#and we were planning to meet soon and it also really makes me so sad to miss out on
pikonv5 · 2 years
Just found out my sister has covid :(
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minarisplaything · 10 months
On the Dance Floor ft. NaMo
pairing: Nayeon x Male Reader x Momo rating: T to M-ish range wc: 1.5k warnings: infidelity prompt:
A night out with your girlfriend's "sister" and her friend takes an unexpected turn.
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There were certain lines you didn't cross in life. Lines that, even if not legally wrong, were morally pretty fucking bad. And you were sure that sleeping with your girlfriend's older sister was one of them.
In your defense, you hadn't exactly planned on it happening. It was more the culmination of a series of events that had ultimately led you to this point. To crossing the one line you should have never crossed.
It started with your girlfriend Hwang Yeji going out on a world tour with her idol group. From the time it was announced you knew it would mean a lot of time apart from each other. In fact, because of the nature her job you hadn’t even been able to see her off at the airport. Initially you hadn’t thought anything of it. After all, there was facetime and other long-distance ways to stay in contact during the months that she would be gone. However, you soon realized that her absence would be much harder on you then you realized. It also didn’t help that you were operating in completely different timezones.
It was in this downtrodden state that you received a message from Nayeon. An invitation to join her and Momo for a night at the club. It was an invitation that she wasn’t taking no for an answer.
“Oh come onnn, you’ve been moody and couped up inside ever since Yeji left,” Nayeon had whined over the phone.
“Hey, hey, I have not been moody. Plus, I go out still. I go to work, don’t I?”
Nayeon rolled her eyes in response to my answer. Something that I could usually hear in her voice but since we were video calling, I could see the expression for myself. Funny enough, it was through Nayeon and Momo that you had been able to meet Yeji. It had been something of a friend of a friend situation. And while you referred to them as Yeji’s older sisters they weren’t actually. It was just a clever way of referring to them as being in the same company as your girlfriend but having worked there longer.
“That’s not healthy,” Nayeon replied before adding, “Plus you’re going to make Momo sad. I already told her you were coming.”
“Why did you do that?!”
Nayeon merely giggled and shrugged in that mischievous way she did. “So, are you coming then?”
You weighed your options for a moment before finally sighing in defeat, “Alright, alright. I’ll come out with you guys.” You really did need a night out to socialize and unwind after all. If nothing else to take your mind off your longing. Besides, a drink or two wouldn’t hurt.
At least that was what you had thought.
As it would turn out one or two quickly became a few. And a few quickly became lost track of. It seemed you had underestimated just how moody – as Nayeon had put it – you had been lately and how much you desperately needed a night out. It helped that Nayeon and Momo were some of the best company you could go out with; together they were like an unstoppable duo that guaranteed a good time no matter what you were doing. In hindsight, though, it was a recipe for disaster.
“I don’t know how she dances like that,” you commented over the music. More to yourself than to the strawberry blonde sitting across from you.
Your eyes were currently locked on Momo as she danced to the music, seemingly in a zone all her own. Make no mistake about it, your girlfriend was also an extremely talented dancer. But something about the way Momo moved was just more mature, even sensual when she rocked her hips a certain way. It was mesmerizing. Well, that and you had reached the sort of mellowed out stage of night in your drinking. What you didn’t notice was that Nayeon had taken note and was already making plans of her own.
“Dance with me!” her voice snapped you from your trance.
Before you could even begin to protest her hand had grabbed yours and was dragging you to the dance floor, stumbling behind her but managing to hold your balance and not embarrass yourself.
“You know I’m not much of a dancer.”
“Oh, I know. I’ve seen the video!”
You could feel your face growing red at that answer. Knowing that the video of you dancing was out there on someone’s phone and was making the rounds – actually it was better not to think about it. Fortunately, as bad as that video was tonight you had Nayeon’s lead to follow. And while Momo was a dancing goddess, Nayeon was no slouch either.
What started as simply vibing with the music, slowly begin to escalate into something more intimate. A body roll here, taking your hand and placing on her hips there. What finally caused your blood pressure to rise was when her arms looped around your neck and she leaned in. So close that you could feel her hot breath against the skin neck. Was this still dancing?
“Are you guys having all the fun without me?”
Momo’s voice at the shell of your ear caused you to snap out of it. However, while you didn’t know it yet, she wasn’t the savior you thought she was.
“We wouldn’t dream of it,” Nayeon replied, pulling back slightly.
At first you were grateful, you didn’t trust your ability to talk without fumbling your words. Had you been of sound mind you might've questioned what exactly having fun without her and Nayeon’s response implied. But truth be told, none of you were exactly acting responsibly.
You soon felt Momo press up against you from behind while Nayeon turned herself around, her back pressed into your chest. Nayeon’s arms reached back, her hands finding Momo’s body. Similarly, Momo’s hands moved around you, settling on Nayeon’s hips. You were effectively trapped and yet you couldn’t help but feel torn about whether that was a bad thing.
“Is this what it’s like to be the meat in a sandwich?”
You only realized that you had spoken your thoughts out loud when you heard laughter fall from the girl’s lips. A flush of embarrassment colored your checks, doing your best to look anywhere but at them.
“Is that your fantasy?” Nayeon teased.
In that moment she arched her back, pressing her ass right into your groin. To make matters worse, you couldn’t stop a moan from leaving your lips when she did. You didn’t want to admit it but between the close proximity, the alcohol, and the three of you dancing; you were undoubtedly horny.
“I think it’s more of a dream,” Momo piled on, her hands still gripping Nayeon’s waist.
“I don’t know what you two are talking about,” you insisted.
“Hmm, is that you’re final answer?” Nayeon asked, a teasing lint in her tone. “Are you sure you haven’t thought about it?”
As Nayeon dragged out her words she rotated her ass deliberately slow, practically torturous, against your crotch. You managed to bite down on your lip this time, subduing the pleasured moan to just a strong hum that was masked by the sound of the music. [Nayeon turns around and wraps arms around neck]
“You know I don’t think it’s fair that Yeji gets to keep you all to herself,” Nayeon pouted. “Siblings are supposed to share, right?”
You should have said something, disagreeing preferably, but instead your mind was just focused on the feeling of Momo’s hands running over your chest and Nayeon’s eyes staring at you. You had never noticed it before, but she had a piercing gaze. One that had seemed so innocent before, but now you weren’t so sure.
While you froze up, Nayeon took advantage of the silence; pushing up on her toes and pressing a kiss to your lips. At first you were stunned but soon you began to respond. It crossed your inebriated mind that Nayeon’s lips were softer than you had imagined. You felt Momo’s hands softly stroking your back but other than that your surroundings had become a blur. The music of the club became nothing but a distant thumping as Nayeon cupped your face and deepened the kiss.
Her tongue slipped inside your mouth, dancing with your own tentative at first before delving deeper. There should have been some part of you screaming at how wrong this was. Even stopped you from making a mistake you might regret. Instead, your hands were finding their way around her waist; finally caving to the temptation.
When Nayeon pulled back her cheeks were a rosy color, looking at you with a lustful gaze. You were sure you looked equally disheveled and lost at that moment, but you didn’t have much time to reflect on it. Momo’s hands briefly ran down your chest before Nayeon took your hand in hers.
“Let’s get out of here,” she said, holding your gaze before she began to pull you towards the exit.
You didn’t fully know what awaited you for the rest of the night, but you knew you weren’t turning back now.
A/N: Not sure why I never got around to porting my Twice x Male Reader series over here. Probably laziness. Anyway I need some Nayeon and Momo content on my blog so here it is. It was short but hope you enjoyed! Also available on AO3 if you don't want to wait for me to post here. This was originally meant to contain a longer threesome scene at the time of posting but I got writers block. Re-reading it now and after Misamo I might have to re-visit it and give a part two...
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keepingitformyself · 5 months
we might just get away with it (ii)
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AN: i’m so sorry for the delay on this second chapter, i got really caught up with uni stuff and then some personal projects i’ve been working on. anyways i have about a month off and will do my best to catch up on this story! hope u guys enjoy this one….happy holidays!
synopsis: hollywood is a tricky place for someone new like you, a certain elusive redhead is hoping for you to let her in.
pairings: writer!natasha romanoff x youngactress!reader
genre: fluff.
warnings: natalie is lowkey a mastermind. rumored romance with another certain actress…..
please do not repost my work anywhere for any reason at all. if you do see this happen to any of my stories, please let me know. thank you x.
3 weeks later.
new york is everything you love, put into one city. you thrive in it’s anonymity, ironically.
it’s got the strong sense of culture, the food, the creativity, and the people. like every single person who walks the streets is made to belong there, they all have their purpose for making new york what it is.
that’s what you think as you’re sat outside a coffee shop on 463 w broadway.
you make a note of how one day you’ll commit to living here. you also make note of just how reckless it’d be if you just up and left la then never went back. you hate la, you’ve come to find out. yet there’s so much that keeps you there. you hate it. you don’t belong there. but in some sense of the word, you do.
you sigh with the shake of your head, adjust the cap securely on your head, and tighten the large overcoat you have on. the latte in front of you seeming more interesting now. the still hot liquid distracts you from the intrusive thoughts.
your mind drifts off to natalie. you’re immediately taken back to that night at the party. it’s your first time thinking of that night in weeks. and you realize how you truly haven’t felt the way you did that night, since. you remember the conversations you had, you remember how she went to school at nyu, how she told you she hasn’t left new york since. how she never plans to.
you wonder how she’s doing, if she’s in the city. if she remembers you, or has even thought of you.
it makes you a little sad to think about. your life hasn’t slowed down since the release of the series and sometimes all you wanted was to find some small relief in it all. even with the short-lived moments of connection it feels odd to come back from something like that and move on with your life.
your thought is cut short with a text message from samantha.
greta decided to move the meeting a little earlier. she apologizes for the last minute change. can you be there in the next 30 minutes?
you text a quick reply saying that you’ll be there as soon as you can. with that, you grab your to go cup and find the nearest subway that’ll take you up to 19th street.
you make it there just within the thirty minute mark. a kind man waits for you to arrive at the door and leads you up the elevator to the fourth floor of the walk up.
you’re surprised to see who is seated next to greta when you walk in.
“oh good, you made it! let me introduce you to—” you cut her off.
the redhead stands from her seat at the table and reaches over it to shake your hand.
“it’s a pleasure we meet again.” her eyes say something different. not bad necessarily, but something more. you’re not sure what it might be. greta’s eyes light up at the gesture.
“oh you’ve met! well, natalie here is gonna be joining us as head writer right besides me and noah for the next season.”
it’s your turn for your eyes to light up. a sense of relief floods through you. natalie isn’t here just to be here, she was here to be part of something with you.
you turn to her with a genuine smile. though you’ve worked with the people in this room for over a year, natalie is drastically different to them.
natalie was the first person who spoke to you as if you were just you. she didn’t bother you about work and stuff.
she talked to you about things that interested you, that interested her. she talked to you like you were just another individual who happened to be at the same party she was at.
“that’s- that’s actually really good to hear. i’m really excited for how this’ll turn out.”you let out a laugh, one that says you’re still trying to comprehend the news.
“right well, let’s get the meeting started!” greta claps her hands together and sits down.
natalie hasn’t stopped staring at you since the meeting started.
she hopes you’re as interested in the meeting as you look, because then at least she’d be sure you haven’t figured out her staring problem.
she only catches your eyes whenever greta or noah turn the attention towards her, then you’re forced to look at her. but she’s always just in time to look away before you can notice the stares.
the truth is, natalie is an absolute maniac. she’s a psychopath. she’s a writer for gods sake!
writers have a tendency to be more in sync with their awareness which is great…but they’re also more able to get in touch with that darker side in their psyche. how else do you think she managed to snag a few award-winning films under her belt?
her creativity reaches into places in her mind most wouldn’t even consider to think of.
point is, natalie is a huge romanticist, and it’s a problem. sometimes.
in her defense, greta came up to her for this job. so in some sense of the word, it was fate. plus, tony had put in a good word, not that she asked him to. obviously.
up until that point, natalie had no clue on how to get to you. her only idea was writing her next screenplay and giving you the lead.
but now, the ball was in her court. she takes the next shot.
the meeting ended and everyone was seeing themselves out. natalie thinks of what to say while she’s packing her things but you beat her to it instead.
“it was really nice to see you again.” she hears you say. she lifts her head up, you’re smiling and your hands are stuffed into your coat pockets. a smile easily reaches her eyes at the sight.
“i’m glad. i’ve already got some plans for where i want to take this next season.” natalie replies with an enthusiastic smile.
you raise your eyebrows in surprise eager to know what she might have to say but you hold yourself back. she wouldn’t spoil that for you, even if you asked.
“i have trust you’ll do it right then, i’ve already grown so protective of this show, especially my character.” it was very true. there were moments where you really had to oversee things going on with the script. thank god greta was as collaborative as she is. you’d always try exploring things with your character and she was always very supportive of where you’d take things. it made the series all the more fulfilling to you, honestly.
natalie confirms that she’ll do anything she thinks is in your best interest for the show and before she even realizes it, you’re making a move she wasn’t expecting.
“i know this is on short notice, but…i saw this really nice bistro on my way here and, i’d love to get to know my head writer more…over brunch?” you ask timidly. the thought to ask her had occurred to you only a few seconds ago. natalie seemed wise, and you liked it and she was here with you now and honestly, you just wanted some good company while being in the city.
“yeah i can do lunch. yeah that’s great actually.” natalie was surprised. to say the least. she hadn’t planned to continue the day with you. she decides this was her chance in. her way of getting to know you better, something she’s been desperate to get back to since she realized it that night in her home.
you lead her out of the building where you’re met with the crisp wind of new york city. car horns and police sirens are heard as you walk through the streets of the flatiron neighborhood. on the way to the restaurant you ask eachother how you’ve been.
you tell her about how you just wrapped up your press tour in europe and had spent a few nights with some friends in london. natalie pays close attention to every word that is hung from your lips. she notices to light blush that covers your cheeks and nose due to the cold and she almost reaches out to pull you in closer.
as you speak, she tries not to notice the obvious man with the camera that makes himself known a few hundred feet away from you. a sense of pride makes washes over her at the fact that there’d be a picture taken of the two of you, together.
you end your story and in return ask her how she’s been. natalie doesn’t miss the genuine interest shown in your eyes as she talks.
even as you reach the restaurant and are seated you never lose your sense.
natalie talks and talks and you listen. you’re so entranced by her stories that you’ve come to find that you deeply admire her for what she does and says. it makes you feel all the more excited for the chance at working with her.
she tells you she’s never not writing. even before greta came along to offer her the role of head writer, she was still writing. natalie tells you about the screenplay she was working on, how she plans to direct it as well.
you beam at her revelation seeming genuinely excited at the fact that she’d be making a movie sometime in the future. you tell her that she better invite you to the premiere.
natalie laughs off your comment. she doesn’t tell you how she got back into her writing after she saw you on her screen for the first time, all those months ago.
or how you’re the muse in her next story.
once your ordered food comes in you sit in a comfortable silence as you eat.
“what do you do on your days off?” natalie asks suddenly. she looks up at you through her lashes, her fork playing with the baked eggs on her plate.
you’re so caught off guard by her question it makes you blush at the way she stares you down. you chew down the food in your mouth and answer.
“uh, i like going home, to see my mom. she doesn’t let me stay for more than i need to though, she says i need to go out and meet new people.” you chuckle. your mom was your biggest supporter but also your biggest critic. although she always enjoys her time with you, she was always telling you to go meet with some of your hometown friends.
it’s why you liked going home so much. she’s great at grounding you when you need to be.
“oh? and have you met any new people?” natalie’s interest is piqued by now. she carefully treads around the question, hoping, wishing for any information that’d give her an in into what she desperately wants to know.
who are you with when you’re not alone? who do you think of when you are?
“i mean, i’ve met some really cool people through mutual friends." you reveal.
“wow, so you haven’t met anyone you fancy?” natalie plays it off coolly. she treads along the sacredness that is your romances. and natalie doesn’t mention the fact that she’s read into your love life recently. the rumors of you and another actress.
the one you were pictured with in london very recently.
“huh? oh, no. i don’t really have anyone like that in my life right now.” you nervously chuckle at her question.
“so you and that actress aren’t a couple? you and jenna ortega?” natalie feeds a forkful of food into her mouth, seeming very nonchalant about what she just asked.
you try not to laugh at natalie’s question. your eyebrows raise in surprise at her very forward question. it’s almost comical, really.
jenna was amongst the close group of friends you stayed with while in london.
she was a flame, someone you’d come to deeply admire over the time spent knowing her. she tells you things that you learn from, you check on eachother, you bring eachother back down to earth.
and she was one of the few people you could actually depend on with your life in this industry.
the silent shock wears off. you’re not sure what to say, except the fact that you feel a little embarrassed at her question. that even natalie of all people had heard about your supposed love life.
something that you tried to keep nurtured as much as possible.
“she’s one of my best friends.” you finally say. more sure than anything. you try not to laugh at the accusation. the idea of it seeming so far away from where you are now.
“i haven’t even dated in such a long time.” you even go as far to say. anything to make it clear you’re nowhere near any level of romance with anyone.
you miss the look of surprise on natalie’s face when you say this. she sets her fork down to sip from the breakfast martini she had ordered. she sets her glass down and takes a look at you, leaning forward only slightly.
“i was so sure someone as pretty as you wouldn’t have stayed single for so long.” then she looks down at her plate with a small smile, contemplating. there’s a beat of silence.
finally, she looks up.
“can’t say i’m disappointed at being proved wrong though.” she finishes.
you laugh at natalie’s comment. it’s all you could do, not really sure at what she could be getting at. you even blush a little.
and natalie misses none of it.
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9w1ft · 7 months
Interested to hear your interpretation on Suburban Legends
first off the song and beat sounds so similar to mastermind and gold rush. particularly mastermind. listen to the opening seconds back to back! she sings through a lot of it similarly in my opinion
and it has some of the similar mechanics of mastermind in that it leads you to believe the song is going one way but then pulls a switcheroo on you at the end and the swell in the music aids that at the end which makes it a really sweet and emotional listening experience. i’ll get to that in a second.
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i think at the beginning of taylor knowing or being aware of karlie (so like, your kitchen or mine times), this was very much the situation. karlie is in her peripheral vision (on her radar) but just as taylor described in gold rush, karlie seemed like something utterly unattainable. in lover as well we get the line “i’m highly suspicious that everyone who sees you wants you” and i think this fits with this description of karlie.
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i didn’t come here to make friends echoes their entire conceit of mastermind, and a lot of the kaylor discography that uses the word ‘friend’ — another way to say “i don’t want you like a best friend” etc
also this is a sort of throwaway point but “i didn’t come here to make friends” was a 2000’s reality tv phrase that came into popularity via the show America’s Next Top Model. it was iconic and soon every competitive reality tv show under the sun had contestants saying it.. but it’s origins are from a show about models! of which karlie is one.
more importantly, the “you kiss me in a way that’s gonna screw me up forever” is like the follow up to the gold rush “eyes like sinking ships on waters so inviting i almost jump in” language. it’s cruel summer’s “snuck in through the garden gate every night that summer just to seal my fate” because falling in love with karlie lead to taylor wanting her complications too
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mismatched star signs works because fire signs traditionally match best with air signs. also visually, stars mismatched fits in with mastermind’s “the planets and the fates and all the stars aligned” — things that weren’t in alignment coming into alignment.
there’s a bunch of story page chapter stuff throughout taylor’s discography, some of which makes its way into kaylor but i’d probably write for way too long so i’m just gonna skip over that for now
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this part might be a bit tricky but i sort of blame it on many kaylors not talking that much about really early kaylor possibilities out of (a sort of unearned) respect and the one way street principle of staying in our lane but the idea of taylor saying “i know that when you told me we’d get back together and kissed me that you remember[ed] we were born to be national treasures” isn’t that too wild of a statement if you imagine them as maybe briefly connecting or talking at some point before taylor made her plans to make karlie hers. indeed, we know their paths crossed several times before they were first connected at the 2013 vs fashion show.
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*for posterity, i included the apple music lyrics as the genius lyrics appear to be worded partially incorrectly
this is the part of the song which i just think is so beautifully done. in particular i love the “you don’t knock anymore” of it all
at first it sounds like she’s saying karlie doesn’t knock anymore because she come around anymore, or this idea of there having been a breakup or a period of not being together or something sad, which is matched by the tone of how she sings it for the first time. the waves crashing to the shore feels like a storm.
but at the end of the repetition her voice becomes more upbeat and it dawns on you, you’re like, oh wait karlie doesn’t knock anymore because she doesn’t need to knock anymore, she has a key! (“is that your key in the door?” anyone?)
and suddenly the waves meeting the shore is a pleasant image of unification and happiness. she closes with the thought “you don’t knock anymore and i always knew it” which makes it feel a bit more like mastermind’s “you knew the entire time, and now you’re mine” — always knowing they would get together, taylor always knowing karlie was the one. “and my life had been ruined” is sung in a sort of sweet resignation, one that i find throughout a lot of kaylor music, the idea that she knows its complicated but that its what she chose.
so yeah! that’s why suburban legends is a kaylor song to me 😌
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bloatedandalone04 · 6 months
Wrapped Around Your Finger - Part 0.5
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Series Masterlist | Original Fic
➪in which you are days away from starting your program and anakin gets used to tour life without you by befriending the sometimes overly-flirty photographer.
PSA: strongly suggested to read the warnings before proceeding.
WC; 3.6k | Do not repost this anywhere, reblogs are fine ♡ | THANK YOU FOR 4K FOLLOWERS MWAH
You throw your bag onto your twin sized bed with a huff. 
After sitting through a two and a half hour seminar about your program, you left that building knowing nothing more about it than you did a week ago. You didn’t even get to meet your instructor, despite being informed that he would try and make it to the orientation day. 
Alas, he was a no show, and you really hope he is more professional than this first impression of him. 
You sit next to your bag and play with the zipper for a bit as you glance around the room. It was nice, sure, but you quickly discovered that nothing compared to the room you shared with Anakin back in your apartment. Having just your things on one side of the room looked wrong. Your books on the shelf looked wrong without having his sheet music next to them. Your cardigan that was hung up in the wardrobe looked wrong without one of Anakin’s leather jackets next to it. Even your bed looked wrong since it wasn’t big enough to hold more than one person comfortably. 
Sure, Anakin’s bunk on the bus was a lot smaller, but it still felt more right than sleeping by yourself does. 
You bite down on your lip as you pull out your phone and check the time.
Since it had been a few days since you last saw him, the time zone difference between you and Anakin was going to be a bit difficult to figure out. He was in Norway now, so thankfully there was only an hour difference, and you were able to figure out what he could possibly be doing right now. 
It was nearing six PM now, and he and the guys would be set to be on stage within another hour or so, and you really wanted to talk to him. 
Your fingers play with the thread on your blanket as your free hand types out a quick message. 
Ani, I miss you. Are you able to talk for a second? 
And you were barely able to swipe out of the text app before he was calling you. Bringing your phone up to your ear, you greet him with a dumb smile painted on your lips, “Hi, Ani,”
You hear him sigh quietly as you pull at the thread some more. “Hi, baby,” he says back and your smile only grows. “I miss you, too. So fucking much, I’m going insane.”
You laugh and move to sit further back on your bed, bringing your knees up to your chest with a shake of your head. “No, you’re out touring the world. You’ll forget all about me soon enough,”
Anakin laughed and the sound had your body tingling. “Yeah, and I’ll also become the next president. Add that to the list of things that will never happen,” he says and you blush a bit as you lean back against your pillow. “How was that orientation thing? Is your instructor nice?”
You chew on your chapped lip as you debate on whether or not you should tell him that you had a pretty bad day now or after he was done with the show. You didn’t want him worrying about you before he was supposed to go on stage, and you also didn’t want to come off as some sad girl who had a shitty day just because she wasn’t able to spend it with her boyfriend. 
“It was fine,” you answer and pull the blanket up from its spot at the end of the bed. You loosely throw it over your legs and resume pulling at the threads. “A bit boring, but that was to be expected, I guess. I met this guy who is in the same program as me and we made plans to get coffee at some point. His name is Evan. And my instructor was a no show, so I didn’t get to meet him.”
You hear muffled sounds coming from his end before he was mumbling an, “Oh, that’s….professional,” 
You laugh quietly, looking over at the curtain covered window with a soft sigh. “I really do miss you, Ani,” 
He had only been gone a few days, but you couldn’t remember a time you felt this fucking lonely. You felt a bit pathetic, but could you really be blamed?
“I miss you, too, princess,” he said just as quietly, and it felt like the two of you fell into your own little world. “It’s weird not having my cheerleader waiting backstage for me.” 
You groan and lean back  against the headboard. “Don’t remind me,” you mumble. “I can only imagine all the girls who would swap places with me right now to be your cheerleader, and how many think I’m fucking stupid for being here and not with you.”
“Hey,” he scolded. “You are not stupid. I’ve said it so many times now, but I’ll gladly say it again; I’m fucking proud of you. You deserve to be there rather than stuck backstage while I’m off living my life. Think of all that will come from this, all the opportunities that will be thrown at you. You should be excited, ‘cause I know I am.”
“I’m excited,” you promised, bringing your hand up to chew on your fingernail. “I’m just lonely and missing you. I’ll be fine.”
“You just need to find something to do,” he suggested. “Your classes start in a few days, right? Go sightseeing or meet up with your classmates. Oh, I know, go see that big fucking clock.”
You laugh loudly, and you knew he was probably smiling right now at his successful attempt to cheer you up. “The Big Ben?”
“Whatever its name is,” 
You laugh again and drop your hand. “Ani, that’s like a two and a half hour drive from me,”
“Take one of those fancy trains,” 
“You’re too much,”
“You love me,” 
“I do,” you agree. “I love you a lot.”
He laughed and the sweet sound had you smiling. “I love you a lot more,”
Another location officially crossed off the list. 
Anakin was a sweaty mess as he handed his guitar off to one of the stage guys before making his way to the exit. Before he could make it very far he felt a hand wrap around his forearm and pull him off to the side to where the speakers were. “Hey!” Liz beamed, grinning up at him and holding her camera close to her chest. “You were amazing!” 
This was the second night in a row that she had stopped him from leaving to congratulate him, and the second time he was instantly reminded of you. 
Liz’s skin was slightly sweaty but it was nothing compared to his own, and Anakin smiled at her as he put a few feet of distance between them. “Thanks,” he said. “You got some nice shots?”
“Of course I did,” she rolled her eyes playfully. “All my shots of you are nice.”
Anakin’s smile faded a bit as he took a hand towel from one of the stage guys and wiped away the sweat from the back of his neck. There was that weird feeling again. Was she being flirty or just trying to hype up someone she considered a client? “Is that right?” He asked, watching as she nodded and bit down on her lip. His eyes instinctively flickered to her mouth and he straightened up once he caught himself. “Well, I can’t wait to see them.” 
When he turned to leave again, her hand reached out and grasped his bicep, her palm fully covering your initial as she moved to stand in front of him again. “I can show you some now, if you want?” She offered, making him hold back a cringe as he tried to think of a way to nicely reject her. 
He feels his phone buzz in his pocket and his face relaxes slightly when he reads your text.
Princess: I miss you already. Can we facetime after your show?
His heart skipped a beat at the fact that, despite you not even being here, you were able to save him from this interaction. “I can’t,” he said and looked up at her. “I’m gonna call Y/n as soon as I get back to the bus.”
Her face fell a bit as she backed away. “Oh, right,” she mumbled. “You and your girlfriend are so cute. How long have you two been together?”
“Five years in a few weeks,” he answered, fighting off a dumb grin as he thought about his milestone with you. 
“Wow,” she lifted both brows as she gave him a forced grin. “You were just kids when you met then.”
Anakin furrowed his brows as he pocketed his phone again. “I guess,” 
He hadn’t really given it much thought. Yeah, you two met when you were super young, and you still are young now and have lasted longer than most couples in their thirties, so he wasn’t really seeing the point she was trying to get at. 
“Anyway, I don’t want to keep her waiting,” he trailed off, watching as she nodded. 
“Oh, sure,”’ she shrugged. “Have a good night, Anakin.”
“You too,” he replied, already walking away and towards the parking lot door. 
He was barely inside the bus before he was calling you, his tired eyes staring back at him as he waited for you to pick up. “Ani,” you nearly gasped when you did answer, your big smile making his own form.
“Baby,” he murmured, walking past the couch and heading straight towards his bunk. “You look so pretty.”
You look down at yourself and laugh before shaking your head. “I’m wearing pajamas, Anakin,”
“You’re wearing my shirt,” he pointed out. “You look so fucking hot.”
You blush a bit and he wants nothing more than to be with you right now. He wants to see that pretty blush of yours in person. “Don’t say that to me,” you begged, scrunching your brow cutely. “I refuse to be turned on when you’re not here.”
Anakin smirks as he passes his bunk and enters the bathroom. “Have you had to touch yourself yet?” He shamelessly asked as he locked the door and leaned against the sink. 
“Anakin,” you blush even more as you sit up against your headboard. “I have a roommate.”
“Is she there with you right now?” 
“Then what’s the problem?” He asked as he used one hand to strip himself of his shirt. “Come on, princess, imagine how good I’d be making you feel if I was there right now.”
He watches as you bite down harshly on your bottom lip. “Ani,”
“Imagine how good my fingers make you feel,” he continued, watching the way your eyes filled with lust. 
“Anakin,” you warned. “I swear.”
He smirked a bit, dropping his shirt to the floor. “I miss you, baby,” he murmured, his eyes following the curve of your jaw as you turned to hide your face in your pillow. “It’s not the same without you here.”
You whined a bit as you lifted your head. “London is fucking boring without you. Imagine all the fun we’d be having right now,”
“I’m sure we’d be having a lot of fun,” came his dirty remark and you quickly broke eye contact again. “Quit looking away, baby, I wanna see your pretty face.”
“I can’t look at you when you say those things to me,” you confessed, turning back to face him with a blush covering your cheeks. 
“Okay, okay, I’ll stop. Tell me about your day,” he says as he unzips his jeans with his free hand. 
You light up at that. “I ended up texting that guy I told you about, Evan? We did the campus tour together and got drinks from this really cute coffee shop that’s right next to my dorm. You’d love it, Ani, they had so many flavors,” 
Anakin smiled at that, happy you had already made a friend and found a place to go to in between classes. “That’s awesome,” he said. “I wish I was there with you. Maybe we’ll go to London together one day and you can show me the shop.”
“Yes,” came your immediate response. “Absolutely, let’s do that.” 
He shook his head as he rids himself of his jeans. You’re cute,”
“I know,” you beam. “How was the show? I’m so sad I missed it.”
Anakin kicked his clothing into a pile in the corner of the small room. “It was good. Liz said she got some good shots of us that she’ll send later. You wanna see them too?”
“Always,” you scoff then smile. “How is everyone? How’s Theo?”
“Everyone’s doing well,” he answered. “Theo is…honestly doing a really bad job at hiding how nervous he is about his mom. Vin and I told him that we’re here if he needs anything, but he always just brushes us off. He’s distant whenever we’re not on stage together.” 
Your brows furrow a bit as you slouch back against your headboard. “His mom is sick, Ani…and he’s not with her. Yeah, his sister is, but he’s the oldest and has been with her the longest. I can’t imagine what he’s going through,” 
“Yeah, but I just wish he would talk to me, you know? I’ve known him since I was sixteen. It feels like he’s slipping away from us,” he vented as he propped his phone up on the sink and looked at himself in the mirror. 
“Maybe being on stage is his escape,” you offer. “He’s going through a lot right now, Ani. Give him time, he’ll come around.” 
Anakin tore his eyes away from the mirror and looked back at you. You were always so kind and rational and always thought about everyone else’s feelings before you spoke. You really are too sweet for your own good. “What would I do without you?” He honestly asked and you smiled at him.
“You’d probably be as miserable as I would be without you,” 
And he knew you were right.
“Hey, Anakin!” Liz greeted and pulled him into a hug, surprising him with the sudden display of affection. He stumbled back a bit, nearly bumping into one of the stage crew members as he did so.
“Hey,” he said back, returning the hug briefly before placing his hands on her hips and gently pushing her away from him. 
She kept her hands on his shoulders as she asked, “Did you get the photos from last night? I didn’t even need to edit these ones, they came out perfect,”
They really did look great. And you made sure to let him know just how good he looked in your message back to him when he forwarded the email to you before he went to bed last night. 
“Yeah, they look awesome,” he said as he stepped away from her. “Though I’m sure that has more to do with the camera and the person behind it.”
Liz rolled her eyes as she pulled out her phone. “When will you learn how to take a compliment?” Then she lifted her phone and pointed it right at him, and he had no time at all to realize what she was doing before he heard the sound of a picture being taken. She clicked on the image and showed it to him, “See? You can’t take a bad photo, even when you don’t realize one is being taken.”
Anakin laughed and shook his head a bit. “Okay, point taken, you can delete that now,”
But she just turned off her phone and pocketed it without deleting the photo. “We should do something together soon,” she suggested and he was about to gently turn her down when she added, “You, me, Vinny and Theo. I want to get to know my clients. Maybe we’ll work together more in the future, you know, after the tour.”
That wouldn’t be a bad idea, right? It might be nice to have a friendship with someone who knows how to work a camera, and Liz really did. Her work was amazing and she never failed to make Anakin feel as desired as he supposedly was by millions of people. 
“Yeah, for sure,” he agreed, then thought about another way she could take photos for him. “Maybe Y/n and I will hire you for our wedding.” It was a joke, the photographer part, definitely not the wedding part. He knew he will be marrying you someday, and he honestly couldn’t fucking for the day you become his wife, but there is also lots of time for that later, when you are both ready. 
The joke definitely went over her head. “Oh, you two are engaged?” 
He fucking wished. 
“No, we’re not,” he said, somewhat disappointedly. Just because you were waiting to get married doesn’t mean you were waiting to be engaged. Anakin also knew that he wouldn’t be able to hold off on asking you that question for much longer. “Not yet, anyway.”
She gave him a smile that looked a little forced. “You two are serious then, huh?”
He furrowed his brows as he leaned against the speaker backstage. This was always your spot, and he was missing you a little extra right now. God, he had no idea how he was supposed to make it another two weeks without you, then two months without you after that. 
“Yeah,” he trailed off. He thought she would’ve known by now how serious you and he are. Sure, you were basically kids when you met, but he knew from that first day that you were the only girl for him, and that fact was still true to this day. “Four years in, you get to be pretty serious.”
She nodded and moved closer to him, her natural flirty personality coming out in full swing as she smirked up at him. “That’s too bad,” she hummed, running a red painted nail up his sleeve of tattoos. “I’d say I’m happy for you, but then I’d be lying. You seem like a great guy, Anakin. It’s too bad you were taken off the market when you were so young.” 
He had no idea how to respond to that. She was definitely flirting with him, but he didn’t see the harm in it as long as he didn’t flirt back, and he had no intention in doing that anyway. Physically he was here, but his heart and mind were back in London with you. 
You were probably pacing around your dorm room right, nervous and scared about starting the program tomorrow. He hadn’t spoken to you since last night, where he ranted about how much he missed you, then listened to the way you talked dirty to him until he had no choice but to get himself off while he was still on FaceTime with you.
You told him that you would’ve helped him clean up the mess he made if you were there with him, and he had to wrap the call up pretty quickly after that as he could feel himself getting hard again and didn’t want the guys to get annoyed with him for being in the bathroom for too long. 
While his hand didn’t feel even close to how you did, he’d definitely be calling you again after tonight’s show. 
“Thanks, Liz, but I was a massive band geek back then and Y/n was this perfect, straight A student who I had no business asking out, let alone talking to,” he reminisced back to his high school days with you. 
“But you did,” she sounded almost bored, but he wasn’t really paying much attention to her tone at this point. He never focused on much else when the topic of the conversation was you. 
“Yeah, I did,” he confirmed, looking down at her with a dumb, love-struck grin. “Best decision of my life.”
She rolled her eyes and stepped away from him. “See, that’s what I’m talking about. I was convinced there were no more good guys left in the world, and now here you are, so in love with your high school sweetheart it’s almost disgusting,” 
He laughed and crossed his arms. “You’re not the first person to call me and my relationship that,” 
Liz sighed as she gazed up at him. “I can only hope that I find a guy as nice as you soon,” she mumbled. “I mean, I’m twenty seven, I should be married by now. I’m so far behind.”
Anakin felt bad for her, and he supposed that was what she was trying to do after bringing up the topic of relationships. “You’ll find someone,” he assured her. “And you’re not behind. You’re a successful photographer, you’re nice, you’re pretty…anyone would be lucky to have you.”
She looked up at him with slightly darker eyes and he stood up a bit straighter, afraid he went too far with that one. “You think I’m pretty?”
He definitely went too far with that one, but he also didn’t want to ruin her newfound confidence. “Yeah,” he answered with a nod, wanting to either escape this conversation or change the subject entirely. “I’m sure I’m not the first person to tell you that.”
Liz shook her head and bit down on her lip. “No, but you’re the first person I believe,” 
She reached out to him and only got to trace the newer ink on his wrist before he was pulling away. “Really?” He laughed and backed away. “I’m sorry to hear that. Anyway, I should help set up for tonight. Apparently all the tickets were sold for this venue, so it’ll be packed. You think you can keep up with everyone?”
Liz smirked as she nodded, “I think I can manage,”
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saltofmercury · 1 year
Pairing: John "Soap" MacTavish x reader
A/N: I hope I did this some justice!!! Brown eyes are amazing 🫶🏻
“You gon’ miss me when I’m gone, hen?”
Leaning against the kitchen counter, one arm propping him up as he drank chocolate milk, Johnny eyed you in your living room organizing books. Sitting on the floor, legs criss crossed, as you continued to toy with a color scheme for your books. You peeped your head back and rolled your eyes.
You scoffed, 
“Yeah who’s going to kill the spiders?”
You were in no mood to talk. The little back and forth chase between Johnny and yourself had been happening for over 3 months. What you had planned to be a one night stand, ended up unraveling as multiple occurrences, multiple meetups between you two. It seemed as though the universe had different plans for you.
You had long forgotten about him. (Not really) Johnny had lingered by your door holding on your chin with his massive hand, towering over you, kissing you repeatedly.
“Thanks bonnie, fucks sake you’re really something else.” Lingering on your lips until 4AM.
With that he had disappeared.
A week after your hookup you had gone into a coffee shop to indulge in their chocolate chip cookies. Sure enough, Johnny was there having a cup of tea, mouth full of a dry scone. He peered right at you as you had paid, motioning you to come sit.
“Fancy seein’ you here. Are you stalking me? Was our night that good?” He smirked, towering over you.
“You’re in my country Johnny,” you said, rolling your eyes. The audacity of this man. He should’ve been gone by now. 
“Good seeing you!” You grabbed the cookie you came for and walked out. 
The second instance he had been filling his gas tank in the jeep he drove. 
Your machine didn’t take Apple Pay, so you walked into the store to pay. After walking out, Johnny was there, already closing the fuel cap letting out a whistle as he eyed you up and down.
“Swear we got to stop meeting up like this, pet”
Your back radiated goosebumps. Just how small was this fucking city that you couldn’t hide from your one night stand?
“We’re not meeting up, I’m getting gas.” You turned your back and you loaded the gas in your car. 
He laughed at you. “Aye, so am I”
“I’ll see you soon then?” he hopped in his car and drove away. 
You finished getting gas and then hopped in your car. A candy wrapper had been placed on your windshield. You got out again and noticed it said “Johnny xxx-xxx-xxxx”
You scoffed again. Was he toying with you? The man was a persistent flirt if anything. You tucked the phone number away in your jacket pocket. If he wanted to fuck you so badly it would be on your terms.
How great that turned out.
Johnny practically made himself at home, visiting you Friday night and Sunday nights. “Ending the week with an orgasm and starting the week with one” — was the stupidity he told you.
Then it became “let’s make Haggis, treat you to a real Scottish meal.”
The national dish of Scotland that you had immediately regretted putting in your mouth. You suggested cooking a “proper meal” for him next time. 
“Wha’ you gon make me a hamburger hen?” He pushed you slightly, making you blush.
“Fuck off I’m not a hamburger person”
“Aye and I love hotdogs very delicious” he continued to tease you. He never once saw you cook.
When you made him a pot roast, it ensured having him around all the time. He made small jokes about keeping you around and possibly marrying you. 
“Need me a hen that can cook”
He saw how it made you blush and how it also infuriated you when he said things like that. Another way he loved getting under your skin.
Now you are here.
You were going back to the sadness, bitterness, and loneliness that haunted you at night. 
Part of you wanted to speak up, tell him that you at least wanted communication when he left, but knowing him, he would dismiss your idea and talk about something else.
He spoke again from the kitchen,
“God… I think I’ll miss the milk here.”
You peered up from the book you were trying to place and spoke up. Defeated, you gave in.
“That’s all you’re going to miss?”
Johnny heard it in your voice. The small crack that emitted at the end. Your back was still turned and you focused on biting the edges of your tongue to not let the tears fall down your face. 
He didn’t want to be honest and scare you away, so he said something else. 
“And maybe your Sunday roast…”
You quietly excused yourself to the bathroom. “Hah, I’m going to have a shower.” Maybe the heat of the water would hurt you more than what he just said.
Neither of you brought it up again after that. Johnny apologized to you later that night, in only physical form, making you moan and shake in bliss. He kept the light on to watch your face release the tension from earlier.
“Watch me, pet. Look at me, I'm here.”
You made eye contact with him, brows furrowed as he was inside you. He looked at your eyes. Brown and spellbinding. He had always gone for the blue eyes, icy snowflakes that blinded him. However he noticed your brown eyes—loved that he was so hypnotized by them. Hues that brought him comfort and a place to be at home. God, how he would miss them, pacifying him and the simplicity of them, that made him feel so comforted and loved. He drowned himself in your eyes every morning, and swallowed them in his heart every night.
Two days later “Johnny” became “Soap” and went off in Asia to track down someone.
On the mission as they debriefed their next execution, Gaz, Ghost, and Price sat around a campfire. Once the team had a sure plan, they got sidetracked and began to talk about plans after this mission.
“Got any plans, Soap? You’re always traveling around the world.”
“Aye, might go to the states again,”
“Which American got you this time, MacTavish?”
Soap kicked the dirt beneath him and laughed heartily. 
“Aye Gaz, you know me too well.”
He hit the dirt with the toe of his boot and placed his hands on his tactical vest.
“Should’ve been a one night stand, but man those eyes kept popping out everywhere.”
Gaz looked at him, attempting not to laugh. Every woman or man Soap met, he fell in love with. It was hard to take him seriously.
“Let me guess blue?”
“Not at all mate, it was kind of like Simon’s eyes”
“You mean Ghost?”
“Aye you ever had a haver with Ghost and see his eyes?”
“They’re brown”
“You don’ get it mate.”
Soap was frustrated. How could he describe your eyes that brought him comfort and warmth? It brought mellowness to him and welcomed him home. 
Reminded him of the chocolate ice cream he shared with you one afternoon and how the bright shirt you wore made them pop out like the caramel candies he sucked on as a kid.
They reminded him of the sugary goodness he drank at your apartment while watching you do mundane things.
He would marvel at them when he told you to look at him as he thrust himself inside you. The sun speckled on your face as it heightened flecks of gold honey-amber, and brown swirling inside them. That’s what made him gush, that’s what made him come back and stay.
How simple your eyes were but consoled him and brought solace.
They would also bring fear to him when he took a joke too far and they would turn russet or deep brown, hiding your pupil.
“Aye…lass it’s a joke.” 
The intimidation coming out in his voice. But how hungry he felt to come closer to you in such a vicious and wild state. He loved when they turned almost obsidian, you on top of him holding on and crying his name out.
He mentally cursed himself for giving you space in his head. The danger he could put himself in — distracted by you. He knew he had to end it. Fuck being this lovesick over someone in another country. He finished his mission, deployed back to his country.
A month had passed since the mission.
Plowing through the countryside, he spotted an oak tree. Its branches were wild and open. It held some leaves on its branches, but grew unruly high in the air. The brown trunk, the earth surrounding it, all different shades of brown, all emotions parallel from your eyes.
He rested by it. He missed you a lot today. 
He missed waking up before you, drinking your chocolate milk while prepping your “bean water” coffee. 
He missed coming to your bed, placing the coffee by your nightstand, climbing on top of you, legs on either side of you as he watched as you slowly woke up to the aroma of the coffee.
He laughed because, the sun couldn’t wake you, him watching a tv in the room couldn’t wake you, but the scent of coffee could drag you out of unconsciousness. 
“Aye, so that’s what drags you away from death?”
You sat up, as he shifted back a little, still on top of you. Watched you drink your coffee and your eyes lighting up from the rays of the sun. A velvet shade of amber, lighting up your face, and making Johnny mesmerized.  
He mumbled and thought to himself,
“That’s my kind of heaven right there.”
“Coffee’s real heaven aye?”
He came back to the city, heading into a coffee shop, ordering a scone that wasn’t as dry as the coffee shop by your apartment.
He trudged home, watching and hoping the Earth beneath him attempted to swallow him whole. The guilt of leaving you. The sorrow that filled his stomach. When he arrived home, it didn’t feel like home. Your eyes weren't there to greet him.
He said he would be back within two months. Four months have passed. After the third month you continued your life without him. Your tears dried up, your bathroom no longer had his hair around. His milk carton is spoiling in the fridge, his socks with hamburgers on it are still in your drawer, along with the blue hoodie he left you that night.
Those are the only things that you hold onto. A stone in your stomach settles knowing he’s not coming back.
You wouldn’t know how to reach him anyway. 
You wake up thinking how easy it was with him here. How much fun you had, getting a glimpse of domesticity with him. How you folded laundry with him, made dinners together, made love with the lights on because he loved seeing you unfold and watching your eyes disappear to a deep chocolate brown from euphoria.
Now you’re sitting in your apartment sorting the books you sorted four months ago, turning back every ten minutes hoping to see him raiding your fridge for the chocolate syrup.
Instead, a knock at the door—
You get up and open it.
Johnnys standing there, white, pink, and orange flowers in hand. 
“Got dropped off in the wrong country, pet.”
He’s standing there in front of you, smirk on his face. He’s not telling you he almost ran away from you.
He hands out the flowers to you, you’re in disbelief. 
You study him wordless, trying to get your brain to connect to your tongue.
He jumps back into your apartment, searching through your cabinets and fridge.
“You don’t have milk, aye…but you’ve got my syrup.” He clutches the bottle in the air.
You sigh out, “...yeah”
He looks at you, he sees the bewilderment on your face. He grabs your face and peppers kisses all over it before prying your mouth open with his, indulging in your tongue. He holds your face in between his hands, the lights in your apartment didn’t do your eyes justice.
“Over a hundred days without you, pet.”
“One hundred and twenty…” you breathe out.
He came back. He actually came back.
He’s got on a chain, a blue topaz stone hanging down and a darker yellow topaz right next to it.
When you ask him about it, he shrugs, says it so casually,
“I couldn’t find a gem dark enough for your eyes, but er–”
He holds the two gems in his fingers, shifting in his brain all the images he’s saved of your eyes.
“Just reminds me of us.”
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fandomfucker · 8 months
heyy, would you be able to write a fluffy rhea x reader one shot please?
one where reader and rhea have been dating for a little bit and reader has a kid (like 1 year old or something), but rhea doesn’t know yet. reader has a conversation with rhea and confesses and rhea is shocked, but asks to meet them. as soon as she meets the baby, rhea falls in love with him/her and adores the baby so much and grows to love him/her like her own. and just make it like really fluffy please?
it’s okay if no ☺️
I don't know a lot about kids so please bear with me, and apologies for taking forever. Please enjoy ❤
Words: 2,336
I was so nervous I could've thrown up.
Rhea and I had been going out for a few months now and she was coming back tomorrow after having not seen her for over two weeks.
And since we've already been going out for a couple of months, I figured it was either now or never with telling her about my daughter, Celia.
She was almost two now and my absolute pride and joy. Her father hadn't been in the picture since before she was born but I wasn't nervous telling Rhea about him. Just her. Because if she wants to have me she has to have my daughter too and if she can't deal with that then...
Let's say that my saying I'm nervous is a severe understatement. I was absolutely terrified.
Neither of us had said it yet, but I love Rhea. So much. So if my having a child is a dealbreaker then I don't even know what I'll do.
Tomorrow I'm going to be picking her up from the airport after her last match against Raquel Rodriguez. They're giving her a two-week injury-scripted break after having been in multiple WWE events each week the past few weeks.
We've both been really looking forward to it and had even started planning some stuff for us to do while she was here. Luckily we actually live only one city apart so she doesn't have to get a hotel or stay at my house, just in case anything goes wrong.
Which, I don't think it will but you never know.
I was currently bathing my daughter before bedtime, the worry must've been evident on my face.
"Mama?" Celia spoke up.
Looking down at her I saw her looking up at me, her eyes fixated on my face. There was a little crease of confusion and concern between her brows.
"Yes, my darling?" I questioned her, bending down to give her forehead a kiss as I filled the plastic cup with water again to rinse her hair out.
"Why sad?" She asked innocently, splashing her rubber duck in the water as she played. This duck was Sir Quacks a Lot, who was married to the other Sir Quacks a Lot. They had drama with the Mrs Quacks a Lot and we're currently in an argument about Baby Quacks a Lot.
"Nothing for you to worry that pretty little head over," I grinned, booping the top of her nose, sending her into a fit of giggles and splashes.
After Celia's bath, I dressed her in the fuzzy brown bear onesie I had found for her not too long ago and put her to bed.
Walking back downstairs after making sure Celia was asleep, all the nerves and doubts I had managed to push aside came back and hit me.
I went to go grab a glass of water, noticing that my hand was starting to shake. I decided to just go straight to bed. After all, Rhea was getting in pretty early so I had to be up and get to the airport also super early. At this point, all I could do was hope that she wouldn't leave me.
-Time Skip-
Waiting at the terminal Rhea would be coming out of with a bouquet of flowers was nerve-wracking as hell. She had texted me the estimated time they were supposed to land but it's never exact so I didn't actually know when she would arrive.
After a little over half an hour, I finally saw her plane land and make its way to the little hallway between the plane and the airport. Another twenty minutes later I saw her. For the first time in over two weeks, we were in the same place at the same time, together.
My breath caught in my throat as I watched her look around for me, our eyes finally meeting from across the room.
I watched as her gorgeous face lit up and she started to make a beeline for me.
Momentarily forgetting my nervousness I grinned and stepped forward to meet her in the middle as we collided into a tight hug.
"Hey, beautiful," I spoke, my voice thickening with emotion.
I felt Rhea release a deep sigh of relief against me before she responded, "Hey, baby."
"I missed you," I croaked into her neck, shoving my face into her and breathing her scent in.
"I missed you too," She replied as she stroked my hair with one hand and my lower back with the other.
Pulling myself away from her I just stood there and stared at her face for a second before speaking, "Let's go home, yeah?"
She nodded and grabbed my hand as we started to walk towards the luggage claim to pick up her suitcase.
"So, are those for me? Or..." Rhea playfully questioned me, trailing off at the end as she gestured to my hand holding her flowers.
"Oh!" I exclaimed. I had completely forgotten about them in my excitement of having her here with me again.
"Yes, they're for you, sorry," I apologized, blushing deeply. She chuckled and took them from me, smelling them before kissing my temple.
"They're beautiful, Love. Just like you," She smirked at me causing me to blush yet again.
I ducked my head down to hide the blush as I grinned widely and giggled.
We made idle talk as we walked to the luggage claim and then grabbed her luggage before making our way to my car.
Getting in the car my previous nervousness hit me again in full force. Pausing to just rest my hands on the steering wheel and take a breather I could feel Rhea turn to me in concern, "What's wrong?"
She was giving me an opening, it was now or never.
"I have something I need to tell you." Slowly I pulled my gaze from the dash of my car to her eyes. Her brows were furrowed in concern and her mouth was pulled into a frown.
"Is everything okay?" She asked sort of hesitantly.
I nodded quickly, "Yeah, it's just...something I haven't told you yet that I probably should have."
Rhea nodded in encouragement for me to continue.
I took a deep breath. "I have a kid."
"I have a daughter. Her name is Celia. She'll be two in October." I whispered into the quiet, too scared of her reaction to be any louder.
She looked lost in thought for the next few minutes, slumping back against the seat.
"I'm sorry for not telling you but I could never find the right time and-"
Rhea cut me off, "Hold on. Just, stop."
I shut my mouth, terrified out of my mind of what she was going to say next.
"I just need a second to process this."
"Yeah, no I understand. It's a lot to take in." I quietly replied, chewing on my bottom lip.
"Why didn't you tell me?" She whispered. She sounded choked up and on the verge of tears which made me start crying.
"Because I thought you would leave and I was scared." I sobbed, covering my face with my hands as if to conceal the tears.
"No, no no no no no." Rhea clamored, reaching for me over the console. "I just wasn't expecting it, that's all." She tried to reassure me, smiling softly. "I could never leave my best girl hangin'."
I giggled at the reference to one of my favorite movies ever and wiped my eyes and nose with the back of my sleeve.
"C-can I meet her?" Rhea asked hesitantly, "It's okay if not I completely under-" I leaned over the console and kissed her, effectively shutting her up.
"Of course, you can meet her. She's actually been asking for quite some time now when she gets to meet 'Ree-Ree'." I laughed, recounting the many times she asked for another bedtime story about "Mama's friend".
Rhea beamed and kissed my cheek, reassuring me once again that she was okay with me having a child. We'd be having a more in-depth talk about it later on but right now it was time for them to meet.
We pulled up to my house almost half an hour later, where my sister was watching Celia while I was out. 
Getting out of the car, I grabbed Rhea's luggage for her before she even had a chance to grab it and walked up to the door with my keys. Taking a deep breath I unlocked the door, pushing it open before standing aside for Rhea to walk in first.
She nodded in thanks as she walked through, looking around and taking in her surroundings. My house was a bit more on the unconventional side, being a maximalist and all. 
"Zoey?" I yelled into the house to find her after closing the door behind us. "Kitchen!"
I rolled Rhea's suitcase against the wall a little ways away from the door and motioned for her to put her backpack there as well before following me.
I made my way to the kitchen with Rhea following idly behind, still taking in my house. As soon as I laid eyes on my daughter in her booster seat I smiled and made a beeline for her, making "monster" grabby-hands.
She squealed with delight, grinning madly all the while as I unbuckled her and picked her up above my head, blowing raspberries on her exposed stomach making her squirm and giggle.
Bringing her down to rest on my hip I kissed the top of her head as she buried it into my neck. I turned around when I remembered that we weren't alone.
Zoey, my sister, and Rhea were standing next to each other, both watching the two of us with a smile on their face. I side-hugged Zeoy hello before introducing them to each other.
"It's so nice to finally meet you! I've heard so many things about you and Y/n even made me get into wrestling." Zoey exclaimed excitedly, making Rhea laugh. "I've heard a lot about you as well so it's great to meet you too."
"Well, I better get going I have to run some errands before I get home to let the dogs out." Zoey excused herself, grabbing her bag before making her way back over to me.
"Bye-bye CeCe." She cooed, tickling her neck before giving her forehead a kiss. "I'll see you later, sis," She gave me another side hug.
"Rhea, it was lovely meeting you, maybe we can all get together soon while you're here? Oh! We could do a double date with you two and me and my partner!" She excitedly exclaimed.
"Totally! That sounds great, we'll definitely have to get together. I can't wait!" Rhea replied enthusiastically. Zoey gave Rhea a quick hug before bounding out the door, leaving us alone with my daughter.
Rhea slowly walked up to us, I could read the nervousness on her face.
"CeCe, this is mama's friend Rhea, remember?" I spoke gently to Celia. She lifted her head from my neck and looked at Rhea with her big beautiful eyes. I could see Rhea's initial hesitation melt away as they locked eyes.
"Hello there, little one." Rhea greeted her softly, waggling her fingers at her like how she does when she's in character. 
Celia must have recognized either her name or her picture because she then started to bounce in my arms as she giggled and held out her arms to Rhea to hold her.
"You wanna hold her?" I asked her, shifting my hold a bit on CeCe.
"Um, I-I don't know. I'm not really sure how I should hold her." Rhea stammered.
"Just like this," I replied, gesturing goofily to how she rested on my hip. 
"O-okay," She half-smiled nervously, grabbing Celia under her arms and hefting her gently onto her hip. Celia giggled and wiggled around the whole time, putting her hands on Rhea's face and patting them around.
"Sorry, she likes to do that," I apologized embarrassed.
"It's all good," Rhea laughed, gently removing Celia's hands from her face.
Grinning at my two favorite girls I made an offer they couldn't refuse. "How about y'all go and play while I go and make some breakfast yeah?" 
"Yes!" Celia squealed, squirming enough that Rhea put her down. "That sounds great, Love." Rhea chuckled.
Celia raised her arm near where Rhea's hand rested, asking for her to hold her hand. Rhea grabbed a hold of her hand and was immediately pulled away towards the direction of the living room. Rhea shot me a look of panic before disappearing from my view making me laugh.
I put on some music and began making breakfast as Rhea and Celia played in the living room.
After I finished making breakfast I set the table as well, wanting a nice fancy breakfast for Rhea's coming home and first time at my house.
I made my way to the living room to get the two of them to come eat but stopped short in the doorway when I saw them.
Rhea sat on the floor crisscrossed in front of Celia with a tiny plastic crown on her head, a pink plastic teacup in one hand, and a giant plastic dinosaur in the other.
Celia stood in front of her also wearing a tiny plastic crown on her head but I could see that Rhea had given her one of her necklaces to wear as she poured the two of them cups of tea. 
I smiled as I watched Rhea play pretend with her, not wanting to interfere with the adorableness. Just seeing Rhea wearing her scary full black outfit with dark jewelry and makeup wearing a tiny pink crown was enough to make me fall madly in love right then and there. And I think I did.
"I hate to interrupt, but breakfast is ready," I spoke up, finally announcing my presence.
Celia bounded over to me, holding out the end of Rhea's necklace she was wearing to me. "Look what 'ea gave me!"
"Wow! What a lucky girl you are! Let's go wash up for breakfast though, yeah?" I picked her up and set her on my hip as I turned to look at Rhea who was blushing furiously.
Grinning at her I playfully asked what was the matter.
"Didn't know you were there," Rhea mumbled, reaching up to pull the crown off.
"Leave it, I like it," I smirked as I turned on my heel to make my way back to the kitchen. I think this could work.
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sunflower-author · 26 days
HI i've been obsessed with akaashi atm so could you do yandere akaashi
he'd be such a sneaky yandere since he's so observant and memorises your little mannerisms and personality. he knows just what to say to you and other people as well to get you all to himself
anyway idm what you do, have fun with it!! hope you have a good day <33
      It's a Friday and school just ended, you go to the usual spot to meet Akaashi before he has to practice. A bench under the tree, on the opposite side of the gym, giving you guys time to talk, before making it to the gym.
After some time you see Akaashi turn the corner, from sitting on the bench you stand up to greet him. Smiling as you make your way toward him. 
"There you are, I was wondering if you ever were gonna come," you say jokingly.
"Sorry, that was my bad I was caught up with some schoolwork," Akaashi says. In reality, he was writing in his notebook about you. He has a notebook, where he keeps specific tabs about you. Your likes and dislikes, also including plans about what he would want in the future, plans like...
"Y/N, I was wondering if after practice today, would you want to come over to my house to study?" Akaashi says walking.
"Sure, our AP test is coming up, and I'll be lucky if I get 3/5," you say shyly, following after him. (Headcanon that Akaashi takes AP classes) *ALSO I SWEAR I'M GONNA FAIL THAT TEST!!!*
"No comment," Akaashi says as he continues to walk.
"Hey why'd you say that?" you ask, confused and a bit offended.
"Well.. what did you think I would say?" Akaashi asks curious.
"I don't know, just not that, maybe something encouraging at least," you say, trying to defend yourself.
"If I say something encouraging either one, you would hype yourself up thinking your gonna do well,  then do just below that, and get all sad and guilty," 
"When have I ever done anything like that?" you ask not believing that you would do anything like that.
 "Remember your Biology finial, you said that you wanted to get at least a 90, I said how you've been studying so your gonna do amazing, but then you got 89. You ended up with a B for that class, you stayed in you room a whole week during summer, all depressed."
"It dropped my perfect GPA," you say defending yourself.
"Or two, you would study all the time till you only do well on that one test and forget about the rest, before you say anything, midterms... Your lucky it was only midterms."
"That only happened once," In your defense you learned never to try that again.
Rolling his eyes he finally says "Or three, if I encourage you right now, you might not take studying seriously and think you can just wing the test, and therefore end up failing."
"Oh yeah.. I do that one a lot don't I," you say embarrassed.
"You have been improvising a lot more than you usually have, now that I think about it, is something wrong?" Akaashi asks concerned.
"Oh.. you've noticed that?" you ask as you stopped walking, looking down ashamed. " I admit that I have not been studying as much as before... I just feel like I'm burning out... or maybe I am burnt out..." 
Akaashi going right in front of you, he just pats your head, it may seem small, but it is your favorite form of affection from him. 
"You know it is normal to be burnt out, the important and most hardest part is overcoming it. I'm always free when you need me. If you want I'll skip practice today, we can just go straight to my house," Akaashi offers.
"That's very sweet of you Keji, but the volleyball team really needs you. You're the only one who can handle Bokuto, and I can't imagine how sad Bokuto would be when he finds out you're not there today." You reassure him.
"You know I care about you, more than I care about volleyball and Bokuto, just say the word and we can go to my house," Akaashi says, persisting.
"Keji, pretty soon is the Spring Nationals, you need to prepare, I'll meet you after your practice," you say as you start to part ways.
Unexpectedly Akaashi follows you grabbing you hand softly.
"Where are you going," he asks. Normally you would wait for him in the gym's girls locker rooms, till his practice is over, since there was air condition inside.
"I thought that today.. I would go stay in class and wait for you, maybe study a bit before.. so that you don't need to catch me up on anything, then we can study faster tonight," you said.
"What are you hiding?" he ask.
"I'm not hiding anything," you said defending yourself.
"You're avoiding eye contact with me, you keep scratching your neck, and your more defensives than normal, I can tell when you are trying to hide something Y/N," he said. After a few more moments of silence you finally confessed.
"Alright fine... one of my friends invited me to join track practice today, I know you don't want to join any sports, but it was just a practice, I'm not going to join," you said admittingly.
"Was that all you were trying to hide?" Akaashi asks, acting surprised. "I'm sorry if you felt like that was something you had to hide from me," his words so soothing, hiding the venom within.
"It was just because whenever I tell you about a club I was going to join you would always turn the idea down, or convince me not to do the club," 
"That is not true-"
"Soft tennis, kyudo, archery, ice skating, and now track and field," you cut him off, apparently Akaashi was not the only one that was keeping tabs on their partner.
"I just don't want you getting hurt, and plus who knows...  what if you get too involved in the sport and fall behind in school, also when you compete would you be willing to do it, all eyes would be on you, I know you get anxious in a crowd, and when you compete your coach, teammates, friends would all be counting on you," Akaashi explains.
"Yeah your right," you say, realizing that you shouldn't have thought about ever joining a sport, there would be no way you would be able to handle the stress and pressure. 
"I just thought I would be cool to have a sport since your in volleyball, I didn't want you to think I was lazy or something," you say timid.
"I would never think that about you, I know how much you study, how much you help your family around the house, I would never think of you as lazy," He says commending. "But just out of curiosity what type of event would you have picked if you were to do track and field?" he ask.
"It would be pole vault," you say. Hearing those words Akaashi was so glad to have convinced you not to. 
Pole vaulter's have upper body strength, and in the emergency of him kidnapping you, with you having some upper body strength it would just be irritating. He would win though. 
"Pole vault?" he asks, hesitantly.
"Is there a problem?" you ask curiously.
"It is just that pole vaulting is one of the most hardest events, and you're just going to jump into trying it," is all he says. 
But that was more than enough. What were you thinking, trying to pole vault, your in your 3rd year. Image trying to practice, how underclassmen will just see how bad you are. They must be way better, the season started 1 month ago. Also there was other events practicing too, image all those eyes on you.
"Yeah your right, it was just a dumb idea, I'm gonna text my friend that I'm busy," you said as you pulled up your phone, and started texting.
As you start to walk towards the gym with Akaashi following behind you.
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mochatsin · 9 months
You have plans with him to go out tonight and just spend some nice quality time together. However, sometimes things just don’t go your way. Something came up and your favorite demon may have forgotten about the date.
He never meant to forget it. He was actually looking forward to it and he was also the one who made the necessary reservations for you two to eat at this fancy restaurant where you get to dress up and eat something so exquisite.
It was supposed to be a lovely evening for the both of you. All dolled up nicely while you get to experience fine dining, since it’s something you don’t normally do. This makes this little date special and you were so excited for it, the feeling was almost contagious around the house. 
Just as he was about to leave, Diavolo called for a last minute urgent meeting that required his attendance. It was something important so Lucifer couldn’t leave no matter how much he wanted to. Given the serious topic at hand, he was so focused on it that he forgot about the time. 
You tried to call him since you were already at the restaurant waiting for him. Lucifer found the buzzing of his phone incredibly distracting so he left it in his bag to focus on the meeting. 
As soon as he was dismissed, he checked his phone and he felt his heart stop for a moment when he saw the number of calls and texts from you. He can’t believe that he forgot something so important! 
He ran to the restaurant as soon as he could, still in his RAD uniform. He doesn’t care how much he sticks out like a sore thumb with his clothes in a restaurant full of well dressed demons, he doesn't want to let you wait for a single second.
To see you sitting alone, already finished with your own dinner while Lucifer’s has already gone cold and untouched, it made his heart break into two. It was supposed to be your special night with him after all, and he was already late. It hurts him more to see how dressed up you were, knowing how you must’ve planned this outfit for a while now. 
The sadness and disappointment in your eyes was enough to make him want to grovel on his knees and beg for your forgiveness in front of you and the entire restaurant. Pride be damned. 
You were about to leave, thinking that you shouldn’t waste your time here alone any longer and go home. Lucifer runs in to stop you “w-wait! I'm here now” He says, making you sit back down on the chair while he sits across you.
You could see that he practically ran from RAD all the way here, given how disheveled his hair is and how he’s still in uniform. Though it was already obvious, he explained why he was late. 
“I know I said it was important, but it’s not an excuse. You deserve to have a nice time, and I'll make it up to you. Only if you’ll let me.” You can see that he means well, so you decide to give him another chance. 
Your forgiveness means a lot to him so he smiles “I promise I won't make the same mistake ever again” and you spend the rest of the evening planning a second date with him. This time he lets you choose where to go, no questions asked. 
Lucifer makes sure to clear his schedule and let Diavolo know he has plans already so that he wouldn’t get caught up with work. You deserve his full attention tonight. He’s the one who arrives at the venue you picked out first, all dressed up nicely for you as he takes you by the hand “Shall we?” 
He offered to take you out for a tour in the finest parts of Devildom, wanting to bring you to his favorite places to teach you more about the nightlife in the realm. 
Mammon was bragging about his little date with you to his brothers until Satan eventually says “okay but do you really expect MC to pay for that though? You don’t even have a single Grimm to your name…” 
That’s when he realized that he’s prepared for everything except financially. He did try to work to get some money but of course to him, the quickest way to get Grimm was through the casino. 
For once it did work and he was having a good winning streak. He’s never had this much Grimm before and he loves it! He doesn’t want to stop! He’ll milk everyone dry while lady luck is still smiling at him.
But his fixation on gambling got in his head that he forgot why he was doing this for. When you tried to call him for the 5th time, he finally picked up. 
“Whaddya need? I’m the middle of winnin’ something big here!” He says with his hands full of Grimm. Then he hears the disappointment in your voice when you realize he ditched you for gambling and he panics. 
“Ah… I see.” Is all you say. That’s enough to scare the living hell out of Mammon, a fear that rivals the chills he gets from Lucifer. 
“W-wha—?! N-no wait MC I just—“ before he could explain you dropped the call on him. You never really do that since you’re always so patient with him, so he knows that he really fucked up big time. 
He pulls out his winnings early and drives like a madman on his way to you. You were already walking back to the house with a sad look on your face. To think that Mammon was the one who was the one who wanted to bring you here, but he ended up just gambling. It was only fair to be upset.
You were a couple streets away from the House of Lamentation when Mammon drove up by your side and quickly ran to you, pulling you in for a hug. “I’d never forget about you!” He says, not wanting to let you go until you hear him out. 
“I just… I wanted to get some extra Grimm to treat ya out for tonight. I didn’t mean to ditch you, honest!” You can see the little puppy eyes through his shades, the Great Mammon on the verge of tears as he spends the next five minutes apologizing to you over and over until you forgive him. 
You give in, knowing now that he was just trying to get Grimm for you and not to indulge in his Greed. It makes him smile again and he practically lifts you off your feet as he hugs you tighter. 
“Come on! The night is still young, so let’s splurge a little yeah? My treat” He says before driving around the city to enjoy the nightlife as he promised. 
He decided to spoil you for today to make up for his mistakes. Whether it’s food or something that caught your eye, Mammon got you covered. May have bought you a bit too much, but it’s worth it to see you smile again. 
He does get scolded by his brothers afterwards for almost forgetting after Mammon spent three days bragging about it to them. You only told Asmo once after he asked how it went and he ended up telling the rest through gossip. Poor Mammon. 
There was an upcoming event in the mall nearby that sells some fan merch of your favorite series, and Levi was the first person you thought of to bring with you since he’s always going to those. 
Just as he was getting ready to leave, he finds a notification on his phone about a surprise early release of this anime he’s been dying to watch. It was supposed to be released tomorrow but it’s already available today! What kind of fan would he be if he missed this?!
Without realizing it, he finds himself glued to the computer watching the new episodes. You tried contacting him since you were already by the event waiting for him before so you two can go in together. After almost an hour, you decided to stop trying and go in yourself. 
Levi was already halfway when Mammon went into his room without permission. He wanted to snoop around to see if he could get his hands on something valuable, but he was much more surprised to see Levi still here. 
“You idiot! What are you doing here?! I’m too busy right now so go away!” Levi hissed, eyes still glued to the screen.
“Eh? I thought ya were supposed to be out in the mall with MC though?” Mammon says, motioning at the Ruri-chan themed clock in his room where her magical staff is pointing at late-o-clock.
“…” in a matter of seconds, Levi is now screaming as he sprints from his room all the way up to the mall. 
He opened his phone on his way to the mall and he panicked even more to see all the missed calls and texts from you. He’s normally good at scheduling, so he can’t believe he forgot about this one!
“SORRI I WND SO LTE IMMOM MY WAY” is what his shaky hands could type while he was still running, hoping you’re still in the event so he could catch up. Levi will never forgive himself if you’ve already left. 
He eventually spots you sitting alone in a nearby bench outside the event, with a handful of merch that you didn’t seem too happy with. 
He quickly runs up to you, still panting heavily as he basically had to sit down to let his aching legs rest. “S-sorry…” was the first comprehensive thing he could say in between breaths until he calmed down enough to give you a proper apology and explanation. 
Levi was about to go on with his self-destructive “i'm just a yucky otaku and I don’t deserve your time” speech but you’re the one in need of comforting, not him. He knows you’re going to spend your energy trying to cheer him up, but now it’s his turn!
“H-how about we go back in there? Let me buy you something you want! Then we can go home and rewatch your favorite episodes” he offers so that you two would have more quality time together. 
Levi bought you all the merch of your favorite character’s that he can find to compensate. 
Normally, he would’ve gone home and continued the anime he wanted to watch to pick up where he left off. Tonight, he lets you pick out what you wanted to watch and enjoy yourself. 
There was a new cafe that you wanted to visit with Satan after school, and he was more than happy to accompany you after his classes. You suggested that you both could read a book together there and talk about it, like a little book club meeting over some coffee or tea.
There’s nothing he enjoys more than just relaxing together with a warm drink and a book at hand with his favorite human, so he was looking forward to the last ring of the bell to meet you at the gates.
Though just as he was leaving, he was called for a meeting with Lucifer to arrange some sudden reports. As secretary of the RAD student council, he has no choice but to oversee his duties for the position appointed to him. But as the Avatar of Wrath, he absolutely hates how he needs to follow orders from Lucifer of all people. 
He has half the mind in doing his work, and the other trying to think of how to ingrain curses on the threads of Lucifer’s buttons so they would come undone no matter what to make a fool out of him. Just as he deserves. The thought of his buttons undone during a speech in front of RAD makes him grin.
By the time that Satan was done with everything he needed to do, he realized how late it’s been and saw your messages saying that you’re already by the gates, asking where he was. He ran as fast as he could by the gate, and guilt got worse when he saw you’re not there anymore.
‘Did you already go home? Are you safe? Where could you be?’ Those were the thoughts that were racing in his mind as he panics. He was an hour late after all so it’s understandable that you had to leave, but he doesn’t like the uncertainty of your whereabouts.
Satan texts Asmo asking for you and he receives a reply “Eh? MC said they’re already at the cafe! I thought you two were together?” after knowing that you went there on your own, he starts sprinting to the place he was supposed to escort you in. 
He finds you sitting by the window, alone on a table for two with a drink and a book at hand. Satan already feels bad that he made you go alone, doing the things he promised you two would do together. What’s worse is that you were reading a book that he recommended the other day. 
‘They really wanted to be here with me…’ was his thought as he stared at you from the window with sad eyes. You did end up spotting him from the window, which breaks him from his trance. What is he doing standing here like an idiot? He wastes no time and runs to the entrance.
Satan didn’t care if he banged the door knob against the wall when he stormed in, he quickly rushed to your side and apologized for his tardiness. “I promise MC, I'm never usually late for anything. I never meant to leave you alone like this…” 
You accept his apology and it brings a smile to his face, though he still feels a little guilty. “Why don’t I buy you a pastry to eat? It’s my treat. Then later, we can talk about the book together” it’s an offer you can’t exactly say no to. 
He makes up for his tardiness by spending all the quality time he can with you. You two talk about each other’s thoughts and opinions about the book, then you listen to Satan rant about how it’s all Lucifer’s fault he was late and his plans on ruining the rest of his clothes for the next formal meeting with Diavolo. 
Asmo insisted you two go clothes shopping together to update your wardrobe. Given that you’re a new exchange, you didn’t really have a lot of clothes to begin with. Asmo is the best person for this job with his fashion sense, and it sounded like a fun idea to spend time with him so you agreed. 
Before he was about to leave, he finds a package addressed to him and it was the new makeup he’s been waiting for! He’s been itching to make a livestream where he just talks about the product while he applies it, so he does just that. 
A lot of people tuned in of course where he rambles about how the brand is good for his skin and makes him look like an absolute gem. The comments are boosting his ego as he continues to apply the makeup on stream. 
Asmo said that he was already on the way, but that last message was thirty minutes ago and there’s still no sign of him. When you checked up on him for updates, you saw that he’s currently live on Devilgram doing a commentary on the make up he’s been talking to you about for days. 
You know how much he loves doing content like these for his fans, but of course it still hurts that he couldn’t spare that time for you. So you left him a small message stating that you’re going to leave the mall and head to the purgatory hall instead, exiting the live stream as soon as you hit send. 
Asmo saw the notification banner pop up with your message on his phone and for a moment, his viewers thought that maybe the stream lagged because he suddenly stopped moving, frozen in place. 
You don’t see this since you left his stream, but you missed the part where he screams as he frantically grabs his phone with a “sorry loves!” As he ends it. You get a call and before you can get a word in, Asmo is yelling at you to stay first until he gets there. 
You stay there and in ten minutes, Asmo is there panting heavily with make up half done. “I-i didn’t mean to make you wait! Please don’t leave darling” He pleads. His neat appearance was ruined, and he hates the feeling of sweat on his skin. But he needed to catch up to you as soon as he could, he’ll fix himself later. 
Asmo wouldn’t stop apologizing, and he would be ready to make a scene to show how sorry he is. If publicly proclaiming his love for you is what it takes then you know he’d do it. Once you do forgive him, he’s going to stick to your side like glue while he goes shopping with you. 
He’ll treat you tonight by putting on the make up he was trying earlier on you this time. “You’ll look absolutely stunning with this! Especially with the clothes we bought today” and will definitely show you off like an artist unveiling his new masterpiece. 
After learning from Mammon that there was a brand new restaurant that opened up recently, Beel was so excited to visit it with you. He loves enjoying food with you, and the restaurant serves dishes that are more around your tastes when you check the menu. This makes the food trip all more exciting. 
Beel can’t stop thinking about the little date you two would have, and after checking the menu his stomach is growling in anticipation. He just needs to get through the day and he’s ready to meet you later for dinner. 
Though it wasn’t that easy since his coach needed him to train extra for an upcoming Fangol match. It was going to be a big competition apparently, so the coach needed everyone to be ready. 
The extensive work out really made him break a sweat, and he’s starving by the end of his training. But the rumbling of his tummy and cravings made him realize he forgot to update you about the time. He dives for his phone and finds several messages from you so he panics. 
Beel immediately calls you “M-MC! Sorry I didn’t mean to be so late! Are you still there?!” He asks as he practically runs out without taking a shower first. His shirt is definitely drenched in sweat but he hates the thought of making you wait any further.
You told him that you were already on the way home, since it’s been almost an hour and by the time you got there, the restaurant was already fully booked. You try to hide it, but Beel can hear from the other line how sad you sounded.
Beel is upset since he knows that you two would have had such a lovely time by now, eating the dishes you two called dibs on when you checked the menu together in his room. He feels that he let you down by not showing up on time. 
You two meet up halfway and you find Beel, sweating and panting heavily as he meets your eyes. Beel wanted to hug you to apologize, but he didn’t want you to feel how sweaty he was. 
While you wiped the sweat off his face, he pouted at you. “Sorry…” He mumbled. Beel was a man of few words, but that was enough to convey his feelings. You know he doesn’t really mean it, so you forgive him. 
You two spent the night getting take out dinner nearby since Beel practically sprinted on an empty stomach after hours of training and he’s not going to last any longer without food. It may not be the restaurant that you both planned, but the company is still pleasant.
After explaining his tardiness, you both decide to go to the restaurant together after his fangol match to celebrate. It would be like his reward for working so hard. That idea got Beel so motivated, he basically bulldozed his way to victory in that game.
There was going to be a meteor shower tonight in Devildom and Belphie was ecstatic at the thought of it. It’s not uncommon in Devildom compared to the human realm, but it’s always a sight to see. So he wants to bring you along next time to the planetarium to watch it with him. 
Belphie figured that he still has enough time after his classes end to take a quick nap. Though being the Avatar of Sloth, a nap was approximately 8 hours for him and he’d still feel tired. What’s worse is that Belphie can fall asleep anywhere anytime, he can be very difficult to wake up too. 
Belphie nap was interrupted from the sound of Beel’s voice as his twin shook him awake. “Mmm… five more minutes…” The youngest groaned, eyes still shut as he tries to get some more sleep. 
“Belphie it’s been 5 hours” was enough words for the Avatar of Sloth to wake up and stand. “WHAT?!” He panics as he looks up the sky to see the meteors already falling. Crap!
Belphie makes his way to you at home and he finds you by the planetarium, sitting alone as you stare up the meteors. He can see that you prepared pillows and a blanket on the empty space next to you, and it aches him. You were clearly looking forward to this. 
Without a word, He gives you a hug from behind as he buries his face by your neck. He’s a little afraid to face you personally, because he doesn’t need to see the disappointment in your face to know that. 
“Sorry MC… I really am” He mumbles softly, holding you close. He didn’t even bother trying to watch the last few minutes of the meteor shower anymore, he just held you close for the whole duration. 
Only when you placed a hand above his that it made him look up at you again. You don’t need words, but he knows what you were trying to say. So he continues to embrace you. 
He doesn’t understand how you could forgive him so easily but… he’ll take it. He’ll vow to make sure you two enjoy the next meteor shower soon. 
Both of you just spent some quality time together, soaking in the silence for a while as the last meteor fell. You break the silence by asking about the constellations in the sky, and Belphie was happy enough to indulge in your questions and began talking about the stories behind it. 
Even if there were no more meteors, it was still a magical night under the stars. You two kept on talking and talking until you both fell asleep on the nest of pillows in the planetarium. Beel had to carry you both to your rooms.
Belphie started asking Beel for favors to wake him up in case he has an important event with you upcoming so he wouldn’t miss it again. He doesn’t trust any of the brothers except his twin with this role. 
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troubleluli · 2 years
Summary: During summer Y/N Henderson and Steve Harrington start dating while Dustin was at the camp, they’re thinking about how to tell him when he runs into them and freaks out.
Type: Fluffy and a bit of angst (maybe, idk)
Warnings: Cursing.
Note¹: this is the first time ever I’m writing so be nice pls 
Note²: also english it’s not my first language so be nice (again) pls
Word count: 1.2k
(not my gif)
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During the hunt for dart Y/N Henderson and Steve Harrington became friends, they couldn’t stand staying near to each other before and now they’re kicking some demodogs ass. Well, life is weird. Hawkins is weird. When everything ended, Dustin and Steve still hung out together and you were dragged with them. You didn’t complain though you like to spend time with your brother and you wouldn’t admit but like Steve’s company.
When your brother heads to his summer camp you decide to keep hanging out with Steve and without your brother every meeting looks like a date till you guys make it official. Is cool dating Steve, he was not an ass anymore and he’s also a dork which made you laugh a lot, you love it. 
As summer was on Steve got himself a job that you loved. You can get free ice cream whenever you’re there, he just can't deny it to you. Meanwhile Steve's wearing a really cute and funny sailor uniform that he proclaims every 2 seconds he hates. So now is just one of those days that you spend at Scoops Ahoy at the back enjoying your ice cream while chatting with your boyfriend.
“So Dustin is coming home soon and I don't want him to know about us yet, don't get me wrong, but I know my brother and even though you're his best friend he still gonna want to kill you.” Steve's eyes widen after you said your brother might want to kill him, you chuckle but calm him down “he loves you babe, everyone knows that but I’m still his older sister and he feels he needs to protect me. He’ll probably just try to threaten you for a while, then he’ll be supportive and plan our wedding.” you giggle at the end of your sentence because you know that's not a lie, Dustin probably will want to plan your wedding.
Steve relax with that and kisses you, you guys start making out at the back of Scoops Ahoy while Robin covers Steve for a few minutes but then someone bust out the door, you jump a little and Steve was ready to tell Robin fuck off for a few more minutes but another voice come out.
“You gotta be kidding me, my fucking sister Steve, MY SISTER, she’s off limits. You knew. I told you.” Dustin looks like he’s gonna explode, this is not how you want your brother to find out about it. Actually, Dustin seeing you and Steve making out was something you wish he would never see.
“Hey, relax Henderson, let’s talk.” Steve tries to calm him down. 
“NO. Y/N let’s go home” Dustin says sharply.
“Dusty, c’mon, don’t need to act like that.” You plead for your brother “and when you came back? you didn’t tell me that you’re coming home now” you’re confused, your little brother is back after a whole month at a camp and he didn’t go for you.
“Yesterday.” He sighs, “mom told me you’re sleeping over so I decided I wanted to surprise you.” He points to you, looking a little sad “but then I came here expecting to see my best friend and he is sucking my sisters’ face” now pointing to Steve and his anger is back.
“Bro, I wasn’t sucking your sister's face,” Steve simpered “we’re just making out.” You slap your boyfriend’s arm muting a “not helping.”
“I don’t care, let’s go Y/N.” He starts to walk off but you drag him back, setting him down at the other side of the room and blocking the door.
“You’re not going. We’re not going.” You sigh, letting your head fall back a little, shutting your eyes, then you look at your boyfriend with pleading eyes, almost like you're crying for help. “Look, after you went to that camp Steve and I keep seeing each other, and without you here, we um… we realize we like each other more than just friends.” You shrug, not really knowing how to tell your brother about it.
“Yeah, we really like each other buddy.” Steve says camly, trying not to piss Dustin off even more. “I know you said I shouldn’t hit on your sister, but she’s amazing. It’s kinda hard not to fall in love with her.” He smiles and looks at you lovely, you can’t help but smile back. 
“Okay, cut that bullshit,” Dustin says firmly. You stare blankly at your brother. He's really enraged. “How long has this been happening?” 
“Almost a month,” Steve answered quietly.
“OH MY-” his jaw drops a little “you guys started dating almost as soon as I left. What a best friend and what a sister I have” Dustin says letting his arms fall next to him, he is overreacting.
You don’t know what to say anymore. Your brother is hurt, you see that but didn’t plan to make him furious, you thought he would just freak out a little, intimidate Steve and then be happy about you guys. But he can’t snap out of the “freak out phase” and it’s beginning to get on your nerves.
“SHUT UP DUSTIN!” You yell. He and Steve stare blankly at you, definitely not expecting you to lose it. “Look, I get that you’re upset about it. We didn’t tell you ‘cause you’re away having fun at the camp, so it didn't seem the right time to tell you.” Your brother looks more relaxed now and you keep going, “Steve and I wanted to tell you, we’re just talking about it before you walk in.” You take a deep breath before continuing, “we really like each other, he makes me happy and I know you want to see me happy. I enjoy spending time with him. He's gentle with me and funny and I really love him. So if you're afraid that he’s gonna break my heart you’re totally allowed to kick his ass.” You grin, Steve eyes widened and he interferes, “hey, hey, hey, no one's gonna kick my ass because I’m not going to break your heart baby.” He kisses your cheek.
You flush a little and clean your throat, “So, as I was saying, if you’re also afraid that you’re gonna spend less time with us, don’t. We’re a team. We’re not gonna split. Never.” You say with a warm smile to comfort your brother and he sends you a toothless smile.
Dustin hugs you and looks deadly to Steve. “You know, break her heart and I’ll break you.” And the threat is here. Steve holds his hands up like he's surrendering. “Not gonna happen.” He winks at you and you giggle.
Dustin sighs, “I have a few things to say.” He starts. “First of all, no kissing when I’m around. Second, don’t flirt or say/do gross things when I'm here.” You nodded, he’s not asking for anything absurd, “yeah, whatever.” Steve says deadpan and you glare at him.
“Fine Dusty.” You sound kinda annoyed and can’t help but grin at it. It's cute to see your brother acting like that. 
Dustin cracks his hands, “but let's get to business.” He makes a dramatic pause glancing between you and Steve. “I intercepted a secret russian communication.” 
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crystaldivination · 1 year
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‹ 𝑃𝑖𝑐𝑘 𝑎 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑑 › ♥︎ 𝑂ℎ… 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦 𝑦𝑜𝑢
⤷ Valentine’s special ⁀➷ ⤶
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Hello beautiful souls ♡︎ it’s been a while. I’ve planned to go after my pick a card schedule but since it’s Valentines’ Day 💌💘 I decided to squeeze this in between. For those who have already found their other half I wish you a happy Valentine’s Day. Make romantic and beautiful memories with your lover. As for my single souls who is looking and waiting for love especially on this day, don’t worry because there is someone waiting somewhere out there for you already. When the time is right they’ll show up. For now we can find other way to celebrate love that doesn’t involve romance right? I hope you get to spend time with your loved ones on this day and do something fun. Have a beautiful time for yourselves. You deserve it ❣︎
That to be said, I hope to provide you with some lovely messages from the person of your mind or anyone who is thinking about you with this intuitive pick a card reading. In this reading we will be looking at who is secretly having feelings for you and how they feel about you. Check out the 2nd part of this Valentine’s edition here.
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How to choose a pile? Take a few deep breaths & look at each piles separately. Trust your intuition to pick your pile.
The piles ┊
left ➜ right
Disclaimer ┊this is a general reading which may or may not resonate with you. Take what resonates and leave out anything that doesn’t. Feel free to choose another pile if you'd like.
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𝐏𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟏
"Oh tell me if there is anyone like her. No, there is no one like her."
This person might be someone you know or someone near your orbit. They seem to believe there is a connection between you both right before seeing or meeting you. Love at first sight. They feel something unexplainable when it comes to you. They find you captivating and attractive, not to be said, very intelligent. In their eyes you embody the person of both beauty and brain. You actually are. They are very romantic and a dreamer. They’d want you to notice them if you haven’t already. For some I guess this might be a crush who is too shy to approach you and just like to observe you from afar. They like to fantasize about you and how it’d be like if you guys were together. I heard the word "each other’s" so they might be slightly possessive or just want you guys to belong to each other. It doesn’t seem to be toxic. I just feel like they’d want a love that’s like a fairytale. They have a heart of an artist. You could even be their muse. Their source of inspiration. You literally inspire them everyday. I heard something along the line "You are so beautiful and smart that I could write a million unique poems for you". Aww pile 1 they are so sweet. It’s a shame that they’re keeping it to themself. If they could only show it to you just like how they’re willing to tell me this… I’m also getting that you occupy their mind 24/7. Sometimes you could be popping up out of nowhere and they might even see hallucinations of you in front of them. Omg. They’re that in love with you. I’d even say you are one of the rare people that they admire every bit of. They really want to cherish you with all their heart because they believe you deserve every of it. You’re so kind and just a dream person for them. They’re putting you on the pedestal fr. They wouldn’t want to come out of their dream any soon but they do know that it’s not the reality so that’s kinda sad. If they could be yours they’d want to provide and cater you with love and everything you need. Your desires are theirs to fulfill. They’d want the best out of the best for you. They really seem like a giver.
Some hints to know who they are:
Masculine energy, books, glasses, tall and brown haired, casual looks, notebook with a pen, twirl pen, might like to rest on a bench, connected to nature
The song matches the vibe of this connection from their pov ⭒۟ ׁ
Especially this part ⌵
{It's you, it's you, it's all for you}
{Everything I do}
{I tell you all the time}
{Heaven is a place on earth with you}
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𝐏𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟐
"They got me thinking about them"
This is a little bit confusing to me because the person I’m getting for this pile seems to be…how could I say…a little bit out of their mind? Maybe they’re quite oblivious in general or they don’t really care about most things. They aren’t the type to chase the high or hang out in groups to be part of something. They prefer to not be influenced by anyone and to be on their own. Not a loner or anything, they just don’t need other people or stimulations to function well or to build confidence. To them those things seem a little "superficial". They know what they enjoy and who they value so they only keep the minimum of what’s important to them and who they want to be surrounded with. Despite that they’re actually quite warm on the inside and do seek sincere connections. They usually appear detached or try to portray a cold demeanor, sometimes out of this un-/disinterest but also to shy away other people from approaching or getting to close to them. This might stem from their past but then YOU came into the picture.
You might be quite the opposite of that person. You’re social, open and friendly. You might make friends easily. For some reason I’m getting that they might be a new person for you. You guys might've met at school/courses or at some sort of work related places. You might even be a transfer student/worker etc. The first moment they saw you they don’t seem to be interested at all like their usual self but you on the contrary are always curious to meet and get to know new people which led you to approach them first. Tbh your first impression of each other wasn’t really great. They might’ve been quite sassy or even "rude" to you but something might’ve happened later on and I’m getting that it was you who showed kindness to them which made them open up to you more. Over times you guys got more comfortable with each other and seem to be quite close. They didn’t seem to even realize their feelings for you at first but they do noticed a feeling being evoked in them by you. Every time you’re near them or with every encounter with you they feel a shift. You might have recalled a feeling that was familiar to them but it seems like it’s a feeling that has been forgotten for so long that they themself might not even remember what it was. Because it feels so easy and natural with you, all they suspect was them being out of their mind or that something is wrong with them. They noticed that their heart beats faster lately whenever they’re around you, they think more often about you and every symptom one gets when being in love. They slowly realize your effect on them. I heard "Is that her…is she the one who’s making me feel this type of way?". Their close friends might’ve pointed it out to them how they have changed. They could be more lively and their behavior are much more out there. Again I heard "They changed me…?" They start to notice and pay attention to their surrounding more but mostly to catch YOU, to be exact to get your attention.
Some hints to know who they are:
Detached, appear cold and un-/disinterested, athletic style, animal lover, likes to watch birds and the sunset, analytical, great at debates, quite funny or humorous, would like to tease you for fun or to get a reaction out of you
The song matches the epiphany and how their feelings develop ⭒۟ ׁ
Especially this part ⌵
{When you're with me}
{Be honest}
{Let's just be honest}
{You got me in my feelings} …
{Never understood what it feels like}
{Like the way that you're turning me 'round}
Ps. For this pile I felt like I should give some background information since it’s a new person so that’s why it’s a little longer than the other two piles.
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𝐏𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟑
"Oh heaven please send me to her"
Pile 3, I feel like this person's heart is aching for you. It longs for you but not in a selfish way but more in a protective way. You might have gotten out of a relationship recently or broke up with someone and then heading into a new relationship maybe to ease the pain or to forget about the earlier one, either way there seems to be a third party going on. This person just want to take you in their arm and hold you until you feel okay again. They think they could be so much better than that person who’s hurt or disappointed you. They can treat you better than that. They want you to notice them because you don’t deserve that kind of connections. You should have someone by your side who cares about you, who is there for you and who will always stick with you until the end. Not half hearted or not just for a while. They are tired to see you fall down over and over again searching for the love that you need. They know that all you want and need is someone who can carefully hold your heart and held it dearly without letting it fall when it feels too heavy. That heart will loyally and obediently beat for the one who is willing to mend it. It might take a while but it’s always ready to sacrifice for you. They know all this but they’re angry and frustrated with how you could let yourself feel so worthless just for the sake of love. They just want to run to you and protect you from anyone and any danger that could harm you in anyway. You deserve so much. They are sure of it and if they could they will make sure you get all that. Pile 3, I feel so emotional rn. My heart literally pains a bit. They are really determined to get what they want for you. I’m shaking 😳. Don’t you know who I am talking about? But I feel like they can’t show themself to you rn. There might be hindrance or a distance between you guys which makes it hard for them to get to you. BUT know that they’re watching you, helping you indirectly by sending you positive energy, they really wish for you to be safe and to align with your inner self before anything. They think you’re a little out of balance and drained. Take care of yourself and try to recover first. They want you to know that you should be able to prioritize yourself, do the things you didn’t get to do before. I heard "you can love and be in love with yourself, right?". That’s so thoughtful of them, pile 3. They really care about you and your well-being. And once you’re fully yourself again, they might dare to come closer to you. This seems like a great person, don’t you think pile 3? I don’t get who they are but based on the information I guess it might be someone who is aware of you and knows a lot about you. Could be a one sided crush as well.
Some hints to know who they are:
Muscular body, feels powerless, heart ache, would fight for you, phone, take walks to ease mind, fitness studio, look a little like a "player" but is mindful, might have siblings, quite responsible, a little impulsive but knows how to hold back
The whole song matches their frustration and protectiveness over you ⭒۟ ׁ
Especially this part ⌵
{I know I can treat you better than he can}
{And any girl like you deserves a gentleman}
{Tell me, why are we wasting time}
{On all your wasted crying}
{When you should be with me instead?} …
{I'll stop time for you}
{The second you say you'd like me too}
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© 2023 crystaldivination ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, edit, alter, or redistribute my work. Plagiarism in any form is prohibited.
I hope you enjoyed it! Likes, reblogs and follows are highly appreciated! I’d love to have some feedbacks as well! Thank you ・❥・
◛⑅·˚ Remember. You’re loved!
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nouies · 4 days
lou!! how was it? how are you feeling!!
HIIIIII! omg idk where to begin.
i’ve been spending the last four days with Anitra @allwaswell16 and it’s been absolutely amazing! we got to see lots of cool stuff for the first time together, or for the second time in some cases. sometimes it shows when you’ve known a person online for seven years or so bc it’s so easy when it comes to hang out “in real life” 🥹
so anyway, we had been so lucky with mexico city’s traffic for the first two days (even on friday which was also pay day), but yesterday we got to experience the real chaos (and the scam that has become uber), so we couldn’t get there by the time doors opened and we missed Giant Rocks and the special merch for mexico city (Anitra got us merch anyway and we’re twining), but i was mostly sad abt missing my chance to finally meet An @lemelous (we’re going to meet soon so it’s fine but also it would’ve made my night way better that it already was!)
before the show, we got to trade some friendship bracelets and we got the material for the fan projects!
i got to meet in person my friend Fer @fforever-dreaming alongside with Mery @fuchsiasea (who i’m going to see very soon too!) and her sister. we only had a little time to talk but it was definitely one of the parts i was looking forward the most and a highlight of the night.
SO THE SHOW. it’s going to sound cliché but it’s an experience that you have to live it to understand it. that moment when the playlist pre-show suddenly stops and you see the stage is all ready, and then a couple of minutes after the lights go off and you know it’s starting??? priceless! i screamed a lot when Louis came out on stage and i just couldn’t really process it that i was finally seeing him after two long years!!! (which i know it’s a privilege itself bc there’s ppl who haven’t seen him).
when it finally clicked to me that he was there, i noticed the shirt which i LOVED! he looks so beautiful in polo shirts and especially that colour! (i especially loved that it was red bc it’s one of our national colours too).
it felt like it was a song after the other with no breaks. idk how the ppl watching the live-streaming felt but it went too fast! and there were so many emotions in the air! i screamed, i sang, i jumped, i participated in the projects, i teared up a bit during certain parts, I LAUGHED he’s so funny and so grateful for everything, that i just wanted to put him in a pocket and take him with me lol.
i couldn’t tell you which songs i enjoyed the most bc honestly i loved them all. i’m not a person who watches livestreams from fans, and even sometimes the videos i watch them with no audio just to see if i can make gifs from them lol so everything was a surprise for me and i loved it! i didn’t notice we were missing a song until almost at the very end but personally i didn’t need it bc he gave us so much of him already. i definitely wanted to listen to bigger than me bc it was my most listened to song in 2022 and i didn’t want to miss it. but like i said, i loved all the songs, the chats, the projects!!!
a quick parenthesis abt the projects. so originally there were three: sibwawc, walls, and saturdays. what you saw on the videos going around and the kmm project wasn’t talked abt (as far as i know, maybe i’m wrong), but we did it last year (thanks to the chilean fans of course) so i guess everyone knew that part was coming and just did it. like it looked so coordinated but it wasn’t planned (again, as far as i know) before hand. i obviously couldn’t see the rainbow lights from my section bc we were holding the same colour but when i saw the video and i saw that it worked, i loved it. and i guess you’ve seen the video where the crowd screamed “for every question why, you were my because” and it shows the crowd? we formed the mexican flag there. for saturdays i also think the project worked? i haven’t seen videos but if i’m honest i wanted to film that song for my friend who couldn’t be there so i did the project for half the song lol
the fireworks and confetti after silver tongues were so cool! i wasn’t expecting them so i was filming the whole stage and not really zooming on him? so when the fireworks showed up i felt like a child! it was just pure and genuine happiness in that moment.
lately i’ve been enjoying concerts more than when i was younger, idk why, but i scream more and jump more, and just live in the moment. and this concert even if i felt it was too short, it was still one of the best experiences ever!! i love Louis so much and i love my friends! 🫶🏻
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ch3rryfunk · 1 year
Please hear me out here..
Leon and or Luis adopting/taking in a child in early teens (idc about gender❤️) ; how would they 'connect' with the kid / comfort them and give them advice. Tysmm very much need the fluff!dad!Leon/Luis atm
(also to see how they'd be with future kids (👀🤭)
Leon’s Daughter
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hello love!! Thank you so much for requesting this, it’s so sweet 😭 i’m posting Leon’s version first and I’ll write Luis’ soon!!!
Adopting a child was not in Leon’s life plans. Hell, it never even crossed his mind. He never planned that far ahead. Until an eleven-year-old orphan girl was put under his protection and he had to take her in, he grew fond of her. He didn’t mean to, he was only doing his job, but couldn’t help it.
Leon had a hard time dealing with children after Sherry got taken away from him. Most of the time he felt like he hadn’t been enough for her, he blamed himself for everything that happened even though it wasn’t his fault at all, yet he always reminded himself he could’ve done better.
The first days were a bit rough. The girl was quiet, she seemed afraid, and Leon didn’t want that for her. He thought of many ways to make her loosen up a little, but he wasn’t exactly sure of what to do.
So, he started planning far ahead, for once. Leon would wake up early and make breakfast (even though we all know he cannot cook but tries his best.)
He remembered Sherry’s favorite breakfast, pancakes. Who doesn’t love pancakes?
As days went by, Leon started taking note of the things she showed interest in. Drawing, plushies, coloring, etc. he went out of his way to buy her sketchbooks, pencils, colors, and coloring books. He thought it’d be a nice belated welcome gift.
Oh, and thank goodness he did that! She loved it. As soon as Leon gave them to her she squealed in excitement and started coloring the book.
That made Leon very happy, something about her smile made him feel like he could start over. Back then, he was a young rookie cop with no experience trying to survive a zombie apocalypse. Now that he was older he knew it had to be different.
After that, she started opening up. She told Leon all about her interests and even questioned if he had any.
But Leon didn’t exactly know what to say. He used to have some, but now he’s barely got time for anything else other than his job, so do they still count as interests? He couldn’t even remember most of them.
He started spending more time with her. Whenever he wasn’t busy going over files or having meetings, he’d take her out and buy her plushies and ice cream, candy, and/or whatever she wanted. The places she could go were limited but that didn’t mean Leon wouldn’t make the best out of it.
Sometimes, she’d ask him to color with her. At first, he was a little taken aback, but he couldn’t say no. He started enjoying doing activities with her like coloring, watching tv, and even playing board games.
If she ever felt sad he would drop whatever he was doing to comfort her. “It’s okay to be afraid, kid, but you can’t run.” Leon would remind her how life can be very difficult sometimes, but to never give up. “Be the best you can be.”
Leon wasn’t used to receiving hugs, so the first time she gave him one after comforting her he didn’t know how to react.
To thank him, she drew a picture of him and her and colored it. When Leon received it he could barely process it, he was completely stunned. He decided to frame it.
Whenever he had to go out, she’d welcome him with a hug and a smile. It was something he had never experienced, but it felt really nice. She always had something sweet to say to him, “Hi Leon, I missed you! Look at the drawing I made you!”
Occasionally, when Leon was extra busy working from home and had no time to eat, she’d make him a sandwich or give him snacks he bought for her. He realized she genuinely cared about him.
Leon didn’t want it to end, he knew at some point his job as a temporary guardian would end and she’d have to leave him. He couldn’t let it happen again, losing her would definitely affect him.
He also knew he wasn’t getting any younger, he wanted to finally start living his life the way he originally wanted to. Rookie cop Leon had life plans, but after everything he went through those plans never became a reality.
He never imagined himself with a daughter. His time with Sherry was different, he almost thought of her as a younger sister, but now? It’s like he wanted to be a father to this child.
Leon did his research, he needed to know if adopting her was possible. She was a good, loving kid, and in a way, he saw himself in her. Leon was an orphan too, he could relate to so many things she had gone through but he was committed to giving her the life she deserved, a good one. He didn’t want her to experience the things he did.
As soon as he found out he could adopt her, he rushed home to ask her for her permission. He wanted to make sure she wanted it as well.
And of course, she agreed, at that point she saw him as a father figure. She was genuinely thrilled to finally have a dad, and even more at the fact that it’d be him.
Leon hadn’t felt sad or as stressed ever since she came into his life. She made him really happy, he finally felt at peace after so long.
Every time he thought of her the years and all the sadness fell away from him. For once, he was thankful for planning far ahead and starting living his life the way he originally planned to.
also, Leon’s dad jokes will never end!
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juhaknyeonies · 10 months
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luv | lee chan (dino)
summary: your bestfriend is planning is valentine’s confession and you’re there to support him like the good bestfriend you are, only you wish that confession was for you.
genre: fluff
wc: 1.6k (1630)
l.ch | masterlist
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February, the second month of the year. To northern hemisphere its the last month of winter, but to the southern hemisphere it’s the beginning of spring. But to everyone its known as the month of love as much as its known as the month with 28 days (and 29 on leap years!).
You didn’t like February. There was a certain holiday on the 14th you hated with a passion. Maybe its because you had no one to spend it with or maybe you were just jealous of all the couples who got to enjoyed the day with the lovers. You know what thats besides the point you just hated Valentine’s Day.
Maybe it was worse since you’ve been pining over a boy. A boy you met a very long time ago. Your bestfriend for years. Yes you had a crush on your bestfriend. Yes you had a crush on Lee Chan, but these feelings never ended well.
Luckily for you he’s never had a girlfriend yet! But he’s got this annoying crush he annoys you with everyday.
“Chan, you can’t mope around over some girl you won’t even tell me the name of and tell me that she doesn’t like you back.” You comforted.
“But it’s Valentine’s Day in two days, I was thinking about confessing to her tomorrow.” He admitted.
You sighed, to be honest it hurts to hear. But I thought it would hurt to see him sad and you having to comfort him all over again.
“When do you see her?” You asked. “I’ll help you confess,”
His eyes lit up at your words. “Really!!”
He jumped up excitedly, “Well I was planning to meet when school ended” He began telling you his plan on how he was gonna confess to his crush. “We would go somewhere special. There’s this place I found a few months ago and I’ve always wanted to take someone there,”
He was like a happy child talking about his primary school wife, talking on and on about how he would want his confession to be like if it went well.
Apart of you wanted the mystery girl to reject him but as much as you liked him you were much happier making him happier.
He had taken you to the shops straight after that conversation. It was 5pm so Chan was lucky that it was a Thursday and the shops open late that day.
You and Chan walked around the shops going into different isles looking for things to confess with.
You saw your favourite chocolate and reached out for it. “Oh that chocolate is perfect! Thats her favourite too,” He grabbed it from your hand and put it into his basket.
“I was actually gonna buy it for myself,” You took another from the shelf but Chan also took that from your hand too.
“I’ll buy it for you,” He offered. Slightly annoyed from him taking the chocolate bar off of you instantly forgot about that when he decided he was gonna buy you one.
The both of you walked around going to different shops having fun. You guys entered the bookstore as you decided to check if a book you wanted was in stock.
“I know were here to help you confess but i’ll be quick!” You dragged Chan into the store. Walking to the section where the book you wanted would be you found the book you wanted for such a long time.
“Aw, it’s $50.” You sighed looking at the price of the book.
“That’s an awfully expensive book,” He commented. “Who would pay that much for a book.”
“I would but I’m saving up so I guess I can’t.” You frowned a bit.
You exited the store with Chan following behind you. You said it was gonna be a quick visit so you weren’t that bummed out. If you were able to stay in there as long as you wanted you would started sulking about it and buying it if you or Chan didn’t walk out of that store.
Chan had bought the last part of his confession needs so the shopping trip was coming to an end soon.
While the both of you were walking to the food court you passed by a shop the both of you loved, “Hey, I think they restocked their albums today!” Chan dragged you into the shop.
Being in the shop made you feel super poor to be honest. You were surrounded by $40-$200 albums and only had $50 on your card.
“They restocked the Apink albums.” You flicked through the albums in the Apink section. “They restocked Pink Luv,”
Pink Luv was the the only Apink album you didn’t have yet. So you desperately wanted it.
“Are you gonna buy it?”
“Its $51,” It was only a dollar more of what you had. “And I only have $50.” You sighed.
“I’m sure it’ll still be here when your payday rolls around.”
“I sure hope so,”
“Let’s get out of here and eat now,” He took you to the food court to finally get some food which was basically your dinner since it was so late.
“I hope you won’t mind if I took your Pink Luv album to complete my set.” You joked around.
“Well I hope you don’t mind me taking your signed Pink Blossoms album.”
“You wouldn’t,” You fake gasped.
“Oh I would,” He grinned stuffing the noodles he bought because they were $7 and it was happy hour into his mouth.
“You know, I’m still worried she might reject me,” He confessed.
“If she does it’s a good thing because you didn’t waste too much money,” You continued noticing his sad expression, “But all jokes aside Channie, I doubt she would reject you, you would be the perfect boyfriend.”
“Your nice, funny and an amazing dancer, a very considerate person and who would reject a guy like that, but your not that smart so,” You giggled at the last sentence.
“Thanks Y/N,” he smiled at you. It made your heart melt as much as it hurt knowing that smile was thinking about the girl he would yearn over.
“If your done with that I could drive you home,” He offered.
“I’m done now I think I’m gonna go to the bathroom before we leave.” You walked off to the bathroom. Nothing interesting happened but when you got home your heart started aching realising you basically just bought dating equipment for the man you’ve had a crush on for years.
It kept you up a little a night thinking of this realisation. At the end of the day you’ll be alright as long as hes happy.
The day of his confession rolled around and it was also the day before Valentine’s Day and you still had no one to spend it with.
By now he already confessed and you were just stuck at home. You didn’t cry over it, because even if you confessed his heart belonged to that girl.
It was around 6pm when Chan messaged you. ‘Y/N could you do me a favour?’ He asked.
‘Yea, ofc’ You replied. ‘okay i’ll pick you up in 10 get ready’
‘oh i forgot to tell u i need you to be there the entire night’ he messaged you again.
When you were done getting ready you grabbed a bag that was empty and told you parents that you were gonna have a girl’s sleepover for Valentine’s Day and that you were headed off to Minju’s house. Your parents let you go since it was a Friday.
Chan had picked you up and lead you into a forest. It was a very beautiful forest. It was also a very long walk there. “Why are we so deep into here? Did you murder her?” You asked. “No of course not!”
Eventually the both of you got there, there was fairy lights everywhere and it looks like it had been set up for a date.
“Sit down at the table here.” You complied and sat down at the oddly fancy table.
“Look under you’re table.” He told you.
You grabbed a bag that was under the table. You placed it on the table and looked inside.
“The Pink Luv album and the book!” You exclaimed. “And the chocolate too!”
“It’s all for you,” He told you. “I like you,” It took you a few minutes to register what happened.
“How did you get all this stuff?” You asked.
“It was really stressful, after I dropped you off I drove back and bought everything you wanted.”
After all this time thinking he didn’t like you back, you just started crying. “Woah woah, Y/N. What’s wrong?” You thought he liked some random girl for the past few years but it’s always been you.
“I like you too,” You wiped away your tears. “Then why are you crying?” He asked.
“I’ve liked you for years and I thought you liked someone else.” You confessed.
“If I liked someone else I’d probably tell you their name.” He laughed it off.
“Cmon, get up I didn’t plan this picnic for you to cry over it. Let’s dance.” He grabbed your hand and started playing music.
“LUV by Apink,” You noticed the song that was playing.
“You’re favourite song,” He leaned in and kissed you.
“It’s not even Valentine’s Day yet,”
“It is, it just passed a minute ago.” He held up your phone. “Oh you’re timing is really good.”
“I think I deserve a kiss for that-” You kissed him before he could finished his sentence.
Turns out this year you did have a Valentine and it’s the boy you’ve been pining over for year lucky you! Maybe you do like Valentine’s Day.
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” Chan leaned in and stole another kiss from you.
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annab-nana · 9 months
okay so I suck at making requests but want to support you the most I can so here I am hihi. can you write something with “hi. i am here to be your nurse.” please? maybe with robin buckley? but you can choose anyone you want ☺️ I love you hihi <3
omg of course and we are 100% doing this with robin! i love her and get so little requests for her so i was soooooo excited to see this one! i love you too sweetheart <333
warnings: not proofread, rambly nervous robin, wound cleaning, set in s4, a little bit of a longer blurb
❀ masterlist ❀
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once the lot of you had dashed over to max's after leaving the upside down, everyone took a collective breather. steve, robin, and max were checking in on nancy and dustin was further explaining his plan to eddie, lucas and erica adding in their own aiding commentary. you took the opportunity to slip off to the bathroom.
even though every single one of them was a friend to you, you just couldn't truly relax and think with so many people around you. you also had bigger issues on your hands.
"shit," you hissed when you slowly and carefully pulled your pants down to reveal the damage the demobats—dustin's term, not yours—did to your thighs. they did a number on both, but your left truly took a worse hit than your right. "no more shorts for me for a while i guess."
glancing around to see what you could use to help your wounds, your eyes landed on the sink before you reached to turn the faucet on. first, you needed to get this clean. there was no telling what those things had and could've transferred over to you.
a knock pulled you from your focus.
"hey, it's robin," the girl announced. "max gave me some supplies to help you and steve clean up."
"is steve out there too?" you were comfortable with robin seeing you without pants on and steve wouldn't have been so bad. you would rather it be robin alone though.
"it's just me."
you let out a small sigh in relief. "okay, you can come in."
she opened the door only a sliver before sliding in. when her eyes met yours, she showed her famous slightly awkward grin. "hi. i am here to be your nurse."
the girl always knew how to put a smile on your face even in the worst of times.
"where do you want me, dr. b?"
she sat the stuff max had given her down on the counter and patted the empty space next to it. "right here will be fine." she then squatted down to open some cabinets, pulling out a large first aid kit that looked very well used. "we hit the jackpot coming to the mayfield's. max's mom has always been super paranoid of a skating injury so we've lucked out."
"i don't know if i consider myself lucky given the events," you mentioned, glancing down at your legs. "but, i do appreciate the positivity."
once she got set up, robin started gently pressing the wet rag to your wounds. your hands gripped harshly at the counter's edge while she whispered gentle i'm sorry's and i'll be done soon's.
she kept her head down, eyes focused on the task at hand, but you couldn't help but watch her. she stuck her tongue out ever so slightly in the most adorable way. her hands were so delicate as they touched you. her soft reassurances filled your heart with warmth and love.
"i really appreciate you doing this by the way." her eyes glanced up to meet yours before looking back down at her work.
"ye-yeah, no problem," she spoke quickly. "what are friends for?"
"oh, you've wounded me, rob," you teased, but it appeared with the way that her face dropped that she misunderstood.
"oh my g- i'm so sorry. i didn't mean to. i'll try to press more gently. i'm sorr-"
"robin, not with that."
"with what then?" sometimes, the girl could be so oblivious.
"what are friends for?" you repeated her words back to her. "i thought we were a little more than that."
"well, you're not just a friend to me. you're like my best friend. like my best best friend. more than steve even, but don't tell him i said that because he would be crushed and i can't deal with him being all down. it's so sad and he gets all mopey and clingy, but not saying that i wouldn't ever be there for him. it's just i-"
you cut her off with a call of her name, her eyes snapping to yours instead of bouncing all over the place as she rambled. "robin."
"can i kiss you?"
her eyes practically bulged out of her head before she fully processed what you said and nodded in agreement. with a surge forward, your lips were on hers, relishing in the feeling they had wanted for so long. the circumstances weren't the greatest and it was highly likely that neither of you would make it out of this whole vecna thing alive. maybe that's what added to your urgency to kiss her, the fear that you would never be able to.
when you pulled away, robin attempted to fight off her growing grin while you relished in yours.
"i have to admit, i like your bedside manner, buckley."
"let's get you cleaned up and maybe we can do some more of that, yeah?"
"sounds wonderful, dr. b."
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remember to support writers & reblog :)
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tagging: @fiction-is-life @jellyfishbeansontoast
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rogerswifesblog · 2 years
For andy jacob, can you write where lauri is in jail for intentional cr crash and the death of jacob. andy remarried to florist reader who he fell in love with after the death of his son. Florist! reader is pregnant with his first child.
Thank you for the request! I really hope you like it! Let me know!
Second chances for love
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: After what happened to Andy, he never thought he'd be happy again. And then he met you...
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Husband!Andy Barber x Wife!florist!Reader
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: mostly just fluff, mentioned dead son (Jacob), using 'daddy' but not in a sexual way
Keep in mind English is not my first language!
Don’t forget to like, comment and reblog!<3
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Andy never expected to fall in love again. Not after all that happened to him-his son dying, his wife going into jail, the problems he had at work after all of this stress-he hadn't expected to meet such a sweet woman like you in all of this.
You two met in your flower shop.
Andy wanted to buy some flowers for his son's grave, so he decided to visit the new shop, which he heard really great stuff about. Apparently the flowers were all fresh and beautiful, also the owner was supposed to be very friendly.
And god were you friendly and cute.
As soon as he entered the shop you came with a big smile on your face. His heart jumped up to his throat. He felt butterflies in his whole body-and he didn't even know people could feel like that.
After that he bought flowers every day in your shop-sometimes even when he didn't planned on going to the cemetery. He just...wanted to see you. You made him happy, just talking to he. Sometimes you two flirted a bit, but Andy was still scared to really give you a chance-yet you waited till he was ready.
It took him a couple of weeks till he finally asked you out.
After that, it happened quickly. He was already in love when you two went on the date together. All this time he always had spend talking with you about your flowers, made him slowly fall for you. The way your eyes lit up, every time he asked about one of your favourite flowers.
After a few months into your relationship he asked you to marry him.
He never expected to marry a second time, but with you? You made him happy.
You helped him with his past, with his grieve. It broke your heart to see him so sad and broken, but you knew he needed time for his grieve. So you were there for him when he needed a shoulder to cry. You knew he'd always love his son. It wasn't easy to loose a child. A parent should never bury their kid, but Andy had to do it. He watched his only child die. It broke him and without you he had no idea where he would be right now.
A few months into your marriage Andy went with a few of his friends out. He came home back drunk and laid down with you. Gently he put his hand on your stomach, his head right next to it and looked up after a while at you. "I...we should make a baby", he mumbled, but fell asleep shortly after.
You two had never talked about children-you wanted them-but you had never expected for Andy to want having kids again.
The next morning you weren't sure if Andy remembered what he say-but he definitely did. After a few days he took you out on a date, asking once again if you wanted to have kids. Of course you said yes.
Before meeting Andy you thought you'd never have this. All of this; a husband, kids, a family...happiness...
You never met anyone who made you really happy. The only relationship you had been in weren't serious, were toxic or just exhausting. But with Andy?
He was your soulmate. You knew it as soon as he entered your shop and smiled at you. The sadness in his eyes made you want to hug him. Just hold him. But at the same time your heartbeat started racing like crazy.
"Andy, baby, stop it, I have to go to work-someone has to open the shop", you laughed, while Andy sat on the bed behind you and just held your round tummy. He was slightly frustrated, because you told him the baby started moving and kicking, but he always missed it. It was already a week ago when you felt the first kick-and he still hasn't seen or feel it. "Come on...just a second. She'll kick again. I know it", he mumbled in your neck.
You put your hands on his and gently squeezed them. "Andy, I know you want to feel it, but I really have to put some clothes on-and go to work", he let slowly let go of you and helped you get up.
It's not like you couldn't do it alone, but Andy really like helping you-literally with everything. He started helping you putting your socks on-which was cute, but sometimes annoying. Yet you understood why he did it.
He was scared. He had lost one child already, he didn't want for it to happen again.
So of course Andy prepared breakfast, while you went to the bathroom. While doing your make up you could feel some movement in your stomach. You sighed and looked down. „That's not very nice of you, princess. Why can't you move when daddy holds you, hm? You'd make him really happy with that", you mumbled, while holding your tummy. Once again you felt a kick against your hand.
"Well, at least you're showing how stubborn you are. Just like daddy", you shook your head slightly while rolling your eyes. She's definitely gonna be a daddy's girl.
And daddy'll be very happy about it.
This thought made you smile. It took a few months before you finally got pregnant-every negative pregnancy test made the two of you incredibly frustrated-but then, the positive one? God, you felt so, so happy...
And Andy? You've never seen him cry this much, especially not happy tears.
You walked back into the kitchen, where Andy sat at the table with his coffee-that was something you missed a lot. Coffee. Andy didn't want you to drink caffeine. Once again, you understood why, but it didn't mean you couldn't miss it.
"She kicked again", the slightly annoyed face Andy made was hilarious. Quietly you chuckled, while taking a bite of your avocado toast with eggs.
You loved Andys breakfasts. He always made something good-even toast was better when he did it. "It's so unfair. I want to feel the kicks-" "I could kick you", you grinned smugly, which made Andy grin too.
He leaned over the table to give you a kiss on your nose. "I appreciate that, but no", Andy laughed.
After a while you were done with breakfast and started putting your shoes on.
Then you felt it.
Such a hard kick, you gasped.
Andy rushed to you. "What's wrong? Are you okay? Is she okay?", he asked immediately. You could see the fear in his eyes as soon as came closer to you.
Slowly you shook your head, while pulling your shirt up. Uncontrollably you started laughing. "Oh god, Andy look!", of course Andy looked down at your tummy. A grin spread over his lips, while he fell on his knees. Slowly he shook his head.
"Oh princess-look at that. Hello, sweetheart", he started talking to you round belly, while looking at the very visible handprints from inside your belly. A little hand pushing against your skin. Andy chuckled, while giving your tummy-and his little girls hand-a kiss.
He put his forehead against your belly. A wet laugh escaped his throat when he felt your daughter move again. It made your heart clench. You couldn’t leave now. You just…no, not when Andy was in such a state. He seemed so happy. It wouldn’t be fair to go to work now.
“Andy, baby, go to the living room, I’ll be there in a minute-I’ll just call Spencer to open the shop for me”, you mumbled, while stroking Andys hair. Slowly he looked up at you. “You sure? I don’t want you to-“ “Andy, just go sit”, he nodded.
Andy give you quick, yet passionate kiss on the lips and went to the living room.
You called your employee to tell him you wouldn’t be at work today-he was very understanding, so you went to the living room and sat down next to Andy.
He immediately put his hands gently on your tummy and stroked the roundness. “You’ll kick for daddy again? Or are you gonna be stubborn?”, you mumbled while gently putting your hand your stomach.
After a few seconds you felt a kick again and Andy laughed happily. “She kicked! I felt it!”, you couldn’t stop grinning about his enthusiastic reaction.
You put your free hand against his cheek and stroked with your thumb over his cheek. A small smile showed on your face. You felt your heartbeat quicken. A warm spread in your whole body.
“I love you, Andy”, you mumbled softly.
Andy put one of his hands on yours, which you had on his cheek. He leaned over to you and gave you a tender kiss on the lips. Just like the first time he had Kissen you, you felt butterflies in your whole body.
“I love you, too. Both of you…you have no idea how happy you make me. I never…I never thought I would feel like that again. Thank you”, he whispered against your lips, before giving your belly a kiss too. A tear rolled down your cheek. You’ve never expected to be this happy either. Quickly you wiped away your tear, while you could feel some of Andys tears roll down to your belly.
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That’s it! I really hope you liked it!
Don’t forget to like, comment and reblog!
[I’ll write every request you send me, it’ll just take a while:) at least I’ll try to write all of them!]
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