#she's just so excited her son has friends but she's also trying to be chill
buzzcat · 4 months
today's wordcount brought to you by: there is no way on this green earth that Gale Dekarios doesn't have a good relationship with his mother, and i'm going to write nice cozy friends-and-family fic about it
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Will- Pregnancy Alphabet
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A= Announcement (When/How do you announce your pregnant to you boss, co-workers, friends?):
The first person we tell is obviously Ella. We purchase her a cake and a T-shirt that say 'worlds best big sister'. Next we tell Jay and Erin, we just show them a positive test. We wait for 3 months to tell anyone else.
B= Baby Predictions (Who will the baby be more like?):
Ella thinks baby will be exactly like her. Will also thinks the baby will be like me and Ella.
C= Cravings (What cravings do you have? ):
Bread. Just bread.
D= Due Date (When is the Due date?):
Due date is May 18th
E= Emergencies (How do they act when something happens during the pregnancy?):
Thankfully nothing is wrong, but being married to a doctor means that I am having check ups everyday. Will is always asking how I'm feeling and if anything has changed with the pregnancy.
F= Falling (How do they react you falling or about to fall?):
I have a little tumble while it's icy out. Will was there to catch me. I then get lectured about being more careful.
G= Gender(s) (What gender do they want the baby to be?):
Ella wants the baby to be a girl, but Will and I don't care.
H= Hands (Do they like to place their hands on your tummy? Do you place your hands on your tummy?):
Yes. From the day we found out I was pregnant he was always putting a hand on my tummy. Ella too. I didn't really place a hand on my tummy until I get a bump and even then I don't stand rubbing my tummy often.
I= Illness (How do they react when you get sick?):
Other than a cold I don't get ill. Will went out and got me medicine that's ok for pregnant woman just to help my headache and stuffy nose.
J= Job (Do you stay at work? Are you allowed to stay at work?):
Yes. I only work in an office so I stay until I have my baby.
K= Kisses (Do they like kissing your bump?):
Yes. Will loves kissing my tummy especially when my bump grows.
L= Life (How has life changed while your pregnant?):
We've been trying to get Ella as ready as she can be for the arrive of the new baby. But life for us hasn't really changed to much other than getting the baby room ready.
M= Movement (How do they react to feeling the baby move? How do they react to the sight of the baby kicking?):
I didn't think Will would be to excited because he's seen it so many times at work, but I was wrong. The moment he felt the baby he rang Jay to tell him, shouting with excitement. At first Ella was a little unsure about how she should feel
N= Nesting (Do you start nesting? When do you start nesting?):
No. I was expecting it ti come but it never does.
O= Outfits (When do you start buying maternity clothes? When do you start buying outfits for the baby?):
Almost immediately. Will and I go shopping at but myself maternity clothes and baby clothes.
P= Parents (Do they give advice? Is it good advice?):
The only person that gives advice is Natalie but it's more this she wish she had known before having her son.
Q= Questions (Do they ask the midwife a lot of questions. Do they keep asking if your ok?):
No. Will is pretty chill. Having a lot of knowledge himself he knows what's going on, although he does ask if I'm ok a lot.
R= Risk (Is there any risks during the pregnancy?):
No thank goodness.
S= Sickness (Do they you have much morning sickness? When does it start? When does it stop?):
My morning sickness would continue till I was just over 13 weeks pregnant.
T= Talking to the Baby (Do they talk to the bump? Do you talk to the bump?):
Yes we both love talking to the growing baby. Ella also loves telling baby how excited she is to meet them.
U= Upset (How do they act when your upset? Why do you cry over most?)
I don't get upset to much during the pregnancy, but when I do Will gets me chocolate and hugs me.
V= Vision as in Supervision (Do they keep a close eye on you? Do they make sure someone's always with you?):
No. Will knows I have gone through this once before and trust that if something felt wrong I would tell him.
W= What's the plan? (What is the birthing plan?):
Remembering how painful my last labour was this time I want to try a water birth at home. Will has managed to get it arranged but things can always change.
X= Xray or Ultrasound (How do they react to seeing an x-ray of the baby. Do they tear up when they see the ultrasound?):
Will doesn't tear up, but he can't take his eyes from the ultrasound. When we get the photos printed immediately they go in his wallet eager to show anyone and everyone.
Y= Yearning (How do they truly feel about having a child? Do they feel as though they are ready for a baby?):
Will is super excited. He thought he was ready but as the babies arrival gets closer he is more nervous. He just wants to be a good dad.
Z= ZZZ (How much sleep do they get during the pregnancy? How much sleep do you get?):
We all sleep pretty good, except for when I need to go to the loo in the middle of the night, but once I'm back in bed I'm asleep.
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k-s-morgan · 2 years
Another monthly update! So, this month was extra stressful since the shelling of Kyiv resumed. Unfortunately, most explosions happened not far from me, and each of them terrified me as usual. From better news, none of them damaged my home or the homes of my loved ones, and Germany seems to have given a modern air defense system to my city in particular. All missiles were destroyed lately, including today, and I hope that our luck sticks.
Of course, everything is scary even when the air defense system is at work. You’re reading the news, seeing information about 20, 50, or 100 missiles entering Ukrainian territory, and then you just wait quietly, wondering if one of these missiles is going to reach your city, your district, your house. I often feel sick with worry during these moments. I can’t distract myself with anything, I’m glued to my phone and trying to fight the uncontrollable tremors. When explosions start, it’s chilling, and even though I now recognize the sounds of air defense system, I’m never sure if I’m right. Like today: I heard 4+ explosions, I saw the smoke coming up, and I couldn’t tell if the missile hit or was destroyed because what I hear and think is not reliable in these situations.
The worst thing is when electricity and Internet disappear. I have no way to find out if the air raid continues, if it stopped or if it started anew. I can’t connect with other people, so I’m just cuddling my cats in the dark apartment under the blanket and keep praying for the best.
I reconnected with one of my friends recently. She lived on territories occupied by Ruzzia for a while, and I barely recognized her when I saw her. She looks decades older than she actually is. She witnessed some of her friends tortured and killed for nothing but amusement. Her son was shot at from the tank by Ruzzians when he tried to get some water, and the fact that he survived is a miracle. Speaking with her horrified me and broke my heart. I just can’t wrap my mind around any of this.
Your words and support mean everything to me. They help me stay strong and encourage me to keep writing. I’m starting my new Tomarry story in November, and since war will be a big part of it, I look forward to expressing some of my feelings and experiences there. I always read and re-read all of your words when I’m feeling down or scared, and I can’t tell how much motivation this gives me.
Also, huge, huge thanks to those who keep supporting me via Patreon. My financial situation has been consistently difficult for the last several months: everything is getting more expensive, my parents’ salaries got reduced, and while I still have mine, health issues gained volume. My cats, my pigeons, my family, myself — we all got sick and some of us are still recovering. Both of my cats had their surgeries this month, and this alone cost me 90% of my salary. Without your contributions, I don’t even know what I’d do. They helped me cover everything and make it through this month.
Here’s my lovely cat Tom after his surgery: he was sleeping for 3 hours right on top of me after I brought him back home.
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And this is Simura. Unfortunately, this baby might require another procedure in November. She has a runny nose and she’s sneezing blood occasionally. No treatment worked so far, so we might have to sign up for rhinoscopy.
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I’m excited to share the update of my Black Butler story and hopefully the first chapter of another Tomarry. Thank you for your asks, comments, notes and messages. This is a life-changing time, and all of you will forever remain a part of this journey in my memory. I’m so grateful to all of you.
My electricity has just disappeared again, but I charged my laptop enough to last me for several hours, so I’m going back to writing. Have a good, peaceful night/day!
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a-tale-of-legends · 10 months
It's hard to define what exactly counts as the "old" and "new" protags since they're constantly growing, but here's a run down of how I see the older protag ocs when they were kids....as in actually protagonist.
Jin- Angry, has daddy issues. Wanting to prove themself despite no one asking them to. Petty rivalry with Amber that turned into a big crush. Calms down around Wally, only cause they don't want to scare him. Actively questioning why they- the 12 year old- is fighting eco-terrorist.
Amber/Kohaku - Energetic yet awkward gal, very athletic. Started on the wrong foot with Jin, starting their rivalry....which turned into a big crush ( but that happened a tiny bit later for her). Loves pokemon and wants to know as much as she can about them. Amazing battler but that isn't her priority. Wants to get closer to her dad via studying pokemon ( so she too has daddy issues)
Kenji- Another energetic kid, dreams of being a hero like the famous Red. Very excitable, occasionally loses focus and tends to be reckless. Likes helping in any way he can, even if he finds it boring. "I'm gonna be the very best >:D". Wants everyone, both people and pokemon, to be happy and hate seeing people hurt.
Aiko- Just as excitable as Kenji, though wasn't that interested in battling til Silver called her weak. Not sure what she wanted to do with her life, not sure if she wanted to take up her dad's mantle as a pokemon professor. Stubborn with a strong sense of justice, is not afraid to throw hands.
Beryl- Only planned to be a professor's assistant to Professor Elm. Was not expecting to be the babysitter to two energetic 10 year olds. She takes it the best she can, aiming to fill the Pokedex. They want to prove her older brother wrong, in that being a professor's assistant is worth something. Level headed and honestly very chill, keeps Aiko and Kenji on a leash, while also being the first person Silver properly opens up too.
Danica- Very quiet, borderline creepy girl. Doesn't emote much, no thanks to her scarf covering her mouth and her bangs over her eyebrows. Only friend is Barry, who isn't put off by her at all. Always had an interest in battling and pokemon, and had the goal to be a champion for a while. No one knows what she's thinking, and has an eerieness around her. But she has a good heart, willingly putting herself in danger even at her own risk ( reminder that this girl is 11). May or may not be a bit battle hungry. People think she's the brains for Barry's brawn but honestly they tend to share the same braincell.
Kiran- Son of a problem professors aid, Kiran is Rowans professors assistant that is honestly rather lazy. Rowan forces them to go out with him one day and all of a sudden he's now taking a journey all over Sinnoh, something he was not planning to do whatsoever. But Rowan is insistent that he accompany Danica and Barry so here he is. He's trying ( key word: trying) to fill up the Pokedex for professor Rowan, all while getting wrapped up in Team Galactic which again, he did not plan for. Wants nothing more than to go home and crawl back in his bed....but he would be lying if the situation didn't urk him. Often it is the one raining Danica and Barry in so they can think of a proper plan. May or may not also be trying to stick it to his little sister who somehow has gotten more academic awards than him.
Alexis: A shy kid with big dreams of being champion. Cautious to a fault, Alexis tends to worry about what his journey might bring. He had a right to worry; he is a nuzlocke protagonist. His anxiety and depression grows worse over the course of the journey, but also his ideals and conviction to stop Team Plasma and help N. His friendships with Cheren, Bianca and his twin sister Elliot keeps him together, as well as the surviving members of his team. He's still not in a good mental state by the end of it all.
Elliot: Alexis' rebellious and loud twin sister. She's younger, don't believe her lies. Ready to take on the world and become champion, she wasn't exactly prepared to face Team Plasma and N. However she saw the way they affected her brother and those she cares about and saw red. She has a fighting spirit, and is stubborn to a fault. She hates seeing the ones she loves hurt, and vows to use all the power she has to give those who caused such pain a severe ass kicking.
I think B2W2 and XY are the transition point of the old era to the new, so I won't be going over them here.
Here's the ages of my ocs in their respective game
Jin- 12
Amber - 12
Kenji- 10
Aiko- 10
Beryl- 13
Danica- 11
Kiran- 12
Alexis - 14
Elliot - 14
This is from Emerald/ORAS to BW, if that wasn't clear before.
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eusuntgratie · 1 year
some flyers @ blues thoughts...
i kept forgetting it was the blues pride night 🏳️‍🌈
they posted a cute vid of one of the three players i know (hah) taping his stick with pride tape on insta which i showed the kid but she only had eyes for the flyers yesterday and was like get this garbage out of my face. when the flyers wore pride tape she lost her mind bc that’s what she has
the arena graphics were cool and the lookalike thing was vaguely gay themed but didn’t have jerseys and otherwise didn’t seem to do anything? i’m disappointed. couldn’t they do a video message from a player saying everyone is welcome at blues hockey? something? our city is so gay and our logo is a music note like we could have had an awesome local artist design us really cool jerseys but of course the nhl has to be disappointing
they did light up the arena and the ferris wheel at union station (which may be unrelated i haven’t been down there at night in a minute) super gay which was nice
i’ve had good seats twice now i’m ruined forever TAKE MY MONEY
thought i was going to have to get bitchy with a clueless fan creeping in on our space and talking loudly on her phone after we waited patiently for an HOUR. didn’t help that her boyfriend/friend/whatever was in a blackhawks shirt?? sir your team sucks and isn’t playing get that shit out of my face.
tiny baby flyers fan with the danny b jersey rocking your hockey bucket at the game please know that i love you
talked to a really nice guy in an oskar jersey and got emotional about him all over again
warmups are so worth it. its a little trying going that early with a kid and waiting around forever and then making it through the whole game but it is SO WORTH IT. i feel like especially at an away game... the players were so sweet and kiddo was so excited... her favorite part of every game we’ve done that for
provy smashed into the boards right in front of us and chilled a bit before noticing kiddo and the little one next to us. he smiled at her and showed her the puck and made sure i had my shit together before he tossed it over. i was super stoked the pucks from last night are pride themed! very cute! he gave little dude a puck too.
we saw tons of players up close... i think we were in a better spot this time! or maybe the flyers just move around more than the pens idk.
tk seemed to zoom around the most so i didn’t know if he would come over... he was also always the one to go get the pucks out of the net. apparently i have a type and its pretty boys with long hair who like to fish pucks out of the net...
he skated by us a zillion times and kiddo banged on the glass and hollered every time, but he finally was going a little slower and saw the sign she made with his name and number (she also had TK on one cheek and 11 on the other bc we love to be extra). he smiled SO BIG when he saw it. when i tell you this man could get me to do ANYTHING for that smile... oh jeez.
he kept skating and finished whatever he was doing but he skated right back around and came straight up to her to give her a puck. i don’t remember anything about this he’s too pretty i’m just proud of myself for catching it and not letting it bonk her on the head (y’all i could not be less sports inclined... the pressure of catching a puck for my child is A LOT to ask of me). he didn’t interact with anybody near us or give anybody else one that i saw...he just came right up to her to give it to her (his biggest fan)
considering divorce as husband got good pics of provy but not tk 🙃
my love of big nic continues... i feel like he was def in dad mode and tossed pucks to the all the kids down by us, even some folks that were further back. he flipped one at us and it went right behind me (y’all i caught two i deserve some kind of medal three is really too much to ask of me) but i gave it to the guys next to us (oskar jersey and his son) bc they had no tiny adorable child to woo players with
frosty is very cute. bee is really little?
one of the main draws of going to warmups is to watch the slutty hip stretch in person and scotty laughts delivered. thank you for your service, sir 😘
kevin looks perpetually like he has no idea and has never had any idea what is going on <3 bless
i’ve never been on the opposite side of the benches and must say that watching the boys come out of the tunnel for the game is a whole moment. very cool. it was also fun to see the guys going on and off and watch them on the bench.
there were no flyers fans behind baby goalie and it took ALL OF MY RESTRAINT not to run over there and scream “we love you you’re doing great sweetie!!!” i was fully ready to get violent if anyone harassed him he brings out all of my mama bear tendencies.
tippy’s hair is so violently red... he took his helmet off on the bench for a bit and it was like a beacon i couldn’t look at anything else
its cute how i thought my flyers love was waning I’M BACK BABY I’M ALL IN I LOVE THIS TEAM despite their countless flaws! if they have tk i’m in who cares go flyerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs 🧡🖤🧡🖤🧡
is there a support group for sports fans who fully commit to two teams who hate each other? asking for a friend who loves to do sports wrong 😶
lastly and definitely least ladies jerseys are not it. i gotta sell this shit and get a huge boxy one. i saw the one i want awhile ago and didn’t get it and now i’m piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissed but oh well :/
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
Ok please do not feel pressuredto answer loads of these
You can do like a few
And if you want to do more you could reblog later
Andromeda - Describe your main characters
Aries - Share a line that you’re proud of!
Cassiopeia - What’s your favorite scene so far?
Draco - Who’s your favorite character to write?
Hydra - Tell us why you love your project.
Libra - Which relationship dynamic do you enjoy writing the most?
Pyxis - Are there any major themes or messages you’re writing to show?
Ursa Major - What scene are you looking forward to writing?
Writer Asks:
Canis Major - Do you like writing character-driven stories or plot-driven stories?
Pavo - Where do you get inspiration from?
Phoenix - How do you develop your ideas?
Virgo - Describe your favorite tropes.
I am so sorry I am very indecisive
i did all of them anyway! because i have no chill and i like them
andromeda: doing this one for death and taxes! Nathaniel Ash is a rich man's son who is by day an engineer for the spaceship and by night a mysterious & suave theatre performer for the upper class. Winifred Storm is a politician's daughter who is, on the surface, perfect--and is, underneath the surface, about to absolutely snap.
aries: Sometimes, there is no deus ex machina. Sometimes, there is no last-minute change of heart. Sometimes there is just a boy with a gun, a girl with a bomb, and a single choice to be made. (from DAT.)
cassiopeia: hmmmm ever? I think my favourite scene (that i've written--i have ones in my head i'm super excited for) is, probably... this scene in GFW2 when the magic in the air makes everyone's thoughts audible. aaalllll their thoughts. it shows you what all these characters are feeling, what they're trying and failing to repress. (It's also the first hint that Tasya, a character who wasn't nearly as important in book 1, has some hidden sides to herself.)
draco: Corey :D
hydra: i'll do this for Secret Wip >:) . i love it because it's this epic-scale high-stakes fantasy, and i'm having much fun with the magic system. (Plus, i'm having a good time figuring out the characters.)
libra: it's hard to pick, but i think either Charlie & Eleanor (from rose librarians), Tasya & Rowan (from GFS), or Oliver & Corey. I can't really describe why, I just Like Them and their dynamics.
pyxis: in GFS, i just kinda want to show, like. even if you're struggling. even if everything has gone to shit. you can still find happiness. your world is ending, but the sunset is beautiful. you're alive. In Val Saintly, I want to show that... idk. you're allowed to feel things! it's not healthy to try and not feel things. And in Oddities, I want to show that there is always, always a place for you, whether you know it yet or not. Everyone belongs somewhere.
ursa major: the scene in gfw4 where Tasya gets to break down and cry in the rain and no one judges her. she deserves it.
canis major: it depends on the story, but usually character-driven, i think.
pavo: e v e r y t h i n g . tv, movies, books, family, friends, things people say, things people wear, things people do, songs, the weather, fuckin. everything. i cannot stop being inspired. i have more ideas than i can count and idk what to do with all of them lol
phoenix: it varies, but the general way i develop things is just... get some ideas from that Inspiration that's everywhere, then keep asking myself questions about it. what if, why does, why is, who does, who is, what is, where does, etc.
virgo: i'm a diehard fantasy fan so i LIKE the chosen one. especially the twists on it, such as reluctant chosen one, evil chosen one, and chosen one who chose themself. i also absolutely adore the wise old mentor trope.
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grismavessel · 2 years
Question timeeee
How did Gris get his first Rowlet?
(assuming Alola is a Decidueye by the time you get to Hisui) Alola’s reactions of Dartrix evolving to a regional variant Decidueye
What happened to Grimhilda’s Pokemon after she passed?
What are Ingo & Emmet parents like? (and if they are alive) what are their reactions to Ingo’s boyfriend Gris and his dad Guzma?
Anywhere Gris or Ingo want to go to specifically? Maybe couples trip?
Anyone else notable that Gris has a friendship with? (gym leaders, team members, whatever other ppl there are I'm blanking atm. this can go for really any of ur different AUs)
(yoooo let’s go! Lightning round!) (also I’m writing these at like 1 am, no sleep gang strikes again)
Guzma pulled some strings with his old pal Kukui and actually got a rowlet egg just for Gris. Even as a kid the old stigma of team skull still kind of lingered so Gris didn’t have friends really, so Guzma surprised them with their first Pokémon to raise and bond with to fill in the gap! It was when Gris was around 8-10, before their Pokémon journey started. They’ve been ride or die every since rowlet hatched.
In Hisui, Gris was fully prepared to have twin Decidueyes on their team. Two matching hooded archer birds 💳💥 but as the two watched the Dartricx evolved Gris noticed right away that something was different. When the variant appeared Gris was so excited and happy and surprised. Words could not express their joy to discover a regional variant of their favorite Pokémon. Alola though, was shocked. Little timid natured Hisui was in tears. It wanted to look just like Alola and it got very upset. The two birds made up in the end. Now when Gris goes back to the present they have something amazing to show Kukui.
When she passed, everyone took a big hit. It was unexpected and even the Pokémon went into a mourning period. (I haven’t decided her team yet oops) Guzma kept most of them, taking care of them and they’re basically family. I think I want one to become apart of Gris’s Alola team but I’m not quite sure, and I also wanted one to move on like how in the anime sometimes Ash would let his Pokémon off on their own to go do their own thing like Greninja. Still in the works, but they all find a home either with Guzma and Gris or somewhere else.
The submas twins’s parents. I’d like to think their mom would be very upbeat, pep in her step, nose to the grind stone type of gal, while their dad is very laid back and chill, a very passive but charming man. They are alive I just haven’t gotten around to thinking about any designs/story that involve them much. Lets say that with everyone else around Ingo, they’d be floored. Mom, fainted, Dad, hanging on by 1 hp when they hear that one of their sons is dating the son of infamous former leader of a criminal organization. Family dinners are awkward, but they try to be supportive. They’re just very scared of Guzma. They love Gris though.
Trips! I’ve said somewhere they make trips to Galar and Alola, but I think the two of them would love to visit Kalos. One for the cuisine, two Gris won’t freeze the minute they step outside, three Ingo won’t melt on the spot from the sun, and four, they both want to go see the Sundial in Anistar City. Seeing it glisten in the setting sun would be magical (Ingo looks to the sundial but can’t help but look to Gris and watch the pretty light dance around them), and five, mega stone hunting because why not have a chance to mega evolve one of their Pokémon?
Gris knows Gladion and Lillie. They’re older and kind of treat Gris like a younger brother. The siblings come by and chat with Guzma, the three bonded over Lusamine being crazy. Gris feels like the cousin kept out of the loop. There’s Nanu because Guzma plays cards with him on the weekends. They knew Hau before they tried to beat the elite 4, Hau visits Guzma to check up on him every now and then since he is the champion and the other’s a kahuna. There’s Elesa and Skyla, Draydon since he’s the twins uncle. They also know the other island kahunas too since Guzma dragged Gris to their meetings. Gris is only really good friends with the twins, Elesa and Skyla though.
In the howl’s moving castle au, they knew N since he curses Gris. They form a brotherly type relationship after his magic is taken away.
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real-gifted-chaos · 2 years
Furious With The World (Pt 2)
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tags: @leighham24 @chynagirl13
!Paring! Deckard Shaw x Fem! Reader, Dominic Toretto x Sister! reader, Mia Toretto x Sister! reader, Jakob Toretto x Sister! reader !Warnings! Language
Here in the flesh, the small part of the star-shaped device in your tiny hands as if you were holding up the world. Carefully you placed the device in the bulletproof glass department, watched the glass slowly close, and took affection of the device from afar. It was beautiful. The glowing red from the small opened parts of the device was memorizing. You could hear faint footsteps approach you but you relaxed, realizing the presence wasn't a threat. "Beautiful isn't she?" Cipher's soft voice aired. She also began to stare at the small piece of the device, her eyes glistening with lust and excitement. She has come to realize that every one of her counters with the Toretto's has always failed, but she had faith in this relationship with you. She believed that you are the true Toretto. "I'll say." "Pilot says we land in fifteen. Should we go over the plan again?" Finally removing your eyes from the device, you looked at her and began walking to another part of the jet with your eyebrow raised. "Why would we need to go over the plan again?" "Maybe 'cause you just saw your family. And trust me, I know how it corrupts one's mind." "We land, we do the plan, and we move on to the next. Do not question my ability to work ever because some family who had never once seen me as a part of it. That is your only warning." You walked out of the room, never once looking back at Cipher and decided to chill in the control room until you landed. Though you would never admit it out loud, Cipher was right. Your mind, for the first time had been clouded. It wasn't because you saw your ex-family, no, if they didn't care about you then you didn't care about him. It was because you meet his eye. You never thought you'd see him again, but then it happened and you didn't know how to feel. The sound of your phone ringing knocked you out of your thoughts. Swiftly you removed the phone from your pocket and searched the caller ID before answering. "Hey, Deck. How's my little man?" You said with a wide smile, although he couldn't see it. He always made your heart melt. You found your truest happiness with him and it was expected. "I'm not little anymore, mom" "I was actually talking about my other son, Deck. You know the one that's four years old named Gustavo. How are you guys?" "We miss you. How much longer do we have to stay at uncle James's?" "Not that much longer. I'll be back in three or four days and when I get back I'll take you to your favorite place kiddo." "Fine. But can you tell Uncle James to stop singing in the shower? He can't sing and it's scaring away my friends online. It even made Stavo cry." "Deckard, that is not very nice." Eli walked in with a tablet in one of his hands and flipping a small knife repeatedly in the other. He was about to say something before you held your finger up and gestured towards your phone, quietly telling him that you were on a call. "Who's that?" He nearly whispered with his eyebrow raised. You smirked at him and mouthed your son's name while responding to your son's blabbing on the other side of the phone. "Is that Uncle Eli?" "Yes, baby. Wanna say hi?" "Is he busy?" Eli took the phone from your hands and put it on speaker so you both could hear. With a wide smile on his face, he responded; "I'm never too busy for you Deck. You're my man." "Since I'm your man, can you come pick me up from Uncle James's?" "Sorry bud, your mom needs you there for a while longer. We'll be back soon, until then you and brother be good for Uncle James for me." "Yeah, whatever. We have to get ready for school. We love you both." "I love you guys too, baby. Be good and turn in your work." "I'll try." "Alright, bye Deck. Say bye to Stavo for me." "Okay." The line went dead seconds later but the smile remained on your face. Hearing your son's voice just made any terrible day better. "A fifteen-year-old and a four-year-old on your hands, how do you handle that?" "Well with your help, I manage." "You ready for this mission?" "Let's wrap this up so we can go home to my sons." "That sounds like a plan."
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rezzyromance · 3 years
Idk if this is how you request things or if it's just asking, BUT-
How would the Lords react to an S/O that's usually the chillest person that you will ever meet (not to be confused with a pushover because they are not), they've never seen them even mildly annoyed when something bad happens. But then something happens and, turns out, the S/O is utterly TERRIFYING when they're mad.
Hope this makes sense!
Aw man I'm gonna feel awful scaring Moreau and Donna :(
You're relaxing on a beautiful morning. The sun is shining through the window just enough to warm the room but not hurt your eyes. You hadn't even changed out of your sleep wear. "How are you feeling, my dear?", a sweet voice rang from the doorway. You were sitting in your favorite chair near the window. You turn and smile at her. She walks over and rubs your face in her large hand before leaning down and giving you a soft kiss. "I'm feeling amazing. And you?", you grab her hand before she pulls it away and you place a kiss on her knuckles. "I'm feeling alright. There's a new maid here. She's a bit slow. I'm giving her until tonight to finish dusting the entire castle or else she won't see another sunrise." It was almost comedic how dark her words were as you both stared out the window and gazed at the beautiful scenery. "Come on Alcina.", you stand up and place your hands on hers, trying to hold them despite the size difference. "Give the girl a break. It's a huge castle AND it's her first day.", you knew your words would probably change nothing. Alcina was rather cruel, but you looked past it. You tried your best to make the nervous maids comfortable whenever they arrive.
"We'll see how she does." She gives you one more kiss before leaving the room. You sit back down in your chair, enjoying the warmth of the sun for a little while longer. You lose track of time, minutes maybe even hours go by. Suddenly, there's a crash not far from the door. You jump and stand up, no longer comfortable after being startled. "What in the name of Mother Miranda?!", you leave the room and look down the hallway. The new maid stood there with a terrified look on her face. In front of her was one of the paintings Alcina had on her walls, now with a broken frame and a hole punctured. Your blood began to boil. It was a painting of you, her, and the girls all together. It was your favorite. "How in the hell did you manage to do that?!", you begin to stomp towards her. She cowers and struggles to find her words. "I-I-I was just dusting! It fell and I-I didn't mean t-", you cut her off. "How the fuck did you knock such a large painting over just by dusting?! DO YOU THINK YOU'RE ALLOWED TO MAKE SUCH STUPID MISTAKES HERE?!", you unravel. "I-I didn't mean to! I'm sorry!", she almost begins to weep. "SORRY ISN'T GONNA SAVE YOUR ASS!"
"MISS DIMITRESCU PLEASE HELP!", she cries out. You freeze, realizing that the lady herself is right behind you. You turn to face her. Her eyes are wide with shock. She has never seen you like this before and never even knew you had this type of side to you. She was impressed as much as she was terrified. "(Y/N)? Are you alright my love?" She had no idea what to do as your seething slowed down. "Why don't you go back to the room, yes? Settle down a little and deal with her later.", she places a hand on your back helps walk with you back to the room. Once you're there, she bends down to whisper in your ear. "I don't know where this side of you has been this whole time, but I am so amazed by you. And also a little frightened."
The Beneviento house was usually a calm place despite its creepy aura. You and Donna are both quiet and chill people. Never once have you fought or even raised your voices at each other. It was pleasant.
You had planned a nice dinner for the both of you. You wanted to try out a new recipe and surprise her, so you made your way to the kitchen to get started. "Okay, what first? I guess I'll need a pot.", you go rummaging through the kitchen and you find the pots stacked within each other inside one of the top cabinets. You groan and stand up on your toes, grazing the pots with your fingers. It didn't take much to cause them to tumble down, crashing on top of you with a loud sound that followed. "Aw shit.", you sighed and picked up the knocked over pots. A small but annoying pain began to throb in your head from where it made contact with a pot. What you didn't notice was you forgot to pick one of the pots up. It remained unnoticed. "It's fine.", you say to yourself as you maintain your composure. Next, a cutting board and knife. You turn around and begin to walk forward to find the cutting board, but you slam your toe into counter. You wince in pain and grab your foot. "SON OF A BITCH!", you yell.
You calm yourself, still wanting to have a pleasant meal with Donna. "Alright. Everything's fine." You step forward and kick the pot that you had forgotten to pick up. It caused your freshly kicked toe to ache even more. "OH COME ON! GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!", you scream and swear as you throw your arms up in pure rage and shock.
"...(Y/N)?", a gentle voice whispered from the doorway, causing you to whip your head in that direction. It was Donna. She looked absolutely horrified and almost looked like she could cry. "Is.. is everything... are you alright?", she worried. "Yes. I'm sorry. Just got a little pissed off.", you took a deep breath to calm yourself down, feeling bad for scaring the poor girl.
You were sitting on the dock together, looking into the water as your feet swung back and forth above it. It was a sunny day and you two decided to spend it outside. Your hand slowly made its way over to his. His feet stopped swinging for a second as you entangled your fingers. "I don't know what I'd do without you, (Y/N)." his words were bitter sweet as a gentle smile formed from his lips. "Oh, Sal. You don't have to think like that. I'll always be here for you.", you kiss his cheek and continue to relax as you sway your legs.
"There it is! There's the beast!", a voice yelled from not so far away. You both look in the direction of the voice and see a few young village boys. Possibly between the ages of 13 and 16. Moreau had become some what of a scary story for the villagers. A tale that kids spread on school court yard and bring up during dares. But, you've never seen a kid brave enough to actually make it far enough into the reservoir to actually see Moreau. Now, there were about 3. All of them stood and pointed, shocked and terrified.
"Hey beast! Come get me!", one kid teases. You glare at the kids as a newfound rage begins to boil inside you. "Let's go back inside.", Moreau says before standing up from the doc. The sadness in his voice was heartbreaking. Suddenly, one of the children gathers the guts to pick up a rock and throw it as hard as he could. His aim was off, but not by much. It slammed into the wood near Moreau's feet, startling him. "Take that you devil!", he laughs. "THAT'S IT YOU LITTLE SHIT!", you begin sprinting in the direction of the immature brats. Two of them run from the direction they came from while the one who threw the rock was frozen in fear. You took the opportunity to grab him by the collar of his shirt. "Listen here you little waste of space. I'm gonna give you 3 seconds to turn around and run for your goddamn life. If you or any of your little snot-nosed friends come around here again, they'll be goddamn fish food. Do you understand?" The kid was too scared to speak and instead began to nod rapidly. You let him go and watched as he ran as fast as he could, screaming the whole way.
You walk back to the shack and find Moreau standing in the same place he was when you took off. His mouth was agape and he looked almost as scared as the kids. "You alright Sal? I made sure those little shits won't be coming around here anymore." "Yeah... I didn't know you could be so... scary", he says. "I'm sorry. But those kids were being cruel. I had to do something.", you say. "Well... it was awesome!", he smiled. "But also very scary!" You laugh which helps sooth him a little.
"Screw driver.", is all Karl said with an outstretched palm. He was working on some type of mechanical heart for his experiments. He wanted you to lend a "helping hand" even though he could easily do it all by himself. He did this because he wanted to be around you, he was just too stubborn with too big of an ego to simply say it. So here you were, handing him every little tool he asks for.
"Do you want the big one or the little one?", you say with a hint of boredom in your tone. "Aw c'mon don't sound like that! Isn't this exciting? It's like you're working on it with me! Also, hand me the big one.", you do as he says and hand him the big screw driver. "I just don't get it. You literally have powers. You can easily do this by yourself and have been for so long. Why do you need me to help?" He pauses for a second and looks over towards you, his brow slightly furrowed. "I don't NEED you to help. I just thought it would be nice for you to help out. Plus, you're the one always bitching about me constantly working. Well, here you are! Helping me work! So, either suck it up or you can leave." His harshness had no real ill will in it. He was just confused and a bit too ignorant to consider his words. But, he was testing your patience. He continued to use the screwdriver until handing it to you without saying a word.
"Hand me a screw.", he demanded with his hand facing palm up again. "Which size?" "They're all the same sizes, dumbass." You feel your blood begin to boil. "They're different fucking sizes! This one is smaller than this one!", you hold up two screws that are obviously different sizes. This makes Karl angry. Not because you were right, but because you seemed upset over something that seemed so insignificant.
"If you came here just to yap in my ear, then I don't think I need your assistance.", he huffed. You put the selection of tools and supplies he was making you hold on the table he is working on and ball your fists. "You're the one who told me to do this in the first place!", you yell. "Yeah, because you won't stop bitching! Non-stop you're always compla-" you cut him off before he can finish. "SHUT UP!", you yell. The room goes silent. "YOU SAY I'M BITCHING? HAVE YOU HEARD YOURSELF? JESUS FUCKING CHRIST KARL YOU BITCH AND MOAN ALL THE TIME! I'M DONE TAKING SHIT FROM YOU!" He wanted to be angry, but he couldn't. He felt something much more overwhelming. Was he.. intimidated? He didn't move from his seat. All he could do was look up at you with a confused expression. What now? What is there to do? If he pushes you further, what would happen? He was actually too scared to find out.
You take a deep breath to calm down before speaking. "Now, if you want me to help with your shit, I'll stay as long as you keep your mouth shut. Can you possibly manage to do that?" He gulps nervously. "Yes ma'am."
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allandoflimbo · 3 years
Ashens (Part 22)
Summary: She falls in love with Bucky Barnes from the moment she sees him. Bucky, still in love with a woman from his past, hates Y/N and plans to make her life miserable. To both their dismay, they are assigned together to go undercover into The Capitol for six months. There, they develop a heartbreaking friend with benefits agreement. Dystopian.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Chapter Word Count: 3,600
Rating: M for Mature, E for explicit. Enemies to lovers trope, sharing a bed trope, friends with benefits trope, temporarily unrequited love, heavy and angry sex, heavy on the angst, and very strong language.
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He’s been gone all morning. You don’t know where he went and you didn’t ask before he left. Whatever it was, you weren’t too concerned, anyway. It was about time you two had some space. It helped clear your mind and helped you move on. You were moving on.
There was another reason you were thankful he had left for the morning. You could feel the chills run up the sides of your arms, goosebumps appearing where your skin was once smooth.
You eyed the closet doors curiously. It was almost eerie how quiet it was around you. You dropped your eyes for only a moment before raising them up again.
You had to do this. You were going to do this.
You finally gather the balls to do something you’ve been wanting to for some time now. It had been eating away at you like mad.
Once in front of the closet, you crouch down. You raise your left hand slowly roll the doors open, your eyes immediately dart down to the little black box on the ground. Exactly where he’d left it.
Part of you was happy that it remained untouched.
Per Steve’s orders, you had both buried any of your weaponry about a mile before reaching the wall nearly three months ago. You weren’t supposed to be bring any inside with you. It was forbidden.
It had shocked you when you and Bucky had been arguing about going after Ashen and he had pulled out a G19, angrily strapping it onto his leg to prove a point. He obviously snuck it in. At the time, you hadn’t really given it much thought. You were more shocked that he ignored his best friend’s request.
Now, it concerned you for different reasons.
You sat criss cross in front of the box, staring at it for a few more long seconds. Taking in a deep breath, you opened it. It opened with a small click.
There it was.
Matte black. Subtle but deadly.
You eyed the gun like it was a ticking bomb. You’ve never held a fire arm before, but that wasn’t necessarily why you were nervous. You were nervous to know why the hell he had it stacked away in your bedroom when you knew he didn’t even have the intention of killing anyone on this mission. He made sure to make you aware of this, many times.
You also knew it wasn’t to be used on you. There was no way.
The only other plausible reason he had it, kept you on edge.
You didn’t want your thoughts going there.
You reached slowly for the gun until you felt it lay heavy in your right hand. It was heavier than it looked. It felt deadlier than it looked.
You swallowed thickly, allowing yourself to think the worst.
Was he going to use this on himself?
You suddenly wanted it as far away from you as possible.
Your hand trembled slightly as you put it back in its place, letting your fingers linger on the ridges for just a moment.
You let out a long breath realizing.
When you had eyed the closet, you didn’t really think it through.
What were you going to do once you had it in your hands? Were you going to get the gun and hide it? Were you just curious? Was there something about it that secretly terrified you and you weren’t going to believe you really saw him hold it until you held it yourself?
You shake your head, pushing the box back into its original place. You were over exaggerating.
He probably just brought it in case you both needed it for self protection.
You looked over at your black back pack right next to it and pulled it out.
You fished inside, looking at different things you forgot you still had. You had your grey sweater, scarf, and beat up boots at the bottom. It smelled dusty.
You stuck your hand into the front pocket of the backpack, pulling out a note. It wasn’t your first time reading it, but you need the gentle reminder.
Thank you again for doing this. Thank you for helping me out and for agreeing to our plan to help Bucky be happy again. We can do this together. That plan, to me, is the most important thing right now. Thank you for doing whatever it takes to mentally convince him he deserves happiness. What you’re doing means the world to me, y/n. See you both again very soon. I’ll make it up to you. I promise.
You felt small tears in your eyes at your promise. If only he knew how it wasn’t so easy. You closed your eyes tightly together, took a deep breath, and placed the note onto your chest.
I’ll keep trying.
+ +
You didn’t understand these jobs that came with your ID. You didn’t understand most of what you were being told to do, but you did it anyway.
At the end of the day, your number one plan was to still kill Ashen. So you went through with what Bucky ordered you to do until it was time.
Your first day at the tower started off better than how you thought it would. Mr. Hyde was a old gentleman in his late 50s. He had short white hair and a nicely trimmed white beard to compliment it. He knew you were learning and that this would be your first time working up to a secretary job, so he started you off with small assistant duties like transporting paper work around the building, scheduling, and grabbing anything personal he may need here and there.
The best part was when he gave you a tour of the building, the whole reason you even were excited about it. Maybe this was why this was written into the mission.
He explained to you what each floor was but never took you past floor 15. You eyed the buttons on the elevator suspiciously.
He said that wasn’t their area and that “we didn’t need to worry about it”. You needed a special code to access those floors anyway.
You quickly made a connection. You wondered how Bucky had gotten in the other day.
The atmosphere in the elevator went cold when you stopped somewhere on the seventh floor and a man dressed in black and gold walked in. It was a fitted suit, expensive looking, and he had a cold look in his eyes. You swallowed thickly, looking away from him. You pulled your scarf tighter around your neck, trying to conceal your tattoo as much as you could.
Something about this man was off.
You heard the term Coroner a lot when you worked serving drinks. They weren’t the coroner most people knew, they were cop meets bounty hunter.
There was just something about them that left you uneasy. He stood in front of you and you felt yourself shuffle back a few inches. You looked over at Mr. Hyde and he gave you a small smile.
You smiled back.
+ +
It wasn’t until your fourth day at the building when things finally took a turn.
Bucky was going to meet you at a stairwell for floor eleven. He was going to trace Silas down once and for all. The night after the ball, Bucky was went traced them down to see where they would take the new import. According to what he overheard, there had been some complications and it wouldn’t be administered until today.
You got up from your seat, pretending you were just looking for the restroom, when you turned down the narrow hallway and went for the door that led into the stairwell.
You had three floors to climb up to meet him.
You were on the ninth floor when you turned the corner of the stairs and your heart nearly jumped up into your throat.
His face, his hair, his eyes, and his damn voice.
It all hit you at once and you turned back the direction you came from, leaning back against the steal rods. You put a hand up to your head as you felt dizzy. You could feel your heart beating away like crazy and you felt that anger you harbored down for so long.
It was him. The face from the diner and the face of the man that killed your mom and dad.
And he was with another woman.
“He’s our child and he’s dying!” The woman shouted. You could hear the tears in her voice.
“I know but there’s not much else I can do,” the voice. It was deep and violent. You hated it. You hated him, “He woke up this morning, cured! Without us even giving him the dose of the chemical. It’s obvious his plasma contains some kind of fending off mechanism. It took years, but he obviously survived it and no longer has it.”
You took a deep breath as you processed what you were hearing.
Had the little boy been infected with the virus, but now was doing well?
“And?” The woman insisted.
“And?” An evil laugh came from within Ashen’s chest, “We need all his blood, goddamn it! We need it distributed to our men if we want our side to stay strong once we go out there!”
“You can’t possibly still think—“
“It’s our world —“
“But we are safe here. Our son is safe here!”
“You didn’t think we’d all stay stuck in here for all eternity, did you? Hydra and Sword is to control the world, not the city. These walls kept us safe long enough and our son is well now, and we might have the cure in our hands. It’s all we need to conquer.”
You could hear sniffling.
“You can’t kill our son.” The woman begged.
“No,” he said slowly, “Not yet at least. We need trial periods.”
“Ashen, please-“
“I sacrificed everything for him!” A shriek followed by a gruntled groan came from the woman and you wondered what he was doing to her, “I cut the plan short, of us taking the capitol, because of him! I was minding my own business that night before I got the call. I took the risks, I found the refuge, I found the goods, and I called an initiative, and now look at us, we’re all safe. And our son just also happens to be the possible cure for all of this. If Hydra completing this mission requires my son’s life, so be it.”
“I won’t let you hurt him! I won’t let you pick at him with needles and knives. He is my baby boy!”
“Was, honey, was.” You could hear a loud smack, “And after him, you’re next.”
“Now let’s get back in there and congratulate him.”
You could still feel your heart beating away inside of your ears as you heard the shuffling of their feet, followed by the closing of a door.
This was way too much information for you to process. This was too much for you. Suddenly, you cursed Bucky for making you work intel. Intel was the worst part.
You knew this information and now you had to tell him without freaking out, or worst, freaking him out.
It didn’t take much longer for a familiar face to turn the corner of the stairwell.
His blue eyes met yours over his scarf.
“What the hell are you doing here, I said eleventh —-“ his voice faltered as he watched your stricken face. His own eyes fell and he raised a hand to the back of your head and caressed it softly, “Hey, hey, it’s okay. What’s going on?”
“I—“ you whimpered out. Bucky hushed you as he leaned his forehead against yours. He closed his eyes tightly together, “I—he—“
“Breathe. Breathe. Breath for me.”
You took in a deep breath and controlled your breathing.
When you opened your eyes he was staring straight down at you.
“I saw him.” Bucky’s eyes darted over your face, knowing exactly what you were talking about. Who you were talking about, “I saw him.” You repeat again. He nods, “I can’t stay here, Bucky. Not when he’s here. He killed mom and dad, Bucky.” You whimpered into a cry.
“Hey, shhhh,” he brought his hand to your jaw and ran his thumb there gently, “shhh. I’m sorry,” he straightens his head up over yours and places a kiss on the top of your head, “I’m sorry you saw him.”
You ran your hands up his chest and softly pushed him away from you. Bucky’s face fell, along with his hands at his sides. You looked away from him, running the back of your sweater-clothed hand underneath your nose.
You needed to create distance. You and him, whatever it was, was no more.
“I overheard them.”
You sighed, running a hand through your hair.
“Yes, them. Him and what I can only imagine is maybe his wife? I don’t know, it was another woman. The little boy’s mother.”
Bucky took a deep breath.
“Okay, and what did they say?”
“He’s going to kill him. He can potentially save us, save all of us, but instead he’s going to kill him, I—I—“ you were freaking out as your ran both hands down your face.
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“The boy!” You shouted quietly, pointing to the direction where the stairs continued. “Ashen is after the boy. He’s going to kill the mom and he’s after the boy, too.”
“What? Why? Why is he after his own son?”
You took a deep breath and met Bucky’s gaze again. His jaw was tight and he looked apprehensive.
“They think the cure is in his plasma.” You say slowly and carefully, knowing how much weight the words held.
“The cure?”
“For the virus. The boy’s blood.”
Bucky let out a long breath, running a hand through his own hair now and pulling on it.
“And why does he want the child dead? Does he not want the cure?”
“No, no he does.”
“What? He wants it just for himself?” You whined as you looked away again, “Y/N, you came on this mission for this reason. It’s for you to give me the important information you have right at this moment. Tell me, why does he want the boy dead?”
“He says he wants to make enough just for Hydra and Sword,” Bucky’s face went pale, “I’m assuming it’s because he doesn’t want anyone else after that having access to it. He kills the boy, no more cure for anyone else.”
“That,” his tongue clicks, “That’s absurd. Hydra wants to recruit more bad, not kill off the remaining race. It defeats the purpose of world domination.”
“I think they have a change of plans. They said they want to control the rest of the world.”
“With a raging virus? How is that even possible?”
“I don’t know. That was all he said before I heard him choking his wife. I don’t know what they plan to do after they go out there, protected. I don’t know.”
“And in that vile? What was in the vile?”
“I don’t know, a trial drug. But nothing as good as the boy’s blood.”
Bucky lets out a long breath as he walks back and forth, clearly stressed and overwhelmed. You watched him, intrigued. You’ve never seen him worry like this before.
“Shit, shit, shit.” he mumbles under his breath, “What do we do? What do we do.”
You stare down at his feet as they continue to move across the floor.
“I think it’s obvious what we need to do.”
“We need to take him.” You say seriously, looking Bucky dead in the eye.
“We need to take him.” He says back.
“We can’t let Hydra have access to the cure and let the rest of the world burn and we can’t get him get killed.” You place a hand on Bucky’s arm to stop him and he looks up at you. You could practically see the emotions in his eyes, “He’s just a little boy.”
“Unfortunately, I can’t just go in there and take the kid. I can’t just kidnap someone’s child.”
“Why not?” You ask simply.
Bucky lets out a scoff.
“Bucky look at the stakes here. He wants him killed, he’ll build an army to dictate the rest of the world. Bucky we have no other option. This is the end of the world. There is no time for common courtesy.”
“Okay. Okay, just relax. We need to plan this through, okay? So far us two and his parents are the only ones who know about him right?”
“I mean his doctor probably knows too and also the scientist he’s working with. The man who probably sent in those viles.”
“Those viles can be good too, right? We need to take those, too. At least a few. There has to be a reason they brought them in. Maybe they aren’t timely useless. Trial drug or not.”
“So we take the boy, now—”
“We can’t, y/n.” Bucky says strictly. You don’t expect his hand to cup your cheek again. It takes your breath away. Why was he behaving this way? “He said he’ll wait anyway. They probably need to run tests first. We still have two and a half months left in here. If we take him now, they’ll notice he’s gone, and Hydra’s already suspecting there’s intruders inside the wall. It’s too risky. We need to wait,” he runs his hand over your chin and tilts his head slowly to the side. A pained look is in his eyes, “I know you want to, and I want to, too, but we need to do this carefully.”
“So what do you suggest?” Your voice comes out rough.
“I don’t know, maybe we can keep an eye on him or something.” He says. “His father works here, maybe you’ll see him around. Warm up to him. Make sure he’s safe.”
“Ashen knows what I look like.”
Bucky nods.
“I know that. Maybe there’s something we can do. Maybe I can find where he stays in the building. I’ll figure something out. And you’ll be safe, I promise. He won’t see you.”
You believe Bucky’s words and you nod.
“What do you think? Should we risk him seeing me?” He says with a small smile on his face.
You look at him incredulously.
“Are you dumb?”
“What?” He asks like it’s nothing.
“You’re Captain America’s best fiend. If you really think he wouldn’t recognize you right away and run and tell his dad, you’re insane.”
It had been a successful day. It was exhausting and you and Bucky were both clearly burnt out, emotionally and mentally. A lot happened for both of you. You both took a shower, individually of course, you had dinner and you finally got him to watch the first half of Titanic. It was a long night.
But it wasn’t the end of the day yet.
You sat on the bed crisscross and in your PJs, looking out into the city, deep in thought.
Bucky moves over to you and across the bed and you close your eyes tightly together, feeling the bed dip down. You can feel him as he puts his hand on your shoulder.
“We’ll save him, okay? Imagine how much Steve will love us when you come back not only with a life saved, but with the cure.” His words are gentle and sweet, but hold so much weight over you.
You couldn’t do this. You made that promise a few days ago.
“Look, Bucky I don’t think we should do this anymore. Our agreement.” You say quietly, your voice breaking off at the end.
He went still and you felt a cold rush where he began to remove his hand from your skin.
“Oh, I didn’t realize that—“
“I didn’t know you weren’t in the mood. I’m sorry.”
“No,” you say quietly and so heartbreakingly slow that you know he can feel it too. Why did it feel this way? “It’s not that.” You slowly turn around to face him. He’s got both arms stretched down on the bed below him, palms down, and he’s staring at you like he was afraid you would hurt him again like you did the other night. You looked away from him and pushed yourself away to give you both more room to breathe
“I’ve decided to go out with Pietro again,” You watch as his eyes drop from your own to the spot just next to your arm. He swallows hard and there’s a flicker of something in his eyes that isn’t necessarily jealously, “We want to see where it goes. I know we’ll only be here a little while longer, but who knows the future, right? What if I see him again?”
Bucky swallows again and clears his throat.
“It wouldn’t feel right doing that to him.”
“So, uh,” he straightens himself out until he’s standing, and he pulls his shirt down in a sort of fidgety way you almost find adorable if it weren’t for the heartbroken look in his eyes, “you’re gonna date?”
You tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear, feeling a tightness in your chest that you couldn’t bare.
Why did it feel like this?
“Yeah. I deserve someone that will take care of me like that, don’t you think?”
Bucky’s eyes are unreadable at that point. This was what he wanted, right? For you to move on and meet someone better for you?
“You’ll find a guy your age, you don’t want an old thing like me, anyway.”
“You do.” It hurt him to say it. It fucking destroyed him in the goddamn core.
@snakeeatery17 @utterlyhopeful-fics , @marvelfan1017, @iheartsebastianstan , @annathesillyfriend , @redhairedfeistynerd, @perksofbeingabookworm, @amyrose051, @meegggoooo, @morganclaire4 , @captainchrisstan, @bxndys , @shoesonpointe ,  @writerwrites, @rainbowkisses31, @lindatreb , @littlemissner98 , @dezzylou24, @ayeitslelee , @hardygal69 ,  @emmabarnes , @redbarn1995@thequeenreaders@ilovemysupersoldiers@maximumplaidzonknerd@ceapa-mica @s-trawberryv-eins@buckysknifecollections@sobangie@lindatreb@theseuscmander@nervous-plant @wildmoonflower @aya-fay@appreciating-fanfics@kaitlynisinfinite@justreadingfics@kaitieskidmore1 @mrsdancing​ @everythingiloveandcherish @shinykoalacat​ @dragongirl31 @kaitlynisinfinite​ 
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worminstuff · 3 years
The Balcony of the Treehouse Pt.6
sleepy bois x reader au
no warnings:)
also merry christmas:)
“Is that good or bad” Y/n asked Techno, her gaze soft.
“I'm not sure. He was really cool but..” Techno shrugged his shoulders.
It was currently the next day, and Y/n was accompanying Techno in the treehouse. They were currently discussing Techno’s new friend as of yesterday, Bo. Sam's older son.
Apparently Bo was sorta like Techno in some ways. They were both pretty shy at first but then found some common interest, and became rather comfortable pretty fast. Bo even let Techno ramble about Y/n for a bit and also said he would totally wanna meet her too.
“He's just not me.” Y/n grinned cockily and Techno pushed her shoulder.
“Right.” he rolled his eyes. “How was it with the other boys?”
“It was alright. Surprisingly very chill. I guess Tommy and Tubbo had really tired themselves out in the morning beforehand.” she shrugged. She was telling the truth, they slept for quite a while and were only awake for about an hour before everyone else got back.
“What about Will?” Techno wondered how she handled being around him while he was still..angsty.
Y/n shrugged again. She didn't really want to tell him about the kitchen and how they talked for the whole tiny Tommy and Tubbo napped. Or the cigarettes.
She couldn't stop thinking about how she was sitting on the counter and how he seemed so calm and sweet as if nothing happened.
She just had no idea, he was doing it on purpose. Will figures, if he can ignore his protective and jealous feelings, and maybe just try to get a connection with her. He may actually be able to get somewhere. Techno has the higher ground, he spends all his time with her and he has for years. Wilbur's only just started to in the past year and a half or so.
Wilbur doubts Techno actually has genuine feelings for Y/n. He has no way of genuinely knowing. It's just sort of a hunch. Or a hope maybe.
“He actually asked if i wanted to go to that bonfire thing with him..” her voice was almost a mumble. Just after she said she thought it would be fun, Wilbur explained the next evening they were going down to the beach to have a bonfire and hangout and chill. He said they do it often and it's always really fun.
Techno looked at her, slightly surprised. She wanted to hangout with Wilbur? No way.
“And you said..no..right?” his brows furrowed.
“Well..wait why would I say no?” she looked at him. Her brows furrowed also.
“Well obviously..I- he- what?” Techno shook his head.
“What do you mean what? Why would I have said no? It sounds fun.” she crossed her arms.
Techno stared at her for a moment. He slid a bit forward, so he was a bit closer. He leaned his elbows on his knees and rested his head on his hands. Y/n stared back questioningly.
“Odds.” he stated, staring right into her eyes.
“Techno!” Y/n pushed his leg a bit, and looked away, slightly mad. “What the hell?!”
Odds was something they created when they were young, similar to the game odds, it ends with saying a number between certain odds to help decide something.except that's usually for something like a dare. In this case, they used it in sort of flip of a coin situations, but only when one of them thought it was really really important. And the person that calls odds, gets to pick the odds, ex. 1 through 5 or 1 through 10 etc. they did this so they didn't argue about situations sorta like this.
“If you say the same number as me, 1 through 4, you stay. If not, you can go. odds on your side.” he had 0 emotion to his features.
“That's not fair!” she frowned.
“It is though. I called it.” he shrugged, almost smiling. Almost.
Y/n huffed. “Fine.”
Techno counted them down and on the count of three,
“Two.” they spoke at the same time.
“Fuck!” Y/n hit his knee as Techno grinned. Crisis averted. Or so he thought.
Techno grinned as she huffed and crossed her arms with a pout, shooting daggers with her eyes.
“Hey, it's not that bad! Now I can read you that book you got me.” Techno had a happy little grin on his face.
“Oh no, i'm definitely going.” Y/n said. His smile disappeared instantly.
“What? But- but odds?” his shoulders sank. Y/n alone with will in a car, and then alone with him and his friends, at a bonfire. There would be beer and shit everywhere! He just wanted her with him, safe away from Wilbur's scummy friends.
“I told Will I would! I can't go back on that. That's so rude.” she looked at him with puppy eyes.
Techno glared slightly, looked away, then looked back. She knew the eyes work, he acts all tough but he's too soft for it not to work.
“Okay. but i want you back here, when it's over. Not your house, not inside our house. Treehouse.” he pointed to the floor.
“And then normal sleepover?” Y/n smiled a little.
Techno's face softened as he saw her smile. He tried not to match her smile while shaking his head a little.
“Who's going this time?” Phil asked Wilbur.
It was around 5 or 5:30 and everyone was sat around the dining room table having dinner like they always do. Phil was currently discussing the bonfire with Wilbur, because he wanted to make a guesstimate in his head for how long Will would be gone using context clues. Because Will was never really home by the times he says he will.
“The usual group” Wilbur pointed his fork at his plate. “Oh! And Y/n”
Wilbur looked to her with a grin. Phil, for a lack of better words, looked as if one of his kids just had a pregnancy scare.
“Sorry, “ Phil shook his head slightly, “say that again?”
“Or don't.” Techno mumbled, Y/n jabbed him in the side with her elbow.
“I'm going along! I haven't done anything fun lately so Wilbur offered to let me tag along. It'll be fun.”Y/n shrugged.
Wilbur was beaming, Techno was silently livid, and Phil was looking in between the two very nervously.
The reason Techno was so genuinely angry was because Wilbur looked so smug when they sat down at the table. His grin was from ear to ear and he was excited to talk to Y/n about when she wanted to go and if she needed anything from her house, and the entire time Techno sat and felt his anger levels rise. His ears were hot, his shoulders tense and not a smile in sight.
He wanted to smack the smirk of his brother's face to be frank.
Techno knew what was going to happen. She was going to go with him, and have an amazing time. Great, right? Wrong. Clear to Techno, this was some evil master plan. Wilbur was going to give her more friends she would only go see with him. So when she wanted to spend time with these new people she had to also see him. And obviously at first she'll be all she so he gets to confront her and break her out of her shell. Techno knows how social Y/n can be, and she loves meeting new people! He hated to say it, but his brother was a genius.
Techno's fingers were starting to tremble.
What if she did like them? And wanted to see them more? What if they're cooler than him and what if they do drugs? Y/n wouldn't do drugs..would she?
His breath was slowly starting to catch up on him. He excused himself quickly and made his way off to the bathroom.
The crisp sound of the door creaking filled his ears as his back slid against it till he was on the floor.
His mind was running rampant.
How well does he really know Y/n? What could she possibly want with a bonfire when she has him and the treehouse? Is he not enough for her? Should he try to make more friends?
What was wrong with him?
He clutched his leg as he silently shook and took tiny shallow breaths.
Soon enough, just as he was starting to be able to allow more air into his lungs there was a soft knock on the door.
“Techno?..” Phil's voice was soft on the other side of the door.
Techno sniffled as he stood, he brushed himself off, and took a deep breath pushing all emotion from his features. He reached over and flushed the toilet a few feet in front of him, then he ran the sink for a moment before opening the door with one hand wiping on his leg.
“Hm?” he raised his brows.
Phil stared at him, analyzing his face fully. He looked fine, sort of. He looks normal to anyone who isn't his father per say. Phil could see behind his cold eyes he had been crying. No matter how much he pushed his emotions down, he couldn't push away the puffy eye bags or the glossy sheen, though they were actually very subtle.
A simple arm was raised and Techno immediately fell into him, deadweight in his arms. Phil held him tightly, silently. He pressed his cheek onto Techno's head, brushing down the unruly tangles in his hair.
There were no words spoken, they stood silently. Phil knew Techno wasn't going to tell him anything so he did not bear to try.
A little bit of time passed, and they broke apart to make their way back when Phil leaned over,
“Laugh with me like we said something funny. Trust me.”
Techno stared at him for a moment, and then giggled softly. Phil joined him and their laughs were terribly fake which caused more laughter and soon it became real laughter as they were walking into the dining room.
Y/n was staring at a babbling Tommy, while Wilbur was on his phone. Y/n immediately looked to Techno once he was in the room, a worried look on her eyes that disappeared as she saw his face. She was worried for nothing.
Phil patted Techno's back softly as they both picked up their plates to clean them, Tommy following suit with his father and older brother. Will and Y/n stood to do the same.
“Alright dad, think we're gonna head off.” Wilbur said, his grin authentic.
Phil nodded, “Right, don't forget to send me a ping when you get there and on your way home.” he pointed a winger between the pair, both nodded.
Techno stared aimlessly as he watched his girl walk out the door with his brother.
He hoped she was going to have fun.
As soon as both doors to the front seats of Will's car closed, Wilbur looked at her excitedly.
He turned the car on and pulled from the driveway, “Are we excited?”
“You can say that.” her smile was small.
“Don't be nervous, you're gonna love them and they're gonna love you. It's gonna be great.”
Y/n stared at him for a moment, he read her so easily. He looked so giddy. Was it because of her? She didn't want to get cocky but she'd never seen him this excited to see his friends before.
Wilbur's mind was running wild, he was alone with her for once, and then she got to hangout with his people. He even had a small surprise for her that he was even more excited for.
Y/n was progressively getting more and more nervous as they drove silently. She was starting to overthink. As she listened to her thoughts quietly, she failed to notice her leg start to bounce.
Will placed a gentle hand on her knee, “None of that. Nothing to be worried over. I wouldn't have asked you to come if i didn't know for a fact they'd like you.” his eyes broke away from the road momentarily. Y/n nodded. She trusted him.
Soon the smell of saltwater filled the car. Y/n took a quiet deep breath. Letting it fill her lungs. She slowly calmed herself, trying not to think of the hand on her knee, it would only fuel her nervous fire.
Y/n felt strange being here without Techno. It felt wrong. She rarely ever goes anywhere he isn't. He's practically glued to her 85% of the time.
Which was why when she was first meeting Wilbur's “crew”, she felt like a fish out of water.
Even with Wilbur's comforting hand holding hers, she felt stiff and awkward. They were all intimidating, the dudes were tall and confident and the girls were all gorgeous and sweet. Confident too.
She did notice, one of the boys seemed much more approachable. He stood at the back of the group while introductions were going around, she learned his name was Eret and he was one of Wilbur's newer friends but he was really cool.
Wilbur beamed at Y/n as he told her about his friends, his hand was still gentle and it made her smile.
Wilbur was happy she was getting a bit comfortable.
Once they felt everyone had been thoroughly introduced, they all started placing blankets on the sand around the large fire they'd made before Will and her had arrived.
Wilbur set down a blanket he brought and motioned for her to sit with him. When she sat down, he leaned over to speak into her ear, “See, nothing to worry about, yeah?”
He leaned away, showing her a grin. She smiled and shook her head at his silly little grin.
This was really fun.
She loved hearing these kids talk, there was even one girl like her whose parents were also never home. She liked her. The girl even offered that they go drive around some time! When she said that, Y/n of course nodded eagerly.
Wilbur, well he couldn't keep his eyes off her. He loved seeing her like this, it was like she was in her element. Meeting new people and making connections. It's a shame Techno has hogged her from people for so long. He resented him for that. To be fair, it's been like that since they've met. Wilbur saw her all the time, but only in brief interactions up until highschool.
She was so sweet, excited to talk to all of them even though he knew she was nervous, and Wilbur knew his friends loved her already. How could they not?
Wilbur was about to try to get her to talk to him for a little, seeing as how they'd been there for almost 45 minutes already and had barely spoken to him, but he was taped on the shoulder as a signal there was about to be a cigarette break out in the parking lot.
Wilbur stood, and leaned down to Y/n whispering to her where he was going. Just before he was about to go, he placed a soft kiss to her forehead.
Her eyes were wide.
“Look a bit..surprised there?” it was Eret, he sat down on the blanket next to Y/n just after seeing Will was about to go for a butt. He didn't want Y/n to sit all alone.
“I um..no yeah he just..its nothing.” Y/n laughed at her own lack of words, and Eret did too.
“I take it you two aren't official or anything?” his voice was low, and almost gravely but it was still so comforting.
Y/n knew he didn't mean it as if he were trying to make a move on her, he sounded genuinely curious.
“No it's..complicated. Very complicated.” Y/n stared at the fire.
“If I'm not prying, how so? You both seem..really..content together.” he looked from her to the fire.
“I..well his brother is my..best friend and he..”
“He..?” Eret leaned in a little.
“Well i don't know what he is to me really.” she looked at him, her face in question at her own realization.
“Well I know for a fact, he's infatuated with you.”
Y/ns eyes were wide again, “what?”
“Oh he's always going on about you.” Eret had a cheeky grin, almost like Will’s she thought, “He's been talking about you meeting all of us since he asked you yesterday. Not to mention he’s..” Eret stopped himself. He got carried away in his little ramble.
“He's what?” Y/n was confused why he stopped himself.
“No no, I really shouldn't have said anything.” he waved his hand as if he were brushing away his words.
Y/n groaned and threw her head back, “You can't do that!”
Eret laughed, “I'm sorry!”
“Tell me please.” she looked at him with pleading eyes.
Eret stared at her for a moment and sighed. “He's in love with you. But i don't know if you know that or not..so..” she did not. “I think I'm the only one hes told, but he was so...I don't know how to explain it. When he told me he sounded like he was pouring his heart out.” Eret’s eyes were on the fire.
He was in love with her?
Y/ns heart ached. No wonder he was so...hurt. It was her fault too.
As if on cue, (this boy was terribly good with timing) she felt a familiar hand on her shoulder as it slid around her shoulders. Will pulled her to his chest as he sat behind her. He smelled of smoke, but it was comforting. Before she thought about it, or what they were doing, she leaned back into him. The rest of the group took back their seats and conversion rose again.
Y/n an Wilbur sat listening quietly until she heard Will's voice in her ear.
“Chatting it up with Eret while I was gone?” his arm was still across her chest, his hand on her shoulder.
“I was, he's really nice.” she turned to look at him.
“Yeah?” he smiled at her in the dim light of the fire. She smiled back and nodded.
Wilbur stared at her a moment, “How about..we get out of here, and I show you another pretty place?” he was still smiling, but his eyes were nervous for a response.
“Sure. Sounds fun.” she gave him a reassuring smile.
Wilbur was quick to get up. Telling the group they were heading off, a little too excitedly.
Before Wilbur could pull her away, she quickly got all of the girls numbers and was even added to a group chat. She was beaming once they reached the car.
“And she even told me that i could go and hangout when they went to her house! Isn't that so sweet.” she looked at Will towards the end of her sentence to see he was already staring at her, his hand on the wheel in front of him.
His lip was in between his teeth, “Mhm. I knew you'd get along swimmingly with them.”
Y/n giggled.
“So where are we going?” she smiled to herself as Wilbur put his hand on her knee.
“Not saying, but, it's not far at all. We're practically there.” he was exaggerating, but the ride wasn't long at all.
Even though he wasn't, Wilbur felt as if he was driving slow. He felt like time was still, and he was glad. He wanted this to last as long as it could.
Y/n would have never expected what she saw, she was expecting a pretty clif with a view, or something like that.
He brought her to a flower field.
He parked the car on the side of the road towards the middle of the field.
Once they'd both stepped out, Wilbur went to her side.
“Up you go, turn around.” he motioned up at the top of his car. Y/n stared at him for a moment before turning around and letting him hoist her up so she could climb on top of the car. He climbed up after her and sat beside her.
For a little while, Y/n stared at the way the moonlight was casting a blue white onto the field and all the flowers. Wilbur stared at her. They sat this way for a little while but Y/n was the first to break the silence.
“A little birdy..told me something interesting.” she looked at him.
“Hm?” he hummed.
“Is it hard?” Y/n was staring at the moon, her hand was picking at the seam of her jeans.
“Is what hard?” Wilbur stared at her feet as they swung back and forth.
“..being in love with me.” she looked up at him, her eyes starry.
“Maybe. But it doesn't have to be.”
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i-need-air · 3 years
After seeing your marriage hc’s I’d like to request hc’s of Hawks, Aizawa, Bakugo, and Shinsou reacting to their wife’s water breaking prematurely and at random. Mainly like everyone’s at a party and having a good time and suddenly someone’s like “Y/N, did you spill something?” Y/N:*doesn’t have a drink on her so she’s confused until she looks down and realizes what happened* OH-
💀💀💀💀 ok but all these guys' babies coming out whenever they foken want is a headcanon by itself, like we all know they'd be like their fathers coming and going whenever they feel like and that kills me akjdksjsj this ask made me laugh so hard but omg i felt the embarrassment when writing, send help I—
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× your due date was approaching quickly and Hawks was so attentive it hurt
× you had to insist to go out with you friends because bird-brain was getting very worried/protective
× you finally came to an agreement: lowkey party at your house BUT you're not moving a finger
× like you could; Keigo would jump up and grab anything for you and for everyone else
× the good thing is that you ordered takeout and your friends brought goodies, much like Hawks himself so you just sat and talked with everyone while he looked at you with stars in his eyes
× everyone was talking about your future baby and just celebrating the new life about to come around and I swear, this man's feathers puffed proudly every single time
× you had such a great time, enjoying the laughter and good energy you were surrounded by when you got thirsty
× Keigo was in the kitchen, his feathers bringing some sweets for everyone in the living room so you got up [ struggled to ] and headed towards his direction
× Mirko was the one that pointed it out as she was assigned the duty to follow you around [ while she made fun of Keigo for being a mama hen but ok ]
× "Hey, [Y/N], did you drop something on you...?"
× you couldn't even see bc of your belly but you definitely heard a crash in the kitchen and some rushed steps
× as fast as humanly possible, your husband was by your side wide eyed
× "What happened?" he asked trying to be casual but his eyes roamed over you until they landed under your feet...
× "I didn't drop anything, I just wanted some water—"
× "You should have told me, birdie. Wait... Where did you get the water then?"
× "I didn't...?"
× everyone kinda stared confused until one of your friends started panicking because the heroes there were just confused???
× "Wait, you broke waters!"
× "oh, right" you mutter while honey colored eyes stare at you in shock
× how did you both forget about that? you talked about it some days ago, like—
× Panic! Hidden by a casual attitude
× meanwhile now you're embarrassed because what the hell, mini-bird?
× he orders his feathers to clean around but fails miserably while trying to grab clothes for your hospital stay
× your friends have to calm him down as they offered to help clean up and you're just embarrassed because c'mon, man
× i swear, this man does it in a rush anyway and asks everyone to keep calm [ 🙄 ] while he takes his little angel to the hospital
× car ride? lmfao have fun flying, this is an eMeRgEnCy [ trust me, you're always safe with him, no doubt of that ]
× you try to open your mouth but he's just reassuring you; "You're doing amazing, angel."; "Just a little longer and we're there!"; meanwhile you haven't fucking changed your wet clothes and were getting annoyed
× bursts into the hospital like he owns it
× guess who's sent back home and told to come back when the contraptions get stronger? mhm.
× you almost smack him bc he literally gave you no time to talk once you're back at home
× he's a dumb bird but he's your dumb bird 💕
× [ your friends stayed to clean up the dishes just to easen your burden so you find them there when you come back. they had a great time laughing at your husband before they left you with the promise they'll visit asap at the hospital ]
× honestly he's normally very calm and calculating but this time around the nervousness of being a father got to him, so please forgive him
Aizawa Shouta:
× the most chill of them all and that's very reassuring for someone who is pregnant
× you've promised him you'd take things easy and not force yourself to do much
× and even if you wanted to, honestly you couldn't
× but he's been such an amazing person to you, made you lunches, gave you back massages, did all the tough tasks around the house 🥺 so when he forgot his lunch at home, rare of him, you wanted to surprise him, completely forgetting the school had one of the best chef in the world;;;
× your body was screaming for some fresh air too so you decided to go towards U.A.
× it wasn't a long walk, really, since he had to be close to the school anyway
× so when you arrived at mid-day the first person to greet you was principal Nezu and trust me, he was so excited to see you after so long!
× he accompanied you to the teachers' room where they had all their desks already knowing he would be there shortly
× you greet All Might, which beamed to see you and started a small conversation
× the bell rang, indicated class finished and lunchbreak starter which made you excited to know you'll see your husband shortly
× and you knew he was approaching when a loud voice could be heard on the hallways
× the door opened, Shouta and Yamada walking in, the blond talking excitedly until it stopped
× "[Y/N], so good to see you!" He screamed
× Shouta's eyes snapped towards you in surprise and he walked to you in a faster pace than before
× he ignored everyone else as he scolded you "Didn't we agree you'd take it easy?"
× "Well, good to see you too" 😒😤
× a quick banter takes over you two as you hugged Hizashi and handled your husband his lunch
× "You should sit down" Nezu suggested and you started to feel the ache of walking, so you moved towards one of the chairs with Aizawa's help
× "Seriously, you're more stubborn than my students" he'd mutter, nudging your shoulder slightly, all through a smile
× but before you could reach the chair you felt it, the water running from between your legs;;;
× you gripped his hand harshly and Hizashi screamed
× "What tHe HeLL diD I STEP ON?!???"
× the mf was following you two suggesting to eat lunch together and?????
× ok, so everyone freezes until Nezu clears his throat;;;
× "I'll call Chiyo, you two wait right here!" he escapes, All Might somehow on his toes
× you turn your head towards Aizawa horrified about to suggest cleaning the mess up before getting ready to leave when...
× Recovery Girl came around but was pleased to know both of you were prepared for this moment, although she did have to wake Hizashi up, since he fainted; Shouta, being the big boy he is, cleaned the floor without making a big deal out of it
× at the end of the day all you could do was smile before realizing what's about to come; your baby will be surrounded by amazing people and it's all that mattered
Bakugou Katsuki:
× this guy prepares in secret; don't question all the baby books you find sneaked around the house like it's not your damned home too but whatever;;;
× Bakugou is very protective over you, he also takes charge of everything, which makes you feel bad bc you seriously feel like you can't do anything anymore
× it happened at the Bakugou household [ your in laws excitedly invited you over the phone but also suggested that they could drop by if you weren't in conditions to go there ]
× you put your foot down and said you would, knowing it would freak your husband out and guess what? it did
× but you really wanted to go out, you felt extremely bored and babied at home and were in need of social interactions
× "I swear I married the most stubborn dumbass ever—" he'd mutter as he drove you both there
× dinner was amazing, as always, and Mitsuki was making it even better by telling you funny stories from Katsuki's childhood, earning scoffs from him
× the normal arguments started and you were gently escorted by Masaru to the living room, both ignoring the banter happening by the dining table
× he joked around with you when you felt a kick saying he can definitely tell who the kid will take from, as if your baby wanted to participate in the argument too
× anyway you stopped mid-track saying you wanted to go to the bathroom; you really felt like going all of a sudden
× when you started heading towards there [ Katsuki chiming in asking if you need help, wtf ], you knew
× i mean, everyone knew;; your water broke, but want to know what else broke too? hell. hell broke loose
× "What are you staring at?! Go help [Y/N]!"
× "I know, old hag!" He rushed to you as Mitsuki went to grab some cleaning supplies
× you're apologizing profusely but you're brushed off instantly
× "No big deal, [Y/N], everything will be okay" Masaru, bless him, was by your side as his son went to grab the bag he has prepared in secret from the car
× you ended up going all together to the hospital as contraptions increased
× Katsuki was on your side reciting word by word what's going to happen, remembering the parenting books by memory; it was making you roll your eyes at them because yes, you knew;
× "Did you fucking tell her to push?" Mitsuki screamed
× "I—! SHUT THE TELL UP!" he screamed back then turned to you, telling you to breathe to just freeze in place
× both shut up as you glared at them;
× it seems the new Bakugou member really wanted to take part of the argument for before 💀
Hitoshi Shinsou:
× life was finally settling between you two
× his career, even if it was focused underground, was rocketing up, he was married to an amazing person and you were having a beautiful baby together? Shinsou was a happy man
× you both talked about how to deal when time comes and everything was settled, you even had a suitcase ready for the hospital stay
× he was so attentive 🥺
× anyway your friends suggested to see you before the big day comes and you agreed it had to be now because as your due day approached, you wanted to be home
× so you went to a small restaurant near your house to meet Izuku, Uraraka and Denki, as the days before you met your families and other friends
× Ochako got you an insane amount of gifts, Izuku was reading about parenthood idk why 💀 and Denki was just patting Shinsou's back congratulating him again and again
× you had a great time to say at least
× you snorted at Denki when he touched your belly and got a kick in response
× "Just like his father, ready to put you in place" Uraraka smiled, patting the blond on the back whike Shinsou grabbed your hand with a smirk
× but you froze in place as you smiled back because you felt it
× and dripping water could be heard
× did you just—?
× Shinsou caught on instantly on your discomfort and talked even before you could
× "What's wrong?" while you looked down, which his gaze followed
× Ok, this man is gonna stop functioning for a second, it is what it is
× you got up in a rush yet he's faster
× everyone catches up and they all start to be frantic [ specially poor Denki ]
× the old lady that owns the restaurant comes by and has to be the one to calm the group while you apologize profusely
× she shushes you saying she's had four children, she understands completely
× Shinsou offers to help clean up, so do you, Izuku is startled in a corner being comforted by the brunette and Denki... he's fucking calling an ambulance—?????? Good thing your husband grabbed his phone before he started talking...
× but at the end you're both reassured everything is taken care of as long as you promise to bring the bundle of sunshine around the restaurant as soon as possible
× you're definitely not crying;;;
× anyway he just takes you home and helps you start taking note of the contraptions while getting everything ready to go
× honestly you were scared and so was he, but he stood by your side all the time whispering how amazing you're doing
× the restaurant owners greeted you like you were family afterwards so it's all water under the bridge— k I'll leave 💀
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kpop-cakepops · 3 years
I will gladly read any Wonwoo fluff you would give us be it snuggle donation or otherwise! But if I can be more specific in requesting, how about a missed connection sort of thing? Like the reader and Wonwoo have similar circles of friends who think they’d hit it off, but somehow they just never manage to be at the same events, but then they end up meeting separate from their friends and do hit it off, only to be a couple before their friends even know they’ve met? If that’s too specific, totally do whatever you want with the idea. Welcome to Wonwoo brain domination (my friend incepted my mind last year too and it’s been all Wonwoo all of the time since!)
omg this is actually such a good prompt?!?!?!!? What the hell?! Thank you anon!!!
So this one actually took way longer than expected because I knew what I wanted to do but I didn't know how to not make it confusing? So the best I could do was use time skips in this one, anything in italics are flashbacks.... I HOPE IT'S NOT CONFUSING! Anyhow, I had so much fun writing this! Enjoy! (PS. I didn't edit so excuse any grammar mistakes LOLz)
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1,863
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Meant To Be// Jeon WonwooXfem!Reader
"There he is again... I wonder if he's single." your older sister said as she struggled to keep your baby nephew from running away from the bench the two of you were sitting at.
"Probably not," you told her as you bit into your popsicle. "He's handsome. Probably has a bunch of girls lining up to get his number"
"He's playing video games at a park, I seriously doubt that" your sister added.
"I think it's kinda cute. At least he comes out because he wants to" you looked over at your sister who was now too busy chasing after your little nephew to even listen to you. "Aaaaand I was talking to myself. Cool."
You huffed and looked over at the man sat two benches over. He seemed to be having fun on his Nintendo switch and you were sure you weren't having fun babysitting your sister while she tried to babysit her own son... so you took matters into your own hands and walked yourself over to the man.
"Hey, mind if I sit here?" You asked.
The stranger looked up from his game and moved to the side making space for you to sit down. He didn't talk at all but didn't show himself to be rude either. You took the chance to take out your own console.
"What are you playing?" You asked.
He turned around and looked at your hands, his eyes widening a little but the look of surprise was replaced by a smile almost instantly. "Super Smash Bros."
You didn't know what you expected his voice to sound like, but it certainly hadn't been the deep tone you had just received. "Damn, nice voice" you blurted.
He let out a laugh, "what's your name?"
"I'm y/n" you introduced yourself putting your hand out to shake his, "and you?"
He took your hand cautiously, "I'm Wonwoo"
"How does this dress look?" You asked as you twirled in front of your now boyfriend of 3 months, Wonwoo.
He smiled approvingly, "baby you look just as amazing as you did in the last dress. You really don't have to worry too much about impressing my friends, they're all a bunch of idiots."
"Well, yes, but... what if they don't like me? I'm the reason you refused all those blind dates they kept setting you up on." You told him.
"And I'm the reason you refused yours, the time will come when I have to meet your friends, too. I promise you there's no reason for us to be worried." He pulled you close and kissed the top of your head.
"I'm just excited to finally meet your friends," you told him. "I want to make a good impression."
"The way you make me smile should be impressive enough, no?" He brushed a strand of your hair behind your ear.
"Getting a little cheesy there, aren't we?" You poked his stomach and pulled away. "Anyways. We should get going or we're going to be late!"
"You should come up. Some of my friends are still up there. We could hang out" said Wonwoo as he pushed his hands deep into the pockets of his jeans. His tall frame rocking back and forth as he watched you wistfully.
"I really wish I could, but I actually have to go back to work in a bit. I just didn't want for your birthday gift to get to your hands after your special day" You shyly admitted. He held his hand to the necklace that was now hanging from his neck. The pendant hanging from it depicting the Smash ball from the game's logo. Something about him immediately putting the necklace on making your heart race.
"I really wish you could stay, but I guess, you'll just have to make it up to me some other day." He said.
You reached out your pinky and he wrapped his own with yours. "I promise" You told him.
He smiled and you waited expectantly for his nose to scrunch up like you'd learned it would in the last 4 months of knowing the guy. It was weird how after fighting off cheesy romance and dates, you ended up developing a crush on some random guy you'd met at the park.
The both of you stood there for a moment, pinkies linked together as you let the sparks envelope you both. It was obvious you liked each other, however, neither of you seemed to know who should make the first move... nor did you know when.
You and Wonwoo arrived at the large hotel his friends had told him to meet them at. A shiver ran down your spine making you take a nervous deep breath. Your boyfriend grinned at your cuteness and squeezed your hand softly before guiding you towards the entrance.
"Oh, God... Maybe I should've brought a gift?" You grumbled as you followed Wonwoo into the hotel. A sudden feeling of guilt taking over you as you remember your own friend, Jihoon, was having a graduation dinner that you couldn't go to because of this. You'd managed to drop off a gift for him days before, but it still bugged you. Jihoon was one of your closest friends after all.
"Honey, it's totally fine. I promise Jihoon won't mind that you didn't bring him a gift" he assured you as he held the door of the fancy restaurant open for you.
"Wait, what did you say?" You asked as you stopped in your tracks. Your boyfriend shooting you a confused look.
"I don't know, I think my favorite has to be biographies. I'm just nosy" you laughed, Wonwoo following along.
"Hmmm, I mean, biographies are nice, but I've been into humanities lately. It's interesting" He shrugged and licked at his ice cream cone happily. "I used to hate it in high school but I think as I grew up a grew more interested in the way people live... outside of just myself."
"Wow..." you mused.
"What? Was that sexy?" he joked.
You shook your head, "No, you're such a nerd" You teased.
"Hey!" he quipped bumping his shoulder into yours.
"Watch it! I almost dropped my ice cream cone!" Your attempt to seem angry failed by the big smile on your face. It seemed that was all you did around Wonwoo anyways. Smile.
"What flavor is that?" he asked as he eyed your cone curiously.
You put the cone up to his lips, "Butter pecan" You didn't know what exactly you were expecting when you put the cone up to his lips, 75% of you had thought he'd playfully push your hand away while calling it a grandma flavor as he usually did, while the resting 25% of you thought he'd just ignore it and keep walking... but both assumptions were wrong. Wonwoo grabbed your hand with his free one holding the cone in place before getting a taste. It was absolutely insane how much that made your heart race. "Hey! what was that all about?"
"I want to get a taste... but I can't... taste it... maybe I should-" He froze mid-sentence. Wonwoo was nervous. His face was a deep pink as he eyed you closely.
"W-Wonwoo. Are you trying to kiss me right now?" You asked. You wanted to scream and run away but you also wanted to stick around and see if he would.
"I was supposed to be at a blind date today" He admitted.
"Me too," you told him.
"But all I could think of was you" He continued.
"Me too," you agreed once again.
"Y/N, I like you."
"What the hell is going on here?" Jihoon's face was twisted in confusion as he stared between the two of you.
"You know each other?" Asked Wonwoo.
Jihoon blinked hurriedly before finding his voice again, "Uh, I think I should be the one asking you that!"
"My head is about to explode" You murmured.
"Yah, Jihoon, Dokyeom just spilled- Oh, Y/N? What are you doing here... with Wonwoo?" Yet another one of your best friends walked out of the restaurant, Jeongyeon's large eyes looking at you and your boyfriend with the same confused expression as Jihoon.
"They got here together," Jihoon announced.
"You two know each other?" Asked Jeongyeon.
"Yeah, Wonwoo's my boyfriend"
"Yeah... we're dating" Wonwoo agreed.
"Y/N, pleaseeeeee? I promise you're going to love this guy. He is such a sweet person, he will literally blow you away, and he's handsome! Did I mention he's handsome?!" Jeongyeon's hands were clasped together in front of her chest. It was once a month that she begged for you to go on a blind date with that guy she always talked about, but you shook your head.
"Why not?! What is it this time!?" Your pretty friend exclaimed as she crossed her arms across her chest.'I have a boyfriend now' You thought, a small smile coming to your lips at the thought of Wonwoo.
"I'm not interested in dating Jjeong. Please, can't we just let it go?" you asked with a soft huff. "We have better things to do anyway. Come on, why don't you let me take a look at your thesis so far."
Jeongyeon huffed and started to pull out her laptop from her book bag. "I can't wait till you meet him. You're gonna regret it"
"Wait, pause... so you mean to tell me that we spent ALL THOSE MONTHS trying to set the two of you up... only for you two to meet at a random park and fall in love?!" Soonyoung was being his usual dramatic self again as he glared at you two from across the table.
"I mean, we didn't fall in love right off the bat... but yes. You could say that" Wonwoo answered.
"Wow! I just got chills. I JUST GOT CHILLS!" Dokyeom added as he dramatically hugged himself.
"I just don't understand why neither of you guys told us you were dating! Like... How did we miss it? Where did you hide each other?" Asked Jisoo with a confused frown.
"We didn't. We were friends for about 4 months before we started dating. I even went to drop off his gift at his apartment on his birthday."
"The necklace! I knew I'd seen it somewhere!" Seungcheol exclaimed with wide eyes. "You sent me a picture of the thing and asked if you should get it black or purple!"
"I also asked you for tips on how to confess to a girl over ice cream and got me laughed at." Wonwoo huffed under his breath.
You laughed and shook your head. "You were right, Woo. Your friends are indeed a bunch of idiots"
"Wow... You guys are meant to be. You guys are seriously meant to be. There is no doubt in my mind. I guess when soulmates are meant to meet, they will." chirped Jihoon who kept picking at his plate. "Now that that's all out, I'd like to take a moment to talk about how if Y/N hadn't been dating Wonwoo, she would have missed my graduation dinner for a man. What have you got to say for yourself, traitor?"
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trutrustories · 3 years
Okay, this will be probably long and with many errors (my english isn´t very good) But I saw several posts here on Lokius tag, talking about this ship as result of gay fetish, and about non existing chemistry and  how this ship doesn´t make sense etc… And from what I understood there is tagged Lokius because of genuine interest to understand others point of view, so here is mine: I wil try to explain where my frustration comes from, and how I feel about Lokius, Sylkie, AND representation + some other things which I saw here somewhere. But first of all: I like Sylvie, I don´t hate sylkie shipers, and after so many years reading fan fictions, I don´t mind selfcest – I read weirder things. I have some issues with this ship (the mainlythe fact that it isn´t Lokius), but  this is not one of them. Also, I am not about to tell anyone, they shouldn´t ship sylkie.Ship whatever. And I LOVED the show as a whole. 
I just want to defend my standpoint, that Lokius does make sense, people shipping it does make sense and whether it will happen or not, (I don´t have my hopes very high, and I learned to be very skeptical in this regard ) it is more than just about crack ship, or fetish. I��m honestly blown away that people are still surprised that this ship became a thing :D First of all, let´s look at some romantic story telling and tropes: I mean the way they introduced them in the first two episodes set the tone for all series and how the heck this isn´t romantic? Somehow there are all these romantic tropes existing in a show. They´re just there. Just chilling between Loki and Mobius and large portion of audience can´t even see them. (and some of those tropes were used for Sylki as well, so you could actually see them side by side)
For example: 1) traveling to the apocalypsis 2) breaking law/rules for the other 3) literally changing for the better thanks to the other 4) arguing like old married couple 5) saying secrets, personal things to the other 6) sharing glances, touches, visibly being happy around each other - in case of Loki happier then we´ve ever seen him before 7) being completely themselfs around each other 8) One knowing everything (even the worst) about other and still accepting him completely 9) teasing, being comfortable and domestic around each other 10) one being literally enthusiastic FAN of the other 11) Mobius defending Loki whenever he has a chance 12) Freaking amnesia trope that they pulled of in the end??? (It could be different Mobius, but point is he suddenly doesn´t know him - and Loki knows more, in contrast with the beggining) 13) the jealousy in ep4 14) Misunderstanding - when Mobius thought Loki betrayed him and Loki (thanks to Ravonna) thought Mobius betrayed him... 15) witnessing death of the other and being absolutely broken afterwards 16) The goodbye hug with romantic music in the backround 17) Saving life of the one (even when it means problems for the other ) - like Mobius saved Loki´s ass at least three times when he was trying to stop others from pruning him. 18) sharing deep conversations about meanings of life, freedom and how it would be fun to make some chaos and ride that fucking jet ski!!! 19) Inspiring the other 20) looking for each other (Mobius didn´t believe for a second, that Loki would die in the Void and the way how in the last minutes of the series Loki run through all places they were together when he was looking for Mobius... and I could go on. Point is, even if they are not planning to make Lokius canon, all these things are used on a daily basis to describe romance in media and they are used here. On top of that it´s just very poetic and cute, that this drama queen and powerful god of Asgard who looked down on people would find his match in someone, who is so quiet, ordinary on the first sight, and basically is just human from 90s, who loves jet skis. Mobius can´t even fight. But is highly inteligent and he also happen to be as good manipulator, such as Loki himself. - That´s why they work together so well. Mobius sees right through him and once Loki understands that, he drops his evil persona. Almost nobody expected to ship it for real. But story itself and chemistry between them just made it probably the most exciting duo in the whole MCU. And I mean it genuinely. Third episode, even though it was beautiful and Sophie was great in it (and is literally dipped in bisexual colors), is the least favorite for a reason. And that reason being, there is no interaction between Loki and Mobius whatsoever. Lot´s of people though that series slowed down a bit. Even when in fact there was more action, then when we watched Loki and Mobius working at the TVA.
(and let´s just talk about evil!Mobius narative for a bit and how some people say he is manipulative and toxic for Loki: show itself explore heavy themes and one of them is in Loki´s line: no one bad is ever truly bad and no one good is ever truly good. And as a theme in a fictional world, it is working as it should, for the  story. When Loki and Mobius meet, one of them just killed lots of innocent people and destroyed almost whole city. The other one is a part of fascist organization – and in the beginning of the series they both believe what they´re doing is right. They´re both bad, they´re both good, they´re both broken. And they are changing with the help of the other.) From all reactions I watched - and there was many of them, lots of people actually didn´t see dynamic between Loki and Sylvie as romantic in the third episode. So it´s not like Sylvie and Loki had unequivocally love story right from the start.
The only difference is that lots of people won´t see romantic tropes, when it comes to two men in a mainstream show – show that isn´t primarily about relationships and problems that queer people has to face. Because in super hero story and science fiction we have to warn audience, that they´re about to watch two man in love, right? At this point It´s just frustrating really. There were many M/M dynamics that used similar story line, as for example Lucifer, or X-files, or Bone collectors. -  But unlike those M/M pairings, no one was making fun of people for shipping main characters in these shows. But when it comes to two men suddenly you´ll see from all corners of the internet: “why can´t it be just platonic?” “There is not enough platonic relationships” “why can´t two man just be friends?” (They can and they almost ALWAYS are) and “if you think there something romantic between them, you´re delusional” “fetishist“ “And for god´s sake just let them be friends, Loki needs a friend more then....” oh wait, but Sylvie is allowed to kiss him. Sylvie doesn´t have to be just friend. (And I must say, that I love Sylvie, I liked most of the interactions between her and Loki and I think she is a great character ((I hope we learn more about her in the future)) it just doesn´t work for me as well as Loki´s dynamic with Mobius. Maybe partly because of chemistry between actors, partly because combination of characters and they´re personality and also because I had two whole episodes to fall in love with the pair before Sylvie was even introduced.)
First of all: people can be friends and then evolve into lovers. Not only it is common romantic trope, but it is also the most realistic one. And those relationships are usually strongest. second: If people want to see Loki in a platonic friendship so desperately, why can´t it be a woman for a change? They were acting like chaotic siblings for most of the episode three anyway. The age gap aspect is also very funny. Owen is only about 12 years older (That is not that much. But I imagine, some people would get uncomfortable. But If it was man and woman, most of them wouldn´t even blinked. But two men, that has to be somehow automatically son and father figure dynamic) And If you want to dive into age of an actual characters, then good luck with that in a series about gods, variants and time travel. Almost nobody cares about age gap between Lucifer and detective Decker, or Bella and Edward. On top of that, it was heavily implied, that Loki slept with older, silver haired guy in Ragnarok, so it´s not like he would have problem with that.
Different standards are projected in a way how we see romantic dynamics between fictional characters depends on what we are used to, how are we perceiving world around us, what we are expecting to see and ALSO, what we would like to see, that much is true.  When people are used to make no differences between heterosexual and homosexual pairing, then everything what happens to the characters is measured with the same meter. (Even though I experienced queerbaiting many times (( Once upon a time, Sherlock, Supernatural, Good Omens – the last one hopefully is not the case, but I guess we´ll see)) I also saw lots of lgbt shows like Queer as folks and Sense8.) And when we are not used to see it the same way, well… then it looks basically like that one comment under Castiel´s “I love you” scene on youtube, that said  “what a beautiful friendship”.
If we forget about all that chaotic mess behind the scenes (all those articles and contrary messages)  What is happening in a show between Loki and Mobius can be objectively considered romantic and what is happening between Loki and Sylvie in a series can be objectively considered platonic (until the kiss) and vice versa.  And then to see comments about how absurd it is to even think they have chemistry, and about gay fetish - it´s hard to swallow. I read posts about absurdity of a ship and how there is absolutely nothing that would suggests romance.  Well there is, actually. But whether creators are going to work with it or not, that´s something we can only speculate. They already made Loki officially bisexual. So why should it be so absurd to assume, that there is an actual possibility of romantic subplot between Loki and Mobius? Oh right… it´s Disney and Marvel we are talking about.
So on a subject of bisexuality: Bi people can date whoever they want.  But It is a little frustrating, when there is so many heterosexual pairings in the mcu and disney but when there is a promise of lgbt character (speaking of endgame) we get one line about date from a man we´ll never see again. And when there is a promise of lgbt representation you can´t even blink during movie, or you´ll miss it (Star wars, Beauty and the beast). And then Loki said “A bit of both, I suspect the same as you”. And I won´t lie, I was happy. And I think creators made biggest step yet with this one line (which is honestly terrible, that “a bit of both” coming from Loki of all people, is the biggest step forward.) But they played it VERY safe. Obviously, both Loki, and Sylvie are bisexuals, and in three episodes, we had Loki flirting with female flight attendant, Sylvie talking about her relationship with POSTMAN and then they fall for each other. So the only thing that suggests they are really as bi as Lamentis 1 is that little sentence, that can be edited out, or easily overheard. It´s the bare minimum. And I think that frustration with how freaking slowly we´re moving into some progress is understandable. From all those great M/M dynamics I talked about, those, that could make great love story, nothing happened, because too many people “don´t mind gays but don´t need to look at them” or are scared for their children. In 2021.
It is not a fetish to wish for a gay love story in superhero movies/series. (But anyway, I don´t think there is anything bad about it. Some men like to watch lesbian porn, some woman like to read gay porn. AO3 wouldn´t be were it is today, without people reading and writing slash :D – but that has little to do with what we actually see on tv)
I´m not delusional. As much, as I love these two characters together, I know how little chance it has.  I´m not delusional. I´m just in the future, old and tired, waiting hundreds of years for at least one of my OTP to finaly become a fucking canon.
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headheartbellarke · 3 years
HOME | Charlie Gillespie
Requested by anon:  "Hi! If request are open can you do a charlie imagine where him and the reader (she/her) met on a project a while back and have been friends for a while, but the reader kinda had a crappy home life so she gets overwhelmed by charlies family being so loving and perfect and she basically breaks down and feels like she doesn’t fit in and isn’t good enough for him? please and thank you so much, ur writing is amazing!!!"
PAIRING(s): Charlie Gillespie x fem! reader
WARNING(s): mentions of abuse, trauma, anxiety, angst, fluff
WORDS: 2,036
SUMMARY: charlie takes co-star and girlfriend y/n home for christmas but that leads to self doubt in her (im so bad at these) [note: this takes place in 2021]
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    As Charlie pulls out the key from the ignition, I sigh, wringing my hands nervously. He unbuckles his seatbelt and faces me, giving me a bright, happy smile.
  “My family is so excited to meet you.” He says, reaching forward to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.
  “What if they hate me?” I whisper.
  My boyfriend, Charlie, and I first met on the set of Charmed – we were both in the first episode, but I left it after that due to scheduling conflicts with my other show, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. I had been a part of CAOS since its first episode – I played the role of Sabrina’s cousin, Sarah Spellman.
  Back then, we were just friends. After I left Charmed, we would text and call each other occasionally. Whenever we were in the same city, we would meet up – but that was hard considering we both had quite different lives. So, we didn’t think of each other as more than friends – sure I thought that he was attractive, but that’s it.
  But, in 2020, after CAOS was cancelled, I got a call from the casting director of Julie and The Phantoms: she was the one who had previously cast me in CAOS, and she believed that I’d be perfect for the role of Julie’s British cousin who joins her school after her parents relocate to LA – I also play Reggie’s love interest.
  I texted Charlie immediately after my manager finalized all the details for the new role. He had been excited and when shooting started in 2021, we were pretty inseparable.
  After a few weeks, I had developed a major crush on him ad the rest of the cast had also picked up on that. They were also convinced that Charlie liked me (which I didn’t believe at that time but later found out that it was, indeed, true) and they used to tease us about it all the time. Finally, a couple weeks before production ended, he asked me out on a date and it’s been really, really great so far.
  We’ve been dating for about nine months now and honestly, he’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. He’s my home – all my life I’ve always felt lost, but I feel like I truly belong with him.
  Now, he laughs. “Baby. I promise you – they already love you. My mother’s been bugging me to bring you home ever since we started dating, and you’ve already met Megan, and she loves you.”
  “If you say so.” I say, still not convinced.
  He grins and we get out of his car and face his childhood home. I take a deep breath, shaking off my nerves. He knocks three times on the front door, and it opens immediately after.
  A petite, blonde woman steps out, with a wide smile on her face. She opens her arms as Charlie yells, “Mamacita!”
  “Mon chéri. Ça fait trop longtemps!”
  “Je vous ai manqué!”
  I have absolutely no idea what they are saying, but the scene in front of me is so heart-warming. Charlie’s mother is genuinely happy to see her son – one can tell by the way she’s holding him, almost like he’s a little child. Charlie is quite a couple inches taller than her, but he’s nestled his face into her shoulder.
  I can’t stop a grin from breaking out on my face. It’s honestly rather lovely. But I also feel a slight pang in my heart knowing that no one ever greets me like this when I go home.
  They separate from each other and she squeezes his shoulders, looking at him with so much love that I have to look away. I have never seen a mother look at their child like that, with such intense love. That’s dumb, I know. Mothers are supposed to love their children. But all my mother ever looks at me with is disappointment, anger, disgust, and – you get it.
  She notices me next and claps her hands. “You must be Y/N!”
  “Hi, Mrs. Gillespie. It’s so nice to meet you!” I extend a hand toward her.
  “Aw, come here! You’re gorgeous.”
  She pulls me in for a hug too, and for a moment I’m engulfed by the smell of white musk and the feeling of warmth.
  We pull apart and I smile at her, genuinely. All my anxiety has washed away.
  “My son is always talking about you, about how pretty you are and –”
  “Let’s go inside!” Charlie quickly cuts her off, eyes widened as I laugh.
  “But I wanna know what he says!”
  Mrs Gillespie winks at me as Charlie turns scarlet. “I’ll tell you when he’s gone.”
    Another roar of laughter erupts around the dinner table.
  Honestly, I’ve never seen a family like this – a family so connected, so loving. All of Charlie’s siblings – from his three older brothers to his little sister are here for Christmas Eve, and all of them are teasing each other, telling childhood stories, and just having the best time. I was, too. That was until I suddenly realized how I don’t fit in here.
  Everyone here grew up completely different than I did. When I was young, about two years old – my dad left my mom and I for another woman. I haven’t seen him since – although, he sends me a postcard and some money on holidays and birthdays. He’s travelling around the world with his new wife and is apparently ‘happier than he’s ever been.’
  The reason he left is because kids ‘freak’ him out and he isn’t ‘ready’ for that kind of responsibility. I mean, it wasn’t like he was fifteen when he had me: he was twenty-seven, and already married to my mother for about two years then.
  Naturally, my mother blames me for her divorce. I was born out of an accidental pregnancy, so my mother made sure to remind me every day that I was unwanted, and my birth was what ‘pushed’ him to leave us. Every single day, my mother told me that I shouldn’t have been born, that I was a mistake, that I was worthless, unlovable and so, so many more horrible things. She used to drink like crazy, and if I accidentally faced her in that state, she would sometimes hit me.
  Years and years of abuse and all that childhood trauma led me to develop a fear of abandonment, trust issues, intimacy issues, anxiety, and depression. Throughout school, I had been closed off, unable to form relationships and friendships with other people. I had feared anything and everything – I couldn’t even maintain eye contact with people.
  Of course, when I auditioned for CAOS and moved away to LA, away from that toxic environment, I got help and turned my life around. (My mother was incredibly happy to see me go since she had married another guy and now has a family with him – so I was the only thing left that reminded her of my father.) I learnt to accept, prioritize, and love myself – but I’m still working on that, of course.
  But, I know, deep down, no matter how well I am, or how happy I am – there will always be a part of me that’s broken. I’ve grown to accept that, accept the fact that I’ll always carry the trauma with me.
  But Charlie doesn’t. He’s lived a good life, and he deserves someone who can give him their everything – and that’s not me.
  As much as I hate to say it, I’m not good enough for him.
  He senses a change in my demeanour and squeezes my hand under the table. I give him a weak smile.
    “Y/N/N, what’s wrong?”
  I look up at my boyfriend. He has a look of concern on his face as he takes a seat next to me on the couch.
  I sigh into the quiet. Everyone has fallen asleep, except Charlie and I – we are seated in his living room in front of the fireplace.
  “Nothing. I’m just really tired.”
  “That’s not true, Y/N. You were fine throughout dinner – oh my god, it’s the ice cream, isn’t it?”
  “The pistachio ice cream that Maman made. It was weirdly bitter, eh? It’s okay, you can tell me.”
  I purse my lips. “No, Charlie. The ice cream was great.”
  “Are you sure? You’ve been down since desert.”
  “It’s not the ice cream, babe.”
  “Okay, then, what is it?”
  He looks at me expectantly, and I can sense that he’s feeling anxious.
  “I just – I realized that I don’t fit in.”
  He furrows his brows, but before he can say anything, I start speaking again. “Charlie, you have such a loving and perfect family. And you know how I grew up. What I went through. So, you know that I’m not used to this. I’m not – I’ve never seen love like this in a family, you know. And I don’t fit in here! While your mother was being so nice to me, I kept wondering when she’s going to scream at me. Or when your father was genuinely interested in me, I kept thinking that maybe he’s trying to find a way to get rid of me. It’s just – it’s just the way I grew up, and I’ll always be like this, Char. Your family is so nice, and it shocks me, honestly. And I think that maybe it’s better if you date someone who grew up the way you did, someone who’s like you. Because I have been broken my whole life, and I don’t think that I can give you everything that you need. I don’t think I’m good enough for you. You’re the best person that I’ve ever met, and I think you should be with someone who’s worthy of you.”
  I whisper the last part, and feel a teardrop fall into the space between my collarbones. I look down because I’m too afraid of what he might say.
  I hear him breathe out heavily and I feel him take my hands in his.
  “Don’t you ever say that.”
  “But it’s true –”
  “Y/N. Don’t you dare doubt yourself. You are good enough. No, you’re perfect. You’re the strongest woman I know. I completely understand why you feel what you’re feeling right now.”
  He scoots closer to me and cups my cheeks in his hands. “And it’s okay. It’s okay to feel that way. It’s okay to feel shocked. That doesn’t make you a bad person, nor does it make you not good enough. In fact, it makes all the stronger – you went through so much as a kid, and still, you have space in your heart for me. You know, I never doubt the fact that you love me, ever. Because you always make me feel special, make me feel good about myself and always make sure that I’m happy. You always go out of your way to take care of me, and you always make me feel at home. I don’t want anyone other than you. I love you so much and I never, ever wanna lose you.”
  I think I’m fully crying now, as Charlie continues, “It’s okay to feel that way. Take your time. But I’m never leaving you. You’re my person, and you’ll always fit in with me, baby. Always.”
  I look at him properly, and I can see the pain in his eyes as a tear traces along the curve of his cheek. He sniffs, saying, “I’m sorry. I just can’t imagine being with anyone other than you.”
  “Why are you so good to me?” I whisper, my throat still tight from the emotions.
  “Because you deserve someone good, and I can only hope that I’m good for you.”
  I wrap my arms around his neck and bury my face in his shoulder as a sob escapes my body. “I’m so sorry, baby. So, so sorry.” I keep whispering that, while he rubs my back, saying ‘it’s okay.’
  “I love you so much, Charlie. Honestly, thanks for being so good to me. You have no idea what you mean to me.”
  I can feel him smile as he says, “I think I have a pretty good idea, yeah.”
jatp requests are open <3
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mythiccheroacademia · 3 years
—single!parent headcanons
part one
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mtha thots: the manga makes me really sad and i think children deserve a childhood so i made this to cope
all characters are 18+
Warnings: it’s long but, other than that, none <3
© 2021 all writing content belongs to mythiccheroacademia. do not repost or modify
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Shouto Todoroki: 
truth be told, shouto never wanted children 
he knew how important someone’s childhood meant
shouto honestly couldn’t trust himself not to mess it up :(
so imagine his surprise when he came to fall in love with this little boy, no older than six, he found snooping around a dumpster 
it’s actually kind of funny how they came to be bc shouto was 100% put off by the kid
when they made eye contact, they stared at each other like 
the boy: 👁👄👁
shouto again:🧍🏻
before the brat blew him a raspberry and tried to run off 
ofc he caught up to him and, despite the boy’s tantrum, the two went straight to the police
and for some reason, todoroki ended up with him in his condo
the first couple of weeks were terrible 
it seemed like Yuuma hated his guts 
shouto let him have his space and only really pestered him when it was time to do the essentials
at midoriya’s suggestion, he’d try and talk to him about his day or how his therapy sessions went, but it was no use 
the boy would tell him not to worry about it and scurry off 
this happened for some time and honestly, todoroki was at his wit’s end 
until one day, shouto realized that it wasn’t that the child hated him, he just didn’t want to be a burden him
then everything clicked 
mustering up the courage, todoroki one day asked Yuu if he’d like to help him make dinner and the way the kid’s eyes brightened up at the chance to be useful made him a bit sad
but he pushed it away in favor for how the boy blossomed as he showed shouto the right way to stir meat stew and make onion rings
at the end, the red n white hero gave him an honest smile and thanked him for his help
Yuuma looked at him for a long time before bursting into tears 
it was the first time shouto had seen him cry in weeks 
it was also the first time they hugged
from then on, it was almost magical how well they clicked 
the boy was exitable and extroverted, todoroki was quiet and reserved 
they were both stubborn to a fault sometimes and that didn’t bode over well during the few disagreements they had but they brought the best out in each other 
shouto made the kid feel safe and secure, always reminding him that anything he did for him was never burdensome 
Yuuma gave the hero a confidence boost and a chance at another type of love he never knew he wanted 
the first time his son called him dad was when todoroki made the adoption official 
Yuuma shyly asked if it was okay that he called him his father and shouto will not admit to the tears he desperately tried to hide from a teasing midoriya and his siblings (ofc he had them there)
no one knows this but todoroki literally had separation anxiety the first couple of years
his child was just fine being with the babysitter but shouto would spend his work days/nights feeling very tense being away from him 
called/texted the kid all the time, left him encouraging sticky notes in his lunch box, and would hug him for at least 3 min before leaving the house
he’s such a mother hen bye
he’s lucky yuu adores him bc he was lowkey doing a lot LMAO
they have movie nights together and geek over manga like nerds 
yuuma cosplayed as roy mustang once and todoroki has an album of pics from that day alone 
todoroki’s the type to randomly bring his son fruit just because 
yuuma regularly slept in shouto’s bed/futon until around 7th grade
as his son got older, and more popular (w the ladies AND gents hehe) at school, todoroki got a little jealous bc yuuma wanted to spend more time with his friends
he was legit hurt the first time yuu canceled on movie night to go to a sleepover 🥺
todoroki moped over it until midoriya told him to knock it off 💀
it’s a shameful quality of his, but shouto will always lie to get his kid out of the stupid shit he gets himself into only bc yuu plays really funny pranks 
has to keep himself from laughing in front of the principle 
they’re both lowkey mischevious asf 
he’ll scold him later tho so it’s okay, he’s responsible™️
shouto always calls yuu “son”
if he calls him by his full name, he’s either sad or annoyed w him
during family gatherings, yuuma is the star of the show bc of his superb cooking skills
he and fuyumi get along great
and surprisingly enough, bakugo adores the kid even though the same can’t be said for todoroki himself 
yuuma wants to open a restaurant and he’s a little afraid of his father’s reaction
little does he know, shouto is ready to hand over his black card at moment’s notice purrr✨
he’s a really supportive father and he has his hiccups, but todo tries his very best and his son makes him impossibly proud every day 
oh and did i mention they wear matching sweaters?
they’re that kind of family
it’s so cute i could die 
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Midoriya Izuku: 
midoriya was born and bred to be a father 
change my mind 
i mean look at that face 
that’s daddy material to me 😌
midoriya has two girls that are about a year apart
due to the immense pressure of being with the #1 hero and an unwillingness to be a mother, his then girlfriend at the time suddenly left him, signing over all maternal rights to the hero 
it just crushed izuku 
he spent weeks trying to look for her and to make it work 
he wanted his girls to have a two-parent household, but she went radio silent 
it was a difficult adjustment 
but deku is the most ambitious and resiliant person on the planet so he was devoted to giving them the best lif he could 
and ofc he had the support of all his friends and his mother 
but there were a lot of ups and downs
mostly downs in the first year being a single parent
at the time, his youngest wasn’t even one whiles eldest was almost two 
and izuku worked a lot 
being #1 meant he was the country’s go-to whenever something happened and he missed a lot of stuff he’d never get to redo 
like his youngest, Maia’s, first word which was “bunny”
and the first time his oldest, Naomi, went to the bathroom by herself 
and izuku will never forget the day he came to pick his kids up after being on a week long international mission
when he reached out for them, they looked at him as if they didn’t know who he was 
izuku spent the entire night crying in inko’s arms 
the next morning, he only had to deliver some paperwork, but everyone noticed the usually chipper hero’s sour mood and stayed clear from his path
even bakugo and todoroki felt chills when izuku passed by 
it was tough, but deku was determined 
he started taking up night shifts so he could be there for his girls during the day
he’d pick them up from inko’s right after work and spend the day playing with them 
izuku stayed up on a dangerous amount of caffeine and will power
there were days he literally passed out from exhaustion, but it was worth it to see them through their milestones 
when Naomi went to kindergarten, he couldn’t stop buzzing around w excitement
he just adored listening her ramble on about what she learned and that persisted on even as she grew
like, she’s a genius
she was his doppleganger in intellect and resilience
she’s def a daddy’s girl and although she’s not as empathetic as her father, they’re very close 
naomi is an excellent older sister and stepped up early when izuku couldn’t always be there 
maia is izuku’s match in personality
she’s very sweet, a bit more extroverted, and compassionate
but pls don’t get it twisted, that girl gives the fam a run for their money 
she’s got izuku’s righteousness but heightened 100x and with a lot more anger
the girl’s got quite the mean mug and she got hands highkey
they both do tbh (i mean, izuku is their dad...)
the amount of fights naomi’s had to back her up in is ridiculous 😭
they’re two peas in a pod tho so if you mess w one sister, you mess w both ‼️
regardless of all that, izuku wouldn’t change them for anything 
he’s the type to obnoxiously kiss them on their cheeks before school
they’ll take turns doing each other’s hair
izuku gets pigtails that he proudly wears to work 
deku has a private instagram that is so filled with those two, sometimes ppl forget it’s his
he def has a “girl dad” t-shirt
he calls them his angels 🥺
i see him getting a tattoo of their names on his arm or something
they’re all cry babies so when they get into arguments, it doesnt last long
both girls went to UA to be heroes and izuku’s heart just soars with pride every day 
he also cried an obnoxious amount and for some odd reason, kept popping up for “demonstrative purposes”
they had to have a family talk so they could tell him to stop babying them in the kindest way possible 
and by that i mean, naomi said it bluntly and maia did damage control lmao
overall, izuku loves those girls more than life and they love him just the same 
raising them was a rollercoaster, but he’d do it all over again in a heartbeat
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Sero Hanta:
another one that just looks like he’d be an amazing father
please have my children sir
sero is one of the few that was actually looking to adopt a kid
he came from a large family and desired connection with a family of his own
he tried a for a while, but it never seemed to happen
until he came about a small girl he met on the off chance of passing by her hospital room when he was getting a quick check up
she was one of the children they saved on a mission and when he saw her curled up on the hospital bed that seemed to swallow her whole, his feet moved on their own
the girl, Keiko, was left injured and an orphan, yet despite her circumstances, she was just a joy to be around 
sero spent the rest of visiting time with her and just knew she was it for him
she was very sick so he’d spend his breaks visiting her at the hospital 
keiko was a huge cellophane fan and it just melted his heart 🥺
she’d have a huge smile on her face, unabashedly showing off her missing front tooth, every time he walked in
they’d spend hours just drawing or talking about their day
when sero shyly brought up the possibility of adopting her, keiko could barely contain herself 
she drew him one of her best pieces as a thank you and sero still has it hanging on his mirror to this day ❤️
keiko’s actually quite the artist so there’s many more up there to keep it company 
the adjustment period went smoother than anticipated
the girl had her moments and hanta was getting used to being a 24/7 parent, but it was like they quickly acted as if they had been blood related their entire lives
they are ride or dies for each other LMAO
they don’t argue
like at all
the worst they ever got was when keiko rushed to help her father on the job when she happened to see him get hurt 
sero yelled at her in panic 
it was so startling that they avoided each other for the time being
but a few hours later, sero went and apologized 
and that was that
keiko had frequent nightmares and sero would sacrfice copious hours of sleep so that he could turn on the projecter and give her a run down about every star in the “sky” before she falls asleep 
he actually bought and named a star after her for her first bday with him
sero pats her head a lot and she hates it
he calls her squirt, sport, kid, and princess if they’re having a soft moment
they have an unholy amount of matching onsies 
the kid was already getting to the stage where she wanted to be independent, but she would let her father pick out her outfits sometimes
only bc he put a lot of effort into doing it 
aka, she caught him crying over cute pintrest pics bc he’s a simp
okay but sero really, isn’t much of a crier, but he’s sentimental asf
every milestone is recorded
every school night, he’s there (she was a good kid, so he all but gloats w pride after every visit w the teachers)
any drawing she makes, he has 
he’ll do anything to be there for his daughter so it really crushed him when he couldn’t go to her high school’s father daughter dance 
sero had a mission he couldnt get out of and he was sorely pissed off about it 
keiko assured her father that it was okay and that it was corny anyways
but he could hear the disappointment in her voice 
he made kirishima go with her anyways bc he didnt want her to miss out on the experience 
and you bet your ass that when she came back home, sero was there in a tux with the living room set up to make it up to her 
it is just as cheesy as you think it is, but they’re cute so who cares 
also the way they both can dance is crazyyyyyy
rhythm isn’t even the word
if there was a competition for best father-daughter dance duo, they would win every time! and i stand by that!
they have at least one viral tiktok dance they did together
sero’s not the emotional type, but the first time keiko had a boyfriend he def made a threat or two to him 
it was actually so scary 
they’re honestly the cutest duo and everyone on the block agrees
 i love it ❤️
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