#mc question
meesherbeans · 1 month
Open MC/Baxter Lore Question!
This kinda stuff is what I live for, and so I'm gonna pose it to the broader OLBA Baxter romance fans. It's a two-parter question, and one I think is super, super interesting!! It really gives others an understanding of who your MC is and how their dynamic is with the Danger Oreo.
When did your MC fall in love with Baxter? (Which step, was it a conscious thing or something they didn't realize until later?)
When do you think Baxter really fell in love with your MC? (Which step, did he realize it??)
Bonus third question, if anyone's keen: If either of them were unaware of their feelings in the moment, when did they realize THAT was the snapshot in time where they became a lost cause?
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deerspherestudios · 2 months
This ask is actually related to a dream I had about the boy. And I'm not quite sure if you've already answered an ask like this. How would he react to a yandere MC or an MC who's very possessive or obsessive?
Depends on how much; he'd like the extra attention but nothing too pushy or demanding from him. If you're subtle he's definitely okay with it but if it's over the top he'd have reason to recoil if I'm honest (which is ironic considering what he'll be later).
Don't be like this though:
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janahanooo · 4 months
*After Diavolo went on a date with Mc, Mc decided to stay there for some days*
Mammon: have any of you seen Mc?
Satan: since yesterday? No, I don't think so.
Mammon: great...
Mammon: I really need their opinion on something, but oh well.
Satan: is it something stupid?
Mammon: ...maybe?
Satan: *sigh* then go ahead and do it, you know Mc would aprove anything you do
Mammon: ^-^
Mc: I feel like my name is being used for something stupid
Barbatos: as in? *is on a tea date with Mc*
Mc: I don't know, but I get this tingly feeling whenever the brothers use my name for something stupid...
Barbatos: Oh, well then, let's hope for the better. Would you like some more tea?
Mc: yes please! I can't say no to that!
Mammon: *is in the human realm buying a summer house for him and Mc*
Mammon: HEHEHEHE Lucifer is gonna be so mad and jelly~
Salesman: it will be... 3 million. Cash or card?
Mammon: Card please *hands him Lucifers card*
Salesman: alright.. done. I hope you enjoy your new summer house sir.
Mammon: it's for my beloved
Salesman: oh. Valentines day, huh?
Mammon: as an apologie.
Salesman: you forgot valentines day, huh?
Mammon: ...yeah kind of...
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melverie · 3 months
Do you want that list to be in alphabetical or in chronological order
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celestialrealms · 5 months
Fun fact: In Barbatos's intimacy storyline in Nightbringer he ends up living with Solomon and MC at Cocytus Hall temporarily. Here's a highlight from his 40 intimacy call:
The way he makes Solomon sit in the corner. 😭 You cannot convince me he didn't raise this man.
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bl0rbohandbag · 11 months
Malleus on his way to tell his grandmother the next queen of Briar Valley is going to be a magicless human from another world that just showed up at NRC one day and if he doesn't marry them there will be NO EGG and the Draconia bloodline ends with him
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bunniebi · 3 months
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more of seven at the diner ^^
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5mary5 · 4 months
I have this little headcanon cause i was reading the comic of obey me and we as mc have been given the neutral name zephyr in the very early chapters since we are a sheep and all and they want to make it inclusive since the name itself is gender neutral but I was thinking that let's say one day the curse is solved and sheep!mc gets their body back but the characters continue calling mc zephyr, what if one day someone (probably a side or secondary character) brings up the fact that "hey you know what? Your face doesn't really scream zephyr" and mc is like "yeah that's because that is not my actual given name, my actual name is ________" and the characters are like "😱😱😱" I mean they did know that this wasn't their real name since they gave it to them cause they can't just call them human and all but it's still shocking to hear it coming out of their own mouth, they would also probably coo when mc tells them their birth name because it means they learn more about their favorite person, well I mean they would coo at everything mc does regardless so-
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bbnibini · 8 months
I find it so painfully heartbreaking that Solomon just...laughs off all the derision, the name-calling, and possibly even did "evil" things on purpose because it's expected of him at this point. (He had not always been like this as Thirteen pointed out before). There was a time when he was "innocent". When his soul sparkled. When it resembled the kind of soul everyone in these god forsaken (pun intended with spite) three realms seemed to associate with the ever loved MC. He's just...worryingly carefree. And because he's like that, he feels even more of a tragic character to me.
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Sometimes it even seems that he himself would seemingly make up excuses on why he's hated. Oh, it's because I'm a sorcerer this. I might have won a war against Devildom single-handedly this. I have forgotten. But maybe, I did something bad, that. Hon, you were doing that to SURVIVE. You don't have to be a faultless person to deserve compassion. You don't have to be MC to deserve to be loved.
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locusfandomtime · 3 months
my favourite headcanon when dealing with whatever the hell mcyt’s names are is that everyone just has a fucking universe assigned string of characters (the username) which everyone knows and is what the universe calls you by, but serves no actual functional purpose by itself
in society, the username is used as the legal name because its convenient - at any given point a username is unique to one person and you can easily identify someone by username
but obviously, the username is random and as a casual name it may not work - “Grian” is a fine name but “BdoubleO100” is a nightmare to say, so people develop nicknames based off these. some people go as far to have nicknames completely divorced from their username - e.g. “Jimmy” for “SolidarityGaming”
usernames probably bring up a lot of questions. they seem random, not affected by environmental or genetic factors in any discernible way. they’re more likely to contain words - or things that are kind of like words - than a truly random string of letters. I imagine there being a lot of meaning ascribed to them - like certain numbers symbolising certain things or certain words detailing something for your future. example: people with “7” in their name are more serious (supposedly. it’s kind of equivalent to our zodiac signs. belief varies)
I like to think about all the implications of this naming system. xB off-handedly said that Joel’s username is “SmallishBeans” so he’ll only be calling him “Beans” and not “Joel”, does this imply that some people believe your nickname must be derived by your username and consider nicknames that aren’t illegitimate? what about people that want to change their username? there’d be less name changes than our world (since names aren’t family or gender related) but it’s certainly possible (as you change the username of your minecraft account), but is there a stigma against it? rejecting the very name the universe gave you? are “rare” names (such as with small character count or palindrome etc) considered lucky or unusual?
(using the term “nickname” for ease of understanding because that’s our closest equivalent but in-universe this isn’t really what they are. better term “casual name”? “nickname” implies it isn’t your real name or is a cute shortening, whilst this would definitely be considered your name, just one of two types)
i just have… thoughts.
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exilethegame · 6 months
adding a "plot twist" with a "shocking reveal" that literally everyone who's played the game before will already know 💀
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2smolbeans · 3 months
hear me out: mc that is terminally ill but hasnt told anyone, and at one point they just start coughing blood and laughing when the brothers try to help them because they finally feel like they have control instead of the brothers (like replaced au one or just in general with the brothers being to obsessive)
Oh no..In that type of situation, Mc should pray that the brothers never find out about that terminal illness. They also better pray that if they die from that illness that they're going straight to heaven, otherwise that's just a life sentence with the brothers!
I mean, you don't think the evil ancients that were created ever since the creation of mankind don't know a thing about manipulating life itself? I mean, if Lucifer ever so wanted, he could take a living being and separate it from itself - skin from bone- atom by atom. He's done it before, multiple times.
I mean, haven't you heard of realilty flipping demons..? And the seven deadly sins are much higher than those demons, so imagine the possibilities..The only reason why they haven't completely broken your soul and rebuilt it by their will is because..Well, where's the fun in that? They love you for who you are!
So if Mc had a terminal illness, you better pray that it kills them fast or that the brothers don't notice. But I mean, with the pact marks littered all over your body, I think they already knew. At this point their just waiting for you to say something! (The only person who's suffering is yourself..So instead of throwing up and coughing blood, why don't you just ask them to fix it..?) Because at any time they think you're just at the grasp of death - your potential freedom - they could always just snag you back to life and into their arms. I mean, the absolute horror on your face from just tasting death to being brought back to life would be adorable!
Ahh.. Now thinking about it..Isn't it hopeless either way?
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poltergrease · 9 months
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Guess who's now Very interested in whatever tf these two have going on
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gifti3 · 10 months
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congrats to lucifer's overwhelming "win"!
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devildom-moss · 4 months
How about MC returning the favour and giving roses to the others?
Okay, so I thought it would get a little boring if I did roses all over again, so I picked different types of flowers for each character. I hope that's okay and that you'll like what I came up with. (part of me wanted to add pictures of each flower but I don't know... so I didn't.) This took a long time. I will eventually get to the brothers, but it'll be a bit.
Flowers for Them (the others)
(Diavolo | Barbatos | Luke | Simeon | Solomon | Thirteen | Raphael |Mephistopheles)
Kind of a part. 2 for the Roses for You series (links here)
(Suggestive for all except Luke)
Word Count: +6,100 longest post yet?
red freesia
“The Young Master should be finishing up his work shortly,” Barbatos spoke as he escorted you to Diavolo’s bedroom, eyeing the vase of flowers in your arms. He chuckled and teasingly added, “I suppose I should make myself scarce for the night.”
You could tell from the mischief in his tone that he was insinuating your gift would charm Diavolo straight to bed – which wasn’t necessarily your intention. With a soft huff, you teased back, “You pervert.”
“If so, I’m in good company – My Lord, for instance.” Barbatos smirked at you, following your movements as you set the vase on Diavolo’s coffee table. “He’ll love them. It’s a lovely pick.”
With that, Barbatos left you alone in Diavolo’s room, waiting. Your fingertips gently ran over the length of bright red blossoms that sprang up from the stem like an offshoot of a branch, with the largest flower sprouting at the bend. As the minutes passed, the sweet, heady, citrus aroma of red freesias – the most potent variety – filled the room. It was that distinct scent that welcomed Diavolo as he returned to his bedroom, to you.
Diavolo’s lips parted in hesitation before a smile graced his face with a chuckle. “Barbatos told me I had a present waiting for me in my room. I wasn’t expecting two gifts.”
“Two?” You knew what he was hinting at, but you wanted him to say it.
“Such beautiful flowers, and you.” Diavolo made his way to the couch where you were sitting, tossing his jacket over the arm of it. He tilted your chin up and brought his lips to yours with a softness befitting a delicate petal. When he pulled back, his eyes were pleading for something he could not speak of – a need that escaped detection in his mind after a long day of work. All he knew was that it involved you. “What have I done to earn this thoughtful gesture?”
“You didn’t need to do anything to earn them, but I suppose I wanted to return the gesture – when you gave flowers to me.”
Affection swelled in Diavolo’s chest, and he pulled you up into his arms so that you might feel his heart pounding for you. His eyes fell to the flowers on the table. He was no expert, but he was nearly certain that you had procured them from the human world – which only delighted him more. Red was typically a romantic color for flowers, but he was eager to know more, to make you say it.
Diavolo released you from his grasp and asked, “what type of flowers are these? Can I assume you picked them for a specific reason?”
“They’re called freesias, and yes, you can,” you admitted with a grin. “They usually carry a meaning of friendship, thoughtfulness, and trust; but the red ones, in particular, symbolize love, passion, admiration, and appreciation. There is also an association with strength and perseverance. When I think about you – you’re so dedicated to your goals. You have so many obligations, and you show so much courage, rising to meet those challenges. I want you to know how much I admire you, and I’ll be by your side, loving you through everything to come.”
Diavolo’s eyes were wide, stunned into silence. He couldn’t find the words to thank you. Instead, he kissed you with the urgency of a man on the verge of tears – who would burst if he didn’t express his love for you that instant. He gently pushed you down onto his couch and began to sneak his fingers beneath your clothes.
“Diavolo,” you muttered his name sweetly.
“Shh, just let me unwrap my other present,” Diavolo hushed you affectionately, peppering your neck with tender kisses. Barbatos was right.
pale purple and pink aster
“A little demon told me I would find a handsome butler baking in the kitchen,” you announced your presence with a sultry affection that caused Barbatos to freeze up ever so slightly. He turned from his spot at the counter, still holding a piping bag in his hands. His cheeks were slightly pink, but you were generous enough to consider it a symptom of his proximity to the oven. “You don’t mind that I showed up unannounced, do you? I won’t stay long if you’re busy.”
“Not at all,” Barbatos laughed and set the piping bag down. “I’m delighted to see you. May I be so bold as to assume you came here just to see me?”
“You may – in fact, you should – because I did.” You kept the bouquet of flowers tucked behind your back as you took a few steps closer.
“What are you hiding?” Barbatos tilted his head with a joyous curiosity. “I’ll have no secrets kept from me in my kitchen. If there are secrets, I’d rather they be between us.”
You couldn’t ignore the seductive hint in his tone, but you gathered yourself to instruct him, “close your eyes.”
“That’s not a new one, but we haven’t tried that in this particular room yet.” Barbatos followed your command. You knew he was turning up the charm to distract from the fact that you had flustered him by showing up today. He was overcorrecting to maintain his composure.
“Stop flirting; I’m trying to be sweet here.” You sighed and thrust the flowers out towards him. The light floral scent – previously masked by the cookies he had baked – finally hit him. Before you could give him the okay, Barbatos furrowed his brows and opened his eyes.
“Did you get me flowers?” His words were filtered through a grin. You nodded. Of course, he had expected as much, but the heat rushed to his cheeks at your confirmation. It had been a long while since he received flowers, and getting flowers from Luke and Diavolo – as sweet and precious as it was – elicited an entirely different feeling than the one that filled him now. Although there were traces of affection and gratitude in all three cases, only you could make his blood rush. He studied the flowers you held out for him, noting the combination of both blue-ish purple and pink blossoms, before slowly bringing his hands up to the bouquet, cupping over yours gently. “And where, my dear, did you get human world flowers – asters, I believe?”
“Sorcerer’s – well, apprentice’s – secret,” you teased, pulling your hands back. “How did you know what they were?”
“Oh, please don’t tell me Solomon was involved in their procurement.”
“No, he wasn’t.”
“Wonderful. That would ruin the mood,” Barbatos flashed you a smile – almost threatening with its undertones of envy. “And as for how I know that: the Royal library is vast. We have a good number of books on human world horticulture. But perhaps you could give me a brief floriography lesson.”
“You don’t know?” A part of you was shocked – as it often seemed that Barbatos knew everything.
“I could fathom a guess, but it would be far less accurate than hearing the words directly from your lips.” Barbatos held the bouquet in one hand, using his free hand to pull you closer by the waist. He leaned into your ear and whispered, “Now, please enlighten me.”
“Asters are associated with traits that remind me of you: patience, elegance, and wisdom. The purple asters represent that wisdom – as well as your grace, nobility, and mysterious beauty. The pink ones are for your sensitivity and kindness. You’re always serving others and thinking about them, and you’re so sweet to me. Of course, pink is also a symbol of love – lest you forget how much I adore you.”
“Oh my.” Barbatos lowered his eyes, flushing a pale pink. “You’re too kind, MC.”
“You asked me to enlighten you.” You pressed your lips sweetly, albeit momentarily, to his. “Now you know.”
“Close your eyes,” Barbatos whispered. Feeling you owed him the same trust, you shut your eyes. “Now, open your mouth.”
Again, you did as he asked, only for him to bring one of his bite-sized, fresh-baked cookies up to your mouth. A delightful sweetness flooded your tongue. His fingers grazed your lips and lingered, waiting for you to swallow before swiping his thumb across you.
“It’s delicious.”
“Thank you, my dear. I’m afraid that will have to be a suitable reward for your kindness until I’m done here. Then, I’ll repay you properly.”
pink and yellow hibiscus
It had been raining in the Devildom for five full days, with another three days of rain ahead in the forecast. The slow shift from a gentle pitter-patter to a heavy pounding on the RAD windowpanes played in the background of each class you attended. This would be fine, if not for the fact that Luke’s gloomy face was haunting your mind. He had been sulking since the third day of rain. Even a happy, sweet little angel like Luke can’t keep his sunny disposition forever. He clearly missed going outside without the threat of damp clothes and discomfort. You had to do something – he was practically your adopted son.
“Luke,” you caught his attention at the end of class, “are you free tomorrow?"
“Yeah,” he admitted sadly, “there’s not much I can do in this weather.”
“Great! What do you say we have a picnic?”
“What? We can’t sit outside and eat when it’s raining like this! We’ll get sick. Besides, I think the parks are starting to flood.” Luke groaned quietly.
“Let’s have an indoor picnic, then. We could prepare some snacks together, lay a blanket down in the living room or maybe make a blanket fort, and play some games. What do you think?”
“That sounds like so much fun!” Luke perked up immediately – the first genuine smile he had had all day gracing his sweet face.
“I’ll meet you at Purgatory Hall at noon tomorrow, okay? I’ll pick up some fruit and ingredients for sandwiches or something – just let me know if there’s anything you’re craving.”
“Let me think about it after I check the pantry at Purgatory Hall, okay?”
“Of course.”
“I’m so excited!” Luke’s grin widened as dozens of snacking options crossed his mind.
Luke contacted you later that day with a short list of ingredients to make grilled cheese sandwiches and a few fruits – including an array of berries. You stopped by the market, which was pleasantly quiet, on your way over to grab everything, placing the grocery items in a large picnic basket you decided to bring along. Inside that basket was also a pitcher of cold brewed sweet hibiscus tea you prepared the night before and a bouquet of human world flowers you had magically crafted. You didn’t have time to pop up to the human world and purchase them, and you were certain you couldn’t obtain them at a florist here, so hopefully these would do.
Luke greeted you eagerly at the door and ushered you towards the kitchen. He had a bright smile on his face, and you were certain this was the closest thing to sunshine as the Devildom would ever know. You spotted a loaf of fluffy-looking bread on the counter, and Luke confessed happily, “I baked some milk bread before you came over, and we have a variety of delicious jams and spreads to go with it. We also have all the ingredients to bake cookies later if you’re up for it.”
“That sounds wonderful, Luke. You’re so sweet.” You began to pull the ingredients out of the basket, careful to keep the bouquet tucked away. “I have a surprise for you. Have you ever tried hibiscus iced tea? It’s made from human world flowers.”
“I don’t think so.” With that, you pulled the pitcher out of the basket, revealing a bright red liquid. Luke was enamored. “It looks so pretty! Can we try it right now? I’ll get some glasses and ice.”
Luke’s smiling face as he took his first sip told you everything you needed to know. He loved it.
The two of you set up your blanket fort – complete with multiple comfy pillows – in the living room before preparing your grilled cheese sandwiches and a platter of fruit, spreads, and the bread Luke made earlier. Luke brought a few games into the fort while you brought the tea and the basket. With everything in place, you were ready.
“Actually, Luke, I have one more surprise for you.” You reached into the basket and pulled out the bouquet: a mix of hibiscus flowers – some a bright yellow and others a soft pink. Luckily, it was still in pristine condition.
“For me? These are the prettiest flowers I’ve ever seen!” Luke brought his hands up to his mouth. “What are they?”
“These are hibiscus. I couldn’t get them from the human world, so I had to recreate them with magic, but I wanted you to have them,” you admitted, handing the bouquet over so he could inspect them further. “The pink ones symbolize friendship and platonic love while the yellow ones mean joy, happiness, and sunshine – which I felt like you needed more of recently.”
Luke’s smile faltered briefly before resolving itself. He hugged the flowers close to him. “Thank you. You’re right, I think I did need this. If you ever want to become an angel, I think you’d make a great one.”
(Original game lesson 76 spoilers)
red and white variegated tulip
Simeon wouldn’t tell you how he had convinced everyone to let the two of you go on a weekend trip to the human world together – and he had no plans to, either. Perhaps the others felt bad about Simeon losing his angel’s blessing; if anyone could cleverly use guilt to get his way, it would be Simeon. Then again, who knew what tactics Simeon had in that mind of his – what he could stoop to. He was a human now, and that offered him an excuse to be devious; there was no need to feign innocence when he wasn’t held to an angel’s standard. Simeon would do a lot for you, and perhaps it was best that you were not made aware of every detail of his schemes.
Still, he had gone through the trouble of planning everything. The first day was delightful; Simeon led you through a beautiful town, packing as many fun activities into your time together as he could. He even booked a nice hotel room beforehand that “incidentally” only had one bed. You wanted to thank him somehow.
So, you forced yourself to wake up early, crawling out of bed quietly to avoid disturbing Simeon. During your previous outing, you noticed a flower market, along with several bakeries and cafés. It wasn’t much, but breakfast and flowers seemed like a good start to show him your gratitude. Besides, this was a rare opportunity to spoil him a bit.
It was still early by the time you returned to your hotel room – flowers, coffee, and an assortment of pastries in hand. Luckily, Simeon was still peacefully asleep. You worked quickly, rearranging the flowers in a nice vase that you were fortunate enough to find at the market and plating the pastries. Some – a huffy, grumpy old demon, for example – would probably frown at your use of magic to summon up some decent serveware, but with Solomon as your teacher, you figured you had every right to use magic frivolously. You had just finished up by the time Simeon began to stir, letting out the softest little moan.
The sweet combination of smells filled his senses – although he wasn’t sure where it was coming from. It could have been a café nearby for all he knew. Simeon stretched his arms out to the empty side of the bed, and upon feeling your absence, he decided to open one eye and investigate.
“Morning,” you greeted him.
“Why did you get out of bed?” He sat up with a yawn.
“I wanted to thank you, so, ta-da.” You brought a tray to the bed and set it next to him. Simeon’s eyes, still adjusting to the morning light, looked over the hot coffee, pastries, and a vase of red and white variegated tulips. A smile slowly formed on his lips.
“Just how long did you leave me alone in bed?” Simeon chuckled. “Thank you, MC. This is so sweet.”
“You deserve it.” You brushed his hair aside to kiss his forehead. “Did you know that variegated tulips mean beautiful eyes? They’re ideal for giving to someone you admire – although admire isn’t nearly strong enough to describe my feelings for you.”
Simeon’s face warmed, and he nervously took a sip of his coffee to calm his desires. The drink was perfect, as if you had thought about him in every detail. It only made his heart race more. He set the cup down. “Tell me more.”
“About the flowers – or are you asking me to praise you more?” you teased.
“Either sounds nice. Just kidding, you can tell me about the flowers.” Simeon was quick to retreat from asking for praise.
“The flowers first, then. Well, the florist – farmer? The person selling the flowers told me that these are called Grand Perfection Tulips. They start out a light yellow and turn white as they mature, but the red streaks stay the same vibrant color throughout. I wanted to get the mature ones because I wanted to convey the meaning of both red and white tulips. Red tulips are probably easy to guess the meaning of, right? They represent love, devotion, sacrifice, and lust.” Your voice dropped at the last word, and Simeon nearly choked on the pastry he had bitten into. You continued, “But white symbolizes purity and new beginnings. They’re also used to tell someone ‘I’m sorry.’”
Simeon caught the shame in your voice and stared at you, confused. “What do you have to apologize for?”
“It’s at least partially my fault that you’re a human now.” Your heart sat heavy in your chest and the weight of your words anchored Simeon to the bed. “You sacrificed a lot, and now you’re living this new life, and it’s not fair that you were punished for protecting the people you care about. All I can do is tell you that I’m sorry, and I love you, and thank you.”
“No.” Simeon’s voice was unusually stern – as was the look on his face. He moved the tray onto the bedside dresser and pat his lap. “Sit on the bed with me.”
You took a seat at the edge of the bed, but Simeon shook his head and grabbed your hand, pulling it to his side.
“Closer,” he insisted. You took the hint and climbed over his lap. He stared at you affectionately, his fingers dancing up your sides. “Better. Now, listen closely: I don’t blame you. Even if I had to fall as far as becoming a demon, I would – and I’d do it just for your sake. You don’t have to apologize for the actions I chose to take.”
“But –”
“Don’t feel bad, or I’ll be tempted to take advantage of you and be greedy,” Simeon admitted. “I’ll ask you to stay by my side forever and love me more.”
“I can do that,” you whispered, trying to digest your guilt.
“Then don’t say you’re sorry. I’m okay with living as a human alongside you. Now,” Simeon gently rolled over with you in his arms until he was on top of you, “while I appreciate your precious gesture of breakfast in bed, I have something different in mind. Can I?”
black poinsettia (Devildom) and red poinsettia (human realm)
You were finding it hard to focus on Solomon’s lessons. Between his lingering gazes, the sly way his body pressed to yours as he glanced over your work, and the anticipation of the surprise you had planned for him, you could barely maintain your composure.
“What’s on your mind, my sweet apprentice?” Solomon picked up on your tension. “Am I distracting you?”
“Not exactly.” Solomon pouted slightly at your response and clapped his book shut in his hands. “I’ve been working on a new spell in secret. I think I’ve got it now. Can I show you?”
Solomon burst out in melodic laughter. “How studious of you. Of course. Show me what you’ve got.”
You had practiced this nearly a dozen times before in preparation; you could do this. All you had to do was take a deep breath and concentrate your magic into your hands. With a flourish, you summoned a large bouquet of black and red poinsettias and held them out for Solomon. Bowing slightly, you added, “for my adorable teacher.”
Solomon’s cheeks flushed pink, but by the time you looked up to gauge his reaction, Solomon’s surprise had melted into a tender smile. He chuckled and reached over the bouquet to pat your head. “That’s certainly something. Good job.”
“I chose these flowers specifically for you.”
“Oh?” A faint pink glow reappeared on Solomon’s cheeks. He wasn’t certain you had put any thought behind the flowers you summoned; knowing that they were chosen with intent warmed his face and made his heart ache. Suddenly, he recalled the bouquet of black and red roses he had given you. Barbatos had once told Solomon that black poinsettias – native to the Devildom – had a special meaning for couples, but despite poinsettias being his birth month flower, Solomon didn’t know much about their symbolism. The question on his lips fell out shyly, “What do they mean?”
“Black poinsettias represent the bond between two people. Red poinsettias are associated with cheer, rebirth, and good wishes – but, more importantly, with love, passion, and strength. I think that reflects our bond, don’t you?” You smiled at him softly. “And there’s something else: I wanted to combine flowers from the Devildom and the human world. It’s because Diavolo decided to try to bring the human realm and the Devildom together that I was able to meet you, and I’ll always be grateful and happy about the new life I have here – with you.”
“My adorable apprentice, you’ve outdone yourself,” Solomon praised you. He took the bouquet in one hand, removing it from the space between you, and pulled you close until your noses nearly touched. He dropped his voice to a seductive whisper, “I’ve never witnessed such a powerful seduction spell.”
“It wasn’t a seduction spell.”
“Then why am I so enamored with you right now? I can hardly contain myself.” Solomon crashed his lips against yours with overwhelming neediness. The kiss grew heated quickly, and you were both left panting by the time he pulled away. “Let’s conclude your studies early today. I think I need to spend the rest of the night studying you, instead.”
pink spider lily
“Thanks again for treating me today – you really didn’t have to.” You squeezed Thirteen’s hand as you walked together towards her cave.
“Well, you deserved a little reward for agreeing to meet me at Café Lament. It was a last-minute invitation, and I’m just happy you were able to join me. I think their new dark hell mocha pudding parfait tasted better because I got to eat it with you.” She bumped her shoulder against yours casually. A faint vanilla scent hit you; how did someone so involved with death smell this good?
“I didn’t expect them to top it with bufo eggs. I liked it, though.”
Part of the reason you had so readily agreed to accompany Thirteen – other than wanting to spend time with her – was because it gave you the opportunity to surprise her. As someone so often involved with setting up traps and tricking people, you figured she’d appreciate an unexpected present. All you had to do was get her out of her room for a bit.
Just before your date – when you knew she had already left – you used a bit of magic to leave flowers on Thirteen’s bedside table. She was far enough away to not sense your magical delivery, too, so by the time she arrived home, a small present would be waiting for her. Of course, you could have summoned them while she was at RAD, but you wanted to see her reaction, and there was a good chance Thirteen would invite you back home with her after your date. Besides, leaving school with her was likely to draw the attention of at least one of the brothers, and neither of you would have any peace if that occurred.
As Thirteen led you to her bedroom, anticipation grew in the pit of your stomach. You were excited to see the look on her face. When she opened her door, the faint remnants of your magic lingered, but her focus was concentrated on you. She dragged you into her room, walking backwards until you both crossed the threshold. Thirteen let go of your hands, wrapped her arms around your neck, and kissed you tenderly. Lips still locked on yours, she shut the door behind you and pressed your back gently against it. Your hands landed on her hips. A soft sigh left her as she pulled away.
“I was looking forward to that,” she admitted. The light floral scent and your magic finally got through to her, and Thirteen turned in your hands. She was startled by the appearance of a vase of pink spider lilies next to her bed. Her brows furrowed and she looked back at you, a smile fighting its way through her attempt to find the right words. “Did you – when? What?”
“I did,” you started, coolly. “Right before our date, and they’re pink spider lilies – or resurrection lilies.”
“They’re beautiful, but are you trying to be funny, giving a reaper something called resurrection lilies?"
“No, of course not. While it’s true that the most common color for resurrection lilies is red; and they symbolize death, corpses, and blood; the pink ones don’t have those same associations. I don’t think of death when I think of you – not usually, anyway. The pink flowers represent beauty, love, passion, and desire.” You brought a hand up to caress her cheek. “And you, my love, are so beautiful and passionate. I love being around you – and I love you.”
“Well, how can I get upset over such a precious explanation?” Thirteen chuckled through her smile and left a soft kiss on your cheek. “What if you weren’t here when I found such a lovely gift?”
“I had a feeling you’d want to take me home with you – and if you didn’t, I would have told you about the flowers over the phone.”
“You’re a confident one, aren’t you?”
“Nah, I just know you like me.”
“Okay, smarty-pants.” Thirteen rolled her eyes playfully. “Then tell me this: what am I going to do now that I have you in my room?”
“I think we’re going to take this to the bed.”
“Such a smart human. No wonder I love you.”
Raphael: I’m almost done mending your sweater. You can pick it up tomorrow if you want. I embroidered flowers along the hem of your sleeves where it tore. It will suit you, so I hope you like it.
Raphael offered to mend your sweater after he saw how upset you were over it tearing – especially since it had caught on a shelf while you were out shopping with him. He had been offering to do more sewing specifically for you recently, which made him all the more comfortable asking you to take off your clothes the second you got back to his room. You knew what he meant, but sometimes his straightforward approach flustered you. If it had been anyone else, you had no doubt that there would have been more sexual undertones. Although perhaps if Raphael wasn’t so concerned about your disappointment at ripping your sleeve, he might have thought to add another meaning to his words. But alas, he was solely focused on mending an item you clearly cherished.
You appreciated the gesture, and you knew you would only adore the sweatshirt more now that he had helped to fix it. Raphael could be quite sweet when you gave him the opportunity – and, if you weren’t mistaken, he seemed to have only become kinder after coming to the Devildom. You weren’t certain how much he would appreciate the gesture, but you wanted to get him flowers.
The following morning, before you left for Purgatory Hall, you read over the spell you had found in a book Satan was nice enough to lend you. All you needed were a few herbs, your magic, and a Devildom equivalent of the human world flower you wanted to recreate. You stopped by a florist – one Raphael had taken you to before – to get the last ingredient for your spell.
The demon working the shop looked up from the counter, a wicked recognition in his eyes. “Aye, if it ain’t the little human again. Been a while. Your angel cut ya loose? Or maybe you got a taste for demons now, hm?”
“Have we met?”
“Why I –” he huffed, releasing his anger, “y’know, I guess we didn’t get a chance to meet last time, cuteness. I’m Stolas, and you are?”
You gave the aggressively friendly demon your name. “I’m sorry, but I’m in a bit of a rush today. I have to go see ‘my angel’ soon. Do you happen to have any acid lavender in stock?”
“Shame,” he sighed. “But yes. Right over there.”
Stolas motioned towards an aisle with his head, and your eyes followed. There was a small selection next to some filler plants – what you assumed constituted Devildom “greenery.” You picked out a pretty, fragrant bunch and returned to the counter with your wallet in hand. “How much for this one?”
“Tell ya what, you show that sweet little face ‘round here more often an’ I’ll letcha have ‘em for free.” Stolas leaned over the counter and gave you a wink.
“I’d feel better if I paid. You’re running a business, after all.”
“For you, 100 Grimm.” He wrapped your flowers up nicely and handed them back to you. “See ya ‘round, MC. Tell your little angel I said hi, would ya?”
You nodded, with no intention of following through on that. On your walk to Purgatory Hall, you performed the spell, and by the time you arrived, you had a bouquet of human realm lavender in your hands.
Raphael was the one to greet you at the door, and you quickly hid the bouquet behind your back. He smiled at you softly. “Oh good, you’re here. Come with me.”
Raphael led you to his room. Now that you were alone, you pulled out the bouquet and presented it to him. His back was still turned as he walked to his desk and makeshift crafting table.
“Uhm, Raph, I hope you don’t mind, but I got you some flowers,” you admitted, still holding out the bouquet. He turned around immediately, surprise evident on his face. Your sweater was folded neatly in his hands.
“Me? What for?”
“To thank you. I’m really grateful – not just for the sweater, but for everything.”
Raphael inspected the flowers in your hand, slightly confused. They looked familiar, but not quite like any plant he had known. The color was off. Acid lavender was a deeper, darker shade of purple – almost black – while its counterpart in the celestial realm was a pastel blue. However, the pleasant aroma was quite similar. “Is this human lavender?”
“Yes. Although I had to use magic to get this from acid lavender. I think lavender suits you.”
“Oh? Why’s that?”
“Because lavender is associated with purity, silence, and calmness. It represents personal growth, and,” you paused, inching closer to him, “it’s a symbol of love and devotion.”
Raphael made no efforts to hide his smile. He unfolded your sweater to reveal leaves embroidered with pastel blue lavender flowers. “What a pleasant coincidence.”
Your lips parted in astonishment. Not only was it a coincidence, but Raphael had done a beautiful job repairing your clothes. He handed you the sweater and took the bouquet in his hands. The only ones who had ever given him flowers were Luke and Michael – and the latter case usually annoyed him more than it delighted him.
“Thank you, Raph. This is lovely.” You clutched the sweater close to your chest. Raphael shook his head, setting the lavender down carefully on the nearby table.
“I don’t know if these flowers suit me. They smell nice, and I appreciate them, but if you’re going to be so nice to me,” Raphael paused to pull you in, flush against his body, “neither of us are going to be pure or silent. . . just teasing.”
You waited for him to let go, indicating that he was, indeed, teasing, but his grip remained firm. “Are you?”
“Would you like me to tease you?”
He was impossible.
red wallflower
You knocked politely on the door to the RAD Newspaper Club room. It was getting late and the only students you had run into were those who had stayed behind after club activities to chat or do who-knows-what. Mephisto, shouted from the other side of the door. “Come in but make it quick.”
“Serun told me you were going to be here late.” You walked in and set the overly sweet pastry you had bought on Mephisto’s desk, still hiding a bouquet of flowers behind your back. “I figured some sugar might perk you up.”
“Oh, MC, I thought you might be a club member.” He added that to strike his comment about making it quick from the record. If it was you, he didn’t mind a bit of company. Mephisto glanced up at your face quickly before returning his gaze to the stack of articles he needed to edit. “First, why would Serun tell you if I’m staying late? And second, was that last part supposed to be a euphemism? Should I push my chair back?”
“Shut up,” you laughed. “They told me because it’s apparent that I’ve taken an unfortunate liking to you, and someone has to keep an eye on you.”
“Then the sugar?” Mephisto questioned you, flipping the page. You laughed again, which bothered him. “What?”
You pushed the pastry closer to him until it entered his line of sight. The soft “oh” from his lips made you chuckle. “Oh, you are so cute when you’re serious.”
“Get out,” Mephisto scoffed to distract from his warm cheeks and his desire to smile.
“Aw, are you grumpy? I’ll leave, but I have a gift for you first. Look up from your work for one minute, please?” You sweetened your tone to entice him further, but you couldn’t miss the exaggerated roll of his eyes. He set his pen down and gave you his full attention. “Good boy.”
“I will bite – I mean fight you.” Mephisto’s heart raced.
That exasperated look on his face melted as you pulled out a bouquet of deep red wallflowers in a smooth black vase and set them on his desk – out of the way of his paperwork. It wasn’t easy obtaining them, but you wanted to do something nice for Mephisto beyond your usual small gifts and kind words. He chewed on his lower lip to hide the threat of a smile.
“What are these for?” he asked.
“I wanted you to feel loved,” you confessed.
Mephisto let out a soft, affectionate groan. “I don’t recognize these flowers. What are they?”
“They’re from the human world – wallflowers. They represent faithfulness in adversity, and resilience. Red ones, specifically, signify love. It makes me think of you. I really admire your unwavering loyalty to Diavolo – I mean, you’re here now, this late, because you want to support him. I want to give you my loyalty, too – romantically.”
“I –” Mephisto took a second to gather his words. “I’m going to be another hour or two here tonight. You should take a nap on the couch while I finish up. I’ll take you home when I’m done.”
“I’d much rather stay up with you, but if you’re busy, I can go home now,” you offered, slightly disappointed. There was a silver lining, at least. “I’ll see you tomorrow, anyway.”
“Oh, you misunderstood. I’m taking you home with me. And I want you to get some rest because I’ll be keeping you awake all night.” He smirked and got out of his seat to usher you towards the couch. Mephisto laid you down sweetly, smoothing his hand over your hair before walking back to his desk. He cleared his throat, trying to force his feelings up to the surface. “And MC, thank you. I – I haven’t felt this cherished in a while. I love you, too.”
This was a bad idea, he thought. How was he going to concentrate when your precious sleeping face was right across the room? Once you fell asleep, he was determined to get a picture – or ten.
Lucifer | Mammon | Leviathan | Satan | Asmodeus | Beelzebub | Belphegor
(If there's no link, that character is coming soon-ish)
A/N: Happy (possibly be-lated) Valentine's Day. I hope even though it's late, this one fills y'all with love. If you're single or something, then you automatically have my love now (unless you don't want it). Also, we are never going to talk about how long I spent on this, okay? Okay.
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devildomwriter · 11 months
“You pointed the Night Blade at yourself. Could you tell me why you did that?”
“Because I love Lucifer.”
“You realize he’s a demon? Still…demon or not, the fact remains that the love you’ve shown is more pure and precious than anything in this world.”
— Michael (Chapter 38)
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