seen him today.”
“do not fret! the ever omniscient hu tao knows exactly where he will be,” she teases. “can i join you for lunch?”
"wait!" paimon whines. "who's he?"
hu tao orders nothing festive, just some plain snapdragon salad and some fish, but verr goldet hand-delivers a little assorted tray of desserts anyway—red bean soup, mango pudding, custard—all on a celebratory looking plate. she whispers to hu tao: “from the young gentleman.”
and aether’s eyes go wide as plates in realization, but before he can say anything, hu tao hushes him with a finger, not wanting paimon to make a big deal out of it. the traveler only chuckles, paimon neck-deep into a bowl of noodles, and mouths happy birthday while facing the director.
once lunch is over, they talk a little until their stomachs settle with the food, but then they are on each other’s ways. aether and paimon, headed up to mingyun to clear out a camp of hilichurls that have been causing trouble, as commissioned by the guild. hu tao, to qingyun peak, where the clouds can brush over her cheeks.
“are you gonna walk all the way there?”
“oh, it’ll take me just a few hours. i’ll get on any patrolling millelith carts if there are any. i’ll be fine. thank you, traveler!”
“take care, hu tao!” aether calls out. “and send my regards!”
   “i knew i would find you here,” hu tao says, as she lands ever so gracefully on one of huaguang stone forest’s highest peaks. xiao sits there, cross-legged, with his eyes closed. the exhaustion from the journey sinks into her bones as soon as she sees him, as if knowing she will find rest in him—perhaps the same way the sun has sunk dark blue into the horizon.
“i’m here because i knew you’d be here,” he retorts. not even turning to face her. hu tao sinks wordlessly next to him, her hand on his lap.
she loves the way they fit together like this, two puzzle pieces magnetized to each other.
“thank you for the desserts.”
he places his hand over hers and squeezes.
xiao has never been the type for comforting words. the best he can offer is his understanding silence, the kind that makes hu tao know he can comprehend what is going on in her little, mortal mind--even when she herself is not sure where exactly her thoughts are taking her.
“i wanted to bring you almond tofu, but it would have melted on the way here.”
“you don’t need to worry about me.”
you know i’ll worry about you anyway.
worry about yourself.
i already do, why else do you think i’m here but for rescue?
here in huaguang, the breeze silences everything in her mind that speaks, so that all that remains is this: just her, just xiao, just liyue’s star-dotted night sky.
just good company.
no dead, no ghosts, no demons. just them.
they stay there until time seems like it stops existing.
the thing about xiao and hu tao’s relationship is that somehow they always find each other perfectly as one needs the other. it has always been like that from the beginning. from the very first time hu tao had gotten herself lost around mt. aocang, cornered by a family of geovishaps hell-bent on getting her for disturbing their nap; to when hu tao had found xiao slumped against a tree, bloodied with his mask on his face and near unable to breathe, her presence and stupid humor like exorcising the demons clinging onto him;
they find each other always, as if sensing death on the other, and they come to the rescue.
without even needing to call out each other’s names.
hu tao, leaning against him like deadweight, turns her hand around so they can interlock their fingers together. xiao does so wordlessly, and hu tao memorizes the warmth of him against her skin.
keeps it in the back of her mind for when he isn’t around.
they speak without speaking, passing each other the same old questions like they always do.
what if i die today?
you’re not dying today, hu tao.
what if i die tomorrow?
you’re not dying tomorrow, xiao.
who will take care of you when i am gone?
who will remember huaguang like these, starry nights with our hands clasped together?
who will i come to when i’m in need of aid, when i need someone who sees death as i do?
don’t go, it’s too early to do so.
hu tao only voices out one of many, many thoughts passed between their intertwined hands, when she says, “when death finally comes for me, thousands and thousands of years before yours, adeptus xiao…”
xiao hums.
“remember me?”
he scoffs just the littlest bit and hu tao knows he means always. “rest,” he says, as xiao turns and presses a kiss on the side of her face, tucking a pair of qingxin flowers with braided stalks behind her ear. one he’d made before she’d arrived, prepared to find her in this state.
“for sweet dreams,” he promises.
  while in his arms hu tao dreams of her grandfather.
she is watching her young, 13 year old self host her grandfather’s funeral, incredibly young and small and out of place in the grandeur. her yéyé liked grandeur, and it was hu tao’s mission that day to make sure that everything about his grand goodbye went the way it was planned.
it was hard.
she was calm, and composed, and so unlike the hu tao the rest of liyue knew that day. she was solemn during the entire ceremony, not a twinge of a smile or a frown on her face, just calm and detached like it wasn’t her grandfather she was preparing to set off. like his hat wasn’t sitting on her desk at home drenched in her tears.
the present, older hu tao looks on to spot the little signs of breaking left unnoticed by everyone else, like the little ticks at the corner of her mouth, her hypercontrolled breathing, the way she squeezes the staff she’s inherited specifically for this day, under her grandfather’s request.
and while the younger hu tao does not catch him, the older hu tao spots her grandfather among the trees, standing there with his hat still on, in his usual garb, the kind that reminds her of chanting poetry in the afternoon and—
—he smiles.
at younger hu tao, then, eventually, at her, older, smarter, more mature hu tao, as if saying:
thank you.
you’ve done so well.
before he disappears into a fog of light.
hu tao does not feel the need to follow.
   hu tao wakes up in her room in wangsheng funeral parlor smiling, feeling the clouds still on her face, qingxin still in her hair.
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thunder-at-dawn · 3 years
June 3rd
i really liked writing this one!! it ended up being way longer than i thought it would though lol
word count: 2,563 (jesus christ)
prompt: gang tickles
character: eret
warning: this is a sfw tickle fic! don’t read if that makes you uncomfortable :]
No matter if it was toward a person, place, or a noun, people always developed attachments to certain things.
Eret had always found themselves getting attached to things in life. They became attached to the pet sheep they had found roaming around the museum. They had been attached to L’Manburg at one point, it was their first real home. They were attached to Puffy, Foolish, and other friends they had met.
But right now, at this very moment? Eret was growing an attachment to...a couch.
There was a sectional couch in the library of the castle. It was red, made of velvet material, and in Eret’s words, “a really fucking nice couch.” It could easily fit six people, maybe seven or eight if people squeezed together. There was also an ottoman where, if rolled into the right spot, could make a larger space on the sectional that resembled a mattress. Eret had been laying across this couch for a while, reading a fantasy novel that they had found while browsing through the shelves of the library. Their crown was placed on a table nearby, as they didn’t feel the need to wear it at the moment. They looked up when they heard the sound of the door opening, wondering who was currently visiting.
“Foolish!” Eret sat up, happy to see their old friend. “What are you doing here?”
“Hey, Eret.” Foolish waved, and the king was quick to notice that he wasn’t filled with his normal, bubbly charm. The god walked over to his friend, leaning over and resting his arms on the sectional’s armrest. “So, uh...I have something to say. And you might not like it.”
Eret blinked in surprise, placing a bookmark in their book and gently closing it. “Okay? What is it?” They asked. “Is something wrong?”
“Well, um...You know how you told me that you didn’t want to tell anyone details about your past until we figured out more stuff about it?”
“I...” Foolish hid his face with his hands. “I accidentally let some stuff slip in conversation. When I was talking to...um, Puffy.”
Eret could feel their heart skip a beat in their chest, but they kept their composure. “...Okay...did you tell anyone other than Puffy?” They asked.
The god let out a groan of frustration, sitting down next to Eret on the couch. “No, I didn’t, but I accidentally brought up how we were reading together a while ago, and she was like “oh, what book were you guys reading?” and I didn’t want to lie, and I got put on the spot, so I told her about the wither cult, and I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean for it to happen, and-“
“Oh, thank god.”
“Wait, what?”
“When you said that you told someone, with how nervous you looked, I thought you were talking about like, Dream, or someone else untrustworthy like that.” Eret let out a sigh of relief, placing a hand on their chest.
“Wait, so you aren’t mad?” Foolish asked.
“No, of course not! Accidents happen.” They shrugged. “And honestly, Puffy was the first person I planned to tell after we figured this all out. So, if anything, you actually did me a favor.”
“Really?! Whew, that’s a relief!” Foolish could feel his muscles untense as he also let out a heavy sigh, leaning back into the couch. “I thought you were gonna be so pissed off at me!”
Eret laughed softly. “Foolish, when have I ever been known to be upset in front of you?” They asked. They weren’t an easy person to provoke, it was pretty rare for them to lose their cool.
“You’re right, you’re right.” He nodded, aware of how Eret had never really gotten angry in front of him in all of the months he had been in this land. “You’re not easy to anger. However, back in the day, you would get a little bit intense when you were angry.”
“Really?” Eret looked over to their friend with curious eyes. “How so?”
Before Foolish could begin to explain, they were both distracted by the door of the library swinging open. A familiar face approached, closing the door behind themselves.
“So, someone told me that you used to be quite the warrior. And you don’t remember, so I’d like to see if I can help out with that.” The sheep hybrid greeted, pulling down her sunglasses and sending the two a wink.
“Apparently, I was a warrior!” Eret chuckled, waving to Puffy.
“Puffy, hey! Come sit down with us!” Foolish said excitedly, tapping on the free couch seat next to him.
“In a second!” Puffy made a beeline to the bookshelves, skimming through the words on the spine of each book. “What was the name of the book you guys were reading again?”
“The history of withers, I’m pretty sure!” Foolish nodded.
“Right...author name?”
“Umm...last name started with an H, I think?”
“Yep, I think so!”
“Careful, it’s quite heavy.” Eret warned her, but was surprised to see that Puffy was easily able to hold onto it, with seemingly no struggle. She walked over to the other two, sitting to the side of Eret so that they were in the middle.
She looked at her son and grinned softly. “This is his first time on the couch, isn’t it?”
“This is such a nice couch!” Foolish said as he sunk deeper into his seat, much to Eret and Puffy’s amusement. “How come I’ve never sat on this before?!”
“It’s your fault for not exploring the wonders of my castle enough.” Eret joked as Puffy placed the book in their lap so that all three of them could easily access it.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Foolish rolled his eyes, sitting up to get a closer look at the reading.
The three of them sat together on the couch for a very long time, investigating more of the book that Foolish and Eret had read previously. Foolish would often have to help transcribe words in ancient languages that the other two didn’t understand, and Puffy would often need context and explanation for quite a few things, but still tried to help as best as she could. They would laugh at Foolish’s stupid jokes and share exchanges in between their research, still finding fun. However, after a while, they found it to be draining.
“Okay, how much have we accomplished in the past two hours?”
“What? Foolish, there’s no way we’ve been at this for two hours.”
“Actually, we have.” Puffy nodded, checking the watch on her wrist. “We should probably take a break.”
“I’m down for that.” Foolish was quick to go limp and sink back into the couch.
“Mhm...” Eret nodded, looking out of the castle windows. It was golden hour, and the sun was setting over the horizon, leaving a beautiful, golden gleam to leak through the windows and into the library.
“You tired?” Puffy asked them.
“Not really tired, just drained.” Eret nodded as they turned towards the sheep hybrid.
“I can tell, you look tense.” She said before gently grabbing them by the shoulders and moving them so their back faced her. “Here, let me help.” After observing no signs of discomfort, Puffy started to gently massage Eret’s shoulders.
“Thank you, Puffy.” Eret smiled, leaning back into Puffy a bit as she massaged them.
“It’s no problem.” Puffy smiled back, continuing to lightly rub at Eret’s shoulders. The three of them sat in a peaceful silence, all of them illuminated by the golden glow of the sunset. Man, this was nice. Eret found themselves relaxing quite a bit...but not for long. Puffy lightly pressed her fingers against Eret’s shoulderblades, and they let out a squeak of surprise before quickly covering their mouth.
“Woah- are you okay? Did I hurt you?” Puffy asked, quickly letting go when Foolish sat up, curious to see what was happening.
“What? No, you didn’t do anything. I’m fine, Puffy.” Eret said, trying to throw what had just occurred under the rug. They noticed Foolish staring out of the corner of their eye, knowing damn well that he had noticed.
Foolish blinked, continuing to stare, before a smile appeared on his face. “Ooooh, right. Puffy. I have known Eret far longer than you have, and there’s something about them you might not know yet.”
“Hm?” Puffy looked up curiously.
Eret immediately knew what Foolish was referring too. “J-Just ignore him, Puffy.” They said to her.
Foolish smirked, now fully sitting up and moving closer to them both. “See, even if Eret doesn’t remember the past, what I do know is that they have stayed pretty similar to their old ways, including their strengths...and their weaknesses.”
“Like what?” Puffy asked, now intrigued with what Foolish had been saying.
“The truth...is that Eret...”
“Foolish, don’t tell her.”
“Is very...”
“Don’t you dare.”
Foolish paused, a wide grin on his face, amused by the situation. Eret leaned back, but couldn’t do much with Puffy sitting near him. He didn’t necessarily mind this, but it was a bit embarrassing.
“...Ticklish!” He finally commenced, leaning over and digging into Eret’s underarms. The monarch let out a surprised yell, quick to erupt into laughter.
“Yohohou AHAHASSHOHOLE!” They yelled, squirming around as they were laid across Puffy’s lap.
“Aww!” Puffy laughed a bit herself as she watched the scene unfolding in front of her, ruffling their hair.
“DohOHOn’t lahahaugh! Ihihit’s nohoHOt fuhuhunny, Puhuhuffy!”
“Then how come you’re laughing so much, Eret?” Foolish asked, grinning happily.
“Shuhuhut uhuhup!” Eret snapped back through their laughter.
“Wait, wait, stop, I want to try something.” Puffy said suddenly. Foolish drew his hands away, letting Eret catch their breath. After a few moments, Puffy scooped her arms underneath Eret, and after a bit of struggle, managed to pick them up.
“Woah, wahait!” Eret yelped in surprise, clinging onto Puffy as them was lifted off of the couch. The captain smirked, lightly tossing Eret onto the other side of the couch. The ottoman was pulled in currently, so there was more space for them to move around if needed. Puffy was quick to sit down next to him, lying him down.
“So, Foolish. Overall, how ticklish do you think Eret is on a scale of one to ten?” Puffy asked her son.
“From one to ten? Hmm...” Foolish paused to think. “It can vary, depending on the spot but...I’d say an eight! Maybe even a nine!”
“A nine?!” Eret repeated, the now mischievous look on Puffy’s face filling them with a bit of nervousness. “Absolutely not, I am a seven at the most.”
“Well, with conflicting answers, I guess I’ll have to find out for myself!” Puffy said, slowly closing in on her friend before digging right into the hallows of their underarms, just as Foolish had done before.
“NohOHOHO- waHAhaihit!” Eret yelped, squirming around on the couch and holding onto Puffy’s wrists.
“Man, I remember when we were at a party this one time, and you were a bit tipsy, and you nearly fell over and I grabbed your waist to catch you. And you started laughing and, I dunno, I just had this strange feeling that it wasn’t from the alcohol! So I squeezed at your sides again, and you started laughing more, and I put two and two together.” Foolish laughed a bit himself, thinking about the memory.
“Their sides, you say?” Puffy’s eyebrow raised up curiously.
“Yeah, just like this!” Foolish quickly leaned down and grabbed onto Eret’s sides, a shriek emitting from their mouth. He squeezed and pinched at the area, sending the monarchy into a squirming, giggling mess.
“SHIHIHIT- GUHUYS!” They laughed, attempting to bat both pairs of hands away.
“I also remember you being quite a sneaky gal, but you can’t try and sneak your way out of this one!” Foolish said, finding as much enjoyment out of this as Puffy was.
“Yeah, you’re definitely past a seven.” Puffy declared. “Just like Foolish said, you’re an eight, possibly a nine.”
Foolish quickly stopped with one hand, using it to cover his mouth as he quickly whispered something to Puffy. The two of them nodded before Foolish went back in with his free hand, and Eret continued to laugh. They were squirming around a lot less now, probably getting a bit tired out. The other two slowed down, giving Eret time to breathe.
“Alright...” Foolish said quietly, looking at Puffy, then looking back down at Eret. “Three... two... one... NOW!” At the god’s signal, they both dug their hands into Eret’s ribcage, Foolish tackling the upper ribs while Puffy got the lower ones. Another shriek tore out from the monarch’s mouth.
“FUHUHUCK- HAHAHAHA!! WAHAHAIT-“ Eret threw their head back, attempting to squirm and defend themselves with their hands, but they were simply too tired to do so.
“Oh, forget what I said earlier, you are absolutely a ten.” Puffy said with a smirk.
“I agree! Ten all the way!” Foolish nodded in agreement.
“I’M NOHOHOT A TEHEHEHEN-” Eret cackled, a small hiccup escaping from their mouth.
The two of them continued the attack, before Foolish drew away, and signaled for Puffy to do the same. “Alright, I don’t wanna actually kill them.” He chuckled a bit.
Eret was still a giggling mess, even after the two of them had stopped. The golden light from the sunset reflected on their glasses as they reached a hand up behind them to wipe a tear from their eye. Readjusting the glasses, they let out a sigh. “You guys are both jerks.” They said lightheartedly before giggling again.
“Aww, but we’re your favorite jerks, aren’t we?” Foolish asked, moving and sitting down next to Eret’s head.
“Yeah, sure.” They rolled their eyes.
“The king of the SMP called me a jerk. That’s something to cross off of my bucket list.” Puffy said out loud, making the other two laugh, and she too, laughed along with them. Eret finally sat up, and their two friends readjusted to sit next to them.
“We’re not sorry for wrecking you into another millennium...but, we hope you can forgive us anyway.” Foolish said as he ruffled Eret’s hair.
Eret couldn’t help but smile at their old friend’s antics. “I forgive you both, but don’t think I’m not going to get you both back soon.” They said, fixing up the mess Foolish had made.
“That’s fair.” Puffy leaned into Eret. The king laughed softly, putting an arm around each of their friends.
Eret suddenly remembered that they had something that they wanted to say. “Oh, and Foolish?”
“Yeah?” Foolish turned his head.
“...Thanks for fucking up earlier and accidentally telling Puffy about the Wither Cult.” They smiled. Puffy laughed at the statement, grinning wildly as well. Foolish snickered lightly, and now all three of them were happily smiling.
“It’s no problem, old pal.” Foolish said with a sincere smile.
Eret looked out of the window. Golden hour was starting to come to an end, and the golden gleam from the windows was starting to fade.
They had made a new memory today.
It was moments like these that they had to cherish. Fun times to be had with friends. Between the stress of all of the wars, rivalries, and new nations rising up, it was definitely important. And as Eret sat with their friends in a peaceful silence, they knew that this something they needed.
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