#Need a time machine so I can go back smack him upside the head and say no canoe for you Eric
the-starry-seas · 17 days
Oh oh me!! May i get a techo with tech jr drabble pretty please? I NEED to see them being cat parents
i asked for drabbles and immediately went to bed, who am i
"I have decided. We must alter our domicile to be safer for such a companion," Tech insists, not looking up from his datapad as he adds the thirty-seventh pint to the list.
Echo uses his spring-loaded catapult finger to fling a raisin at him, since they're objectively the worst fruit, and Tech's been talking about this for two hours instead of paying any attention to him.
Tech pauses, shakes his head to dislodge the raisin from the side of his glasses, then looks up. "You are not taking this seriously."
"She's lasted this long. I think she'll be okay. And it's not like you're going to clear out your bunk."
"Why would I do that?"
"You have a live wire in there."
"I have intentionally left it that way." At Echo's sudden change of expression, he decides he should clarify. "In case you need to charge your legs."
That is not true, but Echo's expression changes again, for the better this time, as far as Tech can tell. That seems better than the scrunchy frown sort of thing it was doing a minute ago. He might not be good at recognising expressions, or emotions, but he knows when Echo's making a face that will be followed by something else being thrown.
"Why are you worried about her now, anyway?" Echo asks. There's a change in his voice that Tech usually associates with Omega getting some kind of mild injury. Concern, likely.
Tech isn't about to admit that Junior was nosing around at a live wire. Instead he says, which is also true, "I have researched the standard operating procedure for introducing a new animal into a social unit. A primary concern is removing any hazards from the environment. I now have a list of things to check for."
"A list," Echo echoes, in a tone of voice that usually results in him swatting Hunter or Crosshair upside the head for something. He sighs and shakes his head a little, a smile curling up the corner of his mouth before he gets up from the co-pilot's seat. "Okay, hon. Enjoy yourself. I'm gonna lay down."
Tech looks up so suddenly that his goggles shift. "Are you all right?"
"Yeah, just got a pinch in my hip." He leans down to kiss Tech's forehead, then tilts Tech's chin up with his knuckle to kiss his lips.
Tech doesn't realise for several minutes that he's staring at the now-empty doorway, a smile on his own face.
His plan to tooka-proof the ship works well, in his opinion. Hunter will be complaining about all his knives being moved, but that's Hunter's problem, and he should have thought of that before now, frankly, because the others have all yelled at him for it before.
Somehow, it also takes four hours. He hadn't realised that part until Junior screams at him, and he checks the clock on his datapad to see if her food bowl needs to be refilled.
There's a smiley face drawn on the erasable board above her food bowls, with the date and time next to it. Echo's handiwork, he knows. The wonky line of the smile itself is... strangely endearing.
"You do not need food," he tells Junior.
She screams at him again, and wraps around his ankle to kick at it with her back feet. He waits for her to stop. She does, but when he tries to leave the galley, she follows him and starts biting again.
He goes to get the last of the caf that Hunter left in the machine. She smacks his hand until he has to let go. Well, if he can't go back to the cockpit, and can't get any caf... what is he supposed to do? Go to bed?! That's entirely unreasonable!
Junior sits in the doorway leading to the cockpit, her tail flicking back and forth in a way that he knows is dangerous.
He knows when to admit defeat, so he scurries the other way, hoping to outrun her.
It takes him a few minutes to realise that she's herding him toward Echo's hammock. Fortunately Echo himself is awake, browsing something on his own datapad. He squints over the edge of the screen at Tech and smiles.
"Hey," he says. "Junior got fed up with you being awake, huh?"
"She would not stop biting me," Tech explains.
Echo raises an eyebrow. "So you brought her over here?"
In hindsight, not the best choice. He has no good answer to that, so he just carefully clambers his way into the hammock. Echo's mood almost always evens out when Tech is touching him. Tech finds it fascinating.
And true to form, after a few grumbles under his breath, Echo calms and shifts slightly to be facing him. And then a new look of concern crosses his face.
"She's never seen me without my legs."
Ah, yes. Echo takes his legs off to rest, and Junior prefers to keep to her own devices at night. What, exactly, he's not sure, but there's been several times that Wrecker's woken up the whole ship by screaming because she ran up to him in the dark and bit him.
Tech has no immediate answer to this, and stares at Echo's waist as he tries to figure it out. Junior's seen him working on Echo's spare leg before, so maybe she knows something...
His thoughts are interrupted by Echo pulling a blanket up, hiding himself from sight.
Tech blinks at him.
"You were staring," Echo says stiffy.
"Sorry," Tech says, because that has an 83% chance of beginning to defuse the situation, even when he doesn't know what he did. And besides, he can't try to spin it in a better light. Echo has a thing about even making out when Junior's watching them.
Something furry and sharp hits him right in the spleen as Junior hops into the hammock with them.
"Unfortunate aim," he says, wheezing a little. It's been a while since he brushed up on his knowledge of internal organs, but he's fairly sure he still needs that particular one intact.
"I dunno, I think she did a good job."
Apparently Echo has no intention of helping.
"I believe we should consider doing something about this," Tech says, trying not to sound nervous at the way Junior starts clawing gently at his chest. Kneading, Echo calls it, and insists it's normal. Tech is still unconvinced. It seems to him that she could be attempting some kind of revenge for not feeding her a second dinner.
His concerns about revenge are assuaged when Junior smashes her face into his throat, like she typically does to show affection. He has no idea why, but he kisses the top of her head like he always does. She'll start biting him otherwise. He's a bit nervous about that too.
"You're adorable," Echo says, tucking an arm behind his head, careful not to elbow Tech in the face.
"I am a scientist," Tech corrects him with a sniff.
"Maybe scientists can be adorable."
"'Adorable' is not a quantifiable descriptor."
"Leave the quantifying to me, babe, it'll be fine."
"Very well. I trust your judgment."
Echo smiles at that, the kind that seems- different, from usual, in a way that Tech still can't describe. In a way that only Tech has seen.
"Did you get your standard operating procedure done?" he asks.
His voice is a little quieter than before. In the calm way, Tech assures himself, not the pained way.
"I finished approximately 93% of scheduled procedures."
"Seems pretty good."
"Junior would not let me finish."
"Yeah? How's that?"
Tech doesn't want to admit that the tooka chased him all through the ship, but Echo can always tell when he tries to lie, so he does.
The way Echo laughs makes it worth it.
Junior pops her head up at that, and stomps across another two or three of Tech's vital organs on her way to sniff at Echo's face. He doesn't seem to know what to make of that. Then again, neither does Tech. So far, Junior has only really paid attention to Tech, except when she occasionally hunts one of the other Batchers for her own entertainment. Tech can understand that impulse.
He thinks they're both surprised when Junior curls up on Echo's stomach and starts purring.
"Should I do something?" Echo whispers.
"You should probably refrain from rolling over."
"I'm not going to do that, you dingus."
Well, there's no need to be rude.
"Then I am sure you will be fine," Tech says. "Junior is a wonderful companion." When she's not biting.
Junior is currently doing an impressive impersonation of the rock grinder that Echo got Tech for their last enniversary. She even rolls over, stretching all four legs out.
"I know better," Echo tells her.
Tech doesn't, and scratches at her stomach until she starts biting him again. She doesn't draw any blood, so he assumes she doesn't mind. There's been apologies for blood before, among all the Batch. She's simply one of them.
"Do you like her?" Tech asks.
Echo glances at him curiously. "Yeah. Were you worried about that?"
"Yeah," Tech admits. Echo means everything to him. Tech doesn't want to have to choose between him and Junior. They're both too important.
"Don't worry. We'd figure it out."
Hm. They do seem likely to do that.
"We have a sufficient rate of success when it comes to Junior," he agrees, and takes his goggles off before Echo can fuss at him for falling asleep in them again. He stretches, like Junior had, and curls up at Echo's side, not-so-subtly kicking the body pillow off the end as he does.
From the snort Echo gives, he knows exactly what Tech's doing, but he doesn't comment. Instead he cautiously brings his hand up to rest on Junior's back. She begins licking his wrist, and doesn't seem to mind when he snorts another laugh.
Tech falls asleep to the sound of Junior purring, and the warmth of Echo at his side. It's exceptional.
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liminalpebble · 7 months
Eddies Education: Chapter 24
CW: This chapter contains horror-typical violence and death, also mentions of abuse. Please read at your own discretion and minors DNI.
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Chapter 24
In the a back corner of the community hall, the group rolled out a map of Hawkins and fenced it in with their plated-up Thanksgiving dinners. Between bites of turkey and green bean casserole they discussed which areas might be Vecna's nest in upside-down Hawkins; circling the locations of every known pond, swimming pool, or cistern in red pen. Though they worked off of Leia's hypothesis about water, Leia herself had to be exiled to a smaller lounge with headphones on.
She understood, of course, that it would be much too risky for her to help them plan and to know their next steps if Vecna could reach into her mind so easily, but she hated feeling stuck and anxious. She sprawled across the little musty-smelling couch between the pinball machines, legs and head draped over the armrests. She nodded along with David Byrne's quirky fragile voice as he sang This Must Be the Place, and tapped her heels against the side of love seat. She shut her eyes tightly, and held her arms, trying to calm herself as he crooned:
...I'm just an animal looking for a home. Share the same space for a minute or two. And you love me till my heart stops. Love me 'til I'm dead. Eyes that light up, eyes look through you. Cover up the blank spots. Hit me on the head...
Leia felt a little stroke over her cascade of hair where it hung off the sofa, and a kiss on her forehead. “Hey Rapunzel, you hungry? Scoot over.”
Eddie set out two TV trays and set two heavily loaded plates on each one. “Thank you, scoundrel,” she said kissing him on the cheek. “How's it going in there?”
“Hrmm...I uh...I guess I can't really tell you.”
“Right...sorry...I keep forgetting. This is all so weird,” she said, spearing a piece of casserole.
“Hey,” Eddie soothed, putting his free arm around her, “It'll be okay.”
“I hope so. But we just don't know that, do we?”
“Never tell me the odds, Princess. I have to hope and try, no matter how much I fail, and let me tell you. I've failed a lot in my life. I failed senior year three times, for fuck sake.”
She chuckled at that, almost spitting out a gulp of wine. He continued, “But, it all turned out okay. If it weren't for that, I wouldn't have met you...the best thing that ever happened to me. So...” he said, lifting his own little plastic wine glass to make a toast, “here's to our love. 'May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out', fair lady.”
She grabbed his face and kissed him. “I love you, you sweet precious sentimental dork.”
He laughed. “What? Doesn't quoting Tolkien get all hot and bothered?”
She elbowed him, and he tussled her hair while he scooped up a dollop of mashed potatoes.
Leia stared down at her food, pushing the last of it around in thought, digging little shapes into her cranberry sauce. “What, princess?”
“Just, these moments,” she said, shaking her head. “These moments with you are so perfect and happy and for a second I forget about everything hanging over us.”
Eddie's deep soulful eyes met hers and he stroked a tendril of hair behind her ear. “It's okay to forget a little sometimes. Besides there's nothing you need to do for now except relax as much as you can, keep the music playing, and finish your dinner.”
She nodded, and scooped up the last bites, clearing her plate. Eddie smiled that devastating, dimpled smiled and said, “good girl”.
“Stop it! You have no idea what that does to me.”
“Nah, I have a pretty good idea” he said kissing her, lingering this time, then moving his soft lips to her neck, as she gripped his hair and her eyes fluttered shut with a sigh.
The door smacked open, and Steve hollered into the room, “Eddie, we need you to....whoa, sorry.”
Eddie groaned, but Leia laughed and smiled, turning to him. “It's okay, Steve.”
“Yeah, it's okay, Steve,” Eddie echoed but with a menacing grimace and an annoyed growl to his voice.
Steve shrugged. “Come on, Romeo.”
Eddie kissed her goodbye and trudged to the door. “You're such a cockblock, Harrington. And you know that play is totally misunderstood. It's not romantic. It's fucked up, and Romeo's actually a huge dickhead.”
Leia chuckled with surprise, nodded, and pointed to Eddie, exclaiming, “He's right!”
“Well, you're a dickhead too, Munson, so it still works,” Steve said, smiling a shit-eating grin as the two guys laughed together, slapping each other on the shoulders as they exited.
Steve called out to Leia from the doorway. “Leia, we're almost finished with this and then we can go, okay.”
She thanked him and then snuggled back into the sofa with her headphones firmly secured and a book in her hands.
True to his word, in a few moments Steve swung back in and the noise from the hall of people saying their goodbyes followed him.
“Hey there. We're just about done. The others are just packing up,” he said as he took a seat beside her.
“Thank you. Can I help with any of it?” Leia said, beginning to stand, but his hand came down on her shoulder as he said warily, “Sorry, but you better not...you know...because....”
“Right...sorry...I keep forgetting.”
“You okay?”
“Yeah...yeah. Just feeling tired and stressed...like all of us....and, you know, the looming otherworldly threat that has a chokehold on me. ”
He nodded thoughtfully and his thick hair bounced along with it. “You've been fighting so hard. You're really handling all this...well, a lot better than I did when I first found out about it.”
“Oh, for sure! I was a panicking mess, not to mention, kind of an asshole back then.”
She laughed. “That's hard to imagine.”
“Believe it. I can be super confident but also...you know..kind of an idiot. But listen,” he said scooting closer, “you know...you really don't need to fight so hard. You could just...let things happen.”
Leia twisted her face in confusion, “What do you mean?”
“I mean, you're soooo tired. You could always just give in. Quit with the kindness and the altruism and just get what you really want for once.”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
His voice dropped to a familiar growl, “Revenge, Leia. I'm talking about revenge and how very very good it can feel.” Steve's features were morphing into something else; soft brown eyes turning an icy blue.
“Henry,” she half-whispered as she tried to get up and run, but his long pale fingers clamped around her wrist like a vice. “How did...?”
His thin lips offered a wry grin, “You really should find a better method. The music can't keep me away forever. As you'll see, I'm getting stronger with each meal.”
She tried again to wriggle free, but he just clamped harder around her fragile wrist. The sensation was familiar.
“Remind you of something?”
One blink, and suddenly she was back in her old apartment with Sam yelling at her. She tried to leave the room and he grabbed her wrist, hard. Sam's bony fingers were surprisingly strong; strong enough to hurt, to leave a bruise that she hid with make up and long sleeves and nursed in silence. The ache of the bruise had been long gone for years, but she felt it now, and all the feelings of anger and shame that came with it.
The sinewy tentacles of Vecna's fingers released her wrist to curl around her shoulders. Another blink, and they were standing in a bedroom Leia didn't recognize. She did, however recognize the red-headed figure taking a nap there.
She gulped, anticipating what Vecna might have in mind and whispered, “Sam.”
Vecna's monstrous face was now right next to hers, hissing in her ear. “Do you remember what you were thinking, when you left that room and iced your wrist behind the bathroom door?”
“I don't remember...”
“LIAR” he howled, and she trembled.
“I wanted...please don't make me ...”
Still shaking, Leia swallowed and said, “I wanted to kill him. I was angry. I wouldn't though.”
“Wouldn't you?”
She turned to meet his eyes and beg him, knowing where this was leading. “Henry, please...please don't make me...”
“Why not? He's loathsome. He hurt you in subtle horrible ways for years.” He dropped his voice, hissing once again into her ear. “And I know that when you thought about killing him...imagined killing him. I KNOW it felt good. Powerful. Didn't it, darling?”
Leia squeezed her eyes together against the swell of tears, and nodded reluctantly.
“Use your words.”
“Yes...yes it did. But I wouldn't do it.”
He turned her to face him, resuming his human form and holding her by the shoulders, an unnerving smile on his face which didn't quite reach his eyes. “I'm going to give you a gift, Leia, a choice. You can kill him with me, or you can watch while I kill your Eddie.”
“No...no no on. Please...please don't make me kill anyone.”
Henry tutted, as if soothing a child, and wiped her tears away. “Now darling, you didn't really think I'd let you keep your hands clean forever. Besides, once they're dirty, you'll realized how good...how righteous...it feels to have power for once. Now, make your choice.”
“Don't kill Eddie. Please..PLEASE.” Leia was nearly hyperventilating now, and choking out sobs.
“Then you'll kill Sam with me.”
She nodded clenching her eyes shut, as if this were all just a bad dream and she could wake up. He grabbed her chin roughly. “Open your eyes, Leia. Open your eyes and say what you're about to do.”
She obeyed. “I'm...g..g..going to kill Sam with you.”
Henry's youthful smiling lips faded into the smiling bones of Vecna's scarred mouth. The monster swung her around and stood behind her, pulling her tightly against himself. His arm branched into viscous tentacles, spiraled and laced around her own limbs. His fingers slithered like vines around her own so her hand moved with him. It was an indescribable constricting ache, all the more agonizing because it went slowly, deliberately seeping into everything. She wondered if this is what small mammals feel like as they're crushed by a Boa constrictor; a demise in slow motion, painfully aware of it.
Another blink and they were standing over Sam as he slept. “Reach in. He broke your heart. Now break his. Yours will be the last face he sees.”
Leia did as she was told. Their joined hands wove into his chest cavity, cradling the wet pulsing organ, which felt so much smaller than she ever thought it would; such a small thing keeping us alive. Sam was still sleeping, eyes clenched shut, flinching and wriggling. He was having a nightmare. It was this.
“Squeeze, Leia...hard.”
She did as she was told; trying not to look, trying not to think, but the torrent of hot shame and guilt was already scorching through her like lava, and Vecna wouldn't let her look away.
“Eyes open now, darling...” Vecna told her as he held a hand against her forehead, urging her to look up, meeting Sam's sickly face from mere inches away.
As she closed her fist she felt a strange fleshy pop, a spasm and a gush of hot blood. Sam's eyes shot open, two bright green disks which clashed with his red-laced corneas. He looked directly into her face as he awoke, screaming her name in shock and horror in his last living moment. Their faces were so close that she could feel his last breaths burst across her cheeks, and his howling battered her eardrums. Then he wasn't Sam anymore. He wasn't arrogant, angry, slyly cruel Sam anymore. He was just a corpse; just a few dozen pounds of flesh left behind. Leia stared in a strange sort of dissociation; thinking how a recently dead person didn't look nearly as gruesome as she thought it might. He looked the same, almost asleep, but some primal intuition knew undoubtedly that he was dead...that this wasn't a trick. She knew in the same instinctual way any animal knows that they are looking at a carcass, not a living thing.
Another blink and she was in a preternatural chasm, with red lightning flickering overhead, draping her small form in Vecna's long shadow. Her hair rose up, smoke-like, around her, and the air felt heavy. Looking up she saw a shimmering surface. They were submerged. Despite her panic, she tried to pay attention to every clue, every detail that might help the others, while he was preoccupied with her.
He had unraveled himself from her and now simply held her wrist, gently this time. A cold sweat of disgust erupted over her skin as Vecna raised her hand between them. It was coated in the thick syrupy blood, so dark it looked nearly black. Tendrils of it danced upwards from her fingertips, carried on the fluid like drops of oil in water. She tried to scream but it wouldn't dislodge from her throat as Vecna's long rough tongue lapped at the gore.
He hummed in satisfaction, finally releasing her hand. “So obedient. So good. And see where it gets you. Hrmm?” He stepped back opening his arms wide, gesturing around himself. “Now you know where I am. Come to me in the waking world, pet, and I'll spare your friends. Resist, and I will take them all.”
@sunflowerdaydreamer @veemoon @little-wormwood @elegantkoalapaper @sweetsigyn @hellfirenacht
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fukuokadivision1 · 1 year
MIHANASA Drama Track 1 - Contrast Isn't a Sin
Pt. 2
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— Kawanoe Apartment —
Sanyu: *Walking through the front door* I'm home.
[Sanyu looked as she walked in to see the Kawanoe siblings had stopped their argument to see their friend walk in.]
Ming: *Smiles at her* Welcome back, Sanyu.
Tasuku: *Waves at her from the couch* Hey, San.
Sanyu: *Sighs as she tosses her bag down by the wall on the floor* Is dinner ready yet?
Ming: *Frowns* Sorry, Sanyu. I haven't had time to finish it. *Scowls at Tasuku* I've been a bit preoccupied dealing with my brother's idiocy, as usual.
Tasuku: Oh, let it go already, will ya?! I told you I'll find another job starting tomorrow.
Sanyu: Another job? ...Wait, you got fired?!
Ming: No, he didn't get fired. He quit before he could get fired!
Sanyu: *Looks at Tasuku* What the hell for?!
Tasuku: *Shrugs, nonchalantly* I don't know. Could have been the fact that I cursed out my boss, that I got into a fight with some jackasses at work, that I broke several of the casino's machines... it's one of those anyway... or a combination of all of those.
[Both women looked at their male counterpart as if he was crazy, and both had the same idea to smack him upside the head; Ming, more so than Sanyu. Even after years of dealing with his stupidity, both women didn't know how to handle their friend at times.]
Sanyu: *Sighs, pinching her nose* Tasu, I don't need to remind you that everyone in this apartment has to pull their weight, right?
Ming: Exactly! I'd rather not have a repeat of the time you let your friend, Dice, stay over here.
Tasuku: *Frowns at Ming* Hey, leave my friend out of this. *Looks at the both of them* Look, I promise you both I will start looking for another job tomorrow, okay? There are plenty of other casinos in this city that I can work for.
Ming: And you think any casino is going to hire you after they heard what you did at this one?!
Tasuku: Oh, please. What are the odds that they've heard about what happened today?
Sanyu: *Groans* Tasuku...
[The three would have continued their argument if not for the fact that all three of them heard something outside their apartment. It was faint, but they definitely heard footsteps outside and something being placed outside their apartment door.]
Ming: ...What was that?
Sanyu: *Is suddenly alert* I don't know.
[Standing up from the couch, Tasuku frowned as he silently walked to the door, putting his ear to it.]
Tasuku: *Looks at the women* I don't hear anything. *Puts his hand on the doorknob, before looking at the women* Back me up.
[Nodding once, Sanyu stood behind the oldest of the trio, prepared to rush at whomever was outside. Tasuku, inhaling some air, quickly opened the door, prepared to rush whoever was on the other side. Unfortunately, he tripped over something outside and landed face first onto the ground.]
Ming: Tasuku!
Sanyu: *Looks around outside before looking at Tasuku* You okay? *Extends a hand to help him up*
Tasuku: *Groans, rubbing his face as he takes Sanyu's hand* Yeah. Damn, that was lame.
Ming: *Looks down and sees a box* Is this what you tripped over?
Tasuku: *Groans, rubbing the back of his head* Maybe. *Looks at the box* What is it?
Sanyu: *Looks at it* Looks like a package. *Looks at the siblings* Did either of you order something?
Ming: *Shakes her head 'no'* Not that I can recall. I try to save my money when I can.
Tasuku: *Shakes his head 'no'* Don't look at me. I didn't purchase anything either.
Sanyu: *Looks suspiciously at the box* Then... what is it?
Ming: *Spots a shipping label on the side* It says it's addressed to you, Sanyu.
Sanyu: *Confused* Me? I didn't order anything.
Tasuku: It's probably from a fan. *Smirks at Sanyu* Or a secret admirer.
Sanyu: *Scowls at Tasuku* Yeah, right. *Looks at the box before bringing it inside* Well, better see what it is.
Ming: *Follows Sanyu* Are you sure its safe? What if its something dangerous?
Sanyu: *Shrugs* Better to deal with it now than later, in that case.
[Grabbing a pair of scissors from a nearby table, the blue-haired woman cut a hole in the tape separating the top. Opening the folds, she peered into the box to see what laid inside. As she did, she felt all time stop as her eyes grew big and wide, an act which didn't go unnoticed by her friends.]
Ming: *Worried* ...Sanyu?
Sanyu: ...No...no...
[Backing away from the box, the young woman started hyperventilating as she started breathing heavily, sweat coming down from her forehead.]
Sanyu: No...no! *Puts her hands on her head and brings her knees up close*
Ming: Sanyu! *Grabs her with her arm*
Tasuku: Hey, what's wrong?!
Sanyu: No! ...Please, no!
Ming: *Hugs Sanyu* Sanyu! Shh! It's okay! No one is going to hurt you!
[Sanyu, unfortunately, couldn't hear her words as memories she had of her past came rushing back. Memories of being experimented, of being used like a lab rat, of being transformed. She continued like that until she felt something enter her neck, calming her down until she soon fell asleep.]
Ming: Sanyu?! *Looks up at Tasuku, who is holding a syringe* Tasuku?!
Tasuku: *Drops the syringe and grabs up Sanyu's legs* Here, help me get her into her bed.
[Frowning, but seeing no better option at this point, the school teacher picked up her friend's right arm with her only arm and helped her brother drag her friend to her bedroom.]
15 mins later...
[Looking at sleeping form of her dear friend, Ming gave her a sad smile before she softly pecked her forehead and leaving the room. She gave her friend one last look before closing the door. She walked back into the living room to see her brother sitting on the couch, his hands clasped together. He looked up as he saw his sister enter the room.]
Tasuku: How is she?
Ming: *Nods* She's fast asleep. I held her hand for a while until I was sure she okay.
Tasuku: *Breathes a sigh of relief* Thank goodness.
Ming: What was that stuff you injected her with?
Tasuku: A sleep tonic. Sanyu bought it, but don't ask me where. She told me to use it in case she ever had an... episode.
Ming: *Frowns* An episode?
Tasuku: *Holds up hands* Hey, her words. Not mine. *Stands up the couch* Now then...
[Ming looked as her older brother walked over to the large box, veering inside.]
Ming: What are you doing?
Tasuku: *Reaches down into the box* Something in here made our friend go through another panic attack. *Groaning* She hasn't had one of those in a while. So whatever it is, it must have set her off badly. We have to see what it was.
[The one-armed woman looked as her brother pulled out a large silver briefcase from the box, her eyes growing wide at it.]
Ming: A briefcase?
Tasuku: *Groaning* Yeah. *Places it on the ground* And look what's taped on it.
[Looking to where her brother was pointing, Ming looked as there was a white envelope taped on top of the briefcase. But what really got her attention was the fact that the envelope was sealed with a sticker belonging to, none other than, Chuohku.]
Ming: *Shocked* Chuohku...
Tasuku: Yup.
Ming: *Looks at him* That must have been what set Sanyu off. *Looks back at the letter* Should we open it?
Tasuku: *Reaches for the envelope* Might as well. No way Sanyu will be able to.
[Pulling it off the briefcase, the older brother pulled the PoW sticker off and opened the envelope, pulling out a piece of paper with writing on it.]
Tasuku: *Looks at for a second before handing it to his sister* Here, my eye hurts reading that small print.
[Rolling her eyes, the younger sibling took the letter with her good hand and started reading it out loud.]
Ming: *Reading off the letter* To the woman known as Sanyu Inouye, a.k.a. Harleen...
Tasuku: *Interrupts* Harleen? Isn't that Sanyu's stage name at the circus or something? ...Have they been following her all this time?
Ming: *Looks at him, worried* Possibly. There aren't too many circuses in Japan, so someone was bound to hear about her sooner or later. They've probably been following her earlier than that. They may have even been tailing us.
Tasuku: *Grimaces* Damn.
Ming: *Nods, before going back to the letter* ...As you are no doubt aware, the Division Rap Battle will be commencing in just a few short weeks, with divisions from all over Japan entering to determine which division is #1. One of those divisions includes Fukuoka. And this letter has been sent to inform you that, as of this very moment, you and two other people have been chosen to represent your city in the Division Rap Battle tournament.
Tasuku: *Eyes wide* What?!
Ming: *Continues reading* Along with this envelope is a briefcase that contains three Hypnosis Microphones, the tools you will need to use in order to enter and progress through the tournament. You have up to a week to find two other people in the city of Fukuoka who will help you represent your division. Afterwards, you and your teammates must head to the nearest Chuohku building and inform them of the MC names you will be using, as well as your team name. Failure to meet this deadline will be seen as insubordination and you will be punished.
Ming: After you have found two teammates, it is highly advised that you and them get better acquainted with each other and learn how to use your Hypnosis Microphones. You will not progress very far, otherwise. I am looking forward to a great show from you. Do not disappoint me. Sincerely, Otome Tohoten, Prime Minister of Japan.
Ming: P.S. Do be aware that despite your attempts at hiding, we (Chuohku) know where you are at all times. And keep in mind, there is still a bounty out for your arrest, despite your city's attempts at trying to ignore. Refusing to entering this tournament will have local law enforcement sent to your apartment for your immediate arrest. Do give that some thought.
[After finishing the letter, both siblings looked at each other, shock and fear written on their faces. Neither knew what to say, as the words of the letter were now etched into their minds. They both turned to look at the bedroom door where their friend was sleeping; hopefully, peacefully.]
Tasuku: Well... shit.
Ming: ...Yeah.
Tasuku: Those... those damn bitches! How can they do something like this?
Ming: They're the government, Tasuku. Something like this isn't exactly out of character for them.
Tasuku: Yeah, but forcing someone into a rap tournament?! Just for your own sick pleasure?!
Ming: Tasuku...
Tasuku: It's bad enough you torture someone, using them as a guinea pig for your experiments, but to blackmail them into joining your little tournament?! What kinda shit is that?!
Ming: *Louder* Tasuku...
Tasuku: I mean, I've always heard stories about these guys, but to actually see it in person is just...
Ming: *Loudly* Tasuku! *Gets his attention* Stop, okay? This isn't helping.
Tasuku: *Shocked, but nods* Right, sorry.
[With that, the siblings sat in silence for a couple of minutes, trying to figure out what their next move should be. Chuohku did not leave them much room for compromise. Really, it wasn't themselves they were worried about, but their friend.]
Tasuku: *Sighs* So... who's gonna tell Sanyu?
Ming: ...
Tasuku: I mean, we can't keep this quiet forever, ya' know.
Ming: *Sighs* I know, but... let's wait until the morning, all right? This night has just been full of surprises, none of them good.
Tasuku: *Sighs* Yeah, that's a good idea.
[With nothing more to be said, the siblings did their own thing for a period of time until they both bade each other 'good night' and went to bed, signaling the end of dramatic day.]
Hours later...
[In the middle of the night, everyone was asleep in their individual beds. However, one of the residents of the apartment found it hard to sleep as the events from several hours replayed in her head, bringing back unpleasant memories that she could do without. She dreamed of being back in a lab, bound to an operating table, unable to move or break free.]
[All around her, people in science coats with strange masks were walking around, ignoring her. ...Until one, a woman with bluish-green eyes looks down on her, a syringe in her hand. With no mercy or compassion, the woman ruthlessly jabs the needle into the girl's arm, forcing a silent scream out of her...]
???: ...yu! ...nyu! Sanyu! Sanyu!
[Hearing someone's name, Sanyu awakens from her nightmare and shoots upward, breathing heavily, her heart pounding in her chest. Her eyes are wide awake, as she continues breathing in and out. She hears someone's voice to the side of her and looks as it is two people she remembers. Yes, she knows them... Ming and Tasuku, both looking at her with worry. She remembers... she's in her home in Fukuoka. ...Her home...]
[After a minute or so, the girl's eyelids become blurry as her vision is filled with water. Unable to control her emotions, the girl begins crying as both brother and sister coddle around her, hugging her, whispering calming words into her ear. It helps... but deep down, both siblings know that she'll need more than that to prepare her for the trials heading their way in the days to come...]
To be continued...
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ladyvillainous · 2 years
Steve Rogers – Modern Woman
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AU fic where all the avengers live and work together including a rehabilited Bucky Barnes and my character Mel.
Steve can’t help but be drawn to Mel but she’s a thoroughly modern woman of the age complete with tattoo’s wild hair and piercings but what would she want with an old school gentleman like himself
Mostly just funny and fluffy with NSFW Smut towards the end
This is out of character even for my version of Steve but I liked the idea so I just rolled with it, don’t take it too seriously.
Word Count: 4978
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“Wow! Your hair looks amazing Mel” Wanda enthused, walking around her in a circle to view it from all angles.
“Thanks Wanda, you don’t think it’s too bright?” Mel asked, self-consciously smoothing her hand over her Bubble gum Pink hair.
“Well you could go brighter, but they can probably already see you from space, so where’s the need” Tony Smirked, his eyes not leaving the screen of his phone, propped up against the jug of orange juice on the breakfast table.
Natasha smacked him upside the head as she left the table to fetch more coffee “Ouch” he muttered cringing away from the former assassin, gaze still trained on his phone. 
She smirked down at him as he flinched “Baby”
Turning her attention back to Mel she ducked left and right, viewing her new haircut and colour from all angles “I like it, especially the shaved bit on the side, very edgy”
Bucky walked into the kitchen making a beeline for the coffee machine as usual, only pulling up short when he caught sight of the ladies clustered around it “Woah Mel that’s… er… different”
Mel laughed, rolling her eyes as he walked towards her “Yeah because normally I’m so conservative”
Bucky threw his metal arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his muscular chest, grinning from ear to ear “Can’t wait to see Steve’s reaction”
Natasha laughed “Poor Stevie, even a lip piercing is too much for him let alone…” she looked at Mel sideways “Well…” she gestured to Mel shrugging.
Mel laughed, Steve struggled to hide his horror whenever she arrived back at the tower fresh from the tattoo parlour. Her largest tattoo being a full Avengers themed sleeve on her left arm. She had that done years before she interviewed for Tony as the team techy, he’d just laughed when he saw it and hired her on the spot, so it had come in handy.
Working with the Avengers was a dream come true, she spent most days working with Tony and Bruce in the labs coming up with new gadgets to keep the team safe.  More importantly, she kept them under control ensuring they didn’t attempt to build anymore superbots. Vision had turned out great in the end but Ultron went badly wrong. It had taken a long time for the team to truly feel comfortable with Bruce and Tony being back in a lab together.
Very occasionally Mel would be required for surveillance missions, usually where high levels of tech were involved, but they were minor league dangerous. Mel liked to joke that she was like the teams conscience, the little voice in their ears. Natasha on the other hand referred to her as the devil on her shoulder, as she was prone to making sarcastic comments over the comms. Which on more than one occasion had reduced Sam or Bucky to fits of giggles nearly blowing their covers.
Steve had chewed her out several times for it but she could tell he really wanted to laugh, his beautiful mouth twitching up at the sides as he shouted. She loved to watch him talk, didn’t matter what he was saying it was an excuse to watch the way his mouth moved, as she imagined him putting that mouth to better use.
At least twice Bucky had caught her staring at him during briefings, having to kick her under the table to snap her out of her stupor. It was painfully obvious to everyone she had a massive crush on the Captain. To hide it would be a near impossible task, so instead she played on it, flirting with and teasing Steve until he blushed beet red was a daily challenge for her.
Mel knew nothing was ever going to happen there, Steve didn’t think of her that way. She was way to “Modern a Dame” as he’d called her once. Whereas he was an old school gentleman, something that she found a major turn on unfortunately.
“Oh god! You didn’t get a lip piercing this time did you?..” Steve started, overhearing their conversation as he entered the kitchen. Catching sight of them grouped by the counter he came to a complete dead stop, eyes wide staring at Mel.
Bucky smirked at his best friend, releasing Mel to move to the table for breakfast.
Mel winked at Natasha, before turning to fully face the super soldier, she’d been looking forward to teasing him all morning.
“So big boy, what do you think?” Mel smiled provocatively, tipping the Captain a wink.
Steve stood rooted to the spot, mouth gaping, the only giveaway he’d even heard her was the pink tint spreading along his cheekbones.
Mel slinked towards the frozen super soldier, swaying her hips slowly, noting the way his gaze dropped fractionally as she sauntered closer. Throwing a glance over her shoulder she grinned at the sight of her best friends, shaking silently, desperately trying and failing to keep a straight face.
She turned her full attention back to the Captain, like a predator stalking its prey, doing a little twirl for him fluffing up her long, soft pink hair “So? What do you think?”
Steve gulped as she gazed seductively up at him, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth, fluttering her eyelashes.
“Looks… Looks lovely Mel” he stammered, completely red in the face. He quickly side stepped the tech, moving to join Bucky at the table.
Looking round Mel caught Tony staring at her, finally looking up from his phone an amused look playing across his face as he tried not to laugh “You shouldn’t wind the old man up you’ll give him a heart attack one day”
Mel shrugged “One day, he might surprise us all and give as good as he gets” grinning to the room at large she skipping gleefully from the room “If anyone needs me, I’ll be in the lab” she called over her shoulder.
Tony turned back to look at Steve fixing him with an infuriatingly superior look “Cap are you ever going to do anything about the raging boner you have for that woman?”
The reaction around the table at his words was immediate. Sam and Bucky looked at each other then back to Steve bursting out laughing at his shocked expression. Wanda and Natasha leaned on the kitchen counter watching the super soldier curiously, while Bruce gaped at the billionaire shocked at how baldly he’d put it.
Steve sighed, leaning back in his chair “I’m not her type Tony, you know that”
“That’s an excuse and you know it Cap” Tony declared getting to his feet, crossing the room to drop his plate and cup in the dishwasher.
“How do you know what her type is anyway Steve?” Natasha enquired, an eyebrow raised in challenge.
“Well come on, she’s… she’s so modern and I’m so… so… old fashioned” Steve cried, throwing his hands up in the air.
“That’s just appearance Steve, deep down every woman wants a bit of good old fashioned loving” Wanda smirked.
Steve looked up at the women leaning on the counter, suddenly very aware they knew Mel better than anyone on the team.
“Are you guessing or do you know that for a fact in this case?”  He asked carefully.
Natasha snorted “We know Steve, Jesus you’re so oblivious, Mel is held over heels for you everyone knows it, now would you please do something about it” she said, with a roll of her eyes.
“Seriously?” he asked incredulous.
Bucky’s hand landed heavily on his friends shoulder “Seriously punk, we can all see the way you look at each other”
Steve looked to Sam for confirmation, who nodded “Seriously!”
He looked to the table for a moment thinking hard, then back to Natasha and Wanda “Ok so if I’m gonna do this I’ll need your help”
Wanda whooped punching her fist in the air as Natasha grinned deviously at the super solider “Bring it on Stevie”
“You want to do what?” Wanda shrieked between her fingers, her hand over her mouth, eyes wide with horror
Natasha leaned back against the door to Steve’s room regarding the soldier with interest.
“You know she likes you just the way, you are you don’t need to go to all this trouble...” she queried an amused smile tugging at her lips.
Steve grinned “Maybe it’s time to prove that I can give as good as I get”
Wanda squeaked, dropping her hands from her face finally “Well that will do it alright… but it’s awful extreme”
Running a hand through his blonde hair, ruffling it up in that sexy way that made all the girls swoon, not that he noticed, Steve sighed.
“Sometimes you have to go to extremes for love”
The two women exchanged raised eyebrows before bursting into hysterics.
“Dramatic much” Natasha smirked from the doorway.
Wanda laughed “Well I still think you’re crazy… but I’ll grab my purse, we have some shopping to do”
Wanda and Natasha left Steve’s room “See you downstairs in 5” still chuckling to themselves.
3 hours later they were back in Steve’s room his purchases spread across the bed.
Wanda, who was now finally on board once the shopping began, was gleefully bouncing around looking at their purchases and trying to decide where to begin.
“Bathroom now” Natasha ordered crooking her finger at the super solider indicating he should follow. Steve’s last thought before they got to work was “What had he gotten himself into!”
Mel wandered into the kitchen, following the gorgeous smell wafting down the hall that had enticed her, Bruce and even Tony to leave the lab.
“Oh my god! Wanda’s cooking” Mel squealed excitedly, Wanda’s cooking was second to none.
Wanda looked up from the pot smiling “It’s almost done, why don’t you set the table”
Bruce and Mel grabbed handfuls of cutlery and plates, while Tony sorted the drinks out. One by one the rest of the team appeared at the doorway having allowed the smell of Wanda’s cooking to distract them from whatever task they’d been doing at the time.
Bucky and Sam had clearly been in the gym as they arrived dressed in their sweats with wet hair, Vision drifted though the wall from the library right behind Bruce making him scream and drop a plate. They all laughed at him teasing him about turning green which just earned them a death glare from the scientist.
Mel busied herself helping Wanda dish up, handing out the plates of food to those already sat at the table. Completely preoccupied with trying not to drop 3 plates at once, she didn’t witness the new arrivals enter the kitchen behind her.
Tony who was already tucking into his food not waiting for anyone as usual froze, eyes wide his fork suspended halfway between his open mouth and the plate.
Bucky abruptly began to choke on the glass of water he was drinking, eyes watering trying to prevent it from rushing out his nose. Sam absentmindedly pounded him on the back, not one for missing an opportunity to hit the super soldier, while shooting amused glances to the doorway. Bruce like Mel had his back to the door, they looked up at the sounds of Bucky choking then at each other confused. Bruce swivelled to look over his shoulder, following Tony’s shocked gaze “What did you do?” he breathed horrified.
Mel turned to see Natasha in the doorway grinning widely at her and then turned her gaze to the man next to her, her uncomprehending eyes not recognising him for a second “Steve?” she gasped her mouth falling open in shock.
She barely recognised him and not in a good way. Gone was his beautiful blonde hair replaced with a bright vivid red, styled slightly spikey, pulled down and swept across his forehead. Admittedly she liked the style but the colour did nothing for him.
Eyes sliding down over his grinning face she realised he was uncharacteristically dressed all in black and much more casually that she was used to. His hoodie was emblazoned with the Avengers logo and his baggy combat trousers were slung low on his hips, a metal chain hanging between his back pocket and belt. As she stared, he pushed his right sleeve up his arm, a collective gasp of horror rippled around the room as he revealed a full tribal tattoo sleeve.
Mel squeaked appalled hiding her face in her hands not wanting to see, but then immediately parting her fingers to peak through unable to look away, what had he done to his beautiful body.
“Well…” began Sam “Well Steve, I never thought anyone would be able to top Mel’s flamingo pink hair, but here I am proved wrong”
“What on earth were you thinking?” Tony demanded torn between the desire to snap a picture or slap some sense into the man.
“Mel said she wanted to see me give as good as a got one day, so here I am giving it everything I got” Steve responded waving his tattooed arm towards Mel.
Mesmerised Mel watched his arm wave through the air before she registered his words “Oh no! Don’t you blame this on me, I wanted you to fight back a little as in tease me not… not… well this” She cried gesturing to all of him.
“I think he looks sexy like this don’t you agree Wanda?” Natasha called across to the witch who quickly ducked behind the counter on the pretence of having dropped something to hide her laughing face.
“Absolutely” she called from the floor.
Mel glared at the red head “You helped him do this, didn’t you? Jesus Nat, why didn’t you talk him out of it?”
“I don’t understand Doll, don’t you like my new look?” Steve affected a hurt look but couldn’t stop his lips from twitching up into a smile.
“No, I…” Mel started, realisation hitting her like a tonne of bricks “You’re winding me up aren’t you?”
Steve, Wanda and Natasha burst into hysterics “You should see your faces right now! Natasha gasped, through the tears running down her face.
The entire table huffed out a deep breath, collectively releasing the breath they hadn’t realised they were holding.
“I dunno, I kinda like it” smirked Bucky “You’ve finally joined this century Stevie”
Mel spun to shout at the super soldier “He should be dressing like a grown up not like some gothic emo teenager!”
Bruce looked at Mel thoughtfully “It’s not all that different to how you dress Mel” he said quietly.
Mel snapped her gaze down to the man next to her “You what? I don’t… I mean… oh god you’re right” She stared down at her own all black outfit, thoughtfully touching her pink hair.
“Wanda” Mel shouted suddenly making everyone jump “Tomorrow we’re going shopping, Nat I’ll need you too”
“Yay more shopping” Wanda clapped her hands together gleefully.
“Finally!” Natasha breathed out triumphantly, a smirk plastered across her face.
Turning back to Steve Mel marched across the room into she was right in front of him “Right Mr you’re coming with me, I refuse to look at you like this for a second longer, we’ve got to sort this”
Steve laughed staring down at her “But what about dinner?”
“Shoulda thought about that before pulling this little stunt” she grimaced at his red hair again.
Rushing out the door, she grabbed him by the sleeve of his hoodie, dragging him with her
“Save us some food would ya” he shouted to Wanda as he was unceremoniously hauled from the room.
“Where are we going Doll?” Steve asked chuckling as she shoved him into the Elevator and hit the button for Steve’s floor with her fist.
“Your room, to get all of… well that off you” Mel shook her head “For the love of god tell me that none of it’s permanent”
Steve Chuckled “The hair dye is wash in wash out, though Nat has warned me my hair may be a little orange for a while, the tattoo… Well look…”
Mel looked down to the arm he was holding out, with his other hand he reached up under the sleeve of his hoodie and pulled the fake tattoo sleeve down, over his wrist revealing his unblemished and perfect skin.
She sighed in relief as it came off “Oh thank goodness”
“What’s the matter Doll? Didn’t you think it suited me?”
Mel rolled her eyes “Don’t get me wrong Steve, seeing you with a tattoo was actually kinda hot but I wouldn’t have wanted you to mark your gorgeous body permanently to prove a point” she threw at him before thinking it through belatedly and realising what she’d said.
Silence followed her admission the tension in the room suddenly skyrocketing “Gorgeous huh?” Steve asked softly, raising a hand to Mel’s chin and lifting, forcing her chocolate brown eyes up to his sky blue’s.
Seeking to diffuse the sudden tension Mel laughed nervously, shrugging she stepped backwards to the elevator wall “Oh come on Steve you know you are”
He continued to stare down at her thoughtfully, a slight smile on his lips, leaning over towards the panel of buttons he brought his palm down square on the emergency stop button causing the elevator to slam to a sudden stop.
Mel squeaked in surprise, flattening herself back against the wall as Steve bore down on her, placing a hand on the wall either side of her shoulders.  
Once the lift had shuddered to a complete stop, Steve wrapped his arms around her, gathering her close, he swooped down to capture her lips with his own.  
Tangled a hair into her hair, he kissed her with a passion that Mel didn’t know he possessed. Raising her own hands, she fisted them into his hoodie pulling him closer, deepening the kiss as she opened her mouth allowing him to slide his tongue into her mouth to tangle with her own. Mel groaned as his other hand found its way to her backside, gripping her tight and pulling her flush against him, pushing a muscular thigh between hers, pinning her to the wall.
“Captain Rogers you have activated the emergency stop on the elevator do you require assistance?” FRIDAY called into the elevator.
Pulling back Steve shouted at the ceiling “No thanks FRIDAY, we’re fine” Mel grinned at him, pulling him back down to her, she tangled her hand in his vivid hair, crashing her lips back on his.
“Err Cap?” The sound of Tony’s voice filled the small space “You know there are cameras in there right?”
“Best turn them off then Tony, otherwise you’re going to get quite the show” Mel called out, tearing her lips from Steve’s momentarily, Steve grinned impishly in response to her words.
“Oh no, get out at the next floor or I will come up there and make you” Tony shouted as the elevator started moving again.
Mel sighed mumbling under her breath “Party pooper”
Steve placed a kiss on the tip of her nose and released her, stepping back till he reached the other side of the confined space, his arousal evident even through his baggy trousers.
The door pinged and slid open “Well we really should get that stuff out of your hair and you out of those clothes anyway” Mel said as they left the elevator.  
“I rather thought we’d started on the latter already” Steve said laughing as he followed her down the hall.
Stopping outside his door Mel looked at him thoughtfully “Was that the point of all this?” Pulling on the chain on his trousers.
“Well yes and no” Steve confirmed unlocking his room and ushering her inside.
“No, the point wasn’t to make you want to rip my clothes off exactly… but it was supposed to… I dunno make you see me like the type of guy you would usually go for”
“You’re an idiot” Mel huffed heading for the bathroom briefly pausing at the confused look on his face.
“What makes you think I like guys dressed like this? When have you ever seen me with one? When have you ever seen me with a guy for that matter? For all you knew I was a lesbian”
“Nat never gave me any indication that I was the wrong gender” he chuckled.
Mel laughed “Oh Nat said did she, using my friends against me I see… how did that work out for you?”
Steve shrugged “You’re here aren’t you… though I confess it didn’t go as I’d expected”
Mel walked back over to him, hands settling on his hips just under the hem on his hoodie “Know why?”
Steve inhaled sharply as he felt her hands drift higher, edging under his clothes, fingertips gently skimming over his sides “No please do enlighten me”
“It’s because I don’t have a type” she said sliding her hands higher, bringing his hoodie with her hands, forcing it up over his head and flinging it into a corner.
Bringing her hands back to Steve’s chest she began to trace lazy circles on his bare skin “Well actually that’s not strictly true, I do have a type but it’s very specific”
Steve brought his hand up to cup her cheek using his other hands to gently lift her chin, so she was looking into his eyes “What is it?”
Mel smiled “You” she stated simply.
A lazy grin spread across the super soldier's face at her words, stooping to kiss her once more he was brought up short when she ducked out of his hold and stepped into his bathroom.
Straightening up the smile sliding from his face to be replaced with a confused frown, he watched Mel spin in the doorway to face him. With an exaggerated and flirtatious wink she crossed her arms in front of her, gripped the hem of her black T-shirt and pulled it over her head, depositing it on the floor next to her and placed her hands on her hips in challenge.
Steve inhaled sharply taking in the sheer Navy lace bralet that had been hidden under her plain clothes. Stepping towards her he reached out and pulled her to him, one large hand placed on her lower back the other resting on the smooth skin over the ribcage.
"I don't remember you showing me this tattoo before" Steve murmured his mouth curved into a smirk as his gaze fell to the picture of his shield peeking out from underneath the Navy lace, adorning the tender skin above her left breast.
A slow smile spread across Mel's face "Maybe I was hoping you'd find it someday"
Steve chuckled "I'm wondering what else you haven't shown me now"
Stepping back out of his arms once more Mel grinned impishly at him "Oh baby you haven't seen anything yet"
Hooking her fingers into the waistband of her skirt she pushed the garment over her hips towards the floor straightening up as the material hit the floor.
Steve surveyed the goddess in front of him, taking in the Captain America themed lacy French knickers she wore with only a slight pink tinge to his cheeks.
"I didn't know they made Captain America underwear" was his response along with a disbelieving smile.
Mel shrugged "They don't" turning she reached into the shower to switch on the water leaving it to warm up "I had these made special, just for you"
"Lucky you were wearing them today then" Steve responded.
Mel nodded "Definitely my lucky day"
Reaching for his belt buckle she undid the clasp and pushed the baggy pants from his hips with a look of disgust "Never let me catch you wearing these again"
Chuckled Steve shook his head "No Mam"
"Now did you want me to help get that dye out of your hair or can you manage by yourself" Mel asked with a lilt to her voice, as she pulled one bra strap down her arm, pausing to wait for his reaction.
Eyes wide as he realised she intended to join him in the shower, Steve felt his mouth go dry "I definitely need help"
Mel dropped her gaze the evident bulge in his tight black boxers "So I see" she murmured provocatively.
Stepping back into his embrace she placed her palm to front of his boxers, squeezing him gently through the material "And what will you give me in return?" she whispered eyes boring into his.
Steve groaned at the touch of her hand, hauling her into his arms and crashing his lips to hers.
Invading her mouth with his tongue, he marvelled at the sweet taste of her, hands roaming her soft skin, pressing her ever tighter against him.
Mel responded in kind, running her hands over his muscles, cupping his face and sliding into the hair at the nape of his neck.
Flipping open the clasp holding her bralet closed Steve pulled back briefly to allow her to remove it. Gripping her pert backside, he lifted her onto the sink the shower now forgotten, slipping between her parted thighs to drop his mouth to the exposed flesh. Mel arched into his touch her fingers clutching at his shoulders as he engulfed her nipple, fingers expertly pinching at the other.
Mewling in pleasure she hooked her legs over his hips pulling him closer to grind her overheated core against his arousal. Steve could feel how damp she was through 2 layers of material, the knowledge drove him wild.
"Careful Doll or I might just have to take you right here, right now" he hissed against her flesh.
Mel chuckled grinding against him once more with a low moan "You shouldn't make promises you can't keep Captain"
Peering up at her Steve considered briefly if she was seriously challenging him or joking. Grinning at his confusion Mel raised an eyebrow "I thought you were giving as good as you got today?"
Grinning in response Steve stepped back from her, pulled her from her perch atop the sink and spun her, trapping her between the sink and his muscular body. Eyes boring into hers through the mirror he placed a gentle kiss to her shoulder hands trailing down her sides, leaving fire in their wake "You may regret saying that Doll"
Mel pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, noting how his cock twitched against her ass with the movement "Make me" She defied with a smirk.
Hooking his thumbs into her panties Steve pulled them down her long legs, allowing her to kick them away as he dealt with his boxers the last remaining barrier between them.
Using his foot he pushed her legs further apart and backwards causing her to automatically bend over the sink, eyes wide and wild at the thought of what was about to happen.
"Don't keep me waiting Captain" she hissed out in anticipation and desperation, she'd waited for this so long.
Cock in hand Steve stroked her folds with his tip groaning loudly on finding her wet and ready for him "Hold on then Doll"
Guiding himself into her entrance he slid into her fully, both crying out in exaggerated sexual agony at the feeling.
Mel arched her back revelling in the feeling of being filled by him, it almost being enough to push her over the edge before they'd even started. Holding himself steady Steve attempted to gather his wits, but one look at the wild, wanton expression on Mel's face reflected in the mirror and he fell apart.
Pulling himself from her body he pushed himself back inside forcefully, extracting a long feral moan from somewhere deep inside Mel.
Spurred on by the noises she was making and the way she was looking at him in the mirror Steve buried himself in her over and over, harder and faster with every thrust. Surprised not only that Mel wanted it that way, but that she was encouraging him to use her so completely, actively basking in the bruising brutal pace he was inflicting on her body.
Mel could feel her body building to fever pitch quicker than she wanted, but the sexual tension had been ready to snap for some time, neither of them was going to be able to hang on much longer.
"Right there baby, that's it harder" she cooed, as he found just the right spot that made her toes curl.
Gritting his teeth Steve slammed into her so hard they both heard the sink crunch in protest, but niether could even contemplate stopping at this point.
With 3 more ferocious thrusts Mel came apart at the seams, screaming out her release her walls spasming around his cock so hard it trigged his own orgasm. Hips stuttering, fingers gripping her hips hard enough to bruise Steve emptied himself into her, shouting out her name in pure ecstasy.
Mel sagged boneless over the sink, her forehead pressed against the cool glass of the mirror, breath fogging the surface as she panted, attempting to normalise her breathing.
Possessed of super soldier stamina Steve recovered quicker, pulling himself from her exhausted body she whimpered quietly at the loss her legs wobbling and threatening to give.
Reaching first into the long abandoned shower to turn off the now cold water Steve returned to scoop her up into his arms bridal style. Carrying her back to his bedroom and laying her carefully on his bed, sliding in next to her to pull her back into his arms unable to keep himself from touching her.
With a sigh Mel drapped her arm over his chest, snuggling into shoulder as his arm snaked around her back.
"Well" she huffed out finally with a tired chuckle "I'm not entirely sure you're that much of an old-fashioned gentleman after all"
Steve grinned down at her upturned smiling face "I think I could get used to being a bit more modern"
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angeloparker · 1 year
*does this to you*
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OMG. First of all, I accept. But also - you know what I think this means it is time for? A return of our favorite series that helped set this friendship in motion:
A Need to Knead, Part 5:
The weather outside was grey and dreary and as he stared out the window, he couldn’t help but think it was simply a reflection of the storm brewing inside of him. His friends and family were worried, noticing a shift in his demeanor. He’d lost track of how many times he had poured all of his focus, care, and attention into his love only for it to disappear and be carried away from him (or rather, bake and be carried to a paying customer). And each time, he felt his heart harden over — like old bread that hadn’t been properly stored and gone stale. How many more times could he find his love just to say goodbye to it? Should he just give up? “Hey, Primo!” The gruff shout captured his attention and he turned to see the owner of the pizzeria looking at him. “Come see this." Not truly interested, but knowing this was how he paid the bills between matches, he followed the man with his bushy mustache. He was immediately taken aback when he found it sitting in his kitchen. A monstrosity of gleaming metal and buttons. “It’s a machine to help make the dough so you don’t have to waste your time making it by hand anymore. Our profits are going to go through the roof when we can serve more people.” Luigi froze, aghast with horror. A machine? A machine to do what he did? What made his dough special was the love and care he poured into it — what made the final product the best pizza in the city was a result of his craftsmanship. It brought joy to others — if Yelp reviews were any indication. He couldn’t simply turn his back on it. What would he focus on instead? Sauce. He scoffed, his nonna would crawl up from the grave and smack him upside the head with her shoe if she knew he altered that recipe. And that was when it dawned on him. When he realized that all of his doubts about his will to go on this way were now answered. What made his love so special was the love he put into. And while he felt lost without it, he realized it too would be lost without him. And that by allowing people to enjoy the fruits of his labor he was inviting them in to share that love, to feel it as their own. Saying goodbye would still be bittersweet, but if he could touch even one person with the love he felt every time he worked the dough with his hand — perhaps it was worth it. “No,” he finally said stubbornly. “No, I will not use this — this monstrosity!” His boss looked at him in irritation. “Didn’t you hear what I said about profits?” “I will not sacrifice my lo —” he broke off, not trusting the man in front of him to understand his true feelings. “My long years honing my craft to use a machine instead. You must choose - me or this machine.” And at the end of the day, when he cleared out his work locker, making sure the pack the preferred brand of yeast he always purchased himself as he preferred it to what his now former employer provided, he walked out the door for the last time with his head held high. For a moment, he turned wistfully back at the building where so many of their memories had been made. But he would never let those memories go, he would hold them and create more — venturing out into the world to continue doing what he loved for his love and to share it with the world.
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tjuk · 4 years
Westerns were a dangerous business...
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Westerns were the dominant TV genre of the 1950s and early sixties, a dangerous adventure for man and beast, full of action sequences from minor falls to brawls, horse back chases, explosions, gun fights and being thrown over bars and through glass windows. There is a long, long list of actors of the time injuring themselves in quite spectacular fashion on set, despite some very talented stunt professionals around to lend skill and expertise to keeping them safe. These days it’s potentially a bit of truth stretching when an actor says ‘I do all my own stunts’ (unless they’re Tom Cruise of course), but there are still far too many actors and stunt pros getting hurt, some seriously, trying to push the boundaries of their craft.
Check Eric’s right hand in the still above and you can see some entirely too modern looking medical tape around it. This wasn’t an injury sustained on the job as Gil Favor, but one of the many the actor himself sustained during filming. As Eric Fleming himself told columnist Jack Major:
“I’m convinced that Western stars are picked more for their stamina than their acting ability,” he said. “I’ve lost four teeth, have had 20 stitches for different kinds of cuts, have had several sprained wrists, ankles and ribs, and I’ve been pierced with cactus more times than I’d like to remember.” 
And this was all before 1962! Eric also neglects to mention a near drowning incident that made a large paper expose on the dangers actors were putting themselves into on far too regular an occasion.
On Rawhide at least, Eric had the services of prolific stuntmen like Guy Teague, but he wasn’t so lucky on his final day of filming in 1966. No stunt professionals were present that day, not just to take on the physical danger, but to plan, assess, lend their judgement and be an advocate for caution. It’s one of the unanswered questions surrounding Fleming’s death. Why would a man not known for being foolish, as one friend noted, willingly take on something so dangerous? Even the locals refused to run the rapids as doubles, so why did Eric and co-star Nico Minardos agree? Tim McGowan the director, was experienced and respected, and had made multiple features in the wilds of the Amazon, so it’s not unfair to say he knew the risks involved. Nico Minardos’ first hand account paints Eric as resigned enough to throw caution to the wind, but what pushed him to feel time pressure enough to knowingly risk his life? Frustratingly, these and many more questions are unlikely to ever be verifiably answered.
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redorich · 3 years
A favorite trope of mine has always been- getting to see another person’s past. Is it some kind of judgment thing by a higher power? Something like Freeze Day from SCTFOE? Person trapped in a nightmare and their nightmare is being projected? Who knows. All that’s important is after months of healing, some of the Hermits get to see exactly what Tommy went through. It shows short clips of him before being happy, the rise and fall of Manburg, Wilbur going insane, the festival, the withers, all of it. Just short clips of these things though. The last clip of the SMP is just Dream’s mask outlined by his green hood saying, “you’ll stay here alone with just me until you learn to be quite and respectful and not fight those who are in power over you. Even if you have to stay out here *forever*.”
This turned into a whole drabble smh xD
((btw @give-grian-rights helped me so thank you))
The remaining hermits aren’t sure what happened. They have no way of knowing. There was a witch involved, Cub thinks, but what their fallen friends must have done to piss her off to the point of getting cursed is beyond their ken. Among those laid out are Cleo, Grian, Xisuma, Zedaph, and Tommy.
Scar and Cub work their Vex magic together to figure out that their friends are trapped in their worst memories. (Etho calls it a Demonic Hell Viewing Illusion, and False smacks him upside the head for the Naruto reference.) Holding hands with a victim pulls you in, but that’s what they’re counting on. Joe’s already wading through Cleo’s nightmare before anyone gets the chance to ask, and Impulse and Tango aren’t far behind doing the same for Zedaph. However, it doesn’t work for Grian, Xisuma, and Tommy; they were found already holding hands. They must have figured something out about the curse before they succumbed to it. All the hermits can do for them, for the time being, is hope.
Tommy, Grian, and Xisuma wake to the smell of sulphur and smoke. The ground is orange and littered with bullets. Grian grabs Tommy’s hand, and Xisuma grabs a discarded rifle. Tommy points his finger up at the top of a mound of scrap metal and dead bodies. There’s a nether portal, except the obsidian is whiter than quartz. That's where they have to go to get out of here.
All around them, demons lurch and shriek and hiss and all sorts of unholy behavior, bodily flinging themselves at the trio as though they know none of them can take the men on their own, and that just by dogpiling them all one of them will get lucky. Xisuma instantly snaps into a professional mode, the way he sometimes does when he's killing zombies but they keep social spawning. He takes up the lead with machine gun fire and grenades, carving a path through the crowd. Grian takes up the rear with a handgun. Neither Xisuma nor Tommy ask why Grian is so comfortable with a gun. They've got more pressing issues.
An imp gets lucky. It's just enough to crack the visor of Xisuma's helmet, and the imp instantly gets mowed down.
"I can't see," Xisuma rasps through gritted teeth.
"Then take the helmet off," Tommy says, cleaving through an enemy with a sharp piece of scrap metal. Grian breathes in sharply. As far as Grian's aware, Xisuma always wears his helmet.
Xisuma goes quiet for a second. "I suppose you've got a point."
The helmet gets dropped to the ground and demon limbs shuffle it away. They don't have time to look at Xisuma's wild brown hair, his purple eyes, the burn scars on his jaw.
They make it to the portal all in one piece. Xisuma takes one last wistful look at the Martian hellscape, then takes his friends' hands. They step through the portal together.
They step out of the portal into the foyer of a high school. Grian's eyes shutter.
"We'll be headed toward the roof, I believe," he says, staring dully through the spectre of a broken, bloody man holding a rope.
Tommy latches onto Grian's clammy hand to ground him as the three ascend stairs and traverse the dark, winding hallways. The ghost follows them. It isn't like Ghostbur-- it's, well, not vengeful, but it's not kind. The man named Gareth keens about Grian's sins, about a boy named Taurtis who Gareth hates, about mafia and yakuza, about his poor wife Jane.
On the last set of stairs, Gareth makes a wailing remark that causes Grian to bodily flinch. Tommy doesn't even know what the ghost said (he wasn't listening).
"Fuck off," Tommy says, "you're the shittest ghost I've ever met. Even my brother could..."
He trails off. This is not the way to fix things for Grian. On a hunch, he reaches into his pocket. Of course the object he's looking for is in there; it's his brother's coat.
He holds the object out to the ghost. "Have some blue."
Gareth warily takes it, dropping his rope. It floods periwinkle, then cyan, then dark royal blue. A weight seems lifted from the ghost's shoulders as he clutches the blue, mutters something about Jane, and leaves.
Tommy takes Grian's hand, then Xisuma's, and they go through the door to the school's rooftop together. They halt as one. The portal is there. Standing between them is a boy maybe Tommy's age, with a corpse at his feet.
"Sam," Grian whispers. "Taurtis."
The standing boy smiles, eyes obscured by a purple mask with a rectangular symbol on it, and flexes bloody wings. The corpse on the ground has blood all over its back, where wings once were, and broken headphones around his neck.
"Man, Grian, you really held out on me," Sam says. "This Watcher power really is something else--"
Sam topples over backward. His body hits the ground in front of the portal. Xisuma lowers his gun.
"He looked like bad news," Xisuma says.
Grian grimaces. "He was. Come on, let's go."
They once again step into the portal.
“Do you want to be a hero, Tommy?” Technoblade roars, “Then die like one!”
Their paltry little group of three gets no chance to take in their surroundings, to see what’s going on and where they need to go. All they can process is the legendary PvP champion, acolyte of the Blood God, Technoblade, unleashing Withers upon what once might have been a town.
Tommy yanks them into cover. “I don’t know where the portal is,” he hisses.
Grian squeezes his shoulder. “We’ll find it.”
Explosions rain hellfire down upon them from all angles-- not just the Withers, but TNT buried in the ground. They’re so close, they can see the man who set it off. And he must have, because he’s yelling about it, yelling about his L’Manberg and his unfinished symphony and begging his father to kill him. He’s wearing Tommy’s coat--
Bile rises in the back of Grian’s throat. Tommy wears his brother’s coat.
Tommy’s eyes are glued to the gleaming diamond sword that Wilbur gives to his father. He watches his brother die all over again, and he knows where he must go. He turns his back on his broken family and breathes.
“We need to go to the Nether,” he says. They nod.
The black portal is across the battlefield. They come across corpses more than once on their way, but ignore them. They can’t afford not to.
In the Nether, there is a rickety, dangerous pathway with no rails, made of cobblestone and obsidian and oak logs. Manic-depressive ravings on signs proclaim the path as the road to Logstedshire. Piglins try to knock them off to no avail, and ghasts blow up the bridge behind them as they run. On the other side of the Logstedshire portal is... actually not a hellscape, as Grian and Xisuma have come to expect, but a little village encampment. Nothing is blown up, nothing is amiss, except Tommy himself. And, of course, the figure they spot after they catch Tommy staring at it.
It’s Dream. The up-and-coming famous speedrunner who Grian faintly recalls killing once in MCC, which was apparently a big deal. The man approaches, and Grian realizes where he recognizes the mask from. It’s the same one that Tommy wears.
“Tommy,” Dream says conversationally, “items in the pit.”
Tommy’s hand wavers, reaches up to unclasp his chestplate, but Xisuma’s hand on his shoulder stops him.
“No,” Tommy says.
“No?” Dream parrots incredulously. “You know the rules. It’s for your own good. Armor in the pit. Tools in the pit. Friends in the pit.”
They all gasp, though for different reasons. Tommy’s eyes narrow. “Friends in the pit? You’ve never said that one before.”
Dream’s head twitches. “Friends in the pit. Friends. In the pit.”
The man’s voice is deeper than Tommy remembers. Something seems to resolve within Dream’s behavior, yet he keeps twitching. “You’re in exile, Tommy, you don’t need. Friends. I’m all you need. You were doing so good. I thought you learned to behave. I’m all you need. You don’t need friends.”
What happened to the eloquent poison that used to drip from Dream’s tongue like honey? He sounds like a broken record. All at once, Tommy staggers under the weight of the realization that this isn’t Dream. Somewhere underneath that horrible man that abused him is the real Dream, trapped in his own body and watching the dreamon that possessed him hurt his friends.
Xisuma’s gun makes an appearance again, but Tommy holds up a hand in a silent request for the admin to hold his fire. Tommy grabs Dream by the shoulders, removes Dream’s mask and then his own so that he can look the man in the eyes. “I know you’re in there, Dream. When I get out of this nightmare, I’ll save you. I swear it on my discs.”
Dream’s face twitches erratically. The movement spreads to his whole head, neck jerking. He raises straight up into the air, higher and higher, then explodes into a shower of items and no body. A white portal shimmers into existence.
“What the hell was that?!” Grian demands.
Tommy grins, taking the man’s hand and leading him to the portal. “I’ve got a friend to save.”
Grian snarls. “Tommy, he abused you. He’s not your friend.”
“That wasn’t Dream. It was a--”
“Dreamon,” Xisuma breathes.
Tommy nods. They walk through the portal together, and when they wake, holding each other close, they know they’ve got a mission. They can do it.
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oikawaplssteponme · 3 years
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sweet creature
pairing: Hajime Iwaizumi x fem! reader
warnings: swearing, a little bit suggestive
genre: fluff, childhood friends to lovers, soulmates (?)
word count: ~2k
synopsis: Tying the tie between you and him took longer than it should have.
a/n: hi hi! here is some well over due fluff for you all!! this isn’t directly based off of the song ‘sweet creature’ but i felt it fit the vibes and since the song makes a little appearance ;) [ also shoutout to the anon who wanted some iwaizumi fluff <3 ] reblogs are greatly appreciated! enjoy xx
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Looking back at it all, you never expected things to turn out the way they did. You never expected to find yourself in love with him. It was cliche, cheesy even. Everyone around you saw it before you did, saying you two were soulmates. In reality you were just clueless kids, unable to see that the universe had put you together perfectly. You needed him, no matter what form of him. He was your best friend after all, and a platonic soulmate was still good enough in your eyes.
But no, you were destined for something more.
Iwaizumi Hajime and you were two peas in a pod. From elementary school to now, you and him were inseparable. Scraping your knees together, attending everyone of his volleyball matches, you were always by each other’s side. It was no wonder why people assumed you were dating. Iwaizumi’s face would flush pink every time, insisting that the two of you were just really close friends. You would whisper in agreement, every time.
Was it wrong of you to want to be more?
It was the last week of high school, graduation just days away. You were over at Iwaizumi’s house as usual. You laid on his bed as he rummaged through his closet.
“Did you figure out what you are wearing for graduation?” he asked. You looked up from your phone.
“I think just a dress? I have two to pick from that I bought,” you explained.
“Okay, what colors are they?”
“One is blue and the other is white. Why?”
“I thought I could match my tie to your dress,” he said. Your eyes widened.
“Oh, o-okay.”
Iwaizumi grabbed a few button downs from his closet and laid them down on his bed, followed by the ties he owned.
“Help me pick.” You moved to the edge of the bed, scanning the clothes.
“I like the blue tie with the light grey shirt. You’d look like a waiter if you wore the black shirt and white tie,” you chuckled. Hajime huffed.
“Alright alright.”
Iwa grabbed his t-shirt and pulled it over his head. Your eyes darted to the floor.
“Uh what are you doing?”
“I’m gonna try it on dummy. I have to make sure it actually looks good,” he laughed. You looked back up at him. His perfectly chiseled figure standing before you as he tried to button up the shirt. You prayed that he couldn’t see that you were terribly flustered.
“These damn ties…” Iwaizumi groaned as he attempted to tie it. You chuckled.
“Come here.”
You hopped off the bed and stood close to Iwa, helping fix his tie.
“What are you gonna do when you go to college and I’m not gonna be there to tie your ties?” you smiled.
“I’ll call you and force you to come over and tie it for me.”
“I’ve been tying your ties since we were kids. I thought you would’ve learned by now.”
“Why would I bother learning when you can do it for me?” he teased. You chuckled.
“There, perfect.” You flatted the tie down, smiling.
“Thanks Y/N.”
You tilted your head back up, locking eyes with Hajime. You could stare into his eyes for hours, no issue. He chuckled.
“What are you staring at, huh?” Your face grew hot and you turned back around.
As the night drew on, you found yourself back at your place. Even though Iwa was just a house away, you wished you were still with him. You peaked out your window, hoping to see Iwa looking out of his. His curtains were open but the lights were off. You assumed that he was with Oikawa.
You looked at the calendar pinned to your wall. Two days of high school left. It was a strange feeling. The mix of anticipation and nervousness all into one. You were excited for summer. Day in and day out you could be spending time with Iwaizumi, just like every summer before. Of course, you’d much rather spend summer with him a little differently, but you knew that was unlikely.
You heard the familiar buzz of your cell phone, as the ringtone began to play. Your face lit up, as you recognized the noise. Only one person in your phone had this ringtone.
The call ended quickly. You smiled, rushing to your window and opening it up.
“HI Y/N!” shouted Oikawa. You chuckled.
“How was studying?” you asked. Iwa sighed.
“This idiot barely finished his chemistry. He was busy blabbing about his graduation party.”
“I expect you to be there Y/N!”
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world. It’s this Saturday right?”
“Yeah, I didn’t want to have mine on the same day as yours and Iwa-chan’s,” explained Oikawa.
“Good choice,” teased Hajime. You and Iwa decided to do a small party for graduation together. Just family and close friends.
“Hey show me your dress,” insisted Iwaizumi. You grinned, heading to your closet and picking it out. Due to Iwaizumi’s blue tie, you decided to go with the blue dress.
“Woah there Y/N, you’re gonna take Iwa-chan’s breath away-”
“SHUT IT SHIT HEAD-,” Iwa smacked Oikawa upside the head, “don’t you have to go home?”
Oikawa checked his watch, before scrambling to get his things.
“Shit my mom’s gonna kill me- BYE!”
You chuckled, looking back at Iwaizumi. He cleared his throat.
“You’re gonna look beautiful Y/N.”
You tried to hold back your smile, but the heat rising in your face made it nearly impossible.
“Thank you.”
“I mean, you always are beautiful, but that dress might just set a new record for you,” he smirked. You pressed your lips together.
“Well we should both get some sleep,” he said. You nodded.
“Yeah, you’re probably right.”
“Goodnight Y/N.”
“Goodnight Hajime.”
You closed your window, then your curtains. You placed your dress back on a hanger, before plopping onto your bed. You felt all giddy inside, like a little kid. The butterflies in your stomach could fill an entire room. Did he mean those words in a ‘best friend’ sort of way? He had to, right? In all honesty you didn’t care about the context. After all, he still said it. Your smile was the same regardless.
“Smile you two!”
Iwaizumi’s mother had been taking pictures for the last thirty minutes, and you were honestly getting a little exhausted from posing.
“Mom that's enough-”
“One more! Hajime, stand behind Y/N.”
Iwa sighed. He did as he was told, moving behind you. He placed his large hands onto your waist, hugging you from behind. You tried not to react, still smiling at the camera.
“Okay okay now look at each other.”
You looked at Iwa, staring into those deep dark eyes. His face was so close to yours, you could smell the mint he had earlier.
“I’m sorry about this,” he mumbled. You giggled.
“It's okay.”
“Alright I got all the pictures I need.”
You keep looking at him, but more relaxed. Iwa didn’t move a muscle, as if he didn’t wish to let go of you. You weren’t sure if it was your imagination or not, but you swore that Iwa looked as if he was leaning in to-
“ALRIGHTY LETS GO! Grad party time!” cheered Oikawa. You and Iwa broke away from each other. You cupped your burning face as he cleared his throat.
“Y-Yeah lets go.”
You all headed to the Iwaizumi residence. There, you opened graduation gifts, jokes with friends, and even reminisced a bit on yours and Hajime’s childhood.
“I remember when you would make me catch bugs with you all the time! I hated doing that,” you joked.
“Okay but I always let the bugs go, didn’t I?”
“Aw Iwa-chan can’t hurt a fly-”
“But I can hurt you-”
You watched as Iwa and Oikawa fought as if they were kids before going to grab something to drink.
The night escalated to Toru finding the old karaoke machine and challenging Makki to a sing-off (which he declined). You sat on the couch with Iwa as the commotion in the room elevated.
“Do you want to go upstairs?” he asked you. You let out a sigh of relief and nodded.
Hajime opened the door to his room, allowing you inside. He shut it, helping to keep things quieter.
“Wait a minute-”
You rushed over to the corner of his room.
“You can play the guitar?”
You picked up the instrument and examined it carefully. The guitar didn’t look new. In fact, it had to be a few years old.
Iwa took the guitar from your hands, holding it to his chest as his face grew in color.
“I-I can’t really play…”
“I have known you my entire life yet I never knew you had a guitar. Guess I’m a pretty shitty friend.”
“No not at all. I just- I don’t tell people that I can play…” he mumbled. You smiled, taking a step towards him.
“Could you play something for me? I won’t tell.”
Iwa looked at you, his eyes widened. He swallowed harshly.
“Of course.”
The two of you sat down on his bed. Hajime began to tune the guitar, his hands a little shaky. You placed your hand on his cheek. He looked at you intently.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to. I kinda put you on the spot there…”
“No I want to...I have a song in mind that I’ve been meaning to play for you.”
You smiled, nodding. You took your hand away, placing it back in your lap. Iwa took a deep breath, before carefullying picking at the strings.
He played a calming melody, one that you’ve heard before. Your heart melted the minute you realized what song he played.
“Sweet creature...had another talk about where it's going wrong…”
His voice was low and quiet, yet smooth and soft. You tried to hold back a smile and a few tears.
“I know when we started, just two hearts in one home…”
He sang to you. He was playing for you. Pleading that you understood what he was trying to say. Everyone fights, everyone has disagreements, it’s normal in every relationship. It was as if the letters of the lyrics were rearranged to say: “lets just try”.
You two would be leaving for university soon, that was inevitable. However, Iwaizumi never felt happier than when he was by your side.
“When I run out of road, you bring me home.”
Hajime played the final cord, before falling silent.
“I know how to tie my ties. I just say I don’t so that you’ll do it for me. So that you’ll stand a little closer to me. So that I can smell the same perfume that you’ve worn since middle school. So that I can look into your eyes, and see the world within them. I’ve known how to tie my own ties since I was eight years old, but that's also the same age that I realized that I was in love with you.”
You couldn't seem to find the words. Your mouth hung open a bit, causing Iwa to get even more nervous. He set the guitar down on the floor, before burying his hands in his face.
“God I’m such an idiot-”
You took Iwaizumi’s hands and moved them from his face.
“Look Y/N I-”
He was unable to finish his sentence, as you had crashed your lips into his. His eyes were wide before he shut them tightly, cupping your face and kissing you hungrily. You wrapped your arms around his neck, running your fingers through is dark hair. Iwa couldn’t seem to get enough, bringing you impossibly closer to him as he deepened the kiss.
“Hajime…” you whispered, catching your breath. Iwa placed another peck on your lips.
“I love you.”
You were shaking, the familiar sensation of nervousness and anticipation rushed through your veins. Iwaizumi took your hand, placing a kiss on top of it.
“I love you.”
Looking back at it all, you should’ve known it was bound to happen. Maybe it was the fear of rejection that blinded you from the truth. Maybe you had to hear that it might not always be easy in order to realize that it was still worth it. It certainly was worth the risk. Love is the strongest adhesive, keeping people together no matter distance, disagreements, or destiny. Luck for you and Hajime, your destiny was the one you had always hoped for.
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[general taglist: @lealofsblog @iwaisa @bakugousmymassa @evivn1 @bokutory @vangoghmusings @moonlightaangel @misszenin @marajillana @sopesmin @alaina-rose13 @shotoful @katlingclaw ]
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arahxdjarin · 3 years
Wicked Desires
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Loki x fem!reader
Word Count: 4.8k
Tags: throat fucking, some angst, some fluff too!, dom reader if you squint, unprotected sex, Loki kneeling, rough sex
Notes: I've decided to change this from a 5/6 chapter fic to a 9/10 chapter fic! so expect more from Loki and reader! I will warn you guys, next chapter is very angsty, I'm going to try to update about once a week but that may be subject to change. Enjoy besties!
Wicked Desires, Chapter 3
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You place the thin, dark emerald dress on your body and tiptoe out of Loki’s chambers, two guards are stationed outside the doors, they don’t even move as you walk past them, you raise a hand in front of one of their faces, he doesn’t flinch or show any sign that he sees you there. You look down at the pendant and smile a bit realizing Loki’s magic is working. Making your way back to your chambers, you look down at the dress as it moves around you. It was quite a beautiful dress, a soft satin that clung to your skin, the entire dress being held up by two thin straps that wrap around your neck, the neckline dipping all the way down your torso, barely covering your breasts. Your back is completely exposed to the warm Asgardian spring air. There’s two high slits on either of your thighs, showing your entire leg when you walk forward. The immodesty of it caused you to blush, but you couldn’t help feeling powerful in it, it looks like you belong at Loki’s side.
You hurry into your chambers, glad to find them completely empty, you had nothing to do today besides crafting a dress for the upcoming spring celebrations, you sigh as you sit next to your sewing station deciding to busy your mind with creating a pattern until you leave for Loki’s chambers once nightfall comes.
A low whistle pulls you away from your work, you turn to see your best friend and chambermate come through the door, her arms filled with fabrics and flowers.
“Quite an extraordinary dress, does this have anything to do with why you were gone all night?” Her fingers grab the material by your hip, her eyes widening once she feels how luscious and expensive the fabric feels.
“Actually yes Risa, I was gone all night putting it together, I was hoping to use it for the spring festival but I made it a bit too risqué so it’ll be saved for a more appropriate event.” Risa’s eyes crinkle, she could always tell when you were lying but she decided to just nod her head and set the rest of her supplies down next to you.
“Well, I have to leave again but I thought I would bring you some more fabric. Are you still ok with making my dress for the festival as well?” You nod your head slowly, her harsh blue eyes still holding yours, she smiles a bit as she turns to walk towards the door again.
“You’ll have to tell me who he is at some point.” The door closes behind her but her words continue to bounce around the room, she knows you too well, of course she would notice if something was amiss. You grip the edge of the table trying to calm your breath, maybe you shouldn’t go see Loki tonight, it would be too suspicious if you were gone two nights in a row.  The logical part of you knew that is exactly what you should do, but the illogical part of you, the selfish part Loki has brought out is screaming for you to go to him, let him devour you whole, feel his hands burn their mark into your skin. You clench your thighs together thinking of his words last night,
‘The smell of me, the taste of me, the feel of me, will be burned into your mind always. Because you are mine.’ How right he was, one night of passionate fucking and you were ready to throw everything to the wind to feel his lips on your skin again.
You loosen your grip on the table and slump back into your chair, staring at the fabric in front of you, your fingers run over the smooth fabric of the dress, the motion soothes your racing thoughts. Your fingers pause, you stare at the fabric and then back to the sewing machine, a small smirk tugs on your lips as a devious thought pops into your mind.
You’re hunched over your table putting the final touches on your dress when there’s a soft knock on your door. You stand up and smooth the fabric of your regular everyday skirt walking to the door to see who was behind it, you open it slightly and see a guard. He just hands you a simple piece of paper and turns to walk away. Your eyebrows raise in confusion, you open the note. The words cause you to shut the door quickly, as if anyone who walks by can somehow read the words that were obviously meant for your eyes only.
“Darling, I’ll be all yours shortly, wait for me in my chambers, if you aren’t wearing my dress then I expect you to be wearing nothing at all.”
You fold the note up and place it in the small pocket of your skirts, moving back to the dress you just finished working on, you quickly drop your average dress to the ground and step back into the gorgeous dress Loki gave you, now with slight modifications. You fold up your dress and set it on a chair in your room, closing the door tightly. You move quickly around the common room to tidy the mess you left before finally exiting your chambers to make your way to his.
The walk is shorter than you remember, or the nerves are just higher this time. Once again the guards don’t notice your presence at all, you quietly slip into his chambers, you expect to be alone but Loki is sitting on the couch with a glass of wine in his hand. His eyes widen as he takes in your attire. He sets the glass down and stands up, never taking his eyes on you. He holds his hand out and you walk towards him, placing your hand in his own, he twirls you, the dress fans out showing him all your additions.
“Is this the dress I gave you?” His voice sends a shiver through you, it's full of curiosity and amusement.
“It is, but I needed to add my own touches to it.” His hand drops yours to touch the soft gold glittery fabric you added to cover the bodice and skirt, his hand roams across it before reaching up to touch the gold gems you added to the neckline, his hand lingers on top of your chest, his eyes meeting yours again, he smirks as his fingers inch their way underneath the neckline to rub against your nipple.
“You added to its beauty, but I do believe my note specified for you to be wearing my dress. Since you’ve gone and added to it, it’s now no longer my dress, but yours. Strip.” You glare at him as you move the straps off your shoulders letting the fabric fall off your body to pool at your feet.
“Is that better, Your Highness?” Your words drip off your tongue with malicious sarcasm. Loki’s eyes harden but the smirk never leaves his lips, he moves so quickly you don’t have time to dodge his advance, he picks you up and throws you over his shoulder. You try to wiggle out of his hold but it’s impossible, he begins walking towards his room. He lands a loud smack to your backside before dropping you on the bed unceremoniously, you huff as your body bounces on the soft mattress. You prop yourself up on your elbows to look at him, heat fills your body as your mind replays the events of last night when you were in quite a similar situation.
“Turn around and hang your head off the bed.” You quirk an eyebrow at him but do as he says, you hang your head off the end of the bed, now looking at Loki upside down, you take in his appearance, he’s wearing his usual leathers, his hair looks the same but he has an unmistakable glimmer in his eye, you repress another shiver when he meet your eyes. He works to undo his trousers, letting them fall to the floor before he works to undo his top, quick enough he’s as naked as you. Loki bends at the knee until his eyes are level with yours, his hand wraps around your throat as his lips crush into yours, he kisses you fiercely, his tongue making quick work into your mouth, you let out a small whimper as he nips at your lips before pulling away. He looks in your eyes, his hand tightening slightly.
“I’m going to fuck your mouth now, if you need me to stop, tap my right thigh three times, do you understand?” You nod, Loki places a soft kiss to your lips before standing, breaking the kiss. You stare at the underside of his hard cock as he strokes it, his eyes fixed on your face. You open your mouth and press your tongue against the head of his cock, eliciting a soft hiss from Loki, he rubs his head against your lips for a moment, teasing both himself and you.
“Use me Loki. I’m going to enjoy this just as much as you do.” That was all the encouragement Loki needed to slam his hips forward, his cock burying itself inside your mouth, your throat constricts around him fighting the intrusion. Loki brings his hand to the side of your neck massaging gently, helping your muscles relax. You open your jaw wider, shifting your head allowing Loki to thrust with ease, his fingers shake on your skin, you let out a small whimper as the pleasure of feeling him claiming your mouth with his cock. Loki hisses through his teeth and drops his other hand to the bed next to your shoulder. You open your eyes momentarily and can only see Loki’s body looming over you, his balls moving next to your forehead. You squeeze your eyes shut and move your tongue, trying to stroke the underside of him.
Loki’s hand tightens around your throat, his fingers still caressing the muscles there, keeping you calm. His thrusts are controlled and even, like he’s trying to refrain from possibly injuring you. Your mind is finally wrapping around the situation, your hands snake up from where they lay at your side clutching the duvet to scratch against his defined stomach, his hips pause for a second. Your hands move from his stomach, running over the smooth skin and muscle to his hips, you dig your nails in and swirl your tongue around him, letting him know you didn’t want him to stop. His hips resume their controlled thrusts, he lets out a soft whine as your fingers dig in deeper to the skin of his hips.
The sound was like music to your ears, you clench your thighs and rub them together, thrusting your hips upwards. You never thought you could gain so much pleasure from pleasuring someone else, but here you were writhing underneath Loki while he used your mouth and body as if you were nothing more than a pretty toy. You enjoyed it too, you loved feeling like you were his own personal sex doll, the feeling of him filling you was intoxicating and you were falling head first into an unhealthy addiction. The thought almost made you laugh, you were addicted to Loki, it was the best way to put it. The way his fingers touched you, the way his tongue seemed to know you better than you knew yourself, the way his cock felt buried deeply inside of you. It was intoxicating, addicting, you couldn’t stop yourself even if you wanted to. Which you knew you should, you should stop this. It’ll never end well, if the circumstances were different then maybe — you push the thought from your mind, you don’t need to worry yourself with that, not when Loki is moaning and groaning above you because you’re bringing him pleasure. You refocus on the moment and drag your nails down his hips, his thrust stutters, the hand by your shoulder moves and you know he’s getting close.
You think back to last night when he explained he enjoyed being hit with the crop, maybe he enjoys a bit of pain with his pleasure. You move your lips, allowing your teeth to scrape against the sensitive skin of his cock. He hisses in pleasure before he rips his cock from your mouth, he bends his knees until his eyes meet yours again, his hand tightens around your throat.
“You’re getting brave little fox, I love watching you explore pleasure” his hand moves from your throat to stroke your face, his breath is labored and his eyes still hold a look of unbridled lust. “And as much as I would love to cum in your pretty little mouth, I have so much more planned for tonight, kneel on the bed in front of me.” You scramble up quickly at his command, you sit back on your heels, looking up at Loki’s face. Even kneeling on his large bed you were still several inches shorter than him. His hands move to either side of your face, his thumbs gently caressing the skin of your cheeks. You let him lean your head back, his hands move from your face to your neck. Loki leans forward and brushes his lips against your own.
“What do you want darling?” Your breath hitches as Loki turns your head to the side to run his nose along the side of your face.
“You.” Was all you were able to croak out, Loki’s warm breath fans across your face as he lets out a soft chuckle.
“And you have me, but I’m asking what you want right now.” Loki slips his tongue out and licks a stripe up your neck, he hums quietly, blowing cool air over the spot he just licked. Your fingers reach out to tangle in his hair, you turn your face to meet his eyes.
“I want to ride you, I want to feel you deep inside me. I want to shatter around you until I can no longer think of anything besides your name.” Loki’s eyes light up at your words and before you can even comprehend what’s happening he moves onto the bed pulling you onto his lap.
“Who would I be if I didn’t oblige every one of your desires and fantasies darling?” You sit straddling his lap, your fingers interlock behind his neck, he presses his forehead against yours as he guides his cock to your entrance. You both groan as you sink onto his length, his hands grip your hips to help you move. You bury your face in his neck as his cock stretches you open, you bounce up and down, cherishing the feeling of his cock buried deeply inside you. Loki’s hands massage and pull at the flesh of your hips eliciting another loud moan from your throat. His steady hold helps you keep rhythm. A sheen layer of sweat forms on the back of your neck as you continue to work yourself on his cock, the drag of it coupled with the new intense position was quickly working you to your climax.
You turn your head from his neck to capture his lips. Loki lifts one of his hands from your hips to crush your face against his. His tongue consumes your mouth in a sloppy, passionate kiss. You moan into his mouth as he pulls your body closer to his, your clit catching on the skin of his groin.
“Loki — Loki I want us to cum together.”
“Then I suggest you hurry little fox, you’ve had me on edge since you walked through the door in that dress.” Loki’s hands on you tightens, he moves his hips to meet each one of your thrusts, the pressure builds quickly in your lower stomach, all the skin in contact with Loki heats as you race towards your climax.
“Loki, Gods I’m going to cum!” Your orgasm hits full force, you slump against Loki’s chest as he continues to thrust upwards into you, he lets out a loud groan and you feel his cock twitch inside you.
“I’m your God darling, only me.” Loki’s chest rises and falls quickly. He falls back against the bed, holding you close to his chest. His hand moving to brush your hair away from your face. You shift your hips, feeling Loki still inside you. You try to move off his lap but he holds you against his chest. Locking you in place on top of him.
“Loki, I need to go back to my own chambers tonight, my friend brought up how I didn’t come home last night. It'll be too suspicious if I’m gone again tonight.” You try to pull away again but Loki doesn’t loosen his hold on you.
“You can spare a few more hours darling.” For some reason his words anger you. You push with all your might and he finally releases you.
“Loki, you are not risking anything by seeing me, I’m risking everything. I can not be caught up in this. I will not, I’ve worked too hard to have it crumbled by you.”
“Little fox, I’ve promised you safety, I meant that. Stay with me a while longer, we’ve just gotten started.” You stand from the bed quickly, trying to ignore the wobble of your legs, you walk from his bed chambers back to where your dress lays against the ground.
“No, I need to get back before anyone else notices my absence. I’m willing to bruise your ego to make sure my reputation is not defamed.” You turn to see Loki standing naked, his face looks pained for a moment before it returns to it’s normal stoic expression. He turns his head to the side, the green glow appears, he’s suddenly fully dressed again.
“Very well then. It seems I misunderstood our arrangement.” You narrow your eyes at his words.
“Our arrangement? If I remember correctly last night we only talked about my selfishness? You allowing me to explore pleasure. Now who’s the one being selfish?” You walk closer to him, until your chests are touching. You stare into his eyes with as much intensity as you could muster.
“Then stay and continue to be selfish darling. Can you look me in my eyes and tell me that you want to leave right now?” His hand comes up to touch the side of your face but you move away and look at the ground before he can.
“It’s not about what I want Loki, I can’t be swept up into rumors.” Loki moves quickly to wrap his arms around you, his fingers moving to the straps of your dress, he slowly pushes them off your shoulders. You want to move, you know you should move but his soft touch keeps you firmly planted in your spot.
“You’re right you shouldn’t be swept into rumors, and I’ll see to it that you're not. I can charm a double of you to go to your chambers, it’ll walk past everyone and go straight to your room to sleep.” Loki pushes the straps completely off your shoulders, letting the fabric pool around your feet for the second time tonight. He pushes your hair behind your ear and kisses your lips with fervor. You finally move to wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you. Loki easily pulls you off the ground, walking towards the couch. He sits with you straddling his lap, your lips fight his for dominance, if you’re going to stay he needs to give up control. Your fingers tangle in his hair and you pull his head. He stares up at you in amusement.
“If I’m staying you’ll have to make it worth my while.” Loki tries to move his head but you keep a firm hold.
“I fully intend to, darling, all you have to do is ask for what you want.” You lower your mouth until it's close to his face. You feel him shiver when your lips press against the sensitive skin of his neck just below his ear.
“I want to be in control darling .” Loki’s normal term of endearment falls off your lips smoothly, his hips buck up into you as his arms tighten around you.
“Anything you wish for, little fox, the control is all yours.” At his words you pull his head up and lick into his mouth.
“I think I’d like you better on your knees.” His breath catches but he’s quick to set you carefully on the couch before kneeling between your legs. “It’s a bit unfair that you're fully dressed, why don’t you change that?” The green glow appears around Loki, once it disappears you take in his full nude body again. You meet his eyes and you’re captivated by the intensity behind them, you notice his small smirk, he seems fully amused at the stunt you’ve pulled. You didn’t think you’d make it this far, your mind goes blank trying to think of how Loki commanded you last night. You just wanted to prove a point, but now you're determined to see it through.
“I think I rather like you being in charge.” Loki presses a soft kiss to the inside of your thigh as he speaks. You lean forward to grab his jaw, tilting his face to look up at you.
“Don’t speak unless I say so, now be good and bury your face between my legs, you said the night had barely started, why don’t you show me what else you had in mind.”  Loki’s eyes narrow slightly, he presses an open mouth kiss high up on your thigh before dragging his lips closer to your center. Your fingers stroke his hair as he licks a long stripe up to your clit, his mouth latches there. Your head falls back and you let out a high pitched whine, his mouth is fucking magical. Loki wraps his fingers around your thighs, pulling them onto his shoulders. His tongue continues to swirl around your clit and the surrounding area. You tug on his hair pulling his head even closer to you. You look down and see his eyes are still trained on your face. You push the stray hairs away from his eyes, whispering praise to him. Loki hums, his eyes closing as he drives you closer to your peak. You roll your hips on his face to create more friction. Loki’s hands tighten around your thighs, his fingers scraping against your skin.
“Fingers— add your fingers, I’m so close.” His right hand peels away from your thigh and works its way to your entrance, he teases you for a moment before sinking two of his fingers into your cunt. His fingers mixed with his tongue pushes you over the edge into another mind shattering orgasm, your grip tightens on his hair as you buck your hips into his face, he moves with you and lets your orgasm work through your body in full. Loki places a few soft kisses to your inner thigh before pulling away to look at you.
“What else would you like, little fox? I’m here for you to use.” His words send another shockwave through your body. You sit up further and turn around, your fingers grip the back of the couch as you arch your back. You turn your head to look at Loki.
“Take me from behind, and don’t be gentle.” You watch as a devious smile spreads on Loki’s face, he stands to his full height, towering over you. You turn your head to keep his eye contact, he lets his fingers trail down your spine as he lines up with your entrance. You feel the blunt head of his cock rubbing against your cunt, sending more pleasure through your body. The head of his cock presses inside of you and he pauses for a second. His hands moving to your hips. He pulls you back roughly until he’s buried deeply inside of you again for the second time tonight. His fingers dig into the bruises he left the night before as he viciously thrusts into you. Your head falls forward to touch your forehead against the soft fabric of the couch. You swear this is the deepest Loki has ever been inside of you, his thrusts continue relentlessly. You arch your back more, the angle changes causing both of you to groan. You reach a hand between your thighs to rub at your over sensitive clit. Loki catches your hand and places it back on the couch before sneaking his own hand between your legs.
“Your pleasure belongs to me darling — oh I’m sorry am I allowed to talk yet?” You can hear the smirk in his voice. You throw your head back to look at him and aren’t surprised to see the signature smirk on his lips.
“Shut up and fuck me harder.” Your words wipe the smirk right off his face, his thrusts become brutal, abusing your poor cunt. His fingers speed up on your clit, yet again launching you closer to another orgasm.
“You’re so worried about your reputation darling, yet you aren’t worried for them to see you limping for the next week?” Your fingers tighten on the couch, your nails digging into the fabric deeply. If you weren’t so close to your release you would push him off you and leave right now. Loki feels you tighten and flutter around him, he leans over the couch moving his hand from your hip to cover your own.
“Stay with me tonight little fox — please.” Loki’s voice sounds strained against your ear, your heart stops for a second, you’ve never known Loki, the God of Mischief, to ever beg anyone for anything. Your fingers spread letting him interlock his own with yours as he continues the brutal rhythm.
“Just for the night.” You whisper back to him, turning your face to look at him. He lips meet yours desperately, he murmurs something against them but you're to swept up in your own pleasure to figure out what he had said. Your orgasm peeks on a particularly violent thrust, you flutter around Loki, pressing your hips back further to grind against him. Loki shifts behind you, wrapping both his arms around your stomach, his forehead presses against your spine as he continues to thrust into you, slower now. His arms are the only thing holding you up at this point, your entire body has liquified with the power of your third orgasm. Loki lets out a soft groan behind you, his teeth scraping against the skin of your back. He hips slowing to a stop. He pulls out of you as gently as possible but you still hiss at the feeling of his cock dragging against your sensitive walls. Loki lays your body against the soft couch, he gets up and works his way into the bathing room and returns quickly with a steaming towel. He presses it between your thighs to clean you. The intimacy of the action causes heat to rise to your cheeks.
You watch as his eyebrows furrow, his hand gently working the soft, warm towel between your legs, you almost giggle at how focused he looks. Once he’s satisfied with his work the towel disappears in a green glow and his eyes move to look at you.
“Lets go lay down” Loki helps you stand on your shaky legs and places a hand on the small of your back, leading you to his bed again, he places a kiss to your lips before he pulls back the duvet for you to lay down.
“I can’t keep disappearing every night to come here.” Loki sighs at your words as he gets into the bed on his respective side. He pulls you close against his body and begins to mindlessly play with your hair.
“You’re right, what about every other night?” You prop yourself up to glare at him.
“Once a week.” Loki narrows his own eyes at you. You hold his gaze until his features soften again.
“Once a week it is then, but just now you’re welcome in my bed any day of the week, you have an open invitation to my rooms.” You settle back down against his chest, his fingers move back to your hair.
“I’m only here right now because you asked so nicely, I didn’t think you had manners, it seems I was mistaken.” Loki lets out a small laugh at your playful insult.
“You’re the only one who will ever receive that treatment from me.” You turn your head to look at him, his eyes meet yours, he looks so tired, not just physically, he looks mentally exhausted.
“And why is that Loki?” Loki’s eyes light up a bit, a soft smile tugs on his lips.
“I’ve told you little fox, you’ve piqued my interest, your presence is intoxicating. I’ll do anything to keep you at my side, including asking nicely — and maybe I’ll even admit I’m wrong at some point, but don’t let it go to your head.”
“Too late, I think my ego could rival yours now.” Loki laughs again, his fingers rub at your scalp and you’re quickly lulled into another peaceful sleep tucked next to Loki’s side.
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haloshornsinkstains · 3 years
Carrying This Imagination, I'll Go
The aftermath of the Inarizaki vs Karasuno game and how it affected y/n, their manager, and her relationship with the team.
Kita x F!Reader (but its pretty mild)
cw: female reader, attempts at writing Kansai dialect
a/n: i’m debating turning this one into a series, I have ideas and I've written some of it past this chapter but still it may be a while between chapters if I do. At least until work eases up and I’m not pulling overtime so much.
As the ball hit the floor you felt your heart lodge itself in your throat, grip white knuckled against the edge of the bench as your muscles screamed at you to move. There would be time for that later, you told yourself, blinking back tears as you watched your boys congratulate the other team before turning to line up and bow. The few simple words of thanks lingering in the air like the bittersweet sting of a wound. They filed out of the hall, a line of bowed heads and black jerseys, and still you couldn't let yourself move. Not until the coach rested a gentle hand on your back did you unfurl your fingers and slowly push yourself to your feet.
"C'mon l/n. They'll need ya around."
You nodded, exhaling a long sigh as you glanced towards the bottles on the side. "I'll get water."
You didn't see his small frown as you collected the empty bottles and headed for the taps, smiling at the other teams manager as you passed. 
"Hope to see ya around. Good luck."
She smiled softly in return and you could almost feel the burning jealousy of her team on your back. Not that you could blame them, she was gorgeous. 
"For once he's right." You chuckle. "Next year Shin, ya better be watchin' us 'cause we're gonna win Nationals."
Later you carried the newly filled bottles through the corridor, listening for the loud shouts of your idiots. You find them not long after by the stairs, just in time to hear the Captain's soft spoken admission and Atsumu's impassioned reply. You smile up at them, holding the bottles aloft.
"Yeah! An' when I'm a famous volleyball player yer better tell all ya friends that ya taught me!"
You shake your head and behind him Suna laughs, clapping one hand on the blonde setter’s shoulder. “Oh don’t worry Tsumu, I’ll tell everyone plenty of stories about you.”
You dissolve into full blown giggles, memories of the plentiful escapades of the Miya twins flashing behind your eyes and the bottles of water forgotten at your feet. You don’t see the way Kita’s face softens into a smile as he watches you, the pain of the loss softened a little by the antics of his team. Suna though, his analytical gaze doesn’t miss the affection in the captain's eyes, and he nods his head just a little at the older man. Eventually your breathing evens out and you wipe a few stray tears from the corners of your eyes, nodding towards the water bottles.
“Well I didn’t lug all this water here for ya to not drink it! It was a long game, grab a drink everyone.” You hand out the bottles with a smile, turning to glance over your shoulder once they’re all drinking. “When yer all done we’re heading back to the hotel, and you stinky boys are going straight to the bath.”
“Oi! We don’t stink!” Atsumu’s outburst sent water and spit flying all over Osamu and Aran, and you burst into giggles all over again as both men smacked him in retaliation, Osamu yelling at his twin for being a disgusting scrub.
Before another fight could break out between the Miya’s you heard Kita clearing his throat, levelling them both with a stern look. “A hot bath will do all of our muscles good.”
You offered him a soft smile in return and nodded. “See, Captain knows. C’mon stinky boys.”
Amidst the grumbles the team headed back towards the bus, you falling into step besides Suna with a chuckle. Gently you bumped your shoulder against his arm.
“You did real good out there Rin. Glasses really got on yer nerves huh?” You hummed, glancing at him sideways. 
“Hmm. Surprised you aren’t crying yet.” He chuckled, gently ruffling your hair. “You were sobbing when we lost to Itachiyama.”
“Later. Lookin’ after you boys comes first.”
“We had the same idea.”
The tears didn’t fall until you were washing the jerseys, as much as they didn’t really need them the next day it gave you some time to be alone. A place to cry, hidden from the boys you wanted to be strong for, the sound of your sniffles drowned out by the hum of the machine. Under the dull hum you didn’t hear the sound of the door opening, startling when the familiar warmth of a body filled the space beside you.
You relax, feeling lips press against the crown of your head as you nod.
“It needed to be done.”
Kita chuckles quietly and you can picture the small nod of agreement.
“Routine is important.” He agrees, lifting the washbasket ready to collect the wet jerseys. “Routine is the foundation that made me who I am.”
“And it makes ya happy.” You laughed.
“And it makes me happy.”
“I just… it felt like something I could do to help. I feel like I let ya all down, like-” you hiccuped, holding back a sob “I wish we had won.”
Strong arms encircled you, Kita pulling you into the warmth of his chest. One hand gently petted your hair, letting you tremble against him as you cried.
“I know. But, at the same time, I’d like to see how far those crows go.” His grip tightened, just a little. “The boys were talkin’ about watchin’ the rest of the matches, I think ya should come too.”
You nodded. “I’d like that.”
Watching games without the pressure of winning was a surprisingly good way to relax, and you were able to focus on the abilities of the other teams. Picking up plays that you could suggest to the boys, and making note of players who would be worth keeping an eye on for next year's competition. Inarizaki might be a powerhouse school but it was always worthwhile to keep an eye on the others. Kita and Aran had disappeared to watch Itachiyama with Omimi, while you, Rin and the Miya twins wanted to see Karasuno’s next match. The others had their phones, so wherever they’d wandered off to you weren’t too worried.
“Those two are scary even from here.”
You tipped your head back to smile at Osamu. “You two were pretty scary yourselves yesterday. But Nekoma are pretty terrifyin’ too.”
Rin nodded. “They’re a great defensive team.”
“Yeah. That middle blocker Captain of their is- holy shit! That Libero is so cool!”
You whipped your head around to stare at the two men who had appeared next to you, noting their white jackets.
“Um, bless you? Hey, yer from Fukurodani right? I was plannin’ to come watch ya play later, you guys are awesome.” You grinned, leaning across Rin to wave at the two men.
“Hear that Akaashi! She thinks we’re awesome!”
“I did Bokuto-san. Nekoma’s libero, his name is Yaku-san, and he is indeed very talented.” The dark haired setter, Akaashi, sat himself next to Suna and gestured for Bokuto to join him. “You’re from Inarizaki High yes?”
“We are, I’m l/n, this is Suna and those two behind us are Atsumu and Osamu Miya. It’s nice to meet ya Akaashi-san. And thank you for the information.” You nodded turning back to the match.
“Kuroo is cool too.” The grey-haired Ace sounded almost pouty.
“He is Bokuto-san. I’m sorry to hear about your loss to Karasuno, from what I hear it was a close game.”
Suna nodded, eyes focused on the middle blockers while you sighed and offered the two men an apologetic smile. You didn’t miss the way Bokuto muttered something about Akaashi wanting Karasuno to win but were polite enough to ignore it.
“Get back here ya scrub! Yer not having my onigiri!”
“Learn to share ya pig!”
With an irritated growl you shook your head. “Sorry, those are my idiots. Rin, if you even think about pullin’ out yer phone I’ll be after you next.” 
You vaulted over the chairs, stalking towards the arguing twins just in time to see Osamu preparing to kick his brother. With a grimace you put yourself between the twins, gripping each by the front of their shirts and glaring at them in turn.
“Oi, idiots! Yer gonna sit down and behave yerselves or so help me god…”
“But y/n!” 
“Don’t but me! Sit yer asses down and behave.” You narrowed your eyes. “And if yer not gonna listen to me, I’m sure I can get Kita to come here.”
Suna chuckled, slipping his phone back into his hoodie and nodding towards Bokuto and Akaashi. “And that’s why our manager is the best.”
“Agashee! Did you see that?!”
“I did Bokuto-san.”
“She’s so cool!”
You laughed, jumping back over into your seat and shaking your head. “Glad ya think so, dealing with those idiots had to have some upsides.” 
Akaashi made a small noise that sounded suspiciously like a chuckle before it was interrupted by a quiet beeping from his pocket. Sighing he stood and gently pulled on Bokuto's arm.
"Bokuto-San, we need to go prepare for our match. It was good to meet you all." He gave a polite bow and a soft smile, his reserved nature all the more striking compared to the chaos surrounding you.
"Come cheer for us l/n!"
"Likewise. I'll be sure t' come find ya when they finish." You grinned, waving the pair off. "Ya done makin' heart eyes Samu?"
"Shurrup, yer always droolin' over players." 
You shook your head. "I only 'drool' over one player, I just admire the rest." You huffed, ignoring the heat in your cheeks.
Focusing back on the match your heart felt lighter than it had done in a long time, here, surrounded by people you loved and the sound of volleyball, you came to a realisation. This was something you always wanted in your life. Volleyball was something you never wanted to leave behind no matter what.
The rest of nationals went by in a blur, Kita joining you for more matches than not once the pain of losing so early had dulled. You cheered for Fukurodani as promised, and joined the Miya twins watching the duo of terrifying first years from Karasuno. Every moment just cemented the idea that you wanted Volleyball in your life forever further and further into your mind.
Time continued moving forwards. You cried when the third years graduated, Suna took so many pictures of your teary face you almost threw the phone at his head. But the third years graduation meant the end of so many things, their patience and calming influence, the routines you had built up since joining the club, and your first relationship. Still time seemed to fly, the Miya twins made for surprisingly good leaders (officially Atsumu was captain, but you were grateful for Osamu being there to keep him in check no matter how many fights you broke up) and all too soon you found yourself at Nationals once more, earning your revenge against Karasuno for the previous year. Your unlikely friendship with the new Fukurodani captain cemented when the pair of you exchanged numbers on the first day. (Osamu had pouted over it for hours, and none of your insistence you were just friends helped).
University only fuelled your focus, managing the boys team there and watching them rise through the ranks. Joining in on practice to help them out and feeling the old familiar rush in your veins. You kept in touch with the other second years, thankful for their support when your family were disappointed in you. They were the ones there when you graduated, and the ones to throw a celebratory party when you landed a job with the JVA. And they were the ones there to keep your spirits up when a few years into your dream job it seemed like you were about to lose everything, even when they didn’t all know the details.
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jaehyunfirstlove · 3 years
Highway to Heaven - Ch. 6
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Your best friend Johnny wants to go on a road trip. The only catch? He wants to bring his roommate, Jeong Jaehyun, someone you just couldn’t stand.
Genre: e2l, fluff, angst, (eventual) smut
Warnings: Just some swearing
Taglist: @jaehyunnie77 @sehunniepot​ @jaejoongiewifey-blog @glxwingstar​ @sleep-is-all-i-seek​ (send me a message if you want to be tagged)
Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4 | Ch. 5
A/N: No smut in this chapter, sorry :)
You woke to someone whistling, and looking over you saw Johnny packing his suitcase. When he saw movement from you he sighed dramatically.
“Well look who’s finally awake!” he said sarcastically, “come on and pack up, Y/N, time to head home.”
You sat up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes, feeling amazingly well-rested. You were in the middle of piecing together what happened the night before when Jaehyun emerged from the bathroom. He saw that you were awake, but then averted his eyes.
“I’ll go pack up the car,” he said quickly, grabbing Johnny’s suitcase right out of his hands, picking up his own on the way by, and sprinting out the door. Johnny looked at his retreating figure quizzically.
“What’s up with him?” he wondered, and then it hit you. The hazy events of the night before started to come back to you, but in flashes, like an erotic movie on fast forward. You felt the blush creep up your neck and onto your face, mortification the weakest description for what you were feeling at that moment.
“Oh my god,” you whispered under your breath. What the fuck is wrong with you, you reprimanded yourself. You covered your face with both your hands, wondering if you could spend the rest of the trip like that and not have anyone question it.
“Let’s go, Y/N,” Johnny called, walking out the door. You got out of bed and quickly packed up, taking a deep breath before you opened the door to face your fate. Your heart was pounding when you got to the car, and it absolutely sank when Johnny called out to you. “Hey if you don’t mind I’m taking the backseat, I didn’t sleep well in that bed last night so I wanna take a nap.”
You looked at Jaehyun, who was sitting in the driver’s seat staring straight ahead. He didn’t turn to you when you got into the car, just put it in drive and maneuvered out of the parking lot.
There was a heavy silence for the first part of the drive, just the sound of Johnny softly snoring in the backseat. You couldn’t stand it anymore so you finally spoke up.
“Is it okay if I play some music?” you asked. Jaehyun nodded, his eyes never leaving the road in front of him. He also kept a death grip on the steering wheel, not his usual one hand on the wheel, one hand on the console between you. You could see his knuckles turning white. You had to address this before he combusted.
“Listen Jaehyun, about last night…” you couldn’t look at him as you spoke, but he didn’t respond, so you looked up at him cautiously. He looked like he was in pain. “I’m really, really sorry for making you do… that.”
“You didn’t make me,” he responded quietly, “I agreed to it.”
“Yeah, well, it was wrong of me to put you in that position. I’m sorry.”
He visibly relaxed, his shoulders finally slumping and his hands slackening a little on the steering wheel. “It’s okay, I didn’t mind. It felt nice to make you feel good like that.” He hazarded a careful smile as he finally looked over at you.
Again you didn’t know how to feel, should you be insulted that he enjoyed it, or should you be flattered that he wanted to make you feel good? It was all so maddening to you. His entire existence affected you in a way you’d never been affected by anyone or anything before in your life. Just his presence mere inches from you had an exhilarating effect that you couldn’t escape, no matter how hard you tried.
“Yeah, well, thanks then, I guess.” You really didn’t know what to say at that point.
“You’re welcome,” he said sincerely.
“Let’s forget about it then, okay? We can pretend it never happened, and I promise I won’t ask you to do anything like that ever again.” You looked at him expectantly.
His face fell slightly, his smile faltering, but he quickly regained his composure and nodded. “For sure, not a problem.”
Wanting to change the subject and also to fill the silence you picked up your phone. “Hey, what’s your instagram?”
He looked over at you in surprise, before he turned back to the road and smiled. “It’s just my name, I’m boring like that.”
You opened instagram on your phone and quickly found him, pressing the follow button. You scrolled through his page, filled with pictures of the night sky, and not much else.
“Wow, you really are boring,” you teased, but as you scrolled you came across a picture of him. He was sitting at a table, probably in a restaurant, the person taking the picture sitting directly across from him. He had his hands clasped in front of him, staring at the picture taker with a soft expression. “Hm, this is a nice picture of you.”
He looked over to see which one you meant, and just nodded. “My ex took that picture.”
“Which one?” you scoffed, and you instantly regretted your words when you saw how his face fell.
“Sorry,” you said in a meek voice.
“No, it’s okay, I deserved that.” He sighed. You should have left it, it really wasn’t your business, but you were dying to know.
“What’s the story anyway? With all those girls that you date. Are you really a ‘love ‘em and leave ‘em’ type of guy?” You tried to keep your tone light, knowing the subject itself was anything but light. He was quiet for a long time and you thought he might be mad at you for asking. “Forget it, sorry I asked.”
He blew out a breath, and you really thought he was going to lay into you, but instead he poured out his heart.
“It’s, um, it’s a problem, for sure,” he began, and you involuntarily leaned closer as if he was going to tell you the secrets of the universe, “I thought I could find, you know, ‘the one’ as they call it, but it turned out to be harder than I thought. Not that I thought it would be easy, but I figured she was out there, you know? But with each person I dated, I just wasn’t feeling it.”
“Were you being too picky maybe?” you offered.
He nodded thoughtfully, “I mean, yeah? I thought maybe I should give it a chance sometimes, but why prolong something that you know isn’t going anywhere? I usually knew by the end of the first date.”
“So wait, all of these women were just first dates?”
“Pretty much, yeah.”
“So…. you weren’t, you know,” at this point you made a hole with one hand and the motion of your finger going through it with the other. If Johnny were awake he would have smacked you upside the head for being so juvenile.
Jaehyun just shook his head. “No, I didn’t have sex with them.”
You were floored. All this time you thought he was a sex machine, thinking he was bringing these women home to bed them and that’s why you and Johnny couldn’t hang out at their place.
“So when you were bringing them back to your apartment and Johnny and I were banned from hanging around, you weren’t banging them?” you had to ask.
He laughed. “No, I was cooking for them. It’s my thing.” He shrugged.
You didn’t know what to say. You’d had the wrong idea about him all this time, just like Johnny had said. You could hear Johnny’s voice in your head: you have the wrong idea about him, Y/N. Your mouth dropped open in shock. You could already hear Johnny gloating: told you so, told you so!
“It’s so lame, I know,” he chuckled humorlessly, “the last one really threw me though.”
“Why?” you asked, sincerely curious, “Did you have feelings for her?”
“No, it was the same story, but this time I decided to give it a chance. It got to the point where she really fell for me, but I couldn’t reciprocate her feelings and I felt terrible. I had to break it off, and she was furious. She blamed me for leading her on, told me I was a ‘lost boy who would never find love’ and threw me out of her house. I was at my lowest point and Johnny felt bad for me, so he suggested I go on this trip with you guys. So that’s why I’m here.”
You instantly felt like a sack of shit. Not only did you misjudge him so badly, you treated him like crap when all he needed was a fun time with friends.
“Oh fuck, I’m so lame,” you cursed yourself, “I’m so sorry.”
He smiled weakly. “Johnny told me what you thought of me, he said I should explain myself to you but I figured people believe actions over words, right? So I thought I could charm you but that backfired magnificently.”
You could only laugh. The two of you were like two dumb peas in a pod. “We’re both lame,” you lamented dramatically, at which point he threw his head back and laughed, a sound so beautiful to your ears you wanted to bottle it and keep it forever. Not to mention that when he laughed like that, the dimples in his cheeks got impossibly deep and his nose scrunched ever so cutely. You knew you were in deep trouble now.
“What’s so damn funny?” Johnny had woken up and clearly was not happy about it.
“Sorry,” Jaehyun looked in the rearview mirror to address Johnny, “Y/N was being funny.” He looked over at you and winked, you stuck your tongue out at him playfully. Johnny watched the two of you, the corners of his mouth turned up in amusement.
“Wait, does that mean the two of you are-” here he slapped his hand over his mouth in shock, “friends now?”
“Shut up,” you shot back, “I know this was all part of your plan. Go ahead and gloat, I’ll just ignore you.” You put in your airpods and pretended that you were listening to music.
“Finally!” Johnny yelled, clapping Jaehyun on the shoulders, “Told you she wasn’t a stuck-up, judgmental, annoying little brat!”
“Hey!” you turned around and punched him hard in the shoulder, “I heard that!”
For the rest of the drive Johnny alternated between expressing his relief at the two of you finally getting along, and teasing you about Jaehyun’s charms.
“You know that Jaehyun can cook, right? That means he’s good with his hands.” Johnny stated, smirking at the innuendo. If he only knew, you thought. You looked over at Jaehyun and his ears had turned red.
“I’m sure he is.” You couldn’t help yourself. Jaehyun shot you a panicked look, before he laughed nervously. “Maybe I can come over one day and you can cook for all of us.” You looked over to see his reaction. 
He smiled widely and nodded. “I’d love that.”
“Look at this! We’re all one big, happy family!” Johnny put his arms around both you and Jaehyun’s shoulders. You looked at your best friend and smiled. He was genuinely happy. You could only imagine how upsetting it was for him to have two people in his life who were very important to him, not be able to get along. You felt bad for putting him through that just because you were stubborn, and just as you were about to open your mouth to apologize he dropped a bomb. 
“And since we’re all so close now, we can all share the one king size bed in the motel tonight since it was the last room I was able to get.” He winked and shot finger hearts at you, and you wondered if there were any good places nearby to dispose of a body.
He was true to his word that night, climbing into the bed on one side and motioning for you and Jaehyun to get in with him.
“Come on in, I don’t bite. But I can if you want me to.” He waggled his eyebrows suggestively. Jaehyun played along, giggling and covering his mouth demurely with his hand. You rolled your eyes. They really did belong together.
“You get in the middle then,” you addressed Jaehyun, “so you two lovebirds can be together.” Jaehyun laughed and got into the bed, and you followed, turning off the lights. With the lights on the mood could be playful and fun, but as soon as it was dark the seriousness of the situation hit you. You were so keenly aware of Jaehyun’s body beside you. You could hear him breathing, could see his chest rise and fall in the dim light. You could smell the faint musky scent of his cologne. There was no way you could fall asleep.
Jaehyun seemed to be having the same problem. Because of the lack of space, he wasn’t able to bring in an extra pillow to hug to help him fall asleep. He tossed and turned, sometimes kneeing or elbowing Johnny in the process, but Johnny slept like the dead and would only grunt and then turn over. This wouldn’t do.
“Do you need to hug something?” you whispered.
“It’s okay, there’s no space. I’ll manage.” He reassured you. But he sighed, and so you mustered up your courage.
“You can hug me, if you want,” you offered, “Just hug.” You felt like you should specify. He was quiet for a while so you thought he’d fallen asleep, but then you felt him turn towards you, his arm snaking around your waist.
“Are you sure it’s okay?” he whispered in your ear, and you involuntarily shuddered at his proximity. He felt good. His arm around you felt good. His body firm against your back felt good.
“Yeah,” you answered him, closing your eyes and finally giving in to the feelings you had been trying to hold back. “I’m really sure.”
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arllenn · 3 years
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image des: I really loved the fact that your brought their past into the light, that you made them actually effected and reflected on it. So often I just see stories focusing on their relationship with the "new" characters (Caesar, Luminous, Johann, The Gen fam) so following that line of thought.
Can I request a flashback scene? Like when we get requested to make it snow (at the beginning of the game) the group of friends reaction to it snowing makes you reflected on your past. In which a fluffy meeting/promise happens between Z, Renata and you. Or even any fluff you can think of between the three? It can be when they were kids or the age they were at during the game.
Admittedly I would love it if you can really focus on Z and the Character interaction/relationship because we all know he cares for Renata; they have that slacker x mother hen childhood friend vibe going on. But the idea that Z and you are ACTUALLY close (it just LOOKS like your friends with Renata and only friendly acquaintances with Z from the outside) makes me happy and bittersweet.
Sorry this got so long!
Tags for this chapter: fluff, hurt no comfort, bittersweetness, pure angst at first tho Tw: mentions of death and cannon typical violence, puke, death Time setting: pre japan like imagine if the mc got an adjustment period at cassell before they got shipped off to dragon war
You smiled happy to be of help to the friends who were separating today. Their cheerful giggles and cries of happiness as they raved over being able to leave on a snowy day just like the one from when they had met made your insides bubble with warmth and nostalgia. Z, Renata and you had been the same once..... before, before Herzog had...
You shake your head, now isn't the time for this. You wring your wrists, it's a habit you picked up from Z, though you two do it for different reasons. You feel a bit light headed, your knees are weak, it's so weird to see snow and not see your beloved friends among it. It just felt wrong to not feel their warmth around you in this cold tempature. The others giggling is getting too loud, it's beggining to ring in your ears and bounce around in your head at the same time as the memories of Renata and Z pour out of your head and spill in front of your eyes. You stiffly walk over to Claudia, left foot, left hand, right foot, right hand. Back and forth back and forth. You want to leave, but it’d feel wrong just going without checking with her.
“We met and departed on a snowy day.” She sounds so happy and while you’re glad that you were able to help them you also can’t help but feel cloying jealousy at the fact that this trio, Claudia, Susu and Leah get to be together, to meet and depart on snowy days filled with joy, while you can’t. You want to be able to see Z and Renata, you want to be able to tease them while jumping for joy and promising to stay in contact. You want to be able to send them off with a smile on your face and a promise to be well.
But you can’t.
And that’s it.
There’s no going back and searching, there’s no making up after an argument, there’s just nothing. Renata is dead Z is dead everyone is dead! And you can’t do anything about it.
Staggering away you start walking towards one of the benches in the courtyard that face the library. To say that you collapse on it would be an understatement. It’s like all the bones in your body liquified then disappeared at that moment. You clench at the snow on the bench, using the all too familiar feeling of it to guide you through your memories. The day you arrived at the orphanage, the first time you met Renata, Z and you arguing over who would get to hold which of Renata’s hands, the day Vera had arrived, so small and only a year old. You remembered her small finger curling around your own while Z helped you readjust how you held her.
Just Renata, Z and you.
But now it’s just you. You clench at your throat, clawing at it as if that’ll destroy the lump forming in it. You bring your knees up to meet with your chest. Burying your head in your arms. It hurts, you want to see them. At this point you’d even take Anton and Khorkina’s belittling of you or even Ivan and Sherkman failing horribly to hide the fact that they were dating over anything else that could possibly occur right now.
Rubbing your face on your knees you try to get rid of the few silent tears that have begun to spill. It doesn’t work, in fact it just makes everything so, so much worse. Memories of your childhood fly by, you’re loosing your grip on reality you know that. You don’t want to do it here. Not on a bench where anyone can see, if you’re completely honest you don’t want to confront them at all. But that isn’t an option, it’s never going to be an option for you, because you’re trying so hard to push them down and stamp them out right now. And it’s not working.
One of the wandering vending machines come up to you, clawed arm holding something in it. You can't see it at all, your line of sight only contains your legs after all, but you can hear the distinctive beeps of the machine, the whirring of its mechanical organs that allow it to move. You can feel the jagged edges of a wrapper lightly scratching at your leg through your uniform. The robot beeps twice shoving the snack into your leg once again before dropping it and skittering off. Lifting your head up you stared down at the snack you had been left with. Maybe the world really does hate you. Maybe you deserve to constantly have your mind ripped at and heart torn apart, because laying there in front of you is a cookie a chocolate chip one at that. The second your eyes land on the bubbly font that spells out chocolate you cant help but watch in horror as Vera falls in front of you, mere feet away, body still warm as she hits the snow, dead. You feel the bile rise in your throat, it isn't something that you can just swallow down either. Hand clapped over your mouth you stand, getting ready to run.
You have no idea how you've made it back to your dorm room without puking on the way here, but now you're sitting over your toilet dry heaving into it. You stare down at the item that made you like this the choco- you spit into the toilet. Cookie, you'll just refer to it as a cookie. You consider tearing off the top half of the wrapper but then the smell of the cookie and the chocolate might just tip you over the edge. Instead you settle for smacking it away from you. In some small way it makes you feel better.
You hate that Herzog has ruined this for you. You hate that you can’t even see the word chocolate without feeling your insides churn, you hate that you can’t see snow without seeing your friends bloodied corpses staring back at you, eyes glassy and unfocused. Cookies were the first dessert that you had ever tasted and the last one. You remember the day you had first tried to bake them.
That day Z had let you in his room, Renata was sick, and neither of you were allowed to be around her as per Herzogs orders. With the knowledge that you have now you think you understand why you weren’t allowed to see her back then. Rather than actually being ill Renata was probably suffering from the side effects of the incomplete evolution pills. But either way natural disease or not it had been just you and Z. Sitting side by side on his bed, you laying with your torso hanging off his bed partially, practically upside down, and him crisscross leaned up against the wall that his bed bordered, a hand close enough to your leg to catch you if you started to slip. You two had been mindlessly talking, reading some book that you’ve forgotten the name of now, alternating turns each chapter. When you had gotten to a part where the main character was making cookies for their friend as a get well gift.
“Hey Z, have you ever had a cookie? I mean I’ve heard of them but I’ve never even seen one.”
“I can’t say that I have,” he yawned, “I’m not a big fan of sugar in general. That combined with the fact that the orphanage doesn’t even get the ingredients for them makes it obvious that I’d never even have the chance to try them, same as you.”
“That’s too bad, based on the description I think they’d be pretty good. You think Renata has ever had one?”
“I’m not her, I wouldn’t know.”
“I mean fair enough, but I kinda expected that you would, you guys spend forever having those late night talks after you send me to bed.”
You haul yourself up and spin on your ass so that you’re looking him in the eye, “Speaking of~, I won’t allow you to marry my daughter young man!” You cross your arms in an ‘X’ in front of you shaking your head. “Absolutely not don’t think I’ll allow anything of the sort!!”
Snorting he had pushed on your forehead with his finger until you were laying down the same as before and used his foot to roll you away from him. “2/10, If you’re going to give me a shovel talk then you should at least be intimidating, 1, and 2 you should do it in front of Renata so that you can embarrass her, who just gives that kinda talk straight to the supposed,” he raised his hands and gave out finger quotations “boyfriend?”
“Is that back talk I hear sonny? Don’t make me get up there!”
”Yeah because you haven’t already.” You can’t see him from your position but you can hear the smile on his voice. An accomplishment if you’ve ever seen one! You mean the stoic eternally tired Z was snorting and smiling because of what you said! You always loved times like this, when you would manage to break through his exterior and draw out a reaction, (preferably positive!!), out of him. Tapping his knee you grip onto his leg to pull yourself up once more, you can see him contemplating rolling you off the bed, thankfully he chooses peace for once.
”No okay but dead seriously, let’s go make cookies for Renata. We just got the shipments a little while ago, there’s got to be some of the stuff we need in there! We’ll just ask Herzog,”
“Or steal”
“Yes, or steal, come on it’ll be great!”
“Normally Renata would be here to stop you, which I am always grateful for since it means that I don’t have to be the one to talk you out of these things,”
You snap your fingers, “Speed it up Z, do I have a partner or am I gonna have to start running before you catch me?”
He claps a hand over your mouth which you look down at “Don’t you dare lick me,” is what he says in response to your stares. “As I was saying before someone cut me off,” if gives you a pointed stare, “Normally Renata would be here to be the voice of reason, however since she’s ‘sick’ and I don’t want to have her on my neck about you getting in trouble later here are my words of caution,” He takes his hand off your mouth and pats slaps your cheek twice before bringing the tips of his fingers in between the book page that you had been on and the next, folding it over and closing it. “Don’t, and if you do don’t get caught.”
It was your turn to snort, “What the heck, you suggested stealing in the first place!” You laughed. He shrugged his shoulders and set the book down on his bedside table getting up off the bed and bringing his arms above his head to stretch.
”I never said that we weren’t going to steal if that’s what you decide to do I simply offered you a word of advice about you stealing alone.
”AWWWW Z I knew there was a reason I put up with you!” You cried jumping up off the bed and attempting to latch onto his back,
He turned to face you swatting your hands away, muttering about you being “too big for him to carry like that anymore”
“What was that!?”
He pinched your cheek with one hand and used the other to ruffle your hair in a way that you knew wasn’t meant to be affectionate but instead to mess it up. “Look at how big the babies gotten! It can walk and talk now! Go ahead say ‘papa’ again!” You knew that you could never win against Z in a fight, all attempts left you on the floor with him sitting on you, or you hiding behind Renata and you exercising your lying and puppy dog eyes abilities. But boy oh boy did Z have a way of activating your Cain instinct and making you want to slap the shit out of him (affectionately of course). You heaved out a long suffering groan, and pulled Z’s hands off of you. You walked over to where his dresser was and sucked your teeth as you stared at your reflection. You tried your best to undo his damage to your hair, but it was a lost cause, hanging your head you turned to him with what you hoped was a horrifying, knee shaking, earth quaking, chicken baking, glare.
“This is why you’re an orphan.”
“Fair enough.” He said with a shrug before motioning towards the door, are we leaving now or what.”
“I’m coming, we’re going.” You said waving your hand at him in a shooing motion.
The minute you stepped outside it had been like you were ass blasted into one of the shipment containers mega freezers. You rubbed at your arms, lamenting the fact that you lived on a hunk of ice in the middle of a polar bears ass cheeks. “Okaaay so,” you clapped your hands together, “Do we know where Herzog is?” Z yawned and shook his head no from beside you. “Alright thank you for your participation! Gold star! I’ll go ask Anton, you stay here. And don’t fall asleep!” You ran off to go find Anton ignoring Z’s comment about you acting like a stray dog.
Heaving you clutched at the toilet, sobbing over the loss of your friends. You couldn’t even think of the times back then as being over, you just can’t.
No, that’s not right, you know they’re over, you know those peaceful days of snow and teasing are over. And yet you still long for them, you want to feel Z’s hands in your hair once more, want to feel the thrill of catching him off guard and running to hide behind Renata. You want back the times that you had spent, absorbed in watching Vera as she took her first steps, your young self amazed that anyone could ever be so small. You miss those moments when you seriously contemplated smashing Antons face into the ice under your feet, missed the random times when Ivan would pull you away to look at something cool that he had found. You just missed being homeyou miss the safe feeling that you had been provided with daily back then. Ignorance truly is bliss you suppose. If you had survived not knowing about what Herzog had done, if you survived thinking that all of this was just some randoms attack on you and your family would you have been happier? It doesn’t matter now. What’s done is done.
You dry heave and spit into the toilet, bile rising in your throat but not to the point in which it would spill past your lips. Your vision is blurry from the tears and your head throbs with the pain of the pressure your tears are both building up and releasing. “I wanna go home…” you mumble slowly laying yourself down on the floor, hands clutched into your hair, fingers threading themselves in with the strands and pulling at them like a tide. You would yank at your hair then let it all fall out of your grip, massaging your scalp slightly, and then yanking at it again. You continued in this way as the blurry memory of that day played in front of you. Anton being no help, Khorkina doing her best to goad you into punching her, Ivan being somewhere that you swear was unreasonably high up. Eventually finding Herzog and asking him, him granting you permission as long as you cleaned up after yourselves, running back to Z with the good news.
“Z! Z! Listen to this!” He looked up at you from his spot on the stairs, clearly bored out of his mind, but hey at least he hadn’t fallen asleep like you asked!
He made a twirling motion with his hand “What is it?”
You placed your hands on your hips and grinned, “Herzog says we can use the stuff in the kitchen as long as we clean up afterwards!” You gave an overzealous thumbs up afterwards to make your point even clearer.
“That’s great!” He said all too sarcastically. Getting up he put both hands on your shoulders resting all of his weight on them before finally standing up straight shushing you and your whining.
It hurry you so much to know that everyone is gone. It hurts to know that you’ll never get that chance to just see them again, to hear their voices, catch a glimpse of them on the street. Instead they’re all dead and there’s nothing that you can do about it. You had watched everyone die, you had seen their eyes glaze over and go out of focus. You had seen how their blood stained the pure white snow a bright and somber red. You had run past them as you registered them as dead, praying to nothing but everything at the same time that at least one of them would live. That you would get to hold at least one of them in your arms as you two promised to stay with each other. But you didn’t get that. Instead you got to watch as Renata faded into the distance, your last hope, you got to claw through icy waters, pleading your legs to move, to allow you to save your dearest friend….
”Z, Z, Z! Help me I have no idea why the egg keeps cracking like that!”
“Maybe it’s cracking like that because you keep squeezing them until they explode.”
“Don’t use that tone of voice with me young man! I’ll have you know that Dr.Herzog says that I’ve made great progress in my home economics studies.” You proudly bumped your chest with your fist only to look down and see your uniform covered in egg goop. Z snickered before handing you a rag and motioning for you to hand him the bowl and the eggs. You slid it over to him with your elbow and focused on cleaning your hands and uniform up.
”Here,” he held up one of the eggs,”I’ll show you how to crack an egg, so that you don't end up wasting all of them.” He hit it lightly on the edge of the bowl, holding both ends of the egg with his fingers and pulling his palm so that the egg slowly slipped out of the shell before proceeding to throw the shell somewhere off to the side of him. He pushed the bowl back towards you with a smug look on his face. "You get it now?"
"Yep, yep, yep," you waved your hand at him dismissively before turning back to the book. "Okay so now we mix wet ingredients and dry, then we add in the chocolate." Getting the chocolate for the recipe had been the hardest part. With how rare chocolate is at the orphanage and the fact that you weren't allowed into your room because of how sick Renata was it had been hard to find any. Eventually after bribing Z and way too much effort on your part, you had ended up on Z's shoulders searching through the backs of the older and dustier cabinets, in one of which you had found a chocolate bar that was a week off from its expiration date. Not the best but it could've been 10 times worse you suppose. Z pushed the chocolate towards you with this hand before resting his head on his hand.
"So how much longer do we have? It's getting late." Z stifled a yawn.
You glanced at the book and back down at the cookie batter that you were currently scooping out and onto the baking sheet. They didn't hold their shape as well as the book described them as being able to but you supposed that it was just a matter of reality vs. idealized fiction. "Um I don't know. The book says that they need 25 minutes to bake properly and who knows how long its going to take to clean this all up."
"Well good luck with that." He said slapping his hand down on the table, turning around on his stool, and standing up.
Even if it was just the memory of the sound, the slapping of Z's hand on the table sent a wave of nausea scorching through your body. Everything was a blur, reality, what you were really seeing, cold white tile and the rug in front of the shower were blending together with the cold white of snow, the rug that was in you and Renata's cabin. You felt hands on your face, were they from the memory of Renata checking your temperature or were they your own? Your vision was swimming, you were underwater, you were lying on the bathroom floor. You were drowning, you're lying on the bathroom floor. You're dying, you can't see.
You clamored up in a haze, you have to run! You have to get to Renata and Vera and Anton and and and and! And you slam into a desk that was out in the middle of Hezog's lab. Z is right there, Renata is right there, Vera is right there! All you need to do is reach out a little further and you'll be there! You'll be able to save them! You finally latch onto Z's uniform begging him not to go, begging him to stay with you, because if you go alone then everyone will die. "PLEASE Z!" You yell out. "I need you, I need you, I need you, everyone's dying, dead, dying dead, dying, dead, I can't save them! PLEASE!" And then the Z you're holding onto collapses, leaving nothing but a pile of clothes behind. His uniform lies bloodied in your hands. Renata lies bloodied in your hands. Anton lies just out of reach, dead. "Come back, please." You clutch onto Z's uniform harder. The tears don't falter as you trace your hands along the sleeves of the uniform. "The sleeves are too short you should get Herzog to make you a new one." You chuckle fondly. only...
Only the uniform has too many mistakes for it to have ever been Z's, theres too big a difference in size. It doesn't smell the same. It's not his... it's yours. You're not at the orphanage, you're in your dorm at Cassel. You're sitting on hardwood floors right now, not the powdery snowfall of home. Its warm, not cold, theres no dead bodies, only you and the mess that you made when you stormed through here earlier. You choke on a sob, tears coming down in even thicker streams, your headache had bloomed into a splendid migraine. You can barely see straight, but you know for sure that this isn't anywhere near, by or in the orphanage. And it can never be. The orphanage is gone now. Everyone's bodies are probably still lying on top of the snow, glassy eyes unfocused and unseeing, faces twisted in fear. Or maybe they've been charred to ashes, with nothing left to remember them by, their remains carried by the winds or at the bottom of the sea. You clutch your uniform tighter, biting down on it to muffle your screams and sobbing.
You have no idea how long you've been here. Your tears have faded now, only leaving the uncomfortable burning of the dried tear tracks in their memory. You don't stare at anything in particular, theres nothing left of your emotions, just the dull ache of apathy. Your vision is spotted with dancing black circles and lines. They look a bit like what you imagine TV static would look like but you really have no idea. Your conscious waves and ebbs like the tides from back home. You can't think of anything other than the feeling of the cloth clutched in your embrace right now. Sighing you bury your face in it, resigning yourself to a night on the floor.
32 notes · View notes
popculturebuffet · 3 years
Amphiba: True Colors Review or FINALLY THE  FINALE
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We’re finally here all you happy people! Ten Months, 36 episodes, 20 half hours, a lot of gay subtext, a lot of bloodshed, and a lot of build up have lead us all here! One absolutely STUFFED finale: A trust is betrayed, a rebllion is had, a conquerer rises and NOTHING will ever be the same.. and yes htat’s thrown around a lot but this is one of those times where NOTHING WILL BE THE SAME. This is that kind of finale folks. 
But before I can get into all the juicy stuff you’ve been waiting for there’s a few things to discuss.. and the first is obviously the fact we had to wait three goddamn extra weeks to get here after spending all season leading up to this. 
You all know the story by now. Hell I even angirly ranted about it when it happened and rightfully so. But frankly the colossal delay is going to be such an integral and permeant part of this episode and this show’s history that not talking about it in this review would do it a diservice: So to recap: The finale was posted to air  May 1st, a weak after “The Dinner/Battle of the Bands”. I had it set in my schedule, it showed up in that month’s press release of Disney Channel Episodes, We were all ready to go with all the tight and intense build up leading up to this. 
Then the worst happened and Disney aburbtly, and with a funny face image trying to play it off as a joke annoucned via it’s animation twitter the episode would be delayed. Now in fairness to the twitter person there, they were PROBABLY trying to help massage a blow... but seriously dude, read the room next time.  Thankfully creator Matt Braly stepped in and explained it was technical delays. After what happened the next day I ASSUMED he was just trying to cover for them as it would turn out the episode was finished.. turns out, and I had to edit the review to reflect this the truth was somewhere in the middle. Edits were more discussed, likely due to the episodes very violent nature, and the episode was given a content warning. Given what happens.. I can’t blame Disney for wanting one or for thinking of editing it.. but canblamehtem for the “Things that could’ve been brought to my attention YESTERDAY’ nature of the edist and the insuing delay. 
I can also blame them for leaking the episode on ITUNES. Yeah if they were REALLY concenred abotu content then they would’ve held off longer and not brought this up five minutes before it aired, delaying the episode for many. Hell I DEFENEDED them in the original version of this, but they had MONTHS of this episode being in production to fucking say something. WHy do this five mintues before it’s finished? 
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It just smacks of laziness and overly panicy stuff. A content warning would’ve been FINE. You ahve it for racisim on Disney Plus, just put one here and call it a day. You haven’t objected to the horrifying content in the series up to this point why start NOW.  And they STILL never apologized. For any of this. For the leak, for the delay, never properly explaining the delay (Matt didn’t either.. but given how twitchy comapnies can be about what their creators say, I can’t blame him for not wanting to clarify it was a post credit’s thing till closer to airtime), just in general not giving a shit abotu the kids or adults watching this. Just because kids watch thiis dosen’t me older kids don’t have social media, and it dosen’t mean teens don’t. If you want to pretend us adults watching this don’t exist.. fine. It sucks but I can’t do anything. But do not do this shit to kids and then not go to them. And again Matt could’ve.. but it’s not his fucking job. His job is to make a show, help make sure it gets to air and be a sweeheart. YOURS is to make sure things run smoothly and when their is a hickup,get your house in order. 
Matt shoudln’t of HAD to beg people not to watch it. Various va’s for the show shoudln’t of HAD to record funny messages.. it was appricated but it’s not thier job to prevent this from spreading. It’s yours. It’s yours to open your damn eyes and see adults and older teens watch this stuff too and to head that shit off. This incident is going to stick in my craw for god knows how long and ALMOST convinced me not to cover Owl House weekly (I still woud’ve likely done a review on each half of the season). I ended up renegeing on that and will be starting regular coverage of that in June and continuing coverage of this show whenever it returns.. but it was close. 
And it’s ultimately YOU GUYS that kept me hanging in there. It was thanks to a Disney show this blog exists in the first place, and contiunes to get the bulk of it’s viewers. It’s how I got my patreon, biggest fan and bfinacial backer Kev. I’ts why I can do what I love, talking about and analyzing stuff I enjoy and ocasionally loathe. You guys came back week after week for my ducktales reviews and stayed for Amphibia. I”m sure i’ll get even more for Owl House. It’s thanks to all of you I can keep going despite the hardships, the lack of patreons, the long nights, the weird sleep schedules. I wouldn’t of made it through 20 weeks of awesome tv without you. So for you, and for myself, i’ll hang in there but I expect better Disney. And i’m damn well gonna get it. So join me under the cut as the world turns upside down.. and there are a LOT of spoilers. Seriously if you want to wait for the tv airing do not go under the cut
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So we open with a flashback to 8 months ago, the day all this began: Marcy was working in the library on her cram classes, getting texts from both Sasha, who was excited about Anne’s birthday, and her own father who wants her to come home right away as there’s something important they need to discuss. 
But before she can a book about the strange and what not naturally slips out and Mar-Mar can’t help but thumb through it.. and as you were no doubt dreading.. finds the box which is said in a large tv friendly caption to lead to other worlds. 
Naturally Marcie is intrigued and snaps a pick and heads home... and we cut to the END of that conversation as she tearfully runs out of the house , refusing to accept what they’ve told her and her dad coming off hella unsympathetic with his overly harsh tone, especially since we DO find out what he told her... and it’s a lot to put on her and a lot to just say “accept because I helped make you for all of two unsatisfying minutes. “ 
So while running away she passes the box.. and sets the events from both the show’s opening and the flashback from the last finale in motion. Marcy sent them here on purpose.
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Yeah needless to say I DIDN’T see this coming. And it seems obvious in hindsight: Marcy being the one most desperate to keep thier friendship together, as we’ll see at it’s worst through this episode, her barely mentioning going home, and most tellingly the only things she talks about from earth were Anne, Sasha and her dorky intrests. All the things closest to the heart and that she’s most likely to make out with.. but while Anne brings up earth stuff every so often even after getting more screen time in Season 2b... Marcy NEVER talks about that kind of stuff. She has her girlfriends and a real life fantasy novel right here... but she DOSEN’T miss her parents or earth itself. And given her life was already shown to be as an outcast with only two people carring about her, three with her mom now we know, who never REALLY fit in and whose on friends very clearly didn’t share her intrests.. it probably made it all the more tempting: a real adventure, an escape from her problems, and a way to start over: become who she always PLAYED and not who she was. Everything just.. snaps into place with this revelation and makes Marcy an all the more heartbreaking character... even more so soon enough when we find out what her overall plan was. 
But that’s half an episode away: for now our party returns on Joe to Newtopia.. though clumsly. Marcy admits that they probably can’t fit more people on him. But with this our heroes are ready to finish this story and with a plan since obviously they can’t just walk into town with two wanted crminals: Marcy will present the box and THEN sasha and grime, who will cloak themselves to avoid attracting attentions, with literal cloaks Marcy hasn’t made a cloaking device yet, so hopefully they’ll get a pardon. 
Inside Sprig and Anne talk, with Sprig admitnig he’s sad this is the last adventure.. but Anne has hope. After all they have a way home now and that portal goes both ways. She can hop back any time and vice versa. This sin’t goodbye.. it’s just goodbye for now. And i’ts something I genuinely didn’t think of.. and not just because Andrias’ shady actions and Sasha and Grime’s machinations meant this was NEVER going to end well. 
Speaking of Sasha and Grime’s machinations those come to a head: As our heroes enter the castle, greeted by Lady Olivia, and we get our typical end of the RPG speech from the “Good” king.... Sasha swipes the box and Grime uses the hammer to knock everyone off ballance. The coup the two have been cooking up has come to pass. 
Anne and Marcy’s reactions.. are telling: Anne is utterly pissed at the betryal and done with Sasha and Marcy is begging both sides to stop as this was not how it was supposed to end. Sasha tries to use a box as a baranging chip, and plans to destroy it if Andrias dosen’t surrender despite destroying her way home. Given it’s implied her home life isn’t great either and she gets to rule an empire instead of a school, it’s easy to see why. 
Grime stops him from calling her bluff though by wacking him in the shins and then hodling him at hammer point to get the military of Newtopia to stand down while his covert Toad agents reveal themselves and runamuck. Grime has won. 
Anne meanwhile is livid, with Sasha not quite getting why MAYBE Anne would once again feel betrayed that once again Sasha is trying to do everything her way and once again lied to her and harmed innocent people. Anne breaks off their friendship which deeply uspets Marcy.. who weirldy. ISN’T trying to talk Sasha out of this. After all she gets what she wanted anyway. She IS upset when Sasha tries to send them home for defiance.. but the box dosen’t work for her and she simply has the guards escort our heroes and Olivia out till she can figure this out. 
Naturally though Anne, being pissed, heartbroken and pissed, and yes that was indeed intentional, HEADBUTTS the nearest guard and breaks them out, with the planatrs starting to fight back. Their still outnumbered.. but help arrives 
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Or rather the Amphibia equilvent as both wolverines are busy with prep for the Hellfire Gala. Yes it’s General Yunan, who Lady Olivia cuts off probably not for the first time. Your lucky that’s one of her turn on’s lady.
So our heroes sneak out and head to Sals, while the Toads wreck up the town. Marcy... is of course desperate to fix things, but figures it’s easy. All they have to do is free the king, stop the rest of the army from arriving, their an hour away, and cementing grime’s foothold, get her girlfriends to reconcile and fix the inherent power imbalance so a rebellion doesn’t’ happen again. 
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But Anne rouses them: They may be a goofus, a quick witted kid, an out of touch old man, a literal baby, am etaphorical baby, and a nerd.. but their a BADASS Goofus, kid, old man, babies and nerd... and two other ladies the toads actually know and respect. They’ve fought worse: Canibals, princess bride references, theater bandits, chicken elder gods, Poly’s addiction to angry mobs and paste pot pete and come back stronger each time. They can do this. They might only be 8 strangers, but together they can fuck up this shit. or to have a previously mentioned buddy of mine sum it up
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So with that it’s time to split up gang: Marcy, Hop Pop and Olivia will go free the king using Hop Pop’s acting skills...which actually works despite Olvia’s doubts. Polly, Yunan and Frobo will put the hammer down and give them hell, taking out the toads in the city and drawing all of them away from the gate where Spriganne will trigger it thus saving the day. 
Meanwhile Sasha is feeling discontent. She got everything she wanted.. but she didn’t think about what to DO with all that power. At home she could do all sorts of things ruling a school but now she’s lost one of the loves of her life. Without Anne and Marcy i’ts just empty. Even Grime’s utterly heartfelt gift of an emerald sword, he knew she always wanted to duel wield that has a heron on it, a sign of how they met and a truly sweet gesture can’t cheer her up. So Grime suggests redecorating and the first thing to go is a sappy mural of Andrias and his subjects. What they find UNDER it though is horrifying.. and i’ts surprisingly not a bunch of spiders like you’d expect.. but a mural of Andrius as some sort of horrible king with an army of robot frogs like Frobo, with a LOT of frog, toad and newt skeletons piled up. Sasha and Grime are glad they dodged that bullet.. only to find Anne scaling the tower with Sprig, the two naturally going to stop them.
 The two try and turn the wheel, but can’t as there’s a doorstop... one they DEFINTELY saw earlier when looking out the window of Sal’s.
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Regardless they send Polly for that.. and the rematch begins. Sasha TRIES talking to Anne.. but given she stabbed her in the back AGAIN for incredbly petty reasons, that’s not going to work and the two get one hell of a fight. Beautifully animated and rife with emotion as the two clash with Sasha DESPERATLY trying to get Anne to stop for a second and listen and Anne rightly refusing, while we watching know our hero winning will spell DOOM for this world despite her trying to do the right thing. Anna and Brenda’s acting here is just TOP notch. In any other episode this would be the best part of it.. but we’re only getting warmed up.
While they fight, we get a surprising and awesome bout I did not see coming: Sprig Vs Grime. And it gives me Spider-Man vs Kingpin vibes really: A rotund but still far more powerful opponent versus a smaller but quicker one. And that’s how even more shockingly, Sprig comes out the WINNER. While Grime has the hammer and more strength and skill... Sprig has speed and thus gets Grime to whack himself with it. Granted he can’t use the thing and comically spins around afterword.. but it proves Grime’s racist thoughts about frogs wrong and leaves Anne free to turn the wheel once she beats Sasha. The invasion is thwarted.
But naturally given the ooky spooky mural and the other hints of ominous shit like the watcher with a thousand eyes, this isn’t the end. Back at the throne room, with Sasha and Grime as prisoners Anne gives Andrias the box despite sasha begging her not to. But rather than send her home right away.. he has a history lesson for her first. And nothing good ever starts with someone delaying helping you to give a sinister history lesson let me tell you.
We find out the while truth: Amphibia was once a technological empire powered by the box, and prosperity SEEMINGLY reigned, and Andrias, much like our heroines, had two close friends, a toad and a frog. But one day they betrayed him, abandoning him and seemingly stealing the box , leaving his mechanical marvels powerless and Andrias bitter and angry. Hence the whole revenge ploy. 
In an unsurprising and invincible-esque twist, he reveals his ancestors were not explorers but CONQUERERS and he intends to finish their work, placing the box on a pedestal that turns his castle into a flying fortress glowing blue. It only gets worse from there: the castle’s awakening also activates factories around Amphibia similar to the one we saw back in “Fort in the Road” that gave us Frobo and it turns out their dark purpose.. is to create armies of unstoppable soldiers to secure his dominon.... and spread it to the other worlds. The reason he didn’t send the girls home is he figures correctly Anne and the others will try and stop him from TAKING it. 
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So yeah Anne’s reaction is very naturally...
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And despite being outgunned, outmanned, outnumbered and outplanned she plans to make an all out stand. She realizes that her own fight with Sasha only allowed something FAR WORSE to take hold. She’s not WRONG for fighting her, Sasha was being a shithead taking over and did so for flimsy and selfish reasons and she had no reason to listen to her.. but had she at least thought over giving him the box and not simply given it to him to spite her none of this would be happening. So she and the plantars get ready for round 2, with Sasha having her back this time, and Grime having Sasha’s. It’s a really sweet moment, showing Sasha has realized just how much her own greedy and controlling ambitions have cost her and that she’s brought about something far worse thorugh them, and is ready to make amends and Grime as always ready to stand by the only true family he has. 
But before the carnage can begin.. Marcy stops them... and then tearfully turns to Andrias “This wasn’t our deal!”. Andrias, now not having to play nice, dosen’t care and cruelly points out of course he did: He would’ve said whatever it took to get her to fill the box and she did it. He also hints at Marcy’s dark secret, with both girls wondering what the hell he’s on about.. but clearly starting to piece it together, with Andrias cruelly toying with Marcy to tell them before he does.. and barely gives her any time before going ahead with it anyway, knowing she’d be unable to. And with this we get the best line of the episode and Keith david’s best delivery.. and given he makes a fucking seven course meal of the entire second act, yeah that’s a high bar.
"Did it ever occur to you — Anne, Sasha — that one of you knew more than she was letting on? That one of you might've gotten you stranded in Amphibia... on purpose?"
The line itself hits like a sledgehammer. We knew for the full episode she did this on purpose.. but we also knew at some point it was clearly going to come out and hurt them both.. and to see someone Marcy clearly saw as a better replacement dad, someone she thought cared about her and was offering her her dreams for no gain on his end cruelly tell them clearly for his own amusment as he dosen’t remotely see them as a threat.. it’s utterly chilling as it is heartbreakiing and horrifying. 
Naturally Anne and Sasha are upset, Sasha a bit baffled and Anne just utterly broken by this: She’d already been betrayed TWICE by the other love of her life.. now MARCY had betrayed her.. and WORSE? 
And it only gets worse as Marcy heartbreakingly reveals her motivation and what this was really all about: Her dad announced he got a new job and they were moving a state away.. and like I said he’s a prick. Not for moving, that happens and it sucks but for having no freaking empathy about it. Maybe if he took a parenting class earth wouldn’t be on the cusp of a robot invasion. Marcy was about to loose her girls and was desperate.... so naturally Andrias claimed to simply want to take them all with him on his journeys, obviously leading out the conquest and likely genocide part, so they could go on and on FOREVER. And this whole thing gave Anne the plantars so it’s not all bad right? Right? But it’s clear she’s trying to desperatly lie to herself this was all okay as she’s been doing ever since she started this all 8 months ago and Anne pointing out she misses her family, something Marcy never considered given her own reasons for leaving and how Sasha likely dosen’t have a happy family life herself. 
This.. this is Haley Tju’s finest hour. She’s done good voice work before, especially in this series but here, with Marcy’s anguish, desperation and guilt all leaking out as she tries to get her girlfriend not to turn away from her. it’s all just amazing heartbreaking stuff and I salute her and the animation does her fine acting a service and shows every bit of pain in the poor girls face. 
Anne naturally does turn away a bit and Marcy cries.. but Anne quickly recovers... while she obviously isn’t entirely ready to forgive Marcy JUST yet, it’s clear she wasn’t thinking straight and did all of this out of desperation... and that the hulking dickbag who betrayed them all and is gloating about all of this manipulated her, preying on her desperation and anguish to finish his plan.  Marcy fucked up big time, no question.. but ANDRIAS is the true monster here, and if he’s not stopped this world she’s grown to love and the one she left behind will BURN. Anne may be many things: impulsive, kinda weird, easy to anger.. but she is over all that a HERO. And there’s a villian to stop
Andrias, while not seeing them as remotely a threat, does admit this will probably be fun and the fight begins, with our heroes, including Marcy, easily besting the Obsdian Swarm.. as i’m calling them now. It’s a cools equence.. but ultimately futile. Andrias is FAR more powerful than he’s let on with the box. And shows it off by destroying toad tower before coming at them with a fire sowrd, easily swatting them aside like flies. They try their best to fight back but it’s not much use, and Andrias NEARLY crushes polly to death under his fist. Yes a fucking child. What a dick. 
Frobo saves him... and sadly this is the end for our new friend as Andrias is mildly amused that one of his creations glitched.. then smashes him into robotic paste. Polly rightfully calls him a monster and his response is as chilling as it is wonderfully dickish: “Don’t worry, your next”. 
Thankfully though she got out of the way.. because she has LEGS now. It’s also why I keep saying 8 months, though it’s likely more like 9 given it took a month to get to newtopia: 
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The prophecy has come true! And while she stumbles for a second Polly quickly proves she can really move, she has an attitude and she’s the fastest thing alive by grabbing the box seemingly winning.. except Andrias has sprig in his fist and is going to crush or drop him ulness she stops. And despite Sprig BEGGING his sister to let him go for the sake of everyone else, like any good hero she naturally puts the box back. 
Anne begs for him to let Sprig go since he got what he wanted and he’s her best friend in this or any world... but all this does is insprie Andrias to DROP HIM OUT A WINDOW, bitter over his own past and eager to torture her some more. This really shows off who Andrias REALLY is now the mask is off; a sadistic tyrannical bully who relishes in making his victims really squirm, revels in malevolence and is just so damn gleeful about it: Not to say BIll Cipher levels more of a cold, cruel enjoyment of things. 
As I said earlier Keith David makes a motherfucking Seven Course Meal out of the second half of this episode, utterly stealing the show now he can play Andrias as he truly is: not skulng in the shadows with ominus hints he’s evil or pretending to be nice, but instead as a sadistic brute who delights in suffering and wants nothing less than everything under his boothill. in short he’s an AWESOME antagonist and while Keith David has played TREMENDOUS villains before, this one will easily be his best if the writing holds. Andrias is Keith David at his fucking best and proves the Disney legend has EVEYRTHING left in the tank even as he approaches 70′s. Jesus I fucking love this man. 
So this causes anne to retreat into herself, leaving us in a black void as Anne remembers all the good times.. and goes MOTHERFUCKING SUPER SAYIAN. Well more accurately super sayian god super sayian, or blueper sayian if you will, but still i’ts a n utterly striking sequence and a clear direct shout out with Anne getting her powers the same way Goku did: loosing someone to an utterly cruel bastard. Same with Gohan’s upgrade to super sayian 2. It’s just a truly striking sequence as she powers up in a FULL rage, DEMANDNIG he give him back. 
Andrais is stunned, clearly knowing this was something she was capable of but thought she could no longer do as the box shoudlv’e drained her of the ablility, while Hop Pop and Grime wonder if this is a human thing. 
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So Anne WAILS on the fucker, easily besting a shocked andrias despite his best attempts.. but she tires out and he swats her aside, gleefully noting she dosen’t know how to control it. Sprig turns out to be okay though. Marcy went and saved him while Anne was rippig Andrias asunder.. and then activates the box. Sasha and Grime hold him off while Anne makes a run for it with the plantars while Andrias gives out your standard villian big no. Anne and Fam make it... but Marcy is taking a sec.. and that second gets her GUTTED. Not an exageration or me being a smart ass like usual.. Andrias RAN HER THROUGH WITH HIS SWORD. 
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His only response is “Look what you made me too and Anne and crew are warped away, unable to save her. 
So we end with our heroes landing somewhere and Sprig wondering where they are... where they are is on the top of a car on a busy Los Angeles Freeway... and in front of two very weirded out humans. Anne is home. 
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So now for the part that wasn’t in the original release apparently: The teaser.. aka THE MOTHERFUCKING SEASON 3 OPENING. 
Hell. Yes. Just a few quick personal notes before we hit the wrap up: I love how the season will be on earth, a nice change of pace, how the Boonchuy’s have very clearly warmly welcomed the plantars, the expanded cast at the title card, and how Disney just let them go ALL out for this one. They’ve clearly stopped being cheap assholes when it comes to letting intro’s change or at the very least got this was the very end of the series and thus important enough to gussie up. But yes the end is nigh.. and probably not till late this year if this year AT ALL And I will return for it. Well return to doing this show anyway, i’m not going anywhere. They’ll have to pry this blog from my cold dead hands. 
Final Thoughts:
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This episode is the series best so far. My only honest complaint is the Toad Invasion comes and goes really quickly and I question why it was crammed into half the episode. Don’t get me wrong, Andrias’ rise needed the full 10 minutes, but I question why we dind’t get an episode before this settingit up and THEN have it happen over half an episode, epsecially since we spent an entire episode on getting the other toad barons involved only for ONE of them to show up for all of five minutes. 
Otherwise though? Yeah no notes. The cast is at the top of their damn game, with Brenda Song, Hailey Tju and Keith Motherfucking David as the standouts, the animatoin is likewise, and it pays off a thing or two you wouldn’t expect like the acting episode. This is a truly outstanding finale, one that has now joined other all time faviorite season finales such as “You’re In Control”, “Reunited”, “The Crossroads of Destiny”, and “Moonvasion”. I will be watching this again when it comes to Disney Plus. Masterful stuff.
As for the season as a whole.. this was a great season. While it did start a bit rocky with the road trip arc, which I’m still not a huge fan of as I feel it mostly wasted an awesome idea of them going on a world spanning roadtrip with some fairly weak episodes, with the exception of standouts “Truckstop Polly” and “Wax Museum”. 
But once we got to Netwopia it got better, with better spotlight episodes, the pacing picking up and Marcy joining our merry crew. And it hit it’s peak with the second half of the season: the return to wartwood effortlessly combined slice of life with the compelling temple episodes. It was also a nice break before the utter hell that arrived in the finale, but still nicely lead up to said finale.  This season may of STARTED bumpy but it finished at it’s highest point and with one epic finale to go it’s only going to get better from here. 
As for this blog the same holds true: Review wise next week i’ll be taking a break from normal reviews to do a week’s worth of Goofy based content in time for his birthday, from shorts, to goof troop, to hosue of mouse, to an obscure special, all leading up to the Disney Classic A Goofy Movie. So stick around.
And if that dosen’t do it for you I have an ongoing retrospective on the story arcs of ducktales season 2, i’m nearing the end of one on Scott Pilgrim and in the middle of one of The Life and Times of Scrogoe McDuck. and if you prefer weekly reviews, as I mentioned earlier offhandidly i’ll be covering the Owl House! LIke Amphibia i’m starting with Season 2, but just like with this show i’m excited as all hell and hope you’ll join me. And if you need even more I have a patreon, patreon.com/popculturebuffet, where I have exclusive reviews if you choose to back me as well as exciting stretch goals, one of which down the line is reviewing season one of this very show. So join it and if not that’s okay too, either way.. it’s been a pleasure. 
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nepenthendline · 4 years
Could you write a oneshot where reader is with Kagayama (either established relationship or not yet) and Oikawa keeps flirting with her to rile up his cute kouhai (just for jokes or seriously pursuing reader like an ass idk you choose) and Kags gets jealous and a little bit possessive? thank u! (i asked a couple others for this request as well so please don’t feel pressured if you’re not feeling the prompt!) (um also could we get some slight nsfw up in here??🥵)
Oikawa is written to be an asshole in this so please be warned I don’t think he is that much of a dick lol I hope you enjoy! Warning for a tiny bit of nsfw if you squint, like a nandos lemon and herb on the spice level
Requests are open!
Oikawa flirting with Kageyama’s S/O
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You were at the Sendai City Gymnasium to support your boyfriend, Kageyama, is his first round of premlims. He had played amazingly; he kept calm and tossed with precision, keeping everyone’s preferred tosses in mind and got on well (as well as he could) with the rest of the team. They had won by a landslide so you headed out into the gym hallway to greet and praise him.
Seijoh had finished their match earlier in the day than Karasuno, so the team sat in the stands, eyeing up their future opponents. All their eyes were trained on the players, picking apart their skills and plays to add to their rival log.
“That’s it, I’m bored now, let’s leave Iwa-chan,” Oikawa whined, standing up and shuffling Iwaizumi out of the gym, into the hallway. As much as he didn’t like to admit, he hated watching his underclassman play well, not to mention win matches. His mind was running was thoughts of how he could crush Kageyama, preferably in a match but breaking his spirit wouldn’t hurt either. As he walked through the hallway, he noticed a familar face leaning against the wall. 
Now, Kageyama himself had never told him about his girlfriend himself, but he likes to keep up with the gossip around the King, in the hopes that he was performing poorly to boost Oikawa’s ego. Also, he had seen a post on instagram of the two of you together, you kissing his cheek, so he knew for sure you were the rumoured girlfriend. 
“Hey Iwa-chan, mind getting me a drink from the vending machine? All the playing has made me thirsty,” his eyes were trained on you as he spoke. Iwaizumi grumbled about how he could get it himself but left anyway. When he was gone, Oikawa waltzed up to you and leaned on the wall next to you.
“What’s a cutie like you doing out here? Did you come to see my match, hmm?” Oikawa teased, bending down to your level
“Uhh...n-no I just watched the Karasuno match...” Kageyama had warned you about this guy. You didn’t know much about him but, from what your boyfriend had told you, he meant bad news. 
“Karasuno? You should come watch my match tomorrow instead. Trust me, you’ll like what you see way better than their playground activities. You need to see a team with actual talent, not some brainless crows.” He spoke with disgust. 
You were pissed, how dare he talk about your schools team like that? As much as you wanted to knock him down a peg, you were intimidated as he towered over you,
“T-that’s ok thank you, I’m happy watching them,” your voice shook as you waved your hands in front of you. He lent over you with his arm against the wall, blocking you in and his face came closer to your ear,
“Hmm, are you sure about that? You know I can do way better things than that King. It won’t be long before he decides he doesn’t need you anymore and toss you aside anyway, so you might as well entertain me a little. I’ve got the perfect spot for you to sit, right on my lap-”
He was interrupted by a force pulling him away from you by his arm. He was half expecting Iwaizumi to be standing here, ready to give him a beating, but as he turned around, he saw dark, glaring eyes and a clenched jaw that belonged to his kouhai, 
“Ah Tobio-chan, I’d say it’s nice to see you but it’s not. See, you just interrupted my chat with this cutie right here and I think we were getting along lovely,” Oikawa said with a smirk plastered on his face.
“Get away from her,”
“What?? Is the King jealous? She’s way out of your league anyway,” he continued with his teasing, as if they were widely known facts. Kageyama let out a deep growl from this throat and lunched forward to grab Oikawa by the collar of his team jacket. He probably would have punched the living daylights out of him if the rest of the Karasuno team hadn’t walked by. Iwaizumi had also chosen the best time to return, running over to tend to the situation. With Daichi pulling Kageyama back, and Iwaizumi smacking Oikawa upside the head, you took your chance move away, running back to safety by Sugawara. Iwaizumi dragged Oikawa away by his shirt and an onlaught of comments about how stupid he is.
“Bye cutie-chan! I’ll see you later!” Oikawa called out with a wave and a grin, proceeding to be hit by Iwaizumi again.
Daichi had released Kageyama from his grasp. He stood still in place, his fists clenched and his teeth grinding against each other. His body was shaking slightly with rage. 
“I think you might need to go calm him down Y/N, maybe take him outside for some air,” Sugawara suggested. You agreed and slowly walked over to your boyfriend, grabbing his hand and uncurling it from his angered grip. You were about to ask if he was ok when he stormed off, pulling you behind him.
“Where are we going, Tobio?” you tried questioning but it fell on deaf ears. The two of you found yourself back at the locker-room Karasuno had used during their last match. It was still empty as the next lot of matched weren’t until later in the afternoon. Dragging you in, he shut the door and faced away from you, his nails going back to their places in his palms. 
“Tobio...Baby...I’m ok, it’s ok. He didn’t mean it I’m sure, and his friend was angry too so-” your words got stuck in your throat as he turned and made his way to you. You had never seen someone look so intimidating before, not even with your recent run-in with the Seijoh player. You backed up as he came, but you soon hit the cold metal of the lockers behind you. 
“Tobio, it’s ok, he’s gone now, you don’t need to worry. I’m all yours,” you tried soothing him, but his eyes widened at your last words.
“Say that again,”
“Tell me you’re all mine,” his hands were now resting on the lockers on each side of your waist. You expected yourself to be scared of him right now; the way he looked at you as if you were a piece of meat he was going to devour. The way his eyes darkened, and his slightly damp hair fell over his tense brow. You could feel electric sparks running through your body,
“I’m yours Tobio, I’m all yours,” as soon as you finished, he rammed his lips against yours in a heated, rushed kiss. His hands had grabbed hold of your hips, pulling them to hold with his own body as he continued to kiss you. 
“All mine. You are all mine,” he chanted, before dipping his head to your neck. He licked and sucked harshly at your skin, making your head tilt back in pleasure. 
“Oikawa can’t treat you like I can. He can’t make you feel good like I can. You are all mine, and I win this time.”
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peachy-inserts · 4 years
kageyama falling for someone/relationship hcs
request: hello!! so apparently ur taking haikyuu requests now so if it's not too troublesome, how abt some kageyama bf headcanons? thank you!! 😊
warnings: cursing
a/n: first haikyuu post, tysm! i hope this is ic for him, since its our first shot at this! i actually fell in love w him a little writing these, i didnt like him all that much before but now im realizing just how much of a sweetie he can really be aww (ik this just said bf hcs, but im adding it to our series!) long post, more under the cut
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Kageyama is stubborn, he’s slow to come around to his own senses whenever he’s crushing one someone. It takes a good while for him to finally recognize what his own feelings are, and when he does it makes him sick. He’d be in denial for a while before he finally just couldn’t take it anymore and decided to bluntly ask you out
In the meantime, he becomes sort of stand offish with you. He wants to do nice things for you, but he just feels so silly doing it, he gets clammy, his palms are sweaty, and he can’t stop tripping over his own words
You make the blood rush to his face and the tips of his ears burn a bright red that is singed forever in his memory, who gave you the right to do that? He’s Tobio Kageyama, someone who doesn’t rely on others, who’s always sure of himself, and can’t be influenced by someone else’s opinions
He’s so blunt and nervous that it’s probably common knowledge by now to the rest of the Karasuno team that he has a massive crush on you, and the more he tries to deny it, the more he’s teased (by Sugawara especially, who eventually gets so sick of his love sick dazes that he bullies him into asking you out before he’s even considered it a possibility)
You may not even realize it yourself, though, with the way that he acts around you. It’s almost as if he’s pulling your hair, teasing you and then running off, but it’s not on purpose. He’s.. doing his best, but it certainly doesn’t come off that way. He only hopes that you aren’t offended by him, as most people seem to be
One of the major things holding him back is his fear of abandonment, his reputation being of no help in that. Even if you do show interest in him, he convinces himself that it’s only casual small talk, only a fabricated smile you use to make him so flustered that he excuses himself to finally leave you alone. Why would anybody ever want him? He’s cold, blunt, and clueless. He doesn’t really bring much to the table in a relationship, right?
So when he does finally ask you out, standing outside of the school just after class has let out for the day and tugging at the hems of his practice clothes all while trying not to bite his own tongue while he stutters, it comes as a bit of a shock to you
Is this some sort of prank?
You’re relieved, albeit confused, to know that he doesn’t actually hate you and in fact returns your feelings, and happily accept his confession to which he excitedly whoops and then runs off towards the gym, glad that it’s finally over with, before realizing just how rude of him that was
You haven’t moved an inch, completely bewildered by the event that seemed to have played out in front of you, when he comes back panting and asks you out on a date. Smooth, Kags…
Your date is, well, interesting. He’s super excited, nervous, and fucking terrified. He wants to vomit but he also kind of wants to hold your hand? Ugh, this sucks. And people just do this for fun? He fell for one person and feels as if his entire life has been turned upside down. This is your fault!
Once you officially start going out, he gets a little full of himself and despite how awkward he still is around you, he wastes literally no time whatsoever in rubbing it in Hinata’s face. He can’t do anything with Kageyama bringing up the fact that he has a s/o now and the red head still doesn’t
Smack him.
Past the beginning stages, once you’re established a stable and comfortable relationship with him, things are a lot different
While he’s himself around you, witty, sarcastic, and a little bit careless, he also feels the need to constantly impress you. He can’t start slacking; what if you get bored of him and leave him? He should always be striving to be the very best boyfriend he can be, even if he stumbles a few times on his never ending climb upward
He’s not super open to you about his feelings, but tries to make up for it in doing smaller things that he knows would mean a lot to him were they to come from you. He’ll get an extra snack at the vending machine, try and carry your bag whether you’re at school our out together, and listen to every song you send him (when you recommend music to him, he always teases you that it’s awful or makes his ears bleed, but he adds it to a playlist of songs that remind him of you and plays it whenever you’re around as a subtle way of letting you know it’s special to him, that he really does care. He’s not actually blowing you off)
Kageyama sees a Pusheen keychain set after practice one day, and even though it’s not something he’d ever buy for himself, he purchases the set and gives you the other half so you match. It’s so cute, and he turns beet red when somebody sees it attached to his bag one day and asks him about it. He tells them that you’re the one that bought it and he just didn’t wanna tell you no
Wow, he must be so caring, and they roll their eyes 
He’s not big into PDA, but he doesn’t mind holding your hand when you walk together or giving you a quick peck on the forehead as a goodbye at the end of the day when you’re forced to part ways. He’s not that shy to show people whose you are >:)
As for jealousy… yikes. He could stand to be put into his place every once in a while, as he tends to snap at people and go completely over the top for small and petty reasons, often getting caught up in his own insecure and blinding rage that he forgets what even set him off in the first place
Whenever you come to his games, he’s completely thrown off. He’s not used to people showing up and cheering for him, and he gets so nervous that he’ll mess up in front of you that he wastes time trying to focus on impressing you and throws himself to off
He loves and you wanna support him, but… maybe it’s best if you just make up an excuse and send him off with a good luck charm
By the way, if you do happen to make him a good luck charm then he is going to carry it in his pockets for an eternity, not only at games but just in his day to day life, except for on days he gets to spend with you. He doesn’t need luck when you’re there, because he’s already struck gold
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shyflameweasel · 3 years
This is stupidly self-indulgent but I wanna write it cause it’s funny in my head. So Imma indulge my starved inner simp for once using my oc Jojo.
Deimos would definitely call today a good day. Nothing blew up that wasn’t supposed to, San and him had a blast on their last mission, and he found a gift for his short stack! Patting one of his pockets to check that the surprise was still there Deimos made his way towards her practice while waving at a couple of her neighbors on the way.
Reaching the building, he took the last couple puffs of his cigarette before stamping it out and knocking on the door. A soft “Come in” had him opening the door to a sight that made him smile. Sitting at a old beat up desk, reading over a couple of reports with dreads pulled out of her face in a ponytail was his girl. Walking in and closing the door Deimos greeted with “What’s up doc?”
Her head lifted from the work and look of surprised delight came over her face. “Well look who the cat dragged in. Thought you weren’t supposed to be in this part of Nevada for another few weeks Firecracker.” The look morphed into one of concern a moment later. “You aren’t hurt right?” Getting up from her seat, she moved around the desk and fussed at him “I swear to god if you’ve gone and hurt yourself I will hit you with the noodle sword.”
Chuckling, Deimos ruffled her hair “Naw, just had a mission in the area that’s all.” Taking a dramatically hurt pose he continued “How rude of ya. Going after little old me like that. Aren’t you supposed to kiss and make it better.” She snorted, trying to keep a serious face “Tough love there fire man. You need a couple of smacks upside the head. Good thing your buddy has that covered for me.”
Both broke out into soft laughter, just happy to see each other in person after all this time. They did message each other frequently but it calmed their minds to see in person that the other was ok. “I’m almost done for the day so you can wait a few minutes on the couch.” “Nooooo.” Using his taller height to his advantage Deimos draped himself over her. Chuckling and a “Yeeesss.” were his answer. Pouting he replied “But I wanna spend time with you. Even got you a present and everything.” “Tempting, but I’m sure that the big bad mercenary can handle a few minutes by his lonesome in my lair.”
Sighing dramatically Deimos got up and lounged on the couch in the office. He looked around the room as she went back to the desk to complete the left over work. Everything was the same from the last time he was there. Shelf filled with books and knickknacks, therapy materials stacked neatly in a corner along with the ever feared noodle sword for rowdy patients. The familiar beat up desk with a small cactus and a bowl of sand-wait what?
Deimos doublechecked and yes, sitting right on the desk was a bowl of sand with a spoon in it. As Deimos was wondering why a bowl was full of sand. His doll just...took the spoon and started eating it like it wasn’t sand?! “Eh Jojo?” A hum “Why are you eating sand.” “Iron’s low, I’d usually eat ice but my machine is down and won’t be repaired until next week.” “Doesn’t explain the sand.” “I get cravings for things that aren’t food when its low.” “Oh, ok?”
A few minutes passed in silence, Deimos watching the bizarre sight. Quickly finishing work, she packed the papers away in her desk. “Ready to go. Sorry again about the whole sand thing. Its kinda an unconscious thing.” Shaking his head to clear it, Deimos decided that while weird it wasn’t the strangest thing he’s seen in Nevada. Taking her hand, they walked out the building. “I heard that Graves found some DVDs not too long ago! Why don’t we go ask to borrow some. I still got plenty of those snacks you like from your last visit.”
She seemed to love the small beat up sheep he was able to find. The movies and snacks were good but his favorite was them bantering and joking with each other. It was nice being home. (There was another bowl of sand and maybe he should take a look at that ice machine before he left.)
Small explanation: I have an iron deficiency and one of the side effects is pica-like cravings. So I know that it’s low whenever I crave weird stuff. Chewing ice helps.
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