#also listening to Red Mars by Kim something
morkleemelon · 3 years
off the ice || chapter 4: don’t look back
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previous || m.list || playlist || next
pairing: college hockey player! mark x fem. college figure skater! reader
genre: fluff, sports au, college au
word count: 6.5k
warnings: blood, mention of surgery, description of injuries, swearing, financial struggle
author’s note: huge thanks again to my beta readers @writing-frog​ and @skiimmiilk​ for being a great help to making this story better! the slow burn fire is finally burning in this chapter and I’m so excited :) if you haven’t been listening already, I highly recommend the playlist for this chapter! enjoy~
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“What do you mean ‘it’s fine’?,” you sobbed, gripping the side of her hospital bed. You wanted to give your best friend a hug, but you didn’t want to risk hurting her more. Yuna’s right leg was pinned into an apparatus, the intricate metal carefully holding together the broken bones, her usual perfect skin marred by scratches of red and patches of blue. 
“I mean what I said”. Even with a sore voice and her current situation, Yuna managed to speak with dignity.
“And Ms. Kim is right,” the doctor agreed, jotting down a prescription on her clipboard, “the surgeries went well and she is in stable condition. The good news is that with proper rest and physical therapy, she will be able to walk again. Now, it’s my duty to be honest with you. You said you’re a figure skater?”.
“Yes”. Yuna uncurled her fingers, inviting you to hold her hand. You accepted it, bracing both of you for the bad news. Ten sat at the other side of the bed pressing her other hand to his lips.
“While we cannot rule out the possibility, the likelihood of you being able to skate again is very low. Especially for the next few years”. 
Yuna’s tough façade started to crumble at the shocking reality and her lips trembled as she choked back tears. You pressed your forehead to her hand as you hid your own tears from her. 
“God damn it!”. Ten yelled, getting up and kicking away the stool he was sitting on. The loud bang was followed by the sound of quiet weeping. “I shouldn’t have let you out of my sight. I shouldn’t have told you to go to the car first. None of this should’ve happened, god damn it”. The older boy cried into his palms as he placed the blame on himself. 
“Please settle down and refrain from disturbing the patient,” the doctor warned, “but we would like to talk to you about the details of the accident, Ms. Kim, now that you’re awake and stable”.
Yuna nodded, a few tears escaping and rolling down her scraped-up cheeks.
“Your right leg is broken in three places upon impact with the vehicle: two in the femur and one major area in the tibia. You then sustained minor external injury as you fell to the pavement, scraping your arms and face. We will run additional tests later on to determine if you also have a concussion. If you can remember any details of how this accident happened, please describe them to me and we can notify the police to help find the suspect”, the doctor continued.
“I,” Yuna cleared her throat, “I was at a party last night and I had a bit to drink. We stayed pretty late and Ten is close with the host, so we just decided to sleep over. Then this morning, I woke up early and I wanted to go on a drive to clear my head. Ten had to get something so I left the house first. I- I checked both ways before I crossed the street to his car, but before I knew it… it came out of nowhere and I was on the ground. I don’t… I can’t remember anything about it. The next thing I remember was being in the ambulance with Ten”. 
“I heard the whole thing happen,” Ten added softly, “I was inside the house at the time and I heard the screeching tires and Yuna screamed. By the time I ran outside, the car was gone and Yuna was bleeding on the ground”. He closed his eyes and clenched his fist. “All I could do was call an ambulance. I- I didn’t see the car or the bastard driving it. All I could do was sit with her in the street while we waited. She wasn’t waking up and all I could do was sit with her. I couldn’t even move her because I was afraid it would make it worse and she was bleeding everywhere. All I could do was sit there”. 
Tears stream down your face as you listen to Ten break down. The normally bright and optimistic man now had his face in his hands, hiccupping uncontrollably at the thought of how close he came to losing the love of his life.
“Hey,” Yuna groaned, struggling to keep her own voice steady, “baby, I’m okay. When we met, you were hurt and struggling, but you got through it because we were together. We’re still together and we can get through this too”. She touched her fingers through his hair gently. 
“Thank you for your cooperation, Ms. Kim, and both of your friends. The police are currently asking for witnesses for your hit-and-run case and will update you with any findings. These are your prescriptions”, the doctor slid the piece of paper onto the counter, “the nurse will come find you later to talk about your treatment. For now, I’ll leave you all alone”. 
The room fell silent, only interrupted by the occasional sniffle as the doctor shut the door behind her.
“Hey y/n?”. Yuna turned her head gingerly to you.
“I’m sorry I can’t do the competition with you now. I promised I would but…”
“Don’t even… how could you worry about that right now?”, you sobbed, “don’t you worry about it, Yuna, the competition doesn’t matter at all. I’m just glad you’re okay right now. You should focus on getting better, not worry about me of all things”. 
“Y/n is right,” Ten agreed, “you were there for me when I got hurt. And when I thought there was no way out, you held my hand and pulled me up from the darkness. Doctor says you have a good chance of walking, so let’s get you there first. Then we’ll work on beating the odds and getting you back on the ice again”. 
“You guys…” Yuna smiled slightly, careful not to strain her bruised jaw. 
“I’ll come visit you as much as I can,” you promised, “I can bring my sleeping bag, clothes, and a jar of peanut butter. We can just be roommates here instead. There’s free AC and disney band aids too, it’ll be great”. Your attempt to lighten the mood was well received as the couple chuckles together. 
“By the way, I called your parents while you were in surgery and they’re on their way over now. They should actually be here soon,” Ten noted.
“I’ll leave you guys then,” you offered. There was a two visitor limit and you didn’t want to intrude on Ten and Yuna’s chance to have some private time before her parents bombarded her with concern. Not to mention Mark has been sitting in the waiting room for a few hours now and you wanted to be respectful of his time too.
Offering your last words of support to Yuna, you shut the door quietly behind you. Dabbing at your watery eyes with the edge of your sleeve, you attempt to fix your run-off makeup using your phone camera. Everything felt kind of numb. The events of the last 24 hours were surreal and staying up the whole night with Mark certainly did not help as the tiredness was catching up to you. Concern, upset, worry, and frustration formed a thick cloud in your thoughts. Your brain was like a jammed printer and the thoughts were not processing. You were in shock to say the least.
You shuffle your way down the hall to the waiting area and look for Mark’s familiar blonde hair. You spot him fast asleep in his seat, arms crossed over his chest as he leans his head back against the wall. His mouth is slightly agape, forming a soft ‘o’ as he breathed steadily in and out. Seeing him sleep so peacefully made you relax a little. 
At least there was something good about today.
“Hey,” you whisper, shaking him gently. His eyes blink open slowly, wincing at the bright hospital lights. 
“Hey,” he croaks, rubbing his eyes as he sits up straight. “How’s Yuna? Did you get to see her?”.
“She’s…,” you pause, “she’s okay. She said she was okay when I saw her just now and the doctor said she’s stable but…,” your voice trails off. 
“But what?,” Mark asked gently, placing a comforting hand on your back. You look around to make sure there was nobody around who could overhear. A few people sat around the waiting room a ways away, texting on their phones or flipping through the free health magazines. The receptionist’s monotonous voice droned on as she answered a phone call.
“The doctor says that Yuna might not be able to skate again,” you murmured. Even though the doctor made it clear before, saying the words out loud felt extremely surreal. You imagined if it were you lying on the hospital bed hearing this news. To not be able to skate again… it was too awful to comprehend. Tears roll down your cheeks before you could help it, dangling from the point of your chin before falling onto your green volunteer shirt. 
Mark thought about what he could say in reply to the devastating news, but decided it was best to not say anything at all. Pulling you in for a hug, you cry silently into the crook of his neck. You wrap your arms around his torso and hold on for dear life. 
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The next few weeks pass by rather uneventfully after the incident, at least comparatively. Police were still on the case of Yuna’s hit-and-run perpetrator, but they struggled to find witnesses when the crime occurred so early in the morning. Even the local CCTV didn’t cover the area where it happened and the driver was still ultimately at large. 
The Lee’s and your other friends texted in the group chat plenty and you grew much more comfortable with having them around. Mark drives you to the hospital to visit Yuna a couple times a week and the three of you would eat lunch together in her room for a small sense of normalcy. It was a tough transition for you nonetheless- your best friend and roommate who you were used to seeing every day now was now seemingly so far away and your time together was reduced to a few hours a week. However, the initial shock of the situation eventually faded and the two of you came to terms with how things were. Yuna and you agreed to not cry about it anymore until she got started on physical therapy and gave recovery her best shot. Thankfully, Ten was there with her everyday and night, so it was bearable for her. 
Mark’s always been sweet about your comfort zone, too, never pushing you to talk about your feelings yet at the same time, always there for you when you needed him. Neither one of you brought up the almost-kisses, the first reason being you weren’t ready to remind yourself of the horrible things that happened afterwards and the second being that Mark wanted to respect that you needed time to process it. 
So the days tick by and seeing Mark became part of your daily routine. It was something you looked forward to when you got ready in the morning and although you didn’t really know it, it was something you needed to make your day feel complete. His good heart shined more and more to you everyday as you chose to continue to accompany him to Sunday volunteering. You got to witness how Mark’s eyes glowed whenever he talked to the people he served. He treated everyone there as if they were his own family and even though many of the people he helps are much older, he continues every conversation with sincerity and maturity. 
In addition to walking you to class everyday, Mark now has a special seat next to you in the front row of your economics lecture, leaving Jeno and Ten snickering behind you as they watch your close interactions. You ate lunch at the willow tree by the basketball court on the days you weren’t visiting Yuna. After a while, you grew used to the dirty looks from the girls across the court, even glaring back when you met Hillary’s fiery stare. Nonetheless, you developed a comfortable social routine and everything was going quite well, except for one abundant issue weighing heavily on your shoulders.
The middle of October rolls by and you grind your way through your evening shift at Frankie’s. Thankfully, it was a Tuesday, so late-night stragglers weren’t an issue. You finish scrubbing down the counters in the kitchen and wipe your hands on your waitress apron. Unfortunately, it was your turn to close so you were the only one left working tonight. Your back ached from the hours of waiting tables and your cheeks hurt from the wide smile you offered all of your customers, rude or not. Sighing, you count your tips for the day.
A bell chimes from the door.
“Sorry we’re closed-,” you stop your words as you see the figure illuminated by the low diner lights. 
“Is it too late for me to talk with the pretty waitress?” Mark grins, unzipping and taking off his wind breaker. You roll your eyes but your smile tells him you aren’t actually annoyed.
“The pretty waitress is covered in barbeque sauce and all purpose cleaner. Proceed?”
“Oh no, not barbeque sauce! Cancel request! Cancel Request!”
You laugh, throwing a nickel at his dramatic show. 
“Wait, give that back to me. I need every tip I can get,” you say, holding out your hand to receive the coin. Mark obediently picks it up, handing it to you as he takes a seat at the bar. You thank him, flipping through the crinkled, greasy bills from the tip jar. The creeping disappointment must have shown on your face because Mark broke the silence.
“Not a good night?” His words were careful. He understood you were under a lot of stress recently, but he didn’t have the heart to pry further and make you tell him why, which you appreciated. Mark assumed it was about Yuna or grades, but you never confided the real reason of how much your financial situation really scared you.
“Not a good…” you debate telling him everything. On one hand, you didn’t want to come off as needy or desperate. You were infamously bad at sharing your burdens with others. On the other, you wanted to tell Mark because you know he would listen and it would make you feel better. “Not a good anything,” you finally admit, setting the scraggly bills down on the clean counter between you. 
Only $26.84 for the whole night.
Mark’s soft brows were creased in concern as he waited for you to elaborate. He rested his chin on his knuckle, watching you pensate your feelings carefully. You meet his soft gaze, his eyes telling you that it’s okay. You let your shoulders relax, not even realizing the tension they were carrying.
“I…,” you start, letting out a small sigh as you walk your way around the counter to sit on the stool next to him. He spun his stool so he was sitting facing you. You pick at the mysterious stain on your apron. 
How do I even tell him about this? Hey Mark, I’m broke! I might drop out because I don’t have money for school, thus ruining everything my parents and I have worked for. 
“I guess I’m just worried,” you resolve after a minute, “I’m worried because, well, because of money”. You wince at hearing the words out loud but continue before you could take it back, “my parents are working really hard to get the money for my tuition, but things aren’t looking good for next semester”. You continue to tell him about how you’ve been picking up extra shifts to try to save up, but skating fees and money for basic necessities eats whatever you earn right up. The thought of quitting skating to save money came to your mind, but you never followed through because that was as much of a necessity as anything. A miracle occurred with the skating competition, only for some sick bastard to hurt Yuna. You asked around but everyone already had a partner or were too busy to participate in the competition. So now you could either go rob a bank or take a gap year and hope you’ll be able to return. Mark listened to your qualms quietly until you finished.
“The competition, did you ask people who aren’t on your team?,” Mark inquired, resting a reassuring hand on yours.
“Yeah, I even asked the girls on JV, but nobody wants to do it since they think they can’t win,” you confirm with a sad nod.
“That’s so dumb,” Mark stated, “you’re like, the best skater ever. Even the worst girl on JV could win if they did it with you”.
You look at him in surprise. His thumb ran comfortingly across your knuckles, sending tingles down your arm. A blush creeps onto your cheeks as you look back down at your joined hands. To be honest, you weren’t really sure what you guys were: officially, you were just friends at the moment, but anyone could see that there was something there. As of late, too much has been on your mind for you to possibly sit down and ponder it. Neither one of you has confessed feelings of any sort, but the night at the lake couldn’t just be ignored. And do normal friends hold hands like this?
“Right, tell that to them. Nobody wanted to be my partner, so yeah, I’m kind of in a pickle with tuition right now”
“Well can anyone be your partner?,” Mark asked.
“What do you mean? Like, just ask random strangers to skate with me?”
“No I mean like… I could do it”. His expression was serious, alluding that he meant every word of his ridiculous proposition.
“You could-” you stop to consider, “I mean I guess? I don’t think Coach Tanya said anything about the participants needing to be on the team… or be a girl. But there’s a big problem we’re not considering.”
“What problem?”
“You don’t know how to figure skate”. You free your hand from his and punch him lightly in the arm. 
“But I play hockey and I’ve skated all my life,” Mark bargained, pointing to himself smugly and shrugging, “how hard can it be?”
“How hard-” you wheeze. You laugh out loud as the serious boy looked on indignantly. “Figure skating is miles different from what you guys do. Y’all go, what, forwards and backwards? Can you do a jump?”.
“I can too do a jump,” Mark defended.
“Okay, what about a single axel jump?”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” you giggle, grabbing the counter and spinning your stool around. Mark watches you endearingly.
“Y/n” the sound of your name stops your childish break and you look at him expectantly. “What if I practiced every day. I can learn your uh- single axis”
“Axel,” you correct.
“Axel. I can learn this axel jump and I can practice it and whatever else you need so you can do the competition”. You couldn’t tell if he was being serious, but your heart skipped a beat nonetheless.
“Deadass,” Mark nodded. 
“Why… why…”. You struggled to find the right words.
“Because I like you,” Mark interrupted, “and I want to do this for you because it would make you happy. I’d streak across campus fully nude and screaming if it made you happy”. 
Did he just...confess?
“It would,” you nod seriously.
“It would? Which part? The competition or-”
“No, the streaking,” you shake your head, ignoring the steady increase of your heart rate. You press your lips into a flat line and nod to feign seriousness. Mark paused before getting up. He reached for the hem of his shirt, sighing before lifting it up over his head. 
“Let’s get this over with,” he sighed, reaching for his belt buckle. You shriek, shielding your eyes from his half-nude appearance. Although you didn’t want to admit it, you let your eyes linger on his lean torso through your fingers.
Damn, maybe hockey does have some benefits. 
“I was kidding! Please put your clothes back on!,” you cry. You heard him laugh as he pulled the fabric back on. 
“Okay I’m decent. I’m decent,” Mark assured, taking his seat next to you again. “But seriously, I meant what I said and you don’t have to reply until you’re ready. I completely understand if you don’t know yet. Just know that I am here for you and I,” he grabbed the edge of your stool and pulled it firmly so you were facing him, “really like you. As more than friends”.
You felt surprisingly confident; the stress of life always went away when Mark was around and you forgot all about the scattered pennies and nickels on the counter. Although his confession was so sudden, you had a feeling it was coming eventually. It didn’t feel shocking, but more like… finally. That being said, you were unsure of what to say. You weren’t sure you were ready for a relationship and most of all, you weren’t sure about your feelings for him. The last thing you wanted was to say you like him back and have it end up not being true. 
Like always, the understanding, patient look in Mark’s eyes told you that he would wait for you to reply when you’re ready.
“Okay”. You smile. 
“Okay”. He mirrors.
“Let’s do it, the competition,” you decide.
“Yeah, let’s give it our best shot! After all, it’s a crowd vote and your popularity might gain us favor,” you tease, poking his chest. “What time is it?”
“It’s 9:48pm, why?,” Mark replied, checking his lock screen. You hopped off your stool and began untying your apron.
“You drove here right?”. He nods. “Then there’s somewhere I wanna go if you’re willing to drive”. You shove your tips for the night into your bag. 
“You know I’m always down for you,” Mark smiled, grabbing your jacket off the rack and helping you into it. He stood in front of you and zipped you up without you asking, fixing the hood so it was proper. You watch him in silence and awe as he smooths down the wrinkles by your collar carefully and slings the strap of your bag over his shoulder without a word. It’s always these things, the little things, that leave you speechless.
The drive was pleasant. Mark put on your favorite radio channel and the two of you vibed comfortably to the acoustic music, the only interruptions were your quiet directions to the desired destination. You examined Mark’s face as he focused on the road, tipping his head back and forth to the beat with one hand on the wheel. It was dark, but the passing street lights illuminated his features in mesmerizing flashes, almost as if they were afraid to show his face for too long, the beauty would be too much to handle. His cheekbones were especially accentuated by the small smile on his lips. Looking at him made you feel… calm.
You pulled into the familiar parking lot. The blue neon lights above the building reading “Skate City” buzzed with electricity as the two of you got out of the car. 
“You wanted to come here? To a kid’s roller rink?”. Mark chuckled as he shut the driver side door. 
“Make fun of me now but you’ll see why” you rolled your eyes, walking through the building door which Mark held open for you.
The interior of the building was just like you remembered: the dark, ragged carpet was covered in colorful squiggles and dots resembling an abstract representation of worms and confetti. If that wasn’t bad enough, the matching wallpaper and UV lights topped off the hallucinogenic nightmare of a roller rink. Usually, it was also filled with the screams of children. Due to the lateness in the day, the rink was empty and usual disco funk was turned off. You would think it was closed if it weren’t for the man watching TV behind the counter.
“Mr. Joseph,” you call out with a wave. The man grunted, pulling his feet from off of the counter and shuffling through the mess of papers to find his glasses. He was an unassuming man in about his early forties, balding, pot-bellied, and proud. Nobody would guess that he was the man who taught you to skate all those years ago.
“Why, is that Miss y/n?,” Mr. Joseph exclaimed, rounding the counter to hug you.
“How have you been, Joe?”
“Well, you know me. I’m gettin’ by. Who’s this fella over here?”. Joe adjusted his specs and squinted at Mark.
“This,” you nudge the shy boy forward slightly, “is my friend, Mark. Mark, this is my family friend and former coach, Mr. Joseph. Also known as Joe,” you introduce.
The two men exchange a firm handshake.
“Nice meeting you, Mark. You treating her right?” Joe narrowed his eyes.
“Um so,” you cough, saving Mark from the awkward question, “Joe, we need skates for Mark”. 
“Wait but I already have skates, y/n-,” 
“No, you have hockey skates, Mark. You’re gonna need proper figure skates if we’re gonna do this competition right,” you explain. 
“Competition, huh,” Joe gruffed, waddling into the back room and motioning for you to follow. 
“Yeah, I don’t know if my parents told you, but Yuna was in an accident and now she can’t do the pair skate with me. Mark’s a hockey player but,” you glance at him with a smile, “he offered to pick up some skills and be my partner”.
“Here,” Joe smacked a pair of skates into Mark’s arms, “try these, boy”.
“Thank you, sir”. Mark bowed and went out to the bench to try them on.
Once he was out of sight, Joe leaned down to you, “you like this boy?”.
“Stop!,” you cry, covering your reddening ears with your hands.
“I’m just saying,” Joe held up his hands innocently, “I can tell he likes you by the way he looks at you. Even from meeting him just now”.
“Yeah… I just,” you stop to think about it. Well it’s true he likes you...
Do you like him?
You look to the door where you could see his shadow lacing up the new skates. You wish he would hurry back. Being without him felt like something was missing. Even if he was right around the corner, it didn’t feel good that you couldn’t see him and feel his reassuring presence. Realization began creeping in and you turn to look back at Joe’s I-told-you-so expression. He gave you a pat on the shoulder, “Make sure he’s good to you”.
Mark’s figure reappeared at the doorway, oblivious to your pounding heart and emotions which were becoming slowly more apparent. You watch endearingly as he stepped awkwardly into the room wearing the skates, stretching out his arms to maintain his balance. 
“I think they fit!,” Mark beamed at you, causing the butterflies in your stomach to migrate all around. 
“That’s good, boy. Take them on the house,” Joe guided him back out to take them off before he could hurt himself. 
“Oh no, sir-”
“Please, they were collecting dust in that storage room. Nobody wants men’s figure skates anymore these days and I’m glad to help y/n out” Joe dismissed. 
“Joe,” you stop him, wrapping your arms around Joe’s neck to give him a big hug, “thank you,” you whisper. 
“Of course, kiddo” he pat your back, “you make me proud”.
After chatting for a bit longer, you bid your goodbyes to Joe as he locked up Skate City for the night. In the car, you hold your breath and turn towards Mark. Strangely, your head was in the clouds as you examined his face, a face you’ve grown so familiar with in the past few weeks, yet seemed brand new. Suddenly, he leaned in close, close enough to count his pretty eyelashes, warranting your breath to hitch in your throat. Unaware of your, Mark places the box of skates in the backseat and sits up straight again to buckle his seatbelt. You let out the breath you didn’t realize you were holding.
Right, I shouldn’t get ahead of myself.
“So, are you tired or do you wanna do some skating today?,” you finally ask.
Mark flashed you a crooked smile, starting the car, “Y/n, I’m always down for you. School rink?”.
You nod. 
The whole drive back to the school was noticeably more awkward, at least to you. You tensed  at every word he said and felt your heart clench when he hummed along to the soft radio tune. Saying nothing or giving short, one word replies, you didn’t trust your voice to say more. Instead, you opted to look out the window at the passing scenery for the fear of Mark noticing your flushed expression. You tug uncomfortably at your jacket collar, beginning to regret asking him to skate tonight. Ironically, and perhaps foolishly of you, you’ve received his confession yet you’re unwilling to admit the good news of mutual feelings to yourself. What should you do or say? Surely it’s not right to just say ‘I like you! I figured it out haha let’s date!” out of the blue. 
Pulling into the sports center parking lot, you notice the locks on the front door.
“Oh crap, I forgot it’s a weekday. The rink is closed after 11,” you mutter, slightly relieved at the thought of heading home to sort out your feelings alone. 
“Don’t worry, we can sneak in through the side door,” Mark answers nonchalantly, getting out to open the car door for you. You don’t disregard the kind gesture and instead feel the familiar pressure in your chest again. 
And sneak in you did. 
Mark had clearly done this a few times judging based on the way he led you confidently to the obscured side door which was propped slightly open with a rock.
You went your separate ways in the eerily empty stadium to your respective locker rooms. Splashing your face with cool water, you attempt to rein in your fiery flush. 
How should I bring it up? Or do I wait? He already said he likes me, but what if he didn’t mean it? 
After changing into your skates, you take a deep breath and head out to the ice.
He was already there waiting for you by the railing. Mark must have heard your footsteps approaching and he turned to give you a warm smile. 
“You’re right, y/n, these skates are kinda different”. He tapped the toe pick into the padded floor.
“Yeah… right,” you mumbled, struggling to meet his bright eyes. 
He’s so cute.
Pale moonlight streamed through the glass ceiling panels and illuminated your surroundings. Mark’s hair made his face glow silver and his eyes sparkled with the reflection of the moon. His face fell at your weak response, reading it as disinterest.
You open the gate and skate out onto the ice in front of him. Mark tentatively skated out to follow you, wobbling slightly at the different sensation. You reach out to grab his arms and steady him, meeting his gaze briefly before blinking away. You loosen your grip on his sleeves, the contact making your feelings go wild.
For a few moments, the two of you silently glided across the ice. For the first time ever, it seems, you weren’t sure what to say to him.
“Listen,” Mark finally spoke, struggling to a stop. He looked down at his skates thoughtfully, “If it’s about what I said earlier, if it’s about me liking you and that made you uncomfortable, I- I take it back. I feel like I didn’t give you a chance to say no if you wanted to-”
“No it’s-,” you interrupt, skating slightly ahead, “It’s not that”. 
“Then why are you acting so strange?,” Mark asked, struggling to keep up.
“I just,” you circle to a stop at the middle of the rink. How do you even begin to explain how you feel? Never in your life have you felt like this about anybody. Never in your life have you felt so special and so cared for than when you were with Mark. You would have been lucky enough just being able to know him, but he even likes you. Out of all of the people he could have chosen, he chose you.
Mark careened to a halt behind you, waiting for you to finish. You take a deep breath.
Now or never.
You turn around to face him. 
“What you told me in the diner, tell it to me again”. Your voice came out weaker than you had intended.
Mark’s eyebrows were furrowed in confusion and worry that you were upset with him. He wanted to pull you into a hug, tuck that piece of hair back behind your ear and tell you it’s okay if you didn’t love him back.
“I-,” Mark cleared his throat from his emotions, “I said that I like you, y/n. I like you as more than friends”. He looked down towards his feet but before he could blink, he was crushed in between your arms as you jumped to hug him. Your face fit perfectly into the crook of his neck and you breathed in his familiar, warm scent as he wrapped his arms delicately around your waist. The force from your impact caused both of you to drift slightly, but you kept steady. Not brave enough to look him in the face, you whisper your confession to his ear.
“I’m ready to answer you. I… I like you too. As more than friends”
Mark’s grip tightened around your waist as he lifted you slightly off the ice. Spinning around, he curled his fingers into the fabric of your sweatshirt as if he never wanted to let you go. Your heart swelled at the feeling as you held onto his sturdy shoulders. Neither of you needed to say anything more. He pulled you close so there was no space left and you listened to the gentle rhythm of his heart beating for you.
Pulling away at last, you rest your forehead against his. Your eyes fluttered closed but you could feel the tip of his nose brush gently across yours, his warm exhalation fanning across your lips. 
“You don’t happen to have your phone on you, do you?” Mark mumbled deeply, savoring the moment.
You let out a small giggle, “no, do you?”.
And with that, you tilted your head up ever so slightly and Mark cupped your cheek to bring your lips together. You melt into his kiss and touch, allowing the way his soft lips moved against yours to express his silent affections. Exhaling through your nose, you sigh into the kiss, moving your hand to rest at the back of his head to pull him in deeper.
Mark ran his thumb affectionately across your cheek, his lips speaking of all the times he’s wanted to do this. Your fingers lace their way through his soft hair, loving the way he reacts as you tug against the strands slightly. 
A loud bang from a closing door causes you to pull apart finally. The bright beam of the security guard’s flashlight flashes across the ice as the two of you look on like deer caught in headlights. 
“Hey, you two! Get out of there!,” the guard shouted, pointing a finger at your embracing form.
“Run!,” you whisper yell, pulling him quickly towards the gate. The two of you run as quickly as you can in your skates, pulling them off before you enter the hallway. 
“Hey! Stop right there!,” the guard yelled, stumbling down the stadium stairs.
“Quick! In here!” Mark tugged you into the boys locker room, shutting the door before the guard could see and ushering you quickly to hide in the gap between two lockers. You squeezed in with him, panting softly as the adrenaline pumped through your body. Mark’s arms wrap around your body to pull you closer as the guard opens the door. The flashlight flicked menacingly across the dark room. You hold your breath as it comes particularly close. Finally, seconds that feel like hours pass and the security guard grunts before deciding to move on. You exhale in relief. 
Mark rests his chin on top of your head and you realize how closely you’re pressed together. You giggle into his chest, loving how warm he felt. 
“I can’t believe that I get to hold you,” Mark whispers. His fingers draw invisible shapes across your back.
You nuzzle your face into his tee shirt. “Well I can’t believe we’re doing this in the boy’s locker room after being chased down by security,” you mumble against the fabric. His chest sounded a low vibration as he chuckled back, moving his hand up to stroke your hair. 
“You are so, so beautiful, y/n,” he moves to kiss the top of your head, “I don’t know the words to express how beautiful you are to me”. 
You press deeper into his body at the words you’ve always wanted to hear. Lifting your face up from his chest, you press a small kiss to his lips, heart jumping at the still-new sensation. It was sweet, his lips ghosting over yours breathlessly as you nestle your nose gently against his in a slow eskimo kiss. 
“I’ve liked you for so long,” Mark whispers in between kisses, “I’ve wanted to do this for so long”.
You answer by gripping the fabric of his collar to pull him in deeper, moving your lips rhythmically against his. 
“I think I’ve liked you for a while too,” you admit as you catch your breath, “I just didn’t understand it. Or some part of me wasn’t ready to admit it”.
“That makes sense” Mark rests his forehead on yours, smiling, “I would have waited a thousand years if that’s what you needed”.
Again and again, he captivated you with his words. He was so good to you and never made you feel like you were anything less than perfect. Day after day, his patience with you never faded and slowly, you let him break down your walls. His comforting smile and optimism always filled you with reassurance and peace. 
So standing there, making out in the boy’s locker room, illegally, in the dead of night on a Tuesday, you became sure. You were sure that you wanted him in your life. You were sure you wanted to try to be a part of his. As you pressed your lips to his and as he ran his fingers through your hair, there was no turning back.
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artxyra · 4 years
What if Damian and the miraculous class are friends and they have movie nights, but since Damian is in Gotham he sneaks out of the manor and portal via Max & Kalki to participate. The Fam get suspicious and try to figure out where Damian is going every week. When they find out he goes to Paris they try to follow him but the portal closes and they use the tubes instead. They end up crashing in on them watching a horror movie which freaks the class out. Insert yelling and things being thrown.
To: Demon From: Angel
Are we still on for movie night?
To: Angel From: Demon
Yes. Just need to get away from the family.
To: Demon From: Angel
Marinette looks over smiling from her phone. Today is a good day. There were no akuma that needed Ladybug’s attention, nor had she broken up a fight between Max and Kim about the latest game. So yes, she was ecstatic to know this is how her day is going.
“Hey Mars, is Damian coming tonight?” Adrien asks seating next to her playing with a strand of his hair. Ever since he came out to her, their relationship has blossomed beyond a crush to a blooming brother-sister relationship. That and Luka were more than willing to take on the blonde without a second thought. She kind of feels bad for Juleka having to see Adrien on a near-daily basis and with her brother no doubt.
“Yup,” Marinette continues to smile, “I just received word that he’s good to go. All we need is for Kaalki and Max to open up a portal at the designated time.”
“Sweet, I hear that Kim was the one picking out this week’s movie. I hope it’s nothing horror-related.” Adrien pouts causing Marinette to laugh that the poor kitty’s face.
“I’m sure it’s nothing too crazy.” Marinette hopes that it was something simple to follow and an action pack rather than horror. She may love horror games but kwami be damn if she watches a horror movie in the dark that wasn’t comedic.
“It looks like break is almost over, we’ll continue you this later.” Adrien sends Marinette a comforting smile before jumping down into his assigned seat next to Nino. Alya and Nino just walked in holding hands.
“Hey, lovebirds, who’s ready for a night full of fun?” Alya greets the two causing them to roll their eyes at the nickname that no longer pertains to them.
“Hey Als, I should be asking you that instead.” Marinette lifts an eyebrow that accompanies her smirk. Nino and Alya’s faces turn red and they side glance each other. Marinette and Adrien laugh at the couple.
“After class, I’ll be giving a quick speech regarding tonight’s plans,” Marinette states pulling out her classwork and books for class. They all nod in understanding. Just then the rest of the class filed in with matching smiles and asking pertaining to tonight’s activities.
To: Angel From: Demon
Save me from the idiots that I call my brothers?
To: Demon From: Angel
Can’t love, I’m sure it not that bad.
To: Angel From: Demon
For some idiotic reason, they are watching me like a hawk today. I’m currently in the bathroom with the doors locked listening to them bicker outside.
To: Demon From: Angel
Yikes 😬. I’m sure it will die down before you’re required to leave.
To: Angel From: Demon
I doubt that.
To: Demon From: Angel
About that, why did we move our weekly movie night from Saturday to Friday?
To: Angel From: Demon
It’s a half-day at school.
Shit. Talk to you later.
Marinette places her phone down and slowly turns her attention to Mme. Bustier. The red-haired teacher tried to keep her students engaged with the content, but she was losing them faster than on average. Marinette turns to her classmates. Alix and Kim were trying to out strength each other, Juleka and Rose was trying to pay attention but the drooping in Rose’s eyes say otherwise, Sabrina and Chloe—well doing what they usually do—living in their own bubble, Nathaniel was sketching something down in his notebook while Max was pretending to take notes as Markov does it for him. Finally, Mylene and Ivan were also in their own world.
Hours seemed to past in Marinette’s mind before Mme. Bustier concluded today’s lesson. She was so caught up in watching the time that she didn’t realize that was sketching an outfit in her own notebook. Whoops.
“Marinette is there something you would like to add?” Mme. Bustier prompts sending the class’s designated designer a smile.
“Yes,” Marinette gets up from her seat and walks down to the podium. “Tonight is our weekly movie night instead of tomorrow. Do you remember what to bring? If not, please message me before the event. Remember that we are having this event at Chloe’s family’s hotel as it a makeshift theatre room.”
“Daddy says we can have the popcorn maker also.” Chloe interrupts. The class cheers at the thought of the infamous popcorn maker that was usually locked behind the hotel kitchen doors.
“Thank you, Bee, for that tidbit. Now, Max, you are to arrive at the bakery no later than six o’clock. The demon is having a half-day today and I’m ninety-nine percent sure that he’ll want to be here no later than that. Everyone else, you are free to do.” With that and a pretend gavel, Marinette dismisses the class to their next class for the day. 
For Damian, being at school felt like a blessing even if it was a half-day. His brothers have been hounding him all morning. It’s like they are looking for something that isn’t there. Damian’s emotions? Yeah right, they all know he only shows emotions to his beloved animals or animals in general. Damian had to double, triple check the security on his phones because who knows what Drake would find if he had access inside it.
For over six months, he had been going to Paris for movie nights with his beloved and her classmates. At first, he had done it through the zeta tubes but after gaining their trust just enough to be in on the Miraculous Team of Paris, his trips became a lot more frequent. He would make up an excuse about going to a classmate, or Jon’s, house for the night, or to work on a school project. He had gotten away with it for a while, but Tim was the first to notice the lie.
Tim and Conner were having their usually meet up when the Damian had told his family that he was spending time at Jon’s, something that was no unusual. All was fine and dandy until Jon came home with a Damian Wayne. Tim, well it was mainly Dick, had grilled into the young hero about Damian’s whereabouts. Jon either lied or literally had no idea. Which prompted the Batbros to start the search on Damian's weekly disappearance.
Everyone took the day off to “spend time” with Damian. They wanted to trap the teen inside the manor and watch his every movement. Like that isn’t an invasion of privacy or trust.
Alfred brought Damian to the manor around noon. This gives them enough time to hide any open-source of weaponry they could find or items that Damian could use against them in battle. That was a lot of items on the list. Dick inquired for Bruce to hold off on the tracking device as a last resort. He wanted to start everything out with a discussion, but Jason laughs that idea out the window as he cleans his guns.
“The young master is residing in his bedroom,” Alfred speaks walking down into the Batcave.
The Wayne family knew this was it.
To: Angel From: Demon
I’m ready.
To: Demon From: Angel
ETA in 5
Damian smirks at his phone. He loves his girlfriend and how quickly she can manage an entire group of classmates and plan a weekly movie night event.
He had packed his belonging that he usually brings with him when he does to Paris. Which isn’t much.
Four minutes.
Damian thought his ears were playing tricks on him, but they weren’t. He could hear the stampede of footsteps that were no doubt from his family members aside from Alfred. Alfred’s footsteps are like a ghost, you never hear them.
Three minutes.
“Hey little D, since you had a half-day today, why don’t you spend it with us,” Grayson asks the second his bedroom door swings open. Alfred the cat sends a glare to his owner’s family.
“Yeah, Demon spawn, we all took the day off to spend time with you,” Jason adds gas to the fire that was already burning intensely.
“Damian…” Not his father too.
Two minutes.
Damian doesn’t say a word. His eyes bounce from one person to the next and repeat. He didn’t know who to answer them. “Tt.” Was the only word? Sound? That had escaped his lips.
“You need to leave like now.” Damian refuses to have his family find out the very secret he had kept hidden for so long. His quick need for them leaving only pushes them to stay. Worried about various reasons from teen problems to joining the League of Assassins again. They didn’t want to take any chances.
One minute.
Damian could sense the user of the horse kwami becoming active. Soon a blue swirling portal opens up behind Damian. Damian looks at his family and side glances at the portal. The portal wins. The family of vigilantes runs to the portal only for it to close.
“Am I hallucinating or did that just happen?” Tim asks wiping the sleep away from his eyes.
“No, replacement, that really just happened.” Jason states. Tim nods in understanding.
“I’ll do track him down.” Dick sulks at the thought that Bruce was right.
It didn’t take long for the results to come in.
“Uh…so how the hell is the Demon in Paris, France of all places?” Jason shouts from behind his older brother and Bruce.
“The swirling portal thingy?” Tim states the obvious, but it sounded more like a question as he sits down and drinks a cup of coffee.
“Boys we’re going to Paris.”  Bruce states over his sons. From afar, Alfred sighs and goes to prepare the zeta tubes with the destination in mind.
“Uh, civvies or uniform?” Dick asks as they all start to make their way to the zeta tube. This was one of those questions that they linger on for a hot minute.
Before they knew it, Damian had gained an hour over his family.
“It doesn’t matter, we need to know where the little demon has been hiding all this time.” Jason screeches talking over to the zeta tube and teleporting to the location.
Bruce turns to the remainder of his sons who shrugged and follow suit.
Entering Paris, they were further from Damian’s location than anticipated. They follow the tracker with some interruptions. Dick wanted to buy something for Kori, Jason wanted food and Tim needed for coffee. After all that was done, they officially made it to the supposed location of Damian’s whereabouts.
“Why would the little demon at a hotel?”
“Hum, this coffee is really good,” Tim says before taking another sip.
“Boys, focus on the mission.”
“I am focus, Bruce.”
“I didn’t say you were, Dick.”
“Touché.” Dick rubs the back of his arm.  
They enter Le Grand Paris with tensions high and were surprised by how calm and relax the employees were. Jason swears this was just a hoax and they were torturing Damian behind one of these doors. An employee asks them if they are in need of anything. Bruce states that they were looking for his son.
“Is he friends with Chloe and her classmates?” The employee asks.
“Who?” Dick and Bruce ask simultaneously. Jason had dragged Tim off somewhere to look at some things.
The employee eyes the family skeptically.
“Well if he’s not friends with Mlle. Bourgeois, then I suggest heading to the police department and report a missing child.” The employee states before walking away. Bruce sighs and pulls out the tracking device. Damian is so close to them.
“We’re going to find him, right?”
“And drag the brat back to Gotham?”
Bruce in the direction that would be location, he gestures for his children to follow.
Damian was having a blast. In his arms, Marinette sat on his arm clinging to his shirt cursing Kim’s name throughout the film. Kim had chosen a horror movie for tonight’s showing and by kwami it was fantastic. There was no comedic relief, actual horror storytelling leaving the class on the edge of their seats.
Adrien was curled next to Marinette in Luka’s arms. He was also clinging to a body, a certain musician as if he was a frightened kitten.
Just as the MC was about to open the door to the attic, a series of figures jump from the ceiling. Screams in real-life match those within the movie. Popcorn, empty cartons of candy, soda drinks are thrown at the figures. A string of curses follows not long after that.
“Damian, tell your friends to stop.” He knows that voice from anywhere, it was Grayson’s voice. Marinette slides herself off himself.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” He screeches in English. Most of the class didn’t have a clue what was being said.
“We wanted to see where you were?”
“We thought you were kidnapped?”
“I just came for the scenery.”
Damian’s eyes twitch.
“That’s nice and all, but can you move? We’re trying to watch a movie here and you’re ruining it.” Chloe stands up demanding the bat-family to move. They all look to one another before subtly moving away from the screen.
Damian places a quick kiss on Marinette’s cheek and guides his family out of the room. He was not happy that they came in ruining his night with Marinette. Now he has to make up for it with something romantic, not that he’ll do it anyway.
“What made you believe that I was kidnapped?” He asks, the second they were out of the room.
“The portal thingy.”
“You not answering any of our questions.”
Damian breathes through his nose. “You’re all idiots.”
“Well movie night is a bust, but we all agree to stay here to continue rather than going home.” Marinette walks into the hall after a moment of them talking—well it was more of a screaming match between Bruce and Damian with some input from Dick. “Will your family be fine without you for a couple more hours?”
“Habibti, these dunces are my family,” Damian states gesturing to his family,
Marinette nods, “Well then, hello, and can we keep Damian for the night?”
Damian walks over to Marinette and wraps his arms around her. “I’ll return from before it’s nightfall in Gotham, father.”
“Uh, sure. Boys lets go.” Bruce accepts the came and walks down the hall. Before either of the brothers could pester Damian about this newfound relationship, Bruce gave them all the bat-glare and demanded that they follow.
“You know you’re going to get pestered, right.” Marinette laughs.
“Don’t remind me.”
“Come on, we have a movie to finish.”
With that, Damian takes Marinette’s hand and walks back into the room.  
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josephslittledeputy · 3 years
OC Profile
Tagged by @yeetslovescheese thank you so muuuch! I’ve been wanting to do this for my Captain in New Dawn :) 
Tagging @havingsomemorejohnlarks​ (if you want of course) and anyone else who wants to jump on the bandwagon! 
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(Doing this for after the end of New Dawn*)
Name: Sultana Garcia
Alias(es): Sunny, Captain, Cap, Rabbit, and Lollipop
Gender: Female; She/They
Age: 25
Birthdate: April 4, 2010
Place of Birth: Ojai, California (Home birth babyyy)
Hometown: Ojai
Spoken languages: English and some Spanish, though after being stuck in a bunker for half of her childhood she naturally forgets most of it
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Occupation: Sunny used to be the Captain of Security for Thomas Rush. After the whole thing with the Twins and Ethan however, she takes over the Highwaymen
Eye Color: One green and one blue, also when the power of Eden’s gift triggers her eyes gain a faint glow
Hair Color: Red, though originally it’s a more natural red, but Sunny just loves the way dye can make her hair pop with color
Height: 5'6"
Scars: Uhhh where to begin? She’s littered with various scars from being on her own in the apocalyptic wasteland of California (before Rush saved her that is), and she only collects more as time goes on. Her most noticeable one is the one marring half of her face
Color: R E D, this bish loves red so much I swear
Hair Color: She’s impartial, but blonde does catch her eye
Eye Color: No preference
Song: Anything on the Highwaymen radio, honestly who gave them the right to have so many bangers on there? Also she’s quite fond of the Die Antwoord tracks that come on as they’re so obnoxious and make her wanna go feral and do some chaotic shit
Food: Anything Kim cooks at Prosperity, she’s never truly had good cooking until she came to Hope County (Okay so Rush can cook, but the way Kim seasons her food is so much different from Rush’s, even if shes grateful for anything that isn’t in a can or past its expo date)
Non-Alcoholic Drink: Listen, she’d genuinely take someone down for some damn juice, as it’s a luxury in the apocalypse
Alcoholic Drink: Do shots of ethanol with Sharky count? Other than that she isn’t much of a drinker
Passed University: Is that a joke? Sunny hardly remembers much about the world before the apocalypse (even if she was 8 at the time it happened), so anytime someone talks about something like this, it only confuses her. She definitely makes old man jokes to Rush whenever he brings up his time in university
Had Sex: Absolutely
Had Sex In Public: I mean... when in an apocalypse, am I right?
Gotten Pregnant: Definitely not, honestly Sunny isn’t sure what to do with babies. Why do they have a soft spot? Is it a secret button to activate their sleeping ninja powers? At least that’s what Sharky told her about Blade... She shouldn’t believe him, should she...
Kissed a Boy: Yes
Kissed a Girl: Not before coming to Hope County, but that sure changes with the Twins lollll
Gotten Tattoos: I don’t think there is literally an inch of skin that isn’t covered in a tattoo? If there is, Sunny’s quick to cover it. The only thing she regrets is running out of room lol
Gotten Piercings: Septum, snake bites, earring on the left side,  
Been in love: absolutely
Stayed up for more than 24 hours: One time for a dare, but she regretted it the second the sun came up as her parents were dragging her to some fancy ceremony where she definitely, may or may not, have passed out directly on a designer cake.... She didn’t hear the end of that one for quite a while
A Virgin: No
A Cuddler: Yes, definitely. She’s more like a cat that will go and lay on you...
A Kisser: Sometimes
Scared Easily: Only when she’s lost deep in thought, most of the time Sunny’s the one doing the scaring
Jealous Easily: Honestly, hardly. It’s not that she doesn’t get jealous, but mostly she has better things to do that don’t involve feelings that cloud her judgement
Trustworthy: It really depends on who you are
Dominant: This bish will peg your ass to death, okey
Submissive: Pretty much never, with the exception of when she’s with Lou... But she definitely loves to provoke her before giving in
In Love: Well she was having lots of feelings for Rush she’d yet to tell him, when a certain pair of twins had to go and ruin that
Single: Well, yes and no? Sunny and the Twins have a very... very complicated relationship 
RANDOM QUESTIONS (Tw: self harm/suicide mention)
Have They Harmed Themselves: Certainly not intentionally! Definitely by accident though, doing something stupid of course
Have They Thought About Suicide: No, surprisingly
Have They Attempted Suicide: Also no
Wanted To Kill Someone: Oh god yeah, this is an apocalypse after all. Though she’s never felt that urge stronger than after watching Rush get shot..
Have/Had A Job: Used to be Captain of Security now she runs the Highwaymen
Have Any Fear(s): After so many years in an apocalypse, Sunny has little to be afraid of. Though the one thing she feared most was losing Rush, and yeah... we all know how that goes
Siblings: Only child, much to her dismay
Parents: Cheryl and Antonio Garcia
Children: None, never ever (Okay, does Mila count? She’s not Sunny’s but still the Cap’s protective of her anyway)
Significant Other: Rush before the whole thing happened, then sort of Lou? Again really complicated...
Pets: Timber and Horatio! That’s her babies right there, they’re both such goofballs  and if anyone even thinks of eating them she’d take their eye out with a fork ^-^
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artzychic27 · 4 years
Heart Thief
Before arriving at Dupont, Marc went to Vadim Bastille Collège and lived the life of those high school princesses you see in teen movies (Minus all of the drama, backstabbing, and the occasional bursting into song). He was liked by everyone including the teachers, he was president of the writing, fanfiction, and GSA club, had an amazing group of friends, and best of all, an amazing boyfriend.
Lucien Rebois was the most sought after boy at school. Tall, tan, captain of the fútbol team and took every team he was on to victory, super popular, charming, and the nicest guy you’ll ever meet. What more could a person want in a boyfriend? Girls would always try to ask him out, but he turned every single one of them down, even the most popular girls at school. Everyone wondered why until the day of the championship game when everything came to light
Marc and his friends cheered their school’s team on as they made the winning goal. While the crowd was still in a frenzy, Lucien grabbed a microphone and quieted everyone down when he said that he had to make an announcement…
“… Gimme an ‘M’!”, he shouted into the mic, forming an M with his arms. The crowd complied and mirrored him, while Marc and his friends just looked at each other in confusion
“Gimme an ‘A’!”
“Gimme an ‘R’!”
Mehdi, a Cuban boy with brown hair dyed pink, and Vice President of the GSA squealed when he realized what Lucien was spelling, “He’s gonna say C!”. Syd, a a Vietnamese student nodded in agreement
Marc sputtered, “W-what?! No! He’s not!”
“Wait for it, Mar-Mar.”, Madelyn, a stocky Creole girl with a half-shaved head told him
“Gimme a ‘C’!”
She smirked, “I knew it!”
“What does that spell?!”, Lucien asked as he pointed to the crowd. From where he stood, Marc blushed when he realized that Lucien had spelled his name
“Marc!”, the students shouted, a few looked at Marc grinning. He was sure this had to be a prank.
“Come on! Lemme hear you!”, he encouraged
“MARC!”, The students shouted again. Even a few teachers joined in. Lucien’s eyes never left the green-eyed boy, neither did the smile on his face as he spoke to him like they were the only people on the field
“I love you, Marc Anciel. Did I mention that?”, Marc smiles when he realized that the most popular boy in school was being sincere, and he truly felt this way about him. On the field, Marc could hear a few of the cheerleaders screaming with envy, knowing Lucien was gay and off the market. They ran away in tears
Lucien pointed towards the band, “Gimme a beat!”
“Un, deus, trois, quatre!”
Marc couldn’t believe this was happening. It was like something out of a fairytale. He looked around to see if this was real, and it was. When Lucien sang a love song about how he would give everything up for just one kiss, when he threw his jersey into the crowd, and Marc caught it, when he crowd-surfed over to him, and when he asked him to the dance… It was all real...
They were the cutest couple at school. They went on amazing dates, and went as a couple to every school event. Lucien even tried to switch classes so he could be closer to Marc, which the writer and other students found so sweet. Lucien has to be the best boyfriend ever. Generous, considerate, loyal, protective…
...A little too protective, though. Dating Lucien meant having the fútbol team on your side. When he heard about some homophobic student messing with Marc, Lucien sent the entire team to “take care of him”. No one’s seen that student in a while.
Lucien was also kind of clingy. Marc can’t remember the last time he’s hung out with his friends; he was always going on at least twenty dates with Lucien. Then one day, the students gave Marc a new nickname, ‘Lucien’s pet’, after he was given a red choker necklace with a silver heart dangling on a small chain, and on the heart was ‘L.R.’ He would always treat Marc like his property, but did it in a slow subtly way: Having his hands on Marc at all times, slowly separating him from his friends, then at one point, trying to dictate what he wore.
Madelyn was finally able to get some alone time with Marc and told him all about toxic relationships. And those examples sounded exactly like the situation he was in right now.
With some encouragement from his friends, Marc was finally found the courage to break up with Lucien after eight long months, and everything was back to normal. Marc didn’t have someone constantly following him around and keeping him away from his friends or threatening innocent students. Even when Lucien tried to get him back, he stood strong and didn’t give in. He almost did when Lucien swore he would be better, but when Marc caught him threatening the exchange student from Hong Kong who he thought had a crush on Marc, he had enough.
After explaining everything to his moms, they decided that it would be best if Marc switched schools to avoid Lucien. He was hesitant at first, knowing that he would have to leave all of his friends behind, but it was worth it to not have to deal with Lucien anymore. So, he said his goodbyes, made the Vice Presidents of the clubs the new presidents, and left, ready to start a new life at a new school
Lucien wouldn’t give up, though. He vowed that he would find Marc, and make him his again by any means necessary.
“Class, we have a new student!”, Mme. Bustier announced in her usual cheerful tone. A few of the students rolled their eyes and groaned at the mention of a new student, worried this one may be like Lila, “Please meet Lucien Rebois.”
Kim and Alix perked up at the mention of the name and nearly fell out of their seats when the athlete walked into the room. The other students, while not huge fans like Kim and Alix, gasped when they saw him
“Hi, nice to meet you all.”, he greeted with a smile
“Dude! You’re a legend!”, Kim shouted, “My cousin took me to every game you played, you are awesome!”
Lucien tried not to blush at the praise, “Well, I guess I was okay.”
“Okay?!”, Alix exclaimed, “You gotta join our fútbol team, we suck!”
“Alix!”, Bustier reprimanded and Lucien chuckled, “That’s quite enough.”
“I’ll think about it.”, he looked around, “So, where do I sit?”
Mme. Bustier pointed up the stairs, “Right next to Nathaniel.”, said boy waved so Lucien could see him. He walked up the stairs, paying no mind to the many admiring looks he was receiving, and sat down next to the redhead. The two sent each other polite smiles and focused on Bustier’s lecture
While doing classwork, Nathaniel’s eyes wandered to the bracelet wrapped around Lucien’s wrist. It was red, made of leather, and had a silver heart. It didn’t seem weird at first until he saw his seat mate’s initials on the heart. ‘Wonder who gave that to him.’, he thought, then went back to his classwork, only to be disrupted by the sound of the bell
“Okay, everyone, I’ll see you all after lunch.”, Mme. Bustier said as the students walked out of the classroom
While packing his messenger bag, Nathaniel dropped a draft of the Ladybug comic and went to pick it up, but Lucien beat him to it and looked at it in awe, “Dude, you make the Ladybug comics? I love these!”, he grinned
Nathaniel smiles at the compliment, “Thanks. I-I don’t make the whole comic though-“ He was cut off by Alix, running up the stairs and wrapping an arm around him, “He draws, and his partner writes.”
“Alix.”, he groaned, to which the pink-haired girl replied with a grin
“Partner as is significant other?”, Lucien asked when he realized what Alix meant. When he saw Nathaniel looking away in embarrassment and with what looked like fear, he eased his worries by saying, “Don’t worry, man, I’m like, super gay.”
Nathaniel smiled, relief taking over. Alix’s smile widened when she heard those words and she immediately wrapped her other arm around Lucien, “I love this boy!”
And the three of them left the classroom
Later at lunch, Lucien has drawn in a crowd as he talked a little about himself. Even Marinette joined in when she realized this new student was nothing like Lila and didn’t go on and on bragging about himself, or claiming he did something outlandish that could be proven false with a quick and easy Google search
“Well, I‘ve been captain of the fútbol team since middle school, and I’ll be honest, I was not ready to lead a whole team.”
Marinette whispered to Alya, “I like how modest he is.”, the Creole girl nodded in agreement
“Yeah, not like she who will not be named.”, Alya said with a roll of her eyes, then asked, “So Lucien, I hope you don’t mind going off-topic, but what do you think of Ladybug and Chat Noir?”
“They’re amazing!”, he exclaimed, “I mean, I’ve never seen them in person, only on the Ladyblog live-streams. My school was a little far from the action.”, he explained while Alya beamed at the mention of her blog, “Now, what’s this I’ve heard about ‘Ladybug’s best friend?’”
The students groaned. Marinette said, “We don’t talk about her.”
“Alright, enough about Rossi,” Nino bitterly said, then pointed to the bracelet resting on his wrist, “sweet band, man! Where’d you find that?”, the others admired the bracelet and repeated Nino’s question
Nathaniel noticed him blushing at the mention of it, “Well… It was my ex’s.” He raised an eyebrow, ‘His ex’s? Then why does it have his initials?’, he thought to himself then continued to listen
“Yeah, I gave him this after we dated for three months.”, he explained, “I, um… I’m not entirely over him yet.”, he admitted, making the girls and some boys awe, “Then he switched schools, and I haven’t really been the same.”
“That’s why you were playing sloppy at your games!”, Kim exclaimed, “Man, that must’ve been rough. If Ondine broke up with me, I’d probably be drowning in the pool.”, everyone laughed. Nathaniel then looked up and saw Marc walking in the cafeteria with Mireille. He smiled at how content and happy he looked, but then that feeling turned to concern when he saw him running away the minute he walked in
Nathaniel, wanting to make sure Marc was okay, excused himself, then ran after him. He heard footsteps, whirled around, and saw Mireille running towards him, “Is Marc okay?”, she asked, only to have Nathaniel respond with a shrug, “I don’t know. Help me look for him.”
“Damn long legs.”, Mireille cursed under her breath
Marc whipped around from the bathroom mirror and came face-to-face... Well, more like chest-to-face with Ismael Prisk, the school’s foreign exchange students from Pakistan, Marc’s classmate, and what some of the anime-fanatic students call a ‘tsundere’.
Marc sighed, “Ismael, I’m not in the mood.”
“Fight with your boyfriend?”, he asked in a snarky tone, making Marc roll his eyes at the boy’s usual behavior
“No! I-I just...”
Ismael continued to pry, “Because you always spend lunch with him, considering the fact that you two have no classes together, so I’m just naturally curious as to why you’d rather hide in the bathroom than use that precious hour to make out with him.”
‘Yeah right.’, Marc thought, “It has nothing to do with Nathaniel.”
The short brunette smirked, “Well, then I guess you won’t mind if I go fetch him, now would you?”, he heads for the door, only to be stopped when Marc grabs his wrist
“Don’t do that!”, he begged
“I won’t say anything if you tell me why you’re acting like a freak.”. he retorted while snatching his wrist out of Marc’s grasp
“... Okay...”, seeing Ismael backing towards the door, he quickly said, “It’s Lucien, okay?!”
“The new guy?”, Marc nodded, “Tall guy, captain of some team?”, he asked, and Marc nodded again, “So what?”
“... He’s my ex.”, Ismael made an ‘o’ shape with his mouth, “And, I just don’t feel like running into him.”
“So you’re the guy who made him lose those games.”, Ismael taunted
“It wasn’t my fault!”, Marc exclaimed. Ismael flinched at his outburst, “I had to break up with him! He was just... I couldn’t take it! He was sweet at first, but he started treating me like I was his property or something! He even had me wear a choker with his initials on it!”
The stoic look on Ismael’s face became softer as he listened to Marc about Lucien
“He even threatened some of my friends, o-or anyone who talked to me because he thought they were flirting with me.”, a tear streamed down his face, “One guy even went to the hospital.”
Ismael asked, “Did you tell anyone?”
“I tried to go to the principal, but he said without any proof, there wasn’t anything that could’ve be done.”, he explained, “And Lucien always thought ahead. He did his threatening in rooms that didn’t have cameras, had the fútbol team backing him up if he was ever accused of something, and his aunt is a member of the school board, so he always got away with everything.”
Ismael frowned, “Damn, that’s... That’s just awful.”
Marc nodded, “I finally broke up with him, and I switched schools. But now that Lucien’s here, I’m worried he’ll do something to Nath when he finds out we’re dating. So that’s why you can’t say anything!”
“Dude, Lucien’s gonna find out you go here sooner or later.”, Ismael said with a shake of his head, “You just gotta avoid him, and hope he turns out like Rossi.” He smiled at the thought of Lila rotting away in her prison cell
Marc shuddered at the memory of how he almost killed Lila. But putting that thought aside, he realized Ismael was right. Lila slipped up and got arrested, so maybe Lucien will too and get what he had coming a long time ago, “I guess... Thanks-”
Ismael cut him off and headed for the door, “Don’t mention it. To anyone.”, and he left
Mireille walked out of the library, “Well, he’s not in there.”, she turns to Nathaniel who’s walking out of a classroom, “No luck?”
He shook his head, “No. I’m getting worried; why did he just run off like that?”
“Ask him yourself.”, Mireille narrowed her eyes as the boy approached her and Nathaniel
“What are you talking about, Ismael?”, she asked curtly, “Where’s Marc?”
The brunette ignored her and turned to Nathaniel, “Kurtzberg, I suggest you stay by your boyfriend’s side at all times, especially now that Lucien’s here.”, he warned
Ismael held his hands up, sensing the rising hostility in the redhead’s voice, “He told me a couple of things about Rebois. Things that might concern you.”
“Well what did he say? What did Lucien do?”, he asked, wanting to get right to the point, but the other boy merely shook his head
“Like I said: ask him yourself.”, he answered with a pointed look before walking away from the two very confused students
“I’ll talk to him at art club.”, Nathaniel told Mireille before heading back to the cafeteria
“So, Nath,”, Lucien sat down in his seat, “I was just wondering, who’s your partner with the Ladybug comic?”, he asked, making Nathaniel tense.
Should he say anything? If what Ismael said was true, then Lucien may hurt Marc. He needed to keep quiet until he has enough information on this guy to know if Marc is safe around him
“Well, he prefers privacy.” he answered, “He doesn’t really like all of the attention.”, it wasn’t really a lie. Marc hated being the center of attention, yet he’s the writer for the most popular comic in Paris
“Huh.”, was Lucien’s response before he turned his attention to the teacher
Throughout the lesson, Nathaniel felt like he was being watched, like someone was plotting to set him on fire. Maybe he was just being paranoid because he was worried about Marc... Yeah, that was it. No one’s out to get him, and he did not just see Lucien glaring at him as if he were Hawkmoth himself
Lucien knew what he saw, and he knew what he heard. He knew he saw the silky black hair of his love in the hallway, the bright red hoodie that hid his beautiful frame, and the gentle green eyes that made his heart melt...
He found him. After all this time, he found Marc Anciel. And he had the Ladyblog to thank for that. Even as a monochromatic supervillain who could reverse people, he still looked breath-taking. When he watched the live-stream, he instantly recognized the beautiful Akuma, and insisted on switching schools so he could find him. And who would’ve guessed that they’d end up in the same school again? It was fate, they were meant to stay together.
But then he heard Nathaniel Kurtzberg being referred to as Marc’s boyfriend... That nobody stole Marc away from him: The school golden boy, the one people would kill to date. Well, he was going to get him back. They had art club together, probably to work on the comic. How did he not recognize Marc as the writer? The word choice, the realistic dialogue... Just another thing Lucien loved about him
When that bell rings at the end of the day, Marc will be his again.
“You alright, Nath?”, Kim asked Nathaniel as he shut his locker closed and slipped on his swim cap, “You seem a little on edge.”
He shrugged, “... It’s Lucien.”
The Vietnamese boy smiled dreamily at the mention of the name, “Yeah, he’s awesome,” but then frowned, “What about him?”
“Well, I heard some stuff about him.”, he answered as he placed a book in his locker, “And it involved Marc.”, Kim raised an eyebrow, “Ismael told me to keep Marc away from him.”
“Ismael Prisk?”, he nodded, “You actually believe that guy? He’s not exactly the nicest guy, Nath. Plus, Lucien’s chill, he wouldn’t do anything to hurt Marc... Not like Lila.”
The artist rolled his eyes at the mention of the Italian, and Kim’s face contorted into disgust
“I can’t believe I thought she was telling the truth.”, Kim said, ashamed, “I get injured all the time, and I come back with bruises and casts. She falls down the stairs and somehow comes back without a singer scratch.”
“Well, I’ll admit, she was pretty convincing.”, Nathaniel admitted with a look of embarrassment, “She almost had me convinced, but then she said she was dating the creator of the Ladybug comic.”
Kim facepalms, “God, me and the others are so dumb.”
Nathaniel chuckled, then shut his locker, “Well, I’m gonna go and see if Marc’s alright.”
“I bet my lucky speedo that Lucien is a good guy!”
Nathaniel yelled back as he walked out the room, “You can keep those!”
Meanwhile, in the art room, Marc was listening to music on his headphones and writing in his journal as he waited for Nathaniel to arrive. He needed to relax after the day he’s been having- He’s managed to avoid Lucien, so that’s good... Now he just had to keep doing so until graduation.
This was one of the places where he was safe. Lucien was never really into the arts, so there was no way he’d ever actually come in here
“Lucien, hi!”, Marc heard Rose greet as the song he was listening to faded out. He dropped his pencil in horror
‘Oh, God.’
“So, an athlete, and an artist?”, Alix let out a low whistle, “I’m liking you more and more, man.”
‘They’re all in the same class, of course, they’re friends.’
“Well, not really.”, he responded with a laugh then looked around the room, “I just came to check the place out. I’m liking the calm vibe here.”
Juleka shrugged as she strummed a few chords on her guitar, “It is pretty quiet here sometimes.”
‘Okay, they’re distracting him. Maybe if I sneak out quietly, he won’t notice me.’, Marc slowly gathered his notebook and pencils in his bag, not wanting to make too much noise
“Marc! Have you met Lucien?!”, Rose asked, and at that moment, Marc wanted to die
When he didn’t move, Juleka raised an eyebrow, “Marc, are you okay?”
Before he could respond, Marc felt a strong hand being placed on his shoulder and heard, “Hello, my Emerald.”, the pet name that made him want to throw up
“Who’s Emerald?”, Alix asked
Lucien feigned surprise and answered, “Oh, did Marc not tell you?”, he holds up his wrist with the choker acting as a bracelet, “We were boyfriends. I call him Emerald because of his lovely eyes.”
Alix, Rose, and Juleka weren’t sure how to respond to that. Do they ask follow-up questions, tell him to leave before Nathaniel arrives, or just kick him out right now because he’s getting a little too close to Marc?
“Okay, okay!”, Alix approaches the two and removes Lucien’s hand from Marc’s arm, “Reunion’s over, you should go try out for a team, Marc has a boyfriend,” she points to the door, “you can leave now.”
“What’s the rush?”, Lucien asked as he placed his hands on Marc’s shoulders and gave them a little squeeze, making the writer shudder, “Can’t a guy just talk to his ex without someone trying to make him leave?” He gives the sleeve of Marc’s jacket a little tug, grinning when it slides off his shoulder a little bit
“I don’t hear you talking to each other.”, Alix spat
He huffed, “Fine.”, then turns to Marc, “Emerald, I haven’t stopped thinking about you ever since took our break.”
Marc mumbled, “We broke up.”
“And I want you back.”, he leaned in close to the petrified boy and made escaping impossible. He had Marc pinned against the table, with his arms on either side of him, “Come on, Emerald. Let’s finish where we-“, he didn’t finish as he was pushed away from Marc by none other than Alix
“You have five, fucking, seconds.”, she snarled
Lucien smirked, “Well, I better make the most of it.”, he sent Marc a wink, only infuriating Alix even more.
As he made his way towards the art room, Nathaniel’s phone started buzzing. He checked the texts, all caps, and angry emojis
Alix: FHE)3&HE D#%UWUDK WH3$&
Juleka: Alix used her phone to smack him. Also, I think Marc’s having a panic attack!!
At that last text, Nathaniel ran as fast as he could. When he made it to the classroom, his eyes widened at the scene before him- Alix had Lucien in a headlock while Rose tries to pry her off, and Juleka had her arms wrapped around Marc as he sat on the floor
“What the hell is going on?!”, he yelled, grabbing everyone’s attention, except for Marc’s. Juleka helped Marc up and walked him over to his boyfriend. Nathaniel cupped his cheeks in his hands, “It’s okay, Rainbow. I’m here.”, he took one of his shaky hands and kissed it, “It’s okay.”
”Get your hands off of him!”, Lucien snarled, making Marc tighten his arms around Nathaniel, and hide his face in the crook of his neck
Alix jabbed his chest with her finger, “He’s having a panic attack, you dick!”
Nathaniel was suddenly pulled out of Marc’s hold, and the writer pulled his hood over his head, shaking and sobbing as the two boys yelled at each other
“Get out of here!”
“Make me, twerp!”
Marc feels a hand on his shoulder. He holds it, thinking it’s Nathaniel, Alix, Juleka, or Rose. When he looks up and paled when he realized it was Lucien
“Get your hands off of him!”, Rose screamed as Juleka stormed over and yanked the boy away from Marc
“Emerald, you’re going to let them-“
“DON’T CALL ME THAT!”, he sobbed
“Get out of here, Rebois.”, Nathaniel growled
“Over my dead- OW!”
Alix had twisted his arm behind his back and is walking him towards the door, “And stay out!”, she pushed him out, then shut the door. Once Lucien regained his composure, he looked around and saw a couple of students giving confused looks and whispering. He stormed off in a huff.
“The owner of heart once so full of life only to have it be torn apart, then shattered, and now seeking to take back what was his.”, Hawkmoth holds out his hand, and a white butterfly lands in his open palm. He covers the butterfly, and it’s engulfed with dark magic, turning the butterfly into an Akuma. It flutters away
“Fly, my little Akuma. And evilize him!”
Lucien sat outside on the steps of the school, scrolling through photos on his phone, all are of him and Marc when they were dating- Them holding hands while roller-skating, Marc wearing his letterman jacket at a fútbol game, dancing at the spring formal, kissing in his car at a drive-in... They looked so happy... He shoved his phone back in his pocket and rubbed his thumb over the choker necklace wrapped around his wrist. While doing this, he felt something brush up against his finger, and suddenly, he felt as if someone was in his head
“Heart Thief, I am Hawkmoth. I too understand the pain of losing someone you love. Now you can take back what’s yours. In return, you must give me Ladybug and Chat Noir’s Miraculous.”
Lucien wanted to say no. He’s seen what this guy was capable of, but... He’d have Marc all to himself again. This was too good of an opportunity to pass up. He had to get him back and away from those friends of his. Especially that red-haired twerp...
“I’m coming for you, Marc.”, he smirked as the black mist bubbled up from the choker and surrounded him
Hawkmoth froze when he heard that name. ‘Marc Anciel’ How could such an innocent-sounding name sound so malevolent? He, a mere child managed to silence and overpower him, the most feared villain in all of Paris, and then had the nerve to threaten him... It was quite impressive. Marc was now second on his ‘Must Akumatize’ list, and at the top was Marinette. Even though Lila had been arrested and was no longer a threat to her emotional stability, the Eurasian girl would still make a powerful Akuma- Not one caused by her friends betraying, but definitely, something that would make the heroes fall to their knees
“It’s okay, Rainbow. He’s gone.”, Nathaniel whispered as he had his arms wrapped around Marc’s frame, “He won’t hurt you, okay?”
“God! I can’t believe I actually looked up to that guy!”, Alix screeched, “When I see him, I’m just gonna... I’ll...”, she chucks a spray paint can at the door, M. Haberkorn walks in carrying a few blank canvases just as the can drops to the floor with a ‘clank’. “What’s going on here?”, he asked with concern when he felt the tension in the room
Alix sighed, “Sorry, M. Haberkorn. We just... Ugh.”, she slumped into her seat
The art teacher looks and sees Marc in Nathaniel’s protective hold, “Is Marc okay?”
Juleka answers, “We had a run-in with the new student.”
Rose adds, “Yeah, and he was making Marc really uncomfortable! He kept touching him and calling him Em-“, seeing Nathaniel shake his head, she rephrased, “a name that he didn’t like. And he was, I guess flirting with Marc even when we said he and Nathaniel were dating!”
M. Haberkorn frowned. How dare another student come into his classroom and harass one of his children students? “Well, I’ll be having a talk with M. Damocles about this first thing tomorrow.”, he said sternly, “That boy will not set another foot in this room, or hurt you again, Marc.”
Marc lifted his head and sent the kind man a faint smile
Then suddenly, destroying the calm atmosphere were screams coming from the students who stayed after school. Juleka ran out into the hall and saw the Akuma. He wore a black mask with a small red heart above his right eye, a suit where the top half was is tailcoat that was red at the top and black at the bottom, and the ends of the tailcoat formed a broken heart. He wore black pants, black fingerless gloves that revealed his red nails, and came up to his biceps, red platform boots with metal heart buckles that came up to his knees, and in his hand was a black choker necklace with a red metal heart. She gasped when she realized the Akuma was Lucien, then went back in the room, shut the door, and told the others, “Lucien’s an Akuma!”
Alix clenched her fists, “Oh, hell no!”
M. Haberkorn shushed her, “We can’t let him know we’re still in here.”
Everyone froze when they heard the Akuma’s footsteps were getting louder as he approached the room. Nathaniel kept Marc in a protective hold as the taller boy silently cried... The footsteps soon faded away, and they all let out relieved sighs, but this moment was short-lived when the door suddenly blew off its hinges, revealing Heart Thief.
He looked around the room until his eyes land on Marc and smirks, “Oh, Emerald.”, he drawled out, “Did you miss me?”
Alix got into a fighting stance, Nathaniel moved Marc behind him, Rose and Juleka backed away but still stood close by Marc. M. Haberkorn scowled when he realized this was the student that harassed Marc
Sternly he said, “You’re not welcome here. Leave.”, but the villain just laughed
“Not until I take back what’s mine.”, he held up the collar, making Marc back away at the sight of it, “Emerald, come here.”
Alix tightened her fists, “If you think he’s gonna listen to you, you must be-!”, she silenced herself when she saw a red dagger in the shape of a heart appear in the palm of his hand
“Emerald, you know how much I hate waiting,” he chastised, then summoned four more daggers he then sent towards Alix, Rose, Juleka, Nathaniel, and M. Haberkorn. Everyone ducked out of the way, and the daggers hit a sculpture, forming cracks along the surface before it crumbled into bits. Marc looked up and didn’t have time to react before Heart Thief threw the choker at him, and it wrapped itself around his neck. Marc tried to rip it off but then suddenly came to a halt, and his arms dropped to his sides. He and the Akuma locked eyes, and Marc no longer saw Heart Thief, he saw Lucien- His devoted, caring boyfriend. Nathaniel got up, and his eyes widened in shock when he saw that Marc’s irises were now a bright red
He held his hand, “Rainbow?”, but got no response
Heart Thief sent the boy a sneer. His look softened when he looked to Marc, “Emerald, come here.”, he commanded sweetly as his eyes glowed the same shade of red as Marc’s irises
Marc stood, and with no hesitation, ran over to Heart Thief. Rose reached for his hand, but he pulled it away and went to nuzzle up against his chest
Nathaniel looked heartbroken, and even more when Marc and Heart Thief passionately kissed each other, “Oh, I knew you’d come to your senses, Emerald.”, he gently scooped him off his feet, and sent Nathaniel a smirk when Marc wrapped his arms around his neck, “Perhaps I should be calling you Ruby now.” Before he could head out, M. Haberkorn stood at the doorway
“Unhand him this instant!”, he shouted in a tone none of the art students have ever heard him use. Heart Thief just scoffed, settled Marc in his left arm, then he used his free hand to grab the man by his shirt and fling him across the room, causing him to crash into some paint cans that splattered him with a mess of colors. Rose and Juleka went to help him up while Alix and Nathaniel ran after Heart Thief, who fled during the commotion.
While running, Heart Thief summoned six heart-shaped daggers and threw them at Nathaniel and Alix. They weren’t hit, but dodging the daggers slowed them down and allowed Heart Thief to get away
He made his way outside, scaring off a few civilians, but he didn’t care. He finally had Marc back, and once he brought the Miraculous to Hawkmoth, they’ll never be separated ever again
“I told you,” he whispered, “I’d get you back, my Ruby. Nothing will keep us apart.”, he kisses Marc’s pink lips again, but was cut short when he heard, “PUT HIM DOWN!”
Standing at the top of the steps was Nathaniel, seething with rage and with visible tears streaming down his face. Heart Thief rolled his eyes and leaped away
“Excellent, Heart Thief. It shouldn’t be too long before Ladybug and Chat Noir arrive. Once you take their Miraculous, he shall be yours forever.”
Heart Thief smiled as he looked down at Marc, his hair blowing in his beautiful face as he ran, “That’s all I want.”
Meanwhile, in his room, Adrien was just sitting at his desk, watching footage of the Ladyblog on his three computer monitors, when he suddenly heard screams from outside. He rushed over to his window and looked to see Heart Thief leaping from roof to roof with Marc in his arms
“Is that Marc?”, he asks himself before turning to Plagg, sitting on the couch and munching on some Camembert, “Plagg, we gotta go!”
The Kwami of destruction groaned, “But I just got comfy!”
Plagg, Claws out!
Marinette was just sitting on her balcony, flipping through a fashion magazine while Tikki sat on her shoulder eating a macaron. Before the goddess of creation could take another bite, she noticed something out of the corner of her eye
“Marinette, look!”, she looked to where the Kwami was pointing and saw the Akuma running on the roof of a building. She took a closer look and shock crossed her face when she saw Marc cradled in his arms, “Marc?!”
“He must’ve been kidnapped.”, Tikki deduced
“Well, we’re gonna get him back!”
Tikki, Spots On!
Back at school, Nathaniel was panicking. He just lost Marc to... To... To that sleaze! What’s even worse is that he could make Marc do whatever he wants. He didn’t even want to imagine that
“Nath, is gonna be okay.”, Alix tried to reassure him
“No it’s not!”, he yelled, “You saw what he was doing to Marc! He’ll- Oh God!”
“Hey,” Alix grabs his shoulders, “he’s not gonna do anything to Marc, okay? Ladybug and Chat Noir will take care of this like they always do. A-and maybe they’ll call on you again since this is a personal thing.”
Nathaniel didn’t care about being Royt Hon again. He just wanted Marc back, “You think so?”, Alix nodded and pointed up towards the red-clad hero swinging across the city
“Once this is over, I’m giving Lucien a piece of my mind.”, she snarled
Couples ran out of the way or stood frozen in shock as Heart Thief and Marc walked across Pont Des Arts
“Oh, Ruby. I’m so glad to have you back.”, Heart Thief said as he combed his fingers through Marc’s hair
The writer held onto the Akuma’s free arm and sighed, “I missed you, Lucien.”
“And you don’t love anyone else, only me?”, Heart Thief asked, eyes glowing again as he softly caressed Marc cheek, causing his pink lips to curl into a smile
“No, I only love you.”, even if it was fake, Heart Thief didn’t seem to care, he was just thrilled to have Marc back in his arms and listening to his every word. There was just one thing that could make this even better
“Ruby, I never really liked how that hoodie hid your gorgeous figure.”, Heart Thief said, biting his bottom lip as he messed with the jaw string, “Remove it for me?”
Marc’s eyes flickered from crimson to green, and for a millisecond, he saw Heart Thief and not Lucien, but the Akuma didn’t seem to notice and just waited for Marc to do as he said, “L-love to.”, raising his hand to his shoulder, he began to slide the jacket off, when a voice called out,
Ladybug and Chat Noir arrived on the scene. Civilians fled, knowing how destructive these Akuma battles could get. Heart Thief stood in front of Marc and sent a glare the heroes’ way as he summoned two daggers, “You will not take my love away from me!”
Ladybug ignored him but kept her yoyo ready in case she would have to deflect those daggers. She furrowed her brow when she saw Marc, clinging onto the Akuma’s arm. That’s when she noticed his eyes were no longer green, and realized he must be being controlled by the Akuma
“Marc, whatever spell he has on you, you need to break free from it!”
“Yeah, your eyes are supposed to be green! And you love Nathaniel, not him!”, Chat pointed an accusing finger at the Akuma
Suddenly, Marc felt a tinge of pain in his head and held it tightly, causing Heart String to look at him with concern, “My Ruby, are you alright?”
His eyes flickered again, but this time Heart Thief noticed, and so did the heroes, “I-I’m fine.”
Heart Thief let out a sigh of relief and turned his attention back to Ladybug and Chat, summoning ten more daggers, each one sharpened to a fine point and ready to pierce through the heroes, “If you know what’s best for you, you’ll leave me and my Ruby alone.”, he threatened, then sent the daggers at the heroes before gathering Marc in his arms and running off
Ladybug spun her yoyo, Chat spun his staff, and the two deflected each dagger. They either flew off and fell into the water, or were embedded in the floor or nearby benches. Once there were no more daggers coming for them, Ladybug and Chat swung and vaulted after Heart Thief
Heart Thief knew his control over Marc was weakening when he saw his eyes turning green again. He had to remove any memories of Nathaniel, seeing as the mere mention of his name would break his control over Marc
After looking around to make sure the heroes were nowhere in sight, Heart Thief stopped on the nearest rooftop and set Marc gently onto the roof, “Lucien, why did you stop?”, he asked as Heart Thief took his hand in his.
“Marc,” he started, “my Ruby.”, his eyes started glowing again, “What do you remember about Nathaniel Kurtzberg?”
Marc’s eyes began flickering again, rapidly, before settling on red, “We go to school together.”, he answered. Heart Thief’s eyes became brighter, “He... He likes to draw. I think.”
He smirked, “What else?”
“... He has brown hair?”
“Anything else you remember about Nathaniel?”, his bright red eyes became a menacing blood red
“...” Marc’s face contorted in confusion as he tried to remember who this boy was. The name sounded so familiar to him, but he couldn’t figure out why “I... I don’t know who that is.”
‘He doesn’t remember him.’, “Are you sure?”, he asked, needing confirmation
“No.” He tilted his head slightly, “Am I supposed to?”, Heart Thief kissed his forehead before answering, “No, my Ruby. He’s not important. Never has been, never will be.”, his muscular arms wrapped around Marc’s frame and pull him in for a hug, which the entranced boy gladly returned
“Found you!”
Having no time to react, Ladybug’s yoyo smacked Heart Thief in the face, making him stumble and fall on his back. Marc went to help him up but found himself being restrained by Chat
“Let me go!”, he shouted, writhing in the leather-clad hero’s hold, “Lucien!”, he called out to the Akuma who was tied up by Ladybug’s yoyo. Heart Thief swept her leg, sending Ladybug down, and freed himself from the magic weapon. Chat Noir ran after him, staff ready, but Heart Thief grabbed the staff and used it to fling him into Ladybug just as she was getting up.
Once the heroes were down, Heart Thief gathered Marc in his arms and leaped away just as Ladybug and Chat Noir got back up and situated themselves
“And I thought cats were territorial.”, Chat joke as he picked up his staff, “Did you see anything on Romeno, that might have been the akumatized object?”
Ladybug shook her head, “Nothing. But we have to keep looking.”, then she yelled out,
“LUCKY CHARM!”, the object that fell into her hands was...
“Marc and Nathaniel’s comic?”
Chat examined the cover, “Issue twelve. The one where Might Illustrator saves Inverser from Scarlet Moth’s control.”, Ladybug raised an eyebrow, to which Chat responded with a shrug, “What? I like their work.”
Ladybug flipped through the pages until she stopped on a specific one. Might Illustrator held Inverser in a loving embrace as the two kissed, and Inverser’s red and black suit faded back to white and black. Ladybug got an idea, “Chat, go after Heart Thief. I’ll be right back.”
He nodded, “On it, m’lady!”, then vaulted away
Back at Dupont, Alix was comforting Nathaniel, who was crying into her shoulder, “Okay, so it’s been almost two hours, but Ladybug and Chat Noir will get Marc back!” she reassured, “It almost took them an entire day to defeat some Akumas.”, she reminded him, but Nathaniel couldn’t listen, not when Marc was in the arms of some creep
He just wanted him back...
“Nathaniel!”, Ladybug called out as she landed, startling the two, “I need your help!” she looked down at the comic with her Lucky Vision, then at Nathaniel. Both were ladybug-patterned
Alix gave Nathaniel’s arm a nudge, “Is Royt gonna make a comeback?”
“Not exactly.” she holds out her hand to the redhead, “Right now, Marc needs you. Will you come with me?”
With a look of determination, Nathaniel takes the superheroine’s hand, “Let’s get Marc back.”
“And when you see Lucien,” Alix holds up her fist and smirks, “give him one of these for me, ‘kay, bud?”
Nathaniel gave his friend a nod as Ladybug wrapped her arm around him, “Oh, I’ll be giving him much worse.”, then Ladybug swung away with Nathaniel in her arms
After five minutes of running, Heart Thief landed right outside of the Le Grand Blanche Hotel. By the door was a sign that read, ‘Jemart and Mell Wedding in Banquet Hall’ His lips curled into a grin, “Ruby. How would you like us to always be together?”, all he got in response was a kiss on the cheek.
“Heart Thief, what is the meaning of this? I want my Miraculous!”
“And you’ll get them. Right after I make Marc mine forever.” at that, he carried Marc into the hotel.
It took almost ten minutes, but Heart Thief finally found the banquet hall and set Marc down on the floor before using his enhanced strength to punch the door down, much to the alarm of everyone in attendance at the wedding. The groom was just about to put the ring on the bride’s finger.
Heart Thief smirked, “Sorry to interrupt such a lovely ceremony, but this will only take a moment.”
“Marc?” Standing from her seat was Madelyn, dressed in a black vest with a red bow tie, a white dress shirt, black pants, and black heels, “What’s goin’ on; Why are you with an Akuma?”
Marc gave his old friend a confused look, “I’m not with an Akuma, I’m with Lucien.” the girl narrowed her eyes at the Akuma and instantly recognized him, “Rebois.”, she sneered
“Jemart. I thought the name sounded familiar.”
The muscular girl rolled up her sleeves and stormed over to the Akuma, “After all this time, even as an Akuma, you’re still a creep.” her look softened when she turned to Marc, “Mar-Mar, whatever lies this boy has been telling you, don’t believe him.”
He gave her an incredulous look, “He said he loves me.”
“Marc,” she grabs his shoulders, “you broke up with him for a reason! He’s possessive, he threatened your friends, he made you wear a collar!” she looks at the black choker around his neck, “And he still is. Mar-Mar, you’re one of my best friends. Please. Believe me when I’m telling you that Lucien- Heart Thief- Whatever! He’s using you...”
It’s a stare down between the two. Marc’s crimson red eyes started flickering again and were becoming a forest green color until Heart Thief squeezed his hand, and his eyes went back to red “Maddy, please move.”
A tear forms out of the eye of the usually tough girl, “Marc-”
In one swift motion, Madelyn was pinned to the wall by Heart Thief’s daggers, each one just an inch away from piercing her body. Marc looked back at her with concern until Heart Thief linked their arms and walked him down the aisle, prompting the bride and groom to move out of the way. The priest would have run too, but Heart Thief’s glare kept him in place.
“O-okay then.”, the priest stammered, “So, do you, Heart Thief, t-take Marc to b-be your lawfully wedded husband?”
“I do.”, he answered quickly
“Of course.”, he said before turning to Marc, “And do y-you, Marc, take Heart Thief to-to be your la-lawfully wedded husband?”
Before he could say ‘do’, someone yelled out, “I OBJECT!”
Everyone looked to see Paris’ heroes and Nathaniel standing at the doorway. Ladybug’s earrings had all five dots, having refueled Tikki before they arrived, and she was giving Chat a bored look, “Was that necessary?” he shrugged, “I’ve always wanted to do that.”
Nathaniel’s eyes didn’t leave Marc for a second. He always fantasized about seeing Marc at an altar, but not like this.
“Crashing my wedding?!” How tacky are you?” Heart Thief shouted, pulling Marc closer to him
Nathaniel sneered, “I’m tacky?! You brainwashed my boyfriend!”
“He’s marrying me willingly! Right, Ruby?” Marc nodded.
Ladybug threw her yoyo at Heart Thief. It wrapped around his ankles, and she flung him across the room, making him crash into a wall. Nathaniel made his way over to Marc, but he ran over to the wounded Akuma, and Nathaniel couldn’t hold back his tears anymore.
Ladybug then called for her, “LUCKY CHARM!”
And in her hands was... “A magnet?”
While she looked for a way to use the lucky, Chat Noir quickly dragged Marc over to Nathaniel while Heart Thief was down, “Nathaniel, get him somewhere safe.” With a nod, Nathaniel pulled Marc out of the banquet hall, and the battle began
“Where are you taking me?!”, Marc asked as Nathaniel continued to pull him through the building, with some struggle since Marc kept trying to pull his hand out of his grasp
“I’m getting you away from him, Marc!”, he answered, then the two made their way into a stairwell
“What?! How do you even know my name; who are you?!”
After hearing those last three words, Nathaniel’s heart shattered. He stopped on his tracks and look Marc right in his eyes, “You... You don’t know who I am?”
Marc shook his head, “No. Look, I-I need to go back, or Lucien’s gonna-”
“Forget about Lucien!”, he shouted, “He’s hurt you in the past, and is still doing so! Marc... He doesn’t love you.”
“H-he said he-”
Nathaniel was now crying at this point, “He doesn’t mean it... I know you don’t remember me, o-or everything we’ve been through together, and you probably won’t believe me when I tell you this, but I love you! I can’t lose you, you’re... You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me...” Seeing no change on Marc’s confused face, he slid down the wall and tucked his head into his knees and silently cried, “I love you, Rainbow.”
Marc just stood, not wondering what to do right now. He wanted to go back to Lucien, but this boy was claiming that he was a part of his life right now and is clearly upset... Lucien wouldn’t mind if he stayed back to comfort... Nick? Noah?... Nathan... What did Chat Noir call him earlier?... Nathaniel! That was his name. It sounded so nice.
Marc’s eyes flickered again and became a red-orange color. “... A comic”, Nathaniel looked up in confusions, tears still streaming down his face, “We... We worked on a comic together.”
Nathaniel wiped some of his tears away, “Y-yeah. Yeah!”, he got on his feet, and held Marc’s hands, “Do you remember anything else?”
"... W-we became friends after Reverser?”
Nathaniel grinned when he realized Marc’s memories of him were slowly returning, and his eyes were going back to their normal color with each memory, “Yes! That’s right! What else?”
“Uh... I had to sleep over your house after Alix made us watch a scary movie.”, his eyes faded to yellow-orange
Nathaniel blushed at the memory. Marc’s parents were out of town that week and he did not wanna sleep alone, so he offered to let him sleep over his house. In his room... In his bed.
“We went to Comic Con together as Ruby and Sapphire,” he chuckled, “sold a few of our comics, and... And... You told me you love me.”
“I do. And I always will... Marc... My Rainbow. If you take off that choker, I can guarantee that you’ll know who actually loves you, and you’ll know who you love.”, Nathaniel wrapped his arms around Marc’s waist and pulled him in for a hug. His hugs felt so different from Lucien’s; they were warmer. “If that person is still Lucien, know that I’ll never stop loving you.”
Marc slowly reached for his choker and undid the clasp. Once the offending material was no longer around his neck, Marc threw it to the floor, causing it to break.
“Rainbow?”, Nathaniel whispered. He looked and saw Marc’s beautiful green eyes once again, and brimming with tears
“I missed you.”
“... I missed you too!”
The two kissed, hands clasped together and fitting perfectly, and bodies pressed against each other. This tender moment was cut short when they heard a flapping sound and looked to see an Akuma fluttering beside them. Nathaniel glared at the thing that almost took away his boyfriend, and snatched it in his hands
“Nath!”, Marc exclaimed worriedly, “Are you okay.”
He nodded, “Yeah. I’m way too happy to become Akumatized.” Marc smiled and kissed his cheek
The two made their way back into the banquet hall and took in the scene before them. The wedding guests took cover on the other side of the room, and Heart Thief was dangling over a hole in the floor that was no doubt Cataclysmed. Ladybug’s yoyo, which had been thrown over a chandelier, was tied around the Lucky Charm magnet that was stuck to the metal heart-shaped buckles on his boots. Ladybug and Chat Noir kept looking to see where the Akumatized object was until Nathaniel cleared his throat and the heroes turned their attention to him and Marc.
Ladybug smiled, “Marc! You’re back!”
“That’s great, but we still can’t find the Akuma.”, Chat said as he continued looking
“Oh, it was in Marc’s choker necklace.” Nathaniel said, chuckling when Ladybug and Chat facepalmed
Ladybug retracted her yoyo and Heart Thief fell back into the hole before crawling back out. With a nod from the spotted heroine, Nathaniel opened his hands and released the Akuma, only for it to be caught by Ladybug’s yoyo
“No more evil-doing for you, little Akuma. Time to de-evilize! Gotcha!”
The newly purified butterfly fluttered out of the yoyo, “Bye-bye, little butterfly.”, Ladybug told it, then pulled the magnet off of Heart Thief’s boot and tossed it into the air, “MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!”
The magnet burst into thousands of ladybugs that flew around Paris. They fixed the banquet hall, the art room, and got rid of the daggers throws by Heart Thief. Black and purple mist engulfed Heart Thief then lifted to reveal Lucien. He gets up and furrows his brow, “What am I doing here?” Hearing someone clear their throat, he turned around and saw Marc and Nathaniel glaring at him with such malice, but Marc’s glare was more intense
Marc stormed over to him and rolled up one of his sleeves, “Em-Emerald, I-” He was cut off a powerful left hook right to his face that sent him to the floor, much to the shock of Nathaniel, Ladybug, and Chat “You had that coming a long time ago, Rebois!”
“WHOO!”, Madelyn cheered as she made her way over to him and wrapped her arm around his shoulder, “My boy can still throw a mean hook!”, Marc laughed and hugged her, “Hey, Maddy.”, “Hey my little gay of sunshine!”, she then noticed Nathaniel and smiled, “So I’m guessing he’s your new boyfriend?”
Marc pulled away from the hug and made his way over to Nathaniel. The two held hands, confirming Madelyn’s suspicion “Well, I already like him a lot better than Rebois.”, she gave the de-akumatized boy’s leg a kick
Ladybug and Chat Noir fist-bumped, “Pound it!”
“Ladybug and Chat Noir, like Heart Thief, I don’t care how long it takes until I finally have what’s mine! And as for Marc Anciel... I’ll still be keeping a close eye on you...”
It was a new day at school, no one’s seen Lucien for a week. His Akumatization a history at Vadim spread like a wildfire, now everyone knew exactly the kind of person he was. Kim, Alix, and the whole school fútbol team took down their (not literal) shrine to him. Rumors were spreading too- ‘Lucien got expelled’, ‘Lucien went back to Vadim’, ‘Lucien fled to Bombay’, ‘Lucien melted his head’, ‘Lucien’s totally dead’. Okay, so that last two were a little outlandish, but at least everything was back to normal
As Marc and Nathaniel were walking home after art club, Marc got a text from his phone, “It’s from Maddy.”, he smiled as he read the message, “The GSA social is coming up. She, Mehdi and Syd wanna know if we’re free to go on Saturday.”
Nathaniel smiled and kissed his cheek, “Tell them we’ll be there, and I can’t wait to meet everyone.”
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kittyanonymity · 5 years
Team Miraculous
So uh, this was actually an accident. IDK about you guys, but I cried like a baby writing this. Always Find me Here by Transit was a heavy inspiration so maybe listen to that; also Already Over by Red. Uhhh, sorry for the angst?? 
Also this IS mlb X DC. Also also probably a one shot. 
Nevermind, here’s Part 2 lmao Part 3 
And the Actual Story: Ao3
The Ladyblog goes live with a video.
Rena Rouge sits in front of what has to be a go pro, given the video quality; the girl is battered, bruises marring her skin, and tears are running down her face, mixing with the blood leaking from her lip. She takes a shuddering breath.
“My name is Rena Rouge, but you guys know me better as Alya Césaire. I… I don’t know why I’m telling you this now. If the code is… correct, and I did this right, then this is broadcasting internationally, despite the media blackout; and I’ll never be Rena again after this.” She sighed, her breath catching, “I just… I wanted the world to finally hear us.” Rena looked back at the camera, her eyes narrowed in rage. “For four years, Paris has been under siege by Hawkmoth, a supervillain wielding a magical broach, and his accomplice, Mayura. We’ve tried contacting the Justice League for assistance, only to be met with scorn. We-” Rena’s voice broke, and she grit her teeth, “We needed the help. Today, Paris burns.” She stands, her legs shaky, and she grabs the camera, turning it to the window of her room.
And Paris is on fire.
The Eiffel Tower is half collapsed in on itself in the distance, and the seine has flooded. Screams are faintly picked up by the microphone, and then Rena sniffles, and the camera comes back to her.
“Ladybug knows who Hawkmoth is. This marks the final battle, and I-” Her voice catches again, and her tears come fresher, more quickly, “I just want my parents to know I love them; my sisters too. I don’t know if we’ll make it out of this.” Her eyes fall, “Chat didn’t. We’re just a bunch of kids, why do we have to stop a madman?!” She’s screaming by the end of it, her chest heaving, and finally, she takes a shuddering breath, and wipes her eyes. Rena’s stare hits the camera hard.
“My name is Rena Rouge, and we have a job to do. Ladybug told me this video was ok; after today, none of us will be active. And if the League is watching…” Her eyes narrowed, “This is what you called a joke.”
The camera turns again, and with a few clicks, it’s secured around Rena’s chest. The heroine opens the window in front of her, leaping out into the dark Parisian morning. She runs across the rooftopss fluidly, until she comes upon a group.
Ladybug, Hornet, Carapace; Ryuuko, Viperion, Squeak; King Monkey, Pegasus, Bunnix; even Tora.
But no Chat Noir.
Ladybug nods at her as Rena lands; their leader is the most beat up out of all of them, her suit torn in places, leaking blood from her various cuts. Yet she stands with her back straight, despite the quiver Rena notices in her best friend’s lips. The camera is staring at Ladybug, but Rena looks at Carapace; her boyfriend hasn’t stopped crying, face set in an anguished scowl.
Alya doesn’t know how they’ll ever come back from this; the team. Her friends.
Ladybug breathes.
“This is it.” She says it quietly, but they all hear her; the world hears her.
Ladybug smiles, but it’s not even close to positive, “You have all fought by my side consistently since we were 13 years old; and I-” Her voice breaks, tears swelling in her eyes, as her hand clutches at something next to her; someone who is no longer there. “And I am honored to have known all of you, both in mask, and out. Hawkmoth has- he’s-” Ladybug grits her teeth, baring her teeth, and biting her lip until she bleeds; her voice comes out choked, “He has taken someone very dear from us; from all of us. Chat- Adrien- he was my best friend. I loved him, just like we all did.” Marinette’s breath caught, “And he’s gone. But we owe it to him to finish this. To bring that man to justice.” Her fists clenched at her side, and Rena watched as Ryuuko held Hornet close to her, the two girls crying; Rena made sure the camera saw too.
Let the world witness what they suffered.
Ladybug sighed, drawing her attention once more.
“And we will. This will end today, one way or another. I…” Pausing, Ladybug’s tears came back with a vengeance, “I cannot promise we’ll survive, you guys. I am… so so sorry.”
Ladybug turns her back, “And if you’re still with me now, then follow.” And then she leapt from the building, her yo-yo swinging out, and propelling her forward.
Towards the Agreste house.
One by one, Rena watched the heroes follow her, until she was left alone on the roof. She watched her teammates, her friends go ahead of her, and finally Alya sighed.
“I’ll follow you anywhere, Bug.”
And then she was off, catching up with her team.
The fight was messy.
Knowing where to find Gabriel was easy of course, and the world watched, horrified, as this man commanded dominion over the citizens free will; demanded they fight the heroes. By the time Ladybug and her team reached Hawkmoth’s lair, the sun had risen.
They’d cornered him in the basement, next to his wife’s coffin.
And Ladybug didn’t hold back.
“How could you!” She screamed, grief coating her words as she pulled the yo-yo tighter around Hawkmoth, “He was your son! And you killed him!”
“I didn’t know!” He roared back, and Rena was fast, but Ladybug was always faster. The girl’s fist lashed out, colliding with the man’s cheek so hard he fell to the side; Mayura yelped where Tora had her restrained.
Hawkmoth’s miraculous fell off, and Gabriel Agreste was laid bare before the world. Ladybug’s chest heaved as she took deep breaths, and then she bent down, and collected the broach; cradling it delicately. Like it was reverent.
“You have murdered my master, and your son, Gabriel. What do you have to say for yourself?” The man on the floor sobbed.
“I just wanted my wife back…” And Ladybug’s heart ached for the broken family at her feet.
But it didn’t excuse what he’d done.
Rena watched Ladybug turn to Mayura next, watched her walk over, and remove the peacock pin; Nathalie was let in her place, and Marinette growled.
“You’ll both be turned into the authorities.”
She stepped away, holding the red and black speckled object in her hands; Ladybug sighed, and mournfully, she whispered,
“Miraculous Ladybug.”
The swarm of ladybugs surrounded all of Paris, undoing the damage, the death, and Rena raced to the surface to witness it. Citizens milled about, many shocked and upset.
But there was one person who would not be back.
For when someone dies wearing their miraculous, their soul is claimed by it, and they become a part of it for the next holder.
Adrien Agreste would never wake.
Rena watched from the roof as the police showed up, and Ladybug escorted Gabriel out of the house along with Mayura.
They’d done it.
They’d won.
Rena turned, and the camera was looking at Carapace as he walked up to her, and then Alya was crying.
“Nino, it’s over. We did it!” She sobbed, her hands coming up to cover her eyes, “But why doesn’t it feel like we won?” Nino pulled her into a tight hug, the camera pressed against the green of his suit.
“We’re all going to miss him Alya. There’s… There’s no replacing him.” Alya shook her head, her cries increasing.
“He didn’t deserve that, Nino! He- he-!” Nino held her tighter, burying his head in her shoulder.
“I know babe, I-I know…”
That was how the others found them, each hero joining them until finally Ladybug did as well. She only nodded, and they all left together, heading for the warehouse district.
Once they were secure, Ladybug turned to them, her expression pained.
“It’s time, guys.”
Rena watched as, one by one, each of them removed their Miraculous.
Kim and Max were first, King Monkey and Pegasus falling away; next was Tora, Juleka taking her place. Squeak goes next, and Rose is giving Mullo a teary good bye. Bunnix sighs, and then Alix is standing there, rubbing at her eyes. Luka hands his over with no preamble, giving Ladybug a small smile, and bidding Sass farewell. Ryuuko and Hornet both go next, and Kagami and Chloe hold hands while they give Ladybug their Miraculous; Pollen hugs her Chosen one more time before fading away. Nino goes next, handing Marinette the bracelet with a sad smile.
“Is… Is his ring safe?” Ladybug bites her lip as her eyes well with tears, and she only nods. Nino nods and moves aside, and now it’s only Ladybug and Rena, the others watching.
Rena smiles.
“You know I love you right, Nette?” And Ladybug’s eyes go wide behind her mask, and then she’s crying again. Alya reaches up, and removes the necklace, the magic falling away from her. The camera continues to roll. She hands over the jewelry, giving Trixx one last hug as they go.
But Alya is crying, staring at the girl who has been her hero and best friend for the last four years; the girl who has literally carried the weight of the world on her shoulders.
Ladybug finally nods, a pained look on her face.
“I know, Alya. I love you too.”
And then Ladybug is turning, a portal opening up in front of her.
“I’ll… see you guys sometime.”
And then the portal closes and Ladybug - Marinette - is gone; and Alya’s knees hit the concrete of the warehouse as her body shakes with the force of her cries.
The stream ends as the battery on Alya’s go pro dies, and the world echoes with the cries of a broken girl.
It is silent otherwise.
Bruce Wayne clutches the remains of a shattered glass in his hand as the broadcast ends. The blood on his hands has long since dried.
He needs to make a call.
Part 1 :HERE: Part 2 Part 3
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smileyoongle · 5 years
Come Back Home (A Kim Taehyung Mafia AU) // Part 10
Summary: You were dead. Or at least that's what Kim Taehyung thought. But love never dies. A myth, yes. And maybe that's why when he finds out that you are alive, he may have already lost you.
Pairing: Mafia!Taehyung×Reader
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As the three friends stepped inside their humble abode, the heavy silence dawned on them. You quietly helped Minho carry Yoona up the stairs and into her room, her unconscious self mumbling some incoherent words that you didn't care about. Your body ached, your muscles tensing while you tried your best to pretend that everything was alright. 
But was it?
As Minho laid Yoona down on her bed, you stood with your arms crossed by the door, holding yourself back from spewing a number of questions towards the young man. You knew Minho could probably not answer them, but you just had to ask. You bit your lip, eyes darting around the room as you tapped your foot out of anxiousness. Minho seemed to notice, his eyes falling on your hesitant expression. 
There was a pang of guilt in his chest. The incident at the club made him question the things his sister was doing. Tonight, Taehyung had almost lost you again. As much as Minho liked you, he also respected the fact that no one will ever be able to love you like Taehyung. Everyone knew that. So with a sigh, he stepped away from Yoona's bed and made his way towards you, halting right in front of you and staring at you with the most serious expression he could gather.
"There's something you need to know."
You frowned, standing up straighter on hearing the tone of Minho's voice. Whatever he was about to say, he wasn't very pleased with it. You slowly exhaled, nodding reluctantly as Minho nudged you outside Yoona's bedroom. You swallowed thickly, trudging towards the hallway and massaging your temple. Your head was beginning to hurt now. Whether it was because you needed sleep or because of the overwhelming surge of emotions, you couldn't tell. You turned around to face Minho, only to see him walking towards your bedroom without sparing you a glance. "Hey." You called out, following behind as he pushed open the door and let himself in. 
"What do you want from-" you stopped mid sentence, eyes widening as Minho swiftly pulled out your diary from beneath your pillow. Your headache grew stronger, your heart thundering in your chest with your lips parted in surprise. Minho's expression didn't seem betrayed or anything, neither was he surprised. You wondered if he was gonna take this away from you. 
"I had come looking for you when you were in the shower. You didn't hide it very... nicely." Minho explained, the book dangling from his fingers. Your chest began heaving, your hands growing clammy with nervousness. Minho noticed your state and led you to sit down on the bed, crouching down before you as he placed the book in your lap. "Hey, it's okay. I won't ask who gave you this but I'm glad you got it." 
You looked at him, his lips smiling at you in an attempt to calm you down. The situation wasn't bad or anything, it was just about your mind being weak. Minho didn't want to send you into a spiral of panic attack because of something Yoona did. But he also had to tell you, no matter the consequences. 
Your words seemed to be caught in your throat. You just couldn't say anything at all, mainly because you didn't know what to say but also because you didn't have it in you to talk. You were really exhausted and you also felt like crying. Taehyung's distant voice echoed in your head. You had managed to tell yourself it's okay but it wasn't. You felt like you had been rejected for some reason.
"Y/N, how much have you read?" Minho asked gently, gesturing to the diary. You glanced at it, shaking your head in response. "Just a page."
Minho sighed, closing his eyes and pursing his lips. That meant he was gonna have to tell you without you having much knowledge about anything. Minho was praying that maybe you were suspicious about Taehyung but no luck there. 
"Minho, what is it? You're worrying me." You stated, placing a hand on his shoulder. He looked up at you with apologetic eyes and you knew something was very wrong.
"Y/N…Yoona lied to you."
The car was dead silent, Jungkook's occasional sniffles filling up the void. He couldn't see very clearly due to the tears brimming in his eyes again and again but he managed. The only thing on his mind was Taehyung. 
The fact that Taehyung was taking stupid decisions in the heat of the moment wasn't okay. Unfortunately, none of the members had any control over this situation, Taehyung had already made up his mind. Jungkook was the only one who got the idea of reaching out to you and bringing you back for a while. Yes, you didn't remember anything. But everyone saw that you still cared about the man who claimed to be your friend. 
Jungkook kept mumbling under his breath as he turned the steering wheel, navigating through the empty streets to get to Yoona's house. There were still questions about who those people were at the club but that was a problem for another time. 
The silence of Jungkook's car was cut off by the piercing ringing of his phone, his eyes flickering towards the illuminated object lying on the passenger seat. He quickly grabbed the phone and accepted the call on seeing Minho's contact flashing on the screen, putting the latter on speaker. He didn't actually want Minho's number but it was a precaution. For you.
"Hello, Jeon? I didn't know who else to call. Taehyung wouldn't pick-"
"What the fuck do you want? I'm coming over to take Y/N with me, by the way."
Jungkook snapped, eyes back on the road ahead. Minho's voice was a little off, strong vibes of distress coming Jungkook's way. Nonetheless, it didn't matter as long as it was nothing related to you.
"What? Wh- why are you coming to get Y/N?"
Jungkook clenched his jaw, assuming all sorts of things on hearing Minho's question. Did that guy actually think he was gonna keep you away from the people who cared about you?
"None of your business. She needs to stay with people who can actually protect-"
"Y/N ran away."
Three words. Self explanatory. Nothing too complicated. But words cut deeper than a knife. It's a saying that people don't believe unless they've been wounded themselves. Jungkook's blood ran cold, his foot hitting the break in a hurry. The car came to a halt, a little too abruptly, sending Jungkook lurching forward in his seat. His eyes were wide and hid breath was caught in his throat. With shaky hands, he brought the phone up to his ear. "What did you say?"
Minho gulped loudly before explaining himself.
"I told Y/N the truth about Taehyung. Sh- she ran away immediately. I don't know where she'd be going but I think-"
Jungkook couldn't listen anymore, his fingers tightening around the phone as he hung up and slammed his hands on the steering. A loud groan of frustration left his mouth, his teeth clenching in anger. Minho just had to mess this up.
Jungkook rested his forehead against the steering wheel in defeat, unable to stop the tears from falling.
"Y/N, where are you?"
"Taehyung is your boyfriend. You lived with him and not us. He loves you ...a lot more than Yoona or...me."
Minho's words were playing in your mind again and again like a broken record. Your lungs burned, as if you had inhaled too much smoke along with the prickly tears in your eyes. Your leg muscles felt weaker and weaker with every step you took. Certainly, running on the street in the middle of the night wasn't your ideal plan. 
A broken sob escaped your mouth as you stopped sprinting and held your diary close to your chest. You didn't even know where you were going, all you knew was that you had to go to see Taehyung. You could have waited until morning but Yoona's house was making it hard for you to breathe. The house wasn't the problem. Your inability to breathe was due to the fact that it was Yoona's.
The winter air nipped at your skin, goosebumps rising across the expanse of your skin as you caught your breath and continued to cry. You couldn't believe how many problems life was making you deal with, this definitely wasn't normal. Your heart ached when Taehyung's face flashed in your mind and you began to imagine how it must have felt to watch your lover go away with someone else. Taehyung was also on the wrong side due to how he didn't tell you the truth but he was the only one who could tell you the reasoning behind the said deed. 
Just as your breathing started to grow normal, a faint sliver of light fell at your feet, your eyes looking up to see a car coming your way in the distance. You narrowed your eyes when it came closer, the headlights blinding you to the extent of you having to avert your gaze. You brought your hand up to shield your face, unable to move from your spot in the middle of the road. Maybe you were just too tired. Or you had lost every essence of will in your heart. 
You spotted the red colour of the car, it's shiny surface catching your attention when it came to a halt right in front of you. You watched as the driver got out of the vehicle and slammed the door shut, his dirty blonde hair ruffling in the wind. He had striking eyes with a gaze so intense that you had to look away for a second. He was wearing a black shirt with a few buttons unbothered. Your breathing faltered when the stranger came to stand before you, a very confusing smile gracing his lips as he looked at you with sympathetic eyes.
"Hello, Y/N. My name is Eunho and it's so great to finally meet you."
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Taglist: @min-t-posts @that-random-gurl @bringitseijoh @kpopgirlbtssvt @jeonjello @shadowstark @bangtanniexxx @wendyiiwl @imlostindarkness @sinnersblogg @jazzytfw @lovestrucked-again @hopetookmysoul @angelwolfexorcist @taes-strawberry @ireallylikefoodandyoutube @annoyingpessimist @hajimaoppaa @atwoodscott @kawaiimusiccollection @byeolizzie @sleepysavya @sensiblebutch @maiden-mars @soundofwonderland @the-fangirl-lorax @btsarmysvtcarat @youthandtears @novelread000 @glitterytreephantom @chocolatemilk1221 @cookiemonstermusic258 @iamcrazyforkdramas @luckyzipperscissorsbat @kpop-is-life100 @entitledtolove @somewhereinthestarss @vertueuxeuse @anothermisspark @xanny91 @mayumioutloud @rulz0821 @bbangtan-ddaeng @got7-yeah-got7onmymind @kassandravictoria @flowersgirl02 @whateverfandoms @bl00bts
Obviously I'm unable to tag a couple blogs and that's totally not annoying. Also one of the blogs texted me that they were gonna start another blog but I don't remember the name anymore??FML.....AnYwAY, let me know if you wanna be tagged? Okay, love you!
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teannamon · 5 years
The Black Cat and the Princess (ML Fic) 5
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Cover art by deryuj :>
[ Family Switch AU ]  Marinette’s the only child of fashion icon Gabriel Agreste, and Adrien is the adopted child of Sabine and Tom Dupain-Cheng, two of the best bakers in Paris. What happens when their paths meet?
↫ Chapter 4
Chapter 5: Marinette got into an "accident". Kagami and Adrien come to the rescue.
“Good thing this container is plastic” the buff person, who Marinette knew as Kim from the earlier introductions, picked up the big plastic bowl from the floor with a third of its contents still inside.
She has been drenched in, she assumes, orange punch based on the smell. Kim stands up and notices Marinette, dripping with orange punch. The spill was directly aimed at her so she was wet from her shoulders down.
“Oh damn, I’m so sorry Marinette. I think I tripped on something on the way here”
“It’s fine, Kim” she said rather coldly. She wasn’t mad at Kim; she knows exactly what tripped him and damn her for not paying attention. Her stockings and jacket are starting to itch on her skin now so she took off her jacket first while walking to somewhere more isolated. “I’ll just…go”
“What did you do to the punch, freshman?!” a loud female voice boomed through the loud music. Marinette figured she didn’t need to be there so she didn’t bother to turn around to see and kept going to the bathroom.
“It was an accident ok, chill… I’ll have it covered with rags later so no one else can get into an accident like her” he pointed to Marinette making her way awkwardly to the bathroom.
“I want it done now, freshman, you’re lucky most of the people are dancing”
“Alright, alright… Also, I have a name you know it’s Ki-hey where are you going?!”
“To check on the damage” she replied coolly as she left Kim to take care of the spillage by the table.
Marinette entered the bathroom just as two other girls left. They didn’t seem to notice the state of Marinette’s outfit or they didn’t care, either way she was grateful for it.
She dropped her jacket by the counter and entered one of the stalls to take off her stockings. Apparently even her shoes weren’t safe from the punch incident so she took those off too.
‘What am I going to do with the rest now?’ she looked at her dress, because of its color it’s unnoticeable that it’s wet but the front part is soaked with and smells of orange punch, not to mention her body is uncomfortably itchy now.
‘I’ll just go home, no use enjoying the party in wet and itchy clothes no matter how branded it is’ she left the stall barefoot with her shoes in one hand to grab her phone from her jacket she left on the counter. Just then, someone opened the bathroom door to which Marinette jumped in surprise.
“You” the person approached her. It was Kagami from the booth, Marinette recognized. She pointed to herself, not really getting what Kagami is implying, “Me?”
“Are you the girl who got drenched in punch or are you just doing laundry in the bathroom?”
“Uhm I-”
“That was a rhetorical question” Kagami cuts off before Marinette could answer. She eyes her up and down, which makes Marinette really uncomfortable. The need to leave the vicinity was stronger than ever.
“Is your undershirt soaked?”
The blunette fidgeted, “The thing is, I’m not wearing any. Look, I can just call my driver and I can go back home without causing too much trouble” she gestured to her phone, still in her jacket’s pocket.
“Look, freshman… I may not be the kindest person here but I would know how uncomfortable walking barefoot in juice soaked clothes is. So just follow my lead and let me help you before you go waltzing out of here, understand?” her tone is one that sounds like a command you don’t want to say no to, so naturally the poor girl nodded in agreement.
“Good, now get into one of these stalls and take off your dress.” She said while wetting her handkerchief in the faucet then squeezing out the excess water out of it. Meanwhile, Marinette did as she was told.
She actually felt relieved once the sticky clothes left her skin even though she’s been reduced to her underwear, and still has some lingering stickiness in her skin.
“Here, you can wipe off your body with this” Marinette looked up the stall to see Kagami’s hand holding out her damp handkerchief.
“T-thanks” she stammered as she reached out for the item.
“Stay here, freshman, I’ll be right back”
“I have a name you know, It’s Mar-aand she’s gone” she said as she heard the main bathroom door closed. She looked at the damp handkerchief before finally wiping the sticky substance off her body.
It only took a few minutes and she finally felt like her body can breathe. Kagami still hasn’t returned though and she’s feeling awfully lonely in the bathroom. Her phone is still at her jacket that’s still at the counter.
‘Should I get go out and get it? I really need to text Chloe, right now. It’s not like anyone’s gonna enter, it’s been quiet for five minutes in here’ she thought as she left the stall in her underwear.
“Alya, no” Adrien protested.
“Alya, yes” the brunette mocked as she gulped the unknown substance. The small crowd gasped as her face grimaced, “Ew it was vinegar!”
“I told you so, and did you listen? No” it was Adrien’s turn to tease his friend as Nino gave her a cup of water to wash down the awful taste. He gave the couple two thumbs up as Nino took Alya by her arm and led her to the bar stool.
Seeing them together made him remember about Marinette and how she’s sort of his responsibility. ‘If Chloe asks me where she is and I don’t know, I’m dead’
“Hey Dupain-Cheng, where’s Marinette?”
‘Speak of the devil’ he cursed himself for speaking too soon. He turned around to see Chloe with a red stain on her grey blouse, and he can only guess why she’s looking for her so early.
“I’m gonna go see her now, actually. Lila just wanted to talk to her in private”
“It’s fine, it’s fine. Just tell her that I’ll wait for her in the car cause some idiot spilled my cherry wine while dancing” she flared as she walked towards the exit.
“O-kay?” he waved at her confused. After all these years, he still couldn’t understand Chloe’s personality. Sometimes she’s reasonable and logical, most of the times she complains about the smallest things.
‘Back to Marinette then’ he turned around but was met with Lila’s smiling face. The music turned into a slow dance and she stepped forward, “Do you wanna dance?” she asked but before he can say ‘no’ or ‘yes’ for that matter she already draped her arms around his neck and pulled him close to sway to the music.
He didn’t mind dancing with Lila but right now, his priority is Marinette. ‘Wait, if Lila is here’
“I thought you and Marinette were talking?” he asked as Lila rested her head on his chest lovingly.
“She just had more important things to do, I don’t know where she went. She didn’t even let me finish what I was telling her, I didn’t know she was so rude” she lied.
“Maybe it was something important” he suggested.
Just then someone bumped into them causing Lila to let go of her grip on Adrien and fell on the floor.
“Hey what gives!”
“Watch it with the moves, freshman!” the person who bumped into them yelled.
“Kagami?” Adrien called out, he noticed her holding a set of gym clothes. “What’s that for?”
She turned around “Oh Adrien, yeah your new designer friend just got a whole bowl of punch spilled on her. Pretty bad situation if you ask me”
His face turned into deep worry, “Where is she now? Is she ok?”
In the middle of this, Lila gritted her teeth. Adrien didn’t even help her get up and now he’s worrying over a girl he just met for a week! She’s been classmates with him for 2 years now, and she even pulled some strings to make sure she would have at least the same classes as him but he still only saw her as a close acquaintance (friends if you squint hard enough).
“She’s fine, I just need to bring her these gym clothes I asked from Luka’s sister and it’s all good from there”
“Kagami, I need you backstage right now”
She turned around looking annoyed, “Can’t it wait, Luka?”
“Nope” the guy answered casually. She rolled her eyes and sighed, “Fine just give me a minute”
Luka winked as she patted her shoulder, “Thanks”
Kagami shoved the clothes into Adrien’s hands, “She’s at the bathroom, give these to her and tell her to give them back to me” and with that she left.
Adrien nodded and took off to the direction of the bathroom, completely forgetting about Lila, not even saying goodbye. Lila groaned in frustration and walked somewhere to cool off, she’ll deal with the Marinette situation sooner or later she thought.
Without skipping a beat Adrien opened the bathroom door, only to see Marinette standing wearing nothing but her underwear her phone in her hand.
It took both of them a silent minute to realize the situation at hand, then they simultaneously reacted. Marinette shrieking while covering herself with her hands and Adrien closing the door behind him, still clutching the gym clothes. Both of them blushing.
Adrien was the first one to calm down so he opened the door just a crack to talk to her, “I’m sorry, I just came here to bring you the clothes you can change into” he extended his hands inside to hand her the clothing.
Marinette was still too embarrassed to respond but moved closer to the door. “T-thanks, Adrien” she grabbed the clothes and she has never changed so quickly in her life up until now.
She sucked in a deep breath and breathed out, “I’m ok now you can come in if you want so it wouldn’t be weird talking through a door”
He opened the door and went inside the bathroom to see her now clothed in Juleka’s gym clothes. She walked around the bathroom to grab all her stuff, once she had them all she placed them in a neat pile on the counter.
The outfit was a bit tight on Marinette and Adrien couldn’t help but admire her form. It seems that she takes care of her body extensively. She looked at him to say something and he averted his eyes quickly to hide the fact he was checking her out.
“I’m sorry you had to bring my clothes instead of enjoying the party, I may not know what a teenage party is but I do know its not ‘hanging out in the bathroom with a messy Marinette’” she joked, the previous embarrassment dwindling down.
“It was nothing, I am supposed to be your adorkable guide for tonight” he said with a curt bow to which Marinette chuckled.
“Well, thanks again. I feel bad for asking Chloe to leave early”
“About that, she kinda had the same problem as you so she told me she’s waiting for you at the car. And now that I think about it, that’s an understatement considering you had to take off your whole outfit”
“Let me guess, a stain on her blouse?”
“Exactly” he answered and both of them laughed. Marinette decided it was a good time to go so she grabbed her damp clothes and wet shoes from the floor.
“I guess, I’ll go then.”
“No wait” Adrien took off his cardigan and draped it over Marinette “It’s going to be cold out”
The cardigan went past the shorts she was wearing so it actually warmed her as soon as she was wrapped in it. The two of them walked out and luckily most of the people are either drinking, dancing or leaving at this point. He saw Alya and Nino dancing and he noted it when he comes back.
The blunette was about to walk into the crowd to get to the exit when Adrien pulled her back by the shoulders. “There’s a side door here you can walk out to instead” he pointed at a small hallway behind him.
“Oh, thank god, I was worried I’m gonna trip somewhere in the crowd and drop everything” she gestured to her stuff and that was the only time Adrien noticed she was actually barefoot.
He thought of giving her his shoes to walk out but he realized that it was unsanitary, so he applied the second-best method of not letting her walk out barefoot. Carrying her.
“Let me” he said as he bent down to pick her up.
“What are you-ah! Put me down, I can walk you know” she protested as she held her things tighter with her hand and the other clutching on his shoulder lest she fall.
“I know that but as a damsel in distress with no shoes to walk in, its my noble duty to guide you” he said with a cheeky grin as he walked her out in his arms and Marinette’s cheeks heat up at the sweet gesture.
“Dork” she mumbled under her breath.
Adrien spotted Chloe’s limo and walked towards it. Chloe must’ve spotted them from far away cause she opened the door urging him to hurry up with her friend.
He set her down the car seat and she thanked him. Ignoring Adrien, Chloe bombarded Marinette with questions so she just smiled and waved goodbye at Adrien as the car doors automatically closed and started moving.
She wrapped the cardigan tighter around her and thought about how she would explain her appearance to her father when she gets home.
↬ Chapter 6 ↬ AO3 Link
I will dedicate this chapter to this beautiful fanart by Luminous_Lilypad on reddit (link here to see their other amazing artworks too). Its their rendition of Mari's party outfit and its adorable :>
I will publish spinoffs after this fic is done. Already plan on The Black Cat and the Princess as told by Chloe and through Lukagami (titles subject to change, feel free to suggest)
Also, I’m adding a taglist for tumblr readers who dont want to follow me but want to follow the story :>
✦ Tag List : @conquering-median
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forevrnotyours · 5 years
Yandere bts!
Request: breaking up with them
Note: so this is extremely late, BUT it's a 6k work so I hope it makes up for it.
Love ya
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He wasn’t sure when things went so wrong for both of you, he had been cautious about all the things he did, he was demanding yes, but you always complied happily, at the beginning at least. Nothing went past him, or so he believed , so when he returned home to you sitting in the living room suitcases in hand he was taken a back.
A fear so strong and so fierce gripped him, you were leaving, you were leaving and not coming back “y/n” he said voice small and broken, it was the first time you heard him speak like that, it almost made you feel bad about the whole deal, but you couldn’t feel anymore empathy for a psychopath like him.
Seokjin was like a dream for you, handsome, tall, charming, he was like a prince taken out of a children’s book, and you had fallen oh so easily onto his trap, how foolish of you to think life would give you something as perfect as he seemed to be; it all changed months after, way too many time after, constant calls and messages, angry bursts, suspicious behavior, friends you loved so dearly suddenly saying away from you or disappearing, it was with tearfully eyes that you understood, it wasn’t coincidence your life had changed for the worst as soon as Kim Seokjin entered it.
Now though, you had made a decision, you had to leave, no matter how much it hurt, even when you felt like you weren’t able to breath when he looked at you from the front door, his doe eyes filled with so many emotions that you couldn’t list them all “are-are we going somewhere? ” he asked voice faltering for a second, you looked at the man that was supposed to love you “I’m going somewhere” you answered he halted in his steps, the nervous smile he had vanished, you looked down – God why didn’t I just leave when he wasn’t here- you thought “Jin I- “you started but the words died in your mouth when you looked up.
For the months you had dated, Seokjin always portrayed himself as a strong person, almost heartless, untouchable, he had always been like a rock in your mind, someone you could relay on, a shoulder to cry on. In that moment though, he looked like a ghost of the man he had been, doe eyes sparkling with tears, some running down his cheeks, red marring his pale face, he was shivering, you noticed. Shoulders hunched over like trying to make himself smaller.
Vulnerable, he looked vulnerable.
“I’m sorry” you breathed “I don’t love you anymore, I can’t love you anymore” you said forcing yourself to look at him while speaking “I- I don’t understand what you’re talking about y/n” he said, trying to regain some sort of control on his emotions “I… found out about everything” you said looking him in the eyes, trying to find a song he knew what you were talking about, but your words only made his eyes to turn dark, unreadable, unlike seconds before “I can’t be with someone that thinks I’m some kind of doll to play with and control” you said trying to swallow the fear that started to creep its way in your body “so I’m breaking up with you, I’m leaving” you ended, bending to grab a hold on your suitcase, bringing it close to you.
By the time you turned to look at him again, the Seokjin you believe to know was back, no single tear in sight, no trembling hands or hurt eyes “I don’t think you understand why I did all those things y/n” he said voice deep and controlled, it sent a chill down your spine.
“I did everything because I love you, I want the best for you, I am the best for you!” he almost yelled, you stepped back, scared, he seemed frantic, a little crazy if you must say. It made you grip the suitcase tighter and start to walk around him to the front door.
“love isn’t like that Jin” you said trying to sound firm, he shook his head, murmuring no over and over again getting closer to you “you-you have to understand” he said getting closer and fast making you walk backwards forgetting about getting around him “they weren’t good for you, they were going to hurt you, I-I would never ever hurt you! “ he continued “you have to believe me y/n I would never hurt you. I need you” he insisted, when your back hit the wall you almost yelped, his hands coming to your shoulders immediately, he was shaking all over and he seemed so so scared all of a sudden.
“Jin let go of me” you looked around trying to find something that could help you to get away from him when he didn’t listen to you, he kept talking, pleading but in your state of panic your body couldn’t really hear over the deafening buzz in your ears.
Just when he started to become more reckless your hand made contact with one of those heavy decorations that you had bought once months before, and without any doubt you brought it straight to his head, hitting him on the said, the sound was horrible, but the only thing that mattered was that he was off you, so you gripped your suitcase harder and went straight for the door.
You took heavy breaths, trying to calm the nerves that were eating you away in that moment, it was useless thought, your hands were sweaty and your chest fell up and down in a rapid manner, the sound of your own breathing felt like a hurricane on your own ears, and things were getting harder by the second with your hands trembling.
“I wouldn’t have ever hurt you… but you tried to run away from me”
That’s the last thing you remember
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You were good at confrontations, you thought, you could go to people head on and go straight to the deal, it was easy, it wasn’t a big deal after all, problems with other people were mostly insignificant; this though, you weren’t prepared for this, not in a million years, your boyfriend was nothing but loving to you, but tonight you had to leave for good, and knowing Yoongi he wouldn’t take it lightly.
So when the front door opened, you felt as if someone had punched you in the guts, Yoongi entered your apartment, slowly and calm, leaving his coat and other things on the table close to the door, you took a deep breath calming down, or at least in the outside, he looked up “oh y/n! We’re you waiting for me? “ he said a little gummy smile appearing at seeing you there, thinking that you were actually waiting for him to come home, well it was partially true, just not for the reasons he thinks, he walked close to you and panic gripped you so hard that you just let the words out.
“I’m breaking up with you” the silence that followed you reminded you of the movies, when the chaos ended and everything fell quiet, Yoongi stumbled in his steps, smile falling, eyes turning dark, you looked at him, trying to mask the nerves, but he could see right trough you “whoa-what y/n” he stayed quiet for a second before moving close to you again a hand going to your forehead another to your cheek “do you-are feeling well?” he said voice trembling a little but worried, you starred at him with disbelieve “come sit, I’m sure we can figure out what’s wrong” he tried to lead you to the living room to sit but you shook his hands off “Yoongi did you hear what I just said? ” you said but he didn’t look at you directly “come sit y/n” he mumbled “Yoongi did hear me?” you said voice firm “you’re just feeling unwell that’s all” he said, voice cracking in the middle of the sentence.
You shook your head in disbelieve “Yoongi I’m not sick” you said, anger making it to your voice, he shook his head bow grabbing your arm and trying again to lead you to the sofa “your talking nonsense, why would you say such things if it weren’t for you feeling unwell “ he said, tightening his grip on your arm making you wince.
You looked at him, his crazy eyes, dark and filled with tears, it send a guilt shooting up through your body, he was trembling, knuckles white with the force he was holding onto you, he seemed to beg you silently, to just said he was right, you were just talking nonsense, you took his face between your hands, making him look at you, he was cold to the touch “Yoongi I’m sorry” you said making you look him directly at his eyes, it was there than your own tears came to the scene.
There in front of you was the man you had loved dearly for almost three years, there in front of you was the broken version of that man, the one you had just made with a simple pair of words, Yoongi, who always seemed so strong and cold, was now crying between your hands, begging you, not in words but trough actions, not to leave, but you had made a choice and you would have to stand by it “I don’t love you anymore” you said slowly, knowing each word was like a wound to his heart, but it was necessary “I can’t be with someone I don’t love anymore yoonie “ you continued, he shook his read lightly, his tears wetting your hands that were still on his face, his lips formed a plea so soft and broken that also made your own tears go down faster “you have to let me leave” you said gently after.
You could feel his breathing fanning on your face, the contained sobs that shook his body each time harder, he was shaking uncontrollably, “I – I can’t “ he said shaking his head harder “please – please don’t-don’t make me “ he said making you feel a whole on your chest, something like a black whole, sucking the life out of you “I need you” he said so brokenly, a sob ripping out from his lips after the words made it out.
“you’ll be fine yoonie” you said trying to control your voice once again, knowing you couldn’t fall for those dark eyes “I need you to let me go” you said, “so I can let go too “ you whispered, by that point the both of you were so close your noses were almost touching.
“I love you “ he said, like trying to prove a point, trying to tell you that you couldn’t leave “you’ll learn to love someone else Yoon, someone who can love you right thus time” you answered stepping back, “no! No nono no please” he begged, but it seemed like all of his forces were vanished, you kept going back, him falling to the floor the moment you weren’t touching at all, he crumpled like ash after the fire.
You tried to blink tears away, going to the bag you had prepared before, the taste of guilt filled your mouth as tears made a path down your face, it was for the greater good, you told yourself as you walked out of the door.
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The world stopped for him the moment you let the words put of your mouth, to be true, you couldn’t look at him in the eyes when you said it, you couldn’t bear the burden of those always happy eyes now filled with pain and tears, it was a mix you wanted to lose.
So you looked down when the words fell from your mouth, each letter almost burning, it was ridiculous how such a few words could do to people “I’m sorry” the first two were easy, apologetic, all in all, the next ones were the ones you felt like throwing up “I’m breaking up with you” he faltered for a second, stumbled back a little as if you had hit him, tears appeared so fast on his eyes and his smiled turned broken.
“what?” he said, barely, voice strained and broken, just before a sob broke out, leaving him breathless, this couldn’t be happening, not to him, not with you. You were his life, his sun and stars, you couldn’t leave him, not now, not ever.
You sighed not wanting to repeat the words “but-but you’re my- you’re my everything y/n” he said in a rush before another sob broke trough, he was desperate, that much you could see, when you didn’t say anything he started trembling, it was like watching a building fall, victim of an earthquake, crumbling second by second.
“no, nononononono, please” he begged you, shaking his head, like a child that didn’t want to listen, he grabbed your arms looking at you begging, Even with them. “I have to go Hoseok” you said trying and failing to shake him off of you, he tightened his grip on you falling to his knees “no you don’t-you don’t have to” he said “I’ll die without you, I need you” he said, between sobs, his whole body shaking.
He was pulling you down with him, holding you close, even when you tried to deny his touch; it sacred you, it scare you to the core, seeing him like this, you knew Hoseok was sensible, you knew how he normally acted, this, this was something you had never seen.
“Hoseok let go” you said, your own voice sounding scared in your ears, no matter how you tried to sound strong, you tried to shake him off, both of you were in your knees know, and his hands were reaching farther, grasping harder, clinging to you “you can’t leave me” he said again, this time his voice sounded slightly off, it ticked you the wrong way, you had to leave.
“I am leaving Hoseok, you have to understand” you said again trying to pull his hands off of you, but he was stronger, he held you and pulled you, but your own panic was reckless and you squirmed violently, as if shaking a man you didn’t know off of your body, trying to get away from the touch that had your skin crawling.
It was fruitless after all, he was stronger, he was unstable, so he took your wrists and pinned you down to the floor, your head hitting the floor with a crack, making your vision swim around, pain blossoming from the back, you could almost taste the blood, “your not leaving me! “ Hoseok yelled at you, making you flinch, his voice was like thunder, it roared inside your head making you cower, he was on top of you know, holding you down with so much force you knew it hurt, but the mess in your head wouldn’t aloud you to really acknowledge it.
“you’re mine! Don’t you get it!” he screamed worsening your condition, his voice hurt even if it wasn’t meant to. You tried to focus on something, which was so difficult, you just wanted to close your eyes and succumb to the darkness that started to appear on your vision, but the fear was still present, there was something wrong, oh so wrong with the man on top of you, leave, you latched on to that word it leaving your lips subconsciously while Hoseok kept yelling, you have to leave, you nodded, stalling and wincing right after it sent a new rush of pain down your spine, it hurt so much.
Hoseok was frantic, desperate, he had hurt you, accidentally mind you, but he hurt you none the less; it was just you had to understand, he couldn’t live without you there for him, you had to stay.
Even if he had to make you.
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Namjoon didn’t saw it coming, that was actually the hard to understand part of it all, he usually could read you like an open book, it was dizzying how you suddenly changed so much, undetectably, under his nose, you apparently had outsmart him this time, if it were on his hands – which kind of was- it would never happen again, he nodded it will never happen again.
He took a deep breath, it was situations like this were a storm was roaring inside him that his abilities were put on test, his chest felt like exploding, a sound almost like a monster trying to claw the way out of his lips, but instead there were words that won, calm collected words; that you had learn with time often enclosed monsters inside, storming battles and inner struggles.
“could you say that again” he said, a little too calm, a little too detached, as if he was guarding himself inside, a cold manipulative part of him replacing the other one who had actual conflicts with the things that were about to happen.
Namjoon closed the book he was reading, sitting up straight on your couch, it was Saturday morning, you had chosen that day so you had at least a little time to get away from him, to move out or get away with a friend until you had to inevitable come back for all your things, it was Namjoons department after all, everything inside the house was his, but not you.
You exhaled loudly, nerves eating you away like bricks weighting down on you; lying was appealing for a moment, a brief one, fantasizing about how you would say it was a joke, a bad one, or that you weren’t thinking right, him smiling, even a little chuckle maybe, and dimples marking his face. It was thought, a brief one, a small one, but it gave you nauseas.
You couldn’t avoid it any longer, you had to stand strong, Namjoon was strong, Namjoon was smart in every aspect of the word, but this, this time, you had to surpass him. “I’m breaking up with you” you said again calm and collected, as if you were mocking him, even when you didn’t mean it.
“and why would you do that?” he said, it seemed that he was unprepared for this as much as you wanted him to be, you took a deep breath, you had to be mature, you had to be serious “Namjoon, I’ve been thinking about our relationship and I’ve come to the conclusion that we cannot longer be together” you said, slowly as if you had practiced, maybe you had “I’m not going to say something like I’m not the one for you or something like that, it’s just that I’ve noticed the way you treat me” you continued “the way you really treat me” you emphasized, something across Namjoons eyes changed, just for a second or even less, you almost didn’t noticed, but the air around you became more dense “you cover all your true intentions with big words and sermons, with pretty lies and assurances, most importantly you hide them while manipulating me to do the things you want”
It was blunt yes, but you didn’t see any other way to tell him. Namjoon looked a little perplexed as if he didn’t expect you to actually said the words of his sins, silence hung heavy for a minute, he wasn’t prepared for this, that much you knew, that much made you feel ace, even with a safety net as small as that one.
“you can’t be serious right now y/n” he said calmly, with that condescending tone that had you cowering most of the time, because it always led to you being humiliated in for t of him, you held his stare, not backing down from those cold eyes.
His demeanor seemed to come back strong and determined his eyes dark, but it didn’t really had the same impact as before, fear, yes you feared him, but you didn’t feel anything else for him anymore and it showed in a second when everything changed.
Namjoon seemed to crumble at that, he was capable of reading you so well after all, he could see it with his own eyes, that void that was inside you were once the live for him was, he saw that, and he couldn’t bear it, he held onto the couch were he was sitting as If you had just slapped him, he looked at you now with something akin to fear.
That was your cue to act, you put distance between the both of you, standing far enough that you were out of his immediate touch but close enough that it didn’t look like you were ready to run, even when you were “I am serous Namjoon” you said voice cold just like his when he spoke down on you, he stood up in trembling legs at that, shaking his head “I’m leaving you”
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Jimin knew something was wrong, he knew it for weeks, but one thing he hated was confrontation when all was perfect, you have been dating for almost a year, you were his for almost a year, he was over the moon knowing that, after everything he had to do to get you, he was oh so happy, you had moved into an apartment together, you had plants and a routine for days off.
Your relationship was in their best phase, or at least that’s what he thought, until you started to act different, not seriously bad or anything just… different, it put him off sometimes but he didn’t want to break the picture perfect relationship you both had so he stayed quiet, trying to make you happy.
You noticed this, he became clingier – as if that was possible—smothering you in kisses randomly when you were at home, more so than often, and he would buy you more presents and little things than normally acceptable, that’s when you realized your plan of slowly slipping out of his love wasn’t a possibility, true you knew that it was impossible but you had tried, to just be a little too cold or indifferent, but Jimin was perseverant after all, That was one of his principal traits after all. So you decided that enough was enough, better end it quickly.
“Jimin can we talk?” you asked, it was a day off for both of you but you had just got home after going out for lunch with a friend, or at least that’s what you told Jimin, in reality you just needed air, courage to actually end it all, Jimin was on your bed, dressed in comfortable clothes because that’s what you would usually do together, lay around home with each other all day.
He was up in an instant “y/n you’re home!” he exclaimed with a eye smile, he put his arms around you pulling you closer to him kissing your lips then cheek then neck and resting his head there for a moment “it’s a day off but you left me” he said looking up at you with puppy eyes, he was ignoring the problem, again, as always when he didn’t want to listen “Jimin I really need to talk to you” you said again, still he acted as if you had said nothing at all.
“I missed you so much all morning” he whined holding you closer dragging you to bed with him, you couldn’t do anything about it. “I was all alone without you” he continued, both of you falling into the messy bed “Jimin seriously I-“ you tried again but he kissed you, full and deep, with so much love, you were stiff, it just wasn’t the same anymore, not really, after that he kept kissing your face all over saying sweet things. And every time you tried to talk he would kiss you again, that kept going for at least ten minutes until you couldn’t handle it anymore “Jimin I really need to talk to you right now” you said trying to use a firm voice, Jimin halted at your tone, worry sipping into his eyes.
In another time, in another reality you would have never fell out of love with those eyes, sadly here you were, feeling nothing about those shimmering dark eyes.
You sighed and sat up, shaking the other off, but you didn’t speak immediately, you let the silence hang a little over the both of you, just so you could take a little more time, if even just a little more, it was a small mercy to the other, or at least that’s what you told yourself, knowing you would still break his heart no matter what after this. So you took a deep breath and started talking.
“Jimin I’ve been thinking about this for some time” you started looking at him, who was still smiling at you, even when his eyes were swarming with insecurities pleading you to have mercy “we have dated for almost a year and truly it had been wonderful but after all this time I came to the conclusion that I can’t-“
“please don’t say it” he interrupted you, his tone making you halt. Your eyes that had drifted down to your hands came back up to look at him in the eyes, sometimes you were still surprised by how quick Jimin could change his display of emotions, no one would have guessed he was giggling just seconds before this.
His eyes seemed to have sunk in matter of seconds and the brown in his orbs danced with all the pains you could name, it made it hurt in your chest, because it wasn’t fair, you were supposed to keep loving him and yet you had failed him, still you had to end it all. Jimin took your hands in his and when you tried to pry them off he tightened his grip on them “please, please don’t say the words” he pleaded you “was it something I did? “ he asked desperately trying to find a reason “am I way too clingy? Overprotective?” he kept going voice pitch going higher and then broken “I just did that for you! You deserve better y/n I was trying to give you better” he explained himself even when he didn’t have too, not really, those words you have heard already way too many times before, it still changed nothing.
Being honest this wasn’t the first time you tried to break things up, at the beginning he was way too overbearing, always hovering around you, always restricting you, you had almost left and he promised to change, and he did, or at least that’s what you thought, until you found out all the things he did behind your back, you list friends because of him, you lost opportunities, you had loved him though, in those moments lived blinded you like a child and you fell for all his sweet kisses and smiles, now it was enough.
“Jimin” you tried to say over his words “Jimin stop!” you yelled making him fall silent, you weren’t of raising your voice, he knew that “Jimin I’m breaking up with you” you said firmly looking at him in the eyes, seeing how tears started to fell down his chubby cheeks “I’m sorry but I can’t be in this relationship anymore, I can’t be myself with you anymore, I can’t grow with you, I’m stuck” you continued explaining “I need to keep on with my life and I can’t do that with you, I’m sorry” you finished, your own tears sparkling in your eyes.
“I swear I loved you I really did, but I can’t stay anymore” You said lastly, Jimin still crying silently “loved?” he said voice barely above a whisper, you nodded your head letting your tears fall.
“I’m sorry”
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You were both home, it was a day off obviously, and all he wanted was to stay close to you, kissing you, dreading the time were he had to leave for work again, so you were both cuddled together, it was autumn and even though the chilly air seemed to bite a little into your skin, neither of you turned to turn up the calefaction, just laying in each other arms enjoying each others presence, or at least that was what he was doing, holding you close to him and breathing deep your scent.
It was no surprise for anybody that he fell asleep like that, after a good thirty minutes of him softly snoring into your hair you moved, getting out of his arms and quickly replacing your presence with one of the pillows, your heart berated in your ears when he moved, a little frown making it into his factions and then relaxing again holding the pillow closer, as if it were you.
You knew this was a cowards way out, but you had to leave, needed to leave, before it came to a point were you couldn’t scape his claws anymore, Taehyung had been acting this way for months, since the beginning according to some of your friends, but you had brushed them off back then, when you were still in that honeymoon phase, completely ignorant of his behavior that should have given him away in an instant.
Now though, you got in touch with a friend you stopped talking to not long after you started to date Taehyung, and that’s when you found out that he had threatened some of your friends, back when you were still starting everything, he was the one to give a black eye to one of your best friends and now you understood everything better.
You tried to calm your nerves and when everything was packed you stopped, Taehyung was still dead to the world, you knew how taxing work was for him lately, so he needed rest, he looked like a kid, so innocent and at peace, holding onto the pillow tightly. The image brought tears to your eyes but you wouldn’t allow them to fall, it was not worth it, to cry for something like this.
You didn’t want to admit it, but after watching for weeks you realized everything everyone had told you before about him, obsessive, possessive, angry towards people that were close to you, you realized, how much you had changed to be with him, the list of friends you stopped seeing, the other list of names of people that stopped talking to you at some point.
It was then that you decided you couldn’t be with someone like him anymore; he had been the love of your life at some point, but now you could afford to live him anymore, it wasn’t healthy for you, to be with someone like him, so you waited, you planned and watched as he continued with his life as if nothing was wrong.
You hurried to your closet, to the hidden bag with your most important things, and started to shove most of your clothes inside, you had little to pack, the rest of your thing gradually making it to your friends house were you would stay for some time before being able to rent another apartment by yourself.
So you blinked back tears while leaving the apartment, leaving the key on the table with a letter, something simple, about not loving him anymore and trying to move on quickly, something careless without too much emotion, something cold that would certainly hurt him, but it was necessary.
That’s what you told yourself as you drove away from him.
Taehyung fell asleep to you between his arms, to your warm and intoxicating scent, but when he opened his eyes again all he could see was fabric, a pillow, he noticed, an uneasy feeling fell upon him, the house seemed silent, empty, which wasn’t a good thing. He shook his head, part trying to get rid of sleep and in another part to try and shook his thoughts away, you were probably in the living room, reading one of those fiction novels you liked so much, or working on something on your laptop, so he got up, heart beating too fast, too hard.
You weren’t home, he noticed while stepping out of your bedroom, there was no noise in the house that could give away you location, and when he started looking for you in the other parts of the apartment, it was all empty, that when he started to loose it, his eyes were filled with tears while his whole body shook, and his bounce was strained after calling for you.
That’s when he saw the piece of paper in the table, beside it were your keys, that’s when the tears started falling.
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You were both in a cafe, you had decided it was tee better place to do it, knowing his violent tendencies, it was safer to you being under the watch of several pairs of eyes, even if they were from strangers, you had decided that it was time.
“it’s nice being out once in a while” Jungkook said looking at you with a sliver of a bunny smile on his face, it was mid afternoon and the sun made him look innocent, like in the beginning of your relationship where you fell for that smile and doe eyes, now thought, you could look right trough it, knowing the secrets those things held inside, those doe eyes could turn dark, that bunny smile could turn into a heartless sneer.
You nodded looking down trying to get your bearings, you had to do this, it was now or never “yes it actually is” you said trying to gain control over the shakiness of your tone, Jungkook noticed it “but I have a reason for why I brought you here” you said looking at him for a second, his eyes were still light and pretty, you knew whit the next words, that would change completely “I wanted to talk to you about something” you continued turning your eyes away from his face “of course baby” he said, voice unsure though, you took a deep breath looking towards him again, you knew you had to face this straight forward of you wanted to go as smoothly as possible.
“I think we should break up” your voice was firm and unwavering, but you cowered a little right when his eyes turned dark “what do you mean? You think? Y/n this is not funny” he said sitting straighter than before, squaring his shoulders, as if he was preparing himself for a fight, and maybe you should do it too.
“it’s not supposed to be funny Jungkook” you said copying his actions and standing by your decision, Jungkook glowered at you, mad swimming in his eyes, hiding panic and fear you weren’t aware it existed, “I’m breaking up with you” you said this time with a more sure tone, there was no turning back now, and you acknowledge it.
Jungkook arms tensed his hands were form into fists, and for a second it seemed like he was ready to pounce on you, but it vanished, or at least it became lesser, he looked at you for several seconds, anger rolling off of him in waves, and the image of your enraged boyfriend sent chills down your spine, it wasn’t an uncommon picture, but fear gripped you tight, even then.
“I’m sorry” he said and his words caught you off guard, that you weren’t expecting, he rearranged himself on the chair, his hands falling on the table interlaced “but your not breaking up with me” he said tone imposing and the way he portrayed himself in that moment resembled a king dictating the rules of the kingdom, knowing, or at least believing his word would not be refuted by anyone.
You gapped at him, flabbergasted, seconds ticked by the conversations around you swam in your ears, they carefree voices were mocking you the world itself was mocking you, it took several moments for you to regain your senses, you bristled “its not your choice to make” you almost hissed letting anger sip into your tone, showing yourself vulnerable, it was a mistake.
“well it isn’t your choice to make either” he said standing up abruptly “and were done talking about the matter so were going home” he said, again an order, not a request, not something you could say no to. But you stayed down on your chair gripping your cup of coffee anger running trough your veins “not my choice to make?” you seethed “I don’t want to be with you anymore Jungkook in fact I’m not anymore” you said angrily standing up to meet him eye to eye, even though he was a little bit taller than you, you tried to not raise your voice, so to not to attract unwanted attention “I broke up with you seconds ago, and you can’t change that” you said ready to leave him, not wanting to be close to an angry Jungkook for too long, but he grabbed you by the arm stopping you.
“I said it was not your decision to make and its not, you’re still mine, so stop saying nonsense right now” be answered, tone filled with so much anger, so much power, it was off, darker, deeper, the voice you had listened just two times in all the time you two dated, it was the tone you prayed to never hear again, but here it was, and the person that was in front of you wasn’t the same either, it wasn’t your boyfriend, it was a monster, with black eyes and claws ready the kill.
Jungkook dragged you home, fear was starting to consume you and panic was and ever present feeling at this point, you were alone with the monster, no eyes to see you, no ears to hear you, no one to stop him.
Silence fell after he slammed the door shut, you were close looking at him with hatred burning in your eyes, he was looking at the door, his shoulders tense and you could hear his breathing, this was bad, this wasn’t supposed to happen, after a few moment he rubbed his face with both of his hands, frustrated.
He turned around dark eyes meeting yours “I said we were done talking about it so forget it” he seethed, but you didn’t back down, you needed to leave, to put and end to the relationship you grew to load. “I’m not a pet Jungkook, you cannot tell me what to and expect me to be okay with it” you said angry as well, fear gave you the motivation.
The words though were the wrong ones, because he came up to you fast and enraged, “you are mine and you will do what I tell you* Jungkook was so close you could feel his anger rolling out of him “I would prefer being dead before being with you again” you answered not letting your eyes show how scared you were, though, your demeanor broke when he just smiled.
It was wrong, dark, it gave you chills, as if you just told him the secret way of keeping you there with him, and maybe you had, you stepped back frightened “if that’s what it takes” he said.
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ecofinisher · 5 years
The Adventures of Super Nathan 2 - Chap 27
Chapter 27
At the evening the superheroes met in the room of Adrien Agreste all sitting on the couch looking at the TV screen as they were doing a voice call with Master Wang Fu.
“I’m the worst boyfriend in the entire world. I’m the worst boyfriend in the story of the worst boyfriends,” Super Nathan blurted out disappointed dropping his head on Honey Bee’s shoulder, which felt bad for her friend and caressed her friend on his cheek.
“No, you’re not.” Honey Bee told the redhead. “You’re the best she has ever had”
“Nathaniel, try to stay positive. Lila wouldn’t want you to get akumatized,” Viperion told the boy, that sat on the couch. “She’s out there somewhere, she’s fine, she just needs her lone time and to process everything that has happened”
“But, what if she got akumatized?”Super Nathan asked widening his eyes, making Viperion shook his head.
“Impossible, if she was akumatized we would have seen her causing mayhem or dealing with us”
“But Nathaniel could be right, what if Lila already got akumatized?” Lady Red asked looking at the superheroes beside her. “What if she got akumatized while wearing her miraculous? Her powers could be way more dangerous”
“What if we have to fight against her when akumatized?” Asked Super Nathan worried. “I can’t fight my own girlfriend!” Super Nathan said pushing on his hair.
“Nathaniel, pull yourself together!” Viperion ordered moving the boy on the shoulder, shaking him back and forth quickly.
“Scolding Nathaniel about his distress isn’t helping anyone either” Lady Red warned the group.
“Let’s try to discuss the plan. We’ve been here for twenty minutes and the major part of the time we just heard Super Nathan blaming himself for her disappearance” Marinette asked then Super Nathan got up to walk at the window of Adrien’s room to stare at the foggy sky. Marinette sighed and walked up at the boy, then placed her hand behind his back. “Look I didn’t mean to upset you more than you are right now, but you know we have to discuss this, even if Lila’s not around”
“I know” Super Nathan said leaning his forehead on the glass. “It’s just hard for me to deal with”
“We will find her, I promise” The blue-haired girl promised the redhead, that nodded with a sad expression at the girl.
“About that with Monarch or Nathalie...should we just head out the other day at her house or what do you suggest, Master?” Cat Noir asked looking at the screen along with the other superheroes.
“The best solution for the moment would be waiting, until we find out, where Miss Vixen is and if she’s fine or if she is now in the hands of Monarch” Master Fu answered making Cat Noir nod.
“But why don’t we just get to her house, if we know, where she is?” The bee miraculous holder asked.
“The problem is with Miss Vixen on her side, she could easily take us all down and get the miraculouses.” Master Fu explained. “It’s too risky”
“She would never stab us in the back!” Super Nathan announced loud.
“Of course she wouldn’t do that Nath, but the Monarch is able to do anything to avoid a victim to fight for his freedom,” Marinette said to her classmate, that was annoyed, that going out to fight Monarch wasn’t a solution.
“But can’t we do something against it?” Asked Super Nathan. “I can just sit here and wait for news”
“Nath we don’t have another choice” Mentioned Honey Bee. “We need to wait”
“Listen to Rose, we now gotta wait for a while, but I assure you when we know about her anything we will immediately handle” Viperion promised walking against the boy. “I will assist you,” Viperion told placing his hands on his shoulders looking deep into his eyes. Super Nathan during his friend’s gaze shook his head and turned around, then opened the window.
“Nathaniel, what are you going to do?” Asked Viperion watching Super Nathan jump at the arc of the window.
“There is nothing more to discuss. You can all wait here if you want, but I’m going to look for her, first I stop by her house and afterward I keep looking for her”
“She wasn’t in her house yet, nor were her parents” Lady Red mentioned.
“Then I’ll be looking around the city, even if I spend the whole night looking for her without resting my eyes” Super Nathan said holding his tablet in front of him, restoring his jetpack from the gallery.
“Nathaniel, don’t go” Lady Red warned getting up from the couch.
“Stop being stubborn. You’re getting yourself in trouble!” Viperion warned watching Super Nathan take off, flying across the city. “Ugh,” Viperion said covering his face, then Marinette placed her hands on his, making him look down at her face.
“I think we should leave him for now,” Marinette said. “There’s no way to convince him otherwise”
Viperion sighed, then looked back at the superhero team, that had all the eyes on the snake-themed miraculous holder.
“We’re staying all on alert tonight. If something happens, we all roll out, is this clear?.”
“Yes,” The superheroes responded. Viperion looked back out of the window, where his friend had left and rolled his eyes down in sadness.
The next morning the class of Miss Bustier sat at the end of the break in the classroom of her on their seats. Kagami sat on her seat next to Ivan with Kim, Nino and Max in front of her table.
„You didn‘t really know Lila was Miss Vixen all along?“ Asked Kim glancing at the Japanese student.
„How many times are you going to ask me the same question, Kim?“ Kagami asked glaring up at him. „I already told you, that I didn‘t know that“
„I just find it a little strange, that since you two are best friends, that she never told you anything about it“
„She didn‘t say it, because it could have put our lives in danger or her family‘s.“ Kagami added. „I find that she did keep it a secret from all of us is good“
„I think she did it right, imagine Monarch would have found out, that Lila went here with us to school and she would trap us or worse...“ Nino mentioned earning a nod from Max.
„The chances, that Monarch finds out about us is at 50%. She would most likely want to look for the other superheroes.“
„Obviously“ Added Kagami, then covered her mouth. „Uh at least, that‘s what I think“ „Something tells me you always knew about Lila‘s secret identity“
„By the way, Nathaniel hasn‘t shown up in the last lesson, did he oversleep or is it because of Lila?“ The Moroccan asked looking at the empty seat behind them.
„I don‘t know it, but since Lila is Miss Vixen…...couldn‘t Super Nathan be Nathaniel?“ Kim asked looking at the two, which thought about it.
„No, it‘s impossible. They don‘t look alike. Not even with the mask“ Nino added. „And I‘m not talking about the skin color, I‘m just, when you look at the face of the two, they look like two different persons….and he said he was 25“
„He could have lied to cover his identity“ Max mentioned. „Didn‘t Miss Vixen in an interview say once, she was Latina or something?“
„Yes she did…..and she mentioned, that she was dating Super Nathan,“ Nino said earning a nod from the short friend in the green shirt.
„So Super Nathan is Nathaniel?“ Kim asked.
„No, that‘s impossible. They don‘t look alike and Nathaniel always runs off, every time there is a dangerous situation“
„So you‘re telling me Lila is betraying Nathaniel with Super Nathan?“ Ivan asked confused at their conversation, while Kagami rolled her eyes and got up leaving the boys chatting.
„Maybe she‘s betraying Super Nathan with Nathaniel?“ Kim added scratching his head. „Or she‘s using Nathaniel as a disguise, so it‘s not obvious that she‘s a superheroine and dating a superhero“
„Or she pretends to be dating Super Nathan, so people won‘t figure out, who she is“ Nino added earning a nod from Kim.
„I think it‘s that“
„Well, she plays it off very well with Super Nathan. Sometimes I think they‘re really a couple“
„Kagami, I just received a message from Nathaniel. He had just woke up and he was lying on the roof of some house here in Paris“ Adrien told watching the girl sit down on Nino‘s chair, which was free.
„Any news?“ The blue-haired girl asked watching Adrien shrug his shoulders.
„He‘s just mad at himself, cause he just ended up falling asleep at some part of the night and if that didn‘t happen, he could have found Lila.“
„He should do a break. He needs to relax and take a shower, he should try to turn his head off for a while.“
„You saw him yesterday, he didn‘t want to listen to anyone. I think it‘s hard to feel alright if your girlfriend just vanishes like that without telling you anything about it“
„Rose told me, he only missed to catch Lila, because the journalists were in the way and wanted so badly to talk with him about the situation“
„Yeah, that‘s a delicate theme, that most of them won‘t ever understand, “ Adrien said afterward Miss Buster went back into the classroom, then all the students sat back on their seats.
„Sorry for the delay, I got stopped by the Rossi‘s, which are worried about Lila‘s sudden disappearance after, what happened yesterday at the champs de mars“
„So Lila‘s family also wasn‘t aware of her role as a superhero?“ The Vietnamese boy asked interestedly in the topic.
„No one in the Rossi household knew anything about it. They only knew most of the times Lila told them, she either was out with Nathaniel or with her friends somewhere and that on the same day as the superheroes showed up“
„How did her parents figure out, she was gone?“ Asked Kagami. „Her parents are almost all day gone and she doesn‘t see them often“
„They had per coincidence the radio turned on and heard about it. Their personal assistant had reported to them, that she hasn‘t arrived on that night at home“
„They must be all worried about her in not knowing, where she is“ Myléne mentioned feeling down about the missing classmate.
„Let‘s just hope Lila is okay and that she will come back soon and treat her the same way we did and avoid asking her anything about the superhero life, “ Miss Bustier said sitting down on the chair in front of her desk. „So please take out the homework I gave you on Wednesday and don‘t bring me any silly excuses, why you couldn‘t do them, “ Miss Bustier said making a few students chuckle.
„I accidentally appointed the wrong sites of the pages, but I made the correct ones anyway. Was that bad?“ Asked Rose holding her arm up in the air.
„It‘s okay Rose, this means less homework for you then“ Miss Bustier responded with a smile, watching the class take their tablets out of their bags to open their homework.
Super Nathan sat on the roof of the Louvre looking at the people walking on the ground entering into the pyramid of the museum to visit it. Super Nathan sighed, then took his tablet out to draw a flat racket with a red ball attached to it with a thread, then Super Nathan let the ball bounce on the racket to pass the time he sat there. His tablet started to ring, making the boy roll his eyes and check out, who was calling him and he saw it was Rose Lavillant‘s superhero ego, Honey Bee.
„Have you find something?“ Asked Super Nathan curious.
„No, but are you okay?“ Asked the bee-themed heroine. „We didn‘t see you at the school and were worried sick about you“
„I‘m still looking for her. Momently I‘m here at the Louvre, we…..we used to hang a lot here and I thought she could be here“ Super Nathan explained sadly.
„Don‘t worry, I‘m going to look around too for her. Kagami said she might join later, first, she‘s got together with Adrien fencing lessons“
„That‘s great, so I think we better keep looking for her“ Super Nathan said turning around while video chatting with the blonde, then he wide his eyes as he saw in front of him Miss Vixen standing there smiling at him, making him drop his chin in surprise.
„She‘s back!“ Honey Bee shouted happily as she recognized her friend from the other side of the device.
„Lila, you‘re back!“ Super Nathan said happily as he saw his girlfriend standing there in front of him.
„I‘ll meet you there“ Honey Bee announced shutting the call down and Super Nathan approached the girl, which embraced the young superhero.
„I‘m sorry I left you all back without telling you anything“ Miss Vixen apologized patting the back of her boyfriend.
„I was so worried Lila. I thought you got akumatized or worse….The Monarch could have caught you“ Super Nathan said gazing at the green eyes of the heroine.
„She‘s gonna need to do a lot more, than just sending a freaking butterfly behind me. I‘m a predator, a fox“ Miss Vixen said, then growled afterward making Super Nathan chuckle.
„It‘s great to know you‘re fine…..by the way….what will be afterward with you?“ Asked the purple-skinned superhero. „Almost everyone knows your identity, including your family and our class?“ „We see about that later“ Miss Vixen responded nudging on Super Nathan‘s nose with her index finger. „First I want to make it up for you the time we lost the other day“ Miss Vixen announced making Super Nathan blush a little.
„W….what do you want to do?“ Super Nathan asked watching the heroine place her arms behind Super Nathan‘s neck, introducing her fingers into his red hair and pressed her lips on his for a long kiss, which Super Nathan enjoyed. Afterward, the two embraced each other, making Super Nathan smiled relieved at the moment, then Miss Vixen patted the boy on the back near his shoulder blade.
„Be careful, that‘s where my miraculous is?“
„Oh wasn‘t it on the other side?“ Miss Vixen asked with a smirk making the boy shake his head.
„Nope, it‘s the other side“
„Oh I didn‘t remember it“
„No problem“ Super Nathan replied. „As long as I don‘t transform back in the wrong moment, it‘s fine,“
„Hey it might sound silly, but what‘s your transformation phrase again?“
„For transformation it‘s Karaa, stripes on and for destransformation, I say Karaa, stripes off“ Super Nathan explained causing his miraculous to beep as he had said the phrase. „No Karaa, not yet!“ Shouted Super Nathan transforming back into Nathaniel.
„Well no one saw it, “ Nathaniel said making Miss Vixen chuckle, making Nathaniel grin a little abashed, then he heard an evil laughter making him wide his eyes in shock and turn around to see from behind a pyramid-shaped roof another Miss Vixen appear twirling the flute with her fingers.
„Oh, you already met one of my new illusions?“ Miss Vixen asked looking at the confused redhead, which looked back at the Miss Vixen behind him, after that the Miss Vixen from behind the roof tapped with her flute on the floor, making the Miss Vixen by Nathaniel Kurtzberg disappear, which shocked the redhead.
„T….that was an illusion?“ Nathaniel asked surprised as he glanced at his superhero girlfriend. „No….you can‘t be...you can‘t be akumatized, right?“ Asked Nathaniel stepping back, watching the superheroine smirk evilly, frightening Nathaniel, which ran off leaving the girl behind.
Nathaniel took out his smartphone, opening the superhero chatbox stabilizing a video call and the first person of the group to attend it was Marinette.
„Nathaniel, what‘s going on?“ Marinette asked, then shrieked as she saw Miss Vixen take off and catch Nathaniel with her hands, shrieking him.
„She‘s akumatized!“ Yelped Nathaniel as he felt Miss Vixen grab him by under his armpits and take off in the air. „Heeeeellllllpppp!“ Nathaniel cried, making Marinette bite her lips as she witnessed the boy being kidnapped.
„Where are you Nathaniel?“ Asked Marinette, watching Miss Vixen throw the boy in the air and kick the smartphone in midair away from the boy, catching him afterward again.
„You don‘t need that. That‘s just distracting you from the real things in life“ Miss Vixen said making Nathaniel gulp, feeling anxious and from his jacket Karaa looked out and froze her eyes at him, making him shake his head, earning a nod from the kwami.
„But Miss Vixen, you‘re one of the good ones. How could you choose to work for Monarch?“
„You‘ll call me Volpina like everyone else, so shut up if you still want to see the sunset this evening!“ Miss Vixen ordered making Nathaniel gulp along with Karaa, which had sunk deeper into Nathaniel‘s pockets.
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fyeah-redvelvet · 5 years
There’s no question that Korean pop music has long outgrown the niche scene it was once relegated to in the U.S. Just this past year alone, some of the biggest male groups in K-pop have hosted sold out concerts, from the Staples Center to the Novo, and multiple groups have reached unprecedented milestones like having an album’s artwork nominated for a Grammy, holding one of the highest grossing shows of the summer. And though these acts strengthen K-pop’s impact in the West, one should wonder: Where are the girl groups?
Slowly, but surely, female K-pop acts are making strides of their own, and 2019 seems like the year it all finally comes to fruition. Prior to 2019, U.S. shows by a K-pop girl group were extremely rare, often only being able to perform short sets at festivals. That’s why Red Velvet’s Redmare in USA tour is cause for elation. Together with Oh My Girl (who had a five stop tour in January), BLACKPINK (who are playing Coachella this year and have yet to specify the dates of their North America tour), and a few other soloists who have already announced upcoming shows, Red Velvet is repping it for female representation by having a full solo tour of their own. Red Velvet has previously performed at KCON LA, KCON NY, and the Korea Times Music Festival, and hosted a fan meeting event in Chicago, but this will be first time they put on their full show. “[The] North America concert tour means a lot to us,” main vocalist Wendy told the Weekly over a call from Seoul. “Everyday we know we get lots of love from fans, not only from Korea, but from fans overseas.”
Red Velvet is one of the first girl groups to have, not only a full solo concert, but an entire tour since Apink in 2016. Prior to that, 2NE1 held two shows in 2012 and the Wonder Girls had a full-fledged tour in 2010. They’ll be visiting often overlooked cities like Miami and Dallas, and most of the stops sold out in minutes. According to Subkulture Entertainment, the tour promoter, tickets for the Los Angeles stop sold out instantly. And because of the high demand, a second date had to be added.    
“[I] really, really felt pride that the LA show sold out within a minute,” Seulgi commented via a translator. “It’s really awesome. It kind of makes [me] feel like the group should work harder to give back to the fans for all the love [we]’ve received.”
Red Velvet debuted as a four piece act in 2014 under S.M. Entertainment, home to some of the biggest names in K-pop including Girls’ Generation and EXO. As a concept, Irene (born Joo-hyun Bae), Seulgi Kang, Wendy (Seung-wan Shon), Joy (Soo-young Park), and, added half a year later, Yeri (Ye-rim Kim), play with the duality in their name. “Red” represents a bright, bubbly side, while “Velvet” is reserved for a sultrier moment. They shift between fun and bubblegum pop tunes like “Red Flavor” and “Dumb Dumb,” and smoother, R&B tinged tracks like “Automatic” and “Bad Boy.” Having a wide range of styles and concepts, Red Velvet has made its impact in the K-pop world by being one of the most popular girl groups in and outside Korea.
Despite women making up a larger part of the K-pop fandom, their support largely lies with the boy groups. K-pop girl groups are generally marketed specifically to men, and the prevailing trend among them is a cute and innocent image. However, female fans supporting a girl group is not unheard of in K-pop. Girls’ Generation has had one of the strongest female fronted fandoms for over 10 years. Moreover, disbanded groups like 2NE1, 4minute, and Sistar had huge female followings given their stronger and empowering concepts. And though the cuter image prevailed as new groups debuted, the interest was recently renewed by the emergence of the so-called “girl crush” image. Red Velvet’s “velvet” releases fall under the girl crush tag and are far more experimental, both conceptually and sound-wise, and less saccharine, thus resonating more with female audiences worldwide. By alternating their concepts, Red Velvet smartly reach a wider fanbase while also getting to embody more than just one thing.
“If you listen to a lot of Red Velvet songs, they’re about being confident, bold, being yourself. So [I] think that’s kind of why that message —that kind of confident message— is what appeals to female fans in particular,” Joy says. “But on top of that, Red Velvet is known for their bright, happy energy, so that’s kind of the universal appeal to both male and female fans.”
2018 was an especially big year for Red Velvet, and their duality took center stage. Their quirky electropop summer release “Power Up,” with its playful and colorful music video and earworm lyrics, got the group the first “perfect all-kill” in their careers, meaning they topped all Korean streaming platforms. The EP, Summer Magic, debuted at number three on Billboard’s World Albums chart.
On the other hand, released earlier in the year, “Bad Boy” went onto become what will probably go down as a K-pop classic. Produced in part by The Stereotypes, who have worked on hits for Bruno Mars and Justin Bieber, “Bad Boy” is a haunting yet smooth, melodic femme fatale anthem. It was the group’s first sexy and most mature concept, and fans and critics alike reveled in its lush synths and vocals reminiscent of ‘90s R&B. By the end of the year, “Bad Boy” ranked within the top five of many best of K-pop year-end lists from the likes of Paper Magazine and Dazed, and even took the number one spot on Billboard’s. “Bad Boy”’s impact also broke the K-pop barrier by placing 43 on Billboard’s best songs of the year list.
“It was unexpected, especially considering how much reaction [we] received from fans overseas regardless of [us] not promoting it overseas, per se,” Joy says with a laugh about “Bad Boy.” “It kind of gave [us] more confidence in terms of trying that kind of genre.” Summer Magic included an English version of “Bad Boy.”Also notably —and very badass— “Bad Boy” was one of two songs Red Velvet performed at a diplomatic inter-Korean event in Pyongyang attended by North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and South Korean president Moon Jae-in.
Last year also saw their debut in Japan with #Cookie Jar, which peaked at number three on the Oricon album chart, the country’s most important music chart. And though it wasn’t the whole group, main vocalist Wendy collaborated with John Legend on the heartfelt ballad “Written in the Stars.” “I couldn’t believe he wanted me to collaborate with him, and I still feel like it’s a dream,” Wendy, who lived in Canada for many years and speaks English fluently, reflected back. “If I had another chance, or had a chance to go back to that time, I wish I talked to him more. It was a great, great memory, though.” And to finalize their aim at global domination, their last EP of the year, and latest, RBB also included an English version of the single by the same name. The acronym stands for “Really Bad Boy” and is a sort of sequel to “Bad Boy” and is horror film themed. RBB hit number two on the World Albums chart, their highest position to date.  
For many K-pop boy groups, it’s much easier to hold a concert or fan meeting event in the U.S. no matter how long they’ve been active or what they’ve accomplished so far. Red Velvet, who are going on their fifth year together, had to kill it consistently and have the biggest year of their careers before going on their first multi-stop concert tour in the states. “We can’t really explain how much energy we get from doing the concert. Especially the moment when you share that connection with the audience,” Wendy shared. “That feeling you get, you can’t really explain it… It can’t really [be] beat[en].”  
As to future music, Yeri teased more coming in English. “If the fans really love the English versions of [our] songs, maybe [I] could bring it up to the company and just make it seem like, ‘Hey, we should release an English album,’” she says, making the rest of the members laugh. “That’s something that [we] obviously think about a lot, especially because of the reactions from the fans overseas,” she added.
With things going as fast and successfully as they are for the group, Irene, the leader, noted that they’ll always be the same “hard working Red Velvet.” “Every year [we] grow and mature, so in that sense, [we]’ll be different. But in terms of always challenging [our]selves, always working hard, [we]’ll be the same group.”
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unimpressedperson · 5 years
Jackpot | pt. I
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(Found this picture in @youthstuffs , thank you for posting it)
Genre: Fluff and Crack, I guess...
Warnings: Mentions of lap dance, boner and ejaculation (it’s not smutty, tho)
Pairing: Kim Namjoon x @taesbetch , Kim Namjoon x Reader
Word Counting: 7.6k
Synopsis: Nya spent her whole life in Las Vegas, she would never imagine that local knowledge would ever be useful. However, her vision changed when Kim Seokjin appeared and introduced her to a few friends, film producers, whose needed guidance through Las Vegas underrated places for a movie. She agreed in working for them, and in that moment none of their lives would ever be the same. What happens in Vegas, not always has to be kept in Vegas.
A/N: Heeeeeeeey Nya!! Here is the first part of your one shot (now two shots? Lol), well. First thing first, it’s not a proper romantic chapter, since I used it more for entertainment and slyly making the characters bond, not explicitly making them stay together. It was fun to write and create every place I described (none of them actually exists in Las Vegas, I mean there is something similar to Eleganza & Extravaganza, but in Brazil). I made a bunch of references to RuPaul’s Drag Race, and some from movies (The Hangover, Showgirls, Agent 83, 21, etc). Hopefully you’ll enjoy it, I swear the second part if fluffier and way more what’s expected from an one shot. Forgive any grammatical mistakes. Good reading  xX 
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The air smelled like whiskey and freshly cleaned wood. The slots were noisy and people yelled at them. The red walls and black carpet covered by footprints. Behind a long and wide curtain, a whole bunch of casino tables were in use. Blackjack making the dollar bills fly from hand to hand, trading them for casino chips. Money was lost and gained. People got in hopeful, chances mostly playing against their odds, but still willing to try and gain a fortune.
— Not everyone is Rain Main, though. - Namjoon said whilst looking through the tables, accompanied by his fellows Jungkook, Yoongi and Hoseok.
— Totally, why are we here anyways? We don’t gamble. You always told me not to play with lucky. - Jungkook held tight on his leather jacket sleeves.
— Do you know how to count cards? It’s illegal. If you get arrested I’ll show up only to mock you in jail. - Yoongi said, but decided to chill and buy a drink, tapping on his back pocket, looking for his wallet, not feeling it. - Shit, I think I lost my wallet with my cards, ID and money.
— You dropped it on the elevator’s floor. - Hoseok threw the wallet in Yoongi’s direction and grinned. - You took an eternity to notice.
— Why did I even brought you guys? Everyone is behaving like underage virgins trying to get in a strip club with an illegal ID. - Namjoon rolled his eyes and stopped, turning around on his calves. - Pull yourselves together, we are here ‘cuz Seokjin told me there’s someone willing to guide us through Las Vegas. It’s a woman and she works here.
— I miss Jin-hyung. He never denied a drink to his pals. - Hoseok said pouting, then getting back to his grinning self. - Is she that clever? Like, we travelled from England to Las Vegas short-noticed, she must be an ace, human map.
— You trust me, I trust Kim Seokjin and he trusts Nya. - Namjoon said and kept walking, looking for the indicated woman. According to her profile picture on Whatsapp, she had a curly brown hair, big dark eyes, with delicate yet strong facial traits. He checked the time on his cellphone, 7 p.m, Nya should finish her shift in one hour, but checking twice never harms.
- x - x - x - x -
Nya was feeling hot with her uniform. Not hot as sexy, but hot in the sense of igniting. Her white long-sleeved shirt was buttoned up, the vest warming everything even more. Not mentioning the constant stinging on her legs, caused by hours standing still distributing cards and, occasionally, trading money for chips. Still irritated, she focused on something else, specifically four koreans lads, dressed in casual clothings and staring around, as if they were looking for someone, Nya knew whom, but couldn’t yell or wave to call, since her manager wouldn’t approve such behavior.
A few months before she met with another korean guy, Kim Seokjin, with his broad shoulders covered by expensive suits, impeccable black hair and sharp tongue. Nya liked to chat with him, and shortly after found out he was looking for a guide to shown places in Las Vegas, affording to pay for the service. Everyone around were trying to get money through gambling, but the lucky one didn’t even touch a slot. Jade earned over US$1 thousand grands for her service.
Not long after, Seokjin contacted again claiming that he had indicated her work for a few friends. Acknowledging how rich he was, then a group of friends could pay even more. Whilst listening to the man explaining who the clients were, Nya was mentally chanting to ‘Billionaire’ by Bruno Mars.
The man sent a contact named ‘Kim Namjoon’. Nya and the new customer discussed additional informations, such as location and time to meet. Of course she knew he could show up earlier to check. Every sane one would confirm.
However, taking an attentive look at Seokjin’s friends, no one impressed her much. They were beautiful, specifically the taller one with lilac hair, Kim Namjoon himself, but also seemed to be a group of penny-pinchers. Great, there goes her ‘Billionaire’ dreams, landing straight on ‘Thrift Shop’ by Macklemore.
Once Namjoon finally detected Nya, he pulled his group of friends in the table’s direction, seating on a vague chair and staring at her, talking politely to the other players: an old lady wearing a thick fur-coat, black hair in a high ponytail and a white man with brown curly hair and using a Gucci sweater.
— Is that a lucky table? My friends here insist in saying I’m a jinx. - Namjoon asked and smiled, making the old lady blush and Nya side grinning.
Hoseok decided to take Yoongi and Jungkook to the bar, leaving the lilac haired man there, but promising to bring him a drink. Namjoon didn’t seem to care, trying to find a subtle way to ask Nya when her shift ends. He wasn’t aware if everyone knew about the side job as a guide.
— Oh, one of my fellows stopped by a few hours ago and played on that same table. When will your shift end? Isn’t that overworking? - Namjoon “casually” questioned. trying his best to sound chill and not psycho.
— Do you want another card, miss? - Nya asked and pulled one ‘red queen’ from the deck of cards, watching how the lady huffed in frustration. - Yes, today I worked literally for two. I’m covering a friend of mine. Thank you for your concern, but my shift ends in… Fifteen minutes.
— Oh, I worked in a bar once. It’s tiring. You should receive extra; - The man with curly brown hair said and asked for another card, completing a Blackjack and hissing in happiness.
Namjoon grinned flashing one dimple, looking at his wallet and casually announcing that he would buy a ‘lucky charm’ (a green drink, actually) before playing and stood up, giving a tip to Nya. Between the bills there was a paper saying he would wait for her at the bar.
Particularly, Namjoon felt stupid about being so secretive, the same did Nya. Behaving like they were trafficking drugs or selling a kidney for the Black Market. However, it also added to the experience of exploring Las Vegas, a Mission Impossible sort of situation.
Oh, Namjoon wished to be wearing a suit to feel like Agent 83, pondering the idea of looking for a phonecase shaped as a shoe.
- x - x - x - x -
— So, what are your names again? - Nya asked walking off the casino door, being followed by the four men. She was now wearing a black skinny jeans, plain white t-shirt and carrying her jacket on one of the arms.
— Kim Namjoon. I’m the one who contacted you. - The tall man with lilac soft hair said, a deep voice matching his very well distributed body form. Nya found him interesting and smart.
— Min Yoongi. - The tiniest one with black hair and round glasses said, whilst checking something on his phone. He seemed a little intimidating, but in certain angles his cheeks became chubby, giving a much cuter air. What a duality.
— Jung Hoseok, but call me Hobi. - The one with blonde wavy hair pronounced, smiling and flashing his small dimples around the mouth. A cheerful aura seemed to surround him, maybe it was all the neon lights coming from every casino and hotel.
— My name is Jeon Seagull. - Jungkook said and watched Nya’s expression switch from playful and calm to confused.
— What? Is that serious? - She asked furrowing her eyebrows.
Everyone laughed loudly, confusing her even more. She never felt comfortable not understanding inside jokes from friends, the brown haired woman felt slightly left out from the conversation.
— No, I’m just kidding. My name is Jeon Jungkook. - He said and shook her hand, smiling and shortly after continuing. - Do you want to know the story behind the whole Jeon Seagull thing?
Before she could answer, Jungkook began telling his story. Apparently the boy with cherry coloured hair used to be an idol in Korea, in a boy group from 15 to 21. When he decided to quit singing dumb songs about girls and conquer his dreams.
— When I chose to become part of that group, the managers decided that Jungkook wasn’t a good name, so based on where I was born they decided to call me Jeon Seagull, supposedly appealing even to fans from outside Korea. - Jungkook said and wagged his hand around. - Well, after years I quitted, graduated in cinema and went to England, where I met these douchebags.
— Is there anyone hungry or just me? I know a place with good and cheap food. - Nya said and glanced in Namjoon’s direction. - It's also very private, so we can discuss my commission and, once again, clarify your intentions, places to visit and contacts needed. Even a girl with good friends requires some checking before confirming.
Hoseok felt his stomach complaining. The peanuts eaten whilst waiting for Nya didn't trick his greedy and quick metabolism. Also, Yoongi was sick worried about some account numbers from the previous project, trying his best to fix finances before engaging in international business, but food and a good cup of coffee would help him think rationally. The men agreed and watched the woman waving her left hand to stop a cab.
- x - x - x - x -
Nya took the group to a small diner. They sat down and ordered some coffee and bagels with cream cheese, as an entrance. ‘The Devito’ had a lot resemblances with Pop's from Riverdale, which itself reminded any 50s diner. Red couches instead of chairs, white tables, everything decorated with vintage chachki and posters. The ambient music (Livin’ On A Prayer by Bon Jovi) provided by a wooden jukebox. The waiters and waitress all dressed in white pants, cream and red plaid shirts, rolling around in expensive looking skates (Namjoon was surprised, claiming he could barely stand still in hard ground. Yoongi confirmed telling that the first time they met, they almost managed to get killed by a bus in London, after the taller one tripped on his feet and nudged him).
Whilst eating bagels and chatting about impersonal topics, Namjoon took a sip from his coffee and began the business talk.
— So, Nya. What's your price? - Namjoon asked not looking straight at the woman’s eyes, trying to see what Yoongi was doing on his phone.
— Hm, it depends. - Nya said, brushing off the conversation with Jungkook about Transformers being sorted in Hogwarts houses (Optimus Prime is totally a Ravenclaw, Bumblebee despite of his colours is a total Gryffindor). - See, Seokjin paid me US$1k because he is rich and cocky, but I accept less. Also, I take in count how dangerous wherever you want to visit is. I ain't gonna risk my neck for a few dimes. Also, if I understood it right, then we’ll be together from now til morning, did I get it? Maybe a bit of the afternoon, but since I worked two shifts today, conquered the right for a day off.
— Fair and right. - Yoongi said and popped his tongue, putting his phone down and digging in relief. - See, we can pay US$600 for your job, maximum. You are not going to take us in dangerous places, mainly because we are tracking and trying to rent establishments for filming. I personally don't think it's secure to break in a crack house, aimed with expensive professional cameras, and other cinematic knick knack. At least not with an indie production budget.
— Oh, I get it, but you still didn't clarify what kind of places we are going. - Nya looked at Yoongi, but shortly after glanced in Namjoon's direction again. - Where do you want to go tonight, sir?
— Our new project is rather bold, and sassy, and if you want to use the right vocabulary, then it's also fierce. - Namjoon said smiling, not a large full of teeth kind of smile, but a proud and dimpley one. - We want to attend Drag Queen clubs, stripclubs, bars, cheap hotels and stores, specifically department stores and somewhere to buy wigs.
The woman tried to imagine their upcoming movie, with drag queens, strippers, cheap clothings, alcohol and possibly a whole load of LGBT representation. Yeah, Namjoon made the right choice, Las Vegas had everything they needed for under loan prices. She herself knew people who could snatch someone's face to star in a movie. Differently from Seokjin (who paid for attending comedy shows, expensive hotels, top knot restaurants, he also wanted to meet famous people, and Elvis matchmaker. His movie was cliche, a common romcom), Min Yoongi, Kim Namjoon, Jung Hoseok and Jeon Jungkook wanted to go further, know the veins and core of Vegas. Entertainment in it's raw and most interesting form. Nya was excited.
— This sounds so amazing. It seems like a match between Priscilla and Showgirls. - Nya spoke wistfully and with a lightweight looking face. - What's the movie about?
— Well. First thing first, our last project wasn't very acclaimed and complimented by critics. They said the movie was predictable, quality so low compared to previous releases. Deception, that vastly said word really bugged us. - Hoseok took the word and began talking, tapping his long and skinny finger on the cold table material. - After a few weeks thinking and searching, me and our main writer, Taehyung, decided to dive in LGBT culture. Months of writing and studying brought us the golden idea.
“A famous drag queen in Vegas, confident and talented. She spent her life dancing and lip syncing for money bills during night, whilst writing for a local newspaper on the astrology column during day. One night, though, during a show she meets with a drag king. - Hoseok took a sip from his coffee and continued. -  That night changed everything, Moonchild, as we named the character, learns what love is and how narrow minded LGBT community itself is, cuz between drinks and night outs with Jimmy Humble, she finds out he is actually a transman. They also meet a girl working on the same restaurant as Jimmy, and she is a stripper dealing with some problems related to genetics. The story is very angst, fluff, defying… Fierce.”
— I already know where to take you. - She pronounced and drank the last bit of coffee. - Also, I won't charge the guidance with a simple condition: you guys will employe and give screen time to a few people I'm going to introduce. Genius artists with a career slamming on their backs, but poor chances of starring something without incentive and purpose.
Namjoon and Yoongi glazed down at her with a weird expression. No grand service comes for free. Was Nya being serious? Guiding a bunch of foreigners through Las Vegas streets charging not even a dollar? They stared at each other, having a silent talk, the kind of talk only people really close can have.
— Ok, so you don't want the US$600? You are willing to drag us around for free, only with a guarantee that we are hiring a few friends of yours? - Yoongi asked, raising one eyebrow, suspicious, almost suspecting on her kindness.
— Yeah, you got it. - She confirmed and put both hands together on her own lap. - You pay my friends and I give you informations obtained after years wandering around Las Vegas.
— Geez woman, if Seokjin mentioned you were Jesus Christ level of humble, then I'd have brought something for you to bless, or I don't know, a leprous to cure. - Jungkook told between chuckles. - You are a saint.
— Don't exaggerate, Kook. - The lilac-haired man slapped lightly the younger's hand. - But in fact, it's very humble of you. Although, we will still pay for cab and every meal or drink you have. We are not Scrudges after all. Except for Yoongi, he has a scorpion in his wallet poisoning whoever tries to spend more than the affordable.
They ordered dinner (burgers with cheddar and barbecue sauce). Hoseok stood up and had a toast in Nya's name.
- x - x - x - x -
After having a great dinner, and Namjoon paying for her, Nya decided to begin the night by heading to a bar. Mainly because it was near and they could get there in five minutes. Also, she knew who owned it, even though nothing glamorous would be seem, the place could be weirdly welcoming with cheap drinks, bitter beer and mostly mushy peanuts.
The establishment was small. Diego, an immigrant from Mexico, opened his pub in 1991 and struggled to keep it alive, until a horde of hipster decided to use his place as a meeting place, boosting his cashier.
Rustic but endearing. Namjoon felt amazed by how both adjectives coexisted perfectly. Las Vegas had so many bright neon lights and huge bars with overpriced HORRIBLE drinks, yet Nya managed to find somewhere small and cozy. Even though Yoongi complained about how weird the peanuts and pistachios tasted, they agreed on considering it to rent as a location to film, discussing how to fit flawlessly with the script.
The walls were light green full of colorful images from beautiful latina women, contrasting with the plain black floor. Small brown tables with two plastic chairs each. The drinks served weren't diversified, basic and some of them traditionally from Mexico. Kim Namjoon paid a round of tequila for everyone and turned his shot in a gulp.
The lilac haired man was paying attention to Nya, who chatted animated with the owner, a tanned man with a shaved face and big cheeks, bald and skinny, beside his preeminent belly, result of years drinking doses and doses of beer. They seemed like family, catching up on how Cousin Shirley is no longer working for him, because she moved to New York binging graduate college there. Also, Namjoon overheard something about a relative dead after trying to cross the border between USA and Mexico.
Sad. Nya’s expression turned from lightweight and joyful to sorrow. Apparently she knew the dead man and couldn't attend his funeral. Namjoon took another shot of tequila and tried to focus on Yoongi and Hoseok fitting the bar into a scene, apparently there was a moment where Jimmy Humble tries to mingle among cisgender people in a bar, but the result is saddening.
Jungkook was a clever guy, genius filming and editing, but very naive on daily basis. Whilst chatting with the bartender he decided to play arm-wrestling, even though the lady clearly had the task of carrying gallons filled with beer, so she was strong, toned and tanned arms, wide shoulders and a pin-up tattooed on her biceps, the face delicate, like a sunflower surrounded by black curls instead of petals. Beautiful, a very beautiful young lady, whose beat Jungkook three times in a row.
The guide in charge dried a small tear and glanced at the lilac haired man. He was quiet and observant, whilst his friends were mingling and socializing (or like Yoongi, just chatting with someone here and there), Kim Namjoon observed and drank from a huge mug of beer, such as soaking his brain in new visual information, reading the place and absorbing its story and culture. Nya liked that about him, even meeting him for a few hours now, she could tell Namjoon's soul had been around for ages. Hoseok and everyone else were smart, but the tall guy was wise.
— Why did you choose to become a movie director? - Nya sat beside Namjoon and queried, shortly after took a sip on her own beer (“Here mi hija, a treat from Tio Diego. Give your silent friend one too”).
— I don't know. - Namjoon replied, mind still wandering around the bar, asking himself if Tio Diego actually met all the ladies framed around in pictures. - I actually started working with audio, producing music and stuff,  but after a couple years only dealing with sounds bored me. I was happy, but not joyful. So I decided to change a little and start a job with movie soundtracks. Not long after and directing became an interest. So I joined college to study cinema. Now I’m the Captain Kirk of my Enterprise, controlling the british indie cinematography market, and all with my oldest friend Spock, as known as Min Yoongi.
— Interesting. Deeply interesting. - Nya cooed and soaked her throat with a long sip of beer. - Have you never considered the idea of working for big studios? Like, Paramount?
Before properly answering, Namjoon chuckled and took his phone from one of the pockets, unlocking it and looking for something on internet. He passed the mobile to Nya’s hand. Shining under her sight was a movie poster of a man dressed like a doctor, butterflies flying around him.
— Butterfly Voices. - They said in sync, however Kim continued speaking in a slow pace. - Three years ago I tried to get in the selective environment of mainstream cinema. I spent years working on a script worth of Hollywood. My great chance appeared, I held it with teeth and claws. The budget wasn't great, mainly because most people weren't aware of me. After the release, tabloids spread false informations about how much the film cost, also whenever you hit a great public in theaters and become a so called ‘popular director’, critics seems to get dumber. Their criticisms about Butterfly Voices weren't serious, only mean comments on nonexistent things. After understanding how poisonous fame is, I decided to go focus again in producing my independent movies. It's less tiring and weary.
— Oh my god. Is that the movie about the doctor who married another doctor, and after his wife passed away her spirit became a kind of guide, helping him to make decisions and ace surgeries? - Nya questioned and Namjoon nodded quietly. - I cried like a baby when her soul began fading after a psychiatrist friend gave him pills to schizophrenia, and he realised his wife's image was nothing but a trick from his widowed mind. You are a good director.
— Thank you. It's a pity Rotten Tomatoes critics didn't have the same thought. They classified Butterfly Voices as frustrating and merciless, on the edge of a low budget Sixth Sense. - The lilac-haired was feeling comfortable around Nya, maybe the alcohol began kicking, or maybe she was actually chill and trustworthy. - I never really talked about my experience with mainstream cinema. Everyone always looks up on my finances, criticizing and judging how much less money I gain from producing indie movies, of course comparing with what I got paid in Hollywood. I don't care about it. My mental health is a priority, and dealing with popularity amongst tabloids made me have anxiety attacks.
— Yeah. Michael Jackson tried to advise us. Only the fools ignored the King of Pop. - Nya slipped one hand and touched lightly Namjoon's pinky, blushing and watching him smirk with her side vision.
They stayed there, touching pinkies and nonspeaking for over ten minutes, until Jungkook came closer and asked when they were heading to another place. In Namjoon's opinion the young cherry-haired lad got tired of losing to Tania in arm wrestling, even though he would never admit it.
— Where are you taking us now, Nya? - Yoongi turned to look at her with smiley eyes, matching his gummy grin.
— Let me see… What about a bar RuPaul's Drag Race themed? - She scratched her own chin, as if expressing doubt. - Then a strip club where I know a few girls.
— It's a yes from me. - Hoseok yelled from one of the corners.
- x - x - x - x -
— Glamour. EXTRAVAGANZA. Fierce. Bang! Bang! Bang! Yaaaaas kweeeeeen! - Hoseok got in ‘Drag mode’ as soon as they arrived, making the use of every LGBT slang he knew.
— Hobi, I'm telling you this as a friend, don't  overuse your drag vocabulary. - Namjoon said putting one hand on his shoulder. - I don't want to be kicked out a place cuz my friend is borderline offensive when gets excited.
— Don't you throw shade at me, henny. - Hobi replied and poked out his tongue.
— You really made a deep research before writing the script, didn't you? - Nya raised an eyebrow in Hoseok’s direction.
— Absolutely. - Hoseok answered mimicking Gia Gunn [a Drag Race competitor from season 6].
Despite the long waiting line, Nya's contact allowed them to get in before everyone else. The group entered and took a sit on one table decorated with glitter and a menu where foods and drinks were named after RuPaul’s Drag Race queens. Ambient itself was pure glam, with pink walls ornate tiles and frames of quotes, queens, RuPaul herself, etc. On a huge TV screen was airing an old episode of RPDR. Waitress were all in drag, most of them looking like Trixie Mattel, but with slightly less makeup.
— Hm, I'll have the same as always, Peeps. A ‘Naomi Smalls’ with extra ice. - Nya pronounced after asking how the waitress in front of them was doing lately. - What do you guys will want?
— I don't know, this Monique Heart seems amazing, but I'm not in the mood for ice cream and Coca-Cola. - Yoongi cooed and stared down at the menu, turning the page and his eyes began glowing. - Oooh I want a Cuba Libre, I mean, a Bianca Del Rio.
— I will have one of my favourite queen. - Hoseok said and popped his tongue, again, for the fiftieth time in ten minutes, chosing a drink made of strawberry juice and vodka. - Make me an Alyssa Edwards, please. Okurrrr?
— I'm so sorry for my friend. - Namjoon said and rolled his eyes. - I want a portion of ‘backrolls’ [basically fried pork] and one Charlie Hides, I prefer Guinness, but I can have whatever beer it is.
— Gosh, there are over 100 options. - Jungkook pointed out, still paging through the menu, eyes brightening after seeing an Amarula drink. - But, a Bebe Zahara it will be.
— Nice choices. I particularly prefer a dose of Adore Delano with portions of Latrice Royale. - Peeps told and wrote their order in a beautiful calligraphy, leaving quickly right before.
— I loved this place. I’m gagging, bish - Hoseok chanted, smiling so big you could see his molars. - Namjoon, I know we won't film here, image copyright and all, but can we help them out? Announcing their establishment during the movie.
Namjoon sighed deeply and glanced at Yoongi. They spoke again with looks and eyebrow raises.
— As long as they don't charge a fortune to borrow their front door, we can try to get an agreement. - Yoongi affirmed petting Hobi’s forearm.
Nya kept on admiring Namjoon. Everyone seemed so chaotic or worried whilst himself, the boss in charge, was chill and mostly unimpressed, even surrounded by tall men dressed in drag and serving food. How could he not even express amusement to everything around? Wasn't it all different enough? She wasn’t getting paid for guiding them, but still would feel so much better having at least a glimpse of his approval. Jungkook was clearly rolling on joy like a pig in mud, Hoseok after spending so much time searching and digging in LGBT culture, had the time of his life in a RPDR themed bar, Yoongi felt content with good drinks and slowly solving their filming location problem. But what about Namjoon?
Well, he was sipping on his beer and chatting mostly with Yoongi, occasionally smiling and flashing dimples. The neon lights reflected and turned his hair even more purple, also turning Jungkook’s wires into a brighter cherry red. They seemed comfortable, which was great. Nya reminded when some homophobes tried to destroy the place by throwing rocks and setting fire. Eleganza & Extravaganza almost turned into ashes and dust. However, allies and LGBT folks raised money to reconstruct everything broken or burned.
The woman felt tempted to ask for a sneak peak on the script, but they would never reach that level of intimacy in only two hours. Her relationship with them was strictly professional by now, even having fun and possibly end up getting wasted in Las Vegas.
Nya loved her self-proclaimed job.
It’s not like Nya used to guide people around Las Vegas often, actually the first time was when Jin offered cash, in exchange of a sightseeing based on a local point of view. As he said, no one knows good places better than someone residing there. Even not expressing, meeting new clients made her restless for days, always rattling or zoning out. What if the experience end up being a deception? Despite Seokjin compliments, every single one has a different predilection, maybe bringing them to places she thought were appropriate and not regular ones, could go right or could go wrong.
Fortunately, Yoongi cackling and almost choking over Jungkook trying to sip his drink through with the nose, oh small - yet unbelievably bizarre - moment like those boosted her confidence. Nya laughed out loud when Hoseok punched Jeon’s shoulder:
— You better respect this temple, you heathen, RuPaul faithless. - The blonde one pronounced in a mocking tone. - We ain’t here to parteeey.
Namjoon rolled his eyes and slapped lightly the back of Hoseok’s head. They definitely were having fun.
The lilac-haired man was also admiring Nya. As someone living off of a business where, in its essence, who you know defines who you are, watching someone with so many contacts amused him. Although, what actually got his attention was how caring the woman behaved towards everyone, she literally spoke to whoever approached them as relatives. Uncle Diego, Aunt Tania, whilst the waiter/waitress were treat like cousins. It seemed like outcasts from Las Vegas were her family.
How did she knew so many people? Nothing plausible actually occurred to him.
- x - x - x - x -
After leaving the Eleganza & Extravaganza a bit tipsy, one more drink and Namjoon would lose control over Hoseok and Jungkook, so he decided it was time for finding a strip club, since one of the characters worked as a stripper. After jumping in a cab and Nya saying where to take them, everyone agreed in not having more alcoholic beverages until the end of night. As if.
The cab dropped them in front of a very common-looking strip club. Seriously, it was almost comic on how stereotyped the place seemed to be. Teets had a huge neon billboard with a female body traced in red, a huge bodyguard (whose looked a lot like Thing from Fantastic Four, before being turned into a walking rock), no line though. Nya hugged that man and waved at Namjoon and his friends.
— Uncle Ben, those are friends of mine and we need to get in Teets. - Nya stated smiling brightly, one of his HUGE arms around her small shoulders, whilst she pointed at Namjoon. - This is Kim Namjoon, Jung Hoseok, Min Yoongi and Jeon Jungkook, they are entrepreneurs from the cinema business and need a location for their upcoming release.
— Hi guys, nice to meet more friends of Nya. - So called Uncle Ben shook hands with everyone. Jungkook and his nerdy ass really inquired if everything was a dream or a joke, someone looking like Thing from Fantastic 4, with the same name, but changing everything when “uncle” word appeared first. A punchy Jeon Jungkook looked around trying to find cameras, Human Torch or someone, ironically, named Peter Parker. - Nice to know you guys are interested in using Teets as a location, they could make the use of some promotion.
— Well, we are here and willing to help. - Hoseok babbled and grinned, still fazed by their previous location.
— I’ll let you guys in, but don’t do anything stupid. I don’t want to kick your arses out of stablishment. - Uncle Ben sounded serious, and no one wanted to play with Uncle Ben.
Ben stepped aside and allowed them in. Jungkook, who was biting inside his cheeks desperately trying to contain any unnecessary commentary, turned around and said, with brawn and brain.
— We will behave. With great powers comes great responsibility. - Jungkook felt flushed, yet content and relieved. Namjoon and Yoongi on the other hand almost choked, considering the idea of kicking the youngest one out themselves.
The black hallway, illuminated by dirty yellowish lights, was full of pictures, mostly old Playboy Magazine posters and covers, but a few original pictures from their most successful strippers also existed. Before reaching the main room, where the stage and bar resided, Nya stopped them and turned around.
— So there are a few advices I feel the need to give. - Nya cleared throat, scratching the back of her neck uncomfortably. - First: don't touch the girls, unless you pay for more physical contact, or they find you cute. I don’t know how strip clubs in United Kingdom works, so better to be safe than sorry. Second: lap dances will most definitely happen, so just try not to get stuck in the heat of the moment, ‘cuz no one would feel comfortable around an unsolved boner.
She swung her weight from one foot to another, trying to gather words. Nya knew a few girls working there, some actually used to be classmates during high school. Old friendships and, just like every other, valuable ones.
— Some of the girls I want to be casted are here. - She mumbled, mentally thanking God for the soundproof walls. - I know them every since high school. Carol studied scenic arts, but never succeed. Whilst Sasha, Gabe and Sharon deserves a better life, maybe a bit of help by appearing in a movie could push their careers. Don’t make anything inappropriate, please.
— Scout promise, Ma’am. - Yoongi made an “X” shape in front of his chest.
— Good. Now let’s go. - She opened the red door and heard the loud music invade her ears. “Purple Rain” by Prince blasting the old soundsystem. - Welcome to Teets, boys.
The lighting was weak, yet a bar with colourful bottles could be seen across the room, surrounded by small teal benches. Tables and chairs were placed around a medium sized stage, where a pole stood still (with a naked woman dancing around it). A common strip club, with a few men sitting and watching the blonde lady swinging her nude hips sensually, some ladies in latex clothing or lingerie wandered around, serving drinks and giving lap dances. All four men tried not to focus on them, finding details everywhere.
Nya took a sit next the stage, watching how chill Hoseok, Yoongi and Namjoon acted, contrasting completely with Jungkook’s behavior. The young man was shifting uncomfortably on his seat, his adam’s apple bobbing up and down, if you paid attention could even see tiny droplets of sweat pooling around his hairline, never looking straight at the stage.
Namjoon and Nya leaned close to each other, getting lost in a conversation about how the atmosphere smelled like incense. According to her, the owner is brazilian so he always orders tons of Dama da Noite scented incense (a nightly blooming flower from Brazil) and purposely lights them close to air ducts, making air steamy. The effect caused was a sort of erotic odour consuming and confusing everyone's senses. Gossip says some men can get horny only by the expectation brought by the ambience built around.
Jeon Jungkook was clearly one of those men.
After a few more minutes of “Purple Rain”, Cherry Pop left the stage with a few dollar bills in hands. Jungkook took a deep breathe and relaxed. Unlucky, his whole body tensioned again when another song began and a woman with ebony coloured hair braided to perfection, curvy silhouette made of wide hips and natural boobs covered by a set of black and lacy lingerie, connected to a pair of sheer socks by garters, high heels emphasizing how toned her legs were. The woman's body was so far from being a small frame, yet sexy and attractive as hell.
— Guys, this is Carol, her stage name is Cristal Malone. - Nya cooed in awe. No one would ever deny how heavenly gorgeous she looked.
The air seemed to get heavier and sexier, “Voodoo” by Patrick Paige II played around them, Carol swayed along with the music. Jungkook wanted to avert the gaze and focus in somewhere other than her, but something on how she moved around lightly and feeling every note wouldn't allow him. It was hypnotic, she captured his glare and wouldn't release. When garters were abandoned close to Jeon's eyesight, the expectation for seeing more of her beautiful bare frame grew stronger.
Nonetheless, Carol knew who the guys drooling at front row were, Nya told about them and mentioned a chance of appearing in a movie. Decided to convince of her professionalism, she walked slowly around stage and went down stairs, grabbing dollar bills from admirers and leaving it close to her garters. Mentally playing eenie meenie miney mo, Cristal Malone chose who would be the lucky one to receive a special lap dance.
When she stopped in front of Jungkook and stared down at him, he felt his pants tightening more, but his amusement wasn't showing, the doe eyes were widened and almost jumping their orbits, cursing silently how odds weren't at his favour. She looked even better closer, carved features in a smooth caramel skin, irises shining like black pearls, a thick trace of eyeliner, mouth painted with a lustful shade of glossy red. Somehow, the atmosphere made Jeon smell of sex around. Carol looked at him with one eyebrow raised slightly, sensing his tension and grinned for nanoseconds, assuming her dominant position again. Taking advantage of the exact moment when one song changed to another, she lightly pushed his legs open, following the tempting rhythm of “Earned It” by The Weeknd.
Carol positioned herself over one of his muscled thighs, not sitting straight there, moving hips front and back, left and right, watching how his arms were pushed behind the chair, one hand holding the other. Getting closer and allowing his upper body to touch hers, Jungkook almost passed out. His face expressed a mix of embarrassment, excitement and, deep down, lust. Carol moved a leg to the side, getting off his leg and posing her hands where body was previously touching.
Using the hook between the verse and the chorus, she turned around and sat on his crotch, moving along with The Weeknd's voice.
Jungkook zoned out in the moment Carol sat on his thigh. His mind and body weren't connecting, not when his thinking head felt embarrassed and the down one was clearly enjoying some friction. Rationally wishing to be someone else, bodily drinking from every moment. That confusion made his penis semi-hard, not being able to get fully erect considering the situation. He wanted to melt, but also be there. How would Jeon face his hyungs after that particular show? HOW WOULD HE FACE NYA? Why the song seemed to last forever, yet so short?
Whilst Carol made Jungkook feel a mix of excitement and embarrassment, Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok were surprised and a bit jealous. Lucky little bastard. Nya knew the stripper would do it, but never imagined the exaggeration.
The song was about to end, Jungkook sunk down on the chair when an already known satisfying feeling ran through his veins, like electricity. He came on his pants and the combo excitement+embarrassment was replaced by a profound shame. Cumming on his pants like a teenager.
The stripper got back on stage ready to continue her routine of striptease. Yoongi threw a US$20 bill and blinked. Jungkook's face grew redder every second, he turned around and said to Namjoon, stuttering and almost crying.
— I gotta change my pants.
— Why? Oh… - A very flustered and wide-eyed Namjoon held a chuckle down his throat. It was tragically comical. Jungkook had to change his pants.
After a few moments deciding what to do, their focus was no longer on Cristal Malone. Namjoon turned and told Nya what happened, she looked at Jungkook and stood up. Everyone followed her lead in the bar's direction, Jungkook walking weirdly and feeling, almost hearing the spunk sticking to his underwear.
— Hey Abby. - Nya waved for the bartender, a middle aged woman, with greyish ginger hair pulled back in a ponytail, brown eyes and peaceful features. - Do Teets still has the Lost & Found?
— Hey Nya, how are you? - Abby was drying cups and glasses. - Yes, it's in the back now. Close to where the girls change.
— I won't use some pervert’s trousers! - Jungkook exclaimed, hands firmly covering his crotch. - How does someone forgets its pants?
— You don't have plenty of choices, Kook. - Hoseok couldn't look straight at his friends. Even feeling aroused himself (thankfully he decided to semituck his dick), at least he didn't ejaculate.
— See, I warned about what was about to happen. Why don’t you use something from them? So we can drive to a convenience store or 24/7 Walmart to buy you new trousers? - Nya was deadly serious, even internally giggling.
The group began considering every possibility. Jungkook was zero into the idea of picking something from their Lost & Found, whilst Namjoon agreed with Nya, Hoseok defended the idea of gaining a few dimes by allowing Jeon to perform a striptease (“C’mon prudes! We all know there are a lot of bisexual guys around, and a bit more money is never too much”), Yoongi ordered a tonica and sipped without opinating, watching when one of the girls in latex approached and pronounced startling everyone.
— Hmm, I couldn’t stop myself from listening. Sorry. Hi Nya! - Her hair was a wavy and pink, skinny body with thin thighs, using a latex black leotard and knee-high boots. - Is the Jungkook lad someone open-minded when it comes to fashion? One of the girls who quit last week left a few pieces of clothing, and there is a long skirt. She had a waist about his size.
— Hi Sasha. Thank you, if Jungkook is okay with using skirts, then it’s better than nothing. - Nya stared at the youngest of them. - Oh where is my politeness? These are Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi and, well, Jungkook. They are the film producers I mentioned earlier.
— Well, it’s better than using a pervert’s trouser. - Jungkook still felt uncomfortable, giving his most sincere half-hearted smile. - Nice to meet you, Sasha. Where do I grab my new skirt?
— Nice to meet you, Sasha. - Yoongi flashed his best gummy smile at her and then turned to Jungkook. - With some lucky, your skirt will match your whole outfit.
— Fuck you, hyung. - Jungkook got even more flushed.
- x - x - x - x -
— How’s the feeling of wearing a skirt? - Namjoon mocked Jungkook, watching him spin around and staring at the mirror, checking his reflection with a long navy-blue skirt.
— Well, my balls and ding dong are dangling freely, it’s a bit chilly, but at least it’s not stained with cum… I hope. - Jungkook was feeling himself and, honestly, enjoying the experience. Also, the skirt matched his outfit. - Although, I still want to buy a new pair of trousers and fresh underwear. Where is the nearest Walmart?
They were all sprawled around in a pink and small dressing room, crowded with one or two girls walking around and gathering their costumes. Hoseok found a few pieces of clothing from previous special shows, the last one was Cabaret themed so dazzles, sequins and feathers were everywhere. Yoongi studied how cameras could be positioned around. Nya was sitting on a fluff couch close to where Jungkook stood, Namjoon beside her.
— I liked here. - Namjoon threw his head back, staring at the ceiling. - Not only the girls, they are gorgeous and all, but the ambience seems appropriate for our movie. Carol is casted for sure, Sasha, Gabe and Sharon are also amazing, Jungkook never felt more pampered in his whole life. It’s quite a lot, considering he used to be an idol.
— They are amazing, I’m happy you guys liked it. - Nya smiled and Namjoon thought it was probably the most adorable thing ever, a sincere kind of smile. - I’m also glad Jungkook behaved so well next to Carol, she played dirty giving him that intense lap dance. He was clearly the most tense.
— Honestly, I don’t judge Jungkook. If Carol sat on my lap like she did with him, I’d probably bust a nut as well. She is hot. - Namjoon was embarrassed after pronouncing such words, but he felt madly comfortable around Nya.
— Oh, I don’t judge too. I’d also bust a nut if Carol ever sat on me. - Nya looked at Namjoon and saw his wide-eyes, laughing right after and watching him chuckles. His adorable dimples could kill someone.
Namjoon got distracted by Hoseok fazed with a huge fur coat which covered his whole body. It wasn't impossible to understand why Nya accepted and enjoyed that place, in contrast with what it looked like, Teets wasn't a regular strip club. There were way too many costumes, from cabaret to pimp or odalisque. The purple haired man questioned why.
— Everyone dreams of something. Most girls working here wished to become actresses, but somehow never reached it. - Her eyes became a bit sorrow, but got bright in nanoseconds. - Fábio, the manager and owner, understood and decide to help them a little. Twice a month their performances are themed. The girls chooses a subject and prepare presentations based on it, so they can play a character. Fábio also always encourage them to create a personality to their stage names. Cristal Malone is a dominatrix, Cherry Pop was inspired by Harley Quinn, Fendi Dust is based on Liz Taylor's interpretation of Cleopatra.
If there were any doubts in regard of renting the place, they vanished immediately.
To be continued...
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kachulein · 6 years
🌹Soft Bias Tag🌹
tagged by my dear @marculees <3 I know it's been so long sndkslsk I didn't want to rush it so I always delayed it when I felt like I didn't have enough time to do it. ;-;
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god,,, do you see him? I'm already soft and in love though I haven't even started yet
1. Who is your bias?
🐹 My bias is none other than the infamous Han Jisung, a.k.a HAN, a.k.a J.ONE, a.k.a Squirrel, a.k.a Hannie💖
2. How long have you biased them?
🐹 Not that long since I always biased Felix but then Jisung burst into the door and biaswrecked me,,,, sooo about ~2 months now
3. What’s their zodiac sign?
🐹Hannie is a Virgo sun, Pisces moon, Libra mercury and venus, and Leo mars. I love how my sun trines his venus and his sun is conjunct my moon (which is referred to as a soulmate-like connection uwu<3).
4. What’s your favorite thing about them?
🐹I love everything about him ngl, even his awkward silence is incredibly adorable and I love his jokes and his aegyo, I seriously don't understand why the other member don't react to him because I definitely can't stay silent uwu. But my favourite thing about him is that he's not just a silly, immature kid who likes to joke and play around but has also a very mature side. I know he might look playful and silly most of the time but there's a depth and dreamieness to him that speaks volumes. He's very thoughtful and considerate and he's always there for you if you need him, like he'll definitely be the first one to approach and comfort you because he's got so much empathy and I just appreciate and love that about him so much because it shows what a wonderful, loving and affectionate person he is.💗
5. Emojis you associate with them?
6. Colors that remind you of them?
🐹Red, Blue, Black, White
7. One gift that you wanna give them?
🐹My unconditional love until the end of time uwu? Hm, I don't really know. I'd want to spoil him with little gifts from me. I'd love to give him either a drawing I made for him or a song I wrote&sang for him. I'd also love to give him something that he could always have with him and that would give him strength and support. So like a little book or something in which I'll write 365 messages, so he can read one each day and I'll write on them reasons why he is a beautiful human being or why I love him so much or just words of appreciation and affection. <3 (If we were to be together, I'd love to make him a photo book with all our memories in it and I'd decorate it with drawings and poems, or I'd also want to make him something that includes writing him love letters uwu)
8. What songs would you listen to with them?
🐹I could write down so many songs right now,,, okay let's see:
Kisum ft. Jooyoung - You&Me (this is THE couple song okay)
Lauv - I Like Me Better (when I'm with you)
Shawn Mendes - Treat You Better, There's Nothing Holding Me Back
JK Kim DongUk - Universe
KREAM - Talking To The Moon
Ed Sheeran - Perfect
Little Mix ft. Charlie Puth - Oops
5 Seconds Of Summer - Valentine, Beside You
Troye Sivan - FOOLS
Hailee Steinfeld ft. Zedd - Starving
MIYAVI - Long Nights
Madilyn Bailey & Jake Coco - I Need Your Love
BANKS - Lovesick
Jane XØ - Undone
One Ok Rock - Heartache
Man With A Mission - Dead End In Tokyo
Blackbear - Idfc
Tim Halperin - Survivor
Wheatus - Teenage Dirtbag
Dexys Midnight Runners - Come On Eileen
Panic! At The Disco - High Hopes
9. Movies you would watch with them?
🐹Anything tbh as long as I could cuddle him. I'd love to watch romance movies with him and he'd need to comfort me when I'm crying and I'd even watch some scary movies with him as long as he protects me and I can hide my face in his chest while he's holding me tightly. But he definitely needs to watch The Notebook and Safe Haven with me<3 (I'm a sucker for Nicholas Sparks)
10. What flowers remind you of them?
🐹 Red Carnations because they symbolize love, pride and admiration and Lavender which also symbolizes admiration. Roses and Cherry blossoms as well but that more because they are my favourite flowers so I always get reminded of him as well.🌹🌸
11. What made you fall for them?
🐹I really don't know anymore. I already found him cute back in Hellevator era but he has never become my bias until this summer. I think it was his personality and his skills/talents,,,,just the whole mixture that is the person who he is, that made me fall for him.💖
12. What dream date would you go on?
🐹I'd love to go to an amusement park with him and cuddle and comfort him when he's afraid of roller coasters (because he's so cute like that uwu) and also go inside the haunted house and see who of us would be more scared. Then we'd go eat dinner somewhere and get back home, do a movie marathon and fall asleep in each other's arms.💖
13. Who would be more clingy?
🐹I think we're both very clingy so I guess it would be about equal. :3
14. One thing you want them to know?
🐹I want him to know that I am so grateful and thankful to him for not having given up. I'm also so thankful towards his parents for always having been supportive of him and his dreams and for telling him it's okay to give up if it gets too hard. I want to tell him how big of an inspiration he is not only to me but to so many people and that he is so loved. I want him to know that what he always wanted - to tell stories and help people through song lyrics - has become reality because their songs/lyrics means so much to me and help me whenever I'm having a hard time. I want to tell him that he is an incredibly talented rapper but that I also really love his singing voice and if he'd sing me to sleep, I'd be the happiest little bean on earth. I want him to know how great and wonderful he is and I'd want to show him affection and give him compliments each day. uwu
15. Who falls asleep first on facetime?
🐹Either him or we'd call for such a long time until both of us fall asleep. (rip my Samsung phone doesn't have facetime though)
16. Place you’d like to go with them?
🐹This might sound cliche but I'd love to show him around my home country Switzerland, idk. I love my country and I'm also proud to be Swiss because there's so many beautiful places here and I'd love to show them to him. I'd also love to visit his home of course and travel through South Korea with him. And a trip to Hawaii would be awesome as well.❤
I'm tagging @http-jinnie @jenoscity @hyunjinsgiggle @camcamlovesbangchan @taetarte @blossomjisung @1oonar @spookyuwus @allymemes19 @orrin-uwu @agustdnd @minniemango @donghyuwus and everyone else who wants to do this~
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A Yugyeom smut 
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paring: Kim yugyeom / yugyeom x reader
genre: smut
word count: 4.9k
summary: best friends since childhood, your friend Clara is convince yugyeom is into you and that your into him. but you are in denial about everything.
notes: this is a smut , please be old enough to read. 18+ no triggers in this smut.
"Why don't you just tell him?"
You snapped out your trance and your eyes snapped at your best friend Clara. You looked down at your food and you pretended to busy with tearing your garlic bread apart as you tried to avoid her gaze.
"Y/n" she said.
"Mmm?" You said looking up at her stuffing a piece of the bread in your mouth. Trying to ignore her because you already knew what she was going to say. She's only been bugging you about it this whole week.
"Tell Yugyeom that you're into him," she laughed. You sighed before looking up at her.
"I'm not into him, he just got really attractive suddenly," you started to pick at your food again.
Clara rolled her eyes and sighed, "You so in denial about your feelings." She said waving you off.
"I don't like him Clara we've been friends since we were in diapers. His mom is best friends with my mom, there is absolutely no way in hell that I would be into him that way," you eyed her intently to try and make her believe you. Because you were serious, "I just think he got really attractive lately." You shrugged your shoulders before stuffing your mouth again.
"Yeah, you're in denial," Clara shook her head and looked down at her food.
You glared at her. Why didn't she believe you? Yugyeom didn't have a slightest bit of effect on you. He was like your brother. Why would you think of an older brother like that? You just admired how attractive he got. No more than that. Everything else beyond that was just weird.
Or was it?
You looked around the lunch room again trying to avoid Yugyeom and his crew, but you got sucked in again and accidentally made eye contact with him. Yugyeom gave you this dangerous look and you grimaced.
Blushing, Clara knitted her eyebrows together, "what's wrong?" she looked at you then looked to Yugyeom. She caught Yugyeom trying to tear you apart before he slowly looked away and paid attention to his hyung, Mark.
"Fuck," was all Clara said, "Maybe your both are in denial." She scrunched up her nose.
You grew redder.
"You guys have so much sexual tension the whole lunch room can feel it." She put down her fork and leaned on the table. "You know I've been watching you both for a while now and I can tell that you both have got it bad," she cocked her head to the side. "Tell me how one denies such a sexy man like himself," she said looking over to yugyeom who was oblivious to your stares and conversation as he was fucking around with his friends laughing and talking.
She gave you an evil smirk before continuing her nonsense, "you know when two people, - perhaps a boy and a girl grow together their whole life- I would admit that yeah, that it is hard to look at them a contain way, but..." she paused giving you this look. "when two people get older they get these hormones and they learn about sex and then soon they want it. Then they want to touch each other's genitals because they are so horny that they just contain the attraction." She looked at you who was glaring at her with your eyebrows knitted together, "so long story short give him that pussy." She clasped her hands together and leaned on the tabled and waited for you to say something.
You just gawked at her, "you should never give advice to anyone but me. You said in disgust.
She just shrugged her shoulders and laughed.
"I don't think anyone would take you seriously as a person if you told someone else that." You looked at her with a scrunched-up face, "-Whatever Clara I'm not into my FRIEND," you said getting annoyed.
"Okay, but what if he is into you?" she kept going.
"He's not," you spat.
She laughed, "oh my god, he's coming"
You almost choked on your juice and Clara started laughing as you looked around only to see yugyeom with his friends across the room still.
"You are a fucking bitch!" you glared. You couldn't deny that your hard stopped before it took off in your chest.
"What no one told you to get all crazy!" She laughed, "maybe if you weren't into your friend that wouldn't have happened now would it?"
When you tried to find air in your lungs again you glared at her as the juice went down the wrong pipe. When you could finally speak again you said, "no I just didn't want you to say anything stupid and give him the wrong ideas about me because of your big ass mouth."
"Sureeee," she teased.
"Don't you know he has a girlfriend anyways you dumbass," you said annoyed.
"Why did you sound like you care so much?" she pushed.
"I don't care, I'm just stating the obvious,"
"Yeah, a girlfriend that hates your guts." She said trying to make a realization. Which would go right by you.
"Listen," you sighed, "it's very understandable that a girl who has an attractive boyfriend should hate a girl he grew up with- "
"Yeah! Because she is scared that you'll take him away from you because you look 10 times better than she does, if you ask me Ana is kind of ugly."
"She isn't," you tried to defend her.
"Don't help the enemy-"
"Omg Clara she isn't an enemy"
"Yeah, I bet if you were roommates she would put Nair in your shampoo, "she rolled her eyes. "god you're so naive and BLIND"
You shook your head dumbfounded by her comment, your eyebrows knitted together with a frown at the peak of your lips.
"You're crazy Clara," You deadpanned.
"Yeah crazy to see what's really going on," she rolled her eyes. "I wouldn't expect more from you, you've all been like this, in such denial and then wrong almost every time."
She laughed at your reaction because you knew she was right.
"Whatever!" You said annoyed.
"Don't you have Yugyeom in chem next anyways? If you're so sure-  ask him how he feels about you. if he says he doesn't feel anything than I'll leave it alone." She shrugged her shoulders.
"No!" You yelled. Some of the students around you looked at your outburst and you made eye contact with Yugyeom again. Your face instantly becoming red. You snapped your eyes away as his girlfriend came into view- glaring at you the first chance she got.
You met Clara's eyes again and said," why the hell would I do that? That's just fucking ludicrous. That's like asking someone to kill you and make sure it's painless. If I did that you mind as well dig my grave because I won't be able to come back from that,"
"Why?" She smirked loving your reaction that was in denial, "you can't take his rejection, I thought you didn't like him?" She smirked evilly.
"You!" You pointed at her your eye brows raised. "Quit fucking with my mind, you manipulator."
"Quit lying and I won't," she laughed.
"fine," you stuck your nose high in the air of confidence that you didn't have but continued anyways, "if you want to watch me suffocate into embarrassment, then I'll do it. But, you do realize that if I bring this up either way this changes our whole relationship. It could never be the same," you stared at her.
"And I'm fine with that," Clara said drinking her chocolate milk- she shrugged.
"You're selfish, you said getting up because the bell was about to ring, as you dumped your tray some feet away you mouthed to her "SELFISH."
She laughed finishing her food.
The bell rang, and everyone started to scurry out the cafeteria. You following suit.
Your heart started to beat into anticipation as you walked towards your locker which was in the same hall as Yugyeom's. You started to get your books out your locker when Yugyeom scared you. You screamed and dropped your books. You were so deep into thought about what you were going to ask of him that you didn't see him coming.
"Why are you so jumpy, best friend?" He laughed. But it wasn't funny. You felt funny. Why was he making you funny?
Lately, you started to notice the little things about him. Like the way his hair fell into his eyes because it was getting too long again. How he smiled genuinely, when he was happy. Or how when he was sad he would force a smile in front of you. Just little stupid shit. And it irritated you. You knew him like the back of your hands. And you were about to cut both hands the fuck off.
"It's not funny," you said getting annoyed at him because of your inner turmoil. Your lack of enthusiasm for the next coming events was wilting away more and more as he stood there. If you could run away, you would.
"Oooo Someone is grouchy today who did it this time? Did Jackson make fun of you again?" He laughed thinking about his hyung annoying you.
"No thank god," you said. Jackson was a different type of human being. He was special. Born on earth for some annoying reason. He belonged on mars.
"Then what is it?" He said pestering you with thousands of questions just like Clara did.
"Nothing, "you deadpanned.
He drew his head back by your tone, "okay fine," he said annoyed.
You stomach turned as he made that face at you. He was only trying to be considerate, but you wouldn't let him.
In class you found seats next to each other.
The directions on the board indicated to go to page 148 in the text book and start on the questions right away.
The last bell rang, and others poured in. The rest of your occupied by the work and talking. The teacher came in and informed the rest of the class what we were doing before grading papers at her desk.
You and yugyeom didn't talk and you felt bad. He was mad at you for your nasty behavior. You really didn't have to be so snappy at him. It was your own fault not his.
"I'm sorry, you blanked out without thinking. "
"It's okay," he said not looking up at you but still focused on his work. "I'm also kind of not in the mood already so it's not just you." Not just you huh? And why else was he mad?
Why wasn't he saying anything else?
You bit your lip as you looked at his side profile. It was so beautiful. He seemed so effortlessly blemish free, it was almost unfair. His jaw line was carved to perfection. It was all just a lethal trap for the teenage population.
You looked away before he could catch you staring.
You let time go past before you realized you couldn't concentrate with him beside you. You had been battling this for a few days now every time he was near you felt hot and you felt the need to close your legs. Squeeze them together.
"You're in denial." Clara's voice came into your mind.
"Shut up Clara," you thought.
Yugyeom's arm brushed against yours and you stopped breathing. What. Is. Life.
Everyone around you was talking while your table was anything but talkative. You looked at him again but when you looked he caught your eyes and held them captive. You suddenly felt sucked into a black hole and you internally panicked as something unknown passed through the both of you.
You finally found the strength to tear your eyes away from his and tried to focus on your work.
But then his leg brushed against your and you didn't move. Abort abort.
Squeeze tighter.
And when he made no attempt to move it you felt obligated to stay put because you didn't want to come off as rude. If that made any sense. Basically, you didn't want to jump back as if he was a disease or something.
You really tried to concentrate but there was no use. The class seemed slow it when it was finally over the bell rung and everyone poured out.
"I'll drive you home after school okay." was all he said before disappearing into the crowed hallway. you watched him depart and turned around and ran into Clara
"So, what did he say?"
"I haven't asked him."
"Omg! Really! it's not that hard!"
"Easy for you to say- He got mad at me"
"Why," she said? Giving you a look.
"Because I was being a bitch to him."
"Look," she grabbed your shoulders, "he cares that's why!" she said not even asking what was said. She just knew you too well.
"Okay, well is he driving you home today? I heard football practice is canceled."
"Well tell him then and if you don't I will."
You sighed and turned for your class. Because you know she would.
After school yugyeom was waiting for you by his car. Leaning on the car looking like a god from the heavens.
You shook your head yes.
He got in and started the engine and you closed the door after climbing into his Audi.
There was silence and you knew he was still mad at you for caring and asking what was wrong but still you had to be a snappy bitch to him.
"He was always taking care of you before anyone- even Ana. And that's why she hates you so much," as these words come out Clara's mouth not yours.
He pulled out the parking lot angry the wheels of the tires squealing. And you looked at him. He didn't say anything, but you continued to look at him.
Moments pass, and you said, "are you okay?"
He looked at you for a moment before turning his gaze back to the road. "Yeah why."
"I don't know, I just thought I'd ask."
"Wanna hang out today?" He simply said.
"Yeah, we could finish the chem work, so we don't have to do it tomorrow." You replied. "also that's great because I need to ask you something."
He looked at you. "what is it?"
"I'll tell you when you come over it's a bit, touchy for me and I don't think I'm prepared just yet."
"Did Ana say something you?" He said in a snarl
No why why would she? "no why?" You said.
He sighed deeply before, "me and her got into an argument about you, so I figured earlier when I asked you if you were okay I thought she said something to you and you were hiding it,"
"So, you're not mad at me?"
"No sweetheart why I would be?" he said sounding more like himself.
Sweetheart hung in the air suffocating you. Yugyeom realized what he said and waited before he spoke again. But the awkwardness was still there. He never called you that before maybe he called Ana that and slipped up. You internally shrugged.
When he pulled into your driveway he said he'll be back he was going to bring you food. Plus, he only lived down the street. Literally like 6 houses down.
"Hi mom," you said when you got into the house.
"Your home early did yugyeom take you home today," Yeah you blushed but you didn't know why. You remembered him calling you sweetheart in the car.
"That boy likes you honey."
Why is everyone telling me this all in one day are they seeing something I'm not?
"No, he doesn't mom he has a girlfriend mom," you stated.
She rolled her eyes, "oh please who needs to be single to fall for someone these days?" She said before disappearing into the kitchen.
You felt tingles go through your body and you felt unsafe. You hated not being in the knowing and you were doing your head now. Now you felt like you had to believe it since your own mother was seeing something clearly you hadn't.
You bolted up the stair case and closed your door to your room. You threw your self on your bed with a care of removing your uniform.
You texted Clara.
You: I think your right
You threw your phone down and laid there. You started to think about all then possible signs you could have missed but you and yugyeom had always been the same. You never had once thought about him doing something out of friendliness. Your brain was hurting and there was a knock at your door.
"Come in," you yelled.
"I brought us some hamburgers. Yours with no pickles," you hated pickles.
You got up slightly but when you did your skirt hiked up a little and yugyeom tried to look away but he couldn't. And you didn't notice.
You stood up looking at him as he sat the food down on your computer desk and you fiddled with your fingers about to risk it all. It was kind of now or never you really wanted to know. When he turned around you caught him by surprise as you looked like a little dear in headlights.
"Wae?" He said.
"I just want to get this over with just Incase I...I wanted to ask.." you swollowed hard.
He came closer concerned. "What is it y/n"
"Do you by chance," ugh this was so hard your throat suddenly became dry. " do-do..you like me?"
He froze, and he didn't say anything he adverted your gaze and you felt stupid your whole world crashing down right in front of your eyes. You just ruined your relationship by stepping over his toes and being selfish. Now it would never be the same.
He looked up from his eye lashes, "I don't like you," he said.
You started to want to cry you told your self that it didn't matter- hell you barley admitted that you liked him. He was just attractive-no biggie. It didn't matter that your pain was wrenching pain for no reason and you wanted to burst out into tears. Not because it hurt or anything. Because you were embarrassed. Right?
"I love you," he smiled.
You froze. "Ehhh," you strung out. Your emotions going back into the pores of your body.
"I. Love. You." He said slower. "I'm in love with you."
Your head spun.
He slowly walked towards you and he toward over you making you look up at him. "Me and Ana got into a fight today and broke up. Because she said things about you and I wasn't having it. She's clearly jealous but she had every right to be because my heart wasn't in her hands. It's in yours you control me."
It really was a lot of information to take in.
"Y/n say something," he laughed.
"Why-  how-" you just couldn't wrap your head around it.
"Tell em how you feel? You don't like me back huh," he said his forehead pressed against your forehead.
"That's impossible because I found my self –"you slipped up.
"Found yourself what?" he asked.
He found your lips and kissed you you immediately kissing him back. That feel in between your legs prominent at his closeness.
"Tell me even if you don't want to I wanna know everything you feel towards me." The sexual tension hung in the air and you contemplated if you wanted to say something or not.
You looked up at him his hand on your waist and his other hand on the back of your neck under your long hair his face close to your just in case he wanted to kiss you again.
"I have this feeling every time your around and it's frustrating."
"Like what sweetheart? There it was again sweetheart. A simple pet name that could melt you in between the legs. He made you melt more times than you could count.
"Mal hae bwa." he whispered
You hesitated, "I have sexual tension every time your around." you said really fast.
He didn't even think he just picked you up and threw you on the bed as he hovered you he huskily said "so do I."
Clara was right. That bitch.
He attacked your lips aggressively like he had pent up emotions inside of him. He wanted to ravish you quickly, but he also wanted to enjoy it. Plus, he knew you were a virgin. Or so he hoped.
He kissed your neck and you kiss his he moaned at how aggressive you were being. You must be really horny for him. He hiked up your school skirt and rubbed you over the fabric as soon as his touch came into contact- you whimpered him growling at the sound.
He found your lips again you moaning into his mouth as he started to slide them to the side him rubbing your wetness all over yourself.
"You want me that bad?" he breathed into your mouth. He slid a finger into you and pumped you getting a great reaction from you that he could only ever dream of.
It felt so fucking good.
Tired of waiting yugyeom ripped your panties off and travelled down south. Immediately his mouth was on you and your hands shot up down to his head as he took you with his mouth.
You cried out.
He got up, "shhh baby your mom might hear us."
It was so sexy the way he said that. Maybe you were just masked in lust but even if so he sounded so sexy saying that.
He needed to be fucked.
Lapping your clit, it took you to a high you had never felt before. You felt nothing like this before. You started to gain presser as your hands tangled in his hair trying to find a release. That sexual tension so close to withering away if you could only cum all over this beautiful mans face.
Panting and panting- but as soon as you were going to cum  yugyeom stopped. You let out a whimper cry and he sat up and wiped his face.
"Not yet baby."
"Have you Done this before?" he huskily asked. you shook your head yes and disappointment flew in his eyes.
"But I've never done it with anyone." You said blushing.
Yugyeom was confused, "I thought you said you had sex before."
"No, no, I made my self cum before- masturbation."
His eyes lit up. "Who did you think about while doing that?" without warning he slide a finger in you and you arched your back. He held the small of your back to keep you from collapsing.
He leaned over you and watched you waiting for you to answer his naughty question.
"No one," you blushed and panted.
"Tell me-"
He picked up the pace.
"You baby- you," you turned red at your embarrassing confession and he lost it. He picked you up and pulled you on top of him as his back was against your headboard now.
He had slipped his pants down half way. there was no more talking- only more touching and kissing. he slowly unbuttoned your white school shirt. You anticipated as you watched him. he was so fucking sexy it made you melt more on top his bare lap which by the way was deathly close to his cock.
You felt his cock shift under you and you couldn't take it you wanted him so bad you dreamed of this so much. Fantasizes about it so much. He he was pants down on your bed with you on top of him slowly unbuttoning your shirt.
You could just cum on sight. This was a dream.
After he finished he pulled your bra off your shoulders and pulled it down to your abdomen there was no time to get completely naked you both were so horny for another right now. His mouth found your breast and you whined throwing your head back as he circled his tongue around your areola. He held your hands behind your back and used his free hand to cup your breast to his mouth. He rubbed your nipple with his palm real fast making your nipple harder then he did the other one.
"Fuck," he said. He let go of your hands and he picked you up by your butt he pulled you close to him hovering you over his cock and whispered to you, "let me know if I hurt you to much baby I'm pretty big." He was touching your core now. He wasn't lying he looked above average. Thick and long.
He used one hand to guide himself to you and then you felt the need to grab his shoulders. Holding him tight as you awaited the pain.
He slid you down the top entering and it didn't feel so bad but past that you cried out in pain as he filled you up all the way you grasped him for dear life and he didn't move both his hands went into your hair whispering it was okay as you sat on him with his large member wounding your hole. He hurt so bad.
He kissed your tears and you buried your face in the crook of his neck, "we can stop baby I don't want to hurt you."
"Go baby," you whimpered
"No," he said lifting you up but you grabbed into him.
He sat there but obeyed (a/n I'll do anything if you tell me good boy..Yass yugs obey! that's my favorite part he is disrespectful.)  he grabbed your hips with your hands around his neck in a death grip and he slowly guided you up and you whimpered then the worst part was when he pulled you back down he kissed your neck whispering that he was sorry over and over and as you focused on him the pain subsided and you found yourself moaning in pleasure. As he was careful with you holding you tightly and whispering he was sorry over and over as he slowly fucked you.
"Are you okay?" he breathed.
Your response was a moan he picked up pace and slowly your death grip around his neck loosened.
At first glance you couldn't see anything as your dress pulled over his lap and his pants hung half way down his thighs. Your back was to the door and it look weird that you were sitting on yugyeom like that but if need be and your mom came up you could just pulled the blanket over you both and move a little and pretend you innocently fell asleep like that.
Now he was pounding into you and the headboard kept hitting the wall you and him oblivious to the loud noise.
When you finally realized "we're making to much noise," you moaned he slowed down and he grabbed you closer- if possible-  guiding your body back and forth on his cock.
You felt it as he kept hitting that spot and every time the heat would rise within you. You put your head back into the crook of his neck, "I'm going to cum," you moaned.
He picked up his pace again upon hearing that and the head board started again. You cried out with every hard pound he did and when you came his hand snaked around your back quickly and the other clasped around your mouth as he road your orgasm out. Him never breaking contact with you. The lust and love evident in his eyes.
When you calmed down he let go of your mouth and both his hands were griping your hip tightly. You watched him as he never took his eyes off you his breathing becoming ragged. His eye brows knitted together, and you wrapped your arms around him again. He picked up a little faster and he grunted the headboard at full throttle.
He road his orgasm out and when he finally came to a stop you both were trying to catch your breath.
it all happened so fast as yugyeom threw you off and quickly put his cock back in his pants. You just pulled your skirt down running to pull your bra back up and you find a quick shirt in your drawer. You throw it on and sat at your desk while yugyeom stayed on the bed.
You felt his cum run down your leg as your mom opened the door.
Your mom emerged from the door, "is everything okay?" she looked around. I heard banging. You and yugyeom both turned red but shook your head yes.
"yeah mom we are just trying to finish up this chem project, but we are taking a break right now."
She smiled, "okay, I guess these days you kids have sex on breaks huh?"
You both died in your spot and your soul left your body.
She laughed, and your eyes followed her gaze. You wet underwear clear in the middle of the floor. Fuck you thought they were still hidden in the bed how did they get down there?
"I'm not mad, I can't stop you from having sex, you're at that age- "
"okay mom please just stop I can't take it anymore." You said
"okay ill stop, just know that if you were any other boy I would have shot you yugyeom, she went to walk out, "oh and don't let your father find out he will shoot whoever," and she shut the door.
You both just looked at each other. And would hear more about it later.
You were never going to live this down.
"lets eat," you said trying to pretend that just didn't happen.
"yeah," yugyeom said trying to do the same.
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thenovelartist · 6 years
The Love of a Cat, Chapter 20
Two days. That’s how long it had been since Adrien had revealed himself, and it was how long Marinette had successfully locked herself in her room.
“You can’t keep hiding forever,” a concerned Tikki said.
“I’m just trying to wrap my head around this,” Marinette countered. “I know what I have to do, but I have this feeling…that Adrien is going to ignore common sense and…”
“Deep inside, you want him to, don’t you?”
Marinette shut her eyes to fight against the tears. “I don’t have that right.”
Tikki yanked her dress strings. This time, Marinette knew it was on purpose.
“Now, see here,” she said, leaving the tight laces so she could stand in front of Marinette. “By no doing of your own, you were tossed into this role. But since then, you have overcome every challenge to truly become Lady Noir. If the previous ladies of the house could see you now, they would accept you as one of their own. You are more of a lady than some of the countesses and duchesses out there.”
“But I can’t be a princess!” Marinette shouted. “That’s what I’m saying. What would society say? It’s scandal. Do you know what they would say about Adrien and his family, or me and mine?”
“Do you know what their saying already?” Tikki snapped. A fraction of a second too late, she realized what she had said.
But the damage was done. All color drained from Marinette’s face. “What are they saying?”
Tikki sighed. “You don’t really want to hear—”
“What are they saying?” she demanded.
Tikki looked appropriately abashed. “When Nathaniel came, we got to talk about all the rumors flying around. There are two rumors above all others, and because they’re conflicting, they’re damaging all their own. The great debate is whose child you’re pregnant with: Lord Barbot’s or Lord Noir’s.”
The pain and embarrassment struck her hard, twisting her gut uneasily and squeezing her heart.
“I didn’t want to tell you.”
“No,” Marinette said. “I wanted to know. And now I do.”
Tikki gave her a pitying look. “You’re better than all that. Nathaniel told me he was countering every one, along with your parents and anyone who knew you well, but you know that people who want to gossip will gossip. Just give it more time, and this will all die down.”
“Or it may never,” Marinette mumbled.
She didn’t know if Tikki heard it and chose to ignore it or didn’t catch it at all, but either way, she went back to readjusting the laces on Marinette’s dress.
Afterwards, Marinette dismissed Tikki. Reluctantly, she left. When the door shut, Marinette bit her lip hard to keep from crying. Wishing to be distracted, she dug through the drawers of her vanity, only to be greeted with an unwelcome sight at the first drawer she opened.
A little octagonal box sat directly in the middle of the drawer. She stared at it, the ornate gold decorating on the outside. She knew what lay inside, yet she opened the box to reveal the earrings. Good luck, her mother had said. Good luck. Yet, the last time she wore them, it threw her into a mess. Had you asked her days ago, she would have said it was the best thing to happen to her. Now…they were once again a horror. No amount of time was going to make it better, no matter what Mister Fu said.
Snapping the box shut, she chucked it back into the drawer and slammed it shut. A single sob escaped. No matter how fervently she demanded her tears to stay in, they didn’t listen. She was so tired of crying, but she couldn’t stop.
With a deep breath, she finally pulled herself together. Staring at herself in the mirror, she looked at the red-faced girl staring back at her. Princess. Lady. Baker’s daughter. Who even was she? Because she sure didn’t know.
She shook her head. She needed to find something else to do. Something to take her mind off everything. With her hands shaking in hesitation, she reached for her door, forcing herself to open it. She didn’t know where she would go hide today. All she hoped was that she didn’t run into Adrien.
Thankfully, she didn’t. Instead, she found herself in front the yellow room. She wondered if anyone was with Princess Alix or if she needed anything or was even awake yet. As quietly as she could, Marinette opened the door. Alix lay unmoving on the bed, a wet cloth across her forehead and her red hair fanned across her pillow. The covers only came up to her waist, but Marinette could see that she was no longer in the dirty, brown maid’s dress she had been wearing and instead wore a white nightgown. She was also free of the mud scuffs that were once on her face and hands. Tikki and Alya must have cleaned her up well.
What really caught Marinette’s attention, though, was the figure in the chair right by the headboard. The one slouched over on the bed, asleep, large hand outstretched and holding Alix’s tiny one.
Marinette shut the door behind her before she walked over to Kim. She was hesitant about waking him but wondered how long he had been there. She put a light hand on his shoulder, which instantly caused him to stir. Clearly, he hadn’t been in too deep of a sleep.
He never let go of Alix’s hand as he rubbed his tired face with his free hand. He then looked up at the person who woke him. “Hi, Marinette,” he groggily greeted.
“How long have you been here?”
He grunted. “All night, however long ago that was.”
“A while,” Marinette informed. “Has she woken yet?”
The happiness in his expression was marred with pain. “She did. Last night, after the healer left. She was just awake long enough to drink some herbal tea before falling back asleep. She wasn’t lucid, really.”
Marinette could hear the unspoken statement. “She didn’t recognize you, then?”
Kim shook his head.
“Yet, you still noticed her immediately when she came through the door.” Marinette said, perching carefully on the edge of the bed.
“She hasn’t changed much,” Kim said, reaching up for a lock of her hair. “She has a distinct color. Almost pink in the right light. And she’s still a tiny thing. Makes us such an odd pair.”
Marinette took in Kim’s expression: soft and raw. A stark contrast to his usual confident smirk and mischievous glint in his eye, all thanks to the girl lying unconscious in bed. “Adrien said that you were from France,” she began. “That you grew up as a squire, training to be a knight in the royal court, all while forging a friendship with the princess. But, then he stopped there, saying it wasn’t his right to say.” She looked back at Kim, who had turned away from Alix to look at her. “May I pry and ask what happened? How you came here?”
Kim’s smile was bitter. “Long story.”
“Not like we don’t have time.”
Kim took a moment to mull it over. “I’m the youngest of four brothers. Obviously, this means I’m not going to take over as a duke any time soon. My father was proud, wanting to train his sons at home to become knights, but I was a bit of a troublemaker. I knew I had nothing to lose, so I loved pulling pranks on my older brothers if only to spite them. My father grew tired of my antics and simply gave up on me. He sent me off to the castle to train there. Apparently, the king owed him a favor, so my father rid me from his hands.
“That’s when I met Alix. I’ll maintain she started our rivalry by mocking me, then I pulled a prank on her to get revenge. After that, we were self-proclaimed enemies. However, after a while, we realized we both shared a strong dislike of the royal advisor. Slowly, we became comrades of sorts, only to become inseparable a couple years after that. And that was the problem. Her father didn’t like that she was spending so much time with me. It was too suggestive for a princess to be so often alone and unsupervised with me. He was right to believe it improper; I’ll admit that. Alix would often have to convince her father that there was no remotely suggestive relationship between us, and her father believed it. Until she came of age at sixteen.
“We were caught in the middle of a prank. A particularly deserving culprit, but hiding together in a storage room so as not to get caught was likely not our best thought-out plan. The royal adviser caught us then turned us in to her father. He lied, rolling it on thick about how we were caught in the middle of…well, what her father was worried about. Finally, he suggested that I be beheaded for taking the princesses chastity and she be disowned from the throne.
“Alix tried to argue with her father, but he wasn’t hearing much of it. I had to step up and defend her. I defended her purity, her words, her actions, all while discrediting mine. Finally, in the end, I told him that I would leave the kingdom and never return; that he could discredit me from my family line, strip me of my knighthood, and banish me from the entire kingdom.”
“And he took that?”
Kim shook his head. “Jalil, his son, was there by his side, as always. He knew of Alix and my misadventures, but he also knew me well enough to fight for me against the royal advisor. As it turned out, our little prank had caught the advisor in the middle of a lie, one that turned against him very quickly. I didn’t understand what precisely had been asked or expected of him, but next thing I know, the royal advisor was banished, disowned and discredited. Which only left me.
“The king didn’t punish his daughter, nor did he ruin me the way I had suggested, but he didn’t want me in the castle any longer. He sent me on a two-year traveling mission, and I accepted that gracefully. I had already learned the hard way when not to push my luck.”
“But you didn’t want to leave her,” Marinette observed, hearing the longing in Kim’s voice. “You cared for her too much.”
“Far more than I had right to,” he shamefully admitted. “And Alix wasn’t happy that I was leaving, either. We promised to write, but that was the best I could do. A year in, the letters stopped coming. I wasn’t nervous until after three months of unanswered letters. Four months before I was scheduled to return, we caught wind of the war that was growing worse by the day. My traveling group and I hurried back, only to be greeted with an un-welcoming committee.
“Most of my comrades were killed, but I made it out, thankfully. I was on the run for three months before I made it to Paris. I hid out for a while, formulating a plan to get back to Alix, to get in contact with her. I ended up going to war for Paris with the intention of sneaking off and getting to the castle again. I had told the crew my intentions, and they were all for it. The plan became get as far into the battlefield as possible.”
“It never happened, though, did it,” Marinette asked.
“No. No, it didn’t.”
Marinette cringed in pity. Looking down at his hand intertwined with Alix’s…it was clear that they were close. Very close. And if Kim’s actions since Alix was brought in were any indication, Kim cared for her deeply. Maybe, if he as lucky, she even returned those feelings.
“May I ask one last question?”
Kim nodded.
“How did you meet Adrien?”
He took a deep breath, rubbing he eyes before looking back up at Marinette. “Adrien and I crossed paths on my last-ditch effort to get to France. We spent the night stuck in a ditch waiting for the cross-fire to slow. Not much to do than to talk and burn time.” Kim looked up to Marinette. “He talked about you. Told me he was graced to witness one last act of selflessness before he went to war. Told me of a beautiful girl that he was determined to find after the war ended.”
Marinette’s eyes widened in surprise. “What?”
Kim nodded. “I didn’t know he was the Prince of Paris when he told me. Thought he was just another soldier. I joked around, saying I better be invited to his wedding, which he told me there would never be. He seemed really depressed about it, so I let it go.” A sparkle glinted in Kim’s eye. It didn’t last long, but it was undeniably there. “Imagine my surprise when he brought you home that day. His father wanted him to marry the Princess of France in order to stop the war. Instead, he brings home the girl that made him smile when hell had broken loose on the battlefield.”
Marinette was at a loss for words. Tears glimmered in her eyes, but it was as though she was too shocked to shed them.
Kim’s expression softened so severely he didn’t even look like the rugged knight he was. “Nino told me Adrien finally revealed himself to you, but just as we both knew it would, it backfired on him. So I’m going to say this: for both of your sakes, reconcile. Because…” His expression crumpled as he turned to face Alix again. “You never know what will happen after the last parting of ways.”
One after another, tears dripped down Marinette’s cheeks. She wiped them away, along with her fears. She had to face Adrien, for better or worse, to clear the air between them. Because if Adrien was the one lying there, if they never had the opportunity, it would haunt her.
“Before I go,” she said, calling Kim’s attention again, “can I get you anything? Anything at all?”
He shook his head. “I’m fine, thank you.”
With a smile that she didn’t quite feel but knew that he needed, she patted his shoulder in support before leaving him and his friend alone.
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sunshinetoday · 7 years
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“It’s been 17 weeks since our favourite show is back in production!! Let’s see what happened in this week. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. week summaries.
*Clicking on links will take you to the original posting of the video/article/tweet… X marks the posting of linked content on Tumblr. It takes you to the post of the Tumblrino who posted it here.*
This busy week started off with some great filming news; Someone walked thru the set and saw Gillian Anderson reading her script...  (X) We got a video of Brick from the make-up trailer! And a picture of Brick from the same trailer.  
And then, it happened. THE PICTURE of MULDER AND SCULLY IN BED, CUDDLING!!!! According to the new BTS video... The screenshot is not the best, but we have one, at least. It is exactly what we would expect from CC. Mulder’s face is weird, Scully is completely under the sheet. Like literally not a single inch of skin can be seen. But her head is on Mulder’s shoulder and they are sharing a romantic moment. On a sofa. That’s all that we saw and of course, it went how it always goes...we had more questions than we had answers. One thing is for certain, tho. Many many people are gonna go after CC in a very violent way, in case this turns out to be another cheap trick... 😄😄😄 Anyhow, here are some theories and summaries:
Looks like Mulder and Scully GET IT ON on Mulder’s sofa!! @youokay-mulder
msr 2018 @youreadarkwizard
Expectation vs Reailty/Or Fan Fiction vs The actual show @hekapolis
So, David says that “there are “definite intimations of hanky-panky” between the pair, beginning in the revival’s third episode” -->doppelganger episode
Chris Carter proved it again, that having no show bible, nor actual memories/knowledge of his show serves him well; “ We’re not used to Scully looking up at UFOs.  We’re not used to looking at Mulder at death’s door.” Could someone email Chris and make him watch his show?! The subject of the email: Platonic Activity. 🙈🙈  
Talking about continuity...One more thing has been revealed in the new video; Welcome back ‘Jeffrey completely perfect, no scar on his pretty face Spender’!!
Thursday arrived and with it, a new #tbt from @gillianaofficial “Looks like we found the upside down first…but in the future. #tbt #TheXFiles aaaaand we got lucky this time, as not only Gillian but David also shared one of his rare #tbt pics. “#TBT to the time when @marilynmanson and I played 🎸 together!”  
And just as awesome as this week started, it continued on when  @gillianaofficial shared another intriguing #BTS  “Praying to the Goddess Media. One. Last. Time.“  @BryanFuller #TheXFiles #bts @davidduchovny  
Fox Mulder is standing in a church, wearing a black tuxedo!!! Other fandoms would be crazy happy, that a wedding is in sight, but here, at the X-files fandom we’ve been tortured, tricked and hurt so many times that this is us: IT IS A FUNERAL. SCULLY IS DEAD. WILLIAM IS DEAD. EVERYONE IS DEAD. So, yes. Chris Carter made sure that we are paranoid and we learnt our lesson. Believe nothing, doubt everything...and fix everything. So here is the MSR wedding picture, we all needed @justholdinghandsok
Next filming day, next pictures by Gillian and David. They shared the same pic of Gillian & her Gilly-box. David Duchovny:  It’s official...longest Gillyboard in history! #TheXFiles #bts  Gillian Anderson: “Awe look at that itsy red mark next to my platform! What wee little earthling is set to grovel at my feet?!” (X) Not much later, thanks to some Photoshop skills, came another post:  Like father like son. @brick_duchovny davidduchovny 
David gave an interview to the Australian press, where he talked about Season 11:  “I was only going to watch one but I had to keep going, they are fantastic, I’m not bulls—ing you, I am not selling it,” he says. (X)
Filming continued at Garibaldi Park, which looks gorgeous at this time of the year. And so Gillian posted a video on Monday. “Smoothing out my bits” (X)  
Filming news:
#TheXFiles already done on Vancouver's 500 block Hamilton Street today. That was fast.(X)
It is #TheXFiles filming inside of St. Andrew's Wesley Church today. (X)
The X-files filming,  St. Andrews-Wesley United Church (X)
From Carlena Britch on the X-Files season 11 set
#TheXFiles will be filming at & around Garibaldi Park in North Vancouver on Wednesday & Thursday. (X) 
it’s looking great out there! They have created a fake playground, and the street is lined w “police”cars. (X)
The X-files filming, Lynn Canyon Park, night shoot
@thexfiles filming LynnCanyonPark (X)
Press of the week:
The X-Files' David Duchovny Hints at 'Hanky-Panky' for Mulder and Scully (and New Footage Backs Him Up) (X
No Government Agency has jurisdiction over The Truth - Deep State
Gillian Anderson And David Duchovny Celebrate An 'X-Files' Anniversary Together On Twitter (X)
The 'X-Files' revival continues with a mobile game (X)
9 hit TV shows NO-ONE thought would be a success, from Game of Thrones to Doctor Who (X)
Disney's bid for Fox assets gains momentum: sources (X)
Videos/Photos this week:
Season 10 Cliffhanger | THE X-FILES
2 New Cast Promotional Photos & New Featurette (X)
Promo images for The X-Files Event Series: The Second Chapter
In other news this week;
Channel 5 to premiere new Agatha Christie movie adaptation starring Gillian Anderson and Glenn Close (X)
American Gods EPs Bryan Fuller and Michael Green Exit Ahead of Season 2 (X)
David Duchovny on why you should listen to singers with “bad voices” as he preps Australian tour (X)
Gillian Anderson to Headline New Agatha Christie Adaptation (X)
Some awesome gifsets, pictures, videos and fan arts:
Breaking News - Mulder and Scully are fucking @ccoble
Are you okay? I’m fine... @muld-r
What the fuck dude, do you even know what show this is?  @fistful-of-fandom
We are not used to looking at Mulder at deaths door @platonic-activity
The bed sharing is out there @startwreck
Amazing, amazing December wallpaper from @a-january-girl
they know one (1) pose @youreadarkwizard
Seriously, what is with The Gillovnys and being accident prone?! 😂😂😂😂  @abbycorasmom
12/01/17 -  “I won’t let you go alone.” Can you tell me the name of the episode featured at #33? @thexfilesbasement
NEW FANVID,  ✘/ Believer BY @scullygrl9
History of the Gilly-Box &  Kim Manners - ‘Rock from Mars’ Tribute, Season 10 by me
I think this is it for our 17th week! *Let me know if I missed something or if you have suggestions what to include in the next week summary, feel free to message me anytime*
Lots of love, fam! For another great week ahead!  ❤️ 👽😄👽
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monoguk · 7 years
trick or treat
It was little too early for profanities, but it wasn’t for you, not when an annoyingly attractive man with this ridiculous cape wrapped around his obviously-broad shoulders decides to pop in front of you out of nowhere.
FEATURING - kim seokjin CATEGORY - romance WORD COUNT - 2000+
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“What the f-”
“It’s a little too early to be spouting off curses, miss beautiful.”
It was little too early for profanities, but it wasn’t for you, not when an annoyingly attractive man with this ridiculous cape wrapped around his obviously-broad shoulders decides to pop in front of you out of nowhere. Sure it was Halloween, the time for spooks and harmless surprising, but you didn’t need this (eye-pleasing) freak show this early in the morning.
For all you knew, he might have been tailing you the moment you got out on the sidewalk and finally decided to suffocate you with his cape just until you were unconscious enough to kidnap you without struggles. Granted, as you stared up in horror at the guy that jumped at you, he was attractive as fuck, but then again the world today can be pretty deceiving, especially when it’s the morning of Halloween.
However, you thought it was weird that this guy would kidnap you - if that was pretty boy’s intention from the start - in the middle of a pretty crowded street with the time being a little way off six o’clock in the morning.
You eyed him wearily; how could you not when he was smiling weirdly at you, with his lips plump (perfectly bloated like the pumpkins in-season used as decoration out in the street) and pink (like the gummy sweets given out to those children who wore creative costumes for the customary trick-or-treat)?
You decided, after getting enough of lowkey ogling at his handsomeness, that he was wasting your time and you were about to curve away from him when he blocked your way again.
You probably shouldn’t but you were more irritated than freaked out when he began following you, again, as he was ahead of you and walked backwards so that he could face you. His cape swishing about and hindering your view of the road ahead. You just wanted your morning coffee from the cafe a few shops from your residence building, but this handsome man was dragging your time away from your beloved morning-booster; you needed it for tonight’s Halloween party, when you know that your idiotic best friend will decide to get drunk tonight and make an even more idiot of himself and you didn’t want people to know you as that girl who’s friends with this crazy-drunk guy all the while dragging the said guy back to his apartment unit because you were in fact this crazy-drunk guy’s friend, unfortunately.
“Someone has got to lay off all those sour candies, eh sweetheart?”
You might also need an extra shot of espresso because, can this cape guy get anymore annoying?.
You halt in your steps, annoyed that this awfully handsome dude didn’t get the memo that no response meant get the hell away from me, to finally get your point straight into his god damn beautiful head.
“Listen here, buddy, I think you picked the wrong person to mess with today. So why don’t go and take your cape with you to entertain someone else.”
You finally got to swerve away from him and from far ahead you catch the familiar logo of the your favorite coffee shop, the aroma of freshly-ground coffee beans just wafting subtly across the air filled with sweet candies and delicious pumpkin pies. But your calm is disturbed when you hear the familiar swishing of a piece of large cloth (which you wish isn’t the cape you were thinking of) and a series of steps trying to be in pace with yours.
You begrudgingly eye your side to see pretty boy with a frown marring his face. Meanwhile, Seokjin was wondering why the hell he couldn’t get your attention.
In your determination to ignore him, your consciousness kicks you in your guts and you almost felt guilty for ignoring a man with pure intentions. Maybe he was just asking for directions?
You were a few shops away from your coffee, but the guilt ate away at your superego and you eventually halted your steps. As expected, cape guy stopped as well, a wide-eyed expression directed to you.
You raise a brow at him, face stern and eyes sending a message to him, Let’s get this over with, what do you want?
You stare back in amusement when his face lights up and he fumbles with his body for a while before he faces you completely… with a pen and paper in hand.
“So, my friend taught me this cool trick last night and I wanted to try it out to a stranger - which is you, miss beautiful - just to prove that I got the trick. You up for it?”
The request had you furrowing brows because that had to be the weirdest thing anyone has said to you, but you thought of letting it go since it was Halloween after all. If this dude was actually planning to kidnap you, there are several witnesses around you to save you. As you shrug, you just hope that he wasn’t a kidnapper you were dubbing him to be.
In your daze of thinking up of ways on how to escape stranger-danger, you missed the way Seokjin’s lips turned slightly to a mischievous smirk - one that is not of malice but is not of innocence either. Before you could doubt him, he brings back his smiling face when you refocus on him.
“So,” he shakes out his arms, careful not to detach the fake thumb with a pencil lead attached to the tip, and stood up straight, “What I want you to do now is think up of any number.”
You blink and imagine a number in your mind. Your curse yourself because of course you had to think of 31, Halloween day. It was too easy, but you had to try not making it obvious. It wasn’t like you had anything to lose if he guesses the right number anyways. “Do you already have a number in mind?”
When you nod (huh, not much of a talker, eh?), Seokjin squints his eyes at you and acts (he’s got his college degree on acting to prove his skills) as though he’s reading through your thoughts. He readies the actual pen he is holding that is simply for props and “writes" down something on the pad before him. When he brings the pen back, he stares at a blank paper but you didn’t need to know that.
“Now, hold this for me please, just so you know that I’m not cheating on you.” you did as he told and stared at him with bored eyes. What was he going to get out this? “Before I show you my guess, I have a proposition to make.”
Of fucking course, you thought, it’s the season of trick-or-treat. Might as well ready my karate chops if this guy does something funny.
But you show off nonchalance with another shrug, hiding your uneasiness on his suspicious gestures.
“If I guess correctly, I get a quick kiss from you.”
“Wait, that’s it?” you didn’t mean to blurt it out, but his request just took by you surprise. Something along the lines of “I get to hang out with you tonight,” sounded like something you were expecting him to say, but clearly you have judged him poorly.
“What did you have in mind, beautiful?”
You did not have the time to hide the blush from spreading across your cheeks. You were almost caught red-handed for goodness sake, so you fed on with what he was thinking of and said instead, “I don’t know, I thought that maybe you’d ask for a blowjob or something…”
Or, maybe you should have kept quiet instead.
But Seokjin laughs it off and jokes around, “Maybe later? I’ll think about it. For now, a kiss from the beautiful lady?”
If you were flustered then, you were even more so now. Cape guy might have been hinting on a steamier endeavor if you both enjoyed the kiss - if he does guess it right - and on top of that he ends it smoothly with a compliment for you.
Being caught off guard, you simply mumbled out an “okay, I guess I’ll just stick with the kiss,” before you avert your gaze back to handsome cape dude.
Seokjin sends you a small smile, adjusting his stance before he says, “Assuming that I did guess the number correctly, what number do you expect is written on this paper?”
Dumbly, you answered honestly (of all times), “31.”
Seokjin couldn’t believe this trick worked, again. Namjoon is the perfect wing-man after all for teaching him this trick and feeding him the idea of pranking ladies into kissing him. But he had no time to celebrate now; he had a kiss to receive.
Quickly, he scribbled the number on the paper with the lead in his fake thumb, but he masks this up with a satisfied smile on his face. “I guess today must be my lucky day,”
Uh-oh, you cursed yourself for thinking of such a predictable number. But you reassured yourself that a quick kiss was harmless, unless cape guy has some other tricks up his sleeves.
You ogle at the number that stared back at you when cape guy shows you the paper; the exact same number etched into your brain when he asked you to think of a number. Everything was happening too quickly; one moment you were out for coffee and the next moment you were walking towards cape guy’s welcoming arms for his reward.
Seokjin wraps his arms around you, and the loose hug around your waist reassures you more that his intentions weren’t really as bad as you were thinking off.
He then swoops in quickly, easily capturing your lips in his and feeling the tension in your body through the clenching of your hand by his chest. He feels the need to get rid of your tense feelings when he softly tilts his head to deeply kiss.
Subtly, his plump and soft lips move against yours and his careful movements had you shivering in bliss instead of anxiety. Cape guy is pretty handsome after all. It’s not everyday that pretty boys like him offer free kisses to anyone out on the streets so you might as well enjoy it as much as you can.
Getting over your weighing thoughts, you eventually let your guard down and tiptoe to lean closer to cape guy’s frame. Tentatively, you move your lips in-sync with his until your mouths were engaged in a furious battle of liplock with the occasional appearance of lashing tongues tangling together and pearly whites bumping against the other’s.
You don’t mind anymore that your smacks echo along the crowded sidewalk, nor did you care if passers-by were ogling at you basically making-out with the handsome man in a magician’s cloak (a cute concept, if you must say). This was the twenty first century; public make-outs were something normal and is something to cross off your bucket list.
A grope on your ass brings you back to reality, cheeks heating up at your scandalous actions. This morning your were pre-maturely judging your best friend who tends to make a fool of himself when dead ass drunk, but here you were making an even more fool of yourself for skipping decency and setting out an example of public display of affection.
With this in mind, you coax the kiss to go slower until it was calm enough for you to pull away but cape guy still chased your lips with sloppy pecking causing a hoard of butterflies to stampede all over the insides of your stomach.
“Uhm,” you remained in cape guy’s embrace, not quite meeting his gaze but still standing on the tip of your toes. When you feel the burn in your leg muscles, you tap on his chest to let you back down on the ground and he obliges after one final peck on your lips. “That was, uhm, nice.”
Seokjin resists the urge to retort because nice was an understatement, but seeing the fidget in miss beautiful-and-quite-aggressive’s gestures, he saves you the teasing and steps back to give you space with the cold autumn breeze filling the gap between both of your warm bodies. He settles with a smile as he subtly puts his fake thumb and paper and the pen you handed back to him in his jeans back pocket.
There was a silence that surrounded the both of you, the usual Halloween morning sounds serving as background noise. In an attempt to calm your heart, caused by the intimate act done and by the loss of oxygen from the intensity of the make-out session, you purse your lips, but in your act to do so you feel the tingle in your lips; still feel the perfect pattern of rough and soft liplock.
Seokjin, meanwhile, studies you as he fixes his cape in place when you’ve wrapped your arm around his neck and put the cloth out of place. He figures you won’t be the one to break the tension between you two, so he clears his throat to get your attention as he speaks first. “Thank you for that, beautiful.”
You nodded shyly, your name at the tip of your tongue, but you held yourself back because as much as you just made out with a stranger, it wasn’t safe if he knew your name, yet.
He chuckles at your 360 behavior, a complete contrast to your snobbish personality just minutes ago. Who would have thought a simple kiss would have you speechless like so? Sure, Seokjin had some experience with kissing and other stuff, but anybody else wouldn’t be as fazed in receiving at least a peck on the cheek. Yet, here you were, unable to utter a retort or a single word. And in the twenty first century, where intimacies as such were practically a norm in less conservative places, Seokjin sees your behavior as a breath of fresh air.
“You’ve got to admit, I am pretty good at it, eh?” he teases you, and you thank him for acting nonchalant about the kiss to lessen the awkwardness you were feeling. You quirked the side of your lip up as you subtly nodded. The chuckle that follows after causes a smile to invade your face, tension slowly exiting your system.
But, much like your idiotic best friend (you swear his idiocy is rubbing off on you too), you just had to make a fool of yourself too, “Which one? The kissing part or the magic trick?”
Seokjin watches in amusement as you try to take back your accidental question, but he answers with enthusiasm and maybe a little bit of flaunting. “Please, I know I’m a god at kissing. But if you’re implying I was a hell of a good kisser, much appreciated, miss beautiful.”
You roll your eyes at him, his cockiness making you remember of your need for your daily dose of caffeine. “Stop calling me that. And your magic trick was pretty amazing. I must applaud your friend who taught you that.”
“Why not applaud me instead by telling me your name?”
“Not if you say your first,”
Seokjin smiles softly, feeling the slightly increasing heat of the morning sun rays hitting his face. He must have taken too much of your time by now, and he should be bidding farewell, but not before - “Seokjin, and mademoiselle’s name is?”
You giggle at the pet name, shyly giving your name to cape-guy-whose-name-is-apparently-Seokjin. “It was nice meeting you. You must like Halloween so much to start trick-or-treating this early in the day?”
“What can I say, I love sweet stuff.”
You ease into the conversation, eventually forgetting your recent make-out session with Seokjin, until you remind yourself again that you badly need coffee, like, right now. “I wouldn’t like to keep you from snatching quick kisses from unsuspecting victims. It was nice meeting you, uhm, like this, Seokjin.”
“Likewise,” Seokjin bows like the gentleman he is, completely disintegrating your image of him as this handsome kidnapper. “Happy Halloween, miss beautiful.”
“And to you, Seokjin.”
“If you’re free tonight, there’s a Halloween party by the town hall,” Seokjin says before you began to walk away again, “I might have a new trick up my sleeves, if you’re willing to be my victim?”
“Sounds sketchy, but okay. I going anyways so I guess I’ll catch you later?”
“Not if I catch you first.”
You roll your eyes halfheartedly and turned away while waving your hand in the air, “Happy Halloween, Seokjin.”
“Please tell me you’re wearing a magician’s assistant costume?” He says the last word before you enter the coffee shop at long last. While you were waiting for your order, you decided to narrate to your idiotic best friend about the weird event that happened to you just moments ago, one that involved Seokjin the cape guy’s sick trick-or-treat performance.
Three rings later, the other line picks up and you greet first, “Yo, Tae, I have something to tell you.”
“Yeah, hold that thought cutie… uhm, hey Namjoon, the fake thumb is too small on my finger…  how the hell do you hide the pencil lead inside again?”
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