#dude when i was 14 and reading smut I knew how to shut the fuck up idfk
sophiethewitch1 · 4 months
i really need to make a proper dni. i just like, forget that people are freaks sometimes. like not the fun type of freak mind you but like oh my god you need genuine help kind of freak
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blindedguilt · 2 years
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———  Basics! ♡
(PEN)NAME:  Simon/Simone (Either or! Swap between them, i don’t care lmao)
TAKEN OR SINGLE: Single, mentally I’m in an Uziga Waita manga tho
———  three  facts!♡
I’m sucky at small talk but tend to get way too excited about shit online to the point I get exhausted of reading my own texts
Uhhh.... I have some OC’s and a little universe thingy I’m very passionate about, though I don’t talk about it much lmao (It’s one of the bigger projects in my life right now). I wrote a book for it at one point when I was like 14 which almost got published but I VERY narrowly avoided that bullet lmao
———  experience ! ♡
.... Since 2012-2013, I think? G+ was my first platform, and my early days were on and off lmao. I only started SERIOUSLY roleplaying recently, at like 2015-ish I think. I used to use a lot of OC’s, mainly two very special girls of mine named Zinnia and Alice, but my longest and “original” muse was Ash Landers/Angela Blanc from Black Butler (Ashamed as I am to admit, I was a very big BB fan before this), who I used from early 2015-early 2020. They’re still kinda special to me for that! I’ve been using my OC’s a lot less since G+ shut down, but even now I have one RP I’m doing on Discord with my boy Barnabas, and a forever in-progress RP blog I still have to get around. Uhhhh... This blog was made on October 25th after remembering Drakengard existed, going “what the fuck was even UP with that game lmao”, searching it on Tumblr and seeing a certain Caim blog. I got inspired, figured “Well, can’t hurt if I try, right?” I was between Seere, Leonard, and Inuart. Inuart got crossed off early because I knew I’d get bored playing him, and I almost didn’t do Leonard because I’m scared of hate. But I was starting to get REALLY into his character, went “I’ll do it for a week and then switch to Seere”. Made my first post, got noticed and... ... Well. Seere still isn’t completely safe, though.
———  muse preference !  ♡
Man, I dunno... I think I drift towards the more controversial muses (In a way that’s meaningful and not just baseless shock value) because of how fun it is to really explore those mindsets and how they percieve and/or deal with their own issues. And that’s absolutely what drew me to Leonard, just like Ash/Angela! Leonard is a bit funny because I normally roll my eyes at the “Big intimidating dude who’s actually soft” because,,, well, it seems like just a way to poke the hearts of fans and flip “images” on their heads without really doing anything, and if there is a reason most the time it’s not even that bad. But with Leonard, who’s genuinely frightened and disgusted with himself rather than just being a bit shy, well,,,, that fixed the issue right up for me lmao. Another big thing is theme! What morals they have, what message they were trying to send, if that’s not interesting to me 9 times outta 10 I don’t RP the character. Leonard being a moral conundrum in every aspect though is *Chef’s kiss*  Through experience however, I don’t write very introverted or sexually charged/themed characters. Ironically, I’m more well-versed(...??? Well, comfortable) with writing smug asshole characters - In certain flavours, that is. (Lukhege, Barnabas, Alice, Zinnia, Edwin, Maria, Margarette, Colin, etc.)
———  FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡  
FLUFF: Broken, but could be fun to fix! With Leonard he’s one of the more “normal” in the cast just by the fact that if you’re not a little boy he’s a very kind and polite little guy - However, there’s no denying he IS sad, and since Drakegnard itself just never gives him a break... Basically anyone who comes along to brighten this guy’s day in any capacity is a friend who is ALWAYS more than welcome to the Thanksgiving table. In other words: I fucking ADORE fluff (Not just for Leonard, but in general! It’s one of my favourite things to write~) and it gives me many emotions lmao
ANGST: Look at my muse. What do you think? .... I mean, I love that angsty shit, but I try not to lay it on too thick with the “everything is going wrong and has gone wrong and isn’t it all just soooooo fucked up :(” and make it an edgefest like I used to in my cringier days lmao, but BOY I’ve been getting a lot better at writing it thanks to this fella <3
SMUT: *Cough* I mean, admittedly outside of this blog I can’t say that all my RPs have been SFW.... *Cough cough* Then again, outside of partner RP (Where I’ve only ever used OC’s), I’ve only written written smut like once, in all my years of RP.  So far as this particular muse is concerned, it’s... A sensitive topic. Not completely off the table because who doesn’t want to fuck leonard  but like,,, i don’t actively participate myself in that stuff and prefer anything be decently built upon/chatted out before jumping the gun. In general I admit I like smut a lot more than what I say out loud, though.
PLOT / MEMES: I’m shyyyyy I want to respond to starters and send memes but one half is like “Can I really follow through, though?” and “Will they respond/Be actually happy to see me?” Because sure, we sometimes just can’t get the energy to reply to things (As is often the case with me) but if it becomes frequent enough (At least, without any notice) I kinda freeze up like “Did I overstep their boundaries somehow? Is it a motivation thing? Have they just moved on from wanting to RP with this character/fanbase?” and stop sending things with that pit of anxiety ready to haunt me for the rest of the month. XD And I know a lot of people get that too, so I always try to notify them in one way or another, whether through post or DM that it’s just a me thing - Because 99.99% of the time, it is!  As for hosting them on my own end, I have trouble driving the conversation. I love to collect memes, but sometimes it can be hard to find ones that really fit (There are a lot of shipping-dedicated memes to sort through). I enjoy tossing casual ideas around, but as for keeping a conversation going/spitballing ideas without trying to come off like I’m pushing it or shoehorning the other person into a particular plot/concept, I have a lot of trouble really,,,, putting anything effectively, ESPECIALLY coming back to things later without seeming like I’m being a hound. That said, plotting with me can be a pain unless you catch me at an extremely rare moment that I happen to have a lot of muse and am thinking about our characters that very second because trust me, i do, and i have to limit the number of memes i send at times if only to prevent being an obnoxious little kid dinging up your dms every second. Because of those issues, I often try to structure plotting questions in a way that’s like “What do these characters mean to each other right now?”  “Where is their relationship strong? Where is it weak?” “How can we develop/challenge that?” “Is there a particular aspect of both our characters and/or their relationship with each other that we as muns really want the two to explore?” And so on. Lord help me from turning into an online survey bot when I get to plotting with some poor soul (As some will soon be subjected to), if I don’t have my thoughts organised into neat, colour-coded little boxes then I don’t know what I’ll do with myself. Thanks for reading!
Tagged by: @voicelesshatred​ I Tag: I forgot who else was tagged in the previous post and I’m too lazy to check it out, so if you like this meme, don’t be shy and please take this as your sign to tag! Just please tag me if you do because I love to see the answers~
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svenotes · 3 years
drabble #1
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❝ the one where your one night stand turns out to be your boss ❞
[ PAIRING ] : jeon jungkook x reader | bff!hoseok x reader
[ GENRE ] : office au (not the tv show lol) + crack, smut (mentioned)
[ WORD COUNT ] : 1.7k
[ WARNINGS ] : mentions of sex, a lot of banter, jungkook only appears for like two seconds so this is more best friend!hoseok and oc bickering 
[ AUTHOR’S NOTE ] : i’m trying to get back into writing, so here’s some funny banter w plot
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drabbles | masterlist | wattpad cross post | ao3 cross post
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“Besides, when have—!”
Hoseok frowns, eyes narrowing on you. “You don’t even know what I’m going to say.”
Going through your mental checklist, you neatly place the documents in your hands on your boss’s desk. Today has been a hectic day at the office. It was a miracle that you even managed to finish everything by the end of your shift. On days where you can barely tell the difference between left and right, you found yourself clocking extra hours. You suppose you have Hoseok to thank for that. By some grace of God, he was assigned on the same project as you and as annoying as your friend could be, he also knew when to keep things professional.
He’s already set to leave for the day, waiting for you to finish up. Since the days are getting shorter, he’s made the habit of walking you to your car after work. He stares at you with a dubious look in his eyes, and you hold it for a moment before you walk towards your cubicle to pick up your keys.
“I know you,” you start, grabbing your purse and keys. “I know what you’re going to say because I know you.”
Hoseok scoffs at that, crossing his arms over his chest. A part of you hopes he stops his questioning and drops the topic altogether. However, you know Hoseok. Dropping a subject isn’t his specialty, even if the world demands that he should.
As you try to leave your office, Hoseok blocks your path. “Y/N.”
You keep a straight face. “Hoseok.”
“I am your best friend—!”
He ignores you and continues, “And I love you—!”
“Also debatable,” you murmur.
“—which is why I cannot for the life me understand why you would keep secrets about your sex life from me.”
He catches the attention of a few of your co-workers. You brush them off with a smile, wishing them good-night before you pull Hoseok inside an empty office by his loosened tie. He lets out a choked cough as you drag him in and shut the door behind him, keeping your conversation away from prying ears.
“Are you trying to kill me?” Hoseok hisses, rubbing his neck. “I just want some details about the new guy you’re screwing. How’d you meet? How long has this been going on? Why was I never informed you were dating someone?”
You close your eyes, pinching the bridge of your nose. “For the millionth time, I am not dating anyone. And there’s nothing to know—!”
“You’re lying! Again!” He points a finger in your face. “You left the bar with someone on the night of Ellie’s birthday and you’ve been secretive ever since.” He narrows his eyes. “Who are you hiding?”
You swat his fingers away, brows furrowed. “I’m an open book. I have nothing to hide.”
“Bullshit. You're as open as Yoongi.”
“How is Yoongi?” You ask, not-so-subtly deflecting. “It's been a while since I’ve seen him. You need to stop keeping him all to yourself. I miss my ex-roommate.”
Hoseok and you have known each other for as long as you’ve been working for the company. He sat in the cubicle beside yours and over time you became good friends. Yoongi, your roommate at the time, stopped by the office to drop off some lunch and met Hoseok before you could introduce them.
At first, the two despised each other, their personalities crashing — Hoseok too bright, and carefree and Yoongi more mellow and conserved. However, things began to shift between them over time and now Hoseok walks around with a ring in his jacket pocket at all times.
Hoseok’s cheeks dust pink. “I haven't proposed yet if that's what you're wondering.”
“Just let me know who’s best man I’m going to be,” you laugh.
“None of ours, ‘cause I’m going to ban you from the wedding—!”
Your eyes widen, appalled. “Why—!”
“Who are you dating?”
Your mouth clasps shut, glaring at him. “No one.”
It’s not a lie, Jungkook and you are not dating. Your relationship with him was far from romantic. However, Hoseok doesn’t know that and you’re not sure how you're supposed to tell him. Especially when it seems as though your past is trying to relive itself in the form of another man. You worked hard to move on from when you fell in love with your co-worker — you’ve worked so hard to put the past behind you and keep your professional life separate from your personal. Yet, it’s as if all of that hangs by a thread, threatening to slip through your fingers because history is trying to repeat itself.
How were you supposed to know your kind-of one-night stand was the youngest heir of Jeon Enterprises? You wouldn’t have dared to take a bite of the forbidden fruit if you knew.
A headache forms at the very thought of Hoseok’s lecture once you explain to him you unintentionally fucked your boss. It’s why you’ve been avoiding him and deflecting his questions throughout the day. You sigh, meeting his eyes.
What Hoseok doesn’t know cannot hurt him, right?
His eyes narrow on you, mouth opening for a rebuttal, but the knock on the door silences him. Your attention turns towards the door and you forget to breathe at the sight of the man at the door.
Jungkook's eyes immediately find yours, a small smile tugging on his lips. He looks sweet — innocent, even. Nothing like the man who feasts on you like fine cuisine. Your breath gets caught in your throat when you vividly remember the sinful things he can do with those lips — that mouth. You push the thoughts to the side, mirroring his smile despite the rapid pace of your heartbeat.
“Mr. Jeon,” Hoseok speaks first, clearing his throat.
Jungkook's eyes widen a fraction as he finds Hoseok standing a few feet from you, mirroring the shocked expression you wore moments ago. As if he didn’t even notice Hoseok’s presence.
“Please, call me Jungkook,” he starts, sheepishly, running a hand through his hair. “There’s no need for formalities.”
Hoseok simply nods. “Right. Jungkook.”
“I — uh,” you clear your throat, ignoring the heat that rises to your cheeks as Hoseok's scrutinizing gaze flickers between the two of you. “Did you need anything?”
“Ah,” Jungkook’s eyes flicker towards Hoseok. “Nothing in particular. I was going around trying to get to know the team better. You just seemed preoccupied earlier and I didn’t want to disturb you, so I thought I’d catch you now.”
“Oh,” you say, stupidly.
“We were was just about to head home,” Hoseok adds, glancing between the two of you. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”
"I see,” Jungkook hums and his lips curl into a frown momentarily. “It was nice meeting you today. I look forward to working with you both.”
You hold his gaze for a moment before you respond, “Yea, likewise.”
“Me too,” Hoseok deadpans.
Swallowing, you ignore the look Hoseok sends you. It’s clear, he knows; he's put the pieces together. You will the heat in the apples of your cheeks to dissipate as you keep your composure.
“Goodnight.” Jungkook nods at Hoseok before returning his attention to you. “I’ll see you later.”
As he leaves, his gaze lingers on you for a second too long before he walks away. You let out a breath of air you didn’t realize you were holding, hand resting against your thundering heart. Hoseok waits for the door to shut and for Jungkook to round the corner before—!
“I’m not going to lie,” he begins, leaning against the desk, “that was painful to watch.”
“Shut up.”
“You’re fucking him.” It wasn't a question.
“We slept together a few times,” you sigh, pressing your fingers against your temple. “He said he worked at his father’s company, but I didn’t know his father was CEO of Jeon Enterprises. It didn’t even piece together that he was the Jungkook our team manager was talking about until I saw him this morning.”
He lets your words sink in, humming as he studies you. “He was totally gonna ask to fuck you tonight.”
“Shut up.” You throw your keys at him, but he catches it with ease. “We’re… supposed to meet tonight.”
He raises a brow. “To fuck?”
You’re supposed to meet tonight for a date, but Hoseok already knows too much. Telling him you decided to humour Jungkook for a date will only worsen your headache. Mainly because Hoseok will tell you the only reason you’re humouring him is since you like him.
Only two weeks have passed since you first met and look at the mess it’s already created. What should’ve been strictly a fuck-buddy relationship has turned for the worst.
“You probably shouldn’t.”
“I know.” You slouch, defeated as you lean against the desk beside him. “I know.”
“Wow — wait.” Hoseok’s shock turns into a frown. “You bailed on me Sunday night for mediocre dick, didn’t you?”
“Not mediocre dick,” you sigh, reminiscing the last time you went over. Although, it doesn’t last for long — “Ow! Hoseok, what the fuck?”
“That's for bailing on me,” he snorts before flicking your forehead again. “And that was for telling me his dick game is good.”
You roll your eyes, scoffing, but that doesn’t stop the rush of memories from last weekend. Limbs entangled between sheets, hands grazing every inch of your bodies and lips twined with yours. Your body still remembers the comfort of his warmth as he brought you to euphoria over and over again. A mere memory makes your knees weak.
Your phone buzzes in your hands and you suppress your groan.
[ 6:14 pm ] jungkook (dude w the nice dick): you still coming over?
You don’t realize Hoseok leans over to read your text until —!
Flicking his forehead, you ignore Jungkook’s message. “Come on, let’s go.”
“Alright,” he says, following after you. He keeps quiet until you’ve both entered the elevator, away from other’s prying ears. “Are you going to visit him tonight?”
“I don’t know.”
Your thoughts are torn between right and wrong — your career and pleasure. Meeting him tonight and ending things would be the right decision, but you’re not entirely sure you would be able to avoid his advances if you tried.
You’re screwed.
It’s been long since you crossed the Gates of Eden and sunken your teeth into the divine fruit, and now you’re addicted to the taste.
You are so incredibly screwed.
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all rights reserved © 2021 svenotes
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch 13: On Your Left
Summary: Steve and Katie meet a new friend whilst out jogging, and Steve is sent on a mission to rescue a ship- the Lemurian Star…but it fast becomes apparent that not everyone on his team is pulling in the same direction.
Paring: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Warnings: Language! Smut (NSFW, 18+)
A/N: We jump forward a couple of months here and slip straight into the Winter Soldier storyline. Credit to @angrybirdcr​ for another lovely edit, and this re-post contains additional materiel- I’ve written the mission out instead of merely skipping over it.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Chapter 12 Part 2
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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 End of March/Beginning of April 2014
“Turn it off,” Katie’s voice was muffled from the pillow she had buried her face into as the alarm rang around the dark bedroom. Steve moved slightly to turn it off, but he wasn’t fast enough for his Girlfriend’s liking. “Steve!”
With a huff he leaned over and slapped the offending item with his palm, hitting the snooze button.
“Why is it even set?” She grumbled “It’s not like you don’t normally wake up at the crack of dawn anyway…and who uses an alarm clock when they have a phone?”
“You know, no one makes you stay here.” Steve teased, with a chuckle moving so that his front was pressed to her back.
“You’ve been away for five days, I never sleep as well when you’re not here.” She mimicked his line from the night before in a baby voice.
“And that’s why the alarm is set, because I do sleep better with you.” His arms circled her waist and he grinned to himself as despite the fact she was grumpy and tired she melted into his arms as he nuzzled at her neck, revelling in her smell, her warmth.
“Jerk.” She grumbled. “I mean what time is it anyway?” There was a pause as he continued to simply breathe her in and she glanced at her phone giving a scoff as she saw the ridiculous time on the screen “5:30? In the morning. Five. Thirty…”
“You said you wanted to go running.” He murmured, his eyes still closed.
“No, you said you were going running and I said I might tag along because I’ve eaten nothing but shit whilst I’ve been in New York, which, by the way is your fault…”
“My fault?” Steve laughed, cracking an eye open “I wasn’t even there.”
“Exactly” she muttered “No one to stop me.” “I wouldn’t stop you anyway. You’re a big girl, you make your own decisions…” “Big girl? You calling me fat?” she teased as she rolled onto her back and turned her head to face his, just about making out his features in the dark room. He rolled his eyes, God she was a pain in the ass at times.
“Yeah, you’re huge.” he deadpanned, his hand travelling over her flat stomach and coming to rest on her hip. “Enormous.”
“Ok, well now that we’ve established I need to run, you know on account of me being a hippo, that still doesn’t answer the question why we have to go so damned early anyway. It’s not like we have to be anywhere…” “It’s less crowded.” he shrugged.
“Yeah, that’s because it’s a ridiculous time.”
“Stop being a fucking brat!” Steve laughed and she huffed out breath again.
“I’m not being a brat, it’s just a stupid time to be getting up.”
“I love how full of sunshine and happiness you are in the morning.” Steve muttered as he dropped his head so his lips could gently trail a few lazy kisses down her neck before landing at her collarbone and giving a quick nip, his hand tightening on her hip.
She sighed, her body already starting to respond to his touch, the way it always did, betraying her. 
Damned him and his fucking bastard sex appeal.
“Okay, if you want to actually get up now…” She muttered, as his mouth travelled back up and she rolled her head back to give him access to the spot on her neck that drove her wild every time he found it.  “I suggest you stop.” “I hit the snooze button.” he muttered, lips brushing her ear as he spoke. “We got about eight minutes left.”
“Eight minutes? You have a very high opinion of yourself.” Katie replied, tilting her head so she was looking at him, smirking.
Steve said nothing, just cocked a single, mischievous brow at her before his lips met hers, his hand running down from hip to thigh then across, parting her legs slightly. They were still naked from the night before, clothes strewn all over the apartment after he’d been so desperate to get his hands on her.
She moaned gently into his mouth as he slowly sank two fingers into her and her hips instantly bucked upwards, drawing a grin from his mouth. 
“Easy, Baby.” He whispered, his mouth returning to her neck.
Four minutes later she lay beneath him, a quivering wreck and he was right behind her, two shallow thrusts later as he tumbled over that edge with a low groan, eyes fluttering shut as he fell forward onto her. He smirked into her neck when she had finally regained her senses enough to quip that he’d beaten his best time by a full sixty seconds. And sixty seemed to be the flavour of the day as it was almost another sixty minutes before they got to his favoured running spot, the National Mal thanks to the fact it had taken Katie half an hour minutes to locate her running shoes which she’d eventually found in her car.  Steve had seized the opportunity, as always to lament her for the fact she was messy. 
“I’m not messy.” She scoffed indignantly as they walked the seven blocks. “I’m just not as OCD about everything being in its right place, all the time, like a neat-freak Soldier”
The good natured jibing had continued until they reached their destination and walked through the park to the reflecting pool
“How many laps did you do last time?” Katie asked, as Steve stretched his arms upwards, cracking his back.
“Six.” he said.
She looked at him, frowning. “That’s like what? Twenty miles?”
“Nearer twenty-two.” He grinned.  “You want me to keep your pace?”
She laughed “No way, you’ll just bitch at me for being slow.”
“I do not bitch…” “You bitch like a 14 year old girl.” Katie lamented, gently shoving him in his back. “Now go, go on!”
He smiled again, jogging backwards for a second before he set off at a rate of knots. Exercise always made him feel good. Running, boxing, sparring…fucking. Pushing away the dirty thoughts that had arisen to the forefront of his mind, he was quick to find a comfortable pace, his trainer clad feet slapping the concrete.
It didn’t take Katie long to find her rhythm either. Despite not being with SHIELD anymore she had kept her fitness training up, sparring three times a week with either Natasha or Steve in the local gym. She was technically still an Avenger after all, Tony having now fashioned her another Supernova suit which was basically a version of his latest Iron Man suit but in Silver and Blue, the Nova shaped star sported in the chest where the mini arc reactor powered it. She’d given it a trial run whilst she had been back in New York and was just as impressed with it now as she had been with the prototype he had blown up.
Her feet gently slapped the ground as she ran, the sun was rising on the last day of March and it was promising to be a sunny, bright spring morning.
"Hi.” A voice greeted her as another jogger she hadn’t seen before caught up with her and fell into step with her.
“Nice day for it!”  Katie smiled.
“You normally run this early?” He asked “Haven’t seen you around before.”
“That’s because I don’t normally run here!” She smiled “But I just spent 5 days in New York eating crap so…!”
He laughed and held out his hand. “Sam Wilson.”
She took it and gave it a shake. “Katie Stark.”
“Well I’ll be damned!” Sam grinned “I didn’t recognise you. Nice to meet you.”
“You too.”
As Steve was about to lap Katie for the first time he noticed she was running with another jogger, a black man wearing a grey sweater with short, cropped hair. At one time this would have sparked the green eyed monster in his chest, but not now. Not only did he know she wouldn’t stand for it, but he knew she was just sociable in general. She would talk to anyone given the chance and moreover, she was his girl, he knew that. As he approached them he breathed out an “On your left.” as a warning as he sped past into his second lap.
Sam frowned, looking round and Katie smirked, trying not to laugh at the look on his face as Steve’s frame whizzed off into the distance.
“I never tire of looking at these.” She commented a short while later as they rounded the monument.
Again the sound of heavy footsteps came. “On your left.”
“On your left.”
“Uh-huh. On my left. I got it.” Sam called after him as he entered his fifth lap.
Katie didn’t even try to stop herself this time and she laughed at the slight look of frustration on Sam’s face.
Not long after they were making a lap around the pool at the base of the memorial. Sam gritted his teeth at the wholly unwelcomed sound of footsteps behind him once again, he looked over his shoulder “Don’t say it. Don’t you say it!”
“On your left.”
“Come on!” Sam shouted and Steve allowed an amused smile to spread across his face.
Sam tried his hardest to pick up his speed to match that of Steve’s but failed miserably after only a few moments, now completely gassed out.
“Are you alright?” Katie asked laughing as she approached his hunched over figure, catching her own breath.
“Oh, here he comes…Superman himself…” Sam said gesturing to where Steve was now walking towards them, hands on his hips. He paused at his girl’s side and looked down at Sam.
“Need a medic?” he teased.
“I need a new set of lungs.” Sam chuckled breathlessly. “Dude, you just ran like thirteen miles in thirty minutes.”
“Guess I got a late start.” He shrugged, shooting Katie a pointed look. She responded with her best innocent stare, batting her eyelids at him. Rolling his eyes, he turned his attention back to the stranger who began to talk again.
“You should be ashamed of yourself. You should take another lap.” He scolded jokingly. “Did you just take it? I assume you just took it.”
Steve smiled, he couldn’t help but like this man. As he looked at him, he noticed the military symbol on his grey sweater.
“What unit were you with?” Steve asked changing the subject and motioning to the man’s shirt.
“Fifty-eighth, Para-rescue. But now I’m working down at the VA. Sam Wilson.” He said motioning for help up.
“Steve Rogers.” Steve held out his hand and pulled Sam to his feet.
“I kind of put that together.” Sam said as he tried to catch his balance. “Must have freaked you out, coming round after the whole defrosting thing.”
“It takes some getting used to. But I’ve had help.” He smiled, looking at Katie who grinned back. “Good to meet you Sam.”
“Yeah, bye Sam!” Katie smiled as Steve gently placed his hand on her lower back to steer her away.
"It’s your bed right?” Sam called out from behind him.
Steve paused and they both turned back around. “What’s that?”
“Your bed, it’s too soft.” Sam went on to explain. “When I was over there, I’d sleep on the ground and use rocks as pillows. Like cavemen. Now I’m back home, in my own bed, feels like-”
Steve cut him off. “Like lying on a marshmallow, feels like I’m gonna sink right to the floor.”
"How long?” He asked Sam
“Two tours.” Sam responded. “You must miss the good old days huh?”
“Well, things aren’t so bad.” He folded his arms, taking a quick glance at Katie who raised her eyebrow at him, teasingly. “Foods a lot better. We used to boil everything. No polio that’s good.” He paused before making a gesture with his hand. “Internet so helpful, I’ve been reading that a lot tryna’ catch up.”
Sam nodded and then moved his right hand from where it had been folder across his chest and held it, fingers extended. “Marvin Gaye, 1972, ‘Troubleman’ soundtrack.” He said, returning his arm to its resting position “Everything you’ve missed jammed into one album.”
“Ohhh man!” Katie groaned “I love that film.”
Steve nodded, smiling and pulled out the notebook she had bought him the previous year, “I’ll put it on the list.”
“We can download it later.” Katie offered. Steve smiled as he closed his book before he reached into his other pocket for his phone which was going off. It was Natasha.
'Mission Alert. Extraction imminent. Meet you at the curb :)’
He showed the message to Katie who read it whilst he looked over at Sam.
“Well Sam, duty calls. Thanks for the run. If that’s what you wanna call running.” He joked extending his hand.
“Oh that’s how it is?” Sam says amused shaking the offered hand.
“That’s how it is.” Steve responded, laughing slightly.
“Okay, anytime you two wanna stop by the VA. Make me look awesome in front of the girl at the front desk, just let me know.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Steve said as Natasha pulled up in her black chevvy sports car.
“Hey guys, anyone know where the Smithsonian is? I’m here to pick up a fossil.” She quipped.
“Hey Nat!” Katie waved at her and she nodded whilst Steve simply shook his head.
“That’s hilarious.” He commented dryly as he turned to Katie. “I’ll call you as soon as I can, okay?” She took a deep breath. “Be careful.” She instructed as she leaned up to give him a kiss. “Love you.”
“Love you too.”
Steve made his way to the car, opened the passenger side of the car and dropped into the seat.
“How you doing?” Sam called with a smile as he squat down to get a better view of both Natasha and the car.
“Hey.” She responded with a small smile.
“Can’t run everywhere.” Steve joked smugly, looking back at the man.
“No you can’t.” Sam chuckled and Steve shot one last look at Katie who waved as Natasha surged the car forward.
Katie watched them go before she turned to Sam.
“Military girlfriend huh?” He teased and she laughed.
“Something like that.” “Fancy a coffee?” Sam nodded to one of the stands parked over on the square and she smiled.
“Sure, why not?”
Sam insisted on paying, despite Katie’s protests and they took their coffees over to a bench, sitting down in the early morning sun. As they talked, Katie fast realised she really liked this man, and he was pretty damned interesting too. He told Katie about his time serving in Afghanistan and how he had chosen, post the loss of his partner, Riley, to leave active service and focus his attention on helping others through work at the VA.
Katie had never really dug into the VA much, but it seemed like it did some pretty good work, helping those Soldiers who needed help adjusting to life post discharges for medical or mental health reasons. Sam confided in her that the DC branch was under threat due to lack of funding, and she made a mental note to speak to Tony about it being something that maybe the Stark Relief fund could look into partnering.
When they both realised they had been sat on the bench chatting for almost an hour and a half the pair of them both, knowing they had other places to be, exchanged numbers and she promised to pass his onto Steve.
The rest of her day went pretty quick, in a flourish of telephone conferences and various other ad-hoc emails to deal with, talking to the editors and Business Development team about potential authors to target. By the time she logged off for the evening it was gone eight. She leaned back in her chair, glancing up at the photos that decorated her office, her eyes being drawn to the one on the shelf of herself and Steve which had been taken at the New Years Eve gala last year. 
Picking up her phone she debated texting him, but she knew better than to bother him. From personal experience, STRIKE missions were heavy going. Instead she decided she was going to break with their usual routine whereby he would come to hers if it wasn’t too late post mission, and she was going to wait for him at his.
 “The target is a mobile satellite launch platform: The Lemurian Star.” Rumlow spoke, moving images along a screen as they all stood watching as the jet flew over the Indian ocean. “They were sending up their last payload when pirates took them, ninety-three minutes ago.”
“Any demands?” Steve asked.
“A billion and a half.”
“Why so steep?” Steve asked, frowning. That wasn’t so much steep as fucking vertical.
“Because it SHIELD’s.” Rumlow replied and Steve took a deep breath.
“So it’s not off-course, its trespassing.” He said exasperatedly, turning to his left and looking at Natasha.
“I’m sure they have a good reason.” She met his eyes, her face not faltering for a second.
“You know, I’m getting a little tired of being Fury’s janitor.” Steve raised his eyebrows as she looked back at the screen.
“Relax.” She drawled. “It’s not that complicated”
“How many pirates?” Steve looked back at Rumlow.
“Twenty-five.” he replied, once more swiping at the screen. “Top mercs, led by this guy. Georges Batroc” he pulled up a photo of Batroc on the monitor. “Ex-DGSE, Action Division. He’s at the top of Interpol’s Red Notice. Before the French demobilized him, he had thirty-six kill missions. This guy’s got a rep for maximum casualties.”
“Hostages?” Steve pressed.
“Uh…mostly techs. One officer, Jasper Sitwell.” Rumlow flashed up Sitwell’s photo and Steve shifted slightly “They’re in the galley.”
“What’s Sitwell doing on a launch ship?” He queried, an air of frustration in his tone as he pulled on his gloves before he took a breath and issued his instructions without waiting for an answer. “Alright, I’m gonna sweep the deck and find Batroc. Nat, you’ll kill the engines and wait for instructions. Rumlow, you sweep up after, find the hostages, get them to the life-pods, get ‘em out. Let’s move.”
“STRIKE, you heard the Cap. Gear up.” Rumlow nodded to his team and they all began to bustle around the jet.
Steve moved towards the back, checking his ear piece, raising his wrist communicator to his mouth. “Secure channel seven.”
“Seven secure.” Nat picked up a few more bits of equipment from the shelves, passing a coms device to Evans as Steve walked behind her to the ramp. “Did you do anything fun Saturday night?”
“Well, seeing as all the guys from my barbershop quartet are dead, I had to settle for a movie and pizza with my girl.” He shrugged as he fit his ear piece, a smile tugging at his face. “Yeah, it was fun.”
Natasha grinned and Evans gave a chuckle as the pilot spoke into his ear. “Coming up by the drop zone, Cap.”
Steve punched the button to lower the ramp before he grabbed his helmet.
“You know, I think it’s cute. You’re like a regular, normal couple.”  Evans said, and Steve turned to him as he fastened the straps on his helmet.
“That’s because we are normal.” He replied, a little louder as the noise of the air blowing through the ramp surrounded them. Steve grabbed his shield and swung it onto his back, the irony of his statement making him smile even more as he walked towards the end of the ramp.
“Yeah, because most people do this type of stuff for a living.” Natasha shot after him and he turned to face her, smirking.
“Well, at least it doesn’t get boring.” He grinned, before he threw himself off the jet.
“Was he wearing a parachute?” Rollins turned to Rumlow who gave a huff of a smile.
“No. No, he wasn’t.”
Steve held his arms and hands out to the side of himself as he was free falling through the air, before he shifted, straightening his legs out below him and crossing his arms over his chest. He speared straight into the ice cold water below and, after a moment to adjust, he started swimming toward the ship, using the anchor chain to climb up onto the deck. He dropped silently over the railings and grabbed the guard who had walked past seconds before in a choke hold, rendering him unconscious as noiselessly as he could. Then he set off at a sprint and it wasn’t long before he encountered two more of the pirates. Using his shield he hit the first one and took him down then sent the vibranium weapon flying once more where it ricocheted off the hull of the boat and took down the second. He caught it and continued running around the side of the deck where he encountered another three. The first one he dispatched with a harsh kick, taking the others down with a quick leg swipe and a harsh punch to the face. The next one he saw wasn’t looking so Steve sped up and used his momentum to shoulder barge him over the side of the ship, before he launched at the next one, taking him down with a swinging choke hold. The one after had a knife, which was slightly more inconvenient, but Steve managed to disarm him and used the dagger he now had possession of to pin one of the other guards hands to the wall as he was reaching up to hit the alarm button, before knocking him out with a kick to the head.
That was how it went for the most of it. Steve ran the entire deck, taking everyone down using his shield, arms, legs, body, any means he had before anyone could raise the alarm. And he was almost home and dry, until he dispatched of what he thought was the final merc, until as he caught his shield, he heard the click of a gun right behind his head.
“Bouge pas!” The man spoke and Steve tilted his head slightly to glance at the man in his peripheral, understanding the words to mean don’t move. So he didn’t, especially not as he had just spotted Rumlow drifting down towards the deck. The STRIKE leader shot at the pirate, taking him down and landed a few feet away.
“Thanks.” Steve nodded to him.
“Yeah. You seemed pretty helpless without me.” Rumlow joked and Steve turned to see Natasha and Evans parachute down onto the deck to join them.
“So you know you said before about things not getting boring?” Natasha asked as they strode across the deck, Steve slinging his shield onto his back. “If you ever need any tips on how to keep it from getting boring in the bedroom, just ask.”
Steve shook his head and let out a groan.
“When you gonna ask her to move in with you?” Nat continued.
“Secure the engine room, then we can talk about my sex life and living arrangements.” Steve deadpanned back
“I’m multitasking” Nat sing-songed as she effortlessly hopped over a set of railings, disappearing onto the lower part of the deck.
Steve set off at a run, vaulting up a few steps, using railings to swing himself onto the higher level of the ship before he stopped just below the bridge, shooting one of Lawson’s listening devices at the windows. He listened in as Batroc instructed his men to fire the engines and then Steve retreated to a spot where he could see Batroc clearly through the window of the control bridge. Crouching down he continued to listen into their conversation, easily able to understand the French they were speaking, one of his many skills picked up in the war. It had come easy post the serum, as with everything it had enhanced his ability to memorise and grasp things like that.
Batroc was being informed by one of his officers about the radio silence from SHIELD and Steve watched carefully before Evans’ voice cut across the jabbers of French.
“Targets acquired”
“STRIKE in position” Rumlow replied.
“Natasha, what’s your status?” Steve whispered into his wrist coms, but there was no reply. “Status, Natasha?”
“Hang on!” She said loudly, and Steve waited as he heard a bit of a struggle before she spoke again twenty or so seconds later. “Engine room secure.”
That was it, they were clear to engage.
“On my mark” Steve whispered “Three. Two. One.”
With that he set off running towards the bridge, leaping up a small set off steps before he flung his shield through the window. He jumped in after it and Batroc caught him with a kick to the chest before sprinting off and kicking his way out of the door. Steve jumped up, wrenched his shield from where it had been wedged in the metal panels at the back of the control room and ran after him.
“Hostages on route to extraction.” Rumlow informed as Steve emerged onto the end of a set of steps. “Romanoff missed the rendezvous point, Cap.” The STRIKE leader continued as Steve jumped down onto the main area of the deck. “Hostiles are still in play.”
Steve looked around before he turned on his heels and started walking “Natasha, Batroc’s on the move.” He instructed quietly into his coms. “Circle back to Rumlow and protect the hostages.”
There was no reply, and Steve was starting to get pissed off at her radio silence.
But then, out of nowhere Batroc flew at him with another harsh kick which sent Steve flying, and no sooner had he righted himself, there came another. The two engaged, toe to toe, fists flying, legs kicking, arms blocking and Steve had to hand it to Batroc, even after he knocked him down with his shield, the man was quickly back on his feet. Steve aimed a knee to his gut and flipped him backwards only to see Batroc effortlessly fling himself into several back flips before landing on his feet a short distance away, smirking as he eyed Steve up.
“Je croyais que tu étais plus qu'un bouclier.” He chuckled slightly and Steve cocked his head to one side, chewing over the man’s words… I thought that you were more than just a shield.
The arrogance in Steve won out and he straightened up out of his attack stance. You wanna go, fucker? Fine. Let’s dance.
He took a breath, stashing his shield on the harness round his back, and undid his chin strap, pulling his helmet off. “On va voir.” He said simply, tossing it to the floor, his eyes not once leaving Batroc’s who gave a huge grin.
They dodged for a second or two before they began to fight once more, trading punches, kicks and a few more knees to the gut before Steve threw himself up into the air, twirling his body round into a huge over-head kick, connecting his boot straight with Batroc’s head. Batroc fell to the floor and soon staggered back to his feet, but Steve didn’t give him chance to recover properly. He ran at him, spearing them both through a door, and sitting up slighting, Steve knocked Batroc out with a huge punch to the head.
He took a moment to draw his breath when a voice rang out across the room.
“Well, this is awkward.”
He looked up to see Natasha smirking at him from where she was bent over a computer.
“What are you doing?” Steve demanded as he rose to his feet.
“Backing up the hard drive. It’s a good habit to get into.”  She retorted.
Steve glanced over his shoulder, happy Batroc was still out cold, before he strode purposefully towards her.
“Rumlow needed your help. What the hell are you doing here?” He drew up behind her and glanced at the screens. As it registered what she was doing he shook his head in exasperation. “You’re saving SHIELD Intel.”
“Whatever I can get my hands on.” She drawled, still tapping at the computer as she looked at him, before turning back to the screen.
“Our mission is to rescue hostages.” Steve glared at her.
“No. That’s your mission.” Natasha corrected as she finished what she was doing and pulled the pen drive out of the slot. She turned towards him and smiled causing Steve’s anger to bubble even more. “And you’ve done it beautifully.” Her tone was almost patronising as she smirked, moving to pass him.
At that, Steve felt his temper snap and he grabbed her arm stopping her in her tracks. “You just jeopardized this whole operation.”
“I think that’s overstating things.” Natasha stated calmly but before Steve had time to reply a movement caught his attention. Batroc stood up and threw a grenade at the two of them as he ran off. Steve deflected the bomb with his shield before he grabbed Natasha round the waist and hopped up onto the desks. Jumping to another one, Natasha shot out one of the glass windows into an internal office and they dived in just as the bomb exploded.
Smoke, ash and debris rained down on them and Steve gave it a second before he looked over his shoulder and out before sitting back down to take a moment. He was beyond pissed off. Pissed at Natasha and pissed at Fury for not bothering to tell him the full story.
“Okay. That one’s on me.” Natasha breathed out.
“You’re damn right.” Steve grit his teeth and pushed himself up, storming out in anger. Of course, Batroc was nowhere to be found.
**** Steve was that angry about the cluster-fuck of a mission that he didn’t speak a word to Natasha all the way home and yes, he knew it was childish, but he was getting seriously pissed off at the secrets and lies that seemed to be part and parcel of any goddamned mission Fury sent him on. Once back at base he stormed off the jet, ignoring pretty much everyone and simply barking out that they would debrief in the morning.
It was just before midnight when he got home, and as he pulled his bike up into the designated space allotted for his apartment, he noticed Katie’s car was in one of the guest spaces that lined the street. He frowned slightly, she never normally waited at his for him. Not for any particular reason other than he normally spent the hours or so after a mission debriefing before heading home to decompress for a few hours and then if it wasn’t too late he would head to hers. But the more he thought about it now he realised that he had no idea why he did it that way. It wasn’t like she didn’t understand what it was like being a SHIELD operative, or that he didn’t want her at his. 
Knowing that she was there made him smile for the first time since he’d left the Lemurian Star and, despite his various aches and bruises, he found himself taking the steps to his apartment three at a time, his eagerness to see her wiping all other thoughts from his mind.
She was on the couch, bare denim-short clad legs tucked underneath her, and she looked up from the TV as he walked into the living area and leaned in the doorway, smiling softly at the sight of her, hair tousled slightly from where she had been leaning her head against the arm of the couch.
“What are you doing here?” He asked gently as she sat up.
“Decided I’d wait for you.” She shrugged “You complaining?” “Not at all.” He smiled, turning away as he unzipped his jacket and hung it over the back of one of the stools by the breakfast bar before he crossed the room.
“You had a good day?” He asked.
“Yeah.” She replied as he walked back into the lounge. “Vanity Fair have written the article already, if I’m happy with it tomorrow then it’s going to be published this month.”
Steve couldn’t help but smile at her tone. She was proud, and she had every right to be. So was he. Stark Independent Publishing LTD had taken off like a rocket and the glossy magazines were queuing up to interview the youngest Stark prodigee. She had declined all of them until the board had suggested she do one interview for Vanity Fair, along with a photoshoot in her office. She’d reluctantly agreed, but had confided in Steve she’d actually kind of enjoyed it.
“That’s fast.” he said, heading back into the room.
“Yeah they’re really pushing for it.” She smiled as he dropped besides her with a groan, lifting her legs up so they crossed his lap. As he did so he jostled the bruised ribs and muscles he’d obtained on the Lemurian Star and let out a hiss, rubbing slightly at his torso. Katie spotted this, as always, and frowned, moving her legs so she was sat up, scooting over to where he was and gently tugged at his t-shirt. He didn’t stop her as she examined the large bruise over the side of his ribs and gently ran her fingers over it.
“Ouch.” She mumbled softly, looking up at him and then tilting his face round. He knew there was a small cut on his temple but other than that and the bruise to his side he was uninjured. “Is this it?”
He nodded.
“So how did you do it this time?”
“I got blown through a window.” Because that was a perfectly normal thing for Captain America to do, Katie merely rolled her eyes and dropped a kiss to his cheek as she stood up “I’ll get the arnica and fix you something to eat”
He loved this, the way she just wanted to take care of him, but he was aware of what time it was too, and he didn’t want her to feel like she had to play the dutiful housewife.
“Kitten, you should go to bed, its late.” He grabbed her hand. “Once I’ve patched you up and fed you I will.” She shrugged stubbornly, tugging gently on his hand and he allowed himself to be pulled up “Go take a shower, I’ll sort your dinner.”
This time he didn’t protest, simply smiled, dropped a kiss to her head and headed to the bathroom.
He stepped under the hot water cascading from the shower and let out a groan as it hit his body, allowing it temporarily to soothe his mind and his aches. He still couldn’t shake his annoyance at how the mission was gone. Suddenly, he was distracted by his stomach grumbling and he realised he was actually really hungry. He quickly washed off before cutting the water and stepping out, grabbing a towel. He could hear Katie in the kitchen as he walked down the hall towards his bedroom where he dried himself off and dressed in a pair of loose sweats and a grey T-shirt.
The smell of food hit his nostrils as he walked into the kitchen, making his mouth water. Her food was always good, he had no idea what he was in for tonight but he didn’t care. As he approached where she was stood, both his hands dropped to her hips and he placed a soft kiss on her neck, an easy sign of affection before he let out a heavy sigh and reached into the refrigerator.
“So, you wanna tell me what happened?” She asked, turning to look at him as he downed pretty much an entire bottle of water before he slumped down at the breakfast bar and explained everything to her. She listened, asked questions, shook her head, and when he reached the bit about the ransom she whistled slightly through her teeth, coming to the same conclusion he had when he heard the demand.
“That’s steep.” she frowned and Steve snorted.
“That’s what I said. Turns out its SHIELDS.“
The microwave finished and Katie moved to open the door, stirring whatever was in there before removing it and placing it down in front of him, along with a plate of his favourite bread. He was silent for a moment as he stirred the hot stew, Ghoulash, before taking a small mouthful to test the heat. Damned she could cook. He nodded appreciatively.
“It’s good.” “You sound surprised.”
“Behave.” He admonished, giving her a look. “You know what I think about your cooking.”
He continued to eat as she stood up and fished about in the cupboard he stored the bottle of Arnica gel she insisted he keep to hand. As he ate, she settled next to him and hitched his shirt up, gently and carefully applying the ointment to his side. The bruise extended from the middle of his rib cage to an inch or so beneath the band of his sweats.
It was relaxing, and he relished her touch and her gentle tone as she continued to talk.
“So did you get the hostages?”
“Yeah.” He nodded in between mouthfuls. “That bit was pretty easy all things considered.”
“So what’s wrong, love?”
She could tell there was more to his mood than what he had told her, and her instincts were proven right when he let out a soft sigh as she continued to rub at his side softly.
“I’m just annoyed Sweetheart.” He sighed eventually “At Fury, at Romanoff.”
“At Nat? Why?”
“She was running a separate mission, which meant the task I gave her to back Rumlow up with the hostages wasn’t done.”
He nodded.
“More secrets” Katie sighed, feeling a flash of anger. “You know this is exactly why I got out…legacy or no legacy.”
“Tell me about it.” He dropped the spoon into the empty bowl. “We were lucky no one was hurt, or worse. I mean, Rumlow was great, got everyone out but, Doll, how can I lead a team when half of them are lying to me?”
“Nat was just doing as she was told.” Katie spoke softly, trying to deal with each issue one at a time.
“Since when is retrieving Intel more important than people’s lives?”
“I’m not saying it is. I’m just saying don’t be so hard on her.” She reasoned, her fingers still tracing shapes on his skin. “She has a job to do, same as you. Its Fury you should be talking to about it.”
“Oh I intend to.” Steve snorted. “I’m going to go see him tomorrow morning after de-brief…”
“Well, at least you’ll get an explanation. I mean it might not be what you wanna hear but…”
She was right, of course. Pushing it from his mind, Steve concentrated on her touch as she was still gently rubbing his side. He closed his eyes and let out a sigh of contentment, and was disappointed when she finally finished and let his t-shirt fall down before she stood up to put the ointment away.
“You want any more to eat?” She asked, once she’d washed the arnica off her hands.
“Is there any?” He looked at her hopefully.
She smiled, nodding, and then gave a small yawn which she tried to stifle, but Steve noticed it.
“Okay, I’ll warm some more up and you’re gonna go to bed.” He said, standing up “And that’s an order.”
“Bossy bastard” She retorted. He replied simply with a raised an eyebrow and stern glare as he crossed towards her. She held her hands up, “Okay, I’m going…” She leaned up to kiss to his cheek.
“Won’t be long.” He smiled.
Steve had another bowl of food before he slipped the dishes into the dishwasher and headed to the bathroom to clean his teeth. He turned off the lights, crossed into the dark bedroom and pulled off his T-shirt, sliding into bed behind Katie. His arm curled over her waist, surprise surprise she was in one of his shirts, which did nothing to ebb his growing desire and the twitching in his groin. Hoping she wasn’t asleep, his nose gently nuzzled at her neck, and he was pleased when she responded.
He needed this. Wanted this. Wanted her.
“When you told me to go to bed…” Katie sighed, as his lips gently started their assault on that spot, “I thought you meant to sleep.” “Want me to stop?” Steve practically purred into her neck.
“Didn’t say that.” She replied, rolling her head to catch his lips as his hand crept down her inner thigh. She let out a contented sigh and he smiled against the side of her neck as he traced his fingers over her hip, hand flattening as it crept down and round to the top of her panties, his fingers slipping inside, where he found her hot, wet, ready for him. It was enough to harden him completely as he started to gently tease her, causing her to groan at the pleasure, her back arching whilst his lips continued to kiss and caress her neck.
“Steve.” She moaned softly, her tone pleading. “I want you…”
Fuck, he would never get tired of hearing that. Ever. 
“Yeah?” he whispered.
“Yeah. Please Stevie.” He didn’t think he’d ever be able to say no to her. His hand moved up and he gripped at her hip, gently rolling her so she was lay on her back, using his leg to part hers. He guided his shirt over her head, pulled down her panties, before he stripped off his boxers, fingers lacing in between hers, as he crawled over her, pinning both hands above her head as he worked his way into her. They both groaned as he stretched her, and she looked up at him, those eyes locking onto his as he leant down to kiss her, starting up a slow, gentle pace. He moved slowly, again and again, lips caressing hers, then her jaw, then her neck, all the time his hands wrapped around hers, causing her to surrender to him completely.
He kept up that soft, gentle pace, loving her completely. He could tell she was close, he knew the signs well enough now and as she groaned in delight, tightening around him he coaxed her, “That’s it baby girl…” lips soft on her ear.
And then she came, shuddering underneath him, her head tipping back, as she let out a gentle, low, broken moan of his name. It sent shivers down his spine and he continued to thrust through her orgasm, the tale heat spreading across his belly and then he tipped too, jerking and groaning slightly before he fell forward, burying his face in to her neck.
“Love you.” She whispered softly into his ear as her hand ran up his neck, into his hair and he gave a hum of contentment as he regained control of his senses.
“Love you too, so damned much, Sweetheart.” He rubbed his nose up against hers and she chuckled slightly as he rolled off of her. She scooted closer so she could lay her head on his chest and his arm curled round her, large hand tracing shapes on her skin at the bottom of her back as she tossed her leg over his.
“What time are you in tomorrow?” She asked gently, hand rubbing absentmindedly over his chest.
“Half nine.” He gave a sated yawn.
“We can have breakfast together, I made cinnamon rolls.” She muttered through a yawn of her own.
“That so?” “mmmhmmm”
“You know, you’d make a good little housewife.” He grinned, thinking back to his thought before. He knew her response before she had uttered it. “Fuck you.” He chuckled, dropping a kiss to her head and they both fell silent. And his last thought as he drifted off to sleep was just how her being here had made him almost forget his worries.
Katie lay still, listening to the sound of his breathing which grew even as he fell asleep, clearly exhausted. He always needed food and rest after missions, his metabolism drained him. She stole a glance up at him, long eyelashes lay against his cheek as his head lolled to the side slightly, facing her.
“Night soldier.” She whispered softly, placing a peck on his lips before settling down and succumbing to her own tiredness. ********* Katie woke the next morning, tangled in Steve’s arms, his face pressed into her neck as he’d done his usual koala impression. As gently as she could, she moved to check her phone for the time, and found it to be twenty-five past seven, five minutes before her alarm was due to go off. Cancelling it, she glanced back over at Steve who shifted onto his back, the arm that had been thrown around her gently resting on his chest. Smiling, she climbed out of bed deciding to leave him to sleep as long as she could.
Considering what a light sleeper he normally was, Steve didn’t stir when Katie returned following her shower and was still out of it when she finished dressing so she unset the alarm on his bedside clock and headed to the kitchen. She put on a fresh pot of coffee, threw the fresh rolls she had made the previous day into the oven and settled down on his couch, flipping on the TV whilst she quickly scanned through her phone, looking at her schedule for the day. She only had one meeting in the afternoon, and it wasn’t important so she fired an email through to her PA asking her to reschedule.
At about eight-fifteen, there was still no sign of Steve so Katie headed through to the bedroom to wake him up. Any longer and he would be late for his debrief. He was lay side on, facing her side of the bed so she dropped next to him…
Something was tickling his nose, right on the bridge. He gently sniffed, and then soft lips met his. Again, again…Steve made a completely involuntary noise that was halfway between a groan and a sigh as he realised his girl was kissing him awake, before her lips met his and this time he gently responded.
“Hey.” That soft voice greeted him and he smiled, gently cracking an eye open and meeting that emerald green.
“Morning” He said groggily and she smiled.
“It’s almost eight-fifteen.”
He frowned, that was late. “My alarm didn’t wake me?” “I turned it off, sorry-not-sorry” She said with a tone so blasé it made him chuckle “You needed the rest.” She gave him a soft kiss again “There’s coffee in the kitchen and breakfast is ready.” “You know I could get used to this” He rolled over so he was on his back as she rose from the bed. “Coming home to a ready-made dinner, waking up to ready-made breakfast before I go to work. And you.” “Nice to see which one of those is your priority.” She teased over her shoulder as she left him to it.
“Always you, Doll.” he murmured with a smile. But as he lay still for another few minutes, he thought about it more and more. Over the past four months, other than when they were away either on missions or business trips they had spent every night together, either at his or hers but last night, something had felt different to him, more intimate. She’d taken care of his mission injuries, cooked for him, made love to him, and now here she was making him breakfast before she would wave him off to work later on. It was almost normal, what people with mundane nine to five jobs did. And he realised he wanted that all the time, he wanted to come home, find her there, wake up with her, every single day.
“When you gonna ask her to move in?” Natasha’s voice popped back into his head.
If he was honest, he hadn’t given it a lot of thought, it wasn’t something people did back in his time before marriage. But times were different, hell he was different, and as he lay there contemplating it, he realised, it wasn’t such a bad idea.
When he headed through, Katie was sat at the kitchen table, laptop fired up, mobile glued to her ear.
“I know!” Her tone was one of utter excitement. “I mean I didn’t think they would turn out so good…or they’d be done so fast but they’re pushing for this month’s edition…”
He dropped a kiss to her neck and glanced at the screen, pausing when he saw the image. It must have been one of the photos done whilst she was in New York and as he looked at it, he felt his mouth drop open. His girl was stood against a wall in her office in the tower, one leg bent, high heeled foot raised back against the flat surface behind her, palms splayed either side of her thighs as she looked to the right. Her hair was pulled back in a slick, high pony tail, her make-up was heavier than normal and utterly flawless, and she was dressed in a grey charcoal pinstripe suit which cinched in at her waist, with a low cut white blouse underneath.
“Yeah, I know Tony.” She continued speaking into the phone as she glanced up and saw the expression on his face. She pressed a button on the keyboard and it flipped to another picture, this one of her sat in her chair, legs apart, elbows resting on her knees, as she looked beyond the camera, laughing at something. She looked absolutely fucking stunning. His eyes roved the image on the digital copy of the article and he began to read the writing that was next to it.
There are a lot of things you might absolutely hate about Katie Stark. Aged just twenty-nine she has more money than anyone could possibly wish to spend in a life-time, looks and a figure that you would kill for, and a Super Soldier Boyfriend with a jawline that seems to be carved from marble. However, after thirty seconds in her company despite wanting to hate her for all of the above, it was simply impossible not to like her.
Unassuming, accommodating, and with a smile that you simply can’t help but return, she welcomed us into her office and was remarkably humble about the entire thing, admitting that she still wasn’t quite so sure why we were so interested in her. We took the time to grill her on how the first three months of Stark Independent Publishing LTD has gone and what we can look forward to in the future.
Katie stood up and gestured for him to sit down and carry on reading the article. She headed off into the living room, continuing her call, so he read as he ate a hot cinnamon bun. The article ploughed through a load of questions about the book that had launched the business when they published, the fact the company had already registered over fifty-percent first quarter turnover, where she thought the business was going, future pipeline projects, her favourite authors, genre, books, previous role in Stark Industries before she had spent a few years working for a Government Agency following the Battle of New York (no mention of Supernova or SHIELD) and then the final paragraph took a personal turn.
When asked if she would indulge us with a personal question she sighed slightly before grinning and telling us to ask and see if she answered. So we did…
“We know that you’re a notoriously private person, in comparison to your brother anyway, but most of our readers are dying to know…what’s it like dating Captain America?”
“No idea, I’m dating Steve Rogers.” She replied immediately, a faint flush hitting her cheeks as she spoke, all the time fiddling with a delicate yet gorgeous antique looking emerald ring which sits on her right hand, a gift we suspect from the man in question. When asked to elaborate slightly, she bit her lip and simply smiled before explaining; “Steve isn’t just Captain America. There’s more to him than a shield. He’s the kindest, gentlest, most caring man I’ve ever met and he makes me unbelievably happy.” The blush spread from her cheeks to her ears “And that’s not down to the Serum or outfit, it’s just who he is. The fact he’s 6ft2, drop dead gorgeous with a smile I’d happily die for is a bonus.”
Steve felt himself grin as he read the words and glanced at the small photo they had framed the paragraph round. It was the shot of them together that had been taken at the Stark Industry’s New Year’s Gala as they danced. His eyes continued to the final part of the article, this one complete with a picture of Katie and Tony. Katie sat at her desk as Tony leaned over, looking at something on the computer screen. 
When asked about the other man in her life, her brother Tony, she smiled again, another genuine smile, the love she has for her elder sibling evident on her face and in her voice.
“I owe everything I have to Tony. He brought me up from the age of seven, gave me absolute, unconditional love and opportunities I know I was extremely fortunate to have. People have a pre-conceived image of what he is like, and sometimes he can play into that, but to me he’s been nothing but loving and supportive, my father and brother rolled into one and I can’t thank him enough for everything he has done and given me. He backed my decision to open SIP from the off and believed in me and has always pushed me to be the best I can be.”
We couldn’t resist another personal question, so we asked her a little cheekily how Tony had reacted to news that she was dating one of his fellow Avengers, who had served alongside their Father Howard in WW2. Hesitating slightly, she flushed before smirking and answering, a grin on her face.
“How he found out wasn’t ideal, but once he realised we were serious, he was fine about it. I think deep down after my last car crash of a relationship, he’s just happy I’m with someone who puts me first.”
“Do they get on?” At that she laughed. “They have a love-hate relationship. In that they hate the fact they love one another. Tony has these ridiculous nicknames for Steve and he can be an absolute nightmare at times, but to be fair Steve’s quite sarcastic himself too but I know full well that they have each other’s six and, even though they would probably deny it, they are quite close and would miss one another if they weren’t around.”
Steve, grudgingly, had to admit she was right. Tony could be a pain in the ass at times, but he would miss the billionaire if he wasn’t there. Underneath all his bravado he knew that he thought the world of his sister and, despite their initial meeting whereby Steve frankly thought the guy was a dick, he’d fast learnt during the Chitauri Battle that underneath that persona he had a heart of gold and was more like his father than he would care to admit. A fact that Steve was even more convinced of having gotten to know him much better on a personal level over the last two years or so.
Whilst the siblings certainly share a lot of attributes, both good looking, tough, hard-working, Katie has a certain softness to her edges and we challenge anyone who spends time in her company not to warm to the youngest Stark. Stark Independent Publishing has, in our opinion, a very bright future ahead of it whilst it is spearheaded by such an astute and shrewd business woman and we wish her all the best.
“What do you think?” Katie watched as Steve read the article, leaning against the wall, nibbling at her thumb, nervous to see his reaction.
Steve jerked his head round and smiled at her. “I think it’s fantastic. The photos are stunning, the article is well written. Are you happy with it?” “Yeah.” she nodded as she walked over to his chair, standing behind it and slipping her arms round his shoulders from behind “They wouldn’t drop the whole So you’re dating Captain America angle though, so our PR department told me to answer a few personal questions to shut them up. Are you ok with it?” Steve smiled and turned side on in his seat, pulling her into his lap. “Seeing as I’m the kindest, gentlest, most caring man you’ve ever met how could I not be?” “I meant every word of that.” She smiled, rubbing her nose against his.
“I know baby.” He gave her a peck on the lips. “Now I need to go or I’m gonna be late.”
Sighing she stood up as he did the same, grabbing a final cinnamon bun from the plate.
“I’ll be back at mine” She informed him as she walked to the door with him, “I have a few calls to do this morning.” “I’ll come over when I’m done.” He smiled. “And maybe we can do something this afternoon?”
“Sounds perfect”
***** Chapter 14
**Original Posting**
91 notes · View notes
hvllevator · 4 years
mismatch ; Wong Yukhei
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↳ Lucas never lived an easy life. Being introduced to vices at such a young age took a toll on him. Boxing being one of them. His father made him think that love was unworthy of his time and that he was undeserving of love, so it was never in Lucas’ dictionary to fall in love. That was until he met a girl who cried during one of his boxing matches. Will you be able to pull him out of darkness? Will he change for the better?
pairing: wong yukhei x female reader
genre: angst, fluff, smut, boxer!au
warnings: mention of violence, drugs, abuse, sexual content, swearing
words: 15,6k
a/n: this is purely fictional and if you are uncomfortable with any of the topics ive mentioned in my warning, please refrain from reading. i love this and i hope you love it as much as i do ! please tell me what you think
Lucas was raised to be independent, not like he had a choice. His father was a drug addict and his mother left him before he could even open his eyes. His father often mistreated him, reminding him every second of his life that he was a mistake and that his mother should’ve aborted him when she had the chance then maybe she would still be with him. Lucas lived with constant threats coming his way, he somehow learned how to cope with them. It wasn’t until one day he finally had enough, with a bat in hand he used it against his father. Lucas was then taken away from him and was forced to live with his grandmother. Having no one to really rely on, he was introduced to a few vices at such a young age, 14 years old to be exact. Smoking, drinking, and even taking up drugs just to name a few. Boxing was one of them. He found comfort in beating an opponent till they’re left unconscious, all the pent up anger in him was finally being released. It didn’t take long before Lucas was known to be one of the best underground boxers in the area. He was ruthless and merciless when it came to the ring. The money he got through boxing was enough to supply him for the next few months of living. As soon as he turned legal age, he bought an apartment for himself, wanting to be away from his so called family as best as he can. Not that it was difficult since he wasn’t really that close with his grandmother, and his father never really cared about him, so Lucas packed up his bags and left home the very second he can. Lucas was thankful for the friends he made along his boxing journey. Qian Kun was one of them, a fellow boxer who he trained together with. Kun was one of the people he trusted the most, he was the one who helped him when he was in a really dark place.
Lucas was also known for someone who loved to fuck, with girls practically throwing theirselves at him, who was he to pass up the opportunity of having a great orgasm for the night. He had one night stands here and there, even having girls cry over him leaving before they could even wake up in the morning. He wasn’t one to do relationships, the thought of being tied down to one person sickened him. He knew he wasn’t cut out for all the romantic shit, he feared that he would repeat the same mistakes his father did. Although Lucas knew he was better than his old man and that he would never take advantage of his fighting skills, he wanted to be safe rather than sorry.
Lucas had a fight tonight, nothing really new. Wrapping the bandages on his hand, he did a few stretches before slipping on the mouth guard. Kun wished him good luck before entering the ring. It didn’t take long before his opponent was knocked out, slipping the mouth guard out, a triumph smirk made its way on his face as he was being announced as the winner. He barely had any damage done to his face. As he was stepping off the ring, his gaze landed on a pretty girl who had tears streaming down her face from when she watched the match. His eyebrows furrowed as he watched her wipe her tears.
You were practically dragged to watch this boxing match you had absolutely no interest in, if it wasn’t for your best friend then you truly wouldn’t have come. Pulling the “I will do your laundry for two weeks” card had you seated in the front row of a cruel match. Wincing every time someone threw a punch against one another. You admit that you were not used to this sight at all, so you couldn’t help the tears that were slipping out of your eyes. As soon as the fight ended, you wanted to leave but Soyeon still wouldn’t let you since her boyfriend hasn’t appeared in the ring. Wiping your tears away, you lifted your head to see who was being announced as the winner of the round. Surprised that the person getting off the ring was already staring at you. You watched as he purposely held eye contact with you, striding towards you until he was fully in front of you.
His eyes were filled with worry, his stare was making you uncomfortable and you’re sure that your confusion was written on your face.
“Are you okay?” He asked, and you wondered why.
“Y-yeah? Why wouldn’t I be?” You felt your breathing increase. He was the winner of the match, and you knew there were plenty of eyes on you. Some even snapping pictures maybe.
“You were crying.” He stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world
“You saw that?”
“Of course. You don’t seem like the type to watch these fights.” He smirked, he was attractive that’s for sure.
“I’m not.” You shook your head.
“Yo Lucas! Come and get your prize!” You heard a voice called out, making Lucas groan. He took a step away from you before turning his heel and approaching whoever called him, he turned his head back to you and winked at you before leaving completely. What just happened?
Lucas was rushing to claim his prize, his foot tapping on the floor impatiently as the money was being counted awfully slow.
“Shouldn’t you prepare this shit before the match?” Lucas snapped, glaring at the teller. They ignored his remark, continuing with what they were doing. Lucas sighed and shook his head, thinking that you will probably be gone by the time he comes back. He was right, the seat you were previously sitting on was now empty.
Lucas couldn’t get the thought of you out of his head, he found it silly that a girl your age was crying over a boxing match yet it interested him, you interested him. Kun sensed that Lucas was out his focus recently, it worried him yet he had a slight idea why he was being worked up.
“You okay?” Kun asked, letting go of the weights he was previously working out with.
“I’m fine.” Lucas grunted, throwing punches towards the punching bag in front of him.
“Oh really? It has nothing to do with the girl that was at your match?”
Lucas’ movements halted at Kun’s comment. He swung his head to face him, curiosity splattered on his face. “How do you know her?”
“I don’t, what I do know is she’s my girlfriend’s best friend.” Kun shrugged, returning to lift his weights.
“No way! She’s Soyeon’s best friend? Dude, please help me. I need her number.” Lucas’ focus was entirely on Kun,
“Fuck off, she’s not someone you can fuck with and bolt.”
“I won’t do that to her.”
Kun couldn’t help but scoff at Lucas’ words. Putting the weights down once again, he swiped the forming sweat on his forehead. He looked at Lucas who awfully had puppy eyes plastered on his face. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Kun!” Lucas whined, “Please, please, please help me out! I won’t sleep with her—well unless she wants me to— and then bail on her, I promise! She seems so interesting.”
“Oh, so suddenly you believe in love just because a girl was crying during your match?”
“Shut up, I didn’t say I love her. She’s simply just... amusing and enticing.” Lucas smiled, thinking back to when he laid his eyes on you.
“She was sobbing.”
“And what about it? She’s beautiful and I very much would like to know why she was sobbing that night.”
“You sound sincere, it’s scary.”
“Kun.” Lucas deadpanned, but pouted soon after.
“Fine! I’ll ask Soyeon.” Kun sighed, rolling his eyes at him but secretly loving how his best friend was interested in finding someone.
“I love you!”
“Fuck off.”
Lucas has had your contact number for a while now, but he was too anxious to send you anything. What was he supposed to say? Hey, I was the one in the ring when you were crying the other day? Lucas felt stupid, he couldn’t believe he was getting so worked on over some girl. But you weren’t just some girl, something about you sparked within him, maybe he just wanted to sleep with you? But why would he go through all that trouble just to get in your pants when he could meet with some random girl right now. He never was the one who believed in love at first sight, if he could even call it that, in fact he would puke on whoever believed in that kind of stuff. Thoughts keep haunting him but all he knew was he wanted to see you again.
Lucas groaned, getting out of bed, and putting on something presentable. He texted his friends if they wanted to go to the bar tonight, and they agreed. It didn’t take long before Lucas and his friends were seated in the club. His eyes roaming around to find someone he wanted to sleep with tonight.
“Lucas,” Kun called out, making him turn his head. “you still haven’t called her, have you?”
Lucas merely shrugged, somehow feeling defeated. Kun rolled his eyes at him before taking his phone out of his pocket and sending a few texts.
“Ooh! Our Lucas is in love?” One of his friends, Ten, asked. Wiggling his eyebrows teasingly.
“No, shut the fuck up.” Lucas barked, drowning in the glass of alcohol in his hand.
A few drinks later and Lucas was stumbling over his own feet. His friends watched in amusement, never seeing him this drunk without an apparent reason before.
“I’m going to find s-someone.” Lucas slurred, standing from the booth but Kun grabbed his arm to prevent him from leaving.
“You’re staying here.”
“That’s not fun.” He sat back down, crossing his arms and glaring at his older friend.
“Trust me, you’ll thank me.” Lucas was more than confused at his words, shrugging and continued to down more drinks. Two familiar female figures made their way towards your table. Kun slipped Lucas a bottle of water before patting his shoulder.
“Baby!” A familiar voice shrieked, making Lucas roll his eyes before lifting his gaze to greet Kun’s girlfriend. He was taken aback when he was met with a beautiful lady he was sulking over the past few days.
Kun greeted Soyeon with a kiss, before introducing you to the group. You shyly waved at the new faces you were met with.
Soyeon yet again dragged you out of your house, telling you to look as sexy as ever. So here you were, in a tight black dress that perfectly hugs your body and some heels.
The boys took turns in introducing themselves as well, Lucas being the last one to do so as he was too busy gawking at you. Ten slapped his arm and mumbled that it was rude to stare.
Lucas coughed before standing and extending his hand towards you, “I’m Lucas.”
“It’s weird you shake hands.” You giggled but accepted his hand nonetheless. “I’m Y/N.”
“We’ve met, yeah?” Lucas smiled, feeling his heartbeat against his chest and he cursed it for being that way. Everyone was watching the scene that was unfolding between the two of you, some unable to hide the smiles on their faces.
You nodded in response, watching as Lucas practically shoved Ten away from the seat beside him, gesturing for you to seat beside him instead. Ten feigned hurt before sitting somewhere else, he didn’t want to cockblock his friend either way. You gladly took the empty seat beside Lucas, feeling his gaze entirely on you. You shifted in your seat before making eye contact with him. Immediately regretting it because the way he was staring at you made your heart flip.
“Why are you staring at me like that?” You questioned, feeling heat rush to your cheeks.
“You’re beautiful.” Lucas mumbled, a smirk forming on his lips. “Do you want a drink?”
“Thank you. I do, yeah.” You flashed him a smile.
“Come, I’ll buy you one.” He stood up, extending his hand to you once again, which you took before he guided you towards the bar. Leaning against the counter, he ordered drinks for the two of you. You took your time in scanning his outfit. Seeing him in plain black skinny jeans, a white shirt and a leather jacket to complete his aesthetic. You raised an eyebrow in amusement, he didn’t seem like someone who fights people for a living.
“I’ve been wanting to contact you for quite some time actually.” Lucas offered you the glass, which you gladly accepted and downed in one go. His eyes widened in amusement, not expecting you to drink all of it in one gulp.
“Hmm?” You hummed, “Why didn’t you?” You bit on your lip, watching him move even closer to you. Lucas ordered another set of drinks.
“I didn’t know if you wanted to see me too, and for starters, I don’t even know if you’re single.” He shrugged, drinking from his glass before returning his full attention on you. “A pretty girl who was crying at my match.” He teased, making you playfully roll your eyes at him.
“I am single, thank you for asking.” You remarked. “And shut up, I wasn’t used to seeing people getting beaten up. You can’t blame me for sobbing.” You explained, somehow imagining how stupid you must’ve looked that night. The club was thankfully not that packed with people, you weren’t used to clubbing as well, you were more of a quiet and reserved person. Someone who would rather spend their Saturday night indoors. Though you couldn’t say you were complaining that your best friend brought you where. Truth be told, you too were thinking of Lucas recently. It was very curious that he took his time and interacted with you during that night, and to say you were upset when he was pulled away from you. Finding out that Soyeon somehow had ties with Lucas excited you in some way. You knew that surely wasn’t the last time you were seeing him.
“That’s a first, you know, seeing someone cry watching a boxing match.” His eyes fully trained on you. You were really beautiful.
“Consider me unique then.” You giggled, running a hand through your hair before settling your glass down on the counter.
Several drinks later and you were a giggling drunken mess, Lucas offered to drive you home once he finally thought you were too drunk to keep drinking. Lucas stopped drinking the second he figured out that you weren’t stopping any time soon. Thankful that he had a head start in drinking earlier and was finally sober enough now. You accepted his offer to drive you home, after throwing him a bunch of questions about his motives to you. He assured you that he just wanted to make sure you got home safe since Soyeon was probably going home with Kun for the night. Bidding your goodbyes to the group, he walked you to his car.
Telling him where you lived, he drove off. Faint music was the only thing that could be heard throughout the expensive sports car he had. You shifted your head and stared as he gripped on the steering wheel. You didn’t know why but you licked your lips at the sight of him. His eyes intently on the road. He raised his eyebrow and turned to face you for a second.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Lucas questioned.
“You’re hot.” You bluntly responded, making Lucas chuckle.
“So I’ve heard. Thank you, doll.”
“Aren’t you going to compliment me back?” You slurred, glaring at him as you crossed your arms.
He once again shifted his head to face you, smiling at the sight, before returning his gaze on the road. “You’re beautiful, very beautiful.”
“Thank you.” You yawned, eyes feeling droopy.
“We’re almost there, stay awake for me, babe.” You almost didn’t hear what he said as you struggled to keep your eyes open.
Not long before he pulled up in front of your apartment. Getting out of the car, he helped you in getting inside of your place.
You plopped on your bed the second you saw it, kicking your heels off. Lucas merely smiled at the sight of you. You snuggled in your sheets, the coolness engulfing your body. He let you get settled on your bed, tucking you in properly. He couldn’t help but stare at your sleeping figure. Pressing a kiss on your cheek, he left your apartment that night.
You woke up with a pounding headache the next morning, groaning to yourself, you reached your nightstand for your phone but instead you felt a glass of water on it. Curious, you inspected it and found a note beside it.
Figured you might have a headache when you wake up. I hope you don’t mind me rummaging through your kitchen drawers - Lucas
Written on very sloppy handwriting but your heart warmed nonetheless. You took the aspirin and gulped it down with water. Getting ready for your day, you took a shower and dressed in comfy clothes. You didn’t really have plans for today considering it was a Sunday, and you had no classes. Sighing to yourself, you decided to get a cup of coffee from a café nearby.
Lucas’ mind was all over the place, he kept questioning himself why he was so invested into seeing you. He obviously had a great time with you last night.
“Why don’t you ask her out?” His friend, Xiaojun, asked as he watched him clearly drifting into his thoughts.
“Should I?” Lucas sighed, taking his phone out and staring at your contact number.
“Obviously, it seems like you can’t stop thinking about her.” Xiaojun responded as a matter of factly. He couldn’t deny that he found joy in seeing his friend, who was apparently scared of being tied down, being so hung up on a girl. You must be a different type of special to get Lucas so worked out.
“Maybe I should.” Lucas closed his eyes before calling your number.
Your phone rang when you were in the middle of ordering. You excused yourself but the barista wasn’t having any of it, telling you to order or leave the line. You felt embarrassed, deciding to ignore the call and carried on ordering.
“She didn’t answer.” Lucas frowned, closing his phone and throwing it on the table.
“She must be busy.” Xiaojun shrugged, leaning against the sofa.
“It’s ten am, what could she possibly be busy about.”
“Slow down there, loverboy. She has a life, you know.”
“Whatever.” Lucas crossed his arms as he glared at his phone.
Soon after you claimed your drink, you finally took your phone out and checked on who called you. It was an unknown number. Furrowing your eyebrows, you tapped on the number to return the call.
Lucas’ phone rang loudly throughout the room. His eyes averting to his device. Xiaojun watched in amusement as he didn’t make any effort to pick up the phone.
“Now you’re playing hard to get?” Xiaojun laughed, grabbing his phone and seeing your name on full display. “Stop being a baby.” Xiaojun chucked the phone towards Lucas.
“Hello?” Lucas mumbled through the phone.
“Hi? Who is this?”
“You’re the one that called.”
“O-oh, I’m sorry must be a wrong number.”
“No!” Lucas almost screamed, clearing his throat, ”It's Lucas, I was just playing with you.”
“Oh! Hi Lucas. Thank you so much for bringing me home last night. I apologize if I caused any trouble.”
“No worries, though if you wouldn’t mind... I would love to see you again. Can w-we... I mean like, would you like to go on a date with me?” His face scrunched, hearing how terrible he was. Xiaojun was silently laughing at his friend being awkward at asking you out, which he just flipped off.
It took you a few seconds to register what he said, a smile forming on your lips when it did. “Of course! Tomorrow sounds good?”
“Okay, tomorrow it is. I’ll pick you up at seven?” Lucas threw his fist up, as if he was claiming victory.
“Seven, alright, see you tomorrow Lucas.”
“Bye, Y/N.”
The hour of your date finally came. Lucas arrived exactly at seven o’clock as he couldn’t hide his excitement. He texted you saying to dress casually with a touch of formality. After panicking for thirty minutes about what to wear, you end up wearing a black short turtleneck with a semi fitted white dress over it. You put on light makeup to match with your outfit and some accessories to complete the whole look.
“You look amazing.” Lucas complimented, the second you opened the door. A smile made its way on your face, scanning his outfit. He was wearing what seems to be like black kinda fitted slacks and a tan Burberry shirt with a black long-sleeve inside.
“Thank you, you look nice.”
“Nice? That’s all I get? Where’s the woman that called me hot the other night?” Lucas feigned hurt.
“Shut up, you know you’re handsome.” You glared at him, which he only laughed at.
“Are we going to stand here and flirt or are we going to do the flirting elsewhere?” You teasingly raised an eyebrow.
“Let’s go. We have a long night ahead of us.” He winked, extending his hand for you to take as the two of you walked to his car.
The ride to the restaurant didn’t take long, the place was quite fancy but not too showy.  Lucas’ hand was placed on the small of your back, guiding you around the place as if he’s been here a few times. You two got to your tables, the waiter handing you your menus. Eyes glancing at it, you were shocked to see the prices of each meal. You weren’t exactly broke but you weren’t the wealthiest either, and you didn’t know if Lucas would be paying for the bill since you didn’t want to assume he would, but you wanted to be prepared to share the bill. You looked for a cheap yet delicious option.
”I’ll get the Chicken Alfredo pasta.” You closed the menu, taking a sip from the glass of water that was served in front of you.
“Will that be enough for you?” Lucas questioned, his eyes still reading the menu.
“Yes, I think so.”
Lucas had a feeling that you were refraining yourself from order too much, so he took the initiative to order more food. He called over the waiter, giving him the names of the dishes he wanted to eat as well as saying your order with a bit more side dishes.
The two of you were left alone, classical music playing in the background. Your fingers tapped on your thighs, suddenly feeling the awkward air. Lucas felt it too, and it was strange. He wasn’t usually one who would get himself in awkward situations since he was practically the life of the party, a social butterfly. But with you around, he felt like he needed to impress you.
“Do you have another match coming up soon?” You broke the ice, watching his gaze cast onto you.
“I think I have one in about a week? Would you like to come?”
“I’m not sure...” You shifted in your seat, “It still isn’t my kind of environment.”
“Of course, it’s totally up to you. I would like it if you went though.” His gaze softened, lips curling into a smile.
“I’ll think about it.”
It didn’t take long before your food was served. You both ate your meals in peace, conversation stirring between the two of you every now and then. You talked about yourself when he asked. He learned that you were a university student, and that you work part time at a small flower shop that you adored. You also told him how you weren’t really close to people until Soyeon came around and pulled you out of your little bubble. He also learned that you used to be in a relationship months back but it ended because he wanted to sleep with you but you simply told him that you weren’t ready and it clearly upset him. He learned that you were complete opposites, a mismatch. When you noticed that your plate was almost empty, you realized that you’ve been talking for some time now and all Lucas did was sit and listen to what you were saying.
“I’ve been talking too much. What about you? What made you pursue boxing?” You questioned, wiping pasta residue off of your lips.
“I like hearing you talk.” He smiled fondly, “Boxing wasn’t really something I was proud of from the start, I only got into it because I thought it was a way for me to release all the... anger I felt. But then they told me how good I was at it and I thought why not turn it into a living, so here I am now.”
“Why were you angry? If you don’t mind me asking.” Leaning more against the table, to hear him more clearly.
“My father wasn’t really the best at being what you call a father figure, and my mom ran away from us when I literally just got out of her womb.” Lucas’ gaze drifted down on the table, his fingers fumbling the table cloth. “I didn’t really have anyone to rely on when I was growing up. I was sent to my grandmother for... beating my dad up once, he’s still alive don’t worry. I guess I’m thankful I didn’t end up in jail for what I did.”
“Wow.” You let out once he finished his story. His world was the complete opposite of yours. Your life was basically rainbows and flowers around a field, though you did have your own hardships here and there, it was nothing compared to what Lucas was going through.
“When I got into boxing, that’s when I met Kun and the guys. They helped me a lot, and I’m very thankful I get to call them my friends.” Lucas added, deciding to wrap his story up for the night. You couldn’t help but reach for his hand, enclosing it with yours.
“I’m glad you met wonderful people.”
“Doesn’t it bother you? Knowing that I do something that isn’t really legal for a living?”
“Illegal, you mean?” You laughed. “Not really, I mean we all have our own ways of trying to survive in this world don’t we? Yours is just simply different from the rest but that doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. As long as you’re not a serial killer, it’s alright with me.”
“You’re so kind.” Lucas mumbled, adoration written all over his eyes.
A handful of stories later, you were both ready to leave. Lucas told you that he was going to take care of bill, which you thanked him for. You ended up back in his car, on the way to drive you home for the night. He pulled up at your apartment, taking his seatbelt off before facing you.
“I had a great time.” Lucas mumbled, his eyes focused on you.
“I did too.” You smiled, genuinely enjoying the time you spent with him.
“Will I be getting a second date then?” He cheekily asks, his dimples popping out.
“Only if you let me pay next time.”
“No promises.” He teased, a smirk on his face. “Can I get a kiss goodbye?”
Your eyes widened at his request, feeling your heartbeat rapidly increase. It’s not like you haven’t been kissed before, but it seemed different with Lucas. You felt yourself nod at his words obviously taking him aback since he was only half joking, but was glad when you let him nonetheless. His hand reached up to cup your cheek, leaning towards you as you shut your eyes and anticipated for his lips. His lips brushed against yours before you leaned against him to connect his mouth to yours. The kiss was quick and had a sweet sensation. Pulling away, you couldn’t help but bite on your lips.
Lucas didn’t say a word but the smile on his face was saying more than enough.
“Goodnight, Lucas.” You bid as you stepped out of his car, and into your apartment.
Lucas contacted you a few days later, reminding you of his boxing match that he invited you to. You’ve thought of it for a while and decided to make an appearance, which made Lucas ecstatic, telling you that you were his good luck charm from now on. You found yourself seated with Soyeon once again, in the front row. Anxiety rushing to your blood when the players were being introduced. Of course, you knew Lucas was great at this and he hasn’t lost in quite some time but you couldn’t help the nerves lingering throughout your body. When Lucas was finally called in the ring, your heart fluttered at the sight of him. You haven’t seen him in a week yet you felt like it was a week too long. Soyeon squeezed your arm when she noticed the anxious look on your face, somehow giving you comfort which you appreciated.
Not long before the match started, Lucas rapidly threw punches against his opponent and cowering when he needed to. When Lucas got punched in the jaw, you let out a loud gasp, clutching onto the hem of your skirt. He quickly regained his posture and continued to attack his opponent. You didn’t have control over the tears that sprung to your eyes. Feeling silly yourself, you quickly wiped it off before anyone could see them. The match ended, with Lucas being announced as winner, you can’t say you were surprised since he is really great at what he does. Watching Lucas rush out of the ring, he immediately made his way to where you were, with a big goofy smile on his face. You saw the bruise forming on his jaw, making you frown. You wanted to reach up and touch his face but his arms suddenly wrapped around your waist, pulling you in a tight hug. He was sweaty and you internally cringed at the feeling but you didn’t pay no mind to it, letting him wrap you up in his arms.
“You came.” Lucas pulled away from you.
“Of course, I did. I said I would, didn’t I?” You flashed him a smile. You noticed that he had light blood splattered on his bare chest.
“Did you cry?”
“She totally did!” Soyeon chimed in.
“Shut up!” You hissed towards Soyeon who only laughed at you before turning your attention back to Lucas.
“Stay here? I’ll just get changed.” You nodded at his words, he debated whether to give you a kiss, deciding to give you on the forehead instead. He left soon after, you sat back down noticing that there were multiple pairs of eyes on you, however you didn’t pay any attention to any of them.
Lucas came out shortly after, in a fresh set of clothes and sweat free manner this time. He approached you once again before asking if you wanted to leave. You went with him because he was the only reason you were there in the first place.
“Are you hurt?” You questioned Lucas. He took you to a nice quiet restaurant, telling you that it was a congratulatory dinner and that he wanted to treat you somewhere.
“It kinda stings but nothing I can’t handle.” He shrugged, taking a bite off his burger.
“That’s scary.”
“What is?”
“Being hit in the face.” Lucas chuckled at your statement.
“Yeah, it’s kinda scary.”
“What if you get really hurt?” You pouted, the thought haunting you. There’s a reason his job is considered illegal since it was different from regular boxing, his type had no set of rules at all. You even heard that people die in that ring so it was inevitable for you to be scared.
“I won't, baby.” He assured, not knowing the way he addressed you made the inside of your tummy do summersaults. “I won’t get hurt as long as you’re here with me.”
Lucas took you home that night, you even offered him to go inside your apartment, which he agrees on since he has been wondering what your place looked like. Your walls were covered in white wallpaper, dark furniture contrasting the purity of the place. You told Lucas to make himself at home, he gladly did, taking a seat on your sofa as his eyes continued to wander around the place. He caught sight of some photos of you hanging up against the wall, making him smile lightly to himself as he observed. Some of them were childhood pictures and some seemed like recent ones.
“Come here.” Lucas called for you, you walked close to him until he was in your reach. He pulled your hand down making you collapse on top of him, you were now seated at his lap. You felt heat rise to your cheeks at the sudden closeness. “Pretty girl.” He whispered, bringing his hand up to touch your cheek. “My real name is Yukhei.”
His sudden confession took you aback, clearly not expecting him to spring out information about his name. “Yukhei.” You tested the name out. “I like it. Why do we call you Lucas then?”
“Yukhei was what my dad used to call me, I hated hearing my name from him. It’s like every time it came out of his mouth I can practically feel the venom dripping out.” He removed his hand from your face, placing it on your thigh instead. The feeling shooting throughout your entire body.
“Do you want me to call you Yukhei?” You mumbled, this time it was you who reached your hand up to caress his cheek.
“Yes. You can call me either way, you can also call me Xuxi. Though I would prefer if you called me baby.” He winked, making you playfully slap his chest.
“That’s so cheesy.”
“But you like it.”
“I guess.”
“Can I kiss you?”
“You don’t have to ask me every time.”
That was all Yukhei needed before pressing his lips against yours, pulling you in a much needed kiss. His hand went up to the nape of your neck. His tongue gliding across your bottom lip, you opened your mouth wider as your tongues fought for dominance, he obviously won. You pulled away from the kiss only to reposition yourself so your legs were on either sides of his thighs. He leaned up and kissed you once again, even more full of passion if possible. His hands reaching up to rest on your ass. He trailed kisses down to your lips, then to your jaw, and then to your neck. Sweetly sucking and biting on certain areas, making you let out a small moan. You ground your hips against his crotch, this time earning a groan from him.
“I don’t wanna have sex yet.” You blurted out when his lips were still on your neck. He pulled away and stared into your eyes.
“Of course, baby. Not yet.” He assured, he wanted you to be comfortable with him at all times.
“Okay, just making it clear.” You nodded, shyly biting on your lip.
“This is probably the worst timing ever, but I’ve had this thought in my mind for quite some time now. Do you want to be my girlfriend?”
“Yes!” You break out into a grin, which he mirrored when you said your answer. He once again pulled you in for a kiss, much sweeter than last time.
Your little make out session was cut short due to the time, and you weren’t exactly comfortable with the idea of Yukhei spending the night yet. He kissed you goodbye before teasingly calling you his girlfriend, and with that you were left alone in your apartment.
A month has passed by and your relationship with Yukhei was more than you imagined. He was the sweetest when it came to you, always wanting to make sure you were comfortable with him. You reciprocated the amount of affection he gave you, genuinely falling for him. You even had thoughts of how no one has ever made you feel this way before and you were quite happy that Yukhei was the first man to grow this close to your heart.
Yukhei invited you to come over his place, telling you how he wanted you to meet his friends, though you already have but they were all under the influence of alcohol. He offered to pick you up but you told him no, and that you could ride a taxi on the way to his place. You haven’t really had the time to visit his place yet, seeing as you were busy with your studies and your job, so you were surprised to find out that he lived in a luxurious looking penthouse. Of course you knew he made big money but you never knew it was that big.
“Hi, baby.” Yukhei greeted you with a short peck on the lips, before ushering you inside his home. You were practically gawking at the interior itself, everything was so neat and expensive looking, scared that if you broke something it would cost you your entire month’s worth of rent. You spotted his friends lounging around the living area, Kun who you were already familiar with waved in your direction.
“The woman of the hour!” You recognized Yangyang announce, smiling towards you. You returned his gleeful grin, before taking a seat on the sofa alongside them.
“What did you feed our Lucas that he’s absolutely smitten with you?” Ten teased, earning a handful of laughs around him. You took note of the way his friends all called him Lucas. Yukhei sat beside you, throwing his arm behind you. You knew about Yukhei’s past endeavors, he told you about them one night. You were in no position to be upset of course, you weren’t exactly together when he did what he did.
“Even I don’t know why he’s so whipped.” You smirked, seeing Yukhei’s shocked expression.
“I thought you were on my side!” He whined, burying his head against your shoulder.
Yukhei’s heart warmed at the sight of his girlfriend and friends getting along. It wasn’t everyday that he would bring someone home, it almost felt like bringing you to meet his family. Hours passed before the boys slowly started to dissipate, more like Yukhei kicked them out since he wanted to spend some time alone with you.
“Finally.” Yukhei grumbled when Hendery and Sicheng finally decided to leave you two alone. You merely giggled at his behavior, still sitting comfortably on his sofa with the television playing in the background. “I have you all to myself now.” He turned to face you, seeing the light in his eyes when you met his gaze. He didn’t waste no time in pressing his lips to yours. You’ve had your fair amount of make out sessions throughout your short relationship, though the farthest you have ever gotten to was a few dry humping and breast touching. Yukhei didn’t force you to anything you weren’t ready for yet. “Can we try something tonight?” He asked when you pulled away for air.
“I want to eat you out.” Your breath hitched, his words immediately shooting up to your core. The sudden shift in the atmosphere made you speechless. “Only if you want to of course.”
“I want to.” You responded. Yukhei broke into a smile before connecting his lips to yours once again. His hand cupping your face while the other was placed on top of your thigh. You felt his hand slowly creep up near your core, sparks shooting through your body every time he inched nearer.
“Let’s go to my room, doll.” Yukhei retracted all forms of contact with you, making you pout. He reached for your hand before guiding you to his bedroom. You didn’t have time to scan the environment because as soon as you walked in, Yukhei pressed you up against the door, kissing you ever so passionately. You moaned when you felt him bite on your lips, your arms flying up to rest them on his shoulder. His hands fell to your thighs, gripping them and signaling you to jump up, which you did, and then he carried you to his bed. He laid you on the soft mattress, crawling in between your thighs. His hand tugged on the hem of your shirt, wanting to take it off and you gave him assurance that he could. He wasted no time pulling the fabric off your head. His eyes hungrily scanning your body which made you shy, wanting to cover yourself up but he grabbed your wrists to prevent you from doing so.
“You’re absolutely beautiful, you don’t have to hide anything from me.” He kissed you once again, his hands roaming your body., your breasts specifically. He cupped your breasts through your bra.
“Take them off.” You whispered against his lips, he complied. Hand reaching up to unclasp it from behind. He swiftly pulled it off of you. His mouth practically watering at your bare body. He attached his mouth to one of your breasts while his hand kneaded the other. Your hand reached up to grip on his hair, you couldn’t help but moan when he started sucking and licking on your nipple, while his fingers flicked on the other. You wrapped your legs around his waist, wanting to feel him close, you whined at the way his clothed bulge brushed against your core.
Yukhei pulled away from your breast, prepping kisses on your stomach all the way to your inner thigh, his hand made its way to the button of the shorts you were wearing, quickly unbuttoning them and pulling it off of you. You were only left in your panties yet he was still fully clothed, you gripped on the hem of his shirt, quickly getting the message he swiftly took it off. Leaving his bare toned chest in full view. You bit your lip at the sight, of course you’ve seen him shirtless due to his job but it was different when you were being so intimate with one another.
“You like what you see, baby?” He smirked, seeing your expression.
“Very much.”
“Can I take this off?” His fingers hooking the waistband of your underwear, you simply nodded, watching him pull it away, cringing at the sticky feeling it previously had. He pulled your body down as he laid down on his stomach, your core very near his face that you felt his warm breath fanning against it. You sucked in a breath when he kissed your inner thighs once more. His hand hooked under your legs, placing his palm on your abdomen to keep you from moving.
“Yukhei.” You breathed, your cheeks felt like burning from the lack of contact.
“Tell me what you want.” He inched closer to you.
“Your tongue.” You managed to let out, as he continued kissing you everywhere but where you needed him the most.
“What about my tongue?”
“Please, Yukhei, fuck me with your tongue.” You whimpered out, finally feeling his tongue on your core. His tongue striding your wet slit, he groaned once he got a taste of how sweet you were. The tip of his tongue swirled circles on your clit, making you gasp loudly as you arched your back. You haven’t been this intimate with anyone, the closest thing you have had touched you there was your own fingers and it was nowhere good to what he was doing to you now. Your hand reached up to curl your fingers through his hair, tugged it lightly making him groan. He harshly sucked on your sensitive bundle of nerves, flicking over it simultaneously, not holding your moans back as he did. his tongue delved between your folds, lapping your juices. He brought his hand down from your abdomen and onto your clit, his thumb rubbing circles on it. You felt a knot starting to form inside you as his tongue took care of you.
“I-I’m gonna...” Yukhei quickened his actions, and you couldn’t hold it in anymore. Your orgasm came crashing down on you, your thighs slightly trembling when it did. He pressed one last kiss on your cunt, before pulling away and halting all actions immediately. He sat back up, his hand resting on your leg as you watched his expression. His mouth was covered by your wetness, making you giggle. He merely smirked and leaned down to give you a kiss. Tasting your arousal from his lips.
“You did great, princess.” He mumbled when he pulled away from your lips. You let out a breath, your hands reaching up to caress his cheeks. He picked up your underwear from the side, helping you put them back on. “Do you want to stay the night?” He grabbed his discarded shirt and handed it over to you, indicating that you should wear it for the night. He just loved seeing you in his clothes.
You nodded in agreement, it wasn’t the first time you two spent the night together. He has slept at your place multiple times now, claiming that he was too lazy to even bother going home.
“Have you never had a girlfriend? Like at all? Not even once?” You asked him when you were settled in his arms.
“I don’t think so? Women would like to claim I dated them though.” He pulled you closer to him, his hand resting on your back as your legs were tangled to one another.
“What a player.” You scoffed, before placing your hand on his chest tracing small patterns on it.
“Not anymore.” His simple words somehow eased your heart, of course you were touched to hear it especially when it came from someone like him.
“You’re just a softie, aren’t you.” You didn’t know why but knowing that you were Yukhei’s longest relationship, or even only relationship, you felt some kind of pressure especially when he’s been with different women.
“Are you complaining?” He raised his eyebrow, looking at you.
“No, I love it.” You yawned, snuggling closer to him.
“Goodnight, baby.”
You woke up to the sound of talking the next day, patting the bed to feel for the presence you’ve grown fond of but you were greeted with an empty space. Frowning to yourself, you got out of bed, putting some decent clothes on before walking out into the living room. You saw Yukhei and Sicheng talking —more like arguing— very heatedly.
“He’s mad, Lucas, and now he found out about Y/N, I don’t think he’ll rest until you give him what he wants.”
“I’ll talk to him soon, don’t worry. I’ll handle it.”
“Yeah, but where will you get-“ Sicheng caught sight of your figure from behind Yukhei, making him shut up completely. Sicheng gestured to you, Yukhei turned around and smiled immediately when he saw you.
“Baby! Good morning.” You walk in the living room, feeling guilty because you disturbed their conversation. Yukhei turned back to Sicheng, “We’ll talk about this next time.” He whispered so only he could hear him. Sicheng merely nodded then turned to face you.
“Y/N, hi, so I see you spent the night.”
“Hi, Sicheng. I did, how are you?” You sent him a small smile.
“I’m great, but I have to leave now. It was nice seeing you again.” Sicheng bid his goodbye to you and Yukhei before leaving the place. Yukhei went to the kitchen and you trailed after him, your mind still clouding over what they were previously talking about. You would have paid no mind to what it was but you heard your name and you couldn’t just ignore it.
“What was that about?” You threaded lightly, watching him take out a pan and a few breakfast ingredients. His back was turned to you so you couldn’t really see his facial expression. “Can you even cook?”
“Actually no, and I was hoping you would cook for us.” He finally turned to face you, a goofy smile on his face this time. “Unless you don’t want to of course, we can always go out to eat, but I’ve tasted your pancakes before and it was really good.”
“I don’t mind cooking.” You stepped in place before grabbing the pan and putting it on the stove. You expertly handled the ingredients of the pancake. You felt Yukhei’s presence behind you before his arms wrapped around your waist, his chin resting on your shoulder.
“You don’t have to worry about what happened earlier. It’s nothing your pretty head should stress about.” Yukhei mumbled, as you continued to make the pancakes he requested.
“Are you sure?”
“I promise.” He planted a kiss on your cheek before letting you go so you wouldn’t burn the food. You decided to trust his words, and let the topic go, after all you knew he would take care of everything, including you.
“Did I tell you I have a fight in three days?” Yukhei spoke up while in the middle of consuming his pancakes, he told you how much he loved your cooking and he wouldn’t mind coming home to it, although it was too early, you somehow pictured the two of you living together.
You shook your head in response before putting your plate in the sink. “I don’t think you did. Do you want me to come?”
“Of course I do, you’re my good luck charm.”
“The day that jinxes, I will fight you.” You glared at him, crossing your arms against your chest though he simply lets out a laugh at your adorable state.
“Are you sure you want to fight me, princess?” He smirked, standing up to wrap you in his arms. “Come on, let’s shower.”
“Together!?” You shrieked, pulling away from his arms to stare at him in disbelief.
“You said it, not me.” He laughed, before hooking his arms around you once again.
“Yukhei.” You groaned, placing your head against his chest.
“I love that, say my name again.”
“Shut up, Yukhei.”
The day and hour of the match finally arrived, your usual seat with Soyeon beside you but this time Hendery was also on your side. He claimed that since you were dating someone who he considered his brother that you should get along quite well with everyone else, and you didn’t disagree. It was heartwarming to know that they welcomed you with open arms. The match shortly began, the short introduction of the players being called out before you saw Yukhei come running in the ring. Your heartbeat began increasing, as you watched the match begin. It started with Yukhei immediately throwing his punches, which his opponent skillfully dodges. The match felt like it was being dragged on seeing as the opponent was quite the expert himself, you winced every time Yukhei received a punch, even seeing blood trickle out of his mouth.
Everything being too much for you, you closed your eyes and bowed your head instead. Hendery noticed your behavior which he frowned upon, seeing how uncomfortable the whole thing must be for you. The ring of the bell caused you to look up and see who won the match. Yukhei was, standing over the knocked out opponent, his breath rigid as he raised his hands in victory.  A few cheers were heard before he stepped out of the ring, Yukhei looked horrible, with blood gushing out and his eye badly beaten up. Usually he would come up to you after his matches but this time he went straight back to the where you’re guessing is the locker room. Minutes have passed by and Yukhei still wasn’t coming out, so you had no choice but to watch Kun‘s match. You have never actually seen him fight before, seeing as you immediately left after Yukhei’s round, but now having the chance you saw that he was really good at it as well, no wonder he and Yukhei got along so easily.
Your phone buzzed, indicating that you got a text and you fished it out of your pocket to see that Yukhei has sent you a text
Yukhei 🤍 (7:28pm)
Meet me outside
You apologized to Soyeon and Hendery for leaving abruptly which they understood, before bidding your goodbyes to the two. You walked out of the arena, spotting Yukhei leaning over his car. You walked towards him, seeing him dressed in sweatpants and a hoodie.
“Hi, Y/N.” He greeted you once you were in his sight.
“Hi, Yukhei. What happened? Are you okay? You didn’t come see me after your match.”
“I know, I’m sorry. I got beaten up pretty badly and I didn’t want you to see me that way.” He ushered you in his car so that you could leave, and he drove off immediately.
“You know I won’t mind, I’d still like your face no matter how badly you got beaten up.” You smiled at him, but soon dropped when you noticed his vague expression.
“You’re just being nice.” He mumbled, more under his breath but you caught onto it anyway.
“I am not!” You defended, wondering why he was acting this way.
“Yukhei, what’s wrong?” You asked, wanting to reach for his hand.
“Nothing! Just, it wouldn’t fucking hurt for you to be honest sometimes.” He grumbled which took you aback. He never gets mad at you, this side of him surprised you.
“Excuse me? Where are you getting this attitude?” He didn’t respond instead you swore you saw him roll his eyes at you. “Stop the car.”
“What? No.” He turned to look at you, lines forming on his forehead. You were well aware that you were glaring at him right now.
“Stop!” He parked the car on the side, stepping on the brakes. He let out a huge sigh before letting go of the wheel and covering his face with his hands.
“I planned something tonight and,” Yukhei looked up and faced you, the dim lights from outside glistening on his face. You saw the black eye forming, his lip sort of busted, and the bruise on his jaw. “I got beaten up like a fucking loser and I feel ugly...”
“Yukhei,” You reached up to grab his hand, intertwining it with yours. “you are nowhere near ugly. Your face is practically sculpted by the gods. What was your plan for tonight? I’m sure you can still do it.”
“I want to fuck you.” You nearly choked at his words before lightly slapping his hand.
“You snapped at me for that!?” You glared at him, crossing your arms against your chest.
“No, well maybe, but I wanted to look sexy for you and I look horrible so it ruins the mood.”
“You do not look horrible.”
“Y/N, please, I have a throbbing black eye, and my lip has a huge bump on it. I know when I look horrible, so no we are not continuing my plans for tonight.”
“How about I suck your dick then?”
“Fuck, don’t say things you don’t mean.” He groaned.
You climbed over to sit on his lap, your legs on either sides of his thighs. Showing him that you indeed meant what you said. You lightly pressed your lips against his, not wanting to cause him any pain. You didn’t miss how Yukhei winced when you kissed him, causing you to immediately pull away.
“Does it hurt?”
“Kinda.” He shrugged before leaning in to kiss you once again, he didn’t mind getting hurt if it was because of you. You held onto his shoulders for support, feeling his growing bulge underneath you. You rocked your hips against him, making him let out a low groan.
“Baby.” Yukhei breathed, his hands resting on your waist. He leaned in your neck, kissing and sucking on the skin. You continued grinding your hips on his crotch. His grip on your waist tightened. “Don’t tease me now, doll.” You slipped off his lap and kneeled in front of him, minding the steering wheel that was above your head. Yukhei adjusted his seat so that you had more room. Your hands made its way to his belt, unbuckling it before unbuttoning and unzipping his pants with one hand while you palmed him through his jeans with the other. You slid his pants off with his assistance, he was left in his boxers and you saw how his cock strained against the material. You licked your lips at the sight before slipping your fingers reached for the waistband of his boxers, he lifted his hips as you pulled them down. His cock sprang up, lightly slapping against his stomach. Your eyes widened at his size, you knew he was big but clearly didn’t expect this.
“Are you just going to stare or are you going to be a good girl and suck?” Yukhei growled, seeing his cock twitch made you smirk. You reached up and wrapped one hand around it which made him groan and throw his head back. Your thumb at the slit of his cock, spreading the pre cum that he released. You started running your hand up and down oh his shaft as you felt arousal rushing to your core. You licked your lips before leaning in to lightly lick the tip. “Fuck, stop teasing me.” You poked your tongue out even more, licking every possible spot of his cock that you could before wrapping your lips around the throbbing tip. You hummed against him, which shot through his body making his cock twitch. You started sucking lightly around his making him let out a few curses, his eyes fully trained on you which made you shy. You lowered your head a bit more, trying to take up as much as you possibly could, your hand covering parts that you couldn’t reach. “That feels so fucking good, baby.” He breathed out, you slowly started bobbing your head around him and occasionally sucking on it when you could. Yukhei’s hand reached up to collect your hair and turn it into a makeshift ponytail, his hand guiding you onto him, but not forcing you all the way.  You continued your actions until Yukhei was a hot swearing mess. You felt your throat burn at the feeling but you didn’t mind, especially when you saw how powerless Yukhei got. “Can I come in your mouth, baby?” His breath was shaky as he tried to contain himself from thrusting his hips into your mouth. Since it was your first time with him, he wanted to be as gentle as possible. You took him out of your mouth, your hand stroking him up and down before giving him a now. You leaned down once again to suck on his tip, bobbing your head up and down but this time at a faster motion. His grip on your hair tightened, his hips slightly lifting to meet your pace. His groans started to get loud and you knew he was close. Without warning, hot liquid started to shoot out and into your throat. You let go of his cock, and he let go of your hair, his head falling behind him as he catches his breath. You swallowed all of what he gave you, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand before looking up to him.
Yukhei was already staring at you, a small smile at his lips as he watched you sit there between his legs. “Did you like it?”
“I loved it. You’re so good, doll.” He reached for his pants and boxers, sliding them on. You slowly got up from your position, sitting back on his thighs. He cupped your cheek, stroking it lightly.
“That was my first time.” You confessed watching his face contort to disbelief.
“No way! You totally knew what you were doing.”
“Thanks to porn, I guess.” You shrugged before kissing him on the cheek and going back to the passenger seat. Yukhei chuckled in amusement, and drove off.
You were called in at the flower shop that you worked in, telling you that they needed an extra hand for the deliveries that was coming in that day. You had no choice rather than to agree, since you needed the cash anyways. You were arranging flower patterns when you noticed a man enter the shop. You looked up to greet the customer, shocked to see a man with a full tattoo on his neck, wearing a leather jacket in this heat. He looks like someone who works in Yukhei’s field of expertise.
“Hi! How may I help you?”
“Are you Y/N?” He asked, his voice deep but sickeningly sweet, eyes scanning you from head to toe which made you very uncomfortable. It was peculiar that he knew your name, and you wondered how else he would know your name if it weren’t connected to Yukhei. You hesitated for quite a long time, pondering whether to give him your actual name or something to cover you up with.
“How do you know me?”
“Yukhei’s girl?” He raised his brow.
“Maybe.” He took a step forward before gripping on your arm rather tightly, and before you could let out a scream you felt a sharp metal against your waist.
“Scream and I’ll shoot.” You had no choice but to swallow the sound you were about to emit. “Follow me and we’ll have no trouble.”
You ended up following him like he said, as he shoved you at the back of a black van. You hissed at the contact, seeing two other men inside the van. You tried scooting away but one grabbed you by your ankles to yank you towards him.
“What the fuck!” You screamed, trying to kick off his grip but he was obviously stronger than you. You watched as he tied a rope around your feet.
“Don’t want you running away now do we, doll?” You cringed at the way he called you something Yukhei often uses as an endearment. The other guy reached up behind you, wrapping your wrists with a rope as well. Any movements were practically useless by now so you didn’t waste any effort to break free. To say you weren’t anxious was a lie since your heart was beating so loud against your chest that they could probably hear it as well. You took note of the appearances of the people around you instead. The guy who held you by your feet had dark pink hair which was a contradiction against his whole dark facade. The guy who tied your wrists had bright white hair, a sharp jaw and an eyebrow slit. You couldn’t quite point your finger on who they were, but you were guessing they knew Yukhei since the first guy mentioned him.
Yukhei. Your mind drifted to your boyfriend, he told you he was picking you up today so that you could continue what was apparently disrupted the other time.
“How are you so calm? Isn’t this your first time being kidnapped?” The guy with pink hair spoke up, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion at your silent state. In fact, you too were quite shocked that you still managed to keep shut at this situation.
“Do you want me to scream then?”
“Taeyong, shut up.” The guy with white hair warned Taeyong.
“Ah, so you have names.” You spoke up, watching as White Hair turned to face you with a glare evident on his eyes.
“Can we all just shut up until we get where we need to be.”
“Okay, white hair.” You didn’t miss how Taeyong snickered at your statement, causing his friend to slap him on his arm.
“Yuta, and the one you met earlier is Jaehyun. Now, quiet down.”
Not wanting to fight back, you followed his instructions and zipped your mouth shut for the entire ride. It didn’t take long before the car came to a halt. The two men got of the car.
“Can’t you just take off the ones at my feet? Do you honestly think I would run away.”
“I don’t trust you well enough, and be quiet we’re the ones in charge.” Yuta spat, grabbing your body before placing you on his shoulder.
“At least buy me dinner first, damn.” You let out, your head feeling fuzzy from being upside down. You swore you could’ve seen Taeyong smile from the corner of your eye.
“Fuck, she’s annoying. Take her.” Yuta handed you to Taeyong who carried you bridal style like a person in their right mind would. You always thought you would be one of those victims who would drive their kidnappers crazy, funny how you were right. Your eyes wandered around the environment, seeing that you drove to some kind of empty warehouse. The second you entered the place, you saw a familiar figure.
“Yukhei!” You yelled out, his head whipping in your direction seeing his more than shocked expression. You were more than relieved to see his presence.
“What the fuck!?” Yukhei walked towards you but Jaehyun stopped him from getting any closer. Taeyong settled you down on a chair nearby, your hands and feet still tied up. “Why the fuck is she here? I’m already here. Why are you dragging her into this? And she’s fucking tied up, she’s not an animal.”
“Wasn’t sure if you would actually pull through.”
“Of course I would. I said I would, didn’t I? Let her fucking go.” Yukhei growled, veins almost popping out of his neck.
Yukhei threw the duffle bag he had with him onto Jaehyun’s chest, and with Jaehyun’s signal, Taeyong and Yuta untied you from the confinements. Yukhei scrambled his way to you, his hands cupping your face.
“Are you okay? Did they hurt you? I’m so sorry you got dragged into this.” You didn’t say anything instead you wrapped your arms around him, more than happy that you saw him and that you were not actually being held hostage. “Jaehyun this is fucked up!” Yukhei growled at the man after he let you go. Jaehyun didn’t seem to be fazed not one bit, his eyes landed on you before a smirk formed on his lips, his entire presence made you shiver.
“I wasn’t going to fuck with her, Lucas.” Jaehyun’s voice dripped in venom as he carefully chose his words. “I just wanted to make sure you kept your part of the deal, and if you didn’t, well you could imagine.” He scoffed, getting ready to walk out the place but Yukhei stopped him by putting a hand on his chest and curling his fist against his shirt.
“Pull this stunt one more fucking time, I will have your head on a platter.” Yukhei spat, but only loud enough for the both of them to hear. He let go of Jaehyun, returning his attention to you before dragging you away from the place.
“See you in the ring, Lucas!” Jaehyun’s voice called out one last time before Yukhei dragged you to his car.
It was crystal clear that Yukhei wasn’t in the right state of mind due to his knuckles turning white from gripping the steering wheel too hard, and his jaw clenching every now and then. Your mind was still clouding with thought from the previous events, why did Yukhei own Jaehyun money? And why the hell were you dragged in the chaos? You wanted to bombard him with questions but you didn’t want him lashing out on you.
“Are you mad?” You squeaked out, rubbing your hands against your jeans. You watched as his eyes turned soft for a second, yet he kept his gaze on the road.
“Not at you.” Was all he said before the car went silent once again. You pursed your lips before deciding to turn your head to the window instead.
Yukhei was livid. He loathed how Jaehyun found and captured you even though he threatened him quite a bunch of what would happen if he laid a finger on you. He couldn’t believe that he actually did and he knew it was to spite him. Yukhei owed Jaehyun a large amount of money due to drugs. Drugs that he took nearly every single day to someone escape the harsh reality of his life. He was rushed to the hospital once because of it, and ever since then his friends had a drug ban around him to help him recover, which he thinks is shitty since they didn’t withdraw with him. Yukhei hasn’t taken a drag even since the incident happened, well maybe he has once but he wouldn’t tell them that.
Yukhei knew why Jaehyun held a grudge against him. It was because Yukhei slept with Jaehyun’s girl, it wasn’t entirely his fault since she never once mentioned that she was taken and allowed Yukhei to sleep with her, not just once but multiple times. Long story short, Jaehyun walked in while they were in the middle of fucking. Of course Yukhei knew why Jaehyun was so angry considering he now knows what it feels to have someone you treasured, and Yukhei would be heartbroken if someone did the same. That’s why he didn’t bother making amends with him, it wasn’t like they had quite a friendship that he needed to rekindle it.
The car came to a halt and you were about to open the door and head out when Yukhei gripped on your arm. “Can I stay with you tonight?” You nodded, allowing him and you both went inside your apartment.
Yukhei was dead silent, and it worried you that he might be thinking too much that he thinks he couldn’t voice out his thoughts to you. You both got in bed, after changing out of your clothes and into new ones.
“Would you mind telling me what’s on your mind?” You mumbled, seeing Yukhei on the far end of the bed as if he was purposely trying not to be near you. He turned his head to face you before letting out a sigh. He shit his body so that he was entirely facing you.
“I’m so sorry you got dragged into this mess. It must’ve been so scary, Jaehyun is fucking stupid.” He frowned, genuinely worried about you. “I owed him money because I used to buy drugs from him.” You had to make sure you heard him correctly, your mouth slightly opening as you registered what he said.
“Drugs?” You knew he had his vices, and you didn’t know why what he said surprised you. You even saw him take cigarettes quite a few times now, which never really bothered you and you were in no place to tell him what he should and shouldn’t do, you weren’t his mother.
“Yes, please listen to me first, baby.” He paused, seeing you nod. “Yes I used to take drugs, but that was in the past. I once almost overdosed on it so that’s why the boys made sure I don’t take any anymore.” The thought of Yukhei taking drugs brought shivers to your spine, of course you had nothing against it. You just couldn’t picture it in your head.
“You don’t anymore, right?” You questioned, crinkling your nose.
“I don’t, I only did it because it somehow gave me relief.”
“That’s nice to hear, Yukhei.” You hummed a tune.
“Since... you’re the one who gives me relief now. I love you, Y/N.” He confessed, you felt the tears forming at your eyes from his words. It was the first time those three words ever came up. You pulled him in for a soft kiss, feeling his smile against the kiss.
“I love you too, Yukhei.”
Yukhei’s hand reached up to cup your cheek, pressing a much more passionate kiss on your lips. You returned his energy, your hand pulling at his shirt against his chest. His tongue swiped on your lower lip, asking for entrance, you gladly opened your mouth. His tongue fighting with yours for dominance which he easily won, roaming your entire mouth. His hand went to your waist, signaling you to move, and you did, hooking your leg around him and lifting yourself so that you were straddling his lips all without breaking contact with his lips. He rested his hands on your thigh as you pulled away from his lips, moving your lips to his neck instead, pampering it with kisses before harshly sucking and licking on an area which caused him to let out a groan. You felt his bulge hardening underneath you, and you rocked your hips against him. His grip on your thighs tightened.
“Fuck, baby.” He breathed, his hand pulling on the hem of your shirt and you pulled away so he could slip it off your body. He was greeted with your black lingerie which made him cock his eyebrow. “Almost like you knew this was going to happen.”
“I did not!” You protested, feeling shy all of the sudden.
“Beautiful.” He adjusted his body so that he was leaning against the headboard, he leaned his head against your breasts, pressing a kiss on the exposed areas. Your breath hitched as he cupped your breasts against your bra, massaging them lightly before he reached one hand behind you and unclasped it easily. He licked his lips once your bare breasts was revealed, taking one nipple in his mouth, the tip of his tongue ran over the sensitive bud making you moan as your arousal started to pool in your underwear, his other hand made sure to give your other nipple as much as attention by gently rubbing it, occasionally lightly pinching it with his fingers. “Will you let me fuck you tonight, doll?” He mumbled, and you nodded feeling even more turned on by his choice of words. In a blink of an eye, your positions were switched and he was on top while your back laid against the bed. His fingers hooked on the waistband of your shorts and underwear and in one swift motion, you were completely bare while he was still fully clothed. As if he read your thoughts, he stripped out of the shirt he was wearing making you trail your hand on his chest.
Yukhei leaned forward to kiss you on the lips once again, feeling his hand make its way to your core. You gasped when he started rubbing on your clit, moaning when he applied pressure. He slid his fingers up and down your folds before inserting two into you, slowly pumping them in and out of you. You whimpered, as his thumb toyed with your clit while simultaneously picking his pace up. He curled his fingers which earned him a loud moan from you. Your hand flew to his hair, gripping on it while he continued his movements.
“Y-Yukhei, I’m gonna come.” You breathed out, staring directly in his eyes.
“Then come for me, baby.” He kissed your lips, feeling his fingers dig even deeper inside you. Your legs tried closing against his wrist which he only spread apart once again with his other hand.
“Fuck!” You cried out when you felt your orgasm washing over you.
He pulled away his fingers when you did, and he put his fingers in his mouth, tasting your juices. You felt heat rush to your cheeks from his actions but he just groaned when he got a taste of you. “Always so sweet for me.” He pulled away from you, only to discard his pants and underwear, leaving him completely bare and your mouth almost watered at the sight. His cock slapped against his abdomen, spots of pre cum leaking his slit and you couldn’t wait for him. “Are you on the pill, baby? I want to come inside you.” You nodded, assuring him that you were indeed on the pill, that was all he needed before he hungrily kissed you on the lips. He spread your legs wider, his hand pumping his cock a few times before aligning it at your entrance, he ran the tip over your folds before sliding his cock inside you. You gasped at the uncomfortable sensation, your hand gripping at his shoulder, trying to ease the pain. “I’m sorry, I know it hurts, but it will get better I promise.” Once you were used to the feeling, you told him to move. He slowly pushed himself inside you even more, before beginning to thrust in and out. His hands gripped on your hips as he began to pick up his pace, moans slipped out of your lips which turned him on even more. He leaned down to press a kiss on your lips, your legs wrapping around his waist which allowed him to ram deeper into you from a new angle. The sound of skin slapping echoed throughout the room, he positioned his hands on either side of your head to support himself while his thrusts gained more force, pounding into you while hitting your g-spot perfectly.
“Fuck, right there.” You whined, feeling a burning sensation at the pit of your stomach from the pleasure.
“I love you.” He whispered in between thrusts which made you squeeze your eyes shut from the overwhelming feeling.
“I-I love you too, Yukhei.” You gasped out, clenching around him as you felt your orgasm approaching, he continued his actions, his hand reaching up to cup your breast and pinch your nipples which only built up your orgasm even more.
He groaned, feeling his orgasm coming along as well which only made him pick up his pace even more. “Come for me, princess.”
“I’m c-close.” You spoke between your moans, feeling like you’re about to burst at any moment. “Shit!” Your second orgasm came crashing all over you, feeling your thighs shake from the insane amount of pleasure.
“Such a good girl.” His thrusts started to slow down, feeling his own orgasm come along. He pushed inside you one last time before releasing inside you, you felt his warm cum spurt inside you. He let go of your body, pulling himself out of you. Your body squirming when you felt his cum ooze out of you.
Yukhei stood up from the bed, only to walk in the bathroom and grab a damp towel. He walked back in to see you trying to sit up in bed, he sat next to you, wiping you clean with the towel. You smiled at the gesture, grabbing his discarded shirt from the side before putting it one. He threw the towel in the hamper, turning the lights off and climbed in bed with you. He pulled you against his bare chest, you inhaled and you got a whiff of his scent, he smelled like sex and flowers. “I have a match tomorrow.” Yukhei blurted out.
“That was fast.” You yawned, eyes starting to drift shut.
“It’s with Jaehyun.” You felt him stiff under you, you opened your eyes to look at him. Though he seemed unfazed, you felt like there was something deeper to it.
“Have you fought him before?”
“Once, it ended in a tie though, wasn’t too happy about it.” He turned his head to you, pressing a kiss on your forehead. “I’m still sorry about what he did to you, I’ll make sure he pays.”
“Stop apologizing, I’m fine and I’m here with you. That’s all that matters.”
“I love you, Y/N. You have no idea how much I do.” He whispered.
“I love you, too, Yukhei, more than you could imagine.”
Apparently Yukhei and Jaehyun’s fight was one of the most anticipated one. The arena was even more packed than it usually was. You sat in your usual area, this time with the rest of Yukhei’s friends around you. You asked Yangyang why their match was most awaited, he told you it was because of how their last match that concluded in a tie left everyone hanging and that they’re just excited to see who will finally win this one.
Yukhei sat backstage, wrapping his hands with the bandage, doing a few stretches. Jaehyun walked in, a triumph smirk on his face that Yukhei found annoying.
“Lucas.” Jaehyun greeted him with a curt nod, Yukhei barely paid attention to him, continuing with what he was doing. “Don’t be rude. I was trying to be friendly.”
“What do you want?” Yukhei spat, eyes staring daggers at him.
“Easy tiger, I was just wondering what will happen if I win? Will you let me fuck your girl then, you know to make it fair?”
Yukhei saw blood. He abruptly stood up from where he was sitting, getting ready to throw hands at Jaehyun who still haven’t wiped of the stupid smirk on his face. “Don’t even fucking think about it.” He growled, facing him. “Why are you so fucking hung up over what I did!”
“Because I loved her, Lucas, maybe you don’t understand but you fucking ruined everything I had with her because she thought you would be with her afterwards.” Jaehyun snapped, jaw clenching after speaking.
“No, she ruined it. I didn’t even know she was dating you.”
Jaehyun scoffed at his words, clearly not believing a word Yukhei was spewing. As Jaehyun opened his mouth to speak, someone came in, announcing that the match was about to start. With that, the two men split up, but not before Jaehyun provoked Yukhei even more by telling him he couldn’t wait to see you.
The players were being introduced, per usual they came running the ring shortly after. You watched Yukhei’s very obvious angry expression, and you glanced back to Jaehyun who seemed to be enjoying seeing Yukhei this way. Something felt wrong, your stomach was twisting as you watched the two men. Your heart beating against your chest, Yangyang must’ve noticed your state for he placed his hand in yours, somehow finding a way to comfort you. You silently thanked him and with a loud ring of the bell, the match began.
Yukhei nearly lunged at Jaehyun which was something he wouldn’t usually do since he would always wait for the opponent to come to him first. Yukhei started throwing punches, some of them were dodged by Jaehyun while some were coming in contact. When Yukhei was caught off guard that’s when Jaehyun struck back swiftly punching Yukhei in areas he knew he wouldn’t expect. To say Jaehyun wasn’t good was a lie, seeing him too worked on beating Yukhei up as if it was no big deal. You nearly cried out at the sight of Yukhei barely putting in the effort of hitting Jaehyun back.
“Why won’t you punch back, you fucking coward!” Jaehyun yelled, repeatedly hitting Yukhei’s chest yet he retracted all movements. All he could think of was how he sabotaged Jaehyun’s relationship, and that he probably deserved the beating he was getting. Yukhei lowered his fist as he received punches to his face. You stood up from your seat, wanting to scream at him to move but Yangyang held you back down so instead you sobbed as you watched Yukhei continuously receive the punches Jaehyun was throwing. Soon after, Yukhei’s body dropped to the floor, and with the ring of the bell, the match was over.
You stared in shock as Yukhei’s unconscious body laid on the floor then you felt anger seeping through you. “Why isn’t anyone helping him!?” You yelled out, your gaze drifting to the boys, seeing Kun who was already on the phone calling the paramedics.
“Underground fighting is illegal for a reason, Y/N, there’s no rules hence they can decide what they will or will not do.” Xiaojun spoke but you barely paid attention to what he said. You watched with wary eyes as Jaehyun claimed his victory.
Yukhei woke up to a pounding headache, he reached up to touch his forehead, feeling the bandage that was wrapped around it. He scanned the environment, seeing the white sheets that embraced his body. He frowned when he noticed how quiet the room was, due to it being empty. He shut his eyes once again, and then opened them after a few minutes. He was surprised to see that you were in the room, curious of how he didn’t see you enter. He called out your name, which had your head turning to his direction.
“Yukhei, hey baby. How are you feeling?” You asked him, sitting on the edge of his bed, you saw his eyes turn into panic when he saw you. “What’s wrong? Do you want me to call the doctor?”
“Y/N!” He screamed, his hands flying up to his hair. “Y/N! Why can’t I hear you?!” He sobbed, your heart dropped as his words. “Why is nothing making sound!?” The doctor came rushing in when he heard the commotion and you stood back with tears in your eyes as they examined him. They told you that his deafness was caused by the concussion he had from the match, and that he had a chance of healing from this since it can be temporary.
You sat beside Yukhei, his eyes red from the way he cried. You reached for his hand, pressing a kiss on it. You wanted to comfort him and tell him that everything will be alright but you knew he would just be stressed out even more if he couldn’t hear what you were saying. Instead you sat by him and held his hand.
Yukhei was discharged from the hospital a week later, with the doctor’s note that he should be watched over and come back when he had progressed. Yukhei wasn’t in his usual self recently though you wouldn’t blame him, he still had a few bruises on him that were fading as weeks passed by, and the bandage that was wrapped around his head will be removed in a few days. He wouldn’t try to speak since he knew he wouldn’t hear what he would say and it would just remind him of his condition. You kept your word and took care of Yukhei as weeks passed by. You tried balancing your studies and being there for him. You had to quit your part time job at the flower shop since it brought back unwanted memories. You’ve been staying at his house for the mean time, wanting to be able to give him aid whenever he needed it though he would barely ask you for any. Yukhei would often spend his time sleeping the days away, only waking up when he had to eat or go to the bathroom. You completely understood where his behavior is coming from so you were being lenient with him, you knew he was already exhausted enough as it is. The boys would often visit Yukhei as well, wanting him to know that they will be there throughout his entire recovery.
Ten walked in on Yukhei, his head in his hands as tears slipped out of his eyes. He almost called him subconsciously which he mentally facepalmed himself for. Instead, Ten took a seat beside Yukhei, rubbing his back to comfort him.
“I’m so tired, it’s been nearly two months.” Yukhei sobbed out, leaning into Ten’s touch. Ten was surprised to hear Yukhei speak since he wasn’t really in the mood for talking ever since his condition began. “I still can’t hear shit.” Ten’s heart broke at the sight of his younger friend breaking down in tears, he didn’t know what to do so he kept quiet and held him in his arms until he felt slightly better. He almost felt sorry for him, but he would never tell him that. “I want to quit boxing.”
Ten’s eyes widened at his sudden words. “Lucas...” He started not knowing how to respond to what he just revealed.
“I feel like everything is my fault. Y/N is suffering because of me.”
Ten shook his head in disagreement. “No stop that, nothing is your fault. You didn’t do anything.”
Yukhei saw Ten move his lips but he didn’t pay no mind to them, the voices in his head were too loud. “She was kidnapped because of me, she had to quit her job because of it, and now all she does is stay here and take care of me like a baby. I don’t deserve her.”
“Stop saying that! Of course you deserve her, she’s your happiness isn’t she? And you deserve happiness.” Ten felt useless telling him all these words, he wanted so bad for Yukhei to receive his words so he whipped out his phone instead and typed down what he'd been saying. Yukhei lightly laughed at his attempt of getting him to understand what he was saying.
“Thank you, Ten.”
You came home later that night from your quick trip from the grocery store. Setting the bags of food you had down on the kitchen counter, you wandered around to find Yukhei. When he wasn’t in any of the rooms, your brows furrowed, wondering where he could possibly be.
You heard the water from the bathroom, confirming that he was in there. You decided to join him. Pushing open the door, you saw him behind the glass shower door. You stripped out of your clothes before joining him, you placed your hands on his bare back, making your presence known. He spun around to face you, a slight smile on his face when he saw you.
“Hi.” He mumbled, moving aside so that the water would hit your figure. You grinned in response before taking the bottle of shampoo from the side. You gestured the bottle and his hair which he nodded to and leaned down so that you could reach his hair. Pouring shampoo on your palm, rubbing your hands together before massaging his scalp with it. The bathroom quiet with only the running water could be heard. “I love you. Thank you for taking care of me.” He mumbled while you were in the middle of rinsing the shampoo out of his hair.
“I love you too. You don’t have to thank me.” He watched as your lips moved, trying to read the words off of it. Once you were done rinsing, he grabbed your wrists making you halt your movements. You watch as the water streamed down his beautiful face, his eyes watching you with full adoration. He leaned closer to you before he pressed his lips against yours softly. The sweet and intimate moment made your heart skip a beat. The shower ended not long after, deciding to end the day in each other's arms.
Yukhei was being needy. He hasn't touched you in so long because he wasn’t really in the mood to do anything if he couldn’t hear the beautiful sounds you made. But he just couldn’t handle it now, he needed you. So he did, you spent the day in bed and under the sheets. Making one another feel good and after countless orgasms later, you finally decided to rest. Your naked bodies tangled under the duvet.
“Can I tell you a secret?” He mumbled, and you nodded in response. “I kinda hear you but the sound is very muffled, unclear.” You sat up in bed from his news, an obvious grin on your face.
“Yukhei, that’s so great!” You clasped a  hand against your mouth from the amount of joy you were feeling. After three months there were finally signs of him getting better.
“And I’m planning on quitting boxing.”
“Yeah, I realized I can’t continue living off of it, and that if I want to keep you by my side then I should do something that wouldn’t harm you.” His eyes started to wander off as if he was in deep thought. Honestly, he didn’t know what he had in plan, he wasn’t even sure if he would get any job opportunities since he didn’t really finish school.
“You know I would still support you no matter what.” You reached for his hand and grasping it with yours, the pad of his thumb subconsciously drawing patterns on the back of your hand. His eyes watching your every move.
“Speak louder for me, baby.” You repeated your words until he understood. “I know that, doll. But I can’t keep boxing forever, better to stop while it’s early. And besides, I want to marry you, you can’t have a beaten up husband on your wedding day.”
Your breath hitched in your throat from the way he said it so casually while your mouth agape with shock. “You want to marry me?”
“Of course, I do. I wouldn’t have you around if I didn’t.” Yukhei felt absolutely smitten with you, he never thought that he would love a girl as much as he loved you. You brought out the best in him and he was thankful that he spotted the girl crying during his match. You were his euphoria, someone he could approach when he had too much on his mind. It was as if every atom in his body gravitated towards you.
“I want to marry you, too.” You muttered, his hand tugging you close to him. You sighed in content, feeling like nothing else mattered except for the two of you.
a/n: hi :) don’t worry this isnt how mismatch is ending! ill post an epilogue very soon. thank you so much for reading all 15k words of this and please tell me what you think about it!
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blouisparadise · 4 years
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Here are some great bottom Louis fics that were posted or completed during the month of May. We really hope you enjoy this list. Happy reading!
1) Louis Punishments | Mature | 1759 words
Just a bunch of punishments Harry has given to Louis.
2) Hoping To Discover A Certain Kind Of Lover  | Explicit | 2353 words
He knew the basic idea of what was supposed to happen. It was the entire point of the film Zayn was working on. To match up unmated alpha and omega strangers and to film them as they kissed for the first time. The two of them shuffled awkwardly back and forth, unsure of what to do.
Enough was enough. “I’m gonna just go for it, yeah?” Harry suggested, and Louis nodded quickly, already leaning closer to him.
Everything was hesitant at first. Tender lips met, and all of it was soft and new, neither of them wanting to overstep. A little zing of anticipation and something unfamiliar shot down Harry’s spine as he swallowed the tiny sound of surprise Louis made. Neither alpha nor omega were pushing, but that was the point of all of this, wasn’t it? To see what happened when people let go and let themselves be? Harry figured he would try. For the sake of the experiment, of course.
Gently, so, so gently, Harry slid his hand up the side of Louis’s throat, cupping his jaw to hold him as close as he could. Their lips finally, finally, finally parted, and Harry could taste the hint of tea and honey lingering on Louis’s tongue. Suddenly and all at once, he couldn’t get enough.
3) Irresistible | Mature | 2380 words
Louis goes into his first heat at school and no one is able to resist him. Harry - who's been in love with him since forever - fucks and bonds him in the toilets.
4) Signed, No Name | Mature | 4647 words
Harry doesn’t know Blue, he just knows that he leaves random notes in the corners of the books he checks out, and he’s head over heels for him.
5) It Could've Been Worse | Not Rated | 4949 words
The one where a pandemic happens, harry is obssessed and louis hates apps made for 15 years old.
6) Take Me To The Stars | Explicit | 5840 words
Staring at his darling daughter, in the middle of the pasta aisle, Louis found himself on the edge of a neurotic breakdown.
"It’s your birthday tomorrow! And your papa better not do anything to muck it up! Because your dada worked very hard to organise it! And all of your aunties and grannies and granddads and friends will be there!” Louis continued in a sweet sing-song voice that seemed to get increasingly frantic as he continued. “And if your papa is in rut, then what? What’ll we do, honey girl? Your dada will be too busy! And your papa will be too horn-”
“Louis,” Harry interrupted, touching Louis’ arm. “I’ll be okay. It’s probably not even my rut. I can appreciate you… all of you… even when I’m not in rut.”
Louis looked at him skeptically, imagining the shitshow that would be Harry in rut, surrounded by family and friends, at their child’s first birthday party. “I hope you’re right, H.”
7) Kiss Like Fire | Explicit | 9093 words
Harry watches as his uncle's new omega walks around the backyard, serving canapés and drinks to all of the family members gathered. Harry is surrounded by his cousins, all sat together, too young for the adults but too old for the kids and teens. He lifts his beer to his lips and takes a sip when the omega crouches down by one of Harry's younger cousins and hands her a small cracker, sending her off with a sweet smile.
He watches as his uncle comes out of the house, sliding the patio door shut behind him and quickly making his way over to his omega. The omega looks up at him when he wraps an arm around his waist. His pretty lips move with soft-spoken words. Harry has to fight to keep his alpha in check when his dirty old uncle's hand dips down, grabbing at the omega's ass and making him jump.
"Dude," one of his cousins says, "Uncle Darron's new omega is such a milf."
8)��Waking Up Alone | Mature | 10060 words
"Nothing makes you hurt like hurting who you love"
Love shouldn't hurt, loving somebody with everything you have shouldn't make you feel like you're dying. Louis feels like he’s drowning. He should have known where this was going from the start, he should have been prepared. Now he’s waking up in an empty bed, some days he doesn’t want to even wake up again. There's a hole in his heart; it's in the shape of Harry. Nothing he does can fill it. Drugs, alcohol, pouring out his heart into songs that Harry probably won't ever hear. When Louis is with him, he feels like he’s in heaven. Being alone, that's what he feels he deserves, at least Harry can be happier without him.
Maybe if they met at a different time, under different circumstances, he could have saved them. Louis had to do what was best for Harry, but it kills him a little everyday. Louis sees his smile everyday, but he knows it's no longer for him. Someone else makes Harry happier, but Louis wanted it to be him. They could have had forever. Louis would have given Harry everything.
"Forget what I said, it's not what I meant" Harry had tried to say, but Louis knew that wasn't the truth. After everything they’ve been through, Louis still loves him.
9) To The Beat Of My Own Drum | Explicit | 10285 words
A collection of drabbles.
10) Alone Too Long | Explicit | 10371 words
By the time The Temptress finally reached bay, the Captain only had one thing on his mind, and that one thing was Louis Darling.
11) Straight Boy | Explicit | 12251 words
Young, brunette and handsome, Louis attracts unwanted attention in prison. When his cellmate offers him protection, Louis accepts the offer, even though he doesn’t trust the guy. Little does he know how much it will change his life.
When he’s released from prison, Louis finds himself needing and wanting things he shouldn’t want. Louis is straight. He is. He has a girlfriend. What happened in prison stayed in prison—or so Louis tells himself.
Until he meets his former cellmate again. Harry. The guy he hates and craves.
12) Beautiful Crime | Not Rated | 13282 words
Note: This fic contins no explicit smut but since it’s a/b/o we’ve decided to include it in this monthly roundup. 
Louis is keen to defeat the one and only Alpha Harry Styles who has a notorious reputation in the entire country for his ruthlessness but a turn of events brings them on crossroads which deviate from their havens of war.
13) Anticipation | Explicit | 14156 words
Louis' a stripper. Harry's the new club owner. Louis decides he wants to get in his new boss' pants fairly quickly, but it might take more work than he thought to do that.
14) Strong Enough | Explicit | 20787 words
“So…” Liam starts, and Louis instantly knows where this is going. He’s actually glad it’s Liam that's dragging the subject out from the shadows and into the light. Louis turns to face him, mirroring his position on the couch and nods, ready for him to continue. Liam takes a deep breath. “Have you spoken to Harry recently?”
Five years after Vertigo goes on hiatus, the band comes back together for a benefit concert. Can Louis and Harry work through their complicated past, or are some wounds too deep to be healed?
15) Alpha and Omega | Not Rated | 22270 words
Note: There is no smut where someone bottoms in this fic, but it contains omega Louis, so we’ve included it in this monthly roundup. 
Louis finds a new sense of self when the son of the werewolf leader, Harry Styles, comes to town to quell unrest in the Chicago pack and inspires a power in Louis that he never felt before.
Not my own work but rather a reimagination of the book Alpha and Omega with Harry and Louis.
16) Amazing Grace | Mature | 24290 words
Harry’s a dedicated pastor who's happily married, Louis is the troubled youth that stumbles into his life.
17) A Trail Of Honey Through It All | Explicit | 27083 words
The boy in front of him, well really, the man in front of him, was like something out of a confusing wet dream. Built, tall, tan and muscular, his skin glistened with sweat after a long day of working outdoors with his hands. He was wearing a cut up old American football shirt, the bottom hem was torn and the sleeves were cut off to the point where the t-shirt was really just a loose tank top. The shorts he had on had clearly been full length jeans at one point, and were now just crudely cut off above the knee. His white socks were pulled up too high on his calves, and the brown work boots he had on were old as fuck, the leather peeling along the edges of the soles. Curly brown hair stuck out from the edges of his backwards snapback, and there was a smudge of grease wiped along his brow bone. The smattering of hair along his jaw proved that he hadn’t shaved in a week or two, the hair growing in thicker across his upper lip and around his chin. His sinfully bowed mouth was pink and plump, and Louis was suddenly hyper-focused on the way that he chewed at the toothpick stuck between his lips. He looked like he needed a shower. Louis wanted to lick him.
18) Just a Bit Twisted | Explicit | 30548 words
Professor Harry Styles is hated and feared by all of his students. Strict, reserved and ruthless, he doesn’t tolerate mistakes and has little patience for his students.
Louis Tomlinson is a twenty-year-old struggling to provide for his younger sisters after the death of their parents. On the verge of losing his scholarship, Louis becomes desperate enough to go to Professor Styles.
Everyone says Styles doesn’t have a heart. Everyone says he’s a ruthless bastard. Louis finds out that everyone is right.
He strikes a deal with Styles, but unexpectedly, the deal turns into something so much more.
Something all-consuming and addictive.
Something neither of them wants.
19) Like It's A Game | Explicit | 32223 words
There is little harry hates more than truth or dare.
20) We'll Be the Fine Line | Not Rated | 32474 words
“…Hey, Harry. It’s Louis…… um, yeah. Listened to the album tonight. It’s real good mate. Um, yeah, just real, impressed. I was kinda putting it off, ya’know, didn’t know if I wanted to listen to it. Saw you went on James and, uh, Saturday Night Live. Couldn’t watch you, have a hard time watching you on these things……. Anyway, mate, just thought I would drop a line. Don’t need to call me back. Alright.”
Louis listens to Fine Line, and, drunk, he leaves a voicemail for Harry after months of not speaking. This reminds Harry of a time before everything fell apart, slowly, painfully, a time when the two of them were still in love. And he desperately wants to go back.
21) The Space Between | Explicit | 33074 words
Living in East Verona was a privilege. One Prince Harry only found out when he decided to cross the borders into The Zone looking for entertainment, a temptation, a distraction, anything that would allow him to escape his boring, mundane life of luxury.
But what he found was something he never could have expected - poverty, destruction, chaos, but most importantly, a blue-eyed boy.
Together, they embark on a journey plagued with hazards and risks and twists and turns.
Can these two star-crossed souls fight for their freedom and keep each other safe at the same time?
22) Yes, Daddy, I Will | Not Rated | 33510 words
Where Harry is a dom and Louis is his cute little sub.
23) Last Blues For Bloody Knuckles | Explicit | 34241 words
Styles was a name everyone knew. It had evolved into something of a fairy tale, a far away problem that normal people didn’t have to deal with. Louis never thought he’d find himself falling in love with him. When he finds himself pregnant with Harry’s child, he knows he has to leave the life, and Harry, behind. For her sake.
He never expected Harry to show back up on his doorstep five years later.
24) Before We Knew | Explicit | 39593 words
Or Louis has been skeptical of soulmates for years so it seems like fate when he finally bumps into the owner of the obnoxiously large signature printed into his skin since age sixteen: Harry Styles, a human rights attorney who is firmly against soulmates.
25) Hit Me With Your Sweet Love | Explicit | 39690 words
Powerful people only end up with powerful people. The rest are just playthings in their lives. Louis Tomlinson was many things, but he wasn’t anybody’s plaything.
26) Stole My Heart | Mature | 51343 words
Louis doesn't want much. A warm bed, and people who care about him.
Harry has everything he needs, despite his mother insisting he needs a mate. Money, status, and any omega he wants, why lock his heart down.
Until Louis comes along, and steals it.
27) No Going Back | Explicit | 56102 words
Sales reps Harry and Louis are bored with their jobs and their lives. After meeting at a conference in Cardiff they hook up, have a few too many drinks, and jokingly apply to become remote lighthouse keepers. Six months, just the two of them, looking after the southernmost lighthouse off the bottom of Australia. It’s not like their applications will be accepted. Right?
This is the story of how one choice - a left instead of a right, a go instead of a stop, a yes instead of a no - can change the future forever and that sometimes, taking that leap of faith, is worth the risk.
28) Royal Desires | Mature | 66207 words
When Prince Louis falls into an early heat, his new personal guard Harry Styles is brought in as his heat partner for the time being until Louis finds a suitable royal prince to bond and take the throne with. The only problem is that Harry is everything Louis wants but can't have. Freedom, tattoos, individuality...and quite possibly love.
29) How To Break A Heartbreaker's Heart? | Teen & Up | 67447 words
Harry is straight.
Louis is gay.
Harry happens to be homophobic.
Louis has a dark past.
Harry had a dark childhood.
Will Louis and Harry unite and defy their past? Or will homophobia win for the umpteenth time?
30) Lavender Dreams | Not Rated | 77888 words
Louis is an outgoing person that goes to school for educational psychology and Harry is a biology major who happen to run into each other... a lot.
31) Be My Omega | Mature | 138372 words
It all started when the alpha laid eyes on the short curvy omega and he knew at that moment that his life would never be the same, in a good way of course.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
You can find other monthly roundup fic rec lists here.
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wherevermyway · 3 years
can’t wait for you (to shut me up) // binsung // oneshot // 18+
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pairing: seo changbin x han jisung rating: explicit! 18+ warnings/tags: smut, food kink, roommates, spicy (literally), dacryphilia, don’t try this at home, explicit sexual content  word count: 5,475 also on AO3
originally posted: 14 december 2020
Han Jisung doesn’t turn down a dare. Ever. His roommate and occasional fuckbuddy, Seo Changbin, however, makes Jisung regret being so cocky and arrogant after he gets his hands on some capsaicin extract.
Alternatively: fuck bruh moments, Jisung has an Icarus moment.
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disclaimer: this is a work of fiction! any reference to persons in this work of fiction are purely coincidental. the characters referenced from Stray Kids are  interpretations loosely based on their personalities in the group and do  not represent the real people behind the personas. if this, or any of  the content included in the warnings above make you uncomfortable,  please stop reading now.
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Saturday nights always proved to be bizarre. Jisung’s friend and roommate, Changbin, was quiet and reserved six out of seven days of the week, only completely opening up as he got drunk and played some stupid multiplayer game every Saturday evening. As the night went on and Changbin’s friends logged off, the two of them would usually split a twelve pack of cheap beer together, take a break from their class projects, and do stupid things that usually involved drunken dares.
Jisung was never one to turn down a dare. He had an arrogant nature that would likely prove to be a fatal flaw one day. “You’re gonna regret that,” Changbin would tut, shaking his head after Jisung would accept a dare without hearing it out. Usually, it was something stupid or mindless, like licking honey off of Changbin’s foot, or walking through the library with a vibrating butt plug for as long as the upperclassman deemed necessary.
They weren’t dating — at least, not officially; this was something they constantly stressed with each other and their friends. Their relationship was just an eclectic, liberal interpretation on the boundaries of friendship. Friends could fuck each other after all, right? Honestly, the sex was too good between them to really bother with dating other people, but they did agree that they weren’t exclusive, even if it had been a year and a half of the same strange dynamic.
“You stupid motherfucker!” Jisung could hear Changbin shouting at the television all the way down the dorm hallway. The anthropology student was generally mellow and calm, until he had a couple beers in his system and joined a gaming session with his friend Chan.
The younger blond shook his head with a smirk as he ripped his lanyard out of his pocket, shuffling around to get the correct key to their dorm in between his fingers. The four single-serve shots Jisung snuck into the library for his study session were having an effect on his ability to smoothly rifle through the keys, but not enough to actually affect his cognition. Jisung slid the key into the lock and turned it.
When he opened the door, he expected to see Changbin, but he didn’t expect to see him in a loose, torn tank top and basketball shorts, especially not in the dead of winter. Toronto was cold, even indoors, and Changbin was sometimes nothing short of a madman. The older man was too busy yelling banter into his headset to notice Jisung standing in the doorway with his eyebrows comically raised and his jaw hanging open a bit.
Jisung tried to regain his composure before Changbin realized that his roommate was home, but, as he brought his bottle of beer up to his lips, the older man turned his head slightly, and they made eye contact. A bit of lager splashed up against Changbin’s face; he recoiled and quickly wiped his chin off. Jisung darted his eyes away, nearly forgetting to remove his key from the lock as he shut the door behind him and awkwardly mumbled some sort of greeting.
There was tinny chatter coming from Changbin’s headset, knocked slightly askew, and the older man scoffed. “Yeah, yeah, whatever,” he rolled his eyes and offered a polite wave with his fingers as he stared at the television, mashing some buttons on the controller in his hand. He set the near-empty bottle down on the table and raised his voice a bit. “If these motherfuckers would stop spawning missile launchers and aiming them solely at me, maybe I’d be able to help better.”
Jisung set his bag down on the kitchenette countertop, then opened the fridge and grabbed two beers from the door. He scanned the contents of the fridge, hoping that there was still leftovers from a couple nights prior. However, his face fell to a slight frown as nothing but a half-empty carton of whole milk and seven bottles of beer stared back at him. It was late, and Changbin probably figured Jisung would eat while he was out.
He wasn’t incorrect, but Jisung really looked forward to stealing one of the cold slices of leftover pizza when he got home; it always went well with the Molson Changbin would get for the weekend after class on Fridays. It was a mediocre beer at best, but it was good for mindless drinking. “Bummer,” Jisung muttered under his breath, grabbing a couple of the bottles from the shelf. He closed the door to the fridge and took the magnetic bottle opener off of the door. He popped the caps off of the beer bottles, leaving the bent metal on the countertop as he made his way over to the cheap, scratchy couch, languidly flopping down next to Changbin, putting an amber bottle down on the table next to his other beer bottle.
The older man grunted as thanks, focusing on the enemy in his sights on the screen, his tongue between his teeth and eyes squinting in concentration. This week’s gaming session with Chan featured Grand Theft Auto V, Jisung recognized the map. Changbin had mentioned something about a double XP event, and that he and Chan were trying to get their crew’s ranking higher up the list. It was all some inane bullshit that went in one ear and out the other to Jisung, but he enjoyed listening to it, regardless, since Changbin’s face would light up as he passionately explained just how renowned their crew had gotten.
This also meant that Jisung could get away with being a little handsy with Changbin, especially since he started drinking a little sooner than normal for a Saturday night. He took a long swig from his beer, then set the bottle down on the table, scooting closer to the older man. Changbin didn’t notice, still leaning forward, elbows resting on his knees. Jisung crawled his fingertips up Changbin’s thigh, causing the upperclassman to involuntarily flex for a moment, his head twitching to the side but unable to break his gaze away from his match.
Jisung’s fingers kept creeping closer and closer to the inside of Changbin’s thighs, which parted further and further away with each little movement. After Jisung’s fingers landed over the stretched fabric above Changbin’s pelvis, the older man lifted his arm and leaned back a bit. He nodded once, silently granting Jisung permission to continue. The younger man bit his lip in excitement as he slipped down to the floor on his knees.
There were a lot of nice, strange little oddities about their relationship that Jisung loved. About a year ago, when things started to shift from stupid drinking dares to more sexually explicit dares, Changbin had drunkenly dared Jisung to suck him off while he was on voice chat, gaming with Chan and a couple of his friends. “Don’t look away from my face,” he had demanded with a bit of an ironic quiver to his voice. “I wanna look down and see you staring up at me.”
“That sounds like fun,” Jisung giggled as he accepted the dare. “You sure you can stay quiet enough for your friend to not notice, though?”
Changbin flushed, looking away from Jisung as he gritted his teeth. “You don’t hear me in my room late at night; Chan won’t hear anything. Besides,” he rolled his eyes and sighed, “Chan’s heard me get off over voice before, and he doesn’t care; actually probably finds it hot, knowing him. Wouldn’t shock him, really.”
It still wouldn’t shock him a year later, but now he’d give Changbin shit for roping his roommate into it, instead of just handling it himself. None of their friends knew that they were more than roommates, but Jisung’s friend Felix had suspected something was happening when Jisung agreed to be roommates with Changbin again for his junior year of university. Likewise, Chan had made some choice quips about how Changbin should have moved out and gotten a real apartment, not an apartment-style dorm that was ultimately owned by the university.
For this odd dynamic, some things were worth sacrificing.
Jisung worked in a calculated fashion as he offered small licks and nibbles up and down Changbin’s cock. The main objective wasn’t to get him off, just riled up enough to cause a bit of tension. Changbin slowly started to become more and more disheveled the longer Jisung teased him, the final nail in the coffin was when Jisung kept tonguing at his frenulum with progressively lighter and lighter licks.
“I’m done, man,” Changbin growled into his mic, grabbing Jisung by the hair and roughly pulling him back. There was a pause as they stared at each other, the younger man smiling and showing off his teeth with a wide, proud grin. “It’ll be fine, dude,” Changbin continued with a hint of a whine, pressing a couple of buttons on his controller. “We can deal with it tomorrow. I’ve got more important things to deal with.” The older man motioned for Jisung to get up and rolled his eyes. “Shut up, Chan. You’re just jealous. Night.”
Changbin practically tossed the controller across the room after he turned his system off. “You’re trouble, distracting me like that when you knew it was a big weekend for Chan and me,” he tsked, standing up and tucking his dick back into his shorts. “I hope you’re ready for a hell of a dare.” He padded off to the kitchen and Jisung smacked his hands against the coffee table to a loose rhythm.
“I’ll take whatever you throw at me,” the blond smirked. “Favourite part about the weekend.”
The elder shook his head. “You’re not going to think that after tonight.”
Jisung watched Changbin rifle through the cupboards of the kitchen and he tucked his head into his hands. “Come on,” he drawled out with a whine, “all of the stuff you’ve dared me to do has been mild and pretty boring so far. Unless you’re gonna have me walk around naked, blindfolded, and in high heels with nipple clamps down the hallway, I don’t think you can really shock me at this point.”
Changbin paused. The mental image of Jisung’s words must have danced around in his thoughts, because he was frozen for at least half of a minute, letting out a stifled shudder as he turned around. “Not quite that, but it won’t be mild, to say the least.”
“So get on with it. What’s the dare you’ve got in store, Binbin?”
“The first part is simple,” Changbin smirked and leaned back up against the counter, folding his arms. “Let me suck you off.”
Jisung’s eyes lit up, and Changbin already knew this was going to end up poorly. “Hell yeah!” The blond shimmied his shoulders and nodded his head. “I’m already down for whatever you’ve got in store.”
A simple shake of the head is all that Changbin offered in response. He untucked his right hand, showing off a tiny vial with a small, viscous liquid inside of it. “You didn’t even hear the whole dare.”
“When have I ever said no to your dares?” Jisung had a point: a year of dares every Saturday, and he never once declined. It was stupid, though, because he never heard the entire thing through. Changbin would bait him with a good idea, then throw in the crazy idea afterwards. It had always worked out, but tonight’s dare could easily go sour very quickly.
“This isn’t like the others,” Changbin’s smile faded and he shook the bottle between his fingertips. “I know you get really eager over these dares, but this one is gonna hurt. It’s high time you learned to stop being so overzealous, Sungie.”
Jisung scoffed and rolled his eyes, slapping his hands down on the table. “Whatever, whatever, man. What’s the last half of the dare?”
Changbin gritted his teeth and pulled his lips into a straight line. “This isn’t something you can really say ‘no’ to after you actually ingest it.”
“I mean, technically? It’s a chemical.”
A confused frown grew on Jisung’s face. “What the hell are you talking about?”
“You wonder why I’ve been ordering spicy takeout all week?” He sets the vial down behind him and tucks his hands into the pockets of his shorts. Jisung shrugs his shoulders and makes a noncommittal grunt in response. “I’ve been gauging your tolerance level to see if you could handle an intense dare.”
Jisung rolled his eyes again. “Spice challenges are boring, dude,” he pouted as he looked at Changbin. “We killed that one at Roma’s last week—”
“Twelve million scoville units.” Changbin cuts off the excited junior. Jisung quickly loses the arrogance in his demeanour and sinks into himself a bit as his eyes grow wide. “Yeah, I thought so. Don’t worry, it’d only be two drops from this vial. You consume two drops of this hellfire oil, and I’ll distract you by sucking you off. Still interested?”
There’s a long, uncomfortable pause that hangs in the air as Jisung weighs his options.
Changbin curses something unintelligible under his breath. “I’ve got other, less potent ideas,” he offers, biting his lip as he watches Jisung think.
“Sure, I’ll still do it,” the younger man says with a shrug, like it didn’t really matter to him at all.
“Sungie,” Changbin brings his knuckles to his forehead, shaking his head as he sighs with disappointment, yet still smirks to himself. “You’re a fucking idiot.”
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Jisung stared at the plate in front of him, with two neon red spicy cheetos set in the middle, one on top of the other. It almost looked like a photo he had seen in one of his art history books, so captivating by its simplicity. He had eaten these MSG-laden salt bombs several times. Adding a couple drops of oil infused with the epitome of lava would be fine, right? Temporary discomfort. Temporary.
“Sungie,” Changbin grabbed Jisung’s shoulder, softly shaking him. “Did you hear what I just said?”
The blond shook his head. “Sorry, got distracted.”
“This is a really stupid idea,” the older man sighed, “like, I really don’t think we should do this.”
Jisung knitted his brows together and scoffed. “I’m not turning this down. We’re doing this, dude.”
There was an irritated groan that came from Changbin as he gritted his teeth and tucked his head into his hand. He stared at Jisung and frowned. “I’m going to regret challenging you to do this more than you’re going to regret accepting this dare, I just know it.”
“That’s on you,” the younger man arrogantly quipped, running a hand through his hair with fake confidence. He grabbed the bottle of beer that was next to the small plate and chugged the last of it, slamming it down on to the table. “Anything to get you to get me off.”
“You know, you can just ask me.”
“Yeah, but dude, where’s the fun in that? That’s so… domestic, like actual couples do that.” Jisung rolled his eyes and smirked. “Anyway, let’s get this over with. Hey, we could film it and go viral or some shit, too, that could be fun.” Changbin deadpanned and scowled, causing Jisung to wave a hand nervously. “It was a joke, man.”
The older man shook his head and grabbed the tiny glass vial, staring into the oil as it lazily sank down the sides of the bottle. He continued to scowl, squeezing the dropper and unscrewing the lid from the glass. “You don’t have to do this,” he repeated, yet still brought the dropper over the red snacks.
“Shut up,” Jisung folded his arms and sighed. “If you really didn’t want to do this, you wouldn’t be going through with it. Just admit you wanna watch me sweat and cry and suffer and call it a day. You’re such a sadist.”
A flush crept up on Changbin’s face. He said nothing, just shook his head and dropped a single, quick drop of oil on each nuclear red corn puff. As he hovered his hand over the plate, Changbin nervously looked up at Jisung and opened his mouth to say something.
“Nope,” Jisung grumbled, shaking his head. “I’m not backing out of this, so don’t say anything.”
The older man rolled his eyes, then screwed the cap back on to the vial. “Fine,” he muttered, standing up and making his way into the kitchen. “Then I’ll just tell you that, again, you’re an idiot for accepting this.”
“You’re an idiot for suggesting this!” Jisung shouted and let his jaw hang agape for a moment, hands thrown up in the air in disbelief.
Changbin spun around on his heel and pointed a finger in Jisung’s direction. “You need to stop accepting dumb things without hearing the whole thing first!”
Jisung pouted and dropped his hands, recoiling a bit. “I only accept these things from you because I trust you, Binbin.”
The way Jisung’s voice went from an irritated shout to a soft whine caused Changbin to visibly wince. “Sungie,” he started, bringing his palm to his face with a heavy sigh. “That was harsh of me, I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine, I guess,” the blond mumbled. “Just grab the stupid milk and get back over here. The whole point of this was so you’d suck my dick and distract me anyways.”
Changbin did as requested, but the air in the room was different now. He set the carton of milk down on the table and tugged his tank top down, playing with the hem of his shirt as he sat down on the couch. “You gonna be okay?”
Jisung took in a deep breath, looking away from the plate in front of him, turning his head to look at Changbin. They stared at each other for a moment, and then nervousness behind the blond’s eyes faded as he arrogantly smirked. “I’ll feel a lot better once you’re between my legs and doing your best to distract me.”
The older man couldn’t help but deadpan again, rubbing his temples with his middle finger and thumb. “You’re something else, Jisung,” he grumbled.
“Yeah, but you like that about me.”
“It’s true,” Changbin shrugged, dropping his hand to his lap. “You ready?”
Jisung turned to look at the plate and he nodded once. “This is a dumb idea, but fuck it.” He reached his hand out to the hellish crisps, fingers twitching a bit as he grabbed both of them off of the plate. He turned to look at Changbin, whose eyes were wide as he swallowed with anticipation.
“You sure about this?”
“Shut up, Changbin.” Jisung rolled his eyes, then shakily put the food into his mouth.
He chewed for a couple of seconds, nothing really happening. Maybe the oil that Changbin got from his friend Hyunjin was a dud. Then, he swallowed and everything started to fall apart. Rapidly.
Jisung’s eyes went wide as he coughed and shook his head a second later. “Oh my god!” He panicked, hands flailing and fanning his head as his face reddened. “Jesus fucking Christ, that’s—” he choked on his own saliva, coughing up a fit. Changbin’s face contorted in reactionary terror, reaching out to the carton of milk, offering it to Jisung as the younger man shook.
“This was a horrible idea, why the fuck did you go along with this?”
Jisung ignored Changbin’s comment, practically drowning himself in milk as he choked down the liquid, trying to swallow it and breathe at the same time. “Hot,” garbled up from his throat, some of the white liquid sputtered up into the air as he spoke, some dribbling down his chin. “Changbin,” Jisung whined, his eyes teary, glistening as much as his face was as it started to sweat, some visibly beaded up on his forehead. “Distract me,” he managed to pant out between gasps, wiping his face off with one hand and motioning towards his lap with the other.
“You’re a madman,” Changbin licked his lips, biting at the inside of his cheek as he watched Jisung unravel into a sweaty, teary mess. If Jisung could focus on anything other than the stinging, stabbing pain in his mouth, he would have noticed that Changbin was enjoying this a bit too much. Instead, he wanted to rip his tongue out of his mouth and forget he ever existed.
He decided, right then and there, that he was never going to take on a dare like this again.
Changbin stumbled to the floor, too busy watching Jisung writhe and sweat to pay close attention to undoing the button and zipper to the younger man’s jeans. The blond leaned back into the couch, chest rapidly rising and falling as he panted and whined, letting out strings of profanity as he suffered. Sweat, tears, and saliva dripped down his face, making Jisung’s face shimmer in the bluish white light of their dorm.
“For fuck’s sake,” Jisung loudly whined, shakily reaching a hand up Changbin’s head, curling his clammy fingers in his hair, “distract me, come on.”
“Sorry, sorry,” Changbin apologized, tilting his head down to focus on getting Jisung’s cock to spring free from the confines of his jeans and boxers. Surprisingly, it was already half-hard, causing Changbin to lift one of his eyebrows and offer a quip. “Excited over this, huh?”
Jisung groaned, rolling his head back and pushing Changbin’s head down. “Not distracting me,” a long, drawn out whine interrupted his sentence, “like you promised.”
Changbin chose not to say anything, instead he dug his elbows into the couch as he worked Jisung’s cock into his mouth. He gently pressed the tip of his tongue against the base, eliciting a small squeal from the younger man, who twitched and whimpered in response.
“More, please.” Jisung rolled his shoulder blades up against the back of the couch, furrowing his brows and wiping his forehead haphazardly with his free hand. “Wanna fuck your mouth, wanna come all over that pretty face of yours.”
The older man curled his lips in a devious smile. “I just said I’d suck you off,” he pulled back a bit, looking up at Jisung with a bit of snark, “not that I’d get you off.” Changbin flashed his teeth with an evil grin, until Jisung lifted his head and wildly stared down at him.
“If I didn’t feel like my face was about to fucking melt off,” Jisung hissed through his teeth, trying to stay relatively composed, “I swear to god I—” Changbin firmly gripped the base of Jisung’s cock and wrapped his lips around the head, sucking at it hard enough to cause the blond to stutter over his words. “Distracted, yeah,” he weakly moaned out, letting his head lull back.
There was an audible pop as Changbin pulled his lips off of Jisung’s head. “Distraction and sucking your dick was what the deal was.” He continued to grin, letting his hand continue to work Jisung’s shaft as he watched the younger man’s face contort in reaction. “Maybe once everything’s settled and you stop crying over a little pain, I’ll give you what you really want.”
Tears continued to stream down Jisung’s face no matter how much he tried to mop them up with the back of his hands. There was a fair amount of runny mucous dripping from his nose, too, rendering him into a sloppy, sticky mess.
Admittedly, it was a bit gross, but Changbin found it more disturbing that seeing his junior fall apart made him painfully hard. The way his tears shined on his pink cheeks, the way he whimpered and mewled in discomfort, all of it was strangely arousing to him. “Maybe we should shower first,” Changbin laughed to himself as he moved back down and wrapped his lips around Jisung’s cock.
“Maybe you should,” Jisung panted heavily, looking down to the older man, gasping as he spoke, “should go fuck yourself.”
Changbin looked up at the underclassman and flipped him off with a free hand. He hummed a laugh, the vibrations causing Jisung’s eyes to cross. The younger man threw his head back and rolled his hips up into Changbin’s face, causing the upperclassman to choke a bit, not expecting to feel Jisung’s cock hit the back of his throat.
Jisung pulled his shirt up and off as Changbin continued to bob his head up and down, circling his tongue around the length in his mouth. “Fuck,” the younger man whimpered, hastily wiping his face with his shirt as if it were a kitchen towel. He continued to let out a few strangled curses as he ran a hand through his hair.
Changbin offered a few more tongue flicks against Jisung’s cock before pulling away and standing up. “Come on,” he offered a hand to the perplexed man on the couch, “as much as I’m loving this, I really just wanna get fucked by you.”
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After some extensive handwashing and some half-assed showering, Changbin found himself bent in half over his bed, with two of Jisung’s fingers inside of him. “I should just fucking edge you,” the younger man quipped with a smirk on his face, watching his elder twitch his fingers against the bedsheets, awkwardly scrambling for purchase.
“Please,” Changbin whined, “I gave you what you wanted, Sungie.”
“Yeah, you did.” Jisung slipped a third finger inside, biting his lip back as the upperclassman writhed and moaned underneath him. “Doesn’t mean I wouldn’t wanna see you suffer a bit as payback.”
Changbin gritted his teeth, turning his head back a bit to stare up at Jisung. “Fuck you, I told you what you were getting into. Hell, I warned you several times.”
“You had your fun,” Jisung bent over and nipped at Changbin’s shoulder. The teeth sinking into his skin caused the older man to let out a bit of a moan. “My turn, now.” He curled his fingers down, causing Changbin to drop further, letting his head collide against the mattress as he mumbled incoherently in approval.
“Yeah, I like that. You should keep your mouth shut more often, huh?” Jisung rocked his fingers back and forth a bit, then gradually started pumping them in and out of the man beneath him. “I bet you probably loved watching me cry out there, didn’t you?”
Changbin attempted to choke out an affirmation, but he was too lost in the feeling of how Jisung’s fingers moved inside of him to coherently respond.
“Figures,” Jisung tutted. “You’ve always been a weird one. I’m feeling impatient tonight, Binbin. While I’m annoyed you enjoyed making me cry, I’m tired of being hard.” He pulled his fingers out, then brought his hand to his cock, wiping some of the lube around it. Changbin opened his mouth to speak, but Jisung cut him off, slowly pushing his cock inside of the older man.
Instead of spouting off of a bold comment, Changbin lets out a throaty groan, gripping the sheets tighter. Jisung slowly pushes himself completely inside the upperclassman, a smirk growing on his face as he watches the man under him twitch. “You feel nice,” Jisung breathes out, moving his hands to both of Changbin’s hips, “you feel so nice. Want me to keep moving?”
Unable to form a coherent sentence, Changbin simply nods, and Jisung smiles. The younger man grips the hips in his hands tighter as he slowly moves in and out. The men exchange a myriad of lewd noises between them as they blend together.
“Jisung,” Changbin arched his back, tilting his head closer to the younger man. He didn’t have to respond for Jisung to know what he wanted.
The younger man shifted his hand from Changbin’s left hip up into his hair, running his fingers through the soft, damp, brown locks. It started off as a soft tug, then he quickly drew his hand into a fist and pulled back, eliciting a sharp cry from the older man.
This was Jisung’s favourite part of their interactions. Changbin liked to be pushed around a little bit after Jisung completed his dares. “Who’s gonna cry now, hmm?” He ruffled his senior’s hair around a bit, then tugged on it again as he thrusted in hard, stilling his movements. “Asked you a question, babe.”
“You can’t make me cry,” Changbin said, choking back tears. It was a bold-faced lie, they both knew that, but it fed into the moment.
“That a dare?” Jisung scoffed, then tugged at Changbin’s hair once more.
A whine escaped Changbin, eating away at his confidence. “Of course it’s a goddamned dare.”
“It’s always a dare.” As soon as Jisung finished speaking, he started roughly fucking into Changbin. The brunette tried to dip his head down and lose himself in the moment, but the blond held his head up by the hair gripped between his fingers. “I’m not gonna stop until I see you break, babe.”
“You’re gonna,” Changbin mumbled, “gonna have to try harder than that.” He tried to sound confident, but it was obviously false confidence. A few tears fell from his eyes, causing Jisung’s lips to curl upwards.
“Aww,” the underclassman mocked, “you’re doing a terrible job at faking it.”
Jisung let go of Changbin’s hair, letting the brunette’s head drop, then moved his newly-freed hand down to stroke he upperclassman’s cock. His stroking was a bit frantic, his thrusts becoming less and less controlled. “Want me to come on your back like always?” His voice cracked a couple of times as he kept moving.
Surprisingly, Changbin shook his head. “N-no,” he whined, “inside. Come inside me.”
“Really?” Jisung knitted his brows in confusion. That was something they had never done before, and the idea made his stomach flip. “If you’re being serious, I need to know, Bin.” He panted once before Changbin nodded his head.
“Just fucking come inside of me,” the brunette whined, “I’m so close and it’ll—”
Before Changbin could finish his statement, Jisung doubled over and let out a shuddering moan. He kept pumping the cock in his hand, but his movements were disjointed. Changbin shakily reached between his legs, wrapping his hand around Jisung’s, helping the younger man finish him off.
It took maybe two strokes before Changbin came on to his sheets. They would have to clean the sheets later, but that was fine. Hell, they could just sleep in Jisung’s bed, if they were really that out of it. Feeling the sticky, sweaty weight of Jisung atop him was worth it. They awkwardly laid there for a few moments, catching their breath.
“Hey, Jisung?”
“What is it, Bin?”
“No more fucking dares. At least,” Changbin sighed and rolled his eyes, “think them through before accepting them first, yeah?”
Jisung smiled, planting a kiss between Changbin’s shoulder blades. “I’ll consider it. No guarantees, though.”
“You just want me to keep fucking you after you complete a dare, don’t you?”
“Technically,” the younger man shrugged as he shakily rose to his knees, “I fucked you this time. But yeah, I want you to keep doing that. I wanna keep this up.”
“You’re so fucking dumb.” Changbin pushed himself up by his palms, his arms trembling a bit from all of the activity.
Jisung looked down at Changbin before pulling the older man back by the shoulders. “Yeah, but you like that about me.” Changbin opened his mouth to protest, but found his lips locked with the younger man. The energy between them as they kissed was different than their usual kisses. This was needier, more intimate and felt special compared to the others.
The older man broke away from the kiss first, for just a moment, looking down, then back up to make eye contact with the younger man. “I don’t want you to date anyone else.”
“What?” Jisung pulled back, blinking rapidly.
Changbin rolled his eyes, his expression softening. “You’re so dense, Sungie. We should be exclusive.”
Jisung shook his head. “No, no, I get that.” He smiled, awkwardly giggling at the same time. “I just never thought you’d be so cute about it.”
The brunette gritted his teeth and his expression fell into a scowl. “Don’t call me cute.”
“Fuck you,” Jisung laughed. “If you wanna actually date me, then get used to it.”
“You know what?” Changbin shifted his position a bit, letting Jisung’s cock fall out of him and cum drip down his legs as he turned. He grabbed the younger man by the shoulders and pinned him down to the bed. “Maybe I just will.”
They exchanged playful smirks with one another before they connected their lips together once more, kissing each other a bit more tenderly than they usually did.
“The boyfriend instead of the roommate,” Jisung quipped, bringing his hands up to Changbin’s face. “I like the sound of that.”
Changbin pushed a soft kiss to Jisung’s lips before pulling back with a smile. “Me too.”
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takeyin-withyang · 3 years
(i’m that anon that agreed with u earlier btw!) i totally think the same! like, i love these charas and i want to see them in a situation similar to me >< if that situation happens to involve sex then yeah ofc in it goes. plus it’s not like teens don’t have sex?? (also a different topic perhaps) but it’s very frustrating that people often go out of their way to create discourse about “uhh this character is a MINOR” and say “don’t talk about nsfw in places minors can see!!” while also searching for nsfw or not blocking nsfw like ??? sighs. why can’t you go put this amount of effort into helping people who are actually in trouble with the same thing rather than attack others who simply want to fuck fictional characters smh
also!! like what do they want me to do 😭 ive been following manga like mha since i was 14 and now i’m older but they’re still the same age, but they look and act more mature but now i can’t say they’re hot anymore WHEN THEYRE DRAWN TO BE CONVENTIONALLY ATTRACTIVE??
i hope this makes sense, it’s something that’s been on my mind for a while lol
Hey anon ! I kind of ranted so read more under the cut
I agree, teens definitely have sex, they sexualize things literally all the time and more often than not it's the same ones that attack adults for creating it. And tbh they're going to continue to do those things no matter what you tell them. I know when I was 13 I was writing smutty things and reading it. The difference seems to be that I knew to keep my mouth shut and read in silence rather than start yelling at people on the internet. There's nothing wrong with teenagers exploring their sexuality in things like smut. Just don't fucking tell adults you're a minor and then start yelling at them about the nsfw they created. We don't want to interact with minors AT ALL when it comes to our content. So it's very simple there are 2 options: stay and read because no one can stop them really from doing what they're going to do OR completely stay away from it and block it. Very easy. The same way no one can control what they do on the internet they can't control wtf adults write about.
It's not our job to teach other people's children right from wrong or reality from fiction. It's our job to be responsible about where we post content and who we interact with, and putting a giant banner that says NOT FOR MINORS DON'T INTERACT feels like a very clear sign. Period. Idk who told these kids the internet is safe but it's not, BE CAREFUL who you talk to and what you consume. Adults that write porn that wasn't even meant for them aren't what minors need to be worrying about.
And the second half of what you said about the characters still being hot even though we aged and they stayed young. That's just another proof to me that this argument about sexualizing cartoons is so stupid. These characters won't ever age, but we will, so suddenly we don't like the character anymore cuz we past the age of 18? That's just not how it works. We still find the cartoon boy cute , but now we want him to be our age so we can do that by creating fan fiction . Because that's literally how fan fiction works 😩 how else are you supposed to explain this to someone ? They always just keep saying "they're minors !" Repeatedly over and over. Like dude I literally said in my stories they're not ? They can believe quirks and powers and all this other sci fi stuff makes sense in fiction but not that a character is older.
Sigh. Sorry I ranted. If you wanna talk more in private feel free to inbox me 💞
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jeonjeonggukenergy · 5 years
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summary ~ in search of wine at a party that’s so not your scene, you run into jungkook, the weeb from your film class, and become determined to learn just how much he lives up to his big reputation.
pairing ~ jungkook x reader
genre ~ fluff, light smut w/ more to come - college!au
wordcount ~ 1.7k
warnings ~ light smut, drinking/partying, mentions of dick?, basically just making out, feat. long hair jk :)))))
a/n ~ this is my first time posting a fic!!! costume idea inspired by @ddaenggtan‘s iconic weeb-ass jk in chasing butterflies lol, and I got the idea to write this in general from wondering what a scenario like @joonbird​‘s literally flawless fic passionfruit would be like from the opposite perspective bc I kept reading it (and rereading it...and rereading it...) and loving the connection but I’m much more like joon in that au than the reader oooop. anyway thank you to all the writers on here whose work i have loved and my friends who have encouraged me and made me bold enough to embrace such a fun new creative outlet xxx u know who u are :’)
next: chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 4 (coming soon!) 
~ read on ao3 ~
CHAPTER 1 ~ dress up
You never intended to end up at this Halloween party. You didn't even know who to expect to see here, other than your roommate's friend from high school, the host, who had invited y'all as a package deal even though she knew you didn't really do parties. At least not ones like hers, where every bedroom ended up occupied by the end of the night and nearly no one went home alone. Thrilled to break out of your lame group of friends for a taste of flirtation and fun, you tried to relax into the scene but the unspoken expectation of casual sex intimidated you the tiniest bit.
Speaking of casual sex, there was Jungkook.
Used to admiring him from afar in your "14 Films To See Before You Graduate" class, you paused to take in the sight of him in what you supposed was a more natural habitat. Everyone knew Jungkook got girls, thanks to the rumor his first freshman-year hookup had started about his seriously impressive dick. He had a beautiful body too, carefully crafted muscles obvious even beneath his usual baggy black clothes, so as the more intimate rumors spread and various co-signers confirmed every detail from length to curve to (you had always hated this word, but...) girth, getting a piece of all that became a badge of honor among the girls in your grade. You had never really understood how the awkward boy who hid manga under his desk in class could supposedly be such a sex symbol, but you almost felt bad for him. That kind of reputation following you around everywhere couldn't be all fun and games. If anything, though, it had intrigued you even more about the rest of him, all his little weeb quirks and the way he debated your points in the discussion boards like he actually cared. He wasn't exactly studious in general, but he clearly loved film and you enjoyed speaking up in class just to see how he would jump off of your observations. You hadn't really talked to him other than that, but he didn't seem to be talking to anyone else tonight either. From the corner, you let yourself appreciate the way his nervous hands tugged at the skinny black tie of his costume, freeing more of his throat from a thin yellow button-down shirt.
At least you no longer felt overdressed in your Nancy Drew outfit. The retro headband, brown loafers, and bookish plaid knee-length skirt set a much more sophisticated tone than most other ensembles you'd seen, but Jungkook's weeb ass had basically worn a full suit to channel Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop. With his grown-out hair tousled and a navy pinstripe jacket cinched tight with two strips of electrical tape over his tiny waist, you couldn't deny that he rocked it. He leaned against a long plastic table left in the hallway, bobbing his head to the music in the next room and adjusting the too-slim suit pants around his thick thighs. His translucent cup stayed hidden behind a hip until he raised it quickly to his face for another sip of...red wine? Probably Franzia, knowing tonight's crowd, but anything was better than beer. You made a beeline for the one boy with taste at this party, your sole mission now to get wine drunk, sneak some Usher throwbacks on this playlist, and drop it low enough to leave some dude hard on the dance floor. #wastehistime2019, yknow.
"Hey!" You got his attention, grabbing the hand with the cup before he could lower it out of view again. His eyes grew comically wide and his mouth formed an "o" in shock before you demanded "Where is the wine?" and he pressed his lips back into a line, stuttering.
"I-I-I'm sorry, I just brought a bottle because the beer here sucks but I think it's all gone by now, I tried to hide it but yeah anyway you can have the rest of this one if you want though." Wincing at his own ramble, he ruffled the retro pouf of his hair with one hand and proffered the plastic cup in another. Both actions highlighted how pretty his hands were and you were just slightly tipsy enough to thread your fingers over his in the also-pretty black waves falling over his yep-still-just-as-pretty cheekbones.
"Aw, it's okay, I don't want to take your wine. No more liquid courage for me," you grinned, dotting the lightest kiss on his nose. It was an innocent gesture, but as your face naturally lowered so your noses touched, leaving your lips centimeters away from each other, something snapped—in him.
His wine discarded on the table, a hand curled around to clutch your ass and you practically felt his tongue before you felt his lips. Slamming your body abruptly into his, he nudged a thigh between your legs to grind it up on your center and as your arm got caught between your bodies, the tension you sensed filling his frame gave you pause. You pushed him away gently but firmly with the hand already flattened against his rock-solid abs. Looking down at the slight space restored between y'all, you removed his hands from his hair and your ass and laced them in yours to guide him back against the wall.
"I...what was that?" you almost giggled. You definitely weren't trying to laugh at him, but you couldn't hide your surprise at this first potential proof of his fuckboy reputation.
"I'm—" his whole face crumpled, both from the simple sting of your seeming rejection and the possibility that he had broken a boundary or forced himself on you against your wishes, which made him so sick he could barely face you. Squirming under your light hold but not quite resisting, he rambled again: "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to force myself on you or anything, don't worry I would never try anything if you didn't want to, I just figured we might as well get to the point if you did because, uh...when girls touch me like that or even talk to me at these things it's pretty much always just because they...want to."
"Jungkook," you breathed, pulsing your hands over his in reassurance. He squeezed his eyes shut, still distraught, and when they opened, you had craned your neck to meet his averted gaze.
"I never said I didn't want to."
His eyes widened again. "Uh...uh...then..." he trailed off, never having needed to directly proposition a girl like this before. He really had been inexperienced before the rapid escalation of college, and was at a loss for how to get to the good stuff from here via anything more eloquent than a rushed "Wanna fuck?" You shook your head silently, nose grazing his again, and let go of one hand to cup his face with care, like he was something precious you were scared of breaking.
"What? You want to get right to fucking me?" you murmured into his ear. He shivered at hearing you curse for the first time, freed from the constraints of class discussions and closer than he ever guessed you'd get to him. "Is that really what you want? Or is it what you think I do? Because if it's alright, I think I want something better. For you."
You pressed a new kiss to his nose, only slightly stronger than the one that had started all this. He held his breath and his untouched, open mouth trembled as you scattered soft introductions of your lips across his forehead, to his temples, over the scar that sliced his cheekbone. Finally inhaling a skittery heave of your shared air as you passed closer to his lips, he forced it back out in frustration when you ducked away to nudge under his jaw instead. Returning your hand to his hair, you grinned, enjoying the spike in his pulse under your thumb and skipping the tip of your tongue lightly over his neck right up to the earlobe. You lifted the choppy ends of his waves away from the dangly silver hoop they hid, tensing the strands just slightly between your fingers in an inability to hide your glee. Something told you this was going to drive him crazy.
Taking a slight detour to suck his pierced lobe between your lips, you responded to Jungkook’s low moan of surprise by wedging your tongue through the first oversized hole and letting your teeth clatter over multiple rings of metal. He was trying so hard to stay pliant under you, but the tease of slight pain in a new and unusual spot made him want your mouth more, anywhere he could get it. No one had ever spent this much time tracing so few inches of skin.
And so many girls had buried his face in their necks, craving evidence of an encounter with the Jeon Jungkook, that a strange kind of empathy caught him off guard when you showed him how good it could feel to receive. You connected your lips to the hollow right under his ear, feeling the tendons stretch as his head lolled away from you. Working him through a cascade of light gasps, you stepped away satisfied once you had sucked a dark bloom to the surface. He watched you leave with his mouth agape and chest heaving, unable to believe you could just walk away with a wave and a "See you in class!"
But you did, and he would.
"Shit!" he swore, a shaky hand darting straight to the spot. Now he had to keep his hair long for at least another two or three days. If he showed up to discussion on Monday and had to watch you admiring your work on his skin, he would probably just die on the spot. And that would not be very Spike Spiegel of him.
next chapter
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1zashreena1 · 4 years
Angst Fluff Whiplash -14
18+, m/f, technically OCxDiego Jimenez [Power]
Summary:  What does an apex predator do after confessing undying love? Princess is about to find out.
WARNINGS: Ridiculous descriptions and ‘the code is more like guidelines’ outlook on grammar. Is it OOC if the character was given essentially zero development in canon???
Non-descriptive sexytimes, the L word, criminal activities glossed over, relationship building, plus size woman+fit man, Anxiety, This one is all feels and
I Am So NOT Sorry. 
A/N:  Princess took on a life of her own and has essentially become an OC. There are infrequent mentions of her description (specifically as plus size) and her actual name in later pieces (its Bicki). She started as self-insert so she looks like me (plus size, white, short, blue eyes, curly hair). If that is not your thing, I totally understand. And do not feel obligated to read this, I will not be offended!
I’m not a fan of “plot” so be aware that most of this series is just meandering through their relationship, angst-fluff-smut whiplash style. But with dick jokes.
TAGLIST: @chelsfic​ ​ @symbiont13​ ​ @nicke0115​ ​​ @bunnykjm​ ​ @rosee-sensuelle​ ​ @girlpornparadise​ ​ @mandoplease​ ​ @heresathreebee​ ​ @xxsteph-enrixx​ ​ @jetiikad​ ​ @joalsglasses​ ​ @mutantcookiesecrets​ ​ @demoncatstone​ ​ @squidlywiddly87​ ​ @lockedoutofmyotherblog​ ​ @poeedamerons​ ​
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"I don't know, Lisa. He won't tell me. Not until this weekend apparently?  We're supposed to go shopping."
"Honestly, I'm scared. I mean, there's the whole how did he get a passport FOR me dilemma. Then the part where he knows I don't like surprises. And he said he was calling my sister!"
"Oh my God, she could tell him anything! Please don't tell him about the Backstreet Boys phase. I'm going to have a panic attack."
"Of course he would tease me about it for eternity!"
"What? Watch what words? What are you talking about?"
"Do not hang up this phone! Do you even love me?!? Lisa? …. Hello?"
You toss your phone down on the bed and heave a huge sigh. Your very own BFF, abandoning you like that. Luckily its your own phone and not the insane cell Diego got you because it bounces off the other side of the bed and smacks into the wall before admitting total defeat to gravity. 
You stand there staring at your open suitcase. Your typical items are in there already. You don't need any toiletries. Or makeup, now. Or bras. Or underwear. Fucking hell, its like I already moved into the penthouse with him. 
… Could I do that? He already basically asked for it. He keeps telling me to quit my job and let him spoil me for real. You wring your hands together while rubbing your lips against each other and being bombarded with intrusive thoughts. Yeah. Until he's done with me and then I have to start all over. At 35. 
But its been almost a year now that you've been seeing Diego. What does that even mean, "seeing" him? You think about how the last few months have been so… easy. He practically lives in New York now, their territory split. He opted to control the East Coast and let his sister deal with the logistical nightmare of receiving the imports. 
He has been a lot looser since then. Faster to laugh, quicker to goof around, less likely to do anything as hard as he used to do. The distance from Alicia has allowed him to really flourish in every aspect. And he's beautiful with it. The laugh lines and the soft brown eyes wreck you every time.
He says he wants to keep you. Take care of you. You finally believe that he loves you. He has made so many improvements in communication. Hell, he read books on how to be with someone on the spectrum. Do you understand it? Hell no. Are you going to take it and run? Fuck yeah dude. I love him and I want to keep him.
And now he wants to take you on a trip. A surprise destination. Out of the country with a mostly legal passport. You don't doubt that you'll be safe with him. Your parents were a little concerned when you told them since they've never even met him. And they saw him on the national news that time he got arrested by the Feds, so that really inspires confidence. 
Your middle sister Lynne and niece Halley accidentally met him that one afternoon about a month back. And they have not shut up about it since. Diego this, Diego that, blah blah blah, paid the restaurant bill in cash, yadda yadda, took us all shopping to a Coach store and then got Halley some crazy new sold out Nikes. Diego had been delighted to be surrounded by a gaggle of giggling girls enjoying his spoiling attentions. Just like always, Diego went to the max and charmed them silly.
It was like having an out of body experience to see Diego with them. You couldn't really fault them, he swept you off your feet with no problems.  He was grinning and joking the whole time, making raunchy comments with your sister and encouraging your niece to be assertive (unnecessary according to her soccer coach and the 'Most Aggressive' trophy). He fit right in with them. Afterwards he had asked if that was what it was like to have normal siblings and your heart broke thinking about what his childhood had been like with his sister. 
Which brought you back to the here and now. He had mentioned off hand that he was going to call your sister. Maybe you should text her. She might know something.
Maybe you should just pack your bag and trust him. 
Your Diego Cell chirps and you dive for it on the nightstand. Is he okay? Please don't be hurt.
Its a pic of him. In the shower. With his own hand wrapped around himself. You choke on air and have to sit down. 
I miss you Princess
Holy. Shit. Its been almost a year that you have had unrestricted access to that incredible body and your reaction is still the same. Before you can respond another text arrives:
The attached pic is just from squinty eyes up.
You burst out laughing at him. You love that he is secretly a nerd about internet stuff. His appearance would never give that away. Time to be ridiculous right back.
Don't make me lick your eyeball 
You are a crazy person laughing to yourself alone in your bedroom.
You are so weird
Yet there you are, lusting after this weirdo
You shoot back.
… Am I the weirdo??
No. Still you.
I would threaten to bite it.. but you would like that
Well now you have to
Oh my God. You're fairly certain you could do anything to this man and he would think it was sexy. Its a novel experience.
Can we eat dinner at home tomorrow? I don't feel like wearing a real bra
You know the answer to that. 
… no panties?🙏🥺
You can see the hopeful puppy dog eyes clearly.
A for effort babe. One of these days you might get your wish lol
...Are you panty free right now?
Wow. He is really trying here.
I'm packing. 
Your pic is a heap of tangled thongs dumped on top of Tiny Murder Panther.
He would find that hot. Fucking nympho.
Lemme finish this so I can go straight to the airport tomorrow
Fine. But I am pouting 
You do not doubt that.
Don't care. Still love your stupid face
You cannot believe you just sent that. 
Mi amor.
Diego's good little girl.
You shudder with the praise. You can hear it in his voice, as if he were right here with you.
I love you
Dream of me?
Oh baby, if you only knew. You sigh wistfully.
Always, baby
The flight is uneventful, thankfully. Your maxidress with a built-in shelf bra is stupidly comfortable and you actually take a nap. 
The plane has barely come to a stop and you already have on your silly lambswool lined Ugg flip flops. You had argued with Diego about these (Why would flip flops need a warm fuzzy lining??) but he had won by sticking one in your face and ordering you to feel. It didn't take a full second for you to snatch them both from him and cuddle them to your chest. His pleased smile full of dimples was worth all the subsequent teasing.
You slip on one of his previously stolen shirts in a metallic lilac color and roll up the sleeves so you have use of your hands. Bending at the waist, you flip your hair over and fluff it back up from the nap. What was that he had said? Oh yes: Wild and thick, just how I like it. The memory makes you bite your bottom lip and smile.
Bastian is waiting for you on the tarmac. He takes your bag and kisses you on the cheek in greeting. "Hey, sweetie. Nice shirt, is that new?"  His knowing grin is infectious. 
You nuzzle into the collar with a laugh. "Thanks! My boyfriend gave it to me." 
Bastian chuckles as he opens the passenger door for you. "Oh, honey. That is not all he is going to give you." He closes the door while you roll your eyes smirkingly. 
The ride to the penthouse is uneventful. Well, as uneventful as Friday evening rush hour traffic can be in New York. 
Bastian waits until the song is over before lowering the stereo volume. "We're supposed to pick up dinner. Any requests?" He drums his fingers on the steering wheel while you sit at the red light.
You ponder the options. "What kind of a day has he had? Meetings? Tours? Disciplinary action?" You ask Bastian thoughtfully. Sometimes when Diego has a bad day he likes comfort food. Mostly a giant heap of rice and beans next to homemade tortillas, he isn't so picky about the variety of meat.
Bastian glances at you out of the corner of his eye before warily answering, "There was a… termination… at a construction site this afternoon that took longer than expected. That's why he didn't come to get you, he wanted to shower first."
You keep your eyes focused forward to look out of the windshield. "Okay. How about Jalisco's then?" Comfort food it is. 
Bastian nods and adjusts course to obtain those tortillas.
The instant the elevator doors ding open Diego pops up from the sectional and comes straight at you. Your giant sidestep to let Bastian pass is barely completed before Diego is slipping those big hands under his own pilfered shirt to crush your body to him. Your arms go around his neck like a reflex, like this is their natural resting place. He leans his forehead down onto yours and kisses you so very gently.
"Mmmm. Hi." You murmur softly into his beard. Those bottomless brown eyes look over your entire face before coming back to your own. His smile is huge, those dimples make your pulse trip. He blinks slowly down at you, just like the big cat you nicknamed him after. 
"Princess. How was the trip?" He always asks you this. You still aren't sure if its just culturally specific manners or if he is requesting a review of the flight crew's performance. Either way, your answer is always the same.
You pull him back down so you can cuddle into his neck. "Its better now that I'm here." He rubs his cheek against your own and purrs directly into your ear in response. Your body's reaction is immediate and decisive. You shiver in his arms and your nipples peak to full attention.
Except this time is different. With only a bralette and the dress's shelf bra Diego can clearly feel what just happened in real time. His eyes are comically round as he peers down at your cleavage in pleasant wonder.
"Oh. I like this outfit." His hands rise up your back to crush you further into him. You chuckle and rub your chest on his firm pectoral muscles. He watches hungrily as your compressed decolletage rises higher yet from the added pressure. "New rule to match the bedroom pants bar, no bras in the penthouse. Fucking magnificent, bonita." He licks his lips after making this proclamation.
You throw your head back and laugh joyfully.
As it always does the weekend passes too quickly. Its already 1:00pm on Saturday when you two finally come down from the bedroom.
Diego is delighted to hear that your time-off request was approved for the trip. You had told him not to worry about it, your boss always kept her word about this stuff. 
That’s when he pulls a ridiculous pith hat out from under the couch. It looks like it came straight out of a Looney Tunes cartoon about a big game hunt on the African savannah.  You lose your entire shit and laugh until you do that silent clapping seal move.
Diego keeps repeating, "Wait, stop laughing. Stooooop." But he isn't faring much better. You finally wipe the tears and calm down enough to take it from his limp fingers while he chortles a few last times.
"Baby. What. What the fuck. What fucking is this??" You plunk the hat on your own head and Diego collapses facedown into your lap to gigglesnort uproariously. "Stop. Stop laughing. Stoppit!" You smack the back of his head lightly until he comes up for air.
He closes his eyes and composes himself. You take the opportunity to plop the hat on his head.
"Oh my god, that is so sexy!" You declare in high dramatics. 
He grabs your hands and leans in very close to explain. "You need this hat for our trip." Your eyes narrow in suspicion. "You will wear it for our safari quest…" he pauses for dramatic effect and your lips twitch in suppressed amusement. He leans closer yet and captures your stare. His face is hilarious, you can tell he is biting his cheek to keep from laughing. His eyebrows are drawn down in concentration but his eyes are widened in mock excitement. He sucks in a deep breath to exclaim, "To locate palm trees in the wild!"
He laughs as he puts the hat back on you.
You blink a few times in shock. Palm trees? You're going somewhere with palm trees? A tropical locale. Palm trees. Beaches. SWIMSUITS. Your sudden panic must show on your face because Diego's laughter dies off.
You blink furiously, but its too little too late. The tears burn as they well up in your eyes and spill down over your cheeks.
He reaches out to cup your face. "Princess?" His tone is an even mix of concern and fear. "Bicki? What?"
You shake your head 'no' and throw yourself into him. Diego catches you and hauls you into his lap. You curl up against his chest and sob quietly. He pets over your hair, open handed strokes so his fingers don't tangle in the curls, and soothes your back while you shake. Rubbing his nose against your temple, he kisses your cheek and whispers, "Do you want to write?" His gentle care only makes you worse. "...so that is no." He looks crestfallen. He buries his face in your hair and breathes heavily.
Your tears are slowing and your chest is finally beginning to loosen. "Dieg-" you hiccup, wrapping both hands around his forearm. You wheeze a few times before trying again. "I. I. Where? Where are we g-going?" 
He sighs deeply before answering. "Nowhere. I won't take you somewhere you don't want to go. I should have known better. I-" He snaps his jaw shut so fast that his teeth click together. 
Tilting your head back, you try to catch his eyes. Diego won't look at you. "H-hey, please." You cup his jaw and pull him down to you. He comes, but the motions are stilted. "Look. Please, baby. Let me s-see you."
When he finally meets your eyes it breaks your heart. That chocolate gaze is disappointed, hurt, frustrated even. You wiggle around until you're straddling his lap. He just holds his hands out of the way, not hindering you but certainly not helping either. Standing up on your knees to lean your forehead against his, you reach for his hands and bring them to your chest where you lace your fingers together. 
"Baby. I want that." Your nose rubs against his as you speak. "I want to go everywhere with you. I never thought I would ever get a chance like this. To travel? To go somewhere tropical? To have someone who loves me enough to do this for me?" You're crying again. And so is Diego? A little?? 
He brings your joined hands up to tap your chin. His face is adorably conflicted when he speaks, "You… want to go?" You nod slowly. His eyebrows lower as he tries to make sense of this. "Then why do you cry? Are they, the uh, is that 'happy tears' ?"
Your hands shake in his. "Yeah. Happy tears. I just. I was overwhelmed. I'm sorry." He huffs out a sigh. You continue, "Its almost like the super intense emotions short circuit my responses and I guess my default is panic crying? I don't know."
Diego huffs at you again. "Please stop that. I'm going to have a heart attack." There is a hint of real annoyance in his voice but his lips curl up at the corners. 
You free your right hand to reach up and brush his wet lashes. Why did something this little bring him to tears? "Baby, is everything okay?"
He leans into your hand, then turns to kiss your fingers. You giggle, you can't help it, his beard both tickles and delights you. He smirks at you, "It is now, Princess. You should get dressed so we can go." 
But you're not done here yet. "Where are we going on the trip? A place name, not foliage that may or may not be present."
His Cheshire cat grin is intriguing and mildly worrisome. He gives you one word, "Xcalak." And then watches while you access your mental map and pinpoint the exact location. 
It takes you a moment but you find it with a gasp. "Costa Maya? Like Caribbean-sea side of Mexico??"  He nods and you immediately start in with 20 Questions. "Are there cenotes? Is the water really those unreal colors? Is the food amazing there? Can we see ruins?"
Diego cups your face to stop you. "Whatever you like, little girl." With a kiss to your nose and a smack to your ass he ushers you upstairs to get dressed. 
The shopping is less traumatic than normal for you thanks to Diego making enthusiastic innuendo nonstop and feeding you between stores. You find sandals, and flip flops, and little slip-on sneakers. All kinds of flowy maxidresses and flouncy skirts paired with new tank tops in buttery soft fabrics. Cover-ups and kimonos and huge airy loose knit sweaters get rung up with linen pants and shorts you actually feel comfortable wearing.
But swimsuits? A disaster. Everything that fits your hips is way too big for your ribcage. Tankinis big enough to go around your middle are about a foot too wide around your chest. You try some maternity stuff… amazingly there isn't any chest support. That confuses both of you for almost 20 minutes while you discuss it over croissants and various iced beverages (coffee for him and some kind of hot chocolate slushie for you).
Then you look across the street and inspiration hits. One of the stores you order bras from is right there and has bra-sized swimwear in the display window. Diego turns to see what stole your undivided attention from him and slaps his hand down on the table in celebration. 
You aren't sure which one of you is more excited to get into the store. But while you run around exclaiming at all the things that come in your size Diego stands in the doorway and gawks. When you circle back to check on him he just points to one display wall.
There is lacy, frilly, corseted lingerie. In. Your. Size.
He demands one of everything that fits you and isn't red, brown, or yellow. You don't even argue.
The store does alterations and makes very good recommendations. The sales clerk is impressed with Diego's input, she comments that he really does seem to know your body well. You flush with it, glad that he isn't close enough to hear that. You leave with three bags and seven personalized swim outfits under construction. One is ready to wear and you keep reaching into the bag to touch it in wonder. 
Diego notices but just gives you a raised eyebrow. 
"This is the first time I've ever felt good about how I look in swimwear." You confess quietly. 
Diego wraps a massive arm around your shoulders and tucks you into his side while you continue down the sidewalk. 
Sunday is a mess as you try to make pancakes and Diego tries to remain physically attached to you like an excessively attractive barnacle. The pancakes are either burnt or still batter in the middle. Leftover carnitas and tortillas to the rescue. Diego teases you about the kitchen failure all day because this is the first time he has witnessed such a thing.
You doze on the couch under the pretense of "reading". Diego rotates through his laptop, cell, and the soccer match on ESPN+. 
Until his phone rings. 
You both tense up. Only one person calls him instead of texting. He takes the phone into the office to answer his sister. You wait on the couch to see which Diego you get back: silly tickle fight Diego,  sad puppy dog eyes Diego that requires cuddles, or  angry Diego that needs to fuck you through the nearest horizontal surface. 
The elevator dings and Julio comes in with a tray of coffees. "Ay, Gordita. Buenas tardes. I got you the hibiscus thing you like." He greets you with a big smile, then looks around when he doesn't see Diego on the sectional with you.
Hopping up to help him carry stuff, you point to the office in indication of Diego's location. Julio makes a face, "Hermana perra?" and you simply nod. Julio takes Diego's iced coffee and bites the bullet for you. The door closes softly behind him.
You munch plantain chips and slurp hibiscus lemonade until they come out.  Diego just looks tired when he comes back to you on the couch, coffee in hand. You open your arms in invitation and he plops next to you with a sigh. Cuddly Diego it is.
He doesn't tell you anything and you don't ask. Everyone watches the match mindlessly. Diego snores softly in your lap while you pet his hair.
He rides to the airport with you but you forbid him from coming onto the plane with you. He is already making this harder than it has to be with his big brown eyes and clingy hands.
"Baby." You breathe into his hair while he snuggles into your neck in the backseat of the SUV. "Its only a week. We do this every week." You pet down his bicep and immediately regret it.
"I know." Diego huffs into your skin. "Why don't you just quit? Let me take care of everything." You go through this almost every week now, too. He nuzzles you, the sensation makes you reconsider his proposal. You pull his head up by a fistful of soft hair and look him in the eye. He blinks guilelessly at you.
"Number one: No. Number two: Stoppit." He laughs at your fond exasperation. "Okay. I'm gonna go. You stay on the ground."
"Fine." He whines. "But I am going to send you a dick pic the moment that plane takes off." He crosses his arms as if daring you to tell him no.
You cup his stupidly attractive face in your hands for a kiss. Okay, several kisses and 27 minutes later, you respond, "Send me one every day. Its my favorite dick." His startled laugh makes you feel very pleased with yourself.
He pulls you into his arms again to kiss you one last time. His beard scratches and you sigh into him. Finally that tongue retreats and he rests his forehead on yours. His voice is low and rough, his hands squeeze tight on your hip and thigh, "I love you, Princess."
Will that ever stop hurting? You close your eyes against the burn of tears but smile with happiness. "I love you, Diego." You pop the door handle before you open your eyes to see him watching you, jaw tense. You stick your tongue out and he breaks into a smirk. With a laugh, you slide out of SUV and walk to the plane, determined not to look back.
When you get up the stairs the pilot greets you, but his gaze shifts behind you. Turning around, you see Diego standing outside the SUV, arms crossed and trying to look so not soft. You smile and mouth Bye baby, he gives you a short little wave. You duck into the plane before you can start crying.
The wheels are not, in fact, off the ground when the phone chirps.
The trip is a few weeks out and there is some kind of emergency at the San Diego docks the next weekend. So. You don't get your Murder Panther fix. 
And your coworkers notice. They spend all day Monday strolling past your cubicle, straining their necks to see if you're wearing new shoes or some fresh bling. Finally someone has the nerve to ask how your weekend was. 
You find yourself blinking back tears. I miss him so much. This is ridiculous, he just texted you at like six this morning. But its not just the conversation you miss, now is it? You miss that big body crowding you into the corner of the couch. His soft curls under your hands. That beard on literally any inch of your skin. Draping yourself over shoulders wider than your hips and knowing that not only can he take your weight, he likes it.
He says he wants to keep you and you desperately want to keep him. Why do you fear this? Is it just his profession? The risk? Oh god, how do you even go about introducing him to your parents??? Diego can be all kinds of charming but he can be a real asshole, too.
And they know what he is: A criminal.  For your boomer parents he is the living embodiment of Public Enemy Number One. 
Grand Theft. 
Money Laundering.
International Cocaine Trafficking. 
You lay your head down on your desk and try to keep it together. 
Your Diego Cell chirps.
Your laughter bubbles up until it comes out of you without your consent. It turns hysterical and you realize you need to leave the office suite. Now. 
In the bathroom you stare down at the phone as it lights up again with another message.
Miss my Princess💔👑
How? How is someone who can do all those illegal things so nauseatingly sweet to me?
And then it hits you. Illegal. You didn't use the word immoral. Illegal. You think back to how everyone you see working directly for him is well into adulthood. No children. There are a few women but they are not being sold by him, they are there by their own free will. And he has never laid a hand on any of them, they're just as comfortable around him as the men are. No sex trafficking.  You saw someone give their resignation last month. The dude walked away with a suitcase of cash for a decade of trustworthy service. Its a better retirement plan than what I have. 
Have you seen him assault people? Yes. You've seen him stab people. Carve off someone's ear because they weren't listening as assigned and it cost the Jimenez Cartel a shipment. You've seen him push an informant down an empty elevator shaft. Choke a man into unconsciousness with his bare hands when you were disrespected. 
And you still love him. Not a single one of those incidents weighs on your conscience. Your morality is a dingy grey 12 year old men's undershirt that you should just throw away but you're definitely going to cut into rags to keep for cleaning when it comes to Diego. 
The cell lights up again.
Mi amor 💞😍🍑🏝✈⏲👙
You don't know what's worse: His excessive and ridiculous usage of emojis or the fact that you understood. 
Look what came
The attached pic is a few pieces of your new swimwear. They look gorgeous, you can't even tell where the alterations were done.
You have to try on all of them. And show me
Of course he wants his own personal show. You feel desire burning low in your belly. Its been a year and not once has he ever shied away from your stomach rolls or hinted at weight loss. He never questions the food you order. And while the two of you have chuckled about shapewear he has never mocked you for using it. Or seemed disappointed when you opted not to wear it. He tosses you around like its nothing and prefers for you to sleep on top of him. Its not that he loves you despite your weight, he loves it as part of you.
Its now Thursday and the desk drawer where you keep your purse at work is vibrating. He knows I'm at work. If he calls right back I'll answer him. You try to keep your Diego Cell out of sight at work or you'll never get anything done. Plus your coworkers are always dying to catch a peek of your infamous sugar daddy/boyfriend.
Yeah. Boyfriend. Keep practicing that. It feels good. 
You finish the insurance call and hang up your headset when the vibrating starts again. Your next door cubicle neighbor pops around the divider to advise you to answer that before he comes down here and abducts you.
What deity should I pray to for that??
You snatch Diego Cell and march out to the hall. Poking the green button, you answer the call.
"Baby. You okay?"
"Princess! I… yeah. I'm not hurt."
He sounds odd. There is definitely something going on here.
"What's up? You need me?"
The silence stretches. 
"Yes. Please?"
Diego sounds very uncomfortable. It causes you physical pain.
"Well, you have me. What is it?"
You can hear him swallow and in your mind you picture him looking away, hiding some soft emotion shining in his eyes.
"Here. I am here. I just. I just wanted to hear you."
Something is very wrong with my Murder Panther, you think.
"Babe," your voice is soft, you're trying to ease him. "Can you tell me what's wrong?"
He huffs and you can hear him scrape a hand down over his face. "I know you are at work. And I should not have called. But."
His voice trembles, even over the phone you can hear it. He's afraid.
"Diego. If you need me, then you have me. Tell me, baby." You try to be reassuring but you also really need to know what is wrong.
"I would like to come down there." His declaration is overly formal. You wonder who he is trying to impress. Its certainly not me.
"You… want to come down here instead of me going up there this weekend?"  You're trying to make sense out of any part of this conversation. 
"I…. grrrrrrrrr."  He growls in frustration. Between English being his second language and your sensory processing issues, this is not an uncommon occurrence. He sucks in a deep breath and charges forward in an emotional rush. "I know you're working, but I want to come down there because I miss seeing your face." Before you have a chance to answer he adds, "Pick me up? At the airport, after work? Please, Bicki." His voice cracks at the end and his inhalation is ragged. Your heart implodes. 
"Diego. Baby. Of course. Of course I will. I can be there by six." You have a mental flash of how dirty your bathroom is, all the clothes you have laying around, and the vacuum you haven't touched in over a month. Diego needing me is more important.
"Good. Good. Yes, I. I will text you. When I land." His voice is raspier than ever, low and gravelly. 
"Sure. I'll be there." I'll always be there.
"Okay. You… you should go." You can hear his determination. You can visualize him squaring his shoulders and setting his jaw, taking on the Jimenez Cartel persona. 
"Hey." He grunts in acknowledgement. "I love you." You blurt it out before you have a chance to talk yourself round in circles. You can hear voices in the background. 
"And you. You as well." The call ends, but you know.
You're sitting in your car at the little regional airport second guessing the coffee you got when the phone chirps. 
Springing out of the car, you wave to the security guard as you trot past. "Hey Jim, I just have to grab someone real quick. That's okay, right?" You wave vaguely back toward your car parked in the fire lane. There are only four security guards who work here and they all know you at this point. 
Jim laughs but waves you on. "Go get 'im, sweetie." Jim must be pushing 90 by now, he doesn't care about traffic laws.
You enter one of the two sets of automatic doors on this entire building and cross through the tiny lobby. There. You can see his dark hair and ridiculous shoulders over a completely unnecessary row of potted plants. He must hear your echoing footsteps because his head whips around in alarm, but his face relaxes into a wide smile. He lengthens his strides to come around the stupid plants, hands automatically reaching out for you.
"Diego." You laugh breathily and fling arms around his neck. He smells so good. 
He crushes you to his chest and buries his face in your neck. "Printhesss." He murmurs into you, slurred because he refuses to remove his mouth from your skin. 
Turning your head to kiss his cheek, you moan shamelessly for him. He surges back upward to capture your lips and kiss you with mild desperation. That devious tongue sweeps over the roof of your mouth before curling up behind your top front teeth. 
Your entire world narrows down to Diego. Chocolate. Tastes like the smoothest Belgian chocolate in existence. He smells perfect, clean but definitively male to you. His silky button-down is smooth under your hands, stretched taut over muscle. Those massive hands gather you closer, molding you to that big, solid body. His beard scratches your face in soft tickles when he alters the angle of the kiss just so.
"Goddamn." A woman's voice exclaiming somewhere behind you catapults you back into the here and now. Which is a dinky little regional airport in rural central Pennsylvania. You know, a very public location in a very prudish area of the country. Fuck.
You pull back and Diego's hands shoot up to the back of your head. Holding you in place, he leans his forehead against yours with a contented sigh. He rumbles softly to you, "Take me home."
You feel so silly seeing Diego in the passenger seat of your Corolla, he just seems so out of place. "You can adjust the seat however, nobody really sits there. I just put it all the way back to make sure you can get in without cracking your head." You sound nervous even to your own ears.
Diego turns to you with a response but his attention is captured by the cup holders in the center console, specifically the Dunkin Donuts styrofoam cup. He points to it, then looks up at you with a slow grin. "Princess. Is this for me?"
You flush but can't stop the embarrassed little smile so you cover it with sass, "Well, it sure as hell ain't for me." You start the car and give Jim a little wave. He winks and gives you two thumbs up. Yeah, I'm aware that you saw that kiss too, old man. Everyone saw that shit.
When Diego reaches for the coffee his fingers brush your hip. The contact burns and you suddenly remember that you have not touched this beautiful man for well over two weeks. Apparently he remembers, too, because he wraps that huge hand around your thigh with rather a lot of force. Right hand slapping down to cover his, your heart rate jumps through the roof. Did I take my blood pressure pill this morning?
"Don't." You choke out.
He rumbles softly next to you, purring with conceited pleasure. "Did my Princess miss Diego?" He asks you with an incredibly pornographic voice. 
"Oh, fuck you." Your answering groan is also obscene. So glad the windows are up.
His hoarse chuckle makes your thighs tremble. "You're Diego's good little girl, you will." He's right and you both know it. You would ride him right here in your own damn car if he demanded it. You have a problem.
He lets you redirect his hand to the coffee with only a little resistance. "Focus." You hiss.
"Me or you?" Diego quips.
"Yes." You declare.
Diego's guffaw is contagious and you don't even try to hold back.
Your apartment always seems like an adequate size until Diego is inside. No, bad Bicki. Do not say it like that. His presence just sort of… lounges about in a vaguely threatening but highly attractive manner. Much like the actual man on your couch. You tried to pick up dinner on the way but he just wanted to 'go home'. You are disgustingly happy that your place feels like home to him.
Diego had flopped on your couch immediately and hasn't moved since. Something is very definitely very wrong. There were bursts of your Murder Panther in the car, but he has been just subdued overall. He had turned your stereo up and smiled faintly, watching you sing along. He had also complained that the stereo in your car sucked (Agreed) and this was unacceptable. You're sure he'll do something ridiculously extravagant to remedy this.
You try to give him the remote, he takes it but doesn't do anything with it. You offer him food, both junk and something home-cooked, all you get is a shrug. You putter around for a while, picking things up and sighing before putting them down somewhere else. His dark eyes watch you, unfathomable. 
Finally you disappear to the bedroom only to return in your pajamas. This he likes, perking up and blinking rapidly. "Okay, I know you brought something softer than those jeans, so get comfy so I can order shitty pizza and cuddle you."
His jaw drops in momentary shock. Then he scoffs, "I do not cu--"
You cut him off, "Yes, you do and yes, you're going to. Up. Now." This has to be hilarious. This short little woman in overly long pants barking orders at the massive man who heads an international drug cartel. Well, its either hilarious or fatal. I'm about to find out.
Diego looks around, as if someone else might secretly be here to witness him be a little bit submissive and moderately soft. He raises his chin in a tiny show of defiance. "Fine. But I am showering first." He glares with this proclamation, daring you to contradict him.
You throw your hands up in the air. Why the fuck would I have a problem with that?? His eyes follow your hands, like a cat when you try to point out a bit of food but all it does is rub your finger. You sigh, resigned to your fate. "Of course that's fine, Diego. You know where everything is, have at it."
You watch his butt as he walks away to the bathroom. 
The pizza actually isn't shitty and Diego eats half of it by himself. When you offer him the cinnamon dessert sticks he shoots you a calculating look. You split the contents, pulling two sticks over to yourself and piling up the rest in front of him. His delighted grin is decidedly not calculated and you lose track of time watching him enjoy dessert.
He's beautiful like this. He wears a soft, silky t-shirt that is tight enough to help you get through the nights you spend alone. His hair is a riot of fluffy curls, free of product and clearly trying to break free of gravity, too. He hasn't shaved for at least a few days and that salt and pepper beard is filling in nicely. His face is unguarded, expression open, those laugh lines and dimples you love make frequent appearances.
After dinner you lay all over each other in some weird we-have-intimacy-issues approximation of cuddling. It works so you don't question it. He has his laptop and you have your tablet and together you have sporadic conversation. Its comfortable. 
Until Diego asks you a seemingly innocuous question that you know is very nefarious:
"What color do you like in cars?"
Your eyes narrow so much that you have trouble seeing. "...Why." Your low tone might be frightening to anyone else.
He looks at you over the laptop screen, brown eyes innocently wide. "Just curious. Your car is green. Do you like any other colors?" He slowly pulls the laptop closer to himself to subtly cover the screen with his bulk. 
"Diego." You slowly put down your tablet and start leaning toward him. He has nowhere to go, propped up in the corner of the chaise end of the sofa. "What. Are. You. Doing." 
"Will you let me take care of you? Just in this one way right now?" He licks his lips, brow furrowed in concentration. Building desperation shows in his eyes and you can't fight that. You don't want to win this.
"Let me see, baby." Your sighed acquiescence has an instantaneous effect. Diego drops the tension from his shoulders and opens an arm to you in invitation. You crawl up him to cuddle into his chest, wedged on your side between all those muscles and the back of the sectional. From here you are stationed directly in front of the laptop screen.
He is looking at cars. 
Armored cars. 
Armored, bulletproof, explosive resistant cars. 
What. The. Fuck.
"Diego, what the fuck is going on?!?" Your apprehensive demand sets him right back on edge. You can feel him go tense underneath you. The laptop gets shoved onto an empty cushion as you throw yourself over him. Tiny hands land on those broad shoulders with extreme force as you use all of your deadweight to trap him. Below you, Diego shakes but you can't tell if its from anger or anxiety because his eyes are scrunched closed tightly. "Tell me why I need a fucking bulletproof car!"
He surges up into your face to match your volume, "She knows! Mi hermana perra knows about you! Alicia found out about us!" You lurch back in shock, but the steel hands on your hips stop you from retreating. His voice is hoarse, louder than you've ever heard him, and its terrifying. Your fear must show because he releases his grip on you like it burns. 
"WHAT?" The ramifications here could truly be lethal. Alicia has already tried to set Diego up to take the fall when they were arrested almost four months ago. You know she has scorned Diego's familiarity with his men in the past, that is why he handpicks them personally. To Alicia, everyone is disposable, even her own brother. Her only loyalty is to herself.
Diego's hands come up in an aborted reach for you. You're still too shocked to move. His face crumbles in agony and he blinks furiously, hands balling into fists. "Everything I have ever wanted she has ensured I never got. She, she manipulates me into destroying everything I touch. I will not let her hurt you! I refuse to allow her to break us, mi amor!!" His volume has steadily escalated until he is yelling. 
He's afraid. He is afraid that he will lose me. The realization emboldens you enough to take his hands in your own, bring them to your chest, and press them close to your heart. You trust that he won't hurt you in his rage. You don't fear him, this dangerous, powerful, ruthless man that you love.
His hands open to slide up your shoulders, curl around your neck, and his thumbs glide over the pulse point under your ears. He brings your face to his own, his expression twisted up with fear and anger and possession and love. 
"You are mine! And I will keep you!"
You realize everything that you have been debating with yourself, all of your pro versus con lists, your stupid little dry erase board covered in sticky notes with your fears, your scribbled timeline of events and possible future predictions, none of it matters. All you care about is the man in your arms. Diego is the most important thing in your life and you can't imagine a life without him. If you had to give up everything to keep him, you would do it in a heartbeat. 
Your hands grip tightly around his wrists and you consciously straighten your spine. Expression hardening, your eyes open to meet his anguished gaze.
 "I want black."
The armored 2020 Camry is delivered that Sunday. You thank him for finding something inconspicuous with an upgraded JBL sound system and he compliments your understated color choice of Black Sand Metallic. By the time you drop him off at the airport that evening you've managed to replace the new car smell with something better and you're thankful that the leather seats just wipe clean. Monday morning in the parking lot at work, however, is a literal ordeal.
The next two weeks feel like they’re seven months long. You clock out at noon on Thursday to a chorus of your coworkers making vaguely lewd remarks and howling with laughter about your vacation. 'Two whole weeks on a beach in Mexico with an absolutely loaded hottie' is what they've been repeating gleefully all week. 
You turn around and walk backwards to give them finger guns, "Yes," then you reach down to adjust your pants, "And YES." Their squeals are contagious and you're still laughing when you burst out the front doors to drive home. 
You turn the volume waaaay too high in the car so that your teeth vibrate and it feels like you're having heart palpitations. I love this fucking car and I love that man. 
There is a rental Tahoe parked in the grass next to the huge gravel driveway at your farmhouse, but he left the second assigned parking space next to your Corolla open so you can park The Beast (as you have affectionately named your new ride) appropriately while away. When you get out of the car you glance up instinctively, Diego is standing outside your front door on the small third floor balcony laughing. 
"Are you deaf yet, Princess?" He hollers down in amusement. 
You flip him off with the middle finger that wears the gemstone ring he gave you while yelling back, "WHAAAAT??"
His laughter fades as he disappears inside, leaving the door wide open to let out all the cold air. Were you raised in a barn?? Close the door, the electric bill-- You cut off your own thoughts when you suddenly remember that you haven't been paying that electric bill for the last six months. Nevermind.
Before you can start up the stairs, Sara, your first floor neighbor, appears on the porch with their toddler. "Hey stranger!" Sara waves with a big smile and the kid does the same but with some kind of unidentifiable kitchen utensil in hand. "That is your boyfriend, right? He had a key so I didn't think it was your ex but I wanted to make sure. I mean, from what I just saw it is your boyfriend. Also, holy shit, that's your boyfriend?"
If she says the word 'boyfriend' one more time I'm going to spontaneously combust. 
"Uh yeah, definitely not my ex. Sorry, I forget that you guys haven't really seen him before, I meant to tell you he was coming." You can feel your face burning and it isn't from the August sun. Sara fans her own face with a hand while mouthing 'he's hot' like you're somehow unaware. You forge on before she can start gushing aloud. "We're actually leaving on a trip tonight so I'll be gone for the next two weeks."
Now Sara drops the kid and scrambles over to whisper fiercely to you, "Oh my god, seriously? Where are you going? Wait, this is the same guy you've been going to see in New York, right? How long has it been, like a year? Is he taking you on a trip for your anniversary? I don't even know his name. Oh my god, that is so sweet!"
Okay, down girl. You're not sure who you're trying to will into being chill, Sara or yourself. 
"Um, we're going to Mexico. And yeah, he's the guy in New York. It's just a vacation." You don't even touch the relationship questions with a ten foot pole. You glance up but Diego is still inside, Thank fuck. 
Sara hops a little in excitement. "I'm sooo jealous!" She squeals. "You have to take a ton of pictures! I need to see! Oh my god, I bet you guys are such a cute couple!" You nod and start backing away, trying to wave goodbye so you can climb the stairs and then climb Diego. "Ooh ooh, wait, what's his name?" Sara hisses conspiratorially. "Does he speak Mexican? Is he Mexican!?!"
You suddenly remember why you tried to move away from this area. Repeatedly. "Yeah, he's Mexican and yes, he speaks Spanish." You sigh. Sara nods but continues staring at you expectantly. Fine. "His name is Diego."
Sara makes a stupid face like this is a rom-com movie. I cannot take anymore, you must shut the fuck up. "Okay, okay. I won't hold you up. But seriously, we can have a 'pics and wine' girls' night when you come back!" She waves maniacally before snatching up the kid and skipping back inside. 
I can't think of anything I would like less. Oh hell no.
You climb the stairs in record time before she can come back outside and start talking again.
Bastian, Julio, and a third man you don't know are in your living room. You do not care and your vague wave shows it. You can hear Julio's warm 'Gordita!' greeting as you spin around and march to the bedroom.
Diego is standing at your bed, tucking TMP into your small duffel, when you burst through the doorway and continue at full speed directly into him. He laughs breathlessly but holds steady against your weight. "Princess. Are you ready?"
You take overflowing fistfuls of his shirt, bury your face in his chest, suck in a huge lungful of air, and shriek at full volume.
"Uhhh...that is a yes, si?" He mutters uncertainly above you. 
You rear back to look up at him with a smile so wide it hurts.
"Oh good." His hands come to your shoulders while those beautiful brown eyes sparkle. The dimples and laugh lines come out as he absorbs your infectious excitement. Your hands shoot up to his hair to yank him down so you can crash your mouths together with bruising force.
The effect is immediate. He moans loudly and crushes you against him. You dig nails into his neck and you lick your way into his mouth, his hands snake down to your ass to hold tight. Your left leg comes up as you try to wrap it around his hips. With a pained groan he rips those lips off of yours and pulls back. Undeterred, you move on to assaulting his now bared throat, moaning like porn come to life.
"Princess," he gasps, "You have to sto-- uhhh, yes, bonita. Your fucking tongue." You're too busy licking his adam's apple to pay attention to words right now. "Nooo, mi amor, please, lo siento, stopstopstop." You get in one last nip of his collarbone as he pulls your head back via a handful of ringlets. His pupils are blown wide and he's panting hard. You stare longingly at his delectable mouth while making pitiful whines.
"Please, baby, pleeeease. You're all I've thought about for days. I need you!" You try shameless begging, you're certainly not lying. Petting over his shoulders and down that solidly muscled chest, you shudder and try to pull yourself back to him.
He closes his eyes with a grimace. "Flight! Fuck you on the flight!" He croaks, then yanks your hair harder than you like. The pain clears the fog just enough for you to blink back to awareness. You nod jerkily and step back. "Have to leave now to get there before dark." He explains in a rushed huff. You blink as you remember how time works.
"Right. Yeah, right. Okay. Okay." Straightening to attention you yank off the cardigan you wore for the air conditioning at work, leaving you in a tank top and ready to be productive. Focus on not-dick.
Diego shoves your favorite notepad in your face so you can see your packing list and not him. The distraction works. He has checked off every item in each categorized list but left the strike through action for your completion. You lower the notepad until you can make eye contact with him and intensely whisper, "You know I fuckin' love you, right?"  
He laughs so hard he has to sit down on the bed.
You go through every bag, touching each item and crossing it off your list one at a time. He did it. Everything but you.
"You know I don't need TMP, right?"
"Why?" He squints up at you from where he lounges across your bed. 
Your face heats up and you clear your throat. "Well, its, I'm. I have, uh, you. So I don't need anything else." The realization of how true that is in every sense gives both of you pause.
Diego surges upright to cup your face and bonk your foreheads together just a little too hard. You giggle and he huffs. 
"Mi amor…" he sighs for you, eyes closing in pleasure. You 'mmmmm' in response. Then his eyes snap open and he growls an order, "Get changed so we can go!" And punctuates it with a stinging slap to your ass.
You spend the flight with your face pressed to the window, vibrating in excitement, except for a brief intermission of seven orgasms in the bathroom.
The unknown third man is Joey, Bastian's boyfriend. Joey is even quieter than Bastian and just as cute. They're not overly demonstrative but clearly comfortable moving around each other. Joey works in "Packaging" and does an admirable job of ignoring his cartel drug lord boss being snuggly. Julio naps. 
The customs agent at the Cancun airport looks you up and down with wide eyes but stamps your passport with no questions. Its a five hour drive to Xcalak but Diego is adamant it can be done in three. You give him an eyebrow question which he dismisses with a vague wave, "They paved the road all the way to the southern border last year."
Uhh, they what now? You understand soon enough. The drive drastically changes outside of Cancun. The scenery is both beautiful and heartbreaking. There are occasional mansions with armed guards, high fences, and SUVs like your own current ride. Mostly though, its shacks and people on foot or riding bicycles, weaving to avoid stray dogs and huge iguanas. Could I handle this as my daily reality?
The first time the road sidles right up to the ocean you have a small meltdown.
 "Is that what I think it is?" Your soft whisper is accompanied by a shaking hand pointing to the left. Diego, crammed into the middle of the backseat between yourself and Julio so you could have an unobstructed view, indicates an order for Bastian to pull over. He reaches across you and pops open your door. You slide out with his hand on your lower back and take about a dozen steps to the lapping water. Diego appears to your right, watching you intently.
 "Its gre-e-e-en!" Your stuttering squeal is accompanied by happy tears and you fling yourself into Diego with joy. He laughs at you, but hugs you back just as tightly.
The first week passes in a blur of amazing food, warm green sea, fruity drinks, and shirtless wet Diego. And so many orgasms that you can't keep count. Diego is all over you non-stop, more than he ever has been before (Astonishingly). Its incredible and you feel like the only person in the world. If he's not molesting you then he is at least touching you; keeping you in his lap, holding your hand, cuddling and petting and snuggling like a man obsessed. 
You love it. You love him. You love this life.
On Saturday he lets you lead him through the tiny town, your Spanish improving by leaps and bounds as you try to navigate the streets and alleys and shops. The four years of high school Spanish actually prove useful as you manage to complete a purchase all by yourself. Your playful mock smugness evaporates under the blazing desire in his eyes. 
He drags you back to the casita in a much shorter and more direct route than you took upon earlier departure. You're marched directly to the bed and he puts one massive hand in the middle of your chest to gently push you down onto your back. There is something different about this, something important in his eyes. Your voice is high and soft, "Diego?"
He climbs up between your legs and leans down to kiss you senseless. It goes on forever; soft lips, scratchy beard, silky tongue, and nothing but the taste of Diego. Your moans and sighs are mixed together, there are moments when you can't tell who is making what noise. His hands are shaking as he strokes every inch of newly bared and sunburnt sensitive skin while undressing you. 
It takes repeated attempts, but you finally get him naked, too. The sight never fails to take your breath away. All that soft, and now freshly tanned, skin is like velvet to your touch. You're mesmerized by his muscles flexing and then evening out as he moves above you. He finally gets your linen pants untangled off your left foot and flings them across the room with unnecessary force. Your soft peals of laughter light up his face and it brings tears to your eyes. You reach a hand out to him, "Diego. Baby."
He comes up over you, threading fingers into your hair, kissing you slowly and thoroughly. You can feel him against you, fire hot and mouth wateringly hard, but he makes no move to take you. Your eyes open in hazy confusion as the kiss ends. Diego is watching your face, blinking back tears. 
He is holding your head still, hands like steel. Whatever this is, he needs it. And you want to give him everything he needs. Forever.
You're captured by his eyes, bottomless, soulful, and hungry. His raspy voice is soft and trembling with desire. "I love you, Bicki. I want everything. Forever, Princess?" 
Your chest compresses and your heart implodes. Scalding tears escape when you blink and you're nodding before you even know it. "Yes, Diego. Yes, baby, I'm yours." 
Your back arches off the bed as he comes home and brings you with him.
You wake up crushed under Diego. The sun is still up so you might be able to talk him into going out for dinner. You rub your cheek on the huge bicep doubling as your pillow and Diego sighs directly into your ear from where he is spooned up behind you. Oh yeah, we should have done this waaaay sooner.
He nuzzles your neck just to incite squirmy giggles and you don't even fight it. "I have something for you, Princess. Stay here." He pulls away and you whine about the loss of your pillow. His low chuckle burns you alive with want. "Stay like that. Do not move." You obey while you listen to him rummage around behind you.
He comes around to your side of the bed, still completely and unabashedly nude. Hell. Fucking. Yes. You love it. He hands your glasses over and you slide them on to take in the now high definition view of naked Murder Panther. The view disappears as he kneels down next to the bed so you're on eye level. His expression is very peculiar. 
His hands slowly come up to reveal a small box of black velvet. Time slows to a halt as he opens the box and presents it to you. 
Inside is a ring. Gleaming in platinum and sparkling with three tastefully large princess cut diamonds. 
Its an engagement ring.
Diego is proposing. 
He swallows hard and rumbles gruffly, "Now remember, you already said y--"
You cut him off with a shriek. "YES! YESYESYES!!"
In the time it takes him to blink twice with surprise you're on him. Arms around his neck, you throw yourself into his lap. He topples backwards and you ride him to the floor, already bawling hysterically. 
He stares up at you in shock as you nod furiously and cry all over him. "Princess. You… you are certain?" If this were any other time you would be howling with laughter at his huge eyes and lax jaw. 
Your answer is stuttery but determined. "Y-y-yeah. Put it-t-t-t on me already!" 
He laughs in delight at your order and the imperious presentation of your shaking left hand. The ring glides on easily, a perfect fit. It gleams up at you blindingly. After a moment of admiration you lace your fingers with his and sigh at the union. His other hand comes up to roughly brush away your tears. "I know you do not like labels so much… but, you will be my, my married... Person. Thing?" 
You stroke his bearded cheek in return, thumb lingering on that dimple. With a hard gulp you dive in head first. Fuck it.
"Yes, Diego. I will be your wife."
The next time you wake it is dark out. You reach for a phone on the nightstand to your left and jump when you find one with a loud crack. Diego pops upright behind you, instantly on high alert. "Princess?" He hisses while covering your body with his own.
You gigglesnort, then meekly answer him, "I forgot about the ring and whacked a phone. Everything's okay, baby."
He sighs so deeply that his breath ruffles your hair. "Jesus fucking christ, woman. You are a menace."  He flops down on top of you and snuggles back into your warmth. 
You reach back with your left hand and grope blindly for his face. He licks your fingers as soon as they're in reach and you stuff them into his mouth as retaliation. He just sucks languidly. 
"Mmmmmm, I'm your menace, baby. And I have to pee." He nips your fingers but rolls over to free you. You slide out of the bed and stretch your arms high while arching your back. Diego groans painfully. "What?"
Diego rises to all fours on the bed while the sheet slithers off of him. "You forget that other people can see without glasses, huh?" You cock your head and realize that you have a shadow.
It's a full moon. And I just stretched naked in front of a sliding glass door. "Oh. Huh. I guess I do forget. Oops. I'll be sure to keep that in mind now." Your seemingly tame answer is directly contradicted by the exaggerated roll of your hips that makes your butt bounce when you walk off. 
"Fucking menace, woman." Diego growls as you push the bathroom door shut with a trill of laughter.
You never do go back to bed but you do wind up on the beach in front of the casita to watch the sunrise. Julio finds you both snuggled together late the next morning, still asleep on the covered daybed under the palms while the rising tide comes ever closer. At least Julio has the decency to cover your bare ass with a beach towel.
By the time you think to check your phone gallery you have… 1,792 pictures. WHAT THE FUCK. 
You scroll through the pics, there are a lot you do not remember taking. Was I that drunk or did Diego take some of these? One is a close up of your ass from below wearing a string bikini, I knew I wasn't that drunk. The next pic is Diego asleep on a lounge chair, one arm curled up above his head, muscles glistening in the sun, and swim trunks so low on his hips that it's almost obscene. Immediately following that is the same pic but with your own face photobombing about three inches away from the camera and giving a thumbs up with your left hand so your engagement ring is prominently visible. Oh yeah, I remember that one. 
There are videos, too. The first one is Diego making lewd comments while you twerk in the ocean for about ten seconds. Okay, that's par for the course with us. Next is you successfully backflipping off of Diego's shoulders into the green water to everyone freaking out. Shit, even I'm impressed with myself. After that is video of you gagging through a dish of octopus at some restaurant. Both of you are clearly visible in the shot so Julio must have had the phone. Betrayal. 
There are tens of dozens of the two of you in various poses and outfits, both disgustingly happy and blatantly in love. There's even a role reversal shot of Diego sprawled across your lap, one enormous arm wrapped around your neck and his knees over your own arm while you grimace and he laughs hysterically. The table to your right is covered in empty bottles and mostly finished drinks. An entire subsection depicts you asleep like you have a stalker. You count no less than 29 of you two trying on increasingly ridiculous hats in random stores.
You can't even keep count of all the close ups of a smoldering Murder Panther. You feel no guilt.  Aren't you supposed to be ridiculously attracted to your fiancé??
You have a fiancé. Your fiancé is Diego. You are engaged to Diego Rafael Jimenez. 
I have to explain this ring to everyone. They'll have questions about him. People will want pictures. How do I explain what he does?? Oh my god, there's no closet here. I have to… find somewhere. And I can't I can't. Its-
Your head jerks upright when something touches your hair. Its Diego. Kneeling on the floor in front of you, he has unfurled a sheet over you to block out everything, and he waits there, watching you. Before you realize it your hands are reaching for his shoulders, just the feel of him, warm and solid under your hands, calms you. 
Slowly, his right hand comes up to cover your left. "No closet, Princess." His huge fingers grip yours tightly. You nod a little. He just watches you, eyes guarded. 
"Ask. Go ahead." You mutter. You can tell from his posture that he is uneasy, apprehensive. 
He locks eyes with you and his gaze is intense. He curls all of his fingers around your left ring finger. "Still yes?" 
The fear in his eyes breaks your heart. Your voice is shaky but determined, "No. You can't get rid of me. I'm your problem now, baby."  His expression would make a meeker woman cower in fear, you laugh weakly. 
He settles down on the tile floor in front of you, with the sheet over both of you. Its like four in the afternoon and I am sharing a blanket fort with my cartel boss fiancé while on vacation in Mexico. What even is my life? His elbows are on his knees, chin in hand. He studies you for a minute, you stare right back. He raises one eyebrow and you sigh in capitulation. 
"I don't know how to just be happy. I suck at it."  You shrug but reach for his face. Diego nuzzles into your hand while you stroke your thumb over his beard. 
"Habby isz nawt a berb." He slurs into your palm with a soft kiss.
The epiphany is like a cinder block to the brain. 
He's right. I don't have to 'do' anything. I'm happy right now. I've been happy every time I'm with him. And no one had to exert any effort.
People can define themselves. People can define their relationships. Why can't they define their own normal? I can make my own rules. Especially with someone like Diego as my partner.
His one eyebrow slowly rises as he watches your thoughts play out across your face. "You back?" He asks with a hidden smirk, you know its there from the way his eyes crinkle with laugh lines.
"Yup!" Is your decisive answer. Diego licks your palm. "I got better places you can lick, baby." You answer his smirk with a waggling eyebrow. 
The rest of the afternoon passes in a blur of play wrestling and inappropriate noises.
You do, in fact, go on a safari. Of sorts. Tours of ruins and jungle and cenotes, lots of side quests because the both of you are easily distracted by pretty colors. You probably added another thousand pictures of various palm trees to your gallery. The hat makes multiple appearances. 
Diego has to ship a crate home to New York because he bought you too many souvenirs. You laugh and tease him when he wants to pick out things for your middle sister and niece, until you hear his logic. 
"They were nice to me." He murmurs with a little half-shrug, "It was like being in a real family for a little bit." He studies the bins of painted shells on display in the little store with way too much focus.
You spend a moment deliberating before you decide to reach out and touch his elbow.
 "Hey," your soft voice brings his gaze your way momentarily before he goes back to ceramic turtle magnets. You take his hand with your own right and rest your left hand on his chest. Diego looks down where your ring glints in the light, then up to your face. "You know you're going to be part of that 'real' family, right?"
Diego's boyish little smile is heartbreakingly adorable. 
The flight home is much shorter than you want it to be and you spend most of it asleep on Diego. At one point you wake up to see Bastian and Joey cuddled up together napping. When you look up from where your head is resting in Diego's lap he is already looking down at you with an unreadable expression.
"What?" You whisper softly. You stifle a yawn and blink repeatedly. 
Diego strokes one big hand over your hair and grips your jaw firmly. With a huge toothy grin he answers, "Mine." 
"Uh huh. How many times you need me to say yes, baby?" You smirk up at him with an arched brow. He seems to be reveling in hearing you readily admit your commitment to him.
He considers your question carefully while his other hand trails down the front of your body under a blanket. I don't remember having a blanket earlier. Finally, Diego settles on "Every day. At least seven times. Seven is a good number, right Princess?" 
Your body jerks as his fingers press between your thighs with steady determination. Your eyes flick over to Bastian and Joey, still out cold. You make a show of wiggling around to get comfortable, and, surprisingly, that involves spreading your legs. "Yessss." You hiss up at him.
Julio reclines his seat and exaggeratedly covers his face with a new hat. 
Seven is a very good number.
Your first day back to work is a circus. You don't think twice about your normal greeting as you enter the office suite. You swipe your badge with your right hand and pop the door, then wave 'hi' to everyone. Like usual. With your left hand. 
There is an excessive amount of squealing that makes you second guess going into a female dominated field. The whole day is a wash because you have a steady stream of people passing through your cubicle. You're glad you had the forethought to curate a photo album of appropriate images to show your coworkers despite Diego's repeated attempts to sneak a dick pic in there somewhere. You most definitely included the glistening swim trunks lounge chair picture. Squealing intensifies.
Everyone comments on the hat and you're forced to tell the story of the hat. How you once told Diego that you wanted to see palm trees, 'But like, in the wild.' And Diego had laughed so hard that he fell off the bed only to pop back up wheezing about a 'Palm Tree Safari' until you smacked him in the face with a pillow. Your coworkers think it is just disgustingly adorable that he never let you live that down. 
Your coworkers have questions:
When is the wedding? 
Where are you having it?
What kind of dress do you want?
What are your colors?
Are you going to do flowers?
What about the cake?
Who is your maid of honor?
How did your family take the news?
What about his family?
Are you going to New York?
Will you take his name?
Oh shit. I forgot about the whole 'wedding' part of this.
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cherryeol04 · 4 years
The Firsts
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Summary: No one ever told him that living was going to be so difficult. That there would emotions get couldn’t label and distinguish. He’s just a young boy trying to navigate through life and its unexpected ups and downs.
Genre: Humor, Fluff, smut(?)
Pairings: Oc x Felix, Oc x Changbin, Changbin x Oc x Felix
Warnings: poly relationship, angst in some part, excessive fighting about the MCU.
Parts: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11 / Part 12 / Part 13 / Part 14 / Part 15 / Part 16 / Part 17
A/N: This story has a theme of Firsts. First love, first kiss and many other firsts. Each part can be read on their own and are meant to stand as oneshots. It’s basically a collection of oneshots (little snapshots into my Oc’s life. 😁)
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“Neither!” Seungmin and Minho stopped dead in their tracks as they stared at Aiden with narrowed eyes. He hadn’t really wanted to get in between their little quarrel over which brother was hotter, Thor or Loki, but it had been going on for the past four hours and Aiden was actually tired of it.
“Excuse you?” Minho asked with a raised brow. “Have you even watched Thor?” He asked. 
“Do you even Marvel?” Seungmin asked and Aiden shook his head. “Then you can’t contribute to this conversation!!!” He exclaimed, cheeks puffing out in frustration. 
“Oh, well excuse me!” Aiden held up his hands in defense and slipped between the two, walking ahead of them. There was silence for a brief moment before the two boys were back at their argument, trailing behind Aiden as they made their way up the long driveway.  Bang Chan was a friend of Changbin’s and extremely popular, or so Aiden had heard. His family was originally from Australia, but they moved when his father got a chance to expand their business in the Korean market - he was known as a self-made millionaire which of course made Chan a hit with all the people that wanted his family’s money. 
He was a sweet guy, if not a bit reserved and wary of people. But he has hit it off with Changbin one day during chemistry and the rest was history - though it had only been a couple of months. Chan has offered to host study sessions at his place and who were they to refuse such a generous offer? Their first visit, Aiden had expected to see a mansion but was greeted with a modest house. Decent size and you could tell that the place was pricey, but it didn’t scream wealth which had surprised Aiden but at the same time was a blessing. It put Chan in a different light for him - though rich, he was still a normal person and his family tried to live modestly.  True role model. 
Knocking on the door, it was opened in less than a minute to a bright-eyed and smiling Chan. “Hey guys.”
“Channie hyung! Thor or Loki?” Minho asked as he pushed Aiden lightly, the male stumbling to the house.
“Whoa.” Chan wrapped his arms around Aiden quickly to catch him before he went tumbling down, eyes looking back at the other two. “Loki.” He said. 
“Ha! See, I told you!” Seungmin cheered happily, Minho simply rolling his eyes and scoffing. 
“Uncultured swine.” He snorted and made his way into the house - as if he owned the place - with a shake of the head. “Thor is the better of the two brothers and you can’t change my mind.” He huffed. 
“How can you say that when Loki is literally the best at everything?” Seungmin questioned as he followed quickly behind Minho, their voices fading as they disappeared around the left corner and into the study. 
“Uh...” Chan stared at Aiden in confusion as he stood upright and brushed himself off. 
“They’ve been going at it since the 5th period.” Aiden told him, flashing him a smile. “They won’t shut up and told me I couldn’t contribute to the conversation because I haven’t seen Thor.”
“You haven’t seen Thor?” Chan asked, his eyes wide, trailing after Aiden as he walked in.  Closing the door, Chan followed up his previous question with another. “Have you watched any of the Marvel movies?”
Aiden was silent for a moment, staring at Chan as he debated if he should answer truthfully or not. He could probably lie and get away with it, for now. But if the talk of Marvel movies and Thor continued, his lie would be seen so quickly. It was probably just best to say the through, despite how embarrassing it really was. “No, I haven’t.
He winced at the gasp Chan gave, loud and overdramatic and he knew he had made a grave mistake with this answer. “Oh my god!” Chan turned quickly, feet shuffling as he made his way into the den. “Aiden hasn’t seen any of the Marvel movies!” Chan’s voice was nearly drowned out by the loud gasps that fell from the other’s lips, complaints filling the air to the point Aiden wanted to just leave and pretend this didn’t happen. But he knew if he did run away, he really wouldn’t live this down. 
Reluctantly, he moved into the study and stared at his ‘friends’ as they all sat around a decent-sized coffee table - books and papers laid out for their intense study session that has yet to start. 
“I can’t believe you!” Seungmin scolded with a shake of his head. 
“How have you lived this long and not watched a Marvel film?” Woojin, Chan’s friend, asked concerned. 
“We bonded over Spider-Man dude. Spider-Man! I thought I knew you.” Changbin tsked, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“First of all, we were eight!” Aiden huffed and glared at Changbin, arms crossing in a mimic of the other’s posture. “Second of all, I’ve just been busy.”
“No one is too busy to watch a Marvel Movie. There is literally an entire cinematic universe.” Minho scoffed, disgusted by this horrid betrayal of his friend. 
“I have things to do!”
“Like what? Whine about how much you want to fuck Felix?” The words were said so nonchalantly that Aiden had to wonder if Changbin’s brain had been working when he so easily spilled his greatest secret. “I mean-“
“Whoa! Where did that come from?” Chan asked with wide eyes, head whipping back and forth between Felix, Changbin, and Aiden. 
“I don’t know. Changbin be out here making up stories so he can be so melodramatic.” Aiden hissed, eyes narrowed at the male and he could see Changbin shrinking in on himself, trying to apologize with his eyes. Aiden would only consider the apology if he could get out of this situation without anyone actually thinking he wanted to screw around with Felix. 
“I don’t date anyone who hasn’t seen at least Iron Man.” Felix said, a smirk playing on his lips as he joked. 
“Well damn, looks like you struck out buddy.” Chan laughed and clapped a hand over Aiden’s shoulder. “Aiden hasn’t seen a single Marvel movie.”
“Wow, you truly do love under a rock, don’t you?” Minho asked in awe. 
“Listen, Linda, can we dropped this stupid subject and actually study?” Aiden whined. 
“Marvel isn’t stupid. Marvel is life!” Seungmin protested and Aiden could only roll his eyes as he took his seat next to Changbin. “You don’t know what you’re missing.”
“At this moment in time, I don’t care.” Aiden stuck out his tongue at Seungmin, snickering with the other pouted. 
“Alright children, let's get down to business.” Woojin spoke, arms extending across the table to signify the end of this discussion. 
“Fine. But this isn’t over. Thor is superior and you all will see this, I swear to you.” Minho huffed as he flipped open his book to start working.  Felix was glad the topic had been dropped and everyone settled into a comfortable silence. It gave him time to think about things that had been said - words so haphazardly thrown about with no regard to the people involved. And what was Felix supposed to say? ‘Right on, let's find a bed and get down to business?’
How was someone supposed to act to such a crude confession as that? He wasn’t appalled by it - he knew that much - but it also wasn’t a favorable confession considering it came from Changbin. But Aiden did deny it, claimed it was made up but it was too specific to be a lie.  Changbin wasn’t that good at making up stories; his C+ literature project proved that much. So he laughed it off, continuing the joke of blasphemy about Aiden never seeing a Marvel movie. But he was aware now, so extremely aware. Every few seconds Aiden would lift his eyes to sneak a glance at him, Felix catching the movement out of his peripheral. 
He was a peculiar person, Aiden. The times that they had interacted alone, he seemed so shy and uncertain. Yet when with Changbin, his personality was alimony bigger than life and on countless times pulled laughter from him over something idiotic he had said or done. There was something about him that interested Felix in some way, but was it in the way that Aiden wanted? To suddenly have feelings forced upon you was inducing anxiety-inducing and suddenly he was feeling and questioning things he had never questioned before. 
‘Would it be worth it? Was he worth Aiden’s time? Would it work out? Did he even have feelings for Aiden in return?’ 
None of those questions were getting answered and they were burning the back of his mind, demanding some closure. The offer slipped out before he could even stop himself, lingering heavily in the quiet room. “You could always come over to my place and we could watch the movies.”
Aiden’s head lifted and their eyes locked. Everyone in the room stilled and Felix could swear they were all holding their breaths, waiting to see how this would play out. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t in the same position. 
“Yeah. I own all the movies, including Infinity War. We could have a movie marathon this weekend.” It was an innocent offer and yet Felix felt so guilty because there was so much meaning behind it, to him. A spur of the moment thing that would satisfy his need for answers. He just hoped he didn’t up hurting Aiden in the process. 
“Okay, sounds like a plan!” 
Well, that was easier than he thought. 
“Ooooh, sounds like a date~.” Minho teased, a smirk plastered on his face. “Felix and Aiden sitting in a tree -“ 
“F - U - C - K - I - N - G.” Seungmin continued, a matching smirk etched across his features as well. 
“I hate you both so much.” Aiden grumbled, the two boys giggling in happiness at Aiden’s discomfort. 
“It’s not a date.” Felix said quickly as he looked around the table. He wasn’t oblivious to the way Aiden’s face fell at his words and he quickly tried to back peddle his statement. “I mean-“
“Poor Aiden. Forever the unconfirmed gay virgin.” Changbin teased, laughing as he was punched in the arm. “Someday you’ll get some action.”
“I truly hate all of you.”
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jinjikook · 7 years
you leave me restless (and breathless) (m)
🎃 word count: 11k
🎃 genre: smut + fluff ; non-idol au
🎃 pairing: reader/seokjin
🎃 warning(s)/kink(s): dom! jin, humiliation, degradation, dom/sub, jealousy, unprotected sex, rough sex, spanking, biting, hickies, marking, tying up, oral sex, aftercare
🎃 summary: seokjin was a pretty good best friend, that is until he starts sabotaging every date and chance you have with another guy. though you only find out when he really royally fucks things up for you and everything after that is history.
🎃 requested by: anon #1 - “Hmm ok, maybe for Jin's kinktober-He's your bff who keeps sabotaging every date you go on bc he's jealous af and in love with you, and one day he just snaps and gets real dominant and dirty with you?”  + anon #2 - “Could I get some smut with Jin please 🙈” 
🎃 music: can’t even - the neighborhood + beg for it - chris brown
🎃 author’s note: clearly this got away from me bc i love kim seokjin and this au was fun af to write so thanks to that rad anon for the really great prompt! coughiwannawritemorepizzaboy!jincough
🎃 masterlist + kinktober 2017
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“Hey, I’m heading out!” You yell out into your apartment where Jeongguk and Seokjin were playing video games together, not feeling like going all the way over there to announce your departure.
A succession of bumps, crashes and bangs follow until Seokjin unceremoniously bursts out of Jeongguk’s bedroom door, slightly sweaty and disheveled from what you assumed was the chaos of getting up that made all that noise. You gave him a perplexed look, questioning gaze on him as he ducked to hold onto his knees and pant heavily.
With a sigh, you leant your weight onto your hip and waited until Seokjin regained his breath to finally pop the question as to why he nearly toppled your entire home over for the sake of seeing you.
“You’re—hagh,” He coughed, his breath still not entirely inside his lungs yet. “You’re leaving?”
You scoffed, giving him a small smile and looking at him incredulously.
“Duh? What did you think I meant by ‘I’m heading out’?”
He shrugged, feigning indifference and innocence as he continued.
“Dunno, figured you’d stay in. You’ve already got the two best guys on campus here, what else could the world offer?”
You laughed, covering your mouth and jingling your keys in the process. A quick glance at the clock overhead told you that it was a few minutes before seven and you had to head out if you were to make it on time.
“Actually, I have a date. One that I’ll be late for if I don’t leave right now, so sorry Jin. Guess we’ll have to hang some other time, you’re stuck with Guk for the time being.” Seokjin pouted—he literally pouted—at that, a small whine burrowed in his throat as he tried to protest some more, to keep you from leaving like a lovesick puppy. He ducked down before you could even say a word more.
“Seokkie, I’m sorry!” You exclaimed, exasperated at Seokjin’s sudden grip around your leg. He was attached like a damn koala and refused to be shaken off, despite all your efforts. “I have to go!” You finally snatched your leg from your friend and waved goodbye before shutting the door directly behind you, trying to ignore Seokjin’s cries from inside as if he was trapped.
You sent a text to your date, apologizing for the delay to which he responded with a smiley face and an understanding ‘okay’, following the text with a speedily dialed call to your roommate to ask him to keep Seokjin entertained, he seemed to be really clingy today and he probably just needed some extra attention.
In your car, you triple checked your hair and make-up before starting it up, sighing at the hum of the motor and that one odd noise you swore you’d get checked out eventually.
When you buckled in and gripped the steering wheel, you groaned audibly at the sight in front of you.
No gas?!
You swore you filled the car up just a couple of days ago, and you hadn’t gone anywhere far in the time being. There was no way this was possible, Jeongguk had used his bike to get everywhere minus the one day he had rode along with Namjoon to the study session after class and when Jimin misplaced his skateboard and gave him a lift back to the apartment until he found it later on.
You banged your head against the wheel and pulled the key out of the ignition angrily, slamming the car door behind you before trudging up the stairs twice as hard as you ran down previously. When you unlocked the door to your apartment, Seokjin nearly ambushed you and smiled big and wide at your return.
“I knew you wouldn’t leave us! No use in wasting gas going to some dumb date anyways,” He shook his head and guided you back to where Jeongguk was yelling at his TV screen, headset skewed on his hair.
“That’s the problem, I don’t have any gas in my car!” You stomped in front of the screen, blocking Jeongguk’s vision which only spurred him on further. “Hey, shut up for like two seconds and I’ll let you get back to owning some twelve year olds using their daddy’s Playstation. Did you use my car recently?” Your hands were at your hips and Seokjin looked on from where he planted down in the bright, ugly ass orange beanbag chair Jeongguk kept tucked away.
“What? No, what the fuck? You already know I spend half my time trudging my shit bike through the rain.” He stuck his tongue in between his teeth and veered around your body to watch the screen project his kill and he made his character taunt the dead body of his vehement enemy.
“So do you wanna explain how the hell my car just suddenly lost all its gas?”
“I dunno, maybe it’s that weird noise you told me about. You sprung a leak or something,”
You tried to maintain your composure, fighting the hand that wanted to slap itself against your face.
“Guk, why would a leak cause a noise?”
“Maybe it’s just cracking a joke!” Seokjin piped up, snickering at his own piss poor excuse of humor.
“Okay Jinnie, usually I love your jokes but that one was not only ill-timed but also it was just such a reach.” He shrugged and mumbled, ‘s’good to me’ and you turned back to Jeongguk who was violently smashing his controller buttons.
You were going to tear him a new one, knowing he had to have something to do with this but then your phone buzzed, an incoming line of texts from your still-waiting date.
jaehyun ✽ [7:14 PM]: everything okay?
jaehyun ✽ [7:14 PM]: it’s been a few since you texted, just checking if you’re close by or anything! :)
God, he was so cute and sweet. You hated even thinking of cancelling on him.
“That the guy you were talking about earlier?” Jeongguk finally pried himself from the crusted asshole of his game to pay attention to you for once. You nodded and pressed a smile on your face, trying to show how happy you were about his mentioning but you were still bitter over the idea of telling him how you couldn’t make it.
Seokjin surprised you with a hug from behind, sneakily peering over your shoulder to take a look at your texts.
“Good riddance, huh? A guy who uses that many smiley faces is clearly trying to just get into your pants. You can do better, Y/N.” You shrugged Seokjin off, reprimanding him for reading your current and past texts with Jaehyun, whom happened to be fond of emoticons.
“So he uses smiley faces, so what? Jeongguk uses memes and Jimin uses gifs, and I’ve seen my fair share of emotes from you, Seokjin.”
Around a mouthful of salty potato chips and amongst flying crumbs, Jeongguk replies almost readily.
“Seokjin’s just as much of a player as this Jaehyun dude. They both clearly want to get into your—”
“Okay! So, since you’re not going out anymore, how about I make us something? Jeongguk is already taking his fill of starches so I could just make something for the two of us. Anything you like, Y/N.”
“Who said anything about cancelling? I could catch a bus or something,”
“No!” Both you and Jeongguk look over at Seokjin’s outburst, your face contorted in confusion while Jeongguk’s was in one of amusement. “I-I mean, the buses aren’t safe, you know that.”
“Fine, then you can drive me Seokjin, since you wanted to spend a little more time with me anyways,” You didn’t wait for an answer to spill out of Seokjin’s sputtering mouth, choosing to walk towards the front door to head out once more.
“Wait, Y/N!” He shouted after you again, just as clumsy as the first time he traipsed after you.
“I couldn’t possibly take you, I mean I—”
“You what? You’re supposed to be my best friend Seokjin, help me out. I know you drove here and I know you planned to stay in with Guk all night but it’d be a huge favor if you could just drop me off at the little café by the library? You know the one, with the soft pastries that have chocolate drizzled on top with powdered sugar.”
Your stomach growled at the description, followed by Seokjin’s own and he grew victim to his glutton, wanting nothing more than to taste the sweet, sugary delectable but also not wanting you to slip from his fingers like sand through an hourglass; fleeting.
“But, I don’t think I have much gas in my car either!”
jaehyun ✽ [7:23 PM]: i think it’s gonna start raining soon, do you have an umbrella?
jaehyun ✽ [7:24 PM]: if not, i have one we can share! :)
“Again with the damn smiley faces,” Seokjin grumbled at the sight of your phone again.
“Stop peeping at my texts!” You swatted Seokjin and he deepened his pout, looking fairly dejected to be taking you on your date. “Anyways, I know you have gas and you already have your keys so c’mon! I’ll buy you a pastry to make up for it.”
‘What’s the point of having it if I can’t eat it with you?’ Seokjin thought, head slung low as you two stepped out of your apartment.
But as if the world hated the idea of you having a social circle outside of your roommate, Seokjin and some of their friends who have become yours by extension, thunder clapped loudly and suddenly the streets went dark. It was a loud boom and Seokjin nearly jumped five feet in the air.
“Holy shit, I can barely see anything!” Seokjin whisper-screamed, still feeling numb in his kneecaps from the stark noise and surrounding darkness.
“Fuck me,” You groaned and looked down at your phone, the screen’s brightness now so much more so with the light difference. You had to squint at the screen to read the incoming slew of texts, knowing that you didn’t live far from the café and no doubt was there a similar situation where Jaehyun was waiting for you.
jaehyun ✽ [7:30 PM]: woah, okay it went dark here :O
jaehyun ✽ [7:30 PM]: the cafe lost power, i think something happened…
You [7:31 PM]: yeah, it’s like pitch black over here
You [7:31 PM]: did you hear that loud noise too?
jaehyun ✽ [7:32 PM]: yeah! it really scared me! :S
You [7:33 PM]: aww i’m sorry. if i was there you and I could huddle in the dark and drink our coffee
jaehyun ✽ [7:33 PM]: you’re so cute :’)))
“Eugh,” Seokjin fake gagged next to you and you responded by hitting him on the shoulder, he winced at the contact.
“What did I tell you about reading my texts?!”
“We’re best friends Y/N! I have a right to pry into your personal life for your own health and safety,”
“That’s the biggest hunk of bullshit Jin, c’mon let’s go inside.” You went back in with Seokjin, the two of you snickering at the sounds of Jeongguk angrily releasing his frustrations in the background, yelling at the power for going out as if it was a sentient being that could feel guilt.
jaehyun ✽ [7:35 PM]: i guess this means our date is off, huh? :(
You [7:35 PM]: yeah, i’m really sorry jae :(
jaehyun ✽ [7:36 PM]: that’s okay, i’d rather you weren’t on the roads now anyways
jaehyun ✽ [7:36 PM]: some other time then :)
You thanked your lucky stars that Jaehyun was so sweet and understanding; if it were anyone else you’re sure they wouldn’t have had the patience at this point. Between classes and work and the clingiest best friend known to man, it seemed like your date with Jaehyun wouldn’t ever come to fruition.
He was in one of your classes, always attentive and willing to share his diligent notes,
(His color-coding alone was incredible, you had no idea how one person could keep up with Mrs. Rothschild’s fast-paced lectures and still manage to switch pens to meticulously keep things organized, with the prettiest handwriting you’ve ever seen from a guy to boot!)
Jaehyun had approached you one day, asking you for your number and the day after he added you on social media, giving you the chance to lurk on him a little bit. He was totally boyfriend material: super kind, a dog-person and he even had an amazing sense of style, always dressed well even at the earliest of classes.
He liked everyone’s posts and always left cute comments with smiley emotes or sunshines. Jaehyun liked to let you borrow his jackets and sweaters if you forget yours in the cold classroom,
(You remember every time, but when you look at your own jacket hanging off the back of your couch and you think about how soft Jaehyun’s own ones are and how it has just the right amount of cologne on it to smell like him, you always leave your own there and welcome it when he drapes his over your shoulders with a soft smile.)
“Are you done day dreaming about boy wonder?” Seokjin crossed his arms and it made his broad shoulders stand out more against the t-shirt he’d worn today, with light blue jeans and tears in just the right places. You had to be blind to not admit Seokjin was handsome, amazingly so. But he was off limits, your best friend, partner in crime—your other half.
“Gimme a few more minutes, I just got to the good part,” You joked, letting your eyes wander into the distance as Jeongguk entered the living room with his phone’s flashlight illuminating his way and nearly blinding Seokjin and yourself.
“Dude, what happened? Why is it as dark as Yoongi’s asshole?”
At the same time, Seokjin and you gave Jeongguk the dirtiest look.
“What the fuck kind of comparison is that?”
“I don’t even want to know why you know Yoongi’s asshole so personally,”
“Anyways, the light? What happened?” Jeongguk casually moved on from his strange blurb, turning off his phone’s light as Seokjin lit a candle on the kitchen island, bathing the room in a soft orange hue.
You shrugged and move to sit across from Seokjin on a kitchen stool, Jeongguk unceremoniously choosing to plant his ass on the counter instead, swinging his long legs over the edge like a child about to get their hair cut.
“There was a loud sound after the thunder, maybe a transformer blew or something?” You guessed, not knowing more than that. “Seokjin, check the news on your phone, maybe it has more info.” The man in question nodded and pulled out his phone, wincing at the harsh light before turning his brightness down several notches and making his way to the local news website, not without cursing some for having to use up his precious data to go online.
“Shut up Jin, not like you have any use for it otherwise, besides your shitty online solitaire game. Which by the way, how is that considered solitaire if you’re playing online? Isn’t the point of that game to be a lonely person’s match that you play by yourself?”
You shut the two of them up and gestured to Seokjin’s phone which began to play a broadcast of the live newscast.
“… Which has left the entire neighborhood sans power, luckily the only real damage was to a nearby parked car that had no passengers inside. The local company has not yet disclosed how long the power will be down but they’ve assured customers that their electricity will be put up in an organized and timely manner for their earliest convenience.”
“Great, we have no idea what happened but hey, at least we know we’ll be in the dark for some time.”
“Oooh, let’s do something fun!” Jeongguk cheerily looked between the two of you, eagerly hopping in place on the counter.
Simultaneously, you and Seokjin instantly rejected the idea.
“Why not?” He dragged out the vowel, trying and succeeding to sound like a whiny child.
“Because Guk, anytime you get one of your harebrained schemes, someone ends up naked, embarrassed or covered in mayonnaise.”
“Or all of the above,” Seokjin shuddered at the memory of last New Year’s, his vision supplying blurry images of his junk covered in a white fluid that was most definitely not come.
“You will never let me live that down, will you?” With resounding no’s, the three of you retired to the living room to lounge lazily on the couch and the ratty armchair Jeongguk brought with him from his old apartment he shared with Taehyung and Jimin. Seokjin carried the melting candle into the room with him, setting it down precariously on the glass coffee table set in the center.
As the three of you played the most boring game of ‘I Spy’ known to man, finally—several hours later—the lights came back on and the air conditioner whirred to life in the background. Jeongguk praised some higher powers and ran back to his room to try and see if his achievements had been saved.
“Well, that was certainly an interesting night. Probably eons better than sitting in a boring old café with a regular old fuck boy, huh Y/N?”
You got up and tried to brush off the comment from Seokjin, choosing to blow the candle out and wave the wisp of smoke away.
“Tell me, what’s the big deal with you and Jaehyun? Do you have some kind of grudge against him or something? You’d think, as my best friend,” You accented the word, letting a little more sting bite from your tongue, “You’d be more, I dunno, supportive?”
Throwing your hands in the air, you continued.
“Here I am, with this great guy who seems to be sweet on me and care for me and make me genuinely happy, and you just seem to want to stop anything from happening between us. Every date we’ve planned thus far that hasn’t been cancelled because of class or work, has been foiled by you and your innate need to keep me by your side. What, can’t spend a single day away from me? That’s kind of pathetic, Seokjin.”
You scoffed and slammed your bedroom door, throwing yourself in bed and yelling into your pillow. With one final apologetic text to Jaehyun, you tried to drift off to sleep with thoughts of his soft jackets and sweet scent and a pillowy, pink pout that wasn’t exactly Jaehyun’s but it struck something familiar in your gut just before your eyes shut.
Jeongguk swung out from his bedroom at the sound of your own door shutting harshly, eyebrows raised at Seokjin’s shocked expression, mouth agape.
“Smooth shit, you just made the one girl you’ve been pining for mad at you.”
“Shut it Jeon, it’s not as simple as you think.”
“Oh right, it’s not like you’ve been sabotaging every chance this poor girl has had with a guy she really likes just because that guy isn’t you. I mean, you went from using puppy dog eyes to get her to stay to giving her coworker food poisoning and siphoning gas from her car. Her car, Seokjin. Who does that?”
He sighed wistfully, moving to rest his chin on his crossed arms as he looked over the back of the sofa towards your door.
“Love makes you do crazy things, young grasshopper.”
“Whatever man, grow a pair and tell her how you feel or let her be happy. Now come on, I need a medic to actually heal me while I tank on these camping assholes.” Seokjin relented and aided the younger in his suppression of kids that were up past their bedtimes getting kill streaks and assists.
 ○ ◐ ●
 “Okay, I have gas in my car, cash and money on my card, none of the threads of clothes are loose, and the weather is predicted to be sun-shiny today. Nothing is gonna stop me today,” You huffed out determined, tuning out Jeongguk as he coos at Yoongi’s dog on FaceTime.
You pop into his room, giving him a small smile and wave before heading out, taking the steps two at a time.
You had a spring in your step, feeling excited to finally be able to pull through on a date with Jaehyun. Even after profusely apologizing to him in person the next class you had together, he refused to accept any of them, saying it hadn’t been your fault and that there was nothing to be sorry about. Regardless, you pinky promised to actually get to a date this time, having cleared your schedule for over a week.
With explicit instructions to your boss that you were most certainly not available today, along with making sure both Jaehyun and yourself were class free, you knew today was the day.
You’d arrived to the park early, knitted bag in hand with several goodies inside for the lovely picnic Jaehyun had put together. It was beyond a cute idea, you already praised him for being such a romantic and nearly talked Jeongguk’s head off about how excited you were.
You [1:18 PM]: at the park! we’re still meeting by the pagoda at the lake, right? :)
The smiley face looked back at you, making your own grin grow. It also gave you a slight stab of guilt, remembering when Seokjin had mocked his use of the so-called emotes and it also reminded you of when you two last spoke. You’d blown up at your best friend and failed to make amends since. You tried to text and call him but he’d been avoiding you, Jeongguk keeping his lips sealed if he knew anything of him which you were sure he had to know something, he was his friend too after all. And he hadn’t yelled at him and left him hanging for over a week like you had.
jaehyun ✽ [1:20 PM]: yeah :D i’ll see you in a few
With that, you bounded down the stone path towards the open waters of the lake. It was warm and balmy with the softest breeze caressing your skin, making the warm air just the slightest bit cooler. It hummed in your ears and you came up with your own melody to match the wind, until you finally reached where Jaehyun had been leaning against the wooden structure.
“Hey!” You shouted, nearly toppling over your own two feet as they carried you to the chestnut haired boy. His eyes gleamed at the sight of you, slightly dewy as his dimple deepened with his smile.
“Y/N! I’m so glad you could make it,” He embraced you, letting his sleeveless shirt show off the toned muscle of his tan arms. You tried to keep it as PG as possible while he held you, having pure intents with the kind guy who had your heart in a vice.
“Wouldn’t have missed it for the world,” You beamed, letting him lead you to an open patch of grass where he laid down a plaid blanket to sit upon like a typical picnic. “Okay, so I brought some water bottles and snacks. I have chips and little cakes and—”
“Oh, wait I thought I was bringing the snacks and you were bringing the sandwiches?” You furrowed your brows as the two of you got comfortable, shaking your head.
“No, you asked me to bring snacks and drinks, right?” Jaehyun let his hair flop with the motion of his head, gesturing to his phone as he hurriedly scrolled up past the several texts between you two until he reached where he had initially made the plans for the picnic.
“See?” He pointed at the message in blue that indicated when he’d asked you to bring some sandwiches as the full meal and he’d provide drinks and chips and other goods. You rose your hand to hit yourself on the forehead, feeling so dumb for managing to screw this up even after such meticulous planning.
“Hey, it’s okay. We’ll just like… order a pizza or something. They deliver around here, I’m sure.” He smiled and you sort of imagined that this was what he meant whenever he tacked on a face to the end of his texts. It looked so much nicer in person, you had to admit.
You nodded and he called some local place, your mind wandering as you helped unpack what the two of you brought to assess the damage.
Both of you brought water, which was okay since you could never have enough especially on a day like today. Luckily, you brought one flavor of soda and Jaehyun brought another, so at least you had options. He’d also brought plain potato chips while you brought barbeque, having opted for a more “out-the-box” flavor thinking that Jaehyun might like it as much as yourself. He hadn’t thought to bring any sort of sweet so you patted yourself on the back for packing the small cakes.
Even though the two of you forwent the thought of an actual meal, all was not lost. There was enough variety amongst both your choices so in the end, it was okay.
Jaehyun had confirmed if the pizza was okay with you and with a swift nod, he had it sent off and you two were left to your own devices until it arrived.
In the meantime, you’d played Frisbee with the bright plastic disk Jaehyun packed and downed some of the water bottles, appreciating that they were chilled beforehand. The delivery man called Jaehyun and you breathed heavily as you laid next to him on the blanket, trying to catch your breath after running around with Jaehyun at your heels and some random dog chasing along the two of you.
“He’s here, I’m gonna try and wave him down, lemme know if you see him!” Jaehyun stood and searched with a hand over his eyes to shield from the devastating rays. You squinted past the lawn of the park and surveyed the area, seeing kids and kites and runaway squirrels but no man in bright red clothes and a dorky cap.
“D’ya see him yet?” Jaehyun propped himself up on his toes, as if that’d help him see better. When you looked in the opposite direction, turning your head to face the other half of the park, you felt your heart stop.
“Oh for fuck’s sake—”
“Oh! Y/N! I didn’t know you were here!” Seokjin beamed, as if he hadn’t been avoiding your messages and like nothing ever occurred between the two of you. Jaehyun approached where Seokjin stood by the blanket, already tugging his wallet out of his jeans and smiling widely at the newcomer.
“Hello, you know Y/N?” He began, pulling out his card to let the other man confirm his information.
As Seokjin pulled the pizza out from the insulated bag to hand over, he nodded excitedly.
“Y/N and I are really close, best friends even! As close as two people can get, really,”
“Without getting intimate, I should add,” You jumped into the conversation, smiling awkwardly at the idea of your overly affectionate best friend and possible-new-boyfriend initiating their first real interaction. It felt like something akin to bringing an ex to meet the new hubby, like walking on eggshells despite the two smiles amongst the guys.
Though Seokjin’s looked to have lacked the usual wanderlust it normally had, seeming pinched and forced while Jaehyun’s was smooth and typical. He hadn’t realized the daggers the other had been staring at him, too busy taking the food to set down.
The good thing about knowing Seokjin as long and as well as you did, meant you could read him easily.
The bad thing?
You could tell the minute things were going to go downhill.
It seemed innocent, Seokjin dropping the bag onto the floor and Jaehyun being a gentleman and getting it for him. That is until Seokjin nudged the poor boy as he got up and made him stumble with the pizza box in his hand, making him trip and let the pizza collapse on the floor, top wide open.
It could’ve been a complete accident and coincidence, how the smell of pepperoni and melted cheese carried with the breeze, utterly unplanned as the dogs that had been playfully wrestling some space away caught a whiff and broke into a mad dash into the direction, against their owner’s calls.
A truly unfortunate turn of events how the dogs devoured the food, slobbering on Jaehyun still on the ground while you watched in horror as sauce and crusts went flying, Seokjin doing a terrible job of hiding his wild laughter behind his hand.
It could’ve all been an accident.
“Jaehyun!” You rushed to bring him to his feet, trying to wipe away the remnants of dust, dirt and meat as it speckled across his torso, face and hair.  “Are you okay?”
He stuttered, trying to figure out what just happened in the brink of a few seconds.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean for that to happen, I’ll make it up to you, I swear!” Jaehyun promised as he picked at the stray leaves that itched at his scalp.
Amidst Seokjin’s snickers, you gave him the most pointed stare and softened it as you turned towards Jaehyun.
“Did you wanna get cleaned up? There’s a bathroom just down the path,” Jaehyun nodded and silently made his way down the stone road, you had waited until he was out of sight and earshot to finally turn the full brunt of your anger towards Seokjin, who was still laughing.
“What the fuck is your problem? I get it, I was an ass to you once but what the fuck? That was totally not cool!” Your face heated up as you tried to keep your volume to a minimum, for sake of the little ears nearby.
“What, that was an accident and it was funny as hell!” He squeaked with laughter as another wave crashed over him and made him bend at the middle, clutching his midsection. “You can’t seriously blame me for that!”
“You know Seokjin, there’s a lot I haven’t been able to pin on you but things sure get fishy whenever something is supposed to happen with Jaehyun and I.” You squinted your eyes, pointing a finger as Seokjin and jabbing him right in the cleft of his chest, where the annoying cartoon slice of pizza decal was printed on his uniform.
“Like how I magically lost all the gas I had put in my car, or how my boss strangely forgot the day I’d asked off or how all my clothes somehow ended up under my bed, where they’ve never been before?” Seokjin tugged at the collar of his shirt and readjusted the annoyingly bright red cap on his head, some of his fluffy locks slipping out from under and flopping down his forehead; wet with sweat.
“Isn’t it just so interesting how you’ve always told me how much you want me to stay with you on the days when I’m supposed to go out with him, and how something just always goes wrong right after I deny you that?” You scoffed, finally breaking the heated eye contact you held with him to look off into the distance, grimacing at the mess of cheese partly on the blanket by your feet.
“What, are you jealous?”
Seokjin’s eyes widened, mouth moving a million miles a minute.
“Wh-what?! No—what would even—that’s so fucking wrong, I mean—Y/N you’re crazy,” He sputtered, hands doing some strange back and forth motion as he tried to string together along a strain of sensible syllables.
You crossed your arms and gave him your best pointed look, not believing his word vomit for a second.
“C’mon Y/N, what do I have to be jealous about?” He tried to laugh it off, exaggerating it with a slap of his clothed thigh. “Jaehyun is nowhere near as good looking as me, there’s no way I’m jealous of him!”
“That’s not what I was implying.”
He gulped audibly, more sweat gathered on his brow as he took off his cap completely, running a hand through his dark cocoa locks and musing the sweaty, flattened hair with his fingers.
“What, you think I’m jealous because he’s the one who gets to send you smiley faces and hearts and every other cheesy, flirty text in the books? Because he gets to give you his jackets and call you sickeningly sweet nicknames, saving you in his phone with a little heart next to your name because I’m not.”
One of your eyebrows rose to your hairline, the other joining just as swiftly.
“Even though he isn’t half as good looking as me or has known you for a fraction as long as I have, he still gets to be the one to kiss you and lay in bed with you and go on cheesy, corny, cute as fuck picnic dates like this with you!”
At this point, Seokjin was fuming; seething with something that you couldn’t name but it certainly was nothing like his usual happy-go-lucky self.
“Jin?” You tested the waters, voice wavering as your anger dissipated the longer you saw just how affected Seokjin was. He was clearly further invested in this than you presumed, thinking he was just upset because he was losing quality time with his best friend.
“Fuck—Y/N, I… I think I fucking love you and I don’t know what to do about it because you’re out here dating guys that treat you millions of times better than I do and make you infinitely happier and I’m just some loser sitting at home and pining and scheming on ways to keep you from being happy and I—I’m just so fucking sorry, Y/N.”
Seokjin’s eyes were dewy, shiny and soft at the brown centers of his irises and his lips wobbled in a pout you never wanted to be faced with.
“Jin—Seok, I never knew.”
He laughed, bitter and dry as he ran another pass of his hand through his messed up mop of hair.
“Of course you didn’t know, because I was too chicken shit to tell you! Instead of being a man and telling you how I felt, I did this and I’m sorry. Please tell Jaehyun I am too, I’ll give you two some privacy for once. I’m really sorry, Y/N, please don’t hate me.”
“Seokjin, I could never—”
“Y/N, I got most of it off!” Jaehyun bounded back like he was one of the puppies that had attacked him earlier. He gestured to his now slightly damp but sauce free clothes, minus a few dabs here and there where grease and cheese caked in a little too much to be cleaned off with some sink water.
The knees of his jeans were still filthy with dirt but the shine of his smile did wonders in distracting eyes from his pants and you had to force yourself to return the warmth, despite feeling numb and cold in your fingertips.
“Uh, sir, I’m very sorry about all of that. I’ll be sure to free out the pizza and add a credit under your number, I can have the pizza remade and sent right out if you’d like.” Jaehyun waved his hand and shook his head.
“That’s okay, Y/N and I can just figure something else out. Maybe something a little less messy, huh?” He chuckled and you gave him a tight-lipped smile, trying to ignore the tingle in your knees.
“Well, either way I’m still very sorry. Please have a nice day and I hope the rest of your date goes well.” Jaehyun thanked him and asked you to help gather the picnic materials, choosing to pack it up to head to somewhere to sit down and eat.
As you two made your way through the park, under the shade of the brush and foliage, amongst twittering birds, you couldn’t help but focus more on the gravel crunching under your sneakers than Jaehyun’s usually melodious voice speaking animatedly about his brother’s new bird.
“And when he says something, it says it right back! Isn’t that the cutest?” He looked over to where you meandered, clearly distracted. “Hey, Y/N, are you okay?”
You tried to fake a smile, to be happy that you’re finally on the date you’ve been rescheduling day after day with a guy whom you’ve thought was running inside your dreams but as you began to recall the minute details, features became clearer and softer as you finally saw pink lips and dewy cheeks and broad shoulders and—
“Are you feeling alright?” Jaehyun stopped in front of you, holding you by the shoulders as you finally met his worried eyes.
“Uh, um,” You looked at him, how handsome he was and tender and cut so well along the edges. Yet, when you looked longer, you felt the tug in your tummy of wanting to see plush lips and open eyes, crooked fingers on wide palms to hold you like Jaehyun was right now. “N-not really, I think I’m coming down with something. Maybe it’s the trees, or something.”
He nodded understandingly, offering to take you home and even going as far as handing you his jacket so you don’t get too cold on the way home. You took it, for the sake of the ruse but you knew when you took it off to return it, it’d be the last time you accepted one from him.
Arriving home, you tried to come in as quietly as possible.
Unfortunately—when he was actually alert enough to his surroundings—Jeongguk had hearing like a hawk.
“What did you say to Jin?”
You rolled your eyes, trying to push away whatever this nagging feeling was that had been under your skin since the minute he said he loved you.
“Nothing! He went on a rampage while I was on my date, he delivered our pizza and basically destroyed our picnic.”
“Why do I feel like you’re exaggerating?” Jeongguk rounded the couch and sat on the arm of it, squinting at you suspiciously.
You threw your knitted bag on the ratty armchair before slumping next to it, utterly drained both physically and mentally.
“C’mon, you know Seokjin. It’s totally a possibility with him,”
“And yet, this time it isn’t.”
You sighed, subjected to your own worst enemy: the truth.
“He—He said he loved me, okay? He fucking made Jaehyun get attacked by dogs by making him drop the pizza and while he was gone he went through this whole angry confession thing where he basically broke down and apologized and told me he loved me and—”
“Woah, woah, time out Y/N!” Jeongguk made a T shape with his hands, eyes slightly bugged out. “Back up on the play there, take a breather and explain what you meant by ‘angry confession’?” He sat forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he tried to gain clarity from your words.
And with that, you explained everything in vivid detail, down to the last speck of dust that laid on Seokjin’s pretty cheekbones and Jeongguk smirked by the end of it all, muttering how he knew it all along.
“Know what? C’mon Guk, quit playing,”
He leaned back, arms behind his head.
“You love Jin.”
 ○ ◐ ●
 Jeongguk waves his hand at Seokjin’s words, mentioning how this was just so important that he had to leave right then and there.
“But Guk! It’s your apartment! You can’t just leave a guest here alone!”
“You’re not alone! You’ve got Y/N, plus you’re always saying you practically live here anyways so,” Jeongguk trailed off as he left the apartment, feigning that he had some important last minute project but in reality he was probably going over to Yoongi’s to fuck.
You were a coward. The biggest coward to ever cowardly coward in the history of cowarding.
Seokjin was there, watching cable television in your living room and heating up off brand pizza bagels and you were here, sitting in your underwear under your covers, thinking that you could possibly make yourself transport elsewhere by shutting your eyes tight and clutching the bed sheets harder.
bunny [12:44 PM]: quit being a wimp and DO SOMETHING
You [12:44 PM]: how do you know i’m not right now?
bunny [12:45 PM]: bc ur clearly texting me rn so
bunny [12:45 PM]: I know firsthand u can’t text while fucking
You [12:45 PM]: lies, you guys know how to jerk it while texting
You [12:46 PM]: it’s a gift and it’s not fair >:(
bunny [12:46 PM]: y/n shut up and go help jin get his dick wet
You locked your phone angrily and sat cross legged on your bed.
You shouldn’t have to do anything. You were doing just fine with a really great guy, Seokjin’s the one who had to get his own personal feelings involved and make it harder on you.
Jaehyun had been so nice about everything, every one of your half-assed excuses making it past him and he always took them in stride with smiley faces and dimpled grins.
That is, up until now.
jaehyun ✽ [12:58 PM]: hey, can i ask you something?
You [12:59 PM]: sure :D
jaehyun ✽ [12:59 PM]: do you have feelings for the pizza guy?
You [1:00 PM]: what pizza guy?
jaehyun ✽ [1:00 PM]: you know, the one that delivered the pizza to our picnic. you looked kinda… distracted, by him
jaehyun ✽ [1:01 PM]: it’s totally cool if you do, i mean i really liked you too but i get it if you had something going on before me
Was there something you could say to him? Could you explain why Seokjin suddenly made your heart race and why you no longer craved to see Jaehyun when you had Seokjin right there?
“Y/N! I think I broke your TV!” The voice came from the living room, tearing you out of your small crisis.
You let out an exasperated sigh at Seokjin before throwing on an oversized T-shirt and going out to inspect the damage. You hadn’t even forgone the thought of pants, feeling both exhausted and far too comfortable in your own home to have gone through that effort. Seokjin on the other hand, couldn’t take his focus from that tiny, insignificant detail.
“Um—Y/N, what are you…?” You looked at the TV screen, quickly figuring out that the issue was the AVI cord that sometimes jiggled out of place from the back. In the meantime, you tossed your locked phone onto the couch by Seokjin, trying to ignore his still roaming eyes.
As you reached behind the dusty TV, your phone buzzed and broke Seokjin from his trance to look over at the illuminated screen. When he read Jaehyun’s name followed by that same stupid flower, he felt something in him snap.
It’d been a few days since he said those dumb words to you, since you hadn’t said it back and anything else towards him.
And here you were, just waving your unclad ass in front of his face just to fucking tease him further, to mock his inability to take what he wanted.
“Seok, what are you doing?” He heard your small voice as he realized where he was.
Pressed up against you, already half hard at the action alone.
“What are you doing still texting him?” Seokjin lost his filter, lost his cool. He was tired of sitting on the sidelines and losing every chance to be the bigger man and have his shot to be with you. You tried to question him, asking him who he meant but it only made him press harder, your hands holding you up against the TV stand.
“You know who I’m talking about, the guy who doesn’t know how to keep his hands off what’s not his.”
“Yours?” You looked back incredulously, feeling more surprised than offended at the statement. Granted, you’re already shocked by Seokjin’s bold move along with his rapidly hardening length against your backside.
“I’ve known you for years now, been by your side as you cried over God knows what and when you bought your first vibrator and got too scared to use it. I know your favorite foods and colors and what makes you smile. And yet, he still gets to talk to you more than I do. When was the last time we spoke, Y/N?”
“I—” You stopped trying to come up with something that wasn’t as wimpy as ‘a week ago’ because you knew that wasn’t an answer Seokjin would appreciate.
“I’m sick and tired of staying quiet and letting him have all the fun with you, Y/N. I think it’s about time you forgot about him,” He pressed on harder, your t-shirt rising more and giving Seokjin more tantalizing skin to look at. “And have a taste of what you already have.”
His hands found purchase on your hips and made his grip more prominent, the touch feeling slightly chilly against the bare skin that now showed where your shirt rose.
“S-Seok, what are you trying to do?” You stuttered, straightening from where you were bent over but that didn’t phase Seokjin, his grip still iron clad despite your shirt cascading down over his hands and concealing them underneath. “I’m still allowed to text Jaehyun, he’s my friend and I—”
“But that’s not all he is, not according to him.” His fingers left indentions on your hips with how hard he was holding onto you now, channeling his emotions through the grip he had on you. “He thinks he has a chance, isn’t that just so cute? When clearly, you’re mine.”
At that, you pushed his hands off of you and whipped around to face Seokjin, feeling both bold and a little angered by what he was implying.
“Excuse me? Yours? Since when did you acquire that title?—Please, do tell since I fail to remember this little coronation.”
Seokjin fucking scoffed, as if the answer was clear as day.
“If you think that you pathetically admitting your undying affections for me after ruining a date I was happily on with a complete gentleman, then I’m sorry to say you’re sorely mistaken.” You placed your hands on your hips, feeling the slight bruising from where Seokjin’s hands had just been. His eyes flashed down a moment, relishing in your slight wince from what he’d done.
“You didn’t seem to think it was so pathetic, if this little get-up is anything to go by. Are you trying to entice me, Y/N? Because it’s working,” Seokjin’s hands creeped up your sides again, trying to get his hands everywhere his eyes had trailed already and you pushed them off you once more.
“This,” You gestured to your body and outfit, “is because I’m in my own home and I’m allowed to be comfortable in said home.”
Seokjin grew bolder with every waking minute, watching you heat up the longer he continued to play with you and your emotions.
“This,” He then mimicked you gesturing to your own body before continuing, “is driving me crazy and we both know you know better than to walk around like this with a guest in your apartment.” As he spoke, his hands returned, snaking under your shirt and gently grazing the open skin he could find. You shivered at the contact, trying to fight how Seokjin was getting under your skin just right.
“Maybe it wouldn’t drive you crazy if you weren’t in someone’s home uninvited and unwarranted.”
He chuckled darkly and in all the years you’d known Seokjin, you’ve never seen him so cocky and menacing. And never so hot.
“I was invited, sweetheart. But Jeongguk decided to be a bad friend and leave me to be someone’s booty call. I figured I’d at least make the most of it by being polite enough and wait for him but then you just had to show up wearing practically nothing—”
You made an affronted noise and he stopped mid-sentence to shoot you a glare, eyebrow arched as he questioned the interruption.
“I am wearing something, you asshole.”
And that was just the last grain of rice on the scale that tipped it right over the edge.
Seokjin’s hand abruptly left your body to tangle in your hair and yank your head back, exposing the column of your neck to him to which he eagerly helped himself to. He nosed up until he reached your ear, sucking right behind it and making you go weak at the knees—feeling like they’d buckle at any moment but Seokjin had a strong grip around your waist with the other arm.
His breath ghosted over your ear as he rasped, heady and dark to match his eyes.
“You want me to be an asshole, Y/N? I think I deserve more respect than that, I’ve been nothing but a cordial gentleman to you all this time. I kept my dirty, nasty thoughts about you to myself even when you test me with that sweet little ass of yours in all those slutty outfits, just begging to be bent over the kitchen counter and made into the bitch you are.”
This was nothing like the Seokjin you knew, his voice was laced with sinful intent and while you’d never explored the concept of being degraded like this, you couldn’t deny how aroused it made you feel and you couldn’t pinpoint if it was because of it coming from Seokjin himself or if it was just the idea of having someone dominant like this making you soaking wet.
“Oh, now you have nothing to say? You were making use of that smart mouth of yours before, what happened?” His voice trailed off as he sucked and bit along your neck where he snaked up to before, his fingers still tight in your hair and making your neck ache with the hard angle he held you at. “Tell me if you want to stop, love. All it takes is one word and I’ll go,” He whispered over your skin and that was more intimate than anything else he’d already said tonight.
Your mind was running at a million miles a minute and you fought Seokjin’s hand in your hair until he realized and let go, giving you the widest eyes you’ve ever seen. He began to apologize, thinking he’d crossed some line but when you were finally free from his grip, you made your own move and lurched forward to finally taste the lips that were haunting your dreams.
He made a noise out of surprise, mind not catching up with what was happening until your tongue swiped against his mouth and he finally wrapped his arms around you and returned the lip lock. It was hot and heady and he loved how you tasted like the mint toothpaste you kept in your bathroom, cold against his tongue.
You broke apart to catch your breath, coming in rapid puffs and Seokjin returned to the role he’d enjoyed taking part in before.
His hands went from caressing your back to cupping your ass, bringing you closer against him to feel the hardness at your hip, straining against the dark wash jeans he’d worn today. You suppressed a small yelp at the motion, caught off guard and still not used to being manhandled in such a way but you didn’t give Seokjin any negative signals to stop so he prodded further by kneading the flesh of your behind and going as far as giving it a harsh smack.
“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that,” He smirked and you bit your lip in anticipation, his hands trailing up and taking the hem of your shirt in his fingers. With a quirked brow and an eager nod from you, he pulled the shirt up and off your frame, eyes instantly going to your body to look at it in all its glory. He cursed under his breath and let his thumbs rub up and down your waist line, feeling the skin dip under his fingers and wanting nothing more than to mark and claim you as his; to bruise you and make you ache for days.
“Seok?” You spoke softly, Seokjin’s eyes on you for longer than you’d like especially with how riled up he managed to get you in the past few minutes.
“You’re never allowed to see that guy again,” Was all he said before he picked you up over his shoulder like a fireman and you squealed at the action, hitting his back with closed fists and begging him to put you down. Despite your flailing, Seokjin kept a pretty sturdy grip on you and he proved his strength with carrying you all the way to the bedroom, leaving the door wide open and tossing you onto the bed with a bounce.
“Finish stripping,” He began, undoing the tie he’d worn along with his baggy dress shirt. While strangely formal/casual, his outfit was nothing short of attractive on him and you were distracted by the sight of him unbuttoning his top, so much so that it had Seokjin frowning at you.
“Listen love, I know I’m drop dead gorgeous but I asked you do something. Do you really want to see what happens when you disobey my orders?” You shook your head and resumed taking off your undergarments, feeling the slight awkward hitch of being totally nude in front of your best friend. Seokjin however, didn’t seem to feel that hiccup as he let his eyes hungrily rake over you on the mattress.
He finally was down to his briefs, dark in color like his jeans, and he was about to make a move onto the bed when the two of you heard the sound of a phone ringing in the living room.
“Oh! That’s the ringtone I set for Jaehyun,” You automatically began to sit up and move off the bed, a habit from when you were still head over heels for the boy, and that didn’t seem to sit well with Seokjin. He pushed you back onto the bed, slapping your thigh when you tried to cross your legs shut and holding you down with a hand at your neck.
“What did I tell you about him?” He seethed.
“You said I’m never allowed to see him again, not talk to him on the phone.”
That little retort earned you another slap on the thigh, twice as hard as the one before and you hissed at the sting, trying to ignore the jump in your heartrate from the pain.
“There’s that smart mouth again,” Seokjin spat and he released you from his hand to turn back to the puddle of clothes that were pooled on your bedroom floor. In the mass of it all, he pulled out the inky tie he was wearing, returning to the bed swiftly and taking each of your wrists into one of his hands. “You need to learn your place and who you belong to, angel.”
You watched helplessly (and painfully aroused by the sight) as Seokjin wrapped a knot around your wrists with the loose tie before turning you on your side and smacking your ass, urging you to turn completely onto your stomach. As you silently relented, Seokjin took the time to admire your backside and finish securing the tie around your metal bedframe, setting it in a pretty little bow.
It was very ‘Jin’ of him, to make something so dirty and callous pretty to the eyes.
“Now, I’m going to eat you out until your crying into that pillow of yours and if you have a problem with that, I suggest you tell me now.” You shook your head and tugged on the restraint, feeling the taut ribbon around your wrists form a strict vice, keeping you immobile. “But first, I plan on making you ache for me.”
And with that, he began to suck, nip and bite along your body, leaving no spot unmarked and untouched by his sinful lips. He placed hickey after hickey on your body, bruises so sharp you could only squirm as he would suck another into your skin. Seokjin made his way down until he was faced with your dripping arousal, finger swiping through the wetness that developed there and making you muffle a moan into the pillow.
He spanked the inside of your thigh, making your legs unconsciously spread further. He then used a hand at your abdomen to pull you up into a position where your torso and face where smushed into the bed but you still were on your knees, ass up for Seokjin.
“Don’t even think about hiding those precious noises, you’ll be punished if you do.” He rasped against your thigh before sucking another trail of hickies there. After teasing you for so long, Seokjin finally began to lap around your folds and you had to force yourself from burying your face into the pillow as he literally ripped moans out of you.
His hands stayed on your ass and thighs, alternating spreading you to reach further, to bury his tongue as deep as possible and kneading the flesh as you begged for more—for anything more he could give you.
Seokjin chuckled with his tongue inside you, the vibrations making you shake and shiver while you continued to writhe in the makeshift handcuffs. He slipped down lower to suck on your clit, bringing one of his hands close enough to dip a finger inside you. The dual sensations drove you mad, moaning unintelligibly as Seokjin passed his tongue over the sensitive nub while simultaneously stroking your walls, adding a second finger to aid in searching for that one spot that’d make you scream his name.
At this point, you were sobbing into the pillow, needing more than just his mouth and you made sure to vocalize that.
The sound of you begging so prettily for Seokjin had him pulling away, admiring his handiwork. He gave you another sharp spank on the ass, watching the meat jiggle before deciding that enough was enough.
He dove in once more, much to your chagrin—your protests falling on deaf ears as Seokjin progressed further in making you into a pool of putty. His tongue and fingers were on double time, making your breath catch in your throat as he quite literally sucked an orgasm out of you. You trembled in the aftershocks, Seokjin not once letting up in his ministrations until you cried for him to stop, that it was just too much.
“I’m not quite finished yet, doll. You still have to prove to me that you’re mine.” Seokjin pulled down his briefs and let his cock slap his abdomen, finally being released from the tight confines. He took himself into his hand, fucking the grip and letting his head roll back from the sweet relief the friction gave him.
“Seokjin, please,” You whimpered, barely able to look behind you to see Seokjin stroking himself while you were still bound against the bed, pulse racing from the recent orgasm. He stopped to look over at you, his own heart clenching at your voice so utterly wrecked for him and how sweet your body was, all presented for him like a goddamn gift.
“Please what?” He grinned like the cat that got the cream, devilishly awaiting for you to finally give him what he wanted.
“Please, fuck me.” You gritted, fighting your own humiliation to admit what your desires were. Seokjin was more than pleased with your request and he had no problem with obliging.
“You still on the pill, doll?” You nodded against the sheets, face heating up at the thought of Seokjin going in raw and you tried to deny the idea of it being so damn hot.
Before he relented however, you felt the mattress dip as he moved from behind you until he was instead kneeled by your face, up close to where your hands were tied down to. You were met with a face full of his cock, red and hard—achingly so by the looks of it. The head was glistening and your eyes trailed up to meet Seokjin’s own hard gaze.
“What’re you looking at? Go on, get me wet for you.”
You breathed hard before leaning forward as much as you could, on wobbly knees with the lack of steadiness your hands would normally provide for you. Giving his length kittenish licks, it didn’t seem to please Seokjin as he gripped your hair hard and pulled you back, nearly making you fall from the sudden imbalance. He growled at you to get him wet, not to tease, and quite forcefully pushed his cock into your mouth.
You gagged around his length, letting him use you as he fucked into the wet cavern, tongue trying to keep up with his thrusts. It was sloppy and you were drooling all over him and yourself, something that you’re sure Seokjin didn’t mind as he groaned and fucked your throat raw.
“That’s good enough, pet.” He ripped himself away and returned behind you, biting down once more on your ass cheek before spreading you open and licking his lips at the sight of you. He asked one final time if everything was okay and you just whined in response, squirming in place in anticipation for the inevitable.
His lip was in-between his teeth as he entered you, inch by agonizing inch until he was fully seated inside you and he slumped over your back, hand coming up to stroke where your hands were bound. Seokjin gave you time to adjust, pressing kisses at the nape of your neck until you whispered for him to move, and that was his cue.
He held nothing back, fucking you just as hard and relentless as he’d eaten you out. With hungry fervor, he wrecked you with every snap of his hips; rendering you helpless.
“Such a good little slut, taking everything and so much more,” He panted hard as he exerted more force and made you shift up the mattress. “You beg for it so prettily, made to take my cock,” You whimpered in response and clenched your grip around the black restraints as Seokjin brought you closer to your second orgasm, much quicker than the first time with all the overstimulation deliciously stinging up your nerves.
The sounds of sex were loud in the bedroom, Seokjin’s harsh thrusts audible to even the most innocent of ears and you worried if the neighbors could hear the bed frame banging against the wall, knowing full and well what the noise was of, paired with your muffled moans and whimpers.
His hand came down hard, spanking you and then gripping the stinging flesh as he reminded you not to mute yourself, forcing you to keep your head up until he finally slammed against that one spot inside you that fucked the orgasm out of you.
Seokjin hissed as you clenched tighter around him, fucking you harder and quicker until he finally came deep inside, the heat rushing through you and making you cry out.
He pulled out slowly, watching as his release dribbled out of you and spattered on your thighs. He cursed and tried to catch his breath, hand on your hip to keep you from collapsing under him.
“Baby,” He panted, barely scrummaging up enough energy to untie you, quickly falling onto the bed next to you. You laid there for a moment, not even paying attention to your freed hands as everything slowly came back to you in full color. You rolled over on your back, wincing at the bruises that littered your back liberally—you felt them everywhere and just laying down hurt.
Seokjin looked over at you, concerned but you waved him off, gently laying back down after arching your body off the bed before to try and minimalize the contact to your back. Turning your head to face Seokjin, you gave him a half-lidded smile and he returned it in full sentiment, bringing you close to him as softly as possible to keep from hurting you further.
“I didn’t go too hard, did I? I’m sorry for hurting you,” You shook your head, moving forward to give him a peck before settling against his chest, stroking circles and figure eights on his pectorals.
“It was great, Seok, I really enjoyed it, thought I made that sorta obvious,” You breathlessly laughed and Seokjin joined you, before remembering that he had to clean you up. He reached for the tissues you kept on your night stand and gently snuck down to wipe away at the excess come that leaked out of you and wherever else it managed to get on.
He tossed the tissues out in the nearby wastebasket and held you to his side, rubbing your back lovingly.
“If you couldn’t already tell, I love you too.” You began to speak softly, not looking up as you continued to make patterns on Seokjin’s skin. “But next time, don’t mess with me like that. Just tell me up front, okay?” He chuckled and agreed, though he made sure to enunciate that his feelings were genuine and that he hoped there wasn’t going to be a next time since your dates from now on will be with him and no one else.
Seokjin pulled the covers over the two of you and let his eyes drift shut, having already listened to your breathing even out as you fell asleep cuddled up to Seokjin.
Jeongguk had returned home and made his way to his room, not without stopping by the wide open door of your bedroom to spot the pile of clothes and the two naked bodies wrapped around each other. He smiled fondly and muttered under his breath, “Fucking finally,” before going into his room, shooting a text to Yoongi to tell him his plan had worked and he won the bet, earning a blow job from the other.
Seokjin shifted next to you and you drowsily held onto him tighter, the warm body easing your mind and lulling you back to sleep easily. The two of you smiled in your slumber, happy to have finally succumbed to the thoughts your dreams had been giving you endlessly.
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hornsbeforehalos · 7 years
Anytime, Sweetheart: Part 14
Pairing: JDM x OFC, 
Features: Ackles & Padalecki Families, R2, Misha Collins & Vicky Vantoch, Norman Reedus, Andrew Lincoln, Kim Rhodes, Briana Buckmaster, Ruth Connell, Corey Taylor and other cast members & OFCs* *THIS IS AN RPF FIC**
Series Masterlist Summary: (I’m horrible at summaries, but let me try): Kylin Ackles runs to her brother’s house after leaving her abusive boyfriend of 3 years, where she meets Jeffrey. Events unfold that bring them together, as well as push them apart.  Warnings: Emotional abuse, Physical Violence, mentions of rape, cursing, drinking, recreational drug use (weed), Strip Club, RPF, NSFW**, GIFs, implied smut, Age Difference, Slow burn, Emotional rollercoaster, poorly written smutt, etc… 18+ please
(A/N: This is strictly a work of fiction that I came up with off the top of my head. For fictional purposes his S/O & Son are not mentioned. I love him and his little family, though, so no hate intended. This is the first time posting anything on Tumblr, but I couldn’t get it out of my head since my ao3 fic is currently on hiatus because writers block. Feedback is appreciated. unbetaed, all mistakes are mine.)**THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS DESCRIPTION OF SUICIDE. PLEASE DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE EASILY TRIGGERED***
TAGS: @jml509 @jesbakescookies @daddy-kink-confirmed @wayward-mirage @aquivercactus @xagateophobiax @sorenmarie87 @missghoul18 @jdmfanfiction @jeffreydeanneganstrash @mkate-writes-things @srj1990
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   The next morning when I woke up I was greeted with warm hands and a strong chest pressed against me. Smiling, I rolled over and opened my eyes, expecting to see Robbie.
   It was not Robbie. My mouth dropped open but he put his fingertips to my lips to silence me before I could speak.
   "I'm not going to say I told you so. I'm just going to say I love you and I'm here if you need anything."
   Tears welled up immediately as the numbness I had been feeling slipped. He held the back of my head and dipped my face into his cotton covered chest and I melted into him, feeling safe in my best friend's arms.
   Rob appeared in the door way with a cup of coffee and a smile a moment later. He sat the mug down on his nightstand and crawled into bed beside me as I rolled over and Misha placed his head on my chest. Rob did the same on the other side.
   "Ya'll are so fucking gay." I chuckled, looking down at the men wrapped around me.
   "Only for you." Misha grinned, eyes twinkling up at me before looking to Rob and wagging his eyebrows.
   Rob blushed and nuzzled his face into my shirt as he tightened his grip around my waist, "You two are ridiculous."
   "So I was thinking, Kylin...since you're back and all..." Misha started, eyes trailing down my stomach and legs before floating out the window innocently.
"Spit it out, Mishka." I hissed.
I sighed and rolled my eyes. Of course. "You have to apologize first."
   He opened his mouth to begin to protest but Robbie smacked him on the arm in warning.
   "Okay, okay! I was a little bit of a douche bag. I'm sorry." He admitted, nuzzling back into my hair on his side and pressing closer against me. Both of the men clinging to me were in sweat pants, and not a whole lot was left to the imagination as they rutted against my bare thighs. Ignoring the involuntary heat between my legs with a sigh, I made a move to sit up.
   "You two are the ridiculous ones." I squirmed away from them to the edge of the bed and got up to search for pants, undies on full display.
   "Are you okay?" Misha's tone shifted to seriousness as he adjusted himself to sit upright on the bed beside Rob. Rob looked down at his hands before back up to me.
   "You did this, Benedict?" I inquired, waving a pair of shorts in Misha's direction, eyes squinting.
   "Yes." He peeped, guilt spreading quickly across his face. I rolled my eyes and groaned.
   "Look, I don't want any one to fucking pity me, okay. I put myself in that fucked up position, both of them. I didn't fucking expect either one of them. It was no one's fault but my own that I didn't listen to you. He fucking had me fooled, dude." I leaned back against the dresser, hands on the edges still holding onto the shorts that I was trying to put on, "Hell, I'm lucky Jeffrey even showed up when he did. I don't know what would have..." I trailed off, eyes wandering as I fought against my tear ducts.
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   "Babe, I should have told you straight up what I found out. I talked to Jeffrey about it, and he said he was handling it, but something didn't sit right. I didn't know for sure so I didn't want to say anything before I could confirm." Misha sighed, forearm resting on his raised knee as he moved his eyes out of the window.
   I sighed, and moved to put on my shorts, once they were pulled up and fastened, I apologized, "I'm sorry I called you spoiled."
   This made both men laugh and shake their heads as they moved out of the bed on opposite sides. They moved around and engulfed me in a tangle of arms. Misha leaned down and nuzzled against my ear, "It's you that's spoiled, Missy."
   "Always have been, always will be." I quipped in a squeak as Rob's arms squeezed a little too tight around my bruised ribs.
   I moved away from them when the sound of a knock could be heard screaming through the halls, followed by the echo of the doorbell. Rob moved to answer it as I pulled my hair into a ratted bun and rubbed my eyes.
   "Kylin?!" I could hear Jared's voice boom through the house followed by his stomping footsteps.
   "Jesus Christ" I mumbled with rolled eyes, reaching for the forgotten coffee Rob had brought me.
  "Holy fuck, Kay, are you okay?" he instantly jerked me up by the biceps in a crushing hug before pushing me away to search me for damage.
   "Dude, did Supernatural shut the fuck down or something? God damn go to fucking work!" I pushed away completely from Jared in a huff and moved past Rob in the doorway. I made quick work of the steps and found my purse before pushing open the back door and throwing myself on the patio lounge chair and lighting a cigarette.
   By the time I got the first drag out the door threw itself open and out stormed the three men insistent on taking care of me.
"Fucking hell, men! Leave me be! I'm fine."
   "Kylin, we both know that's not true." Jared prodded, crossing his arms and looking down at me.
   Rob joined me on chair and wrapped a shoulder around me as I inhaled the nicotine again, worrying the ashes to the concrete, "You're not reacting the typical way you do, hon. We're kinda worried about you."
   "And you three are the poster boys for mental fucking health? Christ, Rob, you pop so many fucking Xanax I'm surprised you can fucking see straight. Misha is the biggest fucking narcissistic ass hole I've ever met in my life. And don't even get me started on you, Jared Tristan Padalecki, you overgrown nutcase!" I heaved myself out of Rob's arms and tossed the cigarette away from me before huffing into the house and to the bathroom and slamming the door.
   "Look, guys, I'm fine, really. For now anyway. I get it, I'm acting weird or whatever. Maybe I'm desensitizing myself, who knows. Just let me deal with this myself, please?" I pleaded as I flipped the pancakes in Rob's kitchen, looking over to the bar where the three men sat with their coffee and teas.
   "Come to Vancouver with us." Jared insisted, reaching for the plate I handed him.
   I sighed while placing one hand on my hip and the other rubbing my forehead, "I don't know, Jare, You know I hate that place."
   "Come onnnn, pleaseeeeee." Misha whined, swinging his shoulders for good measure, earning him an eye roll from me and Rob.
   "You could stay here with me?" Rob piped in quietly, sweet and hopeful expression on his face.
   I smiled back, but gave him a knowing look. He chuckled and looked down at his mug, "Can't blame a man for trying."
   "I wish I could go back to my fucking house." I confessed, taking a sip out of my cup of hazelnut goodness.
   "Just come back with us, Kay. Please. Jensen's worried fucking sick, Douche bag knows where you live, knows you're in the city. It's the safest. We have to keep you safe until we figure out how to handle this creep." Jared begged, hands in the praying formation.
 I cringed, knowing he was being logical. I didn't feel like being logical though.
"I could go back to Dallas..."
   I was met with three sets of disapproving eyes and groans. I surrendered, not having the emotional capability to continue my argument, "Fine, but Jared's paying for my plane ticket."
   The disappointment on Rob's face was evident, but I knew he understood. Him and Mollie would be back together in no time per usual anyway. I just hoped she wouldn't be too pissed about me borrowing her husband for my comfort like she had in the past given the circumstances.
   It had been 3 weeks with me back shlepping cups of tea and following Misha around like a chicken with my head cut on the set of Supernatural when Jensen told me they were bringing John Winchester back to the show for a one-episode guest appearance.
"I'm going home." I stated simply.
"And where the fuck is that?" Jensen quizzed, annoyed look on his face.
"I don't know, Jense. I can't be here. I can't fucking see-"
   "Me?" the deep drawl sank it's way into my soul before I even had the chance to anticipate it.
'Of fucking course they would do this shit to me.'
   "Yes, you. " I hissed, spinning around to face the voice. My throat caught my breath as he looked at me from his place at the door way of Jensen's trailer. I lied, "I fucking hate you."
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   "Not my favorite person in the world either, sweet pea. But here I am." he spread his arms wide in gesture, selfish smirk playing on his lips.
   "How the fuck are you supposed to play John again anyway? You're not even fat anymore." What meant to sound like an insult actually came out more of a compliment, earning me a chuckle from the man who moved further into the area.
   "One, I was never fat to begin with. And two, with class, sweetheart, with class. Something you should learn about." He snickered as his eyes trailed over the love bruises and bite marks adorning my neck. Rob was in town working as well with Chuck being in the episode, and we had spent the weekend held up in my tiny apartment 'passing time.'
   "Because you don't need a lesson yourself. How's Tanya?" I jabbed, stepping closer to him. Jensen sighed from the couch and reached for my hand, attempting to pull me back.
"Kylin," Jensen warned.
   The expression on Jeffrey's face shifted before his eyes flicked down to Jensen where he sat on the couch and then back to me, "You didn't tell her, Jay?"
Another sigh from my brother, "Figured that's something you should do."
   I ripped my hand away from Jensen and turned to look between the two men, then to Misha at his place beside Jensen as I crossed my arms and furrowed my brow, "What the fuck are ya'll talking about?"
   "She killed herself, Kylin." Jeffrey said lowly, voice laced with embarrassment and shame, "The night I saved you."
   The hair on the back of my neck stood on end, and I inhaled deeply as my brain registered his words. I exhaled loudly before speaking again. The guilt tried to creep its way in, but I wouldn't allow it. Instead, something else snapped and a grin appeared on my face as my eyes twinkled, "Good fucking riddance."
   It was like a blow to the whole room. Jensen instantly stood from his spot and grabbed my arm to turn me towards him, "You don't mean that, sis. You know you don't."
   His eyes searched mine for a second and my grin got bigger, warping into a full fledged beaming smile as I turned to face Jeffrey again, "Of course I do. Fucking whore had it coming. Tell me, Mr. J, did you go to her funeral? Did you weep?" A psychotic chuckle fluttered out of my mouth before I could stop it, "Do you miss your mistress?"
   "Alright, that's enough." Misha hissed, standing up and moving between Jeffrey and I. He looked down at me with dominating eyes, one eye brow raised suggestively, "The fuck are you doing, Ky?"
   "What am I doing? What am I doing?" I scoffed, tilting my head with a jerk as I peered up at him, "The fuck are you doing, Dmitri?"
   I didn't give them the time to answer before storming out, pushing my shoulder against Jeffrey's arm to move him out of my way upon exit. He followed me, naturally, and reached for my hand to slow me down. I twisted out of his grasp and slapped him across the face with my other hand before he grabbed me by both of my wrists and jerked me to him.
   "You have hit me more times than I should have allowed, little girl. That will be the last fucking time, do you understand me?" He growled through gritted teeth, staring down at me with pure anger flitting through his already dark eyes. His breath was lingering on my face, and I couldn't help but want to lean in just a little bit further...
"Do you...understand..." he growled out again.
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  My eyes flicked back up from his lips to his eyes, wondering at him in amazement at how he could suddenly send my whole world crashing down around me. His blackened eyes scowling at me as he held me to him, practically lifting me off my feet as he held me still.
"Yes sir." I whimpered against my will, and he loosened his grip and pushed me out of his arms with a grunt and a huff. He kept his hand around my wrist and began to lead me towards the guest trailers.
  "You're gonna come with me and you're gonna listen to me, ya hear?" He instructed, to which I just nodded my head with my eyes forward.
   He opened the door to the trailer for me and I entered, quickly finding a seat at the far end of the sofa. He sat on the opposite end and turned towards me.
   "Alright. I know I fucked up, doll. I know I did, and I feel terrible about it. I haven't had a good night since you left." He started, breathing deeply to fight against the tears I saw forming in the corners of his eye, "I should have been honest with you from the get go, but I didn't want you to flip out the way I know you would."
   "My boyfriend is keeping some bitch secret at his house while leaving me alone constantly while I cook and clean for him and his friend. And you fucked her. You fucked her and then came back and slept in the same bed with me." Anger started to seethe through me, and Jeffrey could tell. He raised a hand to stop me before I could continue.
   "I never slept with her, baby girl. Never. She was insane and delusional. I didn't know what to do with her but I didn't want her to kill herself." He looked towards the other side of the room as he scrubbed his face and beard, "I was looking for help for her, but then all that shit happened and she just showed the fuck up. You left. I knew I had to explain it to you but you never gave me the chance and then when I found you like...that...." He trailed off, eyes flitting across my neck once more, "And all that other shit happened...I almost killed that man for touching you. I saw the blood, and the other and I almost pulled that trigger right there."
He was sobbing now, and it took everything in me not to want to comfort him.
   "Then when I dropped you at Rob's I realized where half of those fucking marks came from, I wanted to stomp his fucking head in, but the hell, I couldn't blame the guy. I just wish it would have meant more to you for it to be with me."
   "It was supposed to be with you, but I wanted it to be with someone who I knew loved me."
   He scoffed, pulling his head back slightly in offence, "I loved you with all of my fucking soul, woman. I still fucking do."
It was my turn to huff, "Whatever."
   He ignored me, and continued, "I was so pissed when I got back to Georgia that all I wanted to do was forget about you. I was gonna take her, keep her, and forget about everything else...But then I found her."
   "Sorry to ruin your dream." I mumbled, looking away from him with sarcastically raised brows.
   "Jesus Christ." he huffed, shaking his head in amazement before squinting, "Will you shut the fuck up?"
"Of course not."
   I smirked at him as I watched him light a cigarette. Figuring I still hadn’t given him enough shit, I reached forward and snatched the pack from his hand and pulled one out for myself before leaning back on the couch and draping my legs across his lap.
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   "We always end up on a couch, you know," I teased, suggestive eyebrows wagging themselves naturally as I raised the cancer stick to my lips. Jeff rolled his eyes at me but clasped his big hands around my tiny ankles. Probably a defensive notion, I really did have the perfect angle to kick him in the nuts.
   "I found her in the bathtub, all bloody from her slitting her wrists, and all I could picture was what you would look like if I hadn't made it to you in time." He looked down at his hands and began rubbing gentle circles into my skin as his tears began to fall again, "How I was so fucking stupid."
I stayed silent as I took another drag.
   "I'm gonna get you back, Kylin. I swear to you that. I know I hurt you and I know I lied but I will make you trust me again. I swear it." He nodded his head with the promise before shifting his head back to me, "I swear."
   I stared at him in awe, unsure of what to say before he grabbed my free hand and pulled me to sit up closer to him. He stomped his cigarette out in the ashtray on the coffee table before gripping both of his hands into my hair and pulling me against his mouth. I whimpered in protest, but it soon turned into a whimper of need as the killing fields that was the scruff on his face came in contact iwth my skin. I was lost all over again for a second as he parted my lips with his tongue and sank into me, my free hand moving to pull him closer by the collar of his shirt. He slipped one hand around to gently hold my jaw while his mouth worked against mine. We stayed like that for a  while, just kissing, and he had just made the move to crawl on top of me when there was a loud rapping a the door.
   "5 minutes on set, Jeff!" the helper called out. Jeff called back to the man with a grunt before pulling off of me.
   "Fuck me." Jeffrey hissed in annoyance as he adjusted himself in his pants. I re positioned myself as well before standing, making sure my shirt was arranged and my bra wasn't showing too bad.
   "Fucking Christ" I murmured, checking my reflection of smeared khol in the mirror by the door, "I look like shit."
   "Impossible." he contested, shaking a finger at me as he ran his other hand through his hair, "Always fucking perfect."
   I smiled, using the end of my hoodie's sleeve to wipe under my eyes, "Thanks, Jeff."
He smiled back brighter at me, excited to say the words, "Anytime, Sweetheart."
   Rob caught up to us as we got close to the set. Jeff and I had been walking side by side, but far enough apart not to make it awkward. Of course, Robbie instantly knew what was up and his eyebrows quickly rose to his hair line as he looked at my kiss swollen lips and smeared eyeliner. Throwing his arm over my shoulder and pulling me slightly away while adjusting his glasses with his other hand and leaning closer to my ear, he whispered, "Back at it again already, huh?"
   "Don't start with me, Benedict," I glared up at him while wrapping my own arm around his waist, "Not a fucking word."
   He rolled his eyes with a knowing smirk but nodded none the less. I looked back to the left to see Jeffrey staring at me intently before giving me a sad smile as we approached where we needed to be.
   "Everything okay now?" Jensen asked, looking between me and Jeffrey with raised hands, ready to get the scene started.
   "Everything's peachy, bubs. Sorry. Get to work!" I promised with a grin before kissing Rob on the cheek and skipping over to my usual spot in Misha's cast chair.
   Misha soon joined me, standing behind me where I sat playing on my phone. He put his hands on my shoulders and gently messaged them before leaning down to whisper in my ear, "You okay now, little demon child?"
   "Not really," I admitted with a sigh. I leaned over a little bit to the side so I could crane my neck to look at him, "This is all so fucking ridiculous."
   "We all saw that little tantrum you pulled outside, and his reaction. And yours. You need to be careful, you know."
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   "I'm not trying to not be careful, Mish, I'm not trying to do anything." I mumbled, eyes returning to where Rob and Jeff were speaking their lines. There was obviously a weird tension there, but somehow the two actors didn't let it show through to the camera.
   "This week is going to be difficult, you know. But at least we have a convention this weekend." Misha sighed, kneading my shoulders a little firmer as I rolled my head into his belly behind me. I groaned at the idea of having to be surrounded by people, even though I knew how much Misha loved them.
   "Fucking Iowa." I grunted, rolling my eyes. If only I had known then what I know now.
   Misha was 100% correct about the week being difficult. I didn't know how I felt about what Jeffrey had said to me, or the kiss that we had shared in the trailer. Robbie obviously knew something was up, and pulled back the reigns on our displays of affections. He still cuddled with me at night, but I guess it was really a silent decision between the both of us to not make a move to be intimate again. I absolutely adored the man, loved him, even, and I knew he felt the same way about me. I also knew though that he loved his wife, and no one could ever take her place in his heart. He would wait a hundred years if it meant for him to be with her again.
   I completely avoided Jeffrey at all costs, for also obvious reasons. I knew the affect he had on me, that I didn't stand a chance of standing my ground and keeping my distance from him. My heart was still broken, and I knew I wasn't thinking clearly when it came to him. No matter how much my heart stuttered when he touched me or my breath got caught in my throat when he smiled, he broke me almost just as much as Anthony did. It was going to take more than some sweet words and a stolen kiss for me to crumble.
   "Why won't you just fuckin' talk to me, girl?" He begged, trailing behind me one morning as I was bringing Misha his cup of tea and something to eat for breakfast. He had gotten here earlier than usual, and I wasn't able to dodge him for once. It was Friday, and we were all scheduled to fly out that evening. Jeffrey would be going back to Georgia to continue The Walking Dead, the rest of us to Des Moines for the weekend.
   "Because I don't want to talk to you, Jeffrey." I replied simply, looking back as I quickened my pace.
"How am I supposed to fix this if you won't talk to me?"
   I stopped quickly and turned to face him, him slamming on his own heels to keep from knocking into me, "Maybe I'm not ready for you to fix it? Ever think that this is not a decision for you to make?"
   His shoulders fell in exasperation, his eyes flicking from mine to look up as his head tilted so he could gather his thoughts. He brought his hands to his hips with a sigh and bowed his head, shaking it slightly, "Will you ever be?"
'Good question'
     I truly didn't know. I loved this man, I knew I did. I knew I would probably forever. Even at that moment, his presence bewildered me and it was hard for me to stay focused. I had to constantly remind myself that I couldn't give in to him or he would see it as something that I didn't have  a problem with. I had to stand my ground.
   "You're just going to try and find out, I guess. Not yet though, Jeff. I have my own healing to do."
"You mean with Rob?" He scoffed, shaking his head.
   "Wow, really working your case there, Mr. Morgan." I started back off towards Misha, not caring if Jeff followed at that point.
He didn't follow.
   I was dipping and dodging through the sea of people with a cup of hot coffee in one hand and Misha's stupid tea in the other, attempting to get to him before it was time for his autographs. We had been up since we landed at the airport at 4 am after a layover and as per usual for our arrivals only had minimal time to make our selves presentable. I threw Misha together an assemble that wouldn't make Jensen cringe or Jared make fun of him after getting out of the shower and then set about making myself look human.
   I had let my hair hang down my waist in waves, throwing on my usual makeup of dark eyeliner, black eye shadow, and lashes. Feeling moody, I lined my lips in the same kohl liner and filled them in with my matte black lipstick. Knowing I'd be running around everywhere today and that it was probably going to be cold as shit, I wore my tight black tights with my comfy converse, finalizing everything with my newest Cannibal Corpse t shirt.
   I was regretting my fucking life the moment I side stepped forward and slammed into a very broad, very firm chest, coffee and tea flying everywhere.
"Jesus Christ." I hissed as the scalding liquid felt like it was melting my hands.
   Thankfully nothing got on either of our clothing except our shoes, which I noticed were matching as I raised my eyes over the dark jeans and black t-shirt, up to the poor man's face.
   "I am so sor- Wow, holy shit you are fucking beautiful." The man said, smiling at me and sliding his sunglasses down his nose to make eye contact. My eyeballs almost popped out of their fucking sockets.
   "You're fucking Cor-" I started, but the man instantly held his finger up to his lips to silence me as he looked around. ‘I thought he’d be taller.’
   "Shhhh," he grinned with a wink, "Sorry about your coffee, let me get you another one?"
'I wish I had the fucking time.'
   "Eerr, sorry, I don't have the time, I'm in a rush as it was, now my boss is gonna bitch at me as it is, " I laughed nervously, shaking my head.
   "Well, maybe I'll see you around then," He winked again, licking his lips in a way that made my mouth dry.
'Jesus Christ, Kylin, calm the fuck down.'
   "Y-Y-Yeah," I replied, small nervous smile playing over my face as he pulled me into a small hug before waving while walking away.
'Who's fucking life is this?!'
   It was my life, apparently, and it seemed to keep getting weirder and fucking weirder.
   I was in my usual spot behind Misha while he was signing his autos and doing his thing, ignoring the few whispers that creeped past him about me when the fans noticed my presence behind him.
   "I heard her and Jeff broke up. She went crazy at The Walking Dead set or something, bitch is apparently psychotic."
   I rolled my eyes and continued to work on my laptop behind me when his voice broke through and Misha turned to me with a knowing smirk adorning his face.
   "Kylin, look what it is, my tea from this morning." Misha teased, holding up a lidded cup for me to see. My eyes instantly widened as I past him to the man on the other side of the table who stood there extending another cup in my direction.
   I sat the laptop in the chair beside me and nervously stood up, taking the cup from his hands and stuttering out a "Thank you."
"Anytime, Sweetheart" he smiled with a nod.
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'Oh no he just fucking didn't.'
   "Hey, I know where I've seen you before, you're from Stone Sour, aren't you?" Misha inturrpted our eye contact, and Corey Taylor turned to look at him.
"Yeah man. I love the show."
   "That's fucking awesome, dude. Kylin here got me into some of your music. She's always subjecting me to weird shit."
   "Dmitri!" I scolded, face burning red as I brought my hands to cover my embarrasment.
   Ignoring me, he continued his prods when he noticed the Gold Pass dangling from the other manm's neck, "You coming to the concert tonight?"
   "Wouldn't miss it." Corey answered, nodding his head as his eyes flicked back to mine.
"Good, because Kylin here is gonna be singing."
"No I'm fucking no-"
   "Yes you are." It was Rob who had came up behind me to wrap his arms around my waist and place his chin on my shoulder as he lifted me off my feet slightly.
   "You sing?" Corey's eyebrows lifted in surprise. My face got impossibly hotter. Vermillion, you could say.
   "Like a fucking angel." Rob commented, squeezing me a bit more before letting go, "Her voice will make you fall in love with her."
   I moved one hand away from my chest to turn and smack his chest, and he retorted with his own smack to my ass before making his way past us to where Billy Moran had called him over.
"Now that's something I'll definitely have to see."
   "Now this next song is for the lovely and ever talented Mark Sheppard, who we definitely still mourn for." Rob said as he introduced the next set. Mark sat behind the drums and gave a laugh as he clicked his drum sticks together. I walked on to the stage in my tight black dress to stand beside Robbie, who wrapped his free arm around me and kissed my cheek before speaking again, "Kylin here's gonna sing it for me, because well, it's a girl's song. But I hope you like it."
   "Makes me think of you, Sheppy." I giggled as Rob started the Louden Swain version of my favorite Halsey song.
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   I held the microphone in it's place on the stand, swaying my hips back and forth with the time of the beat that Mark was playing.
‘My demons are begging me to open up my mouth I need them, mechanically make the words come out They fight me, vigorous and angry, watch them pounce Ignite me, licking up the flames they bring about’
   I turned back towards Mark, smiling and pointing at him with a smile as I continued,
‘I sold my soul to a three-piece And he told me I was holy He's got me down on both knees But it's the devil that's tryna’
   I turned back to the crowd and scanned the fans, quickly able to find Corey's unmistakable face past the bright lights.
‘Hold me down, hold me down Sneaking out the back door, make no sound Knock me out, knock me out Saying that I want more, this is what I live for’
   Briana soon joined me on stage and I let her take over the rest of the second verse as the rest of the cast crowded onto the stage. I made my way over to Jared, motioning him to Corey silently. He beamed when he recognized him and instantly made his way back behind stage to retrieve him to join us.
   You would have thought Corey Taylor was a fan boy or something the way his eyes widened and he looked up at Jared when he finally approached him. He nodded vigorously at something Jay said, then followed him back to the back stage area before climbing up with the rest of us. 
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   "Corey fucking Taylor everyone!" Jared bellowed into a mic, throwing his arm around Corey's shoulder as he stood there star-struck. If only he knew how much Jared was probably pissing himself. The crowd errupted, equally freaking, and Corey shook his head and lifted the mic that had been handed to him
   "Holy fuckingg shit, guys. This is fucking amazing." He beamed, eyes glancing over the stage and landing on me, "I should spill cups of coffee more often."
   Everyone laughed as the band died down and Misha retold the story of the autographs earlier, my ears darkening at my own embarrasment.
   "I'm a fucking clutz" I commented, shaking my head with my hand on my forehead.
   "A cute one, though." Corey commented in the microphone, earning a bout of 'oooohs' trailing through the audience.
  "She is, isn't she." Rob cooed, a bite to his voice that only I could hear. I tilted my head in his direction and gave him a look at which he rolled his eyes to me.
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   Richard and Rob ended the concert and said their salutations as everyone piled back into the backstage area and headed for the green room. I was walking with Jared and Corey when Jensen approached us from behind.
   "Hey man, we're all going out for drinks in a minute, you wanna join us?" Jensen asked Corey, who's eyes immediately went wide.
   "Really? Fuck yeah, dude." Corey replied ecstatically, irises twinkling as he looked from Jensen to me, "You coming?"
   "Of course the little sister is coming, she's gotta make sure our drunk asses make it back." Jared chuckled, throwing a huge arm around my waist and pulling me to his side. Corey's eyes went wide again in realization of who I was.
   "Holy fucking shit, I thought you looked so familiar. Aren't you dating Negan? I love that dude, man." My world came tumbling down as my eyes shifted to my feet and I felt Jared's fingers dig a little further into my side for comfort. I gave a little smile before replying, "We're not dating anymore. Just kinda friends now."
   His face fell for a moment but something else replaced the expression shortly after, "Oh, I'm sorry, sweetheart. That shit sucks."
   I gave him another small smile and a nod, Thankful that Jared knew me well enough to direct the conversation elsewhere, "So where's the best bar to go to around here, man?"
   We ended up at a dark little restaurant that was quiet and secluded, save for our bellows and booms of laughter that filled the small vicinity. We had taken up most of the space, the servers pushing together 3 long tables to accommodate all of us. I was sitting between Rob and Corey, shifting my conversation between the two of them as we all chatted and drank. Corey was fucking hilarious, his sillyness fitting in perfectly with everyone as we down drink after drink. Robbie was obviously feeling the shots he was attempting to match me, and soon was giggly and flirting with both myself and Bri who sat beside him, supplying amusement to me and Corey as he nuzzled against Bri's shoulder.
   "He's such a fucking lush." I commented to Corey, watching Robbie's sloppy face before poking him in the shoulder, "You're gonna make me jelly, Benedict."
   "Pfffft, please, girl, you know you can get this dick anytime you want." He joked drunkenly, forcing Bri and Rich to both bust out laughing. Corey chuckled a bit, mostly confused, and I had to explain to him.
  "Robbie and I have a... close friendship." I giggled in embarrassment, to which Corey nodded in acceptance while taking a sip of the scotch he had ordered.
   Rob slipped his head from it's resting place on Briana and sloshed towards me, chin digging into my shoulder now as he leaned against my back, "She's super good in bed, bro."
   "Jesus Christ, Bob-o, control yourself." Rich barked from his place before standing up and approaching the man, "Ky, can you help me get this shlep some water or something?"
   I nodded and excused myself from the table to follow Rich to the bar. While we were waiting on the bar tender to acknowledge us he turned to me, "What the fuck are you doing, Kay?"
"I don't know what you're talking about." I responded, genuinely confused.
   "With Robbie." he answered before asking the bartender for a water bottle and another round of shots for the rest of us who could actually contain themselves.
   "What we always do, Rich. He's already been talking to Mollie again." I shrugged.
"And Jeffrey?" he raised his eyebrows at me.
   "I don't know what you're expecting from me on that one, Rich, because I honestly don't even fucking know myself." I sighed, feeling the defeat seep through me.
   "And now this guy?" He said, quirking an eyebrow while nodding towards the table.
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   "Having fun, Richard. I just met the man and he's one of my idols. I'm trying not to fan girl right now."
   He laughed, accepting my answer while grabbing the water as I helped with the shots before walking back over to the table.
   A couple hours later and it was time to head home. We were standing out side the restaurant waiting on Cliff to pull the car around and Corey's cab to come through. Jared had to actually throw Robbie over his shoulder as the man had passed out like gorilla and refused to wake up. I laughed to myself at the thought of the hangover he was going to have to endure the next day during his early morning photo ops.
   "It was really nice to meet you, Kylin. I definitely had the ultimate fan experience tonight." Corey smiled down at me.
   "Ha! Me as well, thank you!" I beamed nervously.
He held out his phone for me with a questioned expression on his face, dial pad pulled up on the screen, "Mind if I..."
   My eyes twinkled and my heart started pounding in my chest as I reached a shaky hand for the phone, "Sure."
   I typed my number in for him and he pressed the call button, my phone vibrating in my purse before I pulled it out and saved his name in my own contact list.
   "Mind if I call or text you? We're doing a show in Vancouver soon, maybe you can come out?" Corey suggested, hopefulness in his voice as he leaned against the brick wall behind us.
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'Holy fucking shit.'
   "Y-Y-Yeah, sure, that w-w-would be awesome." I replied as the yellow taxi cab pulled up and honked its horn.
   "Well, thanks for the amazing time, Ms. Ackles. Talk to you soon." he hesitated for a moment, then curled an arm around my hip and dipped me in for a hug.
   "No, thank you, Mr. Taylor." I smiled brightly up at him, butterflies dancing in my chest as he stepped towards the car.
He smirked, then killed me, "Anytime, Sweetheart."
If he only knew what those fucking words meant to me.
part 15 will be released 9/9/17!
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lokisbambi · 7 years
For an imagine. If you could do one where reader finds the group (whichever era) she's about 25 and has dad/guy trust issues. Very independent and doesn't want any help from a man. However you want to take it from there :) smut and fluff would be a huge plus.
Yeah, I hope you like it!
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My Stranger
Daryl x ReaderWords number - 1500Warning- fluff and little smut
You entered the store to scavenge something to keep you satisfied for the week, you have been on your own for almost a year now, sure its lonely and depressing but its also safe.
It keeps you from getting hurt and betrayed.
something you knew all too well, even though it was right in front of you all these years, you refused to see it. refused to believe that the only person you loved would betray you
Your dad was a drunk, he would drink himself to sleep. Gambling with every cent you earned, even with your mother’s medical payment, he would still use that money you kept aside for her treatment, and well now she is dead and so was he.
He used you for money since you were 14, and now you were 25, yet the horrid memories wouldn’t leave you. you thought with you boyfriend around, he could be your wall, your stepping stone, your backbone that held you up, even though he cheated on you, he promised to never do it again, and being 17 and in love, you believed him.
Until a year ago, when your camp was being attacked by walkers and to save himself he pushed you in front of them so that he could escape.Sad thing, he didn’t escape and before taking further steps, a walker attacked him and ripped him apart, saving you instead.
you didn’t feel sad, remorse or regret. indeed it was that day that you realized that you dont need any man, or anybody in fact to take care of you. you took care of your mother and drunk father. you damn well could take care of your damn self and didn’t need anyone.
and thats how you ended up alone, for a year.
grossed in your own thoughts, you didn’t notice the walker that threw itself on you, knocking you to the floor, your gun flying away from your reach. Trying to reach for the knife in your back pocket, you couldn’t. the walker was so heavy and was persistant of having a bite of off you.
“Fuck!” you cursed as you tried to push it off of you
You thought you would die, but what you didn’t expect was the arrow that flew, and ended up right between the eyes of the walker.
you pushed it of off you, much easier now that it wasn’t struggling and stood to see a tall guy with long dark hair covering his face, he had a crossbow in his hand and he was wearing a vest and worn out jeans
“I could have taken care of it myself!” you said annoyed, you hated to admit that, a ‘man’ saved you
“Yeah” he scoffed as he turned, he started searching the shelves in the store
“Daryl, we found nothing!” A dark female, with swords on either sides of her back and a tank top appeared, behind her followed a man with a light scruff and grey color eyes
they saw you and drew their weapons, pointing it at you
“Where is Daryl?” the grey eyes man spoke, pointing the gun at you
“I dont know who Daryl is” you said simply as you walked around, not bothered with the gun pointed at you
“Rick” the man that saved you came, through a back door “Dont” he said motioning the grey eyes man to lower his gun and he did
The three of them seemed to have a silent conversation going on between them and suddenly all three approached you
“What?” you asked looking between them
“How many dead, did you kill?” the grey eyes man spoke
“And why should I tell you?” you asked amused
“Just answer him” Daryl said
“I dont count!” you said honestly
“How many living?” grey eyes dude asked again
“Ten” you said honestly
“Why?” Daryl asked
“Why? you tell me why?” you hissed as you tried to move around them, you were done with their games, but the girl with them came in front of you blocking your way
“Do you have a camp?” she asked and you laughed
“I’m all on my own!” you said as you tried to move but she didn’t let you
“Since when?” Rick, you think asked
“A year? I dont remember!” you said annoyed
“How about you come with us, we have camp and everything” Daryl offered and you smiled
“Yeah, no! I dont do well with groups!” you said honestly
“Just come, and if you feel you dont fit, than go back to the road!” the girl spoke and you nodded, you got nothing to lose anyway
All this, took part almost one year ago, you going to Alexandria, meeting and getting to know people, having your own house, a place to call home. something you thought you might never have again.
But what you really didn’t expect was your unconditional growing feelings towards Daryl.
before you knew it, you were in love with him, but you would never admit it. you had your fair share of heartbreak and betrayal and you would be damned if you let anything like that happen to you again. so whenever Daryl tried to get close to you, you would push him away, be rude and mean. hoping it would work
but Daryl could see right through you. he knew why you did all this and he would be damned if he lost you because of some stupid fear you had.
“Y/n!” Rick yelled and when you looked up, you saw a walker launch himself on you, his teeth inches away from your arm.
Before you could react, an arrow landed in the walkers head, saving you. you sighed in relief thinking it was all over now, oh boy how wrong you were
Daryl who just saved you, didn’t notice the walker that jumped him and now he was under the walker’s mercy, Daryl was far you couldn’t get to him on time. he was going to die because he saved you
fucking idiot thinks he can save everyone and now he was going to die
Thankfully, Michonne was there and she swung her sword, cutting the walker in two
You were so pissed with Daryl all the way back home, the bloody idiot thought he could save everyone at the cost of his life, who told him to save you, you could save your own damn self
when you reached Alexandria, you jumped off the car and stormed to your house annoyed
“Y/n!” Daryl jumped right after you, yelling your name, but you ignored him.
you went into your house, ready to slam the door, only for a foot to stop it from completely shutting.
you walked up stairs towards your room. you weren’t going to sit and talk to him, you hated him for defending you, he thinks he is invincible
you went to your room and as you were about to enter, a rough hand grabbed your arms, pushing you towards the wall
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Daryl yelled at you and you pushed him, you hit him hard against his chest, making him stumble a step or two.
“Stupid, Bitch!” he growled rubbing his chest were you just hit him
“You are the bitch!” you spat annoyed
“Whats your problem?"he asked calmer now
"You!” you snapped at him “You are my problem! you think you are superman? news flash Daryl, you bleed!”
“What are you even talking about?” he said honestly confused
“Who told you to try and help me? I dont need your help! I dont need anyones help! i can save my own damn self!” you yelled at him, he looked much calmer now
“Y/n..” he said softly as he approached you and you backed away, hitting you back to the wall
“What are you doing?” you asked breathless, Daryl was incredibly close to you right now
“I like you” he admitted and your eyes were wide “And I know you like me too, and you are trying to push me away” he confessed and your mind went blank
“What?” you breathed
“Just tell me that I’m not reading this wrong, that my feelings aren’t one sided” he said as his nose brushed yours, his lips inches away
“Daryl..” you whispered
“I wont ever hurt you, I promise, you dont have to be afraid when you are with me” he said and you felt his hands on your hips, rubbing small circles with his thumb
And just like that his lips were on yours, kissing you hungrily.
his hand pinned yours upwards as he started sucking at your neck, making you moan.
your hands pulled out of his grip and reached out and grabbed fists full of his vest, holding him to you desperately as his tongue lay claim to yours. It moved at slow and languid pace against yours, yet it was strong and demanding. A groan rose up in your chest as his hands gripped you tight, making you shiver under his touch
His mouth left yours, causing you to whimper, until his sinful lips trailed down your jaw, to the juncture where your neck met your shoulder as he sucked a dark purple mark.
“Y/n!” he moaned against your skin, moving lower to plant reverent kisses on the swell of your breasts. Ripping your shirt open, a gasp escaping your lips. Pushing your shirt off your shoulders and kissing you fiercely again.
Your hands ran along his neck and into his long hair, the tips of your fingers dancing along the long hairs on his shoulder.
Daryl grabbed your ass and hoisted you up, and you to wrapped your legs around his waist. He moved away from the wall, walking you into your bedroom. He threw you on the bed and smirked. He removed his vest, tossing it in a chair before hovering over you, his breath mixing with yours
“You dont need anyone, but I need you!” he confessed
And this night he spent it proving you, just how much he needed you!
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roxy-davenport · 7 years
A Darker Shade Of Love
Pairing: MOC!Dean/Demon!Dean x Reader (they’re both here)
Word Count: 6,203 (Whoops)
Beta: @raspberrymama
A/N: This was written for a ton of challenges. It’s a tad angsty at least at the beginning. SMUT towards the end, hella feisty evil reader. This is a very creepy love story. A fluffy ode to serial killers if you will. :D @manawhaat I’m looking at you kid, my serial killer peep. ;) If you’re not a horror fan then angsty love between two damaged characters. Look at the prompts below to get an idea of what you’re in for. :) I made the lyrics myself for the song, “Whiskey and My Gun.” There might be some mistakes here and there but I went off what it sounded like to me. This is a bit of a rewrite of the end of Season 9 and how Dean became Demon!Dean. Artistic liberties taken in how the Mark works. Lyrics are bolded; flashbacks and thoughts are in italics. Death of an insignificant character.
@plaidstiel-wormstache 500 follower challenge with the prompt, Whiskey and My Gun- King Social
@frickfracklesackles 1,000 followers with the prompts, feisty strangers to lovers,  “I don’t make love. I fuck hard.”  
@beckawinchester Becka’s Birthday Challenge- 14. “Hi, I’m (insert name) and I’m addicted to killing!”  and dark alley
@thing-you-do-with-that-thing’s Challenge Tina Dico Nobody’s Man  
@d-s-winchester 4k Celebration Bon Jovi Celebration Born to Be My Baby
@one-shots-supernatural Kayla’s Birthday Challenge with the prompts, “ A well-read woman is a dangerous creature” and an old fashioned arcade.
                            Also on A03
I’ve been riding for a week now
And I’ve been riding with you long.
I’m riding southbound on the boulevard
I trust my Whiskey and my gun
“Give up? You want to give up?” Sam yelled.
Dean sighed heavily before speaking. “Cain and Abaddon are dead and Metatron is locked up. The big baddies are taken off the board. I’m tired Sam.” He pleaded with his little brother. Why couldn’t Sam just understand?
“What are you saying Dean?” Sam asked angrily. Of course behind the anger was fear that he understood all too well what Dean meant to do.
“Why am I still fighting this?” Dean asked, shrugging his shoulders and holding his arms out. The Mark of Cain surging on his left arm.
“Why are you still fighting the Mark? Jesus, Dean, what the hell is wrong with you?!” Sam bellowed.
Dean’s voice broke when he spoke, quite evident that he was crying before this argument. “You want me to keep fighting for you? Sam, come on. You should get out and have a family. Leave me and get the life you were meant to live.”
“Quit saying that Dean. I’m not leaving without you.”
“You can’t ask me to do this. I can’t hold this off any longer. Every day the pull gets stronger. I killed the Stein kid and others, Sam. There’s no saving me. I’ve woken up too many nights in a pool of blood not knowing where I am or who I just killed. I can’t survive this fight any longer Sam. I just want to give into whatever it is that the Mark wants to make me into. Dean stated matter-of-factly hoping that his brother would just let him go.
“Dean, come on, you don’t really -.” Sam pleaded.
“I mean it, Sam. I can’t hold this off anymore. It’s whispering things in my ear, it’s infecting me everyday and I can’t get away from it.”
“We can get Cas or we can trap Crowley; we can get help.”
“No Sam. You’re not risking your life for me again. I’m already lost. Let me go.”
Sam looked broken while Dean looked emotional, tears brimming in his eyes.
“The more I fight, the louder the whispers are. I’m tired Sam. I’m choosing to submit now, rather than have it choose for me.”
“Dean come on -,” Sam pleaded again.
Dean shook his head. His mind was made up. “No Sam, not this time. You can’t save me. Bye Sam.”
He gonna kill it cause he hurt me
He gonna kill it cause I can
I’m gonna kill it for no reason
No reason you will understand
Dean knocked out his brother, leaving him on the dirty kitchen floor unconscious. He closed his eyes as he felt the Mark surge. He was lost now and he knew it. He had to leave before the Mark made him do something to Sam. On the way out, Dean smashed his phone so that Sam couldn’t track him.
Dean got on the road and drove in silence, needing the silence to just be in the moment; not thinking about anything just trying desperately to clear his head but his mind kept going to Sam. To be specific, Sam’s lost face haunted him. His pleading eyes full of pain that his love for his brother wasn’t enough to stop him. That his big brother was giving up after all the battles they’ve been through.
But this wasn’t about Sam. Dean wasn’t here to live for his baby brother. He’d taken Sam into account all his life; done what was good for him at every turn, every sacrifice was all for Sam but now Dean just couldn’t do it. He wasn’t completely giving up; he was driving to a place that may be able to help him, his last resort. He didn’t tell Sam about it because he didn’t want to get his hopes up and this struggle was Dean’s, after all. Sam couldn’t help him; he would just add pressure on Dean to get better. If this worked, he could go home to Sam and apologize and they’d be a family again and if not, well then Dean would stay away.
I’ve been riding by the daylight
I don’t need to know which way
And the devil has a secret
I will never hear him say
Dean knew it was likely going to fail and he would prefer that Sam remember him as he was and not as the monster he could feel himself becoming. Sam could never understand how it felt to carry the mark and the kind of impulses and thoughts it brought.
Halfway into the drive, his brain flooding him with memories of his baby brother. He could see all the fun times they had in Baby; the memories they shared here in crystal clarity, almost like he was reliving them. The devil was locked in a cage in hell from a toy solider hidden in the cigarette tray. That kind of love and devotion was what he was running from. Dean smiled a sad smile as he went through songs on Sam’s iPod until he found an angsty song that he felt fit the mood. He closed his eyes and listened to the words.
I’m riding high, I’m riding harder
And I polished every shelf
I’m riding southbound on the boulevard
I’m riding right on into Hell
He gonna kill it cause he hurt me
He gonna kill it cause I can
I’m gonna kill it for no reason
No reason you would understand
I shot and killed him in a riff now
I’ve been riding with you long.
While the devil trusts a secret
I trust my whiskey and my gun.
He begged and pleaded he was sorry
But for all that’s come and gone
Heaven knows no angels
I’m gonna find them when I’m done.
Dean kept playing the song on a loop. The singer seemed to be singing about him. Dean focused on the road ahead of him trying to see through the dark of the night. After a bit he arrived at his destination. He slowly pulled off the highway and parked outside a small white building that was nearly engulfed by the darkness of the night around it. The irony of the white building being the structure that held this particular meeting was not on lost on him. White usually symbolized purity but in this case, it was a refuge. He got out of the Impala hoping that one way or another this place would mean an end to his suffering, a place to rest his weary head either as a demon or as a human.
Dean walked into the facility hands in his pockets, eyes straight ahead as he barreled into the back room where the meeting was being held.
“Welcome friend, to Killers Anonymous. My name is Joel and I’m the group leader.”
Dean was never one for groups of people. “I don’t belong here. These are killers. If they were monsters, I’d hunt them but I’m here. Is this a good idea? Can they really help?”
“We meet once a week. This is a safe place where serial killers such as yourself can talk to like-minded individuals.” Joel didn’t miss the way Dean flinched at the word “serial killers.” His voice got softer almost like a parent talking to a child, “There is no judgment here. This is a place where we can deal with our addiction safely and help each other find a way back to humanity. You came just in time. We were going around the room introducing ourselves. Would you like to introduce yourself?”
“What a sales pitch. Here’s the hoping they can fix me. Made a trip here, might as well play along even if speaking in front of strangers was never my strong suit.” “Hi! I’m Dean and I’m addicted to killing. I can feel myself becoming a monster.”
“Welcome, Dean. It’s a big step coming here and admitting that you have a problem. That’s the first step.”
Dean resisted the urge to eye roll. “Wow, you’re a genius. Thanks - so helpful. What’s the fucking solution?” There were murmurs from the group.
“I know it seems impossible to go back to humanity, to join the world at large but it’s always possible. I’m married and my wife is expecting a child. I have a nine to five job. I’m living proof that it’s possible.”
“Wow. Selling me on the white picket fence. Bad sales pitch dude. Dean fucking Winchester doesn’t do white picket fences. Wonder if your wife knows you carve up people on the side. Is that more like a hobby?” There were murmurs from the group.
“This is an addiction like any other Dean. Some people are addicted to coffee, booze, drugs and for us, it’s killing. Some are addicted to the power that lies behind choosing who dies and who lives. Some call themselves vigilantes, some are products of a darker past and some crave the bloodlust. But, it’s an addiction like any other. I know it feels like it’s controlling you like it’s stronger than you are but it’s not. The darker urges, the darker voices are not who you are. You are who you want to be. You choose, not it. Each session deals with a technique on how to work with it.”
“That��s a better sales pitch. Murder as an addiction. Yeah, it is kinda like that. As far as I know of addictions. My brain shuts down and all I think and see is murder. If I restrain myself, I feel weak, and can barely function. I crave it and when I kill I feel invincible, horny even, and that’s what truly scares me. I like it and I shouldn’t. Clever group leader. I hope the technique works ‘cause I don’t think I can wait till next week to try the next one.” Dean sighed ready to try the activity when his thoughts changed drastically. “These idiots could never fathom what I’ve been through. I saved this broken world so many fucking times. I actually thought the world owed me a save back but I don’t think so. They don’t know about the Mark. What’s so bad about giving in? I’m tired. I’ll feel good when I give in - why am I fighting?” And that was when you walked in.
Take what you want from me
Take what you can
And then hide it somewhere I can’t see
Out of my hands
Do what it takes to make you feel better
Never forget that you
You’re nobody’s man
You honestly thought you looked like a hot mess but judging by the hungry look that someone new was giving you, maybe you didn’t. His gorgeous green eyes were looking you over. There was a darkness surrounding him that was drawing you in. You noticed him immediately. You had gone to this group, twice before finding the members uninspiring to say the least. You noticed his strange tattoo that was glowing on his arm. It looked painful and rather insistent. You assumed that the evil impulses originated from that. It looked all kinds of mystical and scary.
I love the way you set me off
With a stroke of your hand
And your puzzled look when we make love
That you don’t understand
But nothing I’ve got will make you feel better
At the break of dawn you’ll still
Be nobody’s man
“Hello Y/N. Good to see you again. Would you like to introduce yourself to our new members? This is Dean, by the way,” Joel offered.
Looking straight at the man called Dean, you spoke, “ Hi. I’m Y/N and I’m addicted to killing.” You looked him up and down, watching as his lips turned up into an award-winning smirk as he looked you up and down as well. You felt a pull towards him. You started to blush at the intense gaze he was giving you. He was definitely the real deal, not like the rest of these posers.
You lied to get in here. You had never really killed. You weren’t really addicted to killing more like addicted to men that killed, to the darkness inside them. The protection they offered, the adrenaline rush of the danger they provided and the crazy sex that went along with them. You never killed before and yes you knew it was horrible to use this group as a dating service but where else would you find a killer to be with? You had an addiction too. You were addicted to evil men and this green-eyed man staring straight at you might be exactly what you’ve been looking for all along, your own dark fairytale ending.
Nobody feels the weight of your mission
Nobody can set you free
Nobody knows the way to your fortune
Nobody and least of all…
So come and lay by my side
In my castle of sand
Let’s love till the early tide
Breaks down the dam
Stay if you want, for worse or for better
But never forget that you
You’re nobody’s man
“Today we’re going to try and think about the negative consequences. We made a journal last week to try and see what happens when we kill. What events or people give us the urge to kill. To control your urge, you have to be able to predict it, read the signs and know the triggers. We’ve all started to become aware of situations to avoid. Now let’s think about what we lose by killing. If the people we care about found out about what we do, what would happen?”
“What would happen? Are you fucking shitting me? This is the answer? Fight because of your loved ones? How does that help me? This is way stronger than fucking positive thinking!”
Dean was about to leave the group realizing that it wasn’t going to help him. Maybe it could help everyone else but he needed more help than a fucking cost analysis. You could see Dean’s frustration at what Joel said. Dean was the real deal and you didn’t want him to leave. You felt a real connection to him the moment you walked in. Not to mention he was all kind of sexy, tinged with a dangerous edge. You may never find another like him, at least not in this Podunk town. To make him stay, you would have to make things interesting. Time to put on a show.
Nobody feels the weight of your mission
Nobody can set you free
Nobody knows the way to your fortune
Nobody and least of all…
You… You… You… You…
Nobody feels the weight of your mission
Nobody can set you free
Nobody knows the way to your fortune
Nobody and least of all…
Dean was grabbing his coat when he saw movement out of the corner of his eye. He shifted his attention back to you. He saw you spread your legs in a Sharon Stone like move. Unlike Sharon Stone, you didn’t go commando, instead, you had on the prettiest black lace panties. Dean’s eyes slowly moved up from between your legs to look you in the eye. He quirked his eyebrow, silently asking you if you knew what you were starting. You smirked back at him wiggling your eyebrows in response. You knew exactly what you were starting and boy, did you hope Dean would finish it.
To egg him on a bit more, you arched your back presenting your breasts to his lustful gaze. Then your hands ran up your body ending at your head as you tousled your hair.
You gave him your best bedroom eyes through the few strands of hair that fell over your eyes. You noticed his eyes slowly darken with lust. He looked you up and down in a rather predatory gaze. One that you had wished men you dated before had. It made you wet just sitting there.
Dean had come here hoping for salvation and found a temptress, you, instead. Maybe fate wanted him to stop fighting? Maybe you were the prize after all the years of helping people of doing good? What a weird cosmic prize that would be? He lived the first half of his life with his brother doing the right thing; why not spend the rest of his life doing the wrong thing with you? Or was this the Mark talking?
He knew that by continuing this line of nonverbal sexy communication, he would damning himself but he didn’t care. He only wanted you. Wanted you to usher him into being a demon. He officially had given up at this exact moment. And all he felt was calm, he finally made the choice. There was no hope in this group, so why bother fighting? He already said his goodbyes to Sam, already tied up his affairs. It was finally time to become the monster the Mark wanted and judging by the slight squirming you were doing in your seat caused by the heated gaze he was giving you, you wanted the exact same thing. You were the right girl for the right situation.
Dean’s hand slowly reached down to rub his cock through his jeans. His gaze shifted from you to the group at your side, checking that their interest was elsewhere. When he was sure it was, he smiled back at you. You and Dean had no interest in the group anymore; your sole interest was in each other. You licked your lips and smiled back before slowly lifting your first finger and licking the length of it before nibbling and sucking it into your mouth. Dean’s cock got impossibly hard against his jeans as he watched the show. His breathing quickened.
In one long stride, he was over to where you were, grabbing your arm forcibly and growling in your ear, “You want to play with the big bad wolf, baby girl?”
“Take me, Dean. Make me yours.”
Dean growled as he led you out of the meeting. Joel and the other members were saying something to you but you could care less what it was. You never wanted anyone more than you wanted him and you could tell he felt the same way.
The second you saw a black 67 Impala in front of you, Dean whirled you around so your back was against the cool metal door. His free hand went to your throat grabbing it before he placed his lips on your forcibly.
“You have no idea what you’re asking for. What kind of man I am,” Dean said half pleading you to heed his warning and half hoping you didn’t.
“Why don’t you show me?” you questioned playfully.
“I don’t make love. I fuck hard.” Dean growled.
You whimpered at that, rubbing your thighs together at the thought. Dean groaned as he moved his head to your neck, smelling you. “You’re playing with fire, baby girl,” he breathed out slowly and reverently. Not really a warning anymore, more like a statement as he desperately tried to hold himself back from ravishing you.
“You doth protest too much,” you replied. You moved your hand and started rubbing his cock. He felt thick and big. You couldn’t wait to feel him inside you. When you started talking to him again, your voice was more confident and needy. “Stop arguing and warning me and fuck me already,” you commanded. He quirked his eyebrow at that. Smiling you added, “Nice use of the Rolling Stones.”
Dean smirked. “Nice use of a Shakespeare quote.”
“A well-read woman is a dangerous creature.”
Dean’s smirk grew. You placed his hand under your skirt to palm your clit. You arched your back as he rubbed your clit through your panties, his mouth laying claim to your neck, creating a dark hickey at your collarbone.
“That’s right Dean…fucking mark me. I’m yours. All yours to fuck, and touch, and tease, and do whatever you want with.”
His hand remained on your clothed clit, “Why me?” He asked, his voice holding a strangely sinister tone to it.
“I like the danger and the villainy you represent.”
He chuckled darkly. Oh, he liked you quite a bit. “You’ll be the death of me, sweetheart.”
“Or will I awaken a side left dormant until now?”
Dean growled and nearly shoved you into the car speeding off away from the place that could have saved him. The whole drive, Dean kept his hand on your thigh, slowly reaching up your legs to dive into your panties. With one hand on the wheel and the other on your clit, he looked around for a good place for the two of you. He wasn’t planning on fucking you here in Baby. He wanted more room than that. His thumb pressed down hard on your clit while one of his long fingers slid into your warm pussy.
“All this for me sweetheart?”
“So fucking wet. You’re a bad little girl. Pretending to be a serial killer just to have my hot thick cock inside you. You went there looking for a man to feed your darker impulses. Fuck me! What a bad little girl. My bad little girl now.” He arched his finger inside you stroking your g-spot. “So fucking tight. Gotta work you open, precious.”
You arched your back moaning as he added another finger.
“Don’t come until I say so. You’re mine now and you will listen to me.” He commanded.
“Yes, sir,” you replied sighing, desperately needing him like this, controlling you.
He smirked at your reaction. “Good girl.” He added a third finger, scissoring them inside you, effectively stretching your walls. He curved them all so they hit your g-spot dead on. You were trembled and moaning, desperately fighting to not come. Your breathing was ragged, your eyes were closed, and your head was back against his leather seats trying to hold on.
“Please. Please. Dean, sir. I need to come.”
At that precise second, he drove right into an alleyway. He couldn’t wait anymore to sink his cock into your warm pussy.
“Then come,” he said while slowly turning his body all the way towards you, his eyes boring into yours. And just like that, you came. He smirked as he saw you arch your back, your hair falling onto the leather seats, your mouth open in an O and your hands grasping desperately to the bottom of your seat. Dean was entranced and turned on by watching you orgasm just from his fingers. He slowly slid his fingers out of your pussy and licked them, tasting you. You moaned at the sight. Dean’s eyes grew darker as he looked at you.
His hand slid around you to open the Impala door barking, “Get out and walk to the wall.” You obeyed immediately, running out and rushing to the wall. He was behind you in a second effortlessly turning you around so your ass was to his clothed cock. He grabbed your hair hard, his warm breath fanning over your neck. “You joined the group, why?” As he asked the question, he lifted up your skirt. He groaned at the sight of your ass in those black panties.
“I wanted to meet a real killer.”
You moaned softly at the spank. “And what did you want me to do to you?”
“Fuck me.”
“Y-y-yes, sir until I couldn’t walk. Until I collapsed completely satisfied.”
“Were you fantasizing about me?”
“What did you imagine me doing to you specifically?”
“I was imagining your lips on mine. Your hands on my body.”
“And what were my hands doing?”
As you said each thing, Dean acted it out. “You were touching my nipples. Tweaking the buds until they were standing hard against the lace of my bra. You were kneading my breasts somewhere between rough and gentle. Then your hands reached down my body to press down on my clit while your fingers worked me through an orgasm.”
“Then what did you want to happen?”
“Then you lifted up my skirt and thrust into me in one go.”
“You want that? You want me to fuck you right here in an alleyway? My dirty girl fucked by a killer in an alleyway? That what you want?”
“Make you mine? Make you come so hard, my name is only thing you remember?”
In one fell swoop, he lifted up your skirt even higher; slowly sliding your panties down your legs. He took your hands and placed them on the wall to stabilize you Then he pushed your head forward. He took a moment to watch you like this. So needy for him. Willingly letting him not only fuck you here but let him position you. How trusting and pliant you were already for him.
Smirking, he unbuttoned his pants and pushed them down along with his boxers to pool at his knees. He grabbed his cock in his hands and pumped it a few times while he stared at your ass. The Mark was surging on his arm as he thrust his cock inside you in one go. His hand wound into your hair forcing your head back.
He placed his hand on the wall by your head. He gave you a couple of seconds to adjust to how full you felt with him inside you. His cock wasn’t huge, but it was big and thick. It was quite the delicious stretch and it filled you up completely. He started thrusting into you fast and hard. The hand that was on the wall moved to rest in front of your head so you didn’t bump it on the wall with how hard he was thrusting into you. You both weren’t quiet, not caring if anyone saw or heard you. You were lost in the moment feeling Dean’s cock thrust in and out of you. You let out a litany of high-pitched moans while Dean growled and huffed.
“That’s right, fucking take my cock, all of it. You’re mine now,” he ground out as he bit down on your neck, making another dark hickey. The hand on your hair moved down to your neck as he squeezed it slightly before saying, “Fucking come now because I can’t hold on any longer.” And just like that, you came hard saying his name over and again like a prayer. His hand loosened over your throat as you kept screaming out his name. Your orgasm kept going, ending only when he slipped out of you after he growled your name and came hard shooting warm cum inside you. He pressed his body against yours, pushing you into the wall.
“Fuck, baby girl. Never saw a woman come that hard. You are mine! I meant what I said. Not letting you go but I need you -.”
You whirled around moving in his arms to face him. “After that. I’m not going anywhere. You’re fucking sex on two legs. An amazing lover. But before I do whatever you need me to do to release the inner baddie, let’s say goodbye to our humanity by doing something I’m sure we both enjoyed as children.” You noted Dean’s confused look and smiled warmly at him placing your hand on his cheek. “Let’s go to the arcade and play some games. Relive happy childhood memories before we embark on a darker path and leave behind the people we once were.”
“You’re quite eloquent after sex.”
“You’re quite observant after sex.”
Dean smiled a genuine smile, carefully pulling down your skirt and fixing the both of you so you didn’t look like you just fucked in an alley.
He held open the car door for you and closed it behind you before he walked around to get in himself. You took out your iPhone to look up arcades in the area. You found one in seconds and you quickly gave Dean the directions. He sped off like a bullet. You grabbed onto the side of the car and yelled out happily, excited.
He felt happy and free with you. He knew he had made the right decision. He wasn’t giving up; he was giving another life a chance, a darker life with you as his mate.
Dean parked in front of the arcade.
“It’s closed.” He stated amusedly.
“Oh hush now. That shouldn’t be a problem for us. Now should it?” You said teasingly.
Dean smirked and jumped out of the car. You impressed him by breaking into the arcade yourself. He impressed you by figuring out how to turn the lights on. You in turn shut off the alarm. You didn’t want anyone crashing your party.
You played for hours reminiscing about your childhoods and the happy times you remembered. You even ran out to get some champagne to drink in between playing shooting games. Of course, the two of you would gravitate towards shooting games, working seamlessly as a team to win every game with minimal do-overs.
You laughed and were both carefree for once, totally in the moment. This was the perfect way to end the night. He broke into the gift shop and stole you the cutest stuffed bear anyone would ever want. You smiled at him and left there hand in hand, ready for whatever happened next.
Rainy night and we worked all day
We both got jobs ‘cause there’s bills to pay
We got something they can’t take away
Our love, our lives
Close the door, leave the cold outside
I don’t need nothing when I’m by your side
We got something that’ll never die
Our dreams, our pride
You got back in the car and he put on, “Born to Be My Baby.”
“I’m usually only an AC/DC guy but my brother likes this song. I kinda stole the cassette from him. I thought the song would be fitting.”
“Perfect, my little thief.”
My heart beats like a drum (all night)
Flesh to flesh, one to one (and it’s alright)
And I’ll never let go cause
There’s something I know deep inside
You were born to be my baby
And baby, I was made to be your man
We got something to believe in
Even if we don’t know where we stand
Only God would know the reasons
But I bet he must have had a plan
'Cause you were born to be my baby
And baby, I was made to be your man
You couldn’t help but sing it with him. You were born to be his baby and he was born to be yours. He played it on repeat and the both of you just basked in the moment.
Light a candle, blow the world away
Table for two on a TV tray
It ain’t fancy, baby that’s OK
Our time, our way
So hold me close better hang on tight
Buckle up, baby, it’s a bumpy ride
We’re two kids hitching down the road of life
Our world, our fight
If we stand side by side (all night)
There’s a chance we’ll get by (and it’s alright)
And I’ll know that you’ll be live
In my heart till the day that I die
He knew that Sam would trace him with this car so to your surprise, he drove back to the meeting. The building was dark now and only your car was there in the parking lot.
“My brother will be looking for me. He won’t let us be happy. He’ll be trying to save me, fix me so let’s take your car.”
“Are you sure about this?” You questioned, hoping he would still say yes.
“I was sure the second my eyes met yours.” He slowly got out of the car knowing what this would mean. He could do this. He had to do this. This was the point of no return. There was no saving him. He tried everything. He couldn’t hold on any longer. He couldn’t go to back to Sam after fucking you and being so content with you. You were his and he could only have you if he gave in to his darker impulses and so he handed you a knife. “I know that you’ve never killed anyone but I need you to stab me through the heart with this. It’s a crazy thing to ask someone. Especially someone you just met. Now don’t go getting all teary eyed or worried. I’ll come back as a demon.”
You looked at him confused, “You’re crazier than I thought. What?!” You thought the “transformation” was a mental thing not a literal thing.
Dean placed your hands on the knife. “Trust me, baby. This is the way we can be together. I know you noticed my tattoo. It’s mystical. It keeps me alive, no matter what happens. Trust me. I can’t let you go and I can’t be with you like this.”
You know this sounded weird and anyone else would have run but you weren’t anyone else. You desperately wanted to be with him. You had never killed anyone but somehow you trusted him. You trusted him after only knowing him for a few hours. You were crazy just like the man in front of you.
That symbol was definitely mystical so it could do what he said but it’s difficult stabbing someone all the same. You tried but you hands shook as you positioned it over his heart. He looked down at you with a sad smile, understanding your difficulty.
He placed his hands on top of yours as he pushed the knife into his heart. He gasped and so did you. You grabbed his waist as he slumped to the ground by your car. You kneeled beside him watching the light fade from his eyes. You waited there growing more nervous by the minute desperately hoping he would wake up like he promised.
After a few tense moments, he chuckled darkly sensing your worry. He slowly opened his eyes revealing his completely black eyes.
“Missed me baby?” He grabbed your hair, pulling you towards him as he crammed his lips onto yours. “Told you I was telling you the truth.”
You let out a huge sigh, relieved. He withdrew his lips from yours and looked you over. You smiled a huge smile, biting your lip at how hot this all was. “A fucking demon. A real demon!” “Power and evil in some hot package,” you thought to yourself.
He held his finger up. “Not just any demon. A Knight of Hell, baby.” He picked you up in his arms and carried you into your car.
'Cause you were born to be my baby
And baby, I was made to be your man
We got something to believe in
Even if we don’t know where we stand
Only God would know the reasons
But I bet he must have had a plan
'Cause you were born to be my baby
And baby, I was made to be your man
My heart beats like a drum (all night)
Flesh to flesh, one to one (and it’s alright)
And I’ll never let go cause
There’s something I know deep inside
“Where to, darling?”
“Anywhere but here?”
“Sounds perfect. Hold on, sweetheart.” And he snapped his fingers leaving the woman he was growing quite fond of behind, to leave Sam a quick note that read:
I can’t do this anymore. I can’t fight this. I’m sorry our last conversation ended with me having to knock you out but you can be a stubborn ass sometimes. It’s a family trait. Love you Sammy. Take care. And take care of Baby. The coordinates of where she is are on the bottom of the paper. Don’t look for me. I’m not coming back. There is no cure. I like the disease. Let me go.
The second he was back you asked him, “You can teleport?”
“Oh darling, there are a lot of things demons can do. I’m going to have so much fun showing you. For example, demons can do this.” He snapped his fingers and instantly you were coming hard, screaming out his name. He smirked at you, whispering into your ear, “I’m going to enjoy this.” Pulling back to look in your eyes, he casually asked, “You like karaoke?”
You chuckled at the juxtaposition and the randomness of the question. “As long as I’m with you. I’ll go anywhere.”
“Good answer.”
You had no idea what was going to happen next but you finally found your soulmate, your evil counterpart and you couldn’t be happier. As your mother always said, “there’s someone for everyone.” And Dean Winchester was born for you.
'Cause you were born to be my baby
And baby, I was made to be your man
We got something to believe in
Even if we don’t know where we stand
Only God would know the reasons
But I bet he must have had a plan
'Cause you were born to be my baby
And baby, I was made to be your man
You were born to be my baby
And baby, I was made to be your man
Forevers  @purgatoan, @killerofthesouth, @charliebradbury1104, @chaos-and-the-calm67, @chelsea072498, @everyday-supernatural-af, @neversatisfiedgirl, @toogardenenthusiast, @winchesterprincessbride, @one-shots-supernatural, @take-me-tonirvana, @hellsmother, @ellen-reincarnated1967, @faegal04, @deals-with-demons, @mamaredd123, @atc74, @hamartiamacguffin, @donnaintx, @love-kittykat21, @impala-dreamer, @evansrogerskitten, @lucifer-in-leather, @hiswickedkitty
Dean  @jayankles, @faith-in-dean, @bennyyh, @ruprecht0420 @supernatural-jackles, @jesspfly, @webcricket,
@aprofoundbondwithdean, @thing-you-do-with-that-thing, @manawhaat @mrswhozeewhatsis, @dr-dean, @nichelle-my-belle, @theficlibrarium, @bowtiesandapplepie, @winchestersmolder, @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid, @thegreatficmaster, @salvachester, @notnaturalanahi, @bkwrm523, @faith-in-dean, @writingbeautifulmen, @whispersandwhiskerburn, @samsgoddess, @scorpiongirl1, @for-the-love-of-dean, @mysupernaturalfics, @jelly-beans-and-gstrings, @fiveleaf, @frenchybell, @deansleather, @deandoesthingstome, @curliesallovertheplace, @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname, @waywardjoy, @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious, @kayteonline, @supernatural-jackles, @wevegotworktodo, @ilovedean-spn2 , @quiddy-writes, @babypieandwhiskey,  @wi-deangirl77, @deantbh, @mysaintsasinner, @chelsea-winchester, @revwinchester, @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell, @inmysparetime0, @clueless-gold, @deanwinchesterxreader, @melbel45, @winchester-family-buisness, @atwistoffate, @hexparker, @alangel1895, @quiddy-writes, @deanwinchesterforpromqueen. @supernaturalismylife, @pinknerdpanda, @deandoesthingstome, @fandommaniacx, @meganwinchester1999, @winchesterfiesta, @i-dont-know-how-to-write, @babypieandwhiskey, @wayward-mirage , @spn-fan-girl-173, @shelovesallthethings, @revwinchester, @klaineaholic, @salvachester, @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid, @jelly-beans-and-gstrings, @thing-you-do-with-that-thing,  @fandommaniacx, @teamfreewillimagines, @deanwinchesterforpromqueen, @castieltrash1, @supernaturallyobsessed, @memariana91, @writingbeautifulmen, @plaidstiel-wormstache, @idreamofhazel, @revwinchester, @supermoonpanda, @ageekchiclife, @i-dont-know-how-to-write, @vintagevalentinexx, @ohwritever, @ruined-by-destiel, @winchester-writes, @thinkwrongways  @sammit-janet @bowtiesandapplepie, @itsemmyb, @ezauraemmaline, @matteson-crazed, @castielspahdehrah, @charliesbackbitches, @crzcorgi, @gryffindorable713, @deerlululucy, @walkingencyclopediaoffandom, @mrsjohnsmith, @manawhaat, @growleytria, @thegleegeneration, @samtomydeanwinchester, @i-never-said-a-pilot, @thewinchestielboys, @supermoonpanda, @sis-tafics, @amaranthinecastiel, @kittenofdoomage, @samanddeanwinchester67, @ferferelli @lilyoflothlorien, @myfand0msandm0re,  @ackleslaugh @noisilyyoungpuppy, @fangirling-instead-of-working, @eyes-of-a-disney-princess, @chrisatplay, @kayteonline, @spnsimpleman, @faith-in-dean @for-the-love-of-dean, @mamaimpala, @zanthiasplace, @sleep-silent-angel, @pada-ackles-reads, @thing-you-do-with-that-thing, @gadreelsforbiddenfruit, @trenchcoats-and-bees, @curliesallovertheplace, @jencharlan, @not-so-natural-spn, @skybinx-blog, @thebunkerismyhome, @feelmyroarrrr, @beachy2014, @fandom-book-nerd, @tia58, @sams-little-toy, @sunriserose1023, @saving-things-hunting-family, @winchesterswoonathon, @jotink78, @lucifer-in-leather,  @babypieandwhiskey, @howmanytuesdaysdidyouhave, @supernatural-jackles, @avasmommy224, @angelwingsandsupernaturalthings, @mysaintsasinner, @chelsea-winchester, @besslincoln-bruh, @wheresthekillswitch, @itakeawfultoawholenewlevel, @notnaturalanahi
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