#if i ever get a steady therapist I’m just gonna tell them this @ so they can read my tags
tarotmantic · 8 months
i want to be good at art but only so i can draw gross horror stuff lololol
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 month
Congrats on 3K followers, which you so deserve! My request is because The Hold Steady's song "Stuck Between Stations" is stuck in my head and the lyric is, shockingly, "Tonight it's like he's stuck between stations". Have a wonderful writing weekend!
Thank you so much! I decided to take this super literally and do something a little silly. Hope you enjoy!
The train was late, but what else is new?
Eddie watched the board as the estimated arrival time kept going up. He’d have to text Elliot to let him know he’d be late for their appointment.
At least Elliot was a regular client of his and would understand.
Eventually, only 18 minutes late, the train arrived.
Eddie shoved through the crowd to get on, not even caring if he had to stand sandwiched between sweaty people as long as he got to his shop.
By some miracle, he managed to get the only empty seat left at the back of the car.
And it was next to possibly the hottest guy he’d ever seen.
He was wearing tight jeans and a polo, glasses, a nose ring, and his hair was perfectly mussed. Eddie was such a sucker for the preppy hipster look. It never turned out well for him, but dammit if he didn’t try anyway.
“Mind if I sit?” Eddie asked the guy.
“Nope,” he replied, not even looking up from his phone.
He was furiously typing something, and Eddie was doing his best to not read anything.
But it sure was difficult and Eddie had pretty good eyesight and also never learned manners.
It’s not even that she left me for someone else. She tried to say that my coming out as bi ruined our relationship. Our relationship was ruined way before that! And she knew saying that would make me feel like shit so-
“Am I entertaining you?” The guy said from next to him.
Eddie startled and looked up, right into the warmest brown eyes he’d ever looked into.
“Sorry. It kinda seemed like you were working on a novel. I’m an avid reader.”
The man snorted and put his phone face down on his leg. “I’m Steve. You should at least know my name if you’re gonna know my business.”
“Eddie. I am sorry. Even more sorry your ex was clearly a piece of shit,” Eddie nudged his shoulder with his own.
The train started moving and Eddie glanced up at crowd of people in the car.
“Yeah, well. It was bound to happen. I wanted to settle down, she wanted to travel and focus on her career. Would’ve never worked,” Steve sighed. “Onto the next!”
Eddie snorted. “How long were you together?”
“Three years.”
“It was coming for a while,” Steve shrugged. “I feel like I mourned the relationship while I was still in it. Plus, she moved in with her new boyfriend, so it’s only a matter of time before I move in with mine.”
Eddie felt a weird pain in his chest. “Oh, you’ve got a boyfriend?”
Steve smirked at him. “Not yet.”
The train slowed and then came to a stop. The usual announcement for the next station didn’t start. Instead, an announcement let them know they were experiencing a short delay.
Eddie groaned and let his head hit the window next to him.
“I’m sure my shoulder is more comfortable than the window.”
Eddie’s head shot up at Steve’s suggestion.
Steve was blushing, looking down at his phone like he hadn’t even spoken. Maybe he hadn’t. Maybe Eddie imagined it.
“If you want. The last short delay took 25 minutes,” Steve continued, finally looking over at Eddie with a small smile.
“I have to let my client know I’m gonna be even later,” Eddie pulled his phone from his pocket to send another text. It may not go through underground, but at least he could say he tried.
“Client? Are you a therapist?”
“Close. Tattoo artist,” Eddie finished up the text and put his phone back in his pocket.
“Oh, my friend Will is a tattoo artist! He keeps telling me to get something, but I’m not the biggest fan of needles.” Steve looked apologetic. “I’m worried I’d pass out.”
Eddie was already planning exactly what he’d tattoo on Steve’s body.
“You’d be surprised how many people I tattoo who don’t like needles. Is it a pain thing or just the needles in general?”
“Both? I guess?” Steve was slowly leaning closer to Eddie’s side.
“Well, the pain is easy. I have a numbing cream I recommend to first timers or people getting something done in an especially sensitive spot that works great.” Eddie let his arm rest across the back of the seat, skin brushing against Steve’s back. “The other part is a little harder, but usually I go the old school distractions method.”
“Like a toddler with a shot?” Steve laughed.
“Exactly! I play music they like or put on a show they wanna watch. Sometimes we just talk the whole time. Sometimes they prefer to just close their eyes and pretend they’re somewhere else. Everyone’s different.”
Eddie watched Steve soak in that information. He technically didn’t take walk-ins anymore except for special events, but he’d be willing to have Steve in his chair right after Elliot’s appointment. He’d stay late. He’d do it for free if it meant having his hands on Steve’s skin.
“Have you ever had someone leave before it’s done?”
“Twice,” Eddie nodded. “Once was a drunk guy who insisted he was sober enough to do the tattoo and halfway through, he threw up and then just walked out. Don’t know if he ever bothered to get it done. The other was a woman who had chosen her ribs as her first tattoo ever. Don’t ever do that, by the way. Not a great start. She quit on the second word of the lyrics she was getting.”
Steve snorted. “What were the lyrics?”
“I hate to say it, but I don’t remember. I’m sure she regrets even trying all the time.”
Steve laughed again and leaned his head on Eddie’s shoulder. Eddie let his arm wrap around Steve’s shoulder and squeeze.
“So? You gonna get one? Did I convince you?” Eddie said quietly. He didn’t want to ruin this moment between them, stuck between stations for the foreseeable future.
“Hm. I’ll consider it. Do you have room on your books for me?” Steve turned his face into Eddie’s shirt.
“I’m sure I can make room for you, sweetheart.”
“Sweetheart already? What a sweet talker you are,” Steve mumbled against his shoulder.
“I read people pretty well and you are a sweetheart. No doubt about it.”
Steve groaned. “Are you always like this?”
“Not at all.”
Something in Eddie’s voice must have sounded genuine. Steve looked up at him, his face close enough to Eddie’s to feel his breath.
“This is kind of crazy.”
“What is?”
“This. I feel safe here with you. I’m ready to let you give me a tattoo even though I hate needles.”
Eddie’s fingers traced patterns along his upper arm, mindlessly planning out a tattoo already.
“Could give you one right here,” Eddie tapped his bicep. “Something small, dainty linework, a sunflower maybe.”
“A sunflower? Isn’t that kinda feminine?” Steve’s fingers were tracing a pattern on Eddie’s thigh. “Not that I’m against it because of that, it just doesn’t seem to fit me.”
And maybe yeah, if Eddie thought about it, he could see how Steve’s body type was thicker, muscular, closer to jock than city hipster living off of coffee and cigarettes. Flowers might not be the first thing someone would think of when looking at Steve.
But when talking to him, when seeing how soft he got with an arm around him, how he turned into the affection, it was pretty obvious he should be covered in delicate work.
He deserves delicate things, Eddie could already tell.
He wanted to give him that.
He wanted to give him anything.
“Someone as radiant as you needs something that represents that. Anytime you’re ready,” Eddie couldn’t help the kiss he pressed to the top of Steve’s head.
The short delay turned into a long delay, but Steve and Eddie talked the entire time. When they finally got moving, Steve stayed on even though the next station was his stop.
“Think I’d like this tattoo artist to take my tattoo virginity,” Steve smirked at him as the train started moving again.
“As long as you’re okay sitting through my appointment first. Might get boring.”
“Doubt being near you could ever be boring.”
Getting stuck on the train with Steve turned into barely leaving his side for weeks, months, years.
Nothing felt as natural as being with his sunflower.
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hillbillyoracle · 2 years
(approximation, not word for word)
Me: So you’ve got a therapy appointment this afternoon, are you going to talk about what’s been going on lately?
Partner: Yeah I’m gonna talk about how hard things have been. 
Me: So about how you cannot hold even the most casual of conversations to the point were everyone in this house avoids you? Or that Saturday you stormed out of the house, screamed at me, threw your water bottle right past me, and claimed you were going to bake in the sun and sleep on the front lawn in full view of the neighbors? Because I was “bossing you around” by not constantly soliciting your input and I cussed a lot when you escalated? 
Partner: Yeah that too. Could you write that down for me so it’s easier to talk to her about?
Me: -writes it down-
After Session
Me: So how’d it go?
Partner: It went well. Didn’t spend much time on the social interaction issues like I wanted to but we talked about my suicidality and it was good for me. 
Me: Okay.
Partner: (is slightly mopey and passive aggressive that I’m not responding more)
I just...this is a huge huge reason why I’m just not about therapy as a profession. As a primary tenant it centers the client, seeks to validate and normalize - ideally as a means to change but regularly provides justification for abusive people to keep abusing and centers their experience while excluding the risks to people around them. 
I have been with her for over 5 years now and I’ve only seen a steady decline since looping in therapists. 
One therapist claimed she was basically in remission and they didn’t need to see each other any more when the week before she’d gone down into the basement, broke shit, and started self harming in front of me. 
I just...
There is currently no evidence based treatment program for violent people that can do better than a 50/50 shot whether someone has reoffended at the 12 month mark. At the same time - a shit ton of therapists are normalizing the feelings of all these folks who get told “got to therapy” for harming or exploiting their partners. Like...
It’s stuff like this that just has me thinking I’ll probably never visit another therapist again. 
How could I ever trust a system that refuses to monitor her meds and enables her abuse by validating her feelings which she then takes as permission to do what she does? 
I’m so tired have having shit thrown at/near me, having her self harm and telling me it’s my fault because I said or did xyz thing, and being told I need to run an entire household solo because she “contributes money” (somehow I think even if I out earned her she’d have some other reason) and then a therapist is like “yeah well you know it’s normal to feel that way” or whatever the fuck. 
And in before someone starts the “well SHE has A CONDITION” - yeah so do I. Why do mine matter less? She has never at any point in our relationship actively sought out information on or adapted her behavior to better assist me. She has actively used what she does know about mine to trigger fights which she then uses to guilt me and get her way. If neutrality is my biggest crime here, I’ll take it. I spent literally several years reading everything I could get my hands on, changing everything about the way I do things, and she is still like this and relentlessly critical. 
No I’m not looking for “help getting out” - 90% of folks have 0 clue what that actually entails, especially for a disabled person - so please don’t offer it. I’m aware of my options. 
See this is why I don’t write about this shit very often. I know what the internet thinks about folks like me. I’m very aware. 
Anywho, if anyone else is in this boat, just know you’re not alone. Perfectly normal to be skeptical of a system that has no tools for screening abusive clients, treating them, and frequently enables them. Therapy is not a fucking magic trick, it’s just part of the same crappy system. 
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rianafying · 7 months
i’m on tumblr again about to journal so hard. anyway, i’ve been extremely busy and overwhelmed lately, with school and work. some would say i’m doing better than ever but i would say i am living in an internal prison hell of my own creation and my therapist would say i have a fear of success. she did actually say that. and after reading a couple of articles it makes a lot of sense. i have a huge problem. imposter syndrome and always downplaying my achievements god knows why. well god didn’t tell me but i found out why. it’s scary, being in the spotlight especially after experiencing so much bullying throughout my life. now i’m not scared of the direct bullying but i find myself actively sabotaging my own life. for example: i’m doing this podcast and so i’m researching relevant topics. after i learn about the topics, i feel worthless and like why would i make this podcast, if i know this information surely it’s either useless or wrong or everyone already knows better. i’m scared of putting my hand up and lately i’ve somehow developed crippling social anxiety, which is completely undetectable to the people around me. turns out i’m an introvert. i mean i kinda knew it but it’s been very relevant to finding the perspective that is keeping me alive recently. i’m doing great and somehow i hate it. i want to rip my skin and hair out and it makes no sense. i need to get on some sort of adhd medication at some point in life because raw dogging it is proving to be too exhausting for this poor brain. my assignments have been going kind of really well and yet i feel like i’m flopping harder than ever. no matter what i achieve it feels like the bare minimum and nothing i could do would actually make me happy. what is this hell i have placed myself in. at least i’m not screwing up. but i’m always this close to screwing up. the best i do is not screw up. somebody literally offered me extra money for my work because they liked it so much and i’m here still wondering if i let everyone down. aaaaaaaaaaagahsgshsjskkdjjdks. talking about my fear of success sounds an awful lot like i’m bragging, but i’m done with this part of today’s journal entry so let’s move onto other things that are bothering me.
my cousin and my little sister are both going through hell with their uni applications and as big sister ™️ it is often my responsibility to help them out and i love them so much and i’m so so glad that they value my input so much that they come to me with their problems and have me check their essays and applications. and i love helping people especially the people i love so much but sometimes i really just can’t find the time and i forget to get back to them and it makes me feel awful!!!! but i try my best, they know i try my best and they love me so it’s okay.
number three is that im fucking broke, i do fun work and fun work in the fashion industry pays very little. im often doing very cool projects with student designers or little emerging brands and underground artists and obviously they can’t pay the way big corporations do and im so grateful for whatever they give me and for the opportunity to work with them, but at some point im gonna need to find a steady job. i’ve been talking about this for exactly a year and a half now. a lot of problems in my life will be automatically resolved as soon as i get a job. this summer inshallah.
there’s always so many little things to remember and i do my best to keep track of them by putting them in my calendar and my master to do list and my notebook and anywhere and everywhere literally plastered all over everything. it’s kind of overwhelming but the top things im worries about rn are my business presentation, my collab, my interview, the photoshoot for the social media marketing campaign, the blog posts, the exam, to return some stuff i borrowed from designers and the hair makeup gig. all of this needs to happen before the 12th of december, after which i am fully dedicated to finding and doing fully paid steady work in retail or hospitality.
oh i’m also worried about not sending back the pictures i took for my photoshoot, because i’m not happy with the quality of my work. hahah crippling imposter syndrome and self hatred check!!
and my relatives are visiting me this week in my tiny studio apartment that’s messy (as always) (actually not as always, it’s much cleaner than ever before i’m actually getting better at this). there’s just a few too many things on my mind.
it’s gonna be okay though. things are going well, despite how i feel, despite all the fears i have, despite all the complaining, the reality is that i’m killing it. and i’m gonna listen to my therapist and try to have a goo
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sunmoonandeddie · 3 years
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
word count: 2,798
summary: He’s not sure what he’s done to earn each morning, but fuck, does he love it.
warnings: There’s a fight between the two but it is in fact angst to sweet good fluffiness <333 also cussing lol
a/n:  Thank you so much to @captswilson​ for commissioning this!!!  I had so much fun with it!!!!!!!
There is something majestic about the sun rising.  It peeks through the curtains in Bucky’s room, little bit by little bit.  It illuminates the desk and then creeps across the floor, towards the edge of the bed.
He’d done his best to organize the room in a way that would ensure you wouldn’t wake up to the sun in your eyes.  His precious girl loved sleep and he was going to make sure you got as much of it as you wanted.
The light has only reached the foot of the bed, and he knows he probably has another thirty minutes to an hour before you wake up.  Maybe two if he can find the will to leave your embrace and fix the black out curtains that are supposed to prevent this sort of thing.
But you’re so warm and soft against him and he’d just gotten home from a mission the night before and there’s a million other reasons keeping him in bed and all of them start and end with you.  He’s also scared to get out of bed for the fear of you waking up while he’s not cuddling you.
There’d been a fight the morning of the mission.  One that had resulted in crying and you suggesting that you be gone by the time he got back.
And he hadn’t said a word.  He’d just left.
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“Jamie?” You mumbled as you felt him get out of the bed, despite how hard he’d tried to not wake you.
The super soldier winced as he turned around to face you, to look at your sweet, sleepy face.  “Hey, baby…,” he said soothingly as he moved to sit on the edge of the bed.
“Where are you going?” You asked, even as your eyes saw his phone in his hand and the message he’d received.  “You’re leaving?”
He hated the way that your voice cracked and the little quiver in your lip.  “It’s just a quick in and out mission, sweetheart,” he said reassuringly.  “I’ll be back in three days tops.”
You were wide awake then, pushing yourself up.
He’s distracted for a moment by the sight of you in one of his t-shirts.  Especially considering that he knows there’s nothing on underneath.
But it wasn’t the time for that.
“Three days?”  Your voice is sharp and bordering on angry now.  Frustration lined the contours of your face as you stared at him, hard.  “But what about our trip?  We’ve been planning this for months and I finally got the time off of work!”
And fuck, he knew that.  He knew that this weekend was special.  It was your anniversary, and you two had finally planned a trip away for yourselves on one of Tony’s private islands in the Caribbean.
But with the mission call, those plans had disappeared, as well as the plans for the ring box buried in his side of the closet, in a pair of unworn boots hidden amongst all the other pairs of black combat boots.
Bucky wanted to tell you to just quit your job and work for Tony or even just let him take care of you.  You’d never have to work again.
“Baby, I have to go,” he said softly as he tried to reach out to cup your cheek.  A crack ran through his heart as you jerked away from his touch.  “You know I do…  They call and—”
“Yeah,” you said, cutting him off as you stared at him long and hard.  “You go.  You always go.  It’s fine.”  But by the tone of your voice, he knows it’s not fine.
He could always read you.  Bucky was able to tell how you were feeling just by how you breathed, the way your hands moved.  But for the first time ever, he can’t.  He has absolutely no clue what you were feeling.
And that scared that absolute shit out of him.
He whispered your name as he tried to reach for you again, but you got off the other side of the bed and stood up, moving towards the closet.  “What are you doing?” He asked.
“You’re the one always leaving.  Maybe I should, too,” you muttered as you began to pull your clothes from the hangers.
“What?!”  He was full blown panicking then.  You couldn’t leave.  “Baby, baby, no.  Don’t leave.  Please.”  He rushed towards the bed, grabbing the clothes you’d already tossed there and began to hang them back up.  “Can’t we talk about this?”
“Talk about what?  Talk about how I’m never going to be your priority?  How you’re going to keep telling me that you’re gonna retire soon, only for it to never happen?”
Bucky knew he didn’t have a right to get angry at that, even though it was true.  He had been telling you for over a year that he’d retire soon and then you two could really settle down.  Maybe get a dog or have a baby.
And every time you asked, he’d just say it wasn’t the right time.
But he did get angry.  He was human, after all.
“Real fucking mature,” he said with a scoff, shaking his head.  “You know, if it wasn’t for my paycheck, and therefore these missions, you wouldn’t even be living in this fancy apartment.  You wouldn’t have a suite you live in for free in the fucking Avengers Tower in the center of Manhattan,” he snapped.  He was going too far, but he was so frustrated and angry.  Because he did want to stay.  He did.  But he had debts to society that he needed to repay.  “Hell, your little office job wouldn’t even pay for an apartment in Jersey City!  I give you everything, and you can’t even handle me going away for a few days so we can have everything that we do!”
You took a step back, your eye glassy.  “So that’s how you feel,” you breathed out.
Bucky had gone way too far.  He’d said things he’d never even thought before, but it had come out because he was hurting and there came that mean streak inside of him that insisted that he hurt you back.
He shook his head, a few rogue tears falling down his cheeks.  “No…  No, that’s not how I feel,” he said quietly.  “Please…  Can we please just talk about this?  I—”  He was cut off as his phone dinged again, and he cursed under his breath as he realized it was Sam texting him that they needed to leave in ten minutes.
A snort.
His eyes met yours right before you looked away, crossing your arms as you moved to the window and stared out at the waking city.  “We’ll talk about this when I get back,” he said definitively.
But as he headed for the door, he heard you say, “Sure we will.”
He was in a state of constant anxiety the entire mission, wanting nothing more than to call you and explain but now knowing exactly what to say.
What could he say?  He was cruel and mean and horrible, and god, he really wouldn’t blame you if you weren’t there when he got back.
The mission ended up taking seventy-nine hours, and he had worked himself into a tizzy the entire jet ride home.
He stormed down the ramp and into the car that would take them to the city, tapping his foot impatiently as he waited for Sam and Wanda to climb in.  “If you don’t hurry up, I’m leaving without you!”
“We get it, you’re excited to go home to your girl,” Sam chuckled as he got in, Wanda quickly following.
She was quiet, and he knew it was most likely because his thoughts were too loud to keep to himself.  There was no way she didn’t know about the fight you two had.
“Did something happen between you two?” Sam asked, glancing over at him as they started towards the city.  “Usually you two are on the phone every chance you get during a mission.”
Bucky’s forehead rested against the cold glass window as he stared at the passing scenery.  “Yeah…  Something like that…”
When they got home, he went straight to your shared apartment, hoping to every god there was that you were still there.  Maybe you’d be at work and you could get that vacation time back and use it next weekend or something.
He just needed his baby.
Bucky’s hand rested on the door handle, his key card in his hand.  He was terrified to go in, and he took a few steadying breaths, just like his therapist had taught him.
What was he gonna do if you were gone?
He finally opened the door, his eyes going wide as he saw you putting away some laundry.  “You stayed,” he breathed out.
“No.  I didn’t,” you said quietly, your voice cracking.  “I left.  I packed all my stuff up and I left and went to a hotel.  But then I…  I couldn’t just leave.”  Tears welled up in your eyes.
“I don’t care,” he said.  “You came back.  That’s what matters.  And I’m here now and I…”  Like the broken man he was, he fell to his knees in front of you and clung to your shirt.  “Baby…  I need you.  I’ll do anything, please…  Just don’t leave me…”
He was surprised when you fell to your knees with him, breaking down as you threw your arms around him.  “I’m sorry I said that stuff.  I love you.  I love you.  I’m so sorry, Jamie.”
Kisses were pressed all over your wet cheeks as he shook his head.  “No, I’m sorry,” he murmured.  “I was cruel and I was lashing out because I was so scared, but I should’ve just talked to you.”
“So you didn’t mean all that stuff?” You whimpered, almost shocked.  “About me using you for your money or whatever?”
“No.  No.  I could never think that stuff.”  He cradled your face in his hands and pressed his lips to yours fiercely.  “I was just upset and lashing out and I…  I swear to you, I will never say anything like that ever again.  But please don’t leave.”
You curled against his chest, comforted by the heat of his embrace.  “I won’t.  I’m not leaving, I promise.  I love you so much.”
“I love you more.”
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There’d been a lot of crying last night after you two had made up and talked through everything.
And then a lot of make up sex, but there was usually a lot of sex after he got back from a mission, no matter how long he’d been gone.
A smile creeps t across his lips as he reaches down and lightly brushes his fingers against your inner thighs, feeling the heat from the beard burn he’d left.
Sunlight’s crept a little further up the bed, reaching your tangled legs.  Your foot brushes against his calf as you start to stir, your nose smushed against his chest.
Bucky coos softly, caressing your soft cheek to get you to fall back into your slumber.  It takes a few minutes, but he does it.  Somehow, he manages to untangle your limbs and slip out of the bed undetected.  He freezes as you mumble, shifting towards the warmth of the spot he’s just vacated, and he feels kinda bad.  He knows how much you love how warm he is.
But he needs to get something.
He takes a moment to fix the curtains so you can sleep a little longer before heading for the closet.
Everything is out of its usual order thanks to your hasty exit and then return.  Neither of you had cared much about the proper order of the closet once he had you in his arms.
But that’s beside the point.
It’s not hard to find.  He gets on his knees and goes through the line of his shoes, finding the very last pair of black combat boots.  They’re shiny and brand new, lacking the wear and tear of his other pairs.  Bucky reaches into the right shoe and pulls out a small ring box, his heart hammering.
Is he really gonna do this?
Yeah.  Yeah, he is, because he’d been more scared the past three or so days than he had been in his entire life.
He would rather go through everything Hydra had put him through again than ever risk losing you again.  All the torture, all the pain, all the wiping.  All of it has led him to you and god, it was worth it to wake up to your sweet face.
There weren’t girls like you back in the forties, and he couldn’t imagine going back like Steve had.
But he supposes if Steve felt about Peggy the way he feels about you, then…  How could he blame him?
The lid flips open as he sits on the closet floor, the diamonds gleaming in the light.
It had taken a lot of work to get the ring that had belonged to his Ma, which was ridiculous considering it’s his family.
But the Smithsonian apparently doesn’t like giving back items that could be considered stolen property.
It took him threatening to break in and take it by force (as well as a lot of other stuff) for them to hand it over.
He then got it cleaned and resized for you, and it’s been sitting in that shoe for three months now, waiting for the perfect time.
But there is something he has to do first.
Bucky creeps to the bedside table, sneaking a glance at your peaceful face as he grabs his phone and then disappears into the bathroom.  It’s there that he types out his message to Pepper and Sam.
Bucky: I’m out of missions permanently.  I’ll train new recruits and if there’s a Thanos level threat, I’ll jump in, but otherwise, I’m done.  I gotta think about my girl.
He turns off his phone before he gets a reply, setting it back on the table as he climbs into bed, the ring box clutched tightly in his hand.  There’s no space for missions when he wants a future with you, with the possibility of a family, maybe a few little ones running around in a few years.  He can’t handle seeing the fear in your eyes when he kisses you goodbye anymore, or the disappointment when he slipped off to the quinjet.
And he wants to be there for your future.  He doesn’t wanna leave you as a widow or a single mother.  He wants to be there with you for every step of life.
His lips press to your forehead as he gently curls around you again.  God, he could just stay in bed with you forever.
Bucky can’t say he’s shocked when you wake, your eyes slowly blinking open to find him already looking down at you.  “Good morning, pretty girl,” he whispers, almost like he’s afraid to break the stillness of the morning.
Even though he’s sure it’s almost noon.
He takes a breath, resting his forehead against yours.  “You know how much I love you, right?”
“Well… yeah,” you say quietly as your nimble fingers reach up to run through his shaggy brown hair.  Maybe you would give him a haircut soon, sit on the bathroom sink as he stood in front of you.
“If I…”  Bucky swallows around the lump in his throat, suddenly overcome with emotion.  “If I told you that I texted Sam and told him I’m out of missions forever…  If I told you that from now on I’m only gonna help train new recruits…”
“Yes?”  You don’t move, blinking up at him with a fond smile on your lips.
And god, he’s so grateful for you and your patience.  You know whatever he’s going to say is important and he needs your full attention.
That, and you’re also excited about the possibility of not having to worry about him dying every other week on a mission.
He brings the ring box into view, his mouth drier than the Sahara as he opens it up.  “Will you marry me?” He breathes out.
A giggle escapes your lips as you lean forward and kiss him fiercely, your arms thrown around him.  “I thought you’d never ask,” you mumble against his lips.  Everything that had been said in the heat of the moment those few days ago is forgotten as he slides the ring on your finger and holds you to his chest.
And Bucky can’t help but smile as the sunlight hits your face, illuminating your gorgeous eyes.  He wasn’t sure what he’d done to deserve this morning with you, waking up next to you in his t-shirt, but he’d spend the rest of his life earning every single sunrise.
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eunoiaflow3r · 3 years
not ur friend
spencer reid x reader
aaron hotchner x reader
part two - part three
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a/n: haven’t written for spence in a while lol. hope you guys like it. wow...and i wrote him as an ass. bahahaha what am i going through i’m so sorry.
warning(s): language. angst. not proofread. will be mistakes.
word count: 1.8k
request(ed): no.
summary: y/n overhears something she shouldn’t have. this conversation alters her relationship.
not ur friend by jeremy zucker.
Hang up, if you ever think of calling me up. Not afraid to say it, darling.
3 days.
It’s been an entire weekend of you ignoring Spencer and his ever intruding phone calls. This wouldn’t have been a big deal except for the fact that this felt like a breakup. Your head and heart was treating this like you were in a relationship and he made it painfully clear that you weren’t.
It was quiet in your apartment. The television was off, the radio was silent, the heater had paused and even the refrigerator wasn’t making the usual silent buzz noise it made. The deafness of it all allowed the conversation you heard friday night play over and over again through your ached head.
Friday 11:37 pm.
“So Reid...” you picked up your phone when it rang and read Spencer’s name across the screen. It wasn’t like him to call so late but you picked up anyway. When it was a muffled Morgan’s voice you heard instead of Spencer’s you realized he hadn’t even meant to call you at all.
“How’s your girlfriend?”
You just knew all eyes were on him. Spencer Reid was very private about his social life. It was rare he even told you about anything he’d been up to. He just wasn’t one for small talk. The fact that you just knew they were talking about you made you press your phone harder into your ear even though you weren’t even sure you should have been listening.
“Oh y/n? Yeah she’s definitely not my girlfriend.”
This stung. There wasn’t even a label or anything that you guys put on it, but usually when Spencer would talk about his romantic relationships he’d get nervous and stuttery and try to change the subject. Spencer’s voice was clear and steady. Zero hints of nervousness and bashfulness. He was serious.
“Really?” This was Emily now, you could recognize her voice. “You guys seem like pretty close friends if you know what I mean.” Her tone was laced with humor but Spencer’s was far from joking.
“No. I wouldn’t call us friends either. She’s just someone I visit. Like y’know...how you would a grandmother.”
A grandmother? He compared you to a grandmother? He said visiting you was like visiting a grandmother?? You could feel the tears in your eyes. You really thought Spencer was a good guy. Why would he say something so rude? Something so hurtful about the person he was sleeping with.
It wasn’t a friends with benefits. You guys had agreed on that, but you weren’t dating either. You had met him at a museum and ever since then you two had behaved as if a couple would. The only difference was that you weren’t public. You weren’t posting pictures, or gushing over how cute you thought your “boyfriend” was to your friends. And you were fine with that. Labels are constricting. You were glad not to have them except when he decided to say he barely knew you at all and compared you to a grandmother.
“Damn.” Morgan sounded impressed. “Does she know that?”
“Maybe.” Spencer paused. “There’s nothing really romantic about our relationship. To be honest, she can be a bit needy at times and it’s suffocating.”
He paused again.
“I’m actually thinking of breaking things off. She wants more and I just don’t like her that way.”
Sorry, I'm not sorry if it hurts. I don’t mean to make it worse.
This is where you hung up. Your tears never stopped flowing. How dare he? How dare he say you were needy and suffocating? You rarely asked him for anything, and didn’t bother him with things at all. You knew he was a busy person. A busy and hardworking person. You never tried to ask him for more than he was willing to give. Ever. It hurt your heart to think he was playing you the whole time.
It hurt to think that all the “I adore you’s” and “I think I’m in love with you’s” were all fake. You were pretty sure with the way things were headed that you and Spencer would have much more than just a relationship. Much more than sex and cuddles. But a meaning - an understanding.
Spencer was your comfort. Your safe place. The person you’d go to if you were hurting, or in trouble. You were his. Countless times he came to your house and cried to you about the stress from his job. He’d hold you and tell you all about his day and what more he wished he could have done.
You’d buy him his favorite food and he’d cuddle you to sleep only to wake you up in the morning with kisses and great morning sex. To hear all of that meant basically nothing to him tore your heart to pieces.
It made you want to throw up. Had you wasted your time? Had he felt this way the entire time and you just never noticed because you hoped he felt the same? Were there signs that you missed? Something you could have done to prevent yourself from falling this hard for someone who didn’t care?
But you thought he cared.
Spencer was the most caring, empathetic person you’d ever met in your life. He was so understanding in a way no one could ever get.
I've decided that I'm not your fucking friend.
This is why you thought that maybe this is why he tried to hide you. Maybe he just was afraid of his friends not liking you, or afraid of someone from where he worked would try to hurt you. You prayed this was the case. You hoped and cried that this was the reason he’d ever let those words leave his mouth.
The reason you couldn’t believe this though is something understandable.
He had never, ever, called you anything other than his friend, and never wanted to go out.
He told you it was because he was protecting you, but he never wanted to even meet your friends. And when you talked about a guy or introduced him to one, he’d get upset and say something like, “Yeah well he seems perfect for you anyway. Not like we’re a thing - do what you want.”
And your brain tried to rationalize this as protection. The more you thought about it the more the other part of your brain screamed manipulation. You tried to ignore it but is that what was happening? Had he been manipulating you the entire time and you just never knew it?
If he was protecting you he wouldn’t call you needy. He wouldn’t not even bother to look at your friends. He wouldn’t feel the need to hide you from the entire world and lie about it in such a - douchebag way.
This hurt you though. His team can call out a liar faster than anyone and they would have said something if they thought he was lying. They would have defended you. The wouldn’t have egged him away and joked about you like you were some embarrassing one night stand.
You expected respect and decency and got dishonesty and asshole attitudes instead.
After the weekend of pitying yourself you realized you needed to stop. This wasn’t your fault. He has issues of his own. Issues he needs to work out and come to terms with on his own. Why should you feel anything for a man trying to hide you? Lying to you? Lying to his friends ABOUT you. Reassuring yourself helped but didn’t help the ache in your heart.
Were you ready for this? Were you ready to throw it all away? After all it could just be a misunderstanding. A misinterpretation. It could be your fault. Maybe you were clingy.
No. Absolutely not. You weren’t going to try to defend his actions.
Right now, there's not much that we agree on. Sit down, if you need someone to lean on.
You called him.
“Hello?” he answered right away. “Where have you been are you okay? I was gonna come over and check.”
“Don’t come over.” You cleared your throat and blinked away tears.
“Then please come to mine. I have to talk to you, I missed you.”
He still has no idea. He doesn’t have a clue what you overheard on the phone. All the pieces of the puzzle you put together. All that you’ve realized in the past 3 days.
You rolled your eyes. Any other day you’d think his obliviousness was adorable but right now it only made you want to punch him in his stomach for lying to you and wasting your time.
“I’ll be over to give you your things.”
And you hung up.
That was so hard for you to do and you had hot wet tears running down your face to prove it. No matter how many times you tried to brush them away they just kept on going down.
Fuck him.
A shower and a change of clothes later you were finally ready to see him.
Honest, if I'm coming to your place, it's to say it to your face...
In your car you tried to talk yourself out of it. You told yourself to just forget the phone call over happened and just go back to the way things were. At least you here happy then...at least...sort of. You were okay. You were happy with him. The time you spent with him was enjoyable but you were tired of being his therapist. You were tired of being his dirty mistress. You didn’t want to be lied to or lied about. You were over it.
When you got there he rushed you in the house and looked down at you confusingly.
You had never been inside his place. The only time you were ever really here was when you were inside waiting in the car so that he could change his shirt.
“I thought you were coming tomorrow?”
“I came now to give you your things.”
“JJ will be here soon, you should probably leave. Why did you bring this stuff?”
“They’re yours. They shouldn’t be at my place.”
He looked confused but took the box from your hands anyway.
“I’m leaving.” You simply said and turned towards the door. The sooner you were out the better.
“Can I at least have a kiss?” Spencer asked in the cute voice he knew you liked.
You closed your eyes. “Sorry Reid, but no. I don’t want to seem needy or suffocating, ya’know? Makes it easier to break things off.”
Color drained from his face as he realized what you were talking about. He couldn’t even come up with an excuse other than a - “No, baby I -“
You put your palm in the air facing him telling him to stop.
“It’s okay. I was just someone you visited...like a grandmother. You shouldn’t miss me too much. We’re not even friends, right?”
You walked out of the house.
You walked out on him. Your heart was beating out of your chest. He was always the one to leave. He was always the one to say goodbye.
I've decided that I'm not your fucking friend.
taglist: @hotchsbabygirl @pinkdiamond1016 @thefemalestorywriter @sizzlingclamturtlesludge @samyilf123
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Thick And Thin (one-shot)
Synopsis: He never thought his wife would ever even think about divorce. They had problems, which is why they were at marriage counselling. But he never knew her heart had broken a long time ago. And he’d been the one to break it before they even got together.
Pairing: Harry Styles x fem!Reader
Genre: aaaaaaannnnggggssssttt baby, just wanted to write something that’d rip your heart out :)
Warnings: swearing, pain, kinda depressive (??), can’t think of anything else really, but please let me know if there is, also not my best work lol :D
Word count: 7102 (let’s start off the New Year with loads of pain :) )
Italics are flashbacks
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“I want a divorce.” 
           Never in Harry’s life did he think he’d have to hear those words. Not after everything they’d been through, not after all of the effort he’d been putting in to save their relationship.
           Those words had not only stunned him but their marriage councillor, the woman’s mouth open mid-word, as she tried to comprehend what was happening. Harry was fairing even worse. It was like his brain was short-circuiting, synapses broken and no longer sending any signals. 
           “Mrs Styles, I know it’s difficult,” the therapist tried to diffuse the situation. “But the reason you’re here is to avoid this specifically.”
           “I don’t remember how you smell anymore,” Y/N continued not listening to the woman, voice like a black void, but her Y/E/C eyes rimmed with tears. “Or taste. I don’t remember how it feels to have you pressed up against me or what it’s like to hear your voice. I… I don’t have anything to cling onto anymore.”
           “It’s why we're here!” he cried through clenched teeth, slipping on his knees before her, hands grasping Y/N’s in a vice-like grip. “It’s why we’re trying.”
           The laugh she let out was detached and without any love. “We tried it your way, Harry.” She’d never called him Harry before. It was always Lover. “And it’s not working for me. It hasn’t from the start. We’re… we’re so unhappy. And I don’t want that for you or for me. We deserve happiness. But I don’t think we can give that to one another anymore.” She took in a shaky breath, looking down at Harry’s hands in her lap. “When I thought of it, at first I felt horrible. I wanted to throw myself off somewhere, but the more I sat on that thought, the more relieved I felt.”
           He couldn’t believe what he was hearing, didn’t want to believe it. “Relieved?” The word felt like acid in his mouth.
           “Yes,” she nodded. “Relieved. Because this choice won’t make us hurt one another anymore. This gives us a chance to have a fresh start.”
           “I don’t want a fresh start! We said – we said through thick and thin.” He was grasping onto the last straw he could find. “This is the thin, but we’ll get through it.”
           “Harry, I already broke through the thin. And now I’m drowning. And when the thick comes, I’ll either be frozen under it and watch you walk further, or I’ll surface somewhere, and I don’t know on which side of the shore I’m gonna be on and where you’ll be. And if you try to get me, you’ll start drowning too. I don’t want that.”
           “But that’s what marriage is! Going through the tough shit together!”
“Harry… I already asked Lionel to draw up the papers. The first draft is done.”
           His blood froze in his veins.
           “When you said to sit down and write one thing that makes me happy about the relationship,” Y/N was looking at the therapist now, “about the person, I – I couldn’t. Because I kept thinking back to the start, to the beginning. That’s what made me happy. But now…” She glanced at Harry. “If there was one thing, I couldn’t do to you, not in a moment like this, is lie. I just… I don’t remember how to be happy with you.”
They’d started out as the cliché of best-friends-lose-contact-only-to-be-reunited-and-not-let-their-chance-pass-by-and-fall-in-love. She was ten when she’d moved in next door to him and he was twelve when he’d seen the three vans full up to the house, a little girl hopping out from one of them. Harry watched as she rushed up the doorstep and put in a key, unlocking it and a new chapter of her life with it. Little did he know she’d unlocked a new chapter of his life as well.
She was the new kid at school, and despite the fact that he was a year above, he sat down next to her at lunch.
“ ’M ‘arry,” he said through a mouthful of a sandwich. “Saw you move in yesterday.”
“Yeah,” she nodded. “I’m Y/N.”
And that was the start of a blooming friendship.
On her eleventh birthday, he gave her a handmade bracelet. She gave him a kiss on the cheek as a thank you, making Harry blush all shades of pink and red.
He was thirteen when he had his first real kiss on his birthday. Y/N had simply tried to peck him on the cheek, but he’d turned his head, and her mouth had ended up on his. She’d walked away with a shy smile and ears on fire.
She was thirteen when a boy first asked her out. Harry was the first person she told him about it. That was the first time his heart broke.
When he was fifteen, he got his first girlfriend. Y/N was fourteen when her heart broke for the first time.
           And then he'd gone on X-factor and with that forgotten about her. She called him, texted him, messaged him on social media, but usually, she’d maybe get only one picture or a small ‘miss you too’ as a response. So, after a whole year apart, she gave up. What was the point of trying to save anything when he didn’t want to?
           He moved on and became an international superstar. Y/N moved on and graduated top of her class, got into her first-choice university, and graduated with a first as well. He had some relationships here and there, while Y/N had had a steady relationship since the second year of uni, but when she decided to go to a different one for her masters they amicably broke up.
           Eight years later she was sitting at a café in London, laughing with her ex-boyfriend and catching up, as he explained how what Criminal Minds showed wasn’t really what was taught in his criminology degree classes.
           “I’m still saying I dated real-life Spencer Reid,” Y/N chuckled, sipping on her gingerbread latte. “Don’t give a shit, I need something to flex with.”
           Harry had then walked inside the café, shaking off the snow from his boots when a familiar laugh he hadn’t heard in ages invaded his senses. It was almost like he’d stepped into a dream. 
           When his green eyes befell on the owner of the voice, he had to take a double-take. Somehow in his brain, he’d expected the fifteen-year-old teenager, a t-shirt of his face on her body, as she’d cheered him on when he’d gone onto his first concert as part of One Direction to be sitting in the chair, not the grown-up woman.
           He’d still checked in with Y/N through what she posted on her social media, but as much as he’d promised not to have the celebrity life sweep him away, it had. Harry sometimes had two concerts a day, and he barely had a moment to take a bite of food. And he hated to admit it, but Y/N simply slipped from his life. And he didn’t bother to put in the effort to pull her back.
           A huge wave of guilt and longing rushed through his body as he glanced at the woman, her face lit up by joy as she and the man before her continued on with their conversation.
           Someone tapped on his shoulder, making him turn around and face another customer. “You gonna order anything?”
           For a moment Harry stuttered. He could walk away without inserting himself back into Y/N’s life, but he didn’t want that. He’d missed her. Harry didn’t even realise how much he’d missed her.
           “You go ahead.” He motioned with his hand. “I’m still thinking.”
           Harry took in a deep breath and then walked towards where the pair was sitting. 
           The man’s eyes flitted up to see who was towering over Y/N, only for them to widen, and his mouth hang open. 
A sense of pride filled Harry's chest at the reaction and maybe quenched a little bit of the jealousy invading his body. He used to be the one who made Y/N laugh until she had to tell him to stop or she’d pee herself. He was back to take up the role.
           “You okay there, Dan?” she chuckled. “Don’t tell me there’s a ghost behind my back. I told him not to walk out of the flat wit –“ Y/N had turned around and almost choked on her drink. “Oh my god, Harry! Oh – hi!” She jumped up hugging him, feeling how his body shook with laughter at her reaction, strong arms weaving around her middle. “Holy shit, it’s really you!”
           “Yeah, ‘s me. Who else?”
           “I didn’t know you were back in the UK.”
           A warmth spread through his chest, as he reluctantly pulled away from the hug. “Been checking in on me?”
           Y/N rolled her eyes, sitting back down, but pulling up a third chair for Harry to sit upon. “Dan’s a huge fan.” She motioned with her head to the man. “When we first started dating, I thought he was only doing it because we used to be friends, and he hoped I’d set you up or something.”
           Harry masked the choke of envy by clearing his throat and letting out an awkward chuckle. “Hope I’m not interrupting a date or something.”
           “A catch-up date, but not a date date.” Dan lifted his brows at Y/N, who gave him a ‘don’t start this’ look to which he threw up his hands in surrender. “I’m just making conversation.”
           “You’re being annoying, that’s what you are.” Y/N flicked a crumb from the table towards him. 
           It was in that moment that it truly hit how much he’d missed, and it hit him hard he no longer knew the person who once was his best friend.
           “You’re different,” Harry said, looking over at her trying to keep the lump in his throat from making his voice break. 
           Y/N shrugged, eyes twinkling. “I mean it has been almost a decade. I do hope I don’t look the same as I did then. Otherwise, the pain of braces was of no use.”
           “No,” he chuckled shaking his head. “’S not that… It’s like you’re a different person.”
           “I grew up,” she said, sipping on the last bits of her drink. “ ’M not the same fifteen-year-old you saw last.”
           He nodded and bit his lip. But the thing was, Harry wasn’t the stupid sixteen-year-old that left the fifteen-year-old her either. This time, he wouldn’t let the chance at happiness pass him by when he could’ve had it all along. 
           He sat across from Y/N at the large marble table and watched, heart bleeding out in his chest as she put her signature on the papers, her attorney fishing out something from his briefcase and handing it to her under the table. He saw her shoulders shudder before she placed a maroon rectangle with a golden inscription on it in her own purse. Harry wanted to vomit. It was her new passport, where her surname no longer matched his, where he no longer existed, inscribed into the document as her spouse. 
           “Mr Styles?” Y/N’s lawyer pushed the papers his way, the pen laying atop them. “’S your turn.”
           ‘Your turn’, as if it was a game of spin the bottle or UNO. 
           “Don’t make me,” he choked out, pleading with Y/N one last time. “Please don’t make me do this. Don’t make me give up on us.”
           Her words were worse than a knife to his soul. “You can’t give up on something that’s no longer there.”
           When they’d been at the stage of negotiation, he’d kept pushing for giving her at least half of his income, to give her one of the houses they owned together, but she’d turned everything down.
           “I didn’t marry you for your money, Harry.” He’d expected her voice to be full of venom, but it wasn’t. It was sad, resigned. “I don’t want what you’ve earned.”
           “Let me give you at least something.”
           “I don’t want anything from you. If it makes you feel any better, you can donate whatever amount you wanted to give me. I don’t care. All I want from this is for you to sign the papers.”
           “And if I can’t?”
           Y/N sighed, looking down at the table. “Don’t make this harder than it has to be.”
           That’s when her attorney had cleared his throat. “Mrs Sty – Y/L/N. Legally, according to the prenup, you are entitled to half of Mr Styles estate as well as twenty percent of all his earnings.”
           But Y/N just shook her head. “I only signed those documents because that’s what he and his agent wanted. I never asked for it or anything or the sort. Donate it, for all I care. Buy a new house, Harry I literally don’t want to know what you do with your money.” Y/N took in a sharp breath and calmed herself down. It’d been the first time Harry had heard any sort of emotion from her since she'd spoken those horrible words. “I just want this over with.”
           And now, he was at the moment of the end. He just never thought their story would end with broken hearts and ripped up futures.
His handwriting was barely legible at best of times, but right now it seemed as if a toddler had tried to forge it with how much his hand shook. When the pen dropped, so did his shoulders, and he saw Y/N’s drop as well.
           Harry’s with weight from the love lost, Y/N’s with relief, for now their broken hearts wouldn’t hurt one another no longer.
           His lawyer handed him over a new passport as well, where Y/N was no longer written as his spouse. The urge to rip it to shreds was almost uncontainable. He hated it more than the divorce papers.
           They’d been dating for a little over two years when he decided to propose, only every plan he had was miserably ruined by some outside force.
           The first time he’d decided he’d do it at a romantic dinner. Harry had found out Y/N wasn’t a fan of huge romantic gestures, so he wouldn’t get on one knee and draw everyone’s attention. He’d simply take her hand in his, kiss her fingers and ask. 
           But as they’d sat at the table enjoying their meal and talking, he noticed Y/N become quieter and quieter. A frown morphed on his face.
           “You alright, Lovie?”
           “Umm,” Y/N’s brow creased even more, and she dropped her fork. “I umm I don’t know. ‘M feeling kind of funky?”
           “What’dya mean?”
           “I – “ Y/N opened her mouth but didn’t manage to get anything else out as she jumped up and rushed towards the ladies room.
           Harry quickly dropped his own utensils and rushed after her, not bothering with the yells of the woman who was looking at herself in the mirror, while his girlfriend threw up her guts inside one of the toilets.
           A member of the staff had run to see what all the commotion was about, but when he saw Y/N half inside a stall, half outside, Harry’s hands keeping her hair away from her face, he went back out and immediately grabbed the first aid kit they had in the kitchen, handing it to Harry along with a cold wet towel.
           Y/N shuddered, leaning against the stall wall sweat glistening on her face, as he pressed the damp cloth against her skin. She gave him half a smile. “Told you not to get the shrimp.”
           “I’ll get the cab, Lovie.” He smoothed away the once meticulously styled hair, which was now stuck to her damp skin. 
           But she shook her head. “Not yet.”
           “Because I’m about to puke again.”
           In the end, she threw up two more times, her stomach really not agreeing with the entrée. The waiters kept apologising the whole time, and the chef had stopped cooking, the restaurant immediately taking action and refunding everyone who’d ordered anything with shrimps in them.
           When they’d gotten back home, Y/N was so tired and felt so sick, Harry could only help her get out of the dress, clean her up with a warm towel and wrap her up in her favourite pyjamas before curling up together on his bed and falling asleep, making sure if there was a moment, she felt nauseous again, he was by her side. She needed his help more than he needed to propose.
           He threw himself into his work like a madman. Day and night, he was either at a studio, on a filming lot, in between meetings or interviews. The media buzzed about how his marriage had fallen apart, even though Y/N hadn’t made a statement or spoken a word to anyone, and neither had Harry. But he guessed the emptiness of his ring finger gave everything away.
           He refused, however, to speak on it. As painful as it was, he was still in love with Y/N. She hadn’t chosen to be in the spotlight, it was Harry’s world, not hers, so he respected her decision to be quiet and remained so himself, save for one single post his management had asked for him to put up. It'd also been the last time he'd spoken to her.
All he received was a simple text message 'do what you have to do'.
           A couple of months down the line though, something came up, and Harry couldn’t keep his tongue behind his teeth.
           It was an article in The Sun, a photograph of Y/N plastered all over the front page with the words ‘Gold-digger Y/L/N finally seen out after divorce with Harry Styles.” He’d snatched the paper right off the stand and flipped it open, frantic green eyes scanning the words.
           ‘Despite it only being two months since the two childhood ex-best friends broke up, Y/N Y/L/N was already seen in the company of a man, sharing a drink, and giving one another flirtatious smiles. An inside source tells us, how she hadn’t even been that upset about the divorce and has been going out and having fun with many male companions, one of them being her ex-boyfriend from university times.’ 
           ‘Harry Styles, known for his time in the pop boyband One Direction and for his solo endeavours in music as well as dabbling in acting, broke everyone’s belief in true love after being seen in public without a ring. This prompted an announcement that the four-year relationship and two-year marriage to who was once his best friend had ended and the two had decided to get a divorce. Although the post showed a picture of their silhouettes holding one another with their foreheads together, and his statement showed nothing but love and respect for his then-wife, sources say Y/N had been controlling and obsessive over her then-husband and hadn’t wanted him to leave to pursue his career, stifling his growth.’
           He didn’t bother to read any further, as he pulled out his phone, calling Jeff immediately to figure out how to make all of it go away, how to do at least one thing right.
           “They’re dragging her name through the mud!” he sneered, not even caring he was bumping shoulders with people, and if the paparazzi would dare spin a story of the state he was in at that moment, he’d sue each and every one of them personally. “I have to do something. Fuck, Jeff, I love her! I can’t let them paint her like this. Y/N – “ he choked back a lump. “She never asked for this. Didn’t ask for anything. And that man – that was Dan, okay. I know him. Yes, he’s her ex, but they don’t know anything!”
           “Harry I’ve sent them cease-and-desist letters already.” Jeff tried to ease him. “But… she’s no longer your concern Har.”
           The words hit him like a bullet and ripped a hole in his chest just like one of them would. “You might still love her,” Jeff’s voice was solemn. “But Y/N is no longer yours to protect.”
           “I can’t just let them talk shit about her,” Harry whispered back.
           His friend sighed on the other side of the line. “I know. Which is why we’ll deal with it. But you have to start letting her go.”
The second time Harry wanted to propose was about a month later, and Christmas was right around the corner. They’d decided that Christmas Eve would be spent with his sister, her boyfriend and Anne, while Christmas Day they’d go to Y/N’s side of the family. 
Although they’d settled on one gift each, Harry had been carrying around that small box for what felt like an eternity. And it wouldn’t really be a gift, given how he’d wrap it and hang it in the tree.
“It’s an ornament,” he’d say to her, a smug smile on his lips, as Y/N would roll her eyes at him. “Just because it has your name on it, doesn’t mean it’s immediately a present.”
And then she’d open it, and would gasp, and Harry would slide down on his knee, press a kiss to her ring-free finger before asking that fateful question. 
But just like before, his plan didn’t come to fruition. 
           He’d asked his mother to hang up the little box, so there was no chance of Y/N seeing it in his hands, but what he hadn’t thought of was Gemma’s boyfriend had decided on the exact same plan of action.
           When Michal had dropped down on his knee, Harry’s sister’s trembling hand in his, he couldn’t do that to them. As much as he wanted to marry Y/N, he couldn’t take away Gemma’s moment. So while Y/N was preoccupied with looking at the gleaming diamond on Gemma’s finger, Harry plucked down the box from where it’d hung and placed it on the side no one could see, before he could put it in his bag.
           “ ’M sorry, honey,” Anne had said to him over coffee the next morning. “I didn’t know Michal would do that.”
           He’d just shaken his head, no hurt in his heart. “Great minds think alike. Our moment will come. ‘M happy for Gem. Besides, if he hadn’t done that anytime soon, I would’ve needed to have a stern talking.” 
           What his sister said to him made him think he had to be living in a simulation, because it couldn’t be true. Y/N couldn’t be getting married. Not this soon. Not ever. Not to someone who wasn’t him. It had been barely a year since he’d signed the death sentence to his own happiness.
           Harry shook his head. “You’re lying. Tell me you’re lying, Gem.”
           “I’m not.” Her voice broke as she said it. “I saw her at a café. Saw the ring… the man who gave it to her. Harry, I’m so sorry.”
           His mind reeled with questions he wasn’t sure he wanted answers to. Was that why she’d really divorced him? Had she been cheating on him and just needed an excuse out of their relationship to jump into the new one? He was away so much on their relationship, he wouldn’t have been surprised if someone else had swooped in and tried to win her heart.
Harry’s mind was one of the greatest things he’d been blessed him, but also one of the worst curses bestowed upon him, as it weaved a story of Y/N and the man who’d now put a gleaming ring on her finger.
           He was away, like always, doing something he could do another time. She was on her own, keeping their bed warm with just her body, fighting for their relationship on her own, while he made plans once more to go to a different part of the world and leave her behind again.
           Y/N pulled herself out of the bed, sighing and rubbing her face. She opened their closet only to be greeted with Harry’s half empty. Maybe that was the moment she decided to find someone who’d fill it and wouldn’t leave it permanently empty, Harry conjured up.
           She’d dress in a soft jumper and some jeans, a large cardigan hanging over her body and would go to a café for her morning drink. And that’s where she’d meet him. The stranger that would take her out of the lonely life she’d been living. The stranger that would make a smile bloom on her face and her heart stutter once more. The stranger who would show her the love Y/N deserved to have.
           Harry had to shake his head to get rid of the thoughts before they ventured into a worse territory.
           No. Y/N wasn’t like that. No matter what, she would never cheat on him. She had enough dignity for herself and respect for him, even though in his own mind, Harry didn’t think he deserved it. 
           Although he didn’t have a right to, nor was it the sanest move (and if someone saw him doing it, there would probably be a slew of articles), Harry got into his car and drove to where Y/N’s apartment was, and when she opened the door after hearing seven loud knocks, he stepped inside without even waiting for her to invite him. 
           “You’re getting married?”
           She crossed her arms. “It’s none of your concern.”
           “It’s been barely a year! I refuse to believe you’ve moved on so fast.”
           Maybe he was kidding himself, and Y/N truly had, but as much as their marriage had fallen apart, he did have the honour of having known her and having figured some things out deeper than others would.
           Y//N scoffed. “I was proposed to. And I said yes.” The words were like venom entering his veins. “If I wasn’t, then I wouldn’t have agreed to it. And as I already said – it is none of your concern.”
           Harry stood there, watching as she dragged a hand down her face, eyes flitting everywhere he wasn’t. It told him everything he needed to know.
           “You’re not happy,” he whispered stepping forward and reaching for her hand. “I know how you shine when you’re truly happy. This isn’t it. Why are you doing this?”
           “That doesn’t matter.”          
           Harry was so confused, at a complete loss at what Y/N was saying. “So, you’ll what? Get married to him and be miserable? Why the hell did you divorce me then?”
Y/N sighed. “Being unhappy with him isn’t as unbearable as being unhappy with you. Because with you, I know what it feels like to truly fully loved. Which is why it broke me when you stopped.”
           “I never stopped!” Harry whisper yelled, anger coursing through his veins at her words, because they were lies. “Why do you think I dragged us to marriage counselling? Why do you think I kept fighting for us? For you?! You were the one that gave up!” 
           “You weren’t there when I needed you.” 
           Harry blinked rapidly, not understanding what she meant.
           “You left me for ten years. You forgot all about me until that day at the café. Not once did you message me or call me or even send fucking snail mail. I was the one putting in all the effort, I was the one who was trying to keep you in my life, but you didn’t want it. Just like it was when we were married.”
           Rage bubbled under the surface, but he kept it at bay. That was not how he’d get Y/N back. “How?” he asked calmly. “How did I not want it?”
She scoffed shaking her head. “It was the same as it was ten years ago. With the movie, the new album... You were always at the studio or hanging out with your castmates. When I asked for you to free up one night, one single night, you didn’t come back until three AM, drunk off your ass, and I had to take care of you. I asked for one night. And you didn’t even give me that. So forgive me for not feeling like you still loved me.”
           “Why didn’t you talk to me then?!”
           “I did!” This was the first time he’d ever heard Y/N yell, before kneading her lips tightly together and then continuing more quietly. “But you never heard me. Not really. You heard what I asked, and promised to be there, but when the time came… something more important always came up. Something that always deserved to have the promise you gave me to be broken.” Y/N gave him a sad smile. “Do you remember when you first asked me out? And I said no?”
           Harry nodded. “You said that we just got one another back and didn’t want to have anything rip us apart again. Didn’t even want to chance it.”
           “And you said it was exactly why I should give us a chance. That we’d finally found one another again and shouldn’t let the opportunity go…” She tilted her head. “Guess we should’ve listened to me. I included.”
           He couldn’t believe her. “Is that really your takeaway here? You were right?”
           “But I was.” Y/N shrugged. “Look at where we are now. You forgot me for basically ten years.” She shrugged, stepping away. “Give it some time, and you’ll forget me for the rest of your life. Besides, we’ve not known one another longer than we have. So, it shouldn’t be that hard.”
           “Why did you then? Go out with me?” Harry swallowed the lump in his throat. “Get married to me?”
           For a moment Y/N just looked at him, Y/E/C eyes boring into his green ones. “Because I’d once again convinced myself I was important to you, just like I did when we were teens. And in my head, I had dreamt up that maybe I’d be important enough for you not to forget me.”
The third time did the charm though.
           They were both sleepy, under the covers of Harry’s bed, eyes barely keeping open as they were determined to finish Elf.
           Y/N had her cheek pressed against his chest, bare body next to his naked one. She hated sleeping in pyjamas (unless they were staying over at one of their parent’s places,) because she said it made her feel like the clothes were suffocating her. Harry didn’t like sleeping with pyjamas because all he wanted was to fully feel the skin of his lover next to his. 
           Snow fell behind the large windows of his London penthouse apartment, covering the city in a white blanket. It rarely snowed there, so he watched with warmth in his heart as the flakes fluttered to the ground.
           It was all so calm, so serene, that Harry realised that’d been the moment he’d been waiting for. No need for fancy dinners or present it as a loud gift. Being together was a gift enough.
           “Lovie?” he asked, nose hidden in her hair. “You awake?”
           All he received in answer was a small hum. She was on the verge of passing out, but this was the moment, so, he whispered the question, voice so low as if he was asking the dark to marry him not Y/N.
           He couldn’t look at her, afraid of what she might say, afraid she might say no, think back to the times he wasn’t there for her, think of all the reasons why he wasn’t good enough for her, and would only bring her sorrow. 
           “Lover.” Her voice was as soft as a summer’s morning. “Look at me. Please.”
           It was one of the most frightening things in his life, as he did so. 
           Y/E/C eyes met green. What he saw on her face allowed his heart to calm down a little.
           “Is the Sun the closest star to us?”
           That he hadn’t expected. “What?”
           “Does it rise in the East and set in the West?”
           Her hand cupped his cheek, and he melted against her. “Then why are you asking me a question you know the answer will be the same as to those?”
           “Can I put the ring on your finger then?” He was more excited than about anything in his life.
           Y/N shook her head, bringing his lips to brush against hers. “Don’t need a ring. Just need you to kiss me.”
           The wedding was far away from the city so that no one from the press could even think about following her or her entourage. The guest list was small, compared to the three hundred people Harry’s and her wedding had had.
           Anne had told him not to go. He wasn’t invited, and neither was she or Gemma, for obvious reasons. As much as Y/N loved them, she knew it’d hurt the two women, but it would hurt Harry more. So seeing her stepping out of the car, dressed in a cream wedding gown, a veil covering her face, made flashbacks appear behind Harry’s eyelids.
           She’d worn an off-white gown before as well, dusty rose to be exact. And Harry’s bow tie had matched it. Y/N had never liked the thought of wearing white at her wedding. 
           “Listen, if it’s white, I’ll most definitely spill something on it,” she’d told him as both of them had been flipping through some wedding magazines. “You know me. But if it’s some other colour, there’s a bigger chance no one will notice when that happens.”
           It didn’t seem right to him. It was like a bad fever-dream like he’d had that one time, and Y/N had had to listen to him babble about the hallucinations dancing in front of him because of the high temperature.
           Her gaze remained on the ground, or maybe on the bucket of white roses in her hands. She hated white roses.
           A woman in a pale blue dress straightened out the back of Y/N’s dress and the train of it, and he watched as her mother came to stand beside her daughter, giving her an elbow to grasp onto.
           All he wanted was for Y/N to be happy, and it hurt to think it wasn’t with him because Harry believed it was supposed to be him. 
           He took in a shaky breath and got out of the car just as Y/N had walked up the steps and disappeared behind the double doors.
           It was going to be him.
Harry knew he wasn’t the best husband in the world. He was away for a lot of time, and as conceited of an excuse it was, his job did entail going out to parties, mingling with other people living the high life, and being seen with certain celebs.
           Y/N was never one for it. She always supported Harry, but she didn’t like going out and spending time with people who didn’t care for her existence. Well, maybe they did, but only in a sense that she’d been the lucky bitch who’d snagged up the Harry Styles.
           But if there was something Harry did was love, and he loved wholeheartedly, which is why it absolutely destroyed him when he’d gotten back home one evening and heard Y/N crying in their bathroom.
           She’d never tell him, but it was because no longer did his pillow smell like him. Harry had been away for so long, that the essence of him that’d soaked into their sheets was no longer there. And it broke her to pieces.
           When he’d get home, he’d be so tired, he’d crash on the couch, only tiptoeing his way into their shared room to go to his closet and get some clean clothes in the morning. He’d look over at his sleeping wife and allow a blissful smile to bloom on his face at the sight.
           He was so lucky to have Y/N back in his life. He was so lucky she’d accepted him and fallen for him as he’d fallen for her. He’d silently move over and press a kiss to her temple, before going back down and off to work once more. Only he wouldn’t see the dried tears on her cheeks.
           So, when he’d found her curled up in the tub, hands in her hair, face hidden by her knees, frame trembling like leaves in a storm, he instantly dropped to his knees, ignoring the sharp pain shooting through his bones, as he pulled Y/N into him.
           “I can’t, Harry,” she choked out, shaking her head. He knew it was bad. She never called him by his name. “I can’t do this. I’m so alone. Even when you’re here, I’m alone.”
           Harry had had his heart broken before, and always he wondered afterwards if someone took it out of his chest at that moment, what kind of a sound would it make. Or maybe it wouldn’t. Maybe it’d be as silent as the tears running down his face at Y/N’s confession.      
           “Maybe,” he swallowed harshly trying to keep his whole body from shaking, from showing the fear her statement instilled in him. “Maybe we need couple’s therapy.”
           “What?” her eyebrows had shot up to the middle of the forehead.
           “Y/N, we’re clearly having problems. I – I know I need to work on things, but you’re also not telling me how you’re feeling. Maybe we just need some help.”
           She didn’t really know what to respond. In her mind, Y/N had somehow conjured up an image that if she ever got married, they’d be happy. Sure, they’d fight and have rows, but they’d always be able to work things out on their own. Not once in her life, did she ever think she’d need to go and see a marriage counsellor to help her save her marriage.
           Her own parents much like Harry’s had gotten divorced. Hers had tried therapy. It’d been their last resort. It didn't work. So, when he’d mentioned it to her, that’s what made her decide it was truly over. 
           Y/N nodded, bringing him in for a hug, and felt his body melt into hers with relief.
She’d try, for Harry, but her mind was already made up.
           So he stood outside the doors, listening for the line of ‘if there is anyone who opposes this union speak up now, or forever hold your peace’. His hand grasped the handle, ready to push, but… he couldn’t. He’d ruined her happy ever after once before. He couldn’t do that again to her.
           Tears streamed down his face as he pocketed his hands and ventured away from the ceremony. The ceremony where the love of his life was promising to cherish someone else, to fight through thick and thin with someone else, to make someone else happy, while her own happiness suffered.
           Harry sat in his car, waiting for her to exit, a smile on her face as she’d hold the hand of who now was her husband. That'd be the moment he'd let go of her. But when the doors sprung open, she was alone, hands clutching onto the front of her dress, as she rushed down the steps and back inside the car she’d arrived in.
           For a second he sat in his vehicle, stunned beyond belief at what had happened, at what, as horrible as it sounded, he hoped had happened. When a man, hand in his hair ran outside as well, the same woman in the pale blue dress rushing out with him, Harry knew.
           He was basically a madman on the road, breaking almost every possible law as he tried to catch up to the car Y/N had jumped in. 
           His mind raced with the possibilities of where she could’ve gone. The airport, her family’s summer house in Winchester, honestly anywhere in the world, but Harry shut up his mind, and allowed his heart to make the decision.
           It didn’t seem like Y/N had premeditated fleeing from her wedding, which meant she’d need her stuff. And that meant going to her apartment as quickly as possible before someone came to look for her.
           The way he parked was probably illegal leaving the car basically in the middle of the road, but Harry didn’t care much as he frantically rushed up the steps of her apartment complex. He was scared that if he knocked, she wouldn’t open, thinking it might be someone from the wedding, but he didn’t need to be afraid of it, as he saw Y/N, her hair still styled as it had been for the ceremony, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, a suitcase in hand exiting from the flat.
           “Why didn’t you do it?” he breathlessly asked, startling her and making her drop the keys.
           Y/N’s eyebrows furrowed. “What? What are you doing here?”
           Harry stepped closer, hand cupping her cheek, insides trembling from all of the emotions coursing through his body. “Why didn’t you do it? Marry him? Why didn’t you say yes?”
           “I – “ Y/N choked on her words. “I couldn’t say yes. It didn’t feel right.”
           “Because it wasn’t you, I was saying yes to.”
           That was all Harry needed to kiss her like he'd done once before. And this time, he wasn’t going to let her go. He’d made that mistake twice. He would never repeat it again.
           “I love you,” he cried through a laugh. “I love you. I love you. I love you. And I’m never letting you slip through my fingers ever again.”
           “How can you even think about loving me again after what I did to us?” she asked, pulling away from his lips.
           Harry chuckled, shaking his head. “You’re talking like I ever stopped. Through thick and thin. It’s what we promised. Think and thin, my Lovie."
           A sixteen-year-old Harry and a fifteen-year-old Y/N laid outside in the grass of Harry’s garden; eyes trained onto the dark night starlit sky above. It was the day before his life changed forever as did hers.
           “Do you believe in soulmates?” Harry asked, trying to catch a glimpse of a shooting star.
           Y/N scrunched up her nose. “No. I don’t think I do. And I don’t think I want one.”
           “Why not?”
           “What if they’re old and in their thirties? Or dead?”
           Harry snorted at her response.
           “And you?” Y/N turned her head to look at him. “Do you believe in soulmates?
           He bit his lip and nodded. “I think I do. I think it’s two people who’ve been brought together, and no matter what happens will find their way to one another. Through thick and thin.”
"And what if one of them breaks the other's heart?"
"That's the thin." He looked at her. "And you don't give up then. It's when you need to love them even more."
Tags (crossed out wouldn’t take):
Everything tags: @lumelgy @palaiasaurus64 @supernaturalbaesduh @breezy1415 @crazy--me @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @sea040561 @staryeyedgirl @deathbyarabbit @s-c-a-r-e-d-po-t-t-e-r @reblogger-not-a-blogger @m-a-t-91 @dalilx @i-need-a-hero-i-need-a-loki @maladaptive-ninja-returns @averyrogers83 @in-the-end-im-still-trash @gallifreyansass @dewy-biitch @avxgers @unlikelygalaxygiver @magicwithaknife @ollyoxenfrees @bnhvrdy @tvwhoresblog @celebsimagines @thatkindofgurl​ @sj-thefan​ @teenwolflover28 @lestersglitterglue​ @im-squished​
Harry Styles tags: @sarcasticallywitty15​ @breezykpop​ @girlboss99​ @harrystylesdoesntknowiexist​ @alliyjane​ @sirtommyholland​
A/N: Happy 2021 everyone! Hopefully things are better this year, and everyone stays safe and sound.
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[requested by anon m]
~Includes: Wilbur Soot x Reader, Dream x Reader, Karl Jacobs x Reader~
Summary: College AU! and Soulmate AU! where the soulmates share the same heartbeat and can tell when one feels panicked, shocked, etc. and the other(s) can feel the same.
Genre: Multiple drabbles. Hurt/Comfort.
Pronouns: They/Them (Gender Neutral; Reader is non-binary)
Warnings: Mentions of anxiety and anxious situations.
[a/n: Anon M back at it again with the requests <333 I’ve decided to do all three if that’s okay with you. It has bits and pieces of your prompt, but I did change some things so I hope you’re fine with that. Thank you so much for requesting again and I hope I executed your prompt well :D]
       Wilbur Soot
(Y/N) and Wilbur meet when (Y/N) got lost and stumbled into the music room where Wilbur was playing the guitar, a kazoo dangling from his lips. Both of their heartbeats stopped from the shock before being filled with euphoria. Ever since then, the two soulmates where inseparable. 
Today, (Y/N) and Wilbur had the same class and presentations were on the agenda. Wilbur noticed his heart rate quicken and turned to (Y/N), who was fidgeting nervously. Presentations were never (Y/N) ‘s favorite to say the least. The thought of everyone’s eyes on their every move waiting to mock any mistake they might make made (Y/N) ‘s heart pound harder and their mind hazy. 
Wilbur took their hand, thumb gently rubbing circles into them. He tried to steady his/their heartrate by practicing some breathing techniques their therapist taught them. It helped a little and (Y/N) gave him a soft smile to show their appreciation. “Everyone else is probably half asleep anyway. Just pay attention to me when you’re up there.”, Wilbur tilts up their chin to give them a peck on the lips, “You’re going to do great, darling.”
With eyes locked on Wilbur, they got through the presentation just fine. Afterward, they went on a ice cream date to celebrate :DD
┌─── ・ 。゚★: *.☪ .* :☆゚. ───┐
└─── ・ 。゚★: *.☪ .* :☆゚. ───┘
“This is some bullshit.”
(Y/N) is exasperated with their soulmate. Their heart is going crazy and they’re just lying down trying to calm themselves down. They soon give up as they hear some commotion on the other side of their wall. They decided to check up on their roommate only to see her watching a livestream on Twitch. “Oops, sorry about the noise. You know that Dream guy I was talking about?”, she motions for them pull up a chair next to her, “He’s doing a Manhunt live and it’s getting pretty intense.” 
Dream breaks his silence when he deems that he is far enough from the hunters, “Oh my god, my soulmate must hate me right now. My heart is racing!”, he laughs and starts to set up a nether portal. “One of these days I’m gonna try and do this with a heart monitor.” (Y/N) decided to stay a little longer and soon the stream goes into a lull as Dream starts preparing for a trap. It was calm enough that casual conversations can be had. Somehow the conversation turned to soulmates. “Yeah, I am sincerely sorry for my soulmate though because I’m pretty sure I have the heart thing. Although I think they might be watching since at first I can feel them trying to calm down but when Sapnap sneak attacked me, it was like twice as bad.” (Y/N) froze. Bad piped up, “Maybe they are, wait, if you’re Dream’s soulmate try to speed up his heart rate right now.”
‘Well you’ll never know unless you try.’, (Y/N) got up and started doing jumping jacks, much to the amusement of their roommate who started recording. “Wait maybe this is legit.”, she got her heart monitor and attached it to (Y/N)’s arm, “Thank god, I’m a med student.”
“Oh my god! My heart is actually going faster!”, Dream’s cursor goes up and down frantically. (Y/N) stops doing jumping jacks and tries to calm their heart as their roommate is freaking out. “Okay, it may just be a coincidence.”, (Y/N) panted as the beats per minute slowly ticks down. 
“Oh, they stopped now. My heart is calming down.”, Dream parkours through a particularly tricky nether ravine. “OH GOD!!”, he misses a jump, falls and narrowly avoids the lava pool below. The heart rate monitor spikes and (Y/N) sharply inhales at the sudden scare.
“Oh shit...”, the realization hits (Y/N) like a truck. Turning to their starstruck roommate who was recording everything who has the gall to say, “So, you gonna slide into his dms or what?”
╔══════ ≪≫°✺°≪ ≫ ══════╗
                   Karl Jacobs
╚══════ ≪≫°✺°≪ ≫ ══════╝
Today was a bad day for (Y/N). Their professors seemed to be extra condescending and unhelpful today, not mention finals are coming up quickly. They are just so close to shutting down due to the pressure of it all. They drop all their things at the foot of the door and crawl into bed. Heart pounding, body in fetal position, and tears flowing out of their eyes, they finally just let it all out. After a few minutes, a knock from their window interrupted the moment. With trembling hands, they uncover the duvet that was over their head to see their smiling boyfriends waving from the window and motioning for them to open it. 
(Y/N) gets up to open the window and Karl’s smile falters at the sight of their tear-streaked face.
“I sensed a disturbance in the force.”, he reaches out to hold (Y/N) in his arms, “Is everything alright? What’s wrong?” (Y/N) silently shakes their head and buries their face into Karl’s soft sweater. He pats his sweater pawed hand gently onto their head, “I got you...It’s okay.”
The two took a moment to cuddle in bed until (Y/N) felt calm enough to carry on. Karl offered to help them study which they graciously accepted. 
Today was a better day for (Y/N).
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q-gorgeous · 3 years
What Do You Mean That’s Not a Ghost?
word count: 1232
How does being constantly exposed to high amounts of ectoplasm affect the citizens of Amity Park? Prompt by @robotbeowulf
hidey hey
“I’m telling you Parker, this is gonna make our career! You’ve heard of all of the ghost sightings in Amity Park! Imagine how many ghosts we’ll be able to collect here!”
Two men were walking down the street together, both wearing trench coats. The first man was looking at Parker with a big smile on his face.
“I hope you’re right, Don.” Parker said, fiddling with a device in his hands. “Otherwise we came all the way here for nothing. What if all that talk about ghosts is just one giant tourist trap? We’d be out a lot of money.”
“Nah, nah, you’ll see. It’ll be great! Now turn that thing on already! I wanna see where our first ghost is.”
Parker turned on the machine and it started a slow and steady beep. They followed the dot on the screen towards the park. That makes sense. The ghosts here seem to terrorize the people who live here all the time so the park would be-
The tracker started to beep rapidly as they walked up to a picnic bench where a teen sat with headphones on, doing her homework. 
Parker looked at the tracker and back up at the girl. “What is this? That doesn’t look like a ghost. What’s wrong with this thing?”
Don nudged Parker with his elbow. “Some of these ghosts can be sneaky. Did you ever hear about that one therapist lady? Couldn’t even tell. I bet it’s the same with this one.”
He slowly walked up behind the girl, inching up behind her. Once he got close enough, he grabbed onto her arm. The girls fist came flying towards him though and he was not prepared. He fell to the ground when her fist connected with his face and tried covering his eyes when she pulled some pepper spray from her backpack. 
“Fuck off, you creep!”
Parker sighed, holding his head in his hand, as he watched Don get sprayed. The girl gathered up her stuff and stormed past him, knocking her shoulder into him as she went. 
Walking up to Don, Parker looked down as his friend squirmed and whined on the ground. 
“See, I told you-”
Suddenly the tracker started beeping rapidly again and two ghosts quickly flew over them, causing the wind to pick up. Once they left, the tree next to the picnic table stopped shaking. 
“Huh.” Parker said, staring at where they disappeared to. “I guess there are actually ghosts here.”
“Help..” Don croaked. 
They sat outside a corner store on a bus stop bench. Don had a gallon of milk in his hand and milk soaking his hair and jacket. His eyes were puffy and red and people walking by shot them strange looks.
Parker waved at a particularly scary old lady who was giving Don the stink eye. 
“Okay.” He said, turning to Don. “So we know that the tracker works since those two ghosts flew over us before. But why did it pick up on that girl?”
Sulking, Don responded. “Maybe she’s a witch instead. Maybe they do some voodoo magic with ectoplasm.”
Parker scoffed. “What are you crazy? Witches aren’t real. But how are we supposed to know if someone’s a ghost or not?”
“Keep grabbing them until we can’t take any more pepper spray?”
“Maybe we gotta do more observations first.” Parker continued, ignoring Don. “We could go scope around town and see how many incorrect readings we get.” As they walked around town, they got person after person that were incorrectly labeled as a ghost by their machine. They’d walk up to someone, study them, and ask if they were a ghost. The looks they got were anywhere between confused to disgusted. Some were even grossed out and refused to talk to them at all because of the rotten milk still covering Don. 
“How can none of these people be ghosts?!” Parker threw his arms up in the air when they came to a stop at an intersection. “Why are they all setting off the tracker if they’re not ghosts? It doesn’t make sense!”
The light turned green and they started heading across the street.
“Maybe the entire town is full of dead people and no one knows.”
Parker shot Don an unimpressed look. “No. There has to be some sort of explanation.” 
They walked by an ice cream shop where a teenager with black hair was walking out with a cone. The tracker started beeping rapidly at him and Parker smacked it.
“See! This one doesn’t even say this kid is a level one! It’s trying to tell me this scrawny teenager is a level eight ectoplasmic entity!”
“Hey! Who are you calling scrawny?” The kid licked his ice cream cone as he glared at them. 
“Hey, kid, you wouldn’t happen to be a ghost would you?” Don called.
The teenager's eyes widened a bit and he took a bite of ice cream and swallowed it before answering. “No, I’m not a ghost, that’d be crazy, haha.”
Parker growled. “We’ve walked by so many people today and our tracker picked up on all of them! Not a single one was a ghost except for those two that flew over the park today! This thing is just a hunk of garbage!”
“Wait, it’s reading humans as ghosts?” The kid looked perplexed. 
“Yeah. We’ve been asking person after person if they were a ghost or not because they were all showing up on the radar.” Don said. 
“I wonder why-” He snapped his fingers. “Oh! I remember my mom saying something about this! They had to adjust all their instruments because they said everyone in town is starting to pick up their own residual ecto-signatures. Especially the teenagers because-”
“Wait, wait, wait.” Parker said, arms in a pause motion. “Residual ecto-signatures?”
“Yeah.” He took another lick of his ice cream. “Having a fully functional, always open portal to the ghost zone letting all the ghosts loose into town was probably bound to have some effects eventually.”
“You.” Don paused. “You said especially the teenagers. Why is that?”
“Well.” The kid said. “Ghost attacks happen most frequently at the high school which leads to higher rates of ectoplasmic entities there along with more chances the kids are gonna get caught up in something. That could be possession, getting hit by an ectoblast, getting ghost powers-”
“Ghost powers?!” Parker shouted. “How did they get ghost powers?”
“Ghost mosquito bites.” He shrugged. 
“Well why is yours so high? All the other people have been level ones, but you’re a level eight.”
He shrugged again. “I don’t know. Maybe it’s because I’ve grown up with scientists and inventors for parents and they occasionally misplaced their ectoplasm inside the fridge.”
Don stared at him. “What? Who are your parents?”
“Jack and Madeline Fenton, resident ghost hunters and experts.”
They stared at the boy with slack jaws. “Your parents are the Fentons?”
“I should’ve known that if something this crazy was going on that they were bound to be near.” Parker sighed and hung his head. “Come on Don. I don’t think this is quite the place we were looking for.” They started walking away, heads hanging down.
“Bye?” The boy called to them in a confused tone of voice. 
The two men walked away into the distance, the sound of beeping filling the air as people milled about around them. 
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onenerdtwonagas · 3 years
Positive Affirmations
((A while back, somebody asked for the story of the first time Orpheus hypnotized Uriah. I did some thinking on it and I think I finally found the right scenario for it!))
“Are you alright, love?”
Uriah glanced over his shoulder and saw Orpheus looking back at him in the dim moonlight. The human had gotten up, unable to fall asleep, his mind too muddled. He’d carefully untangled himself from the naga’s embrace nearly half an hour before and sat in silence at the edge of his bedding, mindful not to bump any of his coils. Perhaps he hadn’t been cautious enough?
“I didn’t mean to wake you up. I’m sorry,” he apologized, voice quiet.
“You didn’t, but your absence did,” Orpheus yawned, pointed fangs catching the light for a moment as he sat up. He rolled his shoulders and neck with a soft crack before looking to Uriah again. Scales whispered against the furs, blankets, and pillows as Orpheus shifted and slithered, coming to rest behind Uriah and putting his arms around him.
“Come back to bed, love...”
“I will, eventually,” Uriah sighed. “You go ahead. You’re tired.”
“Not without you,” he mumbled. The man could imagine the sleepy pout on the naga’s face. Uriah gave one of his hands a gentle pat as he cuddled closer.
“It’s okay, babe. I...just have a lot on my mind.”
“Hmm? Like what?”
Uriah exhaled slowly and Orpheus rested his cheek in his hair. He felt heavier than usual.
“Orpheus, babe, sleep. You’re gonna doze off on me. I’m fine, really.”
“Mmmmnnnooo,” he drawled stubbornly, “not without you.”
“...You’re really not gonna let it go, are you?”
Orpheus shook his head.
“It feels stupid. I hate you even woke up because of it,” Uriah muttered.
“Tell me anyway. You’ll feel better.”
He sighed, loosely holding on to Orpheus’s arms as he tried to find a comfortable way to voice his thoughts.
“I still deal with a lot of the negative stuff from my ex,” he started slowly, quietly. “Not that he’s in my life at all, because I kicked him out and whatever I couldn’t throw in his bags I got rid of, but the feelings. The bad ones. Thinking I’m not good enough, feeling like I don’t deserve you, that sort of thing.”
Orpheus let out a light but somber hum. He turned over one of his hands to hold Uriah’s and interlocked their fingers. It had only been a month or so since they’d admitted their feelings for one another, but perhaps it was naive of the demigod to assume his sweetheart would recover from a painful relationship in such a short time.
“You know you do deserve better, don’t you?”
“Yeah. But knowing and feeling are two different things.”
“Yes, they are,” he agreed. His thumb brushed over Uriah’s. “Is there some way I could help?”
“What do you mean? Like, play therapist for me?” Uriah let out a weak, halfhearted laugh. “That wouldn’t be fair to you. Should probably see a shrink, though...”
“I don’t know what that is, but I was thinking I could try and do something for you. Maybe I could help you forget?”
“With...hypnosis, I’m guessing?” Uriah asked hesitantly.
“I could, you know,” Orpheus offered.
“...Nah. I don’t think I should forget what happened. Move past it and stop internalizing, but forgetting would mean leaving myself open to that kind of manipulation again,” Uriah reasoned. “Can’t protect myself from something I no longer remember, right?”
Orpheus hummed thoughtfully. He did have a point.
“What about affirmations?”
Uriah turned slightly, looking at Orpheus skeptically.
“You plan on flattering me through this?”
“Flattery is excessive. Affirmation is confirming what is true. I think you could use a dose of truth to clear out those negative falsehoods, don’t you?” he asked, cradling Uriah’s hand between two of his own. “Especially if they’re keeping you from proper rest, love.”
“You...wanna use your hypnosis to try this?”
“Only if you’d permit me.”
“I don’t think you’ve ever used yours on me, before.”
“Does the idea frighten you?”
“No,” he answered slowly, “not really? I-I’ve, uh, let Kenny hypnotize me plenty of times.”
He blushed as Orpheus’s eyebrows rose.
“Oh. So you’re familiar with the sensation, then?”
“I-In one way, at least.” Uriah cleared his throat awkwardly. They sat in a moment of odd silence before Orpheus spoke up again.
“Would you let me try, Uriah? At least a little? I only want to help you feel better.”
Uriah bit his lip and squeezed the back of his neck. Hypnosis had a tendency of getting him wound up. It wasn’t a bad thing, necessarily, but his time with Kenneth had left a bit of a subconscious imprint. He didn’t want to embarrass himself in front of Orpheus by suddenly getting turned on; they weren’t anywhere near ready for that step in their relationship, as attractive as Uriah thought the demigod to be. But...he trusted Orpheus not to take advantage. Maybe he could try it, at least this one time.
“I...I-I guess we can try it...”
Orpheus smiled sweetly and kissed his forehead before rising and gently guiding Uriah back towards the bed. He pulled his coils close, providing a space for the man in the bend of his tail.
“Come here,” he whispered. “Sit.”
Uriah did as he was told, albeit with some apprehension. He swallowed thickly as Orpheus’s strong coils could be felt against his back and sides, supporting him. It would only take a few moments for him to coil around him completely, if he wanted... To be in such a compromising position with him, and with the consent to hypnosis given—
“You’re letting yourself get flustered,” Orpheus chuckled, gently poking him between his eyebrows. Uriah blinked, bringing himself back to focus. He looked up at Orpheus sheepishly.
“I-I-I’m sorry. Usually with Kenny this is sort of a...a-an intimate thing?”
“I told you I’d take things slow with you, and I meant that. I’ll behave myself, dearest, I promise. You trust me to do that, don’t you?”
He reached out and brushed his fingertips along Uriah’s cheek, sliding them down to trace his jaw. The man nodded slowly.
“Good. Give me just a moment to channel it, then.”
Orpheus closed his eyes and breathed slowly for several moments. Uriah remained still, wondering what to expect, caught mid-thought by Orpheus’s eyes opening with a pale blue, moonlike glow. His body tensed instinctively, but Orpheus kept his fingers against his face in a gentle touch.
“Shhh. It’s alright. You’re alright,” he hushed. “Just breathe, Uriah...that’s it...”
There was the initial spark of excitement Uriah had almost been conditioned to feel, but Orpheus’s soothing tone and his instructions reigned it back in quicker than Uriah could truly register it. He blinked at first, his mind naturally wanting to resist, but the calm glow was waiting for him whenever his eyes would open again. And the more Orpheus guided him through his breathing, the more he recognized an almost echo-like quality to his voice. He’d finish one word, and just as its final vibrations would register in Uriah’s mind there was another. Slow, gentle, rippling...
“There we are, good and calm now, aren’t you? That’s better, isn’t it?” Orpheus asked, smiling as he felt Uriah’s body slacken against the supportive coils behind and at his sides. They pulled a little closer, keeping him steady and stable, allowing his strength to leave him completely. Uriah stared back at Orpheus, at his mercy.
The naga hushed him, stroking his hair soothingly. Uriah’s eyelids slid a little lower and he sighed in response to the contact.
“Easy. Just relax. I’ve got you... Now, I think we’re ready to try some of those affirmations, hmm?”
Uriah lacked the strength to nod, but he managed a weak, slurred word of consent. Orpheus slid close, leaning over him as he took one of Uriah’s hand in his own.
“I want you to know that I care about you,” he said, speaking softly. “I care about you very much, Uriah. Do you believe me?”
“...Y-yes,” Uriah mumbled.
“Good. I want you to believe me. Many people care about you. You are loved, dearest. Very much so.”
He brought Uriah’s hand up and pressed his lips against the back of his palm. It sent a pleasant warmth down the length of Uriah’s arm, right to his core. It was different from the sensual heat he knew from Kenneth’s hypnosis. This was...calmer. Not any less sincere, but more...what was the word? There was a word for it... He couldn’t remember. The only words his mind could focus on were the ones coming out of Orpheus’s mouth. He felt them just as much as he heard them. They kissed his ears and melted into his mind, anchoring themselves there.
“I’m going to tell you some truths, Uriah. Ones I want you to remember, even if it’s only little by little. Do you think you can do that? Answer me.”
It took a few breaths, but Uriah gained enough control to respond:
“Good. After each truth, I’m going to use a gesture to help you remember. A simple one.”
He held Uriah’s hand close, stroking across his knuckles.
“I will tell you a truth to remember. The way I touch you will be how you remember. When I touch you, commit it to memory. Do you understand?”
Orpheus’s smile warmed. He hadn’t used his hypnosis on someone in such a way before; it felt very nice to physically see Uriah so open to suggestions, helpful ones, rather than struggling against the emotional barriers his past experiences had created. They were gone, at least for the moment. He could disturb their foundation this way, give Uriah the tools to shake them up and finally tear them down for good. It was perhaps the best use of his powers to date.
“Now, where to start...”
He thought over it for a moment, and then began in earnest.
“Uriah, you are worthy of others’ time and attention. You deserve more than scraps and spare seconds.”
Orpheus bent his head, turning Uriah’s hand over and kissing the inside of his wrist. The same tingling warmth shivered it’s way into Uriah’s center. He wasn’t sure how to explain it, but Orpheus could see the recognition and obedience flicker across Uriah’s gaze as it reflected his own hypnotic glow back at him. He was remembering, as he was told. Good.
“You deserve to be heard and listened to,” he continued, that time leaning in and kissing the shell of Uriah’s left ear, and then his right. He moved slowly to avoid stirring Uriah from his trance.
“You should always be your fullest self. Never shrink yourself to fit into someone else’s space.”
His lips pressed against Uriah’s chest, just beneath the collar of his shirt. The man let out a soft sound in response, and Orpheus hushed him before continuing.
“Always remember you have a beautiful, brilliant, compassionate mind. No one can take that from you, or belittle it. Believe in your own strength and stability of mind. Nurture it.”
Orpheus cradled Uriah’s face between two hands and kissed his forehead. He could feel Uriah’s slowed breathing against his skin, the warmth radiating off of him, the gentleness emphasized by his current state... He really did adore him.
“And the last truth I want you to remember,” he said quietly, “is that I care for you. I want nothing but the best for you. And that means loving yourself. Love yourself, Uriah. Fully. Unashamedly. Because I do...”
That time, he brought his lips to Uriah’s, lingering longer than the other kisses prior. It wasn’t sexual, or overly passionate, but there was a genuine, sensual intimacy. Orpheus expressed his full affection so that Uriah’s mind would recognize it. When he finally pulled back, Uriah’s glowing eyes were barely open, his expression soft, and a hint of heat on his freckled cheeks. Orpheus stroked the edges of his jaw for a few moments more.
“Remember all of that, Uriah,” he whispered. “Will you?”
“I...Nn...I-I’ll...remember,” he sighed.
“Good. Good boy, Uriah,” Orpheus praised, combing his claws through his hair.
“And now, love, I think you should rest. You can close your eyes and sleep. I’ll be right here, I promise.”
Orpheus told him to rest. He wanted to look at those eyes for a little longer, but the demigod’s words were so strong. And the sensation of his fingers running through his hair was so comforting. Uriah’s vision flickered.
“Sleep, Uriah,” Orpheus repeated, softer, sweeter.
With a sigh, Uriah finally gave out, the obedience instilled by the trance winning over any residual desires or thoughts. His cheek rested against Orpheus’s scales as his breathing deepened and slowed, finally deep under the influence of sleep. Orpheus settled close to him, using his tail to bring the blankets up over Uriah. He watched him for a few minutes, still tracing the very tips of his fingers along Uriah’s cheek, hoping that he’d managed to get through to him. He hadn’t attempted to use his hypnosis in such a way before, but it appeared to have been working in the moment. Closing his eyes and settling in more comfortably beside Uriah, Orpheus decided to leave it up to time to tell if Uriah’s mind would take any of his affirmations seriously.
Morning came peacefully, the dappled rays of light reaching across the floor of Orpheus’s chamber. Uriah’s eyes cracked open, blinking several times to adjust to the daylight. Where was he...? Oh. Right, right, with Orpheus. Those were his scales against him. He hadn’t slept so deeply in a long time; he felt a little stupid, being so under that he forgot where he was.
“Damn,” he mumbled to himself, sitting up and rubbing at his eyes, “I dunno if Kenny’s even gotten me that deep before...”
His hand moved to shove his bangs back, but the moment he touched his forehead he felt a strange, rippling warmth rush through him. Uriah flinched and gasped, staring at his hand. It didn’t look like anything had been done to it... He gingerly touched his head again and felt the same sensation. His brain buzzed for a few seconds. Pleasantly. It wasn’t brain fog, or a headache, it was...almost like remembering something? Uriah blinked in bewilderment.
“What the...?”
Words. Something about words. His mind scrambled as he drug his hand down the side of his face, trying to sort it out. He looked at his right palm again and brought his left to inspect, but the same jarring feeling caught him off guard as he brushed his own wrist. The initial shock wore away and it instead felt...soothing? Uriah brushed his thumb over his wrist, feeling the warmth creep up in several places.
You deserve time...you’re brilliant...love—
Uriah flinched again and shook himself free of the feeling. It was almost hypnotic itself.
“Geez, what in the world...?”
Beside him, Orpheus finally started to stir. The naga was mid-stretch when Uriah leaned over the large coil between them and stared down with wide, flustered eyes.
“H-Hey! What exactly did you do to me?!”
Orpheus opened one eye.
“Good morning to you, too, dearest,” he yawned dryly. “What do you mean?”
“I-I-I’m feeling...things.”
“You did something!”
Orpheus propped himself up on one arm and tilted towards Uriah, looking at him with sleep still fading from his eyes.
“Of course I did ‘something.’ I used my powers on you, love.”
“Yeah, but—“
“Hush,” Orpheus pressed, the tip of his tail rising up against Uriah’s lips. There it was again. Orpheus finally saw what Uriah meant as the man faltered, eyes going hazy and unfocused.
“Ah, I see. Hmm... Perhaps I was a little too intense?” he wondered aloud.
Uriah blinked, feeling that warm buzz wash over him. Pleasant. A reminder of...of affection? That felt right, didn’t it? It...seemed right... He could vaguely recall those words that had echoed around in his head...
“Hold on, let me see here,” the naga tutted, gently touching his fingertips to the place on Uriah’s chest he had kissed during the trance. Uriah drew in a breath, eyes actually closing for a moment, overwhelmed by the sensation. It felt like being held, nurtured. Loving himself. Being loved. Feeling whole and content and unbroken. He felt his mind starting to swim in it, until Orpheus retracted his hand and tail—slowly, so as to prevent Uriah from suddenly slipping when coming out of the light trance-like state.
“My apologies, Uriah. Seems I might’ve overdone it just a bit. The immediate effects will wane, though; it won’t be as strong in a day or two.”
“W-What is it you did, exactly?” Uriah asked, much calmer than he had been a few minutes before.
“I used contact to help secure some of the affirmations to your subconscious,” he explained, shrugging as if it were common sense. Uriah stared at him. Orpheus cleared his throat and tried again.
“I used physical affection to bind the memory of my words to you. Positive touch, positive thoughts. Did they come to you just now?”
“Yeah, a-after a few seconds,” Uriah admitted. “It’s just...uh...a little strange to get used to...”
“The sensation, or thinking positively about yourself?”
Uriah instinctively bit his lip to think, but that triggered the sensation again. He released with a short gasp. Orpheus reached forward and placed his hand against his face, purposefully stroking his thumb across Uriah’s mouth. A shiver ran down his spine, but he mustered up the will to speak.
“H-H-Hey. Easy.”
Orpheus smiled.
“It will wane,” he repeated, “but I hope the thoughts stay. I want you to feel better, to know how special you are.”
“As w-weird as it is, I... I appreciate it,” Uriah thanked him, blushing shyly. They remained still together for a moment, listening to the ambient sounds of the birdsong and rustling of leaves in the morning air.
“Hey, uh... What all did you put in my head?”
“I think you’ll have more fun if you find out for yourself,” Orpheus teased.
“At least tell me one?”
“Oh, very well. Which would you like to know?”
“Maybe...?” He pointed up at his lips, too flustered to say it. Orpheus’s grin widened.
“Love. Pure affection, for yourself from inside and out.”
That was...surprisingly sweet and genuine. Nothing overly sexual from Orpheus? He had expected at least a little teasing, maybe, but knowing he had stuck to his promise to behave made the warmth in his chest return. The demigod didn’t ask him to change; he made room for him, instead, no ‘shrinkage’ required.
“Can... Can I get another one of those?” Uriah asked, referring to the touch to his lips. His face was growing red. “Y-Y’know, just so I remember right...?”
“You certainly can,” Orpheus purred, leaning close. Uriah didn’t flinch away or tense as he felt the naga’s lips against his own. The warmth that radiated through him felt twofold. And for the first time in at least a year, he allowed himself to think: I deserve this.
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wooyunhwa · 4 years
kingdom of welcome addiction | two
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view pinned post for masterlist for links to the rest of the parts!
Genre: smut 
Pairing: demon!san x fem!reader
Word Count: 6k
Warnings: blood drinking, choking (like some serious choking you’ve been warned), crying kink, corruption kink, praise kink? idk, mentions of alcohol, virgin mc
Synopsis: When you accidentally summon a bloodthirsty demon boy to your bedroom, you form an unexpected contract with him.
A/N: Thank you for reading and comments are super appreciated as always!
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It had been a few weeks since you’d last summoned San. The last time you’d seen him, he’d gone kind of crazy after tasting your blood. You couldn’t forget the darkness in his voice, his all-black eyes shining demonically as he lost it. He had left without even giving himself a chance to explain himself, he just disappeared to, well… wherever it was that demons went, you supposed.
Every so often, your hand would find its way up to check the scar where he’d punctured your neck. Honestly, you just wanted to make sure you hadn’t dreamt it all. As the days went on, you really couldn’t be sure. Eventually the scar dwindled to a faint red mark, and then to nothing at all. 
The sticky note was still pinned to the wall above your desk, taunting you every time you saw it. Each time you’d think today was the day you’d call him back, and yet, you hadn’t been able to do it.  
Until you were drunk, that is. 
You had a particularly rough day of classes. Your professor had called you out in front of the whole class for a mistake you made on an assignment, and it ripped you apart. When you got home, you had poured out a few pathetic drinks to drown the pain of the day, wanting nothing more than to curl up in your bed and disappear. But you forgot one vital thing. When you drank alone, you got sad. Like, really sad. The tears seemed to flow endlessly, and there was a point at which you even forgot why you were crying—or drinking—in the first place. 
There was a part of you that needed in that moment to not be alone, even for just a second. Embarrassed to call any of your friends over, you turned to the only companion who couldn’t turn you down.
Your demon boy.
You ripped the post-it off the wall, finally ready to use it, drunkenly singing out the Latin a few times until it was comprehensible enough to work.  
He was perched on your desk when he appeared. You stumbled back drunkenly, startled by his sudden appearance despite knowing you were summoning him. You just forgot how jarring it was. 
“Oh, you have to be kidding me,” San grumbled. You weren’t sure if he was responding to your sudden summoning, or the fact that you were leaking tears all over the place pathetically, but you couldn’t even manage to choke out a response through your blubbering. 
“This is way out of my pay grade.” He hopped off the desk, sauntering slowly in your direction. “Have you been drinking, hmm? I can smell that cheap liquor from a mile away. It’s fogging up your pretty little scent.”
You wiped the tears from your eyes pitifully. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have summoned you. You can leave.”
“I did miss your cute little human face, I suppose,” he said softly. He was standing close now, towering over you. You pulled your gaze up to meet his eyes, and he gave a gentle pet to your head. In any other situation, it would be sweet, but the look in his eyes was chilling. He looked at you like prey, a piece of meat—and yet his words dripped off his tongue like the sweetest honey. “Don’t cry, okay?” 
His thumb drew across your cheek, passing faintly over your lips, collecting tears. He brought his hand up to his tongue, licking it clean of the saltwater, not breaking eye-contact for even a second. “Virgin tears. Almost as good as the blood,” he sang, eyes rolling back in his head in a quick moment of bliss for just a moment before fixing back on your face. “Almost.”
You forgot how alluring he was, his sharp-featured face in particular. There was something magnetic about it, you couldn’t pull your gaze away no matter how intense he was. 
“So why’d you call me, hmm, darling?” He flashed his teeth villainously. “Missed my bite that much? Have something new to offer, perhaps?”
You dropped your gaze, but he tipped your chin up to meet his again almost immediately. “Look me in the eyes, darling. You’re the one that summoned me, the least you could do is give me that.”
“I shouldn’t have called you here. I shouldn’t have even thought—I should have known you wouldn’t care beyond your own interests,” you said, voice hoarse and shaky through your tears. 
He shrugged. “You’re probably right.”
His brows furrowed. “Okay, a little uncalled for. But not entirely untrue.” He placed his hands on your shoulders, guiding you to the bed. It took only a small nudge to plop you down. You felt the effects of the alcohol wash over you. “We can make a contract. If it makes you feel better.”
“What, you’re gonna ask for my blood again?” you scoffed.
“Your tears.”
You paused, considering the stakes. “Fine, take them. What do I get?”
He took a seat next to you on the plush blanket, placing a surprisingly comforting hand on your back. “I’ll listen to you. Like, uh… a demon therapist,” he smiled at you from your side, flashing his fangs cheekily. “I promise I’ll do my best to stay serious. I’m contractually obligated.”
“Fine,” you agreed, slightly annoyed at how difficult you found it to resist him. His devilish charm was too much for you—even sober, but especially drunk. 
“Tears first,” he said decidedly, and you caught a glimpse of desire spark in his eyes. 
You nodded, shuffling your butt on the bed to face him. You expected him to run his fingers over your face, like he had earlier. Instead, he brushed his thumb over the side of your face slowly, dancing along the cut of your jaw, then leaned in to brush his lips over your cheek. You flinched as his lips connected with your skin softly, and you felt the distinct wetness of his tongue brushing over the surface. He lapped at your tears through deliberate, drawn-out kisses, and the cold metal of his lip ring felt unexpectedly nice drawing over your cheek. 
His hand came around to the back of your head, lacing his fingers in your hair to steady you. It was incredibly sensual, whether he meant it to be or not. He moaned pleasurably at the taste of your tears, though he didn’t have the same animalistic hunger he seemed to have when he’d tasted your blood. Probably for the best. 
“You’re so cute when you’re crying. Like a helpless little lamb. If I weren’t supposed to be nice to you right now, I’d have a half a mind to make you cry again,” he purred against your ear. 
His other hand threaded around the small of your waist, like he’d done when he drank your blood before. And you couldn’t lie, you kind of loved it. His position was unexpectedly romantic: one hand cupped around your waist, the other laced in your hair, delivering soft kisses and licks across your cheeks. You closed your eyes to get a better idea of the sensation, fisting your hands needily in the silky fabric of his button down. 
You felt him pull away suddenly, an amused smirk dancing up on his lips. “Someone’s getting spicy. This wasn’t in our contract.” 
Fuck. Something in your mind was telling you to kiss him. Not just telling, but more like screaming at you. Fucking kiss him. His lips looked so soft and alluring, so dangerously off-limits. You leaned in slightly, magnetized by his aura, only to feel him pull away entirely. 
“Okay. I’ve had my fun,” he said. He ran a hand through his hair, roughing it up messily, giving you a perfect view at the cut of his jaw. “Now I hold up my end of the deal. You talk, I listen.”
Do we have to talk? you thought, annoyed. I’d rather just make out.
You gritted your teeth together as you tried desperately to shift your thoughts away from kissing him. But you couldn’t help but think about how his lips would taste against your lips, how his tongue would dance sinfully against yours, his fingers laced in your hair—god, what was wrong with you? It was probably all the drinks you had, making you unnecessarily sad and even more unnecessarily horny for your hot demon errand boy. You needed to get it the fuck together. 
You pushed away your fantasies for the night, as hard as that was. For the next hour or so, you lamented to him about your rough day, even going into a few things that had happened in the past week. He listened thoughtfully, carefully, though in the back of your mind you knew he was only being so attentive because he was ‘contractually obligated.’ 
You poured your heart to him, feeling incredibly vulnerable under his concentrated gaze. Though this time it wasn’t entirely predatory, but more like interested. Caring, even. You doubted that even was possible. Even so, as you talked, you felt more and more connected with him. 
For a moment, he seemed almost human. 
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Summoning San became an almost nightly routine for you. 
You’d summon him, have him help you with mundane activities like homework, cleaning, cooking—whatever task you could think of to keep him around as long as possible. Of course, he couldn’t turn you down unless you didn’t have a reasonable counter to give him. 
Each time you summoned him, it seemed as though he cared less and less about the contract and seemed to enjoy your company a bit more. Not that he’d ever unveil that information to you—he always gave into your mundane proposals begrudgingly, but there was a glint in his eye that said he wanted to be there, even if he wouldn’t admit it yet. 
“You know I have other clients, right?” he’d joke. “You can’t summon me every night.”
“Oh, so you’re cheating on me?” you’d tease back. 
“Don’t worry,” he’d say with a charming wink. “You’re my favorite human.” 
“Not that there’s any competition, but you’re my favorite demon.” 
You loved the playful banter between you. He felt somehow easier to talk to than any human you’d met, perhaps because there was little to no social pressure involved. Something about your dynamic felt almost boyfriend-ish, in a way—if you could consider being a glorified errand boy a boyfriend-ish thing to do. He rarely divulged any personal information about himself, but you got to know him through the littlest things. His small habits, the things that made him laugh. 
You couldn’t believe it, but you were falling for him slowly, like some sort of pathetic schoolgirl crush. The highlight of your day was the minute you could conjure him, even just to see his face smiling in front of you, that familiar devilish grin as he appeared in your room. 
There was still something that felt entirely off-limits, though. Sure, you’d let him drink from your neck a few more times—each time he’d get better at controlling himself—but you weren’t sure how to cross the line from there. He’d been so forward on the very first night you met him. He even asked to take your virginity, which of course you outright denied. But even if it was a joke, if he was just messing with you, the idea swirled in your mind every now and again. You even dreamt of him a few times. But he hadn’t mentioned it since. 
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It was late in the night. You had summoned San to do some menial house chores, as you usually did, in exchange for dinner and a back massage—something you weren’t even aware demons needed. San had explained it to you, but you still couldn’t quite wrap your head around the inhuman-soul in a human-vessel dynamic, so you chose not to question it too hard.
Today, something felt different about him. He was flirtier, sexier, more outlandishly charming than usual, if that was even possible. You watched him scrubbing your countertops like your hot demon maid—you even went so far as to dress him in an apron you spent a little too long picking out at the store—marveling at the small of his waist cinched in with the fabric tie. 
“Enjoying the view?” he teased with a playful glance over his shoulder, wiggling his hips. 
“Ugh, I was until you did that,” you joked back. “C’mon, that countertop isn’t gonna scrub itself.”
He gave his hips another shake, chuckling as you trained your gaze on his ass. “You’re so cute when you’re drooling over me. Get it together, darling. You’ve still got a massage to give.”  
He was just joking around with you, you knew that. He was probably just as charming with his other summoners, or his ‘clients’ as he called them. But he was right, you couldn’t help but drool over him. It was moments like this where you fell for him, hard, pretty much flat on your face. You wished so desperately for him to be human right now, just for a second. You wanted him to give you a sweet, squeezing hug, kissing your forehead. You wanted to feel his arms around your waist, pulling you in close. You wanted to ask him on a date. You wanted him. 
But you’d have to settle for watching him clean your house. God, what was wrong with you? You couldn’t have caught feelings for a human boy?
And now you had to give him a massage, which wasn’t going to make it any better. 
He laid himself face down on your bed, face resting gingerly against your pillow. You straddled him, setting yourself down gently on the back of his thighs. You had admittedly never given a massage before, but you weren’t going to let that stop you. Your hands explored below the hem of his shirt, lifting up slowly to reveal the soft, perfectly tanned skin underneath. You were able to get a better view of his proportions, the way his waist curved in so delicately and then up into his beautifully broad shoulders. He was fit, but not too muscular, slender, but not too thin. He was absolutely immaculate. 
You rubbed circles in his back, drawing out the sweetest moans from his lips as you massaged down on his muscles. “I may be cursed with this human body—ah—but this does feel kind of amazing,” he admitted in a voice slightly muffled by the pillows. 
You worked at his muscles until he seemed satisfied, even rolling your palms around his neck and shoulders to hear his sweet groans of pleasure. It was unbelievably enticing, and you felt dampness pooling between your legs.  
When you were done he rolled on to his stomach. You watched in awe at the rise and fall of his chest, the tip of his chin accentuating his sharp jawline. You didn’t want him to leave. 
He stood himself up from the bed, shaking his muscles out a bit before smiling cheekily, flashing his fangs as he always did. “Looks like our contract today is complete. See you tomorrow, hmm?” he winked. 
“San wait—”
“I want another contract.”
He paused to contemplate, dragging his tongue over his bottom lip in thought. He cocked his pierced eyebrow up, stepping forward to close the distance between you. “What’s that, little lamb? Are you finally gonna let me take that pretty little soul?”
You swallowed, mustering up the courage to make your move. “I want you to kiss me.”
“You—what?” he sputtered, clearly caught off guard by your proposition. 
“I’m asking you to kiss me,” you repeated.
You watched his eyes go dark, slightly hooded as he trained his gaze back on you. In contrast from his lighthearted mood earlier in the day, he looked particularly lustful as his eyes found your lips. 
“So, if you want to make a contra—” 
He was on you before you could finish your sentence. His hands found your hips, squeezing tightly to pull you against him.
His lips lingered over yours, the warmth of his breath washing over you like soft waves. He didn’t stay there for long, pulling your lips against his fully. He tasted like heaven, hell, and everything in between. You craved for him as thirstily, barely coming up for air as your lips rocked slowly against each other’s. One of his hands was laced in your hair, the other steadying against your neck. For a moment, you forgot he was even a demon at all, except for the inhumanly exquisite taste of his lips.
He pulled away for only enough time to choke out his next words in a low growl. “I guess I’ll make an exception on the contract this once. Once.”
He bit playfully at your bottom lip, lightly twirling his tongue around the surface. Then harder. You yelped as his fang sunk in, tearing off a small piece of flesh. He smirked against your lips, drawing his tongue across the blood with sensual breaths. His hands came to your shoulders to swivel your hips around, backing you into the wall next to your door frame, caging you in with his body. 
“I always forget how good you taste,” he purred in your ear. He grasped at your body hungrily through your clothes, like he was ready to rip through them at any moment.
You could have stayed there forever, his body trapping you against the wall, lips on you like he would never have another chance to taste you. But he pushed away suddenly, his eyes flashing a demonic black for a moment angrily. 
“Fuck. I have to go. I’m getting another call,” he hissed through his teeth. 
“San wait I—” 
But he was gone. 
Your knees gave out under you weakly, sliding your back down the wall, staring at the empty space he had occupied. He wasn’t yours. He wasn’t your boyfriend, or even your friend. He was a demon. You couldn’t afford to forget that for even a moment. 
It was just too good to be true.
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You didn’t discuss the kiss further, not for a while at least. He’d made a few passing comments on his nightly house calls, but you hadn’t dared bring it up again in conversation. However, on one night in particular, you had summoned him without purpose. You were admittedly lonely, and frankly, a bit horny. You wanted company, and he was always on call. 
“Yes, my liege?” he teased with a bow as he appeared in your room. And there was that intoxicating smile again. 
“Will you just talk to me tonight?”
“Okay, darling. And what do I get, hmm?”
“No contract.”
“You know that isn’t how this wo—” 
“I want to know you’re not just here because you have to be tonight. But if you really don’t want to be here, you can leave. You know the way out.”
He sighed heavily. “Y/N, you know this isn’t—”
You saw the look on his face soften, and he gave in with a nod that said ‘fine, but just this once’.
You talked across from each other on the bed for a while, talking about anything that came to your mind, though not much about him. He mostly listened, cut in a few times with a quip or a cheeky comment, but kept his eyes trained on you with complete concentration otherwise. You actually hadn’t expected him to be such a good listener. Better than most humans you knew, anyway. You loved the moments where you caught a glimmer of humanity, although you knew that wasn’t possible. The only human thing about him was his body, after all. 
As you made conversation, your mind wandered elsewhere. You couldn’t help but admire the curve of his lips, the sharp cut of his jaw, his crimson eyes shining like rubies. You felt completely intoxicated by him, as you always did. He was entirely tempting and yet felt completely off limits, even though you had entertained many times the thought of him fucking you. The thought flickered through your head even now. You imagined every rise of the muscles in his chest, sweat glistening on his skin as he towered over you. You imagined what his dick might look like, sliding in and out of you. You imagined his lips all over your body, every curve of your skin, every inch of you from head to toe.
The tension in the room grew thick as you watched his mouth, concentrated on every movement, every flick of his tongue, the faint glimmer of his metal lip ring, the fangs glistening under his slightly parted lips. There wasn’t an ounce of subtlety in the way you watched him, and he slowly stopped moving entirely, focusing all his energy on to you again. You craved the intense heat of his gaze now—you were no longer uncomfortable with his severity, only further entranced by how it pulled you in. You were entirely in his trap. You leaned forward, initiating the kiss, and he leaned in to meet you. His tongue slid against yours, and you reciprocated fervently. He tasted incredible, and the way he moaned against your lips indicated he felt the same about you. “You’re intoxicating,” he purred, his heavy breaths sounding like music in your ears. You wanted him, entirely. Since the moment he’d first appeared you’d wanted him.
Your hands explored his chest, his arms, the small of his waist—everywhere you could touch, you did. His chest was rock-solid, a beautiful display of muscle sculpted beautifully on his core. You felt every desire you’d ever had compounding at once within you, it rocked through you like a wave: the need to be touched, held, fucked right this moment. Although you’d never done it before, at least with another person, you had plenty of experience with the vibrator in your room, and recently, with picturing San as you pleasured yourself. Either way, if you had done it with another human or not, it probably wouldn’t have even mattered—he wasn’t human at all, in fact. What he was was danger wrapped up in an alluringly human-like package.  
“I want you to fuck me, San,” you said confidently, letting the words the drip off your tongue, slowly and deliberately. 
Your bodies were nearly flush, and you could feel the heat of his breath against your skin. His finger traced along your jaw, a low grumble rolling up through his throat, coming up through his teeth in a hiss. “You can’t tempt me with that kind of offer,” he growled, and the way his fingers trembled as they met your skin indicated his ultimate self-control. “I don’t think you understand how I can get...”
“I saw it, San, before. Remember? I’m not scared of you,” you countered. But that last part was kind of a lie.
“I can’t,” He took a final step closer, closing any remaining gap between you. “Fuck… you don’t understand how… delicious you look to me right now,” he hissed through his teeth, his voice getting rougher and deeper as he held himself together. “I can’t help myself. It’s like some sort of animal instinct.”
“San, please. I can handle it. You even admitted you wanted my virginity the day we met.”
“I was joking back then… sort of. I might be soulless, but I’m not heartless. I couldn’t hurt you.” He gritted his teeth, restraining his heavy, lusted breaths.
“So you don’t want to?”
“Fuck, I do… I do more than anything. Every time I look at you I picture myself destroying you—”
“Then do it.”
“Gah, you—fuck.” He planted a few restrained kisses down the sensitive skin of your neck. He dragged his fangs along the taut flesh, threatening to sink them in. “I can try to hold myself back. No promises.” 
“Please, San,” you whined. Your hands fisted the silky fabric of his shirt, drawing his chest as close to yours as possible. 
“Mmf,” he grunted against your neck, digging his nails into your waist hungrily. “Fuck, you taste like a drug.” He pulled back, his eyes darker now. His usually crimson irises looked nearly black in his state of temptation, so much so that you could barely make out the whites of his eyes. He looked more like a demon than ever before, the wicked aura almost possessing him. He shook his head, as if trying to purify himself. “I can’t—I’m gonna hurt you. Don’t do this to me, I’m not going to be able to—” 
You pulled down the collar of your shirt, revealing your shoulders and a hint of your chest. His eyes went hungry, trained on the soft curve of your collarbone lustfully, wickedly. “I’m giving my body to you, please... Take it.” 
His voice was a low growl, and he seemed to be restraining himself with everything he had left. Thick, enraged veins bulged from his forearms as he grasped at your waist. “I’m telling you, I’m going to lose control… you’re not gonna recognize me.”
“I know. San, please. I’m asking you to take my virginity.”
He finally snapped under your words, his eyes almost fully consumed with black now. His lips attached to your collarbone, sucking gently at the soft skin around it. His desperate clawing nearly tore the fabric of your shirt from your skin as his kisses feasted on you hungrily. You tipped your head back, his lips and tongue eliciting soft moans from you as they danced along the top half of your chest.
His voice was so deep now it nearly rumbled, barely sounding like the San you knew. “You’re delicious—fuck—even better than I remember.” 
His hands pushed you back against the pillows with more strength than he probably meant to use, nearly knocking the wind out of you with his force. He sunk his teeth into your shoulder, and you yelped in surprise at the sting of his teeth in your flesh. You felt the distinctly wet and all-too-familiar sensation of blood as the canines pierced your skin. He licked it clean, his whole body shaking with desire as your blood washed over his tongue. He sang the most beautiful moans you’d ever heard into your skin, lapping up every last drop clean from where he’d punctured you. 
You had grown addicted to the sensation of his teeth on your skin and his tongue licking up the blood, like some sort of weird demon-vampire fetish you had never considered before. You laced your fingers in his hair as he worked his way down your chest, tearing away the fabric of your shirt apart with his hands like it was a wet piece of paper, and he didn’t stop until the mess of torn fabric that used to be your shirt slipped off of you easily. His lips kissed and marked your breasts as he worked his way down, then ripped off your pants with the same distinct sound of fabric being torn through like it was nothing. 
His dark eyes gleamed hungrily as he met your gaze. He used his tongue sinfully between your thighs, teasing you mercilessly as he kissed and licked around the seam of your panties. You were soaking wet now, the fabric of your underwear entirely drenched from the anticipation. Not just from today, but from the past few weeks of fantasizing about him completely wrecking you. His fangs gripped into the wet fabric, nearly taking your skin with it as he pulled your panties out from between your legs—the only piece of clothing he hadn’t entirely torn off.
“What a cute little human pet,” he purred seductively in your ear, dragging his fingernails across the cut of your jaw. You winced as he drew his hand over your freshly bitten wound. “It’s too bad your blood won’t be so sweet after I’m done with you, hmm, darling? Maybe just one more time, hmm?”
You felt his teeth sink down into your shoulder, and he pulled you entirely flush against him as he bit down with more ferocity than before. You cried out against him as he slipped his tongue delicately over the wound. His hungry grip around your waist grew tighter with every lick. 
“San—ah—” you cried out, a mix of pain and pleasure as he soothed your wound with his tongue, hands coming up to squeeze your breasts.
“I could drain you right here,” he growled harshly, but there was still lust coating his words. You felt his dick harden in his pants as he pulled his teeth from your skin, leaving the aching sting of the fresh wound on your collarbone. You felt a bit dizzy now, not only with lust but also from losing quite a bit of blood to his tongue. He stood up suddenly, stripping like clothes meant nothing to him, ripping them off and tossing them to the floor. His breathing was less like breaths and more like throaty grunts. You were able to marvel at his naked body for only a second before he climbed on top of you, forcing you to lie completely flat under him, his broad shoulders closing you in completely.
“Such a cute human,” he praised, marveling at your smallness, your complete powerlessness beneath him. You couldn’t move if you wanted to, his body caged you in from all sides—it’s a good thing you didn’t want to. His eyes were intense, predatory, but not entirely possessed like he had been before just at the mere taste of your blood. You were surprised by his restraint he seemed to be holding on to. “Tiny, powerless… I want to hear you beg for me,” he purred into your ear. As he awaited your response, he lapped gently at the wounds he’d made earlier, collecting the remaining blood on his tongue with a needy moan.  
“Please, San—” you started apprehensively, unsure of exactly what he wanted from you. Your voice cracked slightly as you spoke, and heat rose in your cheeks. 
He clicked his tongue twice. “Tsk, tsk. I forgot, she’s too pure for this.” 
“Fuck me. Please—” 
“That’s better darling.”
“I want your cock, please, San.”
“I don’t want to hurt you baby, but you’re too fucking tempting. So cute and helpless beneath me.” He drew one of his hands lightly across your chest, dragging his fingers along every curve. “Begging. Embarrassed. It’s adorable.”
His hand drew over your stomach. Hips. Thighs. Then, finally, between your legs, delivering a small, fleeting taste of the pleasure you’d been searching for all night. You bucked your hips up involuntarily under his touch, and he drew his hand back teasingly. His eyes, hooded with desire, were fixed on your face, reveling in every reaction, every small noise that crept up through your throat. Darkness crept through them, nearly entirely black now. He looked like a real demon. 
“What a naughty girl. Practically dripping for me. I thought you were pure, hmm? What happened?” he sang condescendingly, a smirk twitching up on his lips. “Be a sweet little pet for me now.” 
He pushed his hips flush with yours, his cock aligning up against you. A low growl ripped through his throat, digging his fingernails into the sheets with a terrifying display of force. “This is probably gonna hurt, darling,” he purred. “Look me in the eyes. I want to see your cute little face as I ruin you.” He tipped your chin up to meet his eyes just as he rutted his hips in for the first time. 
The tip slipped in easily, but you couldn’t help but wince at the sensation. You’d tried toys before, but nothing could compare to the size—or feeling—of the real thing. “Ah—ah San, it—it kind of hurts,” you whined, your face twisting a bit as he pumped a few times, slowly and shallowly. He watched your face with blackened eyes. 
“You have no idea—” Thrust. “How hard—” Thrust. “It is to—” Thrust. “Keep myself from destroying you.” 
Your broken cries echoed loudly as his mouth came down on your wounds once again, delivering wet, desperate licks at the bloody remnants of the punctures he created. It stung harshly, and a single tear escaped your eyes. He pulled away from your chest, positioning himself completely upright, dick still halfway inside of you. You got a good look at his hard chest, an immaculate display of muscle. An unidentifiable tattoo snaked down his right side. He looked almost statuesque poised above you. 
“Such pretty tears. My little lamb,” he praised with a low growl, sinking his fingernails into the flesh of your thighs. “Fuck—tell me I can ruin you—” his fingernails dug deeper.
You nodded, urging him on. You initiated it, you wanted it, even if he scared you a bit with his harsh gaze and his tightening grip threatening to mark up your skin. “Yes. Please.” With a single thrust he bottomed out inside you entirely, eliciting a sharp cry from your lips. You tossed your head back, but you could still feel the heat of his stare following your every moment, taking in every curve and scar of your body. “Good little human,” he praised, stroking your thighs as he thrust in again. Every movement he made overwhelmed your senses entirely—a lethal mix of the sting of your wounds, the sensitivity of his hands exploring your thighs, the feeling of his dick stretching out inside you, and finally, how much you craved him. 
His hand came up to your throat, latching on to it with a steady viced grip. His eyes went hooded, hungry as he squeezed the air from your lungs. Harder. Tighter. His fingers viced around your neck with dizzying force. You squirmed beneath him, clawing at his hand desperately. TV static buzzed in your brain, and the world went blurry. You just barely caught a glimpse of his black eyes fading back to red before your vision slipped away into darkness. 
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Your eyes shuttered open to the familiar image of your ceiling. You recognized you were in your own bed, fully clothed, tucked under the covers neatly. Before you could survey your surroundings, San’s face was above you, eyebrows slightly furrowed, tilting his head as he looked down at you. You’d never seen his eyes so soft.
“Look, she’s awake.” His voice was calmer than usual, warmer. “How do you feel?”
“Like hell,” you croaked, voice hoarse as you choked out your words. 
“I don’t say this often...” he started, placing a hand on your head. “But I’m sorry. We shouldn’t have even done that in the first place. I went too far.”
“I—what happened—”
“You blacked out. I, uh, well... I choked you until you passed out. I told you, it’s hard for me to control myself like that.” 
“Did you—”
“Of course not,” he interjected, not even letting you finish. He knew what you were implying. “As soon as you stopped moving it snapped me out of it.”
You dropped your gaze, recalling how you saw his black eyes turn to normal right before you lost consciousness. “Right. Uh… thanks.”
“I like my prey fresh, anyways. It’s not fun when I can’t watch them squirm.” And there it was. His devilish smile again. His tongue twitched across his lower lip, playing with his lip ring absentmindedly. He quickly cleared his throat when he saw the unamused expression on your face. “I hope… uh, I hope at least you were having fun before—you know.”
You nodded in response as you tried to sit upright in the bed. Bad idea. Your vision went dizzy, and a rush of pain pounded through your skull. “Ah—ow, fuck.”
“Should I get you some water or something? Whatever it is that humans want when they hurt.” 
You rolled your eyes at his pointedly un-human response. “Sure, water sounds fine.”
He retrieved you a glass from the kitchen, setting it on the nightstand. “I hate to do this, but I’ve been here for way too long,” he started hesitantly. You could see the regret in his eyes. “Without a contract too. I could get in trouble for this.”
“It’s fine, you can go,” you muttered. “I could use some sleep right now anyway.” 
He nodded quietly, administering a small, strangely awkward pat to your head. “Right. Well, uh… get some sleep.” 
You barely blinked before he was gone, but it didn’t matter anyway. You were asleep before you could even take a sip of the water he’d gotten you. 
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toastedqueso · 3 years
Show Me The Way
Pairing: Yuta x Original Female Character | Reader
Genre: Friends With Benefits, Smut, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: Unhealthy coping mechanisms, Explicit sexual content (Oral Sex, Unprotected Sex), Language, Yuta has tattoos and nipples piercings (I put that out in the universe, please make it happen)
Word Count: 2.1k
Summary: After an unpleasant meeting with her mother, Chloe seeks comfort in her best friend Yuta. She thinks back to how they started and how they got here. Two hearts beating together, but can the two hearts be together?
Random Word Generator Prompt:
Must be about Yuta
Must contain these words: Therapist, Benefit, Judgment
A/N: This is part of the Random Word Generator Challenge with a friend. I tried to keep to 2k words, but it's slightly longer. Oops! Also, please practice safe sex!
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Dinner with her mother leaves Chloe fuming. Chloe’s mother has a habit of dropping by unannounced under the guise of motherly duty only to remind Chloe how disappointing she is. In her eyes, Chloe could never meet her standards for perfection. After graduating high school, Chloe left to go to college on the other side of the country to escape her mother’s suffocating clutches. Unfortunately, her mother started making unannounced visits when she sensed Chloe trying to distance herself.
For the sake of her sanity, Chloe always spends their time together going through a list of her favorite things - shows, songs, food, even her favorite socks. This was something her Therapist had taught her to do - do something pleasant when faced with something unpleasant. This time, she only makes a list of 25 songs before her mother cuts their meeting short. Fortunately for Chloe, her mother has to get drinks with her business partners - the real reason she’s in town.
Now back in the comfort of her apartment, Chloe does breathing exercise from a meditation app to calm down. This is step 1 in her “post-motherly interrogation meltdown” recovery manual. Step 2 is waiting for Yuta’s text. A notification appears on her phone alerting her of Yuta’s text.
Yuta I’ll be over in a sec your mom she sucks
The text calms her a little. Step 3 was set to go. Yuta is the only person she finds she can confide in without judgment.
While she waits for Yuta to arrive, she thinks back to how their friendship was molded. They met during Freshman year when they both ran into their English class late and the Professor kept them both after class to reprimand them. They both sulked out of the class, but once out of the classroom they burst into fits of laughter. Their shared misfortune from the start of their college careers led to their inseparable friendship.
Yuta was an open book. He spoke freely and Chloe never had to second guess his intentions. It took Chloe some time to open up, but Yuta was patient and never pried for information. Chloe’s relationship with her mother further strained when she told her she switched her major from Business Administration to Psychology. Yuta was there to witness the call and was there to lift her spirits by dragging her to a wild night out to get absolutely trashed.
Their relationship took a turn after Chloe had drunkenly confessed to Yuta how sexy she thought his tattoos were.
“Only my tattoos?” Yuta teased.
Chloe shoved Yuta. “You’re sexy. And I’d fuck you right here. Is that what you wanted to hear?”
Yuta laughed. “I only wanted the truth. And for the record, you’re sexy and I wanna fuck you too.”
Chloe blushed, more from his words than the alcohol. She leaned in to give him a kiss with more tongue than her sober self would have allowed. Yuta broke the kiss and looked in Chloe’s eyes.
“While I want nothing more than to fuck you till you can’t walk, you’re drunk. If you remember this tomorrow, then we can pick up where we left off,” Yuta offered.
The next morning, Chloe sported a hangover, but remembered everything from the night before. Yuta knew she’d be embarrassed to face him, so he came over with breakfast to help lighten the mood before they talked. She was silent while eating breakfast, but after her stomach felt slightly better she had enough courage to broach their drunken proposition.
“Soooo the cat’s out of the bag,” Chloe tried to joke.
“You mean pussy?” Yuta replied in a playful tone.
Chloe scoffed while Yuta laughed at her reaction.
“Well, we’re both hot and we know how we feel about each other, SOOOO,” Yuta replied. Though he wanted more, he wanted Chloe to decide what she was comfortable with.
“Yuta, I don’t want a relationship,” Chloe shot down instantly. Judging by the look of shock on Yuta’s face, she knew that wasn’t what he wanted to hear.
“Don’t get me wrong, I want you. I want you SO bad, but, you know, me and relationships, they don’t work out,” Chloe explained.
Yuta did know. He witnessed Chloe have her heart broken countless times throughout their friendship. He guessed her failed relationships might have also had something to do with her mother.
“Well, you can have me how you want me, Chloe. We can still be the same Chloe and Yuta, best of buds, but now upgraded with the physical benefits. You know, friends with benefits,” Yuta suggested cautiously. He looked rather shy and seemed a little unsure of himself.
“Are you okay with that?” Chloe eyed him carefully.
“Seriously? Already trying to kill off my genius idea?” Yuta reverted back to his usual playful nature.
“I don’t want to hold you back from relationships. If you ever want to move on or get tired of me, just tell me. I’ll be fine.”
Yuta reached out to cradle her face in his hands.
“Chloe, don’t overthink it. I’ll never get tired of you. We’ll always be friends. We’re just two very hot friends having sex like all the time. It’s what the universe wants.”
Chloe laughed and sealed their deal with a kiss.
The knocking on her front door breaks Chloe from her reverie. She quickly opens the door and Yuta practically jumps in to hug her.
“I came as fast as I could,” Yuta says out of breath. Chloe feels slightly guilty for making him rush over.
“Thanks Yuta. Sorry if I interrupted something,” Chloe says as she sits on the couch. He shakes his head to brush off her apology.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Yuta asks softly as he sits down and places a hand on her knee.
Chloe is touched by his genuine concern, but brushes it off. She takes his hand off her knee and straddles him.
“You know I didn’t call you here to be my Therapist,” Chloe replies. She grabs the bottom hem of his shirt and swiftly takes it off.
“You want me that bad?” Yuta tilts his head back on the couch and laughs.
“Shut up and kiss me, idiot,” Chloe demands. Yuta smirks before he molds their lips together. He starts off slow and tender, before she licks his lower lip signalling him to go deepen the kiss.
Chloe quickly takes her clothes off while Yuta struggles out of his jeans. Growing impatient, Chloe pulls Yuta closer as she sits naked on the couch. She moves her hands down his chest before her fingers delicately brush over his nipple piercings. He lets out a soft moan before he grabs her hands.
“Tonight it’s about you,” Yuta says, taking her hands off of him.
Yuta kneels in front of her and throws her legs over his shoulders. He licks her clit and feels her legs shaking already. He slowly inserts a finger in her pussy while he continues licking her clit. He sneaks a peek at Chloe and sees her writhing in pleasure.
“You’re so wet,” Yuta comments.
“Shut up and make me come,” Chloe demands. She grabs his hair and pushes his face closer to her clit.
Sensing her impatience, he adds another finger and picks up the pace of the thrusts. He slightly curves his fingers and goes back to licking her clit. Chloe tightens her hold on Yuta’s hair and curses when she feels her orgasm come over her. Once she comes down from her high, she lets go of Yuta’s hair. She looks down and sees Yuta looking in her eyes while licking his soaked fingers.
Before Yuta takes his boxers off, Chloe pushes him onto the couch. Chloe kneels in front of him and softly kisses the butterfly tattoo peaking out of his boxers on his left hip. She grabs his dick out of his boxers and smiles at how hard he already is. She licks the head of his cock before slowly licking up and down the shaft. Yuta lets out a moan when she takes his whole dick in her mouth. The sight of her sucking his dick makes him want to lose control and fuck her mouth. Chloe’s mouth keeps a steady pace on his dick, which makes him whine.
Yuta grabs her hair and pulls her up for her kiss. Tasting Yuta’s restlessness, Chloe straddles him and lines up his cock to her pussy. Without breaking the kiss, she slowly lowers herself before raising her hips then slamming back down faster. Yuta grabs her face to break the kiss.
“God, your pussy feels so fucking good,” Yuta says before he delicately kisses her earlobe.
Chloe finds her rhythm and picks up the pace taking him deeper each time. Yuta’s hands move up to massage her breasts, inciting a moan from Chloe.
Yuta can sense that Chloe is about to reach her orgasm soon by the way she’s digging her nails into his shoulders. Taking over, he grabs her hips to steady her before he starts thrusting up into her pussy at a rapid pace.
“FUCK! I’m gonna come,” Chloe warns as she starts rubbing her clit.
Chloe moans as her pussy tightens around Yuta’s dick. Yuta kisses her as she rides out her orgasm. Yuta reaches to pull out, but Chloe stops him.
“I want you to come inside me,” Chloe whispers in his ear before she kisses his neck.
Yuta grabs her ass to press her body closer to him and picks up the pace of his thrusts. Chloe kisses down his chest before licking his left nipple piercing and rubbing the other.
“Fuck! Keep doing that,” Yuta demands.
Not long after, Yuta feels the familiar feeling of pleasure and comes deep inside Chloe. He pulls her face away from his nipple piercing to meet him in a kiss. Coming down from his high, he holds her close as they steady their breathing.
Yuta quickly grabs some tissues as he pulls out and wipes his cum off before it drips out Chloe and onto the couch. He throws the tissues away before returning to the couch to snuggle with Chloe.
Although neither of them would say it out loud, cuddling after sex was one of their favorite things to do together. Yuta buries his face in her hair, pondering how to best choose his next words. He gives Chloe a kiss on her temple, catching her attention.
“You know I’m here for you whenever you need me.” Yuta reminds her as he combs her hair with his fingers.
“I know,” Chloe replies, fearful of what Yuta may say next. Yuta wasn’t usually much of a talker after sex.
“Chloe, I want to be there for you even more than I already am. If you let me,” Yuta confesses.
“Yuta,” Chloe starts. Even if he doesn’t explicitly say it, she knows he wants more.
“Come on, Chloe.”
“You know why. You know what I’m like.”
“Yes I do and that’s why I want you,” Yuta tries to convince her.
Yuta accepting her despite all her issues and flaws should be comforting, it is comforting, but Chloe doesn’t want to let him in. Chloe sighs and closes her eyes. This was not what she wanted to deal with after mindblowing sex. She needs to keep herself centered from her conflicting emotions.
“Forget what I said. I’m leaving,” Yuta announces. He quickly picks up his boxers and jeans from where they were strewn.
Chloe stays silent as she watches Yuta get dressed, unable to find the words that might comfort him. She would be lying if she said she didn’t feel the same as Yuta, but she didn’t feel that she deserved something so good when there was so much bad in her life.
“The sooner I’m out of here, the sooner you’ll want me back anyway,” He lashes out as he grabs his shirt.
“Yuta, It’s not like that,” Chloe starts.
“No it’s cool. I know my place.” Yuta hastily slips on his shoes and opens the front door. “See you tomorrow.”
He steps out of the apartment without turning back.
Chloe feels bad for putting him through this. She feels bad he wants more. She feels bad she can’t bring herself to say she wants more too.
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darling-i-read-it · 4 years
Hannibal Lecter x reader x Will Graham 
Hannibal Re-Write Series Masterlist
Word Count: 2.8k 
Warnings: spoilers for hannibal, murder, snapping someones neck, 
Author’s Note: You have no idea how pleasing it was to completely erase that scene of Will kissing Alana from existence. 
I took lines directly from the script so some may seem familiar.
Official Episode Summary : When the BAU investigates a murder in which the victim's vocal chords are exposed, Hannibal learns the killer acted to gain his attention; Will turns to Alana as a distraction from the noises in his head.
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director 
Tag List: @llperfectsymmetryll​
(not my gif) 
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You sat on the ground at the bottom of the bed, thumbing through the new book that Will had gotten you for Christmas. You were already mostly finished with it and it was very good so far. Will laid on his side beside you, working with an old motor. The dogs were sprawled around you in various stances and places.
You didn’t even notice when Will stopped, you were so engrossed in your book. You didn’t notice anything until he spoke.
“Do you hear that?” You put your head up and leaned hard into hearing as you tried to find a noise out of the ordinary. The steady snores of some of the dogs, Will’s sock covered foot tapping the ground. Nothing weird.
“I don’t hear anything,” you said. He stood up and looked out the front door window and turned to you.
“You don't hear that whining?” 
You listened again and still heard nothing.
“No. Is it faint?” 
“I’m gonna go walk around out front and see if I see anything,” he said and you nodded. He grabbed his coat and you heard the front door click shut. You listened again and still, heard nothing. You tried not to think anything of it and went back to your book.
A few minutes later Will came back inside and you perked up to see if he had any dog with him.
“So?” “It stopped. I think I might call Alana or someone to come look with me,” he said absentmindedly.
“I could just come.”
“Don’t you have work?”
“Hannibal won’t kill me if I’m a few minutes late. I think he likes the both of us enough,” you promised and got up. “What, do you want Alana to come instead of me?” you asked. It wasn’t judgy or playful. He couldn’t tell what it was. 
“No you can just come. It’s cold, grab a jacket.” 
You walked outside together through the barren lands outside of the house. You liked Alana, you really did, but you also were pretty sure that Will used to be in love with her before you met. You glanced at him, your hands shoved in your pockets. He was wearing a beanie that you liked but it covered his curls which you weren't a fan of.
“Why are you thinking about Alana?” Will asked.
“How did you know I was?” you whispered sheepishly.
“I know that look. Like you’re trying to have the courage to ask me something you might not like the answer to. The last time you did that you asked me about my crime scene thing.” You nodded. 
“I’m thinking about her because I know you two used to be close.”
“She was close with Hannibal. Actually, I’m pretty sure they almost dated so if you’re going to worry about a boyfriend worry about him,” he said. 
“Wow, touchy much?” you asked but he nudged you playfully. “I don’t like Hannibal that way.”
“I think Hannibal looks at us both in a different way than he does with other people,” he muttered. “As for Alana, I don’t like her the way he likes us,” Will digressed. You nodded.
“As long as I don’t hear about the two of you making out behind my back,” you said. He shook his head.
“When I did like her, before I met you, she thought I was too broken to date,” he said. You scoffed.
“Yeah well I can disagree there with proper evidence to back it up.” He laughed and nodded, putting his arm around your shoulder. 
“I don’t think we’re going to find anything. You should go to work.” You nodded.
“Walk back with me?”
Hannibal sat in therapy, across from Bedelia. He clasped his hands on his crossed leg. 
“I worry I’ve made Franklyn feel powerless. His obsession with me is interfering with his progress,” he explained. “He wants to be my friend.” 
“Are these the opportunities for friendship you spoke about?” she asked, referring to a prior session. 
“I’m considering referring him to another doctor.”
“Referrals can be complicated. I referred you to another psychiatrist. You refused,” Bedelia said. 
“I’m more tenacious than Franklyn,” Hannibal promised.
“Why were you so tenacious?” Hannibal considered this a moment. 
“I feel protective of you.” This admission makes Bedelia feel uncomfortable but she hides it well.
“Who else do you feel protective of?” she questioned, eager to avert the subject smoothly. Hannibal thought about his answer here too, careful where he tredded.
“I suppose I feel protective of those who support me as a colleague, psychiatrist and as a human being like you do.”
“And the other names that come to mind are?” Hannibal knew the answer. He also knew Bedelia also knew the answer he was thinking of.
“I suppose Will and Y/N,” he stated simply. “I’m not sure.” She nodded, realizing how his demeanor changed when you and Will were brought into the conversation.
“The Grahams.”
“They aren’t married,” Hannibal corrected politely. 
“But that’s what they’re referred to as, from Will’s colleagues,” she said simply. He nodded.
“I suppose.” 
Although he knew it to be true he couldn’t ignore the feeling in his chest of distaste. ‘The Grahams’. It felt wrong even if he thought of the two of you as a unit. He sighed.
Hannibal approached you at your desk.
“Would you care to go on a trip to a string shop with me?” he questioned. 
“In an attempt to widen my cultural mind?” you asked. “Or simply to go.” He shrugged.
“I would like to meet the man who runs the shop. You don’t have to come if you’re busy.” you shook your head.
“I’d love to come. I don’t know anything about strings though.” 
Hannibal spoke a bit about his intent in the car but most of it went over your head. You nodded along and when he pulled the car up to a small string shop you were amazed that this was all the hype was about.
Hannibal got out of the car and opened your door for you.
“Ever the gentleman,” you teased. He nodded proudly as the two of you walked inside. You looked around a bit.
“Keep your gloves on,” Hannibal said. You had on your winter gloves and he had on surgical type ones so you didn’t question it, just nodded in agreement. A man walked in and you recognized him although it took you a moment to place him. 
“You’re Franklyn’s therapist. Dr. Lecter. Nice to see you again,” Tobias said. He turned to you. “And you’re the girl who has no romantic interest to him.” He shook both of your hands and you nodded, smiling politely.
“Tobias right?” you asked. 
“Your strings are all gut,” Hannibal pointed out.
“I also carry steel and polymer strings, if you prefer,” Tobias said. He walked around the room but you stood close to Hannibal, just in case. 
“I prefer gut. Harps found in the tombs of Thebes strung with gut still made music after 2000 years. Wonderful music you were making,” Hannibal said. 
“I didn’t hear you ring the bell.”
You looked between the two of them. You wondered why Hannibal had brought you. Perhaps it was simply because he wanted company despite you not knowing anything about strings. 
You stood near him and he watched each of your movements in the side of his eye. 
You walked in the door to your home tiredly after getting back from the string shop. You were exhausted from trying to follow the conversation but Hannibal said at the end he appreciated you coming so you must have done some good as a buffer of sorts. 
You looked to your left and immediately saw the large hole in your wall, just above the fireplace. You put your bag down. Will stood in front of it, holding a hammer. He turned to you.
“I can explain.”
“You better start. Like right now.” 
You walked up to the wall and stuck your arm through it.
“I thought I heard an animal inside,” he said.
“What kind of animal?”
“Might’ve been a racoon.”
“Might’ve been?” you questioned, turning around. You weren’t angry per say but rather inconvenienced. Will would likely want to fix it up himself so you wouldn’t have to pay anybody but still. It was a hole in your wall. 
“By the time I knocked a hole in the chimney, it crawled out the top.” You let out a sigh.
“Well, at least it got out,” you muttered. You took the hammer from his hands and waved it a bit. “I’m keeping this.” He nodded. 
“You’re late,” he said.
“I was at a string shop with Hannibal.” 
“What?” You walked over to the kitchen, putting the hammer away in one of the bottom cupboards. 
“A string shop. With Hannibal,” you said slower.
“Huh,” he muttered.
“There was a murder today, some guy played some other guys vocal chords like a cello. Just odd Hannibal went over there today.” You shrugged.
“He needed an instrument fixed, I tagged along.” You walked back over to the wall. “Although I wish I had stayed back to talk you out of doing that.” 
“I’ll fix it,” he promised.
“I know. And it’s okay really. You were just trying to help an animal which I understand,” you said simply. Even so, your eyes lingered on the chimney hole and you had to wonder if there was even an animal to begin with.
“I was actually going to go to Hannibal’s,” he said. 
“Yeah I wanna talk about this murder with him. You mind?” You shook your head. 
“Of course not.” He nodded and grabbed the keys.
“I’ll be back before you’re in bed!” he called.
Then you were alone in your home that had a hole in it’s wall. You sighed.
You were in the office. It was just another day. Hannibal had an afternoon appointment with Franklyn and you were to wait in the waiting room working. There was nothing about the day that seemed eventful.
Will called you earlier in the day saying he was going to check out a string shop owner, teasingly. He didn’t elaborate but you worried for him a bit, naturally, as you worked.
It wasn’t until a little way into Franklyns session that you heard the door open. You looked up and noticed Tobias walk in. His ear was bloody. You stood up.
“Can I help you Tobias?” He shook his head and grabbed your arm, dragging you out from behind the desk. You panicked and started to move away but his grip tightened.
“Go inside,” he said. He shoved you in the office and you stumbled in the patient entrance. Hannibal and Franklyn stood up. Hannibal was keenly aware of your presence. 
“Tobias?” Franklyn asked. 
“I came to say goodbye Franklyn.” You were quiet but Hannibal’s eyes caught yours and he gave you a clear ‘stay still’ warning with his eyes. 
“What do you mean goodbye? Oh my God, is that your blood?”
“I just killed two men. The FBI came to question me about the murder.” Your head immediately snapped to him.
“What?” Your heart raced so fast you could hear it in your ears. Had he killed Will? Was Will dead? 
“You have to turn yourself in. This plane is going down. Let it be a controlled descent. You can get back up in the air again. There is rehabilitation for everyone,” Franklyn said but you barely heard it.
“Franklyn, Y/N, I want you to leave now,” Hannibal said steadily. He watched your eyes. You were worried for Will. He knew the feeling. 
“Stay right where you are,” Tobias stated. 
“You’ve done something horrible and I know you wish to god you didn’t, but you did and there’s nothing you can do to change that. Only thing you can change is your future. You’re probably scared. Probably feel like you’re all alone,” Franklyn said, taking a step forward to try and calm Tobias.
“I’m not alone,” Tobias said. 
Hannibal caught your eye. He mouthed something to you, very subtlety. ‘Turn around.’ You shook and did as you were told, turning around very carefully so that Tobias didn’t snap. 
“That’s right. You’re not alone. Nothing has happened in our friendship that you and I can’t recover from.” There was a snap. A body fell to the floor and you turned around. Franklyn was between Tobias and Hannibal, in arms reach of both of them.
“Go outside Y/N,” Hannibal said and you were gone before Tobias could reach out and grab you. You stood outside and frantically called the police, your heart still pounding, tears threatening to fall. You heard commotion in the room and waited outside, hoping it was Hannibal who came to get you. Your mind was scrambled.
The door opened and Hannibal stood in front of you. You rushed toward him, hugging him tightly. He hugged you back. He had blood all over him and you could see a dead Tobias on the other side of the room.
“If Will is dead I was scared I would lose you too,” you whispered. 
“Come inside. We’ll wait for Jack to come,” he said quietly. You nodded and let him lead you to the desk where you sat down together. You sat on the floor in front of him and you were quiet, the only noise being yours and his shuddered breaths. 
Eventually the FBI came and you stood, just beside Hannibal in case you needed someone to catch you in the worst event. All you could hear was Will’s voice in the phone call, laughing at you and joking that you had been to see a man who killed people. You shook, your hand tight on Hannibal’s shoulder. 
Jack walked inside and behind him followed Will. You let out a sigh of relief, barely able to hold back tears as he walked over quickly. He hugged you firstly and you buried your face in his neck, inhaling every part of him that you had worried you would never feel again. 
“I was worried you were dead,” Hannibal said as you pulled away.
“You had reason to worry,” Will muttered, demonstrating his wounded arm. You stood between the men and sat on the desk, still shaken. Will put his hand on yours as he leaned against the desk as well.
“Tobias Budge kills two Baltimore Police Officers, nearly kills an FBI Special Agent, and after all that his first stop is your office,” Jack said. 
“He came to kill my patient,” Hannibal said. 
“Hannibal’s patient told him he suspected a friend was involved with the murder at the symphony. Hannibal told me and I investigated. I got him involved,” Will explained. “Your patient. Is that who Tobias was serenading?” Will asked. 
“I don’t know. Franklyn knew more than he was telling me. He told Mr. Budge he didn’t have to kill anymore. Then he broke Franklyn’s neck. Then he attacked me,” Hannibal said. 
“And you killed him,” Jack said.
“And this is how it happened?” Jack asked, looking at you. You were put in the spotlight and you were unprepared. Your mind flashed to Hannibal telling you to turn around, as though he knew Franklyn was going to die the second he did. 
“Yes,” you muttered. Jack nodded and moved off to study the crime scene. 
“I feel like I’ve dragged you both into my world,” Will muttered.
“I got here on my own,” Hannibal stated. 
“And I would have been here eventually,” you promised.
“I appreciate the company,” Hannibal said and you glanced at each other, shaky smiles all around.
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firelord-frowny · 3 years
sad blah blah
almost unanimously, people have only ever said extraordinary or at least good things about me. anyone who’s ever seen me do anything, whether it’s writing related, music related, performance related in general, or intellect, no one has ever reacted to me with “meh.” 
i went to college on a talent based scholarship that i barely even had to apply for. literally, immediately after my audition, i somehow wound up mentioning that i had missed the deadline for the scholarship application or something. the entire panel of judges FLIPPED OUT and basically demanded that i go complete the application right away because they wanted me bad. 
in my first semester, we had to work with some local ~professional artists~ in baltimore and one of our assignments was to complete some sort of art project that explored the concept of ~refuse versus environment~ or something like that. We were supposed to complete it over the course of a week and then bring it to our next meeting with the artist. i did my project ON THE BUS while we were on our way to that meeting. I scribbled a few stream-of-consciousy paragraphs about... something lmao i don’t remember. but i read it out loud to my group and then the artist spent like a solid 15 minutes gushing about how ~in all his years of being an art professor at some of the most distinguished programs in the world, he’s never heard such an elegant and artful take on blah blah blah~. 
the president of my university???? asked me personally to come and perform at his home for fancy events with other Important People like donors and politicians and researchers??? and like. this man had a whole “60 Minutes” special about what a critical role he’s had in using education to strengthen communities. this man sat at tables with obama while he was in office. he paraded me around to other Important People and talked about what an outstanding artist i was, my sparkly personality, my ~delightful wackiness~, blah blah. 
Not one, not two, not three, but FOUR professors who were all world-class musicians at a festival i attended, singled me out as particularly gifted. the kinds of shit they were saying to me in front of everyone did not get said to anyone else. 
when i was at Tanglewood, even though i fucking sucked because i clearly hadn’t practiced all the music, all my chamber coaches STILL made sure to let me (and the other people in my groups???) know that i was the more skilled player in the ensembles. I wound up having to sit last chair at one of the concerts because there had been some miscommunication that led to the directors thinking i was leaving the program (i was super homesick and had been asking my parents to come get me), and despite that fact, after the concert, the conductor - who had never even spoken a word to me personally - made sure to hunt me down in the crowd as everyone was leaving, and tell me what an outstanding player he thought i was, and that he felt lucky to have had me in his orchestra. 
i spent a summer at Summit Chamber Music Festival in upstate new york. the skill level among the students ranged from Laughably Inept to Why Aren’t You At The Curtis Institute. I was by FAR not the worst player there, but I also definitely felt like I was nowhere near the best. But the program director specifically, deliberately placed me in the highest level orchestra, surrounded by players who were fully capable of playing shit like paganini and weiniawski and whatnot. When he wanted to put together a small chamber group, he pointedly selected me to play 1st chair. My string quintet included 3 other string players who were lightyears better than me. Yet our coach frequently turned to me to demonstrate the ~right way~ to play a lot of the more difficult passages. And like... I was the 2nd violinist lmao. It’s almost aallllways the 1st violinist that coaches will ask to demonstrate stuff for the rest of the group. but he asked me. every time. our quintet was ultimately selected to close out the entire festival, a la Saving The Best For Last. The pianist in my quintet, according to his mom, thought i was incredible. this pianist was a bona fide prodigy and he thought i was incredible.
LITERALLYYYYYY everywhere I’ve ever performed, everyone has been so impressed with me. directors of major musical organizations have always made a point to get my name and contact info because “we’ll definitely be contacting you for more work.”  
Everyone who’s ever seen me teach violin thinks I’m uncommonly good at it. i mean, i’m no galamian, duh, but apparently i’m able to get students to sound better than the average teacher can.  
everyone who read my first screenplay claimed to be floored by it. i spontaneously read some of my prose at an open mic night and uh, accidentally snatched the show right out from under the featured artists' feet. 
I used to act???? and was pretty fucking good at it?? I starred in a small handful of local plays? i was cast in ~large roles~ in everything i ever auditioned for. 
my talents in visual art are decidedly Well Above Average. 
i have such a fucking long list of things people think are outstanding about me, and an incredibly long list of people who have bothered to tell me that i’m outstanding, and it makes me feel so fucking sad and frustrated bc like....
lmao why the fuuuUUUUCCCKKKKK does it continue to be so difficult to find anyone who feels like giving me any legit career opportunities?? Even when they’re aware that i’m available?? and willing?? 
i’ll have a 10 minute conversation in which a professor or a director or a coordinator is telling me all about how impressed they are by my skills at Whatever, and how i should do This and i should do That and i should go Here and i should go There and then they ask me where i’m currently working/what i’m currently doing, and i say, “oh, you know, mostly freelance gigs and lessons as i’m looking for full time opportunities,” and then they say “cool! good luck!” and leave. 
i feel sad and confused and delusional. if im so fucking great, why aren’t people reaching back when i reach out in search of a means to earn a fucking living?? 
i know the short answer is that i still don’t ~put myself out there~ and i give up too easily. but also like... i have BEEN out there. the total positive experiences i’ve had with influential superiors over the years have been plentiful and frequent enough that SOMEBODY should have wanted me to contribute something substantial to whatever programs they represent.
and since i feel like i must be delusional and that i must not actually be such hot shit and that everyone is lying to me to spare my feelings, it makes me not even want to try harder bc i’ll wind up discovering for certain that everyone thinks i’m trash. 
what do i have to doooooooo to find The Right Opportunity other than reach out to the same people who told me how phenomenal i am? i make sure Potential Employers see/hear me being fantastic. i apply for jobs in their organization if i know they’re hiring. if i know they’re not hiring, i at least convey that i’d be interested in possibly working with them. but nobody reaches back.
i’m so good at things and i feel like a fucking deadbeat loser lmaoooooo
maybe they don’t actually know that i’m fucking jobless??? lmao maybe they’re assuming that i must already be active in a real career? maybe i need to literally TELL them as they’re praising me, “i’m unemployed and i need a job, do you know of any full time opportunities you could point me to?” but i feel like people think it’s a ~red flag~ when a potential employee doesn’t already have a steady job??? but also... how the fuck is anyone ever supposed to get a steady job if nobody’s willing to hire them because they don’t have a steady job???
i feel Stupid and i think that whenever i finally get the fucking resolve to start therapy again, i’m gonna just show this whole ass rant to my therapist. 
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sassyduckqueen · 3 years
Miraculous: Rise of Anatis 63
And that's Kwami Buster. This was pretty fun to write so I hope you enjoyed it. Next chapter will be some OCs akumas so that will be fun :) anway, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :D
Chapter Sixty-Three: Kwami Buster
Luka sighed as he sat on his bed, taking a deep breath and trying to keep a steady pace. He had woke up again from another nightmare. This time it had been the Mob Boss related one, causing him to wake up screaming. The Captain had rushed in and hugged him, telling him it was ok. He had been crying but calmed down after a while. The Captain had gone to get him a drink while he tried to calm his breathe. He jumped a little as she came back in and placed a water on his bedside. She sat on his bed and gave him a soft smile.
 "Do you feel calmer?" She asked, causing him to nod in reply as he picked up the water and downed half of it. "Do you want to talk about it?"
 "It was just about Mob Boss again," He replied, putting the glass down on his side table before bringing his knees up and hugging them. "...You don't hate me, do you?..."
 "Of course, I don't, lad," Anarka gasped, moving closer and hugging him. "I love you so don't ever think otherwise,"
 "R-right," He nodded, giving her a weak smile as he returned her hug. "I love you too, Ma,"
 She gently rubbed his back and placed a kiss on his head.
 "Do you want to try and get back to sleep?" She asked, making him nod. She gave him a smile and gently placed another kiss on his head before leaving his room. He waited for a few minutes before he heard her watching tv again before he jumped up as Tikki flew out. He transformed and climbed onto the roof before catching the akuma that Hawkmoth had sent for him before sitting down and waiting for the rest that would come. After two hours, he caught another one before letting out a sigh and waiting for another ten minutes. No more came, causing him to let a sigh of relief before he released the butterflies he had caught. They flew off but one of them landed on his nose, making him smile a little before it flew off. At least, he knew the butterflies themselves weren't evil. Just like the akumatized, they were tools for Hawkmoth to use. He jumped down and slid through the window, detransform as soon as he did. He caught Tikki and walked over to her little bed, setting her on it before he went into his draw and took out a cookie for her. 
 "Thank you," She smiled as he stretched. "Are you gonna try to sleep now?"
"I should, shouldn't I?" He replied as she ate the cookie. He climbed back into the bed and curled up as Tikki continued eating her cookie. Hopefully with the summer holidays coming up, he would be able to take some time to relax. Maybe even catch up on some much needed sleep. He yawned to himself before curling up and closing his eyes, drifting in a dreamless sleep.
 ~Next Day at School~
 "Ok, Class!" Mrs Mendevileve shouted, clapping her hands to get everyone's attention. Luka looked up from his notepad as she waited for everyone to look at her. "As I said at the beginning of class, I have an announcement to make. This Thursday Afternoon coming, your usual class with me will be covered by Mr Damocles as I have applied to be on the show Alternative Truth and my application was accepted. Now I expect you all to be on your best behaviour understood?"
 "Yes, Mrs Mendevlieve," The class chanted as the bell rang, signaling lunch time. Luka got up and grabbed his bag, opening it and putting his books inside. Tikki was curled up inside snoozing, making him smile softly. He closed his bag and walked out of the room before Marc rushed over to him. 
 "H-Hey, Luka... um can I j-join you for lunch?" He asked, looking at his hands. "N-Nathaniel's at the d-dentist today so I was hoping I could sit with you and Marinette... if that's ok?"
 "Of course, Marc," Luka smiled, making the shyer boy smile as they walked over off the room. "H-How's things going?"
 "They're ok," Luka replied, making him looking at him. "What about you?"
 "Ok I guess," Marc replied, playing with his hands again. "I... I was wondering something..."
 "What's up?" He asked, looking at him. He felt more jumpy than usual.
 "I... I'm thinking of going to therapy for my anxiety..." Marc muttered, looking down. "I... I hope you don't me asking you actually. I know you don't know me too well compared to Marinette and Nathaniel but... you've always been really nice to me and you seem wise so I was hoping for... advice?"
 Luka looked at Marc in surprise, causing him to gasp and look down. 
 "T-That was stupid," He muttered, frowning. "I shouldn't have asked-"
 "Oh, no... no, it's not stupid at all," Luka smiled, making Marc looking up at him. "Honestly, I think that if you think therapy can help with your anxiety then you should definitely try it out but it can be rough as well so be prepared for that,"
 "R-Really?" He gasped, looking at Luka. "T-Thank you... I think I want to but... I don't know... maybe I'm overthinking things... urg and now I'm projecting onto you... I'm sorry..."
 "It's fine," Luka smiled as they reached the canteen. Marinette was already sat there with the rest of their friends. Luka smiled and waved back as she waved at them before he turned to Marc. "If you want, I could ask my therapist about how ways for you to get help with your anxiety,"
 "R-Really? You would do that?" Marc asked, looking at Luka with surprise. He gave Marc a soft smile and nodded, causing the younger boy to grin. "Yes! That would be great. Thank you,"
 "I haven't done anything-" Luka started but Marc shook his head.
 "Y-You have," He replied, glancing at his hands. "For one, you don't judge me and you listen to me. You didn't laugh at me either. I tried to bring it up to my dad and he kind of laughed at me. He isn't a bad man but he doesn't understand the whole mental health thing. He's of the opinion that men shouldn't cry and well... I'm not a typical 'man' as you can probably tell... I'm rambling, aren't I?"
 "It's ok, Marc," Luka smiled as he picked out his food. "Juleka rambles a lot when she gets nervous... but I think it's brave that you want to tackle your anxiety,"
 "Thanks," Marc smiled as they grabbed their trays and sat down with the others. "C-Could I also watch the next show you guys play? I r-really want to go to a concert but..."
 "It's too much?" Luka asked, causing him to nod. "Well, we would love to have you at one of our shows. I'm not sure when we're next playing though.... but well, we could do something during the summer holidays,"
 "Oh yeah... that would be great," Marc smiled as he sat down. Marinette gave them a smile as they sat down and began to eat before the group began to talk about their summer plans. Luka just listened in and occasionally put in a bit of insight or suggestions. He knew he wouldn't be able to make too many plans with his commitment to be a hero but they didn't need to know that. Felix let out a sigh and explained he would be going back to London for a few weeks while Kagami mentioned she might have to visit Japan for a week if her father had time. Luka couldn't help but frown a little as she had never mentioned her father before and he didn't exactly have fond memories of her mother. Mostly because he had been eaten by her when she was Ikari Gozen. While it didn't haunt his nightmares, it still freaked him out but mostly because she had been part car. Still he had been rescued and it's not like he could tell Kagami that it was him who got eaten. As far as she was aware, it was Anatis but still it counted. He mused to himself as he ate his lunch. He hadn't thought about it during Miracle Queen's attack or that day at all but he never thought he would be eaten by a giant centuror or swing around Paris on a yoyo. It was really quite amazing what he could do as Anatis... yet his connection with Feng haunted him and the old mage wasn't much help as he had seen him, he didn't exactly say much. He hoped that changed soon. He jumped a little as he felt someone poke his cheek. Marinette grinned at him as he looked at her.
 "You zoned out..." She stated, making him blink before he chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck.
 "Sorry... was thinking about things," He replied, making her give him an endearing smile. He blushed a little at her gaze. "What did I miss?"
 "Nino's has a DJing gig lined up," She replied, making him smile. "We're all invited,"
 "Awesome," He smiled, turning to the fellow musician. "That's wicked, dude. Well done,"
 "Thanks, Bro," He grinned, gleaming under Luka's praise. "I'm extremely excited but nervous,"
 "I bet," Luka nodded. "But you'll be great,"
 "Luka's right, Nino," Adrien grinned, making him smile even more. "I'll try and get my dad to let me go but I'm sure I can... come to the wrong address again,"
 "I can cover for you, depending on if I'm able to avoid Japan," Kagami added in, making Adrien nod. "Does anyone have any other plans for the summer?"
 "Not really," Alya replied, poking her food with her fork. "Apart from babysitting that is,"
 "Me and Ivan will be going to some protests for environmental changes," Mylene added in, making people nod. They continued to talk about their plans until the bell rang. Luka said his goodbyes to the others and headed to the library for a free period. He took out his books and read up on his studies as Tikki stayed with him. However, he happened to glance up at the right time, causing him to see a black blur fly by. He frowned and opened his bag, causing Tikki to look up with concern.
 "I just saw a black blur flying by," He stated, making her blink before an annoyed expression came onto her face. "Tikki?"
 "It's Plagg!" She gasped, making him frown. "A large wheel of cheese has been appearing in the science lab every day for the last week. I told him off last week when I saw him go by during your gym lesson but I guess that stinky sock keeps on eating it,"
 "What?!" He gasped, standing up and clearing up his books before he rushed into the science lab. He burst through the door and crossed his arms as soon as he saw Plagg eating. He looked up as he was able to take another bite. Tikki flew out and minicked Luka's pose. 
 "Luka! Sugarcube!" He grinned, making the two frown. "How nice to see you!"
 "You said you were going to quit!" She gasped, making him chuckle.
 "How could I?!" He gasped, hugging the cheese. "I can't resist such irresistible beauty!"
 "Plagg, you could have been seen," Luka pointed out, walking over. "What if someone thought Lady Noir went to this school?"
 "What?! Nooo! She doesn't!!" He gasped, making Luka raise an eyebrow. "I swear,"
 "You're a terrible liar," He stated, gently flicking Plagg's nose lightly. "But for the sake of not wanting to know her identity, I'm going to ignore that,"
 "Look, I'm sorry. It just smells so good!" He gasped, making Luka sigh. "It's magic cheese!"
 "It's obviously a trap!" Tikki gasped, making Luka pinch his nose before he picked up Plagg and held him.
 "Plagg, you are not to visit this every again," He stated in a serious manner. "If you do, I will get Lady Noir to feed you nothing but mild cheddar. Got it?"
 "You wouldn't!" He gasped but Luka gave him a look, making him gasp again as he realized he was serious. "Ok! Ok! You have my word but can I finish this slice?!"
 "No, you need to return to Lady Noir," Luka replied, making Plagg sigh but he knew the boy was right. He flew up and sighed, looking back at Luka with a sad expression but Luka crossed his arms and gave him a look. "Go,"
 "Alright, alright," He gasped, flying off through the wall. As soon as he was gone, Luka and Tikki let out a sigh and walked out of the classroom. As soon as they were out of sight, Mrs Mendelieve moved out from under her desk, clutching her net. She had intended to capture the creatures but she had no idea that Luka had known who they were but apparently he did. Now that she knew the black cat was associated with Lady Noir, it made sense. It was a known fact that Luka was friends with Anatis but... well... she had never seen him and Anatis in the same room together. No one had and now she thought about it, they did look very similar but surely she would know if her student was the superhero... right?
 ~Thursday Afternoon~
 "Mr Damocles!!" Alya gasped, standing up as he looked at her. "Can you confirm rumors that Mrs Mendeleiev isn't here today because she'll be appearing on the alternative truth TV show?"
 "Where everything isn't always truth," Kim gasped, standing up and making a tick sign with his arms. "But nothing's really false!"
 He moved his arms into a cross position as Mr Damocles shook his head.
 "It may be truth that she discovered a scientific discovery of utter most importance," He replied, making the class gasp before they asked if they could watch the show, making Alix facepalm.
 "My brother is one of the guests as well," She muttered as Mr Damocles agreed and had them move to the Library. They cheered and got up, heading to there as they discussed what she might have found. Marinette couldn't help but smile a little as she walked with Alya. She glanced over as she walked inside and saw Luka sat at the table, doing his homework. As if on cue, he looked up and gave her a smile with a small wave. She smiled back and walked over.
 "What's your class doing here?" He asked as Mr Damocles came in and set up a tv.
 "We're watching Alternative truth," She explained, making him nod. "Why don't you watch it as well?"
 "I should focus on my homework," He admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. "But... A few minutes won't hurt,"
 "Ok!" She grinned as she sat on the ground near him. Alya sat next to her as the show began. Kim naturally quoted the slong as Alec did before Mrs Mendeleiev was welcomed on. He excitedly pointed her out, making Luka smile a little as Mr Damocles told him to sit down. Alec explained the rules of the show. All Mrs Mendeleiev had to do was convince the panel of experts that her theory was real. Though Marinette and Luka weren't sure if you could call XY, Mr Banana and Manon experts on science. However, he was interested now so he looked up as she cleared her throat.
 "What you are about to witness is proof of the existence of interdimensional beings with incredible powers," She stated, making Luka bit his lip. Of course, she had set up the cheese. "Who can move through matter and seem to be attracted to aged cheese,"
 Luka frowned deeply as he continued to watch. This was not good.
 "I discovered the first of these creatures just before the christmas holidays," She explained, making Luka feel even more pale. "I soon discovered a second creature not long after the akuma Reflekta attacked. Since then I have been observing them closely. Now for my proof. Watch,"
 She gestured to the video on screen, showing her observing a plate of cheese by hiding in a cupboard. It appeared nothing was happening.
 "You can't see the creature itself as they're not filmable but right now, it is eating the cheese while the second creature tries to get it to leave the cheese alone," She explained before walking over to the screen as it zoomed into the cheese. "But look right there! You can see the cheese been eaten over time,"
 She walked back over to the stand and turned to the screen again.
 "Given that I was unable to capture these creatures on film, I've mades sketches of them, to give you an idea of what they look like," She declared, showing the images. Despite that they were badly drawn, it was quite obvious that it was suppose to be Plagg and Tikki. A number of the students watching looked pale, recognizing them as kwamis before Chloe cleared her throat with a nervous look. Luka just stared at the screen in surprise.
 "What even are those suppose to be?" She asked, looking around and hoping that someone else got the idea. Luckily, Max did and pushed up his glasses. 
 "I doubt this show is scientific at all," He replied as Marinette got up and carefully slipped out. She made her way quickly to the bathroom and locked the cubical before opening her purse. Plagg flew out with a look of shame.
 "Plagg, that was really irresponsible!" She gasped, making him look down. He wanted to justify it but he knew she was right. "You could have been captured,"
 "I'm sorry, dollface," He mumbled, playing with his paws as she held out her hand. He floated over and sat on them. "But at least we can't be seen on film and we can fly through through things,"
 He looked up to see if it had helped but Marinette looked upset.
 "Why didn't you tell me you were hungry?" She gasped, shaking her head. She was blaming herself. "I could have gotten you extra cheese,"
 "I.. I wasn't really... I was just been greedy..." He admitted, looking down. Marinette's eyes soften a little. "I really am sorry. I owe Sugarcube an apology too. She was right as usual and tried to stop me... as usual, I didn't listen..."
 "Sugarcube?" She asked before it clicked. "As in Tikki?"
 He nodded.
 "So it really was her... but that means..." Her eyes widen as she realized. "Wait a sec! If Tikki was there too then that means she was here in the school, which means Anatis is a student at this school... just like me?!"
 "Whaat?! Nooo!!" Plagg gasped, flying up. "Sugarcube has like a second sense when I get into trouble so she just followed it! That's all!"
 "Plagg... you're a terrible liar," She stated, making him frown. "But I know if I try to work out who Anatis is, I'll have to give up been Lady Noir and I don't want that. I know Master Fu will find a replacement but I don't want to leave Annie alone so I won't try to find out who he is,"
 ~Back to Luka~
 "It's time for our jury to vote and tell us if they think the theories are true or false!" Alec shouted as Kim did the same before he sat down as Mr Damocles stared at him. Luka was hoping they would vote her theory as false and that would be the end of it. Alec walked over to Alix's brother, causing Kim to point him as Alix groaned in embassassment. "Jalil Kubdel hypothesized that pyramids are in fact alien spaceships that came down to earth because they ran out of gas. What do you think?"
 The panel's lights turned green, meaning he had won.
 "Our jury has been convinced," He stated, turning to the camera. "Jalil succeeds!"
 "Whoa! Your brother's won! Awesome!" Kim gasped as he shouted true or false. Alix looked over with an expression of sheer embarrassment before giving a thumbs up to Kim. The next contestant got two out of three votes, meaning they had won and then finally it was Mrs Mendeleiev's turn. She looked at the panel with a stern look as Alec read out her theory. However, none of the panel thought it was true. Luka silently let out a sigh of relief.
 "I'm sorry, Mrs Mendelieve but your fake video footage failed to convince our panel," Alec declared, walking over to the panel as Mr Banana told her to stay Peachy.
 "It wasn't fake I swear!" She gasped as a security guard walked over to lead her from the stage. "This is an authentic, major scientific discovery!"
 "You're welcome to come back when you've captured your cheese eating creatures," Alec laughed, making Luka frown. He never understood why he had to be mean about it. However, Mrs Mendevlieve ripped her arm from the security guard.
 "Wait! I have a witness!" She called out, making the camera turn to her. "One of my students interacted with these creatures just the other day! He knows they are real! Just ask him! His name is Luka!"
 However, the panel ignored her and the security guard pulled out as Luka stared at the screen with shock as the show ended. He quickly got up and left the room before anyone could question him, heading to the bathroom. He quickly rushed past the lockers, failing to notice Marinette walking out of the girls room before he headed into the bathroom, locking a cubical. Tikki flew out as he held his head in his hands.
 "I should have known she was in there!" He gasped, looking up at Tikki. "Now people might work I'm Anatis! Oh no! Hawkmoth might work it out! Tikki, we need to be ready in case! Spots on!"
 He transformed into Anatis before sighing. His yoyo vibrated, making him take it out before he watched the video, discovering that Mrs Mendeleiev had become akumatized. She was demanding Anatis show himself with his kwami and to bring Luka as a witness with a wicked smirk on her face. If they didn't turn up, she would drop the vault that had the show host, Alec, trapped inside. It was obvious that Hawkmoth and her suspected that he was the same person and know it would be impossible for him to show up as both Anatis and Luka but he had to find a way too.
 "This is bad..." He muttered, frowning to himself. "I need to work out a plan to convince her and everyone that I'm not Anatis..."
 He shook his head and exited the window, heading to the TV studio. He got there as she threw the vault of the building, causing him to throw his yoyo and wrap it around the vault, stopping it from failing. He yanked it up, causing it to land on the roof. He spun open the lock and opened the door, releasing Alec who rushed out as Lady Noir landed on top of the vault.
 "Turns out the answer was true," She grinned. "Annie defies the law of science,"
 "Anatis is secretly the student rockstar Luka Couffaine... true or false?" Kwami Buster asked, smirking.
 "False," Lady Noir stated, making her blink. Anatis knew she was lying but she was also trying not to believe it or confirm that it was true. "I've seen Mr Couffaine and Annie together so sorry but you and Hawkmoth are wrong,"
 "Then I'll just take your kwamis and see who's under the mask," Kwami Buster declared, firing an beam at them. The two of them dived away and dodged her attacks before throwing their own weapons towards her. She dodged them and fired at them again. "Back off, kids! I'm a scientist!"
 "Yet you chose to go on a TV show that isn't run by authentic scientists!" Anatis shot back, diving behind a pillar as Lady Noir dived behind an air vent. "I hope your kwami has learnt his lesson,"
 "Oh he has," She gasped, making him nod. "I'm sorry for his actions though. I hope you and Tikki are ok,"
 "We're fine," He smiled, throwing his yoyo out. Kwami Buster dodged it and fired at him. He jumped back as she missed before she fired at a pole, breaking it. It fell towards him, forcing him to move. With him distracted, she fired at him and caught him in the beam. "So Kwamis don't exist huh?! Well, here's the proof!"
 "Anatis!" Lady Noir called out as he tried to back away and resist. He could feel the beam pulling on him and he felt Tikki been yanked out of his earrings. He dove to the side as she got ripped out, hiding behind the vents as Lady Noir gasped. "Annie!"
 "I'm ok but don't come over here!" He called out, making her frown and dodge as Kwami Buster fired towards her. He glanced around, hoping for a solution but without Tikki, nothing lit up. He looked around the corner and gasped as Kwami Buster began to walk over to him. However, Lady Noir summoned her power and used it on one of the billboards, causing to almost land on Kwami Buster before getting her attention so she was more focused on firing at her. Luka crawled under the debris and out of the fire escape. He would have to thank her later. He rushed down the fire escape stairs and out of one, glancing up at the roof as Lady Noir dodged and engaged Kwami Buster. He let out a sigh and ran off as fast as he could to Master Fu's.
 ~Back on the roof~
 Lady Noir jumped around, dodging the beams of Kwami Buster as she distracted her, hoping Anatis got away. She knew he would go to Fu's and get help. Her mind kept flicking to the idea of Luka and Anatis been the same person but she pushed it back and ignored it even if it did make sense. She jumped up on a beam and spun around as Kwami Buster fired at her. She went to run off but Kwami Buster fired at her again and again, revealing she had trapped her on there.
 "Now I'm gonna seize your kwami, cat! Truth or False?" She declared as she fired at her, capturing her in her beam. Lady Noir groaned and tried to pull back but she could feel Plagg been ripped from her ring. Seeing a crane bucket, she dived into it as Plagg got sucked from her. She let out a sigh of relief as she looked around and found the controls as Kwami Buster moved over to her. She pressed it, sending the bucket down. She climbed out and under the debris before escaping out of the fire exit. She rushed down the stairs and into the building, looking for a room to hide in. She opened a door and hid inside as she heard kwami buster coming down the stairs. She glanced around the dressing room before coming across a leather jacket, Mr Banana's suit and a domino mask. She took out her pigtails and turned them into a single plait before taking the yellow leggings out of Mr Banana's suit and putting them off. She put the leather jacket on and zipped it then added the mask, tying it over her face. She grabbed Mr Banana's boots and put them on before looking out of the door. She didn't look too similar to Marinette but she just had to hope no one who knew her saw her. She carefully made her way outside of the room and to the exit.
 ~At Master Fu's~
 "Master!" Luka gasped as he burst through the door, causing Master Fu to sit up. "Tikki's been captured and Hawkmoth might work out my identity!"
 "You're aware of the consequences of that," He stated, making Luka nod.
 "I know!" He gasped as Master Fu got up and took out the miraculous box. "But I'm gonna fix it and save Tikki,"
 "I know you will," Master Fu replied, taking out the box and placing in front of Luka before he opened it, causing the drawers to pop out as Luka glanced at them. Almost instantly, the fox and the mouse lit up as a plan began to form in his mind. Kwami Buster lured him there because she knew he couldn't be in two places at once but what if he could. "Luka Couffaine, you must pick a miraculous. Only this time, you wouldn't be giving to someone else. You will wear it yourself until you can get Tikki back,"
 Luka nodded and began taking out all of them, putting them on as Master Fu gasped.
 "What are you doing?" He asked as Luka placed the circlet on his head, causing it to turn into a thin headband as he added the others. "I know you've merged miraculous before but merging this many could drive you insane,"
 "Don't worry, Master," Luka smiled as he slid on the snake bracelet, freeing Sass before placing the mouse miraculous around his neck. It turned into an amber donut amulet as he clipped in the goat's hair clips. "I only need the mouse's power. I'm just wearing the others to free the Kwamis. I need their help for this plan,"
 He put the last of the miraculous on before standing up.
 "Mullo! Get Squeaky!" He declared, causing Mullo to get sucked into the necklace. It lit up and turned black with pink mice on it before he did a backflip, creating his outfit which was gray bodysuit with dark gray sides. He threw his arm to the side, creating his gloves that were black with pink rims. The pink light created his boots that were black with pink heels. He moved his hands over his hair, turning into gray with pink highlights before moving his arms downwards over his face, creating his mask, which was pink and gray with a black trim. He caught the pink energy in his hands, creating a jump rope. He jumped over it a couple of times before it turned into his belt, completing his look. "And now I'm Mousekin,"
 He walked over to the window and opened it before stumbling and gasping a little as he fell to the ground. Master Fu looked at him with worry.
 "Are you sure about this, Luka?" He asked, frowning as Mousekin pushed himself back up.
 "If I don't then who will defeat Kwami Buster and help Lady Noir?" He asked, looking to Master Fu. "To capture her akuma, I need to get my Ladybug powers back first so I need to save Tikki. To that, I'm gonna let myself get captured. Kwami Buster wants Kwamis so she can have them. She won't think anyone else will be able to get inside her backpack so she won't be expecting it. I call it the trojan kwami move,"
 "That's very clever," Master Fu nodded. "But how are you gonna pull it?"
 "That's why I need the mouse," He replied, taking out the jump rope. He jumped over it before spinning the rope around him and throwing it into the air. "Multitude!"
 The rope wrapped around him and glowed, disappearing into his boots that lit up. Slowly, he got smaller as he divided into a number of mini versions of himself. He walked over to one of them and took the fox miraculous off, handing it to the other mouse. He took it and put it on before holding out his hand.
 "Mullo! Trixx!" He called out, placing his hands together. "Unify!"
 The pink and dark gray on his outfit turned orange as a flute appeared on his back. An orange triangle appeared below his collar on his neck, showing the fox miraculous hanging there and he gained an orange trim on his boots. The pink highlights turned orange as well as did his jump rope. He jumped onto the miracle box as the original mouse gave one of the others the snake miraculous and whispered something to him, getting a nod of him.
 "And now I'm Foxkin," He declared, grinning before he turned to the Kwamis and the rest of the Micekin. They nodded at him before climbing into a number of the kwami's mouths as Fluff flew over to him. He jumped into her mouth, causing them to fly off as Master Fu looked worried.
 "If Anatis fails this time, Hawkmoth will get all of the miraculous," He declared, closing the window.
 "He has never failed,"
 ~Back at the Studios~
 Marinette ran and dodged Kwami Buster's beam as she chased her before she jumped over and grabbed her arm, causing to her struggle as she tried to pull her arm from her grip. Kwami Buster smirked and went to grab her ring, making Marinette panic.
 "Charge!" A male voice declared, causing the women to look over as a number of Kwamis charged towards them. Kwami Buster let go of her, causing her to fall on the ground as she began to fire at the kwamis and chase them. Marinette let out a sigh before one of the kwamis flew over. She recognized them as Sass and Long, causing her to raise an eyebrow as Sass opened his mouth and revealed a small boy sat inside. He resembled Anatis but also looked a little different.
  “Annie?” Marinette asked as she looked at the tiny boy sat in Sass’ mouth. He had pink and gray hair and wore a simple gray boy suit with black sides, black boots and black gloves with a pink trim . His mask was gray and pink with a black outline. He gave her a soft smile before shaking his head. 
 “No, I’m Mousekin,” He replied, making her blink. “Anatis asked me to help out. One of my brothers will need your ring for our plan to work,”
 “Brothers?” She asked as a kwami she recognized as Longg flew over. It opened its mouth, revealing another boy identical to the current one. “You’re twins?”
 “Nope, he’s me and I’m him. The mouse gave the original me the power to split into multiple versions of myself. Only we’re small,” The original one replied. Or she thought he was the original one. He might not be. He jumped out of Sass’ mouth and landed on the desk as his brother did the same thing. She blinked before taking her hand out of the costume and looking at her ring. As if sensing her hesitation, the little mouse boy gently put his hand on her costume. “I promise I only want to help you and Anatis,”
 “Alright,” She replied, taking her ring off and passing it to the other mouse boy. He smiled and moved it over his head so he was wearing it.
 “Don’t worry, Lady Noir. I’ll get your kwami back,” He replied before turning to the other one. “You remember the plan right?”
 “Of course,” The original mouse boy smiled as the other one nodded and jumped back into Longg's mouth before he turned back to her. “We need to go and meet Anatis on the roof but first,”
 He took off a bracelet and held it out to her. It was the size of a ring but the moment she took it off him, it turned back to it’s real size. She blinked as she realized that it was the snake miraculous.
 “Anatis thought it would be a good idea to have you use that,” He stated, making her blink. "He said the transformation words are Sass, Scales Slither,"
 "Alright," She replied, slipping it on. It turned in a rose gold bracelet with an infinity symbol in the middle. She held up her arm and turned to Sass. "Sass! Scales Slither!!"
 Sass got sucked into the bracelet, charging it up before she spun around, causing her hair. to turn into a long plait. Unlike her Lady Noir form, it was loose and the top part resembled a cobra's hood. She had a silver bead at the end of it, sealing the braid. It was dark green in color and faded into dark teal. She swiped her hand across her face, creating her mask that resembled a snake before she held up her hands, causing a teal light to move across her body, creating her outfit. She wore a teal blue suit with dark green and teal green details. She had thigh high boots with diamond details on them and she had large yellow diamonds on her hips. She had a thin belt around her waist and her gloves were just over her elbows. Her eyes were snake like and her lyre appeared on her hip, completing the look. She leaned down to Mousekin and gave him a smile.
 "How do I look?" She asked as he looked up at her.
 "Very pretty," He smiled, making her blush a little. "What do you want me to call you?"
 "Call me Queen Cobra," She replied, holding out his hand. He climbed on it and she moved her hand to her shoulder. He climbed on and sat on it, holding onto her hair as she ran over to the fire escape. They rushed upstairs but stopped outside of the door. "So what's the plan, Mousekin?"
 "The mouse with your miraculous needs to get captured but we need to stay hidden," He replied as they opened the door and peeked out. "If Kwami Buster sees you, she'll try and capture the snake kwami, which will reveal you but we need to make sure she doesn't win hence the snake's ability. Anatis said it's a save point,"
 "It is. Second chance," She replied, flicking it. "We now have five minutes,"
 "Ok," Mousekin nodded as they slipped outside. However, Kwami Buster fired at them and caught them. Queen Cobra managed to flicker the bracelet back before Sass got captured, making her frown as she returned back to the moment before. She tried a different way but Kwami Buster caught them again, causing her to flick back her bracelet again before she frowned."Something wrong?"
 "We almost got captured twice," She replied, making him frown. "She sees us straight away,"
 "Hang on," He replied, pressing his hand to ear. "Any Micekin listening, can you provide a distraction? Me and Queen Cobra need to get pass Kwami Buster,"
 "On it!" One of them replied, causing him to jump down and rush out. Seeing Kwami Buster facing away from them as a number of kwamis flew around her, he waved to Queen Cobra, causing her to rush out. He also made a mental note of the helicopter that was filming the fight. The two of them hid behind a vent and looked out.
 "Good job, Mousekin," She smiled as she picked him back up and placed him back on his shoulder. He nodded and kept a lookout, smiling a little as he saw Long get captured. The trojan Kwami was in place.
 ~Inside Kwami Buster's Weapon~
 "It looks like your owner has failed us, Tikki," Plagg gasped as the other kwamis appeared inside. "We're doomed,"
 Longg and Pollen flew over, making them look at them before they opened their mouth, revealing two of the Micekin. Plagg gasped in surprise as they jumped out.
 "Anatis?!" He asked in surprise as they looked up at him.
 "I told you my owner is the best!" Tikki grinned, proud of his plan.
 "I'd never abandon you, Tikki," He smiled as the other one nodded. He turned to him. "Ready for the next part?"
 "Sure," He replied, holding out his hands. "Plagg! Mullo! Unify!"
 He joined his hands together as his outfit gained green where the pink and dark gray was and two cat ears appeared on his head before the other Mousekin held out his hands.
 "Tikki, Mullo!" He called out, moving his hands together. "Unify!"
 Like his other selves, he gained red where the dark gray and pink was before black spots appeared across the rest of his suit. Catkin looked at him, getting a nod of him before holding out his hand.
 "Cataclysm!" He declared, charging up his hand before placing it against the inner wall of the container. It cracked it before it blew up, freeing the akuma and the kwamis. Catkin and Bugkin climbed back into the mouths of Longg and Pollen before they flew out. Bugkin jumped down, along with the other micekin as they saw the akuma flutter up. He threw his yoyo in the air, summoning a lucky charm which was a small bowl. It flew and landed on the akuma, trapping it as the other kwamis and micekin held it down. Mrs Mendelieve looked around confused as Longg flew over to Queen Cobra. Catkin jumped down and ran over to her, turning back to his normal form as the mousekin on her shoulder jumped back down. He took off the ring and held it out to her. "Your ring as promised,"
 "Thank you, mysterious mousekin," She smiled, taking it and putting it back on before the two of them ran back over to the others.
 "Foxkin, can you hear me?" Bugkin asked, causing Foxkin to over from the vent and gave him a thumbs up. "Phase 3,"
 "Got it," He replied, taking out the flute and holding it to his mouth. He played the tune, creating the ball of light before he threw it. "Mirage!"
 A few seconds later, Queen Cobra looked up as Plagg sat on her shoulder as Anatis landed back on the roof, making her smile. He knelt down as Mousekin walked over to him.
 "Great job, Mousekin. Thanks to you, we got our kwamis back," He smiled before looking over at Queen Cobra. "You took my suggestion I see,"
 "It really helped," Mousekin replied as Queen Cobra grinned.
 "Awesome job boys!" She yelled out, making them both smile before Anatis stood up and released the akuma. He threw his yoyo and captured it before freeing the purified version. He picked up the bowl and threw it up in the air, releasing the cure and fixing everything as Queen Cobra came over, making sure for Mrs Mendeleiev to hear her as Mousekin reformed into his full size. "I'm sorry my kwami headed to that middle school, Annie. I don't know why he did but I'll keep a better eye on him,"
 "It's ok, Lady Noir," He smiled. "Would you mind taking the teacher back? I need to get Mousekin's miraculous,"
 "Oh right, you need this," He gasped, taking it off and turning back into Luka, causing Queen Cobra and Mrs Mendelieve to gasp in surprise. Anatis looked at him with a surprised expression. "Did I do something wrong?"
 "You weren't suppose to take it off yet," He replied, making Luka frown. "I normally take it back after we've left the scene... especially since..."
 He glanced up at the helicopter in the sky. Luka frowned as he saw it before sighing.
 "I'm sorry," He replied as Anatis placed his hand on his shoulder.
 "We all make mistakes, Luka," He stated, making the boy nod. "But this means I can never give you a miraculous again,"
 "Right," Luka replied, nodding as Anatis turned to Queen Cobra.
 "Lady... I mean... Queen Cobra... I'll get Luka back home if you can get Mrs Mendeleiev safe,"
 "Of course," She nodded, turning to the teacher as she turned to Luka.
 "So you're not Anatis?" She asked, making him shake his head. "I see... well, would you three be willing to testify that I really did make a discovery?"
 "We can't," Anatis replied, making her frown. "The Kwamis are how we get our powers. Revealing their existence to the world would help Hawkmoth,"
 "Oh!" She gasped, frowning. "I didn't think of that... I'm sorry. I put you and my student in danger. I'll keep your secret,"
 "Thank you," He replied before swinging off with Luka. Queen Cobra lead Mrs Mendeleiev out of the building and the helicopter flew off, seeing the fight was over. Foxkin waited for a few minutes before he carefully walked over, tired from the merges before swiping his flute across the illusion.
 "Reality!" He declared, making all the damage and the other micekins appear with the lucky charm. He remerged all of them and turned back to Anatis before catching the akuma and releasing the cure for real this time. The kwamis cheered around him before he dived off the building and headed to Master Fu's while keeping an eye out for Lady Noir. 
 ~Hawkmoth's Lair~
 "Breaking news, an ally of Anatis was revealed to be none other then Luka Couffaine, son of Rockstar Jagged Stone," Nadja Chumack declared, showing footage of Anatis and Luka in the same place. Gabriel frowned as he turned it off. He was so sure he had discovered Anatis' real identity but there was no way for the two boys to appear in the same place as far as he knew but at least, he could cross Mr Couffaine off his list of who Anatis was. 
 "One day, Anatis, I will discover who you are," He growled, glaring at the dark screen. "You and Lady Noir will fall to me and I shall have my wish!"
 ~At Master Fu's~
 "Lady Noir returned the snake miraculous," Master Fu replied as Luka put back the other miraculous. "Your plan was well thought out but are you feeling ok?"
 "A little tired but otherwise ok," He replied, looking up as he closed the box. "Lady Noir and my identity are safe. As far as Paris and Hawkmoth will be concerned, Luka is the holder of the mouse miraculous or at least, he was and I think Plagg has learn his journey. As for me and Lady Noir, we won't be looking into each other's identity. We know the rules,"
 "Yes, she said something similar," He replied, smiling. "Clearly, you two are the best choice for the Ladybug and the black cat. I'm glad that I don't have to take away your miraculous. You know there is no miraculous owner in all of history has been mentally or physically strong enough to wear that many miraculous at one time,
 "Yes, you are truly something else, Luka," He smiled, making Luka play with his hands in a shy manner. "Now why don't we talk about something more fun? Do you have plans for the summer holidays?"
 "Well.. actually... I do,"
Next Chapter: Coming soon
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razorblade180 · 3 years
Twin Snowflakes 27:Hill climbing preparations
Part 26 here!<-
Rehearsals were going well. With Darren out of mind and no further incidents, students had gotten back into a steady blow of progress. The band was a little shaky at first but Summer had learned that Nick had a point about her being a bit strict in the beginning. With that hurdle jumped, Summer felt comfortable enough to take a short break. Her feet swung from over the stage's edge like a kid on a swing while she took a moment to call Oscar. It had been a few days since their last check in date. The fact that he didn’t blow her fun up meant his own hands were full. Fortunately, two rings was all it took before his face popped up on her screen, covered in what was hopefully seawater.
“Hi Oscar! Ummm sea life treating you will? You look a little…”
“Wet? Sigh, I can’t believe I’m saying this but I miss the cold of the tundra. All the storms and aquatic grimm yanking me off the boat is getting annoying. Anyways, Penny told me you had a little scare recently? Everything okay?”
“Yes, I think.” Summer rubbed her face. “Well…as okay as things usually get. I do feel better than usual. I’ve gotten to perform quite a bit the last couple days.”
“Really? Did you take my advice by any chance?”
A guilty smile found its way on Summer’s face. She couldn’t help but chuckle. “Nah. I’ve just been singing a couple of covers and a few originals that anyone with a radio has heard. The lyrics in the journal are just that, in the journal. I actually wanted to talk to you about a trick Nick got me to try. You’ve actually mentioned it once before early on.”
“Is that so- woah!” Oscar yelped, nearly falling from the rock of the ship crashing through a wave. “Hehe. Sorry about that!”
“Everything okay over there? I can call later?”
“No it’s fine; just rough seas. That’s good though. Challenging waves and other harsh weather factors have been swelling for quite some time. You’re too young to remember this but Atlas was actually a bit warmer. Hot places were cooler and sailing wasn’t as wild.”
“I’ve heard about that in class. Don’t scientists think it might have something to do with magic being back?”
“Or the gods roaming through Remnant.” He smirked, confident about the latter theory. “Harsh conditions mean it’s difficult to press forward. As if the world itself is trying to keep things away. With a little luck, passing these hurdles are all the answers we need.”
Answers. Summer couldn’t begin to imagine having those. It was more terrifying than reliving if she had to be honest. She wouldn’t know what to do if the gods themselves didn’t know what to do. The only thing worse is them saying she couldn’t do anything.
“Let’s cross our fingers you aren’t on a boat for nothing. Speaking of Shiva, Nick talked me into entering my headspace willingly. I was even able to manifest a shovel in it!”
“A shovel?” Oscar quirked his head.
“Yeah it wasn’t the usual blue empty space. It waslake; the lake as a matter of fact. I chucked a shovel at Shiva and told her to start digging her grave.”
“Nick told you to do that!?”
“Weeeeeeell… he only told me to confront her with unwavering resolve in a way Veronica would. I’m pretty sure that meant being cut throat but I may have defaulted to cock intimidation. Pretty sure I stoked the flames of war. But it felt good!”
The cheerfulness in her tone was genuine. While manifesting and confrontation was something Oscar had tried to get her to do early on, there are ways to go about it. Headspace or not, poking at a beast was always risky. “I’m glad you’re feeling good, but exercise caution. I wouldn’t try that alone. There’s a lot we don’t know about that space. I doubt you can actually die there but if that really is your mind you're traversing then serious backlash might happen if things go wrong. Remember, Shiva has an edge. Don’t let her play you in your own head.”
“Believe me, that’s the last thing I want. I’ll be careful Oscar. Thanks for worrying about me. Couldn’t ask for a better therapist”
“I wouldn’t go that far. Ruby and your dad give some pretty solid motivational speeches.”
Hehe, don’t sell yourself short. I should probably get going. Good luck! Watch the gods tell you to perform an exorcism or drown me in sacred water.”
Oh if only it was that easy. “If she had any signs of a soul I would’ve tried that already. Take care Summer. Call me when you need me”
“You know I will.” She hung up and looked over at Nick. A few of the girls had taken the opportunity to strike up a conversation with him. In typical fashion, Nick just let them fawn in vain. “Geez, take a hint ladies.” She mumbled.
“Oh my gods! I wasn’t aware you could sing!”
“So talented!”
“Can you sing for my birthday!?”
All the back chatter and compliments made it hard to focus on one person. Nick did his best to calm them all, giving a faux laugh and smile. “Hehe, thanks. I can hold a note, I’m not as good as my sister, and I’m way too sheepish to sing at a birthday. Now we should probably get back to working maybe? Practice is almost-” his eyes caught the door entrance before he finished. Valerie had walked in.
As if by will, her head automatically turned to meet his eyes. Valerie couldn’t help but give some kind of disarming smile, giving a small wave that was quickly rejected when Nick went back talking to the people around him. Not even Valerie could deny that burn. She put her hand down before she felt anymore like an edit, walking over to Eliza to get what she had to do over with.
“Hey soldier.”
“Huh? Well look who finally decided to show! I expect more from a representative of this school.”
“Oh brother…” Val couldn’t help but roll her eyes. “I’m not even gonna pretend that I’m sorry like I usually do. Look, at least I did what was asked of me. Boiler is fixed for now and there should be no problem getting hot water when the big day arrives.”
“Keep a keen eye on it just in case. I don’t have any time to deal with tiny problems during the tournament.”
“Yeah you and everyone else in this room. Now if you excuse me.” Valerie pointed both thumbs back and tried backing up slowly.
“Hold on…”
“Uuugh. Yes? I got plenty of practice to work on. Make this quick.”
Eliza narrowed her eyes. “Wow, someone is more aggressive than usual. If that’s how you’re going to be then I’ll spare you the lecture. Just know you better be careful or I might pull the rug out from under you this year.”
“Hmph, bold words. You gotta make it to the top of the hill before challenging the ruler. Though you’re more than welcome to kick Nick around and take his spot for all I care. See ya. Just text me the meeting information. Got things to do.” Valerie turned around and headed off. On the way out she saw Summer staring at her with a raised eyebrow from afar. To make matters worse, the cheerleaders moved by the exit. Veronica being among them. Valerie was ready for some kind of sly comment but to her surprise Veronica briefly acknowledged her, nodded, and then went back to what she was doing.
Eliza looked at the time and figured everyone made enough progress for one day. “Alright everyone! You can all start wrapping things up. I’m sure all of you have things to-” the sound of everyone packing their belongings overpowered her voice. “Do.” She finished. At least she could trust everyone to clean up on time. “Nicholas, get your butt in gear.”
“Oh thank goodness!” Nick wasted no time squeezing his way through the girls that lingered around him. “Sorry! The VP calls! Let’s go Summer!”
“Right behind you.” She turned towards the band. “It would be a good idea for you all to practice a little longer. Not because you may or may not need it but because I’ll finally give you room to experiment. Just no funny ideas about adding drum solos.” Summer hopped off stage and headed off, quickly catching up to Nick, Eliza, and Veronica. “Well aren’t we an interesting looking bunch?”
“An idol, witch, heir, and fashion designer. This is the beginning of a bad joke I’d say.”
“Bold of you to call someone a witch when they’ve agreed to help you train.”
“Would you prefer magical girl, or maybe sorceress?” Nick nudged her.
“I prefer my name. However…sorceress is endearing, I suppose.”
“I could call you that while you teach me?”
“Don’t be ridiculous!” She said in a shrill voice. “I’m already regretting this.”
“Well while you two train to death, I’m finally going to get some real shut eye. I can hear my bed calling my name already.”
“Not so fast.” Veronica interjected. “Since we ended up being free at the same time and I have to work a little more diligently…”
Summer didn’t like where this was headed. “Veronica, my hot headed designer, I’m well aware of what it’s like to be a perfectionist. However, please don’t rope me into this.”
All three of them looked at her at once. “It’s your dress!”
“I know that! No need to remind me! I am tired though. It’s Monday, the weekend was crazy, and I just put in a full day of school with extra curricular activities. Allow me two hours at least!?”
“Ugh, ever the whiner. Fine but I don’t want to hear any complaints about design. Most would be thrilled to be heavily involved with their clothing.”
“Well consider this a show of good faith towards your skills.”
The four of them continued to talk all the way to the manor. Eliza tried to stay on important topics while Nick did his best to keep things casual. It never really worked out considering Summer's insistence to not help her dear brother and Veronica’s curiosity about events to come. It was only when the girl’s feline ears twitched by the gate did she begin to quiet down.
“Hmmm?” She stopped immediately.
“Huh? What’s wrong Vee-”
“ACHOO!!!” The girl yelled. The sneeze was so strong Veronica lifted off the ground slightly. “Phew…sorry about that.” She sniffled her loss and continued walking like nothing happened, leaving everyone confused. Veronica was the first to enter with everyone lagging a bit behind. Her eyes looked around until they spotted her mother, Blake, coming down the stairs in casual clothes and wet hair.
“Hey everyone! Finally home I see? And with a friend?”
“Uh classmate. I wouldn’t exac…ummm that’s not important. Hehe, I’m Eliza Marigold.” She stammered. It didn’t really dawn on her that she’d be meeting Mrs. Belladonna herself today. “You look lovely. Though…you look a little red? Are you sick?”
“Oh it’s nothing! Just umm got out of the shower is all.”
Veronica’s eyes narrowed. “Where’s ma?”
“Out back with Jaune.”
“One hundred perfect!” Blake said, unusually preppy. “Well I don’t keep you kids held up. I’ll be in the living room. Nick, Summer, I think your mother is in the garden.”
“Cool. She must be setting up the candle test already. Follow me Eliza.” Nick took her hand and guided her.
“Think I’ll get lost or something?”
“No, I just don’t need you judging every inch of this place until you find something to criticize.”
“……It’s too bright in here.” She heard Nick snicker at her attempt. “You suck.”
With those two out of the way it was time for Summer to mosey to her room. “Finally, nap time!”
“Don’t you wanna practice too?”
“What they’re doing is something I already know. Besides, Nick and I do most of our practices separate. He’ll get me when he needs me. Wake me up if you need anything.”
Veronica waited for the girl to get out of sight before giving her mom a look meant to inspire shame and embarrassment. “Really? We’ve been out all day ya know? You had plenty of time.”
Blake put her hand over Veronica’s face. “Shush your face. It happens sometimes. Thank you for the heads up.”
“Y’all are gross but that’s nothing new. I won’t mention it again if you could bring dinner up to my room. I’m gonna be spending quite some time in there.”
“Even across the world I guess some habits don’t change. Deal.”
In the garden, Weiss stood on the balcony with a cup of coffee. The sound of footsteps behind her caught her ear. She was more than a little surprised to learn that they belonged to not just Nick. “Eliza?”
“Mrs. Schnee. Thank you for allowing me in your home.” Eliza gave a curtsy.
“How’s your father?”
“Oh you know him, always up to something.”
Weiss wasn’t sure if that was good or bad considering his track record. “I see. Well make yourself comfortable. Nick, everything is already set up. Never would’ve thought this is how you’d try to get this done. Don’t push yourself.”
“Heh, push myself? Me?”
Weiss playfully rolled her eyes and left the balcony, ruffling Nick’s hair on the way out. Nick looked at Eliza confused. “You know you don’t have to be so formal around her, right?”
“Let’s not focus on my speech and pay attention to why we’re here. Anyways, how does this training work exactly?”
Nick walked to the railing to point at the fifteen candles spread throughout the garden. “The goal is to light all the candles at once without burning anything. It’s harder than it looks. It requires timing, speed, accuracy, and control above all.”
“Never took you for one who cares much for traditional methods of fighting. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you use your glyphs to manipulate the elements.”
“Yeah, because I suck. Summer on the other hand…” He hunched over in defeat. “Not so much.”
Eliza couldn’t help but scan the area multiple times. This couldn’t be all there was to it. Could it? The five candles in the actual hedge maze looked a little challenging, but Nick was…Nick! Despite her reservations about his attitude, he was smart and knew how to work.
“Do you increase the candle amount as you go?”
He nodded. “That’s the natural progression. Summer can do thirty without thinking much about it.”
“Meanwhile you can’t even do half that amount. You sure you’re the older twin?”
“I don’t see how that’s relevant.” He pouted. Nick grabbed his sword and got into his low stance.
“So I’m just supposed to observe you?”
“No. I’m going to need help with the fires too.”
That’s not something she wanted to hear. “Tsk, alright. But first, let me see if I’m able to do it. Wouldn’t be that good of a teacher if I couldn’t.”
She climbed on top of the railing to get a better look. She raised her right hand to the sky and took a breath. Five flames ignited her fingertips as she thought of the best approach. Moments later, Eliza launched all five with a downward swing, another five swing left, then the final five to the right. Each flame danced on the winds below them before finding their targets.
Amazed, Nick’s jaw dropped for a second before saying anything. “First try!?”
“Not exactly. You did say all at once so that may have been cheating. Let me try again.” She wrapped both arms around herself then swung them out, causing a gust of wind that blew out the candles.
Nick watched closely. Breathing, posture, line of sight; anything he could to gain knowledge. Eliza cuffed her hands together. A small flame flickered into existence and grew slowly until it was the size of a baseball. Eliza threw it over the garden underhanded. The moment it reached max height she pushed her hands downwards like if she closed a lid. This made the flame split apart into embers that fell quick enough to reach each candle. Nick couldn’t believe she was two for two.
“Seems I got the hang of it.” Eliza blew the candles out and hopped off the railing. “I’d do it while off the railing but I’m positive we know the results.”
“Yeah no kidding. While I’m lucky I picked the right person to help me, doing that so easily kinda stings. Not gonna lie. You really are a sorceress.”
“Tsk, flattery gets you nowhere. Assume your stance.” She ordered. Eliza kept a close eye on Nick. He opted to square his feet with his shoulders, a sturdy stance for sure. “So far so good.” His blade pointed up and outwards. A red glyph began to form at its tip, conjuring a ball of intense flame that was as big as a softball. Eliza’s eyes narrowed. She could not believe what she was watching. “You’ll miss.”
“Huh?” Nick said, trying to focus.
“If you shoot the fireball then you are going to miss.” Eliza channeled a silver orb in her palm that bursted into shimmering light. Nick’s glyph suddenly vanished and took the fireball along with it.
“Hey! Don’t just negate my semblance out of the blue! I didn’t even shoot it yet!”
Eliza wasn’t sure what she had expected from this training. It was clear now why a talented person like Nick was fumbling. Frankly, it was annoying. Down right inexcusable. Eliza folded both her arms. “You’re so idiotic in the strangest ways possible, you know that right? To think you’re stronger than me?”
Nick huffed. This wasn’t constructive at all. “You gonna actually help, or continue to insult me? If I knew how to do this on my own then I wouldn’t ask for help.”
Nick ran his hand through his tangled hair and let out a sigh. Eliza could tell he genuinely had no idea what was wrong. It kinda got to her. “Sorry, I shouldn’t be picking on you like that. You weren’t wrong to ask for help.”
“Normally I have an inkling of how to progress but I’m hitting a wall. All of this is just…”
“Too much?” Eliza leaned over and thumped his head. “Because it is. That’s exactly your problem. You are doing far too much at once. Why are you trying to do so many steps at the exact same time?”
“What do you mean at the exact same time? All I did was make a fireball.”
Eliza could feel her eye try to twitch. “Okay. I should’ve expected that from you. Guess I’ll teach by showing.” She stood beside Nick and made a flame. “See? Now this is as basic as it gets, just straight up fire. A fireball requires controlling the shape of the flame;maintaining its heat as well.” The flame swirled around itself to make just that.
“Okay? I’m following you so far.”
“If a fireball was all you were making then no big deal. However, I just saw you attempt to make a fireball that has to keep its shape, burn hot enough, long enough, and must be aimed at multiple targets at once. No mind can do all that on a dime. It’s simply too much.”
Nick watched Eliza move behind him, putting her arms right on top of his, guiding his movements as if she was holding his blade. Her chin rested on his shoulder to get a clear line of sight. Nick was no stranger to being led through an attack, but man was it weird to have Eliza this close!
“Bear with it and focus.” She uttered, trying not to yell in his ear. “Make a flame. Just a flame. Let it heat swell and dissipate in sync with my breathing.”
“Shouldn’t it be with my own?”
“Not when your heart is beating like a drum. To think Nicholas Schnee would lose composure from a girl touching him?”
“Can’t hear you, focusing.” He was trying anyway. Eventually he managed to slow his heartbeat. He could tell Eliza was taking deep breaths on purpose to help. In sync, he made another fire glyph as she ordered.
“Good, now make it as hot as you want, then make it into a ball.” The flame shaped into the size of a baseball this time. Eliza smiled. “See how easy it is to control the size after you’ve completed the previous steps? You’ll save dust this way.”
“What’s next?”
“Aiming. You already know where your targets are but you also aren’t in a rush. If you need time to make a shot then all you have to do is make the time.” Eliza raised Nick’s sword higher in the air. “Launch it into the air, confirm where you need the fire to hit, then guide the flames to it.”
Nick took a deep breath and launched the fireball ball in an arch over the garden. He waited for it to reach the middle and fall briefly before making it burst into smaller flames that hit the candles. Eliza finally let go so he could pump his fist into the air.
“Don’t celebrate yet, but good job. A moving target would be harder but not impossible. Repetition will allow you to eventually group certain steps together without having to think about it. You’ll get used to making fireballs that are a certain size and speed as long as you allow yourself to process each step as you are now. I noticed you let the fireball fall. Why?”
“I always end up not lighting them all because the fire dies too quickly. I realized the flame wasn’t hot enough the moment I shot it, so I let it get closer to the candles before having to split it up. Good thing you told me to aim higher or I may not have noticed.
“He can process things like that but not realize breaking the steps up will make things easier? How does his brain work!?”
Another gust of wind blew the candles out. “I’m willing to help you further but I think it’s time you held up your end of this bargain.”
“Antsy, aren’t we? Fair enough.” Nick put his sword down and sat on the railing. “What I’m about to tell you is going to make your tournament life a hundred times simpler. This is your second King of The Hill. Remember the rules?”
“Of course I do.” She followed his lead and sat down as well. “All previous tournament and combat skills leading up to the tournament are calculated so they can rank you compared to the other contestants. In order to progress higher you must defeat the person directly above you in the rank to switch places. Those who win are rewarded a reprieve from being challenged immediately to decrease rematches, but the loser can be challenged by whoever is directly below them. Conversely, if you challenge a person and lose, then you have to wait a set period before trying again while defending your current spot. The entire tournament is on a time limit that tests endurance, strategy, and the skills you’ve used all year. The winner is whoever is ranked number one by the end; the king of the hill.”
“Correct! It’s pure chaos. However, you forgot an important thing. You’ve participated once and managed to get third, so that’s automatically where you start.”
Eliza’s eyes lit up. “That’s a rule!?”
“Yep. As long as you still participated in prior tournaments this year, which you have. Congratulations on skipping the taxing part. Now you’re in the grueling section. The only way you go up is through me and Valerie. A slip up could cause you to waste too much energy and that could drag you out of third if you lose or even win against me immediately, because if I get challenged and win, then I can challenge you again before you challenge Valerie or after you hypothetically lose to her. Let that sink in for a moment.”
Eliza could feel her heart drop to her stomach. If she were to beat Nick and lose to Valerie then at best she’s at a third of her strength for a rematch she doesn’t want. Beating Nick was a goal but she didn’t need to do it twice in a day! The worst part is she is at his mercy in this scenario; getting a reprieve only if he needs one. He could very well best her and then she’s even more tired defending third place.
“Is it sinking in? Third place is its own special hell. Let’s knock Valerie into it.” He smiled.
“And how do we manage that exactly?”
“By knocking me into it! I want to take a dive in our match. A good one. The two of us will put on a spectacle to show our might that ends with me losing. This will throw everyone off into thinking you are exceptionally strong and-”
“Are you saying I’m not!” She folded her arms.
Nick chuckled nervously. “Let me finish before you get upset. Yes, you're strong, but will think you’re stronger than me by a decent margin. This is where the mind games kick in because the two of us haven’t actually used that much energy, but the other contestants don’t know that.”
Eliza rubbed her chin. “You…want them to fight you?”
“Exactly. No one's gonna pass up the opportunity to get a leg up on me. You know that better than anyone. Unfortunately for them, I’ll actually be trying against them and I fully intend to go end them quickly. This does multiple things. It makes the gap between the top three look bigger, allows me to stir the lower ranks rotation, keeps you rested, and makes Valerie anxious because you will not immediately challenge her. We are going to burn time until it gets to a point that once she’s knocked out of first, getting back up will be nearly impossible.”
“I fail to see how that’s possible. If she’s rested-”
“That’s just it, she won’t be. You can challenge her freely and not worry about me for most of the tournament. Use the time to learn how to fight her then I’ll challenge you again and win, then immediately go fight her. You’ll briefly be back in third place but fourth place holders will be exhausted and think twice about challenging you, Eliza Marigold; the person who beat Nicholas Schnee.”
“You made a safety net for third”
“I made a safety net for you! I will beat Valerie so she’ll fall to second place and that’s where you jump in to knock her to third. By that point she’ll have to wait and losing twice in a row is gonna give people ideas. Even if she beats them it’ll be a race against the clock and you can challenge me to avoid fighting her if it comes down to that. Boom, guaranteed second place for you with a potential at first place.”
The plan was insane, daring, and yet clearly thought of. “This is…a lot. Not to mention not full proof. What if I actually don’t need you to weaken Valerie and can take first place for myself?”
“Then by all means take it. I’ll knock Valerie to third myself and then fight you. Careful though. If I win you’re stuck with her and plenty of time you have to stall.”
She didn’t like the sound of that. “What if I refuse this off altogether?”
“That’s fine. We’ll just all have to do our best.”
“Your entire plan hinges on you beating Valerie. What if-”
“I’ll win.” He deadpanned. “I can take her this year. No questions about it.”
He started giving that same exact look he did a few days ago. “Not that I’m not interested but this feels a little unlike you.”
“Is that bad? People are always saying I’m too soft around Valerie. This is a tournament and there’s no rules against teamwork. You in?”
He hopped down and extended his hand. Nick did his best to seem casual about all of this but it was clear to Eliza he was pretty frustrated at Valerie. It wasn’t her place to pry. If he was willing to go this far then she might as well keep an eye on the entire thing. A chance to progress, and a good event. As long as those two things happened without incident then she had no reason to object. Then there was the other problem. She already helped him train…Eliza shook his hand.
“Glad to do business with you. I guess it’s only fair now that I give you the choice to stop training me. Wouldn’t want this to feel like I’ve gained so much tangible progress while yours relies on-”
Eliza tossed him his sword. “Quit with the chivalrous act. If I don’t train you to my standards then I’m positive your plan is bound to fall apart. Helping you here can only benefit me, or did you already forget I could teach you a thousand ways to improve your glyphs and still even the playing field?” She made another silver orb.
Nick gulped. He actually did forget how big of a pain in the ass it was gonna be fighting her. Semblance training doesn’t mean much if you can’t use it. “Have I ever told you that you can be terrifying and comforting at the same time?”
“Nobility should be just that. It’s why people like your face so much whenever you look like you beat the crap out of somebody.”
“People like my face because I’m handsome!!!”
“Less chitchat. More candle lighting.”
Nick hunched over in defeat. Marigolds, what can you do with them?
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