#and now its back like full force and i cant confront it
moonlightprison · 1 year
ok maybe i do have severe social anxiety 💀
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stevethehairington · 1 year
just,,,,, nancy/carol enemies to lovers college au
i'm thinking about nancy, who has a plan — who has had a plan for years now. to go to college, to pursue her dream in journalism.
i'm thinking about carol, who doesn't have a plan. not really. just sees college as a way to push off the inevitable — a husband, a white picket fence, a house full of kids — a few more years.
nancy is ambitious, she's studious, she takes it seriously.
carol is not. the only thing she's studying are the boys, and the only thing she's taking seriously are the parties.
nancy is shocked to see carol, but she figures that she'll be easy to avoid; after all, they aren't part of the same social circles, and there's no way their schedules are going to overlap.
except, to nancy's annoyance, she keeps running into carol despite wanting nothing to do with her. she sees her in the library, at the campus coffee shop, in the quad. they see each other in the concession line at the football game, they bump into each other in the bathroom, they walk past each other at the club fair.
carol's not surprised to see nancy here — she always knew she'd end up at a place like this, if there's one thing nancy wheeler is its persistent — but she is surprised that in a campus this big they keep crossing paths. it annoys her too.
and the thing is — carol thinks, and has always thought, that nancy wheeler is such a priss. that nancy is so drastically different from her — and not in a good way.
but, really, underneath it all, the two of them are so much more alike than either of them could ever think.
the biggest similarity being that they both have this preconceived notion of what their life is Supposed to look like — a husband, kids, a career as a wife and a mother and a homemaker, not anything else. it's one that's been forced onto them, by society, by their parents, by everyone else around them.
nancy has obviously rejected that. but carol is still very much stuck in that thinking, and she doesn't necessarily see a way out of that expectation (whether it be because of familial obligation and parental pressure or the fact that she just doesn't know what she wants to do with her life in the first place).
that is just another reason why carol is so bitter towards nancy and "hates" her so much — because nancy has done what carol hasn't, what she can't.
and, nancy is the same as she was in high school — driven, focused, precise — but she's also soooo different too — looser, more confident, more self-assured, still sweet but she's sharper with it, like she knows what she wants and knows how to get it now.
and carol is (still) outrageously jealous of that too.
so they keep seeing each other on campus, and i haven't decided how it happens — perhaps there is some sort of confrontation? one that happens at a party maybe? where both of them have had a little too much to drink maybe? — but one thing leads to another and they end up angrily making out eith each other.
carol's not gay — she's never given being with girls much thought, any thought before. not for herself anyways. but theres something so magnetic about nancy wheeler that she just cant help but tug on that thread.
and then keep tugging on that thread. because it keeps happening after that. and it keeps escalating too. kissing leads to touching and touching leads to falling into bed together. only its not anything sweet or nice or lovely. it's fiery, it's clashing, it's rough around the edges.
it's hate sex through and through.
it becomes a release for them both, something to do when the disdain becomes too much and bubbles over. something to get all their animosity out.
there is, of course, some flavor of denial that gets thrown into the mix from carol — an "im not into girls just because im sleeping with you. it's just sex, you're just a convenient body to me" type of sentiment (one she learned from tommy, evidently, because it's one he used back in high school to excuse his attraction to men and the times he'd fool around with them behind the bleachers or in the locker room after everyone went home).
nancy, though, has already gone through her denial -> self acceptance phase — she and robin had a brief fling at the end of high school after they'd started getting closer and robin, who knew she was a lesbian and was pretty secure in it, helped nancy realize it herself and figure it out. things didn't work out between them romantically, but they're still good friends.
and this thing with carol — nancy's just in it to have a little fun. to fulfill that part of her that wanted to be more out there in college, to be more experimental. and, well, carol's a good lay. so she goes along with it.
and maybe they end up hanging out a little more outside of their hookups. instead of leaving right away, carol loiters, going through the things on nancy's desk, because she's always been nosey like that. she sees some of nancy's flash cards, and what do you know? carol's in that class too, just a different section of it. so they end up studying together. and that turns into grabbing lunch on occasion, or sometimes coffee. and they start to talk more, in between the studying, in between the screwing. they start to learn more about each other. they start to peel back the incredibly complex layers.
and, naturally, ✨️feelings✨️ start to get involved — feelings that aren't just hate.
then, of course, things all come to a head at some point. conflict must arise (most likely something to do with nancy going after what she wants (which is carol) and carol having to face the music here — the double whammy of having feelings for nancy wheeler, who is, in fact, a woman.) and it gets resolved eventually (the two reconcile and decide to give things a go).
i haven't thought much further about that part of this yet and how exactly it would play out. but. y e a h. just, nancy/carol.
(also important to note that carol goes in undeclared, but eventually changes to pre-law because nancy helps her realize that she would make a damn good lawyer, and the idea of that sparks a fire inside of carol because she has finally Found Her Purpose.)
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ghostlypawn · 1 year
like from ep3-6 i can name 4 instances where greta makes the carson/lupe relationship worse omg
carson says they need to practise more and so they have night practises -> greta convinces the team lupe cant be trusted and has night games behind her back -> lupe finds out and gets carson benched out of spite -> carson is annoyed but more annoyed at dove humilating lupe by letting her play -> lupe is benched due to injury -> lupe starts to see that carson may have been right and tries to reach out to her asking about her game cards -> carson vouches for lupe but dove keeps her benched which obviously puts her in a bad mood -> dove leaves theyre now co-captains which they both seem to be content with -> lupe suggests a change in batting order and carson agrees -> work together to defeat the cheating team -> lupe asks to pitch again and carson is apprehensive (probably bc things have just been going so well for them as is) -> the convo gets interrupted by GRETA who tells her no one will choose lupe over carson and lupe gets rightfully upset -> carson also too proud to admit that her gf is wrong and lupe IS right when it comes to 'whos the better coach’ ala esti stealing going wrong -> lupe asks to go on and carson says no bc she’ll get hurt -> lupe angry bc of this -> shut the fuck up gill -> high tension fight breaks out -> lupe gets most the blame bc shes not white and carson gets coaching responsibilities -> carson tries to make weak amends by asking her to pitch but lupe, still upset, says no -> carson lowkey bad coach everyone hounds her -> greta asks lupe what her deal is and lupe shouts at carson -> carson cries -> carson tries to force lupe to start but lupes still not having it -> max calls carson out on her inability to stick up for those who need it -> carson sees lupe hating herself -> carson apologies and lupe accepts -> carson puts her full trust in lupe and lupe lets her -> winning streak -> carson sees lupe talk to a comet -> greta tells carson she thinks its bc lupe wants to get traded bc she cares more about winning than the team -> doubt/distrust from carson which causes her to follow lupe to the gay bar -> miscommunication confrontation -> thank fuck jess is here to clear things up -> happy family from here on out yes? 
like the only time carson is solely responsible is when shes being a Naive White Woman™ who probably doesnt even notice the racism lupe is facing (no one did until she told jess about it) in relation to herself getting off scot-free. [ep5] shes mostly just dumb and doesnt have a backbone in an accidentally harmful way. and doesnt realise how it looks to lupe. 
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sherlolly-siya · 2 years
New stancys, you were not here..
I was going to wait for someone to say it more accurately but I’ve seen one too many impatient lot being surprised and disappointed by S4 stancy build up not leading anywhere. Trust me it is.
Those of of who, that have watched S1/S2 of stranger things neutrally and not just binged because of an edit, know this Nancy, they know this situation. What happened today with jancy is the same thing that happened with S1 stancy, albeit Jonathan and Nancy are at a far worse place. And if anyone has noticed, S4 has been all about callbacks, full circle moments, binding the things together. Let me try to show you how:
Season 1 and 2 Steve sucked at expressing his true feelings. Although he ditched his toxic friends, he still lived under the “king Steve” persona that was a douche. Its not that he didn’t care about Barb’s death, but his focus was on ensuring that he’s not in trouble and his solutions were to ignore the problem and pretend like they’re OK. [Let me note, in their relationship, Steve was the emotionally vulnerable one. He was the one who always challenged her.] Back in Season 1, Nancy was looking for answers, she needed someone who understood her situation. But she didn’t want to confront it. Her response to Barb’s death was to kill the monster. She didn’t mourn Barb’s loss, she went for revenge first. Looking at Steve day in and day out reminded her of that loss, forced her to face it. She didn’t fall out of love with Steve, but loving him became difficult, so she chose the easy way out. She retreated to the safety of Jonathan. (Yes Murray was and is still wrong till this date. That man has been nothing but wrong when it comes to untimely conclusions based on incomplete data, we’ve seen it happen and brushed it off as comedy.) In Season 2, when Steve questioned Nancy, if she still loved him, the answer was yes but to get there she had to face Barb’s death which she wasn’t ready to. Jonathan doesn’t challenge her, he has secrets of his own and he assumes she has too. He leaves it be and that works for her. Because that’s what she is comfortable with.
Steve’s “You’re there. You’ve always been there.” from season 4 is a literal parallel to his “Tell me, that you love me.” Even after thanking her for breaking up with him and making him realize his mistakes and telling her that he’s moving on slowly, he’s out there, still confessing to her that he is in fact in love with her. He hasn’t given up on that dream of having a future with her. This time, he doesn’t seek her response. It’s just facts. He’s loved her and still loves her. He’s right here. (with a subtext that if there is any universe in which she’ll have him than he’ll be right there. but he doesn’t say that out loud.) To Nancy however, this poses as question, as a difficult situation, because her feelings never went away. Now she has the same boy she broke up with, growing into the man embodying every virtue she loves and telling her that he still loves her. The boy she chose over Steve, is distancing himself from her. She’s looking for a correspondence and he is not available. She can see the cracks, the shared trauma isn’t holding up their relationship anymore. But Nancy is Nancy, she chooses safety. She was put in the trance because of her Barb trauma, but she did not dwell on that. When she came to, she told her friends about the massacre of Hawkins. Instead of addressing the pain she chose to kill the monster first. “Vecna cant hurt them. Not if he’s dead.”
So when Jonathan came back, she went to him. Because its easier to pretend to love him than to love Steve.
Edit: coz let's not take this out of context. Nancy has never had the opportunity to grow emotionally. She ran away from the one person who challenged her because it was too much. The guy she's been with so far, is emotionally stunted when it comes to his girlfriend. He's an excellent brother, but he's not a good boyfriend.
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daphnebowen · 10 months
hsmtmts season four episode four
Zac efron in baywatch is CRAZY BRO
richard Bowen: the French fry and the funnel cake
why does Mike suck at shopping? How do you buy cooking oil instead of tanning oil??? How do you do that???
”Ricky and Gina are just friends” yes Mike. Thank you for your input.
five nights in a row?!?!?!?!?!?
ricky is ranting to miss Jenn and Mike is crazy
MAKE GOOD CHOICES??? NO PROMISES??? What is he planning on doing tonight?!?!?!?
this song is really disturbing but also an absolute bop
spooky indeed…
okay I totally thought Ashlyn was going as ms Darbus too!!!!!! I never would have gotten Eleanor roosevelt??
”for the low low price of one of my cats for the day. That’s fine right?” No. No it’s not.
”let’s get this starty parted!!!!!!!!! Nope wait let me come in again”
”Bowen as baywatch???” Honey you’re not the only one who’s confused this is too hilarious
“I’m scared 😟”
again, ten reasons why kourtneys mom is the best parent
”wait. You think mr mazarra is HANDSOME?!”
“dude. Can’t say that.”
mike. Mike Mike Mike. Why would you only get one bag of candy on halloween??? Have you never had halloween before???
the fact that Mack knows EVERYONES NAMES except for Ricky’s that seems blatant right there tbh like how does he know jets and not Ricky’s???
”wow guy! The one who almost ruined the take!” “Wow.” “Yeah, like that!” Ricky is so over Mack I swear
“oh good, spark is here.” “His name is mark and you know this” they said with fake smiles and wide eyes
”sister slayed the remodel” “indeed she did”
”you got it… buddy” the most unconvincing thumbs up ever!
gina trying to hide her mark and spark poster board but it keeps bouncing back PKEASE DONT BE FORESHADOWING
kourtney is SLAYING
Ricky mocking jet is DEFINITELY josh “gotta play it cool tonight bro”
”iS tHaT fAbRiC?”
”jetty’s got a cruuush!”
only candy, Michael? Omg he’s so dumbbbb it’s giving “its only a song” “a song can mean everything”
he got her a bottle cap?? Tacky.
he’s a little bit too full of himself.
asking “who is it “ ON HALLOWEEN BRUH like it’s definitely not gonna be little kids looking for candy which, by the way, you don’t have! 🤦🏼‍♀️
I wanna be called “cutie” :(
“bestie of the week” so degrading
omg this is so chaotic I can’t even Dani is like confronting Ricky about his costume and Gina is so confused and Ricky isn’t sure what to say… this is messy yall
omg Maddox is dying
“AS A FRIENDDDD” girl just admit it already she’s so shook
Mad and mad are… bad YES THEY ARE MADLYN FOR LIFE
oh crap Mack why you have to go and say things like that
Ricky is so over it lmao the whole time Dani is talking he’s like “shut up shut up shut up” POOR GINA THOUGH
“Troy and Gabriella are characters, not a couple!!” - Kourtney
ricky: “well…”
”WHAAAAT???” The excited squeal is literally me every time something rina-y happens ♥️
the way Mack was like oh shiitake mushrooms and Dani’s look of astonishment - no, you two will not be cheating on each other with the best couple in history TODAY 😝
jet is a VIBE BRO- “I’m so glad this is out in the open, it was getting exhausting” honestly SAME
oh no. Gina’s mom. (She doesn’t deserve a name)
buddies. Always a bad sign 😳
richard just got friend zoned after him and Gina admitted they were a couple in front of all their friends. Oof. Can’t say I don’t blame him for running
”I like to dress up as Mary poppins and you like to give over the counter pharmaceuticals to children.” Yeah Jenn that’s probably a bad sign…
i agree mike and miss Jenn got together way too soon after the divorce it was like BAM and idk how to feel about it
maddox’s hair looks so cute curly!!
lowkey wish Emmy and Jet would have gotten a duet
sharing songs with each other is literally the first step in any perfect relationship you can not prove me wrong
SEBBIEEE!!!! He really is a knight in shining armor
”not harder than you not talking to me!” Oh, um, think again… BOMBSHELLS
awww ash’s voice is so good
ashlyn and Maddox’s chemistry is honestly super good they are both absolutely gorgeous and can sing like no one’s business (but technically ash and big red are still together, right? So… wouldn’t Ashlyn be cheating if anything were to happen??)
pause. Richard. Please don’t break up with Gina. That would be the stupidest thing you’ve ever done. I have faith in you tho.
the way pumpkin guy awkwardly climbed thru the window
i still can’t believe Seb cheated
jarred is literally the worst at reading social cues like bro can’t you see Seb and Carlos are going through something over here? Take a chill pill and let them figure it out before you jump in ugh
hes not even that good looking either LMAOOO
Poor sebbie! But he shouldn’t have cheated imo
yes Ricky. Unleash all of your problems on miss Jenn. She will help you. She will use her magic powers and fix everything.
Ricky looks like he has a unibrow BAHAHA
yes miss Jenn call in those reinforcements
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dantelionwishes · 3 years
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life is full of ups and downs downs downs downs dow
loredump under the cut. not kidding when I say its gonna be long!
oh shit you actually clicked keep reading thank you for your interest 😭😭😭
YOU KNOW THE DRILL tw // suggestive dont read ahead if youre uncomfortable with the topic of aphrodisiacs! 
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before anything, I gotta explain he was born to parents who had an infatuation quirk (makes them hardcore fall in love with you) and an infection quirk (transmits a virus via saliva)  
developed his quirk late, since they usually get it by the time kids are four 
most people knew him as quirkless before the first incident 
in middle school, his class was preparing for a school play, he and his classmate got cast as the main lead prince and princess 
coincidentally, they both had a crush on each other and had a scene where they kissed
technically they weren’t supposed to, since its just a play, but one time they were practicing in private and wanted to try kissing “for real”
so they shared a super giggly cute middle school first kiss but well UNFORTUNATELY FOR HIM HIS QUIRK HAD WELL DEVELOPED– 
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the only way for the quirk’s effects to go away is to come at least once or pleasuring yourself until it goes away
rip now that I’m thinking abt it, I don’t even think anybody would even kNOW HOW TO MAKE IT GO AWAY so lets imagine she painfully stays that way until they figure out how to make it stop :^(
there’s a big fight that happens between the teachers, principal, and parents of both parties 
of course the crush’s parents got mad and called their kid a fuckin uhhhhh sexual predator or some shit despite also beING THE SAME AGE AND NOT EVEN KNOWING ABT HIS OWN QUIRK LIKE HELLLO
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obviously an incident like this is going to spread like wildfire but the principal does not want something like this to leak, especially since it was not on purpose and was a total accident 
the other kid’s parents and some teachers did not feel comfortable however, and sato was forced to drop out
but not wanting to spread the gossip about their son’s quirk and the incident, they leave the town and move someplace else
thankfully, the principal gives the sato family his good grades and a recommendation to a decent highschool for the trouble
they’re originally from osaka, but moved to tokyo 
this is where they start taking precautions with sato, basically teaching him to be careful with his saliva 
it was easily taught and learned esp since the mom was already like that around him and others everyday anyway!! she has to take care of her saliva-based infection quirk, after all 
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he got enrolled into a regular highschool in tokyo
no hero course, no support course, no business, just a regular ol’ school
if before, he loved surrounding himself with people, this was where he was forced to develop a lonely disposition to protect himself and others
at least his parents were very protective and supportive of him and they were generally a happy family!
but in school, pretending to be quirkless was just as difficult, getting bullied or pitied for having no special abilities 
his excuse for wearing a mask all the time was because his mother had a virus-related quirk, and had to be careful 
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one day his dad was suddenly got really, really sick
the more he had an excuse to wear a mask because he didnt want to get whatever disease his father started to develop 
sato started thinking it could be his mother (but why?) the results didn’t say anything about an unknown virus killing him (which is his mom’s quirk), and that his father really did contract a strong yet very normal disease 
while on his second year in highschool, his father, yozo sato, died 
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apparently, without him knowing anything about his parents, his mother, oba sato, was actually under the dad’s infatuation quirk this whole time
she realised she wasn’t really in love with him when oba had accidentally allowed a drop of her saliva to fall into the meal she was making him, making him sick, and therefore making him weak enough to deactivate his quirk on her 
oba, back in her college years, wanted to marry someone else but yozo, who had a crush on her wanted her to himself, used his quirk to make him fall in love with her 
so in revenge for making her put up with him all these years to the point of marriage and having a kid, she continued to do this to his food 
her quirk doesn’t make anybody sick enough to die, but it made her husband’s immune system weak enough to the point that it contracted a real, serious disease which he ended up dying from instead 
sato only finds out the real story when he graduates from highschool, days right after his graduation the mom confesses it all 
she does say she truly loves him, but can’t stay around him knowing he was technically “unconsensual love”
sato gets reminded of what his quirk does, and true enough, that’s what him and his quirk turned out to be (a sick combination of his mom and his dad) 
they cant bear to be around each other after that revelation and decide to just not see each other again 
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he enrolls into an education course, inspired by the kind principal who helped him finish his middleschool-highschool education when it all started going downhill 
sato struggles paying for his college fees esp since he doesn’t exactly have his parents supporting him anymore, nor any contact with immediate family 
he has a lot of part time jobs that go all around the clock, he continues pretending to be quirkless so he gets bullied, and has to deal with all that emotional baggage plus being alone so…….clearly my man is TIRED as hell 
his side job hustles include: convenience store cashier, bookstore attendant, bar bouncer, and rookie gym trainer (he went to the local gym long enough for him to get recommended a job as a trainer)
college was that point where he starts developing a hardcore yearning for a companion because oh my god hes so lonELY (but cant)
there’s this bully guy who always picks on him in college (for being “quirkless” and a loner and overall a fuckin weirdo with a mask)
tbh sato doesnt really give a shit he’s so used to it but he doesnt have his mother as an excuse to wear the mask anymore, this is where he starts forming the “I have bad breath” excuse 
“口臭い” (kuchi kusai) translates to “bad breath” or “stinky mouth” so sato unlovingly gets nicknamed “kusato”
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one day he’s walking around the campus at night and finds the bully with his gang cornering another quirkless student, with plans of assaulting her 
sato was never the hero type, and was about to ignore the commotion as to not get involved, but something in him moved on its own and he found himself face to face with the gang 
he confronts them, but the bully mocks both him and the girl for not having powers to stop them anyway 
SIKE BITCH sato’s able to easily strike the other two guys, knock them off their feet enough to be able to tug the to-be victim aside, telling her to report them, before asking her to run away as fast as she can
none of the guys want that (they’re all students) so they have a full on brawl (and this isnt hero academy, its a totally normal university so I wouldn’t assume these guys had very impressive quirks)
except the main bully actually has a pretty decent quirk (he’s like a kinda half human half dragon with sharp claws, scales, and dragon eyes) and gets to injure sato with his sharp claws, seriously injuring his face
a part of his ear is also sort of sliced off, which is how his mask gets accidentally removed in the process 
the dragon bully grabs him by the collar and starts angrily shouting at him for ruining his night, being able to do all this shit without a quirk and all and all other derogatory speech 
“Well? what do you have to say for yourself?!“ 
Sato stays silent before spitting right into the bully’s mouth 
The bully drops him immediately, about to angrily fuck him up for doing something super fucking gross but WHOOP WHOOP YOU KNOW WHATS BOUTTA HAPPEN the quirk works immediately and the bully is a TOTAL MESS on the ground 
Im going to TLDR this part cos its…obviously nsfw but like: sato fully embarrasses him in public (beside the bully’s two colleges nonetheless) 
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sato stays in the hospital for some time to heal from his wounds 
fortunately, afterwards, the bullies all get expelled 
unfortunately for sato, he also gets expelled for engaging in bad behaviour, and the bully did say what happened to him (and the college principal did not want his…dangerous quirk on campus) so as to lower any incident, all four were expelled 
at least without having to pay for college fees anymore, he could fully focus on paying for food, shelter, and clothes 
minus of course the hospital bills needed to pay plus he got a sick ass scar from it anyway HAHAHAHA BSDJHJRHDHF
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he had a lot of jobs here and there, but was more or less doing best as a trainer at a local gym where people weren’t allowed to use their quirks and strengthen their body regularly 
a few years went by and he eventually shrugged off everything that happened in his final college years but one day someone familiar walked into the gym! It was the fellow college student he saved!!!
she became a policewoman who wanted to get stronger in this quirkless friendly gym and hadn’t given up on her dreams of being a “hero,” inspired by how sato saved her that day
sato never really saw himself as some hero, he was left many nights alone thinking about how easily he could become a villain with his quirk, so hearing that really made him happy 
he trains her as her gym coach and she eventually asks him to join her patrol this small part of the city from a gang that was currently going around doing crimes since he’s good at it anyway, saying she could use some extra hands hehe
so yeah!! he does this side gig with her where he patrols alongside her looking for gang crimes and such c:
thank you for reading all the way here!!!
feel free to ask for questions or for any clarifications 😭😭😭!!!!!!
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kim-monsterlings · 4 years
Danon - M Hellhound x F Human (Reader) // NSFW
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The pictures do not belong to me. I only created the mood board. Do not repost my work anywhere.
Content: NSFW/Lemon; injury (brief, not to reader), mild aggression, mentions of death, soul bonding, fluff, receiving oral, penetrative sex (+ knotting), marking (no biting - tattoo), more fluff to top it off, with the NSFW only at the very end - (if there is anything else anyone would like tagged here that I haven't caught, let me know!)
Wordcount: 3715
 The creature rested at your front door had been your shadow for some time now.
 The raven fur thick at its scruff tinged with a crimson the nearer you came, and though you doubted its domesticity - its claws were far too long for any house pet, not to mention in place of fluffy ears were ram horns, wide and curled back to its neck - you still felt sympathy for the creature, wounded as it was.
 You first saw it nearly a month ago, trailing at your shadow when the evening fell into night. If the creature had wanted to have you then, it would have. The flash of fanged teeth hadn't been so unusual, until the muzzle almost tore back, sinew and tendons sewing flesh together, up to it skull. Then you'd known it wasn't quite a dog, nor some odd breeding anomaly, and had fought to ignore the memory.
 Until the creature was at your backdoor come dawn when you went to the river for water and herbs for medicine. You were no healer, not properly, but your parents had passed down knowledge you cherished and made use of. Poultices ready-made waited for collection, all the while your stalker sat by the tree line, waiting; you weren't sure what for.
 To see it so defeated when it was usually full of life tugged you down to your knees. The first time you had confronted it - in a rage of foolishness, really, considering how lucky you had been to avoid any harm at its infliction, the creature had staggered back almost in shock at having stones thrown, before letting loose a growl so low your muscles locked, and you thought then you had incited your own death, as its muzzle nudged up at your fist, the creature large enough to come to your hips like a pony.
 The memory was nothing now. You whispered, hoping to soothe the dog-like demon when you brushed its fur. It gave a low whine, and tail thin like a whip with an arrowed tip tucked neater to its belly. Whatever it was, was decisively male, but your focus was more on the scratches curled deep into its stomach, and the wound on its throat must have been from another creature of the same kind.
 "Hey, boy," you said and offered your hand for him to sniff. The notion struck you as pointless; obviously he recognised you, laying at your door after following for so long, but the press of a hot nose was more reassurance to you than anything. "Stay still. You'll be okay, boy."
 The idea of letting him inside was daunting, but you couldn't just leave him there to die. No matter why he followed you, he had come to you now for help, and you pressed onto his back carefully. When he snarled, you winced through gritted teeth.
 "Come on, boy." You tucked your hands beneath his back enough to encourage him up. Your door was open. All he had to do was collapse inside. "Go on-"
 With a pitiful whine, he fell heavily against your thigh as you led him in. He managed to carry himself to the fireplace before landing with a thud, and though he still breathed, you weren't surprised to find him now unconscious.
 Treating a dog was different from humans but you made do with what you had, and you couldn't do anything more than that. What you noticed, even as you tried not to, was the thick stench of something foul and smoky on washing away blood, and something about it twisted at you. Like it was unnatural. There wasn't anything natural to a dog of his size, with horns and a tail like that, nor a muzzle so wide and sharp, but you had already invited him in and tended to his wounds, so you moved on.
 You left a bowl of water and some old meat at his side but when you retreated to your room, sharp canines snatched your wrist. His eyes flicked up to you, a bright, burning red against his ashen body. When you conceded and sat at his side, a soft whimper enticed your fingers to his scruff, careful to avoid the horns and shallow wound.
 "You're okay," you hummed, holding still when he inched close enough to lay a heavy head on your thighs. "You'll be okay, boy. You’ll be healthy again, and you won't even try to eat me, will you? No," you whispered, and spoke until his eyes fell shut.
 That night you spent curled uncomfortably back against the sofa, falling in and out of a restless sleep. You woke before dawn to find the beast gone, and in his place was a man. The first, natural instinct that came to you was to scream; his head was nuzzled against your thighs, a hand curled at your hip and clutching loosely, but the familiarity struck you before the screech came.
 His body was the same black of his fur, a rich, almost obsidian, but the giveaway was the tail twined to his bare legs. Even still, his mouth seemed off, a little too wide, and the short nubs at his temples, though dramatically smaller horns, were the same.
 So you yawned, snatching the blanket off the sofa and laying it across his thin body, too. Waking hours later with daylight on your face, you were alone. He had rested you on the sofa with a pillow beneath your head and the blanket up to your neck. It melted away remnants of fear, after being alone with not only some demonic hound, but a strange man, too, more than capable of harming you.
 It was a struggle to continue your day as you normally would, but it was a weekend, so a short trip out was all you needed. You were back before midday but still alone. Alone until well into the evening, almost convinced it had been a fever dream until you had finished changing into comfortable clothes, and the silhouette standing in your kitchen turned, tail wound at his bare ankle.
 The tail flicked and he watched you with glowing eyes, which darted back from you to the door. "If you would rather I leave-"
 "No. No, stay." His head canted much like it had when he was the creature, and you smiled, offering him a change of clothes you had bought; not so much a change, but something to cover up with. "I'd like the company, and an explanation."
 He apparently had no shame, and you had to admit, he needn't have any. His body was taut, and once more you were drawn to admiring him. The clothes hung off his frame, adding to his general unruliness - his hair particularly, ruffed with thick curls nearly enshrouding the nubby horns.
 The stranger was a foot or so taller than you, stiffening when you reached out towards him. He blinked when you introduced yourself, before whispering, "my name is Danon. It's okay," he said, and tipped his head down.
 They were rough, thick at the base, and Danon's breath caught when you stroked up to the tips. Horns of a devil, yet he stood before you still weakened by wounds visible, though closed over at his throat, at least. No blood stained the white shirt yet, so you instead moved past to make a drink for you each.
 "Start from the beginning, Danon."
 His lips twitched, though the smile didn't last. "I am a hellhound. We guide souls on from their lives here. My life is owed to you."
 You sipped in quiet until it helped calm your thoughts. Sat opposite a hellhound, you needed the strength. "Sounds lonely."
 His voice trembled. "It is."
When Danon chose not to elaborate, you embraced the quiet. He had only sniffed at the tea, but you wouldn't force him to drink it. With his hands so large, clawed, the mug shrunk between them.
He still remained quiet, so you watched him carefully and said, "you followed me for a month."
 "It was meant to be you."
 Danon's lips pulled back like he was snarling down at his mug, but the action somehow only made a smile grow on your face. He snapped his head up, slamming the mug down hard enough the handle shattered free.
 "It was your life I was sent for. Not the elder man. You. Say something," he bit out, a snarl coming audibly now when you just looked at him, heart-pounding but face unchanging. "Is that it? You don't care about your own life? I could snatch it from you now, leave you there breathless until-" he bit his cheek sharp as his tail swung out in short whips. "I chose to give you time."
 The only sound you could make was a breathless, "why?"
 "I watched you long before revealing myself."
 "Oh, don't tell me," you cut in, rolling your eyes. "You fell in love with me? Is that it?"
 "Very funny," you snapped, and Danon's throat bobbed. Like you had done, he said nothing, and you began to grip your mug tighter. "Tell me you're lying. You killed someone because you love me?"
 "His time had come. I sent him in place of your soul. The world cannot lose you. The way you care for these people… not one other soul is so caring. You deserve to live."
 "But he didn't?"
 Danon's long tipped ears twitched, almost pinning back once your voice sharpened. He thumbed the crack in the mug with his claw and grunted, "we can claim a soul. I fought for yours and until I choose to let you pass," he glanced up, finding your face ashen. "You will live. The elder was sickly. Longer for him would be a cruelty. His soul was so far gone I couldn't resist guiding him. It's like… like an itch."
 Questions sprouted endlessly the more he spoke, and you fully intended to return to the matter of him claiming your soul, but he hunched over, and you wondered if it took a toll on him, being the one to cart people from this life. Better to have a guide than not, but your mind drifted to the man whose passing you'd heard of nearby; very old, very sick, and in a way, it was an easing of pain.
 "Don't I itch?"
 His warm laughter came as a surprise. Danon's tail swayed gently. "No. You're like a beacon to me. I need to scratch the itch, but your soul is where I return to. When you healed me, you accepted my claim. For simplicity," he murmured, canting his head a little to hold your eyes. "We are bound, 'til death do us part. It is late."
 Like that, Danon dismissed the questions burning in your mind. He rose, his form slender and lean, before rounding the table towards you. His claws pressed beneath your chin and he fell low, so close his breath brushed your face. The warmth in your stomach tightened your chest. If Danon lowered himself a little more, you would lean into his kiss without pause.
 "I will never apologise for choosing you."
 Sleep evaded you for a long time. Knowing that a creature of hell was resting in the lounge gave you plenty to torment over, and like he knew, the soft padding of paws entered your room. The beast huffed a heavy breath against your hand before curling at the foot of your bed, a weight that left you curled into yourself. His presence was a comfort, even as you struggled to stop thinking of him.
 He loved you. He loved you, and he had bound your souls together.
 Sometime in the night as your thoughts became heavier, the bed dipped. The creature rose, a yawn baring sharp teeth in a display that had frightened you nights ago, before whining quietly. He nudged at your arm until you let him lay close, nosing at your throat and whining again until you were able to rest.
 Danon wasn't by your side when you woke. There wasn't a trace of him left. The shattered mug had been cleared away, the smoky scent that followed him was gone, and the comfort with it. You almost thought it had been a dream, a delirious lie after being alone too long, and forced yourself to go about your day as you would normally. If Danon came home, it would be of his own choice.
 He staggered into your room three nights gone and collapsed to his knees in reaching out to you. It was the thick of night, so you woke with a cry at somebody waking you. Danon caught your face in clammy palms and hushed you. It was without a word that you kicked back the sheets for him, and he crawled beside you - bare, but so exhausted you couldn't find it in you to care as he clutched you tight with a rough sigh.
 It wasn't the time for questions, but you leaned back as far as you could with his arms snaked against you, brushing your hand against his burning cheek. "I missed you."
 His glowing eyes blinked down at you. "You missed me?"
 You hummed and leaned into his chest. "Did you have an itch?"
 His chest rose beneath you but it was answer enough. Danon's kiss was tentative, pressed to your temple like a breath, fleeting when he laid his cheek to your crown. "I missed you, too."
 "Tell me what it means to have my soul claimed."
"Come morning, you may ask me anything."
 "Will you be here?"
 The hellhound paused a breath. "I'm never far," he said, but it was answer enough as you woke entwined, cheek to his shoulder and with a tail draped over your hips.
 For a creature of hell, sunlight blessed him. The sharp angles of his face looked softer in the golden hue, and you were free to admire him until he grumbled and peeked open an eye at you. Danon's brows dipped when he found you already awake, but you were quick to catch his arm before he could lean away.
 "I fought for the right to your soul," he murmured, thick with sleep and slightly slurred. "It is mine. Nothing can take you without me releasing you."
 "Don't I own my own soul?"
 "It is mine," he said against the pillows, grumbling and turning away. Though as he fought to muffle himself, his arm around you tightened. "Pretty soul, too."
 "Am I immortal?" Danon breathed a laugh. His tail flicked down your legs and he shook his head. "Are you?"
 "If I wish to pass on, I may."
 The words were rough and muffled now he had found a spot on the pillow to hide from the light, but you spoke still. If he was in your bed, he would answer your questions. "Will you pass on when I do?"
 He hummed, "I might." You frowned, and he let out a rumble of a growl, turning fully from the pillow. Danon rose over you until you were laid back beneath him. "It is dependent on you."
 "Me?" You blanched, "why me?"
 "How attached I am. I never," he growled, and would have lurched back if not for your touch brushing his arm. "I never intended to claim someone. Your soul is my burden-"
 "I'm a burden?"
 Danon snarled, but you bit back a smile at the gesture. He brought himself close, forehead to yours, and whispered, "I loved you before claiming you. That is my burden alone. May I?"
 Throat tight, you tried to hold your voice steady when you asked, "may you?"
 "May I sleep?"
 Your breath rushed from you and you forced a nod, laying still as he nestled back into the pillows. Danon's hand skimmed your stomach when you slid free, and his tail snagged at your ankle before unwinding.
  Days passed much like that, and each in his presence weakened you. Confessions came in soft whispers when, to him, they were the only possible answer to yet another of your questions. You asked him if he had a home. He did; loose curls fell against his horns, brushed his dark eyes, and the answer, though he never did anything more than smile at you, echoed in your chest. It was the same reason he came back after a soul needed guiding, and the isolation of what he was struck you when he returned, falling into your arms no matter where he found you.
 The worst came when he was gone nearly a fortnight. Some nights you doubted if he would come back to you, and the memory of him seeing you as beacon became your clutch. You had taken to resting on the small sofa in the days, knowing that if he came back in the light, you would wake.
 His whine was so soft you thought him to be the beast when a warmth brushed your cheek, but arms tucked beneath you and curled you into a bare chest. Danon's lips lingered on your forehead before he laid you on your bed, whispering your name as he began to free you from your dress. The lace parted easily for him, and you brought his hands up to your sleeves when he made to turn, helping him undress you until you were left only in your underwear.
 "Don't stay away so long," you whispered, reaching out to brush back his loose curls. Danon trembled when you ran your thumb against his horns. "What if you didn't come back to me?"
 He closed his eyes and leaned into your palm. "That will never happen."
 "This isn't one-sided," you said. Lengthened teeth cut into his lower lip when you slowly parted your legs beneath him, and Danon's hips fell against yours. He let out a breathless moan when your touch pressed to his lips and he let them part, tongue hot against you. "Did you not think I loved you?"
 He whined, and his head fell heavy onto your chest. You gasped when he kissed the soft skin as it fell low, and his hands settled on your hips. "Tell me you do."
 "I might," you said, and he was peppering softer kisses across your breast, hot lips drawing on your nipple until you groaned. "You'll have to do more than that first."
 Danon's lips curled up against your stomach, and relief flooded you when he moved lower. His thumbs stroked small circles into your thighs when he pressed his hot tongue to the fabric clinging to your body, tasting you through it. His teeth caught at the hem and as you lifted your hips, he snatched them off and returned as fast, kissing purple flushes onto your legs before pausing.
 "Tell me now."
 With a small smile, you reached low to hook a finger against his horn, and breathed, "not yet, love."
 He snarled half-heartedly before a long drag of his tongue made you choke. Danon flicked the muscle up until it nudged to your nerves, earning a sharp cry of his name in pleasure. The heat now rushing through you began to pool in your gut, and tightened with the passion he began to lap at you with. The hound growled low, and the shock of it ran in shivers through you.
 Claws curled against your skin and he pressed your legs back to your chest. The same fire you felt throbbing glowed in his eyes, and he almost held your stare for as long as he stretched your tight body around his tongue, if you hadn't shuddered and bucked against him.
 "Danon-" His nose forced hot air against you, nosing up at your clit and you stuttered out a plea, grasping at his hair and grinding your hips up to his face. "I need you. I need you to-Danon-"
 He yelped when you dragged him up, and his body rubbed hard against you. The weight of him slick and nudging to your core made you wriggle, and he palmed your stomach with a small smile, the other hand circling his cock and guiding it up so his head rubbed to your nerves.
 "If we do this, you will wear my mark." He turned to kiss your knee as it came against his shoulder. "Am I what you want?"
 The shine to eyes was so innocent that you nodded, tangling your fingers in his hair again to drag him against you. "I love you."
 Your voice broke on a hoarse cry. Danon laid over you, your legs strained up against him a way that had your body so tight and stuffed when his cock drove deep. His lips, thick and sweetened by your taste, parted on a heady groan with each thrust, each clench of your thighs dragging him deeper.
 At that moment, your souls recognised the other; they must have done, with a feeling of belonging overcoming you as Danon cradled your face, running away a tear of pleasure. He rutted up as he began to gasp and shake, a weight slamming against your centre. He soothed you with a whisper of his love, and grinned at your answering whine before the claw of his thumb flicked your clit. Bolts of pleasure knotted in your core. You cried, seeing white and locking tight in the same second Danon thrust hard, the knot forced into you and sticking.
 You felt him come, thick and hard until he was panting and kissing down your throat. The black swirls of his mark formed across your chest and Danon held you close as his knot swelled all the more.
 "Stay here." He swallowed, nipping at your jaw before meeting your eyes. "Stop travelling," you said quietly, and Danon's fingers running down your hips paused, splaying wide as he looked down at you. Your traced his chest, drawn to the stretch of his skin where a matching mark laid. "Care for this village, the neighbouring ones. You said you only take souls at their time. Guide theirs."
 "Stay with you?" His small smile tugged at your heart. Danon slid his arm lower to lift you up against him, brushing a soft kiss to your lips. "I will try."
I wrote Danon in like one sitting and honestly? He stole my heart. I don't know how it happened but this is the longest thing I've written that wasn't intended to be two parts. Danon is now my baby, and I hope you all loved him too - let me know if you did! Threw in the NSFW as a treat to myself. We love indulgent writing. Thank you for getting this far <3
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Vader vs Obi Wan- Should it happen?
There is a huge debate going on in the fandom regarding whether Vaderwan fight in the new Disney+ series. There is a part of the fanbase that is dead set against it saying 'It breaks the lore, makes their fight in deathstar a bit meaningless' while another part goes 'It makes sense to have Vaderwan fight in an Obi-Wan show. It doesnt actually retcon anything'.
You know what? I actually agree with the later....
Okay okay, hear me out first before y'all come breaking down my door.
Do you really not believe that Vader and Obi-Wan never met ONCE in those long 20 years? Do you really think Vader had wouldn't have gone all out to find Obi-Wan and get his revenge? Do you really think Obi-Wan was able to stay in Tatooine without any fear of being found?
Becuz i dont think so. I really think it makes sense that Anakin/Vader is obsessed with his old master and would stop at nothing until he found him. I don't think he'll realize that Obi-Wan has been hiding out in his home planet, since Obi-Wan does leave Tatooine (We'll come to this in a second). But them meeting each other in these 20 years is inevitable. Y'all remember when Vader says 'Obi-Wan once thought as you did' when Luke says that there is still good in him in Episode 4? This means that there must have been a confrontation between them where Obi-Wan does try pleading to Vader/Anakin to come back to the light, doesn't it? That means they have met at least once after Anakin falls to the darkside and before A New Hope.
Vader also says 'I feel a presense. A presense i haven't felt since......' Since when? Mustafar? No.... He doesn't actually say. So there is still room to assume that they have met a few years prior.
Yes, Vader says that last time they had met, he 'was but a learner' and now he's 'a master'. Well, most of you assumed that Anakin was a learner in the literal sense, an apprentice to his master. But Anakin was not Obi-Wan's padawan at the time of the mustafar fight. He was a jedi knight and a former master to Ahsoka himself. So we cant really take what he said on the Deathstar in a literally.
He could have meant that- Last time we met, I was understanding the extent of my full powers and learning how to control it to destroy anyone or anything i want. Now, i know that the show takes place 10 years after ROTS so yeah, it still doesn't make any sense. But the context in which it is taken by the fans is also not right. So it won't break the lore, not exactly.
Its never mentioned anywhere that the two never meet before episode 4. So, its acceptable that they do meet. But does it make the fight in the Deathstar meaningless? Not if Disney handles it right. Vader felt surprised to have felt Obi-Wan's presence, almost as if.... he hadn't expected Obi-Wan to be alive. Maybe Obi-Wan fakes his death in the Obi-Wan show, dampens his force presense to make it seem like he's dead (it's not its his first time doing it *cough* Rako Hardeen deception ark in the Clone Wars *cough*) or something along the lines, really making Vader believe that Obi-Wan is no longer a problem. But we need to see how it happens in the show itself....
As for Obi-Wan leaving Tatooine? Some fans really don't don't like this idea and i get why. But consider this. The inquisitors are lead to Tatooine in search of the Jedi and in order to protect Luke, Obi Wan had to leave the planet before anyone can make a connection to Luke. Obi-Wan would do anything to keep the little Skywalker safe and draw danger's attention away from his home planet, even if it means he might get caught or killed in the process (That self sacrificing idiot🙄)
So its not really that much of a stretch to see him go off planet. But who will he leave behind to take care of Luke, we'll find out in the show.
Overall, the show (so far from what I've seen of the trailers) looks good. I'm really excited to see Ewan and Hayden back in their iconic roles. And i really hope Disney doesn't f*ck this up. Its their last chance at redemption, what with Obi-Wan and Darth Vader being 2 of their 3 most important star wars characters, along with Luke. They screw this up, the franchise goes down the drain. No doubt. This is their 'do or die' one-shot at redemption. I hope they know this.
Its rated 9+. So it wont be really dark. Which is a bit confusing, cuz i really expected the show to be rated atleast 15+. But, as long the story makes sense, the show stays true to its character and the action is awesome, i don't mind the lack of 'too dark' in it.
I'm tryna manage my expectations and not get too excited, but i cant help it. I'm really stoked, but I'm keeping my finger's crossed.
Lemme know what you guys think of Vaderwan fighting in the Obi-Wan Show.
Obi-Wan fighting hand to hand is just🔥🔥🔥
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psychshalala · 3 years
Hold on what is this whole Stockholm syndrome thing?
My mind truly cant comprehend how people think sometimes. No wonder my arguments always filled with questions. I just simply dont get it.
“A hostage and abuse victim stuck with their abuser” and u define that hak and yonas relationship?
Let me tell u little about how hak loves yona.
He gave his heart to her. Has unshakable trust in her. Respects her. Her number one supporter. Finds the joy in seeing her grow. Yona is his strength, his inspiration and his love.
“Princess, if you can be happy then to me thats my greatest happiness” - hak.
Did ur bae ever say that to u?... yeah i thought so.
He loved her in times he believed she would never return his feelings back yet he was happy as long as she was happy with whom ever she chooses. (Talk about respect)
He thought about her and her loneliness choosing to stay despite his own longing for his family after missing them for so long. (Talk about care and selflessness)
He is playful and goofy around her and yes he teases her from time to time to get her energy up. Fighting? More like goofing around.  (Talk about cuteness)
His trust in her is unbreakable. When she says she can, he might not always agree (with good reason) but he always has her back. Always lets her know he will be by her side no matter what.
He respects her, has faith in her whether in training, in the battle field or everyday. and he never fails to show her that and let her know. knows her strengths and weaknesses yet never stands in her way when she takes a leap and instead he gives her a hand. 
He is always the most proud of her accomplishments and Finds the strength and joy in seeing her grow and become stronger. Loves seeing her struggle because from struggle comes growth.
Forceful? Abuser?
Yall forgot so fast how this man literally had to feed her with his own hands to keep her alive after the betrayal toke place. That man carried her pain with his own. Not to mention having to leave his family, name and home cause the guy he trusted with his life, loved as a brother and called his best friend forced him to. Yet he still prioritized yona and his tribe before himself, was even willing to leave on his own taking full responsibility of something he never did. 
That man cried for the first time in this whole anime so far when he first confronted soo wan. the moment u realize holy shit, that guy is in fucking pain. U realize that that man had held his feelings and pain inside this whole time to help yona recover. The selflessness this man shows sets fucking standard to its highest level. AND HE STILL CARES ABOUT SOO WAN!
What u talking about Stockholm syndrome? Where u getting that from? From him licking her hand filled with honey? U guys Acting like he raped her.
Talking about forcing himself on yona. From the beginning he was always playful with his flirting. 1st time he tried kissing her he told her she could easily refused. And threw most them yona was completely oblivious 🤦🏻‍♀️ telling me he convinced her.
The guy apologized after kissing her in the cheek cause he thought he wouldn’t see her again. He was always gentle with her while being his playful self. And u always find yonas Guard down around him cause she is so comfortable being herself with him, to the point she only shows hak her weakness.
So easy to talk about a characters flaws when ur only looking for flaws. U even start creating invalid shit like that as an excuse.
What u call Yona kissing hak without his permission? Where are the complaints please? Where are the human rights activists? Where the lawyers at? Thats sexual harassment. This bish stole what might be his first kiss and in what right and thats before his confession so bo excuse. Yona told him she wanted to touch him and he gave her a hug. The lord said ask and u shall receive, where is the force here? She ran away cause of her smell yet that man embraced her and told her she smells so good and ur boy friend be here screaming at u to put some deodorant. know u damn self worth!!! And dont get me started on yu-hon and yong hi if u wanna talk being forceful but NOOoo thats so romantic! Fucking kill me please!
Soo wan killed her father, tried to kill her and since he couldn’t he forcefully toke over the throne and chased her out of her home. Never trusts her until she begs all the damn time while treating her like a child And now just cause he spared her life 2 times which he didnt really have any other choice cause then hell would let loose or maybe just maybe cause of little fucking guilt for what he did to her and she hugs him one time to Comfort a guy in pain and suddenly they are a match made in heaven? 🤡🤡
Basically when u look at the general picture soo wan broke yona and hak helped put her back together with stronger material. And yall want him to get out the way of true romance? Cause he is rebuilding a country on the blood and wounds of the people he so call loves? The born Genius soo wan couldnt find another way. U guys break my fucking heart. To see such injustice.
What a sad world we live in.
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papers4me · 3 years
Fruits Basket Manga Review , ch 109
-The Tragedy of a an episodic format attempting to connect narrative in a series: (Tohru’s Background or Kyo’s Focus?)
One of my issues with se03, ep6 (other than it being 3 chapters combined horribly with new material added for shock value) is that it was weakly undecided who would be the focus? who would the narrative follow?: Is it tohru’s own pov abt herself? is it the gramps giving boring exposition abt tohru over weak still images of flashbacks or is kyo thinking abt tohru’s pain?
The truth is, it was all the above in the manga, but the manga gave each a chapter focus so that the chapter is well-directed with focused narrative. The anime weakly jumbled the 3 chapters together as they always do. You mix chapters & tada~ you got an ep, you only need a broad weak theme that connects the dots! here: it is tohru! & that’s it. As long as the 3 chapters discuss tohru in any form & manner, nothing will seem off if we put them next to each other in a 20 minute ep! right? riiiiiight ????
.. this was never a correct way. Just like a chapter needed a narrative direction, the ep is the same!!
ch 107: The beginning of tohru’s pov on her realization abt loving kyo.
ch108: tohru’s full pov of shock upon reaching the conclusion that she loves him & the beginning of her mom’s issues & abandonment.
ch109: Kyo’s pov abt tohru’s pain & his involvement, guil & the sheet hug.
ch110: (completely cut from the anime!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Kyoru’s part: the aftermath of kyo & tohru crossing the line of being in the most vulnerable & intimate, building towards a more crushing impact of the climax. The stronger & more painful their love is, the more it will hurt. Also a yuchi buildup?!!!!
-so, you see each chapter has a direction i& a narrative it follows independently that is weaved together to make a connected tissue of the overall plot. The anime puts the 3 chapters next to each other & we are lost on who to follow? kyo or tohru or the gramps. That’s why it feels tohru is weak & her two chapters worth of pov is stolen from her cuz it cut or shortened to include the grandpa, kyo, isuzu, shigure & let’s not forget (kazuma, yuki & haru) at the beginning, the dramatic shock value addition & OP & ED. All these take valuable screen time. The ep shocks us by moving from tohru to kyo. One minute she’s crying with him on the streets, next he’s at the grave & she’s visiting isuzu.
Kyo said he isn't going to the grave in the ep, upon seeing him actually going, I just assumed he wanted to avoid, hana, cuz I’m so invested in his story that I remember sth happened in se1, ep 14.. ages ago, The anime didn’t even allow kyo to inner talk abt avoiding hana... In their weird mind, kyo only inner talks in dramatic situations..See the difference!
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Not only the writer (a) reminds us why kyo avoided the grave visit, she also (b) seized the opportunity to shine lifht onto an issue that will be the center of kyo’s struggles: Running away!
The anime introduce this in kyo’s pov only when kyo confronts tohru. Only when it was needed & couldnt be avoided. This is sth that will be the core of all the climax & the aftermath as well! Kyo running away.. How bad are you if you avoid inserting one line only that can be said in few seconds & establish great deal & foreshadow plenty!!!!!!!!!! I can’t for the life of my understand why short lines are cut from kyo when in the anime they have him be standing silent in the graveyard. Like slap the line above the silent scene!!!!! But doing so means the anime team understands tohru & kyo’s issues. They don’t. Not the slightest.
-Ep 6 signals the beginning of the anime moving from episodic format of se1, 2 & 5 eps of se3 & entering a connect plot. The anime doesn’t know how to do that & screwed tohru in the process. The protagonist’s main issues are one ep worth only. The antagonist main issues are one ep only (ep7).  Ep 6, was treated as a stand alone ep (minus the inserted shock scene to create a lingering issue that needs a following ep to explain. TOLD YOU they don’t know how to make a series!). Thus the following ep 7 is akito’s focus. Everything that was established in ep 6 was pit on hold until akito reaches the craziest mindset for the climax. See why ep 6 was so bad? it is Should NOT be a stand alone ep.
-The plot connects kyoru emotional & physically: (Kyo’s chapter with a tohru’s focus:
Unlike the anime, the chapter knows what it’s presenting 7 where it’s going. Kyo’s issues. This ch focuses on him uncovering parts of his past as it connects with tohru’s. Unlike the anime, we know why kyo's connection to kyoko’s past. The anime is hiding this for the climax, no problem, it can still work both ways. However, hiding kyoko /kyo connection doesn't necessarily mean hiding kyoko/tohru connection. But the anime is cutting this to milk it in an ova or series next year~ no problem,  it can still work if you handle this ep’s  flashback better. for all the artistic creativity they inserted in the added scene, they failed miserably in tohru’s flashback portion. how?
By choosing a frontal pov shot in tohru’s grandpa flashback as if the audience are the ones who abandoned tohru or opening the door to find her alone. it does NOT work at all. why? the audience are encouraged to be like tohru since ep 1 as tohru is the mother, angel, fixer & endearing hopeful girl. The audience will NEVER abandon tohru, that’s why tohru’s story felt disconnected & weak in the anime. Not knowing what kyoko did, who would abandon such child?! differently not us. so why use the frontal pov shot? -_-’
-tohru confesses her pain to kyo without being ushered by isuzu, without any outside factor. She simply visited the grave & came home. hiding her pain. once again. like she always do. One question by kyo, prompts her to “ complain a little” call back to se1, ep5 as he advised. we see tohru get out of her shell little by little. NOT SCREAM OR SLAP. She opened up. why? cuz the story is abt “ opening the lid” not abt “ snatching the lid”. No need for shocks. Yuki opened his lide slowly, tohru even slower, kyo is resisting opening his altho it is cracking in this chapter. When your story focuses on character buildup it pays!
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-I’ll give the anime credit when it due. The hug scene is so good both in manga & anime. but so awesome in animation, colors, music & voice acting. It’s breathtaking & painful. The most beautiful kyoru scene in the whole anime.
-It represents their mutual vulnerability, understanding, pain & determination to love the other but not also let go. kyo has made his mind to be locked in order not to hurt tohru & tohru has made her mind that she can’t let go of her mom.
You see, the scene’s meaning hits different between manga & anime; In the anime: tohru has already challenged the sohmas & screamed to be with kyo, while kyo is still decided to leave her. In the manga: they’re both at the same spot (undecided). I like both interpretations but I’ll choose the manga’s version. Simply cuz it means tohru is still uncovering her issues which means more focus on her, & more explanation of why cant tohru love her mom & kyo at the same time.
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-This expression on tohru’s face is a the complete opposite of the shock value expression in ep 6! T_T. I do’nt even hate the shocked scene addition itself that much, I just think (a) this is NOT its time! Tohru deserved better spotlight! (b) kyo didn’t friggen forget! ah! THIS I HATE! (c) the whole shocked scene was so wasted in ep 7. tohru return to her stupid dumb lalala~ land, cooking & forgetting kyo. what growth? what determination & screams to isuzu? what enduring kagura’s slaps? nope! just happy & cooking, lalala~ no one was freaking over her mom’s picture~ lalala~ & kyo just slept it over~ shhhh... its okay. he’ll forget again... see? totally wasted!
The anime knows nothing abt connected narrative! augh!
Side Notes:
We see kyo asking the gramps why he’s offering him info abt tohru which is so logical! XD. I love it.
I’ve read ch 110 & wanted to insert the kyoru scene in ch 110 here, & put yuchi alone in a different post, then I realized I’ll need to talk abt it again once I analyze yuki’s own expressions! XD. so, I’ll put all ch 110 together in one post. It kinda half written by now, so I’ll publish it very soon in two days time. I didn’t read ch 111 yet tho.
I hope ch 110 is the last I feel this much disappointments in furuba’s anime & by ch 11, it hopefully be be minor changes altho I doubt that cuz the manga needed to dwell into tohru’s mindset & the anime kinda stopped after ep 6. so, yup! more big changes coming!
The sheet hug is so brilliant in theory & application! so romantic & so endearing! love it so much! The anime did it so well, too!
I love kyo’s narration & pov cuz it’s so refreshing change from the anime where he rarely does!
I really wish they kept the kyoko abandoning tohru part in the anime... sigh~ it has nothing much to affect her story with katsuya. so it won’t ruin the spin off/ ova or whatever it’s called. 
I love the light focus on tohru in this chapter & how organic & natural it is opposed to how forced the plot seems in the anime....
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storysofmyown · 3 years
Seven stages of love Chapter one: Eros
Summary: Ever since the Celestial War, since they all fell, Asmodeus has  dedicated himself to his sin. Not caring about anything else, but  drowning himself in the pleasure and ecstasy of it all. But not anymore,  now he cant even handle the idea of it. But, what else is there to  want? After so long of having indulged in his sin, what is there than  Asmodeus is looking for, something that will fill him, and that wont  drive him to destruction? Perhaps his brothers can help him with that. Warnings will appear in each chapter.
Trigger Warnings:  Mentions of adult content, forced kiss, crying, hatred.
Word count: 2116
Lust. That’s all he felt. Constantly, uniquely, entirely. That was  him, it covered every inch of his skin, and even those which could not  be covered. It touched the deepest parts of his conscious and hid the  parts that were meant to be something else. That was everything he was.  Ecstasy, passion, deep kisses that meant nothing the other day, a  feverish dream that left him aching for something else. For something  more. But what was there to need? What could he ask for more? If there  was one thing Asmodeus knew, it was lust, it was his own body and the  way it reacted to the feeling. The many tears that had been shed before,  during and after. The immense pain that came with wanting more but  having everything there was to need in that moment.
They never  noticed. His partners, they were all too focused on the way their own  bodies felt to notice the tears from the demon. Not one of them ever had  stopped to ask the demon if he was okay, if he had enjoyed it, if he  wanted them to spend the night. But that was fine, lust did not come  with that king of treatment. And…he did not need it. All he needed was  that passion, the breathy sighs and the kisses that took him out of his  mind. The moment before it ended was the worst…because he wouldn’t have  the touches anymore.
Most called him easy, but there was a  comforting feeling in the touches of a stranger that saw him as  beautiful too. It didn’t matter where, when, how or with who, the  sensation was overwhelming, and he could never get enough, or at least  that’s what he told himself. That was what he swore until the tears  began. They were not always present, they had become something out of  nowhere. At first, he cried because of the pain, now he cried for  nothing and no one, but at the same time for everything and anyone. It  used to be the pull of the hair and the bites that drew blood, the pain  that came from the hits…now, it was the gentle touches that started it.  It was the soft kiss before the teeth were sunk in, it was the way they  held his hand before he was brought to the room where the sensation  would begin.
It was as little as a compliment, a small kiss…but  also, it was as big as when he woke up, marks covering him, soreness  making it unbearable to move, and yet…and empty bed that screamed no one  cared for anything other than the sensation. But that was expected. He  used to never cry for that, he used to be the one to leave first thing  in the morning, but now…now even when wrapped into someone’s else warmth  he felt alone. He didn’t understand why, after all, that’s all he  needed, that’s all he ever knew, nothing had changed for him to weep  like this…and yet…
Yet here he was, in the middle of a big ball.  Absolutely stunning demons left and right looking for something, asking,  begging, pleading. Some he recognized, others he had never seen before  in his long life, yet they proclaimed the sensation would be the best if  he just allowed them. Some didn’t even ask and pulled him by the arm  for a kiss, for a touch, for something that might get them what they  wanted. But…he didn’t want it…at all. It just hit him, it hit him just  as he was walking to the bathroom and a demon cornered him on the way,  hot kisses full of such a passion and desire, the sound of clothing and  the ever so gentle breathless claims of pleasure…it hit him even though  he was denying it. He didn’t want this anymore.
In fact, he hated  it. He hated the way they all looked at him, he hated the smirks and  the softness that never stayed for long. He hated how it was always  different, he used to love that. But now…now he would give anything to  be with the same person twice, because at least that would tell him that  the demon cared enough to come back. But even then…even then he  wouldn’t want it. The slap echoed through the empty halls of the palace,  as Asmodeus glared at the demon, a splash fallowed, his drink spilled  over them as he tried to breath. He hated this…he didn’t want it  anymore, not the passion, not the ecstasy, not the pain or the pull of  the hair, the bites and the marks and the breathless sighs as his body  ached for more…he didn’t want to feel lust anymore.
“…I said no…”
His  words are merely a whisper within the chaos that had spiraled in just  that second. His eyes never meet with the demon, he didn’t even get a  look at their face, their voice distant as they muttered an apology and  left. In that moment, just as he stood alone in the empty hall, the  footsteps of the demon echoing away, replaying a million times in his  head, all associated with different memories of demons that had also  left at some point, Asmodeus realized that there was something wrong  with him.
He was meant to be lust, fascination, temptation, the  hidden stares that one gives to the person they simply need, the touches  that set ablaze the skin without even a word, or the words that made  the heart run without a touch. He was lust…and yet, he didn’t want it  anymore. He didn’t want the touches that meant nothing, he didn’t want  the kisses that would not linger, he didn’t want for his bed to become  cold even under the warmth of a body in it. He wanted more…but what was  that more?
Why would he want something more than what he was? And  even so, what was there to want? What was that hidden gem that had been  calling his name for years on end, begging him to go onto and undress  his mind to its power and care? What was the sensation and the feeling  that would make him feel like a single hug meant more than all the times  he had been kissed? What was the feeling he needed that would make him  feel…like he mattered…like his partners cared about him? What was there  to want, other than what he had always had?
He hated crying. The  endless tears and the way his skin felt afterwards. He hated feeling  suffocating by his own hand, he hated the way his chest would raise and  fall so quickly that his head would rather focus on the sound of the  sobs that would make his throat hurt tomorrow. He hated how alone it  felt. All those feelings he had…all those feelings he wanted…all of the  things he knew didn’t matter and all of those that did. He was crying  for all of them, and yet for none. He was crying for the  incomprehensible feeling that brought starring on the mirror, starring  at a picture of his family, starring at others who were happy, starring  at others who were cared for. He was crying because he wanted something,  yet he didn’t knew what it was.
Why did he need it so much? Why  was it something he desired even more than the kisses itself? He never  needed something like this, he never had even asked for a hug, he didn’t  care about that! And now…and now here he was. Sobbing uncontrollably in  his bed, clothes covering his body that he couldn’t even stand to look  at in the mirror at that point. He just cried and hopped the wall and  the door would be a silent witness of his demise. But he didn’t account  for his own voice to be the one to tell on his cries.
A soft  knock came upon his door. It was like the mere silent in the room left  as Asmodeus was confronted by the voice on the other side.
Calming.  That’s how he would describe his youngest brother’s voice. Maybe it was  because his sin was sloth, maybe it was because he didn’t care…or maybe  it was because he did care. All Asmodeus knew is that the calming tone  of his brother reminded him of how little everyone cared for him, a wave  of tears come anew as he sobbed on his bed, the sheet covering from  head to toe as he hugged his legs and could feel his chest aching. He  didn’t want to answer, he didn’t want to be seen like this. He wanted to  be left alone just as much as he would give anything for someone to  comfort him at that moment. His feelings were all over the place. And  so, he missed the sound of the door being opened, the steps of Belphie  as he walked to the bed. Only becoming aware of the hand on his shoulder  when he spoke again.
Soft, sweet,  worry. Tenderness as Asmodeus softly removed the sheet to reveal his  head, red eyes, trembling lips as he looked at Belphegor for the first  time in the whole night. As he looked at anyone for the first time after  he realized he didn’t want to be his sin anymore.
“…I  don’t want to only feel lust anymore…I don’t want for others to only  feel lust for me.” He managed to speak out. His voice braking at the end  as sobs started to leave his lips.
When was the last  time he cried this much? When was the last time he felt as lost as he  did in that moment? All he knew is that never in his life did he ever  need someone to gently hug him and tell him it was okay. Never in his  entire long life did he imagine that the soft hug of someone that he  called bother could bring as much comfort as it could bring him over to  the final stages of the loathing he felt in that moment. It took a few  minutes, or maybe longer. It was hard to tell by the ever still dark  sky, but Asmodeus finally calmed down. He finally stopped sobbing  uncontrollably as he grabbed onto Belphegor. Only a few gentle sobs  leaving his lips from time to time as he apologized for Belphie having  to see him like that.
His brother merely shook his head, telling  him how he doesn’t mind, and a silent promise to not tell anyone else.  He didn’t ask what was wrong, and Asmodeus was glad he hadn’t. After  all, the crying demon had let the words slip from his mouth in a  desperate plea for help. Asmodeus barely understood this ever-lasting  loneliness that had crippled inside of him, that made its home onto his  heart and refused to leave. Even the gentlest of touches from a lover  would bring no sensation. Yet…now he felt warm as his brother hugged  him.
“Asmo…” Belphegor spoke, still hugging his elder  brother but neither of them looking at the other. The silence prevailed  for a second more as Asmodeus took deep breaths trying to control the  still emerging tears. “…you do remember that we are family…and that  means we **** you, right?”
Belphegor always had a way to  point the most obvious things in the world…and yet those same things  were the most forgettable of them all. How long has it been since he  heard that word? How much longer had it been since those words were  muttered towards him, about him, for him? Even longer than the last time  he had said them, that’s for sure. He had used the word before, in  passing, in a moment, never paying too much attention. But now…now he  wondered. Belphegor had used that word towards him, saying they were  family, but…why did Asmo still feel so alone? That word was meant to  express some kind of care, right? Perhaps…perhaps he didn’t understand  them, not yet at least. And for that reason, he couldn’t believe  Belphegor’s words, there was so much he didn’t know still…
As the  moon went down and the sobs became mere deafened whispers in the dark,  Asmodeus and Belphegor kept hugging each other. And although the older  demon had yet to understand what was amiss within him, there was a  reassurance in is brothers embrace, something he needed, a hug, and  nothing more.  
Eros: Desire, sensual, passionate, pleasurable, and erotic love. Can also be seen as sexual longing.
Uhhhhh...hi? It has been like...a long time since i last wrote and posted anything here. Truth is Ive been working on this fic for a long time now and I am finally happy enough with this to post the first chapter. So, yes, here it is. This was inspired by a piece of trivia I heard where the Greeks had 7 words for the different types of love. And it got me wondering how would Asmodeus react to those. So yeah, I really hope you all liked this chapter, and I will be posting the next one next Saturday!
Next Chapter
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clown-of-rivia · 4 years
“They don’t exist.”
Jaskier swears his soul leaves his body for a second as he yelps with a start at the unexpected voice grumbling over his shoulder. On pure impulse, he slaps his laptop closed, sending a prayer out to the gods of Google Docs and Archive of our Own that it saved recently, and slumped into the comfy armchair of the bustling coffee shop that smelled of desperation and success. (But judging by the two other writers in the corner each on their fourth double expresso, the raven-haired beauty flirting with the barista without shame, and the dude crying while clinging to a clear disinterested girl’s hand it also smelled of heroics and heartbreak).
He turns to the offender seated in his own armchair just over his shoulder and… wow. No, no thinking with your dick. He clears his throat, his voice innocent, “whaaaat don’t exist?”
“The creatures in your story.” At Jaskier’s raised eyebrow the man rolls his eye and grunts. “Omegas, alphas...Witcher ‘knots’.”
Jaskier doesn’t think his face had ever lit up so fast and so furiously in his life before. I’m just saying, you could light a match against his flaming red cheeks right now. Had the creep really been reading over his shoulder?!
“And- and how would you know, huh?” Jaskier retorted, desperate to claw back at least a shred of dignity through confrontation. Witchers are basically creatures of legend, so few left that they have essentially turned into a conspiracy theory-fuelled secret society that works in the shadows.
But the stranger didn’t seem impressed with his haughty tone, instead just raising an eyebrow of his own on his otherwise sinfully handsome but expressionless face. He wore a deliciously tight grey shirt that hugged his chest under a black leather jacket that should make him look like an asshole but made him look like a damn husband-shaped fantasy. White hair was up in a ponytail and shaved at the sides.
That was when Jaskier stopped drowning in those golden amber eyes and really ‘looked’. His own eyes narrowing in disbelief before going wide as his breath hitched. 
“I know who you are,” he said softly as if his realisation was about to amaze and impress the stranger. “Big ol’ loner, sitting in the most corner seat available, cat eyes, white hair, suspicious long and narrow duffle bag I’d wager holds two very scary swords…”
The man kept his deadpanned eyes on Jaskier as he threw his black coffee back in one go like it wasn’t scolding, then reached for his bag, clearly getting ready to leave. 
Let it never be said Jaskier wasn’t a man of opportunity. 
“You’re a Witcher,” he said eagerly as he rose to his feet with the man, his eyes positively sparkling. “You’re Geralt of Rivia.”
Yellow eyes flashed in agitation then darted around suspiciously. It took a moment to realise Geralt was trying to make sure no one else heard him. He visibly relaxed when no one seemed to have been paying attention, all eyes glued to their phones and mouths glued to their pumpkin-spiced double-whipped what-evers.
Geralt gave a grunt Jaskier couldn’t decipher if his life depended on it and shouldered his bag, turning towards the door. 
“W-wait!” Jaskier almost ran after him before remembering his precious laptop and darling guitar. He rushed to pack up then darted out, using his long legs and sharp elbows to basically slither his way through the bodies before bursting out the doors, his head whipping around before he spotted black leather, white hair, and a black duffle bag. 
“Wait!” he called out again, clutching his laptop bag to his chest and guitar case strap over his shoulder as his legs carried him the last few steps till he stopped in front of the confused and somewhat irritated looking Witcher. And by holy fuckest of fucks and actual Witcher.
“Why.” Geralt responded, not a question. 
“You cant seriously expect me, after meeting the most incredible person I’ll ever meet, to just let you leave? Let me buy you lunch! Oh bollocks, its 4pm… ok dinner! Early dinner. If you’re on a mission or something and don’t want to go out I- I can cook! Or maybe just let me buy you a drink?”
Jaskier knows he’ll be screaming into his pillow at 2:30 am for the rest of his life when he remembers this embarrassing display of desperate grovelling. Right now, however, he couldn’t bring himself to care - not even if there is even the slightest chance Geralt might agree. 
He kept the full force of his doe eyes trained on the stoic Witcher till he let out a short huff Jaskier swore was his version of a laugh, the hard lines between his eyebrows easing. 
“Sorry to disappoint, but I have to meet someone. But who knows… you might hear from me again… ‘Witcher Bitcher Bard’.”
Jaskier felt his heart jump into his throat at Geralt saying his Ao3 username out loud. He had just uploaded his latest chapter when the gruff voice over his shoulder startled him. 
“I’m curious to see for how long the handsome, disciplined ‘alpha’ Witcher will be able to resist the beautiful, cheeky ‘omega’ bard, what with his ‘heat’ coming up.”
Geralt gives him a wink and a smirk in the face of Jaskier’s stunned silence, before sauntering off. 
It’s only once Geralt is on the otherside of the street that Jaskier’s tiny rat brain catches up to what just happened. He grins so wide his cheeks hurt as he yanks out his phone to turn on email notifications for comments on his fic: ‘Resistance is futil my darling Witcher’.
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So, Return to Hell was an absolute rollercoaster of emotions and I couldn't have asked for a better ending to the season three dlc missions.
Holy shit was this season a wild ride and with an absolute banger of an ending all I can say is well done rebellion you pulled it out the bag and held it high, I was so happy with everything and just my god its really hard to put down everything I'm so enthralled I can barely think straight.
I remember when the trailer dropped and I was so overcome with both excitement and sadness at seeing what the dlc entailed, I was so happy to see schweiger alive but devastated to see what was happening to him and originally I thought we were going to sacrifice him to help Umbra which terrified me, thank fuck I was wrong I dont think I could handle hurting my boy.
The intro was excellent, it really felt like distressing and that this was truly a moment of despair the way bruno spoke of it was absolutely amazing and I couldn't wait to get stick in. And when it finally gave way to the gameplay the opening area was absolutely stunning!
The way it's so familiar yet so foreign, like I'd seen it before but it had been so twisted that it was unrecognisable, lava around every corner and debris floating as if frozen in time the ground and walls cracked and crumbling and the fiery hues made this a fantastic yet haunting sight I hadn't even begun playing and I already fell in love with it.
When I finally moved on and the Baron began his tirade about the state of hell and how it was shaped and molded to fit the subconscious mind of schweiger I was shocked and saddened, to think that this was schweiger's fractured mind was frightening, all his guilt, fear, anger, confusion, sadness became reality and hell took its horrifying form filled with endless undead. I also found it really cool to see events play out from schweiger's perspective, meat locker, hell base and terror lab all playing out in schweiger's memories allowing us a glimpse in to everything that happened to him. He was betrayed so many times, I don't blame him at all for turning on us in deeper than hell, the amount of cruelty he suffered would drive anyone insane.
Being captured and forced to research the occult without any understanding of why, being tricked in to activating the relic allowing hitler to activate plan Z, working your hardest to try and make the world right then have your team infiltrated by nazi bastards who push you in to a hell tower and forcefully tear you from this plane of existence and left to rot in hell. Just when you think you can finally escape you're confronted with the fact you can not leave, only your closest comrades can leaving you in hell against everyone's will, then a voice manipulates you in to believing you were betrayed by your friends you're lied to and tricked in to believing this voice is your only friend who makes you do horrific rituals.
I remember how horrific I felt hearing this and then when Umbra revealed that he did all of this so he could break schweiger's will so he could steal his body I was filled with rage. Rebellion were amazing at putting emotion in to this one I genuinely went through constant emotional shifts realising that everything we had done up to this point was planned by Umbra and that everything we had done was only to fuel his plans. It was never schweiger's fault it was umbras and that knocked me on my arse.
The gameplay was a lot of fun, one of the best parts was that absolutely everything was randomised! The main sections of the map where always switched around no matter how many times you play it at first I went meat locker, hell base then terror lab then my second time I went hell base, terror lab then meat locker! I was shocked when everything cane out of order but it fits so well with everything! Schweiger's mind is so badly fractured that when hell took form as schweiger's subconscious not even hell itself could keep things in order.
I genuinely adore how the old familiar faces of these maps are destroyed, twisted and corrupted they are what we have seen before but warped till they look like different maps entirely, with so much more to explore in some areas it really gives you a sense of walking through broken memories like piecing together a memory Efram barely has a grip on anymore.
I loved how enemies were randomised too, getting attacked by a screamer around the corner then next time you go there prepared for a screamer you get blown up by suiciders or slaughtered by skeletons or an elite or in my favourite case being attacked by zombie alpha squad members! When zombie me jumped out and attacked I was so confused I didnt have time to respond when zombie jun popped out and killed me it was fucking awesome!
All our favourite enemy variations are here too, vampire creepers, electric suiciders, armored commanders, skeletons etc which really made for a really tough but good fight, never knowing what variation was coming to get you made everything even more fun.
And with the spitters now having a variant that spat magma it made what was usually an annoying inconvenience an actual proper threat and I love that so fucking much, maybe the spitters aren't so horrible after all.
That's a lie I still fucking hate them but oh well!
Once we successfully complete all three areas we now return to the main area with a very pissed off Umbra and schweiger who although conscious is barely alive. As soon as we arrive back to were we began we are immediately attacked and dragged off to an unknown place that we only know as the void as coined by Umbra.
Let me tell you when I say the void is creepy I fucking mean it, the void is of course pitch black you cant see anything not even your flash light does anything to the surrounding darkness, all you see when you spawn is the pitch black and eframs body of a slab surrounded by candles with Umbra looking over us and you really get the the sense of "holy shit, this is it!"
I genuinely adored the design of the void, the fact you only ever see your surroundings when a split second of bright red lighting strikes and even then you only see the faint outline of distant places, walking through the endless river of blood that stops you to a near snail's pace while fending of oncoming dead is genuinely spectacular! Holy fuck did rebellion pull it out the bag this round!
Just when you think you're about to have to do something to the incapacitated schweiger, Edie finally fucking shows up and does something useful for once, breaking schweiger out of his trance and giving him enough power to fend for himself when she realises Umbra has no defences! Thank fuck because now we know how to finally end The Baron and let me tell you I couldn't be happier to get the chance at killing the bastard.
The fights were challenging and had me cornered a few times and I'll admit I died a couple times but it was absolutely worth it, there was so much going on but it wasnt overbearing, with how large the areas you had to fight the hordes in were it made the fucking insane amounts of zombies absolutely balanced, I never felt like it was impossible but never felt it was too easy either just the right balance of insanity. And to make it even better I get to listen to schweiger shit talk the Baron as we help Efram regain strength while weakening Umbra.
Listening to Umbra beg and plead for mercy was great, it really felt like we were overpowering hell itself, no matter what Umbra threw our way it did absolutely nothing and listening to schweiger come to terms with what he's done and immediately work towards redemption by putting down Umbra was heartwarming. We were the winners not Umbra.
Then finally we get to what I've been wanting to do since the beginning of the DLC, after two whole hours I finally got to put an end to the Baron, activating that ending cutscene was so satisfying and I got to put down my controller and watch.
I'll admit I was confused when Umbea sprung back to life and actually attacked, where hitler failed to stop us during hell machine Umbra full pounced, he was going to take us with him and for a second I absolutely believed we were going to die with him, the fuck tries ripping our soul out rendering us absolutely useless. Its schweiger that saves us, pulling us away from Umbra then eviscerating the fuck out of him with ease and with that The Baron himself is dead, finally the tyrant is dead and everything we had worked towards was finally put to rest.
Just before that scene ends, we see schweiger smile! He's actually happy for once, free from Umbras grip, he's faced his fears and insecurities and in the end was the one who saved us and destroyed The Baron. To see him smile was one of the greatest things ever and I'm so glad we finally got to see that.
In last few moments of the ending, we wake up on the side of a cliff with Dr schweiger by our side and as the camera zooms out we see nothing but an endless sea of lava and I'm left thinking.
What the fuck is Projekt Ragnarok?
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fragmentwitch · 3 years
Higurashi Gou Ep 21 thoughts + Satoko/Rika thoughts
In retrospect, it's pretty deliberate to leave out meakashihen and tsumihoroboshi-hen from the arcs that got 'remade' as the deception arcs in GOU otherwise it actually would have presented a big issue in its narrative.
By deliberately leaving Satoshi's entire back story out of GOU we don't really know for sure what led him to become comatose and the events leading up to Shion's promise. And since Shion doesn't seem to actually target Satoko, we only see them interact the way they did only in Minagoroshi.
In fact, ShMion focused on RIKA during the GOU ladder scene, when originally she said Satoko was cursed. In retrospect that's been a huge red flag pointing toward Satoko being a looper, she manipulated people into targeting Rika all along to avoid suspicion.
So a few seemingly minor missing items have huge implications for the narrative if we treat GOU as entirely standalone with no connection to the original stories:
meakashi specifically showed Satoko's realization that Satoshi became distant and ran away partly because she became codependent to the point of burdening him more. Satoshi protected her but she wasn't able to help him in return. He just shouldered all of their problems and crumbled under the pressure the worse things got because nobody could help him (Irie tried but iirc he wasn't allowed to adopt children as an unmarried man).
Shion doesn't realize her own sin: consumed by resentment and misdirected feelings of frustration, she not only forgot the promise to protect Satoko in Satoshi's stead but broke it by torturing her.
tsumihoroboshihen, there is a confrontation where Keiichi remembers killing Mion and Rena in Onikakushi, and regrets it immensely. It causes a chain reaction where multiple characters confront and admit their personal sins from their past, and it included Rika and Satoko (correct me if this is not from that arc). But in the end, Mion emphasizes that friends dont need ro reveal their worst secrets and regrets in order to be friends-- if it had to be that way, Mion preferred not having any.
No tsumihoroboshihen in Gou means Rika never finds it in her to actually try making a difference. We don't actually get Tataridamashihen, but a deceptive Minagoroshihen (where Ooishi kills, not Takano). I cant remember the scene where Rika forces Satoko to confront her problems and actually ask for help with her own voice. You cannot help someone truly to your best if they don't actually say "Please Help Me."
With these very crucial thematic elements missing, even if one can argue neither of them would remember previous fragments anyway (Disproven when Rika herself remembers what she tried to do differently and still failed in. She explicitly recalls Onikakushi, Watanagashi, Minagoroshi and Matsuribayashi but not Meakashi and Tsumihoroboshi) Ryukushi is able to make a story that logically doesn't have huge gaps. But the fact Gou retconned so much, leaves much to be desired on the intent and purpose this story wants to tell-- many are apprehensive about whether it actually can turn around into a hopeful ending or a very sad one. And more importantly, whether these two stories' themes are mutually exclusive or not.
Satoko never learns to explicitly ask for help, and stubbornly deflects it when Rika brings it up.
She hasn't faced herself in terms of being codependent to where she is actively affecting Rika's agency as a person. And in Meakashi, she seems to only confess/realize this right when she's bleeding out in shion's torture chamber...
Rika was shown to throw in the towel early on in Watadamashihen, and shortly after going Red Eyed, she disappears. She does seem more proactive in putting up a fight in Tataridamashihen though, yet we see her watching Satoko's breakdown with a fairly emotionless look. (Btw I'm 80% sure she faked that due to slapping Keiichi's hand before it even touches her, plus no bruise marks anywhere and her overall weird behavior at the end)
Rika seems fairly content with just dropping it when Satoko doesn't respond well to her (1) offer to help her, and even then she is so ignorant that she thinks Satoko is acting this way over her grades. And when she does reach out to spend personal time with Satoko she uses language that implies it's like an appointment. Definitely not the best way to approach a friend by making them feel like you see them as a chore/burdensome
Rika doesn't confront her directly and say "I can't help you if you don't ask me for help yourself". I don't want to seem cold and dismissive, but this is something people NEED to learn how to do eventually. Yes, Satoko feels isolated and put full faith into Rika keeping her promise in Loop 1; but note that she doesn't ever directly tell Rika about her feelings once they get into the academy. They did talk about this prior, but they were just entering middle school-- it's not completely impossible Rika actually forgot her promise in 3 years; Shion forgot hers to Satoshi in about 2 after all.
Even if Satoko brings up the promise Rika made, it's too late and they're past the point of reconciling their differences based on them stonewalling each other.
Rika has no idea Satoko thinks she was the one who reported the accident to the principal. So Satoko already had reason to start resenting her.
Satoko's wish is so that Rika would treat her better, but neither of them are willing to confront their own faults and are quick to point fingers at each other (sadly I have experienced this). They are quick to drop the subject when one says something the other doesn't want to hear (Rika even tells satoko to be quiet/shut up).
With or without 'Oyashiro' giving her these looping powers, as long as neither girl confronts their own flaws in how they're dealing with each other, they will inevitably break apart. Oyashiro is just making it more interesting for herself because, well, she loves drama. The sad thing is that Satoko said "well if you can make it happen, do it now" and Oyashiro took away any ability for her to rethink her decision and say no or change her mind. She can't NOT loop anymore until she has Rika exactly where she wants. With her, in Hinamizawa and away from St. Lucia's... but since it seems like Rika wants to go to St lucia's no matter what, Satoko is still killing Rika or setting her up to die even if she did everything right like in Tataridamashi. Because Satoko knows sooner or later once tragedy is avoided, Rika will immediately head for the books.
I'm not optimistic we'll really get a happy ending but hey... without love it can't be seen, right? We got the whodunit, the whydunit... all that's left is the howdunit and what Rika can do about it herself if she's trapped in Satoko's cage of loops.
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penelopeshusband · 3 years
Distraction (p2) ((Spencer Reid x Reader))
Summery: Your concern for Reid’s recent trauma turns into a confrontation of a drug problem, into more than friendly bonding
Type: Smut
Spencer Reid (criminal minds) x Reader
Reader uses they/them pronouns.
Part Two of varies connected smut shots
Baton Rouge was a headache. The unsub was clearly organized and intelligent, only based on the fact that you had run in circles with Reid and Morgan and still come up flat. You paced inside your hotel room, searching through your memories for any conclusions you might have missed. But the killer had to be meticulous. The clean kill, almost no evidence. A spotless case. Only one thing has stuck to you, and it had nothing to do with the investigation.
Reid had been strange, the last few weeks, almost months, which was not out of the ordinary for someone going through a traumatic experience. Shaking, irritability, more than the usual reclusively. The way he now shied away from your touch...the dilated eyes...constant blush...
You couldn't take it anymore. Your worry felt like it was gnawing at your insides. You sighed, stopping your pacing and staring at your hotel room door.
Lucky for you, he was just right next to you. You could hear footsteps from inside. Up late, you guessed. You gently knocked on the door. "Spencer?" You said, barely loud enough for him to hear you. You heard him stop dead. "I just wanted to check on you, I cant sleep..."
There was silence, before the door clicked open. He swung the door slightly ajar. He peeked through.
"U-uh, (f/n), I'm not really..." he trailed off as he looked into your eyes, then looked at the ground in front of you.
It didn't take a profiler to see through him. Sweat beading at his temple, avoidance of eye contact, visibly shaking. His lip quivered as he searched for words.
"Reid, please let me in? " you frowned. He tried to close the door, but you placed your foot to keep it wedged open. "I know, I'm probably out of line here, but, I'm... worried."
He examined your face, eyes darting over you. He huffed, nodding and opening the door.
You walked in. "You weren't yourself today." The door shut behind Spencer. He was now in full view as he faced you.
Your eyes always  found themselves lingering on his slender figure, tall and lithe. His arms were crossed defensively against his chest, eyes on the floor, biting inside of his cheek.
"I just haven't been sleeping." He said with a straight face, too forced to be believable.
"Spence," you gently touched his arm. He jerked away violently, much to your surprise. "Okay, look, you can talk to me. Whatever's going on..."
"What, what, you'll understand? Listen?" He snapped, glaring at you through narrow eyes. You flinched, but stayed quiet. He scoffed. "Look, I don't care what Hotch, or-or Gideon, Morgan, or anyone says. I'm fine, I can do my job."
You watched as he ran his hands through his hair. It was not brushed, unkept. You could tell there was a build up of grease. It explained the build up of stubble, and the small amount of acne that was building up on his forehead though he was in his 20s.
He sat on the queen mattress, resting his face in his hands. He bounced his leg. He let out a shaky breath. You slowly approached the bed, sitting beside him.
"I don't need people treating me like I'm weak. Its nothing I cant handle."
"No one thinks your weak." You reached to put your hand on his shoulder, taping it lightly before resting your hand on it. "We care about you. I care about you."
He was silent. Your eyes skimmed to his bag, instantly finding something out of place. You stood, striding over. You squatted down, reaching in and grabbing a small bottle.
"Dilaudid, Spencer?" You stood, shaking it in his face. He went to snatch it away from you, and you pulled it away.
"I-I didn't- it's not- its from the hospital-" he tried to reach for it again, but you stepped back.
"Don't. Lie to me about this. This is serious." Your voice was deadpan, glaring straight into his eyes that refused to return it.
He continued to stutter, slipping over his words. "Please, (y/n), I can handle it, you don't need to worry. It's nothing." His voice was in a hushed tone. You could see tears in his eyes. He suddenly looked like a confused child, scared and alone.
"Spence..." You felt yourself soften. You watched as he tried to hold his face together, quivering as a tear fell down his cheek.
"It just gets so loud, sometimes, in my own head..." his voice cracked. his arms motioned as he spoke. "I hear his voice, I feel the pain and...the pain of everything and it just-I can't"
He turned away, a quiet sob escaping his lips.
You touched him, and when he didn't shy away, wrapped your arms around him. You rested your head on his back, feeling as he relaxed in your arms. You felt your eyes water as you held him. "We don't have to talk about it right now, okay?" you cooed. He let out a long, shaky breath. "You should take a warm shower. I'll leave if you want me to..."
"No, no. Please stay." He sniffled, turning. Though his face was streaked with tears, his usual mask was on again. "I would...Like company."
You blushed, smiling and nodding. He smiled back, but quickly went into the bathroom, clicking the lock shut. You let out a soft sigh of relief when you heard the shower water start.
You laid on the bed, a shaky breath escaping your lips. But... you had to admit that you weren't shocked. You tried to push it out of your mind for now, the feeling of guilt plaguing you. You couldn't have done anything, you told yourself, just help him now.
You wiped away your own guilty tears, sniffling. You stared at the bottle, as if it would whisper its secrets to you. You understood, somewhat. To erase the pain, to forget the horrors that plague you in your waking hours, even the sleeping ones. To hide behind you intellect just for it to be torn down by a tsunami of emotions. He was just in pain. In so much pain...
You wished you could stop it. But that was unrealistic, right? If you were good enough to make it better, make him happy. You stopped, scolding yourself for the line of thought. You had only slept together, once, almost a year ago. You had a silent agreement to not talk about it. You would most likely be fired, never find another job...All you had been reduced to were soft glances.
The shower hissed to a stop, drawing your attention away. You sat up quickly, watching as the door swung open. He must like his showers hot, you thought to yourself as steam rolled from the doorway. But you were immediately sidetracked by seeing Dr. Reid walk out, towel tied around his waist loosely.
You found your eyes wandering, over his chest and stomach. The obvious curvature of his hips on his thin body, the towel resting low enough that the trail of hair on his stomach turned into pubic hair. He moved his wet hair from his face and looked up at you. You fumbled over your words, covering your eyes. "I am so sorry. I can leave."
He chuckled, and you looked up to see a soft blush painted across his nose. "Its fine, (y/n), I was, uh, just grabbing some clothes."
You peaked through your fingers, watching as he crouched over his bag to dig for clothes. His back was strong, you had to be in the FBI, yet he still seemed like a toothpick. The curve of his spine was as obvious as his hips, and his ass...
You turned around fast as he stood. "Would you, uh. mind if I, uhm, changed?"
"No, no, not at all..." You buried your face in your hands, feeling the hotness of your face. You felt like screaming, and your mind was already running into walls as you tried to push your arousal into a small box. Your body burnt, fire from your face to your pelvis. Your growing (wetness/erection) betrayed your feelings.
You peeked up, watching as he pulled up his sweatpants. "Do you still want me here?" you muttered. He sighed, sitting next to you. He didn't bother putting on a shirt. For the first time, the injection marks on his arms were obvious. He must have noticed you staring.
"Yes." He struggled to say, gently touching your hand. You gently took it, as he slipped his fingers between yours and gripped tightly. He was still shaking, and it was as if he was holding onto you for all manor of stability. "You know...Through all of this, I keep thinking that this would be different if I was just stronger. If I didn't let it get to me like this-"
"You're not weak, you're human."
He looked up at you, moving a single strand of hair from his face. "You know, Its funny. The thing I'm most worried about is you thinking...I don't know. It's not relevant."
"Spence..." You caressed his cheek gently. He seemed to search for something to say, but instead met your eyes for a brief moment.
He leaned in, kissing you gently on the lips. You froze in place as his lips touched yours, waiting for you to close the gap. You kissed him back softly, closing your eyes. His face and hair were still wet, and his lips were soft. He pulled away slowly.
"I've, uh, kind of missed that..." he whispered breathlessly. He held your face in his hands. Kissing you again, you felt yourself melt into him. Your defenses found themselves lowering, completely relaxed. You scooted closer, leaning in and resting your hands on his thigh. You could have done this for hours, you thought to yourself.
You gripped onto his pantleg, letting out a soft moan. He took that as an invitation to continue his advances, running his hand through your hair and pressing his tongue between your lips. Your tongues pressed against each other, needing and wanting to taste the other.
"You know, you can actually taste if someone's genetically compatible through their saliva. If its sour, you're not, but if its sweet, it means that your children will have strong immune systems." He rested his forehead on yours, taking a breath. You glanced down at your hands. You saw why he had paused; he was overexcited.
"Oh, that is fascinating. I would love to hear more facts." You purred, a mischievous blush crawling on your face.
"Oh, Well," you began to kiss his jaw. "Did you know that orgasms reduce blood pressure?" His breathing became more labored as you made your way to his neck. "Did you know... that...fuck..."
He let out a loud moan as you bit his neck. He gripped onto you, grabbing you and pulling you on top of his lap.
"Maybe you're more of a tactical learner..." he growled, kissing you roughly. There wasn't any hesitation now as his hands pulled up your shirt.  He attacked your chest and stomach with love bites, kisses and hickies, like an animal unable to control himself anymore.
"Spencer~" you moaned, running your hands through his hair and pulling. He moaned, looking up at you.
He ran his tongue over your nipple, before sucking on it. You gasped, grinding your hips against his erection. He reached down your pants , through the hem of your underwear, just to feel at you.
"You're so (wet/hard), just for me." He huffed, beginning to trail his fingers down to your entrance. "If I had known you were this... desperate, I would have bent you over and railed you every chance I had." he pressed a finger into you, leaning into t he crook of your neck. You let out a gasp as he fingered you. He nuzzled against you, kissing your neck tenderly.
"That would have been hot." You moaned breathlessly, pulling his hair more. He seemed to enjoy it, as it prompted him to harshly bite your jaw with a soft growl.
He dug his nails into your hips, groaning as he grinded against you. "Can we keep going?" He asked quietly. You nodded. "Perfect. I...would really like to taste you again." He blushed more than he was before, stumbling slightly as he tried to force the words out. It was cute, seeing him so flustered. You bit your lip as a smirk crawled onto you lips.
"Mmm, taste me?" You let out a bratty purr, running your fingers over the hem of his boxers that rested higher than his sweats. "I'm afraid I don't know what you mean, Dr. Reid. You'll have  to be more specific." You reached your hands in, feeling his at his cock, only tracing around the tip at first. "Tell me, which part of me?"
He closed his eyes, tilting his head back and moaning as you began to stroke his cock. He throbbed in your hand, begging for release. He was already leaking precum. He seemed to forget what he was going to say, simply melting into the pleasure your grip gave him. He nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, panting. "Your (pussy/ass)." He groaned. "Why don't you sit on my face?"
He laid down, motioning for you. "God, you really do have an oral fixation, huh." You muttered. You obeyed his orders.
He pressed his tongue against your entrance, licking around it sensually. You moaned, shivering. He held you in place by your ass, which he massaged and pinched to his satisfaction. He pressed his tongue inside you at the same time he gave a slap to your ass.
You let out a pained moan, feeling a twang of pleasure volt throughout your body. "Oh, you're so dirty." You giggled. He simply looked up at you and winked before going back to feeling your insides with his warm, wet tongue.
It turned you on, thinking about how deviant Spencer was under it all. A sadomasochist who preferred giving over receiving.
"Spence, I wanna try something ."
He paused, looking up expectantly. You turned on top of him, making sure your (pussy/ass) was very much still accessible. You leaned down, teasing him as you licked around the tip of his cock before sucking on it gently.
"… that's a very good idea..." he moaned. He continued to eat you out, his stubble brushing against you as his tongue left no part of you unexplored. You did the same, taking him as deep as you could, just savoring the taste of his cock in your mouth. You ran your tongue over every vein, massaging his balls as you shafted his length into your throat. You gagged slightly, nesting yourself for just a moment into his pubic hair, savoring the taste of his cock and the smell of him.
You felt your body start shivering, getting close. "Spence... Spence... I'm close..." you moaned, drool trailing between your mouth and his cock. "Please...please can I cum?"
He didn't answer, simply groaning and continuing. You took that as a yes.
"Fuck, your tongue feels so good, Spencer. You're so good." You moaned, letting yourself unwind as you neared the edge. "I can't take it, I'm gonna..."
You let out a cry as your eyes rolled back, feeling the wave of release wash over you. You were still for almost a minute, brain completely blank from the orgasm. It took you a moment to return to reality, panting and looking down at Spencer. His face was a mess, covered in your (cum/fluids), but he couldn't seem happier. He was smiling like a dork, the spark of excitement still in his eyes.
"I didn't think i could do that with-with, you know, just my mouth." He stuttered, giggling slightly as he sat up. You tried to stand, but he playfully grabbed you and pulled you back into his lap. "What, you think I'm done with you? " he kissed the back of your neck. You giggled as he started to tickle you playfully. You fought against him.
"Reid! No! I'm ticklish!" You pleaded through your laughter as he tackled you to the ground, not letting up his torture. You found yourself wrestling him, rolling over to figure out who was the one in charge.
Inevitably, Reid ended up on top, your wrists pinned to the ground as the two of you came down from your playful mood. He stared down at you, looking at every part of your body with admiration.
"You still haven't cum, right?" You purred, pulling away your wrists and wrapping your arms around his neck. "I think about how you feel inside me all the time." You whispered. He kissed you, stroking his cock while he did before positioning it.
He pressed inside you, a sharp gasp escaping your lips. He looked down at you, his brown eyes that normally in the office avoided others staring right into you. You could practically see his intelligence, his kindness, his soul inside them.
"Your eyes are beautiful." you found yourself whisper, caressing his face with one hand. He blushed, breaking eye contact.
"Y-yours are dilated...I think that means you like me." He smiled shyly, despite the fact he was inside you.
This time was different than the first, more intimate. He wanted to feel as much of you on him as possible, kissing your lips and hugging you close to him. You wrapped your legs around him. His strokes immediately became faster, more demanding. He pulled away, grabbing your legs and holding them up to get deeper into you.
"Fuck. No one's ever made me feel this way. So...hungry..." he moaned, ramming into you. You didnt care if Morgan next door could hear your cries anymore. All you could focus on was his scent, his voice, his face still smeared with your mess, the feeling of his cock inside you. Nothing else mattered.
It was almost primal as you felt yourself degrade into nothing but a moaning mess subject to Spencer's will. Submitting to him physically, and mentally. He reached down, gently placing a hand over your throat.
"I-I can do it properly, if you, i mean... can i choke you?" He moaned. You simply nodded. He wrapped his hand across your throat, choking you as he made his final few thrusts.
He squeezed almost too tight as he hilted himself inside you, cum spilling into you. "I don't know if I should make a habit of that." He panted as he came down from his own orgasm, letting himself practically fall on top of you. He hadn't even bothered to pull out, just cuddling into you.
He suddenly seemed like a giant teddy bear, nuzzling you and clinging to you. His hair wasn't wet with water anymore, but sweat pooled on his forehead. You stroked his hair affectionately.
"I really can't understand why you would chose to have a sexual relationship with me. Of all people." He muttered. You could feel his eyelashes flutter against your neck.
"Do you...want a sexual relationship?"
He looked up at you, cocking his head in confusion. "I thought...this is what that is. "
You shrugged. "I guess so. We would get fired in a second."
"So, we don't get caught."
You kissed him, trying to forget about the consequences if you two did get caught.
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dirt-grub · 3 years
Dan and or chris for the headcannon thingy?
Headcanon A: what I think realistically
Dan had a shit childhood and shit parents, and isn’t dealing with any of the issues spawned by that, hence why his life is kind of a disaster and his functionality as an independent adult is uh. subpar. 
Having grown up together and witnessed some of it secondhand, Chris knows not to bring it up too much with Dan. They both have an unspoken agreement and understanding not to approach certain topics with each other. They’re very good at reading each other, so Chris knows exactly how much he can actually get away with prodding Dan to act like a people for once, and vice versa Dan knows when to actually drop an argument when it gets into a serious place. Its incredibly weird for Elise to watch, and as incredibly close she is with Chris they have a very close bond that’s difficult for her to understand with how far back it goes. Also, in the beginning of Chris and Elise’s relationship, despite very vocally objecting to the entire thing when Chris was around, Dan begrudgingly gave Elise advice on how to speak Chris essentially, telling her what to avoid and what to talk about with him. He phrased it in a condescending way but we all know he was being a softie because he knows Elise makes Chris happy :,)
(also bonus every single roadtrip with all three of them ends up like this)
Headcanon B: what I think is fucking hilarious 
Dan is always visibly covered in cat hair. Trust me I’ve had a black and white cat before and you just can’t win. Whatever color you wear SOME of the fur will ALWAYS show up on it. You can always tell where Dan has been you just follow the trail
Chris’ gap/chip/whatever in his front teeth were the result of some dare. Based on a story from my childhood where we all dared a kid on my bus to lick the frozen bus window, and the bus jerked and he smashed his face on it and lost a tooth. Luckily irl it was a baby tooth but like that seems like a very Chris thing to happen even tho im sure its actually just genetic (also Brian if youre out there im sorry i laughed at you when you lost your tooth and im also sorry i stole your holographic staraptor pokemon card. id still have it if it wasnt for that miserable little troll bastard down the street who then stole it from ME a few years later. poetic justice i guess)
C: what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friends
*cracks knuckles* i was born for this
Dan’s never slept a full night in his entire adult life, and has terrible nightmares constantly. His hypervigilance directly comes from his awful childhood, and Chris is his one single source of stability where most well adjusted people would have an entire complex system of friends and family to rely on. Chris is his ‘safe’ person -which I think is primarily an anxiety term but oh boy trust me is it a post traumatic thing also- The two have fundamentally different outlooks on the world and relationships, so theirs is pretty complicated, with Chris not actually realizing that despite the poor treatment, Dan has him on a pedestal in his mind that no one else has ever been privy to before. He has a damn shitty way of showing affection, but its revealed through his constant dependency on Chris and Chris alone that he holds him in incredibly high regards and would likely be devastated into complete nonfunctionality without him around. 
Chris has some self esteem issues with this and how it relates to his perceived importance in the lives of his loved ones. With Elise as well, he feels overshadowed by her talent and dependability, not realizing he’s the rock keeping both her and Dan grounded and relatively happy. Elise however is way better at communicating how much she loves Chris and genuinely both needs and wants him around. Also, I believe that Dan’s insane plots are some sort of an appeal to Chris in an outdated way- when they were younger they used to make those crazy plans together, as evidenced by the camp episode and mentioned a few times in passing (there was some line that stuck out to me in the gym ep along the lines of lets do it like old times, come up with a plan together) in Dan’s disconnected mind, he’s still in the past where Elise was never a participant in their lives and Chris and him were still immature and carefree, just the two of them against the world. In a misguided way, he thinks he’s inviting Chris to something fun and nostalgic every time he drags him along for something insane, not realizing in cases like the camp episode they were in the right and forced to fight back against something, and that stretching small grievances into huge meltdowns is an issue, the opposite of what would appeal to Chris now in his adulthood. Part of him is worried about him and that old bond being left behind if he doesn’t keep that very specific set of circumstances going. 
that got too long and psychoanalyzey lets move on HKDAUSL
D: would never work with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyway
this isnt as much a headcanon as an observation but dan has powerful new yorker energy (to me, the new yorker who never shuts up about new yorking). he just checks off a lot of the stereotypes and i wouldnt be surprised if the two of them had grown up around here instead of always living in cali like is canon. he checks all the boxes, rude, loud, opinionated, impatient, cant drive but complains about every other driver on the road, snobby in a weird despite living in a shithole apartment in a cesspool neighborhood, confrontational with complete strangers, colorful aggressive language, the whole thing. ive found personally that whenever im far enough out of state it is PAINFULLY obvious im from new york, given how im just naturally more aggressive in my speaking and mannerism completely unintentionally. Like, ive got a sailors mouth, i complain REAL hyperbolically, and until i noticed it it genuinley put people off who werent used to it HDUSALAS its just. the norm here. im not as angry as i sound lmfao i just talk real aggressive which is v dan
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