#my dad wrote me a card that made me cry it was so sweet
the-gray-ghosty · 1 year
Today's my birthday!
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heartfucksmouth · 6 months
guys I did it
I survived a full day of being a parent WITHOUT A NAP. Aidan slept through the night in bed with me and myles, he woke up at 5am and it's 845pm and I survived the day, I didn't even lose my temper or have a meltdown or sensory overload (it is like 30 degrees out and I'm still sweaty all the time why) and Myles didn't get out of work til 11 (he's working 1am-11a ugh peak season for holidays).
sure, I got a little stressed and my brain was going in a hundred directions at once, but I GOT STUFF DONE. I DIDNT NEED A NAP (I mean, I did, I always ~need a nap, but I managed without one!) holy shit never thought it would happen. I told myles I feel insane bc I was so so sad last night but today I've been such goofy weirdo and laughing at everything. maybe the sleepy-delirium is good for me lmao
~let me list my accomplishments for the day please
•I got all our laundry out of the dryer (myles folded it later)
•I put in a load of Aidan's laundry
•made coffee and a peanut butter + jelly sandwich for breakfast lmao and a pitcher of formula for the day
•I chopped up apple and banana to put in the little mesh fruit feeder things and froze them for his teething pains. he's doing okay on the chamomile tea right now but I can't wait to use the camilia again cuz it's concentrated and I won't feel like I'm filling his belly up on tea water
• did dishes and washed Ade's bottles
• I packed up a lingerie set that I sold on depop, added some cute little surprise gifts, wrote a quick thank you card and dropped it at the post office while Myles hung with Aidan.
• While Myles had Aidan, I also sorted through my stuff that's in boxes from when I moved here, repacked some things, and got almost all my boxes onto the shelving unit in the basement. it makes me sad that I have so much cool stuff and can't display it or be my full self and feel at home.
•I took care of the dogs too, made puzzles for Zaiyah and made sure Bear wasn't licking his surgical incision - he is SO STRONG, he even tried to chase a rabbit today. crazy fucker, it's been like 3 days since you had half your shoulder muscle removed. gave lots of pets and sweet words bc they are the best dogs.
•I got little dude to nap while Myles worked out and we finished Squid Game The Challenge (minus the finale in December) and he slept for 3 frickin hours. I also deleted a million photos that were taking up all my phone storage.
•and finally I had Ade hang in his crib to wind down, while I took some photos for depop and packed a box to donate to savers tomorrow
Editing to add that I still managed to tell Myles I love him and get some good kisses and quick cuddles and man, I just really appreciate our relationship. we're insane for having a child after a year of being together - but... are we that insane? our relationship just keeps growing and getting better and feeling more solid. it's incredible. seeing him be a Dad makes me love him even more and I find him even more attractive. I used to think I was lucky in my last relationship (and people told us they were jealous) but no. no no. I was settling for less than i deserved back then (lessons lessons) this, is it. this is the relationship to thank the universe for blessing me with it.
and that's all in between bottles, diaper changes, soothing crying, playing, tummy time, crawling practice, lots of spit ups, dancing and making him laugh.
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hope you get the idea even though I'm keeping half his face anonymous lol I just don't want photos of my kid floating around the internet - unless where I can control it. his grandparents are ridiculous with posting his photos and I can only hope they have private profiles (I keep meaning to ask)
also if we are mutuals and talk, you probably have seen photos of him. but if you haven't, you can surely ask :) he's the kind of cute where you wanna scream and it lights up your day lol not to brag, I'm still in awe I created such a beautiful human.
anyways I'm really fucking proud of myself right now. I won't always feel this way or have days like this, so I'm gonna yell about it while I feel good.
ps I STILL need to shower. the one thing I didn't manage to do. tomorrow is the day bc my mom is coming to watch Aidan for a few hours and im gonna shower and faceplant in my bed for a nap before doing my errand. I cannot wait to shower lol being a new mom is truly wild
also the way I'm writing this must sound truly manic/adhd brain and y'all just have to deal, this is who I am now.
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folkloristico · 11 months
🥀 favorite angst quote from a published work
🍎 favorite angst quote from a wip
🍒 favorite sweet quote from a wip
🔥 wild card: dealer’s choice of quote from a wip
Thank you for the ask!
🥀 favorite angst quote from a published work
Fairies with aquatic powers have the sea within them. Nature fairies breathe with it, with her; the roots of trees are like a mother. Mother. A word that has always felt unnatural on her lips: mother. It implies a detachment that Daphne never appreciated. Mother, she would say, looking at the queen, her back straightened despite the burden of the crown. Father, she would say, looking at the king at her side, love in his eyes but coldness in his mannerism. The burden of the crown, gold dripping on the head and creeping perfidiously like sharp claws. A shadow that never leaves. Daphne skims through memories; she seeks her mother, not the queen. Mama. Papa. Oritel wiggles his fingers, they snap like little men chasing each other. A melody permeates the room, widens these walls that are so empty and fills them, chases away the silence. War isn’t here; it cannot reach us.
From emptiness within waters.
The choice was narrowed down to just this story because it’s the only one I published until now. I don’t really know how to describe it because it’s kind of… atypical? I wrote it as a stream of consciousness whose premise stems from my headcanon that while being under the Sirenix curse, Daphne alternates between moments of consciousness and moments of oblivion. Past memories come back to her in no particular order and the more she remains in her ghost-like state, the more she struggles to remember.
To be honest, I’m not sure it’s something easy to grasp by reading the story as it is, but I don’t really mind because it was a quick character study and I intend to address the headcanon—which I’m not sure it’s canon, honestly; I should rewatch the series to be sure—in my WIPs.
🍎 favorite angst quote from a wip
Daphne knew her father would never say those words as a reminder of what she’d done wrong, but the unwanted implications stuck to her like glue. She felt tears lingering at the corners of her eyes and fought hard to hold them back, swallowing them with all the shame and the helplessness that had settled in her stomach as if never wanting to leave. Needling her mind was the suspicion that just like her mother, her father was trying to remind her that she was not alone, that her condition was the kingdom’s, but neither approach seemed to have any beneficial effect: not her mother’s warm and conciliatory tone, not her father’s attention. Sometimes, she wanted to chase them away. She lacked the language, or perhaps the strength, to shape into coherent sentences the detachment she was left with since regaining a body with an emptiness within matching the one she’d felt as a ghost. Ste stood, untenanted and idle, floating in the water, never drowning but wanting to.  I plead for death to take me, not only to be reunited with you but to be free of the pain, was not something she could just say to her parents. Nor did she believe they could understand what it was like to wander the palace, the ghost of her childhood haunted these walls, and feeling like she belonged more than current Daphne did.
From the SotLK rewrite WIP, after Daphne has been ‘revived’👀
🍒 favorite sweet quote from a wip
“Dad, I’m sorry about…” she said, but there were so many things she felt sorry for that she couldn’t find it in her to say which one it was. She shook her head. “I shouldn’t have left.” Oritel’s fingers lingered on her bare face, brushing her cheek as though she were made of glass. “It’s alright, sweetheart,” he said softly. His other hand was on her shoulder with the same gentleness of before. Daphne had slowly been relearning how to let other people touch her without withdrawing herself. “Do you still want to dance?” Afraid her voice would break into a cry, Daphne just nodded. Oritel just wanted to dance with his daughter—and so they did.  Just the two of them, Daphne didn’t feel the desire to tore her lungs out to make sure they were still going. She could breathe. She was fine.
This is more, like... bittersweet? But I still think it counts.
🔥 wild card: dealer’s choice of quote from a wip
The idea of disappearing into the folds of time terrified her now as it did years before, for different reasons. There it was again, the realization that she would cease to exist, unbeknownst to all if not to the same man who was going to be her executioner. Her enemies didn’t even have a face to match with her actions, only the king would. Him, and Faragonda. For some reason, the thought of her opened wounds inside of her that Griffin wasn’t even aware of. She was the acquaintance of a year and a half spent at Cloud Tower, and yet Faragonda had managed to leave something in her before leaving for Alfea and never looking back. Or rather, Griffin hadn’t. She had locked her out, the only person who had managed to go past her shield now banished forever. Or so she liked to think.
From the Daphne & Griffin/CoL Prequel/idk anymore fic. Still not sure how it’s going, but, well, at least it’s going (!)
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erinevrly · 1 year
“Happy Mother’s Day!” Sebastian announces, the moment he’s been waiting for— for his mom to finally make it to the kitchen where he and Eris made cinnamon rolls and dad decorated the entire kitchen in Erin’s favorite color with party supplies. A giant bouquet of roses sitting on each sides of the table and a beautifully decorated pink cake sat right in the middle for the cookout they’re going to have later, that dad also planned with him and Eris. For now it’s just him and mom. He gets up from the chair where he was drawing and painting, quickly hugging the brunette’s waist then the redhaired boy holds out a homemade card he gets off the table. With some writing on the inside and a big yellow heart and a dove on the outside. “I wrote you a poem.” The eleven year old widely smiles, shyly holding it out to her. The words inside: “A mother loves right from the start, no matter if her children are near or far apart. A mother gives never-ending love. She gives us comfort and peace like a beautiful dove. For us she will always do her best. Even when we put her patience to the test. She wipes our tears, chases away our fears, encourages us to follow our dreams, no matter how far fetched it may seem. Her name is Erin. I am so honored to call her my mother. She is incredibly caring, always sharing and doesn’t falter on taking care of us each. Looking back on another year, I was so lucky to have a mother so dear. So mom, on your special day, relax and enjoy and always know that no one can compete. Know I couldn’t have asked for any other incredible person to call my mother. My beautiful dove, that is my mother. -Sebastian Shiloh Rose”
It’s the smell of food, a familiar combination of sugar and cinnamon wafting through the air, that finally gets Erin to blink her heavy eyelids open. When she was younger, she often took a full night’s sleep for granted, but now that she’s a mother of two, she refuses to make the same mistake and lets herself sleep in from time to time. The only problem with that is the fact that her stomach rarely gets the memo and begins to grumble around nine in the morning. Every single morning. Guided by the mouth-watering aroma, Erin makes her way downstairs. It takes a moment for her eyes to adjust to the warm sunlight, but when they do, she takes in a sharp breath and immediately recalls what day it is. Mother’s Day. “Aww, Sebastian,” she breathes, clearly enthralled by the beauty of all the decorations surrounding the two of them. Balloons, confetti, banners, and all in her favorite color, too. Dainty hand coming up to absently rub any remnants of sleep away from her eyelids, she can’t help but wonder if she’s still dreaming — it does feel like a dream, a dream come true. She tries to take in the flowers and the cake, everything that her three favorite people had bought and made just for her, but she feels overwhelmed, her chest tightening with emotion as her eyes burn with the effort it takes to refrain from crying. She quickly wraps her arms around her son’s shoulders, returning the loving hug, holding him close as she kisses his head a number of times. “What’s all this? Is it all for me? This is so sweet, way too sweet, you guys didn’t have to go all out.” They really didn’t. She almost feels like she doesn’t deserve all these sweet and thoughtful gifts. 
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“And you wrote a poem? A poem for me? Oh, my goodness! Am I the luckiest mommy in the world? I must be! I have an angel like you for a baby! Come here, let’s read this masterpiece together,” the curly-haired brunette squeals, her voice still groggy from sleep and brimming with emotion. Practically beaming at her sweet son, she reaches down to carefully take the precious piece of paper from his small hands before grabbing him under his arms and pulling him up, sitting him on top of the kitchen island as if he were still a little boy. She kisses his cheek, fingers carding through his strawberry locks as her chest continues to expand. “Oh, my —” She reads the poem quietly, taking her time and marveling at the cute handwriting, gushing over each word and sentence. It’s a wonder her heart doesn’t just explode. It does finally make her tear up, though. How could it not? It’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for her. Holding the poem to her chest as tears of happiness roll down her cheeks, she sweetly praises, “Wow, thank you so much, baby. It’s so pretty, the prettiest poem ever written! Mommy will keep it forever. You’re really talented. My talented artist.” Smiling as she gazes at her son with admiration, she softly muses, “Thank you so much, Sebastian Shiloh Rose. Thank you for making me a mommy and for writing this beautiful poem for me, and for being the best son in the world. I love you so much, my baby bear.” And although she always tells him and his sister that they don’t have to do anything special for her, she’s glad they don’t listen to her. There’s a huge grin on her face as she looks at one of the three people she loves the most, doing her best to wipe her tears and prevent them from falling on this heart-melting poem. “I think I’ll put it in my wallet or on my nightstand so I can read it over and over and over again.” And she’ll show it to all of her friends, brag about how talented and sweet her son is. 
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moon-ursidae · 1 year
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as always, SPOILERS for BOTH of the last of us games below!!!
okay so i want to finish this game before my semester starts on tuesday so i really gotta pick it up haha bc there is still SO MUCH GAME left to play. i haven’t even played as abby yet bros.
total play time: about 6 hours
scavenging is soooo satisfying
but also lonely as fuck without dina
this is probably gonna remind me of the first game of the sections when joel is without ellie and he starts goin ham
that fucking sucked and i feel awful
i would not be able to live in an apocalypse i have too much empathy
again i love the stories being told with the collectibles. it adds so much to the world
oh my god that garage was full of infected lil fuckers
oh fuuuuuuuck i feel so bad for this boris guy
i feel like he is also infected in the house i’m currently stood in
damn i was so right
oh my fucking god i can shoot it while prone.
this is the best day of my life.
ohmygod i fuckin finished em
holy fuck bro
stealth is WAYYYYY too fun lmao i love it
“you think i’d let you do this on your own?” PLEASE THEY ALL CARE ABOUT HER SO MUCH🥺
oh shit we’re back at the theater?
i love that jesse always hits a stance where he’s leaning
i know ellie isn’t jealous of jesse but rather mad at herself for allowing these people she cares about into a plan that puts them at risk
2 years earlier?? damn so ellie is 17 here?
“i can tell when you’re off.” “let me know if you want to talk about it.” FUUUUCK DUDE THIS IS GONNA MAKE ME CRY TOO🥺
ellie if everyone in jackson knows, joel probably does. he’s got a keen ear
hmmmmm dina is definitely jealous or upset if she’s avoiding you ells
ellie’s so poetic🥹
i’m gonna cry bc of how sweet tommy’s being. i feel like he’s hella underrated. i’m glad we get to see more of him in this game.
“when the barometric temperature gets to.. shit i don’t fuckin know.” LMAOOOOO
“i’m not supposed to say anything, but joel’s worried about you.” classic younger sibling energy
i would know bc it’s me. i’m the younger sibling💀
god this is fucking gorgeous.
i wanna know why there’s so much fucking tension between them even before the winter dance. why is ellie distant? is it bc of cat? aftaid that joel will find out? she obviously cares what joel has to think bc she wrote it down in her journal. maybe that’s why?
tommy’s smart for pushing them together to figure out whatever the fuck is goin on rn
LMAO THE LOG BOOK “for those of you wondering, my brother’s still eating with his mouth open. -T.” LMAOOOOOOOO
omg i never notice the dark horse comic logo
this is fucking GORGEOUS
i miss joel😭
“need a boost?” 😭😭😭😭😭😭
“well hello” “howdy” YYYEEESSSSS
omg wait is this the fuckin patrol ellie mentioned w dina WAYYYYYYY earlier???
joel taking out that bloater??? kinda attractive
“i hear the way jesse talks about you.” damn he really does have NO idea
omg and the clicker???? also attractive
he looks so good w these graphics
if i ever get my hands on a ps5 it’s over for you bitches
“if only they were immune, right?” THE WAY HE WHIPPED HIS HEAD TO LOOK AT HER OOOOOOOOOF
FUCK man
THAT’S what’s bothering her. fuck dude.
oh shit! she’s asking him about it! oh shit!
the look on her face tells me she doesn’t believe him
she doesn’t. “i’ve never met another immune person before. have you?” THE WAY HE JUST STANDS THERE FUUUUUCK MAN
“is now really the time for this?” JOEL STOP AVOIDING
“why did you pull me outta there while i was still unconscious?” THAT IS A GOOD QUESTION THO FROM HER POV
i wanna knock some sense into him but i also understand his side of it
she’s pissed. i can see it in her eyes bro she is so upset
“is there something else you’d like to rehash?” JOEL. i get that you don’t wanna talk about it man but c’mon.
DAMN. DAMN. well i wanted to know what was bothering her. i found out.
the way that ellie isn’t even fuckin flinching with these stitches speaks volumes
ellieeeeeeeeee girl please REST.
“what?” “nothing.” “good.” ELLIE.
oh my god she really is just gonna fuckin GO.
i have nothing but bad feelings about this
“maybe he can help us find these people more quickly. i don’t want to hear anything about turning back.” ellie. it’s consuming you ellie you gotta see that bro.
literally nothing good ever happens at night in tlou
randy styles💀
i’m ready for it to start storming bitch
what the fuck is up with scars and hanging people??
i’m concerned about this wlf hit list i found on a clickers’s body
what if they’re around here?
oh shit! there’s a not from one of the people that was in the theatre group! he talked about how he got sick and went to go get himself meds i think?
he died in the theatre though so i think this not from paige is for him
it’s too fuckin quiet in here
let’s try this again yea?
i feel so smart for figuring that fuckin dumpster thing out so fast
had to S P R I N T to get to that chain dude
holy fucking shit i am FAR from this hospital goddamn
i gotta say i HATE being on my own
wait is this the convention center for pax??
broooooooo arch-enemy is my fucking favorite so far like this is the the kind of character that i’m always drawn to
tbh might end on that note bc it is almost 4am and i am losing function in my hands hahaha
i’m saying FUCK NO to that tonight hahaha
i fuckin fell asleep before i posted this last night🤦🏻‍♀️
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suzyqrara · 2 years
It. Over. Goodbye first school counselor job, goodbye hating children, Goodbye Saleh, goodbye fakeness.  I hope I don’t need to be fake again. Goodbye annoyingly mean children.  With their attitude.  Nevaeh Burke went crazy yesterday and really made me happy I was leaving.  I thought if I came near her, she would stab me or something. Savannah’s dad got upset I dress coded his child and wrote me an email saying don’t talk to savannah on my last day. My breaths seem less heavy.  He intentionally misspelled my name to get me upset.  I don’t know why I have this effect on people.  I honestly do not understand. I am so grateful this is over. I am sure I will experience other things that will make me feel insecure, but I don’t think I will experience these same things with crazy kids and parents, at least not in the school counselor capacity. I remember the dream I had.  I was crying so hard and begging myself to please leave this job.  The last time I cried like that in a dream was when I dreamed Mason got hit by a car.  I was crying so hard to the point where I began making crying noises awake.  I told myself,”Alla, please leave this job.  Please take Lasalle.  I don’t care how much less you are getting, please just take LaSalle.”
I listened.  The next day or two I couldn’t help but just cry all day. I did not get Lasalle’s offer yet.  I was nervous what if I must be stuck at this place again.  I cried all day to the point where I had a huge headache in the afternoon. That was the day my mom, mason and I went to walk around the museum.  I was so exhausted that day. Now its over.  I got accepted an offer with Drexel and I am hoping this will be job I stay at.  I pray this will be it.
It was sweet yesterday. CSL gave me a card. Dr. Bonner genuinely looked sad. Mr. Hackney hugged me.  Some people did say I will be missed.  Ferrero was very sweet. Whelan acknowledged me. All new teachers, Rowlands, Sabetta, Monterusso, Kondos I think, Niwiniski twice.  I am grateful for their well wishes.  Marc from k/s was very sweet and said sweet things. It could have been less people.  I am surprised so many were sweet about this.  The last two weeks was nice.  I felt acknowledged and because I was leaving, I had an easier time being ok when students were assholes and I spoke with students I’ve never spoken too.  I’ve thought about maybe what I am doing isn’t good. But I knew the only reason was because I felt the freedom I had because I was leaving. None of this would have happened if I felt like I needed to be there another year.  My heart tells me I did the right thing.  My brain tells me I did the right thing. I am so grateful I am going to Drexel. What an amazing opportunity I landed. I am so happy to say goodbye to the office. I am so happy to not be working with Saleh. I am grateful Dr. Bonner said he would be reference for anything I decide to do.  I am very grateful for that.
I went out to dinner with Patty, Saleh, Donna and Seigle. I am grateful that Patty set this up for me and I thanked her a lot. But boy, was it the most uncomfortable dinner I’ve had. I worked hard to be social and try to make Seigle feel as included as possible.  Patty was very chill; I would hang out with her on our own because I don’t feel any tensions with her. I felt terrible tensions between Seigle and Saleh, I felt tension with Donna and I felt weirdness with Saleh because I hated how she was acting towards Seigle   Saleh is a bully.  She has told me in confidence that she is highly annoyed with siegle. Ok, your annoyed, why does she choose to act on that feeling every day?
I felt so bad for seigle.  Every time Seigle spoke, saleh would begin a side conversation with Donna.  I feel like because Donna is closer to Saleh, she also chose to be rude with Seigle by engaging in the side talk.  Seigle was interrupted by their sudden side banter like 3 times during dinner.  I made sure I kept eye contact with her.  To show her that I am still listening.  Patty would sometimes go into Saleh conversation, but I know it wasn’t on purpose.  I tried my best to be there for Seigle when she tried making eye contact.  I showed her I am still listening even though these bitches made it obvious they stopped.  Did seigle care that I was still listening…no lol.  As soon as she was dismissed by Saleh and Donna, she would stop what she was saying and listen to their convo and gets into their convo. Lmao.  But I was there in case she had the strength to keep saying what she had to say. The dynamic between Seigle and Saleh was super sad to me.  Seigle is a people pleaser. Especially people who know other people and are social like Saleh. She urges to figure out how she and Saleh can have a good relationship.  She literally takes a lot of disrespect from Saleh just so they can be cool.  It reminds me of me.  I walked on eggshells all year making sure there was no tension because I needed her skills for crisis situations.  I was lucky that it worked, and we had a tension free year…kind of…
You can tell Seigle just wants to get along with Saleh.  Saleh is being such a bitch with Seigle. She talks about seigle to other people. Sabetta, donna.  She went around pretty much asking how they felt about her, and she learned that Rylak and Sabetta were also annoyed with her?
She made Donna annoyed with her.  She would come into donna’s office and rant about how annoyed she is with seigle.  To the point where we are all hanging out and donna is engaging in side talk while seigle is trying to say something.  It just reminds me of childish, juvenile behavior. Its bullying. Saleh is trying to isolate seigle in slow speed, but it is still happening. She is showing seigle that she is not interested in having her in the group.  I felt terrible for Seigle. I was getting super angry with Donna and Saleh. It made me feel I am happy I am leaving this.  One day its Seigle, another day it will be me.  Then my quiet self will get the silent bullying treatment and it is worse for me because I share an office with this girl.  I knew from day one, she not someone I can trust.  Once she turns on people, she will be quick to throw them under the bus.  I just feel it in my core. She will on the side tell hackney something, plant a false seed in his head. Once that plant is placed, she will nurture it with a little lie here and there.  Maybe manipulate a situation a bit to show him the lie has a possibility to be true.  I would be pretty much screwed.  I don’t trust her.  I see how she talks about seigle and I can see her turn on me any day.  I saw how easy it was for her to get so mad about the smallest thing.  I see how she talks about seigle to everyone and how she sees things in completely different way and speaks about it in the worst way possible or best way possible to make her point sound like it is the truth.  For example, after bag check, she says “did you see how seigle is looking at me.  She gives me this angry stare.”  I remember seeing this moment and I literally just saw seigle look at her one time for one second.  But she would describe it in a way where if I didn’t know better, I would think Seigle had an issue and make a judgement on her. I remember one time; all Saleh did was say one sentence to a student.  When she describes the incident to another professional, she describes it in a way where it sounded like she made the biggest impact, the conversation went so well that the student was helped in the biggest way.  I remember thinking….that is not what happened.  She student just said ok and asked to go back to class.  She emphasizes everything in a good or bad way.  That is why she is scary.  She talks very nice and when she wants to emphasize an interaction as a bad thing…she will succeed and if you are introverted or have a self-esteem problem, you are fucked.  After listening to her, people will leave that convo with a negative judgement on whatever person she was talking about. I was in conflict yesterday because when Saleh hugged me she told me “Can we please continue to be friends.”  She convinced me that she really likes me but then I start thinking about this and I just want to do whatever I can to not see her again. The type of person she is when she doesn’t like you is the ugliest thing I have seen thus far.  She is exactly the person I thought she would be if I showed I had high esteem and felt confident in my work.  She is intimidated and she will do everything she can to put the person down on their ideas.  If I had confidence where I could care less what she thought about my ideas.  There will be so much heavy tension in the room.  She will make sure to be cold, distant, a silent enemy.  In her manipulative way, try to see what other opinion about you is and as soon as she finds someone who feels the same, she will nurture that opinion to grow. Maybe say a little lie here to make me look worse. I told her Natasha will be applying for the role.  Her ugliness started pouring out.  She started cursing at her name and threatening saying if she gets hired, she’s out of there.  Natasha has the real confidence type of appeal.  Saleh told me herself, “When I interview the people I’m going to say, Can you do whatever I want.”  She pretended like she was joking but I knew that’s why she was liking me because I did whatever she wanted.  At first, I had a strategy to do that so she will be available to help me during these ridiculous crisis’ moments.  Then it started feeling like she demeaned my work. Undermined me.  She took advantage. There were so many times I wanted to tell her how I felt about her comment or whatever, but I decided not to because I didn’t want her to get mad. Cuz once she was mad, the WHOLE day is shot.  The energy in the room would be so uncomfortable.  I don’t want her in my life.  She is an ugly,ugly soul to me. Toxic. I am so happy I left.  I am mad I told Donna about Drexel I literally should have kept my mouth shut.  I am nervous she will tell Eman. Since she is Eman’s follower. She is a grown women and she explained to me rudely, “ this is not my news to tell.” Ok keep it that way. I will keep my connections with them until my first month at Drexel to make sure no one puts any curses on my new job. I should have just kept my mouth closed. But I get it I was excited.  I was about to tell Saleh but I saw how annoyed she was when I got happy and I decided to not.  But I needed to tell someone and for some reason I told Donna….*eyes rolled* I won’t see them but I will answer texts or say something like “Hey thought of you! Hope you have a great day!”  Move on. This includes Donna to.  She gave me a really sour taste yesterday.  When I told her about Drexel, I told her please don’t tell eman.  I haven’t told her yet.  She said no she wont.  That was Wednesday.  Thursday I left it alone and I was planning on telling her Friday why I want Eman to remain not knowing.  I was going to tell her how Eman seems to always get angry when I am happy or if I have good news. I am so happy I did not have a chance to do this.  Luckily for me Donna did not work on my last day. I did text her saying, “Donna I don’t want to jinx anything with Drexel. Can you not mention Drexel tonight at all..”  She wrote, “Alla why do you feel you you need to keep telling me?   I promised you I would never say a word and never did anything to break that trust.” The tone was so rude. You’re a grown women you know trust is not just given, you have to earn it and I nervous I told you because I don’t know if you have earned it yet obviously. Wtf?  Her response made me even more nervous.  I explained to her, “Just I know lasalle will come up tonight. I don’t want you to be confused since I will be still talking about lasalle (if it comes up).”  She still came to the dinner but I felt weird vibe from her.  I felt like she did not like that I was making her keep a secret. IDK but it convinces me to stay the fuck out of this group more.
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sourholland · 3 years
Mother’s Day || Harry Styles
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in honor of this mother’s day, i wanted to write a little something in spirit :) a little dad!harry seemed to suffice
happy mother’s day to all of the moms, sisters/siblings that are like moms, moms to be, moms trying for a baby, moms who have lost a baby, and dads who are both mom and dad <3
“Quiet, Lulu.”
Harry had your four year old on his hip, a tray in his hand, and Lucie holding his phone while shakily recording.
The creak of the door made you stir, almost opening your eyes when he set the food down and sat on the corner of the bed. Lucie climbed up next to you, squeezing herself underneath the covers where Harry had previously resided.
“Mummy! Wake up, mummy,” she whispered in your ear.
Harry couldn’t help laughing at her eagerness to get you out of bed, placing his hand on your waist and giving you a light shake. You turned over a minute, pulling Lucie into your arms, feeling her nuzzle into your chest. You wrapped a leg around her tiny body, flinching at her freezing feet.
“Lucie, what happened to your socks?” You groggily chuckled, letting her pepper soft kisses on your cheeks.
“I dunno.”
The window was cracked open, a soft breeze coming through the room. The thick duvet shielded you from this, but you assumed it was the reason she was like ice. Her little hand cupped your cheek, grinning impossibly wide.
“Happy Mother’s Day, love,” Harry smiled, leaning in to kiss you himself.
He pulled out the small tray, on it sat chocolate chip pancakes and strawberries. He even made a smiley face out of the little pieces of chocolate. Beside the plate was a homemade card, it was colored thoroughly with lots of different shades of pink, purple, and blue.
“I drew it, see—on the front is me, you, and daddy. There’s Josie, right there,” she pointed to the dog. “And daddy wrote what I wanted to say.”
You reopened the card, looking at the scribbles and reading the small blurb in light purple crayon:
Dear Mummy,
I love you more than anything in the entire world. You are the best mum I could ever ask for and I hope you like my drawings.
You couldn’t help wiping away a few stray tears when you closed the paper, cursing yourself for being such a sap. You knew these things were irreplaceable, and that you’d want them all when you and Harry got old and senile. You kissed Lucie, telling her how much you loved and appreciated it.
Harry then handed you his gift, or part of his gift as he claimed. One part of it was a card, inside he inscribed a long message. The other bit was a scrapbook filled up with pictures from before, when you both began dating, leading up to now, the most recent little photograph he’d taken was of you and Lucie messing around in the studio. They all held sweet little messages beside each captured moment, some just a few words, others quotes he adored.
If you hadn’t been crying before, you definitely were now. Once you got to the photographs of Lucie’s birth, you were an absolute emotional wreck. There was a tiny little Polaroid slipped in, it was of Harry squeezed in the hospital bed beside you. She was in your arms, curled up against your chest, and Harry was looking down at her with tears streaming down his cheeks as he rubbed his eyes.
You could recall his words in that moment perfectly, “this is the best day of my life.”
Lucie moved her little fingers underneath your swollen eyes, pushing away the tears and holding your hand. Her head laid on your shoulder, and Harry’s hand gripped tightly in yours. Some moments you remember forever, and this felt like one of those.
“Don’t cry, love,” he cooed.
“How couldn’t I?” You sniffled, pulling his hand up to your lips and kissing it.
You could see one of the tattoos he’d gotten in dedication to Lucie on his forearm, it was ‘I love you, daddy’ in her handwriting, she’d sent it to him while he was on tour in a letter and he immediately got it inked on permanently. This reminded you of what you were waiting until tonight to tell Harry, reaching your hand out and brushing your fingers along the words made you rethink that.
“H,” you murmured.
“I’m pregnant,” you told him suddenly, a smile spreading across your face so wide your cheeks had begun to ache.
He sat up immediately, eyes wide and mouth agape. There was a flash of excitement, met with something like shock and curiosity. You hadn’t been trying necessarily, but you also hadn’t really been preventing. With a cheeky grin, he climbed further onto the bed and gave you a pointed look.
“Are you really?” He asked giddily, to which you nodded.
“I found out two days ago, I was going to wait until dinner tonight—”
“You’re pregnant!” He practically cheered, lifting Lucie up and kissing all over her cheeks.
Lucie wasn’t sure what this meant, but relished in the attention. She jumped on the bed while he attacked her with tickles and cuddles, leaning over to you when she fell over laughing and pressing a long, hard kiss on your lips. This made you smile, cupping the side of his face and leaning your forehead against his.
“You know what this means, Lulu?” He asked, pushing her hair out of her face. “Means we’re gon’ have another baby.”
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genshindreamer · 2 years
Kaeya's birthday: A Genshin family special
Hello everyone and welcome to the first Genshin family special! I debated incredibly hard on wether or not to name his spouse for the first time, but decided not to, mostly because it's a very rare pair (as in, I'm the only one who ships it). If you do want them named, let me know, if I get enough asking for it, I will
Reader is 10.
Characters: Kaeya
*✧・゚:✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
Kaeya had dreaded falling asleep the night before. He despised his birthday, mostly for what it represented. While most of the wounds in his life had been bandaged and healed by his spouse and (name), the scars still remained.
His birthday was exception. Then again, he never never thought he'd make it to 30, let alone 35. He always figured die, some way or another. He never thought he'd get married, have a kid (although he wondered if he could change that tonight?), Or anything he had done.
But scars still remained. Diluc and his relationship was still turbulent, for instance.
He brushed it off, finally having forced himself to sleep.
You had woken up early, having set your alarm to do so, glad it hadn't woken your parents up. You didn't want to wake them!
You quickly grabbed out your art supplies your dad had gotten for you for Christmas, and began to draw a picture of you and your dad, you also also drew him a card and wrote "Happy birthday!" On it in bubble letters (having gone through many pieces of paper before you finally made it fit.). You then colored it and wrote a sweet little message inside.
You looked at the time and then grabbed your bag of Mora you had been steadily building up from your allowance. You went outside and to the flower shops. You shyly approached the shop keeps.
"Excuse me?" You asked them.
"Oh hello!" Flora waved. "Do you want some flowers?"
You nodded shyly. "I don't have a lot of Mora...but I want to get Daddy something for his birthday. I know he likes Calls Lilies."
Flora took your bag and counted the Mora, 500 to be exact. "It's not much, but I can make you something, hold on."
She began to work, making a bouquet of Calla Lilies, Cecilia's, and Windwheel Asters.
"There you are." Flora said, also handing you the pouch back.
"Wait you didn't take..." You argued.
"Don't worry about it." Flora smiled.
You smiled and walked through town. You came upon a jewelry store and looked at your 500 Mora. You opened the door.
"Oh? A customer? Aren't you a little young?" The shopkeeper asked.
"I'm here to buy my dad something for his birthday." You said. "I don't have much Mora though...can I get anything with 500?"
The shop keep hummed and looked around, pulling out a silver colored locket, in the shape of a heart. "Will this do?"
You grinned. "Yeah!"
He smiled and took you Mora, emptying the lich and handing it to you, with the necklace now securely inside it.
"Thank you!" You grinned, going back home, pleased to see your parents still weren't up. You then put some bread in the toaster and got some grapes. You giggled proudly and also put some jam on the toast and grinned.
You trotted up the stairs to your parents room and crept in, gently shaking your dad.
"Daddy?" You asked.
Kaeya peaked an eye open. "Bad dream again?"
"Nope. I have surprise for you." You told him. "But you have to follow me and close your eyes."
"A surprise, hm?" He got up, kissing his spouse's cheek before getting up with a yawn. "Alright, let me get dressed then I'll come down."
You nodded and stepped out for a bit, letting him get dressed before he took your hand, losing his eyes and letting you guide him.
You made sure he didn't miss a stair as you lead him down them to your surprise.
"Okay dad, open them!" You said.
He did that, and his eyes widened as he saw the display. His eyes watered. "(Name), baby...where'd you...?"
"Been saving up my allowance." You told him.
You them handed him the pouch and he took the locket out, looking over it, and started to actually cry.
"Do...Do you not like it?" You frowned.
"N-no sweetie...just the opposite." Kaeya finally choked out through sobs, trying to pull himself together. "I love it." You jumped into his arms and he wrapped his arms around you.
"I love you daddy..."
"I love you too, (Name)."
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reidjumpers · 3 years
edge of desire
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Spencer Reid x Reader
Warning/Includes: None, I believe! Angst if you squint hard enough
Summary: Spencer receive a phone call from you in the middle of the night, and now a lot of emotions come to the surface.
Note: i wrote this because i can't stop listening to edge of desire. also taking a short break from writing dad!spencer and picturing his dating days with mom!reader
‘I’m scared you’ll forget about me.’
Happiness could be found everywhere if one squint hard enough, but Spencer would argue that happiness tends to be found laced in the smallest thing. He had found solace and happiness in between spines of his books, in exciting gaps between his cards when he played poker, and in the checkered black and white of a chessboard.
But even with the vast knowledge his mind stored for a lifetime, he would never expect to find happiness in the simplicity of a greeting on a phone. Spencer rolled on his bed as he pressed his phone to his ear. His hand rubbed his drowsiness away, blinking as his gaze slowly focusing on the clock beside his bed. 3:43 AM.
“Do you know what time it is in DC?” Spencer reprimanded half-heartedly. His voice laced thick with sleep, but there was no hostility or any real heat behind his voice.
“Sorry to call you so late,” you chuckled at his scolding, but Spencer could spot the guilt hidden in between the lines just fine. He knew you like he knew the back of his hand after all. Something that he prided on, a treasured possession of his wonderful knowledge. “You can go back to sleep.”
“No,” Spencer answered immediately. “Talk to me. I miss your voice.”
I miss you was the word that failed to leave his tongue, but he knew you’d known what he implied from his words just fine. Judging from the way he could hear you heaved a sigh from the other line, and a brief pause with you shuffling in the background – he liked to imagine you’re padding across a wooden floor with your favorite fuzzy socks – he knew you understood what he wanted to say.
“I saw a really cute, fat cat earlier today!” your voice laced with excitement. It made his heart clenched, and listening to you rambling about the owner letting you pet the cat and giving them treats made breathing felt like an excessive exercise.
Spencer stared into the ceiling, absorbing every word by words that left from your mouth. If he concentrated just hard enough, he could almost feel your presence next to him, vibrating with excitement. If he tried hard enough, he could form an image of you smiling and laughing perfectly.
“I wish you’re here with me, Spence,” you whispered the last addition, like a leftover from your past excitement and laughter. He almost missed the way you said it.
Spencer paused, his mouth open and closed like a gaping fish out of a pond. Funny how a simple sentence could erase all of his knowledge on English words and made it like an indecipherable language his mind failed to comprehend. He resigned into a long sigh instead, bracing himself to embrace all the waves of crashing emotions that he poured all of his energy over to keep it on bay.
“I–” Spencer shut his mouth again. And just like that, all of the emotions he simply didn’t want to acknowledge earlier came into the surface. Pushing all of his barriers that he built for days, breaking and seeping through the cracks. “I’m jealous.”
That seemingly caught you off guard. “Jealous?” you asked incredulously. He could hear you shuffled in the background again, then he could hear a soft creak of a door being pushed open. There was a long pause from your part and a soft thud of someone landing in a cushion. Probably you’re in bed now. “Jealous of?”
“People who got to see you everyday.”
People who got to be by your side when I couldn’t.
“Baby…” you whispered. He could almost picture the way the edge of your eyes would soften and your lips twitched into a soft smile perfectly.
Spencer wanted to scowl, wanted to reprimand you for having the audacity to call him that. To call him with the name he had associated with comfort and love coming from you, oozing from every inch of your skin. Spencer wanted to be angry even, at you, for worsening the aching in his chest and the longing that pained him more and more as the time ticked by.
“I’m scared you’ll forget about me.”
He knew he was being ridiculous. He felt ridiculous. He was being irrational with his fears and the ache in his chest. You had only been gone for exactly 4 days, 6 hours, and 22 minutes, but it already felt like forever since the last time he saw your face. The fact that you’re a whole continent away from him with the damned time zone that didn’t do anyone any favors only worsen and heighten everything into ten.
“I doubt I can forget someone as remarkable as you are,” you laughed, and he could picture the way your nose would crinkle adorably just fine. “I’m here, baby.”
“But not here here,” he copied the way you’d talked when you wanted to emphasize on something. Spencer smiled when he could hear you snorted a laugh. “I am always my happiest self when I am with you wherever you are. And right now, I am not very happy.”
“Do you want to make me cry?” you asked. Your voice wavered a little bit, and Spencer knew your eyes would gloss with tears that threatened to spill already. “Is that what you want? You want me to bawl my eyes out, Spencer Reid?”
“No,” Spencer huffed a laugh. Ever so dramatic that you are. “Don’t cry, sweetheart.”
“It feels like you just want to make me cry.”
“I am not a meanie who enjoys making people cry.”
“Right now you’re very mean and you’re about to make me cry.”
“Don’t cry,” Spencer cooed, but it was more of a plea rather than anything else. “If you cry, I’ll cry. And then you’ll be a meanie who profited from other people’s tears.”
“Aren’t we quite a pair? We both are meanies who make people cry.”
“An amazing pair,” Spencer affirmed.
You laughed, and he joined you, then it went away just as soon as it came. Silence settled between you two, and Spencer could hear a hitch of breathing from your part. And then a quiet sniffle. Spencer knew there would be tears streaming down your face right now, even though you tried your best to battle it with a wide smile. An unsettling ache settled on his bones upon the bearing knowledge that he couldn’t do anything to wipe the tears away.
Spencer let out a shaky sigh, feeling the tears slowly rolling down his cheeks too. He didn’t bother to wipe it away, too overwhelmed with the wave of emotions that washed through him. He felt every emotion at once, and he couldn’t point which one is which.
“My home is wherever you are,” you break the silence, nearly startled him from the suddenness of your voice reverberated through his phone. “I miss home. I miss you, baby.”
“Come back home,” Spencer begged. He was unashamed about it. “Come back to me.”
“Soon,” you promised, firm and so sure about it. “Soon enough that I’ll be back in your arms before you even know it.”
“Soon,” he breathed.
Spencer could hold into a sweet promise for a little while, salvaging his aching bones and painful heart from not having you by his side. Spencer closed his eyes and slowly drifted back into slumber with the blanket of your sweet promise to be back home soon. A sweet promise that promised a tomorrow of a sweet reunion, something that he looked forward to.
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treasure-hwa · 3 years
no love anymore?
pairing: mingyu x female reader
genre: fake angst, fluff
synopsis: Haeun hears a talking between her parents and misunderstands it, getting super confused when they act like the usual lovey-dovey couple. Weren't they going to get a divorce?
word count: 1931
contents: married couple, parents au, mentions of divorce.
author's note: aaaaaa Kim Mingyu, I love you so much ugh! Happy birthday! About the story, I have no idea how little kids speak English, so I just... tried.
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Taehwan was playing on his bedroom, patiently waiting for his older sister, Haeun, to come back from taking a glass of water. He simulated a car hitting and made ambulance sounds to make the playing more interesting.
He always got so immersed on his playing that he almost didn't notice Haeun coming back, her big eyes filled with tears, nose red and lip quivering.
— Noona! Let's play! — He shook his toy car, barely looking at the girl, who just nodded and tried to not think about what she had just heard.
That, however, proved itself to be a hard task as she was constantly remembering about the talk she had accidentally heard between her parents.
"— What is left to do now?
— Divorce is the best option, unfortunately.
— I guess you are right. There's no escaping this now."
Dad had always said how communication is the key to everything and how their family should talk to each other when they had an issue. Mom would complete saying they would never be angry about bad grades, for example, they would try to solve it together. But listening to others' conversation was very rude. So how could Haeun tell her worries to her parents?
On the other room, Mingyu was talking on the phone to one of his best friends about the divorce. It was the best solution now that things got to that point. They would be better far from each other.
When it was bedtime, the little girl was already at her bed, hiding her face on the pillow, that was taking her few tears silently. She could hear her mom brushing her brother's teeth on the bathroom and talking happily to him, but her mind was busy.
She knew what a divorce was. Her friend at school said her parents' were getting a divorce and that meant they wouldn't be a couple anymore and would live in different houses. Another friend said it was good, because she would have two bedrooms, two houses and twice more toys, but Haeun thought it was awful. She loved seeing her mom and dad together, she loved playing with them and dancing and singing with them in the kitchen. If they separated, how could she get those moments she cherished so much?
— Okay, my little angels. I have something important to say to you.
The girl heard her mom speaking lowly when she entered the child's room with Taehwan on her lap and sat up right away, drying her face of tears. It was the moment. Mom would tell them about the divorce.
Except... she didn't.
— Your dad's birthday is coming in a few days and I wanted to ask you two to make nice presents to him. It can be a really good drawing or a sweet message. And we will make his breakfast. What do you think?
— I will do best drawing for daddy!
— Awn, Tae, will you? Thanks, prince! And you, Haeun? — The mother looked at her oldest child and noticed the faint red on her face. — Princess, were you crying?
— Me? No! I was just with my face smushed on the pillow. I think I'll write something for dad. — Haeun quickly changed the topic. 
— Okay, thank you, guys! You are the best! — She high-fived the little ones, but stopped the excitement when Mingyu came into the room.
— What are the loves of my life planning, hm?
"Loves of my life". That means me and Taehwan now that he doesn't love mom anymore.
— Nothing, daddy! — Taehwan covered his own mouth after giggling, and Mingyu took him on his arms, smiling.
— Well, it's bedtime, so you should all be in bed. Let's leave Haeun so she can have her beauty sleep.
The three kissed Haeun's forehead and got out of her room, letting her sleep, but she couldn't close her eyes for the first minutes and when she did, she dreamt she was all alone. She had many really nice toys, but dad was cooking alone, mom didn't finish his singing and Taehwan didn't have his parents to help him swing while they were walking and he was clutching on their hands. It felt sad and she woke up crying in the middle of the night, so she made her way to her parents’ bedroom and nudged her father to wake up?
— Princess? What are you doing up at... — Mingyu looked at the digital clock, and spoke again, voice hoarse and heavy with sleep. — At three in the morning?
— I had a bad dream. Can I sleep with you?
He nodded, even though she could barely see it. The man took her daughter and laid her on the bed, between him and his wife, who noticed the movement and woke up right away. Being a mother meant light sleep for the rest of her life.
— Love, she had a bad dream.
— Okay. — The woman smiled sleepily. — We will take care of our big girl, no monsters will take my Haeun away.
The next day, Haeun and Taehwan kept their promise and made nice things to their dad, and the activity helped her forget the divorce thing and the lacking of love dream. She helped her brother with drawing and coloring and wrote a card for Mingyu, with the nicest words she knew.
— Noona, daddy like my drawing? — The boy showed his colorful drawing.
— Yes, I'm sure he will, Tae!
Then she saw her parents going to the kitchen. Mingyu followed and tried to talk to his wife, but she wouldn't listen at all. Haeun felt her eyes fill with tears again. Would they argue? Would they want the divorce faster? She didn't want to see nor hear it, so she asked Taehwan to take his drawing and pencils to his bedroom, far from the kitchen.
— What is wrong, noona?
— Nothing, nothing, let's go back to painting on your room, okay?
— But..
— I think mom and dad will divorce, okay?
— Okay? — Taehwan asked more than agreed, as he didn’t know that word yet.
When Mingyu's birthday came, his wife prepared a really nice breakfast with a little help from the kids and laid it all out on the table, she even picked some nice flowers from the garden to decorate it.
— Beautiful, mommy.
— Thanks, prince! Daddy deserves it. Now, let's go wake him up!
They walked to the couple's shared room and got on bed carefully to not wake the big sleeping body. The woman smiled big and kissed his forehead while caressing his jaw gently, she was just so happy to be spending another birthday by his side.
— Gyu, babe... Good morning, my love...
Why was she being so sweet towards him?
Mingyu mumbled out a "morning" back. That was when the woman let the kids wake their dad up, so they jumped on him and kissed his face several times, saying "wake up, daddy! Wake up! Happy birthday!"
Nonetheless to say, Mingyu woke real fast with his children and engulfed them in a hug with his strong arms.
— My babies woke up so early for me — he whined cutely, kissing their heads. — Even mister Kim Taehwan. Thanks, babies!
— Mommy gets kiss too? — Taehwan asked, pointing to the smiling woman.
— Of course she does!
He sat up and took his wife's face on his hands, pecking her lips.
— Happy birthday, Gyu. I’ll give you your gift later, okay?
— Thanks, my love. You already gave me the best gifts I could have ever asked for, though. — He looked at their kids with a loving gaze. 
Haeun was so confused right now. Why were they smiling and kissing each other if they were getting a divorce? Didn't divorce mean you didn't love each other anymore?
— Come on, Gyu, we prepared a delicious breakfast for you.
He smiled and made surprised sounds, engulfing his family on another big hug before getting out of bed and taking them to the kitchen table, where pancakes, fruits, juice and coffee could be seen. Beside the plate, however, Mingyu saw colored cards with hearts on the front and a drawing of a sticky family of four.
Taehwan wriggled from his dad's embrace and ran to his chair, taking a strawberry of the plate and stuffing his mouth. However, he stopped his munching to ask something:
— Dad, what...
— Swallow first, Taehwan. — Mingyu said, smiling like a fool while he was analysing the paper gifts. Taehwan obeyed. — Now, speak.
— Dad, what is divorce?
He was taken aback by the sudden question, but explained the best he could:
— Divorce? Hmm, well, it's when a married couple doesn't love each other anymore and decides to live alone again.
Almost instantly, the boy's big eyes filled with tears and his lower lip jutted forward, forming a pout that was painful to look at, because the little one looked genuinely sad.
— Why you no love mommy? — He said.
— What? I love mommy.
— Bu-But you are divorcing! No love!
— Who said that to you?
Taehwan pointed to Haeun in front of him, who was as confused and teary eyed.
— Haeun, why did you say that to your brother? You know lying is a no-no.
She wasn't lying! She heard their talk, she knew what they were talking about and she would tell them that on that moment.
— I heard you and mom talking about how getting a divorce was the only thing left, that it was inevitable. And I know what dicorce means, because my friend's parents are getting one and she will have two houses, two TVs, more toys, but I don't want it! I want mom and dad together!
Mingyu took her on his lap and hugged her while the mother took the youngest on her arms. The man dried the many tears of his daughter and held her face close to his.
— Haeun, sweetheart, you understood it wrong. Me and your mom are not getting a divorce, we love each other too much, we will never separate. There is just... this super strong force that keeps us together.
— So... why were you talking about it?
— It was about dad's friend. He had trouble with his wife and will get a divorce. It was not about me and mom, you heard just a fraction of the talk.
— And — she sobbed, calming down slowly — why were you following mom to the kitchen yesterday, trying to talk and she was not listening to you?
— Oh, babe, that was your dad being stubborn — the woman said, caressing her son's back, but looking at her daughter with so much love. — He said I should cancel his birthday party, but don't you think we should celebrate?
The girl looked at her dad, who was giggling at his wife, caressing her hip with his fingertips.
— Yeah, dad, we should have a party. It's your birthday!
— Party! — the boy exclaimed and patted his father's messy hair. — Party for daddy.
Mingyu chuckled and put Haeun back on her chair, cutting the pancake in pieces for her.
— Okay, okay, my little angels, party for daddy. We will celebrate later. Now, let's eat!
So, while the four of them were laughing, eating and complimenting the breakfast, Haeun understood her parents could never be away for each other for the love was too much for only one heart. They needed to be together forever, like the happy family they have always been.
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heauxzenji · 4 years
I'm not sure if u take requests but if u do could u write a NSFW alphabet for Issei?¿ ♡
So lemme tell you something- I got this req and the first thing that came out of my mouth was BIIIIIIIIITTTTCCCCHHHHHH
And I proceeded to scream cry and yell about this for idk how long. I put so much thought into this- I literally wrote it in almost one night completely. I have SO much to say about this man. My Issei brainrot is only fueled by my stupid horny Pisces brain- WHICH HE ALSO HAS god bless him. Anyway enough about me this turned my mind into soup and it all fell out of my ears enjoy ur fucking horse cock
NSFW Alphabet- Matsukawa Issei
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No thoughts head he. 😌
gn!reader focused, obviously nsfw....
𝕬 - 𝕬𝖋𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖊
Best Service Dom. Best Dom EVER. Anything you want you get, you have to only say the words. Food? Already ordered so it would be there by the time you finished. Cuddles? His arms are wide open and his body is very warm. Sit in a bubble bath and scroll through your favorite online stores? The bath is nice and warm and his credit card is at your disposal. He takes amazing care of you, and will stop at nothing to make you feel secure/safe/happy at all times..
𝕭 - 𝕭𝖔𝖉𝖞 𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙
Welll…. I… we all know what it is. I’ll explain more later but in addition to that he also has the most amazing arms/abs. He’s very lean, definitely naturally so. Doesn’t need to work out but does so anyway keep toned.
𝕮 - 𝕮𝖚𝖒
Likes to cum inside you, but simply so that he can watch it ooze out of your hole. Sometimes he’ll even keep fucking you after he’s finished to see himself push it back in even after it’s out.
𝕯 - 𝕯𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖞 𝕾𝖊𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖙
I hate adding this but he has a foot fetish. Not like a hardcore creepy kind of foot fetish- he just likes to suck a toe here and there. But only if they’re freshly pedicured… he’s very picky. He’ll give foot massages all the time tho if you ask him. He just never tells anyone about it because he knows his friends will clown him.
Not ur foot but close enough he would get you one of those little golden name anklets and kiss it every time he lifts your leg over his shoulder. 👀🦋
𝕰 - 𝕰𝖝𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖊
Absolutely. He’s done a lot in his life, and is not short on any stories of past encounters. He is kind of a sex encyclopedia, but he’s very casual about it. If you bri bc up something you wanna try, 11/10 times he’s going to not only have done it, but be able to suggest ways for you to make it better- with several anecdotes.
𝕱 - 𝕱𝖆𝖛𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖊 𝕻𝖔𝖘𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
Doesn’t just like doggy- it is his lifeblood. It’s easier for him to control your movements while also making sure that he can bury himself all the way inside. He can have a vice grip on your hips one moment, his fists full of your hair the next- and if he starts spanking you well… that’s between you two and god.
He does like plain old missionary too, but only bc he can see himself in your tummy.
𝕲 - 𝕲𝖔𝖔𝖋𝖞
It makes him laugh sometimes when you struggle to take him all at once. He thinks it cute that you try, but it’s hilarious how big your head gets sometimes. He has to fuck you dumb and remind you that you can’t do that.
𝕳 - 𝕳𝖆𝖎𝖗
Trims, but not super short. He does wax his happy trail tho bc it makes him self-conscious.
𝕴 - 𝕴𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖈𝖞
Can actually be very romantic if he wants to. He is a Pisces, after all. He does enjoy foreplay and the sensuality of that to get you prepped, and he takes extra care to make sure you’re fully ready. He is going to be hard on you, but understands that he has to take good care of you, and he does
𝕵 - 𝕵𝖆𝖈𝖐 𝕺𝖋𝖋
Daily. At least once. It keeps the stress away and livens his mood. He does it as soon as he wakes up, and then if he’s having a really hard day or difficulty sleeping, he can do it to ease his nerves.
𝕶 - 𝕶𝖎𝖓𝖐
Size, obvious because everyone is smaller than him Skdkfkf he’s a giant. He’s 6’2 and his cock is at least 3 feet of that.
Daddy Kink, self explanatory mostly. It’s just so fucking sweet on his ears, his baby cooing for their daddy, trying so hard to work his entire cock into their tiny hole, trying to be so good for him… he loses it every time.
Voyeurism, likes watching you touch yourself. He finds it amusing how you think you can get yourself there without his help. You both know that’s impossible, but it turns him on to see you try.
Praise, again- he loves to make you feel special. And you work so hard fitting all of him inside, he has to tell you how good of a job you’re doing, especially because he’s appreciative of you letting him impale you. He has to let you know.
Mutual Masturbation, Kinda goes with voyeurism. If you’re away from each other, you’re definitely going to have sex via FaceTime- he just wants to see you, and also wants you to see him. To him, it lets you know you’re the only one that can get him there, and that your presence alone- even if he’s not touching you, is more than enough.
Lingerie, Loves nothing more than seeing you all pretty for him. He also just really likes the feeling of lace or silk against his fingertips He can get out of control and rip your sets tho- but don’t worry, death is a very lucrative business- He will buy you several replacements.
𝕷 - 𝕷𝖔𝖈𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
LOVES car sex. If the mood strikes, he WILL pull over. But really, he’ll take it wherever he can get it.
𝕸 - 𝕸𝖔𝖙𝖎𝖛𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
He’s very eager to please. A little lazy, yes, but at his core he wants to make sure you’re feeling good.
𝕹 - 𝕹𝖔!
He has done literally everything at least once and the one thing he just can’t get into is piss. One bad experience and a 3 month uti later he’s sworn off it for good.
𝕺 - 𝕺𝖗𝖆𝖑
Not his favorite. He could honestly go with or without it personally, just because there’s so much of him. But he will happily fuck your throat if you want him to, and will go down on you for hours to make sure you’re truly prepped. For someone who’s not a big fan of it, he’s actually AMAZING with his mouth. It’s lazy but in the best way possible.
𝕻 - 𝕻𝖆𝖈𝖊
Starts off slow so you’re good to go, but will pick up the pace as you stretch out. He does enjoy a few slow deep thrusts in between drilling you into oblivion tho. He never tries to make your guts into a smoothie on purpose, it just kinda happens that way.
𝕼 - 𝕼𝖚𝖎𝖈𝖐𝖎𝖊
He will never say no to quickie. The amount of fast food bathrooms and abandoned parking lots you’ve seen is astronomical. The amount of times Makki has kicked you out of his apartment for trying something while he goes to the bathroom is even higher.
𝕽 - 𝕽𝖎𝖘𝖐
He's the classic degen. bf who reaches across the table at the same time as your dad when you go “daddy can you pass the salt?”
So yes, he’s definitely going to tease you under a table at thanksgiving dinner.
He’s really going to have you whenever he wants- even if it comes at the expense of your pride/morals sometimes.
𝕾 - 𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖆
Can go on forever if you let him. Will overstim you to hell and back before he even thinks about cumming. Doesn’t even know he’s doing it- he’s so used to fucking you brainless that he doesn’t realize it’s too much. But he is SUPER apologetic about it and will make sure to treat you extra carefully.
𝕿 - 𝕿𝖔𝖞
He actually has a few for when he’s feeling lazy. He used to run through fleshlights like they were tictacs but he’s since finally found one that he won’t break.
He got most of them for free because he worked in a sex shop during college- he was very popular.
𝖀 - 𝖀𝖓𝖋𝖆𝖎𝖗
Yes. He will 100% rile you up with touches that seem innocent enough in nature, but are a tad bit too low, or linger on for a bit too long.
Will also give you “the look” in public and pretend he doesn’t know what you’re talking about- he definitely does.
𝖁 - 𝖁𝖔𝖑𝖚𝖒𝖊
Vocal in bed, especially with praise. Will constantly tell you how good you’re doing or how good you feel. Doesn’t moan a lot, but they slip out from time to time. Instead it’s a lot of deep breaths, groans, and curses.
𝖂 - 𝖂𝖎𝖑𝖉𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖉
If mortuary school hadn’t have worked out, he and Makki were going to start their own porn company. They actually have a very solid business plan. They made a pact to sit on it for now, since Issei is working at the funeral home.
𝖃 - 𝖃-𝕽𝖆𝖞
Literally a foot long. Longer actually. I’m going to honestly say 13. No I won’t take it back. Perfect thickness too. Honestly it’s like… god really took his time and got it fucking right. Everything about his physique is perfect- it would only make sense his cock is that perfect to match. Color is even all around, the head is bubblegum pink. There’s also one very prominent vein on the underside, and a few tinier trails of veins on the top. The statue of David? Don’t know her. Only know the statue of Issei.
𝖄 - 𝖄𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌
High sex drive, but he can keep it subdued if he has to. Especially because he knows he’s too much for most people. He's not shy about it though. Is CONSTANTLY horny on main. Not that you mind.
𝖅 - 𝖅𝖟𝖟
Service Dom through and through. He won’t sleep until you do, and even if he’s dead tired, he won’t sleep at all if you’re staying awake. He’s going to do everything to take care of you and your needs first. When you do sleep he likes to hold your head to his chest and will press his nose down into your hair so he can fall asleep surrounded by your scent.
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g0ldengubler · 4 years
chapter one~one wild night
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(*gif made by recsbylotte*)
A/N: I'm so sorry this chapter is so long, but I had to get everything down, I was having too much fun with this concept. Also, please give a listen to the song Nauseous here so you get the full idea of where this story will go and if you like the song, check out Zubin's other songs as well! Highly suggest the song "Backseat" which also has Fantasy Camp! Ok, enjoy :)
Category: Smut
CW: light-ish smut, fingering, alcohol, weed (please smoke responsibly!)
Word Count: 3985
before you read | next chapter
"Great job everyone!" said Aaron Hotchner to his team.
Everyone in the BAU team gave a small round of applause on their jet, but yours was a bit louder than the rest. This was your first case and you worked so hard to solve it with the team to prove that you deserve to be with them. You wanted this job since you were a little girl. Jason Gideon was holding a class on the basics of profiling with his partner, David Rossi, and you and your dad went because you both loved watching 80's crime and law shows like "Murder, She Wrote" and "Matlock", and from the way your eyes would be glued to the tv, he knew that you wanted to be someone like Jessica Fletcher and her friends at Cabot Cove.
At one point, Gideon asked a question and you answered it right away, which took both of them back a bit, including your dad and everyone else in the room. A ten year old girl, understanding what was being said and not getting scared of the pictures that were shown. You were sure some of them thought of you crazy, but your dad was proud.
After the class, THE Jason Gideon and THE David Rossi came up to the two of you to talk. You were totally fangirling a bit because the two people you looked up to wanted to say how shocked but also kind of happy that someone so young was fascinated with this subject. Rossi told you several years later when you went to one of his book signings, that once you were old enough to give him a call and he'd set some things up to get you into the academy, and that's exactly what happened when you turned 21.
Because of your love of solving crime, you worked hard in school. So much so you were one of the top students. College was no different, and Rossi seemed to notice. He kept tabs on you from time to time to see how you were doing after you emailed him about doing well in high school and your first year of college. During your second year, Rossi asked if you could come to the BAU and talk with him and his coworker, Aaron, who was the team leader. They both agreed that you were incredible in your studies and saw a lot of potential in you. Your dream was starting to come true after accepting their invitation to the academy, and you could feel butterflies in your stomach.
Now you were 25, and Hotch had officially welcomed you to the team. As the ride back continued, you remembered how your first day went, even though it was only a few days ago. You met the team, and right away, you befriended the only one closer to your age, Dr.Spencer Reid. You remembered seeing his long hair and cardigan kind of melting together as he sat down at the round table and gave you a small wave. You didn't have many friends growing up, but he reminded you of your only friend back home, but that almost brought you to tears straight away, making you snap out of your daydreams.
You get up to have a glass of water. As your pouring, someone scares you from behind.
"Hey, Y/N!" A man's voice said.
You jumped which made you spill some water all over the place. "Spencer!"
"I am so sorry!" He chuckles as you both grabbed some paper towel to clean the counter, laughing at the incident.
You both go back to your seats, which were right next to each other on the couch. After meeting Spencer on your first day, Rossi told you that you two would get along perfectly. And you did. It made you feel comfortable right away and you pulling a...well, you, you were stuck to him like glue as a safety net. You used to think it was something every newbie did on their first day; try to find someone who you click with and stick with them until you got the ropes. Apparently, that was something people found annoying, and had you fired the first two jobs you got. With Spencer, however, he didn't mind it, which made you feel unsure but happy at the same time.
You and Spencer talked about the similarities you had and laughed at all the nerdy jokes you were making. At one point, another member of the team, Derek Morgan, had to throw a pillow at Spencer because he was laughing so loud and he was trying to sleep, which made even Hotch (who you guessed never even cracked a smile before) laugh a little bit.
"Boys, behave," Jj joked, not even looking up, "Or daddy's going to send you to your rooms when we get home."
"Ok, pLEASE don't say "daddy" ever again unless your at home." said Emily Prentiss, which made everyone laugh even harder.
You could tell that this team was more than just coworkers getting the job done, they were a family. And YOU were invited into this family. This was a feeling you always wanted: friends acting like a family.
30 Minutes Later
Finally you were back at the BAU. The case was stressful, and the flight back kinda made you tired, but your excitement and happiness were taking over rapidly. You usually fought those feelings because you felt emotions differently than others, and it always annoyed the people around you. Tonight was different, so you cut yourself some slack for once.
As you head back to your desks, Hotch spoke. "You guys deserve a break after that case. The heads of the BAU are giving us one month off. Get some rest and enjoy your vacation. Garcia invited us all to her place to celebrate but sadly Rossi and I are going to have to pass tonight. Jack has a big game tomorrow and I don't think the parents would be too pleased if their kid's coaches were hungover."
On cue, Penelope Garcia runs in with her bags. "Oh we're gonna have fun-to-night!"
"What exactly are we doing?" asked Emily.
"It's a surprise silly, but yes there will be alcohol of course." She then turns to you, walking up to go to elevator arm in arm.
"Y/N," she says, rambling to you how the team usually celebrates and what the plan was as you make your way to the elevator, "ok usually we'd go to our favorite restaurant or club or go to rossi's when we can but tonight I really want to celebrate the success on your first case!"
"Aww, Garcia!" you said as Morgan pressed the button, "Your so sweet. Thank you guys, seriously."
"Trust me, Y/N, this night is going to be one of the best nights ever!"
At Garcia’s Morgan sets the alcohol on the counter as everyone settles in. You sit on the couch with Spencer and Emily, getting a good look of Garcia's apartment. Purple walls with shiny (plastic) jewl's, cat toys filled most of the corners. Just as you saw the toys, a black cat jumps onto your lap making you jump a little.
"Aww, Sergio!" said Emily, "Thank you again Garcia for watching him for me while I go on cases."
"Are you kidding me? He's become a lovely roommate at the Garcia Gardens!" says Garcia as she brings over some bottles and glasses. She sets them down and begins to pour the Vodka shots.
"Garcia 'Gardens"? Jj asked.
"They both have G's, I don't know it seemed to work." They both laugh.
Morgan helps Garcia pass out the shots, getting ready for a toast. Everyone stands up, holding theirs shots a few inches away from their face.
"I would like to make a toast," said Garcia, "not just for the success of this case and because we have a month off, but to Y/N. She has done wonders this week, and I am so happy and grateful that you are now apart of our little family. To Y/N!"
"To Y/N!" Everyone cheered as they clinked their shot glasses.
You thought you were about to cry. You've never felt this much love in a room ever.
Everyone took their shots and sat back down. You look over at Spencer and laugh at the face he makes.
"God, I usually don't drink Vodka but that was an experience." he says.
"Oh c'mon," you said, "already gonna pussy out?"
"Now those were fighting words, Pretty Boy!" Morgan chuckled.
"Is that a challenge?" Spencer asks.
"Ok, I'm taking the shot glasses away because I know Spencer can get competitive and I don't want you to get sick." Garcia grabs the glasses from everyone's hand and walks to the kitchen, everyone giving a little whine about it.
"So what was that surprise you had for us?" you ask Garcia.
She walks in her room to grab something and came back with it behind her back.
"Before I say anything," she began, "I'm not forcing anyone to do anything they don't want to do and if no one wants to it's not a big deal."
Garcia takes her hands from behind her back to show what looked like vape pens. "Nicotine?" Emily asked.
"Noooo nonono," said Garcia, "That stuff is not good for anyone. They're weed...pens..." Garcia got quiet. You could understand why she got nervous, who knew if this would happen or not.
"Baby girl," said Morgan, "You are the last person I'd think of for this."
"Her parents were hippies, Morgan!" says Emily.
"Good point." He said.
"But now the question is, how?" you said.
"Well yeah, my parents were hippies. Both of my parents did before they got pregnant with me, but my dad would smoke when I was a kid. He would always do it before bed so he could actually fall asleep. He had horrible insomnia which he gave to me. A couple of months back, I couldn't sleep for the life of me. Nothing was wrong either for it to happen, but nothing could get me to fall asleep or if it did I acted the next day like I got up on the wrong side of the bed. So, I went to a doctor and got my green card and I've had peaceful nights of rest since. I thought, since we don't have to go into work for awhile, why not have some fun for one night?"
Everyone looked at each other, unsure but also kind of wanting to.
"This wouldn't be a problem with work, right?" asked Jj.
"Oh god, no, if we only do it tonight it'd be out of our system by then." said Reid.
Everyone was shocked hearing that coming from his mouth. "What? I had to do a research paper on the study of cannabis use in college."
You wanted to be the first to agree, but then you worried that it would be a bad look on you, the newbie.
"I'll give it a shot," said Emily, "It's only for one night and we have a lot more time off than we usually get, why the hell not?"
Slowly, everyone else agreed, including Spencer, who no one in the room thought in a million years he would. Garcia passes out the pens to everyone and told them how to use it. She said if we liked it, we could keep them for only certain situations where you absolutely needed it.
We all start taking 3 hits, which was the amount she said to take first. She explained how one time she took too many hits at once and greened out really bad.
Garcia turns on some music and we all sit around, drinking the very special drinks she made for us. The girls had vodka cocktails while the guys had whiskey. After a few minutes, you can start feeling it. Your body begins to tingle and your eyes started feeling heavy.
"How ya feeling, kid?" Morgan asks after several minutes. Spencer just sat there, looking at the ice cubes in his drink.
"Honestly, I've never felt this before. I don't know what I feel but it's nothing bad."
You giggle at his answer. It wasn't funny, and you knew that. Maybe you were giggling because seeing Spencer high was adorable.
"Ope, we have a giggler!" said Emily, but your giggling made everyone else giggle with you.
"Boy genius, you are too adorable!" said Garcia, who was sitting on Morgan's lap, her head on his shoulder.
You take more hits as the night goes on. At one point you had to stop because you were really baked. You've smoked before, so you knew your limit. You look over at Spencer again, but this time he was really sinked in the couch, looking up at the ceiling. What could that big brain be thinking in that now empty skull?
You were about to ask him but Garcia got up and grabbed an empty vodka bottle. "Who wants to play truth or dare?"
Everyone said they were in, except for Jj, who was already passed out in her chair.
"Damn, gone already?" Spencer says.
"You owe me five bucks tomorrow, Y/N" said Morgan. Earlier, you bet Morgan that Jj would stay up because he said she wouldn't. She tried her hardest, but sadly Morgan won. You move your head to Spencer's lap. You felt very cuddly for some reason, and Spencer was right next to you. He flinched a little, but then after a minute he started playing with your hair.
Garcia puts the empty bottle on the table and spins it. It lands on Emily. "Truth." she says.
"Have you ever made out with a girl?" asked Garcia.
"Are you kidding? Of course I have," she got quiet then murmured, "And I loved it."
"I knew it!" said Garcia.
Emily spins and it lands on Morgan. "Dare."
"I dare you to give Garcia a kiss! No making out, just a peck on the lips."
It happened, their banter had finally caught up with them. Derek and Penelope go in for the peck and once so they blushed.
Spencer was still playing with his hair. You looked up at him and saw something in his eye. Not literally, but there was something going on in his head. His eyes sparkled underneath the apartment lights. His mind must've been running all over the place thinking of something trippy, or maybe he suddenly wasn't thinking at all, letting his mind wonder to thoughts he never thought of before. The bottle was rarely spun to either of you, so you decided to talk softly.
"What are you thinking about, Spence?" you ask.
"I'm thinking about everything and nothing at once," he said, "It's hard to explain, like I'm thinking of things I wouldn't normally. Or at least not on a daily basis."
"What is tha-"
"Y/N! Truth or Dare?" said Garcia
"Umm...dare." you slurred. Were you really that fucked up right now?
Garcia thought for a moment, then as she looked at the two of you, a light bulb lit up in her head. "I dare you to take Spencer to my room, shut the door, and make out for 10 minutes!"
"What, are we still in high school?" you ask sarcastically.
"Be glad I didn't suggest 7 minutes in heaven. Poor boy is just so innocent!"
"Can you even get up, Pretty Boy?" Morgan asks as you lift your head from his lap and start to get up.
Spencer takes another vodka shot and a few more hits of his pen before getting up. After gaining his balance back, you take his hand and walk him to the bedroom. He shuts the door behind him and goes to lay on the bed. Arms stretched out on either side of him, he went back to staring at the ceiling.
"Wanna tell me what you're thinking about now?" you asked.
He said nothing. You then lay next to him, doing exactly what he was doing. Garcia had put glow in the dark stars all over the ceiling. They looked brighter than they would've have been to you. Your blurry vision made your tingles more intense as the lights played with your eyes. It was almost really trippy, but you felt so good.
"I've never felt like this before and usually we put people away because of weed, but for some reason, I feel at peace with everything.
"I'm sure if you got your green card, Hotch would be more understanding towards it. If not, Penelope would've been kicked off the team."
He placed his hand softly on your thigh. Spencer, you thought to yourself, she didn't say it was 7 minutes in heaven.
"We don't have to do this if you don't want to," you said, "We can just ramble about anything and tell them we did."
He then gets on top of you, holding your wrists down to the bed. "No, I want to. Unless you don't want to, but this is what I've been thinking about when I was playing with your hair."
You nod your head. You knew what he meant because you were thinking the exact same thing at that same time. When you met him, you didn't think of him in that way. But once everything kicked in that night, you felt yourself slipping into that 'what if'. You thought he was cute when he was giggling at you, and the way his fingers were in your hair, it was like you'd known each other for years.
Spencer's lips were quickly on yours. It felt like heaven, like he had done this before. You kiss him back, indulging in the sweet bliss. It was your time to return the favor, as you run your fingers through his hair. You were into guys with long hair, and Spencer seemed to fit the bill. But in no way were you catching feelings for him. He'll probably not remember this night at all, so why get your hopes up when he's doing this for the dare.
Suddenly, you felt his right grip let go of your wrist and slowly began to go down your body. It made you feel heat from the bottom of your stomach. You haven't felt like this in a long time, needing for someone's touch. You felt ready though, ready for that feeling again. The feeling of letting go and go forward in lust. He stopped, however, letting you know that he was asking if you wanted to continue without breaking away from your lips. You nod and a small quiet moan left your muffled lips, letting him know it was ok.
His hand continued to go down your body, feeling every curve he could. His fingers gently graced your tits and it sent shivers up your spine. Soon enough, you felt his fingers lightly rub the fabric that stood between him and your slit. His touch was so feather like you thought he was teasing you just to get you all worked up.
"I've hardly done anything to you and you're already so wet for me." He said through the kiss. You were shocked how his tone changed from sweet and innocent to dark and low. It kind of turned you on. Somehow, you went from being dared to just make out to what felt like was going into 7 minutes in heaven, except not in a closet.
He then continued to rub the fabric is circles as he broke the kiss. With the moon being your only source of light, you see the hunger in his eyes. He wants you and he wants you bad. He smiles as he moves the fabric over to the side and sticks his middle finger inside you, making you gasp at the entrance. His grin grew bigger as he really felt how wet you really were.
He sticks another finger in there and you let out a moan that you were trying to be soft about, but you were louder than you wanted to be. Spencer quickly covered your mouth with his hand, continuing to pleasure you. "Be quiet, angel," He whispered in your ear, "You don't want the others to know what we're doing, do you?" You shook your head. "Good girl, now tell me when you're close. I want you to cum all over my fingers."
You never thought of Spencer as the dominate type. He seemed so to himself and sweet. You thought he'd be more submissive. Maybe it was his cross faded brain talking, but this side of Spencer made you want more of him. You wanted so much more than his fingers. Your thoughts clouded you as you were reaching your climax.
"Spencer I'm close. I'm so close!" You quietly moaned.
"Hold it, angel. I want you to beg for me."
You couldn't hold it in anymore. "Please let me cum, PLEASE!" You begged.
"Cum for me, angel."
At that, you felt your whole body tense up and almost screamed at the pleasure, but knew to just whisper it and breathe heavily. He laughed with a bit of a growl, feeling you on all over his fingers. He was enjoying this, and you could tell by the tent in his pants. You wondered if you were going to help him out with that as your breathing began to go back to it's normal pattern. He gets off of you as the timer went off, and he stuck his fingers in his mouth, tasting yourself.
"Ok lovebirds, time's up!" you heard Morgan say.
You sit up from the bed as Spencer sat next to you. "We'll be right out!" You said, "Holy shit, Spence. I didn't think you had this side to you."
"Everyone does," he said, "I know I pull off this small and meak kind of person, but they don't know what I think about when I'm at home. Even sometimes at work when I'm stressed on a case. I'll just give myself a breather and let my mind wonder. I even-"
He stopped himself in his tracks, taking back what he was originally going to say. He stood up, pulling you up with him. Your faces were then really close together. "Now, tonight I won't have you touch me. We'll save that for another day ok?" You nod again. "What are you going to do about 'that'?" Pointing to the tent.
"I'm gonna take care of it in the bathroom. Now, we don't tell anyone about this. Especially Garcia."
"Yeah, it'd be a bit weird if she found out that you fingered me on her bed."
"Well that, and the fact that she can't keep a secret to herself for the life of her."
"Good to know." you said.
You did as planned and walked out, going your different ways. You headed back to the living room and joined the rest of your coworkers. You sat there and took more hits and more shots, hoping to pass out. You couldn't help but want to let your thoughts wonder on its own.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 3 years
"you're not helping..."
CW: Teenage OCs (Izzy is 17, Jamie is 14), children of whumper and whumpee, trauma response, referenced past captivity with parental whumper/child abuse but the references are vague
Jax Gallager (referenced) belongs to @comfy-whumpee
Izzy is seventeen years old when she grabs the post to bring it inside on her way in after school and comes to a sudden stop just outside the door, staring down at the envelope, battered and beaten after its long journey not just across a country but over an ocean and through customs, too.
Her little brother Jamie very nearly walks into her, lost in his own game on his phone, and he just barely swings to the side to avoid her. “Iz!” When she doesn’t react, he pauses. He’s taller than she is already, and sure to be even taller before he’s done growing. 
Where Izzy is all skinny knees and sharp elbows, her brother has the sort of bulk that’ll turn to muscle with time. He’s a gentle sort of giant, and it’s concern and not annoyance that shifts in his expression as he reads the wide-eyed stare in hers. “Izzy? What’s up?”
Izzy swallows, her throat clicking so loud she’s surprised the flock of birds lurking in the gutters and on the roof of the place next door don’t take off startled by the sound. She can’t, for a moment, remember how to speak.
She can’t remember how to breathe.
She just holds the card out for Jamie to look at as heat burns behind her eyes, her heart racing. She feels inside her the absurd urge to be polite and sweet and well-mannered. To somehow try to ensure safety in an unsafe space.
But she’s not there anymore.
She’s not there. She’s here.
And still... 
Jamie takes the envelope slowly, looking over it himself, his lips moving as he reads the return address. Then he pales, lips thinning. “How-”
“I don’t know,” Izzy whispers. “She’s not supposed to know where we live, Jamie. She-... she’s n-not allowed, but that’s... that’s her handwriting, that’s-... she isn’t supposed to know-”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay, Iz.” Jamie glances towards the door - Jax is inside, and he’ll know if they’re more than ten minutes late either way, he’ll be looking at the clock and thinking about their safety, worrying over them the way Izzy worries over everything, too. “Look, hide it and we’ll look at it in your room, yeah? I’ll handle Dad.”
She nods, a jerky sort of motion, but she stuffs the envelope into her school bag and the two of them head inside. Izzy blames a headache for being quiet and if their dad suspects, he doesn’t say anything, just lets her go to lie down in her room. Jamie takes more time, talking about his day, getting something to eat and drink.
His skin prickles with impatience, with the need to go look. Izzy’s terror doesn’t translate to him - he mostly feels curious about the woman who makes up half his genes, who he has no memory of at all. Curious, and angry on behalf of a father and sister who struggle with what she did to them. Maybe a little angry that this shadowy woman built the boundaries of his life and made the fears that keep his father and sister up at night, and he doesn’t even remember her. 
Plus, he doesn’t want Izzy to be scared alone. That’s been their deal his whole life, their agreement - Izzy doesn’t have to be scared alone. They’re scared together, and brave together. 
His lips move in memorized words like a prayer as he heads down the hall. He’s been prepared for them to have to be brave together his entire life, urged on by Izzy’s careful planning, the go-bags they still keep hidden from their fathers, just in case. 
My name is James Timothy Gallagher and my sister is Isabella Nicole Gallagher...
Please don’t let this be something like that.
She’s not on the bed when he comes in with a bag of crisps and some water. He finds her pushed against the wall under a blanket between the bed and her desk with a flashlight, still staring at the writing on the envelope.
“Someone e-else wrote the address,” She says when Jamie pulls up the edge of the blanket and sits beside her, squeezing into the tiny space as best he can. Her voice is shaking and her eyes are red-rimmed but dry. “Not M-Mom. She wrote my name, but... but that’s it. Oh, God, she started writing Isabella M-Marcoset and had to cross it out-”
“Bint,” Jamie says amiably. “Everything’s Gallagher now. But there you go.” He nudges her with an elbow. “She doesn’t know where we are, still, right? Someone else wrote it for her.”
“That’s n-not helping,” Izzy says, and sniffs. “That means someone helped her send it, someone who does know, someone w-who-... I can’t. I can’t look.”
“Probably her lawyers or something, they’d have our address I guess. If we tell Dad he’ll rip them to shreds over it, you know his lawyer chews them up for breakfast. If you can’t look, I can.” Jamie takes the envelope from her before she can stop him and tears it open, casually ripping half the envelope apart to get to what’s inside. 
When he finds it, he blinks. “What the fuck?”
“Don’t let Dad hear y-you say that,” Izzy says automatically, with a weak smile.
“Like he’s one to say much. I think you mean don’t let Kie hear me say that.” Jamie’s eyes roam over the contents of the envelope. “Iz, this is a card for you.”
Izzy looks slowly over, peering through her fingers.
On the front, it’s pastel pink bordering a black-and-white print of a child’s chubby hand against a polka-dot dress. 
It’s okay to miss your mom, the outside of the card reads.
Izzy’s lips pull back from her teeth in a snarl.
Jamie opens the card to read what’s inside, in his soft voice. He might look more like the Marcoset side than his sister does, but his voice is nearly indistinguishable from his father’s when he speaks softly like this. “... Because she sure misses you. Though we've grown apart, I really do miss you. I remember my sweet little girl on her special day. Happy birthday, Isabella. And she wrote in here her prison address to write back. Tell me about you. Love, Mom.”
He sits there for a second in silence and then says, slightly dumbfounded, “Well, shit.”
Izzy starts to cry, hands pressed over her mouth to keep it silent.
The tears run in a waterfall, burying themselves in the minute space between hands and skin. She tastes salt at the corners of her lips. Jamie slides an arm around her shoulders and pulls her close, pressing a kiss to her chopped-short hair, starting to slowly grow out on one side. 
“Oh, Iz. D’you want me to get Dad?”
She shakes her head viciously, little hitched sobs and half-sounds coming from her and little more. Even if Jax had his ear pressed to her door, he wouldn’t hear her, Jamie thinks. His big sister learned how to cry silently, to keep herself safe by not doing anything to bring her mother’s attention on her.
She knew how to be silent out of fear before she learned how to speak in full sentences. Jamie heard someone say that, once, he can’t remember who. He wasn’t supposed to hear it.
They tried not to let him see how hurt she was, but Jamie has always known his sister was shattered and he wasn’t, and he’s always felt like he has to be the one who stays whole for her. 
“Please, Iz. He’ll know what to say. I, I don’t know what to do-”
“It’s not my birthday.”
Her words are muffled behind her hands at first, and so quiet he nearly misses them even in the stuffy silence under the blanket.
“The-... the c-card said happy birthday, but my birthday was... was seven m-months ago.” Izzy’s tears turn to bitter, cynical laughter, no less worrying than the crying had been, still nearly soundless. “She doesn’t even know when my fucking b-birthday is. You’d think since s-s-she’s the one who fucking made me-... oh, my God. She doesn’t even know my birthday.”
“No, I-... I guess she... doesn’t.” Jamie opens the card again to look it over. He hadn’t even thought about that, but now looking, he can’t help but start to laugh, too. “Iz, why’d she-... she could have just asked someone when your birthday was, it’d be in the court stuff, right? Birth certificate and shit?”
“Right. She wouldn’t want people to kn-know she didn’t remember. Or she just didn’t care.” Izzy’s shoulders shake, now, laughter or tears or both. “She doesn’t want to know me, she can’t even bother to know my fucking birthday. She’ll just-”
“Ask about Dad,” Jamie whispers.
“Right.” Izzy stares down at the card, then hands Jamie the flashlight and takes the card right out of Jamie’s hands and tears it right down the center, then again, and again, and again. The sound of the thick cardstock paper shredding is the loudest sound in the room.
“She doesn’t fucking know me, she doesn’t know anything about me, she doesn’t know she doesn’t know me and she doesn’t even fucking want to try-”
Finally, when all that’s left is a scattering of little bits of paper with the occasional visible word, like the world’s most irritating puzzle, Izzy shoves the blanket off entirely, picks up the pile in both hands and throws it up into the air, giving another bitter laugh as the pieces float down like confetti. 
“She can’t even be scary right,” Izzy declares, and Jamie watches his big sister force down her fear to mock the monster under the bed, the nightmare mother who never quite leaves her mind. “That’s how awful Mom is. Even when she’s trying to scare me, she can’t do it r-right.”
“I don’t think she meant to be scary,” Jamie says, a little hesitantly. “I think that was her trying to be our mam and fucking that up.”
“Well, she’s not a mam, is she? She’s not. She’s a fucking... she’s... Fuck her!” Izzy sweeps up the scattered bits of card and dumps them into the little bin she keeps by her bed, covers them with some tissues to hide them from anyone who might see. 
She turns to look at Jamie. “Don’t tell Dad, okay? He doesn’t need to know about this.”
“Iz...” Jamie stands and reaches out to pluck a piece of card that had gotten stuck in her hair. There’s a clearly recognizable Isab- visible on it. “You should tell him.”
“But you won’t.” Izzy’s eyes search his, looking up at her younger brother. They’ve always trusted each other, been each other’s backup more than anyone else, in the way of children who know they might have to keep each other safe when adults can’t. “Promise, Jamie. Promise you won’t tell Dad.”
“I promise,” Jamie says, uneasily. “I won’t tell, Iz. But you still should. Or at least tell therapy, or... something. Not just sit on this like it didn’t happen.”
Izzy doesn’t say anything either way, half-chasing him from her room so she can duck into the little bathroom and wash her face, wiping away the evidence of her tears, leaving only the hint of red in the corners of her eyes to give her away. 
She comes out and blames it on her headache, promises Jax she’s taken something for it, disappears back into her room. He can’t tell if Jax believes her - their dad is hard to read sometimes. But... Jamie thinks maybe he knows something’s up. 
Jamie settles down to play his game on his phone a while longer in the living room, and he wonders if she’s in there digging the pieces of the card back out to put in the box under her bed she thinks nobody else knows about.
But he knows.
He’s seen the CD cases, printed out photos from old interviews, an old magazine she’d nicked from a hair place after getting her hair cut once. Their mother’s face again and again and again, younger or older, in prison and before prison and between prison, too. 
The monster literally under the bed. 
He should tell Jax, probably. It can’t be healthy, to keep all those things. Right? But he can’t bring himself to break her trust, when Izzy trusts almost nothing and no one outside her own home. He can’t be the one to wreck even that for her. 
He can’t.
He promised. 
Jamie glares down at his game, the little tinny sound coming from his phone’s speakers, a repetitive melody, the soft sound of explosions. 
He should tell Jax.
He should tell Kieran, maybe.
But he swore he wouldn’t, and they’ve always been there for each other even when no one else could be, and so Jamie doesn’t tell anyone at all.
@astrobly @finder-of-rings @burtlederp @wildfaewhump @moose-teeth @orchidscript @sableflynn @raigash @whumptywhumpdump  @eatyourdamnpears @pretty-face-breaker 
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ringmyheart · 3 years
hey, i was wondering if i could hv headcanons with how to fight characters? maybe when their crush's parents scold them for getting bad score at school, like that time at the end of the semester. pls do it with seong taehoon and jiyeon woo. thank you! 🥺
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The first thing he’s gonna do honestly is tell u to fight ur parents. U tell him about how u got a bad score and how it’s the end of the semester and the test/ur overall grade was important and he’s so used to living life the way HE wants he tells u to just. Fight them
And you’re first thought 2 say is idk how to fight? Bc what he said is just so sudden and kinda preposterous and ur upset and he’s like okay, I’ll teach u then and ur like I’m not fighting my parents 😭 and he goes okay then I’LL do it
And u have to rlly reiterate like” NOBODY is fighting my parents” first and foremost and after that he kind of just goes silent because he has no idea how to help you or what to do and u have knocked every idea he’s offered out of the park
Truthfully I don’t think he cares about grades too much for himself and this extends to you too. He doesn’t get why you’re so concerned, and his dad (I’m pretty sure form what we’ve seen so far) is really nice and laidback so it’s not like he’s ever being reprimanded so he’s also partfully angry at your parents bc they made u upset
Like rlly angry LMAO and as ur ranting to him ab how they yelled at u for bad grades he’s just like one day… one day he’s gna fight them 😐 he doesn’t make exceptions. He might tell u to tell them to watch out LMAO but he says it so dead seriously and u laugh but wonder if he’s even joking ?
He’s like okay well have u considered: running away
And u quickly dismiss that idea too bc u have nowhere to go and it’s literally just them scolding u ur like it’s not THAT srs... I’m just upset and he’s like u have a place to sta... nvm he’s not gonna b sweet if it’s not like absolutely necessary LOL
Bc of his lack of understanding or just overall interest in this kind of stuff, he just listens to u bc his advice clearly wasn’t cutting it for u.
He asks to see the grade and u hand him the test or the grade folder and it if ur grades weren’t even that bad, he’s gonna get frustrated w you and be like u have gotta b kidding me this is what ur stressed about 😐 what ur parents yelled at u for?? And he smacks u on the side of ur head and is like please tell me ur joking these are good. Anything above a C in his eyes is still really good
If ur grades were a D, he’s like neutral like okay yeah it was kinda bad but not the worst, don’t stress about it I’ve gotten tons of D’s.
And if it was an F he’s like oh okay yeah it was pretty bad like I get it. But this would just make things worse and ur like ur right I did so baaad and he’s like nonono oh no it’s not like that and he like stiffens and goes quiet when u get misty eyed I guess and wonders once again why this is so serious to you?? Who cares about grades?
He probably gets mad ur letting other ppl control ur life. We’ve seen that he hates other ppl living their lives for others or by others rules and he’s kinda frustrated at you and wishes he could just take over u for a day or something and tell ur parents off and ur talking about it and he’s narrowing his eyes at you but ur clearly upset so he’s not gonna yell at u rn. When u feel better ab this he probably will tell you to stop living by others standards but for now he’s kinda lost
He tries to convince u to rise up against ur parents and is like “are u gonna keep letting people in ur life control u?!” And it’s like a motivational pep talk and ur like “no!” And he’s like “are you gonna let THEM yell at you and hurt YOUR feelings?! Cause I sure as hell am not!” And ur getting more energetic and r like “me neither!” And he’s like “are you gonna let ur own PARENTS talk to YOU like that?!” And u go “no!!” Nd he’s like “we r sick of it!!” And u go “ya we r 😭” and then he thinks ur on board so he’s like good!! Let’s go beat ur parents
And ur like “what” and he realizes u weren’t on the same page the entire time so he eventually bedgrudginly will lie that idea go
And he tells you this, like he says it won’t matter in seven years, right?? So why does it matter? Pls cheer up and be doesnt outright say this but he’s like “don’t worry ur pretty little head about it” or something to cheer u up
If it works and he successfully consoles u he is rlly happy and doesn’t show it but he’ll shove his hands in his pockets and go “see?? I told you. I’m good at this advice thing.”
If it doesn’t, he’ll try to take ur mind off it and he probably just shows u his spinning back kick or something LMAO or take u to the dojo so u can either do stuff w him or just watch
But if u tell him what ur upset about isn’t grades but ur parents, he’ll listen to u tell him what they told u if it was mean or strict and if it’s rlly bad his eyes will go bloodshot and he’ll roll up his sleeves and be like okay let me at them then
Literally don’t even JOKE ab him beating up ur parents he will do it 😭😭 and worse thing is he’ll WIN. Don’t even be like “yeah I wish u would beat them up for me” bc he doesn’t draw the line between u joking and him actually doing it probably. Even if he knows ur joking, which he will bc he’s not dense he’ll use it against u and be like u have me permission and suddenly ur the instigator
He listens to u rant about them if u just want a listener and he can probably tell by ur body language… like If ur clearly wanting advice, he’ll offer u the best he can and will tell you to stick up for yourself or, if you’re really upset he’ll even consider talking to them for u. No fists to his chagrin but he’ll advocate for u and he won’t plan beforehand at all he’ll just say “I think u need 2 be nicer to ur child.” And will be like “this shit doesn’t even matter anyways” and will rip the test paper in front of them so this option is obviously not even a choice for you
If u start to cry he’ll first awkwardly do that thing that people do when they don’t know how to console someone and rub your arm and he’s like “Uhh, do u want water?” Bc he’s sad bc UR sad and doesn’t know what to do and it’s like what he’s doing isn’t that helpful but the tone in his voice is v consoling and comforting bc he’s suddenly kinda quiet 4 once
If ur sobbing he’ll hold u and u cry into his shirt and later he’ll talk about how you got it all wet but like when he goes home in the mirror and sees the tear stains it reminds him ur hurt and breaks his heart
He will study with you. And by studying it’s just him like sitting with you while you study. He doesn’t think you should study but if that’s how you want to solve this and feel better he’s down. He won’t read anything but if u have flash cards he will read them back to you and ask u questions and he doesn’t know the right answer himself (unless it’s math he’s probably rlly rlly good at math.) so u have to write them on the back. But he’s pretty good at helping u study
And if ur doing flash cards, he won’t tell u the answer until u guess it and he’s good at hinting to it and he gets annoyed VERY easily when ur not saying the answer u wrote on the back but bites it down
If ur parents make u stay home more and study as like a consequence of gettig a bad grade, he won’t have any of it
He will either confront ur parents and that either makes things somewhat better or incredibly worse
So if that’s what happens he’ll text u a lot and face time u in secret and call u a lot so even tho ur not together, every time u come home from school and open a book ur phone is hidden in the bend of it and ur fting and sometimes u don’t even talk he’s just FaceTiming u so u won’t b alone while u study and bc he misses u
Overall, he really couldn’t give a shit about grades but if need be, he’ll help u with urs, he’d be the best math tutor if ur looking, if ur parents lock u up a lot to study more bc they’re mad he will use any other option to see u, and he’ll try his best to console u despite not being that knowledgeable or understanding why you’re upset. His go to comfort option is distraction, but if it’s futile he’ll do whatever it is u wanna do. If u thank him for helping u he’ll kick something and will b like “yeah whatever I was just sick of u moping around.”
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He understands what’s going on with you all too well. When you tell him ur parents scolded u bc u didn’t do so hot in a test or ur overall grades this semester, it’s like his heart is a weight that drops into his stomach and ties his intestine into a huge knot. Like he feels the dread set in
He’s takes a muuuuchhhh more calm approach than Taehoon tbh, like while ur talking he won’t say a word and will listen. He is SUCHHH a good listener and especially now he’s just staring at you and nodding his head to let you know he’s listening to make sure u know that like he is there and present and if ur sad he’s sad too like u guys r a “team”
While ur venting, if u begin to cry he’ll let u and he’s more of a “rub-ur-back-soothingly” type of consoler so he’ll do that and if u half hug him he’ll continue do it but he’s looking at u w the saddest eyes in the world ☹️
Doesn’t rlly know what to do at first besides listen and b nice
He might even get misty eyed with u too bc he understands so much. But he won’t bring up his home situation at ALL, it’s like ur stage and he’s just a listener, he won’t make u feel like he’s comparing ur pain
His fist clenched at his side because he’s angry at your parents AND his and he’s imagining what ur parents said in his mind and even if it wasn’t that bad, he’s fuming
He might even offer to run away w u too and he “knows a place” 😭and ur like omg it’s not that bad but after reminiscing on his own home life he just assumes you’re as sick of it as him
If you’re his s/o, you obviously know about his YouTube streams, so that week at the end of every stream he’ll take a risk and unmute it and go “and don’t worry about grades too much, guys :)” and ur “guys”
Either that or he’ll do something so he will stop streaming completely for that week bc it might make u feel like he’s rubbing it in ur face how much he studies nd how studious he is and yes it gets him in trouble w his dad but when u start to feel better ab ur grades and u smile and he’s like “I thought u were upset?” And u say “oh, yeah… I’m feeling better now :)” it’s all worth it
Since he’s so consumed w streaming if u weren’t able to ever meet in person, and u had to FaceTime or text him, he probably spams u and u guys have to text at like 3am bc he’s studying all other hours of the day so he’s under his covers and reading or calling u
Like it goes
‘My parents got mad at me bc I got bad grades :(((‘ and then he sees the text he reads it and then again and is like oh no bc is it like his situation???
And then u go get a snack or something and go MIA during texting but he doesn’t know that so he spams u bc he thinks that maybe ur parents took ur phone and r locking u up like his did him so he’s like
‘Are you okay?’
‘Where did you go? :(‘
‘Are you okay?’
‘Please be okay…’
And if he suspects ur parents took ur phone and r gonna read this he sends things a very lengthy and persuasive text that explains why this is cruel and unusual and to PLS give u ur phone back and then it says seen and ur like it’s still me :)) I’m okay but thx for worrying 😭❤️
And he’s like ‘thank god…’
Since he’s a part of that newtube company (XY or something? I forgot HAHA), he has connections honestly??? So if you’re that torn over this grade he might try and pull some strings to improve your grade, make classes easier or to reach your parents even. Like he affects his parents’ boss which then butterfly effects to you
Assures you that grades aren’t that important, or tries to, but it’s so horrible coming from him because he has such good grades and it always is gonna feel like he’s just saying that no matter what
If he could he’d fail a test too to make u feel better and like ur in it together but his dad would MURDER him. So he just tries to tell u it’s okay and graders aren’t that bad
If ur mostly upset over the bad grade, he’s like it’s fine, and even if it’s a grade he genuinely considers bad he’ll look at it like “...” before going this is fine too!! :) and in his mind he’s like if I got this my dad would kill me but would NOT tell you that EVERRR. He’s gonna do anything to preserve ur feeling rn and the next few weeks he’s especially nice to u
Will study with you to make you feel better but it’s hard because he’s really far ahead tbh :(( like he explains assuming u already have some ground knowledge. BUT he’s really good at being patient so if ur like I don’t understand and get frustrated he’s like “oh I’m sorry!!! Here, I’ll go over it again.”
U guys start spending time at the library and when his dad questions him he’s like I’m studying and he really is and it’s like a study date and it actually ends up being RLLY fun
Might even print u worksheets and stuff and leaves nice notes on them when he gives them to u like every chapter has another ‘u can do it’ of ‘ur already here?! Omg! Ur far ahead keep going!’ And lots of smiley faces and hearts in the margins
He is not above helping u cheat. He will give u answers in school, risking being caught nd getting in trouble, like he’ll find a way to sit as close to u as possible in class and “drop” his pen besides u that just happens to have a paper inside with all of the answers!!!!
And when you see it you’re so happy and you look at him and wink trying it be inconspicuous and it’s so obvious and he’s like omg (y/n) pls… but he’s happy ur happy and ur grades improve so much bc he gets every answer right and so of course you are getting them right too
But u both plan on u getting a few wrong to avoid suspicion and he’s so happy when ur happy bc ur grades improve so he’ll start sending u the HW, too
Will send u just study notes if u don’t want to cheat and they r so good and he’ll also send u his flash cards and everything and lend u notes from the past
He knows ur YouTube username so if u start to study a lot more bc of ur parents’ scolding and watch his streams to “study” w him despite the million viewers it’s like it’s just u nd him and when u comment like “here bc my parents yelled @ me and now im trying to improve my grades” he is simultaneously v happy ur there but also heart broken
If it’s mainly ur parents scolding u ur upset about, he’ll listen to u talk about it for hours on end over text, FaceTime, call, etc.
Makes a joke ab sending ur parents to the nursing home he volunteers at to cheer u up 😭😭 it either makes u son harder or laugh
Overall, he cares LOTS about grades, but his not urs. And if ur worried ab getting a job he’s like dw I’ll cover u in the future :)) and he’s very understanding bc he’s in a very similar situation and hates seeing u suffer like that or go thru that even if it’s genuinely not that bad. If u cry his works just SHATTERS and he’ll listen to u rant and cry for hours on end. And if ur grades were actually considerably bad, he won’t tell u that, and he’ll help u improve them bc THATS his solution to it and he’s good at helping u study. If ur not up to it he will help u cheat despite the danger of getting caught, so he can see u happy again :(( he’s rlly so sad ur going thru the same thing as him and will do anything to make it better. Won’t offer to fight ur parents but if need be he might rough one of them up if things escalate to really like mentally abusive-like proportions. But if it wasn’t that bad, he’ll just console u and help u to feel better no matter what !!
I hope this came out well!! I’m so happy I’m getting how to fight requests tysm for that, <3 also it ended up kinda long and I lost my train of thought a few times but this felt like an emergency request and when I read those I like when they’re rlly long bc it distracts and comforts me. If it was one I hope ur okay and know u r more than ur grades!!!! ❤️❤️ ty for ur request :))
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moldisgoodforyou · 3 years
without you by my side
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i thought i posted this already APOLOGIES !!! 
wordcount: 2.4k
Sophie had barely talked to Rafe in the first two weeks she was in Spain, suddenly being consumed with a week-long orientation and then going straight into her internship, juggling her Spanish lessons and trying to just get by in an unfamiliar city. She’d texted him a few updates here and there, and had FaceTimed him briefly in her first week, but most of her spare time was spent getting to know her roommates and checking off random errands.
The time difference made things extra tricky, but Rafe made it a priority to talk with her, no matter where he was. When they finally got a chance to talk, she called him, grinning when the call connected. “Hi!”
He grinned to himself too, feeling warm just from the sound of her voice. “Hi, you. It’s good to hear from you.”
“I know, I know, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize I’d be so busy.” She worried her lip between her teeth and he shook his head quickly, although she couldn’t see him. “It’s alright, I knew you had things to do. Don’t stress about it. I want to hear about Barcelona, tell me what you’ve done!”
Sophie beamed and launched into an excited description of everything - her students in her classes, her new coworkers, how she got assigned to a cool project and how she got drunk on a two dollar bottle of wine that was ‘the best she’d ever had.’ Once she told him everything, she paused, letting silence fill the air.
“That sounds awesome, Soph.” He smiled, then frowned hearing her pause. “All good?”
“Yeah, just. I wish you were here. Um, I wear one of the shirts you let me take to bed, and I just realized it doesn’t really smell like you anymore. Washed it too soon, I think.”
Rafe let out a small sigh and clutched his phone a little tighter. “I can send you another one.” His voice had a teasing lilt to it, but he was dead serious.
“No, I’m sorry, it’s stupid.” She spoke quickly and he could distantly hear a few sniffles, then when she brought her phone back to her ear, voice nearly cracking. “I’m okay.”
“Wait, are you crying? Sophie...” He trailed off and she could hear the frown in his voice. He closed his office door so he could talk to her more freely, without having to keep his voice so quiet.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m fine. I just miss you a lot more than I thought I would.”
He immediately pressed the button to facetime her, smiling when she picked up, then instantly dropping it once he saw her teary cheeks. “I can change my flight and come visit sooner. I’ll do it, angel, you know I will.”
She smiled a little at the pet name, swiping her sleeve over her cheeks. “I know, but it’s fine. Once I get into a routine I’ll be okay, everything’s just a little jarring.” She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. “I thought I knew Spanish and turns out all I can really manage is where’s the bathroom and hello. Everyone speaks so quickly, I feel like an idiot.”
He grinned. “You’re not an idiot, baby, you’ve been practicing for this for months. Just don’t go around telling anyone else te amo.”
She sniffled a little as she laughed. “I wouldn’t do that to you. Hey, how’s home? Have you gone surfing or something yet? Any big parties?”
He shrugged. “It’s alright. I think there’s a party this weekend, but.”
“But what?”
“I don’t know. Feels kind of strange without you by my side.”
“Aw, Rafe, you miss me.” She teased, fully aware she was in no position to poke fun, as she’d just cried over missing him two seconds ago.
He paused and glanced away for a second, not wanting to guilt trip her in the slightest. He just wanted to be sure she enjoyed her trip without having to worry about him. “You know I do.”
“I miss you too.” Her face dropped a little and she bit the inside of her cheek, trying to stop herself from crying again.
“I want you to have fun though, okay? I’m only a call away, and I’ll see you soon enough. Three months will fly by. Easy.” He told her, almost trying to convince himself. Just the last two weeks alone had dragged by for him, especially with how quickly he’d had to leave all his friends in Columbus once the frat house closed for the summer.
“Two months and two weeks,” she corrected. “We’ve made it half a month already.”
He laughed and flipped the camera briefly to show his calendar pinned up behind his desk, little numbers scribbled onto each square. “I know, I’ve been counting down the days.”
“That’s sweet.” She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and he frowned, narrowing his eyes. “Hey, where’s your ring?”
Sophie instantly blushed and grabbed her backpack, fumbling through it until she found the ring box lying haphazardly at the bottom (and brushed off a few crumbs before showing him). “Here! It’s right here, I have it, promise.” She quickly flipped open the box and slid it on her finger to show him.
“Do you not like it? I should have asked you before, I -”
“No! I love it, no, it’s not that.” She reassured him quickly. “I’m just really worried I’m going to lose it, like on the metro or walking to work, and I can’t have that happen. So I carry the box with me.”
“Oh.” Rafe sat back in his chair, thinking. “How about I get you a chain?”
“A chain?”
“Yeah. You can wear the ring on the chain, like a necklace, when you’re not wearing it on your finger. And when I come visit, we can take it in to Cartier and get it resized, if you need to.”
“No, it fits perfectly, I’m just nervous.” She smiled. “A chain sounds like a good solution.”
He nodded and wrote himself a reminder to order one and have it shipped to her apartment in Spain the second they were off the call. “You got it.” At a knocking on his door, he hesitated before glancing over for the source. “Hold on one second, okay?”
Rafe stood and opened the door, letting his dad in. Ward strode in and dropped a stack of papers on Rafe’s desk, regarding him with annoyance. “You need to go to the printing company right now and get these flyers fixed. Half of them have the ink fucked up and the phone number’s wrong on all of them.”
“You said I got a half hour lunch break.” Rafe replied evenly, not glancing at the papers - that were the secretary’s responsibility, not his.
“You can get a lunch break when you pay closer attention to the details.” Ward fished his card out of his wallet and slapped it on top of the stack. “Grab me lunch while you’re out. Don’t be long.” He turned to leave, but paused upon seeing Sophie waiting on the facetime call, Rafe’s phone on the desk. “Who is that?”
She froze, hair hiding her face a little, and wasn’t sure if she should hang up or not. Rafe made the first move and flipped the screen over so his phone was facedown on the desk. “I was talking to Sophie. Remember, I told you she’s in Spain, so the time difference -”
“I don’t care.” Ward interrupted. “Don’t let some girl distract you from work.” (Rafe swore he hadn’t acknowledged that Sophie was his girlfriend once.) He left abruptly and kicked out the door stopper as he went, letting the door slam shut behind him.
Rafe winced and took a breath before flipping the phone back over. He looked defeated, “I have to go. I’m sorry.”
“S’alright.” Sophie gave him a small smile but her heart was racing, embarrassed about how easily Ward was able to dismiss her. “Call me later, if you want? I’m staying in tonight.”
He glanced at the door again and cocked his head a little to catch the sounds out on the hallway, just giving her a nod and a forced smile before ending the call.
Rafe only had a week back in Columbus before he had to pack up and head back to the Outer Banks for one last summer. He had resigned himself to the fact he’d be going home, but was mainly fine with it until he learned Sophie wouldn’t be coming home too. Ever since then, he’d been dreading it - the beach days, country club and even his friends at home weren’t worth the amount of time he’d have to spend with his dad at work.
His dad had been preparing him over the last few years to take a high position in the company, and Rafe had never protested it, just figuring he wasn’t meant for anything else. It wasn’t until Sophie sent him a few links for internships in downtown Columbus that he began to consider that maybe, just maybe, he was capable of more. He ended up applying to five internships in whole, not sure if he could handle too many rejections. Other kids in his major already had at least one, sometimes two internships under their belt, and Rafe’s resume with work at his dad’s company and a couple leadership positions in his frat didn’t exactly measure up.
He was rejected almost immediately from a couple internships, but interviewed for the three others based on a few strong recommendations from his professors. No matter what, he had to return to the Outer Banks and get some extra clothes and furniture to haul back with him for his senior house, so he settled on going back for a little while he waited to hear back from the other companies.
Later that night, he called her back after getting berated by his dad at work and taking the blame for two other interns’ mistakes. It was late, nearly one am for her on a Tuesday, but she picked up anyways, anticipating the call. “H’lo?” Sophie mumbled into the phone, half-asleep. 
“I can’t deal with this anymore. I’m sick of it.” He confessed immediately and she sat up in bed, concerned. “What? What’s wrong, baby?” 
“It’s my dad, I swear to fucking god. I have to get this internship, Soph, it’s the one excuse he’ll take for me not working for him.” Rafe huffed, trying his best to calm himself down, shaky fingers pressing the Facetime button. 
She picked up right away, the lag in wifi barely interrupting their call. “Breathe, Rafe.” 
He nodded quickly, taking a few shallow breaths, then frowned as he saw the pillow marks pressed into her cheek. “Fuck, did I wake you up? This fucking time zone shit -” He cut himself off, knowing he was just angry with his dad, not her. 
Sophie shook her head. “No, um, was just scrolling through social media and laying down.” 
It was a blatant lie, but Rafe accepted it anyways. “You need to sleep earlier.” 
She shrugged, not wanting to share that she couldn’t sleep that well without him sometimes. “I’m fine. Tell me what’s going on.” 
“It’s just.” He paused and propped the phone up, then pressed the heels of his hands to his eyes. “He puts so much pressure on me, all the time. I’m supposed to take over this company and I don’t even know if that’s what I want to do, I’m a business major just because he told me that’d be a good idea, it’s just -” Rafe took a breath, trying not to get himself more worked up. “It’s a lot.” 
Sophie frowned, catching herself reaching toward the screen for a moment in an attempt to comfort him. “You’ll get the internship in Columbus, I know you will.” 
“You don’t know that.” 
“I do know that. You need to think more highly of yourself, Rafe.” 
He sighed, chewing on his bottom lip. “Kinda hard when no one else is thinking highly of me.” 
“Rafe.” She caught his attention with a stern tone, frowning. “That’s not true, not in the slightest.” 
“A little bit.” 
“You’re a loyal friend, you’re generous, you’re smart. I know I can always count on you. You just need to be nicer to yourself.” Sophie encouraged, smiling when he gave her the tiniest hint of a shy smile. 
“You don’t need to say all that.” He countered, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“I know. But I mean all of it.” She got up from her bed, taking the phone with her. “Hey, go look outside.” 
“Just go look outside.” 
He furrowed his brow but followed along, bringing his phone to his bedroom window and walking out to his balcony. “What am I supposed to be seeing?” 
“You see the moon?” 
She flipped her camera briefly, showing the glow of the moon in the sky over the city. “It’s the same moon, okay? We’re seeing the exact same thing.” 
“Okay...” He trailed off, confused. 
“It’s almost like I’m there with you.” She paused. “Kind of. We’re not that far apart.” 
“Four thousand miles.” He argued, getting more miserable. “God, I miss you.” 
Sophie nodded with a frown, biting the inside of her cheek. “I know. I miss you too, baby. I’m sorry your dad is being so shitty.” 
“He’ll hear you.” Rafe half-teased, glancing around just to make sure he wasn’t down below on the deck or nearby. 
Her jaw set, stubborn. “Good. When do you hear back about the internship?” 
“In a couple days, probably. I had the final interview yesterday and they’ll give me a few weeks’ notice before I need to move back.” He opened his mouth, about to add another self-deprecating comment, but stopped himself. “It went okay.” 
“I’m sure you were fantastic. Model candidate.” She grinned and he just ached for her even more. “It’s late for you, isn’t it.” 
“Um...a little. But I can keep talking if you want. Any time.” She promised, hiding a yawn behind her hand. 
He shook his head, smiling. “Go back to bed, angel. I’m sorry I woke you up.” 
“Don’t be, I’m glad I got to talk with you again.” Sophie paused. “It’ll be okay, Rafe. I know it.” 
“Yeah.” He agreed just to appease her. The last thing he wanted her to be doing when she was in Barcelona was worrying about him. “Love you. Sweet dreams, Soph.” 
“Love you too.” 
taglist: @whoeveniskendall @kkmaybank @karsinner @outerbanksbro @outerbankspreferences @randomficsandshit @sunshineitsfine44 @jailcalledlife @tovvaa @moniamaybank @illbesafeforyou @dontjinx-it @freddymaybank @jjmaybankzz @g4bster @oopsiedoopsie23 @babygal-babygal
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ohheyitsokay · 3 years
Soooooo for the soulmate au it would be amazing to do a Marcus Moreno fic cus that man is mwah and for them to share thoughts telepathically but it’s uncontrollable it was on your little prompt list. Like Marcus would just be thinking and only few words would come through something like oh missy asked me to bring marshmallows for s’mores and reader would hear missy, marshmallows, s’mores. I know you’ll do amazing with it cus I love reading your soulmate prompts 🥰
CELESTE HI listen this ask made me fall in love with marcus moreno, a man whom I previously read only like 3 total fics of. also, I was so hoping for a soulmate request from you - I hope you're doing well, friend 💕
wordcount: .7k  also celeste not going to lie I wrote a whole other marcus m fic before I realized it didn’t fi the prompt like I wanted to so whenever I figure that out, that’s for you, too?
warnings: a little angst, brief mention of Marcus’ wife passing
You and Marcus Moreno had been close, once upon a time, when you were young and full of dreams and potential. As they do, sometimes, your friendship shifted, and the two of you unwillingly were pulled by destiny to different paths.
When you’d graduated in different branches, the ceremonies were at the same time. Heart aching, you looked through photos of him and a girl, wondering if it would be too late to call him. You found a letter he’d written to you tucked into his present for you, and his words filled the room and you filled your lungs with them, breathing until missing him didn’t hurt, quite as much.
He invited you to his wedding, but you couldn’t make it. Even if you had been sure you wanted to go, and you weren’t, you were undercover in Paris at the time, didn’t even know he was engaged. But you had sent them a card, with a note of genuine well wishes for them. For him.
When you helped his mom with heroes who needed an alternative path, you had clung to her strong hand and looked into her knowing eyes, and asked her not to tell him. But that night, he sent you a long message, thanking you and giving little updates about his life, and gently asking if you’d share yours, too. And when he told you he missed you, the dull ache in your chest was so normal you hardly noticed it.
By the time Missy was born, it was almost gone entirely, and it filled you with joy to see the pictures of her little, determined face. You sent her books from all over the world, and notes with stories about her dad, when he had eyes as clear as hers. She knew you, long before she ever met you in person. 
She hugged you tight, crying into your stomach at her mother’s funeral, as her dad, your old friend, told you oceans of words with his eyes alone.
Hearing the voice of your soulmate in your mind was strange, because... well, you hadn’t been expecting it. It didn’t happen to the majority of people, and frankly, you would’ve thought it would have started years before. 
Keys... oh, couch... hurry!
But it was nice, hearing them, even if most of the phrases didn’t make any sense. 
Nonsense... giant robot?... leaf blower.
Sometimes, you wrote them down, trying to find clues, but this really was nonsense. You wondered if they were messing with you.
She needs... understand... safe.
It had been two months, and you’d heard variations of phrase almost every night. It was a touch annoying, because you were on quite a dangerous mission the Heroics hadn’t quite approved, and you needed to concentrate. Wherever they were, your soulmate was thinking a lot about someone. It almost felt like they were a protector, which was strange, because so were you.
Soccer... late for... lemonade and... backpack.
That one came while you were still asleep early one morning, and you woke up with s strange feeling in your stomach. Your soulmate had a kid? You shook your head to clear out thoughts of a sweet friend and his daughter. But then, on your way to the office:
Missy... marshmallows... s’mores.
You almost crashed, your heart was pounding. It was impossible to think coherently, but thankfully you’d memorized the way Marcus’s office and had clearance. 
He wasn’t there, of course he wasn’t, he was obviously getting marshmallows. You could literally hear him, marsh.... marshmallows... where?... mallows... You wanted to cry. It was him. It had to be, right? Right? 
“Please, please, universe,” you whispered aloud, pacing in and out of the lobby. It had to be him. For the first time in years, hope poured into your soul and you were full of it, almost overflowing with the need to see him. You remembered your notebook, full of their thoughts. The binding was stretched fat with photos and letters, and you poured over the words. Those little disjointed phrases felt like him and oh they matched how could you not see it? 
You didn’t have time to be afraid it was just wishful thinking thought, because suddenly, there he was. Tall and soft and solid, built to protect and to hug, the man who you’d been sharing words and thoughts with since you were young. The man who’s eyes were just as clear as when you first saw him, all those years ago, seeing you plainly, like he could hear your thoughts.
Marcus Moreno.
@fangirl-316 @scribbledghost @writeforfandoms @princess76179 @mrsbentallmadge 
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