#and their seniors are just some guy™
aureiki · 1 year
if you think about it tomoya x hokke is just midori x yuzuru in a different font
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webs4ribs · 11 months
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Chillin’ with the Lads™ at Camp Magnus
(Heads up that the TMA discord that I mod for is hosting a “Camp Week” packed full of super cool daily events hosted from July 1st to July 7th and if you’re interested, you should definitely join! The link and more information can be found below the cut.)
Welcome to The Magnus Institute!
We’re a 15+ TMA community and daily live-listen discord server with over 350 members that’s here for you to make friends, chill out, and prepare you for The Magnus Protocol!
Our goal is to foster a community that can involve anyone and everyone: from hardcore TMA veterans to those who have never listened to the podcast before. We've got some epic channels that create fun spaces for artists, writers, gamers, and theorists, along with those who’re just into chilling out.
The start of Camp Week means lots of events! Feel free to join the server to check out the full schedule, but here’s a short list of some events we’ll be hosting from Saturday July 1st to Friday July 7th;
An art contest, a writing contest, quiplash games, trivia nights, presentation nights, daily campfire stories, Gartic Phone games, bracelet making, DJ sets, karaoke, a Bob Ross painting sesh, daily YouTube movie nights, among us, green screen edits, a frantic fanfic sesh, tarot readings, and more!
We’ve also set up cabins to create a little bit of camp spirit and competition! By participating in events, you’ll be able to win points for your cabin which will be tallied at the end of the week to determine who reigns supreme! You’ll be able to choose to join 1 of 4 cabins; Gertrude’s Goobers, Leitner’s Losers, Mikaele’s Malewives, and Smirke’s Seniors.
We also have a Minecraft Server dropping on the 1st along with the start of camp week! So if you’re into mining or crafting, make sure to check out the server.
I should also note that a big part of our server’s draw is the daily live listens. We’ve been listening to an episode of TMA every day since March, and as of today (the 26th), we’re on MAG 92 - Nothing Beside Remains. So, if you’d like to join us (or catch up) and listen to the last half of the podcast alongside a live chat every day at 6pm BST and 6pm PT, then we’d love to have you!
That’s about as much condensed information as I can give you without making this wall of text even thicker. If for any reason the discord link doesn’t work for you, or you’re having trouble accessing the server, just send me a DM and I’ll be happy to help you out!
Can’t wait to meet you guys! Have fun!
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serenecypher · 3 months
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Bangtan Host Club Chapter Three
Genre: BTS Ot7xf!Reader, Poly!AU, Fluff, Romance, Crack-ish, Eventual Smut.
W/C: 2592
Summary: Tired of your boring mundane life? Become an exclusive member of The Bangtan Host Club™ today and let 7 charming men help you out.
Warnings: This chapter is rated PG13, but future chapters may include Mature Themes. The reader goes through the five stages of grief. 😔
Disclaimer: Please do not copy/translate or cross-post my work. The tag list is open. Just DM or send an ask to be included.
A/N: Hi! Sorry for the long wait. Thank you guys so much for being patient. 💕 This chapter isn't edited very much, so I am sorry for any dumb mistakes. Please do send my any feedback! 👉🏻👈🏻
Also, now that we have met everyone, here is the cast:
Kim Namjoon as “Takashi Morinozuka”
Kim Seokjin as “Tamaki Suoh”
Min Yoongi as "Umehito Nekozawa"
Jung Hoseok as "Mitsukuni Haninozuka”
Park Jimin as “Kyoya Ootori”
Kim Taehyung as “Kaoru Hitachiin”
Jung Jungkook as "Hikaru Hitachiin”
Congrats to everyone who guessed the right picks lmaooo! I had so much fun writing Chapter 3, I hope you enjoy it. See you sooooon! <3
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Chapter 2 << Chapter 3 >>
You can count the number of times you have felt such unbridled mortification on one hand. One was when you were playing the Cowardly Lion in the Wizard of Oz showcase during your elementary school talent show and, just as you got on the stage, could not for the life of you stop the unrelenting hiccups out of performance anxiety. Or, that one time in middle school, when you spilled all of your half-digested breakfast on the shoes of that one senior guy you had a crush on because you had a bad stomach flu.
This, you internally scream at yourself, is probably the most dread you have felt in all your adult years.
The receipt you can not avert your eyes from shakes between the tips of your index finger and thumb. Is it your hand that is shaking? You really can’t tell. Something bitter twists in your chest that makes you repeat as you squint your eyes at Hoseok. “What the fuck?!”
He looks at you stunned, but definitely not unprepared. He sighs deeply as he tries to console you, “I am here to help you with any concerns you might have.” 
You snap your head to look at the rest of the people in the Cafe- Club- whatever this place is. There are various degrees of horrified looks on the faces of the other- are they supposed to be patrons or customers or-? God this is so confusing. You let out the longest sigh and your other hand, the one without that malignant piece of paper, rubs across your face. 
“There is no way in hell I am paying this.” you declare, looking right back at Hoseok. Just minutes ago you would have never thought of him as someone you’d have talked to in this agitated manner but also minutes ago, he wasn’t a person who claimed you owed his establishment all your family assets and then some. 
There is a loud scraping of a chair behind you and before you can turn to see who it is, Seokjin’s gentle voice is carrying through the room. “I am deeply apologetic to our guests tonight but due to unforeseen circumstances, the club will reschedule your time with the hosts at a later date. Kindly grant us an excuse this once.”
There are murmurs and hushed whispers behind you. The obnoxious sound of various people shuffling footsteps toward the exit amidst the awkward silence that had followed your outburst is acting as the fuel to the simmering rage in your chest. You feel more than see the icy glares people direct at you for ruining what was probably supposed to be a night of entertainment and good company for them. The thought makes you shudder as embarrassment crawls up your spine. You fix your gaze on your tapping shoe against the plush carpet and cross your arms in front of your chest. 
“Now,” Seokjin continues once it is only you and the other hosts remaining, “What might be the issue, beautiful?”
You inhale deeply before you turn to him, expecting him to look irritated by you. Instead, his eyes are full of mirth as he lifts an amused eyebrow at you. His hands rest on the table in front of him, palms down as he leans his tall frame forward. It irks you. 
“I said I am not paying that ridiculous amount for a coffee I did not even finish. You can not make me.” 
Seokjin’s lips form a small o shape as he pretends to sincerely consider your words. “It is not the coffee you are paying for though, darling. That is complimentary.” He says it like it is obvious. You feel a familiar twitch in your temple. “You are paying for the additional services you have utilized this evening.”
You can feel yourself seething but for the sake of not becoming liable to any property damage, you reign your fury. “I will do no such thing. I had no idea what kind of an establishment this is.”
“We keep that in mind.” Taehyung intervenes, his dark brown eyes sparkling at you intently. “Besides the several, and might I remind you, very prominently displayed boards with our club trademark, the first visits to the guests are usually not chargeable, a free trial if you will.”
“You, however, took four of us with you, to your apartment no less, and Namjoon Hyung even did locksmithing for you.” Jungkook adds from where he is standing next to Taehyung. He smirks at you, and it takes everything in you from banging your fist on the nearest table. 
“He offered!” You argue, wincing at the sound of your voice. 
“He is supposed to. Accepting is completely beholden to you.” Seokjin adds with a tilt of his head to the left that you can only assume to be satirizing. “The club hosts offer services to the guests and if they choose to accept them, they are liable to the charges.” he says, shrugging those ridiculously broad shoulders of his nonchalantly. 
You scoff at this, your glare now directed at Namjoon, who to his credit looks like a big puppy that has been reprimanded by his owner for bringing the newspaper in the mornings, only slightly covered in drool.  
Your shoulders slump in defeat. They are not wrong, you think. When you enter a place that offers you any kind of service, and you make use of said service, you are, as a consumer obliged to pay the fee for that service. “I can not pay that amount. I do not have that kind of money.” At this, the room falls into silence. God, these hosts must earn so much that the concept of living paycheque to paycheque must be alienating to them. 
After what seemed like an eternity, when it was probably only six minutes tops, Jimin who had been sitting on his chair quite comfortably so far takes an exaggerated inhale before intoning, “Well, we might be able to offer you something to help with that.” 
You look at him sheepishly and he continues, “If you can not pay us in terms of funds, pay us in service.” 
What the hell is that even supposed to mean? Is this like some sort of hidden camera prank? Are Pauly and Vinny about to come burst down the doors as a cameraman pushes his gigantic camcorder in your face yelling “You just got MTV pranked!” 
Your bewildered expression must have been too obvious because Jimin adds “I am serious. Work for us.”
Now you are even more confused. Work for them? As an employee? You can not be a host. You have a day job. A job that feels like going through the depths of hell every day, but a job nonetheless. Your tongue twists in your mouth as you try to swallow saliva down your dry throat. “What does that mean?”
“You said you worked at LinkSol, right? By Hwan Sana?” Jimin asks and it's as if he just talked about Voldemort judging by the dramatic gasp from Seokjin’s lips and his hand on his chest, clutching pearls. “You should come work for us, as our manager. Trust me, you’d be doing yourself a favor too.” 
“That’s your solution? Servitude compulsory labor?” you resign. “Do you think we are in the 17th century?” Change is not a friend to you. Yes, your job is torture but you’ve grown accustomed to the routine. This is asking a lot of you. 
“Why, you got something better?” he counters. “We can not waive off your fee, you can not pay it to us. We have an open position and you are at a shitty job. The way I see it, there are no losing parties.”
“You will get to work stable hours that are open to negotiation. We will pay you a salary, also negotiable, from which we will deduct a monthly interest that will serve as your payment.” Jimin pulls out his phone and taps away for a few seconds before humming to himself and adding, “It will take you about 18 months to pay off everything and then you are free to discuss the position as you wish.”
18 months? That does not seem like enough time to pay off everything, does it? Exactly how much are they planning to give you as a salary? Before you can ask, you bite your tongue, wise words from your mother at your college graduation dinner resounding in your head, “Never let an employer know you were expecting less payment for your hard work than what they offered you. They must recognize some worth in you that you may be oblivious to.” 
You furrow your eyebrows, trying to paint the most corporate expression on your face as you return a single nod toward Jimin. “That seems reasonable, but I would like to discuss everything from the profile and my responsibilities openly before deciding.” Jimin presses his thick lips in a flat line, nodding his agreement. 
“Of course, take your time. We can set up a formal meeting anytime you want this week,” he informs.
“And,” you interrupt, suddenly remembering how you got yourself in this position in the first place, “I want it all in writing. No more errors in intentions.”
There is a cough from behind you by Yoongi which sounds suspiciously like a chocked back chuckle. Jimin too bites the inside of his cheek, eyelashes fluttering as he nods again. “We will make sure.”
“Now that all that is over can we please just have something to eat Hobi Hyung? I am starving here.” Jungkook sighs dramatically. “And you, come sit with us, we are not working anymore and I know you are exhausted so you might as well eat now.”
You eye him suspiciously. The other boys all walk up to his table as Namjoon and Hoseok go back toward the kitchen. Even though you trudge over to his table, you can’t help but snark at him, “Would this not be added to my debt to you?”
“Fiesty.” he grins and pulls out a chair for you. “And no. Like I said, we are off work so consider this just a dinner with your future colleagues.” 
You hum dejectedly as you sit at the table with your arms still crossed over your chest. This evening has been a year’s worth of events for you and you seriously can not keep your head up anymore. So you lay your head on the soft white satin tablecloth and groan mutely to yourself. 
“It won’t be that bad working here, pretty girl. You’ll see.” Taehyung says softly from where he sits beside you. You raise your head at him, without straightening your back completely, and are surprised to find him looking at you with no more amusement, just what seems like empathy. Your heart betrays you by fluttering. Why do all of them have to be so attractive? It would be so easy to hate them right now if that wasn’t going on. Life is so unfair.
Seokjin’s hand rests on your shoulder giving it a slight squeeze. “You are so knackered. What were they making you do at LinkSol?” 
It is a rhetorical question, you know that, but you’d just love to dump all of your exhausting work stories on someone if only you had the energy to do that. So you just whine noncommittally and put a pin on telling those stories some other day. After all, they are going to be your “colleagues” as they said. Seokjin takes your palm in his and gently starts to massage your hand. His large hand engulfs yours as his thumbs press into the center of your palm. You give him a confused stare.
“What?” he questions softly.
“What are you doing?” you ask, pointing your nose down to where he is still caressing your hand.
“What does it look like I am doing? I am helping you.” he says it like it is the most obvious thing you could have asked him. 
“Don’t think so deeply about it, sweetheart,” Jungkook says as he grins softly at you, “Hyung has a habit of doing things like that. Just let it be, he means no harm.”
“Yeah, but he is annoying as hell.” Taehyung chips in.
This makes a scowl appear on Seokjin’s face. “I taught you better than that, you shameless brat.” 
“You didn’t teach me shit.” Taehyung gruffs, although he does seem to quiet down after that. 
Jimins rolls his eyes at the both of them and diverts his attention back on you. “I have a better question. I get it about Jin Hyung, he gives off that vibe,” which you think is a slight hidden in the guise of a statement towards Seokjin, “but you didn’t think that we were acting… unusually, around you?”
To be honest, yes. It was definitely strange how these incredibly attractive men were the embodiment of cats with a ball of yarn with you, but that is the point. You were so distracted by the way they looked and how they were very obviously flirting with you that you never even questioned why. You weren’t going to tell them that though. How flustering that idea is, makes a sheen of sweat break out on your hairline. “N-no. I didn’t think of it as anything out of the ordinary.”
It seems like you picked the wrong choice because an impish grin curves along Jimin’s lips as his eyes linger on yours. “So it is a normal occurrence for you. People just flirt with you wherever you go?”
When he puts it like that, it makes your cheeks burn. It is further compounded by Taehyung who admonishes Jimin, “C’mon, Hyung! Stop teasing the poor girl.” He gives you a smirk and a dramatic once-over, before adding “I mean look at her. I wouldn’t dream otherwise”
The way his gaze is suddenly heated makes you choke on your own spit a little. Your heart stutters in your ribcage. Even Yoongi who has been decidedly quiet this entire time leans forward on the table from across you. “Cute.” he mutters, his sharp eyes boring straight into you.
Jimin sighs a deep breath. He plays with the button on the cuff of his shirt as he looks down at the table, “I am not questioning it. I just don’t think I like the idea too much.”
What was that about being “off work”? Aren’t they supposed to not be this charming anymore? Then why are they so intent on making you feel so bashful?! Before you can put too much thought into the matter, the doors to the kitchen open, and Namjoon and Hoseok carry with them two large trays full of food and coffee. As soon as the trays are placed on the table, Hoseok wraps his arms around you, pressing his chest to the back of your chair.
“I am sorry that this is how things turned out, angel.” he whines and Namjoon gives you a small smile as he takes a seat beside Seokjin, “Look on the bright side though. Now we can share all the sweets we want and play together.” he giggles. You smile gratefully at his optimism.
Maybe it won’t be that bad, you think as Jungkook passes you a plate of sandwiches. They seem like nice people, they are allegedly paying you a much better salary than you get at your job, and if nothing else, at least they are a nicer view instead of the drab walls of your office.  
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Taglist: @im-sinking-in-mud @comingupwithacoolnameishard @loumin908 @btsizlyfe @talyaaas-blog @ldysmfrst @socksfirst1 @aliceoracleollormusic
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spaciebabie · 2 years
you get ta college and realize that everybody here is just Some Guy™ and has been Some Guy™ for their whole lives. the veteran seniors are having breakdowns right next ta the freshmen in the library, our final essays for the semester are started and finished two days b4 its supposed ta b turned in and all our rough drafts look like somebody rubbed 3 braincells on a google doc and then puked on it
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gyunglitter · 6 months
the losers club !!
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summary: just you dicking around with txt college!au besties
warnings: doja cat fandom slander, mentions of soobin's feet, mentions of bullying, cursing
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contrary to your group’s self-appointed nickname, you guys are actually well known (and liked!) on campus!! :D
you guys have NO IDEA as to how so many people on campus grew to like you and want to hang out with you
especially since you guys had a hard time in school before
but woohoo to not peaking in high school right?!
tbh, you guys are testaments to that second round of puberty nobody talks about
ya know, the glow up that happens after you graduate high school and get away from all the pricks you were forced to see everyday?
yup, you and your losers are finally thriving
besides when you’re dying bc of all your classes and tests
but yeah
while other ppl really like your group’s personalities
i mean, just look at y’all!
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[choi yeonjun]-
‘99 liner//junior
took a gap year before getting dragged back to go to school so he could learn to be a normal human being
did someone say IT BOY??
literally the girls and the gays are in love with this man
dance major and student athlete who unironically does zumba every saturday morning
had no social life in high school because kid was NEVER there
he was a bored only child, while his neglectful parents were filthy rich and figured their kid could do whatever he wanted to entertain himself
so what he wanted, they got it—including vacations
with him being gone so much, his classmates always wondered who this choi yeonjun guy was and how he could miss so much school while still passing
though the intrigue kind of stopped when he pulled up to school with the ugliest shoes to walk south korea
him and his obnoxious shoes gave a lot of people the ick :(
but never fear, yeonjun and his footwear are just ahead of their time!
(you can't say they are in quite yet, but they probably will come around some day!!)
yeonjun typically spent his days doing sports, travelling, and running away from talent scouts lmao
no idol life for him in THIS lifetime
but as life would have it, the man is too scrumptious to be out of the spotlight for too long
bc he became a model not too long after college started due to a school project photoshoot went viral on twitter!!
his twitter is a minefield while he reserves his insta for the wholesome content :)
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[choi soobin]-
‘00 liner//junior
glue of the group despite insisting how much he HATES y’all
broadcast and entertainment major so he can get into the entertainment industry and get the bts of moviemaking!!
(really just wants to meet all of his favorite voice actors tbh)
known for being the Ultimate Boyfriend™ despite never actually being in a relationship lololol
in middle school he got into anime, which was COMPLETELY normal! he actually made a ton of friends that way!!
at least until one of his friends came over and saw his body pillow collection
yikes :/
unfortunately didn’t take long at all for the whole school to find out, and then they never let it go
all the way up until he graduated high school :(((
it’s okay tho!
he had tons of online friends from going to conventions and stuff!!
but making irl friends was definitely hard for him when he got to college
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[choi beomgyu]-
01’ liner//sophomore
absolute MENACE to your little society
he’s the guy who gets whoever is in his company to unironically admit “last night was a movie”
music major studying composition while playing guitar in a band
the girlies are FAWNING
ppl are so in love with him because he’s so pretty
but then the kid opens his mouth :/
he was the most extroverted kid
which worked perfectly bc with his good looks and personality, everyone wanted to be his friend!! :D
but with high school, friends, and all his 100 extracurriculars
kid burned out by senior year :(
his last year of school, he totally ghosted his friends and stayed inside all day playing video games
(he actually got diamond 1 on LoL, boy is nothing if not determined)
eventually rumors went around that he got dropped and turned into a social outcast
but he didn’t really care since he was fine with rotting away the rest of the school year
by the time he got to college, he wanted nothing to do with things that would suck his already nonexistent energy
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[kang taehyun]-
02’ liner//freshman
the one that always has the braincell
and really wishes he didn’t so he could escape yall
stem major for engineering, which is just another one of his controversial choices (being second only to befriending yall)
everyone on campus knows him as that one guy you go to when you need the answers to your homework or your final
yeah, he’s selling the test answers on the black market :P
what? he’s in DEBT
he never gets suspected tho bc he alrdy knows all the answers, so why would he be involved with that??
but the rest of the town?
well, the town knows him as terry
mans is always seen at the gym and the club pulling without even trying
this is TOTALLY contrasting to his high school life, where he literally only gave his time of day to his studies
mans did not have TIME to hang out with anybody
bc of this, he became a bit of an easy target to the one-dimensional jocks that tried to use him to get them better grades :(
he was a small kid, so he got picked on and tossed around a lot :(((
it’s okay, since he’s buffer than them now!! >:)
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[huening kai]-
‘02 liner//freshman
maknae that’s more mature than ALL OF YOU
he acts like he isn’t, but kid grew up a MIDDLE CHILD between TWO SISTERS
they’d managed to craft the most perfect and thoughtful angel to grace south korea
except for his demonic laugh :/
he’s coasting through college, wishing he could tell you what major he was
but boy is constantly changing it LMAO
he just loves learning about different subjects!!
not to mention he’s good at most things he tries
so he makes tons of friends!!
but he didn’t always :(
from middle to high school, he was THE band kid
he could play the guitar, percussion, trombone, and piccolo!!
so when little kai walked home in his minecraft hoodie carrying his giant instrument case
8/10 times kid would get pelted by eggs or something on the way home
good thing he had his trombone case to shield him!! :D
kai would also be insanely awkward and didn’t have good icebreakers besides his plushie collection
too bad that didn’t become socially acceptable for another few years
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[y/l/n y/n]-
‘01 liner//sophomore
ladies and gentlemen i give you
the group's resident photographer, despite the fact that you're SO HOT
you are beauty
you are grace
well, you are now
high school: not so much
you were LOSER #1 girlie ://
you were just a little slow to pick up on a lot of social cues and what was "cool" or not, making you prone to awkward situations and bullying
for example: pinky promises and saying “on god” was quirky and acceptable, but spit shakes were not
neither were bowl cuts
or pretending to drown at the school pool and see how everyone would react
like i said, you were behind on a lot
but what took you the longest to learn—the people you thought were your friends were no longer laughing with you and your unfortunately timed puns, but at you (and your unfortunately timed puns) :(((
but you digress, because your overactive imagination worked to your advantage of getting clout and a full ride scholarship!!
you’re an art major with a minor in photography, winning a national photography contest that got the attention of your college
your genius piece of "different kinds of falls in public", where you purposefully tripped people walking by you and taking photos of them, had won the heart of the public and the school board over to the point of them begging to have you!
your parents and teachers just wished you had the same genius outside of cameras--as you slacked off in every other academic aspect
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notes: enjoy me being unfunny but having a blast anyway! feel free to send in asks/requests regarding this fic. can't guarantee i'll respond to it, but i'd love to see what you guys think/want!
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love-kurdt · 3 days
Swooping, Slopng, Cursive Letters: 30
word count: 382
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August 31, 1989
Dear Will,
I just moved to Indianapolis today. My parents left a few hours ago, and I’ve been at my desk, staring into space ever since. It’s like I don’t know what to do with myself. I don’t think it’s set in for me quite yet that I’m living away from home. I’ve lived on Maple Street my entire life, and now my entire life has been crammed into a hundred square foot dorm room. It’s definitely going to take some getting used to.
I packed The Painting™ and a bunch of your art in hopes that I’d be able to decorate my space a little bit, but I couldn’t go through with it. It’s too difficult. I tried hanging everything up, but… I might’ve cried a little bit. Yeah. I know. Pathetic, right? Right. Goddamn it, I feel like I’m talking to a wall. And I kind of am; I glance up at the wall every time I try and think about what to write next. So I guess that makes this version of you… Wall Will™? Ugh. I hate myself. The only thing I can stomach having in my line of view is that photo of us on your bike. I don’t have the heart to throw it away.
I miss you. I miss you every day. These past few weeks have been absolutely awful. I’ve been begging our friends for information, but no dice. Speaking of dice; I hope you kept yours. You know, because you’re probably going to find some like-minded individuals wherever the hell you are and join another party. It’ll probably feel good to get some payback for my time in Hellfire. Lord knows I deserve it.
My roommate is nice. His name is Elvis. Yes, as in Presley. But his last name is Kuiken. It’s Dutch, I think. He’s a huge fan of David Bowie, so you guys would probably get along well. You’d like him. He’s a senior, so he’s pretty well versed in the ins and outs of college and offered to give me an initiation of sorts. He’s taking me to my first party tomorrow night, so I’m hoping it’ll help in starting the semester on a high note. I’ll be thinking about you the whole time.
previous letter | next letter
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
Do you have any timkon HCs?
kon, like all supers, is a giant softie at heart. tim you have to hold his hand. tim he wants a hug. tim he is laying in your lap and daydreaming about picking out cutlery sets together when you decorate your future home together.
tim is an expert clothes thief. kon is more laid-back about his acts of theft but they do happen. what this means is that sometimes kon will steal a shirt tim stole from dick who stole it from donna, and everyone involved just has to live with that.
tim has yet to successfully teach kon to skateboard without any ttk involved. kon isn't convinced it's physically possible. he has, however, discovered that he loves roller skates!
(yes, this means they do have skate park dates.)
one time kon, half asleep, smiled dreamily at tim and, trying to compliment his eyelashes, told him adoringly "you look like a cow."
it took tim a minute, but he got the gist and did in fact blush really hard about it.
bart, texting cissie: "kon just told tim he looks like a cow and tim is blushing about it. whats wrong with them"
they start dating without realizing they're dating. everyone else can see it very clearly. they are the last to figure this out bc they just melt into it so hard (when you already have a STRONG bond built on deep devotion and trust, etc, what's a little thing like sharing clothes and a bed? and being extra physically affectionate? it's nothing major!)
tim's gender: he's just some guy kon's gender: ✨💖🌟 babygirl 🌟💖✨ together: [bystanders looking on like. how tf did that generic dude land THAT?] except kon is always like LOOK AT TIM HE'S THE PRETTIEST MOST SPECIALEST BOY
they are not the first queer relationship either of them has. tim dates someone else, kon has a passionate makeout with simon valentine at senior prom that turns into a summer fling, tim is NOT jealous, it's just that as kon's bff he thinks kon can do and deserves better ok. and its NOT a whole Thing™ that later on he's smug about simon posting sad breakup song lyrics on instagram. its literally normal theres nothing going on here
one time tim gets a superboy merch jacket styled after kon's leather jacket thinking aw im being supportive and wearing his merch <3. and kon is so offended bc YOU CAN LITERALLY WEAR THE REAL THING ROB. I HAVE BACKUPS. TAKE THAT SHIT OFF PUT MY ACTUAL JACKET ON RIGHT NOW--
they eventually have two apartments, one in metropolis, one in gotham. this is bc you can't permanently take tim out of gotham, but kon would be miserable if he moved there permanently, too. they alternate places.
kon is a morning person; tim is a night owl. kon likes to dote and make tim breakfast every morning; if tim doesnt give him his good night hugs and kissies before he goes to bed he'll pout and also cry. that's a threat tim!!!! he'll cry, do you hear him!!!
kon has a spare collapsible bo staff + a couple batarangs in his gay little thigh pouch. for tim. <3
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meet-me-backstage · 9 months
𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫 ⎈ 𝐄𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 🦇 Eddie Munson x Fem!reader
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 🦇 You get dragged into the unfathomable events at Starcourt Mall by your hopeless crush on Billy Hargrove and new-found middle-schooler friends. You struggle to cope with the trauma which gradually costs you your popular cheerleader reputation when you return to high school for senior year. Though this loss first appears to be the end of the world, you learn that there's worse things than levelling down in popularity.
Though even in darkness, there is always a light - for you this is Eddie Munson, who you gain an unlikely friendship in and fall for him in the process.
𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒂 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍 𝒔𝒍𝒐𝒘 𝒃𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒆𝒓 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒍𝒐𝒕𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒖𝒑𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒅𝒐𝒘𝒏𝒔, 𝒔𝒎𝒖𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒂 𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒚 𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈!
𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 🦇 smoking, mention of and consumption of drugs, horror themes, violence (in the upside down and probs Steve losing another fight (•̀ᴗ•́)و jk jk he's king), mention of and consumption of alcohol, mention of and a near death experience, death, bad language, nightmares, blood, bullying, mention of vomit and vomiting, some domestic (mainly verbal and emotional) abuse(‼️), mention of suicidal thoughts, mention of suicide, mention of self-harm, allusion to eating disorder and smUUT so you have to be 18+ to read this series❗️
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫 🦇 2.8K words.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫 🦇 Bad language, bullying and Billy Hargrove being a𝐧 asshole ™
𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐚 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 - 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞, 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝, 𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲, 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠!
𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲, 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝! <𝟑
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⇜ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 ⎈ 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐥
🦇 𝟏𝐬𝐭 𝐉𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲, 𝟏𝟗𝟖𝟓 🦇
Eddie speed-walked the rest of the way to Tina's new year party, he’d been called to do quick business there and had never invited unless he had weed with him... I don’t really care anyway, the music sucks.
He looked behind him just in case you came running back to him. He felt bad for walking away, but what else was he meant to do when you were the one who'd ran away from him... the master among the 'band of weirdos’, he huffs and kicks the ground with every step towards the party.
Sure, he expected you to be freaked out by the almost accident, and a little bit by him but not to the point where you wanted to get away from him so much that you’d sprinted away with an injured leg.
She’s really become one of that crowd... one of the balls in laundry basket player's... cheerers. He didn't not like the cheerleaders, their routines are metal and require a damn lot of skill... it's the way they cheer for the assholes that hated him, made it their job to make his life a living hell. He thought that maybe the cheerleaders were just doing it because they have to rile up the crowd, but he figured that you proved otherwise tonight - that the cheerleaders, you, believed the bullcrap that the guys were telling them about the Hellfire club.
He swings his black metal box full of weed as he approaches the side entrance of Tina's house. The last time he knocked on the front door and she freaked out and told him to 'go round the back before anyone sees you', so he decided to skip another awkward situation like that with the future prom queen and walks straight through the side gate into Tina’s garden.
He hangs around the back of the garden watching some of the teens jumping into the glowing blue pool and watch the fireworks from there. Some kids say things like 'freak' or 'what is that weirdo doing here?' and his personal favorite: 'I hope he's not brought the devil here with him tonight'. He was never allowed to get involved in any aspect of the parties in case people left at the sight of him… except Tina surprisingly hands him a drink tonight, he shrugs and hums, taking whatever it is, mumbling a  'thanks' as he takes a sip, making the drink bubble and spill over the top of the glass a little.
"Whatever," she answers and swiftly leaves him alone again.
Some boys come over who he recognises from school - they weren't nasty to him, but they weren't nice either. They didn't seem to know what they are doing, but Eddie hands them a few bags regardless and they keep looking over their shoulder at some girls who are watching on... I see, they’re trying to impress them by buying from me because even coming close to me is apparently a life threatening thing to do. Eddie jokingly flashes the boys his teeth and growls, bringing his hands up like claws, the boys stumbling over their feet and run away from him with his drugs before pretending to act cool again in front of the, now laughing, girls.
No one from Hawkins High ever dared to blush and laugh at him like that. Well - just one... Tink - you, but that was way back in middle school and no longer than an hour ago you ran like hell away from him like he’d terrified you.
Tink’s changed… for the worst. He felt disappointed... she was pretty metal in middle school from what I remember. Now she’s too far gone - taken in by the popular crowd, no longer a lost little sheep.
Eddie notices Billy Hargrove, the asshole of not only school, but the entirety of the town of Hawkins walk towards him now... Billy looks like he hasn't had a great night judging by the red handprint on his left cheek, but still sported a smug smirk that made Eddie writhe with hate, "What've you got, Munson?" Billy asks, looming over Eddie, he’s big for a guy younger than him and often made bullshit comments about Eddie in every class he had with him... one of the worst things about being a repeat senior.
"I'll do you a half ounce for... uh, 30, Hargrove," Eddie manages to hide a smug smile, knowing he is ripping Billy off, "What d'ya say, big boy?" He hold the bag of weed before Billy which he examines until giving Eddie a glare at the nickname.
Billy steps closer so their heads are close and Eddie’s heart starts to pummel at his chest, making him think that Billy hadn't bought into his rip off of a deal... but then Billy turns and looks up at the fireworks exploding in the sky, "It's a beautiful display, huh?"
Eddie quickly glances at him, raising his brows and squinting his eyes before looking up at the fireworks too, exhaling in the process as he relaxes at the pretty sight, “y-yeah.” It’s very pretty... still, he’s kinda weirded out at how close Billy is to him, he couldn't completely take the beauty of the fireworks in, especially with the godawful music blaring from within the house.
Suddenly the bag of weed is being snatched roughly from Eddie’s hand, he blinks and watches Billy casually walking away, "Nice doing business with you, dingus," he calls out, briefly turning to look at Eddie, not even bothering to rush... his arrogance pissed Eddie off, made him punch his arm downwards into thin air, wishing it was Billy’s right cheek.
I’ve had enough of jocks and cheerleaders tonight... the adrenaline that pulses through Eddie’s veins control him, he felt just like the puppet on strings inked his arm, being made to walk a direct line headed for Billy, "Jesus H. - Hargrove!" Eddie chokes out now that he is stood directly behind Billy’s large frame.
Billy turns smoothly on his heel, towering over Eddie... his blue eyes like swords ready to plunge into the smaller boy’s heart and scarier than any evil Eddie had come across in Dungeons & Dragons.
Eddie stares back at him with wide eyes - his lips trembling and unable to speak even if he tried, so with his final crumbs of courage and no thought or escape plan, he chucked the half full cup of drink he had all over Billy.
Billy's arms lift from his sides as he examines his now soaked shirt before glaring at Eddie again, his eyes dark, with his infamous twisted grin, "Shit," Eddie mumbles shakily, completely frozen with the glass still in his hand. Eddie is quick to hop back into action, jumping on the spot and sprinting away, almost falling into the pool as he pushes past some of the partygoers.
Eddie chucks his glass onto the ground, making it smash and shards to scatter into the pool, onto the patio and on Billy’s path stopping him momentarily from chasing Eddie.
"You'd be dead if I didn't have all your stock in my hand, freak!" Eddie hears Billy's voice and laughter as he hops over the side-gate, he continues to sprint from territory he didn't feel welcome in... and didn't ever want to be a part of.
Eddie slams his box of weed on his bedside table after muttering 'shit shit shit shit' all the way to his uncle, Wayne’s empty trailer.
I really need to find a quieter place to deal because I am not setting foot at a party again. Not even to make a couple bucks. "Never again," he thinks aloud as he lets himself fall onto his bed, making the headboard thud against the wall, "Shit," He mutters again and jumps off of the bed, "How could I forget, goodnight sweetheart," he kisses the palm of his hand before placing it on his beloved electric guitar.
Eddie stares lovingly as if he’d received a reply like - 'I'm always here for you, Eddie'.
His chest is heaving, completely and utterly out of breath from running back to the trailer through the woods... he’d tripped over some tree vines and roots on the way which left grazes on his hands, which looked pretty badass... until he remembered the reason for them being there. He laughs sarcastically to himself at the thought that, just like you had ran away from him, he had ran away from your people. He sniffles and scrunches up his nose... we both ran from what the other stood for and our will would never ever collide.
"I know you are, you don't run from the freaks," he jokes, hurt in his voice, "And for that - I'm gonna play you so good this Friday, your beautiful curves will melt," he strums her strings while she's hung up against a mirror and he smiles at the sweet sound, like a lullaby to soothe him before he throws himself back onto the bed on his front.
I need to sleep. "Tinker-fuckin’-Bell? More like - Stinker-fuckin’-Bell," he groans into his pillow.
🦇 𝟕𝐭𝐡 𝐉𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲, 𝟏𝟗𝟖𝟓 🦇
Eddie hadn't gotten enough sleep in the last few days, he felt like he was constantly being shaken like a rattle since what happened at that party. Billy fuckin’ Hargrove, this stupid school can go to hell once I graduate... He has his head tucked into the 'welcome back' booklet he’d been handed on his way into the cafeteria of Hawkins High.
"This is not my year," he sighs before letting the booklet fall from his fingertips onto the floor. He treads on it and hangs his head low while walking to the 'Hellfire' table, where Gareth, Jeff and Travis were already sat - they look excited to see him because he’d promised them that he’d have a Dungeons & Dragons campaign ready on the first day back.
When Eddie doesn’t return the excitement their faces fall. He sits himself down at the head of the table, the designated dungeon master seat... which he doesn’t feel he is doing the role justice right now, "It's not ready,” he admits immediately.
"What do you mean it's not ready? You told us after the gig that you had something," Gareth questions, letting his hand fall with a thud almost as loud as when he plays the drums.
Eddie scratches his head, forcing himself to look away from the disappointed faces, "I know I did - I was full of shit," he states matter-of-factly, “I’m sorry," he sighs, bringing his hand to his forehead, the coldness of the rings he’s wearing soothes the burning frustration... if I weren't so exhausted I'd jump onto the table to let loose, tell the entire cafeteria how fucked over I felt by everything.
He could see in his peripheral vision that Gareth is sat back, his arms crossed. Jeff and Travis' eyes are darting back and forth between Eddie and Gareth during the dead silence, "Is everything okay? You've been acting kinda weird since the gig?" Jeff asks, concerned. Out of the boys at the ‘Hellfire’ table, Jeff is the most calm, he resolves conflict, broke up bickers and fights between the others... his voice is smooth and low, it’s like metal music to Eddie’s ears.
Gareth’s face lights up again, "And that too! I'm glad you mentioned that Jeff because now I can say it - we played so badly because your singing was totally off!"
Eddie’s mouth opens to speak, but instead uttered a strained alien noise because you’re walking past his table with Chrissy and Jason (Billy's number one fan). You have a pink bow in your hair and wore a 'tigers' t-shirt under your cheer jacket. Your t-shirt, rather than being the usual white that he saw others wear around school, it is a mix of pink and red... she must've dyed it herself.
You sheepishly look at his table, not at Eddie, which he notices... then your head quickly turns to Jason, who must've told you and Chrissy a joke because you both laugh with him.
The sight of you walking with them, with him - Jason, Eddie scoffs and frowns, feeling his heart sink further. So... Tink’s ok. Dyeing clothes, laughing with Jason Carver and Chrissy Cunningham, buddies with the rest of the popular kids... clinging onto Billy Hargrove by his locker like her life depended on it - that’s why why she ran, she didn't want anyone to see us near together in case I'd damage her reputation.
"Where are you, Eddie?" Jeff's voice knocks him out of his trance caused by you.
"Billy’s girl - the little miss keg queen - whatever they call her?" Gareth interrupts, stumbling over his words while following Eddie’s gaze before leaning forward... Eddie had Gareth’s undivided attention now, which he found weird because usually Gareth hated talking about those higher up on the hierarchy of Hawkins High, "Did you talk to her?"
Eddie huffs a laugh, "Talk," he snorts, twisting the ring on his middle finger... which gave him the sudden want to flip the bird towards the table you are sitting at, "Somethin' like that.”
Jeff, Gareth and Travis are watching Eddie greedily, it made him chuckle, just minutes ago they were pissed off at him.
"Okayyy - m' gonna say this once," Eddie clears his voice, "I was on my way to do some - uh," he looks up, "Business - when I saw her... I pushed her out of the way of a car, I might've pushed a little too hard but I panicked and she freaked out on me - ran off... you know, the usual," he shrugs his shoulders, breaking eye contact with his friends, band-mates, the people he’d run through Mordor for... they knew that there was more and they are still looking at Eddie like they are in the middle of an intense campaign, "I spilled drink over Billy Hargrove at Tina's new year party - really mixed in well with that crowd," he nods his head towards the popular kid's table without looking.
His friends are completely engrossed, their mouths agape... probably still processing the information because usually they spoke of familiar territory at lunch, like D&D, Lord of The Rings or Corroded Coffin.
"It's a lot, I know," Eddie raises his brows and fiddles with his rings again, "I'm surprised they’re not inviting me over there right now with open arms and a varsity jacket," he chuckles and again, nods at that table - your table.
They all exchange looks between each other, excluding Eddie, and suddenly he feels left out, as if he’d missed out something from his own story.
"You rescued little miss sucker punch?!" Gareth blurts loud enough for your table to hear... Jeff nudges him while Eddie shoots Gareth a glare - he raises his hands, "Sorry - it was just pretty badass," he lowers his voice, now using hand gestures to show his enthusiasm.
"Badass?" Eddie mimics Gareth’s voice, leaning towards him with his hand flat on the table, "On a scale from Jimmy Osmond to Iron Maiden - she falls somewhere between... Dancing Queen aaaand - Super Trouper by ABBA right now."
Gareth blinks, "That's kinda harsh - she sucker punched Billy - asshole - Hargrove, something all of us have dreamed of doing and she just... did it," he rambles passionately while the others, aside from Eddie, nod. Gareth notices Eddie’s confused face and rolls his eyes, "What I'm trying to say is, she may not be the hero that this shitter of a school deserves, but she's definitely the hero that it needs."
Eddie blinks back, his mind completely blown, "She - she - sucker punched... this is the princess of Hawkins High you’re talking about?" He began to laugh in utter disbelief, "That's the biggest piece of bullshit I've ever heard - and I've heard a lot of bullshit."
"Dude - everyone's talking about it," Gareth falls back into his chair, "Worshipping her for it - look!" He whispers, tilting his head in the direction of you. You’re still sitting amongst a pool of green and mustard yellow varsity jackets, a few other students had walked up to you and offered you a high five - you are smiling as you lift up your hand and slap it with theirs.
Eddie now notices the mumbling about you amongst all of the tables. This is pretty metal. A grin tugs at his lips, thinking about how you’d disrupted the entire high school regime... everyone including me would never talk badly about Billy, let alone lay a hand on him... now that had all changed and he had no idea because he hadn't even bothered to show up today.
Eddie looks around in admiration until you catch his eye again. He expects to see you smiling still at the mass of attention you are recieving, the attention he thought you craved, but your shoulders are hunched, the smile that you wore not minutes ago is wiped completely off of your lips. You are looking down, miserable… empty - then you quickly look up and muster up a smile that doesn’t reach your eyes at another cheerleader who'd said something to all of the occupants at your table.
Your eyes trail away from your friends, catching the eye contact that Eddie is giving you from across the room.
Eddie’s breath hitches for a moment at your attention before his lips twitch upward into a reassuring, dimpled grin, though in response you sheepishly look away from him. Your own breath hitches and you focus on Chrissy, who is giggling uncontrollably at something Jason had said.
You force yourself to mirror Chrissy’s actions, giggling as if you hadn’t just zoned out and found yourself drowning into the eyes of Eddie Munson.
In that moment you looked so lost and Eddie figured that perhaps you still are still a lost little sheep who is an expert at hiding it. Eddie knew it all from experience, what it looks like to pretend everything is fine when it is pretty damn far from it... and he realises that he’d just poured fuel onto the flame by talking about you like you really are just ‘little miss sucker-punch’, the ‘keg queen’, the ‘princess’... the main character of a story told purely for entertainment to make being at school bearable.
Eddie gulps, feeling extremely guilty.
The only similarity between me and Tink seems to be the way that we cope with shitty situations.
Eddie recalls refusing to face the truth too, feeling like he didn’t belong anywhere. He resorted to spending months and months in the one bedroom of the trailer, that Wayne had given up for him, because all he wanted to do with his time was learn how to play the electric guitar while trying to cope with losing his mom and having a ‘dad’ who enjoyed spending time in prison more than being with his own son.
Eddie huffs a laugh as he remembers learning the entirety of Black Sabbath’s debut album on his beloved electric guitar, which earns him a 'what's so funny?' look from Gareth.
Eddie shakes his head, "Nothing, man," he mumbles and shrugs, looking down at his hand. He frowns at the many doodles that are beginning to fade on his palm.
Eddie then hunches his back and moves his head closer as he grabs a pen from his black metal box. He minds his own business, delving into his own world of doodling on the space between his thumb and index finger while his tongue sneaks out of his mouth in deep concentration... he desperately tries to ignore you from across the room, the thoughts of you that linger and spin around his head.
He roughly drags the pen across his skin, enough to send a sharp pain up his arm.
She was mean.
She hates me.
She wants nothing to do with me.
Why should I help her?
Eddie’s head shakes subconsciously while his friends talk amongst themselves. His brain itches as his caring, nurturing side for the lost sheep of the school battles with his opposing thoughts about your reaction to him after he’d saved you. But then he remembers how you were the first girl he’d ever spoken to, the first one who hadn’t been mean to him… not to mention that you also loved Black Sabbath.
His brown eyes trail in your direction again with his head still bowed, facing his now frozen hands. He feels like such a creep, staring at you, just like he often did in the hallway on his way to class in middle school because he was too nervous to approach you after your encounter at the talent show audition.
I wonder if she still has that Ozzy Osbourne picture tucked away in her locker?
Eddie’s eyes now widen as an imaginary lightbulb floats above his head, he looks back down at the faint doodle on his pale skin.
I’ve got an idea.
⇝ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 ⎈ 𝐎𝐳𝐳𝐲 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐢𝐠𝐞𝐫
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𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠! 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞, 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐄𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐆!!!!! 𝐈𝐭'𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐚𝐲 <𝟑
𝐈𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 ‘𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲’ 𝐨𝐫 ’𝐄𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐌𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧’ 𝐭𝐚𝐠-𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰!
𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲
𝐄𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐌𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧
@introvertedmouse @munsonology @fastnights @kathieycarrerarosshley @marjoriea13 @goldengunspinkrosses-blog @lolalanaie @neteyamsluvts
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sids-a-brick-house · 3 months
Senior House Courtyard (LEGO Contracting Gig™) (2021)
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In early May 2021, some of us were only starting to get our first COVID vaccinations, so Steer Roast, the annual tradition from the MIT dorm Senior House since 1963, was virtual for the second year in a row. I took advantage of this to host a virtual event that I billed as "Your friendly neighborhood LEGO contractor--you think it, I build it!" It turned out to be a popular event, inspiring my ever-upcoming plans to do this again on Twitch. The people who came were inspired by the nostalgia of Steer Roasts past, and component by component people described parts of the Senior House Courtyard they wanted me to build. As I built, I would explain my design decisions and ideas, and respond to feedback as I built. So let's dive into this resulting eclectic scene!
First let's talk about this centerpiece--the eponymous steer being roasted. I originally made it a hunk of read meat (ie, a red brick construction featuring red bricks with round holes connected by red 2x4 plates on an axle). I was informed that we actually roast steer legs, and due to a comical miscommunication, I just added red legs to the hunk of meat, having understood that legs are involved somewhere in the process. The spit was over a fire pit comprised of loose red, orange, and yellow 1x1 plates, some smooth, some studded, some angled, to give the impression of embers below. And of course there had to be a few flames shooting up.
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The feedback I give myself by building something gives me ideas for general improvements. The constraint as a LEGO contractor is, of course, finding the right bricks in a timely manner. I was able to switch things out and use red bricks with axle holes so that making a rotating spit actually...rotated what was on the spit (wild).
When that was built to everyone's satisfaction, the next suggestion was the courtyard's legendary tire swing. This hopefully answers your question from watching the previous video and wondering what that blue guy is doing. (Disclaimer: blue guy is actually from a Power Rangers Mega Blocks set. Apologies to the LEGO company. My bricks are all from sets I was gifted, and I never get to use a Power Ranger in any context other than here, at virtual Roast, since at in-person Roast several people wear costumes and whatnot. I haven't seen a Power Ranger at Roast though--we usually go for original, unlicensed ideas.) Anyway, just like in real life, the tire swing was attached to a very tall tree with branches very high up.
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I am so glad I was organized enough to find the one brick I have with the "rope" (well, string, at this scale) with the hook. I don't really remember which set it came from. Might've been an Avatar: The Last Airbender set. Regardless, I used that and a small rubber wheel to complete the task. (The wheel's size was the best it was going to get in terms of scale and wheels I owned, since the others were too big, but in real life the person would fit into the hole of the wheel.)
The name of the video comes from an...encouragement of sorts throughout the dorm's history. "Give blood to the tree". And wrapping around the tree is indeed how the swinging was done, so, one could see that happening easily. Finally, there was the tree on the left--the courtyard's magnolia tree. I admit, as you can tell from all the previous builds on my blog, I hadn't spent any time making trees before this. Regardless, like with everything else I'd built so far, I talked to the attendees about my build decisions while I was making them, and ended up actually quite satisfied with the results, given the constraints. I knew I had several brown arches and hinges and whatnot, so the real question was just how to compose them organically.
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Part of the organic nature of the scene is having a loose flower on the ground, as one would in real life. The flowers were comprised of red translucent round 1x1 plates and white opaque 1x1s, either round or square (depending on how much the flower had bloomed). The leaf details were limited by what I had available, but I think that at least also adds an organic touch to the tree, so i distributed the green 1x1 plates semi-randomly. An important note here is that I had no reference image, so the details of the flowers came from one of the attendees (or, I suppose, one of my clients) describing it verbally as she watched me build. Overall, for the constraints (time, primarily, to think quickly in response to suggestions and work within the limitations of the bricks I already own), I think it turned out pretty well, and all of my clients gave positive reviews. Maybe I'll make some business cards for this gig.
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
i wanna hear your thoughts about black lizard <3
S U R E. I love the Black Lizards so much, in my mind they really are the closest to family the pm has. You have these two very dysfunctional traumatized kids made of:
Gin we don't know much about except that they grew up in the mafia and have a brother who literally doesn't know how to express any emotion that isn't raw primordial rage
Tachihara who like. Where do I even start, since childhood had major younger sibling complex™ that evolved into trauma when said brother died in war making him also develop major revenge complex™, was dysfunctional to the point of becoming a thug to cope with his complexes, got caught and recluted by the fucking police that on top of likely body modifications assigned him to be a spy at (makes some very quick calculations) 16, apparently, to the major criminal and most dangerous organization of Yokohama
They both found themselves working in the mafia under pretty similar circumstances, two (by the looks of it) non ability users yet nonetheless exceptionally skilled mafiosi which allowed them to climb the ranks of the pm pretty quickly. Their similar positions and complementary skills made them perfect fit to take part of an accurately schemed, all-comprehensive team that could carry out both long range attacks (Tachihara) and close range assassinations (Gin), accompanied by someone who could fill in anything the other two missed– a pm veteran, powerful ability user with enough experience to handle any escalation, and also pass on his experience to train the next generation of pm high ranks. That's how the Black Lizard was born, a team set up with clinical precision, the perfect cold expression of what the pm is like under Mori. But it was never accounted to be a family! In fact, it probably started off on a rocky start, because what else would you expect by putting together two teens - let's say the Black Lizard was formed about three years after Tachihara joined the pm and one year before the current events, so when both Gin and Tachihara were 18 - who their entire lives never experienced a single interpersonal interaction that wasn't conflictual. Still, somewhat held back from exploding into extreme conflictual outburst by their intimidating senior (who very conveniently is also proficient in handling dysfunctional teens), Gin and Tachihara kind of… Start getting each other. Or at least, start thinking they do. And soon enough their shared experiences and feelings bring them closer than they ever felt with anyone else. Because they're both like, this guy gets it!! They get what it feels like having an older brother that is so distant from you you can't seem to connect with in anyway. They get what it means having to toughen up so to not give any chance to the world to hurt you, what it feels like to hide your soft core. Even despite neither of them being aware of the other's secret identity, that's another thing they have in common and probably got them even closer. I've talked about it before but to me Gin and Tachihara became to each other the brother they always wanted but never had- someone you could take jabs with, share inside jokes, playfully send death threats to - overall, just the warm, genuine and fun feeling of siblinghood compared to the stiff and distant relationship with their older brothers that has hurt them a lot in the past (about that, at this point I truly fail to interpret the Black Lizard scene in chapter 5 any other way. “You're two minutes late” “Creepy ol' Gin's even later than me” “Ever the freak, ain'cha” “Enough, you imbeciles! Or would you prefer to be listed among the casualties?”: in no world the whole conversation between the three of them doesn't sound family-like. I can swear to you the Gin / Tachihara interaction is just the average siblings experience.)
They're so family!!!! They're so family, they make me cry. Chaotic siblings and their exasperated grandpa who loves them very much. The father figure neither of them ever had!! (I mean, Gin never had. Tachihara we can't exactly say, but if anything the little flashback of his family in chapter 73 doesn't look good). I think so much about Hirotsu and Gin specifically, Hirotsu taking Gin under his wing, Gin genuinely holding affection towards him to the point she'd even show herself more vulnerable to him and sincerely treat him as a father; in my headcanon, Hirotsu is the only person in the pm and thus the entirety of Yokohama to know Gin is a girl other than Ryuunosuke, Mori and Kouyou (and Verlaine? How are they related again?).
Idk, in my mind deep deep down Gin is a little more hopeful (or naïve, depends on how you want to see it) compared to Ryuunosuke; not that she trusts people (she doesn't), but she does believe some, very little people can actually be… Good, and well intentioned, which is a low standard but still better than Ryuunosuke believing all people are fundamentally always selfishly fighting for survival and the sorts (actually, I think Ryuunosuke is the exact reason Gin doesn't believe that, because knowing him taught her that even the most ruthless, heartless of people can still hold affection and dedication– and I'm talking about his devotion and utter love for her).
I digress, but you see how they're really this little family. They'd go on family trips and have card games and stay late at night to work on their plan for their next mission and Hirotsu would narrate exaggerated gangster stories to a Tachihara with sparkling eyes and Tachihara would make sure to cook for everyone and make a little more for Ryuunosuke too because one night Gin confessed to him she worries about how little he eats. They're family.
Except they're not. except Gin has her secrets and Tachihara has his secrets and Hirotsu has his secrets nobody can share with the others. And Gin and Tachihara are young and passionate and living the moment, are happy and satisfied with how their lives are now, whereas Hirotsu is highly perceptive and thanks to his sixth sense given from being a pm veteran he can read the signs and he just… Knows something's up with all of them, knows the good times won't last much longer; and yet can't bring himself to voice it because he loves his new subordinates / kids too much and really can't ruin their fleeting happiness, the first time in their lives they feel, more or less consciously, like they finally found a place for them. So it's all so bittersweet and tragic, you see what I mean???
Btw, Gin really doesn't have the slightest idea that Tachihara is a spy. Like, even worse than that, when she'll found out she'll first go through severe denial. She's going to hate him for that, like she never hated anyone before. And Tachihara is going to be so obviously heartbroken!! And it's so sad, because both of them are doomed to lose the closest brothers they ever had– in Tachihara's case, for the second time. It's so tragic.
Chapter 77… Man, chapter 77. Black Lizard is THE pm family, seriously. Just- I don't even know how to describe it: the warm and domestic and familiar feeling to the scene, the image of a family coming together again after having surpassed an hard time, Gin with her guard completely down and so serene, comfortable, ecstatic from the relief that despite all that happened all of them are safe and sound, and nothing else matters. The way Gin and Hirotsu cackle when Tachihara asks them if he's suited for the mafia. For Gin, the idea he isn't is absurd, insane– that's how Tachihara has always been, her mafioso coworker, her partner, friend, brother. For Hirotsu, it's the confirmation of that something is off he's already sensed so many other times; yet, he wants to reassure Tachihara, like a father would do to his son; he wants to keep the family together a little longer, as long as possible, cherish those last little serene moments where they can still be a family. And it's such a gentle, heartbreaking scene, the bittersweet knowledge that Tachihara knows that's the last time the Black Lizard can still be a family, Hirotsu who probably took a good guess on that, Gin being completely oblivious to it. How the image of the wounded bodies of Gin and Hirotsu - his wounds - is going to hunt Tachihara forever. I just love the Black Lizard so much!!! The tragic family who was brought together for one year which is alos probably going to be the only year of happiness the three of them will experience their entire lives which will change all of them profoundly to the point no one will ever be the same after breaking apart really does it for me (╥﹏╥)
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spotsupstuff · 10 months
i love your suns interpretation so much tbh. can I ask what your take is on NSH's relationship with them, out of curiosity? i feel like I don't see NSH be angry to SRS enough.
like, yes, NSH avoids conflict, but there's no way he doesn't know what SRS did. he's not stupid! like, they're both FP's seniors, and NSH knows they both have responsibilities to keep stuff like that from happening.
sorry if i'm ranting a lil lmao, it's just something that annoys me slightly about NSH interpretations that they all blame FP. as much as the guy is an idiot SRS is also to blame here
oh preach, the whole... NSH blames Only Pebs annoys me a ton too
Nish is still angry with Pebbles, because after all Pebbles isn't fault in this, but yes, he's angry with Suns too. his relationship with them was initially pretty good! Suns was basically their first Gen 2 and they didn't like Moon so Nish as the second senior of the group took it upon himself to be the one to give the newbie an intro to all of this
pretty quickly he figures that there's a defect in Suns when it comes to his emotions. so even though at this point he isn't yet all that Extremely emotional (the extreme is a result of research done by the Ancients into the emotional aspects of Iterators. Nish was pretty emotionally adept but not as much as he is later), he still offers to kind of like... Tutor? Suns? through emotions? and emotional understanding and conncetion between Iterators and Ancients and such
so the two are very close because of it! Nish isn't anything sort of a mentor™ to Suns (that's be Innocence), but he's a good older brother who tries his best to help Suns live well. so Suns starts to build a certain character of himself. the ruse that Pebbles ends up looking up to. and Nish thinks that it's Suns putting their time spent together to good use and are getting better. but Suns is failing to integrate the lessons and explanations all that well without knowing that they are failing at it n both think that everything is going well in their own idea of "going well". and at some point Suns starts to kind of lean off from the lessons and Nish being respectful let's it happen trusting that they know better now
after all that happens with Pebbles... well, canonically already Nish gives Suns shit for everything at least a little. after Spears campaign they grow more distant cuz... well Moon is going to die. the most important to Nish will be just gone so he's dealing with that. n then she collapses and he has a lot of shit to work through as the group's new senior, he doesn't have Time to be angry at Suns anymore, really. so the responsibilities mostly beat it out of his head. he's bitter with Suns and distant (this affects Suns pretty bad)
then Hunter comes around and Nish becomes somewhat happy again. Spears is quite old at this point, but Nish still contacts Suns for the sake of their scugs getting to meet. so Hunter can have some proper parent figure of her species and someone to learn fighting from. their interactions are awkward, they don't talk much
after Spears dies, Suns withdraws even more than before. after Hunter dies, Nish becomes embittered and a very different person who he was. another relationship that has ended in finality just like Suns n Pebbles' has. just quieter and more drawn out
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sparklywatercolors · 7 months
Fun fact I'm actually writing a story on that too but here's some little bits and pieces of said fic explained in the dumbest way possible. Enjoy 😏✨
Blame Alfred (/America)
Literally blame him right now, don't even think about it, just do it.
He decided to host a huge party during the week Zorya had to present their senior thesis.
And no the party wasn't for them it was a hell yeah it's summer time party
What a goof I love Alfred so much ☹️ (fun fact him and Lovino are Zorya's best pals)
Of course Zorya and Lovino and all their friends get dragged along. Zorya's (outside of the trio) friends rejected bc they were like are you insane it's thesis and finals weeks absolutely not 🗿
Zorya would say no but they share an apartment with their best friends and they don't want to be a jerk alright
Anyways party time. Zorya is literally stuck to Lovino like glue. Like holy shit I don't know anyone let me join u and ur other friends
Alfred is being too social for Zorya, he introduced them to like 40 new people in the span of 5 minutes so Zorya went fuck that and found Lovino and went okay YOU ARE STUCK W ME NOW
Zorya would much rather be sleeping but it's fine Lovino's friends are rly nice, and they don't get to meet up with these people that often so it's nice to see some sorta fresh faces but not awkward meeting for the first time conversations
But holy shit there are so many people here
So stressful
Zorya doesn't do parties (I also don't rly do parties unless it's like my closest friends or if I'm at a family party, I have a friend with me or I can sneak out and go draw 🫡)
Zorya decides to excuse themself from the fun banter they've gotten involved in and they go take a walk around and maybe fight off random strangers for some apple juice
Yes Alfred got them to be on board bc he bought them fancy apple juice. Zorya likes striking a deal when they can
They drink the juice life is great
Poor Zorya *sad kazoo noises*
Zorya tries to look like they fit in just smiling at strangers, but it looks more like 😬😬😬😬😬 LMAOOOO they're trying okay don't judge them
Again blame Alfred (just in case you forgot)
But the juice is so worth it
Anyways Zorya is sipping their apple juice, and ready to sneak into their bedroom (that they locked up-yes this is happening at their apartment BTW Alfred is..... I don't even know anymore), and climb out to the fire escape and go get bubble tea 🧋(mmm bubble tea mmm) and just stay away
yes it's Ivan but they don't know that
He's talking to some people, some look comfortable some look afraid that he will snap them in half if they don't laugh at his jokes
Zorya is afraid to ask him to move
So Zorya is just awkwardly there gawking at him and these people that he probably already knew cause of course Alfred is so popular that he can get strangers to bring their friends to this chaotic shit
Zorya is over thinking everything as usual ™
Alfred can be heard screaming the cha cha slide in the distance now BTW
Anyways Zorya feels a hand on their shoulder, it's this girl asking if they're alright
They zoned out and was staring at tall Russian man while in the process of zoning out
Good job Zorya we're proud of u
Zorya is like oh no he's hot AND I WAS STARING AT HIM OH GOOD GOD 🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍🧍
Zorya awkwardly waves it off and goes oopsies sorry ah I was looking for my friends there's so many people here ah shit I'm sorry 😅... 🫠
And Russian dude that Zorya doesn't know the name of (it's Ivan) is like I'm pretty tall I can help you look
Zorya is like *NEARLY CHOKES AND DIES * SURE?????
So they go on a fucking hunt to find Lovino and gang
Zorya notices some of Russian guy's friends look low key relieved, Zorya wants to ask but is like nah I don't wanna know I just want to find Lovino
So they're walking around and talking
They exchange names
Hi Ivan
Hello Zoryana (fun fact it takes him months even when they start dating,, to just call them Zorya)
Zorya is genuinely having a great time talking to Ivan
And it seems the same way for Ivan!! 🥺
They're talking for a good hour that's how fucking crowded this party is and they're rly distracted just talking to each other about random shit and making jokes about stupid things happening
Alfred and Lovino are low key watching this btw, Alfred is like Zorya is gonna be simping and Lovino is like oh dear God no not again
Eventually they find Lovino and his gang
Zorya introduces Ivan to them
Seems like everyone knows everyone, Zorya is basically the new guy here 🧍🫡 good job Zorya
Before Zorya could thank Ivan he's getting dragged off
Zorya is BLUSHING BTW and was like damn he was rly cute I'd love to talk to him again.... Maybe ask him to coffee or something
Lovino notices and goes oh here we go again 🧍
Alfred overhears and WINGMAN MODE ACTIVATES
Zorya is like no don't 🗿
Fuck you this is America I'll do what I want biatch Alfred yells and disappears into the crowd
Bye Alfred
Zorya and Lovino are face palming 🤦🤦
Party goes on until like the last stragglers leave at like 3 am
This party started at noon the previous day btw
Lovino is like go the fuck to bed
Zorya is like no I miss my calmer apartment pls 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
The trio goes to sleep will clean when they wake up bc fuck that
How many fucking people were over anyway holy shit??? 😭
In the afternoon Zorya wakes up and Alfred is swiveling around the barstool and cackling
Lovino is on his 5th cup of coffee and telling Zorya go back to bed
So you remember Alfred wanting to be the wingman
Well he
He set up a little date to the zoo for Zorya and Ivan next weekend
Zorya goes back to their room
Closes the door
... Zorya is both happy and terrified BC HOMIE WHAT WHY
The end 😌
That's basically the whole story but in condensed (...some would beg to differ) notes form!! I hope i have pleased you with this lore 👀
Tldr: blame Alfred.
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letmeinnnnn · 2 years
Eddie Munson
“Why are people so connected to this character?”
I was roped into watching Stranger Things season 4 after never taking the time to even watch season 3 because I happened to see some pictures of this guy, this new cast member in Stranger Things- I’m immediately drawn in by the 80s metalhead aesthetic because it is right up my alley and happens to be “a look” (tm) that I adore.
So I cave and watch the first episode, Eddie’s introduced and immediately I’m like, this guy has a lot of energy and then-- oh god he’s really climbing onto the table and making a scene. People shout “loser”/jock-boy calls him a freak and then Eddie takes the insult, folds it into a crown and wears the hell out of it.
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I am immediately struck by the CONFIDENCE. This guy does not give a FUCK. He’s loud, kind of obnoxious, and very weird-- and I LOVE IT. He then goes around and is able to make all of his friends smile and laugh; his charisma commands the entire cafeteria scene.
He’s a roughly 20-21 year-old in high school; he’s failed senior year twice, but he’s somehow radiating coolness and it’s clear how everyone in the “nerds and freaks” group looks up to him. 
That level of self confidence and zero fucks given attitude is so admirable in my eyes; he never stops being himself. I can only wish I could be like that, and I think a lot of people feel the same, which is why Eddie comes off being so cool and likable. It’s only the tip of the iceberg really, but I felt like sharing my first reaction. 
So you’re still kind of on the fence about Eddie at this point-- Cut to the next scene with Eddie and Chrissy in the woods. Even though Eddie and Chrissy operate in very different “high school worlds”, he’s so nice to her. He goes out of his way to make her feel comfortable and smile because he can tell she’s going through some shit and is out of her comfort zone. It is such a sweet scene! Any reservations about him being a total asshole are pretty much out the window at this point
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I think we were ROBBED of more Eddie/Steve interactions. I really wanted more of those two conversing.
There’s something to be said about how they’re both c.20 years old, both only appear to have friends younger than them, and both are stuck in a “deadbeat” situation- Eddie being the guy who failed senior year twice and Steve being the guy who couldn’t get into college and works at the ice cream/video rental store.(I’ll also point out that despite failing twice, Eddie is still trying to graduate, he hasn’t given up, another endearing quality)
Eddie lives in a trailer park, sells drugs, and we find out lives with his uncle (we can only theorize why), but these facts paint a particular picture.
Traditional society looks down on people in their circumstances, so-called “losers”; no future-- But, uh, guess what? High school reputation doesn’t amount to shit, lots of people don’t go to college, and working a “common/unskilled” job doesn’t dictate a person’s worth. Eddie and Steve are badasses who’ve faced and fought greater horrors than nearly the entire of the population in their universe- they chose to be brave and fight and protect the people they care about (and even those they don’t really care about). I’ll also point out that Eddie is clearly very passionate about metal and playing guitar, as demonstrated by his SICK skills, and you know he didn’t learn that in school.
((While not canon or explicitly stated- Eddie also comes off as ADHD coded with his level of energy and nature, which obviously would play a role in maybe making it harder for him to focus on things like school and studying (another relatable quality for many people) especially if he already has a hard time with those things. Like I said above, the fact that Eddie is still trying to graduate despite it all makes me think more on this- that he isn’t just lazy or something, though that could very well be a large part of it haha))
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There’s also the interesting juxtaposition of Eddie and Steve’s respective high school reputations and how much/little they cared about it. They’re different, but they also have a lot in common and I’m glad Dustin was able to bridge the gap between them. There is also much to be said about Eddie acting as such a great friend and role model for Dustin as well. The love in their friendship is so heart-warming; how can you not smile when watching them? How can you not want to be friends with this guy?
I just wish we could have seen more, UGH.
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isfjmel-phleg · 5 months
After the end of YJ 1998 and years of canceled-comic limbo and the occasional guest appearance (including being among the few survivors of Grant's team that got brutally attacked), Ray ended up in another team book in 2007, Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters. This was the current incarnation of the team his dad used to be on, so it makes sense for him to be there. And the arc they gave him was to address his long-ignored relationship with his dad. A complicated issue, but one that had potential as a premise.
...they just didn't do it from Ray's POV.
The narrative presents the conflict by...not really presenting the conflict. It would have been helpful to have a recap of Ray's issues with his dad, since those hadn't been addressed since a series that ended in 1996. It would have been useful to let the audience know that what happened was that Happy arranged for his son to be raised in the dark believing that sunlight would kill him (really to prevent his powers from activating), stayed out of Ray's life and let him believe that his uncle was his father, had Ray told that his mother was dead when she was not, told his wife that their son was dead when he was not, continued with the lies and manipulation once he and Ray finally met, treated his son with contempt and harshness, refused to acknowledge that he had ever done anything wrong, and...oh by the way, there's another son thirty years Ray's senior who's been cryogenically frozen at age eight for decades because Happy couldn't handle this kid's powers.
All of that would have been good to know for an audience not already familiar with these characters.
Instead, all this narrative will disclose is that there's a rift between father and son because of something unspecified about Happy's parenting, but they're working on it! Well, Happy's working on it. He's just a kindly man who's trying to get through to his stubbornly hostile son. Oh, and he retired from hero work because it was just too stressful.
(...not true, he quit after freezing Joshua.)
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(Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters 2007 #1)
Resolving the conflict isn't presented as something that Ray necessarily wants. In fact, we don't really know what exactly Ray wants here because he's oddly passive in this story. He's someone for his father to familially pine after and not much more. The active player in this tale, the one who is presented with more sympathy, is Happy. Which is baffling because...he's not even the one who's on the eponymous team of this book.
Here we have Happy (with Ray's red hair for some reason?) trying to connect with Ray like a Good Dad™, pointedly and poignantly adding that he has no right to be worried but is anyway, right before getting told that Ray is in serious trouble and needs his help!
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(Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters 2007 #5)
So the narrative shifts to Happy's POV. (Ray's POV does not appear in this series at all.) This would be a good place for him to reflect on his relationship with his son, on his regrets...but all we get is information that makes him look good. He just wants to help his son! He never wanted to be a superhero! He's just a modest everyman, honest.
...except this is a man who immediately after getting his powers became obsessed with his own greatness and felt he had the right to play God. So this rings rather hollow.
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See! He's such a Good Dad™! He's super-protective of his kid and willing to fight to get him help! So noble.
(...Ray is all he has left? Excuse me? Joshua exists?)
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(Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters 2007 #6)
So Happy manages to acquire the powers of the guy he went to for help and makes a dramatic entrance with his new Super Cool, Better-Than-His-Son's, Immune-To-The-Current-Villain's-Mind-Control Powers of Awesomeness, and Ray is all admiration.
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Happy saves the day and delivers this utterly ridiculous one-liner.
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Once again, he is Such A Good Dad™.
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(Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters 2007 #7)
Such a good dad that Ray can't stop complimenting him, and Happy responds with Fatherly Banter.
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(Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters 2007 #8)
Once again, we are reminded that he's just a humble dad doing his job with no desire for the spotlight. None whatever. (Please note his cool new powers. You can call him Neon now.)
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The arc ends with father and son bonding at a baseball game, and everything is just fine now. All it takes to convince Ray is his father's saving his life, Happy manages to sound remorseful without actually apologizing or addressing the actual problems, and Ray tells him not to feel guilty, which no doubt is exactly what Happy wanted to hear. Problem solved.
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Quite frankly, this entire arc reads like Happy Terrill propaganda. It seems to be going out of its way to present him in the most blameless light possible, glosses over any issues, and makes him The Hero in every way. The narrative wants us to see him as a kindly older man, but in light of his portrayal in both of Ray's solos, this comes across as just more lies, victim playing, and lack of accountability--with the reward of an easily-granted warm parental relationship. It's completely unearned and thus ineffective.
For a plot like this to work, it would require actual demonstrable character growth and characterization that is consistent with what's been previously established. It would need to address all of the wrongs done. Ray would need to play an active role. Nadine and Joshua would need to be involved, because this mess impacted them too. There shouldn't be an easy solution. And we don't see any of that here.
And I'm not sure why the writers of this series chose to go the route that they did. But I suspect they might not have read The Ray 1994.
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sauntering-down · 2 years
it's Monday and i did not wake up in a good mood, so i cheered myself up by rereading that time i experienced the first book in the New Jedi Order EU Star Wars series and liveblogged it to @cassiopixie. yes, that's the book where Chewie dies. no, she did not warn me. in case you want to experience the Nonsense™ for yourself...
well, i'm just diving into Vector Prime with absolutely no knowledge of the larger EU, so we'll see what happens
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can't believe that run-on got published
…in what universe would Threepio's voice be considered "melodious" Leia. honey. are you okay. blink once for yes and twice for no.
if Mara's eyes sparkle or twinkle one more time i'm gonna riot
Mary: I was suddenly slammed with the memory of how there's a whole side plot in the EU with Luke falling in love with a Force Ghost who possesses another body and is from the planet CHAD me: ...what the unholy fuck
jfc i hope "Wurth Skidder" isn't a name because it's a fecking terrible one
hm, getting the impression Nomnom might be a bit of a douchebag yeah, he and his buddies just stoned a pit full of droids to death
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tell me what's wrong with this, Mary. prove you're better than whoever edited this novel. also they're all young, in case you forgot. in case you forgot Danni is a young woman… she's young.
ah yes, he happily removes his disguise and surveys his "ornamental disfigurements" like a split eyelid and torn mouth, because that's totally a normal thing to do
the thing turns itself inside-out and resembles the head of the dude he's talking to. what. the. fuck!
ah yes, recreational organ transplants, my favorite activity
this Wookiee's name is Triebakk and i s2g i keep reading it as Trebek so this Wookiee is Alex Trebek, the beloved host of Jeopardy gets really funny when the dude howls in protest imagine someone getting a Jeopardy question wrong and Alex Trebek just screaming wordlessly at them
politics are boring. i hope Jacen goes full Darth Brayden on them soon and stabs somebody
me: how much younger is he than the twins? Mary: Like…three years younger, I think??? Mary: So obviously he's not a baby, but a BABY all the same me: the wiki says a year and a half lol. so he'd be between 14 and 15, since the twins are 16… me: not QUITE a baby. a senior baby, perhaps. (aka the reason Anakin Solo is referred to as 'Senior Baby' frequently for the rest of this thing)
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this story is going to be an ordeal
okay yeah Anakin's 15 and fucked up the Falcon by trying some flashy flying lmao gosh i love reading about characters who don't, you know, get off on MUTILATING THEMSELVES
HAH Anakin insults the Falcon and Chewie threatens to bite the kid's lightsaber in half. this is why the sequels sucked. none of this tomfoolery.
Lando invented an asteroid-dodging game that's only MODERATELY dangerous and somehow i'm not surprised at all
Mary: God do these guys ever RELAX and NOT TORTURE EACH OTHER
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me: that'd be a no Mary: I…are we just reading carefully disguised hentai? me: very possibly
Mara's sick, the ~mysterious illness~ aka what's probably like mutated YV sperm or something, these sick fucks, is attacking her uterus and she's afraid she won't be able to have children… got some news for ya, lady you'll have a Ben eventually. he's MUCH better than the one we have now, i'm sure…
Jacen's in a Mood so he goes to annoy his little brother, a relatable sentiment
oh god Jacen is in top "i'm older and i know best so let me lecture you" form
YES THEY'RE GONNA LIGHTSABER BATTLE FUCK EACH OTHER UP a proper non-masochistic beatdown fuck yeah
Han's still fixing the Falcon and in the process gets annoyed at Chewie and zaps him in the ass with a live wire. i think this is flirting.
point in this book's favor, Leia occasionally feels a little jealous of Mara's mentor-student relationship with Jaina, but overall the two of them get along REALLY well and it's just nice to see. no bitchiness or nonsense. good female friendship.
Yomin Carr, sabotaging a ship: ew ew ew i have to touch this filthy technology with my pure mutilated Yuuzhan Vong hands
i'm glad you're my copilot on this adventure. i think otherwise i would've quit right around the time the sadomasochistic rituals started…
k we're starting off at a dock on a planet called Reecee. i initially read that as Reeeee and wondered why anyone needed that many Es
Lando: hugs Han Lando: hugs Leia LONGER Han: >:||||| Lando: gives Mara the ULTIMATE HUG Luke: hell yeah my wife totally deserves this
this rando Jedi named Kyp has the top time when it comes to racing through the asteroid belt and Jaina reeeeeally wants to beat him lol Jacen crashes Anakin does better and then faceplants into a giant asteroid Jaina finally crashes after 27 minutes, more than doubling Kyp's time Anakin hasn't come back so i'm just gonna assume he's still floating around out there until i'm told otherwise
lmao Kyp's squadron leaves while blasting music through the loudspeakers and showing off their cool flying
okay, so far Jaina is all awesome all the time, Jacen won't quit philosophizing, and Anakin's the only one who acts like a normal teenager
Kyp's squad is called the Dozen-and-Two Avengers and ngl that does not roll off the tongue at all
OH BOY now Lando wants Han to go to Sernpidal, aka the next target of ol' Nomnom and Luke and Mara are going to the planet Yomin Carr just climate-changed to death Leia tells Han to take their least exciting Senior Baby son with him
sweet, it's Miko! he's going to be fed to a tentacle beast shortly, but hey, he's alive for now what with all the hentai and sadomasochism so far, i guess vore was next on the board
Nom Nom and Da'Gara: wow can't wait to mentally break this Jedi before we toss him to the tentacles!!! evil chuckling
every time Anakin and Chewie are in the same room, they pick on one another lol Chewie, you're like, 300 years old. stop stooping to a fifteen-year-old's level
welp, apparently in seven hours the moon's going to crash into the planet. THANKS NOM NOM
they've figured out SOMETHING is pulling the moon down. i can tell them right now it's disgusting because the YV thrive on that shit Anakin's gonna go find it while Han and Chewie evac as many people as they can… look at Senior Baby, finally getting to do something
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god dammit Artoo you're supposed to lay off the rum i bet you haven't been going to your AA meetings again
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me: this stuff would be really cool if it wasn't the fucking Yuuzhan Vong Mary: It would also be cool if it wasn't ONE WHOLE SENTENCE
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MARA SHANKS THIS BITCH FUCK YEAH press F to pay respects to Yomin Carr? I DON'T THINK SO
oooh, Miko's still alive! i guess they're torturing him by tricking his brain into thinking he's being repeatedly vored
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Anakin Solo Has Two Dads
Chewie just fucking YEETS Anakin at Han lol
me: OH MY GOD WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK me: WHAAAAAT THE FUUUUUUUCK Mary: …I didn't want to tell you that this was the infamous book where Chewie dies, but… me: CHEWIE NOOOOOO .__.
like, okay, getting an entire moon to the face is a badass way to go, but OMG WAS THAT REALLY NECESSARY??????
now i feel bad for Senior Baby. he is baby. someone give him a hug
well, at least Anakin Gets Shit Done, rescuing the x-wing while they're being attacked by insects and he fries them with some electricity, which even Han is happy about. i am also happy because the last couple interactions between them were difficult to read lol
me: oh good, Jacen's not being a dick to Anakin about what happened to Chewie me: awwww Jaina is a good sister, hugging him and all Mary: They're good sibs me: too bad about that death and Sith thing
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maybe you should lend Mara to your sons for a while, especially Senior Baby
let's EAT while reading about the fucking Yuuzhan Vong jerking off to pain
i have to revise my earlier prediction, i kinda love them all might be ride-or-die for Senior Baby, surprisingly. he's growing on me
Anakin: alright Jaina's the good pilot let's do some wild telepathic mind-joining shit so she can kick ass and take names through us! Jacen: welp, okay
we were deprived of Darth Aiden and got Darth Jaiden instead. tragedy.
anyway, the sibs do amazing for a bit, but then Anakin gets overloaded and loses the bond then i think he blasts off into hyperspace to escape the asteroids before he goes splat, but blacks out in the process nobody has ANY idea where he went, but Han and Leia go after him anyway. good luck dudes
meanwhile, Anakin's chilling out in dead space like "well, if my sibs are okay, that's cool, i don't mind dying. if they're dead, i'm gonna fucking riot"
Da'Gara: maybe i should be worried about the lack of communication from Yomin Carr? nah lol gonna focus on glory and shit instead
Han: WHERE did these idiot kids get their recklessness from????? Leia: wow. much wonder. very surprise.
Lando: the pilot was wearing a mask we think connected her to the ship, but nobody's tested it. Luke: aight hold on a second
oh thank GOD Han's stopped being a dick, actually hugs his poor kid
Jacen gets to put on the creepy YV living pain suit and creepy YV living breathing apparatus such fun
Miko… goes down taking two more YV with him. godspeed, dude
Jaina, Consummate Badass Pilot, catches the iceborer and skips off into hyperspace in one gorgeous movement
the war council convenes and pretty much decides they are SO fucked …so they're gonna like. evaporate as much moisture off the planet as possible, cool it down so the volcanoes quit working and the entire thing freezes. that doesn't sound right but i don't know enough about science to refute it
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Senior Baby getting all excited about physics over here
…there are NINETEEN books in the NJO series how many different ways can you have the Yuuzhan Vong fetishizing pain and destroying entire planets
Mary: Thank you for letting me come with you on this wild ride hahaha me: no problem, my dude me: i will never ever touch anything from the EU ever again me: fucking Yuuzhan Vong Mary: Any EU book is better than Crystal Star, where Luke is sad because he can't feel the Force because a sun exploded near them, so he joins a cult that worships a giant golden blob me: that's just an average Wednesday afternoon for me
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ufototarot · 1 year
Chapter 0, The Fool
I don’t even know where to begin how to tell you I got into the UFO phenomenon. I was raised religious, pretty personal relationship with our Lord and savior style, and came out a staunch materialist atheist, and by that I mean I didn’t see any sign of anything supernatural in my life. I’d spent my existentially-anxious life putting the pieces of how this world worked (tm) together. Lord knows I haven’t done much else in my life. I’m just a regular flipping guy, after all.
Sometime during the Covid lockdown, I found myself looking at the UFO phenomenon after learning that the NYT had had a headline story about a secret Pentagon Unidentified Areal Phenomenon investigative task force, and its lead investigator had resigned in protest.
What the flip? You learn about this guy (his name is Lui Elizando) and he’s been in active senior intelligence operations throughout the Afghanistan War and more, like locating Bin Laden. It’s clear on listening to him that there’s a lot he can’t say. He’s not here to break any oaths, but he wants to tell us something, something very important. He doesn’t seem like a showman, he seems like a patriot, and a father, and a brother, a darn good man just being honest.
Turns out he was part of a company [he left in late 2020] with news-to-me UFO enthusiast Tom Delong from Blink 182 called To the Stars Academy, launching promotional material for books and stuff about, like, UFO stuff. Turns out Tom has a very interesting story, a story that sounds so crazy it sounds made up. But some very serious people take at least some of his beliefs very seriously.
The partners in his company staff made it clear parts of his story were true.
One of his partners in his company is Doctor Harold E. Puthoff. Here’s his profile from a Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) released CIA profile. Wait, huh?
Document Type:CREST
Collection: STARGATE
Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST): CIA-RDP96-00787R000100220005-4
Release Decision: RIFPUB
Original Classification: K (unknown)
Document Page Count: 1
Document Creation Date: November 4, 2016
Document Release Date: September 1, 2000
Sequence Number: 5
Case Number:
Content Type: BIO
Untitled Database
Harold E. Puthoff, M. S. E., Ph.D., 38-year-old specialist in quantum physics, parapsychology, and paraphysical phenomena, came to SRI [that’s ahem Stanford Research Group] in 1972, where he is doing work in the area of lasers and also initiating research in biofeedback and biofield measurements. A patent holder in the areas of lasers and optical devices, Dr. Puthoff has supervised research for Ph. D. candidates in Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics at Stanford University.  His publications include a textbook in lasers that is widely used in universities both here and abroad, and over 25 papers in professional journals.
Before joining the staff of SRI, he was a Research Associate at the Microwave Lab and Lecturer in the Department of Electrical Engineering following receipt of his Ph. D. degree from Stanford in 1967.   While at Stanford, he conceived, patented, and developed a tunable Raman laser which produces high power radiation throughout the infrared portion of the spectrum. Before entering Stanford, Dr. Puthoff graduated with a Master's Degree from the University of Florida in 1960.  He is a native of Chicago. Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000100220005-4
Hang on, what the fuck exactly is going on right now? Why am I reading about this Stanford professor specialist in quantum physics, and what the fuck is parapsychology and paraphysical phenomena?? He’s apparently a laser genius. But why am I reading about this from a specially FOIA-requested release from the CIA?
Because they, them being the CIA, funded his parapsychology and paraphysical phemomena experiments.
I don’t know how to emphasize that for you.
I mean, I know the CIA has done a lot of terrible, far out, and way bad stuff, but what are they doing funding whatever the hell this is?
Here, let me quote from Puthoff’s own Research Paper on CIA-Initiated Remote Viewing At Stanford Research Institute:
One outcome of this change in policy is the government's recent admission of its two-decade-plus involvement in funding highly-classified, special access programs in remote viewing (RV) and related psi phenomena, first at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) and then at Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), both in Menlo Park, CA, supplemented by various in-house government programs. Although almost all of the documentation remains yet classified, in July 1995 270 pages of SRI reports were declassified and released by the CIA, the program's first sponsor [2]. Thus, although through the years columns by Jack Anderson and others had claimed leaks of "psychic spy" programs with such exotic names as Grill Flame, Center Lane, Sunstreak and Star Gate, CIA's release of the SRI reports constitutes the first documented public admission of significant intelligence community involvement in the psi area.
Don’t worry, we’ll get into it. This rabbit hole is broad and it is deep.
I encourage you to read the whole Research Paper, where he explains how his method for Remote Viewing works, and some of his surprising success stories.
So this is just one of the interesting guys on this weird To the Stars Academy company’s board.
The other guy is Jim Semivan. And who is Jim Semivan?
Here’s his profile from infamous paranormal extroidinaire radio show Coast to Coast AM:
Links between the CIA and the UFO mystery stretch back to 1947. Two veteran CIA officers, both of whom have expressed personal interest in UFO/UAP issues and cases, joined George Knapp to discuss the CIA's role in the study of UFOs, and their own experiences. Jim Semivan appeared in the first half. He spent 25 years with the CIA and then joined up with other former government insiders as part of Tom Delonge's To the Stars Academy. He detailed how he was inducted into the CIA and learned spycraft, which takes years to master. The CIA works on a "need-to-know" principle, so when it came to UFOs, Semivan was not made specifically aware of research on this topic, though CIA analyst Kit Green was known for pursuing the paranormal.
Semivan described his own alien-type encounters that occurred to him and his wife starting in 1990, in which beings showed up in their bedroom. The incident was authentic, and not a hypnagogic or dream state, he stipulated. The couple subsequently observed on-and-off poltergeist activity in their home, and more recently, he said he saw a hooded figure that resembled the Death Eater character from Harry Potter, who perhaps materialized to herald the death of a close friend. Semivan said he concurs with a remark made by Skinwalker Ranch researcher Colm Kelleher that the UFO phenomenon is a lot more than nuts & bolts and machines, as there are also psychic and biological elements that ratchet up the high strangeness. To the Stars' investigation of "metamaterials" with odd isotopic ratios (possibly associated with UFOs), was ongoing, he added.
Huh. This doesn’t exactly seem to be getting less strange. These are not people I want to take lightly. And they are not exactly trying to hide their beliefs. They don’t seem to care if people believe them or not.
So there’s a strange company with some important and serious sounding people on it called To the Stars Academy. So what? What did they even ever do?
I’ll let subreddit/Blink182’s user SirJohnnyS sum it up for us (in 2021):
He hasn't discovered much. Back in 2017, Luis Elizondo ran the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program which was a then defunct program that oversaw UAP's and related incidents. It was classified and no one was willing to publicly speak about it until then.
Tom recruited Chris Mellon [former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence in the Clinton and George W. Bush administrations and later for Security and Information Operations. He formerly served as the Staff Director of the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.] as well to help release videos to support their claims. As a result of those disclosures, Congress had a review of reported UAP's and asked they be investigated. 144 incidents and 143 had unknown causes in the report released this past summer.
In the upcoming [something like this passed] defense bill, there's an amendment to formalize and mandate reporting on UAP's and to go through the traditional channels with normal oversight.
A lot of what he's done has been changing the stigma about military reporting of it. It was usually dismissed and got people who reported it labeled as crazy.
I read an article today from Elizondo where he heavily implied the US had material from unknown origins.
Elizondo and Mellon left TTS since Tom has focused heavily on the entertainment side of it.
He's done a lot more than you would have thought but I'm not sure how much he'll be involved moving forward.
User Blablabene response:
For To The Stars, moving forward, will be entertainment. He pretty much accomplished what he wanted to do. Although I think he expected a bigger reaction from the world.
They basically got the government to admit ufo's are real.
User Fitzy0728’s response
It’s bizarre that the government basically admitted UFOs are real and are in the possession of material of unknown origin and basically nobody gives a shit.
When did people become so apathetic
Not even a question mark.
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