#I think su she would lie awake every night thinking about it
merlinsbed · 3 years
so I’m guessing su she never realizes that lwj is like black out drunk when they fight in the inn but like
what if he did learn lwj was drunk and then had to just like. live with the knowledge that he wasn’t even really facing lwj at his best he was facing him as a black out drunk who was being driven by pure adrenaline and his “you pointed a sword in wei ying’s direction and now I must kill you” instinct and su she still got his ass kicked anyway
I bet you that thought would keep him up at night
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The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue Quotes that I Loved
This is just a list of quotes or excerpts that I highlighted while reading the book- literally all of them and there are a lot. I’m going to go ahead and say spoilers below just because there are so many quotes and while I don’t think the quotes actually spoil anything, I don’t want to accidentally spoil something for someone.
Some of the quotes might seem a little weird out of context but these are quotes that hit close to home, made me say “Hell, yeah, Addie!!!", quotes that made me laugh, and then basically all of the other quotes that I loved while reading.
I know that I didn't completely fall in love with this book like so many other people did, but it was still so beautifully written and there were so many amazing quotes in this book.
And just a heads up, I read this on my kindle, just in case the page numbers I list don’t match with your copy of the book.
Spoilers Below:
Quotes that Hit Close to Home
“Three and twenty, a third of a life already buried.” Page 39
“The day passes like a sentence. The sun falls like a scythe.” Page 41
“[...] and when she dies it will be as though she never lived.” Page 42
“I am so tired of not having choices, so scared of the years rushing past beneath my feet. I do not want to die as I’ve lived, which is no life at all. I—” Page 46
“[...] she swears sometimes her memory runs forward as well as back, unspooling to show the roads she’ll never get to travel. But that way lies madness, and she has learned not to follow.” Page 61
“His parents meant well, of course, but they always told him things like Cheer up, or It will get better, or worse, It’s not that bad, which is easy to say when you’ve never had a day of rain.” Page 97
“But then a night would go long, and a day would start late, and now he feels like there’s no time at all. Like he is always late for something.” Page 119
““I see someone who cares,” she says slowly. “Perhaps too much. Who feels too much. I see someone lost, and hungry. The kind of person who feels like they’re wasting away in a world full of food, because they can’t decide what they want.”” Page 140
““Life is so brief, and every night in Rennes I’d go to bed, and lie awake, and think, there is another day behind me, and who knows how few ahead.”” Page 167
““I mean feeling like it’s surging by so fast, and you try to reach out and grab it, you try to hold on, but it just keeps rushing away. And every second, there’s a little less time, and a little less air, and sometimes when I’m sitting still, I start to think about it, and when I think about it, I can’t breathe. I have to get up. I have to move.”” Page 177
““Small places make for small lives. And some people are fine with that. They like knowing where to put their feet. But if you only walk in other people’s steps, you cannot make your own way. You cannot leave a mark.”” Page 179
“It was such a lovely jar she had kept them in. But the glass is cracking now. The water leaking through.” Page 215
“Moments of joy register as brief, but ecstatic. Moments of pain stretch long and unbearably loud.” Page 225
“[...] you’ve never felt called to any one thing. There is no violent push in one direction, but a softer nudge a hundred different ways, and now all of them feel out of reach. Page 226
“[...] in wanting to live, to learn, to find yourself, you’ve gotten lost.” Page 226
“He lets it ring, holds his breath until it stops. He tells himself that if they call again, he’ll answer. If they call again, he’ll tell them he is not okay. But the phone doesn’t ring a second time.” Page 229
“He misses the structure, misses the path, misses the purpose. And maybe it wasn’t a perfect fit, but nothing is.” Page 257
“That he’d blinked and somehow years had gone by, and everyone else had carved their trenches, paved their paths, and he was still standing in a field, uncertain where to dig.” Page 283
“And those first two years, he was happy. He had Bea, and Robbie, and all he had to do was learn. Build a foundation. It was the house, the one that he was supposed to build on top of that smooth surface, that was the problem. It was just so … permanent.” 283
“Choosing a class became choosing a discipline, and choosing a discipline became choosing a career, and choosing a career became choosing a life, and how was anyone supposed to do that, when you only had one?” Page 283
““The vexing thing about time,” he says, “is that it’s never enough. Perhaps a decade too short, perhaps a moment. But a life always ends too soon.”” Page 333
“He is all restless energy, and urgent need, and there isn’t enough time, and he knows of course that there will never be. That time always ends a second before you’re ready. That life is the minutes you want minus one.” Page 421
“The world is wide, and he’s seen so little of it with his own eyes. He wants to travel, to take photos, listen to other people’s stories, maybe make some of his own. After all, life seems very long sometimes, but he knows it will go so fast, and he doesn’t want to miss a moment.” Page 438
Quotes that Made Me Laugh
“Henry loves his sister, he does. But Muriel’s always been like strong perfume. Better in small doses. And at a distance.” Page 120
““Sorry, Book,” she mutters, lifting the cat gingerly onto the back of the old chair, where he does his best impression of an inconvenienced bread loaf.” Page 248
““It’s Halloween!” defends Robbie. “It’s the twenty-third,” says Henry, but Robbie treats holidays the way he treats birthdays, stretching them from days into weeks, and sometimes into seasons.” Page 274
Quotes that made me say “Hell, yeah, Addie!!!”
“If she must grow roots, she would rather be left to flourish wild instead of pruned, would rather stand alone, allowed to grow beneath the open sky. Better that than firewood, cut down just to burn in someone else’s hearth.” Page 31
“[...]from this moment forward, her life will be her own.” Page 48
“There is a defiance in being a dreamer.” Page 117
““It has only been two years,” she says. “Think of all the time I have, and all the things I’ll see.”” Page 132
“It will take time, but time is the one thing Addie has plenty of. So she opens her eyes, and starts again.” Page 192
“But then Addie straightens, lifts her chin, smiles with an almost defiant kind of joy. “But isn’t it wonderful,” she says, “to be an idea?”” Page 261
Quotes that I Love
“[...] never pray to the gods that answer after dark.” Page 7
“What is a person, if not the marks they leave behind?” Page 15
“The things that last, even when memories don’t.” Page 16
“As if you couldn’t like one place and want to see another.” Page 23
“Books, she has found, are a way to live a thousand lives—or to find strength in a very long one.” Page 35
“The kind of place where time slips and blurs, where a month, a year, a life can go missing.” Page 39
“[...] attraction can look an awful lot like recognition in the wrong light.” Page 56
“The rise isn’t worth the fall.” Page 56
“Being trapped, buried alive, these are the things that scare you when you cannot die.” Page 57
“Funny, how some people take an age to warm, and others simply walk into every room as if it’s home.” Page 58
“Déjà vu. Déjà su. Déjà vécu. Already seen. Already known. Already lived.” Page 66
“[...]a lifetime of knowing brushed away like a tear.” Page 73
“[...] and it is sad, of course, to forget. But it is a lonely thing, to be forgotten. To remember when no one else does.” Page 77
“[...] ideas are so much wilder than memories, that they long and look for ways of taking root.” Page 77
““These days, everyone’s looking down,” muses Sam. “It’s nice to see someone looking up.”” Page 101
“Being forgotten, she thinks, is a bit like going mad. You begin to wonder what is real, if you are real. After all, how can a thing be real if it cannot be remembered?” Page 103
“If a person cannot leave a mark, do they exist?” Page 103
“Dreamer is too soft a word. It conjures thoughts of silken sleep, of lazy days in fields of tall grass, of charcoal smudges on soft parchment.” Page 11
“She considers the cut of their clothes, the absence of bone stays or bustled skirts, and thinks, not for the first time, and certainly not for the last, how much simpler it would be to be a man, how easily they move through the world, and at such little cost.” Page 129
““I remember you.”” Page 135
“The darkness claimed he’d given her freedom, but really, there is no such thing for a woman, not in a world where they are bound up inside their clothes, and sealed inside their homes, a world where only men are given leave to roam.” Page 163
“She watches these men and wonders anew at how open the world is to them, how easy the thresholds.” Page 165
““I think there are many ways to matter.”” Page 179
“But ideas are so much wilder than memories, so much faster to take root.”” Page 210
“He is full of roots, while she has only branches.” Page 212
“Easy to stay on the path when the road is straight and the steps are numbered.” Page 229
“Outside the window, the day just carries on as if nothing’s changed, but it feels like everything has, because Addie LaRue is immortal, and Henry Strauss is damned.” Page 235
“[...]I didn’t want to live forever. I just wanted to live.”” Page 236
““There’s this family photo,” he says, “not the one in the hall, this other one, from back when I was six or seven. That day was awful. Muriel put gum in David’s book and I had a cold, and my parents were fighting right up until the flash went off. And in the photo, we all look so … happy. I remember seeing that picture and realizing that photographs weren’t real. There’s no context, just the illusion that you’re showing a snapshot of a life, but life isn’t snapshots, it’s fluid. So photos are like fictions. I loved that about them. Everyone thinks photography is truth, but it’s just a very convincing lie.”” Page 239
“God, it feels good to be wanted.” Page 256
“[...] And ideas are wilder than memories. They’re like weeds, always finding their way up.”” Page 261
“Homesick—Henry knows that one is supposed to mean sick for home, not from it, but it still feels right.” Page 262
“Dressing up, he thinks, is just like watching cartoons, something you enjoyed as a kid, before it passes through the no man’s land of teen angst, the ironic age of early twenties. And then somehow, miraculously, it crosses back into the realm of the genuine, the nostalgic. A place reserved for wonder.” Page 274
“Bea always says returning to campus is like coming home. But it doesn’t feel that way to Henry. Then again, he never felt at home at home, only a vague sense of dread, the eggshell-laden walk of someone constantly in danger of disappointing.” 282
“He doesn’t know what he believes, hasn’t for a long time, but it’s hard to entirely discount the presence of a higher power when he recently sold his soul to a lower one.” Page 284
““You can’t make people love you, Hen. If it’s not a choice, it isn’t real.”” Page 290
“He has asked the wrong god for the wrong thing, and now he is enough because he is nothing. He is perfect, because he isn’t there.” Page 290
“A life reduced to a block of stone, a patch of grass.” Page 299
“The present folding on top of the past instead of erasing it, replacing it.” Page 306
“She knows the paint will fade, rinsed off by a puddle, or simply wiped away by time, but that’s how memories are supposed to work. There—and then, little by little, gone.” Page 307
“Without the bells, the organ, the bodies crowding in for services, the church feels abandoned. Less a house of worship and more a tomb.” Page 311
“God is so large, why build walls to hold Him in?” Page 311
“Once you know about a thing, you start to see it everywhere. Someone says the words purple elephant, and all of a sudden, you catch sight of them in shop windows and on T-shirts, stuffed animals and billboards, and you wonder how you never noticed.” Page 314
“There is a freedom, after all, in being forgotten.” 325
“Memories are stiff, but thoughts are freer things. They throw out roots, they spread and tangle, and come untethered from their source. They are clever, and stubborn, and perhaps—perhaps—they are in reach.” Page 327
“They’ve been lucky, so lucky, but the trouble with luck is that it always ends.” 329
““You said it yourself, Luc. Ideas are wilder than memories. And I can be wild. I can be stubborn as the weeds, and you will not root me out. And I think you are glad of it. I think that’s why you’ve come, because you are lonely, too.”” Page 332
“She closes her eyes, reminds herself there are many ways to leave a mark, reminds herself that pictures lie.” Page 337
“She may not feel the years weakening her bones, her body going brittle with age, but the weariness is a physical thing, like rot, inside her soul. There are days when she mourns the prospect of another year, another decade, another century. There are nights when she cannot sleep, moments when she lies awake and dreams of dying. But then she wakes, and sees the pink and orange dawn against the clouds, or hears the lament of a lone fiddle, the music and the melody, and remembers there is such beauty in the world. And she does not want to miss it— any of it.” Page 342
“Luc’s smile darkens. “Because time is cruel to all, and crueler still to artists. Because vision weakens, and voices wither, and talent fades.” He leans close, twists a lock of her hair around one finger. “Because happiness is brief, and history is lasting, and in the end,” he says, “everyone wants to be remembered.”” Page 351
“It is a sign, when even gods and devils dread a fight.” Page 367
“And this, he decides, is what a good-bye should be. Not a period, but an ellipsis, a statement trailing off, until someone is there to pick it up. It is a door left open. It is drifting off to sleep.” Page 419
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Another One
(More domestic fluff that no one asked for, featuring the Metal Clan and the baavira babies)
“Wei, that’s my child, not a power disc!” Baatar called after his brother launched their daughter several feet into the air, but the admonishment was drowned out by Avani’s peals of laughter.
“Uncle Wei, higher!” the five-year-old cheered, prompting Wei to augment the next throw with metalbending. He sent her flying high above the meteorite garden, nearly to the tip of the domes, and Kuvira could almost feel her husband’s blood pressure rising.
She rested a steadying hand on his arm. “Baatar, he’s not going to drop her,” she said, knowing that he was already well aware of the fact, and that it would do nothing to stop him from fretting over their rambunctious second born.
Kuvira, for her part, leaned against Baatar’s arm and allowed her eyes to fall closed, confident in Avani’s ability to bend the ground soft in the event of a crash landing. The girl’s penchant for heights and fights meant falling well had been one of her earliest lessons by necessity.
A faint smile graced her features as she traced the vibrations of their other two children through the estate—Priya twirling about on cables in the dance studio with Su, Tai in the library with Opal, parsing through tomes on Air Nomad history. It was a rare, precious thing, having a few hours go by without one or more of them running to her at top speed, bearing this or needing that. It was nice—not nice enough to make her consider moving back, as Su suggested each and every time they brought the kids to visit—but nice, nonetheless. She let out a little yawn, and nestled herself more snugly into Baatar’s bicep.
Her husband ran a hand up and down her back. “You’re getting too old for these all-nighters.”
Kuvira would have rolled her eyes if she had the will to open them. They had taken the express train to Zaofu overnight, and Kuvira spent the whole journey reading through proposed legislation she had to sign off on and slicing moonpeaches for the kids when they woke up wanting snacks. Little more than a decade ago, she’d stayed awake for days on end, leading tireless campaigns through mountains and deserts; now a mere night of paperwork sapped her very will to function.
“Mistakes were made,” she said, yawning again. Her brow furrowed as her seismic sense tracked their son to Opal’s bison in the hangar. “I think your sister just abducted Tai.”
“He’s been asking to see Toph for a while now,” he told her. “They’re probably going to get her from the swamp.”
Kuvira nodded absently, hoping the airbender had the foresight to bring along some mosquito-wasp repellent. “They should get Huan while they’re at it,” she said. “Pri almost burst into tears when your parents told her he wasn’t here.”
“We have to get up to Agna Qel’a when the art show opens.”
She made a quiet sound of agreement, trying to sort through the dates in her head, and then started to drift off again.
“Love, you’re exhausted,” Baatar said. “Just go inside and lie down.”
Kuvira grimaced at the thought of walking all the way back to the guest house on the other side of the estate. “Too much effort.”
“Do you want me to carry you?”
Kuvira made a low, derisive sound. “You haven’t lifted anything in years.”
“Lifting weights and lifting wives are two separate skill sets,” he said, and then picked her up like they were in their twenties again.
When Kuvira woke up from her nap, evening had fallen over Zaofu. By the time she made it down to the dining room, Toph had arrived and the whole family was engaged in a heated debate about the culinary value of slimy mushrooms that grew in the swamp. Her stomach gave a little flip at the topic of discussion, but she pushed through it, uttering a short word of greeting before finding her seat next to Baatar.
“Oh look, her imperial majesty emerges at long last,” Su said in a teasing lilt.
“Su, leave her alone,” Toph said. “You were just as bad when you were pregnant.”
Kuvira tensed for a moment as the room grew quiet, but calmed a bit when Baatar’s hand found hers under the table, his thumb running over her knuckles. They hadn’t planned on saying anything until she was further along.
“Pregnant?” The metal clan matriarch glanced from Kuvira to Toph and back again, and then closed her eyes to focus on the heartbeat of her fourth grandchild, smiling when she found it.
“Pay up, sis,” Wing said, and Opal grumbled as she drew a few yuan from the pocket of her Air Nation suit.
“That’s wonderful news,” Baatar Sr. chimed in. “Congratulations to you both.”
“I wish you’d have said something earlier,” Su told her. “I would have booked you a prenatal acupuncture session the minute you got in.”
Priya, who had found herself in possession of a circlet that matched her grandmother’s, bounced over to Kuvira's side at once. "Mommy, does this mean I get a little brother or sister to boss around?”
She smoothed a hand over the child’s hair, finding the contact grounding. “Sweetie, we’ll talk about it later.”
“Wait, really? No one else could tell?” Toph asked as she took stock of all their reactions. “You all really are a sorry lot of earthbenders.”
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snowdice · 3 years
Big Bang (Sort of) Editing Story [Day 49]
I started writing this fic while editing my Big Bang story, but am going to continue doing it for other things now that Kill Dear is out. I will write and publish 100 words of the story every time I finish doing whatever task I’m doing. If you’d like to block these proceedings, please feel free to block the tag proofread stories. I will reblog this post with the parts of the story I do today. Edited chapters are linked; everything else I’ve done so far is under the cut.
My Master Post Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18
I have a bit to edit right now. Not sure how much I’ll write on this, but I’ll do it for a while.
Chapter 20
Logan let out a slow breath as his father closed the door behind him. That could have been very, very bad. He turned his attention to Virgil and Patton. Patton had curled himself around Virgil as much as physically possible and had tucked the boy’s head under his chin.
Logan slowly rounded the bed and knelt in front of them. “It’s alright,” Logan said, cautiously moving to put a hand on his shoulder. Virgil didn’t pull away. “I asked him to leave. It’s alright.”
Virgil tilted his head slightly too look at him. Logan rubbed a circle into his back as he slowly got control of his breath.
 Logan smiled softly at him and reached out to touch his cheek with a gentle hand. “You… didn’t hurt him. You didn’t even try to hurt him.”
Virgil shook his head.
“Why not?” Logan asked curiously. “It was a perfect opportunity.”
“Promised Patton,” Virgil mumbled, and the idea that perhaps the thing that had saved his father’s life was a pinky promise just about gave Logan a migraine, but then Virgil ducked his head. “And it would make you sad.”
“I see,” Logan said, heart in his throat.
Virgil kept looking towards the floor, his eyes starting to fill with tears again. “Are you going to turn me in now?”
 He was shaking and barely holding back a fresh wave of tears. Logan knew of course that no one would hurt him here if he turned him in to his father and the guards, but he also knew that Virgil would be terrified if he did so. He was already terrified. Logan didn’t want to know what he thought the fate Logan would be condemning him to.
“No,” Logan said before he could even truly think it through. “No, I’m not.”
“You’re not?” Virgil asked.
“Well, there wouldn’t really be a point, would there?” Logan asked. “The reason we planned to turn you when father got back in is because you posed a danger to him, but you have just demonstrated that is no longer an issue.”
 “Really?” Virgil asked, sniffling a bit and Logan saw Patton’s arms tighten even more around him.
“We will have to figure out a better cover for you than just that you’re new to the castle, but I believe it will work fine. No one besides the two of us would ever guess your origin anyway.”
“S-so I can stay?” Virgil asked, “and you won’t throw me into prison or execute me?”
“I promise you were never going to be executed Virgil,” Logan said. “Even if we turned you in, but yes you can stay with us. We’ll figure out a backstory for you that doesn’t involve assassinations and you’ll have to keep up the lie, but I doubt anyone will question it.”
 “I’ll do whatever you want,” Virgil said, chocked up. “Thank you. I really didn’t want to go.”
“Well, you’re our friend now so there will be no going anywhere,” Patton said kissing him on the cheek. Virgil relaxed back into his hold, pleased with the affection.
Logan smiled at them both. “Can I see your wrists, Virgil?”
Virgil blinked but offered them and Logan tapped the restraints doing a quick incantation. They popped off after a moment.
“You’re letting me go?” Virgil asked, eyes wide.
“Of course,” Logan said. “We’re not just going to keep you prisoner for no reason.”
 “That’s…” Virgil said, eyes watering as he clearly was trying not to cry. “You’re the best people I’ve ever met.”
“I wish that was not so clearly the case,” Logan replied. He slowly reach up and set a hand on his shoulder. “I’m going to go speak with my father. Patton will stay with you.”
“Okay,” Virgil agreed, seeming a bit hesitant.
Logan smiled softly and leaned forward to gently touch their foreheads together. “I will be right back,” he assured. “We will finish our slumber party, though perhaps we will table the rest of the dress up activity for another night.”
 He stood then, leaving Virgil in Patton’s capable hands to exit his own bedroom and cross the hallway to his father’s. He took a brief moment to compose himself before knocking on the door.
“Come in,” his father called.
Logan opened the door to see his father sitting on one of the armchairs in his room. Despite the almost disaster that had taken place a few minutes ago, Logan found himself smiling at the man. It was nice to have him home.
“Sorry about that,” Father said.
“It was more my fault than yours. If I knew there was a risk of you coming home today, I wouldn’t have left him alone.”
 “Is he alright?”
“I believe so,” Logan answered. “Patton is with him and will certainly smooth out any lingering distress.”
“Good,” his dad said. “That’s good.” There was a pause and then he gestured at the seat beside his.
Logan settled himself down on it. “How was your trip?” he asked. “You’re back a week early.”
“Yes,” Father said. “The trip went better and worse than anticipated.
“How so?” asked Logan curiously.
“Well,” Dad said. “The purpose of the trip was to convince the new queen of Lamir, Cecil not to ally with Mocnejsi, but by the time I’d arrived there wasn’t really a risk of that.”
 “Why not?”
“After investigation, it turned out that Cecil’s mother had been poisoned by an assassin from Mocnejsi.”
“Oh,” Logan said, mind already racing.
“They figured out that one of the young women who had been hired on in the kitchen for the winter had done it, and had learned her origin when they questioned her,” Dad informed him. “Considering Cecil was immediately approached for an alliance with Mocnejsi, their aim was likely to manipulate her going forward because of how young she is. Luckily, Cecil is a smart girl and has the help of her mother’s advisor as well as her own. By the time I got there, my only real role was to extend my condolences and reaffirm out alliance. I would have stayed longer, but the possibility that Mocnejsi may think to attack us in a similar way hastened me home.”
 “That…” Logan said. “That is wise. I assume you are going to institute more security.”
“I am, yes,” Dad replied. “I would like your input on plans in the coming day.”
“Of course,” Logan agreed.
Dad smiled at him, “But for now,” he said, “I think it’s time you get back to your slumber party and I get to finally go to sleep.”
Logan nodded and got to his feet. He leaned over to hug his father perhaps a bit longer and harder than was strictly necessary, but Dad did not seem to mind at all. “Goodnight,” Logan said.
“Goodnight, son.”
  Chapter 21
Virgil woke with something soft but kind of stringy in his face. That was weird. He didn’t know what in the closet would feel like that. In fact, as he woke more he noticed more things that he couldn’t sus out the origin of, particularly the warmth curled up against his side. Curious, he blinked open his eyes. Oh, right. Patton.
The soft stuff in his face was Patton’s hair and the warmth next to Virgil was the rest of the boy’s body. Patton had all but refused to let Virgil go last night after Logan had taken off the restraints and Virgil hadn’t minded the attention. They must have fallen asleep together in the piles of pillows and blankets on the floor.
 Virgil brushed his hair gently away, internally (for fear of disturbing him) shaking his head at him. He’d fallen asleep hallway on top of an assassin. He had no self-preservation instincts. He looked at his wrists. It seemed no one had any self-preservation instincts. This of course, included himself as instead of running off when free in case they decided to turn him in after all, he had fallen asleep on the floor with Patton too.
He looked to the side and saw Logan was already awake, reading on one of his chairs. He seemed to sense Virgil’s eyes on him because he looked up after a moment.
 “You can get up if you like,” Logan said. “He is a heavy sleeper and won’t wake up if you squirm out of his grip.”
Virgil frowned, unsure if he wanted to risk it.
“I have breakfast ready for you.”
Okay, Virgil was going to risk it.
He carefully squirmed out of Patton’s grip, leaning down to press a kiss to his forehead in apology for leaving him before getting to his feet.
Logan handed him a plate of eggs and toast when he walked over and gestured to the chair next to him. Virgil sat there to eat while Logan continued to read.
 Virgil ate his food quickly, and then glanced over at Logan once he was done. Virgil was honestly at a bit of a loss. Usually, they came and got him out of the closet only once they were ready to do something, but Patton was still sound asleep on the floor and Logan looked engrossed in his book.
Virgil fidgeted slightly, unsure what he should be doing or even if he should be doing anything. Considering Logan hadn’t given him any instructions, he should probably not do anything. He didn’t want to screw up the first day of… whatever this was now.
 Logan glanced over at him after a few minutes. “Don’t forget about the potion,” he reminded.
Virgil nodded and stood, walking over to the closet since it would still be in there from the previous morning. It was about half gone now and it had gotten to the point where Virgil didn’t feel any immediate affects from it anymore other than some warmth. It basically just felt like drinking tea.
He said as much to Logan when he walked back over to him.
“That’s good,” Logan said, “it means it has been working. It has healed any damage it can from malnutrition. Any internal organs that were damaged should be mostly healed. You may even notice your eyesight getting slightly better. Your immune system should also be boosted. You will likely also find it is easier to gain muscle and while you likely will never be as tall as you could have been, you will likely still grow a few inches during your next growth spirt.”
 Virgil studied his hands where they were sitting on his thigh now as though he could see the changes that allegedly had already taken place in his body. “Thank you,” he said quietly.
“Of course,” Logan replied, eyes already back on his book like it was some normal thing and not a huge kindness he’d bestowed on Virgil before even really knowing him. As though Virgil didn’t just owe him more than just his life going forward.
They sat in silence then for a few more minutes, before the was a soft sigh from the floor and Patton started to wake. He sat up and looked around. His eyes landed on both Virgil and Logan sitting together and he seemed to light up.
 “Good morning!” he chirped.
“Good morning, Patton,” Logan said as Patton popped to his feet, “I have breakfast for you.”
“Thank you Lo,” Patton said, throwing his arms around Logan’s neck, and giving him a kiss on the cheek. Virgil presumed from the lack of surprise on Logan’s face that this was normal for morning Patton, not that the fact surprised him considering how night Patton acted.
He still managed to be somewhat surprised by the fact that Patton turned to hug Virgil a second later. Patton’s lips were pressed briefly to Virgil’s head and then he turned to grab the plate Logan had saved for him.
 “So, what are we doing today?” Patton asked.
“I was thinking Virgil and I could continue our reading lessons if he is not opposed,” Logan said. Virgil nodded, happy with that prospect. “Other than that, I have no plans. I have already spoken with my father before the two of you woke. He is going to spend most of his day catching up on things he missed and said I could take the rest of the day off royal duties.”
“A whole day to relax then!” Patton said, happily chewing on his toast. “Reading sounds fun, but we should do something more active too.”
 Logan hummed. “We can show Virgil the courtyard after the reading lessons,” he said.
It took a moment for it to register, but then Virgil froze. “Wait,” he said. “We’re going outside?”
Logan raised an eyebrow at him. “Yes.”
“So, we’re leaving your room?”
“Are you alright with that?” Logan asked cautiously.
Virgil nodded quickly.
“Oh,” Patton said at his enthusiasm. “I guess you have been cooped up a while, haven’t you?” He smiled sadly and turned to Logan. “Maybe we can do reading lessons in the garden.”
“That would be satisfactory.”
“Great!” Patton said. He looked over at Virgil. “If we’re going out, we should probably put your hair up and get you in some clean clothes.”
 Logan nodded. “You finish eating, and I will help Virgil find something to wear.”
Logan found him an outfit, though it was a bit baggy on Virgil and the hem of the shirt went halfway to his knees. When Patton finished breakfast, he sat Virgil down and carefully worked a brush through his hair.
“Can I braid it?” Patton asked.
Virgil hummed his consent. Having his hair brushed and done up by another person was a lot more enjoyable than he’d anticipated. He’d liked it when Logan did it the night before, though he had to very firmly push away thoughts of where that led.
 “Okay!” Patton said after a few moments. “You look good. Ready to go?”
Virgil nodded and they both led him out into the hall. He paused before they got to the door. “What about the guards?” he asked hesitantly.
“I’ve already given them the same story as I did Dad,” Logan replied. “They know you’re here.”
Virgil still hesitated.
“It’s okay,” Patton promised. “Here, hold my hand?”
Virgil took the offered hand immediately, and Logan stepped in front of them both. Virgil felt himself relax a bit knowing the prince was between him and the guards.
They led him to the door.
 Logan greeted both of the guards at the door, and they said good morning back. Both of them glanced at Virgil curiously for a moment making him shrink into himself, but they quickly averted their gazes.
Patton pulled him past them without incident and soon they were in the small dining hall Virgil had passed through his first night here. He remembered how he’d snuck around at the edges of the room in the shadows with the aim to kill the king, but now he was being pulled through the middle with the prince having just wandered past the royal guards in broad daylight like it was nothing.
 It was so strange, and Virgil still couldn’t totally believe this was happening. The retraced his exact steps back down the spiral stairs near the kitchen and out of the door he and the nice gardener had came through. He could even see the shed he’d been hiding in from here. With a blink, he remembered they were going to the garden, and he wondered if he’d see the man again.
For now, he just looked around them as Logan and Patton led him past the garden shed towards an area with many trees. Orange and yellow leaves were starting to fall from many of the trees.
 They made a satisfying crunching sound under his feet as he was led to a tree. He had seen the group of trees when he’d first arrived here and had even thought about hiding amongst them instead of in the shed, but they’d seemed scary in the dark. They were pretty in the daylight, however, and Virgil found himself tilting his head to watch the branches sway in the slight wind.
Logan sat down under it and pulled out a book and some writing materials from the bag he’d brought. Virgil settled down next to him so they could both look at the book at the same time and Patton flopped down on the other side, immediately setting to work tying fancy knots in the yarn he’d brought with him. Patton shuffled slightly to the side so they bumped shoulders as Logan opened the book and started Virgil’s reading lesson.
  Chapter 22
Patton bit his lip to keep from laughing or awing. “Do you like the flower, Virgil?” he asked.
Virgil glanced up at him briefly and then his eyes returned to the flower he’d found. “It’s nice,” he said.
They’d finished the reading lessons and let Virgil explore the garden a bit. He’d found a dark purple and yellow flower (a pansy, Patton thought) and seemed to be endlessly fascinated by it. He’d been staring at it for minutes now, almost as though he expected it to do something. Patton did not quite understand his interest, but he was still adorable.
 Logan sat next to him and the flower, smiling at him softly. “I imagine you’ll enjoy the garden in the spring,” Logan said. “There are many more flowers then. Of all types. We’ll have to show you all of the best spots. Mr. Deknis has a particularly good eye for colors, and it is always quite beautiful.”
“Who is Mr. Deknis?” Virgil asked.
“He’s the head gardener,” Logan said. “He’s a nice man, though a bit prickly when it comes to his garden. We may see him today if he’s in this part of the garden.”
“Would he have been the multrum I saw in the gardening shed when I hid there?”
 “Ah, yes, that would be him. I was unaware you interacted with anyone in the castle.”
“He caught me in his garden shed, but he wasn’t mean,” Virgil said, he tilted his head curiously at Logan. “Why…” he trailed off.
“Yes?” Logan asked.
“Why is he the gardener?”
Logan looked confused, “Well,” he said, “I guess because he wants to and is good at it.”
“No,” Virgil said with a frown. “I mean. Shouldn’t he… he’s…”
Logan seemed to think hard for a moment. “Right,” he said. “You’ve been under a blood compulsion. I’d guess you would have only worked with multrums in the military.”
 “I guess I didn’t realize that they could be other things…”
“Of course, they can,” Logan said. “Their abilities don’t make them any less of people. Mr. Deknis likes to garden so he gardens.”
Virgil blinked at him.
“…Of course, all things considered, that may not be a familiar concept to you.” Virgil turned back to look at the flower instead of answering. “Right,” said Logan.
There were a couple of awkward beats of silence. Patton bit his lip and happened to glance up. “Oh,” he said. “Speaking of Mr. Deknis.” He gestured to the gardener who was coming up the path between the trees.
 Logan sat up on his knees as Patton waved at him. He saw Patton and turned to walk towards them. “The two of you had better not be up to mischief in my garden,” Mr. Deknis called, his voice a bit gruff. He clearly did not see Virgil who had laid flat on his stomach to stare at the flower.
Logan rolled his eyes automatically. “We were just reading Mr. Deknis,” he said. “Your piles of dirt are safe.”
“No mud cakes?” Mr. Deknis asked skeptically still coming towards them.
“It has been a literal decade…”
Patton saw when Mr. Deknis was close enough to see Virgil.
 He stopped in his track and looked down at Virgil who was already watching him a bit warily. “Hello,” he said, his voice a lot softer than it’d been a few moments before. His expression completely flipped in a moment to something very gentle when he saw Virgil and the cautious look on his face. Virgil did seem to have that effect on people.
“Hi,” Virgil replied.
Mr. Deknis looked at Logan and then at Patton and then back at Virgil. “This is our new friend, Virgil,” Patton offered.
“Hello, Virgil,” Mr. Deknis said with a nod.
“Virgil, this is the gardener Mr. Deknis.”
 “He’s not nearly as grumpy as he sounds,” Patton assured.
“Well,” Logan said, “yes he is.”
Mr. Deknis shot him a look that only served to prove Logan’s point if Patton was being honest. Logan just smiled back. Mr. Deknis apparently decided to let it slide because he turned back to Virgil.
“It’s good to see you again,” Mr. Deknis said. “Are you feeling better?”
Virgil nodded. “I’m a lot better,” he said. Mr. Deknis considered him for a moment, clearly reading how true that statement was. Patton was glad he seemed satisfied with the answer.
“I see you’ve met these two.”
 “Yeah,” Virgil said.
Mr. Deknis smiled slightly. “Be careful with this one,” he said, pointing to Logan. “He’s a bad influence.”
Virgil frowned in confusion. “He’s the prince,” he pointed out.
“And a bad influence,” Mr. Deknis repeated. “He’s a beacon of irresponsibility and mischief and he corrupts that one,” he nodded to Patton.
“I am completely responsible,” Logan replied.
“Need I remind you of the cucumber incident.”
“I was 8,” Logan said.
“I know how old you were,” Mr. Deknis replied, “and you are hardly any older.”
“I resent that.”
Mr. Deknis just smiled and turned back to Virgil who was watching the interaction with pure curiosity.
 “I just picked a few more of those apples for Patton’s mom to make into apple sauce. Would you kids like some?”
Virgil glanced over at Logan and Patton.
“That would be nice, thank you,” Patton replied for them all, standing up. Seeing that, Virgil also climbed to his feet.
“It’s back this way,” Mr. Deknis said, inclining hid head back the way he’d came and then turning to lead them that way. Patton followed him. He glanced back to see Logan put his hand on Virgil’s shoulder and give him a gentle push to get him going. “So, what are you kids up to today?”
 “We wanted to show Virgil the garden and courtyard,” Patton said. “He’s been cooped up inside for a bit.”
“I see,” Mr. Deknis said. He glanced back at Virgil. “Feel free to come out in the garden anytime you like. As long as you don’t go about purposefully destroying stuff, I don’t mind you being out here.”
“I won’t destroy anything,” Virgil promised instantly.
“Well I hope you manage to keep that attitude even while befriending the large upright groundhog behind you.”
Virgil looked a little bit nervous. “He’s just teasing Virgil,” Patton assured. “He loves Logan.”
Mr. Deknis glanced back again and seemed to read the same thing Patton had read on Virgil’s face.
 “Yes, of course,” Mr. Deknis said. “I have simply known the prince for a long time and joke with him in that way often. Logan is aware of that.”
“Indeed,” Logan agreed, his hand squeezing a bit on Virgil’s shoulder. Virgil relaxed a touch.
Mr. Deknis stopped and reached down into a bucket next to a tree. “I wouldn’t offer my apples to people I don’t like,” he said, tossing an apple underhand to Logan. Instead of trying to catch it, his eyes widened and he dodged out of the way.
“You would however throw apples at them despite knowing they have never been able to catch things.”
 Mr. Deknis just rolled his eyes fondly, but Virgil frowned and turned to Logan. “You don’t know how to catch things?” he asked scandalized. “You should know how to catch things. What if someone throws a knife at you?”
Mr. Deknis looked… probably the right amount of concerned about that statement coming from a 14-year-old’s lips.
“Haha, yeah,” Patton said awkwardly. “Maybe you can teach Logan how to catch things Virgil, but later. Right now, why don’t we just get the apples and then show you the courtyard.”
Virgil was still frowning, but he did not argue with Patton’s suggestion.
 Thankfully, Mr. Deknis did not push, though Patton did have to dodge many a meaningful side eye. He might… need to make sure he did not get cornered by the gardener in the coming days… or brush up on his lying without lying skills.
For now, though, he just handed out the apples, not tossing them this time. Virgil thanked him softly and Patton could see the way the usually fairly gruff man went all melty at that. He even slipped an extra apple to Virgil for later which Virgil perked up at.
Patton and Logan pulled him away gently after that so Mr. Deknis could go back to work, but Virgil seemed happy with the apples and copied Patton at waving goodbye to him cheerfully.
Despite the fact that he liked Mr. Deknis and he’d been nice, Patton still took a calming breath when they were no longer at risk of lying about something and getting caught by the man’s powers. They went back into the castle towards the courtyard.
  Chapter 23
Logan was unsurprised that after showing Virgil the large courtyard, Patton almost immediately decided to instigate a game of tag. They were, after all, here with the goal of getting Virgil a bit active after having had him only in Logan’s room for weeks.
He was also unsurprised that Virgil seemed confused about the concept of tag, and Patton had to explain the game in detail to him.
It made him wince, but he still was unsurprised when Virgil went about inquiring after the consequences of losing the game.
He was, however, very surprised when, after getting all of the facts about tag settle, Patton was chasing after Virgil trying to tag him and suddenly the boy disappeared.
 Patton almost ran into a wall in his confusion. He stared at his hands stretched out and just a couple of inches from touching the wall for a moment, before slowly looking up.
“Virgil!” Patton exclaimed. “What?”
“What?” he asked.
“…What are you even hanging onto?”
“The wall,” Virgil replied.
Logan walked closer to the two of them and tilted his head up to look at him. Virgil had jumped up and somehow managed to find hand and foot holes on the seemingly smooth wall. He climbed about 5 meters above their heads and was peering down at them curiously.
 “Okay,” Logan said. “New rule. Virgil is not allowed to scale walls during tag.”
Virgil frowned down at him. “Why only me?”
“Because Patton and I cannot do that anyway,” Logan said. “We would not be able to actually play if you remain up there.”
Patton glanced over at him and reached over to touch Logan’s shoulder. “No tag backs,” he said. Logan glared at him. “Why don’t you come down sweetie?”
“But Logan will tag me,” he said.
“Well, honey, that’s part of the fun,” Patton reasoned. “Don’t you want to try being it?”
Virgil seemed to consider this for a long moment. “Okay,” he agreed.
 To Logan’s terror, he simply let go of the wall, falling straight down and landing crouched. He blinked at Logan. Right. With a start, Patton took off, so he’d have a head start. “No tag backs means a 10 second head start for me,” Logan reminded. Virgil nodded, and Logan reached out to poke him in the arm before immediately running off in the opposite direction as Patton.
Logan’s strategy worked out since, knowing he couldn’t go after Logan for a few seconds more, he chose to turn and go after Patton. After finding one of the statues to hide behind on the edge of the courtyard, Logan risked glancing back.
 Virgil was faster than Logan (and likely Patton) had accounted for. Patton had gotten a good head start on him, but Virgil closed it quickly. Patton shrieked as Virgil barreled into him, bringing them both to the ground.
“Virgil!” Logan heard Patton giggle. Logan figured he was more than okay despite the tackle. “This isn’t how you play tag!”
“I combined tag and tackle hugs,” Virgil declared, making Patton giggle more.
“That’s very innovative, honey,” Patton said. “Now are you going to let me up?...Virgil… I’m counting down your 10 second head start in my head, and if you don’t let me up I’m going to tag you again.”
 This did not seem to have the intended effect as Virgil did not remove himself from Patton’s person. Patton laugh when it became clear he was not going to move and began counting down “7, 6, 5, 4, you’d better let me go sweetie, or you’re going to get tagged again.” Virgil did not seem to care. “3, 2, 1.” Patton reached up and bopped him on the nose. “Tag!” he declared.
Logan was surprised when Virgil instantly jumped off Patton at that. He whipped around.
‘Oh,’ Logan thought as the boy’s eyes narrowed in on Logan immediately, ‘I see.’
 “Virgil was already halfway across the courtyard towards him before Logan could even think about running away. There was no way that he was fast enough to outrun him. Perhaps he could outthink him, he thought. His eyes scanned his environment in the seconds he had left and landed on a large square piece of stone that held flowers in the spring. It was just full of dirt now, but it was still about waist high. Perhaps if he kept that between them, he could outmaneuver him. He sprinted towards it and scrambled to the opposite side from where Virgil was heading.
 He really should not have been as surprised as he was that Virgil did not even slightly slow as he approached the planter box, instead grabbing ahold of the side of it and vaulting over it. Logan stumbled back, bracing for impact, but instead he just got a quick tap on the shoulder.
Logan blinked at him.
“I don’t know if you would be okay with tackle hugs,” he explained.
Logan considered him. “I would be okay with a nontackle hug.”
Virgil happily jumped forward to hug Logan, pressing his nose into Logan’s shoulder. Logan chuckled and patted the top of his head. “Six,” he said, “5, 4, 3…”
 Virgil bolted away suddenly, actually making Logan stumble a bit. He paused just out of reach of Logan, looking at him with anticipation. “2,1,” Logan finished with a raised eyebrow. He already knew he was being played with, but he indulged him by starting towards him. Virgil danced out of the way, eyes alight. Logan sighed. “Is this truly how it’s going to be?” he asked.
Virgil didn’t answer, but to watch him with wide, excited eyes.
“Fine,” Logan said. He dashed towards him again, only to have him continue to maneuver just out of Logan’s reach each time Logan went forward. He’d call it taunting if there was any sign of malice in it.
 They ran around the courtyard in spirts of Logan charging at him and Virgil expertly dodging. Eventually Patton came closer to them. Logan could tell that Virgil was aware of his presence, by how he glanced back at him briefly, but considering he was not ‘it,’ it seemed he chose to disregard him. However, he was not aware of the way Patton winked at Logan as he walked up behind Virgil.
Logan, on the other hand, knew exactly what was happening. He went to spring for Virgil again, and Virgil again moved to dodge, but this time Patton grabbed him around the waist, allowing Logan to actually tag him.
 He turned slowly to face Patton who started to giggle immediately at the perplexed look on his face. It cleared into something else as soon as he heard Patton laugh. “Traitor!” he claimed. “We were on the same team and you betrayed me.”
“I just thought we should probably have mercy on poor Logan,” Patton replied.
“Hmm,” Virgil said, eyes again full of that playful mischief Logan had not seen until today. “Plea for mercy not accepted.”
Patton once again half-shrieked half-laughed as he was pounced on. The two of them went rolling across the grass, Virgil clearly keeping the rolling going longer than it should have as they made it a good few meters.
 Virgil sprung off of him a few moments later.
“Oh, is it my turn?” Patton inquired with a huge smile. He slowly got to his feet. “Hmm, I’m probably at about 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!” He took off after Virgil, but Patton had a bit more endurance than Logan, so instead of doing quickly calculated lunges at Virgil as Logan had done, he just ran at him full tilt without stopping.
Virgil ran from him, though Logan was pretty sure he was intentionally slowing himself down a bit so Patton had some amount of a chance. He kept turning to check behind him and make sure Patton was still somewhat close as he ran.
Which is why he didn’t see the imminent disaster in time.
  Chapter 24
Thomas should have been paying more attention, but his mind had been on the meeting he’d just had with the castle guards about increased security in the wake of the possible threat from Mocnejsi. He’d decided to take a brief walk around the courtyard to clear his head but was still distracted with mulling over the options that had just been presented to him. He stepped into the castle courtyard and did not have time to step out of the way of the much smaller body rocketing towards him. Virgil slammed into his front, but not before Thomas got a good look at his face.
 Virgil’s expression changed dramatically in the few seconds between him registering Thomas was there and running into him. For the briefest moment, Thomas could see that he must have been having a lot of fun. He’d caught the wide smile and sparkling eyes as Virgil turned his head back from looking at Patton who was chasing him across the greenery. He’d looked very happy which made it all the more painful to see that happiness die in and a few instants. When his head had turned back towards Thomas, there was a flicker of confusion at something being in his path.
 Then, clearly everything about the situation registered, because his eyes blew wide in horror as he tried to stop himself, but there was no way he’d be able to in time. Thomas saw that fact register on his face the moment before he hit. Gone was any trace of happiness or joy in that split second. All that was left was dread that had no place anywhere near a children’s game of tag. It was the expression Thomas would expect from someone who felt ice give way under their feet in the middle of a lake they had thought was frozen solid.
 He hit hard, but he wasn’t nearly big enough to actually harm Thomas. Thomas was thrown slightly off balance but managed to stay on his feet. He reached out a hand to his shoulder automatically to steady the child. There was a moment of pseudo calm where they both absorbed the impact and stilled.
Then, the boy’s shoulder slipped out of Thomas’s grip as he went crashing to the ground in a move that made Thomas wince for the state of his knees. Thomas couldn’t quite grasp what was happening for a moment as Virgil face planted onto the ground in front of him, but when he did, Thomas couldn’t help but flinch and take a step back from him.
 Thomas had been bowed to before, of course, seeing as he was a king, but this was not out of respect or courtesy or even just tradition. This was out of terror. He was begging for mercy and it made Thomas feel sick.
“I’m sorry,” he said, meek and shaky into the ground, and there was almost something worse about the fact that he did not beg for forgiveness with his words, but only his posture. The way his breathes came far too quick and shallow said he was likely on the verge of a panic attack, but he was not blubbering through apologies or even not speaking at all. He gave a clear, if shaky, apology, and waited for whatever he thought Thomas planned to do to him. There was no way that was not learned.
 “You don’t…” Thomas stuttered. “You don’t have to do that. It’s okay.”
“I’m sorry,” he said again, but he reacted in no other way. He did not even react when Patton made it to his side and knelt down next to him. Patton’s hand hovered over his back, clearly wanting to touch down, but he pulled back on that instinct.
“Virgil, honey,” he said softly. “It’s okay. No one is mad. It was an accident.”
Virgil did not react to this at all.
Thomas caught Logan’s eye as he hurried over to them himself. “Sorry,” Thomas mouthed. Logan just nodded and turned his attention to his friend.
 “There is no reason for any of that,” Logan said, his voice firm, almost clipped. “You are not in trouble. Now sit up.”
Virgil did respond to that, slowly shifting back on his knees. He kept his head down looking at the ground. “Sorry,” he said again.
“I…” Thomas said, surveying the three kids on the ground in front of him. Thomas slowly sunk to the ground to be at their level. Virgil was tracking his movements out of the corner of his eyes, his head still bowed and his shoulders tensed. “Hey,” Thomas said softly. “Were you three playing tag?”
 Virgil hesitated, eyes flickering as he debated whether he should respond or not.
“Yeah, we were,” Patton answered for him after a moment of stressful silence.
“Well that’s fun,” Thomas said. “I’m sorry for interrupting the three of you. I wasn’t watching where I was going.”
Virgil glanced up at him for just a moment before looking away again. Patton apparently felt it was safe enough to touch Virgil, because he settled a hand on the boys shoulder.
“Yeah, we’ve just been having a fun day,” Patton said, carefully matching Thomas’s light tone. “We went to the garden and did some reading. Then, Mr. Deknis gave us some apples.”
 “That’s nice,” Thomas replied. “He’s been talking about the new apples he’s been growing. He’s been working on them for years and they’re just beginning to bare fruit this year. I haven’t gotten a chance to try any yet. Are they any good?”
“They’re very good,” Patton told him. His hand rubbed slowly on Virgil’s back. “Isn’t that right, Virge?”
Virgil nodded a bit, a little less tense now, but still nowhere near calm.
“Well, I’ll have to try them soon,” Thomas said with a smile. “Thank you for the information. Now, I’ve got to get back to what I’m doing, but I hope you three have a good day.”
 “I’ll see you later, Dad,” Logan said.
Thomas nodded and pushed himself to his feet. “Goodbye you three,” he said before turning away towards the door back into the castle. He paused to take a breath when the door closed behind him, cutting off the courtyard. There were a lot of thoughts to shirt through in regards to that conversation. He hated that Virgil was so obviously terrified of him. Both of their two interactions had ended with the poor thing panicking on the ground. He wished he had some idea of how to help him or at least someone to talk to about it.
Maybe he’d go visit Mr. Deknis himself and not just for the apples.
  Chapter 25
“Alright,” Patton said, pressing a kiss to Virgil’s forehead. “I’ve got to go back to my room for the night. Will you two be okay?”
“We’ll be fine,” Logan said. “It won’t be particularly different than the last two weeks.”
Patton nodded and leaned to the side to squeeze Virgil in another hug. He’d been clingy since the incident in the courtyard, and Virgil had been appreciative considering he was still pretty shaky from it. He was still surprised he’d touched the king of Prijaznia (let alone ran into him) and lived to tell the tale.
“Goodnight, Pat,” Virgil said because he was pretty sure he wouldn’t leave if Virgil didn’t.
 “Night Virge,” Patton said with a smile before standing up from where they’d been sitting on the ground. He reached over to hug Logan who was sitting on a chair. “Night Lo! Put the book down and go to bed.”
Logan looked up from his book with a frown.
“It’s almost midnight,” Patton scolded.
Logan sighed and set his book down. “Very well,” he agreed. “We will get ready for bed.”
“You better! I’m going to come and wake you up early in the morning.”
“Early in the morning for you is 9am,” Logan scoffed.
Patton stuck his tongue out at him as he walked backwards out of the door.
 Logan gave his book a mournful look once the door closed and Virgil almost giggled. “I won’t tell on you,” he said.
Logan thought about it for a few moments. “No,” he finally said. “We should probably get some sleep.”
Virgil nodded and pushed himself to his feet.
“We should probably both take a bath after sitting in the dirt today,” Logan said. “Do you want to go first or should I?”
“Don’t care,” Virgil answered.
“You can go first,” Logan offered.
Virgil felt himself smile. “You just want to finish the chapter in that book,” he accused.
“Perhaps,” Logan conceded.
 Virgil just grinned and walked over to his closet to grab one of the outfits he’d been given for pajamas. He chose a pair of baggy shorts that went past his knees and the huge soft black sweater Logan had found in the back of his closet. He headed into the bathroom, noting Logan had already picked up his book again.
Logan may have declared the both of them dirty enough for bathing a few minutes before, but Virgil was cleaner than he thought he’d ever been before coming to the castle. Logan had taught him how to use the tub and what soaps to use for what a couple of days after he’d arrived and had suggested he clean himself regularly.
 Virgil didn’t mind. The tub was enchanted to warm the water inside of it and Virgil loved it. Though, that had the negative affect of making it very difficult to leave.
He cleaned himself up quickly, so he’d have a few minutes to just sit in the water before he felt like he needed to get out and let Logan have a turn. He changed into his pajamas, pulling the crescent shaped protection charm out of his day clothes pocket and storing the warm to the touch stone in the short pocket. He used the clip Patton had made it to pin it to the cloth to make sure he wouldn’t lose it.
 Logan was engrossed in his reading by the time that Virgil exited the bathroom. He did not look up as Virgil approached.
“Your turn,” Virgil said to him.
Logan clearly just barely managed to tear his eyes away from the book. “Right,” he said. “Yes.”
“The book will be there in the morning,” Virgil reminded.
“I know,” said Logan sadly as he set the book aside.
Logan never took much time in the bath, so Virgil quickly went about getting ready for bed the rest of the way. He put his day clothes in the basket Logan had for that purpose and started to straighten out the blankets and pillows in the closet.
 He heard Logan come back into the room a few minutes later.
“Virgil,” Logan said. “What are you doing?”
Virgil looked over at him. “Getting ready for bed,” he answered, confused.
Logan frowned at him. “You don’t sleep in the closet anymore,” Logan said. “That’s only for when we were worried you might escape.”
“Oh,” Virgil said blinking over at him. “Right.” He felt a slight pulling at his chest. He liked the closet. It was warm and soft. Patton had taken a lot of care with how he’d arranged all of the pillows and blankets. It was the best place he could ever remember having to sleep in his life. Yet, he did not argue. He knew getting to sleep out in the open was supposed to be a reward and he wasn’t about to reject it.
 Virgil stood and closed the closet. He tugged on the bottom of his sweater, stretching the fabric between his hands as he watched Logan pull down the covers of his bed and settle down onto it. Cautiously he walked over towards the bed. He wasn’t sure where he should lay down exactly. He dithered for a moment before bending down to sit on the floor near the right side of Logan’s bed and then laying down.
There was shuffling on the bed above him and then Logan’s head popped over the side to squint down at him. “On the bed Virgil,” he said.
 Virgil looked up at him in shock. “But it… I’m…” He trailed off and there were a few seconds of silence.
“It is just a bed Virgil,” Logan said.
But it wasn’t ‘just’ anything. Virgil was pretty sure touching the bed of a royal family member without permission would be considered a capital offence. At least, it would in Mocnejsi. Yet, Logan was expecting him to just… crawl into it?
“Please just get up here,” Logan said. Virgil’s caution at touching something he was definitely sure he should not be allowed to be touching wared with his resolve to repay his literal life debt to Logan by doing whatever he wanted.
 Feeling honestly a bit sick to his stomach, Virgil slowly pushed himself back to his feet. Logan scooted back over to the left side of the bed, and Virgil cautiously sat down on the empty side of the bed. After a second of hesitation he slowly laid down, his head hitting a soft fluffy pillow. He jumped when Logan flopped the covers on top of both of them.
Virgil took a long moment to absorb the situation while Logan took off his glasses and reached over to turn off the light next to him. He’d never slept in a bed before, or if he had he’d been too young to remember. In the orphanage there was a lack of actual beds due to overcrowding and there had always been someone bigger and stronger that Virgil didn’t dare fight for the use of them. During training, none of the kids had a bed. Only a few of the higher ups had ones at the more permanent training sites. There were very few situations where any of the assassins, at least a Virgil’s level, would be allowed to touch a real bed.
 The light switched off, plunging them into darkness.
“Is this…?” Virgil said, eyes still pointed towards the ceiling even though his eyes had not adjusted to the darkness enough to be able to see it. “Do you want… things?”
“Things?” Logan asked.
Virgil did not move his head, but he did reach over and put his hand slightly above Logan’s knee. Logan didn’t move, so Virgil slid his hand up.
Virgil’s wrist was grabbed immediately and pulled firmly away from Logan’s inner thigh. He did not let go afterwards, his fingers squeezing hard, but not quite painfully. “Never,” Logan said, his voice harsher than it had ever been even on the day when Virgil was nothing more than an intruder with deadly intent. “Never offer anything like that to anyone ever again.”
 “I was just…”
“I know what you were doing,” Logan said, voice icy, “and it inadmissible. Never offer that again for anything. Do you understand me?”
“I... yes.”
“Promise me.”
Virgil took a short moment to think. “I promise,” he agreed.
“Good,” Logan said, releasing his hand. His voice got softer too. “Good.”
They were silent for a long time after that, though Virgil had no delusions that Logan had fallen asleep. He could almost feel the tension.
“Sorry,” Virgil finally said softly.
“It’s not something you should be apologizing for,” Logan replied. The bed moved as Logan shifted and a hand lightly touched the top of his head. “Just… never.”
 “Okay,” Virgil said. He shifted slightly after a moment until his head was in the crook of Logan’s arm. Logan brushed the hair out of his face with the hand that had been on his head.
“Goodnight Virgil,” Logan said.
“Goodnight,” Virgil responded. They were quiet after that, though Virgil was still awake for a while yet and Logan’s hand slowly stroked through his hair for a while. Eventually though, Virgil relaxed into mattress. He stuck his hand into his pocket and curled it around the charm in his pocket. The bed was nice, he thought. It was soft and warm… and safe. He finally fell asleep.
  Chapter 26
Patton did their new special knock on the door so Logan and Virgil would know it was just him and they didn’t need to hide the fact that Virgil was sleeping in the prince’s room. He didn’t wait for a response, however, and just shoved open the door. He was surprised to see that Logan was not already out of bed and wondered for a moment if he had broken his promise stayed up way too late reading like he was sometimes known to do. Yet, then, Logan spoke from the bed. “I’m awake,” he called.
Confused, Patton stepped into the room. Logan wasn’t one for lazing around in bed; usually he was out of bed the moment he woke.
 He stepped over to the bed and had to stifle a smile when he recognized the problem. Logan was awake, but Virgil was still sleeping, and he was half on top of Logan, his arms wrapped around him.
“Why don’t you just squirm out of his arms like you do me?” Patton asked, keeping his voice low.
“He isn’t like you,” Logan said. He did not bother to quiet himself at all.
“What do you mean?” Patton asked amused.
In answer, Logan started to move as though to squirm out of Virgil’s death grip on him. In response, Virgil made a pitiful mewling sound in his sleep that landed like a piercing blow straight to the heart. Logan stopped moving immediately and Virgil shifted to grip Logan tighter.
 “Aw!” Patton said.
“It’s not cute,” Logan insisted. “I’ve been stuck for hours and I have to pee.”
Patton chuckled. “Alright, alright, I’ll save you.” He rounded the bed to Virgil’s side and crawled up on it. “Virgil, honey,” he entreated softly. “I think it’s time for me to get cuddles so Lo can get up.” Patton softly touched Virgil’s shoulder and pulled at him gently. He reached forward to carefully pry Virgil’s arms off of Logan.
Virgil made a more confused than heartbreaking sound this time, turning towards Patton so Patton could wrap his arms around him. Logan managed to scoot towards the edge of the bed.
Logan made it off the bed and dashed towards the bathroom as Virgil’s arms came around Patton and squeezed. Patton laughed and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead. After a few moments, Virgil’s eyes started to flicker a bit.
“Good morning, honey,” Patton said softly. “Did you sleep good?”
He hummed sleepily. “Beds are nice,” he said. Patton felt a slight pang at that because it implied he didn’t get to sleep in beds very much, but he chose to shove that aside.
“They are,” Patton agreed. Virgil’s eyes started to close again. “Honey,” Patton laughed. “I think it’s time to wake up now.”
 Virgil made a sleepy whining sound, squeezing Patton tighter. “Don’t you want breakfast?” Patton asked. That question managed to make Virgil open his eyes again. “I was thinking we could go down to the kitchen to eat that way it’s nice and fresh and I can introduce you to Mama real quick.” He neglected to mention the fact that they really did not have a choice. Mr. Deknis had blabbed to Mama about Virgil, and worse, had apparently mentioned that Virgil was skinny. As soon as he’d gotten home yesterday, he’d been met with an already worked up Mama firmly insisting that she meet Virgil sometime today.
 He wasn’t going to tell Virgil that though, because he thought it might scare him away from both Mama and Mr. Deknis.
Virgil thought about the prospect of breakfast for a long moment. “Fine,” he agreed. “I’ll be awake.”
“Good,” Patton said. He reached up to bop him on the nose. Virgil narrowed his eyes and then bopped him back making Patton giggle. He sat up then, and Virgil let him. “Let’s get you something to wear and do your hair,” Patton suggested. Virgil nodded and reluctantly got out of bed, just as Logan returned to the room. “We’re going to go downstairs for breakfast,” Patton told Logan. “That way Virgil can meet my mom.” He gave Logan a significant look and Logan nodded once in understanding that this was not a choice.
 Logan and Virgil got dressed, and Patton did Virgil’s hair up nice, before Patton led them out of the royal wing. They went down the main staircase instead of the spiral staircase that went right to the kitchen, mostly because it would be very busy, and Patton thought they should probably eat in the main dining room anyway. He could feel Virgil getting more anxious as they entered the busier part of the castle, and he stuck close to either Patton or Logan from the time they hit the top of the steps all the way to the main dining room.
 There were a few people in the dining room already eating breakfast when they arrived. Virgil’s curiosity seemed to temporarily overwhelm his anxiety as he looked around the large hall and at all of the people there. Patton looked around trying to see it through his eyes. He’d been running around this place since he was little, so he never really thought about how big the room was or how grandly it was decorated, but Virgil was just seeing it for the first time. Patton smiled at him as he guided him to one of the seats. There was already muffins on the table so Patton grabbed one and plopped it in front of Virgil.
 Virgil frowned down at the muffin dubiously. “You just… keep food out in the open?” he asked.
“It’s fine, Virgil,” Patton promised. “No one here would have put anything in it.”
Virgil narrowed his eyes and looked around at the other occupants of the room suspiciously.
“Honestly,” Logan said. “No one even knew we would be down here for breakfast. Nobody would just put something in random people’s food for no reason.”
Virgil gave him a look like he’d just told him people could in fact breathe under water. Virgil was really from a… whole different world, wasn’t he?
 “It’s really fine,” Patton said. “Logan and I have eaten things on the table like this a lot.”
“I’m surprised your not dead yet,” Virgil said.
Logan rolled his eyes and reached for a muffin. Virgil slapped it out of his hand and onto the floor. “Really?” Logan asked.
Virgil narrowed his eyes at him. “No eating unsecured food!”
“Virgil,” Logan groaned.
“I bet you don’t even know what common poisons taste like.”
“No,” Logan said. “I don’t because I don’t worry about being poisoned on a daily basis!”
“You should!”
People were starting to look over at them. Patton shot an awkward smile at the woman a few chairs down.
“Just don’t eat the muffins Logan,” Patton said under his breath.
“I do not understand why-”
“Because it’s stupid as he-”
“Shush,” Patton commanded out of the corner of his mouth, “people are watching, and Virgil is just a normal castle resident.”
That shut the both of them up at least.
“No muffins for now,” Patton said. “I assume it’s okay to eat the things they bring straight from the kitchen.”
Virgil looked a bit leery of this still, but he nodded.
“Good,” Patton said, “then we’ll just wait for that to get here and then everyone will be happy, right?”
Logan opened his mouth and Patton turned to glare at him.
 Logan closed his mouth, though clearly, he did not want to give in so easily. They’d be doubtlessly rehashing this conversation once they were alone again.
Patton caught sight of one of the kitchen workers he knew fairly well come out of the kitchen and deliver food to a group of people who were there before them. She caught sight of them and walked over likely to ask them what they wanted for breakfast. Patton watched out of the corner of his eye as Virgil tensed, eyeing her approach suspiciously and she slowed under his glare.
This was going to be a long breakfast.
  Chapter 27
After an, honestly quite aggravating, breakfast full of Virgil’s cognitive distortions about the likelihood of being poisoned, Logan was relieved to finally be able to leave the dining area. In consideration to those serving breakfast, Patton did not lead them through the door in the back of the dining room that went directly to the kitchen, and instead took them out of the room and down the hall to a different entrance. This one had a guard stationed across from it as, despite what Virgil may believe, the castle workers did consider the possibility that someone would want to sneak into the kitchen for nefarious purposes.
 Said guard, of course, saw nothing wrong with the prince and the head chef’s son entering the side door even with the bonus stranger. In fact, he may even have known Virgil could be coming through this door if Ms. Heart had mentioned him.
Though Virgil hadn’t managed to catch it, Logan knew enough about Patton’s mother that he’d surmised that she had insisted Patton bring the boy to meet her. It was bound to happen at some point anyway, Logan knew, and he wasn’t particularly worried. After all, this was Patton’s mother. Virgil himself didn’t even seem particularly concerned.
 Logan had seen him panic and, while he tugged a bit at the sweater he was wearing, the motion was not particularly fervent, so he was likely just slightly nervous.
Of course, that may be because he did not know Patton’s mother specifically wanted to meet him and just assumed that they were starting the necessary process of introducing him to castle residents with a low risk person.
When they entered the hallway, Logan could already hear the usual noises of the kitchen: the clattering of plates, the bubble of conversation, and the sound of Ms. Heart’s voice calling out instructions.
 He did see Virgil hesitate, but Logan couldn’t sus out why and Patton was already ahead of them and opening the door into the kitchen. It was fairly calm for the kitchen considering it was meal hours. Logan imagined that Patton had chosen the time between when the day guards ate breakfast before their shifts and the night guards after their shifts on purpose. There was still a bit of chaos as dishwashers attempted to catch up during the lull and a few orders were still being made, but overall the mood seemed, to Logan at least, to be light as Ms. Heart ordered her kitchen around.
 Yet, Virgil clearly did not see the situation the same way that Logan did. He froze when the kitchen door swung open and some of the workers turned to look at them. He took a step back, bumped into Logan, startled violently, realized it was Logan, and then side stepped to hide behind him. Logan looked back at him in confusion, but Virgil said nothing, proceeding to mutely peer over Logan’s shoulder.
Patton had moved over to greet his mother as she wiped her hands off on a rag. She glanced over at Virgil and Logan and Logan saw Virgil shrink back a bit.
 Logan could see Ms. Heart’s eyes soften as she tracked his movement. She turned to the woman next to her and said something before moving to remove her apron and hang it up in its designated area. Virgil’s hands clenched in the fabric of Logan’s shirt when she turned back to him.
“It’s fine, Virgil,” Logan told him, but Virgil didn’t seem to believe him. Luckily, Patton had turned back and seemed to realize something was amiss.
He stepped back over to them. “Hey, honey,” he said. A plate clattered in the kitchen and Virgil just about ripped Logan’s shirt.
 Patton frowned sympathetically. “Too loud?”
“Virgil,” Logan said. “You are digging your fingernails into my skin.” Patton shot Logan a glare. “What?”
“How about,” Patton’s mom suggested. Virgil’s fingernails dug more into Logan’s skin. “We go to my office.”
“I think that’s a good idea, Mama,” Patton said. “Come here, Virgil.” He reached over to touch one of Virgil’s hands and had to pull a bit to get him to release Logan. “It’s back that way, away from the kitchen,” he said when he managed to twine their fingers. He stepped around Logan, probably so there was still a buffer between Virgil and the kitchen and tugged him in the correct direction.
 Ms. Heart shot a glance at Logan and Logan felt irrationally like she was trying to read his thoughts. Logan smoothed his features out and turned to follow Patton and Virgil towards her office.
As head chef, Ms. Heart had a small office where she could plan menus without the hustle and bustle of the kitchen and have meeting with people who needed to discuss dietary needs and restrictions. It was very well organized, but still looked fairly messy because of the numbers of decorations she had in it. She had a tendency to keep everything that Patton made her, thus she had his childhood drawings on the wall and little projects stacked on her desk and on the shelves. A lumpy cat statue acted as a paperweight on a stack of papers on her desk and there was a vase of fake flowers (as it could not actually hold water) sat near the window.
 By the time Logan entered the room, Patton was trying to coax Virgil into sitting down on one of the two mismatched chairs, but Virgil was having none of it. He had turned to face the door and was yanking at his sweater in nervousness.
Logan noticed that Ms. Heart did not come far into the room, instead pausing near the door. She did, however close the door to give them privacy, and that seemed to distress Virgil more.
She seemed to contemplate him for a moment. “Hello,” she said, her voice softer than Logan was used to hearing. “You must be Virgil.”
 It seemed as though he were willing himself to magically shrink, but he still replied. “Yes, ma’am,” he said quietly.
“It’s nice to meet you,” she said. “I’m Patton’s mom.”
“I know, ma’am.”
“There’s no need to be formal, Virgil.”
He hesitated. “Okay,” he said somehow quieter.
Her eyebrows drew together in concern, and it seemed that she decided to result to her default way of making people more comfortable. “Would you kids like some candy?”
Logan saw Patton’s hand squeeze Virgil’s lightly. “That would be great, Mama.”
She nodded and walked forward towards her desk. Virgil turned so his back was never to her. If she noticed, she didn’t react. She just grabbed a small tin off one of her shelves and took the top off. “How about a peppermint candy?” she asked.
 She offered the tin out to them. Virgil stared at it like it was a venomous snake. Logan decided to act, stepping forward and taking three of the pieces of peppermint candy from the dish. He stepped over to Virgil and Patton and held out his hand, offering Virgil first choice out of all three.
He hesitated before glancing between Patton and his mother. He must have decided that Patton’s mom wouldn’t risk poisoning Patton and took one of the pieces. Patton took another one of them and popped it into his mouth. Logan ate the last piece.
“Thanks,” Virgil said to Ms. Heart before placing his piece in his mouth.
 Logan watched Virgil’s eyes light up a bit when the flavor registered. His posture didn’t completely relax, but he seemed at least a bit less like he was contemplating jumping through the window. His trust was almost worryingly easy to buy sometimes. All it took was a not poisoned peppermint.
Ms. Heart seemed pleased by his reaction. “I’m actually going to be making some new ones soon and I’m trying to get rid of these. Would you like to take another one for later?” she asked, holding out the tin.
He looked at it warily again, but he still stepped closer slowly and took another piece. “Thank you.”
 “Anytime,” Ms. Heart said, eyes looking over him intensely. “You look like you could do to with a few more sweets every so often.”
Virgil tilted his head in that way he did when he was particularly perplexed.
Patton giggled a bit. “She means your skinny.”
“Oh,” Virgil said. “Logan already gave me a malnutrition potion for that.”
“Did he now?” she asked, her eyes flickering to Logan. Logan winced. He was definitely in trouble for not bringing him directly to her. He was sure he’d hear all about it as soon as she caught him without Virgil in the room.
 She turned back to Virgil with a smile, and Logan imagined Virgil had no idea how dead Logan was. “Well, that’s a very good start, but if there was need for a nutrition potion, we should be careful to make sure you get enough calories and nutrients every day going forward.” She sat down at her desk. “Why don’t you and I talk for a bit about making sure you get some good food.”
He still looked cautious but was predictably enticed by the promise of food. He did not sit still, but he did put his hands on the back of one of the chairs and slightly lean on it. “Yes, ma’am,” he agreed.
“Okay,” she said. “Well, I’m going to have a few more specific questions, but let’s just start with what are your favorite foods?”
“I’ll eat anything,” Virgil replied immediately.
“He really likes chicken alfredo,” Patton contributed.
Virgil perked up at the name of the food. “I did like that,” he agreed.
“Alright,” Ms. Heart replied. That’s a start.
  Chapter 28
Thomas did not have to be told that something had gotten Helen Heart in a tizzy. He could tell just by the amount of food she had sent up on his dinner tray. She always made and pushed more food when she was stressed, and he couldn’t help but chuckle when he found both a hearty serving of roast beef and a mini chicken pot pie on his plate along with three vegetable side dishes and a side of macaroni and cheese.
He could also guess what had happened to illicit such a response. Thomas had caught up to Jeffers Deknis in his garden and they’d spoken at length about Logan and Patton’s new friend.
There was no way that after said discussion, Jeff had not mentioned Virgil (and more importantly his friendship with Patton) to Helen during their daily gossip sessions. There was also no way that Helen had heard the words “child” and “too small” in a sentence and hadn’t flipped. From there the inevitable sequence of events was clear: Patton went home, Helen talked his ear off until he agreed to bring Virgil to meet her, Helen met him and immediately committed herself to making sure he ate three square meals a day as well as multiple snacks.
Thomas had sussed all of that out before the kitchen worker bringing him his dinner had mentioned what had happened that day.
 That in mind, he decided to wait until after dinner should have been cleaned up before walking his own dinner leftovers down to the kitchens.
Thomas was unsurprised to see Jeff already in the kitchen. He was sat at a small table off to the side where kitchen workers usually took their breaks. The only person other than Jeff and Helen left in the kitchen was a dishwasher who was finishing up. Helen usually spent a couple of hours after dinner in her kitchen or her office organizing for the next day and in case anyone needed food on an off hour, and then there was a night cook who would take over so she could go back to her set of rooms.
 Helen took the tray of leftovers from Thomas herself and shooed the dishwasher out of the way. “I’ll handle the rest myself,” she told the girl. “You can leave.”
She nodded and started to take her apron off. Helen dumped the tray on the counter without care and turned back around to usher Thomas into one of the kitchen chairs. Thomas went willingly and she turned to fill the tea kettle with water and set it on the stove.
“It take it she met Virgil,” Thomas said to Jeff.
“She’s adopted Virgil,” Jeff replied, taking a bite out of a cookie.
 “And what of it?” she asked. “Someone obviously needs to feed the boy. Speaking of, you’re grounding your son by the way.”
Thomas took one of the cookies for himself. “Why am I grounding Logan?” he asked.
“He was worried enough about his health to make him a nutrition potion, but still did not bring him to me,” she harrumphed.
“I see,” Thomas replied.
“In Logan’s defense,” Jeff interrupted. “the boy seems rather timid. He may have worried about you scaring him off.”
Helen slapped him with a dishtowel.
“Actually,” Jeff continued. “From what I’ve gathered he didn’t have contact with anyone since the time I saw him a couple of weeks ago until now.”
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spock-smokes-weed · 3 years
I try not to think about the Depp/Heard thing too much because it’s really bad for mental health if I do, but seriously I’m sick to my stomach thinking about how much she had to go through.
Like I’ve done my research, I’ve sifted through a lot of articles, I’ve followed this case for a long time, and as someone who has experience with abuse it’s so clear to me what’s happening and I just feel so bad for her.
I don’t want to say anything about it because again it’s so bad for my mental health, but fuck it really gets to me how much vitriol is being thrown at her and I just feel kinda powerless. Like I get why so many well meaning people who just want justice to go to the proper people fell for Depp’s lie, it was a very successful smear campaign, but I just wanna shake those people and just yell at them to snap out of it.
Like please learn how abusive power structures work!!! He’s 23 years older than her, is significantly more famous and more wealthy, and has a repeated history of substance abuse and violence. He was also found guilty!!! Like I feel like this doesn’t get brought up enough, but in a system that already has the deck stacked against people coming forward, she was able to win because of the mountains of evidence against him!!! There is photo and video evidence of his abuse, witness testimony, and a lot of well documented texts and emails about it. 
Let’s also not forget about how he joked about drowning her, setting her on fire, and r*ping her corpse. He talks about her in deeply misogynistic language, and with his history of dating women much younger than him, it’s so hard for me to think he’s the real victim here. 
And I know people I gonna bring up the thing about her admitting to hitting him, but personally for me, two out of context clips don’t  properly convince me that she was abusive. Reactionary violence isn’t the same as abuse. Hitting someone isn’t the same as abuse. Heard isn’t the perfect victim and it’s so easy for people to use that to discredit her experiences. If you really lay out the evidence both party has, Depp’s falls apart when you really start to pull back the layers.
ALSO!!! It’s very important to mention he’s not suing her for battery, he’s not pressing charges, he’s suing her for defamation! He’s suing her for liable!!! He’s using the whole “she was the real abuser” as a way to recover his career. It’s also worth mentioning that literally every famous man pulls the whole “she’s trying to ruin me!!!” every time they get caught as an abuser. His case has no legs to stand on, so that’s why all of his case are getting thrown out.
This bares repeating, and I hate this always has to be asked, but what did she have to gain from lying? Literally fucking nothing. She’s much less famous than he is, she was putting her career in jeopardy, and she donated all the money she won in that case. Just look at how she was talked about then and the way she’s talked about now. It’s vile. She’s also spent all of her time since the divorce advocating for domestic violence victims, why would someone who’s lying dedicate so much of her time to the cause??? Seriously why??? 
I’m not saying that Amber Heard is a saint, I don’t know the lady, but she doesn’t deserve to be called a lair and to be repeatedly harassed on the Internet. Speaking of the Internet, no one outside of the Internet thinks that Depp is innocent!!! If you read articles about this case,  journalists clearly don’t believe a word he’s spewing. 
That was a really long rant but this is something that genuinely haunts me. It keeps me awake at night and I thought about it all day while I was biking today because of anon I got. I know people want to believe victims, but believe this one, please stop taking men and their word and learn how powerful men bend and twist narratives to their advantage. Johnny Depp was angry that his ex-wife got away from him, rightfully outed him as a wife beater, and now he’s trying to get revenge, and y’all are just letting him get what he wants.
If there is actual substantial evidence that I’m wrong, I’ll admit to being wrong, but as it stands now I can’t believe as single word he says. Justice For Amber Heard
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outoftimewriting · 4 years
Imagine (Son of Hades! Percy; Godswapped! Big Three's kids) (7/8) or (12/13)
Blood of Olympus pt. 1 - The Aftermath
Hello! So there I go dividing more stuff - oh well, what did you expect? Before reading, make sure to check the masterpost - there's a lot before this.
Before anything, I want to apologize. A reader brought to my attention that I had not put on trigger warnings - a mistake that I corrected as soon as I could. I apologize if I accidentally triggered anyone. I'm sorry, I won't do that again. Check the masterpost for the warnings before proceeding and tell me if I forgot any. So, anyway. Good reading, enjoy!! :))
They're traveling to Athens. It's slower because the winds don't cooperate - but they have some time. They have to be there by August 30th, so ten days.
It's good, Annabeth thinks. It gives her time. Time to plan, to strategize. To hope a part of her best friend, the only remnant of her teenage years that is not dead or off serving the gods, is not still in the Pit.
She keeps herself occupied - between maps, research, and daily messages from Reyna and Malcolm, Annabeth has not a lot of time to ponder.
But when she does - and she does anyway, because Annabeth is a solver. Is what she does, she solves problems - but she has no idea how to fix her best friend.
Percy - Perseus, really, because this is him in full combat mode - has been awake for exactly a day and a half. Literally.
He doesn't sleep - mostly, he just patrols. It doesn't seem to affect him much. At least he is eating. Oh yes, the eating - he eats like the food is going to be taken from him at any second, and as much as he can.
She can't help but be scared - he has the same scar, at the same place. If Annabeth is a little affected by it, how is he dealing with the remainder of the son of Hermes?
Annabeth knows rationally that she can't blame him for not talking to anyone, for acting differently. But it hurts, that he won't confide in any of them, in her - not about what happened down there.
It's been a day and a half. He was in the Pit for more or less twenty days - and time in the Underworld is different. What if he was stuck there for years in his perspective? What did he see there?
These are questions that, unfortunately, only Perseus could answer. And he is deflecting. Well, at least he looks closer to crashing when they trade places at patrol - Annabeth will wait until he is ready, but she really hopes is soon.
Sometimes, when she is alone, she wishes none of this ever happened. If they were in power, maybe this wouldn't happen - it's not hubris, right? To see that they would be better than the gods?
The daughter of Athena is not alone in worrying. Most of the crew share different levels of concern - mostly prominent in Will, who saw all of Percy's scars and is torn between wanting to know how he got them, and never asking for fear of the answer.
Leo is surprised to notice that he is also very worried about the health aspect. He is not a person that generally focuses on humans - but this is different. He saw prosthetics before - Hephaestus cabin does a lot of them - and this kind of amputation? Very traumatic. People took a lot of time to adapt - Jake amputated his foot eight months ago and he is still having phantom limb pain and disassociating from it.
Okay that Perseus' new leg is a marvel of engineering that Leo's hands are itching to dismantle to see how it works - alas, Daedalus never left the blueprints of his fake body in Annabeth's laptop, he asked - but how did he deal with it in the middle of a wasteland?
Everything came full circle when the boy in question finally crashes - Nico is the first one to wake up with the screams. They aren't shrieks, nor words, just sheer screams of pure horror.
When he is out of his door, sword at hand, all the other cabins are opening too - Jason is the last to come down, being in the deck in patrol.
Perseus' door is cold. There's no other name for it - there's an aura of pure death around it, covering the entire hallway in a dreadful mood. It curls around Nico's spine - he can feel the shiver in his bones.
The one who opens it is Hazel, the one who seems least affected by the cold - it's so easy to forget that she was dead once. Perseus is immobile in the bed, his mouth open in the awful scream.
Before Will can stop him, Nico goes to wake Perseus up. He has no idea how to deal with the situation, but he cannot keep hearing this. Piper tries to hold his arm to stop him, but she is still sleep ridden.
The son of Zeus barely touches the other demigod - his fingers barely skimming Perseus' arm - and he is pinned to the wall, an ax he didn't even seem prepared to slash at him, with a tiger growling behind Perseus.
Nico suddenly feels like his true age. His whole body tires and sags, and he feels the drawn in his bones - it's only a few seconds, but it feels like an eternity. He wants to drop down - to rest and let his slumber carry his soul away.
He closes his eyes - expecting either the slash of the blade or the tiredness to take him away - but neither happens.
It's Piper. It works - more or less. Perseus doesn't immediately drop everything - the light just seems to return to his eyes. They are black still, but the vines of green are back, creeping towards his pupils.
"Oh. Oh shit. Shit shit shit. Nico. I... I... I'm s-sorry... Oh gods I'm so, so, so s-sorry I-... I didn't... I didn't t-think... I-... this, this wasn't s-su-su... supposed to happen! This wasn't supposed t-to c-come with me!"
Perseus worked himself into a frenzy. He is in a corner of his room now, his ax left behind, but the tiger firmly in front of his master. None of the others have noticed Nico's strength leaving him. The son of Zeus half thinks he imagined it.
"No... no. No. No, no, no. No touching. No touching. No. No touching."
Perseus is almost trembling, but he is not crying. Nico realizes that he saw Perseus cry only once - when Luke was spread on the floor of the Olympus, Annabeth's dagger buried to the hilt in his tight. He wonders if the hero ever cried for himself.
The son of Zeus - and most of their friends that took a step forward - put their hands up, take a step back. Perseus seems calmer.
They don't talk about it. Nico suspects something happened - he felt so tired. He felt eighty - his body decaying around him. But nobody mentioned it - and when they left Percy alone, it was like it was just a nightmare.
PTSD, Will called it. Anxiety after days of being hunted through hell - the trauma still fixed on his mind, the idea of being in danger every second of every day. Depending on the outcome of this war, they might all have it by the end of it, if they don't already.
But Nico knows there's more to it. He would pass it up as a figment of his imagination if Perseus touched anyone. But he doesn't - he avoids even looking at people for too long.
He tries to bring up the topic with Annabeth - the gloves, the sweaters back. She thinks that it's comfort, something to tether him into reality.
Nico doesn't believe that - he doesn't think she does either. He had his own struggles with anxiety for years, but he has no time for pushing. After that night, Perseus doesn't scream again - one has to wonder if he is even sleeping at all.
Nico wants to help. For once, correct something that he knows it's his mistake no matter how many times they deny it. It's how he finds himself in the third night hovering in Perseus' door.
This is not really a smart idea - because the other demigod notices and opens it, so tired - there are bags under his eyes, but the ax is held precariously in his hand.
"What is it, Nico?"
The correct answer would be "Sorry, didn't mean to bother you." But Nico's dumbass teenager mind stutters.
"I... I wanted to check on you. Are you okay? I... I just noticed that you seem kinda weird."
Percy is not angry or resentful - he doesn't even slam the door in his face as Nico would probably do. He is just tired, and that's a thousand times worse.
"Why... why do you care?"
"We are friends, aren't we?"
"Yeah, sure. Kind of." The "you never bothered before" goes unsaid.
It stings, but it's not a lie. Their past is turbulent - a lot of misunderstandings and mistakes on Nico's side, a lot of grudges and overreacting on Percy's. Still, they fought in a war together. They're still fighting.
"I care about you" He hopes Percy doesn't see the blatant subtext "Something happened - don't... d-don't shut me out. I did that when Bianca... died. Nothing good came out of that."
Perseus takes a deep breath - he looks exhausted to the bone. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to mention Bianca. One of his hands tremble - Nico sees that no parts of his body touch the mechanical leg, ever.
"Something happened. I fell down into hell." He must see the flinch Nico gives, and breaths out "Sorry. That was harsh. It... it wasn't your fault. It's nobody's fault."
Something in his eyes tells Nico that he does blame someone - not him, but maybe Arachne. Or the gods. Or Annabeth. Or worse, himself.
Well, that couldn't stand.
"I know" He doesn't, but that's not the moment "But you need help. I can help."
Nico makes a move to touch Perseus' arm - it's a bad idea because his whole body flinches away.
"I don't. I don't want your help."
It's uncalled for, and it hurts on Nico's pride - of course, he wouldn't need Nico's help. What did Nico ever do to him? Was his touch so unwelcomed? Well, if he thinks he can do it alone, Nico should leave him to it.
"Sure, suit yourself. I won't bother again."
Perseus sighs again when the sixteen-year-old leaves. He doesn't want to hurt Nico - gods know that he should, dammit his weak spot for cute people that would drive a knife through his back - but they should leave him alone. He is fine. He'll be fine.
Hazel is also worried - mainly for the backlash of the coming back to the natural, living world. For her, it was weeks of adaptation - to air, breathing, the sun. And Perseus was in a worse place even.
Sometimes she wonders if the Tartarus shouldn't have been her weight to carry - if the Underworld shouldn't be her place. Hazel loves the surface - Nico, Leo, and Frank, and warmth - but there's a part of her that will forever be under a sad tree in the Fields of Asphodel.
Perseus is nothing but kind - he saved her. He saved all of them - not only from danger - but from themselves. And she is too chicken to help, after listening to her brother whine about his own experience.
Her only comfort comes when she is able to cuddle with Leo - Leo, her Leo, her soon-to-be Leo. While Frank is older and her crush for him never diminished, her own for Leo only grew.
That's why, when her patrol is ending on the fourth morning and Leo emerges from the belly of the ship, covered in grease and clutching an ash-covered wrench, talking under his breath about a thing or another, she goes khaki wacky and plants one on him.
Leo flays a little - Hazel is from the 40s. She thinks maybe this is being too forward - even if in Nova Roma, this isn't uncommon behavior. Girls are able to kiss boys - it's not being a sharecrop anymore.
The boy takes a deep breath - like he can't believe this small closed mouth smooch is happening and gives her a grin.
"Hi sugar, are you rationed?"
She laughs until her belly hurts, and they smooch again - no tongue, no open mouth. Leo blushes horribly - and it's easy to see under the grease.
When this war ends, it'll be she. And Leo. And Frank. Their lives are too short to spend pining and pondering - she sees her brother every day, and that's not what she wants.
After the war, there will be no wars. There will be no quests and no killing - just peace. Heroes get to have peace - like the original Jason. The gods are not ruining this for Hazel anymore. So she walks Leo to the front of the ship, so they can watch the sunrise together.
In the afternoon of their fourth day, they fight against a mixed group of monsters - and that's the day Piper actively begins to see the changes on Perseus.
She likes him a lot - he is an amazing friend - but he has no mercy. He annihilates two-thirds of the obstacle Gaea sent for them. It's a sight to see - because he is not close to the ground. There are no skeletons, no vines, no metal, no shadow under the sun of the middle of the day.
It's just him, his ax, and a skeleton tiger. Perseus doesn't even do it cleanly - there are blood, ichor, and dust smeared all across the floor and through his clothes. He twirls the blade around, and they don't even see him as he chops up monsters left and right.
Some try to flee - he doesn't let them. Something keeps them in the ship - and Piper would bet is Perseus, for he just keeps slaughtering them. She doesn't feel bad for them - this is war. They would kill the demigods, exactly like he is doing.
Piper is... curious. She wonders if he would rip the gods apart too - if they would bleed as much as some monsters, of if they would just turn into dust. If Perseus needs to cut them in pieces and scatter them on the Pit himself.
She isn't the only one - she sees the reluctant lust in Nico's and Jason's eyes, the sheer possibilities blooming in Annabeth's eyes. She sees fear mix with interest - Piper sees everything.
She doesn't think Perseus is well, or better. He isn't telling them shit for some reason after all. You don't go to hell and get on with life. Piper doesn't trust him to not turn on them - she knows him for about a month and a half now, a third of which he was in hell - but if he is going to destroy someone, is probably Gaea. Or the gods - she isn't bothered either way.
They are all dangerous. Reality-changing, world-ending dangerous. A skilled warrior? That doesn't scare Piper. Not anymore. Not in the middle of a war.
"Huh. Can you teach me?"
Perseus gives her a feral smile. Across his cheek, there's a streak of gold - for a second, Piper wonders if he is not a god himself.
Annabeth wonders if the gods will let them survive after the war. They got too powerful, too much. Sometimes, she looks at their eyes and sees they're more god then men. Their powers accumulate - evolve. Better.
Before, she was a sharp mind. Now Annabeth feels her godly blood spurning her further and further - no longer just mind, but the body. She sees attacks before they come - she is a goddess.
And she likes it. The power coursing through her veins - the ability to control. She then swears to herself they'll be that way - forever.
The following day, they stop by an island - Perseus feels a big gathering of ghosts. It's Odysseus' palace. They go in a group to investigate: Perseus himself, Hazel for her mist, Annabeth and Will. Nico would go - but he hasn't talked to Perseus for two days now, and is mostly sulking.
Annabeth - who is as cunning as Odysseus himself once was - asks Hazel to cloak her as a beggar. She asks around - but all suitors give vague answers. Even her wordplay cannot get a single phrase out of the ghosts.
Until Perseus puts her hands on a ghost - Eurymachus is his name - and the ghost is possessed - it tells them anything. Annabeth is clocking information from it - devouring with an avid look. Her grey eyes gleam in the blueish light of the spirits.
For Will, is almost otherworldly. It's Hades and Athena. It's more - it's Perseus Jackson and Annabeth Chase, controlling and pushing something they never did before.
They trade looks, and their glowing hands stay entwined long after the ghost tells them that Apollo no longer controls Delphi and that Nike is lost - running free.
Victory, Perseus thinks, Victory. A goddess so vain, that she thought the tides of war depend only on her - not on Tyche, or Bia, Enyo, and Ares. So many gods of war - so many superiors - and she thought herself capable of defying them - and the demigods. For a charioteer, Nike is quite a proud little goddess, isn't she?
So they have their next goal - finding the elusive arrogant dickhead - and following travel to Athens. With Victory on their side or not.
With the glowing phantom, their disguise is blown. Perseus himself was never proficient with ghosts - but he is very proficient with his Ax, and that cut spirits very well.
They fight - but Perseus is just so tired. He just wants them all to go away. With his powers fully restored, even if the earth doesn't obey him anymore, increasingly possessed by Gaea, the shadows should.
He is fond of his shadows - they are a comforting presence, so different from the corrupted ones of Tartarus. He revels in them - Perseus is their master. As he is master of the green ghostly fire, that seems to burn the spirits away.
He hopes sincerely that they don't even get the pleasure of the Fields of Punishment. He hopes they disappear forever in the void - Perseus has no time for petty enemies anymore in this long war which has absolutely nothing to do with them.
Will is hurt in the side - a gladius - but doesn't stay like that. As they climb back to the ship, his wound closes under the fiery light of the morning sun across his fingers - magic that was supposed to help only others, and never himself.
His father disappears, and Will is getting more power. He is not the only one - Perseus fear they'll become too much like their parents, that their powers will amplify their faults and take their humanity away - but is he even human anymore?
He looks at his "leg". It's not him - he is a cyborg. There's a dead piece of metal in him. Perseus could feel the vitality around him - their sheer youth, blazing like a light to burn all the empires. He could take it all for himself. He could kill them all, grind them to dust - they wouldn't even have time to fight him.
Perseus could take it all for himself - become immortal, a parasite latching unto others - how does that make him human? How is he any better than a flea?
They decide on a group to go to Olympia after lunch - Percy, Leo, Hazel, Nico. Four is a good number - a solid number, made of people who are non-competitive. The ones who loathe themselves - isn't this fun? Maybe they'll debate who is the worst.
They divide when they get to the island - Leo and Hazel go one way, the Nico and Percy go the other - Leo is the one to engineer it, but Percy wholeheartedly approves - it's tiring to coexist with a passive-aggressive Nico. He is done with this situation.
While the couple walks, Nico and Percy stand in awkward silence, side by side. Eventually, Percy sighs - he doesn't want to cave, but they have bigger problems to work on, and he kinda misses Nico's sarcasm.
"I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"For being harsh with you."
"No, you aren't."
"I am!"
"Will you let me help you? Will you let anyone help you?"
"I don't need help. I'm better."
"Then let me touch your hand."
"Go on."
"With no gloves."
"What? Why? No!"
"See? You aren't better!"
"We're in the middle of a war. I was in Tartarus a week ago."
"Promise me then. Promise me that after the war, you'll get help."
"Promise me Percy. And don't... don't break this one."
It's the lowest of low blows, but Percy's acquiesces. They start talking - stiltedly. Percy still doesn't touch him. Then Nico sprouts something he'll later regret (or maybe not): Calypso is again locked up.
Nico sees now - before, when Perseus was mad, the earth trembled. With no earth to answer to him, the shadows curled around his ankles and his covered fingertips - rounding behind his ear and on the curve of his smirk.
The son of Zeus is not a fearful person - but that doesn't make him afraid. It makes him remember why he is so infatuated with Perseus - he is not only a hero - he is more. He is a rebel and a challenge - Perseus only follows his own rules. It's a bravery Nico lacks, and one that attracts him like a moth to a fire.
Perseus just asks him to repeat, and then hums when he does, stuttering over his stupid blush. It's mercy that the demigod is not looking in his direction.
"Fret not, Nico. Let Calypso enjoy her vacation. The beaches are really pretty this time of the year."
It's scary - there's no one in Percy's voice. It's like the demigod is on the brick of a really bad meltdown - but they both know they don't have time for it now. So Perseus breathes in - once, twice.
Calypso will be free, and he is not even using his winning wish for it - he already used one once. She did nothing wrong, they are the oathbreakers. Perseus should know better than to trust any oath in a river that they never put a finger on.
So he lies back on the rock. If they survive - when, because he didn't go to hell to die because of Tartarus' less impressive sister - she'll be free. And well prized for this stunt.
Leo and Hazel get back accompanied by Tempest, who, again, appears always following some big revelation - maybe the venti also serves Hazel's new mistress.
The group heads towards the ruins which are roughly twenty kilometers wide. They decide to walk through them, looking for something to pop up - the earth doesn't answer to Perseus, but that doesn't mean that he can't feel the power on it. Eventually, they head toward the Temple of Zeus where an old Nike statue used to stand.
Leo provokes the goddess to come forth by hurling insults at the Nike brand - it's his specialty, sassing up gods. Perseus is more of a shade kind of guy if he can say so himself.
The goddess' Roman and Greek side, Nike and Victoria, are at war with each other trying to decide which side will be victorious. It's ridiculous.
The goddess challenges the four to a fight to the death, with the Romans and Greeks against each other. But there are no Romans and Greeks here. Nico and Perseus lived on both sides - and even if Hazel is Roman-inclined and Leo didn't have time to meet Nova Roma, it doesn't change anything. They wouldn't fight each other.
The time to fight is long gone - they should be rallying against Gaea. But Nike is too proud to admit to a tie - to both sides of herself to have peace.
She demands them to fight in an arena and gives them four minutes to be present. To make sure that they get there she sends four metal statues after them. But instead of fighting each other, they will fight the goddess.
Nike can try and influence their minds - but in the end, with her so weak, battling against herself, it's no match for four strong-willed demigods. Perseus is so tired of gods with petty struggles in the middle of something so much bigger.
The goddess-es fight for him and Nico - what side should they be. They trade verbal blows - Senatus, Praetor, Titan War are all used as arguments.
Funny isn't it? She wasn't on his side a month ago. Perseus fell - into the depths of the abysm - and while he won - again, and again, and again - it wasn't truly a divine victory.
It was not her victory. The merit is his, only his. She didn't sweep down in her great golden wings to save him, did her? Nor will she help with a war to save herself and her family. So why should she exist at all? Why should Perseus abstain from draining her and...
Perseus clenches his fists - he can't, he won't kill Victory. That's not him. He is not a murderer. That's just the remnants of the Pit in his good-for-nothing mind.
She is horrible - but if she dies, she'll end up in Tartarus. And not even her colossal hubris deserves that.
So, they subdue her - her powers aren't enough to stop the four of them, not when Percy alone and twelve defeated her superior - Ares himself. And, when defeated, Nike concedes her blessing for the upcoming war - they just won Victory.
It's a good omen - but she does advise them that one of them shall die - and that they would need the Physician's Cure.
When they go back to the board, Annabeth and Will start researching - both of them know the name, but can't link it to anything else. They find it in the Infirmary Archives - some that Will brought for light reading. It's not very hopeful, since none of them are brewers, but Hazel is a magic user and Will is a healer - they can do this.
Daedalus laptop holds the answers to the formula: Pylosian Mint, Makhai, and the Curse of Delos. They would also need Asclepius himself - but seeing that he was condemned to Tartarus and probably still there, it's more probable they'll do this themselves.
Frank, Jason, and Annabeth go to the port of Pylos looking for the poison - obvious options for the small mission nearby water.
They walk for a while. Annabeth notices a weird tension between Frank and Jason - Frank is giving Jason pointed looks, while Jason gives Frank worried ones - that has been that way for a few days now.
She couldn't possibly know that was about not only Jason's obvious crush on Perseus - which Frank is pushing the blonde to act on - but about Frank's own feelings.
Yesterday morning, while Frank was coming to take his shift on the patrol, he saw Hazel and Leo kissing. And the worst part is that he is not only sad but longing.
He is not jealous. He wants that - he wants all. Is too much and he doesn't deserve it - Frank feels so small, compared to the demigods he is traveling with. And with such... disgusting desires. The son of Mars only feels guilty - he has to erase this from his mind.
Eventually, Annabeth helps Frank to force an old soldier ghost to give them answers - she tells them they need to go to Nestor's Cave and gives them the directions.
Frank goes in and talks to a man who hands him a bottle. The son of Mars explains that his cousins, other descendants of Pluto, have been living there for generations.
They dinner together - Jason is not very welcomed. Most people there still remember the last war - and aren't all that fond of the progeny of Poseidon and Zeus - but as they are close to the sea, at least they're civil.
Some of them recount fondly about their own days at Nova Roma - they are all clear-sighted mortals, even if the godly blood is too diluted in their veins, but these are the ones that have it closer - great-grandkids of minor gods attracted to the old blood.
There's even a daughter of a minor river deity - and a pair of twins that are direct descendants of Juventa, in her travels to visit Hercules. It's an overall paradise, in the middle of a war.
Annabeth misses her dad. And Thalia. And Luke. She misses having a family - she wonders if this war will turn her unrecognizable - or else if it already did. If they are too godly for the mortal world - if they shouldn't take their rightful place.
As a parting gift, the cousins gave Frank the small vile of poison - it's the Pylosian Mint, the first piece to their puzzle. Before leaving, they tell the trio about a chained god, in Sparta.
They go back to the ship - in the mess hall, Frank muses that the chained god might be Ares because the Spartans believed that if they chained him up the spirit of war would never leave them.
Hazel disagrees - she thinks it might be Aphrodite Areia - Sparta was the first place where the goddess was worshiped, and if the Romans have aspects, wouldn't the greeks too? It's quickly shot down - Dyonisus said they were reborn - their aspects changing with their cult, if they weren't worshipped at the same time.
Perseus thinks he heard once that Aphrodite Ourania, Aphrodite Areia, and Aphrodite Pandemos were worshipped at the same time - but doesn't mention it. It doesn't seem important - he might be wrong.
Piper herself argues that it might be one of their sons - Anteros, Himeros, Phobos, Deimos, Harmonia, Pothos, or Eros - for which Jason, Nico, and Frank flinch - they wouldn't want to meet the divine couple's offspring again.
Other possibilities are the Erotes - which seems to make Piper happy, for one of them is Hermaphroditus theyself - or one of Ares or Aphrodite other children - too many to list here.
Anyway, they set course to Sparta - for the happiness of Annabeth and the general tiredness of the group. It is like an RPG play - Nico muses - they have a ton of mini-quests. It's tiring, and it's boring - flicking like bees after something or other for a bigger purpose that never seems to come.
They go to sleep, and Piper has a vision: it's her, Annabeth, and Hazel, running through the ruins of a temple - the temple of Phobos, her half brother. There's blood on the blonde's forehead - and Piper looks like she did before.
She doesn't want to go there. It's fear - she understands it - but that's one fear she is not keen on facing. Her old short hair, the boy clothes, the adam's apple, the stubble.
But they need this - someone might die. Someone will need this. So damn her half-brother. Her mother promised her, that when this ends she'll be herself like she always wanted.
So she goes and tells the group - no one is really happy to send them to somewhere they might get hurt - especially because the last time Annabeth went on a mission on the Underground, shit happened - but the daughter of Athena starts to list all of their mistakes and they have no real say in what the girls do, so off they go, into Sparta.
The six boys stay behind - but no one is slacking. Will ropes Frank into helping to research for anything they might have on the Physician's Cure; Leo finally convinces Perseus to have a look at his leg - even if just to see how much time before Perseus has to go to the Phlegethon to get more fuel; and Nico and Jason are stuck in patrol together.
Which is no good - they haven't really talked since the Cupid episode, and the last few days, the worry about Perseus and the small missions clouded everyone's personal turmoils. But now that the son of Hades is somehow adapting, they have time.
And time is a dangerous thing. Before the two weren't alone in the ship - there was always one on the mission, one otherwise occupied. Leo - and probably Frank and Piper - have been running interference.
Jason had no courage to approach Perseus, as Nico did. Nico knows that - it's in the way that Perseus treats Jason, just like he does Frank - pretending that the Pit never happened.
It's impossible to do this with Leo, who looks at his leg and his medical history and see far more than the others. Or Annabeth, Will, and Hazel, who he is closer to. Or Piper, who just seems to know everything. And Nico, who confronted him face to face.
Jason, however, only knows him one-sided - Perseus doesn't know him. They are friends, and before all this happened, they seemed to spend more and more time together. But they aren't close - the camaraderie didn't have enough time to develop into the trust.
That's why is so weird - he knows what the blonde is going through - the wish to be closer, to be able to at least help in any indirect way, but unable to gleam more about the situation. The information didn't come so easy in real life as it does in dreams.
They don't talk anymore, him and Jason. They just sit in silence or walk around their rounds in opposite directions. Eventually, the son of the sea god can't help it.
"How is he?"
Nico has the urge to answer "Wouldn't you like to know?", but that's petty and unnecessary. Jason isn't a bad person. It's just too easy to love Perseus sometimes.
"Better, I think. After the war, he'll be."
It's more for their sake than the truth. They try to talk again, stilted and trivial. Nico feels awkward - he misses their natural friendship. It won't stop because of a mutual crush - but they need to work for it.
So he settles for this trying. It's bad, and it's mostly both of them skirting around topics, their upbringings making it difficult - both have the emotional development of teaspoons. But they're trying, and it's okay.
Meanwhile, the girls are descending the Temple of Phobos, which is under a blazing hill. Hazel goes in front - manipulating the mist to stop the fire and looking for traps - and Piper and Annabeth follow the hike, talking quietly to fulfill the silence.
"What are you hoping to do, after this?"
"I don't know. Spend time with my dad. Fight for trans rights. Learn how to use more weapons. You?"
"I want to reshape the world - to build something. Maybe a city for the greeks. Maybe go into politics - Nova Roma looked directly out of my dreams."
"I do like politics - I'm more on the activist side, though."
"I was all for the Nobel Woman Initiative last year - there were two of my half-sisters there. You know, I did think it would be cool for schools to take this more seriously - I did my freshman year the same school as Percy, and like, barely any girls at the honor roll - even though most PA classes were brimming with them."
"I'm guessing traditional boarding school - I went to a lot of those, y'know. I was finishing my sophomore year before this mess, taking three AP classes. Stretched out like hell."
"I was taking five - because crazy over-achievers Perseus and Rachel took four, and I couldn't decide on the options. I was overworking for a while, but I did manage better than them - I think Rachel was high every time we visited her on the St. Claire's Academy, but maybe it was just the sheer amount of coffee and Redbull."
They keep on talking. It's the first time Annabeth talks to the daughter of Aphrodite and doesn't think she is an airhead. Piper is a conversationalist - exactly the type of friend she lacks, someone that can keep up with her streams of random thoughts.
Maybe they could have a girl's night with Rachel when they go back to camp. Maybe invite Hazel, and even Reyna too - Annabeth has never had one of those, stereotypical girly things. But maybe it could be cool.
It serves as a good distraction - the longer they stay on the temple, the worse it gets. Annabeth feels crawling in her skin and a sucking - a sucking that she remembers coming from the Pit, taking her in like if she was trash.
Hazel feels cold - her skin flickers. Some moments, she can't touch anymore. It's like being dead again - the rustle of the leaves in the trees of the Asphodel Fields ring in her ears as she walks through the marble halls.
For Piper, it's her nightmare vision all over again. It's like she never came out, never took the estrogen. There are mirrors everywhere she looks - there's no escaping the image that she hates the most - Piper, the boy.
It's not that "Piper, the boy" is ugly. He is just not her - that's not her body, that's not her face, that's not her. Her gender dysphoria is rising high in the back of her mind.
They keep going into the temple anyway - it's not easy to find the "chained god". They find instead Mimas - the giant supposed to kill Hephaestus, and, apparently, Ares - now that his stupid brother Damasen is dead.
Annabeth can't connect the dots yet, but the way the giant talks about Damasen helping an enemy - in the end, it all ties up to Perseus. What doesn't, these days? She is just so frustrated about the lack of information - and her new powers of extracting stuff won't work on a giant, she's pretty sure.
The titan is the opposite of Hephaestus - where the man is silent and intelligent, he is brute force and loud voices. He remembers them of Ares - Hazel even notices that he shares features with Mars Ultor.
To fight a god meant to fight intelligence, they must be emotional - Aphrodite would be excellent for this quest. But Hazel herself takes the lead - her magic is not mind-based - while Piper follows her routine of never being where is expected of her.
But none of the three are in their best shape - fear, the mental manipulation, drains more of them than the actual physical effort. Hazel is able to drive her broadsword across the god's shoulder - but the backlash of him shaking her off throws her towards the wall.
Annabeth - the strongest of the two remainings, physically at least - hoist the younger girl over her shoulders and starts to run. Around here, there's a faint grey-ish light - her mother's blessing shining through her skin.
He nearly strikes the vulnerable Annabeth with her extra weight, managing to hit her in the thigh. Piper, however, is quicker - love always is - and stabs him in the calf.
"You think that would hurt me? Silly little thing, just like your mother - I fought against two gods in the last war - you are nothing, little gallus puella!"
Piper doesn't get Latin, but she knows enough to think that's a trans-related insult. This is not her first rodeo - not even in her old boy's body - but it stills fill her with rage she cannot name.
"You should be more worried about how the makhai will castrate you, instead of caring about what's inside my shorts!"
The giant laughs - but there are doubts in his voice. The makhai hasn't been seen in centuries - but it all connects. It's not Ares or his children - it's the spirits of war that the Spartans thought to be pieces of Ares himself.
Piper takes advantage of his distraction and charges at him with her blade, causing the giant to stumble backward into a wall and destabilize the temple.
"You're worst than that godling that was manipulating my weak, useless brothers - that one lost a leg. I wonder how many limbs I can chop off you before offering you to Mother Gaea."
That is enough to incite Annabeth's rage. She puts Hazel carefully on the floor and attacks He barely managed to deflect her attack, and as he reaches out to grab the prone girl in the ground, Piper slices off Mimas' arm and hair off.
While Piper is keeping Mimas occupied, Annabeth released the makhai from the statue of Ares. The makhai follow the girls - they couldn't forget the smell of Aphrodite Areia and Pallas Athena, not even in a thousand years. They swarm Mimas, and as he staggers off-balance, both of them deliver the final blow by stabbing the giant in his gut.
Mimas topples face-first into the nearest doorway and disintegrated into ash when the stone face of Phobos falls onto him.
The god appears only to deliver the final blow, but doesn't help at all. He just laughs at their predicament and leaves them to find their way off this maze of terrors.
It trembles over them. Hazel is still unconscious - there's a trickle of blood running through the side of her face. Something is slowing down Annabeth - she shivers every time they take a step. So it comes to Piper to try and guide them through the falling building.
She is still a boy - and she hates it - but maybe it's just an illusion, and when they get out of here, she'll get her two-year estrogen body back.
Piper guides them out, with the makhai in tow. It doesn't feel like a victory - not when, even though she crossed the border of the hill, she keeps her boy's body.
Climbing back on the ship, she hides herself in her room. She - he, because that's a he body, and a he person, and she is not a he but when she looks in the mirror, he looks back.
Piper works herself into a panic attack alone in her room - and it's actually Annabeth that comes to check on her.
"Tell me five things you can see, Piper"
Annabeth's golden tresses. A blue sweater that is probably Percy's and got mixed in the laundry. One of Leo's screws that are everywhere he goes. A crown of flowers Katie Bell did for her. Malcolm's favorite book sitting at her nightstand.
"Good. Four things you can touch."
A calloused hand beneath hers. The soft jeans Annabeth is using. The cold hardwood floors. The wall against her back.
"You're doing amazing. Now three things you can hear."
The ship's engine rumbling beneath them. Annabeth's voice. Nico's brooding rock music coming from his room.
"Almost done. Two things you can smell."
Annabeth's lavender cologne mixed with the grime and sweat of their taxing day. The salty smell of the ocean.
"One thing you can taste."
Her mouth on Annabeth's. It's Piper who starts it - she is just so overwhelmed by Annabeth's everything, still worked up about the anxiety attack she just had, and they are so close.
The daughter of Athena is surprised and pushes back - she sits side by side with Piper, holding her wrist so she can't flee.
"Piper, I... I didn't mean to pass the... wrong... signs. I don't like girls. And boy body or not, you're still a girl."
It's the best and the worst let down of Piper's life. She nods - she is the daughter of Aphrodite. She should've known better. Annabeth is in love with Perseus - for years now.
"We can still be friends, right?"
Piper nods - Annabeth thinks it's ironic. It's the same interaction she had with Perseus - and she knows that, deep down, being friends is not enough, how much this rejection is just as bad as any other.
But she wants to keep Piper in her life. Is unfair - but there's something guiltily pleasurable about having someone that likes you, to know that you're not undesirable.
It's selfish, but Annabeth never claimed to be altruistic.
Up in the deck, Frank and Jason are receiving news of Reyna. She says she and Malcolm were attacked by Lycaon and his pack - and that Malcolm had a vision about Orion, the giant meant to oppose the twin gods, heading towards the Hunters and the Amazons.
With Apollo and Artemis missing, it comes to them to help. Jason thinks they could try and help if they cross paths, but that they should inform them by IM and go on their way - they have little time to dawdle, even if they're using Malcolm's mother transport company to carry the giant statue.
They are able to rest for the remainder of the day - it's more or less eighteen hours before Reyna sends the next message - they met the hunters and the Amazon in the Lisbon's Harbor and fought Orion, but no god came to give him the final blow.
So Reyna and Hylla had to run - the statue was already shipped off to America, and nymphs were helping them to get to the Long Island Bay within the next two days. Malcolm wasn't so lucky.
Orion smashed Malcolm against a boulder, breaking his arm and a leg. As they fled, Malcolm told them to leave him behind - he would stall the giant for a little while.
With most Amazons and Hunters out of commission or dead, they had no other choice. The last thing Reyna saw was Orion raising Malcolm above his head, and the sickening crunch of it breaking against the sea rocks.
Will is the one on patrol - and the one who has to relay the news to Annabeth. He doesn't want to wake her, but it's her right to know - so he goes and wakes Perseus too, to help deliver the blow.
"Annie, I... We... We have bad news."
Annabeth screams - that was her big brother, almost her father. He taught her how to hold a shield and how to swim - he was her only family left on Camp.
It's unfair. That shouldn't be his battles anymore - he is twenty! She screams and she throws a statue of her mother - and that damned coin - into the wall. Then Annabeth sobs on Perseus' shirt.
"It's her fault Percy, all her fault if she didn't send us in this goose chase if she didn't choose Malcolm..."
Will solves to tell the others in the morning - it's late, and most of them had little to no sleep. He goes back on deck, but there's a storm brewing in the ocean - and it's not a natural one. It's some kind of deity - and that's not a good moment.
He goes to Perseus - he is still awake, asleep Annabeth with tear tracks in her cheeks and scrapped knuckles in his arms, and tells him about the situation - Will is not that good of a fighter.
"I'll deal with it. Stay with her. I'll be back shortly."
Will should be alarmed - with Perseus more recent behavior, the way he always hated the gods' trivial troubles, should he really be sending him upstairs, with an ax, a tiger, and a mad expression into his eyes? Maybe not, but he won't stop it. The deity chooses their own fate - even Will is done with their willful moods, compromising a much more important journey in their own name.
Let whoever it is burn - The son of Apollo covers the sleeping girl's ears softly. She doesn't need this kind of stress now.
The storm stops, but the screams in the deck don't - they are like music to his ears.
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mausi-shan · 3 years
I turned my Spotify 2020 playlist into lyric prompts
1.       “Show me a grey sky, a rainy cab ride Babes, don’t threaten me with a good time.” – London Boy, Taylor Swift
2.       “I’ve never been in love before, I don’t know what I’m doing I’ve never been too worldly in the ways of woman wooing I know how crazy lucky I am to love you.” – Get This Right, Jonathan Groff
3.       “Lights out, I found out my fallen star Goodbye, the sun rises and there’s no more you and I! Tell me how can you sleep? How can you breathe? Baby, tell me how, how you love me now?” - How You Love Me Now, Hey Monday
4.       “North is south, right is left when you’re gone I’m the one who sees you home but now I’m lost in the woods And I don’t know what path you are on” – Lost In The Woods, Jonathan Groff
5.       “Promise I’ve already learned my lesson, but right now I wanna be not okay” – You Don’t Know What It’s Like, Katelyn Tarver
6.       “This is falling in love in the cruellest way This is falling for you and you are worlds away” – Come Back… Be Here, Taylor Swift
7.       “From coast to coast I’ll make the most of every second that I’ve been given with this crowd Without a doubt, you’re all I dream about At night we lie awake with stories taking us back to the nights we felt alive” – Vegas, All Time Low
8.       “He doesn’t want to bang you Somebody hang you!” – Don’t Lose Ur Head, Six
9.       “I thought this time was different Why did I think he’d be different? But it’s never, ever different!” – All You Wanna Do, Six
10.   “If I said I want your body, would you hold it against me? Seven in the morning, wanna listen to Britney? Anything you want, baby, that’s okay with me now” – Sleeping In, All Time Low
11.   “My heart, my hips, my body, my love Trying to find a part of me that you didn’t touch Now I’m looking for signs in a haunted club.” – Death By A Thousand Cuts, Taylor Swift
12.   “And I don’t give a damn about my bad reputation Never said I wanted to improve my station” – Bad Reputation, Joan Jett
13.   “This distance tears me apart God, I need to see you So when the homesickness starts and you’re missing me too I’m gone too long, but when you’re here it’s worth it So just hold on” – Fall To Pieces, Junior
14.   “Lyrical smile, indigo eyes Hand on my thigh We can follow the sparks I’ll drive” – I Think He Knows, Taylor Swift
15.   “I’m a user and abuser so I don’t need no accuser To slap me down ‘cause I know you’re right” – When I Come Around, Green Day
16.   “He’ll never fall in love he swears, as he runs his fingers through his hair I’m laughing ‘cause I hope he’s wrong” – I’d Lie, Taylor Swift
17.   “I’ve been in love and lost my senses Spinning through the town” – I Wanna Dance With Somebody, Fall Out Boy  (Whitney Houston cover)
18.   “I’ve been first class, spent cash Been broke, no joke, nothing good ever lasts Been sued, been screwed, been chewed up Been loved, been lost but never used up This world’s not big enough for us You hate but you’re singing that chorus We’re kings you can’t ignore us” – Anti-Anthem, Sumo Cyco
19.   “She didn’t stutter, my chest flutters Cardiac attack in the cradle of the summer Superstitious, the kid’s vicious Bubblegum smile, taste the cherry on her lips” – Birthday, All Time Low
20.   “Got my heart out on the table And you didn’t walk away Love me if you’re able” – I Guess We’re Cool, Cassadee Pope
21.   “I can make the ground shake, Winds blow, Earth quake, Rain, snow Mountains, I can move mountains” – Move Mountains, Sumo Cyco
22.   “I wore the crown, I sold the lie I lived the life and paid for every crime.” – Some Kind Of Disaster, All Time Low
23.   “You can’t get under my skin But I get stuck in your head In case you didn’t notice, I’ve been living in it since I left” – With Or Without Me, Sainte
24.   “We’re bound to break And my hands are tied” – Rewrite The Stars, Zac Efron & Zendaya
25.   “Lovers dance when they feel in love Spotlight shining, it’s all about us” – All About Us, He Is We
26.   “A drowning will grasp at straws, a willing man drowns for a cause The blood will spill as cigars blaze and great white jaws will be your cage” – Sleep Tight, Sumo Cyco
27.   “Tell me that we’ll be just fine Tell me that you’re still mine Even when I lose my mind” – Afterglow, Taylor Swift
28.   “All this time, I never learned to read your mind (Never learned to read my mind) Never turned things around (You never turned things around) You never gave a warning sign (I gave so many signs. So many signs)” – exile, Taylor Swift & Bon Iver
29.   “What a shame, what a shame Beautiful scars on critical veins” – Kids In The Dark, All Time Low
30.   “Here we are, nearly strangers From two worlds that have rarely met But somehow you have made me someone new” – In A Place of Miracles, Hunchback of Notre Dame (but pheeble)
31.   “I give my hand to you with all my heart I can’t wait to live my life with you I can’t wait to start” – From This Moment, Shania Twain
32.   “I forgot that you Got out some popcorn as soon as my rep started going down Laughed on the schoolground as soon as I tripped and hit the ground And I would have stuck up for you Would’ve fought the whole town for you” – I Forgot That You Existed, Taylor Swift
33.   “The debt I owe, got to sell my soul ‘Cause I can’t say no No, I can’t say no Then my limbs all froze and my eyes won’t close ‘Cause I can’t say no No, I can’t say no” – Bury A Friend, Billie Eilish
34.   “Take a breath and let the rest come easy Never settle down ‘cause the cash flow leaves me always wanting more” – Dear Maria, Count Me In, All Time Low
35.   “I’m dizzy from jealousy And you’ve got something to lose But darling, don’t let that stop you” – Girlfriend, Best Ex
36.   “I’m your number one with a bullet A loaded God complex, cock it and pull it” – Sugar, We’re Goin’ Down, Fall Out Boy
37.   “When everyone believes you What’s that like?” – The Man, Taylor Swift
38.   “This is the last time I’m telling you this: Put my name at the top of your list” – The Last Time, Taylor Swift & Gary Lightbody
39.   “Do you have the time to listen to me whine?” – Basket Case, Green Day
40.   “Here comes the rain again, falling from the stars Drenched in my pain again, becoming who we are As my memory rests, but never forgets what I lost” – Wake Me Up When September Ends, Green Day
41.   “It takes a lot of courage to hold your own against the tide The wind is blowing, bar the doors, it wants to get inside It may seem hopeless, may seem like it’s the end In order to be broken, first it has to bend” – Run With The Giants, Sumo Cyco
42.   “No wonder your heart feels it’s flying, your head feels it’s spinning Each happy ending is a brand new beginning” – Ever Ever After, Carrie Underwood
43.   “There goes the maddest woman this town has ever seen She had a marvellous time ruining everything” – the last great american dynasty, Taylor Swift
44.   “Hey ho, let’s go Shoot ‘em in the back now What they want, I don’t know They’re all revved up and ready to go” – Blitzkreig Bop, The Ramones
45.   “You think I’m funny when I tell the punchline wrong Now every February, you’ll be my Valentine” – Teenage Dream, Katy Perry
46.   “If you want someone to save you, save yourself If you want someone to heal you, heal yourself If you want someone to save you, save yourself” – Free Yourself, Sumo Cyco
47.   “I wrote the gospel on giving up But the real bombshells have already sung” – This Ain’t A Scene, Fall Out Boy
48.   “I’m here on the kitchen floor You call, but I won’t hear it You said no one else How could you do this, babe?” – Babe, Sugarland & Taylor Swift
49.   “Sometimes I get the feeling she’s watching over me And other times, I feel like I should go When through it all, the rise and fall The bodies in the streets” – Welcome To The Black Parade, MCR
50.   “I knew you tried to change the ending Peter losing Wendy” – Cardigan, Taylor Swift
51.   “But she’s so rock and roll And out of my league Is she out of my league? I hope not” – Trouble, NeverShoutNever
52.   “Do you see my face in the neighbour’s lawn? Does she smile, or does she mouth fuck you forever?” – mad woman, Taylor Swift
53.   “Diamonds, pearls and rubies all swoon Can I offer you a little salt for that wound?” – Don’t Make Me, Malinda
54.   “The night we snuck into a yacht club party pretending to be a duchess and a prince” – Starlight, Taylor Swift
55.   “I know I said some bullshit on the phone I never leave well enough alone” – ME! , Taylor Swift & Brendon Urie
56.   “Give me therapy I’m a walking travesty, but I’m smiling at everything Therapy, you were never a friend to me And you can choke on your misery” – Therapy, All Time Low
57.   “And I scream: For whatever it’s worth, I love you Ain’t that the worst thing you ever heard? He looks up grinning like a devil” – Cruel Summer, Taylor Swift
58.   “Nobody tells me I need a rich man Doing my thing in my palace in Richmond” – Get Down, Six
59.   “We were something don’t you think so? Rose flowing with your chosen family” – the 1, Taylor Swift
60.   “And you call me up again just to break me like a promise So casually cruel in the name of being honest I’m a crumpled up piece of paper lying here ‘Cause I remember it all too well” - All Too Well, Taylor Swift
61.   “Run baby, run Don’t ever look back They’ll tear us apart if they’re given the chance” - Check Yes Juliet, We The Kings
62.   “Does he watch your favourite movies? Does he hold you when you cry? Does he let you tell him all your favourite parts, when you’ve seen it a hundred times? Does he sing to all your music while you dance to Purple Rain? Does he do all these things like we used to?” – Like We Used To, A Rocket To The Moon
63.   “There I go, so dishonestly Leave a note for you, my only one” - Only One, Yellowcard
64.   “Caution, police line, you better not cross! Is it the cop or am I the one who’s really dangerous?” – Warning, Green Day
65.   “You’re not quite Satan but I really think I hate you” – Both Sides of the Story, We Are The In Crowd
66.   “Will you kiss me on the porch in front of all your stupid friends? If you kiss me, will it be just like I dreamed it? Will it patch your broken wings?” – betty, Taylor Swift
67.   “Nicotine and faded dreams Baby there’s no one else like me” – Say You Like Me, We The Kings
68.   “That smile that made me believe But you were lying through your teeth” – Is She Better, Caitlin Hart
69.   “So every day now, you brace for the sounds you only heard on TV You go to class scared, wondering where the best hiding spot would be” – Only The Young, Taylor Swift
70.   “Soon I’ll have to go I’ll never see him grow But I hope my son will know My love is set in stone” – Heart Of Stone, Six
71.   “Been trying to cover this hear out on my sleeve Been set on playing this down but I think you’re catching onto me” – Lie A Little Better, Lucy Hale
72.   “I used to believe, in the days I was naïve That I’d live to see a day of justice dawn And though, I will die long before that moment comes I’ll die while believing still, it will come when I am gone” – Someday, Hunchback of Notre Dame
73.   “I close my eyes and all I see is you I close my eyes, I try to sleep I can’t forget you” – I’d Do Anything, Simple Plan
74.   “Welcome to a new kind of tension All across the idiot nation Everything isn’t meant to be okay” – American Idiot, Green Day
75.   “Somehow something gave you the nerve to touch my hand It’s nice to have a friend” – It’s Nice To Have a Friend, Taylor Swift
76.   “Stop fucking around with my emotions” – The Irony of Choking On a Lifesaver, All Time Low
77.   “If you can just explain a single thing I’ve done to cause you pain I’ll go” – No Way, Six
78.   “Don’t listen to the voices in your head Listen to your heart” – Listen To Your Heart, The Maine
79.   “If you wanna piss of your parents Date me to scare them Show them you’re all grown up” – 18, Annarbor
80.   “Remember when you broke your foot from jumping out the second floor?” – I’m Not Okay, MCR
81.   “Please leave me stranded It’s so romantic” – New Romantics, Taylor Swift
82.   “Not for us, we made a pact Death meet fear” – Love You Wrong, Sumo Cyco
83.   “Shade never made anybody less gay” – You Need To Calm Down, Taylor Swift
84.   “You push my love away like it’s some kind of loaded gun But you never thought I’d run” – Better Man, Little Big Town
85.   “You’re walking suicide You make me lose my heart and lose my mind” – Loose Cannon, Sumo Cyco
86.   “Every year when October comes around and it gets colder out I grab my favourite hoodie There’s still a hole from when you borrowed it You used to sleep in it ‘cause it reminded you of me” – Nostalgic, Simple Plan
87.   “I will be brave I will not let anything take away what’s standing in front of me” – A Thousand Years, Christina Perri
88.   “But I feel so alive with these phantoms of night And I know that this life isn’t safe but it’s wild and free” – Beautiful Ghosts, Taylor Swift
89.   “Went home and tried to stalk you on the internet Now I’ve read all of the books beside your bed” – Paper Rings, Taylor Swift
90.   “It’s nice to know we had it all Thanks for watching as I fall And letting me know we were done” – My Happy Ending, Avril Lavigne
91.   “And do you still think of me when I’m not there? Oh how could I still feel this way after all these years?” – Sleepy Kisses, Candy Hearts
92.   “Jaw breaker, you got the kiss that I wanna savour” – Candy Store, Faber Drive & Ish
93.   “As I walked out on the ledge Are you scared to death to live?” – Still Breathing, Green Day
94.   “Write me off, give up on me Darling, what did you expect? I’m just off, a lost cause, long shot Don’t even take this bet” – A Little Less Sixteen Candles, Fall Out Boy
95.   “Barefoot in the kitchen Sacred new beginnings that became my religion” – Cornelia Street, Taylor Swift
96.   “And I still talk to you When I’m screaming at the sky” – my tears ricochet, Taylor Swift
97.   “Now that I’m losing hope And there’s nothing else to show” – Pressure, Paramore
98.   “And if I open my heart to you Will you show me what to do?” – A Way Back Into Love, Hayley Bennet & Hugh Grant
99.   “Stopped running, started walking instead It was all in my head, nothing’s against me This war was more civil, I realised I had to secede from both sides” – Arrows, Fireworks
100.           “I like when you get mad I guess I’m pretty glad that you’re alone You say she’s scared of me? Well, I don’t see what she sees but maybe it’s ‘cause I’m wearing your cologne.” – Bad Guy, Billie Eilish
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fixxofvixx · 4 years
I'm here again with another update~ I hope y'all don't mind! This time it's our sweet, fire-wielding demon hunter~
We'll have some lovey-dovey stuff coming up soon~ Who am I to deny our lead couple a smooch or two? That will be coming soon~
Anyway, let me know what you think! Enjoy!!
"Get some sleep and I'll answer your questions tomorrow."
You sighed and started to walk out of the room. As you got to the door, you turned back to him.
"Leo," he looked up in surprise but gestured for you to continue, "would you.....um....you know before you said you could...."
"Help you sleep?"
Leo followed you to the bedroom. The closer you got to the room, the more your hands shook. You blamed the adrenaline coursing through you as a result of the whirlwind day you'd had. But in the back of your mind, you knew that a good part of it was because of the man silently walking behind you. Perhaps you had asked Leo to help you in a rash decision.
You stepped inside the bedroom and then abruptly turned. Leo was closer behind you than you'd thought and now you were standing less than a foot from him. You panicked and backpedaled only to trip over the rug that lay out on the floor. Leo quickly reached for you to keep you from falling. One hand shot out and caught your arm. Another hand wrapped around your waist and pulled you upwards and keep you on your feet. His actions brought your body flush against his. You stared at him in shock for a second or two before he spoke.
"Are you okay?"
His voice, now louder to grasp you attention, finally broke your spell and you gasped, hastily removing his hands from your body. You backed up a bit more and busied yourself straightening your skirt.
"I apologize for grabbing you but I didn't want you to injure yourself further by falling." Leo didn't move from his spot and let his hands fall to his sides.
"I-It's fine. It's just with everything that happened today and especially just now......I'm a little on edge."
"Yes, more so than usual."
"You usually are on edge around me." He crossed his arms over his chest and your cheeks flushed. Well, you supposed he was right. "I believe you wanted me to help you sleep?"
"No! I....I mean, I think I will be fine. There is no need." You lowered your gaze to the floor and bit your lip in an attempt to quell your anxiety.
"What happened in the last five minutes to change your mind? I thought we were doing better." If you heard correctly, it actually sounded as if he was disappointed.
"I just....."
"I did it before and no harm came to you. It would be the same."
"I know. But with everything going on, maybe now isn't the time. We need to figure out how to get Hongbin back and Ken is still unconscious. There is also the man who attacked us earlier."
"If you want to use those things as an excuse, then fine. I will abide by your wishes. But I think you will find, for all the reasons you just listed, you will have trouble sleeping tonight. We can't do anything right now with everyone recovering. Hongbin might be taken but he is too valuable for them to harm, so he is safe. We need to make sure we are at full strength before planning a rescue. Ken will sleep for the night, as will the rest of us."
Leo's words were wise and correct. You also doubted that you would be able to sleep tonight.
"Last time......"
"Last time I woke after you put me to sleep, I'd suffered a nightmare and saw you as a demon. I...I don't want that again." Being honest with him was just as difficult as lying. You didn't want him to know your thoughts for some reason.
"I understand your reluctance but last time you were still under the influence of the red snake poison. It was the poison that caused the hallucination, not me. I can promise that I can put you in a deep enough sleep that you will not dream. We can work on fixing the nightmares later."
"I...." Why was this so hard? "Alright.....if you are certain. Should I just lie down or....?"
"Are you planning to sleep in that?" He gestured towards your clothing and you looked down to see how much of a mess they were. Torn and blood-stained was definitely not appropriate sleeping attire.
"Oh! Oh, dear..."
"I will step outside. Knock on the door when you are ready." Leo silently walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.
You quickly went to your clothing to sort out what to sleep in. You took care of everything and then went to stand in front of the door. The easy part was over. Now you had to let him back in. Would he still even be out there? It seemed to you that much time had passed. Taking a deep breath you reached forward and unlocked the door. Opening it revealed Leo leaning up against the wall opposite the door. His arms were linked over his chest and his long legs were crossed at his ankles. When he looked up, you noticed his face looked tired and worried. In an instant, the look was gone, replaced with his usual stone facade.
"Ready?" You nodded at his words, unable to create a sentence. That look on his face was etched into your mind.
You walked over to your bed and climbed in.
"What do I need to do?"
"Absolutely nothing. Just lie back and get comfortable." He waited until you settled in and then reached forward. Before he touched you, you stopped him.
"Wait! How long will I sleep for? What if something happens? Or if someone needs me?"
"I can put you under for any amount of hours that you would like. However, if something happens, I can bring you back." He brought his hand up to your temple as he had done before. He hesitated and looked at you to make sure you were ready. When you nodded he continued.
"Sleep." He touched your temple and instantly you were under.
Leo didn't move for a while. He simply sat next to you on your bed, listening to your rhythmic breathing. Your face was devoid of worry and fear now. He had every intention of letting you sleep for several hours. He pulled the large blanket up to your shoulders careful not to touch the new wound you now carried.
"I'm surprised she let you do it." Hakyeon's voice softly called from the door.
"As am I." Leo turned to his oldest friend but still didn't leave your side.
"She seems to trust you more now."
"She still fears me."
"She is still getting to know you. Give her time. Look at how far you both have come already. I predict soon she will be as smitten with you just as much as you are with her."
"Fear not, old friend, I will not speak a word of it to her. Although your actions make it fairly obvious. Even to outsiders." Leo knew who Hakyeon was speaking of.
"Did you ban him?" He worked hard to quiet the rage within himself.
"Yes, of course. I never thought I would have to but I suppose the rumors are true."
"If he comes near her again, I will not hesitate to end his life."
"Yes, I am aware of that. But you can't let rage guide your actions. That's the path he went. If you do, I fear you will only succeed in pushing her farther away. Let her be your anchor."
"She already is."
"Y/N?" You felt something touch the side of your head as you struggled to climb out of the fog of sleep.
Something touched your face again and you jumped, fully aware that someone was hovering over you. You opened your eyes to see Leo standing next to your bed.
"It's only me."
Surprisingly, your heart settled when you saw that it was Leo.
"Did I sleep too long?" You rose to a sitting position and rubbed your hands over your face to help wake yourself up.
"No, you've been out for about 6 hours or so. But, Hakyeon detected some demons loitering around the grounds and I wanted you to be awake in case we needed to move quickly."
"Oh! Alright, I'll get up." You threw off your covers and stood quickly. You only made it a couple of steps before your world started spinning.
"Y/N!" Leo caught you before you hit the floor. He stood there with you in his arms until you gathered your senses. "I'm sorry, I should have told you not to move too quickly after I put you to sleep."
"That's alright. I should have waited for a moment before getting up. Thank you for catching me."
"Of course." Leo tightened his arms around you and lifted you effortlessly. You gasped but breathed a silent sigh of relief when he placed you back on your bed. Once you stayed upright he released you.
"Now that this wonderful moment is over, I must insist that you both come with me."
The voice that belonged to the man who caused your now sore shoulder last night spoke from the corner in your room. Before you or Leo could react, a thick white smoke filled the air. Just before the smoke reached you, Leo grabbed you again and held you tight against him. You closed your eyes when the smoke caused you to be dizzy. You could still feel Leo beside you. You held on to him as tight as you could. You buried your head into his chest and tried not to pass out.
"Y/N....y/n? Are you okay?" Leo's voice reached your ears and you took a chance to open your eyes. What you saw around you was only stone walls. You raised your head and found yourself in a stone room. There was a door to the far side but there was no door knob. It was too dark to make everything out and it was getting cold.
"Where are we?" You reluctantly let go of Leo, although you really wanted to stay close.
"I'm not su--"
"Welcome to my home. Well, the basement anyway." The voice of the man who had appeared in your room was now standing in front of the door you had seen moments ago. Leo grabbed your hand and pulled you to stand behind him.
"Dammit, Alek, what in the hell are you up to?"
"Just a bit of an adventure. We all used to enjoy our adventures, right?"
"Yes, until you betrayed us and almost got us all killed. How the hell did you get back into the house? Hakyeon banned you."
"I never left. I have to be out of the house in order for you to bar my entrance again, don't I? You failed to thoroughly check the house before you tended to your lovely charge here." The man named Alek looked at you now. "Did you know you are very beautiful when you sleep?"
"You were in my room?! What is wrong with you?!" You were livid. How dare he!
"That is a loaded question, my dear. Now, I have a couple of things to take care of. You both make yourselves at home and I will return later."
"Wait!" You stepped around Leo and yelled after the man but he had disappeared. You turned back to Leo but he was calmly inspecting the cell. "How are you so calm about this?!"
"This isn't my first encounter with being abducted."
"So, what do we do? I'm guessing you can't teleport like him?" You crossed your arms over your stomach in an effort to keep yourself warm.
"No, I haven't mastered that ability yet." He looked disappointed in himself and you instantly felt guilty for asking.
"Well, you still have more than me. I can only patch up wounds."
"Which is a respectable ability."
"Says the man who can launch fire balls." You sent a half smile in his direction and he returned it. Feeling a bit calmer due to Leo's relaxed state you began searching around the room.
You immediately tried to push open the doors. There were no door knobs but it felt like it was locked. Which didn't surprise you. You sighed and walked back over to the side where Leo was at.
"I don't suppose you have some special ability to blow a hole in the wall, do you?"
"No, unfortunately, I don't."
You turned and sat down on the bench that sat against the wall opposite of the door. You wrapped your arms around yourself, attempting to ignore the increasing cold. You jumped when you saw a flame erupt before your eyes. It grew on the floor until a blazing fire stood before you about 2 feet tall. Waves of heat wafted towards you. You looked up at Leo and smiled.
"Thank you."
"You looked cold. It won't burn you, so you can get as close as you like." You stretched your arms out towards the flame, enjoying its warmth.
"Who is that man?" You were planning on asking today anyway, just not in a cell in that man's basement. Leo sighed and began pacing within the cell. He touched the walls looking for ways to get out as he talked.
"He used to be one of us. We used to be seven. But, he became consumed with anger and hatred. He began making deals with demons to get what he wanted. He was too driven by his own agenda and greed. One day, he lured us into a trap. He told us it was to rid a town of a demon presence but he was really using us as a trade. We barely got out of there. We were injured so badly that we sought out a local healer to help us."
"What?" You stared at Leo in shock. "It was because of that when you came to my house asking for help?"
Leo nodded, continuing his search around the room.
"See? I actually helped you meet? Shouldn't you be thanking me?"
Once you heard Alek's voice you rose from your seat at the bench and met Leo on the other side who was already making his way towards you.
"Kidnapping doesn't exactly put me in a thankful mood." You glared at the man and then smirked when you noticed the red stained bandage wrapped around his leg. He followed your gaze and anger took over his features.
"Proud of yourself?"
"Yeah, as a matter of fact, I am."
In an instant, the man disappeared and before you realized, you were pushed up against the wall with Alek's hand circling your neck. He squeezed slightly and held you up to where your feet barely touched the ground.
"Alek, you psychotic son of a bitch, let her go!" You saw Leo advance on Alek but he was stopped by what seemed like an invisible wall. He pounded on it repeatedly, hoping to break through.
You pulled at Alek's hand around your throat desperately tried to free yourself. You kicked your legs wildly, hoping to strike him hard enough for him to let you go.
"Stop moving!" Alek yelled into your ear and you flinched, closing your eyes in fear. You obeyed, stilling your body but he didn't release you.
"You've got fire, I'll give you that." You looked back at Leo still trying to break through the invisible wall. "But it would seem that your fire dies out when our dear Leo is in your presence. Now, why is that?"
You looked at Leo who was preoccupied with the wall. You shook your head, not trusting your voice.
"Don't try to deny it. Don't forget I saw you last night. You were full of fight when you drove that dagger into my leg but by the time you made it back to your room, you turned into a nervous, scared girl. What has my dear Leo done to you?"
"H-He's not......y-yours." You sent the man a look of pure hatred. You suddenly felt an overwhelming need to defend Leo.
"Then, is he yours?"
"Hmmm, somehow, I don't believe that." He smiled and you caught a strange smell coming from his breath. You knew that smell buf you just couldn't place it.
Finally, Alek released you and you fell to the floor, coughing. At the same time, the wall separating you and Leo vanished and he immediately rushed to your side. You looked up to see Alek on the other side. He laughed for a few seconds before vanishing into thin air once again.
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the--sad--hatter · 5 years
Name Calling (21)
PAIRING - BUCKY X READER (female reader, no physical descriptions)
DESCRIPTION -  In which the ongoing and bloody war of words between you and Bucky turns in your favor when a disgruntled one night stand of his lets slip a secret when you run into her in the elevator… Now you have all the ammunition you need to destroy your enemy but you don’t plan on killing him quickly. Oh no, Bucky Barnes was going to suffer and you were going to enjoy every second. You just didn’t count on how much you would enjoy it.
Current Word Count -  61,976
Chapter Twenty-one - A Kitten In A Birds Nest
It was kind of a relief to realize that the more things changed, the more they stayed the same. You may have handed your virginity over on a sliver platter to him and enjoyed every second but make no mistake, You absolutely hated Bucky Barnes.
“Bucky, get up!” You hissed at him.
Yes, waking up in his arms had been the most transcendent experience of your life. His warmth had surrounded you all night so even deep in sleep you knew you were safe and protected. His arms, one metal, one flesh had cocooned you perfectly, never too tight. Seeing his sleeping face, his expression peaceful and his hair spread over your pillow when you opened your eyes had made a warm fuzzy feeling blossom in your chest.
Then you had looked at the time. It was past dawn and since most days you were woken up by someone walking into your room, he could not be here. He was awake, there was no way he wasn’t. You’d been whisper shouting at him for the last few minutes as you raced around the room, picking up his clothes.
“I swear to god Barnes!”
Still nothing. He was defiantly ignoring you and you’d had enough. Standing over him you attempted to shove at his shoulder but suddenly there was a sensation of falling and the whole room was spinning. You blinked at Bucky in surprise. You were flat on your back on the bed, his forearms resting on either side of your head while his body hovered over yours.
“What the fuck Bucky?”
He didn’t answer, just lazily nuzzled into your neck. You realized with a start that Bucky Barnes was adorably sleepy and was trying to buy your silence with affection.
“You have to go to your own room.” You whined half heartedly.
“You got shot doll, nobody is going to want to wake you up this early.” He groused, his voice thick with sleep.
“But if they do...” You stuttered, his stubble was rubbing against the skin of your neck and it was distracting.
“If they do, what?” He asked.
“They’ll see you.”
“That would be bad, very very bad.” You sighed.
He lifted his head to look at you. There was a flash of hurt in his eyes.
“I get it, can’t have people thinking you don’t hate me.” He said and rolled off at you.
You were suddenly very cold and it wasn’t just because of the loss of his body heat.
“Nobody can know this happened, because of Tony’s parents.” You stated and he stilled.
It was something you had never discussed or brought up with him before.
“Because I killed them.” He said sadly, resignedly.
“Because Hydra killed them and they used you to do it.” You corrected.
“It was still me. And Tony Starks daughter could never be with the man who murdered his parents.”
“He knows it wasn’t you, he does. He’s not angry, he doesn’t hate you. But the last the last thing his parents saw was your face and thats something he can’t forget. Every time he look at you he remembers it and it hurts him. I can’t risk him feeling that way when he looks at me Bucky, I can’t.” Your eyes were wet as you pleaded with him to understand.
“Don’t worry doll, Tony will never know you’ve been tainted by me. I’ll just be your dirty little secret.” He snapped, pulling his jeans on.
The tears spilled down your cheeks when you heard the way he said those words. Such anger and loathing but it wasn’t aimed at you, it was all for himself.
“Buck wait that’s not what I, Bucky stop!” You yelled the last part when he headed for the door.
You didn’t know what to say, you had just wanted to stop him leaving like this. So you tried honesty, you let your feeling pour out, unfiltered.
“Tony didn’t have to rescue me, he could have let the X-Men do it. He didn’t have to keep me or give me a home, he didn’t have to be so fucking patient with me. He never once snapped at me when I was asking him benign questions every five seconds or when I followed him everywhere, he didn’t make me feel weird when I crawled under his desk or wouldn’t go into a room without listening at the door first. I was freak, a broken thing and he took me in and he didn’t fix me, he stood by me and helped me fix myself. I can’t hurt him Bucky, I just can’t. But I never meant to hurt you either.”
He looked back at you and his eyes were so full of pain it knocked the breath from your lungs.
“You deserve better than me anyway sweetheart. No hard feelings.”
And then he was gone. You wanted to chase after him, to scream at him for saying such things about himself, to kiss him and show him how much you cared. But you just sat on the bed and cried because sometimes, when you hurt someone, you can’t fix it.
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Eventually hunger drove you from the sanctity of your room. Your heart was aching and you felt heavy with regret and grief. You dragged yourself to the kitchen with a blanket round your shoulders, the soft cotton acting like a shield between you and the world. You raided the cupboards for some protein bars and grabbed a bottle of water before trudging back to your room.
You were so distracted by your grief you didn’t even notice Natasha watched you from the sofa, noting your dejected body language. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion as you waddled away. Something was wrong with you and she was going to figure out what.
“Post mission blues?” She called out.
You paused before poking you head back through the door, you eyes red and puffy.
“I’m fine. Just tired.” You croaked and scurried away before she could call you out on your lie.
You heard her get up knew she was following you so. Natasha could read someone with a single look, she was like a ninja Sherlock Holmes. You couldn’t face her right now so like the brave super soldier mutant you were you ran away, your blanket flapping behind you like a cape.
You raced along the corridors searching for somewhere to hide, you obviously couldn’t go back to your room now. You couldn’t go to the lab, your dad would want to know what was wrong. In fact you couldn’t hide out in someone else’s room for the same reason.
“Psst.” Someone said.
You craned your neck back to see Clint leaning out of the vent in the ceiling.
“Hiding from Nat?”
“How did you know?”
“Nat’s the only one who could put such a fearful look on someone’s face.” he explained, offering you a hand.
You only had a few seconds max before Natasha caught up but if you accepted you’d be stuck in the vents with Clint. Who was much more gullible and easier to lie to. Or threaten into silence. You shoved your water and protein bars into your pockets and jumped up to grab his hand, letting him pull you into the vents. He replaced the grate and held a finger to his lips to silence you. You peered out of the grate to see a silent red head walk underneath it and internally breathed a sigh of relief.
Clint grinned and gave you a thumbs up, pointing behind himself and motioning you to follow. He crawled away and since you didn’t have many other options you followed him. When had your life become this strange? You were following a killer archer through a ventilation system to hide from a deadly former assassin because you didn’t want her to know you’d slept with another deadly former assassin. You couldn’t make this stuff up, It was like some lonely, depressed maniac with an overactive imagination and too much time on her hands was in charge of your decisions……
You followed him for a few minutes before he led you a corner that he’d made a nest in and you snorted. He looked back over his shoulder at you with a raised brow.
“Sorry, it’s just you have an actual nest.” You chuckled.
It’s my man cave, where I come to hide from Natasha. And keep my stuff where Wilson can’t mess with it.” He told you.
Sure enough, there were arrows scattered around and piles of magazines and books.
He settled down and waved around.
“Make yourself at home, me nest su nest.”
“Thanks.” You replied, sitting cross legged and pulling your blanket cape around yourself tightly.
You dug your protein bars out of your pocket and ripped one open with your teeth but before you could take a bite Clint snatched it out of your hands with a look of disgust.
“No. Bad Kitty.” He admonished, bopping you on the nose.
You were close to biting his finger off if he tried that again when he shoved a bag of M&M’s into your hands. You cooed happily and tore them open, digging in. Clint grabbed a handful and settled with his back against the wall, watching you thoughtfully.
“So what’s got your panties in a bunch?” He asked.
You almost flinched at his phrasing but caught yourself. You couldn’t tell him everything but you had to tell him something so you opted for a watered down version of the truth.
“I think I might want something I can’t have and I went after it. Now I’ve hurt other people and I don’t know how I could have been so selfish or stupid.” You admitted.
“Is this about you going after Docherty alone?” he wondered, perplexed by your vague problem.
“Yes…..” You lied.
“Well, it was stupid. You messed up but you know you did and you can’t take it back but you can try to do better next time. But it’s a complicated situation and you did what your heart was telling you to do. That doesn’t make you a bad person, even if people got hurt in the process. Those people you’re worried about love you and would do anything for you, they’ll forgive you.” He said.
You were both talking about very different problems but someone what he said applied to your situation with Bucky. At least you hoped it did.
“If one of your kids did something they knew would hurt you but they didn’t do it because it would hurt you, could you forgive them?” You asked.
“It depends on what it was and whether it hurt them I think. I just want my kids to be happy and safe, that’s all that really matters.”
“So if it made them happy, really really happy and it would hurt them not to do it… You’d forgive them, even if it hurt you.” You clarified.
“As a parent there’s very little your kids could do that you wouldn’t forgive. Even if it breaks your heart, it’s very hard to stay angry at them.”
“That’s what I’m afraid of. I’m scared of Tony hating me, being mad at me but I’m more afraid he’d just keep loving me, even when I was causing him pain.” You admitted.
“Ok I’m lost. What are we talking about again?”
“Nothing Clint, it’s fine.” You sniffled.
“Whatever it is, you’ll figure it out. I have faith in you, after everything I’ve seen you achieve.”
“Thanks Clint.”
“Maybe, if you need advice ask Laura. She’s better at this sort of thing. You and Wanda are still coming for the weekend right? I’m flying us to the farm tomorrow morning.”
“You know what? I don’t think this trip could have come at a better time.” You admitted, shoving a handful of M&M’s into your mouth.
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After spending a couple of hours in the vents with Clint, throwing M&M’s into each other mouths and seeing who had better aim (him, obviously) you had finally emerged only to land directly in front of a waiting Natasha. You sighed heavily.
“Please don’t. Not yet. I promise I’ll tell you what’s wrong, but I can’t yet.” You admitted.
“Alright Kotonok, you can tell me at the farm, away from here.” She allowed, offering your hand for you to shake on it.
You shook her hand, sealing the pact and knew you would have to admit everything to her soon but at least you had a little bit of time to process it first.
You waved at her and headed off to your room, changing into your sweats and a tank top. You weren’t allowed to spar or work out for at least a week, until your shoulder healed up but you figured that you could at least use the treadmill. Even if you weren’t supposed to, what Bruce didn’t know couldn’t hurt you. Besides, you really needed a way to release all the pent up energy inside you, you needed an outlet.
The problem was, you weren’t the only one. As soon as you walked into the gym you saw him. He was going to town on a punching bag, like it had personally offended him. Probably imagining your face on it. He stilled as he heard you come in, the muscles on his back tensing. He stood like that for a second before continuing like nothing was wrong.
You couldn’t do this, you couldn’t be in the same room as him. Every single cell in your body was begging you to run to him. It was like there a string tied around your heart and he was tugging on it.  You turned on your heel and walked back out but you couldn’t bring yourself to just leave without saying anything, there was something he needed to know.
“You said I deserved better than you. That’s not true. Even when we were fighting, when I was being cruel to you, you dragged me away from those journalists. You could have just got me away from them and called it your good deed for the day but you took me to the one person who could help me. You had my back in the field, leaving the main fight so I wouldn’t be alone. You have never once mentioned what you must have seen that day, when you saw Vernichtung. You came after me on a date because you were worried about me. You forgave me for hurting you and held my hand at my mothers funeral. I don’t deserve better than you, I don’t even deserve you at all. But Bucky, I want you. I need you.” You told him, sighing and walking away.
“You have me.” He whispered, but you were already gone.
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I DID IT! I got the chapter done! WOOOO! Fuck you mean anons, and thank you nice, kind people who helped build my confidence back up. All the private mesages and anonymous kind words made me feel supported. 
Next Time On Name Calling - Reader and the girls go to the farm and reader finally meets a chicken. 
I write Clint as a weird blend of MCU Clint and comic Clint, I don’t really know why. 
@nerdandproud-86 @harrison-shot-first@chook007@thejourneyneverendsx@thelostallycat@inquisitor-selvala@the-corruptor @iovher@kendrawr-kitkat@phoenix-whiskey-tears @the–real-wombat@buckitybarnes@fairislesheets@angieptt@meganjonezzzz
@dugan365 @fluffeh-kitty@memanda17@krystallynx@theonelittleone
@piscesbarnes @free-as-fishes@tarastudiesalot@captainamericasbeard
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bl-danmei-yaoi · 4 years
【湛瑶】Peony in the Snow (1-3)
PLEASE TAKE NOTE: separation of official pairing! nsfw
Decided to just post it here since I’m already posting on ao3
Chp 1 - 3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21934792
Also in Chinese: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21913702
In Jin Guangyao’s life, the most important thing is his mother. His mother did her best to raise him and love him, and Jin Guangyao feels that he has to repay his mother by meeting her expectations. If she wanted him to return to the Jin Sect and be accepted by Jin Guangshan, then Jin Guangyao will do so. However, that isn’t easy. After getting kicked off those long flight of stairs, Jin Guangyao had schemed his way into the Jin Sect. But no matter what he does or how much he accomplishes, Jin Guangshan only sees him as a prostitute’s son, less than a servant. And so, to raise his status and get closer to meeting his mother’s expectations, Jin Guangyao decides to marry Qin Su. Jin Guangyao does not love Qin Su in the way a husband loves his wife, but he does care for her like a little sister, and promises to treat her well. But the marriage would not be agreed to easily. In a bid to secure the wedding, Jin Guangyao and Qin Su decide to consummate the marriage first. That way, it would be almost impossible to deny the marriage.
 And so, Jin Guangyao and Qin Su find themselves staring at each other awkwardly, not knowing what to do or how to continue. Jin Guangyao knows he should probably start with a kiss, but the simple thought of it repulsed him. Closing his eyes, Jin Guangyao decides to just clench his fist and go on with his mission when suddenly, he could not move. Jin Guangyao feels himself being embraced by a larger body who then carries him away.
 Lan Wangji does not know how or when he fell in love with Jin Guangyao. When he first saw Jin Guangyao, Lan Wangji had been mesmerised by the other’s beauty and gentleness. The man had a small frame, and although he looked worn out and tired, he was so beautiful and fragile that Lan Wangji did not know how to react. But Lan Wangji knew that he wanted to protect the small man. As his brother Lan Xichen got closer to Jin Guangyao, Lan Wangji will often hear stories about that man, the work he has done and the great things he had accomplished. These stories made Lan Wangji curious. How could this delicate man do such great things? And so, Lan Wangji would often slip out to sneak a peak at Jin Guangyao at night. It was probably wrong, but Lan Wangji watched entranced as Jin Guangyao bathed and slept every night.
 On that fateful night, when Lan Wangji had sneaked in to stalk Jin Guangyao, he saw Jin Guangyao and Qin Su about to kiss. This made anger rush through his head and in the next moment, Lan Wangji had placed spells on Jin Guangyao and Qin Su. As Qin Su fell unconscious, Jin Guangyao was unable to move or talk. Lan Wangji pulled Jin Guangyao into his arms, carrying him away. Once they were in a secluded area, Lan Wangji began kissing and biting at Jin Guangyao’s lips, hands slipping into his robes and touching the soft skin beneath.
 Jin Guangyao was immediately seized by terror. He couldn’t move, he couldn’t scream. All he could do was to lie there and feel himself get assaulted. Jin Guangyao hated this feeling of weakness, of being unable to do anything. As if he could hear Jin Guangyao’s thoughts, Lan Wangji snapped out of his trance, hands coming out of Jin Guangyao’s clothes to gently pat his back. Kissing the top of Jin Guangyao’s head, Lan Wangji began to repeatedly whisper, “I’m sorry… I love you… Don’t be afraid…”
 After about ten minutes, Jin Guangyao slowly calmed down enough to feel something other than fear. For some reason, he began to feel safe and warm instead. This man’s embrace was comforting, like a safe harbour. Jin Guangyao hears the words the other man whispers and for the first time since his mother died, Jin Guangyao felt loved. This made Jin Guangyao’s eyes fill with tears. Seeing these tears, the other man was obviously taken aback, body stiffening. Slowly, the man leaned in to kiss away the tears. Jin Guangyao felt his heart beat fast as he stared at the masked face, wondering who this man was. Not long later, Jin Guangyao fell asleep in the safety of Lan Wangji’s embrace.
 Lan Wangji watched as Jin Guangyao falls asleep in his arms. Lying down on the grass, Lan Wangji gently moved Jin Guangyao such that the latter is nestled comfortably on him. Lan Wangji stayed awake the entire night, ensuring Jin Guangyao was comfortable and sending spiritual energy from time to time to  keep him warm. And when Jin Guangyao woke up in the morning, Lan Wangji kissed his forehead.
 “I love you… So please don’t marry Qin Su…” After murmuring these words, Lan Wangji took off before Jin Guangyao could respond. Jin Guangyao gently touched his forehead where he was kissed, his cheeks warming in embarrassment as a smile tugs at his lips. It took awhile before Jin Guangyao remembers Qin Su. Quickly rushing back to the room where Qin Su is in, Jin Guangyao sees as she starts to wake up. With no time to make up a better excuse, Jin Guangyao explains that Qin Su had fainted from the nervousness so they did not do anything. Embarrassed, Qin Su’s face had flushed pink as she hurried back home.
 But no matter how fast Qin Su hurried, she was caught by her mother when she returned home. As any caring mother would, Qin Su was asked where she had been. Being unable to lie to her mother, Qin Su told her the truth. The other was aghast when she heard what Qin Su said, finally making the decision to tell Jin Guangyao about his brother-sister relationship with Qin Su that day. And so, before Jin Guangyao could be further conflicted between marrying Qin Su to accomplish his mother’s wishes or not marrying Qin Su because of the mysterious masked man, Jin Guangyao is told of his relationship with Qin Su. Jin Guangyao is immensely relieved but he also felt resentment. If the masked man hadn’t appeared the previous night, he would have made a huge mistake. But Jin Guangyao knew that he really couldn’t hold it against Qin Su’s mother for telling him so late. It was a terrible experience for the woman, and she would not have burdened her daughter with such an ugly truth. At the end of the day, it was all Jin Guangshan’s fault for being such a jerk and waste of life.
 After that night, Jin Guangyao will often find the masked man in his bed every night. For the first few nights, Jin Guangyao was unsure and afraid to do or say anything, lying quietly in the man’s arms before falling asleep. In the past, Jin Guangyao would often have insomnia or nightmares. But since he started snuggling with the masked man to sleep, Jin Guangyao was able to sleep more peacefully. Then, Jin Guangyao grew more curious and courageous, asking the man questions but the only thing the man ever said was “It’s late. Time to sleep.”
 Jin Guangyao then grew tired of asking questions, instead taking the opportunity to rant and complain about things like he would to his mother when she was alive. At first, Jin Guangyao did not think that the masked man was listening as his breath always stayed the same as if he was sleeping. But Jin Guangyao soon found out that the masked man was indeed listening to his every word. When Jin Guangyao had told the masked man that he like peonies, the man had brought a beautiful jade flower vase.
 “It’s white and beautiful like you,” the man had said as he placed the flower vase by the table. And every night, the masked man would bring fresh peonies to fill the flower vase. This made Jin Guangyao feel touched. It was the first time someone had ever given him what he wanted. That night, Jin Guangyao had happily kissed the corner of the masked man’s lips.
 In addition, when Jin Guangyao complained about someone who had bullied him or talked bad about his mother, he would find that the person had been beaten. Jin Guangyao’s heart fluttered and he thinks he’s falling for this mysterious masked man. With this man, Jin Guangyao felt love, safety and happiness, something he had not felt in a long time. But yet, he did not know anything about the man. As much as he felt loved, Jin Guangyao could not help but also feel disappointed. He did not want to be anyone’s secret lover. But Jin Guangyao also knew that he could not let the world know of his “relationship” with a man as this would jeopardise his mission to be accepted by the cultivation world and by Jin Guangshan. And perhaps, this man had his own reasons to keep his identity a secret. And so, Jin Guangyao stopped trying to guess the man’s identity. He will leave it all for time to tell.
 Lan Wangji is annoyed. Ever since he appeared in front of Jin Guangyao, the latter had started going to bed earlier so that they could spend more time together. But late into this night, Jin Guangyao is still busy talking with his brother Lan Xichen. Lan Wangji knew that Lan Xichen would often visit Jin Guangyao and they would talk late into the night. However, this does not mean that it did not make Lan Wangji feel jealous. Begrudgingly, Lan Wangji can only lie restlessly on Jin Guangyao’s bed as the other talked with Lan Xichen outside.
 Usually, Lan Xichen would rest in Jin Guangyao’s quarters. But surprisingly, when Lan Xichen suggested going to rest that night, he is sent to the guest room instead. And when Jin Guangyao finally returns to his sleeping quarters, Lan Wangji pushes him into the bed, kissing him furiously.
 When Lan Wangji finally releases Jin Guangyao’s lips so that they can catch a breath, Jin Guangyao cannot help but chuckle and ask, “Jealous?”
 Lan Wangji’s response is to attack Jin Guangyao’s lips again, tongue slipping in and exploring that warm wet mouth. Jin Guangyao returns the kiss, their tongues wrapping around each other. Ever since that first night, they had not kissed so fiercely again. Instead, they would give each other an innocent peck before cuddling up to sleep. And so, after holding it in for a long time, Lan Wangji is unable to hold back as he kissed Jin Guangyao. Jin Guangyao clutches tightly onto the other man’s robes, responding with similar enthusiasm. As two men in their prime who have interest in each other and are sleeping on the same bed, they would often have awkward situations especially in the morning. But they have never crossed that line, not have anything to push them across. But that did not mean that neither or them wanted to cross that line. And so, when Lan Wangji starts acting out in jealousy, Jin Guangyao helps to lead them along.
 Pressing Jin Guangyao below his body, Lan Wangji trails kisses down Jin Guangyao’s neck, careful not to leave any obvious markings as his hands busy with removing Jin Guangyao’s robes.
 “In the past, do you always rest with that guy? Don’t be so close with him.” Lan Wangji growls below his breath, biting Jin Guangyao’s nipples in punishment.
 “Ah…” Jin Guangyao moans, chest lifting in response, pushing that nipple further into Lan Wangji’s mouth. “Why not? He’s my Er Ge… En…”
 Hearing this, Lan Wangji’s eyes narrow, hand punishingly tweaking Jin Guangyao’s other nipple.
 “Aiya. Don’t be angry. I’m only teasing you.” Jin Guangyao whines, arms wrapping around Lan Wangji’s head to pull the other closer.
 Lan Wangji gives a comforting peck on Jin Guangyao’s nipple in response, head going lower as he kisses the smooth expanse of Jin Guangyao’s stomach. When Lan Wangji reaches Jin Guangyao’s crotch, he completely ignores his cock, sucking at the inside of Jin Guangyao’s thighs and leaving red marks. Jin Guangyao’s legs naturally rest on Lan Wangji’s shoulders, giving Lan Wangji better access. As his cock felt left out, Jin Guangyao’s hands moved to wrap around it but he is quickly stopped by Lan Wangji who holds down both of Jin Guangyao’s hands with just one hand.
 “En… I want…” Jin Guangyao moans wantonly. Hips moving in attempt to get Lan Wangji to pay attention to his leaking cock.
 But instead of his cock, Lan Wangji turns his attention to another place. Jin Guangyao’s hole. In order to have a better look at that hole, Lan Wangji lets go of Jin Guangyao’s hands, instead lifting Jin Guangyao’s legs. Jin Guangyao’s reaction is immediate, hands going down to block Lan Wangji’s view as he tries to close his legs.
 “What’s wrong?” Lan Wangji asks, looking up at Jin Guangyao whose face is red in embarrassment.
 Upon meeting Lan Wangji’s eyes, Jin Guangyao’s hands immediately go up to cover his own face. “Nothing!”
 Lan Wangji takes a long hard look at Jin Guangyao before coming to a conclusion. “Shy?”
 “Shut up!” Jin Guangyao shouts, flustered. This was the first time Lan Wangji ever heard Jin Guangyao raise his voice. Lan Wangji is immediately overcome with guilt. Letting go of Jin Guangyao’s legs, Lan Wangji moves up to wrap his arms around Jin Guangyao.
 “I’m sorry… I was out of bounds.” Lan Wangji apologises, kissing the back of Jin Guangyao’s hands that were still covering his face.
 Jin Guangyao feels Lan Wangji’s erection soften against his body and he feels like he has over-reacted. Jin Guangyao was just extremely flustered and embarrassed. He knew that if they ever had sexual relations, he would be receiving. And given that he lived in a brothel, Jin Guangyao knows that he would be receiving from the ass. But nonetheless, he was not prepared. He knew that he wanted to do more with this mysterious masked man. But he is still hesitant to go all the way because he did not even know the man’s name.
 “No… It was me who over-reacted.” Jin Guangyao responds, burying his head into the other man’s chest.
 “Let’s just sleep.” Lan Wangji replies softly.
 He’s so good, Jin Guangyao thinks to himself. He isn’t ready yet, but maybe next time.
 A few days passed since then, and the Jin Sect has organised an hunting competition at the Phoenix Mountain. Lan Wangji is excited to be able to look at Jin Guangyao in the day. As much as he enjoyed looking at Jin Guangyao’s sleeping face, the lighting at night is not good enough for him to appreciate Jin Guangyao’s good looks.
 Arriving at the Phoenix Mountain, Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen are greeted by Jin Guangyao. Naturally, Lan Xichen and Jin Guangyao fell into a conversation and Lan Wangji instantly felt left out. But at least with Jin Guangyao’s attention away, Lan Wangji could take the opportunity to look at Jin Guangyao. Lan Wangji’s intense stares are not easy to ignore though, Jin Guangyao uncertainly turning to look at Lan Wangji.
 “What’s wrong?” Jin Guangyao asks.
 Lan Wangji immediately averts his eyes, embarrassed.
 “Wangji must be bored following behind us. I think I saw Wei Gongzi just now. Why don’t you go look for him instead?” Lan Xichen says after seeing Lan Wangji’s discomfort.
 Lan Wangji wants to tell them that he did not care about Wei Wuxian and that he wanted to follow them (or Jin Guangyao specifically). But before he could say anything, Lan Xichen and Jin Guangyao already assumed he would leave and have turned to talk amongst themselves again. And so, Lan Wangji had no choice but to resume being a stalker, quietly following them from a distance.
 Lan Wangji feels his blood pressure rising. Even after the competition begins, Lan Xichen never left Jin Guangyao’s side. Lan Wangji followed them from afar, watching as his brother touched his lover’s back. The two also often tilted their heads close as they talked, almost as if they could kiss any moment. When they finally flew on their swords, Lan Wangji could no longer discretely follow them, instead choosing to vent his anger out on a poor innocent tree.
 At this moment, Wei Wuxian appears. “Aiya… Lan Zhan! What are you doing?”
 Flustered at having been caught, Lan Wangji growls, “Go away!”
 But Wei Wuxian would not be Wei Wuxian if he listened. Hence, when Jin Guangyao sees Lan Wangji again since the latter “left”, he was with Wei Wuxian.
 Since that night where they abruptly stopped during foreplay, Jin Guangyao and Lan Wangji did not know how to act. Both agreed without words to pretend nothing happened, behaving in the same way they did every night. Hence, when night falls that day, Jin Guangyao is resting against Lan Wangji, talking about the day’s events.
 “Tired?” Lan Wangji asks, gently running his fingers through Jin Guangyao’s hair.
 “Of course! I had to keep running around expanding the hunting area without rest! I thought my legs were going to break from all that work!” Jin Guangyao complains, fist kneading his own thighs.
 “Let me help,” Lan Wangji says, sitting up and placing Jin Guangyao’s thighs on his lap and massaging expertly.
 Jin Guangyao smiles at Lan Wangji’s actions, feeling the day’s exhaustion leaving his body. “Aiya. Let’s not talk about those frustrating things. Do you know Hanguang Jun, Lan Wangji?”
 “Of course you would. Who doesn’t know of the twin jades of Lan Sect?” Jin Guangyao continues excitedly. “Apparently he likes Wei Gongzi, Wei Wuxian!”
 “…!!!” Lan Wangji instantly stops his ministrations on Jin Guangyao’s legs.
 “Don’t stop.”
 “Why do you think that?” Lan Wangji asks, hands going back to work.
 “My Er Ge told me. And I also saw them together. I think they were together nearly the whole time.” Jin Guangyao explains.
 “Didn’t I say not to get so close with him?” Lan Wangji says, pinching Jin Guangyao’s thighs.
 “Ai! Don’t be so harsh. My Er Ge is only my brother. I won’t have any romantic interest in him.” Jin Guangyao replies, hand coming down to rub at the area Lan Wangji pinched.
 Lan Wangji laces their fingers together and brings their hands up to kiss the back of Jin Guangyao’s hand. “Really?”
 “Of course! While Er Ge is kind and gentle, he is kind and gentle to everyone. To be with this kind of person, you have to have a really big heart and be really understanding. It’s kind of hard to imagine Er Ge in love though. In fact, it is hard to imagine either of the twin jades of Lan Sect in love. They are two ends of a spectrum. Er Ge is warm to everyone while Wangji is cold to everyone. Neither of the people they like will feel that they are special and realise their feelings, probably.”
 “Who would be better?” Lan Wangji cannot help but compare himself to his brother.
 “Emm… Er Ge. At least you can feel care and love. But for Wangji… I see how coldly he seems to treat Wei Gongzi even though he likes him… I don’t think anyone can tell his feelings other than his brother. Speaking of Lan Wangji, I think he hates me. A lot.”
 Lan Wangji : “…?!?!”
 “Every time we meet, he would glare at me like I owed him money. He wouldn’t even meet my eyes and has almost never said a word to me. Sigh… But hey. Don’t go beat him up, okay? He’s my Er Ge’s little brother after all.”
 “… Your Er Ge again.”
 “No need to be jealous. You’re the best!” Jin Guangyao smiles, kissing the corner of Lan Wangji’s lips.
 That’s not what you said before… Lan Wangji thinks to himself.
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♡  I THINK THAT POSSIBLE, MAYBE... I’M FALLING FOR YOU, an ivan & glenda mix ♡
                                                                    ( listen )
01. THE CAVE de mumford & sons ( it’s empty in the valley of your heart. the sun, it rises slowly as you walk away from all the fears and all the faults you’ve left behind […]  and i’ll find strength in pain and i will change my ways. i’ll know my name as it’s called again. )
02. TAKE ME SOMEWHERE NICE de mogwai ( ghosts in the photograph never lie’d to me. i’d be all of that. )
03. ISN’T SHE LOVELY? de anthem lights ( isn’t she lovely? isn’t she wonderful? isn’t she precious? less than one minute old i never thought through love we’d be makin’ one as lovely as she. )
04. GOODBYE ENGLAND de laura marling ( you were so smart then in your jacket and coat. my softest red scarf was warming your throat, winter was on us […] i wrote my name in your book, only god knows why, and i bet you that he cracked a smile & i’m clearing all the stuff out of my room, trying desperately to figure out what it is that makes me blue and i wrote an epic letter to you. )
05. WHEN YOU’RE SMILING de louis armstrong ( when you’re smiling, when you’re smiling, the whole world smiles with you. when you’re laughing, when you’re laughing, the sun comes shining through […]  i used to worry, i used to hurry. each time it started to rain, now i see light. learned wrong from right. )
06. FALLING IN LOVE IN A COFFEE SHOP de landon pigg ( i think that possibly, maybe i’m falling for you. yes, there’s a chance that i’ve fallen quite hard over you. i’ve seen the paths that your eyes wander down, i want to come too. i think that possibly, maybe i’m falling for you. no one understands me quite like you do. through all of the shadowy corners of me. )
07. MELTING de kali uchis ( melting like an ice cream when you smile. melting, you’re a daydream. stay a while. )
08. MAKE YOU MINE de public ( put your hand in mine. you know that i want to be with you all the time. you know that i won’t stop until i make you mine. you know that i won’t stop until i make you mine. until i make you mine. )
09. I DARE YOU de the regrettes ( i never wanted to get too close to you but now it looks like i’m getting too close to you. my mom tries to catch me but i know all the backstreets […] there’re stains on your sweater. you think you know better but you’re a child, and it’s kinda wild. that you’re the one that brings the sun. i can’t seem to sleep and i feel my pulse beating. don’t wanna keep all my control. but you’re the one that brings the sun. )
10. YOU REALLY GOT A HOLD ON ME de she & him ( i don’t like you but i love you, seems that i’m always thinking of you. oh, oh, oh you treat me badly, i love you madly. you’ve really got a hold on me. )
11. LET ME TOUCH YOUR FIRE de a r i z o n a ( i’ve got a cold, heart, cold hands. make you want to be where i am, if you only knew my plans. oh, if you only knew who i am. normally, i’d break your heart. i’d love every minute, tear you apart. late at night i lie awake just thinking about your pretty face. )
12. STARING de tripling rock ( alright now, are you on my side. how i’ve got a secret to tell you, ‘cause i know that you haven’t heard. but what if i told you just how much i need you. i’ve got some news to tell you. do you need me too? you got me staring like a fool, yeah. )
13. SOMETHING CHANGED de pulp ( why did you touch my hand and softly say “stop asking questions that don’t matter anyway. just give us a kiss to celebrate here today” something changed […]  that in a matter of hours we’d change the way we were going. where would i be now, where would i be now if we’d never met? )
14. FIRST LOVE / LATE SPRING de mitski ( so please hurry leave me. i can’t breathe. please don’t say you love me […]  tell me “don’t”, so i can crawl back in […] yet now i find i’ve grown into a tall child. )
15. I’VE BEEN ALONE TOO LONG de soko ( thought i saw your face at the end of the alley. it was dark but somewhat pretty just like everything i see, except you were there glowing, your body was floating off the ground. thought i’d come running, try to catch you while i can but i never seen such beauty and i stood there paralyzed. i swear i saw an angel but i was too weak to come closer, blinded by its glow and before i knew it faded […]  so come to me angel and i swear i’ll make a move. it’s way too dark out here and i need your glow to glow. i need your glow to glow. )
16. I HATE YOU I LOVE YOU de russian red ( i hate you but i love you. i just can’t take how beautiful you are, i hate to say this but my eyes go blind. i hate you but i love you. my favourite song becomes a healing sign, i hate to say this ‘cause my heart goes blind. )
17. I LIKE YOU de dandelion hands ( i am scared to say i miss you. last time i had you i should have kissed you. these feelings fester up inside but how could i deny these butterflies […] i like you, i like you, i like you and i hope you like me too.  you’ve been there through all i’ve been through. kept me sane and held my hand too. the way you make me feel alright, so how could i deny your lips on mine. )
18. I THINK I’M IN LOVE de kat dahlia ( you ask me how i feel i say nothing but lately colors seems so bright. and the stars light up the night, my feet they feel so light. i’m ignoring all the signs i keep on frontin’. they ask they bluffin’. i keep you wondering, keep you hunting for my lovin’. but i crave us hugging, yeah, stay stubborn 'cause i can’t admit that you got all the strings and know just how tug 'em […]  my heart’s pacing. i’m confused i’m dazing. i saw something i never seen in you it’s got me shaking. i must be hallucinating. i hear it happens, i’m just saying. )
19. COLD NIGHTS de camo columbo ( out there in these cold nights, i’m not the kid i used to be like. don’t wanna sleep, let me be your guide. make memories, holding you tight. )
20. IS THIS LOVE de corinne bailey rae ( i wanna love you, i wanna love. love and treat, love and treat you right. i wanna love you every day and every night. we’ll be together with a roof over our heads. we’ll share the shelter of my single bed. we’ll share the same room. is this love, is this love, is this love. is this love that i’m feelin’? that i’m feelin’. )
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╰  ❄  feliz navidad y año nuevo, andy.
—; de: joa ( @finnstaar​ )
—; para: andy ( @thegoldenflowerr​ )
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Tuve muchísima suerte que me tocaras y de verdad tardé en decidirme que hacer porque me encanta Glenda así que las posibilidades eran infinitas. Pero, obviamente, decidí hacer un mix de Glivan porque es una ship que tengo en mi corazón, que siempre me va a gustar & decidí hacerlo en honor a ellos. En la portada Ivan esta en b&n porque obviamente Glenda representa el solecito en su vida. En la parte trasera quise poner esa fotito recordando la vez que ella lo llevó a la playa. Decidí enfocar la playlist cuando Ivan comienza a darse cuenta de sus sentimientos y va evolucionando, aka un revoltijo pero en fin, deseo que al fin sean felices & tengan hijitos.
Gracias por ser mi amiga un año más, mi vida es preciosa porque estás en ella.
Chinga tu madre,
                                                — joanna. 🎅
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vfdbaudelairefile13 · 5 years
Misery Loves Company part 1
Chapter Twenty-Two:
The One Where The Baudelaires Jump Out a Window
This has to be the stupidest disguise you have ever worn. Lemony thought to himself as he cautiously walked around the Reptile Room. He’d seen no signs of Klaus or Sunny Baudelaire which slightly worried him. Olaf wouldn’t kill them...not without their parents’ money. He reminded himself. He didn’t know where to start, he knew that Stephano was suspicious and he had to play the part entirely. He began to pick up the smaller cages that held iguanas and toads and began to take them to the moving truck that Larry allowed him to borrow. 
As he was collecting the reptiles, he listened in on the conversation that Mr. Poe, Dr. Lucafont, and Stephano were having. Lemony didn’t understand the full context of the conversation. It seemed like the three adults were arguing about who would go with the doctor to the mechanic and whether or not the kids would stay here at Uncle Monty’s with or without Stephano. Lemony knew immediately that Stephano was trying to be alone with the kids...and he wasn’t going to let that happen. 
“But Mr. Poe, there would be no room for both children to ride with me in my vehicle. I doubt the baby would want to sit on Dr. Montgomery’s lap, especially since he’s dead. And it’s not the safest thing for her to sit in her brother’s lap. She should have her own seat.” Dr. Lucafont commented.
“I see your point.” Mr. Poe said. “But it doesn’t seem like Klaus would be comfortable leaving his baby sister alone at the house.”
“She wouldn’t be alone. I would stay here and watch her.” Stephano commented.
“I don’t think he’d go for that either.” 
“Well aren’t we the adults, here? Shouldn’t they listen to us?” Stephano asked annoyed.
“Well, usually, yes. But the children seem to be rather upset and I was hoping that riding in Dr. Lucafont’s car would change their mood.” Mr. Poe said after a fit of coughing. 
“I’ve got it! Why don’t I drive the children in Dr. Lucafont’s car.” Stephano commented.
“I’m afraid that won’t work either. The city laws won’t allow anybody else to drive my car.” Dr. Lucafont stated.
“Besides, I also need to be in the car. The whole point is taking me to the mechanic.” Mr. Poe said. 
Lemony rolled his eyes. He didn’t understand anything that was going on but it all seemed rather idiotic and unnecessary. He went about collecting and retrieving reptile after reptile doing his best to take as long as he could. He was trying to think of a way to help the Baudelaire children.
Meanwhile back at the ranch, Klaus was pacing around their bedroom as Sunny sat on Klaus’ bed. If you have ever been left out of an important conversation due to your age, then you know, as well as I do, how the Baudelaires felt while sitting in their room, unable to participate in the conversation that would determine their fate. So the two siblings decided they would hold their own. 
Klaus sighed turning to Sunny. “We know that Ink didn’t kill Uncle Monty. And we know for a fact,  that Count Olaf did. Mr. Poe would never believe us…”
“Sher,” Sunny replied, which meant, “Unless we discovered some evidence or proof.”
“But Dr. Lucafont determined the cause of death to be a snake bite. I mean...Uncle Monty had two bite marks like a snake would make. I saw them this morning,” Klaus said as his eyes fell to the ground. “I’m sorry, Sunny...this is all my fault.”
“Wha?” Sunny asked confused.
“I should’ve never told Stephano that Monty ripped up his ticket. Now Monty’s dead because of me,” 
Sunny shook her head and crawled to the edge of the bed to be closer to her brother. “Habent,” she reassured, which meant, “Klaus, you can’t blame yourself. Olaf still would’ve killed Uncle Monty.”
Klaus nodded. He knew Sunny had a good point but he also felt incredibly guilty. Sunny maneuvered herself off of the bed and began crawling to the door. “Where are you going?”
“Rep,” Sunny replied. Which meant, “the Reptile Room.” 
“What? Why?”
“Scruto,” she replied, which meant, “To investigate and get some evidence.”
Klaus looked down at his sister and smiled. Sunny Baudelaire wore a face of pure determination. Her face no longer showed signs of being grief-stricken like her brother’s. Her face screamed ‘ready for a battle’. 
You will remember, of course, that even years later, Klaus would lie awake in bed, filled with regret that he didn’t call out to the driver of the taxicab who had brought Stephano into their lives once more. And with the regret of being unable to convince Monty of Stephano’s true identity and the overwhelming guilt of subsequently causing his uncle’s murder. But I will say that Sunny Baudelaire was luckier than her brother in this respect. For unlike Klaus, who was too surprised when he first recognized Stephano that the moment to act passed him by. Sunny realized while sitting on Klaus’ bed watching her brother suffer through a mini panic attack, that the time to act was now. I will not say that Sunny, years later, slept easily when she looked back on her life, there were too many miserable times for either Baudelaire orphan to be peaceful sleepers, but she would always be a bit proud of herself for realizing that she and her brother could not waste precious time sitting in their room waiting for Stephano to whisk them away to Peru and that they actually need to use their skills to find evidence proving to Mr. Poe that Stephano murdered Uncle Monty. 
“Sunny?” Klaus called out as she stopped and turned around to look at him with a questioning expression. “Shouldn’t we sneak into the Reptile Room? That way Stephano doesn’t see us?” Sunny nodded and then she looked towards the window of their bedroom. Klaus followed his sister’s gaze and his eyes got wide. “No! We are not jumping out the window!” 
Sunny rolled her eyes and looked around the room. “Nonsalire,” she replied which probably meant, “Oh, we’re not going to jump...we’re going to climb .”
“No. No. No.” Klaus began as his body started shaking remembering what happened the last time he planned on climbing to thwart Count Olaf’s evil plan. “No…”
“Facilis,” which meant, “It’ll be easy.”
Klaus just shook his head. “No...I...I can’t. Besides you can’t climb.”
“Educ,” she replied pulling the curtains off the window, which meant, “You’re right. That’s why you’re going to carry me using some kind of harness.”
“No...no. I can’t climb.” Klaus said still shaking.
“Nimisexal,” she replied, which meant, “We’re probably not that high up.” 
Klaus looked at Sunny and then looked out the window. She was right...they weren’t too high up but it didn’t make Klaus feel any better about her plan or the situation they found themselves in but after weighing the pros and cons, he reluctantly agreed. He secured Sunny tightly to his chest, despite the pain it caused him, with the curtain and then he grabbed the other curtain from the window and tied it tightly to the heavy brass lamp’s plug-in cord. He then placed the lamp where it was laying the horizontally, happy that it was long enough to not simply fall out the window this way. He looked at Sunny. “I...I can’t do this. Sunny I can’t do this,”
Sunny looked at her brother and smiled at him. “Paratus?” she asked him ignoring his mini-freak out. She knew they would be fine. She probably meant, “Are you ready?” 
Klaus looked down at her, his heart pounding in his chest. “No.,” he said simply, “But it’s like mother and father said, ‘If we wait until we’re ready…, we’ll be waiting for the rest of our lives.” 
Sunny smiled at him and nodded happily. “Exacte!” she replied, which meant, “Exactly!”
And with that Klaus grabbed onto the makeshift rope with one hand and placed his other arm across Sunny pushing her into his chest, which caused him to wince. He then carefully began to climb out of the window of their second-story bedroom. He placed his feet against the wall of the house and slowly, and I do mean, agonizingly slow, he began to climb down with his back to the ground. He realized that he needed both his hands to climb down. So when he moved his arm, releasing the pressure from Sunny, he began to worry. “Sunny, please don’t move too much,” he said to her before closing his eyes. “Don’t look down...don’t look down,” he repeated to himself. Sunny, not understanding why her brother was this terrified of heights looked down anyway. She thought it was cool that they were climbing out of their window with the help of a lamp and a curtain. She turned to face her brother, who looked like he wanted to die. She placed a hand on his cheek.
“Obtinuit,” she said to him in a calm voice, which meant, “You got this. We’re going to be fine.” Klaus slowly nodded his head but refused to open his eyes. He continued to move his legs ever so slowly. Fearing the worst. Sunny kept saying words of encouragement to him in a soft, calming voice. Klaus froze in his place when he thought he heard Stephano. 
“Oh, God. Oh God,” he replied as he began to shake. His mind was tormenting him. He just kept imagining that night with his failed rescue attempt. He didn’t want to open his eyes, though, because then he’d be afraid of how high from the ground the two Baudelaire siblings were. He was between a rock and a hard place. Sunny looked around as much as she could, looking for Stephano but she couldn’t see him. 
“Klaus..” Sunny said softly. “Videteum,” which meant, “I don’t see him. We’re good.” She looked down and realized that they were a little over halfway down. But Klaus was shaking too much, she didn’t know if they would make it all the way. 
“Sunny...he’s going to get us...he’s...he’s...going to…” Klaus began tilting his head every which way. 
“Klaus…” Sunny whimpered beginning to feel scared. She wasn’t afraid because Stephano was around, she was afraid because she couldn’t help her brother. She didn’t understand why he was like this sometimes. She knew Olaf was responsible but Klaus wouldn’t open up to her...because of her age. Because he thought it was his job to protect her and never himself. Sunny hated that. Sunny knew she could protect her brother nearly as much as he could protect her, but Klaus wouldn’t have it. Sunny feared Klaus will never explain to her what happened during her time in the birdcage and not only did it upset her, but it haunted her. She will never be able to help him because he simply won’t let her.
Sunny’s train of thought was interrupted by her noticing that the harness Klaus had tied to himself to keep a hold on her was beginning to come loose due to his shaking.
“Klaus....” she said again but this time it wasn’t in a calm voice. It was in a slightly panicked voice.
“I’m sorry...I’m sorry,” he whispered with his eyes still closed. 
Sunny looked down again, realizing that they haven’t moved much since the last time she looked down began to slightly panic. “Propeest!” she lied to her brother, which meant, “We’re almost there, Klaus...you’re doing well.”
Klaus still had his eyes closed, still shaking. He was certain that he heard Stephano. He thought that Sunny was lying to him when she told him that she couldn’t see Stephano, trying to calm him down. “He’s going to kill us...Sunny…” He whispered. 
“Never!” Sunny shouted as the harness continued to release Sunny even more. She was beginning to regret her idea. She slowly looked down again thinking to herself that they could survive if they were to fall. She was happy when she felt Klaus continue to slowly climb down. The closer they got to the ground, the better their odds of surviving. But this wasn’t an entirely good thing. Sunny felt her harness slide off of her as she quickly grabbed hold of Klaus’ shirt. 
"Sunny!" he yelled. He must’ve realized what happened, because without thinking he let go of the rope to grab hold of his sister and both children fell to the ground. 
“Fuck!” Klaus yelled as his back hit the ground. He opened his eyes and looked at the blue sky above him. “Sunny? You okay?” he asked worriedly. 
Sunny, who thankfully had her brother to soften her fall, called out, “yeah...you?” 
Klaus sighed as he placed Sunny on the ground beside him. “Well...I’m alive. My back hurts like a motherfucker but I don’t think anything is broken.” 
Sunny smiled. “Nonmali,” she said to her brother as he sat up, which meant, “That wasn’t so bad.” 
Klaus just glared at her. “You only say that cause you managed to be unscathed,” he said laughing a bit.
“Naufragii,” she commented, which meant, “You were having a breakdown and you let go.”
“...I only let go cause I thought you were falling.” Klaus commented ignoring her mentioning his breakdown. He stayed sitting there for a few moments to catch his breath.
“Hey!” a voice called out to them from behind them. 
“Oh...no…” Klaus whimpered as he grabbed onto Sunny. “Don’t touch her, you bastard!” he called to the voice behind him not even bothering to look. He was ready to act as a human shield to his sister.
“Are you alright, kid?” the voice said kneeling in front of Klaus. To Klaus and Sunny’s confusion, the man was wearing a beekeeper’s hat completely hiding his face. 
“I’m...I’m alright,” Klaus said after a minute, trying to figure out if the man was one of Olaf’s henchpeople.
“Is she okay?” the man asked pointing to Sunny. 
“Um...yeah. She’s better than I am.” Klaus said still eyeing the man. 
“Oh forgive me,” he said extending a hand to Klaus. “The name is Kronk. I’m with the Herpetological Society. I heard about your Uncle Monty. I am very sorry for your loss. I am here to retrieve his snakes.”
Klaus shook Kronk’s hand. “Nice to meet you, sir. I’m Klaus and this is my baby sister, Sunny.”
“You guys had quite a fall...why were you climbing out the window.”
“It’s a long story...I just need to get into that Reptile Room.” Klaus said. “Without being detected.” 
Kronk gave the children a curious look. “I think I can help with that,” he said as he quickly walked away to his moving trunk. 
“Fiducia,” Sunny whispered to her brother as they both watched the man walk away in a hurry, this meant, “do you think we can trust him?”
“Maybe. I’m not entirely sure, yet. I mean, he did show concern for us.” 
“Dissimulo,” she replied worryingly as she remembered the doctor with the strange stiff hands, this was her way of saying, “What if he’s acting like he cares? As part of a disguise.”
Klaus pondered Sunny’s question. It was odd that the man was wearing a beekeeper’s hat but claimed to be a herpetologist. Klaus didn’t have time to answer Sunny’s question, because Kronk came back with a long two-tier utility cart and long white sheet. Both Baudelaires understood immediately why he brought these items. 
“I can get you into that room surreptitiously. Which is a word which here means ‘stealthily and secretly’.” Kronk informed the children.
“I know what ‘surreptitiously’ means. I may be young...but I know a lot of words.” Klaus said as politely as he could.
Without even thinking, Kronk replied with, “I know,”
“Wait? What?” Klaus asked looking at the man with curious eyes.
“I said ‘let’s go’,” Kronk replied in a hurry, gesturing for Klaus to get on the utility cart. 
“But…” Klaus began as Kronk handed him Sunny. 
“Shh. You’re going to have to be silent and try not to move.” Kronk replied.
Klaus nodded his head and Sunny gave the stranger a thumbs up. Kronk placed the large white sheet around the cart effectively hiding the children. As Kronk pushed the cart inside Dr. Montgomery’s house, he was muttering to himself at just how stupid and careless his comment to Klaus was. He pushes the cart to the Reptile Room and proceeds to close the door hoping that Stephano wouldn’t notice. He did a quick check around the room to make sure no one was inside. He hit his hand on the cart, “hey kids the coast is clear.” 
Klaus placed Sunny on the ground and then maneuvered his way off of the utility cart. ‘Okay, Sunny. I’m going to focus on reading up about snakes. We both know Ink didn’t kill Monty, but we are going to find out which snake’s venom was used.” 
“Inveniet,” she replied, which meant, “I’m going to look around the Reptile Room and see if I can find Ink.”
Klaus nodded his head and then looked up at Kronk. “We promise we’ll stay out of your way. We just really need to do this.” 
Kronk nodded his head and turned to retrieve more of Monty’s snakes so Stephano wouldn’t get suspicious. “Oh, sir. If you see a large, coal-black snake with shiny green eyes. Can you let us know? He’s harmless.”
“Will do,” Kronk replied getting back to work. With that, both Baudelaire children got to work with their tasks. Sunny crawled around the reptile room in hopes of finding her snake friend. But everywhere she crawled, there was no sign of Ink. She was beginning to think the worst had happened. She didn’t put it passed Stephano to kill a defenseless animal. If he was willing to lock a baby in a birdcage and dangle her from a thirty-foot tower and hurt her brother so much that during his panic attacks, she could hardly recognize him, he would definitely kill a snake so it didn’t foil his plans. As she crawled, she thought of her brother. She tried to imagine what Hell Olaf must have put him through, but her innocent infant mind couldn’t even fathom the gruesome scene that Klaus was tormented nearly every day and night with. 
Klaus made his way towards Monty’s herpetological library. He decided to check the cabinet on the far wall of the library where Monty had mentioned he kept poisonous venoms of the world’s most deadliest snakes. When he opened the cabinet, he wasn’t surprised to find a vile was indeed missing. He looked at the label underneath where the vile would be. In Monty’s handwriting, it read ‘Mamba Du Mal’. He turned to face Monty’s library and began to look for any books that might have information about that snake. He was also keeping his eye out for any expedition journals Monty might have had that had information about Ink. If he could find enough information on Ink and the Mamba Du Mal, maybe the Baudelaire orphans wouldn’t need Ink to make an appearance when they show their case to Mr. Poe. He picked up a book that he believed could answer his questions on the Mamba Du Mal. He turned to Monty’s research desk, which still had a stack of books sitting upon it and one opened book. He began opening the drawers of Monty’s desk looking for an expedition journal of some kind that might have Dr. Montgomery’s research on Ink. Klaus glanced up at the book that was open on the desk and stopped in his tracks. 
Klaus began to read a part of the page that it was turned to. He noticed immediately that this book had absolutely nothing to do about snakes or Peru. He frowned. He stood up next to Monty’s desk, refusing to sit down in the chair that his uncle was murdered in. He lifted the cover of the book to read the title. The title read, Children & Trauma: A Guide for Parents & Professionals.His heart sank in his chest. He looked at the spines of the other books. Realizing immediately that they were all about the same topic. The Complex PTSD Workbook, Behavioral Activation for PTSD, Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving. The list went on. Klaus could feel tears in his eyes. Uncle Monty did care...he cared so much… Klaus couldn’t stop his tears from following. Klaus was so wrong about Uncle Monty initially and the waves of guilt and remorse were piling on top of him. He wiped his eyes with his hand. Monty had gone out of his way to purchase books to help him help Klaus with his struggles. Klaus sank to the floor as his entire body went numb. “I’m so sorry, Uncle Monty…” he whispered to himself. He had spent all that time mistrusting Monty and even getting Monty killed when all Monty wanted to do was be a family. To help him, to raise him and Sunny. That’s all the man wanted to do. But because of Klaus’ big mouth, Monty was now dead and he was never coming back just like their parents. His sadness slowly turned into pure hatred for Stephano. Monty was a kind, caring, amazing person and Stephano murdered him for profit. Monty was only a pawn in Stephano’s wicked schemes. He didn’t matter to Stephano. But he mattered to Klaus and Sunny, who were finally feeling at home again. They were feeling loved and safe, and then Stephano had to come in and ruin it. Klaus set the books to the side, making a mental note to take a couple of these books to their next guardian’s. Klaus hurriedly opened the book he hoped would give him an answer on the Mamba Du Mal. He began his research at the back of the book, where the index was located. After ten or so minutes. He called out to Sunny, who crawled to her brother as fast as she can. 
“Invenio?” she asked as she reached her brother, which meant, “What did you discover?”
“Listen to this,” he said smiling, “‘The Mamba Du Mal is one of the deadliest snakes in the hemisphere, noted for its strangulatory grip, used in conjunction with its deadly venom, giving all of its victims a tenebrous hue, which is ghastly to behold.’”
“Quae?” Sunny asked looking super confused, this translated to, “What means...what exactly?”
“You see, ‘strangulatory’ means ‘having to do with strangling’, ‘in conjunction’ means ‘together.’ ‘Tenebrous’ means ‘dark’. And ‘hue’ is just a fancy word for ‘color’.” Klaus explained happily, “So the Mamba Du Mal is noted for strangling people while it bites them, leaving their corpses dark with bruises.”
“Stop!” Sunny pleaded. “No audire!” which meant, “I don’t want to hear any more about what happened to Uncle Monty!”
“You don’t understand, Sunny.” He said gently, “ I saw Monty’s body...this isn’t what happened to him.” 
“Huh?” Sunny asked.
“See, Dr. Lucafont said there was the venom of the Mamba Du Mal in Monty’s veins. And I’m sure there was...but the snake didn’t put it there. If it had, Uncle Monty’s body would have been dark with bruises. But he was mainly pale.” 
Sunny shuddered at the thought of discovering Monty’s lifeless body. For a moment, she was kind of grateful that Stephano stuffed her into a suitcase. 
“Also, there’s a vile of that exact snake’s venom missing. Stephano must have injected the venom into Monty.”
“Bastard!” Sunny yelled.
“Yes, he is a bastard. And when we tell Mr. Poe about this, the bastard will be arrested for Uncle Monty’s murder. Then he will no longer threaten us with his knife, or whisk us away to Peru, or stuff you into tiny spaces like birdcages and….suitcases.”
Sunny looked at her brother as he slowed his speech at the last word. Sunny could tell by Klaus’ face that he had an idea. “Sunny, we need to get his suitcase...the one that you weren’t stuffed in,” he said just as the Reptile Room door’s opened and a rupture of coughing echoed the room. “Shit,” Klaus whispered.
“Children?” Mr. Poe asked, “I thought I had dismissed you to your room…”
“You did...but…” Klaus began as Mr. Poe interrupted him.
“I hope you are feeling calmer and no longer entertaining the thought that Stephano is Count Olaf,” 
“...Even if he’s not Count Olaf,” Klaus said carefully, “we believe he is still responsible for Monty’s death.”
“Nonsense,” Mr. Poe began, “Uncle Monty’s death was a terrible accident, and nothing more.”
Klaus held up his book, “But...while you were in the kitchen, I was reading about snakes, and …” 
“Reading about snakes? I should think you’d want to read about anything but snakes, after what happened.”
“But I found something,” Klaus began as Sunny shook her head at her brother.
“It doesn’t matter what you found out about snakes. Stephano doesn’t know anything about snakes, he told us himself.”
Klaus sighed angrily and tried to speak again, but noticed Sunny shake her head at him again. 
“Now that we have settled that matter, I know that the two of you were eager to see the inside of a doctor’s car, but we’ve discussed it over and over and over again, and there’s simply no way it can work. You two are going to take a taxi with Stephano, while I’ll ride with Dr. Lucafont and your Uncle Monty’s corpse. Stephano and Dr. Lucafont are making the arrangements as we speak and we will be leaving in a few minutes.”
“Mr. Poe…” Klaus began and Sunny shook her head again at her brother. Mr. Poe walked out of the Reptile Room just as Kronk came back in.
“Why were you shaking your head at me, Sunny? I could’ve kept arguing with Poe.” Klaus asked confused at what his sister was planning.
“find...Ink,” she replied as she began to crawl towards Kronk. She began to climb on to his utility cart and she pointed to the direction she wanted to go. Kronk looked at Sunny and then at Klaus. 
“Sunny, this is pointless. We’re fucked.” Klaus said. 
Kronk bit his lip, of course, no one could see that from behind his hat. “When the adults come to fetch you, I’ll give you an excuse to stall,” he said finally.
“Wait...why are you helping us?” Klaus asked as Sunny pulled down the white sheet to hide herself. 
Kronk shrugged. “Honestly, I have no idea what’s going on. But if you two were willing to jump out a window to sneak back in here because you’re suspicious about the death of Dr. Montgomery, and I am a man of justice. So if you think that bald creep killed him, I’ll help you prove it.”
Klaus smiled. “Sir, you don’t know how much that means to us.” 
“Any time,” Kronk said, “Just follow my lead.”
Before Klaus could answer, Stephano, Dr. Lucafont, and Mr. Poe entered the room again. Stephano had a triumphant look on his face. “Well, boy, it seems like the baby, you, and I will be getting a taxi.”
Klaus glared at the man with pure fury in his eyes. He tried one last time to convince Mr. Poe of Stephano’s true identity. “Mr. Poe...please you have to listen to me,” 
Mr. Poe began to cough. “Klaus, I’m getting sick and tired of having to tell you to stop being so rude to Stephano. This man standing beside me is not Count Olaf and he did not kill your uncle. Now let’s go...I need to get back to the bank. And this entire thing has taken too much time.” he said ushering the young boy out.
“Actually,” Kronk asked, “I could use the young boy’s help. My associate must have gotten lost...I just need help lifting and carrying the bigger cages. It shouldn’t take long...maybe half an hour. It gives the taxi enough time to get here.”
Stephano glared at Kronk, while Mr. Poe simply frowned and sighed. “I guess you do have a point, we do have to wait for the taxi to arrive. I guess, he can help you as long as this doesn’t take longer than half an hour.”
Klaus smiled at Kronk. “Don’t worry, I’ll hurry,” he said shooting his own triumphant look towards Stephano. 
“Maybe...I should help, too.” Stephano replied. 
“Oh, lovely. You see those poisonous snakes over there…” Kronk pointed to the opposite side of the Reptile Room. “You can help me transport those. I’d be careful, though. They’re prone to biting especially in stressful situations.”
Stephano looked to the man and then to the snakes he was pointing at. “On second thought, how about I make us some more coffee,” he said quickly walking out of the Reptile Room followed by Dr. Lucafont and Mr. Poe. 
Klaus and Kronk quickly lifted a cage onto the utility cart and began to push it outside. Klaus didn’t know what Sunny’s plan was but it couldn’t have been any crazier than her idea of climbing out the window. Klaus knew that they were now on a time crunch. So any plan was a good plan. Both Baudelaires hoped that they could find the evidence to prove that Stephano had killed Uncle Monty.
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devilbat · 5 years
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Did this as a little Drabble then I decided to add more to it.
Warning ⚠️:drinking, fluff, mention of smut
You had decided on grabbing a drink with Thor down in Tony’s bar, a few floors down. After a difficult mission you both had, it was needed. You didn’t know loki was back. So when you found Thor with his brother waiting for you. You smiled to yourself. You had feeling for the god when you first meet him. At that time he was moody, but it seemed like after you both got to know each other. He seem to come out of his shell.
“Ah, lady y/n!” Thor stood up, when he spotted you walking in. Loki looked over, quickly standing as well. “Look who made it back, alive.” Thor bellowed patting his brother on the back. Loki smiled shyly, a hint of a smirk played on his lips.
“Lady y/n you look ravishing.” Loki cooed, watching as you walked towards them.
“Thor, Loki. How much have you two had?” You question the two. “Or better yet who brought the Asguardian ale with them?” Taking a set between the two gods. You felt tiny in comparison.
“Ah Lady y/n, my brother found ale from our home on his journey. Would you like some?” Thor boomed in delight as he offered you some.
“Um no thank you boys. I really don’t want to be lose what little I had for dinner.” You smiled sweetly. You grab a beer for yourself. Thor had his brother tell you about his journey to his birth realm. When he was done, it was about 1am. You, decided to call it a night. They both watched you leave, after saying good night to them both.
“Brother, I thought you’re going to confess to liking lady y/n!” Thor waited until you were out of range. Thor poured Loki another shot of ale.
“How can I Brother, look at her.” Loki sighed heavily. Looking towards the door from which you had left from. “How will she love someone like me who isn’t just a god but a monster as well?” Loki had been rethinking things after find out his own answers about his Heritage. Which only made him think you could never love him.
“Brother lady y/n, could care less if you were a frog? let a lone being a frost giant. She likes you.” Thor wiggles his eyebrows, as he stated, though his words more slurred then normal. Thor handed another drink to his brother. “Here this will help, now go tell her.”
Moments after you got into your getting ready for bed. There was a knock on your door not thinking much of it. That it was probably Nat, as you saw her walking out of Bruce’s room. ‘Like no one knew’ you thought. Rolling your eyes. The knock on the door started to become more inpatient. Opening the door your eye widened as you looked up at loki who was using the door frame to hold himself up. You tried to cover yourself a little more. As you were just in a shirt. One of his in fact.
“L-loki, what are you doing here?” You stuttered as the god walked passed you, more like stumbling passed, inviting himself in. Shutting the door, you turned to face him. About to ask why he was there. Not realizing he was standing only an inch away from you. Before you could step back. Loki’s hands found their way onto you waist. His slender fingers digging into you tightly like you were going to disappear. Before you knew it his lips were on yours. The kiss was needy yet sloppy. You could taste the ale on his lips.
“Y/n, I-I’m in love with you.” He blurted out. His hands still tightly around your waist.
“What?” You stares at him not sure what you were hearing. He smiled that little sexy smirk of his. “Loki your drunk.”
“That I em, but I know what I feel. And I want to feel you, by my side every night before sleep comes for me, and by my side every morning when I awake.” He slurred over his words, as he stared down at you.
“Okay yep, you are one drunk god. Let’s just have you go to bed. You can confess your undying love to me when you wake up, sober.” You mumbled trying to shove him out the door. Knowing it was no good. You wanted to believe him you did, but he was drunk and men say dumb things when they are drunk.
“Fine I’ll tell you tomorrow. But,” before you could ask but what, green mist of his magic surrounded you both. You were in your bed, with a clinging drunk god using your chest as a pillow. Oh this was going to be interesting. He snuggled into you tightly. Head rubbing against your chest. You thought about calling Thor for help. But if loki this drunk, you weren’t sure what level Thor would be at. Even if you tried to call it may be no use as the god could sleep through just about anything.
Your tried to figure out what to do with your hands. Not entirely sure where to put them at this point.
“Darling?” Loki asked still resting on your rising chest. You breathing had picked up ever since he walked in.
“Yes oh mighty one?” Like he was going to remember any of this.
“You smell delectable, I dint know if I ever have told you that.” His hand snuck up cupping under your breast like he was pushing up a pillow. You breath hitched. You teased up a bit.
“Um n-no Loki you never have. Um thank you I think.” You stuttered out.
“Darling?” Loki purred. With a little hiccup. Almost making you giggle.
“Yes loki?” Your voice was a little bit higher then normal.
“When we wake, can I ravish you?” Your head snapped down looking at his still form.
“Sure loki. You can.” Rolling your eyes. “Like your drunk ass will even remember.” You mumble resting you head back down on to your own pillow. You heard a dark chuckle come from him making you shiver in response.
“My darling?” Loki smiled as he nestled into you more.
“Really Loki? What now?” You try to hold you giggle. As you thought this was rather funny the god of mischief drunk.
“Is this my shirt?” He asked as you felt his hand play with the material.
“Noo why would it be yours?” You said shyly. “And you know for someone who should be sleeping you awfully handsy.” You never got a response.
A few minutes had gone by while you waited to see if loki had yet another comment. But soon realize he had fallen asleep, finally. Shortly after sleep took hold of you. You woke up to movement. Your eyes fluttered open to see the god back at it. Rubber his face like a cat in between you breasts. You weren’t going to lie it was doing things to you.
“Morning loki!” You voice louder then normal. Seeing how hungover he was. He flinched a little.
“Shhh, women, silence.” Loki hissed as he stopped what he was doing to peek up at you.
“There’s my Loki.” You whispered. Looking down at him. “Do you remember anything from last night?” Your eyebrow raised. He nodded slowly a smirk placed a crossed his face. You gulped.
“Yes, now on to having my wicked way with this lovely body.” His hands trailed down a long with him. Throwing the covers over his head. Making you giggle at his dorkyness. You felt him pushing your shirt up. His hands roamed over your body, you giggled as it felt like he was tickling you. He stopped flipping the blanket over his head. “You mean to tell me that, I had total access to you last night? You have no panties on.”
You could only nod in response. His hand still ticking you. As he kissed your torso. Working his way down, the blanket back over his head. Soon your giggles turned into quite whimpers. As his hands stop tickling and started to roam over your breasts, kneading at them. His lips at your navel.
“Loki.” you quietly moaned out. As his tongue licked a crossed.
“So y/n, I saw loki walk into your room last night. Did you finally have him take your-“ Nat walked in cutting herself off. Making you squeak. As you stared at here. You whole body turning red.
“Darling, what’s-“ Loki’s head popped out from under the blankets. Looking over to see a very stunned yet smirking red headed assassin in your room. “Oh.”
“Ah, morning Natasha, hey lady y/n, have you seen my brother we were-“ Thor’s walked up behind Nat. His eyes widened at the sight before him. A joyous smile plastered on his face. You and Loki both were about to say something when.
“Hey, y/n we were going to go over the Porto type from Scott and Peter’s su-uuit.” Tony filed in behind Thor looking around him. At the two of you. You grabbed the blanket and throw it over your head. As Loki pancaked on top of you.
“All right everyone out.” Nat ordered. As she pushed the other two out of your room. After hearing the door close. You throw the blanket back over Loki’s head to look at him. Loki’s head was back between your boobs. Looking up at you with a cheeky grin.
“Well that wasn’t awkward or anything.” You hissed in announce. Loki moved to kiss your lips.
“Could be worse. They could of walked in while I had you tied up. While I took what was mine from this ravishing body of yours.” He chuckled darkly. Hands back to roaming.
“You wish.” You teased. Kissing Loki until the FRIDAY’s intercom came on. “Really, I do need your help like now. I can’t control Scott’s ants and he not here. Hurry I think they are planning on eating me.” Tony’s voice sounded panicked. With a heavy sigh you both got up. As you went to go save Tony again from Scott’s harmless ants.
@kitkatkl @lokilvrr @instantnoodlese @drakesfiance @meyoko10 @jackheart180 @wolfcore227 @mr-hiddlestons-pet @madleiine
Tom/Loki Tag’s: @theoneanna @graveyard-groupie @silverquartx @moonfaery @kcd15 @moonlightprime
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waypathfinder · 5 years
Crimson Lane - Chapter 3 - Dreams and Promises
Moodboard by @ashtyntaytertot  Beta’d by @kathknight and @ashtyntaytertot
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Chapter Text 
Rey awoke in the night, disoriented and confused.
An arm curled around her waist.  Kylo Ren’s arm. The memory rushed back to her. The hairs on her neck prickled with each slow breath he took, his broad chest rising and falling against her back.
She unfurled his arm from her body and placed it before him. His brows twitched at the movement, her breath caught in her throat and she froze. He did not wake.
Outside, the moon was breaking a path through the dark overcast sky. She crept out of bed, walking towards the window, her naked form silhouetted against the streaming moonlight. The street was empty now, loose sheets of a newspaper flittered along the pavement beneath the bright lamplight. There were no cars other than the few parked by the road and not a single soul wandered the lonely streets. It was eerily quiet, the silence only broken by sudden gusts of winds that moaned in strained cries and churned up the leaves into whirlwinds.
“Don’t go.”
Rey’s heart jolted at the sound of his voice. She turned around to see his ash-white body lit up beneath the waning moon.
“I’m not—” She stopped to look at him. His eyes were racing beneath pale lids, face grimacing and tightening as different expressions chased each other. He was asleep. His fingers twitched, reaching for the spot on the bed that was still warm from her body.
She returned to his side, leaning in close to study him. He was light and darkness. Every feature in contrast to the other. He was all shadows and lines, pointed cheekbones, angled jaw, soft lips, long lashes. His dark hair cascaded across his face parting around his large ears. He was ugly from one angle. Beautiful from the other. But striking and captivating.
“Please,” his voice cracked into a chilling whisper. She shivered at the sound.
“Kylo?” she whispered back, touching his shoulder, but there was no response.
His hand reached forward again, searching the sheets. He looked so alone. It reminded her of all the times she had spent the night cold and lonely, shivering beneath a summer blanket on a winter evening. Tears lashing from her eyes knowing there was no one there to help her, to hold her hand, to save her from her nightmares.
She crept back into bed. Her body folded into the curve of his own and his arm found her again. She felt safe in his hold, momentarily wanted in this world by someone. It was an illusion, of course, a twisted painful lie, but still, at that moment she imagined what it was like to be loved. Her chest heaved unsteadily at the thought, and she allowed herself to drift back to sleep.
Her mind fell into dreams, dark shadows dragging her back into the past, dragging her into a world she’d struggled so hard to leave behind her every day.
She was lying on the floor of the lounge room, one of the many lounge rooms she had called her own for a time. The Moroccan rug was worn, she remembered, patches of it frayed. She pulled at a thread, wishing in her dream she could unravel it and she would fall through the ground into a better place. She pulled and pulled at the thread, a burgundy bind that would not break no matter how hard she yanked. It went on for miles, and she wondered what lay on the end.
Then he was behind her, the man who haunted her dreams almost every night. His face hidden behind a shadow of darkness. He chased her through the rooms of an abandoned house. Always too close.  Always hindering her escape. He grabbed her hair and yanked her back. And now she was on the floor, curled in a ball. 
She jolted awake.
Thump! This time she wasn’t dreaming. Kylo thrashed behind her, arms and legs trapped in their own nightmare. And then a low groan, a guttural noise that chilled her blood. He shot up, his legs kicking over the side of the bed, hands wringing through his hair. Rey reached for his back.
Her fingers made contact, and his breath caught. His skin was hot to touch, glistening with sweat.
“It’s okay.” She sat behind him, touching his shoulder uncertainly. “It was just a nightmare. I have them too.”
He didn’t respond, but his breathing resumed, slower but still unsteady as his shoulders trembled beneath her touch.
“It’s okay,” she said again in a hushed tone, her fingers circling his back in slow caressing turns. There was something painfully raw about the way he sat there, naked in the moonlight the words forming in her chest. Despite the night before, despite everything in this crazy situation. She knew the pain of haunted dreams, she knew what it was like to run away from your past during the day only to have it catch up with you in the night. It never went, not really. She had tried to bury her past, but it never died.
Rey cupped her fingers over his shaking shoulders, and he stilled at her touch, his skin prickled in goosebumps. His hand reached to her own, long fingers covering her.
“You’re not alone.” She didn’t mean to say it, but the words pried themselves from her lips, given a life of their own.
He stood, hand slipping away from hers.
“Go back to sleep.” His words were sharp, a commanding edge that made her think he was used to ordering people about.
“What are you…” Her words drifted away. He was pulling his trousers on in a rush, his shirt, once crumpled on the floor, now sliding onto his back as his fingers moved clumsily to fasten them. “You’re leaving?”
“But you still have a couple of hours left,” she said, her eyes and cheeks growing hot as the words left her lips. She wanted nothing more to curl up on a ball on the floor. It was bad enough being paid for having sex with someone, but having them walk out without even… She shuddered. It was so much worse. “We can go again, here let me…”
“I’m done.” He picked up the rest of his belongings and walked out the door, leaving Rey alone in the bed, naked and confused.
There were voices from the foyer. Furtive, pressing, voices exchanged in low hisses. She stood atop the stairs, her hand reaching for the polished mahogany banister, her foot dangling above the step below, toying with the idea of going down.
“Yes, of course, Mr Ren,” Phasma was saying, working hard to placate him, her voice accentuating every word.
More words from him. Inaudible. Sharp. Rude. Rey’s cheeks tingled. What was he saying about her? She took a step lower, rolling the soles of her feet to make sure the steps didn’t creak at the sound. The conversation continued.
“I can assure you I went through the rules. I will book you in with a different girl next month,” she grabbed the planner, tapping her pen against it in a staccato rhythm. “How about Tessa?”
Kylo spoke. His words still rude. Still sharp. Still inaudible. Rey took a breath and another step, straining to listen.
“Yes, it is unacceptable,” Phasma said testily. “It was only her first night. It was wrong of me to pair her with you.”
She stepped again, the slightest creak, as her toes touched the next level, but it wasn’t loud enough to draw their attention.
“What do you mean it was her first night?” His voice was louder now; she could feel the anger in his words. Rey took one more step closer, her last one, she swore to herself. “Is she not a sex worker?”
“She’s just a kid who’s gotten in over her head with debt,” Phasma said with a cruel curl of her lips. Rey bristled at the “kid” reference. She was 22 and had been doing it tough on her own since she was 16. Hardly a fucking kid who had just forgotten to pay off her Visa card. She clutched the railing, stopping herself from doing or saying anything rash. She was on the edge of being fired.
Phasma continued: “Tonight was her first shift. I wanted to her to get practice in before Snoke—”
“No Snoke.” He interrupted her brusquely, raising a hand to silence her.
“Mr Snoke will want to try her out.”
“When is he due to come?”
Rey risked another step closer.
Phasma checked her planner, tapping her finger on a point within the pages. “Friday.”
“Book her with me on Friday,” he blurted in that same commanding tone.
Phasma pursed her lips tightly.“ Mr Snoke will not be happy.”
“I don’t care. Book for the full-night again. No other clients that night.”
Rey swore in her head. The mere thought of going through tonight again was… She didn’t know what it was, perplexing, uncomfortable, confronting and just plain weird.
Phasma sighed. “Very well, booking for Desert Flower. It will cost you though.”
“Are you fucking kidding me? After tonight I shouldn’t have to pay a cent,” Kylo spat, and Rey flushed.
“I said I was sorry about that,” Phasma said and checked the planner once more. “She’s on the next couple of nights. I’ll get her up to speed by Friday.”
“Fine.” Kylo glowered, tossing his credit card at her as though it were nothing. Rey risked one more step, but this time his eyes snapped up at her. She quickly retreated, but it was too late; he had seen her.
“Charge it through to Friday.”
“I beg your pardon?” Phasma asked incredulously.
What?  Rey froze, darting her eyes back at him in disbelief.
“Every night through to Friday,” he added, not taking his eyes off her and having no shame to turn them away from her.
“There’s no discount, you know? It’s still $400 an hour.” Rey did the maths in her head. By the end of the week…  shit by the end of the week she would have paid off just under half of her debt, or at least the first installment, but that was all she could focus on.
“Fine. I’m out-of-town tomorrow but don’t have her fucking anyone else. Completely block her out,” he said, again with that authoritative tone.
Phasma sighed again, her lips pressing even tighter together. “Fine. She’s off limits. No bookings.”
Rey had made it to the top of the steps now, stopping just out of a view, her heart flipped.
“Now give her a copy of those fucking rules and make sure she can recite them blind by the time I come back,” he said loudly, to both of them Rey suspected.
“Yes, Mr Ren.”
“And Phasma?” He paused. Rey closed her eyes, dreading whatever would come next. “Buy the girl some fucking lube.”
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jjkfire · 6 years
Escape; pt.10 (epilogue)
Reader x Jungkook // (???)!AU // 14k words
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Summary: Everyone has a number over their heads that says how useful they are to society from 0-100. You have a number ‘4’. You leave the city for some peace but you meet your cocky neighbor who seems to get on your nerves.
Genre: Fluff
Y/LN refers to your last name/family name
A/N:  Hi wow hello. Look here! It’s the epilogue to Escape! This is for all of you who have been extremely encouraging throughout the series and have shown me love and support throughout it all. I love you all so much because truly this series is my baby! It was my first attempt at a long chaptered fic! So basically anyway this is for my ogs who’ve sent me such sweet things about escape @thekookiecrush @hxsungwoon @katthecaptain @wide-awaker @revolutionbreez @orixiro @parkheehi @misxing-you @megjin @antaedepressant @marrauderr @minsuxga (the pregnancy ask… im suing you!) AND OF COURSE NOT FORGETTING MY BB @wicdrop and also all you anons out there! i remember all of you!!!!
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5  // Part 6 // Part 6.5 // Part 7 // Part 8 // Part 9
Here’s a recap because it’s been too long!  Jimin’s in jail after being caught trying to steal floor plans from Y/L/N Logistics (He was blackmailed by Jeon Logistics). Hoseok played a part in that and he was the one who falsified the audio clip that made you think Jungkook was in a relationship with you to decipher DIADEM. Jungkook didn’t tell you it was Hoseok because it’ll break you. You hear the original clip that Jimin had recorded of that night, proving Jungkook’s innocence and after hours of searching, Jungkook finds you in the local park, holds you close as you cry, begging for his forgiveness and he forgives you, of course he does because none of this is your fault. –> or skim through part 9 bc I feel like this was a horrible recap
Jungkook hates Hoseok with a passion and every time he sees his face, he just wants to put in a solid punch for your sake but you’ve warned him against doing so many times before and he wonders how you do it, how you always take the high road so easily. You seem to forgive people left and right, no matter what it is they’ve done to you and he truly finds it unfathomable that you don’t hate his family with a burning passion because he does. Blood is thicker than water you murmur to him, telling him to reconcile with his family but he simply shakes his head, unable to find it in him to do so, to forgive both his and even your own family like you’ve done.
Jungkook dislikes your family, he’s made it very clear but you convince him that despite their flaws, you still love them very much, so he holds back the insults, clenching his jaw to stop the words from spilling out whenever he sees them. He never wants to be associated with either Hoseok or your family because they both only bring you pain and yet here he is, sitting in your father’s cozy office, sandwiched between your father and brother while Hoseok sits on the sofa chair on the opposite side, a smug look on his face.
This is Jungkook’s last resort. He’d never be caught dead with these people but for your sake, he pushes away the anger, putting on a calm expression because hell if this doesn’t work out, he’s completely run out of options.
The meeting you had with Jimin’s lawyer had not gone the way you had expected. You had barged into her office with a million-watt smile on your face, the pen drive with the recordings in hand, the key to Jimin’s release, but she destroys all your hope with a single sentence.
“Were these recordings obtained legally?” She asks and the look on your face is enough to give her the answer she seeks.
“Then I’m afraid this would be inadmissible in court.”
“B-but you need to listen to them! They blackmailed him into doing it!”
“It doesn’t matter what’s on there because we can’t use it in court.”
Just like that, you leave her office feeling dejected, broken even because you were at a total loss of what to do. There wasn’t a single thing you could think of that could help the man that was quite possibly the only person that kept you going, that cheered you on in your adolescent years. He was the closest thing you had to family and you felt utterly useless because he was there for you all the time, every damn time but now, when he finally requests a favour, you can’t seem to step up and provide.
“Y/N, you win some and you lose some,” Jimin shrugs and you can’t help the tears that start to roll down your cheeks. All you can think about is how the world is so unfair. That in a perfect world, a man with so much love, so much kindness would never be sitting across from you in an orange jumpsuit, a 5 year sentence hanging above his head.
“Don’t cry,” He frowns placing his hand on the thick glass screen that separates the two of you.
“I’ll get you out of here somehow, I promise,” You mumble into the handset. “I’m not giving up.”
“Y/N, it’s honestly fine. They’ll probably let me out earlier for good behaviour and all that jazz,” He smiles.
“That’s still years, Jimin,” You sob. “You were coerced, blackmailed, and that’s a crime too.”
He let’s out a low hum, completely at a loss of what to say because you were right.
“I begged them you know? Dad and my brother…” You sigh. “I told them to drop the charges, showed them recordings, everything! But they said it’ll only put the company in a weaker position and the Jeons would’ve gotten what they wanted all along.”
“That’s true,” Jimin exhales. “It’s a smart decision on their part.”
“Smart decision? Jimin, they chose the company over you!” You shout. “You’ve worked for us for years now, you’re like family to us and they still chose the goddamn company over you.”
Jimin can only offer you a sad lopsided smile because such is the way of the world. Not everyone had a heart like yours, not everyone was willing to put a billion-dollar company on the line for the sake of their secretary.
“Don’t worry,” You murmur. “I’ll figure something out.”
“Y/N, it’s okay,” He sighs. “There’s nothing more you can do now.”
“There has to be something.”
He shakes his head at you because you’ve always been mightily stubborn.
“Don’t waste anymore of your time,” He mumbles. “Just move on, be happy and I’ll be out before you know it.”
“How can you expect me to just do that?” You frown. “If the roles were reversed, I know you wouldn’t stop too.”
A light laugh escapes Jimin because it’s true, he wouldn’t. He’d do everything, work himself down to the core until he could find a way to guarantee your freedom.
Wrap it up! You hear the guard shout at you and just like the numerous times you’ve visited him before, a sudden pang of sadness runs through your body.
“Not again,” Jimin groans playfully. “You cry every time.”
“Shut up,” You manage to say between sobs and Jimin wishes more than ever that the barrier between the both of you could just dissolve so he could pull you into a tight hug.
“I’ll see you soon okay?”
“Well, you know where to find me,” He laughs, eyes twinkling and you scowl at him.
He waves you a quick goodbye and though you try to stop them, the tears just continue to stream down your face.
Jimin’s okay, he really is but you never seem to acknowledge that concept, your puppy dog pity eyes always staring at him as the guard leads him out of the room and he always looks back just in time to see the guard on the other side giving you a consoling pat on the back.
Did Jimin want to be in jail? Of course not. Did he in some way deserve jail time? Sure… and it’s his mistake, he admits, that he found himself in this position anyway and yet his biggest regret of all was causing the people that cared for him to hurt the way you do. He absolutely feels like breaking down whenever his parents come in to talk to him but he puts up a front, smiling, hoping that they would spend less time worrying about him. But god, you. Nothing hurts more than seeing you cry, nothing hurts more than seeing you beat yourself up every time your plan doesn’t work out. He hated that he put you in this position because he was supposed to be a brother to you, he was supposed to take care of you but here he is, with the roles reversed in the worst way possible. He never tells you but every time he returns to his cell, he lets his measly thin mattress, if he could call it that, soak up all his tears.
“Pleasure to see you again, Jungkook,” Hoseok smirks. “What? Not going to grab me by my collar this time?”
It takes every ounce of willpower within Jungkook to stop himself from cussing the life out of Hoseok and he manages to calm himself down but Hoseok doesn’t miss the way Jungkook has his fists clenched by his side.
“Let’s just try to keep the conversation civil, shall we?” Your father grumbles.
“I understand you have a favour to ask?” Hoseok purrs and his sickly tone makes Jungkook feel like gagging.
“A favour is a nice way to put it but I’d rather classify it as a threat,” Your brother grins.
Hoseok straightens up in his chair, suddenly unsure of what exactly he had walked into.
“Jung Hoseok,” Your brother begins. “Let’s just get straight to the point. We need you to testify.”
“In court, against the Jeons.”
“Are you crazy? They’ll kill me if I ever did that,” He scoffs, shaking his head.
“Right, that’s what we thought you would say,” Your brother sighs. “You know, we heard you’ve been talking to Y/N again,” Your brother begins, smirking.
“Yeah, exes can be friends,” He shrugs. “What does this have to do—"
“But I’m not so sure if she’d consider you a friend once she finds out you’ve been on a 5 year long mission to figure out diadem. That you had a hand in putting someone she cares for in jail. That everything between the both of you is a lie.”
“What are you trying to say?” Hoseok taps his foot nervously, hands fidgeting in his lap.
“Well for starters, I’m trying to say that in one phone call, I can have her here and you can watch as I show her this,” Your brother throws out a bunch of papers back from 4 years ago when Hoseok was still dating you, transcripts of him talking to Mr. Jeon on what he’s found out about the company. “And this, or this, or this,” He continues, throwing out paper after paper of all of Hoseok’s misdeeds, even the shoplifting record that Jimin had previously threatened him with. “But most importantly, this,” He smiles, playing the play button on his phone.
“Did you get all of that?” Mr. Jeon asks.
“Yes, sir. I heard it all loud and clear. I have the code written down too.” Hoseok responds.
“Alright then, let’s call Jimin and end all of this tonight.”
Hoseok sits in his chair stunned. He had been caught off guard because he thought he was called here for an offer, perhaps some money for some information but it looks like he had read the situation all wrong because how did they get the original voice clip for that night?
Hoseok wants to scream out aloud in the room, his heart pounding, his head beginning to ache because everything between you and him isn’t a lie. Maybe parts of it are but what he felt for you then and what he feels for you even now isn’t a lie. You are the one that got away, you are who he has always pictured growing old together with… and maybe everyone else thinks it’s ridiculous but truly he just knows, that it’s you… that you’re the one and you always will be.
He sounds crazy, he knows but if only the two of you had met in a different lifetime, maybe things would be different because nobody sees the years of history the two of you have together. They don’t see the hushed words that were shared between the both of you on an overcast day, you with your head on his stomach, him sprawled out on the grass as both of you talked about how unfair the world was, about your hopes and dreams that may never come true. They don’t see how the two of you had planned it all, the perfect getaway once both of you had collected enough money to get out of this city, to perhaps settle down in a modest house by the beach with no one to judge either of you for the less than magnificent numbers glowing above both of your heads. It’s the fact that he knows you’d be happy as long as you had your carving tools and him happy as long as he had you.
Everyone in this room only sees him as a villain but couldn’t they see that he was a victim in all of this too? That if only you and him were blessed with numbers as high as any of theirs, none of this would be happening. He loves you, more than you can ever know or anyone for that matter. He knows, he’s ‘deluded’ or whatever but you’re the only person he’s ever met that didn’t look at him like he’s just a 65 that was born to help the high nineties to achieve their dreams and neither did you look at him like he was just someone who should be angry and bitter, forever cursing the system. You looked at him like he had dreams to pursue, like he could have the world in the palm of his hand if he just did what his heart desires. He remembers your words ringing clearly in his head, no matter how many years have passed, clinging onto it like it’s his lifeline because it’s the only time he’s ever felt anyone believe in him.
“Well, what do you think?” He asks, turning to you, chest heaving from the hip hop number he had just performed.
“That was amazing, Hoseok!” Your eyes still wide as you try to process the fact that it was really him that had danced so fluidly as if the bones in his body didn’t exist. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner that you could dance like that?
“It’s just… I’m not that good,” He mumbles. “I’m still working on—”
“Are you kidding? You’re straight up the best dancer I’ve ever seen.”
“Well I don’t think you’ve really seen a good dancer because… I’m just not on par, you know?”
“You are,” You answer, your eyebrows furrowed. “You should do something with that talent. Don’t let it go to waste.”
“Nah… It’ll be a waste of time. I’m a 65, Y/N. People like me don’t get anywhere.”
“You can deny it all you want but you’re a great dancer and nothing you say can convince me otherwise. I’d kill to be able to dance like you,” You smile at him. “You’re gonna be so good they can’t ignore you. It won’t matter what your number is, you hear me?”
Loud and clear. He had heard you loud and clear.
Ah, he sighs. How he wishes you were right but you’ve always had your head up in the clouds, always over optimistic. But, it was always nice to hear words like that every once in a while… It almost had him believing in it himself.
“So, are you willing to testify? Or do you want to break Y/N’s heart all over again and perhaps face some jail time too?”
“W-what—,” A deep breath, one filled with defeat. “What do you need me to do?”
And for the first time since he’s entered this office, Jungkook smiles.
As promised, Hoseok takes the stand, revealing intricacies of the entire plan, from private emails to recordings, the court sees it all from start to end. The Jeons are trapped in a corner, having no way to refute the edited evidence provided, one that Hoseok had altered to leave himself out from being implicated. How were they supposed to know the man they entrusted with destroying all the evidence would turn on them like this? What could the Y/L/N’s probably have on him that would make him switch his allegiance?
The slam of the hammer comes soon after the jury’s verdict, Jimin nearly in tears as they unlock the handcuffs around his wrists, finally a free man. Hoseok sees the undeniable smile on your face, one he takes credit for and you turn to him from the floor, mouthing out the words thank you with tears in your eyes. There’s so much he wants to say, so much he wishes he could tell you but he’s dug a grave far too deep for himself and he admits that he’s lost his chance with you.
If he was being truthful, he had lost you all those years ago but that doesn’t mean he still wishes that somehow the circumstances were different, that there weren’t so many secrets between the both of you. He wishes more than anything to turn back the clock a few years, both you and him carefree, being delinquents and loving life despite the crappy hand life had dealt the both of you. Alas, wishes are only that, just wishes and he knows now that he’s somehow made up for breaking your heart all those years ago and maybe with this, you would forgive him for the horrible mistakes he’s made, ones you’re not aware of. His heart breaks when he sees you in Jungkook’s arms but at least he knows you’re happy and that’s the best gift you could give someone you love. Happiness.
Your texts to Hoseok goes unread and your subsequent calls go unanswered. You think maybe he’s just nervous, afraid that you were going to lash out at him now that you found out that he had previously worked for Jeon Logistics. You wonder when exactly he got that job and why he had never mentioned the fact to you over your recent conversations with him. You’re left confused and in the dark because he had been eager to reconcile over the lost years just days ago but somehow it was like he had vanished into thin air. Perhaps he had decided to take off like he had the last time around when he broke your heart and it makes you frown because for whatever it was worth, he had brought joy to your life when you were just about at your lowest and for that you would always be grateful, even if he had left a deep emotional scar, one you had just recently been able to rid yourself off with Jungkook’s help.
You wanted him to know that you had forgiven him years ago, something Jungkook says he doesn’t understand but you try to explain to him that it wasn’t worth it, holding onto so much hate within yourself. Wherever he is, you hope he’s happy because even when you were with him and even through the recent texts he had been sending you, you could still sense the same old Hoseok, the one that was bitter and skeptical about life. You had tried many times over the course of your relationship with him to get him to see life in a better light, to show him that despite the circumstances, both you and him deserved to be happy and so wherever he is, that’s all you wish for him, that he’s finally happy.
And that he is. He’s happy because you are and though he may have given up his identity and taken on a new one, a deal he struck up with your father to protect him from the wrath of the Jeons when they’ve done their time, he’s trying his best to live his life the way he knows you wanted him to. Do what you love, you would always say and here, halfway around the world, he is. He joins a dance studio, a small one, teaching kids hip-hop during the day and choreographing intricate pieces when the sun has set and you were right, you always were, he laughs. Hoseok’s the happiest he’s been in years and you’ll never know but it’s all because of you. Maybe in a year or two, you’ll forget about him but he knows he’ll never forget you, not in this lifetime, not ever and he doesn’t believe in reincarnation but for the sake of you, he sometimes wishes he does because oh, what a love the both of you would’ve shared.
It’s been perhaps three months since you were bawling out of happiness in the living room of the Park household now that Jimin was finally reunited with his parents and his mother insisted that both you and Jungkook stay for dinner, a true family dinner she announced, and you had cried even harder upon hearing her say those words.
It’s a lot calmer now than it was months ago, the press finally leaving both you and Jungkook alone, off to pursue more pressing issues, or rather not-so pressing issues but either way, you’re glad you’re able to finally take Buster on a walk without being bombarded by flashing lights and mics shoved into your face. The small town you live in, hidden in the hills returns to normalcy, serene and quiet like it should be. Your days go on like normal, Buster barking at squirrels outside as you head to your old cabin to get some wood carving done. While Jungkook is busy at work, you busy yourself with your trade, packing your wood pieces up to be sold at the bazaar you often go to sell your works at. There are a lot more people than you remember, many customers coming around your store trying to drop hints to get you to talk about what really happened in the aftermath of the arrest of the Jeons but you send them away with a tight-lipped smile. Why doesn’t everyone understand that it’s something you just want to put behind you?
After months of job searching, Jimin finds himself empty handed, his criminal record the first thing employers see when they search up his name and Jimin sighs, returning home empty-handed again after yet another interview. It’s after much pestering from both you and Jungkook that Jimin accepts the position of being Jungkook’s private secretary and though he’s apprehensive at first, Jimin takes the job anyway because as far as he knew, he probably never wanted to touch the logistics industry ever again. 
The learning curve is steep and he struggles with all the complicated terms Jungkook throws his way but he remains determined, trying his best to keep up as Jungkook leads him through the tech industry. As always, Jimin proves himself to be highly adaptable, surprising even Jungkook with how much he has learnt in the span of just a few months. In no time, Jimin sheds the secretary title, becoming almost some sort of a partner in crime to Jungkook. Together, they comb through the start-up industry, pouring money into apps they believe in, the money they get in return when the apps hit the market is beyond Jimin’s wildest dreams. It’s an arrangement Jungkook loves wholly because it means he gets to spend more time with you now that he didn’t have so much on his plate.
From the first I love you to the 100th, Jungkook thinks it’s a 3 letter sentence he’ll never get tired of hearing or saying. The first few times you say it to him, your voice is barely a whisper, almost like you don’t want him to hear it but whether you shout it out or mumble it to him, it still fills his chest with an unbelievable warmth, a feeling only you can invoke out of him.
It’s a strong word but it’s the only emotion that can describe how he feels about you. He loves you, he loves you, he loves you.
He loves you when he wakes up just minutes before you, dried up drool on your face and your hair a mess but your features are so calm, so serene that he can’t help but feel like he’s the luckiest man on the entire earth for having the privilege of waking up next to you.
He loves you when you’re chasing Buster around the house as he refuses to get toweled down after his shower and you collapse onto the couch, your shirt slightly drenched in soap water, telling him that Buster is only this stubborn because he had spoiled the dog rotten, which was true to some extent but he couldn’t help it, Buster is simply too adorable.
He loves you when you notice that he’s been having a hard week at work and you do everything in your power to make his day better and that could be watching his favourite movie for the umpteenth time or baking those goddamn fudge brownies that he could never seem to have enough of but most of the time, all he needs is to snuggle up next to you, your comforting touch almost healing to him.
Sometimes he feels he’s only half as good of a partner as you are to him and he feels horrible because he wishes he could make you feel even a quarter of what you make him feel. Funnily enough, you feel the exact same way because you feel like nothing you do could ever live up to what he’s done for you. It was as if he was looking into one of those too good to be true romantic comedies that he watches too much, Jimin often says about the pair of you. Both you and Jungkook seemed to live in perpetual confusion, always thinking that one didn’t deserve the other and you both even had a cute dog to boot, the final piece to a happy family. He couldn’t think of a better pair who deserved to live out an actual romantic comedy other than the two of you.
The ladies in town often question you when you think Jungkook would pop the question and you dread it, especially when they ask you when he’s sitting right next to you. The two of you always blush beet red before you retort, maybe I’ll be the one to get down on one knee! Which always seems to shut them up.
You were happy with the relationship you had with Jungkook and so was he. You didn’t see the rush in getting engaged because what you and he have for now, is perfect and if anything, you didn’t want him to feel pressured, like he had to give you some stupid, expensive ring, as if without it, what the two of you have was anything less special.
Perhaps all the pestering makes Jungkook reach his breaking point because he comes home later and later sometimes, so late that you fall asleep with your phone in hand, waiting for his text to tell you that he was on his way. As usual, the ladies in town plant seeds of doubt in your mind, asking you if you smell perfume on his shirt when he comes home, a clear sign of infidelity, they murmur. You don’t want to doubt Jungkook because you trust him with your heart, with your life but you do admit that you catch a whiff of a sweet-smelling perfume, one that isn’t yours. It’s probably one of his client’s perfume you reason but he’s been working late almost every day of the week for close to a month now and you hate what you’ve become, you hate how you’re sniffing the shirts he throws into the laundry basket to see if you could smell that now familiar scent. Curse the ladies in town for making you feel this way.
Maybe he’s finally gotten tired of you, you sigh. Maybe the glaring number 4 he sees above your head everyday makes him resent you because perhaps he’s thinking, he can definitely do better. You shrink into your older self, the one that’s unconfident and scared. Jungkook can sense that something is off, you know he can because he takes a day off work just to spend time with you but you can’t help but feel this niggling sensation that he’s doing this as a parting gift, one last week before he says he thinks he’s done with you for good.
“Babe, i-is something wrong?”
“Hmm?” You hum in question, trying your best to hide your emotions.
“Did I do something wrong? You’ve been… distant lately.”
“I-I don’t really know what you mean.”
“Maybe it’s just me,” He sighs. “Work’s been killing me and I know I haven’t been home much… but I hope you know I’d spend every single second with you if I could,” He murmurs, stepping up to you, pulling you in close. He giggles lightly when he sees you blush. It’s amazing how you still shy away whenever he says anything remotely cheesy.
It’s hard for you to decipher what exactly is going on but you can tell he’s being sincere and everything doesn’t seem to add up. You hate that you’re doubting him like this when there hasn’t actually been solid evidence to say that he’s cheating on you.
“I know,” You smile meekly and he takes the chance to kiss you on the lips, his thumb caressing the apple of your cheek.
“What do you want to do today? I’m all yours today, I promise,” He smiles, switching off his phone just to prove that nothing was going to come in between the both of you for the day.
“Honestly… Can we just have a lazy day?” You mumble, laughing and he shakes his head as he laughs in return. He would’ve been surprised if you had suggested anything else.
Jungkook manages to convince you to spend the day lounging by the lake that the house looked out to, Buster lighting up at the words swim! Already speeding out of the house when you open the door. Both you and Jungkook spend hours simply laying side by side, laughing at each other as Buster enjoys his swim. You’re maybe into your second bottle of beer, soaking up the warm rays of the sun when he suddenly rises to pick you up, running down the length of the dock and jumping in with you in hand. You wrestle with him in the water, Jungkook laughing wildly at how furious you were but your grumbling soon turns to laughter too and you cling onto Jungkook like a koala, too lazy to swim yourself. It’s when he shrugs you off his back, turning around so he can hold you to his chest that you feel warmth bloom in your own because his smile lights up your world and you love him so much, you really do.
“I love you,” You smile, pulling him in closer for a kiss and he mumbles the same words back to you over and over again in between the kisses he plants on your lips. Screw those nosy ladies that make you doubt the man before you, screw the perfume you smell on his shirt because in this very moment, all you know is, a love like this cannot be fabricated and maybe it’s because you want to believe it but the way he says those 3 words to you, you don’t think he’s off spending his nights saying them to someone else.
As Jungkook waits for you at the shore of the lake, he can’t help but laugh at how similar this looked to when he had first spotted you here, Buster beside you, yourself in that adorable bathing suit of yours and good god, how much has changed since then and now. You skip down the length of the dock, linking arms with him when you finally reach him, and he thinks that he has to move the timeline up because he can’t wait any longer. But no, he has everything planned out, every single detail and it’s going to be absolutely perfect.
Jungkook hates, hates, hates it when he’s having a lovely Sunday brunch with you at the diner, completely lost in your eyes, loving the fact that he gets to spend every second of the day with you, only to be rudely interrupted by the extremely loving and yet, overbearing old ladies that would pop in for a meal at just about the same time.
“So, when are you going to buy her a big diamond ring? You wait long enough, someone else might swoop her up, you know?”
Jungkook blushes every damn time because of course he knows, you’re a gem, one in a million and he’s so lucky to be able to call you his girlfriend but it’s been two years now since he’s met you (again) and everyone and their mother knows that the both of you are so in love, that sometimes they forget that the both of you aren’t married, not even engaged.
Truth is, Jungkook has had the ring for close to 6 months now. It’s buried deep at the back of his sock drawer, a sizeable 15-karat diamond, surrounded by many fewer, smaller diamonds. It’s beautiful, grand and very, very expensive but it’s the only ring he believes can show you just how much he cares. He had spent hours in the store talking to the jeweler, viewing ring after ring just to make sure he could get you the perfect one. He’s been waiting and waiting, wondering when exactly would be the right moment to ask you or if he should put it off for another year because he didn’t want to scare you. He knows giving you the ring has a finality to it, that it means commitment, which is something you fear deeply.
“Diamond rings are overrated, and the diamond industry is horrible,” You groan at the ladies who’ve made themselves at home in the booth you and Jungkook were sitting at. “Child labour, slave labour and all for what? A shiny rock?” You scoff, shaking your head. “I don’t need a diamond ring, I don’t want one,” You huff, crossing your arms.
Jungkook feels a pang of fear strike him in his chest, worrying at the thought of you screaming in horror if you had found the ring or worse! If he had dropped down on one knee, the ring in hand… he can only imagine the look of disgust on your face. For the first time ever, Jungkook is grateful that the women had stopped by to pester the two of you today because he knows he’s getting rid of that ring first thing tomorrow morning.
Months later…
It’s the anniversary of the day he had first met you, yes, that would be the day he saw you at the gala when you were 8. You probably don’t remember the date, but Jungkook does, his diary entry from years ago telling him about the fateful day he met a girl that made the stinkin’ dinner that much bearable.
He’s been planning this for months now and as he stares down at the weather app on his phone, he frowns for there is a 50% chance of rain. Luck never really was on his side, the universe forever conspiring against him, he believes. The thumping sound in his chest and the way his palms seem to sweat no matter how many times he’s wiped them on his pants tells him that the day is finally here, that after months’ worth of hard work, he’s finally ready.
Jungkook had given both himself and Jimin the day off and begged him to take you to town, or anywhere really, just far from the home you shared with him. The moment you leave the house, waving him goodbye as you jumped into Jimin’s car, he goes into overdrive mode, pulling up his phone to dial the florist as he headed to the basement to pull out everything he needed to make tonight perfect.
It’s a little past 8 when Jungkook gets a text, one that informs him that both you and Jimin were going to be back soon and he lets out a deep breath, looking into the mirror one last time before standing in front of the door to wait for you, bouquet in hand.
“I’m ho— Oh?” You stumble backwards when you’re met with Jungkook standing right in front of you, shoving the flowers in your face.
“I uhh, picked these up on the way home from work,” He lies, a nervous smile on his lips. “Thought of you when I passed by them… so yeah.”
“Thank you, babe,” You grin, pecking him on the cheek before you take the bouquet from him.
“You’re dressed fancy,” You murmur, placing the bouquet on the counter. “Are you… going somewhere?” You question, unsure if he had told you he had some dinner to attend. Was that this week or next week?
“N-no, I just wanted to look nice for you,” He smiles and you laugh, quirking your eyebrow at him.
“Do you know what day today is?” He questions, grabbing your hand, leading you up the stairs.
“A Tuesday?” You answer, eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you shuffle behind him. “Kook, what’s going on?”
“It’s the anniversary of the day we first met… when we were 8,” He grins, hand still intertwined with yours as he walks you all the way up to the final floor of the house, the rooftop patio.
“How do you remember that?” You question, laughing. “You should’ve told me over the weekend! I would’ve gotten you someth—“
Your sentence is cut short as you take in the way the patio has been so beautifully lit up, fairy lights hanging over a make shift blanket fort that Jungkook has created. It looked like something off Pinterest and maybe that’s why you had caught him on the website weeks ago, looking through some pictures that looked very similar to what was in front of you.
“Kook, what is all of this?”
“I know I haven’t been home lately,” He frowns, shuffling in his spot. “And, we’ve missed so many movie nights so, I thought I could make it up to you with this,” He beams, tugging you along to take a seat with him amongst the numerous amount of pillows laid out atop the mattress.
“H-how did you get this mattress up here? And where did you find all these pillows? And that projector thing— Did we always have one?” You question referring to the huge screen that was set up in front of you.
The pure shock on your face is enough to send Jungkook into a laughing fit and he can’t help but place a kiss on your lips. God, you’re adorable.
“We’ll talk about that later,” He laughs, busying himself with the movie system he had set up for the night. He puts on the movie the both of you had meant to watch in the cinema 2 weeks ago but a last-minute meeting meant that the two of you had to miss it. Jungkook had pulled every single string he could just to get this movie for his own personal viewing before it’s available to the masses ala pay per view or DVD and he now owes a few too many people a favour or two but it’s all worth it if it’s for you.
“Are you… some kind of miracle worker?” You gasp. “Jungkook seriously… how did you get this movie? Isn’t it still showing in the theatres? How did you do all of this?”
“Through the power of my love for you,” He beams and 3, 2, 1, there it is, the signature scrunch of your nose. He laughs as you scowl at him, mumbling under your breath and he snuggles up closer to you even as you attempt to shove him away. It’s a hobby of Jungkook’s to throw cheesy lines your way because he knows you hate them and by hate them he means he knows you secretly love them.
It’s maybe 15 minutes into the movie when he feels a light drop of water on his cheek. No, no, no. Please no. He thinks maybe if he ignores it, the rain will simply go away. You look up to the sky, putting your palm out to check if that had been rain or you were just imagining it. You don’t stand there thinking for long because the drizzle soon becomes light rain and the two of you are quickly getting up to set away the snacks that Jungkook had laid out. Within seconds, the rain comes pouring down and you’re laughing as you try to wrap everything up into a blanket, quickly rushing into the house as he unplugs the wires, trying to lug both the speakers and the projector indoors.
By the time the two of you are able to get mostly everything into the house, the both of you are absolutely drenched. Though you’ve taken the situation very lightly, laughing as you tried to dry your hair with a towel, Jungkook has decided to sulk in a corner instead.
“Babe, aw come on, lighten up! The night’s not over yet. The movie just started,” You smile as you bring the towel up to wipe away the rainwater on his face.
You set up the movie in the living room as Jungkook dug his hand into the bowl of soggy popcorn, still frowning as he takes his seat next to you, watching the movie with you silently, only daring to speak when the credits begin to roll.
“I had everything planned out,” He sighs. “This has been months in the making,” He sulks.
“And I appreciate it,” You smile. “It was perfect,” You kiss him on the cheek, bringing your thumb up to stroke the apple of his cheek.
“No… I just… this all went down a little differently in my head.”
“Jungkook, I loved every second of tonight. Stop beating yourself up over something you couldn’t control. It was just a little rain.”
“I know but—”
“It was perfect, really. Tonight has been one of the best nights of the year. I had so much fun,” You smile cupping his face with both hands and he still has a small pout on his lips. “I love you so much, you know that? I know I don’t say it as often as most usually do but I really, really love you.”
“But it’s just… Y/N,” He breathes in deeply, his hands removing yours from his face as he sinks to one knee. “I had a whole speech planned out, one that would coincide with the ending of the movie but I’m so nervous, I’ve forgotten everything.”
You see Jungkook on a singular knee his hand holding onto yours softly and your chest tightens.
“You’re everything to me, you really are, and I can’t imagine a day without you. I always look forward to the end of the day because it means I get to come home to you and that’s all I ever want,” He smiles. “Forever.”
You’re staring at him, your eyes almost popping out of your sockets and Jungkook allows himself a few seconds before he asks the question that’s been on his mind for close to a year now.
“I guess what I’m trying to say is… Will you marry me?”
“Jungkook…” Your voice barely audible as you look at the man before you, all teary eyed. “Yes, I— Yes!”
There’s an audible sigh of relief just before you pull him up for a kiss. The smile he has on is unbeatable and he kisses you again and again, almost like he doesn’t believe that you said yes. With shaky hands, he slides the ring onto your finger, letting out a deep breath when he finds that it fits just right.
“Don’t worry, it’s white sapphire, not diamond!” He exclaims as he watches you examine the ring. “Y-you said you hated diamonds so I, uhh got rid of the diamond one I originally bought.”
“You told the ladies… you hated diamonds because… you know, slave labour and child labour and—”
“Jungkook, that was… that was just to get them to shut up, I didn’t really mean it… I mean I did but— You bought two rings?”
“Well I bought one, the diamond one… but I made this one,” He murmurs, blushing. “Yeah you can tell can’t you… I know, I should’ve just got it professionally made but I uhh thought it’d make it more special… if I made it but if it’s a little wonky and doesn’t fit well then you know why.”
Jungkook shrinks away, a little embarrassed because he hadn’t really thought about what your reaction would be when he tells you that he had made the ring. In his mind, it was the perfect gift, considering that you were an artist yourself… He thought what way to tell you better that he loves you and appreciates you by giving you something that couldn’t be bought with money, that was one of a kind, not 100% perfect but is filled with love and hard work, something like you.
“You made it? Like physically?”
“Yeah, that’s why I’ve been home late… One of my clients owns a jewelry workshop on the side and when I told her my plan, she offered to help me out.”
You’re crying and Jungkook’s scared because oh god, now you think he’s some cheap asshole who didn’t get you a diamond ring but then he hears you laugh as you wipe away your tears, your hands pulling him in for a hug.
“Y-you don’t like it do you? I’m sorry I—” Jungkook’s stammering, trying hard to salvage the situation and you pull away from him to plant a lingering kiss on his lips just to shut him up, just to tell him you absolutely love it.
There’s a moment of comfortable silence as he watches you examine the ring and he’s biting his lip nervously, hoping you can’t see the flaws as clearly as he does. He doesn’t know but you can’t see the flaws, not even a single one because you’re too busy admiring the fact that Jungkook had (with minimal help) crafted a ring! He had modeled it after the diamond ring he originally bought but… you didn’t need to know that. You murmur words of wonder and amazement beneath your breath and in that second Jungkook thinks it’s worth it. All those late nights, all the moments of pure frustration as he tries to twist the metal in just the right way or moments of pure nervousness as he tries to hide the tiny pricks and cuts on the pads of his fingers from you, it’s all worth it just to see the delight on your face.
“It’s funny,” You smile, as if embarrassed. “The ladies tried to convince me that you were cheating on me and I… I kind of well, was semi-convinced because of the late nights and perfume on your—"
“Cheat? God, Y/N, no, never.”
“I know, I know but it was just…” You murmur looking down at the ring nervously, and he waits for you to continue your sentence or say anything really but Jungkook can see how the main piece of white sapphire seemed to be slightly crooked.
“Listen, i-if you don’t like the ring I can always get you a diamond one again.”
“Jungkook, no,” You laugh, cupping his cheeks. “This is perfect. I love it,” You smile.
The shy smile he gives you makes your heart feel like leaping out of your chest and also melting into a puddle at the same time. For the longest time he only gazes at you, his eyes looking at you as if you are the entire Universe and to him, you are.
“I love you,” He sighs sweetly, turning his head so he could leave a soft kiss on the inside of your palm.
You don’t have to say it back to him, he already knows you do too, but he loves hearing it anyway and when you finally say I love you too between the kisses you pepper him with, he thinks he can’t possibly have a day better than this one in his entire life.
Fortunately, that’s a lie. With you, there came many more days he considers the best day of his life but really with you he couldn’t pick. Okay, no, that’s also a lie. There’s a handful of days he can pick out and he’s really trying to keep himself to a limit here so, he settles on 5 special days, of course, not including the day he got engaged to you.
It’s the day or really days right after the two of you get your marriage registered, having called Jimin and his family down to the office with only a few hours’ notice to be witnesses to your marriage. It’s spontaneous, ridiculous, much like your relationship with Jungkook but when he proposed the idea of it the other day, it didn’t take more than a second for you to shrug and say, why not? You should’ve known Jungkook and his spontaneous ideas were never really that spontaneous because he’s standing in front of you, presenting you with an itinerary of just what the two of you were going to do at Ko Lipe, a post-marriage gift, he says. You had on the most adorable expression, one mixed between shock and pure joy before it all fades and you furrow your eyebrows.
“What about work? Don’t you have a lot going on right now?”
“Ahh, I closed all my open-ended deals in the last month just for this… Just for you.”
Ugh, even he cringes at how goddamn cheesy he is when he’s talking to you but it’s almost as if his mouth had a mind of its own sometimes. You hum at that, pursing your lips so your smile wouldn’t show. He must’ve planned this months in advance. Spur of the moment thing my ass, you scoff mentally, but it’s more of a you’re-such-a-thoughtful-dork-and-I-love-you kind of scoff rather than a mean-spirited one. How does he always seem to know that your answer to any of his ‘spontaneous’ decisions will always be yes?
“So, you’re saying we’re going to have a week’s worth of privacy? No phone calls to interrupt us? Just you and me?”
“Just you and me,” He nods. “I’m leaving my work phone at home, see!” He pulls the drawer of the side table to show you the handphone that’s usually glued to his ear.
“No! I mean don’t do that… What if something goes wrong at work?”
“Then Jimin can deal with it,” He smiles.
You stand there thinking if it really is a good idea to just up and leave the country when you had found both you and him plastered across the gossip section of every major news outlet and magazine this morning, the mere mention of the two of you getting married enough to cause an online frenzy. It’s the story everyone’s ever wanted, the Jeon and Y/L/N rivalry finally put to an end by love. Except, both you and Jungkook know the truth, both your fathers and perhaps even brothers will forever be at loggerheads, even more so now that the Jeons were behind bars.
“Come on babe,” He whines. “It’ll be our very own island adventure!” He exclaims, placing a pair of sunglasses on for you and a straw sun hat on himself. 
“You’ll get me to go even if I do say no, won’t you?” You laugh and he winks at you because it’s the truth. He already had your bags packed… which would explain why you couldn’t find your favourite pair of shorts this morning.
Just like that, you’re whisked off to Ko Lipe, in a private jet he had borrowed from one of his clients. The press back home is having a field day, everyone wondering just where the two people the public want to see the most have disappeared to. You look down to your phone to see multiple missed calls from your parents and your siblings as reporter after reporter show up at your family’s residence, badgering them for comments. They didn’t know what to tell the press because well, they weren’t informed of the whole marriage registration debacle themselves!
All of that is the last thing that’s on your mind as you bury your toes in the sand, gazing out into the vast ocean blue. You aren’t given much thinking time anyway as Jungkook drags you out to do any form of extreme water sports that the private resort offers. Be it parasailing or going for one of those jet ski tours to the remote neighbouring islands and caves, it’s like you don’t even have time to catch your breath before he’s pulling you to the sign-up booth, looking for something else to do.
I, Island, Ko Lipe. The answer to the I of DIADEM, the family code that comes to you naturally no matter how long it’s been since you’ve been forced to recite it. It’s a thought that comes to you in passing as you’re laid out on a deck chair, finally being able to rest after Jungkook’s daily dose of adrenaline inducing adventures. This place, this island means so much to you and it means so much to Jungkook too. It’s been years since you’ve been back here, perhaps even longer for Jungkook and every single day spent here has been like a dream. You remember this island to be a place where you finally felt like you belonged in your family and you’re glad that now that you’re here again you don’t just ‘feel’ like you belong to a family, you know you’re part of a family, because right next to you is the man you’re going to marry, technically you already have. He smiles at you when he catches you staring at him, blowing you an obnoxious kiss just so he can see you scowl at him. 
You hope he feels the same way you do, hope that he knows you can’t ever replace the love his mother has for him, can’t replace the memories he has of this island when he was much younger, exploring the island as his mother chased after him but you hope he allows this trip, the numerous moments you’ve had with him to add on to the fact that this island will always be special to him. If only you knew you didn’t have to hope. Jungkook’s already committed to documenting every single moment of this trip, having had taken an unreal number of photos along with hours upon hours of footage just so he could look back on it all whenever he wanted to because he feels this whole week has been the best damn week of his life.
The two of you return home after a rather exhausting yet refreshing week at Ko Lipe. The press has seemingly forgotten about the two of you or have simply given up on trying to locate either of you. Jungkook spends most of the week working from home and you decide against leaving the mountains at all, neither of you wanting to deal with a publicity shitstorm. It’s perhaps months after, when the two of you know that you’re definitely in the clear that you decide to send out invitations to your wedding, a relatively small one with no less than 50 people that’s slated to happen in the backyard, next to the lake. To be fair, most of the attendees were going to be the people from town, the only outsiders would be your family and Jimin and his family. Jungkook adamant as he is, refuses to extend an invitation to his step-mother, unwilling to forgive the fact that she had allowed his father and brother to go to the lengths they did in order to try and be level with Y/L/N Logistics. You don’t argue with him, respecting that it was his decision to make and honestly, regarding your own family, you aren’t quite sure if they are actually going to show up considering the fact that you hadn’t personally called them back after the whole out of the blue marriage registration fiasco, only sending them a text to confirm that yes, you had indeed decided to marry Jungkook.
The wedding day comes faster than Jungkook could have imagined and suddenly he’s sweating nervously as he stands at the end of the aisle, the guests rising from their seats as the wedding march begins to play. The ceremony is simple yet elegant, only a small flower arch at the end of the aisle and 50 white chairs at either side of the white carpet. Every single seat is occupied, all except one because it’s Jimin who stands beside you, arm linked with yours as you walk down the aisle. Your breath almost gets caught in your throat when you spot your family amidst the crowd. The blank faces on you father, mother and brother tells you that it must’ve been your sister that had dragged all 3 of them here. You send her an appreciative smile because though growing up in that house with your family hadn’t been great, you still do in fact share the same blood and you still do love them, despite their flaws. 
You look forward when you hear Jimin let out a light laugh, and this time it’s like your breath is taken away when you finally lay eyes on your soon to be husband. He stands tall in a classic suit, looking dapper and handsome as always. You can see the way Jungkook has already started to tear up and you guess that’s why Jimin had been laughing but truth be told, you were on the verge of tears yourself. Jungkook feels almost light headed when he sees you standing next to him because you look unreal, absolutely gorgeous in all white. Your dress isn’t the princess type with a long train but it’s a rather modest one, a simple number that seemed to drape over your body perfectly, hugging you in just the right places but more than that, it’s your face, like you’re almost glowing and Jungkook’s heart picks up it’s pace because the day he has been dreaming of is finally here and he keeps thinking that he must be the luckiest man alive to finally (almost) officially be able to spend the rest of his life with you.
The crowd coos as Buster makes his way down the aisle, the small box containing the rings attached to his collar. He’s clearly enjoying the attention because he stops to pose for photos, almost stealing the show! But, he makes it to the end in timely fashion, stopping next to Jimin so he could detach the box from the collar. Nervously, both you and Jungkook take the rings from the box.
Jungkook starts with his vows first and his voice cracks when he starts, almost unable to hold back the impending tears. He clears his throat with a laugh before he looks up to gaze at you, telling you that he hopes you know that by marrying him you’re going to have to live with the fact that he always seems to fart up a storm every morning and that although he apologizes for it, it’s something he can’t control, and he hopes it’s something you won’t leave him for once he’s old and gray, and out of money.
Jungkook doesn’t even have to look at the paper he has in his hand because he already knows what he wants to tell you by heart. Aside from his mother, you are the only person that sees him for who he is, for who he can be and who he wanted to be. You bring out the best in him and with you by his side, he truly thinks he’d be able to do anything. He promises you a life full of adventure, happiness and genuine love because you deserved the world and he was going to give you everything he could. 
You regret choosing to go second because now you’re forced to wipe away your tears while you read out your vows, because really, how could you listen to Jungkook speak like that and not cry. When you begin, you’re stammering and Jungkook offers you a soft smile before reaching out to gently wipe away a stray tear or two. You let out a deep exhale, abandoning the piece of paper that you had worked day and night on because the words on there just weren’t good enough to explain how grateful you are for the man before you. All you really want to say is that you’re so glad that Jungkook loves you wholeheartedly for who you are, and you promise to love him the same. The world has always told the both of you that the pair of you just aren’t destined to be but to hell with that. You believed in creating your own fate, your own destiny and you’ll be damned if Jungkook wasn’t a part of that. If soulmates exist, you are quite sure that he is yours. He knows you inside and out, perhaps even better than yourself and you know you’d never want to spend your life in the arms of another for he truly is your escape. You tell him that you only hope to be his too and he laughs shaking his head and utters 7 words that has your heart flip-flopping in your chest.
“You’re not my escape,” He smiles. “You’re my home.”
When the two of you finally slide on the ring on each other’s finger, there’s cheers that ring around the backyard, Buster barking excitedly as the two of you share the first kiss of your official ceremonially confirmed marriage. There isn’t a person in attendance that feels bitter about the marriage, not even your family despite the unreadable expression on their faces. Truth be told, they’re happy for you. You deserved better, more than they’ve ever given you, they were human enough to admit that and they’re glad that you finally have someone that can give you everything they never did.
When the ceremony is all over and done with, it’s just an hour before sun down, enough time for the two of you to change out of your respective outfits for something more comfortable. A short drive later, you find yourself with your hand intertwined with Jungkook’s as the two of you sat by the grave of his mother, listening as he tells her about the day, tells her he wishes she was here. You let your other hand rest on top of his and you tell her thank you, thank you for giving birth to the man that you love so much and that you intend to care for him, like she had, until the end of time.
The story of special day number three starts perhaps almost two years into the marriage, almost 6 months before said day. You’re sat at the table with Jungkook, friendly conversation going around between the other people seated at the table. It’s the anniversary of the founding of the town and every single resident has found themselves at the local square to celebrate, eat and drink the day away. You’re looking further off in the distance, having zoned out of the lovely little discussion that was going on around you to look at the children running circles around each other, giggling and talking amongst each other, your gaze ever so warm and fond.
“Do you think you’ll ever want any of your own?” The lady beside you asks and Jungkook perks up to listen to your reply, knowing the answer to this question full well because he’s asked you once or twice before when you’re cuddled up next to him in bed.
“No, they’re too much work,” You laugh and the lady laughs along with you agreeing to your statement. Everyone thinks it’s true, that you don’t want children of your own because they’re messy and loud but Jungkook knows better, knows the look in your eyes whenever you look at them from afar, it’s one that people have when they’re looking at something they can’t have. Jungkook thinks that it has to do with your childhood, that your parents, no matter how much you refuse to admit it have scarred you so deeply that you can’t possibly fathom having a child on the off chance that in a moment of anger, you would say something to your child that was remotely similar to what your parents had said to you over and over again over the course of your childhood. People often say that children will take after their parents when they’re older and if anything, that is your worst nightmare, to become the people who had caused you so much hurt.
Jungkook joins in the conversation, nodding that the two of you simply wouldn’t have time for a child, which is a lie because Jungkook would do anything to make sure he has time for his child, if he had one that is. But he lies, lies for you because he knows what will follow after if he doesn’t say anything. They’ll badger you with questions like: But who will look after you when you’re old if you have no children? Do you hate children? Are you sure you’ll never want them? He prefers to take the brunt of it, letting them know that he wouldn’t know the first thing about being a father but of course that’s a lie too. Jungkook knows just what kind of father he would be. He would be everything his father wasn’t.
It’s exactly 5 months and 3 weeks since that dinner, since you had that conversation that made your stomach churn, which actually is quite funny since your stomach has been doing a lot of that lately even without having been asked the classic question of why you haven’t thought about having children yet.
You refuse to think about it, refuse to admit that certain smells, one that are completely normal, like the fudge brownies that you usually bake suddenly makes you feel like throwing up or the fact that you had literally forced Jungkook to drive you to the city in the middle of the night because your fried chicken craving was driving you insane.
Something at the back of your mind tells you that these are classic signs of… of… you don’t even want to say it because maybe if you didn’t, it wouldn’t be true. You think back to the past two weeks or so, acknowledging that yes, maybe you had allowed Jungkook to forgo the condom but that’s because you had been on the pill, right?! Not like you had missed a day or two in the past week, right?! Not like your period isn’t on time this month, right?! You wondered how many more lies you could tell yourself until you would have to drive down to the pharmacy in the city to pick up, you know, that special stick? The answer is not many because in just a few hours you’re in your bathroom with the stick in hand, wondering if you were supposed to pee on it sitting down? Standing up? Did it matter? You let out an annoyed groan before reaching into the box to pull out the instructions.
Two blue lines stare back at you and you let out a small scream. You pee on another stick… or maybe 5… just to be sure, you know? And now you’re looking down at 6 sticks that tell you the same thing… that you’re, that you’re… you can’t even bring yourself to say it.
You stuff everything into the plastic bag from the pharmacy, keeping at least one stick because… you had to tell Jungkook right? You keep the test somewhere in the back of your closet, beneath a pile of clothes, trying to form sentences in your head, wondering how the news would sit with him but first, you needed to accept reality and somehow you just refuse to.
You’re skittish around Jungkook for the next few days and though he notices it, he doesn’t bring it up because usually when he gives you time, you’ll let him know whatever it is that’s on your mind. He thinks you’re upset with him, waiting for him to figure out whatever it is without telling him and he’s trying so hard, running through every single thing he had done over the past week just to see if he could find whatever it is that he had done wrong. Was it because he forgot to flush the toilet that one day? It is isn’t it?
It’s the day, D-day, you proclaim. It has been a full week since you’ve taken the test and you’ve had exactly 7 days to think of what to say. You think a short speech would suffice… butter him up first and then apologize for missing the pill or something… but it’s not that part you’re really worried about, you sigh. It’s the fact that you’re going to have to raise a human being and you know Jungkook won’t say no to the idea, in fact you know he’ll be ecstatic, but he hasn’t thought it over like you. You’re not worried about the finances, or the fact that you’ll be incapable of loving the child, because you’ll do nothing but love your child, cherish them, but you’re worried your child won’t love you back or that Jungkook wouldn’t either because… you’re you and you’re flawed in the worst possible way, in a way that you couldn’t change even if you tried.
You’re so busy thinking that you hadn’t heard Jungkook come through the front door and you quickly stuff the pregnancy test behind you, between the pillows on the couch you were sitting on.
“Y/N, babe, listen,” Jungkook smiles nervously as he takes a seat beside you on the couch, loosening the tie around his neck. “I know you’re upset with me but I swear I thought I flushed the toilet—”
“I’m pregnant,” You blurt out and you immediately shut your eyes because fuck you were supposed to shower him with compliments first! Tell him that it had been an honest mistake, that you had forgotten that you had missed a pill that week when you told him he didn’t need the condom.
“You’re pregnant,” He murmurs, and you let out a sigh, an apology on the tip of your tongue when you look at him, his eyebrows furrowed together as if he had never heard the word before. “You’re pregnant!” He repeats, his face somewhere between shock and joy as it finally dawns on him why you’ve been acting so weird lately. A large smile finds it way onto Jungkook’s face and he’s about to engulf you in a hug, pick you up and swing you around in his arms but then he sees the way your bottom lip wobbles and suddenly there’s a stream of tears rolling down your cheeks. He’s stunned for a second because wait, was that not the reaction you had wanted from him?
“Babe… Hey, Y/N… What’s wrong?” He quickly asks, scooting closer towards you so he can hold you close, wipe away your tears. You’re only shaking your head, sobbing so hard that it makes Jungkook’s heart break into two. He lets you take your time, simply gripping your hand when you produce the pregnancy test from behind the pillows, the two lines showing that you are indeed, pregnant.
“What if… what if,” You hiccup, sobs chopping up your sentence. “What if our baby’s a 4?”
Oh, ohhh, Jungkook understands now, realizes just why you’re crying.
“You’re going to end up hating me and our baby will too,” You mumble, picturing just what it’ll be like, complete silence in your house, absolute distaste burning behind Jungkook’s eyes when the number begins to glow above your child’s head.
“I…,” Jungkook’s at a complete loss of words, unable to comprehend just why you’d think that. “I’d never hate you,” He says rather sternly, as if he’s upset that you’d ever think that.
He catches it, the look on your face, one that says you didn’t believe him at all. It’s because he doesn’t know, you sigh, doesn’t understand what it’s like and you’ve experienced it one too many times, how people accept you at first despite your number but one by one, they all seem to leave you in the dust.
“Nothing will ever stop me from loving you… nothing,” He breathes, bringing up his hand to stroke your cheek, imploring for you to look at him. “Do you understand that?”
You neither nod or shake your head, your eyes simply downcast as you fiddle nervously with the pregnancy test in your hand.
“Whatever our baby’s number is, even if it’s a damn zero, I’m gonna love our baby all the same,” He smiles, prying the pregnancy test out of your hand so he can hold yours. “And I will always, always love you. That will never change.”
This time, you give him a little nod which makes him smile and he uses his thumb to rub comforting circles to the back of your palm.
“What if.. what if our baby hates me?” You frown. “I don’t want our baby to go through what I did, Kook,” You sigh, your shoulders drooping down as you refer to your painful childhood, the fact that you were viewed as if you were like scum simply because you had a single digit number. You don’t want to bring another human being into the world just for them to feel nothing but pain.
“Our baby won’t,” He reassures you, his tone strong and sure as if he was promising you that, but you know he can’t change what others would think of your child. “You and I are going to love our child so much that the sun is going to shine out of their ass because all they’ll ever know is love,” He smiles. “And, I’ll fight everyone and anyone who tries to hurt them or you, you hear me?”
You let out a light laugh, appreciating how Jungkook could make you feel better no matter the pain you feel in your chest and you smile at him affectionately. He takes the chance to press a light kiss to your cheek as if to let you know that he understands how hard this must be for you, that you must’ve been going over these thoughts again and again for some time now. The smile you have fades as quickly as it came though and he sees you lick the corner of your lips, tears threatening to reappear again.
“I… I won’t force you to… you know have a child,” He whispers, his hand giving yours a short squeeze. “It’s up to you love.”
“No, I want to keep it,” You answer almost instantaneously.
Jungkook tries to hide his excitement but he does a horrible job of it because he’s quite literally bouncing in his seat.
“I’m so happy, I really am,” He smiles before he calms down considerably, letting out a deep exhale as he placed his hand on your cheek to get your attention. “Listen I… I want this but only if you do. Don’t just say yes because you think that’s what I want you to say.”
“No, no,” You laugh. “I want this, I do.”
You really did, and maybe you just needed to hear that Jungkook was going to be with you every step of the way, that your child, no matter what, won’t have a childhood that’s anywhere close to yours.
“We’re having a baby,” He murmurs, almost as if he was talking to himself, then he turns to you. “You and me, our own little human!”
He’s so endearing it makes your heart hurt. He presses a kiss to your lips, something he had been wanting to do since you had uttered the two words that has made this day one of the best days in his life. He tells you again and again that he loves you and you tell him the same, thinking you’ll never grow tired of him, of his love. It’s a thought that begins to falter later on during the pregnancy because it’s as if your child is having a fucking karate lesson in your belly, kicking non-stop, especially when you wanted to sleep. Sometimes you almost feel like strangling Jungkook, wanting to scream at him because it’s his fault! He did this to you! He was the reason there’s a baby in your stomach but he pacifies you with fried chicken, even if it’s 3 am in the morning so, you let him live to fight another day. To be honest, this whole pregnancy thing scares Jungkook a little because sometimes you were moody, downright scary but he can only try his best to make the whole carrying a child in your belly thing less stressful by massaging your feet. For the most part, watching your stomach grow with size has been entertaining and he makes sure to take a picture each week just because and usually it’s a relatively ordinary process but one time you beckon him over, making him lie next to you.
“Watch this,” You smile as you lay on the bed.
He’s staring at your belly curiously, unsure what he’s supposed to be looking for because he sees it every day, leaves a light kiss on it all the time. Then he sees it, your belly moving as if there’s something growing inside and he lets out a light yelp. You laugh uncontrollably as Jungkook stares with his mouth agape. Of course, he knew you were pregnant, that you had a baby growing inside of you but yet he hadn’t really comprehended that until now. He whips out his phone just to record it because do people know babies do that? He didn’t. He wonders what Jimin would think of it.
“Okay, now go get me some fried chicken,” You command after having had enough of Jungkook rubbing his palm over your belly, just to be sure that it was your belly that was moving and not just him imagining it.
“Yes ma’am,” He answers with a salute.
Jungkook wishes he has more to say about this day but to be fair, he felt like he wasn’t even fully present on the day himself because he was genuinely about to shit himself when you told him your water had broke. He rushed you to the hospital, not forgetting to grab the bag that the two of you had already packed in advance, knowing that this day was approaching.
As you go through labour pains, you grip his hand, hard and Jungkook swears he might have a hairline fracture on a finger or two because boy did you have a grip but he understands and it’s a small price he’s willing to pay considering it isn’t him that is pushing out a human out of his damn body.
When he hears the first cry, his heart almost stops beating and then starts beating at twice it’s normal speed when the doctor turns to him to speak.
“Would you like to carry her?”
Her! A baby girl! Which he already knows from the ultrasounds early on in the pregnancy but still! Anyway, back to the question, would he like to carry her? Yes. No. Yes. No. What if he drops her?
“I’m uhh, not sure how to carry—”
The doctor laughs softly before he gives instructions to Jungkook like he has to many new fathers. Jungkook sways his crying child in his arms cooing at her as you look up at him with tired eyes. Even in your exhaustion, you manage a few tears, a lot less compared to Jungkook who’s kind of almost sobbing in the operation theatre.
_________, He murmurs the name the two of you had decided weeks ago. It fit her perfectly, he thinks, even if at this point, all babies look the same to him.
It’s the best day of his life… or at least one of, he smiles. He cradles his little baby in his arms for a few more seconds before he steps closer to you, letting you hold your child for the first time. A family, he sighs. A real one. And he was going to make it the best damn one.
Jungkook is cautious with his daughter at first because she’s tiny, fragile and he’s afraid he might break her by just touching her but his heart becomes goo in his chest whenever he sees her fidget in the crib, kick out her tiny little feet or you know just… breathe in general. He’s absolutely whipped for his child and why shouldn’t he be? He loves her and thinks she’s the cutest baby to ever exist and he doesn’t care if the lady in town says all parents think that their child is the cutest because she’s wrong, his child is the cutest, ever, no question about it… even if she’s the reason he gets exactly 0.2 hours of sleep every night. He won’t lie, parenting is extremely exhausting and he’s fought with you over these past months more than ever but in the end it’s all worth it when she’s asleep in the crib and he drags himself back to bed to cuddle with you.
Watching _________ grow up is magical to him. From the day she manages to sit up, to the day she manages to murmur things, to the day she takes her first steps with absolutely no help at all (which he managed to record!), every single milestone makes Jungkook smile until his cheeks begin to ache. He simply can’t believe that he has a child, often pointing down to her in the crib before looking at you to say, we made that! To which your reply is often, yeah, and I did most of the work, which he admits is true but still, the child is half him, he often reminds you.
He loves his daughter with everything he has and would completely spoil her if it wasn’t for you who was there to keep him in check and he thinks he’s done absolutely everything he could to make sure she knows that he loves her and yet, she still hasn’t said the thing he wishes to hear the most. She’s a 98, just like him which honestly, came as a surprise to both you and him but despite the matching number, she doesn’t do what he expects of her, doesn’t say what he’s been hoping to hear for a while now.
It’s frustrating for Jungkook but in all of her 7-ish months of life, she’s said a grand total of 3 words, that being,
Doggy, because Buster, he’s just a charmer. From babies to old ladies, he had ‘em all in the palm of his… paws.
Yum, often repeated twice, was codeword for I’m hungry and you better feed me before I start screaming.
And the one he was the least happy about,
You could see the pure disappointment on his face when his daughter uttered it not once, not twice but three times in a row as she stretched her hands outwards, wanting to be carried.
“I’ll carry you!” Jungkook exclaims. “You just have to say it! Say dad!” He instructs her but she simply turns away, looking at you as you swoop her up into your hands.
He repeats the word ‘Dad’ to her like a goddamn parrot, day in, day out, hoping that one day she would repeat after him, but she doesn’t. Jungkook’s given up hope, stops trying after weeks of saying the same word over and over, silently waiting for the day his daughter acknowledges him.
Luckily for him, the day comes not too long after when it’s a summer day where Jungkook is lazing around on the carpet, his daughter laying atop his chest, taking a nap. He has his hands beneath his head, eyes slowly fluttering as he feels himself drifting off to sleep but he’s startled awake when he feels his daughter move groggily on his chest letting out a few whines.
“_______, are ya awake?”
More whines before she’s rubbing at her eyes sleepily.
He places his hands on her, gently stroking her back as her eyes finally flutter open and a light smile finds it’s way onto Jungkook’s lips. It’s a miracle she isn’t crying like she usually does when she wakes up from her nap. She stares curiously at him as if there were a thousand thoughts going through her adorably tiny head.
Jungkook stops breathing for a second and his mouth hangs open, in shock.
“Dada,” She repeats.
“Y/N!!!!” He screams, picking off _______ from his chest. “Get your phone!”
“What?” You call from the kitchen, your tone almost nonchalant as if Jungkook wasn’t witnessing the most important moment of his life right now.
“Your phone! Now!” He shouts as he scrambles to his feet, cradling _______ against him.
He makes his way to the kitchen to find you still busy, looking through the fridge, having absolutely no urgency to comply to Jungkook’s request. He stops right in front of you and you look up at him confused.
“Say it,” He coos, looking at _______.
She only gazes at him curiously, not understanding what he’s saying because of course, she’s a toddler.
“Doggy,” She replies, pointing to Buster who had just walked into the kitchen and you laugh boisterously when Jungkook’s face crumples in hurt.
“Jungkook,” You snort. “Leave her alone, won’t you? She’ll say dad someday… Just be patient.”
“She said it! I swear she did!” He exclaims. “Twice!”
“Yeah, sure she did,” You scoff.
“Did too!” He grumbles before turning to _______ . “Dad. Say it, say dad,” He coos, and you bring a palm to your face because here he goes agai—
“Ha! Won’t you look at that!!!” He’s practically jumping and if he wasn’t carrying her, he would’ve probably done a summersault, a cartwheel, maybe even a damn split.
“Who’s your favourite parent? It’s me isn’t it?” He smiles down at _______.
“Please,” You laugh. “She’s only said it onc—”
“Yeah, you’re right! That’s me! I’m dada! And you love me more than mama don’t you?”
“Dada,” Is her reply and Jungkook’s screaming internally because wow, what a day today is. The best day of his life. It’s the best damn day.
You want to be mad at Jungkook for being so annoying but again, it’s like he’s a huge man child and he’s so stupidly endearing that you can’t do anything but laugh.
“It’s okay, Y/N. Don’t be upset,” He smiles. “You’ve held the title of favourite parent for far too long okay? It’s time I had my chance.”
You only nod at him, giving him his moment of glory, pecking him on the cheek because how can you resist a man who argues with you about whether your daughter loves you or him more when your parents barely acknowledged your existence.
It’s been a simple day, a relatively normal day, at least for you… Jungkook would have something else to say about today but just like him, you concur that it’s one of the best days of your life because life isn’t really about the grand, great things to you, it’s about the simple things. It’s about how right now, you have a husband that loves you unconditionally and a daughter that you love unconditionally and really, that’s more than you could ever ask for. You no longer live each day, wishing the misery would end rather you live each day, embracing the love and happiness that you find around you. That isn’t to say every single day is just sunshine and rainbows, of course there are bad ones, many in fact, because life isn’t perfect but the good outweighs the bad and that’s all you’ve ever wanted.
Maybe life hasn’t played out the way you’ve always wanted it to, the family residence you called your home for so many years was still cold and unloving but life is about growing, about changing and if you had done neither maybe you wouldn’t have felt a world of hurt when everything seemed to have crumbled around you years ago but neither would you be feeling an unrivaled amount of happiness today, having Jungkook tease you over the fact that your daughter had switched allegiances, that he is in fact, the favourite parent to her. He’s insufferable, he truly is but maybe Jungkook was right when he gazed upon you as you finished saying your vows to him, the 7 word sentence he uttered at the altar still one of your favourite things he has ever said to you because it’s true, he isn’t your escape, he is your home.
p.s: wew it’s the end! this time for real! thank you all for reading!!! it’s been such a journey (’:
p.p.s: the explanation for why the daughter has a 98 is that technically the oc’s number is really high too because she’s a twin remember? (like flashback to chapter 7). Twins are special and it’s kinda known that they in general have really high numbers… just that in the mc’s case, it was unfortunate that the sister did not survive and hence the number couldn’t be re-balanced. also, about oc finding out about her twin… well, maybe in the distant future when one of her parents passes away…
I hope this epilogue answers all your questions but if you have any other questions, I’d be happy to answer!!! (like honestly really happy so ask away!) Thank you all so much for reading escape (‘:
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5  // Part 6 // Part 6.5 // Part 7 // Part 8 // Part 9
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