#i like my men normal and my women NOT normal
zeldasnotes · 21 hours
𝖑𝖎𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖘 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 🦇
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🦇 Lilith in Capricorn wants position & status and can be shamed for demanding the same respect and position as men. Example: Hillary Clinton & Kamala Harris both have this placement. Women are often expected to seek status by being a wife so women with this placement can awake a ”Wtf she think she doing?” reaction in men.
🦇 While Lilith most times shows a strong interest, fascination or even obsession with the sign or house its in or with the themes of the planet it aspects it can also show complete rejection of it & not wanting anything to do with it.
🦇 I dont know why but I never felt the need to be bitchy towards men who have their Lilith on my Moon. I get a ”you are not like other men” feeling with this aspect. They dont trigger my fight or flight response. Something very unique with this synastry aspect.
🦇 A lot of Moon conjunct Lilith people physically resemble the Moon in some way physically. Ive seen a lot of them have Moon shaped eyes or a round face & very rounded features, sometimes super shiny hair.
🦇 Lilith in the 11th house might be fixated with the ”in crowd”. Might hate them but at the same time watch them. Its giving Janis Ian from Mean Girls. They often have a past friendship with someone from the in crowd.
🦇 Lilith can show what you hate in society and feel a strong need to rebel against. Lilith 2nd house might rebel against stuff being done to their body(like vaccines),having to pay taxes, might shoplift and refuse to pay for things that are not their fault they need. Like tampoons for example.
🦇 Ive also noticed with Lilith 7th house people want to find something wrong with your partner or even convince themselves they dont love you. People might say stuff like ”He is only with you bc you have money” or something. Its like people are bothered by seeing you be loved.
🦇 Madonna is a good example of a 7th house Lilith. She is often shamed for liking younger men while its considered normal for men to be with younger women.
🦇 Lilith in Libra and the constant triangle drama??? Triangledrama EVERYWHERE. Why does every guy you meet seem to have a crazy ex or a female friend trying to get him? Or a coworker who wants him? Or a mother who competes with you?
🦇 If you have Sun conjunct Lilith you might represent what your dad dislikes about himself. You represent a part of him that he wants to keep buried deep inside himself and being close to you might remind him too much of this. This can make him your first bully.
🦇 With Lilith in the 2nd house there was often early experiences with money restricting them which lead to an inner bitterness which is often not noticed until you hear them talk about money. The reason they werent noticed by others might have been because they didnt have the clothes, phones, makeup or other material things that others had. The epitome of ”I wasnt ugly, I was just poor”
🦇 I find it interesting how many people with strong Lilith placements Ive seen literally live out the myth by being thrown out of ”the garden of Eden”. Most times thrown out by a friendsgroup, a community or neighbourhood. And this was a huge turning point in their lives.
🦇 Lilith in synastry 🤝 they confessing after 10 years they had a crush on you.
🦇 Lilith in Aries when undeveloped can make them very competetive with others of their gender especially concerning how the body looks. Comparing their bodies to others. Might have a trauma with people comparing their body to someone close to them like a sibling or even their mom growing up.
🦇 Lilith in Aries might also assert themselves and being quiet in the complete wrong situations. Might often end up thinking ”Why didnt I stand up for myself” or ”I shouldnt have overreacted”.
🦇 ”The girl he told you not to worry about” aka the one who touches his Lilith. I hate writing this but Ive seen this sooo much. Men talking shit to their girlfriend(their eve) about a woman they have Lilith synastry with.
🦇 Sun conjunct Lilith is basically like having a flashlight shining on your dark side so that everyone can see.
🦇 Lilith dominant women(women with a dominant Lilith energy in their chart no nobody is saying its your dominant planet omg) often get blamed for a mans lust for them. Might hear stuff like ”you were looking at him” ”you seduced him”.
🦇 Lilith reminds me of Saturn a little in the way that you need to learn to handle the energy which is hard but when you do it you will be so powerful and own that energy.
🦇 Having Lilith harshly aspecting Sun or Ascendant is getting shit whatever you do. Especially when its the square or opposition. Someone comes up to you and hits you in the face, people will call you crazy and aggressive if you hit back and a pussy if you dont hit back.
🦇 Lilith in the 8th house needs to understand that some things cant be controlled/hold onto. They often experienced situations in their youth where they were powerless.
🦇 Lilith in Virgo can be gossips because of their strong need to criticize. They need to say whats wrong with stuff. This can results in some verbal attacks and some very strong opinions on people.
🦇 LILITH CONJUNCT VENUS IN SYNASTRY: can mean Lilith shouldnt be attracted to Venus. Venus might not even be their type but Lilith will find them beautiful anyways. This can be very confusing for the Lilith person because Venus represent everything they shouldnt like or arent allowed to like. Lilith might be from a rich family and Venus is from a poor family for example. Can also be an age difference especially where the woman is older and the guy younger so its considered taboo. This one will be painful if Venus is in love with Lilith because Lilith often see Venus as someone socially unacceptable in some way. (10th house synastry can change this tho, because if yall have 10th house synastry he will want to parade you around like a damn trophy LOLLL). Lilith might want Venus as their side chick. They also always seem to bump into eachother when the Lilith person is in a relationship.
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ynbabe · 2 days
Do you think you could write a smau with Yuki or Daniel with a male reader who is like 6'-6'4 and they kinda have a gay panic moment and reader is just subtly flirting with them through captions and comments...
If not than that's ok, have a great day/night
ahhhhh this is such a cute idea, I went with Danny ric for this one cause the yuki to 6'4 reader height difference would be too mean 😭
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y/nfsnweek new shoot coming out @/alphatauri
y/nfsnweek excited to meet all the cool guys at @/vcarbf1team
vcarbf1team we're excited to meet you!! username YOU'RE MEETING DANIEL AND YUKI?? y/nfsnweek perks of the job 🤷‍♂️
username HELLO??? father what do you mean you're modelling for an f1 team??
username girl they were a fashion brand first 😭
username omg does this mean Y/n's going to a race? He has to right?
username every time I find out abt this man's height I need to log off cause WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS CUTIE IS FUCKING 6'4???
username tall king
username imagine him next to Yuki 😂
username they wouldn't even fit in the camera screen together 💀
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vcarbf1team our drivers through the eyes of @/y/nfsnweek
y/nfsnweek need a pass for every race pls
vcarbf1team we got you king 💪
yukitsunoda no comments, no one talk to me, deleting all social media
username omg yuki 😭 bbg it's not your fault y/n is just freakishly tall
danielricciardo finally someone I had to look up to talk to 😂
yukitsunoda Daniel you're blocked first
username daniel looks at y/n like he wants to eat him, Yuki looks at y/n like he's planning to steal his height
username Danny something you'd like to share with the class???k
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Daniel was trying to be normal but there were only very few people he had to look up to talk too and even fewer people who looked like that.
He had accepted he was gay a long time ago but refused to be in a relationship due to the media and his job but there was no way he could ignore the way his heart began racing when he looked into your eyes. The worst part of it was he didn’t even know if you were interested in him, or guys.
One wrong move and his career would be down the drain… again and he couldn’t risk that but he couldn’t stop himself from thinking about you either. This was driving him insane. You were driving him insane and you hadn’t even spoken to him over 10 minutes.
He could always count on Max right? He had never told anyone about Daniel’s secret even when they had been fighting and he was his best friend obviously he was going to cry about this to him.
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Why had Max sent him one of Y/n’s Instagram posts? Daniel was not in the mood to stalk his crush only to see him with women all over him.
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y/nfsnweek If you know what I did last summer pls let me know
Oh, okay, he liked guys, but did he want Daniel? Y/n was a model, he worked around gorgeous men 24/7 why would he want to be with Daniel?
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Daniel couldn't do much more, he could pine and yearn like he had for years before or he could get on with his job and move on like he is used to.
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danielricciardo Enchanté orange edition 🍊
landonorris Papaya edition?
danielricciardo no comments
y/nfsnweek my favourite fruit 🤭
username bro??? username your favourite what 🤨 username oh?
maxverstappen doubles as MV1 merch
danielricciardo @/Landonorris defend your colour
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danielricciardo austingp my home away from home
ynfsnweek suddenly I'm very interested in America
maxverstappen 🤨🤨 ynfsnweek yee haw 😫
username that hat 😮‍💨
username max?? y/n??
username y/n being the first comment on this post is giving
username giving broke back mo-
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daniel.jpg photo creds to @/lando.jpg
y/nfsnweek Lando needs a raise
lando.jpg it's all him y/nfsnweek fr mans fine asf
username Y/N????
username HELLO???
username if Daniel doesn't respond to y/n rn its going to get real embarrassing real quick
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Daniels's head was reeling, what did Lando mean you were flirting with him under his posts? Weren't all those comments PR? Should he text you? but what if you didn't like him? But what if you did? Fuck.
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Daniel texted you, why had he texted you? Did he not like you? Did your comments make him uncomfortable? You were not above crying till the sun rose and the tears were already ready.
But first you had to yell at the little gremlin that probably caused this, cause you may die of a broken heart and embarrassment but you weren't going alone.
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Now back to Daniel, who was probably going to block and you were going to get your contract cut and-
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Oh? oh? And where had that sudden burst of confidence come from?
On the other end, Daniel was losing his mind.
HE LIKES ME?? HE LIKES ME!! He couldn't believe he was acting like a teenager right now but he was kicking his feet and giggling. You were the literal man of his dreams and you liked him back!
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Daniel was going to die but at least it'd be from happiness this time and you? You were screaming into your pillow, stalking the man's Instagram, blushing thinking about the date.
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Boys as young as 14 have been asking their teachers how to choke girls during sex, a teacher has told the BBC.
Dr Tamasine Preece, who teaches at Bryntirion Comprehensive in Bridgend, said some children now felt it was a normal part of sex and asked if "a soft squeeze on the neck is OK".
Health experts said pornography was a key contributor and that there was no safe way to strangle someone.
One woman, Sophie Henson, who was strangled until she passed out, said choking should not be normalised as part of sex.
It comes after warnings following the death of 26-year-old dancer Georgia Brooke, who was choked to death during sex with her boyfriend.
Dr Preece, the school's curriculum lead for health and wellbeing, said there had been questions "creeping in, such as 'How can I choke someone safely?'".
She added: "I’ve certainly been told by some children that they think that girls really want to be choked - with one saying girls are mad for it."
Johanna Robinson, Wales’ national adviser on violence against women and girls, has heard similar examples.
"I’ve spoken to sexual health nurses who told me men in college were asking questions like 'How do I safely strangle my partner?' One young person was quoted to me asking 'What do I do if I need to resuscitate my partner?'.'"
Last year, Sophie Henson was strangled by her ex partner as part of an aggressive situation.
"He gripped me by the throat so tight, I thought I was going to die," said the 24-year-old from Bridgend.
"I felt like a dead fish, my mouth was open, my body was so limp."
Sophie said she felt carrying out the act previously in the bedroom had blurred the lines, making it more acceptable.
"He'd say, 'You liked it 10 minutes ago during sex, why don't you like it now?'"
She's now warning other women to seek out and assess the risks before consenting to it as part of sex.
She said stories of it being normalised among young people were "worrying".
"Everyone is entitled to their bedroom manners, but there's no way it is safe," she added.
"There is a risk factor and it shouldn't be experimented with lightly - do your research and ask questions."
Her ex-partner Zach Pennell was convicted of coercive control and intentional strangulation in January this year.
Dr Preece said conversations needed to include consent and how that must continue throughout sex.
She encourages conversation in her classroom, so teenagers understand consent is needed rather than "just blindly accepting it" and encourages children to talk to their parents as well.
She added: "Rather than just choking specifically we talk about the fact there should be no abuse of any kind in sexual relationships.
"We can shy away from these issues or we can be realistic that they’re happening and making sure that we’re the ones having conversations with our children rather than leaving it to tech companies."
Ms Robinson echoed this message, saying: "How much harm do we need to see happen before we’re brave enough to have these conversations?
"I don’t think young people realise the potential harm - it can take little pressure to cause damage or cause someone to be unconscious.
"Helping young people to understand that is a first step."
Dr Kate Howells, an associate specialist in sexual health, believes more people think strangulation is expected, with "a lot" of young women telling her it had happened to them.
She believes instant access to porn for anyone with a phone is a key factor for it.
"People are watching it from a very young age and, for a lot of young people, it is their first sexual experience and therefore they’re almost looking to porn to learn about sex and what to do to be good at sex.
"If young people are seeing that kind of messaging from pornography rather than loving or caring, respectful messages then they'll think that's what they need to do - whether they feel comfortable with it or not."
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freckled-radfem · 2 days
I love ignoring male strangers at the gym, when i’m shopping, when i’m walking in the city.  I love only smiling at women when i pass them on the street and only engaging in small talk with women.  The only instance in which i’ll give a male stranger any attention when i can avoid it, is when i catch one staring at me, then i’ll stare right back with an unblinking face of disgust instead of awkwardly looking away like i have normally found myself doing.  other than that it’ll just be straight up ignoring strange men unless absolutely necessary. Focusing on myself, making my own way in the world, prioritising female friendships. 
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starhotchgf · 2 days
Boss Bitch
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Where Y/N has gone more than a year without making fun of the guys she dated, but Aaron finds a way around his employee's situation.
warnings: overstimulation, squirting, period mentions, rough sex, pet names, mature content.
English is not my first language, so forgive me for any mistakes.
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Working at the BAU was something she had dreamed of since she was just a child and at the same time something that had come true before she could have imagined, making her a young agent, just like Spencer was, even though you were still older than the genius with more PHDs than a normal human being could imagine. She had been there for a little over two years, working with something she liked and making friends she could never have imagined before.
Emily, JJ and Penelope were her best friends, whether it was to comfort her when she had a bad day or got scolded by Hotch or also to have girls' nights and get a little drunk while talking unfiltered in Garcia's office. That wasn't the case at the moment, since they weren't in the living room of any of the girls there, but in the unit's break room. The last case had been solved in two days and with all the reports finished there was no harm in taking a few minutes to gossip and update each other on the group's latest encounters with some guys.
“He was extremely attractive and for a few minutes I thought he might be different from the other guys I’ve dated and would be able to give me at least a little pleasure, which clearly didn’t happen and so I ended up frustrated in my bed for another night. I think the lack of orgasms has been making me more stressed than my period.” You sighed, taking a sip from your cup of coffee. “Why is it that the men I date are so bad in bed?”
“Are you telling me that in the last few weeks you haven’t had an orgasm?” Garcia asked, looking shocked by that revelation that none of her friends expected. “It’s only been weeks, right?”
“Actually I don’t think I’ve cum in a year and a few days, it’s like I never get out of that pre-cum haze and the men I’ve dated definitely didn’t even help me get there.” You confessed, laughing weakly when you saw the shocked looks on the women’s faces. “I’m a difficult person in these aspects.”
“I don’t know how you’re putting up with this. I swear that if I went more than two days without cumming, I’d go completely crazy and pull my own hair out.” JJ said, gesturing exaggeratedly with her hands. “Not even by yourself?”
Your shake of the head made the blonde’s eyes widen, taking another big sip from the cup of coffee she had in her hands. You could be sure that they had consumed more coffee in those few minutes of conversation than they would have consumed during the entire work week at the agency.
The conversation continued for the next few minutes, being bathed in tips that they would never have heard anywhere else and without any filter as it was spoken in that small room. What no one expected was that Aaron was listening to the obscene story that you told with frustration. Something grew inside him and the man knew exactly what he should do. Something that had been kept for much longer than could be put into words.
“Hey Y/N, wait a minute, I need to talk to you.” Your boss’s voice made you stop in your tracks. You didn’t need to look at your friends to know what they looked like at that moment. You just felt someone patting you on the shoulder before the women walked away completely, leaving the office along with Derek, Spencer, Luke, and Rossi. “Do you have something to do? I don’t want to keep you here if you have a more important commitment.”
“I have nothing to do, Hotch. I can stay as long as you need me to.” You looked into the older man’s eyes, ignoring the shock that ran down your spine in an electrifying way, almost causing a small spasm in your limbs. “Is it something about the case?”
“Just call me Aaron, honey. We don’t need formalities when it’s just the two of us.” The man laughed, leaning against his desk in a relaxed manner. You never imagined that the older man could become even more attractive with a small gesture and a mere affectionate nickname. You had never heard that masculine and soft tone in his voice. “I want to invite you, Y/N. Would you like to have some wine with me at my place? Jack went to a school camp, just you, me, wine and a probably bad movie that might be playing at this time.”
Her gaze rose until she met her boss again, feeling the same shiver as before, but in a different way, because looking into his eyes, she found desire, not just any desire, the perversion of that invitation that the man made with such a calm and soft tone of voice was palpable. If she wasn’t a profiler, she wouldn’t notice the lust hidden behind those good intentions.
“That would be great, Aaron.” She smiled, with that same perverse desire behind the innocent look she directed at the taller man. Maybe this was the chance to get out of that exhausting and frustrating fog she was in.
“It will be great to have you at my house, dear.”
The wine glasses were on the coffee table, the bottle in the middle of both, already half full at that point in the night. Small laughs came from their lips as they listened to yet another story about the older man's youth; they barely paid attention to the movie playing on television, too entertained with each other. Aaron already had a few buttons of his shirt unbuttoned, the same piece that was unbuttoned from his pants, lifted in a way that showed only a small part of the 'V' line of his abdomen. There was no denying how attractive that man was, the years between you and him were what made your chest race and your breath pant the most.
Your own jacket was already off your body, the tight, long-sleeved blouse you were wearing highlighted your curves, just as that low-cut top made your breasts even more beautiful and appetizing in the eyes of your boss. The tight pants you were wearing that night left your thighs tight and spread across the sofa upholstery. Your long hair fell to your shoulders, covering part of your breasts visible through the tight neckline you were wearing.
“Is everything okay, honey? You suddenly went silent,” the man said, her gaze rising to meet his. She was sure her face was red at that point, and the provocative tone in the man’s voice didn’t help with the embarrassment. “Don’t worry, I can’t take my eyes off you either. Ever since you arrived at the BAU, with that curious and scared look, you looked like a lost little puppy.” He spoke softly, using one of his hands to brush her hair away from her cleavage. “But hearing you talk about how sexually frustrated you’ve been in the last few months gave me the courage to bring you here. I want to show you what should be done to a girl like you, honey. You deserve so much more than inexperienced brats who don’t know how to take care of that needy little thing that you are.”
“A-Aron,” she stammered, feeling her face heat up even more, her lips parting in a sigh as she felt his large hand wrap around her neck, only creating an attractive pressure in the place. “Did you hear that?”
“I heard everything, baby, every detail of how bad they’ve been, not getting you out of this horrible fog you’re stuck in, but in a way I thank them, if it weren’t for their terrible performance, I wouldn’t have the chance to be here. Now be a good girl and come to my lap,” Hotchner whispered, taking his hand off your neck so he could slap one of his thighs, indicating where you should sit. “But first take off your pants, just keep that pretty blouse and panties on, honey, I want to see how pretty my girl is.” It was almost humiliating how quickly you obeyed him, getting up from the couch, taking off your boots and socks to finally remove your tight jeans, revealing the light lace panties you were wearing to cover your already wet intimacy. You didn’t need to move, the man was quick to pull you to straddle one of his thighs, the surprise friction made you moan softly at the contact, that was music to the older man’s ears. “I’m not just going to take you once tonight, darling, I’m going to make up for all those frustrating months you’ve been through. I’m going to make you cum until you pass out in my arms from exhaustion, until you’re left speechless from screaming my name every single time. Do you hear me?” You nodded, shaking your head frantically as you felt your juices getting even wetter on his dress pants, further increasing the dark stain that was appearing on the fabric. “So fuck yourself on my thigh, I want to see your pretty face as you feel pleasure, like the needy, delicious little thing that you are, does that sound good to you? Answer me with words, I want to hear your voice.”
The man smiled at her tone of voice, holding her hips to make her move against his thigh, making her moan loudly and grab his shoulders, squeezing his skin over the button-down shirt he was still wearing. The friction of the fabric of her panties and his pants against her pussy was making her eyes not stay open for long, the pleasure of just doing that was devastating for her little body, which had been so long without feeling anything like that.
“You look so fucked up just riding my thigh, baby, moving that wet pussy and making a mess in daddy’s pants, don’t you?” Aaron smirked, holding her jaw with one hand, the other kept moving her hips, increasing the friction of her pussy on his leg. “I’m going to fuck you until you forget all the times you went out with a man, you’re going to cum until I decide I’ve had enough.”
“Daddy.” Another moan escaped your lips, your mouth remaining open long enough for a trickle of saliva to run down your chin and drip onto the same spot where your juices were, increasing the wet mess on the man’s pants. “I-I want to cum, please.”
“But I’m not stopping you, darling. Why are you begging?” The man looked at you with a smile on his face, surprised to realize that all you needed was a command. Aaron enjoyed listening to you moaning, trembling on his lap as if you were going to faint at any moment. “Do you need me to tell you? That’s what you want, isn’t it?” He brought one of his hands to your hair, pulling it roughly so that you could look into his eyes. The darkness of desire was much clearer than any light. “You can come, pretty girl. Come for me.”
It only took those words for you to come on his lap, cumming until your eyes rolled back and your body spasmed constantly. Your cum came out in an impressive amount from your pussy, wetting the man's pants even more. Aaron held your body against his chest, running his hand through your hair until you stopped shaking.
“Fuck,” you gasped, looking up to meet the man's eyes, still dark with desire. Aaron smiled sideways, pushing your still weak body so that you lay down on the couch. The man was taller than you, considerable and attractive inches, he hovered over you, moving his hands until they found the soaked fabric of your panties. “Aaron, please,” you whimpered, closing your legs until the man's hand was trapped between them.
“Be a good girl and spread your legs wide for me, okay?” he said, his lips so close to yours that you could feel his hot breath hitting your face. It didn't take much for you to open your legs for him, moaning sensitively as you felt the fabric being pushed aside and the man's fingers moving against your lips, the wet noise seemed to echo through the silent room. "So wet, my love," you whispered, bringing your sticky fingers to your own lips, licking your cum until your digits were clean.
You couldn't hold back when you grabbed the back of the man's neck and pulled him until your lips were glued to each other, delighting in your own cum that was in his mouth. Aaron held your waist, pressing your body into the soft upholstery of the sofa, one of his hands returned to between your legs, two fingers were enough to make you almost scream against the older man's lips. He thrust them in roughly, your eyes rolling back as you felt each movement of his long, thick fingers fucking your pussy as if they were his cock. The wet noise was the only thing to be heard besides your moans during the kiss.
“You squeeze my fingers so well, darling, showing how much you want to cum again, even though you can barely keep those fucking legs straight.” He laughed sensually, breaking the kiss with his hand on her neck, squeezing until her mind was spinning a little, the amount of oxygen reduced until she was panting between moans and small screams, which increased as her second orgasm arrived.
“AARON” Your scream reverberated through those walls, when once again you reached your peak, cumming hard on the man’s fingers, until your vision went white and thick tears ran down your eyes, further increasing the wet mess that was already dripping on the couch.
Your mind was blank at that moment, but your pussy still contracted in anxiety when the man removed his fingers, hearing the soggy noise that echoed through the room, that caused a sideways smile on your lips. Aaron caressed your neck, running his other hand over your bust, taking advantage of the moment to take off the blouse you were wearing, revealing the lacy bra that held your full breasts. You looked at him with teary eyes, your face red from the tears and the effort of the orgasms that took over your body in a few minutes of rest between them.
“Even after cumming twice, are you still eager for more, dear? You are a needy little thing who deserves to be taken care of properly, to cum until your brain stops working properly and you can't say a single word completely." He said smiling, squeezing one of your breasts with the hand that ran over your abdomen. Your body was sitting on the couch, the man on his knees between your legs, using both hands to slide your panties down your legs, leaving a trail of his cum on your skin, the underwear made a wet sound as it was thrown to the floor, your bra followed suit seconds later. You were completely naked in front of the older man. "I'm going to taste you and take you in my mouth, then I'm going to fuck you with my cock until you have no more voice from screaming so much." Your cry of surprise was clear and loud when the man connected his lips with your sensitive and soaked pussy, your hands automatically flew to his dark hair, pulling and moving in a confused way. Your eyes rolled back, your head falling against the back of the furniture, everything seemed to spin around you. She felt her intimacy tightening against the older man's tongue, which went in and out, licking bundles between her lips, taking everything that was left of her previous orgasms, while a new one formed at the base of her belly.
Her thighs opened and closed, until his large hands held her open, squeezing the flesh until the red marks of his fingers were there. New tears were already running down her eyes, wetting her red and hot cheeks, her hand clenched in the strands of the man's hair, the other digging her nails into the upholstery of the sofa, her brain not working properly, her vision with white spots as another wave of cum burned in her pussy. Aaron smiled against her lips, using his fingers to press her clitoris when her orgasm finally hit her body for the third time, sobs leaving her lips as she felt the man's mouth continue sucking her intimacy, enjoying every new drop of her liquid. Confused and pleasurable screams came from his lips, repeating the older man's name constantly, his legs trembling when the fourth orgasm came a few seconds later, his eyes rolled back and saliva dripped from his open mouth, dripping onto his neck and running down to his breasts.
"You taste perfect, honey." The taller man smiled, his lips dirty from his cum as he stood up. He ran two fingers over his lips, cleaning them and bringing them to his mouth, which automatically opened to receive the man's long digits. He closed his eyes as he felt his own taste. He sucked his boss's fingers until they were completely clean, running his tongue over them as if he were sucking his cock. "I'm going to fuck you until you forget your own name, Y/N."
A confused smile appeared on her lips, but her legs opened again, as if they were an invitation to the man, who laughed and landed a weak slap on his face, making she open her eyes and moan from the small fright. Aaron was amused by her expression of pleasure and exhaustion, all that frustration and knot in her eyebrows had fallen with each of her orgasms.
“Let’s go to my bed.”
Your body was carried to the man's room, your legs entwined around his waist and your head resting gently on his shoulder. Your eyes opened when you felt the soft mattress hit your back, you sighed and looked around, too confused to care about anything other than the older man. Aaron unbuttoned his shirt, throwing it on the floor, his pants and underwear followed suit soon after, you smiled sideways, admiring your boss's body, your gaze falling on the large, thick, erect cock that rested on his defined abdomen.
The older man walked to the bed, kneeling on the mattress as he stood between your legs, which automatically wrapped around his waist. His erection rubbed against your pussy, which was once again wet, leaving a small stain on the light sheet. Your eyes met, your hands holding his broad shoulders, your nails weakly biting the light skin.
"Fuck me, Daddy," you begged, your lips parting in a low moan as you felt the thick phallus forcing against your wet hole. Aaron entered slowly, enjoying the anxious and tearful expression that his face took on, her eyes closing and opening until he finally took the older man's entire cock, his nails scratching the skin of his shoulder harder. The man moaned hoarsely, bringing one of his hands until it was pressed against the base of his belly, the burning was pleasurable, forming tears in her eyes. "O-Oh yes, please, that feels so good."
"Please what, honey?" He asked, still not moving, his hand pressing harder on her belly, causing a loud moan and a new scratch, this time on his back. "Use your words."
"Move, please, I need you." She cried, biting her lips at the extreme pleasure that returned to her body again.
Aaron began to thrust inside her, hitting spots that made her crying increase, sobs mixing with the moans and prayers that took over her lips. The older man's hand was squeezing your abdomen, moans that also came out of your lips every time you pressed his cock inside you.
He moved his hand down to play with your clitoris, pressing two fingers against your mound of nerves, causing confused screams and saliva to run down your open lips, increasing the wet mess on your cheeks. The man smiled with a moan, moving his hand down to your pussy that received his cock so well, your eyes opened in surprise when you felt two fingers forcing their way in along with the man's penis.
Your body writhed on the sheet, your nails scratching more red lines on your back, your crying increasing with that strange sensation that formed at the bottom of your belly. The man's fingers curled inside you, at the same time that his cock entered and left you forcefully, making you even wetter than you already were. Your eyes closed, your lips remained open in frequent moans, your hands flying to the sheet, squeezing the fabric and pulling it tightly.
“AARON” She screamed, feeling her vision go white with that hot sensation in his belly. It only took one thrust for her to be spurting on his cock, a squirt of cum staining the man’s abdomen and increasing the mess on the sheets. She felt the older man cumming inside her, increasing the wet mess that her pussy had become. She closed her eyes tightly, breathing heavily and the tears that continued to fall from his eyes.
Aaron left you with a soaked sound, watching his cum drip from inside your pussy. You were a mess on the sheets, your eyes closed, your face wet with sweat, saliva and tears, your hair sticking to your forehead, your breathing labored and your chest rising and falling.
The man left the bed seconds later looking for clean sheets and a wet towel, which he used to clean your body and his own abdomen. Your eyes were still closed, your breathing calmer and no more tears running from your eyes. Aaron was careful when changing the bed cover, not making it lift at any point, he threw the dirty fabric on the floor and left the room, getting a glass of water from the kitchen before returning to bed.
“Honey, I need you to drink this, you need to hydrate.” He spoke softly, stroking her hair affectionately, her eyes opened tiredly, an exhausted groan leaving her lips “Come on, drink a little and then go to the bathroom, then we can sleep”
“I’m tired” She murmured, her voice hoarse and low. Aaron held the glass until she finished drinking, smiling proudly when he saw the empty glass. The man left a kiss on her forehead, leaving the glass on top of the dresser next to the bed. “Can you carry me?”
“Of course I can, my pretty girl” He laughed weakly, running his hands over your body until you were in his lap, on the way to the bathroom.
They went back to bed after a few minutes, you fell into a deep sleep the moment you laid your head on the man’s chest, with his large hands roaming your hair and waist.
“You’re adorable, Y/N”
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Happy Pride 2024!
For Pride this year I thought I'd shine a spotlight on our demisexual love interest, Lord Geoffrey, aka the Sheriff of Nottingham.
Geoffrey has known that he's a little different since he was a young teenager and the scion of Woodthorpe Holding near Nottingham. The local noblemen his age were led by Robin of Locksley, a notorious flirt and later, skirt-chaser. Many of their hijinks were centered around pursuing young ladies.
Geoffrey simply wasn't interested. He felt no draw particular romantic or sexual draw toward men or women. He tended to avoid Robin's in-crowd and their antics. This didn't help his existing reputation as a cold fish, and he was sometimes mocked by the others for his disinterest.
When he came of age, Geoffrey tried for a while to be "normal" and have liaisons, but they didn't work out.
He wasn't sex-repulsed; it felt good, but he simply didn't feel attraction toward any of his partners. He decided that such volatile emotional connections were too messy for the well-ordered life he preferred, and began rejecting all suits. He knew he would have to marry eventually, but thought a political match that allowed his spouse to take lovers as she wished would be the best path forward.
By age 24, Geoffrey is quite secure in his identity. He doesn't feel broken or as though he's missing anything by lacking romantic or sexual partners. He has become the provisional Lord of Nottingham after the previous lord and all his heirs perished, a move up from the small holding of his birth. He has even secured a political match with an intelligent and practical young woman, Lady Marion of Glastonbury.
There are many challenges involved in ruling Nottingham, but Geoffrey believes that a strong hand and the rule of law will eventually bring his fractious subjects to heel. He hopes that Lady Marion will be a good partner in rulership without making demands on his heart.
What Lord Geoffrey doesn't know is that he's not incapable of feeling sexual desire. He simply needs to form a deep emotional connection with someone first, but that's difficult to do for a man who has locked himself away from nearly everyone due to anger and betrayal.
When Lady Marion flees from her pledge to him, Lord Geoffrey feels even more justified in his refusal to trust in others. But what will happen when he hires a temporary lady chamberlain, an intelligent and passionate young woman who refuses to allow him his customary emotional distance? Geoffrey liked his life before, and these new feelings are dratted inconvenient...
I decided after our Kickstarter that Lord Geoffrey was demisexual, although such terminology doesn't exist in this Medieval society so he will not be directly labelled as such in the game (no modern sexuality terms are used, instead characters think in terms of general preferences). I wanted to honor the many Made Marion fans and backers on the ace spectrum, and I'm working with my beta readers (and likely a sensitivity reader later on) to make sure that his thoughts and experiences feel authentic.
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soaps-mohawk · 1 day
I just saw someone talk about Simon Riley being a rapist and the only way they tried to confirm it is by saying that he is a war criminal and all soldiers are misogynistic and sexist and they also talked about how he dreamt of hurting women in the comics when that's quite literally a normal reaction by being raped by both men and women (what I mean is that abused people sometimes dream of becoming someone they're not and don't want to be) but they conveniently forgot to mention how that "dream" was a nightmare. (Just wanted to rant about this and see your opinion)
The sigh I let out when I saw this ask this morning.
I'm so sick and tired of seeing this discourse. Not just in this fandom but in every fandom. Maybe it's just because I'm old and my frontal lobe is fully developed, or maybe it's because I was in fandom back in the days where there were no tags. You were lucky if you got a warning at the beginning of a fic. Most fics you walked in blind and if you didn't like something? You hit the back button and found something else.
This sudden mainstreaming of fandom has ruined these spaces. People come in, refuse to "learn the rules" that most of us learned by just existing in these spaces and watching others interact. There were no written rules back then. We learned by observing and occasionally being guided on fandom etiquette by those more experienced than us. Now it's just like people come in expecting fandom to be like every other space on the internet and then get defensive and angry when they realize it's not. Fandom is cringy. It's nerdy. It's happy and sunshine and it's dark and ugly like every media out there. Us creators and those of us more experienced in fandom have been screaming how to exist in fandom spaces from the rooftops but no one is listening and then everyone wonders why creators are leaving these spaces. Why fandoms keep getting abandoned.
All of that aside, this discourse about FICTIONAL characters pisses me off. Simon Riley is a FICTIONAL character. He has no morality, there is no right or wrong because he's FICTIONAL. You can make him do whatever you want to do because he's NOT REAL. You can give him wings and have him fly and guess what?? Cool, that can happen because he's NOT REAL. You want to make him a rapist? Cool, you can do that because he's FICTIONAL. You can make him whatever you want to make him because he's a character. He's not a living, breathing human being. There are no consequences of his actions because he's FICTIONAL!!!
Don't even get me started on this sudden discourse about dark fics and dead dove that's appeared recently. Dark media has existed for literal centuries. The Epic of Gilgamesh from 1800 BCE. The Odyssey. Mostellaria by Plautus. The Castle of Otranto published in the 1700s. Frankenstein. Dracula. The works of Edgar Allan Poe. Lolita. Hell, look at the Bible. The Bible, especially the old testament, is fucked up. Even in the watered down, bastardized King James version, the things the old testament "God" supposedly did, when you sit and actually think about them outside the lens of religious brainrot, are super fucked up.
People have been creating dark media for a long time. Horror has existed for a long time because it plays to our worst fears. It gives us a safe way to express those fears and to experience them without having to experience them first hand. You wouldn't bitch at a horror movie director for including things like rape and gore and murder in their movies?? So why is writing different? You think every horror movie director agrees with the things they portray on screen? You think every horror movie director would go out and murder someone just because they made a movie about it? No, because we're allowed to portray things in all forms of media, we're allowed to write things without morally agreeing with them. Guess what, most people that write rape or assault or violence, aren't going out and doing those things in real life. They don't support those things in real life. In fact, people that write dark fanfics are some of the loudest protesters against those things.
If you want to make Simon Riley a real person, guess what? He's not going to be even morally grey. Most people in the military are not good people. They're not. The people that are good people in the military, or were in the military, are the ones saying that the loudest. People that got tricked into joining, people that got promised things, people that did it because they had no other choice and then realized what it was really like after getting in? Those are the people to listen to. Not Call of Duty, not the people trying to convince you to join because they're glorified sales people and have a quota to fill. Look up videos of what happened in Iraq and Afghanistan at the hands of American and British soldiers. You would not like Simon Riley if he were a real person.
But he's not real. He's FICTIONAL. Even as a fictional character, he's not a good person. So many Call of Duty fans put on the blinders and ignore the fact that these men are out here committing awful acts of violence and killing people because they're "the good guys." People love to forget that Price literally kidnapped a woman and a child and had them held at gunpoint to get information out of someone. Not only that, he was okay with it. If he were a real person that did that, you would not be questioning if he were a good person or not. You can tell the people that have never played the games or watched playthroughs, who only know these characters through the lenses of fanfics and artwork and headcanons.
Call of Duty is military propaganda. They paint these men as heroes, make it easy to put the blinders up and ignore the things that are happening, the things they're doing so that they can convince young men that they want to do that and they should join the military so they can go out and do that too. That's Call of Duty's audience. That's who they're creating these games for. These young, impressionable boys who get excited by the violence and the action who will go on to fill quota numbers for recruiters. Call of Duty was not made for us, the people writing fanfiction and creating art for it. This side of the Call of Duty fandom will be the first to tell you all of this.
This side of the fandom creates fanworks which would turn Activision's eyes red. We babygirlify their military propaganda because it actively goes against what Activision is trying to do. It goes against what Call of Duty is at its core. Sure, some people water it down a lot, and others keep it more realistic to what these men would be like in real life, because it's FICTION. You can portray these characters however you want because that's what fiction is for.
And guess what, anon? Rape kinks exist. Consensual non-consent exists. It's well known. And guess what? Victims of sexual assault and rape can develop those kinks as a coping mechanism. Here's a study from the NIH website, and if that's too complex for you, here's a VICE news article that uses that study. People can write rape and rape kinks and CNC and noncon and not support it in real life. People can write those things to bring awareness to the fact that they happen to people in real life, or because people in real life have those kinks. People write those things to help victims, to support them. It's cathartic. Dark media most often is created for catharsis. It gives people an outlet, and it allows people to experience those things in a safe, controlled environment for whatever reason.
And that's the thing, anon. People don't have to give anyone a reason for why the consume that kind of media. Creators don't owe anyone an explanation as to why they create it. It's none of your business, and if you're not comfortable with it, then don't consume it. You can turn off the TV if a horror movie is too much for you. People walk out of theaters all the time because a movie is not what they were expecting, be it because it was bad or because it was too graphic or violent or disgusting. You start reading a book and you don't like it for whatever reason? You put the book down and pick up another. Why do people have such a problem with not reading fanfics they don't like? Why do people have such a hard time just blocking creators that make things they don't want to see. Most dark fic and dead dove creators put ample warnings on their blog and their posts. That's why those tags exist. You don't like it and you don't want to see it? Then block and move on and let others enjoy what they want to enjoy.
You pearl clutchers are ruining fandom and soon there won't be anything for you to enjoy. If you can't handle fandom, then don't be in it. There is no algorithm here. You're going to see things you don't want to see and it's very easy to just block and filter tags. There was a time on Tumblr where you couldn't filter tags. I remember those days. You had to download the X-kit extension to block things, and that only worked on desktop. The fact Tumblr gave us the option to filter tags on the site and on the app was a big deal when it was rolled out. I remember so many people that didn't want to use the app when it first came out because you couldn't block potentially triggering tags.
It's not a creator's problem if you were triggered by their media. Life doesn't come with trigger warnings and it's a blessing that it's become so normalized to include warnings at the beginnings of fics. There's websites that exist for other forms of media that will give trigger warnings. If you can look up trigger warnings for a movie and decide not to watch it, you can look at the trigger warnings for fics and decide not to interact with it. You're not out here emailing the directors and producers of movies that include triggers you don't like, telling them they're awful people for including those things in their movie and they shouldn't. Yet you have no problem coming into the comments and inboxes creators who do this FOR FREE because we wrote one dark fic. Because we wrote something that's triggering to you.
And yes, some abuse victims go on to be abusers, some people continue that cycle because they don't have the help and support to break it. It's a sad thing that happens, but it happens. It happens in the fictional world and it happens in real life. People can make that happen to fictional characters for whatever reasons they want.
I've written dark fics. I've written several. I consume "disturbing" media for fun. I've read books and watched movies that would send these pearl clutchers to the hospital. Hell, I've probably written things (some published, some that will never see the light of day) that would turn these pearl clutchers inside out. Guess what? That's okay because it's FICTION. It's cathartic. I don't have to give my reasons why because it's no one's business except those I decide to tell because I trust them and I know they'll support me. I don't support those things in real life. Just because I write for Call of Duty doesn't mean I support the things the game portrays. If you consume Call of Duty media be it the games or fanfiction, does that mean you support what the game supports? What the creators of the games support? What militaries around the world support?
Think about that next time.
I’ve made my stance very clear here before, but I’ll do it again. In real life, I am anti military, anti war, anti gun violence, anti genocide, anti fascism, anti terf, anti homophobia, anti conservative, anti rape, anti domestic violence, anti colonialism and pro choice.
Just because I may create or consume media with those things in it, does not mean I support them. It's high time some of these pearl clutchers learn that.
The next time you want to come into a creator's inbox or comments and spew hatred towards them because of the things they write, why don't you do something useful with your time instead.
This will be my only discussion on this topic. I will not be answering any more asks like this. I will delete and block anyone who tries to come "well actually"-ing into my inbox. If you don't agree with this stance, then get off my blog and block me.
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mrraccoonman · 3 days
Creepypasta Sexuality/Gender HCs For Pride Month!
This is my first semi-writing post lmao, I write for a lot of creepypastas, so they'll all be listed here. I will say that this is for my main fic that I'm working on and has yet to be posted, so they can change from fic to fic or one shot to one shot. For any requests, they don't have to follow my headcanon.
Also quick note: I do write for Sally, but as she is an 8 year old child in my head, I'm not giving her a sexuality or including her here.
Slenderman (The Operator):
Gender: Technically none, but is male presenting
Pronouns: He/it (doesn’t care)
Sexuality: AroAce, he's a straight up demonic, god-like entity, he doesn't feel romantic or sexual connection
Tim Wright (Masky):
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/They (Prefers he, but doesn't mind they)
Sexuality: Def Bi king
Brian Thomas (Hoodie):
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Pansexual
Tobias (Toby) Erin Rogers:
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/They (Prefers he)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Jeffery Woods (Jeff The Killer):
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/They (Secretly prefers they)
Sexuality: Bisexual but prefers women
Heather Marshall (Rouge):
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Demi-sexual/Demi-romantic and genderblind
Eyeless Jack (EJ):
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/They interchangably (Will go feral if someone calls him it)
Sexuality: Demi-romantic, asexual, sex is just a chore for him, he doesn't have a repulsion to it, but he's not exactly pouncing on an opportunity for a bang sesh
Ann Lusen Mia (Nurse Ann):
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Lesbian, asexual, rarely has a sex drive
Laughing Jack (LJ):
Gender: Technically none, but he’s male presenting 
Pronouns: He/They/It  
Sexuality: AroAce, no interest in sex or romance, just tormenting souls forever, how sweet
Jane Tod Richardson (Jane The Killer):
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Oh definitely a full lesbian, no one can convince me otherwise
Benjamin Lawman (BEN/Ben Drowned):
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Major bisexual/demi-romantic vibes
Liu Woods (Homicidal Liu):
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Gay
Kate Milens (Kate The Chaser):
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/They (Prefers she)
Sexuality: Bisexual but a preference for women
Nina Hopkins (Nina The Killer):
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/They (Prefers she)
Sexuality: Bisexual, prefers men, specifically Jeff, but wouldn’t mind women
Cody (X-Virus): 
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/They interchangeably
Sexuality: Pansexual
The Rake:
Gender: None
Pronouns: It/its
Sexuality: None, like c’mon it’s basically an immortal wild animal bro
Helen Otis (Bloody Painter): 
Gender: Genderfluid, but typically presents as male
Pronouns: He/She/They (Normally goes by he or they, indifferent to she)
Sexuality: AroAce, but wants a platonic relationship with cuddles and forehead kisses
Jason Meyer (Jason the Toymaker):
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Demisexual/demiromantic with a preference for women
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Gay
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/They (prefers he)
Sexuality: AroAce, no interest in sex or romance, just his evil plans to build an army
Dr. Smiley:
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Demiromantic, asexual, he’d like a romantic relationship with someone he’s close to and cares about him, but doesn’t want sex
Jonathan Blake (The Puppeteer): 
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/They
Sexuality: Pansexual 
Zachary Gibson (Puppet): 
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/They 
Sexuality: Bi-curious
Quick note about this guy, he’s one of The Puppeteer’s proxies/puppets, yes I went down a massive rabbit hole when looking up creepypastas
The Seed Eater: 
Gender: None
Pronouns: it/its
Sexuality: None, again what do you guys expect, it’s a forest creature with nothing on its mind other than tormenting its prey and eating.
Anastasia Morozov (Ani the Wight): 
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Demi-romantic, straight, she’s canonically straight, but I feel like she’d be demi-romantic at least
Sadie Marie Bennett (Suicide Sadie): 
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Rodrigo Ortiz (Cat Hunter): 
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Bisexual
Rachel Marget Downs (Arcane): 
Gender: Female 
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Pansexual
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nukabrain · 2 days
3 Partners, 1 Night, and 1 Saloon.
Oh my god guys so much happened during the past 2 weeks. FIRST, I'M SO SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG, WE WERE MOVING AND I HAD FINALS N SHIT BUT IT'S ALL OVER!! IT'S SUMMER. AND I WAS ALSO WORKING ON THIS PIECE! ITS ONE OF MY FIRST LONG PIECE! To be honest, I'm not sure if I really want to post it, or leave it to marinate overnight and then proofread it. BUT I haven't posted in so long :C I don't wanna keep my new followers waiting. (I threw it in grammerly and checked it that way, hopefully that was enough. OKKKK GO READ GOGOGOGOGO!!!
PAIRING: Arthur x Reader, Charles x Reader, Javier x Reader TYPE: Male x Female Reader WRITING: Fluff, Slight Angst, and suggestive. (Just a buncha kisses) WARNINGS: None. WORD COUNT: 1.8k
PROMPT(s): Charles x Reader; charles not being to hold eye contact but the reader can; Javier x Reader, TV GIRL!! (I lied, I only kissed a few hundred) (I know.); Arthur x Reader, "Scary? My god you're divine" but in old western terms.
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NOTE: The video below is a saloon ambience video that I have been listening to the entire time while writing this, so I thought I could use this to add to the experience. (Lmk if you guys like this) Also, when it switches ladies, they start back at the beginning (if that isn't too confusing)
SETTING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgaOFVuf1q0 I’ll tell you when to turn down the volume, for a better experience! (IF you don't trust the link, which is normal, just look up "Rowdy Saloon Ambience | Ragtime Piano I Bar Ambience")
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(Highest Volume)
Friday night at the saloon. It was a lively night, the piano playing ragtime, ladies giggling and fawning over the good-looking drunk men, and bottles clinking all around. A gunshot was heard but nobody paid attention beside the man being shot.
A group of girls were huddling in the corner, chattering like everyone else and paying no mind to the average man trying to lead them upstairs. One of the women whispered, “I’m telling you he’s goin’ to bring his outlaw friends here.”
“Really? And you trust him?” the other gave her friend a questioning look.
“I thought you knew better, and it doesn’t help the fact that he’s an outlaw.” The last lady sighed.
“Don’t you know it’s ALWAYS the outlaws that are the most gorgeous me- OH there he is!” The lady shouted, waving her arms. “Arthur! Over here!”
The man turned around and waved back. He muttered a few words to the guys behind him before making his way over here.
“Hello Ms. [name], nice to see you again.” Arthur tipped his hat “And hello to you fine ladies as well.”
. . .
Y/N x Charles Smith
“Well hello to you too Mister” I nodded my head.
She was right, these men are smokin' HOT
I looked around and noticed one of the boys looking a little nervous. Not out of place, but more like he has no idea what to do. I just know he’s gonna be a ball of sunshine.
“Well then folks..” I announced, grabbing that man by the wrist. “I’ll be picking this one! Seeya!”
Charles stumbled over his feet, turning to his friends for help, but Arthur waved back and Javier gave him 2 thumbs up.
“W-Wait- where are we going?”
“Up to you… I’m sorry that was rude of me, what is your name? Names Y/N!”
“M’name is Charles… Charles Smith.”
“Well then, Mr. Smith, where would you like to spend this fine evening?”
He thinks for a bit, before asking “They have whiskey up in the rooms?”
I grinned “Of course, follow me!”
I weave through the crowd, dodging the elbows and hands. I glance back to see the poor man bumping into everyone, and apologizing. Signaling him to keep following, I ran up the stairs and hid ourselves in one of the empty rooms.
(Volume almost all the way down, should sound muffled.)
“Here.” I poured him a shot of whiskey. “Much quieter up here. We were the first up so I made sure to pick the best room.”
Charles pounds the glass. “What are the other rooms like?”
“Oh, one of them has a weird scent to it. I mean most people are too drunk to notice it by then but it’s a little weird. The others are just smaller.”
“That makes sense.”
A familiar laugh and giggle ran past your room followed by a couple of door slams.
“Hmm, it seems you boys are quick to do it tonight.” I chuckled, turning to face Charles.
We stood there, finally taking the time to properly take each other's appearance in. His skin reflected the moonlight, and his hair perfectly fell over his face. Our eyes met, and I smiled gently, my heart beating against my chest. He breaks away first, clearing his throat as an excuse.
Giggling, I whispered “Oh come here silly.”
I walked up to him and smushed our faces together. He was shocked, but I could feel his hand creep up on my waist, gently guiding me closer. I wrapped my hands around his neck and took a breath of air.
“You’re a good kisser, Mr.Smith,” I whispered
“I think this is where you can call me Charles, milady.” He muttered back
I latched my lips on his neck, eliciting a groan from the man. Leaning up towards his ear, I breathed out “You’re right, Charles.”
Hearing his breath hitch, I quickly went in for that second kiss. It was more hungry this time, instead of enjoying it gently, he was ravaging me like a starved wolf. His grip on my waist tightened, and his other hand found its way to my inner thigh.
The night certainly isn’t gonna end anytime soon.
Y/N x Javier Escuella (Volume back up to OG level)
“Hello.” I nodded my head. I looked around and noticed my friend already picked out the one she wanted. I sighed, knowing that there was no stopping her once she had a target.
“Well then folks..” she announces, grabbing that man by the wrist. “I’ll be picking this one! Seeya!”
“Oh my, she didn’t wait.” I chuckled, watching them disappear in the crowd.
“You sure Charles goin’ to be alright?” Arthur muttered
“Oh he’ll be fine, she may be fast but she’ll slow down if he wants to.” My friend reassures Mr. Morgan.
“Well if we’re picking people out..”
I turned to the man speaking, he had a bowl hat on and a vest suit. He was dressed a little well for the saloon.
Kissing my hand, he introduced himself as Javier Escuella.
Beautiful name.. I thought, covering my blushing face.
“Look at you two!” My friend gushed, making me groan. “You guys look perfect together.”
“Thank you, but we’ll be heading to the bar.” I waved her off, taking Mr. Escuella by the arm, and made my way through the crowd, picking a seat near the wall.
Mr. Escuella waves the bartender over. “Is there anything you wanna drink?” He winks. “It's on me of course.”
“A Sarsaparilla will do.” I smiled
“-and beer for me.” He nodded.
I put my head on my hands, listening to the music. I glanced at Escuella
“Hey did you know I kissed a thousand women before?” He flaunts “I’m a wanted man.”
“I’m sure you’re wanted for a different reason Mr. Escuella.”
“Mi amor there’s no need to mention my OTHER wanted status.” He whines. “But really, the ladies love me.”
I sipped my drink, waving him off as he boasted about himself. Even though, there's a certain charm to him that I can’t figure out. My eyes trace his figure, taking in his build figure, and his silly mustache, and eventually land at his eyes, which are staring right at me.
“Like what you see amor?”
I snapped out of it, crossing my arms in protest.
“I was staring at the wall.”
Finishing the last drop of his beer, he replied “You sure? It looked like you were staring at mi hermoso rostro~”
I downed my Sarsaparilla, slamming it on the counter as a response. I glanced at the stairs and saw my friend dragging her date up into the rooms.
I hopped off the stool and dusted off my dress. “Meet me upstairs darling,” I whispered in his ear, trailing my finger on his chest.
I could hear him rustle to get his money as I weaved through the crowd. He followed shortly after and we settled in one of the rooms.
(Volume almost all the way down, should sound muffled.)
I leaned against the wall as he quickly shut the door. I watched him take off his jacket and hat. I helped him take off his tie and wondered why he dressed so fine just for a saloon date. I lifted my head and caught his gaze.
“Y’know, I lied when I said I kissed a thousand women.”
“I know.”
“I only kissed two or three hundred.” He corrected himself. I snort in response. “What about you? How many men have you kissed?”
“Only a few,” I replied, closing the distance.
Did I know why I kissed him? Perhaps his charming behavior seduced me. I didn’t think, all I did was act on my urges. My back was pressed against the wall, and my hands wrapped around his face. I feel his hands graze my waist as we take a break for air. Escuella went in for the second kiss right away, smooth and gentle, unlike his personality. His hands roamed my lower half as I gasped.
“So why did you kiss me?”
I smiled softly, before snickering. “For a foolish reason, I suppose.”
Javier swooped me off my feet. “For whatever reason, I’m glad you kissed me mi amor.”
This is going to be a long night.
Arthur x Reader (Volume back at OG level)
“It’s so nice to see you again Arthur, I almost thought you weren’t coming.” I playfully slap his arm
“Well miss we were stopped by certain people.” he excuses himself
“Sure sure, oh there he goes.” I wave at the man my friend is dragging.
“You sure Charles goin’ to be alright?” Arthur muttered
“Oh he’ll be fine, she may be fast but she’ll slow down if he wants to,” I said, reassuring Mr. Morgan.
“Well if we’re picking people out..”
I turned around, seeing my friend and Mr. Escuella, having quite the chemistry together.
“Look at you two!” I gushed, making her groan. “You guys look perfect together.”
“Thank you, but we’ll be heading to the bar.” She waved me off, taking Mr. Escuella by the arm, and blended in with the crowd.
“That was exciting! I’m so glad they found their partners!” I clapped my hands together
“I knew Charles was worrying too much.” Arthur chuckles “Talkin’ about spooking them away n’ stuff.”
“No way, he looks like a ball of sunshine.”
“A dangerous ball of sunshine then”
I snickered, “Damn right.”
We stayed there for a bit, basking in the lively atmosphere. I leaned my head on his shoulder and felt him flinch. I giggled at the reaction.
“Wanna get outta here?”
“Like in a room or outside?”
“The sky’s beautiful tonight.”
I laugh, following him out of the saloon.
The chatter and music slowly fade into the distance as you make your way to an alleyway.
(Volume almost all the way down, you should barely hear it.)
“Hmmm” I hummed, “You’re right, night’s gorgeous. Reminds me of you.”
“Now that’s something I never heard, being compared to the night’s sky.”
I snuck a glance at Arthur and saw that he wanted to say something, and I knew what. He wanted to ask why.
“That’s cause’ everyone thinks the night is scary, but it’s not. Look at em' stars.”
Arthur sighs “But the night is scary, plains creeping with bad men with bad intentions.”
“Hmm, you’re also right on that.” I turned around and faced Arthur
“But the bad men don’t disappear in the daytime, do they? So what’s the difference between night and day.”
I swing my hands over his shoulder and around his neck.
“I’m one of those bad men [name].”
“Bad? Oh Arthur you are downright heavenly. Whatever stuff you did, I’m sure they had a reason.”
Arthur sat there, slightly shocked. He looked in my eyes for any sign of doubt but couldn’t find a single drop.
“Now if you’re done lookin’ at me, how about we get moving-”
Was shut off by a kiss, strong but gentle, like he was saying thank you for seeing something in him that he never saw. The break didn’t last long as I leaned into him for the second round.
A beautiful night indeed.
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copiouscouples · 3 days
Polin and Barbie Parallels
Disclaimer: This is based off of my possibly inaccurate memories of Barbie. I only saw it once but I'm going off of how it made me feel rather than detailed specifics. Also, I know this isn’t a perfect comparison because Barbie didn’t have feelings for Ken and Colin's not out here (I think) trying to take over Lady Whistledown's world.
This season of Bridgerton and Barbie have the theme of women finding purpose/place in society. 
I am hoping (and expecting) that Bridgerton that will communicate this theme better than Barbie did. And by better, I mean in a kinder, gentler way.
My main beef with Barbie was that it was boring, but also I didn’t love the whole “She’s Barbie and he’s just Ken.” I get it’s a joke. I get that the reverse of that has been going on for centuries. But to me, it was mean-spirited. I don’t like the normalization of having to put someone down to lift yourself up. Sure, it has been done to women, but is tit for tat the most evolved we can be? There was a serious lack of mutual respect (from both sides) but even when things got resolved at the end - the “respect” the Barbies gave the men was very condescending. Like you’re dumb but I guess we’ll let you do things too.
With Polin, my hope is that we see them validate each other. Colin validating Penelope’s desire to be Lady Whistledown and Penelope validating Colin and his value in her life and helping him as he finds his own purpose. I hope there’s no one-upmanship or I put up with this idiot cuz I love him. I feel like healthy relationships are fueled by mutual respect for each other and not simply just fluffing each other up (which Penelope is wont to do in regards to Colin).
Also, I find nothing wrong with Colin’s response of “What good am I to you then?” He’s speaking at a very basic human level here. Everyone wants to feel needed and valued for what they bring to a relationship. No one wants to feel extraneous or superfluous. 
And I get the “he can be a trophy husband” is just a joke, but I don’t want that to be the role he falls into. That role is demeaning for both women and men. It’s not fully possible to be complete equals with your partner, but the goal is to be as close to that as one can. I want to see both Colin and Penelope bring something to the table.
I hope what we’ll see is the two of them figuring this out in a loving and respectful way (with some angst on the side of course 😉 because we need some heated sexy times).
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i love my friends so much and i appreciate them so much but i also still feel so alienated because none of them struggle with substance abuse the way i do and they have a very different overall experience with men and also relationships and are not as aggressive and loud as i am they did not almost die they have not experienced the degree of sexual abuse i have and so on i of course enjoy spending time with them but i do feel a disconnect is always there and i guess thats normal and human and a lot of women feel lonely this way but i dont know i feel like there is something or someone missing it just feels like im waiting for something to happen but i dont know what
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goldenrods · 1 day
men who sincerely believe they're decent individuals & clearly are not scare tf outta me
not too long ago, i hung out with this guy who invited me to play disc golf & we actually clicked & were having a great time
at some point he brought up some girl that he didn't really vibe w but "she was sooooooo hot & i wanted to see her naked" & i was like "yeah can't relate."
"what do you mean?"
"i need to have a connection before i'm even remotely sexually interested."
"i wish i was like that, it would make life so much easier."
"you could be if you didn't objectify people. so you're saying every time you see an appealing person you automatically want to see them naked?"
"well yeah but that's not objectifying them."
"how is it not?"
"because i still recognize she's a person."
& in my head i'm like what about her consent & her own desires ??? but i just dropped the conversation bcs i could see he genuinely didn't think his logic was wrong & i wasn't about to start an argument that was going to go nowhere.
& i think that's how a lot of men think. they think objectifying women is just part of a healthy sexual appetite. & i just don't get it.
media plays a big part in this, softcore imagery, the belief that watching porn is totally normal & if you don't, you're a prude.
even the most seemingly innocent men's social media following is a spank bank. even the ones i consider good friends who respect me have likely sexualized me & other women.
& i'm sick of it all, i'm sick. i can no longer compartmentalize & every time i engage with a man i can't help but think they are a son, a brother, a father... but you can't feel 100% safe w them.
i really believed you need to treat men case-by-case & not lump them all together but every day i grow closer to becoming a straight up misandrist.
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ballad-of-birdy-lamb · 6 months
When a woman is mean, a killer, and serving cunt, I cannot deny I am in love
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bixels · 6 months
hey um. u sure make a lot of art about lesbians for a man. you're normal about us, right? ;;
What? Yeah, I’m normal about y’all.
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Oh did that trans woman present femininely in a way you find corny?Did that autistic kid annoy you by being passionate about their interests?Did that traumatized person cope by being a therian so you think they're stupid?Did that black person act in a way you found offputting?Thank you SO much for making a whole post to make fun of them because it was completely necessary to announce your most important feelings ever because weird people are vewy scawy.Should we throw a party to cheer you up?Should we invite JK Rowling?
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captain-stab-a-hoe · 1 year
I can't explain it but bingqiu is one of those ships where if they were lesbians it would take an eternity compared to their male counterparts to get together and it's entirely Shen Qingqiu's fault
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