#because she DOES kiss him and he can breathe underwater
chryzure-archive · 2 years
naiad!chrysi and jacks(normal fate) flirting via jacks trying to kiss her because he thinks it would be beautiful to watch a water nymph die to his curse and chrysi trying to drown him because she’d love to keep a pretty fate as a drowned trophy with her underwater. then they end up actually falling in love and it’s a bit of a problem, since now they’re both mortal over it ://
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hitlikehammers · 2 months
take the call
rating: t ♥️ cw: off-screen car accident (but EVERYTHING IS FINE), hurt/comfort, softness ♥️ tags: established relationship, married steddie, hurt/comfort, rockstar Eddie/teacher Steve, Steve's heart of gold is very possibly going to be Eddie's undoing one of these days, well-worn-soul-deep love
for @steddielovemonth day eighteen: Love is terrifying (@starryeyedjanai)
set in the 00s, with Steve and Eddie having two decades of loving under their belts, now ♥️
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Eddie isn’t expecting a call, any call, really; he’s in the studio, like, if he gets a call someone takes a message or whatever.
And in fairness, Eddie doesn’t get the call.
He gets a message.
He rolls his eyes kinda automatically, kinda thoughtlessly at the cut of the audio track to let the mic system override from outside the booth.
“Okay, so, like, don’t freak out.”
He’s not thoughtless at all about the way he clocks the tension in Jeff’s voice even across the speaker system; it’s entirely automatic how he freezes, how he looks up and locks eyes with his friend through the glass and sucks in a sharp breath for the look on his face: pained.
Maybe, maybe scared.
Eddie’s heart drops somewhere near his knees, but beats there so fucking hard.
“This lady called, and she said she found Lainie’s card inside the case of a phone she picked up,” and okay, okay, that’s…that’s random but maybe it’s about their assistance manger, who just got her contract confirmed and got fancy new business cards for it and has been handing them out to everybody she sees, even gave Eddie extras to pass on to Steve, maybe he can share them at the school as if anyone at even a hoity-toity private 6-through-12 school would have a reason for a card from a record label but she’s excited, and Eddie’s excited for her, and Steve loves the people Eddie works with, and not just because they’re attached to Eddie and he loves the things that come with Eddie as a given—but that’s also true, and always has been, but—
“She, um,” Jeff’s voice is filtering through again, and Eddie clocks that there’s…there’s something more to it, more than his brain’s willing to grasp just yet but his body’s apparently picked up on because he thinks the slightest breeze would knock him over and shatter him into pieces, for the tightness in his body; he’s not focused enough to count the separate beats of his pulse but he can tell it’s quick enough already, still weighed down near his feet, that counting would be kinda hard, would take effort:
“She found the phone at a car crash?”
So: the more-to-it. The thing his body already knew.
Eddie…Eddie doesn’t even need to know what comes next to know he cannot fucking breathe.
“Sounded kinda like, uh, like it could have been Steve’s phone,” Jeff is trying to tell him, and part of Eddie hears it, part of him does but most of him is white noise, is pins-and-needles, is underwater and drowning and not even fucking thinking of fighting the pull because he can’t, he’s heavy at the legs and his lungs are seizing and there’s, he’s—
“Because it, umm, she found the card because the case was broken?” and just last night Eddie’d watched Steve pop off the case and slide the cards behind with a laugh and a promise to take them with him not today—because it’s one of those federal holidays that only schools notice happening, like the post office is still open—but definitely tomorrow, never knew which of the kiddos at the Rich People School might be a budding metalhead underneath their uniforms—
“And she said the case was, um, like bright—“
Electric lime neon fuckin’ green because after three times of Eddie taking Steve’s phone by accident he’d come home with that endearing eyesore, and a kiss to the bridge of Eddie’s nose and a soft hard to confuse that, babe nuzzled against him and—
“It could maybe have just been a coincide—“ Jeff’s talking but Eddie can’t fucking hear it, not really, not when he’s letting the door slam behind him and ripping off his headphones to drop to the groundnut when he’s gasping hard enough to crack a rib, not when the floor’s gone out from underneath him and his vision’s tunneled and nothing seems real, and everything feels too real, every world ending possibility shuddering through his foggy mind alongside every heartbreakingly perfect memory blossoming up unbidden just to serve as a reminder, an underscoring of what he stands to lose, what maybe he’s already fucking lost—
He meets Jeff’s eyes without the glass between them as he grabs his keys from his jacket on the couch and makes himself take the breath that’ll fuel the voice, that’ll give him words, just one word, he needs, he fucking needs—
Eddie shouldn’t have driven himself, he knows that.
Like, on some other plane of existing, he’s sure he knows that.
But on this plane, he rips past his bandmates, all the extra people with them for recording, jams the close-door button before anyone can follow him into the elevator because he happens to know this one’s quicker than the stairs even on a good day, and this—
Eddie’s shaking so goddamn hard he can barely get one foot in front of the other, he really doesn’t think he can manage ten fucking flights of steps.
He burns rubber on the way out of the parking lot, and the nearest hospital to where Steve would have been—on his day off, because holiday, he’d have bene close to home, he mentioned food shopping, he thought he might make stir-fry but he wasn’t sure, they hadn’t made a vegetable haul from the Asian market downtown in a couple weeks and they need to, they need to but Steve wasn’t feeling like going on his own, because he might not say it out loud but they both know he enjoys Eddie’s excitability when new items hit the shelves and he can’t read the language they’re labelled in so he guesses frantically until the man who owns the place takes pity, only laughs a little and explains what this spice is for, or that that crazy looking thing’s a fruit, and they ultimately buy whatever it is because Eddie wants to try it now, because he got invested and—
Eddie should pull off the fucking road; his head’s a mess, he can’t see for the way his eyes are welling, streaming, the way he’s shaking with sobs that don’t exactly burst forth, just leak from his lashes as he trembles horrifically because…
Because they were maybe gonna have stir-fry, tonight. Even without the good vegetables.
They were—
Eddie thinks it’s fucking cruel, kind of unbearably so, that his brain’s dead-set on still processing the mundane little perfections of his life as if every single one of them might be dashed to pieces, might be hanging by a thread, might be entirely fucking gone, and he, he…
He can’t. He just, he fucking can’t.
Because that the thing, isn’t it: the scenarios he’s imagining aren’t hypothetical—they’re all memories, too. Steve bloodied, Steve bruised, Steve’s bones broken and flesh torn. Steve still, too still; Steve’s skin under Eddie’s hands when he can’t find a pulse because Eddie’s shaking, same as now how Eddie is fucking shaking—
Eddie knows all those things. They’re so long ago, now, so distant but his fucking cells will never forget every single moment he saw the man he loves bigger than his own goddamn life hurt like that; be risked like that. Be lost like—
And that’s the difference. That’s what is unravelling him as he speeds through the streets quicker than he should, probably breaking more laws than he could count and definitely more than he gives a shit to notice: it’s the losing.
Because the first times, even the times that came after Steve was his: they didn’t come with the loss of so much time, so much of themselves, so much glorious life that they’d built between them, the struggles and the triumphs, the hard choices and the easy things that weren’t choices at all: everything hand-in-hand, every night spent curled around each other, all of them, all of him, inside that chest since he was twenty fucking year old, and Eddie doesn’t just not know how to be outside of what he shares with Steve.
Eddie doesn’t think his own heart can survive, if if Steve’s isn’t next to him.
Eddie’s damn fucking sure no part of him would want to.
It takes him a minute to steady himself enough to get out of the car, once he finally reaches the ER. Steady his body, but more his fucking soul because the whole of him is shaking, is crying out, is wailing unfettered and breaking because he’s terrified, he is goddamn terrified of what he’s going to find when he walks in but he has to, he has to because whatever awaits him, that’s his husband, that is the love of his whole goddamn life and if the worst is going to come for him he’ll face it like he’s faced everything else: at Steve Harrington’s side.
If the worst comes for one of them, then it came for them both.
So he’s stumbling, shuddering, but resolute in his chest when he flies through the sliding doors, eyes still swimming, unfocused but he makes himself take a deep breath—it takes a few tries, and he doesn’t quite succeed, it’s still a tremorous thing and his lungs are still in revolt, but it’s something, and he’ll take something; he has to to take something—
He almost doesn’t register it, the voice from the sick-spiral of his memories, all the love on the table to be forfeit—
He almost doesn’t register that his name’s not coming from inside his head.
“Oh my god, what happened?” There’s a flurry over motion in front of him, and he blinks rapidly to try and pin it down because it looks familiar, it smells familiar, it aches familiar in his chest but:
“What is it, what’s wrong?” and fuck, it feels familiar when a hand reaches for his cheek where it’s still damp, tacky for the tears; when another hand slides itself into Eddie’s and draws him in, a hand that fits like no other hand in this world or any other, ever—
“Are you okay?”
And the hand on his cheek turns him and follows his eyes and it takes that long for him to clear his vision properly, but now he’s just blinking so much because that, that can’t be, even if it feels in every goddamn way like it really is, but it can’t…
It can’t be Steve here, whole and on his feet and looking at Eddie with so much worry, so much heart as he tilts Eddie’s chin a little this way, that way, squints to try and see…something.
Eddie’s breath tears out of him in a wet fucking gasp;
“Am I okay?”
Because Eddie’s really not the one to fucking worry about here, Steve had—
“You’re in a hospital, Eds, that’s not usually where you go when you’re okay,” Steve’s eyes widen as he he slides both hands now to Steve’s head, holding him still and assessing…something, maybe, Jesus: Eddie doesn’t know, but he does know that the touch on him now makes his…makes his heart feel safe and he’d been fucking terrified he’d never feel that again.
“Fuck, what happened, baby, did you hit your,” and fingers are dancing gentle across points on Eddie’s skull, so delicate and careful and he can’t fucking help it—
“Are you real?”
Because he needs to know, he needs to know with words because this feels…this feels right and warm and impossible but also true, so.
He needs to know. “Am I…?” Steve’s lips part and his brow furrows before his jaw clenches in that dependable way he has of squaring up to the monster at hand, no matter the kind.
“Shit,” he breathes out slow but then he nods: resolved; “shit, okay. Okay, let’s find—“
“You are real,” and it turns out Eddie didn’t actually need him to say it. He just needed to see the flash in Steve’s eyes when he was ready to take on the world for the sake of love, the way he positions himself a little different in front of Eddie as he keeps one hand at Eddie’s cheek but then slides to brace more at his neck, purposeful, like he’s splinting a wound or something, and then a hand grabs for Eddie’s own again and: oh.
Oh yes. That is Steve Harrington, living and breathing and solid and real, because no one else protects like this.
No one.
Eddie’s heart stumbles, jackrabbits around a little, almost like a reset: like it knows as the implications sink in to Eddie’s mind that it’s not destined to break anymore.
“Yeah,” Steve agrees too easily, distracted as he tugs the gentlest bit at Eddie’s hand, toward the nurse’s station; “yeah, and we should—“
“And you’re okay?”
“I’m fine,” Steve shrugs it off, but Eddie…Eddie’s vision is clearing. His pulse is settling. He can hear above the static and his limbs are getting lighter.
“You’re one-hundred-percent okay, not a scratch on you, not a single thing wrong,” he needs to make sure, like, so fucking sure.
“I am fine, Eddie,” Steve turns to look him straight on, exasperated and anxious and vibrant with it, so alive in it; “but you’re—“
Eddie’s hand moves almost without his conscious consent, definitely without a plan to grab at Steve’s arm and pinch his skin because Eddie was vaguely toying with the idea of pinches himself, and maybe with poking Steve a few extra times to make sure he didn’t disappear, but apparently his brain landed on: pinch Steve, avoid confirmation bias if your head wants to lie enough to make him real just you you, because you need him that bad.
Steve startles, and turns those beautiful brilliant bronze eyes on Eddie, stretches wide as he gapes a little at his husband.
Eddie…Eddie is here, in front of his living-breathing-gorgeously-aghast husband.
“Okay, oww,” Steve drops Eddie’s hand and pulls back, leaving Eddie’s head to its own devices as he looks a little shocked, shooting just shy of a glare Eddie’s way: full of questions.
Eddie—now that the biggest one’s solved, and solved so perfect, so gentle and sure and he doesn’t have to bury the soul of him; he doesn’t have to bury his soul—but now?
Eddie also has some fucking questions.
“Where’s your phone?” seems the most relevant to start with.
Steve blinks, frowns a little:
“It got lost in the crash—“
“Crash?” Eddie’s tone pitches up to squeak a little because: Steve’s here and whole in from of him, yes. But fuck, there was still a crash? He was—
“Not mine, my car’s still parked at fucking Jiffy Lube,” Steve adds with a huff; “I saw it happen so I stopped and—“
And Eddie knows his husband. He knows his husband better than he knows himself, and Eddie’s kinda made it a point of pride for how self-aware he’s grown to be these days, in living this life and loving Steve beyond the bounds of living at all. But he knows his Steve, and so he knows damn well what happened.
Car runs into car. Steve sees it and jumps out to help. Because Steve Harrington is a protector. Steve Harrington is a helper. Steve Harrington is the best man Eddie’s ever known.
Soon as he jumped into the fray, he wouldn’t have thought once about a fucking phone.
And Eddie, Eddie just, he needs to—
He grabs Steve’s hands and wraps them around his own waist, lets them go and then pulls Steve tight to his chest and buries his face in Steve’s shoulder as Eddie winds his way around his husband, feels him breathing, feels the tickle of his hair.
“You’re gonna kill me, Stevie,” Eddie whimpers, that going tight now all over again:
“You’ve got the biggest heart of fucking gold the world’s ever seen,” he moans into Steve’s collar; “and you’re going to fucking kill me.”
Steve doesn’t say anything, but his hands move up to rub Eddie’s back, rote and learned and he might not wholly get, yet, what Eddie’s putting together, and where Eddie’s head’s been, what his heart’s been through, but the first thing he knows, and does like clockwork, is to love of his partner, to soothe him even if he doesn’t know what for.
“Someone found your phone, and they, umm,” Eddie licks his lips, takes a suffering breath and tries to straighten but he’s not ready, not yet: he slumps right back onto Steve’s shoulder:
“They called the studio.”
“Shit,” Steve hisses, bunches his hands in Eddie’s shirt and draws him tighter to his chest: “shit, they interrupted,” and oh, fuck no, fuck regretting the interruption—
“They told me they found it at a crash site,” Eddie grits out, the hurt of it still raw, like just saying the words no matter where they landed in trust, just recalling those minutes that felt like full nightmarish lifetimes, reopens the tender wounds it’d left in hims; “they found it with the case broken,” and Steve leans back, then, eyes saucers as he meets Eddie’s gaze, breath catches harsh.
“Oh,” Steve whispers, eyes darting back and forth between Eddie’s, taking the whole of him in and then he exhales so heavy:
“Oh, babe,” he murmurs, fucking mournful before he takes his hands and links them behind the base of Eddies’ skull and draws him in to the center of his chest, envelopes him there whole: “come here.”
And Eddie falls into that chest—rising-falling-living—he falls into Steve so fucking fast
“I am totally fine, I promise you,” Steve breathes again Eddie’s ear, close and dear and real: “car’s fine—“
“I don’t fucking care about the car—“ Eddie tenses up, appalled at the implication that he gave one single goddamn thought to the car— “No, like, as proof,” Steve’s quick to correct him, to ease the hackles on him; “I wasn’t in the crash, but it was pretty bad and,” Steve shrugs a little then adds soft: “I keep my first aid certs up to date for a reason, I figure, right?”
Jesus; yes, okay. Steve’s savior complex had largely mellowed to a non-interdimensional-threat level with time but he’s meticulous about keeping every skillset he’d gone out of his way to learn from professionals before they’d gone up against the Upside Down for the last time sharp and at the ready for anything: even now.
Fuck, but this beautiful, brilliant, impossible man.
“I was helping, best I could, until the EMTs got there,” Steve tells him softly, fills in the gaps because he knows Eddie’s mind, all the pictures it paints for itself, and in times like these it’s always the worst possible pictures—he knows Eddie needs the slate wiped clean with the truths, blessedly softer, in this:
“Police wanted me to stick around for a statement but the girl who was driving the first car, she was so panicked and she didn’t want to go alone so, umm,” Steve huffs a little, shifts against Eddie gentle and solid and here: “she said she knew me, she was pretty desperate I think, so I rode here with her,” and of course he did, of course he did because he’s Steve; “now I’m just waiting to make sure she gets out of surgery okay,” he squeezes Eddie then, like a punctuation, and it feels so, so fucking good; “also still have to give the goddamn statement, but fuck knows that’s just hurry-up-and-wait,” he turns, and he kisses Eddie’s hair then and Eddie feels something snap in him, give way and the lingering tension spill from his frame as he gasp a little on a breathy exhale:
“I love you so much,” and he does, god: god, but how much he loves this man.
“I love you too, baby,” Steve mouths against his head and Eddie closes his eyes and nuzzles his a little closer as he puts it into words, because it feels like he needs to, it feels like in Steve’s arms like this, pressed up close to him to feel this undeniable life in him: it feels like the coast is clear enough to risk it, to confess:
“I was so fucking scared,” and the words only break a little, and that’s more than Eddie honestly expected.
“I am so sorry,” Steve bows his chin down to graze lips against Eddie’s hairline, delicate and intimate and shivery, trembly down Eddie’s spin for the best of reasons, now.
“Not your fault,” Eddie’s quite to counter, to make clear, because: “shit, you didn’t do anything, I just…”
Eddie makes himself pull back and meet Steve’s eyes, reaches out to frame his face, dear and desperate:
“I can’t lose you,” he moans a little, begs a little, says it with a bare line of something primal echoing in it, scraped straight from his bones: “I cannot ever lose you.”
“I know,” Steve turns and kisses one of his palms, and those two words hold the promise of five more they’ve said so many times, and held so true between them for so many year, through so fucking much:
It’s the same for me.
And to be loved the same as he loves is a fucking privilege; it’s heady and it’s wonderful and Eddie needs it, needs Steve, more than goddamn air.
“Sit with me?” Steve covers Eddie’s hands with his at his cheeks, and nods a little toward the blessedly-quiet collection of chairs by the windows; “while I wait?”
“Nowhere else I’d go,” Eddie says it like the given that it is, and pulls Steve close to kiss him full, to press his lips to Steve’s and drink his warmth, his breath, to feel it sink int past his heart and pump through his veins:
“Not ever, Stevie,” he speaks against Steve’s lips, all of him in it, every vow inside it:
“Not ever.”
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tag list (comment to be added): @pearynice @hbyrde36 @slashify @finntheehumaneater @wxrmland @dreamwatch @perseus-notjackson
divider credit here
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theotherbuckley · 3 months
WIP Wednesday 💘
Starting WIP Wednesday off with a snippet from my Buddie High School Valentine's Day AU. It's 5.5K finished and I'll post it tomorrow, keep an eye out 👀. Guys, please be proud of me I wrote this fic in 2 days. That has never happened before. I normally take weeks and weeks and weeks. Anyways, here you go. Prev snippet here
“It’s from one EB… who do we think that is?”
“It was the one that came with the brownie and a rose, I think it’s probably my favourite.” Eddie’s eyes glance over to Buck before quickly averting back to Howie. “Not that, uh, not that I’m interested. I think maybe it was from Erin Bowler, the new girl we share PE with.”
“Ooh she is pretty though.”
“I guess.”
Hen, who had been observing the whole conversation stares at Buck with a knowing look on her face. Buck blushes. “Buck, weren’t you just the other day talking about cows?” she says.
“Um, yeah.”
“Yeah, Buck was talking about how cows have best friends, I thought it was pretty cute,” Eddie adds.
That gets Buck to smile. “And, did you know that cows drink up to 100 litres of water a day? And that they produce 50 litres of saliva, can you imagine drooling that much? Oh and also you can lead a cow up a flight of stairs but then they can’t get back down! Maybe, I’m the cow because my leg always hurts more when I walk down the stairs. Anyway, I think it’s because of the shape of their knees or something.”
Eddie is staring at Buck with this look of awe written on his face. He’s smiling at Buck with that smile. The one that always makes Buck feel soft and gooey, the one that makes Buck feel like his heart has been taken out of his chest only to be kissed and wrapped in a blanket before placing it gently back between his lungs. It’s the smile that Buck thinks Eddie has reserved just for him, it’s the one he really thought meant that maybe Eddie felt the same way he does.
“Absolute idiots,” Hen mutters under her breath.
Tagging: @disasterbuckdiaz @fortheloveofbuddie @jeeyuns @wildlife4life @honestlydarkprincess @eddiebabygirldiaz @spagheddiediaz @jesuisici33 @your-catfish-friend @ladydorian05 @giddyupbuck @eowon @elvensorceress @watchyourbuck @steadfastsaturnsrings @housewifebuck @thewolvesof1998 @king-buckley @rainbow-nerdss @cal-daisies-and-briars @malewifediaz  @evanbegins @diazsdimples @wikiangela @bucksbirthmark  @puppyboybuckley @underwater-ninja-13 @daffi-990 @fionaswhvre @aspecbuddie @lover-of-mine @nmcggg @tizniz @monsterrae1 @smilingbuckley and anyone else who wants to share! pls let me know if you'd like to be added or removed :)
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animasola86 · 2 months
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2: A Special Guest
This is a rather unusual story about a girl (reader) who comes across a special little friend that she likes very, very much. But does she love it more than she loves her boyfriend (Sebastian)?
Notes: This time, Sebastian goes skinny dipping with his girlfriend, but the Black Lake doesn't seem to be the best place to do so. Not that they care. Not yet...
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Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x f!reader Genre: Smut // Words: 2.9k // [READ ON AO3]
WARNINGS: NSFW! Explicit sexual content! Underwater sex! Fingering! (Additional tags on AO3!) Read at your own risk!
← CHAPTER 1 - // - CHAPTER 3 →
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One month ago
“Sebastian! Come on!” you call to him as you wade through the knee-deep water of the lake, a cool breeze causing goosebumps to ripple over your bare skin.
You can hear his heavy footsteps and the splashing of water behind you, and as you turn around to him with a laugh, you see him begrudgingly following you, the muscles in his body tense, but that's not your focus point as you watch him joining you in the rather cold water.
A smirk breaks from your lips as you meet his hated gaze, though that's everything that's warm about him as it seems. He catches up with you, and you quickly wrap your arms around his waist and pull his chest against yours. His dark eyes bore into yours. “Don't say a word,” he hisses, and you chuckle deeply before you press your lips to his.
“Don't worry,” you whisper against his mouth, winking at him as one of your hands moves between your bodies and gently closes around his not-at-all-cold-resistent cock. He groans quietly at your warm touch. “I know a magic trick that can make it bigger...”
He rolls his eyes and gives you an exasperated sigh before he grins at you. “Why are we here anyway?” he whispers. “When we could cuddle on the couch in the Undercroft and do other things?”
“Because you promised to take me skinny dipping!” you reply and plant a series of light kisses on his cheek and down his jaw as you keep pumping your hand around him.
His breath hitches. “I never did such a thing!” he protests, faking indignation. “Seriously though, you know I hate the lake.”
You look up at him with a soft smile. “I know, love, because you fell in in your first year,” you coo, almost mockingly. “That's so long ago, though. You have to face your fear eventually.”
“Do you know what lives in this lake?” he goes on, his hands resting on your waist as he squeezes it lightly.
“A lot of magical creatures?” you reply with a soft chuckle. “Are you afraid of mermaids?”
“Have you seen mermaids? Those things are terrifying!” he retorts, shivering visibly.
“You've seen a mermaid before?” you ask with your eyebrows rising.
“Well, not a live one, but those statues in the Slytherin common room have given me nightmares since the day I first saw them.”
You laugh, but he shakes his head.
“Honestly, it's not even the Merpeople I'm wary about. There are Grindylows and Plimpies and Kelpies and oh, the Giant Squid! And probably bigger and also much smaller things I can't even name off the top of my head. The lake is full of life, and we certainly shouldn't be here to disturb it!”
Patting his back with a deep sigh, you tilt your head. “It's just a little bath, we don't have to dive down to the bottom, you know?”
He exhales loudly and stares at you, but then steps back and grabs your wrist, prying your hand away from his cock before he pulls you along as he starts to wade deeper into the water. “Let's stay near the cliffs, we should be safe there,” he says, and you follow him with a short giggle as you look up at the castle looming above you on its rock formation.
Once the ground suddenly drops, you find yourself floating on the surface, kicking your legs and moving your arms before you take long strokes through the water, inhaling deeply, holding your breath, feeling the cold of the air and the lake seeping into your limbs.
It feels amazing after having to sit in classrooms and the library for hours on end, forcing more and more information into your already overwhelmed head. Exams are no fun, so you've decided to ask your boyfriend of two years to join you for a quick and refreshing dip, and even though he has been apprehensive from the beginning, the prospect of being naked with you seemed to have convinced him in the end.
You turn onto your back and float on the surface, your chest poking through the water, your breasts spilling over your chest. You see him watching you as he swims closer until he mirrors your pose, his hand outstretched to touch yours as you both drift on the gentle current, staring up at the blue sky above. Slipping your fingers between his, you inhale deeply and close your eyes.
“This is nice,” you breathe out as he squeezes your hand softly and hums in response. You kick your legs lazily, feeling the water splash around your limbs, pooling on your stomach, caressing you with gentle waves.
You're completely relaxed, listening to the birds singing in the nearby trees, the seagulls screaming overhead, the gentle sway of the water as it hits the shore and retreats again, the hypnotising murmur of the lake below you.
And suddenly you hear Sebastian yelping in surprise. As you open your eyes lazily, you see him splashing about hectically, hitting at the water as if he is fighting an invisible enemy.
“What are you doing?” you ask with a grin, not leaving your position, only turning your head.
“Something brushed against my leg,” he says frantically, his brown eyes wide. You laugh loudly, and he stares at you darkly. With a sigh, you slip from your floating position and slowly swim towards him until your hands find his shoulders.
“I'm sorry,” you whisper. “I should be more supportive, hm?”
You lean in and kiss his cheek, your lips lingering on his wet skin, tasting the tang of the lake and the salt of his sweat. Your arms wrap around his neck as you press yourself against him while he struggles to remain afloat. His hands find your waist while your legs keep touching as you both tread water.
“Let's get out of here,” he says softly, almost pleadingly, but there is a heat burning in his dark eyes. You bite your lip and nod before you look around and gently push him towards a rock jutting out of the water. The shore is too far away and frankly, you don't like engaging in any sort of physical activity on the sand anyway as it gets everywhere.
So you opt to push him against the rock, the ground still too deep for you to reach but he manages to stand on it, even if his shoulders barely break the surface as he does. He grabs your waist and spins you around until your back is pressed against the stone, then he wraps your legs around his hips and holds you upright with his hands firmly planted on your bum.
Your fingers dig into his hair as you lean closer, eager to claim his mouth for a searing kiss that he meets with the same passion that burns through your own core. Your heart accelerates, your breath quickens, the cold air teases your warm skin in a way that makes you shiver deeply. Your lips close around his, your tongue eagerly pushing into his mouth to be met by his own before they engage in a wild dance.
You feel dizzy and light-headed, completely forgetting where you are if not for the gentle waves splashing against your entangled bodies. One of his hands moves around your bum cheek, teasing at your folds, and you gasp softly into his mouth when he slips a finger into your entrance, teasingly poking, then adds another, more teasingly spreading them inside you. You are focused on the kiss that's messy and hungry and so distracting you don't notice something (that's not Sebastian) brushing against your skin.
He keeps fingering you, changing the position of his hand to be able to press his thumb against your clit while he pushes three digits into your depths, widening your tight entrance for what's to come. You can feel his erection hardening against your stomach, glad the cold water didn't affect it too much after all. A bigger wave splashes against his shoulders, spraying water into your heated face, and you let out a surprised yelp when something colder, like a current, surrounds your body.
Unlike last time, he doesn't seem to mind it as he keeps kissing you, with his tongue invading your mouth as eagerly as his fingers dip into your core. When he retreats his digits eventually, your walls clench around nothing, and it feels as if they're sucking in the water. Your stomach tenses up as he leans away a little, pushing you to the rock with one hand while he grips his cock with the other, and you loosen the grip of your legs around him to scoot back enough for him to be able to enter you.
His eyes are dark as he watches you while he presses his tip firmly against your folds before he slips in with ease, your muscles relaxed from his ministrations and the water surrounding you. A deep moan escapes you as you lace your fingers around his neck, moving your hips slowly with him to help him in driving his length as deeply into you as possible. Once he's sheathed all the way inside you, a shiver runs through your body as his tip prods against your cervix, seemingly tickling your deepest spot, almost pinching it.
His hands return to grab your bum cheeks as he leans in to claim your mouth for a heated kiss, and you return it with fervour, deepening it with your tongue eagerly pressing against his. During your kiss, he starts moving his hips, retreating slowly before plunging back in with a force that makes you gasp into his mouth. His fingers dig into your soft flesh, guiding your body towards him as he pushes upwards, hips slamming together underwater, causing waves to ripple around you, water splashing against your bodies and the rock with every rapid snap of his pelvis.
You groan and moan together, unable to leave the other's lips as he picks up his pace slightly, your walls clenching around him, sucking him in only to ache whenever he pulls back. His thrusts are deep and deliberate, slowed by the density of the water, yet every stab feels as if he's trying to split you in two. You arch your head back, finally breaking the kiss as your mouth falls open to let a series of drawn-out whimpers tumble from your swollen lips.
The coil in your gut tightens as he keeps plunging deep and pulling out almost all the way before repeating it over and over again, slow and deliberate, forceful and with a strength that makes your thighs twitch, the repetitive motion causing your walls to burn despite the water lubricating them.
Your head starts spinning as your muscles starts contracting, tightening around his hard member, and once he notices the strain on your body, he moves faster, pistoning in and out, pushing your back against the rock with every motion, not caring about scraping your skin, though neither do you, as his quicker pace drives you towards heights you haven't expected to reach this fast.
You moan louder, quicker, your heart hammering inside your chest as your fingers dig into his wet locks, your body tensing up under his relentless assault. Each stroke sends shivers down your spine, each deep plunge is like a small lightning bolt crashing through your nerves, each thrust makes stars dance behind the eyelids of your tightly squeezed shut eyes.
Your whimpers are as erratic as your breaths, met by his deep grunts and strained groans as he holds his fast and steady rhythm until he can feel your walls clamping down on him hard, yet he keeps going, burying his face in the crook of your neck as you start to convulse against him.
The coil inside your stomach tightens, tightens more, and then, it explodes with a force that makes you cry out loudly, your voice carried away by the soft breeze, as your orgasm crashes through you like the biggest tidal wave you've ever experienced. Lights flash in front of your eyes, your limbs twitch uncontrollably, the movements of your body no longer in your power as you cling to Sebastian as if your life depended on it, as if you would be dragged away into the current if you wouldn't sink your nails into his shoulders.
Your orgasmic contractions make him stutter, his hands desperately gripping your bum cheeks as he presses you against the rock, trying to hold on as his own orgasm hits him with almost the same force. He groans loudly into your ear, his warm mouth pressed to your shoulder before he sinks his teeth into your skin as you feel his cock twitching inside you after he finally stills his rapid pace, buried deep within your tight spasming walls as he paints your insides with his thick seed.
You moan under the combination of sensations, your arms wrapped around his neck, your legs holding him like a vice as you keep him sheathed within you, your hearts beating frantically against each other. The shudders subside slowly, though occasionally you feel something like a pinch inside you, causing you to shiver all over again. You imagine it's his cock twitching, leaking the last drops of cum into you, as his body relaxes against yours.
Eventually you regain your composure as your limbs react to your commands again, and you loosen the tight grip of your legs around him, allowing him to lean back and slip out of your warmth. Your walls clench around his seed trying to seep out and the water trying to seep in, the mixture of warm and cold essences causing goosebumps to ripple over your skin. He releases your bum, and you're sure you'll have his hand imprints burned into your skin as a long reminder of your passionate experience.
You let your legs slip away from him, sinking deeper until your toes touch the ground beneath you, your chin tilted up as the water splashes against your face. You relax your sore muscles in the cold water while you look up at him. He smiles at you as he grabs your face gently, keeping you afloat and standing while simultaneously holding you still so he can claim your trembling lips for a sweet, slow kiss that takes your breath away all the same. Your hands grip his waist as you pull him against you, your bodies smacking together under the surface once more.
“I guess I can add one thing to the list of why the Black Lake isn't so bad after all,” he whispers hoarsely as he breaks the kiss to catch his breath.
You laugh softly, submerging your mouth to ease the burning of your swollen lips before you lean back up to kiss him again, water splashing around you as you throw yourself against him. He grabs one of your legs and hooks it around his hip as he deepens the kiss. You feel the cold current brushing against your heated centre again, a welcome refreshment after the exhausting rubbing and clenching, and you could swear you could still feel his cock twitching inside you even though it brushes against your stomach now, spent and relaxed.
You don't pay it any mind as you kiss him hungrily, rubbing your pelvis into his almost needily. He groans into your mouth, looking at you out of hooded eyes, before he complies and brings his hand back to your folds, gently caressing them before dipping his fingers back into your warmth. As he curls them inside you, you gasp against his lips, your eyes flying open as a deep shudder jolts through your body. As expertly as he usually fingers you, always finding the right spot to stimulate, you feel as if there's something else pressing against your walls, adding to the sensation.
Your breath quickens, and you can barely think about it as you come around his fingers once more, completely overwhelmed by the sudden orgasm piercing through your nerves. Tumbling against his chest, you hold onto him breathlessly, too light-headed to wonder about anything at this point. Your muscles contract, and he keeps stroking your insides with his fingertips, what he usually does to ease you down from your high, but this time it feels as if he's only pushing you further, up and up, the gentle touch too much to handle as you keep whimpering helplessly under the constant strain to your muscles.
It's when you feel both of his hands on your cheeks that your eyes fly open in slight shock, because the teasing continues inside your walls as if his fingers were still in your warmth. Your eyes wander over his freckled face, and for a moment you want to share your concern, but then you just press your lips together and smile bravely, silently enjoying the echoes of his touch – or at least you think, and hope, that's what it is.
He kisses you softly. “Are you okay?” he whispers as your body is still tense and shaking in his hold.
You nod, unable to trust your voice so you keep quiet as the sensations within your core continue to pulse through you. Luckily you're still submerged in the water, so the twitching of your limbs isn't as noticeable. He watches you closely out of dark eyes before he scoops you up into his arms and starts carrying you through the deep water towards the shore. You wrap one arm around his neck and lean against him, your other hand on your stomach. A sudden shiver makes you gasp, and even more so when you feel something pushing against your palm – from inside your body.
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← CHAPTER 1 - // - CHAPTER 3 →
Notes: Body horror incoming? Maybe! Stay tuned! And thank you for reading!
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queenimmadolla · 11 months
Today at the swimming pool I work at a bunch of dads brought their babies AND OMG IT WAS CUTENESS OVERLOAD! All I could think about was Eddie lathered in sunscreen to the point he looks like a ghost and wearing one of those huge sun hats cuz the last thing he wants is to get sunburned (and he acts like a damn vampire the way he hates the sun) holding pretty baby penny in her adorable little swimsuit while mom sits at the edge of the pool with baby Waynie, kicking her feet in the water and making sure he’s alright while he splashes his little baby fists in the water and laughs at the way the water jumps. And then when they get home, despite his best efforts, Eddie gets a nasty sunburn and reader just spends the rest of the night rubbing aloe on him and kissing his shoulder when he hisses at her touch. I literally love my fictional family so much 🥹🥹
the way i was about to run down the stairs to make some popcorn bc this idea alone had me expecting a fic 😭
Oh my goodness, this made my heart so happy! I love imagining outings for this little family. Now, if we’re talking the community pool, Penny would be so afraid to go into it alone, and while Eddie actually HATES the community pool (bc of the large amounts of people + he burns so damn easily, and he doesn’t tan—he turns pink), he’ll do anything for Penny so he takes her in, yes she is decked out in the cutest swimsuit and pink floaties, and plays with her to keep her amused and keep her from drinking the disgusting pool water bc she keeps doing that. But he is constantly dragging her back over to mama and baby Wayne so he can reapply sunscreen whenever he’s paranoid that it’s washed off. This man almost goes through an entire bottle in a single trip.
And mom and Waynie 🥹 imagine playing with our little baby, letting him slap the water with his chunky little hands, his little squeals and laughs when the water splashes him back and then getting him used to the water! You’d start by getting his hair wet, which he doesn’t mind too much, and then holding your breath with him while you dunk the two of you underwater and when you come up a second later, you’re waiting for his reaction to see if he’ll cry—meaning you’ll have to get him used to it a little more and comfort him—but he just looks a little confused before he starts smiling that gummy smile so you do it again and when you come up this time, after blinking the water from his eyes, he’s laughing that magical baby laugh 😭🩵 our little water baby ♡
Eddie will always end up with a sunburn at the end of the day, no matter what, which is why he HATES going to the community pool. He ends up spread out on the couch, face down while you coddle him with aloe vera and a kiss or seventeen, and try to keep penny from pressing her hand onto her daddy’s skin because she’s just so fascinated with how her palm print shows up on his reddened skin when she does lol
If it’s the pool at their apartment complex, Eddie is full on playing mermaids with Penny
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i-am-a-l0st-gh0st · 4 months
We listen to a lotta true crime- Wrio x Gn!reader- Part 3
But it's alright, she'll be fine t/w- prison, Wriothesley flirts(?) with you, kissing (consent cause consent is sexy) summary-you've been wrongly accused of trying to murder your ex-husband and wriothesleys determined to get you out
Part 1, Part 2
Taglist form!
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The kiss that had happened the previous day had felt like a dream. The way his lips were so soft and gentle. Wriothesley was just perfect. The whole night you sat there blushing and kicking your legs like a little girl, anyone who walked in would’ve guessed what happened.
The next day Wriothesley came to your room once again. “Y/n wake up.”
His voice was stern and his face wasn’t much different. He walked right in sitting down next to you on the bed. “The Knave contacted me, She heard you were in prison.”
Your family has supported the House of Hearth for many years and Arlecchino was like a mother to you when your parents died. You grew up and eventually backed the orphanage financially, which she was very grateful for. The news had reached her ears because of Lyney.
He was one of your closest friends and you too always stuck together. Makes sense he would worry.
“She sounded terribly worried and asked what would happen. I told her about our plan and she said she can help in any way.”
“That's great! We have someone on our side.”
“Oh and also your court hearing is in a week.”
“For the appeal.”
“Ah yes.”
You too continued to talk and figure out how you could win the court over. Over about an hour you could fell Wriothesley moving closer and closer, till you ended up in his arms. It was nice and warm, can’t say it helped you think too much but it was nice. Your ex-husband had never shown you affection the way Wriothesley does to you.
A week later
(Look I honestly have no idea how court things work, I have tried to write one before, but that story never finished.)
You and Wriothesley walked into the courtroom, but only one of you was confident. You were sweating and was almost not breathing properly. Wrio noticed this and began to help you. “Hey y/n, look at me okay? Its gonna work. And if it doesn't you can come back down to the fortress with me.”
“Wriothesley, I have a life… I need to get back to it.”
“I see.”
The judge began to silence the room and started the proceedings. She called you to the stand to present your brief. You felt like so many eyes were watching and almost couldn’t take it. THis was something you had to do… If you wanted out that is.
You took the stand and began to speak.
“I had an unfair trial as I barely had one at all. My ex-husband framed me for attempted murder for what reason I don't know. I was out with some friends all day and had hardly seen him, the witnesses are here. When i got home the police were already at my house and my husband was one the floor covered in what seemed to be blood. The next thing i knew i was in prison and now i am here. There is no evidence that i even tried to murder my husband, no finger prints and no other forms of DNA. Thank you for your time.”
The judge seemed to think over your statement before inviting your husband to the stand. After the proceedings, it was time for a final verdict.
“The defending party is declared not guilty.”
You and Wriothesley in happiness. You had won, you were free. You weren’t a criminal. You felt a large pair of arms pull you in for a hug.
“You won…”
You hugged him back pulling him into a tighter embrace, how could you leave him behind?
After you had recovered from the shock of winning Wriothesley took you out to dinner.
“So whatcha gonna do now?”
“Go back to my normal life.”
Wriothesley seemed slightly hurt, he wasn’t really included in your normal live, as he lived underwater. He knew he couldn’t get too hurt because he’d only met you, what a week ago?
“I’m assuming I’m not included.
“Wrio.. I really like you, I'm just not quite sure how it would work.”
“May i have this last night with you?”
“You may.”
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@pandragonsoul, @atsukawolfcat, @milkwithspicyicecubes, @pookiebearcave. @c0smouche, @with3ringh3ights, @kitsunechan707, @kpopmenace143
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lunathebee · 1 year
Ooo hiii! I’m sorry for all the rambling!!
Can I please request a Newlyweds!Namor x fem!human!reader oneshot where he’s helping her adjust after taking the vibranium-infused herb? Teaching her how to swim, trying to teach her how to defend herself in case of emergency, also teaching her Mayan + him being really soft with her, lots of kisses, hugs, and cuddles (Namor puts on a tough front but I just KNOW he’d be a complete softie for his wife), also he’d be sooo worried about Y/n because while she can now breathe underwater and will age as slow as he does, she’s still more vulnerable because she’s only human, not a mutant + Namor spoiling the heck out of Y/n🥺🥺
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Pairing: Newlyweds!Namor x fem!human!reader
Warning: none just fluff
A/n: This is such a cute scenario, we live for soft!Namor ^^
Summary: Namor thinks you need to learn Mayan more; you prove him wrong by saying one word only.
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"Easy, slow and steady, my pearl." Namor smiled while holding Y/n's hand and guiding her to the cold water. "Are you sure you're ready? We can wait as long as you want."
"I think I'm ready." Y/n said while biting her lips, feeling how the water slowly rose up as she walked forward. This is the first time Namor has allowed her to be near the ocean ever since she took the vibranium-infused herb, which is such a long time ago.
While Y/n thinks Namor is overreacting, he assures her that it's for her own safety (and his too; Namor can't bring himself to see any water incident).
"Can we see Talokan now?" Y/n smiled while tilting her head, she can't wait to just dive down and see how marvelous the kingdom is, now that Y/n can breethe under water, what can possibily stop her?
"What? Not yet, Y/n; you need to learn all kinds of things first! Like defending yourself, or learning Mayan, or even swimming—do you know how to swim yet?" The king chuckled; he is sure the only reason his sweet little pearl can still talk his ears off is because he is holding her waist. Namor's finger digs harder into Y/n's skin, like a reminder she still needs to depend on him.
"I- I mean we can learn them, you can teach me everything, we have all the time in the world"
A smart answer from Y/n to ignored Namor's direct question. The cold water now submerged her chest, but somehow it still can't stop the heat rushing onto her face. Life with Namor still seems new and unfamiliar to Y/n, but it is oh so exciting and lovely.
"K'ilkabech? (Are you hot?)" Namor asks, his voice full of teasing hints. The king just wants to kiss his beautiful queen's face, but she keeps hiding it!
"Namor, you know I didn't understand when you said anything in Mayan." Y/N scolded before spalshing water at her husband playfully. The action made Namor let go of Y/n instantly due to surprise. The woman wasted no time taking the opportunity and diving down to the blue ocean, letting it control her body.
Namor follows right behind Y/n; he knows she is able to breathe under water now thanks to the herb. Something that sounds dangerous to humans now turns into a game of cat and mouse.
"Gotcha, not so quick now, little pearl." Namor thought and quickly catching up, hugging Y/n from behind, peppering kisses all over her face before swimming upward so that she couldn't escape another time.
"Don't think this is over; you still need to learn Mayan, my dear."
Y/n puffs up her cheek cutely like a pufferfish after Namor's comment. "I know how to speak Mayan"
"Say something to me then?"
"In k'áatech (I love you)" ♡ ♡ 
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ronearoundblindly · 16 days
how would Steve try and describe human relationships to mermaid reader? and what would her reaction be?
also I love the fact that she has her own “room”.
Miss G?
Steve Rogers x deep sea mermaid!Reader from Sun, Salt, and Shield
Headcanon below the cut! (It got soooooo rambly, but is very cute.)
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Well, only Steve calls you 'Doll,' and though Tony will not stop calling you 'Grariel,' eventually you're called 'Miss G' instead--added bonus that you roll around on your Segway with Hollywood-huge sunglasses.
'Miss G' sounds like a celebrity and fancy. You don't understand that distinction yet, but Tony and Steve like it.
Oof, does Steve know how to describe relationships to humans? He's so awkward. He would start with simple things: couples enjoy doing activities together, spending time with each other and other couples or people, often times they touch casually (tricky to explain that word in limited english), and they...kiss.
Important things Steve would mention is that your teeth are very sharp (and numerous) compared to humans. Respectfully, he teaches you to smile without opening your mouth, and does warn that, though he's a fast healer and tougher than most, he will bleed if your teeth catch any part of him ::cough::.
Tony sank a pressure chamber into the bottom of the pool, so you can sleep there comfortably. Rarely, he'll let Steve take one of the Divers and camp out on the ocean floor where you live. Sometimes that makes Steve a little sick for a day or two after, but he never mentions that to you.
This is sorta dumb, and Steve thought it was downright offensive at first, but Tony left all the pool toys in the corner of the room and slowly teaches you to play with all of them. You're quite dense, so you need like ten foam noodles to 'float' you on the surface, but it's very fun.
You find the beach ball is endlessly entertaining, mainly because you swim so fast and can hit it so hard that the ball ricochets off the ceiling like a higher level of Pong. You've popped nearly a dozen of them, but Tony just buys them in bulk.
So, back to relationship and Steve's explanation.
The most heart-warming thing Steve teaches you is the hug. So simple. So reminiscent of your first meeting. If you lay your head on his chest, your face can remain underwater to breathe and hold onto Steve indefinitely, and he's tried. The longest he's gone is five straight hours of just you two holding each other, brushing his thumb over your cheek, giving you soft back rubs, getting gentle back scratches from you, and loving every second.
Sometimes he just talks to you, even when he knows you can't understand most of the words. It's shocking how much gets across by emotion and intonation alone. You squeeze him a little tighter when he's telling you a sad story, and you rub your forehead into his sternum when he laughs at something.
Turns out, Tony used F.R.I.D.A.Y. to compile 'essential human visuals' into a slide-show, and Steve will explain pictures like prompts. That's helped a great deal because it gives him somewhere to start a conversation and lets him see how interested you are in what's happening on the screen. The light of the projector took some adjusting for your eyes, and then was too low for Steve to make out very much, so he now has his own special glasses, like Tony's, that show him an enhanced version of the slides.
Okay, okay, but I gotta say, the absolute most random and best thing ever was you trying to find Steve's room in the compound on your own. Tony gave you the room number--which you don't actually know how numbers work yet, but you go by memorizing the shapes--and then got engrossed by some other work. You hopped up onto your Segway, shades on, Atlantian breathing mask on to keep your mouth and throat in salt water, and you zoomed right through those double doors and past you 'guard.' They aren't there to keep you in, after all, but you did scare the shit out of them.
Off you fly down the main hall, back the other way, straight into the elevator, and you wait patiently, listening to horribly boring music and flicking your fin rapidly with nerves.
The buttons are confusing.
So. You press all of them.
Zippity doo-dah, round and round the halls you go, smiling (with your lips together) at the multiple people you almost run over, getting waylaid by the view of distant mountains from one window, and diligently starting to understand that the shapes Tony showed you repeat everywhere. You're looking for the correct order to them.
It takes over 45 minutes of going between 0 and 20 miles per hour to find the right combination on a little plaque, and it takes only the very tip of your nail to depress the squishy button below the plaque.
You're growing quite fond of the squishy buttons. Some of them are hard but light up. The surface is fun.
Steve is wiping white foam from a fresh shave off his jaw when the door swings open, and you do a spin on your wheels, spreading your fingers like the showy jazz-hands in one of the pictures about stage plays--musicals, they're called--better than elevators, you hope.
You get the ten cent tour of his little apartment and sit on a couch for the first time. Very exciting. Fabric is delightfully strange.
There's talk of a beach vacation, one where you and Steve might get to race along the shore, you in the surf and him on the sand.
You aren't sure whether you'll let him win or not.
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[Main Masterlist; Light Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
a/n: yeah...i don't even know, gang.
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Kissing Headcanons for O-Tsuru, Kinemon Fukoboshi and Jinbe
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She is more a gentle type, with chaste kisses on the cheek lips and forehead. She will also do long kisses on the lips, but is a little bit afraid to do anything more intimate than that.
Otsuru is the type to notice you have a bit of food stuck at the corner of your mouth and she playfully kisses you there to get it for herself, despite being a little bit shy about it.
Unlike her husband Kinemon, she is not at all daring and feels that as a woman of wano she should be a role model to the younger generation.
However, that doesn’t mean she isn’t willing to try in a very private place. Maybe you can help her come out of her shell and show her some new things.
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Kinemon has absolutely no tact and no shame with kissing. He will try to kiss you anywhere and everywhere that he can. He also has no concept of privacy (something that he may or may not have learned from oden.)
His kisses are hard, fast and sloppy. He will often get so caught up in what he’s doing that he will need to stop and slow down for a second in order to get back to where he started.
Kinemon also does not care who sees him kiss you, and actually takes it as a badge of pride. He wants the world to know that you’re his and nobody else’s.
In that vein, he had no idea what hickeys were, but once you told him what they were, he wants to cover you in them. You recommend that he only do it where it can be covered. He pouts about it.
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With how much bigger he is, you can give him kisses all over his chest and face. You have tried to sneak up on him for a kiss but because of his stature he always sees you.
His go to for casual kisses are on the forehead gently to not hurt you, and when you do go for the full kissing he tries to be extra careful of his sharp teeth.
Just like Jinbe, he loves giving you underwater kisses. He’ll put his mouth to yours, and fill your lungs with air so you don’t inhale a bunch of water. It’s the power of gills.
He has definitely asked the mermaids for kissing tips. He wants to make sure he gives the best kisses possible to his partner, so he asks the locals. There’s a special type of kiss known only to fishmen, so he wants to show it to you.
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The originator of the underwater kiss. It was originally a way to help save lives by breathing in air, but now it’s a sweet romantic gesture shared by the two of you.
Jinbe is very shy when it comes to kisses. Even when you give him a little peck on the cheek, his face burns red. If you think his face is red then, try giving him a mouth kiss!
Over time he becomes less shy with his kisses, however he does not become more daring. He’s just more comfortable giving you kisses in public now.
The straw hats have attempted to teach him different ways to kiss, but it always ends up in him gently rebuffing the advice, and Sanji passing out on the floor due to his overactive imagination. Jinbe feels he is just fine at kissing you. And you would agree.
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bahbahhh · 1 year
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@alucanid I’m your Secret Midna! You said modern AUs have your heart and soul? I was going to gift you this redraw of botw zelink in that red carpet appearance by Oscar Isaac and Jessica Chastain but I’m me and I stayed up until 3am plotting out an entire modern(ish it’s still hyrule but advanced) AU backstory. Merry merry!
It is one thousand years since the fall of the Calamity. One thousand years since Hylia whispered to a daughter of her blood. One thousand years since the last Hero rose from the dead, performed his sacred charge and then disappeared into The Lost Woods. Hyrule has once again abandoned the wild in favor of the advancements of Sheikah technology. Now with safeguards in place, the Realm is confident in the integrity of the Power.
Massive steel cities rise from the ground up. Trade routes open. Cultures blend. Every inch of Hyrule, save for The Lost Woods which have grown hostile toward all travelers, has been mapped. Old magic—faeries, the dragons, spirits—fades into the blue glow of engines and streetlights and Sheikah slates. Until now.
The Princess of Hyrule claims she is hearing a voice; urgent and hushed, in a dead language. A boy covered in scars walks out of the Lost Woods, completely mute, with an ancient sword. Monsters start to crawl out of the shadows. There is an echo of breath in the mines under Hyrule Castle. The public begins to lose faith in the protections of the Royal Family. So the King devises a plan.
The Princess and the boy from the woods are to spread hope throughout Hyrule in a series of formal appearances. Lavish parties, merchandise, interviews—a distraction until the Royal Family and the Sheikah can figure out what is going on.
Rumors swirl about a romance between the Princess and this low-born. A relationship is strictly forbidden by the King, which isn’t a problem because the two seem to despise one another. For now.
“Link, over here!”
“Princess, this way.”
“Princess! A smile for your kingdom!”
He should be used to this by now but the lights still blind him. Zelda drapes her arm across his shoulder and poses obediently, ruby red lips curving into a smile he can tell is forced by the way the muscles in her face twitch. He watches it for a moment, trying to calm his breath like she taught him.
That’s when he notices there is a glow on her skin. In between the flash of the cameras—something gold and shimmering. She’s giving off a warmth, too. It prickles his skin like the first glimpse of sun after winter.
But he’s never seen winter. He thinks.
Something swells inside him. It reaches from that ancient place with both hands; yearning for her warmth. He glances up at her through his lashes, salvia in his mouth, and for a second he’s almost feral. Wolf-ish.
Before he can stop himself, his lips are on the glow on the inside of the arm draped across his shoulder. It’s like he’s swallowed a star. Like he has been underwater all this time and only just come up for air at the last second. His entire body sings; his blade striking steel.
She freezes in his arms. Green eyes blow wide with shock. She feels it, too?
And then the frenzy starts.
The crowd explodes. Sheikah cameras flash rapidly. It’s a blur of light and clicks and chaos. It is the song of a scandal.
“Well,” Zelda says under her breath, leaning into him completely. “Father said they needed a big distraction. Nice work.”
She folds a hand against his chest. “Hold my waist.”
He does.
He does.
The crowd erupts with cheers. Someone shouts for him to kiss her again.
Link swallows. He doesn’t know how to tell her that he’s starting to remember strange things. Winter in Hebra. Old forms. Broken ruins in Hyrule field. Metal spiders and poison rot. Her waist-deep in a Spring. Her holding him close, blood in her face. Her trapped deep within the belly of Evil.
He’s trembling. She squeezes him reassuringly. “It’s just a game.”
He doesn’t know how to tell her.
It’s never been a game.
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lizzie-is-here · 1 year
just got emotionally fucking annihilated by wakanda forever
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but i also wanna talk about it! warning for spoilers and general rambling below 👇
ok, let’s start with parallels CAUSE THERE WERE SO MANY
first off, the comparison of shuri and killmonger 👀
it really does make sense, especially when you think ab how they both “go against” tradition, rejecting the standards. t’challa (rip ilysm) still wanted to please the elders, even if he had more progressive ideas (ie: sandals for his first day
also i’m so fucking glad they didn’t try to cgi chadwick in. it would’ve felt disrespectful and i think it was handled beautifully
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her sparing namor the same way t’challa spared those he fought (saving zemo, helping bucky, trying to help killmonger)
the dialogue callbacks bro. fuckin “show him who you are,” had me sobbing. “vengeance is consuming us” babes, shuri, i’m crying.
her being angered by loss and snapping at nakia like t’challa snapped at zuri when he realized killmonger’s identity
also i absolutely love riri. i was a bit apprehensive going in, but i think they executed her well without just making her a replacement for tony. that being said, he would absolutely adore her
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the parallel of her going too high and running out of oxygen and later turning it on namor in the same way mirrors tony’s suit frosting over and doing the same to stane 😭
the silent flashes of t’challa took my breath away. the silence really compounded just how empty and quiet their grief is.
seeing shuri try so hard in the opening and not even being able to say goodbye was so sad, and you can see her thoughts racing later on when she successfully synthesizes the heart-shaped herb. it’s a sort of “what if i’d thought of this earlier?” “who would still be alive?” “how could i have missed this?” sort of feeing
onto details!
the new black panther suit is stunning 🤩 the gold and silver details along with the dots that almost look like pearls, mirroring the ones she wears at the funerals? it shows that even if she is the leader of wakanda now, she’s still very young, still grieving her many losses
the tech and ai has really been amped up. shuri’s ai and her different interfaces looked amazing. also the ai (who i think is grio but i couldn’t tell) reminds me of jarvis. mainly in the orange blob department
the dora milaje looked stunning as ever, and seeing some new tech for them was exciting
talokan was gorgeous, even if it did violently trigger my thalassophobia
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ummm everett and valentina being married (well, divorced) was a plot point i was not expecting. hope to see him in the thunderbolts tho he’s very slay
fucking 👏 t’challa 👏 junior 👏
i broke down right then and there
took me right out
i won’t lie the people of talokan gave me avatar vibes but i did like the touch of them having siren-like voices.
also namora was pretty so that’s a win
ok i get that it’s a movie. but realistically, i’d they’re fighting this massive underwater force, why not just call any other super powered avenger????
like for movie’s sake yeah it’s all fine but like if i were in the mcu living that shit i’d be like “let’s just call thor. have him like electrocute the water. or doctor strange. he did that cool water thing in endgame that had literally no purpose except to give him screen time. or wanda, we all know she ain’t really dead bffr”
man i love m’baku so much. he’s just. ugh
ok in better terms, i think i like him so much because he is first presented as a chad, almost. he’s strong, a bit dumb, and leads the isolated tribe.
but then you interact w him and find out he’s incredibly emotionally empathetic and kind, and reaches out to shuri as a helping hand, a person to lean on.
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i just really appreciate him okay 🥺😭
overall, stunning. 10/10, fifth time in a row that marvel’s made me cry at one of their movies.
aka black widow (bc yelena and the ending), shang-chi (bc gotdamn let me cry ab the chinese representation), no way home (cause duh), love and thunder (BC HE ADOPTED HER BITCH WHAT) and now this
stunning, showstopping, say what you will about marvel but damn they know how to make me cry
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pasukiyo · 1 year
Hello! Can I request a fic with Tom Riddle where he goes after one of his followers than workship him but that doesn't want anything romantic so she does what he says, she kisses back if he kisses her but doesn't go farther when Tom tries to move on to the next step.
Maybe the reason because she doesn't is because she is secretly a lesbian? So she likes girls but can't reveal it to the others because of the years they live in.
Hope it doesn't make you uncomfortable, thank you very much and have a nice day/night. 🩵
𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 | tom riddle
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tom riddle x f!slytherin reader 1,384 words warnings: angst. mentions of smut. summary: you should be happy tom riddle wants you. that he’s kissing you and that he wants more with you. but you can’t be. you can’t bring yourself to be happy.
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 “Are you listening?”
 She blinked and tore her gaze from the Ravenclaw table to instead peer at the leader of the group she found herself caught up in. Hogwarts’ Head Boy, Tom Riddle, stared at her with dark, ashen eyes, brows knit together as he waited for her to reply. Clarence Avery and the others in the group hid their snickers and their smirks behind their palms as she flushed and shifted in her seat, clasping her hands together in her lap. 
 “I’m… I’m sorry, my Lord,” she replied. “I was… spacing out.”
 Tom’s stare lingered on her for a moment longer, and she blinked away, her head suddenly full of the night before when she’d been pressed against the wall of the Slytherin boys’ bathroom, her tongue tangled with his. She remembered the way Tom’s hands gripped her hips, his lips precise with their movements, a mixture of both rough and soft as they surged into hers. She remembered how quick he was to assert dominance with his tongue, she remembered how overwhelmed she was by just the sheer power he possessed. 
 But even then, she remembered wanting nothing more than for the kiss to be over, for Tom and his warmth to pull away from her. A small voice in the back of her head told her it was wrong to feel this way, to want to wash everywhere on her body where Tom still lingered, to remove any trace that might still remain of him. 
 She knew she should’ve enjoyed it— it was Tom Riddle for Merlin’s sake, Hogwarts’ Head Boy, the one girls fell to their knees for and other boys strived to be more like. She should’ve felt lucky that her Lord allowed her to be intimate with him, that he wanted to be intimate with her at all. 
 She felt awful that she had no idea why she just couldn’t. 
 She remembered chasing air back into her lungs when Tom finally pulled away, the dark curls atop his head in slight disarray, his pink lips slightly parted as he, too, caught his breath. She remembered the way he eyed her up and down, for once, his eyes actually glimmering with light, with hunger. She remembered wishing she could feel excited that he wanted her. 
 She remembered watching his lips as they moved, but what he said, she couldn’t make out. Everything was a blur, as if she were underwater, the world muffled in her ears. The next thing she knew, Tom’s pink lips were on her neck, his tongue swiping over her skin just above her collarbone where she didn’t even know she was sensitive. She remembered how she closed her eyes and tried to relax, telling herself that this was good, that this was right. She tried to tell herself that she wanted this, that she should be giddy over the fact her Lord lusted over her. 
 She should want to give her first time to him.
 But when Tom’s hands that had since been on her hips began to smooth up and down the sides of her body, one of his palms soothing all the way down to her thigh, slithering around towards the inside, she froze. His fingers were teasing her clothed sex, and she knew this was where she was supposed to moan, to whimper, to enjoy. 
 But she couldn’t. 
 Her hands squeezed his elbows and she gently pushed him away, pressing her lips together, her tongue swiping between them where the phantom of Tom’s kiss still lingered. She remembered her hesitation before she slowly lifted her gaze until it met his, the light that was once in his obsidian irises now gone, his eyebrows knit together. 
 Much like the look he was giving her now from across the Slytherin dining table. 
 She felt small beneath his stare and she shifted in her seat once again, suddenly not wanting to eat anything else. “Ex… excuse me,” she murmured, Tiernan Lestrange, who had been sitting beside her, scooting away so she could stand and leave the table. She soothed her hands down her arms as she glanced one more time to the Ravenclaw table at the very familiar head of brunette hair before turning to exit the Great Hall. 
 Once the double doors slammed closed behind her, the knot that had tied itself at the pit of her stomach suddenly unraveled, and she exhaled the breath she didn’t realize she had been holding. Thankfully, no one roamed the halls as she clutched at the wall, focusing on her breathing— inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, repeat— as she tried to calm herself down. 
 She couldn’t explain it, but she felt so close to tears. 
 When she heard her name being called, she stood straight up, the hair on the back of her neck erect as well. She wiped her palms over her face and turned around to face Tom Riddle, the one who made her feel this way in the first place. She turned again, clearing her throat before saying, “my Lord.”
 He was silent for a moment, not even the sound of his robes rubbing together nor his heels clicking on the floor below was heard. She wondered if he was even there anymore. 
 That was, until she felt a hand, ice cold skin, on her shoulder, the side of his forefinger resting against the curve of her neck. She jumped and shuddered at the feeling, her throat feeling tight, the taste of bile bubbling on her tongue. Her heart pounded against her chest, and at first, she mistook it for excitement. 
 But then she realized it was anything but, and in fact, it was pounding in fear. She feared his touch, feared his skin, feared him. She feared the way he made her feel, feared knowing that the way she felt was wrong. 
 She could feel his chest on her back, his other hand soothing up her thigh until it rested on her hip, his lips near her ear as he whispered, “is everything alright?”
 The lump that had formed at the base of her throat bobbed when she swallowed, and she cautiously nodded, thankful he couldn’t see her face. She didn’t dare speak, afraid of how feeble her voice would sound if she tried to now. 
 Tom rubbed her waist over her robes, his breath looming over her skin like a raging fire, burning every square inch of her flesh. She could feel his lips as he pressed a gentle kiss just below her ear, although she knew his intentions. He wanted her after all, and she longed to feel the same. 
 Tom said nothing else, only slowly spun around her body until he was before her, his hands cupping either of her cheeks as he guided her lips onto his, and she winced, hesitantly reciprocating the kiss. One of his hands slithered around her and ventured down between her shoulders blades until it rested against the small of her back, tugging her forth and into him. He kissed her deep, he kissed her long, and he kissed her good. 
 But still, she couldn’t bring herself to enjoy it. 
 And when she peeled her eyelids open, she gasped, her palms against his chest to pull him away. Because for a moment, she swore she was kissing the brunette Ravenclaw girl she could never understand why she always stared at, could never understand why she could never get her off her mind. 
 But it all made sense now. 
 She didn’t want Tom Riddle. She didn’t want to kiss him. In fact, she didn’t want to kiss any boy. Because they could never be her. 
 She flushed at the realization, a haze of tears blurring her vision. Her heart pounded against her chest, and when Tom questioned her, she parted her lips with the intention of speaking but she couldn’t. 
 She couldn’t admit how she was feeling. Not to Tiernan Lestrange, not to Clarence Avery, or Liam Mulciber, or anyone. Not even to Tom Riddle, her Lord. 
 All she could do was run away. 
 She left Tom Riddle in the hallway outside the Great Hall, her heart stuttering against her chest, her skin on fire and burning, her mind swirling like a tempest. 
 She just needed some fresh air. 
 Yes, some fresh air would be nice. 
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a/n; wow i am so so so sorry anon for keeping you waiting on this one for so long 😭 i’ve never written anything like this before so to be quite honest, i was apprehensive at first, just because i had absolutely no idea how i was going to write this. i think i feel proud of how it turned out however, and i hope it makes up for making you wait so long for this one :’)
@lyis @darkmoviesquotespizza @upsidedownspidey @michelle-26
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Okay okay, so I’ve been thinking about a kind of reverse little mermaid situation with also a soulmate AU… Can I please request a Namor x fem!shy!human!reader where she’s on a cruise or traveling with friends on a boat, but she falls off the boat, into the waves. Namor is close enough to the surface that he sees this happen and for a reason unknown to even himself, he feels a strong connection to her and saves her and drops her off on the shore. She goes back to the beach looking for him after that, wanting to thank him before her vacation ends, but also feeling a strong connection to him, almost yearning for him. Their (soulmate) connection leads to her stumbling upon his cave, and the moment they lock eyes everything sets into place🥺🥺 Needless to say, Y/n’s vacation turns into her moving in with Namor, him giving her the ability to breathe underwater/also aging as slow as he does, and also her becoming his Queen + lots of love, kisses, and cuddles🥺 Namor being soft for his little human🥺
Haha this needs to be a fic on its own cause the storyline is amazing. Sorry for taking a while but I've tried my best at condescending it all into one chapter. Hopefully I've done it some justice
But here goes 💖
He was on his regular patrol, everything was in place, nothing had breached their barriers. It relaxed him, for a minute he got to be who he was, he paddled lazily through the water, he owned these seas. He was it's caretaker but on the days he needed it the most, the water took care of him too. The night sky had blanketed the waters into darkness and in it he felt free. The faint touch of moonlight seeped through the soft waves. He had a lot on his mind. His pestering need to reach out to Wakanda, the fear for the future of his people and his burning wrath for the world above. But he lived in no fishbowl, the waves welcomed him as Namor swam through, his heart being pulled towards a point in the middle of nowhere. Curiosity got the better of him. Instead of moving away, he drew closer. But even though the moon dimmed it's light, he could make out the shape of the element that sat there. A ship, his nostrils flared, this was a nuisance he could not stop. He kept away from these vessels. They only brought danger. He turned to go, angered that his heart had tricked him when he heard a splash.
Angelic, it was an entity draped in white that fell into the dark. The fabric fluttering like wings when he came to realize it was a woman. Your face frozen in a stillness it was almost like you were asleep. He did not involve himself in these matters. This was outside his control but that faint tug in his heart was back and it was telling him to save you. He looked at the ship above that had sailed a few feet away without a care as though you meant nothing. They left her behind. He heard his sister's voice in his head,
why do you tamper with things beyond your reach?
Because he was part merman, like the fables, he had an inkling towards treasure and one was sinking right before his eyes. So he reached for you, your face ethereal almost as if you were a mermaid who had been lost to the surface.
He emerged gently, his wings fluttering softly, as the warm beach sands heralded his entry. He carried you in his arms, his eyes unable to look at anything else, his mind racing with questions. But he needed to leave and you could not know of his presence. His eyes fell to your lips and wondered how his name might sound if you said it.
Delirious. All these years being a lonely god had made him mad. He placed you near a cove, sure enough the when the morning came someone would find you. Turning to see the sky becoming lighter meant he had to leave, anytime now and you will awake from the sleep her had put you in. But there it was again, that need to linger and even though Namora's words rang caution in his ears. Today he felt fearless and that was rare to come by. He drew closer, to memorize your face, pushing away the strand of you hair to see the soft rise and fall of your cheek.
Would it be an offense if he stole a kiss?
The ruler of the seas committing a crime for a woman he had met only a few hours ago?
He shook his head, a soft laugh breaking through, he was delusional, he had access to everything, the needs of a nation he had to fulfill and this was what he wanted to create chaos for?
The soft light of dawn touched your face and he couldn't help himself, how his body fell towards yours, how his lips craved the warmth of your skin as they touched your forehead. But as he drew back, your brown eyes found his and he froze. Locked in this moment with the chocolate myrrh of your eyes only tipping him further. He wanted to take you back to Talokan with him. But it was his instinct to take and you weren't his. He hardly knew your name.
So half heartedly, he waved a vial beneath your nose but it struck him when he felt your fingers trail his cheek.
"I've seen you before.", you mumbled and his eyes widened. Fear clutching his throat. The sleep potion was kicking in when your eyes fluttered to a close.
"in my dreams.", you said finally as you fell back into sleep
His heart stopped for a second. A car drove past and fear jolted him to go back to the waves that called to him as though he was running out of time. So he walked away restlessly and dove into the cold waters, you knew who he was and he had kissed your face giving into his impulse. Unusual, he thought.
But the feeling of your fingers on his cheek, he craved it and he didn't crave for many things, that was the price of a long existence. His heart did have an inclination towards the mystical and you were now a part of it. As he waded into the depths, he thought of a sign.
If he visited the shores tonight and if you were there, then it was true, this was magic.
Tha man in your dreams, so was real, or maybe it was just another vision. The side of your head throbbed in pain. It was one of those headaches again, ever since your engagement, these had begun to occur. As though you were making a mistake, as though you were meant for more. But instead of taking heed to these 'dreams', you chose to brush it away. Leading to this, mess.
Your heart sank, coming to the revelation that no one in the cruise had searched for you, after all it was your own wedding. The bride going missing should have caused for chaos. Or may be there was an upheaval and you weren't there to witness it. The twist however, was the comfort with which you walked along the shoreline now. You were free. You could start a new life or do whatever you wanted because by some turn of fate you had escaped. He had helped you, whoever he was.
The ticket was booked and you could go home tomorrow, and yet you were here as though your heart belonged to the sea. It felt like home, the sound of rushing waves and the smell of salt. You look at your feet to watch the sea foam recede to pick up a piece of sea glass that caught your attention. But when you looked up, there he was.
In front of you. Solid and beautiful. Your eyes widened and your heart began to race. It was a vision just like the many you had before. You step closer and his eyes followed you with the same curiosity you felt. The day had been too much to bear and all you wanted was to feel loved and so you rested your head on his chest. His skin cold to the touch but your contact had caused him to turn warm. He stiffened but didn't move away. You slipped your hands around him and stayed in this embrace to sigh with content, the night can take you, the sleep will wash over you any moment and you'll forget about this in the morning.
But you still stood there when you felt his arms encircle you. It felt nice. Maybe you could stay in this dreamscape for a little while longer.
"These dreams have turned cruel.", you speak into the crook of his neck.
"Have they?", he responded. That was a first. He had never spoken in your dreams before. His voice was like the sea, maybe it was him who had been calling you all this while
"Yes.", you whisper to look up at him. Breathtaking. He was too magnificent to be a living being, you thought.
"How so?", he questioned and you thought about it.
What did you have to lose? Nothing.
"They offer me my desire only for it to not be real.", you spoke as your fingers traced his cheek again to slowly hold the side of his face. He inhaled sharply, his eyes now dark as though he was mesmerized.
What did you have to lose?
You edged closer and kissed him.
It struck you, this was where you belonged. This was where it had lead you. His lips soft against yours and just when you thought this was a hopeless cause, when you parted to move away, he didn't let go. He kissed you like he needed air and you needed the ocean to fill the very being of your soul. It was a cruel way to feel alive, all this will be ripped away when you wake up.
When he broke away, his chest was heaving, his lips lush, his eyes glistening with life. You were still here. Confused, you turn to look around when it started to feel real.
His warmth seeping into your body. His breath soft against your skin. This was no dream. The truth shook you, your fingers rushing to touch your lips, your eyes snapping to see his.
This was real.
Even before you could react, there were voices behind you.
"You there, this is a private beach. No trespassers allowed.", They yelled and you heard him click his tongue in irritation.
You had to run, but where?
His hand held onto your wrist. A question in his eyes.
You hardly knew him but the steady rhythm of your heart made it easy to trust him.
There was no home to return to or nowhere else to go now.
You wrapped your fingers around his, picked up the trail of your dress with the other to run down the shore and disappeared beneath the waves with him.
It was a new beginning.
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leclerced · 4 months
I can see Max being son of Ares or Zeus and I’m even more into the Zeus idea. Idk why really but I get that vibe from him.
Oscar could be son of Athena for me. He’s level headed and calm, knows his facts and has this unique humour that not everyone understands. Also I feel like people underestimate him with his mind and all so I’d say it fits the Athena children vibe. Or Hades actually. I could see that too because of his calmness and strength but it’s not as fitting for me as Athena.
Lando is a son of Poseidon to me. He’s super chaotic, does some stupid shit but mostly comes out unscathed, is everywhere and nowhere at the same time, also the humour just fits for me. This is more of a resemblance to Percy but I think both of them think of themselves like a goofballs and not so smart but caring and people around them think they are actually quite scary (like Percy when he’s fighting and Lando on track??? Idk if it makes sense in general but it does to me and delulu is my solulu)
Charles as son of Apollo is so good for me i don’t even remember what I had in mind for him really haha
Carlos as son of Area. Just fits for me
max is soooo a son of zues and theres no doubt in my mind he can fly and takes his gf on flights alll the time esp at night. he’d fly them up to the highest point they could get to stargaze. he’d also love to shock his girl, like little shocks of static electricity every time they hold hands or he places his hand on her back or waist. he’d find a way to send currents of electricity to her, like tapping on the dinner table and she suddenly feels a light tingling n knows her bf is watching her. or she picks up her fork and it shocks her a little. idk how electricity works but in my head bc he’s half god he can do whatever he wants w lightning. can so see it storming over him when he gets angry and gf is standing next to him w an umbrella. it’d be so funny.
i think oscar is athena or hades too! i was gonna say that but i wasn’t sure if anyone else had other ideas. i think he’s very smart already but as a son of athena he would by far be the smartest at camp and seek out all kinds of knowledge everywhere. he’s always got his face shoved in a book on fight strategies or is reading an encyclopedia to expand his knowledge. knows multiple languages and is always correcting people on random things, gently and not condescending, just like, ‘hey actually- let me correct you!” and people are kind of annoyed by the boy genius but also endeared by the random facts he’s always spouting.
i can so see him as a son of hades, still really nice but gloomy or kinda melancholic and stuff. he’s so kind and careful with everyone around him and scared of hurting anyone, knows he’s very powerful and doesn’t want people to fear him for it, or dislike him more than they already do. he grows up all alone like nico and bianca do in the percy jackson series, can you imagine him living in the lotus casino his whole life then being brought out? can imagine him with the bubbliest girl at camp, a child of demeter or something who brings life everywhere she goes. like there’s a trail of daisies following her everywhere she goes. her and oscar go on picnics and she grows fresh fruits for them to snack on, picking berries from vines and feeding them directly to him. he’s never tasted something as good as the fresh strawberries she presses to his lips. when he eats ambrosia, he tastes a mix of fresh strawberries and her kisses.
lando is so a son of poseidon u got it spot on!!! agree w everything you said. genuinely spends 90% of his free time swimming and he loves taking his gf into the ocean and showing her around the underwater cities. also sneaking away to makeout under the lake because he can breathe underwater, and other things, and it certainly impresses his partners when he shows them how long he can hold his breath.
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thekatebridgerton · 1 year
I know I said I dislike mermaid aus with passion and I do. BUT a siren au. That one I could totally see.
Because Kate is a gorgeous half fish. I love her. Based on Simone Ashley wonderful images of princess Indira.
Here's a Kanthony siren au
I can totally see Kate as a vindictive siren, from Pirates of the Caribbean. Who has a record of drowning the most men with her siren song. And the sirens around her reef always have a competition on who can kill the most men. One day Kate causes yet another shipwreck, But somehow Anthony survives, because he's either a very good swimmer or is immune to her killer song. Kate tries to kill him again and he just wont drown! Why won't that one stupid handsome human just die!
I'd love to see a siren x human au. Where the lone survivor of the shipwreck she caused keeps stubbornly returning to the reef just to taunt her, like the smug idiot he is and she keeps learning new songs trying to lure him to the water to kill him. But he resists it because he's a stubborn human. Anthony does it for fun because he knows the sea creature hates him, but she also will continue to come to the reef just to try to drown him again. And he kinda gets a perverse sense of satisfaction whenever she has to leave in frustration.
Eventually Anthony realizes she can speak English, and talking to her is actually more fun because the siren can curse worse than a season sailor and he can curse her back. Anthony's life as a Viscount was boring before, now he has a siren who wants to kill him after him. That's exciting.
Kathani thinks the human man is weird. And stupid, and he has no self preservation. Her mother the queen of the seas has humans like those for breakfast. Kathani does too or she used to, back before she became fixated on this one human. And oh turns out he's actually very attracted to her song, he just able to resist her because his mind won't let him leave his 7 siblings and mother to fend for themselves. Well Kate can understand that, she also has siblings, and if she died then her siblings would have to bear more responsibility than they should.
Eventually they start talking to each other, like normal people, Kate doesn't realize when exactly she stops wanting to kill him and Anthony doesn't see when exactly he stopped taunting her with his continued survival.
They become friends sort of. The murderous siren princess and the human Viscount. Anthony never forgets Kate is a monster and Kate never forgets Anthony's kind kill creatures like her. But they slowly grow closer, with every visit to the reef.
Until Kate one day let's it slip that a siren's kiss can make a man breathe underwater. And Anthony is floored at how much he wants to do just that. Not because he wants to breathe underwater, but simply because he wants Kate. Entirely. He truly wants her for himself.
In the end Anthony does kiss her and Kate does try to drown him for it. But she also pulls him under, to her mother's kingdom, to get permission for the human man she loves to be her mate. So with the power of the siren kiss Anthony can remain underwater with her and doesn't have to sacrifice his humanity the way Kate would have to sacrifice her siren nature just to be with him.
In the end Anthony's siblings all build their homes near the sea. Where he visits whenever he can with his siren wife. And tho he has to leave behind his life on land he's glad to do it for Kate.
Bonus: after his first kiss Anthony became increasingly jealous of any other male Kate tried to drown with her siren song. He thought that attempted murder was their thing and he can't believe Kate would just go out and try to murder some who isn't him.
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Finally got the chance to watch the Little Mermaid Live Action. So thoughts.
They could not have picked a better actress. Halle embodies Ariel so well, is crazy. She is absolutely charming and her preformance was excelent. I had high expectations because she is such a lovely person already, but she exceded them. None of her lines felt forced even when the script has its fair of flaws. And needless to say her voice is that of an angel.
I enjoyed Eric a lot more than I thought I would. I was never a big fan of him in the original movie, but here he was very charming and fun.
The romance is adorable af. Absolutely the best part of the movie. They have such good chemestry and I like they both are akward, and collect things and love lo learn. She teaches him thing, and he teaches her things. They understand each other so well instantly. And I loved they look like they have so much fun being together, is so cuteee.
Really enjoyed "Kiss the girl", the tension was great and they actually let the song build up and have pauses. He looks at her like thaaat, you can tell he falls for her so hard, as hard as she does and I love that. The scene when she shows him her name? Albsolutely fucking adorable.
Climax too, when Ariel shatters the neckless and it all breaks loose, I like that Eric is protective immediately, he is so intense, love it. Eric all desperate after the battle with Ursula, wanting to look for her, and grabing her dress from the water bbrrrr
Their final kiss, the way he holds her, omggg (No sparkly dress or princess twirling though, so -1)
In other things, most of the complains I saw about the movie are not really a big deal. The CG sometimes looks, well, like CG, but it works. The way Ariel moves underwater looks great, so natural! I belive she is a mermaid.
Another big complain was Flounder, but he seems perfect to me. The voice is adorable, what more do you want? I think we are too used to percive fishes as "ugly" animals, so y'all think you can't find a realistic looking fish cute, but it really isn't so hard.
Lastly, maybe personal opinion, but a lot of people complained about Aquafina as the seagul. I don't think it has connected with people that the seagul is SUPPOSED to be annoying. Idk, it didn't bother me that much.
What did bother me were the songs. Wasn't a fan of the new songs. Eric's song was ok, reminded me of Madame Gaston a little bit. But the others were unnecesary and over explained too much.
The old songs sound good, but are affected by another thing I didn't like. There are some scenes that needed more impact and time to breathe and the movie didn't let them.
Ariel's discussion with her father? Needed to be more intense. The little moment of Ariel being upset in her cave before Part of your World starts? Needed some moments so we could feel her anger and frustration. I mean, this is the buildup to the big song, they could have been more careful and I felt like it took impact away from it.
Howard Ashman said the trick with musicals is that the characters break into song when the emotions start to become too grand to express with just words. I think they missed that here.
When she gets out of the water for the first time, again, needed more impact, a breath for us to take in the scene, for Ariel to take in the fact that she is seeing the surfice world for the first time. The skyyy omg she has never seen the sky and they just brievely focus on the fireworks and move on.
A good moment was when Ariel saves Eric and is holding him above the water. That little quiet moment, I felt the magic, the fantasy, I could take it all in, because they let it breatheee.
Another thing is they explain too much in dialogue. The song I by far liked the least was when she arrives on land. For starters, it takes from the impact of her loosing her voice because she is still "singing" in her head.
Let her see the world, and take it in, react to it, but I don't need a song explaining me how this is the first time she is seeing fire and that Eric walked away from her, I know, I'm watching it happen!!
The one that is more distracting with the over explaining is Ursula. I wasn't that sold on Melissa MacCarthy at first, I think Ursula should have been played by a Drag Queen, and was dissapointed on her first scene because they purposely mirror almost frame by frame Animated Ursula's introduction, except it didn't have that spark from the original.
But I ended up liking her a lot on her other scenes. She was cool, Melissa played her own version of the role and is great. I loved her lair, the entrance with the (what is it, a mosasaurus?) skeleton, was so cool! She came and played the "aunt who knows what you are going through" cart on Ariel pretty well.
Other things I liked. The original voice actress for Ariel making a cameo caught me off guard. I got teary eyed when she gave Halle the fork, like was passing it on to her.
The scene of them dancing in the market, mirroring the sounds and visuals of "Under the sea", THAT is show don't tell. We are getting just by visuals that humans and sea creatures are not that diferent from each other.
Why did the final scene with Triton made me cry??? wtf?? From Triton coming out of the water all whimsical, noding to Eric, the silent moment of saying goodbye. All the diferent mermaids appearing and standing beside all the diferent humans, gathered to say goodbye to them. Signifying how the bridge between worlds has been crossed because of their love.
I had a big smile in the end. Overall I really liked it, wow, can you belive it, I liked a disney live action. Is fun, the actors are good at their job, the story is engaging.
I think the movie, like most of the live actions, fails the most when it's trying to imitate the animated movies too much instead of doing its own thing. Some things like visuals and the pacing just don't translate well into live action.
But I love that this one has respect for what the original wanted to tell. Is respectful towards the fact that is a fairytale and a romance, and they let it be fun and whimsical instead of filling it with meta jokes. Is charming, like a princess fairytale should be.
What did you all think, I want to discuss.
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