#just ignore me if ya want i just needed to get this out ha
fanaticalthings · 2 days
Give me crime lord!Jason who's actually on good terms with the batfam. Not only would it actually be helpful when it comes to missions surrounding underground/illegal operations (Jason would be able to retrieve way more insider knowledge) but also I think having a supervillain family member that you're chill with is just untapped comedic potential that needs to be taken advantage of.
Damian gets into a petty fight with Bruce, and the next day, instead of waiting for Bruce to pick him up from school, he calls Jason, who shows up in full Red Hood regalia and just rides off with Damian.
Of course everyone at school sees that Wayne's son just got snatched by Gotham's most notorious crime lord, so ofc when Bruce gets there, sees Damian missing, and hears a series of panicked whispers about a gun slinging, criminal biker riding off with a prince of Gotham, Bruce immediately knows what's up and just sighs, already anticipating the many publication companies he's gonna have to bribe to stay silent.
Sometimes, they need Jason's help with intercepting certain illegal trades within the underworld of, not just Gotham, but just common areas where shady businesses are most prevalent. And when Bruce requests that Jason brings evidence of said illegal shipments to the cave, Jason will smugly respond with "I can, but it'll cost ya"
And Bruce is all exasperated like, "Jason, please, this mission's been going on for a month, I just want to get it over with."
And Jason's just looking down at the crate of smuggled materials, recognizes that it's highly sought after by many rogues (maybe it's machinery parts or rare chemical substances, etc) and ofc Jason's about to be petty as hell when responding to Bruce:
Jason: I don't think you have any idea how valuable the stuff I have is. If I sold this myself in my part of the underground, I'd make a fortune!
Bruce: Jason
Jason: Butttt, if you're not willing to pay me for this, y'know, despite being a billionaire, I guess I could just auction this off to another willing client
Bruce: Jason
Jason: I hear Lex Luthor's been cookin' up something new for Superman. I wonder if he'd be interested?
Bruce: Son, please.
Jason: I'll give you a family discount.
And it's just a back and forth of this EVERYTIME. And Jason only does it when he's collaborating with Bruce. None of the other bats have to deal with Jason demanding money.
There was one time, during a Wayne gala where practically ALL the kids (except Jason, dude's still legally dead), had to show up. And around halfway through, the Red Hood just crashes through the skylight and then just fucking kidnaps Bruce Wayne, in front of everyone. And of course the gala has to be cut short.
Meanwhile, Bruce, in Jason's custody: I CANNOT believe you, son. WHY of all times would you do this? You are GROUNDED, I don't care if you don't live with me anymore, this is just UNACCEPTABLE-
Jason, completely ignoring him, holding up a tablet with news article headlines about this incident: Bruce, look at this shot they got of me crashing through the ceiling, I look fuckin' badass
And then when the fam (in costume) come to "save" Bruce, in a blink and you'll miss it moment, Bruce catches Cass and Jason whispering something to eachother in the corner and them fist bumping before Jason books it out of there. He can already feel a headache brewing.
And generally speaking, I feel like the batfam could be way more efficient with this arrangement. You got the regular team of bats, investigating from above, as well as being able to infiltrate socialite environments as Waynes. Then you got Jason, who can keep an eye on all the lesser exposed and lucrative activities whilst he keeps the underground businesses under his control. I feel like it would be a win win situation that would be hella interesting to see explored.
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cosmopretty · 11 hours
can i req a angst? kk arnold x fem!reader. reader was having a tiring and stressful day! so she was angry, very angry and bored. kk tried to approach her to annoy her a bit (as always) just jokingly, but reader unintentionally ends taking out everything in kk, she yelled at her, cursed... and kk becomes sad 🥺🥺
KK Arnold X Fem
warnings: angst, suggestive , fluff
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You have the worst day ever today, scratch that the whole week has been so bad for you. First you have so much work piling up from all your classes that you have to make up. Then you have barely seen your girlfriend Kamora all week due to her having long practices for basketball.
You drop your head onto your desk and groan pulling your hair, you have been sitting doing work for two hours straight and it’s driving you crazy how you’re not even half way done. Your phone dings and quickly you look at it seeing your girlfriend texting saying she’s coming home late, again. You just heart the message not wanting to reply to her at the moment.
You sit down at stare at your work for a second before going back to it. It went by so fast one minute you’re doing your work the next you’re crying into your pillow.
Shoving your face into the pillow to hide your tears, it’s all just caught up to you. The stress from school and family caused you to not be able to sleep well at night or eat well and you haven’t taken a moment to focus on your feelings. So you lay in your bed and cry for god knows how long until you get up and wash your face. Looking into the mirror you sigh your face looked thinner and you knew why, your too stressed and when your stressed your body changes.
You sit back down taking a deep breath before you hear someone knocking on your door. Getting up you open the door and automatically KK wraps her arms around you swing your back and forth. She kisses your head “ I missed you so much baby “ she tells you before letting go of you and going inside. You nod “ Missed you too but I gotta do work so give me a little time to finish “ you tell her walking back to your room and sitting at your desk.
KK nods understandably she knew how you valued your school work. It was one of the things she loved about you, how hard you worked. She missed you all week long and would not shut up about you to her teammates. Paige had to physically cover her mouth to make her stop taking about you and how much she loved and missed you. KK lays on your bed watching you and scrolling through TikTok for about thirty minutes before she gets bored.
KK taps your shoulder, looking up from your paper you raise your brows at the girl “ What happened “ you ask her. She shrugs and starts kissing your neck you moan a bit before pushing her away “ I need to work KK this is important “ you turn back to the desk trying to focus on your work. Your girlfriend groans and taps you over and over trying to get a rise out of you.
Slamming your hand in the desk you look at her annoyed “ Can you give me a break KK DAMN you’re annoyed the fuck outa me right now “ you tell her. She nods and walks away from you back to the living room. You sigh realizing that you’d shouldn’t of lashed out on her.
Dropping your pen you get up and walk over to KkK. You sit down next to her and go to wrap your arm around her before she moves away “ Nah what I thought you wanted ya space “ she says.
“ Come on KK I didn’t mean it “ you try to move to her again before she gets up and grabs her shit before leaving your dorm.
It’s been three days since you last talked to your girlfriend. She has been ignoring you since that moment in your dorm. You were so mad at yourself for hurting her like that, you didn’t mean it of course. You were just stressed and accidentally took it out on her.
The stress definitely took a toll on you, with the bags under your eyes and your face thinner than before. You talked to your roommate about it and she told you that you should take a break and focus on yourself. But how could you do that with KK mad at you, she was your everything and you were hers. You both just fit together like a puzzle and everyone around you could see how happy you made each other.
You sit down on your couch knees to your chest watching TikTok before hearing a knock on your door. You get up immediately opening it fast hoping it’s the one person you want to see the most. And thank god because there she was, standing at your door looking down at you.
KK just walks in not saying anything to you at all. You look at her and she sighs “ Your roommate texted me she said you been stressed and ain’t eating or sleeping is that true? “ she asks you.
Looking down at your hands for a moment you look back up at her before walking over to the couch and sitting down. You let out a breath and nod your head “ There just so much stress with school. I’m sorry for yelling at you KK I didn’t mean it I promise I just took my stress out on you “ you apologize to the girl you loved hoping she would forgive you.
Your girlfriend eyes soften “ Come here baby I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you “ KK says pulling you down onto her lap. You immediately wrap your arms around her neck and kiss her cheek “ S okay KK I’m fine don’t worry “ you comfort her.
KK shakes her head “ It’s not okay you need to eat and sleep mama. Ima order us some food tonight okay and we can cuddle and watch whatever you want “ she says moving her head down and kissing your lips. You moan into the kiss and she slips her younger in your mouth. The two of you make out for a moment before pulling away for air. You breathe heavily and KK slips her hands under your shirt grabbing your hips “ I know a way to help get rid of stress “ she says one hand moving to squeeze your ass.
You nod and lean into her touch “ Yeah you wanna help me relax “ you tease her while kissing her neck. KK moans out and nods “ Hell yeah come here baby lemme make you feel good okay “ she grabs you and picks you up by the back of thighs and carries you to your room before laying your down on your bed and climbing on top of you.
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Now or Never- Huskerdust
@furryrainbowscreature, I promised I’d tag you once I finished the oneshot, so here it is!
This is just some cute Huskerdust confession/first kiss that I randomly came up with, and I really hope you guys enjoy it! These guys make me sick /pos, they’re so sweet 🥺💕
    Angel Dust is well and truly in love.
    In all his years, alive and deceased, he’d never thought he would say it— but it’s glaringly obvious by the flush of his cheeks and the spring in his step as he slowly makes his way downstairs, to the bar where he knows the man of his dreams— and quite possibly nightmares— will be.
    The letter clenched in his shaking arms suddenly feels as if it’s crafted of pure lead, and he periodically switches the paper from hand to hand to avoid dampening it with nervous sweat as he traverses the stairs. He’s terrified about doing this tonight, so soon after they’d both almost lost their lives and their friends… but something inside him wants it over it, wants the “now-or-never” to become simply a “now”.
    In a rare turn of events, Husk doesn’t have a drink in hand, and Angel is glad to see it. He offers the stocky man a smile that he hopes looks casual as he sits, setting the letter gently onto his lap and tapping the counter. Husk has turned his back to him, he notices, and he gathers his courage to speak, hoping his voice doesn’t betray his nerves.
    “One of my usual, if ya please,” he calls, and Husk glances around, grinning when he catches Angel’s eyes.
    “Comin’ right up, Legs.”
    Angel chuckles as Husk gets to work, making the same drink that Angel’s ordered every night for weeks, muttering each instruction under his breath as he goes. It’s flattering, almost, to think that Husk would remember something so small about him— but there ain’t that many people who stop for drinks daily here, he chides himself. Don’t get cocky.
    “Here you are,” Husk grins, setting down a glass and filling it to the brim with the bubbly, bright-green liquid. “One emerald isle, on the rocks.”
    Angel accepts the drink, the cold a welcome feeling on his warm palms. “Thank ya, Whiskers.” He takes a sip, relishing the springy taste of the drink, hoping that the liquid courage will bolster his confidence. It’s difficult to swallow, almost, and Angel finds it has the opposite of a desired effect; every sip makes him queasier than the last.
    It’s stupid, really, how positively dumb Husk makes him. Angel is no stranger to the ins and outs of flirting, as it’s quite literally his job, but something about the fellow sinner erases everything he’s ever practiced, every wink and sly comment that crosses his mind vanishing the moment he flashes him that goddamned smile.
    Hypothetically, it would be so easy for Angel to treat the man like just another actor in a shoot— flirt, fuck, and get on with it, as Valentino always says to him— but he knows deep down that Husk deserves better. He spent nearly an hour this morning pouring his heart out onto the paper now hidden in his lap, something he hasn’t done since he was alive (and twelve). It’s embarrassing, but he knows he’ll chicken out if he attempts to do otherwise, and so he steels his nerves and clears his throat after downing the rest of his cocktail.
    “Heya, whiskers?”
    Husk glances up, and the breath is knocked out of Angel almost immediately at the slightly curious tilt of his head, one of many quirks of his that no one but Angel ever seems to notice. 
    “Yeah?” Husk lets out a quick laugh at the sight of the spider’s empty glass. “Ya need another drink?”
    Angel sighs, setting down his cup. “No, actually…”
    This is it, Anthony. Don’t fuck it up. No pressure.
    “I’ve got somethin’ to give ya.” He sucks in a breath, ignoring the drop of his stomach, his instincts screaming at him. Without another word, he shoves the letter towards Husk, not waiting for him to open it before leaping out of his seat and hurrying back up the stairs, his heart pounding in his chest as he slams his door behind him. He hears the faintly annoyed muttering of some guest he’s awoken next door, but he doesn’t quite care. 
    “Fuck,” he groans, dragging his hands down his face. “Fucking idiot, fuck, fuck.” Slowly, he walks to his bed and flops onto it, fighting the urge to jump right out the window to his left and run off into the hills— but because cursing at the sky and packing his bags hasn’t helped his situation thus far, he simply sags and waits for a tap on his shoulder, followed by Husk’s condescending face as he rejects him, leaving him in the dust. Fat Nuggets comes toddling towards him, and he cuddles the pig close, letting himself laugh at the childishness of his confession as he prepares for failure.
        What comes instead, however, is somehow worse. He startles as he hears three soft raps on the door, followed by a soft creak as it opens.
    “Hey, Legs?” Husk’s voice is quiet, careful.
    Angel sits up, blinking, flushing pinker than the suit he’s neglected to change out of. “Husk,” he answers, unsure what to say. There’s a certain awkwardness in the air, so thick it’s palpable, and just when he thinks he can’t take it, Husk breaks the silence.
    “That was really sweet… that letter you gave me, I mean.” The older man clears his throat, and Angel’s heart skips a beat as he watches Husk tentatively take a seat on the edge of his bed. “I… didn’t know you felt that way.”
    Angel feels his stomach threaten to climb out of his throat. “Ah, shit, Husk, I’m so sorry. I shouldn'ta done that to ya, shouldn’ta put you in this position… ya don’t have to—“
    He’s suddenly cut off by Husk leaning forward, silencing him with an abrupt kiss and sending his words flying away into the never-ending darkness outside. Angel gasps before reaching up to cup Husk’s face in his hands, returning the kiss with fervor.
    It’s nothing like the fake, ‘sexy’ kisses he has to endure at the studio, nor the disgustingly slobbery ones from Val that leave him feeling awful for hours afterward. No, the sensation of Husk’s mouth on his is like being perfectly devoured, every inch of his soul pouring into the kiss. It’s nothing short of divine, and he finds himself savoring every moment of it.
    All too soon, Husk pulls away, and Angel finally lets himself catch a breath. “Oh,” he whispers, much to Husk’s apparent amusement, as the other sinner pulls him into a tight, bone-crushing hug.
    “You’re fuckin’ wonderful, Angel,” Husk says, and Angel can practically hear the smile in his voice. “Thanks for lettin’ me know that you feel the same.”
    Angel feels his heart flutter once more, and he laughs into Husk’s soft fur. Husk keeps holding him close, and the two sit in comfortable silence. Fat Nuggets snuggles up next to Angel’s side once more, and the two of them smile fondly at the pig.
    “So…” Angel scratches Fat Nuggets’ head. “What now?”
    Husk shifts them both so that Angel is sitting in his lap, upsetting the pet next to them and causing the pig to scurry off somewhere else. Angel chuckles, wrapping his arms around Husk’s neck.
    “I say we get back to kissin’,” Husk suggests, and Angel feels his soul swell with love for the umpteenth time as he leans in once more.
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dramarants · 8 months
Wanting more homoeroticism in the tension between the show’s leads as the narrative introduces greater intimacy and higher stakes between them, especially in a landscape that lacks queer representation who isn’t a villain or dies within one or two episodes, but also recognizing that core values/motivation for these characters lie in their relationships with one of two major female characters in an on screen sausage fest where the only other woman is a morally reprehensible femme fatale and erasing and/or vilifying female leads in favor of conventionally attractive males is a common practice observed in fandoms that’s rooted in misogyny and justified under the guise of rejecting heteronormativity, thinly veiled double standards, or claiming the woman is simply not interesting enough and not wanting to bolster that mindset
#the worst of evil#you know who’s not interesting enough? haeryeon!! bibi’s acting the hell out of her and slaying while doing it#but idk anything besides she’s willing to subvert her dad for dick and values money over everything else#and also she’s hot which is great for me!! but also the male gaze#and I also get it - we don’t know much about euijeong in her limited screen time besides her relationships to junmo/kicheol#but she is given so many traits that are silently conveyed like compassion and bravery and sacrifice#she brought a fucking gun to her date with kicheol like the conflicts and motivations here are SO JUICY#her exasperation guilt and despair with the investigation; esp after listening to the voicemails#what’s the self respecting thing to do; do I still love my husband if he loses himself; can I continue a game I never wanted to play#at the cost of my life or my family’s life?#even though a lot of her choices are for her marriage she’s using whatever agency she has in her own terms#kicheol works to be an honest man and make a difference partly bc of her#not trying to place the burden of fixing men on her but ignoring her impact in the boys’ lives is wild#ship whoever you want hate whoever you want but don’t deride a woman just cuz ‘she’s in the way’ ya know#all this being said; kicheol bringing junmo home after he RAMPAGED seemingly on his behalf - literally who else is doing it like them#the yearning all around - I get it now; we need gangster mob!throuple to get any shit done around here (and for all 3 to stay alive 🫣🙏)#but the reality next week is gonna be so so bitter
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nat-20s · 1 year
I don't want to sound dismissive because you're right and stories about adults are good, but that post about not relating to coming of age stories is so funny you just "came of age" like 6 years ago.
i definitely get where ur comin from anon but I didn't relate to coming age stories when i was """"coming of age""" either. I haven't even had a first love and i didn't start to understand my gender more until i was 23 skdfjkdflk which is why it's hilarious but also a little frustrating that ages like. 15-19 are supposed to be prime Discovering Yourself and Becoming Who You Are ages. most people are in a constant state of self discovery and becoming and i just find most coming of age stories uhhhh...kind of horseshit lol. I'm dunking on anyone that did find them relatable or did see themselves in them or value them but they r just. Not for me and never really have been even when I was the target age you know?
#replies#anon#'coming of age' we are ALWAYS coming of age you know? coming to know yourself in your 30s is still coming of age!!!#im not actually arguing with you personally anon this was a fun message and i get that like. yeah i cannot claim to be an Elder tm lol#but i think some people are misinterpreting that psot and are being like ugh how dare you maybe just stop reading YA??#and that NOT my fucking point. my fucking point is that like 75% of the shows and books that get recommended to me#(which jumps to like 90% if it's queer media :/) are about teens!!!#i don't want teenage stories and im sick of self discovery and first loves and fun adventures and cool space operas being#mostly starring teenagers as if only teenagers experience that stuff!!!#why are adults allowed to find new loves and passions and have a love triangle with a bad boy and their best friend if they so want#why are 40 somethings allowed to figure out their gender and sexuality!!!#THAT's what im complaining about im complaining that finding good Adult fiction that has some similar narrative beats to the imo best parts#common aspects of ya fiction is hard#where's the stories for those of us that didn't have first loves at 15 and haven't had first loves at 25 and are still figuring out things#tldr most high school/ya stories have some really cool elements that i don't think need to be exclusive to teenagers#extra tldr: stop telling me about fictional teens having sex i can not and will not fucking care anymore#SORRY FOR THE TAG RANT ANON YOU DIDN'T DESERVE THAT FEEL FREE TO IGNORE THIS LOL
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rosicheeks · 1 year
🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀 oooOooOoOoOooOoOoo you want to send me weed money so badly right now ooOoOoOOOooOoOooOoOoO 🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀
Cashapp - $rosicheeks420
Venmo - @ wickednyx
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kyunsies · 2 years
the living situation is …. not good you guys ✌🏽
#mädch rambles#this is tmi and only close friends know about this so you can completely ignore <3 i just need to get stuff off my chest :’)#so my mom has been in this relationship w her bf for like 10 years and while we were still living at home they had a long distance#relationship#and the summer before i moved to uni she decided to have us live w him in the state that he lives in and ive been here for like 5 years at#this point#and basically we have been miserable for 5 years too …. and i do believe they loved each other#but things change in 10 years and this summer has been the worst . he had a heart attack this year and i guess it’s been putting a lot of#stress on him bc he’s starting to treat my mom like shit for no reason#and ive always had a Rocky relationship w him and quite frankly i don’t want him in my life i really just don’t want anything to do w him#but my mom has been wanting to move us back home bc my grandparents are getting older and we just. don’t wanna be here anymore ya know? and#he’s just been acting like such an asshole to my mom like blowing up on her for no reason … throwing things …. it honestly worries me a#little bc idk what’s brewing in his head and i just don’t want anything to happen to my mom physically or mentally#we just need to get out of here :’) go back home be close to family and never look back here ever again . it’s just hard having a single mom#bc you want to do everything in your power to support her financially but i still don’t have my job at the hospital yet bc i’m waiting for#feedback 😭 i just want what’s best for us and i want us to be happy and I want her to be happy and not be around this asshole anymore#we should have never mo Ed here in the first place ……#hoping we can get out of here soon :’)#just there’s a lot going on :’)
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leemarkies · 2 months
if i pass this deposition group project i shouldn't have to take the bar they should just give me my license bc i had to deal with my dumbass groupmates
#no like i feel like screamingggg#we have to divide up the deposition and decide who's doing what#and I MADE THE DIVISIONS. and offered tons of subtopics to talk about for each part#and i ended up with the part about our client's and friend's relationship with the ranch owner to establish their status on the land#like. ok! i can handle that!#tell me why every fucking groupmate i have posted their depo outline on our gc#and every fucking one of them are asking questions about their relationship#we each have to depose for 20 min why are y'all taking my fucking topic i won't have anything to say when it's my turn!!! tf!!!!#so i'm messaging them things like 'hey bestie maybe u should ask them about the padlock gate. or their first aid kid.#or emergency procedures. bc ya know.. ur topic is the ranch in general. wtf'#or 'hey how about you mention how the bunkbed has open slots on the side where the latter SHOULD have been.#ya know. since ur topic is the bunkhouse.'#whatever if they take MY questions that I have to ask i'm taking theirs <3#i fucking provided them all the info for each topic we could talk about and they just all fucking ignored it#hey idiots there's a reason i have the best grade in the class ik wtf i'm doing#we can ONLY use the evidence we get in the depo in the final motion so we need to make sure we ask all the questions we can! fuckers#like do the topic divisions mean nothing are we all just gonna wild out and ask whatever tf we want bc this transcript is gonna be shit#i'd rather just depose all by myself for 3 hours#marie.txt
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fairy-hub · 6 months
𝐜𝐫𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐮𝐬
𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭: Your friendship with Kenjaku, Satoru, and Suguru gains some benefits.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: train/passing you around, size kink, collar/leash, praise/degradation/mocking/teasing, pain kink, sweet mean dom!geto, sweet sadistic dom!kenjaku, sweet mean dom!gojo, hints of jealousy, choking w and without the with leash, spanking, spitting, dacryphilia double stuffing the same hole, triple penetration, hints of cock warming, begging, overstimulation, mindbreak, friends with benefits, possessive kenjaku with talk of a punishment, squirting, vibrator, creampies
𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞: 15 minutes / 4.3k
oreo: @arminsumi you have me the nugget of encouragement I needed thank you and that last post I reblogged from you had me thinking which is how gojo found his way into his post and into your pussy (don't look at my shame, ignore the posting date i'm sorrryyyyy)
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Kenjaku bends over in front of you, blocking the Tv, dangling your spiked collar in front of your face. The leash coiled around his other hand. Smirking at you, “Our lil princess grew up into a beautiful slut.” Grabbing the back of the sofa, towering over you.
“What? You gonna do something about it?” Trying to snatch it from Kenjaku, standing up and holding your collar above his head. Standing up on the sofa, yanking it from him. He wraps an arm around your waist, swinging you around.
Wrapping your legs around his waist. "Do you want me to?" He had always been so tall, but never this thick. Clinging to Kenjaku it's impossible to ignore his brawny arms, fat pecs, and sculpted abs. He's gotten so muscular in the five years you've spent apart.
"Yes." Slipping your finger into his soft dark hair. Grown to his shoulders and buzzed on the side. Showing a beautifully done tattoo of spiders crawling out of his skull. Sliding your hand down his pec, glancing over at Suguru stretched out on your sofa,
Satoru comes up behind you, slipping the collar from your fingers. “Aw is it just him ya want?" Wrapping the collar around your neck, fastening it. "Wanna slut your pretty ass out for Sug and I too?" Looking up, Satoru is close, towering over you.
"Anytime anywhere, my safe word is beans." Grabbing the back of head Satoru's head, lightly dragging your nails over his undercut. He leans in for a rough kiss, parting your lips for his tongue.
Kenjaku bites your shoulder, groaning, sinking in his teeth until you're crying into Satoru's rough, needy kiss. Cupping your ass. tugging on the leash. Being sandwiched between Kenjaku's and Satoru's hard, muscular chests has you soaking through your underwear.
Suguru gets up from the sofa, slipping his black sweater off. "It will be easier to triple-stuff our whore on her bed." Satoru breaks away, and Kenjaku slaps your ass, squeezing a handful. Crying from the sweet stinging pain. His thick fingers massaging your ass doing little to soothe the burning.
Biting Kenjaku's neck, he moans, it's breathy and going straight between your legs. He croons, "Is that the hardest you can bite, how cute." Biting down harder, your wet cunt clenching around nothing when Kenjaku whines.
Tugging on his inky black hair. "That's it, bite me harder n' mark me." Your fingers glide out of Satoru's hair when he pulls away. Wrapping your arm around Kenjaku's shoulders. Kissing the red bite mark, sinking in your teeth right above, sucking on his skin.
He trails behind Satoru and Suguru heading towards your headroom. "At least I won't have to hear you endlessly gush about how badly you want to fuck her when we get home." Kenjaku gently rubs your cunt through your shorts. Having his fingers so close yet not being able to feel him is torture.
Satoru nudges your bedroom door open, turning on your overhead light. Looking at Suguru with a large grin. "Oh you think this is going to shut me up. You should know me better than that." He makes quick work of his clothes alongside Suguru.
Breaking away from Kenjaku's neck, "Speaking of home how much longer do I get the pleasure of seeing all of you." Gently laying you on your back, letting go of the leash letting it pool next to you.
Your chest aches and your wet cunt throbs. "I missed ya'll so much seeing everyone on my phone isn't enough." Looking into Kenjaku's dark chocolate eyes, they have gotten so cold over the years. Seeing them warm up with a needy, hungry passion your heartbeat in your cunt.
"We know, we missed ya too that's why we moving into a place here together." Kenjaku grabs your shorts, easily tugging them off, momentarily lifting your hips off the bed. Tossing it onto the floor.
Your bed dips underneath Suguru and Satoru's weight when they climb on, kneeling on either side of you. Your eyes widen, "You did! That's not fair, all of you are living together without me!" Satoru and Suguru grab an arm lifting you upright. Shifting onto your knees, holding your arms up.
Satoru drops the leash through the collar of your shirt. "Our slut wants to see us walk around in our underwear, hear our rough sleepy voices, and climb into our beds at night." Those two words ring over in your head in Satoru's smooth playful voice.
Their slut.
Kenjaku slips his long-sleeved shirt off. Shifting closer towards the edge of the bed. Unbuttoning his ripped jeans, biting in between his v lines. Roughly yanking them down with his underwear.
The answer is easy to give. "You'll never be able to get rid of me." Pushing his pants down for him to step out of, kicking aside. You take a moment to take in the body-length piece depicting a war between angels and demons.
Kenjaku confesses, "We've been your's from the beginning." Following the trail of carnage from his pecs along his hard slim waist. "Listening to you rant about mediocre men who have failed to get you off has been infuriating." Passing by his cock, wrapping your fingers around Kenjaku. Swiping your thumb over his cock, leaning over to spit on his cock. Smearing it with a swirl of your hand.
Spreading your legs when Satoru grabs your ass, jiggling it before giving you a harsh smack. "Knowing that in three minutes between your legs n' I can have you calling me God. You say you aren't letting you go, I'll baby trap you givin' the first chance." Nudging his finger into your wet cunt fucking his long thick finger into you.
Kenjaku grabs the leash, coiling some of it around his hand. "We are picking out another collar, I want you to wear it everywhere." Your cunt is soaking, dripping down your thighs aching with a throbbing need to cum.
You're blaming it on how cunt throbbingly beautiful Satoru, Suguru, and Kenjaku are with their mouthwatering pretty cocks. "I thought I got over ya'll. This isn't fair." Satoru bites your ass, and you moan from the sweet pain.
Grabbing Suguru's fat cock, taking him in your mouth, pumping your hand along Kenjaku's cock. He suggests, "I could look for a place with two extra rooms. One for you to sleep in, the other to fuck you in." Groaning when you pump your fist faster.
"Fuck I've been wanting to do this for too many years." Biting your ass, groaning, curling his fingers. your cunt flutters when he grazes your sweet spot. Satoru glides in a second finger, clenching him.
"Such a sexy little cunt, she's going to be gapping and dripping cum when we're done." Replacing his long thick fingers with his tongue with a loud groan. You push your hips back, trying to sit on Satoru's face.
He reaches around stroking your sensitive clit. "Dirty slut getting off on taking three cocks. One isn't enough for a pretty greedy cunt like yours huh?" Slapping your sore ass, groaning around Suguru's cock, your steady pace faltering. He grabs your head stuffing his cock in deep. Your nose touching his short dark hair above.
Kenjaku insists, "We can get her on her back so we can all get a taste of her pretty cunt." Suguru glides his cock out of your mouth. Satoru bites your thigh, stuffing two fingers into your cunt. Curling them messaging your g-spot until Kenjaku yanks on your leash, pulling you out of Satoru's grasp.
Whimpering when Satoru tugs on your thigh, not letting go easily. "Nn that felt too good." Suguru slaps your ass. "Smacking me around more, make my slutty ass sore n' use my sloppy wet cunt." Kenjaku climbs onto the bed, yanking you onto your bag and dragging you towards the top of your bed.
Suguru props the pillows up, grabbing underneath your shoulders, sitting you up. Spreading your legs, Satoru leans in for a sloppy kiss you can taste yourself on. Sliding your fingers over his short soft undercut into his fluffy hair.
Wrapping your fist around Suguru's cock, slide your fist down. Getting off on how hard yet soft feeling of his heavy cock. His puffy veins occasionally pulse making his head slightly twitch.
Kenjaku lays down on the bed, biting your thigh, stroking your clit with his large thumb. Whining into Satoru's kiss, getting sloppier, rougher, fondling your breasts. Tugging on your nipple's barbell, making your clit tingle too.
Letting you go, slapping your beautiful wet cunt. Gliding two fingers into your cunt with a loud squelch, sucking on your sensitive clit. Ripping through the sweet stinging pain with toe-curling pleasure. He doesn't take long to find your g-spot.
Suguru groans, rutting his hips, his thighs trembling. "Nnn keep stroking my cock like that." Satoru pulls away standing up and covers your face with his balls. Shallowly stroking his cockhead, coxing thick white pre-cum out.
Opening your mouth sucking Satoru's balls, the pace of your hand swirling along Suguru's fat, heavy cock. "Cock hungry whore, nnnfuuuck I can't get enough suckin' on my balls like that. It would feel even better to fuck your pretty mouth sore." Sticking your tongue out when he lifts his balls off your face.
Tilting your head back, looking up at Satoru. With a quick smooth stroke stuffing his cock deep into your mouth. His jaw-dropping with a loud moan. "Wanna take a picture of your pretty lips wrapped around my cock." Quickening his pace with his deep strokes, gagging you easily without even giving you all of his long cock.
Kenjaku pumps his fingers faster, his tongue's bar stroking your clit perfectly. Your hand falters around Suguru's cock. He grabs your wrist to hold your hand still for him to glide his cock through.
You aren't doing anything. Getting off on how they are helping themselves to your mouth, hand, and sloppy wet cunt. Creaming on Kenjaku's fingers, your sensitive cunt spasming around him. He doesn't break the steady pace of his thick fingers, focusing on your sensitive spot.
Biting your thigh when you try to twist your hips away. "Stay still whore I'm not done." Stroking your clit with his pierced tongue at a steady slow pace. Gliding in a third finger, pumping them into you with loud lewd squelches.
Groaning around Satoru's cock he stops forcing you to take all of him. Suguru states, "That's one, I want you to keep count of how many times we get your pretty little cock sleeve to cum." Satoru glides his cock out with a soft pop, moving aside.
Pathetically whining when Satoru bites your tit, flicking your nipple with his tongue. "I can't get over how they're pierced, gonna get you some pretty chains to tug on." Rubbing your other pierced nipple, hooking his fingers around the bar tugging. Then gently stroking small slow circles.
Twisting your hips away crying, Kenjaku is relentless with a pierced tongue and thick fingers. Fucking your past your high, sucking on your clit with loud groans. Biting your thigh, sitting up wrapping the chain of your leash around your neck.
"I'll tighten it every time you try to pull away until you're too weak to move." Kissing your forehead, switching places with Satoru. On his knees admiring your soft, beautiful body. Dipping his head between your legs, grinding his hips into the bed.
Squeezing Satoru's head with your thighs. Your clit is too sensitive for the steady quick strokes of his soft tongue. His thick fingers nudge your soaking wet cunt, gliding in, curling stroking your cunt. It doesn't take him long to find your sweet spot.
Kenjaku tugs on the leash tightening it around your neck. Grabbing your hand, spitting in your palm then guiding you to his cock. Smearing your spit with slow swirling strokes.
Suguru lets your hand go, letting you stroke him. Grabbing your thigh, pulling it into his lap. Kenjaku does the same with his other leg. Together they are keeping your legs spread apart for Satoru to suck on your clit and fuck two thick, long fingers into you.
Suguru grabs your chin, turning and tilting your head up. Leaning in for a kiss. Parting your lips for his pierced tongue. His kiss starts off slow and soft. Groping your chest, gently rubbing your nipple. Groaning into your mouth.
Kenjaku shifts in his seat, grabbing your wrist and gliding it off his cock. "What am I sitting on?" Reaching not far underneath the pillow pulling out a vibrator. Smiling, "Here Toru use this."
Satoru pulls away with a soft pop, gliding his fingers out. Taking the toy from Kenjaku. Biting the nipple Suguru isn't playing with. Groaning when you writhe. Pulling away slapping your cunt to make you jerk back.
Kenjaku tightens the chains around your neck. Satoru glides his fingers around it. Admiring how it's painfully digging into your skin beneath the collar proclaiming you their slut. "I'm staying, Look me in my adorable face after this and kick me out. I bet you cuddles that you can't."
Satoru gets off the bed toy in hand to grab his pants and slips his phone out. Kenjaku nudges three fingers into your cunt. Your hand around his cock going limp. You're too weak to move from the lack of air.
Taking a picture of Suguru making out with you. With Kenjaku fucking his thick fingers into your sloppy cunt. You're soaking your sheets. "Send it in the group chat." Tossing his phone aside onto the bed, holding the toy to your clit. Turning it onto its strongest setting.
Suguru breaks away, Kenjaku glides his thick fingers out holding them to your lips. You barely have the strength to open your mouth. Roughly stuffing fingers into your mouth. You can't suck, too limp and tingly, dark spots dancing in your vision.
Kenjaku unwraps the chain around your neck. Gliding his fingers along the indent left behind. Loudly breathing it, soothing burning lungs. You can feel the rapid pounding of your heart in your dripping wet cunt.
Steadying your breathy, your voice is raspy and breathy when you whine, "Fuck fuck fuck." The intensity of pulsing is too much for you. Curling your toes, your thighs trembling, cunt clenching, slick dripping soaking into your bedsheet.
Suguru stands up putting his cock in your face. Stuffing his thick, veiny cock into your mouth in a quick thrust. Gagging you with short, deep strokes until you're crying. "This is the only time I want to see you sobbing. You're so damn sexy choking on my fat cock." Gliding his cock out, smacking your cheeks, stuffing himself back into your hot wet mouth.
Admiring how your lips look gliding along his cock with a deep moan. Holding your head still by a fistful of hair. Steadily fucking your mouth, making you cry with spit dripping down your chin, smearing onto his balls.
Satoru swirls the toy on your soft clit. Spreading your lips apart with his fingers to record how your cunt spasms around nothing. Sinking two fingers, massaging your sweet spot. Groaning around Suguru's cock.
Kenjaku holds your hand out flat, spitting into it. Wrapping your soft fingers around his thick veiny cock. You swirl your hand down, his heavy cock drooping to the side on top of your wrist. Your cunt flutters around Satoru's fingers when Kenjaku groans.
Adding a third long thick fingers, your sloppy wet hot tight cunt squelches with each pump. "Squirt for me mama, lemme see your pretty super soaker gush. Show me goof I'm makin' her feel." Biting your thigh, sucking and swirling the toy on your clit.
Suguru glides his cock out. Grabbing his cock, lifting his head up to kiss him. "Fuck like my cock that much." Trailing soft kisses along a puffy vein. Sucking on his soft balls. Pumping your hand along Kenjaku's thick, veiny cock faster.
Swiping your finger over his thick head, smearing pre-cum. "Go ahead and make a pretty mess for us beautiful." Licking up Suguru's cock, wrapping your lips around his fat head. Softly licking his head, tasting him.
Rutting his hip, stuffing his cock deep into your mouth. Gagging you till fresh tears spill down your cheeks. Groaning, stuffing the last inch of his cock into your mouth. Grabbing your headboard, holding onto the back of your head.
"You look so fuckin' sexy with my cock stuffed so deep." Gliding his tongue till the tip is about to slip out. Groaning when you swipe his head with his tongue. "I wonder how your beautiful cunt looks taking my fat cock." Roughly fucking your mouth, his balls hitting your chin.
You're creaming on Satoru's fingers, he doesn't stop. The peak's intensity becomes overwhelming as it grows. You can't remember to stroke Kenjaku's cock. He pumps your hand around his cock.
Satoru croons, "We can double stuff our lil slut, use her like a cock sleeve till we bust a nut. Ya got tighter around my fingers. Want Sug and I to double stuff your cunt. Whoever cums second it gonna fuck the first deeper into you." Squirting on Satoru's fingers, he stills the toy on your clit.
Steadily pumping his fingers, fucking you through your high. Gliding his fingers out, dipping his tongue in to taste you with a groan. Yanking your hips back, he swirls the toy on your oversensitive clit.
Pleasure boarders on painful. You're quivering tears trickle down your cheeks. Satoru lazily pumps his tongue, groaning. Stretching his long, muscular body out on your bed. Grinding his cock on your soft sheets. Suguru glides his cock out of your mouth. Sitting down next to you.
Satoru grabs your hair pulling you onto your knees. Forcing Kenjaku to let go of your hand. Slapping your ass as Satoru pulls your shorter soft beautiful body on top of his. Getting on his knees, getting next to your head. Grabbing your hair, pulling your head back, and slapping your face.
"Stupid sluts like you get triple stuffed." Sticking out your tongue looking into Knejaku's beautiful face. Satoru grabs your jaw making you face him.
"You can have her mouth in a minute. I'm recording what expression our beautiful slut's face makes when we stuff our cocks in." Satoru picks up his phone, capturing your beautiful face on screen.
His cock is trapped with your sensitive clit and soft lips. Grinding your hips, smearing your slit on Satoru's cock. Biting your lip, your soft clit drags along a thick vein. You can feel his pulse. Lifting your hips for him to reach between grabbing his cock and lifting it for you to sink your soaking wet cunt down on.
Taking Satoru's warm cock head when he grabs your hip planting his feet and slamming you down. Moaning, your jaw drops, clenching his side with your thighs.
Kenjaku grabs his cock jerking himself off next to your face. "I'll have to screenshot something for my phone's background." Pinching your nipple, softening when you whine. His gentle strokes soothe some of the ache.
Satoru croons, "You sound hot cryin' like that." Enjoying how deep he's reaching, stroking your sweet spot before touching your cervix. Suguru nudges your stuffed cunt with his cock, getting just his fat head in. Admiring how your cunt stretches, his cock vanishing inside you.
Your warm, soft soaking wet cunt is so tight, pressing him against Satoru's longer cock. Slimmer than his own he's stretching you out more. His head stopped just below Satoru's. Your tight cunt makes Satoru's cockhead overlap.
"Fuck the pretty faces you made taking our cocks is gonna make me bust too quickly." Satoru ends the video tossing his phone aside. Letting Kenjaku grab your hair twisting your head forcing you to look up at him. Sptting on your cheek, smearing it with his cock before stuffing your mouth.
Suguru and Satoru time their thrust, stroking your sweet spot with Satoru's head hitting your cervix. Not giving you another moment to get used to them. Suguru's soft breathy moans mix with Satoru's needy whines.
Kenjaku's fat cock muffles your cries. "Pretty little crybaby slut." Dropping your leash, pushing his hair out of his face with a swipe of his hand. Clenching Suguru and Satoru's cocks.
"Three cocks enough for ya? One of us is bound to be free when your greedy little cock sleeve needs to be filled." His large balls smack your spit-covered chin. "Touch anyone else and you're not sitting down right for days. I'll make you count every hit to your sweet ass." Fucking your mouth rougher, grabbing his thigh.
Digging your nails into Kenjaku's muscular thigh." That's it my pretty slut cry for me." Smiling down at you, "I'll edge you till I cum then leave you wanting till the next day. Won't even let you cum during aftercare, and if you touch yourself, you're not getting my cock for a month." Gliding his cock out of your mouth with a soft pop.
Using however long you got to catch your breath. Moaning when Kenjaku smacks you roughly across your face. Satoru groans "What dumbass our cock drunk lil slut is getting off being smacked around in bed? What other fucked up things would you let us do?" Rutting his hips faster, messing up the pace he's kept with Suguru.
Kenjaku stuffs your mouth full of his thick cock, roughly pumping his hips. Keeping a steady pace. "We should rent a place in the middle of the woods and find out. It won't matter where we fuck her."
Satoru slides his large warm hands up your sides. "I could pin you against a tree and fuck my cum into you after skinny dipping." Cupping your breasts, swirling his thumb over your nipples.
Suguru grabs your wrists twisting your arms behind your back with one hand. Smacking your ass repeatedly till you're jerking your hips away trembling. "Is six all you can handle? Pathetic." Slapping your stinging cheek two more times before massaging your soft sore cheek.
"We can raise her pain tolerance make her our perfectly trained painslut who begs for our cocks." Kenjaku groans, his hips shuttering. "Keep cryin' like that and I'll have to cum in your mouth." Fucking your mouth faster, tightening his grasp on your hair when his legs tremble.
Satoru grabs your sides, digging his nails in. Whining beneath you, his pace getting sloppy. Thick warm cum spurts deep in your tight, sloppy wet cunt. Satoru's thrusts flatter. He lifts up biting down on your shoulder.
Suguru fucks you harder, faster, stuffing Satoru's cum deeper into you, stroking his cock. Getting off on your soft cunt squeezing him tighter and the warmth of Satoru's cum. He lets your wrists go, grabbing your leash, and tugging on your collar.
Kenjaku's firm grasp keeps your head from moving. Steadily fucking your mouth not caring about your need for air. Causing your body to become tingly and limp, your head foggy. There is no need to think about anything. You just need to feel their warm hard cocks fucking into you until they cum.
Cumming on Suguru's cock pushing him over the edge. He sloppily fucks his cum into you. "Cum in her cunt." Kenjaku glides his cock out of your mouth, pumping his cock. Suguru lifts you off Satoru's cock, holding you up with your legs spread, pulling his cock out.
Satoru moves out of the way, getting off the bed and heading into your bathroom. Turning on the water.
Kenjaku moves in front of you, lining himself up and giving you his fat cock in one quick rough thrust. Jolting, your eyes widening and your toes curling. Wrapping your arm around his broad shoulders slipping your fingers into his soft hair. Tugging on it, pulling him in for a rough, passionate kiss.
Parting your lips for his pierced tongue. Laying you down when Suguru gets off the bed, his heavyweight pressing you into the bed. Digging your nails into his back, giving him several thin pink lines that will be there for days.
Pulling away, grabbing the toy on the bed, turning it on, holding it to your clit. "You're my dirty lil slut n' you're gonna take my cum like a good whore aren't you?" Swirling the toy on your puffy, sensitive clit. It's too much, you're trembling.
"Please cum please cum please cum! Sir please. daddy sir Kenjaku please cummmm." Clenching his cock, trying to push him over the edge quicker. "It's too much nnnn can't, can't, want to feel you cum. Please!" Smiling when you feel his a quick pulse in the veins of his fat cock.
Spasming around him cumming too quickly from his thick cock splitting your sensitive cunt open fucking Satoru's and Suguru's cum deeper into you. "NNn fuck that's it sexy mama needed to feel her cumming on my cock to get me off." Thick warm cum trickle from his cock. Smearing with every steady stroke.
Kenjaku takes the toy off your clit, turning it off and setting it aside. "Beautiful princess I'm proud of how well you did for your first time with us. What do you want for your reward?" Leaning down gently kissing your forehead.
"Cuddle pile? Don't take you cock out just yet." Smiling softly at you, your cheeks heat up from the admiration in Kenjaku's brown eyes. Lifting you off the bed, hiding your face in his neck.
He keeps his cock in, holding onto you, arranging the pillows before turning around. Sitting with you straddling his hips, he gently strokes your back.
Suguru comes back with a clean wet hand towel. "Look at me beautiful, let's get your pretty face clean." Satoru climbs onto the bed next to Kenjaku and you. You can't look any of them in the eyes. Kenjaku undoes the clasp of your collar and you pull away. Sliding your hands down his thick pecs, keeping your attention on his hard abs.
Satoru croons, "Aw what this did we fuck our princess into being shy again? Do we need to fuck it outta ya?"
oreo creampie's m.list
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lokis-army-77 · 7 months
Eddie Munson x fem reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Waking up the day after Eddie has fucked your brains out you have a little more fun.
Warning: 18 +. unprotected sex, p n v, breeding kink, kinda innocent reader, soft dom eddie, 1 whore, a bit of hair pulling.
Thank you to those of you who beta read! <3
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You wake up in the late morning, sun shining through the blinds, warming your bare body. You can feel the heat radiating from your boyfriend as well. He's awake too. You can tell by how his hips keep pressing into you from behind, still not satisfied even after a night of rolling in the sheets 
Eddie's arm holds you close to him and you feel his lips barely caress the shell of your ear. "Morning baby." He hums. 
You smile sleepily. "Mornin'," you say as you snuggle further back into him.
He grunts. "Don't do that or you'll start something you can't finish."
"I don't know what you’re talkin' 'bout." Your giggles are soft, muffled by the comforter.
Eddie rolls his hips into the curve of your ass. "Oh, I bet you do." He bites at your ear lobe. 
"Eddie stop." You swat your hand behind you at an awkward angle. 
"Stop what?" He asked, rolling his hips again.
This time you can't help but moan. 
You can feel him grinning lazily, his unshaven scruff catching on your hair. 
He's getting harder, his cock is pressing into you and it's impossible to ignore with neither of you having clothes on. 
Eddie slowly moves his hand down your body, fingers contouring to every curve until he ends up between your legs. 
He pries your leg back and hooks it over his own. "You're so wet, baby. I've barely done anything." He says as he runs a thick finger through your folds. 
You shift, sighing when he touches your clit. "Eddie..."
You liked him like this. Liked living in the softness of a late Saturday morning. But you can't lie, you liked it when he was rough too. 
Memories of the night before had you buzzing. Skin on skin, mouth to mouth. You loved when he dominated you but you loved when he was soft and sweet. 
"What is it, sweetheart? What'd ya need?" He asks, finger now circling languidly around your entrance. 
"Mmm, you. Need you." 
"Me? What from me?" He teases.
You just whimper, brain foggy from sleep and his touch.
"Come on, Sweetheart, tell me." His thumb swipes over your clit.
"Please," you breathe. "Need your cock." Your face is flush. He knows how much that word embarrasses you. 
"Is that right? Want me to give you my cock?" His finger dips ever so slightly into you 
"Yes!" Your hands grip the covers when he finally pushes his finger into you fully. 
Eddie takes his fingers away from you and gives your ass a quick smack. He leans in and gives you a kiss on the cheek before whispering, "Then get in that puppy pose I love so much."
Your legs squeezed shut and your heart fluttered. He could always make the most dirty things sound so innocent. 
Wasting no time you throw off the covers and get onto your knees. Eddie watches you with lust-filled eyes as you slowly put your chest to the mattress, leaving your ass bare and presented. 
With your head resting on the bed, you can only hear and feel Eddie moving behind you. You suck in a deep breath when his large hand grasps your ass cheek. 
"Such a good girl for me." He praises and you keen. You wiggle your hips and he laughs through his nose. "Gonna give you what you want." 
His hands roam over the roundness of your ass, spreading your cheeks even more apart. 
You clench around nothing, waiting as he admires you. 
"Eddie?" You ask.
He hums in response, still staring at how you are spread out for him.
"Need you really bad," you whine. You could only stand so long without him being inside you and patience was starting to wear thin. 
"Okay, okay." He pressed up into you. He's hot, you can feel the heat radiating from him as he pushes his cock through your wet folds. He passes through them a few times before he takes a breath and pushes into you completely.
The angle had him hitting deep within you. His head rubbed against your walls in a way that had you clenching your toes. 
“Fuck,” you moan into the sheets, fingers grasping for anything that could help ground you. 
“That’s it, baby.” Eddie groans. “Pussy’s just squeezin’ me.” He begins to pump in and out of you at a steady pace. “God you’re perfect.” 
You close your eyes and reach your hand behind you. Your fingers come in contact with Eddie’s hip and he slides his own hand from your ass down your back. His touch sends a shiver down your spine. 
A long whine is pulled from you when Eddie fists your hair in his hand, tugging only hard enough for you to feel a small amount of pressure on the back of your head. He moans when you start to rock back into him. “That’s right use my fuckin’ cock.”
He pulls your hair harder and you mewl. “Wanna be closer to you.”
“Okay Sweetheart.” Eddie lets go of your hair and reaches down with both hands to help you up. He pulls your back flush to his chest, it’s sticky with perspiration. He dosen’t stop his efforts, his hips still move, pucnhing into you. 
All you can do is grunt and groan as you feel him fucking into you. Your head rolls back onto his shoulder and he wraps an arm around your chest so that he can hold you steady but also grab at your breast. 
“Yes, yes, yes,” you moan into his ear. “Want- fuck I want-”
“What’s that baby? What do you want?”
You can’t answer, too embarrassed to say but when Eddie gives you a firm smack on the ass, the words come fumbeling past your lips. “Cum inside me. Want you to cum inside me, gimmie- fuck- gimmie- ah!” 
His hips press harder into you. “oh? Want me to fuck you full?” He slaps your ass again. “Hum? Want me to fuck a baby into you?”
Those words had you crying, begging for more. You love when he talks like that. When he fucks into you so despretly at the thought of you having his children.
“Mmm, that’s what I thought. Such a whore aren't you, Sweetheart? Need everybody to know you’re mine.”
“Yes. Yes, Eddie, I’m yours.” You heave. 
Eddie lets you go and you crumble back to the bed. His pace quickens and you feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge. His breathing gets heavier, and you can feel the pleasure building inside you. Your moans get louder and more frequent. 
“Right there!” You cry when he goes deeper. 
“Yeah, baby? Right there? That’s the spot?” 
You nod and he continues to hit just the right place. Your mouth is hanging open, drool pooling on the bed. It feels so good to have him so close. 
In and out, in and out he goes, hips clapping against your ass. Your back arches and you feel yourself coming closer. 
You let your hand fall from behind you to the bed before you bring it between your legs. Your fingers find your clit and begin circling. Another shudder courses through your body and you clench around Eddie. 
“God, fuck baby, don’t do that.” He grunts, thrusts faltering as you squeeze him again. 
“AH! Eddie, please, I'm gonna cum.” You moan. Wetness is dripping down your thighs and hand and onto the sheets. 
“Then cum, sweetheart. Cum on my cock like the good girl you are.” He tells you, hips snapping into you faster. 
You feel yourself tensing in pleasure before you finally let go, cumming hard. You keen and arch your back, your orgasm crashing through you. Eddie thrusts a few more times before his own orgasm overtakes him and he groans. You both collapse in a heap, breathing heavily. 
When you open an eye to peek at Eddie, he’s already watching you. A smile envelopes you and you hide back in the sheets. 
Eddie tuts, “Let me see that pretty face.” He takes his hand and tries to pull you from your hiding place. “Come on, Sweetheart, show me how beautiful you look.”
You finally peer up at him again and he just beams, cheeks round and eyes scrunched. He leans forward and plants a kiss on your forehead before leaving pecks down the bridge of your nose and lastly on your lips. You hum into him. 
“I love you, y’know that?” He asks. 
“Yeah, I know. I love you too.” You say sweetly before you are interrupted by a yawn. 
Eddie gives you another tender kiss on the cheek, “Go back to sleep baby, I’ll clean this mess up.” 
“Okay-” you comply, yawning again. Before Eddie can leave and come back with a warm cloth, you are already fast asleep. 
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nanaslutt · 7 months
Ok but giving gojo road head and he feels so good he has to pull over in the nearest parking lot to properly enjoy it oh my god just imagine his head bent backwards and his mouth open eyes closed moaning I can’t I need to suck his cock honestly ❤️ and maybe like if ur feeling a tad bit silly he could be a head pusher in this one 😁😁😁teehee just maybe ONLY jf ur feeling silly nana mwah!
OH I LOVE THIS we’re getting straight into this oh em gee
contains: fem reader, oral(m!receiving), sensitive!gojo, sooooo much dirty talk, road head :p, manhandling, throat fucking, headpusher!gojo <3
Your hands were all over Gojo, trying to rip off his belt, unzip his pants, and get his cock out as quick as possible.
“Baby slow downn,” he laughed, “My cock ain’t goin anywhere,” He placed a big hand on top of your own while you tried to undo his belt.
“We’ll be home in 20 minutes, ‘s my girl that needy?” he smirked. You ignored his teasing, pushing his hand out of the way; making him giggle and submit, placing it back on the wheel with his other hand.
You had just finished going shopping together. Gojo needed a new designer suit for some fancy get together with the jujutsu higher ups soon, dragging you along with him.
You protested at first, not wanting to spend your day off suit shopping with gojo. You would much rather cuddle up with him on the couch, but you didn’t want to be alone, so you caved, letting him drag you along with him.
And god damn it if you weren’t glad you did. Tight fitting suit after suit being tried on, all tailored perfectly to his measurements, accentuating his big biceps and toned frame.
Watching him roll up his cuffs and fiddle with his jacket was making your mouth water. You were clenching your thighs as he smoothed his big hands down his chest, veiny hands coming up to tighten the tie on his neck.
“How do I look baby? Ya like this one?” He asked, completely unaware of how something so simple as him trying on suits made you want to devour him right this second.
He found out your true feelings later, bringing you back to the car as you finally undid his difficult zipper after struggling with it for a while, reaching your smaller hands into his pants to pull his semi-hard cock out.
“You got this worked up while I was playin dress up? So dirtyy~,” he teased, biting his lip and smirking while you stroked his length in your warm hands, getting him fully erect.
“Satoru,” you said sternly, leaning your body over the center console and placing your mouth inches from his cock, “shut. up.” The second your words were out his cock was filling up your mouth, quickly falling into a rhythm as you bobbed your head up and down on his cock, making his hips jolt up into your mouth when he drove over a bump, making you gag.
“Ahh- A-hh shittt baby,” Satoru groned, eyes fluttering as he tried to keep his focus on the road, occasionally dropping his gaze to watch the show you were putting on for him.
He dropped a heavy hand on your head, pushing down slightly, making you wince as it hit the back of your throat, “Thought you wanted my cock so bad huh? Cant take it?” he smirked, relishing in the feeling of you swallowing around him, trying to hold back your gags.
Your hand came up to place it on top of his challengingly, pushing his hand down against you. “Oh yeah?” he smirked. Gojo’s fingers curled into your hair as leverage as he started bobbing your mouth up and down on him like a cock sleeve.
“Such a thirsty girl- fuckkk- such a tight fucking throat.” He was trying his best to keep the acceleration of the car at one speed, his legs jerking and jolting every so often when he felt his tip hit the back of your throat, making his driving a little sketchy.
The vibrations from your moans combined with the tightness of your throat as you choked around him was going straight to his balls, “Gonna make me c-crash the fuckin car holy shiiiiit,” he whined, jaw dropping as moans repeatedly fell from his tongue.
Gojo couldn’t take this for much longer, he yanked you back from his dick, popping your mouth off of him with a wet sound as you coughed and sputtered in the air, hand immediately coming down to stroke him still.
“Gotta pull over, ‘s too fuckin much” he said out of breath, face red and heart beating out of his chest as he took the next exit the freeway provided.
His abs were clenching, back coming off from the back of his seat as you rubbed your thumb on the underside of his cock, right under his head, “Babyyyy, killin me, h-hold on just hold on please,” he wined, his big hand coming down to grip your wrist tight as he frantically searched for a semi secluded place to pull over.
Once he found a nice gravel patch off the side of the road covered decently with thick trees he turned the wheel a little too hard to the side, car rocking the both of you as you settled into the spot.
Gojo quickly put the car into park and flipping his hazards on before he brought you back down onto his cock, “All yours baby, take my fucking dick,” he groaned.
Your lips immediately came to suckle on his tip, before sliding down the length of his cock again. This time he just let his hand rest on your head, slightly pushing down on the downstroke.
His head was tipped back against the seat as loud groans and wines spilled from his slack jaw, “goddd baby that feels so good-“ he choked out, running his hands through your hair.
His abs clench when you swallow around him, moans being cut off with a gag when his dick reached too deep in your throat.
You pop your lips off his dick, rotating your wrist around him while while you jerk him off, “yeah? my throat feel good?” you moan, biting your lip while smiling up at him.
“Yes yes so fucking good pretty, so good” He smiled back at you. His big hand comes up to grip your neck, squeezing as he pulls you up to his mouth, “Don’t stop jerkin’ me off” He whispers before he crashes your lips together, moaning at the taste of himself on your tongue.
The kiss is so messy; whenever you twisted your twist around his wet tip his jaw would fall open, and his pretty blue eyes would roll back in his head.
“Fuuuuck, Im so close- fuck-“ He moaned into your mouth, gojo’s body jerking when you started pumping him more vigorously.
“Wanna cum d-down ur throat princess, cmon, why don’t you suck my dick again, huh?” His grip still hard on your neck as he gave it w squeeze to emphasize his need.
Gojo was trying his hardest to keep his composure, trying to stave off his orgasm long enough to at least feel your lips around him again, but your hand movements around his cock was making that task feel impossible.
You bit your lip and nodded, feeling his member start to pulse in your hand. He released your neck, letting you drop your head down to his cock again.
You started to kitten lick the tip softly, dipping your tongue into his leaky slit; but gojo was having none of that.
Without warning he shoved the entirety of his cock down your throat, bobbing your head up and down with his new grip on your hair, “Sorry baby, cant put up w-with your fuckin’ teasing when i’m this close” He smirked down at you, watching you struggle to take him.
You adjusted quickly, breathing through your nose so you wouldn’t choke, and focusing on sucking and rolling your tongue around him to get him to finish as fast as possible.
“Yesyesyes just like that fuck- right there-“ His grip tightened at his head fell back with a ‘thmp’ against the headrest when your tongue caressed a particularly sensitive spot on the underside of his dick.
You were paying special attention to the thick vein running along the underside of his cock, and it made him feel fucking dizzy. His head was spinning every time your mouth fully engulfed him.
You continued your ministrations, letting the massive man above you manhandle you; pulling and tugging at your hair for his own pleasure, and steadily bringing himself to his orgasm.
“I’m gonna cum babe, oh my godd” He let his chin fall back down, jaw slack and eyes heavy as he watched your mouth create a mess of spit all over his cock.
Spit strings connected from your chin to his abdomen and balls, the feeling of you moaning and gagging around him; it was all too much.
You felt his cock twitch before you tasted him; his heavy hand pushing you to the base of his dick as hot ropes of his cum shot down your throat.
You swallowed his cum up greedily, like it was the antidote for some poison to save your life. “Fu-uuuck yeahhh” he wined, biting his lip hard watching you try to keep up with his orgasm flooding your mouth, “Just-like-that- swallow it alllll,” he emphasized by thrusting his too sensitive dick into your mouth.
His whole body was buzzing, long legs shaking from the intensity of his orgasm, mind feeling like jello as the aftershocks ran through his body.
When the stimulation became too much for him; and right when your vision started to be covered in black dots from asphyxiation; he pulled you away from his dick.
Still holding your hair as your hand came down to rub at your throat, coughing and gasping for air in the process. “Show me.” he demanded.
Your foggy mind knew exactly what he meant; sticking out your tongue you showed him how you swallowed every last drop of his seed into your tummy, smiling when you put your tongue back in your mouth.
Gojo’s big hand came up to pat your cheek, releasing your hair and opting to grip your jaw in his hand, “Good fucking girl baby~” He cooed, smashing your faces together.
You felt his tongue dart inside your mouth, greedily licking around, trying to taste himself in your mouth.
He pulled away with a smirk, spit string connecting the two of you as he gave you a quick peck, “God i’m still fucking shaking haha” He laughed breathlessly, making you giggle.
Gojo stared into your eyes for a couple more seconds, biting his lip looking at the expanse of your face before his sighed, dropping his hold on your chin.
“Okaayyyy~” He sighed out, tucking himself back in his pants and buckling his seatbelt back up.
By this point you were positive you had drenched a spot through your panties, pants, and his car seat with how aroused you felt, so you felt ecstatic at his next words.
Putting on his blinker and pulling out into the street, his big hand came to rest on your thigh, patting it a couple times before speaking, “I’m gonna eat your pussy till your fucking crying when we get home as thanks for that.”
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ponderingmoonlight · 2 months
JJK men doing the bicep trend. Their s/o will tie a pink string on their bicep and once they flex it’ll break off!!!
Doing the ribbon around biceps trend with JJK men
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Pairings: Gojo x fem!reader; Nanami x wife!reader; Toji x fem!reader; Sukuna x fem!reader
Word Count: 1,8k
Synopsis: Tying a ribbon around your boo's biceps and watching how they flex it off? Hell yeah.
Notes: not proofread, Sukuna's part is a little short because I wanted to get this out today, I'll have my knee surgery tomorrow so sorry for ignoring your comments and messages, I'll get back to you when life gets a little easier lol, totally love and appreciate your interactions, I hope you have fun with this!
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Gojo Satoru
„Come here babe, I need to show ya something real quick.”
You can’t help but yawn, annoyance dripping from every pore. Oh, your boyfriend is definitely too fit for the fact that it’s still dark outside. What time is it? If he woke you over a strange video he saw on TikTok again…
“Can’t this wait like…4 hours longer?”, you try to resist his urgent wish, shielding your tired eyes from the harsh light of the lamp above.
“I might forget until then. Hey, do you have like a band or something lying around in the bathroom?”
A…band? Your eyes dart towards him, nothing but sheer excitement written on his face. What on earth is Satoru up to now?
“My pink dress has a satin band around the waist I guess”, you mutter.
Maybe this is all he wants. Yes, he just grabs the satin band and goes straight back to sleep-
“Thank you babe!”, he shouts over his shoulder while opening your wardrobe with so much enthusiasm that the door almost falls out of it.
You flinch, rubbing your temple in a desperate attempt to keep yourself together. You love your boyfriend with all your heart, appreciate this childish side of him more than anyone else. But not when you have an important mission tomorrow and had maybe 2 hours of sleep…
“This better be something important, Satoru”, you mumble through your fingers, a sigh escaping your lips.
“Okay babe, ready to see something really big?”
“I swear if you slap your d-“
“Look at me!”
His insisting tone forces you to remove your hand from your face. There he stands, wearing nothing but a pair of boxers paired with a tight black shirt.
And a pink ribbon wrapped around his biceps tightly.
“Now watch.”
With one flex of his veiny biceps, the ribbon opens itself, your pink satin band falling to the floor while he looks at you expectant.
“I have one question”, you begin, eyes still resting on his delicious arm.
“Go ahead babe.”
“How on earth did you tie that ribbon yourself?”
He opens his mouth, nothing but pure outrage written on his face.
“Is this really everything you’re thinking about!? I just gifted you my strong arm!”, he barks overdramatically at you.
“You’re the best present ever”, you purr at your fuming boyfriend, gently stroking his arm when he finally gets back into bed.
“But if you wake me over something like that ever again, I’ll murder you.”
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Nanami Kento
“Why are you looking at me with those eyes, darling?”
You blush immediately, the day dream of that trend you saw earlier on your beloved husband not leaving your mind. Kento with a bow around his strong arm. Kento flexing his arm in front of you, causing the ribbon to open up.
…Just like your legs.
“You’re daydreaming again.”
You force yourself to look up at him only to find out that he’s already looking at you, soft eyes lightened by a spark of curiosity.
“It’s just…I saw that trend online and it kinda…reminded me of you…”, you mutter, embarrassment crawling up your veins.
You’re acting like a horny teenager over a man you call your husband for several years by now. Kento is the epitome of a gentleman, the most elegant male being walking on this earth. How stupid to even consider wrapping a ribbon around his biceps…
“Don’t be embarrassed, (y/n). Tell me what’s on your mind. What exactly is this trend about?”
He puts the paper he was reading aside and wraps his fingers gently around your chin, slowly but surely making you lose your mind. It should be forbidden for a single man to be this captivating. Should you…Just tell him? Your imagination runs wild, breath getting stuck in your throat by the simple thought of him actually doing this…
“Tying a ribbon around your biceps and opening it by tensing your arm”, you blurt out.
His eyes widen just the slightest. Oh no, does he think you’re weird, desperate, pathetic? You should really stop roaming around social media late at night-
“Why not trying it, then? Even though I don’t think I’m strong enough to untie a ribbon with my muscles.”
Wait…Did he really say yes? You blink over and over to make sure he’s not messing with you until he gets up and grabs a roll of ribbon from your cabinet before cutting off more than enough of the black band. Before you fully realize what just happened he takes off his dark blue shirt, naked skin getting exposed to the dim light of the room.
And your merciless gaze.
“Would you mind helping me out? I can’t tie a bow on my own with just one hand, darling.”
You force your mouth to stay closed, keep your palms from getting sweaty. This is your husband, goddamn.
Your husband, wearing nothing but his work pants. Your husband, holding up a black band, waiting for you to wrap it around his strong arm only because you couldn’t stop imagine him doing a stupid internet trend. Out of instinct, you follow the invitation of his stretched-out hand, fingertips pulsating against his firm muscles while you tie a perfect little bow.
Until he flexes his muscles, forcing the band to untie itself in slow motion. His beefy arm, veins threaten to pop open any given minute. How is it possible for a man to be in this shape when relaxed? Your gaze is fixated on his delicious sight in front of you – so focused that you don’t notice his other hand grabbing your chin before it’s too late.
“It seems like you’re enjoying the view”, he comments softly.
“Just because you are the view, Kento”, you clarify with a small smile, allowing him to drag you into his strong arms.
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Toji Fushiguro
“You want me to do what?”
You grab his arm tightly, doe eyes making it hard for none other than Toji Fushiguro to focus. What did you see on the internet again? “Ribbon around bicep”…What the hell?
“I want you to tie a pink ribbon around your bicep and pop it open with your beefy muscles”, you explain briefly.
“Come on babe. Why can’t I just wrap my hand around ya neck instead?”
“Tempting”, you purr, finger gliding over his firm chest delicately slow.
“But you’re the perfect match for that trend. Now sit your ass down and gimme your arm.”
Just before Toji is even able to press his longing lips against yours, you shove him onto the couch and position yourself on top of him, pink ribbon dangling from your fingertips.
“C’mon (y/n)”, he groans, pouting like a little child when you slap the hand that tried to dig into your butt away.
“Hold still. I need to concentrate”, you instruct him.
“Promise we’ll fu-“
“DONE!”, you scream out, the sheer excitement radiating from your voice making him stop mid-sentence.
His eyes follow your gaze, revealing a wonky-looking bow tied around his biceps so firmly that it might burst any minute.
“And now you want me to do what?”, he questions.
It’s hard to keep himself from smiling when you sit in front of him grinning like an idiot. Is that really all it takes? A fucking ribbon wrapped around his biceps? What a strange thing you are.
But still…
You look so breathtakingly gorgeous that he can’t keep up his annoyed façade.
“Flex your muscles babe!”, you instruct him, index finger poking into his biceps.
Fine, he’ll do you the favour. Slowly, he lifts up his arm before popping open the bow with ease, watching the shocked expression on your face.
“That trend was totally made for you, Toji!”, you shriek, your eyes still fixated on his arm.
“Let’s do that again.”
“I know something better.”
All it takes is a swift motion for you to lay underneath him, your hot breath escaping your lips in shock.
“I’m next, babe”, he breathes out.
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Bonus: Sukuna
“Why did I even agree to do this…”, the king of curses mumbles while you’re busy tying another ribbon around his arm.
“Hold still, I’m not done yet.”
“You already tied this one three times, (y/n). I’m getting impatient.”
“Oh, I know you don’t. Deep down you enjoy me caressing your arm”, you reply with a cheeky grin, carefully forming another bow around his fourth arm.
Tying a bow around a single arm already sounding inviting, but the stinging fact that your lover has not only two but four arms to offer for this delicious trend…There was no way in hell for you to resist this opportunity.
“Really deep down”, he grumbles.
“I’m done. Now stand still and don’t move until I say so”, you bark at him while taking a few steps back.
“Watch how you talk to me or I’ll-“
“Shut up Sukuna, your threats don’t work for me. Okay, flex your muscles in three, two, one…”
Out of instinct, he lifts up his four arms and pops open every ribbon you tied so laborious these pasts minutes. Damn, he really feels like an idiot, standing in front of you shirtless with pink ribbons falling from his arms. But that look on your face, the way you clap your hands in sheer excitement, that phone…Wait.
“Did you film this, brat?”
You blink a few times, the smile on your face disappearing as fast as it came.
“Maybe I did”, you reply, quickly turning on your heels and sprinting away.
“Delete that right now!”
“I will watch this every time I go to bed!”
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Tags: @arehzhera @ploylulla @tzubaki @beatrexworld @kenstarsworld @dazaisdick @hellkaiserinphoenix  @lauv4chuuya @shadowfoxey @starlightanyaaa @sindela @kayleegomez @sunshine7queen @magalimachete @mokoartpost @gatitam @idontknow1123 @creative1writings @sanicsmut  @mynahx3 @sad-darksoul @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix @chuyasthighs0 @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @wxwieeee @lovelyluna1 @froufrousnowman @hidazinie @tomiokathedepresso  @gojosrealwife  @coffeeluvr96 @mahi-tamashi @weebotaku21 @chaoticwinnercupcake @lees-chaotic-brain  @risuola  @sugurulefttesticle @wordskeeper @baku2345 @polarbvnny @ruixrei @bam-bam-bam-bame-blog @lavenderdrxp @localhehecat @alicerhr @kayleegomez @belovedvamp @wifenanami @chilichopsticks @dlwlrmas-world @oikawarz @darkstarlight82 @satoreo @luwumii @tachiharazsstuff @kentocalls @cheesemachine44 @ryva @kenjakusconcubine @baku2345 @komelrebi-san @deezy12299@busyreader17 @4pgletter @okay-it-is-ivy @iluvtoru @starlightanyaaa
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sttoru · 10 months
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༄ sypnosis. toji has bought you to his apartment for a quickie before he has to take on another job. toji’s agent, shiu, seems to interrupt the moment at the wrong time.
༄ note. listen i need them both in me okay.. don’t blame me f this .ehemmm, enjoy. this post contains smut. proceed at your own risk. part 2 here.
༄ tags. dom!toji x female reader. daddy kink, breast play, (implied) threesome, voyeurism, free use, dumbificiation, objectification, belly bulging, p in v — unprotected, you r not in a romantic relationship in this, toji is arrogant and a player ig, reader gets called ‘little girl, pretty, doll, sweet thing’
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“toji. we don’t have all day.”
a muffled, male voice echoes through the hallway of toji’s apartment. it was a voice which toji had grown to dislike; especially due to the fact that it has interrupted many intimate moments he had with his women.
an example of such moments being now. toji had invited you over for a quickie before he had to leave to take care of a bounty he accepted. he needed to relieve his stress somehow (especially due to the constant nagging from his agent).
“tsk,” toji grumbles a few incoherent curses under his breath as he continues to drill his cock into your cunt, “can’t ya let me enjoy my woman properly for once?”
“ah, fuck, yeah—take it.” the assassin grunts, this time to you as he forces your thighs further apart; an attempt to bully his swollen tip as far as it could reach.
you hadn’t even noticed the other manly voice which didn’t belong to toji, nor had you realised that the owner of that voice slowly started to come closer to the living room. you were too lost in the pleasure you were getting as the man on top of you rubbed a calloused finger over your clit.
the heavy footsteps of toji’s agent tapping against the wooden floor increased in frequency until they eventually stopped at the door; shiu leaned against the frame, one hand in his pocket while the other held a cigarette to his lips.
“that a new one?” shiu asks as he nods his head at you, who was clearly too busy to even notice his presence in the room.
shiu’s eyes shamelessly wandered across your naked body. as much as he didn’t want to admit it out loud, the erotic sight was making him forget about the job the two were supposed to get done by the evening.
his lazy gaze was focused on the way your cunt swallowed toji’s dick, your tits that bounced with every thrust and your glossy lips that babbled mindless words.
“yeah��shit, look at her, takin’ my cock so well.” toji eventually answers in a low groan, his grip on the back of your thighs tightening as to not give you the chance to escape, “gonna need to keep her ‘round so i can use her whenever.”
your blurry vision made it hard for you to see anything but toji clearly. your hands were desperately clinging onto his biceps which tensed each time you held or caressed them in the slightest.
your eyes slowly wandered from toji to the figure standing in the doorway. you couldn’t make out who it was.
“eyes on me, little girl.” toji scoffs, one hand coming up to forcefully turn your jaw so he’d be able to look into your teary eyes, “that’s it—lemme see those pretty eyes of y’rs as i fuck you, yeah?”
multiple whimpers reverberated throughout the living room as your poor body was pushed back on the couch due to toji’s massive weight leaning on top of yours. you could see the way the scarred corner of his lips curled into a smirk, completely enjoying the taste and view of your body.
“just like that, pretty. mhm, look at me.”
as toji continues to stretch out your little cunt—entirely ignoring his agent watching the two of you as always—shiu takes a long drag of his cigarette before blowing the smoke out.
as much as shiu wanted to deny that the sight had turned him on, the slight twitch in his pants said otherwise. the agent keeps his eyes on your body; shiu’d seen toji bring in many women before, however you and your high pitched moans that filled the air were too addictive. hypnotising almost.
though, shiu knew that at least one person in the room needed to stay rational. toji was obviously thinking with his dick and not his head at the moment.
“come on. time’s tick—” before shiu could finish his sentence, toji had already started to talk instead.
“shhh,” toji shushes his agent in slight annoyance, wanting nothing more than to enjoy you without having someone interrupting, “if ya ain’t gonna join, might as well shut it.”
that latter made shiu freeze in place a little, glancing from you to toji and back. shiu quickly clears his throat, rolling his eyes at the words uttered to him.
he takes a quick drag from his cigarette again, letting the ashes scatter on the floor. “i’d have to decline that offer.”
toji grins from ear to ear—eyes still focused on the way your body was quivering underneath him. his thick hand presses on your lower abdomen, feeling the outline of his dick on his palm.
“yeah? ‘re ya sure?” toji hums, finally averting his gaze from your curves to look at his agent. toji immediately knew that shiu was holding himself back, trying to play the ‘professional’ part.
a low, mocking scoff leaves toji’s lips before he looks back at you; slamming his hips against yours even harder, his heavy balls slapping against the flesh of your ass with each pump.
“i’m sure this sweet thing won’t mind being shared,” he adds, voice so sultry that it would be enough to put you in a trance, “right, doll?”
the only thing you were capable of doing was moaning and whimpering. you tried to answer him, however you cut yourself off once you felt toji flick his tongue over your nipple.
“mmh ! aah— nhh, t-toji, toji!” you repeated his name in such a sinful manner that made toji let out an arrogant laugh; he’s never failed even once to reduce the women he slept with to mindless toys who only know how to scream out his name.
“aww, can’t talk now, can ya?” toji snickers, “let daddy do the talking for ya, ‘kay? no need to have my little girl overstimulate herself.”
you nod at his words without second thoughts, drooling over yourself as your legs trembled from literally being pounded into the soft couch.
toji turns to his agent again, keeping the fast and quick tempo, the wet sounds of your own fluids mixing with his almost driving him to the edge. the loud sounds of his thrusts were impossible to ignore as well.
“i’m givin’ ya a nice opportunity here,” toji starts, swearing under his breath as he felt you tighten up around him once he hit that sweet spot inside of you.
“i ain’t the type to share my women, y’know? better make up y’r mind quick before ‘m done with her.”
shiu’s gaze flickers from your spent body to toji and then he sighs deeply. he flicks his cigarette to the side after thinking it through.
he doesn’t have much time to meet women any way. he might as well take the generous chance that was given to him.
shiu walks up to the two of you on the couch, his veiny hand already loosening his tie and unbuttoning his dress shirt.
“fine, but we have ten minutes.”
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suguruplsr · 4 months
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,, mean! satoru x fem! brat reader , heavy degradation + words (whore , slut , bimbo , bitch) + reader calls him a bitch boy, spanking , heavy finger sucking + ear licking , unprotected , dumbification , not proofread + idk what else <3
divider @/yunjiniez
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“nuh uh, gimmie y’r hands.” satoru scoffs, pinching one of your ass cheeks and making a pained whimper escape you. you were full of his cock, laid pitifully on your duvet and simply taking whatever he gives you. your fingers clench the fabric underneath you, hesitating to follow his command. you know you’ll be forced to bend to his will once he has his way.
but you ponder for far to long, a sound ripped from you as he takes your hands, holding your wrists behind you with one hand while his other plays with cream coating the are of where you two meet, “tsk, a whore like you doesn’t deserve anything.” satoru mumbles, keeping his gaze on the way your pussy sucks him in with the few short thrusts he gives your needy cunt. you bit your lip from the movement, needing to feel him give you the orgasm you want. but oddly finding his new “personality” hot, wanting nothing more but to push him just a bit further.
“y-yea? but you always spoil me toru. bet yer’ just gonna cum in me like the bitch boy you are.” you sing, relaxing your body, despite the growing ache in your arms, and trying to play into your little act. your confidence is dwindled down to smithereens when a harsh slap is given to your ass, making you scream and turn your head.
“nah, fuckin— wanna act tough, right?” satoru practically growls, anger evident as he lets go of your hands, not giving you a choice but to stuff your head in the sheets as he pushes it down, his chest pressing your body flush to the bed. “say it again. i dare you.” he purrs in your ear, ignoring your tiny mewls from the pure feeling of his tip bumping as far as it can in you. your mind surely doesn’t help you, too focused on his musky smell, a sweet but dull fragrance of his body wash overpowering your senses. god, you can even feel his pebbled nipples brushing against your skin, hot all over from the skin to skin contact.
“bitch boy. t-that’s what you are — ohhhh, toru!” your response is cut off with slender fingers squeezing your cheeks, a breathy sigh from satoru as he gives you a rough roll of his hips before targeting your cervix with a sharp hit. he holds your face so tight you’re forced to swallow down your moans, spit slowly coating his fingers until they’re slipping between your messy lips.
immediately, your tongue swirls over the long digits, choking as they reach the back of your throat, giving you no reprieve. “ah, can’t talk now huh? actin’ like a slut n’ slobbering’ all over my fingers. tsk.” his degrading sends chills down to your pussy, a disobedient hum leaving you and transmitting vibration through his hand as you feel your mouth starting to deny the muscles shoved between your upper lips.
on the other hand, satoru adores the drool he can feel sliding down his wrist, leaning down to the side his arm wasn’t wrapped around, licking your ear as you can do nothing but close your eyes in discomfort. “nasty thing. can feel ya around me y’know. getting off to this like some dumb bimbo.” satoru chuckles, his tongue flicking around the cavern of your ear as he scissors his fingers in your mouth, playing with it as if it was the delicate area between your thighs. you try to shake your head, desperately wanting to claim how utterly disgusting the stronger man was, but all you get is a thumb on your chin holding you in place. a look of disappointment crossing his face. “stay still. gonna fuck the shit out of ya. but y’r not cumming baby~ just a good lesson f’ya!” he giggles, pulling his dripping fingers out of your mouth and pulling away. his dick twitches inside you as he gets a good glimpse of your flushed and lewd state, before his hand wraps around the back of your neck while he pulls away.
“wait! sorry, i’m sorry, m’sorry..” you spew out apologies, to the point where your eyes begin to water, puffy lips quivering as you try to to move your head.
“too late for that. you wanted to act out, gonna make you my bitch. oh don’t run away now, haven’t even got to the good part..” satoru whines, pushing your head into the mattress without a care, his free hand rubbing the arch of your back as he begins to fuck you like he hates you. your muffled cries are like sweet melodies to satoru, whimpers that could have him cum without touching. sounds that his brain keeps stuck in his head because they’re his favorite song.
his thrusts pick up the pace, fast and harsh as your ringing ears pick up the sonds of his imbalanced breathing, and the slaps of his hefty balls hitting against your ass with a dangerous force that could leave marks. so enraptured with the simple feeling of pleasure, neither of you notice the way you did end up creaming around his cock. again, and again, and again. your minds falling weak to how good you both feel. all until you’re getting a filthy and revolting load of cum shoved into your undeserving cut, unapologetic spanks to your ass, and words that make you feel like a dirty dump for your one and only <3
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taintedcigs · 4 months
thigh-riding with steve. bc i can’t stop thinking about him and he’s the cutest and i luv him okay bye <3
warnings: thigh riding. dom!steve kinda? kinda degrading, kinda praises, nicknames and allll that <3
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you hated, scratch that, loathed, when steve had to work over hours. strapped to his desk, head not even getting up from whatever paper work he had that week.
especially, when you were this desperate and horny, just needing a sweet release, needing his cock inside of you, stretching you out fully. yet, he barely paid any attention to you, all you got from him was yes and no answers and a few grunts, making you huff.
so when you begged him to let you ride his thigh while he was doing his work, you never expected a yes, and a low groan of “c’mere.” as he pulls you omto his lap, and you’re quick to straddle his thigh.
“you’re being the biggest fuckin’ brat right now, sweetheart, and i’m not in the mood, so get yourself off and shut up, yea?” you nod swiftly, and your hands are quick to wrap around the nape of his hair, your head lulling to the croon of his neck while you quietly grind yourself on his thigh, whimpers muffled as he doesn’t pay any mind to you.
and of course you’re not wearing any panties under your thight skirt, just to get him riled up more, and he can feel your wetness soaking his sweatpants, making him let out quiet grunts. he tries to ignore it, but his cock stirs at how desperate and pathetic your mewls are, and how good you look straddling his thigh, your warmth covering him.
his cock aches in his boxers, and he knows he can’t focus any longer because you’re so fucking perfect like this and judging by the way you keep slowing down he knows you can’t even get yourself off without him.
“look at you,” he coos, his rough hands wrapping around you, “poor baby… can’t even get yourself off, can you?” he mocks with a slight huff, and you’re quick to nod, doe-eyed gaze begging for more from him.
“you need me to make you cum, isn’t that right?” he hums, pushing his leg up into you as you’re quick to clench around his thick thighs.
with a bruising hold on your hips, he guides you back and forth, his knee jerking up in rhythm to create the perfect amount of friction and pressure on your clit that has you pathetically whining for him.
the quiet “stevie!” that leaves your lips making him moan, bulge pressing tighter against his uncomfortable boxers. he knows you’re close, and he wants nothing more than to give his pretty girl what she wants, what she needs.
“you gonna cum for me honey, hmm?” he grunts, pressing his knee harder into you, making you cry out as you nod frantically. “jesus fuckin’ christ, look at you, cryin’ out, fuckin’ my thigh… such a desperate slut for me aren’t ya, baby?” his smirk grows wider, cockier.
“p—please stevie,” is all you can manage to let out, tear-streaked eyes begging for some release, making him pout.
“go ahead, honey. cum for me. make a mess on my thighs,” he growls into your ear, leaving wet kisses all over the shell of your neck, his flexed thigh rubbing more and more into your clit, and that sweet, sweet spot, making you let out a loud moan of his mame.
pleasure washes over you so quickly that your body feels limb, back arching, and your cunt pulsates around his leg, making a mess on his thigh, all filthy and making him proud.
“such a good girl f’me, now lay down on the desk and let me clean you up, honey.”
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raggedyflowers · 6 months
“When you try to rizz them up”
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summary: one piece character reacting at you (trying) to rizz them up. it’s my first time writing smut so … don’t look at me I’m shy (may delete later)
character: Ace, Law, Sanji, Zoro x female reader
cr: NSFW 🔞, heavily flirting, suggestive words, semi public sex
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Drinking with Ace was not a smart idea ‘cause while the alcohol went directly on your brain, it seemed that Ace burned it as soon as it touched his lips. So it’s not a big surprise when at the end of the evening you were drunk, but he was perfectly fine. “So” you smirked at him, with a courage you usually didn’t have. “You catch fire only to the fist or even up the elbow?” it was such a dumb line that you should’ve feel embarrassed even if drunk, but Ace found it endearing. “You are so out your mind right now, y/n” he told you, helping you get to your room. “You make me out of my mind” you kept going, ignoring his laughter. “Whatever you say” he respond to you. “Usually I’m better at flirting” you mumble to yourself. “You’re going great, why don’t you try when your sober?” he asked you with a smirk, leavening you at the door at yours room without words. The next time you hanged out together, Ace kept an eye on you. “Try to remain sober this time, y/n” he winked at you. “I really wanna satisfy your curiosity”.
that night he did satisfy your curiosity… and not just that
you two found your way to Ace’s room and then he showed you how fast he can warm up the situation
He let you sit on his face and he spent the night eating you out
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Your relationship with Law has always been private and even if someone could have said that he was cold with you, you know behind closed door Law was nothing but a loving and caring partner. It didn’t stop you to try to rizz him up in front of the rest of the Heart Pirates. You loved seeing him blushing, but most of all you loved what did come after. “You don’t need to use your devil fruit” you said to a confused Law. “You already have my heart”. You look satisfied the red cheek of your boyfriend who shock his head. “Why are you like that, y/n-ya?” he asked talking over the laughter of your crewmates. “Like what?” you asked innocently. “I just want you to shamble my organs with your dic —” you never finished the sentence since Law grabbed your arms and took you away.
“You already stopped being a brat, eh y/n-ya?” he asked after pinned you at the wall as soon as you two have entered in his room
You could’ve just bite your tongue for keeping your moans low
“Ah-ah” he said while slowly tracing your entrance with his tattooed fingers. “Don’t stop talking now. Let everyone hear you like before”
And then he push his fingers inside of you and you couldn’t do nothing but scream his name
Needles to say your organs were actually shambled that night
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“You should wear the burgundy suit more often” you said to Sanji taking him aback. “Mmh?” he asked you, stopping cutting the vegetables. “I need something pretty to look at”. You always said things like that to him, joking mostly, but not entirely. And you loved seeing his cheek turning red after you called him pretty. “Move please, pretty boy” you said one day passing near to him and grabbing his waist to move him. “Y/n ~ ” he mumbled covered by your laugh. “Pretty, really?” he asked you and you cupped his check. “The prettiest” you said to him. “Not as pretty as you, my love” he told you back. “Wanna show me how much pretty you can be for me” you asked him with a mischievous smile.
he did show you how pretty he is
with his red cheek and sweet smile while he pounded into you
“you are the prettiest” he said you groping your breast while he kept his pace. “taking my cock so well”
but really he was the prettiest boys, especially when he lowered himself and started eating you out
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One of your favourite activities on the Sunny was watching Zoro work out. You pretended to read a book but your eyes couldn’t help but to lingering on his sweaty body. “Your book is upside down” he said to you with a smirk. “Really?” you asked, without an ounce of shame. “Are you training on the forth swords styles?” Zoro looked at you with confusion. “You know, the other sword in your — ” you pointed at his pants. He smirked. “Wanna found out?” he smirked again.
he actually spent all night “practicing” with his forth sword
you never been more happy to indulge him
“do you like my sword style?” he asked you while keeping the brutal pace pounding into you
you wanted to say yes, but couldn���t form a single thought
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