#anyone ever hear of this bozo guy
mig15faggot · 1 month
i bet i could run into jar jar binks or bigfoot with this kind of energy. theres always a bigger fish..
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saltygilmores · 7 months
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Faces of Fear. Bozo got an early flight home, bringing with him an immovable stench cloud that is hanging over the day's festivi-titties. The city of Chicago is letting out a sigh of relief, though. In the middle of her crisis, Lorelai immediately abandons Rory, who is shaking in Dean's presence like a flu-stricken chihuaua. But not before reminding Dean how much she's missed him.
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I heard there's a vacancy at the Shane and Jess Tree now, why don't you two make a reservation?
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What the what! They're still going, in the same spot, completely uninterrupted! The Foreplay King and Queen! I am not worthy! Have they been making out in public so frequently that they just blend in with the scenery and hundreds of people walk right past them without even glancing? They've fused with the FuckTree. The 69 Pine. Witnessing this peep show, Rory experiences an instantaenous full blown sexual awakening so seismic the earth threatens to crack open beneath her. At FND, Emily and Richard take the news of the Lor & Crusty breakup just as well as anyone would have expected, which is to say, Not Well. When Lorelai returns home...presumably after 8 pm,as it's pitch black outside but the summer festival is still underway, somehow, with hundreds of people roaming the streets. The Barbershop Quartet is still singing "Lazy Hazy Crazy Days" into the night sky, creating an eerie scene. This is like something out of the Twilight Zone. The festivals never end, Taylor Doose in his never ending quest for power and money is forcing the citizens of The Hollow to listen to the same song (actually, more like two lines from the same song) on a loop until they go mad, forced to sell corn dogs and cotton candy until they drop dead, while Shane and Jess are still making out against the Poke Oak.
Again, the last few episodes have been making me feel like something was missing, then I remember Luke still exists. Hi Luke! Why don't you put a light on or something, why are you working in the dark?
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Looks like someone decided to put on her big girl panties and be brave. With Lorelai breaking in and Jess always escaping it seems like Luke doesn't know what a lock is. Lorelai states she isn't there to beg for forgiveness or have a conversation with him or to talk to him or interact with him in any whatsoever, but she had a bad night so she wants him to make her coffee. DIdn't you hear the man? He's closeddddd.
When Luke won't budge, Lorelai asks him to just pretend she's some other random customer she made up called Mimi, as if it's in any way possible for Luke to imagine this ridiculous woman as someone else. There's no way these two have ever successfully engaged in role play. I guess he could pretend she's Kirk, both of them take up space for hours at his establishment and don't tip and make him want to lay down face first on the grill with his hand in the deep fryer. Luke won't assist her, so Lorelai helps herself to a pot of tepid coffee, sits down at his counter and starts crying about all the fucky guys she's dated in the last two years.
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"Crusty's gonna have a baby with this woman" True "He's gonna be there for her when she's pregnant" False "He's gonna be there with her to see his child grow up" False "He's gonna be there for her while she does whatever it is she does." You mean be super duper creepy? #CreepySherry
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Am I supposed to feel sorry for you or something? Go cry to Dean Forrester.
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You got a LONG wait ahead of you, sister.
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Wah wah wah. I want a Tyrannosaurus to storm the streets of The Hollow and swallow your boyfriend Dean Forrester, then I want the t-rex to spit him out so he can be eaten a second time by another t-rex, but we can't always get everything we want, right Lorelai?
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Here. Have a 14 hour old donut to ease your pain and hopefully make you go home.
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Me, Outloud (Very Animated): What the what, she was about to pay you for the first time ever and you stopped her?! A flipped script, but that's more or less the same reaction I have during A Year in the Life when Jess offers Rory money. “Why aren’t you taking her money” vs “why are you giving her money”
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Is she gone? Lorelai returns home to find Rory in the living room. It makes me verrrry nervous when Lorelai and Rory meet on the couch at the end of an episode. Shit always goes down on that couch. It's the Scary Couch. The couch where Lorelai imparts horrible wisdom. It turns out my intuition would be correct in this instance. So horribly, horribly correct. Lorelai apologizes to Rory for reacting in the town square earlier, even though for once in her life Lorelai was actually the reasonable one who was totally in the right about Rory's behavior being slimy, and even if Lorelai is a hypcorite of the highest magnitude to try and impart on her child that you shouldn't mess around, cheat and play games. We can throw her a sprinkling of "Do as I say not as I do" points as long as she doesn't fuck it up in the last two minutes of the episode.... Hahahahaha. Ha? LORELAI GILMORE GO 15 SECONDS WITHOUT MENTIONING DEAN FORRESTER CHALLENGE. GO! Lorelai plops down on the couch with 2:58 left in the episode. *starts timer*
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2 minutes and 43 seconds left. From sit-down to How's Dean was 15 seconds, she then asks "How was Dean" three more times. That fucking couch! Oh, and of course, after she took off and abandoned Rory earlier when Dean approached, Lorelai has yet to ask Rory how she's feeling.
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Unfortunately, yes. I called the T-Rex to eat Dean but she's booked to the gills, like, you really gotta know someone to get her to show up in your sleepy Connecticut town. 17 seconds from the last Dean mention to the next.
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It's crazy NOW? No one tell her what a Three Ring FuckCircus the Jess Thing is going to turn into. She has to find out on her own. It's the only way she'll learn.
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She says "I love Dean" with as much conviction as someone saying "Yes, I love walking around in wet socks."
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But..ya kinda do, miss "just because you and Rory broke up doesn't mean we did, Dean." Lucky for you your daughter is a pathological people pleaser who won't dare to upset you or Dean, So you can rest easy knowing your precious Dean won't be going anywhere, for like, another 7 episodes.
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He deserves to have his nuts crushed by a wooly mammoth.
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You know what *deep breath* I'll choose to hear "In this alternate timeline, the HPV vaccination has already been invented in 2002 and I'm going to take you to the gynecologist to get it because I want you to be safe in case you one day decide you want to have sex with Jess" instead of unleashing Double T Rex's on Lorelai.
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gemini-sensei · 1 year
@sensei-venus I had another idea you might like.
So chubby!Reader is new to the school, she's got no friends and barely socializes with anyone. For the most part people don't care and she certainly doesn't. She's a little stand offish and rude, so people steer clear of her. Hawk kind of thinks she's cool, but she doesn't really pay attention to him.
Then one day she brings her baby to school because she can't stay home, but can't get a sitter. People learn she's a single teen mom and by lunch time, the whole school knows. They're gossiping about her left and right, but she's not around to hear it. She has a key to the teacher's lounge to feed her baby in peace away from prying eyes and nosy students.
As the day goes on, people continue to say shit, except for Kyler and his goons. He starts trying to insult her, pointing out her weight and how no one must want her because she's not that pretty (because extra fat makes one ugly, right? 🙄). He gets a laugh out of his friends and they all rag on her. She's not really having it, especially because their presence is scaring her precious little angel of a daughter, who hides her face in Reader's shirt as she's being held on the girl's hip.
"Man, that's just sad," Kyler laughs. "I mean, not that you had a chance before, but with that kid on you, you really don't have any, huh?"
Hawk and his friends witness this and he's ready to jump in and cause a scene, if only to make Kyler and his idiots run away with their tails tucked between their legs. But before he can even think of something to insult Kyler with, Reader breaks her silence.
"What's sad is you trying to prove your manliness to your friends here by throwing grade school level insults at me. What's sad is you walking around wearing your ass like a hat and these bozos following you around like you're worth worshiping when you're nothing more than a piece of shit." Reader is 100% done with the bullcrap and won't hold back. She doesn't let Kyler get a word in, cutting him off as he goes to speak. "Since you want to insult my appearance, you don't look like much. You look like you cry if you lose. You look like you eat shiity-o's for breakfastand asshole casserole for dinner. You look like you think you're this super strong, hotshot guy, but you don't even look strong enough to take care of yourself and you're, what? Seventeen?"
"What the fuck have you done that makes you so strong, bitch?"
"I was in labor for ten hours and pushed a eight pound baby out of my vagina. Without and epidural. I bet you couldn't handle one contraction without bitching and whining."
She gets in Kyler's face, putting herself between him and her baby. She jabbed a finger into his chest.
"So shut your mouth before I shut it for you, bitch."
She walks away with her baby on her hip and Kyler stands there angrily. Hawk just watches her in awe.
When he sees her in class with her sweet little baby in her stroller, he can't help but walk up to her and tell her how cool it was of her to tell Kyler off like that.
"He was making my baby uncomfortable when he should know better. Act like an idiot, get treated like one," she tells him.
He smirks. "Kyler's the biggest idiot I've ever net. He never learns."
"Well, so long as he leaves me alone, they won't have to wire his mouth shut."
She's kind of trying to ignore him, leaning over her baby's stroller and keeping her interest with a little toy, a small soft fox. The infant reaches for it and takes it, holding the lovie tight in her little fists before bringing it close to put in her mouth and slobber all over.
"What's her name?"
Hawk smiles kindly when Reader looks up at him, but her face is niether amused by his persistence nor angered by it. She huffs. "Why do you care?"
He shrugs. "You brought here? Least I can do is learn her name so I'm not saying 'Reader and her baby' if I have to refer to you two."
She considers it for a moment. Though persistent in pursuing a friendship or some other kind of acquaintanceship with her, Hawk has never been pushy or negative toward her. She can't call him a bad guy and she's sure they might be friends if circumstances were different. She thinks maybe it wouldn't be so bad to have one friend...
"Her name's Daisy."
"Pretty name for a pretty girl."
As if aware they're talking about her, Daisy giggles softly. She looks up at Hawk with big, sweet eyes. Then she looks at her mother and drops her toy, reaching up for her instead. So Reader scoops her up and gives her a gentle smile. Daisy grabs ahold of Reader's her and lays her head on her chest.
"Say, I'm pretty and smart, too," Reader speaks. Her tone is softer than what she uses with her classmates. Daisy just hides her face in Reader's shirt. "She's shy."
"Nothing wrong with shy."
The teacher walks in and Hawk takes his seat beside them. He spends most of his time in class making silly faces at Daisy or chatting with Reader, which annoys the teacher to no end but he doesn't care. He's just happy to make a friend out of one of the most badass people he's ever met.
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golbrocklovely · 19 days
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i'm blocking out the accounts bc i'm not about to draw more eyes to them. funny enough, i went snooping on my own and found both accounts before this ask.
also this is just a warning, i'm running on about two percent battery brain power, so if this doesn't make sense and/or sounds like i'm an asshole, that's why. i'm not trying to be rude to you anon, so please don't think that. i'm just ridiculously tired of this situation and the ppl involved in it.
imma be so forreal, i kinda have to laugh at all of this. first off, both of these accounts are run by teenagers… and it's very obvious. it reads like a jealous little girl's diary.
also i can debunk all of their shit in a heartbeat. half of it is just them saying "see ! malia is a slut who had work done" and all i gotta say to that is… do you say that about amber? shea? stas? just curious. bc they all got work done, and they all have casual sex (most likely) or at the very least have hooked up with colby. so like???? keep the misogyny even if you're gonna go full pick me.
malia had an onlyfans, yes. she did technically lie in her response to a hater who said she had one. however, no one is owed an explanation to if and why she had one. and secondly, this fandom is full of young fans. if she admitted she had one, yall would just call her a creep that's promoting sex to minors or whatever. and clearly if she actually posted anything of her nude, it would be online. bc.. like these losers pointed out, the videos she did of her modelling bikinis for some brand got put on porn sites by creepy dudes. none of them are of her nude tho. it's just her in a bikini which surprise surprise isn't porn.
she got work done but liked a comment that called her a natural beauty….. do these fans really think they ate pointing this out?? she is naturally pretty, she just got some work done. again, would you harp on shea liking a comment that says that? or amber? or stas?? or how about a woman that's wearing makeup or a push up bra??
these fans really think they have her in this gotcha moment when reality is…. all they're doing it pointing out how pathetic they look. yeah babes, you're totally right. malia is a slutty porn star who got work done… and colby STILL decided to date her. you know why? bc he doesn't care. and you do… and yet here you are… still not getting the attention from colby you think you deserve. even if you were the last person on earth colby wouldn't choose you. and for all the hate you have for malia, you basically run a fan account for her since you know so much about her. but yeah… keep calling her a whore or whatever. you're doing such a good job at it lmao
i'll go thru the other ones these bozos pointed out fast:
colby likes his alone time, she made a tiktok saying she likes when guys are obsessive…. those don't even relate, but on top of that she made that vid before she was even DATING HIM
we have no proof malia made him unfollow anyone, they are just jumping to that conclusion
the cheating thing we now know is false
she didn't steal that hair color from amber………. are yall on crack? amber hasn't ever dyed her hair that color?? she uses a wig??? and just bc she wants to dye her hair a similar color doesn't mean malia copied. how would she have even known that?? jesus christ keep the schools open these kids are DUMB
the girls went to coachella a couple years ago or whatever but claimed the one they went to with snc was their first. oH mY gOd ThEy LiEd Or PoSsIbLy FoRgOt??? call the firing squad and line them up in the town square. burn the witches at the stake!!!!
malia called herself a slut and that's proof… she's a slut. sure. yeah. whatever you say, children. yall barely have had sex ed but please inform me how she's a slut. i'd love to hear it.
the girls in general are copying kat/amber. i mean… they literally aren't. they just cut and dyed their hair, two things NEITHER KAT OR AMBER HAVE DONE in a long time/ever. i would say you're grasping at straws but that would require there to be straws.
if you think malia or katelyn are bad ppl for having subscriptions about their lives where they might post their boyfriends, boy do i have news for you about shea and stas.
anything else they said is horseshit and tbh i'm over it. call me when the girls have been found guilty of something other than being kinda annoying and attention seeking on *gasp* the internet, of all places.
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Hi, Slug! Since we have now the official Shuffle Divisions, I'd like to know if you were hoping to see (maybe hear it's better in this case) different characters together. Like, did you expect different teams? Sorry for my bad English!
To be honest, I wasn't really paying attention until the lineups were revealed, so I didn't have any preconceived notions. This all looks fun and goofy. My thoughts on each line-up:
Ichirou, Roshou, and Juushi: This seems like the ultimate good boy group, in that every member of the team gives off powerful good boy energy. I feel like whatever's going to happen with them will probably involve helping grannies cross busy intersections, rescuing kittens from trees, and volunteering at the local soup kitchen. I can dig it.
Samatoki, Doppo, and Rei: I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out how this one will work out, because their individual dynamics are all so different. I think Doppo would get scared at first and probably accidentally tick off Samatoki, but how would Rei play into it? And would Doppo come out of his shell later, like he tends to do? I'm looking forward to seeing how they gel, because I can't imagine it right now.
Ramuda, Hifumi, and Riou: A lot of people are talking about Ramuda and Hifumi getting along, and I agree, but I'm personally way more hyped to see how Ramuda and Riou interact. (I like Riou a LOT.) I know it's not going to be the scenario in my mind of "Dice brings a trusted homie in need to the trusted homie Dice turns to in times of need" which is directed like an art film, illustrated by Michelangelo, and has won 15 awards. But I hope that they do get along. I don't think Riou would mind Ramuda's particular brand of obnoxiousness - he is so very accepting, and it is delightful - but I hope Ramuda's end goes beyond, "Ick, going outside! Yuck!" I really don't want it to devolve into a match of Hifumi and Ramuda making fake gagging noises and going, "Yuck, boy cooties!" But both have been known to act with all the maturity of elementary schoolers, so who knows?
Jakurai, Hitoya, and Saburou: Saburou's winning this one for sure. I think Jakurai would probably like Saburou a lot, because Saburou is a lot like Hitoya and Jakurai when they were kids, and Hitoya would probably be pissed at him for the exact same reason. I think Saburou would probably really enjoy the company of these (relatively) mature, intellectual adults, but at the same time, the palpable tension between Jakurai and Hitoya would make things awkward. This one is hilarious to me. A soap opera in the making. "Law school? Easy. Med school? As if. Raising a family? The hardest challenge ever. Join ex-friends and lifelong rivals Hitoya and Jakurai who must come together to co-parent a moody teenage son in a household where the collective IQ is through the roof. Coming this summer: MENsa"
Sasara, Gentarou, and Jirou: Oh, jesus. Well, I have to say, I think Jirou is the best equipped person to survive a Sasara and Gentarou combo, as the two of them have an unparalleled ability to take clowning to the next level. This will probably be the most chaotic in terms of sheer hollering and weird noises.
Kuukou, Juuto, and Dice: Oh god, poor Juuto. Honestly, if Juuto wasn't there, I'm pretty sure Kuukou and Dice would end up sharing a blunt together behind a dumpster somewhere and then end up being homies for life. As is, I think this group has the highest potential to get charged with manslaughter. I don't think they'd intentionally kill anyone, but rest in peace to anyone who happens to get to close to this powderkeg.
I have a feeling that, as a whole, this event is probably going to be like, "WHEW, glad that's finally over! You know, now that I'm back with my normal crew, I feel like you guys aren't so bad after all! There are some real bozos out there" but virtually every cast member is saying this.
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microphone-invasion · 2 years
Chapter 5: New Hero?
The Imitator: What are you doing, it’s futile, it’s too late.
Narrator: Then the Imitator kicked Garcello in the face hard enough to make him fall, and the UFO blasted off to a different universe.
Narrator (continued): They went to an unknown planet, in a different universe.
The Imitator: Is there a way to harness his powers without killing him?
Keith’s Mind: I’m not so sure about this place… Seems unfamiliar… 
The Imitator: You know I can read your mind this whole time.
Keith: You can??? -blushes from embarrassment-
The Imitator: Now tell me, where did you get this power?
Keith’s Mind: I hope my dad and his buddies are able to track where I am…
The Imitator: This is a different universe.
The Imitator: Have you ever heard the Legends of the Nightmares?
Keith: No. WAIT- It’s you and your minions, right?
The Imitator: No, but close. You have its power, resetting time.
Narrator: After that, Moisty had found where Keith was.
Moisty: There you are, Keith! Don’t worry, I’ll try to take down The Imitator and save you one way or another!
The Imitator: Ok, how did she find this universe? This is the most distant universe yet. 
Keith & Moisty: We didn’t ask.
The Imitator: Well, there’s a lot of things in this UFO somehow, so… Hey Keith, you like roller coasters?
Moisty: He’s NOT falling for one of your stupid tricks. And neither am I!
The Imitator: Well, this is a backup, so, Keith, get out of my UFO.
Keith: How am I supposed to do that, HUH?
The Imitator: This.
Narrator: Then Keith got ejected out of the UFO. He screamed as loud as he could. But Keith was also afraid that his dad and his buddies wouldn’t hear his scream.
Moisty: KEITH!
The Imitator: Don’t worry, he's in “good care” with my soldiers. 
Moisty: Oh my god- I hate you SO MUCH.
The Imitator: What I mean by “good care” I mean, harness.
Moisty: Hypnotizing him? Removing his power? YEAH, RIGHT. I still hate you in any way possible.
The Imitator: More like, stealing his powers, that was MINE!
Moisty: #ThatPowerWasNeverYoursInTheFirstPlace. It belonged to Keith. Ever since Garcello gave him some of his power, Keith was able to battle anyone and beat them. Fair and SQUARE.
The Imitator: Ok, you’re annoying, so, say hello to death.
Moisty: “Death”? Oh, that’s not gonna work. I’m not telling you how I die.
The Imitator: This is like the 132# attempt by Keith.
Moisty: What?
???: Who, what, when, where, why?
Moisty: Who are YOU?
???: Actually, I don't know my name. A little I guess? I had a sugar coma earlier.
Moisty: Well, my name is Moisty! My full-name is Moisty Rebecca Lynn.
???: Yeah, I think I know you from somewhere.
Moisty: You do?
The Imitator: Why hello there.
???: You look like a potato who got stepped on and was used as a softball for a match and won a ‘who’s ugliest contest’ and, I think you won 1st place, BOZO.
???: So go home, cry and say, ‘mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the fattest of them all?’ and it will be you!  But you're too fat, so it will break the mirror. Because even WHALES are skinnier than you.
The Imitator: Says the guy who doesn’t even have a name.
Moisty: -burst out laughing- Y’ALL SHOULD LOOK IN A MIRROR OR SOMETHING-
???: Says the guy, who I should really just… kill. So come on, face me, or you're a spoiled brat who is livin’ the life in the dumpster. And even if you do, you are because that's the past and you can't change that.
The Imitator: Why are we even talking, we should be fighting, and you’re not even in this book.
(Narrator: Can you please stop breaking the fourth wall?)
???: Look at me in the eye, Because you, you can't do anything. You would get hit by a car on purpose, and no one would care.
Moisty: What the hay-
The Imitator: I’m just gonna get some food, and also, say hello to 50.
Narrator: Then he spawned 50 clones, then left.
???:  -spills the slushie on the clones by accident- NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! YOU OWE ME A FROSTIE AND A MILKSHAKE! Are there any Mcdonalds around here anyway?
Narrator: All of a sudden, the clones started attacking ???.
Moisty: I’m out. PEACE. This is too awkward anyway.
Narrator: And then Moisty had left the planet.
???: Alright, BYE. I'M OVER YOU.
Keith: Intruders… Must be destroyed.
Narrator: Keith’s power was taken and was being controlled by The Imitator.
???: BYE BOZO’S! -ink jets away-
Keith: How rude!
???: I DON’T CARE!
The Imitator: Well, attack that nameless guy.
Keith: Ok, master.
???:Wait… Shouldn't I be gone by now?
The Imitator: Wait, since I have him, I can just go and defeat the Battle buddies.
???: Umm, yeah… About that… Bye! -blasts off-
Narrator: Then the Imitator went back to the original universe, to defeat the Battle buddies
Narrator: The nameless guy was then teleported back to Earth, where the real battle buddies were.
The Imitator: Well, time to give them a surprise.
Narrator: Then the nameless guy met the ACTUAL battle buddies back on earth.
Garcello: What the-? Who are you?
Hank: Can I just kill him?
Annie: How many times do I have to tell you this; NO.
Tomongus: -confused Hamster noises-
Black Imposter: I’m not dealing with this weird looking dorito-eared creature.
Deimos: I feel like leaving already.
Narrator: Then the Imitators UFO returned. 
The Imitator: Hello, I’m back and I’d like to see your faces when you meet Keith.
???: Oh, so his name is Keith. Ok. I think I'm getting it now.
???: I don’t know. He just tried to kill me. I don't know if that's normal though.
Narrator: Then the Imitator sends down Keith to take them all out.
The Imitator: Well, time for my crew to sit back and relax and enjoy the show with me.
The Imitator: He can just kill you in an instant but that will be boring, so we made it so that you can defeat him, but after that, you’re all dead.
???: Are you talking about yourself, you moldy dragon fruit?
Keith: Attack mode: ON. -Starts attacking the nameless guy-
Liam: -injets up- ALSO! I HAVE A NAME, AND ITS LIAM!
The Imitator: That’s it? That's your name?
Liam: Yes. Yes it is.
Moisty: Just came back and- What the hay? 
Liam: Yes, someone is trying to kill me. I don't know why though. Is it normal?
Battle Buddies: No.
The Imitator: Well, start the action.
Keith: Master, you say “well” a lot.
The Imitator: It’s a bloodline thing.
Keith: What’s a bloodline?
The Imitator: How families pass down their traits and personality to their children.
Hank: Hey, ‘tator, is Keith gonna stay like that forever or no?
Garcello: Yeah… I’m actually worried about him…
Keith: Master, do we have any food? I’m starving.
The Imitator: It’s ok, we can take a break and yes, we have food, a lot of food.
Keith: Master, what type of food do we have?
Tomogus: -annoyed Hamster noises-
The Imitator: We got any type of food, Keith.
Keith: Do you have blueberry flavored pancakes, master?
The Imitator: Yep, any type of pancakes.
Keith: Yay!
The Imitator: We’ll continue fighting in like 4 hours, see you then. 
Keith: I’ll head home for now, see you in 4 hours, master!
Narrator: 4 hours later…
Keith: Master, I’m back! AND I got a new look! Do you like it, master?
The Imitator: It looks very cool, and you got drip. 
Keith: Thank you, master Imitator!
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
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We are suing him but he hasn't haven't presented papers but we're going to do it now and it's turned on by this Marine corps stuff and he had no idea we're doing it or not I thought we weren't I'm going to take him to court today and we're going to file papers and then they'll be a pretrial hearing date. And really it's for the idea the whole idea is what they're doing and using making money sending out messages and orders against us and they're exposing the max and everybody else in their idiots. We haven't lost a case and they have paid up just not to our son but everybody else gets paid. And we make Ford and own it but that's fine. And they're laughing about it but it's probably not our version yet although we made a bunch of those. Yeah Chevy too and Dodge GMC all this nightmare stuff he said would be you you went around being an a****** like you are they don't have any place at all here and it's my planet. And he's really really aggressive just like these idiots here they're doing this stupid job is very dangerous they get hurt a lot and I think the king of everybody and really they get very little respect for it most people say why do it that way and you're screaming and yelling at stuff trying to get us hurt the whole time as well as get your way they hate him as a matter of fact and they go after him swim a lot of support to stop them from doing his dumb show someone else will do it most likely the people helping to stop him and then he'll start beating on them it's a nice little happy family
Thor Freya
So when having conversations with you losers it always deteriorates pretty quickly and you always end up beating each other up and we always end up the victor you never acknowledge it and you only have a problem with it and you always are making stupid noises and gestures laughing I can see whole enchilada and your comments are ridiculous. What you say it doesn't make any sense. Guys heard it and sort of gets it he says I'll pursue little stuff and other things information and all of a sudden he said this why would I hold off because these big boys are going to fight it out and they're going to get rid of themselves he says this huge party of Empire and foreigners we can have a big three-way shut the f****** they sort of need them later I tell you what they're the biggest assholes I've ever heard of and said well you're kind of necessary and Mac has a point but the foreigners would do it anyways if this s*** heads weren't and really that the idiots are doing it kind of makes the infiltration less and hardens a little cuz they spy less but I don't know which way anyone would want it you want foreigners to be more of a hard target would have it an infiltration mismatch doesn't matter these days too much except if it's not an infiltration mismatch I guess less foreigners might infiltrate so they have a job I guess maybe do they know about it so I'm thinking about it I'm looking at you thinking about it all sudden I said this maybe doing that job and going up trying to get the big lasers for themselves screwing it up so nobody gets it which is what we need and so I need that and we have to just calm down cuz that's what they're constantly doing they're getting rid of themselves in the process and we need that too
The guy said practically All the above and it's all true but these bozos with big mouths and huge attitude are going to go ahead and get rid of themselves fighting Tommy f the foreigners and Max for lasers that they have no chance of obtaining at this point and they're going to waste their forces and God bless them for doing so it's a blessing too take your stuff in territory in the process and that's probably the great people have do the work try and stay a little profile and they refuse to they're not even saying if we go down you do it's just that that's what's happening.
And she wrote up an order after the show we're just getting it as a report no the show happened already and he fired everyone he said don't come back he'll be arrested and shot by firing squad and he wrote another order to the dod requesting that they be arrested and held and definitely and other stuff road to have them removed and put in protection and they did and they went and checked all the material and it was all reworked and it's his rulership house and they're d****** around with them and he told the max that too and he wrote a letter to Mac Daddy and said I think this is of interest he said why doesn't anyone tell me
Cuz why is he asking whether using real ordinance so he got freaked out he said wow this is amazing there's a lot of people reporting that they're so stupid they need to leave soon a fun time today and we introduced the lawsuit actually doing it this afternoon and it's going to keep us after these idiots and we're doing it now
Thor Freya
We're going to store them up and be them it's real easy to pretend you're them and really there's still a little so low they hardly even do their own job I'm kind of really tired of it so we're going ahead with it now
Nuada Arrianna
This is also the s*** he's got a bunch of recycling and some garbage out there it's like they're not coming out because they know about his stuff no it's cuz I want to be jerks so he wants to call him up he's not sure if you can but you can say it was blocked from putting them out there this morning or last night and if they refuse we're going to start bothering them we'll sue him
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milkytheholy1 · 2 years
Would u do Prompts 6 and 39 for rise Leo cause that cocky mf needs some appreciation
U can make it a lime if U want or just banter Lol
Highway Man
RiseLeo x GNReader
Prompts: 6 - “Make me.” 39 - “Bite me.”
A/N: I just wanna say if you haven't guessed already I'm British, so there might be some British words in this one and also it's normal for people to drink at 18 here and get shitfaced. But yeah, ig everyone is aged up?
Tmnt masterlist.
Ultimate masterlist.
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This was the worst idea you have ever had, a college costume party was not how you wanted to spend your night; but when in Rome, as they say.
April had told you not to go, but you wanted to make some new friends at your university, especially with the people on your course. So, you went. You were dressed as a robot, simply choosing to cover yourself in foil and tape than try to make it look sexy like some people at this party.
"What're you meant to be?" someone had asked you, those red cups you see in movies in their hand, sloshing around what you could only guess was alcohol. You yelled over the obnoxiously loud music, "A robot!"
"You don't look like a robot?" the guy questioned, stumbling over his feet. You shrugged your shoulders, making your voice as monotone as possible "Beep, boop, bap." The guy paused for a moment, then lifted his drink in the air, "Right on!" and with that he blundered away, bashing into people and disappearing into the sea of bodies.
You released a deep sigh, juggling around your own drink; something strong mixed with FIZZY LEMONADE to soften its effects. You were leaning against the far wall of the flat you were cramped into, bodies pushed up beside each other to make up for the lack of room. The window which you chose to stand by had been opened slightly, allowing a cool breeze into the room; even if it was halted by the warm wall of bodies blocking it from going further.
God this party was a drag, you hadn't made any new friends nor really spoke to anyone, they were far too concerned about drinking the moment they turned 18. Maybe if you thought about it enough you could imagine yourself back at the lair with the guys, just enjoying pizza and video games to your heart's contempt.
"Hey, (Y/N)." you could almost hear Leo's voice now, "Pssssst, (Y/N)!" his rather annoying voice.
"(Y/NNNNNNNN)!" wow, you were really good at imagining voices, apparently. You then felt a tug on your arm, the crinkling of the foil going silent when compared to the music. You swivelled towards the window, catching the toothy grin of one Leonardo Splinterson hanging outside.
Your eyes grew wide, panic arising in your system, maybe it was the alcohol "What are you doing here!" you wanted it to be a harsh whisper yet you still ended up yelling just so he could hear you. Leo lifted the window up further to enter, no one giving him a second glance.
He was dressed head to toe in black, a large hat on his pointed head and a new black mask making his eyes pop. You looked him up and down, he was equally as confused by your costume, "What're you meant to be?" you asked him, disgust in your voice.
Leo flapped the cape that laid across his shoulders, "Duh, I'm the Highway Man. You ever read history?"
"You don't read history, bozo." Leo rolled his eyes at your remark, "What about you, a futuristic toaster or somethin'?"
"Bite my shiny metal ass," you huffed out, taking a sip from your drink. Leo gave you some finger guns in response, "Oh I get it, old school, niceee~" could this night get any worse?
Yes, yes it could.
"Who wants to do shots!" screamed a voice from the distance, at this point you couldn't tell where any sound was coming from, it seemed everywhere all at once. Leo jumped at the opportunity, but you grabbed him by the arm, pulling him back towards the window.
"You can't be here, I don't even know why you're here in the first place!"
Leo skirted around you, wrapping his arms around your waist while slinking the cup from your hand, "Well, April told Donnie who told Raph who told Mikey who told me that you were going to a costume party. And as we know, I'm excellent at costumes, case and point-" he gestured to his outfit and finished off the remainder of your drink.
"Wha- hey! That was mine!" you whined, turning to face his chest. His arm remained around you while he held the red cup higher, "Nah, I think you've had enough for the night." always trying to be the hero.
"That was my only one," you deadpanned, turning away with a pout. Leo grew a joyous smile, tugging you by the shoulder, even if you refused to meet his eye, "Oh my, what's this? Has the robot shown some emotion?"
"Buzz off, Leo." you huffed, glaring at his dumb smirk. Leo leaned closer towards you, snout bumping against your nose, "Make me." he gleamed. He pulled away, even in the low light he could see the twinkling of your eyes and the redness of your cheeks.
"C'mon, how's about we get out of here, hit the town?" he flicked open the window, throwing the red cup into the crowd of drunk teens; not one single person caring. You looked back to said crowd, feeling the beads of sweat pile up under all the tinfoil, "You got yourself a deal, Dick."
"Dick? I was just being nice to you and this is what I get in return." Leo flapped his cape in mock anger, but you could see the tired smile on his lips. Unwrapping yourself from your tin foil binds, you poked at him "Dick Turpin, y'know, the Highway Man? Now look who doesn't know history." you smirked.
"Bite me." he huffed back, wrapping an arm around you and falling out the window only to land in the Turtle Tank.
"You had this here the whole time!"
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vampkaashis-wife · 3 years
may i request for a college au akaashi fluff fic where reader is childhood bffs with oikawa 🥺 no love triangle, just mutual pining/slow burn! thank you very much!
Congrats on being my first request, bestie!I loved writing this one so much wjaopsjsdn you have a rlly big brain 🧠
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The first time Akaashi met you, he was scared.
Not because you looked mean or because you were mean or because of anything like that. He was scared because it had been a long time since he met anyone and had the idle, fleeting thought, “This one. I could spend a lot more time with this one and not get sick of them.”
Because you were kind. You knew about setting and seemed more mesmerized by the concept of it than spiking. Who does that? Besides volleyball nuts like himself and Bokuto, who does that?
As time goes on, the two of you consistently pairing up to peer review each other’s essays, you started talking about yourself more. He found out that you often went to Miyagi high school volleyball games. Fascinating. Did you know Karasuno?
(Yes, you knew Karasuno. Not well, though.)
Shiratorizawa, then.
(No, not quite. You have to bite back a grin, thinking of all the Shitty-torizawa jokes you’d been subjected to over the years.)
He finds that a bit peculiar. Someone with your knowledge about the game had to have attended a powerhouse school like Shiratorizawa. Like-
No way. Like Aoba Josai?
At that name, you grin. “Yeah. That’s my team! Shame Tooru didn’t get to go to nationals ever. Loser.”
Akaashi chokes on his own spit. Tooru? Like Oikawa Tooru? But he doesn’t ask because he’d rather shove his barely formed feelings away than rush to any kind of assumptions about this.
But is it really an assumption if your eyes noticeably softened as your lips said his name?
“What about you, Akaashi? You played in Tokyo, right?”
“Yeah,” he says after a heavy, lengthy pause. “Sure did.”
Tilting your head, you study him. Sure, Akaashi is often quiet, but this is a different sort of quiet. You’ve never seen him like this before, and you’re not sure if-
He’s not jealous of Tooru, is he? That’s ridiculous. Because Tooru is a loser with a volleyball for a brain and Akaashi is… Akaashi. He’s beautiful, kind, smart, and his voice alone made you fall in love on day one. His essays, half-assed as they are, continue to captivate you and pull you in. And most of all, he wouldn’t be interested in a girl like you.
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“You’re staring,” Akaashi mutters to his roommate, three tables away from you at the dining hall. You don’t seem to have noticed his presence, but he sure as hell has noticed yours. Kind of hard not to, all things considered.
With his mouth half-full, his roommate comments, “I just want to see who’s got you all day-dreamy. You’re the most focused guy I know, you know? I wanted to gauge for myself whether or not you’d work out, because honestly? I don’t believe all this you’re saying about how they don’t want you. Who wouldn’t want you? You’re fucking amazing.”
“Oh, do you want to date me, then?” Akaashi snaps. At the obvious unspoken, no, he finishes with viscious glee, “Yeah, that’s what I thought. Who am I but a peasant next to the great Oikawa Tooru?”
“Keiji, not the poeticism. Please. You know you’re not actually a scrub.”
“Never said I was. I said I was a peasant.”
“You don’t even know what that word means.”
“Why are you attacking me right now? I’m on your side.”
“There are no sides. It’s just-“
“Akaashiiiiiiii.” Your voice in his ear is sudden, sending heat into his cheeks. He hadn’t heard you approach, not through the dining hall din, and especially not through his friendly smack-down with his roommate. “Can you come with me for a second? Tooru’s trying this new thing with his Argentina team, and I want to see if you can do it too.”
What Akaashi hears: “hey, bozo, try doing this thing my professional athelete boyfriend is trying so I can laugh at your failure.”
What you meant: “PLEASE try this because Tooru looked hot doing it and now I really need to see you do it because I think it would be seven times hotter if you did it oh my god please my imagination can only take me so far.”
Akaashi ends up muttering something about how he’ll never measure up to your almighty boyfriend - to which you are stunningly confused.
“Okay. Pause. When did I get a boyfriend, and why wasn’t I notified? And why do you think he’s better than you?”
Akaashi’s roommate raises his eyebrows almost into his hairline. “Keiji…”
“Aren’t you- Oikawa-san- is that not- I thought you-“
“Ew,” you whisper. “No, we’ve just been neighbors since elementary school. I think Iwa-chan is hotter than Tooru, and I think you’re hotter than both, so. Yeah.”
Oh no. Oh fuck. Oh help. What did you just say?
“You think I’m…”
Akaashi’s roommate looks ready to shit himself from excitement.
“Hot,” you finish for him. “I think you’re hotter than Tooru and Iwa-chan both. You’re hotter than both of them combined. Akaashi, don’t make me repeat it. This is embarrassing.”
“I, uh.”
“Okay. I’ll meet you on the court at 6? It’s a date, yes?”
“…it’s a date?” He repeats dumbly, still processing your revelation about how hot you apparently find him.
“Akaashi, I know you have a big brain in there. Maybe consider using it.”
With that, you bid your farewells, leaving a dazed Akaashi staring at the spot you’d vacated. “Did that just happen?”
His roommate groans. “I’ll never know why someone like them fell for an idiot like you. Get your act together. It’s 5:57, they want you on the court in three minutes. And you’re here doing what, exactly?”
Akaashi doesn’t think he’s ever run so fast in his life.
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Claiming Ones Own
Cross posted on my AO3. Thank you again @boldlyanxious for your encouragement.
Decided that there wasn't enough Cass and Marinette fics and finally got this concept out my head and written down.
Chapter 1 - Cass gains a child
Cass could feel Jason’s frustrations radiating off him. He was over from Gotham to help tracking a new drug that had cropped up over there but originated in Hong Kong. They had managed to find the Hong Kong point of contact from the Gotham Drug Lord and now trying to work out the Hong Kong network.
Currently they were seated on top of a building observing their latest suspect.
She could feel the irritation pulsating off Jason, the twitch of his fingers ever so often. The low almost inaudible growl. The way the air around him vibrated with his emotions ready to pounce.
The annoyance stemmed from following the suspect for over a fortnight and it was clear that the gang rarely met up in person and was apt at avoiding use of technology to communicate. Cass was happy being a ghost bat in Hong Kong at the present. The lack of use in tech made it trickier to gain evidence for the police to surreptitiously stumble upon.
Tapping Jason, Cass signed to him ‘we need to infiltrate or plant recording devices’
“Yeah” came the response as he turned back to observe the suspect, “Recording devices is probably the quickest way. The way these guys are operating will make it hard to infiltrate quickly.”
Moments later “Fuckers!!” Jason snarled. Fingers twitching even more towards his gun.
Cass looked down and saw what caused Jason’s outburst. They had recently concluded that the men used street kids to send messages to each other, the unseen people of the city who were very good at being avoided. The gang that used them seemed hold and extraordinary amount of power held over these kids.
“Fucking pieces of shit” Jason muttered to Cass as they watched what the men were doing. Cass narrowed her eyes and silently nodded. She focused on the child who ran off observing the direction and movement. Suddenly she jabbed Jason and whispered “look” pointing to the child. They observed the girl knock into a man and sneakily pickpocket him before scampering off.
Cass nudged Jason quietly saying “plan”, before signing ‘if we can get a tracker on a kid and let them pick pocket us we can work out the number of locations and maybe plant recording devices’ Jason replied “hmmmm, risky but quicker than waiting for these bozos to slip up”.
The next few days the pair watch their target, also taking note of the street kids, to figure out who they would let target them, before deciding on the original girl they saw. She was petite, either due to age or, more likely, malnourishment. She had dark hair but what made her stand was having unexpected blue eyes. She was more skittish around the original suspect and other gang members they had come across but was bolder in her pick pocketing. She was creative in her approaches and had a far higher success rate compared to the other children. It was clear she felt safer amongst strangers who, if caught her, could seriously cause issues, than the men she was working for.
While Jason blustered and verbally vented his anger, Cass’s anger grew silent but more deadly. Neither were happy about the blatant child abuse occurring.
Having figured out the type of “target” the girl went for both Cass and Jason set the plan in motion. Trackers and recorders on their wallets, lots of cash and fake credit card trackers and recorders along with a micro trackers to put on the girl in case she ditches the wallet and just takes the cash. They dressed slightly better than the average person to showcase “wealth” which she seemed more inclined to go for and headed out.
Out on the streets she fell for their plan perfectly. Cass was able to slip the tracker onto the child while she slipped Jason’s wallet out his pocket. The pair continued their loop round back to Cass’s apartment to see where the kid went.
“Cass, fuck! She is good. If I’d not grown up on Crime Alley I would have struggled to notice. She is fucking good. Too bloody good! Shitting hell, that kinda skill only comes with practice! Like a fuck load of practice! Crap! She’s tiny! How bloody long has she been having to do this for! Fuck how long has she lived on the streets” Jason cursed. He was impressed but could feel the anger brewing, the desire to hurt someone.
“Long time” Cass replied before signing ‘She’s too thin. Her eyes showed fire. Determination but haunted’. The look in her eye’s had struck a chord with Cass when they 'bumped' into each other. Something about them resonated within her but Cass wasn’t quite ready to name it yet.
Back at the apartment they watched the trackers path and patterns over the next few days. Their little pickpocket went to 5 different warehouses along with a few apartments and the original dock with the first suspect repeatedly. Rarely using the same route or common paths, though destination always the same.
The pair scouted out the warehouses and apartments to get a better understanding of how the operation was run. It wasn’t just drug’s they were producing and exporting but also slave trafficking as well. No wonder the kids were terrified of the adults. They could easily be shipped off at any moment if they stepped out of line.
Cass’s disgust was intensifying with this discovery. They were practically slaves as it is even with the external slave threat hanging over them.
Cass could hear Jason loading of a gun. Looks like Jason’s preferred method of elimination would be soon be seen.
Over the course of a week. Cass and Jason snuck into each warehouse, planting bombs on secure/obscure locations. Carefully the explosions would leave just enough evidence for the police to take the gang down but also eliminate the gangs means to continue operating. Whilst trying to minimise external impact of neighbouring buildings. Well at least that was the aim. Anonymous hints were also sent or found at police stations.
All they now had to do was press the button on Jason's phone to ignite the bombs at the warehouses and take down the headquarters.
Jason and Cass crept into the headquarters building sticking to the shadows. Cass signed 'detonate' to Jason who grinned manically and did his thing. With so many warehouses littered with explosives you could hear when they went off. Shortly followed by the sound of sirens.
Cass and Jason used the distraction to sweep through the building taking out henchmen left, right and centre. Their anger and fury finally being released.
The pair had completed taking the men above ground up and were tying the stragglers up when they heard sirens approaching. They quickly slinked into the shadows out of sight to observe. Cass was still wanting to maintain that bats were still an urban rumour in Hong Kong at this point.
The police swept the upstairs building observing the chaos Cass and Jason had left while a group of them went off to look in the basement. Over the radio they heard a crackly “Chief, you may want to come down here. Bring bold cutters with you. And call social services and a med team. I think we will need that.”
“What's happened!” the chief replied, signalling to an officer nearby to call the services requested.
“They’ve got a group of kids caged up down here” came the crackly reply. Half of the team that went to the basement returned with a cuffed pair from the gang and took them to the cars outside. The chief muttered to himself and to the basement.
In the shadows Jason signed to Cass ‘Fuck! I should have killed those men! No! Wait! Death would be too sweet. Maimed them more” Cass nodded in agreement though her gaze kept focus on the scene they were observing.
The police slowly led the children out of the basement and, from somewhere, had a paramedic check the children out along with having someone from social services talk to them.
Then came Cass and Jason's pickpocket. The girl growled at them all and kept her distance refusing to let the paramedic treat her.
A kid spoke out to an officer "You won't get anything from her. She doesn't really speak. Or not to us at least. Dolly is a puppet and does what the Bossman says. Doesn't trust anyone"
"Yeah I don’t think Marionette has ever spoke while I've been here and that's ages, I think she was one of the first they got" another provided. Murmurs of agreement rippled through the small group children.
The girl stood watching like a cornered animal, eyes darting everywhere, looking like she wanted to escape. She seemed to see through the shadows and stared right at Cass and Jason which unsettled the bat duo. They were nearly invisible to the others in the room. But not this small child.
Quietly Cass whispered while signing "Safe. Mean men gone. Be ok now." to the girl. Even if the crowded room didn’t notice, she was positive this small girl could see her in the gloom. A small amount of tension left the girls shoulders.
Eventually the other children had all been seen by the medic, spoken to the police while the social worker was working on finding places for them to go for the interim. It was just this girl left to resolve. Having seen the adults treat the other children with care she cautiously let them look at her, warily viewing everyone and still ready for a quick escape if needed.
"Malnourished, a fair number of cuts and some nasty bruises from what I can tell. There doesn't appear to be any broken bones thankfully. She will need a careful diet to increase her weight and vitamins to help with what is likely to have missed out of her diet. Much like the rest of them. She should be good to go after I’ve dressed this cuts" said the medic looking the girl over. He turned to grab a wipe and bandage and the girl was off.
She swiftly slipped through the adults in the room and darted out onto the streets to disappear. Loud shouts occur from the chaos left behind.
Cass watched the girl intently. Observing her movements. Cass could tell though she was cooperating, the girl was planning. The glint in her eyes and slight angle of her body. As soon as she shifted to move Cass grabbed Jason and they slipped outside following her quickly. Sticking to the roofs they tracked the girl down to an alleyway. The girl was terrified. She knew they had caught her. She was trapped though and though frantically looking for different ways to avoid them was stuck.
“Safe now” Cass whispered signing along “Promise men are gone now. We won’t hurt you. We’ll look after you. You’ll be safe now”.
Carefully Cass approached the girl as if a frightened animal. Cass quietly said to Jason “Chocolate” holding her hand out for him to give it to him. Calmly and gently as possible she placed the chocolate near her and waited sitting on the floor gracefully. She could see the fear in the girl’s eyes, with distrust but there was a burning fire as well. Patience would be the key to winning the child over.
Cass knew she wasn’t going to let this girl go, let alone let her live on the streets and she was sure that Jason was of the same mind set.
Slowly they saw the girl take the chocolate. The child inspected it with caution and nibble it. The way her eyes grew wide was a delight and she ate it in haste. While she nibbled, she kept her eyes trained on the pair watching their movements.
When finished she remained cautiously looking at them, but body language didn’t scream “fear”, more curiosity was emerging. Cass smirked as she understood that she was reading their body language and reading their intent as much they were hers. Cass opened her body language up. Again reiterating ‘Safe now’ “Safe” to the girl. The girl’s eyes bored into hers whilst moments pass, and when the girl found what she was looking for offered her hand to Cass to hold.
Cass turned to Jason and stares straight into his eyes, “My child now”.
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binniedeactivated · 4 years
𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞. || y.j🌪
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╰─▸🖤 ❝ @[@𝐛𝐮𝐠𝐬𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠.. ]
✎𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐧 𝐱 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤!𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥
 ✎ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞, 𝐋𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭!𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭
 ✎ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭; 2.5k
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐥
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒; 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐜 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞, 𝐬𝐞𝐱, 𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞, 𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐠 𝐮𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞, 𝐞𝐭𝐜.
a/n; 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬/𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥!
“I can see you as a doctor, lawyer maybe”. she said while they both walked down the street, their jackets being a safeguard to the fridgid weather. It was never safe walking in the neighborhood they both lived in especially at this time of night but luckily she had taehyun, who knew all kinds of alleyways and shortcuts.
taehyun rolls his eyes while chewing on his sandwich, “amara what I tell you about that shit?”.
she laughs, the brightness of her smile outshining the stars that blanketed over the both of them. “I’m serious tae. you’re smart. you can be someone if you applied yourself”.
“yeah well I don’t want to hear that. you know who you sound like and it pisses me off”.
she sighs as her parted curly hair sifted over the side of her face in the breeze. taehyun was going to say that she sounded just like his parents. well, adopted parents. He hated when anyone called them his parents because, well, they weren’t. And tae hated them. his real parents were locked away in prison for a school of crimes taehyun could recite on his own. Theft, Assault, Arson, Burglary, the list could go on for decades.
she grins playfully pushing him to the side, “stop being so salty. You know I’m just looking out for you”.
“you know I’ll be fine amara. what you need to do is watch out for yourself. I see the way these guys stare at you”.
now she was the one rolling her eyes. “Yeah and you know Sammy will kill them all”. Taehyun sucks his teeth. “Fuck Sammy”.
Sammy was her boyfriend. smooth brown skin, pretty teeth and long hair that he always wore in a high bun—- real cute Hispanic guy. Taehyun never liked him though because of all the shit he caused. He was a real troublemaker and taehyun thought amara only looked past his ways because she thought that was all she could ever get.
taehyun knew she deserved better. Amara was his best friend after all. he knew who she was capable of being.
Approaching her building there was a group of men outside the apartment building she lived in, smoking weed, talking and laughing about some bullshit dice game. one of them being Sammy. Taehyun spotted him even from the distance they were at.
“Speaking of the damn devil”.
Amara slaps him on the shoulder and laughs. “I’ll catch you at school tyun. Make sure you go home!”.
Taehyun kisses her on the cheek and side hugs her with care. “I’ll think about it. Be safe amara. I love you”.
“I will bozo”. she couldn’t help but insult before closing the distance between her and her apartment building. With a blunt between his fingers Sammy spots her, smiling down at her five foot three frame. And he wasn’t the only one sneaking glances of course. Being quite thicker in the thighs and wider in the hips it was normal for guys to look at her.
“hey baby. Who was that?”.
He hums, looking at the ground before looking at her, his what was once pink lips blackening from all the weed he smoked. he furrowed a brow.
“you know I don’t like that little son of a bitch”.
“alright Sammy, please. I don’t have time for this shit tonight. He’s my best friend and you know that”.
He clutches her arm tightly, “I said I don’t like his ass. You shouldn’t be hanging out with him”. he orders and she could see in his eyes that he wasn’t sober. she gasps at the sudden pain and try to rip away from his grip but couldn’t due to his strength.
“Sammy get off of me!”.
He grins, “stop being so loud girl. What’s all the fuss about. Don’t you like it when I grab you like this?”.
he stares in her face trying to be sexy but looking more like a drunken pervert. she immediately became uncomfortable and tries to pry herself off of him but he only grips her tighter worsening the pain.
“Sammy stop it! You’re drunk”.
“I don’t want you hanging out with taehyun anymore you understand me?”. His breath reeked of alcohol.
“Get the fuck off me!”.
He finally throws her to the ground as if she were a garbage can herself. If it wasn’t for her protecting her fall with her hands she would’ve been planted face first in the cement. She was angry though, and not to mention she was already freezing.
Getting back up she dusted off her hands and angrily pushed Sammy backwards. “Don’t you put your fucking hands on me!”.
he raises his hand and slaps her good and hard. It was normal, her and him. It was normal for them to fight like that whenever Sammy got like this. And she would combat it the same way each time, punching him in his jaw before storming into the old, torn and piss smelling hallways of her apartment building. Luckily she lived on the third floor so the walk upstairs wasn’t all that bad. Except she always got a whiff of a bunch of weird smells when going up them.
she got to her landing with an aching face and a purring sound behind her. she turns quickly, startled at the sudden noise. Her nerves came to end though when she realized it was just beomgyu feeding some stray cat that always sat at the front of his apartment door. she was going to speak to him until she heard thumping noises above them both and a bunch of loud and erotic moaning.
The both of them glare at each other and laugh.
“beomgyu when are you going to tell your parents that they aren’t on their honeymoon every fucking night?”.
he smiles stroking the head of the grey cat softly. “Hey if eating each other’s pussies keep them off my ass then I’m all for it”.
beomgyu’s parents got divorced when he was really young and left his mother high and dry when he found out she was a full blown lesbian. Leaving beomgyu to be raised by two women since his father wanted nothing to do with him anymore, as if it were his fault. Not that it ever bothered beomgyu though. He never minded especially since his dad was a grade A asshole.
she laughs and starts her way to her own apartment across the hall with the sound of beomgyu trying to bribe the cat to come into his apartment as the background noise. As soon as she twists the brass knob she was pissed. The fact that it was even unlocked could’ve been hazardous. Anyone could’ve came in and robbed the place. She opens the door and shuts it behind herself.
She almost shit herself though when she was immediately greeted by her mother standing in front of her. She didn’t know what her mother had been doing prior to her arrival but she didn’t look good at all.
“Ma? You alright?”. Amara asks trying to catch a clue in the women’s eyes. Except she got nothing but a woozy stare. “Tariq wants us to have privacy tonight. You have to go somewhere else”. She blatantly says out of nowhere. Amara could feel herself clenching her fists,
Tariq was her controlling, manipulative ass stepfather.
“Go somewhere else?!”.
“Yes, just for this one night amara”.
“Ma!! You’re acting like I have other places to stay. Why are you kicking me out because he wants alone time?!”.
“Don’t talk to me like that girl. Like I said, for just this one night. You’re more tha welcomed to get some over night clo—“.
“Fuck that!”. Amara screams and makes her exit right then and there before she did anything she regretted. with her back now against the door she breathes in deep breaths trying calm herself as best as she possibly could.
All the while some boy with sleek black parted hair and specs was watching the episode unravel on his way down the stairs. She grew angry at the curiosity in his eyes.
“What the fuck are you looking at yeonjun?”.
“You need a place to stay mean ass?”. He asks calmly. Living in the same place for so long it was normal for everyone to know everyone. It’s just, yeonjun wasn’t someone she talked to normally.
Normally it would be Taehyun and Summer she talked to most. Summer was another best friend of hers whose dating tyun and just as annoying as him almost if not more. There’s was also heuning kai and occasionally beomgyu.
funny how yeonjun thought she was the most gorgeous girl in the world though.
she sighs trying to remove her own hostility. It wasn’t yeonjun’s fault that her mother was a bitch and to be honest, besides the fact that his dad is in the military and his mom acted a little off sometimes, she knew staying at his place wouldn’t be all that bad.
“yeah, I guess”.
she finally gives in having no choice. yeonjun gestures towards the stairs and brings her up to his apartment. she was happy to finally get a whiff of something good, home cooking made by his mother.
“Mom! Amara is staying tonight!”. He yells before directing her to take her coat off and place it on the coat rack at the door. she felt a little naked in her leggings and sweater she had to admit. but she also thought his apartment was way nicer than anyone else in the building who did absolutely nothing with theirs or just had no taste in good decor.
“I don’t want you getting ideas first off. This is a one night thing”. She declared as soon as she entered his room which had a quirky aesthetic vibe she liked. Records on the wall and lava lamps on his dressers and desk. Sneakers lined up underneath his bed and a pretty overflowing closet.
he held his hands up in surrender and laughs, “I’m not getting ideas trust me. But as you can see I have two beds so— you can sleep on the other one if you want. The sheets are clean”.
“Thank you yeonjun. You invite hoes over often? Mr.Two beds?”. She says plopping on the soft surface.
“no, just you”. He teases leaving amara launching a pillow at him jokingly. “hey! I am not a hoe”. This is just what yeonjun loved about her. She was easy going. Never took jokes that serious and loved to laugh.
“hey I don’t know what you do with your free time”. He jokes again.
“schoolwork thank you very much”.
“Ah, that’s something a hoe would say”.
Amara laughs again, not expecting yeonjun to be as funny as he was. He was also kind of cuter upclose but that didn’t matter. She had Sammy.
“If I’m such a hoe isn’t this the part where we’re supposed to fuck?”.
hearing that sentence was like a punch in the gut to yeonjun, it was something he definitely wasn’t expecting her to say. He jokes back, “what are we waiting for then?”.
oddly enough the room became silent once that statement left his lips. It was an innocent gaze at first but it became heated quickly. she figured after the night she had, what else could go wrong? She needs some type of fix.
And this is what led her slowly crawling over the bed and on the floor in front of yeonjun who was sitting on the bed across from her. she lays her head on his inner thigh gazing up at him with her pretty dark brown eyes. “you’re right...what are we waiting for?”. She repeats, rubbing the bulge poking out of his sweatpants.
He didn’t stop her at all, instead he grabs her hair and bite his lips, staring down at her under his circular frames. “Tsk. These the games we’re playing?”.
she slowly drags down his briefs, “only if you don’t tell anyone”. She wasted no time rolling her lips down his veiny thick length. Yeonjun’s hips twitch at the sudden feeling. The heat of her mouth worked wonders. She bobs her head with care, making sure she was licking and sucking anything she could get to. And already yeonjun was groaning underneath his breath.
she only came up for air and let her slimy tongue wrap around the tip of his dick cleaning it of his precum and sliding her tongue in between the slit naughtily. Yeonjun grunts lowly again clutching the strands of her hair harder,
“god I’m going to have to fuck the shit out of you after this”.
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #860: Messing With the Koopa King (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
2:10 a.m. at the All-Star Night Club......
Sephiroth: (Sighs While Sitting Behind the Bar, Looking at a Picture He Took with Pichu Together)
Ganondorf: (Sits Next to Sephiroth on One Side) Whatcha doing there, Seph?
Sephiroth: (Turns to Ganondorf) Ah. Nothing if the sorts. I was just looking at the picture Pichu and I took together back at Isle Defino. While....also hoping that he is taken good care of back at the mansion.
Hades: (Sits Down With Sephiroth on the Other Side With a Drink in his Hand) You are really taking the whole 'Dad' role that seriously, aren't you?
Sephiroth: (Simple Nodded) Of course. The moment I first laid my eyes upon Pichu was the moment I decided to raise him as my own. He's important to me and nothing will ever change that. (Takes a Sip of his Drink)
Ganondorf: I wouldn't worry too much about the tiny ruffian. Mewtwo's taking care of him. You trust him, right?
Sephiroth: I do. It doesn't really stop me from worrying about his safety however.
Hades: ('Sigh') Figured you would say that.....(Starts Smirking Once He Noticed Bowser Walking Around in an Intoxicated Manner) Hmmm..... Hey, Sephiroth, I think I found something that could ease your worries.
Sephiroth: You....(Raised an Eyebrow in a Bit of Confusion) Have?
Hades: Yep! Observe. ('Clears Throat') HEY, BOWSER! Come over here for a second!
Bowser: (Makes his Way to the Trio in a Bit of a Dizzy Like Fashion) What do you.... 'hic' want, Hades?
Hades: Me and boys here have been wondering about this for a while now, but uh....(Click his Tongue Before His Smirk Grew Wider) What was the name of the stupid dance craze you kept talking about a year or two? I.... already kind of forgot it's existence.
Ganondorf: Uh...Yeah. Same here.
Sephiroth: This is the first I hear about this dance craze of yours, but it seems that I already agree to the motion that it's stupid.
Bowser: Okay! 'Hic' First off!.....The dance itself 'Hic'.....It's call the "Koopa Shuffle"..... It's easy to do! 'Hic' And second!....It AIN'T stupid!...It was popular at it's time....(Angrily Points at Hades and Ganondorf) AND YOU BOZOS KNOW IT!
Hades: Oh really? Are you suuure it wasn't some sad attempt to impress the princess that probably went horribly wrong afterwards?
Ganondorf: (Shrugs) It's a possibility.
Sephiroth: I can believe that.
Bowser: (Already Fuming With More Anger) You know what, Hades!?.....(Points at Hades Directly) FUCK YOU! You fucking dick! Always naysaying everything I create and accomplished! You no talent, piece of shit! YOU TRY AND CREATE SOMETHING FOR ONCE! Like some stupid dance number routine! You fucking shit!
Hades: (Starts Laughing Along with Ganondorf and Sephiroth)
Bowser: You fucking asshole! I hate- Wait. What's funny?
Hades: Oh nothing! Just witnessing how entertaining this is all is? (Turns to Sephiroth) What do think of the main performance, Sephy Boy?
Sephiroth: (Chuckles Lightly) Very well done. I haven't laughed this much in quite a while.
Bowser: You motherfuckers......You think messing with me is funny!?
Ganondorf: Yes. But in our defense, you...are kind of easy to poke fun at from time to time.
Bowser: (Getting Even More Angrier) Easy?....EASYYYYY!? I'M NOT EASY! I'M THE KING FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!! (Turns to Kazuya From a Close Distance) Kazuya! Are you seeing this!? These assholes think it's funny to mess with-
Kazuya: (Shook his Head and Starts Walking Away)
Bowser: Grrrr! FINE! WALK AWAY! SEE IF I CARE! (Turns Away and Pouting With his Arms Crossed) Stupid devilman.....
Sephiroth: It seems you're not helping your case in a bit of slightest.
Bowser: (Scoffs While Getting in a Fighting Stance) Yeah, well, we'll see who's laughing once I mop the floors with all of you!
Hades: Y... Your seriously, right?
Bowser: Hell yeah! I'm always seriously!! Come on!
Hades: You really think you have what it takes to fight against an Evil Tyrant, a God of the Underworld, and Sephiroth on a three on one match?
Bowser: Damn right! I punched Palutena in the face before! So fighting you clowns will be a cakewalk!
Hades: Not really much of accomplishment, but.... whatever.
Ganondorf: ('Sigh') Bowser. Buddy. While I admire your brass nature as much as the next guy here, I.... really don't think you'll have a chance of winning against us.
Bowser: You don't know that! I can take you down with no problem!
Sephiroth: (Shrugs) You can try all you want, but your failure will still be inevitable.
Bowser: (Rushes Over to the Trio in Fury) I SHOW YOU INEVITABLE, YOU PIECES OF- (Gets Punched in the Face by Ganondorf)
Bowser: Ah! (Growls While Maintaining his Balance) Alright......You got the first punch....But I'll take out with thi- (Gets Punched Again by Hades)
Bowser: GAHH! Damnit! Why do you-
Bowser: Have to-
Bowser: Keep punching me-
Bowser: The face?.....Hu-
The last punch by Sephiroth, manged to knock the Koopa King down on the ground.
Hades: Getting tired yet, king? We got all night.
Bowser: (Slowly Gets Back Up While in a Dizzy State) Please.....I ain't..... throwing the....towel yet, you dweebs!
Hades: Dweebs? That's the best insult you got?
Bowser: Takes one to knoooooo...onnnneee....(Falls Back Down on the Ground and Went to Sleep) Zzzzzzzzzzz.........
Hades: ('Sigh') Well, that was an entire waste of time and energy. Just as expected.
Sephiroth: True. (Smirks a Little) But I would be lying if I say that I didn't have a bit fun along the way.
Ganondorf: Agreed. Though, I'll admit...(Looks Down at the Sleeping Bowser) Even in a losing advantage, that king still has heart and guts to take us on.
Sephiroth: (Nodded in Agreement) That he does. A perfect description of a fool indeed.
Hades: Whaaatever. Anyone else wanna get out of here before any bodyguards catch on to what happened here?
Ganondorf: Yeah. It's for the best. (Pulls Out the Dimension Ring While Turning to Kazuya) Devil Brat! Grab Bowser and let's go! We're leaving.
Kazuya: ('Tch') Fine. (Picks Bowser Up in a Bit of Ease and Goes to the Ring While Everyone Watches) Nothing to see here....Just a giant turtle experiencing his stupidity in his sleep.
With all five villains leaving the club's presence, the ring itself begins to disappear with them.
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wordsfromthesol · 4 years
Just A Facade (2/2)
Author: @wordsfromthesol Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader Taglist: @zphilophobiaz  @anousiemay @malfoys-demigod @pricetagofficial​ @somnibats Summary:  Dick is very confused that his brothers seem to all be getting along with you, and worse…wanting to help you. And wait…were you dating his brother?! Warnings:  Violence, cursing, violence...more violence  Word Count: 2.0k
You woke up in one of Jason’s t-shirts, in his old room, very confused. As you moved to get up the pain racing up your side jogged your memory. “Shit, Jason’s gunna be so pissed at me.”
“You could say that again!” You heard his voice coming from the bathroom.
You slowly made your way to the bathroom and leaned against the door frame. “It’s not like I meant to get shot Jay.”
“Yeah, well, you could have told my idiot brother when it happened.” He stepped towards you, placing his hands on your shoulders. “Or even ME when you got to the cave.”
“I thought I could handle it…why was your brother there in the first place?” The question came out a little more accusatory than you meant. Jason took a step back and threw his hands in the air.
“Because, apparently, you tried to kill him last week.”
“He’s still on that? Ugh, I pulled my punches as much as I could without being glaringly obvious. Next time he shouldn’t be in the way of the actual target.”
“Maybe you should just tell him.”
“Why? He doesn’t need my life story.”
“Oh you’re one to talk mister come back from the dead and don’t tell anyone.”
“You didn’t even know me before I died!”
“So! I know you didn’t tell your brothers!”
“I know you’re doing this to distract me, and it’s working, but you need to tell him. He won’t trust you, and it will end up getting someone hurt on this case. And if that someone is you –” Jason’s voice trailed off.  
It was your turn to throw up your hands in exasperation. Unfortunately, you had forgotten about your recent injuries. “Agh!” You grimaced as your hand went to your side.
“See, that’s a sign that you’re being too stubborn.” Jason smirked before pressing a kiss to your lips and lifting you up. He carried you until you got to the cave, where he gently set you down, allowing you to still use him as a crutch.
“Y/N!” Tim exclaimed at the sight of you, “I’ve found something!” He waited for you and Jason to arrive at his side before he continued. “So, they made a mistake coming after you.”
“How do you know that was related? A lot of people want me dead…”
“Well, I didn’t at first. But then, looking through your pictures…the ones you didn’t originally give us,” Tim shot a judgmental stare your way.
“Oh you would’ve done the same thing.”
“WELL, one of them caught the van…long story short I was able to trace it back here,” Tim points at the screen, “once they left your apartment.”
“Alright, I’ll do some recon then. Come on blue bird.” You gestured to Dick.
“It’s Nightwing – wait you want me to come?”
“Well I know I’m not going to be let out of here alone, so I’d rather just hitch a ride than have one of you bozos follow me.”
“She’s not wrong.” Jason stated plainly as he tossed you a bottle of pills, “Take one before you leave, and please don’t rip my stitches.”
“I’ll try my hardest.”
The two of you sat in silence on the rooftop for nearly an hour. Finally, Dick couldn’t take the silence anymore.
“Alright, you gunna try and kill me again, or what?” He finally blurted out, still trying to figure out why you requested him as your back-up.
“What? I never tried to kill you, calm your feathers.”
“Last week!”
“I had to make it look real…I wasn’t alone.”
“Yeah, I noticed that…”
“I know you don’t agree with my life choices Nightwing, but I don’t have much of a choice in the matter.”
“It may not be easy, but you can get out.” Dick made the comment as if it was from personal experience.
“No.” Your voice turned somber, “I can’t. My parents decided to pay for their freedom with mine. If I leave…they’ll just take my sister. There is no out for me.” Your eyes focused on the building below, not daring to face him.
“Sister?” Dick was quickly realizing how little he actually knew about you.
“Heh, yeah. I doubt she even remembers she has one. I got her out, found her a family. She was only four…I haven’t seen her since.”
“Huh, that’s why you actually dropped the act for a minute when you presented this case. I thought you were hiding something.”
“I was. My past.”
“How old were you?”
Silence rang through the night, as the two of you watched the building. Taking photos and notes of all the ins and outs. Finally, the two of you decided it was time to leave. Just as you pulled into the cave, Dick asked one more question…or tried to.
“Are you and Jason…”
“I’m going to let you talk to your brother about that one.” You interrupted his thought before scurrying out the door.
“Well, what did you find?” Tim eagerly awaited for another piece of the puzzle to fall into place.
“Didn’t see any kids, but there were definitely too many guards for a store called ‘Windows, Doors, and More’. Even if it is in Gotham.”
“So we check it out in the tomorrow during the day. By we, I obviously don’t mean you Y/N/N.”
“Yeah yeah Jay, I gathered.” The sarcasm dripped off your response.
“While we’re on that subject…” Now Tim and Damian had turned their attention to you as well. “We think you need a suit. A secret identity. These people found you too easily.”
You chuckled at the mere thought, “Yeah okay. I don’t have any family, there’s no point.” You didn’t notice the sorrow fill Jason’s eyes at your apathetic words.
“Fine, if you won’t do it for me then how about your sister. Just because she doesn’t know about you doesn’t mean others don’t.” Jason’s frustration was apparent.
Before you could comprehend the words, your fist collided with Jason’s jaw. Immediately, you stepped back. Your hands shaking.
“Hit me all you –” Before Jason could finish your hands cupped his face.
“No no no” you whispered more to yourself than him. A tear fell from your eye as your mind finally caught up. “Jay, I’m so sorry.” You pressed a kiss to his lips, then another, and another before enveloping him in a hug. “You’re right. I need to protect her. Protect you.” A faint smile grazed his lips and he pulled you from his chest, keeping his hands resting on your shoulders. The silence seemed to go on forever, until Damian couldn’t take it anymore.
“Finally! Now come see the suit we had designed for you.” It was the first time you had ever heard Damian Wayne excited for something.
You gave Jason a smirk, “You already had it made?”
“For almost a year now.”
“So you guys are together, right?!” You heard Dick’s confused voice bellow in the background. No one answered him.
The next day came and went and a plan was made. Your role was made minimal, and by minimal you meant being forced to sit as the look out on the rooftop across the street. Though you understood, you still couldn’t sit back and watch everything go down. You waited until you heard clear fighting happening in the warehouse when you made your way to the roof. Timing the break-in with a gunshot, you crashed through a second story window and made your way to a locked back room.
The five of you had narrowed the location of the children down to this room. It was the only thing that made sense, and you were determined to get these kids out. The lock was easy to pick, however, you were not expecting someone on the other side. Someone who knew exactly who you were, despite your newfound disguise.
“Oh look who saved me the trouble. I think I owe you another bullet for the number your friend did on my face.”
“Ya’know, he’s right outside…why don’t you just go pay it back now.”
“Somehow I think hurting you will do just that. But don’t worry, he’ll get his turn to.” As you pulled the gun holstered at your side the man delivered a swift jab to your injured side. The gun fell to the floor and you charged at him, dropping to the ground just before making contact and sweeping his legs from under him. He collapsed to the floor and you jumped on top of him, putting as much force as you could against his neck with your arm. As you felt your grip loosening you threw back your head and crashed in into his. You felt him go limp under your weight.
“Where the fuck are the kids.” You mumbled to yourself. You begin searching for a hidden panel or room. As you heard gunshots barrel through the warehouse, you looked down and noticed a locked hatch. Making quick work of the lock, you pulled the hatch open and were met with eight terrified eyes staring up at you.
“It’s okay, you’re safe now.” You reached your hand down, offering it to one of the children. After what seemed like hours, a brave soul took it in theirs. Thankfully, the others quickly followed. You soon realized you couldn’t get them out the same way you came in.
“Shit, alright guys. I need you to cover your ears.” You placed your hands over your ears as a demonstration before you set a small charge at the far wall. “Once this goes off you run through the opening and wait in the alley behind the next building. I’ll be there as soon as I can. I promise.” As the children nodded you set off the detonation, grabbed your gun, and positioned yourself between them and the door. You knew the noise would draw attention.
A man soon rounded the corner, only half the kids were out. You shot directly through his knee cap. He wasn’t alone. Upon hearing the shot, the second assailant somersaulted directly into your feet. You stumbled backwards, forcing the last child out of the opening. Your momentary loss of focus allowed the man to push you into the wall. He held one hand around your neck and the other around your wrist. He continued to slam your wrist into the wall until you were forced to drop the gun. You quickly latched your legs around his waist and jabbed your free arm into his side. His stumbled backwards, loosening his grip as he stumbled to stay upright with the additional weight. You pulled your other wrist from his grasp and launched it at his jaw. You heard a crack as your fist made contact. The hand at your neck flew towards his own jaw. As he was off guard, you fell into him, forcing him to fall backwards onto the ground. Just as you stumbled to get up, Jason raced into the room.
“This was not the plan!”
You smirked, “But it worked. Kids are in the next alley. Be a good birdie and go get them Nightwing.” Dick rolled his eyes but complied. Without a word, Damian and Tim joined him. Jason’s eyes trailed towards your neck, which was already starting to change color. Before he could berate you, you continued, your voice heavy. “They were kids Jay. They deserved a life. They deserved a choice.”
Jason pulled you into his chest, “They did, but now we have no one to question. There’s no way these idiots were the masterminds.”
“I know. I’m sorry.”
“Hey, we’ll figure it out. Together.”
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littlepumkinseed · 4 years
More FanFiction writing
Of course it’s Moroha X Hisui
(Guys they need a ship name-)
I’m not a good writer, just so everyone knows but
I love this pair so much even though their actions with each other have been small.
So this one sets place after they find their parents,
First off I don’t know how they're going to find them.
Second I’m just going to assume there was an amazing battle and they won, yay! And now Towa and her gang and the Inu gang, plus Kohaku-
And third I wrote this before I watched episode 5, and I did not see the Miroku cameo so just assume he was trapped along with everyone else.
Warning for Inu’s mouth
Everyone now are on their way home.
The newly freed parents are now beginning to notice the little things between their kids.
🥀 A Little Thing 🥀
God she was tiny. Tinier than Kagome and that was saying a lot when Inuyasha considered the size of his wife. Kagome stood right under his chin but Moroha, his baby girl, stood an inch or two under his shoulder.
She was a little thing, Moroha looked like a mini Kagome…. But she was just like him.
Now that worried him.
She was a handful when she was a child, he had always worried about her, but now he was now terrified.
Yesterday to him Moroha was only a four year old, small, wild, and innocent. Inuyasha had promised her the day she was born that she would never have to live what he’s lived through. That she would be raised with both a mother and a father with as much love that a child needed and more, and he failed. He wasn’t there, and she didn’t even have Kagome. She’s been alone for ten years.
Ten god damn years.
She’s grown up the same way he had, so it only makes sense that she would be just like him.
In the final battle Inuyasha noticed how Moroha charged in, he saw her attitude, how she seemed to have copied his best moves without ever learning from him. She fought with a sword like a pro even though when she was four she only ever played with a wooden sword. Her laugh though, that was all Kagome.
When she was four he had a lot of worries but now that she was older he had over a hundred.
His number one worry right now though was boys. The boy he’s worried about the most right now is Hisui, the monks own mini copy. Also from the talk of his brothers twins, it seems like Koga might have his own son.
Just his luck.
But sense he hasn’t met the little prick Hisui is the only one on his hit list.
He began to see the little things between Hisui and Moroha on their way home from the final battle.
Hisui was quick to offer Moroha help if looked like she needed it.
Moroha constantly teased Hisui, mostly about his hair. It looked neat and well groomed in the front but when it was up in the back it wasn’t small like Mirokus, Hisui’s hair was fluffy and tangled. Moroha tended to tug on it.
When the group was walking both Hisui and Moroha would slow down to joke and talk in the back.
Near the second day on their way back home they stopped by an inn. They were tired, some of them still even a little injured so they decided to stay the night. The Inn had a bath house, Sesshomaru's twins and Moroha went first, Hisui went with Kohaku to discuss with the demon slayers. Sango stayed, she said she was retired and didn’t want to spend her entire life fighting especially because she already lost ten years of it.
Sense all the kids have left he was going to pull Kagome aside to not only kiss her, because he’s only done that once in the past two days and he has ten years of kissing to catch up on, but he was going to tell her about the little Hisui thing but apparently Miroku wanted to bring it up first.
The moment Hisui left, Sango was spreading out the sleeping mats, and Kagome was sorting through her old yellow backpack, now Morohas.
“Isn’t this surprising people?! Not only are we alive and well, but! Our children are now young adults! And we are planning a wedding!”
Inuyasha chokes.
“Miroku what are you talking about?” Asked a skeptical Sango.
Inuyasha knew what he was talking about.
“Miroku, you've been back for less than a week and you're already playing matchmaker?” Asked his Kagome.
He was going to have to kill Miroku before he killed Hisui.
“Kagome from my experience you're the matchmaker here.” Bozo gestured to him and Sango. This caused his wife to laugh.
Maybe Inuyasha could snap his neck and make a run for it. Grap Moroha along the way, maybe Kagome would understand.
“Who’s getting married to Miroku?” Sango asked getting up from the bedding, crossing her arms.
“Why, Hisui and Moroha!”
“That’s wonderful!”
“And how would you know that husband of mine?”
“Kagome?! Why is this wonderful?! She’s fourteen!” Inuyasha practically screeched at his wife. “Calm down Inuyasha! She doesn’t have to marry him it’s just cute she has a boyfriend-“
“That’s what your friends from the future called me and we got married!”
“Well Inuyasha in our era it is appropriate for girls of 14 to wed.”
“Shut up Bouzo! In Kagome's era girls got married over the age of 18! You’ve been trying to get Hisui with Moroha since the day she was born!”
“Miroku tell me how you would know our son is marrying Moroha?” Sango hands were now on her hips as she stomped over to her husband.
“Don’t you see? The way he looks at her is the way I look at you Sango, and Moroha looks at him the way Kagome looks at you Inuyasha.”
“Well isn’t that beautiful? Too bad your son isn’t fit for Moroha.”
“Inuyasha! Hisui is a nice young man!”
“Um from what uncle Kohaku has told me I take after my mom more…”
The adults in the room froze.
Turning slowly they faced the sliding screen door. There stood an amused Kohaku and a flustered Hisui.
“You take after me..?” Sango asked quietly
The rather red Hisui gave a simple nod.
“OH THANK GOD” Sango cried and ran to her son and dragged him in an embrace.
“What's with all the commotion?” Towas voiced echoed from the hallway, coming around the corner the young youth stood with a towel around her shoulders, her white hair still wet from the bath. She reminded Inuyasha almost nothing of his brother.
“From what I can hear it’s about Hisui, what do you do this time?” Setsuna is the one that reminded him of his brother the most. She makes him shiver with her cold glare.
“Oh don’t yell at him Setsu!” His daughter's teasing voice rose as she pushed past the twins. Her hair was down, now she really was a mini Kagome.
Mini Kagome skipped over to Hisui, her wet hair left droplets of water on the ground as she moved.
Sango chuckled as Moroha elbowed her son, Hisui looked absolutely mortified.
Maybe if he’s scared of him Inuyasha wouldn’t have to kill him, he’ll just stay away from Moroha.
“I’m sure they're just teasing him! Isn’t that right Hisui? Wow your red.”
“Is someone going to tell us what you guys did to Hisui” Towa asked as she walked over to a sleeping mat.
“Well you see-“
“Don’t tell them Miroku!”
“But I-“
“I This stupidity has gone on long enough.”
“Why are you still here anyways!” Inuyasha hollered looking out the sliding door on the other side of their room where Sesshomaru stood outside looking at the forest.
“I’m here for my offspring.”
“Then why don’t you join them inside?”
“Because I would rather not get caught up in another one of your groups' love quarrels.”
Inuyasha was going to kill everyone but his wife and daughter. This
A love discussion, Moroha isn’t in love with Hisui. She isn’t going to marry anyone! They are going to go home and he’s going to raise her the best way he can with what little time he has left-
Oh god. Inuyasha sniffed the air, as did his daughter in the background.
He knew that scent and apparently so did his daughter.
“Sorry to cut the conversation short but I got to go!” Moroha yelped as she ran past Inuyasha and through the door passed Sesshomaru who was also sniffing the new scent that had entered the air.
“Inuyasha what is it?” Kagome asked besides him
“Fucking. Wolfs.” Inuyasha growled as he stomped out of the inn next to his brother as two whirlwinds zoomed over the grassy hills.
Coming to a stop the first whirlwind was easy to see.
Besides him a young youth appeared from the wind. One with a matching face of Koga’s.
Fuck. The wolf pup had a wolf pup.
This isn’t going to be a little thing.
@mandirox @misteria247 @nat-the-cat-123 @hopidoodle @dreamerredstreak @adorablemoroha @crazyimmunity92 @beanyboobee @nectarine500 @raevofdamned
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nights-legacy · 4 years
Hugs to Something More-Donnie
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Donnie 2003 – based on the song Something More by Aly & AJ
Requested by @nesting-dreams​
+Y/N doesn’t hug, like at all. For anyone. Except for when it comes to Donatello. Every time she sees him, she has to give him a hug. They’re not together or anything, she just enjoys his company. At least until both of them realize there might be something more there then they realize.
I ran down the walkway toward the lair. I could hear April and Casey laughing behind me as I ran ahead. I stopped when it came to the edge of the clearing, looking around to make sure there was no one around. I ran out and to the door. I entered the code before the click sounded, unlocking the door.
“Hurry up!” I called out standing in the doorway.
“Hold your horses little miss hyper.” Casey said as they made. He grabbed the door and let us through first. “We’re here Bozos!”
“Bozos? The only bozo here is you Jones!” Raph called back. “Well you and Mikey.”
“Hey!” Mikey yelled. We walked into the main room and saw them lounging about.
“Hey guys.” Leo greeted, throwing a ball at Raph’s head. That started a whole tossing war before the commotion drew out the one missing turtle.
“What’s going on out here?” He asked as held a wrench out. He saw the two and rolled his eyes. He turned and finally saw us. “Hey.” He said waving the wrench.
“Hey Don.” April said while sitting next to Mikey.
“Donnie!” I chirped before running over and hugging him on my tiptoes. He chuckles while wrapping the wrench-less arm around my waist.
“Hey Y/N.” He greeted before letting go. I moved off my tiptoes before pulling back. I stepped back and skipped off to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and pulled out a can of pop before jumping up on the counter.
“I don’t get it! She only does it with you! It’s no fair!” I jumped when I heard Mikey loudly whine. I furrowed my eyebrows, jumping down.
“Sh! Mikey, she will hear you.” I heard Donnie whisper shout followed by the sound of a smack. I stood next to the doorway, out of sight and listening. “I don’t know why I am the only one she hugs but I’m not complaining.”
“There’s got to be a reason behind it Mikey. Don’t push it. She may just not like physical contact.” Leo pipped in. I nodded even though I knew no one could see me.
“Not complaining huh?” I heard Raph tease. “What? Do you have a crush on our little Y/N? Hey, maybe that’s why she only hugs him. Maybe she has a crush on you Donnie.” I heard laughing and other teases.  
“Wh-what? No of course n-not!” I heard Donnie stuttered. “We’re just friends. You are so immature!” I heard him yell before I heard his footsteps disappear. I waked back to the counter and leant against it.
“Crush?” I thought to myself. The word was stuck in my head. It got me thinking. “Do I have crush on Donnie?” I kept thinking and asking myself is it true.
Donnie’s POV
I stormed back to my lab still hearing their laughter. I huffed as I tossed my wrench on the work bench. Sitting down, I thought about what Raph said. A crush? It’s impossible. They were just friends right? I leant back in my chair, trying to figure out his own mind.
“Do I like her?” He asked out loud. He started to think about her personality, her looks, her loyalty…how he smiled just at the thought and sight of her. He shook his head.
“Donnie?” Y/N asked. He looked at her surprised. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m alright.” I turned back to my computer, scratching the back of my neck. I heard her walking up behind me. She sat down in the chair that was next to my desk.
“You sure? Because you stormed off pretty fast after Raph teased you.” I nearly got whiplash by how fast I looked at her. I gapped.
“You heard?” She nodded. I gulped before looking down.
“I don’t know what to say. I don’t even know how to react to it.”
“Neither do I. Even the notion it…it stirred something…” She paused.
“Dormant. Feelings you didn’t know you had.” I finished. She looked at me and nodded. “Me too.”
“Well what do we…”
“Y/N we have to go!” April called into the lab. We looked at each other before Y/N got up. She looked like she wanted to say something before deciding not to. She waved as she left. I waved back before looking down.
“We are not ending the day like this.” I muttered before bolting up and running around.
I plopped down on the couch of my apartment. Leo had asked if we could pick up a few things for the lair. Luckily, he said we could bring it tomorrow when we came because He and Raph would be heading out not long after we left. Casey just dropped me off from our outing. Mine and Donnie’s admissions kept replaying in my head.
“What now?” I asked out loud. I sat in silence for a few minutes before a knock pulled me out of my trance. I looked over and saw Donnie outside my window. I got up and opened the window. “What are you doing here?”
“Well, I…” He took a big breath. He glanced down before looking me in the eye. “Let’s go for a ride.” I could tell there was more behind those words. I nodded and he stepped back. He helped me down to the ground.
“What are we taking?”
“I may or may not have barrowed Raph’s bike.” My eyes widen as I saw it parked a few feet away.
“He’s going to kill you.” He shrugged and walked over to the bike. He waved me over and motioned for me to get on. “You want me in front?”
“Yeah. It would be more comfortable for you. You don’t have to reach around and hold awkwardly to the shell. I can still stir even if you’re in front.” He explained. I nodded and got on the bike. I felt him sit behind me and a blush burst across my cheeks. I felt him set his hands on my hips before he slowly moved them to the handle bars.
“Let’s go.” I said. He chuckled and kicked the bike to life. I yelped as he took off fast. I held on tight to his arms, hair flying everywhere. He sped through city streets. The street lights flashed by like strobe lights. I cheered as he drifted around a corner. His turns and directions seemed calculated.
“Just a few more minutes.” He said into my ear. I nodded and waited patiently. He slowed to a stop just outside a huge, old Victorian building.
“Here?” I asked. He nodded and helped me off the bike. He led me around the back of the building. He lifted me onto his back and swiftly climbs up the building.
“Careful.” He said as he sat me down on a ledge. I looked down as he fiddled with window. He got it open and hopped inside. He helped me in and led me through the dark halls. He came to a door and gave me an excited look. He pushed the doors open and revealed a gigantic green house.
“My god, Donnie.” I ran inside and spun around. “This is amazing. How did you find this place?”
“By accident. Well, by a Mikey accident. He fell through an open panel in the roof.” He explained. He grabbed my hands and led me to an open window, overlooking the city. We sat down and he pulled out a bag that I had never seen. He pulled out some food boxes. “Here.”
“Thank you.” I opened it and saw a box of beignets. “Yes! It’s hard to find good beignets in New York. Thank you!” I grabbed one and chowed. I heard him laugh and open his box. We sat there and ate in silence.
“About earlier…I’m sorry. It was a very awkward way to find out about my feelings. Even if I didn’t even know about them myself.”
“Yeah, but it made me think about it to. Especially the only hugging you part. Leo was right when he said I don’t like physical contact. I let you hug me because ever since I met you, I’ve trusted you. I guess, from the very beginning…Little did I know before, we’ve always been something more.” I looked at him. His mouth was agape.
“You mean…” He trailed off. I smiled and scooted over. I pecked him on the cheek.
“Read the black and white screen, the lines in between.” He smiled and wrapped an around me. I set my head on his shoulder. “Remind me to give Mikey a hug next time I see him.”
“Alright. I think he deserves one after snowballing this whole thing.”
“Yes he does.” I quipped before taking another bite of a beignet. He chuckled.
“Something more. I like that.”
“Me too.” I said before turning to hug him.  
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Only Human
Chapter 13: Help and Who Gives It
The ragtag group had hidden in the next city over, taking a well-deserved rest. They rested so much that it took repeated knocks on the van door to wake them up. Marcus groaned and got up groggily. “G-Go away, Cally, I’m tryna sleep...” 
“Wha...?” Cally mumbled, sitting up. “I was asleep.” 
Marcus jerked his head up and looked around. “Wha - If that’s not you, then who’s knocking?” 
“I... I dunno. Get your handgun ready,” Cally said, slowly walking up to the door to look and see who was there. 
On the other side was a RED Sniper, dressed in strange, camo-like attire. Cally closed her eyes, looking through the information she’d seen from HECU’s database. P_ss Cakehole was the Freak who matched this one's description, and he was a very, very hostile Freak. 
“Marcus, wake up Spyper. We may need him.” 
“Who’s at the door?” 
“P*ss Cakehole. A very hostile Freak.” 
“Wha - Why is he bothering us!?” 
“I don’t know. Heck, I don’t even know why he isn’t shoving a saw through the van door.” 
“Yeah... please get Spyper.” 
Marcus proceeded to run to the front of the van to get the hybrid Freaks’ attention. “Spyper! Spyper, wake up! P_ss Cakehole is LITERALLY knocking on the front door!” 
“Nghhh... Wake me up when the pancakes are ready, Mommy,” Spyper mumbled drowsily. 
“SPYPER!” Marcus screamed, shaking the Freak by his shoulders. 
Spyper jumped in shock. “WHAT?!” 
Spyper nodded and teleported behind P*ss, and Cally was treated to a view of two Freaks having a knock-down, drag-out fight. 
“This is not what I wanted to wake up to at 8 in the morning,” Marcus complained, watching the two Freaks go at it outside. 
It didn’t take long for P*ss to start wrestling Spyper. “I didn’t come here to hurt the little twerps, let me go!” 
“Then what are you here for!?” 
“I’m here because I wanna help!” 
“...The hell are you talking about?” 
“Let me in and I’ll tell you.” 
Spyper let Cakehole go and got to his feet, glaring at the Freak. “If this is some kind of trick…” 
“No trick, I swear.” 
Spyper walked around Cakehole and opened the van door, still glaring at him. “I’m holding you to that.” 
Marcus pointed a gun out the door, right at Cakehole’s head. “Hey. Sorry about this, but you can never be too careful.” 
“Now what do you want? You never show up ‘just to help.’” 
“Can we tie him up first?” Marcus asked. “I’d feel way more comfortable.” 
Spyper tilted his head towards Cakehole with a shrug. “Sorry, we gotta.” 
Five minutes later, P_ss was tied to a chair with a sh_t-eating grin on his face and the business end of Marcus’s gun rested against his head, Marcus himself behind the Sniper. 
“Alright, spill it.” 
“Well, the main thing is, I’m bored, and you guys are being hunted. It looks like fun.” 
“...That’s it?” 
“That’s it. I get to entertain myself, you get help.” 
“...No tricks?” 
“No tricks.” 
Spyper squinted. “Why do I not trust you?” 
“Because we don’t get along. But you need me.” 
“For what?” 
Marcus glared. "Yeah. We've been doing just fine by ourselves." 
“Boy, you got your a$$ whooped yesterday,” Cally frowned. 
"And I'm still alive." 
“You got into a fight with ol’ Brutal, eh?” P_ss remarked, looking back at Marcus. 
"Yeah. And isn't he your homie? How do I know he didn't send you here to give us that work?" 
“Because I hate ‘em. Brutal and me ain’t friends by a long shot.” 
"What happened?" 
“He went after you. And I don’t get near kids when it comes to my carving collection, so I certainly don’t want anyone else doing anything similar. That’s the other reason I’m here.” 
"So this is a case of evil having standards?" 
P_ss shrugged. “I guess so.” 
Marcus crossed his arms. "Give me one good reason not to throw you out on your *ss." 
“Because I see stone in your eyes. And in her eyes,” P_ss said, tilting his head to Cally. “And I wanna hurt the guy who put it there.” 
Marcus locked eyes with P*ss. "Can you?" 
P_ss met Marcus’ steely gaze. “I’m P_ss f_cking Cakehole. Of course I can.” 
Marcus turned to Cally, who turned to Spyper. 
“He can,” Spyper nodded. “I’ve seen him put Brutal on his a$$ several times.” 
"In that case, welcome to the… whatever the f*ck we're gonna call ourselves. We'll introduce you to Ari when he wakes up. Hurt or intimidate them and you die." 
“I wouldn’t dream of it, kid.” 
As hours passed, Marcus began to grow tired of being on the road for so long. Or rather, sky.
“How much longer until HECU? I thought you said it wasn’t far! And Ari really needs some medical attention!”
“I know! I’m going as fast as I can without being noticed by other Freaks!”
Ari was talking to P*ss. “So how old are you?”
“44,” P*ss shrugged. “It’s hard to keep up sometimes when you don’t even have a calendar.” 
Marcus huffed. “You look the part,” he said, cleaning his gun. “How long you been a Freak? And how’d it happen?” 
“Honestly, I can’t even remember. Just that I’ve been one for awhile.” 
“So,” Ari said, “how come you and Mr. Brutal are enemies? Is it just because he wants to hurt us?” 
“Eh, me and him have never really gotten along all that well.” 
“I thought Snipers got along. Respect for the job or something.” 
“Nah. He barely counts as a Sniper with how up close he likes to fight.” 
Marcus shrugged. “He and I agree there. Always satisfying to deck an *sshole who’s been all up in your grill.” 
Cally glanced out of the van’s back window and noticed a clearing coming up on the road, a chapel standing at the end of the path. “Wait, where are we?”
“Pit stop. This is where one of our friends live,” Spyper said, hopping out of the front seat. “If you need to use the bathroom or grab something to eat, do it now.” 
“Hey, this is Christian Pure Spy’s chapel,” Cally frowned. 
Ari whimpered. “I-Isn’t he dating Mr. Brutal?” he asked, hugging Marcus’s arm. 
“He is, but he’s never home at this time of day,” Intelligent assured, stepping out of the van. “The place should be empty.” 
Marcus nodded. “I’ll keep my gun ready. Just in case.” 
The trio of Freaks and the trio of teens stepped out of the van and headed inside the chapel, which did appear to be completely vacant. The lights were switched off and the church was eerily silent. 
“Alright, this place is clear. Get everything you need to do out of the way and let’s get going.” 
Marcus nodded, heading to find some medical supplies and ammo. Entering the kitchen, Marcus rummaged around the cabinets and drawers in search of whatever he could scrounge together. Bandages, antibiotics, painkillers, anything he could use to stave off the pain and potential infection of Ari’s wound. 
A search he immediately forgot upon hearing something shift behind him. Swiftly spinning around, Marcus had his gun drawn in seconds. However, he lacked a target. All that was behind him was a thin veil of sparkling blue smoke hanging in the air. 
"I swear I saw..."  Marcus lowered his gun ever so slightly and looked back and forth in search of whatever had made the noise. What he found instead was a trail of more sparkling smoke leading out of the kitchen and back into the nave of the chapel. 
"F*CK THAT!" Marcus cried, running for the nearest window. 
“Hey, HEY! The hell are you doing!?” A voice cried out, and the sparkling smoke suddenly reached out and grabbed Marcus, pulling him back to the floor mid-leap. 
Marcus wasted no time, grabbing his gun. "BREAK YOSELF, FOOL! GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME RIGHT NOW-" 
“HEY! Calm down!” The keeper of the voice yelped, and Marcus was both dumbfounded and terrified to find himself staring at what looked like a 14th century court jester, complete with the jingling hat and the frills about the neck, wrists, and ankles. 
"AW, HELL NAH, THIS SOME PENNYWISE SH_T!" Marcus screamed, promptly decking the jester in the face, which made a bizarre squeaking noise on impact before the clown hit the floor.
“OW! You know, even though that doesn’t injure me, that still hurts!” 
"Good! Get on the ground now!" 
“What the hell is going on in here!?” Spyper shouted, running into the kitchen with his kukri drawn. “Where’s the danger!?” 
Marcus glared at the figure. "Here. Who's this bozo?" 
“What the-” Spyper let out a sigh of relief and lowered his knife. “Oh, that’s just Count Jester. They’re a friend.” 
"...they are?" 
Jester nodded in response and leapt to their feet. “That I am!”
“They are,” Spyper confirmed, holstering his kukri. “Sorry if they scared you. I know not everyone is comfortable with clowns.”
“Jesters,” Jester clarified. 
"...explain, please." 
“How I’m friends with them?” Spyper asked. 
“Yeah. And just… this.” 
“Eh?” Jester tilted their head. 
“This. All this.” 
Jester looked down at themself and shrugged. “Blame the Jar for that.” 
Jester reached under their hat and produced a golden idol with a ruby heart set into it. “Long story short: I used to be a normal human, I got sealed inside this thing, and it's magic turned me into this.” 
“Uh...” Marcus stepped back. 
“That is a severely abridged version of events. We’d be here all day unpacking what went down,” Spyper clarified. 
“And we can’t risk that.” 
“No. Anyways, Count Jester here is completely harmless and wouldn’t hurt you even if they wanted to. They lack any and all offensive capabilities.”
“You can also blame the Jar for that,” Jester added. 
Marcus slowly put the gun back. “Okay then...” 
“I know, it sounds really weird, but being weird is my entire existence now.”
“What’s going on!? Who’s in danger!?” Cally shouted, running into the kitchen with a bat, Ari following close behind.
“Ah, it’s alright! Mostly,” Marcus shouted back, raising a hand to his friends. “It was just a clown.” Then he turned to Jester. "Sorry for almost blowing your head off."
“Eh, it’s alright. I can just reattach my limbs at will.”
“...Anyways,” Spyper cleared his throat. “Jester, this is Marcus, Cally, and Ari. You’ve probably seen Marcus before since a lot of people recorded his and Brutals brawl a few days ago.” 
“Easy, Marcus,” Ari said, patting him on the back. 
"Sorry. Just on edge." 
“Wait, that was you Brutal was fighting?” Jester quizzed. 
"Yeah. And I got my _ss handed to me." 
“It’s actually why we’re currently on the run. Ari got hurt in the fight,” Spyper explained, motioning to the layers of bandages wrapped around Ari’s torso. 
Ari frowned. "It's not that bad, really." 
“We ran out of bandages in the van,” Spyper deadpanned. 
"But I'm alive and I can walk…?" 
“And you’re still hurt!” Jester cried. “Poor thing, that’s a really nasty injury. You’d need a full team of doctors to get this thing treated properly.” 
"And even then, Brutal doesn't seem to take good care of his weapons. A bad enough infection from the rust could kill her in half the time a surgery could take," Cally added. 
“Well, it’s a good thing I’m here, then!” Jester grinned. “I’ve got an infirmary with the best team of doctors on the planet. Come on, I’ll take you there!” 
Marcus frowned. "Where is this place?" 
“It’s Jesterland! A pocket dimension I created!” 
“Oh, HELL nah! A pocket dimension you completely created? You could subtract us from the human population and no one would find our bodies!” 
“Now just calm down, I’ve been to Jesterland. It’s physically impossible to get hurt in there,” Spyper assured. 
“...you’re sure?” 
“Yes, I’m sure. The entire dimension is basically one giant amusement park and petting zoo.” 
Marcus sighed. “...listen here. I’m trusting you on this. I find anything fishy or they do anything to us and it’s a wrap. Got it?” 
“Understood,” Spyper nodded. “Alright Jester, do your magic!”
Jester grinned and rubbed their hands together, sparkling smoke building up around their hands and arms. When the smoke had covered their arms completely, they tossed it over the Trio and the Freaks and snapped their fingers. In an instant, everyone was whisked away from the chapel and were sent tumbling through a tunnel of light that descended downwards at a breakneck pace. 
“It’s ok, this happens all the time!” Spyper shouted. “We’re just in between dimensions right now!” 
“We’ll be in Jesterland in no time!” Jester called.
Cally sighed. “This is gonna suck.” 
As they reached the end of the tunnel, a portal opened up beneath them and everyone soon found themselves falling from the skies of a giant amusement park that was enveloped in a brilliant glow. 
“Wow,” Ari beamed, so wrapped up in the sights that he didn’t even notice the bandages flying off their torso. 
Approaching the ground, Marcus frantically covered his face and braced himself for impact - which never came as a cloud of blue smoke enveloped him right before he hit the ground, and the smoke gently sat him down, completely unscathed. 
“Wh-” Marcus blinked rapidly and looked around, watching the rest of the Freaks and his friends being gently set onto the ground before Jester finally joined them, landing square on their feet. “How did you...” 
“Magic,” Jester grinned, blue sparkles flashing from their hands. 
“I... you know what? As long as you can help Ari I’m not gonna say sh*t.” 
“Great! Then let’s get going!” Jester shuffled past Marcus and headed towards a giant gateway. Clapping their hands thrice in succession, the gates creaked open and revealed the amusement park inside, which was even more brilliant and glowing than before. “Welcome to Jesterland! The greatest show not on Earth!” 
“Please don’t remind me of that. I’m compromising enough as it is.” 
“Someone’s paranoid,” P*ss sing-songed. At which point he was quickly smacked by Spyper. “Ow! What was that for?!” 
“Stop needling him.”
Heading into Jesterland proper, the Trio were met with an array of sights and sounds. Music seemed to play around every corner and the air was filled with the delicious scent of freshly baked cakes and pies. 
Marcus had his hands in his pockets, a guarded look in his eyes as he surveyed the area. 
“If you guys are hungry, help yourselves to whatever you like!” Jester said, gesturing to the many food stalls around them. “There’s plenty to go around!” 
Cally beamed. “This is so cool! Where are the brownies?” 
“The brownie and cookie stall is just to the left,” Jester said, pointing further down the street. 
“Thanks!” Cally ran off as a group of doctors gathered around Ari, leading him away. 
With Ari being treated, Marcus scouted out everything surrounding the Infirmary, still wary about Jester and their dimension. Jesterland looked bright and friendly, but the amusement park still gave Marcus a sense of unease even when it shouldn’t have. Even the bizarrely adorable creatures that called Jesterland home - the Funna - seemed dangerous to Marcus, even as one of them was purring and rubbing against his leg and another was asking for belly rubs. 
He touched the creature apprehensively, then pulled away like it would poison him if he touched it. But the critter simply squeaked, waving it’s nubby paws in the air playfully as it began to purr as well. Marcus tentatively reached down again, gently scratching the creature's belly.
“...this is too good to be true. It has to be.” 
“Hello again!” Jester called, floating up to Marcus with another creature in their arms. “I see you found some of my Funna.” 
“...what now?” 
“Funna,” Jester clarified, pointing to the creatures around Marcus. “My Funna. They’re all my creations.” 
“The f*ck.”
“Hey, you’re in Jesterland. This place is weird and whimsical by nature.” 
Marcus nodded apprehensively.
“Do you want to see the rest of Jesterland?” 
Jester sighed and set down the Funna in their arms. “Do you wanna talk? I know you guys haven’t had the best experiences with Freaks.” 
“Ladies and gentlemen, the understatement of the year goes to...” Marcus sharpened his knife. “You know, just two weeks ago I was the star athlete in my school. Captain of the football team, baseball team, and basketball team, and I had the highest swimming stats to boot. Now I’m practically a fugitive.”
“Yeah, I was talking to Spyper about that. I’m really sorry you and your friends had to go through all that.” 
“Heh… It sucked, I’ll tell you that.” 
“Sorry…” Jester wrung their hands together, then turned their gaze to the sky as a gale force wind suddenly slammed down over the streets. Looking up, Marcus’s jaw nearly dropped to the ground as an impossibly colossal amber dragon swooped overhead, riding on a pair of wings adorned in golden feathers. 
“What’s that? WHAT’S THAT?!” Marcus screamed, frantically reaching for his weapon.
“Wait, WAIT! Calm down, that’s just Ray! I can assure you that she’s not gonna hurt you!” 
“Actually she’s more like, 200 times your size-” Jester paused, then remembered their situation when Marcus’s hand went instinctively for his weapon. “But that isn’t important because she’s friendly! That’s High Empress Ray. Mother of Quetzcoo’s and Crown Jewel of Jesterland. She wouldn’t dream of hurting you or anyone else.” 
“You don’t reach such a position of power as Empress by not being able to clap anyone you want,” Marcus hissed, glaring at Jester. 
Jester remained silent for a moment, their eyes darting around. “I mean…” 
“So yeah, if you don’t mind, I’m gonna get Cally and Ari and get the f_ck outta this place before Big_ss Dragon up there decides I should have an immediate board meeting with my ancestors,” Marcus said, getting up. 
“Wait, hang on! Ray is empress of this place because she’s second-in-command. And because she’s the only one here who can actually fight. But I assure you, she’s not gonna hurt you. She’s like a giant mom for everyone here.” 
“On your mama?” 
“...I don’t know if you’re being rhetorical or not because she’s literally modelled after my mom.” 
“Oh. Uh... in my neighborhood, if you put something on your mama it’s one of the highest forms of promise or assurance you can give. You essentially promise that what you’re saying is true or something bad can happen to her, and you love her enough to not lie.” 
“Oh. Well, then yeah, I swear on my mama. Quite literally.” 
Marcus nodded. “...alright. I’m trusting you.” 
Jester smiled and whistled up to Ray as she landed nearby. “Hey, Ray! Come say hello!”
Marcus paled and clenched his fists instinctively when the colossal amber dragon turned her attention to him and Jester and craned her massive head down to their level. She was so impossibly large that Marcus was barely the size of a single feather on her head. 
Marcus, being the sensible and somewhat paranoid person the previous couple weeks had turned him into, made the logical decision to deal with this turn of events. “Nope. F*ck this. I’m out.” 
“Wait. I’m not going to hurt you,” a gentle voice called out, one that was startlingly calm and quiet for such a large creature. 
“I’m Ray. You must be Marcus.”
“Sorry for startling you. Sometimes I forget about my own size.” 
Marcus took a breath. “I probably woulda been startled anyway. You know, because fugitive.”
“What a shame,” Ray churred. “A pity. You and your friends having to run from something that was forced upon you.” 
Marcus nodded. “Yeah. And now we have to go stop what seems like a good idea at the start. Well, we don’t have to, but we’re gonna do it anyway because they asked for it by attacking us.” 
“What!? That’s terrible!” 
“Yep. Because for some reason we’re the only ones who can stop the plan we would barely have noticed or pawned off to people who didn’t have the right qualifications if we’d just been left to our own devices. Cally was gonna go to the cops with what she knew initially.” 
“What you are facing is serious. I take it that your friends have been heading to HECU for help,” Ray said, tilting her head to Intelligent and Spyper. “HECU was built to handle unnatural threats, after all.” 
“Yeah. And every time we stopped at a town, our pals were there to greet us. Though I learned that I can feel people’s presence when they’re not even touching me because my sense of touch is just that good, so there’s that.” 
“That’s why it’s taking us forever to actually get there,” Spyper added, setting down a drink he’d picked up from one of the food stalls. “Brutal and his little posse keep chasing us around and I can barely keep the van on course because of it.” 
“You’d think he’d bring more heavy hitters,” Marcus said. “Hasn’t he got some friends in high- well, high in the evil motherf*cker world- places?” 
Jester huffed. “I still can’t believe Brutal is going after you. You guys are kids!” 
“Yeah. I mean, I tricked him into getting close enough with his guard down that I could put two in him, but still! I was scared, the f*ck did he want me to do?!” 
“Why is he even going after you? He’d never go after kids like this before now.” 
“He wants the plan to work. And it was a good premise; every kid’s dream. But we’re apparently too big of a risk.” 
“What even is this plan? And why is Brutal in on it?”
“Wait, Jester? You haven’t heard about any of this?” Spyper looked surprised as he turned to Jester. “It’s pretty much all we’ve been able to focus on for the past few days.” 
Intelligent nodded. “It’s been the gossip of the Freak community. I didn’t believe it until Spyper and I met those three off an edge. Cally had a nasty bump on her head.” 
“Unless you’ve had your head stuck in the parties around here, there’s no way you haven’t heard of it,” Spyper nodded.
“Well...No, I haven’t. I mean, Polite told me a few days ago that Brutal was going after a few people, and I was hoping he wasn’t going after you kids, but that’s about it.” 
Intelligent tilted his head. “You need to come to the bar more. We gather there to talk about the times and it’s a ceasefire.” 
“You guys know I don’t like gossiping,” Jester groused. “Anyways, I had no idea Brutal was in on any kind of plan. What even is the ‘plan?’” 
Intelligent opened his mouth to reply, then froze. “Wait. Where’s Marcus?” 
“He left while you were talking,” Ray said. 
“When has he ever been quiet enough to sneak off?!” 
“Marcus! MARCUS!” Spyper shouted, scanning the immediate area for any sign of the teenager. “He was just in front of us, how did he disappear so quickly!?” 
Marcus, for his part, had made record time across Jesterland to find Cally, who was in line for a ride. “Cal! You okay?” 
“Huh? Yeah, I’m fine. Just waiting to get on the Teacups,” She replied, motioning to the ride she was waiting to board. “You ok? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” 
“I... I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” 
“Yeah, I’m fine,” She smiled, patting Marcus’ arm. “Hey, you can relax here for the time being. This place has got everything. We can loosen up a bit before we hit the road again.” 
“Maybe it’s just me, but I can’t help but feel something off.” 
“We’re in a giant amusement park made by a glorified clown,” Cally remarked. “It’s gonna feel a bit off just because of that. Especially since you’re afraid of clowns.” 
“IT scared the sh*t outta me, thank you very much!” 
“Like I said, scared of clowns,” Cally snickered. 
“Girl who freaked out at Child’s Play says what?” 
Cally proceeded to smack Marcus on the arm. 
“Chill with that. Better sense of touch.” 
“Right, sorry. Uh...So, have you heard from the Infirmary yet? Jester said they should be out in a few minutes.” 
“No. You don’t think Ari was poisoned or didn’t make it, do you?” 
“No, of course not. Believe me, I checked around his room before she was admitted. There’s nothing dangerous in there.” 
Marcus nodded. 
“Come on, we can go check on them just to make sure.”
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