#everyone say thank you stars for naming half of them for me <3
acaciapines · 3 months
Clover makes it back to Martlet's house, and tries to live something like a normal life, with five unwanted tagger-ons. But with the King still missing, those aforementioned tagger-ons, and the guilt building up, it…doesn't go so well.
chapter two of my undertale yellow fic! turns out clover has a lot of unresolved issues. they sure won't be resolved in chapter two, thats for sure!
i hope you enjoy! <3
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sunderingstars · 3 months
So how do you think Zayne, Xavier and Rafayel would react when their s/o has a boy best friend, purely platonic but makes other people have second thoughts about their relationship.
Hehehe have a good day, write this if your okay with this 🪐
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boy best friend (l&ds x reader) ♡
what the stars reveal: 1.2k, no gender signifiers used for reader, established relationship, ✨jealousy✨ but with a healthy dose of respect partner juice, surprisingly well-adjusted xav, half-headcanon half-prose, slight allusions to lore if you squint
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ જ⁀➴ hello !! thank you for giving me an excuse to write jealous rafayel >:3 the love & deepspace brainrot is so real for me right now, hope you enjoy !
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— zayne is really good at hiding it, but his tiny mannerisms bleed through enough to make it clear he’s worried. it’s not that he has an issue with you having guy best friends, it’s just that everyone else seems to assume you two are together despite zayne standing right there. 
Zayne just stares. Blinks. Stares. Blinks again. You have to nudge him as a reminder that he is, in fact, in public, and that introductions are usually reciprocated by both parties. As soon as you make contact, it’s like a switch flips.
He breezes through his name, occupation, and a firm handshake (not too loose, not too tight), making it look so effortless that you almost forget he’d frozen like a statue as soon as he laid eyes on your best friend. Almost.
He does his best to hide it, but it’s clear something’s wrong. The slight clip to his voice, the furrow of his brow, the hesitance in his eyes when he looks at you — they may be imperceptible to the untrained eye, but all the telltale signs are there. It’s only a matter of time before you get an answer out of him.
“I’m an adult. I don’t worry about those kinds of things,” he says when you voice your suspicion a few days later.
“It’s true,” he continues when you shoot him a disbelieving look, shuffling the papers on his desk in an attempt to seem nonchalant, “I have absolutely no problem with him.”
You don’t say anything else, simply fix him with a deeper look and cross your arms. He doesn’t crack. It takes a whole five minutes of him pretending to go back to work before he sighs and makes a show of signing something.
“I may,” he says, setting the pen down gently, “Be slightly… somewhat…”
“Jealous?” you finish.
“No,” he says. “Annoyed.” Then, quickly, “Not at you. Or him. Just everyone else.”
You don’t quite understand. “Everyone else…?”
Now it’s Zayne’s turn to fix you with a look. “You can’t tell me you didn’t notice.”
Notice what? you want to ask, but refrain since you don’t want Zayne thinking you’re more oblivious than you already are. You rack your brain for something, anything that you can remember from that day, until…
“Oh,” you say. You do remember getting quite a few stares even before you and your friend coincidentally ran into Zayne. At first, you thought it was because you were still in uniform, but you realize now that it may have been for a completely different reason.
Zayne doesn’t respond, just taps his fingers against the wood of his desk, a nervous tic.
“Those were people who got the wrong idea,” you continue. Then, when his mouth dips into a frown, you move to stand beside him. “I don’t mind hunting them down and telling them just how wrong they were.”
At this, his frown begins to lift. “You don’t need to do that.”
“I would, though.”
He looks at you clearly for the first time in a few days, a hint of amusement sparkling in his eyes. “Really?”
“Yes, really,” you say. You maneuver yourself between him and the desk, falling into a half-straddle. “I’d go to their house, knock on the door, and tell them exactly how Dr. Zayne and I make out every Friday eveni—”
You feel his hand brush against your mouth, closing it.
“Alright, alright,” he interrupts with a small smile, “I get it. I’m secure enough in our relationship not to worry.” He pauses for a moment, then says, “Just don’t miss any checkups.”
“I’ll be right on time, as always,” you say, pressing a kiss to his temple. “And if anyone asks, i’ll tell them exactly who my boyfriend is.”
“Thank you.”
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— xavier isn’t sure why you think he’d be annoyed, since your best friend seems nice enough. if anything, you’re the one that seems nervous, broaching the topic with him only to realize he hasn’t minded from the start.
Xavier looks a bit confused. His eyes shuffle between your face, his phone, and the twisting hands in your lap, a small, awkward smile beginning to spread on his face.
“Am I supposed to be… worried?” he asks.
“Are you?” you respond.
This prompts a light chuckle from your boyfriend. He shifts on the couch, turning until his arm rests on the back and his body is angled towards you. “Not really. What about you?”
You shrug. “Maybe a little.”
This seems to surprise Xavier, and you can’t blame him. You’re a bit surprised, too, given that most people’s roles would be flipped in this context.
Still, you can’t help it. Even though you’ve known your best friend for years — much longer than you’ve known Xavier — you don’t want your boyfriend to feel like he’s being overshadowed in his relationship with you. However, it currently seems like those worries are unfounded.
“Well, the way I see it…” Xavier leans in, brushing his lips against your temple, “… it’s wonderful you have so many people to share your life with.”
“You really think so?” you ask, just to make sure.
“Of course. Although…” He leans back, then, mid-afternoon light filtering through the window and washing his features soft gold. His eyes sharpen like sun rays piercing through a cloud. “… if he ever gives you trouble, let me know.”
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— rafayel is very loud and clear about his jealousy, and you can count on him to become clingy after you hang out with your best friend. ultimately, you know he doesn’t mind nearly as much as he says he does, so you’re happy to indulge his want for attention if it means you can comfort him when he’s insecure.
Rafayel, as he is wont to do, makes his feelings known immediately and with such startling clarity that at first you think he’s joking.
“You’re serious?” you finally ask, the corners of your mouth tipping upwards into a smile while his stay fixed, pouting.
“Of course I am,” he says. He glares at the empty air beside you head as if it wronged him in a past life. “I mean, it’s fine and all, I guess, but we haven’t seen each other in four days. You haven’t even taken me plushie hunting. And yet…”
“And yet…?”
He crosses his arms and mumbles. 
“Use your words, Raf.”
He sighs. “You were with him all day. People were staring.”
“And so you’re jealous,” you deadpan, “because my best friend helped me with a case.”
“Yes!” he says, as if it’s the most natural thing in the world. “I could’ve helped too! If you keep going around without me like that, you’ll… you’ll…” Something changes in his eyes, and he clicks his tongue, looking away. “Whatever. It doesn’t matter.”
You know your boyfriend well enough by this point to grasp what he’s hinting at. Putting your own frustration aside, you lean in, the soft fabric of Rafayel’s shirt brushing against your fingertips. You plant a soft kiss on his cheek.
“I’m not going to forget you,” you say. Then, you find his arm, uncrossing it so you can take his pinky in yours. “Promise.”
Slowly, slightly, the tension in his shoulders begins to release. 
“Can we go plushie hunting?” he mumbles. Then, “Just the two of us?”
You smile. “Of course.”
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🩵 bonus hc 🩵: i mentioned it in zayne’s part, but i like to think he drums his fingers against any available surface when he’s nervous or worried. between that, pushing up his glasses, and fiddling with his pen, you can read his mood based off of how much he messes with the objects in his vicinity.
(also also rafayel is so petty when he’s jealous, i know this one is basically canon but i just love it sm ♡)
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© 2024, written by sunderingstars. do not copy, repost, translate, modify, or claim my work as your own.
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I Guess So
summary: butcher is furious when he learns you’re a supe.
pairing: billy butcher x female supe!reader
rating: R for language
word count: 4.3k
warnings: language, butcher being a complete asshole, cancer
timeline: set in an au after season 3 — in a world where becca doesn’t exist and butcher got into supe-hunting when his sister went missing.
author’s note: when i reference the flash/barry allen i’m picturing grant gustin, not ezra miller lol
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It was a quiet day in the office. Everyone was going through the several boxes of information on Vought that they had gathered at the last hospital they investigated.
“Jack pot!” Hughie exclaimed.
“What’d you find?” MM asked from across the room, head still down as he stayed focused on the box he was working on.
“There’s tons of names here of babies Vought dosed,” Hughie said. “And pictures of them now, looks like they were keeping tabs on the ones that didn’t go great.”
“Makes sense,” MM replied. “If one went off the rails they’d wanna know.”
“But why risk it?” Annie wondered out loud. “Why would Vought want these Compound V babies out there if they didn’t respond well to the serum?”
“Yeah, knowing Vought it’d make more sense to round ‘em up and put ‘em down,” Frenchie said.
“Wait, what the fuck?” Hughie’s eyes widened a little as his brows furrowed. “Uh, Y/n? Do you have a twin?”
“No, why?” you asked half-heartedly, buried deep in the box you were looking through. You had found some info on Temp-V and were hoping there was something in there that could help Butcher.
You were confused as to why Hughie hadn’t answered you so you looked up from your desk. Hughie was now standing at Annie’s desk as she read over the papers he’d just handed her. Frenchie and Kimiko looked up from their desks but didn’t bother going to see what all the fuss was about.
“Uh, MM,” Annie called him over. When he saw what Annie and Hughie were so freaked out over, his eyes widened.
“Holy fucking shit,” MM mumbled before he glanced at you. Annie tapped his arm a little and pointed at something written near the bottom of the page.
“What’s wrong you guys?” you asked, even though you had an idea about what they could be looking at.
You thanked your lucky stars Butcher had left to get lunch for the team, even though you knew you’d have to confront him about it at some point. It wasn’t your fault, you didn’t mean to keep it from him! But you were putty in his fucking hands and when he said he didn’t like Supe’s you weren’t gonna tell him what you had coursing though your veins. And after the ‘I love you’s had been said it seemed too late.
“Anything you wanna tell us, Y/n?” MM asked.
“Please don’t tell Butcher,” you said.
“‘Don’t tell Butcher’? Seriously, Y/n? You’re sure that’s what you wanna say?” Annie asked, silently begging you to just come clean.
“Don’t tell me what?” Butcher stepped into the office and you stood up quickly. “What’re you guys all looking at?”
He put down the food and took a few steps closer to where MM, Hughie, and Annie were. Before MM could move the papers around and help you keep your secret a little longer, Butcher grabbed what he was holding and started reading. By the time he finished, angered tears were forming in his eyes before he looked at you.
“You’re a fucking Supe?” Butcher asked you through gritted teeth. You stayed silent, completely frozen as he stormed over to you, papers still in his hand. “Fucking answer me!”
“Y-Yes,” you said quietly, unable to look him in the eyes as he towered over you. (He wasn’t that much taller than you, but right now you felt about two feet tall and didn’t dare look up at him.)
“What’s this mean?” He pointed to a note at the bottom of the pages. “‘Full power unknown’? ‘Extremely dangerous’?” he read. “What the fuck are your powers, Y/n?”
“Billy, please-”
“Oh, no, no, no! Don’t fucking dare Billy me! Answer the goddamn question!”
“I can sometimes run really fast,” you mumbled
“The fuck you mean, ‘sometimes’?”
“The Compound V in my system randomly acts up and I can run like the Flash. It’s always temporary, never lasts longer than a day or two.” (You could’ve used A-Train as an example instead of Barry Allen, but given your audience you made the right call.)
Butcher looked at you and for a second you thought he might just pull you into a hug as tears slipped down your cheeks as well as his.
“Fuck you,” he spat. “How dare you fucking lie to me, about this of all fucking things!”
“I-I’m sorry-”
“Sorry don’t fuckin’ cut it, love,” he said, teeth clenching again.
“Please, Billy I love you so fucking much!” You tried taking his hand in yours.
“No!” He pulled his hand back. “You fucking lied to me.”
“I had to! You said you hated Supe’s and I didn’t want you hating me!”
“Good job with that,” he scoffed, hurt flashing over your features. “Fuck you.”
He turned away from you before leaving the office, ignoring the others as they asked him where he was going.
MM was the first to talk to you about the whole ordeal; he went to your apartment that night to see how you were doing.
“Hey,” you said as you opened the door. He pulled you into a quick but tight hug.
“You could’ve told me, you know,” he whispered before pulling back to look you in the eyes. “I’m sorry about Butcher, has he talked to you since?”
“No,” you shook your head, “but he, uh, I think he’s done with me.”
“I’m sure he just needs time,” he tried to assure you as you both walked to the couch before sitting down.
“He came by and got all his stuff, MM,” you said. “It must’ve been right after he stormed out of the office because when I got home all his shit was gone and the key I gave him was on the nightstand.”
“Fuck,” MM mumbled. “I’m so sorry, Y/n.”
“It’s my own fault, I should’ve fuckin’ told him.”
“Yeah, but he’s always saying shit about Supe’s,” he countered. “He has to understand why you wouldn’t tell him.”
“But I’m not even technically a real Supe! When I’m not fast all I get is the bad side effects of Compound V—headaches, nausea, blurred vision—it fucking sucks!”
“I gotta ask, did Butcher really never notice?”
“He did, I just never told him the real reason. He was worried about my headaches and even asked me to see a doctor. I told him I did and they said it was nothing serious. I think that’s why he’s so mad at me; it’s not the Compound V, it’s the fact I’ve lied to him so fucking much.”
“I think he’s gonna get over it,” MM said. “I think he’s gonna realize how fucking miserable he is without you and just how happy you make him.”
You scoffed a little, “Don’t give me false hope.”
“I’m serious! You didn’t know pre-you Butcher! He was a complete asshole! Now? He’s… Well, he’s still an asshole but he’s not as annoying as he used to be.”
“Oh yeah.” He nodded. “I remember when I first caught on that he liked you; he’d try not to raise his voice, he’d make room for you to sit next to him on the couch, so many little things about him changed whenever you walked into the motherfuckin’ room.”
“He wasn’t like that before?” You smiled, feeling those familiar butterflies over the thought of Billy fucking Butcher having a crush on you.
“Never!” MM assured you. “You need to give him time and space right now, but I know he still loves you.”
The next morning you went to work, not knowing what else to really do. If Butcher didn’t want to see you, he didn’t have to come in.
When you got there and saw him at his desk (which was now moved a few feet further from your own) you knew you made a mistake.
“The fuck are you doing here?” Butcher asked.
“She’s part of the team,” Hughie said.
“Come off it! She fucking lied to all of us! She’s a fucking Supe!”
“And we get why she lied!” Annie came to your defense.
“A Supe defending another Supe, what else is new?” he grumbled.
“Butcher,” Hughie warned.
“Alright, let’s take a fuckin’ vote, how about?” Butcher suggested.
“Sure,” MM said. “All those in favor of Y/n staying on the team?” He raised his hand as Hughie, Annie, Frenchie, and Kimiko did the same.
“Five against one,” Frenchie commented.
“Supe’s don’t get a fucking vote,” Butcher said.
“Still three against one,” MM replied. “She’s staying on the team.”
“Butcher-” you started but he cut you off.
“Stay the hell away from me,” Butcher told you. “Don’t you fucking talk to me or touch me or even fucking look at me!”
It was a couple days later and you were pouring yourself a cup of coffee when Butcher walked up beside you, clearly wanting coffee as well. You decided you weren’t gonna move from where you stood in front of the little coffee station MM had set up a few months ago. If you stood your ground, Butcher would either have to ask you to move or push you out of the way.
He was getting impatient as you stayed and took a sip of your fresh cup of coffee. You let out a content sigh hoping it would further aggravate him and cause him to say something, anything to you—he’d managed to successfully give you the silent treatment since his angry voting speech.
“Get the fuck outta the way,” he said and you took a step to the side before he instantly went to pour himself a cup.
You were about to gloat a little but when you looked at his face you could tell he hadn’t slept the night before.
“How’d you sleep last night?” you asked, genuinely concerned as you furrowed your brows and turned to look at him more intently.
“Fuckin’ great, I didn’t have a Supe sleepin’ next to me,” he countered. “And don’t fuckin’ talk to me, if it was up to me you woudln’t still fuckin’ be here.”
“So you’d really be okay with me just getting the hell outta here? Never seeing me again?” you asked.
“Drop fuckin’ dead for all I care!” He shrugged a little and took a sip of his coffee before he finally turned to look at you.
“Huh.” You nodded, tears quickly flooding your eyes. “You know what,” you shook your head a little, “fuck you, Butcher.”
“What, now you bruise easy?”
“I have put up with so much shit from you. I have stayed with you through it all and I have proved to you time and fucking time again that I genuinely love and care about you. But this one thing you can’t let go? This one, stupid thing that was given to me without my fucking consent?”
“You lied to me, Y/n!”
“You’ve lied to me, too! You looked me in the eyes and said you weren’t gonna take Temp V then you fucking took it! And what did I do? I stayed up with you all fucking night as you hurled green shit into the toilet! Then you promised you wouldn’t take it again, but you did. And I was angry, but I loved you and I realized you were just doing what you thought was right so again I stayed with you as you puked. I even fucking kissed you after you barely rinsed your mouth out because I just wanted you to know I loved you!” You continued looking at him as his angered expression slowly softened. “And after you learned about the cancer?
“After you made me swear to just ignore it and act like you didn’t have a year to live? I stopped worrying about it in front of you. Instead I lost countless nights of sleep because I’ve been pouring through every bit of research Vought has on Temp V. I even managed to get files that only existed in physical copies kept at Vought Tower. I would’ve done anything for you Butcher because I thought you loved me too.
“The fact you can’t see why I felt I had to lie to you about the shit I’ve got pumping through my veins is ridiculous. And just so we’re clear—you can hate me all you want, but you better start acting fucking professional when we’re on the clock because I’m not going anywhere.”
“Did you have that whole speech planned just to try and get me to fold?” he asked, scoffing a little.
“Fuck you,” you said before brushing past him.
It had been nearly two weeks since Butcher and the others found out you were (kind of) a Supe. Everyone except Butcher had gotten over it by now and had even been asking you questions about your “powers”.
Hughie had asked you; “Can you tell when you’re able to run fast? Or is it you’ll be jogging and suddenly you’re miles away from where you meant to be?”
To which you had replied; “No, I can tell when I’m able to run fast; but I can’t predict when it’s gonna happen, you know? Like I have no control over it, I just sometimes know that if I were to try, I’d be able to go super fast.”
Kimko had asked you; “On the days you don’t have your powers, do you ever wish you did? Or are you relieved when you wake up and realize you don’t have them for right now?” (She had texted you while you were seated across from her.)
You had said aloud; “It tends to hurt on the days my powers don’t work. I get really bad headaches and sometimes they’re so bad that I actually puke. I’m happier on the days I can run, not because I’m fast, but simply because I don't have all the bad side effects.”
Butcher managed to ignore you since the coffee incident. He only ever spoke to you about work and never saw you outside the office. Not that you’d admit it, but you missed him like crazy. You hated sleeping without him, you hated waking up and only cooking breakfast for yourself, and you absolutely hated not being able to talk to him about all the random shit you two used to talk about.
He missed you too, though he never showed it. He was losing sleep over how he was treating you, but he figured you wouldn’t want him now. You both knew he only had a little over six months left (nine at most) and he wasn’t gonna go crawling back to you just to die. If he did, you would’ve welcomed him with open arms; wanting nothing more than to hold him while he ignored the inevitable.
“Everyone knows the plan?” Butcher asked the group, looking into the back of the truck from the passenger seat. “In and out, no fucking around and finding out what happens when we mess with this guy?”
You and the others beside you (Annie, Kimiko, Frenchie, and MM) nodded.
“I’ll keep the engine running,” Hughie said. “Once we see this guy leave you’ve all got twenty minutes until he’s back—but leave time for getting in and out, so safeside ten minutes.”
“Any questions? We all know what we’re looking for?” Butcher asked, earning nothing but nods. You raised your hand a little and he sighed with (what seemed like) annoyance; “What?” he asked.
“Uhm, not a question, more like a comment, my uhm, my powers just…turned on?” you told Butcher, and therefore the others in the car. “So just…”
“That’s actually great,” Hughie said. “Thank you for sharing, Y/n.”
“Whatever,” Butcher mumbled.
Another few minutes went by before the Supe left his house and you all broke in.
As everyone looked for what they came for (a file stolen from the office that detailed all the crimes this particular Supe had done with proof that would land him in prison) you noticed something strange in the corner of the living room.
“Is that a camera?” you exclaimed.
Before anyone could answer several shots rang loud through the house. Using your powers, you looked and quickly realized three bullets were headed directly for the back of Butcher’s head. He was looking under a desk on the other side of the room and if you didn’t hurry, he’d be dead in less than a second.
You ran and got between the bullets and Butcher; crouching down and letting them hit you square in the back.
“What the fuck!” the man holding the gun exclaimed. Before he could take another shot, Kimko tackled him and held him down.
Butcher looked at you, his eyes wide as you both realized what you’d just done. You looked down at your chest, fully expecting to be gushing blood.
“You’re fucking bulletproof?” Butcher asked, a sense of awe in his tone.
“I guess so.” You furrowed your brows a little, still looking down and not really believing you weren’t dying. As you stood up, the bullets fell off your back and onto the floor. “Wow,” you muttered, “I’m fuckin’ bulletproof.”
“You…” Butcher looked at you as he stood up as well. He put a hand on your shoulder, turning you so he could look at your back—three small holes in your jacket and shirt, but your skin unfazed. “You just…You were ready to die for me?” He turned you back and looked down into your eyes, keeping his hand on your shoulder.
“Well, I wasn’t about to let you die,” you mumbled, looking up at him. You then looked at his hand and smiled a little before looking back at him. You were prepared to make a snide remark about how he was suddenly willing to touch you, but you kept your mouth shut when you saw his eyes brimming with tears.
He wrapped one arm around your shoulders while the other went around your torso. It actually took you a moment to realize he was in fact hugging you but when you did, you put your arms around him too; one going around his shoulders, the other around his torso.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, closing his eyes to keep the tears from falling. “I’m so fuckin’ sorry.”
“I forgive you,” you mumbled, reveling in the feeling of him holding you. You sensed he was about to pull away so you tightened your grip, not ready to let him go just yet, which caused him to do the same.
“I hate to break up this long-overdue hug,” MM said, “but I found the folder, we should take this guy in.”
“We’ll meet you in the truck,” Butcher replied, not opening his eyes or moving a muscle. “Cuff him.”
When everyone was out of the room, you whispered; “I really do forgive you, Butcher.”
“Thank you,” he replied, matching your tone. “Still can’t fuckin’ believe you risked your life for a guy who’s got about six months to live.”
That night you went to Butcher’s apartment and when he opened the door, he seemed surprised; “What’re you doing here?” he asked, letting you walk in.
“A couple months ago, I broke into the labs at Vought Tower and stole a shit ton of files they had on Temp V. I got the name of one of the doctors that helped make it, and I found his address. I was ready to threaten him to get him to find a cure for the Temp V side effects but when I explained my situation he said he’d help me willingly. He said he was actually already working on a cure without Vought knowing, because he felt insanely guilty about the fact Temp V kills people. He succeeded. He found a cure and he’s used it to make a new form of Temp V that gives you powers for a day while healing you and at the end of it, you should be back to your old self.”
“Wait, what?” Butcher furrowed his brows. “Why didn’t you tell me weeks ago you’ve been working with this guy?’
“One, I didn’t want to get your hopes up. Two, you told me to pretend you weren’t sick so we could enjoy the time we had left together. And three, he needed my blood for the new Temp V. Turns out I’m like the Ultimate Temp V Supe, and with my blood he was able to make the new serum. Also, I just came from his house, he perfected the new serum last night and texted me this morning. I was gonna come here tonight whether or not you wanted me near you, and I told the doctor if I didn’t meet up with him by the end of the week he should contact Hughie Campbell at Supe Affairs. I figured if something happened to me, Hughie would make sure you got the cure.”
“So…there really is a cure?”
You reached into your jacket pocket and took out the small bag containing a couple vials of the new Temp V and two empty syringes.
“It’ll either kill you quicker or you’ll be cancer free tomorrow,” you told him, handing over the bag before he looked inside. “You don’t have to risk it, but I wouldn’t be giving it to you if I didn’t one-hundred-percent believe it’s safe. If you don’t trust me, I understand and we can pretend-”
“Of course I trust you,” he cut you off. “And of course I wanna be fuckin’ cured, but this seems almost too good to be true?”
“I know.” You smiled. “The doctor tested it on himself and showed me the proof—he’s taken five doses over the last two weeks and he’s healthier than ever.”
“How long did he have powers?”
“Twenty-four-hours,” you said. “But he had the same side effects as the first Temp V; puking, headaches, all that shit. But, after everything, he was fine—no long term or deadly side effects.”
“If I take this…will you please stay with me while it lasts?” he asked quietly, not wanting to go through it all alone.
“I was planning to, whether you wanted me here or not,” you admitted.
“Thank you.”
You both sat down on the couch and you watched as Butcher took the serum, his eyes lighting up the same way they did before. He tossed the used syringe on the end table next to the couch and leaned back, allowing the serum to do its job and he could almost feel his strength come back.
“How’s it feel?” you asked.
“Fuckin’ hurts,” he said, “but I’m okay. It’s better than wastin’ away.”
“You can say that again,” you mumbled. “Can I scoot closer to you?” you asked, not wanting to be close unless he wanted you to be.
“Please,” he said and moved his arm to the back of the couch as you moved to sit right beside him.
“I’ve missed you,” you whispered, not really enjoying how quiet things had gotten.
“I’ve missed you, too,” he admitted. “I’m a fuckin’ idiot for how I acted, and you have every right to hate me, but thank you for not leaving when I told you to. Thank you for not walking out of my life for good.”
“Can I tell you something?”
“The only reason I didn’t leave was because I needed to know where you were when I got my hands on the cure. Once I knew you were healthy, I had planned to leave like you asked.”
He moved his arm from the couch and instead rested it on your shoulders; “Are you still planning to leave?”
“Only if you don’t ask me to stay,” you said honestly. “If you want to go back to the way things were a month ago, I’ll happily stay. But if you’re still freaked out about the fact I’m a Supe, I won’t bother you again once I know you’re okay.”
“Please stay,” he said. “I’m sorry about the shit I’ve said and done the past three weeks, but please stay.”
“Stay working at the bureau? Or stay…with you?”
“You can’t quit the bureau, you’re the smartest fuckin’ person there,” he said, making you laugh a little.
“I dunno, Hughie’s pretty smart too,” you teased.
There was another silent pause as Butcher thought of what to say. He couldn’t just ask you to take him back, that didn’t seem fair. He couldn’t just say he’d take you back, because that was even worse. He knew he fucked up big time, and any future the two of you had was entirely up to you at this point.
“Do you want to go back to the way things were?” you asked him quietly.
“I really, really do,” he whispered. “But I was too much of an asshole to deserve another chance with you.”
“After everything we’ve been through together, I’d rather just let all the shit we’ve done be water under the bridge, if that’s okay with you. Just let the lies we’ve both told slide and try to be more honest with each other from now on. Personally, I’ve got nothing else to hide and I know there’s nothing you could say or do that would make me stop loving you.”
“You still love me?”
“Of course,” you said. “Do you…love me?”
“Never stopped,” he mumbled. “And I’d really like all the shit to be water under the bridge too if you’re really willing to forgive me for everything.”
“So it’s settled then; all the stupid, fucked up things we’ve both done up until this point are forgiven and we can go back to normal?”
“I love you so much,” he said, smiling a little as he turned and kissed your temple.
“I love you too,” you replied.
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metalhoops · 1 year
Steddie Week Day 3: 
Discover/ First Kiss/ Kiss on My List by Hall and Oates
Steve’s first kiss was with Tommy Hagen. He was eleven and neither of them had spoken about it since. 
Steve’s first official kiss was with a girl named Melissa. He’d been fourteen, and she’d been a whole year older than him. At the time the twelve-month age gap felt like it spanned the length and breadth of the Indiana state lines. She’d smelled like Farrah Fawcett's hair spray and tasted like coconut lip balm. By the time he turned fifteen, he’d kissed half a dozen girls, and he’d felt the same Indiana-length distance between himself at fourteen and himself at fifteen. As the years went on, Steve lost count of the number of girls he’d kissed. Some mattered more than others. 
At twenty, Steve was looking for quality over quantity, so he could count the number of girls he’d kissed in the last two years on one hand. Still, it surprised Steve to hear Robin and Eddie commiserating over their lack of any first kisses one afternoon at the family video store. 
“Wait, so you’re telling me you two haven’t kissed anyone, ever?” Steve echoed, looking up from stacking the latest returned rentals, making sure he’d heard them right. 
“You ever tried being a lesbian in a small town, Dingus?” Robin asked, leaning against the front counter. Eddie made a sound of agreement from his spot in the horror section. 
Steve was sure Eddie liked men. He was doubly sure Robin knew, but neither had said anything to him about it, so he hadn’t pushed. It hurt, knowing Eddie had likely asked Robin not to tell him, but he got it. He’d been a dick in high school. He’d hoped Robin would be able to reassure Eddie he was cool with it, but he knew how people thought. Being okay with Robin being a lesbian and Eddie being gay were two different things. He’d wanted to assure Eddie he wasn’t like that, but he never knew how to broach the topic. 
“I see your point but, it’s not... impossible. I mean- Eddie, you’re left-handed, right?” Steve asked out of nowhere. 
Eddie stood on his toes to peer over the shelf of videos dividing them, taking a piece of his hair and toying with it between his thumb and forefinger. 
“Yeah. Thanks for noticing?” Eddie breathed, sounding perplexed. 
“I mean, everyone knows someone who’s left-handed, right? There were three people in our senior year who had those weird left-handed desks in Mrs Click’s class. So, ten percent of the population is left-handed, right? And ten percent of the population is gay. That’s gotta mean there’s at least one age-appropriate and available person to kiss in Hawkins. You’ve just gotta find ‘em and take the initiative,” Steve reasoned with a shrug of his shoulders. Eddie was giving him a disbelieving smirk. 
“Did you just try to use math to tell Robin she’s got no game because she can’t find a girl to kiss? And here I was thinking you were an ally,” Eddie mused, resting his chin on the top shelf.  
Steve shrugged and returned to stacking. The word ‘ally’ sat strangely with him. 
“How old were you when you had your first kiss, Stevie?” Eddie asked curiously. Normally he’d say fourteen, but today he decided to tell the truth. 
“Eleven.” Eddie let out a low whistle. 
“That’s young. The Harrington charm actually worked back then, huh?” 
Steve rolled his eyes and grumbled, ‘shut up,’ under his breath. 
“Well, you can’t stop there, Casanova. What’s her name? I haven’t heard this story,” Robin chipped in, sounding intrigued. 
Steve took a deep breath. He felt sheltered from the other’s eyes from where he kneeled behind the shelves. He decided it was time to tell the truth. 
“Thomas,” Steve whispered, feeling a sudden tremble in his fingers. 
The silence was deafening inside the video store. He could hear the distant call of birds and the screech of tires on asphalt drifting in from the outside world, but neither Eddie nor Robin made a sound.  
Steve felt like a dying star, moments from collapse. His shoulders were hunched and his breaths were uneven. It had been a spur-of-the-moment decision. Only after the words left his mouth had he thought how badly the confession could go. 
Steve felt the weight of a body pressed against his back and Robin’s thin arms wrapped tightly around his middle, holding his shaky frame together. 
“Thomas, as in Tommy H? Total dud, dude,” Robin breathed, her face tucked into the crook of his neck. Steve tried not to fall face-first into the ‘Action’ section as her weight bore down on him. It was comforting. He chuckled and nudged his face against her.
“Yeah, total dud,” He agreed. 
“Is there room for one more in there?” 
Steve looked up to find Eddie crouching in front of the two, awkwardly pretzeled together, half on the floor of the video store. Steve gave a little nod and felt another pair of arms around him. 
He wasn’t sure how long the three stayed like that. When they broke apart, it was almost closing time.
“I’m going to head out, guys,” Eddie uttered, looking as though he wanted to say more. 
“Steve’ll walk you to the van, won’t you, Steve?” Robin prompted, looking between the two thoughtfully. 
“I... yeah?” Steve mumbled. Robin shot him a thumbs up over his shoulder as he trailed after Eddie to his van. 
Eddie’s eyes were fixed on the ground as he kicked dirt off his faded white Reeboks and buried his hands deep within the pockets of his jeans. 
“Hey, Steve?” Eddie said, looking up for a moment to survey the empty parking lot, as though checking for the prying eyes of the cultist-hunting-jocks of years past.
“Tommy Hagan really is a shit first kiss,” He chuckled, taking a step closer. Steve snorted and raised a brow. 
“Yeah, well, thanks for your input, dude.” 
“You know who I’d choose for a first kiss?” Eddie asked, the air between them electric. The distant birds were silent, as though the sky were too thick to fly through. 
Steve thought he knew where this was going, but he wanted Eddie to take his hand and lead him there. 
Eddie’s ringed fingers brushed across his neck and pulled him closer. 
“Go on then,” Steve pushed with a wicked grin.
“Take the initiative, Munson.” 
That was all the prompting Eddie needed to push Steve roughly against the side of his van and crash their lips together. It was a proper first kiss, with the clumsy colliding of teeth, bumping of noses and awkward trade-off of tongues. It wasn’t the perfect kiss, but it was the perfect moment.
Steve wanted to teach Eddie the art of hands in hair and skin on skin. He wanted to find out what made Eddie tick, map out the parts of his body that made his toes curl and his breath grow shallow. 
It was their first kiss, but Steve sure as hell wouldn’t let it be their last. 
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cupidkyo · 1 month
Star gazing & comforting words- Minho x reader
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WARNING: This is the first ever ff i've wrote!! I'm writing this to get feedback and criticism to improve my writing. I will make grammar and spelling mistakes!! but other wise i hope you enjoy:)) (Also read the bottom for more of my thoughts after)
SUMMERY:You and Minho star gaze on the watch tower while you comfort him after a difficult day. (735 words)
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It was around 5pm, I was just finishing my job with the medjacks when i saw Minho run out the maze looking upset. my thought were confirmed when he shoved past Newt who was trying to talk with him and ran straight into the map room. 'i wonder whats wrong with him' I thought to myself.
After around half an hour I noticed that Minho still hadn't returned from the map room, so I decided to go check in on him making sure he's okay. I approach the map room and knocked on the door, " What do you want you shank!" Minho shouts out as his footsteps are heard making their way towards the door. He opens it and in seeing who it was relaxes a bit while sitting back down, letting out a sigh while shoving his head in his hands, "Are you alright, whats wrong with you?" I ask him sitting on the chair to his right. "I give up there's no way out, there never has been, never will be!" He mutters into his hands, "I've ran this shuck maze for two years! if there was an exit we would have found it!" I wrap my arm around his shoulder, "Why don't you take a break from the maze tomorrow, and how about right now we go up the watch tower?" He picks his head up looking at me after i spoke, "Sure." He breathes out in reply.
We climb our way up the watch tower, making it to the top both lying down with our feet dangling over the edge."It's a clear sky tonight, look at all the stars!" i say excitedly looking over to the boy next to me. He suddenly lifts his hand pointing to a fairly bright star,"Did you know thats Venus?" He turns his head toward me with a slight smirk. "Yes ofcorse i did! I'm the one who taught you shuckface!" I laugh, as he turns his head back to the sky with a pout. As most of the stars where showing i decided to make a bet, "Who ever can point out the most constellations wins!" Already trying to spot some. "Oh your on!" Minho challenges." I see pisces!" i shout out while Minho spots Aries.
After ten minuets I win the bet by spotting 3 more constellations, while Minho only spotted the one, "That was no fair! you know more about space then me." He sulked. "Don't be such a sore loser!" I say while smirking at him. After he stopped sulking Minho started pointing out stars seeing if i could name them, We spent around an hour just sat there just enjoying each others company, and pointing out stars, when Minho turned to me grabbing me hand "Thank you for comforting me, the maze has just really been stressful recently." i pulled him closer so we were now cuddling as he continues, "I just feel like it's my duty to keep the hope of getting out within everyone, but it's hard when i don't have any hope myself." He sighs as he rests his head in the dip of my neck. "You do keep the hope! And everyone here look up to you not just because they think you can find a way out, but because of who you are as a person!" I consoled him. "Take the day off tomorrow i'll tell Alby in the morning that your not running and then we can spend the whole day together relaxing, how does that sound?", "Shucking amazing." he groaned out as he sat up, "We better head into the homestead now then." He pulled me up as we climbed back down the ladder, walking towards the homestead holding hands.
When we reached the room Minho flopped onto our shared bed while i shut the door. Walking over to him i gave him a quick peck on the lips. "I love you so much and i'm always here for you, i might not know much about the maze, but i know everything about you." I told him while slipping into the covers with him. "I love you too." He muttered out nearly asleep. Wrapping my arms around him and snuggling closer i hear his breathing calm, I give him one last kiss on his forehead before i close my eyes and sleep as well, hoping that Minho will feel better in the morning.
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I feel like in some parts i went really off topic then back really randomly and that it doesn't quite make sense, but idk.. i also feel like i was just repeating myself over and over again. Pls remember that this is my FIRST ever time writing anything really nevermind a fanfic. It was also writen between 4-5 am while i'm extremely tired and dizzy😬
But if you made it this far thank you sm for reading!! I would really love some criticism so that i can improve!! so feel free to comment on whatever you want. But again thank you for reading i hope you all have an amazing day/night!!<33
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venusjeon · 2 years
golden arrows
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the god Apollo is dared to seduce the first mortal his eyes set upon without revealing his identity, so changing his appearance slightly and taking the name of Hoseok, he crosses paths with you. but as it happens, the only man you say you'd ever lie with is Apollo... also, you're on a quest to steal his golden arrows.
♔ PAIRING: apollo!hoseok x mortal!reader
♔ GENRE: greek mythology, historical & bet au, adventure, fluff, humour
♔ WORD COUNT: 9.6k
♔ WARNINGS: religion themes, drinking, swearing, period-typical sexism, animal hunting&sacrifice, nudity, kissing, mentions of non-consensual sex, sex happens but no smut soz, murder
♔ BETA: @yoonoclock <3 thank you so much again !!
♔ AUTHOR'S NOTE: nvm the fic can we appreciate the banner bc i kinda served with it. no but this has been in my wips for almost as long as i've had this blog so i'm v excited for you guys to read it :D
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Heroic Age
Sing to me, ‘o muse, the song of a priestess who was loved by a god willing to forgive her wicked crime.
It was a peaceful night on OLYMPUS, the home of the gods, where everyone had gone to sleep hours ago under a black sky dusted with stars.
Everyone save Apollo, Hermes, and Dionysus, who refused to be parted with their jug of wine that refilled on its own so the party should never end. So much of it had they consumed, though, that even the god of the drink had come to neglect his cup, slumping over the table while his half-brothers slouched on their chairs.
But what they were yet to lose was their sense of humour, as they teased each other about their tragic love lives. Now, it was Apollo’s turn to be taken the piss out of.
“At least the objects of my desire run towards me, not away,” laughed Hermes. “What was that nymph’s name, Daphne?”
Apollo gestured his discrepancy by waving his index finger side to side. “That was the doing of that winged fuck, Eros.” Famously, he had struck Apollo’s heart with an arrow that kindled love and Daphne’s with one that banished it. Pursuing her through the forest until she begged to be turned into a laurel tree to escape his advances, Apollo learned never to get on the wrong side of the god of desire again. “He’s always had it in for me, I tell you.”
“Sure, yes, blame him,” twice-born Dionysus said, cheek still glued to the table. “We can all play that game.”
Hermes nodded. “Admit it, brother, only the thrill of consorting with an immortal draws them to you. And it fades quickly once they realise you can’t pleasure them in bed.”
“Oh, you tell yourself that’s it.”
“I bet you my herald’s staff.”
“Bet what, exactly?” Apollo scoffed. “It’s not like I can stop being a god. Your joke of a point cannot be proved, you fool.”
“Except, it can,” Dionysus said as he sat upright, but Apollo didn’t understand, so he sighed, “Isn’t intelligence supposed to be one of your domains? We’re no strangers to changing our appearance so that mortals can’t recognise us, so seduce the first one you see without revealing your true identity. It will confirm they’re not pretending to love you just because you’re a god.”
“Another of my domains is prophecy, you seem to forget. I can’t lie. Otherwise, who would believe my oracles?” Apollo pointed out, then smirked. “It’s also why I can be trusted when I say you two are my least favourite Olympians.”
He was allowed to joke, right?
“More merit if you succeed. Which you won’t, of course,” Hermes said with a smile shared by Dionysus.
Apollo pursed his lips. He was aware the wine was to blame for his taking offence at the mocking tone of his brothers, but he couldn’t help his own pride.
“Very well. Kiss your staff goodbye.”
He would show them.
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Past noon the next day, shining Apollo descended from the summits of Olympus having taken the likeness of a youth whose good looks equalled his—physical attraction was after all a part of love, as was Aphrodite’s other realm, beauty, a part of Apollo’s identity.
He would take the name of Hoseok. It meant ‘a name known throughout the entire country’, so it could perfectly be a new epithet of his, like Phoebus or Delius were. Yes, not a lie. All good. So, Hoseok chose a forest near the city of TEGEA to wander through, hoping to come across someone. That someone was you.
Bowstring drawn and arrow aimed at three sword-wielding men.
Without a second’s delay, Hoseok made appear his golden bow and arrows, known to never miss their archer’s target. Surely coming to your rescue would be a good start? Except... you might need none.
The men were close enough to trust their own weapon outdid yours, failed to consider you’d move fast enough to dodge the sharp edge of their bronze swords and that by grabbing your arrow by its shaft, you’d manage to graze their skin with its tip, forcing them to step back with a grunt.
Unwilling to wait and find out how they’d counterattack, Hoseok nocked and then released his own arrow, which as intended, landed right before their feet in the form of a normal wooden one.
You turned around with a frown. Who–?
“That can’t be fair, three against one?”
The sound of the men fleeing behind you at the sight of this stranger halted your thoughts. His face certainly did too, as well as his bright hair that shone under the sunlight like spun gold. With a satisfied smile, he stored his weapons in the quiver he carried on his back and approached you, chest slightly out as if he owned the forest. From each step he gave seemed to spring a harmony that filled the air, but you still gripped your bow, wary. He noticed. “I mean you no harm.”
Once he was in front of you, Hoseok was able to take a better look at your face, one he instantly liked. What a relief that bet or not, he’d pursue you. However, he also noticed your smile was forced, as though being saved was an inconvenience.
“Good to know. Thank you for the help. I’ve no time to lose but if our paths ever cross again, I promise to repay your favour.”
And just like that, you walked past him.
“Wait!” He turned around to catch up with you once he got over the unforeseeable blow. “Allow me to escort you out of the forest. There may be more bandits lurking about.”
“I don’t need your protection.”
Clearly... He chuckled, “But I might need yours.” Just not for the reason being discussed.
Now that he thought about it, was this the work of Hermes? After all, he was the one in charge of keeping roads and travellers safe, as well as thieves.
You looked him up and down while walking. A man with such a build, he certainly would not need help, and if he wanted something of yours, he could just take it—or try. So he really was just a kind stranger, huh.  “As you wish.”
Hoseok smiled, held hands behind his back. “Tell me, what is your name and where do you come from?”
“I am Y/N, and I’m a priestess of Apollo in PYLOS.” Hoseok almost gasped in delight. Well, this was fate!
Although based on the fact you dressed a man’s knee-length chiton and wore your hair tight up in a subtle bun, he’d sooner have guessed you were a follower of his twin sister, the huntress Artemis. The reason for it was probably that it was safer to travel as a man, but either way Hoseok was fucked. His priestesses were sworn to chastity.
“We are a long way from Pylos.”
“And going further away north-east, I know. I’m… on a quest.” The stranger’s visible intrigue pressured you into providing some context, “My younger brother Jungkook is a servant at the royal palace, and two days ago he was charged with treason for trying to murder the prince, of which I believe he is innocent. We weren’t allowed to speak but he’s a sweet boy, such evil would never cross his mind. He’s being kept in a cell now, awaiting an execution only I can prevent, for the king said he’d be pardoned if in seven days I brought him Apollo’s golden arrows...”
Hoseok had to stop himself from making a dramatic halt. If Jungkook was indeed as innocent as you claimed, you could pray for him to aid your brother either by lending you the arrows or making the king see reason. You needn’t be on a quest. Unless, “You mean to steal them.”
“I’ve no choice,” you said bitterly with your eyes cast down, ashamed all the same. Priestesses were supposed to honour the gods, yet you were about to rob one of them, yours. It was a blasphemous defiance, hubris, but also the only way to save Jungkook. You glanced at the stranger, wondered whether he was contemplating stopping you. “I bet you regret scaring those three robbers away earlier. It is odd that I haven’t rightfully been struck down already with a golden arrow shot from the Heavens for what I’m about to do. I know I’d deserve it.”
Hoseok understood your hands were tied. It was not you whom his anger was directed at, but the king, for sending you off on such a mission. He’d deal with him.
First, though, came you. No matter your circumstances, you were the first mortal he’d seen, and he’d already decided where to display Hermes’ staff in his palace in Olympus.
“Maybe Apollo has looked into your heart and seen it is pure, and will punish that who is making you do this instead. If only you pray so to him.”
You scoffed. “I think he has more important things to do than listen to the prayers of a nobody.”
A nobody? But you were one of his priestesses! There were few mortals dearer to him.
“I assume, then, that you’re headed to CORINTH.”
“Correct. I’m to catch a ship there to cross the gulf. But enough about me. What do they call you, and why do you find yourself in this forest?”
A forest that, you’d failed to notice, was crowded. Nymphs of nearby trees, flowers, lakes, and springs, all gathered to stare at Hoseok in awe as he walked. Animals too. They could see his ethereal self under his disguise, yet dared not approach him, hiding instead from your sight. Were he not busy, he wouldn’t mind lying there to sing and play the lyre for them.
“I am Hoseok, and my brothers… want me to meet a girl. I was on my way to her.”
“A girl? Do you mean, to take as wife?”
Hoseok astutely answered the first question only, “Yes. I’m told she will likewise be in Corinth.”
“If you can keep up, I’d not mind a travel companion.” Hoseok was about to say keeping up was not a problem with him when he realised the animals were dispersing and the nymphs forming a crowd ahead. You followed his gaze and groaned. “Another obstacle? Who am I, Theseus?”
Hoseok laughed, “Every hero faces challenges.”
Thief, rather. Though being called hero did make a flush creep across your cheeks… until reaching the hubbub, where all colour drained from them. The nine Muses were there, a youth knelt and clasping the knees of one of them in the manner of a supplicant.
“Please,” he begged, “I didn’t mean it, it was just a jest!”
They weren’t moved by his tears. “All here heard you set yourself above shining Apollo, speak ill of him. It is only fitting your mouth be sewn shut with a lyre’s string as punishment.”
Hoseok raised his eyebrows, amused. Nice one. He wished he could be there in his real form to do the job himself. But seeing you attempt to gulp the lump in your throat beside him, he could tell you were horrified. Did you fear to share the same fate? You would, in truth, had Hoseok caught you trying to steal his arrows, but now that he knew your justification and was set on seducing you, a different future was to be woven by the Moirai.
He whispered in your ear, “I think I dropped my bag of coins back where we met. I promise I won’t be long.”
You sighed, “I’ll watch the spectacle in the meantime.” To know what to expect when your time came…
The fair-voiced Muses recognised Hoseok as he left, pretended not to. If he was undercover, he must have a reason, and they wouldn’t out him. They weren’t surprised when he returned as Apollo.
He appeared out of nowhere, the god you planned to slight, so beautiful your eyes almost hurt as when one looks at the sun—radiance shone from his head, his curly hair so bright that a golden crown must camouflage in it under the sunlight, much like Hoseok’s. Guilt stung your heart when his gaze found yours and he smiled warmly.
Apollo then turned his attention to the kneeling youth, who’d begun to sweat. “What do we have here?”
“This boy boasted he was a better musician than you.” The Muses laughed, and you almost did too. It was a ridiculous claim.
“Did he?” Apollo’s good mood seemed untempered. “Well, I’ve no time for a music competition, so shall we just agree you’re in the wrong?”
The youth was quick to nod, yet dared not look away from the ground. “Y-Yes, Phoebus!”
“Do you regret your crime?”
“Awfully, lord, I do!”
“Well, tempted as I may be to make an example of you, today I’m feeling merciful. You’re forgiven.”
There was a pause in which the whole forest fell silent, asking themselves if they’d heard right. A god letting pass an act of hubris was unprecedented. You held the air in your lungs, unsure whether to release it in relief, as this might just mean your venture wasn’t doomed.
“Forgiven?” Even the Muses were dumbfounded.
“It’s not often mortals show remorse, so as long as they do, there’s no need for harsh punishment. Especially if they’re pretty.” Apollo glanced at you, making your lips part, before turning around to face the youth again. “Pour a libation for me and we’ll call it a day, eh?”
Later, long-winged Selene was pulling the moon behind her from the chariot she drove in the sky to bring the night when thanks to Zeus’ sacred laws of hospitality, xenia, an old couple near ARGOS was happy to feed you dinner and provide a bed for you to sleep in—one you’d have to share, which was absolutely fine and not the cause of your arisen nerves.
But once lying on it, the tension in your muscles weakened as you listened to Hoseok play a soothing melody on a lyre he’d found in a chest, and a faint smile settled on your lips.
“This song… I once heard Apollo play it,” you confessed. Given Hoseok was the author of it and had taught it to no one yet, he frowned. He was certain he’d never met you before that day, so how could you have heard him play it?
“I was a child. Jungkook and I were playing in the forest outside of Pylos when we heard it. We followed the sound and found Apollo sat against a rock with all sorts of animals surrounding him, listening to him play and hum. It was lovely.”
Even though the gods were known to harshly punish mortals who spied on them, Hoseok smiled too. He played often for the animals, so he didn’t know which specific day you were talking about, but he was glad it served as a happy memory that eased your journey into the embrace of sleep. Although it probably had to do more with your brother.
Hoseok couldn’t blame you, as he also loved his sister deeply, had even slain a divine creature for his mother once. Family was as important to you as it was to him and for that very reason, he realised then that Hermes’ staff was already lost to him. There was nothing else you could afford to care about.
Little did you know, there was nothing else Hoseok chose to care about but you.
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Early the next morning, you reached Argos, only that you went around instead of through it.
The great city wasn’t closed, but the old couple had warned you Apollo had stung its citizens with his arrows of pestilence because their queen had neglected him in her devotion, sacrificing to all the gods but him. She should’ve accounted for the detail that while one of his sides was healing and medicine, the other was plague and disease.
Hoseok didn’t regret it. It was her fault her people were suffering. But the grim look on your face when you’d been told… He knew the news had cancelled out the hope born inside you yesterday and that you’d immediately asked yourself that if he’d done that over some sacrifices, what would he do to you for stealing from him?
Midway through the day, while hunting for lunch, he decided to lighten the mood.
“But why not? Most priestesses don’t serve for life!”
A part of you hoped Hoseok was exaggerating his dismay at your refusal to marry not to make you laugh, but so you wouldn’t suspect it was in fact real– No. There was no sense to that thought. Where did it even come from? You were a priestess, he was to be married, and you didn’t know each other.
“My family would have to come up with a dowry and they can’t afford it.”
“I think any is a small price to pay for a man to keep your bed warm.”
Oh… so that was it? He was indignant you wouldn’t know such pleasures? You’d never craved them, honestly, rather thought they were only possible for men. Interesting. But not important right now, as opposed to the rabbit moving about in that bush. Nocking an arrow on your bow, you whispered, “The only man I’d ever care to sleep with anyway is Apollo."
Hoseok felt smug for a second, as he followed your step, then reminded himself this was bad. You were supposed to fall for him, not Apollo. “I’m sure every man back in Pylos prays daily that you quit priesthood.”
A snort betrayed you and the rabbit darted away from the bush, so seizing the chance, you released the arrow and assured lunch. “Thanks Apollo!”
“Don’t mention it–” During the short duration of a missed beat, Hoseok’s heart had forgotten that it was common for mortal archers to thank him, the god of archery, when they hit their targets. Sweet merciful Zeus! Why was he on edge? “Uh… D-Don’t mention his name. We don’t want to summon him, do we?”
Before heading to the lifeless rabbit, you nodded, figuring he was right. “I reckon you can’t wait to meet the girl your brothers want you to marry.”
Hoseok didn’t follow after you, instead watched as you picked up the rabbit and struggled to remove the arrow from its body on your way back to his side. By your tone, he could swear you’d spoken from a place of jealousy, distant as though it may be.
“I find I wouldn’t mind if the trip to Corinth lengthened.”
You looked up once near enough to tell him you would, but the words flew away from your mind the moment your eyes landed on him.
Hoseok was pleased he’d taken this appearance. You were mesmerised, eyes narrowing, likely wondering how you hadn’t noticed until now how attracted you were to him!
Or not. “You’ve a spider crawling up a curl.”
Hoseok was starting to think Hermes and Dionysus were right… The warmth of his divine presence tended to do the job for him, his wit and charm really played a secondary role. Now, he was forced to give up the former, but you, Hoseok feared, were proving to be either immune to the latter or remarkably good at pretending so.
Or maybe it was his fault fully… Just, why the hell did he get so nervous around you?! It was like he couldn't muster a grain of confidence. He’d have to make an effort for the first time not just to flirt, but finish a conversation feeling like he had things under control. That he was in charge.
It wouldn’t help that he wasn’t used to being treated as an equal by a mortal. Much less given commands. ‘Skin the rabbits while I gather some wood’, ‘Burn the fat and bones as a sacrifice to Artemis, will you?’... Even when he’d offered you his share because he, as an immortal, didn’t need food to survive, you’d responded with an assertive ‘Eat’. Not to say he didn’t like it. It was amusing, in a way.
But passing by a small lake fed by a waterfall, Hoseok decided it was his turn.
“Fancy a swim?”
“Sure. And to be fed grapes, while I’m at it,” you chuckled, under the impression Hoseok was joking until you turned around and saw him getting rid of his chiton. Your eyes widened like those of Athena’s owl at the sight of his bare body, looked away only once you’d fought through your shock. “My brother’s life is at stake. If you wish to stay, then this is goodb–”
“Oh, come on, just a quick dive. When was the last time you bathed?”
“Back in Pylos.”
“Thought as much.” You discreetly smelled yourself and at once agreed hygiene shouldn’t be neglected. There was just one thing… and by the way you kept quiet, Hoseok noticed. “What, you’re afraid of water?”
“Not water itself, but drowning.” You played with your fingers, embarrassed to say, “I can’t swim…”
A loud laugh made you snap your head towards its source to see Hoseok approach you naked without any shame. To your own surprise, your feet rooted to the ground instead of stepping back as he promised, “I’ll hold you.”
Never would you have imagined you’d strip naked before a stranger and get in a lake with him, but there was something about him that inspired trust. You knew he wouldn’t take advantage, his gaze keeping away from your private parts proved it so. When the two of you slipped into the water, Hoseok kept a firm grip on your waist, even though you managed to touch the bottom if you stood on your tiptoes. For a second you wished you didn’t, so he could hold you even closer…
“Loosen up, Y/N, you’re as taut as a bowstring,” he said in a low voice, as he was so close he needn’t be loud, and you swallowed hard while nodding.
He next told you to move your limbs about and before you knew it, you were swimming and splashing him and giggling.
The dark began to skew the sky with stars sooner than expected, though, and you blamed the pleasant time spent at the lake for it. You were supposed to sleep in Corinth, where the festival of Aphrodisia was being celebrated, but the city was so far that you were going to miss your ship at dawn!
Luckily, Hoseok had a plan.
While you were picking up some flowers to present to foam-born Aphrodite for lack of a proper offering, he snuck away into the forest, somewhere you wouldn’t hear him summon his kin. A mention of Selene’s name was enough for the goddess to have her white horses land before Hoseok.
Elbow resting on the edge of her chariot and palm holding her jaw, Selene sighed, “I’m busy, Apollo, in case you haven’t noticed. Night doesn’t just come on its own.”
“Speaking of which, I need you to hold back the moon until we get to Corinth, me and–”
“Your priestess, yes.” Selene smirked when Hoseok frowned. “It gets boring up there. One resorts to gazing down, and your lame attempts at seducing this girl provide the funniest distraction.”
“Will you help me, or not?”
Selene laughed, “Gladly.”
And so it was that you reached Corinth before midnight, hair however completely dry as the day had lengthened by many hours. You could piece together no explanation for it, so it had to be what Hoseok mused, that the gods must be making mischief.
Despite the late hour, the streets were crowded with pilgrims who sang hymns to the goddess of love and beauty, and every column of every building was entwined with flowers. The air was also perfumed with the scent of cinnamon but as a priestess, you knew that was to mask the spilled blood of the animals being sacrificed outside the great Temple of Aphrodite, that you entered to leave your modest offering.
Hoseok waited outside, and scoffed when he spotted a familiar face dancing in the crowd, a garland crowning his head. It was the mighty messenger Hermes—or Taehyung, as he liked to address himself when mingling among the mortals in such form.
“Didn’t take you for a faithful follower of Aphrodite’s, little brother,” Hoseok laughed when they stood face to face.
“Well, you know her. She’s likely to welcome me back into her bed if I sing her praises. Literally.” Taehyung looked around to make sure no one was paying attention, made appear his herald’s staff out of thin air. “I hope you haven’t forgotten about our bet? Your priestess will die of old age before you make a move on her.”
“Love isn’t born in a day,” Hoseok retorted in his defence, ignoring Taehyung counting to two with his fingers. “Besides, she’s on a mission of her own, it isn’t currently a prime concern of hers. Be patient, I have no deadline.”
"Even all the time in the world won’t be of help to you, Hoseok.” Taehyung patted his shoulder before joining the dancing crowd again.
Soon, you walked out of the temple and came to a stop in front of Hoseok, too quiet. He frowned.
“What is it?”
You looked everywhere but at him. “She must be waiting for you, the girl you seek to wife.”
Ah, jealous? “I think she’ll be pleased if I keep you company until your ship sets sail tomorrow. Make sure no harm comes to you.”
Since you did want to be with Hoseok for a bit longer, the corners of your mouth quirked into a smile.
The night was spent in a cloud of food, drink, dance, song, and laughter. You loved Jungkook dearly, but it was alleviating to set aside the anxiety suffered for his fate, as well as yours. Wine was good at that, casting away all the bad from one’s mind.
At some point, Hoseok decided it was bedtime. Relying on xenia and the generosity of strangers, he knocked on the first door he saw and a family surely opened it to welcome you in. They showed you to a spare room after some chatting and the second you were alone, you wrapped your arms around Hoseok’s neck and made your lips join.
He was taken aback, but readily licked both your lips before kissing you back ardently, like you were the goddess and he your worshipper. You closed the distance between your bodies to melt into his warm embrace. Hoseok knew you craved him inside, so as a tease, he slipped his tongue in your mouth when you relaxed your jaw and slid it across yours as his cock would. That caused you to moan, and your core pulsate with lust. This might be one of your last nights alive, so why not treat it as such and give in to your desires? To the sweet passion Hoseok stirred inside you?
You would’ve, had he not suddenly pulled back.
Your mouth tried to seek his, even let out a few whines, but he wasn’t having it. Why? Why too did he look like he was suppressing annoyance?
Hoseok did want to savour every sweet bit of you, but what he’d tasted on your tongue was an abundance of Dionysus’ wine. In truth, he only needed take a look at you, so drunk you could barely stand, supporting your weight on him not to stumble. Hoseok sighed.
As a god, he wasn’t subjected to the laws of man. They didn’t apply to him, nor did their morality, so plundering you in that state wasn’t a crime. Mortals were created out of clay to serve the immortals and be playthings to them… and yet Hoseok wanted to earn your love. Not because of the bet, which meant less to him the more time he spent with you, but because he was catching feelings himself.
Besides, none of this was real to begin with. You were just convinced you were going to die, hence why you were doing what you normally wouldn’t.
“Not like this, Y/N.” And carefully, he led you to the bed, where you fell asleep in a matter of minutes.
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Your eyes fluttered open when Selene’s sister Eos cast open the gates of dawn.
An ache grounding into your temples, you sat up only to realise the other side of the bed was empty, thanked the gods for it when memories of the previous night resurfaced and embarrassment drowned you. What had you done?
And more urgently, what time was it?
You couldn’t risk missing that ship, so you slapped your own cheek—yes—and pulled yourself together, dismissing every thought that didn’t include Jungkook before joining the family for a quick yet lively breakfast.
The walk to the port was however a quiet one, where neither you or Hoseok seemed to know how to get rid of the awkwardness, and because of that, it was disconcerting when he held your hands once stood by the ship you were to embark, so tenderly like they were injured and he didn’t want to hurt you.
“I want to come with you.”
It took you a second to react. “No. We don’t both need to suffer the wrath of a god.”
“But I won’t let you die.”
You withdrew your hands, smiling wistfully. “My death is not for you to impede.”
Hoseok bit his tongue. “Have faith. We will meet again.”
Sailing away you pondered over how, if you ever did see Hoseok again, it would be as a married man. You’d rather rot in the depths of Hades’ dead kingdom.
For the moment, you prayed Poseidon was in a good mood and his waters remained peaceful as fortunately, your destination was another: the home of the Muses, as the cave in MOUNT PARNASSUS was known to be, and the place where Apollo’s golden bow and arrows were safeguarded when he had no need for them.
Merely crossing the gulf of Corinth would take you a full day, so in the meantime, Hoseok set off to Pylos. He wanted to get to the truth of the matter.
He found your brother guarded only by bronze bars, snuggled up on the cold floor of the palace’s underground cells. Apollo squatted next to him to tuck behind his ear the fluffy dark hair that covered his face, and a whisper of Jungkook’s name was enough to waken him.
Indeed, it was wide awake how he screamed and cowered at the corner of the cell.
“It’s been but four days, the king said I had seven! You can’t execute me yet, whatever the prince says!”
“I’m no executioner, Jungkook. I’m Apollo.”
“The new cook?”
“The Olympian!”
“Oh…” Yes, he should’ve guessed it was absurd for the palace’s new cook to come greet him in his cell. Wait– Did this man say he was Olympian Apollo? Jungkook rubbed the remaining sleep off his eyes and wondered how he could not have recognised those shiny blond curls! “Oh.”
The god barely stifled an eye-roll. “I’m here to hear what happened. Tell me, and know that I’ll see a shadow behind your words if you lie.”
Jungkook gulped. “I was wrongly accused, lord. It is the prince who should be sentenced to death.”
Apollo cocked his head to a side. “The prince?”
“I’m his serving boy. The other day, I overheard him plot against the king with his stepmother. Everybody knows they’re having an affair… Well, everybody but the king, of course. I was going to warn His Grace, but the prince caught me and claimed I was the one behind the plot. The king decided that I’d be executed in four days from now if my older sister Y/N failed to bring him–” Jungkook shut his lips at once.
“My golden arrows.”
Oh, no. He knew of your quest? “Y/N is a priestess of your temple here in Pylos! She’s devoted to you, of all the heavenly gods fears your wrath most!”
“I know.” Apollo stood up and gave him a reassuring smile. “As I know you are telling me the truth.”
At nightfall, you arrived in DELPHI, heart hammering its way through your chest, as on the morrow you’d reach Mount Parnassus and carry through your blasphemous theft.
The nerves were clearly not going to let you sleep, so there was no point in making use of Zeus’ xenia. Instead, you were waiting for the change of guards at the entrance of the great Temple of Apollo—where the high priestess Pythia served as an oracle uttering prophecies under divine possession—so you could sneak in. Once inside, you walked to the end of the naos only to kneel before a tall statue of Apollo that made no justice to his ethereal beauty, and raised your hands into the air with your eyes closed.
“Hear me, child of Leto, he who presides over this temple! If ever I’ve served you in the past, if ever you’ve loved your sister as I love my brother and would do anything for him, grant my prayer and… do take out your vengeance on me. But not tomorrow when I rob you of your arrows, only after I have saved my Jungkook from the sword. Please, heed me!”
“I’ve never known anyone so foolish as to announce to a god her plan to steal from him.”
Your eyes snapped open to see the Pythia lurking in the shadows behind the statue. Shit.
Coming to your feet, you wanted to reach for your quiver and cut her life short before she alerted the guards. You were in a sacred place, but what was one more unforgivable sin?
What stopped you were Apollo’s own lethal weapons, his golden arrows, magically appearing in her hands.
“Phoebus has cursed them. Any who isn’t him and uses them will perish,” the Pythia explained flatly, as if she was hearing his voice in her head and repeating them out loud. “He wants you to give them to your king.”
She handed you the arrows, at which you stared astounded. Apollo knew? Had heard your prayers?
“What of my fate?”
“No harm will come to you by his hand, or any other,” she promised. “You’re under his protection now.”
Tears quickly flooded your eyes and then streamed down your cheeks. Your shaky breath morphed into a laugh and your laugh into a sob, all out of relief. Hoseok randomly crossed your mind, and the next question you didn’t know whether was addressed to the Pythia or yourself. “But why?”
She approached and cupped your cheeks, using her thumbs to wipe your tears gently. Even if you neither knew nor trusted her, you didn’t step back. Her touch was warm, felt strangely familiar…
“Because he’s looked into your heart and seen his light.”
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Apollo was done with Hoseok for the moment. Or so he’d thought.
He’d meant to watch you from the clouds save your brother and be done with the ‘tomorrow I may die, so I’ll behave like nothing matters because nothing does’ cast of mind. He wanted to matter to you, to be loved by you.
Alas, his hopes and dreams were crushed.
The fifth day of your quest you spent sailing back to Corinth, but your sixth one, you finished entering Argos. Now, why in Hades would you do that?! Death dwelled in that city, had you forgotten? Or mayhap… you feared not disease, after being told Apollo would protect you.
Alright. He’d make you invulnerable like Achilles, then. No problem. He was about to when he saw two guards suddenly arrest you for no apparent reason in the middle of the street and drag you to the palace. Immediately, Apollo took the appearance of Hoseok and stormed off from Olympus—though really not that bothered in view of the fact that it meant he got to meet you again.
You, however, weren’t sure you were glad to see him. Not there, at least.
“Y/N, what a coincidence!” he joked before the guard manhandling him into the throne room forced him on his knees next to you. “Do you buy your vegetables here too?”
“Who is this?” the queen asked annoyed.
She was standing in front of the two of you, a small crowd of courtiers gathered as an expectant audience that seemed to be about to watch some spectacle. If only you knew what it was about. You’d been shoved there with no explanation, were about to demand one right before Hoseok showed up.
“He says he’s her companion, Your Grace.”
The queen frowned. “But the prophecy spoke of one only…”
Hoseok quelled a frown. Prophecies passed through him, and there was none yet that involved Argos. No, the city was supposed to suffer until he saw fit.
You, on your part, had had enough. Had wasted enough time. “I command you let us go right now! You’ve no reason to detain us!”
The queen scoffed, looking down both at and on you. “You command me, brat? I’d order your death if you weren’t already destined to have your throat slit at the sacrificial altar.”
What? In dismay, you turned to a Hoseok who seemed to not fear the queen of Argos at all, rather looked at her suspiciously.
“Perhaps if you were as kind as to tell us why, Your Grace,” he asked, disdain hidden behind his faked respectful tone. The queen wasn’t blind to it, but let it pass, choosing to just glare at him.
“Over the smallest thing, Apollo has cursed the whole of Argos with a plague. My seer claims the only way to appease his anger is to sacrifice in holy ritual the one person who dares enter the city.”
Hoseok almost laughed. Her seer was a fraud.
“Your Grace!”
Before you could even whip your head around, a guard had snatched the golden arrows from your quiver and walked over to the queen. You tried to stand up to retrieve them, but another guard held you down.
“What have we here?” The queen realised whom the arrows belonged to the second she had a closer look, gasped in shock. “It cannot be! Are these–”
Everyone, including you, stared at Hoseok in disbelief.
The queen faced him. “So, you’re the thief?” Oh, no, of course! He didn’t know what had happened in Delphi, believed you’d stolen the arrows and would be punished by anyone who found out… Fool. Why would he cover for you? “Well, well. Apollo’s stolen weapons returned and a double human sacrifice… My loyal subjects, tomorrow Argos is saved!”
A loud cheer erupted, one you could still hear from the dark cell you and Hoseok were taken to by guards who then left to celebrate, trusting the bars to do their job.
You joined your palms and forehead with the wall, mumbled, “What use is your protection now that I’m stuck?” Hoseok knew that question was addressed at Apollo. The next one, however, asked as you turned around and walked up to him, was loud and clear and meant for Hoseok. “And what are you doing here? Are you mad?”
He flinched back, confused. Weren’t you happy to see him? “I came for you.”
You wanted to ask ‘What about the plague?’, but what instead came out was, “What about the other girl?”
Other… So you already considered yourself his?
Hoseok gazed into your eyes as he confessed, “My brothers wanted me to meet a girl, and I have.”
Your lips parted slightly. He’d turned down a possible bride in favour of you? He was mad. Mad enough to return whatever feelings you were struggling to suppress. You turned away from him, arms crossed. “A girl who’ll lead you to your death.”
Neither of you was dying tomorrow, Hoseok would sooner kill the whole of Argos than let anyone lay a finger on you.
“A girl who’d love me.”
Frozen in your spot, you daren’t turn around. Love was a strong word, and you’d known this man for just a few days. Eros’ arrow can’t have pierced your skin! Although… you couldn’t deny it must have grazed or scratched it.
“I don’t, I’m a priestess. What happened the other night… was a mistake. I’m sorry, I regret it.”
Since you weren’t looking, Hoseok allowed his lips an ironic smile. He could tell you were lying, trying to convince yourself rather than him. “You can both love Apollo and be in love with me.”
Shocked, you turned around. “Are you asking me to risk my position in order to what, be your lover?”
“It’s the gods who’ve brought us together,” Hoseok explained, walking closer. You held your breath, “who’ve shut the gates of my mind so I can think only of you. I believe the gods wouldn’t put your position in peril.”
And true that was. Priestesses were supposed to be spouses of the deities they served, so once Hoseok revealed his identity, you’d be relieved to learn your vow of chastity hadn’t been broken, as he was the only one it didn’t apply to.
You glanced down at his lips, then shook your head as though resisting a spell. “In my mind, there is only Jungkook.” The cell wasn’t too spacious, but out of stress you still paced around it. “And now we’ll die apart because I trusted a god who may have tricked me.”
Hoseok chuckled in the middle of the deep breath you were taking to calm down.
“You didn’t think I came here without a plan?” He walked over to put his hands on your shoulders and give them a gentle squeeze, putting an end to your pacing. “I’ll do everything in my power to reunite you with your brother. Do you trust me?”
You remembered when he told you to have faith you’d meet again. And you had. Besides, what other choice was there? “I do.”
Hoseok let go of you and went to lie down on the small bed, hands behind his head and eyes closed. “Then we’ll have to wait a couple of hours.”
You stared at him. He really didn’t want to just bed you, was actually looking out for you in a way Apollo was failing to. Or maybe he had sent him… Either way, Hoseok meant not to demand your love but deserve it, making your problems his like you shared a soul and body—and his, you realised then, you no longer wanted to resist.
“A couple of hours?” Hoseok nodded. “Well… it’s cold.”
“It is?”
You sighed, not knowing how to say it. “You once told me any is a small price for a man to keep your bed warm.”
Hoseok opened his eyes before the sentence was over and propped himself up on one elbow. You sat on the edge of the bed, a trembling hand rising that shyly caressed his cheek until he placed his own over it, and pressed a bit harder so you could really feel him, how hot his divine silver blood—known as ichor—was turning. You did, flashes of the night you kissed him making it into your mind. How his lips felt around yours, his tongue inside your mouth, your bodies pushed together…
Both leaned in at the same time, melting in a kiss that led to a night of pleasure dedicated to Aphrodite.
Meanwhile, Dionysus was doing his part.
Having taken the form he liked to call Jimin, he’d pretended to be a cupbearer at the feast the queen of Argos had held to celebrate the end of her punishment. No one noticed he didn’t belong as he poured his special, unmixed wine into the cups of every person in attendance, masking its strong taste with his powers. In a matter of hours, the whole court had lost their senses and passed out where they were, as mortal parties tended to finish in the presence of the god of intoxication.
Satisfied, he skipped his way to the cells, where he found you and Hoseok all cuddled up, skins glowing with the vigour you had loved each other with.
Jimin waved his hand and the cell’s door opened slowly, as though by a draft, but you turned around at once to see no one. “The gods be praised!”
Only seen and heard by a Hoseok who kept gesturing him to leave behind your back, Jimin laughed, “Dionysus, specifically.”
He disappeared then, and you and Hoseok didn’t hesitate to get out of there. What you did hesitate to believe was what your eyes witnessed once, in search of Apollo’s confiscated golden arrows, you entered the banquet hall. A whole court in the arms of Morpheus…
“There they are,” Hoseok whispered not to wake anyone, pointing at the end of the table, where the queen sat and in front of whom the arrows lied.
He walked over to get them, staring at the woman responsible for so much offence. Shielding the action with his body so you wouldn’t see, Hoseok grazed her arm with the tip of one of his sharp arrows, drawing blood. That was enough for her breath to still, her life to end.
You made it safely outside the city, near the house of the elderly couple who’d hosted you days past, even, but at some point you looked up at the moon and halted your rushed pace a tad abruptly, forcing Hoseok to do so as well since you were holding hands.
He frowned. “I don’t think this is the time to sightsee, Y/N.”
“But what’s the point?” you cried. “Pylos is more than two days away. There’s no way we can get there before sunrise.”
Hoseok looked up at the sky behind you, smiled. “Indeed. Though we might get there at the same time.”
You turned around for a peach-coloured sunlight to filter through the clouds and blind you.
Hold on, how could this be? It had been night for only some hours! And yet, before the two of you landed her chariot Selene’s sister, the rosy-fingered Eos. You held Hoseok’s hand tightly. In the presence of a goddess, one could not help but feel tense.
“You, child. Are you Y/N of Pylos?”
“I am, l-lady.”
She smiled kindly. “I’ve been sent to give you a ride, Y/N. I believe your king expects you.”
Relief washing over, you grinned at Hoseok, who caressed the back of your hand with his thumb. “This must be Apollo’s doing!”
“Must be, yes.”
You turned back to Eos and nodded. “Off we go, then, lady.”
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In about twenty minutes, people in front of the palace of Pylos were making space for the white horses to land their chariot.
Everyone stared in awe. Doubtless they’d thought you were going to fail, yet here you were escorted by a goddess, with Apollo’s golden arrows in your quiver, and… a foreign man holding your hand?
Once Eos had flown away to drag along the dawn to the West, you discerned on the judgemental faces of the Pylians the conclusions they had jumped to. Conclusions that were correct. You had given your virginity to a stranger, become a whore in the eyes of the world…
Hoseok was the one who let go of the hand he’d been holding ever since you lay together, and you missed his touch right away, like it was the air your lungs needed to breathe. He put some distance between you and with a respectful bow of his head—that was just for show—said, “After you, priestess.”
Eager to hold Jungkook in your arms again, you nodded, then led the way to the throne room.
The second you walked in, all heads turned to the king, who was sat on his throne on the top of some steps, looking at you in the same shocked manner everyone was. Nobody dared say a word. The only sounds in the room were first that of your feet taking you in front of the steps, Hoseok closely behind, and second that of you reaching into your quiver to get hold of the arrows.
The king leaned forward as though spellbound by the beauty of the deadly weapons, without taking his eyes off them ordered a guard, “Bring the boy.”
You turned to smile at Hoseok and he smiled back, but once you’d directed your attention to the door, he continued glaring at the greedy king. He obviously believed luck was on his side, given you’d come back from a suicide mission with a prize for him, but he’d soon learn the gods were not to be fucked with.
“Y/N!” Jungkook exclaimed as the guard dragged him into the throne room. Having eyes only for your brother, you didn’t notice the prince and his stepmother arrived next and took the king’s side while sharing worried looks. Hoseok did, sensed they feared Jungkook would reveal their plot now that he wasn’t going to be executed. You were about to go make sure he was alright, but the king’s voice stopped you.
“Uh-uh. The arrows first.”
Apollo’s curse in mind, you carefully presented them to him. Hoseok watched as he examined them while you ran to embrace Jungkook free of impediment, then passed them on to his son.
Who wasted no time in stabbing his neck with one of them.
Gasps and screams tore the silence apart, echoing as if they came from the stage of a theatre. In fairness, you might as well be in a tragedy play.
Shielding Jungkook with your body out of instinct, you kept still not to draw the gloating prince and his stepmother’s attention, eyes wandering to a Hoseok who otherwise walked over to you without a care for the blood crime just committed. The murder of one’s relatives was against the natural order, punished by the Erinyes themselves. Fortunately for the prince, he wouldn’t be tormented by the goddesses of vengeance, as the curse was already doing its work, causing him to choke in the midst of a speech in which he was declaring himself the new king of Pylos.
To everyone’s confusion but yours, he fell down the steps, lifeless before reaching the floor. His stepmother and lover shrieked, knelt beside him to try to shake him awake, but to no avail. It was then when she found you among the courtiers and through her tears and grief, glared at you.
“What have you done?!” she shouted, Hoseok alone noticed, surreptitiously curling her fingers around the shaft of one of the golden arrows scattered about. “I’ll have your head for this!”
What followed happened so quickly that you had little time to react.
Arrow raised in a fist, the queen lunged herself at you, but Hoseok stopped her right before she reached you by grabbing her wrist, and as she fought to free herself, he received a small cut on the hand. Eyes wide with horror, you gasped.
No, no, no, no…
“Is his blood silver?” Jungkook whispered to himself, and after a second his words transformed from a distant, incoherent echo to a clear question. Upon realising he was right, you frowned.
Hoseok snatched the arrow from the queen and she stumbled backwards, glancing at the guards.
“Come to the aid of your queen, I command you!”
Despite their reluctance, they were going to, but froze when Hoseok nocked the arrow on his bow and this one turned from wooden to gold before their eyes… and not just that.
Something changed about his appearance. Was it the hair? The eyes? You couldn’t tell. It was subtle enough to miss it yet substantial enough to know that your Hoseok was actually a god in disguise.
No other than Apollo, in all his glory!
As you blinked a few times trying to make sense of it, he aimed his arrow at the queen, and playing deaf to her pleas, slew her. Of course, his curse wouldn’t apply to an immortal.
When he turned around, a sea of courtiers fell to their knees, but he cared only about you, standing there in shock. Suddenly taking pity, he didn’t look forward at all to telling you he’d tricked you because of a bet…
A man thankfully rose to his feet and approached him before he had the chance to open his mouth. “Heavenly lord! You’ve blessed Pylos with your presence to free us from a family unworthy of our throne. Tell us, what can we ever do to thank you?”
Hoseok– or Apollo? This was tough, since you could somehow see both at the same time... Well, whoever, replied, “For now, consign the bodies of these three to the UNDERWORLD with all proper rites and burn them.”
Had Hoseok’s voice always been honeyed? His words certainly were... Though looking back, he’d never lied to you, just tip-toed around the truth. Didn’t make you feel any better, but he was a god. What an insignificant mortal felt must be irrelevant to him.
The courtier nodded, followed along with everyone the guards who carried the dead royal family outside of the throne room. Only you and Jungkook remained. And him.
“Leave us, little brother,” you ordered softly.
“Listen to your sister. Fear not, I won’t harm her.”
Jungkook trusted that, he just didn’t want to leave your side ever again. However, it became clear to him that defying a god was the stupidest idea when he met his eyes. There was a subtle threat reflected on them.
He didn’t need to be told twice to go then, and the silence he left behind was beyond tense.
You daren’t look at Apollo now that you were alone. The man you’d spoken so casually to, bossed around, shouted at, made love with. But when you did muster some courage, you realised he didn’t seem so different in appearance, it was just that you weren’t blind to his splendour anymore.
He beckoned you to come closer and you obeyed with your face cast down as, would he punish you for doing the king’s bidding and stealing from him, after all? To your relief, he only raised your chin gently to make you look at him, but your eyes instead landed on the small cut on his hand, and without thinking you held it to check whether it was deep, careful not to touch his blood as ichor was deadly to mortals.
“Y-You’re hurt…”
“This little thing?” Apollo smiled at your concern, as it was no more than a scratch. He blew his divine breath on the wound and in seconds, it healed completely. “I suppose I owe you an explanation.”
“You owe me nothing, lord.”
“Hoseok is fine. I rather like the sound of it when you say it.” He sighed when you just nodded. “We didn’t meet by chance, Y/N. Hermes and Dionysus dared me to seduce the first mortal my eyes set upon without revealing my identity.” Oh, so worse than you’d imagined. “It didn’t occur to me that you’d beat me to it.”
Your lips parted in confusion. “To seducing you? But I’ve done nothing but disrespect Apollo– I mean, Hoseok– Uh, you…”
He chuckled, “Believe me, I know. Without meaning to, you’ve bewitched a god well enough to make him overlook hubris. Do you know what that means?”
You shook your head.
“It means I am in love with you, and that I want you to be mine.” You avoided his gaze out of shyness, but he cupped your cheeks and kissed you like he had done back in that cell less than an hour ago, taking your breath away—only this time, you felt the heat of the sun itself on your lips. He pulled back only to whisper against them, “You know I do not lie.”
You did know that. But could you forgive so easily being deceived over a bet? Even the god of whom you were a priestess?
Truth was, it wasn’t just the fear of what then seemed to be a certain death by the hands of Apollo that drew you to his embrace the night before you left Corinth. Neither was it just lust in Argos. He’d earned your love, so much so that you’d agreed to become his lover, were likely going to quit being a priestess at some point to be wed to him. The bet was won long ago, he knew he needn’t claim your maidenhood for it, and yet he’d stuck around.
A different face mattered not.
He loved you, and you loved him.
“I am already yours.”
Hoseok hummed pleased before you kissed him, and you felt his smile grow under your lips. It made you smile too, and the two separated to laugh. Then, he headed to the steps to pick up his golden arrows and put them in his quiver.
“You’re leaving?”
“I must leave for Olympus. I have responsibilities I’ve set aside this past week, but I’ll come back whenever you utter a prayer to me. I promise.”
He saw the disappointment on your face and placed a hand over your belly, making you frown. “Intimacy with the gods always bears fruit. I can already feel twins growing inside you, and I cannot wait to raise them alongside you.”
At the thought of your children playing around the forest the same way you and Jungkook once did—or Apollo and Artemis, at that—you couldn’t help but smile again. Not to mention that you would not only preserve your position as a priestess, but also be revered for giving a god descendants.
Hoseok kissed you one last time, and when you opened your eyes, he was gone, but his warmth remained.
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beesinspades · 10 months
For years I haven’t been able to participate much because I barely read any fics anymore, but Trigun has definitely changed that, so here it is! A rec list of every fic I’ve enjoyed so far! I have terrible memory and not enough brain power to leave a note about each one, but I put a ♡ next to every fic I particularly loved! They're all rated G or T, but five of them are rated M (mainly for violence and canon-typical heavy topics). A lot (I mean. a lot.) of them have a Hurt/Comfort tag. Most are Vashwood BUT there are 10+ Gen fics and a couple of Mashwood ones as well :3 Please note some of the fics in this list are not spoiler-free!
♡ tell me why your hands are cold (show me how) by desertblooms
Beelio’s comment: the first Trigun fic I ever read, so of course it’s a lil’ bit special to me!
♡ terrors don't prey on innocent victims by procrastinatingbookworm
♡ Heavy Weight by eshtaresht
Beelio’s comment: I only read the Wolfwood POV chapter. As the first ace Vash(wood) I read besides mine, it made me really happy!
The Problem with Making Friends by sad_ghost_kid
half your life you've been hooked on death by procrastinatingbookworm
♡ stars by the pocketful by the_13th_battalion
Beelio’s comment: gave me cavities and i said thank you
♡ a phantom's reverence by bricus27
Beelio’s comment: another one of my favorites!
♡ heaven's grief brings hell's rain by JazzRaft
say it's such a fault by procrastinatingbookworm
A Ship and his Anchor by DerringerMeryl
lazarus wept by Bioluminescent
shepherd my flock by Bioluminescent
Beelio's comment: a really cool concept with Wolfwood as a church grim!
♡ a spark of hope is what i'm after by IceEckos12 
work song by AllegedlyAnnie
♡ Breezeblocks by caffeinefire
two eggs, over easy by AllegedlyAnnie
Beelio’s comment: this one is just so funny. trust me. 
dear star and spring bud, my preachers by elemmacil
"Love nourishes, like the rain. We turn the hills green and fill the creeks so they will sing in their creekbeds." by selcouth_raw 
♡♡♡ water bucket blues by fathomfive
Beelio’s comment: literally begging you to read this. good god. I never read first person pov fics AND YET. probably my favorite Trigun fic!
safeguard by the_13th_battalion
in a phrase to cut these lips by gorgongorgeous
Of Nick and Nicholas Names by theMusicmaniac
♡ under the bloody moonlight by spinoffprotagonist
Even Angels Deserve Guardians by glaivenoct
♡ scattered feathers, shattered glass by SpiritusRex
and i'll love the littler things by procrastinatingbookworm
To Touch You by hypermoyashi
The Sobs of a Bear and the Tears of an Angel by loveandpeanus
♡ How Judas Earned His Name by BrownieFox
♡ nobody said it was easy by procrastinatingbookworm
Beelio’s comment: this gorgeous post-trimax fic made me cry which is a feat in itself
♡ if only there was some way to ease the pain by SpiritusRex
the river brings you home by tissuebocks
♡ For the world that we leave, not the world that we found by RedWritingHood
I wanna feel like the work had some meaning by RedWritingHood
Season of the Witch by tragic_unpaired_electron
What Was Taken, What Was Restored (series) by Anxiety_Elemental
♡ If You Had Not Have Fallen by aboxthecolourofheartache
♡ YOU ARE HERE; or, How to Get Lost in the Desert Without Really Dying by fathomfive
Start here by AsterAspera
Now everyone knows about my tastes in fanfiction. If you read any of them, please leave a nice comment for the author if you can, I'm sure you'll make their day! 💜 Happy Fanfic Writers Appreciation Day to my fellow fic writers! Thank you for feeding me (us) so well.
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eris-snow · 9 months
Firstly, you have a beautiful writing style! Secondly, would you be able to write something for Shoto, Izuku and Katsuki (separately, with any others you wish to add) with an autistic fem reader? Examples: reader wears headphones all the time around her neck and is anxious without them, has a restricted diet due to sensory issues, misses social cues, has specific routines such as where to walk and sit, has trouble understanding their emotions, is very logical etc… - avec amour, anon <3
Thank you for requesting! Honestly, this is something I haven’t done before but I hope you enjoy! 🤍
When he first learned about your disorder, he was shocked at first
Man can’t think of how that was supposed to be a form of insecurity to you because he loves you as you are
Still, he’d go and research about it to ensure he can help you the best you can
He’d definitely be the kind of guy who’d want to know how he can help you as best as he can
If he’s getting food for you, he’ll be sure to take note of every one off your diet restrictions
He’ll role up at your dorm with a Michelin star meal that checks all your boxes.
Will be right there with you in a conversation, firmly by your side.
As for social cues, he’s right there along with you
Shoto might be smart, but in terms of reading people, he’s definitely not the best at it
He might not be the best at it, but Shoto will do anything to make you feel comfortable and confident in yourself.
“You have autism? No, why would that bother me? You’re perfect. Just the way you are. I wouldn’t want to have it any other way.”
Oh boy, this man will be the most tsundere person ever when it comes to taking care of you
Don’t ever expect to be telling people at stalls your diet restrictions because Blasty will be cooking every one of your meals from now on
I can imagine you losing your headphones and hyperventilating, and while he’s cradling you he’s turning the whole dorm upside down to search for your most prized possession.
It’s such a contrast to his normal personality that it throws everyone off
He treats you like a treasure, something precious
And even if he doesn’t show it, he’s memorised all your routines and works you through it.
He’ll never let you say anything bad about yourself.
Sometimes you wonder why he still hasn’t left you yet, but he’s sure to abolish that thought from your mind the second you so much as breathes a word about your insecurties
“Hey, hey, listen to me. No, don’t shake that pretty head of yours. I’m here because I wanna be here. I’m number 1 at everything, so there’s no way I’ll half-ass this relationship shit, alright? You’re beautiful, inside and out, and I don’t give a shit about what others say, you hear me you little shit? I love you. Now shut up and come here. If you’re feeling like you’re not the most important person in the world, then clearly I’m doing something wrong.”
He’s the biggest softie for you, because whenever you’re ranting his ear off, he listens to every word even if he doesn’t look like it.
If he’s your boyfriend, your every word will definitely be heard.
This boy will have an entire notebook dedicated to you
When you tell him, he’ll be so relieved that you felt comfortable telling him, and he’ll immediately be your listening ear for anything you need.
Your diet? Done, he has a list of things that you can’t eat and will make sure that each one of those dishes you love is safe for you
Your routines? Memorised and drawn.
He’ll always help you out, even if it’s out of his way because you’re one of his biggest priorities in life.
He loves it when you ramble because he can feel your excitement exuding from you
Will patiently explain social cues to you even if it means that you’re excluded from the conversation
Doesn’t care what others think because, hey, you’re his and he’s yours
Each one of the hoops he has to jump through is done with ease because he loves you with his entire soul.
“You have autism? No. I never even noticed.”
He squeezes out time in his day to spend time with you
Loves you more than you could ever know, and wants to shower you with cuddles and kisses every time he gets the chance.
You’re lucky because now that Izuku’s got you, he’s never ever letting go.
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kaneaken · 2 years
hello nene! it's been a while since i visited your ask box, so i hope you're doing well!
anyways, remember when i had promised i would send in a request for your 35+ followers event? well guess what! i finally have something i'd like to see you write!
can i have zhongli, childe + another genshin boy of your choice reacting to you giving them flowers (romantically)? it can be a drabble/headcanon, and any genre of your choosing :3 also i'd like if the characters and reader are in an established relationship!
thank you!! <333 i know you'll do a great job with this one!
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author's note; hi, evie, thanks for the request <3 new banner for my followers event so its easier to distinguish :D i'm a big sucker for flowers, so this was fun to write. i tried switching around the scenarios for each character, so nothing got repetitive. childe's actually got pretty long ^^;; reminder that requests are open! anyways enjoy <3
content notes; gender neutral! reader (they/them pronouns used), use of (name) for reader, reader actually talks here (can that count as a warning?), established relationship, high school au (childe), modern au (diluc, zhongli), husband!zhongli, kinda hurt/comfort (diluc), fluff
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your beloved boyfriend, captain of the football team, and star player was having his final game of the season
you tried to attend his games to the best of your ability and he hoped you'd appear for this one
however he couldn't spot you at the beginning of the game or during half time
his sulking caught the team's attention and they tried their best to cheer him up
" maybe they're just late "
" or you just can't see them with all the people "
" or, oh wait, wait! i see (name) over there! hey, (name)! (NAME)! "
childe raised his gaze from his helmet to see you, sweating and holding something behind your back. you gave him a small wave with one hand while keeping the other behind your back to conceal your surprise.
" you ready to go now, captain? " itto asks, patting childe on the back, " (name)'s here, so you've gotta give 'em your best! "
childe chuckles before gesturing for the team to gather.
" let's give 'em our best, team! "
you knew your boyfriend was good, but it seemed like he was doing his absolute best now
victory came for his team and the game ended
before everyone was able to leave, keqing called for everyone's attention
guess there's no backing out of your surprise now
" if everyone could please give us a few minutes of your time! "
you made your way down to the field and you took your place next to keqing. you fiddled with the roll of paper in your arms as you waited for keqing to hand you the microphone
" as you all know, our homecoming is slowly approaching and homecoming proposals are quite common. well, today, our football captain's significant other had something they would like to ask of him "
you took the microphone out of keqing's hands and gave her your rolled up banner. yanfei and hu tao came over from their positions to help hold the banner and hand you the flowers you had picked.
you turned to make eye contact with childe. seeing his surprised face made you smile before you spoke into the mic
" childe, will you go to homecoming with me? "
" go get 'em, lover boy, " itto teased, pushing childe in your direction. childe stumbled, but steadied himself to run in your direction
once he reached you, he gave a tight hug before kissing you one the cheek. you laughed before handing him the flowers in your hands
" what do you say? "
" i'd be honored, sweetheart "
diluc was a busy man
so much so he'd often run late for your dates
you held no anger towards him though, you knew him well
he didn't want to miss your dates, but there are things to be done
he was late. he knew that. he also knew you wouldn't be mad.
sighing, he opened the door of the restaurant and told the host the name the reservation was under
" you're first to arrive, sir. i'll take you to your table "
that had definitely surprised him
you had always been first to arrive or you'd arrive together
only on a few occasions has he ever arrived before you
he took his seat and waited for you
" sorry, i'm late "
diluc raised his gaze to meet yours and was instead met with a bouquet
" i wanted to get you some flowers, but i wasn't sure which ones would fit best. i had to ask the clerk and all of the ones he showed me were so pretty... "
diluc could only stare at the flowers as you rambled about your experience at the flower shop
" anyways, here you go, " you placed the flowers in diluc's arms, " i hope these were the right choice. the clerk said they mean unconditional love "
" they're perfect. thank you, my love. if i may, why did you buy the flowers? "
you take your seat as diluc puts the flowers on the table
" i just wanted to make sure you knew how much i love you. i know you beat yourself up sometimes about being late, so i just wanted to remind that it's okay. i love you unconditionally, diluc ragnvindr "
there was something zhongli's students had always wanted to know
who married him?
they don't mean it in any bad way
they believe that mr. zhongli was one of their favorite and best teachers
they'd caught glances at the ring on his finger and the small smiles he had while looking at his phone
their curiosity was heavy in regards to mr. zhongli's unknown spouse
they never really knew how to bring it up casually, so they never received their answer
that was until today
mr. zhongli was always kind with his students.
so, when he saw a few struggle on the lesson, he decided to open up tutoring during lunch
" thank you again for helping us out, mr. zhongli! " xiangling said, taking a seat and pulling out her lunch. xingqiu and chongyun took seats next to the girl, pulling out their own lunches
" it's my pleasure, " zhongli took his seat in the front of the class, " eat your lunches and once you're all done, we can begin tutoring "
" yes, sir! "
" how exciting. would you be willing to teach me too? "
startled by the sudden voice, the trio turned their heads and spotted you, holding a bouquet of flowers in your arms
" ah, dear, i didn't realize you'd be dropping by today "
zhongli stood from his seat to greet you
" sorry for not telling you. i wanted it to be a surprise. speaking of surprises, " you hand him the bouquet, " i got some flowers from the shop down the street. you work so hard, so here's a little something from me "
" thank you, " zhongli says, giving you a peck on the cheek and setting the flowers down
the trio was in shock to say the least
you and mr. zhongli looked so good together
you guys were like a power couple
they were SO going to tell everyone
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landlordevil · 4 months
tagged by @bladeofavernus THANK U MEWCHIE (<- my cute way of saying mutual) I loved doing this so much and I loved hearing about Rana ^_^
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name: Einstürzende!
nickname: Eins!!!
gender: Well it's just kinda *hand waves* well I mean if you really think about it it's kinda like *shrugs*
(they use they/them and all gendered terms like girl/boy/etc!)
star sign: They were born in the Abyss and IDK if they have seasons there :(
height: 6'0" (183 cm)
orientation: bisexy
race: let's forgive me 4 my edgy backstory era. Half tiefling (cambion mom) and half demon :)
romancing: Astarion (and the crowd goes mild!!!)
fave fruit: blackberries
fave season: winter!
fave flower: snapdragons (signifying both deviousness and strength <3)
fave scent: Petrichor and the sickly sweet smell of decaying flowers...
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Hot chocolate! But they're a big fan of dark chocolate so it has to be really bitter.
average sleep hours: 8 hours. This girl needs their beauty sleep!!!!!
dogs or cats: They prefer big dogs because they're afraid of hurting smaller pets. Even if they think they're cute. :(
dream trip: Neverwinter! but they also really want to go back to the beaches of the Underdark because they thought it was very pretty there.
amount of blankets: they run really hot so just one thin sheet, maybe a light blanket if... a certain someone.... seems to be leeching all the heat >:/
random fact(s):
they're an uncle to Lily Aurora Ravengard and Kass and Chessa (Gandrel's two vampire spawn daughters). They love kids even if they never want to be a parent!!!
Blood tastes like absinthe (essentially sort of anise/liquorice flavored)
they do technically have certain cambion abilities they inherited from their mother. Their "bad ending" would be getting coerced by the player character into using those powers, which would give them additional power but make them very sad. They don't want to hurt other people for their own gain. :(
TY FOR TAGGING ME!! EDIT I lied I'm tagging @doomednarrative @thepaleelf @strawbebemilk and @eastgaysian if y'all want to do it!!! and if you (yes, YOU) haven't been tagged in something like this yet say I tagged you!! I really do love reading about everyone's tavs/durges sosososososo much. they all become honorary companions in my eyes. Why can't I recruit them all Larian get on this NOW!
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chit-chat-bluejay · 11 months
MY SHIFTING EXPERIENCE!; Shooting dramas that don't exist in this reality
summary; i am posting this to motivate those who have not shifted yet. i noticed there is not much things they could possibly be motivated by, as shifters don't share too much of their shifting experiences. so i decided to share memories of my favourite drama i have got the honour to be a part of! <3
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to start of, i would like to say that the cast for the drama already exists in another high school drama in this reality, but i will not be naming any of the actors or actresses! this is to respect privacy as well as; while they might know me in that reality, they do not know me in this one and so coming upon a post like this - even if by accident - could possibly make them uncomfortable! as well as not everyone understands what shifting is. either way, i would like to thank you for your understanding!
so! to start off, i should probably explain that; the dramas that i will be talking about do not exist in this reality, but regardless they are my favourite ones i have starred in due to the friendships i have got to make through them! of course, the story is fascinating as well. which i will try to explain~
so, to start of! i looked it up, and unfortunately, the director does not exist in this reality. it saddened me a bit; i figured he would make a lot of interesting dramas and movies here as well! but unfortunately that is not the case. either way, he is one of the most creative people that i have ever came across. the dramas i will talk about - and which he directed - are really supposed to serve as one big drama split in two halves! if that makes sense to anybody. one half being 'to hold you' and the other half being 'while dying'.
they are supposed to be a mirror of each other, or rather a parallel universe? i have heard it be described in multiple ways, so i am not quite sure how to explain it perfectly but those two terms do it quite well.
to be clear these two dramas; are set in the same place, with the same characters, with the same cast & director, same school, same family ect. the things that differ are; the genres, dynamics and storyline.
the softer, sweet version is "to hold you"! It's a rom-com that's also a slice of life kind of thing? everyone is happy, yet still has their own struggles and there are many life lessons along the way. there isn't a 100% match of dramas in this reality in terms of vibes, but I would say the vibes are similar to reply 1988 and reply 1994!
the darker, more stressful version is "while dying"! while the title doesn't make much sense, it does once you watch it. not my character, but another actress', let's call her h! sets chaos between their friend group by deciding to send a text in a large group chat involving the friend group + everyone else involved detailing everything messed up or illegal the friend group did since she believes she is dying because of us. - this happens at the end of episode 1 - in terms of being dramatic and emotionally distressing I would compare this side more to penthouse? just not with adults; but rather highschoolers! so, for example these things would be my character being abused by her boyfriend, me being the reason why another characters - in the friend group - sister is blind, that person secretly taking pictures of another girl in the friend group to sell online, and that girl secretly stealing stuff to sell to be able to buy dangerous substances and so on. - there are so many characters it would take long to list it. -
so, as you can see! the two dramas serve opposites of each other. let's take a character, junho! - yes, these are k-dramas! and before you accuse me of anything, i am asian. - you see, he is a gentle giant in 'to hold you'! always protecting girls, being there for each main character, the ideal son, helpful, sweet and kind. however! in 'while dying' he is the character that secretly takes pictures of people to sell on the internet. it starts of with a girl in the friend group and slowly escalates to more people he looks at as deserving of it. or for my character for example! in 'while dying' she is the reason why junho's sister is blind! she did it because she saw the abuse junho goes through but was ashamed to own up to and refused to hit back. so jia - my character - impulsively acted out. later in the series, as secrets start to unfold bit by bit we find out that she is abused as well by her boyfriend! but! in 'to hold you' jia is friend's with the sister, happy, extroverted, loud and really an overall cheerful and happy person, and the boyfriend is the 'ideal husband' type. as in they are a power couple!
the point is; no matter which one you watch first, you will become insanely emotional!
either way! the reason why i chose this one is because i have spent about 8-10 years in that dr - i forgot when exactly my first shift was, probably around 2018 there! - , and i shifted there last week, on tuesday! it made me insanely happy to be able to work on such a nice project and I formed such beautiful friendships - which i mention an annoying amount but oh well! - that I just want to share it! maybe this will be the motivation that will finally help someone experience the amount of joy and excitement they very well deserve!
also, for reference while 8-10 (probably 10!) years went by there, only 1 hour passed by here! so i will let myself "rest" for a few more days before attempting to shift again mid week-ish! unless you benefit from it, you should never push yourself over your limits! <3
anyway! one interesting thing i would like to mention is that i have actually became friends with person h! - as i said i won't be naming anyone for privacy's sake - she is a really kind and lovely person, and I actually had no idea she exists in this reality as well! even her name is the same! it just shocked me because i have never searched her up or gave too much attention to her in this reality, yet she was a side character in multiple things i have watched! i guess this is due to my subconscious remembering her; i just didn't. i just thought about mentioning it because it is soooo fun!
another person i have became friends with is person b! actually, a lot of people hated him for portraying the bad side of his character so well, while some people idolised him due to the good-natured side of the character. it was very funny to see, i remember watching edits together with him and laughing at some comments! - which i had to sometimes translate - it was people arguing about his character! to me it really shows that he is an amazing actor! he played my boyfriend in both dramas and became my best friend in real life! i never interacted with the actor in this reality so i cannot say they are 100% same! however in that reality he is like the best person ever. 'brings you snacks at 2am just bc you said you were craving them' type of friend!
and person c! junho's actor! he seems to be a sweet and shy person in both realities so that's that! we actually had a lot of fun on set and often times had to retake many shots. not because we are bad at acting; we just couldn't stop laughing at random things! looking back at it i really appricate the patience everyone else involved in production have had. we actually became really close as well! the type of friend you don't need to interact with everyday but still have an extra strong and meaningful bond with. we also acted in many other dramas and movies as well! he is a sweetheart, really.
this was also the first project where i got to try out fake blood as well! i had to bite down on a little thingy in one scene to make it look like it's pouring out of my mouth! i think it was cool, but i was a bit worried since i am a clumsy person lmao! everything went well tho <3
either way! these are the most motivating things i could think of for this post, but i could later make a part two or add to it. i also like answering questions,,, either way, next story time will be about my very first time shifting! mwa, thank you for reading sweet angel!
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Hello dear friend,
I was wondering if you have a favorite Josh era and when you have time or spoons, if you’d tell me about it or even (if you wanted to) share your favorite art. ❤️
Hi Winter, First thank you for sending this ask, it means the world to me at the moment. Things have been highly overwhelming and I love yacking about the rat muse when I'm down like this. <3 My favourite Josh era might be the Arkanis era (post-Corprus disease pre-Nerevarine). It covers the quests Corprus Cure, Mehra Milo and the Lost Prophercies, The Path of the Incarnate and Urshilaku Nerevarine. As well as a few Twin Lamps and Morag Tong quests and a murder misery in Vivec City. He's got a sense that he needs to at least see through getting the information that he'd stolen from Holamayan to the Urshilaku out in the Ashlands. He's not convinced that he really is the Incarnate like everyone says but not many people can say they survived Corprus Disease with their mind at least some what intact. He's struggling with keeping his mind present, however and it's what starts his rampant sleep avoidance. The less sleep he has, the less likely he is to connect to the Blight Hive. This backfires a lot. He's looking for answers as to why things have gone the way they've gone. He wants to know why these creatures keep calling him Nerevar and he wants to know why he's been cursed in the way that he has. He doesn't believe he's the Nerevarine but he's never been this accepted by people before. It's the first time he starts embracing his Ashlander side and starts using his father's name. He feels connected to something and he's always searched for that sense of belonging.
He's also madly in love with his Urshilaku Guide and it's driving him nuts.
This version of Josh is just finding his purpose for the first time. Before that he felt like he was aimlessly flailing about. He started working as a vigilante freeing slaves and burning down plantations and markets. This purpose was born out of a desire for revenge on his behalf. Being called the Nerevarine is something he's still deeply uncomfortable with but he is curious as to why he's being flung into these prophecies. Josh after Corprus finds some direction and is slowly regaining stability in the new body he's in. He's gone through a lot with his recovery. The wasting of his muscles, the 60% body burn and the removal of both his right pectoral and the first two toes and half the ball of his right foot left him severely weakened. It took him a few months to be able to stand with the assistance of crutches and he was stuck being unable to really get around without them until he designed his foot prosthesis out of scrap he'd found in Dwemer Ruins.
It's a fundamental change in his character that gives him some perspective. He's very reactionary and it's not often at that point in his life he gets that time to just sit and be. After he puts on Moon-and-Star he's got a whole other set of problems. The progress he's made during those months he was sick and then finding himself again is fundamental to who he becomes later and why he feels a certain responsibility for what happens next. Deep down he knows he chose it and he feels like a puppet because of it. It's Josh before he gets that constant apathetic melancholy that defines his character after the Main Quest. He feels like he might have a life ahead of him, like the darkness from his childhood and adolescence was behind him. It's his most hopeful.
As far as art, my faves so far are from this time period, I think it's the version I draw the most.
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This one I still love (my actual fav is the nude version but this one gives you the creation of his never nude robe so...) He's meant to be lazing about in Etana Ilaba'andul (Erra's older brother)'s guest yurt. This concept kinda predates this whole Arkanis concept but is what gave birth to it. As a result he's missing a few scars and moon-and-star is present but it's meant to be around that time. This is really when I decided he'd have different designs for different periods. Before that I hadn't settled on any design for him. It was just a handful of ideas.
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This one was 100% painted because of my Kogoruhn fic and is the most up to date depiction of this version of Josh. My next work will also be based on a scene from this fic. Part of this work involves the hivemind connection that he keeps losing himself to, and it's a huge aspect of how I visualise Corprus and the Sixth House to work. Arkanis is when I figured out Josh as a character, and I think that's why I like it so much. It's the most fleshed out.
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rabbitenn · 7 months
i just had a thought that i knew you’d do justice. trigger in a royalty au?? like would it be an arranged marriage? child hood friends? rival kingdoms?? i just think your writing style is perfect for this. it’s up to you if you wanna do headcanons or a paragraph. i just really like how you protray these characters.
remember to rest, eat, hydrate, and take breaks :D
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No crown could burden you and no army could ever dream of keeping you apart from him. In every version of reality, you both know it’s together, til the end.
ft. Yaotome Gaku, Kujo Tenn, Ryunosuke Tsunashi x gn! reader.
cw/genre: royalty au, romance, fluff, some mild angst. Reader is implied to wear a dress in Gaku’s and Ryu’s.
hello, dear and a thousand thanks for this request ! I love royalty and fantasy aus and you asked it for my favorite group too <3 also, thank you for trusting me with this idea, I hope you will like how I executed it, even though I’m very late to posting it.
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— Arranged marriage ‧₊˚ ⋅
“Be more selfish. You can show me your emotions and allow yourself to depend on me.”
Tonight, millions of stars accompany you as you make your way through the palace’s halls.
Countless silver pinpricks, filtering in dancing glimmer through the floor to ceiling windows.
And yet, you feel lonely.
The rustle of the gray silken curtains aflutter on the nocturnal ambiance is the only sound breaking the complete silence.
Anyone should be happy on such an occasion as today’s, right?
You got to wear a beautiful dress, everyone smiled and tender vows were exchanged.
Not to mention, your last name now was that of one of the richest lords in town, soon to take over his father’s rule.
Handsome and desired by everyone in the kingdom. And still, something in the sharpness of his gaze makes you keep to yourself.
Yaotome Gaku.
You would have never imagined you’d end up marrying him.
Not that you had any say in the matter, of course. Your family had essentially succeeded in selling you off and increasing their social status.
You let out a sigh, fiddling with the silver band now adorning your ring finger. The moon reflects on it, a cruel reminder of the shackles bestowed upon you.
You take a break, sitting on the stone windowsill.
Your mind wanders off into the night. It would be nice, to be a star. So free, you against an endless sky.
The celestial seems to absorb you, your thoughts leaving the real world if only for a second, a sort of black hole, so far away and so close at the same time, sucking you in when your fingertips graze against the great unknown on the other side.
You don’t notice the footsteps approaching in that instant.
“It is late. You shouldn’t be here.” A deep voice pulls you out of your trance.
You start, eyes widening when they meet steel hued ones.
Against your better judgment, you stand up, taking a step backwards.
Why do you react like this?
There is no denying the man before you looks absolutely stunning.
Is absolutely stunning.
His liquid moonlight gaze seems to pierce through you, tendrils of argent clouds falling over them in the slight curl of his hair. Lost stars kiss his pale complexion, the penumbra of the palace at night embracing the other half.
“Yaotome-sama!” You exclaim, bowing briefly.
A shadow of hurt passes over his handsome features, his eyes, downturned, averted to the side.
“Please, just call me Gaku.” He asks of you, tone bordering on pleading.
“Alright. Gaku…” You trail off nodding.
He seems somewhat… flustered? Maybe it’s the late hour, but his harsh features just fade into something gentle with a tinge of fierceness.
In that moment, you wish you had met under different circumstances, instead of just through political and economical interests.
“[Y/n]…” Your husband begins. You don’t dislike at all the sound of your name when he says it. “I know you didn’t choose this, and I’m sorry we had to meet like this…” His expression softens. “But you can tell me about your worries and thoughts weighing on your mind.” Gaku’s eyes fixate on you, the rest of the universe silent and invisible to him right now. “If I can’t be the lover you dreamt of, I will at least do what I can to make you feel comfortable and safe.” A demure smile reaches his lips. “So, it’s okay if you’re selfish.”
You stare at him a little dumbfounded, the daze of his charming presence and the care he’s putting into his words, rendering your heart into a frenzied dance.
The next time Gaku takes a step in your direction, you don’t retreat.
— The bandit and the prince ‧₊˚ ⋅
“Catch me if you can, mister Kujo.”
Giggles leave your throat as you run through the ivy maze.
You try to stifle them, this moment of borrowed time, too precious for its bubble bathed in auroras to pop.
Upwards, the sky dyes in shades of cherry blossom and tangerine, periwinkle clouds giving way to an horizon lined in citrine.
Your breathing grows shallow, as you take a left turn between the shiny verdant leaves.
Behind you, light steps follow.
And despite the dead end standing in front of you in the form of a wall of greenery speckled in the pink of hyacinth blossoms, a smirk plays on your lips.
You stand there, resigning to your inevitable fate, eyes closed, taking in the scent of azaleas, singing of secret nights, passion filled.
The taste of sweet daybreak coats your tongue; a shared interlude of curtains falling over the stage for last night’s dreams, a preamble to the wait for the hours before the dawn to come again.
A gentle aroma of strawberries and cinnamon suddenly dances around you, as if clapping for your heart to spread its butterfly wings to its tune.
“Checkmate.” A cheeky voice whispers, his soft lips brushing the shell of your ear.
Turning around, your lashes flutter open, your prosecutor’s arms already around you.
“Heh, it seems you caught me, your highness.” You tease, leveling him with a bold gaze.
“It wouldn’t be the first time now, would it?” The prince winks, his hold on your waist tightening. “And it’s Tenn to you.” He utters, voice barely above a whisper, as his forehead touches yours.
You wrap your arms around his shoulders.
“I know that, just teasing you.” You giggle, your grin widening. “So, you still remember? When you failed to capture me the first time?” Your gaze flits to his lips. “Is that why we’re playing now, so you can finally catch me, Tenn-Tenn?”
Of course he remembers. How could he not recall the moment he met the one who gifts him moments of freedom like this?
“And what, may I ask, does a sneaky fox like you happen to be doing in my chambers?”
A curse leaves your lips through gritted teeth. The crown prince was not supposed to come back so soon. Wasn’t he at some gala tonight? Did you miscalculate?
“What? Didn’t expect me to come back so soon?” He chuckles. “You’ve got guts, I’ll give you that.”
What would be your chances of winning in a fight against him? You’ve got your daggers…
You notice the thin sword hanging at his hip from the corner of your eye.
You could potentially have an advantage in close quarters…
It’s not like you want to hurt him, just… maybe knock him out as you take what you need for you to be able to buy a ration of food.
You run for it.
But before you know it, the prince’s sword grazes the side of your neck, the cool metal a threat enough to draw blood at the minimum movement.
Your daggers freeze mid-air, your hood falling, revealing your identity.
You let out a ‘tsk’. This is troublesome.
You lower your weapons.
Tenn retracts his sword.
Rosy eyes scan over the person standing before him. Dark shadows gather under their eyes, as if sleep or food were a rare luxury for them. Their face is gaunt, lips parched. Ragged clothes sway around the thief, several stains coating them.
And yet, the prince doesn’t think he’s ever seen anyone as beautiful.
The fire in the burglar’s stare burns intensely, a thundering blaze, tearing down whatever they have to in order to survive.
“And what, pray tell, do you need all of these gold and jewels for?” You spat, tone clipped.
The man lowers his blade, his eyes never once leaving you.
“I don’t.” He states. He reaches up, unclasping one of his earrings.
Extending a gloved hand towards you, he says:
“Take it.”
You scoff.
“I don’t need your pity.”
“It’s not like that. You probably risked a lot just to sneak in here, didn’t you? It would be a waste to leave empty-handed. So take this.” The prince gently removes one of your blades from your tight grip, putting the jewelry in your palm. “Sell it for a good price. Get enough food to last you for a while. Please.”
You seem to hesitate for an instant, but then your fingers close around the accessory.
Without another word, you step into the room’s balcony and disappear into the night.
Tenn follows after the trail of your ripped crimson cape.
By the time he reaches the veranda, there is no trace of you.
That night, he leaves the gallery’s glass doors open.
Just in case you wanted to come back for the blade you left behind.
A few nights later, that’s exactly what you would do.
One of Tenn’s hands comes up to cup your jaw, fingertips brushing against the pointy earring dangling from your lobe.
Identical to the one he always wears.
The exact one he gave you that night.
The impending cyan of the morning unfurling above augurs the nearing of your departure.
Neither of you want for your hidden romance painted in soft shades of watercolor to come to a close.
Your prince’s eyes soften, its quartz shade, the fleeting memory of early sunsets over the castle’s gardens.
‘Please, don’t go’ is spelled in the last rays of the crescent dipping behind the distant mountains reflected in Tenn’s gaze.
His thumb brushes over your lower lip, your breath at a standstill as you are put under spell by Tenn’s angelic aura. So warm, so perfect… A safe haven.
You turn around your face slightly, leaving a delicate kiss to his bare palm.
Then, with one last squeeze to Tenn’s hand, you step away.
“Meet me at midnight again.” Your lover whispers, as his hands leave your face.
You decide to relish for a second more in this forbidden moment. You linger closer to him, a fleeting kiss to the corner of his mouth, before disappearing between frondous greenery.
Tenn stands there, a soft smile on his features as the sensation of your kiss tingles on his skin.
The promise of your return is sealed with the ripple of the pink astilbe petals surrounding the prince.
Dusk can't come soon enough.
— Knight and prince(ss) running away together ‧₊˚ ⋅
“I decided I wanted to enter that light, and at the edge of it, I found you.”
Beams of light threaded in gilded sparkles filtered through the library’s windows. The afternoon was in its prime and yet, you found yourself cooped up inside an empty room.
The rows upon rows of books felt more like the bars of a tightening prison, the book you were copying from, iron shackles tying your feet to the cold grey ground.
You sighed. It was unfair. For your life to be decided like this, just because one day you’re to rule this kingdom.
You didn’t want this. You never asked for the weight of the crown.
The day outside shined in blues and golds and yet, you were trapped here.
You couldn’t stand it anymore. You closed your book, making your way to the huge window.
Standing on your tiptoes, you fumbled with the handle and got it open.
A gust of summer air wafted around you, filling your lungs with all the colors of summer.
You wanted to go play outside like the other children did.
Eight was too young an age to be subjected to the heaviness of endless study days.
Leaning on the windowsill, something caught your eye.
A boy about your age swinging a wooden sword, his body moving with agility as he practised how to avoid enemy strikes.
Maybe he was a knight in training. And right now, you think you’d rather take on a bloody battlefield than spend a minute more learning about centuries old history you couldn’t care less about.
So, using a chair, you climbed up on the windowsill, jumping down the couple of feet separating you from the green grass beyond.
With quiet steps, you approached the boy.
His expression was determined but gentle, his eyes reminiscent of the sunlight you yearned for. Tufts of brown hair swing in the hot air as he gracefully moves with his sword.
Then he stops.
“Y-your highness!” He stammered, bowing down.
Your cheeks heated up, hurt crossing your features in the way you avert your gaze.
“Just [Y/n], please.” You asked. “What are you doing? It seems fun. Can I try too?” You inquired, curiously tilting your head.
He swallowed. “But I will become a knight… I’m supposed to protect you in the future…”
“Please?” You pouted, hands clasped in front of you. “I’m tired of being inside studying…”
With fearful eyes darting from side to side of the courtyard, the boy made sure no onlookers were present.
His hands brushed against yours when he handed you the practise sword.
You held it, it was light, dull, but enough to cut a pocket of freedom in the monotony of your upbringing.
“What’s your name, by the way?” You questioned.
“Ryunouske.” He answered shyly.
With a last smile his way, you began imitating his previous movements, dancing in tune with the doves soaring high in the radiant sky.
Years later, you would know that would be the beginning of your story together.
Weaves lap against the sandy coast, early evening bringing with her a sea of aureate copper and indigo. Foamy water gently caresses your feet, your prints in the sand coming and going with each wave.
On the dry sand, a set of armor, a pair of heeled shoes and an intricate dress lie.
Here, it was just you and him.
“Ryu,” You call him, your hand squeezing his calloused one. You stop walking for a moment, indulging yourself a little on the sight of him against the brightness of the soon to set sun.
A smile find its way to your lips, your lover’s toned chest visible through his open shirt.
“Isn’t this nice?” You say, directing your gaze towards the horizon, a few stray seagulls shadowed against the peachy heavens. “Just us, in this magical quiet place… I could get used to it.” You lean your head against his side, as Ryunosuke’s arm loops around your waist.
“It certainly is nice. The sea… it always relaxes me.” The knight tilts his face to look at you. All these years by your side, as your secret companion, your best friend and your lover later on, and nothing would change the fact you’re the most alluring person he could have ever met.
“What would you say, if I suggested we run away, Ryu?” You search for his gaze, those honeyed orbs widening in surprise. “I don’t want to be tied down by stupid rules and traditions, I want to be with you, no matter where.”
Your knight lets out a sigh.
He wants to say ‘yes’. A lifetime of freedom by your side is all Ryu could ever dream off.
And yet…
“Are you sure, my dear?” Both of his hands hold yours in between them. “If we leave… There will be no way we can ever return to your home…”
“This is no home of mine.” You state, steel laced through your tone as you think of that suffocating palace. “My home is with you, Ryu. No matter where life takes us.”
Standing on your tiptoes, you place a soft kiss on his lips. Their salty taste reminds you of freedom. Ryunosuke’s arms wrap around your waist, the silken fabric of your under dress an obstacle for the both of you at this point.
“Alright.” He whispers the moment he parts.
Before the sun completely hides behind the undulating horizon, you’re already making your way to Ryu’s place.
Packing up some food, clothes and essential belongings, you reach the outskirts of town before nightfall.
Hand in hand, you walk towards the sun awaiting in your new life.
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bright-and-burning · 1 month
thank you k @mecachrome i LOVE to yap and i love to see other ppl yapping!!! f1 tag game time!!!
Who is your favorite driver?: lando's grip on my brain should be studied in a lab tbh
Do you have other favorite drivers?: i am fond of many many drivers... oscar obviously is #2 to me. just the tiniest bit below lando, sorry oscar <3 and then there's a medium sized gap to anyone else but i am extremely fond of the williams guys. and i am studying alpine and aston martin like bugs. and i have a lot of blorbo-in-laws that i feel very fond of...
Who is your least favorite driver?: it depends on the day whether i even dislike anyone or not. today i feel neutral and up about everyone!! sometimes i distinctly do Not feel neutral... (usually during races)
Do you pull for drivers or do you like teams as well?: i am very driver oriented but obviously my like . internal ideas about drivers are heavily influenced by who their teammate is/what team they're on. and since i've been into f1 the driver lineups have. not changed. so in my head the teams n the driver pairings are pretty immutable (obviously that will Change djfldsakjfa)
If you like teams, what team do you pull for?: i am so deeply attached to the orange bitches 😔 i just watched the season 6 mclaren dts episode and when claire williams went “the likelihood of a team being able to turn around their performance to any kind of significant degree during a season? i can’t tell you how difficult it is. it’s pretty much unheard of” i just smiled SOOOO evil. sooooo evil. i believe in andrea stella's hot nerd vibes bless that man
How long have you been into F1?: since uhhhh approximately one week after qatar 2023. made this account right around cota 2023
What got you into F1?: twitter algorithm put some tweets about the shitshow that was qatar on my timeline (literally one of them was just. a little of names and like . blank threw up. blank was hospitalized. blank couldnt get off the ground.) and i was like:
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(why is that picture SOOO large) and also i had been admiring the f1 web weaves for a while bc i would look at the 'web weave' tag and half of them would be f1 and i was like wow. these guys have a collective shit ton of daddy issues. fascinating... tbf!!! i have always been sports brain lol. just never quite rpf sports brained? so the stars aligned for this fr (recommended tweets, f1 web weaves, and me being unemployed, geographically isolated from all my friends, and severely depressed)
Do you enjoy Fanfic/RPF?: yes . i am constantly cooking . everyone here is soooo smart and cool and the writing is genuinely so incredible. and 8104 specifically has just like. a really dope bunch of ppl ive become friends with that i am constantly like. wow i cant believe these ppl want to talk to me!!! (k you are included in that <3)
How do you view new fans?: by looking in the mirror... djfladsj jk. i am a new fan! i am not a ""dts fan"" (have literally watched two episodes Ever and one of them was today) but none of it matters and i don't really find those kind of lines to be helpful. i have disagreed with ""dts fans"" and i have disagreed w ppl who started watching before i was born and i'd do it all again (this probably says more abt how opinionated i am than anything else)
If you could take over as team principal for any team, who would it be and why?: personally i am delusionally confident enough to believe i could run that bitch like the MARINES. at the very least i would not be running my mouth like toto lol. vibes wise idk if i could do it at Any Team (like. imagine mercedes being run by a punchy american woman. LMFAO. imagine FERRARI) (i'd say mclaren for papaya reasons but a) andrea stella i could never replace you and b) i think i would set zak brown's fuckin sports car on fire day 1.) but based on location only alpine!!
Are your friends and family into F1 as well?: uhhhh no. my dad went to exactly one motorsports event when he was like my age maybe a year or two younger and saw a really horrific deadly crash so that ended any family interest. my friends are mega sports ppl but they're into like. american popular sports. and running. i do have a tifosi coworker and a couple friends from high school who are into it but that's it
Are you open to talking to other fans/making friends?: yes!!!!! i am so horrifically extroverted i love to chat i love to make friends!!! i am in so many ppl's dms on the Daily just sayin shit to the point where im like maybe i should cool it. lol.
tagginggggg @monacotrophywife @freeuselandonorris @liamlawsonlesbian andddd @red-flagging if you want !!!! this was fun n i love hearing how ppl got into f1 bc i feel like i might've taken an odd route
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hoodharlow · 2 years
No Place Like Home
AN: based in my deduction skills the pictures were from the dame night lol. In addition this part 8, hope y'all enjoy this <3
Requested? No
Warnings: smut, angst (a certain sentence was said 👀 and someone freaked out), Jack putting Neelam in her place, brief talk about a bas relationship from high school, brief mention to grooming, and a happy smutty ending
Word count: 6.5k words
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When Jack refreshed Instagram he was not expecting to see a picture of his girlfriend almost kissing her co-star, Isabela Gomez, but given the context of the post it made sense. He slid the next picture and it was one of her sitting on Evan Mock’s lap, who played her love interest. He rolled his eyes and saw the last slide was of her hugging Jeremy O’Harris. He scrolled a bit to read her long ass sappy caption. Miriam basically said that her movie finished filming last night and she was forever grateful for being part of the movie. And she thanked Jeremy for trusting her with Audie, her character’s name. She then went on thanking everyone else involved in the  movie and their grandma. 
Jack put his phone away, realizing that maybe he shouldn’t be on his girlfriend's profile in such a public setting where anyone can record him looking at it. He was out having dinner with his friends and brother. It was day three of his No Place Like Home mini tour. Miriam was supposed to fly out in the morning, but her flight was canceled and the closest she was able to get was for tomorrow. 
“Hey, I gotta go do something real quick.” Clay leaned into Jack. 
“We have to be at the venue in an hour,” he told his younger brother. “Where are you going?”
“I’ll meet you there. I’m picking up Monét because I have another errand to run.” he said. 
“You can’t be serious.”
“You’ll thank me later.” Clay clapped his shoulder, getting up from his chair.
Jack watched his brother say goodbye to everyone as he walked out of the restaurant. Urban pulled him into conversation. Half an hour later they all toasted to Jack and his successes. He made a quick speech raising his glass of sparkling cider to them. He motioned the server for the check. He paid and left a generous tip for them. 
The car ride to the venue was less than five minutes. The line outside was barely starting to move, allowing attendees to enter the venue. Security led Jack and his friends through the back. Jack went backstage to where Chris and Neelam were  and checked in while his friends went to his dressing room. After he went to his dressing room.
He spotted his parents and went to greet them. Jack clapped his dad's shoulder, not wanting to interrupt the conversation he was having with a family friend. 
“Hey, ma,” Jack said, wrapping his arms around Maggie. He pulled away and greeted his girlfriend. “Hey, Miriam.”
“Hi,” she said, sipping her drink.
He turned around then turned back to Miriam, to make sure she was actually standing there. 
“What the fuck are you doing here?” He pulled her back to his arms and gave her an even tighter hug.  He cupped her face and kissed her. “How are you here? I thought your flight was canceled.”
“It was but a seat in economy opened up and I took it.” Miriam said. She pointed to Clay and his girlfriend. “Clay and Monét picked me up.”
“You’re welcome, big brother.” Clay yelled to him. 
Jack flipped him off. He took Miriam’s and beelined to one of the free arm chairs near the door. He sat down and pulled her to his lap. Miriam removed her puffer coat over her legs in case Jack decided to get handsy. 
The pair fell into conversation, ignoring everyone around them. Everyone in the room noticed how they were so caught up in their own little bubble giggling and whispering. Urban even managed to get a few pictures of Jack and Miriam smiling at each other. 
“I’m glad you were able to make it.”  Jack said, running his hand up and down her velour clad thigh.
“Me too.” Miriam smiled, leaning in to kiss him. 
“Jack, you’re on in twenty minutes.” 
Neelam said, entering the dressing room. She paused seeing Miriam sitting on Jack’s lap. “Miriam…you’re here?
She smiled sweetly at the older woman. “Surprise.” 
One thing about Miriam is that she got cold easily and hated being outside if she was dressed to be indoors. And yet she found herself in a secluded corner behind some club parking lot with her boyfriend trying to get her naked. 
“Dude, we were at your fucking hotel room. Why didn’t you fuck me then?” she said, straddling his lap. 
After his show, he took her back to the 21C where he was staying to drop off her things. In his hotel suite, she changed out of the aubergine tracksuit she wore on her plane ride to the dress she planned on wearing to his show. It was a black ribbed mini YSL dress. It reached around mid thigh and it had a cut out in the middle of her chest, tastefully showing off some underboob.
“You singing to Rihanna gets me bricked up, Miriam.” Jack said as his hands wandered around to find the zipper.  
Once he found it, he slowly dragged the zipper down, allowing her breasts to spill out when he helped her out of the top part of the dress. He pulled her closer to him and kissed her jaw. “And as Rihanna said it, ‘I want you now, I want you now, oh, woah, oh.’”
She snorted at his failed attempt to get the note in ‘Loveeeee Song.’ “I can’t stand you.” she murmured, unbulking Jack’s belt and unbuttoning his pants.
Jack slipped one of his hands in between her thighs. “Really? ‘Cause I haven’t even touched your pussy and your shit’s leaking.”
“Shut up,” she mumbled before grabbing his face.
They urgently kissed as Jack struggled to get his pants down. Miriam broke their kiss and awkwardly got off his lap, so he could remove his clothes. He lifted his hips and dragged his pants and boxer-briefs down. He pulled Miriam back to his lap. They resumed their kissing, hips rubbing against each other as their desperation grew. 
He ran his thumb on her sensitive nipples. Miriam leaned back, giving him better access, and quietly moaned out as he gently nipped under her breasts. Both of his hands were on her nipples, twisting and rubbing them. His tongue traced the pert peaks. 
“Jack, I'll let you motorboat me later. Right now I need your dick in me.” Miriam whined. 
“I’ma hold you to that.” he murmured before nipping her breasts one last time. 
They kissed once more before Jack lifted the front part of her dress’s skirt and pulled her thong to the side. She bit into his shoulder as Jack coated himself with her arousal before lowering her down his length. They moaned out in pleasure, not realizing how they needed their bodies connected. He placed her arms around his shoulders. He gripped her hips, controlled her hips at the pace he wanted her. 
Their breathy moans and whimpers filled Jack’s car along with the sounds of their bodies meeting each other. Miriam reached down his seat, patting around until she found the lever that laid Jack’s seat down. 
“Needed more room.” she murmured, splaying her hands on his chest. 
“‘M not– fuck, just like that Miriam.” he cursed. 
Jack gripped Miriam’s thighs, watching how she lost herself trying to get off. He was mesmerized by her. She wasn’t like other women he's been with. Most of them would let him do all the work and didn’t put in any effort. With Miriam it was equal. They both wanted the other to get off as badly they wanted themselves to. Their bodies moved in sync because they were made solely for one another. 
After a few minutes, Jack’s hands wandered away from her hips. He lazily made figure eights on her clit with his thumb while his other hand held the back of Miriam’s head as they kissed. She pushed herself against his chest and quickened the pace she rode him. She dug her nails into his biceps as her climax neared. 
"I love you, Miriam." 
She visibly recoiled hearing that three worded sentence. She pushed herself off his lap. 
"You're joking right?" She laughed awkwardly, getting dressed. "Jack, we’re having sex. You don't know what you're saying." 
"Are you fucking serious?" he scoffed in disbelief.
“Are you?” she snapped. “You can’t just say shit like.” 
“That shit are my fucking feelings towards you, Miriam.” he retorted. He shook his head. “I expected you not to say it back. But you have no right to make me feel like shit.”
“You can’t.” She said, quietly.
“I can’t, what?” 
“Love me! Get it through your head! You can’t!” she cried. Tears rolled down her cheeks. “I can’t do this.”
She got out of the car and slammed the door shut. Jack cursed and quickly got dressed, not realizing he was pantless until he almost ran after her. He entered the club, scanning the place as he went to the VIP section. 
He spotted Miriam with some of his female friends from high school by the bar. A bartender went up to them and slid a row of shots. They cheered and down them in one gulp. He went under the velvet rope to go up to them. 
“Jack,” Neelam called him over.
“Neelam, not now,” he said. 
“You have to greet some people c’mon.” she said, pulling his arm.
An hour later, Jack lost track of Miriam. Neelam kept making him greet people from club promoters to some potential record executives. 
“Have you seen Miriam?” He asked Diana, a friend from high school, once he made his final round of greetings. She was in the group Miriam was with. 
“No, last time I saw her she was talking to Clay because she couldn’t get in the VIP section.” she shrugged. 
“Thanks,” he nodded. 
He watched as Diana and her girlfriend made their way to the dancefloor where the other girls were. The safest bet was to call Miriam. He reached down for his pants pockets and cursed when he only felt his wallet. He checked his jacket pockets and came up empty. Then he remembered Miriam was using his phone to record herself singing to Rihanna. 
He surveyed the club, until he saw the back of Neelam’s head. He decided to go and ask her if she’d seen Miriam. She was surrounded by a bunch of influencers laughing at whatever she was telling them.
“I know I should feel bad for telling security to not let her in, but I don’t. You all saw how drunk she got.” Neelam said, tossing back a shot. “I guess the princess can’t hold her alcohol.” 
Jack frowned, wondering who she could be talking about. He’d never seen Neelam talk about someone with such bitterness. Like just talking about them, left a bad taste in her mouth.
“Did you see how she was following Jack’s friends? It was sad. She looked like a lost puppy.” some redhead with braids, but shouldn’t be wearing braids said. 
Neelam nodded in agreement. “Which is why I had to make sure Jack was as far as possible from her. She holds him back from doing any work because he’s so focused on making sure she’s okay.” 
"How long have they been together?" Another influencer asked. 
"Surprisingly a few months. I thought they were only going to last at most a month. But I'm pretty sure Jack is only taking advantage of her daddy's money. Why else would he be with her?"
She was talking about Miriam. Jack felt his stomach drop. She didn't deserve to be talked about like she's an entitled brat when she'd the complete opposite of that. Even more so hearing it from someone he thought of as family. Miriam has never done anything to Neelam that he knows of, and if something happened, he would have found out and sorted it out. 
Jack sighed. He needed a minute to cool off before confronting Neelam. He made a beeline to a small room when he was stopped by his younger brother.
"Dude, I've been calling your ass for the past hour!" Clay yelled at him.
"I forgot it in my car. Have you seen Miriam?" He asked his little brother, hoping he knew where she'd wandered off to. 
"I took her home. I lost her when I went to look for you because she said she was taken off the VIP list. Then Monét and I found her outside crying. Mom was pissed when she saw us bring her home without you. But Miriam, in her drunk state, was able to convince her that she was just tired and wanted to get some rest and that you asked me to bring her home because you were busy. So expect a lecture tomorrow." 
"Thanks man. I owe you." Jack said, handing him a hundred dollar bill. "For your troubles."
"Keep it," Clay said, pushing his hand away. “Monét and I are going to dance for a bit before we head back home.” 
“Okay, let me know when you leave.” 
Jack and Clay fist bumped then went in opposite directions. His eyes met Urban's and he motioned him to follow him. Urban leaned over to the girl that was on all fours shaking ass and let her know that he’ll be right back. He sauntered over to Jack and they made their way to a coat closet. 
“If you’re looking for Miriam, Clay told me that he was taking her back to your parents’ place.” Urban said, lighting up a blunt.
“I know, he just told me.” Jack said. He leaned back into a small table and cracked his knuckles. “I’m gonna ask you something, and I need you to be honest with me.”
“Shoot.” his best friend said taking a hit.
“Have you heard Neelam talk shit about Miriam?” he asked.
“Did Miriam finally tell you what happened in Portland? I’m surprised it took her so long to say something.” Urban said, relieved.
Jack frowned, “What happened in Portland?”
“Shit,” he mumbled, “your girl made me pinky promise, but since you already know…so we were in your dressing room before you went on stage, getting my stuff when Neelam went off on her in front of Metta and that one chick you used to fuck. All for a slice of pizza. Miriam didn’t say shit, she just took money out and left it on the table but I gave it back to her.” he got quiet for a few seconds then pointed at Jack remembering another thing, “I also think something happened at Rolling Loud, but I’m not too sure.” 
"Jack, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be outside mingling." Neelam said walking in the coat closet.
Urban gave Jack a knowing look and walked out.
"Why did you remove Miriam from the VIP list?" Jack asked Neelam. 
"Is that what she told you?" She scoffed. "She probably–"
"I heard you tell your little group of friends."
"You must've heard me wrong."
"Neelam don't lie to me. I also know about the incident that happened in Portland, so save yourself the embarrassment.” 
Neelam was quiet, unsure what to say. She’d been caught red handed. 
Jack sighed defeatedly, “Why'd you do all that Neelam?” 
“I had to! You didn’t know where your priorities were.”
“Are you fucking serious? I know where they are. I’ve been busting my ass doing everything you sign me up for so don't tell me that I’m not doing what I’m supposed to. If you can’t let me have a personal life outside of music, I'll have Chris find someone who does." 
"Are you seriously threatening to fire me? Over some girl?" Neelam frowned.
"Miriam isn't some girl, she's my girlfriend." Jack snapped. "You don't have to like her but you should at least respect her." 
After a few moments of silence, Jack shook his head and walked out of the coat closet and made his way to his car. He got in and grabbed his phone from the cup holder. It was one in the morning. It was too late for him to go over to his parents’ house to check in on Miriam. So he headed back to the hotel, but he sent his brother and Urban a text before he drove off. 
Back at his hotel room he laid awake trying to wrap it around his head why Miriam freaked out. He got that it could have been too soon for him to say it, but it kinda slipped out. Though he didn’t regret it because he truly did love her. As cheesy as it sounded when he pictured himself settling down years down the road with her. He sighed, rolling to his stomach, and let sleep take over. 
The following morning, he woke up early and drove to his parents’ house. He stopped by Starbucks and got Miriam an iced creme brulee latte because she swore up and down that it tasted like Christmas. He quietly slipped inside the house and followed his mom and Miriam’s laughter, leading him to the kitchen. Miriam sat on the counter, freshly showered in leggings and a cream colored henley top. When she visited with him for the Fourth of July, she went shopping, but couldn't fit any of the stuff she bought in her luggage so Jack emptied out a drawer for her to store her things. As well as some room in his closet. 
His mom was the first to notice his presence.  
“Hi honey,” she said, turning her back to him to flip some pancakes. “You hungry?” 
“Hey, mom.” he said, placing Miriam’s drink in front of her. “And no, I’m good.”
Maggie gave him a look and set a plate of pancakes in front of him. “Eat up.”
Jack knew better than to argue with his mom, so he took the pancakes. He quietly ate as his mom and Miriam cleaned up the kitchen. At some point his mom went upstairs to get ready for work, leaving the couple. When he finished eating, he washed his plate. He awkwardly leaned against the counter while Miriam was on her phone, ignoring him. 
“Okay, I’m going to head out. I trust that you’re going to behave?” Maggie said, arching her eyebrow at Jack.
“It’s me mom.” he gestured to himself.
“My point exactly.” she said. She waved to Miriam, “bye darling.”
“Bye Mrs. Harlow.” Miriam said, looking up from her phone.
Maggie gave Jack a knowing look before she left them. 
The house was silent, save for the heater’s quiet hums. Jack drummed his fingers against the marble counter waiting for Miriam to say something. Her eyebrows were furrowed together concentrated on her phone. She was probably playing candy crush, stuck on an easy level that really wasn’t easy. Without looking away she reached for her drink and took a long sip.
“Why didn’t you tell me about Portland?” he asked, breaking the silence.
Miriam choked on her drink and grumbled something under her breath, going back to her phone. 
“Miriam trying to fucking talk to you.” he said irritably after a few minutes.
“Don’t talk to me like that.” she snapped.
“You always do this, you know. You fucking shut down and I’m the one that has to reach out.” 
“I can’t do this.” she sighed. 
“Of course you can’t.” he muttered under his breath. 
Miriam sighed and went back to his bedroom. She knew she was acting irrationally, but she just couldn’t deal with Jack. Hearing Jack say that brought back memories of that night with him and she thought she had that suppressed. 
Her whole body got tense. Her heartbeat was practically beating out of her chest. Her palms felt sweaty and clammy. She felt nauseous, Maggie’s delicious cranberry pancakes were coming back up. She rushed to the bathroom down the hall and dropped to her knees, vomiting everything she ate. She felt Jack’s hand wrap around her damp curls before she leaned forward and threw up again. He rubbed her back as she let out a choked sob. 
“I’m so sorry.” she blubbered. “I…I…”
“It’s okay,” Jack said softly, continuing to rub her back. 
After a few minutes, Miriam flushed the toilet. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and sat back, leaning against the small cabinet to catch her breath. She stood up and cleaned herself up, brushing her teeth once more. She inhaled deeply and let out a shaky breath. 
“You okay?” Jack asked her.
“Yeah, I just had a panic attack.” she shrugged him off. “I just need to get out of the bathroom.”
“Do you want to go outside?” 
“No,” she shook her head, “can we go to your room?”
Jack nodded. He led her to his room. His bed was freshly made and her things from the night before were neatly folded on his desk. Miriam took a seat on the edge of his bed, pulling the sleeves of her top over hands and hugged her knees. Jack sat across from her in his desk chair. 
“I’m sorry for how I reacted.” Miriam mumbled. “You’re right, I shouldn’t have made you feel bad for saying that…I, um…just had a bad experience with it.” She took a deep breath. “Towards the end of my freshman year this junior started talking to me– we were in the same AP Calc class but no one talked to me because I was a freshman in a class full of seniors and a handful of juniors. But um yeah he started talking to me and I started to really like him. Kat told me to stay away from him and how he’s bad news. But I didn't listen, obviously. He asked me to the homecoming dance but I couldn’t go because I had a soccer tournament, but I was able to go for the winter formal. 
I was excited since it was my first dance, but we didn’t make it one hour into the dance. He convinced me to go to some afterparty in Malibu with his football friends. One thing led to another and we had sex in one of the guest rooms. Thinking back, it was a shitty time, but in the moment I felt like I was in the movies. It felt perfect and after that we were cuddling. It felt like the most perfect moment of my life so I said it. He kinda shrugged it off and mumbled ‘yeah me too.’ Then he took me home.
I didn’t talk to him all winter break. Which I reasoned was because my family was in Aspen and his family doing whatever they did. But when school started again, he avoided me until AP Stats. And in front of the whole class he…he said that…”
She blubbered. “He said that he only started talking to me was because Kat rejected him and that fucking me is the closest he’d get to be with her.” 
She buried her face into her knees and wept. Jack, not sure what to do, got up from his chair and sat next to her. He rubbed her back but pulled away as she climbed onto his lap and wrapped her arms around him. 
Jack held her in his arms. He was pissed at the guy. Miriam doesn’t deserve that. He couldn’t imagine how she must’ve felt. He thought back to that night when she lashed out on him for what her sister sent him. ‘You’re just like everyone else. The lengths they go through to get with my sister.’ she had to have been talking about the guy. 
“What’s his name?” Jack asked angrily once Miriam’s cries subsided. 
“Conner Jennings, he was supposed to play at USC but they did drug tests and lost his spot.” she said, gently pushing Jack on his back so she could lay on him. She wiped her mocos then laid on his side. “His dad got sued for medical malpractice because he was the one administering his tests.” 
“Shit.” he mumbled. 
He rolled onto his side so he was facing Miriam. He gently caressed her cheek. “I just want you to know that when I said it, I truly meant it. And I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure you know that’s how I feel about you. But I get it if you don’t want me to say it. I want you to be comfortable with me and–”
“No, if you really feel that, I’m not here to stop you from saying it. Just be patient with me. I really do like you and our relationship does mean a lot to me. I just don’t think I’m anywhere close to saying it. I’ve been in some not so great relationships, like there was a time where I accidentally broke up my professor’s marriage.”
“You what?”
“Yeah, but that’s a story for another day, the Conner stuff was a lot to share. My therapist is gonna have fun dissecting this with me after New Years.” she said nonchalantly while playing the cuff of his hoodie. “Anyways, I want you to know that I’m really grateful to have you in my life and I think you’re the best.”
Jack’s cheeks flushed. He lifted his head and leaned forward to give her a quick peck. He pulled Miriam to his chest. They laid in silence, basking in each other's presence.
“You know what I just realized.” Miriam said after a few minutes passed.
“What?” Jack hummed. 
“We never had an actual date.”
“We haven’t?” he asked. “What about when we...wait, that was a group thing. There’s also...that was also a group hang out...damn how have we not gone on a date?”
“We’ve been working?” she shrugged. 
“When do you fly to Aspen?” 
“Tuesday morning, my dad is sending the jet to make sure I get there soon so that our flight crew can make it home to their families.” 
“Okay, I’m taking you out before you go.” 
“Are you finally taking me to Vincello's?” 
Jack’s eyes widened. “VINCELLO’S?! Put some respect on Vincenzo’s.”
Saturday marked the last day Jack had his concerts, leaving Sunday and Monday free for the couple to do whatever before Miriam flew out to Aspen. They spent Sunday morning and afternoon with Jack's family and had very delicious dinner with them as well. They were going to go out, but Maggie insisted that Miriam deserved at least one home cooked dinner. After that they headed back to the hotel to get ready for the drive-in theater Jack had rented out for them and his friends to watch the latest Spider-Man movie. 
"We have an hour before we have to be at the drive-in, can I show you something real quick?" Jack asked Miriam as he held the door open for her. 
"Only if we stop for ice cream first." 
"Miriam, it's the fucking middle of December."
"Which means the ice cream won't melt if we leave it in the car." She reasoned. 
Jack rolled his eyes and drove into Main Street. He parked along the sidewalk and quickly got out of the car going towards the ice cream parlor while Miriam stayed behind. He came back five minutes later carrying a plastic bag and a milkshake. 
“Got you that damn creme brulee cheesecake too.” he muttered, handing her the bag. 
“Thanks,” she leaned over and kissed his cheek.
He gripped her headrest as he looked behind him and effortlessly back out of the spot. He rested his hand on Miriam’s thigh while he drove them to an undisclosed location. Fifteen minutes later, they pull up to a gated community. Jack pressed a code and the large gate opened. 
The neighborhood reminded Miriam of the one where her parents lived and also the first time Jack dropped her off when she was rideless at Nobu. There were two rows of various gates and fences with no end. They passed four fences when Jack finally pulled up to a house. He got out and used a key to unlock the gate. 
“Who’s place is it?” Miriam asked when Jack pulled into the front of the house. “I don’t think my quarter whiteness is gonna save my ass if we get caught trespassing…or is it breaking and entering?” 
“We’re gonna be fine. I kinda bought the place.” He waved her off as he held the door open for her. He led her up to the steps and unlocked the front door. “I need a rich person’s opinion first.” 
“I’m not rich, my parents are.” she said, following him inside. 
“That’s what rich kids say” he deadpanned as he turned on the heater.
He reached for her hand and gave her a tour. The house was huge, almost as big as her parents’ house. In the bottom floor there was a large bedroom (with two walk-in closets, large waterfall shower and jacuzzi in the bathroom), two open areas that can be the dining room and the sitting room, a room the size of a small home office, the kitchen with a walk-in pantry, and a large space for the living room. Meanwhile upstairs there were two bedrooms with bathrooms, and one without, but there was another room connected to a small bathroom. It was also furnished with the basics, but there weren’t any decorations that made the house a home. 
“So what do we think?” he asked when they made their way back to the kitchen. 
“It’s not my taste but, like, it's cute.” she said with a forced smile. 
“It’s aight, I’m thinking of getting everything covered in suede though.” he went on.
He wasn't, he planned on remodeling the whole place. He even had a room for Miriam’s clothes for when she came over and visited. He knew that she wouldn't move in with him, especially so soon. He just wanted to have a space for her to feel comfortable and for her things to be kept safe
"I don't know. A suede kitchen seems kinda like a safety hazard and in the bathrooms it's gonna ruin them." She pushed herself up on the counter kicking her feet up. "Personally I like suede covering my feet. Preferably some Manolo Blahnik over the knee boots."
Jack shook his head, trying to hide his smile. "You're not subtle."
"About?" She asked, innocently.
"You know damn well what." 
He placed his hands on her knees and slowly spread her legs open. Jack took a step in between them and caged Miriam in with his arms. He then bent down and kissed her. He felt Miriam’s arms circle around his shoulders, keeping him in place, as their kiss deepened. 
Miriam pulled away and unbuttoned the sherpa lined flannel jacket she 'borrowed' from Jack. She placed it on the counter and laid on it. Jack took the hint and followed suit, removing his hoodie. They haven't had sex since the incident in his car. The most they've done were chaste kisses before Jack went on stage to perform. They've been holding out mostly because Jack didn't seem like he was rushing Miriam into having sex. He wanted her to feel safe and comfortable with him, so he was going to take his time with her. 
"Bet right now you wished the countertop was suede and not granite." He said, climbing on top of her. 
"It's not granite." She said, running her hand against the countertop. "I originally thought it was quartz, but it's marble. Mira there's a few cracks.”
“You’re such a fucking nerd.” he smiled, clmibing over. 
“I didn’t know my extensive knowledge of countertops turned you on.” Miriam looked down at the tent in his grey sweats. 
“More than you’ll ever know.”
Jack cupped her face and kissed her. Within seconds their kiss got heated. He sat back and pulled off his shirt whilst Miriam did the same and also took off her bra and jeans. He gently pushed back on the flannel and got on top of her, resuming their makeout session. Miriam opened up her legs more so Jack could fit more comfortably. 
“I can’t do this.” Jack murmured. 
“Oh.” Miriam said quietly. She reached for her bra and top to cover herself. “I thought you wanted to…”
“I do!” he said a little too excitedly. He cleared his throat. “Why do it on the counter, when we have a whole– wait right here.”
Without giving her a chance to respond, Jack grabbed his hoodie and ran outside. A minute or so later, he came back with the blankets they were going to use in the trunk of his car so that they could stay warm and comfortable while they watched the movie. He set them down on the sectional couch and placed a large comforter on top of the dark blue shag rug in front of it. He then placed Miriam’s giant tiger blanket on top of it. Lastly, he turned on the chimney with some of the complimentary firewood he got when he got his keys. 
“Is this okay?” Jack asked when finished setting up.
Miriam nodded. “It’s perfect.” 
She hopped off the counter and joined him in the living room. They next to each other, both in just their underwear and nervous as fuck to make a move. Jack took her hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze before kissing her knuckles.
“I love you, Miriam,” He said.
“Te quiero mucho, Jack.” she said in response. “It’s the Spanish version, kind of, like, saying, but not really.”
“I know and I do too.” 
Miriam climbed on top of his lap and grabbed his face, bringing it up to kiss him. Instantly, Jack rolled them over so that he was on top. He sat back and shrugged off his hoodie and shirt. He then kicked off his sweats and got on top of her once more, capturing her lips with his. He felt her arms pull him closer to her as they kissed. He used his other hand to pull one of her legs over his waist as he deepened their kiss. Miriam pulled away to catch her breath, giving Jack access to her neck. She whimpered his name when she felt his teeth gently biting her.
Having enough of him on her neck, she pulled him back to her lips. She loosened the grip around his waist and used her thighs to grind into him. Jack groaned in pleasure. What felt like an eternity later, Jack pulled away and kissed down her body. He pulled away from her lips and kissed down to her chest. He tweaked one of her nipples while he nipped and sucked her other breast. Satisfied with the lovebites on her chest, he captured her lips once more. Miriam desperately needed him inside of her. She yearned to have him inside of her. 
“Jack.” she said breathlessly. “I need you.”
“On it.” he murmured, making her giggled as he saluted her.
He rolled off her and pushed down his boxers. He knelt in front of her and slowly dragged her panties down. He took her in for a second. He was in awe of her. He couldn’t believe he had the privilege to see her like this. 
“You’re so beautiful, Miriam.” he said as he climbed over her. He kissed her shoulder. “You have no idea how much power you hold over me.”
Jack guided his cock over her core, rubbing it with her arousal. Miriam whimpered, quietly begging him to do something other than tease her. With one swift movement he entered her. They both sighed in pleasure. 
“You fit me around me so perfectly, like I’m the only one meant for you.” he murmured into her neck. 
“Jack please.” Miriam begged him. He did a few shallow thrusts, slowly pulling out and pushing himself back in so she could get used to the stretch. She felt so good around him. After a few minutes he picked up the pace and her moans filled the bedroom. 
He tilted her head up so he could kiss her. He stopped his movements, saving her lips on his. He wrapped one of her legs around him, bringing them closer as he took her. Her breath hitched at how good it felt. Jack must have noticed, and continued thrusting in that spot. The familiar feeling came over her once more. Miriam was about to come, and Jack knew it. His thrusts got more precise, hitting where she needed him.
“I’m yours for as long as you want me, Miriam,” he said, pulling out of her then thrusting back in her. He leaned his forehead against hers. “I love you, Miriam. You know that right” 
Tears rolled down her cheeks before she choked on a sob. “I know.” She barely managed to say. “I…I love you, Jack.”
Ater two more rounds, Jack and Miriam laid in each other's arms watching the chimney. 
"I have a confession to make." Jack said, breaking their comfortable silence.
Miriam stiffened. Her heart began to beat quickly and she felt a bit nauseous. Oh no no no no, this can't be happening again. They had just had sex. She told him she loved him. She couldn't relive what happened sophomore year of high school. 
"That kinda sounded ominous, didn't it?" He commented, noticing how distant she got. 
"A little." She chuckled nervously. She sat up and covered her chest with the large blanket they were sharing. 
"My fault." He said, sitting up. He cleared his throat and met her gaze. "I kinda knew who you were when you rolled the stairs at the Chelsea game."
"What do you mean?" she furrowed her eyebrows. 
Miriam remembered the first time they met and how embarrassed she was when she missed the last step and fell, and did not roll down the stairs like Jack claimed. She had probably seen him on her twitter timeline a few times, but she never registered that he was that guy. 
"I've been following your dad on IG since I was in high school. Every three posts are about you and something you do. And I sorta developed an online crush on you." 
"Oh god!" Miriam grimaced. "My dad was literally a Facebook mom when it came to posting about me or my siblings. That’s why my mom hired someone to make his posts.”
“I know he used to make those collages with like eight pictures and a picture in the middle.”  he grinned. 
“Now he uses all ten slides on instagram to talk about us.” she sighed. She was quiet for a few seconds and placed her head on his shoulder. “How come you never followed me?”
“Knowing you, you would have blocked me.” he said bluntly, earning a snort. 
“True, I would have been like ‘ew, why is this dude from Kentucky asking to follow me? Blocked.’” she said. 
“You would have blocked me?” Jack gasped, feigning offense.
“Yes, you were some white guy from Kentucky. What did you expect?”
“Not getting blocked.”
“Well good thing that didn’t happen or else I wouldn’t be doing this…” she trailed off. She draped the blanket over her shoulders and kissed down his body, making her way down to his cock. She stroked him a few times then slipped him in her mouth. 
Jack slid his hand in the blanket, patting around until he found her hair. “You’re unbelievable. What did I do to deserve you?”
“Not requested to follow me when my dad would post about me.”
Taglist: @cherryxcreme @youngharleezyxo @deannaard @meyocoko​ @babyharleezy @whywontyoulovemecami
ty for reading :)
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scintillyyy · 19 days
also did a read a random dc week~
i ended up with 9/18/2000
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of which i've read 3/17 (lol @ my lack of the titans and birds of prey, i've only managed to read sporadic tie ins. they're firmly on the eventually will read through once i have time). and full disclosure, i'm only gonna read it if it's on dcui. if it hasn't been uploaded...too bad.
so without further ado...
aquaman #73: wait. skartaris?? warlord?? i've only seen such in zahri's recaps but i am intrigued lol. we start with mera hanging with a delightfully half-dressed warlord, both captive. valgos has apparently control of aquaman's hand (and aquaman) and used it to punch warlord in the face. mera is tied up suggestively by some tentacle looking roots. garth is here, also getting sucked into some suspicious water. so is dolphin, but something mysterious is being implied about baby cerdian. anyways arthur got out of being mind controlled enough to give mera a way to get her and warlord out. day is saved, warlord is still scantily clad. not out of skartaris yet!
batman: dark victory #12: how have i never read dark victory? weird. well, may as well jump in on the penultimate chapter. i'll be honest, i'm only so-so on jeph loeb & i can tell dark victory has all of his hallmarks--a quick whos who of everyone in an attempt to tell an iconic story that will be collected & reprinted forever. good & enjoyable tho.
gotham knights #9: could i read dick & tim watching batman fight hugo strange on a rooftop and eating popcorn forever? yes, yes i could
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sorry but look at them!! look at tim's little grin as he's like!! look dick they're on the rooftop!!
birds of prey #23: dinah & lady vic looking for gorilla grodd. trying to get a heart for blockbuster. deathstroke is unfortunately also there. i do like that ted thinks babs should send the justice scouts to help her & says that that's the team robin said he was on...i assume this conversation occured after tim locked dick in the simulation room and left with ted. i can only imagine how that conversation went and let me assure you it was delightful.
cartoon network starring #15: can't find it on dcui. thank god, bc i didn't want to read it.
deadenders #9: found the collection on dcui ultra. i have no idea what is happened, but it seems good.
jsa #16: it's a jsa book that's for sure. lots of characters, many of whom i don't know but some of them i do. it was. Alright.
legends of the dc universe #34: hal is the spectre & he's a mostrous many headed beast to kill someone. and then spectre things happen. it's the middle of a story, so i only have so much working knowledge of what is going on here.
millenium edition the brave and the bold #85: looks to be a reprint of the original? so i just read that. anyways. batman & green arrow team up. a senator gets shot & he was going to vote on an anti-crime bill. they want to name bruce as his replacement. both oliver queen & bruce wayne are both having an identity crisis about whether they're more important as their civilian or hero personas. bruce straight up tells the son of the senator who got shot (and who bruce wants to replace the senator instead) that he's batman and then says he can't reveal bruce's secret because he's a psychiatrist...bruh he ain't a priest lmao. then oliver also tells this same dude he's green arrow. bro if we're looking to a team therapist lets bring back this ed dude. he did get kidnapped tho. bruce becomes a senator. and then resigns. and then ed self hypnotizes himself to forget who the heroes are. and i say forget that, bring psychiatrist ed back.
orion #6: i feel like i read an orion issue during like. J:LL or something? and i didn't like it then and i still don't really like it.
robin #82: ahahaha brentwood. wesley the new roommate! intro of danny temple! steph being reasonable about wanting to know tim's identity and jealous and unreasonable about eveything else! i did forget that tim called dick to ask for advice & dick was like "go on the weekend trip with them!" & he does. and steph sneaks into the hospital star is at. classic.
superboy #80: roxy becomes a burning alien! serling! the titans show up at the end & are kind of dicks! (love when other characters show up to be antagonistic to the protagonist even tho they're not like that at all lmao)
superman the man of steel #106: that sure is a Chin on clark there lmao. john henry & lois working together is fun! lex winning the people over bc he's running for president! fun!
the dreaming #54: honestly, going into these things blind with no context has been fun. no clue what's happening or why but the vibes are fun. mr. corinth is apparently mortal and the lady with teeth eyes is having fun.
the powerpuff girls #7: also can't find it in dcui. another thank god, cause i didn't wanna read it.
the titans #21: the trial of cheshire! while donna and roy are apparently in some sort of situationship. jessie quick's mom is giving me fanon janet drake vibes. there's a lot of moms in comics who seem to have the vibe people want for janet, but like. they actually exist, unlike fanon janet. anyways people want to kidnap lian to stop cheshire from testifying. lian is adorable, i love garth swimming roy to get to her "hold your breath" & i really do need to read this series front to back at some point. deathstroke jump scare at the end.
tom strong #10: motherfucker this was written by alan moore? siiiiiigh. if i *must*. immediately:
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thanks, i hate it. there are. a lot of adjectives here. honestly the whole time i'm reading it i'm thinking of the guidance counselor from 10 things i hate about you constantly trying to find a different description for an erect penis. you know what's a good movie? 10 things i hate about you. this is not. and then the second half is a story where tom strong is in a land of furries for some reason. he finds an anthropomorphic rabbit alternative version of himself. anyways, first story: not good. second story: not good. third story about tom strong's daughter tesla also running into alternate universe versions of herself? definitely the best of the bunch but also
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not good.
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