#partner he knows well and has fallen for he does feel sexually attracted to them- tho probably usually still initiated by the partner
designernishiki · 1 year
I feel like kiryu being demisexual is less a headcanon and almost an objective fact. he just absolutely would not know that term or feel the need to use it
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thebottomfromhell · 11 months
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What love language the Uppermoons use with ther romantic partner? What is the love language they prefrer to be at the recieving end?, gn reader.
Warnings: Allusion to sexual content, Douma is his own warning and Akaza has implied angst.
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Words of affirmation
Gyutaro has a lot of insecurities and like hell he will let you have them if he can do something about it. If he feels you are good at something, that you look good in a certein way or you just need some validation of some type, he will say it laud and clear. He is not shy to compliment you and day what he thinks, and he is detailed, not letting you misunderstand a thing. (He has experience with Daki, he is very good communicating if he puts his mind into it.)
On the other hand, he is bad at the recieving end of this love language, he becomes very anxious whenever you try to conpliment ot validate him verbally (he's really not used to it, so he becomes paranoid, thinking you are lying or doing it out of pity). He prefers if you communicate with quality time. For him the fact that you are willing to take your time and do something fun with him is enough. He loves being around you, and keeping his mind bussy is the best way to evade the bitter thoughts.
Words of affirmation
Gyokko is bad giving compliments, it usually hurts his pride to give in and admit anyone did something deserving a praise from him, but when he does, it's genuine. He compliments you a lot, actually, because he thinks you are impressive (he would not be interested in you if he didn't). Everytime you do something or look in a way that attracts him, he mentions it, and he is detailed with it. As an artist he is good to describe what he likes.
He still prefers to be at the recieving end of the compliments and words of affirmation, he loves it when you recognize and value him and his art. A verbally loved Gyokko is a happy Gyokko. He will brag and give you hints for you to say the things he wants go hear, and he will get offended if you miss them or say something wrong. You better not be of those who just says "nice babe" when your partner is showing you somerhing, or you're done.
Acts of service
He is bad talking about feelings that is not his anger, but he is always around to help you around. He is good with the chores and brings you stability and order into your life. He likes things well done and tidy, there are times he even takes your work off your plate so you can relax, and while he expects you to notice what he does for you, you don't even have to thank him for him to be content.
He also likes you to do acts of service for him, he gets annoyed, angry and frustrated rather easily, so he really appreciates when you help him to deal with some issue or even take care of the rest of the clones by yourself. He is bad expressing that he is grateful, but the fact that you make it easier is visible.
Physical touch
Karaku loves physical touch, he will forever grab, hold, hug, kiss, tug, lick, suck.... If he can get his hands and mouth over you, he will. He always wants to be the center of your attention, so him throwing himself at you with a "Hey babe~" is a must, it doesn't help that he knows how to use his hands and mouth, he never misses and you always end up wanting more, just as he does. To know how to tell apart from when he just likes you to him fallen for you, well, in the first one he isn't as needy. He will have you always at arm's reach and complain when you are any farther away.
And recieve touch for him is also a must, the same way as he is all over you he expects you to have your hands full of him, and you won't have him complaining if you want to put your mouth on him. (He doesn't care if there is public, you can do whatever you want to him and only meet eagerness). 100% on Physical touch. (But he will also accept gifts gladly.)
Physical touch
Urogi is needy by nature, also always manages to spoil himself, if that makes sense at all. If he likes something, he takes it, no questions nor hesitation, just grab and fly before they take it away from him (like a dog who just stole a steak and runs to the yard to prevent their owner to take it back). This includes people, specially you, he sees you and takes you in his arms and feet, and is not afraid to just lie or sit over you wherever he can.
He also loves being touched, specially in his wings and head. Cuddles and kisses get him all chummy and happy, and he will not be separating anytime soon. He will whine at best, make a tantrum at worst, the second you pull apart. He lives for physical touch (but technically he also takes a lot of gifts, since to him everything on sight that he likes are for him to take).
Words of affirmation
Aizetsu is very shy, and he doesn't like to feel he is imposing himself to you, so he deems voicing his thoughts and feelings as the safest way to express you how he loves you. Most of the time he doesn't know how to approach or timing, but he is honest. He always makes sure for you to know what is actually going through his head and heart using simple words, at times way to simple to fully explain himself, but you understand his intentions.
On the other hand, Aizetsu prefers when you express yourself with physical touch. He likes to be hugged, specially, gives him a sense of relief and warmth that he wishes could feel more often, it's very comforting for him to have you holding him, kissing him, cuddling with him. He pouts everytime you pull apart if he was too comfortable.
Giving gifts
Hantengu likes to steal a lot, but he is not above sharing the parts he managed. He also likes the fact that he can express anonymously what he feels so he can evade anything uncomfortable and nasty. He makes sure to get things that might be useful or he knows you will like, but unless he puts a letter in the present you might never know it was from him. Still, seeing you liking and using what he gave you makes him happy enough.
He likes people to cover him, to hold him safe and sound, and so physical touch is the love language he likes to recieve the most. He likes to be comforted, feel the preasure of a body giving him a space where he can be less afraid of everything. But also, he likes it from specific people and not for too long periods of time since he gets too paranoid.
Quality time
Nakime likes to spend time with you, usually she plays and sings to entertain you, hoping nothing more than to have some minutes for you both. There is a limited amount of activities she enjoys, but she is willing to step out of her comfort zone once in a while, but most of the time she would join you with readings, arts, crafts, board games and so.
Nakime also appreciates that you make your way to include her into your rutine the same way she does with you. Actions speak lauder than words, she doesn't like touching as much (and with her castle there is little act of service one can do) so she would expect you to give her quality time. The thing is, she also likes recieving gifts a lot, she loves feeling wealthy, so if you manage to get her expensive and pretty things, beside giving her things that applies to her hobbies, is the straighest path to her heart.
Acts of service
Akaza loves being able to help and take care of you, he lives to take care of you. Chores, nursing, protecting you, giving you time and space to rest are things that keep him relaxed, he feels safe when you are safe, happy and around. It's hard to not notice he is good at it, too, that with him around things are just easier. Just be careful with him taking too many things off your plate, Akaza would take all your responsibilities and burdens off your shoulders if he could.
And Akaza would loath if you worked or took any effort for his comfort, what he likes from you are words of affirmation. He needs you to tell him he is doing a good job, that you feel better with him around, that you can see him in a future together. And it has to be verbally, he can't calm down if it's not, because part of him doesn't trust that he is being good enough, strong enough. (Really, make sure to tell him that you are both good and that nothing bad will happen to you, he really gets too scared for you and only wants you to be healthy, comfortable and safe.)
Giving Gifts
This is an interesting one, because Douma is also very touchy, compliments you a lot and seaks for quality time, but to be honest that is mostly fake affection. Affection he has seen others share but has never managed to feel it himself. What he has felt is the satisfaction of getting something he likes, something that feels was just made for him to like. If he gives you a gift he know you will adore, no matter the price or the different types of values that the present may have, the fact that he made sure to remember and think of something for you to like it's because he genuinely cares.
And while recieving gifts it's the only love language he actually understands, Douma prefers when you to spend quality time with him. He is very bussy with his duties inside the cult, so he can't go outside as much as he would want nor do as many activities as he would like. Douma deems it's very nice when you go and give him some company, to help his boredom, to give him the attention he is used to recieve but actually make it about him instead of making it about gods or yourself. You would be the first one.
Quality time
Kokushibou is not a romantic person, he is too traditional for that, if he gives you a gift it's because it's obligatory to the courtship, if he compliments you it's because it's basic etiquette, if he helps you it's because he deemed as necesary... it all changes with quality time. Nothing forces him to actually spend a good time with you, to have fun, to do something one of you or both of you like, much less step out of his comfort zone if it's something only you like. If he does it, it's because he wants to, because he cares, because he wants you to feel good around him.
And it would be good if you remembered that Kokushibou is still insecure behind all his intimidating demeanor, he still fears falling behind expectations as his mind easily takes him to darker places. He needs words of affirmation, someone to remind him that he is doing good and validate his feelings, feelings he is not willing tl talk about. It has to be clear and simple for it to stick in his head, and it's going to be hell if you let any misunderstanding happen. Don't. Let. It. Happen.
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frenziedslashers · 1 year
Hey bestie. I see you're also deep in the borderlands rabbit hole and I have read all your stuff, it's all beautiful. Do you think you could write some NSFW headcanons or an NSFW alphabet for Rhys pretty please?
Also, I'll be waiting (im)patiently for that fluffy Rhys fic 😩 I love him and his silly little face. The urge to smother him with kisses to reassure him he's perfect is so SO strong today
Take this photo as well:
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Hey, welcome back to Tumblr JD! Long time no see. I absolutely love that you have also fallen into the Borderlands Rabbit hole. It's super nice to see you here partying away with us and the brain rot lmaooo Thank you for the meme as well, I will cherish it forever 😤💙💚
I can definitely give you all the Rhys content you want homie. I just posted the fluff fic, so make sure you go and check that out if you want 😌 Here's your NSFT alphabet though 😏
Rhys: NSFT Alphabet:
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Rhys is very big on aftercare after sex. He loves showering you in attention and also loves being showered with attention himself. He makes sure to clean you both up to prevent a bigger mess than the both of you already made, he also keeps some water close by so the both of you can have something to drink before you both doze off. He's definitely going to have his arms wrapped snuggly around you with the sheets covering at least your guys' lower halves while you both fall asleep, though. I feel like he has this weird fear that someone might walk in on you both sleeping fully/half naked and he's worried they'll see your body so he has to make sure at least your lower half is covered for your safety.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Their favorite body part of their own: Rhys' favorite body part of his is probably his non-prosthetic arm. He likes being able to feel your body with his hand and kind of hates the fact that he can't feel you with his other hand. Plus the fact he's sort of scared to touch you with he robotic arm in fears he might accidentally hurt you with it being metal and all. He also really likes his eyes and ability to see you.
Their partners favorite body part: Rhys loves everything about you, but he'd probably have to go with your eyes, lips, and thighs as his favorite things. He really likes how soft the skin of your thighs are, and one of his favorite pass times is kissing you or being kissed by you. With your eyes, he just loves looking at them and being seen by them. He loves a lot about you, but if he had to chose, he would probably say those three things.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
I headcanon that Rhys is a particularly clean guy, so he doesn't really like making a mess of you or himself. If you want him to he'll cum on you, and as long as he knows you can't get pregnant he'll cum in you if you want. He's cleaning you up right after, though. He normally uses a condom when the two of you do anything sexual though to prevent the mess and also because protection. He does find it somewhat attractive when you swallow him after sucking him off, but he's not gonna make you do it just for his pleasure.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) 
Tales Rhys doesn't really do a lot of dirty things, but he feels his biggest 'dirty secret' is thinking about you in sexual aspects before the both of you even got together.
Borderlands 3 Rhys on the other hand is a bit more experienced, whether that be with you or someone else before you came around. He's got a few tricks up his sleeve, enjoying the thought of tying you up, you fucking him, and his favorite fantasy of all; fucking you/being fucked on his desk at work.
 E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Tales Rhys: I don't think he's that experienced. He may have had a few flings here or there, but it wasn't anything exciting and filled with kinks or anything. Mostly just to blow off some steam and have a little fun. So if you have any kinks you wanna try you'll have to talk to him about it first. Depending on what it is he may be a bit hesitant and intimidated, but he doesn't mind trying for you. Who knows, he might learn a few things about himself, too.
BL3 Rhys: He's fairly experienced and more open to trying things that he wants to try with you. He's still a little nervous to tell you about his ideas, but he's happy if you're willing to try them with him. He's more adventurous and experienced being the new hot stuff since he basically rebuilt Atlas from the ground. He's had a lot more people trying to sleep with him since then, so if the two of you get together after he's the business man he is in this game, then he's had a lot more experience with others. If you've been with him since he was the man he was in Tales, then the only experience he's had is with you, but he's definitely tried more things with you since those days.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary: His favorite when he's in a lovey dovey mood is for sure missionary. He loves holding you or being held close by you. He also likes the fact that he can look into your eyes and see every reaction you make on your face.
Doggy: When he's in a more pent up mood he does like this style a bit more. Whether it's him shoving your face into the mattress, or you shoving his face into the mattress solely depends on his mood.
Cowgirl: Again, he mostly likes this position due to the fact that he can see your face and eyes. The bonus for this position is the fact that his hands have an easy access to your thighs.
Over a desk: This isn't really a technical position, but bl3 Rhys gets a thing for having sex over his desk. He can't really explain why, it's sort of a power and possession thing.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
It depends on his mood really. For the most part he's fairly goofy when the both of you do things. Especially the first few times the two of you do anything sexual. He tries to keep the mood light hearted and you comfortable with the situation. As the relationship progresses he gets a little more serious. Especially if the two of you are having sex after a life or death situation. He wants this moment with you to be full of how much he loves you and is glad you're both okay.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I fully believe that this man keeps himself fairly clean. He doesn't want you to judge and laugh at him so he tries to keep his hair kept down. Plus, he doesn't want you complaining, out loud or mentally, about how unkept he is if you do happen to go down on him. He'd think about it until the day he died.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He tries really hard to be a romantic guy, but sometimes he just gets too awkward and worked up. He never knows what to say and ends up rambling, there's times you might have to shut him up and calm him down with a kiss. He does try though. He'll come home from the office with take out and a bouquet of your favorite flowers without asking. He'll wash you're hair while you two bathe without you asking. He's a gift giver when it comes to showing his love, and I'll die on this hill.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He didn't really masturbate a lot before he met you. He would here or there when tensions were high and he needed to chill out, but after he met you he seemed to do it a bit more frequently. You were always on his mind and he was convinced he would never be able to have you so touching himself and pretending it was you was the closest he thought he'd ever get. Once the two of you get into a relationship he mellows out on masturbating. He has you to take care of that if the moment arises. Plus, even just knowing he has you if he needs taken care of and you're up to it sort of wears out his sexual tension.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Slight Exhibitionist, the thought of getting caught thrills him, but if he actually got caught fucking you he'd probably shrivel up and die.
Oral fixation. He's really into using his mouth to pleasure you, something about it just gets him going. If you leave hickeys on him or go down on him he's equally thrilled.
Slight bondage, especially on himself. He likes being unable to do anything and having you in control after he became CEO. He feels taken care of and the fact he can't touch you gets him all hot and bothered. He likes tying you up here or there if you'll let him, too.
Praise, this boy needs all the praise he can get. It's an easy way to get him to corral you to bed, too. If you drop a little "good boy, Rhys." or a "you look so handsome today," with an almost ghost of a kiss, expect him to be chasing you into the bedroom while taking his shirt off in the process.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
His favorite place is probably the safety of your guys' shared home. He likes being able to have the privacy and it allowing for the both of you to make all the noise you want. He also likes being able to take his time since neither of you have to be worried about an interruption. Plus, then he can have you anywhere in the house. In the shower, on the bed, the couch, in a blanket fort on the floor, the options vary.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Praise is a good one to get him going.
Wearing something extra spicy. Whether it be wearing a dress/crop-top/no shirt on a hot day, or dressing up nice for him when the two of you are getting ready to go out on a date. He loves being able to flaunt to the world that you're his when you dress up especially nice just for him. Sometimes neither of you make it out the door though because he's pulling the clothes right back off of you.
Hickeys. Something about one of you leaving hickeys on the other gets him all hard and uncomfortable in his pants. He likes the world knowing who you both belong to.
(TW DRUGS) If you smoke pot or cigarettes and you shotgun the smoke into his mouth he's like putty in your hands and begging for more. He swears it's the hottest thing you've ever done with him. Even if he does end up nearly dying because he's never really smoked anything before.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He would say no to sharing you. He's sort of insecure and worried that you would end up liking the other person more than him. So sharing and voyerism is out of the question.
Breeding you (Only really if you have a female reproductive system). I really don't see Rhys as a guy who wants kids, so he wouldn't be into a breeding kink. He'd get all nervous and scared he'd jinx you guys and you'd both end up with a baby.
Degrading/hard-hitting(specifically with a paddle or something that isn't his or your hands)/choking. He hates the thought of hurting you and being hurt. Small thinks like pinching, biting, light slaps on skin other than your faces, etc. are fine with him. He just won't straight up hit you, choke, or degrade you. He's too scared and not good at degradation at all.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Rhys enjoys giving more than receiving. He feels accomplished when you squirm and make little noises for him because he's making you feel good. He thinks he's pretty good at it. He's a quick learner and pays attention to how your body reacts to different things.
He does like receiving, and won't ever deny it though. He's normally praising you for your work and gets a little vocal because you just make him feel so good.
When it comes to mouths on other body parts, he's sort of a leech. He locks sucking and biting on your skin to leave little (or even sometimes big) love bites all over your body.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He's typically slow and sensual. He likes to take his time with you when he's topping. If he is in a bad mood and you give him permission to just use you he's not against going fast and rough. Fucking you up into the bed or whatever surface you guys are on.
When he's on the bottom he likes it when you're a little rough with him. He feels like he deserves it, but doesn't really have a preference. As long as you both feel good and he knows you're paying attention to him, he's good with whatever you give him.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He doesn't like doing them often. When he has sex with you he likes taking his time. Plus, he can feel a little out of it after sex. He gets a little scatterbrained and ends up having you on his mind most or all of the day. So he'd rather just take the whole day or night to worship your body.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Yes, he's game to experience, but he doesn't enjoy taking risks if they are particularly dangerous. He's had too many life or death experiences in his life to toy around with anything dangerous. It sends him into a panic if anything. He also has mixed feelings with the thought of getting caught. It's thrilling, but it also terrifies him at the same time. If the experimenting is something harmless though, then he'd be good to try it with you.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Tales Rhys doesn't really have that high of a stamina. Like said earlier, he's not really that much of a fling guy. So when you come around he has to build up his stamina a bit. He tries his best, he really does. You just feel too good and he gets lost in the moment.
After the two of you are together for a while, or Bl3 Rhys who I believe to be a bit more experienced, he can last a few rounds as long as he has some break time, plus he lasts a lot longer as well. He normally uses those break times for foreplay. He knows how to ration out his rounds and give you a good night. He's able to figure out your body just right so you've cum more than him some nights, even.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
I don't think he really owns any toys, but he's not afraid to use them. If anything he uses them to his advantage on you. If you have female anatomy he especially likes straps. He's not afraid to let you go to pound town on him. If you get him any toys he's definitely gonna use them on you/himself depending who you got them for him to use. He also would be more into buying some for the both of you if you express and interest in them. He thinks they make the bedroom more fun if anything.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He tries to tease you, but he more times than not ends up caving in. You're just so irresistible to him. Plus you have a way of talking him into giving you what he wants. He swears you have some sort of siren ability or that you hacked into his Echo Eye somehow.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He tries not to be really loud, so he normally bites his lip to suppress the noises. Letting out grunts and groans, but some nights he just lets loose. Especially if you tell him to. He can be quite loud if you let him be. Especially if you're giving him head or if you're the one fucking him. Something about the position and vulnerability of it all just gets him.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
If the two of you are in a relationship during his Tales era he won't have sex with you for the longest time because of Jack. He hates having him linger and make perverted comments when the two of you are just cuddling or kissing. The thought of letting Jack see you naked, even if he is just an AI, freaks him out more than anything. So he does his best to avoid it with you until he can figure out if he can actually get Jack out of his head or not. Or at least get him under control so he can't see everything that he does.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
That is up for you guys to decide. I don't like giving this that much of a description lmao.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Before gets with you it's super high. You're all that's on his mind and it gets him pretty sexually frustrated. After he's with you it's still pretty high, but he's more mellow and less frustrated about it. Unless he's been working a lot and neither of you have really had the time to have sex or even really hang out with each other.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He tries to wait until you fall asleep, but he's normally the first to pass up. He either uses all of his energy in the act or he's just worn out from a hard day of work and then this. He also just feels calm and at ease after sharing moments like that with you. So he normally falls asleep because it's the first time his minds actually not racing long enough for him to fall asleep.
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calamity-bean · 1 year
dating woes vent post, don't reblog <3
I wish I understand what I actually want in a partner because I truly feel like I have no idea. I mean, I know my general ideal: I want a serious relationship, with someone who's not only a lover and partner but truly a best friend...... but when it gets into the specifics? I'm totally lost.
Do we have enough interests in common? Do we have too many interests in common? In the former situation we have nothing to talk about, while in the latter it feels like there's nothing to learn; I don't want to date my clone, I don't want to feel like they already know everything I could share with them, like there's nothing that makes me unique. Nor do I enjoy them always one-upping me OR always agreeing with me; the one is frustrating, the other is dull. I've been on a couple dates with someone who shares so many of my interests (and, from what I can tell so far, my values) and I want so badly to feel attracted to him but I just don't. It would be so much simpler if I did. But I don't. We keep up a conversation well but I'm just not drawn to him physically; to be honest, all I feel for him is occasional annoyance because he has a tendency to interrupt and one-up me. Anything I've done, or anything I know, he has a story that's similar (only cooler), or a picture he can dig out while I'm talking and shove in my face mid-word.
It feels like the people I have fantastic sexual chemistry with either don't have much in common with me or aren't looking for anything serious, and the people I share interests or conversational chemistry with I don't find very attractive. Am I being too picky? I don't want to be too picky. But is it really so much to ask that I feel physically attracted to my partner? What IS my type, anyway? I don't know; I don't really have one; I can never really tell from pictures whether I'll be attracted to someone, I never know till we meet face to face. And I love to chatter with people in person, but I cannot stand anyone blowing up my phone between dates — I am not a clingy person, and nothing makes me feel smothered so fast as someone I've just met texting me over and over every day.
And I want to feel that flutter again. I'm hung up on my ex and I know it; I'm still waiting for someone else to make me feel equal parts fluttery and comfortable the way he instantly did. We had so many interests in common but also plenty not in common, and I wanted to know all about his other interests. I feel myself comparing everyone to him, comparing every first date I go on to my first date with him, and I know, I know how stupid and self-sabotaging that is. I want to feel that way again. But maybe I also don't. Maybe I can't seem to feel that way again because I'm holding myself back too much. Or maybe it's because the people I meet are genuinely not the right fit. I don't know. I don't know my own mind anymore. I have this terrible fear that nothing I find will ever measure up to the rose-tinted memory of what I had with him, and that even if I settle down with someone, I'll never really feel like I've fallen in love.
I've been on a couple dates with someone who shares so many of my interests (and, from what I can tell so far, many of my values) and I want so badly to feel attracted to him but I just don't. It would be so much simpler if I did. But I don't. We keep up a conversation well but I'm just not drawn to him physically; to be honest, all I feel for him is a growing annoyance because he has a tendency to interrupt and one-up me. Anything I've done, or anything I know, he has a story that's similar (only cooler) that he has to launch into immediately, or a picture he can dig out while I'm talking and shove in my face mid-word.
Dating makes me sad, I've realized. It just plain does. I've been going on dates (from apps, mostly) and they've been fine, they've even been good, but I feel like I'm just dragging myself to them, and that's not fair to the other person and probably not healthy for me. I want to feel excited again, I want to feel open-hearted and ready to love again, but I'm just struggling. I like being alone. I have plenty of practice; I am very good at being alone. But I don't want to be alone forever. And yet I can't even imagine what life with a partner would look like for me; I can't even imagine what I want.
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another-lost-mc · 5 months
Do you think the brothers have had partners before mc?? 🤔
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a/n: well, I have thoughts™️ about this! I think there's a lot of wiggle room to explore whether they've had purely physical/sexual relationships prior to mc, or whether they had romantic/loving relationships as well. these are my personal interpretations of the characters and how I prefer to write them, but there's lots of flexibility here too.
relationships before mc | the canon cast + demon oc's
1.5k words | headcanons | nsfw | minors dni
cw: past sexual and/or romantic situations mentioned but not explicitly described. mentions of potentially having heirs/children in diavolo and mephisto's portions.
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Personal headcanons/assumptions:
Sex is not required to form a pact between a demon and human.
Angels are not strictly forbidden from having sex or physical intimacy, but it's not usually appealing without some sort of emotional connection. Most angels don't seek out relationships intentionally.
Angels that pursue romantic relationships tend to be monogamous unless other arrangements are agreed upon.
The demon brothers/fallen angels struggled at first - it was unusual to them how freely demons in the Devildom engaged in sex for pleasure's sake. It wasn't common when they were angels so it was a bit of a culture shock.
He's not a virgin. He doesn't have much experience with romantic relationships either - most of his past encounters were purely physical in nature. Due to his power and popularity in the Devildom, he has to deal with demons (or witches/wizards) that try to pursue him. Most of the time, they're nuisances he'd rather not deal with at all. I think he gets lonely and wishes he had someone to share his desires and burdens with, but that's a source of vulnerability for him too.
He's had casual sex but not much beyond that. Some of his past partners include witches or warlocks who've had pacts with him as well. If he's in the mood, he can find a willing partner easily enough when he goes clubbing or to one of the casinos.
The only demon brother I sometimes write as not having any sexual experience before meeting MC. His experiences, if any, would've happened after the fall. I think he has lots of willing admirers who offer themselves to him, but he would be nervous or reluctant to take advantage. Even if he makes out/fools around a little bit with someone, it's very difficult for him to be comfortable enough for any kind of penetrative sex. Oral sex (giving) is outside his comfort zone when it comes to strangers or distant acquaintances too.
Casual sex is something he enjoys. It's a pleasurable way to relieve stress. It's not difficult for him to find a willing partner or two - he's popular and handsome and draws plenty of attention when he decides to go to one of the Devildom's clubs for a bit of fun. He assumes the demons that throw themselves at him only want him on a purely physical level and he reluctantly accepts that. Part of him doesn't believe that he's relationship material, even though he longs for the type of romantic fantasy he reads about in his books.
I feel like his past doesn't need much explanation. Casual sex? Absolutely. Experimentation? Of course. Relationships? Yes, sort of. I think most of his past relationships were based on physical attraction/desire without much emotional bonding taking place (at least on Asmo's side). He likes being fawned over but it's very one-sided in his favour. He's known as a heartbreaker but for most demons, that's not much of a deterrent - they know what they're getting into when they seek him out. Prior to meeting MC, I think he's a very self-absorbed and selfish lover so he chases after whatever demon or witch or wizard catches his eye. He discards them just as easily whenever he gets bored. He rarely feels guilty or suffers any consequences when he does this.
He's popular and handsome and I think he would've had no shortage of willing fans to fool around with if he was in the mood. He doesn't indulge often but he does enjoy sex as an alternative way of satisfying his sin's cravings. He's a bit pickier with who he spends time with though - he wants it to be fun and pleasurable. Even if they're only a one-time fling, he's honest and respectful towards his partners.
He has to be in a very specific mood and it takes a special sort of demon or human to catch his eye. Sex is also a handy tool for manipulating someone, but it's more of a last resort option for him. I don't think he likes being too vulnerable with strangers.
He's too busy and has far too many responsibilities to seek out romantic relationships. He has to be cautious not to be manipulated by someone looking to exploit his power. As future king, he is also aware that any prospective partners have to be willing to accept that sort of life with him. He dreams of having a love like his mother and father had, and he wants to give any future heirs a better childhood than his own. He hasn't found anyone he wants as his consort yet, so he sticks to sporadic, discreet casual encounters that are physical in nature only.
Prior to devoting himself to Diavolo, one-night-stands and short-term relationships of a physical nature were part of his past. In modern times, he doesn't really seek out companionship that way. He doesn't want to be distracted from his responsibilities. He also has a much higher standard now for the type of person he would be willing to be with. Relationships are tricky and complicated and he knows the types of chaos that love can bring. He doesn't necessarily welcome or encourage that sort of interest in him, but if he somehow develops feelings too, he might make an exception.
No doubt about it. A king who was said to have hundreds of wives and concubines must've had a colourful past. (Although I believe most of those were marriages of convenience in order to gain wealth and power through treaties and dowries.) I also believe he had at least one great love in his life, and their relationship ending in bitter betrayal broke part of him - at least temporarily. I think he would've had a jaded view of love and relationships after that. Later, he would choose to indulge in purely physical relationships that satisfied his human desire to claim and be claimed without the risk of heartbreak. Physical relationships with some of his pact demons were preferable alternatives to the vulnerability that came with pursuing human partners. In modern times, he's been less likely to pursue physical intimacy at all and focuses on his magical experimentation and being the human world's guardian.
Physical intimacy is far and fleeting for him, but he's not likely to pursue that in modern times without having genuine feelings for someone first. He can be very flirty and affectionate when he's interested in someone, although he might play coy and pretend he's not if someone calls him out on his behaviour. He can be very teasing.
He engages in casual flings but he's not going to let himself be vulnerable with strangers or acquaintances. He cares deeply about his family (especially his younger brother) and I think he has some desire to have a family of his own one day. He might be a closet romantic at heart, but he hasn't found anyone that stirs that craving in him yet.
Similar to Simeon, he doesn't indulge often. He might flirt teasingly with someone he's attracted to, but he has to know them and be comfortable for him to show that playful side. It might catch someone off-guard if they don't know that about him. He doesn't always pick up on subtle cues so he might not realize someone is flirting with him too.
Casual sex and intimacy between reapers is common, but some are too busy/dedicated to their work to bother. Thirteen fits into that second group (although she uses it as an excuse to avoid being vulnerable or taken advantage of). Bouncing off my previous reaper headcanons, reapers aren't necessarily of human origins and don't hesitate to have relationships or arrangements with reapers or beings that belong to more monstrous races.
He isn't a virgin but hasn't indulged in anything sexual or romantic since the brothers fell. He struggles with regret and doubt and has a lot of personal insecurities. Above all else, he's terrified of having more loved ones taken away from him or risk being betrayed by them. He wears a cold mask to hide his vulnerability and to push away anyone that might get too close. He might secretly wish he had someone by his side that could accept him for who he is despite his faults.
He's not a virgin but only has sex/physical intimacy with those he's in a relationship with and has feelings for. There are very long gaps in his dating history so he's very inexperienced/insecure about his attractiveness and his ability to please his partner.
Lust demons gonna lust. He regularly has quickies with patrons or fans at his club but won't take anyone home with him. He's very awkward in relationships because he doesn't date that often. When he has feelings for someone, he can be a bit overwhelming.
Casual sex is a way for him to relieve stress; he's not looking for a long-term partner and hasn't dated in a very long time. The act itself is very impersonal and he removes as little clothing as possible to maintain that barrier and keep some sense of control. These encounters usually take place at or near the club when he's working.
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parasite-core · 1 year
From @mimble-sparklepudding OC ask questions, answering for Calio
* Is your OC romantic in the traditional sense? Do they enjoy giving or receiving gifts of flowers or confectionary? Or are there other courtship traditions from their culture of origin that are important to them?
Calio isn’t typically romantic. He usually scoffs at the idea of romance, and considers it something of a waste of time. Most people aren’t interesting enough for him to waste the time and effort on. However he has fallen utterly in love with the winter wolf Greta, who he considers an actually interesting person who he enjoys spending time with and who is worth his time. As such he’s gone out of his way, literally risking his own health and sanity to get her the things she most desires. And he’s noted what she most fears and has intentions to get her something to protect her from it as well.
* How important is sex to them in a relationship? Do they see it as something essential to their happiness? Would they be able to remain in a monogamous relationship with someone they loved without sex?
Sex is very important to him. He wouldn’t be able to have a monogamous relationship with someone who was asexual—he’s too much of a sexual being himself.
* How do they feel about public displays of romantic affection? Does it make them uncomfortable? How do they feel if a romantic partner kisses them in public?
He has no problem with public displays of affection from people he likes. He only doesn’t like being touched by people he dislikes or distrusts.
* Do they believe in love at first sight? Have they ever developed a crush or romantic (or erotic) fixation upon a stranger based on their appearance alone?
He has been attracted to people at first sight before—frequently. But nothing deeper than that. Even with Greta he had to get to know her more before he developed genuine feelings for her. (Specifically: he liked her from the moment they started talking in depth, but he actually fell for her when she called him handsome even without disguising his appearance)
* How closely is their opinion of their own beauty (or lack thereof) linked to their confidence? Do they see themselves as more or less worthy of love or sex based on how attractive they feel?
He is very vain, and his sense of self is strongly linked to how he feels about his appearance. Since losing his good looks he’s held off on flirting with people because he feels like he knows he’ll be rejected, because looks are everything, and people make snap judgements based on what they see. However the moment he had a way to disguise his appearance he happened to meet Greta first and immediately flirted his way into the front gate of Whitethrone—and in the long run into a relationship with the strong beautiful winter wolf.
Philia – Affectionate, Platonic Love
* Does your OC have a Best Friend? If they do then how long have they known each other and how did they meet? If they don't then do they have a close group of friends they love equally? Or are they more of a loner?
Calio considers Edeya his best friend. However it’s been pointed out recently that he doesn’t know much more than superficial things about her, even though he’s confided a lot of his own secrets to Edeya.
* Does your OC find it easy to make friends? Or are there barriers to them doing so? If so then are these due to issues of inclination, communication, or something else entirely?
Calio has little interest in making friends. People are, for the most part, beneath him. However occasionally a person will worm their way into his heart against his will. Currently Edeya, Nestian, and Greta are the only people he considers friends. Aenland considers him a friend but the feeling is not mutual.
* What qualities does your OC most value in a friend? Loyalty? Shared sense of humour? Or something else?
Loyalty, being non-judgmental, and being interesting to converse with (whether this is a shared sense of dry humor, shared interests, or being intellectual, just being interesting to talk to in some way)
* Is your OC able to build close friendships with people very different from themselves? Perhaps in terms of culture, age or personality?
Calio tends to gravitate towards people more like himself, people who are more morally grey. People who are too different from him tend to be the sorts who get judge-y about the things he does and that is a sure fire way to make him dislike a person.
* What is their most fervent wish for their best friend(s)? How far would they go to make it happen?
He hopes things will be resolved with her family—one way or another. It’s up to Edeya how she wants to handle them, they’re her family after all. He just hopes she gets some closure, whatever happens.
Storge – Unconditional, Familial Love.
* Did your OC's parents love them unconditionally? If so then has this helped them feel confident as an adult? If not then how has this affected them? What were the conditions their family attached to their relationship?
His parents loved him unconditionally—despite him being a bit of a trouble child. Honestly he had all the affection and love to be set up to be a normal well adjusted member of society, but instead he ended up being a necromancer who worships the gods of murder and undeath, follows a mentor who is definitely a bad influence, reaches for more power every chance he gets, and has been using an artifact that breaks the laws of magic to empower himself. He is just not a good person and it’s not his parents’ fault, they really tried, nature just won out over nurture.
* Does your OC have children? If so then how fiercely do they love them? If they have more than one then do they love them all equally? If they do not have children then is this part of their future plans?
Calio does not have children. Have I thought ahead to what it might be like if he and Greta had kids? Maaaybe? Do I think Calio should be a dad? No. He’d be an awful influence on those poor children. (For fun though, the children I imagine would be quintuplets due to Greta being a winter wolf. Two would be wolf beastkin, one a fighter and one a ranger. One would be a fey bloodline sorcerer. One, the only daughter, would have been a stillbirth but then miraculously started breathing again. She would be an undead blooded sorcerer and be the one who takes after Calio the most closely, and would very much be daddy’s little girl)
* How far does parental approval (imagined or expressed) impact upon their current sense of self-worth? What might they sacrifice or attempt to achieve in order to ensure the approval of their parents?
He doesn’t seek approval of his parents. His parents are average. He wants to be extraordinary. He needs to break the rules and go beyond what they would consider safe and morally good to achieve his goals.
* Does your OC have any siblings? If so then did their parents have a favourite growing up? Has their relationship with their sibling changed in adulthood? If they don't have any siblings then do they perhaps feel they have missed out on an important relationship? Do they have any especially close friends who go some way towards filling that role?
He doesn’t have any siblings, and his friend group tended to rotate a lot so he didn’t really have a close friend who fit that role either.
* Is your OC able to love without necessarily needing or expecting reciprocation or reward? Or are all their relationships to some extent transactional? Have they ever loved another person unconditionally, whether a child or another adult?
Everything is transactional to Calio. He expects something out of his relationships. From Edeya he expects secrecy and understanding. From Nestian he expects protection. Greta is the only exception to this rule, he just loves her, without reason or personal gain, despite himself.
Agape – Selfless, Universal Love.
* Does your OC wish to make the world a better place? How far do they see that as being their responsibility? What lengths would they go to in order to help achieve this?
Not really. The world isn’t his responsibility. He is only helping to save it in so far as he has to because he made a deal and that’s part of the deal. Also he lives in the world and having the entire place iced over and ruled by Elvana would suck.
* Does your OC feel a spiritual connection to the world around them? Do they have a particular love for nature or living things?
He feels no connection to living things. He feels a connection to the undead. Nature can be blighted and the living can die for all he cares—it’s all fuel for him afterwards.
Although he will admit nature is a lot prettier untouched, and he wouldn’t personally do damage to nature himself. He mostly just kills things to make undead things, he has no reason to blight the land.
* To what extent does your OC believe in the value (or even existence) of true altruism? Do they see an unselfish concern for the welfare of others as being naïve or foolish? Or as a moral quality to which people should aspire?
Altruism confuses him. When people act without any obvious selfish reason, he tries to find what their ulterior motive is. He knows Nestian follows a bunch of morals he flat out doesn’t get and doesn’t ascribe to that push him to act like that. It’s Aenland’s seemingly random acts of altruism that really confuse Calio, like taking a full on attack from a Demon Lord to save someone he doesn’t even like.
* Does your OC have a religious faith which emphasises the importance of a love for all people? If so then do they try to follow these teachings authentically? Or do they just pay lip-service to them? If not then do they follow a more martial or mercantile faith? Or none at all?
Calio’s religion is to a god of murder and a god of decay and undeath. Neither preaches about love for all people—quite the opposite. And Calio is much more comfortable in a faith that tells him it’s holy to murder and raise the dead as skeletons than one that tells him to love his neighbors.
* Does your OC find it easy to empathise with their enemies? Or do they see it as important to dehumanise them in order to combat them with sufficient determination?
He barely finds it easy to empathize with his friends. He dehumanizes pretty much everyone who isn’t in his tiny circle of friends—and his enemies most of all. Not to make them easier to combat, simply because he legitimately sees them as lesser.
Ludus – Playful, Flirtatious Love.
* Does your OC have any particular favourite chat up lines? If not for themselves then perhaps ones they have suggested to a friend? How effective do these tend to be?
Calio just says what comes naturally to him, depending on who he’s talking to. He’s observant and good with people, so he doesn’t tend to fall back on tired old canned pick up lines, when he can find something more personalized to say.
* Is your OC particularly skilled at flirting? Have they had to practice this or does it just happen naturally?
He is very skilled at flirting. He’s been doing it for a long time. It comes naturally, and it always has.
* How does your OC feel about one night stands? Have they ever enjoyed a night of passionate romance with a stranger? Is this something they are quite keen on recreationally? Or only something they might engage in under specific circumstances (such as the eve of a battle or after a difficult breakup)?
Calio has had his fair share of one night stands. If he hadn’t lost his good looks it’s something he would have still enjoyed frequently before meeting Greta. He’s trying to be good now that he’s in a serious relationship.
* Who was your OC's first crush? How do they feel about it now?
Greta was literally the first person he ever had legitimate feelings for. Every other relationship before then he felt nothing, it was all just for fun and for what he could get out of it (mostly sex).
* What seduction techniques are most likely to be effective when it comes to your OC? Are there some things guaranteed to get them going? Or are they immune to such things?
Flattery gets you everywhere. He’s vain and likes to hear about how great he is and how handsome he is. Gifts don’t hurt but aren’t necessary. Physical affection is highly desired if you’re someone he’s interested in.
Pragma – Committed, Long-Lasting Love.
* Is your OC in a committed long-term relationship (or relationships)? If so then what has contributed to this relationship lasting so well? If they are not in such a relationship, then is this something that saddens them or which they regret?
He’s in a long term relationship for the first time—something he didn’t plan on or ever expect, he thought his entire life he’d be single and just jump from one short meaningless relationship to another, with countless one night stands in between. But Greta is different, and he wants to hold onto this relationship.
* What is the biggest challenge that your OC has had to overcome in a long-term relationship or friendship? What helped them get through this?
Probably being honest with Greta about not being a winter wolf. He had no idea what might happen when he told her the truth, how she might react, if she might literally kill him, if there was any chance he might be able to salvage the relationship he was actually starting to feel invested in. Edeya giving him some advice, and his own feeling on inevitability, were the two things that pushed him through it.
* Are your OC's parents still together? To what degree do they look to their own parents as a model for their own ideal relationship?
His parents are still together. He views them as the model of an ‘average’ relationship. He wants something more exciting.
* After the initial fires of passion cool to some degree, what would keep your OC engaged in a relationship? Shared goals? Similar values? Or contented companionship?
Similar values, interesting discussion, contented companionship
* What importance or value does your OC attach to marriage? Do they believe that it is important to make a public statement of commitment to another person (or persons)? Or are they more concerned about inheritance rights and security for their family? Or do they not see marriage as a necessary signifier of commitment and loyalty?
He hasn’t thought much about marriage. It’s just a tradition to him. It’s there. It’s a thing people do. He wouldn’t be opposed to it, but he has no burning desire for it either.
Philautia – Self Love.
* Does your OC have a healthy sense of their own worth and value? Or do they see themselves as failing to live up to their original potential? Perhaps they are convinced of their own sinful or inadequate nature?
Calio has an inflated ego. He is the center of the world, and he is virtually infallible. He has risen far beyond his original potential and he continues to rise to new heights every day. Nothing can stop him short of Baba Yaga herself.
* Does your OC believe that it is important to love themselves in the first instance? Perhaps in order to be able to give and receive love authentically? Or because they believe first and foremost in "looking after number one"?
Calio definitely believes in looking after number one. He loves himself more than anyone else—except perhaps arguably Greta. He puts himself first in almost all situations—except, again, occasionally situations involving Greta.
* Does your OC judge themselves by the same standards as they apply to others? Or are they sometimes hypocritical in condemning others for faults they also possess? Or perhaps they find it easier to forgive others for things that they cannot abide in themselves?
He is such a hypocrite. He hates when Aenland does the same things he himself does.
* Which of your OC's qualities makes them the most proud? Do they think more people should be like them in this regard? Or do they quite like being rare in possessing it?
He has no moral quandaries. He is powerful. He can be both intimidating and persuasive, depending on his mood. Of these only the first is something he thinks others should adopt. He’s perfectly fine being unique in the others—it makes him special.
* Has your OC always had the same opinion of themselves or has this changed over time? Have they learned to love themselves - perhaps with the help of others - as their journey progressed? Or have the consequences of their actions only served to erode their sense of self-worth?
He’s always had a high opinion of himself. He’s gotten a little self conscious from his appearance deteriorating in the last year, but other than that him gaining more power and more skills has only reinforced his belief that he’s better than virtually everyone else in the world.
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am i a girl? am i a boy? do i really care?
haha find the title in the fic the reward is feeling good abt it /j happy pride month!! kickin it off with QPR ravioli ft. legend figuring theirself out 
relationships: legend & ravio (theyre married, but its entirely platonic)
ao3 link; x
Legend is always coming and going.
They barely get time at home, with their friends and family. But they’re here now. Home, with Ravio. Sure, it’s only been a few days.. But, unfortunately, it’s the longest Legend has ever been here. Maybe it’ll last longer? Legend wasn’t alone, of course they weren’t, they had their friends—or are they family?—with them. Life is good for now…which is, in their experience, never a good thing. “You’re worrying again.” Legend jumped slightly, glancing over their shoulder to see Ravio settling down behind them. “Don’t sneak up on me like that, Rav. You’re lucky I don’t have a weapon.” “You do have a weapon.”Ravio mumbled, leaning over and attempting to kiss Legend’s cheek, only managing to land the kiss on their jaw instead. Legend doesn’t know why he does that, it’s always been a thing. “You keep a knife in your right boot all the time.” “Damn, gonna have to hide it somewhere else now ya know.”Legend mumbled, cracking a grin when Ravio snorted loudly. “Your family is having a very interesting conversation inside.” “Yeah?”Legend shifted, leaning their back against Ravio’s chest as the other wrapped his arms around them. “Mhm. They’re talking about gender and sexual identities.”Ravio whistled. Legend fell quiet, eyes glued to the sky. “Glad I skipped out on that one.” Ravio hummed, silently asking why. Legend doesn’t know. Well—they do. But they don’t know their sexuality, and is there even a term for their gender? They don’t have one set of pronouns—they use four sets; he/him, she/her, they/them, and bee/bees—but what does that fall under? Legend doesn’t know. “You’re my best friend, right? Besides Four.” Ravio giggled faintly. “Besides Four, yep!” “And I can tell you anything?” “Anything you’re comfortable sharing, Mr. Hero. I won’t push.” Legend shifted until their head was resting on Ravio’s chest, pink and gold eyes staring up into green. Ravio’s not wearing his hood today—maybe he forgot it. “I don’t know what I am. Or if I even have a label…or if I even want one.” “Oh.”Ravio hummed, playing with Legend’s hair. “Well, you don’t need a label if you don’t want to. I don’t use labels, not really. I can try and help you figure it out, if you want?” “Really?” “Of course, Mr. Hero! We’re platonic life partners, after all.” “...okay.” “Okay?” “Okay.” “So…you know what pronouns are. What’re yours?” “Um…I use more than one.” “What are they?”Ravio hummed, waiting patiently. “Um. He/Him, She/Her, They/Them…and um…”Legend trailed off. People have made fun of them for the last set before. Ravio wouldn’t do that, he’s so understanding…but…still. “Take your time.”Ravio smiled a gentle smile, running his fingers through the hero’s hair. Ravio said before that Legend’s hair is as soft as a rabbit’s fur—though, he didn’t understand why Legend finds that absolutely hilarious. “Bee/Bees. I know, they’re not…normal…but I like them and—” “You don’t have to explain. I think they suit you, honeybee.” “...you don’t think they’re weird?” “Who am I to judge? Your pronouns are yours. Anything can be made into a pronoun if you’re not a coward.” Legend snorted, covering their mouth to muffle the laughter that cracked out. Of course Ravio is the one saying something like that. “I don’t think I know yours, bunny.” “My pronouns?”Ravio tilted his head, smiling when the other nodded. “Well, I use He/Him and Bun/Buns pronouns. But I don’t really care how people refer to me. It’s whatever, y’know?” Legend nodded quietly. “Okay, do you know your sexuality? Or, well—do you have an interest in romance, and towards whom if you do?” “Ah, now the difficult one. Um. I’ve admittedly only fallen in love once, with a girl. But—But I’m attracted to men too? I dunno..” “That’s okay. You don’t always figure this out quickly. It takes time.” “I wish it didn’t.”Legend mumbled with a gentle frown. “I wish—I wish I could just. Know who I am. But I don’t! I mean—Am I a girl? Am I a boy? Do I really care?” Ravio let out a soft sigh, resting his head on Legend’s own with a small smile. “We all wish we could wake up one day and know who we are, what we’re s’posed to do…but…it’s not as easy as we wish.” Legend let out a heavy breath, nodding. “Yeah..I know. I just—it’s been years, and I’m…tired, bunny. I’m sick of not knowing.” “And that’s okay, honeybee.”Ravio assured, kissing the tip—or, well, lack thereof, this was Legend’s left ear which has the tip missing—of the other’s ear. “It’s okay to get tired of not knowing yourself. I get it, I do. But you’ll get there, I know you will—I’ll even help you every step of the way if you’d like me to.” Legend sighed softly, seeming to melt further into the Lorulean. “Lolia, what would I do without you?” “Curl up in a ball and die, probably.”Ravio stated bluntly, bursting into laughter when Legend let out a very loud snort. “I wouldn’t do that.” “Mm, you would. You get injured a lot, honeybee.” “....true.”Legend sighed. “I think I know the term for my sexuality.” “Yeah?” “I think I’m bisexual. Four—Four once explained it to me, talking about..”Legend paused for a second. “Himself. I think it fits me too?” “And…gender identity? Still a mystery?” “Still a mystery, unfortunately.” “Well, we’ve got plenty of time.”Ravio smiled. “...you think you can get offa me now? My legs are dead.” “Mmh…no.”Legend grinned, watching as Ravio playfully rolled his eyes. Legend doesn’t like help, but.. Gently, they held Ravio’s hand and laced their fingers together. “Help me figure myself out?” A grin from the merchant, who placed a kiss on the hero’s nose.
“Of course.”
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imaginesmatsu · 2 years
Because of pride month, lgbtq headcannons or coming out headcannons?
i headcanon that choromatsu would act as the Token Straight Boy™
not jk lol but theyre all sort of everywhere, yknow?
osomatsu, to me, would prefer anyone with a visible chest - but otherwise he wouldnt care what's in your pants. aligns more with bi than he does with pan, however he usually tends to shy away from dating anyone who identifies masculinely. not that there's a problem, of course, he likes dick - he just doesnt really like men
karamatsu likes anyone and everyone, regardless of what they identify as. definitely the most likely of the brothers to be found in a polycule, though he prefers all of his partners get along. he's great at giving attention to all of his partners and never favors any one over another
choromatsu may act like the Token Straight™ and while he is "straighter" than the others (by the boys' definition), he's still into people who don't identify as female. he's like osomatsu in that he prefers people that identify femininely, but he doen't care as much about physical appearance - as long as he finds who he loves then he'll be okay. he's somewhere in the grey-ace/grey-rom area, but tbh i'm not fully sure where - he falls in love easier than he would have sex with someone, that's for sure.
ichimatsu is sort of like karamatsu in the way of not caring about identity, but he's also fully demiromantic/demisexual. i dont know if there's a combined term for the two? one of the main things that ichi does look for in a partner is if they're good/okay with cats. he doesn't expect them to like look after the strays but he does want them to not be mean or anything. might be open to polycules down the line but even opening up to one person is hard enough for him
jyushimatsu. another "love for the sake of loving" type. he's not as open to polyamory as karamatsu, but he's not as reserved as ichimatsu - he just wants to find the perfect person for him. whether his partner is poly or not doesnt matter to him, as long as they make sure to spend time with him then he's alright with that! definitely has fallen in love with many people at once, but usually doesnt realize it unless he feels sexually attracted to them as well
todomatsu doesn't really care too much as long as his partner would let him dress them up. he's maybe a little more shallow when it comes to facial looks, but even if those who have softer features and present masculinely are okay in todomatsu's book. if there's a word for "romantically attracted to soft features" then yeah that's him. he's the only one who fully identifies with "grace," even though he isn't the only one on the grey-ace spectrum. he doesn't really need an emotional bond like some others, but he also doesn't have many sexual feelings toward other people in general. when he does, it happens randomly and usually not for very long
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everwitch-magiks · 3 years
RWRB Fics Roundup
Hey y’all! Once upon a time I had the ambition to post links on here to all the fics and new chapters that I publish on AO3, and I think it’s safe to say that I’ve been an absolute disaster at that over the summer. In my defense I’ve just had so much to write, but that’s not much of a defense seeing as it doesn’t take ages to chuck a link on here. Anyhow. Bottom line is, I’ve severely neglected it, and it’s gotten to a point where I’m just gonna make a post with links to everything I’ve written since June (ish) for you to peruse, so you can see if there’s one that you didn’t catch wind of that catches your eye now. Neat, huh?
So, without further ado, the links! The fics! Let’s go.
Completed works
Love At First Bark General Audiences, AU, tooth-rotting fluff. 3K. “I still don’t know your name, do I?” Henry watches Alex where he’s crouched down in front of David and gently scratching David below his chin. David absolutely loves Alex. Henry can relate. “It’s David,” Henry supplies. “Cool,” Alex says. “And what’s the dog’s name?” Henry blinks at him. “... David?” “What?” Alex exclaims. He looks from David to Henry and then back at David again. “Wow, okay, that is a choice.” Henry wants to sink through the earth and never come back up again.
Shameless Explicit, AU, Henry has a reputation. 14K. Henry has a lot of sex. A lot. He's young and in college and there is no shortage of men to fall in bed with. What better time to explore what he likes and what he fucking loves, as well as to catalogue how to make his many, many partners feel as good as possible? It’s all part of the learning experience. And Henry is a very dedicated student.
Alex has been inescapably aware of Henry ever since that one time they kissed. You don’t just stop being aware of the guy who basically caused your sexuality. So when Henry propositions Alex at a lame frat party, Alex accepts eagerly. Maybe this is exactly what he needs. Maybe, if he can just have Henry once, he’ll have a better chance of finally getting over his embarrassing fixation with Henry. It's worth a try.
When The Time Is Right Part four of my sex club series. Explicit, AU, dom Henry and sub Alex. 16K. “Maybe I could challenge you more,” Henry suggests, his eyes carefully trained on Alex. “And hold you accountable for longer. How does that sound?” “That sounds fucking amazing,” Alex tells him, the words coming out in a rush. “Yes. That. Please.” “Alright, then.” Henry offers him a sly grin. “Alex, love. You just gave me a wonderful idea.” It’s really something, how quickly Alex’s heartbeat picks up. “Oh? Do tell.” Henry’s grin widens. He looks alarmingly pleased with himself. “How would you feel about a staycation?”
When Alex asks Henry for something a little more intense in the bedroom, they end up taking more than just their sex life to the next level.
Out For A Bite Explicit, AU, suspense and supernatural elements. 3K. Henry's eyes fly up, zeroing in on the reflection in the mirror. There, behind him. The man from the bar. He looks different in the fluorescent bathroom lights. Sharper. There’s a look in his eyes that has Henry shivering all over again. It's greedy. Hungry.
He’s staring right at Henry.
Henry's throat feels dry. His heart beats madly. He's heard whispers of this place, and more importantly of its patrons. He thinks he knows what this man is.
ever fallen in love (with someone you shouldn’t have fallen in love with) Explicit, AU, Alex and Henry in DIY Punk & mainstream pop punk, respectively. 34K. Teenage music sensation Kensington have taken the world by storm. With their cool leather jackets and wickedly distorted guitars, they're a pop duo that packs a punch. Or at least they sound like one—their lyrics unfortunately lack any semblance of depth. Alex can't fucking stand Kensington. But thankfully, he doesn’t have to. He’s not likely to cross paths with those British pop losers during his final semester of high school in Texas. And even if he did, he'd never let some stupidly attractive blonde take his focus away from the goal that Alex has worked towards for years: winning the Austin Band Slam with his latino punk trio.
But when Henry comes crashing into Alex's life, with his intriguing piano pieces and piercing blue eyes and slow, purposeful kisses that make Alex burn with want, Alex finds that he might need to reevaluate his stance on both pop losers and distractions. Or maybe not. Maybe he’s better off keeping Henry at arm's length, since it's so painfully evident that Henry will never love him back.
Never Tell Me The Odds Teen and Up Audiences, canon verse, an outside perspective on First Prince as well as a story about a certain Star Wars mural. 2K. "Wait!" Alex yells up to the driver. "Stop! Stop the car!" Up close, it's beautiful. Two stories tall. He can’t imagine how somebody was able to put together something like this so fast.
Ash had never imagined that they'd get the chance to actually meet Alex Claremont-Diaz, and much less get the chance to tell Alex about how that very special Star Wars mural came to be. Although of course, Ash never would have met Alex if it hadn’t been for Farida. Farida and her bold courage, and her warm compassion, and her sometimes infuriating (but always endearing) stubbornness.
yrs. faithfully (with nowhere to go) Explicit, canon verse, a lazy morning in bed leads to something more. 3K. When Alex and Henry wake up together the day before their anniversary, they're genuinely planning on getting out of bed and spending the day as productive members or society. Truly, their intentions are honorable. But a trip down memory lane gets them reminiscing about that night exactly one year ago, when Alex had come running through the rain to deliver some choice words about obtuse fucking assholes.
As Alex and Henry start to relive the memory, they quickly realize that they both remember it intimately. So intimately that they might be able to pull off something of a do-over.
Gadgets and Gizmos A-Plenty A companion piece to dearest Hattie’s soulmate fic. Mature, AU, a look into Henry buying sex toys. Yes. That’s the fic. 2K. There’s a bunch of regulars that Amir knows by name (and, unavoidably, by kinks), but most often Playtime gets one-time visitors. Which makes sense, really. A lot of people don’t seem to want to step into the same adult toy shop twice. So Amir is always a little extra curious when there’s a repeat customer, especially one who is this attractive. And, interestingly, one who’s come back so soon.
The tall, classically handsome man with blond hair and blue eyes left Playtime no less than five hours ago after having purchased a medium-sized, fairly standard vibrator well suited for anal play. And now he’s back. Because apparently, he’s found he needed another vibrator.
If Sex Was A Sport We’d Be Winning Mature, AU, a classic Olympics hookup. 3K. It's remarkable, truly, that Alex didn't even want to be here. He only came all the way to Ariake because June was determined to watch a bunch of prissy ponies strut around to music. Still, perhaps the true Olympic experience lies in the wide variety of disciplines. Or, perhaps, it has something to do with chatting up a pretty blond behind the stables and getting him to show you the inside of an Olympic tack room. As Alex quickly takes to Henry’s sweet smiles and easy confidence, he realizes that just a few stolen moments with this man might turn into his most cherished memory from the Tokyo Olympics.
Alex knows better than to get attached, though. He and Henry live an ocean apart. There’s no way this quick fumble in the stable equivalent of a supply closet could ever lead to anything more. Right?
Talk Dirty To Me Explicit, AU, dom Henry and sub Alex. 9K. Henry studies Nora’s expression for a moment. There’s something about her favourable account of this guy she claims not to want to sleep with again that doesn’t add up. "But you're still not interested in taking him on?"
"He wants more than I'm willing to offer," Nora says frankly. Henry’s always liked this about her—how she doesn’t skirt around the hard facts. It's a part of what makes her so good at dominating. "But you know what? For you, he'd be kind of perfect."
Henry has been active in the local BDSM scene for years and there’s no shortage of men who’d love nothing more than to find themselves at his mercy. But Henry is on a break. He’s not looking for a new partner, but he’s also not expecting to become so intrigued by the man that Nora insists he should meet. Alex is a newcomer on the scene who doesn’t yet know exactly what he wants, much less with who. There’s no way that he could turn out to be exactly who Henry needs. Right?
Date night (please toy with me) Explicit, canon verse, a night out leads to some fun with a toy. 4K. This… this is new. They’ve talked about trying this, about what it’d be like to conceal some of their intimacy in plain sight, about what it would feel like to try and reclaim what is most private to them by flaunting it without anyone even knowing, by daring to take risks again. They’ve agreed that they’d still need to be careful, but they’ve also agreed that it would be interesting. That it would be fun.
And apparently, Henry thinks tonight is the night for it. “Do you trust me, love?”
“Yeah.” Alex swallows. He picks up the box, studying it for a moment. “Do you want… what do you want me to do?”
“I want you to go to the bathroom,” Henry says evenly, “You’ll find everything you need in the box. Then I want you to come back and sit down. Can you do that for me?”
“Yeah. Of course.” Alex taps the box, grinning in Henry’s direction. “I expect we’ll be leaving soon?”
Henry smiles slyly. “If you’re good, yes.”
Ongoing works
Hashtag Soulmates Mature, AU, Henry writes fanfiction. 23K and 7 chapters so far. Alex is perfect and handsome, the golden boy, everybody’s secret crush. So there is absolutely no way that he is the reader who screeches in caps lock every time that Henry posts as much as a drabble. There’s no way. Except Alex just closed his browser fast as fucking lightning, but not before Henry had gotten a good glimpse of the page Alex had open: AO3. ‘Don't Stop Me Now’, Henry’s current wip. The one that Henry literally just updated.
Sweet Jesus. Could it really be?
That... is all! It’s been a productive summer. I’m very excited to continue writing Hashtag Soulmates, and also to start working on a few upcoming First Prince fics that I’m planning on writing. Stay tuned for fics! ♡
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miscellaneous-bnha · 3 years
Brought Back to Me (FULL)
(I meant to release it yesterday, but with burnout coming at me from all angles, I needed to take an extra day to breathe)
Tomura Shigaraki x Fem! Childhood Friend Reader
(Warm Bodies AU where they're less like zombies, but they're more mindless breeding machines and the only way to bring them back is by giving them intensely positive emotions.)
It's been months since the outbreak started.
One little quirk is all it took for all of Japan to fall into shambles. Curiously enough, only the men were affected by it, turning into insatiable beasts, searching endlessly for someone to breed mindlessly. Not really the undead, but not entirely human either.
Somehow, those who were able to escape from the clutches of such a dangerous quirk were only the men who already had partners, lovers. In some cases, those who were not sexually attracted to anyone-- and/or those who had impossibly strong bonds to their friends-- could also scrape by unaffected.
Unfortunately, the Safe Zone only allowed people in if they contributed to the saving of another.
He wanders about aimlessly, not remembering a single thing. Where he came from, who he was. His head felt like it was in a cloud, body heavy.
Though he doesn’t think much of it. This is all he’s known, after all. ‘Breed, breed, breed.’ echoes inside his head, eyes scanning the baren wasteland. The sound of quick shambling and panicked breaths hit his ears; ‘a chase’, he thinks, ‘follow.’
He finds his way towards the sound of aggravated groaning and hissing, careless fists slamming against doors. Locked in, it seems. Something tells him to put his hand on it, but nothing happens. He doesn’t know why he expected anything to happen.
The door flexes when a loud thud rams against it, and a tiny yelp behind the flipped dumpsters. The groans grow more aggressive, more hungry. ‘Breed breed breed breed breed breed breed—‘ bounces around more fiercely in his skull; he shuffles quietly over to the dumpster.
He can feel himself starting to salivate, the idea of finally being able to achieve his purpose growing more and more prominent. Peeking over the bags of trash, everything in him halts; big doe eyes stare up at him, afraid. Trembling, eyes leaking... water? ‘Tears,’ his brain supplies. Tears.
He doesn’t like them.
He watches for a moment; eyes scanning her trembling form. Another loud bang and the shriek of metal starting to give snaps him out of it. He takes her arm and yanks, dragging her out of the alley, sprinting passed the door just as the hinges burst.
He doesn’t need to breathe, heart doesn’t pump, yet his chest grows tight from the sound of her struggling to keep up. ‘Go slow. Slower.’ he complies, falling into stride. He feels something starting at him, so he turns back to look at her, grumbling, glaring.
Suddenly, he’s running into a building. She titters excitedly, too frantic to understand before she’s pulling away. Slamming the door shut and locking it. He’s a little confused; surely, she hasn’t forgotten what he is.
For a moment, she does. Her chest heaves with relief, sliding down before plopping in front of the door. He carries himself into the corner of the room, gurgling to himself.
She tenses, eyes darting to him; he squints back. ‘Now she remembers.’ he grunts.
He doesn’t know why the echo in his head went silent. The usual monotony of ‘breed’ long gone, ever since he laid eyes on her; replaced by ‘protect’ and it baffles him. Though, at the same time, it feels right.
She snivels, and his eyes latch back onto her. Still sitting by the cold door, staying away from him. He rolls his eyes and turns away, stuffing himself into the corner.
Some time goes by, how long he doesn’t know. Though he doesn’t need to know such irrelevant things. He gurgles in surprise when he feels something warm fall over him. He turns slowly, eyes meeting her curious ones.
“You’re strange, you know that?” She whispers; her eyes more curious than afraid. He only gurgles, letting the warmth of the blanket encompass him.
‘Warm is nice,’ he decides.
She rambles on about ‘no circulation’, or something like that. He doesn’t quite get it, but he doesn’t fight her when she insists he stand out in the sun, absorbing more of this ‘warmth’ thing he’s gotten addicted to.
He follows her around as she needs supplies, gurgling along quietly to her aimless conversations. He knows she’s only talking to fill the silence void (‘maybe she’s gone crazy,’ he thinks, ‘talking to someone who might not even understand.’) but somehow he appreciates it. Gives him something to think about.
Overtime, he finds himself enjoying her company. Mindless babble filling the everyday droning of grumbling footsteps passing by.
One day, she yelps in excitement over a can, startling him and every other mindless dolt in the area. He hisses in irritation, dragging her back to the safe house as quickly as he can. Despite the harrowing situation, she smiles, giggling with childlike glee.
He glares at her once they make it to safety, yet she hardly notices when she’s shoving the can into his face.
“Peaches! It’s canned peaches!” she cheers, prying the lid off with a can opener. The smell is sweet, unlike the usual foods she would find. He’s surprised when he feels his stomach growl instead of twist.
“Did.... did your stomach just growl?” she whispers, baffled. He shrugs, opting to pretend it never happened when it growls again. Her eyes light up.
“It did! It growled!” she laughs, then hands him a peach. He twists his face up, remembering the first time she had him try food. “C’mon, try! Maybe it’ll be different.”
He takes the peach from her hand, eyeing it distastefully before licking it. To his surprise, he didn’t feel sick. He stares at it for a moment before dropping it in his mouth. He feels satisfied rather than sick when he swallows.
“Fascinating...” she whispers, slowly approaching when he doesn’t immediately retch it back up. He eyes the can without realizing it, pouting when she offers him another peach with a coy smile. “See? Good thing I had you try.”
He takes it with a huff, grinning wryly.
That night, he dreams for the first time.
“Tenko...!” Echoes inside his ears. He feels his heart beat, and it nearly sends him stumbling from the shock.
“Tenko..!” Closer this time, but even as he spins endlessly to look, he doesn’t see anything.
“Tenko! Wake up, Tenko!” Its right next to him now, and it has him jolting awake
He sits up, but it’s still dark when he opens his eyes. He looks around frantically for her, finally calming when he sees her curled up on the sleeping mat. He scoots closer, putting a hand on her back, just enough to feel it rise and fall with each breath.
He settles.
He starts to realize he’s capable of doing more with each new event, and with each new event, he dreams.
The worst nights are when he can hear the voice screaming in agony:
“Tenko!! No!! TENKO!! STOP IT!” “GET AWAY! TENKO!”
The eventual sobbing that grows quieter and quieter, leaving him feeling colder and colder. He hates those nights.
Even when his heart isn’t beating, it still feels painful. His mind races with questions and anxiety (a feeling he wish he didn’t know).
He wonders if his name is— was— Tenko, or maybe someone he used to know? He’s not sure, but he’s afraid to find out.
Another emotion he was starting to know well. He finds himself afraid a lot more often too.
He’s afraid of waking up one night to find her gone. He’s afraid of losing her to some other mindless victim (if he could call them that. Men fallen to the quirk; victims). He’s afraid of watching her find companionship with another human.
He knows it’s selfish, but a part of him wants to stay just like this, with her.
Without knowing who he is.
Life is the sweetest when she’s sharing her canned peaches (the only thing his body cares to let him eat). Two unlikely friends, making the best of what they got, but then she starts telling him about her past.
“There used to be someone very important to me.” She said one restless night,
“He and I only ever had each other. Two peas in our own little pod.”
“We didn’t get along at first, but only because we were scared. Just the two of us, living on the street. He had the strangest way of holding things too, but I guess that was just because of his quirk.” Her eyes seemed so glassy, yet so clear. So far away, yet here all the same.
“We uh... used to huddle under the same blankets, just like this.” she slides next to him; she’s warm, yet somehow still so cold, “we even shared peaches too. He never admitted it, but they were his favorite. It’s a shame we couldn’t get them often.”
“Just us against the world...” he doesn’t like the sound her voice makes when it cracks, words turning into a strained whimper. He nudges himself closer to her hoping it’s of some comfort.
“Then some weird man came and took him away, and I never saw him since.” she sniffles and rubs at her eyes, “My Tenko.”
He goes completely stiff. He can tell she’s talking to him, but it’s drowned out by the sound of something rushing through his ears.
‘Tenko! Over here! Hurry!’ his body is so much smaller than he’s used to. He feels the pounding of his heart. It hurts. It hurts.
‘Tenko! No!! TENKO!!’ the agonized screams, and a little girl who looks a lot like her is reaching out through the fog towards him, eyes shining with desperate tears.
There’s the feeling of something grabbing him by the shirt, dragging him away. He knows he’s screaming, his throat burns with the force of his cry, but he can’t hear.
As quickly as it begins, it ends.
“Hey, are you ok?” She’s peering into his face, concern written all over hers. He gurgles, fighting with his own vocal chords.
“I-I-I’mmmm ssso-o-orrrry...” it’s gravelly and slurred, almost incomprehensible, yet she seems to know what he’d been trying to say, seeing as her eyebrows shot up in surprise.
“You... you talked. You actually talked!” She seems so excited for him, but then she frowns, worried.
“‘Sorry’? What for?? There’s no need to be sorry!” she rubs his back. Warm. He feels his chest squeeze.
He wants to try to talk again, even if to just make her smile, but his throat aches far too much, so he just gurgles softly, nudging his head onto her shoulder.
He practices his speech at night when she’s asleep. Quietly, of course, as to not disturb her, but it’s frustrating. Trying to sound out words messily.
“Mmmm-my nnnnnname....” his voice gives away to a wet growl, and he wheezes out a cough, “my nnname issss... Tennnko. Ten...ko. Tenko.”
He’s remembered a lot more after the first memory.
Rainy nights under the bridge, hushed giggles over a can of peaches.
Hard winters when all they had were a pile of blankets and each other.
The... THING that stole him away, abandoning her.
Quiet fury burns in him, but it fizzles out soon after when he hears her mumble in her sleep. It’s inaudible, and probably complete nonsense, but he likes to think that maybe she was dreaming of the good ol’ days too.
But only the good days, he hopes. Before ‘THAT’ day.
He whispers her name, stroking her back gently when she starts to fuss. ‘A nightmare,’ he muses, watching as she quickly settles back into a peaceful dream. She has them a lot, but he likes to think that they end as soon as he soothes her.
‘You’ve suffered enough.’
Thoughts come easier now as his memories come. Things that he isn’t proud of, things that makes him wonder if she’d hate him.
He remembers becoming ‘Shigaraki Tomura’, a name he thinks of in disdain.
He much prefers Tenko now.
“You know, you’ve been pretty warm lately. I guess sunning yourself every day does help.” She muses out loud, and he grumbles, pleased.
“Hey! No stuttering this time! You’re getting better!” She smiles at him. He grunts, leaning against her.
“Oof— hey, easy there champ. You may not eat much, but you’re still heavy compared to me.” He hears her, smirking, but opts to lay more of his weight onto her.
“Hey! Come on!” She laughs, his gurgled wheeze of a laugh only making her laugh that much harder,
He thinks he feels his chest growing lighter in moments like these, wishing desperately that he could have been left unaffected.
He knows there’s no reason to worry about the past in his current state, but he still finds himself wishing.
“Hey, that’s weird,” She says to him one morning, ruffling his hair, “your hair is getting darker somehow.”
She shows him in the mirror what she’s talking about, and sure enough, there it is.
A tuft of black hair poking through the sea of pastel blue.
“How funny is that.” she grins. It’s lopsided and curious, but she just muses his hair one more time before going back to her morning routine.
Overtime, he notices more and more sprout in, and she always laughs at the bewildered look he always seems to have.
The first time he felt his heart beat was during one of those nights when you couldn’t sleep, so you would tell him about Tenko.
“I thought it could just be the two of us forever... In the same way kids feel when they ask each other to get married when they’re older.” Her words are melancholy, but her smile is peaceful, happy.
“I wanted it to just be the two of us against the world. All we needed was each other, maybe we could have been adopted by a nice couple or something, but still inseparable.”
He doesn’t say anything or make any sounds, so she continues.
“Sometimes I wonder if maybe we could have fallen in love.” He sputters then, heart thudding once, twice, then falling still. His hand smacks over his chest in shock, and for a moment, he wondered if that’s what it felt like to be alive.
“Is that really so ridiculous??” she snorts, not really offended, but not really as happy as he would like.
He shakes his head aggressively, and she laughs. Her smile is so genuine he almost misses out on the sweet kiss on the cheek she gives him.
“Thanks for always listening to me ramble. Actually—“ she sits up, and he watches her from his spot on the floor, “thanks for staying, even though you didn’t have to.”
He puts his hand over hers wordlessly, patting it gently.
He wonders if it’s possible to die without being alive.
He hopes it is.
When he wakes up, she’s gone. Nothing more than a note left behind.
‘Need food. Be back soon.’
A simple food run shouldn’t be such a big deal, but it’s climbed to be the most dangerous thing to do over the last 10 months (Has it really been that long?) and losing her so soon after getting her back is the last thing he wants.
He goes barreling out the door just in time to hear her scream.
His heart leaps into his throat. He feels sick, but the adrenaline pumps into his veins, and suddenly he’s running.
Heart racing, sweat dripping, lungs aching. His ears ring with the sound of her scream.
He stops, stomach acid rising into his throat. He feels far too sick. He runs his hands through his hair, he doesn’t even notice the light blue strands that fall away.
He hears her scream again, closer this time. He starts running again despite his shaking legs.
He barely makes it in time to see her get surrounded. The roar he lets out is nothing less than ground shaking, and it’s certainly enough to catch the attention of everyone in the vicinity.
He doesn’t remember what happened next. Colors and sound blend together to make a symphony of tragedy.
Memories and reality all blend until they start and end with her. Her.
“Tenko, my Tenko... you’re okay.” Sound re-emerges from the depths.
Warm. Warm. Warm.
She’s in his arms; so small in comparison to him. He remembers when she was the same size as him.
And, god, she’s so warm.
“Tenko.” His eyes open to meet hers. They’re glassy, but relieved. He whispers her name like it’s a prayer.
“Who would have thought this is how we meet after all these years, huh?” Her voice is soft. He finally realizes her hair is covered in dust. Dust. His dust.
He jumps back in a panic, afraid. He hadn’t been careful with his hands, hands.
“Tenko. It’s okay! It’s okay!” she soothes and grabs his hands freely, pressing his palms to her face.
She doesn’t decay like she should.
“Remember, Tenko? We practiced.”
Yes. Practiced. You helped stabilize his quirk long before he came. Promised to keep it between the two of them.
“Yes... yes... I remember...” he mumbles, and she places her hand over his chest.
“Your heart!” He nods,
“Does that mean—“
“Yeah...” he nuzzles his face against her shoulder.
“Warm...” she laughs gently,
“Yeah... you’ve always liked warm things.”
“Mm...” he stands, picking her up in the process, walking back in the direction of the safe house.
“We’ll head to the city zone tomorrow.”
“Okay... Tenko?”
“I’m glad you’re back.”
He smiles; he’s glad he’s back too.
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koolkat9 · 3 years
In the Deep (Ch. 5)
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How Does He Know You Love Him?
In a matter of days, I was right as rain again. Although it was nice for Ludwig to come to visit me in bed, I was excited to get out of that room and back near the sea. Also, knowing I wouldn’t have to worry about Ludwig drying up was another benefit of our regular spot. I still couldn’t shake the sounds of his gasps from my mind. Unfortunately, there was more than that to worry about. Ever since that night with Ludwig in the tub, ignoring my feelings for him had become difficult and there was no more hiding of the fact that I had fallen in love.
“Have you ever been in love?” I asked Francis carefully over breakfast. Francis was the last person I wanted to be talking to about this, but it wasn’t like I knew anyone else around. Though, the sight of him almost choking on his water made it a bit more bearable.
“What has brought this on?” 
“Fine…” I gulped not wanting to say what I was about to. “You were right,” I whispered.
“Quoi? I didn’t hear you.”
I groaned, burying my face into my hands. “You were right. I think I love Ludwig.”
“Ah! C’est bon,” Francis exclaimed, practically bouncing in his seat. Maybe I should have just suffered in silence. Now the frog could brag and tease me to his heart's content, knowing he was right and possibly.
“Yeah, Yeah. Now about your love life. Do you have a partner?”
Francis’ smile faltered slightly, his eyes becoming somewhat sad. “Oh..oui. Two to be exact. We’re all engaged actually. Hopefully, they’ll keep their damn promise and sit down with me to plan the wedding once they get home from their fishing trip.”
“You miss them?” I asked without really thinking. It wasn’t like I cared for Francis, it was only a natural question. Seeing him sad definitely didn’t make me feel bad. Not at all.
“Yes. Very much. But that’s what it's like when you’re in love.”
I tried to push back a smile, but I still felt the corners of my mouth twitch. Who knew he could be so...sentimental...dare I say sweet. But this talk about missing people was bringing up some unpleasant feelings of my own so I figured it was best to move on. “I guess. So...How exactly did you guys end up together?”
“Oh, it's such a romantic story!” 
So the first of the two he met was his childhood friend Antonio. They apparently had shared their first kiss, but didn’t actually start dating until after their schooling. Shortly after that, they moved in together as Francis had inherited the inn from his parents and Antonio had started a fishing business. While out on one of his fishing excursions, Antonio came across their other partner, Gilbert, who was shipwrecked. But there seemed to be more to it. When Francis talked about this part of the story, he seemed hesitant, almost like he had to think about what he had to say. It felt off to me, but I didn’t say anything. I just needed to see that he wasn’t just all talk when it came to love. Francis went on, explaining how Antonio and Gilbert got close during that trip and they fell in love. Antonio brought Gilbert home to introduce him to Francis and the three became instant friends. Soon enough Francis also started to fall for Gilbert and he eventually confided in Antonio about it. Antonio who had also started with feelings proposed they try and court Gilbert together. 
“One thing led to another,” Francis sighed dreamily, “and we started dating and got engaged about a year and a half later.”
“That’s...quite the story.”
“Yes. They come home in about two weeks.” Francis suddenly sprung up. “Oh Arthur, you’ll be able to meet them. We could even have a double date with you and Ludwig.”
I rolled my eyes. “Ludwig and I aren’t even dating so don’t get ahead of yourself.”
“Ah, right,” Francis said, taking a seat once more. “Well if you want my advice-”
“I don’t.” I did. And he knew it.
“Just be honest with him Arthur. I’m pretty sure he likes you too.”
My cheeks went warm at the comment. It's not like I hadn’t considered Ludwig returning my feelings, but it couldn’t be that easy. Could it? Francis must have picked up on my hesitation as he went on to add, “All you can do is try.”
The salty sea air filled my lungs as I took a deep breath. ‘All you can do is try,’ echoed through my mind as I cautiously made my way across the rocky path. Ludwig turned towards me, practically glowing in the sunlight, stopping me in my tracks. I probably stared for a bit too long. 
“Guten Abend,” he greeted with a small smile.
“Ah...y-yes good evening,” I stuttered out. 
“Are you going to sit?” Ludwig asked after a moment. 
Mentally kicking myself for being so awkward, I sat down next to him, but I was unable to meet his gaze.
“Everything okay?”
“Just peachy.”
“Okay…” He didn’t seem to believe me, but at the same time, he didn’t ask further. “So...any questions for today?”
Thank goodness, something normal. I had welcomed the distraction until I realized I had nothing to ask except for one topic. That topic was part of what had me so on edge in the first place. Then again, asking about mating rituals of his kind would be educational, normal, and possibly give me the confidence I needed. 
“Y-Yes...we’ve covered almost everything b-but...there is one more thing...we talked about it a little bit a few nights ago-”
“Just spit it out Arthur,” Ludwig interjected sharply.
“Mating Rituals. Does your kind have any mating rituals?”
His cheeks flushed and shoulders stiffened. “M-Mating rituals?” he sputtered.
“Yes...You don’t have to share anything you don’t want to. I just…”
“It's okay.” His voice was too high-pitched for me to believe that, but I let him continue. “Well...There’s..um...Sorry...I’m not the most experienced with this stuff.”
“Don’t worry. Just do what you can.”
With a breath, Ludwig went on. “Well...I better start at the beginning. Usually the more...I guess...masc-...wait no...dominant ones of our species will start building nests with all kinds of plants and coral they can find. Some go for comfort, some make it more decorative, or a mix in between. It's all to attract a mate. It used to be used as...y-you know…” His gaze shifted awkwardly down to his lap, his blush creeping down his neck. “To have babies. But it's not like that anymore. At least not solely...for childbearing I mean but-”
“I get the picture,” I coughed awkwardly. Not that the idea of having sexual relations with Ludwig never crossed my mind (if anything it crossed my mind a little too much), but to talk so openly about it gave me anything but confidence. “Anything else?” 
“There is a calling in our language. It is a certain pattern of chirps and clicks that also attract potential mates. Once we find someone, we further engage in conversation and go from there.”
“Do you mind showing me?” I asked, “the call I mean.”
“Oh...uh...s-sure.” Ludwig looked a bit unsure, but proceeded anyway. He sounded almost like a dolphin, but it was still distinct enough. I found my cheeks heating up, my mind thinking what it would be like if he was calling to me like that. I shook my head, patting my cheeks to get rid of their colour. I didn’t need him getting suspicious. 
“What about you?” Ludwig questioned.
“What kind of rituals does your kind have?”
I was surprised that he was asking now too. He never asked for prior questions. For a moment I allowed myself to hope, to think that this meant he liked me too. And I answered: “Hmm...there are a few though not everyone uses the same ones. But basic ones? There is the ritual of giving gifts like flowers, chocolates, jewelry…”
“Like my bracelet?” Ludwig’s eyes met mine. I felt like I just backed myself into a corner and more words got trapped in my throat. My gaze fell to the water. 
“Arthur?” His hand found my shoulder, constricting my throat further. This was my chance, I had narrowed a confession down to one word.
“N-No,” I said instead. “Gifts can be for a variety of reasons. This one was out of guilt and...friendship.” At least it wasn’t a complete lie. 
“Oh…” His face fell, looking almost disappointed. “Anything else?”
“Well, then we go on a date which means we go to a restaurant or some other venue and get to know each other. Then there is the first kiss.”
“First kiss?” Ludwig asked with a quirked brow.
“Uh...Yes...Like, when you press your lips together and…”
“I think you need to show me.”
I swore I almost broke my neck when I turned back to him.“What?”
“Show me.” There was this intense fire in his eyes as he bore into me. My heartbeat quickened and my breath became short. That sly bugger. 
“I-I guess it can’t be helped,” I squeaked. I cautiously leaned forward, eyes closed, too scared to look. Ludwig ended up meeting me halfway just as I was about to give into my nerves. My eyes snapped open as his lips softly pressed against mine. They were cold, wet, but made me feel warm inside and out. It was like I was on fire, just like that moment from a few nights ago. As the kiss continued, I let my eyes slip closed and pulled him closer by his neck. Oh God, it was better than I could ever imagine. 
Unfortunately, we had to pull away, both of us gasping for breath. I didn’t move far, however, letting our breaths mingle. “I thought you didn’t know what a kiss was,” I joked, pressing my forehead against Ludwig’s.
“Maybe that was a lie,” he laughed sheepishly.
“So...are you going to make me a nest?”
“Shut up,” He hissed before going in for another kiss. 
Author’s Note: I’m so sorry this chapter took so long. I had bad writer’s block for it, then I got caught up in ship events here on Tumblr and then university started which is taking up a lot of my time. That being said, updates won’t be as consistent as they once were, but don’t worry, I would never discontinue this story.
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We've Got Tonight - Ch 6
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Summary: “It’s not your job to do this, Andy. You make people happy. I was in the diner all of ten minutes, and you knew exactly how to get me to smile. You do normal, real things like garden and sing karaoke. Saving the world is my job, Sam’s job. Sometimes it’s even Cas’s job, but it’s not yours.”
Inspired by Bob Seger’s “We’ve Got Tonight”
Warnings: Major Character Death, More Major Character Deaths (sort of?), higher than show level violence, blood, light smutting, language, demons, apocalypse, inferred suicide, cult activity.
Author’s Note: Image and major edits by the incomparable @there-must-be-a-lock . Heavy editing and cheering by @thoughtslikeaminefield . Thank you both so much.
The next chapter is the last part. I'm truly sorry.
In case you missed it: Chapter 5 ItMightHaveBeenintentional’s Masterlist
We’ve Got Tonight
Chapter 6
“Cas, you’ve got to listen to me.”
“I’m sorry, miss, I think you have me confused with someone else. My name is Agent Michael Jagger.” Castiel’s bewilderment is so endearing and familiar that Andy nearly loses her composure.
She grabs his hand, pulling him uncomfortably close, and she can see suspicion dawning amidst the confusion. She tows him to the back area of the restaurant, technically for staff only, but she doesn’t figure petty rules like that matter just now.
“Listen, Miss, you’ve shown interest in my partner and scheduled time to socialize with him later. While I do understand that you are traditionally attractive, I really-“
“I need you to listen, and then I need you to look. Do you understand?”
“Not even a little.”
“That’s okay, hun, neither do I.”
And then she tells him everything. He can only stare at her silently afterwards, his mouth working as if he’s lost the ability to speak.
“Read me, Castiel. You can see if I’m telling the truth. Hell, go deeper and see what I’m telling you. Please, it won’t hurt anything if I’m lying, and if I’m telling the truth, you and I can save them. Please, please, I’m literally begging you. Just look.”
Castiel gingerly slides his fingers into her hair until the heels of his hands are resting on her cheekbones and his thumbs rest on her temples. His eyes slide shut, his face going just a little slack, and then he’s there with her in the memories, memories that faded with the sunrise but seared themselves permanently on her brain the second she saw the three of them again. She knows the moment he sees his own death because his body convulses ever so slightly, but he holds on until the scene plays out and she takes her last breath in the dream.
His eyes snap open and unerringly find hers.
“How is this possible? Who are you?”
If she didn’t have those weeks of memories, she might be afraid of him right now.
“Cas, you know who I am. You saw me. I have no more idea why this is all happening than you, but we’ve got this second chance, and we have to take it.”
He eyes her cautiously, but his mistrust is beginning to fade. “I’ve been fooled before. You could be hiding something, I suppose, but...I don’t think you are.”
Relief floods over her, though a bitter tinge underlies the sweetness.
“You believe me?”
He nods reluctantly, his dry lips thinning unhappily. “I saw your plan. Are you certain this is what you want to do? Do you think it will work?”
“Well, Cas, you can see I don’t have the best track record with plans. Can you think of anything better that leaves the world intact and you, Sam, and Dean all standing?”
Even though she knows what his answer will be, her stomach still drops a little when he shakes his head.
“Yeah, me neither. It was worth a shot.”
He searches her face without suspicion this time, only a deep, genuine sorrow. “I wish I could have had those weeks with you, Andrea. In the vision, you were a good person to spend time with.”
“Call me Andy, Cas. I swear, I never could get you to call me Andy.”
“But your name tag-”
She cuts him off with a kiss to the cheek. She holds back everything else she wants to say to her friend-that-never-was. It wouldn’t make any sense to him now, on this side of their non-existent time together, and it wouldn't make either of them feel any better. She hands him a piece of torn paper from her order pad, this one larger than the one she gave Dean.
“Check the memories you read off me to be sure, but I remember the ritual starts at midnight tomorrow night. They took me from the Brass Monkey not long before then. You can investigate if you need to, but I would bet that they’ll be at the first address I gave you a few hours before then, say eight or nine o’clock, getting everything set up before they come to snatch me. You know what you and the guys will need to take them out; without my blood and the ritual, they’re still dangerous, but they’re only human. Tell Sam and Dean whatever you need to get them there, but...I don’t think you should tell them what you saw. I think everything would get too muddled, and we’d end up right back at the same crossroads with Crowley.”
“Are you sure it’s wise to still meet up with Dean tonight? What if-”
“Everything has happened the same way so far, Cas, down to Sam nagging Dean about vegetables. And I’ve got to give myself something,” she says, her laugh a little more desperate and hysterical than she intended. “I can’t just...Look, just give me this one night, okay? I think I deserve that. I think Dean deserves that.”
He glances from her to the scrap of paper in his hand. She notices that his lips move a little when he’s reading, and she thinks that little quirk suits him just fine.
“Why is there a second address?”
Thanking whatever higher power gave her this second chance and the ability to keep the fallen angel out of even a few of her thoughts, she turns away from Castiel, moving towards the sink to start on some dishes that someone has let pile up. She’s under enough strain right now that she can’t disguise her expression anymore, and she honestly doesn’t think she can handle the sadness in his eyes for one more second.
“I’m going to keep myself out of the way this time; I have no intention of starting another apocalypse. I’ll stay in tomorrow night and triple lock every entrance to my apartment until you tell Dean to call me and give me the all clear. That’s where you’ll find me when the job’s done. And, Cas?”
He pauses in the doorway, looking back at her with a tortured expression she never sees.
“Remember, we can’t leave any loose ends this time. That’s how you get more apocalypses.” ...
She’s ready and waiting for Dean when he walks in the bar. She can tell he’s taken a little effort with his appearance: his hair is freshly styled, he’s wearing a button-up that isn’t a flannel, and - wonder of wonders- he actually shaved. Having spent an extra minute or thirty on her own primping, she is pleased when his eyes go a little wide as they rake over her seated form.
“I already know I look good, but damned if you didn’t just make me feel edible,” she quips.
She is rewarded with the warmth of his smile as he takes the stool next to her. She’s pleased (but not surprised) when he brushes a kiss on her cheek in greeting. She sips her drink as he orders one of his own, and then they turn on their stools to survey the crowd. He leans a little closer to say something, and she hears him inhale when he gets near.
“You smell amazing. What is that?”
She grins behind her glass. Dean Winchester is not one to comment on a woman’s scent, at least, not in such an innocent, non-sexual way. And yet, both times around, he does just that.
“Lavender and clover blossoms from some boxes on my balcony. I clip some fresh bits sometimes and rub them on instead of perfume. Smells cleaner, less suffocating.”
“I like it.”
They talk about little nothings and nonsense for the next few minutes, favorite bands and movies and foods and anything she can think of just to listen to him talk, to experience him a little more. She doesn’t remember being able to make him laugh this much before, and she thinks maybe she’s doing just a little better time around.
“So, what’re you gonna wow me with?” he asks, gesturing towards the stage with his half-full glass.
“I was thinking ‘Making Love out of Nothing at All,’ but you could probably talk me into ‘Lonely Is the Night’ or even ‘All out of Love’ if you get me tipsy enough.”
He laughs, a bright, weightless sound that cracks her heart in half. She can’t help leaning in and kissing him then, and he leans right back, blissfully unaware of the burden she’s struggling more and more to hide. She pulls away, and he opens his mouth to say something, but she pecks him on the lips again just long enough to stop him speaking.
“You don’t. But you could.”
There’s that smile.
They sit in companionable silence for several songs, sipping their drinks and listening to the other singers. She’s just about to go put her first song request in when he looks over at her, freezing her utterly with one side-long glance.
“How long?”
She can’t have heard him right.
“I’m...I’m sorry?”
“How long have we got? Do you turn into a pumpkin at midnight, or can I keep you out later?”
Oh. Oh, God, Dean, why?
“You know what? I think I might actually go for some Bob Seger. Come help me pick one out.” ...
Chapter 7 (end)
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ruinrisen · 2 years
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NAME: gaara
ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: biromantic gray - asexual
PREFERRED PET NAMES: hahaaa no he doesn’t have any. the only nickname he’s been ok with so far has been sai calling him ‘red’ 
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: um... it depends on the verse :}
FAVOURITE CANON SHIP: ... (looking into the camera like im on the office
FAVOURITE NON-CANON SHIP: i ... i think... idk... this is hard bc i there’s so many good ones and i love writing my ships on here w my partners but if i were to take away the development i’ve put into them and look at my ships at face value alone , i think i’d say gaara/naruto
OPINION ON TRUE LOVE: i don’t think he really gets the concept. like he understands it enough, but he feels it doesn’t apply to him, therefore it doesn’t quite make sense with him. he believes in love and that people fall in love and that maybe he could potentially fall in love, but the idea of true love is a bit more intense of a thought.
OPINIONS ON LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: oh no... he does not believe in love at first sight at all. i mean he doesn’t judge people who do believe in it but he literally does not understand how you can look at someone and decide you love them lmao
HOW ROMANTIC ARE THEY?: HE’S NOT THAT ROMANTIC... he doesn’t often think about the little things and often gets so swept up in his work that he can neglect his relationship. that doesn’t mean he won’t try from time to time, but he’s not really a romantic at heart and he usually lets his partner take the lead in romantic endeavors. 
IDEAL PHYSICAL TRAITS: this is soft but i think he really likes scars. he only has one or two and he doesn’t see it often and he went like 13 years without ever having a scar on his skin. i think he really admires them on other people and likes to feel them against his fingers . 
IDEAL PERSONALITY TRAITS: someone who’s patient with him, who can withstand his quiet attitude and be comfortable in his silence. someone who’s understanding and caring and allows him space when he needs it and also encourages him to better himself as a person and explore new ideas and get to know more people. 
UNATTRACTIVE PHYSICAL TRAITS: gaara doesn’t rlly think too much about his attraction at first :/ once he falls for u ur all the way attractive to him and he won’t not fall for someone due to smth physical.
UNATTRACTIVE PERSONALITY TRAITS: knowing you have the power to do and be better and choosing to worsen yourself/your life anyways
IDEAL DATE: he likes to take contemplative walks where things can be quiet until him or his partner have a thought and they can just share it with each other simply and hold hands maybe but they don’t have to if touch feels like too much (bc it does sometimes). something about not having a destination and just being with a person who cares about you / vice versa is very calming and reassuring for him. it’s a relaxing way to escape his duties as kazekage and feel the freedom of the wind.
DO THEY HAVE A TYPE?: honestly? i really don’t think so. like i’m trying to think and i really... he just doesn’t. i think it goes again with the whole he doesn’t really see anyone as attractive until he’s already fallen for you, so having a type doesn’t rlly make sense. at least not physically. i guess personality wise it might be someone who can make friends easily and gets along well with others.
AVERAGE RELATIONSHIP LENGTH: i dont even think he thinks about the length of a relationship. he would enjoy what he had with his partner while it lasts and if they ended things between them he would respect their decision, but also he’s kinda iffy in relationships and might even decide its not for him in the end and he’s better being alone etc so IDK THIS IS A DOOZY . it could last forever or just a few months until gaara goes into avoidant mode and then at that point its up to his partner what happens from there rip
PREFERRED NON-SEXUAL INTIMACY: forehead touching... reassuring hugs... 
COMMITMENT LEVEL: he will become an avoidant husk at one point or another
OPINION OF PUBLIC AFFECTION:  oh no . oh absolutely not .
PAST RELATIONSHIPS?: dude. i’m sorry but. they don’t exist.
tagged by: ... no one :) 
tagging: everyone ! :D
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meteor752 · 4 years
Lotr Sexualities
Modern sexualities with Fantasy characters lets go
Aragorn: Pansexual. Like, if the person can pin him down in a fight, then he’s just smitten. While his heart belongs to Legolas, he did feel certain things around both Boromir and Éowyn though.
Legolas: The gayest gay to ever gay. Like, he’s that one gay friend. Y’all know what I’m talking about.
Gimli: Gimli is kinda lost on me tbh, like I don’t get a clear vibe from him, so I’m just gonna say that he doesn’t like labels, and he just does whatever the f he wants. Which is kinda on brand for him, like screw your rules.
Boromir. Bisexual. The same as with Aragorn, if they can beat him in a fight then damn this boy has fallen for them. Makes a thousand Bi puns, including the obvious one with his own name, Biromir.
Frodo: Gay. Not as gay as Legolas, but still very gay. Is more of a stressed anxious gay, that just has a problem functioning sometimes. Sometimes just cries by how pretty some guys are.
Sam: Bisexual. The softes bisexual. Everyone is so pretty and he can’t handle it. Though Frodo is the prettiest, definitely.
Merry: Bisexual. Transgender. I realize I’m making a lot of them Bi, but like...they are all soft bisexuals. Idk how being trans works in this world, but who cares. He’s an oblivious Bisexual who has no idea that his best friend has been crushing on him for years.
Pippin: Pansexual. Crushes on EVERYONE. The most obvious is Merry, of course, but he could also be found checking out Boromir, Legolas, Éowyn, and ever Frodo or Sam sometimes. Is really just a thirsty hoe.
Faramir: Biromantic Demisexual. He thought he was entirely repelled by sex until he fell in love for the first time, which was a strange discovery. He’s still new to all of this...couple stuff, but Éomer is a huge support.
Éowyn: Bisexual. Another Bisexual, and another one who’s just attracted to people that can fight her. Well, that was until she met Arwen, who yes can fight, but is also the softest and purest being in Middle Earth, who made her just melt.
Éomer: Gay. May not seem like it as he flirts with a lot of females, but he’s very gay. Not very open about it though, but yeah. Totally in love with his kinda awkward boyfriend Faramir, who he respects a lot.
Arwen: Lesbian. Lipstick lesbian to be exact. She’s just charming ladies wherever she goes, with the softest smile and the most graceful behavior. Éowyn is so in love with her that it’s insane.
Sigrid: Biromantic Demisexual. You have to earn this queen. She mostly crush on elves, despite her dwarf love. Tauriel, Arwen, and Lindir have all been in her radar.
Bain: Polyamorous Pansexual. Very in love with his partners Kamarind and Vivian. Hasn’t had too many crushes on anyone else, and he doesn’t really find anyone attractive considering he’s blind.
Tilda: Whatever she likes. She’s very inconsistent. One day it’s only dwarf males, other days it’s only females in general, some days it’s everything and some days it’s nothing. Sort of like Abrosexual, but not really as it’s a lot more fluid.
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infinitegalahad · 4 years
Idk I’ve been feeling pretty down lately. Something cute, angsty, and smutty with a jealous Merriell Shelton and fem reader ?? You can have fun with it
Doux Comme Des Bonbons
Pairing: Snafu x Gender Netural! Reader
Summary: Snafu has a tendency to always wound up into trouble. Regardless, you still manage to put up with him.
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: Implied sexual harrasment, jeleous! snafu, cursing, fighting, but very minor! 
A/N: Of course I can! I feel you, hope this cheers you up! ❣️✨ I’m sorry this came so late. I’ve been studying for a few tests. I promise to work on a few requests this weekend though! I love the requests though, keep them coming in! This one was a little longer than expected. Snafu is my favourite himbo. The title translates to “as sweet as candy” bc this is fluffy-is. Anyways, hope you enjoy!
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“Snafu, he’s just a classmate!”
Snafu slammed the door to your apartment building. If school and work weren’t hard enough, this had been your breaking point. As much as you loved your Cajun boyfriend, he was an absolute handful. It was like taking care of a manchild who you loved one minute, the next you wanted to scream in his face. Whenever things were peaceful between you, it was bliss. Endless worship, cuddles, cute french nicknames, romantic and steamy nights. It was anything a partner could ask for.
But when all hell would break loose between you two, it would be full-on discord.
“Classmate ma’ ass. Prissy lil’ fucker. I’ve seen ‘da way ‘dat preppy boy looks at you.” Snafu annoyingly badgered. He followed you around your apartment. Stopping at the kitchen counter, you spin on your heel to look at him straight in the face, a hand on your waist and an angry pout proudly displayed on your face. “ ‘Dat Chris or whatever his n-”
“Chad. His name is Chad.” You corrected.
The Cajun groaned as his calloused hands grasped onto the counter. He was extremely aggravated with hell in his eyes. “Whatever. I don’t like ‘yah hangin’ ‘round him. Chad kept starin’ at you like you were a piece of meat. Tried to fuckin’ steal ma’ seat next to you! ‘Dat lil’ sunva gun tryin’ to sit next ‘ta ‘ma Cher!”
Chad wasn’t someone you considered a friend or acquaintance. He was someone who was in your lecture who happened to be one of your friend’s inner friends. Whenever you would go to study, Chad would always tag along. He mainly wouldn’t study and would pester the hell out of you. He had even followed you to Snafu’s jeep, which proceeded to Snafu almost running him over. Thankfully you had convinced Chad not to press charges.
There was no denying he was a total asshole. He wore the brighetst polos, cheated on every test, and did whatever he pleased. Snafu was convinced that his parents paid his way into college. It baffled you how you’re best friend could even consider someone such as Chad a friend. His whole purpose of being alive was to annoy you. Snafu surely didn’t care for him. But you only had the class for another two months, and then you would be rid of Chad.
Two months had gone by and Chad’s advances had begun to slowly die down. He was aware that you were dating Snafu, who he deemed a man out of your league. It was true, but you loved Snafu with every part of your soul. Snafu was not your everyday boyfriend. It was like dating a man child off of his ADHD medication. He was a somewhat (but still young) man who worked in lumber, a little rough around the edge with a thick Cajun accent. You were a teacher’s pet with a kind heart and gentle presence. When your friend Eugene had set you up, you’d never thought it would work. But date after date, the two of you only grew closer. Within three months, you had moved into Snafu’s apartment since you could barely afford to live in a shitty dorm. When Snafu had offered his home to become your home, you knew you had fallen in love with him. As much as Snafu was the occasional pain in the neck, he was yours and you were his.
Also in those two months, your professor had invited you to a semester party after you had finished up exams. The university you attended was celebrating his retirement and had invited the whole school. Not wanting you to be alone, Snafu tagged along. He looked amazing that night; his wild curls tamed with copious amounts of gel, a white collared shirt, and dress shoes that were crisp. It would have been a lovely night if Snafu had simply kept his mouth shut, which he struggled with.
Walking arm and arm with your Cajun boyfriend, you were literally the belle of the ball. The amount of compliments you had received on your outfit was impressive. You had to thank your friend for the simple, yet elegant outfit.
One of your classmates had stopped to compliment your outfit. After a short discussion, you and Snafu continued your way to your assigned seating. Smiling at one of your classmates, Snafu pulled you in closer to his body.
“Relax Snaf,” You smiled as you leaned your head onto his shoulder. “Don’t get your panties in a twist.”
“Whaddya talkin’ ‘bout? I’m fine. Justa’ lotta guys comin’ up ta you-I don’t blame them ‘doe. But if the-”
Snafu was cut off by your friend Hana. Best friends since birth, the two of you were inseparable. Same neighborhood, same high school, and same world-renowned university. Hana knew you better than your own parents at times. You left Snafu’s link to go give her a hug. Hana walked over and gave Snafu a pat on the back, knowing him quite well. You could tell she was a little standoffish with him since she thought he was way out of your league, but was glad to finally see you happy.
“Someone's looking dapper tonight!” Hana commented, patting Snafu’s shoulder. Snafu chuckled and nodded back, complimenting Hana’s (hideous) pink coral slacks. You saw Snafu’s confusion at how bright the pants were. Hana, even if she was your best friend, was a drastically different person from you. “Glad you brought him along, y/n. You guys look so cute together!”
Snafu stood right beside you. Feeling a firm hand on your waist, he looked over and gave you a devilish smirk. “Hana, my cher right here is ‘da real belle of the ball? They don’t even have to try-they just always look flawless.”
While being flirty, Snafu’s sweet side was starting to break through. The three of you chuckled as you gave Snafu a peck on the cheek. Cooing into his ear, “Merriell Shelton, you’re one heck of a kiss up.”
“What? I’m only speakin’ the truth.” He defended.
Hana smiled along at that, giving you a small wink. “Snafu is only speaking the truth. You guys are looking for your table?”
You nodded in response. The banquet hall was small and full of people. It was also dark which made it near impossible to find your assigned seating.
“We’re actually at the same table! Allow me to lead the way.” Hana stated. Snafu and you followed here through the crowd to the table. It mainly contained your classmates and a few of their families and friends. Everything was at peace until you saw a flash of a preppy patchwork suitjacket. It took a minute to process before it hit you and Snafu.
It was the one and only Chad.
Chad had been conversing with his friends.Upon seeing you, he let out a bostieorus laugh with his other preppy friends. Snafu felt immeidntly threatened in his presence, his hold tigenthing at your waist. He was trying to act tough but came off more as a child who’s favoruite toy was going to be taken away. As Chad stood up to come greet himself, you leaned over with your teeth gritted into a smile.
“Don’t say a damn thing. I can handle this.”
The tension between Chad and Snafu was evident. Here Chad was a young and egotistical frat boy who thousands of girls would squirm after. Here Snafu was, a bug-eyed Cajun with a heavy accent and one hell of an attitude. Chad still seemingly wasn’t over the fact that he was almost run over one time by Snafu. He even lightly joked about it, which didn’t sit well with any of you. This only caused Snafu’s burning hatred for Chad to grow even more. Chad was the gasoline and Snafu was the flame. Unfortunately, you and Snafu were placed right next to Chad and his friends. Hana was right next to you and knew that this wasn’t going to end well with the prepster and Cajun. Snafu would swing around the cheap whiskey in his cup and glare down Chad whenever he would even dare look at you. You hated the fact that Snafu was acting like this just because of Chad. The inner immature child in Snafu was beginning to show when Chad began to talk politics. It led to a passive aggressive agreement before you became the mediator before someone got a black eye.
Chad was busy talking to his goons when Snafu turned to you, a hand on your thigh. You placed your hand, squeezing it as you leaned in. “Bab-”
“I don’t like him. Prissy little bitc-”
“Merriell!” You scolded. “Langug-” Snafu smirked as he leaned in to whisper into your ear. “I ain’t a Proctologist, but I know an asshole when I see one. Do people think he’s straight? With those pink tight pants, it’s sendin’ another message.”
A snort escaped your mouth as you leaned into the Cajun’s shoulder. He did have a point though. What did people see in Chad that was so attractive?
Snafu noticed that you were amused by his humor. That devilish smirk you knew all too well was plastered on his face. “We should bust outta here, ditch the party and go back home. Watch a ninety day fiance. I like what’s on ‘da outside, but i wanna see what’s on ‘da inside…”
Snafu’s fingers crawled closer to your stomach. You bit your lip in response, your cheeks burning. It was so hard to resist him all dressed up and neat. Two could play this game.
“What the hell am I ever gonna do with you, Merriell Shelton?”
“Beats me, (Y/p) (Y/l/n).” He purred into your ear. It was definitely starting to become harder to resist him, especially when he called you by your professional name. But you had to contain yourself and watch over Snafu for another hour.
Your professor had walked over, interrupting your intimate moment. It was mostly for the better. Snafu had a chance to talk to your professor and learn more about the class you had been taking. He chatted up a storm with Snafu, who seemed integrued. Snafu wasn’t one for learning whatsoever. But anything that his partner would do was of interest. Your professor had even complimented Snafu saying that he had found a lovely partner. As he walked away, Snafu stood by and grabbed your drink to go get a refill. You attempted to get up but Snafu put a hand on your shoulder, holding you down.
“Sit down, darlin’.” He stated, saying a hard d in his creamy Cajun voice. “I’m takin’ care of my smart lil’ student.”
The next few events happened too quickly for you to process. Once Snafu had left, Chad had scooted into his seat. You could smell the vodka on his lips. He began to be his typical self, but got much more invasive of your space. You mostly ignored him as he talked about how rich his family was and his summer house on Nantucket. Hana wasn’t there, so you were stuck until Snafu came back.
Chad began to insulet your boyfriend. It started out as nothing more than a drunken rant, but things slowly came to tug at your heart. He began to make fun of his appearance, calling him “bug-eyed” and “dirty looking skin”. He made fun of his work occupation, outfit, almost anything and everything about him. It was definitely an uncomfortable situation. Where the hell was Snafu?
The breaking point was when Chad had wrapped his arm around you, asking you “What the hell do you see in that loser?”
The next events were full of discord. Snafu had come over, furious. He had yanked Chad out of his chair, yelling in his face. Chad began to cry, threatening to sue you and Snafu. He had also thrown pathetic insults at Snafu, which only made Snafu’s burning hatred brighter. Everybody had their eyes on Snafu, you, and Chad. Embarrassed, you grabbed Snafu and dragged him out of the venue. It was best for the both of you to leave before the police were called. The last words you heard before leaving were Chad’s drunken cry.
“You’ll be hearing from my lawyer next day! Hope you both get evicted from your shitty little apartment! You people are so evil!”
“You could have just ignored him!”
“Like hell! He had yah’ hand ‘round you, tryin’ to s-”
“Oh for the love of god!” You cursed. “I could’ve handled that on my own. You didn’t have to yank him out of his chair!”
“I did have ‘ta! He was assaultin’ you! You’re my c-”
“Merriell, do not cher me. This is serious,” You hissed. All you wanted to do was go to bed and escape this horrible nightmare. “He could charge you for assault. Even if it was minor, you did try to run him over with your car. There’s no way you could stand a chance against that. If you had let me handle it, it wou-”
His sour tone definitely made your whole body go numb. When Snafu raised his voice, you knew he was mad. He was usually pissed off at the world, but it was chilling to hear him scream. His eyes widened as the gel in his hair began to wear off; his unruly curls began to show. You stepped back, feeling tears sting at your eyes. Snafu, upon seeing this, freaked out. He had been irritated the whole night. The last thing he wanted was to see you all upset. Your lip began to quiver as warm tears streamed down your cheeks. The Cajun’s face softened, walking over to apologize. He had fear all over his face. You were the person he loved the most yet at times he had no idea how to comfort you. Emotions weren’t his speciality. He grew up greedy and selfish since it was all he knew. When he had met you, Snafu had truly changed. He didn’t know how to describe it, but you had made him a better person. You gave him hope that the world wasn’t such a shitty place.
Turning around, you walk upstairs and block out everything. Your eyes are full of tears, blinding your vision. Snafu followed after you, begging for forgiveness. He was like a lost, heartbroken puppy. Instead of heading towards your shared bedroom, you decided to hide away in the bathroom. Slamming the door, you back into the wall and slowly slide down. All you wanted to do was just let your emotions loose and not have to think about absolutely anything. You just wanted to be alone with your tears and nothing more.
The tears eventually stopped with your vision cleared. You could feel the dry makeup under your eyes. Your arms and legs felt numb as you were backed to a wall, staring into the shower. What did your professor think? It was horribly embarrassing for you. There was no way you and Snafu could win a lawsuit against Chad. He knew the power he had over the both of you. It was going to be an absolute nightmare. Hana was most likely blowing up your phone with notifications. What di-
Your thoughts went away when you heard the bathroom door open. It was the one and only Snafu who had the look of a sad puppy. He normally wasn’t this soft, but his face was ridden with guilt. You didn’t even react when he walked over and sat right next to you, his thigh right next to yours. Staring at the wall, he let out a sigh. His big blue eyes were right on you.
“Cher,” His fingers trailed onto your chin as he gently turned your head. Your face was destroyed with ruined makeup. It looked like he wanted to say something, but he couldn’t bring himself to. Guilt was all over his face. But there was no time to be whining, all he could do was attempt to make things right.
“Come on,” Snafu cooed. Grabbing your hand, he gently led you up to look in the mirror. This was the second time you saw yourself in the mirror that night. You looked like you had been hit with a tornado. The once neat outfit had been wrinkled, your neatly gelled hair wispy and falling apart, and your face covered with runny makeup. Snafu had gone through the cabinet to grab some makeup wipes. His fingers titled your head to him as he ran it gently over your face. Instead of fighting back, you let him remove the makeup from your face. He made sure to clean off every little bit from your foundation to your lipstick. As he reached your eyes, he peeled off one of your fake leashes and jumped back.
“Sacre bleu!” He cursed, throwing the eyelash into the sink. Snafu was a man who was scared by nothing, except for a fake eyelash. You bit your lip, trying to hold back a chuckle.
“ ‘Da fuck is dat thing? Fuckin’ spiderweb lookin’ bitch. Looks like it has a damn life of its own...” Snafu ranted as his words slowly turned into french. He turned over to you, biting your lip as you held back a laugh.
A smirk appeared on his face as he placed his hands on his hips, “You’d wear this shit?”
“Hana gave them to me.” You shook your head, smiling. He did have a point; they looked like spiderwebs. “I know, they're ridiculous.”
You felt Snafu’s calloused hands grab your waist and halt you on top of the bathroom counter. “Well atleast you make them look hot. Speakin’ of hot, you looked amazing tonight…” He looked down before looking right back into your eyes. “Listen, I’m sorry darlin’. Just seein’ him bother you made me livid. Ain’t no one gotta treat my cher like ‘dat. Especially ‘dat vineyard vines lookin’ prissy.”
You let out a sigh, leaning into his shoulder. “God, his suit was awful…”
“Fuckin’ blindin’. Like, pick a struggle with ‘dat middle part and layerin polo shit…”
A snort escaped your mouth. Snafu wasn’t wrong; Chad looked even worse than he usually did. It was always bright, blinding colors matched with even brighter, more hideous clothes. Snafu’s hand gently caressed your hair as you leaned onto him.
“By the way…” You cooed into his ear, “I’m not condoning what you did, but hearin’ you rip Chad to pieces was kinda hot...”
“Want me ta’ do it again? I’d love to see his little face all scrunched uppa’ ‘gain.”
“God no,” Shaking your head, your hands fiddled with his unruly curls. “If you do, i’m gonna take away all your cigarettes. We can’t handle the lawsuit that’s coming.”
“Y/n, hate to break it ‘ta yah, but I’m not a rule follower. Can I atleast run him over with ‘ma car? Or steal his trump sign?”
“Snafu Shelton, what the hell am I going to do with you?”
Snafu wrapped his arms around you, holding you close. He held on tight, like a child holding a teddy bear. “Stay with me. Right here, right now.”
You smiled into his shoulder as the two of you were wrapped in each other's arms. Snafu was certainly a handful, but you loved him more than anything in the world. He was truly willing to do anything to protect your honor and make you happy. That was a true man, not a boy.
“Ok, your chokin’ me Snaf.” You stated. Moving his arms, Snafu looks at your eyes as you rubbed them. “What time is it?”
“Ten? Darcey and Stacey are on.” He said, grabbing your hand as he led you out of the bathroom into your bedroom. “We can poppa’ few beers and order from Shanghai.”
An relieved sigh escaped from your mouth. Alcohol and chinese food were the perfect cure to a horrible night. “Thank freakin’ god. Anythin’ to forget this god awful night.”
You walked away to throw on your sweatpants and one of Snafu’s flannels on. Suddenly, his hand grabbed yours as he pulled you back to whisper into your ear. “Can’t wait ta’ see you outta’ dat pretty lil’ number ‘ya got on.”
An over exaggerated gasp escaped your mouth as you playfully (gently) slapped his face. A snarky laugh escaped his mouth. You rolled your eyes as you walked over to change. “Keep it in ‘ya pants, soldier.”
“Sorry. Whenever I see yah, I lose control darlin’.” Snafu smirked devilishly. “Can’t help it that you're smart n’ sweet. Just like candy.”
“Seriously, what the hell am I going to do with you?” You repeat yourself as you finish changing. It baffled you how you could handle Snafu. He was a manchild at times.
The Cajun grabbed your waist and began to tickle you. You fought back as you held back your giggles. Carrying you to the bed, he laid you down as the two of you held each other. His hand drew careless figures into your back as you nestled your face into his neck. He placed a kiss into your face, gently sighing into it.
“I love you, y/n.”
“Love you too, you dirty bastard.”
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mulletcal · 4 years
if my heart had a voice - a (bi/aro) calum hood blurb.
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a/n: okay so i’ve had this idea in my brain for so, so long and i had hesitated a lot writing it but i’d like to give a special thank you to: @frontmanash​, @softbabiestan​, @sexgodashton​, @goth5sos​, and @irwinkitten​​ for giving me motivation and being so sweet while i wrote this, i appreciate all of you so, so much you have no idea.
this is my first time writing something like this, so i hope you enjoy. it’s a genderless reader insert!
word count: 2.6k
warnings: struggles with romantic orientation, mentions of smut but no actual smut.
Friends with benefits - it’s something that sounds easy in theory, but movies and TV shows would lead you to believe otherwise.  Complicated was a word that was often associated with it as well, stating that no two people could simply have sex, that feelings would always end up involved.
That wasn’t the case for Calum, well, not really.  He had met you, and the two of you hit it off right away.  You talked into all hours of the night until the sun came up about anything and everything; he felt heard, he felt appreciated, he realistically felt what most people would deem as a crush, or romantic attraction.  Calum couldn’t bring himself to call it that though, because that’s not how it seemed to him.  It felt natural when the two of you fell into bed together, a tangle of limbs and breathy moans, but he never was drawn to the idea of asking you to be his partner.  You never seemed to mind either, which Calum was grateful for; he had so many questions that constantly circulated through his mind, he wasn’t sure if he was ready for a conversation about why he didn’t want more with you.
Calum’s racing thoughts seemed to never cease, a constant question of why didn’t he want more with you; or simply why he never wanted more with anyone.  His last relationship ended because what he thought was love turned out to be nothing more than just a physical attraction, lips never parted long enough to sort out emotions before it was too late.  Love had been uttered in a fruitless attempt to keep her around long enough to hopefully truly feel something, but it never worked. 
Another Saturday night rolled around, and the two of you had started a movie you never saw the end of, too distracted with exploring each others’ bodies.  Seeing you lie next to him, chest heaving with a small smile on your face brought a smile to his own lips, admiring you basking in the glow from the TV screen.  Calum often wondered what you were like around your other friends, if you made them laugh as hard as he did, or would also text them in the middle of the night with a random thought or meme.  Panic crept up on him at the thought, suddenly fully aware that he could be caught up in some sort of TV trope - did you have romantic feelings for him? Was there a possibility of losing you forever if he didn’t reciprocate the feelings?
His mind couldn’t settle that night, tossing and turning, mind racing at the thought of losing you.  Would he lose you? Banished to a new level of weird and uncomfortable - running into someone in public who you know has seen you naked, or even more seen your face when you’re about to fall over the edge. 
Morning came much too soon, and Calum sighed, glancing over to you as the sun came streaming in through the curtains and casting you in some sort of ethereal glow.  Maybe if he went to make some breakfast rather than staring at you it could help to clear his head.  It wasn’t often that you decided to stay for breakfast, but he hoped that sharing a warm meal together would encourage him or sway him one way or the other - to talk to you, or maybe feel something more romantic towards you.
Stretching as you came into the kitchen, you smiled at the sight of Calum there flipping pancakes, “Eating for two, are you? Calum, is there something you’re not telling me?” You faked a gasp, laughing lightly.  He swatted at you with the spatula, just barely missing you.
Calum knew you could sense something off with him, just by the way you carried yourself about the kitchen, taking a seat at the island.  Your movements were gentle, calculated, as if one small thing could set him off - not that had ever happened, but you were walking on eggshells and he knew he needed to say something.
The two of you ate in silence for the first few minutes, Calum glancing up at you to make sure that you were enjoying the food alright. 
“Can I ask you something?” Calum had stopped eating, a serious expression on his face, causing you to put your fork down.
“I was going to pull the old ‘you just did’ bit but it doesn’t seem like the time for that,” you chuckled, tucking your chair in so you could lean your chin on your hand. “What’s up?”
“What’s wrong with me?” He asked, worrying his lower lip between his teeth.
You furrowed your brow, slightly confused, “I’m not following.”
“Like… I’ve been thinking a lot lately. I broke up with my last girlfriend because while I felt a connection and we got along great, the… romance just wasn’t there? I’ve gone on dates, and there’s nothing. I thought it was just that I was going on shitty dates, but then I met you - you have all the qualities I could want in a partner, and clearly I’m attracted to you; but I don’t find myself wanting to be involved… romantically?” Calum was playing with his fingers, not meeting your eyes. “I hope that doesn’t hurt you.”
You laughed lightly, reaching across to take his hand in your own to stop the wringing of his hands, “Calum I’m not offended, not in the slightest. What we have going on is good, but I understand if you want to stop that too.”
“I don’t-” He said quickly, laughing as he scratched the back of his head.  “I feel like it sounds like such a stereotypical dude thing to say that I’m cool with continuing to have sex with no emotional attachment.  Not that I don’t feel anything towards you, I just-”
“Calum, I get it,” You grinned.  “I hope you know I wasn’t here looking for love, yeah? Me and you get on great, and the sex is great.  But if I wanted a boyfriend, I would have told you from the start, I promise.” Your reassuring words had Calum letting out a breath he wasn’t aware that he was holding, squeezing your hand that was still in his.
“I just feel like I’m… Cold, I guess? For not wanting more?”
“Love, you’re the least cold person I know.  You’re so genuine and kind, and you have so much love for your friends and family.  You’re so cuddly, always down to hold hands, or just hold someone if they need to be held. It’d be different if you didn’t show you care, but you do in the ways that matter.”
Your answer seemed to be good enough for Calum, because he went back to eating with a small smile on his lips.
It helped to ease Calum’s worry that he was going to lose you because of how he felt, but the lingering question in the back of his head ate away at him of why he felt the way he did; also, why it was just bothering him now.  So, when you left,  he did what any millennial would think to do: he Googled it. 
He wasn’t sure what to search for at first - it wasn’t something like an ache or pain in his body where you could look up ‘shoulder pain’ and find out you only had 4 days to live.  It seemed much more complicated, to put into words how he felt; but he ended up settling on ‘lack of romantic attraction’, and he was shocked to find that it was, indeed, a thing.  Calum had learned within minutes of his Google search that this wasn’t just a ‘one or the other’ kind of thing, but that there was a whole variety of people.  It made his chest warm to read blog posts of people coming to terms with their romantic orientation, seeing how many had struggles similar to his own.  The term ‘Aromantic’ seemed the most fitting to him, and he liked the idea that maybe one day romance could happen, but if it never did he wasn’t weird for wanting the physical only.
It was a few after Calum had come to his realization about his orientation overall, and he found himself as he usually did - in his backyard with Ashton, a couple cups of coffee deep while they both scribbled into their songwriting notebooks.  He knew that none of his friends would judge him, they may be a little confused because no one in their group had “different” romantic orientations - they simply assumed they’d end up with a partner one way or another.
Ashton had been in the middle of a thought when Calum interrupted, “Hey Ash?”
Ashton furrowed his brows, eyes lifting from the page to look at his friend, “Yeah?”
“You ever heard of the term ‘aromantic’?”
“I don’t believe so, why?” Ashton placed his pen inside his book, closing it to give Calum his full attention.
“I’ve been kinda struggling a lot lately, doin’ a lot of self reflection and all that,” He started, letting out a heavy breath before he continued, “It seems like a term that really resonates with me.”
Calum couldn’t really read the expression on Ashton’s face, instead being met with the man’s furrowed brow and fingers lightly drumming on the cool metal of the table. 
“What does it mean?” Ashton was now leaning on his elbows, more engaged in the conversation.
“In like… Simpler terms, it mainly just means lack of romantic attraction.” Ashton’s face read a little confused, but Calum carried on anyway, “I’ve learnt in the last few days that there’s a difference in sexual orientation and romantic orientation.  With my last girlfriend, I thought I loved her, but it was more about the sex than anything. I d’know if it really sums me up, but you know my whole friends with benefits scenario.  I thought it would make sense for me to fall in love with them.”
“But you haven’t? Fallen in love with them, I mean.”
“No, which is what led me to this point to begin with.  If I were to make a list of everything I’d want in a partner, they would check all the boxes.  I do care for them, deeply and genuinely, but it’s not in a romantic sense - more of a ‘you’re one of my best friends in the whole world, and sometimes we fuck’.” Calum hadn’t realized how red he had gotten, but it definitely made him fan himself as he let out a small chuckle, “I’m sorry, that was… A lot of information.”
When Ashton broke out into his signature grin, Calum couldn’t help but to mirror it with his own grin, “Well brother, you know I love you and support you no matter what you choose to do.  I told you I’d help you hide a body, but I do hope it never comes to that point.  Just don’t be an asshole and I’m always here for you.”
Calum laughed again, rubbing a hand over his face, “That made me so fucking nervous man.  When I was thinking about it, I was kinda like ‘this sounds so cold’.”
Ashton cut him off from going any further with a scoff, “We all know that’s the last thing you are.” With that, Ashton reopened his book and continued on with a lyric he was talking about previously; and Calum couldn’t wipe the grin off of his face.
Over the next few days, Calum had told his friends individually - being met with open arms and plenty of questions. Of course he didn’t mind, but it was relieving to him to feel like things were going back to normal, and he was starting to feel more like himself again.  He hadn’t gotten to see you since that morning at his house, but he had texted you to tell you about his new findings - your congratulating text in return, saying how you loved him and were proud of him, had him grinning the rest of the day.
The Fourth of July came quicker than any of them had anticipated, and Calum’s group of friends scrambled to come up with some last minute plans.  You had to work during the day, so you would miss the planned barbeque at Michael’s house, but you would be off in time to meet them at the local park to watch the fireworks that Calum had seen a sign for a few days prior.
There was nothing easier for Calum than being around his friends; and while he knew they accepted him and easily accepted his realization about his romantic orientation, he still worried.  Worried that things would be different, or they would feel the need to treat him differently.  But as he sat there, beer in hand, warmth washed over him when he noticed no palpable tension in the air; instead his ears rang with Ashton’s giggle as he laid on the lawn with South and Moose, wrestling with the two dogs.
With everyone thoroughly fed (and a majority tipsy), they all decided to make the small trek to the park, Calum offering to walk with Moose along the way - his secret favourite of Michaels’ dogs, though he’d never say so.
It was long after they had gotten there did you arrive, the sun finally starting to set to hopefully cut through some of the heat from the day. Moose launched herself at you to signal your arrival, which in turn set off South - before you knew it you were on the ground being bathed in puppy kisses.
“Quite the welcome,” You teased, scooping up South into your arms when the pair had finally eased up.
“They know how to roll out a welcome mat, what can we say,” Calum laughed, pressing a gentle kiss to your cheek, enveloping you in a warm hug.  The hug was more rigid than you were used to from Calum, and it gave you a weird sense of tension off of him.
Sitting down next to him, you frowned when you noticed his breathing was shallow on top of the weird tension that was coming off of him in waves, “Are you okay?” You never hesitated to be honest with Calum, and you’d hoped that he’d be as honest as he was that morning, especially if something was wrong.
Calum nodded, pursing his lips in thought for a beat before finally speaking, “This is just the first time I’ve seen you since that morning, I just wanted to make sure we were good.  I know I haven’t been the best at keeping up communication lately.”
“You were never much of a talker, love,” Your shoulder nudged his, prompting him to look at you.  “We’re good… Never better, I’d say.”
Calum’s shoulders visibly relaxed, his wide, charming smile reappearing on his lips.
“There’s the squishy man I know and love,” You said, reaching your fingers up to pinch his cheeks.  “You gonna come lay here like they’re doing or what?”
Glancing around, Calum saw everyone paired up one way or another, couples and best friends alike had one person leaning against the other; the last bit of sunlight casting a glow over all of them.  A feeling of calm settled over the crowd, and Calum especially - he had waited to feel like he had purpose, waited to feel wanted.  As he settled against you, you began to play with his hair gently; and he understood that his purpose was just to be who he was - a man who loved his friends and family wholeheartedly, to want what was best for others, rather than want for himself alone.
tag list:  @haikucal​ @talkfastromance4​ @softbabiestan​ @boyfriend-cal​ @calum-uncrowned​ @wildflowerirwin​ @irwindoll​ @gosh-im-short​ @atlcalm​ @thesubtweeter​ @heavenisapeach​ @ridingcthood​ @loveroflrh​ @mantlereid​ @inlovehoodx​ @irwinkitten​ @n-ctarinenga​​ @g-l-pierce​ @thecurlsofgod​
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