#made this to pin on my blog so you know what you're getting into
all-wrung-out · 2 days
Whumpblr Intro
Hey! I've gone far too long without actually making an intro, despite having this side blog up for a bit. So here we go!
I go by Tac when I'm interacting online (my main blog is calligraphic-tac, and that's my chaos-corner where I try to post things I like, things that inspire me, and my more general writing, when I can actually get words out). Pronouns are she/her, although they/them are good backups.
I've been into whump for as long as I can remember, but in my 33 years on the planet, I only learned last year that there's a whole community for it. I'd heard the term "whump" before, and kind of knew what it was, but never made the connection to the type of media I like.
There are some whump tropes that I'll always enjoy, but the favorite flavor of the week is usually on rotation from the following list:
Superhero whump
Defiant/Stoic/Strong/Snarky Whumpees
Self-sacrificial Whumpee
Whumpers who feign rage, but are actually very calculated and careful in their treatment of Whumpee
Whumpers who actually lose their temper, especially when triggered by a defiant whumpee
Team whump
Non-human Whumpee (especially when it pertains to the good, old-fashioned "what makes us human" trope)
Drug/poison whump (Fucked up balance and altered perception, anyone?)
Medical whump (specifically, medical treatment, but "This is gonna hurt.")
The good, old-fashioned Beating trope
Environmental/Wilderness whump (extreme temperatures and survival)
Animal attacks
Used as bait
Infected wounds (especially when it comes to treatment of said wounds)
Self-surgery or self-care
Mind control (Specifically, conflict between Whumper/Whumpee within Whumpee's mind while Whumper tries to take control. OH! And Whumper causing Whumpee to experience things that didn't happen; I have a really neat story idea for this one!)
I'm sure I'm missing some, but I suppose I can amend this post when I remember some more. Some of my whump tastes are also kind of specific, so listing them concisely can be a challenge.
Not going to list my squicks here. (As the saying goes: "If you don't want someone to get your goat, don't let them know where it's tied.") However, if you're looking for NSFW-type whump, I don't typically write that. (Not for other folks, anyway; I'm rather terrible at it.)
I used to write a lot as a kid, but was often ashamed of my affinity for whump, so any time I tried to write it, I chickened out and wrote something else. I still wrote plenty of action and peril, but the whump was usually not as heavy as I initially imagined.
I've also been in a bit of a writing slump for... oh, goodness... It's going on 14 years now. I really want to get out of it, so I'm hoping whump writing will help.
Fun fact about me: A lot of my stories are grown from a kernel of whump. I think of a specific scenario I want to put an OC through, and then a whole story grows out of it.
Some of my favorite whump blogs include: @whump-me @whumperofworlds @allthewhumpygoodness @emmithar-blog @soheavyaburden @whumperfultime @roblingoblin285 @blackrosesandwhump @evilwriter-originals I'm still collecting whump blogs to follow, so feel free to interact if you're one such blog!
Also, I'm going to be rusty as hell, so please bear with me while I get my writing brain reinstalled in the ol' skull-housing.
Last thing (I know this post is long already): I've seen the way the whump community interacts and I'm happy to be a part of it. I'm not especially social myself, but I'm nonetheless proud to be part of such an amazing group of folks. Keep rockin', y'all!
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chosec · 1 year
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headcanons and interpretations between me and @sec-one :]
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airprime7 · 6 months
Why am I seeing so many fake posts on my dash? Like, there's ones from all sorts of made up realities, I'm surprised I haven't seen ones set in webcomics or whatever.
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♊️ twinarmageddons reblogged
♊️ twinarmageddons
all of you iidiiot2 need two 2hut up about computer2 unle22 you know what you're talkiing about. ii 2wear ii 2aw 2ome guy telliing people two pour water on theiir keyboard2 two clean them.
♉️ adiostoreador
♊️ twinarmageddons
oh my fuckiing god 2ome people are actual iidiiot2
#ii mean come on you actually beliieved that
22 notes
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♑️ terminallycapricious
wAsSuP mOtHeRfUcKeRs???
420 notes
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♌️ arseniccatnip reblogged
♌️ arseniccatnip
:33 < hiii!!!
:33 < my name is nepeta leijon, and this is my furst post!
:33 < i like shipping, and rolepurrlaying, and hunting
:33 < i have troll pawtism, so i might not be the best at understanding things. sorry if i get confused!
:33 < i also do art, and my commissions are open! purrlease don't ask me to draw trolls pailing, i'm only 6
:33 < bye! :33
♋️ carcinogeneticist
♒️ caligulasaquarium Follow
wwhy is your text grey
♋️ carcinogeneticist
🤡 i-say-honk Follow
♋️ carcinogeneticist
♌️ arseniccatnip
:33 < @carcinogeneticist @caligulasaquarium @i-say-honk kill yourselves
#:33 < :33
333 notes
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♍️ grimauxiliatrix reblogged
♈️ apocalypsearisen Follow
im dead n0w
♍️ grimauxiliatrix
#Honestly I Cant Believe I Made It Through This Week Alone
60 notes
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♋️ carcinogeneticist reblogged
👻 ectobiologist Follow
hi! how do i use this app?
♋️ carcinogeneticist
👤 human-alarm Follow
612 notes
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♋️ carcinogeneticist reblogged
♐️ centaurstesticle Follow
D -> The day we stop valuing horses is the day society collapses
♐️ centaurstesticle
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D -> @cuttlefishculler Perhaps I do share some interests with the protagonist of the new popular movie starring Troll Ryan Gosling
D -> If anything that would be a compliment
D -> Not that that's something a f001 such as yourself would understand
♓️ cuttlefishculler Follow
)(-EY, I was just joking around. No need to start being c-rude!!! 380
♏️ arachnidsgrip Follow
What movie did you watch? 8ecause 8ar8ie is defin8ly the hero of the one I saw, hooves-for-8rains.
♈️ apocalypsearisen Follow
i liked the 0ne with the b0mb m0re
♒️ caligulasaquarium Follow
rustblood, opinion disregarded
♋️ carcinogeneticist
♊️ twinarmageddons
forget that, cc ii2 the ACTUAL HEIIRE22
♋️ carcinogeneticist
1380 notes
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♏️ arachnidsgrip reblogged
♏️ arachnidsgrip
You know, I think the murders were good for me.
♎️ gallowscalibrator Follow
♏️ arachnidsgrip
Yeah, 8ut I'm over it now. It doesn't effect me anymore.
#I've moved on.
413 notes
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♉️ adiostoreador reblogged
💽 turntechgodhead Follow
man i cant believe troll steve jobs died of ligma
♉️ adiostoreador
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running-with-kn1ves · 3 months
hii! i wanted to ask if you could do a yandere kidnapper x yandere darling? like rich depressed yan that can't imagine living without their darling and ended up taking drastic action, only to find out that darling is way more insane and obsessed passionate than they thought
A/N: I've never been super big on the yan x yan trope but I think this came out kinda cool! Hope this is what you were looking for <3
Synopsis: Sneaking into your beloved's bedroom bent on getting pictures for your stash, you're quickly found by him, who's surprisingly enthusiastic to find you breaking in.
CW: Kidnapping, mutual obsession, shrine dedications, murder (offscreen lol)
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“Nice… new pics for the blog.” 
Your camera click click clicked with a shutter noise each time you rapid fired its capture button, eye so close to the screen you might as well be looking through the viewfinder solely itself. 
“I can see it now… his unkept bedroom revealed, beautiful little face plastered beside this… heap.” 
You looked at the pile of dirty clothes that had yet to be picked up by the estate's cleaning ladies. Well, if you were as filthy rich as he was, you’d probably do the same. Who would waste time cleaning their room when you have the whole world to see? Or in his case, a million press conferences to attend. 
Your eye was drawn to a slightly ajar closet, an odd lock seeming to have been hastily unfastened, now leaving the doors peeking open. Something red was inside. Oh boy, you could hardly contain your excitement. 
What kind of secrets would the famous, wealthy heir Elijah Walsh have in his teensy private closet? Mayhaps some drag dress up that no fan would expect? Dead bodies? Or even, the rumored cocaine stash his poor daddy was accused of hiding? 
You knew Elijah like the back of your hand, unable to imagine any kind of hidden truths that you haven't already discovered. For you, a superfan, (and ultimately, the soulmate he doesn't know about yet) were aware of far more than the average tabloid who didn’t cross trespassing boundaries for love like you had. 
You ripped open the doors without hesitation, snapping pics before even turning the light on. 
But what you saw, was something you weren’t sure you’d want to keep on camera. 
It was you. Well, a picture of you, from some yearbook or singled-out group shot that you couldn’t pinpoint the exact year from. Around your awkward grinning face was a series of items, pinned on a pretty red board like it was a crime scene of sorts. Or maybe… a shrine?
“What the f… is that my underwear??” You looked at the old pair of stretched out undies you had since middle school. Definitely not the pair you’d want some kind of stalker or investigator to get their hands on. 
You saw a few old chapsticks taped to the board, one of which you had been searching for in some old bag you swore you left it in. “I was looking for those!” You grabbed the chapstick and a broken brush, the exact same you thought you had thrown away months ago. 
Out of all the things you hoped to find-- used Q-tips, one of his musky jackets, maybe even some dark sex toys-- this wasn’t on your list. But you couldn’t help the spike in your heart, the flutter that made your toes point inward. 
You had been running this journalist (really a stalker-ish) blog on Elijah since before he got big in the press. You went to the same elementary school and for a short time in middle school, and ever since you couldn’t get his name out of your head. Now, you had a justified reason to keep tabs on him, since his family was currently in the public eye for a variety of deeds. 
Along with professing your obsession with him since childhood, your blog dated the shocking events of his controversies--  keeping it all under an anonymous pen name, of course. You had information news sites couldn’t get their hands on; the dedication you put into watching him was a trait of pride you could never let go. 
Memories of him comforted you at night, and seeing his pretty face in the grocery store magazines hoarded under your bed made you drift off to daydream land where, maybe, you’d be more than just some heavy breathing keyboard jammer fawning over him from a distance.. 
And here was, you. Your things. In his room. Even from the times you climbed the tree beside his window, you never saw this… anomaly of items. 
“What’s this even… mean.” You whispered, dumfounded and growing antsy. Elijah would be coming back now any second, the route of his driver dinging on your phone. 
‘Wait.. does he, know? That I’ve been watching him? Is this all evidence to… incriminate me??’
Worry was creeping up inside of you. But there was no time, not when a heavy vase clunked against your head from behind, letting out a resounding ‘crack!’ from the contact. The chapstick fell from your fingers, camera sliding with you as it lingered loose around your neck. 
The last thing you could think of before darkness hit, was ‘man, I hope I don’t fall on my camera… can’t replace it again. ‘
The unconscious darkness blinding your eyes was snuffed out what seemed hours later, replaced by a buzzing yellow light hanging from the ceiling. You groaned outloud, feeling groggy; an aching pain throbbed in your slumped neck and a sore bump on your scalp. 
‘Got a killer headache…’ 
You tried to pull your hands up to the bump to feel for a bruise, but fell flat with your arms tucked behind your back. You jerked them around, not realizing that they in fact were stuck together-- tied by rope, or some kind of fabric. 
“Thank god, you’re awake. Thought maybe I hit you too hard-- I don’t know what i’d do if that happened.” A familiar voice rang out in the musty, echoing room. 
“What…?” You croaked, trying to look up without facing the wrath of your headache the more light entered your eyes.
“Here, drink some water.” 
A bottle came in front of you, so close to your lips all you had to do was bend down to touch it. You did so without thinking, tasting the sandpaper of a tongue you were stuck with. As soon as the cool water touched your throat, you thought about potential poisoning. Who was this person bottle-feeding you water, why couldn’t you do it yourself?? 
You were too thirsty to care about the consequences, gulping it down as the bottle lifted higher to accommodate you. 
Letting out a pant, you sat back, trying to rub water off your lip with a shoulder shimmy. 
“Where am I? What’s going on--” It all started to come back to you, being in Elijah’s room, trespassing on private property, seeing the closet hoard of you. “Wait, please don’t report me, I promise it isn’t what you think it was…”
“Report you?” The masculine tone scoffed, a hand falling to your shoulder. “I was worried I’d never get a chance like this… you made it so easy, how’d you get in? The window?”
“...Yeah.” You sheepishly replied, looking up at your captor. “It’s not as easy as it looks.”
Oh shit. That was Elijah right in front of you. In the flesh, pretty pearly teeth grinning only inches away from your face as his hand rested on your left shoulder, gently massaging it.
“Is your head okay? I feel bad but.. I wasn’t thinking, could only think about how to keep you here.”
Keep you here? Oh no, does that mean the police are on their way??
“Now.. I don’t have to worry about sending people out to your apartment anymore.. No more security cameras, no more blackmail… just you.” He stroked the side of your cheek that was inflamed from falling against the floor. “Damn. I thought i’d have to go through the trouble of taking you in the middle of the night, I had just sent my driver out for my tools too- but, looks like that’s not even an issue anymore!”
Well, sounds like your fears about the cops was no where near the truth. But now, you were even more confused. Taking you? Stalking? Blackmail? It almost felt like you were listening to yourself talk for a second. 
Behind the dark glare covering his eyes, you could see Elijah’s trademark dimples, his pinkish lips covering the slight overbite he had, constantly showing off his front few teeth. You knew those downturned eyes were there somewhere, even with their shine dulled by the shadows of what looked to be a dark cellar around you. 
His hair was unkempt, thick, dark strands covering his ears and going so far to the base of his neck. Wow, you had never seen him look so scruffy, even when watching from outside, seeing him brush his teeth in shirtless pajamas. He looked worried, shirt untucked and pants wrinkled as he ran a hand through his hair. 
“And I’m sorry to say.. But don’t even think about trying to run away now. I made up my mind long ago, and if I find out that--”
“Urk, I wasn’t planning on it. I saw, the uh, dedication board. Or, shrine?”
At that, Elijah stopped. His baby blue eyes went wide for a moment, forgetting that was where he originally found you until now. 
You hid your head down in discomfort.  
“I have the same one…of you, in my apartment… in a box under my bed. There’s even a piece of hair from middleschool that I c..ut, from you.” You held back a nauseous gag at the admission. But here you were, this was your chance to prove how much you loved him, how much dedication you put towards understanding his every move, every like and dislike, the intricacies of his family history. “Do you know why I was in your room?” You asked, wondering if he already had seen your worship blog. 
Elijah took a step back, lowering to sit on a pulled out fold-up chair across from you. His knees touched yours, still dressed in his black slacks and matching loafers, rolled up sleeves on his cream-colored button up that showed he had taken liberties to get more comfortable for the night. 
“I’ll be honest I hadn’t contemplated that… just about how perfect of a chance it was, that you-- my uh, small, obsession since fifth grade.. Was here.” He looked down, a small red tint creeping from his cheeks to the rest of his face. He was bright crimson, like a kid again confessing to his crush behind the bleachers. “But you remember me?? From so long ago? I can’t… Its hard to imagine, i’ve been watching you for years and thought you had completely forgotten about me.”
“Are you kidding?” You watched Elijah rub his eyes, trying to hide his face behind his knuckles. “You’re all over the news, even if I wanted to avoid you. But I haven’t stopped following your every move since, I can’t remember. Every house change, new school, shopping trip with your mother… anytime I was free I dedicated it to watching you, or my--”
You cut yourself off, stepping one foot off into the deep end on a subject you desperately wanted kept hidden. 
“If I knew any better I’d say you sound like a bit of a stalker.” Elijah tried to hide his grin behind his hand, leaning forward to get a closer look at you. “What were you going to say?”
“Blog?” He parroted. 
“It’s a…. Dedication blog. To you.”
“Oh, like an obsessed fan?” He jeered, laughing with bright teeth as he braced his shaking from on his knee.  “Don’t tell me-- you snuck in here for content to your blog?”
“No-! Well, yes. But some of it was going in my private stash…” You pouted, knowing you’d never get that chance again now that you’ve been discovered. Your days of fawning were going to come to a close. 
“So you must be the one who keeps finding a way to get pictures when I never see any reporters around. By, breaking into my home.” 
“That sounds really bad.. But I promise I wasn’t going to try to steal, or hurt you!”
That only made him laugh harder.
“I can’t… can’t believe I never saw you..” He wheezed, face flushed as you sat rotting in embarrassment and shame. “I had drivers chase after you for hours when you disappeared-- but you were five steps behind me the entire time!”
Drivers… your brain clicked two and two together as he tried to stop from giggling while hunched over. 
“...Drivers?” You question. No way this is what yout thought it was.”So you’ve been spying on me?”
“Don’t sound so offended, little stalker,” He settled down, a permanent smile still on his mouth as he dragged the steel chair somehow closer. “ You’ve been hard to catch, but i’ve been keeping tabs on you, as unseemingly as it is. I couldn’t do it myself but I wanted to make sure you were, okay. Before it was safe to bring you home. Though I had nothing to fear about you forgetting me at all!”
You swallowed, mouth having gone back to a dry desert as you contemplated what this all meant. YOUR Elijah was spying on you in your home? Sending out underlings to watch and make sure you were safe? The man who you’d lay your life down for? You fantasized, imagining him at your window, you-- freshly out of the shower…
“What do you mean by home? You don’t mean.. Here, in the estate, right?”
Elijah observed you so fully, it made you nervous. He had never given someone this much attention in interviews, nonetheless in the photos and videos you managed to snap of him alone. And he was looking at you, with those eyes. 
You didn’t know how much longer you could take it. Smelling his sandalwood with his knees pressing against yours, his finely ironed shirt toned against him-- right here, in the flesh. You always thought you’d be at a distance, never able to come in contact with him.. And now, you were tied up in his family’s wine cellar. 
“Of course my darling. Where else? I can’t possibly send you back to that dungeon of an apartment. And you,” He stood, intent on coming closer. “Came in so willingly, huh? Didn’t think you’d return my love so… earnestly.”
“W-well who said anything about staying?” You sputtered, looking at his eyes glower in an exceedingly dark fashion. “I mean…. You love me? I’d accepted I’d never be seen by you but… you’ve been watching, the entire time?”
He stood up from his chair with a slight creak, causing your neck to strain upwards to look at him. A small touch caressed the end of your chin, his finger smoothening as it lifted your head to meet his gaze. 
He hummed, Elijah’s eyes full of an expression you’ve never seen him wear before. Something in the mix of a sentimental possession, and a lover. But it was so tender, you couldn’t look away. It was so safe, so familiar. You recognized that look in the mirror, visible in your own eyes when you planted kisses on his printed photo taped to your vanity. 
“Haven’t been able to keep you off my mind since you plucked that leaf off of my spoiled head. Love doesn’t even begin to describe it. I need, you.” 
His gaze was so genuine, your eyes soothed by the glazed over grin he gave you, leaning down to hunch on his knees to be closer to you. 
“I…” You breathed, wondering if this was a dream. “I’ve wanted you to see me.. for so long. Is this real?” 
You stopped working. There was no chance that he had been watching you, wondering and waiting for you to recognize him, when you were longing for his attention, having convinced yourself long ago you’d only be able to possess him from a distance. 
Soft fingers that hadn’t worked a day in their lives creeped up your knees, Elijah’s face only inches away as his eyelids lowed, looking sultry as he watched you squirm. 
“I pray it’s not.” He exhaled. 
“...Well, I’m not staying tied up in this chair, no matter how much you beg. Though… I can’t say I’d mind staying with you. Being with you.. Here, together.”
“Good. It wasn’t really a matter of choice, anyway.” He grinned, pressing a slow kiss to your cheek. 
You involuntarily hummed in content, pressing closer to his lips as you arched out of the chair, longing to touch his warm body. He was kissing you; somebody get you out of these ropes before you jump the man. 
Elijah couldn’t help but grin like a maniac, drugged on the way you relished his touch and pressed your chest forward to him. He rushed kisses to your chin, bites to your ear and licks to your neck with a groan. 
But a sudden stop brought your blissfully closed eyes to an open. 
“I’m sorry… want you too much, it’s getting to the better of me.”
“I’m not sorry,” You mumble, hoping that if this was a dream, you wouldn’t ever wake up. “Please, don’t stop.. I’ve killed for this, don’t stop now.”
“You tempt me too much,” He chuckles, gripping the sides of your chair seat to stablize himself leering over you. “So lucky you were my little creepy stalker, and no one else’s. Wouldn’t be able to control myself otherwise.”
“Stalker, murderer of your old lovers… I have many names.” You joked, but the bitterness on your tongue remembering those placeholders you got rid of was sour. 
“Many talents, too.” Elijah’s eyebrows furrowed. “You’re the one that caused my fiances to dissapear? I wondered how they kept doing that,” He looked keenly, seeing right through your little ‘joke’. “Even I couldn’t shoo my mothers’ arranged partners away.”
You tried to look away, embarrassment showing on the way you bit your lips clean and your heartbeat wrapped. “I did it in your name….  I couldn’t stand them thinking they were worth being so close and casual with you! It was infuriating every time I saw it I-- I just  couldn’t take it anymore. Even if it meant I’d never have you.” 
Elijah buried himself in your hair, holding you tight. The squeeze was so personable, hungry and desperate to hold all of you.
 “You have me now, you have me completely. I want you-- what a favor you have done, and you hadn’t even known.”
It felt so good, praised for such hard and hateful work you carried out. Their bodies were mangled, your rage manifesting in the corpses buried under the old golf course near your dingy apartment complex-- and he was happy you did it. Oh, you wanted to hold him, to smell him fully. These binds were stopping you from caressing the lover, the dream you had fantasized holding you to sleep so often, spooning the jackets and dresshirts of his musk in replacement for comfort. 
Elijah still snickered in your ear, playing with the tips of your hair.
“But now, I have to see this blog. I’m too curious-- though I can’t say seeing it will help my small obsession for you. A stalking blog-- too cute.”
You were still so shameful of it, now that he brought it up. You didn’t want your soulmate to see the virtual shrine you had dedicated to him, your unseemly thoughts and hungry urges that were far too detailed and graphic to be shared with their perpetrator. But what choice did you have? He’d find it, one way or another. 
“F..fine. But you’d you atleast untie me now? My arms are getting sore.”
That seemed to cease his light-hearted expression, frowning against your skull as he inhaled the sweet scent of your hair. It was the same as he remembered, now a decade later. 
“You’re not gonna try to leave, are you?” He murmured, caressing pinching your ear with a light tone. But something dangerous was held behind it. It was frightening.. But oh, as if the possessiveness didn’t fuel how much more your insides craved him. 
“Do you think I’d really try to go anywhere? Not when you’re so accessible to me now.” You looked over. Elijah’s lashes looked so long up close, sweetly deadpanned eyes watching as if you were being tested, hunted. 
He seemed to find your answer appealing, getting up and pulling something out of his back pocket. Leaning down once more, you saw the switchblade bobbing between his hands, a pretty and simple hunting blade. He leaned over you, pressing it against the knot above your wrists. 
You focused on feeling for the blade as to not get cut, only for your attention to be pulled back to the spoiled one-percenters lips pressing yours directly. It was a shock, more than anything. You wished you had seen it coming, wish you had been better prepared to share your first kiss with your darling! 
Elijah left your mouth nowhere to run as he pressed up against you, fervidly ensnaring your lips between his.
You gladly accepted the pull away for a second kiss, leaning up as much as you could while hiding your desperation. He was so soft, lips gentle and big as they enveloped your bitten ones. 
“Sorry,” Elijah broke away slowly, not straying far. “I’ve wanted to do that for ages.” You watched his eyes stare wonders at your lips, fingers brushing against your trapped ones from behind as the task at hand was forgotten. 
“Me too.” You uttered, pulling forward to kiss him again with an open, insatiable mouth. 
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getodrools · 5 months
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IN WHICH, step son! megumi looks too much like his father the longer he trains, and it seems like he does have a type after all…
I 𝓲. I MDNI ୨୧ milf! reader. step cest. aged-up characters. age gap: reader; 30s + meg; mid 20s. mommy kink-ish. creampie. infediality. quickie. | WC –> 1.1k+ est ! !
NOTE. this is a repost from my old blog !! :p
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YOUR WEDDED HUSBAND SURE did have some nice genes… watching closely how your stepson walked around the house so mellow; head sulking but chest exposed and puffed out, stacked muscles relaxed but yet, so toned of quiet determination — of a growing man willing and able to put in daily effort to achieve such a hefty and big…
big goal.
and you couldn't help yourself either, the obvious liking to the fushiguro blood was clear. megumi just gave off that same gruff and manly feel your husband does, especially the longer he stayed at jujutsu tech.
it's been almost a decade. and you can most certainly tell it took its toll on him – all that hard work and scars of stories running along barred skin was catching. it reminded how you'd kiss at toji’s... megumi, just got more… raunchy the last time you've seen him is all.
yet, megumi just had something more to him.
he's a younger version of your husband — almost identically now, but of course, more fit and kept up with, more endurance, more stamina…
but not any less experienced.
and it seemed like megumi had a good taste in women just like his father too. always catching sneaky eyes wondering down your blouse whenever you were cleaning – catching how he would hug you a lot tighter when you wore little dresses — mainly to impress your husband but that tight squeeze at your sides and bright smile before muttering out how lucky his father is makes you feel…
that special feeling sparked up once again soon as your husband went to go get more booze and lottery tickets; megumi was beginning to help around more often – lifting heavier things that needed to be moved for spring cleaning. you'd catch yourself imagining how much of a hard time your husband would have given you about that… but megumi made sure you didn't need to overstep yourself with simple things. wanting to be more of a help for you, his mother idle, an older fine woman — how sweet he was.
“my father doesn't deserve you.” words that finally pinned your feelings together, and it quickly lead to bumping and a few vases to fall.
“mom–my..!” tepid lips almost quivering in sync with the shake of his timbre voice dropping an octave.
his cock curves just like his father's – slightly to the right with a pretty flushed tip, heavy balls too, feeling them hit right against your puffy clit at each rough thrust. and at each barreling plunge of his cock stuffing you full, he forces a low rumble of swears on your tongue to echo in your bedroom; even clammy hands to twist harder into the sheets your husband was just sulking on.
your needy cunt squeezed down hard around the base of his jamming cock, feeling how eager he was to fill you up the second his tip kissed your sopping entrance, never leaving your needy hole.
“oh! gumii! like that-- yes!”
there was one big difference between the two men. megumi had the stamina and understanding to make you feel beyond pleasure; he knows when to go faster or harder with deeper strokes, or how he understands when your hands would reach for mercy only to keep pounding that one soft spot, knowing you're only chasing that needed high.
not toji though, toji fucked you silly. he fucked you on his cock ‘till he came. no actual tender care, only a pounding until his problems felt an inch better. of course, toji made your tummy rise, no doubt, but you've always desired more than just to be filled up and left for some booze.
megumi knows what you've been wanting, what you've been craving for.
the feeling of being young again. that feeling of being fucked like some groupie at a frat house, and it makes him smile even harder watching how desperate you were about it; watching those pretty hips roll back with every grind – wordless heavy breaths in his ear of how good he was making you feel.
of how much you love his cock.
the long strides made you speak tongue. babbling on how much he makes you feel, and your wet tongue that hangs out twists. panting out how much he wasn't like his father ‘till he popped a messy knot of spunk in you.
the front door swings open, and heavy feet trail off somewhere in another room.
“y/n! there's glass on the floor! clean it up.”
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bladesprettywhore · 5 months
「 DAZAI OSAMU 」 — " you're so pretty " !
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⟡ . prompt : dom! dazai x sub! reader
⟡ . warnings : reader has a female autonomy, fluff to smut? , dazai gets super worked up and is a sadist, degrading + praise, spitting, hairpulling, choking, dacriphyllia, gagging, edging, overstimulation, use of bandages, a little dark.
⟡ . before you read : minors and ageless blogs dni.
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it had been a tiring day at work for both you and dazai at the agency. currently, both of you were walking to the agency dorms together hand in hand. upon arriving right infront of the familiar abandoned sight which was home to the both of you, a sigh escaped your lips , dazai looked down at you before a smile appeared on his lips, "tiring day huh? I can understand..kunikida was so mean at work today!" the words left his mouth with a dramatic tone as you just palmed your forehead lightly with a soft smile on your face.
"can we go inside now? your monologue can wait until you're alone you know" you said nudging his arm in a teasing manner. he just pouted and dramatically put his hand over his heart "ah belladonna! what a cold hearted woman you are!". you just chuckled at his silliness and walked into your shared room before flopping yourself onto the mattress in the middle of the tatami mats. it was a little messy in the room as you and dazai didn't clean up before leaving.
you yawned a bit as you felt a pair of familiar hands wrap around you from behind, and pressing their body against yours. "you tired? today was rough huh..." dazai spoke in a calm and relaxed tone as he put one of his legs over yours. you chuckled a bit, as you ranted on about all the events that took place that very day "uh huh...I had a hard time figuring out the case assigned to me today but fortunately ranpo-san was nearby so I was in luck and to add on...." you told him more details about your day but he wasn't even listening.
the leg which was over yours was now kneeing you right at your covered womanhood. your talking was interrupted as you realised what was happening at that very moment, as dazai's hands travelled up to hold your tits, his fingers teasing your clothed nipples until they started getting hard and perky. "w-wait! dazai— nghh!"
"I apologize for the man I'm about to become bella, you're just so breathtaking, I can't help myself" he leaned in closer as he nibbled on your earlobe before he pinned you down beneath him. his movements were rough but slow, his hands lifted up your shirt along with the bra that was underneath it just to grope your tits in a very harsh manner making you whimper in pain, the whimper that left your mouth made it so tempting for him to just shove his cock right in your mouth but he could never give in so early.
he was taking it slow just to see how quickly you'd get impatient and start begging for him. the man put his mouth on your right breast, as he started licking and sucking on it while maintaining eye contact with you which made you turn red from embarassment, "stop looking at me like th— fuck!" you were interrupted when he bit the nipple he was sucking on. it was painful but dazai enjoyed it.
"you're so fucking mean" you said with slight annoyance causing him to raise an eyebrow "oh yeah? how fragile you are, it seems i always cause you pain just to satisfy my own needs...." as much as he was trying to make it seem like he felt bad, he did not, the jerk was enjoying it. "i promise you, bella, ill reward you in the end if you're obedient~" his honey like voice had such a huge effect on you making you feel helpless.
"but, unfortunately ill need to arrange something so that you won't be able to interrupt me while i work" he pretends to think for a second before an idea pops up in his mind. the man took off the bandages on his neck, revealing the bare skin behind it, using them to tie your hands together before he also grabbed a mouthgag from his drawer. his eyes analysing your body as you sat on your knees with your hands tied behind your back and the mouthgag preventing you from speaking as it caused drool to run down your mouth.
"my my, am i in heaven?" the words left his mouth with a chuckle following. your upper half was exposed as dazai also started to undress your lower half to reveal your dripping cunt. "oh my, you were just complaining about how mean I was a few minutes ago but you're dripping this hard? does that mean you enjoy it when I treat you like a doll?" this man could say the most disgusting shit and somehow it'd still be hot. two of his fingers teased the entrance of your clit, pulling on it and stroking it making you whine against the mouth gag, saliva running down both sides of your lips.
you were trying to beg him to quit teasing you but the mouthgag made it impossible. dazai, of course knew this but acted clueless on the matter, "what's wrong bella? if you wanna make a request, you'll have to use your words you know~" you just sat there , trying to endure how dazai was playing with your clit. finally , he pushed his two fingers in, pumping them in and out, making you roll your eyes and arch your back against his fingers. you could feel yourself getting close until he realised this and pulled them out.
your eyes widened as you looked at the man with tears foaming in your eyes, "shhh, it's okay doll, you're doing so well for me, it's only a matter of time till I give you your reward, just have a little patience for me okay?" you were embarassed to even look at him in that pathetic state as tears started running down your cheeks. "ignoring me hm? what if i give you a bit of freedom hm? it's only fair since you were obedient that whole time", he says taking the mouthgag out from your mouth , making you gasp for breath.
"I wonder if you can last through this~. naturally, one has to work for a reward" the words that left his mouth were followed by a sinister grin, his hands removing the clothing that had been covering his lower half, to reveal parts of his legs that were bandaged , you didn't even get to get a look at his pretty cock because it was already in your mouth. dazai put your hair behind your ear and grabbed a handful of it while he forcefully thrust himself inside your mouth, "god, bella! your mouth is so skilled when it comes to stuff like this, what a talented doll you are".
he wasnt being gentle with it either. you were huffing and trying your best not to gag but it was unavoidable with the way he was forcing himself inside you. "such a professional, aren't you? I'm about to cum so make sure you swallow all of it yeah? otherwise there'll be consequences~" his voice was like honey but his intentions weren't. beads of sweat running down his forehead as the moonlight pierced through your glass window, shining on his skin. he released in your mouth after a bit. naturally, you stuck your tongue out to show him because that's the only way he'd be satisfied.
"you took me well, so as a reward, I'll untie the bandages for you but if you dare cum before me, I'll make sure that you don't get to cum the whole night. does your pretty head understand or are you too dumb that you can't talk?" you just nodded and barely manged to utter out your consent. a mischievous grin forming on dazai's face before he snapped his finger , causing the bandages around your hands to fall off almost instantly. his hands travelled to your plushy thighs , putting them over his shoulder as he lined up his cock before your entrance.
pushing inside you without a warning was something you should've expected from the bastard, throwing your head back onto the pillow placed on top of the futon as dazai's thrust sped up by each second passing by, your head was dizzy with visible hearts in your eyes, cheeks painted red with drool running down from your lips. "fuck!— belladonna! how long was it since we fucked? your little cunt is clenching around me so tightly" breathy but low moans left his mouth before he leaned in to wrap it around your nipple, sucking and licking on it while making eye contact with you.
"don't look at me like— fuck! bastard...." being the jerk he was, he only laughed like a maniac and continued thrusting inside before lightly biting on your nipple making you whince in pain. moans leaving your mouth by each second as you felt your orgasm getting closer. "w-wait dazai! I'm close!—" he only chuckled and whispered in a sadistic tone "you know you can't cum yet~ but you're so pretty like this that I almost want you to cum just so i can torture you for my satisfaction all night" his words caused tears to run down your cheeks, he whispered sweet things to you to comfort you but he was secretly enjoying seeing you vulnerable.
at last, you creamed all over his cock and unfortunately before him too, knowing the outcome of it, you were beginning to regret agreeing to his conditions. his hands travelled to your neck to hold it with a strong force to cut off your air, "my oh my....you really want me to touch you all night huh? well...it'll be my pleasure 'donna".
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starry-bi-sky · 6 months
I am procrastinating homework and finals studying so I'm making another DPxDC au -- or more accurately, I am making an au of an au. or combining two aus to make a third one, because I am Procastinating And thinking about it.
(the part two for my Danny is Jason Todd au is like,,, half-made and I will get around to finishing it, promiiissse)
So the two aus I had in mind were combining, of course, the two clone aus - the Danny Clone and the Damian Clone au. For folks who haven't seen either posts (or saw one but not the other) here are summaries of both:
Damian Clone Au: The LoA make a clone of Damian Wayne specifically to either kill Damian Wayne and have the clone take his place as the heir to the LoA, or to bring him back. At 6 years old though and through magical teleportation mishaps, Baby Damian ends up in the warehouse district of Amity Park and picked up (and later adopted) by Danny Fenton. They develop a brotherly dynamic with one another.
Danny Clone Au: Danny is straight up a clone of Bruce Wayne, doesn't find out until a year after he has his accident. And, for the fun of it, is also mostly-powerless (he retains his ghost sense and a semblance of a ghost core and signature, but no ghost form). His reasoning for becoming Phantom is because he has walked into the lab watching his parents dissecting ghosts post-portal working more times than he can count. And due to this, changes his beliefs from "ghosts are evil" to "ghosts are sentient and sapient beings who don't deserve this treatment". (masterpost pinned on my blog, its currently incomplete) He is also a little GNC, as a treat. Long-haired Danny ftw. Ellie is a halfa because of the ectoplasm that Vlad used, and also the same age as Danny. They call each other twins and she is viciously protective of him. He uses a baseball bat and brass knuckles that I call 'jawbreakers' to fight ghosts.
Now admittedly, not much probably changes with the combination of these aus other than the potential parallels between Damian and Danny, and Bruce and Damian - and of course, I am always a sucker for parallels. Plus Damian's running off would take Danny finding him much longer, since he can no longer fly, but all the more meaningful because he still took so much time to find him.
(It probably also makes their first meeting different as well - Danny wears a ROTTMNT Casey Jones Jr. esq. mask when he goes out, but Damian would recognize lazarus green anywhere. He'd probably try harder to kill him though once he sees his face, since he knows that its not his father but an imposter.)
It also includes what I consider a hilarious conversation: "Since I'm a clone of Bruce Wayne, does this make me your dad or your brother?" "Don't be an idiot, laeazir." "You didn't answer my question."
The biggest change that comes from this is, of course, the fact that Danny now no longer has a leg to stand on with the "you're a human, I am a ghost" excuse in order to prevent Damian to help him with ghost-fighting, because now Danny is also a squishy, fleshy and fragile human just like Damian. And a human who, arguably, has less combat training than Damian and no powers to make up for it.
Now, Danny in both aus are about 16-17-ish in age, so they've had time to adapt to their new vigilante-hero lifestyle, but its still not the same as Damian's training as an assassin. Damian, unlike in the original clone au, remains insistent on his want to help Danny.
And,,, eventually wears him down after weeks or months of sneaking out after him, helping in fights, interfering, arguing, etc. Danny eventually agrees, exhausted, but he makes Damian promise, promise, that he will be careful and to focus on dodging and distraction. At least until Danny can figure out a safer alternative. He wants him as far removed from the fight as he can, he's a child for ancient's sake, after all.
Which is another issue too - if we follow Damian Clone timeline, then Damian is six years old when this happens. I'll be point blank, I do not see Danny ever actually agreeing to let a literal 6 year old go with him. SO, solution, I bump Damian's age to 7 when he arrives in the Fenton Family, and make him freshly eight years old when he finally gets Danny to agree.
It still SUCKS. He is still very much an itty bitty child, but as someone who has seen the difference between a six year old and an eight year old due to working at a daycare, an eight year old is still... slightly feasible. And an 8 year old assassin even more so (even if he hasn't trained properly in nearly a year or so)
So Danny, reluctantly, agrees to let Damian come with him on patrols.
He ghost-proofs Damian's sword (as he has since learned to do with his bat and jawbreakers), makes him a grappling hook and a Fenton thermos, and reluctantly lets Damian come with in his old LoA uniform that he appeared in (with some tailoring and ghost-proofing, because he has since begun to grow out of the uniform).
(and Danny himself also finally starts looking into alternatives to improve his own "suit" - which is all but a hoodie and reinforced jeans and a hockey mask. He needs to set an example to his little brother, goddammit.)
Then, as they're planning for Damian's eventual (dreaded on Danny's part) debut, they sit in their shared room and brainstorm for what to call Damian. "Ellie already uses the name Spirit." Danny says, sitting criss-cross at his desk with the eraser nub of a pencil chewed between his teeth.
(Behind him he has an investigative corkboard set up -- his accident left him with the ability to see ghosts not capable of being seen on the visible plane. 'Stereotypical' ghosts. Between school work, his social life, and ghost fighting, some of his downtime is spent figuring out ways to help them move on. His most recent is a cold case.)
(Bc with Danny, I loove to have him have some sort of trait that ties him in with his original counterpart. Nature vs Nurture and all that. Investigative work can be part of that.)
"What about Wraith?" Damian suggests from the floor, leaning against the bed frame while he goes over one of his english books. They've been practicing his reading and writing.
Danny furrows his brows. "A ghost seen typically shortly after or before someone's death?"
Damian nods. "Yes, it's of a similar cadence to 'Batman and Robin'."
"What's with you and your thing with Batman and Robin?" Danny asks with a playful half-smile, Damian shrugs and looks at his books. Danny sticks the eraser back between his incisors. "Phantom and Wraith... that works, though."
The first night out together, Danny fusses over Damian, making sure every bit of uniform was secured and in place -- something Damian took mild offense over. His outfit was far more reinforced than the juvenile get-up that his older brother wore.
But he let him fuss anyways. It made him loved.
"Now remember, Wraith--"
Damian interrupts him: "Yes, I know, Dany. Avoid and distract. Stay situationally aware. I fear that is something I should be telling you, however. Mother would have your head if she ever saw what your training was like."
(It was, not for the first time, that Damian wondered how his,,, "mother",,, would react if she ever met Danyal. Not good, he knows.)
Danny's shoulders sag, and he sighs. "I believe that, what with that super-secret spy--"
Danny sends him a half-hearted chagrined look, "Assassin," he corrects, "organization that made you. I'm sure I'd give your mother an aneurysm." When he's finally okay with whatever make-believe issues he found with his suit, Danny reaches for the nearby side table and carefully slips on a black domino mask over Damian's eyes. It was thin, flexible, and made with some kind of material that Danny reassured was environmentally safe.
("Some kind of matieral that Wayne Industries invented awhile ago, Sam bought it for me." Danny told him when he first showed it to him.)
It was also cold. But the chill was made up for, slightly, with Danny's warmer hands smoothing it out over his skin, and ridding of any ridges that could form. Damian isn't sure entirely what Danyal did to keep it stuck onto his face, but when he touches it with his fingers he feels a very faint seam at the edge, and it doesn't budge against his hands. It felt like a second skin.
"There we go." Danny smiles, pulling his hands back. He still looks nervous. "It's not the same as my hockey mask," which sat atop his head, ready to be pulled down, "but I think a domino mask will work better for you considering your background."
He was right, a hockey mask would only hurt Damian's peripheral vision. This mask was thin enough that it didn't.
"Ready to go, Wraith?"
"After you, Phantom."
Damian has much issue with Danny's suit. He can think of a million ways to make it better. It is one of the things he and Samantha Manson can get along with, and the few times they have spent time together they have brainstormed suit ideas. He knows that since Danny took him on as Wraith, he has started to look into better suit alternatives.
However. They are both aware of the same thing:
Danny is not Batman, nor Superman, nor Wonder Woman, nor Aquaman, or the Flash, or Green Arrow, or Nightwing, or any single hero on the public roster. He is also not rich like Lex Luthor or Vlad Masters or Bruce Wayne himself.
He has no money and no contacts, and thus, no way of properly improving his suit to be something even half as safe as the other supers.
And he refuses to let Samantha Manson help him find a way to fix that - even with all that money, Samantha Manson is on an allowance from her parents, and also, despite her other range of abilities, not capable of getting those materials without putting herself on a list of some sort. They are at a standstill.
Damian knows this, because he has asked.
Until one day when Danny is talking about a case he is working on and telling Damian about old adventures he had in the Ghost Zone, does he see his brother get hit with a lightbulb.
He slaps a hand against his forehead and straightens up from his swivel seat. He huffs a laugh, "Of course! Why didn't I think of it sooner?" And he turns on his heel and hurries to his bookshelf, pulling down a notebook and flipping open to an empty page.
Damian frowns, "Laeazir?"
"I know you don't like my suit, Damian," Danny says, striding over to his desk and snatching a pencil out of a cup. He begins jotting something down on the notebook. "And there's nothing I can really do about it because, well, I'm poor in comparison to my facesake, and I don't have the resources to get my hands on someone who would make me a new suit."
"Yes, we have talked about this..." Damian nods slowly, still frowning, and trying to follow his brother's line of reasoning.
Danny shoots him a megawatt, half-tilt smile, his hair tied up into a half-bun. "But! I was thinking about it from the wrong angle. I don't have the living resources to help me get a suit, but..." he trails off, staring at Damian intently.
It dinged in Damian's brain to where he was going, "But you have the undead resources instead." He says, his eyes widening slowly. Of course, of course! Danyal was ridiculously charismatic by accident, and Damian has seen plenty of times where his heart-of-gold had one or two non-hostile ghosts be incredibly grateful to him.
His brother makes a loud, 'ding-ding-ding!' sound, pointing his pencil at Damian as his smile stretches further across his face. In a few quick strides, he was sat down next to Damian and showing him his notebook. "Correct! When I first started out as Phantom a few years ago, I managed to help a ghost who called herself Taylor, and apparently she was a seamstress both in and out of life."
Damian watches as Danny writes the name at the top of the paper, and creates bullet-points down the page. "She said that in return for saving her, I should come find her in the Ghost Zone if I ever need clothes made for me. It's a one-time thing, but I was thinking that she could perhaps help make me a new suit."
Danny turns a bit pink at the ears, and rubs his neck, "I never thought much of it because I didn't think I'd ever go into the Ghost Zone, or ever need ghost clothes, so I forgot about it up until now."
A scoff forces itself out of Damian's mouth, but he is smiling. "Danyal, you are the smartest idiot I have ever met."
For the next hour, both he and Danny make a bullet point list of what both of their suits would need. Reinforcement in certain areas, gauntlets with reinforced knuckles to replace Danyal's jawbreakers. A different weapon than a bat.... a utility belt, reinforced boots. Anything they could think of.
It was Damian's idea to add a cloak to both of their suits, asymmetrical and torn at the edges for a more 'ghostly' look. They have a theme, after all. It's quite fun.
Then Danyal calls up Sam for help in drafting up design ideas. And while Danyal steps mostly to the side when it comes to the design itself, Damian and Sam fill pages with designs until coming up with one they both agreed on and like.
"What about a lightning bolt on the chest?" "Why are we using my traumatic accident as a symbol of my identity?" "Ghosts do it all the time, Danny. Ember sings about her death." "I'm not dead?" "No that won't work, Manson. Shazam already has a giant lighting bolt emblem." "Okay, but I still want to use it somewhere." "How about this?" "...That could work. Okay, now onto your emblem--"
Last was the hard part: getting into the Ghost Zone without the Fenton parents noticing the disappearance of their precious Fenton Specter Speeder. They employed Jazz's help with that. She would get the Fentons out of the house long enough for him and Danny to get into the ghost zone, hopefully find the seamstress, and cash in that favor.
They went through with their plan that following weekend. Danny tossed Damian a small jumpsuit as they both climbed into the specter speeder, but did not grab his own. He had a small duffle bag on him that he threw under the seat.
"What is this?" Damian asks, nose scrunching up at the gaudy picture of Jack Fenton's face square at the center of the chest. He held it far away from it, as if it had a disease.
"Your hazmat suit." Danny replies, settling himself into the driver's seat as the door hissed shut and he began turning it on. He had some sort of gas mask on in his lap, too small to fit Danny's head, but certainly the right size to fit Damian's. "Normally you wouldn't need it since you'd stay in the speeder, but we're both getting out once we find Taylor. It's to protect you from the ectoplasm."
A scowl forces itself across Damian's face, "You don't have one." He points out, finding seat in the passenger chair next to Danny. His arms cross over his chest, and he was not pouting.
Danny looks at him amusedly, "I have enough ectoplasm in my body that I don't need one, you however, do not." He retorts, poking a finger into Damian's ribcage pointedly. "If you don't put it on now, you'll put it on when we find Taylor."
Damian's scowl deepens, feeling petulant as he sunk into his chair. Danny turns back to the console and flips a few more switches. "I will not, it looks ridiculous." He turns it around to show Danny the Jack Fenton Face.
The Specter Speeder hums to life, and there's a moment of turbulence as it lifts off the ground. While it does, Danny turns back to him blankly, stares at the emblem, and then reaches forward and yanks it off with a scriiiiich of the emblem. He crumples it up with one hand, and throws it into a small bin at his feet.
"There, fixed." He smiles. Then turns back to the controls, taking the yoke with both hands. "And I'm calling Dad Rights; you will put it on when we find Taylor or you'll stay in the speeder."
Damian sputters, sitting up incredulously. "You are not my father." He argues.
"Teeechnically, I am." Danny says, "I'm a clone of your father, and since I am fully his clone, that makes you my son by a technicality." He says cheerfully, pushing the specter speeder forward and into the swirling green portal.
Before Damian can retort, they're passing through the portal. This was his first time going into the Ghost Zone, and for a few seconds there was nothing but bright, swirling green filling his vision. His body felt like it was being twisted and pulled, his up and down reversing and returning. It was painless, but dizzying.
It only lasts for a few seconds, but it feels like a minute, and when they exit out the other side, Damian is holding his head while his vision spots and swims. Internally, he felt like those cartoon characters when their eyeballs rolled around in their head.
The dizziness fades away slowly, and as Damian regains his sight, he notices Danny's hand splayed over his sternum, gently keeping him pressed against his seat. It fell away when Danny saw that he was alright.
"Put your seatbelt on," Danny orders, nodding to his chair. Damian listens absently, before remembering their conversation before they went through the portal.
"That is not how it works." He scowls, and, annoyingly, only gets a challenged eyebrow raise from Danny. He could see the words written on his face without Danyal ever having to say it.
Because, dangit, he was technically right. Damian refuses to say this aloud. He screws his jaw shut, and crosses his arms back across his chest.
Danny chuckles under his breath, and turns his eyes back to the ghost zone. "My point still stands, either you wear the suit, or you don't leave the speeder."
They eventually find where the seamstress is. Through quite a lot of Danny stopping to ask questions with any friendly ghost he came across, they eventually locate an island with a strange, urban city bustling with life on it. Massive, rocky stalagmites grew from the ground, and buildings were built on top of it or around it, with strange, warping architecture.
It was oddly beautiful.
Danny parked the speeder on the side of the street with a two hour parking sign on a nearby post. As he turned off the engine, he flipped a switch on the console that darkened the windows. He unbuckles his seat, and stood up, stretching out his back with a deep groan.
"Alright, put your suit on. The windows are tinted, so nobody should be able to see into the speeder." He orders, pulling out the duffle he brought in earlier and unzipping it. He pulls out his hockey mask and the hoodie he wore out for patrol, and the notebook they'd been using to jot down ideas for their suit.
Danny even had the hindsight to write in their respective heights, and with Tucker's help, some of their measurements. While he did that, Damian sourly pulled on his hazmat suit, irritated by the need to wear it.
Unfortunately, he also had to wear the boots and gloves for 'extra precaution'. Damian nearly bites out a grumpy 'you're as paranoid as father', but holds his tongue. He wasn't going to tell Danyal that secret.
Once he was done and Danny has his hockey mask and hoodie on, Danny grabs the gas mask and helps fit it over Damian's face. It was a sleek, simple design, shaped similarly to a regular face mask, with little filters on both sides of the mouth and a clear, protective covering around the eyes and forehead. Danyal improved it from the original his parents made.
He was smarter than he gave himself credit for.
Danny checks, then double checks that it the mask is tight, then smiles. Patting Damian's shoulders before standing up fully. "Taylor's shop should be somewhere nearby." He says, grabbing the notebook and tucking it under his arm.
Damian nods, and follows him out the door and onto the busy streets.
Finding Taylor becomes remarkably quick now that they were inside her city - something that Damian silently wondered was based loosely off NYC. Danny kept a firm arm around Damian's shoulders the entire time they walked down the street, keeping the both of them on the inside sidewalk.
Barely anyone passed them a second glance, spare the few odd looks shot at Damian. Danny whispers to him the first time it happens that it's because he has no ghost core, those more attune to their signatures might've been picking up on it.
They didn't notice Danny, because he had one, albeit a weak one.
Taylor's shop has a big sign on it in logographic writing that Damian has no idea how to read. The text shifts slowly, a jambled squiggle of lines, dots, and connected curves that look like a mix of messy cursive, gibberish, and logographic alphabets. He only knows its Taylor's shop because Danny pulls them towards it, stating that it was the place.
"You can read that?" He asks, incredulous as they draw closer to the door. Danny moves his arm off his shoulder, and wraps his fingers around Damian's instead.
"Yep," He replies, then scrunches his nose up, "sort of. It's - uh--" he stumbles over a word that Damian's ears cannot comprehend, but fills his head with slight static regardless. Danny winces. "It's the written form of ghostspeak, but since I'm not a ghost, I can only read some of it. Like uh, dyslexia."
"...I see." Damian says after a moment of silence, trying to replay the word in his head. His mind can't grasp the sound.
When they enter, the door doesn't ding with the sound of a bell, but rather it makes a low scream. Nobody bats an eye to the sound, keeping to their slow search through the racks of clothes.
At the counter was a woman talking quietly to another woman, one of whom Danny recognizes, as he walks over to her.
He doesn't need to say anything, because the woman behind the counter sees him coming, and her face positively lights up with delight. "Phantom!" She cries, and gestures to come over. "I was wondering when in the high ancients you were going to come see me!"
Danny's face is obscured by his mask, but Damian knows he's smiling sheepishly with the way he tilts his head and the way he tenses his shoulders. "My bad, Miss Taylor," he says, reaching the counter and standing beside the woman she was talking to, "It kinda... slipped my mind."
Taylor waves her hand dismissively, "Well you are here now!" She replies, grinning wide. Then her eyes pop open - literally - and she puts a hand over her chest. "Oh, how rude of me!" She turns and gestures between Phantom and the lady next to him, "Miss Mabam, this is Phantom. I told you about him a couple of years ago. He saved me from humans. Phantom, this is Gigi Mabam, she funds my shop. In return I make clothes for her and her staff."
The 'Gigi' woman turns just as Danny does, and smiles wide at him. Damian narrows his eyes at her, shuffling behind Danny legs as he looked her up and down. She had silvery-white hair and purple skin, and wore a darker purple business suit, a red gem cravat at her collar, and teal cat-eye glasses.
There was a lot of purple.
"So this is the ghost-touched you were telling me about, dear!" The woman, Mabam, said. Her voice was rich and low but she spoke in a whimsical cadence. It made Damian's skin crawl, and his narrowed eyes turned into a glare. "I must thank you for saving my seamstress, it would've been quite a fizzy-wink if she had been lost to those ghosty hunters."
What were those nonsense words? Damian hated it.
"Miss Mabam here runs a five-star hotel nearby," Taylor explains, her body turned to Danny, "she also is in charge of the city's Battle Nexus."
Danny is silent for a moment, and his free hand lifts and places itself on the back of Damian's head, keeping him close. "Battle Nexus...?"
Mabam claps cheerfully, laughing low, "Oh yes! Ghosts from all around the zone come to attend and watch as their fellow haunties are ripped from limbity-limb in a blood-curdling battle!"
Danny is still as stone. "I see." He says, careful. Damian wraps his fingers around his pant leg. "Well, I hate to interrupt your conversation, but I was hoping to cash in that favor, Miss Taylor?"
"Of course! What do you need?"
Danny looks down at Damian, and he looks up at him, locking eyes with the ominous green glowing from the eyeslits of his mask. He nods, and Danny looks back up. "Do you know how to make suits? Of the protective kind?"
The seamstress it turns out, is capable of such a thing. And she ushers the both of them into one of the backrooms, sending off Mabam with a farewell and a promise to continue their conversation soon.
She flips through their design book, and immediately gets to work making their suits. In the end, with the help of her powers, she gets both done over the span of four hours. It's longer than both Danny and Damian want, but neither rush her.
Damian just hopes that Jasmine can keep the Fenton parents distracted for that long. She will have to.
The suits are better in real life than on paper, and Damian preens from the side in his own custom suit as Danny examines his own in front of the three mirrors. They were both dressed in all black, but whatever fabric Taylor used was of a blackest-black, turning Danyal - and Damian's - bodies into a black hole to look at. Both of them were fitted for agility, with reinforced padding around their shoulders and chests, as well as around the joints of their legs. Their boots were reinforced as well.
("It was hard to make your boots shock absorbent," Taylor explains, "since we all fly, but I applied similar stuff to what I did with your shoulders and chestplate.")
On the side of Danyal's legs were raised, black, lichtenberg-like figures that were contained to the seams and disappeared under his boots. There were similar designs going up his sleeves, with spiked gauntlets wrapped around his lower arm and hands. The knuckles were reinforced, just like he wanted.
Damian's favorite parts were their capes, however. Black like the rest of the outfit, but "wrapped" around their shoulders like an apocalyptic shawl with a back that went down to their knees, and at the hems the capes were torn and ripped like a wraith. Danyal's mask had gone through very little change. It was made of a stronger material, and Taylor had gone and made it more skull-like in its shape, with three large grills at the front, and the sides curving inward below the 'cheekbones' of the skull to better fit his face. It was still shock white, the only white part of Danyal's entire costume.
Damian's suit was almost identical. However, rather than having the seams of his suit resemble lichtenberg figures, the seams of his sleeves and upper torso were that of a black skeleton, with bone-y designs over his gauntlets and the fingers an ombre of dark red-to-black. And around his torso were raised lines that looked similar to a ribcage. The edge of his cloak was splatter a dark red as well. And he had a new domino mask that looked similar to the upper half of Danyal's mask, with the outer edges curved downward over his cheekbones. He was briefly allowed to take off the upper part of his gas mask to try on the mask.
The best part however, was that since the suits were made of material native to the ghost zone, they could also be taken off quickly and hidden in a small artifact. It was magic, is what it was. Danyal chose earrings, and Damian chose a ring.
When they got back to the Fenton house, Jazz demands a box of chocolate for her hard work. Damian thinks that's only fair as Danny takes them both out to get candy for Jazz.
But other than vigilante stuff, not else much changes. Danny gets to pull a "Dad By Technicality Rule" card over Damian when he's being a brat. Danny doesn't have his run in with Rift (a ghost who portals him into Gotham) until after he meets Damian/lets Damian join him on patrol and when they get new suits.
My reason? Because I want it to happen after that point in time lol. It also makes the eventual "heyyyyy you have a clone" @ bruce much funnier to me because not only does he have a clone of HIMSELF but also THAT clone has a clone of Damian living with him.
Also when Danny destabilizes for the first time Damian is terrified for his safety. The fentons are surprisingly good at cloning, Danny hasn't had any issues up until this point in time, and that's only because he got hit with a new gun from Skulker that messed up the ectoplasm he had in his dna, which in term fucked with his own DNA.
Danny's destabilization, imo, is not "I cast you with Melt" he's not Ellie, he's not made of 50% ectoplasm. His parents surprisingly knew what they were doing, and he was human. So his destabilization should be unique to himself and different. Thus his destabilization is "I cast you with Compromised Immune System" his body slowly weakens over time as his cells destabilize. He becomes unnaturally frail and sick. Damian calls Ellie for help when Danny doesn't get up after being hit in a fight that he normally, and Ellie helps figure out that he's destabilizing. This is whats gonna happen in OG clone au too, but Ellie is going to be there rather than Damian.
It makes going to Wayne Manor after that slightly more interesting,,,
#dpxdc crossover#dpxdc#dp x dc#dp x dc crossover#danny fenton is not the ghost king#danny fenton is a clone#damian clone au#i couldnt NOT describe their new suits. i just couldn't. they're leaning into the ghost culture of being scary as fuck looking#i feel a little cheesy for giving them magic jewelry that lets them hide their suits instantly#but i have to make up for danny's lack of ghost form SOMEHOW#damian just gets it too by association#if anyone is curious#Ellie's ghost form is identical to Danny's suit just the colors are inverted. so her suit is all white and her mask is all black#its not a starry au unless its got a read more#did anyone notice the Big Mama cameo from ROTTMNT#its because Danny's mask looks like Casey Jones Jr's mask from ROTTMNT without the red marks on the eyes#Danny and Damian's dynamic itches my brain#Danny: im calling Dad Rights - youre grounded#Damian: nnOOOO#also also. danny uses sign language if he's in view of the living since they could recognize his voice. damian does not yet know ASL#so thats on his 'languages to learn' list#although he is not seen by the public since he has school and ghost attacks happen around danny and not him#Red Huntress gives the Phantom so much shit when she sees his sidekick. Phantom tiredly explains that he had no choice - Wraith would have#come with anyways. truly a robin at heart.#“idc if you say no imma do vigilantism ANYWAY. i dont NEED ur permission” is robincore and bruce/danny going#“fine but i'm gonna make sure you dont DIE then”#clone^2
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chvoswxtch · 13 days
Hi it’s @feelmyskinonyourskin (can’t ask off anon cause I’m a side blog) I’d love to order a macchiato over ice from Frank please!!!! Congrats on 4K!
hi darling! thank you so much!
I appreciate you giving me the freedom to discuss all my slutty thots about frankie. I think one thing that doesn't get talked about enough is that frank secretly likes it rough so let's discuss
as a reminder over ice means it's spicy! (minors dni)
headcannon below the cut
frank castle secretly likes it rough
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i've said it once & i'll say it again, i'll die on this fucking hill: frank castle is a hopeless romantic. he's an old fashioned, brings you flowers on the first date, arrives fifteen minutes early, opens every door for you, doesn't hesitate to pay the tab, doesn't expect you to invite him inside, perfect gentleman
he's a giver. he makes sure his partner is well taken care of before he even thinks about himself. in all the flashback scenes with maria, she's on top, & frank is letting her set the pace & do whatever she wants
in his scene with beth, we see a snippet of something similar to that but, we also see a hint of frank exercising a bit of control. the way he grabs her face where he's essentially grabbing her neck & face bc his hand is so damn big, how he's gripping the sheets, pinning her to the mattress completely- he's clearly holding back bc he probably doesn't wanna go too far & scare her, but there is another side of him that is dying to come out
it's something you catch onto, & something you wanna explore. not that you don't love slow & sweet romantic sex with frank, or flirty playful sex when a few drinks have loosened him up, but you want something more
but frank being frank is never going to ask you to let him be rough. it would make him feel selfish to use your body for his own benefit. he's also terrified of going too far & hurting you. he's so violent & dangerous in so many other aspects of his life, & he never wants you to see that side of him
but you know that frank would rather die than hurt you, so you make it your mission to convince him that he doesn't have to hold back anymore
one night while you're laying in bed, both of you half undressed, frank lying between your hips as you two share a heated & sensual kiss, his hand glides downward from your cheek to your neck, giving it the faintest of a squeeze before letting go. reaching out to grab his wrist, you pull back & stare up at him
"stop holding back."
frank looks down at you in pure puzzlement. he doesn't understand what you're talking about. he cocks his head to the side & searches your eyes for an answer
"stop doin' what?"
maintaining eye contact with him, you bring his hand back to your throat, placing your hand on top of his and squeezing it to show him that it's okay
"I know there's a part of you that wants more, and so do I. you can let go, frank."
when he catches on to what you're saying, his confusion melts into a serious look of apprehension, & he starts to shake his head
you expected him to protest, so you already have your argument ready. you're not backing down from this
"frank, you're not gonna hurt me. you don't have to treat me like i'm made of glass. you can be rough with me. I can take it."
frank doesn't budge. he's still got that apprehensive look in his eyes, but you also see a flicker of need. you squeeze his hand one more time over yours to show him that this is what you want too
"I know what my limits are, frank. if it's too much i'll tell you, and I trust you enough to know you'll stop."
frank is silent for a moment, & you're worried that he's going to keep being stubborn. but then you notice how his eyes darken, & the low timber of his voice makes you shiver
"you promise you'll tell me the second I do somethin' you don't like?"
your eyes light up with excitement that frank is actually considering it. nodding your head eagerly, you stare up at him, feeling heat spread throughout your lower half
"I promise."
those two words of consent make something inside of him snap. this time when he captures your lips, his kisses are more aggressive & demanding, & they travel down the column of your throat. he bites down on your neck, not hard enough to hurt you, but just enough to leave a possessive mark behind that makes you squirm. he soothes the sting with his tongue & continues his assault on your neck, savoring the noises it pulls from you
his large hands are everywhere. squeezing your breasts, gripping at your hips, kneading your thighs, leaving faint bruises behind in his wake, all evidence of him completely giving in to his own desire
normally frank eases into you & gives you a moment to adjust, but not tonight. as soon as his thick cock is buried to the hilt inside of you, he's snapping his hips relentlessly, pounding you into the mattress
one of his hands holds both of your wrists, keeping them pinned above your head, and his other grabs your neck. his thumb is on the left side of your jaw and his index finger is on the right side, holding your face in place, while the rest of his fingers are wrapped right around your pulse point applying a little bit of pressure. frank always wants to be able to see your face when he's fucking you, but especially right now. he wants to make sure you're enjoying this as much as he is, watching you closely for any sign of discomfort
but all he sees is your mouth hanging open & your eyes nearly rolling into the back of your head. incoherent moans are leaving your lips, & your cunt is squeezing his cock in a tight grip. it makes the last of his resolve vanish & he's leaning in to grunt in your ear, speaking in a low & rough voice
"this what you wanted, baby? wanted it rough like this, yeah?"
frank is repeatedly hitting that spot inside of you that only he's ever been able to reach, the one that makes supernovas explode behind your eyelids & renders you speechless. he chuckles darkly at your inability to speak
"look at you, takin' my cock so well. bein' such a good girl for me, yeah? lettin' me have you like this?"
the room is filled with the echoes of skin slapping against skin, frank's feral grunts, & your incoherent moans that keep rising higher in volume & pitch. frank has you completely at his mercy, pinned to the mattress beneath his large body, hands held captive above your head. you can't move, not like you even wanted to, & you can't hardly speak to tell him how close you are, but he knows. he always knows
"gonna come already, sweetheart? you like it that much? shh shh shh...I know baby, I know you do. I can feel it, yeah? such a good fuckin' girl. go on baby, come for me. you've earned it."
frank fucks you through your orgasm, but he doesn't stop. he's still relentlessly thrusting, & even though it's overstimulating, it feels too good to want to stop. he groans in your ear when he feels your walls tighten around his cock & flood him with your release, but he hasn't come yet. gripping onto your hips even tighter, his thrusts somehow get even rougher, & in a matter of minutes you're barreling towards another orgasm
"want ya to give me one more, sweetheart. you can do that for me, yeah? c'mon, be a good girl and come for me again. that's it...that's a good girl...that's fuckin' it baby."
only when he feels you come for the second time does frank finally give in to his own release. his hips stutter as he digs his fingers into the soft flesh of your thigh, grunting loudly while he's emptying himself inside of you
while you're trying to catch your breath, frank gently caresses your cheek with his thumb, a stark contrast to how he was grabbing your throat just minutes ago
"you alright, baby? wasn't too much, was it?"
all you can do is let out a breathless laugh, staring up at him in a haze of bliss and incredulity
"are you kidding me? I can't believe you've been holding back on me this whole time."
frank just looks down at you with a huge grin on his face, leaning in to kiss you softly
"I won't anymore, if it makes ya happy."
once again, i need to be put down like a rabid dog
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lillsisamarshmallow · 2 months
House Guests (14)
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Summary: Y/n struggles to find a place to stay until a close friend offers to let her stay with her, and her two other hybrids. Y/n talks to her friend about how she’s been feeling and is left with more questions than answers. Having a place to stay is great, just one thing, there's only 1 bed...
Word count: 4.8k
Warnings: Eviction, Let me know if I missed any!
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“I don’t know what we’re going to do.” I explained to Seoyeon as I walked around to serve the customers. “I mean, there’s absolutely no way I will find someplace in just 2 days.”
Seoyeon stayed silent as I asked the older couple in front of me for their order, nodding as they spoke, I scribbled it down and gave them a polite smile before walking away to get another order.
“I mean, you're planning to move out anyway, right? I wish I could help but I don’t have enough room for all of you.” Seoyeon said, trailing behind me. “If it were just you then we could have bunked, but I don’t fancy 8 other people in my bed.”
I turned to face her just in time to see her grimace at the thought. I cracked a smile and laughed at her antics as I scribbled down another order before opening up the kitchen doors and pinning up the orders for the others to see.
“Yes, but I thought we would have a week or so to find some place. Not 3 days!” I exclaimed frustratedly, before quickly apologising. “Thanks, I’m sure I’ll figure something out, hopefully.”
As I walked back out from the kitchen the next person to walk in the front door was Jisoo, she looked around for a bit before spotting us next to the counter, her face brightened up as she made her way over to us. I smiled at seeing a good friend of mine.
Me and Seoyeon, both gave her a quick hug before we started catching up while standing out of the way of the others.
“What? You’re getting evicted?” She asked, the shock clear on her face as her eyes widened and she looked at me questioningly. I grumbled and sighed before confirming the news and muttering about how we only had 2 days to find somewhere to stay.
“That’s terrible Y/n.” She sympathised and placed a hand on my left shoulder, pausing as the room seemed to fall quiet for a second. “You all could come stay with me until you find somewhere, if you’d like?” 
My eyes widened as I looked her in the eyes with surprise on my face. My saviour.
“Really? Are you sure that's okay? There are 8 of us…” I said still holding on to hope but understanding that she may not have realised just what she had suggested.
“Yeah, it might be a bit squishy though, but I'm sure you’ll all be fine.” She said with a large smile on her face, her eyes creasing because of it.
“Aww thank you so much!” I reached forwards and pulled her into a hug, she had just saved me the stress of not being able to find some place in such a short time and I was so grateful that she would do something like this. “Oh, will the girls mind us staying over? I don't want to bother them.”
“I’m sure they won't mind.” She said, still giggling as I pulled away.
“So, it’s settled then? Y/n and the boys can stay with you until Y/n is able to find somewhere more permanent.” I turned to face Seoyeon before nodding in her direction. I finished talking to the girls and went back to behind the counter to make Jisoo’s drink. I was practically bouncing with excitement as I went through the rest of the day, waiting until I could get everyone together to tell the boys of the news.
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The next morning after telling the boys last night about our temporary accommodation and packing most of our stuff into a bag or 2 each, we had packed the bags into the car and all squished in, the ride to work felt long as I could hear the boys grumbling and arguing in the back about space and how much the other was taking up. Thankfully after arriving at work the day seemed to fly by quickly and it didn't take long before we were all squished back up in the car again and on our way to Jisoo’s.
“Next time remind me to transform so we don't have to be so close.” I heard someone grumbling, this caused me and Namjoon, who was sitting in the passenger seat, to laugh, we were the only ones who didn't have to share space due to the bags that also filled the car. At some point someone had started a game of guess who, but they would describe somebody and everyone else had to guess it, safe to say that me and Jimin were both terrible at this game, though I blamed Jungkook for his terrible impression of Ariana Grande by pulling his bunny ears up to look like a ponytail, I don't think anyone got that one right. We had to stop the game as it had just turned into the others discussing and teasing me and Jimin’s height, comparing us to baby chicks was the drawing line.
As we drove along on the way to Jisoo’s house I looked out towards the countryside, beautiful rolling hills and crop fields surrounded by forests. Jisoo didn't live too far out of town, but far enough, she said it was because she enjoyed the ‘quiet life’. 
I wanted to hopefully find some place like this, out of town and quiet, just me and my boys.
I turned down her driveway and the house came into view, it wasn't an overly large house, but it had a large yard surrounding it. It was an older house that she had done up before moving in. I pulled up to the side, making sure to leave space for the driveway before getting out of the car, stretching lightly before heading to open up the back, the bags and hybrids almost tumbled me over in their haste to leave the confined space making me huff before giggling, everyone came and grabbed their own bag and Jin closed the door.
We all walked in a line towards the door, stepping on the cute stepping stones that were surrounded by smaller white stones, Jisoo had many flowers surrounding her front yard, surprisingly her house wasn't overly big compared to the area she lived in, she didn't have very close neighbours and her driveway was quite long and away from the main road that led us here. I could sense Jimin tense behind me as we got closer to the house, but I just figured he was nervous.
Stepping off the cute stones and onto the wooden porch I walked up to the big white front door and raised my hand up. I knocked on the door 3 times before putting my hand down. I turned to see the boys behind me and I gave them an encouraging smile as I knew they were a bit nervous, I saw Yoongi and Jimin standing next to each other and sharing looks, Yoongi’s ears were perked up and his tail was swaying back and forth rapidly and flicking out, they both seemed to be on edge about something, but before I could ask I heard someone fumbling around on the other side of the door followed by footsteps, two pairs of them.
I turned back to face to door just as it began opening but before I could even say hello to Jisoo two blurs passed in front of her before attaching themselves to me, I giggled at their antics as I looked down to see two pairs of cat ears, a dark grey pair with shorter fur and a white pair with long fluffy fur.
“Hey girls.” I said as I felt their tails wrap around my legs like they usually would when they hugged someone. I would have hugged them back, but my hands were full with my bag of my stuff.
“Come on you two, at least let them inside first.” Jisoo laughed as she opened the door further and stepped out, I looked up and smiled at her as she had to practically pry the two hybrids off of me before bribing them so they would go inside. “They haven't shut up about you since I told them you’d be coming to stay for a few days.” She said as she reached to grab a bag from me before turning and making her way into the house.
I followed behind her with the boys hot on my trail, we walked past two hallways before making it into her living area, across from that was a large window almost the length of the wall which looked out into her back yard, her house was beautiful. She continued to take us on a small tour of the house as we made our way up the stairs to the second level.
“Thanks for letting us stay for a while, I'll keep looking for somewhere more permanent while we’re here.” I said to her as we made it to the top level of her home and took a right, walking past another large window.
Jisoo hummed at what I had said as we kept walking, the boys seemed to be sticking oddly close to me and glancing around a lot. What's going on? Finally, Jisoo opened a door into a room, it was a decently sized room with a large single bed to the left wall. It had basic things in it, a small desk opposite the bed complete with a comfy looking office chair, at the end of the bed was a large chair and small coffee table. I smiled at how Jisoo had even gone to the effort of setting up the room, assuming this one was mine since there was only one bed I walked over and placed my bag onto the bed.
“Okay, well I’ll go get some extra blankets and pillows for the rest of you.” She smiled as she headed towards the door. “There's a wardrobe where you guys can put your bags over there.” She pointed to the small sliding door that I hadn't noticed before.
“Wait, what about the other rooms?” I asked her confused as to why she’d have to bring extra pillows and blankets into this room as there was more than enough for just me on the bed already.
“Huh? There are no other rooms. I’m going to get more pillows and blankets for you all to make it more comfortable here. Do you not need any? I thought-”
“What?” I barely managed to stumble out practically speechless. She expects us all to sleep in here. There is no way we will all fit on that bed. I thought before saying it.
“Well, they’re hybrids, right?” She said as if she didn't see a problem.
“Clearly.” I looked at her like she was crazy as I spoke and thrusted my hands out towards the group of hybrids with varying animal parts, long tails, and large ears on top of their heads.
“So, they can transform.” She said it as though it was clear as day which made me think about how it was a pretty simple solution and I felt a bit silly for not thinking of it, but I had only ever seen Hobi and Yoongi in their animal forms. I wonder what the others look like? Suddenly I was excited to see what they would all look like in their animal forms and was fully on board with the idea. “Problem solved.”
“Hmm? Oh, yes!” I snapped out of my thoughts, I looked over to the boys to see how they felt about that idea and they all seemed to be okay with it, so Jisoo went to get the other blankets she was talking about and we all began to move around the room. I opened up the wardrobe and moved to walk inside, placing my bag onto the bench on the left side.
Soon enough we had moved everything around and Jisoo had returned with the blankets which she set down on the chair near the door before we all headed down to the living room. Most of the boys were walking around looking around the house, almost like they were scouting. I made my way to sit on the couch with Jisoo, but not long after sitting down we were ambushed by her two cat hybrids who had come out from hiding. We both laughed at their playfulness as they sat with us basically sprawling all over us and the couch.
“And how've you been, Jennie?” I asked the hybrid with the white cat ears who had her head resting in my lap and looking up at me with a big smile on her face. She went on about how she had been doing and how much she had missed seeing me, back when me and Jisoo used to live closer to each other I would visit them often after work and would stay some nights but after Jisoo moved out here and I moved into my apartment we didn't see each other as often.
“When’d you get hybrids?” Lisa purred as she sat half on Jisoo and half on Jennie, her dark grey ears peaked in interest, I told them that it was a few weeks ago when they moved in with me and how I had met them at the cafe but I didn't say how or why they had moved in with me. Both girls seemed to go quiet as something caught their gaze, I tilted my head backwards to see what it was, only to be met with an upwards view of Jungkook who seemed to look serious before balancing done at me and smiling, his long bunny ears flopping down along with his hair, I smiled back at him before he decided to look up again before making his way around the couch and squeezing his way between me and the side of the couch.
I giggled as I moved over slightly to give him more room but we were still close to each other, this caused Jennie to sit up straighter, she moved so that she was sitting on her knees next to me, she slouched slightly and laid her head on my shoulder, I looked back up at Jisoo as we began talking again, bringing up how we were thinking of opening a new cafe location. We kept talking for what felt like ages as the hybrids just sat with us, Jennie and Jungkook were hanging off of me which wasn't particularly normal, but I decided to let it go.
I could feel something on my thigh and guessed it was just Jennie's tail, she and Lisa had a habit of doing that. I kept talking with Jisoo as it was getting into the late evening and the conversation had now turned to the guy she was talking to recently.
“He took you there! Seriously?” I gasped as I moved my hand to cover my mouth. I felt something move on my lap, I probably spooked Jennie from my loud noise.
“Yep.” She said a matter of factly. “We have plans to head up to the mountains after christmas too.” She confessed with a large smile on her face and got giddy at the thought. I laughed at her actions as she went red in the face, the movement on my lap not stopping, I could feel Jennie’s tail lifting up and flicking around.
“Aww, that's so cute.” I cooed at her, as she gushed about her love life, I was listening to her intently, absorbed with how great this guy she was seeing sounded. Jennie would not stop moving the whole time. What’s going on with her? I glanced away from Jisoo and down to my thighs where she couldn't seem to stop moving her tail.
As my eyes landed on my thigh there was nothing out of the ordinary. I looked at Jennie with a questioning look, to which she just smiled like nothing was going on, I turned to Jungkook, and he acted just as clueless. What's with these two?
I brought my eyes back over to Jisoo as she too seemed puzzled as she looked from Jennie to Jungkook and then to my lap, she seemed to realise something that I had clearly missed, but before I could ask, she called Jennie over to sit with her, patting the spot besides her. Jennie seemed to hesitate before cautiously making her way over to the other girl.
“I know.” Jisoo continued the conversation like it had never stopped. “Are you seeing anyone Y/n?”
I felt Jungkook go still behind me as she asked the question, I sighed before answering her. “Nope, I'm not seeing anyone right now. You make me feel so single.” I whined only being half serious. “Honestly, a few months back I was hoping to find someone, but I haven't really thought about it recently. I guess life just got a bit hectic, maybe someday.” I laughed at the end before trailing off, Jisoo seemed to understand where I was coming from. I remember back in school she was always so terrible with guys, it was nice to see that she had found someone that she really liked.
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It was later in the evening now, I had just walked out of the room after showering and decided to go exploring the house and maybe spend some time with Jisoo without the hybrids listening in on our conversations. I made my way down another hallway, there was minimal decoration in the hallways, the occasional cabinet with a decorative item on top. I kept traversing the house until I made it to another room, peering in, I could immediately tell it was Jisoo’s, the way it was decorated, and the colours used just screamed Jisoo. I tapped slightly on the door frame before poking my head in and slipping in and closing the door behind me. 
Jisoo turned to face me from her position on the bed and smiled as she looked at me, she swung her legs around so that she was now facing the middle of her bed and she indicated for me to sit down with her, I made my way over and crawled onto the bed before crossing my legs over each other to face her.
“What’s up?” She asked nicely.
“Hmm, nothing much really. The boys are taking turns showering so I thought I'd come here for a bit.” I confessed that I truly had no real reason to be here. Jisoo smiled again before flopping back onto her bed, I giggled before doing the same, her bed was soft and full of different blankets, we laid next to each other on her bed, when I turned to look at her she did the same. “Thank you for letting us stay here, really.”
“Of course, Y/n. Anything for you, we’re friends, right?” She laughed as she looked at me. I hummed agreeing with her but what she said reminded me of Jiyoon, someone who I thought was my friend. I tried to shake the thought from my mind and Jisoo seemed to pick up on it as she immediately changed the subject.
“So…You're into them, aren't you?” She said abruptly, making me choke on my own saliva at what she was suggesting.
“What? No, of course not…”
“Mhmm.” She hummed.
“No, I’m serious!” I laughed out before grabbing a pillow and hitting her with it, which caused her to laugh out loud. “I mean, they're all really nice and-” Despite how her question had made me feel, the overall atmosphere of the room was nice, comfortable, relaxing, I felt at ease, Jisoo’s aura was like no other in the way that she was always relaxed and calm and it reflected on to everyone around her, but she could also control the room and shut everybody up if she wanted to.
I threw the pillow at her this time as she interrupted me, my mouth hung open at what she had said before I yelled her name in frustration.
“No, they're all really nice and kind, they're great, but I just…” I paused. “I don't want them to feel like they have to, you know? Because I helped them? And I don't want to get between whatever they have and ruin anything.” I bit my lip as I spoke about how I was feeling. It was true, I didn't know much about hybrids, but I knew that pack bonds were like no other, something shared between people, and I didn’t want to disrupt that. “Besides, I'm not a hybrid so it would probably be weird for them anyways.”
Jisoo didn't say anything as she just stared into my eyes before a smirk formed on her face causing me to become confused. “So, you do find them attractive?” She said,
“What? Well… I don't know…” I stuttered, not exactly knowing how to answer her question truthfully. “I guess?”
“So, that's a yes.” She stated like it was a fact rather than a question. I stayed quiet at her statement because I'd be lying if I said she was wrong, I did find them attractive, and they kept catching me checking them out, but was that weird? They have their own pack and-
Jisoo broke me from my thoughts, and she snapped her fingers in front of me before giving me a knowing smirk, she knew I was thinking about them. My face heated up as I realised she was right, I most definitely did find them attractive and she knew it, I tried to hide it with one of her many blankets that she had on her bed, I groaned out in embarrassment as I heard Jisoo start laughing.
“It’s not funny.” The mumble travelled through the blankets as I kept my face covered, I felt Jisoo place her hand on my shoulder, I sighed before slowly bringing my face out from the blanket and looking at her defeatedly, I was met with a bright smile as her eyes creased.
“It’s fine, Y/n.” She assured me as she propped herself onto her elbows. “Who knows, maybe they like you too.” She grinned at me.
I couldn't take it anymore, I swung myself up from the bed, almost falling off in the process, after gaining my balance I made for the door, whipping it open, desperate to get out of the room and Jisoo’s presence, as I walked out the door trying to cover my face from embarrassment I walked straight into someone.
“Sorry.” I mumbled to the brunette cat hybrid before I speed walked away and down the hall, I could hear Jisoo giggles taunting me. As I made my way back towards the room, I started thinking about what Jisoo said.
Do I like them? No, it's just because I spend so much time with them. Right? Do they…like me? My thoughts were interrupted as I opened the door into the room only to see 7 pairs of eyes look at me, the same eyes I was used to feeling bore into my skin, but not in the same bodies I was used to seeing. All my thoughts left my mind as I looked at all the animals in the room.
I couldn't contain the smile that pulled on my lips at the sight. Almost immediately a golden retriever dog made its way over to me, Jimin. I closed the door behind me and sunk down onto my knees in front of him. His long golden fur felt so soft as I reached out to pet him, he stood closer to me, placing his front paws on my thighs, I started petting him and scratching his ears as he looked at me with bright eyes, and a doggish smile.
I felt something hit my head and a weight on my hair, I reached up and cupped my hands around something small, bringing my hands in front of me and opening them I saw a small little sugar glider.
“Oh my goodness.”
I gasped at how cute the small animal was, his big brown eyes stared into mine as I gushed over him, cooing at his cuteness as he reached his little paws up to my face and held my nose for a second before my attention was stolen away as I saw a brown bunny hop his way over to me on my left. I felt Jin move out of my hands and make his way up to my shoulder as I reached out for the small bunny rabbit and scooped him into my arms, he put his little paws against my chest as he looked up at me.
“You guys are so cute.” I chuckled as I used one finger to pet Jungkook on his face, between his ears and over his little bunny cheeks.
My arms felt like jelly and my jaw slack as I was overwhelmed with just how cute the boys were in their animal forms, Jungkook was making a humming noise as I held him close to my chest with one hand, ruffling the fur near his neck, while my other hand was scratching Jimin gently on his head as he rested his head on my thighs. I looked up from the 2 boys in my lap to see a dark blob on the bed with 2 glowing eyes, I turn over to the desk to see that others, Hoseok’s vibrant orange fur stood out as he sat on the top of the desk as he looked down at me, looking below him, I spotted 2, much larger, animals.
Taehyung's silky jet-black fur made him almost unnoticeable in the dark shadow under the desk, I could see his tail flickering about and I could feel his eyes boring into me making a shiver run down my spine and my hair stand up. I had to drag my eyes away from his before they caught onto the last hybrid. Namjoon's wolf form was large, larger than any wolf I'd seen, his fur was long and a dark shade of grey with lighter greys mixed in on the ends. If I didn't know better, I’d say I could also see some scars where the fur wasn't as thick, his wolf eyes stared into mine, he stood where he was, almost like he was worried and waiting for me to make the first move.
I let go of the two smaller hybrids that were in my lap before sitting up slightly and crawling my way towards the larger hybrids. As I came face to face with the large wolf I sat back on my knees in front of him, so close I could feel his breaths fanning over me. I slowly reached up my right hand up to him, I watched as it sunk into his thick fur, he was so soft, I felt his body relax slightly as he gave me a weird wolfy grin before I pulled myself up towards him and wrapped my arms around his neck bringing him closer to me as I began to pet him and raised one hand up to scratch his ear.
He seemed to melt at that as he fully leaned into my touch causing me to giggle at him, he kept rubbing and nudging his wet nose into my neck and face, playing around. Taehyung made his way over to us from his position under the desk, forcefully pushing Namjoon’s head out of my hands and replacing it with his own, I moved my hands down to the side of his feline face, I gave him a cheeky smile to which he just snorted at me.
Taehyung's fur was smooth and soft, I rang my hands over his coat and down his back as I moved my legs to sit cross legged. I was filled with excitement and wonder, my previous thoughts forgotten, I'm sure the boys could tell as they all seemed just as happy as I was. Taehyung didn't get much attention because Namjoon was shoving him away with his wet nose and taking his place once again. I laughed out loud at how playful they were, hybrid or animal, they all acted the same.
Soon enough the others had also moved over and were fighting for attention. The night continued as we played around, the moonlight shining through the window and the warm glow from the lights accompanied by the carefree energy. It wasn't until later in the night when we finally got to bed, everyone laying out across the room, using the extra blankets and pillows to make things more comfortable, it was weird not having Hobi in the bed, I had gotten used to sleeping beside him, but with a cat on my chest, a dog at my feet and a rabbit that keeps almost suffocating me, I was glad that we didn't all share the single bed in the room. 
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A/n: Another week another chapter! 1 day late, but that's fine. I really loved the idea of Y/n sharing a bed with the hybrids in animal form, it was just so cute in my head, I have a cat but he has no interest in sleeping in the bed 🥲 I realised while planning this chapter that the only hybrids you seen have are the boys, so I thought to give Jisoo some hybrids too! Also! If you ever have any questions about the series, even things like back stories for character or maybe some ideas that I've scrapped, feel free to send me an ask about it because I'd love to answer any questions. 😃 I hope you all have a lovely day or night and thankyou all for reading! 💜
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grandlinedreams · 7 months
| for @eelnois bc I said I'd do it 😎 save a horse ride a cowboy ok bye time to hide
[Heads up!: Ace is hot (literally), pet names used (babe, sweetheart, pretty boy), gn!reader, dom-ish?reader, unprotected sex (make informed decisions kids!), floor sex lmao ouch]
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With your legs slung on either side of his hips and his hat on your head, Ace thinks you've never looked more stunning to him than you do at this moment.
You catch the quiet, starry-eyed look of admiration on his face and the blush of your cheeks darkens. "What?"
"Nothing," Ace says, makes your heart flutter at the way the edges of his eyes crinkle as he smiles, reaching to caress your too-warm cheek. "You look good in my hat, sweetheart. That's all."
You reach up to toy with the floppy brim of the item you'd snagged from him earlier ㅡ and tilt it at a jaunty angle. "And now?"
"You're just saying that," you chastise, and Ace laughs.
"Hardly. I just happen to think you look good in anything. Or anywhere." Ace's tone is soft, though his expression shifts to something between thoughtful and mischievous. "Beside me, beneath me...definitely above me..."
"Ace," you admonish as he snickers, reaching to pull you down for a kiss. It doesn't take long for him to dominate the kiss despite being the one pinned to the floor, and your head spins pleasantly with both the heat of his mouth and the wander of his hands.
Fingers splay across your back and up, bunching your shirt until you pull away to blink at Ace. "We're on the floor," you start, "do you really want to do this here?"
"Good as anywhere," Ace answers, unbothered as he tugs your shirt up and over your head. "I just want you, babe."
Though it's not the first time Ace has said that, it still makes your heart stutter in your chest. "I want you too," you murmur, watch his eyes light up as the blush of his cheeks darkens.
"'m all yours," he murmurs before he tugs you down. He doesn't have to ask if you feel the same when you respond so eagerly to his touch, when you laugh the way that you do, gravitating towards him like it's second nature ㅡ you love him just as much as he loves you.
It doesn't take long to shed your clothing, the quiet hiss from Ace when you settle against him again, this time bare ㅡ and he stops you when you go to remove his hat, squeezing at your hips. "W-Wait, keep the hat on. It looks good." He bites his lip. "Really good."
Ace will be the death of you, you swear ㅡ in the best of ways, of course. Your hands leave the brim of his hat, and you lean to kiss him as his lips curve.
His hands skim over your back and down, squeezing handfuls of soft skin and admiring every dip and curve, imperfections made perfect and loved for the simple fact that they're yours ㅡ he would never, could never fault you for them. They deserve as much admiration as the rest of you, something he takes pride in doing whole heartedly and without condition.
The inward slip of his fingers is expected given that he's far from fond of the idea of hurting you in even the slightest bit ㅡ much less when you're intimate. You muffle your moans into his shoulder at his practiced touch, the way he knows you well enough to sense when you're getting impatient.
Your fingers splay across his chest as you sink down onto him, the upward press of his hips to help him bottom out ㅡ and the handful of breathless seconds as you adjust before you begin to move.
Though he'd been telling the truth about enjoying the view of you on top of him, Ace isn't as accustomed to being the one at your mercy as you ride him, his hands trembling as he grips your hips to help you.
Your rhythm is steady despite the ache already building in your thighs, mesmerized by the way Ace's face contorts with pleasure. You've had the privilege of seeing a thousand expressions cross his face, but these are definitely some of your favorites.
"Pretty boy," you coo as you tug at a nipple, breath hitching at the way his hips buck in response. "You look good underneath me."
And he does ㅡ tanned skin flushed and sweat slick, dark hair splayed beneath him, Ace is living art, down to the kiss swollen quality of his lips. He groans at the praise, head tipping back and giving you prime space to suck a mark into the column of his throat.
"Babe," he warns as you move to repeat the motion, the slow drag of your tongue making him hiss a soft curse under his breath. "G-gonna make me cum if you keep biting me like that."
"Doesn't sound like an issue to me," you answer, tone low and sweet in his ears as you shift to kiss over his pulse point. "Go ahead, my pretty boy. Wanna see you fall apart for me."
He chokes at your words, strained whimper as the tension pulls tight in his lower stomach before it snaps and he tugs at you, drags you down tight against him as he cums. You aren't far behind him, the added stimulation making him groan at the feeling of you tightening and adding to the sticky mess between the two of you.
You stretch out above him as your muscles give out, listening to the rapid tempo of his heartbeat, a synchronous match for your own. "Gonna have to let you wear my hat more often," he rasps finally from where he's treading the post-sex haze, and you laugh softly.
"Liked it that much, huh?"
"Yeah," he answers, grinning as he kisses your shoulder. "I did."
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ms-demeanor · 6 months
I hope someone steals you art with ai and doesn't credit you for it
It's hard to steal something that I'm giving away, and it's nearly infinitely easier to just right click on the image so you've got a clean copy instead of attempting to duplicate it through prompt generation. Feel free. I'd love to see what you do with it. You're absolutely 100% clear to use any of my art for any purpose as long as you're willing to let people use the results of that creation in the same way. @ms-demeanor-art-blog is where i keep most things so you won't have to scroll forever - I think the moving eyes illustration is probably the coolest thing I've drawn in a while and it would be really cool to see remixed and shared but i'm not gonna lie, it would be very funny if someone used AI to claim credit for my Venom/Eddie pornographic miniature dollhouse.
If you want a clean scan of any of my zines to distribute please let me know - i've made some of them printable but a lot of them were made since I lost access to my scanner so they just got uploaded as photos.
While you're at it, please feel free to "steal" the de-googling pamphlet, the death book, and the college-level guide to writing an essay in my pinned post. Gosh it would be just horrible if somebody widely disseminated those things without my name on them and gave free copies to everyone they knew and took credit for it. And I don't know what I'd do if people started pretending that they'd come up with my gluten-free recipes while baking them for friends.
Please for real though i actually do want as many people as possible to see the death book and i do not give half a shit if i get credit for it, if you want to strip out all of the formatting and find that last "fuck" that i forgot to delete and remove it and just print it out as a word document to give to your grandma and you tell her that you made it for her I do not care please just talk to your loved ones about end of life planning.
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spacelazarwolf · 11 months
Hey, I saw a post from another tumblr user that you are a Zionist and spreading false info about Jewish people being excluded from pride parades and I don't know what a Zionist is (they just said it was nationalist) but I enjoy your blog and wanted to ask you about it directly to understand better whats going on if thats okay? Im not anonymous in case you want to privately answer or tell me youd not want to discuss. 💕
first, i wanna thank you for being respectful about this, and for asking this off anon. this tells me you're asking in good faith, so i'm happy to answer.
i've had to state numerous times on my blog that i'm not a zionist bc people love to slap that label on any jew they disagree with, which is exactly what's happening in this situation. they disagreed with what i said about a lot of jews not feeling comfortable at pride because of the pervasive antisemitism in queer spaces, and several queer events banning the jewish pride flag because it "looked too similar to the israeli flag" and decided that made me a zionist. it happens a lot bc ppl know that that word is very taboo in activist spaces, and labeling you a zionist is a surefire way to get you kicked out of a lot of progressive circles. interestingly (said with a huge dollop of sarcasm) this rarely happens to gentiles.
zionist is also a pretty useless word for determining what someone actually believes, because depending on who you ask their ideologies can range from "i think that jewish people should be able to live in the land that is currently israel and palestine alongside palestinians and other indigenous groups" to "i think that only jews should get to live in that area and we should kick everyone else out." and as you can imagine, there's lots of people like me who agree with the first statement but vehemently disagree with the second. it's become somewhat of a dogwhistle, to the point that alt righters popularized "zio" as a slur, which was then picked up by leftists (because there is also a huge problem with antisemitism in leftist and non palestinian gentile-dominated antizionist spaces.) one of the events i mentioned in the first paragraph deleted a tweet using this slur.
the person you're probably talking about also claimed that i, a genderqueer trans man, am a misogynist, because i said that jewish masculinity is very culturally different from white masculinity and that i find a lot of comfort in it. they cited a bunch of problems with misogyny within the orthodox community, despite the fact i'm not orthodox or even ashkenazi. what it boiled down to is that they disagree with the takes i have on anti transmasculinity, and they needed something else to pin it on.
so in the future, if you see someone accusing a jew of being a zionist, take everything they have to say with a bucket full of salt and do as you did with this ask and go ask the person what they actually believe. sometimes you'll find their beliefs actually don't line up with your morals and you can unfollow, but the vast majority of the time you'll find that they just said something someone didn't like and it was the easiest way to discredit them.
in general, i don't share my opinions about zionism/antizionism on tumblr because that's not what my blog is centered on, and also i oppose the expectation that jews should have to disclose our opinions on zionism in order for gentiles to determine whether or not we are worth listening to. i also have a lot of thoughts abt how the focus on anti-anything makes it easier for activists to weaponize that activism against marginalized people, but that's an entirely different post.
anyway, i hope that answers your question, and i will probably pin this ask somewhere on my blog since i have been asked this a few times now and it seems unavoidable since ppl just won't drop it.
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acewritesfics · 5 months
FIREFLIES | Tommy Shelby
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Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Reader
Request: No but I was encouraged by @runnning-outof-time to write this. This is a extended version of my Fireflies mood board.
Fic Type: Imagine
Warnings: Death. Grief. Swearing. Murder.
Word Count: 1,922
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"You're late," Y/N says as she senses Tommy walking towards her.   
"Late for what?" he asks as he reaches her.   
"To see the fireflies," she says turning her head to look at him. "But I guess there will be other nights that we'll get to see them. They aren't going anywhere, and neither am I."   
"I wish I could take you anywhere that you wanted," he tells her.   
"But I like being here," she smiles softly, turning her body to stand in front of him. "It's peaceful and the view is beautiful and even more so when you're here with me."   
"I'm sure it gets lonely," he sighs sadly, hating that his first love will always be tethered to this spot.   
"Maybe for a second but then the fireflies come out and I'm reminded of you," she tells him. "You were always my light in the darkness."   
"I was never the light, sweetheart," he says cupping her face in his hands. "You were always the light."  
"If you think that because of the man you've become, then think again, Thomas Shelby," she says placing her hands over his. She turns her head, kissing one of his palms before resting her head on it. "I knew you before the war and before you had blood on your hands. You were the only good thing in my life. And I know that man is still inside you."  
"He died with you," he tells her. "That man doesn't exist anymore."  
"Yes, he does," she smiles. "He'll be back, once you learn that despite everything that's happened, you're allowed to be happy and live the life you wanted back then."  
"I'll be living it without you," he sighs.  
"One day, you're going to meet someone and all I'll be is a distant memory," her voice is soft, but her words were loud in his ears.  
"Do you remember when we met?" Tommy asks, changing the direction of their conversation. Their surroundings blurred out and was replaced with the night they met.  
Tommy could see his 17-year-old self, sitting on a log in front of a campfire. Arthur Shelby Snr and a few of his buddies decided to take their families camping one weekend. It was there that Tommy met Y/N, daughter of one of his father's associates.   
The 16-year-old version of Y/N was dancing as a group of teenagers to the left were making music with the few instruments they owned. A very young Ada had taken her hands as she skipped and leaped and danced around the fire. The sky was pitch black; the moon bright in the sky but in the moon light and the glow from the fire, to Tommy, it made her look like an angel. Tommy had fallen in love for the very first time that night.  
Him and Y/N watched as the younger versions of themselves came together. 16-year-old Y/N had let go of Ada's hands telling her she needed a rest and that she'd be back shortly. She'd left the campfire and walked past the campers. 17-year-old Tommy whispered something to Arthur before following her.  
Tommy and Y/N follow them down to the creek that ran through the campground.   
"You're a good dancer," they listen to the younger Tommy tell her, causing her to jump slightly. He quickly apologises. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."  
"Apology accepted," she smiles, lifting her skirts up to her knees and dips her toes into the cold water. "And I wouldn't call myself a good dancer. The rhythm of the music does all the work, I just follow it."  
"It wasn't the music that had me captivated," he admits.  
"I'm sure it wasn't my dancing either," she chuckles, stepping into the cold water and kicks it around until it starts to feel warm.  
“I’m Thomas Shelby, but you can call me Tommy,” he introduces himself.  
“Y/N L/N,” she tells him her name. “It’s nice to meet you, Tommy.”  
From that moment the two of them were inseparable. You couldn’t find one without the other. They were both the happiest they’ve ever been. Everyone could see and feel the love the two held for each other. They were the king and queen of their own world, and they treated each other as such. Tommy gave her everything that he could with promises that one day, they’d be so rich that money wouldn’t be an issue and he could give her the grandest of all things. She would assure him that, even though those things would be nice, that all she needed was him.   
The scene in front of Tommy and Y/N is blurred out again and replaced with the original scene but this one was slightly different.   
It was the night he realized he wanted to marry her.   
On the anniversary of the day they met, they would come out to the field their families camped at and spent the night under the stars.   
Their first anniversary, Y/N, now 17, arrived at their spot earlier than Tommy. She starts the fire and sets up the picnic she had packed. As she sat waiting for Tommy, she thought about the trouble she would be in for sneaking out this late to meet the boy she’s been with for a year. It was worth it, being with Tommy.   
17-year-old Y/N’s been there a few minutes when the tree in front of her starts lighting up. There must be close to 50 of the little lightning bugs scattered along the tree. She’d read about fireflies and was always curious about them, but she wasn’t sure if she’d ever see them like this. The scene in front of her brings a certain warmth to her and her mind goes to Tommy.  
“I’m sorry, I’m late,” she faintly hears Tommy say as he approaches her. Y/N’s too focused on the bugs to reply.   
It isn’t until Tommy’s arms wrap around her that he finally gets her attention. That night she had fallen pregnant.  
The scene changes a little, everything looks the same, except the two of them are a little older, Tommy being 20 and Y/N being 19. Their relationship was going well, and their daughter was happy and healthy, but their family lives had taken a turn for the worse.   
Tommy’s mother had fallen ill not long after having Finn. After she died his father, Arthur Sr, had taken off, leaving Tommy and Arthur Jr to raise their younger siblings with their Aunt Polly’s help and deal with the debts his father owed. Not only that but they had the illegal betting den that needed a major up heave after the state their father left it in.   
Y/N’s father had become more paranoid, believing everyone was playing a part in some ploy to ruin his life. Her mother, who had enough of her husband’s behaviour had left, only leaving a note to explain her departure. She never bothered to tell Y/N about it either, only finding out when her father stormed into the store she worked at, yelling and shouting about how she was a part of her mother’s plan to leave. Once she managed to convince him that she had no part in it, her father seemed to calm down for a while.  
This was when Tommy new he couldn’t wait any longer to marry her. He wanted nothing more than to call her his wife. In the last year they had been coming more to their spot, needing to get away from everything for a moment. His proposal hadn’t been planned. They’d been sitting on a log, watching the fireflies fly around the tree, creating trails of light behind them. He turned to her, looking at her with so much love and said, “I think it’s time we get married.”  
She looked back at him, a soft smile on her lips. With all that love he was looking at her with reflected in her eyes, she says, “I also think it’s time.”   
As if Tommy knew where his mind was going with this, the scene changed. It once again was the same scene set at a different time. Tommy was late to meeting her at their spot. It was something he regretted to this day. Because instead of finding her sitting there waiting, with her smile that was only reserved for him, he found her by the creek, her closed soaked with water, her skin a ghostly shade and cold to the touch, her lungs filled with water instead of air and yet she looked so peaceful.   
Tommy still feels the pain as he broke down as if it were only yesterday. He doesn’t recall how long he stayed with her out there before bringing her to the hospital. He soon found out she’d been out to their spot hours earlier than they were supposed to meet. Her and her father had a massive fight and she needed to get away. Their spot was always a place she could spent hours at, reading, drawing, and just being with herself, clearing her head.   
Unfortunately, this time, her father had followed her out to the creek. Things got physical and he overpowered and drowned her in the creek. Instead of taking her to the hospital, he left her there for Tommy to find in some sick twist of paranoia, blaming him for taking his daughter away from him.  
Police ruled her drowning accidental despite all the evidence pointing to it not being that. It would be almost ten years later when justice would finally be served by Tommy’s own hand, what he had been through during the war, adding to the feeling of nothing as he put a bullet through Y/N’s father’s head.   
The scene shifts once more but this time they’re back to the first scene, her body is no longer laying on the creek bed.   
“Can you do me a favour?” Y/N asks him, breaking the somber silence that had fallen between them  
He nods and she stands on her tip toes to whisper something in his ear, before she shoves him into the cold water.  
Tommy wakes up from the dream with a jolt. He’s had the same dream almost every night since her death but this time the ending had changed. She had asked something of him, and he promised to fulfil it.  
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Later that night, Tommy made his way to the field where their spot is. He could never bring himself to come back out here after she died. This is his first time back but this time he wasn’t alone. Sitting beside him on the log, is his 13-year-old daughter, Sophie.   
He pulls out the photographs that he has of Y/N. “See this place Sophie, this place is a very special place to me and your mother. Not only did we meet here, we also had many special moments here.” He starts handing her the photos, she’s seen many times of Y/N. Sophie had only been 2 when her mother was killed. That day, Sophie had been with Polly. “Your mother loved this spot, especially at night,” he continues as the tree begins to light up. “This is the reason why.”   
“The fireflies?” she asks, seemingly just intrigued by them as her mother was. 
In the faint glow of the fireflies and the moon above, he can see Y/N, smiling that smile reserved only for her little family. She blows them a kiss before she turns around and disappears into the darkness. 
“The fireflies,” He confirms, smiling down at his daughter. 
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TAGGED: @chapter-in-my-old-diary - @hanawrites404 - @goblinjnr - @halsteadbrasil - @alexxavicry - @rainydayteacups
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lucifersimp333 · 1 year
MC's Rope
18+ ONLY
Reader has female anatomy
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( I fucking love how Lucifer looks in this photo, I had to use it)
Though Lucifer always had a soft spot for you, you managed to piss him off enough to be strung by the ceiling. You allowed Mammon to persuade you in to one of his money making schemes, and of course it didnt go as planned. You caught Lucifer on a bad day, and though he didn't tie your restraints as tight as he does with his brothers, you're still suspended from the ceiling.
About 30 minuets being suspended from the ceiling, he decided to check on you to see how you're holding up to your restraints. You're human, which means you're fragile. He walks in the hallway you're hung in and the smell of your arousal smacks him in the face. He can smell when you're aroused, thanks to his demon powers. "Hey Lucifer!" you say as you're hung by your torso, arms tied behind your back. "Hello, MC" he says. He keeps a calm look on his face, but inside his thoughts are swirling. Do you like being punished? Is this turning you on as much as he feels turned on? " I assume you want to be released now." he says as he steps closer to you, reaching his hand up to a stray piece of rope to let you down, hiding his arousal. " Nah, I don't mind being here." you brush off, giving him a slight smile. His hand stops in his tracks, and he can't help but grow a sinister smirk. He puts his hand back down to his side. " Very well, I'll let you be." he says as he turns away from you and walks down the hall, feeling his pants getting tight. That's just what he did, let you be. He let you hang there for the rest. Hours later Satan finally found you and decided to get you down, mentally cursing Lucifer for letting a human be suspended in the air for hours on end.
Time passes and dinner is finished. As you're at the table cleaning up your plate, Lucifer announces " MC, come to my room in 10. We need to discuss a few things." You eyes widen and you quickly glance at Mammon. " oooooooo, I smell a lecture! ~" Asmo sings. "See what happens when you hang out with Mammon? You get in to all sorts of trouble! Next time you're bored, just come to my room instead, MC~". You give Asmo and Mammon a quick worried glance as you wash your dishes. Great, you're going to spend the rest of your night hearing Lucifer nag about your decisions made with Mammon. You got bored and decided to go to the casino with Mammon, how were you supposed to know he was trying to rig the slot machines?
You knock on Lucifer's door and enter his room after hearing a stern "Come in". You shut the door behind you. " Hey Lucifer, look I'm sor-" you try to say, but Lucifer cuts you off. "Lock it" he demands, standing in the middle of his room with his arms crossed. You obey his order and lock the door behind you, your hands trembling with nervousness. You turn to face him, and he strides towards you. He takes his hand and cups your cheek, "So, you like being tied up, do you?" You're face gets flushed and you avoid his gaze. "I- I guess you could say that..." you say in a nervous voice.
He smirks a sinister grin as he leans in to kiss you. He walks you backwards to the wall while kissing you and pulls out a rope that was tucked away in his coat pocket. He turns you around and presses your chest against the wall. He takes your arms and begins to make Shabari knots starting at your wrist and working them up past your elbows. Your heart pounds and your panties dampen, you can't help but to clench your thighs together in anticipation. He grabs you by the knots on your arms and walks you to his bed.
He bends you over the bed, hand behind your neck as he pins your face into the pillow. With his free hand, he pulls your underwear and panties off. "You dirty whore, you like being tied up, don't you? Just look at how wet you're getting." He slides his hand in between your legs, sticking two fingers inside of you. He curls his fingers into a C shape and pulls up, pressing against your spongey G spot. You let out a muffled pleased cry in the pillow, spreading your legs apart for easier access. "Just what I thought, a fucking whore." he confirms. He begins to finger fuck you with his leather glove dripping of your slick. He lets go of your neck with his left hand and spreads your pussy lips apart, wanting a full view of your wet cunt being fucked by his fingers. "L-Lucifer!" You cry. "Shut the fuck up! Whores aren't allowed to speak!" he barks, slapping you on the ass with his left hand, continuing to finger fuck you with his right. You let out a yelp and shove your face back in the pillow. "You're not supposed to enjoy the punishments you receive. You liked being hung from the ceiling, didn't you? You wanted to be selfish and enjoy it, avoiding an adequate punishment. You can't deceive me, MC." he snarls, shoving his leathered fingers deeper in your pussy.
He pulls his fingers out and gets on his knees behind you. He shoves his demon tongue into your heat, hand on each ass cheek. He groans with satisfaction as he rubs and squeezes your ass, enjoying his view and savoring your taste. He fucks you with his tongue, making you moan into the bedsheets. The rope around your arms makes it impossible to prop yourself up and completely vulnerable. Once he's had enough of your taste, he stands back up. You can hear the buckle of his belt being undone and his pants falling to the floor. He grabs you by the rope on your arms and slides his demon cock into your heat. You scream with pleasure and arch your back, sticking your ass up in the air. He pulls you in to his thrusts by the rope on your arms, making you ram against his body hard and loud. The sound of your ass cheeks clapping against his body and your moans in the bedsheet fill the room. "Whores like you always need force in order to correct their actions." Lucifer spits while pulling on the rope tighter, causing your back to arch and your face to peel off the bed. " Will you be a good whore for now on?" he asks through his teeth. "y-yes!! Yes Lucifer!" you cry through your moans. "LIES! Say it like you mean it!" He shouts, thrusting harder into you. You can feel his dick sink deeper into your torso, almost as if it's tickling the bottom of your lungs. " I'll be a g-good whore, Lucifer-er!" you howl, creaming all over his dick. You shake with pleasure and grow weak after your orgasm, pussy throbbing. Lucifer pulls out of you and makes you stand by pulling you up by your rope. He turns you around, holding you upright with his arms. " I hope you have learned your lesson not to cause me headache any longer. However, I am always willing to give you a reminder not to misbehave whenever it is needed."
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swallowtail-lotus · 2 months
Hidden Anger {Hermes x Shinobu!Goddess!Reader}
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A repost from my previous blog
I need to stop with writing ror stuff with kny I swear
There will be a part where I'll use a scene with Tanjiro and Shinobu (y'know, THAT scene) but I'll alter it
The Messager God watched you greet the other gods with your signature smile, feeling a sense of suspension the more he watched you.
He really didn't know why, but something about you seemed.. off.
You were always smiling no matter what. Don't get him wrong, he thought you have a pretty smile, but he felt like you were hiding something. Hermes frowned, deep in his thoughts. He felt someone nudge his shoulder and to no surprise, it was his brother Ares, who noticed his brother's staring.
"Never expected you to be staring at (Y/n)." Ares teased, his lips forming a smirk. Hermes never looked at his brother and averted his gaze elsewhere.
"I have no clue what you're saying." Hermes replied, his hands behind his back and his face tinted a slight red. Ares shrugged and moved away from his brother.
Hermes was on his way to return to his room when he picked up the sounds of someone softly singing. He stopped, listening to the song very carefully. As a God who loves music, anything related to that always grabbed his attention. Instead, he made his way to the source of the singing, quite surprised to see it was coming from you. Hermes went closer to you, his eyes widen when he saw the tears in your eyes.
"Why are you singing at this time of night?" He asked, watching you jump up in surprise.
"It's nothing. I do this every night. Now please go back." You urged the God, trying to shoo him away. Hermes refused to go until he got the answers he needed.
"Not until you answer my question." The God spoke, staring you down.
"There's nothing to answ-"
"Are you angry?" Hermes cut you off with the very question he wanted to ask since he met you. For the first time, your smile fell. Everything was silent for a while.
"I....." You started off, but your voice was quieter at the last few words.
"I guess you can say that." Your legs curled up to your chest, resting your head on one of your arms.
"I suspected as much. Now, may I ask why?" The God couldn't stop wondering, you thought to yourself. You should at least half expected him.
"Well, ever since my eldest sister was murdered, the anger in me just grew stronger. Deep inside me, there's hatred that I can't quiet." You confessed. Hermes cocked an eyebrow, slightly shocked to hear your confession. This was a surprise on his end...
"I see..." For the first time, he was speechless. He was never told about your past, nor did he even bother asking about it. Well, now he understood why you were visibly upset when you were asked.
"You're actually the first to hear this since I never let myself get too close with anyone." You added, standing up while looking at the dark haired God. Hermes gave you a smile and bow down slightly.
"Would you like me to keep you company?" He asked. You stared at his hand and took it in your hand. You nodded and let him guide you back to your room. Honestly, you could've done it yourself but with all the varying emotions inside you, you just let the god beside you take you back to your room.
"Thank you, Hermes." You whispered, your lips forming your signature smile. This time it was genuine. Hermes bowed his head and made his way to your door. Once the door was closed, you plopped down on your bed, staring up at the ceiling. You took your butterfly pin out of your hair, staring at it while brushing your thumbs along the wings.
You remembered the words your elder sister told you. Before she had to fight and minutes before she drew her last breath.
"We've only had each other for so long after our parents passed away, and we love each other dearly. But I think you should find someone to love. I've already found him, and you need to as well."
"Once you find him or her, Don't push them away. Let them in your heart."
You remember her soft hand holding your cheek while you held her in your arms.
"I'd hate to see the smile I love so much disappear..." Those were her last words before she died in your arms.
You remember sobbing so much you nearly ran out of tears. She was the only person you've truly loved in your life.
Or so you thought...
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The RFA w/ MC who loves sewing
What? A post? From me? You're crazy, there's no way that's happening.
I'm trying to get back into writing for this blog and recently started replaying Mystic Messenger because I want poor sleep 💕 Basically I'm letting my fixation fuel my writing because... the sentence ends there.
Enjoy these headcanons! I thought they turned out really cute~
(FYI: I used fem!MC for these headcanons; girlfriend/wife/etc.)
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He found out in the RFA chatroom when the two of you were talking about games and hobbies.
Yoosung had been excitedly telling you about the armor set he had gotten in his latest LOLOL binge, sending a picture and saying how he wishes he could wear cool armor in real life.
“I can make it for you”
“MC… what???”
And this is where he discovered your passion for sewing and your side-hobby of cosplay
He had a little experience with sewing, he could sew on a button and fix small tears thanks to his high school “home ec” classes, but you’re talking about making entire outfits and costumes from scratch.
He is amazed and thoroughly impressed by your talents, even moreso after you send some pictures of your completed works.
It’s amazing that you can make your own clothes, but he’s definitely super impressed with your cosplays. They’re insanely detailed, matching perfectly with the source material. He often says that your cosplays look better than the source material. They’re true works of art in his eyes.
Praises your talents nonstop.
Talks about it all the time to everyone. Every one of his friends knows how skilled his girlfriend is. And the other RFA members know tenfold.
After hearing you talk about your projects, Yoosung decided to join the sewing club at school in the hopes that he could help you with your amazing work! (Not that you need help, he really just wants to participate in something you love)
What ends up happening though is him sitting beside you at the sewing machine and getting lost in your working rhythm. (“Yoosung, are you paying attention? I thought you wanted me to give you tips?” “S-sorry, MC!! You’re just… really good at this… Like magic!”)
There’s no way he’ll be able to catch up with your skill anytime soon, so you compromise with him. You’ll make the costumes, but he has to cosplay with you~
(I have a short fic continuation of this! You can read it here)
He found out just before one of his performances.
The costume he was wearing was a bit snug but worked fine in all the dress rehearsals, so he didn’t think much of it at the time.
You were backstage with him before opening night, ready to tell him to break a leg and give the audience a show to remember, when you saw the rip in his jacket.
It was a seam rip behind his left shoulder. Not the worst, but clearly noticeable.
Curtain was in ten minutes.
“Hyun, take off your costume.”
“Jagyia, I know I’m irresistible, but can you wait until after the show?”
“Not like that!!!” >////<
You pulled a flat black case from your purse and opened it, revealing a small sewing kit. You had everything you needed for a sewing emergency. Pins, buttons, snaps, scissors, an assortment of colored thread. And needles, of course.
You fixed the rip and strengthened the seam with four minutes to spare.
Zen asks you about it after the show (which went perfectly, thanks to you) and you explain your sewing hobby to him. Mentioning that you always have your little sewing kit with you for emergencies like tonight.
You show him pictures of the projects you’ve made and entire outfits you’ve designed and created from scratch. A good chunk of your wardrobe are pieces you’ve made yourself.
Of course he supports you! He’s so impressed and is constantly gushing about how talented you are in the chatroom.
Though nothing could prepare him for the moment you said you wanted to make something for him. Looking up at him with big hopeful eyes as you asked if he’d let you design him an outfit. His heart nearly burst.
You poured hours of time and effort into these pieces for him, determined to make this your best project yet. Your magnum opus. (You also sent concept sketches and fabric swatches to Jaehee for her “professional fan opinion”)
When he put it on for the first time, he was speechless. Everything fit perfectly, there wasn’t a part of the outfit that was uncomfortable in the slightest.
And he may be a bit of a narcissist, but he swore that the clothes you crafted made him more handsome than he thought possible. He looked good but never this good.
Your heart was filled with sunshine and warmth when he decided to wear it to an interview.
“My outfit? It’s custom-made. My girlfriend is a very talented seamstress and this was a gift from her~”
She found out when she called you to complain about the c-fur she was still cleaning up around her apartment.
“Ugh, I’m sorry, Jaehee. I know how bad that can get. I took care of my friend’s cat for a weekend once and I spent an entire month cleaning fur off all my fabric.”
Your fabric?? “What fabric, MC?”
The fabric for your projects of course! Once she got you started, you happily explained your passion to her and how you’ve been making your own clothes for a while now too.
She is also very impressed with your skill and also impressed with how handy it is. You very generously offered to mend her favorite blazer when one of the seams split. You also fixed the two loose buttons you found.
When you two open up the cafe together, you made Jaehee a custom apron to wear. Even going so far as to embroider her name on it along with some decorative coffee beans.
It’s her favorite apron and the one she wears the most while working. (until it has to be cleaned, but then it’s right back in the cafe for her to use)
It gets a lot of compliments too and you’ve actually had a few customers commission you from Jaehee’s (unintentional) promoting.
You since made more clothes for her, even an entire sundress similar to one she had been looking at while you both were out shopping. (You didn’t think the one sold was her color, so you made one yourself that would highlight her best~)
The only issue is the thread and fabric scraps that tend to scatter just as bad as the c-fur… but hey, at lease the end result is more useful! And she can always count on you to tidy your mess when you’re finished~
You mentioned it offhand. Simply mentioning the stitching quality on one of his ties and how you hadn’t made a tie before.
He followed up asking why you would want to make a tie, to which you explained that you often made your own clothes but would love to give yourself a little challenge with something you hadn’t done before.
Initially, he didn’t quite understand. He could easily have any outfit you desired tailored specifically for you, there wasn’t the need to go through all the hassle of making it.
You had to explain that it was your hobby. That, while time consuming and occasionally tedious, you truly enjoyed making your own clothes, and showed him some examples from your closet.
“I’m quite impressed, MC. I’ve only seen this kind of quality come out of trained professionals.”
“I’ll take that compliment. Thank you, love~”
He gives you an entire studio for your projects. While you insist that he doesn’t need to give you so many elaborate gifts, you have to admit that the space is very nice. Much better than working in cramped conditions or on the floor.
While Jumin doesn’t have an interest in joining your craftiness, your husband is more than willing to encourage your hobby monetarily with machine repairs and high quality materials.
Whatever you want, you can have. You’re his darling wife after all.
He even gifted you an antique sewing machine, a vintage 1902 Singer Treadle. You don’t “use” it, but you learned how to just for fun. It’s a lovely decoration of your hobby at the least.
And, yes, you did make a tie for him. Two actually, but you only gave him the second one, insisting that the first was practice only.
It quickly becomes his favorite and he always wears it to important meetings. It’s like having you right there with him for support.
It also becomes quite the talking piece at one of the RFA parties when a member of the Cultured Citizens asks about the brand and price.
“This tie was handmade by my wife and is certainly priceless.”
He already knew because of course he did.
He would often send you (jokingly) ridiculous “orders” with impossible time frames, including:
An iridescent “Statue of Liberty” costume - 3 days
Twenty-seven onesies for ducks - 4 days
A prom dress made of pasta - 3 days
An overnight yeti costume
The two of you would banter about it in the chatroom until someone told you guys to knock it off, it was never not fun.
Whenever you finished a new piece or outfit for yourself, you would try it on and call him while standing in front of the camera in the apartment, asking for his opinion.
The cat-themed overall skirt was the one that broke him. You were just so cute with all the decorated pockets~! And the buttons looked like little cats too! You’re just too precious~
After the dust of the first party settled and Saeyoung had his brother back, you took it upon yourself to make Saeran some new clothes. He was going to be your brother-in-law, after all, you wanted to make him feel welcome.
Of course, it then turned into making both boys some new clothes as you kept thinking of new ideas. Not that you minded, this was your passion after all.
I think Saeyoung would also give you your own room/studio in the bunker. A place where you could spread out without worry. (Vanderwood was just grateful he didn’t have to keep cleaning up thread)
Saeyoung was also happy to help with any repairs your sewing machine needed, or he’d just make you a new one… or three… with some—interesting—added features.
“Saeyoung, dear, I don’t think my machine needs a Ph.D Pepper dispenser.”
“But what if my honey gets thirsty while she works?!”
“...But won’t the sewing shake up all the carbonation? It would explode on my pretty clothes T^T”
“OMG! I’m so sorry!! I’ll take it out right away!!”
This kind of conversation happens regularly.
Eventually, there was one top-secret project that you were working on… one that you made Saeyoung swear not to snoop through. Even going so far as to have Saeran keep an eye out to make sure his brother stayed true to his word. (He did but he whined about it)
The project took a long time and you had to have Saeran help you order the materials in secret.
Saeyoung didn’t like being kept in the dark, it made him uneasy. You assured him it was okay and that you just didn’t want the surprise to be ruined.
He was still uneasy, but he trusted you.
And it was all worth it in the end…
When you walked down the aisle in your handmade wedding dress, glittering and shining like stars in the night sky you both loved so much.
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