lilianade-comics · 11 months
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snippets of post AGIT Cheese Melt because, well, I'm predictable. Also featuring post AGIT Dan because I love him~
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lakrimasx · 7 months
Wanting to take care of myself to look good but too depressed to actually do anything
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hannahwashington · 4 months
richard horvitz sees a bug eyed little creature guy and asks "is anyone gonna voice this" then doesn't wait for an answer
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crabtreee · 7 months
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I said... we're going to have so much fun.
Michael Seater as JAMES GILLIES MURDOCH MYSTERIES — 17x05 “Station House of Horrors”
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galedekarios · 7 months
it’s still so... hm. i'm not sure what words to use here tbh.
but to give the one character that has received such preferential treatment through early access development and full release even more new content + new lines even though he already has a wealth of scenes, detailed animations, incredible world responsiveness, that about totals to having a third more content than everyone else...
all the while the other characters, their romances, their stories and the way the world they're in reacts to them are still either a barren wasteland or bugged to the point they can’t be triggered.
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The LL guys just have to deal with H Solar being frustrated by their own burnout
He hates feeling lazy and doesn’t get why he can’t do anything when normally he’s able to work 24/7. It’s probably his first time actually experiencing burnout since before it was always a survival situation that pushed him to be productive x
LL Lunar and son will probably tell him it's okay. There's nothing wrong being lazy or however he thinks it. That's just kind of how life is as like a ruler over a universe. Once you're done with your stuff you just don't want to do shit. Although perhaps if the others have tasks they'll invite him. Just so he can feel busy.
Honestly LL Blood Moon can kind of get the feeling a lot more than the others. Being a blood moon he kind of has to do something. Anything. ADHD stuff. So if he says he doesn't want to have burnout. Then he can ride on his shoulders and do patrols with him. Which can be literally anywhere because after a point patrolling the same area seems useless. So they might go on a grand adventure but at least for the both of them it would feel like they're doing something.
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jjsungie · 1 year
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Jisung @ AAA
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theloveinc · 1 year
bakugo + february
(warning: gn i think? kinda shitty world building😖, a lil angst, happy valentine’s day!!!!!)
“This is the third box of chocolates in this bin alone.”
You throw the frilly, silver package onto a large pile of red cardboard and ribbon, on top of another box of neatly wrapped sweets. Some of the gifts with sappy, little valentines written on top, others with pink and white sticky notes.
Bakugo huffs with a pout and an eye roll, in his own hands a stack of rainbow cards he flips through quickly.
“That’s funny.”
You don’t look at him, just continue to paw around in the bin in front of you. You pull out a dark brown teddy bear, it’s fur soft in your hands, and turn to plop it in the pile of things he said that you could keep: stickers, fake flowers, toys.
You don’t even glance at him as you say it, like it doesn’t matter, and he picks at a bit of lace falling off of a large greeting card and snorts.
“Not like I ever got any of this kinda crap in high school.”
You stop your rifling to stare at him, your expression so different than from moments before. “You didn’t get any fan mail in high school?”
You assume he did, at least: he was just as cute back then as he is now… you’ve seen the pictures of that blonde boy, smaller, still scowling, but still any teenager’s dream. He was working as a hero by then, surely he had some sort of fan club.
(You would’ve been amongst them if you had known. Now he’s professional, though, and you only met him through Jirou when you transferred from her team to his.)
“I didn’t get any…” he pauses, his face twisting in a frown, his cheeks going the slightest bit ruddy. “Chocolates and shit. Letters.”
“Katsuki…” he grunts but doesn’t look, your tone incredulous in a way he doesn’t want to address. “You were never confessed to?”
He blows out an angry raspberry, picking up and throwing a bottle of nicely-labeled hot sauce into his own keep pile. It clinks with the rest.
“Don’t fucking rub it in.”
“I’m not!” you try to assure, reaching out for him. “I’m just… a little surprised, is all.”
He glares, wordless and accusatorially, like your giggles are threatening and the vacuum sealed pair of panties you teasingly wave in the air (and he snatches, immediately trashing) are nuclear.
“…’cuz I would’ve thought you got tons. Like now, big boy.”
He turns even more pink. As pink as half the mail room has become with all the love notes sent in for February.
“Yeah, well,” Bakugo tries to move on, grimacing as he picks up a plain envelope that he initially had high hopes for and unfolds it into a long, love poem. “Can’t win ‘em all, I learned.”
And as you throw another box of store-bought chocolates onto the stack, you think you know what you want to get him for Valentine’s Day.
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chaoticlad · 4 months
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I drew the “your average delivery” AU again. Had a lot of fun 👍
Lore n’ everything is already done. Gonna make a completely different post about the lore that no one asked for tomorrow when I wake up. Mhm. I love drawing this AU what is wrong with me-
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ndvydual · 11 months
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Adult Tank Grunt (the ds/gba version), i don't have the right markers and i didn't use refs edition
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andydona-chan · 4 months
Ok, so, let's say Izuku returns to be a quirkless person after the final battle. He would be so sad and frustrated. But he will still do 'the right thing' and assume he will be welcome in the General ED class. So when the classes start over, he goes straight to his 'new classroom' and sits at the back of it, feeling lonely and wondering what the others are doing...
The bell rings, and he sighs and waits for everyone to stop looking at him and get to their sits. The teacher enters, but then, with a zoom and a knock on the door, Iida rushes in and apologizes for the interruption. Behind him, the long tongue of Asui stretches, surrounds, and pulls Izuku and all his stuff out of the classroom...
Izuku then finds himself with class 1A again, and all of them are like: "You're late, Midoriya"
It gets old quickly, until the day Kacchan returns to class and has to bring Sero with him only to shout in his face that: 'No, Izuku, we don't care if you're quirkless again, you're still part of our class at the hero course, now let's f*cking go!'
The thing is, Izuku is not easy to convince. He feels like he doesn't belong to the hero course anymore and keeps going to the G. ED classroom each morning; and each morning, another group of his friends would have to 'kidnap' him from the other class.
From that point on, he shows up to class and makes good use of his analytics skills in order to help his classmates and graduates as the first quirkless Hero of UA.
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lakrimasx · 8 months
I should most definitely stop talking so fucking much, I’m annoying myself at this point
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i zwe&r theze thingz never h&ve my n&me l&l
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sshonuu · 3 months
Can someone give me another methods of self-harm which isn't visible? Cuz soon in our school will be a medical checkup and I don't wanna end up in psych ward!
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astronomicaltaxon · 9 months
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These shackles they come
With certain opportunities
They won’t let me get away
But they show me we’re the same
Death is Magic
Say Abracadavre now
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Whenever he falls asleep with the other LL people around, H Solar purrs. It’s quiet but noticeable
For the most part the LL people do have separate rooms. It wasn't always that way. It just sort of came to that. It's likely the first time they noticed them purring is in the living room. They're all just kind of chilling and he's quietly purring. LL blood moon purrs a little bit. Not a lot though. LL lunar finds absolutely adorable. LL son honestly just enjoys the noise. It's relaxing to them. He will honestly try and make them purr louder. By petting them or something. Blood Moon would just enjoy it for natural reasons. Animal noises.
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