#daddy stephen strange x reader
wint3r-h3art · 2 years
The Beginning | Sugar Daddy Stephen
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synopsis: the beginning of how you and Stephen came into this arrangement.
word count: 4.9K
Warnings: slow burn. Angst turn into smut. age gap (Strange is 40+ and Reader is 21+), sugar daddy/sugar baby relationship, daddy kink, praise kink, vaginal fingering, cunnilingus, hand & fingers kink, protected vaginal sex(always practice safe sex besties 💛), couch sex.
FYI, my sugar daddy Stephen for this au does have tattoos 😘
A/N: I finally got out of my writing slump and have enough time to write. This is like an intro to the au, so is slow burn before we get to the juicy part. I hope you enjoyed it. I know it has been sometimes that I write anything. If you do like it, please comment and reblog. It is greatly appreciated, and just mean so much to get supported from you 💛
Do not copy, repost, or translate my works anywhere else.
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You couldn’t sleep.
You’ve been tossing and turning all night, staring at the unfamiliar high ceiling. You didn’t know how it came to this, even if it was a one-time thing. The glitz and the glamor–it was enticing and addicting to someone like you who had nothing to begin with. 
You needed money, and striking a deal with the doctor seemed like a good idea for the night. What you didn’t expect were your feelings for him to be mixed into this.
It started off as a joke–merely a suggestion that could potentially remedy his problem, but you didn’t expect him to actually accept the offer. 
He was your regular at a coffee shop you worked at a couple of blocks from the hospital he worked at. You knew his order by heart, and by 2 o’clock sharp, he would stroll in with a newspaper in hand and often sat at a secluded corner of the cafe. You would bring his coffee to him, and he often tipped you a hefty amount. Occasionally, you two exchanged some words. Some days when he was in a good mood enough, he would strike off a conversation with you. It started off with the question about the tattoos on his hands, then it slowly transitioned to be something more than just a comment about the weather.
That was how it had always been, except for a couple of weeks ago, he walked into the shop with a stormy look on his face. He was clearly bothered by something to the point where he didn’t acknowledge your presence there, which was fine. You never had any sort of relationship with him, to begin with, but his attitude that afternoon bothered you, so when you brought his order to him, you couldn’t help but ask him. 
You remembered the conversation well enough because looking back now, you really didn’t know what possessed you that afternoon to be so bold around him. You’re always more friendly to him, and perhaps smiling more at him than your other patrons for sure. But that was because you have a crush on him. It was the only thing that you could do. You never wished for anything more because men like him do go with someone like you, and that was a fact that you often remind yourself of.
He told you that he was invited to the wedding–of his ex-girlfriend, whom he was working with. Ideally, he didn’t want to go, but if he doesn’t show up, everyone in the hospital would think of him as an asshole for being petty.
“Why not go with someone? Y’know, for a moral support?” you suggested, and the doctor looked at you and laughed.
“With whom exactly?” he chuckled before taking a sip of his coffee.
“I’m not sure, doctor. But you look like the type who has a list of women lining up the door for you,” you said to him that afternoon. 
The doctor laughed even more at your implication about his dating status. “That’s very presumptuous of you to even think that.”
“I only speak the truth,” you smiled, though you didn’t realize at that time that your suggestion would turn the tide of your interaction with him. 
“If you need a date for a wedding, I can totally do it. Just pay me by the hour,” you joked with him before leaving him be, but what came out of his mouth that day shook you.
“How much?”
You stopped in your tracks and turned to look at him, thinking that he was joking. 
He clearly wasn’t.
There was a determined look in his eyes, and you swore you felt yourself throbbing. It wasn’t a secret at all how much you wanted him, but you knew you couldn’t. You were merely a coffee shop barista–hell, you were a college dropout. No man of his caliber would even spare a glance at you, but the doctor was often kind to you. 
“Are you serious?” you asked, even if it was evident that he was dead serious on the question.
“I clearly don’t want to go to this wedding by myself, and you clearly need the money. I’m willing to drop whatever you need just to have you there to save me from whatever hell that’s going to be. I think it's a good deal.”
“What if your coworkers noticed who I am?” you asked.
“Then let them think how they want. We can enjoy the wedding together.”
The words left your heart fluttered, and well, the rest was history. He agreed with your rate and the hour. He even offered to buy you dress and shoes too. You had to decline him on the hair and makeup though because it was already feeling a bit too excessive, and you could do it yourself quite easily enough. 
All eyes were on him upon his arrival, and you couldn’t blame the people. He was famous in his own right.
There were whispers of course. You could clearly hear them, but the doctor reassured you, and you and he continued to enjoy the night, which brought you back to now, laying here in this massive California king bed, staring at the high ceiling.
He offered his guest room for you because it would be ungentlemanly of him to let you take the subway home by yourself. You joked with him that you won’t charge him for the after-hours, and he laughed, but knowing him, you could see that money was never an issue.
A heavy sigh left your lips. 
Giving up on trying to sleep, you decided perhaps it was best to make some tea. The doctor did say to make yourself at home after all. You quietly made your way out of the room and into the massive open kitchen. 
All of the appliances were immaculate, though it looked untouched as if he doesn’t cook often. You let your hand graze on the cold, white marble countertop. If only you get to live like this, you thought to yourself. The kitchen alone was far bigger than your dingy little apartment in Brooklyn. 
Everything about this penthouse just seemed so big and so extravagant, yet there was a coldness to it. 
Just like him, you thought as you poured the water into the kettle and turned on the stove. Rummaging through the cabinets, you found a cup and a box of Earl Gray tea, and then you waited. Tapping your fingers on the cool marble counter, staring into space as you waited for the water to boil.
“You know the kettle is not going anywhere, right?” 
You jolted from his voice. You could feel your face warming up as you turned to find him standing there wearing gray sweatpants and what looks like a Columbia alumni shirt. His hand was holding a tablet, while a pair of dark-rim glasses hung low on the bridge of his nose.
“Doctor,” you said, looking more startled than usual. 
Stephen’s eyes softened as he noticed the way you were flustered at his intruding. A small smile spread on his face. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. I just thought I should make myself known.”
You could only reply with a sheepish smile as you tuck your hands in the pocket of your sweatshirt. Oh, and you were thankful for the sweatshirt because you have only a flimsy tank top on and the shorts that barely covered your asscheeks. 
“It’s alright. This is your place after all. I’m just a guest,” you said softly. “I hope you don’t mind that I have gone ahead and made myself at home.”
“Not at all. I’d rather you do. The kitchen doesn’t get used often enough,” he said as he took off his glasses and placed them on the counter. “Couldn’t sleep?”
You nodded. “I think it’s because I’m in a new environment. I just get too anxious, and overthink too much.”
“Are you saying that I made you nervous then?”
“Oh gosh, no! Not at all. I’m actually super thankful that you let me stay here tonight—and you’re teasing me,” you said as soon as you realized that he was chuckling.
“Sorry. I can’t help it. You just seem so cute when you’re flustered.”
Heat flooded your face once more, warming you to your neck. You opened your mouth to say something, but only the sound of the kettle whistled away, breaking your attention away from his comment.
Quickly, turn off the stove and hastily pour the hot water into your cup with a teabag in there.
“Ah, glad to be the source of your entertainment, doctor,” you said sarcastically, which made the doctor chuckle. “Do you want tea too?” you asked. “There’s enough water to make another one.”
Both of you ended up sitting on a couch that faced the floor-to-ceiling glass windows that overlooked the city. It felt awkward because your shorts were hiking too far up your thighs, and you know damn well that you weren’t wearing any panties under there. 
The quietness that lingered between the two of you didn’t help either. He was clearly in a daze, taken in the view of the city, while you were far too busy living inside your head like a damn nervous fool.
“You never told me why you dropped out of college,” Stephen asked suddenly, his eyes still trained on the view before him. He knew if he didn't break the silence now, you were going to be too damn nervous to do anything else.
“Money problem,” you said almost too quickly. “I had to drop out because we couldn’t afford the tuition anymore. Plus, my grandma was sick, so we need all the money we have to pay the hospital bills,” you said softly, hands holding onto the warm mug as you looked down. “It has always been just me and my gramma, y’know, so when she wasn’t feeling too well, I had to drop everything and go take care of her…”
Stephen could hear the tremor in your voice as you tried to hold it in.
“I was hoping she would get better, but she didn’t, so after she passed, I just left town and came to the city, hoping that I can do something more.”
“I’m sorry about your grandmother, Y/N.”
It was the first time that he had ever said your name, and you couldn’t help but look up. The softness in his gaze only made you yearn for more, but you knew you couldn’t have it. 
“It’s alright. That was seven years ago anyway. I have no hope of going back since I have so little money and time for anything. Juggling two jobs has already taken up too much of my time and energy,” you smiled sadly. “Thank you for paying me for the price I have asked you. That really covered three months of rent for me,” you chuckled. “I mean, if you ever needed me to be your date again, I’ll give you a good discount,” you said as you stretched and got up.
Suddenly his hand was around your wrist, stopping you in place.
Stephen wasn’t sure why he did it, but something in him wanted more–wanted to comfort you more than just a pat on the head. What was more was that the urge to take care of you and protect you was becoming overwhelming to him.
He could feel his heart beat heavily against his ribcage–it was almost deafening against his ears. 
He could feel the questioning look on your face, and it only made whatever came out of his mouth sounds even more ludicrous. 
“What if I offer to take care of you financially?” Your eyes went wide, and Stephen knew how it sounded, but he continued anyway. “For a year. I’ll help you financially, and you can do whatever you want with it.”
“And in exchange?” 
Stephen looked up, but he couldn’t read your expression, but he could feel how cold your hand had become. 
“Companionship, if you want to put it that way. You don’t have to pay rent, and you don’t have to do anything else. Whatever you need, I’ll cover it for you.”
“So…you’ll be my sugar daddy?”
“Sex doesn’t have to be involved if you’re not comfortable with it. I just need you to accompany me whenever there’s an event going on,” Stephen said as he realized that he was clenching his fist the whole time. You realized that he didn’t even bother to deny the fact because to be quite frankly that was the relationship he suggested.
“What if it is involved, what then?”
“Like I said, only if you consent to it, and if you’re comfortable with it,” he replied almost as a matter of factly. “I have never been married, nor have any children. There’s no string attached of any sort. I just thought I should help you out since you did come to the rescue at the last minute. Plus, it’s only a year. I don’t think I’d take too much out of your time if you decided to find someone more suitable for your taste–and well, your age.”
You chuckled. “Trust me, doctor, a guy my age is far from wanting me,” you said softly. Stephen looked at you for a long moment before he let go of your hand.
“What do you think they want then?” 
“Someone prettier, and at least have a stable job,” you chuckled nervously, though Stephen didn’t miss your little self-deprecating joke.
“You are pretty, what made you think you’re not?”
“Because that’s how they see me. I’ve only been with one guy in my entire life, and that relationship didn’t last that long.”
Stephen sighed. “You have so much to live and hope for, and I do hope you can see how beautiful you are, Y/N. Perhaps that person wasn’t right for  you, and perhaps you were just looking for someone else that could see past your wall.”
“Oh, perhaps guys my age are trash,” you laughed just to cut out the serious mood that began to settle between the two of you, but Stephen remained as he was.
“So what do you want then?”
You stopped laughing and swallowed hard. You wanted to say that you want him–that you don’t mind the sex part. If anything, it was almost welcoming, but another part of you didn’t want him to judge you. He was already generous enough with his offer, and asking for more seems like you’re overextending his generosity. 
“Stability,” you finally said. “I want a stable life, with enough money to pay rent, and put food on my table. I don't want anything more than I can’t afford. That’s what I want, doctor.”
“I can be that stability that you want. Even if it’s only for a limited time.”
“I know,” you said barely a whisper as you stared longingly at him. It was almost aching to just be so close and not be able to touch him.
Stephen noticed the way you were looking at him, and he couldn’t help but reach up and caress your face in his hand. He expected you to flinch or pull away, but you didn’t. Instead, you were slowly leaning into him, and he found himself doing the same.
Your hands were on his chest, and you could feel his heart drumming heavily. 
“Is this what you want?” he asked almost breathlessly. You could taste the tea on his breath and you wanted closer. His body heat radiated off of him like a furnace, and you wanted more.
“Yes,” you replied, leaning ever closer till your lips touched his.
His arm instinctively wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer till you were straddling him. His mouth moved at a slow, tantalizing pace at first, tasting every part of you. It soon melted into something of a raw hunger when his palm moved down to the swell of your ass and you realized that you didn’t have any underwear on.
“Are we really doing this?” he asked as kissed along your jawline. You couldn’t respond to him at first as you relished the way his lips and beard felt against your skin. Then he asked you again, this time followed by a firm smack on your ass.
You yelped before you nodded. “Yes, doctor. Please, please, please,” you pleaded as your arms were now snaking around his neck.
Stephen grunted as you continued to kiss your neck. His fingers slide underneath your shorts and straight to your throbbing pussy, gliding along your wet folds, teasing it, and propping at it.
“You’re already so wet for me, princess,” he said in a low baritone voice, testing the little pet name he had given you. 
You swore that you almost moan out loud when he calls you that. Some part of you clicked, and the need to be praised and to be called out by him was stronger than ever before.
You drew in a shaky breath when you felt the tip of his finger propping at your entrance, wishing and hoping that he wasn’t teasing you.
“Daddy, please,” you pleaded, and for that small and brief second, Stephen stopped. You could feel his body going rigid, his movement stopped altogether. A small part of you started to panic, perhaps he wasn’t into it.  
Stephen on the other hand felt something inside him click–the most carnal part of him seemed to roar to life like a caged beast ready to unleash. He didn’t know he could get turned on this much by the way you were saying the damn word. His cock was twitching in his sweatpants, while the urge to take you was stronger than ever before. 
Stephen pushed his finger inside, while his lips crushed into yours, swallowing your moan. His tongue grazed and slid against yours, licking and tasting you while his finger pumped in and out of your with ease. 
Any sort of coherent words failed you when he added another finger, pumping in and out of you with determination. Occasionally, he would widen your hole, spreading you out and working you till you were nothing but a sobbing mess. 
“What does the princess want daddy to do, hmm?”
You swore could come by the sound of his voice alone. As if it was impossible for any remnant of your sanity to be intact at this point. His voice was so low and so deep that it reverberated right through you. 
“Fuck me please,” you choked when Stephen plunged his fingers all the way to the knuckle. The lewd squelching sounds almost made you hide your face, but knowing him, he wouldn’t let that fly.
“Hmm, not now, darling. I need to make you nice and wet first,” he said softly before leaning forward, taking you with him until you were laid down on the large, plush couch.
You watched in the dim amber light, as the doctor hastily took off his shirt. You swallowed as your eyes traced his body, admiring every piece of work that was etched on his skin. From his shoulders, down to his fingertips, there were various tattoos decorating his skin, hiding any sort of remnants of his scars and marks. 
You suspected he might have them by the way those roses that were on both of his knuckles and the small line works that were around his fingers. What you didn’t anticipate was that he also had them on the rest of his body too.
Your eyes then trailed down to the hard plane of his chest, then down to his abs, then downward, following the trail of the dark hair that disappeared below the waistband of his gray sweatpants. 
You could feel your pussy throbbed as you eyed his impressive bulge that tented his crotch, and Stephen took notice of it too as he threw his sweatshirt over his soldier and stared down at you.
“I’ll let you touch it when I’m done with you,” he muttered. “Now, be a good girl, and take off your clothes, princess. I won’t ask twice.”
He didn’t have to ask as you quickly discarded your clothes off you. You laid back down with your legs parted, giving him the perfect view. You used your elbows to support yourself, starting and watching what he was planning to do to you while you began to massage your own breasts, kneading them. 
Stephen grabbed you by the ankles and dragged you down till your ass was hanging off the couch. You held your breath as you watched, anticipating what he was going to do next. 
He eyed you first, and then he started licking along the seam of your folds in a long and deliberate swipe. His hands were kneading your ass cheek as he settled into a steady rhythm. Stephen would glide his tongue along your nether lips, then push his tongue inside your dripping wetness in a steady, shallow penetration.
You couldn’t help but clutch at his hair, pulling him closer as if you couldn’t get enough of him while you rocked your hips against his mouth.
Stephen would concentrate on a spot, fucking you with his tongue, while his thumb circled your swollen clit. He would switch his pace to quicken whenever your moaning was getting too loud.
You responded with a slight jolt of your body as your breath caught in your throat. He could feel you were ready to climax by the way your body strained, and the way you fluttered around his tongue. 
Stephen gave you another long lick before he plunged his fingers inside you again, this time, his mouth was on your clit, sucking and licking until you couldn’t take any more of this desirous torment.
Rapture tore through you as a wave clashed against the rock. Your body spasms beneath him all the while that his tongue continues its assault against your sensitive nub.
It felt like ages until he was satisfied, and only then did he withdraw his fingers away from you. You watched Stephen lick them, not caring about the display of his boldness.
“How do you feel, princess?” he asked, his voice rough and coarse as he reached over to open one of the drawers of the side table.
Stephen quickly took off his sweatpants and unwrapped the square packet.
“G-good,” you said shakily as you watched him roll the condom onto his shaft. You couldn’t help but lick your lips. 
Stephen’s hand was on your sensitive pussy once more, rubbing at your clit in a circle as juices dripped out of your folds. “You came so much by just my mouth, princess. Has it been a while?”
The question made your face heat up–as if you weren’t flushed and warmed all over from your orgasm already, but you nodded anyway, not wanting to risk a good lie from him. 
“Yes, daddy,” you said softly.
Stephen then spread your legs apart as he settled himself between them.
“You don’t have to wear a condom if you don’t want to. I’m actually on contraception,” you murmured which quickly turned into a low groan, almost in agony at the way he rubbed his dick in between your folds. 
Your legs twitched whenever the head of his cocked pushed against your clit a bit too much and Stephen smiled.
“As much as I want to fuck you raw, we both need to get tested first. So for now, we just have to deal with these inconveniences,” he said as he grabbed his shaft and lined it at your entrance. He eyed you almost intensely before he pushed himself in.
Your body went rigid at the sheer size of him. It has been a while after all, so your body needs time to stretch and adjust to its girth. It was like swallowing fire while being doused by the warmth of the pleasure at the same time. 
Stephen moved slowly, pushing himself inch by inch. His face twitched and contorted, not anticipated by the way you were choking him so much.
“Princess, you need to relax or you’re going to make me come,” he told you. His teeth bit down onto his lips as he was completely sheathed all the way to the base. You also find yourself exhaling out as your muscles slowly relax and stretch. 
“Please move, daddy,” you murmured, and Stephen was more than willing to comply, withdrawing himself back before pushing himself forward. Each movement gave you a slow and torturous burn. He was bigger than you were used to and every time he moved, you felt like there wasn’t enough air for you to breathe. 
“You feel so good, daddy,” you whined every time he withdrew himself all the way out and plunged his dick all the way inside, hitting your cervix in the process. It was all too much, yet not enough. And if it was possible, his cock felt like it was swelling inside you the more he was moving. 
Stephen then moved and arranged for you to lay on your side before he entered you again. His palm pressed your thighs as he thrust forward. As if it was possible, he felt even deeper than ever before.
The large penthouse was filled with nothing but the sound of your moaning and the sound of the way his hips slapped against yours. Occasionally, you could hear him groaning and grunting from the effort. 
Stephen’s leaned forward all the while that he was fucking you with determination, and cupping your chin with his hand, turning you to face him.
You could barely hold eye contact with him as he was moving at such a rigorous pace. His thump pressed again your lower lips, and instinctively, you opened your mouth, welcoming his fingers.
You were so in a daze and so cockdrunk and at this point that you began sucking on his thumb so needily.
Stephen almost lost his shit then and there as he watched you intensely. He exhaled sharply through his nose when he felt your wall begin to flutter again around his cock. 
He knew you won’t be long and he knew he won’t be long either.
“Baby, do you want to come?” He asked
You nodded. “Please, please I’m so close.”
Stephen grunted as he turned you on your back and began to pick up his speed. His teeth bore as he continued to pound with determination, chasing both yours and his own release.
And then all at once, you strained beneath him as he continued to move. You came so suddenly and so hard that you forgot how to breathe for a second. Stephen climaxed not too long afterward as he stopped his movement altogether. 
His eyes fluttered as his mouth hung agape. His body strained against you as he knelt there for a moment. 
Then there was silence as you were able to breathe again. Stephen pulled himself out and quickly discarded the used condom right into the trash can. 
You were still in a daze, unable to comprehend what had happened–hell, this may have been one of the best sex you had in a while.
The doctor came back with a tall glass of water and he placed it on the coffee table beside you before he settled just behind you on the large couch. 
“How are you feeling?” he asked, his lips brushing lightly against your shoulder.
“Good. Really good.”
Stephen could feel you smiling through your reply and he couldn’t help but feel relief. He knew he was moving too hard and too fast–especially with this arrangement, but you have been nothing but so accommodating and agreeing to it so easily that he didn’t know how to react.
“I’m glad,” he murmured against your skin. “You don’t find it weird, do you? This arrangement, I mean.”
“No. I actually was surprised that you wanted us to be like that. I don’t mind it. Like you said, as long as I consent and am comfortable with it, right? I’m more than comfortable with this–hell, this is more than I would ever have in my lifetime, to be honest with you.”
Stephen smiled against your skin. “Can you live like this for a whole year though? Dealing with me and my…needs–all without love and all that.”
You thought for a moment as you lay there, staring out into the city outside. “It’s better than living off paycheck to paycheck,” you replied back. “I have no problem being with someone much older than me if that is what you meant. I am a consenting adult, and this relationship benefits me as much as it benefits you, so I am not ashamed of it.”
Stephen nodded in understanding before he propped  himself on his elbow and looked at you. “Good, because people will talk, and I won’t hesitate to shut them up. I’m just concerned about you, that is all, so thank you for reassuring me,” he said before leaning in to kiss you. 
“You know I’m not afraid of them,” you smile cheekily, though deep inside you knew that it was you who you were afraid of the most. After all, now that you and he are involved in this relationship, it wouldn’t be hard for that line to cross, and your little crush on him would turn into something more.
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iloveslasher · 7 months
I need help with finding a wattpad book on avengers x little!reader.
So I once read this fan fic of the avengers team which included: steve rogers, bucky barnes, Tony stark, pepper potts, Bruce banner,Thor odinson, natasha romanoff, wanda maximoff, vision, Clint barton and sam Wilson as the reader (who's named violet) caregivers.
Because Violet was used and abused so the avengers saved her and she at first felt nothing of her physical wounds but then the avengers told her that's not normal and got her looked at by bruce. And got her off the painkillers that her captor put her on.
One chapter has a protocol that she can't use the bathroom bc she is hurting her self by not being little so they kind of have to pressure her into being little.
Then loki and stephen stranger baby sit in one chapter. Which reveal that loki is also a little. Then there is carol as a little.
And another chapter where wanda and vision give violet schoollessons (bc she was capture really young and doesn't know hoe to write or read). Then they discover that Violet has dyslexia by telling her to go right and she takes a left, off of visions suspicions.
Also Steve and bucky are a pair and later violet starts dating Natasha and Natasha helps violet through her first period.
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ace-of-gay · 1 year
Hi Idk if you take requests or not but I was wondering if you do a daddy strange with the reader having he/him where he is cooking in the kitchen and the reader comes in and accidentally injures himself like burning his finger or something and Stephen at first is slightly upset with him for messing around but then tries to comfort him and maybe ends with them cuddling together as Stephen tries to get rid of the pain and Stephen uses names like little prince
Let daddy fix it
1,233 words
Doctor strange x little male reader
Warnings: age regression, Mention of sippy, stuffie, naps, Names like daddy, baby, little prince, baby boy etc. Burning hand on hot kitchen appliance
He/him pronouns
No skin tone, hair type, ethnic background, weight or height mentioned
Age regression is a therapist reccomended coping mechanism so if youre uncomfortable with it than dont read it.
Dont like it keep scrolling
Edited to the best of my ability.
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Youd spent the week in and out of your little headspace, it wouldn’t set in completely, nothing worked, you had tried so much already, from bubble baths with bath crayons to movies with your stuffies, nothing worked, youd been waiting so patiently for your boyfriend to return from his mission.
Not being fully your big age nor your little age and constantly shifting made you feel uneasy but the best idea was to try and get some rest, settle the storm in mental difference by focusing on neither instead.
Turning on your comfort show you don’t even have to actually watch it anymore just the sound of it brings you comfort at this point, and thankfully so because within a few minutes of your head hitting the pillow you were out.
Due to your headspace not setting in you’d been lacking sufficient sleep so the idea of him being home soon brought a very excited wave of sleep over you, needing the rest so you can spend lots of time with him, he’s hours away from being back and coming over to your apartment, he practically lived here now.
Having been so tired you didn’t realize you’d slept through his messages, your alarm and the smell of breakfast.
The smell of breakfast? You put two and two together, the smell of breakfast means he’s home!
Hopping up out of bed a grin from ear to ear spread wide across your face, a childlike glow in you eyes, wandering slowly through the hall to the living room, peering in to the kitchen to see your boyfriend, your caregiver dressed comfortably, something no one else has ever seen but something so simple you’ve grown used to.
Excitement overflowing, you finally give in to the urge to get closer, it feels as though you’re dreaming and once you finally get close enough to touch him you’ll wake up and it’ll be back to day one of his mission.
Just a step away your mind feeling smaller and the clock ticks he’s more than aware that you’ve been in the room but wanted you to initiate the contact knowing it’s a big thing to process, constantly worried your mind is deceiving you. Your mind is paralyzing, stuck and he knows.
“G,mornin love, I promise im actually here” he soothes turning to you, letting you fall comfortably into his hold, the tremble in his hands telling you that its all real, melting against him, arms wrapped tight around his waist.
“You’re just in time, all the food has to do now is cool down for a few and the biscuits in the oven have to finish up, you have my undivided attention” rubbing your back he leads you to the island, helping you up onto the counter
“Missed you, so much, don’t like when you’re gone”
“I know my little prince, I don’t like having to leave either, I miss my bubs when I’m not with him”
Tickling your sides, a shrill giggle erupting from you, legs kicking a trying to wiggle away
“There’s that smile again my happy boy, you stay put for just a moment”
Nodding you watch as he turns around, switching off the stove and oven, pulling the biscuits from the oven and grabbing a couple plates.
He than heads off to the fridge grabbing fresh fruit and drinks.
Right on time your tummy growled announcing to the room that you were indeed ready for breakfast, that’s your cue to hop down, now listening to your thoughts already forgetting what he said, but not to worry, you’re not completely little right now, you grab one plate setting it near the stove, filling it with a fare share of your favorite breakfast, taking the other and carefully dishing out the same moving on the biscuits trying to pick one up, it takes a moment and a good tug, the bottom of them is stuck to the pan, you finally get the first one off, going for a second one you gotta pull as well and by instinct you pant your other hand down on the baking sheet to stabilize it.
A sharp burning hot sensation seers through your skin, pulling you hand away quickly, your eyes welling with tears you bite down on your tongue, doing your best not to cry, but your daddy saw it happen, he heard the clatter of the pan and saw your eyes glisten with tears.
He quickly sets everything down rushing over to you, “oh my prince that was hot, I’m so sorry baby, here let daddy see” he reaches out and just as quickly you turn away cradling your hand, “no don touch, is hurtin” you whimper.
“I know baby but we gotta make sure its not gonna need medicine, daddy is a doctor and he’s burnt himself many times, I can make it feel better, just gotta let daddy take care of you”
Thinking for a moment you reluctantly turn to him letting him look at it, taking your hand in his he takes a good look and makes a conclusion.
“just gotta clean it up, put some burn cream and wrap it up, it’ll be good as new in no time” he leads you to the sink running the water as soft as he can, scared the cold water will hurt even more you flinch when you feel it bit realize its warm water, after a moment he turns the temperature down a little cooling the burn slowly but surely, by the time you get to cold water your hand has finally started to feel more normal.
He than leads you to the bathroom finding the Neosporin.
Leading you to sit down on the lid of the toilet, he takes your hand gently into his own, opening the Neosporin and putting a decent glob onto the tip of his finger, his trembly hand goes to carefully lather up your owie but as soon as he touches your hand you pull back a little.
“I know baby boy but its important for it to heal and feel better, can you take a biiiig deep breath for daddy? “ nodding you take a big breath and he quickly smooth’s the ointment onto your hand, taking a piece of gauze, setting upon the owie and wrapping it up.
“Good job baby! Perfect job for daddy, such a brave boy, how bout we watch cartoons while eating breakfast as a treat hm?” You take off back to the kitchen, grabbing your sippy of juice and plopping yourself down on the couch, his cloak comes moseying into the room bringing your favorite stuffie, followed by your cg with breakfast.
All you wanted to do was relax into your headspace today so after breakfast you spent plenty of time building cities, knocking them down, and building more, at one point you even built the stark tower with help from your daddy, which he took a picture of you still in your cozy jammies and big hoodie putting the last piece of the tower on top.
You watched movies, cuddled and he even took a nap with you instead of putting you down for a nap and doing house work, you head resting ontop of his chest, the rhythmic rise and fall and the thrum of his heart putting you to sleep.
And just like stated your burn healed up in no time.
Long time no post, i have an entire list of reasons but if you scroll through youll realize i was skippin down the sidewalk with death gambling my cards in many ways (many ways not stated aswell) ... welp im good now, apart from the inhaler overdose on accident... enjoy lmao much love <333
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boop-le-snoot · 2 years
daddy lessons 2
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this goes out for all my people who have dealt with shit on their own and feel uncomfortable reaching out & asking for help. and daddy issues, oh boy.
18+, mostly plot, at the end is a bisexual threeway with m/m action so proceed at your own discretion. daddy kink (duh) written all lowercase
"who's a needy baby today?" tony coos, stroking the side of your face - the only thing that is visible under the mountain of blankets you've surrounded yourself with.
the smell of his cologne, usually strong and smokey, coupled with the metallic tang of mechanical oil, penetrates the defenses you have put up against the world.
yet you chuff, and the blankets squirm with you in silent defiance. you're down on your luck, so miserable it makes you irritated and thus avoidant. it's always so inconvenient when things that are out of your control go wrong, and even more unreasonable is the time you have to spend like this - cocooned and withdrawn - to calm down.
your short fuse is both a curse and a blessing.
tony is smart. he waits out the first waves of annoyance and rides them out, stroking your cheek throughout your glaring. when he sees your shoulders - or at least the general area of them obscured by the blankets - droop, he takes the cue for what it is, unfurling the top layers of your fluffy shield, to snuggle in next to you.
"damn, you're toasty," he remarks casually as your skin scalds him even through his shirt and jeans. it makes the clothes go, quickly, and he is soon curled up with you in just his boxers as the blankets cover the two of you once more. "this is basically bulletproof," he adds, poking the blankets right over your stomach, "so, now it's us versus the world. very romantic, if i do say so myself."
you sigh, a long, quiet breath, letting your head drop on his shoulder. your nostrils flare as the smell of him invades your personal space bubble: almost hypnotized by it, you draw another, deeper, calmer breath. your fingers lightly scratch over the hair on his tummy, an absent-minded gesture of affection that is as soft as it is sweet.
"long day," you mumbled, finally, not wanting to test tony's patience too much. "some people are bilingual by default. they speak english and stupid."
tony's laugh is sweet and genuine, "don't i know it, baby girl."
you chuff again, sigh again and press your face into the crook of his neck, where his goatee scratches against your face, offering a familiar, grounding comfort.
"stupid is a liability, so kindly tell me who needs to get sacked. pretty please, with a cherry on top."
"it's not your people, it's steph's students," the edge creeps back into your voice as you are forced to recall the shouting match that happened a few hours earlier. you hate shouting and you hate stupidity and you hate people who can't follow simple instructions. "well, apprentices, but whatever. went toe to toe with three idiots, they didn't listen to a word i said and now one is in a coma, one has some sort of a soul curse or something and the third one just ran off. wong is pissed and my whole back is bruised."
the words come off angrier that you intend them to be, but anger offers a familiar comfort. it's certainly better than the fear you'd felt: first, standing your ground to three men with magic powers and afterwards, almost becoming collateral to an entity you couldn't even see, much less fight.
"come that by me again?" tony is still next to you and the twitching in his fingers makes you unbearably nervous.
"i was in the sanctum's library as usual and overheard those idiots talking, hell-bent on performing a small cleansing ritual. except i took latin in college and told them they're about to summon something. they didn't listen, of course."
"and your back?"
"got thrown against the shelves when it arrived. luckily wong was nearby and the shelf that fell on me took the brunt of their spells." you stated, sensing it in your bones that stephen had temporarily lost tony's favour - at least for the night. "and before you say it, stephen went to kamar-taj on urgent business. he's probably back at the sanctum right now and is trying to fix up those idiots so he can send them to jesus himself."
tony gave a weak, sarcastic chuckle, "if he won't, i will." hands smoothed over you chest, your stomach - tony's way of making sure you were safe, you were with him and whole. "turn around, i'll take a look at your back. i'm no doctor but..."
with a grunt, you untangled yourself from the blankets once more and gracelessly flopped onto your stomach. the heat of your skin met the cool air of the room as your shirt was promptly pulled up. face smushed against a pillow, you eyed tony's concerned expression as he traced something on your back.
"bruised, probably," you deduced by the downturn of his frown.
"looks like you were lashed," his brows furrowed. "magic and all that shit, no?"
"probably," you shrugged. a cool shower had eased most of the pain and keeping it warm afterwards had seemed to help lots.
most of your injuries were mental - the indignation at being dismissed by the apprentices as some sort of child, despite you spending so much time with the sorcerer supreme himself, you were pretty sure at this point you knew more than they did. at least in theory. at least linguistically you definitely did.
"when did you get home?" tony asked, reaching into the bedside table, rummaging around for a bottle of neutral lotion he kept there.
"round two, i think. took a cab."
"that was four hours ago," tony's eyes, wide and hurt, settled on your face as he gently massaged the lotion onto your wounds. "why didn't you tell j to get me?"
why didn't you?
"tones, i'm not gonna interrupt your sciencing for a boo-boo. i'm fine, just annoyed as fuck."
"quite obviously you're not fine. i'm a genius, I would know," the response was immediate.
"okay, maybe i'm very pissed," you emphasized, a slight twang of exasperation lacing the words.
satisfied with the state of your back, tony capped the lotion and tossed it aside, turning you over onto your back once more. a few stray curls hung over his face, curtaining the crease between his eyebrows and doing little to conceal sparks of worry and understanding etched deeply in his warm, brown eyes.
you could only squirm as tony's plump lips softly touched your nose.
"your little adventure sounds terrifying," he enunciated the word with venom, "fighting something once can't even see. something that, apparently, hates bookshelves and cute little bunnies. was it the devil?"
you know tony; you know that this is just his way of dealing with big feelings, his own or someone else's, and more importantly, you know that he knows it works on you. it thaws your heart every time, little by little. the corners of your mouth go up.
"you're the devil," your eyes are drawn to the sinful curve of his cupid's bow, the pink, moist flesh of his mouth.
as it opens into a wide, red grin, he leans into you and edges his face under your chin, biting down into your neck.
it tickles more than aches and you giggle, your first actual laugh since the incident.
tony lays into it, growling and rubbing his scratchy beard on your skin, leaving it raw and tender.
the trickle of your giggles is now a waterfall; as his hands join, softly skimming your sides, both of you succumb to the, perhaps, childish joy - but who are you to complain : the tension just evaporates, like muddy puddles in blazing july sunlight.
that's how you two miss the tell-tale whoosh noise of a portal opening right in your shared bedroom. stephen stays quiet, observing the activities with tired, but fond amusement, until the shriek you let out is south of the border of comfort-
"ahem," he says, lowly, enjoying the reaction as you and tony surface from the cuddle with hot cheeks and shining eyes.
"babe," tony falls onto his back, opening his arms wide, "we were just wondering if you would need bail money."
you scoot closer to tony, suddenly feeling awkward.
steph snorts, taking his time to untie and unlace the myriad of fastenings of his sorcerer attire, stretching as the heavy outer layers fall onto the back of a chair.
in the corner of your eye, you see the cloak dart to its favourite spot behind a houseplant, out of everyone's immediate sight and within an arm's reach of a window. evening sunlight seems to be a hit with the relic.
"i have very little idea of what happened, actually, and wong is still very much aggravated so i'd rather not risk my ass trying to find out," stephen's jovial tone has you and tony sharing a knowing look: it won't last long.
as the sorcerer departs for the shower, you shrug, "wong is really into his books."
as soon as stephen is out, tony opens his mouth without thinking.
"some of your scholars summoned a demon and it dropped some shelves on our bunny," he cringes a second after he blurts it out.
steph freezes mid-step, dark eyes scanning all over your form.
"yea," you confirm meekly, discreetly elbowing tony in the gut.
he lets out a soft oof.
"are you okay?" something like panic briefly washes over stephen's face: it fades quickly, however, replaced by annoyance. he saunters over to you, dropping his towel, and slides in bed next to you, his warm, nude body resting against yours as his eyes scan over yours.
"her back's all weird," tony supplies, unhelpfully, and forces you to strip your shirt and turn your backside towards stephen.
"i'm fine, it doesn't hurt anymore," you protest, but know better than to move as stephen's fingers trace the linear markings and the odd bruise.
stephen curses as he demands you tell the details of the incident, again. and maybe you do, in a bit more detail than before, and maybe tony joins in on the cursing.
your face is ablaze, you're sure the heat emanating from it would be enough to keep the whole damn manhattan warm in the upcoming winter and something like unease, something heavy and sticky twists in your gut. any moment and stephen will chastise you - for not getting out as soon as you heard the idiots, for trying to intervene. the humiliation burns, too, of being reminded how much weaker you are, even than the worst, laziest scholar.
"you with us?" tony's concerned voice snaps you out of the zone.
"yea, sorry, zoned out."
"i should go and see if i can do anything about the consequences of the spell," stephen says, but makes no move to get up. "although i probably should cool down first. no point in doing all that work if i kill them all afterwards," his tone is humourless.
your hip under his fingers feels all the effects of his stress and his restraint. his hands are tense as they caress you, shaking the tiniest bit.
tony covers stephen's hand with his. both of them curl around you, strong and large limbs surrounding every inch of your body. like most nights, you don't need a blanket at all.
"why didn't you call me?" stephen's words tangle in your hair.
"i thought you were fighting some alien monstrosity," some honesty was offered from you.
stephen chuckles, "i'd get you home first. otherwise tony would pitch a fit."
"would not," the engineer immediately retorts, poking stephen in the belly.
"would too," the sorcerer rolls his eyes, catching the hand in his and bringing it up to his mouth to plant a loud smooch on it, effectively trapping you close between the two of them.
he's still tense and suddenly, you're very aware of his nudity and your own lack of attire. the tiny cotton panties barely provide any cover from tony's naturally hot, bulky body heating your front; you feel the direct result of stephen's tension beginning to poke at the low of your back.
he's a gentleman about it, though, so he adjusts himself for it to rest comfortably between the cheeks of your ass. the mewl that escapes you at the feeling is embarrassing, but considerably less so when a responding rumble makes way outta stephen's mouth and into tony's.
it's difficult to refrain from diving head-first into your arousal when the men beside you simultaneously reach out to lock their lips in a slow, heated kiss that leaves them with puffy lips and hooded eyes.
"fuck," you mumble, because is there? anything else? to say?
tony's mouth is now on you and stephen is pulling your panties down your legs, sliding his hard, heavy cock between your thighs and his fingers between your outer lips, toying with your clit slowly as tony fucks your mouth with his tongue.
long and slender, stephen's fingers play your taut strings with surgical precision. slick leaks from you and onto your thighs, aiding in the languid, lazy strokes of his cock against them, huffs of lust leaving his mouth when the sensitive tip brushes over your hole. it collects more and more moisture, your orgasm at a deliciously convenient distance.
for now.
you palm tony's erection, clumsily reaching into his boxers, helping him to pull them down, toying with his heavy balls, the two of you swallowing each other's moans and gasps.
as the blunt tip of stephen's cock snags a little too sweet, a little too steady, almost dipping into your cunt, you let out a pathetic, desperate whine, acutely conveying the emptiness insider of you.
"daddy's got you," stephen rumbles, rolling over onto his back and grabbing you with him. it's an easy job for a man his size.
you rest comfortably, back to his chest, as the tip of his cock aims directly for your entrance, breaching it with little resistance due to the copious amounts of sweet, sweet arousal coming from you.
briefly, you grunt, letting your eyes slide shut and body do a full reset.
tony's shuffling gets lost in your attempts to steady your breathing: stephen is filling you, stretching you, but not moving. it's all too much but it's not enough. your feet planted on his thighs, you try to seek friction but another pair of hands on your hips stops you.
hot breath tickles the inside of your thigh as you and stephen emit a choked moan in unison: tony's tongue slides up the shaft of stephen's cock and curls over your clit, a sensation that makes your hackles rise and your pussy clench and gush in desperation.
your eyes are still closed but you swear you can see tony's cheeky grin as clear as day: the mischievous sparkle in his eyes as he bends down and licks again, keeping you and stephen steady with his hands on your hips. tony's mouth is a devil of its own, your own personal brand of torture.
stephen grips you, a tell-tale sign of his self-control crumbling; the flutters of your cunt around the tip of his cock and tony's mouth lapping up your juices as they drip down his shaft are surely driving the sorcerer mad in more ways than possible.
tony sucks on your clit just right, flicks it with determination and you feel your legs shake: your cunt grips at stephen's cock with vigour now, contractions almost rhythmic.
"she's gonna come," stephen says, a breathless chuckle.
tony just hums, keeping up the pace and-
yes, you do. bucking your hips helplessly, no match for the iron grips of your men.
as soon as it starts, tony withdraws, letting stephen pound into you with all his might: like that, the original orgasm blends into another one, or something else, you can't tell.
there's drool running down the corner of your slack mouth, open moans reduced to mere whimpers.
stephen's cum is hot and abundant as it floods your cunt, bringing a sense of fulfillment none other can bring. well, maybe...
"hold her open for me?" tony asks as stephen comes down from his high.
you feel his dopey smile in his movements. the way he slides out of you, grabs hold of your legs and opens your swollen, leaking cunt to tony's prying eyes. you can't help but shudder.
the blunt tip of tony's cock slides in even easier; stephen is longer, but tony is thicker. the stretch is pleasant, the little bit of extra friction just on the side of overstim. as tony grabs your legs and begins to move, fluid, practiced strokes that aim at your special spot, stephen's hands wander to palm your neglected tits.
you mewl some more, louder, higher, with some pet names and obsceneties thrown in this time.
"bunny's got all up in her head today," tony's voice drops, gravelly. "and that's okay, we'll fuck all those silly little thoughts out of you, won't we?"
stephen laughs good-naturedly, pinching your pebbled nipples, "yes, we will, baby."
tony does just that.
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fluffyprettykitty · 2 years
Oof, Sugar Daddy Strange going feral when you first show him the nipple piercings you got. The jewelry is his initials S.S in gold and diamond studded 🥵
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18+only or I bite!
His blue eyes immediately glimmer, watching you in his office in the hospital he's working at with your shirt standing on your shoulders. You look at him with a smirk as he walks closer to you tracing the metal bars completely losing his breath when he notices the initials.
"thought daddy's little cum slut would be too much on the nose" and the way he growled before he pushed on the desk, his tongue immediately licking around the sight, tracing and tracing, until he has completely taken possession of the piercings.
And he makes sure he thanks you so purposely and vigorously that has your back broken completely. Pulling the piercings between his teeth, glistening them further with his cum shining off of them and of course, making sure that they are on his face all the time, gripping your hips forcefully as he is jackhammering you.
But it's okay because later that night when he has you in his arms tits still out to admire them, noone pays attention to the pair of you.
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www-zoloft-com · 2 years
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benedict cumberbatch, the source of my daddy issues since 2012.
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geeky-politics-46 · 2 years
That feeling when you didn't mean to go full daddy kink in a story and read it back and realize that oops that may be the most you have ever gone full daddy kink.
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New story coming later. You've been warned.
Ps. gif is not mine. Found on Google because wow do I detest Tumblr's gif search function.
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huxs-waifu · 2 years
10,000 Nights - Chapter 11 - Incursion
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Chapter Summary:
Here we are finally ! the chapter all others have been leading up to we have revelations and rescues. No warning in the chapter is pretty nice and long, with some action and romanc e!
as always i really love comments and feedback reactions and all that jazz, i love working on this fic and my strange. Although were coming to the end of Chrissy and Stranges story ( dont worry we still have 2 more chapters of them and smut to come) its not the end for them. please enjoy this chapter i was in tears writing it so i hope it gives you some joy reading it. 
Part  Ten - can be found here
A03 link - https://archiveofourown.org/works/30666221/chapters/93492631
Playlist - https://huxs-waifu.tumblr.com/post/650653939084279808/via
Masterlist - https://huxs-waifu.tumblr.com/post/670776247958257664/10000-nights-masterlist-the-cloak-seems-intent
Part of Strange's plan and the gods was the lure nightmare away from wherever he was, so he could follow him back.
“This all sounds very Orpheus.”
“I mean I can go and get him don't think his music will help you much.”
“You said that originally you made a bargain with Nightmare to leave the God of sleep alone right, can't he put me to sleep or something?”
“Hypnos ? or one of the others?”
“You have more than one god for sleep!”
Taking him to the cave, the God lived in; Stephen stood face to face with until now another mythical God, Hypnos. He had yellow eyes,mottled brown hair with grey and white.  Giving him a very tabby cat feel about him with a permanent disgruntled look like he'd been woken up like one too.
“Hypnos please we need your help, “ Dionysus offered a hand.
“Im aware of the situation but the whole reason this started is because Nightmare was ruining my job.” The sleep god replied.
“So really you're willing to let a girl possibly perish because of your job!” Stephen launches to the god to ring his shoulders. “ I LOVE her. I can't lose her.”
The god seemed quite relaxed even with the shaking of the shoulders. “ You haven't told her yet have you?” He quirks a smile.
Strange stops and realises that he's never said it out loud to her, he was a know commitment-phobe. Being told that ‘he always had to be the one to hold the knife’ by Christine, the woman he thought would be his only love. But yet Chrissy had opened up that gap had been closing in his heart. He wasn't in control around her, he was relaxed, snip-its of the day were normal and he loved it. The high of positivity he felt when he was Chrissy outweighed everything in the universe, he was happy. “ I-”
“Just putting you to sleep, nothing else?” The god asked.
Strange closed his mouth before opening and closing it again before he replied “And a Dionysus here will give me a hallucination of him, were hoping that he's watching me from somewhere.”
“Then sleep Doctor, the most frightening  sleep is when you don't feel it happening.” That was the last thing Stephen thought he'd heard as he hit the floor.
“Ha if he thinks that just going to sleep will work got another thing coming.”
“At least he's trying to save me, seems that history does repeat itself,” I reply to the void beginning. “ If he doesn't get to me what do you actually intend to do to me ?”
“Well you will become the queen of the void we're in, your madness ability I'm sure will come into use when we start invading people's nightmares.”
Thought for a moment that if Stephen was trying to find me, maybe I could trick Nightmare into sending me to fetch him. “Well if I'm to be your Queen of madness, surely you should try it out, to see if it's going to work. You could be real devious and use it on the doctor right now.”
“Are you saying you want to hurt your lover? My queen, you are perfect for me.”
Stephen Strange was floating, not like when he astral projected. He was just in a black void nothing around him until he felt it. The euphoric high mixed with the crushing fear of loneliness. He tried to concentrate on the high he knew in his heart it was some form of Chrissy contacting him. The pinprick of hope shot through the darkness. It took every ounce of his being to swim towards it. He was a mad man that needed that last drop of hope before, the sense of dread overtook him. Reaching the pinhole he looked through to see the video world. The pinhole became a portal, he knew where to locate them and jump through.
Stephen laned into the world between worlds “ Nightmare I take it.” The demon was slightly taken aback that he had collected them so quickly.
“That witch, she drew you here!”
“Well, she's not a witch she's a goddess, speaking of where is she!”
"She is stuck in something… let's call it chains. You can see her hanging up there, suspended. It's so annoying actually all I can hear is her whimpering and heart beating for you. She definitely has a bond with you; her heart is in a constant state of earning."
"I care for Chrissy, yes. More than I can explain with words.”
"A bit more than care. I can see you've marked her up good and proper like she's your personal bitch. Can smell the cum from here. Not much else to use for her though. you are the supreme scourcer there's nothing you could learn from her you don't already know. unless you really thought she wasn't using you for your powers."
“Don't listen to Stephen, he's trying to buff you.” Shouting from the hanging podium, like structure.  
“Chrissy I know, all about the demi-god thing I trust you on this one, i know they are bluffing.”
"So the all-seeing didn't know she had demi-God in her before now. Well, this is a turn-up for the books. Why does whatever offspring is produced by the supreme and a God would surely be of high value to anyone in the universe."
“What do you mean by offspring?”
“For a smart guy you're kinda clueless, the girl is pregnant with your child. With a child, I didn't need. she just became more valuable. If you two joining creates these tears between the realities. This child that is a mixture of you will surely be able to wreak some havoc too. it seems that there are a couple of universes getting close already. It's like a goody bag of bad dreams about to come true for me.”
“That's the price that I'd have to pay to see them home safe.”
“The eye. It has an infinity stone in it. Give me that and then I'll think about it.”
“No. stephen don't please, I'm not worth risking. Remember I'm just a waitress that can do magic tricks. I'm no use to you or the universe.”
“Chrissy, you are my universe now.”
“Aww sweet lovers, shame isn't it . you can't hold the one you love. Just like the sorcerer supreme all those years ago. Many say he didn't have a heart after that. The stone or the women”
“Chrissy, are you sure? I really can't give up the stone. Not now.”
“Stephen, is that your choice?” I spoke out heartbroken, up to this point despite me saying no I really thought he'd fight for me more, or have a different plan...
“ You are my universe Chrissy but if I hand over the stone there won't be a universe for us to go back to.”
“Oh now this is a turn of events, this is better than any nightmare I could have given either of you.” The being chuckled. Strange looked towards me, he noticed the swirling mist around me and I appeared naked behind. He nodded his head towards my stomach. Followed by a big fake sigh.
“If you're going to keep them,  You need her pump.”
“Stephen, this really isn't the time  to be thinking about my diabetes.”
“Yes you do, I can tell you're getting angry from high blood sugars. You don't have it on you do you?”
“Stephen you fucking think it's my diabetes, that is playing with my emotions. I'm hung here with your fucking child in me, in love with you. The man I'm in love with is killing me, by leaving me. It's like a knife in me twisting inch by inch.”
“So I'm correct then no pump on you.” he produces the pump from inside the cape. ”Take it as a parting gift, Chrissy.”
“Touching as this is, I've waited long enough. Give her the damn thing.” Nightmare morphing and changing into various forms slightly before drawing back into normal, they were fully agitated.
The cloak taking that as a cue flies Strange up to face me. He looked at me with his soulful blue eyes and seemed to be pleading to say sorry. Coming close to me. The cloak wrapping us up just like it did in the closet all those months ago. Stephens's hot breath covers me as his tall form once again crowds me for what I thought would be the last time. He places the pump in my hand leaning in and he gives me one last passionate kiss, that lights their world up, the green cracks in the world appearing with lightning pops. Removing his lips, kissing my cheek before whispering in my ear, “hold on to it tight.”
“Stephen what?” the familiar sizzling starts behind me on a portal. The cloak unrolled us from our fuzzy confinement. The cloak seemed to have been able to undo the gas chains holding me up. The portal opens behind me, buzzing with an image of the outside. The said insulin pump yanks through taking my arm off with it. The woman on the other side is offering a cup of something and I'm covered in a golden glow.
Strange strikes up a spell. Green shields of runes growing larger covering our bodies “Go little one! go to olympus!”
“Stephen, I can't move!” holding on tightly to the insulin pump tubing that was tugging through the portal.
“Doctor, I'm protecting her like you said! The child refuses to go without their father !” The Greek women from the other side of the portal shouted.
“What?” He shouts back looking behind him for a split second. His shield breaking. This gave Nightmare the break he needed to enter Strange's mind. Flooding it with a nightmare. The portal broke, snapping off the insulin pump rope.
“Perfect, I can enter that source's mind, clever tricks but see through it like glass.” Nightmare in Strange’s visions started to create a scene of mayhem. Stephen was in space, out in the endless dregs of black. Dead bodies around him of everyone he knew. A screen lighting up shows the horrific image of Chrissy lying motionless on the nursery floor. Wong lay next to her, in the same state. “Hand over the stone and Chrissy can live here safe.”  
I watch Stephen fall from the podium holding his head in pain. I feel like I'm still bathed in the golden light from the failed portal rescue. Rushing forward I grab at the cape. Concentrating as hard as possible I feel under my fingertips the smallest piece of fabric. A powerful blow resonates around the caveness area at the contact. In Stranges nightmares the same, light bongs through disrupting the vision. The cloak dragged him back up, landing him back in front of me.
“I sure hope this works!” Grabbing at his face I launch in for a kiss on his glassy-eyed face. The usual cracks appear around us. Through the cracks of time and space, I peek at a shot of the women from earlier looking through. Out of Stephen, nightmares blacken mass is pushing out of his stone still body, himself lurches away. From our now intertwined bodies, the cloak takes its cue to hold us. Stephen going from motionless to joining back in the kisses gets his normal giddy haze of lust.
“It can't be, you're blocking his mind. “
“Yeah,”-kiss. “ that kinda, happens” Stephen finally let go of my mouth and attacked my neck, the sexual feeling not seeming to matter what situation we're in.
“Hold on!” A man stood on the other side of the largest rip we've seen. The cloak probably being the smartest out of everyone lifts us as one. Flying towards the rip.
Finally, we are through the other side, tumbling through. The kissing stops upon the tangle, thus the rip closing. A mess of limbs we stay wrapped in the cloak on the floor. Breaths hitching finally in relief.
A hand was reached out to me taking it, the greek woman from behind the portal spoke first “ I'm Hebe the cupbearer goddess.”
“And im Dionysus, Chryesis . your great, great, great great grandfather.” the first thing I took note of was he looked a jolly fellow, covered in a vine crown this staff an iconic shape, himself draped in a greek toga, but finally taking note of his leopard skin that hung from his waist. “It's all my fault I should of just let your great grandmother marry who she wanted, we should have found another way to deal with the nightmare.”
“I must say this has been massive in convenience today but I would of never of met my Wizard.” I grin ear to ear., reaching out to finally hug, the now standing dr strange, he was jubilant as he returned the hug lifting me off my feet, swinging me round.
Hermes appears with Wong through a portal. He looks pretty bemused like he'd been woken up.
"Stephen, could you save interdimensional hopping till after breakfast?"
"Our fault !" Me and Dionysus say at once
After catching Wong up on things. Not before actually finding myself clothes. As the cloak had protected my modesty up to this point, in a wrap dress-like fashion, the thick red fabric looked bulky but welcomed my small stature.
“So you're telling me that you accidentally got a diabetic Greek demi-goddess pregnant after Tony suggested you should date, reopening an age-old dimensional rift to the Greek gods and another universe parallel to our own!" Wong with his head in his hands. He had to sit down on a pillar out of pure stock and get his head around it.  
"In my defence, I didn't know my great grandmother had come through a dimension. Everyone just assumed when she turned up in a barn in the south of England she was an immigrant. Well, technically she was."
"I also didn't expect to fall in love with a Greek demi-goddess."
"You love me?"
"Chrissy I've been in love with you this whole time. You give me a world from a different perspective, slowing me down and speeding up my time simultaneously. The best part about you is you treat me like a human. Your biggest quality is that you see the best parts of me that I still have still and that's why I need to keep you in my life, forever as my wife, let's give the universe what it truly wanted all those years ago." Looked towards Wong, then back to me, clasping my hands and pulling me forward, the cape wrapping around my legs to keep me in place. He brings his lips to mine, bending the whole way. Before drawing back, tears welling in his mesmerising blue eyes for the first time being open and  vulnerable  “ I have unfortunately fallen deeply and madly in love with the girl standing at the bottom of the steps in a wet hoodie, that has the most amazing deep blue eyes and a smile that saved me from loneliness.”
Wong sighs trying not to break a smile at the scene he'd watched between his fingers. "If the ancient one was here they'd have to agree, you keep Strange's humanity in place."
Stephen takes my hands pulling them up to his chest "This child was meant to happen.  I told you I'm not looking into possibilities with you. What happens between us is the right path."
"There's a prophecy that the child of Dr Strange will be a protector." Hebe strikes up, breaking the moment.
"But out of all the children in all the dimensions why this one”
"This is the only one with Chrissy, you don't get her in any other universe. "
"I'm the goddess of youth. I was protecting that baby inside of you the best I could when the rift opened fully. She just wanted to protect you with her"
"She? Are we having a girl?" I smile up at Stephen.
"You are. It seems that some of my protective abilities have passed on to her at that moment. If I give her a blessing she should be protected till she is 18 then you'd just have to see what powers she manifests after that."
"That must be why she is so valuable. They probably think she'll manifest goddess powers or Chrissy's. Or even some of mine." Strange thinking over what had happened.
"What a lot of others don't know though is that your abilities are not learned naturally. Unlike Chrissys." Wong adds.
"I don't know there is something magical when we combine." Pushing into Stephen a bit.
"I don't know about that, the magic is more destructive than helpful." Wong points at me. "You make him go into madness every time you have sex, opening dimensional riffs! almost making him forget how to function, which is also another reason why the nightmare wanted to keep you."
“Fancy staying on Olympus a little longer?” The last woman in the group pipes up. “ If Mr Strange here is true to his word, marry you, it could break the spell and thus the reality rips while you kiss.”
"And that's why I married her, Ariadne, you are the most amazing thinker." Dionysus joined in, standing by wrapping an arm around his wife "Please have the wedding Here as a sorry, you are technically a demi-goddess now we can marry you right away."
“Chryseis Heedwarden, will you marry Dr Stephen Strange.” Stephen gets down on one knee. Offering no ring but holding out the cloak. The symbol of us combining like it had tried to do that rainy day.
“Yes, I will become Mrs Dr Stephen strange.”
@too-short-for-my-own-good @avengershumanresources @d0ct0rstrangewife
part 12 - here 
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wint3r-h3art · 2 years
Giving Sugar Daddy Stephen a blowjob under his desk in his office
Send me a NSFW headcanon and I’ll write a 5 sentence ficlet about it
A/N: it’s like you read my mind and my desire to be his sugar baby 😭
Stephen’s hand gripped almost impossibly tight against the pile of paper on his desk as he looked down on you, watching the way your head was bobbing up and down his length.
Your eyes trained on him, your hands gripped his powerful thighs as you took him to the base of his cock, feeling the tip hitting the back of your throat every time you got a bit too bold.
Your sugar daddy was trying really hard to focus on his work, but you had other plan for him, so the moment his phone rang, you slowly pulled his cock out of you mouth and told him to pick it up; for once he actually listened to you.
Stephen answered his call with shaky breath as you began to lick the tip, and you swore you could see him biting his knuckle as he tried to contain himself, but to no avail of course.
He was doing so good at keeping his tone neutral, but the moment you started to create suction by hallowing your cheeks, you could feel him twitching; his ass cheeks clenched, and his legs shook, and before you knew it, he came without a warning, filling your throat with his release till you started choking and coughing up his cum
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secretly-tumb1r · 20 days
he hit me at it felt like a kiss -Stephen glass x reader
warnings- 18+,violence, p in v sex, minors dni, degrading, breeding kink goes brrrr
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(he’s so slutty in this gif i caaanntttt)
sex with STEPHEN GLASS was out of this world. His gentle hands would softly caress your skin, his soft lips would press aganist your ears uttering sweet words as his slow thrusts stopped your heart from beating.
you loved it. adored it. but one night everything changed.
he walked through the door, silent. “hey babe how was work?” you smile widely and greet him. his silence was odd, normally he would pepper your face with kisses till neither of you could breathe, but now he barely even looked at you.
“upstairs now.” his voice was barely above a whisper but you heard it. your brow cocked up in confusion as you’d never seen him this angry before, but you obliged and went up.
he followed suit behind you and when you got to your room he slammed the door. “off” he tugged at your shirt and pants. excitement and fear seeped through you and into your panties, dampening them.
he pushed you roughly onto the bed and you heard his belt hit the floor, he turned you over so your ass was in the air and ripped off your panties, literally. his rough hand flew up in the air and smacked your ass, hard, earning a moan from you.
with no warning, no preparation, he thrusted quick and hard inside your sopping hole, making it easy to as you were soaked in arousal. his hand wrapped around your hair tugged your head back “you like this huh? you fucking slut i feel the way your pussy is clenching around me” this was a drastic contrast of his usual soft, sweet self, but you would be a moron to be complaining.
you had never imagined someone so gentle could do such violent things yet ignite such a fire in the depth of your stomach. you loved the way his big hand sounded against your ass, and it truly felt like the deepest kiss there was to offer.
his grip on your hair tightened as his free hand snaked around your front and rubbed tight circles on your puffy clit, earning pornographic moans from you. he pulled you so far up your arched back was now against his chest and you would feel the rumble in his chest as he chuckled a deep laugh at how you were squirming beneath him.
he abruptly pulled out and pushed you on your back. his hard cock teasing your entrance, in and out and in and out again, his fingers never leaving your clit. suddenly you felt it. something strange like never before. with a scream you let go and soaked Stephen. “fuck baby, yes, fuck gimme more” you squirted again this time he knelt down and slurped it all up
you were sure you were seeing stars, this was paradise. your body began to shake as he stood up and began a hard fast pace inside your tired pussy again. he bent down and whispered filthy words into your ear. “you like this hm? you like daddy pounding this tight pussy while i say what a slut you are don’t you? fucking whore squeezing me so good” your nails jabbed his toned back earning a sweet groan into your ear. the sound made you clench impossible hard around his cock and his hips stuttered
“fuck- fucking slut. you want my cum hm? you want me to get you fucking pregnant don’t you? gonna knock you up so good baby”
his pace quickened even more and his groans along with skin slapped skin filled the room, the bed was hitting the wall but all you could care about was the sounds that the man above you made into your ear.
you came for the 3rd time around him and that’s when he lost it. he looked down to see where you joined to see a ring of your cream coating his dick. with a whimper he released into you, once, twice, three times.
he pulled out and got his fingers and pushed the cum back inside “not waisting a drop baby” he mumbled lowly. he licked his fingers clean moaning at the taste of your arousals mixed together and kissed you hungrily.
as you caught your breath, he took you into his arms. “you did so good f’me baby, so good”
“stephen, who ever angered you, id like to thank them personally”
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ironstrange1991 · 4 months
A Very Busy Sorcerer
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Pairing: Doctor!Strange x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Stephen has been very busy the last few days and the reader decides he needs a moment to relax.
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: SMUT: Handjob and some dirty talk. Use of the word daddy one or two times. Mostly fluff.
A/N: Working two jobs I haven't had much time to write, but I managed to finish this one for you guys and I hope you like it.
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One of the things you tried not to do was disturb Stephen when he was working. You were still getting used to the idea of ​​living together, even though you had been dating for almost 2 years and you were used to him sleeping in your apartment or you sleeping at the Sanctum almost every day, but actually living together was completely different and you wanted to show him that you knew how to respect his space and that you understood how busy he was.
However, since Stephen had set the date for the next mission with the Avengers he was always stressed, always worried and barely left the library, always reading and preparing for whatever he had to do. - As time went by, you stopped asking him to explain his missions to you. Today was no exception, Stephen was in the library, he was there all day in fact and even though it was Saturday, Wong was still wandering around the Sanctum instead of going back to the Kamar Taj like he normally did on the weekends, and you were bored and upset at being left aside and knowing that soon you would be alone in that huge house.
But you weren’t worried about yourself, you were worried about Stephen. He had barely been eating the last few days and when you brought it up he always said he was fine, but all that nervousness and stress couldn't be further from fine. You just wish you could find a way to make him stop and breathe for a minute and perhaps relax a little bit before going out on his mission. If you could just get him to talk to you a little, or eat something healthy, you'd feel less worried.
You found yourself searching for Wong to make sure he wasn't in the library too and found the Sorcerer Supreme in the Window of Worlds room doing who knows what. Having decided, you went to the library and found Stephen at his desk reading a huge book. He was so absorbed in his reading that he even noticed you approaching, even though Cloaky broke free from his shoulders and flew towards you.
He only noticed you when you were already at his side, asking so that the sentient relic could leave your both alone for a moment. Cloaky flew away happily and you smiled feeling a warmth in your heart. Sometimes you caught yourself thinking it was weird to have so much affection for a piece of clothing, but Cloaky was so much more than that you end up telling yourself every time.
Stephen sighed heavily as if he expected you to complain to him, even though he knew you never complained. Maybe he simply knew he had crossed the line today.
 "Sweetheart, I know its Saturday and I know I should be spending some time with you, but I really need to find this specific spell..."
You shushed him wrapping your hands around his shoulders and positioning yourself right behind him. "I know. I didn't come here to complain, Steph. Do what you have to do." You said in a honeyed voice and began to massage his shoulders slowly. "I just want to spend some time with you while I can, if that's okay. I promise I won't disturb you."
He sighed heavily as you started working on a knot on his right shoulder and you could feel him melting under your touch and that was one of the things you loved most in the world.
"You could never disturb me, sweetheart. Hmm, this feels so good. I don't deserve you, Y/n."
"Shh. Enjoy it."
You smiled to yourself and continued with the massage and Stephen did his best to turn his attention back to his book which from what you could see was all written in runes.
It wasn't your intention to distract him, but you couldn't help but feel a little proud when you noticed how much he was melting into your touch, the slight moans he made every time you put more pressure on an area of ​​his shoulders that needed to be worked on more carefully and – of course – it didn’t took long for dirty thoughts start to creep into your mind.
As the minutes passed, your hands began to become more daring, going down his defined chest covered by his blue robes and he sighed contentedly when your lips began to place little kisses on the back of his neck, going up to bite his earlobe and finally whispering into his ear.
"Does it feel good?"
He groaned, lolling his head back and closing his eyes and resting it on your chest.
"It's perfect. I'm so tired, sweetheart. You have no idea."
You nodded "Yes I do. I’ve been worried about you all day. That's why I'm here. I wanted to make you relax a little bit."
He hummed positively, "God, it's working. I love the way you work your hands, Y/n. They're delicate, but firm at the same time. Perfect."
You felt your heart flutter in your chest and decided to dare a little by running your hand down his chest until you reached his belt. "Yeah? What if I use them here. Do you think I can make you relax even more?"
Stephen almost purred feeling your fingers ghosting over a growing bulge. He let out a low moan when you held him over his pants, rubbing your hand against him to tease him and then you dedicated yourself to unbuckling his belt.
You placed a kiss on his neck and walked around his chair, placing yourself between him and his desk. Stephen moved the chair back, giving you more space and watched you kneel in front of him with a big and warm smile.
You unbuttoned his pants and quickly took his cock out. He was already half hard and you couldn't resist giving him a little kiss on the head as he moaned a little louder this time but quickly tried to compose himself.
"Sweetheart...Wong is still at the Sanctum."
You smiled mischievously, licking your hand and started pumping him up and down slowly.
"I know."
Stephen let out a nervous chuckle, but his cock quickly hardened in your hand. "You know he could come in here at any moment, then.” Though his words should sound like a warning, his voice broke with sweet moans and you thought they were really cute.
“Oh fuck... these hands... devilish."
You giggled, stopping just for a second so you could spit on his cock and go back to stroking him. The wet, lewd sound only adding even more to his pleasure.
Stephen bit his lower lip hard to try and suppress a loud moan at which you tsked.
"It's okay, let me hear you, Steph. Wong is up stairs, it's just you and me here. You know I love hearing your moans, they make me so wet. Sometimes I touch myself just thinking about it, replaying the sound on my head."
Stephen gasped as you held him tighter twisting your hand while moving it up and down. His legs shook a little and he moaned loudly for you just the way you loved to hear.
"So fucking dirty, sweetheart. Oh I love it! I love when you work your hands in my dick. The best handjob I ever had."
You smiled proudly. "Yeah? You're flattering me just because you want me to make you cum."
Stephen moaned even louder this time.
"God yes, please. I need you to make me cum, sweetheart. But it's not only because of that. You're perfect. You know I always say this. You’re always so good to me."
One of the things you loved most about Stephen was how controlling and rough he could be in sex and at the same time be sweet and affectionate. He was always so sweet when he let you have control over him like that, and you loved it.
You spat on his cock again and started working with both hands, rotating one from the base to the tip and the other massaging his balls. Stephen let out a groan and caressed your face, his thumb pulling your bottom lip down.
"Why don't you put that little mouth to work for me, uh? I'm dying for a blowjob."
You smiled mischievously, but even though his voice sounded so pleading and sexy, broken by small moans, you didn't give in. You know he would take back control to himself if you let him fuck your mouth, and you were loving that little submissive moment of his.
"I want you to cum on my hands, Stephen. You just told me how much you love them. They are not enough?"
"Yes I do.  Shit! They’re more than enough, sweetheart. I could cum just from thinking about them as I did so many times. " He whispered between moans and his thighs trembled under your hands and his cock throbbed. "Fuck… but I need it faster, need more."
You bit your lip holding back a moan of your own. Seeing your man in that state was a huge turn on for you.
"Fuck Stephen... I'm so wet right now. Pussy is begging for you, and I know you want me too. So badly. You wanna put your cock inside me, don't you? Fell my pussy stretching around it..."
"Fuck yes." Stephen groaned and his cock jumped in your hand.
You started to work both hands on his cock, feeling him throb beneath them. He was so close, all he needed was a little push.
"Come on then, Steph, show me how much you love my hands. Cum all over them, make a mess for me. I just want you to feel relaxed, you deserve it. Have been working so hard these last few days. I just want to make you feel good."
"Oh yeah, sweetheart..." He moaned loudly. "Keep talking to me."
You smiled, satisfied now that you had him the way you wanted. "Give me your cum, daddy. Love you so much. I just want to be a good girl for you, wanna make daddy cum in my hands. I know you love my hands, Stephen. Show me how much. Give it to me."
Stephen let out a loud groan and started to cum. Warm and thick ropes of cum spurting from his cock and spilling onto your hands.
"There you go, Steph" You praised.
"Oh fuck... oh sweetheart. God, I love you, sweet girl." The words escaped his trembling lips as his body shook. His cum running down your fingers, some soiling the top half of his robes. A delicious mess.
He caressed your face, laughing softly, the sound making your heart jump in your chest.
"Such a good girl for daddy. Love you so much, Y/n."
You smiled sweetly at him watching as he conjured a cloth and began to clean himself as best as he could, but you knew it would take a lot more than that to get the smell of cum out of his robes.
He took your hands and began to gently clean them and then got rid of the dirty cloth and buttoned his pants and belts again with a flick of his fingers.
"I'll let you get back to work now." You said, getting up and threatening to leave, but he was faster. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to sit on his lap.
"Do you really think I'm going to let you go that easily?" He threatened with a smirk.
"I don't want to disturb your work, Steph."
He buried his face in your hair inhaling deeply.
"Too late for that, don't you think? Or did you really think I could go back to work after a handjob like that?"
You let out a small giggle "I didn't mean to."
He pulled your hair to the side and purposefully rubbed his goatee across the crook of your neck making your skin prickle. "Well, I think that was exactly your intention and now you got what you wanted."
"And what exactly did I want?" You asked, feigning innocence.
Stephen bit your earlobe "Making me hard for you, wanting to fuck you senseless until you ask me to stop."
"That’s not true." You said petulantly, turning to look at him and pulling him to your lips. "I never ask you to stop." You said biting his lip.
Stephen held you tight in his lap, standing up and opening a portal to his room. Work would have to wait.
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Reblog please! Leave a comment if you liked it. Interact! I will love to read all of your comments and opinions. It inspires me to keep writing ;)
Tag list: @doctorstrangelovemusic-blog @rachelessfreedom-world @ppatricia34me @strangesgirls @dreamxonxx @benaddictcumberpatch @iamsherlocked1479 @veryladyqueen @notglucose @wickedscribbles @agathassscribbles @rmoonstoner @fanartka @nicoletk @azu21 @captaincarmel416 @harlekin6 @coffedraven @withalittlehoney
@dontmindme262 @dementeddoll @yourmajesty13 @strangeions @bloodyflowerrr @insanelyobsessedwithdilfs @dragonqueen89 @newtsniffles @whiskeyho @sherlux @xourownsidee @kakashibabe02 @hobimysolecito @geeky-politics-46 @lykaonimagines @d0ct0rstrangewife @classickook @iobsessoverfictionalmen @bobateadaydreams @aphroditesdilemma @sassenach-on-the-rocks
@thealleydog @anadlockfan @pinkthick @loverofallbroken @butchers-girl @ironstrangeheart @asgards-princess-of-mischief @slytherinqueen4life
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softestqueeen · 3 months
✧*̥˚ fic recs *̥˚✧
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here are some of my favourite fics! here are all of the fics i regularly re-read and go back to!
i will be updating this list as i go!
if you see your works here and want them removed, please reach out to me!
disclaimer: they are ALL x reader *heavy sigh*
last update: 30/03/24
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✧*̥˚ marvel/mcu *̥˚✧
loki laufeyson
burning words by @lokiprompts (angst/fluff)
the ceremony by @smolvenger (smut)
i want you by @lokigodofmyheart (angsty fluff)
statues by @sassypossumm (fluff)
enchanted by @fqreverwinter (fluff)
bucky barnes
breeding kink blurb by @buckyalpine (smut)
pick me by @buckyalpine (angst & hurt/comfort; fluff)
drabble by @buckyalpine (smut)
wanda maximoff
good morning ࿏ wm by @themidnightcrimson (smut)
natasha romanoff
one for the road by @elaci (fluff/smutty)
stephen strange
my doctor by @withalittlehoney (fluff)
good girl by @futureplayboibunnie (smut)
his medicine by @ironstrange1991 (fluff/smut)
bucky barnes & steve rogers
accidents happen by @myfictionaldreams (fluff, smut, hurt/comfort)
adventures of amy series by @girlygirl14534
miguel o'hara
all brawn by @luvrxbunny (smut)
hot and bothered by @spiderlyla (fluffy smut)
bruce banner
cuddles are the cure by @late-to-the-party-81 (fluff/comfort)
steve rogers
tomorrow by @writtenfangirl (fluff)
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✧*̥˚ bbc sherlock *̥˚✧
sherlock holmes
sidewalks of london by @french-vanilla-in-the-clouds (fluff)
the london eye by @french-vanilla-in-the-clouds (fluff)
hold me by @fallingforunrealisticromance (fluff)
brother dearest by @starks-hero (fluff)
a single touch by @bakerstreethound (smut)
safe in your arms by @classickook (fluff)
too good to be true by @teigo-the-explorer (fluff)
let the light in by @starssaroundmyscarssblog (fluff)
dear jealousy by @french-vanilla-in-the-clouds (fluff)
a case of mistletoe and presents by @bakerstreethound (smutty)
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✧*̥˚ call of duty *̥˚✧
sugar daddy!könig by @yawnderu (smut)
simon "ghost" riley
soft-tummy simon riley by @lovelyghst (fluff)
pornstar!Ghost by @shotmrmiller (smut)
drabble by @xiamentshoneypot (fluff)
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✧*̥˚ actors/actresses*̥˚✧
tom hiddleston
in too deep by @thefaefiction (smut)
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✧*̥˚ authors*̥˚✧
here are some of the authors i love to read and i always go back to!
@ironstrange1991 (stephen strange) her masterlist
@buckyalpine (bucky barnes) her masterlist
@luvrxbunny (bucky barnes, miguel o'hara, moon knight, joel miller) her masterlist
@fettuccin-e (oscar isaac & pedro pascal characters) her masterlist
@bakerstreethound (sherlock holmes) their masterlist
@withalittlehoney (stephen strange) her masterlist
@melodygatesauthor (moon knight & miguel o'hara) her masterlist
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kidney9-9 · 5 months
Having Twins with Them - Loki, Stephen, and Bucky
@stygianoir asked: For loki, Bucky , and Stephen (seperately ) Where their wife is pregnant and how are they before and after the baby comes Fluff plz
Hi Kitty, I hope you enjoy! Thank you for sending this in :) Please read the warnings.
Loki x Reader, Stephen x Reader, Bucky x Reader [Fluff] Warnings: Pregnancy, details about giving birth, and crying Word Count: Loki: 656, Stephen: 700, Bucky: 703
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You were feeling a bit strange for a little bit before you suspected you were pregnant.
You called a friend one morning, freaking out about whether or not you were pregnant, and she brought over some tests for you to take. You were happy to find all the tests came back positive. You and Loki had been trying for a while, but you expected it to take a little longer to become pregnant.
When you revealed to him you were pregnant, he raised his eyebrow at you, then asked, “You’re joking, right?” Then quickly laughed and gave you a big hug, pulling you in close and twirling you around in a circle.
“You’ve given me something I wished and dreamed for, for years. Thank you, my love. We’ll take special care of our young one.” He murmured into your ear after he set you down.
He started to appear happier the farther along you were in your pregnancy. He’d always compliment you, give you gifts, and kiss you at random times. He would gaze at your stomach lovingly, and lay kisses on top, whispering sweet promises and lullabies to the baby.
During your delivery, he appeared as calm as ever, but secretly he was freaking out. You insisted on delivering in a hospital setting, and he was so confused about all the doctors and nurses around you. He went pale when he saw one of the tools the doctor was using, and hoped that for your next pregnancy (yes, he very much wanted more children), you would deliver with the help of Asgardian techniques.
It was so shocking to the family when you revealed you had twins, but Loki was smug. He was confident and happy that you two had healthy twins. The boy was named Salem and the girl was named Lilith. Loki and you adored them so much.
He dotted on them so much when they were first born and was the one to catch Lilith accidentally summon a demon. Yes, it was a very weak demon, but it was still very impressive and surprising. Salem soon after froze his crib after having a meltdown. Loki was so delighted in their magic and powers and soon started to document everything they did.
When they started talking, Loki was so excited. He’d talk to them in multiple languages and would smile brightly when one of them repeated his words. Salem was the first to say “Momma, Daddy”, and Lilith soon followed with calling you two, “Mommy, Papa.”
You healed up after the delivery great, and Loki surprised you by introducing some traditions with new moms from Asgard. They were so helpful, and it was a lot different than the techniques from Earth with healing after giving birth. There was a special tea he made for you, enchanted with some magic. It always made you feel more energetic after drinking it, and it helped with sleeping all those odd hours the babies were asleep.
When you were fully healed and ready to get back to doing your normal routine, Loki had come up to you one morning and wrapped his arms around you from behind. You grinned at him as he kissed your cheek.
“Mm, what are your plans for today, honey?” You asked him softly, your voice quiet so the babies could continue sleeping.
He chuckled slightly, “I was wondering if we could have a date night tonight. Maybe we could spend some time in our library, like last time.”
Your eyes shot wide open, and you turned around to face him, “You seriously cannot be saying you want to impregnate me again. So soon? Lilith and Salem haven’t even turned one!”
He pouted playfully, “Aw darling, but I would love to have more children with you. Maybe triplets this time?”
You laughed into his chest, “Maybe in a few years, after we get a hang of this parenting thing, right?”
He nodded thoughtfully, “Agreed.”
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Stephen had a feeling something was off when you had come home one day, smiling a bit too often. He didn’t know what was going on though, so he kept extra quiet about it and just observed you to see if he could guess what was going on. When you noticed how quiet he had gotten that night, you pouted at him.
“Stephen, is something wrong?” You asked him somewhat nervously as you unconsciously placed a hand on your stomach.
“I just noticed you’re hiding something. You usually don’t hide things unless it’s a good surprise, so I’m wondering what it is.” He responded, grinning at your shocked expression.
“No fair! I wanted it to be a complete surprise for you tomorrow!” You objected, laughing at how quickly he caught on.
“You can tell me now and we can celebrate tomorrow?” He suggested, still completely wondering what it was that made you act like this.
You smiled brightly and scooted next to him. “I’m pregnant! I think I might be a bit later than I thought, since my stomach has been growing a bit faster than I expected. I took the test this afternoon.” You explained, mumbling, and rambling a bit because you were nervous for his reaction.
He gaped momentarily and then rushed over to you and picked you up and twirled you into a hug. You laughed in surprise at his reaction, not expecting this. He was usually so reserved and quiet about things, mostly reacting with humor!
“Sweetheart.” He murmured to you as he set you back down and pressed his forehead against yours. “I love you so much. You know how much I’ve always wanted children. This is a dream come true.” He whispered.
You smiled at his words, “I love you too, we’re going to be great parents!”
After he scheduled you an appointment with one of his old friends, he started buying so many prenatal vitamins and foods that would support your pregnancy. At the appointment, it was confirmed that you two were going to have twins! At first, he didn’t believe his friend, then looked at the ultrasound machine and saw the two little babies.
The next few weeks, he spent time coddling you and reading up on pregnancies involving twins. He researched so much and practically became an expert about twin pregnancies. He read so many books on parenting and baby proofed everything even though you were only three months pregnant at the time.
By your third trimester, he had everything set up for your due date. He personally vetted everyone who was going to be involved in the birthing process and supported you on your decisions on how you’d like to give birth.
The only things that were left up in the air were the names of the babies. You had been calling them, ankle biter one and two as a joke, and every name you two actually came up with hadn’t been agreed upon. Stephen would randomly speak to your stomach, saying random baby names and then would look up at you, and ask if those names would be good.
One day he came up with the name, Rose, while you were eating some rose ice cream. It was all you wanted to eat for three days, and the entire pregnancy, you had been craving rose flavored foods. Almost immediately after he said the name Rose, you agreed.
“She’s our little Rose, so cute.” You’d say as you’d feel one of the baby’s kick. For the boy, you two finally agreed with the name Philip, and a few hours later, you went into labor.
Stephen was on top of it, fully calm and ready, and supported you the entire time.
A few months later, you two were unconventional parents, amazing, nonetheless. Stephen used magic to parent all the time, and you would always be so surprised at all the magic he did. The best magic he had done during the first few months was to always have a bottle of milk ready to go – it automatically refilled itself.
How he did it? You never found out how, but whenever you asked about it, he would mutter something about arrogant entities.
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You were a little nervous and worried when you found out you were pregnant. Bucky had always been a little upset when you’d mention family because he didn’t have any family in today’s world. Technically he only had you as his spouse for family, but you knew he missed his family from years ago.
But you knew you had to tell him, so you grabbed your positive pregnancy tests and walked into the bedroom. “Hey sweetie? Can I talk to you about something?” You spoke up nervously.
Bucky turned around and smiled softly at you. “Of course, you can. Don’t have to ask about it, either.”
You shrugged back sheepishly, “I know that, but this is something kinda serious and we have to talk about it.”
His expression changed to something stormy, and he pressed his lips into a line, “Are you safe? Is someone targeting you?”
“Oh no! Not like that! It’s – I’m, uh, pregnant.” You stumbled over your words and pushed the pregnancy tests in front of you, to show him. He blinked in surprise, his expression going momentarily blank before a happy one replaced it.
“Wait really?” He whispered, walking closer to you, and holding onto your hands. He gazed down at the multiple pregnancy tests you took.
“Mhm, there’s a baby in here I think.” You chuckled nervously and gazed down to your belly. He smiled brightly as he leaned down and kissed your stomach, making all your worries disappear. He murmured a sweet hello to your belly, then got back up and hugged you tightly, causing you to drop the tests to the floor. You laughed in surprise and hugged him back.
When you started going to appointments, Bucky drove you to each of them and attended all of them, holding your hand through exams to make you feel comfortable. It was the second appointment where you two found out you were having twins!
“Oh god! Twins… we need to get a new place. We need to buy two cribs! We have to go get supplies like right now!” Bucky started to ramble, eyes wide at the thought of two kids. You were in shock as well, asking the doctor to check again to make sure. You really didn’t expect to have twins.
Bucky seemed to be extra romantic as you got further along in your pregnancy. You’d notice it in the way he’d always lovingly kiss you longer each day before he went to the compound, and the way he’d come back with gifts for you both to enjoy. He’d light your favorite candles and prep your favorite foods, and at times you’d feel like you could melt in a puddle by the adoration you’d see in his eyes as he’d gaze down at your belly.
You both decided on the names rather early in your pregnancy. Scout was the boy’s name and Melody was the girl’s name. Bucky and you discussed it for about a week, agreeing quickly about the names. He used Steve’s name as Scout’s middle name and his sister, Rebecca, as Melody’s middle name.
When you went into labor, Bucky freaked out a bit and fainted when you squeezed his hand harder than you’ve ever had before. When he came back to, he apologized and put on a tough face and sat by you, supporting you the entire time.
“Look at our babies, sweetheart.” He murmured to you, holding them both in his arms and handing Melody to you. You two cried happily at the sight of both your children.
He sung lullabies to comfort the babies and he’d always be holding at least one of them. Scout was the first to say his first words, which was funnily enough, “No!” and “Momma”, when you served him some broccoli with rice.
Melody quickly said her words a few days after that, when Scout had accidentally bumped his foot into something, “Scout owie”. It was so adorable that you and Bucky had both awed out loud at the sight.
When you and Bucky had alone time, he’d take you out to your favorite date spots. You two spoke about all the memories you shared, and how sweet and special it’s been, having twins together.
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vickiee-mcmuffin · 1 year
Summary: You are 20 years younger than Stephen, and you can't help thinking about him, and one day, Stephen catches you during an intimate moment.
Word count: 2.7k
Pairing: Stephen Strange x Female Reader
Trope: Explicit Smut, Mentions Of Sex Toys, Age Gap, Daddy Kink, Fingering (18+ Warning, DNI)
A/N: Guess who lol. The reason I'm back on another account? Well, it's a long story... To cut it short, I was just not having a very good day yesterday. But I'm back... For now.
Sorry if this fic isn't the best. It hasn't been proofread, and I did write it pretty quickly :/
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You had only known Stephen for a couple of months, but as soon as you set eyes on him, you knew you were attracted to him. There was just something about him that drew you to him. He was older, twenty years older to be exact, but he was handsome, and you always found older guys more attractive in a way. You couldn’t stop thinking about him, in ways that would be deemed inappropriate.  
You were good friends though, so on most days you would find yourself looking after the Sanctum while he was away on certain missions because he certainly trusted you, and on most nights when you were alone in the Sanctum, you would find yourself using your vibrator, rubbing it against your clit as you moaned out his name. You knew you shouldn’t, but you couldn’t help but imagine how his cock would feel thrusting in and out of you as he groaned into your ear, telling you how good you felt wrapped around him. 
You tried to relieve the ache you had for Stephen to take you, and using the toy helped, but it never fully satisfied you. You were certain you and Stephen would never make love. You were younger than him, so you were probably not on his radar. 
It was a new day and Stephen had told you the night before that he had plans today to help Wong with something at Kamar Taj, so he would be gone most of the day. As usual, you agreed to look after the Sanctum while he was away. After you bid him farewell, you waited a little while to make sure he didn’t come back for anything. When you were certain the coast was clear, you made your way upstairs, and to your designated bedroom in the Sanctum. Once you were inside, you pushed your door, leaving it open just a crack. 
You made your way over to your bedside cabinet and pulled open the drawer, blushing a little when you caught sight of your vibrator. You grabbed the toy hoping to relieve the ache you had for Stephen to take you. You got onto your bed, your back resting against the mattress. You then got settled against your pillows before you moved to pull down your trousers, your panties following shortly after. 
You turned on the toy, the familiar buzzing sound filling the room. You moved the toy to your pussy, gently pressing it against your clit. You let out a gasp as the toy moved against your clit, the vibrations sending a shiver up and down your spine. You then added more pressure against your clit, your toes curling as you felt the pleasure increase. You squeezed your eyes shut, your back arching slightly off your bed as the pleasure continued to build up. 
As you continued your assault against your clit, you couldn’t help but think of Stephen, and how he’d feel deep inside of you, his thick cock stretching you out as you cried out his name, begging him to fuck you faster. Your filthy thoughts forced a moan from you, the feeling of your orgasm growing as you continued on with your thoughts. You imagined Stephen whispering into your ear, calling you a good girl as you came undone around his cock. The thought alone made you cry out Stephen’s name as you neared your orgasm. 
But you were suddenly disrupted from your thoughts when you heard the sound of your bedroom door opening slightly. You panicked and dropped your toy before you spotted someone backing away from outside your door. 
“Stephen?” you called out, not sure if it was him or not. Truthfully, it could have been anyone, but he was the first person you suspected it to be seeing as he was the only other person staying at the Sanctum. 
There was no answer, and you knew for certain that you saw someone, so you got out of bed half-naked and opened your door. You quickly spotted Stephen trying to walk away unnoticed, but you wanted to stop him. “Stephen, wait.” 
He stopped in his tracks, and you slowly walked over to him. You grabbed his shoulder and turned him so he was facing you, and as soon as you looked at him, you saw his red cheeks and a rather large bulge in his pants. Had he been watching you? 
“Were you watching me?” you asked him. 
Stephen didn’t say anything, instead, he just gave you a little nod. 
“How long were you standing there for?” you wondered, but you weren’t sure if you wanted to know the answer. 
“Long enough to know you were thinking about me,” he told you, his eyes stuck on you. 
“I’m sorry,” you said quietly. “I just didn’t expect you back this soon, you know.”
“Well it turns out Wong didn’t need me for as long as I thought he would, so I came back to tell you, and that’s when I saw you…” 
You looked down at the floor worried Stephen was disgusted at you, and the long silence that followed your earlier conversation made you believe he was until Stephen spoke up. 
“Do you think about me all the time when you’re using that?” 
You looked back up at him and nodded. “Yes. All the time.” 
Stephen then moved towards you slowly, stopping when his chest was almost touching yours. He leaned down, his warm breath on your neck before he whispered in your ear. “I think about you too, a lot. I imagine you screaming my name as I fuck you. I think about it all the time when I’m touching myself.” 
His words sent a shiver straight down to your pussy, your need for him increasing. That’s when you moved, quickly getting up on your tiptoes before your lips collided with his. He kissed you back with hunger, his big arms wrapping around you, bringing you closer to him. 
You continued to kiss just outside your bedroom door,  moaning into his mouth when you felt his hands on your ass, squeezing your bare cheeks tightly. Moving your own hands, you gently pushed one into his pants, your fingers wrapping around his hard cock, moaning at how big he felt, just like in your fantasies. 
Stephen groaned against your lips when you moved your hand up and down his length, your thumb swiping over his swollen, leaking tip. 
“Need this inside me, please,” you whispered against Stephen’s lips as you continued to stroke him. 
That’s when Stephen moved. He gripped you tightly, lifting you up as your legs wrapped around his waist. You then wrapped your arms around his shoulders as your lips joined together for another hungry kiss. 
Stephen began to walk away from your bedroom, and you could only imagine he was taking you to his room. When you made it, Stephen kicked the door open and made his way over to his bed. He settled you down on his bed gently before he backed away and you were left to stare in awe as he started to remove his clothes. 
You bit your lip in anticipation as he began to pull down his briefs, and you whined when you got sight of his cock. It was long and thick, and perfect. You couldn’t wait for him to fill you up. 
Stephen got back on the bed, crawling over you until his face was level with yours. He leaned down and kissed you hard and fast, his tongue slipping into your mouth for a moment before he pulled away. He grabbed your shirt and pulled it over your head, tossing it somewhere in the room. He then leaned back down, this time to kiss your breasts, his tongue swirling over your swollen nipples. 
You whined, a hand raking through his hair as he continued his attention on your breasts. But then you felt a hand on your pussy, two of his scarred fingers running across your labia as Stephen moved his head to look at you, his blue eyes staring at you intensely before he sent you a small smile. Your hand reached out to grab at his bicep as he pushed his fingers into you, a choked cry escaping your lips. 
Stephen leaned down and kissed you as he began pumping his fingers in and out of you, an obscene squelching sound filling the room. His thumb was soon on your clit, rubbing it in circles as he continued to pump his fingers into you. 
You cried out when his fingers hit a sweet spot deep inside of you, Stephen’s lips swallowing all your moans as he kept pumping his fingers into your heat. 
“Please,” you whined. “I need your cock inside of me so bad.” 
Stephen stopped, his fingers leaving your pussy as he let out a low chuckle. “My fingers not good enough for you, my sweet girl?”
You shook your head. “Your fingers felt so good, but I just need your cock inside of me. Need it so bad.” 
“Okay, sweetheart. Whatever you want, whatever you need.” 
Stephen moved, spreading your legs apart before positioning himself comfortably between them. Once he was settled, he wrapped a hand around his length, pumping himself a few times before placing the tip against your pussy. 
But he didn’t move, so in a desperate attempt to have him inside, you lifted your hips hoping he would breach your entrance, but Stephen seemed to notice your little plan. He laughed and grabbed your hips tightly, pushing you back down onto the bed. He caged you in with his large frame and you looked up at him with big eyes, sending him a pout. 
“So desperate for me,” he said as he smiled down at you. 
“Can’t help it. Need you to fuck me, please,” you whined desperately at him. 
He leaned down and kissed you. “Only if you ask nicely.” 
“Please, Stephen.” 
He kissed you once more. “You can do better than that, sweetheart.” 
You whined in frustration. “Please fuck me, sir. Please fuck me with your big cock-- Oh, fuck,” you suddenly screamed out when he slid into you. 
Stephen groaned against your lips as he bottomed out inside of you. “Fuck, sweetheart. Holy fuck, you’re so tight, warm, and wet.” 
You just whined in response as you adjusted to his size, your pussy squeezing around him tightly. 
“Gimme a sec, sweetheart,” Stephen said with a groan as he felt you squeezing him. 
You took his face in your hands and kissed him. Stephen kissed you back before he started to move, rocking his hips against you slowly. You whined against his lips as he moved in and out of you, happy to finally have what you had been thinking about for so long. 
He kept moving in and out of you at a slow pace and it felt good, but you needed more. You needed it hard and fast. “Please fuck me faster, harder.” 
Stephen complied. He pulled almost all the way out of you before slamming back into you with a hard thrust that pushed you up the bed. He then grabbed your hips, his fingers digging into your flesh before he began to just pound into you. 
You cried out, your hands desperately reaching out to grab the covers below you. “Fuck yes. Just like that.” 
“This what you wanted, sweetheart? Is this what you always dreamed about?” Stephen asked as he continued to fuck you fast and rough. 
“Yes,” you whined before you felt Stephen’s lips on you. You kissed him back before you pulled away. “Please don’t stop. Your cock feels so good.” 
As soon as you said that, Stephen suddenly gripped your hips even harder, and you were certain he’d leave bruises. He began to fuck you so fast that you began to slide up the bed. You never knew someone could fuck you this hard and fast, especially Stephen, but you loved it.
“Fuck, sweetheart, fucking take it. Look at you taking all my cock like the good girl you are,” Stephen praised as he continued with his punishing pace. 
Your breasts began to bounce with the velocity of his thrusts and you knew you were going to cum soon, you could feel it. “Just like that. Fuck, Daddy, keep fucking me like that,” you cried out. You always knew using that word for older guys was a gamble, but you hoped Stephen didn’t mind it. 
Unfortunately though, as soon as the word left your mouth, Stephen's thrusts came to a halt as he stared down at you. You looked at his face trying to read him to see if he was put off by you calling him that.
“What did you just call me?” Stephen asked you.
You swallowed thickly, worried you had made a mistake by calling him that. You decided not to answer him and you hoped he would go back to fucking you, and thankfully, he did. 
He went back to his earlier pace, fucking you hard and fast as his fingers dug into your hips. You screamed for him again as he kept hitting that sensitive part deep inside of you. Your orgasm was seconds away, you could practically taste it.
“Fuck, Stephen. You’re going to make me cum,” you moaned as his cock continued to hit all the right spots.
“Yes,” you cried out. 
Stephen kept moving as you wrapped your arms around him, your nails digging into his skin. Your toes curled and your back arched as he pounded into you. You were close. So close.
“Be a good girl and cum all over Daddy’s cock.” 
That was it for you. His words came out of nowhere and set you right over the edge. You screamed out as you came around his cock, your walls squeezing him tightly. He fucked you through your orgasm, dragging out the feeling for as long as possible, but as he kept moving, you felt something else building up, something you had never felt before. 
“Please keep fucking me. Oh, Stephen, I think I’m going to--” But before you could even finish your sentence, you felt yourself gushing around Stephen’s cock as he fucked you, drenching him with your juices. 
Stephen started groaning above you, and you knew he was close too, and you wanted him to fill you up. You needed it so bad. 
“You can cum inside of me. It’s okay, you can do it.”
It seems that’s all Stephen needed to hear because after a couple more thrusts, he let out a deep groan before painting your insides white. “Fuck, y/n. Such a good girl.”
Once he had given you every last drop, he pulled out of you, a whine escaping your lips at the loss of him. 
“Miss me already?” Stephen asked with a low chuckle. 
You felt your face heat up as you looked away from him, but you felt a finger on your chin as Stephen tilted your head up so your eyes met his again. 
“I’m just teasing you, sweetheart,” he assured you. 
“Okay,” you said, sending him a sweet smile, one he returned before he leaned down and kissed you sweetly. You kissed him back, but Stephen soon broke the kiss and moved his face down to your ear. 
“Did you know you squirted?” he whispered in your ear. 
That explains what that feeling was that you felt earlier. You didn’t think it was possible. “I didn’t realise that was what I was feeling. I’m sorry,” you winced, worried Stephen was grossed out by it. 
But he moved to give you another sweet kiss. “Don’t be sorry, it was hot.” 
You sent him another smile before Stephen moved off the bed. He disappeared into another room before returning with a damp washcloth in hand. He cleaned you up gingerly before tossing the cloth to the floor. He then moved and joined you back in his bed. 
Once he was comfortable, you moved over to him, getting settled on his chest. You felt him wrap a strong arm around you and soon you were met with a comfortable silence. 
“You know,” Stephen spoke up suddenly. “If you need me to take care of your urges again just ask.” 
You looked up at him and sent him a smile. “Yes, Doctor.” 
He let out a low chuckle before you shared one final kiss. Soon you found yourself falling asleep in his arms, satisfied that you finally had Stephen take you, and make you his. 
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Tag list: @butchers-girl @azu21 @polytheatrix @lucimorningst4r @evelyn-kingsley @withalittlehoney @mirikusashes @bobateadaydreams @strangelockd @thealleydog @cemak @stewardofningishzida @lady-harvey @ironstrange1991 @smokeywhalee @floatingfireflies @marym7 @iamsherlocked1479 @bly2338 @icytrickster17 @asherloki @cobe76 @ssinimbrn-catsr0pia @aphroditesdilemma @strangesthirdeye @scxrleth3r
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stevesbestgirl · 1 year
Their Girl - Game Day
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Soft!Daddy!Stucky X Little!F!Reader
Warnings: age regression, brief descriptions of food, passive alcohol consumption (nothing major), reader gets overstimulated, younger than usual regression, crybaby queen reader, reader’s hand gets swatted, but no real violence
4275 words
A/N: This is part of Season 2 of Their Girl! Season 2 is still in progress and won’t be posted until it’s finished, but there is a new character in this part that hasn’t technically been introduced yet. Rest assured, the remaining pieces will come in time, but it’s Super Bowl Sunday here in the U.S., so enjoy! 
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"Papa, I don't wanna watch football," you pouted as Steve pulled a Giants jersey over your head.
He cupped your chin, "Can I tell you a secret?" You gave a solemn nod and he cracked a half smile, brushing his thumb over the line of your jaw, "I don't really care about football either. But it makes Daddy happy and helps him get along with Uncle Tony. Do you think you can help me?"
"Can I take my game with me?"
Steve pressed his mouth into a thin line; he should have expected that. "Yes." Your face split into a grin, but Steve held up a finger, "But we're staying until the end of the game. And if I hear any complaining-"
You shook your head, "I won't."
He tapped your nose, "Good girl. Now let's get going." He hoisted you up on his hip, grabbing your backpack with his other hand.
You leaned out to watch him scoop it up, a curious look on your face. Steve chuckled, "What is it, sweetheart?"
Your cheeks warmed, "Daddy is strong." You never got tired of how easily he carried you around.
He squeezed your leg, "You like it when I carry you around?" You buried your face in his shoulder in lieu of answering. He pressed a kiss into the top of your head, "Good thing I like carrying my baby around too."
You smiled, still feeling shy as Bucky came into view, leaning against the couch. "Look at my girl," he grinned, pushing off and striding toward you. 
As Bucky reached for you, Steve spun you away, clearing his throat and puffing out his chest. Bucky grinned, changing course to cup the back of Steve's neck, "And my guy, of course."
Steve rolled his eyes, "Sure thing, Buck."
Bucky pulled him in for a kiss anyway. "Now c'mere, you," Bucky held his arms out and Steve handed you over. "Are you ready, doll?"
"Did you get my game, Papa?"
"Got it," Steve held it up before he zipped it up inside the backpack.
The three of you headed to the rec room, which Steve had promised would have fun things to do.
You could smell the rec room before Bucky even opened the door; the scent of pizza and chicken wings wafted out. The sound of chatter followed, growing exponentially louder as Bucky opened the door.
Inside, Peter and Wanda were making a racket at the foosball table. Tony, Thor, Loki, Nat and Bruce were seated at the ring of sofas that centered around the enormous television. To your surprise, there was another adult present, seated on the opposite end of Tony's sofa. It was your new friend from the office, Stephen Strange. You offered a shy wave, your comfort around him having dwindled since your last meeting.
"Thought you guys were gonna miss kickoff," Tony noted.
"It took a little bit of convincing to get everybody here," Bucky grimaced, setting you down.
Bruce held out an arm for a hug and you climbed onto the sofa next to him, tucking underneath and into his side, "Hi Bruce."
"Hey kiddo, how's it going?" You shrugged. "That bad, huh?"
"I don't like football."
"Why not?"
"Too much yelling."
He grimaced, "People get excited, huh?" You nodded. "What if you got excited too? Would it be okay then?"
You shrugged again, "Maybe."
"Why not give it a try? You might like it."
You stayed quiet; you didn't know if you wanted to like it.
Loki caught your eye from the sofa across from you, drawing a chuckle from Bruce, "Go on."
You hopped across the aisle to climb up next to Loki, "Do you like football?"
He shrugged, "Would be better with weapons."
You glanced at the TV again; you didn't think weapons were the problem, but you weren't going to argue with Loki. As one team kicked the ball all the way down the field to start the game and the crowd went crazy, you couldn't help but think that your daddies could have done a better job. But they were both watching the screen, even Steve, who had said he wasn't interested. 
"Did you bring your game?" Loki's gaze flicked from the screen to the group of adults, back to you.
You nodded, "In my backpack."
The corner of his mouth lifted, "Do you want to play?"
Glancing at Steve, you nibbled at your lower lip; it might be a bit early to ask. But you slipped off the couch and trotted over to Steve, hands clasped behind your back, "Papa, can I play my game with Loki please?"
He gave a soft chuckle, his gaze flicking to Loki on the other sofa, "It hasn't even been ten minutes, sweetheart."
You glanced over your shoulder at the TV, "But it's screen time, right?" You let your lip jut out a tiny bit, shuffling between Steve's legs. 
A little crease appeared between Steve's brows as Tony snorted a laugh, "She's not bad."
"You two can play, but not the whole time, alright angel?" Steve offered, ignoring Tony. He tipped his chin at the backpack by the sofa, "Go ahead."
You beamed, "Thank you!" Scuttling over, you rifled through the bag, pulling out your game and clamoring back onto the sofa beside Loki.
"Wait, I wanna play!" Wanda's voice piped up from the foosball table, a note of resentment at not being invited in her voice.
"Me too!" Peter echoed, scrambling to follow as Wanda grabbed her own game and climbed up next to you. 
Shuffling over to make room for her, you bumped shoulders with Loki, making him glance sharply away.
"Sorry," you murmured, pulling in to try giving him more space as Peter squeezed in between you and Wanda, crowding the sofa further.
"It's fine."
"Babydoll, do you want to sit with me?" Bucky patted his lap.
Nodding, you disentangled yourself from the others and scurried over to Bucky, who pulled you into his lap, wrapping his arm around you and pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
You looked to Loki, "Are you ready?"
He nodded, though he looked a bit displeased, his mouth pressed into a thin line as Peter and Wanda chattered beside him.
You played, but Loki no longer seemed in the mood for it. He kept glancing at Thor as though he wanted to go home, but Thor, whose face was painted and had a plate piled with food, didn't seem to be going anywhere soon.
When the Giants made a big play, the room exploded with noise, even Bucky, who was usually so soft-spoken. He threw his free hand in the air in a fist,  "YES, WHAT A THROW!"
You tensed, squeezing your eyes closed as though it would muffle the sound. For once, Bucky didn't notice- he was focused on the game. Stifling the threat of a pout, you set your game down and wriggled out of Bucky's grasp, expecting him to protest. But he let you go, his fingers grazing your arm absently. 
Since you'd already gotten up, you had to find something to do. You slunk over to the food table, appraising the snacks, but you weren't really hungry. Glancing over at your daddies, you wanted them to notice you. Usually, they were so attentive that you couldn't hide anything from them, but today you couldn't seem to compete.
"Too loud?"
You'd been so busy watching Steve and Bucky that you hadn't noticed Peter trotting up to you; it looked like game time had been abandoned. Wanda was snuggling in with Natasha and Loki was speaking urgently in Thor's ear.
You hesitated before nodding; Steve had said no complaining. But Peter gave a knowing nod, "Me too." He held out a hand, "C'mon."
You followed him over to the closet. Inside, board games, blankets, and spare snacks filled the shelves. Eyeing a thick comforter at the very top, Peter climbed the shelves with ease, never wavering as he pulled the blanket out with one hand and tossed it down, following with two others before leaping from the top to land on the newly cushioned floor. 
You watched him wide-eyed, breathing a soft, "Wow," as Peter grinned up at you from his dismount.
He began spreading the blankets out in a dense pile on the floor, carefully closing the closet door to muffle the noise as another cheer went up from the sofa area.
Once he was satisfied with his nest, he fixed a serious gaze on you, "I'm gonna go get our stuff. I'll be right back."
He grabbed the door knob, but you touched his hand, "Wait, um," your cheeks flushed with warmth, "Could you get my paci from my backpack?"
Peter smiled and nodded before disappearing, closing the door behind him. You decided it was kind of nice in here; the door muffled the sound nicely and the blankets didn't even smell like a closet. You took another from the shelf, wrapping yourself up as Peter returned, slyly slipping back in and closing the door without a peep.
"Here, pretty girl," he said with earnest enthusiasm as he gave you your things: your game, your paci, and your sippy cup, also from your backpack. He also gave you a cookie from the snack table and a pair of blue headphones.
"I don't like loud noises sometimes either," he said nonchalantly, as though that explained everything.
"Thank you," you murmured, suddenly feeling shy at his attention. Peter was always nice to you, but this was different. He was looking at you the way small children often looked at babies, or children smaller than them; like he was honor-bound to make sure you were cared for.
Part of you wanted to reject his help; you didn't want to be the baby of the group, but you supposed Peter knew what that was like too. So you slid the headphones over your ears, muffling the sounds of the game even further, before you put your paci in and played your game. 
Never being allowed to play your game for this long at home, you lost yourself in it. It wasn't until the closet door opened, Tony on the other side, that you remembered where you were.
"Found them. What are we doing, playing Seven Minutes in Heaven?" He smirked, "I get next round."
Feeling extra small, you just stared up at him, eyelashes fanning your cheeks as you blinked in the bright light.
"It was too loud, Daddy," Peter explained, placing himself resolutely between you and Tony. 
"Pete, you can't-"
"Tony found them, Steve, in the closet," Bucky was calling back over his shoulder. Peering over Tony's shoulder, his expression melted into a smile, "What are you doing in there, babydoll?" Registering the doe-eyed look on your face, he gave you an easier question, "You comfy?"
Nodding, a contented smile peeked out from behind the pacifier. 
Peter didn't budge from his place, "See? She's comfy. We're having fun!" His fists were balled up, even though no grown ups had demanded the closet be vacated.
Steve appeared over Bucky's shoulder, "What is she doing in-" Much like Bucky, Steve instantly softened his tone at the sight of you swaddled up and dewy eyed, "What are you doing in there, angel?" Bucky murmured something in Steve's ear before turning his attention back to you, "It's halftime, princess, do you want to come out for some pizza?" He paused to placate Peter, "You two can come back when the game starts again, if you want."
Peter nodded adamantly, but it was your nod Bucky was waiting for. You were feeling slow, like Bucky's string of words needed to be untangled before you understood what he'd asked you.
With a soft whisper in Peter's ear, Tony guided him back to the party, leaving Steve and Bucky with you. Steve knelt in the doorway, offering a hand, "You hungry, sweetness?"
You blinked at him once before messily untangling the nest of blankets you'd buried yourself in and clamoring over to his hand. But instead of accepting his help standing, you raised both arms, "Up?"
Steve grinned, hoisting you up under the arms and taking you out of the closet to sit on his hip. He removed the headphones Peter had loaned you, setting them back in the closet with your other things.
You babbled softly to yourself, suddenly entranced with the way Steve's blonde hair caught the light, your fingers drawn to the glistening gold. Steve and Bucky talked, though you didn't have enough capacity to truly listen. 
"You don't think something is wrong, do you?"
"She seems happy."
"She doesn't usually get so small, Buck-"
"I know, Stevie," Bucky said soothingly. "We'll talk to her when she lets us." He kissed Steve on the cheek and you on the forehead before he veered toward the snack table, "I'll get her something to eat."
Steve fixed you with a puzzled look, "Is everything okay, sweetheart?" 
He brushed hair away from your face and you leaned into his touch, "Papa." The word was slurred and barely audible, but Steve heard. 
Fingers still buried in the hair behind his ear, you smushed your face into his neck, granting him a sloppy kiss, accented by a muffled, "Mwah." You giggled to yourself as Steve took his seat back on the couch, cradling you carefully in his lap.
You returned your attention to Steve's hair, fingers quickly undoing any attempt he'd made at styling it. He allowed it without complaint; it wasn't a secret that Steve liked having your attention, especially with an audience. 
"Papa pretty," you declared, both hands shrouded in Steve's golden crown, now tousled and messy. Natasha laughed, drawing a derisive look from Wanda. Loki, who had been unsuccessful in convincing Thor to leave, looked miserly and disinterested, tucked into the corner of the sofa with his game, though he wasn't playing. 
"Oh no, I don't think so," Steve suddenly tutted, capturing both of your hands in his, "My baby is the pretty one." And he buried his face in your neck, kissing and nibbling and tickling, your giggles devolving into gasping breaths by the time Bucky returned with food. 
Steve relented, gathering you back into his arms to make room for Bucky, but before he could settle, you were straining against his grasp, trying to get to Bucky, "Dadadadada."
"Hold on," Steve chuckled, wrapping an arm around your waist to keep you in place. "Wait just a minute, sweet pea-"
"Dadada," you insisted, undeterred by Steve's interference. Reaching insistently for Bucky, you were no match for Steve's strength, eyes welling with frustrated tears.
Once Bucky was settled, he moved the plate safely out of the way, pulling you into his lap from Steve's grasp. 
He cupped your chin, wiping a stray tear away, "No need for that, Daddy's right here, princess." You sniffled, urgency forgotten now that you had Bucky. He leaned in closer, cooing, "We know you're extra little, but try to tell us what you need with your big girl words, okay doll?"
To his surprise, you shook your head, "Uh-uh."
"You don't want to use big girl words?"
But you only babbled back at him, the sounds not quite forming all the way.
Steve caught Bucky's eye, but Bucky didn't push further, keeping a close eye on you as you grabbed a fistful of goldfish crackers from the plate he'd brought, sloppily spreading a trail of them from the end table to your seat on the sofa. 
Steve captured your fist in his hand, trying to work the crackers loose before crumbs ended up scattered all over the rec room, "Here sweetness, we'll feed you instead, hm?"
But you let out a squeal of protest, fist instinctively jerking away and scattering crackers across the floor. 
Before you could process, there was a sting to the top of your fist; Steve had given you a sharp tap, "Hey!"
As the realization set in, you stared at Steve with a wobbly lip, sucking in a breath, but before you could cry, Peter exclaimed, "That's not nice!"
"Pete-" Tony began, trying to shush Peter from the snack table, but Peter ducked his arm and charged over to the sofa, crossing his arms expectantly at Steve.
"Hitting is mean."
Now that the attention was on someone else, you buried your face in Bucky's shoulder with a soft whimper, watching Peter and Steve. 
"Peter, honey," Steve tried to explain, "I didn't hit-"
"Yes you did, I saw," Peter insisted, though he glanced at your face, verifying your watery eyes and sniffles before he challenged Steve for the second time. 
"I would-"
"I saw too," Loki chimed in. Wanda was quiet under Natasha's guidance, but she nodded her agreement.
Steve looked pained, "That wasn't to hurt-"
"Steve just needed to get her attention," Bucky tried to help.
But Peter wasn't having it, "Pretty girl is little, she doesn't know." Catching the note of ferocity in his own tone, Peter dialed it back, stealing a glance back at Tony to make sure he wasn't in trouble yet, "You're strong Uncle Steve, what if you did hurt her hand on accident?"
Steve took a deep, calming breath, "I would never hurt her on purpose. I'll be more careful, okay Pete?"
Peter didn't appear convinced, but he nodded. Steve urged him over closer, speaking low, "You're doing a good job looking out for her, okay buddy? I appreciate it."
Peter nodded again, stealing another glance at you to make sure you were really okay. But before he could return to Tony, who was still at the snack table chatting with Stephen, you held out your hand, offering the last goldfish cracker clutched there.
Politely accepting a cracker, Peter scuttled back to Tony, his courage depleted after standing up to a grown up. 
Steve turned his guilty gaze back to you. You stared at him, tucked into the safety of Bucky's chest. He captured your now empty hand, pressing kisses into the back of it, "I'm sorry if I surprised you, sweetheart. Will you let me feed you, please?"
You nodded slowly, making no move to lift your head from Bucky; he was rubbing your back and it was making you sleepy. 
"Buck, she won't sleep tonight if she naps now," Steve warned, taking the plate from Bucky's free hand and offering you a bite of pizza.
Bucky chuckled at your groan of protest as he removed his hand, propping you up in his lap so you could eat, "C'mon doll, eat something for us?"
You nibbled the pizza half-heartedly, but it was enough for them, both men raining praises on you for being so good. You only ate a little, but Steve and Bucky were more focused on keeping you calm and happy. 
Suddenly remembering the party, you peeked at the others. Wanda was laying with her head in Nat's lap, playing her game solo. Peter was with Tony and Stephen at the snack table still, looking a bit shy. Thor was engrossed in the halftime report on the TV, bringing a large flagon to his lips for a deep drink, oblivious to the thunderstorm of atmosphere surrounding Loki beside him. 
Loki looked miserable. His game was turned off, resting on the arm of the sofa. He had his knees pulled up, arms wrapped around them so his chin rested in the gap in between.
Tugging Bucky's sleeve, you pointed, "Dada?"
Bucky spoke gently in your ear, "What is it, princess?"
You struggled for the words, "He sad."
"He does look a little sad, huh?" he murmured, stealing a glance at Steve to see if he was listening, but he was chatting with Nat and Bruce. "You wanna help?"
You nodded and Bucky dutifully carried you over, patiently waiting for you to speak, "Loki?" It didn't sound like it usually did- the syllables were disjointed, but Loki was already paying attention.
"Yes," he replied plainly.
"I sit?"
Bucky settled you in between Loki and Thor, "Shout if you need me, okay baby?" He kissed your forehead before he returned to Steve, who urgently spoke in his ear, his gaze on you.
Loki didn't strike up a conversation. Words weren't your strong suit at the moment, so you just leaned against him, resting your head on his shoulder, "Okay?" Loki gave a short hum that sounded like approval, so you closed your eyes. 
After a minute or two, Loki shifted, lowering his legs. You sat up as he readjusted, and he glanced at you, "You can stay- if you want."
Smiling, you leaned on him again as he grabbed his game. Lighting up further, you pointed, "I watch?"
He gave a tight nod, "Sure."
So you watched him play for a few minutes, disturbed only slightly when Thor finally stood to refill his mug and get more food. When Thor came back, plopping into his seat and shifting the sofa, you were pushed further into Loki, sliding down into his cushion with him.
You let out a soft, surprised squeal, fingers curling around Loki's arm for support. You saw the way Bucky's head snapped to you, instantly seeking you out to make sure you were okay. Steve, who had never stopped watching, narrowed his eyes.
"My apologies, little one, are you alright?" Thor patted your head.
Giggling, you nodded, allowing Bucky to relax as the game started again. As the ball was kicked again, everyone settled back into their seats to watch, although the noise quickly picked back up.
Before long, there was a collective inhale across the room and then all of the adults started shouting.
"Come on!"
"That was pass interference! Are the refs blind?"
Thor thumped his fist on the arm of the sofa, "Foul play!"
Peter caught your eye from his place next to Tony before he stood. Moments later, he was in front of you, the pair of blue headphones and your pacifier brought from the closet. 
Rather than hand them to you, Peter carefully put the headphones on your head, though they weren't plugged in, and held the paci up to your lips.
"Fank you," you slurred around it, grateful to Peter but suddenly shy at the attention.
Peter grinned proudly before climbing back up next to Tony, who ruffled his hair. 
Loki grabbed the end of the headphone cable, plugging it into his game so the sound would cover the noise.
Resting your head back on Loki's shoulder, you could hear the faint murmur of chatter and the occasional exclamation following a big play, but the sound wasn't so overwhelming. 
And despite the dull uptick in the volume after each play, your eyelids grew heavy, your cheek smushed against Loki's shoulder. 
You woke as your seat suddenly shifted again, the collective shout loud enough to pierce the protection of the headphones. 
Jolting up to see Thor jump off the sofa, his fists raised in the air, "YES! YES!" The other adults cheered with him, but the sudden change in atmosphere was a shock. With a single sniffle, you burst into tears, the sound muffled underneath the din. 
Before you could inhale for a wail, a pair of arms hoisted you up, Steve's scent soothing you before you'd even caught a glimpse of blonde hair. 
"I've got you, sweetness," he cooed in your ear, whisking you back to his place next to Bucky. 
You sniffled weakly, lip trembling, but no one other than Loki seemed to have noticed anything was wrong. By the time Bucky finished cheering and Thor sat back down, Steve had you cradled in his lap, Peter's headphones playing soft music in your ears. 
Bucky smiled at you, brushing his thumb idly over your ankle. You blinked at him and Bucky instantly noticed the glitter of tears on your lashes, giving your ankle a soft squeeze and lifting a headphone to talk to you, "You okay, babydoll? You need to go home?"
Sloppily rubbing an eye, you shook your head, "Daddy havin' fun." 
But Bucky shook his head, leaning in closer, "You tell me if you need to go, okay?" He cupped your chin, "My baby is more important, alright?"
Cheeks warming under the intensity of his gaze, you nodded. Looking satisfied, Bucky sat back, though he rested his palm on your ankle, his thumb resuming its path. 
You curled your fingers into Steve's jersey, watching the people run around on the screen for lack of anything else to focus on. With Bucky's thumb tracing over your ankle and Steve's warm palm tracing your back, watching the game wasn't so bad. 
As a man in blue ran down the field, another cheer went up, growing louder as his long strides carried him down into the very end of the field. Thor launched from his seat shouting again, oblivious to the sharp look he got from Steve. But you were ready for it this time, clapping along with everyone else.
The room quickly got quiet as all the players lined up by the goalposts, the tension obvious.
Bucky's fingers slowed on your ankle, squeezing softly as the play started. You struggled to keep track of the ball, but the room exploded in cheers again and Bucky hoisted you off Steve's lap as he jumped up to match Thor's enthusiasm.
Giggling, you clapped again, "Did we win, Daddy?"
Bucky grinned, looking as excited as you'd ever seen him, "We sure did, babydoll."
Bucky looked so happy to see you excited about something he liked, blue eyes lit up with little crinkles around the corners of his eyes. Maybe you could like football too.
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huxs-waifu · 2 years
10,000 Nights- Chapter 12 - Gift From The Gods
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Chapter Summary:
This is entirely fluff! we have 2 weddings here, cute cloaky and you find out what on earth the baby's name is going to be!
As always thank you for the response to the story! we have just one chapter left after this (there will be wedding night smut) But don't fear, I'm already planning a sequel and you'll never guess who will be playing a part in it all!
i researched Greek wedding and blessings for this, I've done what it says in Greek and English but not the Greek lettering for you.
drop a comment and tell me which wedding you would prefer?
Part eleven - can be found here
A03 link - https://archiveofourown.org/works/30666221/chapters/93492631
Playlist - https://huxs-waifu.tumblr.com/post/650653939084279808/via
Masterlist - https://huxs-waifu.tumblr.com/post/670776247958257664/10000-nights-masterlist-the-cloak-seems-intent
Chapter extras 
wedding mood boards to inspire each wedding: https://at.tumblr.com/huxs-waifu/10000-nights-wedding-mood-board/a651jw7s1i9t Chrissys crown - https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/385409680623396678/?nic_v3=1aCoaaxP0<br /> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corona_Borealis
Strange watched as Chrissy was shuffled away from him. Hermes and Wong left, stood beside him.
"So time for your robes too."
"I can just wear this and the cloak with no need for anything fancy."
"Stephen you are literally getting married to a goddess and you're in 40c heat. I think she'll appreciate the change." Wong got up from the pillar.
"I can show you some of the traditional clothes you could wear, it would show off that chest of yours perfectly.  I'm thinking of the winged crown too." The messenger god pointing toward an archway. That went into a cave. “ You can get ready there ."
Wong holds a snigger. "I too think you should go traditional, Strange, no blue robes or cloak for you. I forbid it."
"And why on earth would you want to see me in a toga!"
"Call it punishment for waking me up early" —---- Having been whisked away to a room overlooking the clouds and mountains below, then promptly being sat in front of a mirror. Maenad and Nymphs seemed to appear from nowhere carrying wine, trays of jewels, bolts of silk and bath water, full of petals. Ariadne stood behind playing with my hair, seeing each other in the mirror giving a wide smile that looked very much like my own.
“So what are we thinking, purple for wine? white for traditional?”
“Blue for his eyes?” I say, partly joking. Thinking of the same blue that his eyes shine, when the Stone in his necklace lights the room in green. As we lay in bed holding our hands up looking at the shadows on the wall.
“Blue it is then.” Guessuring over to the silks.
Through what seemed like some kind of magic the nymphs, brought over blue silk, almost seafoam in colour, the material gliding like water as it moved. It wraps around, tying in knots at various points, hugging my chest and body perfectly. Gold clips of grape vines are placed at the shoulders and around the waist, with real ones crawling up the bottom and down over the train, in plush greens. If anyone could have seen it could best be described as a vineyard on a warm summer's day with a cloudless sky.
The true triumph of the dress though was the insulin pump. It held weightlessly against the skin of my right breast. Yet with the folds of the dress cupping across the breast and under it appears as if nothing was there. A couple of Maenad brought plate fruits to me when I was lounging in the bath of rose petals, in all the haste and adrenalin my blood sugars must be shot to pieces. Testing with my machine the beings around me were surprised to see Such technology. After a few whispers I heard the word Mellitus come up knowing for well that the Greeks had coined the word for diabetes all those years ago.
“How is the bride doing?” A male voice was heard
“Dio, No men allowed!”
“Dear I'm, not the groom it doesn't count.” sitting on the marble bench next to me, laying his staff down on the stone flooring. “Besides, I wondered if it was time to give her the wedding present!”
“Of course, we were just about to start her hair.” Hebe, replied excitedly
"Strange as the cloak it's only fitting that you get a relic too." Ariadne fusses behind the mirror shoeing the non-gods out of the room before thanking them as the last leaves.
"We pulled a few strings or shall we say stars," Dionysus adds.
"The Corona Borealis constellation was originally the crown that was given to Me on my wedding day. We thought it would be quite fitting for yours too as Stephen means crown in Greek."
Offering a wooden box carved with the constellation on it, opening the lid to peek inside. On a silken white cloth sat a gold crown. The mass of vines is intricately woven between one another, with emerald leaves and amethyst Grapes.
“That's bloody beautiful!” As I carefully touch one of the grapes. “But am I allowed? I mean it's wonderful, it's worthy of a goddess, but I'm not a real one.”
“As we keep saying this is sorry, to you. For almost getting you trapped in the dark dimension, I think we can let this one slide.” Dionysus gets back up with a creek of bones. There are not many of you left in the timeline you're in, descendants of greek gods that is. There's always that nagging fear that one day you mortals will forget about us altogether. We will look after you while we still have you.”
“ We’ll add the crown into your hair then we're done. Shoo Dio. check on Stephen if you must”
—- “I look like, like bloody Hercules, Wong! You can't make me do this looking like this ?” Stephen's voice echoed through the room on the other side of the hall of the gods.
“I had far too much fun with this”  wong, draping the cloak over his shoulder as Dio walked in from the goddesses.
Stephen emerged from the room. He definitely wasn't in his normal blue robe, as Wong had requested. The White toga is tied over one shoulder with one of the cloak brooches. The other half was showing off his bare chest which looked almost as marble cut and white as the toga compared to the tanned god Hermes next to him. The edging to the toga was embroidered with gold wine glasses and crowns interlocking in a continual pattern. A long slash of red wine is tied to the side with masses of rope. The eye of agamotto in the very middle looks like a fake buckle. This normally slicked back hair had been left to fall naturally, the white hairs curling in with the jet black due to the heat. A crown of laurel leaves and golden narcissus flower sat among it.
“Your definitely not Herc he had more leather.” Hebe joining them from the women's side, she would be doing the blessing as they thought best not to involve Hera into the mix. Hera was the normal goddess for people to pray to for marriage. Hebe could also be involved sometimes in the proceedings of mortals. So she was the next best thing.
Sighing Strange nods before smiling he was actually doing it, marrying a woman he'd literally known for only a few months. Yet felt like he'd known all his life. Clasping his hands together, the scars didn't even come to his mind “shall we make this more homely?” waving his arms, the daylight went into twilight in an instant producing, hundreds of candles up the path to the altar.  
“She's ready.” Ariadne is the final one to join. They all proceeded to gather up at the small alter The gauze curtain twitched.
Strange looked at Chrissy pull through the curtains, a dress of blue and grape vines artfully created around the body, now he definitely didn't feel overdressed. He truly felt like he'd been transported 1000s years ago into the shoes of that last supreme. The warmth of the glow he felt in his heart for Chrissy. Seemed to be shared by someone else at that moment. Taking her hand as she approached lightly connecting the two of them as he led him up the stairs.
“I if I may start, so we can break the spell.” Hebe adds with a cough,” We gather today to bless  Stephen Vincent Strange in marrying the Descendant of Dionysus Chryseis. If you consent to the union of this marriage please proceed. If anyone does not please speak now.” The Service went on hebe, saying all the rights and blessings she could to try and cover the marriage. Better to be safe than sorry when trying to break a centuries-old spell.
“Do you Chryseis Heed-Warden take Stephen Vintcent Strange to be your husband and partner in this life?”
“I do.”
“Sam to you Stephen Vintcent Strange do you take Chryseis Heed-Warden to be your partner in this life?”
“I do, in every life of mine.”
“Then I now pronounce you man and wife! The god's final blessings to you are these.i ora i kal , vion anthosparton ,  na zisete”
“What does that translate to?” the non-greek speakers looking slightly puzzled”
“Our blessings to you - the time is good, may your life be full of flowers and may you live.”
“ That's good enough for me!” Chrissy leaps on Strange dragging him down to her height to give him the kiss smiling Stephen pulls away, whispering
“i ora i kal when I'm with you.”
—---- 1 year later…
Standing at the bottom of the steps, a veil over my face, I walk up the steps one by one. The doors to the New York sanctum came open flooding the hall with light. Smiling at the same open door which started it all. I walked down the aisle with, Cream dress, embroidered with pale yellow flowers on the soft net top layer and a train flowing behind. Modern compared to the lavish blue greek robe we were blessed in a year ago.  The bunch of wild English flowers - including dandelions - show up against the dress. Reaching the stairs, looking over my shoulder at the guests seated on either side. My family joined over from England on one side, shocked at the surroundings and the situation but happy nonetheless.
Tony and Pepper, Morgan bright and bubbly watching. Peter throws confetti with Thor. Loki and Darcy give a small wave, shooing me up the stairs. Two strange-looking family members sat behind my parents. Dressed in a matching wine suit and a dress. Dark sunglasses on and the lady wearing a comically large floppy straw hat. Looking back on the two greek gods were doing the exact opposite of blending into the corrugation.
As I take a deep breath to walk up the stairs. To Stephen, the cloak and the little girl being cradled in it like a swaddle floating weightlessly, her chubby finger trying to pull at the collar. With the cloak booping her now and again lightly on the nose. Cloaky had then quite a liking to the infant, if the cloak of levitation wasn't needed by Stephen so much we would have no need for a nanny . The sentient object was happy to protect the small child.
Reaching the top of the stairs I tap Stephens's arm, with the bouquet. Which he enhanced upon seeing with a broad smile and click of his fingers, the dandelions turning into oversized bulbous heads. Looking down at me, the biggest grin I've seen, since our daughter was born! He leans into me, to whisper peering over at the cloak rocking her so lightly you could hardly see it. “ Do you really think it was a good idea to give Alice the cloak for the day?”
“Shhh, Chalice Helena Donna - soon to be Strange does as she pleases. Plus the cloak is a good judge of people. Otherwise, it wouldn't have invited me in!” knocking into him again playfully.
“If you two are done, can I perform the ceremony?” Wong in his ceremonial robes.
“Sorry Wong !” We say in collusion, Chalice giggling at the name like she always did at the name.
“Dearly beloved, we gather here today to officially marry Chrissy and Stephen in this universe…”
Part 13 - here 
Tag list ! -   @too-short-for-my-own-good @avengershumanresources @d0ct0rstrangewife @strangelockd
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