#because nothing needs to be perfect and healthy and Fine to just be whatever it is
stevieschrodinger · 5 months
I don't know, ficlet AU sort of thing.
Alpha Steve has a YouTube channel that, kind of, started by accident. Steve is not the most confident reader, like, at all. The words get kind of muddled and he got into a habit of just sort of trying to rush it, figuring he was going to mess it up anyway, so get it over with, right? And then he just sort of stops reading, even though he enjoyed it, because he couldn't get his brain to slow down and the muddling got worse and...yeah.
So one day, his platonic soul mate bestie suggests he read out loud. To someone. If he reads every word out one at a time, knowing it has to be clear enough for the other person to follow, that'll slow him down.
So, he tries it, but only for Robin. And it sort of works, kind of, and then she hits on him using something so he can only see the line he's reading, like a bit of card with a letterbox cut in it, and...Steve is on fire.
The words don't get muddled up so much, and his reading is slow and even, and he needs to read to someone, and Robin can't always be there. It becomes his own pet project, he reads out little bits of books he likes, parts of articles he has enjoyed, poems, whatever, and starts his own little you tube that has like, five followers, and they're all people he knows.
And then suddenly, almost overnight, Steve finds himself with four thousand followers. A very large portion of them are very clearly Omega, from the comments, and Steve suddenly finds himself with a lot of fans who are using his videos for white noise. He's literally reading thousands of Omegas off to sleep.
Which is...nice. Steve likes it. The hits and followers on his videos seem to settle down after a couple of weeks, and then, after having so many comments about how settling Steve's voice is, how the Alpha is relaxing and safe. Steve thinks fuck it.
As a test, he makes a ten minute video directly for that audience. He builds a nest, films it POV. He films the view of someone walking through the bedroom door, of what they would see as they climb into the nest, then resting the camera on his own chest.
Then he starts talking. Tells the omega how perfect they are, how much he cares for them, wants to protect, keep safe. How soft they are as he pets them, how warm and cosy they are in their nest. How snuggles with the omega are Steve's favourite thing.
He deliberately keeps everything as vague and gender neutral as he can. The video fucking explodes. Goes viral. Millions of hits, thousands and thousands of followers. Robin and the kids think it's hilarious, and encourage him to keep going, claiming he's doing a public service.
Hundreds of copycats spring up, but no one pulls it off quite like Steve.
He knows there are Omega out there getting off to his videos, despite there being absolutely nothing sexual about them, but Steve figures, whatever makes people happy.
He gets so many positive comments, omega telling him how much comfort he brings them. He has some regular commenters that he gets to know, too, which is nice. Sometimes he even takes requests, small things, the colour of his shirt, the time of day he shoots his videos, certain words and phrases.
One supportive commenter always stands out though : EdDio86. Steve's pretty sure he's male omega, and he's always so grateful when Steve posts a new video. The guy clearly has a lot of trouble sleeping, and apparently Steve really helps. They have a little back and forth in the comments, learning little bits about one another. Steve likes this omega.
Steve also gets the impression the omega is sorely lacking any comfort in his life. Considering the length of his comments, the guy never asks for anything.
Until he does.
At the end of a comment, always ever so politely thanking Steve, EdDio86 admits he's 'in a bit of a pickle' and could Steve, please, do a video where 'the omega' is with pup? Could Steve tell the omega that the pup is fine, and healthy, and that the omega is doing good and the pup is okay and everything will be okay...but cool if not. Bit of a weird request, I know, sorry to be a bother.
And Steve suddenly doesn't give a shit about the consequences of just,,,dropping his personal email out into the world like that, because he wants to tell this guy these things personally.
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
Intimidation Ranking / Yan Sumeru Boys.
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Kaveh — 2/10
Like... he's writing your names next to one another in his notebook and drawing a heart around it. Kaveh isn't inspiring much fear in the traditional sense. You find him endearing more than anything. He visibly brightens up when you're around, stares off into the horizon and sighs when you're not. His more socially unacceptable tendencies are kept under lock and key (such as his innumerable blueprints for how he'll build your house when you get married, despite how you're both only friends). His romantic rivals don't have to fear for their lives as much as they would if put up against the others on this list. That being said, he still has his methods for dealing with them. It's more psychological in nature. Once he's cemented himself as an important figure in your life, he'll 'exaggerate the truth' (he thinks the word lying has a negative connotation), about any rivals' negative traits. He does this covertly over increments of time so as not to arouse any suspicion. You couldn't possibly look at Kaveh and suspect any wrongdoing on his part.
Alhaitham — 5/10
Alhaitham is weird because he has the potential to rank high, but he'd rather not go that route if it isn't necessary. Outsourcing to criminals would require extra work. He'd prefer to stay in the realm of legality for convenience's sake, perhaps pushing gray areas, but nothing that'll require a major coverup. Just a little good old-fashioned coercion if you're being stubborn about returning his affections. He's crafty, he needn't get his hands dirty to obtain the outcome he desires. Should you be of an academic inclination, he'll utilize his influence in those spheres to impede your progress. There's no physical evidence so you have no means of retaliation. Given his dispassionate demeanor, people will have a hard time believing you should you tell them about this. Alhaitham himself will utilize a similar tactic should you ever confront him. His sound logic and steady voice make you wonder if you really are imagining everything. It's maddening.
Cyno — 7.5/10
Cyno is a force of nature. Once he's set his sights on you, that's it. While it isn't you who needs to be frightened per se, the same cannot be said for those he deems as questionable influences in your life (basically anyone who isn't him that receives your attention). He has the authority and resources to comb through their entire bloodline for any potential wrongdoings. No one's lived a perfect life, he's bound to find something, even if it just ends with them having to pay a fine. Still, in a highly competitive area like Sumeru, having anything on their record is a death sentence. Rumors start circulating that anyone who hangs out around you is subject to meticulous background checks. No one knows why, but that doesn't matter, the risk alone serves as a sufficient deterrent. If they cheated on a test when they were ten, Cyno is going to find out. The man's nothing if not determined. Cyno genuinely thinks he's doing this in your best interest — his conscience is crystal clear. This adds another layer of formidability because there will be no convincing him to stop.
Wanderer — 9/10
As Scaramouche, it would've been a 10/10, but he's had some character development. Emphasis on the word some. Nahida considers his budding attachment to you a healthy development, especially since you're the first person he's taken an active interest in without her involvement. He's keen on maintaining this innocent, well-meaning façade since he's still under surveillance for his previous crimes. This unintentionally works wonders for him. While he still has a sharp tongue, the fact he actively chooses to be in your general vicinity proves you're special to him. You think he's harmless, if not a touch blunt. He's perpetually hanging around and offering to help with whatever you're up to. You're happy, Nahida's happy, and surprisingly enough, he's happy. This cannot be said for anyone else in your friend group. He increases his unpleasantness when around them, never to an incriminating degree, but just enough to give them pause. They'd rather not deal with him and he's always around you, like a miserable little forcefield that repels any outside force. Wanderer may not be free to wreak havoc anymore, but all that means is that he has to get creative about it. Nahida's lack of omnipotence gives him enough room to slink around. Where there's a will, there's a way.
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bsverryin · 10 months
: ̗̀➛ Healthy breakup with HSR men
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╰┈➤ Jing yuan, Blade, Welt, Gepard, Loucha, Dan heng (separately)
╰┈➤ you're their lover but nothing are just meant forever.
✎ ANGST !! ⚠️I think I rushed blade too much its bad idontreallylikeit...They like you and you like them and you started dating but you aren't meant to be. This was the first thing that came to my mind when I heard laufey's song "promise" so I recommend that you guys listen to it while reading <3 I tried my best to make it a really healthy breakup so I hope everyone's satisfied with it <3😔 I cannot assure you of perfect grammar so please enjoy!!
: ̗̀➛ BLADE
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Dating blade wasn't easy, it never was. Blade doesn't know how to show his love and his genuine feelings to you, at first it was fine. Knowing that blade feels the same way for you, it was more than enough. You dated him for months and you're the one who's really affectionate towards him, he hates physical touch which you love. He doesn't let his guard down but for once he did, to you and for you.
However this time it's different, it's not the same anymore. You dated blade for a few months, you didn't expect that it would end this soon. You can't meet blade everyday which was fine for you at first but hardships came and came where you just need him for yourself. You talked to blade about running away together but he hated the idea because being a stellaron hunter was his thing, you fought that night that you both didn't talk for weeks. That was the time where you thought you were about to break up but you fixed it afterwards, you both didn't want to end your relationship that time but this time,
You both were just so sure to put an end into whatever you both had. It was a mutual decision. He wanted to break up because he couldn't focus enough whenever he was with you and he wasn't used to your affections and he couldn't get used to it whatever he does he's scared that he'll hurt you more in the future that's why he thinks it's better to break up now. You on the other side had to break up with him because you could see that he wasn't comfortable with you, it feels like you're giving him more responsibility when you're with him.
"thank you for this past months, Y/N." He said while you're both standing in a dark hallway in xianzhou.
"I can say the same." You gave him a weak smile but your tone was sad and low.
"Let's just meet again. Okay?" You nod as he left you alone.
The feelings came when he finally left you alone, you wanted to run and say you still love him and just come back. But it's not something you know you should do, you have to let it go because you're a busy person yourself. It's part of your life to meet people who aren't destined for you but you still wished to. You both weren't just compatible for each other and you had to accept it to finally move on.
: ̗̀➛ LOUCHA
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During the first month of dating Loucha, there were no flaws at all. This man is really sweet whether you both are in private or public places. He always tries his best to show you how much he appreciates and loves someone like you. He says sorry first whenever you fight, he's the greenest flag that you'll ever have. He's sweet and there for you all the time.
However this time, you're the problem. No matter how many times he assures you that it's fine that you don't see each other for awhile, you couldn't bring yourself to just accept it. You're a traveller and you have a long road ahead of you. It was hard for you to include Loucha while thinking about the future for yourself, you have a dream that you want to achieve without anyone's help so when you told Loucha that you wanted to break up because you want to pursue your dreams, all he gave you was his gentle smile.
"No need to apologize for prioritizing your dreams, Y/N. I understand how big this is for you and I want you to feel contented and fulfilled, keep chasing your dreams and I'll support you in any way I can."
"I knew you'd understand, Loucha. I promise I'll come back once I achieved my dream. I hope you'll be waiting for me by then, but if there is any chance that someone caught your eye then make sure to be happy, I love you." You couldn't really stop yourself from crying but you really did try, Loucha gave you a big hug. He left after making sure that you're not crying anymore.
You knew this day would come when you have to put your dreams first, making sure there was no distraction. Loucha wasn't a distraction but the more you look at him, the more you want to achieve your dreams, but still you know yourself that you'll feel much happier with him but the happiest when you reach your dreams while you're in his arms.
: ̗̀➛ GEPARD
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Loving Gepard was so pure and innocent. Citizens often compliment you both whenever Gepard has his day off and you're walking around belobog with him while taking a picture. One thing you love about being in a relationship with him was taking a picture together on your polaroid then sticking it in your room wall. Your room was full of gepard's blushing photo and stolen polaroid pictures, then your pictures together. Words are never enough to describe what you both had because it was just so perfect.
You shower each other with sweet words every single day so why is it that you have to break up with him before your 1st year of relationship together? Yes, your relationship was young,wild and free. You love him everyday like there's no tomorrow and you can be yourself especially around him.
So when you found out that you had to move nations from belobog to xianzhou you immediately called him the next day and cried into his arms, you didn't want to leave him and if you had the choice whether to stay or leave, you wanted to stay beside him. But then, you had to for your family and for your future. You can't do anything about it so all you did was tell him that you'll miss him. The good thing was the phones exist so it won't be much of a problem as long as you contact each other everyday. However, you really can't force someone if they're not meant for you.
Weeks have passed since you moved to xianzhou, you still decorated your room with each other's photographs because it's all that you ever had. You call and chat with him everyday but it's never the same.
"You see, Y/N.. Something recently happened here in belobog that requires my whole attention, my guarding became more stricter than usual. I have to do this for the sake of our nation. It's the best for us to part ways for now." You're in a call with him, you weren't expecting him to end it all through calls but where else can he do that when he can't really see you? You felt more hurt knowing in just a few days you'll have your 1st year anniversary together.
"It's alright, you have your duties and I do too, recently I've been helping around xianzhou. It gets busier here too. I understand, Gepard. This is for the better." Was all that you can say, in reality you weren't that busy at all because, no matter what happens you will always put aside your work for Gepard.
When you're looking at the box full of photographs you had with gepard, you found a picture that you've never seen at all. It was a picture of you holding the flowers that Gepard bought for you for the first time. It has a note in the back of the picture saying.
"You're as beautiful as the flowers I bought today. Y/N." And the date of the 1st month you had together.
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Jing yuan is the greenest flag ever, He makes sure to balance his work and you and the attention he gives you is always just ENOUGH for the both of you. He's so soft and well spoken. Sometimes he's just too good for you. He gives you all his needs and wants because wealth is never a problem to him.
But this time you're just drained, really drained that you can't think straight. Life can't just be good to you whatever decision you make. These days, It gets harder and stressing and the fact that you can't meet Jing yuan was hard too. You're studying medicine for almost 9 years. Whenever exams happen, you can't pass them. Your life was mentally draining you, plus studying medicine was hard too. If you had the chance to change your life decisions and choose another career, you would. The only good thing in your life was Jing yuan but these days just felt like you're losing a glimpse of him more and more.
"Y/N, my love? Why did you call me all the way here?" You were in a place where you could clearly see the night sky, the night was starry and bright. You wished your life was that bright and pretty too.
"It's just that..I want to be good enough for you." He raised his eyebrows, he didn't seem to understand what you said.
"What do you mean, my love? You're not just good enough, you're more than enough and I love you. Y/n tell me is there something wrong?"
"I have to put myself first, I don't want to fail my exams this time. You're a big part of my life and I don't want to lose you but in my perspective it seems like I've been losing you more when I try to heal myself, Jing yuan allow me to-" He gave you a hug in the middle of you explaining your feelings towards him.
"I'm glad that you're putting yourself first, my love. I'll wait for you I'll always do." You didn't continue your words when he said those words instead you buried yourself into his chest as tears started to fall down.
Being with him was a blessing, when you felt like you're nothing and never enough he's there to reassure you that all he ever needed was you and only you and that no one in this world has the ability to replace someone like you. It's never selfish to put yourself first and it's okay to give yourself the time that you need.
: ̗̀➛WELT
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Welt is really sweet on private and private only. He's not a big fan of physical touch too but he lets you do you because it's the only way to show that he loves you and he's comfortable with you. He doesn't know how to show his love so misunderstanding happens most of the time but you both never thought of breaking up ever but this time it was just different.
You're a traveler and he's part of the astral express so whenever you visit him it's a hobby to run to him and give him a big hug, everyone on the crew thinks it's cute but welt himself just wants to be private with you and said that you didn't have to be so affectionate with him either way he loves you. but still it's okay because you both never thought about breaking up until this time.
While he's looking at the moon, you made your way beside him and stared at him for awhile knowing that today was the day that you had to leave him for good, you weren't the only one that was thinking about breaking up but him too.
"Welt, I have to go back to my hometown, I have to stop travelling and I can't meet you for the upcoming years, they have no signal there and the last thing I want to do is the first thing that I have to do. Welt, we have to put an end to this." Welt didn't look surprised or sad. He had that usual look and it looked like it didn't bother him but that's just how he was.
"I knew we had to break up sooner, I also have to focus on something important to me." You both were silent for awhile and no one dared to speak. You hated the fact that you had to break up because all you ever wanted was to be right by his side, an hour passed and you both were only looking at the moon thinking about each other.
"See you later, Y/N." He said before he kissed your forehead and left that when your tears started to fall.
Thinking about how he didn't say goodbye put you in the hope that someday, you'll meet him again and fall in love without worrying about anything. The morning before you left he gave you a letter and he said that you can read it after you leave, though he hated public affection he still gave you a forehead kiss.
The body of the letter was about how he felt the first time meeting you, dating you and losing sight of you since you're going somewhere far, in your hometown. You smiled as you read the letter as you reached your destination hoping for a better future
: ̗̀➛ DAN HENG
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Dan heng doesn't mind whether you like private or public affections as long as he sees that you're happy. Loving him wasn't easy or hard but you can see that he's trying his best to make you comfortable and happy. You barely fight because he's not a big fan of it, if you did something wrong he'll wait patiently for you to apologize but if he did something wrong he'll immediately apologize to you but this time you didn't know if you're at fault or he's at fault because you just started fighting out of nowhere.
It was supposed to be your 1st year together but now you both were fighting because he didn't seem interested about something that you're telling him about and it seemed like his mind was somewhere else. You got mad at him for it, he said sorry but you still got mad because you wanted his affection and not just apologizing however after acting mad at him for long he stopped apologizing and said something else.
"I don't think I'm ready for this, Y/N." You raised your eyebrows thinking you misheard him but you didn't.
"I'm just kidding, Dan heng. You're forgiven." He felt relieved by what you said but he still continued saying something.
"I'm glad but Y/N, I'm not ready yet. I know that today marks our 1st year together and you're good enough for me, it's just that you have so much that it was too much for me."
You felt like your heart sank when he said those last words to you but you knew you had to be mature, and let him do what he needs to. It's gonna be hard for you but it's already hard for Dan heng.
"I understand, Dan heng." It felt like the time was frozen, what he said didn't feel real at all. He was your safe place, though he wasn't affectionate as long as he's listening it's enough for you, you can feel that he's trying very hard for this relationship but he can't just give up anything for you and you knew it too.
When you finish talking to him and when you're finally alone that's when you started crying like a baby, you didn't know what else to do alone in your home. You let your thoughts and tears flow thinking if you can just change everything, you would. You agreed to him breaking up but there was a part inside you that wanted to say that you both didn't have to but you had to do it, for Dan heng and for him only.
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analogwriting · 3 months
Chapter 11: Szív
Donquixote Rosinante x gn!reader word count: 3.2k next
Your father's estate was right outside of town. He preferred to be away from the city, enjoying the peaceful country life. You also enjoyed the countryside - having grown up there and all, but with being on call constantly, you needed to live close to the hospital. Not ideal, but necessary. 
All different kinds of scenarios began to run through your mind. What could your father possibly want right now? Did he hear about last night? You couldn't imagine why he would have. As far as you knew, he didn't keep tabs on you. He knew you could hold your own. That impending doom feeling was growing stronger as you feared your father's estate. Pops’ warning playing in your mind again. Maybe he was on to something. Maybe he was trying to tell you something. 
You took a deep breath. Maybe you were just overthinking things like you always did. Marco was right in that aspect. You always blew things out of proportion because your brain didn't know how to just stop. 
Another thought popped into your head; what if he’s fallen ill? Maybe he’s called you to his estate to say his goodbyes or ask you to take care of him. You probably would, he is your father after all and you loved him. You’d want his last days to be as comfortable as possible.
What the hell were you even thinking? 
Your father still had plenty of years on him. You were sure he was going to be just fine - he was fairly healthy for his age. He came to your hospital about twice a year for a check up anyway and he always did just fine. He always listened to your medical advice, so he was in picture perfect health. 
You needed to just calm down. One deep breath later, your mind relaxed a little. You need to just take things as they come. You were probably worrying about nothing. Perhaps he just forgot to mention something to you. The two of you couldn’t exactly talk on the phone as lines were never safe. It was safer for you to just meet him somewhere and talk in person.
It wasn’t long before you pulled up to his large estate. It was a large, gated mansion with many rooms. Acres of well maintained land, a guest house, a pool, just about everything you’d imagine for your typical mafia family. Or as the public knew him, a politician. Besides, this place had been in your family for generations at this point. It was all old money.
You entered through the gates, heading down the long driveway, parking in the rounded end by the doors. You stepped out of the car, heading up the steps. The two positioned at the doorway stopped you. “State your name and business you have.” 
You looked at them with an expression that said you couldn’t be bothered right now. “C’mon, Daniel, you know who I am. Stop playing around.” You tried to walk past him but he stuck out his arm. “State your name and business you have.” He said again, more firm this time. You just stared at him in disbelief. What the hell was he on right now?
You looked at the other man with him. “You’re really just gonna let him treat me like this, Gabriel?”
The man didn’t even look at you, just kept looking forward in his position. This wasn’t like them at all. They usually greeted you with smiles and asked how things went. You grew up with these men, they were pretty much like your uncles. They helped raise you. Now they were acting all cold and distant. Once more Pops’ warning sat in the back of your mind. You knew you were going to need to go and get some answers.
“What the fuck is going on?” You glared at both of them. “Just let me see papi.”
“Name and business.”
“I swear to fuck, I will kick your ass.” You glared at Daniel who stared right back at you. Whatever was going on, you weren’t a fan of it. You don’t know why they were testing you right now because they both knew damn well you could take them both on with no sweat. 
“I’m going to have to ask you to-” You grabbed Daniel’s arm, turning around and using your entire body to throw the man over your shoulder. Gabriel moved to grab you, only to miss as you sidestepped, kicking him in the back. Both men tumbled down the stairs and you threw open the door and marched inside. You didn’t fucking have time for this. You were already irritated because you were in the middle of a very important discussion and now they were testing your patience.
What in the everliving fuck was that about?
You walked down the long hallway, towards your father’s study. You were just assuming that’s where he was. He spent most of his time there anyway. You grabbed the handle of the double doors, flinging them open. Your father was at his desk that faced the door, a large window displaying his vast landscape behind it. There was also a girl who looked to be about seventeen. Maybe eighteen.
“What the hell is wrong with Gabe and Danny?” 
Your father looked up, his eyes widened in surprise. He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I’m assuming you took them out?”
“Papi, why the hell would I kill them? I just threw ‘em around.” You shrugged, folding your arms as the doors closed behind you. “Now, what did you need to see me for?”
Your father looked at you for a long moment. Immediately, you felt uneasy. There was something about the look in his eye. It was cold, calculated. Not at all like the warmness in which he usually looked at you. The girl next to him was also looking at you in a way you didn’t really care for - like she was up to no good. There was a smug look on her face and you wanted to punch her. She also just had one of those faces that your fists ached to connect with.
Again, Pops’ words rang in your head - his ominous warning to be careful.
“Sorry, I was just thinking how to start this conversation,” your father said, leaning back in his chair as he looked at you. He shook his head. “Ripping off the bandaid is probably the best way. You’ve always preferred things like that.” You nodded. He wasn’t wrong. You liked to get to the point, you didn’t like pussyfooting around the subject.
“Y/n,” he said and immediately you knew something bad was about to happen. Your father never called you by your name, not even when you were being scolded. He has never really called you by your name, it was always some nickname in his native tongue. Just as you never really called him ‘dad’ in english. It honestly made you feel like crawling out of your skin - it felt wrong.
“This is your sister, Trinity.” He gestured to the girl next to him, who offered a small wave with a smug smile. Immediately, your eyes widened and you froze. Sister? Since fucking when? When the hell did your father meet someone? Or did he just take someone in? You had no idea. 
“Sister? Papi, when did you ever have another kid?” You folded your arms, still trying to process things. Why the hell would he have another kid without telling you? Why would he have another kid in general? Did he have another wife after your mother?
Your father stood up, sighing. “When you started going off to college and started pulling away, I decided to set up a plan b. I needed another child to take over the family just in case you ended up completely cutting yourself off.” He walked over to the window looking out at the landscape.
“I found a woman and paid her to carry my child, giving her to me when she was born. She’s been here the whole time, but I never let you meet her. I knew you wouldn’t approve of me having another child in this life. Or, at least you’d tried to take them with you. I know how much you hate kids being involved in all this. I wasn’t going to let you take away my plan b.” 
You were stunned. He had a child just because you didn’t want to take over the business? He was talking about her like she was an object, not his child. Was she okay with all of this? She looked content with his decision. You still couldn’t believe he kept all this from you.
“When you made the decision to part ways, I really began to train Trinity. Sure, she’s not naturally gifted for this lifestyle like you were, but with time and practice, I know she’ll do great.” He turned to look at you. The way he looked at you sent shivers down your spine. This was not the man you knew.
“I no longer need you anymore. You wanted to be cut off, you’re being cut off. You’re no longer a part of this family. You already took that bastard’s last name. You’re no longer any child of mine. You are of no use to me.” He looked at you with utter disgust and it hurt more than any bullet wound ever had. “All that time - wasted. I showed you love and affection and what did it get me? Nothing but an ungrateful child. How am I to secure my legacy if I don’t have a child?” He shook his head.
You were speechless. Tears stung your eyes and you felt like your entire world was falling apart. He was just using you? “But…what about mamma?”
“What about her? I married her specifically to sire me a child to raise and train. Lot good it did me.” He shook his head, clicking his tongue. “She was weak. She constantly talked of how she didn’t want you in this life, how she just wanted you to grow up however you wanted, but your only purpose was to take over the family. Nothing else.” 
Every sentence was a wound in your heart. You felt sick. 
“You inherited your mother’s weak heart, which is a shame considering you inherited my skills. You were perfect for this lifestyle. You were cold, heartless, good at everything. You were a natural. My golden child. You were going to do so well. Then, you just decided to be a doctor and ‘help people instead’. You made a complete 180 and I’m still not sure what happened to make you do that.” His tone mocked you at the end.
The world began to spin around you. He never loved you or your mother? He only saw you as tools for his grand scheme of things. “Why…? Why call me here to tell me that? You could’ve never told me any of this.” Hearing him talk about your mother in such a way…you knew he loved her. You saw the love they shared when you were younger. You had always wanted the same kind of unconditional love. Was…it also all a lie?
He looked at you with disdain, rolling his eyes. “I’m taking your hospital.” 
Your blood ran ice cold. “What?” Your father raised his eyebrows. “You heard me. I’m taking your hospital.” He walked over to you and you couldn’t move, frozen from the moment he started dropping verbal bombs on you.
“The original plan was to let you do your thing, then have you join again. I thought this whole neutral thing was a phase. Your hospital has quite the reputation. It’s in a perfect place, it’s already got the underground kind of vibe we need. It’s perfect for what I need.” He stopped in front of you, looking down at you with a sly grin.
“You really thought I’d just let you leave the family without something in return?”
“I won’t let you take the hospital,” you said softly, slowly. Your father barked out a laugh, making you flinch as his voice bounced off the walls of the large room. “You don’t have a choice. Besides, Doflamingo and Sir Crocodile have already taken it over.”
Your stomach sank to your feet. “What?” Your voice was barely above a whisper. “Since when-?”
“When do I work with them? Since we realized how much more we can control together.” He chuckled, shaking his head. Your father never came off as the power hungry type, what was going on? “Doflamingo noticed his little brother had come back and had taken a liking to my child. We thought you two were going to try and pull one over on us. Take us down.”
“That’s not-”
“Oh, I know.” A dark chuckle came from him. “Even if I wasn’t able to get you to take over the business, you were still loyal to me. I know you wouldn’t have betrayed me in such a manner, no matter what that Donquixote boy said. I suppose at least I had that if nothing else.” He shook his head, putting his hands on his hips.
“We decided to work together to take over your hospital, make it ours. You crafted the perfect hospital for me. A place where law enforcement turns a blind eye. It will be our neutral ground. So, thanks for that. I suppose you did provide some use in the end. It’ll be easier to cover certain things up with a hospital under our reign.” 
A sly grin spread across his face. “I suppose the olive branch I extended all those years ago did work out in the end. Just took a little time.”
You backed away. You needed to get back to your hospital. You needed to keep people safe. 
“Oh, they’re already there, y/n. As we speak, Doflamingo and Crocodile are working on…new management. Your little buddy Marco will probably need a new job. Since you crafted this perfect oasis for us, I decided to spare all your little employees. They will all be let go, however. They are loyal to you, I’m sure. Don’t trust ‘em.” He paused, looking at you from the corner of his eye. “I wonder how the little reunion between Doflamingo and Rosinante will go?” 
Once again, you felt your stomach drop. You stumbled backwards, vision blurring with tears. Everything you had worked so hard to achieve, gone in an instant. How did this man that showered you in love and affection all your life do this to you? How did you not see it even once?
“I’m sure you can find another job. You have an outstanding resume. Or, you know, you can keep your job. All your friends can keep theirs. You would just have to work for me. Rejoin the family.”
You stared at your father with bewilderment and disbelief. Nothing felt real and everything hurt. Everything you knew had all been a lie - a part of your father’s plan. Did Pops know about this? Is that why he gave you that warning? Is this what their falling out was about? You had so many questions, but your head started to hurt the more you thought about it.
“You can think about it. Not long. Probably from here until you get to the hospital to sign it over. Doflamingo has already gathered up all your little cronies that know about the true part of the hospital. I think he mentioned that he was surprised to see his little brother there too. I’m sure that reunion is going swimmingly.” 
Your eyes widened and fear set in. Innocent people were being thrown into all this. Marco was never a part of this life. Corazon had removed himself from it. They weren’t a part of this - so why bother them! This was all your fault. You were stupid and naive to think you could leave with no strings attached. 
You just looked at your father - no. He was no longer your father. The only father you had now was Pops. You didn’t know the man before you. This man was a stranger to you.
You were ripped out of your thoughts as his phone rang. He pulled it out of his front pocket, looking at the screen. “Speak of the devil,” he said. He answered it, putting it on speaker. “Go for Anthony.”
“Are you almost done? Are they on their way? Everyone is getting so squirmy. Hey - stop moving! I will shoot you.”
“Doflamingo, don’t do that or we lose our leverage.”
All the air left your lungs. You couldn’t breathe. Leverage? Who all did they have? All just to get you to sign over the hospital? 
“They’re with me now. You’re on speaker. I think they were just about to head your way.”
“Oh, are they there? Well, y/n, can you hurry the hell up? I don’t have all damn day!” 
“Y/n!” Corazon was there? Fucking, dammit all. They must’ve shown up just as you left. You had been hoping he left, but that bastard did mention Doflamingo seeing him. “Don’t do it! It’s a t-”
There was a gunshot and multiple cries. “Corazon!” You heard the boys all crying for him and you couldn’t move. The world around you went still. 
“You were already on thin fucking ice for leaving and lying, you should’ve known better.” He clicked his tongue. “You better hurry up or he’ll bleed out.” With that, Doflamingo hung up.
Your entire body went numb and everything went still. You heard the man before you talking, but you couldn’t hear him. Corazon had been shot by his own brother. At this point, you wouldn’t be surprised if your bastard of a father would do the same. What was up with these men and being unable to just…have loyalty to their own family? 
No, no. Now wasn’t the time to start freaking out. You needed a plan. The first thing you needed to do was get to Corazon. Then you could deal with everything else. Unfortunately for everyone else, you were good at working under pressure.
You turned on your heel, feeling rage slowly building up in your chest. You knew you couldn’t let it consume you. You needed to keep a clear head if you were going to do this successfully without anyone getting hurt. 
You reeled your arm back, turning back around, and punching your dad square in the jaw, sending him reeling back. Trinity pulled out a gun, pointing at you and you glared at her. “Do it, coward.” Then she did, but her aim was off, as you could see in the first place. The bullet flew right past your head but it did graze your cheek. You didn’t care, the fear in her eyes was enough for you. It was clear she saw the difference between you and her now.
You turned on your heel once more, running down the hallways. You could already hear multiple footsteps heading down the hallway. You burst through the doors and the two standing guard tried to tackle you, but you were too agile and quick. You easily dodged them. “Getting old!” you shouted, hopping in your car and taking off. If they had a lick of smarts, they would’ve sabotaged your car somehow, but they didn’t. 
You peeled off, speeding back to your hospital. It was a race against time.
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messedupfan · 7 months
Benefits of Car Troubles| 6
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Summary: Jules relapse causes unwanted stress for Leigh and Y/n worries for her and the baby. And Y/n gets an unexpected visitor.
A/N: If you think you've read chapter 6 for this story before... No you didn't because I just posted it. This is chapter 6. Enjoy!
Masterlist | All Stories Taglist | One Two Three Four Five
Thump, thump.
Thump, thump.
You smile as you hear the healthy heartbeat of the baby growing in Leigh’s womb from the speakers on the monitor. “I never get tired of hearing that,” you say as you hold Leigh's hand. The two of you are at another appointment to monitor the baby's growth and health. So far every appointment has gone smoothly and this one is no different. 
“I will say, in my thirty years as a doctor, I have never heard a stronger heartbeat than this one. The two of you should be proud,” the doctor says. And although you're sure she is just saying that to be nice, part of you wants to believe that your baby has the strongest heartbeat ever. 
“Thank you, doctor,” Leigh smiles as she sits up. “I have been under some stress lately and it relaxes me a bit to know that it's nothing he or she can't handle.” 
“Hold on now, stress is not good for either you or the baby. I highly recommend that, if you can of course, you remove yourself from any high stressors until after you give birth. Okay?” 
“Yes ma’am,” Leigh agrees as she wipes the gel off of her belly. 
“And you better help her,” the doctor says to you. 
“I will do my best, doc. Thank you,” you say as you help Leigh down from the observation bed. As you leave the office you can't help but be concerned about whatever is stressing Leigh out and be confused that she hasn't mentioned anything to you about it. “I didn't know that you were stressed out,” you start as you hold the passenger door open for her. 
Leigh sighs and waits for you to get inside of the car. “It’s silly stuff that's all,” she says and you tell her that nothing is silly if it's bothering her so much. “I'm just, I'm scared of being a terrible mother. And there are so many ways a baby could die. I'm just. It's overwhelming sometimes. Then there's my divorce, which isn't going well, at all! I still get sick at night or wake up with intense cravings that keep me up sometimes! And my mom and Jules are arguing again because Jules relapsed and we have no idea what set her off. We thought she was fine after her break up with Estelle! Not only has her drinking gotten out of hand but she comes home late at night and usually has company. If she's not keeping me up that way it's because she's stuck somewhere and needs me to pick her up and I'm just really tired and I-”
“Move in with me,” you interrupt her rant. 
“What?” She freezes at your statement. 
“Before you say no again, please really consider your health here. Leigh, you don't need the stress and you really need the rest. I'm not a terrible roommate and honestly, with you getting closer to your third trimester it'd make me feel more comfortable being near you at all times. I don't want to miss the birth of our child. And I'm even willing to get up in the middle of the night to cater to your cravings.” You try to sell the idea to Leigh. 
“I don't know,” she says as she considers the idea. “Your place is the perfect single person apartment, I don't know if it's big enough for the two of us.” Leigh rubs her belly as she continues to think. “Even if it does somehow fit us, there's no way it's meant for three and I definitely don't want to live somewhere that is so hazardous for the baby.” 
“I guess this is another one of those before pregnancy conversations huh?” You half heartedly joke about the situation. She shoots you a glare and you hold your hands up with an apology. “I just completely forgot about living situations during this whole thing. I never expected you to take care of the baby by yourself in your mother's house but I never thought about us living in my apartment together,” you admit as you try to think about something better. 
“It’s okay, I'm not exactly sure what I expected to happen either. But the idea of having my mom around to help me is very comforting and I'm not sure I can do this without her,” Leigh says. 
“I get that, but it sounds like she already has her hands full with your sister. Not to mention how unhelpful having her around would be. If you can't sleep because of Jules, I don't see how the baby will,” you point out.
“What do we do?” Leigh asks, unable to conjure a solution. 
You grab her hand and kiss her knuckles. “I don't know but we can think about it some more. We have time,” you promise her. She thanks you for trying to take care of her. “Let's get something to eat before I drop you off. Anything you've been craving today?” 
Leigh's eyes light up and you laugh as you start the car and get ready to take her to the fast food places that she wants to combine. 
Later that week, after some convincing, you spend the night at Leigh's house to see how bad the situation really is and wake up at three in the morning to her phone ringing. You answer it before she wakes up as well and feel frustrated when you can hardly hear Jules through the booming music. You take your phone from where it was charging and locate her from the tracking app that you and Leigh worked together on installing without her knowledge. 
You kiss Leigh’s temple as she snores softly in her sleep and leave a little note on her nightstand. You get in your car and drive an hour away to where Jules is. When you arrive, you are grumpy because by the time you get back, you have to go to work. You park and lock your car as you search for Jules in the sea of people having a good time at four in the morning. When you do find Jules it's because you hear chanting and you find her doing a keg stand. You help the two guys that were holding her upside down put her back on her feet and she is disappointed for a moment until she realizes that you're the one that put an end to her fun. 
She jumps you with a tight hug but you are in no mood to reciprocate. “Come on, I don't have a lot of time,” you say as you pick her up in a bridal style in order to keep her from running off. “Let’s get you home.”
“Thank you, Y/n,” she slurs as she nuzzles against your chest. “My mom or sister would have been so pissed but it wasn't my idea to come out here! I swear!”
You keep your mouth shut as you get her into the backseat. On the way back to Leigh's house, you have to stop by a coffee drive thru in order to continue driving safely. You offer to order for Jules but are only met with obnoxious snores and mumbles of sleep gibberish. You continue your drive listening to your playlist and when you get to Leigh's house the sun is starting to rise. 
You carry Jules all the way to her room and tuck her in before returning to Leigh's bedroom. You watch her sleep with a soft smile and write her another note before you leave for work.
While you work you and Teddy take turns looking through listings online in Leigh's neighborhood to see if there is anything available that Leigh might be okay with living in. So that she could have her mom close to her while allowing the two of you to have the space and privacy that you need. The two of you pick out three listings and you send the links to Leigh to get her opinion on them.
In the evening, while you're getting ready to go back to Leigh's house, there is a knock on your apartment door. You frown as you run through the list of people that could be at your door and brace yourself as you open the door. You relax slightly when you see your father. But only slightly. 
“Tell me why I had to hear it from someone else that you're having a baby,” he says as he steps past you. 
You clench your jaw as you curse to yourself, another thing that slipped through the cracks. “I’m sorry dad, it has been a rollercoaster. I meant to call I just… it's been really tough balancing my life and hers and it's a complicated-”
“I want to meet her,” he interrupts.
“She’s having my grandchild and I don't know her name. I don't even know what she looks like,” he makes valid points and the guilt starts to eat at you more. Before he decided to expand the business and open several more locations in order to make more profits, the two of you worked side by side. The two of you were close. He knew everything that there was to know about your life. Then he gave you control over this location and he put his focus on the expansion of the company. The two of you grew distant. Only ever talking about business. “How long have you been with this girl? Are you going to do the right thing and marry her? Are you ready for this kind of commitment?”
You sit down on the sofa as you try to hold yourself together. Lying to your father wasn't something that you knew how to do. But you knew that telling him the truth was going to lead to disappointment. You never wanted to disappoint your father. In the time that you were making the decisions that lead to Leigh becoming pregnant, you never ever thought you'd have to explain yourself to someone. Well, other than Teddy. You certainly didn't think you'd have to explain yourself to your father. It was never supposed to go this far. 
“I love her, dad,” you say after you tell him the complete story of how you and Leigh came to be. 
Your dad clenches his jaw as he processes. “I raised you better than to go after a kept woman.” 
“Really, dad, kept woman? That's not-”
“She was married! You knew better!” He raises his voice. You clamp your mouth shut. “You should have never gone after her. But you did and now we're here. You're going to be a parent and I'm proud that you're accepting responsibility. But I am disappointed in how this came to be.” He shakes his head and sighs. “Do you have the paternity results? My lawyer will need those in case her husband tries to pull something that could negatively affect you or even this company.”
You are quiet for a moment before you tell him that she hasn't taken a paternity test yet. “I’ve read online that those tests aren't safe for the baby when they're in utero. If it's that important, we'll get one done after the birth.” 
Your father stands from where you had him sit as you told him the story. “You accepted responsibility for a child that may or may not be yours?” 
“Dad, I love Leigh. That child is without a doubt in my mind, my child. Even if he or she or they comes out without my genetics, that baby will still be mine-”
“Ah ha! So you do have doubts!” Your father interrupts. 
“No! I'm just trying to tell you how much she and this baby means to me! I'm looking for a house and-and maybe I'll even look into getting a ring if that's what she wants. I don't know! What I do know is that she and the baby are my family now and I hope you can accept that.” 
Your father looks you up and down and then nods once. “Okay, I will. That's what you want, I'm here for you. So when can I meet my daughter-in-law?” He asks again. 
“Uh I was actually about to head over to her house. I can ask if she's up for meeting you tonight,” you offer. 
“No, no, I don't want it to be a last minute thing. I don't want to put that kind of pressure on the poor girl. Here's what I think we should do. You invite her and her family over to my house for dinner on Sunday evening. Under these circumstances, I prefer to host because she's creating my grandchild and she doesn't need to worry about a menu for me and a presentable home. How does that sound?”
You nod along, agreeing with his plan. “Yeah, I will invite them to Sunday dinner. I'm sorry again for taking so long to tell you about all of this.” 
“It’s okay Y/n, you're an adult now. You don't have to run your decisions outside of the company by me. I love you,” he pulls you in for a tight hug. You return the sentiment and hold him just as tight. 
You catch up with him as you walk him out to his car before you part ways to get in your car to go to Leigh's house. It was nice to be able to chat with him like before. You hadn't realized how much you missed him until you had to say goodbye to him. 
Once you get to the Shaw residence you immediately tell Leigh about the dinner with your father and she happily accepts, excited to get to know your father. Then the two of you talk about the houses you sent her and she tells you that she already sent emails in order to make appointments to tour the homes. “So we're really doing this?” You ask her with hopeful eyes. 
She nods with love in hers, “Yes, we're doing this. We're going to find a home for our family,” she takes your hand and places it on her belly. “It’s what is meant to be.” 
“I love you,” you kiss her on the lips and pull her closer to you. 
“Mmm, I love you too,” she kisses you back.
Taglist: @princessprudy @sayah13 @agaymilflover @awkwardmandalorian @bentleywolf29 @thatshyboy1998 @artisannat @thisischaismagic @wqndanat @madamevirgo @likefirenrain @tearsofglitter @feltlikethat @the-writer-arcane @natashasilverfox @karsonromanoff @aloneodi @lovelyy-moonlight @red1culous @jovialsublimecomputer @natasha-maximoff @iliketozoneout @doudouneverte @druggedduck @notbornbutforged @when-wolves-howl @lifespectator @justyourwritter69 @wandaromamoff69 @awesomelygayasf @nekoannie-chan @diaryoflife @wuwu96 @wandanats-goodgirl @sincerely-indi @blueredg52 @sisiwritesfanfics @fuzzyuniversityeclipsefriend @arcturusseer @scarlettwidow34 @chasethemoon @raven-ss @canyonyodeler @sokovianbaby
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
[Part 4 of Gifted. Fem reader.]
Previous poll winner: " I think I'll... Thank the chef, yes. " (37.1%)
TW: Violence; Descriptions of cannibalism; Slight gore; Knife play; Extremely dubious consent.
New choice! [VOTE]
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" I think I'll... Thank the chef, yes. "
Do you really have a choice anyway?
You recall him, his voice mostly. A southern drawl that sounded almost goofy, but imposing. Which is fitting, you suppose, he's an intimidating cinder block of a monster. A mushroom monster, you've seen one or two of those before, they're generally quite pretty in your opinion. The chef in particular struck you, the dotted patterns on his arms glowing faintly in the cavernous dark of Sybastian's mouth when he reached in for you.
In truth, you're not too sure how to feel about him. And that insecurity manifests when you purse your lips, possibly regretting your cooperation regarding these two's lascivious suggestions.
" My my, she really is tame. " Vesper fans himself. " Oh how I regret handing her over! You and I would have had so much fun back in Lust, honey. "
You shudder, believing every word he says. Maybe a bit of fear here is healthy, you can only imagine what kind of animal you'd become in his hands.
" Well then, go! " The Icon urges, facing away from you and Santi dramatically. " I won't let myself stare a second longer, lest I ruin this game. " This guy is such a theater dork, you can't believe you sucked him off. And so happily too.
Nevertheless, Santi takes the warning to heart, ushering you up as soon as you have a couple more forkfuls, not enough to last you long. It's a waste of perfect cuisine, frankly. The incubus walks you through the crowd, hand locked with yours, ever determined to soothe you via gentle touches. You appreciate that about him, this demon's been very kind to you so far, for whatever reason. Maybe because you chose him... Well, it was a good choice, you reckon.
Speaking of choices, you're still not too sure about this last one. Every step through the crowd makes your heart beat a bit harder, a bit faster. Will things work out here too?
" You're so tense, love. Is it butterflies? " Santi teases. " Don't worry, keep up this precious attitude and everything will be fine. "
Encouraging...? Not really.
The doors to the kitchen are tall, a brilliant white, and although there's supposed to be windows in each one of them, the glass there is obscured, meaning the inside is a mystery to you. You can hear the sounds however. Nothing too suspicious, chatter and clinking, mostly.
When the two of you reach those doors, your back is basically glued to Santi's front, fear and dread keeping you stock still. The demon is unbothered, simply pushing the large doors apart and edging you inwards.
Now this... This is what you call a real kitchen.
It's absolutely massive. Then again, that's a theme here. You do understand why things need to be larger in general, after all, many of the monsters here are bigger than humans by a considerable amount, their comfort must be catered to- However, this place tends to exaggerate in the dimensions of its overall floors. This entire kitchen is like a house, it's furnished with all sorts of equipment, reminding you of a world-renowned establishment. The brightness hurts your eyes a little, but you suppose it's necessary. How come you've never even once heard of this location?
The first thing your adrenaline-sharpened mind notes is the blood.
On what you very clearly recognize to be some modernized chopping block. On the ground, like something bleeding and squirming was dragged from said block to another huge set of doors, leading lord knows where. A large scarlet handprint you can only guess belongs to the chef on one of those doors. Then there's that cleaver, a scary-looking thing, embedded in the cutting block, some form of viscera and tissue still clinging to it. So he's not just a chef, yes, he's definitely also a butcher. And yet... You know, deep in your soul, whatever creature possibly lost its life here was likely human.
God help you.
That's not all though. As soon as your gradually panicking mind looks at anything but the trails of red present, it quickly finds ambulating creatures. Small. Smaller than the waiter, totally black but reflecting some sort of pigment, their heads floating as they work, each one clad in white kitchen garbs with varying designs. The first thing that crosses your mind nearly makes you vomit. Children?! You blink several times. No. No, they can't be, just because they're small doesn't mean they're infants, you haven't seen a single child here. Besides, you're fairly certain these aren't monsters, whatever the Hell they could be, they all look the same physically speaking, only their color accents and facial expressions distinguish them. This is some sort of clone fest. What are you looking at?! What is this?!
" S- Santi?... " Are you going insane?
" Oh right, you've never seen one of those before. " The demon reminds himself, chuckling at his own antics. You don't question why he's okay with the shady blood stains. " Those things are called bobbles. They're made here, sweetie, think of them as extra helpers. "
Things... They're things. Uhuh.
You watch silently for a couple of seconds. Most of them appear to be absorbed in their own tasks, moving efficiently between each other. Cutting vegetables, passing utensils, cleaning dishes, shouting for ingredients. Some of them occasionally glance at you two, the gray-colored ones completely neutral, the blue ones with a hint of trepidation. They're a bit cute, you'll admit, if you don't question the logic of their mere existence too much. You wouldn't mind having one of these. After a minute or two of watching these "bobbles" work in fast-paced harmony, you relax enough to detach from Santi, standing by his side warily.
Soon, one of the things, with a tall hat and slightly ripped garb, stomps over to you two. Its eyes narrow over pink-freckled cheeks, and he frowns at Santi specifically. A wooden spoon is slapped onto the demon's stomach.
" Ya hav'ta knock! Sir doesn't like it when people don' knock! " It drawls at the snickering incubus, who merely takes the hits without flinching.
" Whoopsie... Can you find it in you to forgive me? "
You muffle an amused noise as well, watching the small critter's face puff in annoyance for a couple of tense seconds. How can anyone take them seriously, with that adorable look? Finally, it gives Santi a bright smile.
" Okay! " Big pink eyes settle on you, after a concerning pause- Like it genuinely hadn't seen you all this time. " Ooh! Ya brought a piggy, sir's gonna like her! "
The bobble grabs your hand with its four-fingered one and starts trying to lead you somewhere, but you stand your ground. Santi's eyes widen and he flicks that intrusive limb away.
" Hey-! "
" No no Turnip, this one's not for the warehouse. " The look on his pale face is serious, making the bobble tilt its perfectly round head. " This one's for sir. He knows her. "
" Ooooohh... " The pink and black bobble waves its hands excitedly. " Special piggy! "
Wait, hold on- It's name is literally Turnip? What.
" Yes, exactly, I need you to get Morell for me, okay? "
" Yessir! "
Funny, didn't Grimbly say that too? Irregardless, the small being trots away, pushing past those heavy-looking doors with great effort and disappearing from sight entirely. You couldn't get a good look at what lies beyond, which is disconcerting.
The incubus begins looking around, and though you can't really tell what he's after, you don't struggle too much when he beckons you over to an empty marbled counter, and sits you atop it. O-Okay. Satisfied, he goes back to waiting, some form of excitement in his gaze, although it mixes with something else, dampening it.
" Am I... " You start quietly, some of the adrenaline crashing, permeated by uncertainty. " Going to be alright? "
The demon faces you, reading into your expression with a carefully neutral one as he ponders. You don't like that he hesitates, that he's thinking about his answer. That in itself should be telling enough. When you look away, defeated, he grabs your hand, a much smoother smile on those handsome features.
" You're tough. " He begins. " I can tell. Trust in your sixth sense and keep it up. "
He meant to be motivating, but truth of the matter is that was neither a confirmation nor a denial. You can see through it, he doesn't know, but the probably doesn't want to scare you either. Fuck.
The humdrum of the kitchen workers chattering to each other and utensils clinking around becomes an indistinct buzz while you recess into the confines of your mind, adrenaline diminishing in the face of relative inactivity. What is the world outside these walls up to, right now? With you missing, your responsibilities unaccounted for, has your family noticed your absence? Is anyone coming for you? Do they even know how you got here? Will you ever see th-
A sudden woosh snaps you back into alertness, the bloodstained doors leading to who knows where parting smoothly. And he powers in. Him being, of course, the chef.
While not nearly as large as monsters like Vesper, he's towering in his own right. You've never been one to realize how much body language matters, but looking at... Santi called him "Morell", you think- You feel more on edge than you ever did around the massive demonic lord. It's his stance. Shoulders always squared, always flexed and tense, he constantly looks as if moments away from lunging towards something or someone. The few minutes of indirect interaction you've had with this monster were enough to transmit an idea of volatility, as if violence is always just one blink too late away.
The white garb he dons can no longer be called white by any stretch of the imagination, coated in splatters featuring varying shades of red. He looks mildly tired, and angry. You're not sure if he's shining from sweat or some differing condensation- The breeze you felt as soon as those doors parted suggests what lies beyond is cold. Like a fridge room.
A crimson-stained towel hanging from his shoulder is used to wipe bloodied hands rather poorly, before the thing is tossed away, a bobble catching it before it can hit the floor.
" This better be worth mah fuckin' time demon, ah'm two seconds away from- "
As soon as those curious cyan hues bounce up to regard the demon, they instantly dart to you, and he stills. Oh yes, he definitely recognizes you. You're being stared down.
" Well then... " The way bold bright teeth poke above that chunky scarf doesn't bode well with you.
" I take it this is worth your 'fuckin' time'? " Santi jabs.
The large mushroom crosses his arms over his chest, not moving from his spot. " Wha's this all 'bout? " Although he makes an effort to glare at the incubus, he keeps looking back to your figure on his counter. You wonder if he might be mad that you're sitting on it.
" Oh relax, I just brought the minx here to see you. " Santi does a placating gesture with his palms, though you feel a slight sting of betrayal when he opens his mouth again. " See, we just had dinner. Our present here loved your work sooo much she said she'd like to personally give her regards to the chef, and who am I to stop her, hm? "
Morell looks straight at you. Nerves force you to gulp, scratching at your arm and face lightly, better to stay silent than say something even more embarrassing.
Eventually, he relaxes slightly. It's a minuscule change is demeanor, but you don't miss it. " ... That so? "
When the demon doesn't reply, you realize it's a cue. What are you supposed to say here? You did agree to it. Besides, if not him, then they'll just toss you at someone else. There's no easy win, might as well do what's kept you alive thus far- Being polite.
" Y- Yes. " You look him in those cyan eyes, oddly shrunk pupils swimming in a sea of black. He seems like the type of guy that values eye contact.
Slow, evaluating seconds pass.
" Aight... Tha piggy can stay with me. " He says it with a chuckle, looking a lot brighter than he did not even a minute ago.
Santi nods, then quickly turns to you, rubbing a clawed hand on your cheek. His face betrays sadness, a little bit of resignation, disappointment. " Sweetness, it looks as if this is where we part. " He leans down, nibbling softly at your bottom lip, before brushing through your hair and taking several steps away. As if forcing himself. " For now, of course. " You can't really tell if that's good or bad.
" Ya done? " A decidedly not amused voice rings. For such a large man, Morell moved quietly, having closed some of the distance between you. " Git tha fuck out already. "
Santi only chuckles, making his way out to the main restaurant area. " Have a great time, love. " One last cheeky wink is all you get, before the demon is out of your sight.
For the first time in a while today, you feel truly alone. Santi had given you a sense of security up until now, even if said sense was erroneous. Here however, you're entirely on your own, feeling hunted, feeling cornered. There's no telling what this monster might want from you.
Keep calm. Breathe. Smile a little.
You'll make it through this.
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Morell stares at you intently.
You seem to be faring well for someone who got thrown to the wolves, all things considered. No longer encased in lace, sporting clothes he swears he's seen before, not trembling in fear with your tail tucked between your legs like earlier. Tsk, Santi's been treating you too well, you ought to have some fear if you're staying here for a while. Fear keeps you alive, keeps you sharp.
Point being, you're clearly the clever type, you wouldn't have made it this far in such an intact condition if you pushed the wrong buttons with the demon. Sure, the shroom's certain you had to pay some sort of price to acquire these accommodations, but you probably knew that prior. He can tell you're not like most of the pigs he gets here, the kind that squeal and kick as soon as he nears them. No, it's in your eyes, you're so much smarter than that.
Doesn't matter, you're about to sing to a different tune with Morell now.
The monster moves once Santi leaves the premises, to the sink only a small distance away from the counter you're perched on. Though his back is mostly turned to you, Morell is confident you wouldn't try to bolt out. You know that you can't, know that without the staff's protection you're just mince meat for the crowd. His hands are rinsed and the towel atop his shoulder is wrung dry of the last pig's blood. He's glad to be rid of that one, they were troublemakers since the time they got dragged in to the very last breath- But you gotta appreciate the consistency, at least. If it was a calmer day, he'd play around with them some more before bringing down the hatchet, so to speak.
Ridiculous, here he is saying he's so busy, about to damn it all just so he can fuck with you. But how can he not? Look at you, just politely sitting on his counter with that fat fucking ass. Looking around, occasionally smiling briefly at his bobbles' antics. It's like you fit here already.
" Well pumpkin- " He starts, giddy that your spine straightens immediately. " 'S a pleasure ta have ya 'ere in mah lil' kitchen. "
The mushroom turns then, wiping his hands, cracking his knuckles. " Ya like tha food? "
You study his face for a moment, confused by the hint of mirth there, but eventually deem it correct to nod. Morell doesn't really care, he knows his food is good. Though he's a little upset you didn't get to try the best parts. When Grimbly dashed into the kitchen, the waiter told him everything. You, tangled between Vesper and Santi- To think that you've gotten an Icon of Hell's attention this soon! What kind of honey is up your ass?! Santi specifically requested something without human, and now he knows why.
Out of genuine fondness. Because really, you don't know what human tastes like. His dishes can oftentimes make that meat blend into other types, visually. If he arranges it well enough, you'd deem it a regular old steak, eat it, and call it delicious. All the incubus had to do is stay quiet. But he went the extra length to make sure you didn't obliviously consume your own kind, the sap.
" Good... Tha's good. " He says, after a pause. " Stop by whenever yer hungry. Ah'll get'cha somethin'. " Something worth eating.
" O- Okay. " Yeah, you're starting to click some things together by now, aren't you?
" Y'know, I'm real hurt, piglet. "
You blink, likely wondering if "piglet" was meant to address you -It was- Unsure where he's taking this. The chef paces several steps your way, ending up looming by your side, enjoying the way you immediately cast your gaze to your lap. He twirls locks of your hair idly.
" Mah memory's blankin', who got ya outta that mimic's jaws again? "
Looking up, searching his face for clues you won't find, you answer hesitantly but truthfully. " It was you? "
Morell snickers. " Yeah, sounds right. After all, who knows what could'a been o' you by now if ah hadn't? "
A sour expression crosses over your smooth features. Yes, think about it. Linger.
" An' still, ya pick the fuckin' demon. " The chef shakes his head, ruffling your hair. You shiver beneath him, likely realizing, just as most others do, that there's a great deal of strength behind his spongy-looking hide. " Ya can't make this shit up. "
" ... But- " What could've been an attempt to defend your incorrect choice is swiftly ignored.
" But what, sweetie? I was tha only one who could'a freed ya there! " The shroom points to himself, as if it was obvious.
Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't, you don't need to know that. Morell stands and watches a myriad of expression race on your complexion. Fear, confusion, dread. " I'm... I'm sorry? "
Hah, oh that's so cute!
His guffawing nearly shakes the kitchen walls, rocking his chest. You're adorable, he'll give you that much. Is this your attempt at placating him?
" 'S not a big deal anymore. " He waves, eventually stopping his fit of laughter. " C'mere. "
You hesitate a healthy amount, he can understand it. Though eventually, when Morell makes it clear he's not going to drop it, and that his patience isn't limitless, you plop down from the counter, taking careful steps his way.
" Closer. " He beckons when you refuse to stand in front of him. " Ya spooked? " Of course you are, he's been around your kind for so long, you're all like mindless gazelles, deers in headlights, pigs squealing to the skies and running around in circles.
It's when the chef places a heavy palm on the counter, and it rattles, that you zing to action and get just as suffocatingly close to the monster as he was hoping. " There we are, was it hard? " It was rhetorical, but he's delighted that you shake your head anyway. " Thought so. "
Morell takes a moment to appreciate the sight of you.
All humans are petite, and although there's something dainty about your demeanor right now, he can see your muscles tense like coiled springs, ready to snap, ready to run. Fight or flight is a beautiful look on you. You have a good amount of meat on your bones, he can tell with a couple of hearty gropes to those bare thighs. Hmm yes, fine cuts, good stuff. His fingers knead at you like dough, and Morell feels a sick little twitch in his pants when you start trembling.
" S- What are- "
" Sshh, quiet naw. " He warns, letting full hands roam around. The chef thrills himself with your obedience, going from calves to back of the thighs, gripping your ass firmly and snickering at your choked noise.
You're a lovely little thing, the kind he feels sorry for when he butchers, because they could last so much longer. Demand here is crazy, which is good for his pockets, but also saddening at times. Morell doesn't get to fool around with the pigs as much as he'd like to anymore. Especially not tonight! When his hands move to your front, palping at your belly, he shakes his head, clicking his tongue.
Practically empty. As he suspected. You haven't eaten anything properly yet, certainly not with those sluts, they probably think feeding you jizz will work out just fine, typical. They don't know how to care for a piglet at all! And to think you willingly chose him, how dim are you? You wince when he grabs at you more firmly, and it's enough for Morell to give it a rest.
" You don' look so full, piggy. " The chef tuts, patting your abdomen. " Knowin' them types, you prolly didn' get ta eat much since ye got here. "
He watches you squirm briefly, either tickled by the softer touch or wanting to stop it. " I'm... It's okay, I'm not that hungry. "
Liar. You're small and weak, you should be eating anything you can in this environment. So dumb, so naïve, it's a wonder luck has been on your side thus far. " Ya sure? " He squints.
" Y-Yep, thank you. "
" Welp, in that case- " Morell lets some of his anticipation show, shrugging and moving to be mere inches away from your form. " We can skip right to tha good stuff. "
The whites of your eyes widen and you give him this puzzled, anxious look. Oh come now, don't play dumb. " Ya wanted ta thank me, right? " The shroom grabs your tiny hand in his and puts it to his chest, a lidded, much more playful and relaxed expression on his face. " Don' lemme stop ya, sweetie. "
Oh, the gradually rising panic in your face is just precious. He's a lot, not to toot his own horn, but Morell gets your nervousness. He's been called "an absolute unit" a couple of times and it strokes his ego. Speaking of, you need to be stroking something else right now. He's been pent up these last couple of days, preparing for this event hasn't been kind to Mori's libido.
The chef is starting to think he's going to have to do things the hard way until you finally move. While your palm shakily slides down his chest, feeling slightly excited breathing, he busies himself with untying the long sash around his waist. Much to his disappointment, you don't grope, not that he expected you to anyway. Chuckling, Morell corners you further against the counter, spotted arms on each side corralling your body. His cock jumps in his pants when you give him a doe-eyed look full of uncertainty. You're purposely lingering on his abdomen, avoiding what lies beneath. The chef responds to this by flexing slightly, allowing you to feel his well-built constitution. Yeah sure, he's showing off, let him have this.
You don't look him in the eyes when you eventually relent, fingers sliding down. He's impatient however, roughly grabbing your hand. He reaches for one of the torn sleeves of his white smock and parts it, shrugs off the other one, letting the outfit fall to the floor, kicked aside by heavy-looking boots. You're apparently fascinated, studying his upper body openly, visibly flustered. Morell smiles when you focus on a particularly dark mark on his arm, stare all you want. He rips you back into focus by firmly smoothing your hand over the raging hard-on tenting his black pants, unable to conceal his laughter when you audibly gasp. Aw, don't flatter him like that.
When Morell drops his grip, your fingers remain static, and he rolls his eyes. " C'mon, ya scared? " He parrots.
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Scared is an understatement.
This guy puts you off. Plus, he's packing heat.
At the risk of sounding filthy, you'll admit he's not the biggest you've seen, that title now falls squarely onto Vesper. The Icon's size didn't strike you as something note-worthy- He's already gigantic in comparison to you, of course his junk would be appropriately huge as well. Not to mention your mind was a little clogged at the time. Morell is a whole other story, you might very well have to take him, and he's bigger than Santi for sure. It's cause for some alarm, but then again, this whole situation is.
He seems to have taken your shock as a compliment, though it's very clear the monster's patience is waning the longer you stall.
Shakily inhaling, you give the chef what he wants, stroking generously through the fabric and occasionally squeezing at him. It... It doesn't feel like he has anything on beneath these pants. Your efforts get the monster to sigh in pleasure, looming over you and adjusting, giving you more to work with. There's nothing left to the imagination, the shape imprinted on his clothes lets you know exactly what you're dealing with. And frankly, a part of you is oddly flattered by how much he appears to be getting into it, pressing back against your hand, throbbing, humming lowly.
He seems frustrated, stressed maybe. You don't know how much of a good idea it was to let those two basically nudge you into this.
" Mmf, they teach ya some or are you jus' excited fer me already? " Morell drawls.
Declining to answer, you merely keep going. Part of you was worried he'd call you out, as you're very clearly trying to rile him up so he'll settle for a sloppy clothed grind- As if.
The ring of a zipper coming down is predictable to you, a flushed blue cock already stained by its own precum bouncing free. Fuck, he's really not packing lightly. The look on the chef's face says you better resume, so you opt not to test his patience too much. He's heavy. To be fair, you don't doubt he's dense in general, but the warmth of his member on your hands has you gulping for what might come next. Nevertheless, you try not to look at your own motions while you work him, gaze scanning the kitchen instead.
It's incredible. All this time, the group of bobbles hastily working hasn't casted a single glance at you two. It's as if... This is normal to them. Like they know better than to gawk. You can only wonder what types of obscenities go down here.
You're still staring by the time Morell groans, reaching for your top. The surprise of slightly cold fingers edging up the hem of said cloth has your motions faltering, resigning yourself to letting the cook remove that oversized shirt. What's the alternative? Make him angry? You agreed to this, might as well try to get into it.
Nipples pebble in the cold air near immediately, and the chef laughs quietly to himself at the sight of your breasts, a discolored tongue wetting his teeth. " Everythin' about ya is jus' tha cutest, ain't it? " He grins. " Lookit 'em... "
Big palms frame your tits, and it's only now that the expression "baker hands" takes on a whole new meaning. Morell kneads at your chest in a confident and strong manner that has your breath catching. You're ashamed to admit no one's given your tits this type of attention before, feeling goosebumps rise in the wake of your unexpected pleasure. A high-pitched noise escapes when he plucks at one bud, and you realize your hand has been merely wrapped around him all this time when the monster thrusts impatiently.
" Oh? Did'ja like that? "
" N- No. " Yeah, super believable.
" Lyin' piglet. " The soft scolding is quickly followed by him bending to kiss and lick shamelessly around your tits. You can't help gulping when teeth glide and catch slightly on skin. Fuck's sake, if he actually- He nibbles slightly, spare hand forcing the one around his dripping shaft to work faster. When you look down, seeing a teal shade on his dark cheeks and most of your breast in his blunt-toothed maw, you almost panic.
" D- Don't-! " Did he just fucking throb in your hand? " Please- Don't bite! "
That bright flush intensifies, hot puffs of air wetting your skin as he all but steams, teeth flirting with your pain tolerance, forcing a frightened keen out of you, before he peels back, panting.
" Fuck yeah, yer a good catch. " Morell groans, zipping his pants back up in a vaguely uncomfortably manner. " Don' move a muscle, ya hear me piggy? "
When you don't answer immediately, he gives you an "are you testing me?" glance that installs the fear of meeting the maker into your bones.
" Y- Yes, Morell. "
Why did you say his name? You didn't need to that, you just added a personal touch into this. God damn it. Perhaps it's for the best, because the chef seems appreciative, smiling before hastily cramming himself through the bloodied doors he came from.
You have no idea what he's doing, what he'll return with. And frankly, part of you doesn't really want to know. When Morell's footsteps become distant, instincts beckon you to look towards the opposite direction, to the second pair of tall doors, the one you entered from. It's only a matter of putting on your shirt... Where is it? Who took it?! You look around frantically, but the thing has apparently vanished. Fuck's sake...
Regardless, you can just step outside the kitchen, maybe take your chances... It would be risky, but if you get in that fucking elevator! You know that's the ticket to leave this dump. You just have to figure out which floor leads to the ground level, it's that simple.
You don't even realize you're walking towards the exit.
One of the bobbles, a blue one with a shorter hat, stops next to you, some others giving you side-glances. Although she doesn't utter a word, you can see the silent warning in her face. A cautious shake of the head is all you're given, and then the doors part. Not the ones in front of you though.
" ... Where d'ya think yer going? "
It's as if your lungs collapse for a moment, air refusing to fill them. " No- Nowhere, nowhere, I- "
" And 'ere I thought ya'd behave. Tsk. "
When you zip around, you get to see the large mushroom power towards you, a sturdy-looking rope on his hands. Of course, the thing is adorned with aged red marks. There's a sadistic sort of glee on his dark face, making you take several steps back. His chest puffs, the monster bellowing out.
" Hah! Try it, piggy. " Morell taunts. " Ya take a single fuckin' step outta those doors an' ah'll hunt ya fer sport, pertty baby. "
You don't doubt him.
All you can do is gulp and hope for the best, feet rooted to the tiled ground in spite of the screaming voice that begs you to haul ass. The monster's still snickering to himself when he reaches you. You're no longer spared a hint of gentleness, as the chef grabs your arm tight and drags you to the center of the kitchen, towards one of the horrid, blood-stained chopping blocks.
You're flipped around and slammed face-first onto the wood, assaulted by the sensation of residual, cold viscera on your face. The metallic scent mingles with a woody aftertaste and you start to panic under his hand, very aware a huge cleaver lies only centimeters away from your person. Is this it? Is this the end? Is he going to cut your fucking head off?
" I'm- I'm sorry, please God- "
Your flailing, although definitely amusing to the cook, is halted when he squeezes exceptionally hard on your arm. Your limb grows numb from the sheer force, he's cutting off blood flow. A little more and he'll break your humerus, you can feel it. Getting the message, you go entirely limp, near hyperventilating.
" Easy piggy, easy- " There's a condescending pat to your head. " I'mma jus' tie ya up, 'kay? Don' make me hurt ya. " You can feel the weight of him poised on your back for a moment. " 'Cause ah'll fuckin' love it if I hav'ta. "
You whimper.
" Gonna be good for me? " He tests, already nudging your arms onto your back. You can feel the rope being weaved between them in certain patterns, movements rushed but expertly practiced. You nod rapidly, full of fear, and he hums while tying knots behind your back. One. Two. Three?! Oh, you're not making it out of this one on your own. For sure.
When the chef lets go of your bound limbs, not too tight but not too lax, you give them a test, making the shroom chuckle. " Mm, fine work if ah do say so myself. Good ta know I still got it. "
When fat fingers tug at the hem of your shorts, you can only try to focus on your breathing, shivering when the fabric is dragged down to barely hang by your knees. You still ooze remnants of your slick from prior activities, and Morell doesn't seem to miss that either, because he uses it as lube to jam a digit into you. The insertion is sudden enough to have you jump, leg jerking.
" Ey naw, don' buck at me. " The monster snorts, curling his finger and testing the waters.
You don't know why, or how, but your body warms regardless of the circumstances, walls tightening around that sole digit as if to encourage the chef. And all you can say to yourself is that it's a result of Vesper and Santi's influence. Residual effects, probably. It must be! You wouldn't be into this otherwise, right? You wouldn't find it hot that you're helpless, being molested by a gross butcher on his own filthy chopping block. No... God please no, you don't think you can face yourself after this.
The mushroom monster, oblivious or uncaring of your inner turmoil, simply forces a second finger in, without much resistance. Fuck him and his deliciously thick hands, the familiar stretching sensation sends sparks flying behind your eyelids and you close them. You're not the only one enjoying themselves it seems.
" Damn piglet, lookit that, ya needy girl. " The chef starts eagerly fingerfucking you, giggling and moaning quietly to himself when you reflexively tighten. " The Hell were you tryin' ta run if ya needed me this bad, hm? Too much pride in that lil' noggin'... " He teases, panting.
Unfortunately, no matter how hard you may want to will it into reality, closing your eyes won't simply make this unrequited pleasure fade away. It won't make you any less wet and inviting for the chef, it won't quiet down the shlick of his lurid fingerfucking that somehow manages to ring louder than the humdrum of the constant cooking around you. All that effort is rendered moot when you let out a fevered moan and flex hard around the cook's hand, wanting more.
" Hhn- Fuck yeah. "
Far too jarringly, your cunt is emptied, there's some frantic rustling behind you, a ziiiiip, you know exactly what it is that slaps onto your ass. He doesn't seem very calm.
" M- Morell. " You hope using his name will sweeten your request. " Please be gentle, please. "
" Aww. " He chuckles, stray hand reaching to tickle under your chin, the tip of his member lines up perfectly against you. There's a gentle push, and you do your best to relax, glad he's at least doing that much for you.
Tickling becomes a solid hold of your neck.
" You'd like that, wouldn' ya? "
Morell slams home with a brute strength that not only knocks the wind out of your lungs, it feels like he's shoved your guts up to your throat. It's such an intense feeling that you believe you're sick for a moment, vision blurring as you sob out a mangled cry. For a couple of seconds, you just gasp, pussy spasming and legs shaking erratically, staring straight ahead at the grayish wall.
The chef grunts and sighs loudly, canting his hips to make sure he's fully sheathed inside you, his balls tighten and he shudders in total bliss. " Fuuck, ya wanna milk me dry, don'tcha piggy? "
You really don't care for his taunts, but it's hard not to squeal when a palm strikes across your left asscheek with the fury of a thousand suns. He amuses himself with this, it appears, stroking over the sore spot while he rocks back and forth inside your pulsing walls. He seems to struggle with your tightness, and you struggle with his girth as well, the two of you locked until he thinks to torture your poor clit. " Real fuckin' tight fer someone who's been foolin' 'round with demons. "
He won't let you squirm your way out of his hard rolls, continuing the torture until you're sufficiently relaxed for Morell to establish a slow back and forth, every thrust making you dig your nails into the flesh of your own arms. " Ya oughta stay 'ere fer a while longer. This cute an' this hot? Ah can't jus' let ya out. "
You're just trying to adapt to the cook's size, but he's far too eager, not giving you enough time to adjust before he's speeding up, jostling you. A tongue tries to wet dehydrated lips, tasting nothing but smeared blood while the scent of exotic spices clogs your nostrils and his lewd panting rattles your ears.
You're sure you must have paled like the cauliflower he has laying around when the monster stops to yank that gruesome cleaver out of its groove in the wood you currently lay on. You're not sure whether to cry, scream or simply accept things as they are. Morell grabs a firm handful of your hair, pulls your head back, and allows the blunt end of the blade to flirt with your throat.
" Naw then, do me a favor- " The blade flips, pressing dangerously against frail skin as Morell starts drilling into your small figure. " An' oink fer me, piglet! "
Oh you do.
Even if you wanted to be quiet, you couldn't.
It's everything at once. The absolutely merciless pounding into your pussy, reaching deeper than it should -Why doesn't it hurt?- Dragging hellish waves of bliss through your poor overworked brain, the terror of that cleaver possibly sinking into your body, slitting your throat open so you bleed out while he happily fucks you till your dying breath, becoming nothing more than yet another ambiguous red stain in this morbid kitchen. Nothing could ever prepare you for this, so you moan, whimper and squeal like the animal he wants you to be, doing your best to hang onto anything, tears and drool cascading down your face.
You can't tell left from right anymore, shivering at every bestial noise Morell makes above, feeling his balls slap against you with every hard piston, it's really no wonder your confused body couldn't keep up, and you truly screech in the wake of your jarring orgasm, seeing dots swimming in your vision.
" Atta girl! Nice an' sloppy... "
In spite of his confident tone, Morell's rhythm falters at your clenching. And, much to your relief, he lets the cleaver fall to your side, focusing instead on using both hands to frame your head while he bends to be flush against your back. It's a humiliating position, but you've long since stopped giving a shit about dignity here. In fact, you just want to make it out of this hellish kitchen mostly in one piece.
There's not much room for thinking when he grunts like a bull into your eardrums, gasps turning into silent gasps the second he starts slamming home deep and hard. One, two, three, four and-
His deep growl shakes you from head to toe, legs kicking instinctively as his cock flexes and he fills you like an obscene bucket. It's an uncomfortable sensation that applies too much pressure everywhere, and even if you can't be sure, you think you came again from it, very briefly. The sound of cum splattering to the floor rings in your mind while you simply wait for Morell to milk the last of his orgasm so you can come down.
" Hm, didn' have this much fun in a while, piggy. " He finally mutters, massaging your hips calmly as he rises. " Gotta say, I'm real glad ya chose ta gimme your 'regards'. "
You just groan senselessly. Your legs feel like melting jelly.
You're not sure what he's about to do next, and neither of you get to know anyway, because a group of short pitch black bodies scram in through the front doors.
" Sir! Sir please, you have to help! "
" It's serious! "
" The giant snake woman swallowed Alfredo!! "
... What?
Staring vapidly at the creatures, nothing happens for a couple of static seconds. Then the cook sighs, exasperated, before sliding out of you slowly. He shushes you when you wince, patting your sore thighs before fully laying you onto the large chopping block. You can't muster the energy to care, merely laying there and hissing at the increasing discomfort from having your arms tied this long.
" Ah'll be right back, pumpkin', promise. "
The last thing you hear is stressed murmuring, a zipper sliding up and boots stomping away, another woosh signaling the doors have closed and you're now mostly alone.
Yes, finally, some peace... A smile of relief almost makes its way to your lips before your consciousness fades entirely.
" So this is where she's been all this time... "
" Geez, can you believe it? I bet they just threw her in here to fend for herself. "
" In all honesty, I am appalled she has lived this long. "
" She's special, can't you tell Nebul? "
" You're much too prone to theatrics. "
Distant voices lull you back to reality, tired eyes blinking open, adjusting to the lights in the kitchen once more, before appraising the two studying your curled up form. One being the waiter, and the other that guy wearing a cloak, with the strange-looking head.
" Oh here she is, hi! " The smaller one waves, smiling bright.
" You cannot stay here for long. " The other warns. " If you intend to live, that is. This floor has fallen to total calamity. "
Yeah, you bet.
" I'll take care of this, you can go back up! " Grimbly hastily cuts in.
" You misunderstand, I'm not leaving without the human. " Although monotone, even you can sense the warning implied. Not that his coworker seems to care.
" Yeah right, like that's happening. Who knows what you'll do to this poor girl, you freak. "
" It would certainly be better than becoming an impulsive vampyre's bloodbag. "
The waiter's eye twitches. " ... How fucking dare you. "
Alright, back to square one it is. You need to leave before Morell comes back, and these two don't seem like they'll reach an agreement anytime soon.
You'll have to pick again.
Sighing, exasperated,
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moriartyluver · 9 months
can we have some mtp boys (separate) on how they’d treat a fem! Reader who is on her period. You don’t need to make it historically accurate & if you’d prefer, you can make it modern au. Thank you!!!
A/N: I did this in a modern AU as suggested because I have no idea how people would have dealt with periods in the 19th century
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Characters: William James Moriarty x fem! Reader , Albert James Moriarty x fem! Reader ,Louis James Moriarty x fem! Reader (separate)
Format: headcannons
Genre: hurt/ comfort, fluff
Prompt: the Moriarty brothers with a reader who is on their period.
Warnings: reader is afab, reader is female, established relationships, periods/menstruation etc.
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LOUIS would be such a good partner in general so when you’re on your period? He is doing everything!
He’s already very much a househusband male wife kind of guy but it just gets so much more malewifey when you’re on your period
Oh you’re hot water bottle got slightly less warm? Louis is filling it up for your instantly
He will literally shower you in heating pads
I don’t think he’d be very physically affectionate in general, his love language is definitely acts of service and it’s very evident all the time, but if you ask to be held, hold you he will.
He’ll make you anything you want to eat no matter how strange (I always get really weird cravings on my period so if you do aswell, be prepared because Louis will stop at nothing to make you happy)
He has a whole storage cupboard packed with pads and tampons and whatever else you may use, all with your preferred sizes and brands because he’s just that caring. You never run out of pads or tampons with him around.
If any ones annoying you, he’ll be super pissed off and will actually get into a fight for your sake.
If you’re feeling emotional, he’ll be by your side reassuring you that everything’s okay. He’s a bit emotionally constipated but he tries his best for you.
If you ever need sheets to be washed or clothes to be cleaned, he won’t mind at all and he will definitely not get upset.
He himself doesn’t go out unless necessary so he’ll try stay at home with you all the time, just in case you need something (even if you insist that you’re fine)
Overall rating? 10/10 wifey material
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WILLIAM probably knows more about your period than you do. Not in a gross mansplaining way but in a well educated husband kind of way
Like he definitely knows when you’re going to start you’re period based on symptoms and stuff before you get that little red surprise in your underwear. Worst feeling tbh.
He helps you learn how to track your cycle and if you’re an inconsistent period girlie like myself, he’s a great help. Imagine just getting ready to go out and then William tells you to make sure to take a pad/tampon/cup with you before you leave 💀
He pampers you too, especially if you live together, but not in the same way louis does.
He’s a bit more strict when it comes to what you should and shouldn’t eat (it’s the protective teacher in him). Liam makes you take magnesium supplements and makes sure you eat healthy even if you’re craving junk food so your cramps don’t get worse.
He’s probably calculated the perfect temperature for your heat pad/hot water bottle 😭
Probably a little more affectionate than his younger brother would be. If you’re complaining about being cold or uncomfortable, he’d put whatever book he’s reading down and hold his arms wide open for you. William absentmindedly rubs your back while listening to you complain about having a uterus
Definitely pressed kisses to your forehead while you ramble like the old fashioned lover he is 🤭
He makes sure to buy you really good quality pads/tampons and is sure to memorise which brands or types you prefer. Might slip a chocolate bar in there too. He also buys you painkillers and gives you the correct doses and everything at the right times
If you don’t feel like speaking much (he loves talking to you for some reason. its adorable) he gets a little upset but he’s a surprisingly good communicator. He doesn’t want to make you feel uneasy and bless his heart, he does all the chores and everything so you don’t have to suffer further while your uterus tries to fucking kill you
Overall rating? ∞/10 (I am totally not biased) I want to marry him idc if he’s a drawing
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ALBERT is stupid. I’m sorry that’s a mean way to start off
I think we can all agree he has OCD or OCPD but he’s so sweet to you despite some seeing periods as a ‘Filthy’ thing.
You bled through the sheets? He’ll calmly help you fix that dw sweetie. If you bleed through your pants in public and anyone gives you any dirty looks or some weird shit because people hate uterus havers, he’s not called one of the most unhinged mtp characters for nothing 😊
Ok but this man knows nothing about periods though. I’m so sorry. Like you had to explain to him that no you can’t hold in the blood nor do you use your pad as a bandaid of some sort
Would probably send you one of these :(yes I made that)
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He needs Louis to go shopping with him to help get you stuff because this man is smart enough for eton but not enough to know that different colours on pad packages are not flavours 🙄
Also he’s a shit cook so you still have to do that if u don’t wanna starve
Probably the most affectionate out of the brothers. He’s very cuddly with you when you need him to be (mainly because he feels bad for being so damn useless)
Overall rating? 2/10 💀
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moomoog017 · 1 month
headcannons ᯓᡣ𐭩 commander wolffe
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commander wolffe x gn!reader
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Guys this wasn't supposed to be so long... Enjoy!
One of his favorite things to do in private is for you to feel his muscles. Arms, chest, back, whatever it is he adores it. It boosts his ego and makes him feel special. He loves when you dote on how strong he is, it really gets him going. If you're muscular in places he will hype you up and tell you how strong you are. Feeling your muscles and pushing down on them he smirks. "Woah look atchu! So much muscle now (Y/n)!"
When he is in depth in a plan or thought, he comes to you for support and suggestions. When it's battle plans, he likes hearing your thoughts about it and will usually take your advice. He can't help but notice when you drop everything to help him. When it's NOT battle plans he likes to talk about life. He's not a big fan of the past but he will philosophize with you. He's quite the intellectual despite his exterior.
The man is a sucker for you when you take charge of literally anything. He likes it when you challenge his ideas or know something he doesn't. He would never admit it but he likes when you teach him something new. "Give it here, I'll show you." Wolffe rolls his eyes handing over the weapon. "There isn't a weapon I couldn't use." He states as a 'matter of fact. ' You chuckle. "Watch." A smirk crept on your face and you use the weapon with incredible accuracy. Wolffe's eyes widen. A blush is pushed onto his face, "yeah whatever, lucky shot."
Wolffe isn't exactly an empathetic person he's a tough love kinda guy. If you say anything bad about yourself he literally doesn't understand why because when he sees you, you're perfect. He genuinely gets confused and tries to tell you that your statements make no sense and are inaccurate. He will nag you until you think otherwise, if it's a real problem for you he's gonna catch on, he's smart.
If you are forcing yourself to stay awake especially for his sake he will put you to bed. Forcefully if he must. He cares so much and when you're healthy you're happy, that's all he wants for you. He sometimes neglects his health like sleeping for you, he will always provide for you first. He is selfless. "Wolffe! I'm fine." Wolffe sighs, you wanna play? Let's play." His gruff voice and dangerous eyes burning through you. He lunges and grabs you, hoisting you in his arms. Wolffe happily smirks at his victory.
OMFG STRUT YOUR STUFF. HE WILL EAT THAT SHIT UP. He loves when you're confident in yourself it makes him crazy, like bro is barking.
When you're stubborn he's all over you he can't stand it when you challenge him or don't do what you're told he kinda enjoys it but he won't tell you that.
You can't peck him on the lips without him pulling you back and embracing in a passionate kiss, living in war is always risky, one day it's possible he won't come back. He needs to make sure you know he loves you every time him or you leaves.
When you work up a sweat whether just existing or doing something physically he loses it. Just the smell of you makes him wanna grab and make out with you. ESPECIALLY if it's sparing with him.
Wolffe is always grateful when you give him stuff but no matter how expensive or cool it is nothing beats the experiences you guys have together. He will remember those forever and they mean so much to him.
He has developed this habit of grabbing your cheek and pinching it. He doesn't do it hard but it's a way for him to say 'I love you' without saying it in front of the other men. He gets a little embarrassed sometimes, he's got to maintain his tough guy image.
At first he was self conscious about his scar, it brings him bad memories but he always plays it off that he doesn't care but it still haunts him sometimes. When you two were close enough to feel comfortable with touching each other, the first place you felt was his scar. He knew he wasn't 'pretty' but you didn't care. He felt the softness of his scar and he felt something he hadn't in a very long time. Security. But when you kissed his scar all the way down his face, he just about lost it. He felt your care and compassion through your kisses and he never wanted it to stop.
Whenever you're passionate he's passionate. He might not show it very well but the way he looks at you says it all. The slight smirk in his face, like it's going to turn into a smile. The scrunch of his eyes shows you happiness. The same goes for when you're fired up because of something, he LOVES when you speak your mind, get a little cocky or sarcastic.
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gods-graveyard · 2 months
Incorrect Marauders/Royal court as quotes from my DND group (Part 11) ( but none of them are actually from dnd cuz I missed a session (;-;))
Marlene:"I'm sorry but if that makes you a white supremacists, you gotta stop the weed" Pandora:"Ah just a healthy dose of cadmium for growing bones, maybe a few too many of them" Barty:“I want to give the brits something to fear from me” Regulus:“Did you know every winter they kick all the drones out to freeze to death” Sirius:“That's so valid- girlboss moment” Regulus:"Kill yourself." Remus:"You know what that's from? You better." James:“So you have options- you can bring bears in” Regulus:“That's- no” Sirius:“Or Skunks, or Wasps- or snakes” Lily:“Okay which would my cats not bother” James:“I don't think they could eat the skunks” Barty:"I feel like a plucked chicken but not in a sexy way" Dorcas:“What do you have against sharks”? Barty:“I think we're in mutual competition.” Dorcas:“...Care to elaborate”? Barty:“Well were winning- humankind verse sharks” Dorcas:“OH I thought you meant Barty vs the sharks” Evan:"That's what I bought myself, for myself, because I thought I deserved it" Regulus:“Writing is like the first date- the first draft is perfect, and then from there any improvement is doomed to failure” Marlene:"Whatever helps you sleep at night" Evan:"I sleep just fine- I have no guilty concensus" Regulus:"Forfit? No you never give up- I refuse to accept it, I need to win beyond a doubt so I can rub your nose in it" James:"Gee thanks-" Barty:"Were fine with lead because it tastes good" (Based on my fic future lore) Harry:"What happened to you two"? Evan:"Nothing." Barty:"..Everything"
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baratiddyappreciator · 5 months
Nsfw fic of jack/kureha ❓❓ literally write whatever u want, go wild, I just need content of my goobers…
I hear you and I see you, I hope this satisfies. Once again, NSFW so anyone under 18 kindly escort yourselves out, don't let the door hit you on the way, come back when you're older or something.
Kureha didn't usually let anyone touch his hair, and not many people could blame him. It always looked soft, silky and healthy. He never let anyone touch his hair other than his hairdresser, and even then, they didn't usually get the honour all too often, considering how capable Kureha was of taking care of it himself. If he was being entirely honest with anyone, then it would actually be Jack who touched his hair the most. The blonde didn't even seem to notice that he was doing it, tucking strays back into place absent-mindedly as he was speaking, brushing it to the side if he noticed that it was getting in Kureha's way. Just little things that he simply did. And Kureha couldn't even get mad at him for doing it, because Jack didn't even seem to realize that he was doing it in the first place.
Part of him had blamed it on cultural differences, things were different in Canada compared to Japan, people seemed to be a lot more touchy, casually so. Truth be told, he truly didn't mind, it was nice to have someone touch him out of a genuine form of affection instead of a hollow attempt to get on his good side for personal gain. He enjoyed Jack touching him in general. Maybe that was why he'd dragged him into bed after trying to drop hints for literal weeks. Either Jack had been playing stupid, or just had been too stupid to realize, but Kureha was done dancing around the subject. He'd practically stuck his tongue down Jack's throat at his checkup, and pinned him to the hospital bed, which seemed to be the clear signal that Jack needed. He'd barely managed to pull himself off of the blonde titan before the nurse walked in, but he knew that he'd be found later. He was glad that he was right.
Jack's knuckles pressed against the base of his skull, his hair clenched in his fist, his head pulled back as far as it would comfortably go, just enough of a burn in his neck to add that touch of pain to his pleasure as Jack's heavy thrusts sent him nearly careening forward into his own mattress, forcing gasps and moans from his lips as his insides were bullied by the massive monster that pounded into him. He'd initially thought that jack would be shy and that he'd have the control, especially with the slow and gentle foreplay, but no, the second Jack had a go ahead that he was fine, he'd started fucking Kureha like a slut, hair pulled, his rear red from the hard slap that had been tastefully given to him only seconds ago, his own cock practically leaking precum onto his sheets as she blonde leaned over to growl in his ear.
"What's the matter doctor? Nothing smart to say anymore, huh?" He hissed, another hard slap making Kureha jolt with a yowl, a sting of pain and pleasure shooting up his spine from the point of impact, Jack's hips pressing forward hard, pinning his hips to the sheets as he pulled his head further back, forcing him to look back at him. If he cared any right now, he'd be embarrassed about the drool sliding down his chin from the corners of his mouth, but Jack didn't care, and if he did, he didn't say anything, opting to lean over him, his hand sealing around Kureha's throat in a tight grip so he could kiss him sloppily, his hips rutting shallowly against the red-heads, hitting deep again and again and again, pushing the doctor closer and closer to the edge. And because he was an observant bastard, Jack picked up on exactly how much the doctor liked it, his hand sliding down the perfect pale chest to Kureha's hips to stroke his cock languidly.
"You want more?" He rumbled, earning an almost desperate nod as his legs were squeezed between Jacks' broad thighs, his hips dragging back slowly before slamming into him, practically dropping all of Jack's body weight directly against Kureha's hips, a desperate, wet sob leaving his lips, the slow drag of Jack's meaty cock against the red puffy ring of his asshole nearly had him cumming in Jack's palm right then and there, but he was determined to outlast his partner, even if each slow, powerful thrust had him seeing stars and clawing at the sheets. Of course, he should have realized that he wouldn't be able to win against a Hanma, not when it was a Hanma this determined to "win", and with a well-placed and well-timed stroke, he came undone in Jack's capable hands, sobbing out in relief as pleasure raced up and down his spine, the muscles on either side of his neck tingling as Jack finally let go of his hair, letting him shiver and burry his face into the definitely ruined blanket beneath them, their chests heaving as Jack waited for Kureha to recover, before he leaned down and gently, oh so gently, tucked the long red hair he'd just used as a handle behind Kureha's ear to keep it out of his mouth.
"You good?" He asked, earning a grunt. "Want me to keep going?" This time, Kureha groaned, reaching back to dig his nails into Jack's thigh and glaring up at the blonde over his shoulder.
"If you don't keep fucking me right this instant I'm going to blow every blood vessel in your arm." He growled, earning a chuckle as Jack's hands settled near his head, caging him in.
"Guess I've gotta teach you how to play nice after all." He said with a smirk, before his hips drew almost all the way back, leaving only the thick tip inside of Kureha, who only whined in response. "Come on, use your manners doc. Lemme hear you say please." He purred as he slowly started to press back in, a long, low moan escaping Kureha's lips, his eyes rolling back at the delicious stretch. He was going to absolutely drive Jack up a wall, he was determined, but this time, he would let him think he was in control.
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[Y/N] Picks…
Pairing: [Y/N] x Sirius & [Y/N] x James (@ different times)
Summary: [Y/N] needs to decide between James & Sirius, but she doesn’t know who to pick.
Warning(s): cussing, sexual implications, make-out (kinda detailed but nothing too crazy), unedited,
A/N: hey everyone. wow, i didn’t expect to ever be back honestly… but here I am. i’m going to be upfront and tell you that this will be ROUGH because i haven’t written anything from this world in almost two years. i also wanted to try something a little different, so it’s a chose your own adventure. at the end, you’re able to pick where you want your path and it will take you right there! anyway, i hope you enjoy!
Of course, [Y/N] didn’t expect to fall in love with two guys. Nor did she expect them to fall in love with her. Stuff like this isn’t planned. It just happens.
First, there was Sirius. Yes, Sirius Black. The boy of about everyone’s dreams. From his charisma to his style, there was nothing to hate. Well, besides one, minor detail. 
He was a player.
Simple as that. Sirius Black was a player. He talked to the most girls, or well, that’s what everyone thought. The people who actually knew him, knew differently. If you asked someone who actually knew him, they’d tell you that he didn’t like most of the girls in his year… besides roughly three. Those were the ones he talked to.
Although, if you continued asking questions, you’d find out about the older girls. Of course Sirius Black was a sucker for older girls, especially the ones in the year above him. It always started with a conversation, but with Sirius, it was never just a conversation. When given the chance, he would make sure to give them a good time.
So when [Y/N] started catching feelings for him, she knew it wasn’t going to be good.
And, well, it wasn't. 
One year ago...
The moment [Y/N] caught feelings for Sirius, it was like a blow to the chest. The whole world around her was quaking. It had to have been the fact they were in the same house. It had to be. 
The days when she would get up in the morning on Saturdays and he would tell her how great she looked in those jeans or that shirt. She knew it was just him being friendly, because how many girls has he said that to? …but she couldn't help the butterflies in her chest.
It wasn't just that; it was also the fact that he would talk to her the most, and even though she was awkward with almost everyone. He could get her to have coherent sentences come out of her mouth. And damn she was thankful. 
[Y/N] saw a side of Sirius he didn’t let that many other people see, or at least that’s what she thought. She isn't sure who saw this side of him, but she hoped it was just her. 
In the beginning, liking Sirius wasn’t that bad. No, it was actually pretty great. Nothing changed. Their friendship was as strong as ever. 
But then a few months past. 
[Y/N] had liked Sirius for FOUR months now, and he didn't show any interest. There was nothing concrete that convinced her that he had feelings. It didn’t help that all of her friends said the feelings were mutual. [Y/N] didn't want to get her hopes up, so she said it was just him being nice and as friends. Although, she couldn’t help the desire in her heart that her friends were right.
But then summer came, and the perfect opportunity for her to get rid of her feelings for him. Being a half-blood was a good thing. She could see muggle guys, and maybe move on from her five month crush. 
Her goodbye was bitter sweet, but it was good. It was healthy. 
What wasn’t good, however, was the fact that Sirius would send her messages by owl constantly. [Y/N] would stop whatever she was doing and immediately read and respond to the letters. It was fine until the owls started arriving hourly. Hourly.
Now, hourly wasn’t a bad thing, but it did make things a little more complicated. How was she supposed to get over Sirius now?
Two months later
Summer went by quickly for [Y/N]. Between hanging out with her muggle friends, including a few cute guys, and writing to Sirius, the time flew by. Although it meant saying goodbye to her friends and family, she couldn’t wait to get back to Hogwarts to start her 5th year .
Something felt different in the letters Sirius had written. There was a shift sometime in the middle of July. The letters started to feel fueled with longing. He would tell her how he missed her: her smile, her laugh, her presence. The last letter he wrote to her was to tell her he couldn’t wait to see her.
Now, [Y/N] wouldn’t lie to herself, she did have a little fun over her summer break. There were a few wild nights that ended in kisses under the stars, but nothing too far. She didn’t doubt that Sirius had some fun too, but despite with being with other people, she felt like her and Sirius were going to go somewhere this year.
Once [Y/N] got back to Hogwarts, everything would be as it should be. Her and Sirius would finally get together, and this would be her year to shine.
Except, there was one minor problem she didn’t bother to take into account.
Head in clouds, beyond excited, [Y/N] walked onto the train looking for Sirius. Maybe he had a spot saved for her, or maybe he was looking for her. Her eyes scanned the cabins, but as she got closer to the end, her heart stopped as she narrowed in on a cabin to her left.
There he was, in the arms of another girl.
It’s not like [Y/N] hadn’t seen it before. She had. Many times, but it was different this time.
Sirius’ eyes devoured the girl in front of him. He wanted her, all of her. With a flick of his wand [Y/N] heard the compartment lock and the blinds went down.
[Y/N] blinked.
She heard nothing as she walked away, with only the ringing in her ears to remind her it was real. That, yes, she just saw that. She was only vaguely aware that a strong arm reached out and pulled her into a cabin. She was only vaguely aware that the boy held her in his arms, rocking her back and forth the whole way to Hogwarts. She was only vaguely aware that he whispered in her ear that ‘it’s going to be okay’, over and over again.
[Y/N] blinked.
Her ears stopped ringing to allow her to hear this whispered phrase again.
“It’s going to be okay, [Y/N],” the voice said. [Y/N] thought to herself for a second before deciding that, yeah, it was going to be okay. Her eye’s focused on the male who held her in his arms.
James Potter.
Of course. She smiled at him before drifting off to sleep.
One month later
“James, stop it right now, or I’ll…” [Y/N] started. James was currently sitting on the couch next to her in the common room clicking his wand on the table. [Y/N] sat down about an hour ago to start her potions homework. James quickly sat down next to her to get a head start on his too. The first half an hour was entirely productive… that was until James started getting too distracted to focus.
“Or you’ll what?” James countered, wiggling his eyebrows at [Y/N]. [Y/N] scoffed and rolled her eyes.
James and [Y/N] have always been friends. They’ve always been study buddies, but they didn’t do much other than that. They hung out with their mutual friends during their fourth year, but James had been actively pursuing a girl named Lily and [Y/N] was crushing on Sirius. Although, James decided to give up on Lily over the summer and move on (like [Y/N] should have), and saw [Y/N]’s face when she saw Sirius.
Later that day, when James and [Y/N] were sitting in the common room, Sirius walked in announced his new girlfriend. [Y/N] almost threw up, but James’ firm hand on her knee kept her grounded. Sirius’ eyes drifted to [Y/N], then to James’ hand and his smile faltered.
For less than a second.
If [Y/N] hadn’t been so caught up in her despair, she might have caught it.
But James did, and he took care of [Y/N] from moment day on. The first few days were rough. [Y/N]’s heart was breaking all at once and it hurt. But as time went on, it got easier.
Over the next month, her and James became inseparable. They did everything together, from eating, to studying, to sneaking out to stargaze. They were each other’s partner in crime.
Although, Sirius was still there. He’d distanced himself (having a girlfriend and all), but he was still friendly to [Y/N]. [Y/N]’s pain settled into a dull ache after awhile. He’d smile at her every now and then causing that dormant pain to spark through her, but she was okay. James helped numb the pain too.
It was easy to see that James and [Y/N] had feelings for each other. Everyone could see it, but neither of them admitted it. Whether it was too soon, or they were scared, nothing happened between them.
“Oh never mind, just shut up,” [Y/N]’s face blazed pink as she buried her face back into her homework. Beside her, James fell quiet. She did dare glance at him because what she wanted to say was written clearly in her eyes.
“You better tell me,” James started. [Y/N] tilted her head to look at his face. There was a mischievous gleam in his eye. “Or I’ll…” he continued.
“Or you’ll what?” [Y/N] said, fully facing him. James leaned toward her and nudged her chin with his thumb.
“Or I’ll kiss you,” James said, not waiting for a reply as he leaned in the whole way. [Y/N] had just enough time to close her eyes before his lips were on hers. Her hands reached up to grab his head, pulling him closer, to deepen the kiss. A surprised grunt escape James’ mouth before he reached over to reposition [Y/N] on his lap.
Now that she was straddling him, she kept his face close to hers. Nothing had felt this good in awhile. She could get lost in his kiss. She felt secure in his strong arms; it felt safe.
Seconds, minutes, or hours could’ve gone by, James sure didn’t know. He was too lost in completely devouring the girl he had sitting on his lap. That was until he heard a clunk.
Frightened, [Y/N] pulled away and looked over her shoulder to see a shocked Sirius. Sirius stared a second too long before bending over to pick up the book he dropped. When he stood up, he did not make eye contact with James or [Y/N] before walking up the stairs to his dormitory. 
“Well, that was... wow,” James said, causing [Y/N] to regain attention on James. When she looked at him, his hair was a complete disaster, and not to mention his swollen lips. She smiled, thinking she probably looked just as ridiculous.
“Yeah,” she said, planting a kiss on his cheek, “it was”. James smiled at her before turning back to his homework.
“Now, what potion were we working on?” James asked as [Y/N] shifted off if his lap to sit next to him. She smiled at him as he started to flip through the pages of his textbook. 
‘I’m happy. This is what I want. James likes me,’ she told herself. Although, that dull ache returned, bringing Sirius’ shocked face right along with it. 
 Present day
James and [Y/N] started dating a few days after that. He brought her a bouquet of roses and turned them from white to her favorite color. He presented them to her after a big quidditch match. She blushed profusely, and said yes in front of the whole party. She didn’t fail to note that Sirius left with his girlfriend shortly after.
James and [Y/N] fit together perfectly. They never argued, supported each other, and were best friends. It was safe.
Safe was the right word to describe it. What James and [Y/N] had was safe. There would be no heartbreak because they both knew they loved someone a little more, not that they would ever admit it. They would never call each other out on those one second too long glances, or those wandering eyes in the common room.
[Y/N] saw a future with James. She truly did. It was a simple one, but perfect nonetheless. They would live in a small cottage right outside of London with their two boys. It was perfect and happy future. She loved James a lot, and she knew he loved her.
And she knew they would grow to love each other completely. It would just take time.
Honestly, everything was entirely uncomplicated.
Later that night
[Y/N] and James were eating dinner in the great hall. It was James’ favorite meal, and [Y/N] rolled her eyes as he was literally stuffing food into his mouth.
“You know, this isn’t a race. The food won’t get up and run away from you,” [Y/N] said, nudging James in the shoulder. James turned his head and you barely caught the mischievous glint in his eyes.
“Well, you know [Y/N], this is a school of witchcraft and wizardry. You actually never know when the food will get up and run away from you…” and with a flick of his wand the food started running all over the table. She laughed as the chicken sprinted through your potatoes, only to be silenced by a single look from one of your professors.
“JAMES POTTER,” a loud voice bellowed across the hall. James flicked his wand again to stop the running food; the chicken landed in the pudding. James turned and winked at [Y/N] before getting up and walking over to the voice. She blew him a kiss and watched him go.
She smiled as he reached out for the kiss and smacked it right in his cheek. Her stomach swarmed with butterflies.
She talked for awhile more before grabbing a cupcake and heading back to her room.
As she left, she didn’t notice that Sirius walked out the door moments before her. She definitely didn’t notice that he walked into a broom closet near her house.
Although, she did notice when a strong arm reached out and pulled her in said broom closet.
“What the hell?” [Y/N] yelled before a hand clasped over her mouth as she dropped her cupcake. She jumped back in surprise when her eyes landed on her captor face.
Sirius’ face.
“Please, let me talk first before you say anything,” Sirius said, slowly removing his hand from [Y/N]’s mouth. She raised her eyebrows, but said nothing. Sirius paused a moment before continuing. “[Y/N] what happened to us? I thought we had something going on over the summer, and then I see you in James’ arms on the way to Hogwarts and I…”
“Let me stop you right there. Are you trying to pin this on me? YOU were the one who was making out with another girl on the train. James found me after I saw,” [Y/N] said, interrupting him. For the first time, thinking of that memory didn’t bring pain, it brought anger instead.
“What? No.. I didn’t.. we didn’t…” Sirius started, but couldn’t form a sentence.
“You can try to deny it all you want, but I know what I saw,” [Y/N] said. “You know what else Sirius? I loved you. I wanted nothing more than to be with you. You crushed me when I saw you on the bus, and you crushed me again when you announced you were dating her. I don’t know where this conversation is going, but we have both moved on Sirius. I’m with James and you’re with…”
“No, I’m not with her. We broke up weeks ago. I broke up with her because I wanted to be with you. I only started dating her to make you jealous. Who would’ve thought you’d be the one making me jealous,” he glanced at [Y/N]. She had nothing to say, she was just watching him. Sirius continued, “[Y/N], I love you. I can’t believe I’m saying it, but I’ve loved you for awhile now. I’m sorry I’ve been such a fool and made a huge mess of things. I should have never done anything to hurt you. Damnit, I want a second chance [Y/N]. Please, give me a second chance.”
He took a step closer, and leaned forward…
Time seemed to stop for [Y/N]. She didn’t expect to fall in love with two guys. Nor did she expect them to fall in love with her. Stuff like this isn’t planned. It just happens.
There was Sirius, her first love. The boy who had her heart from the beginning, but then broke it into two.
Then there was James. The boy who picked up those two pieces and made them whole again.
But the more she thought about it, the answer was right in front of her.
Of course, the person she belonged with was…
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v--143 · 11 months
Hii, me again JSNDNS
I hope I don't bother you aaand I hope you're good
Could I ask for a lee!Hyunjin ler!everyone fic??
Thank you and stay healthy<3
ABSOLUTELY Lee Hyune is sooo heartwarming 🥰🥰 thank YOU!! <33 🥟 p.s. anon u are NEVER bothersome please feel free to send anything at all ever I hope you stay happy and healthy as well <3
*For the sake of this fic again, they all live together❤️‍🩹
!! Warnings: Drinking mentions !!
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< Party Run >
[Lee! Hyunjin]
[Ler! Skz]
Idols needed their moments of rest and days off after long days of practice, especially the entirety of SKZ after Lee Know made them practice choreography for about 4 hours straight. However, some definitely had different ways of “resting up”.
It was a Friday night and almost all members were more than ready to get their rest. All except one.
Hyunjin thought it was the perfect night to go out and allow himself some freedom at the bar. Nothing wrong with that of course, everyone needed their time to have fun and enjoy what the night had to offer. The only issue was that Hyunjin, like everyone, had his occasional adrenaline spikes. Alcohol, however, made this 1000x worse.
“Oh my God, Minho, my back hurts… this is all your fault” Han complained as he arched his back off the bed.
“I can’t MOVE” Seungmin yelled from afar.
“Is everyone here dramatic or am I just better than all of you” Lee Know said.
Chan was busy doing a head count as he went to the kitchen before settling down in bed. It was almost midnight, but he knew there was one voice missing.
“Is Hyunjin still out? Was he not sore at all??” Chan questioned.
“He went out because he was sore. He won’t even remember we practiced at all after tonight” Han stated.
Chan kept checking his phone for any updates on Hyune. Not that he was scared for him, he knew how to take care of himself, but he did want to sleep assured that all the kids were home.. (and not deal with his insane energy shock upon arrival).
About 20 minutes passed and everyone was on their phones in the kitchen or bickering about who did the hip-hop step better (thanks Seungbin) until the door burst open and and a happy Hyunjin wobbled in.
“GUYS. Guys. You GUYS oh my God you won’t believe the effectiveness of a moscato. Two, actually. WOW.”
Han burst out laughing instantly as Hyunjin dramatically explained the effects of a moscato on the brain and body while smiling and doing the most random hand motions known to man.
“No because you don’t understand it’s like.. like I’m not even sore anymore. I feel fine. Great even”He walked over to where Lee Know was sat on the couch and put his hands on his hips while standing in front of him.
“Lee Know, whatever we did today, lightwork. Easy. Step it up headass.”
Everyone in the room burst out laughing loudly as Minho got up from his seat and grabbed Hyunjin’s shirt to pull him closer.
“LET me GOHO. AAAAAAHHHHHHHH” Hyunjin screamed out of pure drama despite Lee Know barely touching him. He began to claw at the air as his shirt was being tugged on until he slipped and his hands and knees hit the floor with a soft thud.
Han and Innie were doubled over laughing at his little 1am stunts. Despite the show he was putting on, everyone was still tired and wanted to get at least some form of rest in before the weekend.
“Alright, I think we should head to bed, it’s 1am already” Chan reminded the rolling Hyunjin on the floor. Hyunjin stood up and stretched his arms out in front of him while groaning loudly.
“Alright. Okay. But. What do you think about my HIP HOP STEP” and there he was doing the choreography to s class. Again.
“What do we do with him” a teary eyed IN asked the members.
“Can’t we just lock him in a room until this fit is over” Seungmin suggested.
“I can force him to practice for 4 more hours” Minho offered. Hyunjin jumped on his back mid sentence.
“We just need to tire him out, get all that energy out his system” Changbin reminded.
“Ah. We’re stupid, this is easy, follow me” Minho said as he shook Hyunjin off him just to turn around and throw him over his shoulder.
“AAAHHA HA” Hyunjin shout out loud. While the members were annoyed at his antics, and sleepy, and sore.. they couldn’t help but laugh and coo at his enjoyment of this.
“You guys remember that trend from around 2 years ago?” Seungmin mentioned.
“There have been, like, hundreds” IN said.
“I know that smartass I’m talking about the one where you, like, ‘show your true laugh’ when people put a lot of weight on your chest”
“Are you suggesting we crush him to death” Chan questioned.
“Mmm no.. no… BUT we could get him out of breath quickly that way” Seungmin said.
During this entire conversation, Hyunjin was dangling on Lino‘s shoulder making unintelligible noises as they spoke beside the dorms living room couch.
“Naha don’t do that I’ll throw up on youhou actually actually good idea let’s do it Seungmin stand in front of my mouth pleaseaha HAHAHAHA” Hyunjin threw his head back at the thought of letting his past few drinks come out onto Seungmin.
“Throw him down” Minnie sternly told Lino.
Quickly, Hyunjin was smacked onto the couch on his back as he yelped. The members quickly began stacking themselves on top of his chest and stomach while he tried to bring his knees to his chest in protest and kick them off.
“NAHAHA NOOO OFF OFFAH” Hyunjin was quickly running out of breath as the first 3, Seungmin, IN, and Felix, stacked on top of him.
“SOTOPopaha ahoaha ah aH-“ his laughter got deeper and more breathy as Seungmin began to playfully bounce his body up and down on Hyune’s chest. Felix was sitting comfortably on top of Minnie’s lap while IN was lying on Hyunjin’s stomach.
“STAAOHP” Hyune was smacking at everyone on top of him in hopes that they’d get off. He had no idea why he was laughing so hard. Other than the drinks in his system, the extra weight on top of him for some reason had him going hysterical. He covered his mouth with his hands as he screamed when IN suddenly squeezed his knee.
“QUIHIT IT” he kicked at the couch while grabbing a handful of Seungmin’s hair when he saw his hand going straight for his underarm.
“OW” Minnie yelped as he and Felix tumbled down from the couch.
“HEAHAHA AHA” Hyunjin found it hilarious, of course.
“This isn’t working. How many damn drinks did you have?!” Lee Know questioned.
“This many” Hyunjin said as he stretched his arms out and flipped him off with a gasp. He quickly covered his mouth with his hands afterwards and faced an innocent look.
“WHO did that. Oh my God. Did ANYONE see that?! Nooo Lee Knowwwwwww” he giggled to nobody in particular.
With IN still on top of Hyune’s stomach, he decided he’d scoot down to his lower calves, giving Lee Know the chance to sit with him back-to-back atop Hyune’s upper calves. The boys had had enough of his constant bickering and were frankly ready for him to calm down.. in their own way.
“Naaa naahaha what are you even dohoing” Hyune questioned as Seungmin and Felix, the two that he knocked down, firmly grasped his wrists and held them to the sides of his head. Changbin and Chan positioned themselves to either side of his torso, while Han sat criss-cross behind Hyune’s head setting it into his lap.
Hyunjin’s face was that of a lost puppy, widened eyes and his frantic head shaking from side to side.
“Uhahmam this is odd guys whatat” he tried to buck his hips and found himself almost immobile.
“You brought this upon yourself” Han said while lightly wiggling his fingers across both sides of his neck and ears, causing an adorable eye and nose scrunch followed by a squeal.
“Get OHF of me” Hyunjin bucked.
“Maybe. If you would’ve. Not. Been. So. Annoying!” Chan said with pokes to his ribs between every few words. “So sorry Hyune.”
He tried to shuffle away from his fingers only to be found with Changbin doing the same exact thing on the other side. Lee Know began to squeeze right above his knees, lightly, earning a scream from the younger. Meanwhile Seungmin and Felix were readily scratching their fingers down his forearms as IN focused on placing rapid pokes to his feet when he least expected it.
“This is so funny” the maknae teased.
The light movements being done all over his body had him on the verge of going insane.
“OHOH MY GOHOHOD STOOOOOPPPAAAHH” Hyunjin screamed out as he roughly thrashed his head from side to side, his now wet hair blocking his eyesight making the experience 10x worse. He could really only buck his hips up and down since the rest of his body was basically immovable.
“Clearly not bad enough. That was a quick warm up” Lee Know said giggling to himself and the members, “this is for you flipping me off” and with that Lino grabbed both his sides, right under the ribs, and drilled his thumbs in while roughly vibrating his hands and making a loud ‘dudududuududu’ noise.
“NAAHAHAAH HAHA HAHA” Han’s jaw dropped from how ear-piercing Hyunjin’s scream-laughter was. He tried to bring his arms in on himself while bucking even more violently than before, he had everyone shocked at the sensitivity of his torso that they’d almost felt bad.
But they didn’t. So IN continued to prod at his feet while Chan and Changbin wiggled their fingers over the middle of his stomach, earning spasms and sudden twitches from the boy.
“STOP STOP STOHOHOhohop” his laughter began to get weaker as he threw his head back and tried to imagine what it felt like to not be dying.
“You really want us to stop?” Seungmin questioned, laughing.
“Okay. 30 seconds left then, but don’t complain. You asked for it.” The others knew what this meant.
“WAIT WAIT IM TIHIHIRED NOW PLEASE DONT PLEHEASE PLEASE PLEASE YOU CANT GO HAHARDER IM SORRY IM SOHOHO SOHORRY-” were the last words before Seungmin and Felix drilled into his underarms, Lee Know wiggled at his inner thighs, Chan squeezed at his ribs and hips, Changbin teased at his stomach, IN went ham on his feet, and Han poked and prodded all over his extremely sensitive collarbone and lower neck.
After constant bucking, ear piercing screams, tears down to his neck, heavy breathing, unlaced threats, and kicking for 20 seconds… Hyunjins laughter went completely silent.
The other members were in hysterics. Han was pointing at Hyunjin’s legs and clapping, now unmoving as they poked at his stomach.
“We broke him” he said out of breath.
Seungmin grabbed his arm and threw it around in the air a bit while Hyunjin just kept giggling into the void.
“HAHA, this is great” Seungmin commented.
Chan rubbed comforting circles on his side as Hyunjin curled into his arm bringing his knees and arms to his chest. Changbin rubbed his back as the others began to yawn through their, still, hysterical laughter.
“You’re SO loud!” Changbin said.
“He’s too dramatic for his own good~” Felix cooed as he rubbed at Hyune’s ear, making his shoulders scrunch.
“Don’t touch mehe”
“dOnT tOuCh MeHe” Lino said dramatically as he grabbed his waist.
“NAAHA NO! NOOO” Hyunjin immediately kicked and flailed his arms like a madman despite Lino not actually doing anything, eventually causing him to fall flat on the floor.
Everyone was exhausted, both from laughing and soreness now, ready to go to bed. Hyunjin couldn’t muster up the courage to trust anybody to carry or take him to bed somehow without being attacked, so he simply laid on the floor next to the couch for a while. He eventually got up while rubbing at his sides and arms waddling over to his bed when he noticed a sleepy Seungmin in it.
“Oh come ON get out?!” Hyunjin said, annoyed.
“I see someone’s finally ready for bed.”
“Are you getting out”
Too tired to really care, Hyune swung his legs onto the bed and laid right next to Seungmin, their bodies close.. and Seungmins hand even closer to his waist.
“Don’t even think about it. I’ll wake everyone up and you know it.” Hyune said as he grabbed at Minnie’s hand.
“I know, I’m just resting it here. Goodnight.”
He hated him. But not really. That nights sleep was actually one of the best he’d gotten in weeks. Maybe he shouldn’t have yelled stop so many times…
HYUNEBUUUUUUNNNNNNN this was fun to write sorry it took longer than the first!! I hope it’s good 🥹 please lmk🩷🩷!!!
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queentala · 2 years
Gavriel and Rowan for @hot-ashryver bc I love them
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Having those two as lovers is like a win at a lottery. Basically, you're set up for the rest of your life as they would rather fling themselves off a cliff than see you lift a finger
They’re constantly jumping around you, making sure you’re happy, healthy and comfortable
You need anything? One word and they’re already on the way to bring you whatever your heart desires, let it even be the moon on a string
You’re bathed in affection 24/7, and given that Gavriel and Rowan love each other as much as they love you, there’s so much warmth, kisses and cuddles in your life
It’s a really healthy relationship. You can always tell them everything and know for sure that you’ll find comfort and support in their arms, of course vice versa
Both are extremely supportive of your hobbies and job, and want you to fulfill yourself, but even if they’re never going to say it out loud, they’d be more than happy if you decided to stay home and let them provide for you
Just knowing that you’re safe home plus they get to have you all to themself is making them feel somehow calmer
They hate seeing you worried or sad, but because they are both warriors and sometimes they simply leave for war, you spend weeks, months even, worrying about them and not once crying as you know there’s nothing you can do but hope they come back to you in one piece
Your goodbyes are painful for all of you, but once your eye catch their figures in the crowd of soldiers, your feet carry you faster than wind and within seconds you’re back in their embrace
Those evening are always spend with the three of you tangled between sheets. Sometimes naked, other times clothed... It never matters as long as you’re together
Rowan and Gavriel are slightly overprotective when it comes to your safety so they’re always on either of your sides, Rowan’s hand on your lower back, Gavriel’s tangled with yours as you walk through the city. Any male or female that looks at you a second too long has to immediately deal with narrowed eyes and exposed fangs aimed at them
They are also both light sleepers and at the beginning of your relationship they used to shoot awake at your slightest move. As it started to become tiring, they started caging you in their iron grips for the night, depriving you of the ability to move in your sleep
You complained for some time but after one night when you were forced to sleep alone as Rowan and Gavriel were off on a mission, you missed their touch so much that now it’s your arms around them so they couldn’t let you go as they roll over or something
Also, they would really want to start a family with you
And not being able to imagine better fathers in the world, you just couldn’t say no to them
You end up having a lot of children, with each one of them being completely different
One identical as Rowan, one the exact copy of Gavriel, baby girl that looks like mammy, boy with golden hair and mama’s eyes, and baby that’s 50/50 you and Rowan
Every single one of them is loved exactly the same by every one of you, and your kids are the happiest in the world with two amazing fathers and the most perfect mama 
Gods I think I need to make a separate post for these two as fathers as I could write about this for hours...
Anyway, you’re pregnant? Their overprotectiveness gets like ten times bigger
They are both pleasure doms and the most passionate lovers you could imagine so you could never say you lack something in bedroom
There’s also no pressure that it’s always has to be the three of you. It’s fine if you have sex only with Rowan or only with Gavriel, and you’re completely fine if you come back home to your men naked and sweaty in bed (in fact you don’t mind sitting on a couch with glass of vine in hand and watch your lovers in bed)
Conclusions: they are perfect
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pointless-soap · 1 year
Review #2: Zum Bar Goat's Milk Soap: Sea Salt
So while bored at work and waiting for an eye appointment, I started an AMA and I was asked what my favorite soap was. Well, here it is. This is my current go-to soap. The first time I got it was right before a convention, followed by a first date. I needed something good. I needed something above the normal cheap body wash I used. I needed something new.
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Enter: a blue bar. You've probably seen it in a grocery store and thought something like "That looks like soap that's trying too hard. Like it wants to appeal to the kind of New Age and healthy crowd. Like it's way overpriced." And honestly? You're not wrong. It's overpriced. It's trying to impress you. But it's also easy to steal because the Kroger just leaves it out there. (For legal reasons, I'm not endorsing shoplifting. But like whatever, I used to work there so it doesn't count.) Anyway, let's get into the rankings.
Smell: 9/10
No lie, the smell is why I got this soap to begin with. It's significantly more subtle compared to the other Zum Bars they had on option. Not too strong, not too subtle. I have gotten several compliments on this soap's smell. I wouldn't describe it as "Sea Salt" exactly. It has an almost citrus smell to it, that same kinda sharpness. Definitely floral. Lovely.
Lather: 9/10
You don't really have to try to lather this up all that much. Turn on the water and get washing, that's it. But at the same time, it's not overwhelming. Like it'll lather, it'll spread, but it's not gonna drown you in suds. I've had that problem before, mainly with shampoos, but still. That's how you get buildup and soap scum. It sucks. This soap doesn't do that.
Smoothness: 10/10
Oh God it's so smooth. I think that's what the goat milk is for, I don't know. All I know is that it slides like nothing else, right along the skin. No tugging, no tightness, just perfection. No notes.
Scrubability: 7/10
The one downside to this soap in my opinion. It is absolutely not an exfoliating soap. There's little salt inclusions that provide a bit, but that's it. And they dissolve in the water. But that's fine, because I don't get this soap to exfoliate. I get it for the prior score, that smooth finish.
Cleaning power: 9/10
It's nice! I go in, I put in my conditioner (a future review of that miraculous product, I promise), and I grab my soap. I know what I'm in for. It'll clean up, cut through the grime I need it to. I bike a lot to get places, I get dirt on my sometimes. If happens! And this works wonders. A good job.
Total Average Score: 8.8/10
That's right, my preferred soap is only an 8.8/10. Not perfect! It shines in almost everything, except for scrubs. Granted, as I said, I don't get it for the scrubs. But besides that, it's a wonderful soap.
Closing thoughts:
I'm still in the relationship this soap was purchased immediately prior to. That's a pretty solid endorsement if ever I've heard one. It can definitely be a more expensive soap. I think it's around $5 for a bar, rather than the usual bargain pack of like 2 for $3 or whatever. But also if you don't get caught it's not a crime, that's all I'm saying.
Anyway it's a good soap! My current favorite. Note, however, that I said current. I never have anything written in stone.
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buddiebeginz · 2 years
I sincerely thought nothing could ever make me feel as sad and depressed as I did after watching Billy die at the end of season 3 but this takes the cake. They teased us with Billy’s return by directly mentioning him in the trailers and then naming a whole episode after him when they didn’t need to do any of that. It got my hopes up that he could come back. And it’s not like that was just some delusional hope of us Billy fans I saw reviewers speculating of his return when the first trailer dropped too.
Even if he didn’t come back even if it was just Max reading a letter at his grave that would have been fine but no they had to go and throw in a scene with Vecna as Billy saying awful shit to Max. Worse at the end of the season we have Max saying Billy didn’t deserve to be saved and her seeing him as a monster (when he was possessed by the Mindflayer) when her letter directly contradicts that.
I’m not saying Max didn’t have had a complicated relationship with Billy or shouldn’t have had complicated feelings about him. I get why she would he took out his feelings of pain and anger from his dad onto her and it wasn’t okay at all but I also believe they cared about each other and had some good moments too. I know cause I was a lot like Billy as a teen and had a hard time getting along with my younger sister who was favored and didn’t bare the brunt of abuse from my mom like I did. But we also had times where we would talk or hang out or laugh. I think Max and Billy probably had times when they weren’t fighting too. Regardless I don’t think Max wanted Billy to die or was happy he died.
It’s just the Duffers could have easily not brought up Billy again or better they could have showed us in Max’s memories a happy moment with her and Billy and that could have helped her heal her guilt and grief. But instead we got whatever the hell all that was. Like season three left me so angry over how no one saved Billy but seeing how Max was grieving for him in season 4 I was feeling a little better about it all because at least someone was showing they cared about him. But now the Duffers are like Max intentionally didn’t help him because she wanted him to die. Like wtaf???🤦🏻‍♀️
I just don’t get why the Duffers have targeted Billy so much. The majority of the other characters on the show have been treated with some kind of care and dignity and with Billy it almost feels like the Duffers see him as their childhood bully and are reacting their revenge. Billy wasn’t a monster he was a teenager who had spent his whole life dealing with monsters and fighting to survive. Billy cared and he felt things just as deeply as the other characters he just didn’t always know how to show that.
If he didn’t he wouldn’t have reacted the way he did when Neil attacked him, we wouldn’t have seen him crying when he was hitting Steve because he was thinking of his dad, or him getting nervous and practicing for his date with Karen. And he fought back so hard against the Mindflayer even though no one was helping him like they did Will. The Mindflayer told him to hurt Karen but he fought and we saw in his eyes how much hurting people was affecting him. Then you had the sauna ep when he tries to tell Max what’s been happening and you can tell how guilty and scared and alone he feels. When El goes into Billy’s Ed and the Mindflayer taunts her Billy is crying. At the end of season 3 when El shows Billy the least little bit of care and reminds him of his mom and a happy memory he resists the Mindflayer and sacrifices himself for all of them.
Billy wasn’t perfect and I don’t agree with all of his choices but I know Billy because I was him. For some reason people are under this screwed up misconception that people just magically grow up to become well adjusted adults who know how to have healthy relationships. It doesn’t work like that. Being an adult is something you need to learn how to do with lots of help along the way and Billy never had that. There was no way at 18 he was going to know how to get along with people in some picture perfect way when for the majority of his life all he’d known is fighting for survival. Because when you live with a parent like Neil that’s what everyday feels like.
It just makes me so mad that Bob and Alexi and Eddie and even Barb will all get remembered on the show like their life mattered but the show has effectively decided now that Billy’s doesn’t. Seeing Billy die was awful (which btw thanks for feeling the need to replay that image over and over again this season Duffers) but seeing the one person who I think mattered to Billy above anyone else say he didn’t deserve to be saved was worse.
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Chapter 13- Part 8
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Well, would you look at that, the cactus predictions are half-right so far! And Blizzard’s Snow Warning overrode the other weather effects associated with Desert Field (sandstorm and harsh sunlight), very good!
But that’s just one part of it. Because now that he’s Lv. 23, he learned a very…interesting move, and now’s the time to see if it’ll do what I think it will. The big question now is: does an Elemental Terrain override a Telluric Field like this one? Only one way to find out: time for Blizzard to deploy Mist!
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Oh my gosh, it actually worked!! The Desert Field’s down for a little while!
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Pin Missile’s still scary, but that’s okay- because now, the real fun can begin!
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What in the- Icy Wind gets a boost from Misty Terrain?? 
…Um, I mean- yeah, I knew Icy Wind gets a boost from Misty Terrain! That was part of my plan the whole time, totally! I definitely planned all of this!
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Ahahahaha, it does so much damage now!! And now we-
Oh- oh no, it’s going for Pin Missile again- stop stop stop stop STOP STOP NOT THE SAND TOMB TOO-
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AAAAAHAHAHAHA??? HE’S STILL ALIVE! THE HP SLIVER CURSE CAN HAPPEN ON OUR SIDE TOO!! But uh- yeah, let’s definitely use a Super Potion so he doesn’t die to the next Pin Missile and Sand Tomb combo, then finish with another Icy Wind.
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Perfect! Already one Pokémon down! Unfortunately, the Misty Terrain goes away at the same time, but that’s alright, it’s done its job for now.
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As much as I’d like to keep Blizzard out to get the most out of the Telluric Seed boost, that there’s a Steel-type and he’s an Ice-type. Time to bring out Caldera!
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Oh, it’s got a Seed too, how cheeky-
Well, uh- we can’t use Clear Smog to remove the boosts because of the Steel typing. But even with the Sp. Defense boost, it’s still quad weak to Fire, so Incinerate should still do good damage.
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Ah! I hate that, actually! To the flames with you!
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Nevermind, it got taken out by its own Sand Tomb from the Telluric Seed!
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Mmm, I’m sure it’ll have Sand Veil, so we’ll need to use Clear Smog to get that Evasion back to normal. After that, we’ll send in Prong to finish the job.
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…Or…not. The way the Reborn wiki worded it, I thought Sand Veil got activated just by default, even if there’s no sandstorm- maybe not? Or maybe it’s just a passive effect and not so much a hard stat boost? Uh- either way, there’s nothing to Clear Smog, so Prong comes in early!
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Nature Power again? That’s fine, I wasn’t gonna switch her out anyways. Cancea may not be a Dark-type yet, but it’s still weak to Bug Bite!!
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Nice!! And as you can see, Prong’s doing perfectly fine after that Pin Missile!
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Aha, Breloom! My other prediction really did come true! Now all she needs is Rotom and I can say I’m a genius! 
At any rate- Grass/Fighting? Send in the Flying-type!
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And guess who got a stronger special Flying move to replace Gust? That’s right, it’s Air Cutter, baby!
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WHAT DO YOU MEAN?? Breloom can’t learn Spore naturally in Gen VII, it has to do it as a Shroomish! At LV. 40! What kinda move technique stuff was Florinia doing to have a Lv. 23 Breloom with Spore!?
Using the Awakening didn’t help, it just used Spore again because guess what?? It ALSO outspeeds Decibel! New plan- send in Glare!
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We’ll heal Decibel in the background while Glare’s out tanking attacks, then try to- oh my gosh it put Glare to sleep with Spore too, STOP!! 
Now what’s Florinia sending out-?
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OH SHOOT, CRADILY’S OUT EARLY. Um- no no, it’s okay, I have something for this! But I need Glare healthy and NOT asleep, so we’ll stall for time with Riptide, who is likely to be deleted with a Grass-type move but we need to do what we need to do!
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That’s…fine! Gives us a free turn to wake Glare up with the Pop Rocks!
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And Cradily’s still just…Stockpiling…? …You know- I was gonna have Glare paralyze the Cradily to drop its Speed, but at this point…I think Riptide can just do that with Scary Face before he gets hit with whatever Grass attack?
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And it’s setting up Sandstorm- we can deal with that! We can deal with all of this, actually! We just need to heal Blizzard!
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And now Cradily’s…spamming Smack Down…? Instead of using a Grass move on the Water-type? Wait…it’s used Stockpile, Sandstorm, and Smack Down…it has one more move I haven’t seen yet, but it’s still only attacking with Smack Down…
…Does Cradily…not have a Grass-type move?
Well, in that case…I know a way to get Blizzard in for free without switching him into a Smack Down! And if he’s just taking a Rock-type move, Riptide has time to get some Ice Fangs in! It won’t do much because of the Defense boosts, but that chip damage could mean all the difference here! 
He’ll take some damage from the Smack Downs, more damage from the sandstorm, but he’ll be doing plenty of damage back with Ice Fang, until…!
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Wow- lived on 1 HP from the rocks only to die from sandstorm damage…
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But with Riptide’s sacrifice, we can change the tempo and the weather more to our favor by bringing Blizzard back in!
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Now Cradily won’t be getting advantages from the sandstorm and the hail will be doing chip damage to it too. And not only that- but let’s take away Cradily’s other advantage too! Let’s bring the Mist back in!
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