#ily Med come back soon
ibtisams · 1 month
Med @fairuzfan’s blog got terminated by tumblr which is obviously unjust for all the people who rely on them for resources on Palestine, but it now leaves Hussam’s helpgazachildren donation drive without a point of communication, and has deleted all previous information Med had shared about the drive.
Please remember to keep donating to helpgazachildren as Hussam’s hard work getting resources to families in Gaza should not have to be hindered while Med is working on getting their blog back 🤍🇵🇸
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httpdwaekki · 4 months
migraine | b.c.
summary: you were known to have pretty intense migraines but chan is there to help you feel better.
wc: 1.9k
warnings: no warnings, just pure fluff, tad bit of hurt/ comfort, sweet channie as always, and in true ashton fashion far too many petnames lmao. very lightly proofread (p.s. i am in my wolfchan lover arc, need him immediately.)
a/n: omg ashton got lost in the sauce again? * gasp* shocker! yeah this took me way too long to write but whatever. i actually don't hate this which is crazy but this is self indulgent because i get some pretty intense, nasty migraines that can last a couple days and it sucks. but if you suffer from the same thing i hope this can bring you some comfort and also i recommend a gel cap that you put in the freezer. an actual game changer, trust. anyway, i hope you enjoy! remember to eat, drink water and take your meds, ily <3
*lowercase intended*
my library
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(pictures are not mine! credit to owners!)
you had some pretty nasty migraines, no secret to you or chan. they last anywhere from a few hours to a few days and while there were things to help lessen the pain and pressure, sometimes you just had to ride it out.
this was unfortunately one of those times. now usually you would call chan as soon as you felt the first telltale sign of a migraine . this time however, you didn’t, you knew he was busy with work and didn’t want to interfere with that. but you were selfishly starting to regret that decision as everything you were doing did nothing to help.
it seemed like everything did nothing but increase the pressure in your head, spreading to your face. in a last ditch effort to get some sleep you put on some migraine music, pressed a cold compress to your eyes and pulled wolfchan to your chest.
the soft plushie smelled faintly of chan’s cologne, the only thing actually helping you relax. but it also made you miss the aussie man, wishing he was by your side, rubbing your temples, softly lulling you to sleep.
you didn’t even realize you were crying until you felt a warm tear drip down to your neck. you knew you had to calm down or you risk making everything worse but you couldn’t. you were overwhelmed by the pressure in your head and frustrated with nothing helping to release it.
you felt selfish and guilty but you knew you needed chan, you felt like you were going insane without him. hesitantly you moved the compress from your eyes, grabbing your phone.
despite the brightness being on the lowest possible setting, you felt a sharp pain behind your eye as the screen turned on. you unlocked your phone, clicking chan’s contact, you quickly typed out a message.
to channie <3 :
hi, i’m so sorry to ask but i really don’t know what else to do, i have a migraine and nothing's helping. i know you're working but is there anyway when you finish up at the studio you could come over? even for a little bit, if not i totally get it, just thought i’d ask, love you bug.
you hit send, locking your phone, placing it on the soft sheets, placing the compress back over your eyes. a few minutes passed before you felt your phone buzz beside you. you move the cold compress once more, bracing yourself for the light from your phone.
from channie <3:
can you call me jagi? i don’t want you to keep looking at your phone screen, love you too sweet girl.
you click his contact once more, hitting the little phone icon next to his name causing the calming music to stop, a loud ringing replacing it. this caused you to wince and quickly lower the volume before putting it on speaker so you could place the cooling pack back over your eyes.
it didn’t take long before he picked up. “hi my baby, what’s going on?” he asked softly.
“my head hurts,” you started, words slightly slurred. “it’s really bad channie.” you take a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down. “i’ve tried everything and nothing’s working, i don’t know what to do.” you softly cried, tears making their way down your cheeks once more.
“okay angel okay, take a deep breath, i need you to relax for me okay? i know it hurts but it’s gonna hurt worse if you’re upset.” you hear rustling in the background.
“i’m just finishing up a few things here and then i’m gonna head over, okay sweetheart?” you respond with a soft whimper, followed by a quiet, “okay.” you press the pack further into your eyes, chasing the coolness that is quickly leaving the gel filled pack.
“do you want me to stay on the phone with you till i get there?” he asks softly, packing his bag.
“yes, please.” you mumbled. “okay baby, just keep breathing and focus on me, okay? i’m gonna pick up some food on the way too, okay?” you hummed in response, rolling over, pushing the soft plushie to your cheek, breathing in the familiar scent.
“everything okay?” you hear changbin ask in the background. “yeah, y/n has a migraine, so i’m going to help her.” chan responds.
“oh no, i hope she feels better, let us know if you guys need anything.” you hear han chime in, your heart swelling at the boys concern.
“will do, thank you, i’ll see you guys later.” you hear him open the studio door making his way into the hallway.
“you still with me, jagi?” he asks softly. “yeah, i’m here.” face squished into the soft fabric. “alright sweetheart, i’m gonna mute for a bit just until i get to my car, okay?” he asks, the elevator dings in the background, signaling its arrival.
“okay.” you say sleepily. “i love you baby, i’ll be right back.” you hear him press a button in the elevator. “love you too bub.” your words slurring slightly.
after chan muted, you felt yourself slowly succumb to the exhaustion, phone positioned next to you on the sheets, wolfchan tucked safely against your cheek, you, curled up in a soft blanket .
that is exactly how chan found you about 25 minutes later as he walked in your room, the space dimly lit by the oil diffuser sitting on your bedside table. he left the take-out bags sitting on your kitchen counter, fresh compress and cold water in hand. he gently places the water on your desk, making his way over to you.
he grabs your phone, ending the call before turning off the relaxing music. he sits next to your sleeping form, gently taking the warm pack off your face. he places a kiss on your forehead before placing the fresh compress on your eyes.
you tense for a moment, before relaxing as the cold begins to relieve the tension once more. you stir awake from the sudden change in temperature. “channie?” you asked, sleep laced in your voice.
he places a hand on your hips, his thumb rubbing soothing circles to the area. “hi, my baby,” he whispers. “how are you feeling hm?” he asks, continuing the soothing motion. you move the cool pack, grabbing his free hand, in this lap, threading your fingers together before placing a kiss on the back of his.
“better now that you’re here.” you murmured, giving him a small smile. he smiled back before leaning down and placing a kiss on your forehead.
“i got you some ramen, i’m gonna go grab it for you okay?” you nodded, him standing, still keeping your hand in his. he leans down to press a soft kiss to your forehead before placing the compress back over your eyes, grabbing the warm one to put back in the freezer .
he gives your hand a light squeeze before walking away. you relax into the soft mattress below you while chan goes to grab the hot soup and some medicine just in case.
he walks in with the tray, setting it on your desk next to the cold water collecting condensation on the wood below it. he makes his way over to you, sitting next to you once again, gently lifting the pack off your eyes. “there she is,” he placed a hand on your cheek, setting the compress next to you.
“hi baby.” he smiled, softly stroking your cheek. you give him a small smile back before turning your head slightly to place a kiss to his palm. “can you sit up for me please?” you nod softly before slowly moving to lean against the wall behind you.
“careful jagi.” he whispered, quickly placing a hand behind your head. “thank you, bug.” you mumble, adjusting the pillows behind you, placing wolfchan in your lap . chan stands up once more, placing the water on the tray before bringing it over to you.
“thank you, chan, you really didn’t have to do all this.” you say, guilt creeping up on you once again. he shakes his head. “nope, none of that. i’m your boyfriend, this is my job.” he places the tray on your lap, taking his place next to you once again.
“plus, i love taking care of you. if you need me, i’m there. any time, any place, simple as that.” your heart swells, you feel a lump form in the back of your throat. “you can’t say stuff like that when i’m like this, i’ll cry.” you play with the plushie’s ears before feeling a finger lift your chin.
“i love you, and i’ll always be here for you, no matter where either of us are, okay?” he said, looking into your eyes, with nothing but love and sincerity. you nod, “i love you too.” he smilled, carefully leaning over to place a kiss on your forehead.
“now, you need to eat, i got your favorite.” he says, picking up the hot soup, opening the lid, before separating the chopsticks. he dips the wooden sticks in the soup, giving it a stir before grabbing some of the noodles.
he gently blows on the steaming noodles before offering it to you, container under it to catch any dripping soup. you giggle, “you know i can feed myself right?” he frowns, pushing the noodles and container closer to you. “eat.”
you smile before opening your mouth, accepting the food he so generously offered you. a smile made it’s way onto his face, feeding you a few more bites. he placed the container back down, chopsticks resting in the soup, before grabbing the medicine and water.
“take these.” he placed them in your hand, opening the water as you dropped the pills in your mouth. he hands you the water, watching as you greedly gulp down the cool beverage. “ how are you feeling, angel?” he asks gently.
“it still hurts but i think eating and drinking definitely helped.” you smiled, handing him the bottle. “ good, i’m glad. eat a few more bites then we’ll lay down, okay?” he says, picking up the soup once more.
you end up finishing the ramen before he grabs the tray and the now warm compress. “do you want a cold one?” he asks holding up the pack.
“yes please.” you nod slightly. “okay, get comfy, i’ll be right back jagi.” you smile laying back down as he leaves the room.
he comes back, shortly after, with a fresh compress and another bottle of water. he places the water next to your diffuser, placing the compress over your eyes. he circles the bed, climbing under the covers.
he lays down, pulling you into him, placing your head on his chest. you place your arm around his wait, hand slipping under his shirt, rubbing your thumb across his soft skin.
he brings his hand up, rubbing soft circles on your temples, placing kiss on the top of your head. “sleep jagi, we can shower when you wake up okay?’ you nod slightly against him.
“thank you, channie. i love you, more than you know.” you mumble, tightening your arms around him. “i love you too baby, i’ll always take care of you, okay?” placing one last kiss to your hair.
that’s how you stayed for the rest of the night, wrapped up in each other’s arms. the pressure in your head, slowly releasing, finally able to relax.
reblogs/feedback are appreciated! i hope you guys enjoyed!
do no repost
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cherriesformatt · 3 months
9 months || matt sturniolo part 3
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matt x fem!reader
summary: just how you and matt figured out life during your pregnancy
warings: pregnancy, suggestive, being sick
word count: 2,2k
a/n: guys thanks so much for all the notes 🥹 means a world to me and 100 followers wtf 🍒ily im not that proud of this one. Let me know if I should still keep going with the next part. Didn’t proofread yet!
The doctor said I couldn’t fly till my second trimester. I was really sick and pregnancy wasn’t easy on me. So we decided that we will wait to tell our families because we really wanted to tell them in person. Chris and Nick were great with keeping the secret. No one besides 4 of us knew. Even Laura and my boss didn’t know. I worked from home so I was able to do my job even when I wasn’t in my best form.
I had basically 3 babysitters now. Matt, Chris and Nick treated me like glass and to be honest sometimes I liked it (mostly when I was rotting on the couch and needed a snack) but most of the time I just yelled at them that I really could do everything without them staring at my soul.
When I was so sick all the time Matt decided that I should just stay with them for now. But the next thing I see is him moving my entire apartment here. I was pretty minimalistic so I didn’t have too much stuff. I just didn’t extend my rental and decided that would be for the best now.
My doctor said I was clear to fly when I was 16 weeks pregnant. So we organized trip to Boston. Sooner than later because I was starting to show and also because I already felt better. I gave up and started taking meds to stop being so nauseous. Every time I would try to gave them up everything would just make me sick.
Justin picked four of us from the airport and I took a passenger seat in the van. The flight was pretty good. I was just tired. The car had an air freshener and it’s smell just make my stomach flip.
“Oh no” I said and released I did not take my meds in the plane because I was sleeping. And also I couldn’t find them in my bag.
“Justin pull over …please” I kept my hand on my mouth.
He looked at me and when he saw me he momentarily did pull over to the side and I just jumped out of the car and threw up. I felt my hair being hold and a gentle hand rubbed my back.
“It’s okay baby… just let it all out” Matt said with his voice being worried.
When I was done I rinsed my mouth with water that Matt gave me and looked at him.
“This air freshener gotta go” I said quietly but he did take it out before I got back in.
“What are you pregnant or something, kid?” Justin looked at me jokingly but I only smiled at him awkwardly.
That’s how he found out.
MaryLou, Jimmy and boys grandma found out because Chris couldn’t keep his shit together.
“No she doesn’t drink” Chris said after their dad offered me my favorite wine. I was the only one who would usually share a glass or two with them and Justin. I was also over 21.
“How come? That’s your favorite” Jimmy said but I just looked at Matt.
“O fuck I’m so sorry” Chris said realizing but it just made it worst. We had to tell them now and then.
“So we came here… not only because we missed you but also to share some news with you all” Matt said really calmly.
“We’re having a baby” He aded looking at his parents and I just gripped his hand really hard.
“Oh my…” MaryLou said and she stood up and came to us and just gave us both a hug.
“You won’t believe this… but what I told Jimmy when you went to drop your bags upstairs. I said something is different… and you honey.. you’re glowing” She looked at me and honestly I couldn’t see that but I heard that a lot lately.
“What can I say…. I didn’t expect that so soon but congratulations kids” Jimmy came up to us as well and gave Matt a reassuring shoulder squeeze and I got a big smile.
“Oh Matty… I always knew you’re going to be the first one to give me great grandchildren” Their grandma smiled at us and Matt just went to her and gave her a big hug.
Rest of the night we spend watching their old videos and baby photos and I just cried so many times. Because I realized I couldn’t wait to have the baby here with us.
They took the news so well and I was really stressed about it because at first I was always worried about being older than Matt and now I’m also older and pregnant.
But they just always made me feel like home here and the rest of the trip just went so well. Talking to someone with so much experience gave me just more power to get through it all.
Then we did my family after coming back from Boston. I didn’t want to put myself out for such a long flight. Since my family was back in Europe. So we did what I dreamed about since I saw that commercial back when I was in middle school.
“Everyone…I want you to meet someone” I said while we were on a family group chat FaceTime.
I stood up and Matt readjusted the screen so it was on my belly. Which I swear was just bigger everyday. I felt like weight was lifted off my body, because not telling my mom and siblings about that was hard. Everyone freak out and I needed to answered 100 questions but luckily my mom didn’t make us say we will get married before the baby comes.
Half way through we were just getting really excited and everyone knew. Everyone except the whole Internet. But honestly that wasn’t to hard to keep from. We always did keep our relationships private and I wasn’t that much on social media so it was alright.
Also that was the time when I just couldn’t resist Matt. I honestly felt like jumping his bones 24h and I’m not even kidding. That was his favorite part of me being pregnant.
We also did decide that we rent a house that went in the market in the same neighborhood that the triples lived now. And we got the house so we started to renovate it like we wanted it. Boys were happy that it’s literally next doors but also it’s our own space that we would need to learn to have.
Nick was filming and photographing all weeks of my pregnancy. At first I didn’t like it because I was camera shy. I usually worked behind it. And now when I’m looking at Polaroids he made me take every week. They made me so happy.
“I love the name Noah” Matt said while his head was on my boobs and his hand on my belly.
I smiled. We didn’t want to know the gender till birth so while we talked to the baby we just called it “peanut”.
“I actually love it too… and we could do N O A H for a boy and N O A” I said and he looked at me so happy that I liked his idea.
Me and Madi would go shopping sometimes and all we did was just buying baby stuff. Most of the stuff I got were the ones I’ve learned from birth classes. I was obsessed with reading all the books about newborns and every now and then I’ll see Matt reading them too when he was not working.
One afternoon Chris came back from his meeting and he was so excited. He handed me w bag and I opened it.
“Chris are you kidding me? I’m going to cry” I put two mini sets of fresh love on the table. One was blue and one was pink.
“That’s the cutest thing that I have ever seen” I hugged him tightly.
“That’s from your favorite uncle kid your first outfit” He said looking at my belly and I froze because I felt a movement inside. First time ever so hard.
“Oh fuck… that was so weird” I said.
“What happened?” Chris stepped away from me.
“The baby is moving and I can feel it so well! Oh my gosh it did it again!!”
“Can I feel it?” Chris asked clearly exited.
“Yes..give me your hand” I said and I put his hand where I last felt it. And when the baby did it again I looked at him.
“Did you feel it?” I asked and he just looked at me with his eyes wide open .
“I did… a little.. that’s so weird… bro you’re a hero” he said.
“What’s that screaming all about?” My boyfriend joined us in the kitchen.
“I just made your baby kick!” Chris said.
“Oh my goodness are you just gonna claim it on yourself?” I laughed.
“What?” Matt came up to me and put his hands on my belly.
I readjusted them and looked at his eyes.
“Now…she did it again” I said and his eyes widened.
“That’s… wow” he said.
“I know” I whispered.
“You also just called Peanut a “she”” Matt smiled.
He knew I was having dreams about us having a daughter. That was another thing since I was pregnant. I had so many vivid dreams.
“Oh that was an accident…” I said.
After my 32nd week we had everything ready in our house and we started to sleep there and hang out. I worked there too. I had my little office. But I started to be really tired so I took my time off. Matt was really happy about it. Because we had more time to spend together, just two of us before there was a three people in the pack.
He was just perfect. He would rubbed my feet when they were swollen and give me a massage every night. He talked to my belly so much and just loved us both to the moon and back. All this time it was really hard for us but he made it so easy in the same time.
When I was freaking out the day my waters broke. He just packed a car and kept his cool. He was beside me every second. His brothers and our moms outside the delivery room.
“That’s a nice one if I’m going to have my baby to this song I might actually name it skies” I said in between taking my deep breaths. I let everyone be part of my delivery day playlist. Lil Skies was currently playing for the 7th time.
“Oh please baby” Matt laughed and rubbed my back as I rolled myself on the ball trying to get through my constructions.
When it came to actual pushing I thought I’m gonna kill everyone in the room. I decided that I wanted to give birth in water. So when I was ready we moved to the pool that nurses got ready.
Matt was siting behind me telling me sweet nothings while I was screaming and holding his hands so hard that I’m pretty sure blood couldn’t get to them.
While I heard crying in the room that wasn’t mine. Everything just went away. All the pain. They put the baby on my chest and I hold it.
“It’s a girl…” One of the nurses said and I kissed her temple. She was so little.
“We have a daughter…” Matt whispered as he hold as both. Both of us crying at this point and just couldn’t believe it.
“She is perfect” I whispered and touched her little nose.
“You both are, you’re a hero” Matt kissed my head.
When they took her for check up. Nurses helped me to get myself together while Matt went to take a shower. Took him 5 minutes because he was scared to miss the moment they will bring her back. I actually couldn’t keep my eyes open after they gave me pain meds I just passed out.
When I woke up there were flowers, balloons and gift bags everywhere. And I saw Matt at the corner of the room with little Noa on his bare chest.
“Matty…” I whispered.
He looked at me and stood up holding her. He was so natural about it.
“Look mama is up” He gently placed her in my open arms and I looked at her. I could just stare at her forever.
“Is everything okay? What’s all of this?” I asked quietly.
“Both of you are great, you slept some time, you deserved it, I send everyone home after they saw Noa for a little bit. That’s all form the favorite uncles apparently” He said with a big smile.
“They’re crazy…come here on the bed” I said and moved a little. He did as I said and I rested my head on his shoulder.
“Thank you…she’s so perfect” Matt said and kissed my cheek.
“Well we did it together I just had more work” I laughed.
He did too and Noa opened her eyes and looked at us. But didn’t cry. She really was perfect. Well she was a Sturniolo after all.
That’s all I needed. My little family.
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your works are jaw dropping broOOO. gorgeous. a work of art. you SLAY at writing hcs i love it so much i really hope you can write more <33
demon slayer povs: the hashiras tending to your wounds
this comment really motivated me to write more of this TYSM ANON ily
wc: 1.1k>
he’d probably complete the whole procedure silently, as he’s scared you’d waste your energy talking to him
you saw him carefully unwrapping the bandages and painstakingly wrapping it around your arm as you slightly winced at the pain
‘oh-, y/n, you okay? sorry, I didn’t mean to do that,”
you reassured him with a small nod as he gently continued to wrap the bandage, placing a kiss on it once he was done
“thanks hun,” you smiled weakly at him
“get well soon, darling,” he said before he got up to fetch some water
just like giyu, he’d do it with silent treatment though you’d hear kaburamaru’s quiet hisses along the way
throughout the bandaging, he momentarily stopped as it reminded himself of the time where he had to bandage his own mouth to hide his traumatic scars
“darling, you okay?” you asked, worried at the sudden slight widening of his eyes
“oh, its nothing,” he shrugged it off, but you sensed that it had something to do with the bandage on his mouth
while he was calmly wrapping the wound on your leg, you leaned down and placed a heartfelt kiss on his forehead
“you're beautiful just the way you are,” you said as he glanced up at you
his eyes crinkled slightly; you knew that put a smile on his face
she’d probably tend to your wounds the loudest way possible, constantly asking if you were okay
“oh dear, y/n, this looks terrible,” a pouty frown emerged on her face as she cleansed your wounds with cotton pads. “you okay??”
“im fine, honey, don’t worry too much,” you replied with a smile as you admiringly watched her bandage up the injuries on your knee
“alrighty! i hope this makes you feel better, darling. i put some ointment that kocho offered,” she smiled cheerfully, as she gave you a gentle headpat
“thanks ‘suri, youre the best,” you returned her smile with an even happier one from you
would be quiet too but would occasionally check up on you
he’d go like “oh, does this hurt?” or “you feeling okay?”
you were technically the only person he could express his true behavior to
he’d be experienced in this kind of stuff since he had to take care of his mom when she was sick
the thought of his sick mom made him want to protect you even more. he’d already lost his family, he couldn’t afford to lose you too
he’d treat the wound as meticulously as possible to prevent it from worsening
“thank you, mui. you don't know how much i treasure you,” you warmly smiled at him
though he didn’t say anything back, you knew his smile was all you needed to see.
tbh i feel like he’ll just treat you like how he treated tanjiro when he got stabbed during the mugen train arc
“kyo, it huuurts,” you whined, hoping that he’ll do something instead of keep asking you to control your breathing
“okay okay, i’ll go fetch the med kit. make sure to control your breathing to stop the blood from coming out!” he darted to the other end of the house to get the necessities, his voice still loud as ever
when he got back, he tended to your lacerations as gently as possible, doing all of it with a proud smile on his face
“why the long face, y/n?” he noticed that your usual happy aura had dissipated all of a sudden
“i- i just hate being weak. i hate that you have to get distracted by your missions just to tend to my injuries,” you pouted, biting your lip
“my love, its part & parcel of your journey to make mistakes. as you continue on, you’ll find that these obstacles are nothing compared to what you’re actually facing. so, heads up, and look brightly into your future, okay?” he cheered you on while giving you a soft pat on the shoulder
“thank you, kyo.” you gratefully smiled as you dozed the rest of the evening off
he definitely wasn’t the best at playing it gentle
“ouuuch, nemi, be gentler please,” you winced as he placed a bandaid on your collarbone
“bold of you to say, y/n. somehow you don’t act like this when we’re making out,” he sneered, as he discarded the cotton wools in the trash
you were left speechless as an obvious blush sprawled across your face. only your boyfriend could make you like that, and you loved him for it
“yeah that’s right hun. now be a good toy and rest till i come back,” he taunted, though you swore you heard him mutter “get well soon darling” before he uttered those words
he most likely cleans injuries with flamboyance no matter how bad it was
definitely has custom bandages embroidered with random stuff just for you
you saw him putting on gloves and stuff although your wound was really mild
“tengen- babe, there’s no need for all this,” you sighed in embarrassment; your boyfriend would go out of his ways just to treat a mild scratch
“nuh uh, i aint letting you pass with this wound. it could be infected, who knows?” he cocked his eyebrow as he placed a not-so-modest looking bandage on your wound
“aight, i really hope that helps, darling! want me to bring you some munchies?” he chuckled as he packed back up the amenities
“there’s really no need for that, babe. you’ve done more than enough,” you smiled, softly caressing his cheek
obviously he couldn’t care less about your response as he brought you snacks and then cuddled the night away
DEFINITELY would come up with an antidote just to cure your injury
“darling, we need you back on the ground as soon as possible. all your mentees are worried for you, and i can't bear seeing you in a state like this, okay?”
in this case, your injuries were quite bad and she had to put you on an iv drip
after she was done tending to your wounds, she placed a soft kiss on your cheek
“get well soon, honey,” she smiled as she rubbed her thumb on your fingers
“thank you, love. i’ll definitely recover fast thanks to you,” you chuckled weakly, squeezing her hand and never letting go
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sjhhemmings · 6 months
Welcome Home
jeff clarke x fem!reader
a/n: hiii let me know if u guys enjoyed this. i got this idea when i was rewatching szn 2 of chicago fire and it got to the plot line where his wife left him after he came home from deployment. heart literally shattered :(( i’ve had this idea for a couple days now and i was inspired, sue me. ily guys, make sure you like, reblog, and do all that jazz to support your writers. hugs and kisses to you all, happy christmas season to those who celebrate 🎉❤️💚
warnings: swearing, fluff, kissing, anything i missed.
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Working a 12 hour shift the night before your husband comes home from a year and a half long deployment wasn’t your first choice.
Originally he was supposed to be home after 8 months, but then his contract was extended to 10 months. Then extended again to 12, then finally extended to another 6. Each phone call broke your heart worse than the last. There was nothing you wanted more than to see your husband again. Especially on the hard days when the only thing that got you through was the thought that your husband will be home soon.
3 weeks ago on the dot you got a phone call. Your heart shattered. You were certain that he was going to call and tell you his contract got extended another 2-6 months and that you wouldn’t be able to see him again.
*3 weeks ago*
With tears already building in your eyes and your heart in your throat you answer the phone with a shakey hello.
“Hi Baby! I uh, are you okay? What’s wrong?” Clarke’s voice was initially excited then dropped then second he heard the heartbreak in your voice.
“Oh, nothing. I just miss you is all.” Finally letting out a sob after the last sentence, you truly couldn’t stop the tears.
“Hey, hey, I miss you too. Everything will be okay. I just got some good news actually.”
“Oh yeah?” You say sniffling with a little more hope into the phone.
“Yeah, I just talked to my sergeant and he said I get to come home at the end of this month.”
The second you heard those words leave his mouth, you could’ve sworn your heart stopped. Time stood still. God had finally answered your prayers.
“Baby?” He asked after about 30 seconds of silence from your end.
“Yeah, yes, I’m here. I’m just-“ You cut yourself off with a choked sob. The amount of ecstasy you’re feeling right now is truly overwhelming.
“I know, I feel the same way.” He says with his voice cracking also.
“So, do you have an exact date? That you’ll be home?” You ask more composed after collecting yourself for a few seconds.
“Sarge is thinking about 3 weeks, but no later than 5.” He says a little more excited now.
“Jeff, I, I don’t even know what to say right now. I love you so much.”
“I know baby, I love you too. I actually have to go, Sarge is calling me right now, I’ll see you when I get home,”
“Yes, go, you’re fine. I’ll see you when you get home.” You say with a little giggle hanging up the phone because it’s almost too good to be true.
*Present Day*
Now you’re here, rushing around your house to get ready. You got home at 3 AM last night after an emergency trauma surgery at med. Of course it ran long, and of course you were supposed to be up and ready by 7 to see your husband finally come home.
“Shit, shit, shit!” You mumble to yourself as your looking for your other earring, and left shoe simultaneously in your cluttered house.
Fuck that was another thing you should’ve done. He hasn’t been home in almost two years and now he’s coming back to a dirty house.
Once you’ve finally found your other shoe, and your earring, you face yourself in your bathroom mirror and take a breath. Touching up your hair and buffing out a few things with your makeup, you’re ready.
You grab your purse and begin to walk to your door when the bell rings. Opening it hastily because you literally need to leave right now, you drop your purse at the sight.
“Y/N,” is all he says before you quite literally pounce on him. You wrap your arms tightly around his neck, and your legs around his waist. He holds your body up securely and with ease with one arm while the other combs through your hair.
You’ve imagined this moment for months now. What you would say, what you would do, how you would even greet him again? But all of that planning went out the window the second he stood in front of you again.
After maybe two minutes of you now sobbing all of your freshly done makeup off onto his shoulder, you pull your head back and cup his face in your hands. He lets you down to hold your face the same way. You couldn’t believe it. Right now, you’re staring deeply into the love of your life’s eyes. You two months ago would’ve never guessed this is where’d you be now. It’s almost too good to be true.
“You’re real right? I’m not dreaming?” You whisper with your faces barely inches apart.
“I’m real, you’re not dreaming.” He says both of you giggling at the butterflies swarming between you.
You weren’t going to lie, all of this time apart had you worried the two of you had changed. That when he came back nothing between you would be the same. That he wouldn’t be the same person who left. But after 5 minutes of him being back, you know that even if anything did change, he’s still the love of your life.
A little nervous to make a move you stay frozen with your faces just inches apart. You don’t know why, he’s your husband. You shouldn’t be nervous like you’re 12 years old on the middle school playground afraid to hug your crush.
Your eyes glanced maybe one to many times between his eyes and his lips and you watched his do the same, you slowly move your face in, slightly afraid of rejection, you grin just a bit as you notice he’s moving his face closer too.
The second your lips touched it was a slow and delicate kiss.
You moaned into his lips as you could feel more tears streaming down your face. This was the thing you craved most while he was gone. Just being able to kiss your husband after work. If it were up to you, neither of you would work again and you would just stay at home together forever. The passion and fire setting through your body grew.
Jeff ended up pulling away leaving you wanting more. You look up into his eyes through your hooded lashes trying your best to make sure this was real and not a dream.
“Let’s go inside.” He finally mutters through heavy breathing making your eyes light up. You walk backwards pulling him in as he’s grabbing his duffle bag with one hand and the other around your waist.
Shutting the door with his foot, he rips his shirt off making you truly question how sane you look right now. All you want to do right now is devour this man, but you hold yourself back as you admire his abs. Okay, maybe having a marine for a husband isn’t that bad.
“Are you just gonna stand and stare, or are you going to do something about it?” He asks seductively.
You chuckle at his challenge and walk toward him rubbing your hands down his chest.
“I could stare at this all day, baby.” You say now turning around also stripping your shirt off.
“You know what? No more games.” He finally says turning you around and carrying you over his shoulder into your shared bedroom.
Once you’ve finished having the best, most magical, passionate sex of your life, you’re laying tangled with your husband under the sheets never leaving if that were a choice.
“Abstinence was not for the weak.” You mutter as you listen to his heartbeat with your head on his chest.
“I know baby, you’ve been a good girl for me though, right?” He adds with a hint of worry on the last word.
“Always,” You whisper looking up at him and capturing his lips. “Welcome home”.
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deceitfuldevil · 1 year
congrats on 1k omg!!!!! i am going to request number 31 from the fluff list
"C-can you... hold me for a while?" "Of course."
with our most adorable boy peter parker because i MISS HIM SO MUCH!!!!!!! hope u have fun with it!!! x
I also miss the soft boy so much, and like most of my stories I simply must base this off personal events. (I woke up to blinding pain in my uterus)
Peter was always too good to you, no matter what he was going through (and god knows, he's been through a lot) he was always there for you.
Well... whenever he wasn't on patrol that is.
He was totally attentive all hours of the day besides that. Like about 12 hours ago when you had just walked into your shared tiny apartment after class, and Peter immediately stood up from whatever he was tinkering on to greet you. But it wasn't soon after then that Peter left for the night to go out on patrol.
Now fast forward to 12 hours later at the ripe hour of 8am on your first day off in five days, waking up to a horrendous pain in your abdomen. No need for a second thought, you knew your period had surely started. Not wasting a moment more, you got up from the full size bed you shared with Peter on the rare occasion he was there at night and hobbled to the bathroom. Downing some Naproxen to ease the pain and hobbling right back to bed, wondering, no, hoping Peter would come back home soon.
You spent the next half hour tossing and turning in pain, whining and groaning as you waited for the pain killers to kick in. The pain so intense a few tears slipping from your eyes, and all the rambunctious sounds of the city around you dulled out.
The little demon trying to carve its way out of you took your full attention, and you didn't even notice Peter sliding in through the window.
"Y/n? What's wrong baby?" Peter cooed softly. Limping over to the bed and kneeling down to be eye to eye with you. You wanted to immediately tell him what was wrong, but as soon as you saw his limps and the bruise on his jaw; you felt guilty complaining about the pain caused by your own stupid body.
"It's nothin' Pete..." you tried to brush his concern away, but of course Peter was relentless. Slipping out of his suit in front of you, left in his boxers and sitting on the edge of the bed. You still didn't want to tell him, but you had a feeling he knew. So you just asked, very softly:
"C-can you... hold me for a while?" another tear slipping from you eye as you weakly lifted up the blanket for Peter to join you.
"Of course darling." Peter assured you, slipping underneath the covers with you and welcoming you into his embrace.
Maybe it was the pain meds finally kicking in, but then again you were almost sure it had to be the soft and sweet way Peter was holding you in his arms. The way your bare legs tangles with his, and his slender fingers running through your hair. The pain started to dull out, and you started to fade to sleep.
Nothing made you feel more at home than when you were in his arms.
Once again thank you for the request and please send in more requests! I’m also going to see Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania tonight and I sooo excited.
Much Love,
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connorshalstead · 1 year
James Lanik Headcanons
Tw’s for self-harm and mental illnesses, stay safe. Ily guys very much.
James was an outcast from a very young age
He’s left-handed
And left footed so he struggles with that
He LOVES rock music
Not hard rock though.
He never exactly “fit in” anywhere, not school, not sports, not church, nowhere, really
He was raised extremely strictly catholic
As he grew up more, he lost his way in his religion, feeling helpless and horrible about how he felt, he fell into the habit of self-harm and severe OCD
It overtook his life for over 4 years, forcing him to take a break from school, despite his mothers wishes
After his break, he stayed clean from 11th grade to his med school graduation
He was also diagnosed with severe ADHD durning this time
He graduated with an associate’s degree in medical science and went to med school as soon as he left school
Went to med school back in his home city to be with his mother while his aunt battled leukemia
During that, he grew extremely close with his aunt, and when she died he went into an extreme depression right after graduating med school
Due to circumstances, he relapsed after all this happened
He stopped applying for jobs after she died, until he got an offer to the New York Children’s Hospital
He couldn’t handle the pressure of taking care of such young children that he quit after a year
That’s when he transferred to med
Med wasn’t a help to his mental health, with everything that went on there, it was such a culture shock from the children’s hospital, that he felt he had to have a complete 180° personality change.
He hid his OCD and depression from everyone with anger and self-absorption. Coming off as your everyday average prick to everyone he met
One day he finally broke down in the doctor’s lounge and Will found him and made sure he didn’t have a panic attack
They’ve been close ever since, despite pretending to still hate him
They even go out for drinks pretty often and they often stay in close touch after work as well
Dr. Charles helped him find a therapist and he’s slowly getting better, despite his compulsions
He has a severe hand washing and skin picking compulsion, he’s made himself bleed several times from it, and of course, Will’s caught him more times than they can both count
Will makes him wear gloves more often to help with his compulsions
“James, stop.” Is the phrase he hears most often from his friends/coworkers when he’s picking at his skin/hands
He’s seeing Dr. Charles for his OCD right now, and he thinks it’s not helping, but he’s making progress
His hands are soft, despite all his scabs/scars from his OCD
Dr. Charles’ full diagnosis for him is Depression, OCD, Anxiety, Panic Disorder, and ADHD
He’s a big self critic, he never thinks he’s above anyone, even most of the med students he sees something better than himself in them
Will and the rest of his colleagues always hype him up and remind him how good of a doctor he really is
He often finds himself being the voice of reason between Ethan and Will
Before Sarah left, he wanted to try and befriend her, he saw a lot of himself in her.
He tried to find even ground with Connor, but could never make it happen
And with the support of his friends, he’s mostly clean and slowly recovering from his OCD
I may update this as I come up with more. :)
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capricornlevi · 5 months
hello! i promise this won't be a long rambly self pitying post BUT i have been noticeably less active here and ! i wanna let u guys know why ! bc i love u and wanna offer explanation !
i haven't been writing for about a month or so and that fact makes me desperately sad. i know people are waiting for updates on a few of my ongoing fics and i can only apologise from the bottom of my heart for the delay. not an excuse but to explain my absence, im currently undergoing health stuff of the potentially life-changing variety -- 3 hospital visits in 3 months and surgery about to be scheduled that im a bit spooked for ahhh!!
and i know it sounds like bedrest is the perfect time to write (it was one of my first thoughts!!!) but bc im in lots of pain my writing sucked and bc my writing sucked i got very disillusioned and depressed over it. so i took a lengthy break to accept my current situation and tried to adapt.
after my last new meds very nearly killed me i am on meds now that help, so am back to writing as of approx 30 mins ago. i will reply to your lovely comments and messages soon and want you all to know that just by reading any of my fics you are making one of my silly little dreams come true. ily so much i promise with the most sincerity i can muster that I'll be more active on here and ao3!!! happy new year LOMLS!!!
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kararisa · 7 months
Back after rereading Marigold Promises as soon as my holidays started haha. And I just adore Heizou and the Tighnari Kokomi interactions so much.
I hc that both Tighnari and Kokomi would buy these froggie bags and when they see each other with it, they'll just growl at each other from across the campus while everyone else just laughs at their predicament.
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Oh and Kokomi becoming friends with Collei on one of her random coffee runs, and when they're both just casually talking and getting to know each other, the big brother Tighnari comes in to pick Collei and they're both just 😱😱
I have a bunch of Kokomi Tighnari being best friends in high school brainrots thanks to you. I wish I could draw better so that I could draw these two just gossiping together by using big biology words.
Speaking of drawing, Albedo??? In the botanical garden??? With the sunlight highlighting his features and making him look like literal prince???? I need that as my phone background RIGHT NOW. (If only I could draw sobs).
And and it's ya boy Childe to the rescue! He's fr the big brother of all friend groups. I can't even see him as the playboy so many people make him look like. I have a feeling he either doesn't simp at all, or simps extremely hard. Other times he's just being the hot big brother the school girls are crazy over.
Oh oh and also, Childe and Gorou, comrades in gossip gossiping in labs? Yanfei and Heizou probably do the same. They probably go out for coffee together and gossip about anything and everything like the bombshell bros from the Fortress of Meropide.
I also really really REALLY like Yae Miko- Kokomi dynamic because I can see them acting all high and mighty together about their literature club and they're almost always in sync like??? The fish and fox magic box!!! lmao
Welp, that's all from me <3
(and now imma get back to studying bc fuck you chemistry you suck, why tf does chem have more weightage if you want to get into med school??? Shouldn't it be bio hello???? Out of all the subjects they could've chosen, they chose my weakest as their main hello???? Maths? Physics? Biology?? Economics?? PE??? Name the subject and I can do it but please why chemistry 😭😭😭 I might be better at chemistry if I had a tutor like Albedo though)
(On second thought, I'd be too busy admiring Albedo to listen to his chemistry lessons, so him being my tutor might not make things better for me 🫠)
(ok ignore that this is rly late mb,,,)
so many headcanons omg ily eli /p
tighnari and kokomi's friendship was honestly something i never planned but i'm glad you like how it turned out in the end
and the froggie bags??? oh my GOD that would actually be so funny like imagine they get the same bag, just in different colors 😭😭
(ALSO also imagine kokomi and yae miko making fun of tighnari)
AND OMG COLLEI??? missed opportunity on my part it would have been so cute if kokomi and collei met.
on childe, i never really saw him as a playboy. like bfrr he's the eldest in his family and his siblings LOVE him
but could you imagine a gossip session with childe gorou yanfei AND heizou?? that would just be CHAOS and i'm all for a bit of chaos
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freezi-drink · 6 months
Rant about medical issues under the cut (it's honestly tmi, and a very long post, feel free to scroll)
A couple Fridays ago (the 8th?) I went to the ER at like 7 in the morning for lower abdominal pain that I just assumed was from PCOS but it was bad enough to need ER grade painkillers, so I went and they gave me painkillers (which didn't do jack shit), and gave me an IV*, and did a blood test and a vaginal ultrasound, and they wanted to do a urine test too but with tummy pain obvs my first thought is to go to the bathroom just to rule things out so I couldn't give a sample when I was there and they Wouldn't Let Me Drink Water (ik this is probs what they Have To Do, but still annoying), so the Dr ended up canceling it and saying it was probs just the PCOS anyway. So he sends me home with a couple prescriptions and I'm like yeah ok whatever. I get home, the hospital calls, said I left my favorite flannel, my dad and I head out to get that, grab my prescriptions, and a smoothie to hopefully get some calories in me. Before he could even leave the smoothie king I made him pull over so I could throw up. Well I'm still laying on the bedroom floor in pain for several hours, even with my dad giving me the prescription painkillers as often as the pharmacist said he could, but I vomit from pain Twice (the first time losing my smoothie so I have No food in me)(also, the best way i found to sit to minimize pain was on my knees with my forehead on the floor, which was NOT helping the nausea lmao) and when I was sitting on the floor of the bathroom bc I was nauseous a fourth time and didn't really feel like throwing up on the bedroom floor, we decided to just cave and go back to the ER. So we go, it's super busy so I sit in the waiting room for probably 20 minutes, they put me in a hallway with reclining chairs and curtains (they had enough space to give me a room that morning) and by this point I am loudly sobbing in pain. I will myself into sitting still so the nice nurse man can give me a new IV in the other arm**, and they order me a urine sample and a CT scan with contrast. Luckily, though, the nurse I got was a saint and made sure I got my morphine shot before they took me for the CT. Anyway, I'm waiting, the morphine isn't working great, but it's there, but then, out of nowhere, the morphine STOOS WORKING so im back to Very Loud Sobbing, and this nurse, wonderful man he is, comes over and says "so I put your pain at a ten, cool?" And it's funny but I'm still dying so they give me toroidal (which helped A LOT btw, i was sleepy and giggling for a While) and once it had kicked in he wheeled me over to the restroom for the urine sample, which was all fine and good, we passed a girl in the hall that I went to highschool with, he even paused the wheelchair so I could say hi, and when they eventually finished their testing, they essentially said "our bad man, 👎it's actually kidney stones :/" and told me that I had already passed some, but that there were some still there that could pass anytime between that night and a year from now. So they give me a whole slew of drugs - antibiotics, prostate relaxer (for the bladder? idk), nausea pills, two different pain meds (one lighter, one heavier) and sent me home. Cut to now, it appears that the time has come for at least one to pass, and it FUCKING HURTS and i'm ON MY PERIOD***, screaming swears into the ceiling, and generally having a bad time, so basically my life sucks lmao
*I have been to the ER many, many times, and had many, many IVs before, but Not Once has it ever hurt, and this shit HURT. As soon as I took off the bandage, there was a massive bruise that has lasted over a week. :|
**this IV was wonderful, and didn't even leave a little baby bruise, barely even a mark, ily nurse that was assigned to me mwah
***also its not just period pain, I do in fact know the difference now :|
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threenorth · 9 months
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Monder our souls...I never knew I could love you all the same ways I did before.
Pale pink, no name.
Morning kisses, and forehead kisses when your sick. I csnt wait.
Miles, yellow.
My colours change like my eyes, I don't know what they are but it's my favorite.
Kelvin, pale pink.
Soon? On the morrow?
What one? That.. I'd come back I ment physically or emotionally? Well I did come back in 2018,you showed me the door, with the little. Money I had for 2023, then you got me kicked out of my motel so I'll wait till we can see each other at sea level... again...
...... (R..... F) right now? Unfortunately a bit mentally unwell but don't worry about it, you seem to not like me calling randomly at 12 during my lunch break or at the end of my day...I could be better with cleaner house and air to breath but that's a tale called fuck me, I hate having no money...paycheck to paycheck... Urgh......
Yohan, until death to us part.
Reese, the last thing I saw you did, is all the love I needed to see.
Angel, how about roughly July 2014 it could of been longer....but when people ask how long I've known you I'd say on/off almost 20 years.
Rowan, imy, ily,iny,iwy.
Him, tan.
Mental health... It's always going to be part of my life...
Him, green.
Should of picked up then.
Rowan, wine, I'd be proud of you for staying, and being only mine.
Raoul, blue.
Your the first person I actually wanted... To learn how to be better at bed for.
Yellow, no name.
Ptsd still ruins my life from time to time.
But I had to put down electric guitar for my MBA once I catch up and get longer acting adhd meds I'll say your the reason I want to learn so I can Serenade you.
Tin, (tintin?)
You always have a chance.
August, green.
Yes almost I'll try make a list tommrow and publish it.
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heymacy · 3 years
for anyone wondering where the second one shot and Chapter 9 of TD are - the one shot was intended to be one single 3,000 word conversation, and has somehow ended up as a 9,000 word retrospective + 2 conversations we haven’t seen before (and one we have, but from mickey’s POV)
bear with me while i get the final product edited & whittled down a bit, but it should be up this evening! chapter 9 will still be a few more days - probably Tuesday or Wednesday of next week! 💛 i’ll continue to update accordingly ✨
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httpdwaekki · 10 days
bright | h.h.
summary: you have a light sensitivity and forget your sunglasses but hyunjin is kind enough to give you his.
wc: 800
a/n: i wrote this in hopes to reach more of stayblr, the lovely @astraystayyh and many other wonderful writers (including myself) are writing requests for anyone that is willing to donate to her fundraiser to help people in gaza! all you have to do is donate and send proof to one of the writers along with your request! (please do make sure you read writers rules for requests first! and be aware they have a right to say no to the request.) remember to eat, drink water and take your meds, ily <3
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(pictures are not mine! credit to owners!)
it wasn’t a secret that you had trouble with any kind of light, the sun, lamps, phone screens, etc.
sometimes you were okay but other times any type of light could cause a migraine unlike anything else. because of this you always kept a pair of sunglasses on you just in case.
well apparently not always, today you had rushed out the door to meet hyunjin, the shaded lens forgotten on your counter.
you were sat outside at a small cafe, waiting for hyunjin to return. both of you wanting to enjoy the last of the spring before the summer heat. you were oblivious to the missing object, opting to go without them for a bit, but that didn’t last long. soon after your eyes felt strained, a familiar dull ache presenting itself behind your left eye. 
you look in through your bag, searching for the darker lens that weren’t there. you sigh, the ache still coming in waves, growing stronger with each one. luckily there was an umbrella so you decide to ignore it and enjoy your time with your boyfriend.
you place your bag back on your chair, as the pretty brunette approaches your table, drinks and food in hand. his signature versace glasses slipping down his nose, dopey grin present on his face as he places the tray on your table.
you return the grin, scrunching your nose as he flicks the glasses atop his head. he sets your drink and your food in front of you before sitting in the chair across from you. you both enjoy your drink and pastries, catching up and enjoying each others company.
the sun decided to shift, causing the sun to shine directly on you, the dull ache becoming sharper. you squint your eyes, attempting to hide the wince in pain with it. you place your hand above your eyes, giving yourself a bit of shade, focusing on hyunjin’s story.
“so he came to stay at our dorms for a bit to “escape the loud rage of felix because he sucks at league and it’s not changing anytime soon.” his words not mine.” he explains, as you giggle at the absurdity of his story. “ so seungmin’s solution was to go to the dorm that housed the loudest member in the whole group?” you asked, softly chuckling.
“that’s what i said!” you smile at his outburst, switching hands as your arm got tired. hyunjin tilts his head at the action. “angel?” you hum, looking at him, eyes squinted. “why don’t you put on your sunglasses?” he asks, pointing towards your bag.
“oh i forgot to grab them when i left, it’s okay though.” you give him a reassuring smile before leaning forward into the shade, taking a bite of your croissant.
he knew your eyes and most likely your head was hurting you, and you were trying to put on a brave face. he grabbed the shaded lens currently holding back his soft locks, leaning forward, sliding the lens carefully onto your face.
you jump in surprise, letting out a squeak before relaxing. you send him a small pout as he sits back in his chair, running a hand through his hair, pushing it back. “what’d you do that for?” you ask, pushing the glasses up your nose.
“because, i know your eyes are probably stinging and if you don’t have a headache now, you’re definitely on your way to one.” he replied, taking a sip of his drink. “what about your eyes?” you asked, frown still present.
“don’t worry about mine, do you want to sit over here in the shade?” he asks, moving as if he’s gonna get up. you shake your head, moving to stop him. “no no, i’m okay, you stay.”
he scoots his chair over slightly, still in the shade, “come on, move your chair.” he waves you over. you roll your eyes before getting up, moving your chair towards the dimmer area, sitting down.
“i was fine over there.” you glare at him over the black shades.
he rolls his eyes before leaning over slightly, wrapping his arms around you. “will you just let me take care of you please?” he asks, placing a quick kiss to the back of your head. “plus i know you were 2 minutes away from a headache.” giving you a knowing look.
now it was your turn to roll your eyes. “yeah yeah.” you concede, admitting defeat. “thank you, my love.” you say, turning to him, placing a kiss to his cheek. “anything for you my muse.” he smiles, placing a chaste kiss to your lips before letting you go.
the rest of the day was spent walking around, enjoying the weather and a quick trip to the versace store to buy you your own matching pair of sunglasses.
do not repost
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Hey boo, the heart fic can be done by April 10, i thought it would be good to tell you earlier, i didnt want to give you a short time and you to stress, i wiuldnt mind earlier. Ily sm for doing this xx
Heart Full of Love
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Summary: Reader goes into Cardiac Arrest on set and her Band of Bros get nervous.
pairings: RDJ x Chris Evans x Anthony Mackie x Chris Hemsworth x Reader
Warning: Cardiac Arrest, Mention of CPR, Hospitals, Fluff ending
A/N: here you go! i did some research so if the information is incorrect my bad. i hope she enjoys it!
You felt it coming
You were on the set of Avengers Endgame, coming on as a civilian Captain America connected with during the blip. You came to one of the meetings Steve Rodgers would hold and soon your characters became close. For your first marvel movie, you thought you were doing well. You were on time, and professional, and you got along with the cast well. You were especially close with RDJ, Evans, Mackie, and Hemsworth. You called them your band of bros. You told them everything and were really close with these guys. They took care of you as if you were their own.
So back to where we are where you felt it coming. Your heartbeat elevated, your hands got clammy, and you felt yourself getting dizzy. You were born with a heart defect and the only people who knew were the directors and your team. You always took your meds and haven’t had an episode like this in a while. The right thing to do would be to tell your team and go to the hospital or lie down. But you didn’t want to seem weak in front of your co-stars. They got hurt from stunts and continued to work so you can work through this.
You were doing the Battle scene and waiting for the next section to be shoot. You were walking over to your team to get some water when you heard a voice behind you. “Hey Y/L/N!” You turn around and see Evans and Mackie walking toward you. “Are you alright? You look a little pale” Evans said to you.
“I’m fine, just a little light-headed but I’m going to get some food now.” You wanted them to get off your back, so they didn’t see you in this state.
“Okay Kiddo, make sure you are taking care of yourself,” Mackie said patting your shoulder. as he and Evans start to walk away. Mackie turns to Evans “You think she is telling the truth?”
“I think she is telling us as much as she wants to, and she will open up more when she is ready. We just got to let the others know to keep an eye out for her.” Evans said as they start to walk towards RDJ and Hemsworth. “Hey, guys!” Evans says, turning their heads in his direction. RDJ and Hemsworth look toward the two men.
“Hey what up?” RDJ said, getting nervous. He just saw the two-man talking to you and had a feeling something was wrong with you.
“Idk but something is off with Y/N/N. she seems ill but she isn’t saying anything about it. so just keep an eye on her.” Evans said, with a look of concern on his face.
“Roger that Rodgers,” Hemsworth said with a goofy smile on his face. Mackie nudge him whole they laughed. but you didn't even hear their laughter. your symptoms were getting worse as you made your way toward your team. you see your assistant Casey and she starts to take in your state as you walk towards her.
“Woah Y/N are you okay?” she said, as you start to sway side to side. you sat down in your chair and start reaching for the aspirin you had In your bag. You felt your chest tighten as you fell to the ground. the last thing you remember is you were on the ground with your Band of Bros around you.
“HELP! SOMEBODY CALL 911!” I heard someone yell. I turn around and see Casey on the floor holding up Y/N and as she gasped for breath. I rush over to her as well as Mackie, Hemsworth, and RDJ. I kneel by her side and I lift her head up.
“Hey, Kiddo, what's going on?” I said to Casey. I know Y/N couldn’t talk right now as she could barely breathe.
“She has Coronary artery disease. her arteries must have become clogged. she has to go to the hospital.” Casey said looking at me. I look down at Y/N and during that time I was talking to Casey, she must have gone unconscious.
“shit shit shit!” I said as I laid her on the ground. “Medic! I need a medic now!” I yell. a few seconds later I feel the medics push me over as they start to perform CPR on her. I couldn't believe it was happening. I stood there frozen, unable to move. I felt an arm pull me away as I saw Y/N become farther from me. I was turned around by Anthony and he shook me out of my trance.
“HEY!” he yelled. “Stop freaking out, she is going to be okay. The medics are taking her to the hospital and it will be okay.”
“I want to go with her,” I said.
“Look we all want to go with her but we cant. Casey is going so she can update Y/N parents.” RDJ said. “But the best thing we can do is let the medics do their thing so they can help her. You know that.” I took a deep breath. I knew it was the best thing to do even though all I wanted to do was help her.
“Okay, then who is going to drive to the Hospital?” I asked looking at the boys. Hemsworth raised his hand.
“I got it, I seem to be the calmest about this situation out of all of us,” he said as we head towards his car and head towards the hospital.
I smell bleach and I hear loud beeping as I start to wiggle my toes. my whole body aches and I have no idea why. “Y/N?” I hear a voice say. it sounds like RDJ. What is he doing here? what am I doing here? I start to slowly open my eyes and I see the people I love most surrounding me.
“Hey, kiddo,” Evans says as he pushes my hair back.
“what happened? Why am I at the hospital?” I ask, my voice is all groggily and I have a look of concern and fear in my eyes. I hear the beeping increase in speed.
“Hey darling, take a deep breath,” I turned to see Mackie talking to me. “In, out, in, out, there we go,” he says as he coaches me through it. I felt myself start to calm down a little as my breathing began to even out.
“Is anyone going to tell me what happened because I don't like to be left in the dark?” I said looking at the muscular men in front of me. They looked at each other, trying to figure out which one would be the one to break the news to me. They seemed to collectively turn towards Evans as he start to make his way towards me holding
“You went into cardiac arrest sweetheart. Casey called 911, your parents have been notified and are on their way.” he said looking at me. I knew it would happen but not this soon. I looked down at my lap as I felt all of their eyes were on me. “How are you feeling?” he said as we rubbed his thumb over my hand.
“I feel okay, just tried and my chest hurts. I'm sorry you guys had to see it. I thought i had it under control but maybe this morning with the stunts was too much.'' I said. Mackie then decided to speak.
“Why would you push yourself if you knew it would be harmful?” Mackie said, voice full of concern.
“I just didn't think it would get this bad. I'm sorry guys, I'm sorry you had to see that.it was probably scary for you.” i said. I couldn't even imagine what they were feeling when I went down.
“It doesn't matter what we felt, it matters what you were going through and you were taken care of.” Hemsworth said, looking at me. I looked up at my friends and felt happy to have them in life. I was surrounded with such love and care.
“Okay, now that the sad part is over, how do you feel about ice cream?” RDJ said, holding a tub of Y/F/I/C and spoons.
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rotten-strawberrie · 2 years
i really don't feel good rn. if you feel like it, could you maybe write hcs of the gang taking care of a reader with stomach flu ?? also ily
I'm sorry to hear that anon , ily too and I hope you start to feel better soon!^^
order for anon : the gang taking care of a sick reader
genre : fluff , comfort
warnings : mentions of sickness , throwing up , ect
he can't handle throw up
especially if you throw up on him
he'll either make you rest in a bad and come up with an excuse for why he can't leave
or he'll offer a room at bob's
constantly checks up on you while you're recovering
may be a bit late remembering when you need to take your meds but its fine
might play music for you if you ask nicely
he'd pumble anyone that tries to bother you in a heartbeat
once again , this is soft dally
new character unlocked !! mother of six , sometimes seven , darry
does everything he remembers his mother doing for him and his brothers
if you're actively throwing up he'll make you rest in bed with a bucket he regularly cleans
has a nose of steel so he's unaffected by throw up
pulls out a dusty cook book to make soup
gives you forehead kisses to " check your tempature "
heating pads for all your aches
fully prepared to body slam you (lovingly) if you try to get up
once you're a bit better , though not cured , he'll let you move to the living room couch to rest
you wanna see a grease boy break down ?
gets so confused because he wants to take care of you but he's literally a victim of neglect /lh
asks darry what to do and goes from there
asks darry first now bc last time he went to dally first and his response almost got you hospitalized
refrains from physical touch but refuses to leave the room
makes you soup !^^
it's canned yes , but it's the best he's got
probably plays the radio or watches your favorite movie with you
he likely has a book of home remedies to ease pains
body ahces , runny noses , nausea , he's got a home remedy for it
likely won't be touchy if you're sick
not because he doesn't like it , but because he has a little phobia of germs and getting sick in general
might ask soda to get him a stuffed animal from the dx to give you
might give you a sneaky peck on the hand if he's touch starved
if you sneeze on him he'll scrunch his face and squeal
very good qt making you feel better emotionally
gives you back rubs and scratches your scalp
if he has to work while you're sick he and steve will send you funny pictures in hopes of cheering you up
let's you wear any of his clothes
if you take a nap expect to wake up with a few extra blankets and soda passed out next to you
kisses your hands and cheeks
tries to handle throw up but he might get sick as well
offers to take you for a drive around the neighborhood if you wanna get out of the house
asks you what he can do to help and keeps you up to date on your meds
offers to watch a movie with you and falls asleep first
one of the few that'll have no reaction to being sneezed on
majority of the time he'll plop down next to you and let you use him as a pillow
forehead kisser
isn't opposed to you kissing his forehead back btw
laughter is the best medicine after all
might forget to give you your medicine sometimes but he makes up for it by letting you lay in his lap
kisses the entirety of your face
you'll end up feeling like a little kid since he'll probably play cartoons while you're in bed
surprisingly good at making soup for you
but he does burn himself so 50/50
does character impressions to cheer you up !!
one of the best equipped to hold your hair back when you get sick <33
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cersworld · 2 years
scene thirty
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cast: idol!sunghoon x reader ft. enhypen, txt, stray kids, etc.
what happens when your crush and ‘friend’ start dating on what was supposed to be a good day? you go for a long walk and come home with a bag full of empty wrappers and a new found friendship with a random guy you found crying in a park at half past one in the morning, on a weekday, in the middle of winter. what could possibly go wrong? nothing. (read: everything)
warning(s): a lot of swearing, mentions of bad mental health and mental health conditions, mentions of injuries, mentions of food, toxic friend(s), etc
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taglist: @ja4hyvn @studioreader @aksemy @angel-hyuckie @hwalllllllelujah @a-vian @msxflower @rielleluvs @kac-chowsballs @abdiitcryy @s2elf-z @giyyuzz @amakumos @ncthpen @xithecherie @fullsun9890 @hiqhkey @navsnct @enthusiastforniki @hoewithnojams @leeis @c9tnoos @wonielvr @lost-leopard-beanie @danihow @uauznaixla @ily-cuz-i @hibuki-chan @luvrseung @sftpjmn @xoxojayd3n @missmadwoman @leefelix-gf @dyzennie @mochisnlix @sleepyenhasasha @jwonz @higamersitsbarney @beomsun
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as soon as sunghoon picked up your call, he heard muffled sobs as you tried to talk but no words came out, only causing you to choke and cry even harder out of embarrassment.
he knew words of affirmation - fake nothings - wouldn't work on you when you were in this state so he decided to stay silent as you fumbled over your words, scoffing down lungfuls of air every few seconds.
"i- we- i-i'm- i can't- fuck." he heard some shuffling on your end before you let out a loud sigh, "i- i didn't mean to call you, sorry."
he smiled softly, "do you wanna tell me why you’re crying, baby?" he whispered.
you let out another sob and it was like he could see you pulling at your hair in frustration as you replied, "my plant died."
he couldn’t help but smile softly at that, "oh baby, it's okay, it'll grow back in no time."
"no, but….shit." he heard some more shuffling as you sat down on the end of your bed, "i- it's like my second dead plant, i tried planting another a while ago and it didn't even fucking grow. like, i watered it everyday a-and i did everything."
"maybe it's just not the right season for it." sunghoon tried his best to comfort you as turned on his lamp, running his free hand through his hair before rubbing his eyes.
"no, i- it's not just that." you let out another desperate sob before continuing, "i've lost like three rings and i- i broke a bracelet just the other day, and i ripped my dress and i just….god, i keep fucking everything up. i can't even sleep, i don't know what i'm doing anymore and i miss you. so. fucking. much."
sunghoon stayed silent as you broke down once again, his head dropping to stare at his lap as he listened to your gut-wrenching sobs.
"i- i haven't slept properly in days and haven't eaten a proper meal in, like, a week - i keep stuffing myself with junk!" you let out another sigh, roughly rubbing tears out of your eyes as you caught your breath.
"well, you were doing okay when you left. did anything change between what you were doing here and what you're doing there?" he asked softly, trying his very best to make sure he didn't sound like he was blaming you, because it wasn't your fault and he knew that.
he's gonna think i'm an idiot, you instantly thought. you knew why this was happening, no matter how much you tried to defend yourself, you knew it was a stupid thing to do. "i- i stopped taking my meds."
"what? your psych took you off them?"
you let out a sigh, of course he still had hope for your common sense, "no, no i just stopped taking them."
he was silent for a moment, "isn’t that….not a good idea."
you bit your lip, hard. "i know. i just- they were a hassle and they tasted like shit," you silent for a bit, before adding a soft, "and they gave me headaches."
"okay?" you asked, surprised. i thought he was meant to be the smart one.
"yeah, i mean," he looked down at the notes he had scattered across his table, "look, antidepressants, quite literally, suppress your tears. you stopped taking them so that’s probably why you’re crying now. don't stress about it, okay? don't think about it too much."
you were silent for a bit and he worried that he'd said the wrong thing before you finally whispered, "how do you know that?"
shit. thought sunghoon as he realised he had just exposed himself. he let out an awkward laugh and then spoke, "um, i may have done some research."
"why?" you weren't mad, just curious, and slightly hopeful, but no one needed to know that.
sunghoon bit his lips, running his fingers through his already dishevelled hair and looking around his room before sighing, welp, no way outta this one, "i- when you told me about what you were going through i decided to do a bit of research so that i could make you comfortable and see when you're okay and when you're not without having to force it out of you or make you uncomfortable,  you know."
there were a few beats of silence before you suddenly wheezed, "what the fuck, man?"
"i'm sorry." he squeaked from the other side.
"no." you sniffled, "that- that's actually… so awesome of you. thank you. i- i know i'm laughing, b-but i really, really appreciate it, thank you."
he scoffed at that, "for what? doing the bare minimum?"
you scoffed back, "b- bare minimum?! sorry to break it to you, but that's a lot more than bare minimum, babe."
the other line suddenly went dead silent and you couldn't help but get worried, biting your lip and twisting the ends of your hair - a nervous habit. "hello? you there?"
"sorry, i was….smiling."
you grew confused at that, "what?"
he giggled, more to himself than at you, as he whispered, "you called me babe."
you froze at that. i what?! your mind went blank as you stared at the ground. oh no, oh no, oh-
"i- i don't know if this is a good time, i mean we’re not even dating yet," sunghoon messily stumbled over his words, running his hands through his hair over and over again, "and i don't know if i've told you this," he stopped, sighing as he slumped onto his bed, "but, i think- no, i know, i love you."
there was another pause before he heard a door slamming on your side and rushed footsteps.
"uh, love?"
"gi-" you huffed, finally making it to the bottom of the stairs, "give me a minute."
"yes, of course, take all the time you need."
he heard more rustling on your side before ryo stepped out of the kitchen, cereal box in hand, and watched you try to catch your breath.
he started to laugh, before you looked up and he caught sight of the tears streaming down your face. your best friend rushed towards you before you held up a hand, telling him to stop.
you looked up to see everyone sitting around the counter, looking at you, worried.
ryo reached for your shoulder before freezing half way, "why are you cry-"
"i'm in love with park sunghoon." there. i finally said it.
chae snickered and max whistled before speaking, "aren't we all."
"no, i mean i'm actually in love with him." you tried again, wiping at your tears.
"bitch same, like, i swear i forget to breathe every time i see his face." laughed ryo, patting your back.
you bit your lip, trying to stop yourself from snorting as you looked down at the guy on your phone screen, who also happened to be looking right back at you with a smirk on his face. he wiggled his eyebrows and winked weirdly when he realised you were looking back at him again.
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