#if it was cash i could see it physically go down but its all on card
i-cant-sing · 6 months
I can’t get this scenario out of my head with yan!batfamily in which Bruce worms his way into a depressed reader’s life by marrying their mother and slowly taking over the role of parenting reader while dealing with the depression.
No because Bruce would do that. In his head, its just another mission to "save Y/n" and sure, your mother isn't exactly his type, and your depression isn't exactly her fault- the poor woman just works day and night for you both to survive in this outrageous economy, she doesn't have had enough time to see you not doing so well mentally.
Bruce and his sons, by whatever sequence of events, are now infatuated with you. What started as concern for your well being has now turned into obsessive need to control your life to make it better. So, yeah... Bruce decides to marry your mom, who is more than happy to finally find a chivalrous, handsome man... who just happens to also be very rich.
Meanwhile, you hate him. It's stupid, but you hate how filthy rich he is and even though you know that he donates a lot to charities, you still hate him because Bruce thinks money can solve everything (and in your case, it almost can), but you can't help but feel insulted everytime he offers you a cheque, a wad of cash to pay off your bills and loans, or even a $20 bill to get yourself some snacks. It feels... abnormal. You're not a charity case.
Perhaps your socioeconomic status isn't the only reason you're depressed. Maybe it's just you missing your father (could be dead/murdered/suicide/just moved far far away).
The moment Bruce finds out that your dad is the reason why you're so depressed, oh it's "I WILL FATHER ANOTHER CHILD IN NEED OF PROFESSIONAL HELP" time. He's doubling down on his paternal instincts and he's just mentally smacking himself like "ofc you need a father figure in your life. Who better than me????"
And it just makes your skin crawl at how nonchalant Bruce is about all this- about incorporating himself into your and your mother's life. Treating you both, especially you like you're actually related. Like he's been around with you two his entire life. You lose your appetite when he stays for dinner, but you sit at the table for your mother. You try to make excuses when your mother tells you that you have to go with her at the Wayne Manor because "Bruce wants to spend a day with family". You can't help but look at your mother in wonder at how she is comfortable when you both pull up at the manor. You thought things would be easier if Bruce's sons were also uncomfortable or even hated you and your mother (or thought that your mom was a gold digger), but no, they're just as worse as Bruce. Dick being particularly the worst in the sense that he's more affectionate and his love language is physical touch, so you get squished to his chest everytime he sees you, with a small cry "my baby!" Sometimes, "sis" would be added.
You didn't like either nickname.
Then there's Jason, who is the most normal one of them all, perhaps because he isn't around much and when he is, he just makes small talk.
Tim doesn't talk much either, but he stares a lot. Somehow you feel like he knows something about you, at least more than he's letting on.
And lastly, there's Damian, that pompous little shit. You know he's being amicable for Bruce, but his eyes look at you like he's judging you- thinks you're beneath him. Which is true, in the sense of finance. Despite all of that, Damian still wants to show you off his interests/things around the manor. He's still being arrogant ofc, "Look at this oil painting- it's a Van Gogh original. Van Gogh is a famous painter- he's dead though. I'm sure you aren't familiar with his works. I can take you to the Gotham gallery to show you more paintings. Father owns it, so it can be just us two without other people bothering us." He's nice but also not nice. But at least he's not doing it intentionally.
Then there's Bruce. Who is always looking at you with a small smile, but his eyes are always analysing you, even when he's not looking at you directly, you know that he's watching your every move like a hawk. He tries spending time with you, often he succeeds, only because your mother makes you go. He's a good man, hasn't done anything exactly inappropriate, but... even something as small as making you walk on the inner side of the sidewalk so that you're safe from the cars... it doesn't sit right with you. Why is he being so paternal? You certainly have been rude to him on purpose. Always giving him one word answers when he asks you how your day was.
Then one day your mother returns home with a beaming smile.
"Bruce proposed to me! We're getting married!"
After only 3 months of dating? It's what you wanted to say, but you held it back when you saw how happy she was.
The next day, Bruce held a dinner at the manor to celebrate the engagement. Surprisingly, that was the first time you saw Damian looking mad at you and your mom.
It was a reasonable reaction. Acceptable to you, instead of the overly excited yell of Dick "WE'RE GOING TO BE SIBLINGS! That means we can have slumber parties and pillow fights and-"
Your mother and Bruce were shopping for the wedding, looking at dresses and venues and all the shenanigans while you were at the manor, moving your and your mom's stuff in with the boys. It was the last thing you wanted, but your mother.... she insisted on it. Or at least that's what she says, you know Bruce insisted.
Doesn't matter because by next year, you'd be moving away to college anyways.
You just need to put up with this for a little longer and see your mother finally be happy.
You didn't expect your mother to be dead a week before the wedding.
It was out of the blue. You were sitting in the library at the manor because Dick refused to let you be alone in your room all the time, so he was making you some cookies while you read. Then he and Bruce came together, their faces pale as they looked at you.
"Y/n... your mother, she... she got in an accident."
She was driving to some restaurant, wanted to get you your favourite fried chicken and spend some time with you alone. But on her way, a truck crashed right into her car.
She died on the spot.
Whatever little improvement you had on your mental health went straight down the drain. You locked yourself in your room and just cried quietly. They left you alone the first few days, but then Bruce and Dick tried to persuade you to come out, that they were concerned for you. You did come out the day the funeral was held. And it hurt you... it hurt you so deeply when you found out they were burying her at the Wayne cemetery.
She wasn't a fucking Wayne.
If you had any strength, if you had any energy at all, you would've taken your mother and buried her someplace else.
But you didn't.
When you returned inside the manor, you went straight to your mother's room, which was also Bruce's room but you didn't care if he saw you in there or not. You just started packing all of your mother's stuff, her clothes, her jewellery, her photos, everything she came here with, which wasn't much to begin with but still.
"Y/n?" You stiffened when Bruce called you, but you didn't pause on packing. "What are you doing? Looking for something?"
You sighed. Might as well get this over with.
You turnd around, not looking him in the eye.
"I'm moving out. And I'm taking mom's stuff with me. You can check, I'm not stealing anything that belongs to you."
Bruce looked at you in confusion. "Moving out? Where are you going?"
"College. I'll be going there soon anyways, so I'm moving to an apartment with some friends."
"Oh, but you don't need to move out. You can stay with us. Youre family-" you cut him off.
"Bruce, let's not." You finally look at him. "We're not family. I never was, I never wanted to be. Mom's gone now, and I have no reason or desire to be here. Thank you for letting me stay here for as long as you have, but I will be moving out by tomorrow, if not tonight." You said picking up your mother's bag of stuff and walking out of the room. Bruce followed you to your room.
"But I don't want you to move-"
You dropped the bags. "I don't care what you want!"
Bruce looked at you with his brows furrowed. He didn't get why you were acting like this. Your yelling had gotten the attention of the boys too, all looking in confusion at the bags.
"I don't want to be a part of this family. I never have, and I never will. I never liked you or anyone in this family. And if you're concerned about me speaking to the media about you guys, don't worry. If it helps you, you can make me sign an NDA!"
Damian narrowed his eyes at you. "Dont talk to father like-"
"Shut up!" You yelled harshly. You didn't care who you were hurting. Your mother was gone, you had no reason to be amicable to them anymore.
They left you alone that day, and by the next morning, you were ready to leave. At 6 am, you walked down to the main door, with your bags. You weren't expecting them all to be waiting for you, but here they were. You took a step towards the door, but Dick stopped you.
He cleared his throat. "Um, this is the NDA... if you'd just sign it here." He handed you the papers.
Unbelievable. They actually drew up a contract. You took the pen from his hand and signed at the dotted lines.
"Bye." You took another step, except Damian and Tim blocked your path.
"What now?"
"Where are you going?" Tim asked.
"Do we have to go over this again?" You grumbled. "College." You answered.
"You can't." Damian said smugly. What's he smirking for?
"You're gonna break my legs?" You scoffed.
"No, you just signed a document saying that you're a part of this family, and Bruce Wayne is your guardian and has authority over all decisions concerning you like going to college, or even... going out of the house." Damian replied.
You looked at Bruce, because there's no way Damian is being serious. But there were no signs of joking. You looked at Dick, at Jason-
They were all dead serious.
"You cant- you can't be- you can't keep me here." You said.
"You signed the documents. It's your fault for not reading them." Tim said.
"I really do believe that it'd be better for you to stay here." Bruce said, taking ahold of your shoulders. "At least until you're doing better mentally."
"I'm fine-"
"I don't think so. And I could even take you to a psychiatrist, they'd agree with me." Bruce cupped your cheek as you flinched away. "You'd be happy here. I promise you that, you'll be safe and happy with us."
You'd try fighting, but you already knew you were outnumbered.
Besides, even if you weren't, even if you were alone with the smallest one of them, you still wouldn't be able to leave. You have no idea what Damian is capable of.
After all, he's the one who had your mother killed.
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
V seems to be a.. fan of cats.. and you’ve mentioned how he would react to a clingy reader; but how would he react to a bubbly dog hybrid one?
(feel free to ignore! c: love your works!)
To say Vince wasn't a dog person would be an understatement to how deep his dislike ran. For his eight birthday, his nanny loaded him and his sister into the family car to pick up a present for the girl after she had a fit while he was unwrapping his gifts. Yet another day ruined by her need to be the center of attention. Vince knew there was no hope in regaining what little joy he had as soon as they left the arcade, but nothing could prepare him for the decade long torment awaiting him at the paws of what his sister chose as her prize.
Shadow. The beast was a rottweiler a head taller than him standing up. V had always been a late bloomer, so it was easy for the dog to pin him whenever it decided he was in need of its affection which was more frequent than he would have liked. It seemed to like him more than its owner if not taking pleasure in his screams. A drooling, lumbering pile of fur he had no escape from exceplockedck in his room like most of his troubles. Living with Shadow until his parents finally let him move out thoroughly tarnished his outlook on dogs no matter the breed. He swore to himself that in a place of his own not one dog would ever make it past the front door.
"V, welcome back!"
But he was well known for changing his mind at the drop of a dime.
V drops his things and braces himself against the doorframe as you leap from the couch and into his arms, squeezing the air from his chest as you pounce putting all your weight behind it. He helps your legs around his waist and waddles over to the couch where he collapses on the cushions still cradling you to his chest. He kisses the ear posed in range near his lips and lifts you briefly to free your wagging tail from being pin down to his leg. He snuggles into your fur, inhaling your calming scent.
"Missed you..."
The tag attached your collar rattles with the bark of your laughter. "That's usually my line! You were only gone about ten minutes though.."
V's desire for a roommate were far from innocent or a need for cash. The various odd jobs he did online, and the money his parents poured into their adult children left him well off, but he needed something that money couldn't buy - in a realistic sense. With previous quests for companionship falling short the next best option to him was finding a roommate who'd he could get to fall for him one way or another. In his mind, romance was a guarantee being in such close proximity to another person. The perfect crime..til it you showed up.
Seeing a hybrid of the same animal he'd grown to hate wasn't how he planned for his weekend to go. You appeared with no warning and nothing in hand but first month's rent, a backpack, and a print out of his ad. Just like with Shadow and his food your sob story and puppy eyes made it hard for him to turn you away. He let you sleep on the couch with the notion that you would be out by morning. It took that exact amount of time for him to never want you to leave his side.
"Does that mean you didn't miss me too?"
The gasp that tears through you catches him off guard. You're offended he even asked something like that. "Of course I did! I just didn't want to tell you this time since you came back so soon.."
It takes all of V not to kiss you. That overbearing need for attention and affection transfered quite well into a hybrid of your class. V despised physical contact depending on the day, but he couldn't resist taking you in his arms whenever you came to him. The shedding was tolerable too since it meant you found comfort in his bed and your scent would be left behind when it was time for him to wind down.
"But what if I like you missing me? What if that's the only thing that wakes me up every morning and coming home whenever I have toleave?"
"That's a good question... Guess I'll just have to prove how much I miss you go." Your claws in his jacket, you unleash all your pent up energy in the wet kisses you leave along his neck, face and jaw. V humbly accepts your display sneaking some of his own. He was still on how he felt about others, but when it came to you he was proud to say he was a dog person.
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solarwonux · 2 years
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Business Proposal || knj (sneak peak)
pairing: namjoon x f!reader || ex friends to lovers!au friends to lovers!au 
Genre: fluff, angst, smut, slow burn, fwb!au, non idol!au, unrequited love 
Warnings: slow burn, angst, namjoon is pretty much not the nicest dude lol (will add more as it progresses), kinda sugar daddy au but not really. It will make sense I promise.
w.c: 799
Synopsis: Namjoon is living on borrowed time, and it’s time to cash in. His father is months from taking his last breathe and his life long dream is to watch his oldest son say “I do.” 
Release date: TBD
a/n: I’ve had this idea for a while, but I wasn’t sure if anyone would be interested in it so I decided to upload a little part to see if it sparks some interest. Let me know if you are interested in reading more. Thank you and Enjoy!
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It was a stupid pact.
One that was created on a whim after five cups of coffee and two broken hearts.
“If we aren’t married in ten years time, let’s just marry each other.” You suggested; like it was the greatest idea ever. Your hands were shaking from all the caffeine you had consumed and your eyes were red rimmed and wide from all the crying you had done. It matched his own as well.
The problem was that he agreed, assuming that by the time he was thirty he’d be settled down with a beautiful partner, a dog or a cat and his first child on its way.
Except it hadn’t played out that way and the two of you had lost touch years ago because of a stupid fight that shouldn’t have escalated the way it did in the first place. All because you had confessed your feelings to him, and he didn’t feel the same. He thought your sudden outburst was uncalled for.
So what if he didn’t feel the same way? He was there for you, more than the people you went to high school with. He tutored you in biology and college algebra. While you edited his philosophy papers in exchange for a nice cup of coffee and dinner every Friday night.
But it was his lack of emotion that made you burst. And he couldn’t understand why you had accused him of leading you on for years. He always thought of you as a little sister being the same age as his step brother–Jungkook. Yet, you had read all the signs wrong and he couldn’t seem to understand that. From your point of view he had led you on. Made you catch feelings while playing into them every chance he got. He confided in you, the way lovers did. Never physically but always emotionally. Yet, after the argument and the many tears that you had shed, it was like you fell off the Earth’s surface.
Occasionally he would hear about you through Jungkook whenever the two of them went home to visit their parents on the weekend or during the holidays. And sometimes Taehyung and Jimin posted pictures of the three of you together. Pictures he knew were taken by Jungkook. But you were still the same. Plain and pretty enough to be considered passable but nothing special. Nothing that would make him feel attracted to you. But other than those few instances he didn’t really care enough to ask about you either. The less he knew the better. Sure, you were once his best friend. A person he trusted a lot, but that all flew out the window when you walked out of his life.
It’s funny because now he needs you. His parents are breathing down his neck, begging for him to settle down. And if he doesn’t bring someone home for the holidays. Then he’s fucked. His father is on his last lifeline. His lifelong dream is to have his first and biological son live a fulfilling life with someone by his side, seems less like a possibility as the days go by.
Namjoon is living on borrowed time and if he doesn’t at least show signs of settling down any time soon. He can kiss the large inheritance and his job at the private university his father has shares in–goodbye.
Which is why he’s here in Taehyung’s living room, staring at you from across the room as you laugh at something Jungkook has said. For a split second he wonders what could have you on the brink of rolling on the floor laughing. But he doesn’t care enough. You're his last resort and he needs a way to get you alone in order to bring up the deal the two of you made.
Afterall he’s turning thirty-two and you’re in your late twenties. It's absolutely the perfect time to cash in.
The only problem is that ever since he walked through the door of Taehyung’s apartment you’ve been avoiding him at all costs. Never straying away from the familiar air of your childhood friends Jimin and Taehyung. And when they’re not around Jungkook takes their place.
But Namjoon is desperate. And sometimes disparity makes you do things you least expect. Like considering you to be a placeholder until he finds the right one. Like planning to offer you a big sum of money to just come and act like the perfect little wife to be. And as an added bonus a guaranteed job at the university of your dreams.
One that will help you pay out the loan you took to attend the said university. It’s a win-win situation.
No matter what, by the end of the night you will be his. At least just to pretend.
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howlsofbloodhounds · 9 months
Completely random but whenever it comes to the idea of what Killer’s room would be like in Nightmare’s castle, I’d like to think it was just bare boned at first.
A hard mattress, his jacket as a pillow, a thin blanket, a place to charge his phone, and some knife sharpeners. Some cash he keeps hidden around his room.
Holes and various stabs and knife slashes in the the walls from whenever Killer breaks down or whenever STAGE 3 gets triggered and starts behaving in its typical feral way.
But he’s barely in there most days, unless Nightmare tells him to go in there. He often forgets to sleep, and well, he isn’t used to having breaks and staying in one spot for too long unless Chara has told them to stay.
He and Chara were usually on the move, exploring every inch of the Underground. They could go literal days without breaks or rest. Chara had made sure of it.
And, well. They aren’t used to being alone. Not physically, at least. And although Chara is gone, he’s serving Nightmare now, right?
They have never served anyone besides Chara before. So he assumed that he must stay by Nightmare’s side unless given permission otherwise.
And, well. Nightmare sure gave permission. The man is introverted and antisocial as hell. Killer constantly following him around only made him paranoid, agitated, snappy and suspicious. Killer suspects that Nightmare felt suffocated by his presence.
After given the go ahead to explore on his own, though, Killer immediately takes to spending his time not on the job just exploring the castle. Marking down anything interesting he finds, every way to enter and exit this castle.
Patrolling for days on end until he’s called away for a mission or until Nightmare orders him onto something else.
Gradually, some more stuff goes into his room the more he gets comfortable with Nightmare and his illusions of freedom.
His jars of stolen souls, human blood, and monster dust go on to the shelves. Nightmare notices the damaged walls and orders Killer to do something about that, and well...
Something suggests spray paint...Killer isn’t one to usually listen to them, but it was a good idea. And Killer couldn’t think of anything else to do. So he spray paints over the damage.
Things start changing when Horror joins the little club. It’s because of Horror that Nightmare gives Killer a comfortable bed, better blankets, and actual pillows.
Killer isn’t sure what to think of it. The blankets are warm, and he’s always like warmth, but the pillows are soft. The bed’s more malleable. It’d be too easy to get comfortable. (It’s a false sense of security. It’s a trick, is what STAGE 4 says.)
He’s not used to soft things, so he ignores the upgrades at first. Until something happens one day. The lack of sleep he was hardly noticing catches up with him, and he faints.
And he wakes up in his new bed, cozy and warm.
It registers as a threat to STAGE 3 the moment he realizes where he is, and the next moment he comes to, all his pillows and blankets are stabbed and shredded at his feet.
It takes awhile for him to right himself. He just sits on the floor of the room, among the mess. Stuck between numbness and fear and “I told you so.”
He doesn’t bother to clean up the mess or tell anyone about it, but Horror inevitably finds out and has him clean it up.
The whole time Horror is telling him that he’s lucky to have fainted in the castle among allies and not out on the battlefield surrounded by enemies.
STAGE 2 and STAGE 4 are both listening attentively as 2 cleans. 4 immediately declares it manipulation—an attempt to control them—and starts demanding that 2 kills Horror.
But 2, being the less emotional one, ignores it for now. It can see the benefits in this. He can see that Horror is right.
Still, he can’t let Horror know that. So he puts on his facade and makes a flirty, suggestive comment about Horror really wanting to be in Killer’s bed, huh?
As expected, this causes Killer’s teammate to groan and immediately leave his room; taking the bags of trash with him.
Killer closes and locks the door behind him, and just sits down on...”his” bed. The mattress molds to his frame, as if like a supposed hug..and Killer immediately gets off the bed the moment that thought crosses his mind.
Hugs aren’t soft.
He takes his thin blanket, wraps it around him, and just sits on the floor. It doesn’t take long before he’s itching to get up again though, get moving, be productive, get back to work, do something.
Something appears beside him as soon as the urge comes. Killer tenses but pretends not to notice them. The kid doesn’t say anything, just sits beside him quietly and looks outside the bedroom window.
That sort of puts him at ease, seeing Chara’s visage so calm and not ordering him to get off his feet and stop being lazy.
The two of them past the night like this, sitting on the cold hard floor together quietly; Killer wrapped up and comfy in his thin blanket. Watching the world change outside their bedroom window.
By the time the sun comes up, Killer has fell asleep on the floor, and that’s where Horror finds him. He decides to take it slow, shoving a fluffy pillow under Killer’s head rather than moving him back into his bed like he did last time.
He closes the door gently when he leaves, as not to wake Killer.
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cthulhusstepmom · 7 months
It's all in the eyes.
When Kremy had first started working his way through casinos he'd been practically unstoppable. Starting with short trips, dipping his toes in so to speak; Staying just long enough to win a hand before cashing out and making a break for it(he'd learned the hard way about that special breed of thug that likes to beat up kids with a little cash). Slowly, one hand turned into two turned into three and four. Soon enough he would be playing tables for hours, bouncing between games with a smile and a wink.
Problem being there's only so many casinos around Agwé. Mobility wise he was also somewhat limited, unless he felt like swimming or ducking through the swamp, but he only had the one good shirt, can't afford to ruin it or they won't let him in. That and being too young and stupid to know better is what led him to that table in the Hungry Catfish.
He was about to cut it and cash out when he'd felt a clammy hand on his shoulder, looked up into the eyes of a bullywug with a smile too wide for his already froggy face. He hadn't bothered putting up a fuss about his winnings as he was steered from the table towards the bowels of the boat. What's money worth to a dead man anyway?
Mr.Guru's office is opulent, decorated with draperies in rich deep shades of blue. Kremy can feel the soles of the better of his two pairs of shoes sink deep into the carpet that he's too scared to lift his eyes from. Deep smoky incense and cigar smoke make the still air heavy and thick. It isn't helped at all by the almost physical weight of Mr.Guru's eyes focused solely on him.
"You hit a real lucky break there son. Do you know the odds of winning ten hands in a row?" His voice is gravelly, dark, with an edge of malice hanging over the words like a thunderhead.
"No sir." Of course he knew it was astro-fucking-nomical. He got greedy, Ma's birthday is coming up and he'd seen a beautiful pearl necklace in a shop window passing through the Magnolia Promenade, he'd wanted to grab the cash in one night so he'd be able to pull enough double shifts at the kitchen to make it believable when he showed up with it. If only he'd chosen any other casino.
"I don't appreciate being lied to boy."
"I'm sorry sir, I'm sure you don't sir."
"Why don't you go ahead and look me in the eyes when I'm talking to you?"
Suddenly his head moves on its own, he can't think of any better idea than looking Mr.Guru in the eyes, there's certainly no reason not to. Almost as soon as the conviction roots itself in his mind, it vanishes. But not before he's wrenched his face upward to lock eyes with the devil.
"You have the eyes of a sinner boy." He sounds pleased, smug. "You care to explain to me why I should let a whelp like you walk out of my casino with all that cash?"
Kremy stands his ground. He knows bullies, dealt with them all his life. And Mr.Guru isn't as such. He's a shark; Complete with the cold dead eyes, such a dark brown they're almost black. This is a man in power, power that Kremy can't even begin to understand. The moment he sees weakness, the moment he smells blood, Kremy is as good as chum in the water.
"Suppose I just have the luck of the cards with me Sir."
"That right? They speak to you do they?"
Kremy feels a small smile creep across his scaly lips.
"From a certain point of view."
To Kremy's utter shock, Mr.Guru lets out a bark of gravelly laughter.
"What do you do boy? Besides win improbable odds."
"Well sir I'm a fine chef and a quick learner."
Those black eyes narrow for a moment as Mr.Guru strokes a hand over his well trimmed beard.
"Could use a pair of hands like yours in my galley. What do you say son?"
The smile becomes a crocodile grin.
"Where do I sign Mr.Guru?"
It's not regret necessarily.
Kremy knows regret, intimately, and he can't quite say he regrets signing that contract. Perhaps guilt is a better fit. Deep down he knows he didn't really have much of a choice, if he hadn't accepted Mr.Guru's offer of employment he would have ended up like these poor souls.
Pushing the last of the heavy burlap sacks over the edge of the boat Kremy feels a sigh bubbling in his throat. It's an odd thing to be all introspective and shit when you're disposing of bodies, or so he’s been told. Personally, Kremy feels it's a very natural time to feel existential but he knows better than to try and make discussion over it now. He's just here because he's stronger than the bullywugs and it's been a busy night.
Now that he's been promoted to pit boss he's been spending more and more time with the Grinning Sinners, or the other Grinning Sinners(Mr.Guru has never been too clear on exactly what Kremy is in the organization, keeps everyone guessing that way, prevents anyone from getting too chummy with one another). Whether that be patrolling the pit, taking inventory, or dealing with some of the more unwanted patrons in whatever ways the Boss deemed necessary. He'd even been sent out to collect on bargains for Mr.Guru, a task that most of the Grinning Sinners are disallowed from.
Tonight there are whispers in the air though, one of the mid level Sinners(Jean-Claude he's pretty sure) is going to challenge the boss. It'll be his first time seeing it in person, he'd heard it a few times in his years in the kitchen, provided refreshments even. It's a privilege Mr.Guru provides all of his employees: the opportunity to challenge him to a poker game for your contract. If you win, you walk away with your soul in hand; no longer blemished by the contract you've signed. If you lose, another seven years are added to your time aboard the Hungry Catfish.
He's never heard of anyone winning.
And tonight is no exception.
As he leans against the bar, he attempts to subtly look over his boss's shoulder, get a glance of his cards; but it's almost like a veil of shadow sits over them and all he can see is darkness. Every time they hit the table though, it's clear as day how poorly Jean-Claude is making out. Word on deck is that he'd been seeing a gal and was looking to propose. Kremy had seen her a few times, she was alright he supposes though not to his tastes(between being rather toad-like and being of a womanly persuasion, there's not much to pique his interest). The information being passed down along the bar is that Jean-Claude had six years left in his contract; Hopefully his lady love would wait for him for thirteen.
The first time Kremy gambles his soul they're deep in the woods, returning from a meeting between Mr.Guru and a powerful business associate.
"Mr.Guru?" He asks, staring deep into the fire as he allows the bullywugs to clean up after dinner(an arrangement he can't say he dislikes too much, Kremy despises doing dishes almost as much as he loves cooking).
The man himself moves just a smidgen, tilting his head with an indulgent "Hmm?"
"Would you kindly play a game of poker with me?"
He loses. Badly.
It's the first time he's truly lost a game of cards in a long, long time.
Mr.Guru claps him on the back with a smile that shows too many teeth.
“Maybe next time son.”
He loses the next time too. And the next. 
After the fourth he’d gone to find help in the only place he knew. 
Pierre has a comfy seat in the organization all things considered, he may as well be Mr.Guru’s right hand man. And he didn’t get there by luck(or misconception given how many bullywugs seem to have his same name). With a steel trap mind and the instincts of both a killer and a gambler, he makes an excellent pit boss; and a better confidant. 
“What the fuck is it Pierre? I’ve practiced my poker face till my muscles froze up. I know it’s not that. I don’t have tells, I know I don’t!” Seated at the bar, Pierre gives him an unimpressed look. “Right, I’ll listen.”
“You are young yet Kremy, and full of passion. And apparently all the knowledge in the universe if you are to be believed.” Kremy finds himself glad that he can’t flush under the gentle admonishment.
“Sounds like a you problem if you’re believing.”
Pierre grants him a croaky chuckle “Listen and Pierre will tell, your silvery barbs may amuse Mr.Guru but he is a man with much more patience than I.” 
Kremy nods eagerly. 
“There are many ways out of a contract, Kremy, you must learn to think outside of the box if you don’t want to be inside of it. You can iron out every muscle in your face, spend hours mastering the control of your expression, but you will never cull your true tell.”
He sits stone still as if that will make it easier to catalog all that Pierre is saying.
The old bullywug takes his hand. “Your eyes, Kremy. There is a fire inside of you that cannot be doused, it shows in your eyes. They will always betray you.” 
Eventually he’d realized that Pierre was right, after stubbornly extending his contract another fourteen years. So he thought outside of the box. It was easy enough to track down Mr.Guru’s generous benefactor, even easier to sign yet another contract(though he read through this one much more thoroughly). Taking a patron and taking another name for himself: Lecroux. And well, technically speaking Kremy Lecroux didn’t sign his soul away to Mr.Guru. It wasn’t an honorable way out but if there’s one thing Kremy is good at it’s cheating. Sort of poetic in the end, that cheating Mr.Guru got him into this mess and (from a certain point of view) it’ll get him out of it as well. 
From then it was history. He skipped town, swam through the swamp for a few days before pulling himself up out of the river and setting about getting a new set of clothes. Trading playing cards for a set of dice, though he still kept his aces close (tucked into the brim of his new hat to be exact). Altogether he was a new man. And one night as he sat down for a drink, his wandering eyes found another fire. 
His name was Gideon.
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gogogodzilla · 7 months
day 28, dubcon
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android!gavin reed x reader warnings: nsfw 18+, fnaf au, reader is a security guard, fingering, slight dirty talk, slight corruption, creampie, unprotected sex, i saw the fnaf movie, and i'm making it everyone's problem kinktober ☠︎︎ main masterlist ☠︎︎ read on ao3
You never thought you’d see the day when an android at a kids' attraction would turn you on, but here you were. 
You took the job out of pure desperation. You were in dire need of cash, and how hard could it possibly be? All you had to do was walk around the complex once or twice a night and watch the cameras. That proved to be very hard when one of the androids you were in charge of turned out to be hot. They weren’t supposed to roam the complex at night, but you made an exception for one of them. 
Gavin was the bassist of the rock band that the attraction was themed after. He was rugged with messy brown hair and startling blue eyes that contrasted beautifully against the black liner surrounding them. Piercings littered his ears, and he exuded confidence. He wore red cheetah print pants that were very tight paired with a denim vest and combat boots. He donned a leather choker with spikes paired with fingerless leather gloves with spikes along the knuckles.
He was charismatic and took a liking to you rather quickly. He was curious about you, for the most part. There were times when you forgot that he was a robot and his personality was just lines of code created by someone. Other times, that fact slapped you in the face. 
He stood too close when you walked, always observing whatever you were doing over your shoulder. This included when you stood over the monitor on your desk and looked over the security footage. You were acutely aware of his body pressed closely to yours and the feelings it stirred up within you. 
“Your heart rate is increasing exponentially. Is something wrong?” he asked, his breath fanning across your shoulder from how close he was. You could practically see his furrowed brow and confusion gracing his features.
You straightened and he did as well. “No,” you assured, fumbling for an answer as your cheeks reddened. “It’s just… you were standing very close.” 
“Does me being here make you uncomfortable?” 
The crease between his brows increased as he searched your features. 
You shook your head, “I like spending time with you… It’s hard to explain.” 
“I’m designed to be incredibly intelligent, even if I’m not programmed to act like it,” he said, crossing his arms. “Try me.” 
You pressed your lips into a thin line as you attempted to explain to a robot that you were sexually attracted to him. 
“It’s a human thing that happens sometimes when we like someone a lot,” you explained as you felt your entire body heat up in embarrassment. 
His eyes scanned over your body as the ring on his temple spun yellow before returning to its bright blue. 
You felt a surge of boldness take over you and you grabbed his hand and pressed it against your chest, right over your heart. 
“When humans like someone their heart starts beating fast, and their cheeks heat up,” you clarified as you brought his hand up to cup your cheek. “Sometimes other physical changes happen.” 
“Like what?” he questioned, and you almost felt bad for what you did next. 
You slid his hand down your uniform and pressed it against your clothed core. His LED flashed yellow once more. 
“We get aroused,” you stated, watching as his eyes darted over your body. “Although, I think my clothes are getting in the way of completely showing you.” 
You grabbed his shoulders and pushed him so he was sitting in your desk chair.
You kept your eyes on him as you slowly unbuttoned your shirt, exposing the lacy bra underneath. He watched with rapt attention as you stripped for him, leaving you in only your bra and underwear. You felt like your heart was going to beat out of your chest as you settled onto his lap. 
You were praying that there was actually something under those skinny jeans. You figured you could make it work even if it was a Ken doll situation. 
You grabbed his hand once again and pressed it to your core. “See how different it feels?” 
“You’re warm,” he uttered, looking down with a furrowed brow. A gasp left you as he slid your underwear to the side and dragged a finger through your folds. “And wet,” he stated, looking up at you. 
“When we get aroused, it can get to a point where it becomes uncomfortable or painful,” you led, hoping he would get your hint. 
“Are you at that point?” 
“Yes. You’ll help me right?” 
He looked almost nervous as he nodded. This was going against everything they drilled into you during your training, but you didn’t care. 
You guided his finger to draw tight circles around your clit. “It’s— it’s almost like playing the bass,” you suggested as you rocked your hips slightly. 
Gavin’s movements were clumsy but he was a quick learner, probably thanks to the supercomputer inside that skull of his. 
He gingerly pressed his finger against your entrance and you gasped. His movements paused, and he looked up at you. 
“Was that bad?” 
You shook your head so fast you were surprised it didn’t fly off your shoulders. “No, that was good. Really good, keep going,” you urged as you jutted your hips against his palm.
He slowly got back to what he was doing. He slid his finger inside you, and you watched as his eyes darted between your core and up at you for your reaction. 
“Move it,” you suggested as you grabbed his hand and pumped his finger inside you. “You can add another, now, and do the same thing you just did.” 
He did as he was told and slid another finger inside you, and you groaned at the feeling. He was focused as he worked you toward the edge, taking in every sound and movement you made. He watched eagerly as your pussy swallowed his fingers whole. Your grip on his shoulders tightened, as your orgasm rapidly approached. 
“Gav, do you have,” you paused as he curled his fingers inside you, eliciting a high-pitched mewl from you. “Do you have parts down there?” you asked, motioning your head to his groin. 
“I was designed to be completely lifelike,” he answered, looking up at you expectantly. 
“Good,” you replied before crashing your lips onto his. The kiss was clumsy and mostly your own teeth knocking against his. You pulled away slightly to kiss him properly, and he was quick to kiss you back. 
You reached a hand down to fumble with his leather belt, your actions uncoordinated with his fingers working against you. 
You forced yourself to focus enough to undo his belt and jeans. You slid a hand under the waistband of his black briefs, gasping as your fingertips brushed against his cock. 
A small whine left Gavin as he buried his head in the crook of your neck. You wrapped a hand around his length and slowly stroked him, loving the little noises he was making. This was completely new for him and you wanted it to be good. 
You took a moment to pull his cock out of his jeans so you could stroke him freely. Your mouth watered at the sight. He was perfect. 
You wondered what noises you could get out of him if you wrapped your lips around him. That train of thought would have to wait though; you needed him inside you immediately. 
He was hard and throbbing in your grip, and his face was screwed up in the cutest way. Damn, you wanted to absolutely ruin him. 
You leaned back to push your underwear to the side and aligned his cock with your entrance. You both groaned as you slowly sunk down onto him. Gavin’s hands hovered in the air, unsure where to go. You grabbed them and settled them onto the plush of your ass. 
“Never felt anything like this before,” his breath caught in his throat as he looked down to where you were joined. 
You began to rock your hips, “It gets better, sweetheart.” 
You flushed as the chair squeaked with each thrust of your hips against his. Gavin leaned his head against the back of the chair, and a beautiful artificial blush covered his cheeks. 
You reached behind you and unclipped your bra, letting it slide off your shoulders and throwing it somewhere in your office. Gavin’s head perked up at your exposed tits, and he reached a hand up to touch one. 
Your nipples hardened under his fingertips, and he leaned forward and hesitated as his mouth hovered in front of your chest. He looked up at you, uncertainty dancing across his features. You carded your hand through the hair at the nape of his neck and pulled his head closer, practically begging for his mouth. 
He darted his tongue out to press a kitten lick against your nipple, and you moaned. Emboldened by your reaction, he took you completely into his mouth. You let your head fall back, exposing more of your chest to him. He swirled his tongue around the sensitive bud and reached up to pinch the other one with his free hand. 
With every drag of your hips, your orgasm was rapidly approaching. You reached a hand down to where you were joined and drew sloppy circles around your clit. Gavin jutted his hips up to meet yours, and he hit that spongey spot inside you that nearly had you coming right there and then. 
“Fuck, right there, sweetheart,” you praised, and Gavin hit the spot over and over again. 
You pulled him closer and arched your back as you came hard around his cock. You cried out his name as your walls fluttered around him and your orgasm washed over you. He finished after a few more rolls of your hips as you rode out your high, a drawn-out groan pushing past his lips.
You jolted as you felt his release coat your walls, hot and steady just like the rest of him. They truly spared no expense when they made him. He froze as his cock twitched within you, and you milked him for everything he had. 
Your hips slowed to a stop as Gavin panted below you, eyes half-lidded and blissed out. You slowly lifted yourself off of him and stood on shaky legs, and your hands gripped his shoulders to keep you steady. 
“It did get better,” he breathed as he looked over you. 
You chuckled, “I told you.” 
You turned to collect your discarded items of clothing and situate yourself. He straightened in your chair and righted himself.
“Glad I could help,” he said, a satisfied grin on his face.
You snorted, “Me too, sweetheart.” 
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Ok god Pedro x Taylor ya killing me (more than usual 🙃) I was going to say all too well with Pedro but it’s been done so how about a little smutty action with Javi P and Cruel Summer 😏
Cruel Summer
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pairing: javier peña x reader
warnings: NSFW 18+ (MINORS DNI), angst, secret relationships, alcohol consumption, unprotected sex, creampie, fluffy ending, me not bothering to read this twice or revise sry lmaoooooo
words: 4.9k
javier peña masterlist
Fever dream high in the quiet of the night, you know that I caught it. Bad, bad boy, shiny toy with a price, you know that I bought it.
Javier Peña. The name that had been itching at the tip of your tongue for the last three weeks. The name that you’d tiptoed around blurting out to your roommates every time they demanded more information about who you’d been sneaking off to see every night once they’d all gone to sleep.
You’d known him through a long line of mutual association. He was in your eldest brothers graduating class, the pair went to police academy together, and then went on to join the Sheriff’s Department together until Javier decided to join the DEA.
He had a reputation even before he ever left Laredo. Given the relatively small population of the city, a young man with the charm and appeal of a young Javier Peña had become almost a household name—as long as you household had a teenage girl in it.
Though he surely didn’t sleep with every girl that showed him interest, he did flirt with a good portion. It didn’t matter if the girls were sisters or cousins, friends or enemies—if he found them interesting, he’d give it a shot. This didn’t necessarily earn him any points in the “good guy” department, but Javier never cared much about what everyone else thought of him in those days.
It wasn’t until he went off into the real world that his physical exploits really took flight. Though it wasn’t exactly as common knowledge as his work with taking down Escobar, his reputation as a womanizer in Colombia somehow found its way back home.
Most women knew to stay away from him, but only a few were able to actually go through with it. He was a natural charmer, never having to lie or manipulate his way into women’s hearts—he was just simply likable. With his dark hair and dark eyes, that mustache and the tightness of his blue jeans, or even just the broadness of his shoulders compared to his tiny waist—he drew women in whether they set out to or not.
And you were no different.
On your twenty-fifth birthday, your friends-slash-roommates took you out on the town, the four of you bar hopping all around Laredo’s tiny bar scene. At one particularly boring and deserted honky tonk, you spotted him—his lips molding around a crystal glass filled with golden whiskey, his eyes closing shut at he tossed it back.
It was like everything else in the room faded away, little by little, until the only thing you could see was him lifting his cigarette to his lips, pulling in a drag before exhaling it. Your eyes followed the swirls of smoke through the neon-lit room, the clouds making shapes as they danced in the light.
With a clearing of your throat, you excused yourself with the ruse of going to use the restroom, your friends all much too drunk to care. It had to be the alcohol in your system that gave you the confidence to approach a man ten years your senior—a man that had been associated with so many beautiful women over the years who never made the cut—but soon you were standing by his barstool, gesturing for the bartender. You and Javier made eyes with each other, yours flickering to his lips before you turned away with a growing smirk.
“Can I get a glass of whatever he’s drinking?” You leaned over the counter to talk over the music. The old man nodded at you before pouring you two fingers of mid-shelf whiskey, you handing him the cash plus tip in exchange for the drink. “You know, I don’t really like whiskey.”
Javier chuckled and turned his body towards you as you sat down on the stool beside him. “Then why’d you get it?”
“Oh, I just wanted a reason to come over here and start a conversation.” You shrugged and turned back to him, swirling the black straw in your glass. “I, uh, I think you’re friends with my older brother.”
You told him your brothers name and watched as his eyes lit up in remembrance, his head nodding and smile softening now that he placed your face in his memory.
“You celebrating something tonight?” He asked after a couple minutes of conversation, noting the tiara you’d been forced to wear.
“Oh, yeah. It’s my birthday. Twenty-five. One year closer to death.” You chuckled nervously at your morbid joke, lifting your whiskey to your lips and taking a sip.
“Just wait, it doesn’t get much easier. And your back is gonna start to ache anytime you do anything resembling exercise.” He joked and gestured for his tab. You took a deep breath as you tried to make your intentions known before he left the place, your heart thudding in your ears as you watched him pull out his wallet.
“Anything resembling exercise? That’s too bad. I was hoping you and I could burn a few calories tonight.” He froze midway through pulling two twenties out of his wallet, his eyes turning to yours with a darker look in them than just a second ago.
“I’m older than you,” he reminded you, only earning a nod. “I’m not a great guy.”
“I don’t care.” You shrugged and leaned over further. “I’m not looking for a great guy tonight. I’m just looking for some fun.”
“Your friends gonna approve of you leaving with me?” He handed the bartender the money without even looking his way, murmuring for him to keep the change as he kept your eye contact.
“They don’t need to know.” You shrugged and his lips curled into a mischievous grin, nodding before telling you to meet him out front in five minutes.
With some lie of not feeling well, you managed to escape your group of friends—sealing your fate with the sound of Javier’s truck door closing after you climbed inside.
Killing me slow, out the window. I'm always waiting for you to be waiting below. Devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes. What doesn't kill me makes me want you more…
“Are you trying to get me caught?” You scolded with a grin as you climbed into the passenger side of his truck, his headlights shining bright into your darkened home. He reached over and tugged you flush against his body on the bench seat, your jeans sliding with ease against the leather. You giggled as he leaned over and sucked a mark into your neck.
“Why do you even care if they know?” He mumbled against your pulse, poking out his tongue and soothing the purple mark.
“Because someone has a reputation that precedes him. And I know for a fact that two out of three of my roommates cannot stand Javier Peña. Something about their older sisters getting dumped by the guy.” You teased with a smile as he pulled back, his smirk sheepish as he studied your face.
“I’m not that guy anymore.”
“I know that, but they don’t.” You leaned over and kissed his lips deep enough to make him want more as you pulled away. Stroking your fingertips over the side of his face, you smiled at him. “Come on bad boy, take me back to your place already.”
“Your wish, cariño.”
Hang your head low in the glow of the vending machine, I'm not dying. You say that we'll just screw it up in these trying times, we're not trying.
Javier stood with you outside at a rest stop about 50 miles outside of town, the two of you driving on the highway just to have something to do.
Moths swarmed overhead in the buzzing streetlight, your throat humming as you tapped your chin in front of a vending machine. The light from inside the glass casted a yellow glow on your skin as he watched you press the keypad, your lip bitten between your teeth.
“Ta-da,” his smile was soft but full of unspoken concern as you handed him a bag of potato chips. “What’s wrong? Not a fan of Lays?”
“No, it’s not the chips it’s just…” He chuckled at his own nerves before shrugging, his eyes lowering to the concrete beneath your feet. “How long are we going to keep this thing up? The hiding and seeing each other only in the middle of the night thing.”
“I don’t know,” you shrugged and turned back to the vending machine, pressing the keypad and getting something for yourself. “I thought we agreed that we’re both too screwed up right now for something more…serious.”
“I mean, we agreed on that at the beginning of the summer, but that was two months ago now. I’ve become…less screwed up since then.” He noted the way your eyes didn’t meet his as the two of you slowly walked back to the truck together, the silence between you thick with tension. “Never mind, you’re right. We’d just screw it up.”
“Let’s just keep it simple for now. We don’t have to overcomplicate things, right?” You turned to him and looked into his eyes, desperate for him to just let the topic go for now so things could go on as they were. Relationships brought complications, but this fling was the most uncomplicated thing you’d ever known—up until just a second ago, at least.
“Yeah,” he smiled through his disappointment. “Let’s just keep it simple.”
I'm drunk in the back of the car and I cried like a baby coming home from the bar. Said, "I'm fine," but it wasn't true. I don't wanna keep secrets just to keep you…
The night had started off well, Javier inviting you out to a bar during the week in hopes of reducing the chance of being seen together by your friends. The two of you indulged in some rare PDA, the drinks and kisses flowing generously as you tucked away into the corner of the bar.
Both of you had already been more drunk than you’d ever been around each other before, the late-summer heat now turning to a slight chill as fall approached, putting pressure on your summertime fling. It felt almost like a last hoorah, one that neither of you were prepared for.
“Shit,” you were mid-giggle when your eyes locked on your closest friend entering the bar with her boyfriend. Her eyes found yours as though it had been her mission, her lips parting and head tilting as she took in the closeness of the man beside you.
“What’s wrong, cariño?” Javier leaned over and tried to place a kiss to your neck, but you shoved him away out of sheer panic. His glassy eyes narrowed in confused hurt as he looked at you.
“My friend’s here, I don’t want—“
“Hey,” she approached your booth with a curious smile, eyes flickering to the drunken and now very upset man beside you. “So this is the mystery guy, huh.”
“No, we’re not…not a serious thing or anything.” Javier scoffed at your words and excused himself, sliding out of the booth and stumbling his way out of the bar. “Fuck. Sorry, I’ll fill you in when we’re at home. I gotta go check on him.”
Javier was standing by the pay phone outside of the bar when you found him, his body swaying as he tried to stay upright to dial his father’s number. You walked over to him with a soft frown, eyes conveying your guilt. He chuckled and hung the phone back up on the receiver before shaking his head.
“Go back inside, I’m fine.” He tried to walk off towards the road, but you caught him by his bicep, pulling him back to you. You held his face in your hand and pulled him down for a kiss, Javier pinning you back against the payphone, his hands gripping your hips.
“Let me call a cab.” You breathed out when he gave you a second of relief from his searing touch. Turning around in his arms, you felt him hug you close from behind to keep himself steady, his chin resting over your shoulder as you called up a cab. Hanging the phone back in the receiver, you tested your own balance as you walked him over to the bench outside the establishment. “You know that I care about you, Javi, I just don’t want either of us to get ourselves into something we’re not ready for.”
“And you get to make all the decisions. Yeah, I got it.” He chuckled darkly and hung his head.
After ten minutes of tension, Javier finally lifted his head and turned to you, this time with a more pointed expression than before.
“But what if I wanted to decide something, huh? Do I just not get a say in this?” His words slurred together, your head aching as you tried your best to work through your drunken state to hold a conversation with him.
“Javier, do you actually think this would work out between us long term? It’s for the best if we—“
“Oh, fuck that! Like you know what’s in my best interest.” The taxi pulled up and you managed to convince him to join you in the backseat, quickly giving the driver your address before turning back to the drunken man beside you. “I don’t want to keep secrets just to keep you, cariño. It makes me feel like shit. Like I’m still that asshole from all those years ago. Like…like I haven’t changed at all.”
“Javi, you’re not—wait, are you crying?” You searched his face in the dark of the backseat to see him sniffling, wiping his cheeks.
“No.” He was definitely crying, his voice croaking with the lump in his throat. You wanted to chuckle at the entire situation, this hard and usually very smooth man now a sniffling crying mess in the back seat of a taxi, the two of you drunk off your asses.
“Oh, Javi. Come here,” you pulled his head to rest on your chest, kissing his forehead and rubbing his arm. “We’re just drunk. We’re saying shit that we don’t mean.”
“Yeah,” he nodded against you and his tears slowed to a stop. “You’re probably right.”
And I snuck in through the garden gate every night that summer just to seal my fate, and I screamed for whatever it's worth, "I love you,"—ain't that the worst thing you ever heard?
It had been a week of radio silence, Javier not picking up your phone calls, always managing to be conveniently absent whenever you dropped by his father’s house. You missed him more than you imagined you would. You’d convinced yourself all throughout the romance that you’d be okay if it ended tomorrow, and it was easy when tomorrow never seemed to come around. But it was here now, and the icy chill you felt as you laid in your bed alone was too much to bear.
Your friends had all been made aware of your secret romance, the two that had problems with Javier predictably upset with you for giving him the time of day. But the friend that caught the two of you in the bar stood by your decision, noting the way Javier seemed to be head over heels for you up until you’d shoved your foot in your mouth and ruined it all.
“Still up?” She was downstairs watching a movie with her boyfriend when you crept into the kitchen, desperate for something sweet to take away the ache in your heart. “Babe, why don’t you just go over to his place? Wake him up and tell him how miserable you’ve been since the fight.”
“I’m not—“
“Don’t you dare say you’re not miserable. Have you looked in a mirror? Honey, you haven’t showered in five days. You look like death.”
“All the more reason not to go over.” You shrugged and tore out your beloved pint of ice cream from the fridge, grabbing a spoon from the drawer and digging right in.
“Get upstairs and take a shower before I hit you with my chancla. You love that man, idiot. Go tell him.” You groaned at the idea of confessing your feelings to a man, but it was the truth. You did love him, in the strange little way your heart knew how to, at least.
“But what if everyone talks shit—“
“Does he care about everyone’s shit talking?”
“Well, no.”
“Okay, then there’s nothing stopping you. Now go!” She used her parental voice and pointed at the stairs, your head nodding as you began to find your confidence.
Putting your ice cream in the freezer, you jogged upstairs and took the worlds fastest shower. Your hair was still sopping wet as you tugged on a pair of leggings and long sleeve, finding your slippers and grabbing your keys before practically sprinting out of the house. “Wish me luck!”
“You don’t need it, that man is in love with you!” Your friend called back, bringing a smile onto your face as you closed the front door and leapt over to your car.
You drove quickly through the town until you reached the ranching neighborhood, your wheels rattling as you sped through the dirt roads, tires kicking up dust and gravel until you pulled into Javier’s driveway.
You walked around back, sneaking in through the gate like you’d always done when he told you to come over. When you stepped into the backyard, you were surprised to see him up, sitting on the step of his back porch nursing a cigarette. His brows furrowed as he took you in, eyes raking over your form before he was sighing out smoke.
“What are you doing here?” His tone was soft and defeated, tired and thick with resentment as his eyes faced the ground.
“I, uh, hadn’t heard from you. Wanted to make sure you were okay.” You approached him carefully, stopping a few feet in front of him as to allow him space.
“Yeah, well, I’m fine.” He dug his cigarette into the ground with his boot, standing up and looking down at you from the top of the porch. “Anything else?”
“I think I’m in love with you.” You confessed in a sigh, eyes softening and brows lacing together.
His pained look turned to one of amusement, a chuckle falling from his lips as he stepped down to your level, his hands cupping your face as he reached you. You chuckled as his eyes studied your face, his lips only an inch away from yours. Your voice was a whisper as he leaned in, his tobacco scented breath fanning across your lips. “Isn’t that the worst thing you ever heard?”
He shook his head as he pressed his lips to yours, his hands slipping from your face to grip your waist, tugging you against his body. You moaned as the kissed deepened, your arms crossing over his shoulder as he hoisted you up around his waist, carrying you inside the house.
“Stay quiet for me, cariño. Can you do that?” He whispered against your lips as he stepped up the staircase to his bedroom, your head nodding eagerly as you hugged him closer.
When he stepped inside his bedroom, he set you down, his hand cradling your jaw as his foot shut the door behind him. You giggled as the two of you stumbled back into the room, practically falling onto the bed.
“Javier, you okay?” His fathers voice sounded from the other side of the door, Javier covering your mouth with his hand as you started to giggle.
“Yeah, pop! Just tripped!” He gave you a playful glare and pecked your lips to shut your laughter up. He waited for the sound of his fathers footsteps walking away from the door before he pulled away, shaking his head as he hovered over you. His eyes were soft, his smile sappy as he combed your damp hair out of your face. “You love me, huh?”
“Don’t rub it in.” You rolled your eyes and blushed.
“You wanna hear a secret?” He pecked your nose.
“Yeah,” you nodded and grinned at him as he pulled away again.
“I think I’m in love with you, too.” That was all the two of you needed to get you going again your hips straddling his as you flipped him over. Both sets of hands moved swiftly and frantically as you tried to tug off your clothing. Javier got frustrated with the buttons on his shirt and tore it open, the sight earning a moan from you as you finally kicked off your leggings. Javier grinned and flipped you back over, standing up off the bed and peeling his jeans off before joining you in the center of the mattress. “Tell me something, baby, are you done keeping me a secret? Because if I’m going to have you again, I want it all. The dates, meeting your friends, meeting your parents. All of it.”
“I’m done keeping you a secret. But…promise me we’ll ease in to this.” You looked up at him as he rested his hips between your thighs, your hand stroking his cheek. Javier’s eyes softened even more than they already were, his head nodding as he leaned in to kiss you softly.
“No sudden movements.” He mumbled against your lips and made you chuckle into his kiss, his chest rumbling against you as he laid on top of you. “We’ll take it slow. Just needed to hear you’re in it like I’m in it.”
“I’m in it, Javier. Deep in it.” He moaned at the desperation in your voice as you spoke, his cock grinding against your folds as he kissed you again, your arms pulling him tight to your body and legs wrapping around his waist.
“You wanna know a perk that comes with being in a serious relationship?” He mumbled against the skin of your cheek as he kissed his way to your ear. Your body was covered in chills as he spoke, a guttural moan spilling from your lips in response. “Means you can feel me raw like you’ve been begging for.”
“I haven’t been begging—“ He pulled away to give you an amused raise of his eyebrow to challenge your lie, your cheeks flushing pink. “Okay, I’ve been begging. Do you want me to beg again? Or are you going to stick it inside me and fuck me like you love me?”
He wiped your smirk away with his cock pressing deep inside your wetness, your jaw going slack as you kept your eyes locked with his. “I do love you.”
“Oh, fuck.” You whined as he drew his cock out and slid back inside, your nails digging into his back as you kept him flush against you. Javier grunted as his thrusts sped up, hips snapping against yours so loud that his father definitely hear all the way across the hall. He was fucking you breathless, and when you opened your mouth to speak, his thrusts interrupted your sentence. “Oh—fuck—yes—I—love—you.”
“My dad’s not gonna be happy in the morning,” he chuckled in your ear as the bed creaked with the weight of his thrusts. “We should wake up early and cook him breakfast as an apology.”
“W-we?” You asked through his thrusts, earning another chuckle.
“He should meet the girl I’ve been sneaking in through the back door all summer, don’t you think?” His hand slid between your bodies, hardly enough room to do much, but he still managed to stroke at your clit. Your grip tightened around his back as your orgasm began to build, Javier’s teeth biting at your earlobe. “You love me, cariño?”
“I love you, Javier.” You nodded as your face remained buried in the crook of his neck. He groaned at the sound of your confession, his hips working deeper and fingers strumming faster. “I’m going to cum, Javi, baby. Please…please!”
“Cum for me, cariño,” he growled in your ear, his knees sliding against the sheet as he struggled to continue at his brutal pace. “Come on, baby. Let me feel it. Give it to me.”
“F-fuck! I’m…oh my god!” You started to cry from the force of the orgasm, your body shaking as your mind went blank with pleasure. Javier didn’t last even a minute after feeling you squeeze him, spilling inside of you with another animalistic growl straight into your ear.
“Mi bebita, te quiero mucho.” He kissed your cheek and buried himself to the hilt, your head nodding as you remained completely fucked out in his embrace. He pulled away after feeling one of your teardrops on his shoulder. “Hey, are you okay?”
“Yeah, that was just really good.” You chuckled as he wiped your tears away. “I think it would be really nice if we made your dad an apology breakfast. But I can’t promise I won’t have red cheeks the entire time with the knowledge that he’d heard me getting absolutely wrecked by his son.”
Javier laughed at that, his lips pecking yours before he pulled out and laid down beside you, cuddling you close. “He’s probably going to be just as red as you, baby.”
“And you?”
“I’ll be too busy with my thrown out back to blush.” He grunted and reached to hold his lower back, the area hot and tense. With a chuckle you urged him to lay on his stomach, your thighs straddling his as you started to massage him. He let out a thankful moan at the feeling of your hands against his sore muscles. “I warned you that night at the bar, do you remember?”
“Hey, you made it three months without throwing your back out. I think that’s something to be proud of.” You leaned over and kissed in between his shoulder blades. “I’m glad you forgave me.”
“I’m glad I did too, cariño.” He hummed, a smile forming in his face. “Now get back to work.”
“Yes, sir.”
taglist: @joelmillerscoffee @ajeff855 @wildemaven @axshadows @sherala007 @browneyes-issac @tooflef @mariasabana @tae27 @kimm4710 @stxrrylunatic @sara-alonso @paulalikestuff @jbh-castaway @oceandolores @mandomover @chxpsi @auberosier @mashomasho @vanemando15 @wickedmunson @marvel-sw-lover @jediknight122 @harriedandharassed @star-wars-fan-2005 @alwaysdjarin @jalobro @trickstersp8 @mccn-bcys @manuymesut @tanzthompson @jlmaddinson (sorry if your tag isn’t working!)
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Paul × fem!reader
AN: reader has affinity for shiny things. Goblin child behavior. Reader also thinks in first and third person chaotic because I do.
AN pt.2: I'm doing the request but Tumblrs on more crack than usual and deleted my draft twice. Take this please as my peace offering.
On vacation from college you decided on Santa Carla. You were aware that you should probably be doing a summer job but your craft business does well on it's own and you really didn't feel like visiting your family. Having to physically see and hear their judgment and harsh comments that's already been omnipresent during your entire time at college.
Now in a cheap motel you open your suitcases and spare cash, fully intending to have fun tonight. You grab your ripped red jeans, mesh long sleeve top, and black tank, hurrying to get dressed and out.
Driving there didn't take long, probably due to the fact you might've broken a few laws. You were exited to finally go somewhere out of the scrutinizing eyes of your teachers or the judging ones of your dorm mate and parents. You find a place to park and wasted no time getting to the entrance.
You slow down, go up the steps, looking around with something probably akin to stars in you eyes. You were practically trembling with excitement at the sights surround you. You couldn't decide what you wanted to do first everything looked fun and it wasn't even all of it. You wanted to check out the ferris wheel, that patch stand, oh that stand has ice cream, oh there seems to be live music going on, and there's stand with pins over there and–!
Okay, slow down. You can do those all with time! You scold yourself, forcing yourself still.
What first? Well probably don't want to carry a bunch of things around all night so you'll come back to those. Your eyes fall back on the icecream stand. Bingo.
Walking away from the stand now happily with your cold, creamy cone in hand you pass the vendors with patches and pins with slight longing but no problem. Towards a section leading further into the board walk you pass another more vendors that you let your eyes scan over for your return. It wasn't a problem really, until your eyes caught sight of something shiny yet again zero in for probably the 30th time.
Again, no problem except this time you couldn't bring your eyes away. It was a necklace with an intricately cut bat with deep read eyes. The bat was mid flight and to its feet was connected a just as detailed blood moon. Touching it revealed that the moon also had little gems in it, explaining its entrancing glittering in the light.
I don't need it now. I'll get it later. I said I would. But that was for things unwearable, it'll be gone before you get back. It's SHINY. Before you even knew it you had payed for the necklace and it was around your neck.
You sigh walking further down the boardwalk. Curse your weakness for shiny things, but it just glints so nicely. Goblin like behavior is what your sister would call this. Your affinity for picking up random objects that stuck your fancy or collecting animal remains such as skulls, exoskeletons, and disembodied wings often earns you scorn from your parents, playful jabs from your sibling, and outright disgust most times from your dorm mate.
After you go on a few rides, your hair now tossed better than you could've done in the mirror, and played a few games, winning a couple small trinkets, (ring toss is fucking rigged) you find yourself at a carousel. Oh my damn Oh my damn Oh my damn fuck yeah.
Unfortunately it was in the middle of a ride at the very moment so with much sorrow you decided to head over to near by stand and get another frozen treat. By the time you got in line the ride was over and you could happily make your way up looking like a kid on a sugar high, which is most probably the case with the tempting stands throughout this wonderland promising cotton candy and other treats.
You picked a horse with blonde hair and blue decorations and latched on with your legs and hastily grabbing for the pole when it jerked to a start, still going at your icecream with one free hand. Leaning on the pole, you looked out at the crowd passing by along with the night sky and aloud the comforting motions of the horse to lull you into to a sense of ease.
Your ears caught the methodical sound of chains over the music accompanied by laughter and boots hitting the metal of the platform, causing you to perk up slightly from your spot. Twisting your head you see two boys come walking out from around the turn along with two others following right behind them. Practically hopping around the carousel they were definitely grabbing attention which their attire could do on it's own. Leather jackets, boots, chains, patches and mesh came your way as you settled back to your spot leaning on the pole.
You let your eyes drift towards them, enjoying the sound of chains and bouncing hair. They're eyes were drifting towards most girls they passed, locking eyes and leaving them staring after them. As they got closer one kept sticking out to you, kinda like when you see a specific item and you try to look at something else but your eyes just wander right back and you feel something tug. Kinda like your necklace, huh. A thought keeps flitting through your mind as you look on, pretty, sometimes accompanied with shiny.
The metal on his jacket and bracelets kept glinting in the lights of the ride as he bobbed through horses and his hair flew around his face looking like it could be either crunchy or fluffy. Hair products maybe? His friends came and went by and you continued looking at him while lazily working on your icecream. You kind of expected him to go right by like the others had but as a pleasant surprise turned to look at you and make that couple seconds of eye contact.
Meeting his gaze and cheeky grin, you gave him a lazy smile and a small wave, a small feeling filling you, before you turned to your icecream and him back towards the others. It was barely even a few seconds before you found your eyes drifting back in his direction just to find his gaze already on you.
Did you slightly panic? Yes. Ogling and making eye contact with someone is one thing. Looking back at them after said eye contact to find them looking like they're ogling you is a whole other. It took you a moment to realize he was making his way back and you had only a second to mentally prepare yourself.
In that second though all you could feel was a tug, something akin to when you would find an epic rock or a shiny bat necklace with moon. That second one is mostly more accurate. While being distracted by the new tug you felt you didn't realize he had made his way to you already.
"Hey there sugar." He said as he took the pole in his hand and swung around to your other side. "I know I couldn't have missed something as sweet as you around here," he leans in "unless you've been hiding from me." His teeth click around a lollipop in his mouth as he rearranges it and smiles that same grin as before. Given your state of being you kind of really hope you come off as sort of casual. "Well I'm not." You barely know what your doing. Is this the flirting my sister foretold? Am I doing it right?
All you know is that sometimes people think you are flirting when you're not and when you are people stear clear. But he seems to be anticipating something as his grin get bigger and the candy clicks against his teeth as he rearranges it again. His hair looks fluffy this close up but then again– hair products. Could be crunchy. No, stop.
"Not what, sugar?" You finish up your cone and say "From around here." Thank goodness your voice actually seems to be steady. Giving a cheeky grin yourself, you continue with "Also I don't hide." Lies. You're literally hiding from your parents right now. He moves the candy in his mouth again and your eyes follow.
Suddenly two thoughts popped into your head: hey we stopped and do it. Usually you're mentally beating your brain with a bat to prevent any intrusive thoughts that pop up publicly that could get you into trouble. Tonight though your brain seemed to be hyped up on the little adrenalin punch this interaction has been gifting you. As he goes to speak you grab the stick from his mouth, startling him. You hop off your horse and turn to him, "You ever wanna find me I'll be around here the next few days. Remember, I don't hide, so don't you go and start." You pop the candy in you mouth before hopping off. What the fuck am I doing.
You head out the gate with as fast as a pace as you can with out looking like you running away, feeling all kinds of giddy and anxious. Glancing backwater putting in some distance with the sight of what ever tragedy or miracle just happened (yet to be determined) you see him leaning against the rail with his friends talking. There's one thing that make your steps stutter before continuing though, he's already looking at you.
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wayward-dreamer · 8 months
Some of my thoughts on Gen V that no one asked for but I have to express myself somewhere lol...
I'm really loving the show so far!!!
I had been excited to see what it was going to be leading up to its release, but I will admit I was apprehensive as well. Spin-offs have been subject to a lot of scrutiny of late considering those and reboots are Hollywood’s favorite kind of media to create in recent years, and I was worried that this show would just try to cash into the success of the mothership, The Boys, but I really do think it stands on its own. It feels fresh and has its own social commentary on serious issues that are authentic to this show and don’t just feel like borrowed ideas from The Boys.
We have characters dealing with some pretty heavy stuff (self-harm, eating disorders, gender and identity and A LOT of other things) but I love that even though their powers are physical manifestations of those issues, they still use their powers for good and want to be actual heroes. Which they are. This show, unlike the mothership, is actually a superhero show without feeding into the oversaturation we’re experiencing with all the comic stuff right now.
So why is this show the ‘superhero’ show?
Well, because it’s dealing with a younger cast of characters that want to do good despite the exposure to Vought and its overbearing marketing strategy of The Seven. They all talk about wanting to be apart of The Seven and wanting to be powerful, that they’re “made of steel” and can handle that life, but as they get further into the plot of this show and its mystery, they realize that Godolkin University is not the place they believed it to be. It’s most definitely not a safe space for them to thrive, to borrow a line from the show. These characters might have powers, but they’re nowhere close to being like the supes we know from The Boys. The minute they feel something’s off about the school after Luke dies, they start risking their lives and their futures at God U in order to find out the truth.
What’s something we’ve seen happen time and time again on The Boys? Whenever something happens at Vought tower, The Seven does everything they can to protect that thing from becoming public, they cover things up or go after the person that’s threatening to expose them.
The characters in Gen V do the exact opposite. They’re doing everything they can to find out what’s going on at God U with The Woods, and Sam, and why Luke/Golden Boy did what he did. In many ways, despite their powers, they are ‘the boys’ of this show. They’re basically doing what Butcher, Hughie, MM, Frenchie and Kimiko would do if they found out something was wrong at the university.
The Boys is the authority (Vought and The Seven) looking down, and being able to see what’s going on in the outside world. The supes are selfish and choose to look out for themselves rather than care about the people that adore them (with a few exceptions like Annie and Maeve). Gen V is the youth looking up, completely unaware of what actually goes on in that tower other than the franchising and marketing of the supes, learning to be selfless and wanting to help each other as they form bonds and closer relationships.
And I fucking LOVE that!
It’s two sides of the spectrum, it’s nuanced, it’s so completely original. Yes, there are references to supes like Homelander, Maeve, A-Train and The Deep. We’ve even met a few others like Polarity and Tek Knight (FINALLY!!!). That has to happen in order to build this world out and create a space for Gen V to exist in, but it still feels like even if you didn’t watch The Boys you could easily watch this. It has its own loveable characters, its own intrigue and mystery, and has its own things to say about the world.
I absolutely adore Emma with every inch of my heart. I love Jordan as well, they’re such an amazing character. I’m really loving Cate’s story, and I don’t think she’ll become completely evil. She’s a product of the corrupt system, and she’s being manipulated to do things by Dean Shetty just like Vought has manipulated so many in the past. I really think she’ll come around considering she’s been remorseful about her actions the whole time. I sort of had a feeling that this would happen with her. A character with the power to get people to do whatever she says by her touch? Yeah, she’s definitely going to be used as a pawn. While I did think this would happen early on, it still didn’t feel predictable, and a lot of people were very surprised by her turn, so I’m glad about that.
I do of course love Marie, but she's the main character so we're immediately positioned to like her haha. I think she and Annie have a lot of similarities, especially in the first episodes of each show.
I think the only character I don’t feel a solid connection to yet is Andre. I really want them to do more with him, because he’s damn powerful and capable of a lot more than they’ve given him to do. Hopefully his character picks up in the next 3 episodes.
Dr. Cardosa mentioned he’s perfecting the V to turn it into a control device. Considering everything that’s happened with Homelander, with Annie quitting The Seven, Vought is losing its grip on the supes and they need something like this to keep them in line. So I think that’s what will come into play in season 4 of The Boys.
I’m really excited to see what happens next and how they end this season. I really hope they get confirmed for season 2, because I think the writers’ room was already being hired before the strike. So let’s see what happens with that!
Also quick ship talk! Jordan and Marie supremacy, I love them! I love Sam and Emma as well, they're ridiculously adorable. Not really feeling Cate/Andre but it really is just a coping mechanism for them I believe, I don't see it going anywhere.
P.S. Can we speculate about who Marie's benefactor is?!?!
I think it's Victoria Neuman. We've seen from the og trailers that she's got a cameo, so I'm sticking to that guess.
Fuck I love this universe so much!!
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windvexer · 1 year
Hi there Chicken!
Do you have a good fast cash spell?
In my specific paradigm a good fast cash spell has got to have Fire and Earth.
It's got to have Fire if you want it to be fast. Fire goes very quickly, you see.
It's got to have Earth if you want it to be physical, material, tangible. Earth brings substance. If you wanted like, a good business idea for making money later on, try Air instead.
A candle will serve for adding your Fire. It may be of any color, but a color you associate with money or wealth is best.
Plant allies serve very well for adding in Earth. In my experience, Chamomile and Basil work excellently as a team for the purpose of drawing in a good amount of money and being able to hold onto it.
If you like, conceptualize Chamomile as being gold coins, and Basil as being a big green sack you carry it around in like that billionaire duck.
Most ideally work on a Sunday or Wednesday (although any day will do just fine).
If you like, anoint the candle with a little oil (any oil is fine) either from top to bottom (drawing down into your life) for a taper candle, or clockwise (generation; sun-wise) for a tea light or jar candle. This is optional and mostly functions to telegraph your intent to the magic, which is a great eldritch beast eager to play along but desperate to be let in on the rules of the game you're inventing as it watches.
Light the candle.
Now communication is key. You do not need to be able to hear anything back (but mind any gut instincts of the nope variety). But you're a squishy human that communicates in strange squeaks and clicks, and to the world of magic you're as about as predictable as a kitten with the zoomies. The spirits need to know exactly what's going on here, like a bunch of concerned apartment dwellers trying to figure out exactly what you're getting out of eating plastic. So do your best to explain yourself.
The candle is lit, yes? So let's carry on.
Indicate to the Chamomile and Basil what the hell they're supposed to do, as they can do many things and have no way of knowing that you're after money in this particular instance. Communicate with them plainly (or if this is not Fancy enough, write up little rhymes to chant over them - I suspect plants like having their own odes very much and they are a great icebreaker when working with new allies).
Anyway, clearly indicate to the herbs and candle in whatever way you desire (thinking loudly, speaking, signing, and so forth) that the three of them (Chamomile, Basil, and Candle-Flame) are to work together as a little team to get you some fast cash.
Communicate something like, "Candle-Flame, you eat so fast - your life is a thousand little explosions every second. I need that kind of verve. You give your energy to Chamomile and Basil, and elevate them with eagle wings of flame, so they may soar with speed to do my bidding."
And then something like, "Chamomile, your face is like a gold coin on a satin pillow. You are a money sprite, and bringing wealth gives you great joy. So do me this solid: take the power that Candle-Flame gives you, and go find me at least $X amount of money. And if you cannot get me $X amount of money, get me at least $Y amount of money. And if you can't get me $Y amount of money, send me some sign to help me know why this could not be done for me. And in all things work with Basil."
And then furthermore say something like, "Basil, your blossoms are like spears and your leaves are like shields, and your roots know all the secrets of treasure and wealth within the earth. You are a soldier of fortune, so I will hire you now: Make good space in my life for $X amount of money. Sew a hidden pocket into the fabric of my life so money may be left there without getting lost or stolen away. Prepare the way for Chamomile, so when she returns with my money, she can easily give it to me. Adorn yourself with a cloak of flame from Candle-Flame, and drink its fire to warm you up, so that all of this may be done well and fast."
Okay, so then get your little offering (a shot of whiskey will do, or some bread, or I don't know, and offering).
And say, "Candle-Flame, Chamomile, and Basil, thank you to the three of you for hearing my request. In exchange for this work I give you this offering, to make you strong while you work for me, and for your enjoyment. But if you have already decided not to work for me due to some unintended slight between us, take this offering as a gift so in the future we may meet as friends."
Now at this point you'll likely want to seal up the spell in some way or another, like with a good ol' Picardian make it so or maybe a nice amen or so mote it be or whatever you like. Or maybe you like to tie things up by visualizing everything "getting to work" or whatever.
Take up the herbs and put them in a little container (it should not be airtight; the spirits must be able to come and go), perhaps a small fabric bag or a dish. Put the herb container right next to the offering and the candle.
Let the candle burn all the way down. Do not remove the offerings until the candle is burned down (remember, Candle-Flame should be able to enjoy them too). So it's better to use a smaller candle. Leave the offering overnight or longer if you can.
Later, go back to the offering and clean it up in your usual method.
Regardless how the spell manifests, it's polite to give another small offering to the spirits as thanks for coming through. This is just good business; you want to be known as someone who strikes a generous bargain and treats their helpers well.
When manifestation is achieved or all hope of manifestation is lost, dispose of the herbal remains in whatever way you like. The candle stub may be disposed of immediately after burning down, or wait and dispose of it with the herbs.
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seilahscopium · 1 year
𝑻𝒐𝒃𝒊 𝑶𝒕𝒐𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒊 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒅 𝑪𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔 𝟐
♡ I grant a wish for whoever summons me and take one thing as a payment ♡ 𝐒𝐰𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: my current 2d man that i’m obsessed with. a man who doesn't even have a voice. he’s not even in an anime. hes in two music video that should be an anime. No, I have not read the manga, this is all my personal viewpoints after watching the music videos. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♡ oh and his cash that he’s saved up for one day of paradise? yeah, he’ll use it on you. now he’s not rich or anything but he doesn’t mind spending his cash on his special someone if they need something. doesn’t mean he’s gonna blow through all the cash either. if you need some new clothes or you wanna go get a snack then sure, he’s already putting on his shoes so you can go out together. ♡ he always likes being together. makes him feel comfy. even if his face is blank. He gets this very warm feeling knowing you’re right beside him. now I wouldn’t say he’s…possessive or yandere. but it’d still be hot if he were. 100%. he’s just protective is all. ♡ his habit of smoking... so basically, he doesn’t stop but he certainly doesn’t do it as much. if he sees you’re nose scrunch up or something then he won't ignore it. he’ll just turn his face while you’re getting your soda can. or even if you’re sleeping, he’ll go out and smoke so it’s not around you. he doesn’t think you’re pathetic or anything, but I just think he wouldn’t smoke right in your face. ‎‎ ₊ there’d be a little distance between you two, but you still hold his hand and play with his fingers. i would like to imagine though as your relationship progresses through the years that it's so rare when he smokes that you almost forget he smokes at all.   ₊ he absolutely loves when you play with his fingers. it brings him such calm and tells him that you're there with him. it’s probably one of his favorite forms of physical affection.  ♡ Speaking of physical affection, Tobi is so weak at the knees for it. IT MAY NOT SEEM LIKE IT. but if he wants the cuddles it’ll start with him hugging you from behind. he loves cuddling n snuggling and all of the kisses when you two are alone. in public it’s just hand holding. and if you really want a kiss, he’ll give you one. then when you get home, he’ll re-pay you with ten times more kisses. ♡ yes Tobi is very protective of you. It shows when he holds, your hand. hes big on handholding. it’s like his way of showing he always has you and no one can hurt you. can also be used to give reassuring squeezes between the two of you. makes sure you don’t get separated in the crowd. most of the time he’ll take over if someone is making you mad or invading your personal space. of course, he’ll always look for a minute to see if you’re mad but regardless, he’d always come to stand by your side. ♡ i feel like because he’s quiet…when he’s VERY HAPPY he’ll smile. but most of the time it’s in his eyes. his eyes say his current mood and if he’s happy.   ♡  hes very supportive. if you’re crying, he’s there. if you want space, he says alright. if you need his opinion, he says what’s best for you. he doesn't say anything that could pull you down just to keep you safe. he says what you need to hear and that helps you grow. some see it as harsh but in reality, its exactly what you need. ♡ he’s quite literally the “if I had to choose between the world burning or you, it’d be you”. yes. hed pick you in two seconds. hed let the whole god damn world burn. he would fight whoever came at you. hed beat them all. ♡ Tobi is just very sweet. a pretty crier. a protective puppy. but he loves how you are you and how that is separate from you and Tobi
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thinking about the hc where warlock wasnt the first time aziraphale and crowley godfathered someone. they also did;
cain and abel
jesus christ
and i. well. considering their fates i can see why godfathering wasnt the first thing that came to mind. like imagine them watching the first humans have their children and since the Rules havent been established fully, they dont even bother to conceal their blessings and miracles. it turns into this whole thing, but eventually eve is like "we want you to help us raise them because you're so Kind" and while crowley (crawly at the time) grumbles about it, he agrees. and they teach the brothers, raise them well, one brother for angel and one for demon (you can decide who's who) but their efforts are not enough to stpp them from being human, nor to change god's whims, even if the children seem more inclined to listen to crawly in comparison to aziraphale. sometimes, his counterpart refuses to entain the angel's boring preaches, while crawly never had any trouble with retaining the appeal. and it being so early, aziraphale worries. not enough to raise the alarms, but just kind of sigh and keep trying. he has Faith, after all.
and even after god starts taking less grain, they still attempt to keep the peace even as their wards become adults, have their lives and their emotions, but their teaching means nothing. cain and abel, over the years, developed the quality all siblings possess; not knowing when they went too far, and not knowing when the pain becomes real.
abel still dies. it's bloody. they watch.
and jesus. its like all the kingdoms of the world but from the get go. also like raising warlock, except crowley's (she's really thinking about changing to that name, testing it out sometimes) trying to genuinely turn him to evil when he's six while aziraphale's trying to nuture his good nature. crowley's teachings, like aziraphale's all that time ago, seem to bounce off the child like rain. she keeps trying, though, just to file the paperwork. besides, jesus is actually oddly funny. he likes wood carving, and skipping stones on the pond because it reminds him of another time. crowley usually encourages jesus to throw rocks at the nearby ducks, just to cash in some evil points, but jesus simply looks, and that is more than enough of a no. aziraphale likes this kid. he could get used to having him as a friend.
and even after jesus grows older, teetering towards the dreaded age of 33, crowley and aziraphale cling to it. they know what his fate is to be, and they cant help but try and prolong it. jesus knows, of course--and lays it down gently. he's ready. that's what they all say, before the first bolt is nailed to the cross.
jesus dies. it's bloody. they watch.
and then there's warlock. soon to be anti-christ. well, they have some notes from the last couple times; get close. very close, close enough to physically yank him by the head to the right direction if they have to. dont say you're an angel, dont say you're a demon, or he'll be inclined to one or the another. be firm, disguise command as guidance, because here, there is no room for error. unlike the last few times, here they must mold the anti-christ. not softly push, mold. that was their mistake, and with so much at stake, nothing can be put to chance--it doesn't stop them from getting attached, yes, they still skip stones and plant daises, but only for the job. its not that they can befriend the hellspawn. he's unbefriendable! and yet! even at nine he still likes bedtime stories and travel sweets and moterbikes and math, it's all become a little too similar. regardless, they keep pushing on. he's becoming normal.
maybe this child will be the lucky one, they think to themselves more often than they can admit to the other. unless they fail. maybe warlock will die, be bloody, and they'll have to watch.
maybe. maybe not. they just can't let it happen, this time.
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simm-mouse · 1 year
Today I'm gonna be talking about the hidden Nervous that's in the game's files. The dude is seen in story images, the friday the 13th video, and even has his own memories. Olive even remembers THIS Nervous as her son, as she remembers giving birth to him. So what the hell is going on? I know that Strangetown already has problems with its data, and this is probably one of them. But it's fun to make it part of the story.
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By looking at their memories, you can see that they are different from each other. Nerv remembers moving in with the Beakers when he was a teenager. While the hidden Nerv remembers moving in as an adult. What makes it more confusing is that the Beakers remember Nervous moving in when he was a child. It's pretty odd even without hidden Nerv, we got two different answers as to how old Nervous was when he moved in. So who's right? Let's say he moved in as a child since it's two against one. This ties into my theory of his aging process being all messed up. At the time Nervous moved in when he was a child, probably around 11 or 12. However his body aged up to where he looked like he was around 14. Nervous could also suffer from dissociative amnesia from the trauma and stress he has from living there, which could have him forgetting things about himself, like his age, Olive before he was taken away, and other foster families or orphanage that had taken care of him before the Beakers adopted him. Which is why he thinks he was a teenager at the time.
Back to hidden Nerv, why is he shown to have moved in as an adult? Why does he look different than the one that's playable? I'm gonna connect this Nervous to the psp version. Psp Nervous and hidden Nervous are pretty similar when you look closely. They both started interacting with the Beakers as adults, while psp it's said that he was employed as their test subject due to being short on cash and looking for a job. That could be the same reason for hidden, or they could have kidnapped him one day. They both look different from Nervous, though psp has a reason, as the limitations prevented him to look like the pc version. Both of them also died, though hidden is shown dying by a meteorite in the friday the 13th video and not from one of the Beaker's inventions like psp. At least both of them are free
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I think that they're the same person, no, the same clone of Nervous. That's right, not only do I agree with some of you theorizing that psp and hidden are clones, but I think they're the same person. They are too similar to not be the same clone. I will admit there is one flaw. In hidden's files, there's an alternate icon of him as an elder
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Why is this here, were the Beakers torturing this old man? I wonder if this is the result of both his physical aging and being experimented on. I think that they cloned Nervous after he ran away, and hidden was cloned as an adult. Which would make sense as his memories saying he "moved" there as an adult. He also could have been lying to the other residents. Hidden knows about Nervous and that he's a clone, so he tries to look different from him as best as he can when sneaking out, though he already looks a bit different from looking at his face. Which is why some of his hair is dyed in psp. Could be bi or something since he has a girlfriend.
His disappearance could be due to more residents finding it odd that he looked very similar to Nervous and the Beakers ended up hearing it from someone. So they made sure he couldn't leave, and the torture was worse on him because of this. This left him feeling more miserable than he was before. How he ended up looking 60 was from the Beakers seeing if they could switch up the effects of Mortimer Goth's elixir of life, by aging up someone. Of course they used their lab rat to see if this was successful. They probably were going to age him back down, but after one more test. Since he was already in a terrible state, the experiment that was done on him was the final nail in the coffin, and he died. Well shit, looks like we gotta get rid of the body and make another rat. Poor dude, I wanna give him a cookie
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That would be hella weird to find that out for Annie Howell. Like you come to terms with your boyfriend dying and before you knew that you thought he ran off and left you for another. Then later on you see him looking different with his husband and stepson. Like what the hell, and it turns out your bf was a clone all along. That's gotta suck
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purplekoop · 6 months
Koop Talks About... (#2) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990) A Shell of a Classic!
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So not something I saw during my trip, but something I did get during my trip. Out of my house's fairly extensive DVD collection, one shameful omission was the original 1990 Ninja Turtles movie. I'd seen it before several times, by Netflix or TV viewings or other temporary means, but it was something we conspicuously didn't have to keep. It was actually the only theatrically released Turtles movie (available on physical media as of now, sorry Mutant Mayhem) we didn't have: we had its two sequels, and the Bay movies, and the 2007 CGI movie "TMNT", but not the original, which is a shame since... I mean yeah I like this one a lot, that's what the post is for. So, very glad that during a flea market trip with my partner over the thanksgiving break, we found a DVD store selling it for cheap. I uh... spent all my cash I had on me during the trip, so thank you Duck, this post was made possible by and is therefore dedicated to you!
Just watched the DVD now while wrapping up christmas decoration in the living room with family, and while my teenage (ha) younger sister was eye-rolling at first, we were all sitting down through to the end well after finishing the tree. My mom was a turtles fan back in the original cartoon's heyday, so it's not hard to convince her to give anything with the heroes in a half shell a try. Meanwhile, I grew up with the 2012 show (I was like 10 when it started but those are details for later), saw the Bay movies when they were relevant, saw some episodes of the '03 show on Nicktoons, and somehow managed to see the 90s movie trilogy for the first time in reverse order. guess I was saving the best for last?
Anyways, preamble over, time to talk about the movie.
First off, I just wanna appreciate how much this is a 1990 movie. The fashion, the hair, the reference humor that's already dated to be nearly incomprehensible nonsense but in a way that's charming. And I gotta say, as much as I am a stickler for video quality sometimes, the amount of graininess in the opening shots (maybe not helped by me standing so close to the TV, the tree was right next to it and I was hanging ornaments when the movie started) had me giddy. Maybe in part based on a cynicism to modern, hyper-streamlined mainstream media, but it's just nice to watch something from a few decades back and just be relaxed by the different, calmer energy.
Speaking of old school though, I can NOT hold off talking any longer about the highlight of the movie: the practical effects. They bring the characters to life in a way that is genuinely unmatched, I don't think any computer-based effects have approached anywhere near the sense of sincere realness that the animatronic effects and suits in this movie bring. The small facial expressions, while not a perfect illusion, still have so much more life in them than I would think possible for fancy suits now, let alone over 30 years ago. Plus, the fact that they're physical, real entities adds so much more weight to some scenes. The scene in the farmhouse where Leo just pours a cup of water over Raph's shell has such feeling to it, the fact that the scene has so little visual trickery makes the scene hit so much better than it would otherwise. Seeing the pattern on the back of his shell, and the water going over it, just. it's so cool that it's all real, no cheats, and it makes the whole thing feel more real and alive.
The heroes of this movie are the engineers who designed the suits, who managed to make lifelike characters that could emote and invoke emotion just as well as they could move around for fight scenes, and the in-person actors who had the dreadful task of wearing those suits. These suits look great but they were anything but pleasant to be in, especially trudging through sewers and doing extensive fight scene stunts. From what I've heard of the on-set horror stories, the heat was the most unbearable part. As much as I sing the praises of the effects in this movie, I feel it'd be tasteless to not also acknowledge the suffering for the art here.
(on a lighter note, I should also mention that the same animatronic/suit hybrid tech that went into this movie is, I'm fairly certain, almost the exact same tech used to make the FNAF movie. I figured that's worth bringing up.)
I guess I should also mention how the characters actually look. The design of the turtles is a bit offputting at first, but very quickly becomes charming, very much helped by the aforementioned fantastic facial expression tech to ease them out of the uncanny valley. They really nail the balance between realism and fitting the original cartoony silhouettes. I don't wanna berate the Bay movies too much here because that's not exactly breaking new ground, but I feel like in something as important as the designs of the turtles, the older films waaaayyy surpass whatever the hell the 2010s movie designs were with their weird, inscrutable faces and wonky proportions. Those aren't inherently terrible realistic mutant turtle guy designs, I can see what they're going for at least, but they're not the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The goofy mascot suits of the 90s are a much cleaner bridge into a realistic depiction of the animated show's designs, with familiar proportions but more organic textures in a way that feels natural. Splinter, who isn't a suit character but I believe some sort of animatronic puppet using some similar tech to the Dark Crystal vulture dudes, is also similarly a great shift into realism using the original cartoon design as a basis, but his effectiveness is I think even greater because of how well this design gives his presence in the movie such an emotional anchor point. He's a bit ragged and dirty-looking, and his missing ear gives his design a bit of grit, but his face is hard for me to not read as cute. It makes the scenes later in the movie where he's battered and bruised but still has those sad little puppy eyes and gentle kindness to his mannerisms. I think also his slow, deliberate mannerisms turn the limitations of the tech behind his depiction into a strength. He genuinely looks like a gentle old creature who for all we know could just pass out (or away) after getting roughed up just a little too much, probably because the puppet wasn't much more stable than it looked. This is in contrast to the more frequent livelier depictions of Splinter who actually can move around at high speeds. Maybe I'm biased because I've got a small 14 year old dog who's prone to having matted fur and has a bit of a rat-shaped face. Honestly, as much as I like the sleek and imposing look Splinter has in the 2012 show, I think this movie's iteration may be my favorite design for balancing realism and "rat factor" with still being a cute and appealing design, though "appealing design" with the context of the visual style of the movie, my sister at least found him to look a little creepy at first. Which, hey, giant rat man who lives in the sewers, I guess that's not unwarranted.
So we've talked about how the characters look, but what about what they do? More specifically, performances and writing and junk.
I like the characterization of the turtles here, it's a bit subtle but they very much all still feel in-character. Raphael is sort of this movie's main turtle more than anyone else, having the most solo scenes and all at least early on. To be honest, especially given the limited backlog of source material at this point, this is a really solid and nuanced characterization of him. I think Raph's best iterations are described as "a tempermental ass because he cares", and not just "a tempermental ass". He gets mad because he takes things seriously and cares about people. In this movie specifically, he's the most proactive to go out of his way to help people. When helping April ends up getting Splinter kidnapped, he's devastated and it weighs on him until they get him back at the end. His VA delivers a ton of lines with incredible emotion, while also selling some great comedy that doesn't feel out of character either. The other turtles are a bit less interesting but their core traits are still there. Leonardo is the respectful leader and goodie-two-shoes who's still passionate but knows how to keep his cool, and his usual butting of heads with Raph is both believable and resolved nicely without dragging on too long. Michelangelo is... the funny one who makes slightly more reference jokes and is comic relief more often. And Donnie. Is also there. Look, he doesn't get to do much in this movie, they don't do whacky gadgets or anything, but I remember he gets to do more in the sequel at least. His main role is just being a comic relief partner with Mikey, which did get a laugh out of me pretty much every time. The A- team is a solid duo for a reason. I think it is also worth pointing out for newer fans that Donnie was a lot more low-key back then than he is in the 2012 show and later stuff. As fun as the more bombastic recent depictions have been, I still appreciate his role here even if he does feel a bit like "the fourth one who is also here."
Splinter is... a very nice and gentle Splinter. Not too much to say on him that I didn't mention or allude to when talking about how he looks. His soft-spoken and kind voice makes you really want to see him make it through okay, and he doesn't come off as an overly harsh teacher even in the most dire circumstances. Again, as much as I love 2012 Splinter, like I REALLY love a ton about 2012 Splinter, this movie's version is just so pleasant and likeable, he sells the emotional moments that ground the movie.
Oh and also human characters exist. To be transparent, I was in and out of the room and not fully sitting down for the early parts of the movie for this viewing, which is a bit of a slow start as we mostly follow April as the plot gets established. This is fine though, and actually doesn't drag on for too long before getting to "the good stuff". I don't have much to say about April, she's well acted and her role in the movie makes sense. Her hair is extremely 1990, that's something.
I also need to acknowledge that the human characters very much feel like side characters. This is the turtles' movie, and it feels like it is. They give them plenty of screen time to express their personalities and have a central role in the story, without using human characters as a lame shortcut to make "relatable" characters. They let the leads be the leads, which I think is a general sin of modern movie adaptations with their obligatory relatable boring human characters hogging screentime from the title characters people are actually here for. The relatable human sidekicks here are established from the source material, but don't feel tacky like the first Bay movie where the boring human lead is stuck pushing the plot forward for a significant time before the real fun characters are allowed to exist.
Casey Jones is a hard character to mess up I think, even his Bay movie adaptation is entertaining to me. I honestly didn't remember how soon he shows up, and despite my concerns he doesn't really clutter the movie as much as I would've thought. His inclusion feels pretty natural, and he plays off the story pretty well and has a distinct role in it. He's acted well (another great source of jokes distinct in delivery from the turtles) and definitely looks the part, though his relationship with April feels... well a bit tacky and a little forceful, chemistry is a little wonky and some scenes make me wince a little, but I've seen worse from mainstream movies, and arguably even with other officially-endorsed April ships (2012 my guy I love you to death but what was UP with Donnie about April, why was that necessary).
And then last classic character of note is Shredder, who... isn't too much of a personality, but his plan and role in the story is oddly cool? Instead of vague and overly ambitious global domination, this is the most low-key Shredder we've seen on screen. He wants to run a vaguely realistic criminal empire, and how he does it is by having teenagers join his ninja clan like it's a street gang out of an 80's anti-drug PSA. His lair isn't an imposing evil villain castle or sci-fi base, it's a warehouse or something filled with arcade cabinets and kids who aren't old enough to vote smoking cigarettes. I swear there's like actually a 9 year old in some shots. It's a believable ploy to get a loyal workforce, using cool toys and language like "we're a family and nobody in the outside world respects you" to get the loyalty of vulnerable kids, plus it also explains how the foot soldiers in this movie are kind of bumbling idiots when they're... y'know, primarily teenagers who are barely trained. It's such a simple but realistic kind of villainy, but it doesn't demean Shredder's fear factor just because he doesn't have as grand of ambitions. When he shows up, the fact that he's a serious threat is still conveyed. Admittedly his connection to the turtles feels a bit more shallow and flimsy than in other adaptations (again 2012 the GOAT ilysm), but he still puts up a way better fight than... the angsty teenagers he dressed up in bug-eyed ninja masks, I guess. Plus he looks cool, gotta admit the red sounds silly at first but he makes it work. If you want some more insight on why this version of Shredder is so cool, check out Gaijin Goomba's "Which Ninja" video on the character as a whole, going over his weaponry and characteristics and how true they are to real historical ninjas. I think it does mention a pretty notorious spoiler about the 2003 show version of him, but mentions fairly little from 2012 and the video was made before Rise and Mutant Mayhem, so safe if you haven't seen those.
This is easily my favorite live action Turtles movie, and as of now (noting that I haven't seen half of Rise or any of Mutant Mayhem) is my second favorite turtles thing in general, beaten only by the 2012 animated series, which is one of my favorite shows of all time. That show pays pretty good tribute to this movie, taking some of its minor plot points and extrapolating them into not just shallow references, but whole episodes and even story arcs based on what are only minor details in the movie. yeah I know, the movie is also based on the comics, but I'm bad at reading things and also an uncultured swine so sue me. I do gotta wonder how annoying I was legit pointing at the screen leaning forward at times pointing out similarities, down to the cars they drive in and out of the city. If you're like me and that was your first exposure to the turtles, this is a natural and very glowing recommendation.
Even if you're not a turtles fan though, this movie is still a classic just about anyone can enjoy. It's a movie with genuine heart on its sleeve, plenty of charm, and a solid benchmark adaptation of the characters, all made all the more believable by the top-notch practical effects that brought them to life on the big screen for the first time. Maybe a lot of the charm for me is the suits and that it's a few decades old now, free from the chains of more modern cynicism. Even with this movie's tacky quips and (formerly) topical reference humor, it didn't reek of modern pop culture lazy writing, but maybe it would've if I was around it back then. Or maybe they really don't make 'em like they used to, I dunno, I don't care, this movie's neat and it being old maybe makes it like it more and that's fine I think.
I plan on getting the box set for the 2012 show for christmas, so maybe consider this a preface to me finally gushing properly about that. I might also cover the other theatrical movies, I'm excited to rewatch Secret of the Ooze and none of the others (besides Mutant Mayhem I'm looking forward to that one). Honestly I think I give TMNT (2007) a bit of a hard time, and I remember thinking Out of the Shadows was decent at least. Also until I do some more research into finding epic and cool ways to watch them easily, don't expect me to look into watching the other shows in full yet, those are gonna take a bit longer.
As usual, zero clue what I'm talking about next, so stay tuned.
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glitterslag · 2 years
Give us some jealous Eddie headcanons
Thanks for the ask my dear 💜 once again I've written a whole ass essay>>>
Eddie's a jealous person, but he keeps a lot of that bottled up inside.
Before he and Chris were official, obviously he'd be jealous having to see her with Jason. Especially because Jason likes to flaunt their relationship all over the school. I'm talking canoodling up against the lockers, the whole nine yards. Towards the end, Jason knows his boyfriend status is in real jeopardy, so he's much more physical with her in public, too. Like a dog trying to mark its territory (gross!). But of course, Eddie can't say anything about that. All he can do is suffer in silence and try not to look.
I think it's a bit of a double whammy for him because he knows he could treat her better, he knows they're better for each other than her and Jason every could be. That's why it's so maddening. But at the same time, he's crippled by self-doubt and insecurity, so he can't help but compare himself to Jason.
He's never looked up to the popular crowd in the same way other kids at school do, so it's not that. He wouldn't be caught dead playing basketball, or exhibiting "pep" (the horror!). But Eddie knows he's a burnout. He knows his grades are down and that he's heading nowhere fast, even if he does manage to graduate this time. He's never thought of himself as very good looking, either, not in the cookie cutter, prince charming way that Jason is. So all of that combined means he doesn't think he'd be worthy of someone like chrissy. It just wouldn't make sense.
Chrissy pretty much loses all her friends at the end of the school year, what with her being grounded, breaking up with jason and isolating herself from everyone by refusing to come to social events (even after she's un-grounded). During the summer before college, Eddie is practically the only person Chrissy sees outside her family, and maybe Tina occasionally (I think out of all the cheer girls, she'd be most concerned for Chris, and force her way into her world whether Chris wants it or not). Anyway. Because of that, Eddie isn't exactly competing for her attention at this point, so jealousy probably wouldn't be something that played a huge factor in their relationship that summer. I think if anything, though, Eddie can be prone to obsessing a little over Chris's past with Jason, wondering how he's comparing. Whether he took her out on better dates. He probably was able to spend more money on her ((as if chrissy cares about that, but from Eddie's perspective it's a big deal and he's feeling inadequate😥)). I feel like something Eddie has always dreamed about being able to do is to hand his girl a wad of cash and be like "here baby, go get your nails did." But he pretty much thinks he'll never be able to do things like that for Chrissy.
I don't think he'd dare say any of it out loud, though. He's honestly just enjoying things while they last. He knows Chris is off to college in the fall, and he has no expectations that things will carry on beyond that. He has a finite amount of time with her and he just wants to make the most of it, so he tries to push bad thoughts out of his mind.
The pair of them get really close really quick, though. I mean, they already were close, but now that schools over and Jason's out of the way and they don't have to impose boundaries on their friendship anymore, it's different. They see each other most days while Chrissy's parents are at work. They talk on the phone or the walkie talkies for hours every night. That's not to mention the making out and... other things they've recently started doing, too. Chrissy even sleeps over at his house if she can get away with it. It's not often, but if her parents are ever working late, or if she can manage to feed them a lie, then yeah. She's packing her overnight bag.
So by the time Chrissy does leave for college, it's not so easy to just let her go gracefully, like Eddie had planned. He's upset, but he doesn't make her promise him anything except that she'll call. Keep him updated about how her life's going. And at first, she does. But that drops off after a little while, which I talk about in this fic.
He'd even talked about driving up to see her (it's not far, totally doable to go there and back in a weekend) and she'd seemed keen for it. But when nothing more gets said about it after she leaves, and what with her going silent on him and all, he doesn't wanna suggest it again.
By the time Christmas rolls around he's pretty sure she doesn't want him after all. He's sure there are other boys who've caught her attention, ones far better than him. Smart, nerdy boys destined for law or finance. Hot, sporty, scholarship boys on her track team. Squeaky clean fraternity boys he knows her mom and dad would just eat up. He probably tortures himself thinking about it, inventing brand new ways he's never thought of before in which these figments of his imagination could be better than him.
In reality, poor Chrissy's spending more nights alone, crying in her dorm bed, than she is socialising. College has been hard. She's not the star cheerleader anymore. Not that she'd really wanted to be, going in, but she finds she wants to cling to that identity for comfort. Only she can't anymore. Little fish, big pond, all that stuff. Classes are tough. She's lonely. You'd think that would only make her hang on to Eddie all the more, but it does the opposite. She's embarrassed. She's supposed to be having the time of her life, and she really, really doesn't wanna have to tell him that's not true. It's not like he would judge her or anything, but she's putting a lot of pressure on herself to thrive, because she's expecting everything to be the same as in high-school. Expecting it to be as easy to make friends, to "succeed" (whatever that means). So she tells him half-truths. And then she stops talking to him at all.
Eddie's pretty intuitive, though, and his jealousy is trumped by his concern for Chrissy. He loves her, only he hasn't told her yet (and like hell does he plan to). She comes home for a while and she caves and tells him a few things, and he understands her a little more than he did before. They both resolve to make more of an effort during her second term. They make a go of a relationship. Chrissy promises she'll make a go of college. Stop sitting out on the sidelines and be brave and just throw herself into it. Eddie promises he'll drive up when he can, swizzle weekends off work where possible.
After that, there's probably always an undercurrent of jealousy still, probably on Eddie's part (she's away all the time mixing with these college guys, and it's not that he doesn't trust her, it's more that he's aware his girlfriend is beautiful and he knows they'll be looking at her and he can't stand the thought). Something he's learning about himself is that he can lean a bit possessive at times. I guess it only comes out when he's in a relationship. He feels like he only just got her - the best girl in the world, the ones he's been dreaming about for over a year - and now she might get taken away from him by college and all of these new possibilities. Of course he's freaking out.
I think all of that starts to die down once they've been together properly a little while. Once he realises she isn't going anywhere.
Eddie doesn't know if he'll ever understand why it's him she's chosen, when as far as he's concerned she could've had her pick of any guy in the Tri-state area. But if there's one thing he does know about Chrissy Cunningham, it's that she sucks at lying. With him, anyway. So he thinks he's gonna have to start accepting that she does want him. That this is happening. He's gonna have to make sense of it somehow.
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decimalpointed · 2 years
ST Fic Prompts because while I love to write, there's a very good chance I won't get around to finishing anything I've started.
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Ghost AU - Steve can interact with ghosts but knows better than to mention it or really talk to them much cause once you help one ghost out one time they all wanna chat. The ghosts can't do much more than be verbally annoying so it works out. Except then Barb dies and it turns out people killed by weird Upside Down bullshit can do a little more than talk to him. They can basically interact with Steve like he lives on their plane of existence. Barb saves him from the bear trap in the Byers house and they get along well enough because Barb is smart and doesn't blame him for what happened. She mostly still just hovers around Nancy and her family but occasionally comes and hangs out with Steve when she is bored and its nice. Bob is the same way when he dies, pops up at Steve's house to talk about Joyce and is overall unobtrusive. Billy and Eddie are both assholes who are not unobtrusive and instead love to mess with Steve. At first with Billy its annoying but then Eddie comes into the afterlife and their antics just build from there. (Originally saw this as BillyxStevexEddie but honestly it'd be great however really)
Modern Sugar Daddy Steddie AU- Eddie is a small time drug dealer who makes some extra money from playing shows with his band around the city. He has never been wealthy and is okay with that, but then Wayne gets cancer and suddenly he really needs cash. So he finds himself a sugar daddy because it seemed easy and quick and he is a high school drop out who was once upon a time accused of murder. Steve Harrington is his age, good looking,funny, and ridiculously wealthy so he keeps waiting for the catch. The catch is that Steve keeps a nail-bat beside his bed (which is scary as fuck), has a group of 6?7? teens that come and go from his house as they please (which every time Steve makes him slip out the balcony window and leave like a creep in the night so they don't see him), and when they are blissfully alone and uninterrupted sometimes Steve will just get up for no reason and stalk through the house with the bat in hand checking every window and door lock like 4 times like a man possessed. Eddie finds it weird and frustrating but he is literally getting paid to put up with it so he can't complain. Then when he is sneaking out one of the little gremlins catches him and suddenly he is thrown into this strange codependent family unit that really is a bit charming. (For this one I figured no supernatural stuff and maybe the kids got like kidnapped or trafficked by Russians and Nancy went to look for Mike and Steve and somehow Robin got involved and they were all captured (except El who grew up with the evil people) and a bit fucked up about it after they all escaped. Then the Russians could come back and Eddie could somehow get involved in it too and they falllllll in looooovvvveeeeee. )
Time-travel Hopper POV - Any combination of characters (preferably like 3 or 4) time travel back to the end of season 2 and they end up saving Bob (though they try to go back further but missed) . They are there physically instead of going back to like their old bodies and when they all get to the Byers house everyone is freaked out by these older doppelgangers who just kicked ass like it was nothing. Because it was nothing and they are from a post s4 where demo beasts have overrun everything and almost everyone is dead and a few demodogs feels like a walk in the park. This future group is hardened and missing limbs or eyes (like max blind but still badass) and they are quiet and disturbing. (Originally had this idea with Nancy, Steve, Max, and Vamp Kas Eddie being the travelers but super fucked up. Like Eddie killed a bunch of the group before he had control again, Max is obsessive compulsive about her Walkman always playing and is always holding onto someone, Nancy puts her back to a wall every time they get to a room and has way too many weapons, and Steve being a drug addict to the high he gets when he let's Eddie take blood cause then he doesn't have to think about shit)
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