#but maybe she puts a calming spell on him and he doesn't even know it hehe
kitonmitons · 1 year
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she helps him sleep :)
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shadowbriar · 11 months
Regulus Black ‐ Jasmine, Lavender, and Poppy
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Pairing : Regulus Black x (she/her) Reader Word Count : 0.6k Warning : Nothing, just pure fluff. Synopsis : Regulus made sure that she would never forget his scent ever again. Notes : My first blurb. Should I make more of these? If you like this story and would like to support me, please visit my kofi page and perhaps get me a coffee?☕  
She remembers his scent well. That very special smell of oud and leather, something that portrays luxury and obscurity. Something that feels like home. Something that screams him— Regulus Arcturus Black.
But poking on Regulus has always been one of her most favourite things to do. Even before they were romantic, teasing him has always been second nature for her. His reactions have always brought her bliss. Their harmless banter is what fuels their day and it feels like the perfect time for her to pull the first taunt of the day.
"I don't smell you from the Amortentia," She lied, teasing her boyfriend whose brows are now pinched high from the offensive words she spilled "I smelled cinnamon, wet grass, and linen."
"Bullshit, I smelled you. There's no way you smelled someone else."
Shs shrugs, closing her textbook that hasn't been read ever since they entered the library, "Maybe you smelled wrong."
"I'm never wrong about these kinds of things."
"Yeah?" She challenges, propping her chin in the palm of her hand "What did you smell?"
"I smelled jasmine, lavender, and poppy."
"That doesn't smell like me. You're just listing random flowers."
Regulus raised an eyebrow, "Your perfume's base is jasmine. You drop a few lavender oil to your seal wax on all of our letters. Your garden is filled with poppies. You are jasmine, lavender, and poppy."
A smile blooms on her face. It was one thing to be satisfied by teasing your boyfriend and another to have him spelling the little details of you. Regulus has always been the observant party of the two, she just never realised how much of her he's taking notes of.
"Also, Love, your house is always decorated with those three flowers on every corner. You are what I smelled from Amortentia. You are my soulmate."
"Well, no one said Amortentia smells like your soulmate. They say it smells like someone you're attracted to so maybe that's why." She continues her scheme, concealing her blooming heart "Maybe I'm attracted to someone else now."
Regulus' brows rose higher, looking even more appalled at her words, "Are you being serious right now?"
She shrugs.
Regulus stood from his seat. Perhaps teasing him in the library when they're the last people there wasn't such a brilliant idea. Merlin knows what he might do now. Regulus might be a calm and collected person but wrong poke and you'll wake the fury inside him.
She started to inch away, pushing her seat back until it hit the wall, giving her no other space to escape. Regulus kneeled down, levelling to her eye level and eyes her deeply. His brows were still knitted in displease but his eyes were soft. Her plan to keep an aloof expression has evidently failed as a playful smile cracks on her lips, anticipating for his next move whilst praying that he wasn't genuinely angry.
"You're a menace." He says before kissing her.
Regulus pulled her chair closer, locking her in place as he put his hands on her sides. It wasn't like she's planning to leave, anyway. No one in their right mind would want to go when they're being kissed by him, especially with such an intimate and asserting position.
One hell of a man, Regulus is.
A victorious smile was plastered on her face when they pulled away. It was a short kiss. Just enough for him to prove to her just how wrong she is about the scents she's attracted to. Regulus knew that she was lying, that she was just trying to get his reaction, yet he complied with her charade anyway.
Regulus now stands from his position. He took off his robe, tossing it carelessly to the seat he occupied a couple minutes ago. He then takes off his jumper, making her cheeks burn from the sight. He surely knows how to keep her around.
"The library might not give you the best privacy if you're planning to go nude, Love." She comments.
Regulus rolls his eyes, handing her his jumper, "Wear it."
"So you won't ever forget my scent again."
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
Happy Valentine's Day!
I wanted to do a cute and quick little headcanon, so this is the brothers reacting to MC giving them a box of conversation hearts. If you'd like me to do the other characters as well, feel free to send me a request for it. 💕 ETA: Part two is here!
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GN!MC x the demon brothers
Warnings: none!
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He does understand that there is limited space on these tiny chalk hearts, but is that really an excuse for the terrible spelling? LUV U and U R CUTE really make him frown.
Despite this, Lucifer does think it's very cute of you to give them to him. He will keep them on his desk, safe in their box, and woe betide anyone who even dares to touch them. He won't even touch them himself and no, it has nothing to do with getting chalky candy dust on his spotless black gloves.
He may not fully understand your human customs, MC, but he truly does appreciate your thoughtfulness. When you're spending time with him while he does paperwork, he will actually pick one out to give to you. It's the one that says ALL MINE.
He waits to see if you blush. If you do, he's out of his seat in an instant, pulling you to your feet so he can kiss you. He'll whisper in your ear about how you are, in fact, all his.
At first he's too busy being flustered by the fact that you gave him something so cute to consider anything else. But once he's calmed down, he starts scheming. Hey, MC! Don't ya think Devildom variants of these'd sell like hotcakes? You'd both be rich!
You get to decide if you indulge this idea or not. Though admittedly, it'd be pretty interesting to see what kinds of phrases you might come up with for a Devildom variant. They might say things like LUV POTION or SPELL ON U or maybe even HEART HEX. The two of you have a fun time coming up with these, whether or not you actually make them.
Mammon might think that you're only giving these to him because it's what humans do on Valentine's Day. He thinks it's cute, but he doesn't know if it means anything special. You can remove his doubts by choosing a specific message out of the box, though.
Put one that says KISS ME in his hand and it's all over for you. If you're around other people, you can be sure he's dragging you into the nearest empty room.
Ahh! MC! Did you know they actually made a promotional version of these for the anime I Made A Cake For My Crush Decorated With Candy Hearts But They Turned Out To Be Cursed And Now She's A Dragon? They had some in the box that were actually cursed and would turn anyone who ate them into a dragon for a day! They were pulled from the shelves, but he still has three boxes of them that have never been opened.
You listen to this in amusement, but you're quick to let him know that these are just regular human world candy hearts. As far as you know, there are no curses on them. Levi finds he's actually quite excited to try the real thing.
That is, until he starts to read the messages. Each heart he reads makes his blush get worse until he eventually asks you if you realize what these candies say. That blush goes deep red when you indicate that you are fully aware.
He'll get it together and actually try one, though. He's trying not to think too much about the messages. They taste kinda funny and they're a little chalky, but he loves them because they're from you. Give him one that says HUG ME to watch him blush all over again before he reluctantly puts his arms around you. Wait a moment and he'll melt in your embrace.
He's heard of these, though he's never had the occasion to try them for himself. He's skeptical of their texture, but he finds the little messages charming. He will eat some if you insist. He's grateful you thought of him, MC. He truly appreciates your gift.
Then again, these little conversation hearts are like a puzzling challenge. How can he make them say what he wants to say to you? They're so brief and they don't make much sense even when strung together. He spends half a day staring at them and thinking about it.
You eventually find a set of them lined up neatly on the table in your room. They say U & ME, FOREVER, SAY YES, MY LOVE. You look around for him, but Satan isn't there. He left these here for you to find on your own. You'll have to go looking for him in another part of the house.
He's in his room, blushing behind his book, acting like he doesn't know exactly what you're there for. All you have to do is take the book out of his hands and say yes. That single word is all he needs. You won't be leaving his room until morning.
Oh, wow, these are absolutely adorable! Not as adorable as him… or you… but still so cute! Help him set them up so he can take a picture for Devilgram. He knows it'll do numbers because everybody is so into human world trends right now. Plus, he's going to throw in a selfie of the two of you eating them.
Okay, wouldn't it be cute if he painted your nails to look like little conversation hearts? He does it immediately and gives himself a set to match. You're amazed at the skill it takes to write the words so small and perfect, but Asmo is more than up to the task.
Ask him which one is his favorite and he'll say all of the ones that remind him of you. He'll start putting them into your hand - CUTIE, SWEETIE PIE, and XOXO. He makes kissy faces at you as he puts that last one on your palm.
When you laugh, he joins you. You're radiant and that's all he can see for a moment. And then the candies are forgotten because he can't resist your sweet lips. He doesn't need candy, MC. He has you.
Surprises you by not inhaling them immediately. You have several boxes for him because you anticipated this reaction. Don't worry, though, he'll still eat everything you've brought him.
But he stops because he's curious. They say stuff on them, right? That's really cute, MC. He picks out one that says only LOVE. He doesn't need a lot of words, candied or otherwise, to let you know how he feels about you.
Turns out you're the one who's flustered now. You cover it up by telling him to try some. He does as you ask and he's happy enough to eat them all. You tell him about the different ways they can be used to decorate other desserts as well. Eventually he realizes he's really hungry. He wants to take you out to get something a little more substantial soon.
He tells you that he's full of sweet candy words now, but he would rather just hold you than say them. You're okay with that, of course, and it's not long before you find yourself covered in kisses.
What are these? Are they for Beel? You'll have to explain that you wanted to give them to him. Tell him about how popular they are in the human world and he'll start to understand. He might even be aware of what they are, but he certainly wasn't expecting you to give him any.
What a nice gift, MC. He's happy that you thought of him. He tries them out of curiosity and finds he's not too fond of their thick texture. But he likes the words. He arranges them into a little sentence for you. SWEET, DREAM, YOU & ME.
You see him blushing slightly when you read them together out loud. Well, that could mean a lot of things, right? There aren't enough words to make a real sentence. But he's just coming up with excuses to cover the fact that he's nervous about hearing you say the words.
It's easy enough to distract him with some kisses. He forgets his embarrassment pretty quickly when he's suddenly far more focused on how you feel in his arms.
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xoxo part two with the side characters
masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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hi mousey!! been a while since I sent you an ask
I was putting on my make up earlier today and an idea came to mind, I need to know your opinion on this
how do you think the sdv + sve bachelors would react to a farmer who asks to do their make up? which ones do you think refuse? which ones ask before the farmer does, "can you do it?"? and which ones just accept?
hope you have a great day <3
Hope you have a good day too, dear anon, and thanks for the ask! ☺️❤️
SDV and SVE bachelors react to the Farmer who asks to do their makeup:
"Babe, I don't know anything about this."
Still, Shane tries to try to give them a makeup so they don't get upset.
Unfortunately, it didn't work very well.
But he does get a funny little face made of mascara on Farmer's cheek, heh.
Next time, however, he'll refuse, as he'll only make it worse.
Well, at least Shane and Farmer got a funny little memory.
Surprisingly, Elliott agrees right away.
And what's more surprising is that he manages to help Farmer with the make-up very well.
Everything is precise, neat and harmonious, like wow!
Surely our long-haired writer hasn't been a stylist before?
Elliott is happy to do Farmer's make up and tells them not to hesitate to ask him for help in the future.
"Oh, make-up? I'm sorry, my dear, but I don't think I can..."
Harvey does agree to help, though he doesn't count on success.
Totally calm when applying mascara to Farmer, but accidentally paints their cheek with mascara anyway.
On the third or fourth attempt, the doctor manages to give Farmer a simple and quite passable make-up.
Hey, a reason to be proud, he helped his loved one!
Hell yeah, Sammy can do quite good make-up! A little different, though.
The young musician has been thinking about make-up for his music band for a long time, so he's had time to practice.
Even though Farmer needs a light, simple ("and boring" as Sam described it) make-up, he can still help them.
And will do very well with mascara and foundation.
"You sure you don't want cool make-up like metal bands? Eh, okay..."
Sebastian definitely uses black eyeliner (my headcanon, you can't change my mind).
At times our dear emo was too lazy to do his own eyeliner, so will ask Farmer for help first. "Hon, can you help with the eyes please?"
Doesn't know much about the rest of make-up products, but if you need to emphasise your eyes, Sebby will never refuse a request.
And he'll ask for it himself if Farmer's okay with it as well.
What make-up? He's not a girl!
To be honest, Alex has only had a couple of make-ups, which are usually done by gridball fans, and, well, that's basically it.
So if Farmer's going to the stadium, then Alex can help with cool sport fan make-up.
If it's just some regular make-up, then no, sorry. He can't do it.
He could try, but he'd end up with paint all over their face. Oh well, at least he tried.
"Makeup? Oh, I've never done it, but my mom does her own makeup every day. Maybe she could help you?"
If Farmer insists on getting help from Victor specifically, he will politely decline.
He'd be interested in the idea, though, and a little later he'd watch tutorials on his laptop or ask Olivia.
The next time Victor offered to help Farmer with their makeup, wanting to practice.
"I thought it sounded interesting. Besides, we'll have one more common interest."
Magnus Rasmodius:
"Only with magic can I fulfil your request."
For Magnus, magic is almost the solution to all problems. He thinks magic will help here, too....
With his hands? Sorry, Farmer. A wizard certainly can't do your make up by hands. Only with a spell.
Well, he still has to remember the spell.....
Hold on, he should ask Camilla, she's definitely using that kind of spell.
Another clever mage from the magical society where agree to help Farmer with the help of his magic.
He also watches his appearance and sometimes uses spells, but he doesn't do his own makeup and tries to take care of himself without cosmetics.
How then he knows the spells of instant perfect makeup is a mystery.
A snap of his fingers and in a second, he has perfect makeup on Farmer's face.
Though in the future he may learn a couple of basics on how to do Farmer's makeup without magic. Just because the process itself is kinda interesting.
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sirthisisa-wendys · 1 year
Hi Wendy, I hope you're doing great. I was wondering if I could request a small (husband)-South fic where the reader calls him in the middle of the night drunk asking for a ride because readers friend got arrested for drunk driving
Tysm ❤️
DUIs: South Terano x Fem!Reader
wc: 737
tw: fluff
There's a something buzzing in South's dreams.
Oddly enough, it sounds very persistent. But he's in the middle of something important, so he can't be bothered to--
It ceases, and South continues down the path in his dream, the same dark alley where he met Dino for the last time. Gun in hand, he feels around for the walls in the darkness, stepping carefully in puddles of warm water.
"You should've---" The rest of the noise is garbled, overshadowed by the consistent rumblings again. It's as if the dream is suddenly cut short as he's launched back into the realm of reality. South groans long and hard, easing up out of his sleeping position and into a sitting pose on the edge of the bed.
It's only 1 am.
The noise-maker vibrates hard once more, dropping to the floor where South spies it and picks it up carefully. Your name is flashing on the screen, and with a sudden haste he can't ignore, he answers the call.
"You still out?" South begins, but your voice is small and stuttering on the other end.
"What's wrong, baby?"
"I n-need you to come and... pick me up."
"Are you in trouble?" South stands up as he speaks, looking around in the darkness for his shoes and a shirt.
"Lacey got arrested for drunk driving," you admit. South grits his teeth together, but sighs it out. Lacey would answer for why she had you in the car while drunk later. "Don't know where we are."
South doesn't panic at all. Thankfully, he still has an Air Tag on your wallet - something you were prone to losing - and he could locate you without too much effort.
"Just stay calm," he urges you gently. "And stay right there. I'm on my way."
"I'm really drunk; what if they take me, too?" South shakes his head as he starts up the car.
"They would've taken you along with your friend if that were the case." South puts you on speaker and locks in your location, and - though he'd never admit it - he speeds towards you.
You're not out too far, maybe only twenty minutes away, but when he pulls up on the scene, there are a few cops that turn his way. South gives them a stare that isn't entirely friendly as he steps out of the car and walks over to you.
"Are you her husband, sir?" one of the cops asks, and South nods once, pulling you close after placing his jacket around your shoulders, despite it not being cold. "Her friend is on the way to the county jail for the evening. She blew a--"
"I really don't care about that," he mutters, ushering you towards the car. South opens the passenger side door and helps you inside before closing it, then walking back to the driver's side.
"Anything else?" he asks the cops, who are just standing about like lazy children.
"Nope." South grunts and slides into his seat, starting up the car, and then backing out of the spot. The ride home is pretty quiet. It's not for lack of conversation, but you're nodding off, finally safe and warm in the car you love the most.
"Why didn't you bring the bike?" you pipe up as he stops at a red light.
"You can't hang on to me in your condition, babe."
"Oh, yeah..." you murmur, then slip back into your drowsy spell. Before the light turns green, you reach out to hold his hand, and he squeezes it gently. As the light changes, South presses a kiss to your knuckles, then continues on, driving in the darkness toward home.
Your gently awoken out of your sleep by South taking your shoes off, each falling to the ground unceremoniously. You're carried to the bedroom, where you lazily wrap your arms around South's neck and allow him to strip you out of the outfit he helped you pick out. Each touch is tender and loving, and when you're laid in the bed and tucked in, your arms reach out for him.
"Night," you mumble, and South leans into your embrace, kissing your cheeks over and over, making you giggle before you slip back into your much-needed slumber. It isn't long before he joins you in the bed, his arms wrapped around you carefully. And in his dreams, the darkness doesn't come back, not even a shadow.
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I absoltely loved the newest mob boys post and there teenage daughters can you do the mob boy’s reaction to their teenage daughters getting pregnant after sneaking out (poor Donnie’s daughter 🥲) (sorry for the spelling erors English isn’t my first language) thank you!
Love this idea for the Mob! boys, and yes, poor, poor Donnie's little girl
MASSIVE DISCLAIMER! Donnie's one will be dark as fuck, please do not read if anything to do with pregnancy is a trigger to you!
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Mob! Leo
She's still grounded
it's been 2 months but she found her with a goddamn boy- not just /with/ a boy but in his *bed*
livid wouldn't even begin to cover how Leo felt
it took all his daughter's strength to hold him back from beating the living daylights out this teen boy who defiled his daughter
but something is different now
she's been quiet, not protesting when he gives her chores or sends her to bed. not even asking to have friends round when she knows she's grounded
he goes up to her room to talk, maybe she's been punished enough?
"Hey" she says softly, knocking on the door "what's up with you? you've been...distant"
she turns to face him, sat on her bed, and when she sees the gentle look on his face she can't contain it anymore
bursts into tears
"y-you know- you know Harry? The- the-the boy you found me with?..." she makes out between sobs
his mind returns to that night and he goes quiet. Angry again
"I'm sorry, daddy. I'm really sorry"
he doesn't get it at first, then she points to the trash can
he glances over and see's the pregnancy test box empty
he understands
the way Leo sees it, he has 2 choices: 1 scream. scream until his lungs bleed and she hates him forever or, 2 be there for his crying kid
he chooses the latter
he puts a stiff arm around her and she nuzzles into the crook of her father's neck, still inconsolable.
it's difficult to hide the shame, the disappointment, the anger....He had such big plans for her, now adding a kid to those plans? forget about it...
but he gets this one chance to show her that she can come to him about anything
it's going to be a long next few months...
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Mob! Raph
His not-so-baby-anymore little girl is the light of his life
like, he's the proudest dad you can find
adores her, beyond words
so when he goes to tell her dinner is ready (without knocking, because it's his house and he can do what he wants) and finds her curled in a ball on her bed, crying and holding a positive pregnancy test... He loses it
screaming, punching the door, more screaming, ripping posters off her walls, did I mention he was yelling?
lots of "how could you be so stupid?" and "I raised you better than this!"
after about 20 minutes he calms down
it's nothing the daughter of this hot head isn't used to by now, but it's still scary for her
it's the look in her eyes that calms him the most- the look of fear as she clutches her stomach
a maternal sign
she wants the baby
"This motherfucker who knocked you up, he gonna stick around?" he asks
"I don't care if he does or not, fuck him! I've got you, don't I?"
a big sigh from Raph
"you've got me, kid"
he's not happy, how could he be?
but he knows she'll make a great mother
and he loves her too much, and is way too much of a pushover when it comes to her to be mad for too long
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Mob! Mikey
He guesses she's pregnant
the morning sickness is a dead give away
he is Pissed, with a capital P
drags his daughter back to her room, any dolls or stuffed toys are ripped apart with his bare hands
"And this?" he hisses "What sort of mother had a ballerina jewellery music box? You're a child having a child! A stupid child at that! Insolent, pathetic and careless!"
none of this is yelled, his tone is almost a whisper
his daughter is crumpled down on the floor just weeping, waiting for storm Mikey to pass
"I thought I raised you better, I really did"
He leaves the house at that point, just walks straight past her as she sobs and goes to his brother's
they calm him down, a lot actually
remind him there are "options"
when he gets back to the house, he does say sorry
he knows he flies off the handle a little too quickly
he says he'll stand with her no matter what she chooses, but he knows what he would prefer for her to do
she sleeps in his bed that night, he holds his little girl and they whisper to each other until they both pass out
their relationship has always had rough patches like this but nothing they can't get through
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Mob! Donnie
He knows
he always knows, he knew she snuck out, her knew she slept with that boy, he knows everything
so when she comes home to a seemingly empty house and goes up to her room, she;s in for a surprise
the room is liner with plastic sheets, like shower curtains, everywhere
the floor, the walls, there's a table in the middle of the room with a sheet covering something...
not something- someone
it's him, the boy, the one time hookup...
"oh fuck" she whispers
"oh fuck, indeed" Donnie's voice comes come behind her
"What did you do, dad? Is he dead?"
he smirks at that, which is dangerous. Only the worst kind of things amuse her father
"Dead? No. He wouldn't be worth the clean up. He just has a little... Procedure. To make sure he doesn't ever fuck up your life again"
she's confused, then he pulls out the positive pregnancy test you threw in a mall bathroom trash can last week.
How??? How does he always know?
"Now, darling..." He begins
((He never calls you darling, unless you're in deep shit with him))
"Are you going to be a good girl, and do what needs to be done? Or are you going to make daddy angry and disappointed all over again?" He leans in closer "I know which one I'd pick"
"I-I-I want the baby, dad" it's barely a whisper, mostly it's a plea
he tuts and shakes his head
"Wrong answer"
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cookies-over-yonder · 9 months
through whatever you lose, you will always have me
Taylor has a nightmare, and Link can't calm him down on his own this time.
Part 2 of human nature
[title from No Matter What from Steven Universe]
Link wakes up with a death grip on his hand.
And then he hears the sound of gasps.
When he opens his eyes, Taylor is beside him, trembling.
Link sits up immediately, and puts a hand on Taylor's shoulder with his free hand, slightly turning him to face himself. "Taylor, hey, what's wrong?"
"I—" he sucks in a breath and whines, scrubbing at his eyes with a fist. There's tears streaming down his face, and his breathing is rough and unsteady.
"Was it a nightmare?" Link asks—it seems most likely.
Taylor nods, frantic, and Link can see more tears streaming down his face. His eyes are shut, and he whines again, and he's sucking in breath after breath like he can't get enough air. The grip on Link's hand gets tighter—and it hurts .
But the pain isn't important. What's important is calming Taylor down.
"Okay, okay, Taylor, hey," Link says softly, running his hand up and down Taylor's arm, "you're awake now, and I'm here, and you're safe."
"I… I know," Taylor mumbles, "Link—" he sobs, pressing himself against Link's chest, and his gasps get louder.
Link's hand slides from his arm to rub circles into his back. "Taylor, breathe—"
" I can't breathe, " is what Scary hears from the bunk below her while she's not nearly half-asleep but trying to trick herself into thinking she is. And it snaps her out of whatever thought she was trying to distract herself with.
Especially when she hears it again.
And again.
And again, and again, and—
"Taylor, Taylor , hey, hey, hey, you're okay, come here—"
The gasps she heard become muffled.
"—and feel how I'm breathing. In, out, in, out. Can you try and match that?"
It's quieter for a while, but then Scary can hear muffled sobs. And the gasps starting again.
And so she makes the executive decision to peek over the edge of the bunk to see what's going on… because it's disturbing her sleep. Yeah.
It's hard to make sense of at first, what with the darkness and her view being upside-down, but what she's fairly sure she sees is Link holding Taylor, who's shaking.
And gasping.
And sobbing.
Holy shit.
Link glances away from Taylor for a second, and their eyes meet.
"Is he okay?" she whispers.
His eyes are wide, and it's hard to tell, but Scary thinks they might be teary,  and he shakes his head in the most minute way, she nearly misses it.
But she doesn't, and in a second, she's off her bunk and at the edge of theirs, assessing the situation.
Taylor's face is pressed into Link's chest, and Link is rubbing circles into his back.
It doesn't seem to be helping much; Taylor is clearly hyperventilating, and he's gripping Link's hand so tight she's sure it must hurt.
"What happened?" Scary asks, scooting closer.
"Nightmare," Link whispers, "I don't know what it was, but it must have been bad."
Link is looking at Taylor in a way Scary's never seen before. It's a look of fear. Fear for him.
"Scary, I don't know what to do," he says, and it's quick, and small, and Taylor whines, and Link holds him tighter.
It's not like Scary has never had a panic attack. It'll pass. It has to. But it's definitely hellish, and she's not sure what to do either.
Maybe there's a spell she can use to calm him down? What are her options?
Fireball… yeah, no.
Wall of Fire?
Jeez. Okay. Think, Scary, think.
Detect Thoughts…
Now that one might be useful.
Okay… just cast it… but don't dig too deep.
She does so, and hears a flurry of overlapping thoughts, catching small snippets.
'I can't breathe—'
'My chest hurts—'
'I'm so scared—'
'I'm gonna die—'
'This is stupid—'
'Why am I crying—'
'They're gonna leave me—'
'This is all my fault—'
It hits her all at once, and she feels a lump forming in her throat, but she swallows it back down because this isn't about her.
She scoots even closer to Taylor and puts a hand on his shoulder, slowly pulling him away from Link's chest to face her, and oh, god , he looks like an absolute wreck.
Scary isn't sure she's ever seen him anywhere close to in this state. His face is red and blotchy, and his eyes are shut and he's gasping and it's louder now that Link's chest isn't there to suppress the noise, and it sounds painful , and Scary wishes she didn't have to hear it, but she knows what it is to experience it, and she's not about to leave him like this.
Taylor brings a hand up to swipe at his hair and she sees him scratch his face, and his hands are trembling so badly, as is the rest of him.
She holds him with both hands on his shoulders.
"Taylor, hey, can you hear me?"
Taylor doesn't respond at all, but in his thoughts she can hear a 'who is that,' which makes sense, and it's enough of an indication that her words are getting through.
"Taylor, we're here, and we're not going anywhere," she says, mustering up her most confident voice, which isn't very, but she really does try.
"You are not going to die, you're having a panic attack," she says, and, well, it's the words she would always need when in his shoes, so it seems like it should be the right thing to say? "Just focus on your breathing. You're gonna be okay. It'll pass. I promise."
Scary speaks loudly and slowly, not giving a fuck if it wakes up Norm and Hermie, because Taylor needs to hear her words and, more importantly, understand them.
She starts running her hands up and down his arms, because maybe the touch will help him keep focused?
"This isn't your fault ."
Taylor sobs, and swipes at his eyes, and there's one thought on loop at the very surface:
'Don't leave me, don't leave me, don't leave me, don't leave me, don't leave me, don't leave me, please—'
"We're not going to leave you, Taylor. We're right here, and we're staying here. You're never gonna be alone again, I promise."
Scary doesn't really realize what she's saying until it tumbles out, but… it's true.
And with that, Taylor nods. Finally.
"Can you… can you try and focus on your breathing now?" she asks, and Taylor's eyes open the tiniest bit.
"Scary…" he mumbles through the gasps, reaching out his free hand ever so slightly. She brings her hand away from his shoulder and takes it. It's hot, and sweaty, and shaky, and gross, and he grips it so hard, and it reminds her that he's still alive, and here, and going to be okay.
"I'm right here, Taylor. So is Link. We're here for you. Can you try to take a deep breath?"
Scary glances at Link as Taylor struggles to fill his lungs. He's looking at her with a mix of awe and confusion, and she isn't quite sure why, but she glances at Taylor, and back at him, as a way to say 'your turn,' which he seems to understand, as he starts guiding Taylor through a breathing exercise.
Scary isn't too familiar with those.
But Link is counting and Taylor is trying and struggling to follow, but he's holding their hands, and he's trying , which is most important.
The… the words she told him… well, they're true. Taylor has people that won't leave him. And, well… she won't leave him. And if he won't be alone ever again… she won't either… right?
The tears refuse to be held back for any longer, but Scary wipes them fast, sniffling a little. Link probably doesn't notice, too focused on Taylor, but even if he does, he doesn't acknowledge it, for which she's grateful.
Seeing Taylor like this… is jarring . He's the last person she'd expect to be up in the middle of the night riddled with anxiety and unable to calm down.
But his fears… well…
She knows them all too well.
When Taylor's breathing finally slows, he blinks slowly, glances at both of them, and then—
He pulls his hands away—
"Sorry, sorry, sorry— "
And buries his head in them—
'I'm so fucking pathetic—'
'Oh my god—'
'They're gonna hate me—'
'This is so embarrassing—'
'I don't want them to see me like this—'
'Please don't leave—'
'Don't leave me—'
"Taylor, Taylor, it's okay, slow down," Link says on top of his everflowing apologies, but it seems to roll right off him.
What Scary does next surprises her more than anything she'd done this night.
She pulls Taylor into a hug.
A tight one.
And in a second, his arms are around her too.
"We're not going to leave you," she says again, and fuck it, her voice is wobbly, and she can feel the tears fall, but it doesn't fucking matter.
What matters right now is Taylor.
"Look, I don't know what your nightmare was about or what caused this but just—just believe me, okay? Please?" her voice cracks, and she locks eyes with Link again, and he's crying too.
"Okay, okay, Scary," Taylor mumbles into her shirt, "I believe you."
"Good," she says, trying to regain her sharp tone, but it's long gone at this point in the night.
Link is looking at Taylor, sitting a little bit further from the two hugging, so Scary waves her hand for him to join, and he does, and now Taylor's in the centre of the hug, with a friend on either side.
"See? You're in a Taylor sandwich," Scary says. "Stuck with us."
Taylor giggles, and she's so glad, and his laughter is so infectious, and she's laughing too, and so is Link, and they're laughing together, despite the tears, and despite everything, and somehow Norm and Hermie slept through it all, or maybe they didn't, and they're choosing not to disturb, but either way, they're there, and they're here, and they're together, and maybe it'll be okay.
And even if it isn't, they'll stick together through it all.
No matter what.
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xerith-42 · 6 months
Listen I know we as a fandom make jokes about how to spell Laurance's name but I'm fairly confident that's not how you spell it... Anyways here's a random assortment of MCD Laurance headcanons as I come up with them.
In my brain Laurance is like 6'2 and Cadenza is close to that, but she's like 5'11. So even though she's older than Laurance, he still constantly makes fun of her for being "short" and calls himself the older sibling to piss her off.
Laurance doesn't abstain from poultry, but when he was growing up and spent so much time with Castor as a teenager he didn't eat chicken that much bc he actually knew all of Castor's chickens and it felt weird to eat them or their potential brethren. So like, if it's put on his plate he'll eat it, but otherwise Laurance doesn't like eating chicken very much.
When he was younger Laurance really liked fires. Even if it never snowed, it got really cold in Meteli, and he got used to the different chores associated with making sure there's a fire going in the hearth at all times. He likes feeling useful, and he and Cadenza would often fall asleep outside the fire place cause it was just so nice and warm. Also he probably has ADHD and we all how how them bitches are with fire.
This changed with time. Now Laurance associates fire with his worst memories, illusions or otherwise. He'll stay near one for warmth, but he never feeds it, and he tries not to look at them for too long.
I do want to elaborate on Laurance as a kid though. He was probably so rowdy. After what he's been through they expect him to be more reserved, but he's just a little shit head. He's kind of feral and the only thing that'll calm him down/tire him out is training with the guards in Meteli. Most of them cave to him eventually because at least when he's learning, it's pretty easy to teach him and get the kid to exhaust himself.
One time a teenage Laurance was sparring against the head guard and started actually beating them??? He didn't win the fight in the end, but he came close enough that he started seriously thinking like "Oh shit I'm good at this. Maybe I should become a guard."
Final headcanon for you, MCD Laurance has and will confidently wear dresses. Like, multiple times. He has Cadenza for a sister, of course he's worn dresses she made. Sometimes it was just her practicing, and sometimes she was making a dress/garment for someone else that Laurance was relitavely close to the size of and he really doesn't mind modeling for her. If someone needed to go into enemy territory disguised in drag for whatever reason, Laurance's mentality is "As long as the dress fits, wear it."
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simpforchuchu · 1 year
Yosuke Todoroki - General Dating Hcs
a/n: I just love my precious Todo so much and here you are ;)
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: none
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• Todoroki generally has a calm character.  Yes, he is never afraid to fight, but he manages to stay cool and calm.
•  I don't think he trusts anyone.
•  He didn't allow anyone to be around except Tsuji and Shibaman.They were the first to open his completely closed heart
•  Considering he's a nerd who's been bullied for years, I think that's pretty normal.
•  He got stronger, put an end to it and he  changed
•  Although we saw him as a power-hungry and ambitious person for a while, we know that he has matured quite a bit and now has "friends"
•  I don't think Todoroki is the type to fall in love at first sight.He needs to know his partner well and spend time with her.
•  I don't even think he was aware of his feelings for a long time.
• In time, he will realize his feelings.
• Maybe his friends will make him realize
•  I think he will like someone ordinary
•  He needs a calm and kind hearted person who is absolutely free from fights and gangs.
•  I'm sure he fall in love with someone smart.
•  No, when I said smart, I didn't mean just academically. 
• Someone who has her own ideas, strong and mature.
•  Her grades don't have to be great, he'll explain things she doesn't understand.
•  Or she doesn't need to be physically strong, he will always be there for her
•  I don't think he would want someone too childish, he is someone who feels cringe easily so he will definitely like someone mature
•  But I don't think he would say no to someone funny, someone who can be herself with him will make him happy
•  I'm sure he'll want her to protect herself. So even if she is weak to fight, he will show her little tricks.
•  Also, this boy really likes to do exercises.He's muscular even though he looks pretty healthy and thin. 
• So I think he will enjoy doing exercises with her.
•  I think he'll have a hard time confessing it.He is confident but not very good with words. I think he'll try to show it instead of saying it
•  If y/n is the first to say it, that's totally okay too
•  I think he needs someone who trusts him, who truly loves him and who understands him.
•  When he's away from all the chaos, he needs a safe place, a home.
•  He's tall, so he likes to lie on his girlfriend's stomach, chest, or hug her from behind and rest his head on her shoulder.
•  He really likes physical contact and that's how he shows his love
•  I can't say that he has a problem with the PDA, but he will mostly hold her hand tightly or always have his hand on her waist or shoulder.
•  Not much of a fan of long kisses in public, preferring small and short kisses..
•  He is not talkative, he thinks that no one will understand him.That's why someone who listens quietly and makes him feel understood is very valuable to him.
•  I don't think he will tell anyone for a long time, he doesn't hide it but he won't tell unless asked
•  Tsuji and Shibaman are their biggest shipper and fan
•  I believe his girlfriend will get along well with them.Todoroki trusts them
•  He may be strong and scary, he may not smile a lot other than sarcasm but he definitely smiles when he's with you
•  He shows his sweetest and funniest side to his girlfriend
•  I don't think you fight a lot, these fights must be for a really serious reason
•  He's not stubborn, he'll definitely apologize if he's wrong, but he expects the same from you.
•  Like I said, he's not great with words, he's trying to show it more with his actions.
•  He can cook for you, gift you new books to read together, and will strive to learn about your hobbies.
•  He wants to know everything about you, you are very precious to him and he wants you to know that
•  He may seem cold and scary on the outside, but I'm sure that he always looks at you with compassion and love.
•  Dates are usually in quiet and peaceful places, maybe fishing or picnics by a lake.
•  You are where he finds peace
•  He definitely knows how to take care of sick people and is knowledgeable about your menstrual periods.
•  He knows that he can be quite annoying at times too, so he will be considerate for you
•  You can cry in front of him, he will not judge you or find you weak. 
• He will hold you tight and play with your hair until you calm down.
•  I don't think you'll ever see him cry but he's okay with that, he sees no problem opening up to you
•  He knows the city is dangerous, so he is always worried.  He always walks home with you and often wants to check that nothing is wrong.
•  Sometimes he feels bad about it but he always tells you that he trusts you, that he's just afraid of his enemies hurting you.
• He's not one to get hurt easily, but I don't think he'll show you.He hates making you worry.
•  He doesn't sleep much, when you sleep together he always sleeps after you and wakes up first.
•  Definitely a big spoon.
•  A slow-moving but well-founded relationship
•  You are everyone's dream couple and Tsuji&Shiba are definitely acting like you adopted them...
HnL taglist : @straysugzhpe @tiddly-winx @satraninalane
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sy-on-boy · 2 years
Here we go again - commentary and analysis of Ch 70
Hi yes I'm living and thriving but also miserable because SOMEONE GET THE KIDS OUTTA THE BUS.
"They told us not to contact the parents yet. They said it would only cause needless panic since we don't know what the hijackers want" Interesting that this is mentioned when Becky attempts to contact her parents, and they might just tell everybody
And since a member of the public (presumably) picked up Becky and Anya's SOS, this incident is probably going to leak (contrary to what Eden wants)... if the kids get into trouble for this I'm gonna be pissed lol
This could affect Eden's reputation since the kids could be taken away very easily, with not even Mr Green managing to stop them
Aha, so Anya can read minds after all. Interesting how she didn't read the bus driver's mind earlier (or Damian's mind about the cake). Perhaps she didn't feel the need to.
Becky is a true MVP here. While the other kids are understandably freaking out and panicking, Becky puts Anya as her priority. She chooses to look out for Anya even in such a dire situation. Becky's awesome
And then Damian sees Anya looking dizzy and ill, and thus tries to step up. It should be noted that he does this after some hesitation, and he's probably very nervous (he's shaking and sweating, he mutters "dammit")
Bill is also great. I think Bill has the potential to become a great leader, judging from him in dodgeball and this ep. I think Bill's courage might've come from his father's military background, and Bill was crucial in calming down the entire bus by reminding them of their powerful parents
"Man, that kid's pretty hardcore" Yep Damian, throw the classism out of the bus window. Bill is great. Just acknowledge it. Their relations will probably be better after this arc and they might even become friends. And Damian might stop being so pissy and judgemental.
The hijacker mentions how the Eden kids are the elite of the elite, which makes them valuable hostages. So it's interesting how they grab a commoner girl as a hostage in the end, instead of literally any other famous kid that they pointed out earlier
"I'll be using your lives to negotiate with the government" Ooh, motivation reveal? What does the Red Circus want from the government? And so they definitely want to make things public and the parents will definitely know. Ooh.
So now the SSS and WISE both know about the hijacking. Sylvia on the case maybe? And rip Loid for being away. I guess they need the spotlight for other characters
"We could really send a message if we kill these brats, but..." Wow, excuse you? What does the Red Circus even want if they're being so extreme? They're gonna get a lot of enemies if they do so, so glad they're not killing the kids, lol
Becky readily believes Anya's info about the place they're headed to! Becky is such a great friend. And she's coming closer to knowing about Anya's powers, but Anya's becoming a good liar like her parents haha
!!! Damian is concerned for the girls!! And Anya's handwriting really is awful. And Damian spelled stupid wrong originally before he fixed it (language is not his strong point)
Damian acts like he doesn't care about them (he doesn't get along well with Becky because she always takes Anya's side, and we know how Damian and Anya are) but he is a good kid underneath the prejudice.
Damian and Anya (+ Becky) communicating by throwing notes at each other. Like how Damian tried to get her attention on the first day of school and like how Anya tried to get Damian's attention on the bus to call her ugly
And then! Damian offering himself as a distraction! It speaks volumes how he trusts both Becky and Anya when he doesn't like them very much (or at least he says he doesn't like them very much). Especially when Damian thinks Anya is kinda dumb. So Damian honestly believes that they somehow know where they're going despite all of them stuck on the same bus and are supposedly given the same information.
It's telling that when Damian steps up, he acts confident. "Just let me handle this. I got a plan." Does he want to save his classmates because he's a scion of the Desmonds (and it's maybe related to his ego)? Was he inspired by Bill? Either way, Damian wants to play a part in the rescue mission. He wants to do something for everyone. And Bill spoke up before Damian did, and now it's Damian's chance to contribute
Emile is shocked and goes "B-bossman?". Becky is similar and goes "What do you think you're doing?!". But Anya's not like them. Look at the panel closely- while George, Ewen, Emile, and Becky all have sweatdrops, showing their anxiety and concern, Anya doesn't. Maybe she also trusts Damian (because she can read minds?). Maybe she's too surprised that the snotty Sy-on boy is doing something nice for a change. Because Damian is doing (or at least attempting to do) something heroic, and Anya likes heroes (Bondman, her parents saving her).
"I am, like, right now about to crap my pants." Damian using the same (bad) excuse as Anya... was he inspired by her? Or are they just similar in that regard? (Damian and Anya's ways of thinking can be quite similar throughout the manga)
While Becky is horrified by Damian's excuse, Anya looks invested and determined. If Damian's using the same excuse as she did, it's natural that she thinks he's being smart and cool. She's silently cheering him on instead of being worried like Becky is.
This could help to change Anya's perception of Damian. He's doing what she did, and he's sacrificing himself for their plan. Maybe she's going to be impressed. Maybe she's going to think "Sy-on boy's not a piece of crap after all"
Becky comes in clutch again when she abruptly realizes they can't waste any time. She opens the window and orders for Anya to throw the tin of candy.
... I just noticed that Becky's "Oh! What am I doing?! This is our chance!" is in the same panel as the hijacker grabbing Damian's collar. Iirc this is the first time they've actually touched one of the kids (they just pointed a gun at Bill earlier). Like, um, physical violence? Could they be distracted / scared because the hijackers dared to lay their hands on Damian, son of the chairman?
Becky is so smart for including her ID as proof and putting down the emergency code. Now the Blackbells might be involved. Ooh, Becky's parents might debut next time!
NOT THE BOMB COLLAR! Get away from Anya right now!! Judging from Anya's horrified expression (and the connections to Bond's shock collar, and we know 007 and Project Apple are probably connected because the same scientists are seen), this could be linked to her past. It's possible that we get a flashback chapter, and it's also possible that Anya loses her bravado.
The bomb also reminds the readers of the Loid thing in which Bond and Anya save Loid from a bomb. Interesting
It's also interesting how it's Anya that they've taken hostage. As far as they know, she's just a commoner girl. It would be more logical to go after someone with famous parents, but I suppose they could afford to kill Anya because she's not rich. Plus, Anya is small and short, so they think she's probably weak?
But as readers, we know they've made a grave mistake. Anya's uncle is in the SSS, Sylvia and WISE are now aware, and of course Anya's mother is the terrifying Thorn Princess herself
I just hope that Anya's going to be fine. She looks nervous in the last panel, with sweat dripping down her face (she remained mostly calm after her classmates were calmed down by Bill). Again it's possible the experimentation facility did something similar to her
Anya and Damian are actually the only ones who "tried to act funny", since Bill was just reassuring the kids but Damianya were actually trying to escape. (Becky is under the radar for now, good for her). Perhaps they'll get Stellar stars from this. Time to save their classmates!
And now speculation time!
I just realized Becky and Damian might both be punished as well, since the hijackers could discover Damian was acting stupid as a distraction.
Bill might be important later on since Endo features him in his promo tweet for Ch 70 (the tweet also features Anya, Damian, and Becky)
The SOS got out, which is good. It would be interesting to see which organisation comes first. Presumably the SOS contains the place they're headed to (it's not seen in the note but the girls mentioned putting it down). Maybe the Blackbells and Martha are gonna come in clutch?
Twilight's absence is noted because it removes him from saving Anya (and co). It is very possible we get Yor to come. And perhaps Yuri. Yor and Yuri don't know each other's jobs (Loid is aware of Yuri) so it could be fun to see them dancing around one another
The Eden kids likely won't be able to do anything with Anya held hostage. This is a real, tangible threat. I won't blame the kids if they're even more spooked. Soo... maybe they have to wait for the adults now
I liked seeing the kids in tense situations because it reveals who they really are. Damian, for example, does care about his classmates and is willing to step up. And Bill is pretty brave and chooses to speak up first. Becky is really calm and smart for a 6yo.
So... what are they gonna do with Anya now? They're probably going to keep a close eye on her, so even if Anya learns something from mind reading, she can't really share it.
Maybe Becky and/or Damian will find out about Anya's powers? I personally think Becky is more likely because Anya trusts her more. But Damian learning about the mindreading has also been foreshadowed twice (at least). This could shake up the status quo a lot.
We wanted drama, they delivered, I'm excited but also horrified. The hijacker should get away from the kids asap! :OOO But ngl the piss thing is pretty funny. It's just like Loid's stomachache excuse <3 Forger family tradition <3
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lollytea · 2 years
Random thought: Huntlow Sleeping Beauty AU, Willow is the only one who is able to get to Hunter's tower because she's using her plant magic to make the briars let her through. Maybe she's able to convince them she's trying to help him. It could be a metaphor for something.
I love fairytale type AUs/scenarios and this ask just filled my head with some wishy washy ideas but nothing all that solid to stand on. I don't know the big picture here. Just some vague concepts.
Established huntlow for this. Or possibly very very close friends with a lot of romantic tension that they're both kinda aware of but they haven't talked about it. Doesn't matter. Either way, they are in love. Sheltered prince and chivalrous peasant girl who send each other secret love letters and have sneaky little rendezvous all over town whenever they get the chance.
Hunter has become a lot more rebellious because of Willow's influence and in addition to their little forbidden romance, he's also been studying wild magic. Ever since he's seen some of Luz's glyphs, he's been determined to practise the technique himself. He's currently at the point where he's experimenting with combos. With Willow's magic expertise, they've put their heads together and have actually come up with some really powerful plant spells. Having Willow on board with the experiments is super helpful, as she's the only one who can entirely understand some of the more complicated spells they've created. Even Hunter is a little unsure of the specifics.
Anyway, as destiny dictates, Hunter eventually has to learn the truth about The Horrors. About his life, himself, his family and his uncle. Hunter makes a run for it but Belos sends the scouts after him, fully intending to drag him back and kill him. He can't have Hunter running around free. He knows too much and blabbing about it could make this whole plan very difficult.
Hunter narrowly escapes the castle with his life but not before getting hit by a curse from one of the bards. He's pretty sure it was an attempt at a sleep spell but the clumsy technique corrupted it into something a little more dangerous. The thing about sleep spells is they're instantaneous but very temporary. So you can knock somebody out immediately but they'll rouse themselves awake usually within an hour. But this is different. Hunter did not fall unconscious once the spell hit him but he did feel it in his system. And he knew that the next time he fell asleep, the curse would take effect and he wouldn't wake up.
Which Hunter simply could not swing right now. Because he needed to warn people about what Belos was planning. Granted, he still had plenty of time before this plan was to be executed. But now he was a wanted fugitive, there was a huge reward over his head and the whole titandamn Isles was hunting him. He wasn't gonna survive like this. If they caught him, they'd take him to Belos and he'd be killed. So he needs to stay on guard. But he can't fight off the curse forever. Eventually he'll fall asleep and then he'll be a sitting duck and someone's bound to find him eventually.
With the last of his energy, Hunter ran. He ran until he found that abandoned tower and he burst inside and began drawing all over the walls like a lunatic. Glyph after glyph, merging and tangling together. He drew until he was was physically incapable of continuing. Then he activated the spell and collapsed to the ground.
Vines, brambles, briars, nettles, slithering carnivorous blossoms. They all burst from the walls and encased the tower like an impenetrable puzzle box.
Nobody would be able to find Hunter. Nobody would be able to touch Hunter.
But as he closed his eyes, he was calm. He wasn't scared that he wouldn't wake up again.
Because there was only one person in the entire Realm who would be able to unlock this work of magic.
And Hunter trusted her to find him.
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tgrailwar-zero · 11 months
Let's try something more effective:
Doctor, we have not shown you or anyone in this town hostility since manifesting here with Invader beyond the training accident with Lune. If anything, we outright CURED one of your patients who was in critical condition.
For viruses doing Hades' work we must be pretty dang inefficient then, right? Or maybe it's because we really, REALLY don't want to have to fight or kill anyone if we don't have to!
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"Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up! Can you never be quiet, even for a moment!?"
The more talking that occurred, the less focused ASCLEPIUS became. The mana around him grew more chaotic and less dense, his own presence weakening as he grabbed his head, his own yells being interspersed with agonized gasps. It seems like you've managed to stall him for a moment, meaning that he wasn't currently attacking.
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KUKULKAN sighed, shaking her head.
"For the Trigger Key to be fully accessed, his Spirit Origin needs to be destroyed. If he were to 'give' you the key, then that means he'd be giving up his life. The Trigger Keys aren't items that can be easily passed back and forth, they're entrusted to the Lair Servants to protect with their very lives. Even the peaceful solution is that you remain safe, and he dies. I don't know how many times I need to tell you that coexisting isn't possible…"
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With a bit of a frown, KUKULKAN's eyes narrowed.
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"It'd be like putting the key in 'reserve'… he'd still have to destroy himself at some point for it to be usable, and that doesn't mean that he'd immediately become friends… even without the Solar Cell's influence, he acted in his own interests- but that didn't exactly mean he was fond of you all personally. You'd be stripping him of his authority and purpose, only to command him to die later."
As this was explained, CONSTANTINE furrowed his brow in thought.
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"That doesn't stop it from being an option, however. It'd serve as a way to pacify him temporarily, though you'd need to use a Command Spell or two to keep him from betrayal."
She clenched her fist, mana pooling inside it.
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"He's in a vulnerable spot. He's conflicted, meaning that his focus on defense is completely down. One well-timed strike, and I can perform a Spirit Core Liberation. That'll have some of his essence available for T-Summoning, allow us to grab the Trigger Key, and it'll be the quickest act of mercy we can manage."
You'll need to make a choice. You got him to stop, so now...
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muiltifandomnerd · 10 months
Adventures of Chika Hanabusa: The Restoration of Earth
Disclaimer: This book follows the events of Percy Jackson and Heros of Olympus fanfic, This fanfic will not include Trails of Apollo, The Kane Chronicles, and Magnus Chase.
Chapter 1: School Attack
Chika PoV
The alarm clock was going off and I quickly got out of bed. Today was Friday so I put on my green and white cheer uniform. The cheer uniform is a white pleated skirt with a green trim line, and the top is white with green spelling that says Oakwood Senior High School. I also pick up my scythe, which can transform into a pencil. I walked downstairs and saw my dad making scumble eggs and getting ready to work on the farm. My father is a buff Japanese guy who has scars around his arms, and he has a ponytail and a beard. He is wearing a farmer hat, flannel shirt, and jeans. His name is Isshin Hanabusa, and he use to be part of the Japanese military, but he decided to move to America to become a farmer. He met my godly mother, Demeter, at an agricultural convention and both fell in love with each other.
"How is your sleep, my precious princess? By the way, did you pack your scythe?" he asks as he hugged and kissed me on the cheeks. I’m very lucky to have a good dad, he taught me how to deal with the stresses of life and how to deal with the mythological world.
I hugged him back and kissed him on the forehead, "I did put my scythe in my pencil pouch in pencil form. Hey Dad, I’m happy that we get to have the farm and take care of animals. Once the game is over, I might make dinner later on.” I say as I winked at him.
He smile a calm smile and say in a soft voice, "Don't worry about dinner, I was thinking that we can have some food from Quickway Hibachi. Have fun at the game and maybe find a nice girl at your school.”
I blushed like crazy and say “Maybe, well anyway I must get going.”
“Don’t forget your pompoms and be a kickass cheerleader as always.” As he laughs while he hands me the pompoms.
“I will forever be a badass as always dad, maybe I could save a princess or a queen from danger. I can be like a superhero who can control plants or even the Earth.” I chuckle as I say that. I’m glad that my father accepted me as a lesbian demigod, I truly love him and I hope I can make him proud someday. I wonder if I can spend some time with my mother Demeter. I know that she's a goddess that must look after the Earth and feed all living things, someday I hope I can lighten her burden. I remember Demeter gifted me a scythe and told me the truth about what I am and hugs me very tightly and says she loves me and doesn't want me to be part of her world. She is still traumatized by how Hades just kidnaps her daughter and Zeus lets it happen. Mother doesn't love her brothers for what they did to her, and she will gladly sock all three of them in the face. Mother does get along with her sisters and always says nice things about Hera and Hestia to me and how all three of the girls are best friends. Mother also told me how she lived in Grandad Cronus's stomach and how she and her siblings defeated him in combat. Mother is very anxious for my safety, and she comes over from time to time and helps train me in case I have a huge prophecy. I'm the only one in the last thousand years to have a huge destiny for her kids, I guess she makes sure that none of her kids must deal with the mythological world or be pawns of other gods. I'm so glad that Mother is honest with me and lets me in her thoughts at times, hopefully, she is like this with my half-siblings. I wonder if I ever going to Camp Half-Blood or even Camp Jupiter.
I left my house, and I went to the bus stop. I get on my bus and it’s full of loud kids, I share a seat with an overweight kid who is growing a beard, his name is Dean Arlovski. Dean is not a bad kid and is always nice to me. He could have a crush on me because I do catch him staring at me a lot but I’m not sure, I may have to get a shirt that says I’m gay.
“I guess that today is a football game, you look nice in your cheer uniform. I hope you slept well. I’m curious, are you dating a football player.” Dean says in a shy, bumbling tone.
“Just because I’m a cheerleader doesn’t mean I date football players, I rather date volleyball players because they are just so awesome and cute. No offense Dean but you watched way too many high school movies, people are just way more than what activities they do. I do think that we should stop with the high school stereotypes, for example, I do karate on Mondays and Tuesdays, and I’m part of the environmental club. But those are just fun activities I do, my goal in life is to help improve the earth's ecosystem, travel the world, and analyze some wildlife." I say to him with an upbeat tone and I have to catch my breath.
“Those are very cool goals; I didn’t know that you have scientific goals.” He say in a surprised tone and had an excited smile and looking at me as if he made a scientific discovery that cheerleaders are more than just football players girlfriends.
The bus stops in front of my school which is a wide two-story building and the bricks were covered with white and green painting. I got into the school building and was greeted by a fellow cheerleader named Aisha, a curvy black girl who has a well-toned arm, I find pretty attractive.
"How was your sleep? I can't wait to pass the finals" Aisha yawned as she say that, she must have not slept well.
“Luckily finals are two months ahead, I got to go to my first period which is biology," I say in a high voice, which causes others to look at me weirdly. Curse my loud voice.
“I wish I had your enthusiastic nature. Btw I saw a scary regal-looking Latina who is trying to find you. She shares the first period with you, and I guess the counselor put you in charge of helping” Aisha says in a low, quiet voice.
"Oh, right I did volunteer, ok thanks I will find her," I say in an anxious tone, and my hands start shaking, I don’t want the new student to hate me, Relax Chika that’s just your anxiety talking, Chika take calm breaths I say to myself.
Just as I was about to run, The new student came behind me and say, “I guess you are my guide, I need to talk to you privately. My name is Reyna and I’m here to recruit you to Camp Jupiter.” Reyna says in a loud authoritative voice. Reyna is so pretty with her long braided dark hair, her nice, tanned complexation, and her dark eyes. She somehow makes a purple shirt and jeans look hot. I swear she looks like a queen who has been to wars with her toned arms and her legs have a lot of muscles hiding behind jeans. I notice she has a small facial scar as well; she could be a half-blood like me.
“Nice to meet you, my name is Chika Hanabusa and I will be your guide. You didn't tell me your last name but I'm pretty sure it's not important." I say while sweat is coming down my forehead while Reyna looks at me with the fiercest glare, I bet Reyna could literally stare at monsters and they start peeing their pants and ran from her. Chika, you must keep your cool in front of the attractive new student.
“It’s fine, I’m not comfortable with people learning my last name. I guess you are already aware of the fact that you are a half-blood. We must go before they appear." As Reyna finished her sentence, a group of huge burly men with big noise appear as the school rings, signaling first period. I know what these monsters are, they are the Laistrygonian Giants. One tried to punch me, but I ducked under the punch and give the undercut to the throat which caused him to hold his throat in pain. While he held his throat in agony, I took out my pencil and it transformed into a celestial bronze scythe. I sliced the giant head with my scythe, and I saw Reyna take out some gold sword and proceed to kill half the giants left and right. She cut these huge monsters like they were nothing, they were just lambs in a slaughter. Reyna must have killed monsters when she was kid, she makes like so easy.
As I was busy admiring her, the other giant front kicked me in the chest, and I was sent to the locker room. Oww, that hurts, luckily my backbones are fine and not broken. I moved out of the way while the giant charged toward the lockers, and I sliced him in the back with the scythe while his head is stuck in the lockers. I should have stayed focused on the enemies; I proceeded to dodge the blows of the two other giants and sliced both of their arms off. They screeched in pain and tried to tackle me to the ground, but I moved backward, and I jumped in the air and kicked both in the face and I used my scythe to slice across their necks and watch them down to golden dust. Reyna thrust her golden sword into the giant chest, and he shrieks in pain while he's turning to dust on Reyna's blade. The last giant managed to knock the scythe out of my hand and managed to bear hug me.
“You killed my brothers’ puny demigod, watch as I crush you with my holds. I am the strongest of my brothers, my name is Fraciso.” He says in a thick French accent while he’s laughing like one of those cartoony villains. Luckily, I managed to use my plant abilities to make the roots grow under him and tie around his body. The roots strangle his body and he cries in pain while I managed to free myself from his bear hug.
"I can't break out of these cursed roots, the roots are too strong. I can't believe I will be killed by plant roots." Fraciso says while he's trying to crawl against the constantly growing roots that become branches. I decided to just behead him with my scythe.
“There will be more monsters that will be coming. We will have to leave now; I will take you to camp. Don’t worry your father told me where you are, and he knows that you will come to Camp Jupiter” Reyna says as she takes her breath while she finishes off the last giant.
"Camp Jupiter is for Roam demigods, why am I going to Camp Jupiter," I asked in confusion.
"Because it's the closest to where we are at. Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter decide to work together to recruit more demigods and we are allowed to look for Greek demigods while Camp Half-Blood is allowed to find Roman demigods. Why you didn’t use your powers that much?” Reyna asked as she’s giving me a questioning look and analyzed what my response will be.
"I didn't want to use my powers that much because my powers are not suited for places like the school or the office. Had we been on the football field, I would have been spamming my plant powers to kill as many monsters as possible. Before we go to Camp Jupiter, I want to cheer in the football game and just finish up the school day." As I explained in a calm voice. My back still aches from the bear hug and the kick to the lockers.
“I’m afraid we can’t do that; you will put your mortal friends in danger. I got a Pegasus waiting outside for us. Your father already packed your clothes and other belongings” Reyna says in a regretful tone, her eyes look sympathetic at me, it’s like she’s saying that I’m sorry that your life is not normal anymore. I was preparing for the day to leave my regular life, but I wish I had more time, hurray now off to death quests. I didn’t bother to change out my cheer uniform and we just walked straight to the parking lot with a white stallion with wings and my dad just waiting on it.
@sakuraazharuno @miuyuki-snowfall @thecreatorandcreation
@xxsmexyprincess6969xx @0lympian-c0uncil
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~ Chapter 6. 04 ~
I apologize in advance for any spelling or grammar mistakes and how poorly written this fanfic is. English is not my first language and together with my dyslexia ass things can go wrong I'm sorry.
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I can't really remember when I fell asleep. Hyun-su and I talked for a long time, but I guess I was too tired to stay awake.
Maybe it was because the couch I was sitting on was soft and comfortable, which is totally the opposite of sleeping on the ground.
Usually, I would fight to stay awake because of the nightmares I had.
However, I didn't have one this time. For the first time in the few months I have lived here I had a peaceful sleep. I don't know how long I have slept, but when I woke up I felt less tired than before.
My eyes scanned the room seeing that we were still in the backroom. I almost jumped up when I felt something move underneath my head. I turned around quickly realizing I was lying on Hyun-su's lap with my head. I definitely don't remember falling asleep like this.
My eyes snapped to my waist when I felt some weight on it. A burning sensation quickly rises to my cheek when I notice Hyun-su's hand lying on it securely. Biting the inside of my cheek I look back up at him.
I was debating whether to wake him up, but then I remembered that he was exhausted and needed a good sleep. It looked like he was getting it.
His chest was rising up and down peacefully, while he lay with his head against the wall. It surprised me that nobody had come looking for me or to take over guard duty.
They either don't care or it hasn't been a long time since I was here. Maybe it was best to get up and go outside. I just know that they would react crazy if they saw me here inside.
Carefully I took Hyun-su's hand placing it on the seat before slowly lifting myself up from his lap. Finally standing up, I turned around to look at the sleeping boy.
A small smile came to my lips when I saw how peaceful and relaxed he was right now. I took the first aid kit from the ground before silently walking to the door. It was a hasel to open it without making a lot of noise, but I succeeded in not waking him while doing so.
Taking the lock and key I pause for a second looking at it. This still felt wrong. I should be in there as well. I hate that Eun-hyuk makes me keep it a secret.
Shaking my head I put the lock on it clicking it shut before walking away. This can't go on forever. What if more people turned and there were too many people to be locked up? For a moment I stop in my tracks when I hear people arguing behind the door.
It sounded like Eun-yu and Ji-su. Oh no this can only end badly. Swing the metal door open I saw Eun-hyuk was there as well. Maybe he can calm them down if I can't.
"You aren't even my real brother."
Ubruptly is stopped moving hearing her say that, but I didn't have time to fully think about it when a slapping sound echoed through the room.
Totally surprised and in shock I looked at the back Eun-hyuk after he just had slapped her. Quickly I shook the shock away and ran up to the two.
"Eun-hyuk!" I hist coming to a halt next to them.
A look of shame came on his face while trying to look at anything but his sister. Eun-yu looked right at him with so much hatred before speaking up.
"You're fucking unbelievable."
After that, she walked away not sparing any glance at us. I shook my head walking in front of him.
"For someone smart like you it surprises me that you stoop so low. You two should be happy that you still have each other. Some of us aren't as lucky as you two." A look of guilt washes over his face, but he doesn't speak.
Without looking at him again I turned around hoping to find Eun-yu somewhere. It honestly surprised me that he slapped her.
You would think Eun-yu would have done it a long time ago, but she has never laid her hands on him. Even if she was extremely angry.
It took me a while to find her, but when I did she was sitting against a wall at the entrance of the stairwell outside. Angrily she puffs out some smoke before angrily putting her cigarette back in her mouth and repeating the cycle.
Not saying a thing I took a seat on the opposite wall of her. I know if I would talk to her now she would just snap at me and build up those walls again, so it was better to let her calm down before I would open my mouth.
"He's a fucking idiot." She mutters out looking outside.
"I can't argue you with that," I said pulling my knees to my chest and leaning on it with my arms and chin.
"I hate him." I poke the inside of my cheek knowing she now hates him, but deep down she doesn't.
"I know," I whisper looking down.
A scoft left her lips at my answer.
"You're not going to tell me I'm wrong?"
I look up meeting her gaze shaking my head.
"Why would I? If you feel like that now. I can't tell you what you should be feeling."
Through squint eyes, she stared at me before shaking her head.
"I hate it! I hate everything that has happened in the past! Why did I have to beg and whine so that they would come to my ballet?! Why did they have to facking die?! Why did they have to adopt me!? I'm a horrible person! Ugh, why?!" She yelled out in frustration putting her hands in her hair after tosing her cigarette out.
"Eun-yu, you're not. You are just being you. The honest, not afraid to put people in their place, sarcastically, caring you. There is nothing horrible about that. If you were a horrible person you wouldn't have talked to me on the rooftop the first day we met. You were the first person in my life who treated me normally when we met." She pulled her hands away looking at me curiously.
I let out a sigh contemplating if I should tell this or not to her.
Fuck it.
"You're the first friend I have ever had in my life."
A shocked expression washes over her face.
"My upbringing wasn't like everyone else normally has."
I press my lips together looking down at the ground before continuing.
"I'm an orphan."
I was afraid to look up and see her reaction. She told me she was one, but I have never told her that I was one too. What if she is made that I kept it a secret?
Mustering up all my courage I moved my eyes up meeting hers eventually. She had her eyes focused on me, but I couldn't see if she was mad or anything really.
"Why didn't you tell me?" She eventually asks not taking her eyes off me.
I shrug my shoulders letting out a sigh.
"I didn't want you to be burdened with my problems when you had yours." Her eyes scanned me up and down before she leaned forward slapping one of my legs.
"Ow! What was that for!?" I asked her rubbing the spot she had hit.
"For thinking like that! God Mi-na! You can be so stubborn sometimes!" She rolled her eyes shaking her head.
"Sorry," I whisper with a small smile.
We were silent for a sec think about what we just had said before she spoke up again.
"But that's not all, isn't it?"
Pressing my lips together I shook my head.
"They weren't really the nicest people who ran the orphanage. I have seen a lot of bad and dark stuff in that place. I knew that at one point they wanted to get rid of me, so they sold me off to some man to get married. It came to a point that I just wanted out, so I ran when I was eighteen and could be free. I wanted to be as far as possible from that place. Just in case they would look for me"
"So you came here?" I nodded my head.
"I was so scared they would fine me even if I moved to a whole other continent." To be honest, I'm still scared, well I was until the whole ending of the world started.
They would be crazy if they still wanted to find me in this mess.
"I'm sorry you had to go through that stuff." I shrug my shoulders.
"It's fine. It's not like I knew something else than that life. I have been living there since I was a baby. Not having a memory of my parents may have helped having less pain. I have seen kids suffer while still remembering their birth parents. It wasn't pretty and I don't know if they would ever get over that." There were a lot of nights were new kids would cry for their parents. It was awful to hear to pain in their cries.
"You don't have anything from your parents?" She asked curious.
"My name and a book. When I was found I was wrapped in a blanket with a book. It was Bram Stoker's Dracula. One of the characters' names was Mina and in that book, the name was underlined or circled a bunch of times, so they guessed my name was that. But they just gave me a first name. I only got a last name when they made sure I wasn't claimed afterward and was sent to the orphanage, but the moment it ran away from there I changed my last name to Yun seeing I would come here. I almost changed my first name too, but I just kept it. Seeing it was the only thing I got from my birth parents." I lost that book a few years ago. Well, Miss Ward had taken it and I hadn't seen it sens then.
"Besides the horrible stuff that happened to you, I'm happy you moved here. It made living here more bearable." She put her hand out for me to take it with a small smile on her face.
"I'm happy too," I answer before grabbing it.
The moment my skin touched her a shock of pain shot through me. Somehow I knew that it was her pain.
"You're in pain," I mumble out looking her up and down trying to see if she was hurt.
She pulled her hand from mine looking shocked before her cold face came back.
"No, how would you even know that?" I shook my head trying to grab her hand again, but she pulled away out of my reach.
If I couldn't see an injury on her then it had to be her ankle. Before she could do something I grabbed her ankle and pulled her sock down. Her already injured ankle looked worse than it normally does.
"When did this happen?" I asked holding her back from pulling away from me.
She let out a groan when she saw that I wasn't going to let her go.
"It doesn't matter." I press my lips tightly together before carefully putting my fingers on the injured ankle.
'Take it.'
'Take it, take the pain.'
I was so confused about what the voice meant, but for some reason, I knew what I needed to do.
I just thought about Eun-yu's injured ankle and the pain she was also in. Second later black veins appeared on the hand that was lying on her injury. I watch as it grows bigger quickly crawling up my arm underneath my sleeves.
The first thing I felt was cold, but it quickly changed to warmth the higher it got in my body. I could feel it spread through my veins, making my whole body warm.
I noticed that it gave me more energy. The feeling of tiredness and the ache of the headache I had been experiencing slowly went away.
"What the...." I snapped out of the trance when I heard Eun-yu mutter out loud.
Quickly I pulled my hand away scared she would run away or be scared of me.
"How.." She started but was cut off when Ji-su came running around the corner.
"Mi-na, we need you!"
I gave her a look of confusion, but that quickly vanished when she said the next words.
"It's Hyun-su. He's in trouble."
Previous Chapter ~ Next Chapter
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Hey guys, I'm back. The issue with not being able to edit my draft from my phone is still not fixed, so I'm updating from my dad's computer. I have contacted Tumblr and they told me that they are still working on the problem, so from now on I'm going to post from a computer if I can get my hands on one ^^. Let's all hope everything will go smooth when I post this. Thanks for you guys patience!
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witchblood-if · 1 year
How would the ROs react if they enter MC store only a angry customer berating the MC who looks like there in the verge of tears 
Godammit, this was a monster, Anon. It's ... long. Some didn't turn out very well but I am sure the thirsty red-flag readers are gonna love this one.
TW: rude customers? a lot of cursing, especially in the first one
Hugs and kisses
Faith: From the corner of your teary eye you notice Faith stepping through the front door, a little bell jingle accompanying her.
"... so you know what I thought when this piece of crap wouldn't work? I thought the dumbass that sold it to me was-"
"Hey, hey, hey pal! What's going on here?"
You could see from the furrowed brows and set mouth on her face that Faith was, in simple terms, pissed.
"What's going on you ask? This incompetent would-be magician sold me a faulty piece of 'magic' and I'm demanding a refund!"
While the customer was still screaming Faith squeezed herself between the counter and the very angry guy, shielding you.
She squares her shoulders and speaks.
"You know what I'm thinking? I think you're an embarrassing limp-dicked douchebag who doesn't have any right to be such a bitch. Probably didn't know how to properly use the stuff, idiot, because it sure as hell wasn't faulty. Now run home, before I make you take a bite out of the counter!"
The customer becomes pale, red-faced, and then pale again while slowly backing towards the door.
"This isn't over yet!"
"Oh go eat a bag of dicks, jerk." Faith replies with an eye roll.
The door slams shut so hard that the bottles on the shelf next to it rattle.
"What if he comes back?" you ask, wiping a stray tear from your cheekbone.
"Don't worry, he won't" Faith says with a grin. "Now, what do you wanna eat for lunch? Pizza or burgers?"
Isaac: From the corner of your teary eye you notice Isaac stepping through the front door, a little bell jingle accompanying him.
"... so you know what I thought when this piece of crap wouldn't work? I thought the dumbass that sold it to me was-"
"You sure seem angry, my friend!" Isaac says, getting close to the angry customer and putting a firm hand on his shoulder. Isaac smiles but you can see the strain of trying to remain calm in his eyes. "What seems to be the problem?"
"What's the problem, you ask? This incompetent would-be magician sold me a faulty piece of 'magic' and I'm demanding a refund!"
"Look, even if you happened to have experienced the unfortunate rare faulty spell, there is no reason to get rude. Now, MC. I am sure there's a simple solution here?"
Sniffeling, but nonetheless glad the customer ceased screaming at you, you answer "Of course I ... I could maybe issue a gift card for the full price? Or give you a replacement?"
The man still seemed kind of flustered but leagues calmer than just moments before.
"Nah I don't ... It's fine. I'll just ... take another one."
Wiping away a stray tear you quickly ring up the order while Isaac stands close to you, not taking his eyes off the customer.
"Right, thanks. Um ... Bye." The man shuffles out the door and you think he might have realized he overreacted.
Isaac rounds the counter, stopping right before you, eyes trained on your puffy face. With a gentle sigh, he takes your hand in his.
"Are you ok?"
You sniffle one last time.
"Yeah, I think so. Thanks for de-escalating."
"Don't mention it, really."
Eli: From the corner of your teary eye you notice Eli stepping through the front door, a little bell jingle accompanying them.
"... so you know what I thought when this piece of crap wouldn't work? I thought the dumbass that sold it to me was-"
You could see that the longer the man is screaming the more conflicted Eli seems to become. You know they aren't really one for open confrontation but they also couldn't not do anything.
"... and that's why I want my money back! No replacement, no gift card, cash! You hear me?"
Teary-eyed you focus on the customer in front of you and the thoughtlessly discarded gift card on the floor again but before you could say a word Eli pushed forward, towering in front of the man.
"Sorry, dude, that's against store policy," Eli says calmly. You see the man blanching at the sole sight of the broad-shouldered person looking down on them with a neutral expression. "... so I suggest you take the damn gift card. Or don't. I don't care. Just scram."
"Right ... uh ..." The man bows down, snatches up the gift card, and stumbles backward towards the door, almost pushing over a low shelf by accident before disappearing out into the street.
"Twat." Eli mumbles while watching the man almost fall down the curb outside before turning to you again. "You should ban him from the store. I'm sure you got a magicy ... whatever for that, right?"
You shoot a watery smile at them, eyes still a little puffy.
"Yeah, I do."
Mezilkree: From the corner of your teary eye you notice Mezilkree stepping through the front door, a little bell jingle accompanying them.
"... so you know what I thought when this piece of crap wouldn't work? I thought the dumbass that sold it to me was-"
You're glad you threw a glance at Mezilkree when they entered because right now their mouth is opening to a deranged grin, sharp long teeth on full display and they move towards the still-raging customer.
As subtle as you can you try to mouth a hurried "Don't!" towards the mushroom and shake your head as hard as you dare without the man in front of you noticing but Mezilkree just winks at you while continuing their sneak attack.
Just when they're right behind the customer they open their mouth wide and Snap! before you can intervene.
The man exclaims a loud "What the fuck!?" while turning towards Mezilkree, who in turn snaps at him again, this time closer to the man's ear.
"Fuck!" the man screams, hauling ass as fast as he can towards the front door while Mezilkree starts barking? He almost trips over a decorative vase you have displayed before the door finally closes behind him with a gentle jingle.
The tears on your face aren't from this horrible interaction anymore, but rather from holding back a laugh while the Mushroom turns to you, a much more relaxed grin on their face.
"Did you just ... bark at a customer? Why?" you almost giggle.
"Don't know," they reply "seemed funny."
From one of the pouches on their belt, they pull a black twisted stick, take a bite and hold it towards you.
Levan: From the corner of your teary eye you notice Levan stepping through the front door, a little bell jingle accompanying them.
"... so you know what I thought when this piece of crap wouldn't work? I thought the dumbass that sold it to me was-"
Peeking around the man in front of the counter you can see Levan stopping. Behind their ridiculously large sunglasses, you notice their furrowed brows and the sneer on their face while regarding the enraged customer.
Pulling their phone out of their pocket you see them fake-dial and holding the display up to their face.
They begin talking and at first, you can't hear them over the agitated insults of the customer, but they get louder until they fully drown out the man in front of the counter, who turns to shoot an irritated look towards Levan.
"... and you know what I can't stand? Entitled pricks screaming at poor salespeople because they are frustrated since their wives ran off with their better-looking co-worker Carl? Huh? Yeah, you know the type, cargo shorts and polo shirts in the ugliest shade of brown you could imagine ..."
The customer's mouth goes slack as they stare at Levan. It's obvious Levan is talking about him and because you know Levan's abilities very well you assume they hit the nail on the head with the comment about Carl the co-worker.
" -what? A dismemberment curse? My, what a thought... But actually, you're right. They'd deserve it ... if they don't immediately leave the store they were just verbally assaulting staff in..."
They never took their eyes off the man, who stopped screaming at you and was now slowly backing out of the store, mumbling "Okay, 'm sorry, please don't curse me!"
Levan only lifts an eyebrow before turning to you.
"Didn't know you also serve jerks in your shop."
Sliding their phone back into their pocket they close the distance between you and gently wipe a stray tear from your cheek.
"Don't worry. If he ever comes back I am totally making true to that curse promise."
???: From the corner of your teary eye you notice ??? stepping through the front door, a little bell jingle accompanying them. They don't usually visit you and now is really not the best time.
"... so you know what I thought when this piece of crap wouldn't work? I thought the dumbass that sold it to me was-"
Before the man could continue his insults, ??? slides in front of them, leaning casually on the counter between you. The man must feel the strange electric charge of the air around ??? too, because he immediately stopped speaking.
A disarming smile and a dangerous glint in their eye ??? regards the man.
"Hey?" the man replies confused.
??? only tilts their head a little to the side before continuing.
"It seems to me that you are of the idea that you could just step into this fine store and scream at someone even though they did nothing wrong."
"Uh the ... the thing ... I bought it last week? It didn't-"
Within a fraction of a second ??? got so close to the man's face that their noses were almost touching. Their voice is close to a growl as they speak.
"Who gave you little worm permission to speak? Hm?"
The man actually lets out a startled whimper.
"Now, I want you to leave this store and never taint the doorstep with your disgusting presence again."
??? raises a hand to grip the man's jaw tight, raising their eyebrows while the man continues to whine.
The man, hurling insults at you just a minute before, nods frantically, eyes almost bulging out of his head.
??? releases the man with a slight shove, mumbling a dispassionate "Good." while the man scrambles out the front door.
You wipe a stray tear from your cheek, eyes still a little puffed.
"That wasn't necessary," you whisper.
Turning their face to you, ??? replies.
"Oh, I think it was absolutely necessary, darling."
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belit0 · 9 months
OMG, ANIMALS BY MAROON 5 FOR INDRA OR MADARA😭🥺 (if it's for Madara let's say that the reader is powerful and they're enemies, enemies to lovers🤭)
Especially the parts where it's like
For Indra I feel like he'd say the part that's like:
Maybe you think that you can hide
I can smell your scent from miles
Just like animals animals, like animals
(btw you can make them say whatever part of the song you want!)
For madara I feel like he'd say:
So what you trying to do to me?
It's like we can't stop, were enemies
But we get along when I'm inside you
And if this is for madara why do I imagine the reader saying this part to him😭:
You're like a drug that's killing me
I cut you out entirely
But I get so high when I'm inside you
(I imagine her to be fiesty and like that too💀😭)
Anyways continuing on😭
Yeah you can start over you can run free
You can find other fish in the sea
You can pretend it's meant to be
But you can't stay away from me
And so on.
I always choose Indra for everything, what can I say🤣💫
Tiny clarification: this happens on an A/B/O AU, where Alphas can mind control Omegas after marking them
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"I'm preying on you tonight, (Y/N)." She hears that fearsome voice in her mind, but she can't see him anywhere. (Y/N) flees, running fast through the city and trying to get as far away as possible from her hunter, but she knows it's no use.
Indra made sure to scar her, to be able to track and chase her until finding her, leaving a mark on her neck that unites them in a private and deep way. She couldn't hide even if she wanted to, and her biggest mistake was allowing him to bite her.
"Hunt you down eat you alive, just like animals." He speaks in a leisurely, calm pace, as if he's sure he'll have no trouble locating her. (Y/N) looks in all directions expecting to suddenly find him on the street, to see him turn around some corner or get out of some car, catch her in his cruel claws and devour her right then and there.
It doesn't happen, where is he?
"Maybe you think that you can hide yet I can smell your scent for miles." She gets even more nervous, unable to stop running, trying to gain distance between the two. For Alphas being able to detect Omegas no matter the distance is unfair in cases like this, where the dominant simply loses his mind and the submissive is trapped in a vortex of madness and doom.
She cannot separate from him even if she wishes it with her heart and soul, imprisoned by the ownership mark he left between her clavicle and ear.
"What you trying to do to me?! It's like we can't stop, we're enemies!" (Y/N) mentally answers, trying to make him understand she doesn't want him around, that she prefers to run away all her life than to be in his hands again.
Of course, it is impossible to escape from Indra.
"But we get along when I'm inside you." Is the only thing he replies, and the lack of agitation in his words makes her understand that he is in no hurry to capture her. The cat and mouse game could take days with him, weeks or months, time he will use to demolish her psychologically and catch her when she least expects it.
"You're like a drug that's killing me, I cut you out entirely!" (Y/N) speaks inside her mind, making the message reach him without having to move her lips. She pauses for a second to catch her breath, tired and desperate, unable to think what to do.
She was lucky to make it to the street and run, yet it may be over soon.
"But I get so high when I'm inside you, (Y/N)."
She shivers with panic and pleasure all at the same time, because even though she tries to deny it, that mark Indra left on her neck allows him to amplify her pleasure, make her malleable and earnestly enjoy what he would believe appropriate. He turned her into his doll, and relaxed in the belief that she would not have enough will to break that forced spell.
"You can start over, you can run free, you can find other fish in the sea. You can pretend it's meant to be..." He puts suspense into each statement, and the woman can imagine the satisfied smile he must have on his face as he speaks "But you can't stay away from me."
"I can still hear you making that sound, taking me down rolling on the ground..." She responds without even thinking, the sensation Indra forces through the mark choking her mind and making her lose control. E
It's too dangerous, even more so when Alphas are this powerful.
She feels how her desire to fight disappears, how he eats every part of her spirit little by little, stripping her of that impulse that made her run away, escape from him. Indra devours her insides even without being present, plaguing her mind with complicated words and assaulting her body with terrible sensations.
For someone so evil to generate so much pleasure is just wrong.
"So... if I run it's not enough, you're still in my head forever stuck... I guess you can do what you wanna do..." She hears herself, but does not recognize her words. Tiredness, panic, urgency, all those factors contribute to making her vulnerable, weak, ready to fall into the hunter's hands.
"I love your lies (Y/N), I'll eat 'em up, but don't deny the animal that comes alive when I'm inside you." He is close, she can feel his presence everywhere at the same time, stalking her and waiting for the perfect moment.
That sensation brings her soul back to her body, closing her mind with effort to stop the man from talking to her, ignore him, to continue with her attempt of escaping.
"Don't tell no lie... you can't deny... the beast inside..." Are the last words before erasing him completely from her head, making disappear with her naked will any attempt he might have to capture her with mental traps.
The mark he left on her neck gives him an advantage, of course, but (Y/N) won't give up. She will escape as far as necessary, she will travel as long as it takes, and will not submit to the desires of an Alpha who manipulates her as he wishes.
Indra will not catch her.
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