#i had to cut that one backk
vault81 · 1 month
Hi, a little bit new but I love your fallout OC's! For the 60 questions, how about #3, #41, and #55?
Welcome!! and thank you sm! It makes me so happy when people end up loving my lil blorbos!!! (you didn't specify which oc so im gonna do all 3 if that's ok?)
(60 OC Questions Ask)
- [3] What emotion is the hardest for them to deal with?
Jack: For Jack I would say the emotion he has the hardest time with is anger, not just because he hates feeling angry and the way it affects him physically, feeling dizzy, tensing up, trembling etc. The thing he hates most is the way he deals with it (or doesn't) he's the kinda person to just bottle up those emotions until they go away themselves, not having a healthy way of venting them out. Which, sometimes, leads to him just exploding and lashing out at people he isn't angry at! Of course, he'll immediately feel bad for doing so and apologise (cue bear hug and tearful apologies) This being said though, Jack does not get angry easily! You really have to try to get him cross, the best you'll usually get is annoyed! I also think the older he gets, the better he'll get at dealing with this.
Eliza: In Eliza's case, I'd definitely say the one she has the biggest time dealing with is guilt, overwhelming guilt. She's worked hard at building up her spiky, flippant exterior, but underneath all that is someone who cares deeply for the world and the people around her! And because of this she's always being weighed down by guilt, the guilt of never feeling like she's done enough, that she's letting her friends and family down. But most of all, she feels guilt for the way she's left things with her father, before she could apologise for the way she treated him as a kid, and forgive him for abandoning her. And the guilt of abandoning Arthur Maxson, the person she swore she'd protect from the Brotherhood and that she'd always be there for.
Stephen: I'd say Stephen's hardest emotion to deal with is stress, he's carrying so much on his lil shoulders! Not only does he have to find his nephew Shaun, he's the General of the Minutemen, Knight of the Brotherhood of Steel, a Railroad Agent and (Part-Time) Detective! He has so many fires that are all demanding his attention, he's stretched thin all over the Commonwealth, not to mention the fact he's also dying and only has a limited amount of time to do all this. He's lucky he has Danse and all his friends to deal with this, but it does take a massive toll on his physical and mental well-being. Danse encourages, forces him to take breaks the first time he gets sick from all the stress.
- [41] What’s their usual morning routine?
Jack: he is very much a lazy morning person, you will not physically get this man out of bed before 10pm (if you even try he'll drag you into bed with him), would lounge in bed for as long as he can before he has to get up. He'll drag himself to the kitchen before having breakfast lunch and running out the house while brushing his teeth, because odd's are that he's definitely late for whatever he had going on that day!
Eliza: She is very much a morning person, like early morning person. Most days she'll be up by 4/5AM, it doesn't take her long to wake up either (she's an insomniac too, so chances are she probably hasn't slept) after a quick cold shower and skin care (mainly around the scar where her left eye used to be) she'll be fed, dressed and out the house to start the day!
Stephen: I'd say Stephen is also a morning person, but not by choice. As much as he would love to stay in bed cuddling Danse, he has an entire militia to run. He probably has the quickest morning routine compared to the others, very rehearsed to be as efficient as possible so he can be on his way quicker! Wakeup -> Shower -> Get Dressed -> Leave. He finds it easier to just skip breakfast all together (it also makes him feel nauseous in the morning) Danse probably ends up joining him during this routine so he actually gets ready properly.
- [55] How long does it take for them to make a new place feel like home, and what do they need for it?
Jack: I feel like for Jack, a place can feel like home pretty quickly, as much as he travels and is constantly moving he can really settle in and make a place his. He mainly does this by making a place smell like home! He probably doesn't look it, but he's big on scents! Likewise, he needs for himself and his home to smell nice, or he can't properly settle in. I feel like he'd stick to more basic scents though for his home, so it'd probably smell like Vanilla or Fresh Linens, anything that'll remind him of his time in the Vault.
Eliza: for Eliza it takes her a while to warm up to a space and make it feel like home, like Jack she's always travelling and on the move. So why bother decorating if she's just going to move out in a week or so? It'd probably take her a couple of months to finally really settle into a place long term, she does this with clutter! Eliza is a hoarder, if she feels like anything has some kind of value, be that monetary or sentimental, she'll keep it! This means over time, her home will just start filling with clutter. To her, it makes the place feel cosy and lived in.
Stephen: for Stephen, I'd say he's more middle ground, doesn't take as long as Eliza but also isn't as quick as Jack, give him around a week or 2 before really settling in. And for a place to feel like a home to Stephen, it needs people! What's the point of having a home if it's empty? So he fills his home with friends and family! It ends up being a communal meeting place for his friends, always full of laughter and conversation. It adds a certain warmth to his home that Stephen just can't be settled in without! (It being in central Diamond City helps too)
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hyuckiefluff · 10 months
drunk in you | mark lee
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pairing: mark lee x fem!reader genre: best friends to lovers word count: 1.9k ish warnings: alcohol consumption, cursing, suggestive language, reader is down bad for mark (aren’t we all), implications of drunk sex summary: was Mark Lee’s new haircut really the drop that would tip the glass over and make you spill how you really feel about him?… Well, the haircut and also the alcohol. author's note: i’m backk!! srry for disappearing for *checks calendar* two months lol this has been sitting in my drafts since mark cut his hair aaand i wanted to post it for his bday so let’s pretend im not 3 days late! HAPPY BDAY MARKIEEE <33 it’s a bit short cuz i felt like i’d have to make a second part if i wanted to add smut to yknow fully get into it lol idk but consider this a little teaser and if it doesn’t flop I’ll post a second part :)
part 2
A sudden burst of bright light pierced through your closed eyelids, jolting you awake from the deep sleep you were in. As you gradually became aware of your surroundings, you couldn't ignore the soreness in your muscles and the strange stickiness between your legs. However, it was the foreign hand resting right on top of your ass that sent alarm bells ringing through your mind. Your eyes shot open, and regret instantly washed over you as a pulsating pain hammered at your head.
"What the fuck..." you groaned, attempting to focus your blurry vision and make sense of the situation. Upon looking around, you realized that you were in the guys' dorm, more specifically, in Mark's room...
Then it hit you like a ton of bricks.
If you were in Mark's room, then that hand... and the body it belonged to, had to be...
Oh my god, what happened last night?
8 hours earlier…
Drinking with your friends after a grueling week at uni wasn't anything out of the ordinary for you. In fact, it'd be weirder if you were cooped up at home worrying about midterm grades instead of laughing your head off at whatever Jeno just blurted out. First sign that you were drunk, the boy wasn’t even that funny. His neck and ears were flushed crimson, a clear sign that he, too, had indulged in one too many drinks. And there was Jisung, practically glued to Jeno's side, oozing a whole lot of gooey affection that he would vehemently deny once he sobered up. 
Renjun and Haechan were locked in a heated argument on the floor, their voices rising in the air over some trivial matter that would probably be forgotten by morning. Surprisingly, though, they seemed to be the least intoxicated among you. 
Meanwhile, Jaemin was frantically rummaging through the kitchen, his frustrated groans and curses echoing throughout the room. It was clear that his search for more alcohol was proving to be a fruitless endeavor.
Beside you, Chenle was on his phone, engrossed in a replay of the Warriors game. At first glance he doesn’t look drunk, but you knew better. If he were truly sober, he'd be shouting and cursing at his phone screen, venting his frustrations as his beloved team struggled to keep up. Instead, he was lazily sipping from his nearly empty cup while his glossed over eyes remained glued to the screen.
Mark Lee was the only one missing from the group. You sent him a few voice messages letting him know that if he didn’t arrive in the next 10 minutes you would eat his portion of the kimchi jiggae you’d ordered earlier. He responded within seconds with a funny GIF that showed a man running and tripping.
Mark stumbled through the door just a few minutes later. He was soaked from head to toe, his hoodie covering most of his head. He was panting and his shoes were muddy and wet, he got rid of them in the entrance and looked up, clearly out of breath.  But you were already stuffing your face with his food anyways. Whoops. 
Though as soon as he pulled down the hood a chunk of food went down the wrong pipe. You coughed uncontrollably, your chest heaving as you desperately tried to regain your breath.
"Dude!! Are you seriously eating my food?" he exclaimed.
But when he noticed your struggling state, his words trailed off, replaced by genuine worry. "Yo, are you good?" he asked, walking closer to you and patting you in the back.
You managed to nod weakly, staring up at him. 
"Why’re you so late? Oh, new haircut?" Haechan chimed in from the floor.
"Yeah... what's the verdict?" Mark asked, turning his head to the side to better show off the lines of his undercut, his gaze lingering on you. 
So many thoughts raced through your mind but you were unable to form a single word. Mark had had long hair for quite some time now, and it was you who had encouraged him to let it grow. You enjoyed styling it, braiding it, and adorning it with charms—Mark gave you the freedom to do whatever you pleased with his hair. You had grown fond of his long hair, especially after helping nurse it back to health from the damage caused by bleaching and dyeing. Yet now he was sporting short hair and an undercut with edgy designs on the side, and you couldn't help but openly ogle at him. 
He looked hot as fuck.
It’s true that you harbored feelings for Mark that went beyond friendship but you were always able to hide it well and it worked out better this way for both of you (or that’s what you liked to believe). Needless to say you liked him a lot and had for a while so the sight of his new look had sent your emotions spiraling. He showed up merely minutes ago and you already felt so weak at the knees and your brain was fuzzy even though you hadn’t drank that much yet.
"Don't like it," you muttered, hoping your words would deflect attention from the clear shift in your expression. Turning around, you sought refuge on the couch next to Chenle, placing the bowl of food aside. Your stomach was turning weirdly, making it impossible to swallow another bite.
You scolded yourself inwardly for being so dramatic. It was just a haircut. But, god, he looked so good.
In an attempt to calm yourself down, you chugged your cup with soju and let out a big groan after emptying it. The sound catching Chenle’s attention as he peered curiously from his phone. You offered him a closed-lip smile, prompting an intrigued eyebrow raise from him.
Mark was awkwardly standing on the same spot. He was a bit taken aback by your sudden coldness. He definitely picked up on your strange reaction the moment he walked through the door. But he brushed it off.
"Okaay… Well I was late 'cause I was getting the good stuff," Mark explained, his frown replaced by a grin as he pulled out a beer from the bags he was carrying.
"Let's goooo!" Jaemin yelled, returning from the kitchen right on cue as if he some sort of alcohol detector. He eagerly snatched the bags from Mark and made a kissy face to the boy.
The tension eased a bit with Jaemin's infectious enthusiasm, and you decided to not focus on whatever Mark was making you feel right now. The drinks were here, and the good times were about to roll. You made a mental note to sort out your feelings later.
Alcohol definitely did not make your situation better. The more you drank the harder it was to keep your thoughts at bay. Mark was now sitting on the single couch in front of you and every little expression or movement he made had you either biting your lip or pressing your thighs together.
Talking about thighs… the shorts he was wearing displayed his muscular legs in a way that was making it quite impossible for you to not devour them with your eyes. God, your brain had turned into that of a hormonal teenage boy. Were you seriously staring at his thighs and imagining how it would feel to ride them?
Haechan came over to you and filled your glass with more Soju. You downed it as soon as he was done pouring it, earning you a weird look from Chenle who had been eyeing you ever since Mark arrived. 
"Okay, what's with you?" Chenle mumbled, the words escaping his lips just loudly enough to capture everyone's attention. Considering you had the noisiest group of friends, all eyes turned your way, including Mark's.
Mark seemed to be getting tipsy; you could tell by the way his big, expressive eyes shimmered even more than usual and the faint blush that adorned his cheeks and neck.
"Hmm?" you managed to reply, your gaze still fixated somewhere on Mark's face. You were completely unaware of the intense amount of attention you were giving him, but Chenle, who was relatively more sober than both of you, picked up on it.
"You're literally looking at Mark like you want to eat him," Chenle chuckled, teasingly calling you out.
"Yeah, what's up with that?" Renjun asked, suddenly intrigued by the topic.
"I am?" you replied, sounding genuinely confused, though your heart raced with thoughts you were about to voice out loud. "Uhm… yeah I kinda do..."
An audible gasp followed, and you knew without looking that it came from Haechan.
Mark's expression remained unreadable, his half-lidded eyes locked on yours, revealing no discernible emotions. Was he weirded out? Normally, you might have felt self-conscious about blurting out something like that, but alcohol had significantly lowered your inhibitions.
"That's a wild thing to say," Haechan interjected with a mix of shock and amusement. "Do you actually wanna tap that?" He pointed at Mark, who was still gazing at you.
"Very much so," you replied nonchalantly, as if discussing the weather, even though you were openly talking about hooking up with your best friend in front of all your other best friends.
"Why don't you come here then?" Mark's words caught you off guard, and you couldn't help but notice the way he shifted, his legs spread invitingly.
You burst into laughter assuming he was only joking to tease you. However, the lack of a reaction from him made you realize he was dead serious. Your eyes locked on his own, reflecting the same desire you had been giving him just moments ago.
The idea of getting up and walking to him, straddling his lap, and kissing him flashed through your mind.
But the moment was interrupted by a voice that snapped both of you out of your trance. "Gross!" Jisung whined, hiding his face in Jeno's back, the older one lazily laughing and patting Jisung's thigh. "Okay, c'mon, I think we've all had enough to drink," he declared, getting up, with Jisung clinging to him. Chenle follow suit also giving you two a slightly disgusted stare.
"Yeah, one more drink for me, and I'm afraid the kimchi jiggae I had earlier might end up all over the carpet," Haechan chimed in, rubbing his stomach before disappearing upstairs.
Renjun also stood up and playfully messed up Mark's hair while saying, "By the way, happy birthday."
You glanced at the table clock and realized it was already 12:01. You had been so excited about Mark's birthday earlier in the day, but the alcohol and the tension between the two of you made you totally forget about it. Gathering your courage, you approached him. He remained sprawled with his legs out, but now he looked up at you, his lips slightly wet, distracting you momentarily.
"Happy birthday, silly," you smiled and awkwardly patted his head, hoping he didn't notice how you pressed your thighs together, trying to ease the uncomfortable ache between your legs.
"What did you get me?" he suddenly asked, and you blinked a few times, your brain struggling to register the extremely flirtatious tone he used.
When you didn't respond immediately, he continued, "Because I can think of one thing I want the most right now," lightly grazing your leg with his hand. You didn't flinch or move away.
"R-really? What is it?" you found yourself stuttering, a reaction that would have made you cringe if you were more sober.
"Come here, and I'll show you," he smirked and with little protest from you, he pulled you onto his lap.
a/n: i have a smut scene ready for this (well it’s in my brain but I’ll squeeze it out if u guys want that second part) soooo comment or simply like this so i know the audience wants it
also yes i did change the title of this but pls disregard that lol
© hyuckiefluff
part 2
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an-abyss-of-stars · 10 months
He saw her at daybreak - Part 7
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Summary: The babe is growing steadily, and with merely three moons left in her pregnancy Rhaena begins to feel the calling of a dragon…
Warnings: None for this chapter!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3.1 | Part 3.2 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Ao3
Tag list: @minim236 , @bohemian-nights , @neocil , @nettysnest , @avidreader73 , @jordanjanellejoyy , @azaleapotterblack , @yourlittlehoe , @partypoison00 , (feel free to tell me if you want to be on the taglist or not)
PLEASE, if you haven't been following my spotty updates on Tumblr, I basically wrote this entire chapter about month or more ago…and it totaled out to about 30k words in length…and the I reread it and hated it! LMfAO, so, I've been going through it slowly trying to make it tolerable, and in that process I've realized that I don't mind this first half too much! I think it's pretty good, so I decided I'd cut the chapter in half and let y'all read this bit! For those of you still care about this weird smutty fic!
This half isn't smutty i'm afraid to say, but the next half will have the other 20k words in it…so that'll have the sex scene it! Either way, long time coming! Hopefully you all enjoy it!!!
The rest of that evening had been calm and peaceful, mainly due to Rhaena stealing her husband away, to enjoy the serene nature of the grassy fields that faced Dragon mound. 
Aemond had Maester Varion push his last two hearings over to the following day, giving him the free time to lay with her and Vhagar in the grassy fields as the sun slowly began to set on the horizon. Rhaena had always thought this spot, here on the peak, was one of the most perfect spots to witness a sunset here on Dragonstone. The saturated orange glow of the setting sun bathed the grass and anything on it in such an ethereal way, everything glowed like pure gold. 
Truly the Golden Hour.  
With a soft tranquil breeze that ruffled and flowed over against them. Rhaena had leaned herself back against the solid massive heat that was Vhagar's side, while Aemond had comfortably rested his head on her lap. His body laid out on the cool grass, casual and relaxed, as he crossed his arms. 
For once, truly, Rhaena's mind was at ease, sitting here in their shared comfortable silence. With her fingers absentmindedly running through his hair, Aemond had closed his eyes, either just as peacefully soaking in their solitude or just as likely he might have found himself comfortable enough for a light nap. 
Not unlike his bonded dragon, Vhagar, the legendary she-beast could be heard purring soundly, a massaging rumbly feeling that vibrated against Rhaena's back.  
Just off in the distance, Rhaena could see the great King of the dragons, Vermithor, nestled closely with his beautiful mate, the iridescent Silverwing. Seeing them together like this often brought back old memories of Rhaena's childhood, when she'd run these fields with her siblings and their own dragons. Back when they could sit with Caraxes and Syrax, and kepa would tell them all wild and exciting tales from his youth, the many exiles he'd experienced for annoying and angering his grandmother or aptly, his elder brother. Of his battle in the Stepstones, a personal favourite for all of the kids then. Sometimes he'd tell them about muña Rhaenyra in her youth, tales that made her blush and swat him affectionately. 
But most cherished of all, to Rhaena at least, were when he told them all of how he'd courted the girls' other mother, their birth mother, muña Laena. 
It always sounded so fantastical and romantic, Rhaena had always loved to hear of it, even when her muña was still alive. But after her death, she supposed it meant all the more to know that her kepa hadn't forgotten her. That even though he'd found love again, he'd never let go of his previous love…he never let her name or her memory fade into oblivion. 
And she loved him dearly for that. 
It was also never lost on her, the incredibly soft, fond expression Rhaenyra had whenever he spoke of Laena. A clear expression of someone who also once loved her mother.
Though, of course, by now Rhaenyra had been more of a mother to Rhaena than her birth mother, Laena, had ever gotten to be. This coming year, it would be eleven years since Laena died…eleven years since Rhaenyra had respectfully taken her spot in Rhaena and Baela's lives. 
And just as well…this coming year…Rhaena would have a babe of her own. 
Frightful business indeed…but exciting nonetheless. 
Rhaena's little train of thought had swiftly eroded away as a new surge of energy started to spark within her. It started like a low hum…sizzling…sparking in the pit of her stomach, a faint tingle ringing throughout her body like full-bodied butterflies. 
It was a feeling that sought attention…beckoning her over…and as her eyes searched around for the source. 
Rhaena found herself gazing directly over at the glorious iridescent beauty, pink and white, light and regal…the Queenly she-dragon, Silverwing. 
It wouldn't have caught her as off guard as it did…except, the dragon in question was gazing right back at her. 
From across the vast field, their eyes met with fire-like intensity, something Rhaena had never felt before. 
Surely this wasn't…
Not now…
After all these years…
The calling .
It couldn't be. 
Quickly she broke the line of sight, and tried to distract herself with conversation. 
"Aemond," Rhaena breathed, still slightly startled, still in disbelief over what she assumed might be happening…but Silverwing would not move to her. If this was…what she thought it was…she'd have to make that move herself. 
And for now…she wasn't sure she wanted to. 
She wasn't sure she could…even if she did. 
Eighteen years…her entire life she'd never wanted anything more. And now she was too scared to take it…claim it. 
Maybe it wasn't fear . 
Maybe she found herself existing in a false sense of acceptance. 
Rhaena Targaryen…the only Targaryen in her current living family to not have a dragon. 
This was a fact. 
And it had been for years. 
Was she really meant to change that now? 
"Hmm," upon her lap, Aemond hummed faintly, whether he had in fact been resting or not, she couldn't be sure, but she had his attention now.
So she figured she'd use it, redirect her thoughts into something else, "the babe…do think we'll have a boy or girl? Or perhaps twins…they are quite common in our family…"
Her sentence trailed off into silence…try as she might, she could not focus. 
That electrifying feeling ached and demanded attention. 
Thankfully, she supposed, Aemond hadn't noticed the subtle change in her demeanor. Instead letting her casual question marinade as he turned his head towards her belly and pressed a soft kiss against her. His hand reaching up to caress the curve, "since they're coming from you, I wouldn't care what you birth." 
"I could birth a deformed dragon creature," Rhaena had meant it as a slight jest, but the moment the words left her mouth, she realized there was a true possibility that she could. House Targaryen prided itself on pure Valyrian blood matches…and seeing how both of their fathers' were brothers and indeed incredibly pureblooded. 
A true dragon-like babe was a real possibility. 
Not a likely one…but a possibility nonetheless. 
"I'd love them just the same," had been Aemond's calm response as he pulled himself up, sitting in front of her as he eyed her closely, "why do you ask?" 
"Oh! No particular reason, just curiosity," she smiled sweetly, pulling her legs up and crossing them, "I just know, most men would prefer sons…is all." 
Real authentic, nice work…
It wasn't at all, but it seemed to pass well enough. At the very least, the more she distracted herself with this pleasant conversation…the more time she'd be able to give herself to truly comprehend what was happening within her. 
Softly, her mated dragon pulled her from her thoughts, she was drowning in them but thankfully he provided sanctuary. As he caressed her cheek, his indigo eye held her gaze quite intensely, it seemed as if he was trying to read between the lines. To view something upon her face that she hadn’t purposely realized she’d given in to, an expression, a twitch, a look…something to reveal more than what she had said. 
And part of worried he might have seen what he was looking for…that he would be able to see right through her. 
Her thoughts of callings and Silverwing …
Although, why she felt the need to keep these odd feelings to herself…she couldn't say. 
But she didn't wish to attempt describing this discomfort when she wasn't entirely sure about it herself. 
It had nothing to do with the symptoms she felt due to the babe and even then she’d barely been able to explain herself.
"You should be happy to know that I am not like most men," his voice was so low and smooth, silk-like in its delivery, while his gaze was so intense yet charming. His lips had begun to quirk upwards, something playful mixing in with his usual cunning smirk. As his hand slid from her cheek and down to her chin, his thumb affectionately stroked down over her lower lip to the shallow dimple on her chin. Such a simple gesture had managed to fluster her if only slightly, his tone had simpered down to a suggestive rasp, as he queried,  "now, which were you hoping for, byka ābrazȳrys?" little wife?
Oh, how she loved when his voice did that. 
Such a simple question, and yet, now he had her swallowing thickly and biting her lip.
"I couldn't possibly…" Rhaena spluttered, her voice all airy yet bereft, her eyes darting upwards towards the sky for just a moment, to calm her heated chest and mind. All the while his patience was unyielding…calm and planted like a purposeful current in a rushing river. When her eyes finally returned to him, she decided she might as well divulge a truth she’d once known, "hmm, well…a few moons ago. When I first heard that I was with child, rather instantly I imagined us having an adorable little boy. And it seems, ever since, I’ve only ever been dreaming of him in more vivid detail."
There a mixture of sweet fondness filtered through Aemond’s heated gaze, silently urging her on, clearly he was patiently waiting to hear more of her innocent dreams for their little growing family. 
And so Rhaena thought she would indulge him with the details, letting her own hand reach for his cheek, as a naturally sweet smile grew on her own lips, "well, in my dreams, he always looks like a cute little version of you. And he has your eyes, deep and dark, that perfect indigo shade that so simply draws one in. He has your sharp cheekbones, but with really chubby cheeks. He also has your jaw, and maybe your eyebrows. Really floppy pale blonde curls, and maybe his skin is just a shade lighter than my own. But what I remember most, every time, is his adorable little laugh, it tugs at my heart even though I know I’ve only created it in my mind myself. But he smiles so much…all of the time. He’s such a happy little babe…and his smiles are so much like your own mischievous ones. He’s the most perfect little thing in my mind." 
Rhaena had fallen into a slight daze, practically gushing over every little detail she’d imagined for their child. For even as she was only describing a dream…a fictionalized created image to her husband, one she’d seen a dozen times by now. It still felt oddly cementing to admit it all out loud, as if she was speaking this child into existence…truly cementing the idea that this little boy might be theirs…that he might be real. That her current little gremlin which she carried within her at this very moment, was possibly in fact the very same babe from her dreams. 
Aemond for his part looked as if he had enjoyed her description, his face held an incredibly fond expression as he seemed to be putting her words to an image in his own mind. Especially grinning deviously once she’d gotten to the end of it all, “ mischievous smiles, are they," his free hand slipping around her waist, pulling her close to him, practically up onto his own lap, "wouldn’t you think it’s a dangerous thing to want our son to be the spitting image of me."
Her body instantly warmed, engulfed in the heat of his response with the added feel of being held in his larger more muscular arms. Rhaena might have planned on laughing, giggling brightly really, but his movements were faster. The nimble speed in which he tipped her chin up for his own easy access to her lips, just as fiercely as ever, he devoured her with a deeply passionate yet possessive kiss. She’d sighed instantly, melting against him wholly, as his heated tongue slipped through her parted lips. Delving into the molten heat of her own mouth and she did the same to his, her tongue roving over and syncing into a fire-like dance they’d played a million times over. And even so, her body always reacted the same, sparking live-electric currents through her blood. Like an itch only he could ever scratch for her, with just a kiss he held so much power over her.   
Their rising tension seemed to connect with Aemond’s bonded mount, as Rhaena could hear Vhagar ruffling and rumbling behind her. Not that it stopped her husband, he only tugged her closer. Pressing her against him as much as he possibly could, desperate to feel the heat of their bodies entwined and bound together. 
If he wasn’t careful, they’d end up writhing against one another in this field… once again .
For they’d done it several times before.
It was an active pull of force, to work against the current of energy her body was willing with his own, to deny the primal urge to feel his large member thrusted deep within her again so soon. But by the time Rhaena had found the resolve to want to pull herself back just enough to breathe, it felt as if she was pulling herself out of a heated trance. Her lips still desired to cling to his, latched on with near animalistic intent as her teeth still grazed at his lower lip, a possessive hold she barely wished to relinquish. And only caused him to groan quite provocatively, something deeply seeded from within him. 
It took quite a lot of self control, to trail a heated path of kisses down along his jaw before she panted the words, "you cannot want me again so soon, three times in one day? I thought we were pacing ourselves?”
The incredible low and husky chuckle he’d given her had made her entire body flutter just at the sound alone, nevermind the dark wanting look in his eye, “you haven’t much cared for pacing ourselves during this last moon…if ever,” 
This sort of talk was exactly why she was with child so soon after their wedding.
But as much as she wanted him at this very moment, her body urged rest and…more importantly, her little gremlin urged for more nourishment. 
In just a moment, my little baby , she thought, glancing down at her swollen baby. 
Deciding she still wished to finish their previous conversation, before their ever undercurrent of lust and love overruled them. Rhaena wrapped her arms more securely around his neck, leaning further onto him as she brushed her nose against him, leaning her forehead against his, feeling the innate sturdy warmth he always provided for her. Softly she gazed up into his eyes, practically puring when his indigo and sapphire eye gazed back into her own pale violet eyes, “you do realize that you still haven't answered my question, ñuha gevie zaldrīzes . What have you pictured for our child? What does my valzȳrys dream of, " my pretty dragon, husband . 
There was a beat of sweet silence, as Aemond caressed her back, warm soft streaks drawing down her back as his nose nuzzled hers. As if he only craved to kiss her again, to drown in the senses of tasting her and holding her…forgetting the world around them. 
Eventually his lips curved into a smile, one of those boyish grins that still made Rhaena's heart thump no matter how many times she saw it, "I already told you, I don't have a preference,”
“Well humour me then, my love,” she whined lighty, shifting herself around on his lap so that she’d be able to rest her cheek on his shoulder, “if you were to have a preference, what would it be? When you were most adamant about a fucking a child into me, did you not consider imagining what said child would come to be or even look like?” 
Rhaena was wearing him down, or at least she hoped she was. Not that he needed much. She had her thumb softly caressing his neck as she held him there, pressing her plush lips against the scarred line he had on the other side of his neck. The one he had once earned during the tourney that was set right before their wedding, his final single combat match with Lord Cregan Stark. She still remembered how furious she’d been with him that day, how careless she’d thought him to be to remove his helmet during a match like that. Even now seeing the completely healed mark still evoked a strained emotion in her, one that always simmered into some sort of pride mixed with love, that her idiotic dragon had managed to win and live. 
“Fine, for you, my little dragon," he sighed, drawn out dramatically as if he wasn't anything but excited to speak about their futures, about the child that would soon join their lives, "I suppose I've pictured a little baby girl. Daughters are far more precious, are they not?" 
Her chest had burned almost instantly, primed to burst, for Rhaena hadn’t even dared to imagine her dragon carrying a little baby girl around the castle. But just the thought of it alone…he was indeed right, it would be a most precious sight. The idea of her stoic dark dragon Prince playing little games, sitting for little tea dates or escorting around the castle a tiny little Princess.
Rhaena couldn’t stop smiling over the thought, maybe she was equally hopeful for a daughter after all.  
"Either way I wouldn’t mind, but if the babe is born a girl…then I'd hope she'd have the good fortune to take after you. I’ve envisioned a sweet little version of you," he'd kissed the edge of her jaw as he spoke, but Rhaena hadn't missed a word. Her heart, hammering at the idea of it all…that he could want for such a thing just as much as she did. 
As she pulled herself up to properly gaze at him, his lips began to traverse the length of Rhaena's neck. His hand glided along the curving dip of her waist, and just as the flames of pleasure began to seep in once again…she found her eyes landing on Silverwing in the distance. 
Once again. 
Seemed she couldn’t escape it. That sparking feeling from deep within her, the one she'd spent the last half hour trying to suppress…it had awakened once again. 
Even as she tried to focus in on her husband's affection…on the roaring sound in the distance, where from the corner of her eye, Rhaena could see a pure black dragon soaring out from the direction of the Dragon Mount volcano, most likely Cannibal. 
But all would be for nought…her body longed to brave the scene. 
She couldn't allow it now. 
If she was wrong…she'd be putting more than just herself at risk. She'd be risking her babe as well. So instead she shook the thought from her mind, refocused on the dragon she had before her. Guiding his face back up to hers, brushing her lips over his, teasing the ferocity that laid beneath the surface. 
Just as her stomach audibly growled, Rhaena grinned sweetly against his lips, with a soft contented sigh, "I am quite hungry now…"
"Then let's feed you," he stole one quick kiss, before he pulled her to her feet, walking her back to the castle. 
The next day, Rhaena had felt Silverwing's calling become even more potent…increasing throughout every hour of the day. It felt like a stiffening burn, charring and scorching, the more she tried to ignore it…the more it singed her from the inside. 
As afternoon rolled around, Rhaena found herself perching her back against a cool wall of a corridor in the southern wing of the castle. Her chest felt as if it was constricting her…squeezing her lungs shut each time she tried to breathe deeply. It was in these moments, when the feeling was most intense…she could hear a roar in the distance, one she hadn't known all that well but was familiar enough with to distinguish it from the other dragons. 
It was Silverwing. 
She was calling to her…this was real…this was happening. 
"My Princess, are you well?" Ser Garin questioned, clear concern etched on his face, he stepped forward to her but made sure not to touch her, "shall I alert Wardeness Aelaera, you may wish to retire for the day?" 
A considerate offer, but no, Rhaena did not wish to retire…although she also did not wish to sit through petitions now either. 
Soon enough the burning in her chest would subside, and in that moment of clarity, Rhaena simply shook her head and pulled herself off of the wall. Breathing deeply, collecting herself before she glanced up towards her knight, "I thank you, Ser Garin. But I am fine, I needn't retire…but just as well, I do not feel fit enough to endure through the rest of my duties today. Do inform Wardeness Aelaera she may sit through the farmers' disagreements on my behalf. Anything more, which requires my personal attention, may be moved to the morrow." 
Ser Garin nodded swiftly, and left to relay the message. 
Now left only with Ser Drako, Ser Miklaz and Ser Moredo, Rhaena turned towards them. 
She had a few possible options now that she'd cleared the rest of her day. She could interrupt her husband once again, a very enticing option if only for the possibility that his presence might actually distract her. Or she could go for a calming stroll, summon her Ladies in waiting…or…do the frightening thing. 
Do the one thing she'd wanted all her life… claim a dragon . 
If that was what this was…if that was what Silverwing was truly calling her for. 
She could just go to her…do the deed…but of course it was not that simple. 
Rhaena supposed, she could simply ask Aemond…find out whether this feeling…was truly what a calling felt like. Or whether it was simply another symptom of her pregnancy…the latter of which he most likely wouldn't be able to say definitively.
Although if it was a pregnancy symptom, surely Maester Varion would have informed her of such during her check in with him earlier this morn. Not that she'd bothered to specifically bring up the recent way her body reacted around Silverwing, but if such a thing was ever present in Targaryen women when they were with child. 
Surely he would have mentioned it. 
Then again, she also wondered if it was an average occurrence for a Targaryen woman to claim a dragon when she was child as well. 
The likelihood of either seemed slim to none, but she couldn't be sure. 
Either way, Maester Varion had instead extensively checked over her physical progress. Laid up in bed in only a two-piece ensemble of undergarments so that she could expose her belly, allowing gel-like ointments to be poured and rubbed over it. There he examined the steady growing size of her belly, listened in for the babe's heartbeat and even confirmed that it was more than likely that she was simply growing one babe and not several.
No such luck with twins on their first attempt, but Rhaena found herself feeling slightly relieved when she'd heard it was not to be. One babe would already be a big new experience, two would have been just slightly frightening…just slightly. 
At the very least, when she'd glanced over at her dragon Prince, he didn't seem phased by the news either. 
He only cared that his wife and child were healthy and well.
And after their Maester checked off everything necessary for his examination, he assured both Aemond and Rhaena that she was currently in perfect health as was the babe. He even went as far as to inform them both that Rhaena's salt craving was nothing to be worried about, that women were known to crave all sorts of various things due to their babes…some a lot stranger than salt. 
A fact, Rhaena was sure she already knew, but it did do well to be reassured by a Maester as well. For she knew her husband was more than likely just trying to calm her nerves the other day when he simply offered to give her whatever she wished for. 
During her check in, her Maester had advised that so long as she made sure to stay more hydrated during her days, and kept the rest of her diet leaning more towards leafy greens and hardy vegetables as opposed to harder to digest heavy meats. She would be able to ensure the babe continued to grow healthy and well nourished. With a set of prescribed added vitamins and minerals, as well as mentioning the tonics she would have to start consuming once the next moon arrived. 
All in all, it was assessed that Rhaena was indeed six moons along and that babe would arrive precisely in three moons, during the twelfth moon of the year. 
Some time close to the Ice Winter festival or possibly even Qēlos Bantis … Star Night . A Yule-like holiday reserved for glittering parties, hymns and spiritual worship, gift giving and all. But most of all during the coldest moon of the year, it's reserved as a time for family, peace and love, blessings and good tidings. 
How very wonderous it would be to give birth to a babe then, not that Rhaena much liked the cold, but it would surely make the time of year even more beautiful. 
With sigh, Rhaena reorientated her thoughts. 
She wasn't meant to be thinking of her babe now, even as her hand subconsciously already reached to rub soothing circles along her swollen belly as she thought. She needed to think of her situation. Of the fact that husband, her love, Aemond…he was a fiercely protective man. Especially now that she was carrying his child, if she went to him with her thoughts on attempting to claim a dragon…surely he wouldn't want her risking her life for such a thing.
It'd be her own life as well as their babe's life at risk all on the possibility that this may be a calling . 
No . 
The danger was beyond herself…she'd need to be certain. 
This could not be a simple guess or a hunch, she needed to be truly certain. 
What she needed was…an outside opinion. 
Someone she trusted and loved, who'd know just as well what it felt like to claim a dragon. 
Now all of her siblings were of no use in this case, as all of them had been given the fortune of having their dragon eggs hatch in their cradle with them as babes. 
Her muña, Rhaenyra, had been blessed with just the same fate. 
No, her choices were limited. In fact she had only one true viable option in mind…she'd write to her kepa. 
The only other member of her family who had to claim a dragon, the only other man in her life that trusted and loved her so fiercely that he'd do just about anything for. Her father may be her very opposite in many things, but this was one thing he'd be most qualified in aiding her with, and she knew he'd be glad to.
Or at least she hoped he would be . 
If she could receive a response from him soon enough, then she'd be able to make an intelligent decision. 
Taking a deep sobering breath, Rhaena began to plot out her next set of moves. Starting with her with guards, she needed some space from them. She could do with some peace and seclusion for the next few hours. 
"Ser Drako, I think I shall return to my chambers. I wish to send a raven. Nothing of note, just a letter to my father, the King," Rhaena spoke slowly, crisp and clear, she left no room for discussion before she turned, taking paced steps down the hall, "and Ser Moredo, do summon my Ladies to my chambers. After I'm finished with my task, I'd like to visit the bathhouse. The private hold's bathhouse." 
"Of course, Princess," Ser Drako had grinned as he bowed, she could hear the joviality in his tone. 
While Ser Moredo simply affirmed, "as you command, your grace." 
Certainly a far more stoic young man than her two favoured knights. 
Once Rhaena had returned to her rooms, she sped over to her seat by her vanity table, finally within the privacy of her bed chambers. With the remainder of her guards waiting outside in the hall, Ser Moredo only left to summon her Ladies a few minutes prior.
It was in that time, between her Ladies arriving to greet her here at her chambers, that Rhaena aimed to complete her letter to her father and have Ser Drako send it. 
It was most definitely feasible, and Rhaena only assured herself of that as she shifted on her rosy toned cushioned chair, hoping to find at least one angle comfortable enough to perch herself. 
It seemed her babe insisted on shifting uncomfortably within her today. 
But she'd remained focused, already envisioning the words she'd put down on the page once she was ready. Pulling a clean sheet of parchment from her drawer, she began dipping her quill into some fresh ink: 
To his Highness, King Daemon Targaryen, 
I write to you with news, at least I believe it to be so. Over the past day or two, I have begun to feel something. Something seems to be drawing me towards Silverwing, I can feel her calling to me. Like stoked flames rising in my chest that burn all throughout me. It feels all-consuming, but I cannot seem to bring myself to her. 
What if I am wrong? 
And she does not in fact wish to bond with me? 
Could I not be putting myself and my unborn child in unnecessary danger by risking such an encounter that may not be what I think it to be? 
I sound a coward, I know I do. You've taught me better than this surely, as a true Targaryen, I should go to her. Take my chances, and should I perish, it would be a true dragon rider's death. 
Even saying so evokes dark memories of my muña. 
I'm not frightened of dying per se, not entirely. I'm more frightened of being wrong. And so I suppose, I'm writing to you in hopes that you might tell me that I am right. That is this is without a doubt the feeling I've been waiting for. And that if it is, I will not stall on it any longer. I will face my fate and I will go to Silverwing. 
Until then, I shall wait…I am a patient one, that you know. 
In all, I hope you are well, my dear kepa. I do miss you all, muña Rhaenyra as well, I know you both have suffered at the loss of little Visenya. We all have.
My heart also calls for all of my brothers and Baela of course. It's ridiculous I'm sure, but I hope my little brothers Aeggie and Vis have not forgotten me. I receive letters from Joff with their little questions from time to time, and it is most heart warming. 
I have, as you've requested, been careful not to overly exert or stress myself. As you and my husband clearly are of the same mind, if it was up to him, I'd have no duties to attend to at all. I'd simply be sentenced to bed rest for my safety for all days until the babe was born.
In all, I hope my missive finds you well, kepa. 
With all my love,
Your beloved daughter, 
Princess Rhaena Targaryen, Princess of Dragonstone  
When she was done, she waited a few minutes for the ink to dry. Skimming over her words once more before she rolled the parchment, sealed it closed with a red and black swirled wax, pressing down Dragonstone's own Targaryen three-headed dragon seal stamp. 
She hadn't mentioned why she hadn't spoken to Aemond about all of this in her letter, but she hoped her father would have the sense not to mention it either.  
Feeling she'd said all she possibly could, covered all of her bases. Rhaena slowly pulled herself up from her seat and waddled back through her rooms. Stepping back through her chambers, opening the door, and finally, handing her letter off to Ser Drako for it to be sent.
As he left, Rhaena's Ladiesmaids entered to prepare her for the bathhouse. 
Perfect timing. 
Preparing for the bathhouse meant removing her ornate pink blush-toned jeweled gown, as well as undoing her elegantly done fishtail plait that had trailed down her back. Slipping off her jewels, her earrings, bangles, rings and bracelets, as well as her prized sapphire necklace. 
The last of which Rhaena supposed she could take with her, but at the risk of her sapphire, possibly, to her horror, slipping into the waters of the bathhouse. Sinking away from her, lost to her forever. 
No, she could not risk such a thing. 
Even though…knowing her husband, he'd never let her shed a tear over the lost item, he'd instead, most likely in secret, find a way to either retrieve it or replace it. 
Though that wasn't an outcome she wished to invoke, as Rhaena was just as much attached to the item as she was with the memory of how she'd received it. To have spent her life receiving gifts and jewels from so many suitors and expectant eligible Lords. All meaningless frivolous glittering gifts, all meant to show the wealth they and their house was capable of. 
Gifted like a trap meant to lure in a Princess …but not a dragon . 
And to think this one simple yet elegant necklace had been the one gift that meant the world to her now. 
Given to her by a man she never thought she'd have such intense feelings for…yet. 
How the Gods worked in the most mysterious of ways. 
Rhaena would always cherish the memory. How during the moon of their engagement, Aemond had made no fuss or spectacle on the day when he gave the necklace to her. He'd spent three whole days away from the castle, only to return and sneak into her chambers late at night. She'd been awake, reading as per usual. But the look in his eye told her that he had something for her, he hadn't said what, he only asked that she close her eyes and lift her hair to give him access to her bare neck.
She could still remember how she'd felt as the cool smooth steel graced her skin for the first time, how her mind could only focus on the warmth of Aemond's fingers. The way they'd grazed against her collarbone and slid along her shoulders, making her shiver with arousal, gooseflesh prevalent and prickling. All while still simultaneously offering her an odd yet all consuming sense of comfort with just his touch alone. 
To think so soon in their newly made romantic relationship, he'd managed to have such a power…such a thing that came to easily. 
Allowing her to naturally ease back against him, his sturdy heated chest, like a gravitational pull, she could do little else but meld against him. 
By the time he'd bade Rhaena to open her eyes, she found that she could barely speak. In her mind, she had ideas of what sort of necklace this may be. What jewels may have been used, what cut of the gem, design of the steel or gold or silver. 
But she'd been wrong.
The choice to use Valyrian steel should have crossed her mind, at the time she was preparing to marry a man who was most proud of his pure Valyrian blood. It was not uncommon for Targaryen men to court their Ladies with jewelry made of Valyrian steel, just as her kepa had done with her own muña, just as he'd done with current muña, Rhaenyra. 
It was an apparent trend for most Targaryens, going all the way back to even some of their earliest ancestors. 
And yet, it hadn't crossed Rhaena's mind that she might have such an opportunity. An opportunity that was now simply her reality. To be gifted a piece of her dragon, part of the very Sapphire he wore in his left eye, used to complete this necklace. Made to be an offering that would allow her to carry a part of him wherever she went…whether he could be with her physically or not. 
It was her one precious item…her only jewel which she treated like no other. She’d never risk damaging it or losing it. 
So she removed it, everything really, including her undergarments was stripped from her. With her silver curls undone, let loose, flowing down her back and slipping over her shoulders. Once she was ready, she simply donned a thick silky robe and soft cozy slippers. 
Soaks in the bathhouse were meant to be calming affairs. So Rhaena dismissed her maids afterwards as she waited for her Ladies-in-waiting to enter the Dragon's Nest. It wasn't customary for anyone unauthorized to enter this area of the castle, it was always securely guarded as the one safe haven for any members of the royal family. 
Rhaena even giving permission for her Ladies to enter beyond this point was a blessing in itself. 
As it was, Dragonstone held two bathhouses. One that was welcome to all courtiers and noble visitors alike, located in the northern wing of the castle. It was on the main level of the castle. Warmed by the volcano's heat well beneath the building’s structure, but as it was built on the main floor, the water’s temperature remained more of a Lukewarm temperature than a true quality Targaryen heated spring bath. 
Which, Rhaena supposed, made perfect sense. 
For that bathhouse was not meant for the royal family…it wasn’t meant to appease true dragons. 
No, there was another bathhouse. On the main floor, down in the southern wing of the castle, one corridor led to the securely blocked off and guarded Dragon's Nest. Passing through that corridor, which led to several rooms, chambers and solars that were reserved for the royal family alone. There, there was a hidden door at the end of the corridor, smoothed in with the slick granite walls, missed by all who did not already know of its existence...for behind that door there were special specific steps. Steps that led down a level to the private Targaryen bathhouse, known as The Springs Of Caraxes . A true hot spring, one that allowed the heat of the volcanic magma from the Dragon Mount, deep below the castle, used directly to warm the waters of the bathhouse. 
It was a far lovelier room as far as Rhaena was concerned. 
It was a bit of a walk, through a hidden corridor or two, but once inside it was the brightest, most beautiful of places. The size of a large grand hall, the halls were once again made of smooth white marble. With pillars and archways that held smoothly carved statues of the Fourteen Flames in their most grand humanoid forms. The ceiling arched and curved with a cascaded glass ceiling that allowed in glowing sweet daylight. This ceiling did not face the grounds' of Dragonstone though, it seemed to be crafted upon the cliff's edge. 
For it only ever faced the sky.
Along the edges of the crisp blue bath water, along the borders, were small steaming water fountains that helped to steam the air. Rhaena had also, of course, decorated the borders with more potted plants. Pale blue Hydrangeas and pale violet Wisterias mixed in with pink Roses and Dragon Spittles, a thorny green plant Rhaena found, looked quite eye-catching in floral arrangements. 
Yes, this bathhouse was where she felt the most at peace. 
Eventually her Ladies would be given passage to her chambers, and once they had, with Rhaena's two remaining guards in tow. She guided her Ladies to the hidden bathhouse. 
It was a bright sunny day, so the bathhouse was illuminated beautifully. The afternoon sun reflected so brightly against the water and the white marbled room. 
The guards would remain outside the doors of the bathhouse, while Rhaena and her Ladies would unsheathe themselves from their robes and enter the steaming water of the bath bare. 
Of course, Rhaena's own tolerance for the water's temperature was higher than the others. Lady Kyra couldn't take the heat in particular, so she usually sat in one of the cushioned chairs along the side with a book in hand. 
Lady Ellyn's tolerance was much better; she'd always stay in the water the longest alongside Rhaena, while Lady Lelia and Lady Victaria would periodically remove themselves from the steaming hot water. 
Rhaena had taken to floating on her back, looking up and out at the sunny blue sky. Bright and exfoliating. Lady Ellyn stayed seated on the steps that entered the water, letting her legs soak while she laid back. As Lady Lelia had chosen to lay out on a pale pink chaise lounge, opting to let her skin take in some sun, as she claimed she felt 'too pale'.  
A sentiment Rhaena and the rest of the girls found to be a bit comical, as women from her region were meant to be celebrated for having pale skin. 
"Princess, I've been meaning to ask. But how have you been, pregnancy wise…each passing day is a day closer to your due date," Lelia Lannister asked, her voice floated in, echoing in slightly with the crisp acoustics of the room, "I know I was quite frightened when my late husband had placed a child within me. Though I suppose I never did get this far along, to know any true symptoms beyond nausea." 
It was true, Lady Lelia had lost her child early on…early enough that she'd never been too distraught over the loss. Not as distraught as her late husband had been. 
"I'm fine, I suppose," Rhaena sighed, her discomforts with her pregnancy came and went like the wind sometimes…and sometimes they stuck to her like glue and bogged her down for hours if not days. But that wasn't a feeling she felt she could convey all too easily with just words. 
"Truthfully you're handling it quite gracefully," Victaria smiled, slipping back into the water as she'd been sitting on the edge, "I've seen some of my brother's salt wives, and I recall some of them being incredibly irritable." 
"Oh I've been irritable," Rhaena laughed, "you've only missed the worst of it. I broke down crying to Aemond over salt just yesterday. Apparently the babe only craves the oddest of flavours." 
"Really!" Kyra giggled, "what is it with babes in the womb always making their mother's consume the oddest of foods. My cousin, who lives in the North, she once wrote to me upset that her babe only craved sweet cream and mint leaves. She'd lamented having eaten a whole tin of only mint leaves!" 
At that, all of the girls giggled.
And Rhaena's chest felt lighter…warmer.
"I suppose I can relate, this morn, I'm sure I poured a bowl's worth of salt into my porridge and then drizzled it all with honey," Rhaena sighed with a smile, "I have no idea what sort of creature I'm feeding, but surely this is no regular babe." 
Lelia turned herself over so she could look at Rhaena when she spoke, "Princess, if anything is certain, you shall give birth to a most beautiful child." 
"Such flattery shall get you nowhere," Rhaena grinned, but her cheeks had warmed at the compliment nonetheless. 
Lelie was unfazed, only shrugging, "come now, everyone knows house Targaryen only births beauties. You're already one of the most beautiful women of all the realm, and you've gone and married quite possibly the most handsome member of your family. There is no doubt you shall birth a lovely babe." 
"Absolutely, a babe that only loves for salty foods!" Victaria giggled, and Rhaena joined her, splashing a wave of water over her. It was so close to Kyra that she shrieked.
In the aftermath, Rhaena only sighed a soft smile, relishing in the comfort of having such kind ladies in her company. 
"But Princess, you shall tell us if things become too much, yes," Lady Ellyn who'd remained quiet thus far had spoken so elegantly, stoically nearly, "the pressure of pregnancy is not one any woman should be bogged down with. Especially not as you enter your later moons. And I could understand the fear a Targaryen woman may feel as she enters motherhood…" 
At a glance, Rhaena caught her smokey grey eyes, and nodded softly, "I'm not sure anyone but another Targaryen woman may truly understand this fear…but nonetheless, I thank you. All of you. You four are my trusted confidants." 
She didn't wait for their responses, instead Rhaena dipped herself below the water's surface and swam to the further edge of the pool. 
In the silence of the water, one thing was certain…soon enough she'd have to face the things that frightened her. 
For one could only run so long. 
It was getting worse, at night Rhaena would only dream of Silverwing. As if she could see her great-grandmother in her youth, gloriously riding atop the beautiful glistening dragon. A true Targaryen Queen of old riding a mount that was most fitting for a Queen. 
Surely, Rhaena thought, she herself was no such Queen . 
Formidable and ethereal. 
Did Silverwing truly wish to be claimed once again? 
By Rhaena Targaryen no less? 
It was a thought that plagued her, rounding its way through her mind, her body, her soul. 
If it was to be…it'd be all she ever wanted. She'd finally feel right…true…worthy of her name. Worthy to be the namesake she was, to be named after the great Queen Rhaena …rather than to live her life of eighteen years with no dragon. 
Surely her ancestors must have been disappointed…even if her parents and family claimed not to be. 
Even if her husband claimed not to be. 
Aemond would always say it didn't matter to him, that he was happy to be her dragon, that she'd claimed rightfully so. 
A sweet sentiment she'd believed in most days…but ever since this burning feeling from Silverwing…Rhaena was beginning to doubt things. 
He'd chosen her above all others, and of course, deep within herself she knew that he'd chosen her because he found something kindred within her. Because they could relate to another, had things in common with one another…found one another deeply attractive, like a magnetic pull that neither could deny.  
All that she knew.
But she also supposed that her pure Valyrian blood held more weight than whether she claimed a dragon or not. Either way, the fact remained that whatever hole existed within her…however the realm would view a Targaryen Princess…things would be exponentially different if she were to claim Silverwing. 
"Skoriot emagon ao geptot naejot," where have you left to , Aemond's low voice pulled her from her winding thoughts about Silverwing. Bringing her back to the clear present, where she stood behind her seated husband in their chambers. 
That morning had been a rather average one, Rhaena had awoken alone as Aemond had woken himself earlier to train. Upon his return they'd bathed cozily together, in the heated water Rhaena had allowed herself to melt against her dragon . She'd let his strong arms secure her fears and wandering insecurities. 
But even still…she hadn't been able to broach the topic of dragon claiming . 
Afterwards, they'd helped to dress one another, an activity she'd missed from their earlier days of wedding to one another. It always made their mornings feel more comfortable, when they could spend their time together before they had to step away from one another to take care of their duties. 
It also gave Rhaena the time to braid her husband's hair, something she really loved doing. 
She had him seated at her vanity table now, as she brushed his still slightly damp pale hair. Combing her fingers through the silky feel of his hair, scratching his scalp lightly with her nails the way she knew he liked it. She then messaged in small amounts of her own hair milk and oils. He never did oppose to her using her own products on him, creams and oils or otherwise, even when they were sweetly or floraly scented. 
It was both heartwarming and slightly amusing to think of her husband storming around the castle, intimidating nobles, servants and subjects alike…all while partially carrying her scents around with him. 
"Iksan vaoreznuni, ñuha jorrāelagon. Ñuha bartos…nyke've sepār issare tubis ēdrurys," I'm sorry, my love. My mind...I've just been day dreaming, Rhaena hummed softly, it wasn't a complete lie…as far she was concerned at least. She had been lost in thought…thinking of her odd dreams and the weird feelings her body had been giving her. 
Aemond only hummed as a response, leaning his head back just a bit so she could begin braiding, "hmm, ēdrurys hen skoros, ñuha gevie dārilaros," hmm, dreaming of what, my beautiful Princess.
Rhaena couldn't help the bright smile that formed on her lips as his voice rasped handsomely at the word beautiful . 
She wondered if she should have been used to his casual compliments by now…they'd been together for several moons now. Surely the honeymoon phase had come and gone by now…although Rhaena could concede to herself that no amount of time could pass where she wouldn't feel so affected by him.  
So she sighed, a peaceful dreamy sound, soft and demure, "the usual by now, I suppose. Of dragons and babes. The Harvest Festival too, preparations may be all but complete for the feast itself, but then there is the ceremony and the sacrifices…" 
Rhaena had nimbly and neatly braided his hair down in one single plait, tying off the end with one of her thinner black hair ribbons. 
Once he felt she was finished, Aemond leaned himself back so he could look up at her truly, "you're thinking the sacrifices will be a problem," 
It was a loaded question. 
His voice had simmered into a most sympathetic tone for it just as well, because he wasn't really asking her about the sacrifices themselves. He was hinting at the true center of the issue…her aversion to situations that dealt with large quantities of blood. 
During their time here, he'd been most considerate if not entirely conscious of his decision to perform any and all approved executions without her present. It'd been a decision they'd never had ever really discussed or cemented as an agreed upon move to go forward with. But either way, Rhaena was most thankful for it. Ever since Criston Cole and his plot to steal away Aemond and possibly even slay her in the process…she'd never really been able to put that night behind her. 
Maybe the aftermath and consequences of it all…but the actual events that occurred that night. They still haunted her at times…some nights still. 
And now, as they approached their first celebration here that would require a blood sacrifice for the Gods…it would seem Rhaena would be forced to face her fear once again. 
"Only slightly," she leaned herself over him, pressing a warm kiss to the crown of his head, draping her arms over and around his shoulders as she nuzzled her chin atop his head, "but I shall overcome it. Even though, for the ten years that I lived here exclusively with my family. Every year, every solstice, there were four festivals that required blood sacrifices to the Gods. And a handful of others that encouraged them. It's never stopped me from liking the ceremonies, I always have, I'd just turn my head away or close my eyes for the sacrifices. If I should feel uncomfortable tonight during that portion, I'll…simply do the same." 
Aemond's hands held hers, his thumbs caressing the palms of her hands. He wouldn't ask her, he'd simply guided her arm, and her body to step around from behind him. Allowing him to smoothly swoop her up onto his lap, wrapping his arms around her waist as he pressed slow heated kisses along her jaw and throat. Rhaena found herself sighing contentedly, relishing the feel of him, his body burned hot and hard against her but he felt so soothing nonetheless. With his chin nuzzling along her neck and against her shoulder as he breathed deeply, seemingly settling himself. Tempering whatever wishes or thoughts he might have had in the moment. 
In the reflection of the mirror on Rhaena’s vanity, she met Aemond's eye, watching as his jaw rolled while his lips twisted. He was mulling over the various things he wanted to say to her, figuring out how to word his thoughts, as if he was sifting through a million emotions he'd never be able to verbalize to her. 
Not that she ever needed him to. 
"Ñuha dārilaros…ñuha vok byka ābrazȳrys," my Princess...my perfect little wife , his voice was all low and somewhat husky, like a near sultry growl that worked its way from the back of his throat, "I don't want you to feel any discomfort, not if I can do something to help it. I can have the High Priestess perform the ceremony another way…" 
"I love you, so much, oh, how you know I do," Rhaena wasted no time attempting to turn herself just enough to grasp his chin and kiss him sweetly, smiling against his lips as she did, "but…there is no need to ask the temple for such a thing. The Gods only respond to blood anyhow, and by rights of our ways, I must be present for it. Whether I gaze upon the slaying exactly or not has never been specified in any text, but physically I must bear witness with my presence. It is the way of things." 
He loosed a far more weighted hum accompanied with a heavy sigh as his arms tightened their hold around her. 
She could tell that wouldn't be enough for him, he'd want to offer her something…anything. 
So, Rhaena did her best to think of something, thinking back to the many ceremonies she'd attended as well as the many texts she'd read on the topic. She couldn't see a clear way to avoid anything.
"The other day…" Aemond had started, the way his breath warmed the exposed skin on her shoulder made her shiver just slightly, "I found in most texts, the ruling sovereign may perform the sacrificial act instead of the High Priestess. I carry Blood Moon now, either or, it would be most fitting if I do carry out the deed by my hand, my blade. Besides, I'll be quicker than the High Priestess. I'll be fast, it'll be painless for them, and that way you won't have to witness it for long."
It was true, Rhaena's own father had always taken the task honorably during most ceremonies that required such large sacrifices. 
So, she supposed the fact that her husband may want to handle this task himself as well…it made sense to her. 
And in this case he intended on doing the duty quickly…for her sake. 
For a moment, Rhaena gazed out the window beside the vanity, her eyes trailing along the lovely cliff side view, the crashing deep blue sea several leagues down below them. The sky was clear this morning, with only a few scattering clouds floating across the pale blue sky as the sun beamed down bright rays through the open windows of their chambers. 
And there flying off in the sky…off in the distance…there she was. 
Flying, circling loops around her mate Vermithor. 
Picturesque as always. 
The might of house Targaryen. 
So many things…so much clouded around her mind. Here she was in her husband's embrace, as he worked to please her as much as possible by making her life easier. And even now…she couldn't even imagine bringing up the one true thought that plagued her. 
This might be her chance, her only chance, and here she was letting it pass her by. There was no telling what happened to one's body if they ignored the calling of a dragon. This flame that coursed its way through her, all fury and wanting, if she left it unquenched…would it engulf anyway?
Would it kill her if she didn't act on it?
Would it kill her to share these thoughts with her own bonded mate, the man she'd grown to trust with every part of herself. She'd given him access to every inch of her body, her heart and her soul. Her mind was usually so open to him, her thoughts and emotions on clear display for him and only him. 
And yet…with this one thing…she still felt the need to keep this hidden. 
At least for a little while longer. 
"It's true, my father used to be the one who'd make the sacrifices. I trust you'd do them quickly, swiftly," her voice was so close to straining, such a lump had formed in her throat but she managed to fight past it, leveling her sound out as she pulled her lips into a soft smile. She hoped desperately that Aemond wouldn't see through her now, she wouldn't be able to cope if he did. Rhaena was in no mood to shed tears now, so early in the morning over a matter that seemed to overwhelm her entire being. 
So instead she quickly aimed to shake off the discomfort, feeling his hands caress her belly, she placed her own warmly over his. Nuzzling her cheek against his, "after the feast and ceremony are done with. Next we shall have to redecorate the nursery, we only have a few more moons before our little gremlin arrives," 
Rhaena could feel his smile, his warm chuckle reverberating against her back, "sepār hāre tolī hūrus, byka mēre," just three more moons, little one.  
There, Rhaena felt her heart burn sweetly, a truly happy smile graced her lips, especially as she knew that sentence wasn't for her. 
It was for their babe. 
Bit by bit…she'd have to remember to think of her babe when things felt too overwhelming.  
She’d have to learn to embody what it meant to be a mother.
P.S: So overall, I think what was really obstructing me with this fic was the arbitrary "40 chapters" total I gave this fic, so if you've noticed, I've taken that off and I'm just going to let this fic go on for as long as it needs to. That way I won't feel too bad if I split things up or meld things together, and I won't be fighting myself to stay on target with the number of chapters I'm writing/creating.
Anyways, this just means the initial plan I had for when baby Vaella will arrive has been pushed back one chapter so far, so instead of her arriving around ch.10 it'll probably now be ch.11. Nothing too major. (This effects Ao3 only really...)
And now I've just got to go through/edit the 2nd half of this chapter! Honestly, I like what I've written, and the plot and everything is fine. It's just the sex scene that's bothering me!! Like I don't know what it is about it, but I hate something about it…the things they do is all fine, like the sex itself is what I wanted to happen…it's just the way I've described it or something…I can't really explain it. But something about it just lacks feeling or true eroticism…it just reads like I'm describing things that are happening…but I don't think it sounds genuine…if any of that makes sense.
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muns0nslov3r · 1 year
Can you make a blurb or something where the reader makes a mold out of Rockstar!Eddie's dick out of like clay or something and once it's dry she just puts it in her room but one time Eddie leaves for tour and reader is like really horny so she tries to masturbate with it but like it's all dry and it hurts at first but then it gets all wet with her slick and Eddie ends up coming home early and sees her? SORRY THIS IS SO LONG🤕 !! YOU CAN ALWAYS SAY NO !!
drooling yes please. when i saw this i ran into a damn wall😻
warnings ; getting caught, rockstar!eddie, sub!reader, voyeurism?, and mutual masturbation
you and rockstar!eddie got to stoned one random night, and you decided, hell i should make a clay dick of eddie’s, so that’s what you and eddie were doing at 3am stoned out of your minds, you saved it in your room as eddie came humming into the room “ hey princess.. got some bad news for ya..” he looked over at you sitting state where you were just reading a book. “ what’s wrong eds?” you looked at him as you put down your book.
“ boss called me.. gotta go on a tour for a week princess.”
you grew sad as you pouted “ nooo.. cant you cancel? say your sick or something..” you sat up as you looked at him. “ cant.. it’s a important tour, plus the others wouldn’t be really happy with me canceling.. don’t worry okay? once i get back, we can watch your favorite shows and do whatever you want okay?” he sat by you holding your hands carefully as he pressed a kiss to your soft hand.
“ fine eds.. but that means no complaining!” - “ yes ma’am. i won’t complain i promise” he smirked winking at you, the day came quick which bummed you out. you waved bye to eddie as he was waving like a dork to you with gareth, jeff, and kevin.
you were home alone, looking around as you groaned, being bored out of your mind. you looked under your bed as you had a box of sex toys as you grabbed the box, opening it as it showed dildos, strap ons, lube, vibrators, and.. the dick of eddie’s you made out of clay. you picked it up as you put the box on the ground, looking at it. growing wet, you decided not to use it that day. as it turned into the fourth day of eddie’s tour.
looking at the videos of the concert, seeing eddie in a tinktop that show his arms and tattoos. growing wet as you rubbed your clit slowly, you grabbed the clay dick. looking at it as you blushed “ am i really doing this..?” you sighed. it had eddie’s veins, thickness all the pretty features of his dick. you stripped down, still watching the concert on your tv as you spat down onto your cunt. rubbing the tip of the dick between your folds to get it wet, you slid it in slowly as you groaned. it hurt. it was so dry. and it wasn’t as soft as eddie’s dick, you slowly moved it as you whimpered.
“ oh eddie..” you moaned as the pain went away.. the lovely feeling of it rubbing against your walls, you were a moaning whiny mess. moving the toy faster as you hadn’t heard eddie call out in the house “ oh princess!! i’m backk.. “ he giggled taking off his boots and coat, putting down his bags. he walked to the room as he heard your moans. “ princ-“ he got cut off seeing you fuck your self with the dick. feeling himself twitch inside his pants, he looked through the crack of the door as his face slowly got flushed. dick twitching in his pants more.
“ oh eddie!..” you moaned loudly. as eddie could see your silk covering the dick and seeing your cum on the toy. he tried to get a better look as he shoved his hand down his pants, gripping his aching cock as he stroked it fast, tugging at it and his balls. he bit his lip to stifle a moan. he stroked his dick faster watching the dick disappear in your cunt, he groaned on accident as you gasped looking up to see flushed face eddie with his hand down his pants tugging at his cock as he watched you opening the door more.
“ come on princess. keep going.” he smirked, as you blushed moving the dildo fast inside your cunt, as eddie kept tugging and stroking his cock as he groaned listening to your moans. he pulled his dick out of his boxers and jeans stroking himself fast, as you felt yourself get close “ oh eddie.. i’m gonna cum fuck..” you moaned out “ shit.. i’m gonna cum too cum with me baby come on..” he grunted through gritted teeth as he stroked his dick faster, you arched your back as you came with a cry of eddie’s name, eddie let out a loud groan as he came hard on his fist and onto the ground. “ shit shit!” he groaned tugging his cock to ride out his orgasm. “ fuck that was so sexy..” he smirked, licking the cum off his hand.
he went to you shoving his dick into his boxers, going to you as he smirked rubbing your thighs.
“ i think i’m gonna have some fun with you tonight.”
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yeeunjia · 2 years
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PAIRING : idol!enha x idol!gn!reader
▬▬ GENRE : fluff // crack !! ▬▬  WARNINGS : none !!
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% .. heeseung !!
- he loves how you're taking care of him but he's also worried that you'd get sick. despite that, he also wants you to stay with him. once you get out of the room to get ready for work, heeseung's mode would go all : (◕︵◕) !! the only thing he wants the most is you staying beside him and your physical touch, after all.
- "(y/n)??" "yes, hee?" "do you have to go to work today?" heeseung asks, hoping that you'd get a clue. "unfortunately, yes. a bunch of photoshoots too." you pause, then finally realized what he wanted to tell you. "i'd love to stay and take care of you but this also means a lot to the members.." you explain as heeseung started pouting. "i'll come back as soon as possible! plus, why would i want to stay away from my baby?" you add while giving him a peck. heeseung gives you a little nod of approval while blushing a bit before helping you get ready too! % .. jay !!
- he wanted you to stay so badly. he knew that you didn't have much to do at work this time too which was a perfect opportunity but he couldn't even seem to ask you to stay. he'd gather his courage to make you stay at home but he'd then hesitate again and again. still, despite being sick, he decided to cook for you. "jay, you're sick. get some rest and let me continue that" you say with a worried tone, attempting to grab the pan from him.
- this time, he didn't hesitate to say it. "..can you..stay?" you pause before giggling a bit. "babe, did you seriously get up to cook just to convince me to stay home?" you ask and jay gives a little nod. "i didn't even plan on leavin-" you immediately got cut off as jay quickly pulls you in the bedroom and makes you give cuddles to him. "this is way better." jay mumbles. "jay...what about the food?..." and no response from him as he already fell asleep. % .. jake !!
- if he wants you to stick to him for the whole day, then do as you're told!! [kidding] if you refuse, he'll become a drama queen and do everything in his power to try to convince you. he wouldn't care if he has to do an aegyo, call your manager, or cling onto you wayy too much. although, the way that you had to prepare for your group's next comeback was quite unfortunate too. but again, jake here is not giving up!! ⊙︿⊙
- you attempt to walk out of the room but jake immediately blocks your way while giving you puppy eyes. "(y/n)niee! i love youuu!!" he says while pouting a bit as he wraps his arms around your waist. "i love you too, now let go and get some rest, jake." you sigh as he tightens his grip and shakes his head in disapproval. "okay okay, fine. i'll stay, just let me get your water, jake!" jake grins but later pouts again when you escaped his embrace when he hasn't even finished his sentence. "will you cuddle- (y/n)? (Y/N)?? NAUURRRR WAIT COME BACKK!!!"
% .. sunghoon !!
- he's used to how it's you who's usually the one craving for affection so he didn't know how to put it into words. actually, you did want his affection too but he's also sick so you wouldn't even want to bother him and tried to distance yourself by preparing for your group's new album instead. literally goes : (´・_・`) as soon as he felt like something has been missing then later realizes that it's all your whining whenever you'd want hoon's affection.
- stares at you with a blank face while thinking if he should just spill it all out or not. even if he's sick and craving for your affection, he still cares about his ego PLSSS !! panics a bit when he sees that you were about to leave. "bye, hoon!-" as you were about to give him a peck, he immediately just pulls you in his embrace. "so, you want me to stay?" you ask while giggling a bit. he replies with a nod and a flustered expression. % .. jungwon !!
- honestly a mix of sunghoon and heeseung. a part of him wants you to stay with him for the whole day but is also worried that you'd also get sick because of him. a part of him also didn't want to be a bother. he'd waddle out of the room while trying to look for you. when he sees you getting ready, visibly for your interviews he immediately walks over to you while pouting.
- "you really have to go?" he asks, whining bit. you gently squish his cheeks before caressing them before replying, which made him a bit startled at first. "yes, woniee! it's about our new comeback, after all." he nods before helping you rehearse once again. "shouldn't you be resting? you're still sick, bub." he'd feel his heart fluttering a bit when he saw how genuine you were but then still denies. he wasn't able to make you stay but atleast he was able to spend time with you before you went out! % .. sunoo !!
- literally the most shameless one and the biggest drama queen. he'd give you endless reasons why you should ditch work for a while and just stay with him. if even decided to tell him that it's just for a couple of hours, then he'd insist on coming with you. (which was of course a HUGE no!!!) still, just like jake, he'd also do everything in his power to force convince you to stay.
- "but i'm SICK!! (Y/N), IMAGINE IF YOU COME HOME LATE AND IM NOT BREATHING ALREADY HUH?" he whines, slightly yelling as he clings on your leg which is now dragging him. does TONS of aegyo again and again then later sulks if none of it worked. he'd also block your way and later wraps himself around you or your leg as you keep refusing. "you told me that it's just a little cold, right? i'm sure you can handle it!!" you say, which only results to sunoo frowning "NO!!(●`□´●)"% .. niki !!
- he'd also be a drama queen. A MEAN ONE!! he thought that you two finally talked it out when he made a whole essay on why you shouldn't leave your sick boyfriend behind. he'd hear you walking around while he's half asleep and when he realized that you were getting dressed up "for work", he immediately jumps out of the bed and throws himself at you.
- "you're just rude and mean! i thought you were staying?!" as you tell him to let go, he wouldn't even move. not even an inch. (>o<) "niki- what are you talking about?!" you ask, still startled with how he suddenly threw himself at you. honestly, you'd struggle with trying to get yourself out of his embrace and niki would struggle with trying to make you stay still. "you told me you wouldn't go to work for me!" "niki, i was going to go out to buy you snacks..."
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hallabongy · 3 years
miya atsumu massive flirt
a/n: hey there! i wanted to start off by saying thank you for the love on my last post. never thought it would get as much attention as it did. its been a while since i last wrote something (sorry about that hehe) but here’s a short little something about atsumu that i thought was fitting. it’s suggestive but doesn’t go into detail too much. not proof read and it just me spitting out ideas but i hope at least some people can enjoy? 
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its not news that atsumu is a flirt alright like come on we all know what he would be like 
but like imagine you are just standing at the kitchen island mindlessly scrolling through you twitter feed 
you hear the door of your apartment open as atsumu just returned from practice “babbbe yer boyfriend is backk did ya miss me??”
you question why you ever gave him the spare key to your place
suddenly you feel a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist from behind giving you a tight squeeze, his chin resting on your shoulder
“what do you want” you sigh out not turning around because you already know atsumu is wearing a big smug grin on his face
“nothin. jus’ wanna hold ya” 
“mmhmm” is all you say
“whatcha doin” he whispers in your ear, lips slightly brushing against them
“enjoying my peace and quiet before you showed up”
“babyyyyy ive been at practice for like 3 hourssss why are you ignorin meeeeee !!!” he whines
“alright alright calm down” you chuckle and turn your head to place a kiss on his cheek “nice to see you too”
“ya busy right now?” *insert this boys eyebrows raising* as you feel his hands begin to slip under the bottom of your shirt creeping up the front of your stomach 
“yeah actually i am. my twitter became real interesting all of a sudden”
“more interesting than yer very pent up boyfriend right who would really like to spend some quality time in the bedroom?” he breathes down your neck
you wish after all this time his tactics wouldnt have this great of an effect on you but low and behold the tingling feeling down your back and warm blush making its way across your cheeks
“babe you just came back from practice you gotta showerrr” you breathlessly let out, trying to wiggle your way out of his strong hold, your twitter is very much disregarded now
“had time after practice to shower so im all good honeybunch” atsumu smirks before his lips attach to that special spot behind your ear. the one he knows will make things turn towards his favor
“tsumu-” you gasp as you feel the nip of his teeth and tongue lap at your skin
“no excuses now” he teases. this cocky motherfucker
you manage to move around in his grasp so youre now facing him. both of your arms pushing at his chest (very firm chest may i add)  to get him out of your face. his close proximity still gives you butterflies even after dating him for years
he grips your wrists and brings them to under this shirt. and we all know what’s under the shirt (aHEM some nice abs is what)
“Ay! stop stop fine fine! i-i need to shower then !” you stutter out trying to pull your hands back blushing harder than ever. he doesn’t budge
making eye contact with atsumu you can see the growing glint in his eyes. he pulls you closer until the point where your noses are touching “no ya dont. i dont care. i couldnt give two fucks right now, come on babe nice try”
“miya atsum-” your cut off by him leaning down and capturing your lips in his own, his tongue finding its way to yours almost suffocating you. you feel one of his thighs (OH SO MUSCULAR THIGHS AHHHH) slip in between your legs pressing upwards
“i’ll make it worth ya while” he says and he leans back admiring the shocked expression on your face before grabbing behind you knees, picking you up and slinging you over his shoulder. not missing the chance to land a light slap on your ass
“ H-HEY WHOA LET ME DOWN YOU IDIOT IM GONNA FALL” you begin hitting his back over and over again
he’s making a beeline to the bedroom “please, i’d never let that happen”
he plops you down on the bed towering over you as he grabs the bottom of his shirt beginning to strip (you know how guys do it like when they cross their arms and begin to pull it off right?)
shirtless atsumu crawls his way to be right above your face that you are trying to desperately cover with your hands so he can’t see you profusely blushing
you can feel his body heat as he’s practically lying on top of you and it’s only making you hotter
he takes both of your hands in one of his and pins them both above your head interlocking his fingers with yours before he leans down right next to your ear with a devilish smile
“ya can shower during round two” 
and lets just say no amount of showers could cleanse you of what you both did that day...
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donutthief10 · 2 years
Totally not upset at the fact that Vi and Jinx are LITERALLY SUCH BEAUTIFUL SISTERS. Each design of them I absolutely love, and just when I see one and think, “damn she looks so COOL I wanna look like her” the other pops up and I’m like “NEVERMIND I WANNA BE HER!!”
Vi’s bob/pixie cut (whatever it is sorry I don’t know the actual name of it I guess) is so so cool and I’ve never seen it styled that way, and I know I could never pull it off but if I could… I’d do it. And even with its color, bright fuchsia pink, it just makes it cooler. Also WTFFF she got so much buffer and ngl… it’s hot. Like damn every time she appeared in screen my heart skipped a beat 🤣🤣 her tattoos are DOPE when she popped up on screen the first time when she’s older I SCREAMED and shook my husband and was like “HER BACKK!!!! ALL THOSE TATTOOS!!!! THE FACE TATTOO!!! THE PIERCINGS!!! AAAAHHHH!!!!” Shes just so cool and I’d kill to have a older sister like her
But I LOVE Jinx’s loooong ass hair and in braided low pigtails, with her dope long ass side bangs that frame her face so well!! And the way it swings around and when she’s in action, or doing a low glare and somehow her bangs are also soooo menacing! And I love her outfit as well!! It’s so baddie and rebellious, and her cloud tattoos??!!??! Omg she’s beautiful. When she debuted at her older age I couldn’t believe what she grew into. She’s crazy, she’s psycho, but she does it SO WELL. And honestly I love the slight scratchiness in her voice when she speaks. It’s so opposite, to me at least, to when she was younger I really didn’t expect the sound came out of her mouth. Honestly her voice is so charming and I wish I was herrr!!!!
I don’t play LoL but I did hear soooo much good stuff about Arcane, and my husband plays League, so I thought this would be a perfect middle for us to do together. And holy shit we fell in love with it, we finished the entire season in one night. My husband was like Aaaahhhh shit there’s so and so and was like sooo impressed to see Jayce’s and Vi’s power moves with the giant hammer and the gauntlet gloves (haha I didn’t know he was meaning and had to explain lol 😂 very happy to have a gamer hubby)
I can’t wait for season 2 already, and for the time being imma just overwhelm myself with dope fanart of the show 🤣🤣
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live blogging my reactions to the first new ninjago episode because the people at lego are madmen and i just woke up (yes, at noon) and suddenly the new episodes dropped so
likely spoilers and also bad spelling cause im typing fast
warnign reallllly long post
bombs, nice
wait are those the ninja or the other people from the trailer
why does that guy have a glowing sword lol
DID THAT GUY JUST GET CUT IN HALF WITH A SWORD???? moving up in the age range I see, ninjago.
im literally only 45 seconds in
goddamn i think theyre supposed to be unconsious but half of those guys must be dead or something man
damn bad lady kinda hot
hehe rainbow ninja
yep not my ninja
“the new ninja” really i never noticed
purple guy kinda sounds like a kid i really hope its Nelson ahh I want Nelson back
orange may be Skylor
I’m lowkey kinda hoping they’re all old characters and not new ones, but like maybe one new one would be cool
“look out, o r a n g e  n i n j a “ dude why did blue sound like a automated machine for a second
“remember: ninja always keep trying” THIS SOUNDS LIKE THE NINJA  ARE TRYING TO FIGHT COPYRIGHT LAWS OR SOMETHING OH MY IS THIS LIKE A COMMERCIAL OR SOMETHING oh my god these new ninja are getting on my nerves
yay the monestary!!
aw the crooked picture of jay and nya :(
ooh Jay doing the voiceover, although he sounds really sad :(
god god god I almost forgot Kirby is voicing Cole anymore :(( New guy is good though
“What?!” hell yeah cole get those posers
it’s been a year?!!!
Zane sounds to broken down 
oh no he turned off his emotion meter :((((
I like Cole’s new voice but every time he speaks I just get reminded that it’ll never be the same as Kirby
Cole just trying to pull together the team again- god I love him hes such a good leader and I can’t even go into it rn but he’s just a fantastically written character.
wait- hello?? a training place with Kai’s logo outside??
okay hes a little harsh but thats just Kai man
he has a cutout of Kalmaar for the kids to destroy:(
you can tell he’s angry and beating himself up over Nya’s death :(
Benthomar is gone to rule, I guess that’s good but I was hoping to see him more
sjskfhsh Kai can’t handle kindergarteners, I feel that
Kai would rather fight criminals than deal with little kids I shjfhsj
ah yes Lloyd the subway worker
or i guess- window washer
Lloyd sounds so broken down also nooo my baby :((((
we knew someday lloyd would break and this is that day,
“come on, what happened to ninja nev-” “DONT, OKAY. Just dont.”
Lloyd is literally one of my highest comfort characters and we always saw him get back up, knowing someday he wouldn’t, but just seeing him so low is hard, he’s been through literally so much but the lego team never let him show that, and now they are. 
oh no Jay’s coming up I can’t do this
“what happened to your face?” “time... ravenges us all” oh so Jays gone insane again
is he at the lighthouse??? I cant tell
“why are there half full water glasses everywhere?” “...so I can talk to nya.” ok ninjago fandom, we had lots to say about Jay visiting the water and “talking” to nya last year, hOW we feeling about it now
“Nya the guys are here” i’m sOBBING
“I think the cheese slide off Jay’s cracker” it was never there but thanks Kai
They all sound older :((((
I still want more development with Kai’s grief
“Nya wouldn’t want us to quit. if she say us like this, she’d kick our butts and tell us to get back to work.” IM SO HAPPY AND SO SAD
I was gonna do more episodes but this was long enough so
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I already wrote this post, but I’m coming backk up to the top to put a cut bc it’s p long.
my brother is singing falsettos out loud & I’ve already had a stressful day bc I’ve done nothing (lack of structure & lack of productivity gives me really bad anxiety) & he’s either singing out of key & out of time, or it just sounds really bad without the music. He’s the only one who can hear the music bc HeadPhones. & also the falsettos is probably really bad for my mom bc she’s mad that dad left her, esp bc the house is a mess & stressing her out & she needs to go grocery shopping & he used to do that “but now he doesn’t because he stopped loving [her]”, so my bro singing fucking falsettos is really bad. I can’t cook supper bc I don’t have a recipe & the stuff is still frozen & idk what kind of dough I should make & besides the kitchen is a mess & he won’t fucking clean it. I mean it’s also partially my fault bc I’m a lazy adhd mofo, but it’s his job today & my job to cook. I need to get into the kitchen & cook before mom & my OTHER brother get home from shopping but I can’t bc he’s just drawing & singing & the singing is so annoying- I was trying to listen to a thing but I couldn’t fricking hear it bc adhd auditory processing disorders, it didn’t have fucking subtitles or anything & it was not great audio quality & I couldn’t differentiate between the words he was singing, & I couldn’t hear the quiet parts when they overlapped with his singing. I wasn’t going to write all of this I was just going to say that his singing makes me want to cut myself, but apparently there’s a lot more to it. also I don’t want to end up cooking while mom is home bc I don’t have any drawings on my arm & mom is fucking nosy & wants to see my scars so I have to work extra hard at hiding them but even with ppl who arent nosy, like my little bro I don’t like them out, but the longer my older bro sits there fucking yelling out of key, the longer I’m delayed & I won’t be able to cook. By this point, I won’t even be able to cook the meal I was planning on, I have so much shit to do I’ve missed so much & I’m so behind, but I’m so incapable of doing anything like i can’t do chores bc I use the excuse I have homework but I never fucking do my homework so I’m also behind in school & even with the stuff I like like dnd & writing & violin I can’t do, & I skipped online kung fu & I’ve been slacking off under so many excuses but I’m just being lazy & anxious & I also gained so much weight & it makes my body feel so bad & i know this isn’t my body’s happy weight & being fat makes my boobs bigger & I’m fucking trans & I hate them I even tried cutting them off myself & ended up waiting 15 hours to go to the hospital so that I wouldn’t make mom suspicious (& they put me through triage really fast bc apparently I did a lot of dammage- I was planning on giving myself stitches, but my icepack melted & I couldn’t numb my body anymore so they’re lucky I even went to the hospital, it was bad bc I had to walk 20 minutes either way weighted down with a fucking toolbox & I waited outside in the cold bc my phone died & thus:) mom found out anyways so I lied to her about going to buy drugs bc obv /that’s/ a better idea than telling her I went to the hospital & SHUT UP UNNAMED OLDER BROTHER ok he’s between songs now. If I told mom I went to the hospital she would ask why & be like “y didn’t u tell me” & “r u cutting urself again” & like yeah bitch I have been for a while ik the social worker said I should tell you a codeword, but I don’t do that bc u blame yourself or cry or want to talk about & I yes I fucking cut myself what of it? Yeah I tried fucking removing my own left breast, bc u arent’ supportive of medical transitioning, at least not when they’re ur kids. Ur mad at dad bc he got a tattoo bc it’s  body modification & thus uncatholic, but u’ll support ur catholic university friends gettin gtheir eldest daughter a reduction bc her boobs are big & painful- bitch what’s so different about me? I went so far as to try giving myself a reduction, you say you’re concerned about me mutilating my body & making bad decisions, but, you know what? because of this I have legitimately mutilated my body, & made a dangerous & bad decision. isn’t autosurgery proof that I need top surgery bc it’s a danger to my life if I don’t get it? The government is able to pay for it I think & bc it’s a danger to my health (& i get pain & I can’t work out & I get back pain & my skin pulls & hurts & if I jump my tissues yank my skin & it hurts & it puts so much strain on my back, & binding gives me pain, so I need a reduction as much as your catholic university friends’ daughter does) I should be abe to qualify. Even if I don’t qualify yet & have to wait two years, at least that would be the start of two years now instead of in a long time, I mean, mum, you say you want me to talk about it & you’re afraid I’m rushing into it? guess what? They are too! the healthcare system will make me do a bunch of shit to qualify, & tbh, I think that they are better qualified to talk to me about surgery & what I really want than you.  Fucking finally, I hope my brother is done his play & finally shuts up. TA MA DE FUCK NO HE’S STARTING AGAIN CROWS DAMN IT CROWS CROWS CROWS & MAGGOTS I”m not even gonna be able to make anythiung for supper & i have no ideas besides the long one which I don’t have time for anymore. fine. whatever. I’ll go SH in my room. I won’t even work on fanfic bc I’m too fucking adhd & broken. I fucking hate it when ppl say “we;re all a bit adhd” like no bitch shut the fuck up, we all struggle with the things adhd ppl struggle with sometimes, but adhd is a neurological condition that makes those struggles so commonplace & intense that it affects our everyday lives. & no. adhd does not mean we’re more creative. Even if we do have more likeliihood of coming up with funky ideas, most of us struggle to articulate them or understand them, or we forget them as soon as they come. you’re not adhd bc you’re a little more creative, youre just an ableist asshole & fuck you. adhd isn’t creativity its’ a fucking disability. I’m directing this at those fucking parents who have the lovely nd daughter who gave me a hug, but you two are motherfuckers. Yeah I get thaat adhd, once you learn how to mannage it, can be useful, & I understand that part of the reason this disability is so hard is bc society isn’t designed for it (like a lefty using right hand scissors), but ot’s still fuxking REAL & if you can’t deal with it yet, it 100% is a disanbility. OK? Ok. I had smth I was going to say earlier, but I got distracted by smth else that made me mad, so I never got around to it. Youo know what I love? I fucking love how tumblr has next to no character limit so I can just type as much as I want. You know what I don’t like? I’ll probably get deactivated by some SJW maggot-eaten crow-fucker who thinks that my rant& mentioning my failed ed & my self harm (oh fuck shut up, my brother is chanting “dumb”) so anyways some fucking sjw fuck-hole will report this post & my blog & I’ll be deactivated for simply getting angry on tumblr. It’s fucking tumblr! You used to be able to say whatever you needed to say! But now, esp us ppl w EDs, have no safe place to talk about our issues (at least, not w/o fear of gettin gterminated for “encouraging” EDs, when we’re just trying to help ourselves). Anywasy, sorry for all the swears & go se, I swear when I’m mad. I’m gonna go do smth, idk what. Can’t be anything productive, Can’t even be unproductive stuff I like, like watching youtubem, or smth cathartic like playing fiddle. I might just go & bleed a bit & ignore everything for a while. I nkow that the world will still be stressful when I get back, & I’ll still have to cook, & I’ll still be behind in school, & mom will still be broken-hearted over dad, but I’m feeling calmer just thinking about it so that’s what I’ll do. 
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vampiricfairy · 4 years
I Never Told You What I Do For A Living
Chapter 5
Word Count: 1486
Pairing: Jonathan Harker x Reader
Warnings: TW ED.
A/N: I feel like I haven't uploaded for this fic in AGES, although it hasn't been that long, oops. Also remember that you're beautiful just the way you are, calories are dumb and I love you, ok. I love everyone 😌 take care!!
“Shhh, ” Dracula cooed.
You spit into his eye and he stumbled backwards as you jumped out of bed and dashed out of the room. You saw Jonathan, he looked angry as he walked over to Dracula.
You could swear you watched Jonathan throw the Count off of the balcony because he was so.. Furious?
“Are you alright, darling?” Jonathan asked, worried and rather calm now.
You hugged him, shaking slightly from shock. “I-I.. I’m okay” You whispered and buried your face in his chest.
“It’s alright, you’re safe, dear.” Jonathan held you close. “I’ll bring you to my apartment, if you want me to.” He said and you nodded.
You put on some clothes and also packed some of your stuff.
The next morning you woke up in the bed in Jonathan’s apartment and made yourself look a bit presentable before walking into the kitchen where you noticed both Jonathan and Zoe conversing.
“Good morning..” You said as you sat down next to Jonathan.
“Happy birthday Y/N!” Jonathan said, smiling gently at you and wrapping his arm around you.
“Good morning and happy birthday Y/N.. Now tell me. What exactly happened last night? How was Dracula even able to enter the apartment?”
You explained what had happened and both of them looked at you. You yourself didn’t understand how Dracula entered the apartment.
“Besides, what is going on between you two?” Asked Zoe, eyeing the way Jonathan had his arm around you.
You blushed and Jonathan looked quite caught off guard, “nothing!” You both said in unison.
“No, I can see the chemistry!” Zoe said.
“I don’t know what you’re seeing but maybe get glasses so you can see clearer!” You said.
Jonathan furrowed his eyebrows, “I’m trying to protect her, that’s all.”
That did hurt. Yep, it definitely did hurt you.
“Understandable under these circumstances and I’m glad you’re trying to protect her.. But Y/N didn’t you want to do something with your friends?”
You shook your head, “nope. But I’ll see you later?”
Zoe sighed as she got up, “be home around 5 pm!” She said.
After Zoe left, Jonathan got up and you pouted playfully.
“Come backk!! You’re so comfortable!” You said.
“Actually, I got something for you.” He said as he opened the fridge and put some cake onto the table.
Your expression fell for a second and you felt a little panicked.
“Are you alright? Don’t you like it? I got something else for you too but I thought you’d like cake. Heh.”
You felt your heart basically shatter, here you were. You felt insecure and guilty now, you looked at Jonathan and played with your fingers feeling the nervousness increase.
“I- I really appreciate it, Jonathan- it’s just.. I can’t eat that-“ You tried to explain, a little awkwardly.
“Why? Are you allergic?” He asked you, looking sorry.
“No.. I just- I’m trying to lose weight.” You replied, feeling as awkward as ever.
Jonathan frowned slightly, “but why? I mean, ever since we met you have lost a quite large amount of weight. Of course you look beautiful, but darling I’m worried about you.” He said and cupped your face.
“Y-you think I’m beautiful?” You asked and his cold hands sent a shiver down your spine but at this point you were used to it.
“Yes, I do. But I think you should have something to eat so you don’t faint, or worse-“ he said with a slightly worried expression.
“But.. I don’t want to!” You retorted and looked down.
“Come on, darling. For me, alright?” He smiled.
“Well.. Alright, a small slice though.” You said, looking a bit panicked.
Jonathan nodded as he cut you an average sized piece and you pouted, “you don’t have to eat all of it! I just want to make sure that you have eaten something, dear.” He said as he gave you a plate with the cake and a small fork.
“Thank you-“ you said as you took the plate and dug into the cake, taking the fork and placing the bit of cake on your tongue. You looked fairly surprised, “chocolate cake and cranberry filling? I love it! How do you know that I like chocolate and cranberries are my favorite snacks?” You asked.
“Oh well.. I have my secrets.” He said and laughed.
“That’s fair..” You said and finished your piece of cake.
“You want a second one?” Jonathan asked.
You shook your head.
“Alright, at least you ate something. Now close your eyes.” He said and walked into the living room.
You closed your eyes and waited for him to come back, you felt him put something quite heavy but soft in your hands.
“You can open them again!” He said.
You opened your eyes and saw a HUGE teddy bear, you laughed and looked at him. “It’s such a cute idea! Thank you!!” You smiled slightly and got up to hug him.
He hugged you back, “no problem, dear.” He said and you smiled happily.
You smiled sheepishly and looked up at his beautiful eyes, before wrapping your arms around his cold neck. “I have to go meet Zoe soon- but I’ll be back.” You said.
He nodded, then slowly moved his cold hands to your cheeks and cupped them, then closed the space between your mouths.
Both of you closed your eyes and you melted into the cold but nice kiss, figuring that Jonathan kissed you better than anyone else ever had.
Your heart was beating insanely fast.
“Stay safe- I don’t want you to be hurt.” He said and you nodded.
“I will- see you later, Jonathan!” You said as you left the apartment and happily walked to your apartment complex.
You opened the apartment door and walked in, carefully taking your shoes off, you walked to Zoe with a big smile on your face still.
“Did anything happen? Why are you so happy?” Zoe asked.
“Nope, just happy because it’s my birthday. What are we doing today?” You asked, smiling.
“I thought we could maybe go out for dinner?” Zoe suggested.
“I’m not hungry, I already ate.” You said.
“Oh, well. What did you eat?”
“I had some cake for breakfast and then I got myself a sandwich on the way here,” it was a half-lie but you assumed that it was okay.
“Alright, do you want to do anything?” She asked.
You felt a bit guilty because if you were honest you wanted to spend time with Jonathan, maybe tell him about your feelings now that you two kissed.
“I’m not so sure.. Um- well.. Maybe we could go shopping as long as the sun is still up? I mean we wouldn’t shop for longer than 4 hours now. Right?”
“Whatever you want, Y/N.”
Zoe and you went shopping and it was fun but you found her acting weird, she probably thought the same about you but well.. What were you supposed to do? If you told her about Jonathan she would kill you.
“Could you maybe drive me to Jonathan’s apartment? I don’t feel safe at home and.. He’s been very good at protecting me.”
“Sure, but tell me, what is between you and Jonathan?”
“Nothing, he’s just nice.” You would’ve successfully lied to her, if you hadn’t started blushing.
“You don’t have feelings for him, do you? Remember that he’s actually a thread, you don’t know his true intentions.” She said.
“I don’t have feelings for him but I doubt he would hurt me in any way..”
You reached the apartment complex where Jonathan lived and you got out of the car, “thanks though.. Zoe. Night!”
“Good night, Y/N. Be careful!” She said and you walked to his apartment door ad rang the doorbell.
Jonathan opened it and smiled fondly. “Come in.” He said.
“Good eveninggg!” You chuckled and smiled softly before setting your bags down and walking to the couch, sitting down on it.
He sat down next to you and you sighed.
“I think I like you!” You said, smiling sheepishly at him.
“The feelings mutual, however I’m worried that Zoe may not approve or that Dracula could ruin this.” Jonathan said, gently taking your hand and the cold touch made you shiver slightly.
“We’ll figure something out.. I mean- Zoe doesn’t really have an influence on me anymore now that I’m an adult…” You said.
“Alright, I want you to be safe though and I hope you understand that.” Jonathan said and cupped your face.
“I get that! It’s just I know you wouldn’t hurt me.. Can we maybe do something else?” You smiled.
“Like what?” He asked.
“Cuddle?” You blushed a little.
“Of course!” He pulled you close to him and you wrapped your arms around him, leaning your head onto his chest, feeling comfortable and safe. However something told you that the feeling wouldn’t last.
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minsungsfork · 5 years
Please Stay
Genre: Hybrid!Stray Kids AU, Fluff, Angst
Summary: You found one of the boys sneaking out during the night.
Warnings: None
A/N: Requests are backk, this is for my lovely anon!! I just wish this is good enough angst ><
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥  ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
It’s almost midnight yet you can’t seem to fall asleep. Is it because you drank too much caffeine? Maybe.
Knowing Chan, he would probably still be up. You weren’t sure if it was a wolf thing but Chan tend to stay up at late, Changbin does it sometimes too. That’s how you and Chan both ended up sitting on the dining table, having late night talks over some leftover chicken.
“Anything happening around here?” You ask, stuffing a piece of chicken in your mouth.
Chan shook his head in response as he was busy chewing on his food. “Nothing really, I think,” he answered verbally after swallowing
“Same chaotic kids?”
“Same chaotic kids.”
You both laughed for a while before falling silent. You have noticed that Chan’s eyelids were starting to fall, perhaps sleep is now coming for him.
“You should rest, I’ll go to sleep after a while too,” you said.
Chan only nodded, his wolf ears down low as he slowly made way to his room. You hear him say ‘Good night’ before he disappeared upstairs.
Now that you’re alone, you felt...lonely. This made you realize that you were so used to the boys being around you that whenever your place was quiet, you found yourself feeling uncomfortable. Your definition of peace isn’t being alone, it’s being around the boys—your package of bundles of energy.
After eating the last piece of chicken, you quickly washed the used plate before forcing yourself to go to your bedroom, even if you weren’t feeling tired at all.
You turned the lights off inside the kitchen and made sure the windows and doors were locked. Before going upstairs, you looked around the dark, empty halls of the house. You felt off but you decided to ignore it, thinking that the coffee still made you jittery.
Now you were in your bedroom, laying on the soft mattress while staring up at the ceiling. You decided to call it a night.
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥  ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
You kinda fell asleep.
You looked beside your side table to check the time. It read 2:55 AM. You groggily stood up from your bed, wobbling to your door to grab a glass of water downstairs.
The outside was dark. The only thing that’s lighting up was the light right outside your door. Now that you had a good look of the house at night, you could say that it was scary.
As you slowly made way downstairs, you start to hear noises coming from the living room. It sent shivers down your spine. A part of you is telling to just go back to your room and act like you heard nothing, but another is telling you that it’s just your imagination and you should stop being a chicken.
Taking a deep breath, you actually went downstairs. There were no lights whatsoever and it gave you goosebumps. It was like a scene in a horror movie where the ghost would show up from the dark and scare the living soul out of the protagonist.
You’re the protagonist and you’re scared.
You only wanted water and you were going to get that quickly. You scurried to the kitchen and turned the lights on so you would hopefully feel safer.
As you take a gulp of water, you saw a figure move from the corner of your eye. This made you grab a frying pan out of fright.
With the pan in hand, you slowly moved to the switch of the living room to see who or what the figure was. Clutching the pan tightly, you opened the lights.
It was...Minho?
“Minho, you scared the crap out of me!” You sighed in relief.
The boy didn’t move from his place in front of the door. This made you step closer to him but as you did, he growled. You stopped in your tracks and stared at him in confusion.
“Minho, what?”
He had an unreadable expression on his face. It was like a mix of guilt, sadness, and anger? He looked at you one last time before rushing outside. You tried to run after him, but the boy was far faster than you.
You could only stare at him as he disappeared in the woods.
“Please come back.”
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥  ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
That night, you couldn’t fall asleep. Your head was full of thoughts. Where did you go wrong? When did Minho feel that way towards you? You do fight with Minho but you always made sure you apologize in the end.
Will the other boys leave too?
Just as that thought crossed your mind, tears started to fall. The thought of the boys leave you one by one, being alone and isolated with the world, no one to talk to or someone to comfort you, it’s too painful for you to handle.
But you really don’t deserve them.
They need to be free, away from you. You think of those things yet you can’t bare to let go of them. You love them with all your heart and letting go of them would just be letting half of your heart go. You can’t do it.
As you hear screams coming from downstairs, you hurriedly made way downstairs, hoping that Minho returned, hoping that none of them would leave.
“What do you mean Minho’s gone!?” You hear Chan yell just as you reached the living room.
“H-he’s not in the room, hyung, he’s not anywhere inside the house too!” Felix explained, his eyes brimming with tears.
‘He’s really gone’ You could only stare at the boys who were panicking and screaming. ‘He didn’t come back’
“Y-Y/N...” Jisung’s weak voice snapped you out of your flooded thoughts.
Now all the boys gave their full attention to you, waiting for you to say something. All their sad eyes made you feel guilty, making you look away from them.
“I-I don’t deserve you all,” you sadly say before rushing to your room, ignoring the boys’ screams of your name.
You only cried your heart out as you shut the world around you.
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥  ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
It has been an hour since the boys stopped knocking on your door every five minutes. You assumed it was lunch time, you really couldn’t tell as dark clouds covered the bright sun, almost as if the weather was crying with you.
You didn’t feel hungry, you felt empty and sad. Nothing seemed to cheer you up. You were only staring at the beige walls of your bedroom, the tears stopped for a while, letting your swollen eyes rest.
You heard no noises outside, no screams coming from Jisung, no sounds of Hyunjin and Jeongin’s loud footsteps, as if no one was there.
They left.
You were sure that the boys all left, yet, you wanted to find them outside, playing or eating. This made you walk out of your room. You hated that you still hoped that they were still there, that they didn’t leave you.
You looked inside the rooms, hoping to find at least one of them. No one was there. Every room was isolated, the only noise you hear is yours as it echoed across the halls.
“Boys! Please, come back,” you called for them even if you knew they were truly gone. The last place you looked at was your backyard, their favorite place to be. You started to remember where everyone ran around under the sun, running around feeling happy. You longed to see them again.
You swear you saw them running but as you blinked, no one was there, it’s only an empty yard. You even thought that you heard them call your name but you were sure it was your mind messing with you.
“Y/N!” There it was again. You wanted to make the voices shut up, it was only making your current state worse.
Someone shaking your body made you open your eyes that you didn’t know you closed. You looked up and saw Woojin.
“W-Woojin?” You look and saw the rest of the boys rushing to you. “Everyone?”
Everyone was there. They didn’t leave.
“Y/N! It’s Minho! He needs help!” Chan shouted.
You now noticed the man in his arms. It was Minho but with cuts and bruises all over his body.
“Oh my gosh, quick, put him inside!” You frantically ran inside the house, grabbing the first aid kit before rushing back to the couch where Minho unconsciously laid.
You had a better look at him and you held back your tears. He had cuts all over his face, he had a black eye and his forehead was bleeding. He looked terrible.
You first treated his bleeding forehead before attending to his other injuries. After treating his injuries, you sat in front of the couch, staring at the poor boy.
It was silent. No one spoke. The silence was broken when your sobs were heard. This made the boys go around you with concerned looks.
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” Changbin asked you as he stroked your back.
The fact that the boys were back only made you cry harder. You couldn’t bear losing them and you were really thankful that they were back in your arms again.
“I-I’m just...thankful,” you choke out in between sobs. It made the boys look at you with confused eyes.
“I-I thought you all left me after I saw Minho leave at night, I thought I would be alone again, I don’t, I don’t want to lose you all.”
You felt the boys wrap you in a loving hug. That’s the only thing you needed to know that everything would be alright. Their presence alone is enough for you to feel alright. You feel at home right in their arms.
As Minho stirred awake, you all stared at the boy. “Y/N?” You held his hand as you felt your tears flowing again.
“I’m here, I’m here,” you tell him while softly caressing his hair. “I’m right here.”
He looked at you with his sad eyes, making eye contact with your swollen ones. You smiled at him, the smile that tells him everything is alright and he’s safe with you.
“I-I’m sorry.” He broke into tears as well, which is rare for him.
You shushed him, wiping his tears with your shaky hands. Minho took a deep breath, trying to even his breathing.
“I shouldn’t have ran away. Y/N, the world outside is scary. It’s cold and sad. They don’t make the food you make. They don’t give the warmth you give. You weren’t there. I hated how I foolishly chose to leave, I don’t know why I did that. This is my home. I won’t ever leave again.”
By this time, everyone was already crying. Minho’s words dug deep into the hearts of everyone of the boys.
“It’s okay, as long as all of you are here, everything’s going to be okay.”
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paletteful-peaches · 4 years
For the autumn asks, a l l o f t h e m
alirgh t??
ok here we gooooo
lantern - tbh I don’t really have a “best friend” I like to think all of my friends as equals!!
frost - I’d tell younger me to,,, well not do some certain things!! I’d tell them to try not to get into more trouble then they already are in, and to keep to themselves!!
maple - okay so,,,,,,, don’t make fun of me but like I’ve always wanted to try knitting or making clothes but I’ve never really gotten the chance to before, I hold lots of respect to lots of seamstresses because hot damn that is,,,,,, very hard,,,,
harvest - the fictional character I relate to most is uhhhhhhhhh,,,,,,, man give me a minute to think of one uuuuhhhhmmmmmm
fireside - my dream wardrobe would be like,,,,, lots of different aesthetics I really like! Like pretty vintage dresses or really pastel and soft clothes or lolita dresses or uhhhhhhhh gothic stuff
cider - I don’t remember much from when I was younger but I know I used to hate spicy food, I’m not in love with it now but sometimes I really crave that sriracha,,,,,,,
amber - terf isn’t a slur, and using mental illness as an excuse isn’t valid.
fog - considering how bad my mental health went from just this whole quarantine thing, I don’t think I’d fare well in a zombie apocalypse. But I’d kick ass,,,,,, like,,,, I’ve gotten muscles in my legs from riding miles on my bike,,,,,, so yeah I’d be the mentally ill badass
jack-o-lantern - idk really know what you mean by celebrity but to be honest I don’t really wanna look like anyone else. I’m happy with what I look like right now!! Well,,,, minus the titties,,,, but other than that I’m pretty happy with myself!!
spice - no, I’ve never been in a house that I think is haunted. But there was this one abandoned warehouse that was on the same street that I used to live on, me and like two friends went in there and found some creepy shit, like birth certificates,,,, and pictures,, the whole place was trashed, we speculated that it had been torn down by a strong storm, there were lots of things that you wouldn’t leave behind in there,,,
orchard - hehehe I wanna be able to kiss my gf this autumn hehehehdhdjnd
crow - I really wish I had an aptitude for math, I hate it and it makes my head hurt but I need it so I don’t get held back hhh
bonfire - cottage in the woods cottage in the woods cottage in the woods cottage in the woods c
cinnamon - probably in the 1930-1920s in New Orleans!!
cobweb - I haven’t graduated school yet but I’m not happy that it’s backk
cranberry - my eyebrows get complimented alot, I mean they look nice I guess??
maize - the strangest encounter with a stranger?? Uhhh I can’t think of anything strange that has happened so uhhhhh????
quilt - I like my tea with milk and honey!!
pumpkin - I don’t think humans are inherently good or evil, I guess it’s just that we all grow up in different situations and at different times and places and that molds who we become.
moonlit - I am,,, very messy,,,, unless I get told that I need to clean my room It’ll stay as a trashcann
flannel - I haven’t been on any dates (yet), 
cocoa - I wish I could get a pixie cut, I kind of wish my hair was darker too, while my hair is beginning to grow out as a darker color it’s only visible at the roots hdjhdjdn
ghost - I don’t really miss anyone, since I haven’t really lost anyone (yet), but I guess you could say I miss my cousins’ dog 😔😔😔
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chaosbound-official · 5 years
I am but a small, dumb human; can someone please tell me more about St. Rosa's Morn? It sounds really interesting!
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Purrol: Ohh, no, pleasse don’tt say thatt! You’rre nott dumbb att allll forr nott knowingg!
Purrol: Yourr speciess comess fromm a planett lightt yearss away fromm ourss, there’ss no way you shouldd knoww! Honestly speakingg, we’rre the oness who shouldd havve knownn you evenn hadd a holiday so similarr to beginn withh. With “Googlle” we technically hadd the upperr frondd. Nonne off uss hadd a clue! 
Purrol: It’ss justt onne off the many funn thingss aboutt culturall gapss, I supposse.
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Purrol: Anywayss, Stt. Rosa’ss Mornn iss a holiday we celebratte inn honorr off onne off the Reveredd Rebellionn, The Dolorosa. She wass the onne who raisedd the thenn-titledd Signlessss inn secrett, andd inn doingg so hadd to avoidd gettingg caughtt by the droness. Many storiess say thatt the two off themm hadd to go inn disguisse, oftenn underr harshh coverr off the morningg orr evenn daytimme, inn orderr to travell safely andd outt off sightt off the laww. They oftenn hadd to rely onn the goodwillll of friendss andd associatess off the Dolorosa - whichh wass muchh harderr to comme by backk thenn!
Purrol: Iff I understoodd Makkea correctly, the functionss off the holiday itselff arre consistentt withh yourr Halloweenn - To disguisse ourselvess to ‘fooll the droness’, andd to travell fromm hivve to hivve duringg the lessss-thann-ideall conditionss of morningg, seekingg charity andd safehavenn. It’ss evolvedd somme overr the sweeps, and disguisess noww tendd to justt be ann excuse to dressss upp, pretendd to be someonne differentt forr funn. Andd charity noww iss oftenn representedd with simplle things, littlle snackss andd the likke - muchh likke yourr “Trickk orr treatt”.  
Purrol: We usedd to havve ourr ownn “Trickk” portionn, butt it’ss fallenn outt off practicce ass itt oftenn causess lotss of disruptionn andd a tendency to…. escalatte… thingss.
Purrol: I hoppe thatt explanationn iss helpfull! I’mm probably goingg to be the onne inn chargge off the camera forr a bitt whille everyonne elsse getss ready, so if you havve any followup questionss you’rre morre than welcomme to askk! I couldd usse the company. 8)
(mod: Thanks for the ask!!!! I was so excited to write this out hehehehe)
Quirk free under cut:
Purrol: Oh, no, please don’t say that! You’re not dumb at all for not knowing!
Purrol: Your species comes from a planet light years away from ours, there’s no way you should know! Honestly speaking, we’re the ones who should have known you even had a holiday so similar to begin with. With “Google” we technically had the upper frond. None of us had a clue!
Purrol: It’s just one of the many fun things about cultural gaps, I suppose.
Purrol: Anyways, St. Rosa’s Morn is a holiday we celebrate in honor of one of the Revered Rebellion, The Dolorosa. She was the one who raised the then-titled Signless in secret, and in doing so had to avoid getting caught by the drones. Many stories say that the two of them had to go in disguise, often under harsh cover of the morning or even daytime, in order to travel safely and out of sight of the law. They often had to rely on the goodwill of friends and associates of the Dolorosa - which was much harder to come by back then!
Purrol: If I understood Makkea correctly, the functions of the holiday itself are consistent with your Halloween - To disguise ourselves to ‘fool the drones’, and to travel from hive to hive during the less-than-ideal conditions of morning, seeking charity and safehaven. It’s evolved some over the sweeps, and disguises now tend to just be an excuse to dress up, pretend to be someone different for fun. Andd charity now is often represented with simple things, little snacks and the like - much like your “Trick or Treat”.  
Purrol: We used to have our own “Trick” portion, but it’s fallen out of practice as it often causes lots of disruption and a tendency to…. escalate… things.
Purrol: I hope that explanation is helpful! I’m probably going to be the one in charge off the camera for a bit while everyone else gets ready, so if you have any followup questions you’re more than welcome to ask! I could use the company. :)
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Okay so this isn‘t the first dream related fic I’ve done, but this one is completely different. It also involves Trevante Rhodes (because he is delicious is he not?) as well as Erik. So a two for one! This one is for @killmongersprncss (Photo manip by me 😁) Let's go.
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Kristina ran as fast as her feet would carry her, her heels clacking on concrete. She paused briefly to rip them off of her sore feet and that was all the time it took for her pursuer to appear in front of her. She knew she didn’t have a chance to escape, but she had to try. She faked left and ran right, running smack into the tall wall of flesh. He tsked, shaking his head slowly before vanishing into thin air. She ran faster, her heart racing as she looked frantically for anyone to call out to but she was alone in a warehouse she didn’t remember coming to. Everything was blurry in her mind, but his face.. His face, she couldn’t burn it out of her mind. His sinister laugh was ingrained in her ears. Flying around a corner, she could hear the chilling low snicker following her every move. It was inescapable, a reminder that he was omnipresent in her life. “Leave me alone,” she panted, “Go away!”
“Fly, little bee, fly,” he whispered and it seemed to come from every direction at once. He was toying with her. She finally spotted an exit, her legs burning. She dared not stop as she pushed herself to run further.. out of the gloomy warehouse and into the dark of the night that seemed so bright. She was a bat out of Hell, dashing through still black puddles of rainwater on the pavement. Following the street, she ran until she collapsed, her legs refusing to go any further. Would she die tonight? She was close to accepting her fate, but a glimmer ahead halted that plan. As the light brightened, it rushed toward her with a terrifying speed. She used her arms to lift herself praying that the car would stop, but it quickly became clear that the driver didn’t see her. She’d fled her abductor just to die like roadkill. Raising her arms, she waved them frantically, making eye contact with the driver at the last second. He slammed on breaks and the car jerked and swerved as a dark shadow swept across the road, snatching and rolling Kristina to the ditch.
“Kristina. Wake up, girl. We present this tomorrow. I need to finish this shit today.” The voice was familiar, but didn’t fit the reality she was currently living. It was confusing. She jerked violently, her eyes opening to the real world. It all came back to her bit by bit. She was Kristina Evans, third year of MIT’s Engineering program. She and her classmate Erik Stevens had created a prototype for a project. They called it bloodhound, a device created to track smells and find the direction of said smell. “Right, right, okay” Kristina perked. Erik’s appraising stare showed his concern. She’d fall asleep at inappropriate times often as part of her diagnosed disorder, but lately the instances had doubled. She was falling asleep and missing a lot in her classes. Her professors tried their best to work with her, giving her more time to finish her essays, tests, and projects, which was helpful. It was lucky she was a genius. Erik had even stepped up as her classmate and agreed to work with her despite her issue. The problem was, every time she woke up.. he looked so concerned. She cleared her throat with a smile as though she wasn’t just knocked out, “Bloodhound. The idea is to use it as your nose, but better. Take it out with you and let it lead you to delicious smells, pleasing smells. Identify quickly where bad smells are coming from. Quickly know exactly who farted in the elevator,” she joked. He blew out a silent laugh. “Let’s go back to when you said ‘your nose but better’ I think that’s a strong tagline.”
“I agree. It’s a cool little device too, we did good. It looks like a small taser. Actually, what if we made it double as a taser. We could do it.”
“We could..,” he pondered, his chin between his thumb and index fingers. “You know you’re actually brilliant? To say you fall asleep all the damn time, you contribute more than any other person I’ve worked with at this institution.” He typed a few notes onto his laptop that held the powerpoint and as she blinked, once, then a double-blink, the darkness blinked, flashing scenes from her dreams. She stared ahead at Erik, mouth wide in a plea for help and as he reached out to her, the darkness flooded back. Her head pounded and her eyes screamed. There was only pain. “Open your eyes, little bee,” a voice echoed. She could never forget that voice. Her heart froze, icing over. It sounded distant, faded, and then suddenly..
It was directly in her ear. “..Boo.”
She jolted, feeling a cold chill but her eyes stayed shut. “Open your eyes,” the whisper lulled, “You’ll feel better.” But she couldn’t. It hurt too bad. She could feel his cool breath on her neck and an inexplicable fear took over. She forced her eyes open and she was right back in that ditch staring up at a starless sky. “Welcomee backk,” the familiar man sang. His eyes were as black as the pavement, no whites, no irises. no light. She knew him well. His smirk was devious, gold grills gleaming, stained with red. The stench of blood reeked in her nostrils and her hands darted over her body and head checking for bleeding. Nothing. Where was it coming from? It wasn’t from her, but blood was caked onto his chin. “No bloodhound with you?” His eyebrows raised teasingly. How did he know about that? He always knew everything. His grin broke free as he hoisted her up to her bare feet and over his shoulder. “Where you think I was finna let you go to, little bee? We’re one now. You’re part of the Circle. Look down.. To the left.” As he walked forward, the sight was inverted from her hanging over his shoulder but it was still clear. The car that had sped down the road was completely totaled, flipped in the ditch on the opposite side of the road. “I did that for you,” he spoke, “Now look again.” You stared at the scene until your eyes spotted a deep red spill. Hidden behind tall weeds was a bloodied and lacerated body.. that driver. The blood on his chin finally had an identified owner. “I did that to show you.. This is what happens when you try to snitch about me to others. You don’t want this for the people you trust.. do you?” The threat was clear. Don’t tell anyone about the man with the black eyes. “I said.. are we clear?” His voice was lax, but his aura was still sinister. “We’re clear,” you spoke clearly. He adjusted your weight on his shoulder. “Good. Now, fly away little bee. See how far you get.”
Her eyes opened to a worried Erik. She mentally beat herself up realizing she’d had another episode while they were trying to work. Looking down, she saw her hand in his. She was unconsciously gripping the shit out of it. “Oh shit, sorry,” she tried to snatched her hand back, but he held it tighter. Instead of moving to retract his arm, he chose to let her hold onto reality a bit longer. She appreciated it. It made her feel a bit more grounded.
“Can I ask you something?” His stare was intense. “Mhm,” she nodded, keeping herself collected. She was in the school library. She was safe. The dreams weren’t real, they were only dreams. She’d never actually gotten hurt. “What do you be dreaming about that got you so tense?” The warning came back to her mind. Should she talk about the dreams? She never had before, too afraid to go against the wishes of the man with the black eyes, real or imaginary. She’d never spoken specifics of her dreams to doctors or psychiatrists. Not even to her own parents, but the dreams went way back into her childhood. The black-eyed man had aged with her, always present since as long as she could remember. She hadn’t always been afraid. When she was five, so was he. He’d asked to stay with her and naively, she’d said yes. The fear came after she turned seven and the black eyed boy told her to set fire to her house. She hadn’t done it and he’d gotten angry, but that was when she realized all of the questionable things she had done. Her parents made her go to therapy at a young age and she’d never told about the boy, just that she’d fall asleep and hear a voice that told her to do bad things, but he was also her friend. The boy had said THAT part was okay to share. At nine, the boy told her to cut her hair short to prove her friendship and she’d picked up the scissors and hacked her hair off. A trip to the salon evened it out. That same year, the boy told her not to go to her best friend Aisha’s house and it was that night that the police raided them, taking her father into custody for cocaine distribution. A fake charge nonetheless, Aisha’s father was innocent. There were a few more incidents where his psychic knowledge kept her safe, helped her get 100s on tests, and taught her a variety of things that were more advanced than what the teachers themselves could teach. She was hailed as a child genius and prodigy. Every time she woke up in class, there would be a lot of information she missed, but somehow she always knew the correct answers. Those were the instances that made her think that if that boy was real, he was good, at least to her. Then on her 13th birthday, he disappeared completely. She had mixed feelings. She felt loss, but for the first time, she had clarity. No more medication, no more therapy, no more visions or dreams, no more falling asleep in random places. Her parents called it a blessing and thanked God. The testimony was told in church and the congregation hollered, running around the church. She’d ran too, chalking the experience up to a long dream that had finally ended.. An imaginary friend that finally went away.. She’d grown up and graduated high school, and even gotten into college without incident. Then her second week in first year, the dreams came back.
“Upset?” A black eyed man asked sitting at the end of her bed, his voice echoing ominously as he looked through her into her mind and soul. His look had completely changed. He was older and muscular with a deep, low voice, dark facial hair and and his bright white fanged smile was replaced with a golden grill of fangs. His hair was covered with a black wave cap and he seemed way more cold and sinister than her childhood self remembered. She didn’t know how to respond. His bold appearance was so abrupt and her roommate slept across the room. Kristina was afraid, but also confused.. and a little turned on if she were honest. Her subconscious had dredged up an attractive man. After all of those years, he had somehow become her ideal type, minus the black eyes. “Chill out. None of this is real, Kristina and you will wake up.. NOW,” she said snapping her fingers. His stare was patient and amused as his head cocked to the side, unnaturally. “You don’t control that, Kristina,” he smiled. She panicked as she realized it was just her and the black-eyed man suspended in time. Leaning forward, he grabbed her hand, his lips grazing her knuckles. “I always wanted to do this, but they said I had to wait..”
“Who is they?” A tingle went from her hand through her body and to her core.
“I missed you. We were great together. Remember how we used to scare people with how smart we were? I want that again. Can we do that again? I swear I won’t be so selfish this time. We can be successful.”
“Um..,” Kristina was torn. She was intelligent on her own, but things had come way, way easier with him. Plus, the way he was making her feel, she felt good.
“Can I stay with you? Say yes.”
What the hell, she thought. “If I tell you to leave, will you?” He nodded in confirmation. “Okay... then, yes.”
“You have a boyfriend now,” he spoke without pause. “You’re mine. Get rid of him.” His low voice tripled as if he were three beings instead of one. He’d never done that before and it sent a chill down her spine. He closed the space between them, his lips touching hers, full of intention. He’d never done that either. She was frozen in shock. His black, empty eyes remained open and on hers and when he pulled back, his mouth was stained red. She reached to her mouth and blood wet her finger. Without a warning, his head whipped like lightening and his golden fangs sunk into the skin of her neck. Her eyes were wild and before she could lose consciousness, he pulled away exposing a cut on his tongue. “We shared blood. That’s step two. Now there’s one step left.”
She stared at him in confusion. “What’s that?”
“You have to die.” His hand wrapped around her throat squeezing tightly, the oxygen leaving her brain and she struggled like a wild animal to pry his hand away. Her eyes popped open and she bolted upright to stare into the eyes of her roommate who was shaking her. When she finally caught a grasp on reality, she dropped her own hand that was wrapped tightly around her neck. It began to shake. “You’re okay,” her roommate Hannah repeated like a soothing mantra until she could breathe normally. Kristina was terrified to go back to sleep. “Leave,” she whispered almost inaudibly. If the black eyed man was real, she hoped he heard it.
The next few weeks were filled with sleep deprivation and paranoia. She had been free and then suddenly a relapse. Maybe she should have stayed on the medication. “What’s the problem, Kristina?” A heavy hand handed on her shoulder and she flinched, but it was just her boyfriend, Alex. They’d agreed to go to the same school. She released a sigh and the tension left her body as she allowed herself to be engulfed with his affection. He smelled like weed and she liked it. “Nothing, just the stupid nightmares.” He shook his head, “Again?”
“I don’t know what’s bringing them on it’s never been this scary.” It was very stressful. The man/boy had never attempted to kill her before. That was new.
“Well then, babe.. Guess I’ll stay by you to make sure you’re okay, but I wish you’d just tell me what the dreams are about. You don’t have to shoulder it alone. It might even make them go away. What’dya say?”
“Yeah, I don’t know,” she mumbled into his warm shoulder. He meant well, but she wasn’t sure he’d understand. Plus she was still scared but he kept pressing her and eventually she blurted it out to him. It was two days later in a diner. She had barely slept and he was scared for her well-being. It felt good when she’d finally told him. He was freaked out, but he hid it well for her sake. She’d never forget the result of it though. She called him the next day and the phone went straight to voicemail. She didn’t hear from him for a week and then she got a call from his parents saying he was dead. She’d gone to the funeral, regret plaguing her as she stared at the closed casket. She knew it was her fault. That night, she went to sleep ready to die but the black eyed man didn’t come. He didn’t come the next night or the next week. He came three weeks later, appearing at the foot of her bed again. When she didn’t startle, he rested his hand on her leg. “I told you what would happen. If you hadn’t exposed us, he’d be alive right now. You’d still have your.. perfect little.. white boy. Him the flower.. you the the bee. All happy and shit.”
She didn’t speak. There were no words. He continued, “I could have killed him long ago, you know. I spared him because of you. When you told him about me, you pissed them off.”
“Fuck THEM whoever THEY are,” Kristina bit. A charged silence stretched between the two before he broke it. “They still want you,” he said gently in his low voice. “That’s too damn bad,” she snapped. Whoever They were could go to hell.
“I still want you,” he added. She scoffed, bitterness soaking every breath.
“Hm,” he sighed after a beat. “Well, little bee.. like it or not.. YOU.. already said yes. Ain’t no going back. I’d suggest you suck it the fuck up and pull yourself together.” He stood from the bed, not even attempting to kill her like she’d expected. “You learned a lesson. Keep your mouth shut and you won’t have to deal with this again.. hopefully.” With that, he disappeared.
“Kristina.” She was torn from the dark memory realizing that Erik had asked her a question. One she couldn’t answer without risking his life. He wanted to know the content of her dreams.. the reason she was so tense and jumpy. She shrugged. “Uhh, it’s.. Can we not discuss that? Sorry, it’s just--”
“Nah, I understand. You don’t have to talk about it,” he interjected packing his things to stand. “We done here anyway. I finished everything. Just show up to class tomorrow, we’ll kill the shit,” he paused, “...But can I give you a piece of advice?” She waited, her eyebrows high as he hesitated.
“..Try not to die.” It was a warning and before she could form a response, he’d walked off.
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rythmcale · 3 years
I dont remember my dreams but i remembered this one.
ok this is going to be disjointed, grammatically incorect, and the writting itself will probably bother some people cause my writting style? is trash.. i think. i had a wild cohesive dream last night and i HAVE to share omfg. i dont often remember my dreams.. if ever. I just started antidepressants like.. a couple weeks ago.  the day before this dream, i was working on my friends car (01 ford taurus limited) trying to replace the front complete struts (fuck those struts omg) been at it for more than a few hours. shit just was not going well. finally got one strut out after a shitload of hammering but the new strut just wont go in and i said fuck this car im taking a break. went inside and joing my already in motion dnd session that we are at level 20 now. were in the last part of hell, beating the shit out of a rockshasha (idk how to spoell it) pentagram on the floor. blood pooling into it. we beat him then get an image of th partys home town being waylayed by an army of demons, devils, monsters of all kinds. we plane shift back, and get told that a rift opened up and they just started pouring out just a few moments after we left to deal with the rockshasha. game ends, and i join my friends with some apex legends for a few hours. my head starts to hurt like a MOTHER and i bow out. i watch some youtube on my couch so the tv is further away from my eyes than the monitor but headache doesnt do away. its one of those headaches that feel like your brain is getting stabbed and it was on my left temple and behind my eye at the same time... i dont get headaches often. so i say fuck it, i take four pills of off brand ibuprofyn, and two off brand pill of acetamitaphin. eat a banana, can of cambells chuncky corn chowder soup and go to bed.
this is the dream i rememebr having after having the most restful sleep i can rememebr having i n a long while.
ok so i remembr three parts of it maybe more. first thing i remember is that it was dark and stormy night (cliche i know just.. just hang on) panning through an apartment you hear thuds and a scream or two. sounds like fighting. after panning through a tossed apartment you finally get to the bedroom where a woman lay exaushted on the bed, room is trashed. (no this is not erotica hang on) man is haunched, twitching somewhat in the shadows of the room. pan to the woman on th bed, its a beaten and bloody blonde.. (for some reason my head went brittney spears idk why) and shes laying there kind of laughing.. chuckling and finally says, i wont let you have your way as the guy lunges for her she takkes a bottle and breaks it over his head. broken sharp bottle in her hand she glances at it as the guy staggers backk some,he growls.  as he begins to lurch forward again lighting strikes and for a flash you see mangled, rotting flesh. eyes white, teeth missing, just horrible to look at, and groaning sniffing the air. presumibly for her. with the last bit of her strength she take the bottle to her throat amiling and crying that she both got away from this thing and sad that she has to die to do it.
im in a funeral home in what i normally wear, jeans, leather jackket, t shirt, bandanna, long hair. (it my dream of course im in it, just put yourself where i put me, im, mine, etc etc) Im standding therre waiting to go in and the same woman comes up beside me. Shes in kind of a black.. or whitish sun dress, depending how the light hist is.. or doesnt? with one of those hat that have a large... brim? (i dont know the word right now, those hat you see woman wear to the beach that offer a shit load of shade) around it. i rmember us chatting a bit and she finally looks at me. immediatly im struck with shock cause she looks like who we are going to the funeral for. I say "holy shit you like just like her" she says "oh yeah shes my twin, the only difference between our features is that i have one eye thats yellow". i then take notice of her eyes and finally ee that one ofo them is indeed yellow. but its not exactly?? its that thing that happens around the pupil that looks yellow and kind of spikey. idk what is called but it covered most of her iris. i told her this, ahs smiled and said "well thank you i never knew that" and walked inside. as i walked inside i saw everyone was well dressed and now im in a black suite and tie, hair pulled back. it was a large church with cielings that i could only imagine how high they were.
im in an attic type place. (presummably the area above the church??) im walking around lookks like the belfry from the first batman movie with michel keaton and jackk nicolson.. they arent there. its dark out, lights kind of peering through the cracks in the roof and slits of the wood. panning through the attic i see a particularly large crack in the wood. just big enough to look through. So i do. i see the guy who played glennn in the walking dead (i cant remember the actors name right now) standing there witha shotgun in hand and ak slung over him. looks like he did in walking dead (only thing ive seen that actor in so far -shrugs-) kind of decked out with grenades, a bullet belt, cargo pants, couple of boot knifes. hes talkingf to someone casually i cant make out what they are saying. suddenly he turns around in shock and yells run as he sharts fireing. can see everything inside the area now. its a long hallway.. ish? type area. looks the same as where i was. you see some creatures coming towards "glenn" and he stops grins and all of a sudden on ether side of the hallway is row after row of automatice guns. and they just start PUMPING they things full of bullets.. like they dont even stnad for more than a few seconds. after that he promptly runs to the side off where i cant see him anymore.
now im standing next to him and the woman from the start of this is in front of us, he hands me a knife. we both go in, shes jerking around but still as beautiful as ever, smiling and saying "you still think that will finish me do you, bwhahahah" you know that anime haha laugh that women do with the back of their hand to their mouth. me and "glenn" go in, with glenn warning of her dragons breath. and suddenly i have her in a choke hold and shes squrming. im trying to twist and break her neck, it just wont happen. shes smiling and i can see red creeping up her throat, smoke coming out of her nose and mouth, eye glowing red, keeps trying to grab my arm with her hands to get me to let go, shes held down by.. something idk. finally i say fuck this, i take the knife to go for her neckk and saw at her neck, its like rubber, the knife wont cut and suddenly theres wood covering it.. wind wipping around us. im sawing at the wood like my life depends on it. then i get pushed back as earth starts to form around her leggs and she gets lifted up on this mound. wood covering the top part of her and her arms. shes still laughing until shes not and is now panicked. im confusedas fuck cause i didnt do anything. th earth hardens into metal. so much pressure that the earth and rock turned to metal. the wood covering the top ortion of her, her arms become limbs of the tree and it grows from the top of her head and fully blooms in an instant then petrifies. her contorted screamingf face like a knot in the tree. "glenn" walks up next to me just as beaten and bloody as i am. somehow we are both standing. "glenn" asks "is it finally over?" and i say " it might.. for a while. but not forever" camera pans out as we both slump to our knees finally breathing and you se a cathedral that the funeral was in on a hude mound of earth and the city, landscape, everything is ether over grown or crumbling like in the game the last of us.
for some reason i think this would a wild ride as a movie or book or well written at all.. fuck
0 notes
usopensquash · 13 years
2011: Massaro and Shabana dominate US Open Finals
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Laura Massaro and Amr Shabana are the Delaware Investments U.S. Open Champions after both turned in dominant performances in tonight’s finals at Drexel University’s Daskalakis Athletic Centre in Philadelphia.
Massaro came back strongly to dominate affairs after Kasey Brown had taken the first game, while Shabana was in scintillating form against a struggling opponent after the first two games were shared.
Women’s Final: [5] Laura Massaro (Eng) bt [6] Kasey Brown (Aus)   5/11, 11/5, 11/3, 11/5 (56m) Men’s Final: [3] Amr Shabana (Egy) bt [1] Nick Matthew (Eng)  11/9, 8/11, 11/2, 11/4 (51m)
Massaro dominant
Laura Massaro made a good enough start to the Delaware Investments U.S. Open women’s final, as she and Kasey Brown traded patient rallies to open proceedings on the glass court at the Daskalakis Athletic Centre at Drexel University in Philadelphia.
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Getti ng to two-all in that opening game took a few minutes, and you certainly couldn’t pick a winner at that point. But as the game wore on it was the Australian who began to take charge of the rallies more, and, helped by several unforced errors from Massaro, she moved ahead to 6/3, then 9/4, and took the lead 11/5 with a dropshot that left Massaro a long way back in the court.
After that though, the fifth seed from Lancashire was, in truth, dominant. The rallies were still there, the movement and shotmaking from both were good, but it was Brown who was being rushed, and Massaro who was making the most of the openings she waited patiently for.
That new favourite shot, the deceptive little crosscourt flick from the front left corner was working well, and more than a few points were earned with it.
In the second game Massaro went ahead 4/2, 7/4, 10/5 and won it with a drive to the deep that was too tight.
The third saw her lead 9/1 in a flash with Brown hitting tin after tin. The first two games took 14 and 19 minutes, 11/3 in the third came after just 7.
Brown did lead the fourth, 2/1, but Massaro was soon back on top, controlling play again as she went ahead 5/2, then 10/4.
Kasey saved one match ball with a straight drive, but Laura put paid to hopes of a comeback with a another wrongfooting boast, and the new U.S. Open champion raiser her hand in the air …
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“Kasey came out strong in the first and I just couldn’t get in front of her, she was putting me under pressure and I was making mistakes. It was the sort of match where whoever got in front was winning, so I really had to work on it to get in front from the second game.
“At the start I didn’t feel as comfortable as I had in the previ0us matches, my legs felt heavy and I felt a little sluggish, but I just told myself I had to forget that. I got a few good rallies together and I felt good and played well after that.
“I can’t believe I won, it’s been a great year for me with three major victories. The Nationals is always up there and I was very proud to be the first Lancashire woman to win it, beating Nicol in Cleveland was big, but this is the biggest of them, a major event on a glass court, they don’t come much bigger than this!”
Laura Massaro
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Shabana irresistible
Amr Shabana claimed a second U.S. Open title within three years with a scintillating performance to beat top seed Nick Matthew in four fast-paced games.
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The Egyptian third seed made a tremendous start, thrilling the Philadelphia crowd with a series of winning shots that left Matthew struggling. Coming backk from 6/1 down was a tall order, but the Englishman almost made it, getting to 8/9 but then having a let decision turned into a no let as Shabana appealed to the video ref. Shabana then took the game 11/9 on another winning volley drop after 19 minutes.
The second was a carbon copy in reverse – Matthew dominant now, cutting off Shabana’s shots to race to an 8/1 lead, only to see Shabana fight his way back. From 9/4 down Shabana rediscovered his touch, got to 8/9 and this time it was he who was annoyed not to complete the comeback as Matthew levelled 11/8.
That second game used up just 10 minutes on the clock as both went for their shots, and the next two games were just as quick, 8 and then 7 minutes.
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Shabana was totally dominant in both of them, reeling off winning volley drops and dropshots almost at will. Matthew was by now clearly struggling with his movement and simply had no answer, scoring just five more points and three of those were late in the fourth game.
There was no big celebration as Shabana put in one last dropshot, but the Prince of Cairo will have felt deep satisfaction at winning another major title. Matthew will put this one down to experience, and he’ll be back.
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“It was a good match, and it’s such a relief to win a major tournament again. It’s been a tough couple of years, at times I thought I might never win again but I’ve been playing well this week and my body held up which is the important thing.
“I’m just glad you were all here to witness me winning again and I hope I can carry on playing well and win some more!”
Amr Shabana
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“I’m disappointed that my body let met down a little tonight, I was struggling to push off on my foot, but I gave it a good go and you have to be good enough to cope with these problems. It feels different from coming off court having given everything you have, but that’s not taking anything away from Amr, he played really well.
“His shots were firing in from all over tonight,  and even at 100% I would have been struggling to cope with him, he was all over me by the end, and could have probably played some of those dropshots with his right hand, they were so good!”
Nick Matthew
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