#jack manifold x gender neutral reader
sunshine-on-marz · 2 years
Litteraly anything for jack maybe something to do with s you laugh you loose stream thanks - August
I gottchu (also ur name being august is so funny cuz u have an irl friend named august and they got me into the DSMP, but they aren’t a fan anymore)
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-You where sitting on Jack’s lap and doing a YLYL stream
-Every time you giggled he’d just stare at you, he basically had hearts in his eyes
-chat was loving it
-at one point someone submitted a clip of you and Jack and jack says
-“can I get that sent to me? Mods and I get that clip?”
-you blush and he starts kissing your cheeks
-chat explodes and so does social media
Srry this is short, idk how to write for Jack but I wanted to do this for my moots!
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kormenhq · 1 year
Fan Fiction Requests!
I am bored! Help me write stuff to post on Ao3!
Request Rules & Characters
- DON’T JUDGE MY WRITING, if you don’t think i’m a good writer, that’s your opinion. I may not be the best writer but I am trying my best.
- I will write about any gender! If you do not specify, I will write it as gender neutral (I also write trans ftm reader (not mtf as I am not mtf)
- Want some polyamourus stuff? Go ahead and I ask! I am happy to write about it!
- Please no Teacher x student or anything of the sorts I don’t want to write illegal stuff.
- I write emotional/romantic/platonic relationships (this includes smut though that’s very rare for me to write, you can still ask if you would like though.)
- Hurt/Comfort fics are welcome and encouraged!! I put trigger warnings anywhere I think it is needed, so please be sure to read the warnings under each title/on each post.
- I have every right to disapprove or not take your request.
- I will NOT write characters being abusive whether it be physical, emotional or anything like that. (lying to fulfill a scheme doesn’t count), but I would be more than happy to write about them helping you get OUT of an abusive relationship.
-I only write for the characters not real people.
Characters I write for::
- Any Markiplier ego (I MEAN IT I LOVE THESE GUYS)
- Any Jacksepticeye ego (Love these guys as well)
- Loki (Marvel)
- Gillion Tidestrider (Just roll with it)
- Chip (Just roll with it)
- Jay Ferin (Just roll with it)
- Spider man/Peter parker
- Oliver Swift (Dialtown)
- Randy Jade (Dialtown)
- Karen Dunn (Dialtown)
- Norm (Dialtown)
- Phonegingi (Dialtown)
- Ranboo (DSMP)
- Slimecicle (DSMP)
- Jack Manifold (DSMP)
- Jschlatt (DSMP)
- Philza (DSMP)
- Quackity (DSMP)
- Tommy innit (DSMP)
- Wilbur soot (DSMP)
- Red Guy (DHMIS)
- Duck (DHMIS)
- Yellow Guy (DHMIS)
- Nagito (Danganronpa)
- Kokichi (Danganronpa)
- Any fanon Creepypasta (I will refuse canon (they are murderers)
- Janus (Sanders sides)
- Virgil (Sanders sides)
- Remus (Sanders sides)
- Roman (Sanders sides)
- Patton (Sanders sides)
- Logan (Sanders sides)
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ava-cookidouh123 · 2 years
Manipulation!-School AU I created lol-
Ship:Yandere/Zombie student Tubbo x fem reader! (Ik he’s not straight but idk how to exactly write this type of story by making it gender neutral-)
Plot:You and Tommy are running away from James and his zombie minions,before all this you and Tubbo were the best of friends,you shared candy with him on Halloween and you played Minecraft with him all the time!,but when Tommy wanted you,Jack and Tubbo to do a vlog with him it went wrong when you guys all saw that James Marriott,a teacher,was still at the school in after school hours,you guys played a game of tag with him however Tubbo and Jack both got tagged and it somehow got them to act as if they were possessed by something,it led to Tommy turning off the vlog and now you guys are running for your lives,but let’s just say Tubbo has a thing for you ;)
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‘Y/N RUN!!!!’ Tommy yelled out to you as he was about to get tagged in a game of dodgeball,you were about to leave until you saw he was about to get tagged by James,you ran back and tried to drag him out of the gymnasium,he got and and you both ran out of the gymnasium,‘GET THEM!!!’ Marriott commanded,Tubbo and Jack ran after you and Tommy.
You and Tommy ran into the ‘staff only room’ and hid there for a bit,you spotted a camera and pointed to it ‘Hey Tom look,theres security cameras!’ Tommy did a smirk,‘Holy shit how the fuck did I forget about these?! Maybe we can see where the bastards are now!’
You and Tommy looked into the cameras and you both saw Tubbo walking into a classroom saying ‘Y/N…where are yoooou?’,Tommy looked at you and said ‘well he sure has a thing for you……OW!!!’ Tommy whined ‘Why’d you do that!’,You smirked ‘because Toby would not have a crush on me! I am a not possessed human-’
‘There you are sweetheart!’,You and Tommy turned around and saw Tubbo, ‘AHHHHHH!!!’ You tried to run away but Tubbo grabbed onto your arm,‘Mr Marriott will be pleased that we found you!’ ‘We?! Who’s we?!’ You questioned.
‘Y/N HELP!!!!!!!!!’ you heard Tom scream,‘oh yeah manifold is here’,you tried to run after him but Tubbo’s grip got tighter.
Tubbo dragged you all the way to the hallway before you could escape,‘I’m so fucking dead after this!’ You mumbled and you were probably right,Tubbo was practically possessed by a teacher if anything he could bring you over to James and you would turn into a zombie in a matter of seconds!.
You reached a dead end,you turned around and saw Tubbo slowly creeping towards you,you tried to walk away but Tubbo pinned you to a wall,‘Please let me go!’ Tubbo did a creepy giggle and said,‘I could…but I’d disobey Mr Marriott’s rules if I did that so no I won’t let you leave!’
It was like Tubbo had never been near the scent of woman before,because he kept sniffing you,‘Do you mind?!’ Tubbo glared at you before gently pressing his lips against yours,he quickly broke the kiss but he could see that you wanted more of him.
‘Want more?’,you nodded,Tubbo pinned you against the wall and his body was pressed against yours,he gently placed his lips to your neck for a couple seconds before hearing Mr Marriott through the megaphone yell, ‘TUBBO AND JACK BRING YOUR ‘FRIENDS’ TO THE GYMNASIUM AT ONCE!!!! THEY NEED TO BE DEALT WITH!!!!’
Tubbo looked at you ‘Y’know maybe I’ll give you a little more of me if you come with me~’ (that wasn’t a sex line or anything ok-) Tubbo let out his hand,you grabbed it and let’s just say…this proves not all story’s have a good ending for the reader…
|I might make this a wattpad series-|
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winterzsurprise · 2 years
A deal with a demon || Quackity
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Pairing: c!Quackity x Gender-Neutral!Reader
Summary: Instead of dispelling a royal blooded demon like you were tasked to, you listened to his tempting deal.
Tags: Action, Demon Duke! Quackity, Priest! Reader, not beta-read.
Words: 3.2k
not much to say here, I recycled a scene from the 'Greed's Temptation' draft. I'm aware I haven't posted for a month but I got so busy with college, commissions and writer's block. This is an old writing style so look away for a moment :''DD
thank you all for 110 followers and for waiting patiently, I swear, the moment my writer's block stops, I will finish Unholy.
“Villagers said that there were cloaked figures that would meet up at the outskirt hut for unknown reasons, we speculate that the demon spawning was their doing.” 
You nod as the village leader leads you down the deserted part of town with the roofless houses and soot kissed walls, every plant in the area painted brown and black, wilted from the amount of dark energy feeding off of their life force.
Your eyes scanned your surroundings, taking note of the smallest details like the fading footprints on the unpatched dirt and the dark energy that seems to grow stronger with every step taken, the stench of death becoming more apparent as you near the thick fog that the crowd could never see in a million years.
But despite that, you could barely feel any fear crawling inside you. The magic felt familiar to you for unknown reasons, a tempting mist that kept on reaching out for you despite the distance you have from the source.
At the edge of your eye, you see the priest beside you squirm uncomfortably with eyes jumping from one point to another with hands fidgeting on his maroon cassocks, entirely different from the classic white uniform of Valor, since he's stationed in this town.
Jack wasn't supposed to come but upon seeing a close friend approach a huge threat, he couldn't help himself from tagging along.
 You met the priest when he was training to be one in Valor, head never full with hair and eyes still filled with wonder and life as he was as a child. He was your first mission, to train him the special ways of expelling demons as a high rank can.
“Are you sure you don’t require our mage’s help? Demons are nasty creatures to deal with, my grand dad who served in the great wall said they were the most nefarious bunch he has ever encountered.”
The priest beside me bristles, offended. “You think our Cardinal is weaker than a low ranked demon?!” 
The leader opened his mouth to apologise when you raised your hand that led all to a halt and pulled their attention to you in question. 
There was a sudden shift in the atmosphere that told you to enter alone, the mist covering the area thickening with power as their snapping whips became lethal from neutral, normal humans cannot withstand such a violent energy.
Even your dear friend would collapse a second inside the mist.
“I must continue alone, the dark magic is near-deadly from this point forward.” 
“But little prince—”
“Would you rather meet your maker a century earlier, Mr. Manifold?” You cut him off and that made the older man go silent.
Not even bothering to hear them out, you head on through the invisible barrier that separates you from the others, like how being a High Priest gave you more mortality years than the usual humans with better healing abilities and supernatural senses. 
In a few days time, you’ll be pronounced as the next Pope, sitting on the golden throne at the top peak of Mount Lenneth, hidden away in the pristine temple populated by corrupted ‘holy’ soldiers and priests.
You didn’t want it but what input do you have in his grand scheme of things?
The dark magic got aggressive as you near the empty plot of land at the end of the road where the supposed-to-be straw hut was erected, you felt the onyx mist attempt to penetrate through the shield you coated yourself in, their apprehensiveness to approach now nonexistent as you arrive in your destination.
Lumps covered in black robes scattered the ground which you assumed were the suspicious group the village leader was talking about earlier, but upon closer inspection, you find yourself staring at hollow holes of skulls with the mandible bone hanging open as if their souls were sucked out from their mouths. 
Their flesh and insides might be the reason why the dark magic turned deadly, but seeing the small amount of bodies laid on the area, you thought otherwise.
Was this a work of a high ranked demon?
Your head darts up with your eyes immediately landing on an empty space in the middle of the plot where a fading master-level summoning circle was drawn with chalk. Seeing how the body placements are, you guessed that they must’ve known that their spell went wrong and ran, but the demon responsible for this was faster than them.
But with the lone body near the illustration and the faint grey magic by the circle, you knew that someone was smart enough to restrain the demon before it got worse.
With a sigh, you removed the glowing beads in your neck to start your cleansing spell. You placed the accessory between your thumb and pointer finger before crossing both sides and putting it over your wrist like a bracelet, wrapping it twice before turning to the barely-visible grey box floating on top of the circle. 
With a large inhale to home your energy, you start to mutter the spell.
"Iリ⍊╎ᓭ╎ʖꖎᒷ ᓭ!¡ᒷꖎꖎ ᓵᔑᓭℸ ̣ ᒷ↸ ᒲᔑ|| ↸╎ꖎᔑℸ ̣ ᒷ↸"
It didn’t take long when the effect took place, you sensed the dark magic being siphoned back by its’ owner as the invisible glass shatters and freed the evil spirit from its confines. The dark energy attempted to take a bite at your skin but with the glowing bead resting in your left hand, you were untouchable.
You watched the dark magic manifest into a body that soon formed into a man that grew obsidian hair and was clothed in a dark green vest with a white long sleeve shirt underneath. Golden yellow wings sprouted from his back, they were filled with feathers. The sight of it injecting disgust into your veins.
There's no other metaphysical kind you know other than angels, to see feathered wings from a demon, lit a fire within you.
You prepare your spell as he comes back to his consciousness. Eyes closed and concentration zoned in the power pulsating through your veins, trying to direct it to the tips of your pointy and middle fingers.
You heard a shuffle in front of you and knew his form was fully developed, sweat beads at your forehead at the thought of battling such a high ranking demon. 
He groaned dramatically. “Come on, I just got out of that box prison! Am I getting on a new one now?”
"E⍊╎ꖎ ʖᒷ⊣𝙹リᒷ, ⍑𝙹ꖎ╎リᒷᓭᓭ ᓭ⍑ᔑꖎꖎ ᓵ𝙹ᒲᒷ"
A girlish squeal left his lips as he narrowly dodged the swipe of your fingers charged with holy power enough to banish him back to the land below. Your eyes found his bewildered pair of crimson, face contorted with a look of disbelief.
“Come on, I just got out!”
“I don’t care.” 
With that, you crossed the small distance between you two and took another chance to swing your hand which he deflected with his own magic in the form of a huge hand fan coated in black.
“How could you banish someone you just met?! This is inhumane!”
You didn’t respond as you transferred the energy to your other fingers to slash him as soon as you pulled the fan down from his face. Another move that barely kissed his skin since he leaped back, you watch his movements attentively, not letting a small twitch of a brow or arm go amiss.
He must be eradicated quickly.
“Wait, did you just understand me?” He asked, suddenly realising in the midst of the battle.
You stayed in your spot, recharging as he stood up, eyes still round with surprise as he held out both hands in surrender. 
During this, you took note of the raging dark mist that smothered his body in a protective manner, his power is definitely stronger than the usual lower rank demons that would often possess a few dwellers in the neighbouring cities and kingdoms. 
He’s a high ranking type but you’re not sure how high he is in the hierarchy.
“Can you just let me off just this once?! I need to track someone down! He's stronger than me!” He exclaimed, crouching on the chipped off brick wall.
“And why should I listen to you, demon?”
His head tilts, bewildered. “Wow, you really can understand me.”
"Enough!" A ball of light grew in your palm and you hauled it towards him, which he easily evaded by jumping off to the opposite wall.
"If you're a priest you'd listen to me! There's a mystic ranked demon who escaped the Limbo!"
You tilt your head, what a coincidence that he left the Limbo and suddenly there's a powerful demon running amok doing god-knows-what in the overworld. You could only scoff as your powers pulsed in your palms.
"A mystic ranking on the loose huh?"
"Yeah, he was the King's brother!" He said with the edge of his mouth tugged up that rubbed you wrongly.
He's definitely lying.
Why would he tell you such information if not to distract and defeat you?
"Quite convenient, isn't it?"
"Wha—" He barely had the chance to react when your fingers touched the space between his eyebrows, the contact was enough to launch him back to the far corner of the plot.
You approach him with your power still generating in your hands, you have to deal with him fast if he is the escaped prisoner from the Limbo.
You watched as he rose from the ground with barely a stutter in his movements, he was indeed a powerful being if he didn't even suffer any injuries from that hit. He's dangerous, and he needs to be eradicated immediately.
"I am telling you the truth!"
And you don't care.
You charged towards him, and barely a metre away from him with a charged hand ready to slam his face into the ground. But in a fleeting second before you could raise your limbs to attack, he reached for your face instead and redirected you to pummelled to the floor.
The ground around you dents with his strength and pain erupted from every part of your body but it was minimised by the holy power that you coated it with, still it was an agonising feeling that blazed your skin.
With the damage you suffered along with the infected cut in your shoulder blades, you wonder if your bloody training had any worth if a high ranking demon was able to take you down with a single hit.
You're still not enough.
"Listen to me for a moment, alright?! I don't even want to talk to you but it's needed!"
"Why should I?" You ask, trying to divert his attention as you heal yourself.
You suspect that he noticed the shift in your energy with how trained his eyes on your body. Something you confirmed when his eyes rolled back, irritated.
You were ready to hasten up the healing process but with how unbothered he appeared, you continued with the slow pace. Him doing nothing felt insulting, does he think that you're not worth his time?
How rude and unforgivable!
"Just give me ten seconds to explain who I am and how I am here."
You didn't speak, internally counting down from ten, waiting for his explanation that never came but his face did scrunch as he realises what was happening.
"Wait… Are you counting already?"
He let out a defeated sigh, shoulders sagging.
"I am looking for someone in the overworld, our King has declared a national search for this demon and the reward is very handsome, so can you help me find the bastard?"
There was an uncomfortable silence that hung above you both as you just stared back at each other, trying to work out the other's motive. But after a while, you opened your mouth to speak.
"Why did you surface now? Why not months before?!"
"The rules of the Limbo is a headache, I was only able to travel here when I got summoned." 
The rule he spoke of is the law the god, XD or Xeno, has created for the high ranking demons. They can't travel out of the Limbo unless they were summoned by someone from the overworld.
"Why should a child of Light help you, a demon?" You question, eyes narrowing at him.
"Because I can easily repel the other bad spirits since I am a high ranking demon."
"I can banish them just fine, I don't need your help." You said as you rose to sit up in excellent condition, surprising the man.
"That was fast, are you a high priest? No regular priest can withstand such power."
"There is nothing to gain from this deal, so shut up and go home." You threw a punch that packed most of your energy.
Even with that, the demon in front of you caught your fist as if he was breathing. Eyes now lidded with boredom as he grumbled inaudibly, tremors rattled down your spine as you were slapped with the realisation of how huge your power difference was.
Even with half of your power, he was able to stop your fist.
You have never felt so small cornered by its natural predator until now.
"Can't we have a normal conversation? I really am trying to talk but instead you threw your fist."
"What did you expect? Do you want me to worship the ground you stand on?"
The demon's face soured, disturbed by the idea. "Ew, don't bother. Just listen to me."
You studied his face now that he's closer. His eyes were painted red like the seed of the ripest pomegranate, black iris narrowed like a cat and thin lips shaded coral and subtle stubbles dotting his jawline.
"What do I even gain from this?"
"Knowledge about the Limbo and demons."
You narrowed your eyes on him. "Isn't there a bounty on the Dark King's brother?"
His mouth cracked to a smile. "That's all for me, it's in our currency."
"Can't I have just a penny?"
"Nope, I made a vault for that reward because I'm confident I can catch him." He spoke with an arrogant grin, you scoffed.
"Then you don't need my help."
"I need your power to do damage, dark magic doesn't hurt those who are familiar with it."
That doesn't make sense, you can't even wound this man in front of you, how does he expect you to help him dispel a legendary demon?
As if he read your mind, he turned to your fist in his palm. 
"I'm just putting a lot of energy on that palm, you're actually dealing a lot of damage."
Your eyes widened, turning to your fist before draining away more of your energy to force into your fist, a sharp hiss escaped his lips and you withdrew the rest of your strength.
"That hurts, please appreciate that I am trying my best to communicate."
He is indeed trying, and you commend him for that. Not to mention, the amount of dark magic he's inserting on one part seems limitless.
You would lose with your diminishing mana if you tried to fight him now. So there's only one way out of here.
You unconsciously bit your bottom lip, while the riches were out of question. The knowledge you'd possibly gain from this interaction would be far more valuable, the temple can pass it down to the next generation to help aid the mortals in their fight against the demons.
Would the High Priest agree to such an offer?
"So there's a different demon on the loose?" You inquired and relief flushed the demon's face, his hold on your knuckles loosening and you let it fall to your side.
"So, you're gonna help me out?"
You're not, but if it makes this man leave the overworld, then you'll take the chance. If you couldn't take this man down when you have already reached the divine holiness of the High Priest, then there's no other choice.
You don't trust any of his words but if it gets him back to Limbo, then you'll follow along.
Demons can never stay long in the overworld afterall. It's not worth the conflict it'll cause everyone.
"What can he do? I'm sure I can handle him quickly."
"Sure you can handle him, you were down just with one hit from me."
Your pointed stare at him made him facepalm in disappointment. 
Good to know he's aware of offending you.
"We can work together, I can teach you everything the Limbo has and then I get my money afterwards, it sounds like a fair deal, doesn't it?"
You stared at him with that blank look in your eyes once more before letting your arms hang on your side as you sigh. If you're going with a demon of his level, you should at least know the basic details about him.
"What kind of high rank are you?"
He raised an eyebrow as he smirked teasingly.
"Why would you wanna know?"
"If I'm helping someone, shouldn't I at least know who they are?" You said as if it's the most obvious thing in the world, the deadpanned look in your face making him laugh lightly.
The demon then placed a hand on his heart and bent to a 90° angle before straightening up to introduce himself.
"I am Duke Quackity, competitor for a seven deadly sins title." 
Your eyes widened at the revelation for a brief moment before ironing it back to an absent look. The journals back home have never indicated any other sins other than Wrath and Pride. This would be a good study and a trophy to show off if you do this right.
The priests will kiss the land you walk on if all goes well.
"Which one of the sins?"
He chuckled. "Couldn't you have guessed it from our conversation earlier, priest?"
Your cheeks burned in embarrassment as your mind tracked your conversation with the demon a few minutes ago. He mentioned building a vault for the reward their king has prepared for the victor.
"Is it Greed?"
"Bingo, I'm glad that you're not all brawn, little priest!"
You shouldn't be talking to demons, the looming voice at the back of your head increasing in their volume as you continue to interact with him but it was for the sake of knowledge.
It was a great chance to learn more about the system down in the limbo, you could squeeze every info this big-mouthed demon to pass on to the future generations. He doesn’t seem to mind telling you tales if you asked. 
This is a good learning opportunity.
And a chance to escape the temple even for a few days, a voice mumbled in your head that you pushed back as soon as it was uttered, weight settled in your guts as another sound joined in, insisting for an apology.
But for the alliance to work and make sure no soul can sniff his water dam-like power in a crowd of ponds and pitchers. Glancing at the beads wrapped snug on your wrist, an idea formed.
"I'm going to help you but on one condition."
This is a mistake.
You should take him out while he's unguarded.
Stop, what will his holiness say?
"I need to cut your power in half temporarily, I can't have your dark magic changing everyone around you."
"You promise to not banish me as soon as it's on?" He asked, eyes trained on the beads you are removing from your wrist.
You need to banish him this instant! His holiness will be furious!
"Then chain me up, Cardinal."
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sunflowerdaisybee · 3 years
can i ask for a cc jack manifold with gn reader who accidentally leaks his s/o's phone number on stream like he did with tubbos and his brothers numbers and how he reacts. ur writing is so good ty for ur time xxx
Ah thank you for sending in a request, my time is only well spent on you guys <3
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Summary: Jack leaks someone's phone number, for the third time
Pairing: Jack X Reader
Pronouns: They/them
[A/n]: Requests are open :]
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“Oh hold on, (Y/n) is calling” Jack grabbed his phone and answered the call, putting you on speaker and telling you that he’s live.
“Yeah I know you’re live doofus, that’s why I called you. What do you want for dinner tonight?”
“Uh, I don’t care, you can pick.”
“Jack, why am I getting thousands of phone calls right now?” Jack looked up from his phone and towards the screen. For the third time, he had leaked someone’s phone number by being careless.
“Uhm, don’t freak out, but I accidentally showed your number to the camera.”
“Jack, I’m gonna kill you.” You hung up and decided to turn your phone off, for now, you did not want to deal with all those phone calls.
Jack on the other hand was freaking out, it was one thing to leak Tubbo’s or his brother’s by accident but you were different. Jack immediately turned his attention to his chat.
“Guys please stop calling (Y/n), they don’t deserve all those calls and I don’t want to die this young.” Jack had begged and pleaded with his chat to stop calling you, he wasn’t sure what he could do except help you get a new number when you got home.
“Guys, I might just end up as dinner.”
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ratsoks · 2 years
the beauty of the rain / c!p!tommyinnit [pt 2]
a/n ;; this is written as platonic!tommyinnit x reader is not to be read with romantic intent
gender ;; neutral (you/yours)
warnings ;; mentions of death
word count ;; 1.6k
& part one
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you had heard tales of limbo—a personalized afterlife of sorts—filter through the lands of the smp. each limbo was different, custom to their captive in a way. you couldn't escape limbo. it was where you spent the rest of eternity, trapped in your own personal hell. the legends had claimed most people were stuck in a transport system of sorts. whether it be a train station, bus stop, or even an airport, the feeling of freedom was excruciatingly close, yet so painstakingly far away. you were stuck on the docks. it was peaceful at times, with the sound of the dark ocean lapping at the shores, while other times, it was chaos. the honking of ships and the yelling of phantom voices would torment you with the idea of freedom, of happiness, of escaping this hell. you could see people, their shadows more than their actual stature, but never their face. they would wait on the platforms with you and their name would get called, a voice you didn't recognize would shout for joy and bounce over to depart. you waited and waited but your name never came. it came to the point where it was just you sitting on that lonely platform with nothing but the sound of the ocean to keep you company. it was lonely in limbo. the sky would taunt you with gray clouds and a black sky, but it never rained. the one thing that you truly enjoyed would never come about in the thirteen and a half years you were stuck in limbo. sometimes, over the p.a. system, you could hear the sobs of tubbo, the rants of ranboo—who was trying desperately to hold everyone together—and the heart-wrenching screams of tommy. tommy would ridicule himself for not being able to save you that day and say he should have been there, should have saved you from dream in time, and swear on his life that he would avenge you from the green bastard. he would visit your grave every day and tell you about the happenings on the server, describing his hotel and roasting jack manifold. other times, when it rained, he would describe it in all of its heavenly beauty to you and whisper that he wishes you could be there with him to dance in it. you would come back in a heartbeat if it mean getting to see tommy. you never expected for the opportunity to come, but come it did on another gloomy day on the docks. you were laying down with your spine uncomfortably nestled against the hard wood, listening to the sounds of the boats, workers, and ocean. you weren't expecting for polished boots to step down beside you, glinting in the dull sun's light. looking up, you definitely weren't expecting to find the masked man who killed you in all his captain's glory. he had a pristine uniform lacking any wrinkles or sign of usage, with a shining mask and an outstretched hand. "get up, [name]," he said, twiddling his fingers. "we've got places to go to." "huh?" "i'm getting you out of limbo," he replied simply, acting as though you could simply get out of limbo. "dream, you can't leave limbo, it's designed so that you can't escape!" "did i ask? now get up." with furrowed brows and a confused expression, you took his hand and hauled yourself up. he didn't let go though, and dragged you aboard the nearest ship labeled "the s.s. revive". "what are you doing?" you inquired dumbly, still hella confused as to what was going on. dream sighed in exasperation, dropping your hand and turning his mask to stare you dead in the eye. "need i repeat myself a thousand times? i'm getting you out of , now shut up or this will be a long ride for both of us." and long it was. your mind couldn't slow down for your thoughts were racing a million miles an hour. how was he getting you out of limbo? nobody had the power to do that. it just wasn't possible. was he taking you back the dream smp lands? did that mean you were going to get to see tommy again? or did this simply mean that this was a redemption arc, testing you in another life to see if you did well in that one. you were restless, itching to get back to tommy and assure him that you were back. or, you hoped that's
what you would get to do at least. while you didn't trust the masked man—you vaguely remembered negative emotions accompanying his face in your past life—you told yourself that it was all for tommy. for tommy.
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gasping, you abruptly sat up and clutched your head. what happened? instead of hearing the sound of the ocean like you were used to, you heard the chatter of voices and incessant yelling. familiar yelling. "tommy?" you said softly, your wide eyes looking around. it seemed that a group of people were awaiting your awakening, all staring at you with wide eyes and open jaws. you could spot fundy, niki, and eret, among others, but you couldn't find the familiar red baseball tee you were desperately searching for. but then a weak voice behind you said, "[name]?" jumping around, you found tommyinnit in all his disheveled glory, with heavy bags under his eyes and messy hair. his arms were hanging limp by his side and his whole posture screamed "sad", but you wouldn't have it any other way. rushing up to him as fast as your wobbly legs could carry you, you engulfed the boy in a hug and squeezed your eyes shut, mumbling his name over and over under your breath. "i can't believe you're back," he whispered, arms squeezing your waist and tears wetting your coat. "i can't believe it either," you chuckled. your arms around his neck loosened as you hesitantly backed a step away. "are you . . . real?" you were so afraid to pinch your arm, so afraid to wake up back on the docks in your limbo, only to find it was all a horrendous, beautiful dream. but tommy did it for you and you weren't met with the rumbling sound of the ocean. "tommy!" you exclaimed, throwing your arms around his neck once again. you relished in the feeling of another human being embracing you, having not felt it in over a decade. you pulled back once more and wiped happy tears from your eyes, then decided to address the question that had been bugging you ever since dream had pulled you up from the docks that day. dream. "h-how am i alive?" tommy's voice cracked slightly as he responded, "dream. dream had a revive book and revived you and wilbur. took him long enough but . . ." you then took a moment to glancing around at all of the people standing there, watching you and your self-proclaimed little brother reunite. "thank you, everyone," you started, looking each and every one of them in the eye. "i really appreciate everything that you've done for me, and for coming out all this way to revive me." tears were shed and approving nods were received as you continued on, making up a speech on the spot. "it was lonely in limbo. i could hear every single one of your voices calling out to me, mourning me and begging me to come back, but i couldn't. i couldn't respond, i couldn't do anything. i could only sit there in silence and cry with you all because i wanted nothing more to be back in these chaotic lands once again." smiles and sobs were heard and seen at this point, and as much as you wanted to cry with them, you had to be strong. you had spent thirteen and a half years on those god-forsaken docks in limbo being weak and wallowing in self-pity, but you were back now, and clutching tommy's hand like a lifeline. you weren't going to let death steal you away from him again. "thank you so, so much for making the decision to revive me today. it really, truly means a lot. i wouldn't be able to be here without you guys, so thank you again." it was then that a group hug commenced. niki started it by running up to you and flinging her arms around you, whispering in your ear how glad she was to have you back, then tommy joined in, then jack, then fundy, then the other members. it felt so nice to be back in people's embrace again. it felt so good to smile at your little brother and ruffle his hair again, and to laugh at tommy's exuberant protests. it felt so good to taste niki's glorious cakes again, to close your eyes and savor the melting icing on your tongue. it felt so good to laugh at jack's puny jokes and watch tommy deter him playfully, eventually evolving in an all-out war between the two. it felt so good to stare at tommy's beautiful blue eyes at the end of the day and hold him close, whispering
reassurances in his ear about how you were never going to leave him again, and feel him lightly brush your white streak of hair out of your face. it felt so good to be back.
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sallysoot · 3 years
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welcome to my masterlist! | ( updated 06/30/2022 ) unless specified otherwise, all works have a gender neutral reader!
bangin’ authors | bangin’ artists | memes asks | qna | my writing
invention of a legend. [ god!technoblade x reader ] - discontinued imagen de espejo. [ mirror AU / quackity x reader ] - discontinued a vessel of wasted potential. [ simpbur x reader ] - discontinued
to athena. [ technoblade x reader ] - second person, 1.4k ‘til the end of the line. [ sam x reader ] - second person, 0.8k  amor eres tú, solo tú. [ technoblade x reader ] - techno pov, 0.5k daniel in the den. [ techno x reader ] - second person, 1.3k home is where the heart is. [ technoblade x reader ] - second person, 1.7k the lovers’ waltz. [ dream x fem!princess!reader ] - third person, 1.8k some songs are angry. [ technoblade x reader ] - second person, 0.7k trust me. [ yandere!schlatt x reader ] - schlatt pov, 0.4k alone and steady, wintry calm. [ wilbur x reader ] - second person, 0.7k tending to the wound. [ technoblade x reader ] - second person, 0.5k mythology buff. [ platonic!technoblade x reader ] - second person, 0.3k the wake. [ philza x reader ] - second person, 1.4k raindrops on roses. [ skeppy x bad x reader ] - second person, 0.5k sweetheart grip. [ wilbur x reader ] - second person, 0.8k a lesson in hubris. [ technoblade x reader ] - second person, 0.6k familiar stranger. [ technoblade x reader ] - second person, 1.5k heart for hearth. [ philza x reader ] - second person, 0.4k mwah! [ dream x reader ] - second person, 0.3k winter hospitality. [ technoblade x reader ] - techno pov, 1.3k it’s a conversation. [ jaeger pilot!philza x reader ] - second person, 3.3k you’re still stuck in my song. [ stalker!wilbur x reader ] - second person, 2.7k objective complete. [ jack manifold x reader ] - second person, 0.7k your eyes pull me under. [ wilbur x reader ] - second person, 0.5k
it’s always you. [ techno x reader ] beyond the frightful weather. [ technoblade x reader ] getting to the point. [ technoblade x reader ] the last time. [ niki x reader ] five more minutes? [ schlatt x reader ] sweet things. [ quackity x reader ] a promise unbroken. [ technoblade x reader ] the boy with the flaxen hair. [ dream x reader ] first, never the last. [ dream x reader ] goodnight, stellaluna. [ father!phil x reader ] food & wine. [ phil x reader ] if the breeze won’t blow your way… [ quackity x reader ] something about us. [ dream x reader ] helping hand. [ technoblade x reader ] before the curtain falls. [ wilbur x reader ] one lifetime with you. [ technoblade x reader ] battle scars. [ technoblade x reader ] closing early. [ schlatt x male!reader ]  prized. [ yandere!dreamXD x reader ] faithless. [ technoblade x cassandra!reader ] the eye of the beholder. [ phil x artist!reader ]
baking date [ niki x reader ] affectionate reader headcanons [ dream x reader ] yandere headcanons [ dream x reader ] yandere affection headcanons [ dream x reader ] poly headcanons [ dream x reader x technoblade ] platonic jealousy [ technoblade x reader ] yandere headcanons [ ghostbur x reader ] comfort headcanons [ quackity x reader ] wing headcanons [ quackity x reader ] crushin’ headcanons [ technoblade x reader ] yandere headcanons [ sapnap x reader ] yandere headcanons [ phil x reader ] yandere headcanons [ fundy x reader ] yandere headcanons [ schlatt x quackity x reader ] yandere headcanons [ sam x reader ] yandere headcanons [ technoblade x reader ] yandere headcanons [ multiple x ghost!reader ]
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itsfeckinwimdy · 3 years
IFT Headcanons pt1 - Coming Out
cc!Philza x n.b!Reader (platonic)
Eventual cc!Jack Manifold x Reader
Reader pronouns: They/Them.
Summary: Headcanons about the reader in the I’m Fucking Terrified series coming out as non-binary to their family (Philza (their dad) and their grandmother.)
Word count: 486 words.
Tags: Angst/fluff, series: I’m Fucking Terrified, They/them pronouns.
Soulmate Attribute: Body art - Doodles that a person draws on themselves appears on their soulmate’s skin.
IFT Series Masterlist / Soulmate Multi-Series Masterlist / Soulmate Extra’s Masterlist / DSMP Masterlist
Published - 11/07/2021
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Coming out...
Yeah, it was scary.
Even though you knew you’d be supported in your family, especially by Phil, your dad, after seeing him talk multiple times about how if people don’t accept others for being trans or non-binary or even being part of the LGBTQ+ community then they’re shitty human beings and stuck in the past.
Over the next few months after realising you were non-binary and wanting to come out you tried to tell your dad (this was pre-Wedding, so 2017/2018 probably).
After many failed attempts, it was after a family dinner that you blurted it out.
Everyone had finished eating and your brain went ‘fuck it’ and you just announced it.
As the words tumbled from your mouth, the room became quiet. You could feel the tension in the air that grew after the words “I’m non-binary” were spoken.
You froze as everyone’s eyes as now on you. Your dad and your grandmother were both looking directly at you from where you were stood. No one spoke, it was silent apart from the dog’s panting breaths.
As the world felt like it was caving in, you forced out a laugh as tears started to swell up in your eyes. “I’m sorry.” You stuttered out, “I’ll just go.”
You started backing out of the room, preparing for the worst as you were planning on heading upstairs to your room.
Phil was the first to break the silence, “So do you still use your birth name? Or do you want to be called something else?”
And with that, the tears began.
After breaking down in tears and being comforted by your family, who luckily were accepting of you, unlike some people in the world, you ended up explaining what being non-binary meant to your grandmother, Phil already having some idea about what it meant but not entirely knowing the ins and outs of it.
If you weren’t comfortable with your birth name and decided you wanted to be called something different, they were all accepting of you.
I mean, yes they still slipped up with the whole name and pronoun thing in the early weeks, but they learnt and eventually didn’t slip up.
With your permission, Phil told Kristin (his fiancée at the time) about you being non-binary and of course, she was accepting of you and it just made you want to see her again even more.
If you wanted to go by your new name at school, Phil would schedule a meeting/call the school and tell them to change it and your gender to non-binary, and allow you accessibility to any gender-neutral bathrooms or the staff/disabled toilet if there want any. (That happened at my school as planning for gender-neutral bathrooms wasn’t thought about when it was built, smh).
A few years later when you turned 16, your family asked you if you legally wanted to change your name...
Let's just say,
You may have cried again.
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sweetpeahoneybee4u · 3 years
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Rules Honey-Buns
This blog is only for sfw writing. I have another blog, spicysweetpeahoneybee4u, for nsfw.
I will always do female readers by default since I am a girl and it's more comfortable for me but if asked I can do gender neutral.
I will only write for the Dream Smp but you can request for an au of the Smp. I will also do Tales of the Smp is requested.
Yandere is allowed but nothing to hardcore. It'll be soft yanderes. You can find the hard ones on my other blog.
Who I'll write for is down below ⬇️
c!Jack Manifold
c!Tommy (Platonic)
c!Tubbo (Platonic)
c!Ranboo (Platonic)
(Poly Ships x reader)
c!SBI (Platonic)
c!Chaotic Bench Trio (Platonic)
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amazingphilza · 3 years
amazingphilza’s 100 follower event!
thank you 100 followers and all the support so far i really appreciate it!!! to celebrate this milestone, i’m opening up special au requests :D
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info :
all requests will be in an x reader format and gender neutral! for au’s with different categories pls choose only one. imagines/hcs will be posted in the course of a few weeks :]
there is no deadline & you can submit as many requests as you’d like, but will close after 35 submissions! {8/35}
i write for: tommy , tubbo , ranboo , & sbi / bench trio / bench trio + jack manifold as a whole (both cc & character, platonic only!)
example request: congrats on 100! can i request a shopping imagine with with cc!sbi ?
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au list :
1. fake dating
2. flower shop
3. vacation / roadtrip
4. holiday
valentine’s day
cc!bench trio
new years
5. day out scenarios
cc!bench trio
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sunflowerdaisybee · 3 years
Hello Sun,
I wanted to ask for a Jack manifold Imagine with a Male reader, where the reader is like a big book worm and reads like very old books. And one day while they're cuddling (Jack in readers arms) Jack asks if Reader could read to him, and he falls asleep.
I didn’t really include any specifics about the books but everything else should be there :] <3 /p
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Summary: Jack just wants love
Pairing: Jack X Reader
Pronouns: male intended but no specific pronouns used
[A/n]: Requests are closed, check back later :]
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Jack hummed contently as you ran your hand up and down his back, placing a kiss to the top of his head. Jack hadn’t been feeling well lately and wanted nothing more than to cuddle up with you to ease his pain. Not that you minded, you were lounging about and reading anyways, nothing that you couldn’t involve Jack in.
The two of you were now laying on the couch, you on your back and Jack laying on your chest, blankets draped over the two of you. On the coffee table was some tea for Jack’s throat, and your drink, both in matching mugs.
“(Y/n), love me.”
“I am loving you, what more do you want from me baby?” You chuckled as you rubbed over his shoulder blades, holding him close to you.
“I’m so tired, but I can’t sleep. Can you read to me, please?”
“Of course baby, anything for my sweet boy.” You picked your book back up, starting to read aloud. Jack probably had no idea what was going on but he didn’t ask any questions so you didn’t bother. Listening to your voice as you read over the words, sentences spilling out of your mouth was enough to knock Jack out.
You were sure how long you had been reading out loud to Jack, but it was obvious that he had fallen asleep quite some time ago. His body was relaxed and his breathing was slowed.
“Sleep well, my love.”
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Taglist: @joyfullymulti @minty-ghast @rokkyy @duddum-froppers
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sunflowerdaisybee · 3 years
15, 22, 27 w jack manifold x gn!reader please!
This was my last 400 follower special so I decided to just get it done and then power through the rest of my requests so, here ya go <3
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Prompts: “You should sleepover tonight.” “We literally live together.” “So sleep over in my room tonight.” | “That looks cute on you, but it would look better on the floor.” “It would get wrinkled on the floor.” | “Like what you see?” “Yeah now move you’re blocking the view.”
Pairing: Jack X Reader
Pronouns: They/them
[A/n]: Requests are closed, please check back later <3
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���Hey (Y/n), you should sleepover tonight.”
“We literally live together Jack.”
“So come sleepover in my room with me, I miss you.”
“Whatever dweeb.” You and Jack laughed at your playful nickname. The two of you were cuddling on the couch, watching cheesy movie after cheesy movie.
“Ya know, that looks cute on you, but it would look better on the floor.” Jack motioned to the sweatshirt you were wearing, it was one of his.
“But it would get wrinkled on the floor.” He internally facepalmed as his flirting attempt failed. He would have to try again.
Jack moved in front of you, blocking your view of the tv and making eye contact with you.
“Like what you see?”
“Yes now please move, you’re blocking the view.” The poor man nearly deflated as his second attempt at flirting failed. It was hopeless.
You chuckled and gave the moping man a kiss on the cheek before nudging him out of the way.
“I love you, my handsome man.”
“I love you too.”
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Taglist: @joyfullymulti @minty-ghast @rokkyy @l0ver0fj0y
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sunflowerdaisybee · 3 years
cc jack x female reader ylyl stream. chat knows theyre together, and the two live together. yn is a very pretty girl, and most of her images on ig are a bit more, scandalous! yk like croptops, booty shorts etc which cause a lot of thirst trap edits to be made. chat and the mods decide to be little putas so they let thirst traps about yn get sent in, causing jack to get flustered as hell. reader continues to playfully tease jack abt his flusteredness, they kiss, and continue on with the stream.
I wrote this while sitting on the floor at my moms work, anyways this was hella cute and I hope you enjoy
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Summary: Jack gets flustered by your thirst traps
Pairing: Jack X Reader
Pronouns: Female intended but no specific pronouns used
[A/n]: Requests are open :]
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You were pretty well known on both Twitter and by Jack's fans. You had made appearances in more than a few streams of his and they enjoyed having you around. Typically you would join in for a few minutes here or there on one of his streams but today, the two of you were streaming together.
Jack had set up for a You Laugh You Lose stream and was waiting on you. Once you had joined him in his streaming room, he started the stream.
Things took a minute to get going but soon enough there was a steady rhythm. The videos were ok but nothing too funny or memorable, which was a tad disappointing.
“You guys gotta step up your game, I’m getting old just sitting here.” Chat wanted to make Jack eat his words, but a lot of their videos were getting blocked by the mods.
Though it was quickly that the mods had come up with an idea. There had only been a small handful but occasionally someone would send in an edit using pictures from your Instagram. All of the edits were designed to be thirst traps, making them the perfect weapon to use against Jack.
Putting their evil plan into action, the mods let one video through, then another one, and another one. They didn’t want to do too many as they knew it could take away from the stream so they only allowed three, that they deemed appropriate enough, to be let through.
Jack was nearly drooling, it wasn’t that he hadn’t seen these photos before, hell he had taken half of them, it was how they were edited. There was nothing done to alter your appearance, only music, and added effects.
It was enough to have his jaw hitting the floor though, which you found hilarious. If it wasn’t for you gently lifting his jaw back into place you fear he would’ve been stuck like that forever, which would be horrifying, to say the least.
“You alright there bud?” Jack blinked a few times, pulling himself back into the moment.
“Yeah, I’m uh, I’m good.” You laughed as Jack just sat there, thinking about what he had seen.
“You act like you’ve never seen those photos before when you’ve helped me take like half of them.”
“I know, but something about that video just- I don’t even know.” Jack shook his head, trying to shake the shock from his mind. He would’ve been successful in the act if it wasn’t for you leaning over and giving him a big kiss on the cheek.
“Love you.” You smiled as Jack’s face flushed red from the bottom up.
“I love you too. Can we just focus on the stream now?”
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sunflowerdaisybee · 3 years
prom request anon has returned. jack is my beloved so anything requested from me will always be for him lol. jack is streaming but this stream is different. hes streaming with his 5 year old daughter him and the reader have together. the stream is teaching my kid how to play mc. prior to the stream, yn and jack got in an argument. yn has to go to vidcon and is nervous to leave jack alone w the kid for so long, bc she doesnt think hes ready. yn watches the stream from the plane and sees its okay
Something about Jack and kids just keeps me up at night, anyways this was cute so here’s your fic <3
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Summary: You’re nervous about Jack being left alone with your young child
Pairing: Jack X Reader
Pronouns: They/them
[A/n]: Requests are open :]
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“So what, you don’t trust me?”
“No, I trust you completely, it’s just. You’ve never been with her alone for so long and I’m worried something is gonna happen.”
“Everything is gonna be fine, she’s a big girl and I’ve been raising her for the past five years. We’ll be fine.”
“I know, I just can’t help but be nervous.”
“You need to go, go get on your flight before you miss it. Go.” You sighed and nodded, going to grab your bags.
“Bye sweetie, love you. Be good for your father.” Your daughter nodded, giving you a big hug and kiss goodbye.
“Bye Jack, love you.”
“Love you too, now go.” Jack smiled as he gave you a kiss, closing the door behind you as you left. He was perfectly capable of being alone with his daughter while you were gone, plus if he needed any help he could just call over Niki or Wilbur, they were a sucker for her.
“Wanna play that fun colorful game that I always play?” Your daughter nodded excitedly, bouncing in her spot. Cheering and talking about all the cool stuff she was going to do brought a smile to Jack’s face, his daughter was seriously the cutest.
“Alright, give me a second to do something first.” You were on the plane when your phone dinged, a twitch notification popped up. What the hell, why was Jack live when he was supposed to be watching your kid?
Clicking on the notification, you plugged in headphones, not wanting to disturb other passengers.
“Hello, guys and welcome to Me Teaching My Five-Year-Old Daughter How To Play Minecraft.” Jack made excited jazz hands as your daughter looked around excitedly.
“Hi!” She waved at the camera, flashing a big, toothy smile. As much as you would prefer to keep your kid off social media, you had to admit that seeing her and Jack together on the live helped to calm your nerves. Maybe things would be ok.
You were still gonna call Jack and yell at him for putting your kid on stream though.
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Taglist: @joyfullymulti
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sunflowerdaisybee · 3 years
Hey Hey could I request a cc! Jack Manifold imagine. In which he and the Reader bake a pie together (like not on stream but normal) they like play fight all the time and at the end they both eat the pie and watch the Rocky horror show on Tv.
This was really cute, also I know nothing about pies lol <3
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Summary: You and Jack do standard couple things
Pairing: Jack X Reader
Pronouns: They/them
[A/n]: Requests are open :]
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If someone had told you beforehand that baking a pie would be so difficult, you would’ve chosen something easier. You and Jack decided to make some pies for an upcoming get-together you were having with some friends, and of course, you had to make it from scratch.
Deciding on the pies was the toughest choice, there were so many options but eventually, the two of you settled on apple and pumpkin. Currently, you were both in the kitchen, making the crust for the pie.
“Hey, can you pass me the flour?”
“Yeah, sure!” You should’ve known that Jack was going to do something stupid, though in hindsight it was quite funny. You held a hand out for him to pass a bowl of flour to you, but instead, he dumped a cup of flour into your open hand.
“There you go.” He was barely able to suppress his laughter at your annoyed face. It wasn’t until you took the handful of flour and threw it at him that he stopped laughing.
“ThErE yUo Go.” Jack looked offended for a moment before he grabbed a handful of flour and chucked it at you laughing as you tried to block the attack. Before he could grab more flour, you snatched the bowl and moved it away, blocking him from grabbing it.
“We need it to make the pies.”
“We have more.”
“We’re already covered and you have to clean it up, so do you really want to throw more?”
“Never mind.” Things were calm for a while as the two of you continued baking, slowly but surely making pies.
Once both were in the oven you took a moment to look at the mess in the kitchen.
“We should clean up and shower.”
“Yeah, we should do it now while the pies are still in the oven.” Jack agreed and the two of you got to work cleaning up the kitchen.
“Are you gonna be all set to finish up while I go shower real quick?”
“You’re gonna shower without me?”
“Someone has to watch the pies, we can’t leave the oven on with no one in the kitchen.” Jack pouted, silently begging you not to go.
“Ok fine, I suppose we can shower after they’re out of the oven.” Jack lit up, excitedly pulling you into a hug, a very messy hug.
As soon as the pies were out and onto the counter, Jack was dragging you off.
After showering and changing into clean clothes, you and Jack headed into the kitchen.
“These pies smell so good, I’m tempted to eat one.”
“Wanna just eat them and we can make new ones tomorrow?”
“Only if we can watch Rocky Horror Show.”
“You pull it up and I’ll grab the forks.” And so that was how the two of you ended up cuddling on the couch, faces stuffed with pie.
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