ragazzoarcano · 11 months
“Non si regala l'anima a chi non è disposto a regalare la sua.
L'amore è un dialogo, non un monologo.”
— Oriana Fallaci
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dialogue-prompts-world · 11 months
Villainous Dialogue Prompts
List by @dialogue-prompts-world
"You underestimate my power."
"Fear is such a delightful sensation, isn't it?"
"There's no escaping your fate, my dear."
"I'll enjoy watching your world crumble at my feet."
"Weakness is a luxury I cannot afford."
"Every hero needs a worthy adversary, and that's where I come in."
"Your suffering brings me immense pleasure."
"In the end, everyone will bow before me."
"Hope is a cruel joke, meant to torment the feeble-minded."
"I thrive on chaos, and your pitiful attempts to stop me only fuel it."
"Your precious little morality is nothing but a hindrance."
"To defeat me, you'll have to embrace the darkness within yourself."
"I control the strings of destiny, and you are just a puppet in my grand design."
"There is no redemption for you or anyone else foolish enough to oppose me."
"Once I'm done, there won't be a trace left of your pitiful existence."
"My power knows no bounds. Resistance is futile."
"I relish in the misery of others. It's a beautiful symphony."
"I'm not interested in ruling the world; I want to watch it burn."
"Your loved ones will suffer dearly for your insolence."
"To challenge me is to invite your own destruction."
"The weak are meant to be crushed. It's the law of nature."
"Your hope is nothing but a flickering flame, ready to be extinguished."
"Despair is my most loyal ally, and it will consume you."
"I will dismantle everything you hold dear and leave you with nothing."
"Heroes are just tragic figures awaiting their inevitable downfall."
"There is no good or evil; only power and those too weak to seek it."
"My legacy will be etched in the annals of history, while yours will be forgotten."
"You cling to righteousness like a drowning man clings to a life preserver."
"The world needs me, even if it doesn't realize it yet."
"Remember this moment, for it's the last time you'll ever feel hope."
Feel free to adapt or modify these phrases to suit your villain.
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doceevil · 4 months
mas acho muito injusto isso consigo mesmo,
por mais que você esteja aqui,
seus olhos estão presos ao passado...
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blogdaabelha · 2 months
em um planeta cheio de pessoas, eu não encontro uma se quer pra dialogar.
— eu tenho tanta coisa pra falar.
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donotlove · 6 months
Eu não consigo imaginar meu mundo sem você, porque sem você, só existe eu... Quebrado, perdido e sozinho. Sem você, não existe DEPOIS.
-Hardin Scott
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insecure-n-lost · 2 months
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illsadboy · 3 months
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…Già chiedo troppo…
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umi-no-onnanoko · 26 days
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jessemachado777 · 6 months
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libero-de-mente · 7 months
- Pa' ti puoi fermare al supermercato?
- Certo, che ti serve?
- Questa sera vorrei comprarmi una buona birra da bere a cena.
- Va bene, vuoi che entro o la scegli da solo?
- Se mi accompagni preferisco, così mi consigli.
Dopo aver scelto la birra ci avviamo alla cassa, non c'è quasi nessuno e distraendomi guardando alcuni scaffali mio figlio mi distanzia.
Arrivo alla cassa, la cassiera ha appena afferrato la bottiglia e fissa guarda mio figlio. Mio figlio osserva la cassiera.
- Sei sicuro di voler prendere questa birra? - chiede la cassiera.
- Si, perché non è buona? - chiede ingenuamente mio figlio.
- ...
- ...
- Senti, hai diciott'anni?
- Certo, ne ho venti.
- Sicuro?
- Vuole vedere la carta d'identità?
Nel frattempo mio figlio mi guarda, io lo guardo con la rassegnazione di chi ha vissuto questa situazione ventordicimila volte nei suoi vent'anni.
La cassiera mi riconosce: - Ma è tuo figlio?
- Si, è figlio numero 1
- Ma dai, proprio come te quando avevi la sua età.
- Già, te lo ricordi vero?
- Come no, tutti i posti di blocco erano tuoi. Ti pensavano minorenne alla guida dell'auto.
Mio figlio ci guarda stranito, io lo tranquillizzo: - Eravamo in compagnia insieme.
- Ah, siete amici.
- Si si, io e tuo padre ci conosciamo da una vita. Ha sempre dimostrato tanti anni in meno della sua età reale.
Daniele paga, usciamo dopo aver scambiato due parole con la mia amica e averla salutata.
- Pa' che imbarazzo!
- Daniele, un giorno apprezzerai il dimostrare meno anni dei tuoi.
- Ma papà a venti anni quanti ne dimostravi?
- Sedici.
- A sedici anni?
- Dodici, tredici.
- A dodici?
- Otto.
- A otto? - chiede ridendo sempre di più.
- Tre...
- E a tre anni?
- Dicevano a mia madre "Ma che bel spermatozoo, è suo?"
Ride di gusto, bello lui.
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mal-concio · 2 months
Bisogna parlarle, cazzo il dialogo è fondamentale.
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dialogue-prompts-world · 11 months
List of "I'm worried" dialogue prompts
List by @dialogue-prompts-world
"I've noticed that you seem a bit down lately. Is everything okay?"
"I want you to know that I'm here for you if you ever need to talk."
"You don't have to go through this alone. I'm here to support you."
"I've been concerned about you. Can we talk about what's been going on?"
"Is there something you'd like to share?"
"You're important to me, and I care about you"
"I'm here to listen, without judgment. You can open up to me."
"Remember that you're not alone. We can face this together."
"I've noticed that you haven't been yourself lately. Is there something bothering you?"
"I'm worried about you. Can we talk about what's been on your mind?"
"You matter to me, and I'm concerned about your health."
"If there's anything you need, please don't hesitate to reach out to me."
"You're not alone in this. We can find a way through it together."
"I've sensed that something might be bothering you. Is there anything you'd like to share?"
"Remember, I'm here for you."
"I've noticed that you've been distant lately. Is there something going on that you'd like to talk about?"
"You're not alone in this. Lean on me whenever you need support."
"I'm worried, can we talk about it?"
"I'm here to offer a listening ear and support. You can trust me."
"I care about you deeply, and I'm worried about your current state. Can we discuss it?"
"You're never alone in this journey. I'm here to walk alongside you."
"If there's something bothering you, know that I'm here to help in any way I can."
"I've noticed that you've seemed anxious lately. Is there something you'd like to share?"
"You deserve to feel better, and I want to help you find the path to healing."
"You don't have to carry your burdens alone. I'm here to share the load."
"I'm worried about you, I recognize it. Just let me stay here with you for a while."
"It's okay to not be okay. You don't have to put on a brave face for me."
"If there's something going on in your life, I'm here to listen and offer support."
"You're not alone in your struggles. I'm here to help you navigate them."
"You're an important person in my life, and I want to make sure you're okay."
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doceevil · 5 months
eu sinto muito por você ter que "lidar" com isso,
mas não tem como você me conhecer,
me amar,
sem amar essa parte frágil, delicada e complicada que existe em meu ser.
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pockettao · 10 months
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Suho: What’s with this emotion? I’m getting goosebumps. What’s your problem?
Sieun: What?
Suho: I mean, you... You’re being so nice right now. The way you’re looking at me, your behaviour, the way you talk and that look on your face. It feels awfully strange.
Weak hero class 1 (kdrama)
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aninhapimentel · 10 months
Como morre o Amor
Engana-se quem pensa que o amor morre da noite para o dia. O amor morre aos poucos. O amor vai morrendo nos desafetos, no esquecimento, na falta de diálogo, na falta de carinho. Morre na falta do interesse sobre o outro, morre na falta do cuidado, do “bom dia”, “dormiu bem?”, “só liguei pra dizer que amo você”. Sim, engana-se quem acredita que o amor se mantém de grandes manifestações e acaba esquecendo as pequenas. O amor sobrevive de pequenos gestos, de dia a dia, de gentilezas, de confissões ao pé do ouvido, de demonstrações de afeto no meio do dia.
Sim, a grandiosidade do amor se faz de pequenas e gratuitas atitudes. O amor precisa se manter em movimento para se manter vivo.
Gabriel Castro.
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