#free weekly tarotscopes
billa-billa007 · 8 months
Virgo New Moon Horoscopes Tarotscopes | Astrological Forecast
The New Moon is a lunar phase that occurs when the Moon is positioned between the Earth and the Sun. During this phase, the side of the Moon facing Earth is in shadow, making it appear as if there is no Moon in the night sky. The New Moon marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle, and it is associated with fresh starts, new beginnings, and setting intentions for the future.
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readingwitheash · 1 year
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💚 Earth Signs ~ Great News Coming For You 🔮 Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
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reflectionsofhekate · 3 years
tarotscopes for the week 2/11
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read for your sun, moon & rising placements.
general reading, so if it doesn’t apply, let it fly!
rt’s & likes highly appreciated!
deck used: angel’s tarot by radleigh valentine
overall message: six of fire
this week looks to be really promising in terms of public recognition and success with regard to one’s creative talents. last week, the overall message was the knight of fire. some of you worked with this energy and are reaping the rewards this week in the form of a minor victory. good news could be on the way regarding your passions or even about a promotion. 
for some of you, people are seeing how well of you’re doing now and are trying to get close to you. be mindful of false compliments from people who want to tag along for the ride. it’s all about you. don't let anyone take it away from you. you've earned this. 
― ♈︎: the high priestess
there is a need to go within this week and pay attention to your intuition. you have all the answers, so there's no need to make any rash decisions. learn from situations where you might have jumped the gun. observe things from the sidelines. 
― ♉︎: king of water
you may find yourself stepping into a more compassionate and cultured space this week. when you become more receptive to others, naturally people warm to you and want to do right by you. you’re regarded as quite powerful this week, don’t forget to give back.
― ♊︎: queen of water
emotional intelligence is the name of the game this week. you know that emotions are trying to teach you something in life. give yourself some extra TLC this week so you can better tune into your intuition. lean subtle nuances guide you.
― ♋︎: awakening
this week may show you an area of life where you don’t have that much control as you thought as things come to a temporary standstill. use this time to look at the situation from a different perspective. are you missing something? you can bounce back from anything. 
― ♌︎: the emperor
this is a sign to work on setting/maintaining your boundaries. only when you direct your time and effort wisely can you accomplish what you want in life. don't be afraid to take up space. you’re powerful, but you gotta believe it first.
― ♍︎: six of water
the past is on your mind this week. it could be in the form of a person, an emotionally soothing habit or just past memories. issues with children may be significant also. is the past something you’re releasing or holding on to?
― ♎︎: page of water
your emotional connections with others begin a new phase as for some, new romantic feelings start to stir up. for others this is the beginning of a new spiritually fulfilling venue. you may be feeling a little sensitive and that’s OK.
― ♏︎: seven of air
who’s up to no good this week? watch out for manipulation in conversations, either in someone else’s words or in your own. (my nose tickled when I wrote that so I feel like it is important to someone out there) there is a need to revise a situation as there is more than what meets the eye. read documents very carefully this week. try to hold off of important decisions. 
― ♐︎:  ace of earth
keep your eyes open as something is coming in that will adorn you with blessings on the material front. it could be a new business opportunity, a gift, or receiving money. things are looking promising. build a sturdy foundation. 
― ♑︎: the star
big dreams require shoes that are willing to walk the distance. make long-term plans for the future and have fun while you’re doing it. you’re on the right path, and you can blend your desires for material and emotional stability. set an intention!
― ♒︎: ten of air
an ending is taking place. it could be on a mental level or a message delivered by someone else. for others, a situation that has caused you great worry and fret can no longer continue and you have to walk away. but here’s the silver lining: if you can get through this, you can get through anything. 
― ♓︎: the empress and the chariot
I feel like you need to remind yourself you are that bitch. if you want it, go get it. nobody is stopping you but yourself. you may be receiving creative downloads this week about your life path. this is your reality. feminine energy is highlighted. 
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thymestarot · 4 years
Tarot Horoscope 6/15 - 6/22 2020
☆ check your sun & rising! ☆
♈ aries - The Hierophant (rev) and 8 of Cups (rev)
as the week progresses you may begin to feel the full effects of quarantine, dear aries. certain creative outlets provided to you before may feel cut off all of a sudden. anxieties about whether or not to see friends or to go outside may arise harsher than they came before. at this time it's good to evaluate on your inner needs; reflect on your desires in a given situation. ground yourself and don’t overthink, as that does more harm than good.
♉ taurus - The Fool, 2 of Cups, 5 of Cups (rev),
taurus, your incredible will to connect and forgive is the reason many of your relationships are so meaningful; and this week you will see the magic being put in action once again. you may feel your bond with a important person in your life deepen and go to places it never has before. through this experience, you may feel past experiences and grudges shed off, leaving you fresh and excited for the relationship!
♊ gemini - Ace of Pentacles (rev), The Tower (rev), 9 of Swords (rev)
you’re a deep thinker, gemini, always looking for practical solutions to a situation. it’s the reason you’re so intelligent. but at this time, it may be best to turn too the not-so practical for answers. this week you may feel as though money is slipping right through your fingers; that you aren’t able to focus on your own needs and that no matter how much is coming in, more is going out. you may resort to unhealthy practices to cope, leaving you feeling isolated and ashamed. with many questions going through your head, a place you can turn too is your dreams; dreams are powerful prophetic messages from the subconscious, the stem of intuition. this week, pay attention to your dreams, as they may offer vivid images of the next steps you should take. you can get through this gemini. good luck!
♋ cancer - The Hanged Man (rev), 4 of Cups, 7 of Swords (rev)
this week you may feel detached from reality, which is hard for you dear cancer, a person who wants to feel everything. you may also be missing opportunities as they pass you, focusing too much on material things or the future. maybe it's best to listen to someone close to you, as they may offer useful advice. try not to focus on how to enrich the present, but rather experience each moment first hand.
♌ leo - Page of Swords (rev), 4 of Wands (rev), 2 of Cups (rev)
your need to take initiative is so important, dear leo! but this week may prove difficult in that sense. you may feel ungrounded, especially in important relationships occurring in your life. it may feel like your attitude with that person is like a rollercoaster, or that they’re constantly trying to put out your flame (a water sign perhaps?) travel may be up in the air this week too, invading your creative outlets and domestic comfort. advice for this week is too let go: no matter how hard it may be, allow the other person forgiveness, as they feel ungrounded too. do not cling to comfort either. let the wind guide you, and go with the flow.
♍ virgo - 7 of Cups (rev), 6 of Swords, 5 of Swords (rev)
this week is a good time to allow your dreams to become reality. any creative projects you’ve started but haven’t finished, or any other endeavours you wish to begin. if you’re determined to do it, you can get it done. also, if you’ve had conflict with other people in your life, this may be the week to resolve it. maybe you and the other person have done some deep reflecting and realized the error in your fights. either way, it's best to open yourself up for forgiveness.
♎ libra - The Moon, Knight of Swords, 9 of Wands
similar to gemini, you may feel a lot of energy being put in the night this week. perhaps there are powerful dreams occuring, or you find yourself staying up later than usual, working on creative projects or just goofing around. whatever it may be, you will find yourself feeling fatigued by the daytime. there may also be a difficult decision that will come up, leaving you to revisit your past, weighing your experiences to see what the consequence of your choice might be. this choice may require swift action, so be wary.
♏ scorpio - Death (rev), 8 of Pentacles (rev), 6 of Pentacles (rev)
change can be scary for anyone, dear scorpio. this week a stable situation you have gotten used too may suddenly end or be disrupted. this will leave you exposed and afraid. it may affect your work or creative outlets. maybe you feel a lack of motivation and suffer from the loss of commitment. maybe success is short lived. this change may difficult to cope, but do not fear it, and definitely don’t avoid it. everything happens for a reason, so it's best to surrender to the universe and its infinite possibilities.
♐ sagittarius - 2 of Pentacles (rev), Knight of Pentacles (rev), The Star
have you been spreading yourself too thinly? your determination is one of your underlying traits, sagittarius. but at some point you need to allow yourself time to work on all areas of your life, and not just one, if you want to avoid the incapacity of considolating long term plans. you may have that harsh realization this week, as well as realising what you have to give up in order to pursue the career you’ve been focusing on. if you have to give up too much, you may be forced to rely on other people. this is ok! but try not to become dependant. there is a light at the end of the tunnel, a time to relax. but you must focus on your inner needs before you can reach that point. also, if there has been tension with a father figure in your life recently, there may a clash between you two this week.
♑ capricorn - The Fool, 2 of Wands, The Empress (rev)
there may be a difficult decision that has to be made this week, with many contradicting opinions surrounding it. this is a decision that must be made with spontaneous action, which might be hard for you, dear capricorn, who thinks diligently about their words and choices. it may be difficult, but try not to ponder the consequences; stick with your gut, take a leap of faith, don’t look back and definitely don’t look forward. if this situation leaves you ungrounded, i would suggest turning to nature to help clear your mind. take a couple hikes this week, listen to the wind and tree’s. maybe try meditating on your inner voice. clear your mind.
♒ aquarius - King of Wands (rev), 5 of Cups (rev)
if you’ve been working yourself too hard, whether it be physically or emotionally, this may be the week to rest, dear aquarius. try meditating, or taking power naps during the day. focus on your spiritual needs. its ok to ignore present opportunities as they pass you, because this is your time. this may also be a time to let go of the past. don’t use repressed trauma or grudges as a source of fulfillment. if needed, permit yourself support from other people. but otherwise, sit back and relax!
♓ pisces - 7 of Wands (rev), 9 of Pentacles
you’re a sensitive thinker, pisces, sometimes making yourself distressed with your own thoughts. this week is a good time to eliminate outdated attitudes that constantly bring you down. they’re thoughts, not reality. trust yourself, and trust that everything will be ok. there is a more confident and positive self off in the distance, but you must allow yourself relief before you can reach that point.
☾ offering free tarot readings for all. ☽
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taurustarot · 5 years
Tarotscopes 2/3-2/9 2019
Please use your Sun, Moon, and/or Rising signs. 
Aries: This week Aries, you’re learning all about temptation and purification. As a sign who is always full steam ahead, you forget to look back into your life from time to time and figure out what’s no longer serving you or what unhealthy habit you’ve picked up. This week you’ll be facing some of your greatest temptations yet - with the gift of really reviewing it and being ready for a change. Your temptation could come in the form of anything (depending on you) - maybe you’ve been offered a job you feel uncomfortable with, sex before you’re ready, unhealthy eating habits, gossiping, putting off studying, overspending, working out to extremes, overthinking, and so on. The truth is, your temptations and unhealthy tendency/thinking is what is holding you back from achieving that which you desire. You are at a very powerful point in your life right now where you can open your hands and expect to receive. . . but first you have to get rid of that bad habit of yours. As a fire sign, purification THROUGH fire seems to be the best for you. . . burn a paper with your nasty habit or thought on it, burn a cleansing candle. 
Taurus: Recently, you’ve dealt with some form of hostility (purposely done to you or not) and it’s really put a damper on your spirits. Never fear! Now is the time for you be brave and stand up for yourself, putting your best foot forward and guess what? Keeping your mouth shut! As a creature of habit, it can be hard for you, Taurus, to break the normal and “be brave”, moving out of your comfort zone. This week it’s best for you to start (or work even harder) on your goals in SILENCE. The hostilities are over, even if their impact is long lasting, because you are being guided to create. To release your power, your energy, your inner thoughts - and prosper from them! Find things that help you achieve your inner creative . . . crystals, sigils, alchemy studies, etc. and stick to it. You are being guided a time of creation and silence. Trust in your goal and yourself. 
Gemini: February starts off with you feeling much like a “Duchess” and possibly receiving signs from your spiritual team via the form of “a Duchess.” You’re taking a look at your life and have come to one conclusion:  that you’re tied up. You feel stuck, bored, and even suppressed - which is a dangerous thing for an intellectual, constantly moving air sign such as yourself. Gemini, it’s time to admit that the largest reason you’ve been stuck is because you haven’t been honest with yourself. . and others around you haven’t been given you full disclosures either. Expect some real heart to heart this week - from others to you, as well as yourself to you. 
Cancer: Take some advice from sensation Marie Kondo as you go along your week Cancer! Find the things that “spark joy” and keep them close. As for the things that don’t? Thank them and move on! You’re taking this week to be grateful. Thank your home for being sheltering you, your job for being stable, your laptop for working even though it’s a thousand years old. Look deep within and find the things that have been holding you back from true happiness - if it’s your job, figure out why. List things that make you grateful for having your job (and not just money!) while you search for another one. If it’s school that’s got you down, focus on a vision board for what you would like life to be like AFTER you get your degree. Give thanks for the present and future Cancer, both are just as important. 
Leo: You’re surrounded in the color of yellow and orange - but most of it has to do with a neglected or abused sacral chakra. You’re going through heartbreak, through disappointment: it’s making you really question your beliefs, your practices, and causing you to put distance between yourself and your higher self, as well as the divine force you believe in. Well Leo, the pity party is over! You can’t heal unless you put forth the effort to do so! You want to reap the rewards of any and all kinds of wealth but you aren’t putting yourself through the process it takes to get there. Stop saying that “January was a trial month, my real news years starts in February. . .no, March.  . . Okay, April!”  The new year has started and it’s time for you to make the most of it. Get in touch with those sacred energies you have within. Get in touch with your GENUINE emotions, with your real truth. Then, and only then, will you reap your rewards. 
 Virgo: Time is heavy on your mind for the opening of the years second month. It might have something to do with  Valentine’s day being just around the corner. . . But you’re really overthinking your life, subconsciously seeking all the wisdom you’ve collected from your visits and lives on Earth. You have some fear within your this week, thinking of how time is running out to make a name for yourself, to make loved ones proud, to catch up to your classmates, to find love, leaving a job, legal situation, etc. . . Don’t fear it Virgo, accept it! Time is what makes life so special. You already have the wisdom within you to achieve everything you’d like, you have a great amount of success and prosperity coming your way. . . A “cornucopia” if you will. But first, you must face an ending to usher in this new, prosperous beginning. Your blessings are here for you, stop worrying. Let go and flow with the winds of change. 
Libra: Libra, February starts for you . . . with the closing of a door and a few windows. But don’t worry, there’s about to be a huge, marvelous hole in the wall that reveals your true goal in sight! Many of you are working on something that can’t be done alone and because of this, your harmonious nature is being put to the test! Beliefs, styles and even energies are clashing between you and a partner and it’s driving you absolutely mad. . . Trust this: your inner Venus will not only find a way to achieve peace - but she’ll be head over heels for the final result! A manifested new beginning is here, even if it at first it seems impossible. When you’re feeling disheartened by it, try this simple exercise: take the word “impossible” and think of it as though yourself are the problem. Now, keeping that mindset. . .   break the word “impossible” into two words. “I’m Possible!” 
Scorpio: Despite your best efforts, despite following the script exactly the way it was written and always meant to be - you feel as though you’ve been tossed into chaos. Obsessing over where you went wrong, where you lost yourself, and if you’ll ever have a chance to redeem yourself. Yes Scorpio, you will! Your outer calm has proven to be your best survival trait during a long standing problem and the time has finally coming for it to finally have it’s resolution put into forward motion. Know that it’s okay to seek yourself during this time, that none of your loved ones will be hurt because they are all protected. You are protected and eternally loved and have a right to healing. Possibilities you’ve never expected are coming to you and you can expect a miracle to set it’s course to you this week! 
Sagittarius: For some reason Sag, it feels like this week you just can’t get Mercury off your back. . . or perhaps that’s the influence of some inner Aries (or external Aries people). You’re starting to act out - and you’re angry! The fire within has been fueled and you’ve been working nonstop, demanding your blessings and expecting them. .  rightfully so. But, are you ready for them? Deal with your feelings of insecurity, of fear, but also those negative beliefs you’ve inherited during youth. Sag, it feels like you are personally leading “grind culture” and it’s exhausting.  Put the bow and arrow down for a night or two. . Take a nap then go and do something you love to do! Treat yourself this week! Self love is one of the best forms to set Law of Attraction in motion. Neglecting yourself isnt in the recipe for success. 
Capricorn: The energy surrounding you this week can mean only one thing - you’re about to rock it! Things have finally settled in and you’re exactly where you’re meant to be at the moment: opening the doors to your dreams! Your golden age is beginning now and you’re in for a treat. A surge of energy, a surge of creativity, peace on the home front followed with the possibility of meeting somebody significant. . . At this time life is going to truly be what you make of it Capricorn - so for once, follow your luck and happiness without worry of the consequences!
Aquarius: The past stands beside you, using all of it’s might to get your attention. Habits, people, and memories of the past seem to be working their hardest to drown your Aquarius! Know this: you are the water bearer, you can scoop it up into a vase and pour right back into the river that is life. You are protected and the past can no longer control you. Neither can your feelings. Accept that being vulnerable is part of you - but it doesn’t define you. Cry for your past and then cry tears of joy for your future. Look at all you have accomplished, all you have become, look at the fact that you are still standing here today. You did that! It’s time to say goodbye to the past in order to see the full beauty of the rising sun - are you ready Aquarius? 
Pisces: You’d benefit greatly from some healing energy presented to you by the ocean itself. If you’re lucky enough to have the resources to dig your feet into the sand - go do it! If you’re not. . . Then take a bath with salt water, listen to the sounds of the sea, holding a seashell or wear a necklace you got down by the shore. You’re especially sensitive to the planetary energies this week Pisces, especially after you receive some important but not focused guidance and advice. Your throat chakra is aligned and ready! Voice what matters to you - no matter how global the scale because for you, this is the most healing activity you can be a part of. Trust that you’re ready to get rid of people with dangerous and conflicting beliefs as well as that you’re ready to clear your space and take care of Mother Earth! 
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This Week’s Tarotscope
Starting Monday, April 16 through Sunday, April 22
♈️Aries - VIII of Pentacles, be ready and open to recieve new information or skills. Assume and become the apprentice.
♉️Taurus - King of Pentacles, this week will be fruitful for you. Allow yourself to appreciate the fruits of your labor and enjoy a success under your ambitious person.
♊️Gemini - III of Pentacles Reversed, the forecast looks productive this week, however do not allow yourself to be caught up in the work mood or atmosphere. Everbody dies and turns to the same dirt, no one person is above that, even if they get the pay raise or have a window office. Look for oppurtunies to work with team members or your peers.
♋️Cancer - VI of Cups, you will be revisited by the past this week. Review your own past, recall the lessons you learned and the world view you once lived through. Be nostalgic of the good old times.
♌️Leo - IV of Pentacles Reversed, your focus may be falling too much on finance lately. Shift your thoughts to less material factures of your life and live in those places more often then your material worries.
♍️Virgo - Justice, your decisions and actions this week will be taken stock of Virgo. Take extra care to act out of a fair and good concious, this week is no time to take out revenge or get back at annyone. Justice will be served when time is do. If you have recently done someone wrong, maybe now is the time to make it right.
♎️Libra - The Tower, be ready for this week libra, something unnexpected may challenge you. Make sure you aren't putting yourself in touchy situations and be on your toes ready to be flexible. No need to be anxious, just allow yourself to go with the flow and reflect on yourself and your situation.
♏️Scorpio - VII of Cups Reversed, oh scorpio! Do not allow yourself to be distracted this week by petty things. Take a look at what gets you out of bed every morning and hold yourself to your values. Always be rediscovering what is true and right.
♐️Sagittarius - II of Wands, be ready to get your hands dirty this week. Your plan is in action and there is nothing more exciting than the journey before a project comes to an end. Continue to be productive in what you work on this week and compare your actions and successes to your core values and the plan you set before you brought your projects to life.
♑️Capricorn - V of Swords, be aware of conflict this week leaving you feeling empty and dissasitisfied with yourself. Make sure you interact in a way that you will have minimal regret about.
♒️Aquarius - The Hermit Reversed, take a healthy amount of time to self reflect and heal this week, however do not allow yourself to isolate and be cut off from others. The energy it takes to be around others is worth it this week.
♓️Pisces - X of Wands Reversed, check yourself this week to make sure you are not stressing yourself over things that are out of your responsibility. Focus your energy on what you can control.
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sunbeams-and-honey · 4 years
Weekly Pick A Card Reading (for 28.09 to 04.10)
I will be posting one of these every Sunday at 2pm GMT so that it’s ready for the coming week.
Please take what resonates and leave what doesn’t, and remember that your reading may not make sense until later on. Be patient. Feedback is much appreciated though.
This reading is simply to give you an idea of what next week will be like for you. Feel free to use the cards I pulled to then do your own research on what they mean. My interpretation of the cards might not resonate but another interpretation might. Remember to keep an open mind.
As always, I would like you to visualise in your mind the numbers 1-5. Perhaps close your eyes if that helps you. Out of those, I want you to pick the one that stands out to you for whatever reason. If your gut is telling you to pick a certain number, pick that number. Then look under the cut and scroll down to find the corresponding reading.
An opportunity is going to come knocking early this week and it’s vital that you take it. You have to be ready when it comes. If you stall then you run the risk of it passing you by. Indecision is its own decision in this situation. You will find yourself regretting it deeply for an long time if you don’t take it with both hands. It will do you a great deal of good in the long run.
You may view deep love as a life goal, but you need to make sure that you’re not going too overboard with this. You could take this card as a sign that you’re staying in a relationship purely because you don’t want to be alone, rather than because it makes you happy. You need to remember that it’s better to be alone than to be lonely, and if you stay in an unsatisfying relationship, you won’t be able to achieve your goal of finding true love. This change is scary but it will be for the better. Alternatively, you might be being too picky with your romantic partners. It’s always good to have set standards, but this could be a sign that you need to check these and to make sure that they aren’t too high. Your partner won’t be perfect and you need to accept that. If that interpretation resonates with you, then your perception of love is going to be challenged in the near future. True love is not an unrealistic goal.
You may find yourself becoming more modest and conservative these days. There’s nothing wrong with this but you may find it influencing your politics, whether you’re aware of it or not. Be wary of this as this could, in turn, negatively affect your relationships with your loved ones. If you live in the US, this is especially important considering the presidential election coming up in just over a month’s time. An important factor in this change in you right now may be a powerful man in your life. It should become apparent to you this week that this man is not to be trusted in the slightest. His intentions are only to cause harm to both you and your loved ones so take extra caution around him.
Help is on the way this week! Any financial uncertainties you may be facing right now will soon be resolved by a somewhat rich person, and their assistance will have a long-lasting effect. Don’t refuse their help. Only good things are coming for you so remember that you deserve each and every one of them. Stick to the routines you’ve established, however hard that may be. They will help you get your best results. Work on your patience and concentration to help yourself even further.
This week will gift you with the potential to create a piece of work that could be considered iconic and a model for others. It’s likely that this will be a work of the arts, such as a song, book, painting, etc, but it doesn’t have to be. If you have a job, then it could be related to a new approach you’re going to be taking in regards to it. If you don’t have a job, it is likely to be something related to a hobby that you’re really passionate about.
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amberaura-tarot · 7 years
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Take these as you will. Some/all/or none could apply
Current playlist song: We Had To End It - Cuco
Overall Energy: Broken Heart Oof Cancer. I’m so sorry. This goes right along with the song playing. You feel hurt this week, possibly numb. You worked very hard on something but the battle is over. You're beaten and tired. This doesn’t have to be love related, though for many it is. You feel defeated this week and it hurts.
General Life: 4 of Cups Disappointment. Melancholy. Offers were made and refused. You feel unappreciated. There’s an urge to keep forgetting about the things that went wrong and look past them, but you keep getting met with discontent. It’s a bit of a sulking week. Even if all these things didn’t happen to yoy, they may as well have with the way you’re feeling.
Happiness: 7 of Pentacles Something you admire about yourself and everyone else should as well, is your ability to keep working through it. No matter how hurt you are, you keep moving. You work through or with the emotions and you don’t let them bring you down as a person. You are still valuable and you continue to look for success for yourself.
Work/School: 9 of Cups Something will come to fruition in this area for you Cancer. At this time, this is the most stable thing in your life, or it will be. You’ll be blessed somehow in this area and it will bring some peace in your heart to see the successes made here.
Love: 2 of Pentacles reversed You just don’t know what to do anymore you thought you were doing just fine handling things but now it seems like you’ve dropped the ball. You thought you made a good decision about something but you’re finding that it may have been the wrong one. You can’t keep up the facade that you’re happy with what you’re in now.
Stressors/Challenges: 7 of Swords reversed Now that the mask has been pulled off you, you’re trying to comprehend what you see. It’s too bad to be true. How could you have let all this slip past you? Well it wasn’t you, it wasn’t your fault. It was them. They kept you in the dark for so long and now that you can see, you don’t want to see. There’s no denying what’s going on so the only option to keep it going is to act like it never even happened. But how healthy is that?
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billa-billa007 · 8 months
What To Know This Virgo New Moon | joshua the psychic
Virgo is an Earth sign known for its attention to detail and practicality. During this New Moon, you'll find that paying attention to the small details and being practical in your approach will be especially beneficial. It's an excellent time for organizing, planning, and getting things in order.
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1-800-444-tune · 5 years
🕸🌼Open for FREE Tarot services now!!🌼🍂
Until..th dates suggested, oki'dokè'my'dears
{SpiritGuide/GuardianSpirit Readings of Wisdom and Fate} 🌼🦄🦌🐇🐾 $14 /Sept29
{Guardian Angels and Ancestors Lost Knowledge Readings♡} 🌜🦋🎫🎁$17 /Sept29
{Soul○Family Tribe Readings} 🗺🧭🌍$25 /Oct30
🎞🕰<Bibli○manCy>divination 4 pages of text per 1 question a person $12 /Oct30
#Soulmate|twinflame Readings (NOT AVAILABLE AT ALL)🐸🥀
🎃Ouija- Pendulum Spirit communication $27 /Sept29
🧭Regular Pendulum Services $11 /Sept29
{Zodiac■Divination Cards or Astrological□Viewpoint◇Prophecy} $19 /Oct30
×Paint Scrying× $47-CDN*** 🖼🧿🎑🎆/Oct20
Zodiac Prophetic Collage🌜🦋🌼$25 /Oct30
🌍💮Urgent Message From the Universe Right Now $13 /Sept29
🥐Fortune Cookie $10 /Sept29
Daily/Weekly message (tarotscope) $11 /Oct30
Weekly/Daily Angelic Realm Messages $11 /Sept29
Monthly Angelic Message $10 / Sept23
Daily/Weekly/Monthly Angel Number $6 /Oct30
Monthly Spiritual Guidance and/or Prediction of the Month $13 /Sept29
Name Meanings Yayyy $12 /Sept29
Please along with your request and psychic or tarot question please take the time to politely let me know your zodizc -sun sign only its all i need to do this reading(all of them) Thankyou please and thankyou.
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madeleinejoanstars · 3 years
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Daily #Tarot Reading: Eight of Swords What is holding you back? When the Eight of Swords is drawn, it's a sign that we are afraid to move forward, trapped by our own self-imposed fears or insecurities. In the classic Rider Waite imagery, the woman in the card is blindfolded and tied up, seemingly captured among eight swords on a desolate landscape. Upon first glance, we might think she is as trapped as she believes. But a closer look shows us that her ties are loose, almost falling off of her — if she would only shift her weight, she could slip free, remove her blindfold and escape. Yet, for her, that fate is almost worse than standing still, petrified of what might lay ahead. She is afraid, not unable — but what we believe can become more important than what we are capable of, if we give into our fears. Today, recognize, accept and EMBRACE the fact that your fate is in your hands. When you choose, you can reach up and remove your blindfold, and continue this journey. There is no judgement — remain at a standstill in the dark as long as you need to — but a little faith and courage will lead you toward the light. "The only thing we have to fear is...fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance." There is nothing holding you back but you — believe in yourself... ⚔️❤️⛓❤️⚔️❤️⛓❤️⚔️❤️⛓❤️⚔️❤️⛓❤️⚔️ To watch your weekly Tarotscope or learn a little magic, click the link in my bio! 🎴❤️🎴❤️🎴❤️🎴❤️🎴❤️🎴❤️🎴 #fear #nothingtofearbutfearitself #dontholdback #paralyzed #analysisparalysis #trapped #imscared #depressed #anxious #depression #anxiety #deadend #openyoureyes #anxietyattack #freeyourself #overthinker #faith #magicalgirls #spiritualwarrior #witch #witchy #soulpreneur #tarotreading #tarotreader #mentalhealth #anxietyproblems https://instagr.am/p/CPQ6fL8njKv/
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reflectionsofhekate · 4 years
tarotscopes for week 26/10
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grouped by element but read for your sun, moon & rising placements.
general reading, so if it doesn’t apply, let it fly!
rt’s & likes highly appreciated!
deck used: angel’s tarot by radleigh valentine
overall message: the knight of wands
the urge to just burst out onto the scene is strong. blood’s pumping. you’re fired up. your sights are set on something. but all this passion you’re feeling may sideline your rational perspective to see the bigger picture in a situation. watch out for putting your foot in your mouth this week. yes your intentions are pure, but others may see you as full of hot air, which could weaken your credibility. 
so, channel your energy into aspirations for your life. got something already cooking? spread the word. let people know. they’ll be enticed by the spark in your eyes and want to know more. not working on anything? then go back to the drawing board. what gets your heart racing? use the fire within you to re-energise your biggest dreams. 
take inspired action. 
fire signs: ten of water & knight of water
― oof, love is in the air. for some of you, you’re delivering a heartfelt proposal to your significant other to further cement your relationship. the next step just seems like the right thing to do, so you’re letting them know. for others, perhaps you need to show up more in your relationships with your loved ones. flowers, a cup of tea, making art together, a phone call. let them know what they mean to you.
earth signs: seven of earth & five of fire
― don’t let a lack of perceived results for your hard work cause you to throw in the towel. what you’ve been working on is sure to bear fruit, but comparing where you are, to where other people are, may have you feeling doubtful about your goals. you may feel as if you are running up against opposition when it comes to your efforts to create stability in life. a difference in an opinion doesn’t mean someone is personally attacking you. don’t let worry side-track you. 
air signs: four of fire & knight of earth
― something you’ve been diligently working on to create stability in your life could show signs of paying off this week. it may have looked kinda bleak at the start, but you know by taking a slow and steady approach, a milestone in an important project can be reached. take time to pat yourself on the back. also, be mindful of your home environment. maybe a clean-up is needed. honour your commitments, buckle down and do what needs to be done.
water signs: three of water & two of water
― this is the second time you’re getting the three of water. did you allow yourself to celebrate something last week? it doesn’t have to be something big. is there someone in your friendship group who wants to hang out with you? I feel like you need to socialise with other people, but with those who you feel comfortable with. feelings of creativity are high for you guys this week. is there anyone you share this with? collaboration is important this week. 
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spiritualchocolatee · 4 years
Just realized that it's weird for y'all to not know me just a lil bit so;
My name is bre and I've been doing tarot for a lil over two years. I made this page to teach other people because I like helping others connect with their spiritual side
I go by she/her and I'm 19 years old! I'm also black, plus size, bisexual so if ur racist, homophobic/transphobic, and a pedophile pls get the FUCK away from my page I do not tolerate that shit you will be blocked with the quickness.
If you'd like to book a reading with lil ole me just click the link.
I do weekly forecasts and TarotScopes when feel like it. I also do Holistic tips!
*I do not do private readings for free!*
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taurustarot · 5 years
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🧿 2/17/19-3/3/19 🧿
Learn to go with the flow Leo.
Learn from the water placements in your chart or from surrounding water placements in your life.
Easy does it as you continue on through the month leading into the next. . .
Relinquish the control you so desperately try to maintain in your life - while pretending that it doesn’t really matter to you because “life is what you make it.”
Drop the act.
You will find so much more peace in your life, so much prosperity when you finally give in and allow your life to take you where you’re meant to be.
You’ve been working hard with the mysterious aspects of your life as well as your soul.
All of the shadow work you’ve been doing is going to bring you a big pay off - really soon!
Mentally, you’re finding the freedom and serenity you’ve been craving for however long. . . giving into a more peaceful lifestyle.
Just as you had the reigns over to life, you find that it sets you instantly into motion.
The tree you planted is dropping it’s fruit into your hands, you don’t even have to climb up and pick it.
Find Your Signs
Format by @ahoukage
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starcana · 4 years
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🌞 NEW Starcana Weekly, #cosmic dirt #astrology forecast: • Free To Be | Aquarius Full Moon, Mercury in Leo, Venus in Cancer • 💜🌿 August 2020 Tarotscope A Tarot Horoscope | Starcana Tarotscope is a monthly ‘one #tarot card’ #horoscope. I share basic guidance with a general tarot message – per each individual #zodiac sun sign. www.starcana.com Read my #cosmic forecasts, link in bio. Follow me ➡️ @starcana Cards from the Robin Wood Tarot, © Robin Wood 1991. Used with permission. 🌀⭐️ #intuitive #tarot #spiritual #astrology #horoscope #psychic #empath #advice #life #guidance #divination #spirituality #zodiac #aries #taurus #gemini #cancer #leo #virgo #libra #scorpio #sagittarius #capricorn #aquarius #pisces #moon #mercury #venus https://www.instagram.com/p/CDjQK8pBqu_/?igshid=1izqjrj1dmiqn
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