#caleb and his purple boys <3
piratespencilart · 1 year
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Happy (slightly belated) holidays!!
I drew this for the CR holiday postcard exchange, and I didn't want to post it until my giftee @crescentcrimsondragon received their card! But now they have, so you can all enjoy some festive Shadowidomauk. :3
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lotusthekat · 1 year
Living behind my own illusion:
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[IDs: A short The Owl House fancomic centered around Gus, read from left to right.
1) Hunter is seen in the kitchen, wearing a light yellow apron. He looks behind him and requests, "Hey Gus, will you get me the "paring" knife?". Hunter's hair is slightly grown out but it's before he cuts his hair in Thanks to Them.
2) Gus, who has been washing the dishes with his magic, replies, "Oh, sure thing!". In the next panel, he's bending to the side to get the knife.
3) We see Gus from behind, looking inside a drawer. He puts away the dishes. Then, he seems to have found it, however we don't see the knife.
4) Smiling, Gus offers the still not exposed knife to Hunter. "Here you go, Hun-", only for him to open his eyes and see flames around him, the background darkening as well. He completes, "... ter?"
5) Gus' body is the one framed, his left hand holding the paring knife. We see the top of someone's head, a familiar blond hair with the one rebellious hair strand. This other person says, "I know you're still in there."
6) A close-up of Gus' mouth, sweat drops rolling down his face.
7) A shaking, white-skinned hand holding another knife. The other person begs, "Please..."
8) Caleb is in the middle of the flames, terrified. He's trying to calm Gus down instead of fighting back, since he doesn't point the knife at the boy. Caleb has dark bags under his eyes, similar to Hunter's. He pleads, "Don't do this, Philip."
9) As Gus watches the scene, a couple voices can be heard, represented by each color:
Willow (green): "... Gus?"
Luz (purple): "Are you okay?"
Amity (pink): "Can you hear us?"
Vee (dark green cyan): "What's wrong, Gus?"
10) A voice stands out to Gus, in brown (supposedly Camila): "... Why are his eyes blue?", only the last word colored blue. However, instead of Gus, we see Monster Belos' glowing blue eyes. /End ID]
(I apologize for the format here, Tumblr hates me)
Anyway, I've been writing this idea but I thought drawing it would've been cool. I also missed drawing comics in this format :)
I really wish we could've seen something like this on the show. I know for a fact that Gus would've been horrified by Belos' memories, one because he's the youngest of the group, and two, imagine him seeing Hunter dying over and over again. And yet we never actually see Gus and Hunter talking properly.
Hopefully I'll finish the fic soon, but for now have this little thingy. I hope Gus looks okay, I'll try to draw him more often
Don't tag as ship.
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Happy Wednesday everyone! Today we have eight fics in modern settings for you all! Have a look at them below the cut and if you end up checking some of them out on ao3, please don’t forget to leave kudos and comments! 🩷
Having Trouble Breathing In by Torchiclove (17,445 words, Teen) Pairing: Keyleth/Pike Trickfoot (Pikeleth) Warnings: None
‘The paramedic would take her breath away, if the asthma hadn’t done it for her.’ Keyleth falls for Pike in a modern AU.
Reccer Says: Enjoyable and well written fic of Keyleth falling for Pike in a modern AU. Explores Keyleth as a character with anxiety and it's a great, gentle depiction of falling in love with great characterisation despite the rare pair.
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Live your whole life on a might-have-been by Chrome (2,681 words, Teen) Pairing: Veth Brenatto/Caleb Widogast (Widobrave) Warnings: None
Just a very short and atmospheric peice set in a modern au where Caleb and Veth met at university, and he’s driving her part of the way home for the holidays.
Reccer Says: I can’t describe the feelings this fic gives me. It’s understated and bittersweet and so full of longing that you’ll want to die. It feels like a Hemingway story almost with the way it manages to pack so much meaning in between the words the characters actually say.
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And I became hypnotized by freckles and bright eyes by SunshineAndaLittleFlour (1,007 words, Teen) Pairing: Mollymauk Tealeaf/Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast (Shadowidomauk) Warnings: Drunk kissing
Molly didn’t realize he probably shouldn’t be kissing someone else’s partner until after he’d already started doing it.
Reccer Says: This fic, this whole series in fact, is absolutely wonderful! Its fun, flirty and emotional as well as smutty and one of the best stories/series for the purple boys and their ginger partner. Always a delight to read and this fic starts an awesome series off wonderfully!
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softly, softly by maricolous (837 words, Teen) Pairing: Fjord/Mollymauk Tealeaf (Fjolly) Warnings: None
Fjord comes home from his shitty retail job to Molly, his roommate-turned-partner. They make out about it.
Reccer Says: It’s very cute and sweet, with a side of what feels Fjolly-typical horniness. It’s a fun little fic!
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if we were a movie by burningdarkfire (8,800 words, Teen) Pairing: Jester Lavorre/Beauregard Lionett (Beaujes) Warnings: None
Jester decides to try and set Caleb and Essek up and ropes Beau into it. Cue many “friend” double-dates, a classic disaster lesbian Beau crush, attempts at coping with it, delightful romcom nonsense, a fun side of Shadowgast, and a very sweet ending.
Reccer Says: It’s silly, it’s fun, it’s heartfelt. Everyone’s voices are so on-point and every moment Feels like them. Beau is a mess and I love her, I want to squish Jester in my hands, and the wizards are menaces of a side pairing. Also the conversation between Beau and Essek at the maid cafe is so good.
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candy hearts (so sweet on you) by thaumasilva (5,149 words, General) Pairing: Jester Lavorre/Beauregard Lionett (Beaujes) Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Implied Stalking (not between Beaujes)
Beau keeps visiting the gift wrapping station at the mall to get her Winter’s Crest presents wrapped, and the cute tiefling working there keeps giving her candy hearts with flirty messages, or: Three times Beau wanted to ask Jester out, and the one time she didn’t have to.
Reccer Says: It's just a sweet as the name implies, aaaa it's so cute
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Intervention by VioletTeaTime (1,965 words, Teen) Pairing: Fjord/Caleb Widogast (Widofjord) Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Fjord intimidates the guy bothering bartender!Beau’s favorite customer into taking a hint and leaving. Then he gets flirted with and Beau complains about having to watch.
Reccer Says: ace fjord my beloved <3 also the boys' background friendships with Beau are very sweet
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all actions and reactions by grayintogreen (2,879 words, General) Pairing: Astrid Beck/Jester Lavorre (Jestrid) Warnings: Depression, Burn-out
One of her friends suffered a breakdown, the other found religion, and now Astrid Beck, suffering from burnout and stress and a myriad of other things a pre-law student can suffer, has found the cherry on her misery sundae. Someone keeps buying all of the cinnamon scones she loves, and now she must end them.
Reccer Says: An amazing translation of the characters into a Modern AU, and surprisingly sweet
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Thank you for joining us for our second recc list! All the love to everyone who submitted a fic 🩷 All enclosed recommendations were submitted by the community via our submissions form, which you can find here. All fic information is as it was provided by the reccer, so it may not be accurate to the author’s intent or the precise contents of the fic itself. Please assume good intent from all parties 🩷
Submissions for next week’s list are already open! We’ll be featuring Whump. If you have any you’d like to highlight, you can send them in here. The week after that, the theme is Pre-Relationship, and you can also submit fics for that now!
If you want more rarepair fic, check out @cr-summer-wildflowers and their event collections on ao3! If you want some friendship after all this romance, take a look at @critter-genfic-events and their recc lists! And if you’re interested in everyone’s favorite wizards, you can’t go wrong with the lists at @aeor-is-for-reccing !
Thanks all and have a lovely day/night/timezone! 🩷
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grigori77 · 18 days
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 95
Ia must admit, I am enjoying Marisha taking up the slack from Sam for the plugs. Oh, a perfume ad spood? Coool ... and it's ASHLEY?!!! Sweet. I mean she does have the SEXY VOICE in the bunch, so ... wow ... really going all out there, ain'tcha Ash? XD
Why is Matt turning into the announcer from The Running Man? That's ... something ...
Saucy? Yes indeed ... LOL
Laura: "Speaking of Bells Hells ... we weren't ..." XD
Yeah ... Aeor ... this is gonna be ... INTERESTING ...
I know! Fucking ASTRID!!! Total shocker! And also we got our boy, too ...
Why is Astrid suddenly FRENCH, Matthew?
A FUGITIVE? How so? I thought Essek was doing alright these days ... Occultus Thalamus? Huh?
"Beautiful purple man"? Dorian knows what's up, definitely ...
His "PARTNER"? Oh Essek ... O.O I mean that's ADORABLE ...way to go, Caleb ... :3
Oh, so there was like a proper OFFICIAL Armistice? That's pretty cool ... I mean I'm not THAT good at keeping track, but still ...
Upgrade? Hmmm ... ah, now then, Astrid, careful there ... you don't wanna mess with THIS piece of business right now ...
Group Persuasion check? Interesting ... Taliesin rolls a 2, but Ashton's "tempted to just threaten physically" ... XD
Good point ... what DID happen in Zadash?
Awww ... KITTY!!! :3
A terrible flaming bird? You mean like a phoenix?
The Genesis Ward?
"Farts are funny" ... okay ... Astrid: "I will treasure it always." Yeah ...
Prudence? Awwwwwww ...
The Gale & the Raven is a bit trite? Hmmm ...
Oh here we go ... yeah, Tusk Love, no surprise there ...
Dorian: "Oh, there's a book that's called Just the Tip right here!" XD
A "picture porn"? FEARNE CALLOWAY!!! O.O
An Exandrian Kama Sutra? Fascinating ... yeah, OF COURSE she takes it ... LOL A Nat20? Yeah, no surprise there ...
So ... she thinks they're like ... A POLYCULE? Intriguing ... in a hilariously saucy way ... whoa, HOW MUCH?!!!
Yeah ... I wonder if Essek's having flashbacks right now ...
Yussa? Really?
Supples? Okay ... OH!!! YES!!! Is Pumat still in town? Go there! GO THERE!!!
The Pentamarket! Cool!
Taliesin wants a shopping episode ... and honestly that sounds like fun ... yes ...
Ashton wants a new jacket? Yes. Definitely. Oh, new wardrobe for EVERYBODY? Double yes. Good idea.
Marisha: "What? I WANT THAT!" XD
The Emerald Curtain ... sounds like it could work ...
Ah, the new clothing smell ...
"Musicians"? Really? Oh ... memorialise FCG? Yes ... cloaks? Definitely ... oh, yes, checking through the stock sounds good ... yes, do that.
"Keith"? Hmmm ... oh yes, they are high-maintenance clients indeed ...
Artsy-fartsy? Yeah ... a slender half-giant? WOOD CARVING?!!! Oh wow ... Chetney is DEFINITELY interested ...
Damid? Oh, I like this guy already. "An audience? It's been a bit." XD Yeah, I love this guy.
Just the dye ... yeah, Laudna's very hands-on ...
"HOT BOI" ... Marisha's fan is sending me ... XD
Matching corsets? Go Imodna! :3
Fur-lined leather coveralls for Chetney ... YEAH. Definitely. Oh ... leather BRIEFS?!!! Hmmm ... so he's expecting to full-on HULK IT, apparently ...
235 gold pieces overall ... Laura INSTANTLY reacts, much as expected ... "I'm just Imogen here, I don't know what things cost."
Yeah, they don't HAVE TO roleplay all of it ... LOL
Magic shop? Oh please ... PLEASE ...
FOOD!!! Yes, FOOD!!! God idea ...
Oooh, noodles, yay! Now I'm getting hungry ...
The Invulnerable Vagrant ... OH YEAH ... here we go ...
O.O This is gonna be so much fun ...
Oh I have missed that voice ... Matt just slips RIGHT BACK INTO IT like he never went away ... Robbie's reaction to gettting to see this first hand is PRICELESS ... I love it ...
Yeah, the clones ... Fearne: "What is happening?" I KNOW!!! XD Ashton: "This is what the inside of my head is like all the time right now."
Oh, so they're EXACTLY like the Ludinus clone they fought before ... crazy ... I love how they're incapable of being sent into an existential crisis regarding their autonomy and originality ... it's kind of cute ...
Ah! Potions! Here we go ... and other goodies! Cool ...
A harp? That sounds very Yasha ... is it a BONE harp?
Robe of the Midnight Rune? Interesting ... oh yes, that is DEFINITELY exactly what Imogen's been looking for. GET THAT!!! Whoa ... 9500 gold pieces? Are you KIDDING ME?!!!
3500 for the armour ... ALSO ridiculously expensive ...
The harp fires arrows. Ye gods ... BOOMY arrows, too ... oh, that is a SWEET item. The arrows do THUNDER DAMAGE!!! That is SO CHOICE. Oh wow ... that whole thing just keeps getting MORE AND MORE impressive ... 8000 gold pieces? Fuck ...
Healing potions, yesh ... and a SPEEDY potion? Wow ... a potion of INVULNERABILITY?!!! Double wow ...
Dorian gives Orym ALL OF HIS MONEY to buy the armour. OH MY GOD!!! That's just adorable ... he might as well just put a ring on it right now! Seriousl O.O
Oh yeah! Sell some of the Ruidian shit! Smart!
They must have souls, surely ... they way they are, they MUST HAVE ...
NO!!! Orym, don't sell you new sword!
How to blow Pumat Sol's mind - tell them you've been to the Moon! XD ... and now Imogen's talking into his head ... oh, appealing to the unity for the greater good? Persuasion check! Oh NICE ROLL, Laura!
The Bank of Chetney ... XD
These ARE very unique down here right now ... roll good for Persuasion, Marisha ... 23? Oh yes ...
Fearne will have 69 gold left ... OF COURSE she will ... XD
Chetney COULD do with a ranged attack, yes. That is the smark move, give HIM the harp ...
So robe to Imogen, the armour to Orym and the harp to Chetney. Plus the potions, that's a SWEET haul ...
Oh yes, that's right ... the moon not being in the sky WOULD have been proof to FCG that the world is ROUND ... awww ...
Holy fuck ... the world really is just GOING TO SHIT right now, clearly ...
Awwww ... seriously, Orym, he only did it because he LOVES YOU. You could totally tap that if you want to. Which we KNOW you do.
Ashton: "Do you know Stairway to the Astral Realm?"
Oh, so that's it for the night? Okay. And time for a break ...
Oh my gods that Beason advert was complete genius ...
The Lodge of the Eclipse. Oh, it's a jazz club? Cool ...
Rooms for the night? Good. Oh, Essek has WAYS, does he? Interesting ... wow, THAT is a very good deal indeed ...
Essek does squats, apparently ... XD
Come on, Esxsek, be FUN for once. Surely it's been a while since you've done this kind of thing ...
A sexy buxom half-orc? Nice ... that's definitely my style ...
Laudna, chill! Dear fucking gods ...
Yoink! Ashton grabs some of Fearne's lacy stuff ... and she lets him ... :3
Yeah, Dorian and Chetney are clearly having a blast ...
Madame Feathered-Face? Oooooh ... a sexy dwarven fan-dance? Nice ... a feathery beard? Cool ... oh WOW that is AWESOME, she can FLY with it! O.O
Ashton is showing Essek his head ... oh, this should be interesting. He knows A LOT about this particularly kind of stuff, if I remember ... oh, NOW what the fuck is he doing? Seriously? This feels ... rash ...
Dunamis ... yeah, I thought so ... needless to say he is concerned but also DEEPLY impressed ...
Ashton does the rainbow sparkle thing ... Essek: "Now you're just showing off.
Chetney's heart is lost once again ... XD
Orym is checking out Otohan's sabre ... okay ...
Ah, the Luxon Beacons ... yeah ... oh, so it looks like Ludinus and co have one or more at their disposal, then ... great ...
Ashton: "When you jump out of a window, you try not to blame the quality of the glass ..." Oof ...
Oh wow ... so they could actually use their own dunamancy to MESS THE KEY UP?!!! Yes, that sounds REALLY good ...
Awwwwwwww ... Fearne gets him talking about Caleb ... :3
Awesome ... hover, boy, HOVER ...
Much floaty foolishness ensues ... XD
The story of how Ashton first found Letters ... awwww ... oh, I am NOT alright now ...
Arts and crafts is fun ...
What is Orym going to do with this thing? Oh ... he's TRAINING with it? Whoa ... oh, he's CLAIMING IT? That is ... INTENSE ...
The Wildmother? Oh ... man ...
Marisha: "The night before San Diego ComicCon ..." XD
Matt: "Tim Burton's Island of Misfit Toys ..."
Oh shit ... this is the first time Dorian's seen LIVING Pate ... "Oooooooh ... is it too late to back out of this now?" Yeah ... oh, he is THOROUGHLY disturbed ... I am NOT surpised ... this is a TRULY SURREAL scene ... in a truly CREEPY way ...
Awww .. alone time for Orym and Fearne ... and here's Dorian ... the original trio back together ... :3
Finally Fearne leaves them alone to catch up ... oh my gods ... is THIS what we've been waiting for for so long? O.O
Time for a much-earned rest, yeah ...
Laudna does NOT like Orym with Otohan's blade ... oh fuck ... not NOW ... FUCK OFF, Delilah!
Fuck ... she KNEW Ludinus? Great ...
Seriously Laudna, DO NOT listen to this evil bitch ... oh no ... I mean it, this is SO STUPID ...
Oh shit ... is Otohan's sword SENTIENT? Is this gonna be another Grog situation?
Yeah, Orym's ridiculously aware EVEN WHEN HE'S ASLEEP ...
Darkness? REALLY?!!! Oh my gods ...
No ... sriously, Laudna, DO NOT Wither the vines ... oh fuck, she's doing it ... Wither & Bloom ... oof ... and she has to be PRECISE doing it ... oh fuck ... O.O
Yeah, of course this wakes him up ... and he's in total darkness while he's QUITE CLEARLY being fucking ATTACKED ... oh yeah, he's IMMEDIATELY ready to fight regardless of the conditions ... NOW what?
A contested Dexterity roll? Oh fuck ...
Dear fucking gods this is going SO BAD SO QUICKLY ... and now everybody else is waking up too ... perfect ...
Mage Hand? Really? Okay ... this is ALL bad decisions at this point ... and now she has the fucking sword ...
Seriously Laudna, I'm saying it AGAIN, DO NOT trust this evil c£$%!
And now they can all see ... great ... oh this looks SO BAD ...
Fuck ... is this REALLY starting to turn into a genuine conscious fight between these two right now? Oh no ... she's going to FLEE?!!! This could get even worse so quickly ...
Well that's it then ... the sword is OUT of her grasp ... now what?
Just STOP!!! Right now, please just STOP before this gets so much worse ...
Both of them are making VERY GOOD POINTS right now and I don't like where either of them are going with this ...
Ashton is doing something SO FUCKING SMART right now and I'm here for it ...
Fearne can Identify the sword? Okay, yeah, totally do that, that's really smart ...
Imogen casts Detect Thoughts on Laudna ... there is a collective intake of breath around the table and I don't blame them ...
Whispers? Oh, here we go ...
Chetney's been asleep this whole time? Wow ...
Be VERY CAREFUL Fearne ... Ishta the Summit Blade ... of NOW we get the little card? Matthew fucking Mercer!
Wake up, Chet! We need you ...
"Geometry and stuff" XD ... I love how rudimentary Fearne's understanding of Chetney's abilities is ...
Grim Psychometry ... here we go ...
Oh this is some TRULY UGLY SHIT ... this blade is HORRIBLE ... oh fuck, Zephrah? No, I don't want this ... don't do this, Matt ... seriously this thing should not be used again ...
Chetney VOMITS. Of course he does ...
Wait ... nobody else knows about his deal with Morri ... did he just OUT his deal with Morri? SERIOUSLY Orym?
Can Dorian finally break this standoff?
Oh for fuck's sake ... now it's Laudna against Imogen ... this won't end well ...
Imogen: "Let it go." Laudna: "Why?" Imogen: "Because I don't think it's YOU that wants this."
She just LEAVES? What?
And now Fearne tries to stop her ... oh boy ... now Imogen's going out after her ...
Oh fuck ... Delilah? Seriously? Tell me she's now being full-on fucking TAKEN OVER right now ... Laudna's ABSORBING the knife ... bloody hell ... this is HORRIFYING ...
Fuck! It IS her! Not good! Not fucking good! A "Delilah CAGE"? Fuck ... great ... now it's BOTH OF THEM TOGETHER ... I hate this ... seriously, did they come up with this in advance? It feels like they did and I HATE IT ...
Holy ... I LOVE you and it made that all go away? CAN their love really be strong enough for this? Suddenly I'm SO WORRIED that it's not going to be enough ...
THAT'S where he ending it? Fuck ... oh this is SO MUCH right now ... that was INTENSE ...
I'm SO SCARED for them right now ...
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babiebom · 10 months
Dbd Killers as Nicknames my friends and I use in game
A/N: because i think. I only have like one thing posted for dbd. These are the Male Killers!
Tw:maybe cursing? None? Slight sexualization of certain killers?
Genre:headcanons? Or written like headcanons at least
Wc: maybe 3+ for each killer?
The Trapper/Evan Macmillan
Has no nickname
Is just "the trapper"
Always said in a panic tho
Is usually called a "stupid stupid man"
The Clown/Jeffrey Hawk
"Oh it's *imitation of him coughing*"
His nickname is just us coughing in gross ways
Also "you absolute baboon" by when we're upset
The Ghostface/Danny "Jed Olsen" Johnson
My boyfriend
I exclusively call him this
Everyone else says "oh no your boyfriend is here"
Or we call him Ghost-a Fa-che in really bad italian accents
The Executioner/Pyramid Head
Forgot the word pyramid
Also trianglehead
Usually proceeded or followed by "ewwwwww why is he sludging up the place????"
The Twins/Victor Deshayes
Ugly little baby
We forgot that he is not really a baby
We also call him Viktor Vector
Usually followed by "kill her little baby"
Or "stomp on himmmmm"
Then "yeah that's what you get you ugly baby"
The Mastermind/Albert Wesker
Lil Kitty Meow Meow
Bc I accidentally called him whisker
And that reminded me of the Lil kitty meow meow meme
Is usually followed by his "urgh" when he does the dashy thing
The Nemesis/Nemesis
It was a slip of the tongue that stuck
I also call him Thanos half the time
I forget his name and panic
Then call him Thanos because big purple man
Usually proceeded by "oh god it's Thanos I can see his stupid little zombies"
The Doctor/Herman Carter
Has no nickname but is usually called out by saying "sorry I can't talk right now he's ELECTROCUTING ME"
followed by imitations of his laugh
The Legion/Frank&Joey
I do not know how to write this
It's literally just The Legion but pronounced with a very bad French accent
Also Franklin or Frankie-boy
And Josepher and "which one is this one again"
The Trickster/Jiwoon Hak
We either call him Trickster
Or Jungkook from Bts(yes this whole thing)
Is usually followed by "bob and weave and bob and weave"
Or is followed by "please dont kamsahamnida me"
The Wraith/ Phillip Ojomo
Bing Bong
Because when he hits his little thing it goes Bing Bong
Usually proceeded by "oh god" and "please don't be bingbong"
Usually followed by "oh god where did he go"
The Hillbilly/ Max Thompson Jr
We just call him by Max
I usually call him Maxie-poo
The Cannibal/ Bubba Sawyer
Like Max we just call Bubba by Bubba
Bubba is a cute nickname in of itself
The Oni/Kazan Yamaoka
Because I said "Oni? Like onigiri?"
Followed by screaming or "someone stop him he's eating my blood"
The Deathslinger/Caleb Quinn
Rootie tootie mcshooty shooty
Because it's funny
Also sometimes call him the hashslinger
Or hashslinging slashed
From spongebob because we again forgot his name
The Shape/Michael Myers
Miku Miku
Because I panicked when I saw him and could not speak or remember his name for the life of me
Usually followed by "oh god this is gonna be a bad match"
Also followed by singing the song but only by saying Bing and bong.
The Nightmare/Freddy Kreuger
"Ew its stupid what's his face....sleepytime....nightnight"
Has no real nickname because we're not happy to see him
"Why is there blood coming out of this...oh."
"Haha your neck is bent weird"
The Blight/Talbot Grimes
Incoherent screaming
Literally it's "uhhhh HA HUHHHH WHA HELP"
Followed by "why is he so fast?"
Or is called speedy Gonzales or Sonic
The Knight/Tarhos Kovács
I have accidentally called him the borgo
We also just call him the knight or just scream
The Cenobite/Elliot Spencer
I find it funny that that is an actual name for him
Because we usually call him that
The Demogorgon(?)
Or "stupid pinhead" but you get the gist
Also BabyBox
Bad doggie
He is a dog that is bad because he keeps biting me with his weird little face
The Dredge(?)
Is this thing a male? Idk but it counts
Again we are bad at remembering names
Half the time he is called the sludge
Usually followed by "why is it nighttime"
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bramblepurr · 10 months
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you may be on my mind
everyday, baby, say you’re mine
you and me, on my mind
everywhere, baby, say you’re mine <3
[id: a digital art page of a modern human design for the character mollymauk tealeaf. the text on the right side reads: (modern human) tealeaf. system (l/m/k/??) molly primary fronter, on estrogen!, hand-poke tat artist, molly dating caleb + essek. below there is a drawing of a grey stuffed cat named mewi, a “plush kitty” that’s “taken everywhere”.
below this text is an uncoloured (except for blush) drawing of molly sitting with crossed legs, leaning his head on his left hand. he looks towards the viewer and is saying “mister caleeeb~”. his tshirt has the word ‘boys’ in a heart and the short sleeves show the tattoos on his right arm: a snake sleeve and the trans symbol.
on the left of the page is a full-body coloured drawing of molly. he’s tan and chubby and has dark purple curly hair that goes past his shoulders. on the right side of his face and neck he has peacock feather tattoos that lead to his shoulder. he’s wearing a cropped tank top, a stripey cropped hoodie, star patch baggy jeans, platform shoes, and has a tamagotchi attached to his belt loop. end id]
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Observations on the Hollow Mind Portraits
Rebecca Rose has answered my wishes today by releasing HD versions of the portraits used in Hollow Mind. Here are some things I noticed:
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They're churning butter <3 This is one of the pictures we saw more clearly, so there's not much to say here. Liddol bois <3
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Another picture we've seen pretty clearly in the episode. Someone's already noticed that the rope trap Phillip sets to catch Caleb looks kind of like the one he set in Hollow Mind to catch the palisman monster. Parallels, I guess.
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Here the boys are getting ready for a witch hunt. Again, we've seen this. The expression on Caleb's face seems more aggressive than Phillip. Guess he's older and therefore understands what the witch hunts mean better.
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These boys only have one shirt and one set of overalls. Judging by the rip on Phillip's overalls, and the fact that they each only have one strap, I guess it's an indication of how poor they are. How did they even manage to get a house on their own? I doubt little boy Caleb could have built it himself. Must be an already vacant house or the townsfolk did chip in because they can excuse hanging innocent women but god forbid these two boys be homeless.
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The brothers are older in here. They still have similar hairstyles, but their proportions definitely look less "baby." Phillip still has the same overalls, but Caleb either got new ones or got a new strap for it at least. They also got new boots. While in the previous picture of a witch hunt, the brothers were playing with sticks while the adults did all the work, here the brothers have a torch and a pitchfork and are going with the adults.
We can't see Phillip's face, but it's notable that Caleb looks both excited and malicious here. It's not either of the brother's faults that they were indoctrinated into a puritan society where witch hunts are okay. But this does indicate that Caleb wasn't as horrified by the witch hunts as fanon makes him out to be. I like that. I like the idea that the brothers both started out as bigots, a byproduct of their upbringing. The difference between Phillip and Caleb is that Caleb decided to change when given the chance. Phillip didn't.
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We also saw this one pretty clearly but here's some more detail. They look even older here. Phillip no longer has the buttoned shirt, I think? And if this takes place right before the next picture, then Phillip has tied his hair into a ponytail as well in this scene. Plus, Caleb was holding a torch in the last witch hunt, but now he's holding a pitchfork. So this is probably a different hunt. Moreover, Evelyn's fire looks like it has a purple-pink hue? Maybe that's just the color palette.
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And here it proves that Caleb entered the Boiling Isles through the gate in the graveyard. From what I can see, part of it was also a lake back in the 1600s, though it was definitely more flooded in Thanks To Them. While Caleb is rushing in, (which is definitely reminiscent of the scene where Luz entered the portal door) Phillip seems to be lagging behind.
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If this is the first time Phillip entered the Boiling Isles, then there was definitely a timeskip between this picture and the last. His hair is longer, he looks older, he has a bag and a journal, and he's wearing a whole new outfit. This looks like part of the outfit Phillip wore in Elsewhere and Elsewhen. He isn't wearing his brother's jacket, though, but he may be holding it with the arm that isn't shown well in the picture. I guess after Caleb ran through the portal, it closed and Phillip was trapped on the human side? And somehow, he managed to go through the portal again after a timeskip. He still looks young here. But more like in his late teens than early teens like in the last few pictures.
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Not sure what order these pictures should have come in, but this happened a lot later than the last pictures. Phillip's hair is already fading from brown to blond. Perhaps a side effect of palisman magic? Or maybe he's just graying weirdly.
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I've seen people point out this picture as Phillip misremembering "Luzura and Dirtrude" but now that we have more detail, they...really don't look like them. They're wearing nothing remotely similar to what Luz and Lilith wore in that episode. Plus, they both have their palismen. The only similarity is that one is tall with black hair and the other is short and has brown-ish skin. But they're both obviously demons. I assume these are just some followers he's trying to brainwash.
(Also, it's funny that they had black garbage bags even in the 1600s in the Boilins Isles lol)
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Phillip is going Sonic the Werehog on Caleb and his wife! I guess this means Evelyn did have brown hair. Unfortunate, because I kind of wanted the Clawthorne sisters to have inherited their red hair from Evelyn. Also, it looks like both Caleb and Evelyn were in possession of The Hair Skrungly. I wish Eda and Lilith also had it.
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This one's also really commonly talked about. Nothing much to add here just Phillip being outraged that his bro is slutting it up with a hot witch I guess.
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This one's also commonly talked about. What I'm unsure on is when all this happened. Phillip's beard is around the same length in the last few pictures so I assume at around the same time. But then, what? Did he see his brother with Evelyn and get mad, making the curse flare up, and after Caleb hugged it all out of him he left, only to come back later to kill Evelyn? Or did his curse flare up during the fight? I love those angsty fanarts where Caleb's trying to hug Phillip only to get stabbed. Also, why is Evelyn facing her husband, not Phillip? This is commonly thought to be Caleb trying to introduce his wife to his brother, so it would be weird for her to stand like that if that's the case.
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:((((((((( But also, where are they? Are they in Caleb and Evelyn's house? Why are they in a forest later, then? Maybe I just read too many comics of this scene where Caleb died in his house. They've probably been in a forest the whole time. But now that we have more detail, Phillip is very clearly not looking at Caleb, but to the side, where Evelyn would have been standing previously. Guess it's pretty much confirmed that Phillip wasn't trying to kill Caleb, but Evelyn. Also other people have mentioned this but Caleb fighting his brother to save his wife, using the knife he used to carve his brother's mask???? :'''''''')
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Again, when did this happen? Looking at it again, I feel like Phillip isn't even cursed at this point. At least, the curse isn't flaring up here. He's not goopified at all like in the show. You can even still see his sleeve. I think here, and the other picture where he looked like this, are just him looking extra demonic bc of how much he wanted to kill Evelyn. The picture where he's charging at Caleb and Evelyn looks like the background is on fire. And the couple is even positioned the same as the picture where Caleb is trying to "introduce" Evelyn to Phillip. Phillip wasn't out of control due to the curse in here, I don't think. It's lighting, plus dramatic effect that he looks like this. He found out where Caleb has been, flew into a rage and tried to kill Evelyn, and Caleb tried to hug him and calm him down, because his brother loved him anyway...
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...and in return, Phillip kills him. Caleb is posed the same way as the Boiling Isles is. Looking at the reflection in the knife, Phillip also hasn't been punched in the nose by Lilith yet, either. Guess those bones we see in Phillip's lab in Elsewhere and Elsewhen really were Caleb's. And also Phillip has already long since started his descent to madness by the time he met Luz and Lilith. Kind of weird to think that they may have run into one of Caleb and Evelyn's kids running around in that episode, if they happened to travel a bit beyond Bonesborough.
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We've seen this picture too but goddamn, they really did this over Caleb's dead body. Before I didn't agree with the idea that Evelyn gave Phillip his curse, because of the pictures we saw of him in black and having glowing eyes while Caleb was still around. But if All That was indeed for dramatic effect, then yeah, I believe the theory now! Evelyn Clawthorne still fucking up Phillip 350 years after the fact.
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So with Flora Desplora's appearance in Elsewhere and Elsewhen, her appearance here, and her name on the book Bill the titan trapper was reading in Edge of the World, I'm certain she was meant to be more important. Again, while I'm pretty sure The Shortening was announced after Eda's Requiem was finished, with how cartoons are produced, I wouldn't be surprised if they already had work done for episodes up to Reaching Out. It would explain the Azura B-plot in Any Sport in a Storm, the Edric B-plot in Reaching out when they couldn't give Emira a B-plot elsewhere to balance it out, the implication that Warden Wrath and other EC members were suspicious about the Day of Unity, and of course, Flora Desplora's existence. They probably established all of this expecting to have more episodes to explore it. But they got shortened and had to cut some follow up episodes. But they weren't given more resources to rewrite the old episodes to not include any plot threads they couldn't follow up on.
Flora Desplora didn't need a whole backstory and relationship with Lilith, as well as a whole character design, to serve her purpose in the plot. She just needed to be someone Lilith knew in the EC, who was doing better than Lilith was, and rile her up enough to do the whole time travel thing. Lilith already has a track record of mentoring multiple EC members-to-be. They could have had a character say they're her old student and accidentally rile her up. They could have done that with Steve. But originally, I guess they wanted to set up Flora Desplora to use her later.
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We already saw this picture too, of Belos mutilating his ear to look more pointed. But now that it's clearer uh...that's...that's his ear floating in the sink right there! He's a lot more blond than some other pictures, so I guess this is later into his conquest. But the green streak across his face isn't as big so I guess it isn't THAT late? Also, the mirror and sink look pretty fancy, so did he already have a castle by then?
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Here he is, carving some glyph combos onto his arm. He's bleeding green here, which I guess would be from Evelyn's curse? Either that, or the color palette, or the knife is rusty and Belos got tetanus after this. We never found out if the curse or these glyphs were responsible for his goopy appearance.
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He's snorting a palisman! This is still pretty early on in his journey, since his hair is still brown and his beard is shorter. In fact, it's only slightly longer than it was when Evelyn cursed him. Maybe this is when he discovers that palisman magic can help his curse?
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Ah, the Golden Guard graveyard. This was the guard in Belos's first flashback in Hollow Mind, where he blew up that town. Look at that collar. This Golden Guard's staff has been shattered, and he's probably being killed by Belos's own staff, red magic and all. Funnily enough, this Guard didn't have a staff in the flashback. Guess Belos made one for him at some point.
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Here's Belos's lab to make grimwalkers. Notice the ribcage in the background, probably Caleb's. I guess it's confirmed that you can use fragments of bone instead of just one whole bone, since some of the ribs are snapped. Guess Belos really did do the Biblical thing like some people said, where he used Caleb's rib to make a grimwalker. In fact, based on his outfit, this may have been one of the first grimwalkers he made. He probably ran out of rib bones by the time Hunter came around.
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People speculated that this Golden Guard was Darius's predecessor, who was likely petrified in the public ceremony that Kikimora mentioned happened 30 years ago in Young Blood, Old Souls. However, this Guard's outfit is the same as the one who was with Belos in the mountains. Phillip seems to have ditched his journal by this point, so Belos definitely knew the petrification glyph. This Guard also got a staff at some point when he didn't have on in the Hollow Mind flashback.
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Yo it's the guy with the really wild hair! You know, the one we saw as a hallucination in For the Future! Not much to say about him. He looks polite. Maybe HE was Darius's predecessor. He definitely has the Clawthorne genes with how his hair looks.
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Portal door! I don't think I actually saw this picture when I watched Hollow Mind? Guess I just missed it. Me and most of the fandom lol.
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And lastly, another golden guard. He looks like he's from Gurren Lagann lol. Maybe HE is Darius's predecessor. He's also being killed by Belos's red magic, it seems.
I think that's all the pictures? Feel free to chime in with anything that I didn't notice. These portraits kind of recontextualizes some of the fanon around the Wittebanes, I think.
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dannydanoninoo · 2 years
So side note it's 2 am and my fucking Huntlow brainrot doesn't let me sleep so here's a small fic /prompton Willow's POV about... certain things we saw at the NYCC teaser💛💚
OR... Basically me hyperfixating over this frame and writing something BECAUSE LOOK AT THOSE HEART EYES PEOPLE
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(no beta read bc this literally came out of my sleep deprived brain right now so sorry for any mistakes)
"Have you ever seen the rain?"
If someone had told Willow Park six months ago that she was going to become best friends with a human, and that scenario would lead to a series of events where she'd end up fighting the Emperor of the Isles (who got turned into goop by a purple child) and being on stuck on said human's house for weeks... Willow would probably had laughed at that someone's face.
But oh well... life has indeed unexpected paths for all of us I guess...
And yet somehow, that is not the weirdest part of everything her life has come to be
She, once Half-a-Witch Willow who had no friends and was scared of mostly everything had come up to make her own Flyer Derby team (just like her dads but she doesn't want to get too deep into that train of thought), fixed her friendship with Amity, had now a group of friends who loved her and who she loved so much and also had fallen for BEFRIENDED the kid behind the Golden Guard mask, better known as Hunter (or by that cute false name Caleb Jasper Bloodwilliams she did liked so much).
Now how did the boy ended up becoming such an important addition of her duo with Gus? She has no idea.
But it feels like it was something destined to happened, it's... natural. Just seeing him protecting the youngest boy, following his excitable shenanigans over human artifacts, with how much love he talks to Flapjack (and Clover the back of her mind screams) and just seeing him right now, under the human rain soaked in mud but laughing alongside Gus and Vee gives her heart a jittery feeling over how bright and beautiful the boy in front of her is.
So, she doesn't think twice when Camilla gives her the human camera and she snaps as much pictures of this moment as she can.
Titan knows this is a rare view considering the last few weeks (and in the case of Hunter maybe years, if the other night when she caught him cutting his own hair is any indication)
And yet, despite not knowing what's is going on with him and why he was so desperate to look different, Willow can't help but admire the strength her blonde has to step up and continue growing into Hunter himself and out of the whole Golden Guard title.
Also okay, she's not dumb and knows Luz and Gus might know more about what Hunter deal is, but she also know how important is the boy to her, how in the Day of Unity she was ready to do anything to keep him standing despite the draining spell, bit also how she would do anything to keep that image from happening ever again and be there to make sure he had more days like this.
It was just what she'd promised the day she adopted Clover: she will do everything to be strong and wise to protect the people she loves, even if that means "kill" an alarm clock for Vee or being there for the boy she's infatuated BEFRIENED! to cut his own hair at 3 am, holding him in his sleep, or simply silently showing she'll support him with whatever he hasn't told them yet whenever he's ready to do so. 
And who knows? Based on that soft toothy smile he's giving her right now, she could get another shot at cutting his hair, under nicer and much more domestic circumstances... Heh, it sounds like a cute fantasy but at least right now, under the non-boiling rain, and running towards his arms (and Gus' and Vee's) everything seems a little less impossible.
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innytoes · 9 months
Inny rewatched JATP 1-3
Happy JATPversary, phantoms! I'm doing a rewatch and I have many stupid thoughts.
Episode 1:
-Ray Molina is a silver fox and I'd take a ride in his mini-van if you know what I'm saying
-the body language Jeremy Shada gives Reggie even when he's not the main focus is still so on point and I just... want to hug him.
-I do love that Caleb is just like: I don't care it's 2020 I'm gonna walk around in a goddamn cape and tophat because my aesthetic is better than yours
-Also the up and down glance he gives Alex like: Hmm, 90s twink.
-Not me crying at Wake Up like it's the first time I'm watching
Episode 2:
-I love how when the boys go to eavesdrop on Julie, Reggie and Luke stand on their toes and Alex kind of... has to duck down.
-Julie's purple sweater outfit is so underrated and looks so soft.
-Reggie making snow angels on the bed my beloved. Also 'butterflies and glitter' will never not be funny.
-Alex being like 'I am sorry for them being menaces' and immediately turns around to be a menace and mess with Julie's things. He is just as big of a himbo as them.
-In episode 1, when Julie's looking at the instruments in the loft, the keyboard makes a sound just like the other instruments and in Bright we see Reggie playing the keyboard and GIVE ME THE SUNSET CURVE SONG ROCK BALLAD REGGIE PLAYS PIANO
Episode 3:
-The European in me is so confused by spirit rallies. Also, wtf why would you hype up all your students and then send them to class? Do you think you're getting anything done the next hour???
-Alex and Willie meetcute is still good and they're so awkwardly wanting to keep talking because CUTEBOY and Willie is sooo trying to signal like 'hello I'm gay.' Like the whole 'photo with Marylin' thing.
-Also the 'who's we' at 'shouldn't we be in heaven' because Willie is like: oh no trust me I'm not going there in fact I'm already kind of in hell don't worry about it.
-Okay but what were they talking about that Alex learned the phrase 'get woke these are sensitive times' from Willie?
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tiny-elf-of-doom · 11 months
✨My Mother’s Reaction to the Mighty Nein Characters✨
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My mom had a fun time with these ones… thank you for making the Vox Machina post so popular! Please enjoy pt. 2 of her humor!
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Me: this is Caleb and his cat, Frumpkin. (I showed her a depiction of both, not just this image). Mom: ooohhh, he's an animal person! I like him. Me: did the cat give him bonus points? Mom: yes.
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Me: this is Mollymauk, he's a tiefling. I think he's very handsome. Mom: (being a medical professional) he's got hella conjunctivitis. Me: well, he's a type of demon, so his eyes... Mom: ah, now I see the evil smirk! He's got a cute, little dimple. A lil' dimple.
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Me: onto Yasha, our lovely barbarian. Mom: she's got a lot of pretty hair! She looks like she's been crying, her mascara is running a bit. Me: *laughing* you don't know the half of it...
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Me: Beau is a monk and kicks a lot of ass. Mom: so she's a badass? Me: yes, she's an absolute badass. Mom: she's got pretty blue eyes... she's sexy. Me: fuck yeah she is! *proud son moment*
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Me: our adorable goblin, Nott. Mom: *deep analysis* she's creepy... but I'd still hug her. Me: you'd be very careful, though. Mom: yeah, I feel like her ears would hurt me.
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Me: (I had expected the worst reaction, but I might have gotten the best)...Caduceus. Mom: *dies of laughter* he's a My Little Pony! Me: *I laughed so hard it hurt my ribs*
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Me: thoughts on Fjord? Mom: yeah, you know the pet pig down the road? The big one with the bottom teeth, or tusks, or whatever? Me: *realization* don't do this to me... Mom: that one.
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Me: Jester and this little creature on her shoulder! Mom: she needs braces... she's got buck teeth. Me: what? Hang on, let me zoom in *I proceed* there, better? Mom: freckles! Is that a weasel? I need her hair. Me: and you don't have a diagnosis for ADHD? Mom: no, do I need one?
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Me: almost forgot one of my favorite npcs, Essek. Had to add him! He's a purple boi. Mom: I like purple bois <3
<Art can be found on the Critical Role Wiki with links to the artists under each image! All artistic credit goes to them!>
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ravendruid · 7 months
trick or treat!!!
Send me Trick or Treat for a treat <3 Hi! I created this little headcanon for you just now. Enjoy. Part of this AU.
Caleb meets Essek for the first time in the school library. The building is still pretty much empty since it’s only the first day of classes, so Caleb is surprised to see a boy slightly older than him talking to the librarian. He’s a purple-skinned elf (as a human, Caleb has read enough about elves to know this is a Drow–a dark elf) with white, curled hair, and he wears a long dark purple and silver cloak over his dark leathers. He doesn’t look much older than Caleb, but elves mature at a different rate than humans, so he might be older than he looks.
Other than the fact that this boy is already in the library when classes have barely started (much like Caleb) and that he’s a Drow, a few other things take him aback: 1) the boy seems to be floating; 2) he is asking the librarian for books on Dunamancy the Luxon (whatever those words mean), and 3) he’s new. This is Caleb’s third year at the school, and he is positive that he has never seen this boy’s face anywhere. He would know with his keen mind.
After the librarian steps away to retrieve the books, Caleb shuffles quietly to stand next to the other boy and extends his hand with a smile, “Hello, I’m Caleb Widogast. Nice to meet you…” He waits. The boy looks at him in shock, as if he’s not used to being talked to—or seen—by others, and once he takes a good look at Caleb from head to toe (Caleb notices how the boy’s nose wrinkles at his worn and patched red cloak), he must seem to consider that Caleb is not a threat because he finally takes his hand. “I’m Essek–” his voice is soft like a winter breeze “–of Den Thelyss. 
Caleb adds Den Thelyss to the list of things he needs to research, right on par with Dunamancy and Luxon, as he shakes Essek’s hand. He could swear he feels a shock-wave hit him, and, for a moment, he sees the endless possibilities of what a friendship with this boy could bring him.
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jegulusofwesper · 1 year
so i’ve casted the marauders as jatp characters, now i just need your input <3
julie - regulus
luke - james
alex - remus
reggie - sirius
bobby - peter
caleb - snape
willie - lily
nick - barty
carrie - evan
i started replying to this when i first messaged you so apparently i have thoughts 👀
REG WOULD PERFORM TF PUT OF WAKE UP and there would be unsaid emily level of tears also the irony of james seeing the floating chairs and being like 😳witch😳
luke and james are the embodiment of each other OMG. i love i love i love !!
can you imagine the girls am i right but with them. it’s be like james serenades sirius and 💅panic💅 and is like 😳ahaha girls am i right😳 and james is like 🤭yea🤭 then remus very blatantly looks him up and down and is like ☺️no❤️☺️. but also i can 100% see remus go on a date to scream in a museum he’d 100% go back afterwards when they’re having difficulties and having his hsm3 troy bolton moment
i’m just thinking of the i i i i i want a puppy before this band is back then him sulking. however flip it to reg, evan and barty for the c’mon reginald and ahhhhh but imagine the whole reg and carlos thing where he becomes a big brother but imagine he does it because he never got to say bye to his little brother and he wants that part of him to feel whole 🥺
where do you stand on the whole bobby thing? like do you think he was entering his villain era or do you think the label saw a grieving kid and took advantage? but as for pete i can just imagine him being haunted by the ghosts of his past and then bolting to go see a therapist. would pete change his name/what to?
caleb could pull off snape’s outfit but could snape pull off caleb’s? also are we talking like grown snape or do you have a certain fc i should be picturing? OMG IMAGINE LILY PUTTING PURPLE BUTTERFLY CLIPS IN HIS HAIR TO MATCH HIS OUTFIT LIKE THE BOI IS ALL GRUMPY LOOKING BUT HES GIT THESE CUTE ASS PURPLE BUTTERFLY CLIPS IN
we’re keeping the skateboarding right? because lily skateboarding isn’t something i knew i needed in my life but she’d be so badass!! i would’ve never thought about lily being willie but it’s clear now..i see the vision
i can see barty as nick but he’s have to be sooo much more sarcastic. THAT MEANS THAT THE ITS NICK SCENE WOULD HAPPEN BETWEEN REG AND BARTY AND OH I DONT THINK I WOULD BE ABLE TO SEE HIS FACE also does nick canonically have a last name or is the fandom still going by danforth-evans?
evan as carrie omg!! he would perform the fuck out of all eyes on me. james bouncing in for the ✨ding✨ as well omg!!
wait wait wait pandora as my main girl flynn?
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all-for-geek · 1 year
Unfinished Business - Love, Family, and Possession Chapter 2: One Hand in my Pocket
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Fandom: Julie and the Phantoms
Word Count: 3,573
Summary: Nick struggles to adapt to living under Caleb’s thumb. Meanwhile, a day in the life of the Phantoms when Julie is at school.
Nick tossed and turned in his bed. He had heard his alarm clock go off, but it had not been necessary. Nick had been awake for hours. Every time he closed his eyes, he felt like he was trapped back in the dark where all he could do was watch as someone else puppeted his body around. He slammed his hand on the alarm clock less to turn it off and more to prove that he was still in control of his body.
“You should…you should probably get ready.” The weak voice startled Nick upright. He remained tense as he found the ghost boy, William, standing outside his door.
Nick remained silent and still. He didn’t want to get up. He didn’t want to get dressed for school and pretend that it was a normal day. He knew that sooner or later, Caleb was going to come back and…he didn’t want to think about the darkness that awaited him. 
“You really should,” William insisted again. “If Caleb comes back and you’re not dressed, he won’t be happy.”
Nick let out a cold, short-lived laugh. “Why should I care if that monster is happy?”
“Caleb is incredibly powerful. If you’re good, he can use that power to help you. If you’re bad…he’ll use it to punish you.” The words spilled out of William's mouth automatically, like lines on a script.
“So my choices are: I get ready, and he possesses me again, making me miserable, or I don’t, and he finds some new way to make me miserable? He really sounds like a swell guy.”
“Please, Nick.” William’s voice shook with the rest of his body as tears welled up in his eyes. “I don’t want to see you get hurt.”
Nick had planned to scoff at that. Why would he care about him? William clearly worked for Caleb in some capacity. How could someone in league with that monster have any semblance of empathy? Then a jolt of purple electricity went through William’s body that sent him onto his knees. A glowing purple mark pulsed gently on the back of his wrist.
“Caleb is on his way,” William muttered. “Please get ready. I know how it sounds, but this is him treating you well. If you think this is bad, you do not want to see him being mean.”
Nick nodded and got out of his bed. William left to give Nick some privacy as he changed. As Nick walked down the stairs, Caleb walked through the door and into the house.
“Good morning, Nicolas,” Caleb greeted with a bright smile on his face. “Did you sleep well?” Although Nick remained silent, the bags under his eyes answered for him. 
“Such a shame,” Caleb continued, “But I understand. Yesterday was a big day for us.” He stepped forward, casting his shadow over Nick’s cowering form. “But make sure to get a good night’s sleep tonight. Neither of us want me to stay here all night, do we?”
Caleb smiled like a wolf that knew its prey was cornered. Nick remained silent but reluctantly shook his head.
“Excellent. I’m glad we could come to an understanding.” Caleb closed the space between them. The last thing Nick saw before being thrown back into the dark was the look of pity on William’s face.
Across town, music poured out of the Molina's studio as it did every morning. Julie and Luke had gotten into a routine of writing music before school in order for Luke to show it to Alex and Reggie before practice after school. This particular song was one that Julie had suggested. As the two sang to each other, the melody soared through the deeper feelings the song brought out in both of them but both were too scared to say.
Our voices rise and soar so high
We come to life when we're
In perfect harmony
Woah-oh, woah-oh
Perfect harmony
Woah-oh, woah-oh
Perfect harmony
“It’s really good,” Luke said as they faded out of the chorus. “As always.” He playfully nudged Julie with his shoulder.
“Thanks,” Julie replied. “It’s something I’ve been working on for a while now.”
“Yeah, I can’t wait to see how it sounds once we bring in the guys.”
Julie’s smile dropped ever so slightly. She hadn’t told Luke that the song was about him, and she couldn’t say that it was supposed to be a duet without bringing that up and then he would find out that she had a crush on him and it would break up the band and-
“Julie?” Luke’s voice brought her out of her thoughts only for her to get lost in his big, hazel eyes. He shook her slightly by the shoulder and she fully snapped back to reality.
“Yeah! Yeah, it’ll sound really good. Once the guys part’s are in. I just hope it…it doesn’t overdo the song. I’m still getting used to writing songs with so many parts.”
“Relax. That’s what I’m here for.”
“And where would I be without you?”
“I can’t even imagine.”
“You know it’s kinda weird when you just start talking to the air like that,” Carlos interjected, reminding the two of his presence.
“Says the kid who's been talking to a wall for the past 5 minutes,” Alex remarked, earning him a glare from Julie and Reggie.
He wasn’t wrong though. While Julie and Luke had been writing, Carlos had been putting the finishing touches on the word wall. He and Reggie had managed to put the alphabet and some basic words up and were trying to communicate. Reggie had been able to mostly spell his name through the lights. There was a light with the word “Regi” under it.
“Carlos has found a way for us to talk to him in a day of trying,” Reggie said. “Let’s not stifle his ingenuity.”
“I’m going to ignore how you know the word ingenuity and instead focus on how Julie’s dad is gonna find it a little weird that there is a wall covered in Christmas lights and words under them,” Alex replied.
“Duh. That’s what the curtain is for.” Reggie tugged on a curtain that blocked off that chunk of the room creating, as the kids had explained to Ray, Carlos’ “man cave”.
“Alright, I’ve got one ghost down,” Carlos continued, not hearing Reggie and Alex bicker. “What are the other two’s names?”
“Ooo, you should spell your name next!” Reggie ordered Alex excitedly.
“Why can’t you do it?” Alex asked genuinely.
“Well, it will be special if we all do our own names! It will be like we’re introducing ourselves to Carlos.” Alex continued to stare at Reggie, knowing that that wasn’t the whole truth. It only took a second for Reggie to relent. “Also I don’t want to misspell your name.”
“Reg, you-”
“Please…” Reggie begged, interrupting whatever encouraging or sarcastic comment Alex was about to say.
“Come on, Alex,” Julie chimed in. 
“Yeah bro, just do it,” Luke added, attacking Alex with his signature puppy eyes.
Alex rolled his eyes. “Well Julie already said my name, so I shouldn’t have to tell him, but fine.” He lit up the letters of his name on the wall. Luke and Julie applauded sarcastically while Reggie did so genuinely.
“Alright, Luke, your turn!” Reggie called out. Luke poofed over and spelled his name too. Carlos quickly pulled out two more pieces of tape and wrote the phantoms’ names on them.
As if on cue, Ray called for Julie and Carlos to meet him at the truck. Julie quickly helped Carlos pull around the curtain to hide the wall. 
“See you guys after school! Stay out of trouble” Julie shouted. The three ghosts waved back, silently wondering how long until they evitable got into trouble.
It didn’t take long for Luke to show the boys the new song. Even though they were young, the three had been playing together so long that they easily found the right ebb and flow within the song for Reggie’s and Alex’s parts. It only took a couple hours for them to feel good about the extra parts. Luke continued to tweak “Perfect Harmony” by the piano while Reggie messed with the lights again. Alex had already left to try and find Willie.
“Hey bro, what about this during the pre-chorus?” Luke played a slow, melodic riff as he sang. 
“Ooo yeah, that sounds good! What about this too?” Reggie ran over to the piano and began to harmonize with Luke. 
“Yeah man! That sounds great!” Luke punched Reggie’s arm as they continued through the song. Reggie’s smile grew as they worked. The two didn’t often get to write like this anymore. Not since the days of Sunset Curve they would stay up long into the night fine-tuning Luke’s latest creation. Reggie never got used to the spark that flew between them when they sang together. It still sent a tingle down his spine and plastered a big, goofy smile on his face. He missed that feeling.
“Hey what about instead of “We say we’re friends, we play pretend” we do “Around our friends we play pretend”? Luke asked.
“I don’t know, I think the first one works better?”
“You think?”
“Yeah, I mean. The song is about two people who can’t express their feelings, right? They hide their feelings from themselves and each other, not the people around them.” Reggie wasn’t entirely sure where that explanation had come from, but he knew it felt right.
“Huh. Yeah, I guess. I’ll go ask Julie.” Luke poofed out of the studio before Reggie could respond.
Reggie chuckled to himself. It was only a matter of time before Luke found some excuse to go see Julie. Reggie went back to finalizing the words on the wall until he heard Ray pull up in the driveway. Reggie poofed into the house to greet him.
“Hey, Ray! How was your shoot today?” Ray, as always, was silent and pulled out his laptop to begin editing photos.
“Julie brought us this new song today! It’s really good! Well, not that any of ‘em are bad, but this one is really good! Luke and I were tweaking it just now. It was nice getting to work with him like that again. Ever since Julie joined the band, he’s mostly been working with her. Not that I’m complaining or mad or anything! She’s a really good songwriter. It should be her working with Luke instead of me, but…I don’t know. They always seem off doing their own thing, and Alex is always off looking for Willie…I haven’t spent this much time alone in a while. I’ve figured out how to talk to Carlos, though! He is so smart. He’s so much like Stev-”
Reggie paused as he reminded himself of his brother. Reggie had probably had the best relationship with his family of the three deceased members of Sunset Curve. Not necessarily with his parents, at least not near the end, but with his little brother. He and Stevie had been thick as thieves. Even after Sunset Curve started to go legit, Reggie would sneak Stevie out of the house to come watch their shows. Reggie had even started teaching Stevie bass shortly before he died. He still wasn’t sure he missed his parents or not, but Reggie wished he knew where Stevie was.
“I’m…I’m glad that Carlos has such a great older sister to look out for him. And a great dad too. Sorry for talking your ear off again Ray. I’ll leave you to your work.” Reggie left the house leaving Ray none the wiser to the distressed teen that had attached himself to him.  
Reggie poofed back into the studio long enough to write a quick note saying that he was going out. He didn’t want them to worry if he suddenly disappeared. As soon as he signed the note, he poofed back out. He didn’t know where he wanted to go, but he knew that he didn’t want to stay there alone.
Alex trekked through the streets of LA just as he had the day before. He checked everywhere he could: the local museums, skateparks, the streets where he and Willie had first met. He even checked the area surrounding the Hollywood Ghost Club. He didn’t stay long or go too close, but he knew that if he didn’t find a trace of Willie soon, he might get desperate enough to.
On his third lap around, he spotted a boy skating frantically down the road. The boy’s long, dark hair obscured his face; the wind blew it everywhere under his helmet. Alex ran after the boy, too caught up in his own excitement to think of just poofing over to him. He managed to keep up with Willie as he rounded the corner towards Los Feliz High School. What was he doing near Julie’s school? Was she in trouble? Did Caleb decide to lash out at Julie for helping them escape from his brand? Did-
“Alex, hey, what are you doing here?” Alex nearly tripped over his thoughts and the ground when Luke called out to him. He faced Luke like a deer in headlights.
“Me…oh nothing I was just…” Alex turned to where the boy was frantically running up the steps of the school. As he ripped his helmet off, Alex’s whole body dropped when Willie’s face was not underneath. “Nevermind.”
Alex turned to continue his search when Luke stopped him. “Bro, you’re going to find him.”
“Sure.” Alex wanted to believe Luke. He truly did, but the longer he searched, the more hopeless he became. His anxiety seemed to block out the fact that he had only been searching for two days, but the feeling was still the same.
“You will.” Luke patted Alex on the back. 
Alex nodded and turned to continue his search. Luke trailed behind him and pulled forward when Alex gave no objection. The two did another lap around the city. Still, no sign of Willie. They poofed onto the roof of a nearby building and watched as lifers went by.
“What if…what if Caleb did something to him?” Alex turned to Luke for an answer. He would never admit it, but he was longing for some of Luke’s incessant optimism.
“Then we’ll make him pay.” Alex sighed. It wasn't the response he had been hoping for.
“If Willie got hurt because of me, I don’t-”
“It wouldn’t be your fault Alex-”
“If he hadn’t met me, then we never would have gone to Caleb’s club, and he never would have felt like he needed to help us-”
“He helped us because he wanted to. Because he wanted to help you.”
“How can you be so sure?” Tears streamed down Alex’s safe.
“Dude, are you kidding? Anyone with eyes can see how he feels about you.” Luke wrapped Alex in a giant embrace. “It’s not your fault what happened to us, and if Caleb did hurt Willie, that’s not your fault either. It’s all Caleb’s.”
The two sat there, wrapped in each other’s arms until Alex pulled away, drying the last of his tears off his cheeks.
“Thanks,” he said, “What were you doing at the school?”
“I, uh, I needed to ask Julie some questions about the new song.”
“Uh huh.” 
Luke rolled his eyes at the look Alex gave him. “Come on, man. It wasn’t like that.”
“This time.”
“C’mon, it’s just-”
“I know, Luke. Just remember: When you do finally tell her, maybe skip the interpretive dance.”
“Oh c’mon! It was one time!”
“One time too many.”
“Hey, it worked didn’t it?”
Alex laughed. “Yeah, I guess.” The two laughed at the memory and poofed back to the studio.
Reggie didn’t realize where he was going until he got there. He wasn’t really surprised to find himself standing by the bike shack where his house used to be. Given how much he had been thinking about his family lately, it was only natural.
It was so surreal. There was no trace of the neighborhood that used to be here. Everything had been torn down and replaced with perfect, polished buildings suitable for tourists. It almost made Reggie feel sick. To him, it was just over a month ago that this stretch of beach had been his home. The whiplash he felt as he watched people casually walk in and out of the doors of what used to be his house was as strong as when he first came back.
Reggie continued walking down the beach. Even in the middle of the day in October, there were more people on the beach now then there ever were back when he was alive. He walked past families with small children playing in the water. Their contagious laughter brought him back to when he and his brother would play there. A few people in suits were enjoying the sun while on lunch break. They walked away with the same stern look on their faces that Reggie’s dad had everytime he left for work. 
One person seemed to catch Reggie’s eye. A figure stood underneath the pier with a spray bottle in hand. Reggie was impressed with how nonchalant they were about it. Even back in the 90s, you wouldn’t find anyone graffitting there in broad daylight.
As he poofed closer, he realized that she was a girl about his age. Her brown hair was tied back into a high ponytail. Her bell-bottom jeans matched the jean-jacket she wore. The elbows of the jacket were worn and frayed from wear. Even though he knew that she couldn’t see him, Reggie instinctively smoothed his hair out.
She was swinging her hips to a song that Reggie didn’t recognize at first. He couldn’t hear the song that was playing from the walkman, but she was humming along and began to sing as the song reached the chorus.
And What It All Comes Down Too
Is That I Haven’t Got It All Figured Out Just Yet
Cause I’ve Got One Hand In My Pocket
And The Other One Is Holding A Spray Can
The girl chuckled at her rewrite as she continued to spray paint the pillar. Reggie was bopping along as well now that he recognized the song. Jagged Little Pill had come out a month before he died, but he had fond memories of listening to it with the band. He started singing along with the girl, harmonizing unconsciously.
“You a fan of Alanis?” The question caught Reggie off guard. Mostly because it had been asked at all. Lifers weren’t supposed to see him unless he was playing with Julie. It was then that Reggie noticed that when the waves crashed up, they went through the girl’s legs rather than onto them.
“Yeah I guess I…Wait! You’re a ghost too?!”
“Yep.” The girl turned around to face Reggie. She had piercing blue eyes and tanned skin that shone in the sun. Her light purple crop top was covered in paint splotches along with the sleeves of her jacket.
“Name’s Alice.”
“Uh…Reggie…I’m Reggie.” Reggie had to struggle to get the words out of his mouth.
Alice turned to continue her artwork. “So tell me Reggie: you often stand around here and stare at the girls?”
Reggie’s eyes widened as he realized that what he was doing might have come off as a little creepy. “No! No, I just…I saw you painting, and I was curious.”
“Not a bad save. Well, take a look.” Alice stepped aside so Reggie could get a full look at the pillar. Two purple flowers were entwined together by the stems. They were photorealistic to the point that Reggie felt like he could pull them right off the pillar.
“Woah. They're really good.”
“Thanks. I’ve had a lot of time to practice. There’s only so much to do when you’ve been dead for about 40 years.”
“40 years?!” 
“Yep. You're new to this whole ghost thing, aren’t you?”
“Yeah…we died back in ‘95, but for some reason we were stuck in this weird black room for 25 years. We only got out about a month ago.”
“Huh.” Alice began to pick up the spray cans that she had strewn on the beach and put them into a black duffle bag.
“What? Is that not normal?” Reggie asked.
“Nothing is normal about the afterlife. Everyone is on a different journey. You said you were with others right?”
“Yeah my band. We all kind of died together.”
“Must have been nice.” This time it was Alice’s turn to turn red as Reggie stared in confusion. “Oh I just meant not being alone when you became a ghost. You’d be surprised how rare that is.”
Reggie was about to respond when, off in the distance, he heard music playing. The familiar sound of his band drumming in his ear. He thought it was just background noise playing in his mind before he remembered what time it was.
“Shoot! I’m late for band practice. They are gonna kill me!”
“Your band still plays?”
“Yeah! Julie and the Phantoms! Tell your friends!” Reggie was about to poof out when he turned to Alice one last time. “Any chance I can see you again?”
“Maybe. I’m either here or at the park up the road most days.”
“The one with the orange garden?”
“The very same.”
“Great! See ya!”
Reggie poofed out before he could see the amused look on Alice’s face.
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sweettist · 1 year
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I posted 159 times in 2022
That's 11 more posts than 2021!
45 posts created (28%)
114 posts reblogged (72%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 142 of my posts in 2022
Only 11% of my posts had no tags
#hypnosis - 68 posts
#hypnokink - 66 posts
#hypno kink - 53 posts
#trance - 24 posts
#apple - 20 posts
#mind control - 16 posts
#anon - 16 posts
#ask - 14 posts
#hypnotist - 13 posts
#female hypnotist - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 46 characters
#this may be how my interest in omo got started
My Top Posts in 2022:
Sleep Sex
As some of you know, one of my Calebs is also my boyfriend (we’ll have been together for 4 years in a few days).
Being Hypnofetishists, we both have secondary kinks for things like sleep sex and I have consent to do sexual things to him in his sleep.
Tonight, I walked into his dark room, found his arm with my hand, which led to his head.
I rubbed his forehead and he groaned at me slightly just before I tapped his forehead activating his drop trigger.
He dropped, barely awake in the first place.
Without saying a single word, I used more forehead taps along with arm drops to drop him deeper.
Once he was deeply entranced, still without saying a word, I had him stand and I slowly led him to my room.
I silently lubed us both up and had him use one hand on himself and one on me.
Again, without a word, I then had him fuck me while I started, and continued, to snap.
The first words I said to him were “good boy” after he came.
I brought him up and we aftercared before I sent him back off to bed.
The End
91 notes - Posted March 13, 2022
As some of you know, I love board games. In fact, before Covid I ran an in-person Board Game Night once a month for 6 years.
I went to NEEHU this weekend and there was a designated Board Game room! I brought in 11 Board Games and Labeled them all “Property of Sweet”.
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I went to NEEHU with Boyfriend Caleb and… because I like labeling my property, as seen in the above…
See the full post
98 notes - Posted April 13, 2022
Helplessly Edged and Pegged
Hi there! I’m Sweet! waves excitedly And welcome to my tumblr! 
This is my eleventh Text Trance Post  
I’m a large, loud and loquacious librarian who loves to help people. And sometimes the only way to help my subby boys is to make them helplessly edge for me in order to teach them masturbation endurance. 
NOTE: In this tumblr, I will be referring to all my subby boys I play with as Caleb. A Caleb in one post may not be the Caleb in the previous post, or the next post either, but I will consistently be using the name Caleb to refer to all of them. All of my Calebs have access to their safewords, even while helplessly edging and being pegged.
Start of session: Hypnotic Language Warning
I’ve worked with this Caleb quite extensively and we have well established negotiations. 
“Alright, Caleb, what would you like to do this session?” I ask, settling into my chair with my freshly filled water bottle. 
“I was thinking of doing that idea I had a couple of days ago. The masturbation endurance training.” He’s looking away from the camera, and I assume he’s scrolling through our DM pins.
“Oh good. I was hoping you’d say that. I have plans for that. You have water, right?” He knows my water policy quite well but I still had to ask.
“Yes, Miss Sweet.” He raises a large purple mug and shows it to me before taking a sip. “I’m ready, Miss Sweet.”
“Anything you want to discuss beforehand?” I take a sip of my own water in preparation for a long trance.
“No, Miss Sweet. I love your ideas. I trust you.” He smiles at the camera. Oh, so handsome!
“Drop down.” I say and his eyes roll up in the back of his head even as his head drops to the back of his chair.
“Dropping deeper. Dropping further. Dropping… up.”
His eyes open and he raises his head, grinning at me.
“Very good. Down. Down. Drop down.” Again his eyes roll up and his head drops to the back of his chair.
“Up!” And his eyes blink open and he raises his head.
“Drop. Down. Down Drop. Up!” 
“Drop. Down. Down Drop. Up!” 
As he sinks this last time, his eyes flutter for just a bit longer than normal. A good sign. Now, I think he’s just slightly fractionated enough to continue.
“Drop. Drop. Drop. Down. Down. Down. Letting your mind drop and sink and sink and drop down.”
As I continue to say “drop” and “down”, his face slowly takes on that slack expression that tells me he’s deeply under.
“Now that you are deeply hypnotized…” I pause and give a single snap.
His body jolts as he moans out “I need to be hypnotized.”
“Very good. Now that you are deeply hypnotized, I wonder if you know what a collaborative fantasy is?”
His brows furrow slightly. “No, Miss Sweet.”
“We did one before, with the forest.” I gently remind him.
His brow clears and he gives a small nod. “Yes, Miss Sweet.”
“I’d like to do another one with you. If you’re okay with this?”
See the full post
116 notes - Posted March 5, 2022
The joys of using one subject to hypnotize the other.
327 notes - Posted May 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
There’s something wonderful and amazing about brainwashing.
Taking an eager, willing, responsive subject and changing parts of them over time.
Seeing the changes. Enjoying their progress. Feeling their pleasure at knowing they are brainwashed.
For example, brainwashing a shy submissive boy into being an exhibitionist. Repeating, reinforcing, enhancing that brainwashing until the moment he’s able to edge the mere fact that he’s naked, exposed and being watched.
Or taking a latex doll whose nipples are already sensitive and brainwashing her until she reaches the point where she can orgasm just from playing with her nipples.
Or taking a submissive toy and brainwash them to associate lavender and arousal as the same exact word, same meaning. Lavender is lavender. Until the point where they are out somewhere and pass by someone with lavender perfume and immediately, instantly, become aroused.
Brainwashing. Changing. Enhancing.
Yes. There’s something wonderful and amazing about brainwashing.
852 notes - Posted February 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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steele-soulmate · 2 years
Tattooed Wings, CHAPTER 3, Peter Steele & OFC, Soulmate AU
SUMMARY: Mary Claire Bradley meets her soulmate- literally- the famous Peter Steele of metal group Type O Negative. But will obstacles including trauma, stalkers, and toxic family members get in the way of their life?
WARNING: mentions of child rape (nothing graphic) PTSD
WORDS: 1326
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After Peter rescued me from the big tent, I was put on playground duty. I didn’t mind- I quite enjoyed watching after the kids while their parents were busy with adult faire duties.
I was seated on the bench that was closest to the archers’ encampment, my crochet hook in hand as I worked on making a purple bunny plush toy. I would look up every couple of minutes to check on the kids- Emma and Izzie were on the monkey bars along with their older brother Allen, who was keeping a close eye on his twin sisters. Michael was running back and forth pushing siblings David and Remi on the swings. Little Elijah was playing with carved blocks at my feet and his two month old little sister was taking a nap on the bench next to me, swaddled up in blankets and caged up with a fluffy pillow.
 “…and done!” I held up the brightly colored toy, beaming as I admired my latest completed project. I placed it into my basket and began on another bunny, this one in green.
 I looked up and smiled at Peter, who had an opened bottle of ice cold Gatorade in his hand and an equally shy smile on his face.
 “Would you like to sit?” I asked him, setting aside my new project to pick up the baby only to have Peter beat me to it. The sleeping child looked ridiculously small in his giant hands as he maneuvered her to be comfortable. “You’re good with her.”
 “I have five older sisters and nine nieces,” he explained, chuckling at little Elijah, who stood up and grabbed at Peter’s jeans, waving a block of wood that was carved like an elephant, babbling adorable nonsense.
 “No brothers or nephews?” I asked him. “Your poor father.”
 He laughed outright at that, barking out his laughter at my quip as he bent down to pick Elijah up. The little boy snuggled into the giant man’s arm, reaching out to gently pat at his sister’s foot.
 “Yes, don’t you worry,” he murmured softly before turning back to me. “No other boys in the family.”
 “Yeeps.” I moved my eyes from him for a moment so that I could momentarily focus on forming one of the two floppy ears. “After mom had Adam, she really wanted a girl, but she got Benjamen, then Caleb, then Daniel, then Ephraim, then Frank, finally Gideon.”
 “Your brothers?” he asked, clearly amused.
 I reached into my bra and pulled out my cell phone. I pulled up my photo app and scrolled through my albums before tapping MY FAMILY. I tapped on the latest picture of the ten of us kids at one of dad’s vacation homes in our swimsuits, goofing off by the lake.
 “How tall are they?” he asked nonchalantly, clearly amused by how dwarfed I looked in Gideon’s arms.
 “Gideon, he’s the youngest, is the tallest at seven feet three inches,” I causally answered, giggling at the look he shot me. “You have no idea how much of a pain it is trying to find bedsheets that fit his bed.”
 “What does Gideon do for a living?” he asked me, clearly nervous, as though I was going to sic my brothers on him.
 “Adam in in the navy, Benjimen is a MMA fighter, Caleb is a professional boxer, Daniel is the quarterback for the New Orleans Saints, Ephraim works for the CIA, Frank is SWAT and Gideon took the smart way out- he’s a lawyer.” I giggled at the fearful look on his face.
 “Even more motivation for me not to hurt you,” he muttered, bouncing little Elijah up further into his arms. “If I ever make you cry, no one is going to be able to find my body.”
 I shrugged as I finished an ear and got started on the other.
 “They’re all extremely overprotective over me, for reasons you may’ve already guessed,” I said in a low tone as I looped and hooked the yarn together. “You should’ve seen Adam when mom first told him. All that he could say was ‘So where did you say he was again?’ I know he and my other brothers would’ve killed him. Even Gideon, and that boy won’t even kill a spider.”
 “Won’t the age gap weird them out a bit?” he wondered, making a silly face at the babies in his arms.
 “I’m not telling them about you anytime soon,” I told him, focusing all my attention on the green bunny I was crafting. “I want you to myself for a while at least. Besides, they can be… inappropriate when they want to be, too much testosterone at times.”
 The baby girl in Peter’s arm began to fuss and I set aside the partly finished bunny before motioning for her. Peter handed her over before shifting little Elijah to sit in both arms. I expertly held the girl in one arm while I pulled my top and bra to the side and readied myself to feed her.
 “Francesca, the mom, she can’t produce milk to feed,” I explained as she latched on and began to suckle greedily. “And since I make more milk then normal, I help out by giving her excess. Isn’t that right, baby girl?” I turned my attention, cooing at the small child in my arms, who was almost asleep once more. I felt something draping over my shoulders; it was Peter’s leather jacket. Peter smiled awkwardly as he finished fussing about me and drew back into his own circle, offering little Elijah his hair to play with.
 “Gramacy,” I smiled, quickly averting my eyes back to the playground, giggling as Emma and Izzie started chasing their brother. Allen let out a scream of mock fear as he began to sprint, not too fast to where his sisters wouldn’t catch him, but fast enough to encourage them to run after him.
 “Wee Allen, please don’t leave the playground!” I called out, my Irish lilt coming back into play.
 “Yes, Mary Claire!” he chirped, screaming as he was tackled by his little sisters. I chuckled as he pretended to rough house with his sisters, ending with their backs pressed against then asphalt as they giggled.
 “Wee lambs,” I chortled, picking up the baby who had stop feeding at my breast. “Can you burp her for me please?” Peter took her from me with no complaint and started patting her back. Little Elijah helped by tapping his hand on her little rear.
 I quickly righted myself before slipping my arms into the sleeves of Peter’s jacket, automatically swallowed whole. I emerged with a gasp, practically flailing as I swam in the leather jacket.
 Peter chuckled as he held both Elijah and his little sister.
 “You look cute in my jacket,” he chortled, poking his nose into the knot of curls that I had tied to the top of my head. I leaned into him, wrapping an arm around his torso, my other hand going to rest on my belly. I closed my eyes- I wanted Peter in my life, but…
 But I was just scared of the unknown.
  Gramercy, thank you, Old French?
 If you liked this, then please consider buying me a coffee HERE It only costs $3!!!
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say hello to the biggest boy (totk part 4)
started this part at: 35 in-game days
the trip from the plateau to the highland stable took 3 days. purah said to go check out the regional phenomena, but….. the changes to the world are distracting lol. heard about the giant stallion on the way and decided to add to link’s roster!! jup (short for juniper) is somehow sweeter than bastard, even if he does squish every bug in existence by walking.
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link had to introduce jup to someone in order to complete a shrine quest on the way to the desert. took a stop or two to complete a couple more shrines and burn off some of that gloom poisoning. also, link joined a monster hunting crew! it was terrible and took a few attempts to finish because he’s only got 4 hearts and all the monsters were black-furred with royal gear. good weapon haul, though!
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ON TO THE DESERT. strange geoglyph spotted - maybe link should get on with that hunt for impa….
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it’s hot here and it sucks. while link has a variety of little snacks now, he does not have enough ingredients to make the cooking elixirs he’s gonna need to make it anywhere out here. took refuge in a well, snagged a few fairies, and waited until nightfall to leg it out of here.
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did a big jump over to woodland stable to register a horse link borrowed (and i got attached to) since juniper went back to highland. just as he was getting ready to settle and speak to the stable master, some strange purple lights across the pond drew his attention.
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ashe told link about gorons attacking people unprovoked. impa completely forgotten, he decided to head there first and see what’s going on. after resting and registering caleb, anyways. ended up here at 43 nights!
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