#confessions movie
lesbians4dande · 2 months
TW: Blood under the cut,
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So, I saw this movie, Confessions, and I also read the book by Kanae Minato and I must say, MWAH 10/10
Since I liked Confessions so much, I drew this based of a scene in the movie (yes I used the movie background bc I can’t draw backgrounds to save my life)
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deanpinterester · 11 months
it's fun how "villain gets tricked into confessing on video and now everyone hates them" is usually the resolution to a kids movie (monsters inc and coco do this for example) but i think the director from nimona is the only villain (that i've seen at least) who's wily enough to get out of being twitter cancelled
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lazycranberrydoodles · 10 months
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i think the barbie movie would have a profound psychological impact on hua cheng
prev comic / next comic / follow for still more hualian barbie movie content because i am not done
bonus angsty version 🎉 i hate love expressions just a couple tiny lines on the mouth and eyebrows and it goes from silly to sad
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crows-home · 11 months
hang on one more Nimona thing i realized. I'm so used to movies where the protagonist is inherently talented with no reason and is able to overpower the antagonists. Like, they're always unexplainably powerful and "oh wow, this person is stronger than these other people that have been training for years."
So, on my first watch, I thought that's what it was for Ballister. He fought a bunch of his fellow knights, overpowered them, disarmed the prodigy, Goldenloin.
THEN i rewatched, paid more attention, and holy shit. He's been like this since the beginning.
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And then i started to notice the little things that subtly supported this.
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He makes his own arm, that must take intellectual skill. He grabs a can that was about the fall off the shelf and make noise, without even looking at it.
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And during the fight scene at the institute!! At first, I was like ok, typical protagonist fight scene where they overpower tons of other people. Because Plot.
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But no!! the more i think about it, it's reasonable. It's established early on that Ballister is competent, he's skilled. He's very aware of things going on around him. He's able to knock out knights that around coming up behind him without looking, swiftly disable opponents.
Rewatching it always makes me go back and see these characters in a new light. So my view on Ballister went from "ah, mess of a man that's put in a tough situation. Able to do these crazy things because they're necessary to the plot." to "Oh he's competent!! That's the point!! He's still a mess but :0"
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firelilyfox · 2 months
Back To You
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Wonka: Willy Wonka x female reader
Warnings: nsfw / fluff / se&ual actions / love confessions
Words: 1,5k
Summary: Willy just got almost drowned in chocolate & you take him home so he can get a nice and warm shower ... things get a little bit out of control
Willy almost got drowned in chocolate but it doesn’t seem to bother him that much. Because now he finally was free from being bullied and sabotaged by the three mean chocolatiers. 
All covered in chocolate he was standing on the marketplace, watching the people around him cheering and applauding. That’s when something catches his attention. 
The girl he had a crush on since he’d come to this town with that boat. You were the first person he met that night, but you didn’t know, because he just saw you from afar. 
Since then Willy was a little bit … obsessed with you as someone would might say. 
„Willy? What happened?!“, you shouted as you saw him standing there all covered in sugar sweet liquid. 
He smiled cheeky. „Oh nothing important. I just almost got killed by three evil chocolatiers, but eventually got saved by a little orange man with a flying machine.“ 
Your jaw dropped in disbelief. „Excuse me?“ 
„I said …“ 
„I know what you said, Willy!“, you interrupted him briefly. „Well I shouldn’t be that surprised, because you experience the wildest adventures, but this one seems kinda extreme even for you.“ 
Willy scratches the back of his head ashamed and realised that the chocolate already began to dry. 
You frowned. “You have to get that off of your body before you become a life size chocolate man.” 
“I guess you’re right, even if the idea of being made out of chocolate is kinda tempting”, Willy said. “I probably should take a bath in the harbour to get it off.” 
Your jaw dropped again. “Did you hit your head while being almost drowned? You can’t take a bath in the harbour while tasting like a treat. You will get eaten by a shark and after that he becomes diabetic!” 
Determined you take his hand and pull him after you. A big smile appeared on Willys face as he risked a look at your tangled hands. 
“You can take a shower at my place. The warm water will wash all of this sticky stuff off in no time!” 
Willy gladly obliged to your stubbornness and followed you back home. 
Back at your tiny apartment you gave Willy some towels and dry clothes, that you brother once left while he was visiting town. When you hear the water splashing you realized for the first time what’s happening right now. In you bathroom was a man. Naked. 
All of a sudden your cheeks began to burn and you heart just made the attempt to jump right out of your chest. You couldn’t bring your thoughts to focus on anything else than … him being … naked. 
„Thank you for the warm shower, y/n. Its truly a relief to…“ he keeps on talking, but your ears weren’t capable of listening anymore because he just stepped outside the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around his waist. 
The air got a little steamy because of the hot water and his dark curls were soaked and falling over his face. Willy looked like a dream that weren’t meant to be real. 
„Are you alright?“, he asked concerned and comes closer to you. His hand touched your face and you snapped out of admiring him. „Don’t tell me you are getting sick.“ 
„I-I’m not sick. I-I just …“, you stuttered. He was so close to you, that if you would just reach out your hand a bit, you could touch him. But you were way to shy for that. 
His gaze softened. „Good. Because you had me worried for a second.“ 
„You were worried about me being a little sick? Why?“
He moved his thumb gently over your cheek without even considering to let go of you. „Because … because I care about you, y/n.“ 
„Why?“, your mind was long gone, that’s why you couldn’t think of any response that would made sense. But Willy didn’t seem to bother. He chuckled softly. 
„Because I really like you.“ 
Your heart was pounding like it just ran a marathon by itself. Then it stopped, just to pound even faster. „I like you too, Willy.“ 
Slowly he leaned his forehead against yours, still touching your warm cheeks. His eyes closed like he was fighting with himself about what to do next. „My consciousness is telling me to put my clothes on and leaving for good. But my mind wants me to kiss you so bad. I don’t know what to do.“ 
A little smile showed on your face. Willy was not a man who talks in riddles. He only speaks the truth and doesn’t care about what the people would think. „I always liked the way your mind works.“ 
Willy didn’t need to hear more. He kissed you. So slow that it would almost be in slow motion. His lips felt soft on yours. Tiny water drops were falling down from his wet hair, but you didn’t bother. Your hands find their way up his chest and holding on to him while resting around his neck. Willy was quiet tall, so you had to go up on your tiptoes while he had his arms wrapped around your waist, pressing your bodies together. 
You could feel how much he liked to kiss you and couldn’t help but smile devilishly. Without even think about it, you paused kissing Willy and grabbed the fabric of your dress and pulled it over your head. He was just staring at you with mixed emotions showing in his eyes. 
„What are you doing?“, he asked slowly and out of breath. You could see in his eyes that he clearly enjoyed this, but he was too much of a gentleman to ever take advantage of you. 
„I thought it was a little unfair to let you be the only one being … not fully clothed.“ The only thing you were wearing right now was a thin underdress. He was looking at you with a deep desire in his eyes, that you couldn’t ever escape. 
Willy had to swallow hard. „You don’t have to … I mean I would never …“
„I want to“, you simply replied. 
And again, Willy didn’t need more confirmation. He made a step forward and his lips crashed against yours. A surprised noice came out of your throat but you leaned into the kiss in no time. His hands grabbed your waist, making clear what his intensions were. He wanted you. 
His touch leaves your skin burning in desire for more and before you could even catch a breath his hands grabbed your legs and you find yourself wrapped around his waist. His hair was soft between your fingers and if you gently pulled it, he let out a little groan. 
„You have no idea what you do to me“, his voice sounds dark and heavy. „Being with you feels like magic to me.“ 
Willy walked over to your bed and as he managet to let you down gently, the towel vanished from his body. He kissed you passionately while his hands find their way beneath your underdress, exploring your body. The useless fabric joined the towel on the floor and you could feel him skin to skin. A little moan escaped your lips as you feel his length inside you and Willy moved slowly to give you time to get used to the intense feeling. 
„How does it feel, my love?“, he whispered to make sure if you are alright. 
You smiled. „Like magic.“ 
He began to move, slowly at first to find a rhythm. With every kiss and every touch he gets faster and you couldn’t keep it quiet any longer. His kisses find your neck and his grip got so much tighter. You hold onto him with everything fiber while reaching the climax at the same time as he does. 
His muscles began to relax again and you could feel his weight on your body. Your legs were still wrapped around his waist and Willy buried his face at your neck, breathing in your scent. Time passes. You had no idea how long the two of you stayed in that position, but you wished it could last forever. 
„You called me my love.“ The words were spoken before you could even think about it. 
Willy raised his head to look at you with a satisfied smile on his swollen lips. He looked so angelic that it was almost not real. „That’s because you own it. You own my love. You own my heart. Since the day I stepped into this town … I am yours, y/n.“ 
You could see in his eyes, that he truly meant every word. „I love you too, Willy Wonka.“ You whispered and kiss him softly. 
„I’m very aware how bad the timing is … but I kinda have something that needs to be done. I arranged that Noodle can meet her mother for the first time in her life and … I don’t want to miss that.“ His eyes were full of sorrow. Willy was afraid that you might get mad at him for leaving again just after the two of you … found together. 
„You go and do what needs to be done. I will be here.“ You made clear that you understand his good intentions by touching his cheeks and followed the line of his lip with your thumb. „Will you come back to me after that?“ 
Willy smiled and leaned his forehead against yours. „I will always come back to you.“ 
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fiendishartist2 · 9 months
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shout out to elias bouchard for fucking up a perfectly good mildly toxic workplace. you literally couldn't have done worse
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booyoungs · 7 months
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"Here's what I learned: when you're happy, the whole world's New York. And that dreams are important. Someday, when you're not even looking, they find you. It was the first time I realized that absolute reality could be so much more fun than fantasy."
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girl-afraid1 · 2 months
i wonder if he ever notices me making eye contact w his bulge
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superheroesandspies · 3 months
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My current love language is Sam Rockwell.
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wes-laye · 1 month
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Vincent Price - Confessions of an Opium Eater/Souls for Sale (1962)
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partlysmith · 3 months
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"What's that? It's The Unknown!"
blame @titleknown for the terrible idea to recreate The Unknown -that essential Wonka lore character that everyone knows- in the Tim Burton style
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texaschainsawmascara · 4 months
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Megan Fox, Jennifer’s Body premiere (2009)
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Thinking about how SE. Hinton wrote outsiders fanfiction and one part was basically
"Soda is probably shitting so hard rn :/"
"Nevermind he was crying over our dead parents."
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popculturebaby · 6 months
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Confessions Of A Teenage Drama Queen, 2004 ✨
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