#my boss needs to go to a last minute family thing
spicysucculentz · 8 months
I like being at school but at the same time I kind of hate everything rn‼️ gen chem is ruining my grades and I still am kind of sick and it’s almost my period which means I’m getting the absurd stomach problems and oh my god oh my GODDD I hate everything
0 notes
marvellous1917 · 10 months
Icarus Falling
(Part 2)
Pairing: mob!Bucky x female!tattoo artist!reader
Summary: It’s gonna be a busy day. Giving a tattoo to a mobster that broke into your home was nothing compared to the fact that you can’t stop thing about how fucking hot he is.
Warnings: lots and lots of swearing, mention of crime (duh), fights, broken bones, tattoo needles, threats, think that’s it.
Part one ⬇️:
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A/N: AAHHHH the response to part one was actually insane!!!! I hope this second part is good enough. Love u all <3
Bold is reader’s thoughts.
Italics is Bucky’s thoughts.
The size of the tattoo is in inches.
Walking to the shop, your thoughts were running a mile a minute. Holy fuck, what the fuck, did last night actually happen?, James Barnes is gorgeous and made falling asleep last night really fucking difficult, screw him for making me all hot and bothered. Asshole. But one persistent one came screaming to the front- how the fuck am I supposed to tell Frank?
Unfortunately there was not a lot of time to come up with an answer to that, the shopfront coming into view as you turn the corner. Jigsaw Ink stood proud in the middle of the busy Brooklyn street, the black paint of the walls in stark contrast to the pastel pink of the florists’ to one side and the baby blue of the cafe the other.
The shop was a second home to you, the couch at the front becoming a bed for you sometimes after a night out, or if Caleb was being an ass. Frank was nice enough to let you crash when you needed, trusting you with his business. Frank, and the other two artists at the shop, Billy and Curtis were like family - a weird combination of protective older brothers and best friends who were terribly bad influences on you.
The bell on the door rang when you opened it and there was a yelled “Y/N? That you?” from a deep voice at the back of the room.
“Yeah Frankie, it’s me. I thought Billy was supposed to be here, not you?” You yelled back, moving behind the counter toward your station, dropping your bag and taking off your jacket.
“He was, but he managed to get his ass knocked out last night so he’s taking the day off,” Frank replied laughing, walking out from the back towards you.
“What? Is he ok?” You ask, giving Frank a hug when he got closer.
“Managed to piss somebody off at a bar, not really sure what happened, but he’s fine. Just stupid,” he replied, patting your back as you release him.
“Don’t get me wrong, I love the guy but he is an idiot I swear, you can guarantee it was his fault as well,” you say.
Frank chuckle and nods as a response, “yeah I bet. Hey , you got many appointments today?” He asks.
Shit. How the fuck am I supposed to tell Frank Castle - literally the most protective man on earth - that I had to move all of my appointments to next week because a damn mobster broke into my house and demanded I gave him a tattoo today.
“…uh. No just the one, I had to move the rest,” you answer, praying to whoever was listening that Frank wouldn’t ask any questions.
“Why’s that?”
“Umm..no reason really..” your mind went completely blank, the only thing running through you head were those goddamn blue eyes.
“Kid, what’s going on?” Franks’ eyes narrowing, seeing straight through your bullshit response.
Ughhh. Change the subject right now. “Y’know you call me kid all the time, you’re not that much older than me Frankie. I mean there’s only-”.
“You’re ramblin’ kid. The fuck is going on?” He says, all sense of humor him from his voice.
Ah, there his is, protective Frankie coming in full force.
“Shit. Ok so here’s what happened-” you tell him the full story, coming home from work to see a dangerous criminal chilling in your apartment, the fear that came with that lovely surprise, Caleb’s debt, the weird philosophical conversation, the tattoo talk. All of it.
Of course, excluding the part where you found yourself extremely attracted to the fucking mobster, his weirdly slightly comforting presence, and the fact that the memory of those blue eyes where all you could see as your hand slipped between your legs before you fell asleep.
To be fair to the man, Frank listened to every word you had to say, not interrupting one. But you could see on his face every single emotion he was feeling, the main one being just straight up confusion.
“Lemme get this straight. The fucking Winter Soldier broke into your house last night and is coming in for a tattoo in..” he checked his watch as he spoke, “..an hour?”
“..yeah.” Hit the nail on the head there Frankie.
“Shit.” He says, rubbing his hand over his face in an act of desperation.
“Yep.” You say, patting his arm to try and reassure him.
“Alright, I’m gonna be here the whole time, don’t you worry about that kid. You’re gonna be fine.” He assures you, obviously worried about you.
“I know that Frankie, and if it’s any consolation, he didn’t seem all that bad.” You answer.
“Not that bad?!” He almost shouts, and incredulous look on his face, “Y/N he’s a fucking gangster. He’s fucking danger-“
“FRANK!” You yell, the only way to cut off his tirade before it starts. “I know that, but last night he didn’t do anything bad,okay, and if he wanted to hurt me, he definitely would have done it by now. I’ll be fine Frank, I’ll just give him the tattoo and that will be it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I gotta set everything up.” You say, moving back to your station, beginning to grab everything you need.
“Holy fuck kid, how are you not freaking the fuck out right now?” He whisper shouts, running one hand up and down his head.
“I’m not sure. I think…I think I trust him not to hurt me. It’s weird, but my gut’s telling me I’ll be fine.” You answer, starting to print some different sized stencils.
“Kid your brain is brok-” Frank starts to say but he’s cut off by his phone ringing. He pulls it from his pocket and says “Shit, it’s my kids’ school, I gotta take it.”
You wave him off, Frank answers the phone with a sigh.
He walks off to the back of the shop, leaving you to finish setting up your station. Frank talks for a minute and wander back towards you.
“My girl got into a fight at school, Maria’s busy at work so I’ve got to go get her,” he says, dragging his hands down his face, in a way only an exasperated father could.
“Oh my god is she ok?” You ask.
“She’s fine, but apparently she broke some little shitheads nose for picking on her friends,”
“Like father, like daughter then,” you respond with a laugh.
“Can the people I care about stop getting themselves in dangerous situations for like five goddamn seconds.” Frank says, throwing a pointed glare your way.
“Frankie, how many times, I’m gonna be fine alright, go get your kid and -I dunno- take her out for ice cream, tell her she did good.” You say, pushing him to the door.
“Only if you’re one hundred percent certain you’ll be fine.” He says, already pulling his jacket from the hook.
“I’m good I swear, now go!”
“Ok ok I’m going, stop pushing me” he says, leaving the shop and letting the door fall closed behind him, the bell ringing as it did.
Only a minute passed before your phone pinged with a text.
Have you already forgotten about me that quickly doll?
Send me the address to the shop
Now… please
Fuck me. Why does just his text give me fucking butterflies. Ugh. How irritating.
You send him the address and his response is cheeky as shit.
See you at 1 doll, you better be wearing something pretty for me.
Little shit.
You had the music in the shop bumping, using it to help calm your pounding heart, adrenaline starting to get the best of you. Your favourite song came over the speakers so you turned it up and started to dance a little, knowing that you had at least 10 minutes before Barnes turned up. Unfortunately this action caused you to miss the ringing of the bell on the door.
Holy shit - ink and a show, today is going better than expected already.
Bucky slowly let the door close, trying not to disturb the dancing girl he couldn’t get out of his head. He lent against the wall, just watching and waiting…and staring.
Shaking out your hands to get rid of any nerves, you turn and nearly scream when you see Barnes stood at the door.
“Oh god, sorry I didn’t hear you come in,” you say, subtly looking him up and down and damn he looks good. Ever the powerful mobster, he wore a black suit, his black shirt had no tie and was unbuttoned at the top. His hair was slicked back from his face, opposite to how it was the night before. This was the other side of him, the business man - James Barnes: the face of multiple charities, the man that law enforcement could never seem to put behind bars. Last night you met the threat, the assassin, and you may be one of the first in his history to survive a meeting with the Soldier.
“No problem doll, I was enjoying the show,” he says, pushing off of the wall and stalking towards you.
Oh my god, “oh..ok, well I have everything set up and ready so if you’re ok to start I say let get going,” you respond, turning to the part of the shop where your station was, nerves flooding back, wanting to get this over as soon as possible.
“Damn girl, not even any small talk?” He asks, slowly following you to the table.
“Oh sorry, I would have asked how your day has been so far, but I didn’t want you to think I was prying into your business. I wouldn’t want you to think I was being disrespectful ab-”
“Ramblin’ again doll, thought I told you that you don’t need to be afraid of me,” he said softly, sounding genuine. “I know what people say about me, I understand why you would be nervous, but I just ask you to not believe everything you hear, ok doll? I’m not who they say I am.” His tone was gentle, almost tired but still pleading, hoping you believe him.
“So you’re not a mobster?” You ask, voice low and calm.
“Oh no I am,” he responds with a small laugh, “I am, and I do what gangsters do. But I am not the ruthless animal I’m made out to be, doll I’m just not. I do what needs to be done.”
His voice breaks slightly on the pet name. His tone is so sincere and tired. Oh my..he’s telling the truth. It actually affects him to hear that about himself.
“Ok,” you respond, siting on your stool next to your station and the table, looking up at him with no fear in your eyes, trusting his words.
“Ok? That’s your response?” He asks, moving around the table to sit on it directly in-front of you.
“Yeah. What did you want me to do Barnes, not believe you?” You ask, all fear gone from your voice.
“Of course not,” he says, confusion laced in his voice, his eyebrows furrowed, “but I wasn’t expecting you to believe me immediately, shit you were scared of me like a minute ago.”
“I know but I think I trust you? You haven’t done anything to me, y’know other than breaking into my apartment. I trust you when you say you’re not someone I should be afraid of.” You answer truthfully.
“…good.” He says, at a loss of what to say next.
“Good. So, Barnes, are we doing this or what?” You ask.
“Yeah let’s do it doll, and please, call me Bucky.” He responds, shrugging off his jacket, folding it and placing it on the head of the table. You had to make a conscious effort to not stare at the way his arms filled out his shirt, but damn it was hard. He sat silently waiting for you to talk.
“Ok..Bucky.. tell me about what size and what placement you want for this.” You say, “I printed some sizes out because I wasn’t sure what size you wanted, and I can reprint or adjust it based in what you want.”
“Oh you a real professional, huh? Not gonna lie to you doll, that serious voice is kinda getting me goin’” he says, smirk on his face, leaning back on his arms, lifting his hips and moving slightly on the table.
Fuck me, what is this man doing to me? He doesn’t give you a chance to respond before he’s talking again.
“I want to get it on my forearm, the inside, and I think that size looks good,” he says, pointing to the 10x8 you printed.
“Ok that sounds good, which arm were you thinking?”
Silence. He stares down at you, an unreadable look on his face. You break eye contact and then freeze.
Shit. Shit. You dumbass. Which arm? Which fucking arm? Are you kidding? I can literally see his metal fucking hand. Oh dear god.
The silence between you goes on for entirely too long. You’re not sure whether you should apologise or wait for him to speak first. You weren’t sure if he would be offended, having a reminder of his injury.
He doesn’t move, doesn’t speak, just continues to stare down at you, that blank look on his face. Looking back up at him, you start to apologise but the words get caught in your throat. His eyes. He couldn’t control them the same way he did his face, tons of different emotions flowing through them, none lasting long enough for you to understand before another one took its place.
If only you knew what he was actually thinking. She asked which arm. She knows about my arm, everyone does, but she still asked. She forgot. The arm is all people see, a weapon, an instrument used to inflict nothing but pain. It’s all people see, but she forgot. That’s not what she sees. Maybe…maybe she just sees me.
He’s shuts his racing thoughts down, fully aware of how awkward the silence was becoming. “I’m thinking my right arm might be a little easier for you doll,” he says, an amused look crossing his face, his tongue poking his cheek.
You open your mouth to apologise for your mistake but he holds up his right hand and says, “and please, you don’t have to apologise like I know you’re going to, we’re all good darlin’.”.
He’s gotta stop with the pet names before I melt.
“Ok, uh, are you sure, because I honestly meant no disrespect or anything. I-,” you start, but Bucky cut you off quickly.
“Darlin’, what did I just say?” A stern tone coats his words and goddamn does it send a shiver down your spine. You internally roll your eyes and look away, back to your station, when you feel two warm fingers on your jaw, turning your head back to looks at him. Holy fuck. He places his thumb on the other side of your jaw, forcing you to keep looking at him as he leans in closer. His voice was low when he said, “That wasn’t a rhetorical question, Y/N, what did I just say?”
Jesus fucking wept. Somehow his use of your name made your heart pound, and the fact that his hand was so warm and strong holding onto your face.
“You said we’re all good..” you answer trailing off at the end of your sentence. His eyes don’t move from yours for a second.
“And?” He asks, tilting his head slightly.
Christ alive.
“I don’t have to apologise..” you say, eyes flicking between his and falling to his lips for a second and then back to his eyes.
“That’s right darlin’,” his eyes dropped to your lips, his tongue darting out to wet his lip. “So stop, okay?” He says, lifting your chin to catch your eye.
“Yes sir.” It’s an automatic response but you can’t help but be a little proud of yourself when he lets out a small throaty growl at the name.
“Careful doll.” He responds, letting go and leaning back, “How about we get started before I do something you regret, hmm?”
Like I could regret you.
You turn back to your station to try and clear your head of all the dirty thoughts running wild. “Ok.. Bucky, if you could roll up your sleeve so I can wipe the area, I’ll place the stencil and you can check if it’s where you want it to be.” You say, not used to the name he said to call him by.
“Mhm,” he hums, releasing the cuff link on his right sleeve, his prosthetic catching the glare of the light above, the plates shining. He places the cuff link in the pocket of his jacket and begins rolling up his sleeve and folds it at his elbow.
You clean the area and place the stencil straight on his arm, and peel it off.
“There’s a mirror on the wall over there, you can check if it’s alright.” You say.
“Okie dokie doll,” he responded the furrowed his brows, like he was confused at why he said that, not very gangster of him.
I like him. He says okie dokie.
“Looks good there darlin’, and as much as I hate to say it, we gotta speed this up a little, I’m expecting a call at some point around 2:30 and I��d prefer you not have to hear it.” He says, coming back to the table, sitting down and swinging his legs up onto it.
You take his arm, putting it on the rest in a position easiest for tattooing while saying “Why’s that? Would you have to kill me if I overheard your call?” You ask, enough humor in your voice for him to know you’re joking.
“Probably, depends how much you hear.” He said, completely deadpan. He looks at you and you have the strangest feeling that he actually wouldn’t hurt you either way.
“Shit ok. Is that position comfortable for you?”
“I’m all good darlin’, let’s go,” he says, adjusting his position on the table slightly. His left arm rests across his stomach as he sits on the table, leaning against the backrest, his ankles crossed.
“Ok I’m gonna do a small line so you know how it feels,” you look at him and he nods. You draw a line about 2 centimetres long then stop, “how’s that?” You ask.
“Ain’t nothin’ doll, keep goin’.” He responds.
“Ok here we go.” You say, getting back to it.
You’ve been tattooing for about 40 minutes, and there hasn’t been a word spoken between the both of you. His arm kept flexing whenever you moved away, and he kept clenching his jaw, like he was in pain but was refusing to admit it, even to himself.
“Are you ok? We can stop for five if you want a break? I’ve just finished the outline so I’ve got to change needles anyway.” You ask, disrupting the silence between you, moving the machine away from his arm so you can switch to a higher grouping for the blackwork.
“I’m fine Y/N, how much longer do you think it’ll take?” He asks, moving his head to look at the outline that you had completed.
“Oh it’s hard to say, but probably another 30 at least,” you respond, looking at him while he was admiring the tattoo so far.
God he’s pretty.
“Shit.” He says, rubbing his forehead with his other hand.
“Are you worried about your call?” You ask calmly.
“Not worried about the call itself… just having to do it here may cause some issues.” He responds, lowering his hand to his thigh.
“Because I’m here? I can go to a different room if you want?” You say, placing the machine back on your station, and turning to look at him fully.
“It’s ok doll, to be honest with you, nothing that needs to be said will make any sense to you anyway, and I mean that in the least offensive way possible.” He says, looking at you with apologetic face, tilting his head slightly. “But depending on the news I get, I wouldn’t want my reaction to… scare you.”
“Oh.. well I guess we’ll see when your call comes.” You answer, unsure of how to react to that.
The sharp ringing of his phone interrupts the sounds of the machine. You move the machine away from him, turning it off so he could speak freely without noise.
“I really am sorry about this darlin’, but it’s important-”
“Answer it then, it’s fine Bucky.” You cut him off, concerned he was going to miss it if he kept talking.
He gave you another apologetic look, and then turned his back to you to get off the table and answer the call.
You sat in silence as he started to speak.
“Rogers, what did ya find?” His voice changes from how he speaks to you, deeper and more serious.
The person on the other line speaks for a moment before Bucky responds, “we already knew that, didn’t we? What new information did you find?”
“Of course he is..,” there is anger in his tone now, “get someone to tell the asshole he can threaten what he likes, I’m not sitting down with him.”
A moment goes by and you think that may have been the end of it, until you see his shoulders tense and-
“FUCK NO!” He shouts, making you jump a little.
“No Rumlow Gets Nothing, I don’t give a shit what he’s doing… Then send the commissioner a goddam gift basket Steve, some portraits of his family would be nice, remind him why he pays us the fucking protection fee.” He seethes at the man down the phone.
This should not be turning me on, shit.
“For fucks sake… Walker is nothing Steve, just some fucking Nazi junkie with a rich daddy, trying to get his hands on my shit…get Nat to bring his ass in, I’ll deal with it Steve… I said I’d deal with it.”
His tone on the last sentence sends a shiver down your spine, what the fuck does ‘deal with it’ mean?
“Ah shit is he ok?” Bucky asks, tone soft now, caring even, “Damn, he’s gonna be out for blood now.. good for him.. give Clint the week off, find the guys and give the pricks to him, let him get out some of his pent up craziness out.”
Oh Clint sounds fun.
“Ok, alright I gotta go now man. Yeah I’m at the shop… nah it’s nothing..yeah ya did… ok fuck off now.. later man.”
He hangs up the phone, takes a death breath and pinches the place between his eyebrows, his other hand going to his hip. He stands like that before he turns back to you, with a small awkward smile. That was cute.
“Sorry about that doll, hope I didn’t upset ya,” he says, walking around the table and looking down at you.
“You didn’t. I gotta ask though, is your friend or whoever ok?” You ask, not bringing up the start of the call where the man in-front of you all but admitted to a multitude of crimes - blackmail, extortion, supplying drugs. He sounded different- genuine when he asked if the man was ok. It was sweet.
“Clint? Yeah no he’s fine, got jumped last night so he’s pissed about it, but he’s ok, worst thing he got were some nasty bruises and a broken finger.” Bucky responds, confusion on his face, wondering why you care.
“How did he break a finger?” you ask, moving backwards as he sits back on the table.
“Oh he didn’t go down without a fight, clocked one of them on his way out,” he says with a small chuckle.
“Ah, good for crazy Clint,” you say with a smile.
Bucky let’s out a sharp quick laugh, “that exactly what I thought doll,” he says, leaning back and putting his arm on the rest, “ready when you are.” He adds.
Ok right back to it. Got it boss.
“Ok, should only be about 10 more minutes.” You say.
“Alright doll.” He answers, leaning his head back on the rest, tilting his head so he could watch you.
Ten minutes later you were finished, putting your machine down for the final time.
“Okie dokie, I’m all done. Have a look in the mirror, see what ya think,” you say, hoping he liked it, not much you could do about it if he didn’t.
He moves over to the mirror, checking out his new ink, twisting his arm around to see it fully. He’s silent for a little while before he says, “fuck doll, you’re a damn artist.”
“Does that mean you like it?” You ask, failing to hide the hope in your voice.
“I love it. Couldn’t have asked for a better one for my first piece.” He says, walking forwards to stand in-front of you, letting you wrap the fresh tattoo, handing him a leaflet on aftercare as you talk.
“You’re shitting me,” you say, “was that seriously your first one?”
“Yeah, why are you so surprised darlin?” He responds, tilting his head.
“I don’t know, just sorta thought you’d have them all over.” You answer.
“All over, huh. You been thinking about me naked doll?” He says with a cheeky grin, talking half a step closer to you.
“What, n-no of course not, why would I do that. I mean I’m sure you look good - uh fine.. naked but I don’t-” you cut yourself off before you embarrass yourself anymore.
“No, no ramble on Y/N please, I’m really enjoying watching you try to figure your way out of the grave you’re digging right now,” he says, chucking lightly.
“Shut up Bucky, leave me alone” you responds, looking down at your feet.
“Hey,” he grabs your chin, again, and add pressure until you’re looking up at his eyes, “don’t ever try and tell me what to do, darlin, I don’t tend to respond well to it. I won’t ‘shut up’ and I’ll never ‘leave you alone’… I like ya too much for that.” He says, sounding like a mix between a threat and a compliment.
“Uh.. okay.” You answer, not sure how to respond to his words.
He can tell that you don’t know what to say, so he mercifully breaks the silence. “I love the tattoo doll, it’s looks amazing. You’ve got a talent Y/N.” He drops his hand from your chin as he speaks.
“Thank you, Bucky. It means a lot.” You answer sincerely.
“How much do I owe you sweetheart?” He asks, reaching into his jacket for his wallet.
That’s a new one.
“Uh, say $180?” You respond.
“$180? Damn you gotta charge more than that doll,” he says pulling some bills from his wallet.
He hands you the bills and says “now that’s for today and it should cover next time too, take half for now and half for then.”
You’re stunned by the fact that he’s already planning for next time but your jaw actually drops when you look at the bills.
They were hundreds.
“Woah I think you gave me the wrong bills,” you say, trying to push the bills back in his hands.
“No I didn’t, I know what I gave you. $180 for today, say $200 for next time and the rest is tip.” He answers smoothly, folding your hand back over the bills.
You look down to count and start shaking your head, “I can’t accept this, it’s way too much.”
“Consider it a thank you for dealing with the inconvenience of me having to do business in the middle of the appointment.” He says with a smile.
“Bucky this is 2000 dollars.”
“I know.” He puts up his hand again, stopping you from talking, “I’m not taking it back doll, just have it will ya?” He says, rolling his sleeve back down, doing the cuff back up with the cufflink and placing his jacket back on.
“Oh my god, you’re serious aren’t you?” You ask, unbelievable he wanted you to have over fifteen hundred dollars as tip.
“Yes I am.” He answers, straightening his jacket, “it also may be a small bribe.”
There it is.
“A bribe for what?” You ask, expecting his to ask you to keep quiet about his call.
“I want you to be my artist, anytime I want a tattoo, I want you doing it for me.” He says, smiling down at you with a hint of…something him his eye.
“Really?” You ask in shock, not expecting that from him.
“Yeah, like I said earlier, you got talent. I want more of you on me.” Bucky says smirking at the euphemism he made.
Fuck me running.
“Oh..shit.. yeah ok, that sounds..,” you swallow heavily, “sounds like a plan.” You smile up at him, trying to hide the way his words affected you.
He smiles back, stepping closer and closer until his chest is almost touching yours.
“Yes it’s does. You’re mine now doll,” he says, a dark look in his eye. You swallow hard again and your breath stutters at his words, eyes going straight to the floor. He notices your reaction and smirks, “my artist, I mean.” He continued.
“Although, judging by your little reaction there, I’d bet you be ok with that, wouldn’t you doll?” He says, his tone slightly mocking.
You say nothing.
He hums, then places his right hand on your cheek and tilts your head so you’re looking him in the eye again.
“Would you?” He asks softly.
“Maybe,” you whisper, a cocky smile breaking out on his face.
“Maybe, huh? ‘Mkay, guess I’ll just have to convince you then doll.” He says back, leaning closer, eyes going to your lips before he looks back up, giving you a chance to get out of the situation.
“Guess so.” You respond, some confidence back in your voice.
He hums again, and then he’s kissing you. His kiss is forceful but somehow still gentle, like he’s holding back as much as he can.
Fucking finally you can’t help but think as you move your hand to his wrist, the other one going to his left bicep, the feel of the solid metal under your hand was new, but not unwelcome.
His metal hand moves, wrapping around your back and pulling you against him, deepening the kiss when you gasp.
Reluctantly, you break the kiss when you run out of air. He leans back, the pressure on your back relieving a bit.
“Damn doll, what the fuck are you doing to me?” He asks, biting his bottom lip.
“Something good, hopefully.” You respond cheekily.
He groans, leaning his head back. “Yeah hopefully darlin’. I hate to say it sweetheart but I gotta get going.” He says, releasing his hold on you. He moves towards the door and for a second you think he going to leave without another word, until he turns back and says “I’ll talk to you later doll, keep your phone on or I’ll drop by.” He finished his sentence with a wink, and then he’s gone, the bell on the door ringing behind him.
Fuucckk. Maybe I’ll break my phone so he has to come by. Who knew the fucking Winter Soldier was actually a gorgeous softie under it all.
A/N: Ta da! Finally complete!! Love everyone of you that read this, mwah 😘
I can’t tag anyone else on this post so I will tag the rest in a separate post.
@sleepyghostygirl @starlightaurorab @scrynexxtins @where-the-river-bends @imagines-of-the-fandom @bigenargy @uraverageatiny @squeezyvalkyrie @mylifeispainandiloveit @mrvlxgrl @bopbeepboopbopbeep @yvessaintmuerte @thecubanator2 @flubblubbb @teambarnes72 @ria132love @pingpongfingfong @cashhvi @rivthejellyfish @mybakubaby @blue-chup @goatsmcgee @facinated-lemon @daddylorianisastateofmind @buckybarnesb-tch @yeahimcrying @shifting2places @fand0mskullfa1ry @1-800-bxrnes @amiets2 @aliabhatt19 @leabunny @justmarlen3 @bofadeezs @jehduxi @grey107th @king-of-spades-aroace @sebismyhubby @princezzjasmine @sebastianstanswhore @cluckityduck @shuriri4life @calwitch @goodkittyspost @iateall-yourcookies @miss-i-ship-it @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @anawhitethorn @radiator-hands @tripletstephaniescp
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christinesficrecs · 6 months
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I had a request for newer fics, so here you go! Also, some other recent fics were posted here.
They’re all together ooky, the Hale family… (Snap, Snap) by DropsOfAddiction | 12.4K | Explicit
Derek realises that he’s probably squashing Stiles a little bit, right at the same moment that Stiles apparently realises that he’s still holding onto Derek’s face.
They both definitely acknowledge Derek’s nakedness at the same exact time, judging by the alarmed look on Stiles’ face.
“So, you have no clothes on,” Stiles removes his hands and holds them above his head in surrender, cheeks a muddy red.
“In my defence, I was covered in fur less than two minutes ago,” Derek rolls his eyes and he pushes himself up and off him, hands covering his junk for Stiles’ sake.
“You’re still kind of furry now…” Stiles sits up, blinking rapidly, clearly just as weirded out as Derek. “Oh my god, pretend I didn’t say that. I’m not looking or anything.”
Derek smirks, because that… that was a lie and he cocks an eyebrow at him.
as dear as a brother by endversed | 10.3K | Explicit
“You are not allowed to sleep with him,” Scott says.
“You’re not the boss of me,” Stiles scoffs.
Stiles and Scott become best friends at college. Derek is Scott's hot older brother.
Take Me Away From Here by Hedwig221b | 33.5K | Explicit
Derek Hale looked terrifying. With his broad frame and muscles, with his wild black hair and thick beard, with his eyes the color of blood and fangs of a killer. Despite his kindness and his apparent attraction to Stiles, he was still a stranger, a predator, a wolf.
The thing is, Stiles would deal, but others might not. People found Lord Hale horrid, monstrous and unapproachable.
If Stiles stood behind him, no one would touch him.
He’d be safe with the wolf. If not from him, then definitely from everyone else. And that was enough.
Messily Ever After by KaliopeShipsIt | 20.3K
When Stiles and his blue slushie have a literal and quite splashy run-in with an adorable five-year old flower girl and her panicking daddy in the middle of the mall, the last thing he expects is to get a date to a stranger's wedding out of it.
Let alone, a boyfriend and a kid.
His Accidental Touch by Hidden_Orchard | 12.8K | Explicit
It happened accidentally, the first time. All the many and varied times afterwards, Stiles would hold his hands up and admit full responsibility for. But that first time – pure chance.
Derek needs a cuddle. Stiles - generous man that he is - would never deny Derek something he needs.
An Alpha's Misunderstandings by Dexterous_Sinistrous | 48.5K | Mature
And Derek was there, as if it was a simple twist of fate.
There were so many ways Stiles wanted to forgive Derek, but then he came to his senses.
He wouldn’t risk Charlotte’s safety for that hope–never again. ~*~ Stiles and Derek are parted by war and misunderstandings, only to find each other again.
Red, Red, Red by loserchildhotpants | 9.4K | Explicit
“Just… it’s weird, I’ve been - uh. You ever, like, dream of something? Something you’ve never seen before, but then you see it out in the world?”
everywhere, everything (every day) by nerdy-stilinski (Captain_Ameriyeah), S3anchaidh | 14.3K
Derek’s never been the best at making decisions. That’s how he keeps waking up with Stiles in his arms, but never under the right circumstances.
Or: Derek agrees to a pack vacation and instantly regrets it.
Matchmaking in Fandom by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella) | 13K
It wasn’t like it was a secret that the showrunners made terrible decisions when it came to their own show, so why he’d had actual faith in them not fucking the movie up, he had no idea. Really, it was his own fault.
He hadn’t even set the bar high for the movie! The bar was so incredibly low, like mid-shin height, and they somehow managed to get it subterranean. That was talent. A bad talent, but still a talent.
if i'm not made for you, then why does my heart tell me that i am? by EvanesDust | 13K
When Derek’s kids write out their Christmas lists, they insist he writes one too. Not long after it's deposited in Santa's mailbox, he's reunited with the man of his dreams.
Derek can't help but fall for him again. It's really too bad Stiles is so obviously taken.
...or the one where Derek’s a grump who makes assumptions about his pregnant omega neighbor.
433 notes · View notes
kierahn · 7 months
Yandere mafia boss x younger subordinate m Reader (Also if you like set in Omegaverse, if not just keep it simple as that :) )
RUSSIAN ROULETTE. [ y ! mafia x m ! surbodinate reader]
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yandere! mafia x subordinate! male reader
[ nsfw, minors dni. ]
omegaverse [ omega reader ]
spit as lube
request here.
i was going to add a reader death at the end, but i decided against it last minute lol. hope you guys enjoy either way ! :)
× omegas were a rare sight in the underground business. they were either used for trafficking business or used for pleasure among the members of the syndicate, a well-known gang in the underworld.
× you somehow managed to land a position in the syndicate with the help of someone you knew. before you entered, however, he had specifically warned you to never have anyone find out that you were an omega while on the business. you hesitated at first, knowing that trying to deceive such a dangerous group could cost you your life. but at the same time, you were desperate to pay off your family’s debt, and the opportunity was already dangling right in front of you.
× so you took it. you took your suppressants, covered your scent, and convinced yourself that you were a beta. after all, there is a saying that you need to convince yourself before convincing others. luckily enough, it worked and you ended up easily deceiving everyone around you, including your boss; Jansen Lazar, an alpha.
× however, you should’ve known that the karma from your deception would eventually catch up to you.
× you had taken your suppressants that day. you’ve been carefully monitoring your monthly heat so you knew when to take more pills than usual. you took the normal amount of dosage you usually would whenever your heat was approaching, but it seemed like it didn’t help much with the way you were now curled up, on your knees before your own boss; the cat now out of the bag.
× jansen furrows his eyebrows in conflict, torn between getting angry or feeling delighted that you were an omega. he had always harbored an interest towards you ever since you joined the syndicate. now he was presented with the opportunity to turn this interest of his into something more. though, he still made it clear that he was angered by your deception.
× “you..” jansen strode towards your hunched form, his hand shooting out to pull you up from the ground, his grip tight enough to form a bruise. he leans in to confirm his suspicions, the scent of an omega in heat hitting his nose which caused him to recoil slightly. your breathing was ragged, cheeks flushed. you looked so ready to be taken right there and then. “you’re an omega! how dare you deceive me.” he exclaimed angrily, his grip around your arm tightening. he restricted himself from pouncing on you, your scent starting to take a toll on him.
× but jansen didn’t let his libido control him just yet. he resisted the urge to fuck you pretty right then and there on top of his table. he still needed to show you that you weren’t going to be let off lightly after deceiving him.
× the next thing you knew, papers were scattered all around you two when jansen chose to throw you over his table. a revolver was then pointed close to your forehead, a sharp glare directed towards your half-lidded eyes.
× “there are 5 empty slots and a bullet in this revolver,” jansen lowers himself to whisper lowly against your ear in an attempt to intimidate you. his voice was hoarse as he tries to hold himself back from acting out of rationality. “you’re going to answer my questions, and each time i hear an answer i don’t like, i’m going to pull the trigger. got it ?”
× you could barely understand anything your boss was saying, but you nodded your head nonetheless. “good. good boy.” jansen hums in satisfaction, readjusting the gun on his grip. he started with his little interrogation session, but seeing as you didn’t seem to be in the proper state of mind to give him proper answers, he grew frustrated.
× “look at you, you can barely form any words.” jansen scoffed. you looked so vulnerable under him. a contrast to the stoic facade you would put up under your guise of being a beta.
× then an idea forms inside jansen’s head, a mischievous smirk slowly making its way onto his lips. he asks another question, knowing that you would likely answer. “do you want me to help you, little omega ? want me to take you and fuck you dumb ?” he drew his finger close to the trigger, looking down at you with an expectant gaze, daring you to say no.
× not that you would. no omega would reject an alpha during his heat. jansen's pheromones enveloped the room, mixing with your own which helped ease your heat minimally. desperate to find relief, you weakly nod your head, wrapping your arms around jansen’s neck to pull him closer to you which caught the man off guard.
× ‘click.’ the gun in his hand clicked. jansen had pressed the trigger. “i didn’t say you could touch me, y/n.” he says lowly, a warning in his voice. “i’ll do all the touching, behave yourself. do you understand ?” you nod, slowly removing your arms around his neck. jansen, in return, grabbed your wrists with one hand and pinned them above your head to make sure that you wouldn’t touch yourself any time soon.
× he couldn’t hold himself back any further. his lips moved to bite down on your earlobe, eliciting a small gasp from you. jansen’s hot breath trailed down to hover just above your scent gland, the tip of his nose barely brushing against your bare skin as he takes a quick whiff of your scent. you smelled so fucking good, makes hin wonder how you managed to slip under his nose all this time.
× momentarily releasing your wrists, he threw your shirt over your head and threw it aside for you to find another time. he then worked on unbuckling your belt, leaving you bare and ready for him.
× he forcefully stuck two fingers into your mouth. “suck,” he ordered, which you pleasantly obeyed, your tongue wrapping around his fingers and coating it with your own saliva.
× he soon pulled out, a trail of saliva connecting from your lips to his fingertip. jansen, despite feeling his cock grow painfully hard, was generous enough to prepare you beforehand. he prods at your leaking entrance, slowly and carefully pushing his fingers in, using the moisture from your own saliva as lube. though, it seems like he didn’t need to do much with the amount of slick you were producing.
× “your hole is so fucking tight. i’m guessing you’ve never been fucked by an alpha before.” he growled lowly, pulling his fingers out after deciding that you were ready to take on his size. “i’ll happily be your first.” your hole was practically begging to be filled with something bigger than his fingers.
× jansen turned you on your stomach, arching your back so that your ass would be on full display for him. the sound of belt unbuckling reached your ears, and before you could take a deep breath to prepare yourself, he drives himself all the way inside which elicited a loud moan from you.
× ‘click.’ another click from the gun. you were lucky enough to avoid a bullet to your head. “lower your voice. do you want the others to hear you getting fucked by your boss ?” he questions, still thrusting into you at a constant pace that gradually increased over time.
× your hands instinctively shot up to cover your mouth to prevent any moan from slipping out, tears forming at the brim of your eyes.
× jansen stopped thrusting for a quick second to adjust himself before diving back in, hitting all the right spots that you were practically twitching and moaning like a mess under him.
× you wanted to cum, you couldn’t handle it anymore. your hand shoots out to wrap itself around your own cock and stroke it, hoping for some relief. a click makes you freeze, however. “what did i tell you ?” jansen hissed. he grabs a fistful of your hair and pulled, his hot breath right against the back of your neck.
× “hng.. ~ mh ah ..m sor..ry !” you slur out, groaning in both pleasure and pain at the hand that tugged at your hair. a harsh bite to the neck your neck snaps you out of your trance. you felt a wave of relief wash over you as you came, painting the scattered papers on the desk white.
× ‘click.’ ‘bang !’ the revolver went off with a bang causing you to flinch and close your eyes tightly, a painful ringing sound in your ear. you anxiously open your eyes and look to your side, wondering why you were still alive and breathing. the bullet had lodged itself a few meters away from your head.
× “i didn’t give you the permission to cum yet,” jansen points out, a smug smirk on his lips as soon as he notices your fear-struck face. “but you’re lucky that we came at the same time.” jansen pulls out from your hole, leaving it to leak with his seed oozing out of you and trickling down your thigh. you felt your whole body go limp against the table, your whole body shaking uncontrollably after realizing that you had almost faced death. your knees buckled under you, your vision swaying into a blur until you eventually blacked out.
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badasbebi · 4 months
the cupid project ➛ 1/2
part two
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✦ pairing: bada lee x fem!reader
✦ summary: you and your long-term work crush devise a plan to win a company contest. in the end, you wind up going to extreme lengths to commit to the bit
✦ genre/au: fluff, fake dating, videographer reader, bada's extra sweet here, slight friends to lovers
✦ word count: 7k
✦ warnings: isn't proofread. another unrealistic meet cute that doesn't really make sense. smut in part 2
✦ a/n: another two-parter simply bc my fics are too long. 2nd part is finished and will, again, be posted soon (literally tomorrow). didnt put as much thought into this one as I have with my other stories, which will probably be a pattern from now. still think its fun. enjoy!
"It's been three minutes. Why are we still waiting on people?" Youngj fusses, running his fingers through his hair, tousling it
"Relax, Jae. You called us here last-minute. People are busy," Minho says from where he is sitting, scrolling through his phone.
Youngj's eyes snap to him. "Too busy for an emergency meeting with their boss?" He retorts, raising an eyebrow. 
Minho looks at him, then shrugs. "Well, that's what happens when you hire a bunch of ultra-talented, sought-after dancers. We don't need you," He finishes, swiftly turning back around, sunglasses concealing his eyes. 
Youngj gapes for a second, then seemingly surrenders, slouching back in his chair with a scowl. 
Meanwhile, you're balancing a camera lens in your hand on the sofa across from them, twisting and turning the machinery in your hand as you stifle your laughter. Still being somewhat new to the team, you weren't sure if you necessarily had the right to take part in Minho's teasing. You became an employee at JustJerk Dance Academy only six months ago, after JustJerk announced that they were looking for new hires. However, you weren't a part of their star-studded lineup of top choreographers and instructors. Instead, you were hired to be a videographer and photographer, working behind the scenes to ensure that every breathtaking move, every impassioned sequence, and every dancer was captured flawlessly. 
Which, it was not like it was very hard. The people here were phenomenal enough as it was, making your time spent at work nothing less than a blessing for someone who's long watched dancers from the sidelines. Even better, the members of JustJerk Dance Academy aren't just a group of talented dancers, but also a lovely group of people. They're kind and caring, often inviting you out to eat after a long day of filming or helping you with the things you struggled with. Sometimes, you still got awestruck around them because it was such a far cry from what you were used to. But, it was beginning to feel like home. And, as the days went by, everyone started to feel more and more like family.
Well, almost everyone.
Suddenly, you hear the doors swing open and glance up to see who's arrived.
"Sorry I'm late," A voice rings throughout the room, revealing none other than the legend herself, Bada Lee. 
Even after having passed by her a million times, the woman never failed to take your breath away. She was gorgeous and had an allure unlike anyone else, with a presence that seemed to shift the energy in every room she entered. In other words, she was also intimidatingly cool, which led to you frequently avoiding her because you were, simply, terrified. Though she's always been nothing but sweet and brilliant during your brief interactions, this kindness almost made things worse. It'd be much easier to disregard her if she was an asshole. Unluckily for you, she was one of the most charming people you've encountered in your life, making it nearly impossible to ignore the magnetic pull that's been causing an increasing amount of debauched thoughts and dreams. 
Bada walks toward the rest of the group with an apologetic smile on her face. Her long, black and blonde hair was tied back in a bun, and her baggy clothes were noticeably wrinkled, suggesting that she came straight from practice. Despite her slightly disheveled appearance, she looked as enticing as ever. 
You avert your gaze and continue playing with the camera equipment in your hands, attempting to appear nonchalant. 
"What happened? You're never late," Youngj asks, sitting upright. 
"I was helping one of my students out with a routine and got a little distracted. Sorry," Bada explains with a pout, sitting down on a separate couch next to yours. You keep your eyes on the camera in your hands.
"Don't worry about it, I just need everyone's attention for a few moments," Youngj says, scanning the room. "Is this everyone?"
"No, Redllic should be coming in soon. She was right behind me," Bada says, looking over at the door.
Your eyebrow inadvertently quirks up at the sound of Redllic's name escaping her lips. 
"Good enough, then. Let's get started," Youngj leans forward in his seat, clapping his hands together. "I want to first apologize to all of you for calling you here so abruptly. Unfortunately, this was the only time I had to get you all here together.”
Everyone eagerly waits for him to speak, the air thick with curiosity as Youngj takes a deep breath, his gaze shifting from one person to another.
"So, to clarify, I didn't call you guys here for anything particularly important."
Minho laughs bitterly. "I fucking knew it."
Youngj gives him a pointed look before continuing. "There's a special event that the company is holding and I wanted to inform all of you about it in-person, because even though it isn’t anything to worry about, it is admittedly a bit...unusual for us."
"What is it?" Redllic asks, appearing out of thin air. Everyone, except for Bada, jumps slightly, surprised by her sudden arrival.
"Redllic!" Youngj says, placing a hand on his heart. "You scared the hell out of me."
"Oh, sorry," Redllic shrugs, plopping down next to Bada, throwing her feet onto the coffee table. "What's going on?"
"Right, um," Youngj clears his throat. "As I was saying, there's an event that we're hosting for Valentine's Day. We're calling it the 'Cupid Project.' Basically, you're all going to get into pairs, and you'll be doing a variety of activities together," Youngj explains, his eyes scanning the group, watching the reactions on everyone's faces. 
Ew, is the immediate word that pops into your head. This reminded you of the group projects your teachers forced you to do in school. You can already see how this project will play out, and it's probably not going to be pretty. Based on the skeptical expressions you can make out, you are at least relieved to see that you aren't the only one feeling hesitant. 
"What kind of activities?" Bada asks softly, tilting her head.
"Just activities to get to know each other. Doing things you wouldn't normally do," Youngj replies, shrugging his shoulders. "Jho and I have some planned activities, but the point is for you and your partner to find things to do voluntarily. If we plan everything out for you guys, then it'll be completely forced."
"Wait, wait, wait," Minho interjects, pushing his sunglasses onto the top of his head. "So, you're telling me I have to go on a date with someone here?"
"No," Youngj shakes his head. "We're not forcing you to fall in love or anything. This is purely platonic, just a fun way to bond with each other. And there'll be a prize," Youngj says, wagging his finger.
"A prize?" Minho echos, raising an eyebrow.
"Yes. You and your partner will compete against the others and the pair who does the most activities and seems to have actually become good friends with each other will win a reward."
"How are you measuring that?" Hoyeon, another videographer, asks. 
"We'll conduct anonymous votes and collect them at the Valentine's Day party we're hosting," Youngj explains. "But, it's not supposed to be all that serious, everyone. We're just trying to do something fun and, you know, team-build since we've gotten a lot of new hires recently. And, we'll get a good video out of it. We're planning on making a highlight reel of the Cupid Project for our Youtube Channel, which will be nice promotional material, too."
So that's what this was really about: content. Truthfully, you wouldn't have an issue with this if it were not very likely that you'd be the one filming or editing this highlight reel. You internally groan, realizing you'll have to deal with an increased workload because of this clusterfuck. 
"I think it's a great idea," Redllic says, a mischievous smirk on her face. You watch her glance at Bada, who is staring at nothing with an unreadable look in her eyes.
"Well, what's the prize?" Minho asks. 
"600,000 KRW"
Others around the room whisper in excitement. You almost drop your camera. Out of shock, yes, but also because that was exactly the amount of money you needed to buy a brand new camera that you've been eyeing for ages. You've been wanting to record more complex videos, wanting to work on actual music video sets, but your current setup is limiting you. If you were able to get your hands on that camera now, you'd be about a year or two ahead of the original timeline you had in mind. You bite the inside of your lip, hoping Youngj doesn't see the desperation in your eyes.
"Holy shit," Hoyeon mutters. 
The two of you make eye contact, and you already know that the two of you are working together. You were close, having joined the company at the same time and being around the same age. This would be an easy win. 
"Alright, so it's settled, then," Youngj says, a confident grin forming on his face.
"Are we choosing our own partners?" Redllic asks, moving a blonde strand of hair away from her face. 
"No. That would lead to a bunch of people asking to be paired with people they're already friends with, which would make the whole thing pointless. We're drawing names out of a hat," Youngj says, gesturing towards the baseball cap resting on the coffee table.
Everyone collectively groans. You try not to cry. 
"Stop, come on, don't make this difficult," Youngj frowns. "The sooner you choose, the more time you have to prepare. Now, who wants to go first? I already have your names written,"
"Wait, let me go first," Hoyeon volunteers, jumping up and grabbing the hat. She reaches her hand inside and picks a small slip of paper out, then reads it aloud. You bite your lip, praying.
"Howl," Hoyeon declares, holding the piece of paper out for everyone to see. 
Your name is not Howl, but you nearly howl right then and there. Realistically, the probability that you would get who you wanted was unlikely considering the number of people in the room. Nonetheless, it hurt. 
The man with the wolf-centric name quietly stands and moves away from the corner he was situated in. He had been quiet the entire meeting, and most did not really notice he was there until Hoyeon mentioned his name.
"Guess it's you and me," Hoyeon laughs, smiling at the tall figure beside her.
Howl gives her a slight smile, shakes her hand, and they sit back down.
"Alright, Bada. Why don't you come over here?" Youngj says, gesturing to the coffee table.
"The one that everyone wants, I'm sure," Redllic comments with a bemused smirk, causing a clamor of chuckles.
Bada scoffs, and heads over to the table. She reaches into the hat, rustling through the papers. You hold your breath, reminding yourself of the unlikelihood that you'd be the name she pulled. However, as the woman's fingers curl around a single sheet of paper, your heart skips a beat. You feel as if you were the one reaching into the hat.
Bada pulls the paper out and unfolds it, her eyes scanning the sheet. Then, her eyes lock with yours, and your heart leaps. 
"Y/N," Bada calls out, holding the paper up.
You freeze, the room spinning around you. There's no way. 
Bada cocks her head to the side. "It's you, right?"
"Oh! Um, yeah," You sputter, quickly gathering the camera equipment around you.
You hear whispers and feel a hundred pairs of eyes on you as you walk over to the girl. You ignore the feeling of your skin burning. 
"Hey, Y/N. It's nice to officially meet you. I've seen you around a lot," Bada says, eyes warm.
"Yeah, nice to officially meet you, too," You say, extending your hand.
Her hand is warm and soft, enveloping yours like a blanket. Your hand feels cold and sweaty. 
"Interesting," Redllic quips, eyes darting between you two, a glint in her gaze. Bada tears her eyes away from you, giving the blonde woman a questioning look as she retracts her hand.
You take the opportunity to step away, returning to your seat and letting the other dancers pull names. The rest of the pairings are revealed without much commotion, except for Minho's, who loudly complains when he has to partner up with Jaeyong, a good choreographer, but awkward man. 
After all the names are drawn, everyone is dismissed. You're quick to leave the room, eager to return to the comfort of your familiar space behind the camera.
"Y/n! Slow down! We need to talk!" Hoyeon calls, catching up to you.
You turn around, side-stepping out of the way of people walking past you in the hallway. You wait for her to stop in front of you before you speak."With all due respect, I don't really want to talk right now. I just want to record. Then go home, and eat some ramen."
"With Bada?" Hoyeon sings, a cheeky grin forming on her face.
"Shut up," You mumble, rolling your eyes and continuing down the hall.
"Wait, why are you so bummed?" Hoyeon starts, following behind you, "Bada's cool?"
You sigh. "Exactly. She's cool. I'm...not."
"What? Yes, you are. Why would you think otherwise?" Hoyeon scoffs, her eyes narrowed.
"I just," You pause in the hallway again, trying to formulate the words. "I'm a little scared of her, is all."
"Scared?" Hoyeon questions, her forehead wrinkling. "She's nice though. You don't have anything to worry about."
"Yeah, but she's so pretty, and talented, and again, I'm not. Not in the way extraordinary way that she is, I mean.” You explain, shoulders slumping. 
A look of realization dawns upon Hoyeon's face, and she laughs menacingly. "Oh, I see what this is. You think she's hot, and you're a scaredy cat who's afraid of rejection. Case closed. I understand."
"That's not how I would phrase things but, essentially, yes," You concede, turning the corner.
"You're being silly. She's not a god. She's literally just a human being...a very sexy human being but a human being nonetheless. Just talk to her like one," Hoyeon suggests, shrugging her shoulders. "I mean, are you not going to try to get that money? I know you want it. I saw that crazed look in your eye once Youngj made it to that fifth zero."
You laugh, "I mean, yes, I really want that money. I don't know if it's possible though. Even if I wanted to reach out to her, she’s so busy I doubt she's planning on actually committing to this. Especially because she's already loaded."
"You don't know until you try you wimp," Hoyeon says, nudging you in the arm.
"Ow," You groan, rubbing the spot in a manner that probably proves her point. "Aren't you going to try for the money too? Where's Howl, huh?"
"We're friends already, it'll be chill. I don't know if we'll necessarily win the money, but, like, we'll have a good time," Hoyeon states, grinning.
"Ugh, gross," You say, sticking out your tongue.
She ignores your immaturity. "What do you wanna do with the money anyway?" Hoyeon asks, leaning against the wall next to an entrance to one of the dance studios.
"Remember that equipment I told you about? So I can start working on sets?"
"Oh, right," Hoyeon says, crossing her arms. "You said that you've been wanting to do that for a while, y/n. Are you really not going to talk to Bada? I’ve recorded with her a few times now and I mean it when I say that she's nice as hell. I feel like she'd probably be down, or, at the very least, will understand if you explain things to her. "
"I'll try. Maybe. At some point. It's not going to be today, though," you mutter, reaching for the studio door before you are stopped by Hoyeon jabbing her french-tipped fingernail into your chest. 
"You better. Or else," Hoyeon threatens, a dark expression coming over her. 
"Move your finger, please," You say, swatting her hand away.
Hoyeon rolls her eyes. "Whatever. Good luck filming. I'm gonna go find Howl. Love ya,"
"Yeah, yeah. Have fun," You wave goodbye to her as she walks down the hall, pulling out her phone.
Once she's out of sight, you release a deep sigh and push open the door, only to be met with the sight of a familiar face. 
"Oh," You breathe.
Bada turns, a surprised expression on her face. "Y/n, hi. Were you coming in?"
"Um, yeah," You reply, slowly entering the room and closing the door behind you. "Are you rehearsing something?"
"Yeah," Bada answers, glancing at the mirror.
"Sorry. I can go-"
"No, no, don't worry about it. If you need to film in here, that's fine. I'll just go next door," Bada says, waving her hand.
You pause, taking a breath. Now’s your chance. "Actually, forget the recording, could I talk to you real quick? About the...cupid thing?"
"Yeah, of course. I was actually hoping we'd get a chance to talk," Bada grins, sitting down on the floor and patting the spot beside her.
You hesitantly walk over and sit down next to her. You take a moment to compose yourself, running your fingers along the smooth fabric of your pants.
"So," Bada prompts.
"Uh," You stammer, wracking your brain for what you were supposed to say. "Um, well, I just wanted to say that, uh, you are really, um, talented. And-oh, this sounds really weird." You finish, running a palm down your face in embarrassment. 
"No, no, it's not," Bada chuckles, a gentle smile on her face. "Thank you, though. But, um, that's not what you wanted to say, right?"
"Right. Sorry," You apologize, a rush of blood filling your cheeks.
"Don't worry. Take your time. We have a lot of it," Bada reminds you, studying the expression on your face. Her voice and words are calming, but her staring is freaking freaking you out further. 
You take another deep breath, hoping to quell your nerves. "Okay. I'm sorry. Uh, I'll try again. What I really wanted to say is, I know that it’s a stupid contest, and that you probably don't care about winning, but I actually really want to participate in that project and win that prize money. And, I was hoping you'd, maybe, help me win?" Before she can respond, you launch into another tangent. "I'm sorry, you're probably busy, which is okay, but I just want to upgrade my equipment so I can get more opportunities outside of-"
"Hey," Bada says, gently laying her hand on top of yours. "Of course I'll help you. You don't have to apologize. I think it'll be fun."
You nearly spiral, but Bada's touch is surprisingly soothing, and you calm down despite your anxiety. 
"Oh, wow. Thank you, so much," You breathe.
"It's not a big deal, seriously. I'm looking forward to it," Bada insists, squeezing your hand.
You stare at her, and her kind, sparkling eyes. What have you gotten yourself into?
You both sit there for a second, a pregnant pause in the air, before you quickly pull your hand away, remembering how sweaty they were.
Bada smiles, unphased. Then, she begins tapping her fingers rhythmically against the ground, a contemplative look on her face as she stares at the space where your hands were previously intertwined. 
"So," Bada suddenly looks up. "If you're just in it to win it, and you really want a fair shot, I think we need to do something a little extreme."
You blink, scared. "What do you mean…extreme?"
She bites her lip and you have to resist the urge to stare. "Youngj said this was supposed to be platonic, so that's how most people are going to approach it. How do we seem better or stronger than other platonic relationships? What’s more intense than that?"
You must be misunderstanding where she's going with this. "Um, a romantic one?" You say, furrowing your eyebrows.
To your shock, she nods. "Exactly. Y/n, I'm saying that we should make our Cupid partnership a romantic one," Bada states, her expression serious.
Your head is spinning. She is taking this much more seriously than you were anticipating. You were expecting to just go out for coffee a few times, and maybe post a picture of your twinning lattes on instagram to sell your friendship. You have no idea how to process this more intense proposition.
"Are you suggesting that we pretend to date each other?" You confirm.
A beat of silence. She leans back slightly, her eyes flickering. "I mean, yeah. Sure," She pauses. "Unless you're not comfortable with that."
"I am," You respond, the lie escaping your mouth with ease. 
Bada's eyes widen and she sits up, a smile growing on her face. "You're sure? If you're not cool with that, we don't have to. I know the idea is a little bit out there. I just, uh, want to help," She babbles, her fingers tapping against the floor again. 
You laugh. Was Bada Lee nervous? "I'm not uncomfortable with it. I trust you. As long as it helps us win,"
"It will, I promise. I'll make it worth your while," Bada vows, her expression determined.
"I can't wait," You laugh again, feeling the butterflies in your stomach flutter.
"Cool," She breathes, her body relaxing. "Well, I should go. I'll talk to you tomorrow?"
You grin, nodding. "Yeah, that'd be great."
"Awesome," She smiles, standing up. She reaches her down and grabs your hand, pulling you up. "I'm not gonna be able to actually meet-up with you tomorrow because I have something scheduled, but I already have your phone number. I'll text you."
You nod, distracted and unable to speak as her soft fingers brush against your palm.
"Bye-bye," She waves cutely, her long legs swiftly carrying her across the room. You wave back, her departing smile etched into your brain as you watch the door click shut behind her. Then, you're alone. 
You stare at the floor, processing the interaction. You had just agreed to pretend to date one of the hottest and most intimidating women you had ever met. You had no clue why you did it. Maybe the promise of money and fulfilled dreams had blinded you. Still, the whole thing seemed a little too ridiculous. Too dangerous. 
But there was no backing out now. You already went through the trouble of telling Bada about your desperation, and you told her that you trusted her. You'd have to commit. 
"Well," you whisper, hugging yourself in a soothing motion. "Here goes nothing."
You fidget within the plush confines of your seat, hesitantly glancing around your dimly lit surroundings as you twist a gleaming piece of silverware between your fingers. Your other hand remains in your lap, afraid to touch the red linen covering your table. Your gaze settles on a couple a few tables away from you, clinking their wine glasses together with pompous grins. It crosses your mind that the wine they're drinking is probably worth more than the money you're doing all of this for, and you make the executive decision to reach for the bottle of wine the woman sitting across from you generously bought. 
When you drop your fork to outstretch your hand toward the bottle, the woman in question seems to notice, hurriedly grabbing ahold of it before you can reach it, and pours the liquid into your glass, herself. 
"Thank you," you murmur, retracting your hand and finally allowing it to fall on the table. 
"No problem," Bada replies, her voice warm and velvety, like the wine. She pushes your drink toward you, and you hurriedly snatch it up to take a large gulp, allowing it to trickle down your throat. The heat of the alcohol soothes your anxiety, and you exhale deeply. 
Your relief lasts for approximately one millisecond. Because, in the next, you're putting your drink down and are being reminded of the predicament you've gotten yourself into. Bada's preoccupation with her menu gives you the chance to observe the way the soft glow emanating from a nearby lamp illuminates her features. The light traces the curves of her face, accentuating every perfect line. Her eyebrows furrow in concentration, compelling you to consider reaching over the table to smooth the lines over with your thumb. When you try to look away, your gaze locks on the pouting of her lips as she focuses on whatever she's reading. 
"I'm thinking of getting the Frutti Di Mare," she voices, snapping you out of your trance. She sets the menu down and looks up, a gentle smile on her face.
"I don't know what that is," you respond dumbly. 
She laughs, the sound light and airy, causing the skin near her eyes to wrinkle adorably. "I thought Italian was your favorite?"
"It is," you confirm, feeling flustered. "I just-the Italian places I go to are super watered down. The fanciest thing you'll see there is fettuccini alfredo,"
"That makes sense," Bada nods, her smile turning playful. "Then, I'll let you know what it is. It's basically seafood. I think it's usually served with pasta."
"Ah," you reply, nodding slowly. "Tasty."
Bada laughs again, and you feel like a scratched CD—unable to get any words out, twitching in place, devilish sounds threatening to enemate from you at any moment. "I'll make sure to order an extra portion for you to try. Unless, of course, you don't want me to."
"No, that works. I'm fine with that," you respond, quickly.
"I figured." Bada smiles knowingly.
Your hand clutches your chest. "Hey, is that a little shade? Did I miss it? Please, elaborate," you joke, leaning forward.
Bada giggles. "Maybe. You've been drinking a lot of that wine. And I think you ate most of the breadsticks."
You glance at your breadcrumb filled plate, then at the half-empty basket of breadsticks. "Oh. Wow. I did."
"You did," Bada affirms, her expression amused. She scoots her chair closer and takes a sip of her own drink, her tongue darting out to lick her lips once she's done. You have the overwhelming urge to mimic the motion, but resist, choosing to instead stuff another breadstick in your mouth.
You swallow the last bits of the breadstick, wiping the crumbs off of your mouth, only for a new, smaller, crumb to appear. Bada notices, and when she raises her arm, your breath hitches. You feel her soft hand graze the side of your face, the pad of her thumb rubbing the crumb off your lip.
"There we go," Bada smiles, satisfied. You can't help but lean into her touch, the warmth of her skin a pleasant contrast against the cold room.
You're startled out of the moment when the waiter appears, setting a basket of warm bread down. You jump, moving away from Bada.
"Have we decided what we'd like to eat?" he asks, his accent thick.
Bada nods, seemingly unaffected by the exchange. "Yes, we're ready. I'll have the Frutti di Mare."
"Great choice," the waiter says. "And, for you, miss?"
"Um, Spaghetti," you answer, your voice strained. 
The waiter scribbles down the order. "Anything else to drink?"
"I’m good, thank you," Bada answers, her tone sweet, smiling gratefully at the man.
"I'll be right back with your food," the waiter bows his head, his ponytail bouncing, and swiftly leaves the table, leaving the two of you alone. 
Avoiding eye contact with Bada, you grab ahold of your glass and drink. The air crackles with something subtle, and you find yourself stealing glances at Bada’s pretty face in between sips, your cheeks warming.
But you needed to get down to business. It’s already been two days since you discussed fake-dating, and this is the first time you’ve done anything together. The clock was ticking.
You placed your drink down on the table and swallowed loudly, causing Bada to stop fiddling with the napkin in front of her in favor of looking at you. 
"So," you start.
"So," she copies.
"What's the plan?" you ask, drumming your fingers against the table.
Bada's eyebrows furrow again. "The plan?"
"For the whole Cupid thing," you clarify.
"Oh," she says, blinking. "Right. Well, I was thinking, that this was sort of the plan."
"This being..."
"Dinner. At a fancy restaurant," she responds, gesturing to her surroundings. "People will see us hanging out together here, and it'll get the rumor mill running. I wouldn't be surprised if the media picked it up, honestly. I think it's a pretty solid first step. We're just planting the seeds,"
You nod. "Yeah, okay. That makes sense. How do we get from here to actually dating?"
She leans back in her chair, pondering the question. "Hm. I don't know. An Instagram post, maybe? A soft launch?"
You consider this. "Okay, sure. But, what would the picture be of? This is all so, vague."
Bada shrugs, nonchalant. "We'll figure it out as we go. We're gonna be spending a lot of time together for the next few days so there'll be plenty of opportunities for pictures. For now, I think we should just enjoy dinner. We're supposed to look like a couple in love right now and I don't know if trying to scientifically plan a soft launch is really giving romance."
"Right," you sigh. "Sorry."
"Don't apologize," Bada says, reaching across the table to give your hand a quick squeeze.
You're interrupted by the waiter returning, bringing the food. He carefully sets the dishes down, and a delectable smell fills the air.
"Bon appetit," the waiter bows his head and disappears again.
"Thanks," you call after him, taking a moment to observe the meal.
"It looks great," Bada comments, reaching for her fork.
"It does," you agree, grabbing your own utensils. You take a tentative bite, moaning loudly as the flavors immediately explode in your mouth. "Holy fuck."
Bada stares at you, wide-eyed and frozen, a piece of pasta still stuck on her fork.
You blush, covering your mouth. "Oh my gosh, sorry."
She gulps, snapping out of her stupor. "No, no, it's fine. That was just, a, uh. It seems like you really like it!"
"It's really good," you confirm, your words muffled by the food.
"I can tell," Bada chuckles, her voice low and her eyes twinkling.
"Sorry. I'm gonna try not to embarrass myself any more," you say, chewing more delicately.
She laughs softly. "There's no need to apologize. You're funny, y/n," Bada says, the sincerity of her words and the fondness in her tone making heat rise to your cheeks. 
You eat the rest of your food quietly, listening to the bustling noise around you, the sound of Bada's utensils clinking against her plate unusually relaxing.
As you're finishing your last bits of pasta, a group of loud voices and giggles pass by your table. One of the girls, a brunette, notices the two of you and stops.
"Oh, my god," you hear the girl not-so-discreetly whisper, clutching her friends' arms. "Is that who I think it is?"
You glance at Bada, and she's looking at you. You raise an eyebrow.
"Bada Lee and...I don't know who that is? Who is that?" The brunette's friend replies.
You look down, pretending not to hear the conversation.
"I don't know either. You think that's her girlfriend?"
"Girlfriend?! No way. They're probably just hanging out or something."
At this, Bada drops her fork and reaches across the table for your hand, grabbing it gently.
"You okay, baby?" Bada asks, her tone sugary sweet.
You're taken aback by the pet name. But, you decide to play along. You smile at her, placing your other hand over hers. "I'm fine, sweetie. Just a little tired."
"Do you wanna leave, honey?"
"I think I'll be fine," you grin.
"If you're sure," Bada smiles, stroking the back of your hand with her thumb.
"I'm positive, honey bunch," you affirm, biting onto your bottom lip to contain your laughter. 
"Aw, they're cute!" the brunette sighs. "I've gotta tell Sooyoung about this."
"Yeah, we should leave them alone, though. Let's go."
You and Bada watch the pair walk away. As soon as the women are out of sight, the two of you burst into laughter, dropping the facade.
"Did you see their faces?" Bada giggles.
"'Who is that?'" you imitate, your voice high pitched and nasal.
"Baby," Bada says, smirking. 
You laugh, but the endearment sends butterflies to your stomach. "Sweetie."
"Honey bunch," Bada grins.
"Honey bunny," you fire back.
"My love," she replies, tilting her head with a smirk, her voice playful. 
"Lovebug," you answer, raising an eyebrow.
"Is this foreplay?" she jokes, laughing. 
"I mean, if you want it to be, I'm not stopping you," you say, the words slipping out before you can stop yourself. Bada's eyes shoot up, and you feel slightly mortified and shocked by your own brazenness. 
"Do you mean that?" Bada asks, her voice dropping down an octave.
You open your mouth, then shut it. This is odd. You were regretting your lack of filter at first, but Bada seemed a bit too intrigued by the idea of consensual foreplay with you. She could just be joking, or really committing to the fake-dating bit. The look in her eyes was telling you otherwise, though.
However, you're cut off by the waiter reappearing. "May I interest you in dessert, or shall I bring the check?" he asks.
"Just the check, please," she says, not breaking eye contact with you.
The waiter bows, leaving the table once more.
You opt to stare down at the table. "I'll pay half," you offer, avoiding her earlier question.
"It's on me," Bada says. "I brought you here."
"Thank you."
"It's no problem," she says, a small smile on her lips.
Once the waiter comes back, Bada gives him her card. When he returns to your table with the receipt, Bada locks eyes with you, your heart thumping loudly.
"Let's get out of here," Bada says, and you nod.
You stand at the entrance of the restaurant, a gentle breeze caressing your face. Your hands are stuffed in the pockets of your coat, and the chilly air nips at the tip of your nose.
"Are you ready?" Bada asks from behind you. You turn around to look at her, and the way her eyes reflect the light of the streetlamps above you causes your chest to tighten.
"Ready," you confirm, a hint of a smile on your face.
"Alright," Bada says, shoving her phone, which you don't remember seeing her pull out, into her coat pocket. She leads you to her car, opening the passenger seat door for you.
"Thanks," you smile, and she responds with a nod. 
After the door is closed, she goes around to the driver's seat, starting the engine and driving out of the parking lot. You're both silent as she navigates through the streets. You peer out the window, watching the city lights flicker and blur as you replay tonight's events, attempting to ignore the now obvious tension. 
"So," Bada breaks the silence, causing you to whip your head toward her. "You still haven't fully explained to me what plans you have in mind for that camera you're wanting so badly."
"Well," you begin, relieved that she took the conversation in this direction. "I love what I do at JustJerk. Seriously, watching you guys dance is amazing, and the people are the best. But, I don't want my career to end there. I want to do more on top of that, diversify my portfolio and all. What I really want to do is get onto a music video set. Maybe start directing, too. One day."
Bada hums and smiles. "That's amazing."
"Thanks," you grin, scratching the back of your neck.
"With all due respect, though, do you really need the new equipment for that? You do such a good job with our choreography videos. I don't know anything about videography, but I'd be surprised if that alone couldn't get your foot in the door."
"Well," you draw out, considering your words. "That's probably true. But, I don't think I'm that lucky. The equipment will help, the camera will be useful...the lenses will be nice to have…”
Bada frowns. "Have you given it a shot yet, though? As much as I'm going to try my hardest to help you win this money, realistically, there's a good chance that we still won't win. I'd hate to see you postpone your dreams just because of this camera, or because of this project."
You pause, staring at the car's interior, listening to the sound of the engine running, lost in thought. You weren't sure if it was because you admired Bada so much, or if it was something about her tone, but you were actually starting to rethink things. Perhaps you were holding yourself back a bit. 
"Maybe," you simply respond, unable to say much else. 
"I mean, the equipment will probably help," Bada concedes. "But, not having it won't stop you, I'm sure. Our videographers really don't get enough credit. But, you're all great and you're especially amazing at what you do, y/n. The only reason why I haven't gotten around to working with you is because the other dancers keep getting to you first," she admits, bitterly. 
"Wow," you breathe. "Thank you."
"Of course. You're awesome," she says, the confidence in her words filling your heart.
"So are you," you say, turning away from her, trying not to blush.
"I know. You’ve said it already," Bada smirks, and you simply roll your eyes. 
A more comfortable silence envelops the two of you, and the tension from before dissipates. You lean back in the passenger seat, a smile on your face, feeling content.
Soon, Bada pulls up outside of your apartment, and you're disappointed. 
"This is you," Bada announces.
"Yep," you nod.
"I had a lot of fun tonight," she says, smiling.
"Me too," you reply with a matching smile. "Thank you for dinner."
"It was no problem," she states, waving her hand.
You step outside, but, before closing the car door, you hesitate. "Um," you say, unsure.
"What is it?" Bada asks, a hint of worry in her tone.
"Can I give you a hug?" you blurt out.
Bada looks startled, but her expression softens. "Sure," she nods, turning the engine off and stepping outside.
You meet her on the sidewalk, and pull her into a hug, wrapping your arms around her torso and pressing your cheek against her chest. She hugs back, and you swear that you can hear her heartbeat.
"Goodnight," Bada whispers into your hair.
"Goodnight," you echo, pulling away, already missing her warmth.
She opens the car door again, ducking inside. "Text me when you get upstairs," she instructs.
"I will," you promise.
"Great. Goodnight, y/n," she smiles.
"Goodnight, Bada," you reply, watching her drive away. Once her car disappears, you sigh.
As you trudge up the stairs to your apartment, a single question repeats in your mind: What the fuck am I doing?
You finish cleaning up and getting ready for bed approximately two hours later. As you lay in bed, scrolling through social media, a post from a JustJerk fanpage catches your eye. It's a picture of Bada and you together at dinner, with the caption, "Caught on a date?!"
You laugh at the predictability of the situation, and just as you're about to turn off your phone, you think to check Bada's Instagram, curious. She posted a new story.
You tap it, and it's a picture of you, taken from behind, standing outside the restaurant. There are no words attached to the picture. Just one, pink heart.
You smile, saving the picture, and fall asleep with the image burned into your mind.
Three days later, you are stationed near your camera, watching Bada teach. The day after your fake dinner date, she sent you a text describing the next stage of the plan, which was attending each other's events and collaborating in public whenever it seemed right. This initially felt like an excellent idea. You'd been dying to watch and record one of Bada's classes since you started working at JustJerk, and it brought you guys one step closer to convincing everyone you were seriously dating. What could go wrong?
The actual execution of this idea turned out to be much more distressing than you previously imagined. It started this morning when you were filming Minho's class. You kneeled in the front of the room, prepping your camera as Minho made rounds around the studio to talk to his students individually. Engrossed with your equipment, you didn't hear the sounds of the door opening and closing, or the following eruption of loud murmuring. It was not until you saw a pair of sneakers stop in front of you and caught a whiff of a now-familiar sweet aroma, that you bothered to glance up. When you did, you found yourself making eye contact with Bada, holding a bouquet.
"These are for you," Bada said, a proud smile on her face. 
Your jaw dropped and you scrambled to get up, almost knocking the camera over. They were roses, vibrant and beautiful against the dull gray of the dance studio. No one had done this for you before. 
"They're gorgeous," you whispered, accepting the flowers.
"I'm glad you think so," she replied, her smile deepening as she observed your reaction. You cradled the bouquet in your hands, inhaling the smell of the roses with a pleased hum and missing the endeared expression on Bada's face. You certainly didn’t see the way she started to lean forward to press a soft kiss to your forehead. Shocked, you loosened your grip on the bouquet, feeling nothing but the rush of warmth spread through every inch of you as a result of her tiny peck. 
She shifted back, as relaxed as ever. "I gotta go, but I'll see you later?" 
"Definitely," you nod, clutching the bouquet once again, head spinning.
"Great." She nodded, then made her way out of the studio.
After she left, you turned to face the room, only to be met with everyone’s staring. Right. That is what this is about. Getting attention. Nothing else. 
You glanced at Minho, who had a teasing smirk on his face.
"What?" you asked him, scowling. 
"Nothing," he laughed, then restarted his class. 
Now you are recording Bada's class. Or at least, that’s what you’re supposed to be doing. But, having to observe her so confidently lead her students through a routine, hearing her call out corrections with a simultaneously gentle yet demanding tone, noticing how hard her abs are when she lifts her shirt to wipe the sweat from her brow for the last hour? It's been painful. You're so busy trying not to swoon you've nearly forgotten to press record a couple of times.
She suddenly looks at you, flashing a small smile at you accompanied by crinkling eyes. You give her a thumbs-up and quickly shift your gaze toward the camera as if you were busy setting the frame, even though the shot is already perfect.
Bada returns her focus to the class, and the lesson continues. Every once in a while, Bada walks over to you, checking in and asking how everything is going. Each time, she offers a smile, a wink, or some form of encouragement, and every time, it takes everything in your power not to blush. She's clearly playing it up for the audience, but the effect she has on you is no act.
Her students are buying it, though. The moment she gets near you, the girls (and a few guys) start whispering amongst themselves. It's working.
"Alright," Bada claps, signaling the end of the session. "That's it for today. Good job, everybody."
"Thank you, teacher!" they all exclaim, bowing and gathering their things.
You're packing up your camera when you feel a pair of hands grasp your waist. Startled, you drop your tripod.
"Gotcha," Bada giggles.
"Shit, that scared me," you say, placing a hand on your heart.
"Sorry, sorry," she laughs. "How'd the recording go?"
"Pretty good," you say, bending down to pick up the tripod. Bada immediately crouches, beating you to it. "Thank you."
"No problem" she says, straightening up, extending the tripod towards you.
"Thanks," you say again, taking the device from her. "Anyway, you did good. It's not going to need much editing."
"Really?" Bada smiles. "Thank you. That means a lot, actually."
"It’s no problem," you grin, suppressing the fluttering in your stomach. "And, uh, thanks again for the flowers, by the way. They were beautiful."
“You are very welcome. Just fulfilling my fake-girlfriend duties," Bada beams, and you have to look away.
"Well, anyway, I should probably head home," you say, avoiding eye contact. "Gotta get started on the footage."
She tilts her head. "Uh, I don’t think so. That’s gonna have to wait for tomorrow,” 
"Huh? Why?" you ask, confused.
"Because, y/n, we're going bowling with Youngj and them? Don't tell me you forgot," she chides, raising an eyebrow.
"Oh," you say, remembering. "I thought that was supposed to be later."
"It's 7:30," she says, a slight frown on her face.
"Fuck," you curse, running a hand through your hair. "Sorry, I'll get out of here."
"We have to go there together," Bada reminds you.
"Shit. Okay, yeah, let's go," you sigh.
"Are you okay?" she asks, concern etched onto her features.
"Yes. No. Ugh. Sorry, I just had a lot on my mind today. Didn't get much sleep," you say, rubbing your eyes. It wasn’t a complete lie. Ever since your date at the restaurant, you’ve been getting bombarded with messages from friends asking about the two of you, giving you little time to rest alongside your work for Justjerk. There was more going on today, though. 
"That sucks," Bada sympathizes. "Do you wanna talk about it?"
"Not really," you answer, bluntly.
"Okay," she says, softly. "But, if and when you do, I’m all ears."
"Thanks, Bada. I appreciate it," you reply, and a part of you is telling yourself not to get attached. But the bigger part of you, the part that wants nothing more than to fall into her arms, tells that smaller part to fuck off.
"Of course. Anyway, we should really get going," she says, and you follow her out the door, leaving your thoughts and feelings behind.
read part two
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bby-bo · 1 year
When The Boss Comes Knocking
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the following is a CEO!Sakusa fic that landed somewhere between sfw and sorta nsfw, but its kiyoomi and he just makes my brain go buzz in every situation so i just couldn’t help it 
Part 2
Summary: You dated Sakusa in high school but went your separate ways after graduation. Turns out he missed you much more than he let on. 
Warnings: none, just kiyoomi being hot. use of “sweetheart” and “baby”
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Sakusa Kiyoomi always has been and will always be the man of your dreams. Tall and broad shouldered, even in his high school years he was the pinnacle of your existence, and all you wanted was to be near him. Your wishes were granted for only a brief period of time when you finally dated in your junior year, but your Kiyoomi was ripped away from you when his family decided he needed to start preparing to take over the business.
The Sakusa Group was well known and respected for their acquisition of many successful start-ups, but details of their business dealings were always very secretive. And the company had only grown and expanded since Kiyoomi became CEO at just a mere 25 years old- not that you were stalking the Sakusa Group’s movements in your free time or anything.
When the two of you broke up he had encouraged you to “follow your own dreams”, and made sure to mention he would be extremely busy in the years after graduating high school.  You had received the underlying message loud and clear. He wanted to be left alone and didn’t want a girl from a regular family ruining his image when he entered the executive world. Your heart was shattered, but that didn’t stop you from missing Kiyoomi dearly even years later. The hugs that completely enveloped your frame and the scent of his light cologne, the one he brought you to pick out for him on his birthday. The rasp of his deep voice and how its sound had burrowed into the back of your brain, the memories of random things he once said to you popping to the forefront of your mind haphazardly throughout your days.
You had done as he said, and moved to the city to become an author as you always dreamed. Actually, you were pretty successful in the romance industry and even though you only had a handful of books published, your fanbase was so dedicated and charismatic. In your single year of dating Kiyoomi you had amassed a lifetime’s worth of romantic material, and between your real life experiences with him and the melancholy fantasies that kept you up at night nowadays, you had lots of inspiration. Although, even you were prone to the classically dreaded writer’s block.
Today was just a regular Tuesday morning in the office, where you preferred to write when you were stuck in a rut. Unfortunately, the coffee mug on your desk was not bringing the inspiration that you wanted and you glared at the last sip, willing some piece of creativity to be hiding inside as you downed it. Nothing. Loosening a sigh, you dropped your head into your hands just as a knock rapped on the door. Without lifting your head you greeted the visitor, already knowing who was on the other side.
“Come in!”
“How’s it coming? Anything I can get you right now?” It was the sweet front desk girl, Josie, checking in on you. Again. 
“Unless you can write in my place, there’s not much you can do for me i'm afraid” Josie meant well, but her insistent interruptions certainly were not helping your workflow, and this was the third time within 30 minutes she’s asked if you needed anything.
“Okie dokie, I’ll check back later then! Keep at it! ” 
“Oh, you don’t have to-” She was off with a wave without hearing your response, the door slamming behind her. With another sigh, your head dropped back into your hands, frustration building. 
Not 5 minutes later, there was another knock at the door. But this time the door opened before you could respond.
“Holy shit, Josie i’m really fine I swear- K-Kiyoomi???” You burst from your seat in surprise, your eyes all but popping out of your head.
And there he was, like a fever dream come to life, standing in the doorframe. His handsome face tilted to the side slightly, a smirk pulling across his lips.
“There you are, I’ve been looking for you” His voice had gotten deeper since the last time you spoke. His hair a little longer, his chest a bit stronger. But his eyes remained the same, that dark gaze enticing you and melting you down with just a look.
“W-what are you doing here? How did you-? What is this??” 
As much as you wanted to cave and run straight into his arms, you vividly recalled your last conversation with Sakusa. Not Kiyoomi. He had corrected you so coldly before parting, saying “you should call me by last name from now on, otherwise people may get confused”. As if it would be bad if people mistakenly thought you were still dating. As if to push you that much further away. Your confusion only grew as you looked at him now, unsure of his motives for being here. 
“Came to scope out a new prospect. I sent an executive to meet with your publishing house’s CEO last week” His smirk widened as he took deliberately slow steps into the room, sleek confidence dripping from him. 
That's right, your boss had mentioned that your little publishing house had been recently approached by a huge parent company with an amazing offer, but as far as you knew nothing had been made official. And you certainly had no clue that said parent company was the Sakusa Group. The realization settled in, and the frustration you felt earlier was starting to bubble up again. 
All of a sudden he was in your space, sleek black button-up shirt in your direct line of sight. What was his goal here? Certainly this has nothing to do with you? Right. Exactly. He claimed he was here for business. Then why..??
Long fingers gripped your chin, thumb tugging your bottom lip from between your teeth where you nervously chewed it. 
“Where did you pick up this bad habit? And when are you planning on acknowledging me properly?” Your heart dropped to your stomach. His firm grip brought your face to look up at his, a little too close for comfort. Kiyoomi’s smirk tilted into a small frown, an admonishing look starting to grow.
“Of course sir, I apologize. Good morning Mr. Sakusa.” Backing out of his hold, you bowed in respect. Of course he was here for just business. 
This only seemed to irritate him further though, and when you rose from your greeting he took another step closer. You may as well have been toe to toe now. 
“Since when do you address me that way?” His eyes were too intense, and you could feel the memories of your past relationship coming up in your mind, emotion nearly overwhelming you before you swallowed it down.
“I’m not sure what you mean sir, it would be improper for me to address you otherwise” 
If he was irritated before, then he was surely pissed off now. 
His hands gripped your shoulders, roughly pushing you back against your desk before planting his palms on either side, caging you in. 
“Why won’t you look at me, hm? It’s disrespectful to ignore your superior sweetheart” Shit. That voice had you in a vice grip and he knew it. He was using it to his advantage. 
“I was unaware you would be my business superior until a minute ago, forgive me sir” How long will your legs hold up before melting completely?
“Seems like something is bothering you. You don’t like the idea of working with me? Or maybe you don’t like the idea of me being your boss? Sweetheart, I hope you realize I know you’ve been writing about me.” 
“No! No thats not-!” Your head shot up in a rush to disagree, or maybe to explain. Either way, you immediately realized your mistake and you were silenced once more. The tip of your nose brushed his, and his breath brushed your lips in an intimate greeting, as if to say “hey, i missed you”. 
His mock irritation melted away, the smirk returning once more. You fell into the trap too easily.
Most people knew Sakusa to be the cool and straightforward man he showed to the world, but when you dated in high school he quickly shattered this image. Though he certainly preferred to stay away from crowds and strangers, he was still human after all, and loved to be in your personal space whenever he got you alone. He had always enjoyed making you blush and stutter, thriving off the knowledge that he could affect you so deeply. Clearly, he still enjoyed that feeling. 
But you were not a toy, and he was interrupting your work day. And how dare he just come back into your life after throwing you aside for so many years?! Absolutely not, you refused to be disrespected this way. Your hands came to his chest, giving him a solid (and completely ineffective) shove.
“No. This is not professional Mr. Sakusa-!” 
Sakusa didn’t back up a single inch. Instead he gripped your face, long fingers pinching into your cheeks slightly. Your breath caught in your throat, previous arguments completely obliterated.
“Stop. Saying. No. Now answer me. Since when do you call me by my last name? You’re purposely not answering my question” 
When you took a breath in you caught the scent of his cologne, and it was the same one you picked out for him in high school. He still wore it. Every single thought emptied out of your head, except for the recognition of how close he was to you, and where he was touching you. 
“Say it.”
“Say it like you mean it, baby.”
“Kiyoomi.” A smile broke out as his name fell from your mouth a second time.
“That’s my girl, just as pretty as ever. I missed you so bad sweetheart, I’ve been looking for you in the city for some time now. And don't worry, I’ll make up for lost time, so don’t push me away.” 
His second hand came up to the back of your head, tugging you back by your hair and bringing your mouth to his. But he didn’t kiss you, he denied you the pleasure, only speaking against your lips. You let him do as he pleased, no longer able to deny how much you missed him. Missed this. 
“Look at you with your hair so grown out now.”
“Do you like it?”
“I love everything about you.” He moved to plant a firm kiss to both of your cheeks, and to your disappointment he slowly released his hands from your face and hair. 
“The Sakusa Group will officially be in ownership of your publisher by the end of the week. You’ll be seeing a lot more of me, so get used to it sweetheart.” He offered no further explanations or goodbyes, and he left your office with only your disheveled and flustered state to prove that he had really been there at all. 
You made absolutely zero progress on your writing the rest of the morning and afternoon, but when you returned the next day ready for another day of failure, you opened the door to see your office transformed into a florist. 
There were flowers on every single surface, completely covering your desk and the floor. There were roses of every shade, along with tulips, orchids, and other kinds of flowers you had never even seen before. Each bouquet was bursting with color and life, wrapped in silk ribbons and set in gorgeous porcelain vases that looked absolutely priceless.  There was only a small path left open for you to walk to your desk seat, and on your keyboard was a note. 
“A flower for every occasion I missed. And more just because.” 
Your hand came up to your mouth, tears already welling up in your eyes. You looked to the bottom, and saw he signed the note,
“Always Yours, Kiyoomi”
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jo-harrington · 4 months
Leave of Absence (Eddie Munson x Store Manager!Reader)
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: Eddie has royally fucked everything up and he needs to fix it. But after an unexpected emergency back home, he steps up to be there for Reader, just like she's always there for him.
Previous Part: Standard Operating Procedures 1.05
Warnings/Themes: AU where the Upside Down doesn't terrorize Hawkins. Reader works at the Claire's at StarCourt. Eddie works at TapeWorld. Slow burn, mutual pining, angsty, emotional, fluffy, family problems, death in the family, loss, grief, pain and comfort, road trip, avoidance of feelings, Minor religious themes, mention of Catholic Church/Reader's family is Catholic but no overarching catholicism (that's what my other story is for)
Note: Woof ok this was an uphill battle FOR A YEAR. I'm gonna say the reason that Store Manager Verse exists in its present form is because of THIS CHAPTER RIGHT HERE. Before I could bring my two silly babies here to this moment, they needed to have some serious foundations laid down. Is it the best chapter? Probably not. But I'm incredibly happy that it's here and it's done.
You can find my masterlist here for more featuring our resident Store Manager and all of my other Eddie stories.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
He was nervous.
Of course he was nervous.
And what did he do when he was nervous? He talked.
"Hey now, I'm wounded," Eddie laid a hand across his chest, trying to keep the cool guy exterior. "Calling me a freak? Did I or did I not just help you with that flat tire last week?"
He was surprised when Stacey paused, a barb surely caught on the end of her tongue. She even looked a little embarrassed for a moment before her own frosty expression returned and she had the decency to look down her nose at him.
Sticking to the status quo.
"I know you're trying to put my boss under a love spell or hypnosis or something," she rolled her eyes. "So don't act like you would have helped any other time if she hadn't asked. Gotta keep her buttered up so you can get in her pants. Gag."
The typical stab of insult was welcome; the rest of it...wasn't. Not when it came to you. Not after what happened on Sunday. Not when he was nervous.
What started out as a normal night for the two of you had quickly become a nightmare. For him at least.
Well...it had been a dream at first. Hanging out. Food, laughter, music; it was nothing out of the norm for a Sunday night together. But then he had to go and suggest a little weed, where you had some kind of...bad reaction. To try and get your mind off the panic that had quickly taken over your body...he'd done the first thing that came to mind.
The only thing that came to mind lately when you were around.
He kissed you.
And he kept kissing you because you hadn't pushed him away. In fact, you’d kissed him harder.
For minutes or hours, he couldn't quite tell, he was overjoyed and he basked in being surrounded by you, in finding pleasure with you.
Finding pleasure. God, there was that poet's heart Mrs. Mills always told him he had. Almost fucking. Grinding one out on his couch. But yeah...finding pleasure worked too. Because it wasn't just a meaningless romp; he was kind of crazy about you, so of course it was gonna be special. Poetic.
How long had he been on the edge about confessing his feelings and ruining your friendship? He was the only one to blame when it came to keeping his mouth shut; Kyle had been telling him to just ask you out and plant one on you forever. And then Eddie did and it was perfect.
Until it wasn't. Until Wayne came home and Eddie had seen the panic and the fear and the...realization in your eyes, and he knew how badly he'd fucked up. Let alone the fact that you immediately ran away.
You’d been avoiding him for a few days. “Avoiding him,” as though school and work hadn't been putting you on opposite schedules. Still, there were no phone calls. No waiting to take your breaks with him. Only awkward glances as he passed your store on the way to start his shift, or a strained smile as you passed each other in the parking lot as he was coming and you were going.
And now Stacey was…being Stacey.
Had you told her? Complained about him? Made it known to your employees that the two of you had made a huge mistake.
No you would never…
Still, his nerves got the better of him and although he didn’t want to seem desperate, especially around Stacey of all people, he was.
"...did she say that or..." He paused and shook his head. "Where is your boss anyway? She’s supposed to close tonight right?”
Stacey looked a little unsure again and this time it made his stomach turn.
People were usually nervous around Eddie, but he had grown plenty used to that reaction from a wide array of classmates and neighbors.
Once again, when it came to you, especially given the circumstances, things were different. Maybe that's what was happening here? Maybe Stacey knew something he didn't, and you'd told her not to say anything so you could let him down easily.
Eddie was generally a level-headed guy but sometimes...sometimes...it didn't matter if he had a level head because the entire world was tipping on its side.
Who had you told? Stacey for sure...maybe Chrissy? Chrissy always avoided him at school thanks to his resident freak status, Starcourt Mall be damned. What about Mindy? Mindy was your only other confidante outside of him; what did she know? Had she convinced you to...to what? Dump him as a friend? Take the time you needed to avoid him? Somewhere between Sunday and today, had you finally come to the realization that he had been dreading all along. That he wasn't worth your time?
"Um, yeah,” Stacey finally replied and Eddie blinked himself back to reality. She picked at her cuticles and avoided his eyes. Never a good sign. “Well she was supposed to but Mindy was here when I clocked in. She's sick or something, I don't know. Mindy wouldn't say exactly...but she never calls out so..."
“Well where’s Mindy now?” he asked, almost desperately.
“She’s finishing up her break in the back,” she explained with a nod. “I can go see if she’s done.”
She disappeared into the stockroom, leaving him alone in the store.
He was unsure how to feel. Relief coursed through him; you weren’t avoiding him, you were simply not here. But on the other hand, what if you weren't here because you were avoiding him?
What if Stacey didn't know anything but Mindy did. Because no, you never called off. Ever. A fact that you had told him when he suggested playing hooky one busy Saturday when you were overwhelmed by a never-ending mid shift.
“I never leave early. I never take a sick day.”
“Well, shit, did you have perfect attendance in school too?”
“Uhm,” you hesitated, biting your lip naughtily. “I’m not at will to say.”
“Oh, you bad girl.”
"If it isn't our resident Van Halen impersonator," Mindy greeted as she walked out of the stockroom. Her usual sing-songs mom voice replaced by a gentler one as she smiled at him solemnly. "She's taking a few sick days. Should be back in time for your night out on Sunday, I hope."
"She's sick?" Eddie asked skeptically. "Wasn’t she here yesterday, she looked fi--"
"Why don't you give her a call," she insisted. She glanced over to the stock room door and as Eddie tracked her gaze, he saw Stacey eavesdropping. "Actually I was gonna stop by after work. Why don't you go? That way it's not a game of telephone.
"I'm sure she could really use a friend right now."
Eddie had never been inside of your apartment before.
He knew where you lived, sure; he'd dropped you off or picked you up a few times, especially once the two of you started planning dates outings outside of the usual Sundays. He'd never even rang the bell, if he was being honest. You usually watched out the window eagerly when you were expecting him to arrive.
The realization hit him as he stood there at the little residential door between the bakery and the furniture store, staring at your name on a little Dymo punch label next to the buzzer that he'd just jammed his finger into, and it filled him with doubt.
You'd been to the trailer a few times. Seen all of his favorite places, tried all of his favorite foods. Listened patiently to his insecurities and issues. Still, you seemed to keep him at arms length, if he didn't even know what your apartment looked like; did you have posters on the walls or pictures of your family? What color was your couch? Or the towels in your bathroom?
He knew so much about you but did he really know you, and did you even want him to?
The door buzzed open and Eddie took the stairs up to your landing two at a time, all the while worrying and overthinking: You weren't expecting him and he was beginning to doubt that you even wanted him here in the first place. Sure, Mindy told him to go over...but was this taking it a step too far?
He started preparing an apology as he closed the final few distance to your door and it swung open--
"I'm sorry I fucked up, I didn't mean to break your trust. I'll do anything...anything...if you'll just forgive me. If you just give me another chance."
--and he saw the sorry state you were in.
Hair and clothes mussed, eyes bloodshot and puffy, a bundle of black fabric clenched tightly in your hands; the shine of tears and snot was accentuated by the incandescent lights in the hallway.
"Eddie," you whispered in a strained, broken voice, then you dropped the fabric to cross the threshold of your apartment and bury your face into his shirt. He panicked for a moment, arms held uselessly at his sides as your tears penetrated the worn fabric at his shoulder, but he quickly engulfed you in a hug.
"I'm sorry," you both spoke over one another, then you pulled back and stared him straight in the eye. "You're sorry? I'm sorry."
"No," you shook your head. "I'm sorry. I...I should have done better, I shouldn't have--"
"I crossed a line and I ruined our friendship and--"
You both continued talking over one another, each half-listening to what the other had to say as you got your own apologies out, until you both synced back up again.
"I fucked up and I'm sorry."
Your shoulders and chests heaved from the cacophony of emotion and a tense laugh was shared between the two of you. Then Eddie came to a realization.
"If you're sorry..." he frowned and let his eyes rake over you again. "If you thought that you hurt or scared me--which you didn't, by the way. It was...it was me, my mistake--why are you crying?"
You worried your lip for a second and a lone tear escaped your eye and trailed down your cheek; his hand immediately came up so he could thumb it away.
"Mindy told me you were sick," he muttered, taking advantage of the proximity to be a little gentler, a little smaller than he was used to being, so you could put your trust in him again. "What happened?"
"Uhm..." you croaked. "I'm not sick. I'm just taking a few sick days. Bereavement days...actually. Little leave of absence. Just through the end of the weekend."
The word was distantly familiar to him; the memories, though, would stay with him forever. Rick picking him up from school, a phone call from Wayne to his boss. An appointment for all three of them to get suits rented...and then some flowers ordered. Shiny shoes that he could see his teary-eyed reflection in.
He swallowed painfully and watched you do the same as you prepared your confession.
"My...uh...my grandpa died last night."
And before he knew it, it was 12 hours later. 12 hours that he spent relatively quietly.
He let you fill the silence; let you talk and cry, only opening his mouth to comfort you when the realization hit again and it got to be too much.
He helped you pack your bag for the trip back home. That was when your grief finally turned into anger.
Towards your family. Towards yourself.
"I feel like it's my fault," you sighed as you showed him how to find a pair of tights that didn’t have runs in them, whatever that meant. "I was the only one who took care of him. Doctor's appointments, took him on walks, made sure he didn't have the food he wasn't supposed to. The works. And I left. It's my fault he's gone. At least, that's the way Michael made it sound on the phone."
Eddie almost didn't catch the last part, said under your breath as you stuffed a shiny pair of shoes into your duffel bag, but he did. He wasn't going to let you do this to yourself; how many times over the years had he questioned how he might have been able to keep his mom from dying? On those days where he needed her most. He knew he couldn't stop you from those thoughts, at least not now but he could do his best to fight them away until you could do it yourself.
"Michael," he spoke up, startling you with the realization that he heard. "That's your brother right?"
"Older brother," you nodded slowly.
"Sounds like a shithead."
"Yeah," you let out the briefest laugh and then fiddled with the zipper tab. "He kind of is."
You complained about perfect Michael and his perfect life until your stomach rumbled and Eddie offered to order dinner for the two of you. When you mentioned that you hadn't eaten all day, he made sure you had more than your fill of beef lo mein and garlic string beans as Monty Hall played on the television.
At a certain point, your takeout carton made it to the coffee table and you started to doze off as your head rested on his shoulder. It was a relief, but only for a second, because you startled back awake and dumped all the clothes out of your bag again.
"I didn't pack the right dress," you muttered. "Aunt Amelia's gonna say something about it. I just know."
So Eddie stayed up with you all night as you packed and unpacked and packed again, uncaring that he had school in the morning or Hellfire that night. Fuck it all. It didn’t matter. None of the doubts and self-hatred and worry that had plagued him all week since Sunday night even crossed his mind. All that he worried about was making sure you weren't alone.
When dawn came, and you tiredly tried to wave him out of your apartment so that he could get ready for class and you could hit the road, he pulled you into his arms and just...held you.
He closed his eyes and rocked you back and forth as you hummed softly and gripped the back of his t-shirt tightly beneath his jacket.
He thought of all the things that he could say in that moment...
Drive safe, call me tonight so I know you got there, I'm sorry, take it easy on yourself, it's not your fault.
...but none of them were able to fall from his lips.
"Welp," you sighed. "This is it."
But neither of you moved.
"Thank you for coming over Eddie. I really really appreciate it."
Still nothing. No forward momentum, no motivation to move on to the rest of the day without one another, no reassuring words from him to give you the strength you needed to go forth alone, and no will for him to leave you.
You'd both be ready when you were ready, it seemed.
But as you finally pulled away from him, and he thought about you getting in your car and driving for what might be one of the toughest weekends of your life, all he managed to say...
"Why don't I come with you? I know it's not a road trip or fun or anything. I know I have school and work but...fuck it. We can stop at the trailer, I'll leave a note for Wayne and grab the nicest clothes I own, and...I'll come with you. I just...I don't want you doing this all alone."
...resulted in him sitting in the passenger's seat of your car for 5 hours as you zoomed down the highway away from his whole life in Indiana to the great unknown of Chicago.
You talked for a majority of the drive.
Eddie already knew some things about your family—strict parents, pesky brothers, too many cousins than he could keep track of—but you seemed to want to prepare him because he would effectively meet all of them.
"Big Catholic family and a funeral," you glanced at him from the corner of your eye and shot a tense smile. “It's a lot. You sure you still want to come?”
You’d done that throughout the drive too, asked him if he was sure he wanted to come with you. He’d joked several times already that you’d have to leave him on the side of the road, which you wouldn’t, or turn back altogether if he chickened out.
Besides, he already called Jeff when you stopped at his place to let him grab some clothes, and canceled Hellfire; he wouldn’t chicken out for anything. He needed to be here for you.
If he was being honest, yes he was nervous. He hadn’t met any girlfriends' families before or anything, and this whole situation wasn’t exactly the way he’d ever imagined meeting yours. As you crossed the state border into Illinois, though, your breath got shallow and your hands gripped the steering wheel a little tighter, and Eddie wondered if you were looking for a way out because you never wanted the two parts of your life—family and friends—to clash.
“I don’t, uh,” he scratched the back of his neck nervously. “I know I’m not someone that…families approve of or anything, if that's why you keep asking if I want to be here.”
"It's not that--" you tried to interject.
"And I know we're not dating or anything but..." he trailed off awkwardly and then cleared his throat.
Well that was one way of sticking his foot in his mouth.
Your head was half turned towards him, jaw dropped, eyes darting back and forth from the road to him.
The thought of opening the car door and bailing as you zoomed down the highway briefly crossed his mind because he fucked up. Why would he say something like that? It was because he was a big dingus, actually, the biggest.
"Uh, Eddie listen--"
"No," he interrupted you again. "Sweetheart I'm sorry, that's...that wasn't fair of me. I didn't mean...I just..."
"No it's ok, we should ta--"
"I just thought that...I know I pretty much intruded on this trip, but I wanted to be here for you. But if me being here is gonna cause more problems for you...I mean damn, I don't mind taking a Greyhound back to Hawkins even. But more than anything, I want to make sure you're alright."
He nervously picked at the loose threads on the holes at his knees and was surprised when you took a hand off the steering wheel and grabbed his.
"Do you know," you whispered, voice barely audible. "I think I would have turned back by now if I tried to come alone. Michael on the phone...god I don't know how my dad's gonna be...or my aunt. I don't want to have to deal with all of that. But I know I need to be there...it's for my Papa, I have to be there.
"It's hard to go home when you've moved someplace else. When you've started to find home somewhere else. And I wasn't gonna say anything. I wasn't gonna ask you--it's too much to ask--but I secretly kind of hoped that you would ask to come along. And I'll never be able to really thank you, Eddie, for wanting to be here. For me.
"But thank you," you shot him a smile and squeezed his hand tightly.
He swallowed thickly and squeezed right back.
"I'll be here for as long as you need me to be, sweetheart. As long as you want me to be."
The weekend was a whirlwind, and honestly, Eddie knew he wasn't going to be able to make heads or tails of it until the two of you got home on Sunday night.
The first surprise, shortly after your heartfelt moment in the car, was the fact that you didn't actually live in Chicago. You'd been approaching the city on I-90, you even pointed out the Sears Tower to him. Then you got on an exit and drove for another 20 minutes down North Avenue.
"I feel like I've been lied to," he sniffed petulantly.
"I told you I'm from the suburbs before," you chuckled at his antics. "And it might as well be Chicago, it's all Cook County."
"We're not even driving North, how is this North Avenue?"
"We don't have time for a history lesson, we'll be there soon."
Still, it was exciting. Not exactly what he pictured in his head from watching shows on TV or seeing news reels about the city, but nonetheless different from what he was used to in Hawkins and that was the part he liked.
At a certain point, you reached a stretch of road that featured certain destinations that would live in Eddie's imagination until he could ask you about them--KiddieLand Amusement Park, Riviera Lanes, and Winston Plaza--and Eddie noticed your hands started to shake.
"You ok? There's plenty of places to pull over," he suggested. "I can drive the rest of the way."
"No it's ok," you said and swung a left-hand turn onto a residential street with houses that sort-of all looked the same, sort-of all looked different. "We're here."
You parked on the street in front of a house that you noted belonged to your aunt, and then led him down a narrow sidewalk to the backyard of the neighboring house, where a kid gangly enough to rival Mike Wheeler sat in a plastic lawn chair with headphones on, arms crossed over his chest, and his eyes closed.
"Jimmy," you called to him and then kicked his foot. "Jimmy. James Joseph, wake up."
"I'm awake," he startled, knocked the headphones down so they sat around his neck, and stood up. Even with one hand rubbing his eye, your brother's resemblance to you was obvious, and a sense of dread washed over Eddie.
And so it began...meeting your family.
Jimmy was probably the best introduction of them all--there was an ease between the two of you, even with the snide jabs and banter back and forth--and that extended to Eddie. Especially when Jimmy realized that he and Eddie were wearing the same shirt.
"Don't let him fool you, he's a dweeb," you announced when Jimmy got excited over a shared love for Judas Priest, and Eddie hoped you meant your brother, but he couldn't be too sure you weren't referring to him.
There was a brief respite as you both rested for a minute, changed clothes, and ate a plate of some sort of casserole from the packed shelves of the avocado fridge in your grandpa's kitchen. Then it was an onslaught, a domino effect of faces and names that gradually got more important as you got back into the car to head towards the funeral home.
A sea of strange faces that smiled and hugged you and then looked over at Eddie in question, but not in an unwelcome way, and he was glad he'd pilfered a black scrunchie from your bag to tie his hair back respectfully.
You introduced him to this old coworker of your Papa and that great-aunt from Minneapolis and this cousin. He even got to meet your old store manager--a stern, short, blonde woman with victory rolls and shimmering black eyeshadow--who'd come to pay her respects after she saw your Papa's obituary in the newspaper; she honestly scared Eddie a little, but she made him laugh, which meant she was good in his book.
It was all reminiscent of meeting people after his mom died once upon a time, the only other funeral he'd ever been to. When people called and came out of the woodwork in an overwhelming number to offer their condolences. He had been young and sad then, but he was older, wiser, and tougher now. He shook hands and said "nice to meet you" and when people questioned whether he was a boyfriend, Eddie insisted he was just a friend who wanted to be here for you.
It wasn't a lie; still he got a skeptical gaze from at least two elderly women who tutted once they were out of earshot.
Eventually, you got to the front of the room, to the row of chairs that held your immediate family, and after a few tearful hugs, Eddie finally met your parents, your aunt and uncle, and your older brother.
He was surprised to hear "I've heard a lot about you" come from your mother's mouth, but was not surprised to hear the "no funny business under my roof" from your father after a clap on the shoulder. Your uncle said nothing after a short “hello”, just let your aunt do all the talking, and all she could talk about was your appearance.
"What are you doing, honey? What is this you're wearing? For Papa's wake? I hope you plan to wear something a little more modest for my father's funeral tomorrow. And your friend? A leather jacket? A little casual don't you think? What's that dear? Yes, nice to meet you too Edward. Thank you for coming."
Your brother Michael, though...Michael was a douchebag to put it in polite terms, and Eddie could tell that, unlike with Jimmy, the relationship between you was tense.
"You're late" he sniffed judgmentally instead of a greeting.
"We hit traffic and needed to change," you snarked right back.
"So you stopped off at home? Where's Jim? Why couldn't you get him here?"
"You know how he is at these things, he'll show up before they close up for the night. You remember how he was when Nana died. And now he's Mr. Tough Guy. He doesn't like to cry."
Back and forth the two of you went, Michael's accusations and your tense responses. Eddie could feel himself get more and more irritated the harsher it got, the angrier he felt you become. If it was anything other than a funeral--a wake, what was the difference--he would have started in on your brother several minutes ago to protect you.
And he was still tempted to.
But it was like a switch was flipped as someone else approached, and he watched as you changed right before his very eyes. As all the irritation and vulnerabilities left you, and in their place...was the Store Manager version of you he knew and sort of despised. Cold and stiff and everything he knew you weren't by the grace of becoming your friend.
Regardless, it was startling to see.
At the end of the night as Eddie settled into the second twin bed in what used to be Michael and Jimmy's shared room, Eddie realized that your customer service persona had been present for most of the evening, and had only slipped in the presence of those few family members that could see right past it.
Could they see past it? Or was it that you simply couldn't hide behind it with them?
For the whole time he'd known you, Eddie had often wondered what had driven you to Indiana. The job, sure, but...you'd left everything you'd known behind. And hell, for all the times that he wanted to get the hell out of Hawkins, he knew he couldn't leave Wayne or Rick for very long. In his heart he knew the day he finally left, he'd need to be back quite often to see them.
Now, though...when it came to you, he started to understand.
The next day, the day of the funeral, you couldn't stop shaking.
Eddie had been nervously second guessing the black jeans--the only non-ripped pair he owned--and Wayne's borrowed dress shirt when he saw you digging through your bag, trembling. It seemed like you were trying to hide it, kept your body moving and grabbing for something, but he noticed immediately,
He snatched the car keys out of your hands before you could get a solid grasp on them when it was time to go.
"It's alright," he reassured you. "Just tell me where I'm going and I'll get us there."
He thought it would be back to the funeral home, but instead you gave him directions to the church. A big old building with stained glass windows and a large statue of the Virgin Mary out in the front.
He could hear the organ music of the hymns emanating from within, and on the hour, the bells from the tower beside the chapel became deafening. For all the Catholic school girl jokes he made at your expense, he didn't realize you were Catholic Catholic.
"You sure I'm not gonna burst into flames if I set foot inside?" he joked to try and ease your nerves and his, but you just shook your head. He watched and suddenly felt helpless, as you began to shake more and worry your bottom lip with your teeth; he was supposed to be here to support you, to reassure you, and instead you looked ready to keel over. "Hey, it'll be ok."
"Yeah," you nodded tensely. "Yeah, let's just go inside."
You didn't make a move though, just rocked onto the toes of your shiny Mary Janes and looked on as tons of people filtered into the church.
Tons of people that, once again, reminded him of the people that had come to pay their respects for his mom. Eddie remembered being there, shaking in his shoes, trying to keep a straight-face, to be strong. To not be a baby because he was 10 years old.
It was just like you said about Jimmy the previous night; big tough guy, didn't want to cr--
Realization hit Eddie. The culmination of all the other realizations that had been mounting over the past what? 48 hours? Maybe the past week? The two of you were more alike than he realized. Eddie had just noticed how you'd put up this strong front since you'd been home; the comfortable, safe Store Manager facade was starting to crack. Hadn't he just told you the story about his mom's funeral? How he'd fallen in love with metal because Rick had realized that he needed to process his grief? That he needed to lash out? To cry?
Here he was, trying to get you to laugh, when instead he should have been doing the opposite. But how was he gonna get you to cry? You didn't even cry much at the wake when you'd placed your hand on top of the shiny casket that held your Papa within.
Maybe it just hadn't hit you yet?
Alright, change of plans.
"Your Papa knew a lot of people," Eddie noted, gesturing towards the funeral-goers.
"He did," you agreed, and he watched as your shoulders lost the slightest bit of tension. "He was...I mean you met my cousin last night. The one who wants to run for Mayor."
"Yeah, he's got that yuppie thing about him."
"Well, my Papa could have been Mayor if he wanted," you said with the most conviction he'd ever heard in your voice. "He just didn't want to. Which means he deserved it even more. He was the nicest neighbor, the best friend. He went and played competitive Bocce at the civic center and fundraised for charity and canned his own peaches to give to people."
On and on, you talked about Papa's recipe for this and his idea for that and...
"And the way he fucking chain smoked god damn it Eddie," you hit his arm as he pulled his cigarettes from the back pocket of his jeans.
Eddie thought that, at the very least, an emotional story would be the thing that would set you over the edge. Instead it was the pack of Marlboro Reds that he'd picked up when you had stopped for gas about halfway through the drive.
You hit his arm a few times, as you often did when you tried to playfully admonish him for this or that, then your face crumpled. Your shaking ceased as you collapsed against him and buried your face against his shoulder once again, just like you had when he first arrived at your apartment on Thursday night.
He dropped the cigarettes and folded his arms around you, pulled you into the safety of your friendship when it seemed like there wasn't anything safe out there for you right now; when you'd just lost one of the safe places you had in the world.
He whispered sweet words--comforts and reassurances--and he made you laugh once by threatening to punch your brother if he tried to make a scene.
"I'll do it," he goaded you. "I don't care if he's in mourning too. He's insufferable. Hate that guy. Never coming back to Chicago ever if he's still in town. You hear that? I might have to leave right now."
"No," you tugged him closer to you, and he reveled in the feeling. "You're staying right here. You promised."
"I did," he agreed.
The tense hold you had on him got looser and you hiccuped the last few tears you had.
A few yards away, a hearse pulled up to the curb in front of the church, and your brothers and several of your cousins went to start hauling the casket inside.
"You ready to go in?" Eddie asked. "You don't have to...but..."
"No," you shook your head and pulled back from him. "I'm ok. I'm ready."
He waited for you to make the first move once again, but before you did, you took his hand in yours and squeezed.
"He would have been...so happy to have met you, Eddie," you looked at him earnestly. "I told him all about you. I think it hurts a little more...knowing that he didn't get the chance."
He squeezed your hand right back and smiled.
"I'm sad I didn't get the chance either. Guess I'm gonna have to work extra hard not to go to Hell so I can shake his hand in Heaven."
You snorted and pushed him away with a soft jackass then pulled him into the church with you saying he would have made the same joke.
The next morning, you and Eddie made a stealthy getaway.
Your father had tried to get you both to go to church with them again and you politely declined.
"We need to get on the road so we don't get back too late. I have to open tomorrow," you made the excuse.
Honestly Eddie was grateful; all the sitting and standing and kneeling...he hadn't gotten that much exercise since gym class Freshman year.
But as you soared back down North Avenue, you made a detour.
"I know this wasn't supposed to be a fun trip," you explained. "If you're up for it, we can make the drive back whenever...maybe during spring break or something? The least I can do before we head back to Hawkins, to thank you for coming, is give you a taste of good Chicago food. Especially after casseroles and funeral home sandwiches all weekend.
"It is Sunday, after all."
And that's how Eddie found himself having his first authentic Chicago style hot dog. Sitting on a picnic bench outside, under a red and yellow striped umbrella, the ambient sounds of cars zooming and your banter back and forth the perfect backdrop.
"No ketchup, are you kidding me right now Eddie?" you swatted his hand.
"Why do they have ketchup if they don't want it on the hot dog," he argued.
"It's for the fries and the fries only. You need to have the whole experience. A hot dog with everything, and ketchup on the fries only."
He watched as you unwrapped your hotdog and began picking through the toppings. Hypocrite.
"Wait, I thought you said you needed to have the whole experience, why are you taking the peppers off."
"I don't like the peppers."
"Are you kidding me right now?" Eddie scoffed. "Gonna have to take your Chicago Card away. Oh wait, I'm sorry. Suburb card."
"Oh my god, just eat. Before I leave you here."
He took his first bite and his tastebuds sang, as you munched on a French fry with a cheeky smile.
And Eddie was happy. Happy to be here with you. Sundays were his favorite days, hands down, and he would do everything in his power to keep them that way.
It might not have been the happiest weekend, there might still be some unanswered questions between the two of you. But you were here with him and you were still friends, and after everything that had happened, that's all Eddie could ask for.
Next Part: Closing Time
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pennylanefics · 1 month
Nighttime Comfort - Seth Jarvis
a/n: thanks to @human-trainwreck for the idea of the "best friend's younger brother" trope! i got the idea and ran with it and finish this in one night <3 if anyone has more seth ideas, send them my way! i had more ideas and definitely missed some things...part 2 maybe?? 👀
summary: you've always seen your best friend's little brother as just that, until one night, after thinking about him for months, everything changes when he comforts you after nightmares
warnings: mention of nightmares (no descriptions), slight age gap (i envisioned seth being 22 and reader being 23 or 24, so not terrible, but it's brought up multiple times)
word count: ~4.2k
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“Seth should be gone by the time we get home, so you won’t have to deal with him while I’m out,” your best friend Daisy says to you as you near her home. The two of you had been out shopping all day, finally having time to spend with each other after your hectic schedules failed to line up for so long.
With your job at a local publishing company and the influx of demands your boss needed to meet the proper deadlines, and her traveling with her boyfriend, who is a hockey player in the NHL, it was hard to meet up. But finally, now that the off-season is here and your work has slowed down some, you could meet up and catch up on all the lost time.
“You know I don’t mind him,” you tell her. “He’s fun to be around.” She rolls her eyes at your words and you can’t help but laugh.
You grew up next to Daisy and Seth in Winnipeg and as time went on, you and Daisy became nearly inseparable, doing everything together and playing in each other’s backyards every day after school. That also led you to becoming rather close with her younger brother, only two years younger than you and her, but he was always around as their parents practically forced Daisy to include him.
Not that you minded, he was very amusing and a great joy; he was extremely chaotic and energetic, and was always trying to get you to laugh and mess with you in a teasing and fun way. Daisy was so embarrassed by him every time, but you truly weren’t bothered by it. 
Things changed a little right before you entered high school. During the summer between eighth grade and ninth, your family moved away, although it was still in the same district and within driving distance, no more than fifteen minutes. It did hinder your ability to see her and Seth outside of school or on the weekends. Things did go back to normal when you and Daisy got your licenses and could see each other whenever.
As the years went on, things continued to change and shift. With Seth going into the NHL, and Daisy becoming a WAG for the Winnipeg Jets, you rarely had time to see them over the past couple of years, but through different interviews and videos of him from the Hurricanes and other media, you could tell Seth was still the same guy you grew up with and knew so well.
“I haven’t seen him in a while anyway. I think the last time was around Christmas, when he came home. That was almost seven months ago.”
“Believe me, seven months is not enough time away from him,” she grumbles, making you throw your head back in laughter.
He was always the life of the party. He could light up a room with his energy and sweet smile just by walking into it, and he’s cheered you up countless times after numerous events that upset you over the years.
And you didn’t want to believe it, but deep down, you always felt something more for him. Some little voice in your mind was screaming that he’s a sweetheart and would be an incredible partner. But you pushed that idea down for many reasons, one of which is because you figured he never would see you as anything more than his older sister’s best friend; it was an unspoken rule, really, and neither of you wanted to cross that line.
The two of you drag your number of bags into her house, where you were staying for the week since her parents were on vacation and your apartment was being renovated because of a flood issue on your floor.
“Just set them down and we can go through everything when I get back,” she states.
She needed to run an errand with her boyfriend, to check on his grandmother about an hour away and bring her the prescription she needed. That meant you would be alone for the next three hours or so, and after the long day you had, it was exactly what you needed.
She left shortly after dropping everything off, and in the meantime, you showered and then ordered some food. Everything in the house was calm, you were watching your favorite TV show on the TV, and it felt peaceful to have this kind of downtime after a full, busy day.
But that peace was quickly ruined an hour or so later. The time rolled around to 7:45 and in comes Seth and a couple guys, who you recognize as fellow players on the Hurricanes. Turning around, you stare at them, wide-eyed in surprise, and as soon as Jarvy takes the sight of you in, he shouts excitedly.
“Oh my god! What are you doing here?!” He yells, running over to you on the couch. Standing, you jump into his arms to hug him tightly, inhaling the musky scent of his cologne, a smell you’ve thought about every day since you got a whiff of it on Christmas. 
“My apartment is being worked on and since Daisy and I haven’t had time to see one another very much, she invited me to stay here. I know she said you are back here for a short while, but she said you’d be out.”
“What, not so happy to see me??” He teases, shoving your shoulder playfully once you pull away from the hug. “Yeah, well, the guys and I wanted to go to some bars, but after sitting around we decided to come back here and play video games instead.” He points to the two men behind him, one who has blond hair and piercing blue eyes and one has short brown hair and deep brown eyes.
“This is Jack and Jesperi, or you can call him KK,” he points to the brown-eyed hockey player, who smiles sweetly at you and waves.
“Nice to meet you guys. I can move up to Daisy’s room if you’d prefer the living room. She’s still gone and I don’t know when she’ll be back.”
“Oh no, don’t worry about that!” Jarvy stops you from moving your things. “We’re going to the basement to play, we won’t bother you at all. Unless we have to come back up for snacks and drinks, but we’ll try to keep it down.”
Chuckling softly, you nod and watch as they file into the furnished basement, yelling and shouting as they go. Thankfully, the noise wasn’t too loud to distract you, so you go back to watching your show with no worry.
As the hours tick by and your eyes start growing heavier, you knew you should have headed up to Daisy’s room to get some rest instead of on the couch, although their couch was rather comfy. It was a large sectional, big enough to fit their entire family for movie nights.
You were curled up in one corner of the L-shaped section, under a soft, fuzzy blanket that was keeping you warm. The low lighting that you had set in the living room and with the quiet lull of your comfort TV show was enough to ease you to sleep, though you were unaware.
Suddenly, you are jolting up, your neck feeling slightly sweaty and clammy, your breathing slightly erratic and your eyes trying to adjust back to the bright TV that remained on. Slowly, you become aware of your surroundings and turn to find Seth sitting near you, a worried expression on his face.
“Are you alright?” He wonders, his voice low and calming, not wanting to startle you anymore than he has. “You were mumbling something in your sleep and shaking a little.”
Your hand wipes across your face as you shift your body to sit up a little. Being in the moment, you were finally able to get a really good look at Seth, since earlier you were too taken by the excitement of seeing him and meeting new people.
His hair was long in the back, but on the sides, you could tell that he had recently gotten them shaved down some, but the top section flopped over to hide that area; it was something that was visible when he wore a hat, and it was a look you always liked. His facial hair was newly trimmed, his beard slightly scruffy and his mustache somewhat full.
He was wearing an old Canes t-shirt, the neckline cut off to fit him loosely, and a pair of basketball shorts that were slightly smaller than usual, riding up his leg and showing a small glimpse of the tattoo on his right thigh.
“I-I was having a weird dream,” you murmur, taking a couple deep breaths. Seth moves a little closer, sensing all you needed was some comfort. “What time is it?”
“Around 11:30. Daisy called me and said something came up and she won’t able to make it back tonight. She said she tried calling you but you weren’t answering. Now I see why,” he answers with a lighthearted laugh.
“Yeah, I didn’t mean to fall asleep out here. I should head upstairs.”
Seth thinks for a moment before he holds his hand up, silently telling you to stay put.
“Give me two minutes,” he says before darting off. You sat there, confused as hell as he ran up the stairs, leaving you alone once again.
You quickly text Daisy back, letting her know you had fallen asleep and everything was good, and that you’d see her in the morning, before reaching for the glass of water that had been left untouched for the past few hours and taking a large sip. 
Minutes later, Seth comes trudging down the stairs with his comforter and an extra blanket, along with two pillows. He also had a change of clothes for himself, and once he reaches the couch, he piles everything onto the cushions at your feet.
“We’re having a little sleepover,” he states. “My sister ditched you so I’m stepping in. Plus we haven’t spent time together in a long time so we have to make up for it.” He winks and laughs at your shocked face.
“You really don’t have to do this. What about KK and Jack? Aren’t they downstairs?”
“Nope. They left right before you woke up. They’re staying in a hotel nearby so they’re gone for the night. Just you and me.” 
After he gets everything set up, he runs off to the bathroom down the hall to change and when he returns in a pair of sweats and a different t-shirt, he sighs heavily and stares down at the couch.
“Okay, so I’ll sleep this way, and you can sleep with your legs out that way so you have more room,” he tells you, waving his hands all over. He specifically pointed to the spot you were sitting in, how he’d have his legs on the cushions jutting out and you would sleep perpendicular to him.
“Where would my pillow go?” You wonder, grabbing onto the extra one he had from his bed. You can’t help but smile at the scent that covers it, a mixture of Seth’s shampoo and conditioner and his cologne. His comforter was the same way, soaked in the smell of his body wash, a woods-y and earthy scent that you were most familiar with, similar to his cologne.
“Here,” he gets situated on the couch, his legs stretching straight out on the cushion. He places the pillow down on his legs and pats it, signaling that’s where you can lay. It was nothing out of the ordinary, really, the three of you used to sleep on each other like this when you were younger, more innocent.
Not that he was asking in an inappropriate way now, but it was something you figured you’d grown out of. But being too tired and too scared to fight, you just laugh it off and get under the covers. He left his comforter for you and used the two blankets for himself, something you found unfair to him.
You place your head in his lap, against the pillow, and immediately, his hands start playing with your hair softly, making sure not to tug at any knots that he couldn’t see. He was more so twirling the ends for his own comfort, something you picked up on when you were kids.
After laying there for a bit, no words spoken between the two of you, the guilt of him being down here, keeping you company was rising in your chest; you knew you shouldn’t have felt this way, but he didn’t have to do all of this.
“Seth, you don’t have to sit down here with me,” you suddenly sit up, looking over at him. A hurt and confused look crosses his face as he adjusts his body.
“I know I don’t have to, but I want to, trust me. I know how you used to struggle with nightmares and no one should be left alone after having one.” His voice is gentle and soothing, trying to get across the fact that he wants to be here with you, and it’s no obligation or issue at all.
“I think I’ll be okay,” you whisper. But he wasn’t going to take no for an answer. 
“Well I’m not leaving,” he shakes his head. “What’s going on? I thought it would be nice to see each other again and be with one another now that you’re here.”
You pause and let his words sink in. He was right. Why were you pushing back? But with one look into his brown eyes, lit by the soft glow of a nearby salt lamp you had turned on earlier, you were very aware.
You had fallen for Jarvy and now there was no denying it.
You think back to the last time you saw him, in December. You couldn’t quit stealing glances at him throughout the day, watching as he laughed with his loved ones and how bright his unique smile was, how much you loved seeing it and how you longed to be the reason he was smiling so joyfully.
How you longed to hold his hand and cuddle up next to him on the couch, watching whatever Christmas movie was playing on the TV, surrounded by your family and his, having him press kisses to your temple.
It made your chest feel all warm and fuzzy thinking about what being his partner would be like. Was he serious in times when it was needed? Or did he used humor and laughter to cope with everything?
“(Y/N)?” He waves his hand in front of your face, bringing you back down to earth. You sigh softly and grin at him.
“Sorry, was just…thinking about something. But you’re right, it is nice to see you and be able to spend time with just you…” you trail off, hoping the tone of your voice didn’t give your little crush away. He smiles at you and opens his arms.
“So how about we cuddle instead? I’ve been told I give wonderful cuddles in times of need like this,” he states playfully, which in turn makes you giggle. He gives you that bright, wide smile as you move your body, but before you can super comfortable, you motion for him to switch positions and lay parallel with you, so both of your legs were on the actual couch rather than the sectional.
Since the space was big enough, you both fit rather comfortably, once Seth finally gets settled. You curl into his left side, nuzzling your face into chest, your eyes fluttering closed. What you couldn’t tell was the fact that Seth’s heart was racing in his chest at the turn of events. 
He’s now under his own comforter, your legs tangling with his underneath. His arms wrap around you, holding you close to him, and one is softly rubbing up and down your back underneath the covers. It’s such a sweet and intimate movement, and it makes your own heart beat faster.
Silence falls over the two of you, neither of you knowing what to say, but instead, you enjoy the silence and the presence of each other.
“Would now be an acceptable time to admit that I’ve had a crush on you for the longest time?” He whispers, avoiding moving in case you wanted to pull away from him. But to his surprise, you stay put, reaching for his right hand that was stroking up and down your arm.
“You have?” You wonder, a little taken aback by his admission, threading your fingers with his. He watches in curiosity but smiles as he feels your touch in his.
“Yeah. Ever since you came home from school that one day in eighth grade, I was in sixth. You said some boy made a comment about you and you cried to me because Daisy wasn’t home yet. I-”
“You started telling me all these strange things about what the kid does and how awful he is to try and get me to laugh,” you fill in his sentence, remembering back to that day as clear as can be.
Seth had started telling you weird things that were very obviously not true, but what else is an eleven year old supposed to say? He was making things up like, “he keeps his boogers on a piece of notebook paper in his binder” or “his fingernails grow so fast he has to have them cut every day, and then he saves them to try and get in the Guinness Book of World Records for most amount of nail shavings collected”. Outrageously ridiculous statements.
But by the end, you were laughing with him, forgetting about all the mean things he said about you, and thanks to Jarvy, feeling better about yourself, even though you knew none of what he was saying was true.
“I know we were never super close the way that you and Daisy are, but I could never deny my crush for you. I expected you to think it was weird, considering I’m her younger brother and that’s all I knew I’d be. But goddamn, seeing you again, especially in such a soft and laid-back setting, it’s reignited that feeling.”
You were truly speechless. You had no idea what to say. He really had a crush on you?
“Then I think it’s fair to admit that I also like you, but pushed it away because I thought you only ever saw me as, well, as your older sister’s best friend, I thought it would be weird. But I like you a lot, Seth.”
His hand drops yours and it comes to rest on the side of your face, gently bringing your chin up to look up at him. His eyes were filled with adoration and tenderness as his hand cupped your cheek, careful with the amount of pressure he was using, letting you know you could push him away at any point still.
“So when was the moment you fell for me?” He asks, that crooked smile threatening to break. Heat rises to your cheeks when you realize you don’t have a story similar to his.
“This past holiday season. When you came home for Christmas, I realized quite a few things, and one of them is I can’t deny that I have feelings for you and wish what it would be like to be yours,” you whisper to him, gazing into his eyes. His thumb rubs against the apple of your cheek as you explain your side. He then takes a moment to tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear, and it sends your heart into a frenzy.
“Oh really?” He pushes in a teasing manner. “Like what?”
“Like falling asleep in your arms, but in a more romantic way than platonic way when we were younger. Being able to come up and hug and kiss you whenever, wearing your jersey to your games, knowing that only you and I know that I’m yours and the most important person in the crowd wearing your number.” He can’t help the blush that dusts his cheeks at your last comment. “And I can assume that’s something you’ve thought about plenty of times, right?”
Seth laughs and nods his head, still looking down at you with so much love.
“I won’t lie, I have. And you’d be able to get a WAG playoff jacket, and how adorable you’d look in them.”
Your heart was pounding in your chest as he continues to hold your cheek in his hand.
“You know, my parents always joked with your parents about when we’d get together. And Daisy always shut them down whenever she heard them talk about it because how weird, right? But there was one night, a few years back, right before I was drafted. We were in the backyard, looking up at the stars, and she told me I should go for it with you, if I liked you. How she thought we’d be good together, how I’d treat you right and how you would love me for as I am. I think she could always sense that I liked you more than a friend, but was too scared to say it because you two were friends first, and pretty close.”
You are stunned by his words. You never knew Daisy said that, but to hear that she thought her brother was good enough for you, you knew that this decision, or whatever outcome for tonight was going to be, it was going to be a good choice.
Seth is a good guy, and you’ve seen this for many years. Now, you are seeing him in a different light, one where his smile sends butterflies to your stomach rather than a simple “Daisy’s younger brother is so adorable” kind of way. One where you got to see the fun and excitable, puppy-dog energy side but also his serious and down-to-earth side where he could settle those feelings and be real with you.
“Now that I think about it, around that time she did start trying to push me for gossip on if I thought you were cute or if I was seeing anyone, because she was wanting to set me up with someone. And I’m going to safely bet that it was you.”
He chuckles and then clears his throat, becoming all serious again. But you have one more comment you need to get out.
“I love your smile,” you state. His cheeks redden slightly and your own smile tugs at your lips. “I’m not sure what it is about it, but every time I saw it in an interview, or some fun little video, and especially at Christmas, I can’t help but fall harder and harder each time.”
Your statement elicits that lovely smile from him, but in a more bashful sense, something you never thought you’d see.
“You’re so adorable,” you giggle, reaching up to hold his face in your hand as well. The tension between the two of you was thick, and with your breathing mixing together, you were starting to get dizzy from it all. 
This was all so much.
“Can I…” he starts, but hesitates, trying to gauge the look in your eyes. He takes a deep breath and then continues. “Can I please kiss you now?” 
You can’t help the laugh that escapes you from how he phrases his words. He sounded so desperate but also so careful.
“Please,” you beg quietly, inching your hands into his hair to tug at the locks at the back of his neck to pull him down towards you. Within seconds, your lips meet in a searing but gentle and nervous kiss, both of you testing the waters for now. But when Seth feels you leaning more into it, he deepens it just slightly, not wanting to go too far tonight, but also wanting you to know he’s serious about this and it wasn’t a one-off thing.
The kiss ends much to your dismay when Jarvy pulls back, his forehead resting against yours.
“Go on a date with me,” he all but demands. This elicits a giggle from you before you kiss him once more.
“Of course I will,” you reply, moving down to cuddle back up with him. 
Finally, the two of you were settled in all cozy, no longer on edge and wondering if one thing is going to upset the other. Now that the admission of your feelings was done and over with, the two of you could relax against each other, knowing this meant more than just two friends falling asleep with one another.
With his soft touch running along your back, soothing you to sleep, you were out like a light in minutes, but Jarvy stayed up, watching whatever episode of your show that was on, often looking down at you to make sure you remained asleep. 
He fell asleep not long after, the grin on his face remaining there like it was stuck forever, holding the person he loves most in the world, feeling like he was on cloud nine, knowing life could only get better now that you two had admitted your years-worth of pent up feelings
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tossawary · 4 months
The 3-day trial system in "Ace Attorney" is absolutely nuts. I know the game is intentionally making fun of corrupt & dysfunctional legal systems and is also upping the pacing to create a sense of urgency & excitement, but I truly underestimated just how hysterically funny it would be to play this trial system. They have created some WILD logistical worldbuilding.
Like, someone gets murdered on Day 1. Phoenix Wright finds out about this on Day 2 and goes to talk to them. This person has less than 24 hours to find their own legal representation before a public defender is assigned to them, and Phoenix has to do his own investigating before the trial tomorrow morning. Day 3 is the first day of the trial, in which Phoenix is doing everything he can to prove innocence and somehow also solve the actual murder in the middle of court, and hopefully at least get the Judge to agree that they need another day of investigation and interrogation. There's an in-universe rule that a trial can only go for 3 days, so by Day 5, the third day of the trial, this nonsense needs to be wrapped up. The first game doesn't explicitly say that this is a death penalty system, but it's heavily implied at points, so depending on the case, Phoenix has THREE DAYS to potentially SAVE SOMEONE'S LIFE.
And this is all hilariously, horribly BONKERS for Phoenix, but it's just as awful when you start getting into all the little bureaucratic details of trying to make this legal system actually work. A public defender might get a case at 5 PM for a murder trial at 10 AM the next morning?! (I know public defenders are often horribly overworked IRL. This is part of what the game is mocking.) Autopsies are being performed within, like, 12 hours of the murder?! They're getting results back from the forensics labs within 24 hours?! How much of the city budget is SPENT on law enforcement?! The overtime hours must be horrifying. No wonder things are constantly falling through the cracks; people are fucked if their defense attorneys are on vacation that day or if the witnesses aren't answering their phones that day.
And, also, like, did the courthouse not have OTHER trials scheduled for that day? Are they reserving a courtroom in this courthouse for emergency murder cases? Even if there's a 3-day limit to speed things up, it's a big city, shit happens, how are they seeing people this quickly? Are there just separate courthouses for all crimes below various degrees of murder? (Obviously, family law and small claims and minor crimes and such must be handled somewhere else, but still.) Or are people in Japanifornia getting last minute calls from the overworked scheduling people at the courthouse like, "Hi, witness for an assault trial, your testimony has been rescheduled because someone was murdered last night. This could take 1-3 days. We'll let you know." Then that poor witness is like, "Shit, I took a day off of work for this??? I have to call my boss again now. Fuck you!!!"
It's tempting to write an AA fic about a series of murders in this world, in which people are obviously being framed for these crimes but it's not clear who the real murderer is, because this is all happening to keep postponing a different trial, because murder cases apparently go to trial immediately in the AA universe as #1 priority. Someone needs this extra time to steal the evidence from the police station and frame someone else for their crime, because if this postponed trial goes to court, then a different, older, unsolved murder is sure to come to light.
This features a public defender OC who is... the most exhausted person... of all time... trying to hold the line of human rights. The burnout rate must be horrifying.
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pablitogavii · 8 months
heyyy maybe you could do a fic where the reader and gavi met and fell in love while she was on her foreign exchange year and when she has to leave, she tells pablo that she’s staying for one more year <3333 tyyyyy💕💕
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People say things happen for a reason, and you couldn’t agree more. It took you months to convince yourself to take a gap year and do an exchange program in Spain. Right now, you couldn’t imagine your life if you haven’t came to Barcelona and met your man, the infamous footballer Pablo Gavi.
Pablo met you accidentally while ordering himself some breakfast on his way to training seeing you work at the small bakery in town.
It was your way of having money to spend without having your parents send to much but also practicing Spanish.
“Um..para tu café.. quieres um..how to say sugar???” You were struggling badly hoping your boss doesn’t hear since you claimed to be fluent.
“I’d like some sugar, please guapa” Pablo smirked in amusement when he saw your shocked expression that he understood English.
“Umm..o..okay.” You mumbled hearing him call you “guapa” over and over again while avoiding to look into his eyes not wanting to blush like a tomato.
“Do you watch fútbol?” He asked when you brought his coffee and the rest is history…he invited you to once of his games and your story started from there.
From time to time, Pablo still teases you about that day since now you’re fully fluent after speaking to him, friends and his family.
“Cállate cabrón!” You acted annoyed and be would hug you giggling into your neck while leaving open mouth kisses.
“Your cabrón amorcitoo!!!” He said as you cuddled up on the couch giggling to his comment together.
This time with you passed so quickly for Pablo. He would make sure to see your face every single day even if sometimes it had to be just for few minutes before bed. He just wanted to savor that you were close to him not knowing how long that will last. He was scared of asking you to stay..to be with him..to move in finally.
“When is she moving back?” Pedri brought up the question in training and since then Pablo was annoyed whenever he would think about you leaving him so soon.
"What did I say???" Pedri asked Ansu who told him to shut up about that topic around Pablo knowing how secretly sensitive his best friend is.
"He needs to get used to it cause she's leaving soon" Ferran added and when Pablo heard that he felt nauseous rushing back into the dressing room where he sat down crying into his hands.
A few days later, you noticed Pablo feeling unusually sad all the times wondering what's gotten into him so suddenly.
“Hopefully you didn’t forget English, you will need to use it soon” Javi said without thinking during one of the dinners you had with him and Aurora.
Pablo got up walking to the balcony and you looked after him sadly while his sister hit her boyfriends shoulder.
“You had to bring it up huh!??” She said snd Javj apologized but I told him it was all right and that you will bring Pablo back.
“Amor? Que pasa contigo??” You walk up hugging him from behind and resting your chin on his shoulder as he sighed heavily.
“Maybe we should speak English, so you practice for when you leave me…” he said annoyingly and you knew this was his defense mechanism. You walk around snaking your arms around his neck and going on your top toes to kiss his lips.
“Is that what makes you my angry bird, cariño..huh?” You smile excited to tell him the news but decided to do so when you are alone tonight.
“I don’t want you to leave…I’m so used to you now and I just…” he looked so sad and you couldn’t help kissing to shut him up.
“Te amo!!!” You smile and he does as well although weakly since he was still thinking about you being so far away so soon.
“Yo te amo muchisimo princesa” you he said kissing your forehead as you took his hand and walked back inside.
“I’m sorry hermano, didn’t mean to make you sad” Javj said and Pablo nodded saying that it’s not his fault.
“My girl is leaving so soon…” he says and you couldn’t wait anymore hating to see him so sad.
“I’m not leaving cariño…” you say taking a bite and he froze starting at you in disbelief while you chuckled looking at Aurora who was getting excited now.
"W..what???" he said and you giggled asking him to take a sip of water first since he was indeed getting pale and anxious.
"Are you staying!? Tell us hermana!" Aurora was just as impatient and you giggled nodding your head while Pablo was still silent just staring at you in disbelief.
"You can kiss me now cariño..." you said but Pablo was still frozen which was so adorable especially when his gorgeous eyes filled with happy tears. That's all he wanted to hear for so long..that you'll stay..that you won't leave him..that he was your home.
"Unless you don't want me to stay?" you ask and he immediately snaps out of it rushing to your side and grabbing your face before crashing his lips onto yours passionately making everyone giggle.
"Um..um..h..how long?" he was crying now and you were drying his tears kissing his cheeks, nose and finally lips.
"Forever..I got into one of the universities here and I accepted their offer. I want to be here with you Pablito..." you said and couldn't add anything else since he was kissing your again happily.
"Will you stop eating her face so I can hug her too!?" Aurora hit her little brother's head and he got up rolling his eyes at her smiling tho when she hugged you too kissing your cheek happily.
"Thank you for not leaving me with the angry bird Gavira!!! I love you hermana." Aurora said and you both laughed while Pablo groaned rolling his eyes at the little remark. You would always call him 'an angry bird' when he would throw his tantrums but he loved to hear it when it came from you...because you were the only one who could deal with his angry bird.
"My handsome angry bird..." you walked up to Gavi who snaked his arms around your waist while you held his face smiling at his bluhsing cheeks before going on your tip toes and capturing his lips into a sweet kiss.
"Um..I know it might be sudden..and it's totally fine if you eanna keep living alone..but..but..um..would you..maybe wanna live with me instead?" Pablo asked and Aurora smiled wide cheering with Javi while everyone looked at you now waiting for a response.
You just smiled nodding your head and jumping into his arms with your hands snaked around his neck and he spun you around happily thanking god you said 'yes' or he might have made fool of himself.
"Te amo muchisimo!!!" Pablo kept saying in between kisses and you giggled nodding your head trying to say it back but his kisses wouldn't let you talk.
"Congrats hermano!" both Javi and Aurora congratulated you before deciding to leave early and let you enjoy some alone time you both obviously desperately wanted right now.
You were cleaning up the dishes while he took out the trash coming back and snaking his arms around your waist resting his head on your shoulder leaving little kisses on your neck.
"Now that this is our home...I can do this much more often" he said and you blushed nodding you head happy for the future you will share together.
"Stop distracting me Pablito!!!" you said and he giggled promising to behave while you get your work done although you both knew that was not going to last long.
"Thank you for not leaving amor...te amo" he said and you smiled finishing the last plate before turning around and hugging him back before you both started kissing and moving towards your shared bedroom.
You were currently laying with your naked chest glued to Pablo's while he played with your hair and you nuzzled your face into his neck taking in his strong familiar scent. This felt like home...
"It's destiny..." he said and you looked up
"What is amor?" you ask and he leaned down to kiss you sweetly.
"You not knowing how to say sugar in Español..." he teased you per usual and you hit his chest before he laughed getting on top of you and kissing you deeply.
"I hate you!!" you say and he tickled you until you gave up and said "te amo Pablito!!!" which made him let you breathe and pull you close for more cuddles before sleep. ❤️❤️❤️
Hope you enjoyed!!!
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saturnsorbits · 5 months
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Fandom: My Hero Academia, Warnings: Angst, Smut, Mention of Gangs, Talk of Babies/Starting a Family, Open Ending, Word Count: 2.8k.
Summary: Once a villain, always a villain: Can Dabi really leave it all behind?
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‘I don’t have to put up with this…’ Dabi hauls air in through his nose, teeth clenched so tight it makes his jaw ache.
‘You?’ Somehow your eyes get wider. Your lids peel back, exposing the bloodshot white and shining iris’ that almost pop from your head. ‘Please, enlighten me to what you’re putting up with, Touya. Because it sure as shit wasn’t me lying about still being involved with the fucking league.’
Dabi rolls his eyes.
Bites his lip.
Reminds himself that he loves you. ‘You don't -.’
‘Don’t you fucking dare say I don’t understand.’ There’s a shake in your voice as you try and hold back tears, but you don’t drop his gaze. You'd been ten minutes away from ringing around hospitals and praying that he'd been admitted to A&E rather than the morgue when he'd swaggered back in, knuckles sore and face bruised. ‘You told me after all the shit with your dad, you'd be done with all of that.’
Dabi sighs. ‘I am.’
You snort.
Falling in love with Dabi had meant a lot of things: learning to live with the burnt hand prints on your fridge, adjusting to the looks and hushed judgements when you walked down the street hand in hand and the coming and going of the former members of the League. You’d accepted all of that, fuck, you’d hosted dinners for his old gang, had the famous Shigaraki grace your God damn table, but the one thing you couldn’t accept was his complicity. ‘Your fucking knuckles are bleeding.’
He shakes out his hand, wincing as the ligaments tug at swelled tissue. ‘It was one fight - Tomura just needed some guy putting in his place, I’m not going back - I pr-.’
‘Don’t make promises you have no intention of keeping.’
‘Doll.’ He steps forward, arms opening to hold you, but you’re backing away before he can close the gap.
Choking back a sob, you lick the dryness from your mouth as the panic of the last few hours bubbles under your skin. ‘You’re almost thirty, Touya. We have a house, a fucking mortgage…' You bite your tongue and screw your nose up. 'Oh, my God, I was thinking about asking you for a baby. What, I - I must be stupid. How could I raise a baby like this… When, when it’s father’s off burning people to a fucking crisp just because his old boss asked him to…’
Air sticks in his throat. The word ‘baby’ ricocheting around his head like gunfire. ‘Shig -.’
‘Oh, Shigaraki can look after himself.’ You snap.
‘I…’ He wets his lips. Suddenly, his joints don't ache – the pain is in his chest instead. ‘Are you serious? About - about wanting a baby?’
‘Well not any more.’
He steps back as if slapped.
You run a palm down your face. ‘What if you go to prison? Huh? I get stuck on my own with a brat and a house I can’t pay for? Then, what? All because you couldn’t tell Shigaraki that you don’t want to be involved any more?’ There's tears spilling over your cheeks that you don't even bother wiping away. ‘What the fuck happens if you die, Touya?’
Chest tightening, he can feel his stomach ache. The now ancient scars of staples etched into his skin clenching as memories of Hell fire and bad blood threaten to overload his system. Then, you're laughing and it’s ringing in his ears snapping his attention back to you.
Your panic is fading now, being beaten out and replace with something stronger. Anger broils in your stomach so hot that you’re mad with it, but you’re too far gone to care. ‘Fucks sake, the girls were right - I should have dated Natsuo. You think his girlfriend has to put up with this shit? I bet you money he doesn’t come home wearing someone else’s blood like fucking aftershave.’
Dabi can't get his baring. His head is too full to think as the image of you cradling a child, his child, fills the void between his ears. ‘It was one job.’
‘Until the next one.’
‘I - fuck -.’
You shake your head, letting out a shaky laugh. ‘Don’t. It’s okay. I should have known what I was signing up for… It’s my own fault for thinking I could build a life here.’
‘No - wait. Doll -’ He reaches for you again, but you're already out of reach.
‘No.’ You lift your arms into the air in surrender. ‘It’s okay. I get it. The League is always gonna win.’
‘The League doesn’t exist any more.’
‘Could have fooled me.’
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You go to bed alone. The darkness is suffocating, the bed too large without Dabi's frame, but even that is better than the smell of blood and spit. At some point, the shower gurgles to life, forcing out the menacing ricochet of thoughts that cause you to wonder just how long your relationship has left. It leaves you empty, sucked dry of everything, but the heavy thundering of the man you love washing blood from his knuckles next door.
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The water is too hot, scorching the delicate seams of his skin. Scar tissue and skin grafts have long since settled, leaving him now with a more cohesive patch-work than the back-ally surgeons and staple guns could ever manage. He runs a hand over the scar covering the back of his wrist. That life seems miles away now.
Or, it would if he didn't go running back whenever Shigaraki called.
Which he did.
There was always a job his quirk was perfect for, or a meeting he didn't trust anyone else to mediate, a delivery that would only be safe if it was in his hands. Whatever it was, Dabi always said yes. Maybe it was because being a villain was all he had ever known? Or, maybe, just maybe, deep down, he enjoyed it... Couldn't take the restlessness of a house in the suburbs, a girlfriend who loved him despite all his flaws and the possibility of more: a baby. The word repeats on him again.
He'd never seen himself as a father. Never had an interest. Didn't want the responsibility of raising a brat, or worrying at every single turn if he was becoming his father. It had never appealed to him. That was... Until you.
Now, the image of you swollen and fat, round with his child made his balls ache. You'd look stunning, with glowing skin and one hand permanently rested on your stomach. He wonders if your tits would swell too. If your nipples, already so delicate and sweet would become more sensitive as your body prepared to offer new life to the world. Would the taste of your cunt change, once he finally allowed you to feel full of him. Something he's used to denying you time and time again. The image of you dripping with him, your fingers messily spooning the thick spend back into yourself as you beg for him to breed you burns itself into the back of his eyelids.
His eyes snap open.
Swearing, he reaches down and grips the base of his cock and watches as it twitches, helplessly in his grasp.
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Sleep has barely begun to tug at your eyelids when the shower abruptly shuts off. You wait with baited breath, air locked in your chest as his footfalls creep back into the bedroom. You expect him to leave, to sleep on the sofa like he has done in the past when you have argued, but after a moment, he's moving again, rounding your side of the bed and dropping to his knees, still dripping.
Dabi's throat bobs. 'I told him, I'm done.' He mumbles, offering up his phone that he slides to you, screen up, across the mattress.
You push yourself up onto an elbow and peer at the phone where a text chain glows. To his credit, there's a message there – one swearing off further involvement, but still, your heart aches. Biting the inside of your cheek, you bring your eyes up to meet his. 'I don't -.'
He doesn't let you finish. Instead, he reaches for your hand and squeezes. 'I know... I know you don't have any reason to trust me, but look at me and tell me: does it look like I'm serious?'
The muscle in your jaw flexes. You've always had a good read on him. It's the only reason you've both gotten as far as you have.
'Am I serious?'
You lick your teeth.
'I...' Swallowing, he rubs a thumb over your knuckles. 'I mean it, I... Fuck, I wanna give you a baby so bad.'
'Touya – I can't...'
'I mean it.' He cups your cheek with his other hand. 'Don't just believe me, let me prove it to you.'
Covering his hand with yours, you peer into his eyes: searching. You want to believe him. You do. More than anything. 'Touya...'
'Doll.' Dabi leans in, his nose pressing against your cheek as he breathes hot air over your cheeks. In the millimetre of space between your lips, he whispers. 'Let me... Please.'
You close the distance between you and sink into the taste of him. His hand wraps around the back of your neck immediately, keeping you cradled close to him as he lets himself soak into your touch.
Letting yourself fall, you allow his weight to push you back until you're laying flat on the bed, but he doesn't break the kiss once. There's a desperation in his tongue. A passion had always burnt bright between you, hot and fierce, and yet, right now, his whole being is calm. He cages you in, bracketing your head between two strong elbows as he continues to pour himself into you. His tongue breaches the seam of your lips, licking into your mouth with a fever.
'Touya... Touya, please.' Gasping against his mouth, your hands find his hair and tangle in the strands there. You pull, earning yourself a quiet moan that he feeds into your mouth with another scorching kiss. Already you can feel a molten stone begin to burn in your stomach, with each of his touches your doubts are unpicked, his kiss the salve to your worries as he scatters love against your neck.
'Tell me what you need, Doll. Tell me.' Towel slipping from his hips, Dabi finds himself bare. It's odd. To be the one laid so naked while you're still clad in your sleep clothes. It makes him feel stripped, vulnerable and yet, there isn't a single inch of him that is weary.
Letting your hands slip from his hair, you cradle Dabi's face and force him to look at you. 'You... I need you.'
A smile breaks his features then. It still feels strange, tugging unusually at the edges of his mouth as if pulled by invisible strings. Pressing his hips down, he presses his half-hard cock against your pelvis and licks his teeth when he feels the blood pulse under your skin. 'Yeah? You need me, or do you need him, Doll?'
Squirming, you buck your hips anxious to feel more of him. He's searing hot, yet far too cold through the layers of your sleepwear leaving you anxious. You reach down, dropping his face in order to pull at your shorts, trying and failing to slip them from your legs.
Dabi sits back on his haunches, his hands trailing down your body slowly, but firm.
His palms are rough, calloused against your shoulders as they slip lower and take hold of your chest. For a moment he lingers, appreciating with a squeeze. You're so soft and eager, pressing up into him as he kneads at you.
A broad swipe of his thumbs over your nipples has you arching. The desperation inside of you feels as though it might tear you apart as he takes one between his fingers and rolls it, forcing it to pebble quick in the warm air.
'Shh, I've got you, Doll.' Bowing his head, Dabi lays a broad-thick lick against your neglected nipple while slowly pulling at the other. He'd never much cared for pleasure before you. Never really cared about being good. He fucked out of boredom, out of a stubborn biological need that was burrowed somewhere deep inside of him and yet, now... Now he could do without the orgasm. He'd give you his mouth, his fingers, his cock without anything in return if only it meant he was able to bask in your pleasure, to watch, to give.
It makes him want to laugh sometimes, just how much you've changed him.
How much good you bring to him.
If only he could give you something back...
If he could give you the best of him.
'Fuck, fuck... Touy – Touya.' Scrambling, you draw your nails down his back leaving brilliant red in their wake. He likes it. You know he does. Wearing the marks of how he makes you feel, so you don't bother to lighten your touch as you do it again.
Touya drops his head as a moan rolls up his throat and into your ear. The muscle in his back tenses under your abuse, a stark reminder of just how delicate the line between pain and pleasure so often is. 'Oh, baby...' He purrs.
Letting your knees drop to the side, you allow Dabi to nestle between your thighs - closer to where you so desperately need him.
He can feel it, the heat, almost burning to the touch as he reaches down to swipe two fingers through your folds. Usually, he's the one who runs hot, but right now, you're giving him more than a run for his money. His hand comes away wet and sticky. Strings of your arousal drip down his digits, reaching his knuckles before he raises his hand to his mouth and licks you from his skin.
'Touya...' Your heart is racing, hammering against your ribs as you watch him clean himself of you. 'Touya, don't tease.'
'Oh.' He feigns sympathy, before a cruel smirk twists at his features. 'Did you want a taste too, baby?'
There's no waiting for you respond, no answer or rebuttal. There's just a moan locked deep in your throat and then, his fingers pressing down on your tongue. The taste of you bursts in your mouth, mixed with the dull tang of Dabi's spit.
Dabi hums, but the noise gains gravel as soon as you begin to suck at him. He hisses through his teeth, his thumb digging into your chin as he slowly inches his fingers back of your mouth. He growls, hooking a finger to stroke at the plush of your lips. 'For that, missy, I ain't prepping you.'
'As if that's a punishment.' You grin and lift your hips.
There's a hunger in his eyes now. One that is laced with the millions of things he's scared to admit as his expression flickers to match yours. He cocks an eyebrow and reaches for the towel around his waist. Yanking at it, he tosses it off the end of the bed and sits back on his haunches.
You love this bit. The bit were he makes you watch. Your cunt drools onto the mattress, providing the perfect lube for him to begin stroking himself. He dips into you, collecting as much of your slick as he can before wrapping his soaked fingers around his cock.
The slide is perfect. The wetness from you mixes with his own pre-cum, making each pass with his fist divine. It sends shocks of flame up his spine. Licking at his vertebrae, the pleasure builds, bubbling in-between sinew and cartilage, forcing him to bend. He leans into it, letting his body roll to find more of the pleasure he craves. 'Fuck...' He sighs, taking his bottom lip between his teeth. Pressing his cock to your entrance, he tilts forward and then...
His phone rings.
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-> Masterlist
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14dayswithyou · 8 months
I'm not sure if this was asked before but! It's Angel hug time!! How would the cast hug Angel! (Would love to see a tall vs short Angel for all the tall Angels!)
WARNING... minors/ageless blogs: do not interact. please read my pinned post before you send in anything !!
I left Angel's height ambiguous because there's a loooot of characters now, and it takes a lot out of me to write for all of them at once ^^; But I did keep tall Angel in mind while writing this!!
Ren Big, warm hugs that remind you of home. He'll wrap his arms around your waist and pull you flush against his body with a gentle smile. He's also the type to wait until you let go first before he moves away. Secretly revels in receiving physical affection for the first time in a loooong while.
Moth It honestly feels like a giant bear hug inside of a fuzzy blanket. They're the type to lean into you while hugging, and likes to rest their head on your shoulder if it's one of those longer, "I haven't seen you in a while" kind of moments. Their chest is prime real estate for your head, and they often silently encourages you to lean on it if you want to.
Violet Warm and inviting, kind of what you'd expect from her. She often likes to sway/rock the person she's hugging, and is more of a squeezer than a "pat on the back-er". If she's feeling cheeky, Violet might try to test her strength by picking you up — and you'd honestly be surprised with how strong she appears.
Elanor Motherly and familial kind of hugs. She also won't let go before you do, and often likes to give your back a gentle rub while she hugs you. If she thinks you need it, Elanor might even reach up and stroke your head in a comforting manner. Soft praises and encouraging remarks are usually spoken during these moments.
Conan Another one who gives warm, inviting bear hugs. At first, Conan might be a little rigid when giving you hugs, but that's only because he's your boss and he wants to keep things strictly professional. But if you get closer to him, he'll definitely open up more and give you those longer, more affectionate hugs that you need.
Jae Very much the "hehe XD glomps you" type. Jae puts his entire body weight into his hugs, and oftentimes gets a bit carried away with it. Like Violet, he'll rock you from side to side; but if he's feeling especially hyper, Jae will pick you up and spin you around entirely. His hugs are always coupled with carefree laughter and smiles.
Leon Another one whose hugs feel like home. Leon usually lets you dictate the type of hug you want from him, and effortlessly adapts to it. He'll wrap his arms securely around your waist and let you rest your head against his shoulder if you need it. He'll often whisper about how much he's missed you — even if it's only been a few minutes. If that's the case, he'll be more over-the-top and dramatic.
Teo Brief, one-armed hugs that barely last two seconds. If you're in private, however, his hugs are more relaxed and intimate. His hands often rest just below the small of your back while he rubs faint circles into the fabric covering your skin. Teo can allow himself to be softer in these moments, and usually only reserves these kinds of hugs for the people he trusts.
Olivia Practically throws herself onto the person she's hugging, and usually lets them be the one to lift her off the ground. Olivia isn't one for simple and brief hugs — she wants those boisterous, almost rom-com styled hugs where she gets lifted up and spun around. But if you ask, she'd be more than willing to try and lift you instead. At most, you'll both get a good laugh out of it.
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Same as it ever was 8
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as neglect, bullying, manipulation, cheating, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Between your home life and work, you just can’t catch a break. Especially after you draw the ire of your boss.
Characters: Lloyd Hansen ft. Pete Brenner
Note: hello again.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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You change out of your work clothes into a pair of old jeans and a fraying sweatshirt. You can smell the smoke from the basement as you huff at the ceiling. Great. You thought maybe having Pete home could at least spare you a few minutes to lay down. As usual, you have to save the day he's spoiled. Not that it was any good before that.
You go upstairs as the fire alarms wails and you hear Simone asking if everything's okay. You come up behind your daughter and gently touch her shoulder, "go read, everything's fine."
Pete pokes the button on the detector with the end of the broom as you hurry in to move the pan from the burner into the sink. The pan is ruined as the breasts stick, burnt to the finish entirely. You shake your head as you face your husband. He looks like a beaten dog as he holds the broom and pouts.
"I'll put some of the frozen nuggets in the oven," you resign, "why don't you set the table or something?"
He mopes and puts the broom back in the closet. He doesn't leave though. He approaches as you open the freezer and take out the breaded processed chicken. You put the bag on the counter and tear it open.
"I'm sorry, babe. I'm really... I'm trying."
"I don't want you to try, Pete, get it through your head," you whisper sharply, "I don't want you. At all."
He sputters as you refuse to look at him. You pull out a baking sheet and spread out the nuggets. He watches, helpless and stunned.
"You can't mean that," he mewls.
"What am I supposed to want with you?" You ask, "You blew it. We both did. It's done. We just... get through for the kids. For the company, until you can pay me alimony."
"Huh?" He chokes on the noise.
"Mom," Simone jolts you as she chimes from the doorway. You and Pete turn in unison. "That idiot with the lip fur is outside."
You frown as Pete gives another confused utter. "Who-- he is?"
"He knocked but I told him to go away," she shrugs, "don't think he got the message."
"Simone," you look at Pete as he furrows his brow. "My boss..."
"What the hell is your boss doing here?" Pete asks.
"I wouldn't know," you answer dryly.
You march out of the kitchen, past Simone as you go to the front window and peer out. You see Hansen inspecting your mailbox before he jams the doorbell. Great. 
You go to the door with your daughter and husband trailing you. This is the last thing you need. How dare he come there and disturb your family. He gets eight hours a day to torture you. And you haven't eaten, you're about to fall over.
You swing the door open, ready to eviscerate him but stopping short. You can't do that. Not least of all because Simone is right there. 
"Mr. Hansen," you greet airily, "what can I do for you?"
"Ah, nice to see you too," he eyes Pete over your shoulder as Simone stands beside you.
"Wish she could say the same," Simone sneers, "I told you to go away."
"Sim," you reproach, you're starting to think she gets that from you. "Mr. Hansen..."
"You're the boss? What're you doing here?" Pete asks, gripping the door frame as he' stands almost right against your back.
"You must be the old man," Hansen smirks, "didn't the wife tell you? She got a promotion."
"Huh, old man-- promotion?" Pete reels aloud. "No."
You swallow and suck in air. Just go along with it. One wrong step and he might just tell the truth for once.
"I haven't had the chance, we've been making dinner," you simper sourly.
"Well, I wish I could say I'm just here to say congrats but business calls," Hansen checks his watch. 
"It's six-thirty," Pete scoffs.
"Oh, you know, the big boys, it's a business dinners and useless small talk but gotta put on a good face." He looks at you and a line forms between his brows, "so better go doll yourself up."
"Wha-- right now?"
"I called you. Several times. You didn't pick up. Your problem, not mine. Let's go," he snaps your fingers.
"Mommy," Malik's voice startles you as he squeezes between you and Simone, "oh! Mommy!"
He whimpers and clings to your leg as he gapes up at Hansen, hiding behind you like he did when he was younger.
"I told you he's evil," Simone grumbles.
"Alright, everybody, inside," you declare as you raise your hands, "Mr. Hansen, please, just, give me a couple minutes."
"I've given you a few already but suppose I can't take you to dinner with grease on your shirt."
You look down at the new stain on your sweatshirt. Of course. You back up and close the door, turning to face your family, crowded in the entryway, bearing down on you.
"Okay, here's what's going to happen. Pete, put the chicken in, twenty minutes, make sure you flip them so they don't stick. Simone, keep an eye on Malik, please, help him with his homework, honey. Mal," you pause and untangle your son from you, "be good, please."
"Are you leaving?" He pouts.
"I have to."
"What the he--ck," Pete corrects himself before he can swear, "you're just going with him?"
"He's my boss, Pete," you snip, "I don't have much of a choice. I need the money. We both do. I doubt it'll be all night. A dinner, easy."
You know it's probably not what Hansen says it is but you're not going to unveil that deception. It's better to go along. You hate to lie to your family but you'd feel worse to let them down.
"Great, so you get to go out and have a fancy dinner and I have to stay here?"
"Pete," you sniff, "you're a father, start acting like it." You stop yourself, "Simone, Malik, please, go watch some TV."
Simone frowns as she peeks between you and your husband. You see the suspicion and anxiety sparking in her. She takes Malik's hand and takes him into the living room.
"I'll bring leftovers, happy?"
"That guy looks like a real scuzz bucket," he growls.
"Oh, please, you've spent how long staying late to go to dinners and be with Miss Panties or No Panties," you snarl, "don't start because I have to miss one night."
"Honey," he changes his tone, "I can't-- what do I do?"
"What do you do? Figure it out," you shoulder past him, done with the argument. You haven't won, you have to go put up with Hansen.
"Babe," Pete calls after you.
"I'm sure you could ask Simone, even a twelve year old can figure it out," you toss over your shoulder as you stomp upstairs.
You pull on a plain black skirt that ends at your knees, of the few you have among your wardrobe. You match it with a lamb gray blouse and a blazer you can’t button. You try your best to refresh your hair and face but at this point, there’s not much you can do about it.
You come downstairs and slip into a pair of round-toed flats as Pete watches silently. You know he wants to argue. You don’t want to go either but you’re sure as shit not telling him that. Let him suffer while you do the same.
“I’ll try not to be too late,” you shrug on your coat and hook your purse over your shoulder, “Malik, don’t give your father a hard time at bathtime and Simone, do your math. You can’t read all night.”
You reach for your phone and spin back for the door. Pete catches you, holding you at arm’s length. His blue eyes cling to yours with a glimmer of desperation.
“Love ya, honey,” he says, “I really do.”
You gulp and put your chin up. The kids are there. You try not to let your loathing tighten in your cheeks, “love you too…” you eke out and clear your through. “Love you all.” You pull away from him and smile at Simone and Malik, “have a good night.”
You quickly turn away and scurry to the door. Something about the moment leaves you breathless. The realisation that your family is hanging by a fraying thread. You pull the door shut as you come out to find Hansen leaning on the hood of his sports care. Is that douche bag red?
You come up the walk as he watches you with a smirk, “adorable, got the whole clan home.”
“Please,” you grumble, “let’s just get out of here. Far away.”
He stands up straight, “already jonesing for more, huh?”
“No, I just don’t want you near my family,” you retort.
He cackles and the car chirps as it unlocks. He goes around the driver side as you approach the passenger’s. You open the door and get into the low seat. You don’t like the incline of the seat or the smell of the air freshener. Everything about him is unbearable.
He jams his index into the ignition, hitting the button to turn the engine. He sits back and rests a hand lazing on the bottom of the steering wheel as he pulls out slowly. You buckle the seat belt and stare ahead.
“I’m sorry I didn’t answer the phone–”
“Good start, toots, but a better one would be your hand in my pants,” he snickers.
You cringe and put your purse between your feet. You strain against the seat belt and lean over the stick shift. As you reach for him, he swats you away and growls. You retract, annoyed.
“I thought–”
“You know, I was thinking of just driving you to the Wendy’s parking lot and sticking it in,” he cruises well past the speed limit as he remains casually reclined, “but that seems too easy.”
You grit your teeth. He’s mocking you. He slaps his hand on your knee and drags it up your thigh, rumbling your skirt.
“I didn’t know you owned one of these,” he pinches the hem, “you really got yourself prettied up, huh?”
You don’t say anything.
“Can I make a suggestion? Doesn’t matter, I’m gonna. Try something shorter. You got the tight part but this is something my fourth grade librarian would wear. Oh, and lace. Or silk.”
You want to scream at him. Does he really think you can afford all that? That you want your ass or tits hanging out in front of your daughter? He knows all that, he’s once again making a joke of you.
“Aw, tootsie roll, am I upsetting you? Well, that’s real fucking shit,” his voice goes rigid, “I was pretty upset listening to your voicemail on fucking repeat.”
“Sorry, I told you–”
“I don’t care. Busy? Not in my world. Let’s get this straight, the only thing you’ll be busy with is me. Or… I think Petey Boy may just love to hear all about your workplace antics. I mean really, he should be proud, you’re fucking skilled. That man, I see why he put a ring on it. Wherever it is… Shit…” he skids to a stop at a sign and looks at you, “you didn’t have to pawn it off? That’s goddamn sad, honey buns.”
You inhale and lift your chin. That would be a better story than the truth. Besides, you have a feeling he doesn’t genuinely care.
“I’ll buy you a new diamond. Two of them, one for each titty,” he chortles as he steps on the gas again, “what’s your birthstone? I’ll get that for your ass.”
“Mr. Hansen, I understand you’re upset. I didn’t listen. I didn’t answer the phone, but I can’t just leave my family–”
“You will do whatever I tell you,” he interjects, “first, you’re going to stop. No more excuses, you figure it out. Second,” he veers into a lot, just behind an unmarked office building, “you’re going to loosen the fuck up.”
He steers around to the back of the lot, parking slightly crooked and across the lines. There aren’t too many other cars this time of evening. He turns off the engine and rolls his shoulders. Well, it’s not a Wendy’s at least.
“Get in the back,” he orders.
You want to ask what or why but you know better. You get out and open the back door. You sit on the end of the seat.
“Lay down,” he says, still facing forward.
You glance at him, slightly confused. You slide up the seat and recline. His seat belt snaps back against the interior and his door opens. Gravel crunches under his soles and his shadow passes between the car and the streetlights. He darkens the open back door.
“Pull your fucking skirt up,” he orders in exasperation, as if you should’ve done so already.
You lift your shoulders and reach down to tug at your skirt. It’s hard to get it up, it’s tight and uncomfortable, you should’ve thrown it out. You feel the zipper about to burst. Impatiently, he shoves the hem up as he bends over the seat.
You’re suddenly very self-conscious as you realise what he’s going to do. He holds himself between your thighs as his hand crawls up to your panties. High-rise cotton underwear that balloon a bit too much around your pelvis.
“Sir, I’ll just take care of you,” you insist as you try to sit up.
“Fuck off,” he snarls, “lay down.”
You blink as your lip twitches. You can’t remember the last time Pete did that. You’re not okay. You don’t want Hansen down there. You really don’t want anyone at this point.
“Really, Mr.--”
“Lay the fuck back and shut up while I eat your pussy,” he grabs your panties and yanks, jolting you.
You fall back as he forces the fabric down. He growls and rips along the seam. You close your eyes and tense. As he exposes you, your thighs quiver.
He presses his face against your leg, his mustache tickling you as his breath dampens your skin. You swallow a shiver. You’re oversensitive and strung out. You squeeze your eyes tight and focus on your breath as he nuzzles and nips up towards your cunt.
You clench as he gets closer. Without thinking, you push your hand to his head as you try to stop him. Your heart is racing. Why is this harder than what you’ve already done?
He snatches your hand and throws your arm over the edge of the seat. You wince as he bites into your tender thigh. You squeak and he growls, his nose grazing up to your lips. You hold your breath as he closes in.
His tongue flicks up and you gasp. He glides between your folds, delving into you, humming so it rumbles through you. You raise your hand to grip the back of the seat. You forgot how nice this felt.
He takes it slow. A patience you’ve never seen in him as he dotes on your clit, swirling back and forth, suckling, dipping his tongue up and down your lips, lapping up your flowing delight. You quiver as you sink into the sensation, almost forgetting the man who’s inspired it.
His hand creeps up to your blouse, beneath your open jacket, and he squeezes your chest through the fabric. You wiggles his head back and forth as his tending grows more intense. He spreads his tongue wide and groans, his mouth slurping and sucking noisily.
The heat spreads into your thighs and tingles up your back. You arch your spine and dig your nails into the seat. You puff as you feel a climax rising. Hansen stretches his other hand over your stomach, pinning you down as he devours you ravenously.
You’re tipped over the edge, letting out a series of squeaks and squawks as you give into the orgasm. You’re dizzy from the sheer ecstasy of the moment, of his still lapping tongue, not stopping even as you cry out. He keeps on, urged on by your helpless moans. As in everything, it’s never enough for him.
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undertakersimps · 11 months
Dilf! CEO! Toji x Secretary!reader
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In which Toji decides to play with his new secretary.
Not proof read and kinda rushed at the end. But here… some smut for you thirsty bitches
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The sun peeked through your door as you got ready to leave. A new city, a new job, and most importantly a fresh start for you. As you got in the car memories of your family, your friends, and your ex-husband flooded into your mind. The divorce was ugly. Your friends were his friends, and you felt so alone after. Maybe finally you would be able to put everything behind you.
As you entered the doors of your new job, a nice man greeted you and brought you to what would be your new office for the foreseeable future. Your office was surrounded by glass walls on all sides except the one that led into your boss's office. A placard next to the door read Toji Fushiguro.
You'd heard of him. Who hadn't? He was a tall dark handsome bachelor. Every girl and even the guys thought he was hot. Too bad he’s married with a kid.
You logged into your computer and started working on simple filing work for stacks of paper on your desk. However it didn’t take long before you were noticed by some of your co-workers. A young man strides into your office, and before a word could be spoken, he immediately starts flirting with you, using cheap tactics and gross humor. You weren’t the type to blow people off so you politely smiled and continued working while he spoke.
Lucky for you moments later, the door to your boss’s office swings open and Mr. Fushiguro himself walks out.
“You out. New secretary, my office. Now.”
You nervously got up and walked towards his office as he retreated into the dimly lit room. It was a simple but large office. There was a desk, a couch, and a few lamps. It wasn’t decorated, the only thing in the room was a small framed picture of a young boy on his desk.
“Sweetheart, you don’t seem like the type to be in an office job.”
The new nickname made your thighs clench. The dim lighting perfectly outlined his muscles and beautiful tones. You know it shouldn’t, he’s married for god's sake but it makes your panties dampen.
“Already dumbed out? I haven’t even done anything yet.”
“Huh. Oh sorry, I got lost in thought I guess.”
Toji smirked. “Thinking about what?”
You swallowed thickly. He couldn’t know what you were thinking, right? You quickly made up a thought.
“Thinking about the responsibilities I’m going to have here.”
Toji's composure regained. He seemed to go stone cold again. You couldn’t tell if he believed you or not. But he seemed to drop the topic and start explaining what specifically your job entailed.
He rounded the desk to give you a better look at some paper files he wanted you to input. Before you knew it, his arm was wrapped around your waist and his face was an inch from yours.
“Another responsibility is giving me some… stress relief when I need it.”
You could feel his soft breath on your skin as his lips ghosted your neck. He was slow giving you a chance to push him off but when you didn’t he snaked his thigh up to your crotch and pushed against it. You couldn’t help but whine.
“What’s that princess? Use your words.”
You were starting to get desperate. It’d been forever since you’d been fucked, since long before the divorce. And even then your ex-husband never seemed to satisfy your needs.
Toji tisked at you. Removing his leg, he guided you back around the desk and sat on his chair.
“Strip. Let me see you.”
Uncertain of your movements you slowly start taking off your clothes, starting with your blouse, then your skirt, then your bra and panties. You stood there for a minute under his unreadable eyes, which were scanning up and down your body.
Finally, he pulls his hard cock out of his pants. And starts to slowly stroke it.
“Come sit your pretty pussy on my cock.”
You walk over to him and lower yourself down. It was a stretch. Toji must’ve been twice the size of the last person to fuck you. But it felt so good. You could hear Toji’s quiet moans in your ear as you finally bottom out.
“It’s so tight. Relax.”
After a minute of sitting there you started to get impatient. He started working again, typing at his computer. That’s when an idea popped in your head.
Carefully, you positioned your arms on the rests and tried to lift yourself up. But Toji saw it coming and grabbed your hips and held you there.
“Girls who can’t use their words can’t cum.”
Your eyes widened in shock. He couldn’t be serious. How long would you be like this, wanting for pleasure.
“Please. I'll do anything…”
“As much as I admire your persistence, you are going to stay just like this. On my cock not moving till I decide when you go home.”
And Toji kept his word. The hours past by slowly and painfully. But no matter how much begging you did he didn’t let up. Eventually, you fell asleep on his shoulder.
You woke up on the couch, fully dressed as far as you could tell. You weren’t sure when you fell asleep or how long you’d been there but your work day was over.
You got up and opened the door to his office walking into yours. At your desk was Toji with a giant grin on his face.
“Have you learned your lesson?”
“Yes Mr. Fushiguro. I think I have.”
Suddenly you felt something wet go down your thighs as Toji stood up, panties in hand. Your eyes widened, he took them and came inside.
“I’d hurry home, wouldn’t want anyone to see that dripping down. They might start getting ideas.”
“Maybe next time, fill me up some more? Let them get ideas.”
“Come straight to my office tomorrow. No detours. Maybe I’ll let you cum.”
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bad-decisionsot7 · 10 months
Their reaction to you being demanding.
Jin would be on the couch, reading some book when you'd come in, hands behind your back. you two had gotten into a fight last week and you'd had enough of his childish, petty nature. "jin. bedroom now." he gave you a look but quickly stood up, making his way into the bedroom. "if you're going to continue on with that childish attitude it's going to be even worse." you warned him, his cheeks reddening at your words. you intended on teasing him until he was practically begging for you. jin was already hard, obeying you by stripping and laying on the bed. he knew he was in for it.
Joonie would be cooking when you'd come behind him, your arms wrapping around his waist, your fingers trailed across his naked abdomen, goosebumps covering his tanned skin. "baby what you'd shush him by kissing his shoulder blades, a soft whimper escaping his lips. "meet me in the shower in ten minutes. no sooner. no later." you'd whisper, earning an eager nod from him. he was already picturing everything the two of you would do. something about shower sex with you being in a demanding attitude was what he dreamt of.
Hoseok and you would be hosting a housewarming party, all of your friends and family present for the event, something about him in that damn silver suit he had been wearing was making you panties wet, the feeling making you uncomfortable. you'd get your way, you always did. hoseok would be shocked when you'd press your body up against his, leaning up to his ear only to whisper seductively, "I'm soaking wet baby." he gulped, looking down into your eyes only to see no joke, of course, he'd fulfill your needs in the upstairs bathroom while everyone wondered where the two home owners skipped off to.
Jimin and you were both switches but today you were feeling particularly dominant, especially seeing him look so damned cute in his grey sweats, you wanted to leave dark hickeys all over his flawless torso, so that's exactly what you did. jimin would be a moaning mess, your teeth marks practically engraved into his collarbones. he knew you could be rough but today it was over the top and he loved it. "what do you want baby boy?" you'd tease him while grasping his bulge. "y-you, please. you." what your babyboy wanted, he always got.
Yoongi and you would be snowed in, the weather driving the both of you mad. yoongi wanted to go to a party tonight but now he was bummed, you wanted to cheer him up but couldn't think of anything, until. you'd looked at him, slyly climbing onto his lap. he'd give you a look of confusion but it'd go away as soon as you'd grind down onto him. "I have an idea but you have to be willing to try it out, are you down?" already interested with the way things were currently going, he'd nod, consenting to whatever you wanted to do, boy was he in for quite an enjoyable ride.
Tae would wake up to you kissing down his throat, your right hand lightly palming his head of hair. he loved waking up to you but now this was entirely different and my oh my was he excited. "baby-" he'd raspily whisper, your pussy throbbing at just his tone. "ssssh, let me take care of you for once. lay back little boy," you never called him that. he knew he was in for a surprise, you could be demanding but never like this, your tone so sassy, whatever you had in mind, he was prepared for.
Jungkook would be playing his video games, practically ignoring you all day. "aw no!" he'd yell into his headset as you watched one of his teammates die. you were annoyed. he'd pay for this. you stripped, your clothes coming off, hair let down. you intended on showing him who's boss and not in a nice way. you walked behind him slowly before slipping in front of him, your naked body exposed. he'd be shocked, a sly smirk on your face. you'd crawl onto his lap, his cheeks turning a crimson color. "don't make this harder than it has to be baby. be quiet while i do my thing. make any noise and you'll regret it." you'd whisper into his ear, nipping it afterwards. you'd make him pay more attention to you, driving him insane as he tried not to make any noise into the headset where all of his friends could hear him.
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janeyseymour · 2 months
La Cosa Nostra- pt 3
Cowritten with @schemmentis
Part 1. Part 2.
Summary: You're interrogated... meanwhile, Melissa worries and heads to the one place that she can usually find comfort.
WC: ~2.85k
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You step into the dark and solemn offices that you’re sure you’ll be stuck in for hours on end, and you sigh when you see the two agents from the night before.
“Glad to see you decided to show up,” Danik says coldly. “Almost out of time too.”
“I have two minutes to spare,” you reply cheekily. “And if you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to take those two minutes to call my mother-in-law to arrange to pick up my daughters from school today. Since I couldn’t be home last night, my wife had to stay home with the girls instead of prep for her restaurant, and I promised her I’d get coverage for pickup duty.”
“Go with her,” Danik instructs Shaw. The agent follows you down the hall as you dial your wife’s mother.
“Y/N?” the older woman picks up.
“Hey Ma,” you sigh into the phone, speaking English instead of Italian like you usually would. If you had gone into your mother-in-law’s native tongue, that would only look more suspicious to the FBI. “Listen, I have a favor to ask of you... I need you to pick up the girls from school today.”
You silently pray that she responds to your English in English, and for once she does. “I always love an excuse to see my grandbabies, but why can’t you or Lissa?”
“I have some things to take care of with the salon while Mel is handling her restaurant today,” you explain vaguely. “Please, Ma.”
“Okay, okay,” your mother in law chuckles into the phone. “God, you two are such workaholics.”
“It’s all for our girls,” you laugh softly as you think of them. “It’s all for the girls.”
“What time are they done with school again?”
“3:15, but the lines start to get long and the girls don’t like to wait, so Mel and I usually try to get there around 2:50,” you explain.
“2:50, got it,” Melissa’s mother notes softly. “Okay. Take care of yourself, Y/N. I don’t need you overworking yourself to the point of a heart attack and leaving my daughter to take care of those two rascals on her own.”
It’s funny that she says that, because if you die in the near future, it most certainly won’t be because of a heart attack. You let out a laugh that only you know the meaning of. “I’ll do my best, Ma. Thank you.”
“Anything for the four of you,” the woman on the other end of the phone smiles into the phone before hanging up.
You look at the agent who was listening to your phone call. “Was it really necessary that you be here for that?”
“We have every right to be tracing you right now, Mrs. Schemmenti,” Shaw states. Then he lowers his voice. “But I also found it a bit overkill for me to follow you.”
He leads you back down to where you had entered, and then he and Danik lead you and Sammy into the back room.
Try as Melissa might, she’s allowing her worry for you to consume her at work. She’s made a few mistakes in terms of scheduling already today that thankfully her manager on duty caught before the final schedule went out to her employees, her stock inventory was almost entirely all wrong, she almost didn’t balance the checkbook correctly (and that would have only made your family look all the more suspicious), and she nicked her fingers while dicing various vegetables.
“Boss?” Valentina, the manager on duty asks quietly as the redhead curses in Italian under her breath. “If you don’t mind my asking, is everything alright?”
“Just peachy,” your wife replies rather snippily. “Just peachy.”
“If you need to take the day off to regroup,” the meek and mild woman tries to offer. “You know the restaurant is okay in my hands. I handled it all last night, and I can do it again today if you need it.”
“And why would you suggest that?” Green eyes glare into brown ones.
Valentina twists her fingers together nervously. “You just don’t seem to be here mentally today, and I totally understand.”
“You could never,” Melissa grumbles.
“I have off days too, and it’s okay to admit that you need the day,” the sweet woman says. And when she knows that her boss will retort something about being the owner, she quickly adds on, “even if you are the owner of this restaurant.”
Melissa blows out a breath as she expertly wraps the fingers that she had almost sliced off (and thank God she hadn’t. Not only would it be terrible to have to call you and explain that she was in the ER and she would be out of commission for a bit, it would look like someone was targeting her and had her fingers cut off).
“You could have a day to yourself to relax without those little cuties of yours climbing all over you, I know your wife is working at the salon right now... just a nice relaxing day to laze on the couch and do nothing.”
Melissa toys with the idea of leaving the restaurant for the day- she knows Valentina could handle it, and she did handle it last night. She knows too though that the picture perfect afternoon Valentina is painting isn’t at all the one she would have. As nice as it is to imagine returning to your home, and curling up on the couch- maybe with that book she’s been meaning to read; it wouldn’t happen.
She sighs, slowly nodding. “A’right, a’right. You talked me into it, Val.” She mutters, stepping past the other woman. “But you need anythin’, even somethin’ small, you call me, hey?” 
Melissa waits until Valentina has confirmed thoroughly that she’ll call at even the smallest inconvenience before she leaves out the back of the restaurant. Her eyes take a last sweep over everything in the kitchen and storeroom before she fully leaves. She won’t be able to have the relaxing day Valentina convinced her of, but she has more important business she can take care of instead.
She makes the short drive from her restaurant, pulling the car you share into a different parking lot. She puts it into park, taking a deep breath. She hopes Sammy is at least doing his job and protecting you. If he isn’t, she’s going to make sure he learns. She doesn’t care how high up in the family he is. Shaking the thought of Sammy, or you, as much as she can, Melissa steps out of the car and locks it as she makes her way across the asphalt.
She carefully ascends the few concrete steps outside, tugging the glass door open to step into the small atrium. She steps up another short set of stairs before she tugs the heavier wooden door open. The previously muffled sound of the church organ plays fully in the air once the door is open, the scent of incense filling her nose. Melissa steps into the back of the church, her late entrance to this morning’s service lost beneath the noise of music and parishioner’s singing. 
She dips her fingers into the font of holy water affixed to the wall. Her hand makes the sign of the cross over her upper half as she, mostly, genuflects at the side of the last pew. Melissa slips into the seat at the aisle, patiently waiting as the hymn plays out. After another few moments, the organ’s music lowers and slows as the singing ceases. The audience of the mass takes their seats once more. 
“Mornin’, Babs.” She greets softly the woman that reclaims the seat next to her. The priest is summarizing the mass’ lesson for today and giving one last prayer up at the pulpit. 
“Good morning, Melissa.” Barbara returns amicably, though she doesn’t hide her surprise at seeing the redhead. “I can’t recall when you last attended a Thursday service. Even just at the end of it.”
The redhead looks sheepish at being caught out at being present only for the end of this mass; that and the fact she certainly doesn’t attend as often as Barbara does. “Well.” Melissa sighs. “Sometimes a little extra prayer is needed, huh?”
“Is everything alright, dear? With Y/N? The girls?” Barbara questions, glancing at her friend worriedly. 
“As much as it can be.” Melissa hedges. “More, huhm, business problems, guess you could say.” She confides quietly as the final procession begins. The priest and the altar servants making their way down the main aisle beneath another hymn.
Normally, Barbara would be back on her feet. Participating in the procession and singing the closing hymn loud and proud. Melissa and her had had plenty of conversations like this. Paused between hymns and pieces of the Mass. Today, Barb stays sitting. She sees the worry on the redhead’s face. 
“I hope not with the restaurant.” She says as her hand gently grips one of Melissa’s. “I know how much that place means to you. I think you were happier the day you opened than when you married Y/N.” Barbara teases with a half smile, attempting to lighten the mood.
Melissa shakes her head, returning the squeeze of Barbara’s hand and smiling just a little at her tease. “No, the only day I might have been happier than my weddin’ day was the day my two babies were born without complication, an’ you know it. But uh, it’s the salon. I know it’s sort of…our second thing, yeah? I know it wasn’t a dream of Y/N’s like the restaurant is for me but it still means a lot, y’know? Without the salon we would've never met, had the twins…The restaurant would have never happened without it. I just…I dunno, Barb. I don’t know what to do. Y/N is in trouble and…my hands are tied. I hate it.”
Barb pulls Melissa’s hand to her lap, gripping it between both of her own now. She holds it there for a long silent moment. Melissa doesn’t question, having experienced this before. The last time had been when you were pregnant and she was worried something would go wrong with how at risk you were. Barb had held her hand and prayed. For Melissa and you both. She does the same now. The day that she had prayed for you and your unborn babies was over five years ago now, but it all feels so familiar- the sneaking into a Thursday mass late into the service, the back pew, the soft tone that the other woman had used. It takes her back to that day just briefly before she too closes her eyes and prays; she prays for your safety and for you to come home to her tonight alive and in one piece, for your girls to never have their innocence ripped from them and never have to become a part of the side hustle to stay alive. 
Melissa isn’t sure how much or what exactly she believes in anymore. Of course she was raised religious. She’d never speak the doubts she has anywhere where her mother or nonna could hear. Still, with the life she’s found herself in, it’s hard to find much faith. She might not be a man on the streets, a member of the family with more…messy assignments. Even so, she’s seen plenty. Just like she knows you have. Faith is hard to be strong in when you’ve witnessed the darkest parts of the world. 
When you’re in the life; you’re in. Melissa doesn’t need to be a contract killer or a capo or consigliere. She’s family. When you’re family, you’re privy to every side of it and just like blood family; you pick your battles. You pick what is worth really lending your voice to because if it isn’t actually worth it you’re risking much more than an argument over dinner or estrangement at holidays. You’re risking your life along with everyone you love’s lives. Just like blood family; there are things you pretend you don’t see- things that are never spoken about but simply are. 
Melissa sighs, a soft and quiet thank you when Barbara pats her knuckles. A silent sign that she’s finished praying and is here if Melissa wants to talk more. She lightly squeezes Barb’s hand before she’s pulling her arm back to her own space. “I’ll still see ya Sunday. Just figured a check in might help.”
“You know where to find me.” Barbara assures. “You don’t have to wait to meet me at Mass either, you know.”
“I know, it’s just one of the few free times I get.” Melissa answers. She squeezes the other woman in a quick hug before she steps out of the church the way she came. 
Once she’s shutting the car door behind her again, she’s anxiously checking her phone. Nothing. It’s only been a couple hours but she had hoped with Sammy with you he’d manage to get you through the process much faster. She turns the key in the ignition to start the car once more. If she’s stuck waiting hours again, and doesn’t need to worry about your girls, she’s going to do the next best thing she can. Get whatever information she can from each and every one of her contacts.
“No comment.” You mumble, crossing your legs as you attempt to get comfortable in the metal chair. You glance at Sammy, sitting to your right. He’d instructed you to say nothing else so long as agents were in the room with you. Though you both know the room is being recorded even at the moments you’re left alone. 
By now, you’ve rolled through both Agent Shaw and Agent Danik being both good cop and bad cop. They’ve practically given themselves whiplash with each being your friend one moment and then tag teaming with the other to switch sides to being an enemy. They claim they have evidence that you were directly involved with Bobby’s murder- irrefutable evidence.
The only problem with that is you’re not a hitman. You’re not one of the people anyone of the family would call for a kill. You knew the hit was coming; that much is true. Though you don’t admit to that, of course. Yet you had nothing beyond knowledge to do with it. If you didn’t have Sammy sitting next to you, you’d have likely laughed the fifth time they claimed you were the one that killed Bobby. 
You remember the night well. It was near Christmas. The twins were only two years old. You and Melissa had taken them to her mother’s and had watched your large family, both blood-related and otherwise, coo and aw over them both. The girls absolutely ate up the attention, acting as if you and Melissa didn’t always fawn and fuss over them. At the time Bobby was killed, you were on the way to passing out with Mel on her mom’s couch; grateful that there were so many other eyes watching your girls that meant you both could sneak a little rest. And once the two of you had joined the world around you again, Uncle Dominic had informed the two of you lowly that business had been taken care of. At the time, you just nodded sleepily into your wife’s chest, thinking that all of your issues dealing with that man had melted away and you would just be able to enjoy this little life that you’ve built with your wife and two girls. How wrong you had been.
You know you had nothing to do with Bobby. Still, you stick to what Sammy told you. You repeat ‘no comment’ until the two words start to sound like gibberish to you. Finally, the agents step out once again. They play nice, offering water or food for both you and Sammy. You both decline. 
You try to stretch out your legs beneath the table, annoyed by the knot between your shoulder blades. “Sammy,” You say the man’s name, dragging out the syllables to show your annoyance.
“They got nothin’, kid.” He answers. “They’re throwin’ shit to the wall and seein’ what sticks.”
“If I’m here until three am again, I ain’t payin’ you.” You grumble.
“You don’t pay me anyhow.” Sammy shoots back.
“You and I both know that even if my wife and I don’t pay you monetarily, you get paid in something better,” you roll your eyes. “Melissa’s branzino. You’re about two steps away from really pissin’ me off, Gaetano.” You warn lowly. 
His hands raise, both palms outward as if showing he is unarmed. “Ay, don’t bite my head off. I’m here to help you, huh? Just stay patient a little longer. I’m tellin’ ya, they got nothin’.”
What feels like ages later both Agents you can now easily recognize return. They each reclaim their seats across the table from you. A folder of papers set down in the middle. Shaw pushes them across the table to you, flipping the folder covering the papers over.
You glance at the forms, your brow furrowing. “What’s this?”
“Search warrants.” Shaw answers. “For the salon and your home.”
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