#also. like. sorry. if duck is my height then red is like normal height if not a little short SORRY.
dhmis-autism · 11 months
what do you mean you’re under 5 ft
i have talked abt this before its why when people joke about duck being like 4'11 or smth im always like you all dont know the agony ur inflicting on that man
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bcdrawsandwrites · 3 years
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Fandom: Psychonauts
Rating: K+
Genre: Gen?? Sickfic?? mild H/C??? you got me, man
Characters: Caligosto Loboto, Boyd Cooper, Gloria Von Gouton, Fred Bonaparte, Crispin Whytehead, Sheegor
Warnings: Vomit, blood, depictions of sickness... (SPOILERS: implied torture + amputation)
Description: Loboto is having a very bad night. The inmates are not helping.
Beta Readers: @jaywings​ and Rocket
Notes: This fic is based on a theory that comes from a few figments in Loboto’s mental world in the demo footage of Psychonauts 2. ...also I wrote this while sick with a fever, edited it while still sick, and illustrated the cover while recovering from said sickness. have fun
He did not remember arriving back at the tower.
Partially because he wasn't even back in the tower, instead standing on the frosty shoreline, the chilly waves lapping at his boot heels.
Loboto stared dumbly out at the cliffside for a long moment before frustration simmered beneath his fogged mind. Yes! Of course, they wouldn't send him back to his lab. No! He could do with a good climb, especially on a frigid night like this! His chest heaved with quiet, dazed laughter before he took a gasp of cold air that grated against his sore throat.
The wind, though not harsh, cut through every part of him that wasn't covered by his shower cap or lab coat like a fine knife, as cold as it was painful. It grazed his shoulder, and his vision went white as his mechanical eyes flashed. But even with the blasted optics glitching, he could still see. His imagination ran wild with absurd visions of ridiculous things that had never happened.
On top of that, the slice of pain brought with it a violent realization that it was not the only pain he was in. The numb shock he’d been in gave way to an agony that tore through him, ripping up and down his side, nearly bringing him to his knees. No, no, no, that pain could not be real, just like the horrific visions of red and yellow that flashed through his mind. It was all a trick—all a stupid trick from his malfunctioning eyes and his brain. Pah!
He found himself clawing at his shower cap, occasionally stopping to smack his mechanical eyes a few times until they flickered back into focus, the desolate beach snapping back into view. "Enough of this!" he growled hoarsely at the sand beneath him. "That little army man will be back any day now, and we can't keep him waiting."
With a grunt, Loboto marched forward and heaved himself up onto the first narrow ledge, already finding his body shuddering with the effort and his mind struggling to push back the imaginary waves of pain. "Ridiculous!" he blurted into the rock he leaned against for balance. "A child can climb a mountain ten times this height!" And it wasn't like he'd never done it, either. Muscle memory helped him get from one step to the other, but keeping his balance was harder than normal, especially as his mind repeatedly dipped back into brain fog.
His eyes flickered in a blink when he found himself on the ladder, his boot slipping on the frosty wood and one hand losing its grip. Realizing he was about to fall, he flung his weight back against the ladder, biting down on the nearest rung to keep himself in place. A frantic giggle worked its way through his clenched teeth—ah, teeth! Useful for so many things! They would never let him down.
If you let us down one more time—
Ripping himself away from the rung and leaving rough teeth-marks behind, he let out a snarl and heaved himself the rest of the way up the ladder and onto the ledge. He sat on his knees for the moment, his mechanical eyes pulling back as he tried to make sense of the gate that seemed to be spinning around him. No, not just the gate—the entire cliffside spun beneath him like some wild carnival ride. He couldn't remember it doing that before, but the absurdity of it made him laugh, the action tearing through his sore throat. Yet he continued to laugh until his stomach lurched and a cascade of vomit silenced him.
He managed to scoot himself away, spitting and coughing as the world slowly came to a halt. At the same time, a figure that had been sleeping against the opposite wall snapped alert with a panicked gasp.
"Ah—ah!" Boyd stammered, scrambling to his feet and whipping his head around until he spotted Loboto on the ground. "Who are you working for?"
"That fool Oleander," Loboto grumbled under his breath, his eyes swiveling to glare at him.
Boyd's eyes blinked separately before recognition dawned upon him. "Y-yes! Of course!" Fumbling with his keys, he got to work unlocking the gate. "It's said he knows the milkman..."
Gritting his teeth, Loboto shakily began to push himself back upright. A large hand suddenly clapped against his shoulder, and he gave a yell as he was heaved to his feet. Without turning to look, he struck at the one who'd grabbed him. "Tricky terrible traitors try to trap—"
"AH—no, I am no traitor, I am the guard!" Boyd cried, stumbling back and holding up his hands as Loboto found his balance.
The two stared at each other for a tense moment, Loboto's eyes glowing harshly as Boyd trembled beneath his gaze. He couldn't help feeling a twinge of satisfaction at seeing his subordinate cower.
"Th... the milk is not ready yet!" Boyd said, wincing away as he eyed the doctor's clenched fist.
Loboto stared.
"I'm lactose intolerant."
Boyd glanced at something on the ground. "I-I noticed."
With a growl, Loboto finally marched past the guard, who frantically closed the gate behind him.
Now that that mess was over, he could finally get back up to his lab and get back to—
He paused.
His voice boomed through the empty grounds. It was empty of people, now empty of crows, and empty of elevators.
When his assistant did not spontaneously appear, he clenched his fist until his knuckles turned white beneath his glove. "Yes! Wonderful!" he proclaimed to no one as he stamped toward the withered garden with a harsh laugh. "I can scale this dilapidated tower myself then. Fine night for some exercise!"
He knew his way through his asylum, of course, so it wouldn't be overly difficult, but he would have much preferred the express elevator so he could get back to work immediately. But as it was, he ducked through the entrance to the greenhouse, fighting to keep steady as the action made his head spin, his back ache (no it didn’t, he was fine), and his shower cap to catch against the branches overhead. Turning his optics up, he pressed a hand down into the cap, pulling it away from the plants. He'd hoped to avoid the woman who occupied this corner of the asylum, but as he straightened his back, he bumped into one of the flowerpots, knocking it to the ground with a dull clunk.
"My, you need to buy seats in advance if you want to come to my shows!" Gloria said, turning to him with a patient, hazy smile. "No need to be harassing the paying customers."
"What do they pay you in? Leaves? Seeds?" Loboto asked, the frantic giggle that followed clashing with his strained smile.
Gloria ignored the comment, glancing him over and waving him off. "Please see yourself out. I'm not an usher, but since they seem to be ignoring their duties, I'll have to tell you you cannot bring food or drink into the theater."
Swiveling his optics in an approximation of an eye roll, Loboto turned away to head out the other side of the greenhouse. "I don't have any."
"Not anymore, but anyone can see that wine you've sloshed onto your nice suit."
Loboto froze.
"It's a wonder it didn't get onto the carpet—"
The next thing he knew, he was staring down at an entire line of flower pots that lay in pieces on the floor of the greenhouse.
"Oh!" Gloria cried. "I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen, I'm sure the ushers will attend to this ruffian, and the play can resume..."
He left her to continue rambling to her imaginary audience as he tried to rid the imaginary nonsense (visions, pain, glowing yellow eyes) from his mind. "Fickle fumbling females feeling faint for fading flowers..." he mumbled as he stepped into the lower floor of the asylum. It brought its usual sights and sounds of one of the former orderlies dozing over a makeshift game board (with stolen game pieces, he noted), the artist in the room overhead scraping old brushes furiously against a canvas, and finally Crispin standing dutifully in front of the asylum's only other elevator.
"Crispin!" Loboto said, and the man turned to face somewhere slightly to his left. "Let me up, will you?"
"Of course, Doctor Loboto." Crispin turned toward the elevator controls, only to pause, his dull eyes squinting as he turned back. "Wait..."
"Wait for what?" Loboto threw out his arm in a wide gesture. "Do you want to hear that army man ranting at us again? Or perhaps you find it funny! Though it is, isn't it? Shouting about sneezing powder and tanks! HAH!"
While he'd been talking, Crispin had been leaning forward, eyeing him up and down. He frowned. "You're not Doctor Loboto," he said at length.
Behind him, Fred sprang to his feet. "Sacré bleu! We have fallen asleep on ze battlefield!"
Ignoring the man and his terrible French accent, Loboto stepped closer to Crispin, finding himself trembling—in rage or in suppressed laughter or something else, he wasn't sure. "Of course I'm Doctor Loboto! I was, last I checked. Highly trained and professional!"
"Yes, well," Crispin began, leaning back and raising a brow, "the real Doctor Loboto does not wear an actual straitjacket. It's merely a strappy jacket fashioned from one."
"This is my jacket, you milky-eyed moron!" Loboto cried, tugging on the front of his coat in demonstration. "It doesn't have my arms tied up!" He lunged toward Crispin to grab him by the collar, but stumbled as the world spun once more. He struggled to keep his stomach from flipping again.
"Well, that's because you're wearing it poorly. But you are certainly not Doctor Loboto. I can tell. You don't have the right jacket, or the right complexion." He tipped his head. "The real Doctor Loboto is blue, not sickly gray. As you can see, you can't fool me. Now go back to wherever you came from and—"
"He has returned from ze war!" Fred blurted behind him. He blinked, then shook his head, hunching in on himself. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt, we really shouldn't—" He straightened again. "Yes, shut up! We are in ze presence of a great war hero!"
Crispin rolled his eyes. "What are you going on about now, Fred?"
"Do you not see? He bears ze blood of his enemies upon his robes, and ze scars of victory—"
Loboto whirled on him faster than he could think, managing a swift kick to Fred's shin.
With a yelp, the man crashed to the ground, curling up on himself and whining. "Ohhh... can we just postpone the battle until morning?" He twitched. "NON! Ze enemy never sleeps, so neither shall we!"
"Well, Fred's down for the count again," Cripsin remarked. "So if you're done, kindly step away from my elevator and off the nearest cliff, thanks."
Loboto wanted nothing more than to knock Crispin to the ground and find a few bad teeth to remove, but his vision was blurring and flickering, and he found it hard to think.
"No, really, we can't fight in the dark, and the enemy can't either, can they?" "Rrrrrghhh, I suppose you are right, for once. We shall camp here for now, but come sunrise, we fight!"
A weak laugh made its way past his lips as he stared down at the former orderly settling on the cobblestone. Yes, that crazy man had a point. There was no point in fighting tonight—he'd get his work done in the morning. And that work would have to include getting back into his lab in the first place.
After a brief moment, he snatched an item from the floor before stumbling back through the greenhouse and toward the entrance.
A nice night for sleeping under the stars, he supposed.
Judging by how bright the world was by the time his mechanical eyes flickered back on, the sun was starting to rise. But he couldn't tell for sure when there was a large metal cage blocking his view, with something else within—
"He said he would be back by nightfall, but he hasn't come!" a high pitched voice cried as a familiar form stepped out of the elevator, her back to him. "Oh Mr. Pokeylope, do you think he's gone for good this time?"
The corner of Loboto's mouth twitched.
"Oops!" She clapped an oven mitt over her mouth. "I'm glad he's not around to hear me say that," she said as she began to turn. "If he was, he'd be—EEK!"
Sheegor jumped back at the sight of Loboto laying sprawled out at the foot of the fountain, having slept (or passed out) there the remainder of the night. He clutched his worn teddy close to his chest and stared her in the eyes.
"Oh—I—I—!" Sheegor held her pet turtle close to herself. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry Doctor Loboto, I didn't mean any of that, I—"
"Yes, well it's a nice morning, isn't it?" Loboto grumbled, tucking the teddy bear under his arm so he could push himself to his feet. His entire body ached (from sleeping on the ground, not from anything else). "A nice morning to get some work done after you left me stranded here all night!" He took a threatening—but wobbling—step forward, fist clenched.
Oddly, Sheegor didn't seem as intimidated as usual. Her mouth gaped, and her eyes darted between his face and his right side.
"What are you looking at?"
"Y... you..." A trembling mitt was covering her open mouth. "D-Doctor! What happened to you?!"
His eyes flickered. "I slept out here with a rock for a pillow."
"N-no, it's—it's—!" Her whole body was shaking now, but not, he sensed, in fear of him. It should have made him angry, but exhaustion pulled at him instead, making his frame droop.
"Yes? Well, spit it out."
Sheegor held out one hand, pointed toward his right side. "Y-your arm!"
Loboto's optics slowly angled down to his right. For the first time he noticed the enormous, darkened bloodstains on his jacket, and a torn, empty sleeve hanging limply at his side.
"Oh," he said dully, feeling himself wobble as the pain finally worked its way to the forefront of his mind. "How did that happen?"
At once the world tipped to the side, and Sheegor caught him, straining to keep him from fully collapsing to the ground.
Wordlessly she helped him into the elevator, letting him lean onto her while he bit back the urge to scream. He wanted to protest, to berate her for touching him, but everything felt distant, even the upper floor of the asylum as they rapidly ascended toward it. And anyway, once they reached the top, anything he would have said was held back by his rolling stomach ejecting whatever bile still occupied it.
As he gagged, he could hear Sheegor whispering to the turtle in her mitts: "I know, I know, but I-I can't leave him like that—th-the asylum wouldn't... w-we were supposed to..."
"Just... get back to work... Sheegor," he managed to slur around the acrid taste in his mouth. Bitter bile breaks brittle bones of the mouth.
Sheegor looked from him to her turtle a few times, her mouth wobbling, and carefully eased his arm over her hunched back again. Instead of leading him to his lab, however, she led him down into the asylum, into the usual room he slept in: a mostly-intact bedroom with a mattress and blankets over a broken bed frame shoved into one corner, a chair and a desk with papers scattered across it, and a meticulously crafted and framed (and official) DDS license on the wall.
After easing him down into the bed, Sheegor stepped back, looking away. "Um... I-if you want, Doctor, I can clean that robe..."
His initial thought was that the blood stains made a wonderful addition to his ensemble, but glancing down at them again caused his brain to supply him with more awful, made-up nonsense. No, he wouldn't have that any longer.
With some amount of struggling he managed to get the thing off, unceremoniously tossing it in Sheegor's general direction. She managed to catch it and quickly scurried out. "I'll get this back to you as soon as I can Doctor bye!" she squeaked before the door slammed behind her, leaving Loboto sitting in the empty room.
Everything felt surreal, being in familiar surroundings after spending an entire night on freezing cobblestone. The sight when his gaze turned downward, however, was less familiar: there was new stitching across his chest, and on his right shoulder where his arm had been. It was cleanly done—they hadn't wanted him too much worse for wear, since he still had a job to do for—
Oleander. He had a job to do for Oleander right now. The sneezing powder, yes. His mind drifted over the things they'd discussed in their last meeting.
They'd both figured out a way for it to be made, more or less. The remaining issue was how to properly dispense the stuff. Oleander had suggested keeping it in a bag, but that was easily-spilled, and it may lose potency if pre-ground. But what was he supposed to do? He didn't have a grinder with him on-hand at all times—
A shock of brilliance bolted through him, and he stumbled to his desk with renewed energy. He grabbed a well-chewed pencil and began to write, his non-dominant hand shaking badly as he forced it into motions it was not used to.
But that was fine. It wouldn't have that job for long.
A manic giggle bubbled out of his throat as he worked out the notes and rough sketches, detailing a jointed pepper grinder with claws and a strap to secure it to his now-unoccupied side.
This loss of a limb, baffling as it was, was exactly what he needed.
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jimlingss · 3 years
I saw that u were taking requests (yey) I'd want like a soulmate au (there are numerous kinds but I want u to have freedom to write what kind u want!) but it's just pure angst 😳😳 it could be any member n possibly an open or no happy ending :] I'm just a sucker for angst n think u would write this so well!
Anonymous said: Yoongi x reader, soul mate au, angsty but happy ending pls cuz I'm sensitive 🥺 maybe both soul mates get a weird tattoo, or hear each others thoughts or something else
Both these requests are asking for soulmate AUs, so I’m compiling them together. But one wants it to be angst city and the other wants a happy ending LOL. Guess we’ll see what happens.
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↳ The Soulmate Gift
3.6k || 70% Angst, 30% Fluff || Min Yoongi || Soulmate!AU
Warning: depiction of child abuse
It happens when you’re ten.
They told you it was different for everyone, that it usually started during puberty and it was perfectly normal. But you’re pretty sure it’s not supposed to be like this.
Bang! Bang! Bang! 
You flinch at the noises, the bathroom door quivering against the frame from the pounding on the other side. Your mom shouts, “Get out!”
“Just give me one second!” You look back into the mirror, staring at yourself with seaweed green hair and streaks of bright purple. You look like a clown and you want to cry. 
You don’t run into your mom on your way out, so you go to school with a tattered baseball cap, stuffing all of your hair in it. During the trudge to school with a grumbling stomach, you hold the cap tight against your skull, not letting a single strand loose. You’re nervous on the playground, your other hand coming to grip at your backpack strap. But luckily, no one asks. 
At least not until you’re inside and getting settled into your desk.
“Good morning, class!” Mrs. An struts into the room, beelining towards the front. “Open your books! Tommy, shush!” You try your best to hide beneath your open textbook that’s propped up, but the moment she looks in your direction, she’s already saying, “Y/N, no hats inside.”
You straighten. “Um, my mom—”
“Rules are rules. Take it off,” she commands without leaving room to argue or explain. “This is the last time I’ll repeat myself unless you want detention.”
So you do.
You slip the cap off your head with tears stinging your eyes.
Mrs. An turns to the whiteboard, beginning to write the title for today’s lesson, but a loud gasp from the classmate sitting behind you captures her attention again. She swivels on her feet and her eyes land straight on your head. Everyone’s eyes do. On your stark, fiery red hair.
Your cheeks burn in embarrassment. 
The next thing you know, you’re being dragged by your teacher into the principal's office. From the hall, you can still hear the entire classroom giggling, whispering about you and making a complete ruckus much to Mrs. An’s dismay.
“This is unbelievable!” she howls, hands lifted to the sky. “How could a fifth grader have hair like this?! It’s entirely inappropriate! It’s a complete distraction to the classroom!”
The principal, Mr. Park, hums. His hands are clasped on top of his desk and he calmly asks, “Did your parents dye your hair yesterday, Y/N?”
You slump and mutter, “No.”
He frowns. “Then who did?”
“No one…”
Mrs. An spits, “Then you did it yourself?!”
“No!” Your voice pitches in an attempt to defend yourself and your teeth sink into the bottom of your lip, trying to hold back your tears. You don’t want to get into trouble. “I woke up like this!”
But Mrs. An doesn’t believe you. Her eyes narrow and she scoffs. “How dare you lie to me and the principle?! If you didn’t do it, then who did? It’s against the rules to have anything other than your natural hair colour!” 
Mr. Park sighs lightly. “We’ll just have to contact your mom and speak to her, Y/N.”
Immediately, your eyes widen and you bolt to a stand. “No, please!” you cry out. “Don’t! I’m sorry! I’ll dye it back! I won’t do it ever again!” 
But the man shakes his head. “It’s too late for that.”
Your fist crumples and you deflate. 
Your mom comes in half an hour later, dressed in stained jeans, old boots, and the only clean flannel she has. She’s not happy. You can tell by the look on her face. Even if she smiles and nods her head at the principal, you can see the tick in her eye and the muscle in her cheek twitching.
The moment she looks at you, her eyes become rounded at your crimson hair.
“I had no idea this happened. I’m so sorry for her behaviour. She must’ve gotten her hands onto my dye kits somehow.” She sighs and turns to you. “It won’t happen again. Right, Y/N?”
You nod. “I’m sorry.”
Mr. Park smiles softly. “Not at all. It’s not that big of a deal. Some...teachers around here just adhere more strongly to the rules, so we want to make sure it’s consistent for everyone. It’s a bit of a distraction to her peers, but as long as Y/N comes in tomorrow with more...appropriate hair, it won’t be a problem.”
Afterwards, you’re sent home early. 
Your mom is silent on the walk home. You trail after her, dreading what will happen when you get back. 
The neighbours’ dog barks against the chain link fence, growling and baring their teeth. You flinch, getting closer to the gutter to avoid them. You’re safe when you get to your yard a few steps away and onto the worn, wooden porch that nearly breaks with your mom’s stomps. She kicks a few cigarette buds to the side and opens the squeaky screen door. You swallow hard and follow after her.
The living room is messy with clothes and old pizza boxes on the floor, and the TV is still on in the corner. 
“Mom….mom….I didn’t do it.” 
You drop your backpack, watching her stride towards the kitchen. She opens a drawer as you plead to her, and your voice becomes louder as the silver reflection of sharp scissors catches your eye. “No! Please! I swear I’m not lying!”
It’s useless.
She’s larger, taller, bigger and stronger than you are. 
She comes over and grabs your long hair, yanking it from your head. You cry as she starts to cut. Jagged lines, quick snips, sawing off the strands. A sob breaks through your chest and trying to get away only makes her grip on your hair tighten and she pulls it to get you back.
Mom grits her teeth. “How dare you go behind my back and cause my trouble, you bitch. You stole my dye, didn’t you?! You thief!”
You scream and cry. “I didn’t! I didn’t!” 
She never once notices how your hair returns to its natural colour as it sheds to your feet. That the moment it’s snipped from your head, the blazing red has faded away and lost the colour.
When it’s over, the scissors are tossed on the floor.
You’re left slumped on the ground, in a pool of your own hair. There are bald spots on your scalp while the other side is longer, uneven. What’s left of your head bleeds bright yellow, the colour of sunshine.
The next day, the shade mellows out, almost into a dirty blonde. You hope it’s good enough.
Your mom’s asleep on the sofa, snoring away with the TV still playing in the background. So you make it past her and trudge to school.
Kids are playing on the playground when you get there and you grip your backpack straps as you look on. But you don’t join them. Your feet turn and you duck out of sight, slipping into the school through the side doors. You’re lucky the janitor hasn’t locked them.
You’re not supposed to be inside the building yet, but you hope no one notices. Unluckily, someone turns the corner down the hall. But you breathe a sigh of relief when it’s just Mrs. Jung.
She’s always been nice. 
“Good morning.”
She’s busy tapping on her phone, yet in a chirpy voice, she still exclaims, “Good morning! How are you—”
Mrs. Jung finally looks up and she suddenly stops. 
You don’t know why her face looks like that. Like she’s seen a ghost. Is your hair really that bad? You tried to fix it and you thought it turned out okay.
Mrs. Jung gets closer and then lowers to a kneel in front of you, matching your height. Her shaking hand lifts and she touches the side of your head. You feel her fingertips against your scalp that still stings. You hiss and when you look at her, you see tears in her eyes. You wonder why.
“Who did this?” Her voice is quiet, gentle. 
“Um….I was playing with scissors.” 
Mrs. Jung looks at you again and says, “You’re allowed to tell me, Y/N.” 
You stay quiet, not sure what to tell her, not sure you want to get into any more trouble. If you do and get sent to the principal's office again, who knows what your mom would do then.
But as you’re thinking about it, Mrs. Jung adds on, “No one will get into trouble, I promise.”
She looks into your eyes. 
Your head droops, downcast vision looking at the floor. A quiet mumble escapes— “My mom.”
You’re not sure what happens after that. You’re sure your mom would be enraged if she knew you were talking about her and if you got her into trouble, that would be the worst. But for some reason, you don’t feel scared. Not when Mrs. Jung takes your hand and brings you to her science classroom. 
You sit behind her desk that’s hidden away from the rest of the class by bookshelves and she gives you an apple juice box. You slurp it up — you haven’t eaten since yesterday’s lunch.
When you peek out, you see Mrs. Jung talking to another teacher in the hall. Soon after, the principle comes to visit you. He has the same expression as Mrs. Jung did and asks you if your mom’s done something like this before. 
That day, your grandma picks you up from school. It’s a pleasant surprise. You’ve always liked your grandma but your mom never let her visit much. She hugs you tight.
The colour of your hair is a warm shade of gray.
Mrs. Jung takes you on a one-on-one special field trip on Sunday. She picks you up from Grandma’s house after you’ve had your favourite for breakfast: sunny-side up eggs. She drives you to the clinic and the female doctor hits your knee, making it bounce. The doctor also measures how tall you are, shines a light in your eye and asks if green is your favourite colour.
You see in the wall mirror that your head’s turned into a teal shade. You tell her no.
Half an hour later, you’re put in a machine that flashes lots of colours. They reassure you but you’re not scared. The vivid hues and mosaic of shades that blur past your eyes are pretty.
When it’s done, the doctor holds a clipboard while sitting next to the computer. Your legs swing from the edge of the examination table as you’re situated comfortable on the plush seat. 
“It’s as I initially suspected, the hair is her soulmate gift. It changes colour based on her soulmate’s emotions.”
Mrs. Jung frowns. “I’ve never heard of something like that before.”
“Yes, well, it’s much more rare. Only point zero six experience a hair quirk.” The doctor looks from Mrs. Jung to you then back at her again. “Typically, as you know, soulmate gifts come in the form of names tattooed into skin or even countdowns of when the person would meet their soulmate, but soulmate gifts can take all kinds of different shapes and forms. Luckily, this shouldn’t affect her too much aside from, obviously, her hair changing color. Kids usually receive their gift around puberty, but looks like she’s an early bloomer.”
The doctor briefly smiles at you and then rolls on her chair towards her desk. “She’s also malnourished, but I believe with the proper nutrition, she’ll be able to recover. We should book another appointment in a few months to keep an eye on that and the hair.”
When the trip to the clinic is over, Mrs. Jung brings you to the mall.
You look around with wide eyes at all the clothes in the windows, but she eventually stops in front of a particular store and kneels in front of you. Her eyes lock into yours and she takes your hand.
“Y/N, you understand what the doctor told you, right?”
“Yeah. My hair’s my soulmate gift.” You had guessed it was that anyway. 
Mrs. Jung nods with a smile. “Yes, you’ve always been a smart girl.”
She strokes your head affectionately and says, “I know you might not feel it now, but it really is a gift. Your soulmate is the one meant for you, your other half. They’re the one who can make you even happier. It’s both a blessing and a privilege to have. But it’s also okay if you hate it. You don’t have to like your soulmate gift,” she reassures. “If one day, you’re more comfortable with your hair, then that would be good. But it’s also okay if you’re not. It’s up to you.”
You nod after a moment.
Mrs. Jung smiles. “We’re gonna go into that wig shop, okay? You can pick two that you like and I’ll help you get it.”
Picking out wigs is more fun than you expect. The people there are happy to help and you end up going home with one black, long hair wig and another brown bobbed one that makes you look like Rapunzel after she cut her hair.
You only see your mom three times after that.
Once, she comes to your grandma’s house. Your grandma doesn’t let her see you, but you watch them yell at each other on the porch from the upstairs window. The next time is a year later in court. Your mom cries out for you and you tell her you’re sorry. Her hug is so tight, you can barely breathe. 
The last is a visit on your own accord years later. 
The small house you spent your childhood in is falling apart, windows broken, trash in the yard. You find her sitting on the armchair with a hazy expression, TV playing in the corner. She’s in the same exact position as if you never left. You put a blanket over her, but she stirs awake and sees you. She asks to borrow a hundred dollars.
Your mom winds up throwing a dirty plate your way when you give her twenty. It’s all you have on you.
You don’t realize the significance of what Mrs. Jung’s done for you until years later after you’ve long graduated elementary. So you visit her during High School with a thank you card and a bouquet of flowers. She’s gotten old by then, but she still remembers. She cries and hugs you tight. It feels comforting. And her hand brushes against the strands of your baby blue locks.
Grandma helps you grow out your hair again and is one of the people who help you become comfortable in it. By university, you’ve discarded your wigs in favour of your real hair that’s gotten luscious and shiny. Your friends think it's the coolest thing they’ve ever seen and some people approach you to tell you they love it and ask where you got it done. 
You tell them it’s your soulmate gift.
Throughout the years, you pick at the ends of your hair and keep track of its changes in your diary. It becomes a habit to play with your hair, to memorize the shade it morphs to. You find that during the winter seasons, your hair becomes white often. One day, it turns white twenty six times. 
On Valentine’s Day one year, your hair stays solid pink the whole day. And on another, it’s black for an entire week in April. 
You start to hypothesize on the data you collect, noting the frequency of the hair colour changes, of each shade. You suspect hues of yellow signify happiness, reds are anger, blues are sadness, white is when your soulmate is cold. You’re not so sure about the others—
Seokjin is leaning on your cubicle as you shut your journal, having recorded your hair turning into a shade of lilac.
“Boss man wants to see you.”
Your eyes widen and you stumble up, pushing your small office chair back. “What for?”
The man shrugs. “Beats me. I wouldn’t worry about it though. It’s not like he’s going to fire you………..right?”
Seokjin grins, but his joke only spurs more nerves on you.
You get to the door, smooth out your pencil skirt and with a deep breath, you knock.
“Come in.”
“You wanted to see me, Mr. Min?” 
You step inside his office, finding him looking into a small table mirror at his desk. He’s peering at his left eye and bats his lash several times. But then he sets the mirror down and looks at you.
“Yes, please take a seat.”
You clear your throat and sit in the chair across from him. The mirror is propped up in your direction, and you notice how your hair turns into a shade of monotone gray. It starts at the roots, bleeding downwards until all the strands have altered completely.
You pipe up, “If this is about the Jeon files, sir, I already redid them.”
“No, that’s not it.” He rubs his left eye that’s watering and then blinks. “Actually, I wanted to have a conversation about this for a while. Joy was supposed to talk to you about this, but she’s busy at the moment.”
Joy from HR. 
You’re immediately on alert. “Yes, sir.”
 Mr. Min says, “It’s about your hair.”
He rubs his eye and then clasps his hands together on top of his desk. “Recently, we received a customer complaint that your hair was unprofessional.”
“It’s my soulmate gift.”
“Yes. I know. You mentioned it during your interview. But it still could be considered a distraction in the workplace.”
The word ‘distraction’ has a muscle by your brow jumping. It makes you practically bristle as déjà vu washes over you. But you aren’t ten anymore. You don’t have to be afraid.
You straighten. “With all due respect, I don’t think it’s a requirement for me to have to change my hair. This is out of my control….sir.”
Suddenly, your hair turns a faint hue of red.
Mr. Min’s brow raises as if he didn’t expect you to be so difficult. “It’s part of the rules to have business appropriate attire in the office.”
“Attire yes, but there is nothing referring to hair,” you quietly assert.
His jaw shifts and he leans back into his seat. “Well, we’ll have to confirm if that’s true with HR—”
“I already did,” you interrupt him with a meek smile and as an afterthought, you add, “sir.”
Your hair turns a stronger shade of red. From pastel to a raspberry. Your pupils flicker to the mirror on his desk and your brows furrow as you notice it.
Mr. Min breaks you out of your trance and you redirect your attention to him again. “Is it impossible to make it less of a distraction?” he asks while rubbing his eye that’s tearing up again.
“If it becomes a requirement for me to wear wigs to work every day and not an expectation for others, sir, then the company should pay for it, put it on for me each morning and help me maintain it.” Your hair turns a stronger shade of red — crimson — as Mr. Min rubs his eye more incessantly. You add, “With all due respect, I don’t consider my hair a distraction at all. It is out of my control and it isn’t my fault if others are distracted. It has to do with their attention span.”
He stands. “That’s enough.”
At the same time, from his watered eye, you see something fall out. 
You point. “Umm, sir…”
“Shit,” he mutters underneath his breath and looks to the carpet. You stand there for a delayed second before deciding to help him. You round his desk and descend to the ground where he is. All he says is, “It’s a contact lens.”
It’s a surprise to you considering you didn’t know he wore them.
But you quickly spot the transparent half-sphere. “Oh, it’s over there. By your foot.”
Mr. Min frowns. “Where?”
He looks up to see where you’re pointing. Your faces are inches away and instantly your eyes widen. A quiet gasp leaves your lungs. Not because of your close proximity but because Mr. Min’s iris is a fading red. And as confusion takes you, it morphs into a shade of gray.
Blooming outwards from his pupil, colour swirling into place.
“Your eye…” you murmur.
He mumbles, “It’s a soulmate gift.”
Yoongi grabs the brown colour contact lens, cursing at how it’s gotten dirty. But before he can get up, your hands latch onto his wrist, fingers digging into his skin and you tell him, “Wait.”
There’s an unquenchable thirst to test the hypothesis that’s dawned upon you. 
So when your hair starts to turn into gray as well, you surge forward on sheer intuition. And you kiss your boss, Min Yoongi. Your lips press against his, enough to register how soft and velvet his mouth is, long enough to feel his vanilla chapstick transfer onto your lips. But it’s a chaste peck. Shy and hesitant. And you pull away just as quickly.
Yoongi falls back on his butt with eyes nearly falling out of their sockets.
Immediately, you look over to the mirror on his desk. Your hair is turning from gray to red with faint streaks of cotton candy pink. 
You gaze back at Yoongi to find his iris is peony pink.
“D-Did you just kiss me?!”
“Umm, sir, with all due respect, I believe you’re my soulmate.”
The words to dawn upon him. For the first time, your strands of hair morphs into a soft, pastel pink and his irises match the same shade.
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mobagehelllocal · 4 years
“do you even lift, bro?”
Not exactly a prompt but just a suggestion where the dorm leaders fem s!o wants to carry them bridal style? Maybe they got injured or maybe she just wanted to show her strength? How will everyone react? Thanks a lot :) -- From @blackstrawberrynightmare​.
A/N: Thank you so much for this! This was a very fun break from the “holding the world” series ahahah~ I enjoyed it a lot and I think it sort of became crack? I hope this makes everyone who reads it laugh at least once! Please tell me what you think~
other versions: ver i (this), ver ii (dire, divus, ashton), ver iii (leech twins, jamil, epel, rook, lilia)
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“Bet I could bench press you.” 
“I beg your pardon?” Riddle turned to you with the most incredulous face ever, and you giggled in response. “What is... a bench press?” Riddle struggled, his expression looked as if he was thinking back onto all your conversations--he tried to remember if you’ve ever mentioned this... bench press before.
“It’s basically when I hold you like this” you opened your palms facing upright, “and then I lift you like this--” you proceeded to move your hands up and down. 
“Absolutely not.”
“But Riddle!” you pouted, and he narrowed his eyes in turn, his arms crossed. 
“I refuse to be... bench pressed.” He pressed his lips tight together, and you sighed, disappointed.
“One day I’ll convince you.”
“That day will never come.” 
“Then next time, I won’t ask for permission.” 
“You--” Riddle glared, his cheeks red. “--never mind.” he scoffed, as he looked away. “What makes you think you can carry me anyways?” 
“Ah, but I can!” 
“I don’t believe it.” Unfortunately for Riddle, you were waiting for something like that.
“Then let me prove my strength~” 
“What are you doing? Why are you bending down--Wait, don’t you dare--guh!” 
You proceeded to wrap your arms behind his knees, and around his back. With barely a blink, you swept him up into your arms. 
Riddle gaped when you barely flinched. While Riddle was small, he wasn’t exactly light. Or at least, that’s what he liked to think. You looked down at him, and wiggled your eyebrows.
“Have I made you fall in love, prince of my heart?” You delighted in the embarrassed red flush on his cheeks. He began to struggle in your arms, but you held on pretty tight--enough that the most he could do was attempt to push you away with his hands.
“Let me down,” his brow furrowed, and from embarrassed red he slowly turned to angry red, “this instant.” 
“No way, this is too fun.” you giggled, as he struggled harder in response. 
“If you don’t I’ll--” he stopped short, realizing he really didn’t have leverage against you. He couldn’t exactly use his unique magic on you. You grinned cheekily at him, and he crossed his arms grumpily in response. “... Since when were you so strong anyways?”
“You didn’t say anything.” he pointed out and you cocked your head to the side in thought. 
“I guess it’s like you with your magic. You’ve always had it, you’ve always been good at it.” you shrugged, “it’s normal to me. So I never thought it was something that needed explaining?” He sighed in response, he could understand your point after all. 
“... When will you let me down?” 
“Never.” you cuddled close and his blush that had originally calmed down--intensified. 
“--!” he sighed, before he let you. It should be fine as long as nobody walked in.
“Prefect, Riddle--” Cater walked in, only for his eyes to widen, and his hand snapped up immediately to take a photo.
“Cater!” Riddle looked murderous, and he tried to leap out of your arms to grab the third year who laughed nervously, and hesitantly stepped back. “[Name]! Let go of me right now!” 
“Sorry, can’t do Riddle,” you giggled. “Cater! Send me that photo, okay~?” 
“There’s a reason I adore you Prefect!” Cater laughed, as he snapped more photos. 
“What’s going on?” Trey ducked into the room, and paused at the sight. Riddle sputtered, as Trey immediately turned around to snicker. 
“Cater I want those photos too--” 
“YOU ALL--!”
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“Leona!” you tried to call the man’s attention, but he only turned away, his tail thumped heavily on the ground.
“But you need to get to class!” you protested, “don’t you have a super important thing today?” 
“Hngh... zzz...” 
“Hey! Don’t you dare fall asleep on me!” The lack of a response made your eye twitch. “Fine... if that’s what you’re gonna do--then I’ll have to resort to--” 
When there was a sudden silence, Leona smirked, the moment you approached him--he would drag you down to the ground with him, and quiet you down by--
That is until he felt your small, delicate hands dig underneath his back then legs and within a moment--he hissed in surprise, and you smirked in response--you carried him in your arms, bridal style. 
“-carrying you.” You snickered at him. “how do you like it, Leona?” 
You’ve never seen him so surprised. His eyes were wide, his pupils huge (’like a cat’s!’ you couldn’t help but inwardly squeal), his ears were flattened against his head, his tail was actually still--and from the little of it that you could see of it--it seemed like the fur was standing upright too. 
‘One day,’ you solemnly swore to yourself, ‘I’ll surprise him by, I dunno--bench pressing him with one hand so I can take a photo with the other hand.’  
Leona just stared at you, his mouth slightly agape. 
Sure, Afterglow Savanna was filled with incredibly strong women. However no one has ever attempted to carry Leona. Primarily because he wouldn’t let anyone--and also because his pride wouldn’t let him. He knew that women outside of Afterglow Savanna weren’t the same as the women within the kingdom. So he had figured you wouldn’t be able to carry him...
Give him a moment, his pride was just damaged, in the same moment you’ve suddenly become all the more attractive to him. 
‘In the culture of his kingdom, especially for the royal family--what made a great wife, is a strong woman. Here you were, proving just how perfect you were for him.’  He could feel the heat rise to his face upon that realization, and he struggled to calm his heart down--fervently hoping that nothing showed on his face.  
“Hello? Leona?” He was still super still in your arms, and you shrugged. “Ah well, since you aren’t resisting, this will be easier for me.” So you began to carry him out of the garden. At your sudden movement, he twitched in your arms, and tried to get off. Unfortunately for him, being able to lift a man of his height and weight also meant that you had a pretty strong grip.
“Nope.” you shook your head. “You wouldn’t get up earlier, so I’ll just carry you to class.” 
“Let me go He-” he paused, ‘Could he still call you herbivore, given you’ve proven you’re not a herbivore?’ 
At his sudden, uncharacteristic hesitance, you glanced down at him. Wow, he’s being really weird today. 
“Leona... are you okay?” He opened his mouth to respond, when his ears twitched, and he struggled harder in your arms. 
“He--[Name], put me down, right now.” he practically hissed. 
“What? No way! You’re clearly not enjoying this, therefore I am.” ‘Hah! Take that for all the heartbeats I wasted on you, you big tease!’ He growled in response, about to snap back when--
“Is that... Leona?” You blinked, head turned in the direction of the voice, while Leona slackened in your arms, and groaned. “with [Name] carrying him? Shishishi!” 
“Oh! Hi Ruggie~ Jack~ I’m off to bring your dorm leader to his class~” 
Ruggie was practically bent forward, as he both cried and laughed. Meanwhile Jack just stared at you with the widest eyes, and biggest open mouth you’ve seen on him.
“Hahahah! Leona--being carried like a bride! Wait I need a photo!” Ruggie snickered as he pulled out his phone.
“Oi! Ruggie! Don’t you dare--!”
“Oho, I see you’re a hyena of culture Ruggie! How do you want me to pose?”
“Well if you can just--” 
“You herbi-[Name]--don’t encourage him!” Leona yelled, clearly exasperated. At the corner of his eye, he noticed that Jack’s shoulders were shaking. The student had desperately covered his mouth--trying to hide his own laugh.
‘Great,’ he scowled. ‘they’ll never let me live this down.’  
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“You’re doing great Azul!” Jamil yelled, with a very wide, self-satisfied smirk on his face as the trembling octopus merman flew into the air on his broom. Azul would’ve shaken his fist at the snake if he wasn’t clinging onto the broom as hard as he was. ‘Is he that mad about the burn cure incident in our alchemy class?’ Azul thought, but the broom wobbled and his grip tightened on it in response.
“Unbelievable these land dwellers,” Azul cursed underneath his breath. “I just learnt how to walk on two legs last school year and now they want me to fly? They want a merman in the air? Absurd. Complete savages the lot of them.”
Now when it came to magic—the most important thing is being able to believe in your ability to do it. Be it believing in your ability to manipulate elements, or believing in your ability to conjure something out of thin air.
This applied to flying too.
Unfortunately for the octopus... he was so distracted as he cursed in the language of the seas—he forgot about the fact he was flying.
Hence his broom started to wobble.
He only realized the problem when his broom started to jerk around.
“Oh—“ he let out more curses in his native language and closed his eyes, “ok you can do this Azul. I believe I can fly! I believe I can fly—“
But he didn’t really so—his broom grew to be even crazier with his movements.
“Hey! Azul! Open your eyes! Calm down!” Jamil yelled out. Caught up in his own panic, Azul didn’t hear him. 
“I believe I can flyIbelieveIcanflyIbelieveIcanfly--” Azul chanted, but when he opened his eyes and saw how high he was-- 
“Ah carp, I’m gonNA DIE!” Azul shrieked, and shut his eyes tight--which led to him getting flung off his broom.
“Oh scarab.”  Jamil swore as he tried to run after the free falling octopus, only to stumble to a stop when he saw--
One moment he was free falling, then the next moment he’s caught, and pressed close to your chest. Azul’s eyes flew open in response to hearing your voice. You looked down at him with a wide smile.
You were carrying him--like a bride. Your hold was gentle, but firm--and the smile you sent him was tinted with worry--but it turned to amusement with the way he gaped at you. 
Azul’s eyes glistened, and you’re pretty sure he would start crying any second now if you didn’t immediately distract him. You didn’t want him to be sad after all. 
“You rang for a Princess Charming?~” you tossed in a wink, and he promptly turned red in response. 
“You--ga--wha--” Azul gaped at the fact you carried him in your arms with ease. 
“[Surname]!” you looked up to see that the rest of Azul’s second year class had ran up to you too. You easily hiked Azul up in your arms (which he yelped at), as you stood upright. Ashton Vargas looked at you with glitter in his eyes, and you took an involuntary step back at his expression.
“That! WAS! IMPRESSIVE!” Professor Vargas boomed, “That catch was magnificent! You barely stumbled! No recoil at all!” 
“I’m really strong.” You said with a shrug of your shoulders. “I never really had a problem with doing physical stuff. I just braced myself properly to catch Azul.” you held out your arms, where the octopus, still completely bewildered, lay--still slack from the shock. 
“Since when could you do that, [Surname]?”
“I always could...?” you shrugged your shoulders in response. “I just never needed to use it.” you laughed awkwardly. 
“Is Ashengrotto alright?” Vargas looked at the merman, and tried to look at his expression. 
“I think I should take him to the infirmary.” you said, “he’s still in shock.” 
“Right, right. You do that.” Vargas stroked his beard. “Carry on. I’ll have Viper update Ashengrotto if he misses out on anything.” Jamil flinched, and shot a guilty glance at Azul then at you. You shot him a smile, in response and mouthed that you’d tell Azul he was sorry. Jamil looked relieved. 
“Sure Professor.” with that you turned around, and relaxed your hold on Azul.
“...How’d you know?” 
“... That I didn’t want to be seen... like that.” 
“You mean crying?” You gave him a love filled smile that made his heart beat even faster. “Well the answer is simple. I am your girlfriend after all.” His face turned red again. 
“Thank you.” Azul sighed, “I feel like you saved me twice today.” 
“And I’ll keep saving you whenever you need me.” That gentle grin--full of your adoration for him is enough for his blush to darken.
“Please put me down.” 
“Oh no, I refuse.” you squeezed. “I think you’re cute in my arms~” 
“I want my octopus pot right now.” 
“Oh my.” 
“Carp.” Azul swore, as he saw the Leech twins up ahead. Floyd let out a happy gasp, before he ran right over.
“Ooooh! I want to be carried too--!” 
“Wait Floyd--don’t just jump--AH!” 
“Oh my, my.” Jade snickered to himself as you easily caught Floyd, but started to stumble.
“Jade!” wailed Azul from underneath the laughing Floyd.
“Woah! Shrimpy strong!” 
“Don’t move too much! Ah! Wait! My balance--” 
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As you entered the Scarabia Dorms to visit Kalim, you noticed a commotion. More specifically--a bunch of animals going wild. You also quickly noticed Jamil off to the side, hissing out sharp commands. 
You ran up to him, and waited for him to acknowledge you. Which he does, easily enough.
“Ah, Prefect, you’re here.” he had a long suffering expression on his face, and you tilted your head.
“Someone forgot to lock up all the animals this morning so...” he sighed. “We’re trying to calm them down.” 
“Ah, I see.” you looked around, “any way I can help?” 
“You don’t have to, please sit with Kalim.” he gestured to an empty chair. Something in your stare must’ve been telling, because he visibly paled and went: 
“He... he’s not there.... is he?” he said in a very weak and pitiful tone. 
“No he’s not.” you said, as gently as possible. “Would you like me to help?” 
“Yes please.” 
“Alright.” you slammed your fist against your open palms. “He’s likely wherever it’s most difficult.” Jamil nodded, before he made a very deadpanned expression.
“... He’s with the elephants.” you both said in unison, and you both rushed off in the direction. 
You find him easy. 
There he was, in the middle of the path, faced away from the approaching elephants. 
“Jamil! [Name]!” he waved--WAVED! All cheeky too! While in the midst of danger. Jamil looked like he was having a heart attack, so you quickly darted to Kalim.
“Wait! [Name]!” you quickly scooped Kalim up into your arms, bridal style, before you tossed yourself as hard as you could out of the fray. You exhaled in relief, before you feel Kalim wrap his arms around your neck, to give you a quick kiss on the cheek.
“My hero!” he laughed, all jovial, as if he hadn’t nearly been in mortal danger.
“Kalim! That was dangerous!” 
“Yeah but we got out of it alright!” he said, as he waved his hand in a dismissive manner. “What’s more important is--! I didn’t realize how strong you were!” When he looked at you with those sparkly eyes, it was easy to falter, and forget about everything that could you upset. 
The adrenaline finally rushed out of you, and you crashed to your knees, after which you buried your head into the crook of his neck.
“[N-Name]?” his voice was confused, and even flustered. Any other time, you would be eager to see his expression, but for now--
“Please... be more careful next time.” 
“.... Uhn... I’m sorry! I’ll try not to make you worry so much!” Kalim pulled away from you to look at your face. “What kind of boyfriend will I be if I make you hurt like that, yeah?” 
You exhaled, relieved. “Yes, exactly.” 
You both share a smile, then soft giggles--before it turned into full blown laughter.
That is until--
“What do you think you were doing Kalim?” Jamil hissed, his expression dark.
“Oh--well, that is” Kalim sweated in response, and you attempted to melt into the background until Jamil’s dark gaze moved to you.
“And you as well--” he gritted his teeth, “running out like that--!” 
“Wait--why are you blaming me?” 
“You both nearly gave me a heart attack!” when he looked up, his eyes glowed with a sinister light.
“Oh no.” 
“...[Name]... save me.” 
“Already on it.” you hopped onto your feet, and darted off with Jamil hot on your heels. 
“Come back here you two!” 
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Now, normally when people were surrounding your ridiculously pretty boyfriend you were fine with it. He was a model after all. You didn’t really mind him interacting with his fans--you were perfectly fine with stepping out of the way, and giving them a few minutes to talk to Vil. 
You could relate.
After all, you didn’t call yourself Vil’s number one fan for nothing. 
You were lucky enough to be able to hoard Vil to yourself so much, so you were always willing to share ‘Vil the model’ with his fans.
‘It’s fine. I’m completely fine.’ you crossed your arms. You hoped your face wasn’t irritated, or upset. You understood how important fan interactions are but--
‘It’s our first date in awhile, and I really wanted to enjoy private time with Vil.’ you thought mournfully, as you eyed the gaggle of boys and girls who surrounded your Vil. 
If Vil was upset--it wasn’t visible on his face at all. In fact, as per usual, he enjoyed his time with his fans. (Which made you feel even worse.) He made sure to acknowledge each one of them, and looked them straight in the eye. It caused a lot of the fans to go red, and nearly faint (once more, absolutely relatable--those eyes? With those lashes? Up close? Even you had difficulty breathing with him that close.) 
You looked at the time, only to inhale sharply at the fact he’s been at it for at least an hour. Plus--based on the way the crowd around him only grew, you two would never get to finish your date.
‘Alright, I’m sorry,’ you thought, ‘but I’m going to have to get in the way.’ 
When Vil looked up to search for you outside the crowd, he couldn’t see you. He mentally frowned. He was grateful that you were always willing to adjust to his fans, but at times--he wouldn’t mind if you were a little bit more selfish with him.
He had given you himself--he as Vil Schoenheit. The world--his fans--they might have Vil Schoenheit as the influencer and model--but you had him, for himself. The Vil with no make up in the morning, the Vil who would cheat his diet for some sweets, the Vil who wasn’t as put together as the world saw. You saw all his flaws--the imperfections, the things he found ugly--yet you held him, told him he was your world despite that. 
That was something.
No, it is something.
He hoped you knew, that no matter what, that made you so irreplaceable... so important to him. 
After all, beyond his prowess as a poisoner, beyond his fame as a model--who would stand by him when that was all gone? 
He hoped it was you. 
“Sorry everyone, but I’ll have to steal my boyfriend away now.” 
He turned to you, surprised but excited that you were going to steal him away.
‘Now how would you do that, sweet potato?’ 
He saw you bend down, then quite literally--sweep him off his feet. He’s surprised--and his first reaction is to wrap his arms around your neck. You ignored the gasp of fans, as you quickly run off without a single misstep. 
“I finally have you, my ah... damsel in distress?” you quirked your brow, not sure if you said it right. Vil only laughed and pressed his lips against your cheek. When he pulls back, there’s a very obvious lipstick mark on your cheek. 
“You finally saved me, my Princess Charming.” he said, and you blinked down at him. 
“I was just... selfish.” 
Oh! And how much did that warm his heart--to know how much you wanted to dominate his time, as much as he did.
“You can always be selfish with me.” He told you quietly, with a gentle smile. 
“I mean--are you sure?” 
“Of course! I am your boyfriend after all!” He cocked his head to the side, “now, you didn’t tell me you were strong enough to carry me around.” 
���It never came up?” 
“Then, I’ll rely on you to save me more--alright?” 
You stared into his eyes--honest, and loving, coupled with how genuinely enchanting Vil was well--you broke away first with a faint blush on your cheeks.
“... Of course...”  
“How cute...” Rook purred. 
“Aside from how weird it is that we’re following them on their date...” Epel paused. “I wonder if [Name] would tell me how she got so strong?” 
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You burst into Idia’s room, frantic and worried after receiving a text from Ortho, about his brother collapsing.
“[Name]!” Ortho called out relieved, as he pointed out Idia--slumped onto the ground, groaning.
“What happened Ortho?” you frowned, as you knelt, and carefully turned your boyfriend onto his back.
“He just suddenly collapsed, and I don’t know why.” Ortho fretted, you leant forward and pressed your forehead against his, only for you to reel back quickly in surprise.
“I think he’s running a fever.” you frowned, “we’ll have to take him to the infirmary.” 
“But how?” 
“I’ll carry him, of course.” Ortho’s mouth dropped in surprise when you easily scooped up his brother. With Idia’s long hair trailing to the ground and limp body, it did look like you had just finished saving a princess. 
“Woah! [Name] you look so cool!” Ortho stared up at you with shining eyes, and you giggled in response.
“Thanks Ortho. Now go run ahead and tell the nurse I’m bringing your irresponsible brother to the office, alright?” 
On the walk there, Idia stirred in your arms.
“Oh, are you finally awake?” you teased, at which his eyes widened and he immediately froze in your arms.
“[Name]?” he squeaked out, then frantically looked around before he met your gaze again. “Wait--are you carrying me?” 
“To the nurse’s office, yes” you said, amused. 
“Please put me down!” 
“Absolutely not, after all--you made Ortho and I worry a lot!” you huffed at him, “so suffer in the arms of your girlfriend a little longer!” 
“Everyone is staring!” he whimpered. 
“Well if a certain someone didn’t forget to take care of themselves while they got into the new dlc for Gao Gao Shield and Sword...” Idia whined in response.
“I needed to complete the GaoDex before anyone else! I was one Gao Gao away from completing it, before this upstart mystery player LilV actually managed to beat me--” he buried his face in his palms. “I was so close...” 
“There there.” you tried to rub his back as best as you could. “Isn’t there another dlc still coming out later this year?” He brightened up at that.
“That’s right, I’ll start training my resistance to hunger and--” he winced at the glare you shoot at him.
“If you’re going to do it, do it in a healthy manner Idia.” you frowned, “if not for me--then for Ortho.” 
He paused, as he lowered the hands covering his face to stare at your face. You were genuinely worried for his sake, and he thought: ‘oh no, this is like picking the wrong choice in Water Crest: Seven Dorms and my support level is going down!’ he inwardly panicked, ‘I worked pretty hard to grind to level S! Of course I need to maintain it because I--’ he felt his face flush red. ‘because I really like [Name]... and I don’t want her to worry so--’ 
“I’ll... I’ll be more careful.” he looked away, bashful, and you stared at him--surprised. You didn’t think it would be easy--he loved gaming. You wouldn’t want him to change--only to take care of himself more. 
So now that he was saying this then--
‘I’ll meet him halfway.’ you decided.
“Next time I’ll stay with you.” you said, with a sweet smile. “so if you get caught up in it, I’ll get you back on track.”
“Are you sure? You might get bored?” 
“Now why would I get bored?” you shoot him a sly smile, “I’m spending time with my boyfriend after all~” 
“Ah! Idia you’re heating up!” 
“That’s because--! Ughh--! I didn’t realize there was an SS support conversation!” 
“A what?” 
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“So are your horns heavy?” 
Malleus cocked his head at your sudden question.
“I’m... confused... with this question, bright light.” 
“Eh...” you move your hands around as you spoke, “I don’t know, I guess I was just curious if your horns... like maybe had a certain weight to them? Like... does your neck hurt?” you tilted your head. “Like... does it feel like when you’re holding a staff? Maybe?” You paused as you looked back at the dark fae.
“Sorry, was that a weird question? Is it... intrusive? Or something?” 
“No it is not.” he shook his head gently. “I suppose I can not really tell. I have had my horns all my life so I can not say if they are light or heavy.” 
“Could I try--like seeing if they’re heavy?” He quirked his brow in response.
“You can try,” he paused, “but how exactly will you do that, bright light?” 
“Like this.” With barely a blink, you gestured for him to crouch lower. He did so--confused. When you suddenly picked Malleus up into your arms, you do so with such a smoothness that he froze. 
“Huh, your horns are slightly heavy I think.” You adjusted him in your arms, you definitely felt a difference in weight closer to the side where his horns were. “Tsunotarou? Bright eyes? Two hundred and two centimeters? Malmal? Are you okay?” 
(You were unaware of Sebek behind you, who had attempted to rush out to save his young lord. Lilia pulled him back with one hand, his other hand covered his guffaw. On his other side, Silver was very awake--also surprised that a human girl was able to just sweep the young lord into you arms with barely a flinch or stagger.)
You squinted at him, only to realize his pupils were wide--wider than you’ve ever seen before. His lips were parted slightly, as he stared at you. He looked absolutely stunned. 
“Um? Are you okay--” 
“Heh...” Malleus raised a hand to his lips, before he started laughing out loud.
“Woah Malmal, you look sort of... crazy.” 
“Heheh... Hahahah!” Malleus laughed, “Interesting! So very fascinating, my bright light.” 
“To think you would have the gall to lift the Heir to the Valley of Thorns--to think you had the strength to do so--will you ever stop being so intriguing, my bright light?” 
“I’ll try not too?” you replied, in a confused tone, and Malleus continued to chuckle lightly in your arms. His eyes became gentle at your response. 
‘I keep wondering why I find you so fascinating...’ he mused, ‘but it is truly simple--you are not afraid to treat me as... myself I suppose. You did not see me as Heir of the Valley of Thrones--you saw me as a man with horns-- a man with bright eyes--’  
‘You do not treat me as delicate... but at the same time, you do not treat me as something to be feared.’ 
‘You are like a light... a light with the potential to burn away all the darkness...’ he held your confused gaze, ‘will you do it? Bright light? Will you persevere in this world not yours--and show it how bright you can be?’ 
‘Whether you do or not--you are perhaps, the only one, the first one I can consider a friend--an equal.’ 
“You look really deep in thought, bright eyes.” You said, and he hummed. 
“It is nothing.” When you moved to let him down, Malleus’s arms looped its way around your neck. 
“I would like to stay in your arms for a little longer, bright light.” He met your gaze, and you blushed at the intensity in those eyes. “Would you indulge me?” 
“--That is... of course, Tsunotaro.” His smile widened, and your heart melted at how genuinely happy it was. To think he used to gaze at the world with such sadness...
If little things like this was enough to make him happy, then you want to do it more often. 
Ai’s Glossary For TWST Swear Words *I primarily came up with this because I don’t think swear words are the same in different worlds--? So I decided I should just come up with them.  (✧≖‿ゝ≖) 
- “Oh my Queen” / “Sweet Witch” / “Dear Sorcerer” ... you get the drill   - basically equivalent to our “oh my god”, “sweet lord”, “dear god”
- “Oh carp” - unique to the Octavinelle dorm. It’s basically “oh crap” or “oh shit.” Variation include “holy carp.” 
- “Oh scarab” - unique to the Scarabia dorm. Perhaps specifically unique to Jamil too. It’s the same as above, except he uses scarab instead of carp. 
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
Haikyuu!! Sentence Starters #1-10
A collection of the Haikyuu sentence starters I've done, compiled for the sake of ease. These are all stand-alone stories.
1) Lee Noya, Ler Hinata
“Not such a tough little libero now, huh?”
The tease slipped out of Hinata’s mouth with ease as he grinned down at his friend, who was curled up in a giggling ball on the floor.
“S-Shuhuhuhut up, Hinata!” Noya protested, his face bright pink as he tried to hold back the flood that threatened to burst at any moment.
“I think you’re even more ticklish than me, Noya, and that’s saying something!” Hinata giggled along with his upperclassman, easily able to keep up with his squirmy movements. This was way easier than trying to tickle Kageyama. At least in this situation, he had a whole inch of height to his advantage!
Noya squealed and arched his back when the redhead found his lower ribs, crawling up from his sides. “N-Nohohohoho, nononono – Hinata, stahahahahap!”
Hinata beamed. “Why? I like seeing you smile and laugh like this!”
“T-Tickles – it f-frihihihihihicking tickles, Hinatahahahahaha!”
“Oh, really?” Hinata started dragging his fingers up and down the libero’s ribs, thrilled when Noya couldn’t hold back anymore and started squealing with high-pitched laughter. “I would never have guessed.”
“Hinata!” Noya managed before giving up the fight and laying back to take it, shockwave after shockwave of ticklish sensations lighting up his nervous system and making him laugh and squirm involuntarily. But – if he was honest with himself – he really didn’t mind the distraction.
2) Lee Noya, Ler Kageyama
“What’s wrong?” Kageyama smirked, holding Noya’s feet in his lap and trailing his fingers lazily up and down the soles. “I thought touch was your love language.”
Noya blushed furiously. “Y-Yeah, but not that kind of touch. Jeez…”
Kageyama replied by scratching his fingernail in the center of the libero’s left sole. “No? Really?”
“S-Stohohohop,” Noya giggled, covering his face with his hands and tugging at his feet half-heartedly.
In the spirit of keeping up the playfulness, Kageyama wrapped one arm around both of Noya’s ankles and held him tighter, scribbling his free hand over both feet at once.
Noya bucked his hips and tried to roll over but quickly wound up on his back again, too weak with laughter to do anything more than protest. “Nohohohohohoho!”
“I don’t know, Yuu, you do seem to be loving this just as much as if I were kissing you.”
“I ahahahahahaham not!”
“You are.” Kageyama grabbed his toes and dug in fiercely. “You should be punished for lying to my face like that.”
Noya tossed his head back and finally started laughing, gripping his stomach as if it would save him somehow. Through screechy giggles he pleaded, “Stohohohohohohop, that s-seheheheheriously tihihihihickles, Kageyama!”
The setter merely chuckled. “I know it does.”
3) Lee Hinata, Ler Suga
“No, I’m not giggling!”
Suga grinned. “You sure? It sounds like you are.”
“Well, I’m not!” Hinata insisted indignantly, trying desperately to reach the beetle that was crawling on his lower back, exactly where he couldn’t reach it. Another chuckle escaped him, making him blush. “Get it off of me, Suga! Why are you just standing there?”
“Because it’s cute that a bug is tickling you and you’re giggling,” Suga replied, taking out his phone. “I’ve got to show the guys.”
“H-Hey! Wait!” Hinata whirled to stop him, but his sudden movement caused the beetle to skitter a little further up his back, even more where he couldn’t reach it, and he arched his body and definitely, absolutely giggled. “S-Stohohop! Get it off of mehehehe!”
Suga laughed, holding his phone steady for the sake of his video. “Oh my god, just when I thought you couldn’t get any more fun to be around, Hinata. You’re getting tickled by a beetle.”
“Shut up, Suga!” Hinata felt the heat of his embarrassment on his cheeks, pouting as he crossed his arms, struggling to stay still as the bug crawled up towards his shoulder blades. “P-Please just get it off. Please?”
“All right, all right.” Suga stopped his recording, pocketed his phone, and went to shoo the beetle away. It flew off, unbothered, having no idea the cute scene it had just caused. “There. It’s gone.”
“You’re so mean. Are you really going to show that video?”
“Of course I am.” The silver-haired setter smirked, scribbling his fingers up and down Hinata’s spine quickly, making the redhead shriek and jolt away from him. “How can I resist?”
4) Lee Daichi, Ler Suga
“I told you, you didn’t have to try that,” Suga said in exasperation. “Now your arms are all red.”
“But Noya made it look so cool; I wanted to give it a go.” Daichi gave him a look. “You can’t seriously tell me you’ve never wanted to do rolling thunder before.”
Suga pressed his lips together. “Well, since you didn’t want to hear my warning, you’ll have to learn a lesson for not listening to me.”
“Isn’t nearly breaking my arms enough of a lesson learned?” The captain retorted, eyes widening when he saw wiggling fingers approaching him. He took a step back. “Suga, you wouldn’t.”
“I would.”
The setter lunged after his friend, and the two ran around the gym together, sprinting at top speeds to try and catch up to and evade each other. Eventually Suga tricked Daichi into going around the net while he ducked under it, and that finally closed the gap between them.
“No, nohohohoho, wait!” Daichi burst into giggles the instant the silver-haired setter grabbed his sides. “Dohohohohon’t do thahahahat!”
“You deserve it,” Suga shot back, grinning, “for failing to heed my oh-so-sage advice, captain. If you really want to learn rolling thunder, I’m sure Noya would be willing to teach you.”
“G-Gehehehet – get ohohohohoff! Suga!” Daichi twisted and writhed in the setter’s surprisingly strong grip, but he wasn’t going anywhere. “Stohohohohohop!”
Suga only held him closer. “Nope. This is what you get.”
5) Lee Daichi, Ler Ennoshita
“Leave me be!” Daichi snapped, turning his back and striding away.
Ennoshita blinked, surprised. He’d been watching the captain a lot more as of late, knowing his fellow second-years were looking to make him Daichi’s replacement once he graduated. He’d of course noticed how hard his upperclassman worked to remain a levelheaded, fair leader to the team – something he wished to do as well. But in the midst of his observations he’d also noticed that Daichi worked himself almost too hard trying to be the perfect example, and when he’d decided to suggest that he take it easy, “leave me be!” was the response he got.
“You don’t have to be a jerk about it,” he muttered. “I’m just trying to help.”
Daichi paused, then let out a sigh and looked back at him. “You’re right. I’m sorry, Ennoshita.”
The second-year smiled and put a hand on his captain’s shoulder. “It’s all right. I know you’re stressed. But that’s exactly why you should take it easy.” Then, inspired by something he’d seen Hinata doing quite a lot lately, he reached out to grab Daichi’s side and squeeze. “To start, you could smile a little more, you know?”
“Ah! W-Whahahahahahat?” Daichi sputtered, helpless against the wide smile that took over his features. He tried to squirm away, but Ennoshita gripped his shoulder even tighter.
“There you go, just like that! Next, you can laugh.” The younger boy grabbed both of his sides then, digging in deep, and Daichi shrieked before doubling over, loud giggles pouring from his mouth.
“That’s my name,” Ennoshita confirmed, grinning, and kept tickling his upperclassman.
6) Lee Hinata, Ler Tanaka
“Come on! I see that smile! Give me the smile!”
“Stohohohohohohop! Tanakahahahahahaha!” Hinata squealed, trying his best to double over and fall to the floor. Tanaka wasn’t having it, holding onto him firmly with one arm and digging into his side with the other.
“Come on, Hinata! Stop being so mopey. We all know you’re sad and depressed because Kageyama’s sick today—”
“I’m nohohohohoohohot sahahahahad and deprehehehessed!” Hinata protested, his cheeks flaming red as tomatoes at the callout.
“—but don’t you think he’d want you to be happy and smiling with us instead of pouting all day?”
“I’m nohohohohohohot pouting!”
“Well, not anymore, you’re not!” Tanaka grinned devilishly, scribbling up to Hinata’s underarm. “Tickle, tickle, little lovebird~”
“Daichi!” Tanaka turned his head to his upperclassman. “You getting this?”
“Already done,” replied the captain, storing his phone away.
And Kageyama – sick in bed – opened up the video sent to him via text message and smiled, seeing his boyfriend giggling hysterically and already feeling leagues better for it.
7) Lee Yamaguchi, Ler Tsukishima
“Stop laughing, this is serious!”
Tsukishima’s harsh words only made Yamaguchi laugh even harder, gripping his stomach as he doubled over. “I-I cahahahahan’t hehelp it…t-thehehehehehey’re r-right – pfffhahahahaha!”
Tsukki growled in irritation. He could barely see Tadashi, having lost his sports glasses and his normal ones stowed away in his duffel bag. “They’re right where? If you see them then tell me where they are! I’m getting impatient.”
Yamaguchi finally regained enough breath to manage, “T-They’re…right there, Tsukki. Around your neck. They just fell, that’s all.”
Blinking, Tsukki looked down and felt around his neck for his spectacles, and sure enough, that’s exactly what had happened. He let out a sigh and put them back on, adjusting them so he could see his friend’s face, pink from laughing and with a wide smile still in place.
“You think this is funny?” Tsukki sauntered up to him. “I’ll give you something to laugh about.”
“Huh? W-Wait!” Tadashi tried getting away, but his blonde friend was taller and stronger and way more intimidating, and it wasn’t long at all before he felt fingers in his ribs, tickling deeply, precisely, drawing out unintentional giggles and squeaks. “Nohohohohoho! I’m sohohohohorry – plehehehehehehease! Tsukkiehehehehehehehe!”
8) Lee Tanaka, Ler Daichi
“Dude, you’re way too soft on them,” Daichi said, shaking his head as he watched their two wild first-years sprint out of the gym, no doubt racing to the lockers as though their lives depended on it.
Tanaka shrugged. “Eh, so they’re a little nuts. So was I, when I first started. You were easy on me then.”
“I wasn’t the captain then.”
“And I’m not their captain now. Hopefully ever, dear god.” Tanaka laughed, clapping Daichi on the shoulder. “Relax, dude, they’ll turn out fine. I did, didn’t I?”
Daichi looked at him, and his expression softened. “Yeah, I suppose you did. Still…” He reached for his underclassman’s sides, digging in deep and enjoying the surprised yell he got in return. “I think you could use a lesson yourself, knucklehead.”
“Ack! N-No, ha-hahahahang on a second, I d-dohohon’t need – god, Daichi! Stahahahahap!” Tanaka sputtered and finally broke down into giggles, trying to worm his way out of the older boy’s grip. “Cahahahan’t you lehehehet me d-defehehehend myself for f-fihihihihive seheheheconds?!”
“Mmm…no,” Daichi decided, grinning, tickling even harder. Tanaka finally began to laugh, doubling over and trying to bat the captain’s hands away. “No, I don’t think I can, my friend.”
9) Lee Suga, Ler Daichi
“Okay but look, guys – it’s so deep!” Daichi exclaimed, drilling his finger even deeper into Suga’s navel.
Suga was lying on the floor, back arched, head tossed back with throes of laughter, hands pushing weakly at Daichi’s while the captain straddled him, pinning him in place for this ticklish torture.
“STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!” Suga screamed, laughing louder and harder than anyone on the team had ever heard before. He kicked his legs uselessly, face turning red. “PLEHEHEHEHEASE!!”
“Holy crap, dude,” Tanaka laughed, kneeling down a few paces away to get a better look while the others simply stared on from behind him. “Are you kidding me with that laugh? You sound like a hyena!”
“I DOHOHOHOHOHOHO NOHOHOHOHOHOHOT!!” Suga cried, but he knew he did. He let out a loud squeal, then a snort, and his laughter turned so hysterical it was practically wild.
The others started laughing with him, catching his infectious giggles.
Daichi finally let up after another few moments, scribbling over his belly lightly to bring him gently back down from his tickle-high, and then at last easing up completely. “Your hyena laugh is the best, Suga.”
The silver-haired setter gasped for breath and let out a few residual giggles. “I’m glad you like it, you bully,” he groaned, but he was smiling.
10) Lee Tanaka, Ler Hinata
“Don’t poke me!”
Hinata grinned, proceeding to poke Tanaka again anyway. “Why? Does it tickle?”
“You little—!” Tanaka tried to grab him and tickle him first, but Hinata had always had speed on his side, and the redhead had scrambled behind his upperclassman and latched onto him, drilling into his ribs and sides. The second-year let out a yelp, trying to keep from laughing. “Gah! Get off! Hinata, this isn’t funny!”
“I think it’s funny,” Hinata replied, giggling as though to prove his point. He reached up even further into Tanaka’s underarm, and that’s when the upperclassman finally broke and started cackling.
“Nohohohohohoho! You lihihihihihittle jeheheheheheherk!”
“Aw, you’re ticklish, Tanaka!”
“I knohohohohow that! You dohohohohon’t need to tehehehehehell me!”
The redhead beamed, tickling under both arms now. “Tickle, tickle, tickle!”
“Stahahahahap it, you fihihihihihirst-year brahahahahat!”
Hinata laughed. “You sound like Tsukki.”
“I sohohohohohohound nothing lihihihihike that stuck-up – ahahahahahahaha nohohohohoho!” Tanaka tried to wiggle away from Hinata’s fingers along his neck and shoulders but found he was attached quite firmly and couldn’t be shaken off. “Hinata, stahahahahahap already!”
“Okay, fine…” Hinata relented, finally letting him go, grinning. But when Tanaka whirled on him, evil smirk in place, the redhead knew he’d made a mistake in conceding so quickly. He turned on his heel and ran.
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remuscore · 3 years
More monster boys for the week. Today we got some cute Wolfie Remus and Roman being a dick. Patton is adorable and perfect like always tho love him <3
Warnings: probably none but tell me if you want anything or I missed something
Remus sniffed around, holding the pouch tied to his neck of wax and flowers to his nose. Janus had given him scraps of what he needed to get and the last three towns Remus had traveled to had run out of the flowers. Remus already bought the white candle, those are always in stock and everywhere.
He stepped out into the street, stalking his way down the sidewalk, ignoring the stares he got. It wasn’t that uncommon for a werewolf to stay in their wolf form in front of humans, but it still caused stares. It probably caused even more stares considering Remus wasn’t wearing any wolfie clothes. He didn’t like the spandex. It caught on his fur too much.
“Gotta be around here somewhere…” Remus muttered, looking through shop windows as he passed and sniffing at the bottom of the doors to see if the flowers were in there. One of those doors opened suddenly, hitting him right on the head. Remus scrambled out of the way, standing on his hind legs to avoid get hit again. He grins at the people leaving the store giving him looks and gestures broadly at the sidewalk. “After you.”
His tail thumped against his leg, wagging it as a substitute for a laugh. Laughing in wolf form often frightened humans. Any growl to them was a vicious growl. Remus grabbed the door before it could close, ducking his head inside to get a better whiff of anything. He barely got to look around before a purse swatted at his nose and they pulled back outside again, holding their snout.
The woman that hit him slammed shut the door and locked it, giving Remus the dirtiest look. Remus rolled his eyes and dropped back down to all fours. Didn’t matter. He didn’t smell anything in there anyways.
They continued his search, sniffing at the ground and nudging his way through people on the street. He could still smell it somewhere. It wasn’t his petals that he was getting tricked with, there was a trace of it around.
Remus stopped hard. He raised his head high and ears pushed up in attentiveness. He knew that smell.
His tail swished through the air as he trotted across the street, barely dodging a car from nicking him. The person honked at him, but they weren’t paying them any mind. He ducked in between two buildings and continued sniffing the air. They were getting closer. His claws clacked against the pavement as he followed the scent.
Then he caught sight of the source. His tail was wagging so fast it was causing him to squirm, shifting excitedly on his paws. He threw his head up and let out a short howl.
Roman stopped in his tracks, stopping the two walking with him too. Remus could see how red the tips of his ears got from here.
He looked across the street and his face grew just as red, burning his cheeks. Remus whined and quickly made his way over.
“Hey Romy!” they barked happily, running up to their brother. Roman took a couple steps back. His ears were back and his shoulders tense, but Remus knew Roman liked to be a dick sometimes so he wasn't that worried about him snapping. And Roman would never try wolfing out and bring any unwanted attention towards himself. He completely ignored the people with his brother. “How have you been? Also, do you know where I can find Henbane? Actually wait—” Remus moved closer towards the short and stocky person next to his brother, sniffing at him generally.
Roman swatted at their nose, pushing Remus back. Remus blinked, staring at the person he was sniffing. He was staring back with wide, but interested eyes, probably confused why a wolf would sniff him.
“You can’t just—” Roman bit back his scolding, looking over at his friends. He swatted at Remus again and led him away from the humans. He growled under his breath at him. “You can’t just howl and sniff strangers, Remus. What is wrong with you?!”
“I was excited to see you, man,” he said. His ears were lowered now, knowing he was in trouble with Roman. His tail stopped wagging and was held straight out. “Plus, I got a job now and she said to get Henbane and that guy—” they nudged their head towards the person he was sniffing. “—smelled a lot like Henbane. And a bunch of other stuff. Does he have any that I can take?”
“No, you can’t have any. Can you just…” Roman clenched his jaw and glanced back at them. He leaned over Remus, growling low. Even though Remus was at the same height as him while on all fours, Remus still ducked his head and pressed his ears back at Roman’s anger. “Just get out of here. And change into your normal self, please, you’re freaking people out.”
“I’m normally like this when I’m shopping,” Roman scoffed. Remus’ lip twitched. “Can’t you just tell me where I can get some Henbane? I need the money and also she’s kinda my landlord too on top of that so if I don't get the stuff they want I won't have a place to crash—”
“I don’t care. Find it yourself. Away from me.”
“But the only sniff of it I found was with that guy!”
“I don’t care—”
“Uh,” both the twins’ ears perked up and Remus tilted his head to look behind Roman at the same person from before. He smiled at him nervously and waved. “Sorry to interrupt, but I know a place where you can get some? It’s just a few blocks down west. Do you want the name of it?”
Remus’ tail started wagging again and he pushed past his brother over to the guy. Roman followed him and shoved him in his side so that the human and him were a comfortable distant away. “That would be helpful, yeah! You’re even nicer than you look, little thing.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” the other guy— the skinnier, but taller one that hasn’t said a word or moved this entire time— said protectively. Remus tilted his head, but then remembered how humans are around wolves and his tail picked up speed, raised high.
“Oh no,” he let a laugh slip through, startling the shorter one and making Roman elbow his side. “I’m not gonna eat him. He’s not really my type of meat, even though he definitely looks tasty.”
They winked and Roman shoved him again, pushing him farther away.
“That’s it!” Roman shoved harder. Remus’ claws tried digging into the bricks at their feet, but he stumbled. “Go! Patton, give him the name so he could leave.”
Patton quickly squeaked out the name as Roman gave another hard push that made Remus trip over his paws. He growled at his brother until his hands left his fur. God, he was being worse than usual. Doesn’t care that they haven’t seen each other in months, but no. Remus had a bit too much fur to be seen with him now. Hypocrite.
“Jesus Fuck, fine I’ll go,” he swiped a paw at his brother. Roman jumped away from it as if it was a real threat and not the same thing as a lazy wave. Remus rolled his eyes and grumbled to himself. “See ya, Romy. Bye, Patton.”
Patton waved again, but Remus was already stalking down the street.
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kozukitty · 3 years
Forget Me Not
nishinoya yū x fem! reader.
warnings: major character death, mentions/implications of suicide. angst.
count the stars and i’m sure you’ll find me.
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yuu nishinoya
january 9th, xxxx
there's a girl on the school rooftop.
her name is (y/n) (l/n)— a girl i've known since middle school. we never talked even though we were in the same class. i've never seen her speak to anyone, we all almost thought she was mute.
i almost didn't recognize her, she looked so much more different than how she did before. her hair was short back then, but now it cascaded down her shoulders like waterfalls— i was almost entranced from just looking at her. she said nothing to me, all she did was stare at me with her (e/c)-eyes that seemed so bright, yet so distant.
i apologized for intruding, and told her i had only came up to retrieve my volleyball. she gave me a perplexed look and said, "who the hell spikes a volleyball all the way up here?"
i knew she wasn't joking, but it still made me laugh. her question had almost caught me off guard, i wasn't expecting her to say anything to me. i didn't even think she would look my way.
she went silent again as i rambled about my teammates and how incidents like this weren't really uncommon. i felt my words get caught in my throat when she handed me my volleyball with delicate fingers that almost seemed like they could crumble like sand.
she didn't speak not another word and turned on her heels, my presence no longer imposing as a burden to her. i also turned to leave, but stopped the moment i felt the winter wind whisper into my ears. i glance back at her with a small smile before saying,
"you should come visit my practice sometime."
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yuu nishinoya
february 7th, xxxx
there's a girl in my gym.
i was more surprised than anybody when i saw her walk in. she nearly froze on the spot when she saw all eyes on her, her face erupting into a cherry red blush as she played with her fingers nervously.
"i-i'm here for nishinoya-kun..." she stuttered, her eyes averting from every single person she laid eyes on in the gym. "i'm sorry for the intrusion."
everyone gave me the same confused look, their eyes boring into mine as they wordlessly asked for an explanation. "she's just a friend," i explained. "i invited her here."
tanaka yelled at me, obviously excited that i managed to convince a girl to show up. i could do nothing but give him a sheepish smile as i ran up to the girl who stood by the gym doors awkwardly.
"what are you doing here?"
"you said i could come," she responded shyly. "i-i just wanted to talk to you again..."
and there i stood talking to the girl who i just happened to run into that day in january. i never thought we would ever speak again, i never would've guessed that we would even run into each other at all. yet here she was, cheeks blooming in a rosy red with her silky hair tucked behind her ear neatly.
"d-do you have a valentine?" she asked, her words barely above a whisper. i felt a small blush creep onto my cheeks, giving her a small shake of my head, i responded with,
"no, i don't. do you?"
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yuu nishinoya
february 14, xxxx
there's a girl in front of my locker.
she stood there with a deep blush on her face, her dainty hands clutching a box of chocolates. her feet shuffled on the ground nervously, and when her eyes met mine my heart began to race.
"t-these are for you, noya-san," she said, her hands holding out the small box that she was just about to crush mere seconds ago. i took the chocolate into my hands, giving her the biggest smile i could muster.
it was a little awkward, honestly. neither one of us knew what to say. i couldn't keep thanking her for the chocolate, so i tried my best to talk about something that would at least be of interest to her.
she was really just a cute flustered mess the entire time, and we laughed and everything felt surreal. i thought she was perfect for me, i thought she would be the one. why did good things always get taken away?
but at that time, i didn't know that. so i asked her,
"(y/n), do you want to go out sometime?"
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yuu nishinoya
march 14, xxxx
there's a girl that i like.
she's the same girl who i saw on the roof that day. she's the same girl who came to my gym. she's the same girl who bought me chocolates on valentine's day.
(y/n) (l/n) was the girl that i liked.
she was beautiful, the most drop dead gorgeous girl that i had ever laid eyes on. seeing her made my knees weak, and it made my heart race faster than it ever would— even during a game.
today was white day. she was standing there outside my gym, waiting for me to walk out. i had invited her originally because i wanted to see her, but i had nearly forgotten that i had bought her something.
i almost thought i would chicken out when i handed her the chocolates in one hand and the tickets to the movies in the other, but i think she nearly fainted just from looking at the gifts alone.
"what's this for?" she asked, her voice still as quiet as it always is. i've gotten so used to it that i could still hear her even if she talked so low that wind could only hear.
"i-it's for you," i barely managed to stutter out. when she took the items from my hands, i felt my ears grow hot even though our hands barely touched. "and i-i have something else to s-say!"
she tilted her head at me. "what is it?" i shook off my nervousness, inhaling deeply before shouting, "i like you a lot! will you be my girlfriend?"
her face went beet red, and before i could catch her,
she fainted.
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yuu nishinoya
march 20th, xxxx
there's a girl sitting next to me.
she's not paying attention to me though, she's too busy watching the ducks play in the pond. she catches me staring at her, but i look away before she can say anything to me about it.
after i asked (y/n) out on white day, she fainted. but the next day, she walked up to me and told me this, "take me to the pond on march 20th and i'll give you an answer."
i didn't understand why she gave me a specific day, but i could only guess that it meant something to her. when i looked at her to ask her about it, she spoke over me.
"i'll be your girlfriend." she said with a dark crimson blush. "b-but... p-please don't break my heart. i don't think i could handle that.."
"i would never do that," was what i said. and i meant it.
only one of us had a broken heart in the end. and it wasn't her.
it was me.
but i didn't know that would happen.
at the time, everything seemed perfect but in reality,
it was then that things started to go south.
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yuu nishinoya
may 19th, xxxx
there's a girl that i treasure.
i don't treasure her like an object, i treasure her because she has a special place in my heart. i wish she understood that, but she doesn't.
there's something strange about (y/n). something she isn't telling me. i don't want to pester her about it, but i can't help but worry. it always seems like she is never really here— like she's always somewhere else. she had always been that way, even in middle school. i never knew why, not even now.
"noya, you really are amazing," she told me. "i admire you a lot. not just because you're my boyfriend, but just because you're someone who's easy to look up to. not height wise though."
her smile was light, it was seamless, it was beautiful. but for some reason, i couldn't detect an ounce of happiness. i never understood how someone so gorgeous could look so sad.
"(y/n)... is there something you aren't telling me?" i ask, my voice laced with concern. she only smiled at me. she said nothing. she only smiled.
the same smile that was filled with pain.
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yuu nishinoya
june 4th, xxxx
there's a girl that i'm always around.
she's rather gloomy, but i've actually grown very attached to her. i don't mind her gloominess, i actually think it's really cute. sometimes, she makes me laugh with the absurd things that she says.
the way i feel around (y/n) is hard to explain, even i don't understand how i feel. i love being around her, and when she's not around i always miss her, even if she's gone for five seconds. i think it's weird, but i feel like she's a part of me now. i can't imagine a day in my life without her.
i wish i could tell her everything i felt about her. i wish she would tell me how she felt from time to time. i know she's keeping a lot of things from me, but i feel like its for a good reason. i tell (y/n) everything, and she normally does the same.
so why does this bother me so much?
i understand. i respect her privacy. but does she not trust me? does she not think that i'll see her the same?
i'll fix it. i'll get her to see me as someone she can trust. i'll get her to see me as someone she can trust with everything she has without judgement.
i want her to trust me with her heart.
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yuu nishinoya
july 27th, xxxx
there's a girl that i love.
we were walking home from the fireworks festival. there was an odd vibe surrounding (y/n), like something was bothering her. i didn't ask her about it, because well, i didn't want to pester her or pressure her into thinking she had to tell me anything.
but i had something to tell her, something i had been meaning to tell her for a while now but never had the chance. something that i wanted her to trust me with, something that i wanted her to trust in so blindly that she would always believe in me.
and so, standing in front of her door to her home, i turned to her with flushed cheeks, taking a deep breath before shouting,
"i love you, (y/n)! i'm in love with you. no words could describe the way i feel about you. i love you so much, that even the words alone don't feel like i'm expressing it enough!
i love everything about you! i love the way you dress, i love the way you style your hair everyday, i love how smart you are, i love how funny you can be without trying, i love how you can make me feel like the most luckiest guy in the world! i love you! and i'd shout it to the whole world if you wanted me to! i'd tell the whole school! i love you, (y/n), and i will for eternity!"
even with the flustered look on her face, she gave me a laugh. it was small, it was nearly lifeless, yet it was for me. and i loved it. she holds my hand in hers delicately, her thumbs caressing the back of mines with the most gentle touch.
"yuu, i think you're the best thing that has ever happened to me. i love you more than life itself. you are my entire world, you know? thank you for giving
me this love. thank you for giving me this happiness. i don't want you to ever forget me."
i don't get the chance to respond before she opens the door of her home to step inside. she gives me one last smile before shutting the door, a smile brighter than any star in the night sky, a smile brighter than any diamond i could imagine.
"see you tomorrow."
that tomorrow never came.
all i received the next day was a phone call that i knew would change my life,
"n-nishinoya-san...! (y-y/n)... s-she's..."
my heart raced in my chest, my breathing stopped in that moment,
"s-s-she's dead...!"
there would never be a tomorrow for us.
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yuu nishinoya
september 2nd, xxxx
there's was a girl who loved me.
a girl who helped me. she helped me with so many things she didn't know about. she helped me live. she helped me grow. she helped me see. she helped me love.
she was everything i wanted, and more. i loved her with every ounce of my being. i loved her more than i loved anything in this world, i loved her more than my biggest passion.
why didn't i see? why couldn't i see how bad she was hurting? she tried telling me in her own way, i know she did. so why couldn't i figure it out? why am i so stupid? why didn't i do more? why couldn't i do enough?
why do i have to stare at the flowers that rest on your desk in our classroom? why do i have to get looks of pity from everybody? why does everyone whisper and offer condolences as if they knew you?
why didn't you tell me? why won't you answer?
why did you leave me?
yuu nishinoya
october 21st, xxxx
there's was a girl who i wanted to spend my life with.
everyday without her feels like a lost cause. i have no motivation. she was the reason why i wanted to keep going, she gave me hope, she gave me encouragement. she told me i gave her happiness, when in reality she was mine.
how does someone cope with this pain? it's been over a month. nothing stops hurting. it just gets worse and worse. i fall in love with her memory more and more everyday. why did it have to be her? why did it have to be me? why did it have to be us?
i wish i could've given her everything she deserved. i wish i could've helped her value her life as much as i did. i wish i could hold her right now. i want to tell her how much i love her again.
i would give anything to have her back. i miss her so much, it hurts. everything hurts so bad. why won't the pain stop? why does it never end? i want to start over. i want to redo everything. i want to press rewind.
i want to live with you again.
a life without you is so hard to live in.
i love you.
"good evening, nishinoya-san,” the woman greeted with a soft smile on her face. "its been a while, hasn't it? how have you been faring?"
"alright, i guess."
"i've read your journal entries," the woman pulled out the battered notebook from her bag. "it really helped me better understand what you're going through, nishinoya-san. thank you for trusting me with it."
nishinoya shrugs, his expression blank and eyes void of emotion as he took the notebook from the womans hands. “i mean, you asked for it so..”
the woman nods, crossing her legs with a never-ending smile. “i’m glad you wrote about how you’ve been feeling. it’s healthy to express your emotions in some way— anything is better than keeping them bottled up,” she states, her fingers adjusting her sleeves absent-mindedly, “do you think writing has been helping you cope, nishinoya-san?”
“you could just call me noya.. and i guess so? i think i finally have the motivation to do the things i like now. at first it was hard to get back into the rhythm of things but things are sorta better now…” nishinoya explains, eyes moving to focus on the journal that he clutched in his hands tightly.
“i’m glad you’re easing back into your life, noya-san. take your time, okay? healing takes time, and you have all the time in the world. heal at your own pace, don’t worry about who won’t stick around, just think of who'll be around after the storm. you understand?”
“um, yeah.” nishinoya swallows harshly, a bitter taste suddenly being left in his mouth. who’ll be around after the storm, eh? does it even really matter?
without you, my storm is everlasting.
“i know it doesn’t make sense right now. if i’m being honest with you, you’ll probably never get over miss (l/n)... but the whole point of healing is acceptance, and not allowing grief to take over your life,” the woman places her hand over his reassuringly. “it won’t be easy, it never is. but you’re strong, noya-san. do you know how i know?”
“because, you relived those painful memories of yours and put them in this journal,” she tapped the book in his lap. “you tried to cope with your pain on your own, before you even met me. you felt helpless, and yet you still desperately tried your best to crawl out. do you know what most people do? wallow in their own pain. you should be proud of yourself, you should be motivated. do you know why? because you will heal.”
nishinoya stared at the woman in shock, unable to hold back the tears that gathered in his eyes. “h-how could you say that...?” he asked, endless warm tears slipping from his eyes. “h-how c-could you say that i’m strong? i-i’ve d-done nothing b-but cry and beg to g-god that she would come b-back... i-i’ve done nothing b-but b-beg for my p-pain to be taken away.”
he sobbed. he cried so hard that it hurt. he sobbed so loud that his throat hurt and his lungs helplessly begged for air. “i-it... i-it hurts...! i want her back... i-i want her back so bad…” he wailed desperately. “i-i miss her! i w-want her back... i-i w-want to start over...! e-even just f-for a second, even i-if it’s just a-an illusion... i want to see her again...!”
the woman nods, her arms surrounding him in a comforting embrace, “i know you do. noya-san. i really get it, i promise. you’re doing great, and you know what? i want you to write in your journal again. but for now, i want you to let it all out, right here.”
and so, that evening on january ninth,
nishinoya cried until his eyes could no longer produce tears,
and he shouted until his throat hurt.
yuu nishinoya
january 12th, xxxx
there was a girl that i dreamed of.
the roof is empty without her today. it's empty every day without her. everything feels empty sometimes, even my heart.
i tried to heal, i even asked for help, yet i still can't get over you. it's like you took a part of me with you when you left. i love you so, so much, that when i write about you, i have to suppress myself so the words don't spill out like waterfalls,
i have to suppress myself from succumbing to the darkness in my heart. without you, there's no light. even the sunniest days still feel dark. i miss you. i want to hold you again. this time, i won't let you go.
this time, i'll give you everything you deserved. even if you want the world, i would try my best to give it to you.
the rooftop is quiet without her today. it was quiet even when she was here but, now the wind doesn't whisper to me anymore.
when i turned to leave, i stopped. why couldn't i move? why was my heart racing? why was my holding my breath?
when i turned, i dropped to my knees in sorrow. but i also felt relieved.
with a smile of a million angels, there she stood.
she was right in front of me.
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lmeskitz · 2 years
A/n- sorry for not posting recently! I haven’t had ideas lol, anyways, enjoy this tododeku fic! ^^
Requested? Nope!
Title- Rubber Ducks
Origin- Tumblr
Warnings- nothing! Pure fluff!
Ship- Tododeku
Find my masterlist here
Rubber Ducks
Midoriya went about his business in the mall. He had gotten permission from Mr. Aizawa to go there for a birthday present for Todoroki. He was walking down the main hall (aisle? Idk) when something caught his eye.
In the window, he saw elemental rubber ducks, the two that caught his eye the most however, was one fire themed duck, and one ice themed duck.
‘This is perfect for Todoroki! Does he even like ducks? What if he hates it? ……’
Before his mind could come up with all the different reasons as to why he shouldn’t buy the ducks, he did. He could worry about that later.
‘I really hope he’ll like these.’ He thinks.
****Time Skip cuz I’m lazy****
As Midoriya walked through the doors of heights alliance, he is greeted by Iida and Uraraka.
“Hey Deku! Did you get the present for Todo-?” Uraraka says, but is quickly cut off by Midoriya.
“Shhh! I don’t want him to hear you!” He says, covering her mouth.
“Uraraka! That was very irresponsible of you! What if Todoroki had heard you?” Says Iida doing his weed hand motions.
“Iida! Shhhhh!” Says Midoriya making a shushing motion with his finger.
“My apologies Midoriya! That was irresponsible of me! I will not say anymore on the subject!” He says, turning and walking out of the room.
Midoriya let out a breath. “You can see if you want, just don’t tell anyone.” He says as he hands Uraraka the bag.
Uraraka looks in the bag and squeals, “omigosh! He’s going to love this Deku!”
She hands him the bag, and he makes a bee-line for his room.
He runs out of the common room and up the stairs to run into the person he really didn’t want to see, Todoroki.
“H-heyyy Todoroki.” He says trying to slide past him so he could get to his room.
“Hello Midoriya. What’s in the bag?” He says in his normal monotone voice.
“The bag? What bag?” Says Deku, his face flushing.
“The bag you are holding.”
“OH! I’m holding a bag? Oh yes! How silly of me, I forgot. Umm, I have to get to my room, see you later Todoroki!” he says, pushing past Todoroki to the stairs and running up them.
Todoroki watched Midoriya confused, but shrugged it off. It wasn’t that weird, I mean we are talking about Midoriya here.
***Time skip cuz I’m lazy again***
Two days later and it’s Todoroki’s birthday. It also happens to be a Saturday, so no hero training.
Todoroki was sitting on the couch in the common room when Midoriya comes in the room, his face fairly red. His arms were tucked behind him like he was hiding something.
Todoroki looked up to see a gift being smashed in his face. “S-sorry! I didn’t mean to hit you with that, but it’s for your birthday. I hope you like it, it’s not the best, and I wish that I could have done-“ Midoriya rambling was cut off when Todoroki put his hand on Midoriya’s shoulder.
“Midoriya, what is this for?” He says staring at the present.
“It’s for you!”
“Why would I need a present?”
“It’s your birthday Todoroki! Don’t you get presents in your birthday?”
“Oh…well it’s for you if you want it! I chose it out for you at the mall.”
“Thanks Midoriya….what do I do with it?”
“You open it silly! The decorative paper is meant to disguise the present so you don’t know what it is. It’s a surprise!”
Todoroki gently rips the balloon filled paper to see two rubber ducks, one fire themed and one ice themed.
“What are they?” He asks.
“They’re rubber ducks! They don’t really have a purpose, but I was reminded of you when I saw them, so I thought you would like them. You can put them on a shelf or something for decor. Of you can return them if you don’t like them.” Midoriya replies looking down at the thought of Todoroki wanting to return them.
“No, I quite like these rubber ducks, they’re cute. Thank you Midoriya.” He says, a hint of a smile on his face.
Midoriya’s face lit up like lights on a Christmas tree. “I’m so glad you like it Todoroki!” He says, pulling Todoroki into a hug.
The latter tenses at the sudden contact, but soon relaxed himself in Midoriya’s grip.
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Word count- idk
A/n- I hope you guys liked this! Sorry again for not posting, my mind has had writers block 🥲Anyways, my requests are always open, so feel free to request anything!
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mtgc858 · 3 years
Ok I made a au based on Paul's video's (Shed 17 & Project G-1) were everyone was cured from being biofused and are now humans with the scars from there engine form,This contains spoilers for Paulvids videos and this has extra things that doesn't appear in the videos 👌
has stitches all over his body from him being the first to be cured and the fact that he was turned human...ish in project G-1,His one eye is red from him loseing control and attacking Keith and he has basically two personailtys now,His normal personailtys he had when he was a actual human and his savage anger side he showed near the end of that video,Also Thomas has a huge scar on his back from his biofused form in Shed 17 and his scream when in his savage side will be high and load like in shed 17•
Edward & James (there together cause there engines forms were burned together)
They both have burn marks all over there body's from how they were destroyed in here biofused form,James has more scars on his face(Cause his face did melt some in the video) while Edward has some scars on his throat from his whistle broke in shed 17(that people thought he died from),James personality changed some from his normal personality to a more serious,grumpy medium headed one cause he is extremely upset of the fact that him and Edward were basically lied to and we're used for testing•
He has scars on his back and sides from his crash in shed 17 and has scar marks all over his neck and his lower face from when he was scrapped in shed 17,He is very agressive when someone mentions Sir Topham Hat and can accidentally hurt others around him,Henry personality changed a lot cause he is no longer a shy, soft kind guy but now he is a rough,mean, agressive and a emotionally wreck•
Gordon took a long time to be cured due to his body being used to make Project G-1,He has scars around his stomach from his biofused form being crushed from the inside,blurry vision from his eyes getting destroyed and a massive scar on his side from getting hurt by the boulder in his Project G-1 form,He acts similar to normal Gordan but has emotionally break downs and has trouble seeing from his blurry vision•
She has burn marks around her mouth from her engine burning in shed 17 and sometimes need eye drops for her eyes,She didn't change much and didn't know what happened to the others cause her biofused body burned up first•
Percy has scars around his neck and needs to wear a cast around it so his neck doesn't fall to the side,His vision is slightly blurry from his eyes rolling back and when his neck is turned his speech gets muffled.
Percy still is a sweetheart and is very young compare to the other biofused engines (that are now humans again) and hasn't changed much•
Like Marvis he has burn marks around his mouth and face from his body being set on fire in project G-1,He didn't change much and still has a small rivalry with Gordon and Scottman man but not as much as in the show•
Duck(Chris is his name in the videos) and Oliver
Duck and Oliver still have mechanical parts to them like wires and robotic arms and scars on there body from fighting in Project G-1,Oliver is nearly blind and needs glasses or contacts desperately due to his vision almost being gone
Duck(Or Chris) feels horrible for hurting his best friend and cry's over it when alone,Oliver forgives Duck,tries to comfort him when he cry's and tells him over and over again that he forgives him and isn't mad•
He has scars on his back from his wings and is so scared of falling again he started getting a phobia of heights,He did get some burn marks on his body from exploding in shed 17, Honestly he didn't change much•
Donald & Douglas
Nobody knows what happened to Donald..Not even Douglas and Donald covers himself in bandages to cover his scars so we really don't know what happened to him,Meanwhile Douglas skin is very soft and his mouth can extend longer than usual,Douglas's lips also can get stuck together but he can open his mouth full easily,Donald is often quiet and doesn't like showing his scars to anyone cause he doesn't want them to worry and ask him what happened.
Douglas has to eat softer food due to his mouth(He can eat hard food but it takes time) and Donald can only eat in private cause he has to take off the his bandage in order to eat•
Annie and Clarabel
They share the same burn marks from there biofused forms and the fact that one of them is a clone of the other(They lost there connection when they were cured),They act the same as before but they do have flinch when one of them gets hurt thinking that they are still connected.
He has some scars around his chest and neck from his sacrifice in Project G-1 and gets some panic attack when stressed,He is very salty when it comes to Sir Topham Hat and is very agressive but he got his wife to calm him down (He is married to Annie in Project G-1 if you didn't know),He is get protective over every cured or being cured biofused and is willing to hurt himself protecting everyone•
Smuger can stand upright without losing balance cause of him never moving from one space for years and has a massive scar on his stomach from Project G-1,Smuger is quiet and Is to nervous to ask for help and feels like he is responsible for everybody's pain when he isn't,He also has serious panic attack's randomly when reminded of what happened to him and became very claustrophobic from being trapped in one area for so long•
He was one of the most hardest one to obtain the most dna to cure him,He has burn scars allover him from his fall in Project G-1 also having scars around his arm representing his crain breaking also in Project G-1,He has some panic attack's and feels guilty for Smugers Injury's and wants to say sorry but is afraid of bringing Smuger a panic attack(He is the only biofused who knows about Smuger and how he got his scars and panic attacks)•
G-1 was used to cure everyone and was given a life of it's own afterwards,They act like a bit cat or a big dog(They also have some human intelligence) and are very gentile when you are gentile to them,When experimenting on them they used dolphin training tricks to test there human like behavior side and when they used two pieces of paper with a picture of a gender it picked female so they use She/Her/They pronouns and are able to reproduce offspring without a mate(since they are like a animal and not a human..Idk what I'm doing with this thing XD)•
Diesel 10
Diesel 10 is still in his biofused form and is going around sodor keeping anyone that is trying to take or kill the others out and is willing to attack them if they are not careful,His eyes turn black with red pupils when angered and is very agressive when it comes to protecting anyone but he does have a soft side and is willing to show it when he wants to•
Sir toppem hat
One of the main antagonist of this au and plays a important part of this au I can't spoil just yet cause I might make a comic of this au
He is the only normal human being that was cured after being killed by Thomas and is now a half Human half cured,He has scars around his lower half and has to have a crutch now,Even after that he still cares for Thomas and the other engines and enjoys visiting them and helping them with there problems,He really hates sir toppem hat but feels like he needs to hold back on his anger cause he doesn't want to end up as some like him,He is also a father figure to Raven,Cassy and Evan(Mostly Raven) and is willing to keep them safe from harm and danger•
(Some Oc's)
Raven(My oc)
She is the main person in this au and the one who gave the idea to cure the engines than to kill them off,She was a young girl who loved seeing the engines but was trapped on Sodor when she was left behind by her neglectful caretaker (she was a orphan who never meet her parents and was raised in a orphanage) and was found by Keth and was taken cared for,Years later when she turned 16 she helped with the cure and was reunited with Keth.
She was one of the Biofused engines that didn't get destroyed and doesn't have any physical scars on her,She helped with the cure and was willing to have them use some of her body for the cure,She reunited with her twin brother and loves takeing care of the other engines when in need•
Evan was used and experimented on with how the engines can't stand sugar and another if he could stand falling from a high drop,The first experiment was putting sugar in is fire box which cause him to keep throwing up randomly for a hour and the second experiment he was pushed off a high rock surface and was badly broken and exploded shortly after.
After he was cured he was given scars around his back and side and some patches of burn marks on his body and he hates sugar now cause of that one experiment,He takes care of the other engines and is good friends with James,Edward,Gordan and Percy.
Now some small facts about my au
The cured biofused have the scars of when they were engines and how they were destroyed or killed and they have memory's of when it happened and most of them either try to forget it or ignore it and keep moving on
There heights are a little taller than normal humans and they have louder screams and whistles
Sodor has been fixed and is a sanctuary for the cured engines and is home for some humans that are helping them/takeing care of them
The humans that were killed by Project G-1 or another engine were also cured and have there own medical bay separate from the cured biofused
The stuff to make biofused engine are still there but noone knows we're it is like somebody or something took it
The cured biofused are almost impossible to kill and have massive healing cells from the cure
They are much stronger than normal humans cause of here biofused body's but can control it so they don't hurt others
Oof that is alot and took awhile,I hope you like the au and I plan on making a askblog for this au called Ask the Bio-Cured au
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waatermelon-sugaar · 3 years
Half-Priced Chocolate
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Words = 2.8k
Summary = You hate Valentine’s Day. Nick tries to change your mind. 
Warnings = One swear word
A/N = Reader is described as a similar height to Nick, and taller when she wears heels. Also I didn’t mean to write this, it just sort of happened so sorry if it’s not very well thought out ahaha
Posted to AO3
“You know, I’d pegged you as the type of girl who would do anything to ensure she had a Valentine’s date.” This observation comes casual as anything from your boss, Mayor Wasicsko, as the two of you work together to build beds in the town hall. 
A combination of a lot of snow, an early thaw, and then rain, had resulted in flooding all around the city, many having to be relocated. And so here you were, on a night that most were celebrating with their loved one across an over-priced bottle of champagne, some heart-shaped chocolate and probably something red themed, in the town hall, setting up extra accommodation with Nick. 
Who you should probably call Mayor Wasicsko in your head. 
You’d been here for hours, first building the beds with other volunteers, all of whom had melted away as the night had gone on. All, apart from you and Nick.
“Yeah? Well I pegged you as the type of mayor to sit on his ass all day.” You snipe back, not thinking for a moment, before slapping a hand to your mouth in horror. “Sorry, Mayor Wasicsko, that was really unprofessional of me-”
You stopped your rambling, because … was he laughing?
You flip your end of the sheet the two of you are attempting to fit to the bed, successfully causing his end to yank out of his hands, flying up and causing enough of a breeze to dislodge his hair enough for a strand to flop onto his forehead. 
Not that you’d noticed. 
“I told you, call me Nick. And it’s ok,” he’s still smiling, annoyingly. “I just - you don’t have some annoyed boyfriend who’s sitting at home waiting for you?” 
You shake your head. “Not that it’s any of your business, but no.” You finally tuck in the corner of the sheet at the top of the bed and move to the bottom. “And anyway, I hate Valentine’s.” 
Nick throws you a pillow and a case when you hold your arms out. “So you hate love? And happiness?” 
You roll your eyes at him, busy stuffing the case, leaving him to struggle with the duvet, gathering the new sheets for the next bed as you talk. “No. I just … I hate the commercialisation of it.” 
You wait for Nick to finish with the duvet, before attempting the next bed. “It’s like … so what? If my hypothetical boyfriend doesn’t get me flowers, and chocolate and some shitty card on this one specific day of the year, he doesn’t love me?” You scoff. “No thanks.” 
Nick tucks in his corner, thinking about his response. “I think it reminds people to be thankful for the people they love.” Oh God he’s one of those. As if he hasn’t managed to drop in the fact that he’s woefully single for the last two hours whenever the opportunity arose.
“Only romantic love,” you remind him. “And,” you continue, remembering more and more reasons. “It’s all over-priced anyway, and it’s just so couples can feel smug while they walk hand in hand down the street, trying to get a table to a restaurant, where the prices have been upped for two people, and so single people, specifically women, can feel shit about themselves?” 
You harrumph again, handing Nick the other end of the sheet. “There is good about it though.” He’s looking at you differently, and you’re not sure how, but maybe it’s because you’re having the first real conversation with him tonight, despite having worked for him for the last year. 
You’d talked before, of course, but it usually had something to do with politics, Nick ducking out of his office to ask your opinion on something, before returning back to his phone and papers. It had never been a two-way conversation like this, never nothing to do with either of your jobs. 
You raise an eyebrow, tucking in your corners as you wait for him to make his point. “What about the half-priced chocolate the next day?” And … he nearly has you. Until you remember a counter-argument.  
“So it’s back to its normal price?” 
Nick looks at you like he’s never seen you before in your life. But he changes tack, which you take to mean that you’ve won that particular battle. 
“And what’s wrong with celebrating love? Even-” He anticipates your response before you do, “-if it is just romantic love?” He grabs the pillow before you can, leaving you to struggle with the duvet this time. 
You’re smiling now, unable to help yourself, as you watch the Mayor of Yonkers, of all people, pick up a pile of bedding. He looks good like this, you think, shirt rolled up to his forearms, collar open, tie left behind somewhere with his jacket. Not that he doesn’t normally look good. 
You’ve become more relaxed too, you can feel it, as though every bed that the two of you have completed has shod you of another layer, making you feel lighter. Your heels are by the door, and you are a similar height to Nick without them, which you’ve never noticed before, either being taller than him, or sitting in his presence. There’s something weird about it, but also nice, in a domestic sort of way, as your stocking feet pad around the beds, occasionally catching on the wooden floor. You hope you don’t get a hole. Or worse, a ladder. 
But you know it’s your mind which has relaxed the most. Allowing you first to smile at his jokes, then joke back, the tension in your shoulders melting away. And now this. A deep conversation. Which you suppose was bound to happen, the two of you alone after the last volunteer had called it a night at 1am and gone home. But love? Really? 
“There’s nothing wrong with celebrating love. It’s just forced, somehow. Like you’re a bad person for not doing it, just because of some long-dead guy who’s now in our calendar.” You finish your duvet, and move to help Nick. 
“I think you’re wrong.” And maybe it’s the way he says it, like it’s the most simple thing in the world. “I think it makes sure that people take a breath and appreciate what they have.” 
He looks so hopeful, you stop the scoff in your throat, instead letting yourself consider his point. “Well it doesn’t matter, it’s …” You pause and check your watch, blinking in surprise. “Fuck. It’s four in the morning. It’s not Valentine’s Day anymore.” 
And then you look up. Properly. 
There’s one bed left. You turn around, admiring all the made-up beds. Ok they could be neater, but so what? 
“Well.” You turn back to look at Nick as he speaks. “Do you want to take advantage of those sales, or not?” 
You blink at him, even as he gestures at you to take the other end of the sheet, unsure if you’re dreaming now. 
When you exit the town hall, the sky is the cool blue of pre-dawn. Grey clouds still hang, heavy and angry over Yonkers, a precursor of the rain to come. It’s been a cold night, a glimmer of frost on the ground, but you can already feel that it won’t last the day.
You yawn, rubbing your eyes with one hand, while your other holds your heels. Nick’s thrown his blazer over one shoulder, the tie hanging out of his trouser pocket. “C’mon.” Is all he says as he walks towards his car. 
It takes a second for your brain to engage. “What?” Your voice has become hoarse from a lack of sleep.
“Can I show you something?” And how can you say no, when he leans against the car roof with one arm, opening the door for you, and looking like that?
Inside the car it’s warm, and tiredness sinks down on you until you can hardly keep your eyes open. Nick only asks for your address, which you give him, and then you’re asleep. You wake when he stops the car on the high street, but fall back asleep when he tells you he just needs to pick up some groceries. 
You don’t wake up when he comes back, nor do you wake up when he sets off again. You open your eyes when he gently shakes your shoulder. The sky is much brighter now, the sun peeking over the horizon and you blink, looking at your watch. It’s nearly 7. Which means Nick let you sleep for 2 hours. It takes a second for your surroundings to fall into place, green and brown surrounding you.
Nick’s sitting next to you in the driver’s seat. And in the back seat are his groceries. 
You blink again. Harder this time.
Praying your makeup isn’t smudged all down your cheek, you move to sit up straighter, where you’d fallen asleep against the window. “What … where are we?” 
Nick doesn’t answer until he’s grabbed one of the bags, clambering out and opening your door for you. “We are in one of the city’s finest parks.” He announces, using his Official Mayor Voice.
As far as you can tell, it’s a pretty basic park. The only notable point is the view. You can see the full scrawl of Yonkers below you, as the sun rises to your right, still fighting the storm clouds left over from yesterday. Funny. You’d heard there was going to be more rain. 
As you step out of the car, you put your heels back on, and wince a little. Nick hands you a blanket to carry and sets off towards a clear area without too many trees, and you follow him, spreading the blanket for the two of you to sit on. Nick’s put his blazer back on and you try not to be disappointed, reminding yourself that he’s your boss. 
He places the bag between you, and … it’s stuffed with half price Valentine themed food. Chocolates, champagne, even a small teddy. You can’t help it. You let out a laugh as the two of you sit next to each other, the bag between you. 
“I never knew the Mayor would be a cheapskate.” You’re only half-serious, and you think Nick knows this, catching the glint in his eye as he replies. 
“You’d rather I bought you this full price?”
You shake your head, grinning, but confused on the inside. You must be tired. Hearing that the Mayor, your boss, wants to buy you something for Valentine’s? You must be misinterpreting this. 
“And I’ll have you know, that everything in this bag came to less than what it would be in a normal month.” He winks and you groan, theatrical and over the top. 
So instead you open the chocolate, grabbing the first one you see and popping it in your mouth. “Nice though,” you mumble, without having swallowed your mouthful, savouring the sweetness of it as it coats your tongue, eyes closing as you lean back on the blanket, missing the way Nick looks down at you. 
“Yeah? Worth every cent, aren’t they?” You smile, shaking your head. 
“Yes, Nick.” You finally sigh, giving in. “Worth every half-price cent.” You squint open an eye, waiting for his reaction, glad when he laughs, propping yourself up onto your elbows so you don't fall asleep again. And then you look down, and your eye catches on a bottle of champagne. 
You reach for it, twirling it on the ground. “So Nick, seeing as how you’re the Mayor and my boss,” you start, sure you’re going to get what you ask for, “and we worked all night long, can we have today off?”
You look at Nick to see him watching your face, amused at the long winded way you’re going about this. Finally he nods. “Yeah I think we deserve the day off.” 
You grin widely then, sitting up properly with a burst of energy, and pop the cork. You take the first sip straight from the bottle, leaving a small ring of lipstick behind. You use your thumb to wipe it off before passing it over, the bubbles still tingling on your tongue, washing away the chocolate. 
Nick takes a healthy swig as soon as his hand is wrapped around the cool bottle, and you can’t help but watch the way his throat bobs when he swallows, wiping at a drop that escapes his mouth. 
You turn to the rest of the bag to distract yourself. There’s at least 3 boxes of chocolate, a pack of strawberries, and a small bear. All of them have the tell tale yellow half-price stickers in clear view. You pull out the bear, amused. “He’s cute.” 
Nick hands the bottle back to you, running a hand through his hair. “Got a name for him?” 
You think about it for a minute, before deciding. “Arthur the Fourth.” And you place Arthur at the bottom of the blanket, so he’s looking at the two of you. 
Nick frowns, looking between the two of you. “The Fourth?” 
You laugh, biting on another chocolate. “Yeah. Throughout my childhood, I have had three other teddies, all named Arthur. He will be the fourth.” 
“And you lost them all?” 
“No, I still have Arthur the Third.”  You wash the chocolate down with another sip of champagne, and when you go to scrub away your lipstick again, Nick’s hand stops you. He shakes his head, like he’s having a secret conversation within your public one. 
“Shame to hear about the first two though.” You let him take the bottle from you, watching as he - his mouth - touches your lipstick. You can feel your heart rate raise, thumping inside your chest like a drum. You can still feel the ghost of his hand, warm where it touched yours. 
You look down on Yonkers again, unable to cope. “Yeah, well. It’s how it happens in real life, I guess.” 
The two of you fall silent as the sun climbs pathetically further and further, finally disappearing behind angry storm clouds. Conversation is quiet observations, both of you feeling wrapped up in a bubble of tiredness. 
You lie back down, ignoring how the cold of the ground is seeping through the blanket now and closing your eyes as you take a chocolate from the box which you intend to be your last, and you can hear Nick’s smirk when he talks. “Chocolate’s not too bad then?” 
You just hum, pretending to think about it. “Yeah not bad,” you finally agree, opening your eyes and turning your head to watch Nick as he leans back on his hands, “But it’s not Valentine’s day so you haven’t changed my mind …” 
And Nick’s looking at you like that again, and you could never in a million years anticipate his next question. “So you wouldn’t count this as the best Valentine’s Day date you’ve ever been on?” 
You freeze, what? You decline in that moment to mention that it’s the only Valentine’s date you’ve ever even been on, and you also choose to ignore that it’s not Valentine’s Day anymore, shaking your head. You can’t quite believe what you’re about to say, heart beating faster than normal, blood thrumming in your ears. “I would count it as the best date I’ve been on.” 
And then you’re laughing at the look of shock on his face, quickly stopping when he ducks down to kiss you. 
Nick, your boss, the mayor of Yonkers, is kissing you. 
It takes you a second to respond, shock freezing you where you lie. But then your hands are on his neck, pulling him back down over you as he deepens the kiss, tongue exploring your mouth. His forearm is resting on the blanket next to your head, supporting his bodyweight, his other hand cupping your cheek. His moustache is tickling you slightly, but you don’t care. 
He tastes sweet, from the chocolate. But then, you can taste the bubbles from the champagne, you can taste how cold it was, you can taste the birds chirping in the trees above you, and you can taste how warm the sun’s rays felt five minutes ago.
It’s perfect.
Until the clouds open above you.
It starts gently, and you don’t feel it at first, and when you do, you ignore it, more interested in snogging Nick. Your feet are becoming wet quickly and the rain falls in large drops. 
Nick’s the first one to pull away, and you follow him, chasing his lips with your own, not wanting to open your eyes. When you do, you realise your feet are wet from the bottle of champagne falling over, and Arthur’s looking to be in danger of rolling away. 
You can feel the rain on your head, and the drops are falling faster. You snatch Arthur and the now-empty bottle up, Nick scrambling to get everything back in the bag. At the last second, you ball up the blanket, ignoring how it brings half the floor with it, and the two of you run towards Nick’s car, laughing as the rain soaks the pair of you. 
Thanks for reading! Reblog and comments mean the world to me 🥰🥰🥰
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smndragon · 3 years
henlo!! i hope you're doing well! i'd love to get a reading from you, if that's okay! my placements are: sag sun (12h), aries moon (3h) and cap rising! thank you so much for this!
I swear I looked at my inbox and took a second for start the tv and get a drink of water. This is gonna be a long night, I don't think there are meant full readings left though. I'm doing very well thanks for that!
Hm, Sagittarius sun, Aries moon, and Capricorn ascendant.
The Aries moon is the loudest competing with the Capricorn ascendant. Possible glasses I feel from the Aries moon or bad eyesight. The Capricorn could cause you to cut your hair short since I feel some of them really like doing that either their chaotic energy at times✂️💇🏽‍♀️ (I always try to be careful when clicking edit ln these drafts cause it sucks to accidentally delete it ughh) SONG RECOMMENDATION LOVELIES creep by Radiohead! I'm back after getting an ice pop AND OMG IVE BEEN ANSWERING THINGS MY SHEETS ARE WARM AND I HAVEN'T OPENED IT HOW DID I FORGET. Anyways, I wondered if your profile was really you so I looked closer and now I regret I cause the characteristics will be thrown off later on sorry.
Gotta make a new paragraph that was long💀 the Aries moon is hard to see, the connection has been ruined. FOCUS I'm back okay let's go! The Aries Manor is large. I arrived immediately at gates. The place feels like a castle, all of a sudden I'm in a dress on the ground as if this is some kind of lost girl story. My expression looks really confused. As if they're asking "where tf am I" a tall figure comes down the stairs, dressed in a red dress as if her wedding with the world's biggest asshole had was cancelled. Red lips and styled back red hair, their eyes are sharp at the ends and wide in the middle (can't explain eyes lol) they offer their hand to me as if I look like the dumbest bitch at the ball lol. Long and manicured nails. Shes thin and lanky but beautiful non the less. (For all of you insecure people reading to this far I'm watching you😤 love yourself more please you deserve it) she has a butler on standby. "So what are you doing here?" A pretty basic question but I honestly feel so dumb rn lol. They act as if the quest never happened and look around for something in the room turning their head. "You're not Gemini/Sagittarius are you?" A skeptical look on their face. It's hard to interpret what they said. "Alright, maybe you're not here to pull a prank on me if you are." They grab a cigarette from a tin holder a worker offers them already lit and breathing rolls of smoke. "If not them, what are you doing here shorty?" Taking another hit, the cigarette finished by then. Time is going by faster than I thought. "Alright" I hear the click of the case in their hand closing. "If you aren't here for me then I know who, follow me." They get up to lead me up the stares. Hesitantly following after. Aura is red and flaming. Possible placements are the lover stomach or I feel the manor and small parts around it take yo the whole chest. You may have problems with heartburn, chest pains, or issues with the lungs. We leave the lavished hall. I feel there's somewhere you wanna go someday. Possible problems in class as a kid, too passionate or anger issues. Nowadays may be shy or hesitant. Aries people often are fiery, but we also turn more shy getting older.
I see a door down the hall opening it, the Aries moon is gone by now. I feel you have Gemini placements possibly tricksters with your Sagittarius sun. I see the Sagittarius sitting down on something soft and plush. Reading some kind of novel or paper. They seem very intimidating until seeing me. "Ah! Are you here to talk to me? I've been needing company!" Getting up to walk towards me. "Did Aries not come with you? They always avoid me." I see their earrings shine with the night sky. "I mean I did pull that paint trick a bit ago but to mean c'mon who wouldn't?" She once had an elegant purple dress, to match her heavy eyelashes and almost violet blue eyes. But I look into myself now. They are jokes on how we look the same now and they bet she asked me if I was them. They turn to me again after looking off for a bit. You the host may have issues with the contact under pressure or when holding conversations. They do the same thing the Aries does. They may go deeper than shown to me, lifetimes of being stuck with each other in the same hosts. May have liked each other in the beginning but something changed this. Possible placement now is the left side of the chest. Aura color is purple and starry blue. I'm no longer in contact.
I feel the Capricorn ascendant is the puzzle piece to what happened. Change that thought it's Gemini. It's not just you body but in others they've known each other I'm the placements. Possibly a love triangle turned into hate or something. The Aries moon once loved your Sagittarius, they still do. It's just things have changed and Gemini and Sagittarius are better together to Aries. This doesn't seem right. Idk how you could fix this maybe we'll see later. This imbalance could be the cause of some mental issues or your own love problems, both signs aren't as good with such things. They don't know how cause they haven't found true love yet. At least not reciprocated well enough.
The Capricorn ascendant lives in the middle of your chest in-between the abdomen and stomach proportions. This doesn't make sense to me since I believe the stairs were here. I get there, the Capricorn is sitting on the steps sketching. The Capricorn is more boyish. Dressed in a shorter green dress. Cut to the shoulders blonde hair with brown and green mixed eyes. A golden chain on the neck matching the sprinkle of gold on the cheeks and in the eyes. They look at me weirdly. As if they're appalled I ended up here. "Gonna sit or not?" They point to next to them on the steps. I sit down looking at the sketch set down for a second resting in their palms. "You can feel it too can't you?" Clearly they're talking of the energy between the other two zodiacs. "They've been like this for a long time-" "I know." I finally talk I believe after this whole reading. They look down at their drawing. "I'm pretty new here so yeah. I got it fast" they catch me looking at the pencil stokes. "You saw it before. Think it was good?" They look at me again head still down low. "yeah" I nod. "Great!" They pull me up. "Let's get away from here yeah?" There's fields outside the mansion. Green even in the night. Rolling down the grounds and getting grass covered stains and markings. This Capricorn is alive.
Characteristics: dark hair, wider eyes due to the Capricorn or Aries moon, I feel this creates bigger eyes at times. Possibly markings on the hands or arms. Height is fairly average or just an inch shy of it. Possibly have posters in your room. You may definitely need that cup of morning coffee. Strongly built with thicker bones. Took some scrapes and scratches as a kid lol.👷gap in the middle of the teeth. Your nose may scrunch and get bunny lines. Possible love for Halloween. Nice nails but they get broken easily do you have to cut them short. Struggled with self image issue younger. Causing some mental health problems. You aren't an angry person but if boundaries are crossed there's gonna be a problem.
Soulmates/ future relationship: (ignore if already in one unless curious) I feel Virgo influence here. Not the tallest person but also yes? One of those two either really tall ppl or not at all. You guys will try and keep up with each other a lot. Trying to manage schedules and make little completions on who cna do something better or first. On the couch watching movies and sharing food, okay cringey couple thing coming up. You guys may feed each other like it's normal and your friend just stare at you like "wtf??" They love our two though lol they'll get used to it. Possible meeting at s grocery store when in the bread isle or nearby. May have you call them lieutenant or some strengthening name at times or they won't even move to do what you want them to.
Other zodiac influence in your life through people: Gemini moon, Virgo moon, sun, ascendant. Possible same mercury and venus? Random. Cancer mars, Neptune.
Health/future: watch for dogs (i love dogs but I see some trouble here) cars when walking on roads or streets. Just saying duck and lay attention for the next 2 months when in a dangerous working areas or smth.
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puppyluver256 · 3 years
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[Image Description: Three fan-made Pokemon resembling red-orange cows with flaming tails, the largest one being a minotaur.
The first Pokemon is a red calf with brown hooves, a brown tuft of hair on its head, dark red eyes, tan muzzle and belly, tiny beige horns, and yellow and orange hair on the tip of its tail. It has one hoof slightly off the ground and appears surprised. Orange text outlined in tan to its right reads “Calflame”.
The second Pokemon is a reddish-brown bipedal cow with dark purple mohawk-like hair on its head and matching neck fluff, bright red eyes, tan muzzle, blue hooves, silvery horns and matching shoulder spikes, and yellow and orange hair on the tip of its tail. It has one hand-hoof on its hips and one held up as though raising a fist, its expression showing off its confidence. Orange text outlined in tan to its right reads "Kinedle".
The third Pokemon is a red and orange minotaur-like creature with a tan muzzle, bright red eyes, a gold ring passing through its nostrils, golden horns and shoulder spikes, dark blue mohawk-like hair, dark purple hooves, grey plates on its knuckles with golden spike protrusions, and yellow and orange hair on the tip of its tail. It is standing in a powerful-looking position and glaring off to the side. Orange text outlined in silver to its right reads "Minosteel".
End ID.]
Calflame - Small Calf Pokemon - fire Curious in nature, Calflame have a tendency to wander if not kept under careful watch. Thankfully they also tend to snort out small embers, so it is fairly easy to track a runaway by the lightly scorched trail they leave behind. / Their tendency to snort out small embers can become quite troublesome if housed in a flammable environment. Experienced farmers that keep Calflame in large groups always make sure barns and other shelters have adequate fireproofing.
Kinedle - Young Cow Pokemon - fire Having grown a bit haughty after evolving from Calflame, they often engage in more risky behavior due to thinking that they already know best. Human parents often joke that Kinedle act much like rowdy teenagers. / Individuals in the same herd tend to butt heads and lock horns with one another, both as a play activity and to establish some sort of dominance. Trainers should be advised to watch out for this behavior, especially when combined with spurts of flame.
Minosteel - Protective Pokemon - fire/steel Despite their fearsome appearance, Minosteel are gentle to small creatures and have a very protective nature. They will not hesitate to come to the aid of injured Pokemon and children. / Due to misunderstanding of intent, farmers used to live in fear of their Moofer calves being abducted by roaming Minosteel. It is now common for Minosteel to be seen as a welcome farm assistant, prepared to aid in rearing abandoned calves and to guard the entire herd.
All right, we get to look at the full evolution line for Cantessy's fire starter Calflame, now with its evolved forms Kinedle and Minosteel! Hope everyone who liked Calflame in that survey from a while back is happy with how their cow friend turns out! :D
I wanted to go with the perceived theme of fire starters being based on the Chinese zodiac, so with only four options available on that front I went with an animal that's quite prominent around here. Yup, we got Cows. Cows and cows and cows. Like I can look down my street when it's daytime and there's a good chance I'll see a cow just Out And About in their humans' pasture. We've also got a pretty strong manufacturing industry, so with that in mind I eventually turned our little fire calf into a metal minotaur. And yes, I'm sorry if this disappointed anyone, but I just immediately stood Kinedle up at the first opportunity hehe.
In terms of gameplay if this were an actual game, the Calflame family is gonna be more attack-focused with some strong defenses and solid HP, to fit in with Minosteel's lore of being a fierce protector. They'll obviously learn a good amount of fire and steel moves that take advantage of this along with some other strong physical attacks, and when Minosteel has evolved they'll learn the move Red Hot Pierce, which acts similarly to Flying Press in that it works as both a fire and steel type move in terms of super-effectiveness (and by that I mean it does double damage to the things that are weak to steel as well as those that are weak to fire, but does normal fire damage on things that are neutral to or resist steel). Is that broken? It might be broken, but at least the other starters get something like it so maybe that balances it out? I'unno, I'm a character designer, not a game balancer hehe. I mainly just get the visual for how it'd look, and I can imagine a Minosteel using this move to heat their horns before ducking down and ramming into their foe.
Also if anyone wants to suggest other moves for these guys to learn and some physical stats (ie. height and weight, I only have a height for the base form starters atm and no weights XD ), feel free to throw 'em at me :3 Links to their info pages will be provided in the replies!
💖🐶 Check out my pinned post for ways to support my artwork, among other things! 🐶💖
~If you like, please reblog to show your friends! Likes are appreciated, but reblogs let more people see my content! If you have something to say, feel free to give feedback in tags/comments/replies as well!~
Pokemon and related concepts © Nintendo/GameFreak Calflame, Kinedle, Minosteel, the Cantessy region, and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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AO3 link here
Summary: Apollo recalls his first experience with snow in the Khura'inese mountains with Dhurke and Nahyuta.
The Kingdom of Khura'in...or, to be more specific, the faraway mountains. A relatively safe haven for the Defiant Dragons as they planned their coup d'état against the tyrannical Queen Ga'ran Sigatar Khura'in and her equally tyrannical Defense Culpability Act.
The Defiant Dragons had multiple bases set up in the kingdom, from dilapidated buildings to even the complex sewer system underground. They even had spies within the ranks of the royal guards, stealthily observing the queen and her family's every actions - observations that they would then report back to their superiors.
Yet, time and again, the mountains proved themselves to be the primary base of operations for the Dragons. Standing at the pinnacle of the world, the mountains provided a great barrier of nature, one that proved to be impenetrable. No matter how many of the royal guards were sent out, the Dragons could conceal themselves within the dense forests and the vast fields. Even the deepest of lakes and the fastest of rivers could hide them from prying eyes.
But the mountains were also a dangerous place to live in. While the royal guards were a main concern, there was also the matter of other dangerous creatures roaming in the wild. One could easily find themselves face-to-face with a predatory animal like a tiger or a wolf, or a misstep could send someone falling off a cliff to their untimely demise. And, of course, there was always the matter of finding enough food to last an entire group...or a small family.
Dhurke always kept this in mind. Even after all the years he'd spent hiding in the mountains, living in that little shack, he knew there was danger to be had. Not just for himself, but also for his two boys, Nahyuta and Apollo.
Especially Apollo.
From the moment Dhurke took him under his wing, the young child had grown into quite the little spitfire, always full of energy and vigor, and always eager for adventure. Take away that piss and vinegar, and you get just that: a child, all alone, with his father dead and his mother missing. It broke Dhurke's heart every time he recalled the incident: the fire burning away at the palace, Apollo as an infant crying for help as his father lay dead...
He was so lost in thought that he didn't hear the fast pitter-patter of bare feet against the wooden floorboards, nor the sound of a door being swung open. The rush of cold air and a startled squeak, on the other hand, were enough to snap him out of his thoughts.
Dhurke turned around to find Apollo running towards him. His tiny hands were wrapped around something white and mushy, and his cheeks were bright red. He was also shivering from the coldness to the point where Dhurke could see his pointed canine teeth like little fangs (dragon fangs, according to Datz).
"D-D-Dhurke," Apollo spoke up between shivers. "What's this? It's s-so white, and wet and...and...and c-cold!"
Dhurke blinked in surprise. Then, he smiled. And let out a hearty chuckle. He knelt down to affectionately give his foster son a pat on the head, just behind his tiny horns. His other hand came up to poke the white stuff that was slowly but inexorably beginning to melt in Apollo's smaller hands.
"My boy," he said. "All this time in the mountains, and you have no idea about the natural world outside?"
Though, given the circumstances, he figured that being forced to hide from Ga'ran's royal guards was the main factor. But he didn't dare tell Apollo that. Instead, he took a clump of the white and wet...thing...and cupped it in his hands for Apollo to see.
"This is called snow," he explained. "The mountains are topped with it. And, at a certain time of year, it is what covers the land and makes it cold and white."
"S...suh-now..." Apollo slowly repeated.
Dhurke nodded. Apollo took a deep breath and said it again, with more confidence this time. "Snow!" He tossed the last bits of snow into the air, and watched as it scattered on the floor in small droplets.
Apollo frowned. "But if the snow covers the ground, then what happens to the grass, and the plants, and..."
Dhurke chuckled as he stood up. "Well, why don't we find out for ourselves together?" he asked. He went over to the closet and pulled out a large blue coat for himself as well as a smaller red coat for Apollo. He also took out a pair of mittens and boots to keep their hands and feet warm as well as some scarves.
Once Apollo was fully dressed, he followed Dhurke outside the shack and into the fields. More snow covered the ground, blanketing the world in white. Dhurke watched as Apollo gasped in awe at the new surroundings, his eyes sparkling with delight. He then looked down at the snow and ducked down on all fours to dig through it, as if he were searching for his hidden cache of a freshly-killed rabbit or squirrel.
Dhurke knelt down to Apollo's height as he put a hand on his shoulder. "You wish to know more about what happens to the grass and plants when the snow falls, don't you, son?" he asked.
"Uh-huh!" Apollo nodded with enthusiasm.
Dhurke sat down in the snow and pulled Apollo onto his lap. "Well, at this time of year, the plants and grass need to rest and recharge, like the rest of us. When the cold seasons start to settle in, they..." He paused, unsure where to go from there. "...They retreat back into the ground. The earth gives the plants the energy that normally would not be found just by obtaining sunlight and water alone, and the plants, in turn, give themselves to the earth to be reborn again."
He turned to the riverside. "And it's not just the grass that needs to rest, too. Ice forms over the water, and the fish within have to sleep for a very long time. It's the same with some animals, too. Some of them store up enough energy to sleep through and survive the long, cold nights and short days. And others retreat to warmer places."
He glanced up at the sky, noticing that it was starting to snow. "Apollo, listen carefully. Winter is a time when you should reflect upon your past and plan ahead for your future. It is a time to rest your body and mind so that you will be ready come the next spring. But most importantly, it is also a time to remember the fallen ones and to honor their spirits so that they will be reborn anew. And the snow is a symbol of it all - of death, of rest, and of rebirth. That is what makes the life cycle so incredible."
Apollo nodded. "OK," he said. "But what can we do with the snow?"
"How about this?" an older, yet still boyish voice sounded from behind them. As if on cue, Dhurke felt something cold and wet hit his back, startling Apollo. The two of them turned to find Nayhuta dressed in his white coat. He held a snowball in one hand as he grinned, his jade eyes standing out amongst all that white.
Dhurke stared at Nahyuta in bewilderment. Then, he chuckled. "Where'd you come from, my boy?" he asked.
Nahyuta smirked as he clutched his snowball with both hands. "Oh, you know, Father," he said rather innocently. "Just thought I'd surprise you both."
"Well, you certainly managed to accomplish that." Dhurke slowly got up just as Apollo hopped off his lap. "And now, you're going to get it! Raaah!"
Without warning, he scooped up a large clump of snow in his arms and threw it at both his boys. Nayhuta laughed as he dodged the wave of snow. Apollo, however, wasn't so lucky, as he tripped over and fell face-first in the snowbank.
Nahyuta gasped in shock and dropped his snowball as he rushed to his brother's aid. "Apollo! Apollo, are you alright?"
Luckily, Apollo wasn't injured at all. He simply sat up to wipe the snow off his hair and face and glared up at Nayhuta. "Yuty, we gotta get back at him!" he declared.
Nahyuta blinked. Then, he smiled and nodded. "Yeah, you're right," he said. "For the Defiant Dragons!"
The two boys quickly gathered up as many snowballs as they could before launching them at Dhurke. Their father laughed as tiny white orbs pelted his coat before retaliating with some of his own snowballs.
Even as Dhurke continued his snowball fight with Apollo and Nahyuta, he couldn't help but feel a dreaded thought nag the back of his mind. Though the snow held its own beauty, it also came with a danger of its own. Prey animals would become scarce, while predators could take desperate measures by invading the shack in search of any fresh meat they could find. And, of course, there was always the possibility of Ga'ran's followers coming into the mountains in search of them.
He knew that someday, one of his two sons would have to leave Khura'in for his safety. And he knew that day was fast approaching.
But for now, as he lay in the snow with his sons at his sides, Dhurke was happy to live out a snow day free of worry...a day where he and his family would be safe.
At least, for now.
* * *
"What are you thinking about, Polly?"
Apollo yelped as Trucy's voice startled him out of his daydream, so much so that it nearly caused him to fall out of his chair. After taking a moment to regain his composure, he then took a quick look at his surroundings.
Gone were Dhurke and Nahyuta along with the little shack in the mountains, replaced with the warm and messy (yet familiar all the same) office of Wright Anything Agency. Trucy was leaning over his desk in front of him, staring at him with concerned sapphire eyes.
Apollo sighed with exasperation as he rubbed his finger against his forehead. "Trucy, how many times do I have to tell you not to wake me up like that?" he complained. "It scares me every time."
Trucy withdrew from her perch atop Apollo's desk. "Sorry, Polly," she said. "But you looked pretty zoned out. What were you thinking about?"
Apollo sighed as he relaxed in his chair. "Just...thinking about the times I used to play in the snow as a kid, I guess," he answered solemnly. "Snowball fights, snow angels...even sledding..."
Trucy tapped a finger to her chin, like she usually did when she was thinking hard. "You really miss all the fun times, don't you?" she asked. "It's not like you to feel down in the dumps, you know. You're usually a lot more serious than that, Polly."
And by serious, you mean grumpy, thought Apollo as he pouted a little.
Trucy glanced out at the window...and let out a gasp. "Polly! Polly, look!" she squealed excitedly. "It's snowing outside!"
Apollo blinked with surprise. "Wait, seriously?" he asked.
"Seriously, Polly! You gotta take a look at this!" Trucy pressed her gloved hands against the glass window, grinning with excitement. Apollo got up from his desk to look out the window. Almost right away, his eyes widened with amazement at what he saw.
Outside the office, he saw multiple snowflakes gently falling from the sky, blanketing the city skyscrapers in a soft and fluffy white. Down below, he noticed that some of the streets and sidewalks were empty, as if the people down below had chosen to leave room for nature to take over.
Almost unconsciously, Apollo found himself recalling Dhurke's words: "Winter is a time when you should reflect upon your past and plan ahead for your future. It is a time to rest your body and mind so that you will be ready come the next spring. But most importantly, it is also a time to remember the fallen ones and to honor their spirits so that they will be reborn anew."
He couldn't help but curl his lips into a small smile, remembering his first snow day in the mountains, in a world where he lived alone with his family. He wondered if they were doing the same, looking out into the window of their hideout, remembering that very day...remembering him.
"Hey, Polly!"
Apollo looked down at Trucy, her grin having morphed into a broad, toothy smile. "You wanna go and see if Mr. Gavin and Ms. Skye have taken the day off? I'm sure they won't resist a good snowball fight...or two. It'll be a good way for you to unwind as well."
Apollo thought this over for a moment. Then, he smiled. "Heh, why not?" he replied, his mind picturing a moment where he could finally knock that stupid, smug look off of that glimmerous fop's face.
"Perfect!" Trucy bounced over to grab her coat. "Then let's go make some calls and tell them to meet us over at People Park!"
"I'll be right there," Apollo said. "Just...need a moment." Once he was sure Trucy was gone, he leaned against the windowsill and looked outside once more. He let out a deep sigh as the memories came back to him. For the first time in his life, he realized just how alone he was, in America, without his family by his side.
Yet, at the same time, he couldn't help but think about the new friends and the new family he'd gained here. A group of close confidants who would always have his back no matter what.
He smiled. No matter what happened next, he would be fine.
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demonofthechili · 3 years
Blend In - Adler x Fem!Bell
A/N: have an Adler x Bell!Reader from my stash of Adler x oc content! Enjoy this thing I wrote, adapted for everyone to enjoy! Things in italics are in German!
T/W: fluff and not paying attention to the op at hand!
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"We need to keep a low profile. Which means, Bell, none of those bright ideas of yours."
"I'll put them away for later," You promised with a nod, coming to a stop beside Adler.
He retrieved a pack of cigarettes, offering it your way first so that you could take one. Then, he took one for himself, placing it between half scarred lips. As he grabbed his lighter and lit it, his eyes scanned the crowd for your target.
He happened a glance to you, who had an unlit cigarette, and promptly ignited his lighter, holding it your way. He... didn't mean to do that.
"Sorry," He apologised, to which you merely offered a small smile.
Upon spotting your target a few seconds after, Adler subtly gestured ahead. You did your best to nonchalantly look over, confirming the ID.
"We have a positive ID. We're going to pursue," He spoke lowly so that the agency could hear, gesturing for you to follow as he began to walk ahead.
It seemed like a straightforward approach, thankfully, and the crowd wasn't too much of a - -
"You've got to be shitting me," You came to a stop, tapping Adler on the arm before gesturing, "They're heading into the carnival."
"We have to go after them before they get out of sight," Adler informed as if you wouldn't know that. "We need to blend in."
You took a long drag of your cigarette, perking up as his elbow gently nudged you; you looked to his arm, which was extended your way. You blinked.
"Are you sure, sir?"
"C'mon, before they get too far."
You took that as the go ahead, slipping your arm through his to link you two together. You dropped your cigarette to stomp it out, placing a hand on his bicep and walking side by side into the crowd and music. Bathed in the warm glows of the lights, your breaths were suddenly evident in the German air. It was getting cold.
The carnival was large in size, meaning there was a lot of ground to possibly cover whilst following your guy. Yet, despite this, you were looking around at the night sky and various stalls, both food and games.
"Something got you distracted?"
"The carnival," You revealed, voice somewhat distant. Adler found himself admiring the way you eyed the food stalls and the various games, and how you looked at the prizes. "It's gorgeous. I wasn't expecting this."
"Stay focused," He ordered lightly, following your gaze to a donut stand, "We're close."
"Sorry, you're right."
As you walked, however, you just couldn't help it. Your head lulled to the side, resting against the chilled leather of his red leather jacket. He assumed it was to further allow you to blend in, but a part of him hoped it was a conscious thing. His heart beat ever so slightly faster.
You came to a stop at a stall due to the fact that your target also came to a stop at a stall a little further up. It was a donut stall, the kind that you had been eyeing before, and Adler, after a moment, gestured the owner over.
"One of your glazed, please."
"Just a moment, please," the owner requested happily, freshly dunking one before wrapping it and offering it his way.
"For you, my darling," He directed to you, his companion, catching you completely off guard.
Reaching out, you took the donut, "Thank you."
Glancing to where your target was, and noticing he was beginning to walk, Adler started following him again.
"Thank you for this. I'm quite hungry, and it helps us blend in. Bonus on all accords."
"Don't mention it. Consider it payment for when we last went drinking."
"A single donut?" You playfully scoffed, taking a bite from it, "You can do better than that."
Leaving it at that, the next hour or so went about the same. You would periodically stop, Adler would, depending on the stall, buy something small for you, and it'd repeat. He'd pull you close every now and then, and your conversation grew slightly from the mission.
He found himself having a good time, more so than if he was solely focused on the mission at hand. He found himself placing his hand over yours on his bicep. He found himself admiring you from behind his sunglasses when he could.
You somewhat perked up when you eventually crossed the games stall you had first set your eyes on; a game where you shoot targets, and one of the prizes was a (f/c) duck. An adorable (f/c) duck. A (f/c) duck you were fantasising about adding to your collection and cuddling.
"Do you want one of the animals?"
"Oh-? I didn't know I was staring. Hah, sorry."
"Do you want one of the animals?" Adler repeated, a little more firm.
"..yes. But, we have a job to do."
"He's fine for a second. C'mon."
Taken off guard, you glanced to your target, who was busy at a stall, before looking to the oncoming game.
"I'll take ten bullets, please."
"There you go," The stall owner placed down a small tub, "Good luck. I'm sure he'll win you something, ma'am."
Sliding his arm from yours, Adler loaded the gun and took aim; by the time he was on the last bullet, all but one target was down. He loaded, paused, and then looked to you.
"You try to hit the last one."
You hesitantly reached up, grabbing the barrel, "I don't want to be the one to miss."
"I'll help you," Spoken after a quick glance over his shoulder, and he moved to stand behind you.
He placed his hands over yours, helping you line up the shot. At this range, he could smell the familiar shampoo in your hair and the perfume you wore. He savoured the way you leaned into his chest, clearly expecting the kickback of a normal weapon, and he listened to your breathing.
You, on the other hand, could feel his breath fanning your neck and the top of your head. You could feel his heartbeat, and the smooth yet rough feeling of his hands was a welcome experience. You wanted to stay like this for a while. You wished you could.
You pulled the trigger, and the target was shot down.
"Congratulations!" The stall owner beamed, to which you half turned to gaze up to Adler and grin his way. "Which would you like?"
"The duck, please! Thank you very much," Spoken as you pointed out and then accepted the prize, a shine to your eyes that Adler found endearing. You turned to completely face him, still encased in his arms, and beamed, "Thank you, Adler. This will make a fine addition to my collection."
For the first time in a very, very long time (real or fake), you witnessed a smile grace Adler's half scarred lips. It caused his eyes beneath his glasses to crease, and your heart skipped a beat.
After what felt like an eternity, Adler closed the height gap and captured your lips in a kiss. Despite the initial shock, you eagerly returned it, a hand placing itself onto the back of his neck to pull him a little closer. To make sure it was real. That it wasn't another dream.
It was a pleasant exchange, disrupted only for air. Adler's eyes fluttered open, gazing upon you with a shroud of lust and satisfaction.
"Adler," You whispered, barely audible above the music, and he ran a hand over your hair.
"We can talk about that later," He promised, offering his arm for you to take again, which you happily did.
"That... that covers when we last went drinking."
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warrentrash · 3 years
we'll meet again (bucky barnes x oc) part one
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series summary: Eleanor, Steve and Bucky, the trio that relies on one another, face the horrors of war and the consequences of other people's actions, which ultimately puts their friendship to the test
chapter summary: Steve get’s denied again, but he learns that his two dearest friends are going to be leaving him sooner than he expected
warnings: mild violence, mentions of war and deployment
a/n: this is part one to a series I have written in my drafts, I hope you all enjoy it :D
word count: 3.7k (the longest chapter i’m going to ever post lol)
“Oh! Well, you almost landed a hit darling,” Eleanor Hope said to her best friend, Steve Rogers, as she passed him a towel to wipe down his sweaty face.
Steve Rogers was the sweetest guy Eleanor had ever known. A little awkward, but a loyal and true man. Now, Steve was a small guy, and he couldn’t help it seeing as he had many medical complications, so he sought out advice from his other best friend, James Barnes, for a couple of boxing lessons to help prepare him for any trouble. 
Now, James Barnes, or better known as Bucky by the two, was another one of Eleanor’s closest friends. Bucky was very confident, and he excelled at anything he tried. He and Steve had been best friends for a short while before they had met her that same year, but the instant the three had all met, they became as close as close can be. 
Bucky had always been a little flirtatious with Eleanor, same as how she was with him and Steve, but it was never anything more. They all grew to love each other very deeply over their long-lasting friendship. 
“Thanks, El,” Steve sighed and took the towel before wiping it across his red and blotchy face as he left the boxing ring. 
“Whattaya’ say doll? Wanna take Steve’s place?” Bucky asked from inside in the ring, pushing the tip of his gloves together. 
“Oh, heavens no!” Eleanor laughed and shook her head as she looked up at him before placing her hands on her hips. 
He raised his eyebrows and used his forearm to wipe his brow.
“What’s the look for Buck?” She asked in curiosity. When Bucky pulled a face and shook his head, she knew he had won their small disagreement. "Fine" she muttered and climbed the small steps that led to the ring.
Bucky laughed in success and lifted the ropes for her to step through. 
“What am I doing?” She asked as she picked up the pair of gloves Steve had been wearing earlier. She eyed Bucky as he tore one off of his own glove with his teeth before taking his other one off normally. 
She held her hands still as he put the gloves on her in concentration before he tightly secured them. He stepped back and put his own back on as Eleanor tapped her gloves together, mumbling about how foreign they felt on her hands. 
“Okay, don’t go easy on me now Barnes,” Eleanor grinned and kicked her heels off to the side, dropping several inches in height. 
“don't go easy? Oh, darling, I don’t think you could handle my strength.”
“Is that a challenge?”
“Well, we’ve already got the gloves on.” Bucky looked at Steve and smirked. “Like I’m actually going to hit h-” He was silenced by Eleanor’s hard right hook that landed square on his cheekbone. 
“Oh my goodness!” Eleanor gasped as Bucky hunched himself over in shock. 
From the bleachers, Steve laughed loudly.
“Are you okay?” She asked and rushed to his side. Completely forgetting she had gloves on, Eleanor lent down to grab his cheeks but instead hit him again -not as hard as before- and managed to poke his eye. 
Steve’s laughter grew louder as Bucky winced and turned away from her. Eleanor struggled to rip the gloves off of her hands, even her attempts at tugging at them with her teeth and putting them between her thighs and pulling didn't work. 
“Stop laughing and help me get these things off, Steven!” Eleanor exclaimed as Steve’s laughter grew louder and louder. With one last tug, Eleanor had set one hand free with great force, only for her to practically back-hand Bucky across his other cheek. 
Bucky whined and sat down on the ground as Eleanor continued to apologise over and over before she crouched down next to him. He gestured to her hand and pulled it close to take the other glove off for her. 
“Bucky, I am so sorry,” she winced and gently, and carefully, placed her hands on his cheeks. 
He grabbed her wrists and looked up at her, “you’re a pain in my behind, El.” She smiled sheepishly as Steve lent on the edge of the boxing ring, still grinning from cheek to cheek. 
“You sure you’re ready for war Buck?” Steve asked him as Eleanor tugged him to his feet. 
“Well to be fair, I oughtta’ doubt the Germans have a bunch of girls with boxing gloves running around the battlefield,” Bucky joked causing Steve to shake his head from side to side in amusement, letting out another small chuckle as he thought back on what had just happened. 
Eleanor laughed as he slid his hands into hers. “You’d have some real competition then bubs,” she told him, trying her hardest to pull her facial features from humorous to serious. 
Bucky rolled his eyes and let go of her hand to sling his arm around her shoulder before saying, “We gotta get you a husband so you can quit botherin’ us.” 
“Fine, if you want me gone so bad I’ll marry Stevie.”
Both men looked at her as she removed herself from Bucky’s grasp to duck under the rope and walk down the steps. 
“I’m kidding!” She laughed once she saw Bucky’s face. She glanced at Steve and winked before turning around in a fit of giggles after hearing Bucky claim he was also kidding.
+ 1945 +
Eleanor glanced around the front of the theatre with an exasperated look on her face; she knew she had just seen Steve in the exact spot she was standing in, but now he had disappeared. Eleanor knew he was going to get his butt kicked badly if he attempted to fight a guy as big as the heckler they had just encountered in the theatre. 
They had gone to see a film, just like every Wednesday, and Steve spoke out against the man who had begun yelling at the screen before it even started, disrespecting the troops that the commercial was supporting. Steve was quite patriotic and took offence to this, knowing how much it hurt the feelings of others in the theatre. He went outside with the loud heckler and Eleanor followed with a quick hop in her step, hoping to stop him from rushing into things, but they had vanished before she could catch up to them.
She glanced to her right and saw the familiar heckler run from the alleyway next to the theatre. 
The alleyway, of course! Eleanor rolled her eyes at how oblivious she had been and rushed around the corner and along the road, her heels loudly clicking against the damp pavement. She sighed in relief when she saw Bucky picking up a piece of paper near Steve, who was adjusting his jacket and looking rather dishevelled. 
Eleanor took note of what papers were in Bucky’s hands as she began to fuss over Steve’s hair, attempting to part it back normally. She did a double glance at Bucky’s outfit. He was wearing a fresh set of uniforms with his hat sat upon his head nicely; it didn’t take much to figure out he had finally gotten his orders.
Instead of dwelling on the fact that Bucky was more than likely leaving soon, she turned her attention back to Steve. “Really Stevie? More enlistment forms? How many times is this?” She asked him and stepped back as she read them upside-down, seeing as they were in Bucky’s grasp still. 
“Oh, you’re from Paramus now? You know it’s illegal to lie on an enlistment form? And seriously, Jersey?” Bucky asked Steve in offence. Eleanor silently agreed, why did he have to pick Jersey of all places?
Steve gently pushed Eleanor’s hands away as she reached forward and plucked at a flyaway hair of his. 
“You get your orders?” Steve asked Bucky, looking his uniform up and down in a small amount of shock. 
Bucky didn’t smile as he nodded his head. “The one-o-seventh. Sergeant James Barnes. Shipping out for England first thing tomorrow,” he said, looking at Eleanor who quickly looked away and down at the handkerchief she was pulling out of her coat. 
She handed it to Steve for him to wipe his bloody nose as he mumbled, “I should be going.” 
Bucky and Eleanor glance at one another in concern. They knew how much serving his country meant to Steve, and to see his spirits so crushed hurt them greatly. Although Eleanor would be lying if she said she wasn’t relieved that Steve would be staying home. At least she knew he was going to be safe and wasn’t putting himself in any more harm than he typically is. 
Bucky finally broke into his Hollywood grin and threw his arm around Steve’s neck. 
“Come on, man. My last night! Gotta get you cleaned up,” Bucky said. The boys began walking back down the alleyway as Eleanor followed closely behind, listening to their conversation. Bucky threw Steve’s enlistment forms to the side and handed him a newspaper.
“Why, where are we going?” Steve asked as he unfolded the news. 
“The future.”
Eleanor then took an extra step and a skip before she shoved herself between the boys, linking her arms through theirs, earning two grins in return. 
“Then we go dancing!” She declared, making Bucky laugh. “It’s my last night off, and it’s Bucky’s last night here, so we better make it a good one.”
Eleanor smoothed her orange dress down and checked her hair in the mirror. 
“How did it go dear?” A voice called out. The voice belonged to her mother, Charlotte, and it was coming from the kitchen. “How did they take the news?”
She paused and hesitated to answer. “I didn’t tell them. Not yet,” she admitted, turning around to face her mother who frowned deeply after appearing in the doorway.
“Eleanor Elizabeth!” She scolded and uncrossed her arms. “How dare you not tell those boys you enlisted! What, are you not going to tell them you’re leaving until you step foot on the ship tomorrow? How do you think they’re going to feel when-” Eleanor politely silenced her mother by raising her hands in defence. 
“I know ma’, I know,” she sighed and ran her hands down her sides stressfully. “Steve was denied again today, and Bucky’s got his orders, so everyone’s pretty upset already. I don’t want to hurt them even more so,” she mumbled as her mother approached her and grabbed her hands gently. “Steve more than Bucky if I’m being honest.”
“Steve may be small, but he’s tough. You need to tell him tonight. The both of them.” She let go of Eleanor’s hands before taking a step back, “and make sure you have fun, dear. You kids always knew how to when you were younger, albeit a lot of it you shouldn’t have been doing...” 
“Of course, mother,” Eleanor said and smiled at her mother’s mumbling.
"Are you going to tell James how you fe-"
Eleanor shut her mother down quickly by shaking her head. 
"No. No. It'll only ruin what we have."
Eleanor walked through the crowd, searching for Steve and Bucky and their dates. She had decided not to bring one, even though her mother had been begging for her to settle down and marry a nice young lad, but she just couldn’t, not yet at least.
She gently pushed her way through the gathering crowd and grinned when she saw the top of Bucky’s hat. 
“Hey, Steve! Bucky!” She waved and almost knocked a young man over in her quick attempts to reach them both. They looked at her and smiled widely as she finally reached them. "Are you going to introduce me to your dates?” She asked and gestured to the two girls who shared a look. 
“Yes, of course. Connie, Bonnie, this is Eleanor. She can be rather annoying but we bring her along anyway,” he winked at Connie as Eleanor rolled her eyes, something she did a lot around him. 
“Is that why you two get along so well Buck?” Steve asked the taller man who raised his eyebrows in shock, his jaw-dropping a little. 
Eleanor smiled in triumph and nudged Steve lightly as everyone turned their attention back towards the stage where a bunch of showgirls welcomed the one and only Howard Stark. He was all anyone could really talk about in terms of what the future holds for them all. 
“Ladies and gentlemen, what if I told you that in just a few short years, your automobile won’t even have to touch the ground at all?” He asked and gestured to his right at a car. Several girls took the wheels off it, causing Steve and Eleanor to share a surprising look. Eleanor accepted some popcorn that Steve offered to her after he received no reply from Bonnie. “With Stark robotic reversion technology, you’ll be able to do just that.”
Everyone watched in anticipation as Howard Stark flipped the switch in front of him. The car began to splutter before coming to life, the engines that replaced the wheels were glowing and working hard to lift the vehicle off of the ground. 
“Holy cow,” Bucky muttered in astonishment. 
The engines suddenly faltered and the car came crashing back down onto the stage as Howard Stark wooed the crowd, distracting them from what had just happened with a few comforting words of, “I did say a few years didn’t I?” 
Eleanor looked to her left at Steve and frowned when she saw he wasn’t there. She looked around and her eyes landed on a recruitment centre in the distance. Of course...
As she began to make her way back through the crowd to find Steve, a large hand pressed itself into her lower back, making the hairs on her neck stand. Bucky ushered her forwards quickly, his gaze over the top of her and glaring at the recruitment centre. Behind Bucky followed Connie and Bonnie, the two of them gushing over Howard Stark and his latest invention.
They finally entered the building to see Steve standing in front of some illusion thing. He was too short to see into it. 
“Come on. You’re kind of missing the point of a double date, along with Eleanor, or something,” Bucky said and glanced at Eleanor who rolled her eyes with a small grin. “We’re taking the girls dancing,” he added as they shuffled into the hallway. 
“You guys go ahead, I’ll catch up with you,” Steve muttered, his head hanging low.
“You’re really gonna do this again?” Bucky asked in exhaustion as he and Steve stood in front of each other. Eleanor stood between them and off to the side, knowing full well they were about to argue. It was strange, it was normally her and Bucky arguing with Steve acting as the referee. 
“Well, it’s a fair. I’m gonna try my luck.”
“As who? Steve from Ohio? They’ll catch you. Or worse, they’ll actually take you.” The fear in Bucky’s voice caused Eleanor to frown and glance at him in worry. 
“Look, I know you don’t think I can do this.”
“This isn’t a back alley, Steve. It’s war!”
“I know it’s a war. You don’t have to tell me.”
Eleanor sighed and asked, “can you two please not do this here?” But they either chose to ignore her, or she was too quiet and they hadn’t heard her. 
“Why are you so keen to fight? There are so many important jobs,” Bucky laughed in disbelief at his best friend's urge to go to war. 
“What am I gonna do? Collect scrap metal-”
“Yes!” Bucky interjected as Eleanor hid her face with one of her hands, glancing around in embarrassment at the two bickering men. 
“- In my little red wagon,” Steve continued but Bucky continued interrupting. 
“Why not?” He asked quickly. 
“I’m not gonna sit in a factory, Bucky.”
“I don’t-” 
Now it was Steve’s turn to interrupt Bucky as Eleanor politely smiled at a passing couple, nodding her head at them. 
“Bucky, come on! There are men laying down their lives. I got no right to do any less than them. That’s what you don’t understand. This isn’t about me,” he sighed, wishing his friend would just understand his reasons. 
“Right. Cause you got nothing to prove,” Bucky muttered. 
Sensing their argument had come to a close, Eleanor stepped between them both, pulling their attention to her. 
“Are you two done arguing because I have something to say to the both of you.” She looked at them and took a small step back. “Steven, you’re insane for wanting to try and enlist again, there are too many risks involved and that’s without your medical history. James, you have no say in what Steve does even if you think it’s the best option, just like I don’t have a say. He can do what he pleases…”
Steve raised his eyebrows as Bucky’s jaw slacked a little. Her tone along with her use of their full names surely shocked them both. 
Eleanor swallowed the small lump in her throat and nodded her head, averting her gaze to the floor in front of her. She knew if she didn’t tell them then, she would never get the chance. “I also leave tomorrow,” she muttered. 
“Leaving? What?” Bucky asked and turned to face her front on, Steve copying his actions. 
“Are you and your mother going back to your grandmothers?” Steve asked her. 
Eleanor shook her head no. Bucky was the first to realise what she had meant, and Steve wasn’t too far behind with his conclusion. 
“I wasn’t going to enlist. But my sisters are over there, and my two brothers-in-law. The hospital was “encouraging” the majority of us to put our names down anyways. They even threatened to fire some of us...” She trailed off, the weight of her news leaving her shoulder but soon being replaced with a deep sense of shame and guilt. “So, this will be the last time we all see each other for a little while,” she said dejectedly but still wore a small smile. 
Steve nodded to himself as Bucky’s shoulders deflated in defeat. He wanted nothing more than to protect his two best friends, and he thought God was on his side for once, considering the number of times Steve had been denied, but then he realised his luck ran out with Eleanor. 
“I’m going to miss you,” Steve said to her as they quickly moved to embrace each other in a tight hug, one that had provided comfort over the years for the both of them. 
They pulled apart and Eleanor pressed a kiss to Steve’s cheek. “Good luck, Stevie,” she said quietly, knowing he understood what she had meant. 
Bucky looked at Steve and nodded his head. “Don’t do anything stupid until we get back then,” he said, not liking the way he had to change I to we. 
“How could I? You’re taking all the stupid with you,” Steve said as Eleanor and Bucky slowly began to retreat out of the recruitment building. 
Eleanor stopped and watched as Bucky walked back over to Steve, pulling him into a tight hug as he said, “you’re a punk.”
Steve rebutted with, “jerk,” causing Eleanor to laugh a little. “Be careful,” Steve muttered quietly as Bucky joined Eleanor once again, this time offering her a small smile. “Don’t win the war until I get there!” He called after them. 
Bucky and Eleanor turned around and Bucky mockingly saluted him, resulting in the three sharing a laugh before settling into silence. Bucky grabbed Eleanor’s hand firmly and led her back towards Connie and Bonnie, who had both been patiently waiting for them to return. 
Eleanor was a little upset about waiting so long to tell the boys, but she knew if she hadn’t she never would have wanted to go and she would have made a fool out of herself. She kept telling herself it was fine though. Her sisters were over there, so she would be joining them soon. Her mother had fewer people to worry about, financially that is. Eleanor was going to be travelling overseas, something she had always wanted to do, and she was able to go and help anybody who needed it.
“Hey Sarge, are we still going dancing?” Connie asked and bit her lip in excitement. 
Eleanor smiled softly at her and lowered her head, ready to give her and Bucky the privacy they wanted, but she looked up at her best friend in shock after he declined her offer politely. 
“Actually, Miss Hope and I here are going to have a few dances. Come and find me after,” he said and gently patted her shoulder before leading Eleanor away from them and through the crowd in the street. 
“Miss Hope?” Eleanor teased him with a raised eyebrow. “You’ve never been one for the formalities Mr Barnes- Sorry, Sergeant Barnes,” Eleanor laughed as Bucky rolled his eyes but softly swung her outwards, only to pull her in close. 
Her left hand locked with his as her right hand went to his shoulder and his left hand went to her waist. 
"Why didn't you tell us you enlisted?" Bucky asked her with a soft sigh. Eleanor looked over his shoulder, knowing she wasn’t getting out of the conversation anytime soon. "I thought we were your best friends? We’re supposed to tell each other everything." And no matter how childish Bucky knew he sounded, he was genuinely hurt by her choices to keep a secret. 
"That's why I couldn't. I didn't want to hurt you both and leave you counting down the days until I leave like I know you would have," she told him as the music echoed throughout the street that was slowly filling up with dancing couples; many of the men were dressed like Bucky, it was both a beautiful yet depressing sight. 
Bucky sighed and dipped his head. 
"You're a pain in my-" Bucky stopped himself and chuckled as Eleanor grinned up at him. "You're a pain, you know that doll?" 
"If I'm such a pain, why do you keep me around?" She asked as he slowly twirled her around. His eyes followed the seams of her dress as they travelled to the bottom where the hem of it fanned out and swayed with each step she took. 
He pulled her back in close and let her rest her head on his chest. He was going to miss her more than words could ever say. 
"For good luck I guess," he muttered and pressed a firm kiss to the top of her head. "You're good luck…"
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brownsplodge · 3 years
They Howl At Night(5/?)
Crossposted on Ao3
Despite Heather's Protests, Alison had gone to class that day.
According to her, her Headache wasn’t bad enough for her to stay home and get covered  in Heathers stickers, and don’t you have some work to do, I thought you had work. You’re  two years older than me, be more mature and stop using your height advantages. Now,  return my bag.
So, Heather was wearing her freshly knit sweater and trying to sort out Derek's request to change shifts with someone, something about how one of the newcomers in the werewolf centre where he patrolled kept staring at him way too innocently while pawing chalk and  candles under his bed and whistling, something wolves should not be able to do.
She started chewing her hair as she typed an email, telling Derek that whistling wolves are  less of a concern than the suspiciously satanic objects Mr. Pines had smuggled in, along with a rubber duck whose smile was very un-ducklike.
Only a few minutes after she clicked the send button, Derek’s answer popped up.
Dear Miss Pines.
The fact Mr. Pines had been whistling was more creepy than the chalk.
It’s possible to use chalk for very un-demonic stuff, for example street art or communicating with aliens! And I would like you to note that before he turned into a wolf, he had been painting a very lifelike painting of his rubber Duck, Which, if you ask me, Is very disturbing. I get seriously creeped out by ducks. Also please let me switch with some other guard, combined with Alison he’s a nightmare. Seriously, I’ll pay you. Please.
Sincerely, Derek Whittle.
Heather shut the MagiOrb and stretched.
She pulled out her wool. She really wanted to knit something now.
The wool smelled like pine needles, which always calmed her down, though it was slightly  confusing because she thought pine needles were green, not pin. When she’d talked  to Alison about it, the latter had squinted at it, then said: “I dunno, looks green to me.” then  shrugged, “Then again, I’m part wolf, so everything looks green to me. And that does not  smell like pine needles, it smells like unwashed pigs.”
The strange thing was that Alison was right. Whenever Heather touched the red jewel on  the necklace that her Papa had given her She couldn’t smell Pine needles.
Alison also said that the necklace looked creepy, and not Heather creepy, but really magic  creepy, And I know it's a family heirloom, but please don’t wear it all the time Heather.
Talking of that little ray of sunshine, Heather thought, I should make her a sweater too.
Alison would love it.
Of course Heather wondered if she’d also start seeing gnomes everywhere she went.
Oh well. Alison has to take risks sometimes.
Alison banged her head on her desk and immediately regretted it as the dull pain in her  head worsened there where she had hit it.
She still had no doubt that escaping Heather with her ‘Heather Tea (trademark)’ had been  a good idea.
But maybe she should have called in sick and gone to perish somewhere else, because  she did not remember why she thought that pre-transcendence history was worth  studying.
Mr. Brown was droning on about how people survived without magic, and Alison wanted to  stop hearing about how they ate squirrels and leave.
She looked out at her MagiOrb blankly.
When Elodie raised her hand and asked Mr. Brown if squirrels were caterpillars, and Mr. Brown started explaining that they turned into beautiful moths, Alison gave up.
She shoved her MagiOrb into her bag, ignoring the cracking sound that came out of the  depths of it, stood up, and walked out of the classroom.
Nobody even turned to look at her, as it was normal for her to do that the night after the full moon.
As she stepped out and breathed the cold air, she instantly felt a little better.
She walked across the street and stepped into the coffee shop. The little bell that  announced her arrival was the loudest thing in the coffee shop.
Alison slumped to the table.
“Hello Alison!” Evan whispered as he walked up to her. He placed a glass of water on the table, and the ice cubes inside sparkled.
“Thanks.” Alison took out her card and scanned it on the machine that evan held out to  her.
Alison looked up as Evan walked away.
Apart from a man sitting in a corner of the shop, she was the only one there.
The table he was at was covered in files and his MagiOrb illuminated his pale face and  glasses as he typed. He muttered under his breath, looking frustrated.
There was something weird about his shadow, but before Alison could take a closer look or care about it, he looked up and stared out of the the wall behind Alison and had seemed to go even more pale than he had been before. Then he put all the files in the briefcase next to him, tucked in his MagiOrb and walked out just as the bell at the door rang and Heather  cartwheeled in.
“HEY, AL!” Alison groaned.
“I THOUGHT YOU WERE IN CLASS!” Heather said with a smirk that clearly stated no, I  knew you were here, and came here to annoy you, because I don’t want to work right now. Evan walked back to the table as Heather decided that getting a new chair was unacceptable and had made to sit on Alison's lap instead.
He paused just before reaching them, trying and failing to hide the fact that he was putting  in earplugs.
“Would you like something?” he asked Heather, a little to loudly, just enough that you  would notice he’d plugged his ears if you hadn’t noticed earlier.
“Are you being extra loud to punish me?” Alison whispered.
Heather turned back to Alison, who had escaped from the chair and gotten a new one for  herself. “YES! So, Alison. IS YOUR HEADACHE BETTER?”
Alison flinched as Heather shouted in her ear. “It was.”
Heather grinned and Alison glared at her. “No seriously, I’ll stop.”
Evan placed a cup of sugar on the table and dripped a single drop of tea in it, before he  ran off and hid behind the counter.
“I made you a sweater!” Heather pulled out something blue and pulled it over Alison's  head.
Alison struggled to put it on, and looked at the motif on the front. “Cute. But why is there a  fish on it?”
“I don’t know...” Heather poured more sugar into her cup. “Just thought it fits. Maybe it’s  Cause you always find everything fishy? Boop.” Heather stuck a star shaped sticker on  Alison’s left cheek.
Alison drank the cup of water that evan had brought her and fiddled the sticker off. “Where  do you even get these? I never see you buying them.” She put the sticker on Heathers  nose.
“Aaaah...” Heather dramatically leaned over the table and stared at the ceiling dreamily.  “A secret admirer sends them to me. The letters are soooo sweet. I hope they’re good  looking. ” she peeled the sticker off her nose and stuck it onto her cheek.
“Whatever. I’m going back to the apartment. Are you coming or are you going to,… um,  ‘drink’ that first.” She pointed at Heather’s cup of diabetes inducingly sweet cup of ‘tea’
Heather looked at the cup on the table and picked up the teaspoon next to it.
Alison left Heather to finish her bowl of sugar.
I’m looking for a cowriter/cowriters!
Comment on my Ao3 account or on this work if you are interested!
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