#put yourself in your characters. sometimes its the shoes
katabay · 5 months
Hopefully this doesn't sound so weird but every time you ve drawn Lucky I really like his smile !!! Absolutely 100% innocent!!!
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100% innocent! his alibi says so and everything! he was absolutely never at the scene of any crime
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ao3commentoftheday · 2 months
Bear with me here because I might end up torturing this particular metaphor, but when it comes to trying to get the image of a scene onto the page in the form of descriptive narrative, it might be useful to approach it like a visual artist.
If you've ever watched an artist do their thing (or if you're an artist yourself), you know that they don't just start at the top left corner of the page and draw the entire scene in all its detail, all in one go. I'm going to use an example of digital drawing with the use of software like Photoshop here because I have no idea if this metaphor will work with pencil and paper.
You have an image in your head. It might be super clear. It might be more vague. When you're starting to describe it, just sketch it in. Create a layer of broad strokes information like what the location is, how many people are in it, and what activity is happening.
Then add in a layer - whichever one is easiest. Let's pretend it's the location. Read through the sketch that you currently have and see where you have opportunities to describe the location. You don't have to front load everything at the top of the chapter, for example. You can add in details about the location as the characters move through it.
Add another layer. Are the characters' appearances different from what they previous were? Are you just establishing them at the start of the story? Do they have a "uniform" that they wear in canon that you've opted not to change? You can add in whatever details here you want, and again don't feel like you have to put it all in the same place. You can talk about a ponytail falling loose partway through an action. Or wait until someone else comments on a character's new pair of shoes.
Add another layer. What are the characters doing? How are they moving? Interacting?
Another layer. What are they saying? How do they sound?
Another layer. What other sounds are in the room? What smells? Do these change? Appear or disappear?
Keep going back and forth, toggling your way through your layers, adding things in here and removing them there. Every artist knows that sometimes a line just doesn't go in the right place and you have to erase it and draw it again.
Remember that no amount of work will give your reader a perfect representation of the vision in your mind, but also please know that that's okay.
By the time you finish your scene, some of those early layers might not exist anymore, and that's okay too. They were the sketch that started your verbal drawing. The base you used to guide your inks. Your final render won't have every line or brush stroke in it, and it'll be all the better for it in the end.
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hawnks · 6 months
Word count: ~2,800
warnings: a/b/o typical sexism, abuse of authority (from side character), mention of leg injury
He brings the storm with him.
You learn him in whispers, along with a bevy of myth and rumor. He drifted here from the East. His clothing has been mended at least a dozen times, but his shoes are sturdy, expertly crafted. He makes no noise when he walks — hardly any noise at all. Rōnin, not samurai. And you can’t trust a man with no honor.
He killed his old master, I heard.
No, he was exiled.
Maybe he killed his master because he was exiled.
“He’ll be gone tomorrow once the rain lets up,” the innkeeper says, cutting off all further speculation. “Now, mind your work, not the guests.”
Beside you, someone grouses, “He chose a funny season to wander, if he’s afraid of the weather.”
The rain does not let up.
It puts everyone in a sour mood. The streets turn viscous and tacky, the air brutally cool. You draw the short straw, sent to fetch the days meat in the early morning, a long trek to the fishmonger that leaves you drenched down to your underwear.
It takes twice as long as usual — you lose your sandal a few times in the muck — and when you arrive the stand is vacant. The old man had come down with pneumonia.
Frustrated, you take the long way home. They can wait for the bad news, and you’re so soaked a few extra minutes won’t make any difference. You catch the eye of a few of the daimyō’s men, leering at you from beneath awnings, snickering as you walk by.
“Wanna hear a joke about wet omegas?” one of them calls to you.
You grit your teeth and keep walking.
You deliver the news about the fish to the innkeeper at the door to her room, so you can dart out again before she has a chance to say anything. God forbid she sends you out on another errand.
Soaking, furious, you change into your uniform, and begin your shift at the tavern.
The work is tedious, but decently lucrative. You like to talk to travelers, learn what’s happening beyond the boundaries of your town. It’s hard to put into words what you get out of this, hoarding information like you’re starved for it. Maybe the sheer notion that there is someplace else. That this town and its people are not the only things in the world.
The comfort of knowing away is still possible.
You expect to ask the rōnin the same, starry eyed questions, regardless of how the other server is avoiding him. It might even be enough to salvage this shitty morning.
But you don’t get a chance to ask him where he’s from, what he’s seen. You open your mouth to say something, and choke on air thick with the scent of wisteria.
He meets your gaze.
He won’t look away.
Your wet hair drips on his table.
You can’t feel your fingertips.
Shoving yourself away from the table so hard it rattles against the floor, you excuse yourself in a mumbled tumult. You recruit the other server to take over your tables for the rest of the morning. You must look as awful as you feel, because she doesn’t even question it as you retreat back to your room, throw yourself under the quilt. Close your eyes and pray for your heart to settle.
The one thing the gossip didn’t prepare you for — an alpha.
Another day of storms. Another morning you draw the short straw.
Another day you limp home through the mud, empty handed.
The soldiers don’t leer today. Instead, the daimyō is waiting for you. It feels like he’s always waiting for you, that he could swoop in any moment, as quick and ruthless as a hawk.
He’s said he could follow your scent straight to you, no matter where you’re hiding. Sometimes you believe it.
He’s leaning against a wall under an awning, but you know the casual stance is deceptive. He can be fast when he wants to be.
He calls your name, an inferred order to come.
You pretend you didn’t hear, keep walking.
He’s standing straight now arms at his side. Ready. Your insides feel leaden. It takes all your willpower to keep moving forward. To disregard an alpha is one, painful thing. To disregard the daimyō is simple insanity.
Water blurs your vision. You can’t tell from the corner of your eye what expression he’s making. Sometimes he finds your insolence humorous.
Sometimes not.
Just a dozen feet further and you’ll be at the bend in the road.
“You should greet me,” he says. Quiet, but you’re so hyper-vigilant, there’s no way you could miss it.
“Good morning, My Lord,” you whisper to your feet.
He doesn’t step out into the rain, but his voice follows you around the corner. Teasing, condescending. “That’s a good omega.”
He could kill you for your bad manners. A servant, ignoring their lord. No one would question it, no one would dispute it.
But then — he would be killing the only omega in the whole town.
As much as he resents your disobedience, he would resent the loss of you even more. An alpha must have an omega, he told you. That is his right.
Chin tucked and scurrying, you don’t realize you’re on a collision course until you’ve already run into the man. The impact sends you tumbling to the ground.
Through the buffer of the downpour, it takes you a minute to recognize him. His scent.
“I didn’t mean to frighten you,” he says. “I apologize.”
He bends to offer you a hand up. You just stare at his outstretched palm. Silent. Reeling.
You wait for him to give an order. Demand you take his hand, or that you come to stand on your feeble legs all on your own. It’s simply an alphas nature to wield their power like a cudgel, to bend everything and everyone to their will.
And now you have two of them to deal with.
Another moment of stillness. Your breath steams. Your pulse drowns out all other sounds.
He kneels.
Like this, on the same level, you can see the color of his eyes. So perfectly brown they’re almost black.
“Are you alright?” he says.
His voice is staid and calm. Not demanding. Not cruel. It — confuses you. You don’t understand what he wants from you.
You rise to your knees, shoving him with all your strength. He doesn’t budge. He remains solid and upright beneath your hands. You can feel the muscle, the innate strength. He’s warm, beneath the wet clothes. So incredibly warm.
You wonder if he could soothe your chill. You wonder if the touch of his bare skin would burn.
With a gasp, you tear away, appalled and mystified by your own reaction.
He stays kneeling as you rise and step away. He stays as you rush home, the scent of wisteria heavy in your lungs.
The innkeeper is displeased with your performance, of late. She gives you a stern warning that you shouldn’t let your “licentious nature” interfere with work.
“I don’t know why I agreed to take an omega on,” she sighs. “Not like you’ll be around for much longer, anyway.”
You wince. “Am I fired?”
The old woman laughs. “No, no. Not yet, anyway.” She waves at you, a full body gesture. A reference to the omega in you. “You’ll be wed to His Lordship soon, anyway. You won’t have to worry about the toil of work anymore.”
You excuse yourself shortly after.
The days are a monotony. Even the fear is so commonplace you lose track of it. The daimyō grows impatient with you. He calls to you from the shelter of the awning, each time a little bolder, a little less demure about his intentions.
“You know, I have a bad habit of breaking my things when I get bored of them,” he tells you. “I wonder what other tricks you have to keep me entertained.”
You hang your clothes to dry every evening, and the drip becomes a steady cadence, like the ticking of a clock.
This is your life.
The rain.
The rain.
The rain.
The decree is issued that afternoon. Marriage.
You’re to report to the royal estate before sundown, along with everything you own. You will not be coming back.
You pack your bag; you take the road out of town. With the city at your back, you’ll have to pass through the outskirt woods. Then across the river, a dangerous gambit when the water is this high, but that just means you won’t be followed.
You can’t imagine the consequences if they catch you.
The path grows looser the further you go, the mud deep, silt as slick as ice. Arduous and exhausting. And dangerous, too.
You don’t realize your footing is off until it’s too late. You slip, land badly. You cry out before you can stop yourself.
You struggle to your knees, get one of your legs beneath you. A shock of pain has you tumbling down again.
You can’t stand. You can’t run.
Just moments after you fall, a shadow overtakes you. And a man, looming, familiar, crouches before you.
“I heard your voice,” he says. “Can you walk?”
You shake your head, timid, overwhelmed.
“Pardon me,” he says, before hefting you up into his arms.
The ease he does it with is startling. An alpha’s superior strength.
He brings you to a small hunting cabin. Clearly abandoned, but decent enough. It’s dry, and a small fire is going in the hearth.
There’s no furniture except for a rudimentary pallet, which he sets you down on.
“May I?” he asks, hands hovering above your stockinged leg.
He takes your silence as answer enough, unrolling the material gradually, trying not to disturb your injury. He inspects it briefly, pressing carefully. You wince, he stops.
He reaches for his bag, retrieving a small tin. “Your ankle is sprained,” he tells you. “You should return to town in the morning.”
“I need to leave,” you return absently. “I have to get past the bridge.”
He frowns.
“The bridge has collapsed. The river is impassable.” He had tried to leave that morning, only to face the same dilemma. He considers you leg. “Besides, you won’t make it very far.”
The reality of your situation dawns on you, a slow tide of dread.
You missed your chance. You’ve lost your only opportunity at freedom.
You yank out of his grasp, dragging yourself across the floor, to the corner on the far side of the cabin.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you—“
“No. No.” You gnash your teeth at him, feeling wild with fear, unable to see past the dark curtain of it. “I have to go. I can’t be trapped in here with you.”
He raises a hand, a placating gesture, but all you see is motion, canting toward you. An alpha. A threat.
You grab whatever is closest. You throw it at him.
The stick doesn’t even hit him, but that doesn’t stop you. You throw everything within reach.
He just waits for you to give up, but soon enough he realizes how stubborn you can be.
“Enough,” he says. His voice fills the shack, not loud, but indomitable. The undeniable command of an alpha. “I’m not going to hurt you. I would appreciate if you would offer me the same courtesy.”
You drop the stone you were going to hurl at him, suddenly incapable of aggression. You feel — groggy, but less terrified now. Very nearly calm.
His pheromones, you realize.
The notion that he’s using them on you should incense you, but you can’t muster it. You close your eyes, exhausted.
Eventually, after long minutes of tepid silence, he murmurs, “I was here first, you are aware of that, right?” His tone is almost — sullen.
And for some reason, that very human show of petulance is enough to thaw you.
You laugh.
You can’t stop. You laugh so hard it’s hardly laughter anymore. It’s so intense it makes your ribs hurt, brings tears to your eyes.
It feels like the first time you’ve been able to think clearly in weeks.
When you finally calm to a few soft hiccups, you lay down and throw your arms out. Passive.
“Alright, swordsman,” you say, “Fix me.”
He’s slow to approach you, cautious of another rock coming at him. But you remain still.
His touch is gentle, so soft it’s like he’s barely handling you at all. He retrieves the tin of salve you kicked out of his hand, and begins to apply it. It’s cool, slightly astringent. Beneath that, the scent of wisteria.
His fingers are just as warm as the rest of him.
It’s over before you can get used to the sensation of him touching you. He pulls away, returns the tin to his bag. “That will help with the swelling. You should still avoid putting weight on it until it heals.”
“Thank you,” you force yourself to say.
You think you hear him chuckle.
Night blooms, full and dark.
Despite your anxiousness, the waiting has grown tedious. Unbearably so.
“Is there anything in that bag to alleviate boredom?”
He glances at you for a moment. Hesitating.
Finally he reaches inside, pulls out a small binding. He passes it to you.
A book of poems. You recognize the shape of the sentences, some of the words. You wonder what use a swordsman has for literature, but the swordsman is full of surprises evidently.
Th pages are worn, the edges soft from thumbing.
“I can’t read,” you say. You look at him. Expectantly.
You hold the book out. He takes it, slowly, gingerly.
He reads.
He’s not much of a performer, although you didn’t expect him to be. It’s clear he’s not used to reading aloud, but he knows these passages well. He’s tone is even, with little inflection. The words come out perfectly paced.
They’re love poems. Not flowery or decadent, but earnest, gentle.
It seems at odds with what you know of him, what you’ve assumed from his status, both as a rōnin and an alpha. You’re not sure what to make of him anymore, how to reconcile the image you built of him in your head and everything you’ve witnessed here.
His swords are leaned against the wall beside him, sure proof of a history of violence.
The question comes, unbidden. “Have you ever killed someone?”
He pauses, glances at you. He searches your face for something, the fear that should accompany those words. But your expression is blank.
Silence, fraught with the tense memory of how you ended up here. What were you running from? Why? He must understand, to some extent. No one reaches desperation without pretext.
“Yes,” he says, simply.
“If I asked you to kill someone,” you murmur. “If I paid you…”
The implication feels enormous within the tight confines of the cabin.
“I don’t believe that’s what you want.”
“What do I want?”
“To not be put in a position where you have to make that kind of decision.”
That makes something in your chest feel tight, on the verge of snapping. Another thing you can’t wrap your head around. Another emotion you can’t name. Uncomfortable, but not frightening. Not like before.
You feel displaced, unmoored.
“Why are you being so nice to me?”
“I’m not being nice,” he says. “You need help. I’m in a position to provide it.”
And that seems wrong to you. Just because someone has the means doesn’t mean they’ll offer them, certainly not freely. Especially not when someone is a such a burden.
“I’ve never met an alpha who’s kind to an omega just for the sake of it,” you say despite his denial.
He mulls that over for a moment, head cocked as he decides how to respond.
“I didn’t know you were an omega until tonight,” he says, quietly. “I had my suspicions, but…”
“Were my bountiful charms not enough to tip you off?” You snort at his blank expression, too polite to disrespect you with an answer. “Why now?”
“Your scent. It’s…subtle. Easy to miss, especially under these circumstances.”
“What do I smell like?”
He smiles, for the first time since you met him. It softens his severe features, makes him look younger. Less world-weary. “You smell like rain.”
He continues reading as the sky continues to churn, until you can hardly keep your eyes open, just barely holding on to the soft thread of words.
“Sleep,” he says gently. “You’ll feel better in the morning.”
Despite yourself, you believe him.
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hotpinkstars · 2 months
-> cryo characters when they find you crying
synopsis -> most of the cryo characters when they find you crying. self explanatory once again.
characters -> shenhe, wriothesley, eula, ganyu, rosaria, kaeya, charlotte, freminet, layla
warnings -> sad reader, implied female reader on kaeya and eulas (eulas can be looked at as a guy with long hair tho) some imply why reader was crying, some you make up your own scenario, mostly just comfort and worried characters
w/c -> 2.9k
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-> shenhe
shenhe understood that sometimes you’ll have your moments, and you’ll need to cry, vent, or just be in her presence, but normally you’d let her know. thats why it was so alarming when she walked into the walls of your safe abode to hear sobs echo through the rooms.
she walked into your shared bedroom to see you curled up on your respective side, body visibly shaking with every cry you let out. she silently sat on her side of the bed and reluctantly puts her hand to the small of your back, letting you know of her presence. you roll over pretty fast, landing your head on her thigh.
“shenhe..” you sniffled, crying into her leg. she jumped a little due to the sudden contact, ending with now your arms around her waist. she was stiff for a while before leaning back against the birch headboard, letting you continue to cry. she silently let you know that it’s okay to shed your tears, and that you can take as much time as you need. 
once you settled down, she immediately asked you what happened. you explained why you were so frantic, and if it had someone involved, she was certainly about to go create a bloodbath. if it was just some little thing, maybe an issue you struggle with or just a bad day, she’ll try to talk through it with you (and i emphasize try) and try to get on the same page as you. 
-> wriothesley
the one thing he did not expect to find when he walked back into the comfort of your cozy house was you on the living room floor, bawling your eyes out.
it was incredibly alarming. he couldn’t even imagine what could have someone this worked up. he didn’t even bother taking his boots off (which he knows he’ll get scolded for later on) and sped over to where you were, falling to the floor next to you. 
“sweetheart, what happened??” he brings you into an embrace, in which you wrap your arms tightly around his large frame. he could feel you shake your head, silently understanding that you’d rather not explain yourself right now.
he picks you up and sets you on the couch, and then gets back on the floor. his knees pop, and a few seconds later you feel his head rest on your abdomen. you bring your hands up to your face and continue to cry for a few minutes longer before settling down, reducing your cries to hiccups. you look down at your husband, who looked up at you, giving you a small smile. 
“are you alright?” he asks. he knows its a dumb question- obviously you're not. but he wants to see if you’ll say that. 
you hesitate for a second before shaking your head. you could see hurt flash through his eyes, and then you motion with your hands for him to come closer to you so you could hug him. all you wanted right now was his strong embrace. 
“you probably want to know why i was on the floor, out of all places, no?” you whisper, brushing his hair back with your fingers. 
“i’d like to know why you were crying as hard as you were. it sounded like you were dying,” he sighed, resting his head on your collarbone. “and yes, also why you were on the floor.” 
as you explained what happened and why you were crying so hard, he sighed once more before bringing you back down to the floor with him, rocking you side to side and hugging you tight as if you would turn to dust if he let go. you knew you were safe with him by your side, and you know that he feel sympathy towards your situation. next time, he’d just rather you come to him right away during these outbursts. (and yes, you did scold him for the shoes on the carpet. you also made him clean up the small mess he made). 
-> eula
you knew eula already had a lot on her plate, hence why you didn’t bother her with such a little matter, this one being tears. 
you thought she’d judge you, and that she’d tell you to get up on your feet and that its nothing but a nuisance (considering those are the words she says to herself whenever she sheds a tear or two. it breaks your heart every time, considering she thinks so lowly of herself in her weakest moments). 
but when she came into your office to ask you of ambers whereabouts, her face immediately softened as she walked over to your side of the desk, and she gently rested a palm on your back. your head was down, only showing her your scalp and your long, flowy hair. her gesture made your head shoot up, looking around the room and then back at who was currently rubbing your back. thats when you saw eula.
she wore a small, sympathetic grin as she proceeded to massage your neck. you look away, ashamed.
“whats wrong, dear?” she asked with some urgency in her voice, but for the most part it was soft and harmless. “you can talk to me.”
you told her the issue, and she held your hand the whole time. you could see her face make different expressions every once and a while, usually when your explanation took a turn. but she listened, and she was there. she then bent down to give you a small hug, coming around to the other side of your desk and sitting in one of the chairs. she grabbed one of your hands, kissing it softly. 
“i’m sorry i didn’t just try to come find you, i..” you trailed off, and she nodded, telling you to keep going. “i just thought… for a second… that you’d tell me to tough it out, like you tell yourself all the time.” 
she gave you a shocked expression, immediately composing herself and clearing her throat. 
“y/n, i’d never tell you such a thing. thats only what i say to myself because…” she didn’t necessarily have an answer, but she ignored that. “anyways. i’d never put you down for having human emotions. honestly, i’d be incredibly surprised if you didn’t have to cry every so often.”
“but know, i’ll always be here to dry your tears, y/n.”
-> ganyu 
you never knew ganyu was such a light sleeper, being as tired as she can be sometimes.
it was midnight, and you two were sleeping in your shared bed. she had her leg covering your knees, and one arm draped over your midsection, making it easier to free yourself of her grasp. 
everything felt suffocating. the darkness only made it worse, leading you to stumble into the bathroom and turn on all the lights. you loved ganyu, but you couldn’t lay there with her anymore tonight. you didn’t know why.
but you didn’t think your girlfriend would wake up to your side of the bed slowly getting colder and colder. 
as she got out of bed, she walked into the hallway, finding the bathroom light on and light sobs coming from inside. she knocks before walking in, a gasp leaving your mouth as you lock eyes with the qilin for a split second. you look down in embarrassment.
“are you okay? what happened?” she said, her voice slightly raspy, trying to rub the sleep out of her eyes. you could tell she was barely able to comprehend what was happening.
when you explain why you were crying, she sighs, opening her arms wide and leaning against the sink cabinets. you crawl into her lap, hugging her back. she makes sure you’re aware that she cares, and as sleepy as she is, she only wants to comfort you, and that she will make sure that nothing hurts you anymore tonight. she already feels bad enough that you had to come into the bathroom to cry, instead of simply just doing it in bed. because she wouldn’t mind it. she’d do the same things she's doing now. 
and she makes sure she clarifies that as soon as you two sit down for breakfast in the morning. 
-> rosaria
it was around nine at night, and you knew rosaria wouldn’t be home until two in the morning. which is why you chose now out of all times to have a breakdown. 
but you didn’t catch that over breakfast earlier that day, she told you she’d be home earlier so she could get a better nights rest and be able to spend a bit more time with you. so, just as you started to really cry, she walked in the door.
as soon as you heard the key hit the knob, you tried to frantically wipe your face and calm your breathing. but you know that wouldn’t be possible, because she was already through the door and looking at you like you were crazy. 
but that look faded when she realized you were seriously crying, bent over the countertop of your kitchen with your head in your hands. she didn’t know whether or not to approach you, so she sat at the barstools on the other side of the counter. you look up, laughing a little.
“i’m sorry, rosa,” you sniffled before motioning for her to hand you the tissues. she tosses them to you and then looks at you once more. 
“sorry for what?” 
“for greeting you this way. i forgot that you were coming home early today,” you look up, trying to avoid her gaze. 
“you don’t have to apologize. at least we’re together, and you’re not crying alone,” she grabs your arm and rubs it up and down. “i wouldn’t want you to be alone when you’re suffering. you know i’ll always make time for you, right?”
you nod.
“now, tell me, what happened? why were you crying?” her motions stopped, and she put her hands nicely across her lap. 
when you told her, she sighed, looking down the hallway to her left. she was debating on murdering someone, that someone being the person who hurt you, but she decided against it. she came to the other side of the counter and attempted to give you a comforting back hug. you knew she disliked physical affection, but this was a moment where it was all she could give, so give it she did. she was genuinely a great lover, despite her past and her personality.
-> kaeya
you were out at the market while your husband was at the tavern. it was a bit later at night, but you needed to cook dinner and you didn’t have the right ingredients for your dish of choice.
you overheard the cashier and the person they were checking out talking about kaeya. the customer was asking if he was in a relationship, and the cashier said no. you assumed that they simply didn’t know, but the tears came when the customer started to go on about how much they were hoping that would be the answer, and nobody is exceptionally good enough for him around here.
you set your basket down on an open shelf and rush out of the grocery store. as you were walking home, you were trying very hard to hold the tears in, but they came spilling out. 
halfway home, just as your eyes were watering over, you spot kaeya walking the same route. he was a bit ahead of you, so you decided to stay as silent as possible and keep your distance so he didn’t have to see you cry, and wouldn’t have to worry too hard about you. 
unfortunately for you, he knows the sounds of your footsteps, and turns around to find you walking at a slow pace with mascara running down your cheeks. 
“hey hey hey, whats the matter?” he looks concerned, pacing towards you. you didn’t bother turning away.
“lets just head home,” you said, sniffling and hiccuping between your speech. “i don’t want to attract any more attention to myself than i already have.”
he nodded, understanding before rushing the both of you home. 
when you both got into your home, he immediately drew you into a hug, allowing you to sob into his shoulder. he rubbed your arms and back as you proceeded to calm down.
you explained what happened and what was said, and you swore you saw hurt and anger flash through his eyes. he sighs, making sure you knew how much you meant to him, and how much your worth mattered. 
at the end of the day, he was your husband, and nobody (not even those stupid jealous ass fans) can take him from you.
-> charlotte
your usually bubbly girlfriend was not so bubbly and happy when she stepped in your shared home to hear light sobs coming from the bedroom.
she opened the door to see you curled up in a ball, crying into her pillow. 
“whats going on? are you okay, y/n?” she rushes up to you, internally panicking and trying to calm herself down as she was calming you down. it took everything she had to not cry with you- she hates seeing her loved ones in pain. she spooned you for a while as you calmed down, stroking her fingers through your hair in the meantime. she didn’t want to scare you away or be too intrusive, so she let you speak about your issue if you wanted, and if you didn’t, then she wouldn’t push it.
but if you were to, she’d listen very well. she’d sit there, criss cross, and be very attentive. if you needed something, she’d go fetch it. if you simply wanted her to hug you, she would! but if you wanted her to try to talk to the person, she would, (and maybe, just maybe, with your permission, put this as an issue worthy of the steambird) and at this point she’d do anything for you. 
and in the end, she’d make your favorite food and… selfie time!!!! mirror selfies, the sticking-your-tongue-out-and-making-a-peace-sign, or those cheesy couples photos of a full makeout session. but as long as it makes you laugh, she’s completely on-board!
-> freminet
you were simply just cuddling with your boyfriend when you started to cry, simply breaking down in his arms. he was a little clueless at first, bringing your chin up to him to look at your face. you looked like you had a lot of pain behind your laughter, laughing about how you don’t know why you just started crying, and that it was dumb of you to even do that in the first place. that you didn’t mean to burden him or do anything of that sort.
he’s quick to silence you, making sure you know that you can cry in front of him. he doesn’t want you to reserve your emotions, and certainly doesn’t want you to suffer in silence. 
but the issue is that he’s bad at verbalizing those feelings. he doesn’t want you to feel alone, but he doesn’t know how to form that statement into words. no matter how many times he’ll rehearse it in his head, no matter how many times he’ll get lynettes (and sometimes lyneys, depending on how bad the situation is) help on how to communicate with you, and make sure you know that you have his support constantly.
“whats wrong, if it’s not too much to ask?” he says slowly, picking his words carefully. he’s never really had to experience a breakdown from you, but there's always a first for everything.
you tell him, and he feels sympathy. he wishes he could make everything in that moment go away, if thats what’ll make you feel content for even just a few moments. he wishes he could take on your burdens too, and you know he feels that way. but you won't let him, because he has too much going on himself. so, all he can do for now is sit in silence and hold you. it’ll do for now, he thinks.
-> layla
layla was fast asleep on your lap when all of the sudden, tears just started running down your cheeks. you didn’t know why, they just started. you remembered something you didn’t want to think about, something rather harsh. layla woke up when she felt those exact tears plop onto her face, only to be met with the sight of your swollen eyes.
“whats wrong??” she says in a worried, dreary tone. you could tell she was beyond exhausted, slowly bringing a hand to your cheek while yawning. “you don’t have to say… just wondering…”
if you say, she’ll listen as best as she can. you and her both know that she’s tired a lot, so her ability to focus on one thing without drifting into peace for a few hours is near nonexistent. but to you, she changes that, and makes sure to be as alert as she possibly could be. she’ll try to help you get through it with the best of her ability, understanding that the things going on in your mind right now are not good and you just need your lover to be there for you, especially at such a vulnerable time.
so, be there she is. she’ll cuddle you if you want her to. you know she might fall asleep, but at least she’s trying to make an effort to help you feel better.
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f4irycafe · 2 years
𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 - 𝒂𝒐𝒕 𝒃𝒐𝒚𝒔
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⤷ summary: aot boys wth high maintenance girlfriends.
⤷ characters: jean, armin, connie, eren,
⤷ content warnings: suggestive themes, fluff, black!coded reader, college!au.
⤷ notes: my MEN.
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baby boy is obsessed with you. like the biggest simp outta all of them fs.
jean isn't rich, but he's worked hard for all the $$ he has.
and he def doesn't mine spending all that shit on you okayyyyyyyyy.
he knew you liked to keep up w yourself, new nails and lashes every few weeks, new wig/braids/locs every few months.
he was just soo in awe of your presence for a while he didn't even consider how much that stuff costs.
"baby how much does your hair cost?" he asks you one day as ur just chilling on the couch in your dorm.
"couple hundred, why?" atp he knows all abt your hair care n stuff so this isn't no invasive ass question.
eyes = dropped out of his head.
he tries to play it cool like, "oh alright," but inside he's like, i've been letting her pay hundreds for her hair ALONE this entire time.
now whenever you mention you wanna go get ur lashes refilled, or ask him to pick a color, his first question is,
"how much is it?"
i feel like there is one or two services he chooses to pay for consistently, like braids and nails. he got money, but not that much so he can't be wildin out for you.
you get the biggest heart eyes when he does tho. sometimes you don't even have to ask and you get a veno notif on your phone.
"$250 from jean" - get the white tips i like.
cause yuk know, he likes to watch em when you ... yeh yeh u get it.
supportive, love to spoil you, but will act so nonchalant abt it.
rich boy armin? rich boy armin.
he lives a high maintnence lifestyle as it is, tailed clothes, designer book bags, shoes, glasses, family homes in europe. your typical trust fund baby.
honestly, that was the first thing he noticed about you. the nice but still lowkey car, the sleek bags, the perfect professional looking wigs and braids, even the smells you wore just exuded an air of confidence.
he loved it.
being a boy tho, he didn't realize just how much money went into upkeep with your look per week.
he was shocked, sure, but your finances barely made a dent in his pockets.
the type boyfriend to just hand you an asswad of cash at the beginning of the week and say "go crazy,"
at first you wanted to test just how much you could get out of him. a new white tie dress for some elite school event, the new apple watch that just dropped, wigs that cost upwards of $500 for you to only wear them for a week.
when you finally realized that this boy would do any and everything for you, you toned it down a bit.
but now, he pays for all your shit. eyelashes, hair, nails, perfume.
you still be paying for your phone, car, rent etc, but all that personal shit, yeah its his.
hehehe. y'all know this is my husband quit playingggggg
while armin goes after the pretty rich girls, eren goes after the ones that do this shit just cause they can.
you be working for every inch of hair on your head trust and BELEIVEEEEEEE.
thats one of the things he admires about you, how hard you work for the stuff you want. even if that shit seems superficial to others, you can fr do anything you put your mind to.
another trust fund baby. (i hc grisha as a world class surgeon and carla as a lowkey fashion designer)
he just thinks ur so pretty. like jean, worships the ground you work on.
one night you're trying to set up an appointment for these fancy ass locs that almost touch the floor but you're stressin tryna figure out when you can fit another shift in at work between studying, classes and your extracurriculars while on ft w him.
he's quiet and contemplative on the phone, not really giving answers outside of "i'm sorry bae :("
in the morning you wake up to a venmo notif.
"stink-a-link paud you $600 - hair app. get those nails you've been wanting too."
at first you kinda freak out cause 600??? aint no one treated you like this before.
he just smiles when you try to call him, asking him to take it back.
"i got money to spend, and ik how much this style means to you. if you're happy i'm happy pretty girl."
the sweetest.
plus he gets bragging rights. cause who tf elses girl is looking this damn fine? right , no ones.
if you've been here for a while you know its rich drug dealer connie or nothin.
yall probably got together cause he was ur plug and gave u a lil too much free weed lmaooooo.
but he been payin for your shit from the start.
the only catch - u gotta get what he wants.
its never wack or emberassing, our boy got taste and an eye for fashion, trust he does u right.
he be putting the description in the venmo tag LMAO
"buss down 30in. honey brown beach wave ..."
sometimes he'll just give you like a color for the nails and hair. he don't be knowin much about lashes tho, but he likes the cat eye ones the most.
everyone is always thirsting after you fr.
makes him so proud. maybe a lil too proud HAHA
but he'll drive u to all ur appointments. he doesn't care how long they are he'll wait. or go home and bring u food if its a long hair day.
hypes u up so much when u get in the car talkin bout "you so pretty babe".
can't stop looking at you.
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elles rambles: i - love them so much. biased w eren as always. but i want these boys to spoil me. specially connie :))))))0
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turtleybeachin · 9 months
Okay I have finally thought of an ask! Not sure if you remember me or not but that's okay. It kinda has to do with the summoning through pacts. I was wondering if you could write something along the lines of an MC who is usually calm, but a MC having a panic attack or is just scared and accidentally summons a brother? I'd like to request all of the brothers or even the dateables but I don't want to ask that much. Do whoever you want with this ask if you do it at all! ❤️❤️
Hi I totally remember you and never forgot this but got way too in my own head about it. I think I crawled back out now. Thanks for being patient with me. ♥ So first of all, I love the concept of accidentally summoning someone to you. Sure, the actual summoning spell is great, but the idea of panic-summoning and maybe not even fully intentionally? Amazing. I started writing how they'd comfort you but got too in my head trying to do everyone (and not feel like i was rehashing Burnout), so I have a few that are spawning future updates to Burnout (for the new side characters), and then some one-offs I'll share as I finish them as well. But! Here are some thoughts I had on alternative summonings when upset.
Characters: Everyone! :) and a GN!MC (reader) Rating: G Word Count: ~2.3k Tagging: references to MC struggling mentally/emotionally, some fluffy affection, mostly a think piece on unintended summoning. Spoiler warnings for OG game, most notably for end of season 2, a bit of season 3, and vaguely part of season 4. Nothing too big, but there nonetheless.
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Lucifer's Ring of Light is a perfect fidget piece. Spinning it around your finger, rubbing your thumb along the band, pressing on the edges of the stones to let the dull pinch ground you. It's always there on your finger, always present, always twinkling in the corner of your eye as a reminder you aren't alone. It is not his any longer, but that doesn't mean he isn't still aware of it, that a little piece of him isn't still present in a little piece of its inherent magic. And when you're spinning it and digging it into your palm and distressed, he feels an echo of that pain. It pulls him to you. Perhaps, in your own way, you're admitting you need his presence, his strength, his help, and he is not about to start abandoning his loved ones now.
With Mammon's keychain of that chocolate lizard, your thumb knew all the grooves, the smooth spots and the rough ones, the little spot where paint was chipped away that you knew you shouldn't pick at but it just happened anyway, your nail catching on the rough edge. You fidget with it when anxious because you know Mammon used to fidget with it just the same, and isn't that comforting, to know that even a powerful ancient fallen angel would run his thumb along the very same ridges you do? It's almost like you can still feel the warmth of his touch there. And you can't really think your First Man ain't gonna know you as well as he knows himself, can you? That he doesn't know when you need him, when you're tuggin' on the pact like that?
Leviathan's script he gave you? You've memorized it by now. In times when everything is spiraling, you remember your favorite lines, the ones that remind you to stay strong. You recite them to yourself between shaking breaths. Because when you can't be strong and cool and calm yourself, sometimes it helps to put yourselves in the shoes of Henry, the shoes of the Romantic Lead, the shoes of the characters written to always have a happy ending. It is, you realize, the same way Levi puts himself in the shoes of the Lord of Shadows, wrapping the cool-clever-badass-strong cloak around him as an armor. There's no Lord of Shadows without his Henry, and there's no you without him. And just like how in book six, the Lord of Shadows gets accidentally bound to Henry with a spell and is able to feel when Henry's in need and the Lord of Shadows leaves his lair without knowing where he's really going just knowing that he's needed and he ends up following this magical instinctive pull to find Henry and get to him just in time to save him from his enemies who were-- ...well, let's just say that Levi won't leave you to fight your mind alone for long.
Satan wasn't wrong that cats are perfect for calming the emotional storm inside you. They're good little listeners, and their company is a great distraction from the voices in your head. Watching the little fuzzballs roll around, or nap in a sunbeam, or prowl through the grass, it distracts you from all the frustration and anxiety and worries. Whether it's watching neighborhood cats, or visiting a cafe, or popping into a shelter, you've taken to Satan's favorite hack for handling your wayward emotions. On the really bad days, it's nice to know you can vent and cry to them and they won't judge you or tell anyone your secrets. But did you forget, MC, the stories about cats that traverse the realms? They won't ever tell anyone, but they might wander from you to their favorite place in the Devildom and they might headbutt a certain blond demon's shin and chirp for him to follow them. They are, after all, very good listeners. And so is he.
With Asmodeus, you look at the photos of him on your phone, at your selfies together and how big you smiled beside him. You blink away burning tears to focus on how he looks not at the camera but at you, his body angled not to show his best side (which is every side of course) but to press always closer to you, and how no matter where you two were or what was happening your smiles were always so bright and genuine with him. When everything feels like too much and not worth it and you feel trapped and cornered by situations beyond your control, you find yourself clutching your phone and swiping through hundreds of pictures of laughter and kisses and hugs and twirls and snuggles and you whisper a promise that one day, soon, we'll be together again. Sooner than you expect, of course, because did you really think that he wouldn't feel your burning need for him across realms, hon?
Beelzebub just has to be comfort food, our precious glutton. When life without your demons is getting you down, it's the salty snacks, the sweet treats, the tubs of ice cream with the chunks of something extra to dig for like buried treasure. And whenever you indulge, you can't help but think of your gentle giant and what he'd have to say about everything. He'd be happy you're eating, of course, and then what would he think of your human world snacks? Which makes you think of your favorite Devildom snacks, and that just hits you with a fresh wave of homesickness. But somewhere out there, a realm away, one particular Avatar just gets this feeling, you know? Like the way he knows when Belphie is craving quetzalcoatl brains, or is napping in the garden. Just that instinct. And his instinct is telling him you need your favorite cupcakes. Surely Lucifer will understand how vital it is he takes these three dozen cupcakes to the human world right now. And if he doesn't, well, that argument with his brother can wait until after your craving is satisfied.
Belphegor of course is our star-gazing boy, and while you like the idea of looking into the sky to seek out any possible shared stars to look at with him, you can't always see the stars at night everywhere, and the human realm has day and night cycles that hide them for at least half the day anyhow. For Belphie, you have a pillow from him (that he either gifted or didn't complain about your stealing) that you keep with you -- not for sleeping, but for comfort. A pillow to smother your tears on the rough nights, a pillow to pummel on your frustrated days. A pillow you curl around and snuggle for a memory of contact now distant. And when you drift off in those fitful sleeps of exhaustion, you wander in your dreams to another dream unknowingly. He's with you when you rest, and the moment he can get away from Lucifer's watchful gaze, he'll be there to tug the pillow out of your arms to crawl into your embrace himself.
With Diavolo, well, he knows things. Usually it's because of Barbatos, or Lucifer, or his familiars, but you? MC, you're so much more precious than the 'usual'. If asked by anyone who doesn't know him well enough to call him out, he'd say the charm he placed on you was simply for matters of Devildom security-- after all, you know possibly too much, and that could make you a target to the wrong people! (Barbatos politely does not point out that it's because he misses you so much and wants to see what you're doing.) It's not that he wants to intrude on your life or anything, it's important you have the chance to be as wonderfully human as you are, but he just worries. Are you alright? Are you comfortable? You'd mentioned once the extravagance of the brothers' lifestyle, do you have enough income? The charm is just a minor thing, a little thing, just to make sure you're well. And when you aren't? Well, paperwork and meetings will wait.
With Barbatos, he's just such a badass god-like time lord, we don't even need a pact to be connected to him. You had brought up the idea of a pact once, and he had just given you that dangerous smirk and demurred that it wasn't so much a pact you desired, surely, as his company and his attention, both of which were already yours. It seemed like such a smooth line at the time, but you didn't realize the extent of it. How you're a bright twinkling point on every timeline for him, how you are the center of every universe he knows, how he orients himself in any reality by looking to you. So when something is wrong, when you're falling apart or in danger, it's like the spiderweb crackling of a timeline splitting. Like an itch at the back of his throat, an ache behind his eyes. The choices are to let you suffer alone, or to teleport himself to your side and help you through. Do you even have to wonder which option he chooses?
Simeon may have a complicated relationship with his blessing and his celestial light, with his place and his purpose, but one thing has never felt complicated:  you. Every baked good he ever made for you was made with pure love, and every gift he bestowed -- from a little sheep plush sewn by hand to earrings made from his own feathers -- had all of his hopes and wishes and prayers for you inside them. Maybe that's why squeezing the soft little plush fills you with such warmth and comfort, and why the brush of the feather against your neck feels like a kiss. When you're struggling and upset, the gifts from Simeon make you feel grounded just a little more. And perhaps it's a prayer answered for him, too, that he just has a feeling when it's time to go visit you.
Solomon has been watching out for you longer than you know. It started in the little ways, simple defensive spells and barriers to protect you, reminding demons who looked a little too closely at you who precisely he was and what he could do. It graduated to teaching you to defend yourself, and gifting you various magical trinkets and charms to help focus and direct your growing magics. You still don't really know all the ways that he keeps an eye on you. But he does. Nothing is more important than you. When one of his spells alerts him that you're upset or in distress, well. He just so happened to be in the neighborhood, MC, and what a lucky coincidence that is!
Luke is such a literal perfect little angel baby. One who gave you his blessing, to protect you even when he can't. Everyone teases him for being so young, but he knows that you are the one human he wants to guide and shelter and protect. And sure, when he gave his blessing, it was under the assumption you might need protection from demons or fae, from magic and shadow. But that doesn't mean his blessing doesn't also guide and protect you in times of need that aren't external, MC. When you're at your lowest and feeling completely alone, he feels the pull, feels your pain, and what sort of guardian angel would he be if he left you alone?
Mephistopheles you don't have a pact with (yet?), but imagine your magic ripping open a portal to him without your conscious intent when you're feeling small and lonely and just so badly miss him and want him with you. Maybe you think of him because of the kindness he has shown himself capable of; maybe you think of him because you know he's the least likely person to tell the brothers or anyone else about you having a meltdown. And he's startled and confused when this portal opens before him, the magic somewhat familiar but certainly not demonic, and he warily steps through half-expecting some idiotic prank of one of the brothers only to find you curled up and small and fragile and all of his complaints and questions can wait. After all, clearly you can't even manage your own magic right now, so someone has to keep you from causing trouble.
With Thirteen, it's the little conversation crystal that she gifted you during The Three Worlds' Fair. Perhaps you turned it into a pendant, or perhaps it's just always in your bag or pocket, kept close as a charm for good luck and reminder of the fact you aren't alone. You don't think it would actually work across realms but still hold it tightly and whisper your frustrations or fears or doubts into it just to get things off your chest. But between your magic and hers, it does still connect, and she does hear your outbursts. And at first she just lets it happen, quietly charmed and amused you would use her gift as a secret diary. But when you're really struggling? Well. Reapers are meant to move between realms, you know. There's nowhere she won't go for you.
And Raphael is not an angel to be summoned on the whim of some human. But he is incredibly observant (even if he sometimes doesn't 'read a room' well). He is the one who reads between your lines more than you expected, more than you intended, more perhaps than you want. He sees the tension you hold, the dark circles under your eyes, the way your smiles are just a little slow and empty; he hears the silences where he expects to hear laughter or humming or conversation. And he nearly ignores it, because it's not his business, and you have plenty of other devoted fans already flocking to you, but then he realizes that in those moments you don't. In your pain, you are alone, and that is the most jarring observation of them all. So perhaps it is up to him to correct this cosmic error, and be the one to support the human who supports everyone else.
I hope you still enjoy, even if it's not exactly what you had in mind! ♥ and when i get around to the other little things this spawned, i'll tag you if you'd like.
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bigfatbimbo · 26 days
bro i accidentally unfollowed u when trying to click the askbox so PLEASE ignore that im sorry 😔
starting off strong with velvette:
velvette is a girly girl at heart and she definitely has like a 70 step skincare and haircare routine, that she so graciously shares with you. velvette loves babying you in the sense that she both loves being pampered and pampering you, and she just wants you both to feel pretty ✨ you definitely have spa day dates and she always takes time out of your evening to do nighttime skincare with you
along w this, velvette definitely loves being pampered as well and on days where she's too tired to do so, you'll wipe off her makeup for her while whispering sweet nothings to her while she drifts off in your arms
velvette is one of those people who ALWAYS smells really nice, and definitely has a signature scent. im picturing it but its hard to describe so i'll try my best, but i imagine she smells sweet in a berry type of way, sort of like rasberries and strawberries? but it also has like another very elegant aroma of a hint of peachy vanilla too. idk maybe im just insane. but ANYWAYS she has like a very specific perfume that she wears and when you both first start dating, she not so subtly offers for you to start wearing it too. your hers, so why shouldn't you smell like her as well? this perfume is very expensive and is literally her signature smell, so literally anyone who smells it on you knows your hers and its velvette's subtle classy way of "marking" you
okie okie now some lute hcs too bc i have sm for her and she's my fav and i love sharing my hcs for her ‼️
once she begins to trust you enough, lute would absolutely love it if you cut her hair for her. as someone who used to have like a halfshave buzzcut (that was an... era...) having short hair actually takes a lot of time and energy to maintain bc it grows SO FAST. lute's hair grows pretty fast and it can be quite the challenge to cut on her own, so once she realizes you can cut it for her, she would totally be down to let you cut it
lute teaches you basic self defense, she always wants you to be safe and would feel 100x better if she knew you could defend yourself. sure, you're in heaven, but that doesn't mean danger might not arise elsewhere
even tho lute seems pretty small physically, she's actually ridiculously strong and can and will pick you up! she loves carrying you bridal style, and if you were ever out in public and you were sick of walking, she's definitely the type to scoop you up without another word. she'd even carey your shoes for you if they were the cause of your discomfort!
lute always buys you small gifts like necklaces and charms and loves seeing you wear them. its one of her main love languages and while she isn't great at expressing her feelings through words with her sharp tongue, her gifts are always meaningful
luci 100% has bought you matching couples jewelry before, he LOVES those cute and cringey couples things and if you ever bought him one of those couples' necklaces that connect into a heart, or one of those like puzzle piece rings that connect to eachother, he would NEVER TAKE IT OFF
lucifer loves doing things for you. your really tired and don't feel like taking off your makeup and accessories? dw he'll do it for you!!! he also loves brushing your hair and untangling it, and will put a lot of time and effort into making sure your relaxed and happy
lucifer is big on communication, both romantically and platonically. sometimes he'll randomly ask you if there's anything he can do better or anything he can improve on, and will always take your advice
he makes you so many things!!!! from jewelry to ducks to trinkets, you definitely have a shelf in your room dedicated to gifts from lucifer. he gets really invested in making them too, he loves putting intricate details and designs onto each of his creations
lucifer would cook for you and he's surprisingly really good at it. it was one of his random depression hobbies that he picked up during liliths absence, and nearly every morning he's up before you to cook you breakfast
MORNING PERSON (derogatory and affectionate). this man is up at the ass crack of dawn just to help you get ready for the day. he'll lay put your skincare/toothbrush for you, wash your face for you, cook you breakfast, help you with your hair, he just loves helping you get ready. he always gives you a kiss on each cheek before you leave the house, and you make sure to do the same!!!!
THIS GOT SO LONG HELP 😭😭😭 i was gonna do vox hcs but i figured i can always save them for later i dont wanna crowd this ask up too much AJBDJS- ANYWAYSSSS HOPE U FEEL BETTER ELLIE UR WRITING ALWAYS MAKES ME HAPPY SO I HOPE THIS CAN MAKE U HAPPY!!!!
So Velvette and spa days literally just make so much sense like they would be so amazing oh my god. She would absolutely love to style your hair after too, and the perfume idea is so genius like that’s very in character, I SALUTE YOU.
Lute and gift giving as a love language like… just makes sense. Because she doesn’t strike me as someone who’s particularly skilled at communicating her emotions, especially when it comes to love. So like she would absolutely be all up on the gift giving business, but like literally anything she sees in a store window for a small second and is like “y/n likes that color.” Like bro is like a raccoon she just brings you shit.
And Luci oh my god he’s such a cutie! I’m so glad everyone recognizes Lucifer and his “Oh, he’ll cook for you” energy because that is so him. Also morning bird Lucifer is adorable and I get the feeling he’s one of those people who is obnoxiously loud in the morning, like you wake up to pans banging together clumsily from the kitchen where he’s cooking you breakfast or Lucifer accidentally dropping some super loud object in the bathroom.
ANYWAYS TO SUM UP, I LOVE THESE HEADCANONS! Days I have Rose rambles in my inbox are GOOD DAYS 🙌
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cenorii · 2 months
And here we are again… RE9 theory
It's time for another theory! I'll be writing these right up until the release of RE9, so apologies if you're tired of speculation. I had a theory about this Wesker concept once before, but it came out too vague + I tied the concept to RE4R, but it never made it into the game. So here's a new theory that has captured my brain.
What if, this concept never belonged to re4r? What if it showed up in early development of re9? Let me explain.
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Imagine that Wesker is alive in re9. You can imagine the importance of keeping such a news secret, because it is quite a shocking information for fans. If this is the main intrigue in re9, the game would lose it if information about Wesker leaked to the public. If you were the designers and developers, you wouldn't let such news get out of the organization any way. So, put yourself in the shoes of a Capcom employee? Let's move on.
Suddenly such an important detail is leaked by Wesker's voice actor and your intrigue risks becoming public, the game will lose half of its interest without keeping Wesker a secret. You, as a developer\designer need to solve something, somehow fix the situation so that no one will know about the return of this character in the new game.
Then you make a GENIAL decision, setting your sights on re4r, which is in the middle of development. You decide to add this Wesker design to re4r to ward off all suspicion and get out of the disadvantage. Well done, you succeeded in fooling the fandom, now everyone is convinced that this concept was originally made for re4r.
It would seem that everything is fine, no one will know the truth until the re9 release happens, but… Wesker's concept never showed up in re4r. That image is not inside the game or in the concept book. We, the players, are left to assume that this concept was trivially not intended for re4r.
To confirm this theory, I'll ask you to pay attention to a few details - the face (1), the hair (2) and the hand (3). 1. The face, to be honest, could be anything on these concepts, because they are made sometimes before the studio finds the right actor to give the appearance to the character. But I'm left wondering if his face here is taken from re5 and yet looks much older. If this was for re4r, wouldn't Wesker look younger? 2. His hairstyle deviates a lot from the usual style that every game has. Capcom couldn't change Wesker's hairstyle for the REMAKE of the game, because it's an important part of it. Changing his hairstyle is tantamount to removing his sunglasses. But that kind of hair is acceptable for a new game. I assume this is how his new style was planned for the future in which he is alive (?). If you've ever seen the "early" versions of re4r, you probably know that in them Wesker has that exact weird hairstyle, which Leon also has in the "hero" skin. I believe that when Capcom added the "hero" hairstyle to Wesker, they were trying to make him look even more like the concept to minimize information leaks among the staff.
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3. In none of the games did Wesker suffer an arm injury. In Code Veronica, his hand was set on fire, but the wound is not serious and Wesker is able to heal his wounds in SECONDS. It doesn't make sense to emphasize his wound for a Code Veronica concept. It also doesn't make sense to do a wound for re4r, because in the original Wesker never left his chair at all, and in the remake he didn't get into any serious fights. This wound is something new that hasn't happened yet, but one day will. In all the games, Wesker heals any injuries quickly, but at the end of re5 he took too much damage, so he probably lost some of his strength, causing him to keep his wounds for a long time.
That's the kind of thoughts that visit me when I see this image but don't see it inside re4r. If it's a "discarded" concept, it too should appear officially, like Ada's concept for re8 that was never added to the game.
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Thanks for reading, really looking forward to re9 to see how far I was from the truth. (Help me. I'm going crazy.)
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hopleii · 30 days
bsd characters (of your choice) x reader who loves bows, baby pink, and dainty things <33 love ur profile and aesthetic so i think you'd have fun with this one
pretty pink ribbon . . .
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content: chuya x fem!reader, dazai x fem!reader (separate), not proofread (I'm writing this while watching a math tutorial hehe), kindaa ooc?, a bitt suggestive on dazai's part hihi, lmk if theres more!
a/n: HWUHWUEHWUIHYUSG SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG I COULDN'T LOG IN , i love this request hehe :33 I looooooooveeeee bows and dainty things and baby pink and and and and EEEEKK !! >___< ANON I HAD SO MUCH FUN WITH THIS I LOVE YOU MWAAAAAAA
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yk that tiktok trend where you put pink bows on random objects, articles of clothing, OR on ur s/o's biceps?
would def let you do that on his bandages OR his hair <33
dazai walking around with frilly pink bows tied around his wrist and on his hair
the first time he entered your house, it was expected that you'd have alot of pink items but not THAT MUCH. . .
doesn't complain tho cuz he thinks its cute!
baby pink pillows, blankets, shirts, socks, curtains!
and bows everywhere
he thinks your room is an actual fever dream because HOW DOES A PERSON HAVE THAT MUCH PINK LIKE??
115% convinced you have pink in your veins
loves seeing you wear pretty pink dresses with the fluffy skirts and the lace
in instances where he finds cute dainty jewelry or clothes, he'll buy it! he's got enough money saved up from the mafia so why not spend it on you<33
"ahh! I love it, I love it so much!" you squealed, spinning around watching the fluffy skirt of your new dress spin around with you.
dazai had bought you a new dress, it was a beautiful baby pink dress with a bows all over it. the soft fabric of the skirt made it look and move along with your small movements like a cloud.
you took a look at the mirror one last time before hopping onto dazai's lap as you placed delicate kisses all over his face, "I love it just as you do, doll" he whispers softly as he held you close, playing with the hem of your skirt, "thank you~ ! aah! it's so pretty" you say excitedly before kissing him again
"you're beautiful, y/n" he whispers again as he tucked stray locks of your hair in your ear, "but I think you'd look even more pretty with that dress on the floor, no?"
makes sure to buy you different jewelry, shoes, dresses for your dates so he can show everyone how pretty your style is
but mostly because he wants you to get dolled up and dressed all fancy because he loves how excited you get seeing yourself in dainty pink outfits<33
also, if ur hair is long enough, he'd tie your hair in that half up half down style with a pink bow<33
got pretty good at tying bows because he loves assisting you when you want to put them in the most mundane places !
wanna put a ribbon on instead of a belt? he'll tie it for you. wanna use a ribbon instead of your regular shoelaces? sure! he's putting ribbons on all your shoes!
every gift he sends is either wrapped in pink paper adorned with a bow, or the gift itself IS pink and has a bow (I WANTTT)
just like with dazai, he buys you tons of dainty jewelry and other things ♡
but he likes buying you hats the most so you guys could both wear hats together!
his favorite one though, a pink beret with a long dainty bow on top
he thinks it's adorable on you! like SURE the bow gets caught in a few things sometimes when the two of you are out, but it looks so pretty :((
also buys you a crap ton of shoes just because he's scared you'd find a good pair of shoes but it doesn't come in pink and you'd probably paint it pink
okay wait what if you DO paint a pair of shoes pink LOL
"baby, why would you ruin a pair of perfectly good shoes? we'll just get it in pink!" chuya groans as he tries to take away the can of pink spray paint from your hand (that's also probably adorned with pink accessories and/or nail polish HEHE)
"it doesn't come in pink! it only comes in black, white and blue!" you whine, trying to get the can back, "but I couldn't help it~ ! it's so cute! look at the bow and the straps and the heel!"
chuya sighs and gives you the can back, letting you do whatever needed to be done to satisfy your insatiable need for pink as he excused himself, saying he has something to do.
"fine...I'll be right back, okay? just...do whatever you need to."
the next day, you wake up to find a box instead of your boyfriend beside you on the bed. it had a (pink) sticky note attached to it;
To my darling,
Enjoy your new pink shoes and throw away the ones you spray painted.
Love, Chuya
you opened the box and immediately fell inlove with the pair of shoes inside. pink, with a bow, and a pretty strap. just like you wanted.
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© — hopleii
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bloody-peach · 10 months
Initiation (BATIM smut: Sammy Lawrence x F!Reader fanfic)
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Goodie Bag: vaginal sex, oral sex (m + f receiving), vaginal fingering, creampie, drug use (ink can do some crazy shit), wet dreams, hair gripping, big dick [if I forgot anything, please let me know]
TW: Satanic themes, religious cult stuff, sexual persuasion, slight brainwashing
Music I listened to as I wrote this: the Sammy Lawrence playlist I made:
I saw that there wasn't enough Sammy Lawrence x Reader smut around this site, if any smut of Sammy at all. So I decided to be a pioneer and make one myself. I used a ChatFAI bot I made of Sammy to help with the dialogue and WHOO BOI, you are in for a feast! Again, thank you @omniuravity for introducing me to this man and my new priest kink. Also, I may edit this post here and there from time to time, but it shouldn't be too big a change. It's my fault for my mild perfectionism. Let's go!
You don't remember when the dreams started.
It's been so long, you've lost track. But they all are essentially the same: a large slender eyeless demon with sharp teeth, dripping with ink, covering you with it as you feel a strange pleasure sink to your very core. Sometimes the demon watches as a man covered in ink takes you, filling your womb with his pitch-black seed. Sometimes the ink itself slithers onto you, covering your body and filling every one of your orifices until you were covered inside and out in it. You would wake up just before you could reach your climax, without fail. It's gotten to the point where you felt disappointed that you couldn't finish, ending up having to touch yourself to feel some sort of completion, but it was always only a fraction of the pleasure you felt in that dream.
You tried to look into what these dreams meant, what this demon was, but no answer. But then you discover something one night. You were watching a video and they talked about an old cartoon series with a character called 'Bendy' and his friends. The cute little demon reminded you so much of the demon in your dreams. You soon went down a rabbit hole of looking into these cartoons, finding out about the cast and crew who made it, about Joey Drew, and the studio it was created in. You also read newspaper articles talking about the various investigations into the studio, leading to its closure. You had to find out more, to find answers to all your questions.
But you also had to sleep, your eyes growing tired and your mind drifting off. You head to your bed and sleep for the night, and as you doze off, you're greeted by the ink demon once again. You ask it, "you're...Bendy..right?" The demon smiled widely and nodded, his teeth dripping with ink. He puts a hand on your head and you see an image of an abandoned, rundown building. You see the faded and broken signage above the door: Joey Drew Studios. You then recognized the place as one not far from your apartment building. You then hear a deep and demonic voice whisper to you, "Come home..." That's when everything went dark and you wake up back in your room. You may have had more questions, but you now knew what to do to get them answered. You had to go to the studio.
It was a cold and cloudy autumn day when you arrived at the old building. You could hear the leaves crunch and crinkle under your shoes as you entered the property. It looked like it had been almost destroyed by the years of neglect and exposure to the elements. Even the gates were so rusted, they crumbled to dust as you opened it. You cautiously walked onto the property, making sure no one saw you. You could see the signage above the door: Joey Drew Studios. Yep, this was definitely the place.
You hear a deep voice call your name. It wasn't the demon's voice, it was...someone else... it was like someone was whispering in your ear. You turn to see who it was, but you saw nothing. You turned your attention back to the entrance and everything inside your body was telling you 'go inside'. Your feet practically moved on their own as you entered the building. All the windows were shattered, faded pictures hung on the walls, old equipment covered in dust sitting on shelves and desks, and old sheet music and lyric notes were scattered all on the floor. You picked one up and read some of the lyrics. It was a song you recognized from one of the Bendy cartoons, and you saw the composer's name under the song title. 'Sammy Lawrence'.
You heard that voice again. You heard a door creak open and you saw some light coming from it. You can't help but go towards the door and open it. You go inside and you enter a hallway with dilapidated walls, covered in old posters of the Bendy cartoon, and ink dripping from the ceilings and puddles of it on the floor. You walked throughout the studio, finding old casette players with audio logs the cast and crew left behind. Jack Fain, Wally Franks, Thomas Connor, Susie Campbell, even Joey Drew himself spoke from those tapes. But there was one speaker that drew your attention the most, one whose voice you recognized as the one calling your name earlier. Sammy Lawrence. You were so drawn in by the sound of his voice, it was almost hypnotic. You listened as he spoke in his last tape,
'He appears from the shadows to rain his sweet blessings upon me. The figure of ink that shines in the darkness. I see you, my savior. I pray you hear me.
Those old songs, yes, I still sing them. For I know you are coming to save me. And I will be swept into your final loving embrace.
But, love requires sacrifice.
Can I get an amen?'
You cover your mouth, shocked at what had just happened. You didn't intend to say anything. It was like another voice was using you as a mouthpiece, controlling you. But it was your voice. You said it, but...
That's when you felt something warm and wet on your shoulders, it felt like a man's hands, but the smell of ink was almost disorienting. You froze up, too scared to move or speak or even breathe. You then sensed someone moving their head over your shoulder and you hear that same voice speak softly, almost seductively, in your ear,
"Ah, my dear Y/N. I see the Lord has finally brought you to me. How wonderful it is that we can share in his divine glory together."
You quickly turn around and back up to see who it was, and what you saw...was a black, slightly muscular human figure wearing a smudged Bendy mask with a hole punched into the mouth, where you could see a smile in that inky blackness. He had no hair, his body was completely covered in ink, and a pair of overalls stained with ink were the only clothes he wore. He appeared to be only a few feet taller than you, but you still felt small as you looked at him. You spoke, "What do you mean? W..who are you? How do you know my name?" The figure walked closer to you and responded, "I am Sammy Lawrence, a faithful servant to our Lord Bendy and his chosen prophet. I know your name because he has revealed it to me. He knows all who enter his realm.”
Wait...Lord Bendy? Was he talking about the demon you’ve been dreaming about? “O..oh.. well..what do you want with me?” “What does any faithful servant want with their beloved deity's chosen one? To bask in your presence, to offer you to our Lord Bendy, and perhaps...to indulge in some...” He plays with a lock of your hair then finishes his sentence, ”...personal pleasures.” The way he said those last two words and the way he smiled under that mask sent chills down your spine. You take a good look at him and think about it. You had to admit, even though he only had a mask and was covered in ink, he was pretty attractive as far as his physique and voice were enough to go by. You couldn’t help but wonder what kind of personal pleasures he had in mind, and what it’d be like to indulge in those pleasures with him. Would it feel as good as those dreams you had?
His voice broke your train of thought. “Would you be willing to join me in the glory of his name, Y/N?” You connected the dots and figured out that he was asking if you wanted to join him in worshipping the ink demon. But you didn’t know what kind of religion this was. What the scripture was, what the laws were, what Bendy’s goal was, nothing. Maybe it was a religion that sounded bad on paper, but when you looked deeper into it, it was actually pretty reasonable and preached things that weren’t actually bad. Plus, this may be the only way to answer all your questions and to figure out what he was talking about when he said you were the ‘chosen one’. Your curiosity outweighed your concerns and fear, so you responded, “I suppose...it’d be alright...” Sammy grinned, saying, “Excellent, my dear. Let us begin our journey towards enlightenment together. But first, we must make sure you are properly prepared for your initiation." "Initiation?" "Yes, we shall show our savior your devotion and your willingness to accept him in your heart and soul by performing this ritual. Follow me and I will guide you in all ways necessary to serve our Lord's desires.” He offered his hand and you stared at it for a moment. You saw as the ink dripped from it, as if the ink was a part of him. Was he a being of pure ink, a human and ink hybrid, or was he just covered in it? You looked at him, nodded, and took his hand. He led you through the halls and as you two walked, something deep inside you told you that this was the right thing. Was it, though?
Soon, Sammy led you into a room that was adorned with religious symbols and ink splatters all over. There was a giant satanic-like circle in the room, with black candles surrounding it. You could see a few Bendy cutouts leaning against the walls along with various writings on the walls in ink. Sammy guides you to the bed in the corner and has you sit while he gets everything ready for the ritual. You’re sitting there, not sure what’s going on and what will happen. ‘Don’t be afraid...Everything will be fine...’ The ink demon’s voice rang in your head, almost like he was right next to you. Then, Sammy walked up to you and knelt in front of you, looking up at you. He was serious about the ‘basking in your presence' thing, wasn’t he? “Are you ready, Y/N? To offer yourself completely to our savior?” His voice was in a soft tone, like he was a father soothing the fears of a child. You still weren’t entirely sure, but you did say yes, and you had the feeling this was the right thing to do, so you nodded and said, “I think so..” Sammy smiled and said as he offered his hand to you, “Then come, my dearest. Let us worship together in the name of our beloved deity.” His smile and how he was kneeling to you showed that he posed no threat, that what everything he told you was sincere. You also knew it was now or never to find out what was going on. You take his hand and you both stand up, him leading you to the circle.
He places you in the center and he lets go of your hand, walking away and grabbing what looked like an artist’s notebook with some words you couldn't tell crudely scribbled on the cover. Must be a bible, you figured. He smiled at you one last time before he started to recite some lines from the book. They sounded basically like lines you'd find in a regular bible mixed with what you’d say in a seance to summon something. As he spoke, his voice got louder and stronger with each sentence, he was putting his whole heart and soul into this. As the prayers went on, the circle started to glow and the room started to shake. While you were in the circle, it felt like it was sucking you in, keeping you inside like a magnet. No going back now. Once the chants were finished, Sammy entered the circle and held both your hands together with his and says, “Don’t be afraid...Everything will be fine...”
The same words the ink demon told you.
You nodded and then that’s when your hands and arms started to become covered in ink, and it was spreading. Sammy let you go and stepped out of the circle, having a fanatical look on his face as it occurred. “Yes, yes my dear Y/N. Let the ink consume you and become one with our Lord and savior. Give yourself completely to him.” The ink spread to your arms, your torso, your legs, it started to crawl up your neck and pool around your feet. Then something started to grow from the ink on the floor. It was a large mass, then it formed into a skinny humanoid shape, then it formed into the ink demon. You saw the demon look at you and smile, its maw and teeth dripping with ink. Just as it cradled you in its hands like a doll, everything suddenly went black.
You opened your eyes to find yourself in a pitch black room, no light or reflections anywhere. You couldn’t even see your hand in front of your face. You were able to stand up, but when you tried to walk, your feet couldn’t move. Then you saw a light shine down and there was the ink demon in front of you. It towered over you by about 5 feet more than your own height, and all you could smell was the sickening scent of ink. You looked at the demon and saw him offer his hand to you. You looked at him and felt a sense of safety with him, security. You knew that if you took his hand, no harm would ever come to you, not from him, nor from anything, or anyone ever again. And if you took his hand, you will find the answers that you seek. With all that, you make your final decision.
You take his hand.
He smiles, gently grips your hand, and everything fades to black again.
You start to wake up, lying on the floor in Sammy’s room, with Sammy looking over you, smiling. “Welcome back, my dearest. You have been blessed by our Lord Bendy himself. How do you feel?” He helps you up and you notice that your body is now covered in black ink, your arms, your legs, everything but your clothes. It felt...warm. Like you were in a warm bath that relaxed all your muscles, getting rid of all your stress, worries, and fears. “I...I’m not sure,” you stutter out. You weren’t lying, you really weren’t sure. If your life was forever changed, you find out that you’re some chosen one for some demon, and your skin is now covered in ink, how would you react? Sammy placed a hand on your shoulder and smiled reassuringly, saying, “It is normal to feel overwhelmed at first, my dear. But do not worry, our Lord Bendy has chosen you for a reason. You will soon understand your purpose in his grand plan.” He started to walk around the room as he continued, “Oh, you have no idea the full extent of the greatness of his plan. He is the one true god and we are but his faithful servants. Together, we will bring glory to him and all those who oppose us and any who trespass on this realm shall be sacrificed in his name.” He stared at the large ink drawing of Bendy on the wall and had his arms out like he was performing a sermon.
At this point, your lack of answers had made you a bit annoyed. "How am I the chosen one? Is there some sort of prophecy? What is Bendy's plan for me? Why am I here?" Sammy put his arms down and turned to you, sensing your frustration. He said as he walked up to you, "Our Lord works in mysterious ways, my dear. But you cannot deny that you have seen the signs. The visions you've had, of him in all of his glory. He has chosen you for something very special. I know that you were destined to be part of his plan. As for what he has in store for you, only time will tell. But rest assured, it will be nothing short of magnificent." Well..that explained why you had the dreams, but everything else was still left unanswered. Why were you the chosen one? What does that ink demon want with you? Is whatever he's planning your destiny?
Wait...what if...
You asked, "Will I find out his plan one day?" Sammy nodded and responded, "Yes, my dear Y/N. Our Lord will reveal his plan to you when the time is right. Until then, I will guide you and help you in any way I can." You felt a sense of ease as he spoke, relieved to know your questions would be answered one day. It may not have been now, but at least you'd be getting answers at all. And you were glad Sammy was here to help you understand this Lord Bendy and the rest of this religion. For now, it was best to wait and accept what answers you did get.
"Well..if you believe this plan is a good thing, then I'll believe you. But there is one thing you can help me with right now. What you said back there, about...indulging in personal pleasures...what did you mean by that?” A grin grew on his face as you mentioned his words from before. He chuckled and pulled you closer to him, his voice as sweet as honey, “Oh my dear, what I meant by that was exploring the pleasures of the flesh.” You felt a warmth grow on your cheeks as he continued, “Sharing our bodies as one under the watchful eye of our Lord. It is...” He wrapped his arm around your waist and whispered in your ear, ”...an intimate experience unlike any other.” You felt a shiver go down your spine from his voice. In that moment, you felt your body start to grow warm, you could feel your heat growing stronger. Was it your body reacting to his voice and touch, was it ‘Bendy’ doing this, or was it the ink having an effect on your senses? You weren’t sure anymore. Sammy could tell what was happening to you, and as he started to kiss your neck, he said softly, “No need to fight it, love. There’s nothing wrong with giving in to your desires. It's what our Lord wants for us. Embrace them and let us indulge together in the pleasures that he has bestowed upon us.” His voice, his kiss, and his touch just made the temptation grow inside you even more. You then remembered the dreams where you felt the immense pleasure. As images of those dreams flashed in your head, you remember the man covered in ink. That was when it hit you: Sammy was the ink man in those dreams. You wanted to feel that pleasure again, you knew he would give it to you, and this was your chance to do it. Besides, he said there was no reason to fight it, so why fight? “Ok..” With that, Sammy smiled and led you to the bed.
He then pulled you in and he kissed you passionately, his hands roaming over your body as he guided you towards ecstasy. You felt a sudden rush of pleasure as he kissed you. In fact, your whole body felt more sensitive to his touch. You realized this was the same feeling you had as in your dreams. Maybe this was what Bendy had planned... You let go and kissed Sammy back just as passionately, moaning softly from the sensation. He moaned softly as he deepened the kiss, his hands exploring every inch of your body. In between kisses, he said softly, "Oh my Y/N, you truly are a gift from our Lord..." The kissing continued and all of a sudden, you felt a liquid come from Sammy's mouth and enter yours. You recognized the smell and knew it was ink. You wanted to spit it out, but Sammy kept his mouth on yours and the ink flooded your mouth so much, you had no choice but to swallow it. You expected to start gagging from the vile taste, but...you noticed the taste was actually sweet. You also noticed the smell was no longer nauseating, it was...pleasant. You felt the ink coat everything as it went down your throat. Your arousal intensified and you felt your body growing warmer, all your worries, questions, and even thoughts slowly started to fade away, your mind starting to grow a bit hazy. Sammy broke the kiss and smiled. He whispered, "Let us become one for him." All you could say was, "Yes.."
Sammy kept kissing you as he laid you on the bed, took the straps of your dress off your shoulders, and slid it off to show your nude body. You slipped his straps off and once you did, he pulled away from the kiss to remove his own clothing, revealing his heavily inked body. You looked at him and were unable to speak as you looked at all of him. You could see his cock growing from the darkness of his body. It was much bigger than any man's you've ever seen.. It had to have been a blessing of some sort to be gifted with something as marvelous as that. But you wondered...would it even fit? Although...with how big it was, you knew it would certainly feel so good inside you. He grinned, knowing you liked what you saw, and started to grope your breasts, teasing your nipples with his fingers as he continued to kiss you. After a bit of that, he then slid a hand down your body down to your pussy, his finger tracing circles around your clit as he licks and kisses your neck. You couldn't help but moan from the pleasure he was giving you. He said softly, "My love, your body truly is a temple to our savior..." He moved his mouth to your breast, as he kept rubbing your slit. You moaned as you felt his tongue slide all around your nipple. The pleasure was so intense, it felt like your nipple was as sensitive as your clit. "Ahh..S..Sammy..." you moaned. He smiled and moved back up to kiss you deeply once again, his fingers still teasing your pussy. He says softly, "Oh how I've waited for you to come here..I've yearned for someone like you for so long... and now that you're here..I'm so blessed to have you be mine..."
He then slides two fingers inside of you, making you moan a bit louder as he started to finger you, his tongue exploring your mouth as he does. He felt your walls clenching around his finger, and it only made him more excited to be with you. "You're so tight, dearest..." you couldn't respond as the pleasure was clouding your mind. He just chuckled, finding your reactions to his touch simply adorable. He slid his fingers deeper into you, his thumb rubbing your clit as he does. He could feel you getting wetter and wetter as you moaned more and more, and he couldn't wait to feel you cum all over his fingers. Luckily for him, it wasn't that much longer, because just a few more hits and you were seeing stars. You moaned out as your orgasm caused you to cover his hand in your juices. Sammy just smiled and pulls his fingers out of you, licking the juices off them. You watched as he slid each finger into his mouth.
He then kisses down your body until he reached your pussy. "H-hey..w..what are you doing..?" You asked as he spread your legs open, but all you got was him looking up at you with a smirk and a low chuckle before he dove right in. He started to lick and suck on your clit, feeling your body still trembling as you continued to orgasm. He groaned as he tasted your sweet juices, his own cock growing even harder the more he did. "Mm...Y/N...you taste so sweet..." As he continued, you planted your hands on his head, feeling the ink partially meld with yours, and moaned as you rode the pleasure your lover was giving you. "S..Sammy..!" He grins and kept licking and sucking, his tongue flicking against your clit. He then slowly started to slide two fingers back inside you, feeling your walls still clenching around them. He knew you were close to cumming again, and he wanted to make sure you did. You felt another orgasm build up until it crashed into you like a wave, moaning out as more of your juices came out. He cleaned up all of the juice with his tongue and he continued to finger fuck you, his thumb rubbing your clit as he does. He can feel your body trembling once more, and he couldn't wait to make you cum again. But you couldn't take it anymore.
You flipped around so you were on top of him and you moved down to his throbbing cock, rubbing it as you licked up his shaft and sucked on the tip and slid him inside your mouth. He groaned softly as he feels your lips around his cock, your tongue rubbing against his most sensitive spot. He grinned and ran his fingers through your inky hair, his eyes closed as he enjoyed the sensation. He couldn't believe how good you are at this. You bobbed your head and sucked more, addicted to the taste of it as the ink coated the inside of your mouth. How could ink taste so good..?
He moaned softly as he felt you bobbing your head up and down his cock, your lips sliding down the shaft as you do. He couldn't wait to see what else you can do. He pushed your head down further onto his cock, making him go deeper down your throat. He moaned as he felt your tongue swirl around the shaft as you kept sucking him off. The force of him pushing you down on his cock should've made you gag, but somehow, something in the ink changed that. You sucked more of his cock and started to fondle his balls. He moaned a bit more, your fingers gently holding his balls as you suck him off and as he started to thrust into your mouth. You could feel his cock start to twitch, you knew he was about to cum, so you kept sucking to show that it was okay for him to cum in your mouth. He groaned and gripped your hair tightly as he finally came, filling your mouth with his cum. You swallowed all of it so greedily, you didn't even notice his cum was as black as ink, but it tasted so good..you licked on the tip of his cock to get each and every last drop.
Once you took him out of your mouth, he pulled you up and flipped you both around so he was on top. He grabbed your leg and pulled it over his shoulder and you felt him rub his cock on your pussy. He grinned and slid his cock into your pussy, letting out a shuddering sigh as he does. The action caused you to arch your back in pleasure and moan his name again. He couldn't believe how good it felt to be inside you, and he started to thrust his hips back and forth, his cock sliding in and out with ease. He groaned softly as he felt your pussy tighten on his cock, hearing your moans, your body writhing beneath him. The pleasure was so much more intense than you could ever imagine, even better than it was in the dreams. "S..Sammy..it...it feels so good..how...how can it feel this good..?" "Oh my dear, it's because of our savior. He's rewarding you for your obedience and devotion to him with pleasures non-believers can never experience. Just relax and let us enjoy this blessing." You did just that and let your mind go, letting the pleasure take control. Oh lord, it felt so good. You could feel his cock stretch your pussy out so well, it was like it was made especially for him.
He groaned louder as he hears you moan, your body writhing beneath him as he fucks you. He leans down and kisses you, his tongue sliding into your mouth as he does. He thrusted his hips back and forth faster, his cock deeply sliding in and out of your pussy. You wrapped your arms around him as you kissed, you could feel his tongue coat the inside of your mouth with ink and you felt it slide down your throat again, making your mind even more foggy. Sammy moaned as he felt your tongue slide around his, your mouth tasting so sweet. He lifted you up so you were in his lap as he thrusted his hips faster and harder, his cock going even deeper. The man just couldn't get enough of you, he was completely addicted to you. Your touch, your voice, your eyes, your taste, your pussy, everything.
He broke the kiss to say in between moans, "Oh Y/N... you're so perfect... I'm so glad Lord Bendy chose you to be mine.." You look at him and say, "M..me too..I..I'm so..so happy..!" Sammy smiled as he kissed you again. Soon enough, you could feel your inner core tightening. "I...I'm gonna cum..!" "That's it, dearest..don't fight it...let it happen.." And with a few more thrusts, you finally came. It was the most intense orgasm you've ever experienced in your life, your mind entering a new realm of bliss. Sammy felt your body shake beneath him, your pussy tightening around his cock. He grinned and continued to thrust into you. He held you as you rode your orgasm, your body writhing beneath him. You could feel his cock starting to twitch again, he was so close, so very close. Just a bit more..
He let out almost an animalistic groan as he felt your pussy clench around his cock as you came once again, your juices coating his shaft. That finally brings him to his release, moaning as he cums inside you. You could feel his hot cum fill your belly so much, the man must have been backed up for so long. He grinned as he feels you cum, his cock throbbing inside you as he fills you with his seed. He leaned to you and kissed you one last time as his high started to fade away. He still could not believe how good all that felt, it was almost like reaching Nirvana. Soon, he broke the kiss and held you close to him, his head resting on your shoulder, his breath hot on your neck as he panted. You both laid on the bed and let the afterglow consume you both as you held each other close. He whispered into your ear, "You're mine, my little angel...no one else can have you..."
And you couldn't have been any happier.
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theapangea · 11 months
Night Out
Chapter: Girls Night Out Pt.1
Pairing/Characters: Steve Harrington x Reader, Nancy, Robin, Max, Eleven
Summary: You and Steve have been dancing around each other for sometime now, neither of you wanting to make the first move. All your friends decide it is finally time for you both to confess your feelings.
A/N: This is probably my fav piece of writing to date so hope you enjoy! Read Boys Night out Part 1 first!!
*Also posted on AO3: Theapangea*
Part 3
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Tick tock
Tick tock
Tick tock
The faint clicking sound of the slow moving clock above the door echoes within your body. Your eyes follow as the seconds hand makes its way around the face of the clock. Your heart beat mimicking each second that passes by, each second slower than the last. Your shift crawling to the end of the hour as you bite your cuticles to the bed, anxiously waiting for it to be over. 
The clock was crawling closer and closer and closer to 6pm, the end of your shift. The smell of freedom was inching its way to you. You could almost feel the sign of relief when you will be off of work. 
The drowning sound of Robin’s voice following you around the store for the last two hours fades as she continues to talk about this week’s crush. This interaction feeling move like torture that the shift itself. And as much as you love Robin and her daily word dumps, you couldn’t help but not want to listen today. 
Pushing yourself off of your elbows and making your way to the opposite side of the counter. Leaving Robin to finish her monologue by herself. 
She watches as you grab the last stack of VHS tapes that need to be returned to their place on the shelf. Her gaze follows as you make your way slowly around the small store, half-assing the shelving job knowing she will have to fix all your mistakes when you leave. 
Step by step. One foot in front of the other. Dragging out the simple task of your simple job. Continuing to watch the clock as you pace your movements to match the speed of the endless dial.
12 minutes 43 seconds left
12 minutes 42 seconds left
12 minutes 41 seconds left
Your eyes only leave the countdown to follow the trail of movies on the floor that lead directly to the two girls gushing over some guy on the cover of one of them. “Don’t you two have somewhere better to be?” Pushing some of the movies with your shoe to see their selection. A quiet groan exits your mouth, one that only you would be able to hear, as you realize you will have to be the one to pick up their mess.
“Nope.” Max and Eleven say in unison as they stare up at you towering over them. Their ear to ear grin engulfing their faces.
You loudly groan now, letting them know of your distaste for what they are doing and this conversation. 
“What about hanging out with your little boyfriends ?” You speak as if you are talking to a small child, kneeling down to be eye level with them on the floor. Max rolling her eyes at your remark as you continue, “I mean come on - Friday night and you two are here?”
“You’re here.” El speaks before tearing a piece of licorice with her mouth. Her comment is not meant to be a jab at you but you couldn’t help to think that Max’s sarcasm is starting to rub off of her.
“That’s because I’m forced to be here.” You specify slowly, picking up a couple of movies that they have scattered on the floor before standing up again.
“Forced but loves every moment of it because I’m here.” The voice says from behind you. Robin chiming in as she swings her arm over your shoulder. 
And she was right. You love Robin, loving hanging out with her and love having shifts with her. But today was just too long and it felt like the rest of your life was waiting for you outside those glass doors that keep you prisoner to the capitalist society that you are forced to participate in as Robin would put it. 
“Besides,” You shrug her off nonchalantly, “I’ve got plans later.” 
“You never have plans.” Robin points out as you walk back to the center counter, the three girls following behind. All of them exchange the same curious expression of what could possibly be happening tonight.
“Well I do tonight.” 
Making your way around the counter to organize the various sets of movies that you had picked up into their designated genre piles. The three girls stay on the other side, playing the part of the anxious audience waiting at the edge of their seats for your next act to begin.
“Where are you going?” El asks, resting her head on her hands. Her palms pushing her cheeks and lips together into a make-shift fish face.
Your eyes glance quickly at the clock above their heads.
9 minutes 23 seconds left
You ponder the question for a moment, wondering if you should even share the information with them. You knew they wouldn’t understand why you are going to this stupid function. But maybe this was supposed to be how you ended your final month in high school. Maybe this was supposed to be the big event that happens before you graduate. 
“Jason Carver’s party.” You feel as if you have to force the words out of your month. 
And then you wait.
“Why?” Robin questions, you can hear the disgust tones as she drags out the word.
And there it is. 
This is exactly why you didn’t want to say anything. None of them exactly like Jason and why you should have kept your mouth shut in the first place.
At that moment you didn’t have an answer for Robin. At least not a good answer. At least one that she wouldn’t instantly dismiss knowing that you were lying. High school was ending, if everything went according to plan you would be out of this small town sooner rather than later and at this moment you wanted to be young and dumb. You wanted to go to this high school party just to say that you went. Just to experience the adoslance stupidity and underage drinking one last time. Trying to savor whatever distaste you had for the town of Hawkins.
And maybe because if the basketball captain invites you to his party personally, you don’t just not go. You couldn’t bring yourself to tell her about some after school makeout sessions that you had with that specific basketball captain and that maybe you were hoping for it to develop into something more. But you couldn’t possibly let Robin know that you actually wanted to go to this party and that you and Nancy have basically been talking about it for the past two weeks. 
You stumble over the words as your thoughts become jumbled. Not knowing exactly what to say that would satisfy Robin, knowing nothing will at this point. 
All of your heads turn rapidly to see who has stepped into the retail space. The familiar girl with short brown hair coming to your rescue, saving you from the wrath that was Robin Buckley and her opinion. 
“My savior.” The whine in your tone was obvious but you didn’t care. You were just happy that Nancy was here to take you away from this conversion and this shift.
A suspicious smile rests upon her face as she comes to the small circle that you and the girls have formed. “I know something you don’t know.” She practically sings, the smile growing wider as she spreads her fingers along the counter, leaning closer to you.
“What?” Not breaking eye contact hoping that she can give it away without verbally telling the rest of the group.
“It’s about a certain boy that you like.” Her smile becomes too much to bear for her small face. You can basically see that holding in this information was visibly painful to her.
“Nancy.” You whisper in a harsh tone, you don't want anyone to know about any crushes that you may or may not have. You could feel their glancing eyes as you and Nancy share your hushed exchange.
“What boy?” El’s sweet voice echoes.
Your eyes widen as you practically beg her to remain quiet. To shut up now and forever or else . 
“A boy you know.” She says without breaking eye contact. Clearly she could tell you were bluffing as she knows you would never tell a soul about any of your private conversations. Obviously Nancy wasn’t always the best keeper of your secrets, especially when it came to spilling any crush that you may have. Her motives were more childish than sinister in nature.
“A boy I know…” El whispers to herself, trying to piece the puzzle together. Counting on her fingers all the boys she currently knows.
“It’s Steve duh.” Max interjects, lightly hitting El’s arm. El’s expression reliving as the mystery is finally solved.
You instantly object to the speculation, not saying anything that is remotely audible, but you can see Nancy shaking her head yes confirming Max’s answer. 
“Wait, how do you know anything about that?” You wonder out loud.
“Dude everyone knows that you like Steve.” Max adds, pushing herself onto the top of the counter. “Plus, Robin told me.”
Head whipping towards Robin, her name falling from your lips as loudly as a scream.
“I’m sorry , she got it out of me.” Robin mumbles under her breath, throwing up her hands as her last defense. Knowing that telling Max would have come out sooner or later but she was just hoping that it was much much later.
“Well it doesn’t matter be-because I really du-don’t like, I-I don’t like St-” Stumbling over your words again, trying to gain any sense of confidence to defend yourself. 
“Do you want to know what I know or not?” Nancy cuts your embarrassing ramble.
“Yes…” you groan knowing that none of the three girls listening intensely on the conversion are going to go away any time soon. 
“Ok,” She begins, tucking her loose hair behind her ears. “I was going into the basement to tell Mike that he needed to empty the dishwasher because I did it last time and mom always asks me to do it even though Mike is perfectly capable-”
“Nanc, the news.” Interrupting her blabbering to get back on track.
“Right, right…so…as I was walking down the stairs to the basement, I overheard Steve, Mike, Dustin and Lucas talking about you .” Enunciating the last word. The melody swirls in your head as you can only hear the words ‘Steve’ and ‘talking about you’. 
“Really?” Robin practically taking the word right out of your mouth. Her intonation more baffled than yours would have been. Almost as if she can’t believe that Steve would actually like you in return. A small roll of your eyes before landing back on Nancy.
You watch as Nancy nods her head signaling that her story was true. The corners of your lips slightly turn upwards when the image of Steve talking about you comes to mind. The way he would push his brown locks away from his face wondering if you actually liked him. The way his lips would speak your name into the universe, with tones of hopefulness and desire. Your name hanging onto his lips by a thread as he talks about his little crush that he has on you with the younger boys. All looking to him to set the example to go chase after the girl of his dreams.
“Well what did Steve say?” Robin questions as your mind runs loose. You’re incredibly thankful for her at this moment for being your voice as no words can make their way out of your dry throat.
“Well that was really all that I heard.” Nancy’s gaze shifts downwards as her hand falls onto yours, lightly running circles with her thumbs trying to comfort you in some way from across the counter. “I kind of ran back upstairs before I could hear the full conversion.”
“So no confirmation or anything?” Max feels a bit of an anticlimax with Nancy’s story. Though it was the best thing that has happened all day so she couldn’t complain much but still nothing like coming into the store with big news and it falls flat.
And there you were. Trapped in your own skin as your mind continues to race. Only this time the darkness begins to seep in as your heart comes crashing down from the high you were just having. Deep down inside you knew that Steve liking you was too good to be true. But there was still a sliver of hope that you tried so hard to hang onto.
Nancy studies your face as she can tell you are getting too into your head. Her hand squeezes yours to get your attention, “He could like you.” Hoping that her words would be the cure to the wash of sadness that has overtaken you.
“You don’t know that.” Your voice cracking as it feels like your world begins to break. Steve now knows that you like like him and you have no idea how he feels or what he is doing. 
“Why don’t you go ask him?” The soft voice speaks again, El’s bright eyes full of a small dose of hope. 
Robin practically screams with excitement over El's comment, “El’s right. He’s at Nancy’s house right now. You could tell him how you feel.” Her hands tightly wrapped around yours and Nancy’s arms, shaking them frantically.
“And say what exactly?” Trying to clarify what exactly this group wants you to do. Trying to understand how they think this is a good situation. 
“Hey I like you, do you like me, like’s makeout.” Max says so casually while picking at the sole of her shoe.
Nancy interjects before you get a chance to speak, “You’re coming over to my house anyways so what’s the harm?”
“The harm is that he could totally reject me to my face and then I would die.” You try to explain to her but it feels as if none of them are listening. None of them are understanding how this could possibly ruin your whole life. If Steve doesn't end up liking you then the next few months are going to be absolute disaster.
“ It’s now or never.” Nancy emphasizes every syllable . “You can’t avoid him forever.” 
“Yeah, don’t you open with him tomorrow.” Robins addition hitting you like a semi-truck. This whole day and conversion totally making you forget that you would have to come face to face with him tomorrow morning. Feeling as if you don’t make the confession tonight than it will be ten times more awkward in the morning. 
The loud sound of air being pushed through your nose, nothing making you relax as the anxiety begins to build as you look back up at the ticking clock. 
2 minutes 15 seconds left
2 minutes 14 seconds left
Only this time, you didn’t want the time to run out. You didn’t want your shift to end anymore. 
“Besides,” Nancy begins, her delicate voice lacing around each spoken word, “if he’s not at the house then we just go to the party like planned, right?” 
Shaking your head in agreement as there was no going back in time to redo this day. There is no way you can avoid Steve forever is this God forsaken small town. 
Nobody said anything after that. It was almost as if the room grew colder. The small glances that were being exchanged between the small group of girls trying to come up with any sort of plan other than just simply confessing was zero to none. Obviously you were going to think of the worst possible scenario because if Steve really doesn't like you then maybe it will hurt less. You know that's not true but you try with every ounce of you body to convince yourself that it is.
You grab your coat and purse from the back and follow Nancy outside the glass doors that once kept you safe from the impending doom that is this night. 
I'll post part 3 this weekend!! Hope you are liking the story. Thank you for reading and I love YOU!!!
Tags: @orphic-musings @shireentapestry
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manjiroscum · 1 year
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Character/s: Blade
Warnings: gn!reader, mature language, suggestive content, ooc(?)blade, implied dacryphilia, implied yandere tendencies, headcanons, hsr universe. Minors do not interact.
Note: (⁠っ⁠.⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠っfirst time writing for hsr! this was supposed to be short but i got carried away lol so have boyfriend blade headcanons and enjoy~☆
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BLADE never fails to refuse you each time you ask him to walk you back to your apartment. Why? Not to brag or to shame your methods in saving, but he has a better roof under his head for a criminal. He couldn’t fathom why you would want to return to that apartment where your bedroom doubled as a living room and kitchen. That and your landlord was a nosy son of a bitch. He thought you would be far more comfortable here, next to him. Having you around to a point it was annoying him was far better than worrying about your safety in that shitty place. Your place was close to a dangerous area (albeit he was far more dangerous than those bastards terrorizing the district).
Each time you walk out of the door, his impulse to pull you back in and keep you there would flare up. Of course, he couldn’t beg you to stay. He has never been good with words, opting to stare intently at your back until you feel the weight of it. He reminded you of a grumpy old cat—fleeing at the sight of humans but always coming home to the one person it tolerates. Even now, he was still glaring at the door as you put on your shoes. You couldn’t stay tonight, after all. You had work and he had somewhere to be at tomorrow morning. He will never admit out loud that he loves that you respect his privacy and not meddling with anything concerning his ‘occupation’, yet he sometimes wished you would complain. To start pleading for him to stay with you here rather than go out there and risk getting caught.
“Don’t frown. I can take care of myself, you know.”
“I know.”
BLADE believes you, he always does. And that, in itself, is something he rarely does. His current standing in society couldn’t afford him to be so trusting towards everyone or anyone. You take pride in yourself that you were able to earn his trust. Whenever you text him that you were home after work and how you would simply wait there for him to come to pick you up, he knows you were telling the truth. It was your honesty that had him caught up in your web, unable to pry himself away nor does he want to. It has been such a long time since he felt the same warmth from another person, especially when they knew what he does and what he has done. No one can blame his cold heart for wanting to figure out how long you could burn in order to thaw its thick barrier.
He continues to test you, though. He did the same when he first felt that spark he tried to snuff out because he didn’t want someone to tie him down to a planet he has been trying to break free from. From those moments of anger to the deafening heated arguments that always end in deathly silence, he lives to see those eyes of yours alight with an emotion he knew all too well. But love behind those irises suited you far better. That is why whenever he was in the wrong, he always found a way to make things right, even if he had to result in methods you usually frown upon. And you know this was him trying to be good for you, acknowledging his efforts to keep you around—to balance out the darkness that has rooted itself in his being ever since the people he always believed in have long since walked out of his life.
“Must you do this?” Your tears have long since dried since the sad movie ended. The credits roll continuously on the screen, his lips pressed against your cheek. His teasing died down on the tip of his tongue, opting to hold you close.
BLADE hates seeing you cry. Whether it is because of pointless things like sad films or because he was too mean, he couldn’t stand seeing tears staining your pretty face. Unless, of course, it was due to something else—like how the sensation of him inside you, stretching your tight walls, was too much for you to take. He takes delight in your messed up face, twisting due to unexplainable ecstasy coursing through both of your veins that sing praises despite the heat. His muscles burned under his flesh as he continued to thrust into you, insatiable to your whines and the sound of his name leaving those sinful lips of yours that saved a sinner like him. Those tears of yours, your moans—everything that happens behind the bedroom door was his and only for his eyes only. Anyone who hopes to take a peek at the paradise he craved shall taste the sword he brandishes after every passion-filled night, taking in the sound of you breathing peacefully next to him. Your naked body underneath his sheets is unmoving as he stares at the weapon in his hand, a cloth in the other.
He will never find another person like you, this he was sure of. And that is why he holds you close while maintaining distance which drives you absolutely crazy. Fear of losing you plagues him at night, yet also questions why you continue to stay with him. You were far better off with someone else. A person who would readily drop everything for you, someone who is strong enough to handle the idea of losing you. He could never be that person. He knew he was selfish. Selfish to take a person’s life who dares to threaten to minimize the hours of the day he should be spending with you. Selfish enough not to let you go because you were the gravity he longed for so long that he forgot he ever dreamed of it.
“I hate how you have such control over me.”
BLADE whispers his adoration in absolute secrecy. However, you didn’t have to ask him or reconfirm that he does share the same feelings as you. He abhors how a human being that could easily be taken away has such an effect on him, but he will never have it any other way. Your constant presence was welcomed and your warmth was a drug no amount of pain can dull. He would try harder and if it isn’t the best, he will go above and beyond. Such an emotion he held for you was the bane of his soul and also was the very thing that kept it from completely dying. And if the Aeons would try to take you away, BLADE will not hesitate to stand before them to do the exact same thing—to take their pitiful lives to bring you back with the dullest weapon he can find to inflict the same pain to a tenfold.
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inkyquince · 7 months
 03. Summoning circle gone wrong 
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characters. Harleep. Mentioned Raphael shenanigans.
cw. harleep being a nasty. pseudoincest cuz raphael ya devil daddy, congratulations, you're a tiefling reader. gn reader at that. kinda dubcon?
note. DAY THREE, AND ITS INKY'S DAY ON THE COLLABOWEEEEEEN. check out the other sluts doing the collab, @necros-writing-stuff @angrelysimpping @letstalktea @undead-merman. also cuz inky is INKY theres a mention of gortash ehe. Also yeah, I'm only doing my own prompts instead of any of the others lol sorry guys
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You needed to talk to your father. 
That was a thought that never would have ever crossed your mind three days ago. No, you had been having such a good time, away from the Hells and your devil of a father, that he had never even crossed your mind. 
Not until he appeared before you, his wide smirk catching for just a moment at the sight of you, before returning full force. Of course. Raphael didn’t even realize it was you until you were right in front of him, a spitting image of your other parent, but still his blood nonetheless. Your world you were slowly building with your new companions, that you were just like them, that you could have a future, came crashing down as he grinned, wide and loving and fake. 
“My child.” He mused, reaching a hand out to trace along your cheek. “What a predicament you got yourself into.” 
His false concern tasted like salt on an open wound, metallic and stinging. You knew he didn’t care about you. Hells, you were the only one of his children kept in the House of Hope because your mother was one of the few who tricked him into keeping the Tiefling offspring she had after laying with the Devil who had no interest in her. Of course, she paid dearly for that. Sometimes you wandered past the room where she was kept to this day, her screams switching between begging and wrathful. 
The only reason that she was locked away was because Korilla was the one who made the plea on your behalf to not see whatever was happening to her. 
But your mother made the deal, and the deal was for him to look after you as a child. So the minute you turned eighteen, you snuck out the House of Hope and never looked back. Did Raphael even notice? You doubted it. 
But now here you were, actively seeking him out, just to demand answers and also help. Your father could help you all out, you knew it, and you were willing to engage with him enough to squeeze some solutions out of him and hopefully have him fuck off long enough for you and your companions to do something about it. 
You knew how to make the portal ritual to the Hells, but the messaging one was simpler, and would need quite a bit of energy for someone to decide to suddenly hop through. The type of energy that would definitely burn you up almost instantly if you were, say, dragged through. Better to be crisped to death than back in the House of Hope with your father and his weirdos. 
The ritual circle burst into dark flames, reaching up, over your head but no smoke emanated up. Hellfire was annoyingly unique like that. You waited, the flames embers spitting and crackling as the blaze raged on, but your father had yet to appear. You felt like you were being put on fucking hold, as he filed his nails all pointy and looked at the corresponding circle in his boudoir with that annoying smirk of his. 
Mother should have just asked for child support. 
A dark figure slowly formed behind the walled inferno and you sighed, putting your hands on your hips, feeling suddenly a lot like Korilla whenever she caught you doing something you were forbidden from. Like asking for permission before doing something. 
“Finally! Did you get your fancy shoes on- Oh.” You paused in your angry tirade as the flames lessened, revealing…. Your father’s lover. 
He seemed to have perfected your father’s smirk. 
“Oh, little lost lamb,” Harleep purred, hands on his hips as he showed off his scant body. You felt a bit unwell at the sight. “Your father stepped out, he’s very busy these days. But I’ll gladly take a message for him.” 
You were never allowed near the incubus. Not that anyone thought that he’d be anything but a shit of an… Uncle? to you, but Raphael was spoiled and didn’t like when his favorite playthings would hang out without him. 
“He’s not doing anything. He's sitting around with his thumb up his ass and giggling.” You snapped and Harleep smiled, just enough for the fire to glint against his pearly teeth, the canine digging into his lip. 
“Oh darling, he does nothing with that ass without me-” 
“Yeah yeah yeah, way too much information, that’s my father you know.” You grumbled, fighting the urge to cover your ears, or… Maybe duel him for your dad’s honor, you didn’t know. 
Harleep gazed at you, his eyes burning low and hungry… 
“You seem different little lamb.” 
“The last time you saw me was when I was thirteen, Harleep.” You grumbled, suddenly feeling a bit squeamish. “You tried your hand at babysitting me and Father came home to find us having a tea party with his favorite bottle of wine.” 
“Ah, I remember.” Harleep didn’t break his gaze from you, slowly stepping closer and closer to you. “In my defense, I filled your cup with the pool water. Not a drop of alcohol.” 
“...Just your spent jizz water.” 
“It was refreshed just that morning.” Harleep murmured, his eyes twinkling. “But, if you still so wish for a taste, I don’t mind.”
“Don’t be fucking gross-” 
“Twas in earnest.” Harleep sighed, his gaze dragging over your body, lingering on any exposed skin he could see. “If you have the same appetites as your father… I could-” 
“No, nope, nope, no-” You stepped away but he simply took a step forward, until his bare feet touched the edge of the burning sigils, a small hop away from exiting the circle. 
Harleep suddenly stilled, leaning his head back and sniffing the air, like when you came across those gnolls, panting and salivating at the scent of your flesh. You froze up. You know what he was doing. He did it every time your father came home, and smirked, sauntering over to their boudoir. Did it when Korilla came home, flushed and pink and Harleep would tease her about visiting Elminster’s library, whatever that meant. Did it when you were seventeen and you were caught with the boy the caretaker loved to hit, with his coarse hand pressed against your belly. You two were found, and Harleep came across you two being chewed out and he just smirked, looking at the dark haired boy with such deeply intense knowing that he flushed. 
“Oh, little lamb. You smell so ripe.” He murmured. “Unlike your father. Never noticed before, your scent… Is that of a pretty little bitch that deserves to be on their back while delicious things are done to them.” 
“H-Harleep…” You stammered, unable to form any words other than his name, which apparently he liked, given the sudden strain against his leather ass shorts.  
“You shouldn’t have scampered off so quick all that time ago.” He murmured. Then he stepped forward. 
His body shimmered as he stepped through the lowered blaze. You could feel the energy pulsate from the circle, as he forcibly crossed the realms, with such force that it made you stumble and fall unceremoniously on your ass. You hoped someone, like Gale, would feel the Weave pulsate with magic, the earth shake just a bit for people to notice. You blindly cursed yourself for deciding to do this so far away from the camp, so you wouldn’t be witnessed whining at your father. 
Harleep took advantage of your prone state and sank down, his thighs straddling your sides. 
“It’s been so long since I’ve had such a cute thing under me… And from what I’ve heard, you might last a while, even with two fingers inside of your hole. A pretty hole too.” 
You had no idea if you should feel flattered by the comparisons to your… Father and his… Lackings, or deeply grossed out, given he was saying all this with your own bloodkin’s face sewed onto his skull. 
“Harleep, this isn’t funn-” 
“Hush, little lamb. It's such a pleasure to have my favorite little lost creature back in my reach. To be the one to see you get tended to. And-” He pressed a clawed finger against your lips, dragging it down over your throat. ”If you promise to be good while we play, I’ll see what I can tease out of your father, to help with your little… Tadpole.” 
You fell silent, as he continued to stroke over your bare neck and shoulders. You mulled over the proposition as Harleep’s hands traveled down, settling on your chest and giving an appreciative squeeze. 
“Should have stayed at our lovely House, little devil.” He murmured, his cock pressing against your stomach as he rolled his hips. “Anytime your father left, I could have come and kept you company. Made up for our lovely lost time.” 
Harleep’s ministrations stopped for just a moment as he looked down at you, his gropes almost becoming soft, sweet touches as his finger tips trailed over your collarbone. 
“He wouldn’t have let me look after my little lamb. You were so small and I wanted to sit with you in your room while you cried. He didn’t let me. I asked…. I asked if I could become your uncle, or some sort of parent. I wanted to so badly. He wouldn’t let me.” He shook himself out of his reverie. “But no. You’re not my little lamb anymore. You’re not my little anything anymore…” 
He leaned down, one hand digging into the dirt by your head and pressed his scorching lips against yours, groaning softly into your mouth, utterly desperate. 
“Well,  I guess you’ll just have to be mine. All mine.” Harleep murmured, his fingers dragging back down, this time to yank at your trousers. “In a way even your Father won’t have you.” 
He had his hand fully down your trousers, greedily groping you with two fingers grazing your hole over your underwear. You whined against his tongue dragging itself over your teeth, utterly muffling any sounds you were making, instead just drinking them all down. 
“Let me make you cum.” He growled softly, his fingers pressing deeper inside of you, his claws slicing right through your underwear and curling inside of you. “Then you can treat me when you come home and I get you all to myself.” 
You fought down both waves of pleasure, his fingers burning with a delightful tingle inside of you, but also nausea, seeing your own father’s face against yours. You wonder if Harleep liked it like this. A familiar connection but also getting to touch and fuck one of the few people he… Had some sort of emotional feelings for. 
“All mine, aren’t you?” He murmured thickly, his lips beginning to suck hickeys into your neck. “Give me all of you, and I’ll look after you so well.” 
It didn’t matter how many times you tightened around his fingers, cum staining his skin, it didn’t matter how he ravaged your neck completely until it looked like Astarion had a midnight snack on your arteries, it didn’t matter that you were sore and twitching by the end of it. Harleep couldn’t seem to get enough of his little lamb. 
Hells, you were walking sore for such a long time afterwards, you didn’t even notice the pleasurable tingles shooting along your spine and shoulders, as if someone was wearing your skin and getting fucked nasty in it.
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bas-writes · 1 year
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The Punishment
Character: Nami Reader: female (cis) Word count: 2001 CW: explicit N.SFW content, sub Reader, masturbation, rough sex, discipline, brat taming, hair pulling, dildo penetration Prompt: What the hell, I was gone for five minutes? Requested by: @/psychedelic-ink A/N: Because the old post is broken and I can’t edit anything (rip), I need to repost this beauty. This fic is a part of Naughty Valentines, a collaboration event I was running with @/psychedelic-ink.
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Nami’s lips stopped on your collarbone when the loud explosion roared behind the door. You both let out irritated and tired sighs. It had been over a week since last time you had a moment for yourselves only—and of course, the lively crew didn’t let you enjoy it fully. Nami rolled on her back and punched the mattress, muffled thuds followed curses and Luffy’s laughter audible behind the wall.
“That’s it.” She muttered through clenched teeth. “I’m murdering them. All of them.”
Through half-closed lids you watched her throwing a night gown over her brief babydoll. She looked so beautiful, illumined with the warm light of candles. Gold danced on her skin, swirled with thousands of freckles, with the fire of her locks, with the shadow of scars underneath her tattoo. Even if she was shaking in rage, her beauty left you breathless. Goddess. Furious one, but a goddess nevertheless. You didn’t need her kisses and breath ghosting over your skin to feel warmth pooling between your legs, view alone was filling you with desire. You rolled on your side to hide impatient trembling and wiggling, but she didn’t pay much attention to you. As soon as she found shoes under the bed, she stormed out, ready to throw punches and curses alike.
You were left alone; half naked, in an empty and cooling down bed, with an abandoned vibrator left on Nami’s side. The little toy absorbed your attention like a black hole; you had been pleasing yourself with it as your girlfriend was peppering your neck and shoulders with kisses and caressing your breasts. The fun hadn’t properly started before crews’ antics interrupted you, you hadn’t pulled your panties out of the way yet, just had been rubbing the toy against your slit. As you rolled on your back, your body became exposed to the air draft; a cooler blow touched your core and made you realize how wet you were. Wet and needy, stirred and inflamed and abandoned, exactly as the vibrator thrown on the sheets. 
She’s not going to be happy, you hesitated but your hand was reaching for the toy despite your thoughts. You knew Nami didn’t like to be excluded from your pleasure; even if she wasn’t joining, she loved to watch, sometimes to only watch, sometimes ordering you what to do. Masturbating behind her back, especially during a little unexpected break from your session, was like asking for trouble. She already was in an aggressive mood because of guys and their lack of brain cells. If you decided to play a brat card against her—
“Whatever," you muttered to yourself and kicked panties out of the way.
You shivered when you put the toy between your folds. It already cooled down, hard and cold plastic felt alien so close to your heat, but the contrast made you even more excited. You relaxed and spread your legs as wide as you found comfortable; choosing the lowest setting, you slowly dragged the vibrator along your slit and reached for the clit with the other hand. Soon the toy was coated in your arousal, your pussy itching for pleasure. Focused on chasing your bliss, you closed your eyes and relaxed, the toy found its place and slid into you with ease. Rubbing your clit with lazy strokes, you set a pace you loved and pleasured yourself without care for anything around. The sight of Nami’s body lingered in your mind: her big and soft breasts pressing against you, slightly pink blush covering her cheeks when she was aroused, freckles on the inner side of her thighs, cute and soft pubes surrounding her core like a fiery frame, little nibbles on your neck she liked to leave, her long and nibble fingers messing with you, the sweet lip balm on her lips, the fresh scent of her citrus perfumes...
Nami! So close yet so away! You needed her so badly!
Yet, when the door shot open and a familiar voice reached you, you jolted as if someone poured ice-cold water on you.
“What the hell?” Nami frowned, crossing arms on her chest. “I was gone for five minutes?”
“Sorry?” You flashed her a shy grin. From the place she stood she had a perfect sight on your core spread by the toy, there was no use to hide it. Doing your best to not avert your eyes and look as innocent as you could, you turned the vibrator off and put it back on its place. You tried to sit on your heels as well, but Nami was faster: she pushed you on your back and straddled you.
“What was that, hm?” She brushed thumb against your parted lips, slid the tip between them and pressed on your tongue, prompting you to suck on it. “Baby girl couldn’t hold it for a few minutes?”
You did your best to make puppy eyes at her, still sucking and licking her finger as she wanted. She flashed you with a smile but her eyes had dangerous, sadistic gleam. You knew you were in trouble—and you knew she was going to teach you a lesson you wouldn’t forget for a long, long time.
No wonder your body trembled at the mere thought.
“Turn on your tummy.” Nami slipped from your hips, opened the drawer with the toys. “Face down, ass up.”
You switched position as she wanted—but a devilish thought crossed your mind. You already misbehaved, what would happen, if you played a brat a little bit more? Grinning, you sat on your heels, back to her, a challenging look thrown at her over your shoulder.
“I’m counting to five—” She took out her favorite strap and one of the biggest dildos you owned— “and you better do as I said before I'm finished.”
You made yourself comfortable and flashed her with stupid, overly confident grin.
“One.” The dildo was set ready. Nami threw away the gown and the babydoll; her lace panties were almost transparent. Your mouth watered at the sight of pubes peeking from underneath like a fire.
“Two.” She put the strap on; her moves were sharp and tense, her eyebrows frowned even more. She was angry, oh so angry. You licked your lips, you knew she was going to get rough.
“Three.” She spread lube along the toy, lots of it. Yet, you didn’t move for even an inch; your whole body trembled in anticipation. 
“Four.” The mattress dipped as she climbed the bed. You finally broke eye contact, fire in her gaze too intrusive for you to bear. You clenched fists on your knees, but the need to move was overpowered. Nami ran her nails up your spine, the last warning, the last chance for you to show submission.
You didn’t listen.
“Five.” Grasp on your hair was sudden and harsh, almost painful. You hissed, but you didn’t have much time to protest or fight against her—your head was smashed down, face into pillows. She kept you like this for a longer moment, another hard pull turned your head on its side to let you breathe. With the corner of eye you saw Nami towering over you, face tense but flushed, eyes serious but burning with desire. You let out a shaky breath, feeling the tip of plastic cock probing your cunt, feeling her long and sharp nails scratching your scalp.
“I was too gentle with you lately,” she hummed, teasing your slit with the toy. “Should have reminded you of your place before you got insolent.”
You barely held a scream back when she entered you. The toy was big for you even with preparation; you were slick with your juices and lube, but you weren’t stretched. The size made your eyes tear, your throat clenched on painful hiss, your back arched as the flee instinct kicked in. Grasp on your hair tightened, Nami pushed your head deeper into the mattress, the other hand rested on your hip and held it in place. Nails sunk into your skin—you knew you were going to have marks, if not bruises, left.
She gave you a moment, to reconsider, to say the safe word, if you needed to—but you only gave her a bold look.
“As you wish,” she chuckled and slapped hips forward.
It was fast, rough, wild. She pounded into you without mercy, each thrust followed by a firm pull on the back of your head, by a push down, by a scratch on your hip. The toy reached the depths you thought they were impossible to be discovered, the stretch balanced on the verge of discomfort. You still tried to fight back, but immense pleasure soon threw all rebellious thoughts out of your mind. Clenching on the sheets, you rose hips and arched the back as her hands guided you.
“You like it, you naughty thing?” Nami mused as your mewls broke through the barrier or pillows. “You like being punished?”
She let go of your hair to grasp your hips better; she bent over you and slammed into you with a new power. With her cock hitting the deepest realms of your cunt, with her perky nipples brushing against your shoulder blades, with her orange locks falling like a curtain over your head you couldn’t do anything but succumb to pleasure, to give your body and thought to her and her only. You lost control over your lips, your torso slammed down, pushed by her thrusts and merciless grasp. She let you lay flat, nestled on the back of your thighs, grabbed your cheeks and held on them, rocking her hips back and forth.
So deep. So fast. So rough. So big.
“Nami!” You moaned, almost choking on your own tongue. She answered you with a throaty purr, the tip of dildo brushed your special spot and it hit you like an electric shock.
“You like it like that, hm?”
You tried to answer her, but your cries overpowered your words. She didn’t wait for it though; one hand sneaked underneath you, found your clit with ease and pinched it. Another jolt arched your body, the tight knot in your abdomen pressed down, ready to burst any second.
“Such a naughty, lewd girl.” Nami slowed down, withdrew, adjusted the angle—and slammed the whole toy at once into you, rubbing harsh circles on your clit at the same time. You arched so much your whole body bent without her pulling on your hair. With a loud moan of her name, you came, spasms of pleasure tossing your body underneath her. Nami waited for you to calm down, to catch breath and thoughts, to come back from the bliss; her hand grazed soothing circles on the small of your back, your own juices—covering her fingers—stained your heated skin. Wet marks felt cold in the air, you sighed as goosebumps and last shivers of pleasure spilled along your body.
“Are you okay?” She investigated. She pulled out of you, the emptiness felt weird for your stretched pussy. You closed your eyes, embarrassed by its rapid twitching. Nami ran fingers along your slit for the last time, proud of the mess into which she turned you. “I wasn’t too rough, was I?”
“It was perfect,” you somehow choked out. Nami kissed you between your shoulder blades and wiped you with a clean, soft towel. Soon, you were safe and sound in her arms, pulled close to her bosom, covered with a blanket. Tired but happy, you inhaled her scent, scent of tangerines and love you two had just ended making. 
“You did well, my little brat.” Nami rubbed your cheek with a thumb. “You’re impossible, you know? I would never have thought you would pull out such a stunt.”
“I have many hidden talents,” you muttered, voice muffled by her soft breasts as you nuzzled up to her. She kissed your forehead, lingered to inhale your scent, rubbed circles on your temple with a thumb.
“Can’t wait to discover them,” she whispered and intertwined her legs with yours.
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Brought to you by the future
Rdr2 x Reader 
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A/n: This is just a snip-it of a story idea I had bc I’ve recently gotten back into rdr2 and wanted to write something about it. If this gets a lot of attention I’ll see about writing more, for now I’m just writing this to get it out of my brain. I didn’t know if I wanted it to be Arthur x Reader (not sure about gender either but def not female) but he’s the only character here so, thats what Imma put in the tags lol also this is kinda not great, just sort of rambling, but like i said if people like it i’ll fix it up a little  
Arthur Morgan has met a great many people in his life, especially in the recent year. After the failed Blackwater heist, every person he’s met after has been their own sort of strange.
Take this lady by the pond for example. 
Arthur was back in the grizzlies East by O'creagh Run, the place where Hosea had taken him to hunt that big bear a while back. He was back there to not only get some drawings of the area (he hadn’t had the time before to do so), but he also just needed a break from camp. 
He loved his gang dearly, something he was never ashamed to admit, but even families can get on your nerves sometimes. A few words past here and there, favors pulled in without any reciprocation or reward for his work, and overall just some bad luck in small ways (tripping over someones things thrown on the ground, taking on their chore cause they won’t do it). 
Yes, Hosea and him almost died to a bear in the area but it was dead now and Arthur did sure like the scenery. 
He was a little on the warm side so he decided to take a break in the water, rolling up his pant legs and wading into the pond. He splashed some water on his face, closing his eyes and breathing in the air. 
Until he got scared shit-less by some lady standing at the edge of the water near his stuff.
He’s not proud of it but he did jump, surprised by the woman's sudden appearance. She smiled at him from the grass, hands behind her back as if she were simply watching nature at its finest.
“You seem to be enjoying yourself.” She called out to him, not losing the smile on her face. 
Arthur calmed himself and nodded kindly, a little awkwardly as well.
“Sure. Suns out and heat got to me so... you know.”
“Indeed. All creatures love a good water bath in hot weather.”
Arthur tried his best to subtly take her in, but the way her eyes were unblinking and her smile ever present left him to believe that she knew he was looking, and clearly was unphased.
She was far from old and withered but clearly not in her prime. Her hair was a sun-bleached blonde placed in a messy side braid, skin a creamy color with darker freckles from cheek to cheek. Even from where he stood Arthur could see her light colored eyes, the green shown vibrantly against the blue light from the water. She wore a simple white dress and nothing else, no bodice or shoes or any accessories to be seen. Despite not wearing any shoes her feet were as clean as anything, even though she stood on the muddy shore of the pond.
Overall? She looked kind of like a woman you would find in those paintings of nature, as if she belonged there.
“Curious,” She speaks, though not directly at him. “To want this world, this life.”
“Pardon?” Arthur questions, only getting a little closer to hear the woman better, but she only continues to smile and wave him off.
“I’m only thinking aloud, sir, nothing too important to you. There is something I’d like to ask you though, if you’d be so kind as to lend your ear?”
If he was honest, the way she spoke was too proper to be just some farm girl, but she didn’t hold herself like a nobility either. Even if she were a noble, Arthur couldn’t think why a noble lady would be all the way out in the woods anyway, hardly any place for a luxurious vacation.
“Uhm... sure?”
Arthur slowly walked closer, not really knowing if he should be cautious or not of this woman, especially considering she was standing right next to his discarded gun belt. 
He stops about 2 or 3 feet in front of her, his brows creasing as she giggles into her hand, her smile still wide on her face.
“My my, you really are a deer.” She sighs. “I’m no prey to you, deer, you need not fear me.”
“Right.” Arthur pronounces, unsure of where this conversation was going. 
The woman turns on her heels, stepping over his things while walking in the tree line. Upon noticing Arthur not following, she turns back, a smile still on her face (Arthur wondered for a moment if her cheeks were aching at all).
“Come along then, deer. Better to speak within the trees walls.”
She then continued on into the forested area, Arthur finally walking up the bank and taking his gun belt and putting it on. As he gathered his things, and once finished, he thought for a moment if he was really about to follow some strange woman into the woods, alone, with no one around. Not even his horse stuck around, taking to grazing and feasting on the fresh grass around the area.
Now, Arthur will admit to not being an entirely smart man. The lessons and teachings he got were from outlaws who took him in, but they did teach him about survival. Was it wise to follow a stranger into the woods without any inkling of what they wanted? No, but damn did it make him curious. 
He knew about what happened to the curious cat, but seeing as how he had lived this long with his level of curiosity, he wagered he would be fine. Even still, he held a hand close to his gun should he need it.
He followed her path into the woods, she was nice enough to stop a few paces and wait for him. Once she saw him she turned and walked further in, only stopping once they were encased in a sea of trees.
She turned to him, the smile on her face slowly becoming unsettling (only because of how long she had been holding it) while she spoke to him.
“Curiosity is often a trait among those who long for something. I was curious once too, you know.”
“Of what?” Arthur asks, looping his thumbs through his belt as he speaks.
“Nature, of course. Of how it works, why it worked the way it did, who made it work. Then, my curiosity was sated, and I became free.”
Arthur slowly nods, squinting his eyes and pretending to understand.
“You are curious too, sir. I can see it.” She nods, as if confirming it to someone else who wasn’t there. 
“I’m curious?” Arthur echoes back.
“Of the future.” She explains. “You long to know what will become of the world in the future, what will become of you. You are not alone in this curiosity, that I can assure you. I can help you sate your curiosity, if you will allow me to.”
Still trying to make sense of all that was happening, Arthur frowns his brows her way.
“How would you do that?”
“Someone in the future calls to the past.” She closes her eyes, putting her hands together in that of a prayer. “They chant into the universe of their want, their curiosity for this life.” She opens her eyes.
“For you.”
“For me?” He echoes again, his voice now dripping in disbelief. 
“For you,” She confirms. “They wish to meet you, curious of your life outside of what they can see of it. You are being watched, as we all are, by the universe that surrounds us. They want to shift into this plane of existence to escape their own, to sate their curiosity. It just so happens that you are wanting to look into the future, while they look into the past. Allow me to sate both curious creatures, to bring past to future and future to past, to allow you both to live in an equal present.”
‘Alright,’ Arthur thought to himself. ‘She's crazy.’
He couldn’t wrap his head around what she was talking about. Someone in the future wants to come to the past? Meaning the future already is happening? And to him specifically? And what about his curiosity of the future. Isn’t everyone wondering what the next day will bring? Who they will be in the years to come, what the world would look like? He could hardly be the only one wanting to know what the future entails.
She must be talking nonsense, just some lady who lived away from society for too long and went a little wacky.
“Uh, well, that’s a kind offer, really but uhm-”
“This will live with you, you know.” She cuts in. “This curiosity will eat away at you until the day the air leaves your lungs, and by the end you will have wished you had done something to cure it. I’m giving you that chance now. A little peace of mind, brought to you by the future.” 
Arthur sighs, running a hand over his mouth and looking around where they were. He didn’t think she was scamming him, Arthur liked to believe he could tell if someone was trying to scam him. She seemed like she really believes what she is talking about.
Part of Arthur just told him to leave, leave this weird woman to whatever she was speaking about and continue on with his life. This part was fighting a battle with the other half of him... who was curious. Surely it couldn’t hurt to hear her out, he’s already followed her into the forest and let her speak her weird speech. He’d already fed into his curiosity by talking to her, it couldn’t be worse to hear her out.
“How would you go about... ‘sating’ my curiosity.”
“All you would have to do is answer their call.” She smiles (the smile having not left her face). “Chant back to them through the universe, and you will get your answer.”
“I just... chant.” Arthur raises a brow, getting more skeptical as all she does is nod. “And what is it that I chant?”
“Allow yourself to think of what you really, truly want from the future. Reach your mind and soul out into the universe and ask your question, chant your wish. And if you feel new words reach your mind, words of a wish to be in the here and now, welcome them in. Allow then to get here as you guide them.”
Arthur once again sighs, but he has already come so far with this woman. It was as if he were speaking to some religious person (maybe she was), and she was asking him to reach out to god. Maybe it was like that, like a prayer, not that Arthur has ever done much of that before.
“Here,” She says, kneeling on the ground and sitting on her heels in the grass, raising her hands up to him in an offering, still smiling away. “I can help you start.”
With one more look around the forest they were in, Arthur sighs and shrugs, hits his hands on his thighs before going to his knees as well, taking her hands gently. 
Her hands were smooth, soft, and warm. Not a single callus on her hands from work (or crime), and it gave him pause. Maybe this woman was just naive. She said she was curious about nature, and here she was. Barefoot in the woods with nothing but a simple white dress. 
Arthur really didn’t have much to believe in, not a religious sort himself, but he knew it could bring comfort to those who wanted it. Maybe, just maybe, he could get at least one question answered.
“Close your eyes,” She instructs, her own eyes closing. Arthur took a moment before doing the same. 
“Now, think of yourself in an empty room. A room with no doors, no windows. Just an empty, white room. Do you see it?”
It takes Arthur a few deep breaths and some thinking, but his mind eventually goes clear and he sees himself in an empty white room, kneeling on the ground.
“Now think, think about what makes you curious about the future. What do you really want out of the future? Do you want to be there, do you want it with you, or do you simply want some answers?”
While in this white room in his head, he thinks over what she said. 
What does he want from the future?
He wants his family to finally be safe, not having to run from anything anymore. 
He wants the world to be easy on him, to not take so many things from him like loved ones or love itself.
He wants the world to slow down, even for just a moment, for him to take a breath while time slows.
He wants to know what will become of the land that was once wild and untamed, wants to know if it will still be free or if it will be shackled and broken in like the wild horse it was.
He wants the future to give him answers, in whatever form that wants to come in.
“Have you got it?” She asks gently.
“I... think so.” He replied just as lowly.
“Now chant your wish, your questions, your curiosities, and reach. Reach for the answer.”
Arthur repeats the wants he has, the questions he has, and continues to imagine himself in that blank room. And for a while nothing changed, he chanted and reached but no answer came. It was only when he went to give up that new words formed in his head.
“I want to be there. I don’t fear the consequences of leaving for a new reality. I want to walk the world as they do, feel what they do, see what they do. I want to be there.”
“I... think I'm hearing something.”
“The answer, guide them to your empty room, open your door for them.”
Arthur then began to imagine a door in this empty white room, a simple wooden door with just a handle, no lock. Then he thought about that door opening, and he thought back to the words in his head.
“Walk the world I live, feel the world I feel, see the world I see. Give me my answers and I will give you yours.”
Then, through the door, came the silhouette of a person. They walked slowly through the door and Arthur stood.
“there’s.. a person.” He says out loud.
“Greet them.” She replies.
So, standing in the white room of his mind he walks just as slowly towards them. The shape shifts from tall to small, skinny to heavy, long hair to short hair, white hair to black hair. Everything about them shifts between all these different forms, as if they were choosing what to look like, who to be.
Arthur and the figure now stood in front of one another, their form still blurred and shifting, but then seemed... excited. Even though their face was blurred and Arthur could barely tell who or what he was looking at, he could just tell they were smiling, a wave of happiness coming from them as they tilt their head at him.
Arthur was told to greet them, so he offered his hand to them to shake. But they did not just take his hand, instead they took both his hands in theirs. A strange feeling then passed through Arthurs hands to his arms, then from there all over his body like a full body shiver. But he wasn’t cold.
It wasn’t an entirely pleasant feeling, but it didn’t hurt. It was that prickly feeling you get after laying on a limb too long, but not as intense. 
It traveled through his body, then back down his arms to his hands. And once it reached his hands, a subtle light traveled up the other beings hands, arms, then over their body. 
As it did so, the light revealed what the person looked like. No longer was their skin changing colors, now a single color that stayed. Their hair, their height, body, everything about them finally stopped shifting. Now Arthur could see who they truly were.
Their eyes were closed, however, so Arthur tapped their hands with his thumbs. When their eyes opened, he felt his own eyes open too.
Now, no longer in his head, he was kneeling in the same forest as before. But he wasn’t holding hands with the cream skinned woman anymore. Instead, kneeling as well and holding his hands in replacement of the woman, was the person he saw in his head, but now they were in the flesh.
They looked back at him with just as much shock as he looked at them, seemingly just as surprised at seeing Arthur in person. 
They spoke. 
“Holy shit... it worked!”
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andreaheartscats · 4 months
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Sleepover with Sal Fisher
NO, this is not going to be nsfw.
characters: Sal Fisher
it was a little past 7pm. Sal invited you for a sleepover! of course you said yes since you two were best friends. (maybe something more who knows👀) Sal happily opend the door once he heard you knock. you couldnt see it but he was smiling under his mask since you could baerly see his eyes. "come on in!" said Sal as he opend the door wider for you to enter. Thanking him you got inside taking your shoes off. "ill go leave your jacket in my room, you can sit in the living room." he said as he went off into his room to neatly place your jacekt away.
Sals dad wasnt home, which meant that you two had the living room for yourselfs.. the whole apartmant better said. as you sat down on the comfy couch gizmo immediately got up onto your lap and made himself comfortable. petting him slowly as you listen to him pur quietly, you didnt even notice Sal was standing in the door way with his arms corssed.
"seems like he took a liking to you. sometimes i think he loves you more tha me." Sal said sarcastically as you two laughed a little together. He got you two some drinks and snacks sitting on the table infront of the couch.
"alright lets start this movie marathon!" you said as Sal nodded with his head and put on the first horror movie of the night. Since his dad was out that meant you two could smoke. Taking your pack of cigarettes, you take one out and lighting it up as you inhale the smoke. Sal took one for himself as well and placing it gently in the ashtray infront of you two.
the night was amazing. the rain started to pour outside lightly but after sometime it picked up and it started to pour. making yourself comfortable on the couch you kept all your focus on the movie and he did too. there were a few jumpscares that made you jump up here and there which only lead to you two laughing at each other and then continue watching the movie.
it was a calm rainy night... except for you two that were screaming after a doll moved on its own in the movie... Things were going well, you and Sal ate all of the snacks by now and finished most of the movies. but soon the tiredness and sleepeness got to you. you fell asleep on the couch comfortably while Sal kept on watching the movie.
soon he noticed you fell asleep. turning the tv off he bought a blanket that he coverd you with. not wanting you to sleep alone, (lets be honest he was scared from the movies he jusz doesnt want to admit it) he decided to sleep on the sofs close to the couch. leaving a faint light turned on in the background he made himself comfortable on the sofa and slowly drifted to sleep as you did too before.
-> hello everyone ! its been a hot minut since i wrote something like this! i hope yoi enjoyed it as much as i did while writing it. have good night /day, love you all!!🫶🏻
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