#dream interpretation dictionary
wolfflowers · 8 months
Not wanting to add to the prev post, but I would like to know more about dreams and what they mean to people around the world without them being disrespected. How do they know what they mean? How do they know when it's from someone? How do they know it's a message and not just a story being explored?
Mine are so vivid and story-like and make me feel so much, but I have nothing to go from in what they could mean or be telling me.
When are they messages from myself or others? When are they warnings or suggestions? When are they just stories? And who could be trying to contact or help me when I don't know any names or spiritualities? How do I find any information when I've got nothing to go off from?
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dreamingjaguar · 1 year
I was at some kind of flea market with Olivia and there was like this old onyx stone that had a carving of a half jaguar half mermaid and a spiral on it. It was like six dollars and I really wanted it but the stone had been broken and put back together by like nails inside the stone. Then as I was observing it it was like some kind of fossilized skeleton of a bird fish insect thing and it came open and there was like dead animal tissue inside and pieces fell out on the ground and I didn’t want the shop owner to see so I like his part of the insect body looking thing in my mouth. Then I found a reversible blanket dress that one side had mushrooms all over it and the other was black and white night sky and spirals all over it.
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daimonclub · 1 year
Freud on humor and jokes
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Freud on humor and jokes Freud on humor and jokes, a text about humor and jokes starting from the works by Sigmund Freud and continuing with quotes and thoughts by Mikes, Brown and Cooper. Last but not least, as you can see from Freud's portrait, you must always keep well in mind that humor is a very serious thing. Now humor is a means of obtaining pleasure in spite of the painful emotions involved; acts as a substitute for the emergence of these emotions; he puts himself in their place... at the price of not releasing an emotion: it comes from saving in the expenditure of emotion. Sigmund Freud Heine is said to have created the last blasphemous joke on his deathbed. When a priest friend reminded him of divine mercy and gave him the hope that God would forgive him his faults, he is said to have replied: ” Bien sûr qu'il me pardonnera: c'est son métier.”… Thus in the dying , which lies there without strength, the awareness arises that he had created God and that he had given him a strength so as to make use of him when the occasion arose. The supposedly created being revealed himself, just before his annihilation, as the creator. Sigmund Freud Two Jews were talking about baths. “I take a bath every year,” said one of them, “whether I need it or not.” Sigmund Freud A doctor, moving away from the bedside of a lady, said to her husband, with a handshake: "I don't like her appearance". "I haven't liked her looks for a long time," her husband agreed quickly. Sigmund Freud The difference between full professors and extraordinary professors is that ordinary professors do nothing extraordinary, and extraordinary professors do nothing good. Sigmund Freud An individual who became poor borrowed 25 florins from an acquaintance. The same day the creditor meets him again at the restaurant, over a plate of salmon with mayonnaise. "But how? You ask me to borrow money and then order some salmon mayonnaise for you? That's what you used my money for. "I don't understand you," replied the defaulting debtor, "if I don't have the money, I can't eat salmon with mayonnaise, and if I have some money, I mustn't eat it. So when will I be able to eat salmon with mayonnaise?”. Sigmund Freud
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Sigmund Freud on Humor Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious (Der Witz und seine Beziehung zum Unbewussten) is a book written by Sigmund Freud, the famous psychoanalyst, and was first published in 1905. In this book, Freud explores the nature and significance of jokes, delving into their psychological underpinnings and their connection to the unconscious mind. Already in the Interpretation of dreams of the 1900s there are numerous references to witticisms, puns and laughter as an emotional discharge with a catarchic function. Continuing with his various researches on the psyche, unconscious activity and sexual theories, Freud goes so far as to compare the technique of witticisms with dream work, and the results of this investigation are found in his book on the motto of spirit and its relationship with the unconscious of 1905 (Der Witz und seine Beziehung zum Unbewussten), and here his reflection takes on a structured dimension, such as to make the witticism one of the fundamental modalities of the presence of the unconscious in the portion aware of mental life. Freud begins by suggesting that jokes serve as a social and psychological outlet, allowing individuals to express thoughts and emotions that might otherwise be repressed or unacceptable. He argues that jokes often involve the release of pent-up psychic energy, providing temporary relief from tension and inhibitions. Freud claims that "our enjoyment of the joke" indicates what is being repressed in more serious talk. Freud argues that the success of the joke depends upon a psychic economy, whereby the joke allows one to overcome inhibitions. According to Freud, understanding of joke technique is essential for understanding jokes and their relation to the unconscious, however, these techniques are what make a joke a joke. Freud also noted that the listener laughing really heartily at the joke will typically not be in the mood for investigating its technique. The book is divided into three sections: "analytic," "synthetic" and "theoretical." The book's first section includes a discussion on the techniques and tendencies of jokes. The second section includes a discussion on the psychological origins and motives of the joke and the joke as a social process. The book's final section discusses the joke's relation to dreams and the Unconscious. Freud analyzes various types of jokes, including innocent wordplay, obscene humor, and wit. He examines the mechanisms behind joke formation and enjoyment, such as condensation (combining multiple meanings into a single expression) and displacement (redirecting taboo thoughts or desires onto more acceptable targets). According to Freud, jokes often rely on the violation of social norms and the release of repressed desires, making them a form of disguised wish fulfillment. Furthermore, Freud explores the relationship between humor and the unconscious mind. He suggests that jokes often contain hidden meanings and symbolism that reflect unconscious desires, conflicts, and fantasies. By analyzing the underlying content of jokes, Freud believed it was possible to gain insights into an individual's psyche. Overall, "Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious" is a pioneering work that explores the psychological aspects of humor. Freud's analysis provides a deeper understanding of the mechanisms behind joke formation, their social functions, and their connection to the hidden workings of the human mind. The essay on Humor of 1927 instead deals with an aspect that had been confined to a few pages in the last chapter of the text on the Witz. The pleasure in saving expenditure was identified in sentiment, with the suspension of affective participation in facts or phenomena that should have caused great affliction. It was then a question of a defense mechanism, superior to repression as it triumphed over automatism. In the brief essay Freud reiterates the importance of that "noble", grandiose character of humour, which is explained in terms of a triumph of narcissism, in the victorious affirmation of the ego's invulnerability to external attacks, thus demonstrating its proud closeness to Jewish humor.
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George Mikes Since every religion was able to make me laugh, I decided that after all humour might have become my own true religion. Carl William Brown I don’t believe in God, but I have got a magical sense of humour. Carl William Brown All art is quite useless and so it is the universe. Carl William Brown The world is destined to become even more comical; that is why humorists are the real precursors of our future civilization. Carl William Brown Jokes are better than war. Even the most aggressive jokes are better than the least aggressive wars. Even the longest jokes are better than the shortest wars. George Mikes A humorist is a writer, like the rest. He may make superficial fun on manners, he may crack jokes on the obvious or again he may be a serious and profound critic of society. George Mikes A philosopher with a sense of humour will laugh at a joke instead of performing a post mortem on it; and a philosopher will not be able - however competent he may be otherwise - to teach us a lot about the sense of humour if he himself lacks one. George Mikes The Oxford English Dictionary defines a joke as a thing said or done to excite laughter; witticism, jest; ridiculous circumstance: Nuttall's says: a jest to raise laughs: something witty or sportive; something not serious or in earnest. One could argue that these definitions are not perfect. But as (a) everybody can argue that no definition is perfect, and (b) we all know what a joke is - I shall not waste too many words on this point. George Mikes It is obvious that inventing a joke is a creative activity which should come under the definition of art. Telling a joke is a performance, it is performing art. George Mikes The context is the playing surface of the joke; a background, a condition, a set of limiting facts. In Humour, as in usage generally, context may be verbally linguistically, in the understood situation or the general cultural assumption. Walter Nash First of all, a joke can put things, definitions, ideas in a nutshell ... Secondly, jokes can elucidate things, often more revealingly than long and complicated scientific definitions ... A joke or anecdote can prick pomposity and show up cant and hypocrisy better than any other method. George Mikes Or take the political joke - another case where the joke, while it must be funny in its own right, has a deeper, more significant meaning... Under oppressive regimes jokes replace the press, public debates, parliament and even private discussion - but they are better that any of these... The joke is a flash of lightning, athrust with a rapier. It does not put forward the "argument" that the tyrant is possibly mistaken: it makes a fool of him, pricks the pomposity, brings him down to a human level and proves that he is weak and will one day come crashing down. Every joke told weakens the tyrant, every laugh at his expense is a nail in his coffin. That is why tyrants and their henchmen cannot possibly have a sense of humour, any more than an archbishop can be an atheist or a monarch a republican. No one living in the free atmosphere of a western democracy can imagine the liberating and invigorating effect these jokes have as they spread from mouth to mouth. George Mikes We are hit by the joke but, as psychoanalysts put it, our ego regresses, gives up some control and for a moment relaxes its jealous, guarding position. George Mikes Understatement springs from the English character: and having become second nature it also contributes now to the formation or development of the English character. As I said, it is not only a joke, not always a joke and, occasionally, it is very much the opposite of a joke ... The whole rhythm of life in England is understatement; their suppression of emotion is understatement; their underreaction to everything, the polite word instead of the expletive (when the latter would help so much more to clean the air), the stiff upper lip, the very climate with its absence of extremes, all these are understatement. George Mikes
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Tommy Cooper Here are now some other examples of very short jokes by a famous English comedian and then a longer one: I told my wife she should embrace her mistakes. She gave me a hug. Tommy Cooper I went to buy some camouflage trousers, but I couldn't find any. Tommy Cooper I said to the waiter, 'This coffee tastes like mud.' He said, 'Yes, sir, it's fresh ground. Tommy Cooper I haven't slept for ten days. Because that would be too long. Tommy Cooper I've been on a diet for two weeks, and all I've lost is fourteen days. Tommy Cooper I told the doctor I broke my leg in two places. He told me to stop going to those places. Tommy Cooper One day a waiter fell sick and was rushed to hospital. He was lying on the table in great pain. When a doctor passed by the waiter said: “Hey doctor, could you do something for my pain?” The doctor said: “I’m sorry this isn’t my table.” Tommy Cooper I said to the waiter: “There is no chicken in this chicken soup.” He said: “And there’s no horse in the horseradish either. Tommy Cooper I saw an old tramp walking down the street wearing one shoe. I said: “Hey, you lost your shoe.” He said: “No I found one.” Tommy Cooper Electricity is a wonderful thing. Do you realise that of we didn’t have electricity we’d be watching television by candle light? Tommy Cooper A newly-appointed school inspector was assigned to a class in one of the local kindergartens and was introduced to the class by the teacher. She told the class, “Let’s show the inspector just how clever you are by allowing him to ask you a question.” The inspector reasoned that since this is a kindergarten started by a church, so he asked a biblical question: “Class, who broke down the wall of Jericho?” For a full minute there was absolute silence. The children all just stared at him blankly. Eventually, little Alec raised his hand and was asked to speak. Little Alec stood up and said: “Sir, I do not know who broke down the wall of Jericho, but I can assure you that it wasn’t me.” Of course the inspector was shocked by the answer and the lack of knowledge of the famous Bible story and he looked at the teacher for an explanation. Realizing that he was perturbed, the teacher said: “Well, I’ve known Alec since the beginning of the year, and I believe that if he says that he didn’t do it, then he didn’t do it.” The inspector was even more shocked at this and stormed down to the principal’s office and told him what happened, to which the principal replied: “I don’t know the boy, but I socialize every now and then with his teacher, and I believe her. If she feels that the boy is innocent, then he must be innocent.” The inspector could not believe what he was hearing. He grabbed the phone on the principal’s desk and in a rage, wanted to dial PM’s office, but he paused and decided this could be a bit of an overreaction. So instead he phoned his old childhood friend – Minister of Education. The inspector rattled off the entire occurrence to him and asked him what he thought of the state of education in kindergartens. Education Minister sighed heavily and replied: “I don’t know the boy, the teacher or the principal, but just get three quotations and get the wall fixed lah!" To make a good healthily laugh you can also visit the following pages! Funniest English Comedians Fish, fishers and good humour Three men in a boat by Jerome K. Jerome Carl William Brown on humour April fools day or All fools day George Mikes e l’umorismo  (My Ko-fi Shop) Il motto di spirito di Sigmund Freud George Mikes quotes George Mikes on Italy George Mikes on English Good English jokes Christmas crackers jokes Puns riddles and jokes Christmas jokes Professional jokes Funny and crazy notices Charlie Hebdo Magazine Reader’s Digest Humour For more information Visit  www.daimon.org/hum Read the full article
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sytoran · 11 months
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the mother of the kids you babysit is sinfully hot, and she happens to be going through a messy divorce, so, of course, you're gonna do what you can to help out.
🌸 pairing: milf!pregnant!wanda x top!babysitter!gn!reader
🌸 cont: almost smut (18+), major age gap, teasing, flirting, what kind of oneshot would this be if i didn't add love to the lust, pregnancy kink kinda, or just a thing for hot moms in general
🌸 word count: 1.9k
🌸 note: i know i'm supposed to be on break... scold me after
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To say you had an unhealthy obsession with the mother of the kids you babysat would be an understatement.
Understated by such a far amount that it dug beyond the trenches of the center of the universe.
Because you were utterly, filthily, encompassingly, sinfully, and completely enthralled by the mere thought of Wanda Maximoff.
She was leaning over the kitchen counter, low-cut shirt emboldening the tantalising cleavage she had, speaking to her kids in that sexy motherly tone that drove you wild.
“Mommy’s gonna be cheering you boys on for your football game tomorrow, alright?”
Wanda was every one of your wet dreams embodied as a breathtaking woman, so utterly gorgeous beyond dictionaried words that you nearly fell to your knees in the presence of her beauty the first time you saw her. 
Especially now, that she was pregnant with her third child.
It took every cell of your willpower to not start drooling when you laid your eyes on her these days: with her glowing features that had aged like fine wine, or her rounded and full breasts, so tight against the seams of her shirt, or her big belly you just longed to caress. 
Sometimes you’d think Wanda felt the same for you.
All the times she would ‘accidentally’ brush her ass against your crotch area when squeezing through a narrow gap, pressing into you for a moment too long to be considered accidental. 
Or the times she would complain to you about her messy divorce with Vision, lamenting about her lawyers and social workers and saying that you were the only one that could calm her down. 
But the two of you were worlds apart, because she paid you to be the babysitter for her kids. That was what was holding you back, from bending her over the kitchen counter every time she brushed passed you with that ass.
Wanda’s sweet voice snaps you out of your trance, and you look up guiltily at having been caught staring. When you come to your senses, you’ve realized that the boys have already left for school that day. 
The mother tilts her head to the side with a little grin, and your heart does a flip. “What’re you thinking about that’s got you so distracted, hm?” she asks, propping her head up with a hand while resting her elbow on the counter. 
You clear your throat awkwardly, pushing in some chairs to busy your hands. “Uni stuff,” you reply, the lie slipping through your lips surprisingly easily. “It’s quite stressful, with exam season ‘round the corner.” 
It wasn’t a secret that you were nearly twenty years younger than Wanda, but it made your little forbidden crush all the more thrilling. The way you would take time out of your weekends to spend time with Wanda and the kids, disregarding party invites and forgoing study time. It was probably not a good move, but your horniness seemed to have a mind of its own.
“Mhm, uni was a lifetime ago for me,” Wanda reminisces, lifting her arms up to stretch. Your eyes are shamefully glued to the curve of her belly as her shirt rides up. “You’re so mature for your age, though, Y/N. Wish you were around during my time.” 
“What?” you nearly choke on your words, unsure if you had interpreted her correctly. It was too good to be true – Wanda had never been this forward.
“Come on, sweetheart, don’t sell yourself short,” the mother says easily, smiling brightly as if she wasn’t the cause of your burning arousal. “Captain of the football team, eh? You can also cook, clean, fix cars, do gardening, and fix sinks. And you’re good with kids! I bet you have all the girls in uni chasing after you.”
Wanda’s surge of compliments does wonders for your ego, but the only thing you genuinely care about was your availability for her. You’ve had girls in your level lust after you, sure, but Wanda was a secret solace that was different from them all.
“Maybe,” you say cryptically, failing to hide a smirk at the look that washes over Wanda’s face. 
“Do you? Someone from school?” Wanda asks, the teasing lilt in her voice dissipating almost immediately, instead being replaced with something akin to jealousy.
Fuck, you wanted her so bad.
“Hmm, sure,” you tease, liking this cat-and-mouse game you were playing. “She looks a bit like you.”
Wanda can’t seem to keep the annoyance off her face, and it’s adorably funny. And kind of hot, too. “That’s nice. Are you dating her?” 
You laugh, walking up to Wanda to help her with the dishes she was currently unpacking from the dryer. “Nah. Sometimes I think she wants me, but I also think she’s way outta my league.”
‘Way outta my league’ my ass, more like ‘way outta my appropriate age group.’
As Wanda watches you pick up a glass bowl, she feels a surge of emotion well up from inside that causes her to tear up.
Of course, she would never have you, it was just silly to want her babysitter. You had so many younger, fitter, eligible partners, all waiting to have you. Young pretty girls who had problems with the colour of their lipstick, not problems with pregnancy and divorce lawyers and shitty husbands.
When you look back to see Wanda’s state of tears, worry taints your features instantaneously. “My emotions are all over the place because of the pregnancy,” Wanda says between shaky breaths. “I’m sorry, Y/N.”
In wordless acknowledgement, you put down the dishes and sweep Wanda off her feet. You lift her from under her back and thighs, firm hands steadying her as you walk up the stairs. Wanda looks up at you, feeling so utterly vulnerable all of a sudden, but you send her a warm smile that simultaneously calms her down and awakes butterflies in her stomach.
She takes the time to brush her hands over your arms, then your neck. You were so strong, so calming, everything she had ever needed. Now, the feeling of your hands so close to where she’d imagined you so many times was a good distraction.
When you reach the bedroom, you move the pillows and set her down gently, all with her arms wrapped around your neck. With a striking realisation, Wanda knows that she’s never felt this safe with anyone ever, so warm and so inviting, and she never wanted to let you go.
You leave for a while to get some things, and reappear in Wanda’s bedroom with a glass of warm water and some painkillers. There are chocolates in the mix, the peanut butter kind that soothes Wanda down immensely.
“You’re too good for me,” Wanda says breathily, the sheen of sweat that had covered her forehead now being tenderly wiped away by you. You shrug plainly. You just wanted to provide for her, take care of her and her kids and all her sexual needs. treat Wanda like the queen she was, nothing at all like the bags of garbage that was her husband.
Before you know it, you lean down to press a kiss against Wanda’s warm forehead in an act of affection. The moment is sweet, and soft, so much like what you’d imagined.
Wanda freezes up for a moment, and you do the same. “Sorry,” you choke out, moving back quickly, but the older woman was quick to grip your forearm and prevent you from escaping.
Your breath stills in your throat, eyes wide. You’re hovering over Wanda from the side of the bed, while the woman lays down just inches away from you. Her hair is splayed across the pillows, her pupils are blown, and her lips are so close to yours. So, so close.
Time slows down as you tilt your head to meet her lips, chasing that forbidden little paradise you’d been seeking for months. You instinctively place a hand on the swell of her belly, and Wanda shudders at your touch.
She places a hand on the side of your face, fingers skating over your cheekbones, and the electricity that runs through your blood makes you feel more alive than you’d ever been. 
You can feel her warm breath on your lips, tantalising.
You can see her closed eyelids, anticipating.
You can taste that forbidden paradise, addicting.
But the moment is broken like shattered glass when the sound of the doorbell resounds around the house.
“Fuck,” Wanda whispers, jumping into action, scrambling to pull herself together. “It’s my husband. He was gonna come today to collect his shit.” You back away from her, face burning in embarrassment at how excited and desperate you’d been.
“Sorry,” you say awkwardly, watching her check her reflection in the bedroom mirror. “I’ll go now. I won’t bother you anymore.” The sound of keys unlocking the door has you resigning to your fate.
Wanda whips her head around in record time. Only then does she notice your downcast gaze. “Baby,” she croons, coming up to you to cradle your face in her hands. “You know it’s not like that.”
You let out an incoherent grumble, but Wanda cuts you off by pressing her lips against yours in a quick fashion, far too quick for your liking. Nonetheless, you’re left reeling and heart pounding, staring at the older woman wide-eyed.
“I’m divorcing him,” Wanda continues, briskly walking towards the door like she hadn’t just turned your life upside down. “After that, you can have me all to yourself–”
Before Wanda knows what hit her, she’s being pushed against the wall with your lips on hers. You’re quick, and rough, like you’d die without the taste of her tongue. You slide a knee between her big thighs, relentless and stealing her every breath. Wanda moans against you, hands helplessly pinned against the door, her heart beating all too quick.
“Wanda? You there?” A not-so-distant voice calls, then footsteps are heard trudging up the stairs. Spurred on by the movement, you possessively slip a hand up Wanda’s shirt, sliding over her pregnant belly and then to her big breasts, squeezing it in your palm.
“F-fuck,” the mom whimpers, dizzied with your undying fervour. She can feel the wetness in her panties pool, hormones dancing all over the place, her brain screaming at her to let her fuck you right up against the wall and make her cum in front of her husband.
“Tomorrow,” Wanda whispers, as the footsteps edge closer and closer. You pull away, just like that, your hands smoothing over her shirt and resting unnecessarily long on her hardened buds.
Wanda almost laughs in disbelief at your incredible boldness, but after a few seconds the door clicks open and she freezes. 
“What’re you doing?” Vision asks suspiciously, emerging from behind the doorway like a figment of her worst dreams.
Wanda turns her head to look at you, for you’d been standing right there just a moment ago. Now, all that’s left is an empty room, a window wide open, and the howling wind.
“Nothing much,” Wanda replies, turning to Vision with a cryptic smile. “Other than moving on from you, obviously.”
Just two floors down, you’re getting onto your skateboard and whizzing away from the house with your legs shaking in adrenaline. Your blood is pumping and your hands are numb, but this little fantasy of yours leaves your heart soaring higher than it ever had before.
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i was too lazy to add the taglist, sorry yall. anyways come and yell at me in my asks rn
read part 2 | main m.list | AO3
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homunculus-argument · 3 months
Reading meanings behind dreams is all fina nd games until you do it with a book written by someone who is just Freud incarnated
I've actually thought about wanting to write a book about dream interpretation - specifically a guide on how to learn to read your own dreams instead of trying to be some one-size-fits-all guide trying to shoehorn everyone's unique dream language into the same pattern. So instead of a "this symbol means this" dictionary, it's about learning to recognise your own dream symbolism.
Like if you have a dream where you fuck something up and your uncle shows up to tell you "look nobody here feels bad for you, get your shit together", that's a completely different message depending on how you feel about that specific uncle. If he has always been good to you and is someone you trust, that's your subconscious taking the shape of someone whose opinion you respect in order to tell you that you need to get your shit together. But if that uncle has only ever been a dick and a bully, he might only be there to explicitly remind you that your family has no sympathy for your struggles.
And also, while that sounds fun as a thought to play with, I wouldn't recommend reading any incarnation of Freud, spiritual, physical or academical.
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thankeywa · 1 year
“hiiii i loved your last piece and damn your writting is SO GOOD <3 so i ask you pretty please if you could right about an aged up!lo'ak w aged up!reader where they're in a romantic relationship and finally mate after a couple of months of waiting. THANKS IN ADVANCE LUV YA”
hiiii! so, as you asked me to, this is me fowarding the request! 🫶🏻 i imagine this being with a female reader, something like childhood friends to lovers – the girl would be a na’vi and they grew up together or smt. i also see the reader being a little scared of mating with lo’ak – thinking things like i love this man but he’s so reckless i dont wanna loose him – and shit. i trust you a 100% with this because I KNOW you're gonna make me giggle scream in my pillows and punch the air even if i read your grocery store list.
lmk if you need anything more! lots of love & kisses. 💘💘💕💞💘💖💗💓💗
Chosen | Lo'ak x fem!Omaticaya!reader (Smut)
A.N: Hello there! Sorry this took me so long, but I'm in the middle of exam season and also my birthday was last week and yea lots of stuffs going on. I hope my interpretation of your request will be everything you dreamed of, tbh I went a lil extra, but this story has literally been plaguing me for days and I loved writing it so much!
Summary: fem!Omaticaya!reader x Lo'ak, both reader and Lo'ak are 18/19 in this, usually I write 20+ characters but I was trying to keep the story as close as possible to Na'vi 'marriage traditions, according to them 15 is the age of maturity and I believe parents arrange marriages around that time, but if anyone is uncomfortable with this then please feel free to imagine the characters are older.
T.W.: NSFW, this is pr0n with feelings, but it is detailed. As always, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT WITH THIS WORK OR ANY OF MY ACCOUNTS, thank you. Awkward first-time shenanigans, angst, fluff, and yeah if I missed anything please let me know.
T.W. 2: This turned into a whole ass fic so forewarning for mentions of blood, neglectful parenting, and a near-death experience for a main character.
Word count: 6.355
Mini dictionary for this fic:
Olo'eyktan = clan leader
Kaltxì! = hello
Oeru syaw... = My name is...
Ngaru tut? = And you are?
Sempul= father
Sa'nok= mother
Oe tìwayn...= I love...
Tsahik= spiritual leader
Yawne = beloved
Oeya- = My-
Oel ngati kameie = I see you
Nga yawne lu oer = I love you (You are beloved to me)
Kehe= no
If you have any Lo'ak requests, please send them my way!
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Lo'ak had never been chosen for anything in his life.
For as long as he'd remembered, his parents had either been taking every spare moment they had to teach Neteyam the right path in life, so that he would one day be an Olo'eyktan fit enough to succeed his father or alternatively, dote on his sisters. It was at an embarrassingly young age when he discovered that he could have wandered off from the safety of his family and nobody would have taken much notice until the eclipse would come, and it was time to turn in.
Even on those occasions, Lo'ak would try to prove his worth by showing his father a creature he had caught or a place he had 'discovered', but his parents didn't really do much other than reprimand him for his reckless behavior.
"You know you were supposed to help me look after your baby sister today, why is it so hard for you to understand basic instructions?" His father would huff, dragging him back home while carrying Tuk on his shoulders. Lo'ak looked at her. She was a tiny infant, where could she have possibly gone by herself? And why did he have to stick around to look after her, while Neteyam and Kiri were out hunting with their mother?
Eventually, his disappearances stopped raising alarms, as his family had accepted Lo'ak would always find his way back or his brother would be the one to recuperate him. On these occasions, Lo'ak had tried to fit in with the rest of the clan but had quickly discovered his presence wasn't all that welcome among his peers. While they felt the need to respect him because he was the Olo'eyktan's son and Neteyam's brother, his quirks, specifically his hands and his speech pattern were too... different. Too human. A lot of Omaticayans his age had been orphaned as a consequence of the war against the sky people, and Lo'ak was just another reminder of what their presence had left behind. Not to mention he was also friends with Spider, an actual sky person, even though he was born on Pandora and knew nothing of Earth.
On a day like any other, Lo'ak and Spider were playing hide and seek just the two of them, a game Jake had taught them and was too 'human' sounding for the rest of their peers to want to join in, and Lo'ak had found the perfect hiding spot on a tree Spider was never going to be able to climb when a voice startled him so much, he almost fell out of the branch he'd been resting on.
"Kaltxì!" The little Na'vi girl his age greeted him enthusiastically while hanging upside down from the tree branch directly above him. Lo'ak stared at her and felt like prey in the split second it was about to be hit by an arrow. He had never seen such beautiful eyes. And he had never talked to a girl before, other than his sisters. "Oeru syaw y/n." She continued. "Ngaru tut?"
"L-Lo'ak." He managed to say, instinctively hiding his hands behind his back. She looked at him curiously, almost as if to ponder his silence. Then y/n seemed to have a sudden realization. "Now I know!" She exclaimed again loudly, along with switching her language register, but Lo'ak couldn't care less about losing his game of hide and seek with Spider anymore. "You are the Spider's friend. You speak the English. You see? I speak the English too. You can talk to me." Y/n announced rather diplomatically, not knowing that Lo'ak was perfectly capable of speaking Na'vi as well. "Friends?" She reached out her hand, her eyes brimming with hope.
Lo'ak nodded and smiled back at her, still at a loss for words, until he finally said: "Yes, friends." But he didn't dare to shake her hand. Y/n dropped down from the branch she'd been hanging from gracefully, her tail twitching as she inquired: "You are hurt?", trying to get a better look at his hands.
"No!" Lo'ak blurted out, and in doing so he inadvertently put his hands forward to keep y/n at a distance, while he was backed up against the tree trunk, with nowhere else to go except fall to his death. Y/n's comically large eyes took in the sight of his hands, examining them for signs of trauma. But there were none. Lo'ak braced himself for the inevitable rejection. "Big baby." She chided. "Nothing wrong with your hands, see?" Lo'ak let y/n hold his hands up to his face, and Spider found them like that the very next second.
"Ha-ha!" He panted, out of breath from climbing all the way up to where the two Na'vi hadn't been so quiet. "I. Win."
"Win?" Y/n asked, dropping Lo'ak's hands. "Is it a game? Can I play? Oh, and-and my friends as well. You will meet them now. Come."
Lo'ak realized then, that was what it must have felt like to be chosen by someone.
From that day onward, Lo'ak and y/n had been inseparable. He was the first person she'd pick to play on her team once he and Spider had been accepted by her friends, he was the first and sometimes only person she'd tell her 'secrets' to, and as they grew older they would only go out hunting if the other was with them. Ceremonies, dinners, you name it, Lo'ak and y/n were sitting next to each other, trying their best to keep their giggles and whispers at a low volume, something y/n really couldn't help, especially when Neteyam would turn around to reprimand his younger brother.
Y/n got gradually closer with his family as well over the years, being of big help with babysitting Tuk and escorting Kiri to Hellsgate with the rest of her siblings whenever she wanted to visit her mom. Her English had gotten progressively better, and she was as fluent of a speaker as the rest of the Sullys, regretfully owing a lot of her vocab to the two brothers. On a particular outing to the lab, Lo'ak had been in the middle of teasing Kiri about her conception, and y/n was quick to respond to him, intent on defending her friend.
"-their avatars, all alone in the forest-" Lo'ak goaded Kiri, and y/n cut him off before her best friend could insinuate anything else. "As if you would know anything about that, virgin!" His siblings laughed at this.
"Who are you calling virgin, virgin?" He'd snap back, and their argument would usually end up in a scuffle, which he was always the first one to pull away from.
Lo'ak hadn't realized how easy he had it back then, before... Well, before none of them no longer had time to be kids. The sky people came back around the time of Neteyam's 20th birthday, and yet somehow, that hadn't been the most devastating event Lo'ak was about to experience in the days to come.
"Lo'ak listen to me, and for Eywa's sake, don't run off until I'm done talking." Neteyam rested a hand on his shoulder, he had never seen such a pained expression on his brother's face before. "Sempul has been talking to me about responsibility and family, and-"
Lo'ak tsked, shaking his head. "Big surprise there, bro."
"Lo'ak..." Neteyam said sternly, and Lo'ak wondered when exactly had his brother become so much like their father. "I saw him and sa'nok talking to y/n's parents the other day. Saying stuff like she is the only one other than Kiri who truly understands Eywa's will. They've seen her healing abilities, she's been helping out with the war effort under Mo'at instructions. They want her to be the next tshaik, after mother."
Lo'ak couldn't stop the ugly frown that took over his features, and neither could he prevent himself from shoving his brother off him in disdain. "What are you saying?" He asked angrily, even though he already knew the answer to his question.
"You know what I'm saying, bro-"
"You're not my brother!" Lo'ak snarled, and for once in his life actually felt intimidating as he did so. Neteyam looked even more distraught than he had been a few seconds ago, but his agony was nowhere as close as the hell wreaking havoc inside Lo'ak. Y/n was the one thing Lo'ak had in this world that was truly his, and now he was going to have to stand aside while she married his brother. "I love her, I need her." He screamed, the pain in his chest was unlike anything he'd ever felt. "You don't-"
"Exactly, I don't." Neteyam said, trying to recover his younger brother from his anguish. "And I will say no to this union, but you know this decision is out of my hands-"
"Of course, you'll do anything as long as it doesn't interfere with you being the perfect son!" Lo'ak spat with tears in his eyes and Neteyam was quick to raise his voice, something that he almost never did. "Do not say that, Lo'ak. You know that is not true-"
But Lo'ak was done talking. And he had a feeling he didn't want to stick around for the evening ceremony either.
Y/n had remained deadly silent as her parents had given her the news. Tsahik, marriage, Neteyam. At one point it all started to become white noise in her head. All she could think about was Lo'ak. The day they'd both ridden their ikrans for the first time, and had stayed out well passed the eclipse. The hunting excursions, when it was just the two of them. Listening to human music on a device they'd stolen from the lab one time.
"Oe tìwayn Lo'ak." She'd never said it out loud to anyone, but it was true. She loved Lo'ak, and her parents simply couldn't understand. The younger Sully boy was nothing but a troublemaker, a complete mance to the clan and anyone else around him. They were never going to give their beautiful, talented daughter away to a five-fingered freak of nature, no matter how much she begged and pleaded with them.
Y/n felt like she was having an out-of-body experience, not even recollecting how she'd found herself sitting amongst the rest of the clan, as they all faced the tree of souls and the Olo'eyktan began to speak. She couldn't see Lo'ak anywhere. Y/n found it harder and harder to breathe. He was still her best friend, and she needed to tell him what was about to happen before his father announced it to everyone they knew. Lo'ak would have thought she'd have kept it secret from him, and y/n could never break his trust.
"It is with great pride and joy that today we-" The clan leader, Jake Sully, had stopped talking in the middle of his speech and was now looking directly at her. In fact, everybody was. Y/n only then realized she'd stood up while everyone else was still sitting down. Neytiri walked up to her, wiping the tears from her face. Y/n hadn't even realized she'd been crying. "Child, you do not look well." She spoke warmly as if she were speaking to one of her own daughters.
Y/n's tail was twitching violently, still looking around for Lo'ak as she took in a shaky breath. "It is Lo'ak." She managed to say. "He is not here." Y/n whined and her parents decided to step in. "Sit down, daughter. You are disrespecting the clan leader. End this foolishness at once!" But Neytiri was quick to be concerned, asking Neteyam for answers about his brother's whereabouts. "He could not be here. And I do not blame him."
Jake finally decided to have his say. The only fool around had been him, if he'd only now realized the love Lo'ak and y/n had for each other, if the look in her eyes and Lo'ak's disappearance from her side had been anything to go by. "Every single one of our people is allowed to speak their mind. Y/n has not disrespected me, or anyone else." Jake reassured her parents. Y/n saw no other way out for herself, and she knew she was either going to have to say the truth now or forever be silent. "Forgive me, Olo'eyktan. Forgive me, Neytiri. I know I am promised to your eldest son, and I know you wish for me to be tsahik one day. These are the two greatest honors I could ever ask from Eywa herself, and I am grateful. Nothing should be more important to me than looking after the clan, especially now, in a time of war... but my heart, it belongs to your youngest son. It belongs to Lo'ak. It always has. And because I know I would be doing the clan a disservice, that I would be undermining your authority and Mo'at's, I am prepared to be exiled from the clan or pay whatever other punishment in light of my failure."
A loud ruckus erupted as soon as y/n had finished her speech, her parents, in particular, trying to undermine everything she'd just said, while everybody else began to give their opinion on the matter. "Where is he? Your demon son? Can he not even vouch for the woman he has clearly seduced?"
Neteyam could still hear the clan squabbling from where he eventually found his brother. His usual hiding place. "When you are done sulking" He said, announcing his presence before grabbing Lo'ak by the scruff of his neck. "Maybe you could come back and stand by y/n side. She is talking of leaving the clan-" Neteyam's eyes widened as he saw the deep claw marks that ran from Lo'ak's chest all the way down to his left side. Lo'ak was clutching his abdomen, his hands covered in blood.
"Lo'ak, look at me... bro!" Neteyam's voice cracked. "I'm taking you home now, understand? You're going to be fine..."
"I thought... If I could be... a mighty warrior... like you..." Lo'ak murmured, a faint smile on his face. "Maybe... "
But he didn't get to finish that sentence, because a blood-curdling scream had just pierced through both of their ears. Y/n had known about every single one of Lo'ak hiding places too, and it hadn't taken her long to find him. It was almost as if she'd already known, deep within her bones, that he had gone and hurt himself, yet nothing could have prepared her for seeing him like this. "Yawne, what have you done? what have you done?" She wailed and kissed his face, trying to put pressure on his wounds. Neteyam had to separate them, his priority was to take Lo'ak back to Mo'at in time, even though he was just as devastated as y/n.
Y/n didn't leave Lo'ak's side for a single second over the following days. She carried him home with Neteyam. She helped Mo'at and Neytiri heal him. She stayed by his bed until he finally regained consciousness. "Oeya-Lo'ak, you are awake!" Y/n embraced him, mindful of his recovering wounds. Lo'ak pulled away from y/n enough to look into her eyes. "You see me. Only you see me." He said, touching her face gently as she nodded, pressing her forehead against his. "Oel ngati kameie." Y/n whispered, and Lo'ak could have cried when he heard those words leave her lips. "Nga yawne lu oer, y/n. I see you."
Lo'ak came to know of her and Neteyam's refusal to be together, of the rift it had cut between y/n and her parents. How she'd stood up in front of them and the entire clan to declare that she loved him and she would sooner be exiled than belong to anyone else other than him. Amongst the Omaticaya there were some who were certain Lo'ak had taken advantage of y/n, so that he could trap her in being with him, knowing full well Lo'ak would have never lived up to his brother's perfect image. All of this enraged him. He could no longer withstand being on bedrest while wild accusations were being made on y/n. On his mate.
She hissed at him while he tried to get up, and his siblings were having none of it either, when his parents finally turned up to see him. Lo'ak took in their expressions. He had never seen them so worn out with worry. Both Neytiri and Jake embraced their youngest son, dutifully checking on him. After making sure he had eaten, and with Mo'at's permission, his parents asked for everyone except y/n to leave.
By the time his parents had also left, Lo'ak and y/n were promised to each other.
Lo'ak was on strict orders to recuperate from his run-in with a thanator over the coming weeks and was forced to get updates about the ongoing war from Kiri and Tuk. Neteyam and y/n would visit every day, but now that y/n had stepped down as future Tsahik, she was determined to make herself useful by replacing her mate in the war effort until he got better. Neteyam had sworn to Lo'ak that he would have kept y/n safe, but it didn't stop Lo'ak from trying to escape his grandmother's watchful eye so he too could be out on the battlefield with his yawne. Where he belonged.
"Oeya-Lo'ak, you are still recovering." Y/n would complain to him almost every night when she came back to be by his side. Truthfully, she was scared. The second the excuses for making him stay behind ran out, Lo'ak could have gone back to playing a reckless game with his own life. And now, her own life was tied to his. She had gotten hurt fighting the sky people, yes, but nothing could have ever come close to the visceral pain that had ripped through her the day she thought she had lost him forever. Sometimes it made her even too scared to get closer to him, of sharing everything of herself and then suddenly being left behind without ever being able to cope with that loss.
Y/n was on the verge of losing her mind, she was certain because the instinctive need to protect her own heart was more often than not overcome by a different type of need. Y/n had felt low echoes of it when she and Lo'ak had been growing up, whenever he'd wrap his tail around her leg or he'd be standing right behind her, his arms circling hers as he taught her how to shoot an arrow. Now that need was stronger than ever, and she knew what name to give it. Tìnew. Desire.
And she didn't know what to do with it. In fact, she felt ashamed. Lo'ak was still hurt, and all she could think about while she was in the middle of checking on his progress, was wondering what it would be like to run her hands across his body in a different type of way. Her other friends had all already mated, she knew. Y/n wondered sometimes if Lo'ak did not find her beautiful, if he regretted choosing her, but could no longer back out of his decision. He did not seem to want her, in fact, over the following weeks, he seemed to struggle greatly with the feeling of her touch. Something which had never happened before.
Little did she know that Lo'ak was struggling just as much as she was. Y/n's touch burned in such a delicious manner, Lo'ak could not have described it in his own words if he tried. All he knew was it left him starved and aching for more whenever she would eventually have to leave. But he could not initiate anything real while he was still in that state. He could see the sorrow in her eyes every time she'd look at his wounds, and he knew his recklessness had scarred her. And in turn, it had changed him. Eywa as his witness, he no longer wanted to hear y/n scream so viscerally as she had done the night he'd almost died. He needed to be a better person. If not for his sake, then for her own. Y/n was his responsibility now.
Soon he was back on his feet again, and ready to face the rest of the clan. Y/n would now sit amongst his family and Lo'ak was always glued to her side, ready to hiss or growl at anyone who so much as looked at his mate the wrong way. Y/n loved sitting between his legs with his chest to her back, wanting nothing more than to show off her mate to the rest of the clan. She noted that since his recovery, Lo'ak had been less inclined to chat or make jokes like he usually did when they both had to sit through another one of Jake's boring speeches before dinner. It made her sad, since Lo'ak's jokester side was one of the things she loved most about him, but she understood he was going through a lot.
It was on one of these occasions y/n decided to soothe her mate by reaching for his braid, bringing it to rest over her shoulder so she could play with it absentmindedly. Lo'ak realised only after a few minutes that her ministrations were making him purr. Him. Purr. In public. His hands dug into her hips and he hid his face in her neck, trying to keep quiet. "Yawne, you need to stop that... please..." Lo'ak whispered so only she could hear, her hands dangerously close to his queue. Y/n frowned and turned back to look at him. "Did I hurt you?" She asked in concern, reaching out to touch his face. Lo'ak felt his cheeks flare up with heat. He wanted to give her some cocky response, but in truth, he was scared. "No, no. You could never hurt me, y/n... it's more... the opposite." How could anyone want to be with him in that way? To physically bind themselves to him for the rest of their life? Hadn't he taken enough from y/n already?
"The opposite?" She asked, ears bent downwards and still not understanding. "If it makes you feel good, then why would I stop? I like hearing you purr..." Lo'ak tried once again to hide his blush by looking away but to no avail. Y/n's tail wrapped around his own then, preventing him from furiously whacking it against the ground every few seconds, like he always did when he was nervous. "It's just... I—"
All it took was for y/n to look him dead in the eye for her to understand. Eventually she would always see through him. "You wish to mate with me."
A nervous cough overcame Lo'ak as soon as y/n had said those words, making quite a few of their clan members turn towards him and shake their heads in disappointment. Y/n immediately grabbed some water for him to drink.
"Y-yes." He finally managed to say, not sure if he was ever going to recover from such an embarrassing display.
"But... I was certain... you did not desire me. That maybe, you loved me but did not find me beautiful..." Y/n confessed and Lo'ak realized what an absolute skxawng he'd been. The entire time he'd spent feeling sorry for himself and trying to be a better 'version' of himself for y/n, to stop getting in harm's way and taking every aspect of his life more seriously, he'd ended up neglecting his mate. The two of them had probably been the only couple to have waited so long, and he couldn't imagine what kind of reasons y/n had to come up with to explain his 'disinterest'. Clearly, he'd made her feel less than worthy, and it devastated him.
Lo'ak placed one of his hands over y/n's jaw, tilting her face upwards to look at him. "I never, ever want to hear you say that, yawne." He pulled her lower back snugly towards him until she could feel how hard he was for her, making her let out a shaky breath as she turned away from Lo'ak but pressed back against him even more. "Can't you feel how badly I want you? How badly I've always wanted you?" Y/n nodded, trying to look stoically in front of her as if nothing was going on. As if Lo'ak's words weren't making her heart feel like it was going to burst at any minute. As if it would make things any better, y/n reached for one of Lo'ak's hands and held it close to her breastplate, trying to slow her heartbeat down. "Your little heart is beating so fast..." Lo'ak spoke against her braids. "So is yours!" Y/n snapped at him in a low voice, making Lo'ak chuckle. She could feel the beat of his heart against her back.
She wondered if the rest of the clan members could tell what was going on. Y/n didn't want to disrespect Lo'ak's family a second time. But nobody seemed to be taking any notice of them, except the handful of jealous fuckers who eyed y/n whenever they thought he wasn't looking. Lo'ak wondered if they could tell she was shaking in his arms just because of his words. "You don't see the way they look at you? How much they hate me because you're mine?" He asked, placing a hand dangerously close to her inner thigh.
"I don't care about the others. I never have." Y/n sighed leaning back against him.
It was a long wait for everyone else to go to sleep and leave the Tree of Souls empty that night. Sure, they could have gone some place else, considering how worked up the two of them had gotten, but Lo'ak wanted to do things the right way. This was the one thing in his life that he was not going to half-ass or screw up.
Y/n had put him first since the day she'd met him and Lo'ak was going to spend the rest of the night, no, the rest of his life, showing her just how she made him feel every single day.
"You are worrying again..." Y/n noticed, pulling him down to sit next to her. Lo'ak had been overfixating on finding the perfect spot for them to lay down. "I am worried too..." She confessed touching his face. Lo'ak frowned, wrapping his arms around her waist. "We do not need to do this... if you've changed your mind..."
"Kehe! Of course not..." Y/n climbed on top of him, laying across his chest as she kissed him. "I am afraid of losing you... always." Lo'ak really didn't know what to say to those words, because he knew in his heart she was right and he could not argue. He felt exactly the same way about her, but he'd given y/n plenty of reason not to trust he'd stay out of harm's way. "What if... what if I am to carry your child and you don't come back to me? What then?"
The notion of getting y/n pregnant made Lo'ak revert to blushing and scrambling his words, and she blushed as well, realizing she had been somewhat blunt. Lo'ak hardly ever saw her blush and it truly was a sight to behold. "I promise. Eywa as my witness, I will always come back to you, yawne. Always. " As he said those words, Lo'ak didn't even feel like he was himself anymore, but he was certain he meant them.
Y/n brought both of her hands to his face and kissed him again, deeply this time. It was languid and desperate, almost as if she'd been waiting for that promise for a very long time. Lo'ak groaned as she run her tongue over his fangs, pulling away to graze his teeth over her neck and making her gasp. He sat up to get some leverage and asked his mate permission before sinking his teeth into her skin, marking her permanently.
"Lo'ak!" Y/n cried, digging her nails into his back as he lapped up the blood running down her neck. She gave him a sharp bite too, just over his shoulder, in retaliation, making him chuckle. "I'm sorry yawne, let me make it up to you..."
"You better, skxawng!" She huffed, shoving his chest playfully, even if the act of being marked had made the pressure between her legs so unbearable it was beginning to hurt. Lo'ak laughed again and y/n hissed at him meakly, ears drawn back. Why did his laugh also have to... have an effect on her?
"So I'm a skxawng, now?" Lo'ak asked in amusement as he kissed his way down her neck, deciding to get rid of her piece of clothing with his mouth also. It didn't take Y/n long to notice, Lo'ak's hands were no longer on her body, in fact he was leaning against them, only reaching out to touch her if he needed to hold her in place for a few seconds. He was still insecure about them, after all those years, and it would have broken her heart if Lo'ak hadn't been in the middle of making her feel so good. "I thought I was your yawne—"
Y/n got rid of her top piece herself and brought Lo'ak's hands to her breasts. His confidence seemed to leave him then. "You are my yawne. But you are also a skxawng... " She sighed softly through her nose. "I want you to use your hands on me, Lo'ak." Y/n told him, searching for his eyes as one of her hands guided his own over her breast.
"Y-yes. I know... it's just..."
Lo'ak's mind completely blanked the second y/n brought his other hand to her mouth, kissing every single one of his fingers before wrapping her lips around his index and middle finger, sucking around them. She took them as deep in her mouth as she could before pulling away again, enjoying the sight of her flustered mate. "Your hands are beautiful. And they're mine." She whispered, kissing the pad of his thumb. Lo'ak ran his thumb over her bottom lip, and reached back for her queue, bringing it together with his own.
"Nga yawne lu oer, I want to be with you, like this, forever." Lo'ak murmured before making the connection between them. Y/n jolted in his arms, hanging on to his neck for dear life. She'd known the tsaheylu would have felt good, intense even. But she could not have anticipated half of what she was feeling at that moment. Lo'ak's heart was beating so hard, she could feel it in her own chest, battling against her own. And he wanted her... Eywa, he wanted her so bad he could have died from it.
Lo'ak saw inside y/n too, and wasted no time in tugging her forward in a searing kiss. She arched into him and squeezed her thighs around his middle, squirming in his lap as he finally let his inhibitions go. "Want this off--off..." Y/n protested at the sight of his loincloth, rudely tugging at it without much regard for the fact Lo'ak wouldn't have anything to wear the following morning if she destroyed his clothes.
Lo'ak grinned and helped her, finally getting some of his cheeky attitude back. "Who knew my y/n could be so needy—" Her hand on his cock however was enough to make him shut up, well, curse under his breath more like. Y/n meanwhile was completely enthralled with what she was doing, enjoying the feeling of Lo'ak's shaft hardening and leaking under her touch. The fact he was falling apart from it was just an added bonus. "Where were you hiding all this?" She teased and Lo'ak was certain the woman in his arms was going to be the death of him.
"S-shut up..." He whined, struggling to even remember his name when she twisted her wrist and added just the right amount of pressure, making Lo'ak buck up into her hand instinctively. "Shit, y/n, you're being really... d-distracting right now... you need to give me... ah... a break, okay yawne?"
Against every fiber of his being, Lo'ak gently removed her hand. She frowned "Oh? But I like playing with your—"
"Kehe! None of that either..." Lo'ak reprimanded her softly and she giggled. "Let me focus on you, please? I've been waiting for so long..." Y/n nodded, smiling shyly at his words. "Honestly..." Lo'ak mumbled, kissing down the slope of her breasts, having hooked his arms underneath her thighs to hold her higher up. "Only you could get all shy... at something like that... and not about jerking me off..." Y/n loved to listen to Lo'ak talk to her while he drove her crazy with his hands and mouth. The second Lo'ak figured her nipples were particularly sensitive, she was a goner. She mewled and whined as he abused them with his mouth, and tugged harshly on his braids, which only seemed to encourage him further.
Her remaining piece of clothing was completely soaked, and y/n had to resort to rutting herself down against his thigh to get any sort of friction. "Shit..." Lo'ak cursed, realising he'd completely neglected that aspect of things. "Yawne, you're so wet... is this where you need me?" He cooed and Y/n nodded, crying out from the relief of feeling Lo'ak push a single long digit inside of her. She was ready for him, had been for a while, but that didn’t seem to matter because Lo'ak had just discovered how much he loved taking her apart with his fingers. He wanted to eat up every single reaction he could get out of her, hooked on the feeling of her slick running down his skin and the deep purring sounds she'd make if he stroked the most inner walls of her core.
"L-Lo'ak... Lo'ak please... I don't know what's happening..." she sobbed, the coil that had been building in the pit of her stomach was about to snap and it felt so good and so foreign at the same time, y/n didn't know what was about to happen. Lo'ak stilled immediately, afraid he'd been hurting his mate, but then he understood. He didn't know if it was through their bond, or something else, but he just knew. "Just hold on to me, yawne." He asked he to trust him, not faltering his rhythm inside her for a second. "Trust me, I know it's scary, but you're about to feel so good. So, so good... I promise..."
The only thing better than watching his mate come apart was feeling her pleasure radiate through their bond. Lo'ak watched y/n in complete and utter adoration, holding her through the aftermath until her breathing went back to normal. "Lo'ak..."
"What is it, yawne...?"
"Don't make me wait anymore..." Y/n laid herself down on the grass, pulling Lo'ak down to be on top of her. It was so dark now so could perfectly make out all the luminous freckles on his body. He entered her slowly, immediately feeling like all the air had been knocked out of his lungs. Y/n was slick, warm and impossibly tight around him. It took everything he had not to fuck her senseless right then and there.
Y/n on her part wanted Lo'ak to be as close to her as it was physically possible. She wanted his body to completely cover her own, feel his entire weight bare down on her. "I'm right here, y/n..." He reassured her as he began to move, listening to her soft moans. "I see you."
It didn't take long for y/n to start meeting his thrusts, whining that he go faster. "I don't want you to stop, Lo'ak... you can't—" She had never felt so good in her life, and she begged to Eywa that the morning would never come if this was what the rest of their night was going to be like.
"No, 'm not gonna stop, yawne..." Lo'ak quelled her worries with a kiss, and lifted her hips upwards to hold them in place. The new angle made y/n cry out his name, and Lo'ak held her like that, one arm around her middle and his other hand splayed out across her stomach to keep her still as he fucked her in earnest. The nature of that raw act made her cum again, this time without warning as she clamped down on his cock.
Lo'ak wasn't that far behind her either. "Good. That's my good girl..." He praised, reaching out for her hand as she intertwined their fingers together. "Yawne... y/n I'm going to cum now... " He was about to make himself pull away, since they hadn't really discussed that sort of thing, but y/n locked her legs around his waist. "Inside me..." She whined with a shudder, a little overestimated by that point. That was more than enough to tip Lo'ak over the edge. He groaned, fucking his load inside y/n for what felt like an eternity. He'd never come so much and for so long.
Afterwards he found that he couldn't pull away from his mate. Y/n was particularly adamant that he stay inside of her even while they slept, and it didn’t fail to make Lo'ak grin like an idiot. "Can I at least turn as around so you can sleep more comfortably? I promise you, you can have my dick back in a second..."
She hissed at him, dismounting from him herself. "Only you could ruin a romantic moment like that, skxawng..."
Lo'ak hugged her from behind, kissing the bite mark he'd left on her neck. "So I'm back to being a skxawng? You know I liked the things you were calling me before a lot better..." He teased, doing a very poor impression of her moaning, which made y/n give his tail a sharp tug.
He did the same in retaliation and the ended up in one of their usual play-fights, only this time, Lo'ak didn't eventually shy away from her touch. Once they'd both finally worn each other out, Lo'ak wrapped his arms tightly around y/n as she rested on top of him.
"Y/n..." He whispered, wandering if she was still awake. Luckily she was already fast asleep. "Thank you. For choosing me."
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to-hypnos-we-dream · 1 month
Resources on Sleep and Dreams
will update over time
CDC Tips for Better Sleep
Dream Interpretation Glossary
Dream Dictionary
Dream Bible
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caernys · 11 months
i only dream (when i'm lying down)
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relationship: spencer reid x reader, romantic pairing (part one)
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summary: you're an agent of the violent crimes division of the fbi and you’ve fallen in love with spencer reid.
notes: part two! also posted on my AO3 account, kitkat_katsuki
warnings: vague mention of dead body (the shooter) and mild use of firearms
part one -> part two
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you don’t shake hands. it’s a thing you’ve had since childhood— an aversion to touch and skin to skin contact. it’s stupid, you know, but everytime you go to peel off your gloves another statistic goes clicking through your head (a study conducted by researches at the institute of biological, environmental and rural sciences at aberystwyth university showed that a handshake passed about 124 million colony forming units of e-coli) and you’re pulling back your palm to wipe nervously on the hem of your shirt.
it’s been interpreted a lot of ways. a sense of superiority, some propose. others spit about a god complex, or just a plain old lack of basic etiquette. it doesn’t help that immediately after you’re proudly introduced as a “genius” by your ssa, left to stand there awkwardly while stevens brags about your iq (192), how fast you can read (30,000 words per minute), or your photographic memory (eidetic, you’re always itching to correct).
but you’re used to it. before your mother passed, she used to pull you tight at night and work her hands into your neck, whispering about how you were perfect just the way you were. it wasn’t your fault people got threatened when confronted with someone they perceived to be above them. it didn’t stop the harsh, barbed words that would always be hurled at you, but it did soften the blow.
your mother had always said you were meant for greater things than your dinged up apartment in la and your run down elementary school. she’d urged you time and time again to go where your brilliant mind was taking you, but you always turned her down. just because you could memorize a dictionary in seven minutes didn’t mean you couldn’t enjoy the fifth grade.
when she got stabbed for refusing to give over her purse in a mugging (and subsequently bled out over the dirty pavement, screaming and alone) you cried for the first time in years. you’d never been one to cry— your father had beat it into you long ago before your mother had managed to whisk you away half across the country. you gave yourself forty eight hours. then you dried your cheeks and took a placement test.
the administrator had been shocked, at first. you knew you had aced it. it hadn’t been that hard. when she had told you with slightly shaking hands that she recommended skipping you all the way to highschool (college was on the table too, she said, but you just shook your head. that was a bit too far of a jump). she enrolled you into your senior year of highschool, and you had rocked back on your heels with a satisfied grin. it was a tribute to your mother, you told yourself. one day you were going to stand at the top of the world and you were going to be able to tell her that you had let your brilliant mind take you all the places she had told you about. (of course, she hadn’t mentioned some things.)
you got thrown into a locker the first day of school. they were seventeen, going on eighteen— you were eleven. as smart as you were, it wasn’t hard to put together the conclusion that harassment like this was always going to be inevitable. unavoidable.
you’d swing by the drug store on the way back from school, buy a tiny tube of concealer to dab on in the denny’s bathroom before heading back to the “flavor of the month” foster home. you got bounced around a lot. couldn’t blame them.
you were three months into your senior year when you met austin. she was pretty. long, auburn hair and natural make up. high cheekbones and sharp, angular lines that made up her face. she told you she had lost her parents young, and she fostered to give other kids the childhood she never had. you didn’t trust her. you never trusted anyone.
she was, surprisingly, the first one who finally got a clue. it doesn’t match your skin tone, she’d told you, rubbing the concealer off your face with a wet rag. you didn’t flinch away from her touch and she smiled all soft at you. she was alright, you guess.
austin offered to step in. she might not be your actual parent, she had vowed, but she could make hell in the school system until those kids were reprimanded. you had laughed, assured her it was fine. it wasn’t, but this was one of those things you had to deal with yourself.
she’d been frustrated, but understood. after a couple more days of you coming back a little rough around the edges, though, she had snapped— and offered to teach you how to fight. you had accepted. seemed like a valuable skill to have, didn't it?
austin owned a gym a twenty minute drive from your house. the mats in there quickly became a safe space for you, a shelter of training and quiet and peace. you took to taekwondo immediately, transitioning from there into hapkido and jiu-jitsu, muay thai and just about anything else you could get your hands on. your frame began to fill in with wiry muscle and you began to catch the punches before they hit you.
after you beat harry summers into a bloody pulp by the water fountain after he tried to reach a hand up your skirt, people began to back off. you’d been suspended for five weeks but austin had squeezed your shoulder proudly on the way to the car. you’d let her. she would adopt you five months, three days, four hours and thirty two seconds later. (an eidetic memory did have its perks.)
the fbi recruited you when you were fifteen and at mit, hacking their servers on a drunk dare. you had done it after eight shots, and they had never been more delighted to their code so mercilessly destroyed.
they couldn’t take you on as an agent until you were of age, so you stayed a shadowed consultant for the three years, sorting through case files between lectures and research papers.
you signed away your life to them when you were eighteen and got a badge and a gun in exchange. it was an even trade, you mused. (the first time you would fire that gun you were quivering and bloody, beaten and scratched, but your hands were steady when you pulled the trigger. grayson davids, a serial murderer, died that day. when you got to hug a mother and tell her the man who had taken her daughter would never hurt anyone again, you found that you didn’t regret it.)
austin would always force you home on weekends. she’d moved to dc to be closer to you, and you would spar for old times sake in the living room, tackling each other over pillows and chasing around the kitchen counter. you found that you loved her, one rainy saturday when you were 19. you called her mom for the first time a week later, and you both cried.
you met penelope garcia at a party and you were instantly enraptured. technology seemed to bow to her will and you’d spent the entire night together, drinking and laughing and dancing. you kissed her in the bathroom and she’d sighed all pretty, leaning forward to snake a hand around your neck. 
you’d left the party happy and floating for the first time in years. (though you loved penelope to pieces, you two had parted as friends that night.)
she’d often call you with questions or invite you over with movie nights, though you’d always end up bent over a computer with her, nudging each other and laughing as your fingers flew over the keys. she never asked about your job. you never asked about hers. it was widely understood that penelope garcia’s house was a serial-killer free space. 
at least, it had been until she’d gotten shot on the steps of her apartment. you’d gotten a call from her late the next day, and you had flown into a nervous panic. you couldn’t lose her– couldn’t bare to lose anyone ever again. at the hospital, she’d held your hands and cried into your arms, and assured you that there would be police outside of her house. you had dismissed that, offered to stay over, but apparently a member of the fbi had already beat you to it.
you’d asked her if she trusted him. she’d responded, “with my life.”
so you had relented. gone home, took your phone off of silent, set it right next to your bed. she didn’t call, so you assumed everything was alright. (it wasn’t).
the next day you swung by her office with a jar of peanut butter cookies to leave on her desk. she loved them, and you’d figured it was a nice thing to come back to.
instead you found a police officer with a gun pressed to the temple of an fbi agent, and two men from penelope’s team standing in front of him, hands raised. you recognized him from a sketch an artist had made penelope complete the other day at the hospital. you shot him in the back of the head, bullet shattering the glass.
the room was silent. the man was dead. your hands, as always, were steady.
(you would meet spencer reid exactly twenty five minutes and thirteen seconds later.)
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what do you think of books with strange prose styles/formating? have you read any? and if so, which are your favorites? (slaughter house 5, house of leaves, if on a winters night a traveler, ect.)
I love books with strange prose styles. I always think of Vladimir Nabokov's Pale Fire, an entire novel written in the footnotes of a poem, written by a man who thinks his voice is authoritative, who might be an expert on the man who wrote the poem, or might be completely out of his mind. I love hunting footnotes and giggling at inter-text references. It isn't for everyone, but novels that take work on the part of the reader are some of my favorite to read. I find them stimulating, fun, and fascinating.
(With one caveat: there has to be a reason for the formatting. You can tell when there's purpose behind the choice vs. when an author just wanted to be "interesting." Too many novels are difficult to read simply because the author wanted to stand out.)
One of my favorites is called The Dictionary of the Khazars by Milorad Pavić. I wrote my senior thesis on this wild book that is in the format of a dictionary divided into three parts. The overarching idea: there once were a people called the Khazars, until they disappeared. The Christians, Jews, and Muslims all have arguments and interpretations of who they were, and where they went. They were a people who seemed to be able to travel through dreams. Items related to their civilization seem to disappear easily. You can read in any order. It's a dictionary after all!
Everything in this book is intentional. I wrote a large part of my thesis on the parts of the book that are mysteriously italicized. The book makes fascinating points about memory, storytelling, assimilation, and most of all, how history is interpreted and retold.
Another favorite is Hopscotch by Julio Cortázar, translated by Gregory Rabazza. It's a sad, pretty novel about an Argentine ex-pat and his group of bohemian friends, and the disappearance of his mistress. You can read it in a number of ways. Cortázar suggests the "hopping" order, where at the end of each chapter it tells you where to turn to next.
But if you take his advice, you miss a chapter, chapter 55, which no other chapters lead to. Is it the ending? Does it not matter? Why is the same text in chapter 129? And if you skip what he called the "expendable chapters," you lose whole storylines! It makes the novel a game, but it also makes you wonder what matters, and why, and which parts of a story actually matter.
House of Leaves is on my list!
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thanathiccalabs · 2 months
Burakh from Pathologic the Musical - Indonesian Version/Cover/Translation/Translyrics
Title: Burakh English Lyrics, Music: @pathologic-the-musical Indonesian Lyrics, Vocals, Audio Editing: @thanathiccalabs (yours truly) Version: 4 (not final, I think)
(he/him pronouns, please. Thank you.)
I'm so happy to finally record this song! Instead of singing another song as "Sang Sarjana" ("the Bachelor"), I'm doing a song by "Sang Penafsir"* ("the Haruspex"). I sang this like I'm in an opera choir just so it's in a different style from my Dankovsky's fiery, breathy singing... enjoy my attempt at solemnity.
Lyrics, recording notes, and translation notes under the cut.
Indonesian Lyrics
ARTEMY: Lama nian aku pergi, Ragaku tak kunjung datang. Terpatri rel di memori, Mengantarku pulang.
Ayahanda, Andai kau di sini, Apa yang 'kan engkau katakan? Ku harus tegar, namun kau t'lah pergi, Berpulang ke Bumi.
Sepantasnya, Kuamalkan ajarannya Meski hatiku tabah, Takkan ada hal yang sama. Isidor, Isidor… Burakh…
Kawan, Kenalkah mereka? Terhadap rupa wajahku yang baru? Kawan, Banggakah mereka? Akankah m'reka hapus takutku?
[Satu per satu, LARA, GRIEF, and RUBIN menyanyikan nama Artemy, RUBIN tertunda.]
Firasatku mengganjal Petaka yang tak tinggalkan jejak Bagaimana ku 'kan temukan jalan yang benar, Jika tafsirku gagal?
[harmoni dari APPLE BASKET on ‘jika tafsirku gagal’]
Sepantasnya, Ku harus melangkah pulang, Namun yang menungguku, Takkan pernah datang, Lagi.
GRIEF, LARA, RUBIN: [menengok ke arah Artemy] Artemy, Artemy, Artemy…
ARTEMY: Isidor, Isidor, Isidor…
SEMUA: Burakh.
Recording Notes
The first draft of this post had "Version: 3 (definitely not the final version... I'm not satisfied with the lyrics, and the audio is... very quiet)".
The 3rd version's recording was the best thing I could get in one take. Unfortunately, I was too far from my laptop, so the audio was very quiet. And the more I tried to sing it, the less satisfied I was with the lyrics and my voice.
So, firstly, I decided to edit the lyrics again to make Version 4. And secondly, lower the pitch of the instrumental, like I did for the original "Thanatologist". My vocal range is very narrow... is how it is. It's another point of struggle for when I want to try "I Can Do Miracles" :')
The part where Lara, Grief, and Stakh sing Artemy's name, that was daunting, cause I had to make the voices different. But I didn't do the harmonies because I didn't have time (sweating emoji) Maybe a 2025 version will have that. But don't count on it :p
All in all, I'm extremely proud of this! I even listened to it multiple times, for fun //D
Translation Notes
"The Haruspex"? "Sang Penafsir"? "Sang Belian"?
"Penafsir" means "Interpreter", but "tafsir" (the root word) means interpretations of a mystical or religious nature, like holy books or dreams. It's similar to the meaning of the word "Haruspex" or the German translation ("der Seher"/"the Seer"), though it misses the "entrails" part.
"Sang Belian" ("the Shaman/Traditional and supernatural healer") is also cool - a very fancy word that the laypeople don't know. According to the online Indonesian dictionary, it's often used in classic Malay literature. Unfortunately, its homonym means "someone/something bought", which has... unfortunate implications.
I also considered "Sang Syaman" ("the Shaman"), and "Sang Cenayang" ("The Psychic") but I don't want him to be confused with "Sang Siluman" ("the Changeling"). "Cenayang" also has a mediumship connotation, apparently? So I decided not to use it.
I also decided against using "Peramal" ("Fortune Teller").
I also contemplated using "Sang Haruspex" (since the original is also odd one out to the other English/Russian two) but I thought, maybe I should go into Sanskrit to see (cause pretentious Indonesians use Sanskrit as mottos and stuff instead of Latin).
"Praji" means "midwife" or "baby healer/shaman", which is not even "surgeon". He's not an obstetrician :(
"Ira", "ramal" (same as Indonesian), "galar" mean "prediction, forecast, fortune"... But that sounds a bit odd to use as a title (not a person noun). So I'll stick to Indonesian words for now.
Okay, now for the part you've been waiting for... *drumroll*
The Song
Indonesian translation
Literal English translation
My notes
It’s been so long since I have come here, so terribly long I’ve been gone. These tracks – I still remember them. They’re leading me back home.
Lama nian aku pergi, Ragaku tak kunjung datang. Terpatri rel di memori, Mengantarku pulang.
I’ve been away for so long, My body keeps staying away, The tracks are etched in my memories, Leading me back home.
“Ragaku tak kunjung datang” is so unnecessarily dramatic. Should’ve saved this goddamn poetic line for the Bachelor, but idk xD I could’ve said “diriku tak kunjung datang” (I keep/my self keeps staying away).
“Raga” is a fancy way to say “body”, which is a complement of “jiwa”, which which means “soul”. (Jiwa dan raga = body and soul).
I still chose “terpatri” (“etched”) instead of “tertulis” (“written”) because it sounds better vocally.
If you were here, what would you say to me? Would you say, “Tyoma, how you have grown”? I have to move on, but my father is gone; you left me on my own.
Ayahanda, Andai kau di sini, Apa yang 'kan engkau katakan? Ku harus tegar, namun kau t'lah pergi, Berpulang ke Bumi.
Father, If only you were here, What would you say to me? I have to be strong, but you have gone, Returning home to the Earth.
“Ayahanda” is a very respectful, archaic way to address one’s father. No one uses this IRL nowadays. But I think Artemy would call Isidor like this due to the elder Burakh’s religious/spiritual/cultural significance.
Also, “Tyoma, how you have grown” (6 syllables) is so affectionate… but I sadly had to put that line away because “Tyoma, kau t’lah tumbuh besar” (8 syllables) is too long. The lack of affection also fits the Indonesian view of parents as the ultimate authority; someone who is supposed to elicit respect and obedience, even devotion, even if the child gets married and have children.
I sometimes feel like I'm doing this halfway and should make an Indonesian-Pathologic AU (set in this country)... I found a great Indonesian Patho AU by _soussune_ on Twitter/X, you should go check it out! :D
“Berpulang” has the metaphorical meaning of “dying” but literally means “going home”. An example: “Berpulang ke Rumah Bapa” is used in Catholic obituaries – “returning to the House of the Holy Father”. But obviously, Isidor Burakh will return to Earth, to Mother Boddho, instead.
I need to claim what is left of my father’s name. Though my heart still carries me, I’ll never be the same again.
Sepantasnya, Kuamalkan ajarannya Meski hatiku tabah, Takkan ada hal yang sama.
I truly must Practice his teachings Even though my heart is tough and patient, Nothing will ever be the same.
“Mengamalkan” is a very religious, devoted to others, sort of “practicing”… “mengamalkan ilmunya bagi masyarakat” is “giving their knowledge to the people” (that’s quoted from the online Indonesian dictionary). Muslims often say, "Al-Quran (the holy book of Islam) jangan dihapalkan saja, tetapi juga harus diamalkan!" - as in, "you shouldn't just memorize the holy book, you should practice it and use your knowledge to help others."
“Tabah” is often used as a synonym for “sabar” (“patient”), but it has a stronger connotation (like, being tough after a tragedy/loss) than the gentle “sabar” (like turning the other cheek, not being angry at someone’s cruelty towards you).
Will they be glad? Will they remember me? Will they recognize my face after these years? My friends – will they be proud of me? Will they ease all these terrible fears?
Kawan, Kenalkah mereka? Terhadap rupa wajahku yang baru? Kawan, Banggakah mereka? Akankah m'reka hapus takutku?
Friend, Do they recognize The new face I am wearing? Friend, Are they proud? Will they erase my fears?
This is probably the hardest verse to translate, and I honestly feel like I still fumbled it. I can’t say “Kawan-kawan” (my friends), because it’s too long… the length of Indonesian words also means that the “will they be glad?” line is entirely lost.
I feel a strange foreboding. I sense something foul I can’t find. But how can I assist if I’m still stumbling in the mist, if I cannot read the Lines?
Firasatku mengganjal Petaka yang tak tinggalkan jejak Bagaimana ku 'kan temukan jalan yang benar, Jika tafsirku gagal?
I feel a strange foreboding, A disaster that leaves no trails, How am I going to find the right path, If my interpretation fails?
"I sense something foul I can't find" (8/9 syllables), literally translated, is "Aku merasakan kebusukan yang tak bisa kutemukan" (18 syllables). Yeah, I'm not using that xD So I removed the subject here.
Translating the “Lines” gives me a headache because I can’t find anything that is both appropriately religious and is a theater pun. Dammit. So I use “tafsir” to show his interpretation, his Haruspexiness (Haruspicy?). The rhyming is kinda different here, but I think it was good enough.
“Jalan yang benar” can be put in a religious context, too, so I liked it.
I need to go to the place I have always known, but the one who needed me will never be back home again.
Sepantasnya, Ku harus melangkah pulang, Namun yang menungguku, Takkan pernah datang, Lagi.
I truly must, Take my steps towards home, But the one who was waiting for me, Will never come (home), Again.
Sadly, “to the place I have always known” is also lost in translation. Same as the "again" rhyme from the beginning.
But hey! I hope this cover can bring up some different dimensions to the song. Thank you so much for reading, I had fun writing, singing, and sharing this. And I truly appreciate your interest! :D
See you in the next song, whatever it may be! ;3c
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hb2envs3000w24 · 4 months
Blog 03: Privilege in Nature Interpretation
Hi everyone! Welcome back to my third blog revolving around nature interpretation! This week’s blog is focussing on privilege and the role it has to play in nature interpretation. In a quite literal context and according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, privilege is defined as “a right or immunity granted as a peculiar benefit, advantage, or favor” (Merriam-Webster, n.d.). This remains similar to my own definition of privilege since to me privilege is defined as the special advantages that an individual receives due to their status, family, or other factors. By having privilege, you are able to experience a different perspective than individuals who don’t. However, I think that in this world we all have our own forms of privilege that influence our experiences. Even if we may consider others to be “less” privileged than us, there are still ways that they may be more privileged than we think since we all have our own experiences, perspectives, and world views. By acknowledging this privilege it helps us recognize that in some way we have our own biases that make us view others as more or less privileged. To unpack my “invisible backpack”, I am south asian, middle class, educated, was born and raised in Canada, and able to receive a university education through a scholarship. As a south asian woman, having been born and raised in Canada has been such a great privilege since I am able to fulfill my dreams and goals without worrying about societal expectations that a woman born and raised in India might have. However, I also recognize that there are some privileges that people born in India have that I do not. I know that for my family a lot of us view the family members back home as not as privileged since Canada is a more developed nation. However, there are still privileges that they have back home that me, my siblings, or cousins who were born and raised here do not.
In terms of nature interpretation, privilege involves being able to explore different countries which develop one’s perspective with nature. Since I have family here, I have been privileged enough to visit family across Canada and experience different cities that are surrounded by nature. By visiting different parts of Canada, it has allowed me to broaden my perspective that even though we are all Canadians, we all have different privileges. For individuals that live in more rural parts, they are able to experience the fresh air and beautiful night skies, whereas Canadians in the urban part get to experience the nightlife and bustling city life. Being able to visit different parts of the world is a key part of nature interpretation but also a privilege that many do not have which is caused by economic differences. For many people, ensuring they have their needs met in terms of food, clothing, shelter, or education are a major priority. Whereas travelling to other countries which is involved in nature interpretation is more of a luxury that may be an afterthought, rather than a necessity that must be met.
Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Privilege. In Merriam-Webster.com dictionary. Retrieved January 28, 2024, from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/privilege
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Wander's Library
I have a lot of books. Be warned.
Physical Books:
The Complete Book of Dreams- Stephanie Gatling
Tarot for Self Care- Minerva Siegel
Queering the Tarot- Cassandra Snow
The Complete Dream Book- Gillian Holloway
The Alchemy of Your Dreams- Athena Laz
Moon Magic- Aurora Kane
Handbook Trio (Herbal, House, and Moon Magic)- Aurora Kane
Living by the Moon- Lunarly’s Kiki Ely
Your Lunar Code- Lori Reid
The Stars Within You- Juliana McCarthy
Dirtbag Astrology- Alberto Toribio
Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans- Franz Cumont
The Beginner’s Guide to Akashic Records- Whitney Jefferson Evans
Crystals- Jennie Harding
A Field Guide to Lucid Dreaming- Tuccillo, Zeizel, and Peisel
Lighting the Wick- Sandra Mariah Wright and Leanne Marrama
The Ancient Healing Companion- Misha Ruth Cohen, O.M.D.
The Practical Book of Witchcraft- Pamela Ball
The Everything Astrology Book- Trish MacGregor
The Complete Book of Palmistry- Joyce Wilson
Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner- Scott Cunningham
Living Wicca- Scott Cunningham
Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs- Scott Cunningham
The Pagan Family- Ceisiwr Serith
Wiccapedia- Shawn Robbins and Leanna Greenaway
The Good Witch’s Guide- Shawn Robbins and Charity Bedell
The Crystal Witch- Shawn Robbins and Leanna Greenaway
The Witch’s Way- Shawn Robbins and Leanna Greenaway
Wiccan Kitchen- Lisa Chamberlain
Psychic Spellcraft- Shawn Robbins and Leanna Greenaway
A Little Bit of Intuition- Catharine Allen
A Little Bit of Wicca- Cassandra Eason
12,000 Dreams Interpreted- Gustavus Hindman Miller
I Don’t Want to be an Empath Anymore- Ora North
Spellwork for Self Care
Witchcraft Therapy- Mandi Em
Happy Witch- Mandi Em
The Witch’s Book of Self Care- Arin Murphy-Hiscock
The House Witch- Arin Murphy-Hiscock
The Green Witch- Arin Murphy-Hiscock
The Green Witch’s Grimoire- Arin Murphy-Hiscock
The Green Witch’s Garden- Arin Murphy Hiscock
The Modern Witchcraft Guide to Magical Herbs- Judy Ann Nock
The Modern Witchcraft Spellbook- Skye Alexander
The Modern Guide to Witchcraft- Skye Alexander
Spellcrafting- Arin Murphy Hiscock
Divination- Alida Somars
1001 Spells- Cassandra Eason
Witchcraft Magic and Alchemy- Grillot de Givry
Other Physical Media:
Moon Magic Lunar Oracle- Marie Bruce
Moon Energy Guided Journal- Nikki Strange
Manifesting Dreams Guided Workbook
Spellcraft: A Guided Journal for Casting, Cleansing, and Blessing
Prevention Guide All-Natural Herbal Remedies
Centennial Entertainment: Witches
360 Media Special: The Story of Witches
National Geographic: Natures Best Remedies
The Study of Witchcraft- Deborah Lipp
Braiding Sweetgrass- Robin Kimmerer
Queering Your Draft- Cassandra Snow
Herbal Magick- Gerina Dunwich
An Anarchist Free Herbal Zine
City Magick- Christopher Penczak
A History of Witchcraft in England from 1558-1718- Wallace Notestein
Italian Folk Magic- Mary-Grace Fahrun
Love Magic- Lilith Dorsey
Magic When You Need It- Judika Illes
Magical Astrology- Skye Alexander
Personal Magic- Marion Weinstein
Plant Witchery- Juliet Diaz
Positive Magic- Marion Weinstein
Reading the Runes- Kim Farnell
Viridarium Umbris- David A Schulke
Spellcrafting- Gerina Dunwich
The Big Book of Tarot- Joan Bunning
The discoverie of witchcraft- Reginald Scot
The Witch’s Eight Paths of Power- Lady Sable Aradia
The Witch’s Guide to Wands- Gypsey Elaine Teague
True Magic- Draja Mickaharic
Water Witchcraft- Annwyn Avalon
Wicca Made Easy- Phyllis Curott
Wishcraft- Sakura Fox
Witch, Please- Victoria Maxwell
Witchcraft Activism- David Salisbury
Witchery: Embrace the Wisdom Within- Juliet Diaz
Year of the Witch- Temperance Alden
Books that aren’t directly about witchcraft but I incorporate them into my witchcraft studies because they’re useful AF:
The Seven Sisters of Sleep- Mordecai Cooke
The Watkins Dictionary of Symbols-Jack Tresidder
Mythology- Edith Hamilton
The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Wildflowers
The Greek View of Life- G. Lowes Dickinson
The Calm and Cozy Book of Sleep- Beth Wyatt
RD Home Handbooks: Herbs- Lesley Bremness
PDR for Herbal Medicines First Edition
The Book of Signs- Rudolf Koch
Other Occult Related Books:
The Satanic Bible- Anton Szandor LaVey
The Satanic Rituals- Anton Szandor LaVey
Quantum Freedom: Divine Embodiment- “The Spirit Collective” Channeled by Katherine D. Caulfield (I’m deadass, that’s what’s on the book cover)
Mythology Books:
The Odyssey-Homer
The Iliad- Homer
New LaRousse Encyclopedia of Mythology
Percy Jackson’s Greek Gods and Percy Jackson’s Greek Heroes- Rick Riordan (Not even remotely sorry lmao)
Zeus Grants Stupid Wishes- Cory O’Brien
The Argonautica- Apollonius Rhodius
The Theogony- Hesiod
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ifyoucandaniel · 1 year
Crimson Rivers as Reputation Songs
hi ive decided that taylor wrote reputation for Crimson Rivers and I'm sure you've all had the same thought, but i wanted to write down all the little ways i see them in the album and my interpretation!!!! soe spoilers for CR ahead so be warned! @mayzarbewithyou
…Ready for it?
“In the middle of the night in my dreams / you should see the things we do, baby / In the middle of the night in my dreams / I know I’m gonna be with you / so I take my time” 
very regulus to james !! dirty scandalous man hehe
regulus talking quietly to James when they’re alone and not being watched and he opens up and tells james the things he dreams about for them
I see how this is gon' go / Touch me and you'll never be alone / Island breeze and lights down low / No one has to know
regulus at the beginning of the fic when he was in his parting gift era
"no one has to know"
Obviously the “baby let the games begin” is very Crimson Rivers of her!!
“I see how this is gonna go"
Regulus seeing the ending before it can even begin and never letting himself just want and have until be finally does 
“Knew I was a robber / first time that he saw me / stealing hearts and running off never saying sorry”
WHEN THEY WERE LIKE “ stole your heart, did I?” “Return it to me will you?” “No I think ill hold onto it for a bit more” IDK if that’s word for word but off the top of my head that’s what I remember and ??? That’s so them im???
“Every lover known in comparison is a failure” regulus after exactly one night and thinking Barty wasn’t as good as James LMFAO
End game
This one is also jegulus I’ve decided 
“Big reputation / you and me we got some big reputations / and you heard about me / I got some big enemies / big reputation / you and me we’d be a big conversation”
This is so them before their games!!! Like there isn’t a single person who doesn’t know their names and if they were in love??? They’d be a big conversation indeed
“I don't wanna touch you /  I don’t wanna be / Just anther ex-love you don’t wanna see / I don't wanna miss you  / Like the other girls do / I don't wanna hurt you / I wanna be your end game”
This is so James to reg. Like he wanted him to love him so badddd he just wanted to be reg’s endgame!!! He didn’t want them to be something only to be nothing to him later :(
“Knew her when I was young / Reconnected when we were little bit older / I Did Something Bad”
Them growing up and being in love so close yet so far and then when they’re older falling in love fr this time??? Yeah this is so them
Don’t Blame Me
dorlenes ANTHEM
“For you, I would cross the line / I would waste my time / I would lose my mind / they say she’s gone too far this time / Don’t blame me love made me crazy” 
You’re going to look at me and tell me this ISNT Dorcas meadows starting a WAR to save Marlene ???
“Lord save me my drug is my baby” 
Dorcas literally on her KNEES doing whatever she can to save Marlene oh my god they’re so in love they invented love 
“And baby for you / I would fall from grace / just to touch your face / if you walk away I’ll beg you on my knees to stay”
This is it. This IS their song it belongs to them and them alone I don’t care
Like dorcas went against both riddle and Dumbledore for Marlene. She made her own side and went against the person she’s been fighting for for years for the love of her life
This whole song is just so them!!! I love a woman on a mission <3
Lilymary!!!!! Also wolfstar, but lilymary!!!
“This ain't for the best / My reputation's never been worse, so / You must like me for me / Yeah, I want you / We can't make any promises / Now can we, babe? / But you can make me a drink / Is it cool that I said all that? / Is it chill that you're in my head? / ‘Cause I know that it's delicate “
The first part is so remus to Sirius because he met him at his lowest point and still fell in love. they are the definition of love. Look up love in the dictionary and its them
Then lily <3 she was always so afraid of love and what it can do and how It can rip you apart, but she knows what she has with Mary is so so so special and she wants to treat them with so much love and care!! They have a delicate beautiful thing that she’s holding so gently!!
“Just think of the fun things we could do / ‘Cause I like you” 
When lily only wanted a fun time with Mary at first and wasn’t ready for anything else, but then going from that to just “it cool that I said all that? / Is it chill that you're in my head? / ‘Cause I know that it's delicate”
Yeah just them being so lovely and treating what they have with so much love and care 
Also very remus and Sirius learning to trust and tentative touches and gentle kisses and washing dishes together and !!!
Just delicate things
Look What You Made Me Do
this could go either way and a little bit of both between dumbledore and riddle. 
But either way it’s directed at Dorcas. 
Dorcas finding out the things dumbledore has done to ensure he wins this war HE started
“I don’t like your little games / the role you made me play of the fool / no I don’t like you / I don’t like your perfect crime / how you laugh when you lie / you said the gun was mine / isn’t cool / no I don’t like you”
Like we can all agree this is Dorcas @ dumbledore right? Okay cool
“But I got smarter I got harder in the nick of time/ honey I rose up from the dead I do it all the time/ I got a list of names and yours is in red underlined” 
DORCAS MF MEADOWS BABYYYYY she’s so cool wtf I want to be her and be with her I just need her 
“Oh look what you made me do” riddle bc he fucking sucks
But also Dumbledore when he made Gideon and fabion take the fall for dorcas
And dorcas when she started a war because neither side was doing anything so she took things into her own hands. 
Dorcas looking at Dumbledore and saying “look what you made me do” is so powerful!
Dorcas is a badass mf put some respect on her name I want to kiss the back of her hand so bad
Getaway Car
this is one of my favorites off the album and it is very much dumbledore and grindelweld. (unfortunately? idk bc zar did so amazing fleshing or their backstory that its fascinating and i dont like them as people, but their characters are fascinating and the PARALLELS mmmm so good)
“It was the best of times, the worst of crimes / I struck a match and blew your mind / But I didn't mean it, and you didn't see it / The ties were black, the lies were white”
Albus falling in love during the worst time of his life (best of times worst of times)
Grindelweld not seeing albus’ betrayal coming or maybe he did but the lies were white
"X" marks the spot where we fell apart / He poisoned the well, I was lyin' to myself / I knew it from the first Old Fashioned, we were cursed / We never had a shotgun shot in the dark”
He poisoned the well I was lying to myself- albus when grindelweld betrayed him and killed Ariana, he was lying to himself thinking grindelweld  wasn’t the man he was and that he wouldn’t do anything to get him  back
You were drivin' the getaway car / We were flyin', but we'd never get far / Don't pretend it's such a mystery / Think about the place where you first met me / Ridin' in a getaway car / There were sirens in the beat of your heart / Should've known I'd be the first to leave / Think about the place where you first met me
This part belongs to the moment when dumbledore finally kills him. 
Don’t pretend it’s such a mystery, think back to the moment you first met me- they were never going to have a happy ending and grindelweld should have seen it coming, they met during the hunger games where he was putting him and his sister in an arena to fight for their lives. They could never exist like they wanted to. 
“Until I switched to the other side, to the other side / It's no surprise I turned you in / 'Cause us traitors never win”
Albus turning on the man he loved, betraying him and killing him, but never winning. 
“It’s no surprise I turned you in”
Just thinking about dumbledore killing him and saying “don’t pretend it’s such a mystery” as if he would ever do anything less to avenge his sister, even to the man he loved.
Regulus through and through
This song is literally his internal thoughts about James 24/7 
reg wrote this song about James I know bc he showed me his sad boy poetry and this was in there
“You should take it as a compliment / That I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk / You should think about the consequence / Of your magnetic field being a little too strong / you’re so cool it makes me hate you so much”
Liiiiike? Regulus coded. Taylor knows CR reg personally and wrote this for him
Him making fun of James because otherwise hell just talk ab how pretty he is and how in love he is
You're so gorgeous / I can't say anything to your face / ‘Cause look at your face / And I'm so furious / At you for making me feel this way / But, what can I say? / You're gorgeous”
Like come onnnnnn he can’t even look James in the eye most of the time bc every time he does he’s just a deer in the headlights
James is so pretty im in love with him 
Regulus get in line I wanna kiss James face so bad
“You should take it as a compliment / That I'm talking to everyone here but you / And you should think about the consequence / Of you touching my hand in the darkened room / ‘cus you’re so gorgeous it actually hurts”
God this is so regulus idk what more I can say
“Ocean blue eyes looking in mine / I feel like I might sink and drown and die” 
I know James eyes aren’t blue, but the comparison to regulus drowning in them is too good
“You make me so happy, it turns back to sad, yeah / There's nothing I hate more than what I can't have / You are so gorgeous it makes me so mad”
UUUUUUUUGH they’re so lovely im clawing at the wall I want what they have ugh ugh ugh
this is both wolfstar AND dorlene
“Secret moments in a crowded room / but they don’t know about me and you / there is an indentation in the shape of you / make your mark on me”
This is so CR wolfstar Zar might as well have written the song himself.
Secret moments in a crowded room but they don’t know about me and you??? You’re joking. Like it’s so them😭 Remus at parties as a server while Sirius is siting with sponsors like 3 feet away with hickies he left the night before?? Yeah 
“Say my name and everything just stops / I don’t want you like a best friend / only bought this dress so you could take it off” 
LITERALLY THEM. When they tried to be friends but Dorcas wanted so much more! Them being in love and being friends never being enough! 
When Marlene asked Dorcas to take her dress off!!! God I love them so much oh my god
“Everyone thinks that they know us / but they know nothing about / all of this silence and patience / pining and anticipation/ my hands are shaking from holding back from you”
WOLFSTAR <3 I love them so much. When the hallows think they have Sirius and Remus all figured out and put in their little boxes, the boy who give out sexual favors for sponsors and the servant to the hallow, but they know nothing about them
When they’re around the hallows and have to hold back from each other but all they want is to be in each other’s arms😭
Also dorlene!!! Again everyone  thinking they know Dorcas and Marlene and they have them in their little boxes, but Marlene would never be the girl they wanted or thought she was and Dorcas was literally undercover for a war. 
The pining and anticipation / my hands are shaking from holding back from you !!!! Dorcas and Marlene!!!! They’re so in love oh my god I love them sm 
“Flashback when you first met me / your buzz cut and my hair bleached / even in my worst times / you could see the best of me / flashback to my mistakes / my rebounds my earthquakes / even in my worst lies / you saw the truth in me”
This is so wolfstar and dorlene. Flashback to my worst times- Sirius knowing Remus saw both his games and has seen him at his worst and Remus thinking about grayback but even then Remus saw the best in Sirius and neither love the other less for their lows
Flashback to my mistakes- Marlene finding out about lily and despite not being together still hurting  because  it hurts! They’re so heartbreaking and I just love them so much
Call It What You Want
“I brought a knife to a gun fight / they took the crown but it’s alright”
Sirius winning his games but never actually winning 
“My baby’s fit like a daydream / walking with his head down / I’m the one he’s walking to / so call it what you want”
Remus walking with his head down bc he’s a servant but he’s always walking to Sirius!
Sirius thinking Remus is so fit all the time and basically drooling nonstop- me too babe, me too
“My baby’s fly like a jet stream  high above the whole thing / loves me like I’m brand new”
Remus never paying attention to rumors and loving Sirius for him and nothing else, loving him like he’s all new and never been tainted by the hallows or the games 
“All my flowers grew back as thorns / he built a fire just to keep me warm / all the drama queens taking swings / all the jokers dressing up as kings / they fade to nothing when I look at him”
Sirius feeling like after the games he only destroyed things and like he grew thorns and ruins everything he touches, but Remus showing him he’s loved??? 
All the hallows trying to get their hands on him and sink their claws in but he only has eyes for Remus (specifically that one scene when Remus is working at the party and all the hallows are throwing themselves at Sirius but as soon as he sees Remus his eyes follow him all night and yeah them)
“ I’m laughing with my lover / making forts under covers / trust him like a brother / yeah you know I did one thing right / starry eyes sparking up my darkest nights” 
It’s literally them. That’s all. It’s them building trust and loving each other and laughing together and being in love.
“I want to wear his initial on a chain ‘round my neck / not because he owns me / but because he really knows me / which is more than they can say”
No you’re not listening. This is literally cr wolfstar 
Remus is the only person aside from his friends who can say they KNOW Sirius because Sirius let’s him know him. He KNOWS Sirius. All the hallows who want to own Sirius and to make him THEIRS don’t get it. Sirius could never be theirs because they don’t know him and  they never will. Sirius wants to belong to Remus because it’s his choice! He wants to belong to the man he’s built trust with and who KNKWS him. Oh my god they make me SICK. They’re so perfect 
“Would you run away with me?” Sirius to Remus all the time pls pls pls I love them
anyways I have to go do some work so this is all i have but i just love these characters so much and !!!!!
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