#peach and rosemary pastry
brattylikestoeat · 8 months
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morethansalad · 1 year
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Tarte Végétalienne Pêches, Citron Vert et Romarin Façon Yotam Ottolenghi / Vegan Peach, Lime and Rosemary Tart Yotam Ottolenghi Style
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esoteric-chaos · 11 months
Lughnasadh Masterpost - Spoonie Witch Friendly
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Lughnasadh, this holiday typically lands on August 1st in the Northern Hemisphere (February 1st in the Southern Hemisphere). 
Lughnasadh celebrates the arrival of the late summer season and the abundance of the first harvest.
Usually it a harvest of grain and corn, but in other areas it’s a fruit and vegetables for harvest. You’ll see the days begin to shorten from here.
This is a holiday that is more easy to feel disconnect from as most aren’t out there Stardew Valley style on their grandfathers farm. We either have a small garden of our own or everything is store bought. Or those who are gluten intolerant they also may find it harder to connect.
Celebrating and honoring the harvest is important. Even if we are not personally gardening we are offering thanks for natures prosperity in keeping us fed and healthy with each bountiful harvest.
But after this correspondence list I will give you a list of ideas of how everyone can celebrate.
Light Brown
Dark Purple
Apple tree
(Anything within season)
Wheat, grains, bread
Squash & zucchini
Lamb/ Sheep
Tiger’s Eye
The Sun
Wine & mead
Spiritual meanings & intentions
Gathering, harvesting
Giving, donating, sharing, charity
Thankful & grateful
Ancestors & heritage
The folk
Gods / Goddesses / Spirits
Demeter – (Greek)
Ceres – (Roman)
Isis – (Egyptian)
Luna – (Roman)
Dana – (Celtic)
Tailtiu – (Celtic) 
Cerridwen – (Celtic)
Parvati (Hindu)
Pomona (Roman)
Lugh – (Celtic)
Taranis – (Celtic)
Adonis (Assyrian/Greek)
Attis (Phrygian)
Mercury (Roman)
Osiris (Egyptian)
And many other harvest Gods/Goddesses
Need some suggestions to celebrate? I got you covered.
High energy celebrations
Abundance rituals
Visit a harvest festival
Harvest your garden
Bake bread
Baking pastries
Make jam or preserves 
Visit a farmer’s market
Create a large meal for the folk
Deity offerings
Create a money bowl (try rice in it just trust me)
Low energy celebrations
Healing bath ritual
Light a candle in honor
Prayer to Gods/Goddesses
Eat some fresh vegetables 
No spoons celebrations
Create a digital manifestation board (Try Pinterest) 
Eating fall themed pastries
Drinking apple juice or cider
Thank the harvest when you are able to fuel your body for taking care of you
Remember that it’s okay if you cant do much while you are unwell. That you come first and you simply existing is a blessing.
How you celebrate the holiday does not matter. You can choose to do any activity that feels right. These are only suggestions and remember that you're enough no matter what.
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honey-fire · 8 months
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recently. today i roasted tomatoes, onions, garlic, red peppers. olive oil, salt, pepper, cayenne, some paprika for fun. wish i had basil or rosemary on hand. made myself tomato soup. it was delicious.
i want to make an upside down peach cake. spinach and feta pastries or spanakopita has been on my mind lately. also been wanting to try making my own gnocci. so many things to try.
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coffee-in-europe · 2 years
january: black-and-white films, old records, red lipstick, classical music, gold earrings, city lights, garnet clothing, champagne, glitter, russian literature, snowstorms, art galleries, dimly lit restaurants, high-heels, chickadees, frosted windowpanes, silk shirts, espresso, pomegranates, snowy owls
february: candy hearts, roses, grapefruit, trench coats, mittens, dark chocolate, calligraphy, sealed envelopes, vanilla cake, ballet, romance films, chandeliers, late-night phone calls, musicals, aurora borealis, marshmallows, pink lipgloss, poetry, freesia, movie theatres, ballads, pressed flowers, stained glass, teacups
march: dark comedies, photo albums, lemons, cold rivers, baking, tidying, colouring, movie marathons, nonfiction books, newspapers, clovers, train rides, fashion magazines, pasta, orchids, podcasts, houseplants, sketchpads, yogurt, celestial art, bubble baths, charcuterie boards, moonlight, ice floes, crystal glasses, coffee dates
april: disney cartoons, rubber boots, tulips, mauve nailpolish, fresh vegetables, cold rain, journals, lavender, fresh eggs, pink blush, birdsong, morning frost, rosemary, tulips, foggy mornings, aloe vera, ponds, herbal tea, puddles, lilies, bunnies, floral sheets, marmalade, pastoral novels, frogs, english custard, lily pads
may: picture books, daisies, farms, warm breezes, cherry blossoms, early mornings, fresh-baked bread, gardening, childhood reminiscing, dandelions, honey, meadows, hummingbirds, butterflies, rainbows, sugar cookies, polaroid cameras, wild mushrooms, carnations, frescoes, silver lockets, brown bears, pancakes, rivers, greenhouses, white sheets
june: jean shorts, pop music, white wine, beach days, yoga, sunday brunch, ice cream, concerts, wildflowers, fluffy clouds, morning dew, cotton candy, turtles, popsicles, kayaks, watermelon, pineapples, vineyards, sparklers, bicycles, denim jackets, swans, asphodels, cocktail parties, gooseberries, lilacs, hollyhocks
july: adventure stories, oranges, lakehouses, campfires, festivals, disco nights, strawberries, figs, starry skies, iced coffee, fireworks, street markets, bumblebees, trumpet vines, strappy sandals, sunglasses, patio lights, linen, denim skirts, pizza, fruit smoothies, pizza, rainstorms, peaches, lagoons, white dresses, astronomy
august: golden sunlight, nostalgia, willow trees, nature poetry, sunrises and sunsets, picnic baskets, sunflowers, crickets, cicadas, colourful quilts, cherries, rolling hills, maxi-dresses, tall grass, dragonflies, crochet, renaissance art, vine tomatoes, overalls, roadtrips, hammocks, sunhats, waterfalls, tabby cats
september: coffee, book piles, croissants, long walks, classic novels, braided hair, notebooks, film festivals, apples, pears, farmers markets, forests, jigsaw puzzles, owls, tortoiseshell glasses, orchards, library cards, foxes, tweed blazers, climbing ivy, tea kettles, maple syrup, goldenrod, lanterns, waffles, boardgames
october: pumpkin patches, black turtlenecks, ginger pastries, fireplaces, wet leaves, ankle boots, corduroy, birch trees, cafés, bookshops, castles, caramel, rainy mornings, blustery nights, town fairs, countryside walks, cinnamon, nutmeg, old houses, black cats, bakeries, creeks, thick blankets, city blocks, white chapels
november: candles, red wine, ancient ruins, greek mythology, second-hand books, plaid blankets, mahogany nailpolish, mystery novels, museums, burgundy sweaters, dinner parties, gemstone rings, icy breath, black coffee, language studies, antique shops, white roses, cobblestones, lace, cathedrals, firewood, audiobooks, crescent moons
december: soft snowfall, christmas carols, pine scent, wool socks, irish stew, fairy lights, thick books, fantasy stories, throw pillows, shortbread, comfort films, window shopping, scarves, icicles, peppermint, carrot noses, angels, hot chocolate, skates, pinecones, caribou, gingerbread, crackling fires, hot toddies, cashmere
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attor · 1 year
in the middle of doing something weird...making a bottom of the fridge thyme rosemary basil peach galette with some old puff pastry from the freezer....put the peaches and herbs on straight then heaped big gobs of some old fireweed honey i found in the cupboard and then some little pats of butter and some milk and sugar...all the milk is just melting out onto the parchment....have absolutely no idea whats going to happen. also tomorrow is the 2nd year anniversary of me living in my apartment by myself i never want to have roommates again
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oc associations
i was tagged by friends so long ago for two specific tag games so i merged them and decided to do it a month later :')
@galeboettichergf 🍄 @ravenschampion 🍄 @jackiesarch 🍄 @lxmbert 🍄 @hey-hey-its-magic 🍄 @friedesgreatscythe 🍄 @fizziefizzco 🍄 @roofgeese 🍄 @blackreaches 🍄 @florbelles
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seasoning | cinnamon, rosemary
weather | sunny late summer days
color | baby blue
sky | twilight
magical power | inhuman strength
houseplant | fern
weapon | kitchen knife
social media | none :')
subject | history
makeup product | strawberry lip balm
candy | bubblegum
fear | ending up alone
ice cube shape | heart
method of long distance travel | by car, 1979 bmw
art style | oil painting
mythological creature | nymph
piece of stationary | perfume scented paper
three emojis | ❤️‍🔥💎🕯
celestial body | moon
animal | ragdoll cat
month | august
song | love my way - psychedelic furs
number | 7
smells | strawberry body butter, fresh pastries
time of day | evening, as the sun sets
gemstone | opal
season | summer
places | the beach or a cozy bed
food | a peach freshly picked
drinks | iced tea, 7up
element | water
astrological signs | scorpio sun, cancer moon, leo rising
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moonlit-energy · 9 months
Pastries (3 Sickles)
*Quiche - Mushroom with Cheese and Onion, Potato with Cheese and Chives
*Pasties - Mushroom with Cheese and Onion, Potato with Cheese and Chives, Chocolate, Pear and Plum, Apple, Peach
*Croissants - Plain, Chocolate, Ham and Cheese
*Scones - Sweet Butter and Honey, Rosemary Garlic, Cinnamon, Lavender Lemon, Rose, Berry
*Cookies - Shortbread, Jam Thumbprint, Chocolate Chip
*Cakes - Honey, Chocolate and Cherry, Lavender and Rose, Pear, Plum, Peach, Apple, Berry
*Muffins - Sweet Butter, Sausage and Pepper, Chocolate, Berry
*Cinnamon Rolls
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faecaffinated · 2 years
Curious what flavours our pastries can come in? Well... A lot!
Mushroom Onion Chives Cheese Garlic Bacon Tomato Spinach Rosemary Pumpkin Sweet butter Honey Chocolate Cinnamon Lavender Rose Strawberry Peach Blueberry Lemon Raspberry Orange Apple Blackberry Cherry
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solecito-study · 2 years
Palabras de comida en español 🍜
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Meat + seafood
La salchicha - sausage
El jamón - ham
El pollo - chicken
El pollo asado - roast chicken
El pollo frito - fried chicken
El pavo - turkey
El salmón - salmon
El cerdo - pork
El cangrejo - crab
La langosta - lobster
El pescado - fish (culinary)
El mejillón - mussel
El jocho, perro caliente - hot dog
La vieira - scallop
La almeja - clam
La trucha - trout
La carne de res - beef
La hamburguesa - hamburger
El camarón - shrimp
El pulpo - octopus
El calamar - squid
El tocino - bacon
La manzana - apple
La pera - pear
La sandía - watermelon
El durazno - peach
El aguacate - avocado
La lechuga - lettuce
La fresa - strawberry
La frambuesa - raspberry
El arándano - blueberry
La mora - blackberry
La naranja - orange
El apio - celery
La piña - pineapple
La papaya - papaya
La uva - grape
La arveja - pea
El tomate - tomate
La lima - lime
La papa - potato
El arroz - rice
El coco - coconut
El pomelo - grapefruit
El plátano - banana, plantain
El esparrago - asparagus
El mango - mango
El morrón - red pepper
El pimiento - pepper
El pimiento verde - green pepper
El límon - lemon
La col - cabbage
La espinaca - spinach
La berenjena - eggplant
El maíz - corn
El elote - sweet corn
El rabano - radish
El nabo - turnip
El frijol - bean
La zanahoria - carrot
El brócoli - broccoli
La alcachofa - artichoke
La cebolla - onion
El molondrón - okra
El garbanzo - chickpea
La leche - milk
La leche condensada - condensed milk
La leche entera - whole milk
La leche descremada - skim milk
La leche en polvo - powdered milk
La leche de soya - soy milk
El batido - milkshake
El queso - cheese
El queso crema - cream cheese
El requesón - cottage cheese
La crema - cream
La crema batida - whipped cream
La crema agria - sour cream
La crema pastelera - pastry cream
La mantequilla - butter
El helado - ice cream
El helado de fresa - strawberry ice cream
El helado de chocolate - chocolate ice cream
El helado de vainilla - vanilla icecream
El yogur - yogurt
El yogur helado - frozen yogurt
El agua - water
El agua mineral - mineral water
El agua con gas - sparkling water
El café - coffee
El jugo - juice
El jugo de manzana - apple juice
El jugo de naranja - orange juice
El jugo de uva - grape juice
El jugo de piña - pineapple juice
La limonada - lemonade
El té - tea
El té verde - green tea
El té helado - iced tea
El cóctel - cocktail
El licor - liquor
El aliado - mixed drink
El vino - wine
El cerveza - beer
La mimosa - mimosa
La sidra - cider
El chocolate caliente - hot chocolate
El refresco - soda
El smoothie - smoothie
La soja
La mermelada
La salsa picante
La salsa de tomate
La mayonesa - mayonnaise
La mostaza - mustard
La mantequilla de cacahuate - peanut butter
El kétchup - ketchup
Spices + herbs
La canela - cinnamon
El perejil
El ajo -garlic
El romero - rosemary
El tomillo - thyme
La lavanda - lavender
El cebollino - chives
La vainilla - vanilla
La sal - salt
La pimienta - pepper
La paprika - paprika
El orégano - oregano
La albahaca- basil
El tenedor - fork
La cuchara - spoon
El cuchillo - knife
La cucharada - tablespoon
La cucharadita - teaspoon
La taza - cup, mug
El vaso - drinking glass
El plato - plate, dish
El bol - bowl
El tarro - jar
El cucharón - ladle
El rallador - grater
El abrelatas - can opener
El batidor - whisk
La paleta - spatula
La servilleta - napkin
Sabroso - tasty
Delicioso - delicious
Rico - rich, tasty
Maduro - ripe
Soso - bland
Amargo - bitter
Dulce - sweet
Azucarado - sugary
Salado - salty
Agrio - tart
Crujiente - crunchy
A la plancha - grilled
A la parrilla - broiled
Quemado - burnt
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lovelyfoodyum · 6 years
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mooshys · 3 years
hq + the scent of amortentia
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amortentia is a love potion used in the harry potter universe to evoke a strong sense of infatuation upon the one who drinks it. the aroma of amortentia varies between people as each individual will smell what they find most attractive. essentially, these are the scents that I think the hq guys would be drawn to and/or cherish.
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sakusa ➝ laundry straight out of the dryer, eucalyptus when tied to a shower head, sliced apples, the minty scent from his favorite toothpaste brand, a new cotton t-shirt, fresh air on the first day of spring, flowering honeysuckles, white wine, the shampoo you use, fabric softener gifted to him by his friends, the vineyards he frequents during the off season
akaashi ➝ dried roses, the pages of a worn leather bound book, the initial whiff of brewed coffee in the morning, spiced cider, rain in the city, an old cashmere sweater buried in the depths of his dresser, biscotti with a dark chocolate layer, tea stained parchment, the curl of smoke right after you blow a candle out
bokuto ➝ cinnamon buns straight out of the oven, hot cocoa topped with extra marshmallows, grabbing fresh pastries from your favorite bakery, caramels topped with sea salt, vanilla buttercream whipped for a birthday cake, maple syrup poured on warm pancakes, burnt brown sugar
hinata ➝ sunblock, the ocean breeze at noon, shaved ice with strawberry syrup drizzled on top, coconut shavings and macadamia nuts, seaweed, chopped cucumbers, passion fruit mousse, shea lotion mixed with a tangerine zest, sea salt stuck in your hair
atsumu ➝ haribo peach candies, lemonade on a hot summer’s day, grass right after it’s been mowed, raspberry gelato halfway melted, ripe pomegranates meant to be shared underneath the shade, meadows of wildflowers behind his childhood home, sweet pea blossoms, champagne with cranberries dropped in, the light sweat on your skin after enjoying the day together
osamu ➝ cooked jasmine rice with a small sprinkle of salt added, slightly chilled sake, toasted sesame, chopped garlic being fried with chili oil, a pair of worn out blue jeans he can’t seem to give up, bamboo chopsticks, rising smoke from a charcoal grill, the onsen he visits with you on his days off
ushijima ➝ balsam fir in the winter, creme brûlée, wood burning in a bonfire, an old wool blanket, snickerdoodle cookies, butterscotch bourbon, dark chocolate, homemade toffee sprinkled with crushed pecans, pierogi ruskie brushed with herb butter after cooking, baked brie topped with honeyed walnuts, coffee cake
kageyama ➝ toast with a small dollop of butter spread on it, turmeric, a hand and nail cream his sister gave to him, rosemary, the seaside air when he’s on his morning run, pasta cooking in olive oil and red chili flakes, bougainvillea scaling the trellis near his apartment, mimosas sold on the street, cleaned hardwood floors
kita ➝ green tea with cuts of ginger added, persimmons picked from a local farm, the subtle scent of an orchid he bought to decorate his living room, mirin, fallen leaves during autumn, honey, daifuku mochi, sugar cane juice from okinawa, tatami floors, the cedar trees surrounding a nearby shrine he frequents, incense burning
oikawa ➝ mangos from a farmer’s market he frequents, tiger balm muscle rub, tequila with lime and salt, dulce de leche, fluffy brioche paired with a hazelnut spread, cantaloupe in the summertime, driftwood found on the beach shore, peppermint salve lingering on your lips
iwaizumi ➝ the forest air in the morning after it rains, leather on new shoes, salonpas patches, sawdust, an expensive aftershave his father gifted him before he went to university, coffee grounds, white russian poured over ice, black peppercorn, polished mahogany tables, cloves of cinnamon added to black tea, flannel sheets that have a bit of pilling after years of use
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askwhatsforlunch · 2 years
Port Pork Pie
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An equally delicious alternative to Boxing Day Sandwiches Sandwiches, this Port Pork Pie also makes an excellent meal to eat at the game table!!
Ingredients (serves 10 to 12):
1/4 cup dried cranberries
8 dried apricots
1/2 cup good quality Tawny Port
450 grams/1 pound pork shoulder, boned
750 grams/1.65 pound pork leg meat, boned
250 grams/8.80 ounces smoked bacon, cut into thick slices
1 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
1/2 teaspoon dried rosemary
1 1/2 teaspoon fleur de sel
1 teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper
nutmeg and mace
200 grams/7 ounces lard
1 cup water
575 grams/1.30 pound plain flour
4 leaves gelatin
1/2 cup Chicken Stock
Place dried cranberries and dried apricots in a jam jar. Pour over the dried fruit and close jar tightly. Allow the fruits to soak for an hour, shaking the jar every now and then.
Cut pork shoulder and half of the leg meat into small cubes. Place them into a large bowl. Dice smoked bacon, removing any bone, and add to the bowl as well.
Mince remaining pork leg meat (or ask your butcher to mince it beforehand), and add to the bowl. Season with dried thyme, dried rosemary, fleur de sel and black pepper. Grate in about a quarter teaspoon each of nutmeg and mace.
With clean hands, thoroughly toss the meats to combine with the herbs and spice until well-mixed. Cover with a tea towel. Set aside.
Preheat oven to 180°C/355°F. Line the bottom od a 20cm/8” springform cake tin with a disk of baking paper. Set aside.
Removed Port-soaked fruit form the jar, keeping the Port, and dice the apricots. Set aside.
In a medium saucepan, cut lard into chunks. Add the water, and bring just to the boil when the lard is completely melted.
Spoon flour into a large bowl. Dig a well in the middle, and pour in the hot lard mixture, stirring with a wooden spoon until a dough comes together. When cooled enough to handle (but still quite warm), knead the dough until smooth.
Cut off one-quarter of the dough for the lid, wrapping it in cling film.
Roll the remaining dough out into a large but thick enough circle. Fit into prepared tin, pressing the dough evenly onto the base and up the sides of the tin, making sure there are no holes. Spoon half of the pork mixture into the pastry, packing well. Scatter the soaked cranberries and apricot dices, and top with the remaining of the pork mixture, once more, packing well.
Quickly roll out the lid. Fit onto the top, and seal, crimping the edges. Cut a small hole in the centre of the pie, to allow the steam to escape.
Place in the middle of the hot oven, and bake, at 180°C/355°F, 30 minutes. Then, reduce oven temperature to 160°C/320°F, and bake for another hour and a half.
Beat the egg well.
Brush the pie generously with egg wash, and bake, 20 minutes more, at 160°C/320°F. Remove from the oven, and let the pie cool, an hour.
Soak gelatin leaves in a bowl of cold water; set aside.
In a small saucepan, heat Chicken Stock until boiling. Stir in reserved Port, and remove from the heat.
Squeeze the water out of the gelatin leaves, and whisk them into the hot Port Chicken Stock until completely dissolved. Allow the mixture to cool.
Using a small fennel, pour cooled Port Chicken Stock through the hole in the pie, a little at a time so it does not overflow. Once all liquid has been poured in, place the pie in the refrigerator, to set overnight.
The next day, serve Port Pork Pie with a sharp, spicy chutney, like this Peach Chutney or this Spiced Apple and Pear Chutney!
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whateuniceats · 2 years
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I visited the Palm Court at the Plaza Hotel for their signature holiday afternoon tea, and started off with my usual tea, the Tropical Garden (made with  mango, papaya, peach and pineapple pieces). Among the selection of tea sandwiches, I liked the the pastrami cured salmon on pumpernickel the best, and among the pastries, the champagne macaron was my favorite! The scones with grapefruit rosemary curd and devonshire cream were great too though! 
The selection of other tea sandwiches were the pickled English cucumber on rye, red Leicester cheese with shallots & mayo on multigrain bread, a foie gras yule log, and a lobster medallion with truffle aioli and caviar on a toasted brioche. For the desserts, there was also the mont blanc tart sable with chestnut puree, huckleberry compote, and vanilla cream, a lady apple granny smith with mascarpone ganache and a caramelized apple crumbe center, and a vanilla and spice mini-Christmas tree with orange & cranberry compote with a marzipan pain de gene cake. 
The Palm Court staff is also very nice and gave me a lil’ fruit tart in this fancy tin as I was leaving, which was a pleasant surprise! 
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mykosmickitchen · 3 years
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Summery lunch 🍑✨ Peach and Brie pastry tarts and green salads, the most delicious mix of sweet and savory! Puff pastry filled with caramelized onions, Brie, crispy bacon bits, ripe peaches, drizzle with honey, rosemary and lots of pepper, served with a side salad of mixed greens, shaved parm, olive oil and balsamic. Happy weekend! ✌🏻 (at Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRbuNMSpw3F/?utm_medium=tumblr
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onceuponawildflower · 4 years
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peach brie pastry tarts with peppered rosemary honey
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