#siren seokjin
angelicyoongie · 11 months
The Obsidian Pearl (teaser)
Preview: Sailing through The Dead Man’s Passage is a death sentence and the whole crew knows it. Your Captain is not left with much of a choice, not when the ship’s stock is as good as gone and you’re still a week away from the nearest port. It doesn’t take long before you realize that starving to death would’ve been a kinder way to go. You can only watch, helpless, as the crew jumps ship one by one, leaving you alone with the demon lurking in the murkey red water. You wish you could have starved to death, warmed by the sun, as the creature beckons you to jump into the icy water – “Come to me, pet” – and you can’t do anything but obey.
Coming soon in June! Set in the same universe as The Crimson Shell.
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aphrodijin · 1 year
slithered from eden | kim seokjin
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pairing: kim seokjin x reader
synopsis: in which your new lover is probably a fairy or a vampire, you're not sure. all you know is that he's too beautiful to be human, to be even real at all.
genre: strangers to lovers au. fluff, suggestive/vague smut
word count: 700 words drabble
tags/cw: nothing much really, just pushing for that immortal seokjin agenda.
this is basically just my love confession and delusions on how i wanna spend the rest of my life with seokjin ♡ enjoy reading!
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it’s hard for you to believe that your lover is just a mere mortal.
no, kim seokjin is too beautiful for that. too enchanting and mysterious and otherworldly.
the first night that you saw him was at a local bar, hunched over a piano with his eyes closed, and you were just a tourist passing through this small village you didn’t even know existed. his clear, silvery voice was the first thing that caught your attention, how the feelings and stories of each song he was singing resonated with you.
he was so breathtaking. you couldn’t help but gaze at him for so long, you didn’t even notice when his sharp eyes began to stare right back at you. you were so enthralled by his sweet voice, you would’ve done anything he asked you to without a second thought.
“come sit here with me,” and so you did, watching his fingertips play across the piano keys, feeling warm inside from the wine he offered you, from being so close to him.
“come home with me,” and so you did, intertwining your small hand with his as you walk through a cobblestone street in the middle of the night.
“come with me,” and that you very much did, with his lips hovering over your mouth, bodies pressed together as one.
one night with him and you've already decided at that very moment that you’re going to spend the rest of your life worshipping him. because there was something in the way he repeated your name when he asked you for it, and the way he stared deeply into your eyes when he commanded you to stay. you couldn’t care less to know what exactly it was, but you were grateful. because as you live in his ivy cottage, on the outskirts of this small village far away from everything you’ve known, the only thing that matters to you is him.
seokjin had loved and cared for you in a way that no one else had; like a friend, like a family, like a longtime partner.
you had spent your days reading old books from his collection and eating pastries he baked. he would show you his garden where he took care of his flowers and fruits. he would cook you anything you craved, even your favorite comfort food that has two main ingredients he’s allergic to: potato and garlic.
most nights, seokjin would bring you back to the bar where you first met and play songs most people in the audience don’t even know. sometimes, you two would just walk around under the night sky and you would listen to him tell trivial stories about this place as if he had lived in here for centuries. but every night would end with you two in each other’s embrace.
it’s only mid-afternoon and the sun’s nowhere to be seen as it had been raining all day. sitting on a countertop, his white knitted sweater and the heat of the oven as he took out the freshly baked muffins warmed you against the cold weather. his broad back turned to you, his soothing voice humming a sound that you’ve never heard before.
it was his birthday today, you had learned as he greeted you earlier this morning, saying cheekily, “i'm a year older today.”
“and how old is that?” you asked.
but seokjin only hummed in response, burying his face in your neck, breathing in your scent before pressing soft kisses there.
you didn’t get to ask him once again, and you honestly didn’t care as his kisses started to trail down there. he must’ve lost count, was the last coherent thought in your head before he turned your brain into mush with his tongue inside of you.
seokjin had ways of making you forget things like that.
breaking the muffin in half, he blew the steam off the smaller piece and walked towards you to let you have the first taste. your eyes caught the bright ruby-red seeds glinting inside the muffin before taking it into your mouth.
you smiled at him, having felt more happy and content with him than you ever did in your whole life. you’re never going to leave him.
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thank you so much for reading! ♡ i hope you enjoyed it. reblogs and feedbacks are always welcome and appreciated.
if you want to support me, please do so at ko-fi.com/aphrodijin or you can also commission me to write you a fic. i could really use some help for my dental care funds.
thanks once again, and have a great day! ♡
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xanni-devito · 11 months
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Witch Seokjin
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Dragon Hoseok
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Siren Yoongi
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Dragon Namjoon
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Fae Jungkook
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Dragon Taehyung
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Fae Jimin
Moodboards for a VERY long running RP, Summer Thunder, where dragon coven Joon, Hobi, and Tae kidnap for ransom in order to survive as the last living dragons. They fall in love with their most recent catch, though, and a whooooole lot of shit happens, including but not limited to, Yoongi reaching maturity via soulmate bond, Taehyung becoming consort of a fairy kingdom, and Jin and Joon reviving a dead language. Also, a fuck ton of heinous smut.
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taechnological · 1 year
seokjin singing the astronaut in his hotel room using a water bottle as a microphone...... he's just like me (except the angelic voice)
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drenix004 · 1 year
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Los seres humanos, impulsados por el deseo de poder, poco a poco se fueron extinguiendo a causa de las constantes guerras por el control de Territorio; siendo la codicia la principal causa de su extinción como raza. Pero ellos no eran los únicos que habitaban la Tierra ademas de los animales.
Había Seres, conocidos como mágicos, Seres sobrenaturales que tiempo atrás solo fueron mitos y leyendas. Estos vieron desde las sombras como se fueron extinguiendo.
en poco tiempo Proclamaron nuevamente las tierras que Milenios atrás les pertenecían 
Los mágicos se dividían en tres partes.
Los OXîs, Seres mágicos y cambia formas, hijos de una sola especie y de distintas razas y elementos. Estos representaban la mayor parte de la población.
Luego estaban los Eyârk, un grupo pequeño que estaba en el poder, eran lo más parecido a una corte judicial, seres conocidos por su naturaleza cruel y sangrienta. su procedencia era todo un misterio, son cazadores de una sola raza, los Xirabs, a la cual desprecian por su linaje impuro o mestizo.
En último estaban los híbridos, nacidos de dos especies diferentes, eran mejor conocidos Como Xirabs . Por su linaje impuro,Sus vidas estaban en constante peligro al ser considerados una amenaza. había muy poca información sobre estos seres debido a que se la pasaban huyendo de los Eyârk ya que, en muchas ocasiones, los que quedaban vivos eran capturados y usados como experimentos.
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—no me vas a morder, Kim—gruñó exasperada por la insistencia del contrario.
Su paciencia se había ido a la mierda desde hace mucho tiempo, algo que la caracterizaba era su poca paciencia con cierto tipo de personas y el joven de tan solo cien años era una de esas personas.
—no te va a doler, Dalia—se le acercó, invadiendo su espacio personal. El dulce aroma de la joven llegó a sus fosas nasales, provocando en el un escalofrío placentero.
Él sabía que ella era su soulmate, lo sabía desde que la vio entrar por las puertas del palacio, y su olor se lo confirmaba.
Ella era de él.
Solo suya.
—vete a la mierda Namjoon—se alejó incómoda por la intromisión a su espacio personal—vete a joder a alguien más.
Le dio la espalda, queriendo largarse de ese lugar, tener un momento de tranquilidad sin tener que estar pendiente de que el maldito acosador de Namjoon estuviera cerca.
Namjoon sin poder contenerse más, se abalanzó sobre Dalia, mordiéndole el cuello. La contraria golpeó fuertemente al más alto cuando sintió que este le encajaba los colmillos; se separó bruscamente cuando dejó de sentir la presión en su cuello.
—¡idiota! —gritó frunciendo su ceño. Vio como Namjoon se relamía los labios, saboreando la sangre, su sangre. —¡Tu! ¡Hijo de la remil...
Se calló de repente cuando sintió un ardor de los mil demonios en su cuello.
La marca había quedado incompleta.
Para acabarla de joder, se escucharon gritos de horror por todo el lugar, ella y Namjoon corrieron en dirección a los gritos, quedando en segundo plano el asunto de la marca.
Llegaron a la entrada del palacio, viendo todo era un verdadero caos. Los Eyârk habían roto la barrera mágica que los protegía y mantenía ocultos. Los Xirabs corrían por todas partes, siendo asesinados y los que se salvaban terminaban siendo capturados para experimentos.
—tengo que ir por mi arco—Dalia retrocedió. Tenía que ayudar, no los podía dejar morir.
—¡No! —Namjoon agarró su muñeca, impidiendo que se fuera de su lado. No la quería lejos de él en esa masacre.
—¡mierda, suéltame! —forcejeó, para que este la soltara.
—¡Dalia! —le fémina se liberó de su agarre dándole una mordida a su mano, la joven desapareció de su campo de visión.
Namjoon, sabiendo que no la volvería a ver por un largo tiempo, suspiró, sintió algo fino y delgado en su mano; su vista se posó en la delgada pulsera plateada que había quedado en su mano cuando la joven se liberó. Recordó que ella cuidado esa pulsera con su vida así a qué él también lo haría, se prometió a si mismo que la encontraría.
Sin poder hacer nada más hizo aparecer una lanza, comenzó a matar la mayor cantidad de Eyârks que podía, mientras ayudaba a los suyos a escapar.
Las horas pasaron, y por fin la masacre había terminado, pero a cambio, todo el lugar quedó destruido. Namjoon miró con impotencia el Reino que sus difuntos padres habían construido con esfuerzo, sangre, sudor y lágrimas, ese hermoso lugar que lo vio crecer durante años, ahora estaba reducido en cenizas. Pero, ahora no tenía tiempo para lamentaciones, tenía que poner a su gente a salvo y para eso tendrían que desaparecer por el tiempo que fuera necesario, su prioridad ahora era ellos y solo ellos.
Comenzó a caminar con su gente hacia uno de los portales de emergencia para salir de aquel  triste lugar. Namjoon fue el último en pasar dicho portal, mientras este se cerraba, dio una última mirada al palacio destruido.
Él se encargaría de recuperar lo que se había perdido ese día, volvería a construir el Reino, costara lo que costara. Quién se atreviera a volver a lastimar a su gente, sufrirían en la peor agonía posible, no tendría piedad por nadie. Si tendría que mancharse las manos de sangre por el Reino, lo haría sin duda alguna.
Pero, sobre todo, buscaría en cada rincón hasta encontrar a Dalia, buscaría debajo de las piedras con tal de encontrarla.
Si era necesario quemar el mundo para encontrarla, pues...
Que arda el mundo.
Dos almas se habían separado.
Una marca incompleta de por Medio.
Una promesa por cumplir.
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ugh-yoongi · 4 months
hii! thanks for answering my ask about your favorite namjoon fics 🥰 could you recommend your favorite yoongi fics if you haven't done it yet? thank you soo much! 💗
you got it 🫡
most of these works contain mature themes/content. please heed tags and do not engage with any explicit work if you are a minor!
i know there are a bunch i’ve forgotten, so please reblog and share your own work and your faves!
also, please note: there are a lot of fics on these lists that are posted to ao3. it has recently come out that a volunteer was removed from their position for being pro-palestine (you can find the twt thread here). i am in the process of looking for a better alternative, but until then, it is unfortunately probably the best way to share these stories. while i personally won’t be posting to or reading on ao3 for the time being, how you choose to engage going forward is completely up to you! i just wanted to make sure i was being transparent.
yoongi x reader
love language by @gukslut
please be naked and first and last and always by @floralseokjin
the dinner party by @anotherbtswriter
straight shooter by @snackhobi
winter: you're the one that bloomed me by @hot-soop
moonlit throne by @hobidreams
miss dial by @versigny
a love that endures by @cinnaminsvga
want a taste? by @suga-kookiemonster
cyberslut by @kimnjss
tip of the iceberg by @fortunexkookie
greedy by @xjoonchildx
boseong breakfast by @honeymoonjin
vogue by @gukyi
tell me what you want by @wwilloww
wine & budapest by @junghelioseok
the second time & stop thinking about me by @yoongiphoria
drip by @here2bbtstrash
cybersex by @gimmethatagustd
vows (and all the associated drabbles) by @hamsterclaw
darksided by @eoieopda
the pink pill by @dollfaceksj
as always, mxm recs under the cut!
member x member
namgi: see namjoon recs here
sope: see hoseok recs here
yoonjin: see seokjin recs here
yoonkook: see jk recs here + fang fucker by @sailoryooons
atoms and empty space (yoonmin)
love maze (yoonmin)
there's a piece of you in how i dress (yoonmin)
cute, baby (yoonmin)
inevitabilities (yoonmin)
our beginnings never know our ends (yoonmin)
since feeling is first (yoonmin)
it's bad enough we get along so well (yoonmin)
he's what you want (i'm what you need) [yoonmin]
maybe i hate you can be our always (yoonmin)
smooth strip (yoonmin)
map of the sounds (taegi)
the romance of old clothes (taegi)
inside and out (taegi)
siren of the interstate (taegi)
espresso marmalade (taegi)
after all, all this time (taegi)
what happens in uni series (taegi)
return to baseline (taegi)
vanilla sweetheart (taegi)
nothing lasts forever (taegi)
wassily kandinsky improvisation 31 sea battle (taegi)
shots fired (taegi)
yachtgi series (taegi)
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yoongsisbae · 9 months
Bon Voyage: Into the Sea - Chapter 6
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A storm capsized your boat and looks like you were the only survivor. Somehow you made it to shore, but where? Stranded, you suddenly find out you are not alone, and now you’re stuck in the middle of a centuries old conflict between 7 monsters.
BTS fantasy AU. OT7 x reader. werewolf!Namjoon x werewolf!Hoseok x werewolf!Jungkook x siren!Yoongi x vampire!Jimin x vampire!Jin x whatis?Taehyung.
If you enjoy this series and want more updates, please leave a comment or reblog!
Warnings: smutty content, mind control, blood-drinking cause vampire things, dubconish, light yandere, voyeur, lots of neck licking lol
Word count: 12.1k
“You are going to be the reason we all die.”
“Jimin, stop,” Jin says. “Dove, we need to know what Taehyung said to you,” he asks, much more diplomatically. 
You shake your head, trying to make your way closer to the vampires, but the men around you have made an impressive barrier. How are you going to explain the lost months you experienced, the things you witnessed in Jimin’s memory? You stare at the angry younger vampire, how are you going to convince Jimin to help you?
“Jimin, you need to bite me.”
“What did you do to her?!” Hoseok roars at the vampire in question, who looks equally as shocked and offended at the accusation. 
“Nothing!” you interject, but your words fall on deaf ears.
“He did something to her to make her act like this!” Hoseok yells louder, turning his frustrations onto his pack leader.
“She has been calling out to him since we found her,” Yoongi tells Namjoon, confirming Hoseok’s accusations.
“What?! What did you do!” Jungkook growls out. “I’ll kill you-”
“It’s my fault that she's obsessed with me?” Jimin crosses his arms, looking away like the entire display was beneath him.
“Do you want to stop Taehyung or not?!”
The men exchange looks. “We need a plan, a real one,” Yoongi says, dismissing you. “The longer we wait-”
“Yoongi, do you have anything left that might be powerful enough?” Namjoon asks.
“I can look,” he says, “don’t hold out hope now that his binds are off.”
“And how the hell did they break?!” Hoseok yells accusingly.
“Don’t look at me!” the merman counters, “There should have been no fucking conceivable way to break those spells,” he glances towards the youngest vampire who furiously glares back.
“Well it happened, okay, and now is not the time to argue about it, we need to work together to stop him, there is no telling what he is capable of now.”
“Hello!? I have a way to stop him!”
“What is it, Dove?”
“I told you! Jimin needs to bi-”
“No! No way in hell.”
“Oh I am going to kill you!”
“Everyone, silence!” Namjoon bellows and a tense silence settles in the air.
You speak up first, desperate to make them understand you. “Jin, why exactly did you forbid Jimin to bite me in the first place? Huh? Why?!” you challenge him.
Everyone stares at the eldest, even the vampire in question himself. Seokjin’s finger runs over his forehead, moving a stray lock of hair back in place. He clears his throat, “I did not want to cause him any pain-”
“What do you mean pain?” Jimin asks, repulsed. “She can’t hurt me!”
You huff, “Your memories, Jimin, your life-”
“There are certain memories better forgotten,” Seokjin interjects.
“No, no,” you say shakily. You had wished to forget this place so many times locked up in the vampire’s lair, and then when you did, you lost more than just the memories, you lost yourself. “No.”
And Jimin, he too, is lost. 
You glance over to the defiant vampire. “You have to bite me, you’re the only one who can stop Taehyung!”
Jimin looks around at everyone’s concerned faces, growing more irritated. Why does he have to be the one to stop Taehyung? Jimin never agreed to even help! And what makes you even think he has that kind of power? 
“Why?” It was Hoseok who questioned you angrily, upset at the way you are treating Jimin with such fondness. “Why him?!”
“Because he knows magic,” you say simply, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
“I d-don’t know magic,” he spits out. You couldn’t be any more wrong, Jimin thinks, who the fuck do you think you are, acting like you know so much about him, better than himself!
But everyone is silent, eyes full of guilt and remorse, looking at him as if they know something he doesn’t. The kind of look that Jimin despises.
“You do,” you say with more conviction. “When you were human. I can show you.” You hold out your arm to him as the pack tries still to barricade your body away from the vampires.
“What is she talking about, Jin?” he turns to the eldest. 
“Jin, we don’t have time, you need to be honest with him!”
“Shut up! You are the reason we are even in this mess to begin with, you know that? Just how many times did we tell you to not get so comfy with Taehyung. You let him use you, because you’re weak, you’re-”
“And what about you?! You let Taehyung use you too, didn’t you?!” you scream, your anger getting the better of you.
“Stop!” Namjoon bellows, “Everyone, stop!” He looks furious with you, his hard glare instantly making you feel small and apologetic.
“Don’t order me around, you filthy beast!” Jimin hisses at Namjoon, deep and threatening, his eyes glowing with rage.
“We don't have time,” you whimper desperately. 
Your head is pounding. You feel it…
…inside of you, in the back of your mind…screaming, wrapping around your bones…
…the dread of something horrible coming for you all.
Jimin can’t believe he’s stuck here until sunset! Inside this idiot infested house with the biggest of the idiots telling him the most ridiculous things he’s ever heard. It’s insufferable, you’re insufferable, the way you stare at him now. Whatever spell Taehyung inflicted on you has only changed you for the worse.
“Jimin, I’m afraid we need to work together on this.” The younger vampire yanks himself away from Jin’s comforting hand. He’s beginning to think Seokjin is equally to blame as much as you. He’s beginning not to trust him…
“I’m not fucking helping any of you,” he stares at you, glowering. “Let Taehyung tear you apart,” he growls, baring his fangs.
You shake your head in disbelief. “You wanted to be a doctor, you loved helping people, you became a medic in the military. You fought for your country, you saved people,” you ramble on and on, hoping to convince the vampire to listen to reason. You’re angry that no one has told him, they should have, this shouldn’t be coming from you!
Jimin yells, picks up and throws a wicker chair in your direction in his anger, which Jungkook stops with ease, the chair exploding when it hits the youngest’s shoulder.
Hoseok has had just about enough of Jimin, he hasn’t forgotten the scars he witnessed across your body, he hasn’t forgotten the way you looked so fragile when he found you. This was all the vampires’ fault, and Jimin most of all. That arrogant, cruel, deceptive little-
Hoseok transforms instantly, pouncing on Jimin.
Yoongi pulls you back as the others transform as well. You’re both thrown to the ground as they fight, as they tear the house apart from the inside, unable to cohabitate any longer.
You groan, rolling over, still attempting to get to the headstrong vampire, your hand pressing into broken glass and blood escaping.
At the smell it wasn’t Jimin, but Jin who lost control. So many days drinking from you, addicted in more ways than one. His eyes glow red, searching out your blood. 
Namjoon’s large snout sinks its teeth into the eldest vampire and the fighting only escalates tenfold. Everything is loud, everything is chaos. You try to keep moving closer to the chaos still, until you notice something familiar in front of you. 
You notice the redness of the gem that had fallen out of Yoongi’s pack in the chaos, now shining brighter than ever.
Oh no. You can feel it again, pulling you in. You shuffle backwards, clutching your chest, closing your eyes tightly as the gem burns brighter, glowing like the vampires’ eyes then glowing even more until it envelops the entire home.
“Do you all want to stop Taehyung or not?!”
The men exchange looks. “We need a plan, a real one,” Yoongi says, dismissing you. “The longer we wait-”
“Yoongi, do you have anything left that might be powerful enough?” Namjoon asks.
“I can look,” he says, “don’t hold out hope now that his binds are off.”
“And how the hell did they break?!” Hoseok yells accusingly.
“Don’t look at me!” the merman counters, “There should have been no fucking conceivable way to break those spells,” he glances towards the youngest vampire who glares back.
“Well it happened, okay, and now is not the time to argue about it, we need to work together to stop him, there is no telling what he is capable of now.”
“Hello!? I have a way to stop him!”
“What is it, Dove?”
“I told you! Jimin needs to bi-”
“No! No way in hell.”
“Oh I am going to kill you!”
“Everyone, silence!” Namjoon bellows and a tense silence settles in the air.
This is getting you nowhere. Good God, how are you supposed to make six stubborn beings listen to you?! Think, y/n. Think! You try to come up with a plan, but your head is throbbing in pain.
Jimin speaks up first, “Just what are you playing at, pet?”
You look up at him. “Pull my memories. You’ve already done it once. Just do it again.”
Seokjin looks over at the younger vampire in disbelief.
“I have not,” Jimin looks at you furiously for getting him in trouble over a lie. “She’s obviously suffering from some delusional episode! Listen, you wretched human girl! You’re nothing to me, you mean nothing, so stop these fantasies! right! now!”
“You have, and we saw your mother. You just, ugh, don’t remember because it happened in the future, ugh, just-” you groan, clutching your head. It’s pounding more than ever, and you feel it, inside of you, in the back of your mind screaming, wrapping around your bones, the dread of something horrible coming for you all. Your body starts shaking and Jungkook wraps his arms around your waist to steady you.
Jimin can’t believe he’s stuck here until sunset! Inside this idiot infested house with the biggest of the idiots telling him the most ridiculous things he’s ever heard. His mother? You saw his mother? How dare you even talk about her! Like you know anything about her, like you know more than Jimin, who well, knows nothing about his mother…and he doesn’t care to know! 
Who the fuck do you think you are, acting like you know so much about him, better than himself! It’s insufferable, you’re insufferable. Whatever spell that Taehyung inflicted on you has only changed you for the worse. “See! She’s lost it,” he yells, pointing at you. “So weak!”
“Please, I’m not lying,” you cry out. You feel sick. You just want to save them, why won’t they listen to you?! Jungkook holds you tighter as your legs give out.
“What’s happening to her!” Hoseok looks over to his leader worriedly, holding onto your shoulders to keep you upright as you slump forward.
“I think it has something to do with this,” Yoongi pulls the red amulet from his pouch, holding the necklace up and letting it dangle for everyone to see.
“No!” You can’t stop it, it’s already starting again, the red glow emanating directly from the gem, covering everyone and everything in that same red hue, until that’s all you can see.
You clutch your chest, closing your eyes tightly as it burns brighter, until it envelops the entire home. 
“Yoongi, do you have anything left that might be powerful enough?” Namjoon asks.
“I can look,” he says, “don’t hold out hope now that his binds are off.”
“And how the hell did they break?!” Hoseok yells accusingly.
“Don’t look at me!” the merman counters, “There should have been no fucking conceivable way to break those spells,” he glances towards the youngest vampire who glares back.
“Well it happened, okay, and now is not the time to argue about it, we need to work together to stop him, there is no telling what he is capable of now.”
“Hello!? I have a way to stop him!”
“What is it, Dove?”
“I told you! Jimin needs to bi-”
“No! No way in hell.”
“Oh I am going to kill you!”
“Everyone, silence!” Namjoon bellows and a tense silence settles in the air.
You feel your stomach turn again. You feel winded, like you’ve been running. You massage your temples, wiping away the accumulating sweat. God, how are you supposed to make six stubborn beings listen to you?! Think, y/n. Think!
“Why?” Jungkook speaks first, voice full of pain. “Why Jimin out of all of us?” Your heart drops at his hurt expression. You don’t know the right way to explain to Jungkook, to all of them, why this needs to be done, especially now when your head feels like it’s about to explode. When did you become so jittery? What is happening?! You try to concentrate and think, but where do you even begin? 
“W-We all know the power they have, right?” You gesture to the vampires. “The way they can look into your memories when they…but Jimin has never bitten me,” technically that is correct in this point in time, “only Jin-”
“Yeah, and just why is that?” Jimin looks at the eldest vampire pointedly, crossing his arms, fed up with Seokjin’s obtuse answers. “Explain.”
Seokjin sighs, straightening the wrinkly shirt Namjoon had given him to wear. “It was for your protection,” he addresses Jimin.  
“Protection from what?!” Jimin asks, repulsed. “She can’t hurt me!”
“We don’t have time for this,” you mutter. You feel it, inside of you, in the back of your mind screaming, wrapping around your bones, the dread of something horrible coming for you all. “Seokjin, make Jimin bite me!”
“SEOKJIN DOESN’T MAKE ME DO ANYTHING,” Jimin roars. You couldn’t be any more wrong, Jimin thinks, who the fuck do you think you are, acting like you know so much about Seokjin, about him, better than himself!
“THEN JUST BITE ME!” You scream back. “You’ve been wanting to all this time!”
The pack watches you argue, stunned into silence. This is news to everyone else; Jimin hasn’t bitten you? And furthermore, Seokjin didn’t want him to bite you. Seokjin had found Namjoon and explained most of what happened, but not that. 
“Stay here, in case Hoseok returns.” That was a direct order from his pack leader, and as much as Jungkook wanted to disobey and run towards the thundering noise that had rattled their home, the older shapeshifter was leagues above the young wolf in strength and dominance.
It was luck that Namjoon encountered the pair of vampires instead of his brothers. If it had been anyone else, the vampires might not have made it out with their heads. But Namjoon was always the type to observe first, take everything in before making any rash decision, it’s what kept him alive this long and made Namjoon a leader.
Jin and Namjoon were talkers. They were, even in their wildest days, the best at beguiling, enticing, drawing in others with their words, and upon meeting, they realized they had finally met their match. Namjoon’s most favorite nights were conversations with Seokjin, picking apart the intricacies of the humanities. Two beasts had become obsessed with learning and gaining a humanity of their own.
Namjoon would have torn them apart otherwise. But the magical blasts had knocked the younger more confrontational vampire out, and Seokjin pleaded with Namjoon to listen to his story. “Taehyung has escaped.” With a start like that, Namjoon couldn’t resist not learning more.
With the sun soon rising and Taehyung out there somewhere, Namjoon had little options left but to invite the wounded vampires into his home.
While you were in another part of the island healing and trying to bridge the peace amongst two headstrong beasts, Namjoon and Seokjin were coming to their own kind of peace, a détente at least for the time being, an opportunity to speak to each other like old times now that they had a bigger enemy then themselves.
“Well now I don’t want to.” Jimin crosses his arms, looking away.
You look at him in disbelief. Ugh. This is driving you crazy, there is no time to be like this. ‘Fucking Jimin,’ he really knows how to push your last button. Fuck, you are so over this!
You think about the crying man on the floor, covered in your blood with a broken expression on his face, you think about that sweet boy, crying for his mother. Somewhere deep inside Jimin is that sweet boy who cried.
You look down at your nails with one last hope remaining. You’ll just have to make him drink from you.
You dig your nails into your forearm, scratching your skin as deep as you can. 
But it was Seokjin who lost control. So many days drinking from you, addicted in more ways than one. His eyes turning red, searching out your blood.
Fur envelopes you, Jungkook and Hoseok shielding you with their large canine bodies while Seokjin lunges for you, stopped short by Namjoon’s fangs.
Jimin throws the beast off the older vampire. Jimin, full of rage, tears his sharp nails into Namjoon’s coat. Yoongi screams for Jin, his influential words finally knocking him out of his blood stupor. Then he calls out to the younger vampire, “Jimin, stop.”
But Jimin is already too full of rage to listen to reason. He can’t stand being stuck in this idiot infested house any longer. It’s insufferable, you’re insufferable, the way you stare at him now. Whatever spell that Taehyung inflicted on you has only changed you for the worse! He should have never listened to Seokjin! He’s beginning not to trust him-
Seokjin addresses the two wolves next to you as the younger vampire lashes out. “Take her out of here, hurry!” he yells, attempting with difficulty to retain the younger vampire with Yoongi’s and Namjoon’s help. 
“No!” you scream at the top of your lungs, “You don’t understand!”
A deep growl from Jungkook frightens you into silence. His fangs are around your stomach, only holding you still, not puncturing into you, but it’s terrifying nonetheless as he yanks you backwards, his hind legs digging into the earth.
You cry once outside, unable to pull yourself together. You pull at Jungkook’s fangs, attempting to unlock his jaw from your side and the large beast begins to whimper in anguish at your attempts to flee from him, extinguishing the fight inside you.
Nothing is working! Nothing! It’s hopeless, you’re all going to die, you think, either by Taehyung’s hands or by each others. You cry harder into Jungkook’s fur, who has wrapped his large canine body around yours.
“…what?” You see it from the open door and your body acts on impulse as you claw at the ground, trying to move closer, uncaring if Jungkook’s teeth tear at your skin. Tears dry up as you watch the house start to glow red, brighter than anything you’ve ever seen before. 
No, that’s not quite true. You’ve seen that red glow befo-
“We need a plan, a real one,” Yoongi says, dismissing you. “The longer we wait-”
“Yoongi, do you have anything left that might be powerful enough?” Namjoon asks. “Yoongi, do you have anything left that might be powerful enough?” you murmur to yourself. Jungkook and Jimin glance towards your way.
“I can look,” he says, “don’t hold out hope now that his binds are off.”
“And how the hell did they break?!” Hoseok yells accusingly.
“Don’t look at me…” you whisper. “Don’t look at me!” the merman counters, “There should have been no fucking conceivable way to break those spells,” he glances towards the youngest vampire who glares back.
“Well it happened, okay, and now is not the time to argue about it, we need to work together to stop him-”
“There is no telling what he is capable of now,” you say in unison to the leader, finally aware this is not just some strange case of deja vu. All eyes turn to you. Jimin scoffs, just like he did before, pulling on Seokjin’s shoulder. “...I-I want Jimin to bite me!” you yell. 
“No! No way in hell.” “No! No way in hell.”
“Oh I am going to kill you!” “Oh I am going to kill you!”
“What the hell are you doing?!” Jimin screams accusingly.
You look around, your gaze stopping on the eldest. “Seokjin, make Jimin bite me!”
“SEOKJIN DOESN’T MAKE ME DO ANYTHING,” Jimin roars. “Seokjin doesn’t make me do anything!” you yell back in unison, a satisfied smirk on your face, pointing directly at Jimin.
“How the fuck are you doing that?” the merman questions.
You rub your temples, trying to make sense of it all. ‘This happened before, why has this happened before? This has to be Tae’s doing!’ “I don’t know, I don’t know, but we’ve already had this conversation, and I-I think, I can’t remember, something must have went wrong...Jimin, you need to bite me, right now!”
“Well…” he clears his throat, looking around as everyone has gone deathly quiet, “now I don’t want to,” Jimin crosses his arms.
Ugh! ‘Fucking Jimin,’ he really knows how to push your last button.  “Listen, you’ve already done it once! Just just do it agai-wait, no, we did this already…something is wrong…” 
“Maybe it’s you!” Jimin accuses. “Taehyung has already gotten in her head, how can we trust her?” he warns the others.
“Jimin is right. I can feel him,” you shudder. “Which is why you need to bite me, because I know for certain, Taehyung doesn’t want you to.” You hold your hand to him.
“And if this is a trick?”
“Ugh, I’m not tricking you! I want to stop Taehyung for you, you idiot!”
‘Idiot’?! How dare you call Jimin an idiot, when you’re the biggest of the idiots in this idiot infested house! “And suddenly you have my best interest at heart?!” Jimin yells back, disgust evident.
Ugh, your head is killing you, and you feel it, inside of you, in the back of your mind screaming, wrapping around your bones, the dread of something horrible coming for you all. 
You try to think about everything that has transpired since you met Taehyung, trying to see if you missed anything-
“Wait, wait, wait…ugh, let me go!” you yell at the pack surrounding you. You press yourself against the door, opening it quickly and falling into the sand. 
You look up at the sky, taking a deep breath of fresh air to calm yourself. It’s still daytime, but not for much longer, and you’re scared of what night will bring.
Yoongi is by your side, lifting you up. “Y/n,” you think he is about to dismiss you like he always does, but instead he says, “tell me what I need to do to help you.”
“Yoongi...” You’ve never seen him so sincere before. “Do you think you can use your siren song on Jimin to-”
“I can hear you, pet! It doesn’t work! And I should kill you for even suggesting it.”
“Touch her and I will kill you!”
“Ugh,” you groan, turning your back as the group of stubborn monsters in front of you begin to bicker, deja vu hitting you hard again. “What am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to change?” You ask yourself out loud, head in your hands.
Yoongi holds you steady. “Something definitely is up, and I have a feeling it has something to do with this-” Yoongi looks through his pack.
“T-That’s it! Wait! No!” You yell as Yoongi pulls the gem out of his pack, letting it dangle in his hand.
But it’s too late. You can’t stop it, it’s already starting again, the red glow emanating directly from the gem, covering everyone and everything in that same red hue, until that’s all you can see.
‘Y/n, take it.’
You fall back to the ground and clutch your chest, dismissing the words inside your head, closing your eyes tightly as the gem burns brighter.
“Yoongi, do you have anything left that might be powerful enough?” Namjoon asks.
“I can look,” he says, “don’t hold out hope now that his binds are off.”
“And how the hell did they break?!” Hoseok yells accusingly.
“Don’t look at me!” the merman counters, “There should have been no fucking conceivable way to break those spells,” he glances towards the youngest vampire who glares back.
“Well it happened, okay, and now is not the time to argue about it, we need to work together to stop him, there is no telling what he is capable of now.”
“Hello!? I have a way to stop him!”
“What is it, Dove?”
Okay, this is it. “Seokjin, you need to bite me.”
“What!?” Jimin yells angrily.
You look into Seokjin’s eyes, silently pleading with him. “The memory pull, it’s going to work now. Please,” you urge, holding out your arm to him as the pack tries still to barricade your body away from the vampires. “Look into my memories and you’ll understand!”
Jimin pulls the eldest back as he advances. “You’re really going to obey her command? Just like that! Taehyung might have already gotten to her, how can we trust her?!”
“You’re right! Jimin is right. I can feel him. Which is why…” you swallow, looking at Jimin, remembering this same conversation said just another way, wondering just how many times you have tried to convince them. “Which is why, you need to bite me.” You move your eyes to Seokjin, staring ahead steadfast. “So you can see the truth!”
“Why?” Jungkook speaks up, voice full of pain. “Why Seokjin out of all-”
You grab the youngest’s face and kiss him abruptly, silencing his worries.
Hoseok’s stares at you, mouth agape. He doesn’t know whether to be furious with you, or satisfied that Jimin and Yoongi both look so furious with you for kissing the youngest shapeshifter.
“Trust me, please,” your hands shake in your desperation, squishing his cheeks as he looks at you in shock and awe. 
“O-Okay,” Jungkook nods.
The eldest vampire sighs and starts to move closer much to Jimin’s astonishment and disgust. You try to push past the pack’s strong bodies. It hurts them to see you try to go to their enemy, but they let you pass.
Jimin crosses his arms, scoffing as the eldest meets you in the center of the room. Jimin can’t believe he’s stuck here until sunset! Inside this idiot infested house with the biggest of the idiots telling him the most ridiculous things he’s ever heard. Suddenly you want Seokjin to bite you now? When you were just throwing yourself at Jimin! Why?! What happened? What’s the reason? You’re so annoying, you’re insufferable, the way you look at Seokjin with so much hope and trust.
Jimin grinds his teeth together in anger, so hard his fangs begin to pierce his bottom lip.
Seokjin puts his hands up, glancing towards the pack leader, meaning no harm before he bends his head closer to your neck.
“Wait!” Jimin speaks up. “Y/n, you wanted me to bite you, didn’t you? So come here then!”
“Jimin, I-”
“Don’t you dare say it,” Jimin cuts Seokjin off. “You didn’t listen to me about Taehyung, about her, and then you made a truce with them without even asking me! You’re lucky I even speak to you at all!” Jimin is furious with Seokjin, he’s beginning not to trust him...
You raise your eyebrows. “Really? Are you sure?”
“Don’t make me say it again,” Jimin seethes.
You smile, running past Seokjin. You hold out your wrist to Jimin, looking up at him hopefully. 
Jimin scoffs again, gripping your arm painfully and yanking you closer. The wolf trio begin to growl in anger, baring their fangs.
“I choose where I bite you, pet.”
You try to remain calm as the trio behind you let out low threatening growls. Jimin smirks, spinning you around by your arm, hugging you against his body like a shield and snickering at how angry it makes them.
The pack looks ready to attack. Yoongi begins to step forward in his growing anger.
“No!,” you stop him, “J-Just let him do what he wants,” you mutter.
Jimin smirks. “If it was what I wanted, you would be on your knees with your mouth shut.” He sneers, gripping your chin painfully tight and yanking your head backward. “And your head down, thinking about how stupid you are for walking right into Taehyung’s trap.”
‘Like you did,’ you think, keeping your temper in check.  “I know you’re scared, it’s okay.”
“I am not scared!” he hisses, nails digging into your side. You wince. Namjoon’s growls become louder.
“Namjoon, stop!”
Jimin smirks again. “Yeah, listen to her, dog. Since we are all at this human’s mercy,” he scoffs. “You seem to know so much about what happens next, so tell me, is it going all according to your little plan?” He presses his body against yours, holding you tightly.
“You like this, don’t you?” he whispers in your ear, obscenely grinding himself against your backside. Jimin rests his chin on your shoulder, arm still secure around your waist, smirking, intent on drawing this out for everyone involved, “them watching.” His hand grabs your breast roughly. 
Your eyes meet Yoongi’s eyes, dark with anger, and you shut them in shame.
You breathe through your nose as he fondles you for everyone to see, letting out short breaths when he rests his hand over your throat, choosing to submit in hopes he’ll eventually do what you want.
Jimin’s fangs scrape across your shoulder as he revels in the intoxicating feeling of power he has over you and everyone else, finally feeling better about his new situation. He breathes in the anger emanating from everyone in the room, inhaling your sweet desperation most of all.
His fangs scratch the surface of you, up the sensitive skin of your neck until you bleed.
Seokjin drops to his knees, panting heavily, addicted to your blood in more ways than one. Jimin stops, looking over to the older vampire. “I’m fine,” Seokjin pants. “I’m fine.”
Jimin looks coldly down at him, how disgraceful that he’s let you affect him so much. That’s what he gets for drinking from you all the time, for not letting Jimin! He licks the blood off your neck and you shudder. Jimin moans loudly, tasting your blood again finally.
The pack looks ready to kill, they bare their fangs, the restraint in their growls long gone.
“I’m sure they can all smell you from here, I can,” Jimin whispers in your ear, hand pressing down on your lower stomach, taunting you, “You’ve learned to be a good little pet, hmm? Here’s your reward.” Jimin presses his fangs into the column of your neck, directly on your pulse.
“What the hell?” the merman mumbles. There is something glowing in Yoongi’s pack. He fumbles with the latch to inspect it. Yoongi yanks out the red glowing gem, confusion evident on his face.
Oh no. You can feel it again. A familiar voice starts to call out to you. If it wasn’t for the pain in your neck keeping you present, you surely would have lost control.
You clutch your chest as the gem burns brighter. “Jimin! You-”
“Yoongi, do you have anything left that might be powerful enough?” Namjoon asks.
“I can look,” he says, “don’t hold out hope now that his binds are off.”
“WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?” Jimin roars, advancing on you and the pack.
“You saw– You know–” you look at Jimin in disbelief. You reflexively cover your throat, the punctures are gone, but your heartbeat is still fluttering. “It wasn’t me!” you yell back.
The younger vampire yanks himself away from Jin’s protective hand. “Taehyung…” Jimin growls. “And you!” He points an accusing finger at the merman. “Give me that gem in your pack right now!”
“How did you know about that?” Yoongi glares at the younger vampire.
He scoffs, “I don’t have to explain myself to you!”
“Well then fuck off,” Yoongi spits out.
Jimin can’t believe he’s stuck here until sunset! Inside this idiot infested house with– ‘Wait,’ He feels it, he can’t explain it, but it’s there, all around him, an inevitability that he can’t control, and it pisses him off! Jimin spins around, baring his fangs, claws ready to strike. 
The group watches Jimin spin around angrily like a confused dog chasing its tail.
“See,” you glare at Jimin, “See how annoying it is!”
Jimin rolls his eyes. “Taehyung. The gem is his. And it seems he’s still using it somehow.” Jimin reasons, looking around at the familiar scene. “Give it, we need to destroy it,” Jimin holds out his hand impatiently. “DAMMIT YOONGI! We don’t have time for this!”
“That’s what I’ve been saying,” you huff.
The merman holds onto his pack defensively. He doesn’t trust Jimin, but he knows they have to work together to stop Taehyung. Jimin is untrustworthy, but Jimin is powerful, more than he even realizes. So Yoongi holds his tongue and relents. 
You clutch your head in your hands. It’s pounding more than ever, and you feel it, inside of you, in the back of your mind screaming, wrapping around your bones, the dread of something horrible coming for you all. “Get it away from me!” you cry out. 
You press yourself against the door, opening it quickly and falling in the sand. Jungkook and Hoseok follow you out, worried for your safety and your quickly declining state of mind.
Jimin scoffs again. Pathetic, he thinks. Humans are scared of their own shadows. He turns his attention on the merman, waiting impatiently. He tries to ignore how close the others are to him as the men huddle around to look at the necklace. 
Jimin holds the gem in his hand, inspecting it. The weight of it in his palm is heavy. He touches the smooth rock, the gem itself is small, but the energy surrounding it is immense, a familiar power the vampire can’t quite put his finger on. ‘Why isn’t it glowing?’ he thinks, and as soon as the thought enters his mind a slow bright red light begins to emanate around the gem. 
“What’s going on?” The pack leader questions, staring at the gem, ready to strike anything that appears. 
“I don’t know.” Jimin doesn’t know how to stop it, but he wishes for whatever is happening to halt.
And as soon as the thought entered his mind the glow begins to recede back into the gem.
“Jimin, you should hold onto that necklace for now.” Seokjin speaks.
Jimin looks up and the expression on Seokjin’s face surprises the younger vampire. He’s seen that hardened look before from Seokjin, in moments when the older vampire begins to feel sentimental. Most recently, the night you came to them. Jimin never questioned it before, but now he wants to, he wants to know all the secrets Seokjin is keeping from him. Jimin is beginning not to trust him-
He grabs the eldest’s shirt collar, yanking him close. “You know what this is?”
Seokjin remains unaffected by Jimin’s outburst, covering Jimin’s hand with his own. “Now that I’ve looked at it up close, yes, I’ve seen it before. I believe, that necklace,” he sighs, “used to be yours. A long time ago, I saw you wear it. Or something very similar,” he swallows.
But before you, Jimin has never seen this necklace before in his life! He stares at the gem. That familiarity he feels can’t be– no, that feeling is just like the other moments of deja vu he has been experiencing, it’s not because…is it? Does this necklace belong to him?
You stare at the wolves’ den, refusing to move any closer. Nothing has happened yet, there is no red glow, and no immediate danger, but you feel at any moment everything could change. You look up at the sky, it’s still daytime, but not for much longer, and you’re worried-
“Y/n?” Hoseok shakes you when you don’t respond.
“Hoseok…” You wonder how many times this moment has repeated itself. Has Hoseok looked at you like this before, his care for you evident in his soft gaze? You try to remember and make sense of what is real. “That necklace, Taehyung used it to escape. I-I don’t know how, I don’t know why. I– Ahhh!”
Your nails dig into your scalp as you desperately try to claw away at the pain. The pain is radiating at your temples, just behind your eyes, in the back of your head, behind your ear-
“Hey, y/n, hey!” Hoseok holds your trembling body, patting your cheek, reminded of the moment he found you on the beach. Your eyes stare at the sky, far away, like you’re lost in your head, unable to hear him.
“W-What’s happening to her?!” Jungkook whimpers. You just came back to him and now he fears he might lose you completely.
Hoseok picks you up into his arms, holding you securely to him. “I don’t know, Namjoon will know. I’m taking her back inside.”
You want to tell him no, you want to tell him to wait, you don’t want to go back in, but you can’t find the energy to open your mouth to speak the words. Your body is betraying you, your vision starts to cloud, and you realize darkness is coming for you, even with the sun still high up in sky. You wish more than ever, you could start over again-
“Yoongi, do you have anything left that might be powerful enough?” Namjoon asks.
“Oh,” you groan, falling forward, unable to hold yourself up. The youngest of the pack wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you into his embrace before your knees hit the ground.
Jimin looks around, the gem still heavy in his palm. “The necklace,” he murmurs. It didn’t glow red this time and yet-
“Jimin!” The merman hisses, glaring at the vampire who has somehow taken the gem from Yoongi without him noticing, “Don’t move.”
Jimin’s body, and mind, suddenly feel sluggish. It lasts only a moment before the vampire is shaking himself out of the merman’s mind control. Jimin can’t help but laugh at his weak attempt. 
“DON’T MOVE,” Yoongi bellows, his words echoing throughout the wolves’ den, and everyone, including Jimin, freezes.
“What are you doing, Yoongi?!” Namjoon grunts, stuck in place by the merman’s words.
“I don’t know how, but he stole that from me, from my pack.” The merman walks with purpose while Jimin struggles to move. 
Your eyes go wide when you notice what’s happened. “It’s not his fault,” you mumble, glancing at Namjoon, your eyes and mouth the only part of you able to move, “I think...w-we’re stuck in a time loop.”
“A w-what?” Hoseok grunts, trying with all his might to turn his head.
“W-Well...it’s a lot t-to explain and you’ll probably forget it all anyways,” you whine.
Namjoon raises his brow. He can only slightly move his neck now, and struggles to turn his head to look at you. “Perhaps you should explain anyways. Now.” His tone is serious, potentially menacing if you were being honest.
“I know it sounds crazy, and I know you don’t want him to, shit, what haven't I explained to you yet? Jimin hasn’t actually bitten me yet, well, technically not yet, he has, but it was before I came back, from the future, into now-another time thing.” You start to remember clearly now, though it seems to be still very hard to explain, “Anyways, I know about Jimin’s past! And everything, and-”
“Is she making sense to you?” Hoseok mutters.
“Oh you’re so lucky we haven’t had this conversation before or I would be really blowing your mind,” you grunt.
Jimin’s arms jerk backwards as he fights the merman’s impressive mind control. “It’s mine! Give it back!” Jimin hisses as Yoongi plucks the gem out of the vampire’s hand mere seconds before Jimin regains control of himself again.
“Jimin, we don’t have the time,” you groan, your limbs finally moving again. “Jimin!” you yell, pulling the vampire’s attention away before he attacks the merman in his anger. 
You struggle in Jungkook’s arms, holding out your wrist to Jimin hopefully. “You know what you have to do, before it happens again!” 
“No!” Jungkook barks, lifting you off your feet to end your advance. 
Jimin exhales. This is insufferable, you’re insufferable, you’re, fuck– It’s happening again. He bares his fangs, letting his anger simmer over this constant deja vu. 
“Wait! Let me see it, that necklace,” Seokjin steps forward curiously.
Yoongi throws his arm backwards out of the vampire’s reach, the gold chain accidentally hitting your outstretched hand.
The gem touching your finger.
It felt like just a graze, so quickly it couldn’t have been longer than a second. Yet you felt it through your whole body.
And then pulling right behind your ear. 
And finally you understood as the brightest flash of red light quickly comes and goes. You hear his voice again, commanding you to do something else, something horrible...
You want to tell them all to run, to escape, but the only words your lips can speak are-
“Taehyung, come in.”
The door shatters, knocking everyone inside to the ground.
The back of your ear feels like it’s on fire and like you summoned the devil himself, Taehyung appears behind you, lifting you up. “Ahh princess, now where did you put my jewel?”
You stand paralyzed by fear, as if gravity chained your limbs to your body.
“Taehyung, leave her alone!” Jungkook roars, and he somehow looks more imposing than the pack leader himself.
Taehyung laughs, looking around incredulously at the monsters surrounding him. 
“I’m saving her from you!” He pulls you close and despite your fear, you gravitate to him. It reminds you of Yoongi’s siren song, but more painful, dark, like ropes around your limbs, a noose around your throat. “You would rather use her, draining her life away because you want a pretty pet-” he looks at Seokjin, “-or keep her here on this island, chained like a prisoner, like you did to me! You just can’t see her potential!”
“You...betrayed Jimin...this is all your fault,” you grunt, barely able to speak the words out loud. 
Taehyung looks at you, eyes softening. “Your loyalty to my brother is sweet. After everything they did to you. You really are perfect. I knew it when I first met you, we were fated to meet. You were the one who was going to save me, and now I can save you.” He holds you close, embracing you how he always wanted to, no chains or shackles between you anymore. “You saw Jimin’s story and believed him. I’ll show you mine, y/n. You’ll see once and for all.”
Yoongi’s nose is bleeding from the explosion. He has the gem hidden in his palm. He doesn’t quite understand how Taehyung appeared so suddenly, or what the gem has to do with it, but he figures no good will come from Taehyung having it, and he intends to risk everything to keep it away from Taehyung. 
He looks at your pain stricken expression and suddenly realizes, no, he can’t risk everything.
“They should have cut off your hands,” Yoongi mutters, wiping away the dried blood from under his nose and standing up. “Thy were too nice to you. When I defeat you I’ll make sure your next cell is underground and twice as small,” the merman tries to goad Taehyung away from you.
“Monster,” Taehyung frowns. “Do you know how many humans he has killed, y/n? How many they’ve all killed? Have I ever killed anyone!” he yells.
“You were going to kill Seokjin!” Jimin argues.
“Seokjin is evil!” he yells back. “And not a human.”
“Okay, Taehyung, you want retribution, we’re all here now. So let y/n go, can’t you see how scared she is?” Namjoon questions, crouching low in fighting stance. His calmness is even more menacing than his anger, you think.
“She doesn’t want me to let her go,” Taehyung smiles, his chin pressing into your shoulder as he continues to hug you close. “Tell them you want to be with me.”
“I want to be with Taehyung,” you cry out, terrified how the words left your lips so quickly, of the way your control is slipping away.
“See, she’s my destiny.” He grins, triumph dripping from his words.
No, no, no. You clutch your chest, where the pain emanates the most, right over your heart.
“Oh, that’s where it went.” Taehyung sighs, petting your head softly. “I’m sorry, one of my attacks must have hit you hard. Let’s go back, out of reach this time. Now, where is my necklace? Tell me, y/n.”
Yoongi, Yoongi has it. It’s Yoongi. It’s Yoongi. It’s Yoongi. Yoongi.
You clench your jaw so tight your teeth begin to hurt. “Who took it?” he asks sweetly.
“Yoongi...” You begin to cry. “Please don’t hurt him!”
The merman speaks up, “Oh, he won’t hurt me.”
“You haven’t changed at all, so arrogant, acting like you’re better than everyone else!” Taehyung says, staring at Yoongi’s closed fist. He flicks his wrist over, fingers pulling at the air. 
A glowing red light starts emanating from Yoongi’s palm, an inescapable power ready to burst from the tiny gem, red streaks of light between his fingers cut through the wolf’s den, knocking back anything it touches.
Yoongi yells in pain, but he refuses to let go of the necklace. 
Unlike the others, when the red light hits Taehyung, he can easily redirect it with his hand, and his beam hits Seokjin, knocking the vampire right in the chest.
You see singes across the eldest vampire’s body, his clothes tattered and deep burn scars across his skin. Yoongi’s hand looks charred too, he yells and doubles over in pain, still fighting to hold onto the necklace. The others are fast, dodging the attacks, but how long can they last? 
Hoseok is hit next, he turns into a wolf instantly, charging towards you. Namjoon runs in to attack Taehyung, who shifts your body in front of the leader. 
The wolves are trying so hard to save you from Taehyung, it breaks your heart to witness the pain they are going through. How can you save them? Protect them? You feel so useless, so human and fragile. A mere pawn in a game played between kings.
If only there was a way to restart this day again.
“Y/n, don’t,” Taehyung whispers in your ear.
The wolves are too worried for your safety to use their full force, something Taehyung uses to his full advantage as he moves closer to the merman still fighting to hold onto the gem.
Jimin doesn’t care about your safety. He crashes into both of you.
You feel the weight of both men on top of you, suffocating you as Taehyung covers your body with his to take the brunt of the vampire’s wild attacks.
However, Taehyung’s physical strength seems to be unmatched, he throws the vampire as if Jimin weighed nothing with only one arm, the other holding your wrist so you can’t get away.
He moves closer to the struggling merman.
This can’t be happening, it can’t end this way, after everything you’ve been through.
Perhaps it was how close to victory Taehyung had been, so close he was only thinking about the outcome of his winning, the great future ahead of him. He was distracted just enough, and the reigns he had held over you loosened just a bit. It cleared your mind just enough, made you hope, wish for help to come for Yoongi and the others.
Your wish fluttered inside you like a heartbeat, pulling you, and this time, pulling everyone…
Through time…
To a place where the merman had an advantage. Your wish was granted.
The thumping receded and seawater filled every space around you suddenly. You were underwater, deep in the sea. You looked around and saw red and blue flashes of light, the shadows of the beast’s bodies around you, blood like red ribbons leaving their wounds. You slowly kick towards the sky.
How deep are you? You don’t know if you can make it to get in air in time.
You scream, the sound muffled underwater, when fingers reach for your hair, jerking your head down.
It’s Jimin. By the look in his eyes you think he might drain you right here, let you drown in a sea of blood, but he reaches for your hand instead and pulls you to the surface at inhuman speed. 
Spluttering, you gasp in air as the ocean lights up the night with streaks of power flashing under water.
“You’re coming with me,” he grunts, dragging your body back to land.
“Yoongi! The others!”
“Hold your breath!” Jimin pulls you back under when Taehyung resurfaces.
You inhale in quickly. You see the sparkling merman’s tail reflecting under water as he attacks Taehyung again.
Red light explodes underwater. Pulsing through the ocean, knocking you back into Jimin. He pulls you away from the fighting, closer to shore until you can stand above water.
You try to keep up, but the night waves crash into your body knocking you off your feet. Jimin drops you into shallow water. You gasp for breath while he looks over you. It reminded you of when you first met him, the way his body is over yours. But his eyes aren’t the same, there’s no hatred in them like before, Jimin looks lost, Jimin looks…sad.
He grabs the front of your dress and rips it, exposing your cleavage. Your arms cover your chest and he yanks those away too. You almost scream, but he doesn’t do anything but look at you. Then his finger traces the scars on your chest, making you shudder. The scar lines form a deep v across your chest, connecting around your neck.
“It was you.” He grips your neck, startling you. “Fix it. Now!”
Moonlight is speckling the ocean’s surface. The water calmer than usual. “Take us back to before Taehyung arrived. Before…” he shudders, looking out at the ocean, up towards the moon angrily. “This is your fault.” Jimin lunges for you, his claws pulled quickly away by Jungkook rushing to your side. Jungkook picks up your exhausted body, wading deeper in the water, glaring at the vampire. “Let’s go.”
“Follow me.” Yoongi yells, further out.
When you reach Yoongi, the youngest reluctantly hands you to him. “Where’s Taehyung?”
“He…took the necklace,” Yoongi says bitterly. “Ready?”
You look at the dark water all around you. “W-Where are we going?”
“My home.”
Yoongi swims down to the sea floor. You hold his hand, let the current and his strong fin lead you to the furthest depths of the ocean.
There’s no light, only the faint sparkling reflection of Yoongi’s tail is visible to your human eyes.
Your feet touch the sandy floor. The pain in your ears lessens the longer Yoongi breathes air into you. It’s an odd feeling, walking the sea floor, a place certainly no other living human could walk alone.
‘Jin.’ Your body stiffens in fright. You see the vampire, lying suspended upon the ocean floor. It frightens you how dead he looks, floating there, but for as long as you’ve known him, Jin has always been dead, hasn't he? Jimin passes, hooking Seokjin’s floating arm over his shoulder and pulling the vampire along.
You reach an underwater cave and swim inside. It’s tunnels are vast. The coral crevices hold things, some are man-made items, some magical.
The coral of the cave winds around, creating tunnels that are compact, walls that are cramped together. It’s dark and lonely inside, there is no light, no warmth. Is this where Yoongi stayed? It makes you feel sorry for the merman, makes you want to fill his life with warmth. He swims around quickly pulling things from inside the pockets of coral.
It’s impressive how the wolves can hold their breath, but even at this depth for so long they are having trouble. Even you are almost out of the air Yoongi gave you.
The merman swims to the cave’s bottom. There’s a purple wooden door situated at the cave floor with a spoked handle. The color reminds you of the one in Seokjin’s office. He begins to turn the vault handle quickly, unlocking the door. You watch, holding your body against one of the coral walls, making sure you don't float away. 
You begin to choke on water. The door opens finally and the others rush inside, quickly escaping down into the depths. Yoongi finds you, kissing you. Slowly, taking his time now. 
Submerged in the water, floating, he became the only thing that grounded you. You wish you could speak underwater and tell him how sorry you were for letting Taehyung inside, for causing this all to happen. You kept your lips pressed to his, hoping to convey how apologetic you felt. Yoongi hugs you close and dives into the vault.
You break the surface of the water, somehow right side up now. You wipe the water away from your face as Yoongi holds you to him. You look around the small cave, a part of the underground cave system inside the island. You look down at your bodies still submerged in the water, you should be upside down. How is that possible?
It never ceases to amaze you, the magicalness of this place.
“How is he?” you call out.
“I’ve seen better days.” The vampire in question grunts. Seokjin has definitely seen better days, the usually put together vampire is the most beaten you’ve ever seen him, lying on the cave floor unable to move.
“Jin, would it help?” you offer your wrist to him. You were the only human here.
Seokjin swallows, “Yes.”
“Let me help him,” you beg the others. Namjoon lifts you out of the cave pool. Everyone looks so beaten they don't fight you, they stay silent as you make your way to Seokjin.
“Are you sure, Dove?” he grunts.
You nod, lying against him, finally letting your tired muscles relax. Seokjin drank from you countless of times before, what’s one more?
Jimin breaks Seokjin’s jade statue, smashing it to pieces.
“Get away from me!” he screams, “w-who are you?!”
You see Seokjin and Namjoon standing next to him. And you see Hoseok. You see Taehyung.
“Is it normal to forget?” Taehyung asks, watching Jimin curiously.
“No…no,” Seokjin swallows. Had Seokjin really been too late to save Jimin?
Jimin screams and screams, clawing at his throat. It’s dry and itchy, he feels like he’s burning from the inside out. “Stop. Stop it!” The pain won’t stop!
“He needs blood,” Hoseok says, his tone urgent and worried.
“If we bring someone to the island, he’s not going to be able to control himself.”
“I’ll find someone no one will miss,” Hoseok suggests.
“No, it’s still a life.” Namjoon interjects, watching the display, clenching his jaw when Jimin screams again.
“And what about Jimin?!” Hoseok argues. “What about his life?!” You can feel his anger, you feel it too within Seokjin.
“If it’s someone who deserves it, someone bad?” Taehyung speaks up, wincing as he watches his friend writhe in pain.
“Let’s go hunt one last time, old friend,” Seokjin mumbles, unable to look Namjoon in the eyes, watching instead the horrible state Jimin is in.
“Okay, okay.”
It was an easier find than they had thought. During a dark club night, the music boomed as a regular flirted with a young woman. Upon entering the club, Namjoon and Seokjin noticed all the tell tale signs immediately, the signs of a predator..
While Namjoon bumped into the couple, and riled up the man by cozying up to his unsuspecting victim, Seokjin quickly switched their drinks, the one the man had spiked for his date switched with his clean one. While the drug worked its magic, you looked around the club, listening to old music. You watched the bodies on the dance floor move together in almost one fluid motion. You missed it, realizing how long it’s been since you’ve had that kind of fun. Your heart raced as the beat of the song quickened, as urgency ran through the vampire’s cold veins instead of blood. You want to dance. You want to kill that man. You want to save Jimin. Complicated emotions filter through Seokjin and into you.
Your mouth goes slack as you press your body closer, your hands fisting Seokjin’s tattered shirt. “You’re taking too much!” Namjoon barks. 
“I’m sorry.” Seokjin licks your wounds clean as your vision goes hazy and you slump against him. No, you wanted to see more, to listen to more-
“Where are you, sweetheart?”
Taehyung covers your cheek with his hand. “Tell me where you are so I can find you, get you away from them.”
“No! You stay away from them!”
Taehyung’s arms cage you in, his body above yours. “Y/n, please,” he begs, lowering himself over you. “I can leave the island now, but I don't want to go, not without you.” He wraps his arms around your body, hugging you close to him in a suffocating embrace. “Please come with me, I don’t want to be alone anymore.”
Despite everything, you feel sorry for him as he shakes against you.
No, no, no! He’s the same man who tried to betray Seokjin. What would he have done to Jimin if he had succeeded? What is he going to do to you? You press against his shoulders, trying to push him off of you. Taehyung covers your lips with his own, lessening your resolve.
His lips work a different kind of magic, he presses his tongue inside your mouth, runs it over your own, tilting his head and deepening the kiss. You grip his shoulders, unsure whether to push him away or closer. He kisses you for so long you wonder how he hasn’t broken away to take a breath, you wonder why you don’t have the need to either.
You gasp when Taehyung decides to move lower down your body, his lips licking across your neck. By now, he’s made sure to keep you locked to him, holding onto both your wrists so you can’t push against him. Even when he shifts his digits and intertwines your fingers, he keeps his weight heavy on you.
“It’s not fair, I can only have you in my dreams like this,” he chuckles against your skin. “Please be with me. Together we can explore the whole world, do whatever we want.” Taehyung was so excited to see all the new technology you had described to him during your long visits. He wants to experience it all with you.
You take in a ragged breath, suppressing a moan every time he sucks and rolls his tongue over your skin. “Promise me you won’t hurt them.”
“I promise.”
You don’t believe him.
You can’t believe him.
It feels like a lie, it all feels like a lie.
“Where are you?”
“In a cave.”
“There are thousands of caves on the island, do you know where?”
“I d-don’t know.”
It’s true you don't know, but there are words you could use to describe the cave. You could tell Taehyung how you got there, about Yoongi’s magical door. But you bite those words down, hiding the whole truth.
“Don’t worry, I’ll find you.” He rests his forehead against yours, runs his thumb over your kiss bitten lips. He can't wait to have you, to mark you, to make you like him.
You touch the necklace dangling from Taehyung’s neck, and he rips your hand away, gripping your wrist so tightly you can feel the pressure in your bones.
Fear trickles down your spine and catches in your throat once you realize how entangled you are to him, how easily he could hurt you if he wanted to. The Taehyung you knew had been so unthreatening, like a lonely puppy tied to a tree, only wanting attention.
The shackles took away any threatening aura, you only ever felt safe with him, you hadn't yet known what he was capable of...
Taehyung feels your heart beat jumping against his lips. “You’re scared of me, why?” he frowns. “Have I ever given you a reason to believe I would ever hurt you? Jimin hurt you, Seokjin hurt you,” he adds.
You swallow, unable to answer him. He’s right.
“If you hated Seokjin so much...why did you want to become like him?”
Taehyung holds you loosely now, smiling softly. “You know...Namjoon, Hoseok, Jungkook, their powers slow their aging, but one day, they’re going to grow old, they’re going to grow weak. They’re going to die,” he hums.
“T-That’s no excuse-”
“Sometimes we have to lose everything to gain everything.”
“Is that what you told Jimin before you took everything from him?!”
“Seokjin’s affliction really did rub off on you. What will you say when you make him remember and he still wants to rip your throat out?”
You swallow, silenced by his words.
“Tell me where you are so I can protect you,” he presses his lips upon the column of your neck tenderly.
“T-The cave-”
“Yes?” Taehyung runs his tongue along your throat, enjoying the way you tremble against him.
“-a d-door-”
His hands knead your side, up your body, gripping your mounds, caressing your suppleness.
“A door? Invite me in then, sweetheart.”
Your fingers tangle his hair, pulling him closer to you. Then run down his neck, slipping under his necklace.
You yank the gold chain, screaming.
“You’re awake,” Jungkook says happily. You’re lying nestled in between bodies, warm in the otherwise cold and dark cave. “Are y-you okay?”
You close your eyes, calming down, shaking your head, worried your words won’t be your own.
Namjoon holds your hand, “Y/n, can you tell us anything about what happened to the watch I gave you?”
Your hand cups your neck, where Seokjin’s bite is now healed over. “T-Taehyung, he said he would ‘fix’ the watch for me. He must have, because...it must have been, three months ago? I found that red amulet, it was from Seokjin’s shop, it appeared in my hand and then I heard Taehyung’s voice in my head, and…and I-I had no control...” You remember it clearly now, “The watch took me back in time and broke as soon as I used it.”
You look down at your hands. “But I still had the one I hadn’t used yet, from this time…” you say, absentmindedly touching your collarbone out of reflex. “When the explosion happened, I-I don’t know, I-I lost them.” Namjoon inspects your neck, gently adjusting the torn fabric of your dress.
He looks over his shoulder, where the merman lazily swims in the cave pool. “Yoongi?” he asks. 
“The stronger the magic, the more uncontrollable it becomes. If Taehyung’s attack hit her...and the watch…anything could be possible.”
“What do you mean?” you ask.
“Does that human brain of yours not work at all anymore?” Hoseok complains, sitting at the top of your head, looking down at you with crossed arms. “The watch’s magic, it’s inside you.”
“...what,” you ask horrified. You trace the scars across your chest, running up your clavicle and around your neck.
“You were trying to protect yourself from Taehyung,” Yoongi says knowingly. “You took us forward in time.”
Yoongi had noticed the stronger tides, looked up at the moon, and realized the phase had shifted 4 days ahead.
But how could that be? Then when he mentioned it to the others, they all realized…
“I-I can’t control it.”
“And we’re not even sure what it does to her when she uses it,” Hoseok says, concerned, thinking the worst. There is no telling what will happen to you in the end, are you losing hours off your life? Days? 
“Where’s Jimin?”
“Cooling off, taking a late night swim.” Seokjin sighs. “Dove, what happened between you and Jimin in this future of yours that makes you think he will be so cooperative?”
It felt wrong, telling his story, intimate memories that he didn’t even have the chance to see yet. “His past…”
“You know his whole past?” Hoseok asks. You nod. “And you trust him? After everything you know?”
“You don’t know what he’s been through! Taehyung-”
“They worked together to betray us all,” Hoseok scoffed.
You shake your head. “Taehyung knew Jimin before he knew you, Hoseok.” You’ve seen enough of their memories together to see how protective Hoseok had been over Taehyung. But the secrets Jimin and Taehyung had kept weren’t even knowledgeable to Jimin anymore.
“Did you know about this?” Hoseok turns to his pack leader. 
He shakes his head no, “They acted like strangers. Did you know?” Namjoon turns to Seokjin.
“He didn’t speak much of his childhood, even when he was human.” Seokjin hums, “The few memories of his childhood I pulled did not have any indication they knew each other. They had only become close after Jimin was turned.”
“No, they were always close.” you say, sure of yourself. “I can’t prove it, yet, but I don’t think what happened was an accident,” you look at Hoseok. “It wasn’t your fault you lost control, Hoseok.”
Hoseok's eyes start to shine in the shadows of the cave as tears well up. “No,” he says in disbelief. It was his fault. He turned Taehyung into a beast like him, and he’s never forgiven himself because of it.
He shakes his head, unable to let your words really hit him.
“Well, we can only learn the whole truth from Jimin himself. Help me this time, please?”
Jimin returns later than usual, right before sunrise, his mind no less at ease.
“Well, it almost worked last time.” 
Has Seokjin been drinking from you this whole time?! Jimin scoffs, settling himself away from you and the others. 
Seokjin does it messily, letting the blood drip down your shoulder, covering your chest in the red liquid.
You let a soft whimper escape your lips, moaning. Seokjin’s hand moves from your hip to resting between your legs
“Are you going to be doing that all day?!” Jimin barks, his words echoing in the small cave.
“You haven’t drank in a while, brother. Come drink.” Jimin swallows hard, smelling your blood, the sweet iron scent fills the cave. He remembers the previous time loop, the taste of your blood still a strong memory. It never happened, he hasn’t really tasted you, yet that’s now all he can think about. He remembers it distantly like a dream. Or rather a nightmare, how can you possibly be this annoying to him without even trying? Jimin silently seethes as his throat becomes itchier and drier.
Jimin looks over at the wolves, who seem to be minding their own business. There is no way they are not affected by this...lewd display! He narrows his eyes on Hoseok, the jealous one, who sits crossed-legged and crossed-arms, eyes closed and jaw clenched.
“You’re joking?”
“No, I saw them do it before with other girls,” you mutter, unable to meet Hoseok's eyes, “in Seokjin’s memories.”
Jungkook rests his head against the pack leader’s shoulder, shaking his legs to a song in his head he is using to distract himself, and Namjoon acts completely unaffected. Jimin scoffs, Namjoon sure has the best poker face, but Jimin knows this is bothering the pack. They probably finally figured out they’re weaker ones amongst them, Jimin thinks.
“Well if you won’t, then I will.” Namjoon speaks up.
Namjoon pulls your leg, pulling you closer to him as he crawls over you. His strong hands press your legs open so he can settle in between them.
“You know my kind bites too. We don’t do it to suck blood, our bite is different. But, I wouldn’t mind eating you up,” Namjoon teases, his deep voice even deeper in his gruffness.
You know this is just an act, but your heart escalates at the thought, remembering the younger werewolf acting so brazenly. Devious suits Namjoon so well, the roughness in his nature is so attractive.
Jimin grits his teeth at such a revolting thought.
“You’re just going to let him put his filthy paws all over her? You’re going to hand her over just like that?”
“I haven’t let her go.” Seokjin caresses your temples, smearing blood across your face. “We used to do this all the time. I’ve gotten used to Namjoon’s scent.”
Jimin looks away, looking for the merman, someone else he can yell at.
“Joon, wait. Jimin, did you want to drink from me instead?”
“No thanks,” Jimin hisses.
You look back at Namjoon. Seokjin lifts your hand to his mouth, biting down on the fleshy part of your palm. It hurts, he is usually better at making the pain feel pleasurable, but his objective isn’t your pleasure, it’s to cause maximum blood flow, to make you cry out in pain, knowing your whimpers will entice Jimin the most.
Namjoon’s lets his teeth scrape across your thigh. “Shh little Dove.” He uses the pet name Seokjin gave you. “Don’t cry, I’ll make you sing.”
It’s so hot in this goddamn cave. The smell of everyone’s arousal is assaulting, inescapable.
“My turn next,” Hoseok calls out.
“I’m going to mark her as my mate,” Jungkook growls, eyes darkened at the sight of you writhing in pleasure and pain.
Jimin has had it. He has had to endure being in their company for this long, but now the dogs want to defile what is his? Yes, you are his and Seokjin’s! They paid fairly for you, you would be dead if it were not for them. You are theirs! You are his. And you are the only human left on this damned island, Jimin had searched all night for any signs of life to no avail.
“I’m going to rip out your teeth,” Jimin threatens lowly.
“Did you say something?” Hoseok says flippantly.
“You don’t think I know what you’re all doing?”
You look between yourselves in silence.
“You’re just giving up! Taehyung really turned you into a bunch of cowardly dogs. You’re just gonna stay in this cave like a bunch of animals in heat while Taehyung does god knows what!?”
You continue to look between yourselves in silence.
He points at you. “She said if I bit her, we could stop Taehyung!” He yanks you to your feet so hard you feel the whiplash in your bones. “Isn’t that right? SO WHY ARE YOU WASTING YOUR PRECIOUS TIME WITH THEM?!” Jimin yells so loud his words echo over and over again.
You blink. “You’re right, Jimin.”
Jimin moves behind you, tilting your head. He licks the old blood off your shoulder, suppressing a groan at the taste. “If this doesn’t work-” he growls.
“It will.”
“Then I wont stop until it does.” All your blood will be Jimin’s one way or another.
He licks his lips before sinking his teeth into the column of your neck.
Just like that, you and Jimin revisit his bedroom, a memory you both shared, your past and his future had Taehyung’s plan not have worked.
Jimin roars, pulling away. Your body spasms with too much blood loss. Jimin looks down, your blood covering his body, his pants undone. How is he in bed with you? He was just in the merman’s cave, drinking your blood.
No, he is in the merman’s cave. This is a memory.
Jimin remembers. 
He gently turns your body over. Your breathing is ragged, strained, your eyes try to focus on the vampire above you.
Now you remember, it was the first time Jimin looked at you without hatred in his eyes. Tearing the flesh from his arm, he puts the wound over your mouth and you drink until your body relaxes. Then cautiously, Jimin lowers himself over you again, ready to see more.
Jin steps closer, followed by the rest of the men. 
Was Jimin still drinking from you?
Neither of you made any movement.
You both fell to your knees with Jimin’s fangs deep in your neck, your eyes glazed over and out of focus. 
“What happened?” Namjoon whispers to the eldest vampire. He wasn’t quite sure, neither of you were responsive, both lost in your heads. 
“Little Dove?”
I am so excited to write some backstory finally!!! Are you excited for the next chapter?
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liveyun · 5 months
𝐓 𝐎 𝐍 𝐈 𝐆 𝐇 𝐓 — KSJ.
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title : tonight
pairing. seokjin x female reader (oc)
genre. fluff , students au , romance
w. love at the first sight(?) ; oc is struggling a lot ; foul language ; some mentions of stalking (no one is stalking) ; dad jokes ; softness <3
wc. ≤ 4k
You've never ever been so excited to go to the school cafeteria before until one day you noticed him.
Those games were always boring to you, only if your friends didn't force you to join in. Backing off while your brain scrambles to think of an excuse when your back suddenly hits a firm and muscular back as you spin back, in slight shock, those broad shoulders never leaving your sight. That person was visibly taller as he turned to you with the same, hurried air, flurries of apologies coming out through splutters.
“I’m-I’m so sorry,—”
His friends swarm around his shoulders, petting him with short praises and yells. That feeling in your stomach was immaculate. At that exact moment your breath hitches in your throat and you momentarily forget what is breathing. Your heart thumps as if it was going to burst out, and your throat dries up.
Tresses of silk-like raven hair rested on his forehead, parting to give him the perfect forehead you'd ever seen. His face glows with the lighting of the room, and you'd easily believe the glow outdid the sun easily. With those almond shaped, curious eyes which radiated the warm aroma of fresh melted chocolate, he had those squishy cheeks paired with cranberry pillowy lips. An instant dazzling smile highlighting the sculpture of his face instantly made your heart throb at the very first sight.
Even though the encounter was just for a matter of seconds which can be surmised to be long forgotten, it was anything but. That was imprinted in your heart as if it's meant to be within those deep treasures of the sea, a Siren’s voice by the sober shores of the coast. Each recollection of the memory left your heart pulsing like small jitters of the first snow and butterflies fluttering inside your tummy as if they're playing with a young, playful kitten.
It didn't leave your brain at all at times, especially when you returned to the cafeteria where the incident took place. Sometimes, as much as you're basful to admit, you'd visit to come back to the fleeting happiness you'd felt back with a slight exchange of formalities with the guy who stole your heart from you, and doesn't seem to be seen anywhere afterwards.
Choosing the table closest to the window, today you're alone as your stomach rumbles with hunger. you sit down with your plate in your hand, ready to eat after a long day.
The aroma of the warm bowl of dubu jigaetguk calms you down as you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding on. Being a student with a part time job as waitress in a pub wasn't easy to say, to some point. Sure, you're used to the strain you're putting on your already tired body from your tedious routine, but when you realize how you hardly get any rest for yourself.
Whether you like it or not, whether your social batter is on the verge of dying, you again have to reach school on time after getting an ounce of rest, or sometimes, even not. Getting dozens of assignments and projects to finish and much less time to compete with,you end up in the library finishing them, often starving yourself in the process. Then again, cycling back to your workplace, the foul, shitty pub where a single mistake can earn thousands of souls, weird looks and mockings from that ass manager of yours.
Or sometimes, even deduction from your paycheck if the humiliation doesn't feel enough to him. It's almost past midnight when you reach your rented apartment. Your muscles are sore, aching, and screaming for a break with your social battery already dead by the time you fall back to your bed, trying to fall into a dreamless sleep.
Well, if you're particularly clear, there wasn't anything to do; if you wanted to continue your precious education you had to do this. The sun can shine only so brightly when it burns just as strongly, yes?
Eh, apart from the poetry. . .finally after weeks you got some time to eat. A quick peek at the huge windows and you know that there's a sudden drizzle which has people rushing about for a shelter to the unexpected rain. You notice a few people rushing into the cafeteria too, and a happy thought strikes your head at the new crowd. Him. Your heart begins racing and all the memories flashes again as if they're happening right now. The hopes of finding him again thaws in your chest and your lips quirk up to a smile unknowingly.
Him. . . .who was he and what had he done to you? What was his name? Once again you felt your heart pick up its that it felt like it was drumming with happiness inside; Was he of the same school as yours? Obviously, it had to be or else what he would be doing in the cafeteria area.
But you'd sometimes even see the students from other nearby schools during competitions or fests here, so it could be a possibility.
He seemed to be pretty much popular within his friends, you assume. You could, by just looking at the number of people who'd swarmed around him at that moment and when your small interaction was over, their giggles and laughs were enough to prove he was a good friend of theirs indeed.
It was a bit too overwhelming sometimes as a part of you is hurt to think that you've actually fallen for a stranger within some seconds when you can't seem to find any traces of him so far, or you don't know anything about him. Pining for a stranger who might even not be single has your breath shaking.
A sigh leaves your quivering lips. Why did your heart have to do that ? Your head drops to your hands, your thoughts pulling yourself down to your loneliness once again.
Fiddling the spoon on your bowl while you stare with your head empty at the mushy mass of tofu floating in the seasoned soup, long gone cold. Your brain is on a loop thinking about all those, his perfect face, his possible popularity, the way he was just surrounded by his friends. If he wasn't nice , how could they hang out with him? A true person makes a true friend, and for sure that thought kind of convinced you that he maybe wasn't. . ..in your league.
Or so you'd convince yourself somehow that you had no chances with him. You, the loner who always has been avoiding people, making excuses to avoid interaction, easily losing interest. Being a social butterfly wasn't your thing, really. Making stoney faces and uninterested replies was your thing, and you were used to those stares at the pub bar and in your school where God knows by what names and what assumptions were you being called so, and you couldn't care more. Your heart may have pumped warm blood, but its veins carried numbness and no signs of interest for the hate. Times have made you that way, and you still are.
He was. . .just an acquaintance. Or even something less. You didn't even know his goddamn name ! You know that your heart will have a hard time understanding what your brain already has, but sooner or later you'll have to, afterall. It was already a month following this incident, and you had to distract yourself to move on.
Shaking your head to let go of those thoughts, you're now mentally scolding yourself for overthinking, again and you just wanted to forget him, that incident which took place both in the cafeteria and in your heart. There are some extremely alluring and beautiful things in this world which are craved by many, but are achieved by only a few.
That's it; you now wanted to finish up your meal and as soon as you'd completed today's schedule, you wanted to go home. Yes, home.
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The bell rings, finally.
And now, it's time for the teacher to depart. As soon as she leaves the class you switch on your cell and your eyes fall on the texts from your co-worker oblique friend Grace.
grace ⭐ : OoO
grace ⭐ : Big Newsssss
grace ⭐ : no work today!!
SEEN. 1:00 PM
you : huh?
you : ??
grace ⭐ : Manager called in a day 😵‍💫
grace ⭐ : He says it's some ‘Personal Stuff’ He has fallen into😶
Sighing, your thoughts run up to your warm bed among soft,warm sheets to the fact that you have your biology exam tomorrow leaves a frustrating aftertaste in your tongue. You decide to stay back in the library, at least you'd be studying and it would be a nice distraction from all those non stop floods of thoughts.
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You didn't realize the time flies so soon that you've actually completed memorizing the final two chapters without any fail sitting in peace with all the focus on your book and notebook and no other distracting thoughts inside you.
A wave of satisfaction floods over your body, as you close your eyes and let out a little breath. You just keep still for some moments like that, cherishing your little victory until you felt the seat beside you was occupied. You didn't pay much attention to it since it was a school library; anyone could come in and you didn't care less. You just buried your head in your book and slowly, your signs of exhaustion were clear. Your eyes felt heavy to be kept open, getting watery each time you yawned.
Fuck, sleep sounds way too good now. Your burning eyes close for a while. Heaven. Your head is almost about to fall down on your book when you suddenly feel a tap on your shoulder. Jerking with a silent breath, you turn to the source of the tap.
Your sleep-riddled brain is already clogging up and your breath is again caught up. Your heart begins thumping at such a rate that it's starting to hurt a bit, and a small gasp leaves your lips.
That same face, those same plush lips and that glow. Those chocolate brown eyes softly staring at you, while his lips adorned a gentle smile causing his cheeks to puff up slightly.
“Hey..” fuck. His voice is so fucking smooth and soft, you feel like you're floating on a cloud. Nah, it cannot be real. He cannot be real. You must've fallen asleep at this point.
“Are you okay...?" His voice echoes in your ears at the lack of your reply and your dazed expression,.presently tearing you out from your daydream.
“We—we met at the cafeteria that day, if I'm not—”
“I remember you,” you cut him off by a murmur, thinking of how vividly you remember him ever since that meeting. You put a hand on your chest as you blink, breathing heavily with your heart still thrumming hard.
A water bottle was passed to your hands as you looked up at him again, his eyebrows furrowed slightly. He started apologizing as he thought that he disturbed your study session and kind of caught you off guard. You decline and shrug it off like nothing much happened, as you feel your tummy already swarming with a forest of butterflies at even the bare minimum. The way he's so. . you don't know, but whatever it is, it's doing nothing good to your poor heart. You already feel your cheeks ignite at its very thought of looking at those warm, soft, roasted coffee eyes.
“I’m Seokjin. I realized that I should’ve introduced myself to you that day, but by the time I did, you already were gone,”
He quips with a laugh,taking out his books on the table as you realize it's your turn to introduce yourself. As soon as you do it, you wished if you weren't so nervous and didn’t sound so small to him as you did to yourself; but a sweet smile was given off as a response.
“Erm..for that day, I'm really sorry. Those brats wanted me to join a frat party, and while I told them how much I hate frat houses, I didn't realize that you were behind me,” he rubs the back of his neck with a nervous laugh almost as if he's embarrassed.
“It's..it's quite rude that I left without an apology.” His eyes are even softer, melting your heart even more.
“But you did apologize to me?” You laugh off, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as you feel his wide gaze at you as he breaks down to a fit of nervous giggles.
Did you see correctly that his ears were flushed red?
“I finally found some time to study, so I decided to be here. Just when I was passing by, I saw you and thought of. . .well, apologizing properly this time,”
He's rubbing his neck again as if he's embarrassed to speak it out and itches to speak more. You ask him to continue. Clearing his throat, he says, “I wanted to be friends with you. I've seen you pretty many times in the local bar. Each time I'd try to find you, you were always scuttering away into the chambers. Much to my surprise I found you in our school cafeteria.”
“I actually wanted to talk to you, even before our bumping happened and I never got to see you after that. . .”
Your eyes flick up to him as he suddenly jumps on his seat, shaking his head violently with wide, shaking pupils.
“Nono!! no!! Don't, don't get me wrong,” he chokes out, “I wasn't stalking you or something like that, I just. . . couldn't at all get a grip on my curiosity. . .” he's rubbing his neck again, and you bet you saw his cheeks pink this time. He's so adorable and it makes you giggle, a surprising sound which you think you haven't heard of before.
“So, you're a regular of the turquoise villa?” He looks up at you, somewhat relieved to not have been perceived as a stalker. “Well, not really regular, you know? I don't drink often, but it's like I've been dragged there at times for the birthday celebration of my homies. Or when anyone needed alcohol to let go of their grief,”
“So like I've been there thrice or twice, and I've seen you all the times I've visited.” You are quite surprised yourself. Thinking of the fact that he wanted to talk to you as much as you wanted to have blood rushing up to your cheeks. You're trying your best not to react so openly at this, but you're having a hard time controlling your heart. It beats so loudly that you feel your blood rushing up to your brain in your ears.
He asks you again if you're ok.
You shrug again.
“You could've just. . .heh, joined me at the library since I'm here after lunch,”You laugh, embarrassed at your own loss at words. He flashes a sweet smile your way, suddenly flicking his wrist to get a look at the time on his watch.
“So, is it a day off for you?”
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Months have passed after your friendship with him began to bloom, and you find yourself falling more and more for him. You feel your mask slip more and more each day when you're with him. He was totally how you expected him to be, understanding, radiant, intelligent and humorous. And not to mention, had a face carved by God themselves.
All of your bad days seemed like nothing when you had him, whether it was his sweet gesture of sharing his ramen with you during lunch; Encouraging and comforting you when your thoughts spiraled downwards. Whether it's just him and you sitting in silence, basking in each other's company, or cackling like dumb idiots at his dad jokes which were in abundance with him. Your colorless life seemed to have suddenly filled with rainbow colors, as sparkles lit up your numb heart which seems to have known him, and beats only for him. You feel utterly selfish at times, but him saying that he enjoys hanging out with you just as much as you do somehow puts you at ease.
As if apart from pumping blood his existence was the reason for your heart beats, that subtle drumming was felt by you each time whenever his face flashes in your mind, as if your heart knows him. You couldn't really help yourself, it felt like you were rolling and rolling down continuously an inclined hill for him and those feelings were just too much to bear. Yet, you have decided to keep cool cause lord knows for what you didn't want to confess.
Perhaps it's the fear of losing a friend who meant so much to you, you wanted to go with the flow and just endure it.
Apart from being a really sweet guy, his sense of humour is impeccable. You two are pretty good friends now. Even if you don't meet each other at the school due to the different routines, you two have regular contact through text and calls, which kind of is. . . awaited for you to listen to his voice and his pretty little jokes.
A chilly night as it was tonight, your grumbling manager is dismissing the employees a bit early. You rumble your bag to keep your uniform back and sling it up your shoulders, waving goodbye to Grace who seems equally as tired as you. Stretching your aching and sore limbs, you sigh and rub your shoulders. Waves of exhaustion flows through you, as you yawn, cursing at your own self as you take small, tortoise steps towards your house.
You're lost in your own world when you feel a tap on your shoulder out of nowhere and your breath is knocked out of your lungs. You're nearly screaming as you jump, startled, but suddenly you smack your lips as you see that taller boy laughing loudly, broad shoulders shaking with each squeak.
You snort, “Seokjin, you ass, you scared the living shit out of me.” He is laughing breathlessly and you smack his shoulder, earning a small ow from him. Soon, he gently holds your shoulders and calms himself down.
"But hey, what are you doing here, Seokjin? We're already closed for the evenin—”
“Hm,I was up for a walk and I suddenly felt my limbs carrying themselves here. Muscle memory, maybe?” He rubs his chin as if in deep thought, and you nearly huff.
“I haven't seen you for a few days. But it turns out that you're already leaving, so I thought of walking you home, as I see you're quite tired, if you don't mind.”
“Ha, are you gonna carry me or something?” you chirp as you walk along, suddenly all of the exhaustion vanishing away from you.
“If you'd let me, I surely would.” You fake a gasp and try to ignore the fluttering in your stomach once again.
You walk down the pavement with him by your side.
“Yes?” you're curious as you look up at him.
“What do you say when you're busy on a call, and want to talk to a person later?” his eyes are twinkling by the time he finishes his question. You're thinking, hard, what possibly could be his joke.
“I’ll.. I'll call you later?”
He groans,“Don’t call me later. Call me Seokjin, please.”
“Wh—” you stop by your tracks and roar a laugh, him squeaking along with you. Fuck, your stomach hurt with that. You pant as you near your apartment, sighing happily.
A chilly wind blows through, and goosebumps flood all over your skin as you rub your arms with your hands, feeling a bit cold. You wished if you would've stuffed the hoodie inside your bag, then you wouldn't have been facing this right now.
Suddenly, you feel two hands wrap around your shoulders softly as you turn and you find that his black bomber jacket is wrapped around your shoulders.
This awkward position where you basically have your face craned up to look at him, has his face just a few inches away from yours. You feel his breath gently brushing your face. Your eyes winden themselves, as your blood rushes up to your cheeks, and your heart is thumping, again. Your lips part slightly, seeing him this close where you can smell the faint but enchanting scent of his woody cologne could be described just as a dream . . . and now it's true.
You can't help but gasp with your heart thundering inside your chest, warmth radiates from his jacket, his soft smile contrasting with his beautiful eyes twinkling in the starry night.
“Seokjin. . .” fuck. You did sound small.
“Hm? Are you still cold?" He asks with a soft voice as your chest is almost hurting with its fast beats. “No. . .” quite the opposite. You pull your hands to your chest again, as he chuckles lightly. You look down with completely flushed cheeks. You feel like you're about to burst at the close proximity.
“I. . .” You close your eyes, unable to confront your shyness. Fuck, you've never been ever this close to him, you've never ever been so close. . . ! His strong arms snakes around your waist inside the loosely hanging jacket, spinning you so that you're facing him. Your eyes nearly pop out of your sockets, but the somewhat hesitant look in his eyes explains that he's nervous, too. You relax visibly in his hold, your body turning to putty under his eyes. He smiles as he sees your pupils dilate, breathing wild.
His hold on you is gentle gentle gentle, and if you'd die here, you happily would, if this is what heaven feels like. His nose nearly brushes by your own with how close he is to you, and his soft, long bangs tickle the apples of your cheeks as he pulls you even closer. Fuck. Fuck. This really is happening.
By the time he speaks again, the entire world stops for you and all that you can hear is his silent, but delicate voice in your ears, “I just want to ask you if I can keep you warm with me by your side, holding hands just like this.”
Oh, fuck. You cannot beleive what's happening. But whatever is, you just want to do. . . cherish. You hope you'll be talking about this later, too.
You nod.
A toothy grin spreads all over his lips, his face lighting up instantly.
He tilts his head to lean in more and whisper a small thank you. And then, his lips press so softly against your own, and you feel yourself smile as your hands reach up to his neck, pulling him closer to you.
You'd let him keep you warm forever.
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a/n : missing seokjinnie a bit too much lately (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠) i hope you enjoyed reading this smol drabble <3 don't forget to drop a reblog if you did, it helps a lot 🤍
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i-am-baechu · 1 year
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♡ Summary: Y/N loved her members with all her heart, they were her brothers. They raised her since she was fourteen and now she is twenty-five, she was old enough to make adult decisions. Well, not in their eyes.
♡ Rating: Pg - 14
♡ Genre: 8th member au, comedy, romance, fluff, and little angst 
Authors note: Surprise idol boyfriend lol 
L/N Y/N was the eighth member of Bts. She was younger than Jungkook by one year and everyone always compared them too. It was annoying but what else did she expect, she was the only girl in a primarily boy group. She was on the quiet side when she was younger, she would only talk to Seokjin and Yoongi. They made her think of her older brother back at home and it was comforting to be around something so familiar. She didn’t really shine until the DNA era because she was finally an adult and felt more comfortable in her skin. Her relationship with the members grew and Army saw the true her. 
Now she was twenty-five, she was a beloved idol in the industry. She had a sweet angelic voice that sounded like snow falling during winter and many said she had a siren’s voice. While all her members did their solo albums, Y/N took this time to truly relax and focus on her life more. Seokjin and Hoseok already went to the military, something that saddened her but she knew they would be back. 
Y/N looked around before entering the tall building. She smiled at the receptionist who recognized her immediately (then again who wouldn’t), “Ah, Y/N. Back again.”
“Yeah, I am. Unnie, do you know where he is?”
She smiled at this and nodded her head, “He’s in the dance room on the fourth floor. Room 2B.”
“Thank you, unnie.” 
Y/N bowed at the older woman and made her through the building. She made sure her hat covered her eyes the best she could, she didn’t want attention on her. She listened to his voice through the elevator and a smile appeared on her lips. She always loved his voice and how he could easily carry the song with his high note, it was just beautiful. She knocked on the dance room door and she opened it to see him standing there already looking at the door with a smile. 
“Jagiya~.” She ran towards him as his face heated up from the name but he ignored it and wrapped his arms over her waist. She nuzzled her face into his chest as he kissed the top of her head, “I missed you so much, Doyoung.”
“I missed you too.”
Y/N and Kim Dong-Young from NCT have been dating for almost two years now. All the members of NCT knew about the couple but her members had no idea that she was even seeing someone. She never really talked about people she was interested in, she kept it to herself. She met Doyoung during the end of the Golden Disk Award backstage. 
She accidentally went into the wrong dressing room and that’s how she met him. She always thought he was cute and she would be lying if she said she didn’t have a crush on him. She would always listen to NCT in secret in the dorms and whenever she saw him appear on her screen, she felt her heartbeat get faster. Doyoung was the first one to speak to her and the rest was history. He was shy and more introverted than her, she would make him talk and take him out whenever they had free time. 
Doyoung wanted Y/N to move in with him but she had to figure out how to tell her members. This was a sensitive subject for the two. Doyoung understood why she was hiding but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt. She felt so guilty about hiding their relationship but she knew how her members get when the opposite sex looks at her. 
When they let go, she leaned up, placing a kiss on his cheek, “Did you get my flowers?”
“Yes, I did. Thank you, I loved them.” 
“It’s not every day that your partner releases a sub-unit album.”
He rolled his eyes and kissed the top of her head, “When are you going to release your album?”
She wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned her head against his chest, “I’m not in a rush for it. When I do though, it will be a love song for you.”
“Aish, jagiya. You love to embarrass me.” 
“I do, where’s the others?” 
He pushed some hair behind her ear and smiled down at her, “I was practicing on my own today.”
“Did you eat yet, jagiya?”
“I ate this morning.”
Y/N’s head snapped at him and she glared at him, “It’s four in the afternoon and you haven’t eaten. Doyoung, that’s bad.” 
“I’m sorry, do you want to go eat right now?”
She pouted her lips and nodded her head, “You can’t do that to yourself. It’s not good for your body.”
“I’m sorry, let’s go to your favorite restaurant.” 
“No, let’s go to your favorite restaurant.” 
Doyoung let out a small laugh and rolled his eyes, “Fine. I know your stubborn heart will make things difficult, let’s go.”
She smiled at this and leaned forward placing a quick kiss on his lips, “I always win.” 
He gathered his things and grabbed her hand. His thumb creased the top of her knuckles as they headed out. They walked out of the building towards the back and headed towards his car with smiles on their faces. He opened her door, helped her into the car, and placed a kiss on her forehead before closing the door. She felt her face get hot but she shook her head. He entered the car and started playing classical music. He turned towards her and saw that she was already looking at him with love in her eyes. He smiled and leaned forward placing a longing kiss on her lips, “I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you more, Doyoung.” 
“Where did she go?” Jungkook was looking through her apartment and turned towards his hyungs with a confused look. Namjoon sighed to himself and rubbed the back of his neck roughly, “Jungkook, she might have gone out with her friends.” 
Taehyung entered her bedroom and his eyebrow raised when he saw an album on her bed. He walked towards it and gently picked it up. Jimin entered the room and tilted his head, “What’s that?” 
Taehyung looked up at him with a frown, “It looks like our maknae has been hiding something from us.” 
“Oh like what?” 
Taehyung flipped the album and Jimin’s eyes squinted to read the message. His eyes quickly went wide and looked at Taehyung, “No, way!” 
“What are you guys yelling about?”
They both turned towards the door frame to see Yoongi standing there. They both glanced at each other and then back at Yoongi. Yoongi is the last person that should find out her little secret, it would cause trouble for her. Taehyung shrugged his shoulders and looked down at the floor, “I saw a spider.”
“Then why did Jimin say no way? What are you holding?” 
Yoongi snatched the album out of their hand to take a look. Normally he wouldn’t look at their stuff but with Jimin’s reaction, it made him worry. He glared at the album and then back at Jimin, “Do you think this is true?”
“Hyung, I-I don’t know.” 
“Namjoon! Jungkook! Get in here!” 
In the living room, Namjoon and Jungkook looked at each other with raised eyebrows. Jungkook shrugged his shoulders and they went inside her bedroom. Namjoon wrapped his arm over Yoongi’s shoulder, “What’s going on?”
“Y/N is dating Doyoung.”
Yoongi handed the album to Jungkook and Jungkook glared at the album, “To my favorite person in the world. My love, thank you for the support on this album, it means the world to me. Whenever you listen to this song I hope you picture me with you on the beach. I love you, Doyoung. That little shit.” 
Jimin let out a small laugh and rolled his eyes, “That little shit is older than you, kook.” 
Namjoon let out a small cough and took the album out of his hands, “It's sweet that he wrote her a message. I think it's cute that she's dating someone.” 
Yoongi rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over her chest, “He’s too old for her.”
“Hyung, he's only two years older than her.” 
Yoongi glared at Taehyung and shook his head, “That doesn’t matter to me. He’s too old for her. Wait until I tell Jin and Hoseok this.” 
“We will have that dinner this weekend with them. Should we tell her that we know this...”
Namjoon let out a sigh and shook his head, “It’s not our business.”
“It is because she's our little sister, hyung.”
“Jungkook, it’s her life and it sounds like she's happy with him.” 
Yoongi tossed the album back to the bed and looked at all the members, “We’ll tell Jin and Hoseok before the dinner and we can figure it out from there. Let’s leave before she comes back. I bet she's on a date with him right now.”
Doyoung placed some rice cake on her plate and she smiled at him, “Thank you, oppa.” 
His face turned red and looked away from her eyes, “D-Don’t call me that in public.”
She let out a laugh and took a bite of her tofu stew, “Why is it because of your oppa kink?”
“Jagiya! Stop it!” 
She placed more rice into his bowl and gave him a smirk, “You know it's true. Speaking of oppa, we’re having dinner with Jin-oppa and Hoseok-oppa this Friday.” 
“Oh, that’s good. I know how much you miss them.” 
“I do miss them...I was thinking that you could come with me?”
Doyoung choked on his rice and looked at her with wide eyes, “You want me to come!?” 
“I was thinking about it but I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.” 
“Should I be around people that know how to handle guns especially when I’m dating their little sister?” 
“Good point. I'll tell them I’m dating someone then.”
Doyoung reached over and placed his hand on top of hers, “Baby, are you ready for that?” 
“I want them to know I have someone in my life. I want them to see how happy you make me.” 
“If you're ready then I’m ready.” 
•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•
“Oppa, can you hand me my brush?” 
Jimin looked up from his phone and nodded his head. Y/N was in her bedroom with Jimin and Taehyung getting ready for dinner. Well, they broke into her apartment and didn’t want to leave so here they are now. Y/N fixed her baby blue shirt and took the brush out of his hand, “Thank you~.” 
“Of course, anything for you.” 
She brushed her hair and Taehyung glanced at Jimin. Jimin shrugged his shoulders and Taehyung sighed, “Hey, Y/N.”
“You wouldn’t hide anything from us right?” 
She glanced at him through the mirror and then back at her reflection, “No, why would I?”
“Just asking?”
Taehyung looked at Jimin and Jimin sighs, “We were just curious, hun. We’ll be in the living room waiting for you.” 
She watched them leave and she frowned to herself. They were acting weird, weirder than normal. She shook her head and let out a small laugh, “I’m just tripping.” 
They had never had an awkward dinner but tonight was the night to change that. She sat next to Jungkook and when she came in, he wouldn’t even look at her. He kept staring at his plate or he would be talking to the other members, leaving her hanging. Yoongi was more quiet than usual and Seokjin had this tight smile when she hugged him. Everyone else was acting like they were walking on eggshells. She sighed at this and slammed her chopsticks, “What’s going on?”
Namjoon smiled at her and took a sip of his water, “What do you mean?” 
“You guys are acting weird...I don’t like it.”
“You know what I don’t like, liars.” 
Y/N looked at Yoongi with a confused look and furrowed her eyebrows, “What do you mean?”
Jungkook looked at her and shook his head, “Why didn’t you tell us?”
“Tell you what? What-”
“Y/N.” She looked at Jin and saw that he had a serious look. She wanted to disappear because she hated this look on him. Jin put down his chopsticks and looked at her, “How long have you been dating Doyoung?” 
Oh, she hated this so much. Her mouth fell open and ignored everyone in the room but Jin, “What-How do you know?”
“Answer the question.”
“Fo-For almost two years…Oppa-”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
She glanced down at the table and then back at Jin, “I didn’t tell any of you because I knew how you would react...” 
Hoseok gave her a small smile and shook his head, “Y/N we wouldn’t-”
“Yes, you guys would. Look how you were treating me just now. I’m not fourteen anymore, I’m twenty-five. I thought you guys would be happy for me.”
Jungkook scoffed next to her and shook his head, “You hid this from us and you think you have the right to get mad at us?” 
“Stop treating me like I’m a little kid. You guys got mad that I was talking to Changkyun and even threatened Shownu to keep him away from me. We were just talking about a video game. So yeah, I’m sorry that I hid this from you guys but you made things hard for me.” 
Yoongi slammed his hand on the table causing her to jump. She glanced at Yoongi feeling small under his eyes, “Everything we do is to protect you, Y/N.”
“Oppa, I know that but-”
“It hurts that you hid this from us. We could’ve celebrated together but now were hurt because of you hiding the truth. Have you ever thought about that?” 
She frowned at this and looked down at the table. She shook her head and then looked back at Yoongi, “Oppa, you guys don’t-”
“Y/N you should’ve just told us.”
She looked at Namjoon and shook her head at this. She stood up from the table and looked at them with a sad look, “You guys always treated me like a kid. I know I’m the youngest but I’m an adult now. Every time I tried talking to a guy you guys pushed them away from me. I’m sorry I kept this away from you guys but you guys need to understand why I did it. Oppa, I’ll call you when you are free at the camp. Bye.” 
She ran out of the restaurant and took her phone out. She dialed Doyoung’s number as she let the tear escape from her eye. She sniffled and roughly wiped her eyes, “Jagiya, can you-can you pick me up?”
“Are you okay? You sound like you're crying.”
“Please pick me up...I’m at the restaurant that you took me to last week.”
“I’m five minutes away. I’ll be there soon. I love you.”
“I love you more.” 
He came by fast and it even shocked her how fast he got there. He got out of his car and wrapped his arms around her waist. He kissed the top of her head, “What happened?”
“How did you get here so fast?”
“Ignore that, what happened?” 
She sighed and wrapped her arms around his waist, “They were being difficult...can I stay at your place tonight?” 
“Of course, you can. Let’s go.” 
Seokjin watched from the window and let out a deep sigh. He turned towards the guy and shook his head, “You guys didn’t handle that right.” 
“No Jungkook. I was going to tell her I’m disappointed in her but I would love to meet him. You guys took it too far and treated her like she was small when she’s not. She’s at the same level as us.” 
Yoongi shook his head at this, “She’s our little sister-”
“Who’s twenty-five, hyung.”
Yoongi turned his head towards Hoseok who gave him a look making him sigh, “I know she’s twenty-five...I just want to protect her still.”
Hoseok sighed at this and took a sip of his water, “You can’t always protect her, hyung. She has to go through life and we just have to support her.” 
“Fuck, I know. We need to apologize.” 
•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•
It’s been three days since the dinner and Y/N hasn’t really talked to anyone. Jin and Hoseok already apologize for their attitude at the dinner. She of course accepted because she loves them with her whole heart and she misses them. The others haven’t even tried to say anything to her and it was honestly making her upset. She came home from a late meeting and her eyes widened when she saw Doyoung waiting in the lobby with roses in his hands. 
She smiled at this and slowly walked up to him, “You got me flowers?”
He jumped at the sudden voice and gave her a small glare, “What did I say about scaring me?”
“But it's so fun.”
She took the flowers out of his hand as he rolled his eyes, “I don’t think it's fun. I thought you deserved roses after the couple of days you had.” 
“Thank you, it made me feel better. You want some dinner?” 
“Oh, what are you cooking?” 
“I had leftover tofu and I was just gonna fry them.” 
The couple made their way to her suite, talking about random things. When she unlocked the door she was met with the smell of chicken and freshly made rice. She glanced at Doyoung and he got in front of her just in case. They slowly made their way down the hallway and she pushed past Doyoung with an annoyed look, “What the hell are you guys doing?” 
Her members looked at her with wide eyes and Namjoon gave her a small smile, “An apology dinner?” 
“Is that a question?” 
Yoongi rolled his eyes and glanced at Doyoung. He swallowed some spit and bowed at him, making Doyoung stand there with wide eyes, “I’m Min Yoongi. It’s a pleasure to meet my sister's boyfriend.” 
Doyoung glanced at Y/N who just shrugged her shoulders. He turned towards Yoongi and bowed back, “I-I’m Kim Dong-Young, Y/N’s boyfriend…”
Jungkook smiled at him and clapped his hands, “We wanted to make dinner for Y/N but you can sit with us, only if you want to.”
Doyoung rubbed his neck and nodded his head, “I-I would love to stay and eat.”
She glanced at Jimin and Namjoon and whispered, “This doesn’t mean you guys are forgiven.”
Taehyung overheard her and let out a small laugh, “We know but this is a start. We made your favorite.”
She rolled her eyes and nodded her head, “Thank you oppa…”
Jimin smiled and kissed her forehead, “Let’s eat, we have to interrogate your boyfriend.”
“Oppa please don’t.” 
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gimmethatagustd · 4 months
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The 100 Drabble Challenge is brought to you by the exceptional mind of my bestie Hali @sailoryooons who thought this could be a fun way for us to expand our writing in 2024. Every week, we'll write drabbles from a list of 100 tropes. Let’s be real, though, we all know I’ll probably turn at least some of them into oneshots rather than true drabbles because I’m insane. I hope you all enjoy the stories we create!
Taglist: If you want to be tagged in ONLY the Drabble Challenge, you need to submit this taglist Google form. If you want to be tagged in ALL my fics (including the Challenge), you need to submit this taglist Google form. Your email will not be collected for either.
Updated April 1, 2024
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Sweet Dreams | Established Relationship | Dom/Sub | Kinks | Smut
Seokjin loves when you paint your nails pink.
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Morals On Sundays | FWB | Angst | Fluff | Smut
You’re still in love with your ex-boyfriend. Yoongi offers some help to get over him.
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Jai is currently working on these.
↳ Come back later!
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Definitely Today, Satan | Neighbors AU | Smut | Bad Humor
After having a strange dream about your hot neighbor, you realize it might be time to finally make your move. Dreams are a sign from the universe, right?
Gang Shit | Kidfic | Single Parent/DILF | Fluff | Humor
Your daughter’s classmate has a really hot dad. Apparently, you’re his arch-nemesis.
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Technicolor | Dystopian | Strangers to Lovers | Smut
Love is one hell of a drug. Bottled and sold on the black market, it isn't for the faint-hearted. You're not really interested in trying it until you meet Jimin.
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Collard Greens | Weed Fic | Summer Camp AU | Friends to Lovers | Smut | Fluff
Working as a counselor at a summer camp for kids isn’t the most exciting job, but hanging out with Taehyung makes it worth it.
New Flame | A/B/O | Strangers to Lovers | Smut
Flame is a dating app designed for omegas and alphas to find heat and rut partners. You're skeptical of using the app, not anticipating that you might find someone who is more than just a new flame.
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Oxygen | Mafia | Established Relationship | Smut | Angst
If you get caught, you'll both die. Jungkook wants to be yours anyway.
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Sunday Smut Book Club | Namgi | Idiots to Lovers | Library AU | Smut | Crack
The cute librarian at Yoongi's local library hosts an adult-only book club. As a fanfiction smut writer himself, Yoongi is intrigued.
Ultra Thin & Extra Sensitive | Taekook | FWBs | Grocery Store AU | Smut | Fluff
It takes an impromptu trip to buy condoms for Jungkook to finally confess his feelings to Taehyung.
Bad Boy, Good Lips | Jihope | Superheroes & Villains | College AU | Smut
Hoseok is a superhero’s sidekick. Jimin is a villain. They make it work.
Take What's Yours | Jikook | Pistilverse | Arranged Marriage | Smut | Angst
To secure his rightful place as next in line to the throne, Jimin must marry the neighboring kingdom’s youngest heir, Jungkook. Jimin is prepared for his kingdom’s invasive marriage traditions, including the need to prove that the marriage has been consummated. Unfortunately, Jungkook is not.
The Wind Speaks | Vmin | Mermaid/Siren | Yandere
Something’s living under the dock at the Kim family’s beach house.
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Disclaimer: All my writing is fictional and for entertainment purposes only. None of these characters are meant to actually represent the real people mentioned in the stories. It’s #NotThatDeepYall.
All rights reserved © @gimmethatagustd​ - Do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my writing. Do not use my writing for any AI purposes whatsoever. Do not use my fics for anything aside from reading them and commenting on them tbh. My fics will only be posted on this Tumblr and on AO3 (gimmethatagustd & daddytaehyungie). Request an AO3 account here. 
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angelicyoongie · 8 months
The Obsidian Pearl (II)
— pairing: mermaid seokjin x (f) reader — word count: 8.1k — warnings: yandere, descriptions of death/blood/violence, explicit sexual content! dub-con touching/oral sex (f. receiving) - the smut is marked with * if you want to skip it — summary: Sailing through The Dead Man’s Passage is a death sentence and the whole crew knows it. But with the ship’s stocks dwindling fast, your captain is left with no other choice. When a haunting melody makes the crew jump ship one by one, you find yourself alone with the demon lurking in the murky red water. As the creature beckons you to jump into the icy ocean – “come to me, pet” – you find that you can’t do anything but obey.
Part 01 - 02
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It's almost night when the siren, Seokjin, visits you again.
Enough time has passed for the air to turn chilly, carrying small gusts of wind that pass right through your clothes. The sunshine that warmed you only hours ago feels like it might never return, not when your surroundings are so terribly dark. You can feel the chill deep in your bones, fear nipping at your skin, clinging to you like frost on a dark winter night. 
You're huddled as deep in the cave as you can go, hugging your knees to your chest. You're exhausted, eyes as dry as sand, but you know you can't rest. Call it instinct after being on the sea for so many years – of constantly being trapped on a vessel with people who might turn on you at any second – you tend to develop a hunch of when bad things are going to happen. 
You can feel it in your body now, the low buzz that keeps you alert, reminding you that you are not safe no matter how tired you may be. 
The reason for it comes only a few minutes later, a terrible scraping sound reverberating through the silence as something heavy is pushed up on the ledge of the stone dock. You free your stiff limbs, wincing as you whip around to face the source of it. It looks to be some sort of chest, the short distance and the faint moonlight not doing much for your vision. 
As the item is pushed forward with another forceful shove, your heart jumps to your throat. You've seen this chest before –  the iron insignia on the top is all too familiar to you. It belongs, no, belonged, to your captain. You don't dare to move closer though, not when there's only one creature who could've brought it to you. 
Seokjin emerges from the water just seconds later, heaving himself up on the rock. He looks like something out of your worst nightmare, long hair covering his face as he claws his way forward. The shadows make him look all the more terrifying, the dark night blending together with his tail and hair like the perfect camouflage. If it wasn't for his strikingly pale skin, you never would've been able to make him out at all. 
He settles back against the same rock as he did before, parting his hair to expose his face. Shivers run down your spine as Seokjin's black eyes find yours through the darkness. They strike just as much fear into you as they did last night, this morning, the emptiness just another reminder of how unearthly he really is. 
It was foolish perhaps, but you had found yourself hoping that Seokjin had forgotten about you. That he had come across another ship to terrorize and another human to keep for his little experiments. You wouldn't have minded rotting away in the cave alone if it meant you never had to look upon him again. 
The siren clicks his tongue. "I bring you a gift and you dare to look disappointed? This won't do. Come closer, little human." 
You don't move, self-preservation rooting you to the ground. 
"You humans freeze to death if you get too cold, do you not? Your skin is quite thin, fragile." Seokjin delivers his point by parting his mouth more than necessary, those horrible teeth coming to view behind his plush lips. "Your brain might be too small to remember but the water I dragged you out of was ice cold, pet. The air will only grow colder the longer you wait."  
Seokjin doesn't have to use his thrall to make you understand that you have no choice in the matter. If you don't come forward willingly, he'll will either drag you there himself or let the elements do you in. The part of your brain that fears the unknown more than the creature in front of you, urges you to move.
You don't even have it in you to feel humiliated as you crawl forward, terror and cold stiff limbs making it impossible to walk. Seokjin's stare hangs over you like a heavy cloud, slowing you down even further. 
He's close, way too close, as you kneel in front of the chest. You would be able to touch his stomach, feel where his skin transforms into scales if you just stretch your arm out.
Seokjin huffs as you linger, the sound making you jump as he impatiently says, "Go on." 
You reach for the iron key that's miraculously still in the lock, your busted shoulder aching with pain as you have to twist it with more force than usual. A small stream of water is forced out, running down the side of the chest as you slowly open the lid with shaking hands. You've never held much gratitude for your captain, but for once, you can't be more thankful for his arrogance. He always left the key in the lock and never worried about a greedy crew, because, as he would always say; who in their right mind would dare to steal from a Captain? 
You release a shuddering breath as you push it open, the iron hinges voicing their displeasure with a long squeak as the contents are revealed to you. The fur-lined coat your captain bought in the East lays on top of an array of shirts and pants, the fabric hardly even damp as you pick it up. You had assumed everything to be drenched, but it seems the carpenter your captain had been boasting about was the real deal after all. 
You pull the coat into your lap, warmth immediately swaddling your legs. 
A gift, Seokjin had called it, but you doubt the siren is simply that generous. 
"How did you get this?" You quietly ask, voice trembling.
You know the stories of how the ships make it out unscathed, of how it's only the crews that go missing. But unless Seokjin can sprout legs, there's no way he was able to grab it on his own. The siren has a tail and a heavy one at that. As unearthly as he is, you doubt he's strong enough to drag himself all the way up the ship and into your captain's quarters. Never mind that he would do all of that for a chest he didn't even know existed. 
"I sank the ship," Seokjin sounds like he's rolling his eyes, although you're not too sure he's even capable of doing so. "It took you too long to wake from your slumber and I was bored. I have not explored a wooden vessel in many moons and this chest looked interesting. I was foolishly hoping for treasure, not silly human clothes." 
The siren smacks his tail against the water, irritated. 
Even though the chances of getting out of here were slim, you were holding out hope that if you only got to the other side of the mountain, you might be able to use the ship to get away. It would be near impossible to do with only one person and not the whole crew it actually needs, but when something as ludicrous as a siren exists, manning one ship by yourself doesn't sound all that far-fetched in comparison. 
You release a shuddering breath, blinking away the tears that gather. With that escape route gone, the ship now resting on the bottom of the sea with the remains of your crewmates, you are truly helpless. 
You hope the darkness hides the way your face crumples. Lip wobbling, you try to focus on the chest in front of you, not wanting to give into panic with Seokjin so close. You have to save the freakout and the despair for when you're alone. It wouldn't surprise you if the siren can smell your fear. 
Leaning forward, you notice what looks like a thick scarf, the material soft enough that it might serve as a decent pillow. You're not sure if Seokjin is planning on leaving the chest or taking it with him, so this might be your only chance at grabbing items you'll need to survive. 
Just as your fingers close around the scarf, picking it up, you feel something sharp poke into your cheek. 
Your whole body goes rigid at the touch, your muscles locking up as you realize that one of Seokjin's claws is currently digging into your skin. You hold your breath as he slowly trails it down your throat, the sharp nail leaving a sting in its wake. You don't have to touch it to know that it's a deep scratch, blood rushing to the surface to clot the damage. 
"Look at me." 
You don't. You can't. You don't want to know what will happen when you do. 
"Look at me," Seokjin repeats, more force in his voice. 
It makes something in the back of your mind tickle.
You clutch the coat in your lap tighter, focusing on the soft fur between your fingers as the siren's voice grows in annoyance.
You're not sure how many times he repeats his command but between one blink and the next, you suddenly find yourself staring right at him. Your mind feels hazy like it's been stuffed with cotton and shaken around, turning everything upside down.
The hard set of Seokjin's mouth disappears as you finally meet his gaze. The siren hums under his breath as he moves his hand to your face, cupping your jaw. It's like being a spectator in your own body, your eyes refusing to waver no matter how much you want them to. You can feel the ghost of his claws on your skin, not quite digging in but present enough that you know it's a threat. That he can mess you up beyond repair if he feels like it. 
Seokjin leans in, watching you curiously as your throat bobs, lips struggling to part. 
Your tongue feels like lead, awkward and too heavy, but you use all of your willpower to open your mouth, slurring as you ask, "What did you do?" 
Seokjin breaks into a grin, a forked tongue peeking out to lick his terrible teeth. You can feel his breath wash over your face as he speaks, the stench of decay and death making your stomach roll. "You're quite the strong one, pet, I'm glad I brought you here. I think you'll prove to be very entertaining."
The siren gives you one last look, his cold fingers leaving your face as he leans back. You feel some of the thrall leave you as Seokjin turns and slowly sinks back down into the dark water, the small distance making it a little easier to think. You still can't look away from him, eyes tracking his movements even as he submerges himself completely under the surface. He's only gone for a moment before he returns, one of his pale hands coming into view above the water just before something wet splatters at your feet.
Seokjin doesn't wait for an answer. The thrall snaps the moment he's gone, his strong fin carrying him away in seconds. 
You gasp, hand shooting up to feel your throat. The scratch he left behind aches and your head is beginning to throb from whatever he did to it. You tear your eyes away from the lake, glancing down at the thing that Seokjin left you with. 
The moment you manage to make out what it is, you flinch back, jerking your body away from the mangled fish at your feet. The blood pooling beneath it has already soaked the hem of your trousers, staining it dark. 
The sight disgusts you but you can't ignore the hunger gnawing at your stomach. The water in the lake felt fresh enough to drink, but it's been almost two days without any food and you're starving.
There's not a bone in your body that trusts Seokjin but you can't turn away a free meal. You have no guarantee that he'll bring you something again and you'll have no chance of escaping if you're too weak to move. 
You poke at the fish, shuddering as its half-torn body twitches. 
If only you still had your knife. At least then one of you could be shown some mercy.
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You wake with a gasp, chest heaving with panicked breaths as the fog lifts. It's like someone snaps their finger right next to your ear, violently jerking you out of a slumber you weren't even aware you had fallen into. Your awareness always comes back to your first, keeping your mind awake and trapped while the rest of your body slowly shakes off the thrall you've been under.
You're near the edge of the dock again, kneeling in front of Seokjin. The siren has his head tucked against your neck, his long tongue dragging over your skin, licking off the sweat that rolls down your throat. Every part of you feels sticky and damp, the top of your head burning from the blazing sun. You have no way of knowing how long you've been sitting here but judging by the way your brain is practically mush from the prolonged exposure, it must've been a while. 
You shudder at the next flick of his tongue, nausea swirling in your stomach. The days have been passing much in the same manner, every new turn of the moon leading you closer and closer to Seokjin. This isn't the first time you've felt his cold skin against yours, you've woken up to your hands and face being touched many times, but it's never been this intimate before. Never this dangerous, with his sharp teeth so close to your delicate skin. 
Seokjin pauses, his tongue pulling away from your skin as he muses, "That lasted shorter than expected, little human."  
There's no emotion in the siren's voice, nothing that gives you an indication of whether he's happy or angry. He's simply just... observing. Treating you like the experiment he's decided you are. The siren seems fascinated with your ability to somewhat resist his thrall and he has made it his mission to test out how well your resilience works. That seems to be the only reason he's keeping you here.
You can't quite tell how long he's been at it, though. Time feels wonky when you don't know how much of it has passed. The only thing you can be certain of is that it's already been well over a week, maybe even two since Seokjin trapped you here. 
"Please stop," You whimper, voice shaking as you feel his hot breath against your throat, teeth skimming lightly over your skin. 
To your surprise, Seokjin listens. The siren pulls back, the corner of his lip curled into a displeased snarl. He looks nothing short of irked that his fun was cut short, a series of clicking noises gurgling in his throat as he gives your shoulder a shove, breaking the last of his thrall. 
You scramble backward the second your limbs feel like they're once again attached to your body, dragging yourself into the safety and shade of the cave. Nothing is stopping Seokjin from following after you, he's strong enough to pull himself into your makeshift shelter, but he seems content to stay on the edge of the stone dock - always resting against the same flat rock. 
You sprawl out on the ground, panting from the heat. The cool stone seeps slowly through your clothes, bringing your temperature down to something that feels less like you're boiling alive in your own skin. But even as the heat begins to recede, you still feel terrible. The thrall always leaves you nauseous and the shock of snapping out of it in such close proximity to a dangerous predator doesn't exactly help. You're constantly on edge, heart locked in such a rapid beat that you're worried it's shaving years off your life. 
Biting back a groan, you sit up, using your captain's chest for support. It wasn't easy moving it into the cave, not with a shoulder that ached with every push. The fear that Seokjin might take it back if you left it was the only thing that kept you going, the clothes inside were far too precious for you to take that risk. 
The siren hasn't mentioned the chest since the night he left it but it's impossible to tell if your actions bothered him. He's too good at masking his emotions, his face a blank canvas. Some nights, you do admit that you wonder if he even has them – if he can feel the same things that you do.
You're not quite sure which answer scares you the most. 
One thing you do know though, is that you need to learn more about him. You're not one to be a sitting duck and this is driving you insane. Seokjin must have some weakness, something you can use against him or that might aid you in your escape. Perhaps he hibernates in the colder months or he needs to swim for a set amount of hours for his body to function. You refuse to believe he's invincible.
"So," You swallow thickly as Seokjin turns his lifeless eyes to you, "You mentioned that you have brothers?" 
Your voice is barely audible enough to carry over to Seokjin but it sounds much too loud within the walls of the cave. You ball your hands in your lap, hoping your expression doesn't show just how terrified you are of willingly calling upon his attention. 
"Indeed, pet." 
"How many do you have?"
The siren raises one hand to the sky, inspecting his sharp claws. "Enough." 
He obviously doesn't want to answer that topic – move on.
"Y-you said something about a sea witch. How did you find them?" 
"Now why would you want to find a sea witch, little human? Unless you want to get turned into a fish, they are of no use to you." 
"Right, o-of course," You exhale, biting back the urge to throw some colourful language his way.
You try a few more, but there are only so many meaningless questions you can ask before you give up, tired of the aloof answers you get in return. It's like he knows exactly what you're trying to do. Considering Seokjin isn't willing to disclose any type of information, even knowledge that is worthless to you, it's pretty clear that you can't bait him into revealing anything useful. 
He's too smart. 
Seokjin stretches his arms above his head, showing off his lean muscles as his back pops. The crunches sound terribly loud, like he's trying to crack open every vertebra in his spine. 
He lets out a satisfied sound, head tipped back to soak up the sun as he says, "Now that I have answered all of your questions, little human, you should give me something in return. Tell me something interesting about yourself, pet, something that you deem worthy of a meal. It is horribly tiresome to fetch your food at the time." 
You suppose it was absurd to think that the siren would continue to feed you without demanding something in return. Perhaps he's already starting to tire of his little experiments.
You pick at your nails, the splintered edges uncomfortable and raw. 
There's only one story a creature like him will find interesting – one you swore you would never tell anyone that wasn't there to witness it when it happened. But, as twisted as it is, the siren might be the only one who won't judge you. 
The faded scar on your throat burns as you swallow, the phantom pain of a knife digging into your skin flaring up as you say, "I killed someone." 
Glancing up, you find Seokjin staring straight at you, his dark eyes glittering under the sun. His tail does a small wiggle, fin smacking the water in what you can only assume to be intrigue. 
"Tell me more, pet." 
"He was sick," Your hand flies to cover your mouth as your lips move without your permission. You didn't even feel the thrall this time, no push or tug to indicate that Seokjin was in your head. There's only a small tickle at the back of your brain, like you need to scratch your scalp.
Seokjin has never used the thrall on you twice in one day before now. It must be that you're already tired from earlier that he can affect you so easily, that he can slither his way back in without you even noticing he's trying.
Seokjin grins, lips stretched into a terrible smile as he says, "Go on." 
"W-we had been out on the sea for many months, five full moons, and we still had a few to go before we would reach the nearest port," You say, taking a measured breath.
"One of our cooks starting acting strangely – he was suddenly anxious and angry, exploding at any minor inconvenience. He started picking fights with the crew, causing too much tension. It was cabin fever, we all had it, but for him, it was worse. It made him sick." 
You let your hands fall to your side, fingers uselessly grasping for the knife that isn't there anymore. 
"He attacked one of the cabin boys in the kitchen, sliced two of his fingers clean off as he delivered him a freshly caught fish. He followed the poor lad up on deck when he ran, waving his knife around and screaming at anyone that tried to calm him down. The sea... she can be brutal, too big. Staring at the same unchanging horizon every day had chipped away at his sanity, left him with nothing but fear and anger at being trapped by the same water day in and day out." 
Seokjin says nothing, his black eyes staring you down as he waits for you to continue. 
"He tackled me to the ground before I even knew what was going on. When I looked him in the eyes, I knew he wasn't there anymore. There was no recognition, no emotion. Just survival. He managed to give me this while I was trying to fight him off," You lightly touch the scar on your neck, tracing it from the bottom of your jaw down to your collarbone.
"The others couldn't pull him away either, he was like a beast. I am, was, vice-captain of the ship. It was my duty to protect my crew. I couldn't let him hurt anyone else," Your voice falters as you stare at the monster in front of you, at the creature you couldn't protect your crew from. The cook was a weak mouse in comparison. 
"So, I... I killed him. He wouldn't have made it even if we had locked him up, he was simply too far gone. It was more merciful to let him die." 
The siren is silent for a beat, his eyes roaming over your face before he tips his head forward and laughs. At least, that's what you think he does, the series of weird clicking noises that gurgle in his throat sounding oddly joyful despite how grating the sound is. 
"You truly are fascinating, pet. I made a good choice letting you live." 
The hand by your hip clenches, your heart beating painfully in your chest. You wish you still had your knife, that you had something you could drive into Seokjin's throat to hear him choke on his last breaths. You weren't expecting sympathy, but you also didn't think he would find your story entertaining – funny, even. He truly is terrible.
You say nothing in return, your anger making it hard to think; to feel anything but the hatred stirring in your heart.
Seokjin, seemingly pleased with what he heard and not at all bothered by your silence, does what he always does and leaves the moment he gets what he wants.
You stare at the empty spot he left, the wet imprint of his long body the only thing left behind. 
You're not sure how long you sit there, caught up in old memories and emotions you've tried to ignore for so long, but the sun has started its descent by the time the siren makes his presence known again. 
This time, you watch as Seokjin leaves you not one, but five fish, all half mangled and twitching as the life drains out of them. He flings a few pieces of driftwood up on the dock, staring at your curled-up form for a minute before he swims away. 
It's only when your stomach starts to rumble that you force yourself to rise to your feet, walking slowly over to the haul the siren brought you. The wood is wet and soggy, but a few days out in the sun should hopefully dry it enough that it might be used to start a fire. 
You let out a humorless chuckle as you drag your hands across your face. You truly are little more than a mutt, waiting for your master to reward you when you do something he finds amusing. How embarrassing. How weak. 
No matter how rabid you feel, you know that biting the hand that feeds you will do you no good here. If you want to survive, to live, perhaps it's time to roll over and accept your fate. 
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You're not sure if you're getting better at resisting the thrall or if Seokjin just isn't bothering to use it at full force anymore, but you no longer blackout when he comes to visit you. It feels like you're in a dream, vision spotty as you watch yourself move forward on unsteady feet, falling right into Seokjin's waiting arms. The siren holds you close to his chest, arms squeezing you so hard the pain registers even through the haze. 
Weeks have passed since the day you told Seokjin your story, since you slowly began to surrender to your situation. The siren still follows the same routine but he seems to have sensed your compliance – your defeat. Your mind is still blocked off, barred from taking control of your body, but now you're able to feel everything that was only a dull memory before. Perhaps the darkness, the blissful ignorance, was a small mercy compared to this. 
Seokjin lets out a guttural sound as he pushes his face into your neck, his sharp claws slicing through your shirt. His tongue drags over your skin with a desperation you haven't felt before, teeth nicking your skin.
As terrible as it is, you've grown used to Seokjin's touches, his presence. On lonely nights, you find that you almost wish to see him, just so that you don't have to face the darkness all alone.
You have come to know what to expect from Seokjin but this is new, dangerous, a far cry from the stoic and in-control creature you've been around for the past months.
The siren's hold on you is crushing, your bones aching under the strong pressure. He skims his nose along your skin, huffing as he breathes in your scent. There's a pause, a stretch of heavy silence, and then blinding pain as sharp teeth sink into your already injured shoulder.
Your vision whites out, ears ringing as the thrall suddenly snaps and everything comes rushing in at once. Your shoulder is spasming, muscles jerking with agony as Seokjin digs his teeth in deeper, an animalistic sound tearing from his throat as he draws blood. 
It hurts. Gods, it hurts.
A wounded scream rips from your throat as you attempt to claw at his face, desperate to get his teeth out of your shoulder. Seokjin growls as you deliver a deep scratch on his cheek, pulling back just a smidge to create the sound. Seeing an opening, you tangle your hand in his long hair, jerking it back with all your might. You're lucky Seokjin doesn't tear a chunk of your shoulder out as his head snaps back, surprise making his tight grip around you lessen. It's just enough for you to fight your way out of his embrace, body shaking with fear and adrenaline as you roll onto the stone. 
Grabbing your shoulder, you try to scoot backward on the slick ground, your own blood making it hard to get enough friction.
Your legs falter as Seokjin turns in your direction, the siren looking like he crawled right out of hell. His expression is crazed, hungry, blood dripping from his unhinged jaw. You can see straight down his throat from how open his mouth is, his stained teeth and black eyes creating the perfect picture of a demon. 
Seokjin hisses as you attempt to move, a horrible sound that makes every strand of hair on your body stand straight. He digs his claws into the rock in front of him, using his strong arms to drag himself forward. 
"Come here, pet," Seokjin gurgles, his voice hardly even human.
"No no, please don't," You whimper, a newfound urgency propelling you back.
Something in the siren's expression flickers at your broken pleading, like he can't decide if his hunger or entertainment is more important. The confusion, the small sliver of hope it gives you, only lasts for a few seconds before he shakes himself out of it, Seokjin's clawed hand reaching out for your ankle. 
Just as he's about to wrap his hand around your foot, your feeble kicks doing little to deter him, you both hear the distant sound of people. 
It must be another crew daring to brave the mountains, their rambunctious singing and laughter so terribly out of place. They're either obvious to the stories haunting the pass or trying to compensate for the oppressive silence they no doubt felt the moment the ship entered it. Your heart flutters with longing at the sound of humans singing and laughing, your chest constricting with a yearning you thought died weeks ago. They sound happy and lively – everything the siren is not. 
You watch as the same realization hits Seokjin, as he registers the sound of food entering his territory. The siren's jaw pops back to normal as he licks his lips, his empty eyes flickering up to the darkening sun as he says, "The ocean appears to be smiling kindly on you tonight, little human." 
Frozen to the spot, you feel your heart drop to your stomach as the siren twists around and dives back into the water with an urgency you haven't seen from him before.
The moment he's out of sight you let out an ugly sob, hope draining out of you alongside the blood that runs down your arm. You tear at the sliced fabric that's barely holding on to your body, wrapping it around your wound with shaking fingers. It's a poor excuse for a bandage, the material soaked through in seconds, but you still tighten it as much as you can, hoping it'll be enough to stop the bleeding. Only left with your undershirt, you can feel the shivers begin to set in, your adrenaline crashing. 
You had given up hope on being rescued a long time ago but to have it this close, just on the other side of the mountain, is torture. You can't even alert the unsuspecting crew of what's coming, of the deadly creature that's lurking below their ship. 
Scream, scare them off.
Just as the futile thought strikes you, you hear it – him. The gentle hums that cause a hush to fall over the ship.
You cover your ears, not wanting to hear what comes next. You don't know if Seokjin's thrall can still affect you here but you'd rather not take the chance and risk waking up at the bottom of the lake. Closing your eyes, you try to pretend that none of this is real, that all of this is just a terrible, terrible dream.
You let out a weak sob as the first scream pierces the air. Their terrified yells echo between the mountains as they're forced to jump one by one, their final moments brutal and panicked. There's no gentleness in Seokjin's song this time, only urgency as he compels them to their deaths. 
He was starving.
For some unfathomable reason, the siren must have been starving himself to the point of breaking, trying to withhold from killing you. It all adds up to why he was acting so out of character over the past few days, his behavior more erratic than normal. He had been trying to fight off the urge to eat you. 
If the ship hadn't arrived when it did, if it had only been one second too late, you would've been dead by now. 
You curl up into a small ball, body cold and numb to the pain as your shield your ears, wrapping your arms securely around your head. "Thank you," You whisper to the faint moon, guilt twisting your stomach into knots. 
Tears drip down your face as the screams continue to reverberate into the night, choked apologies passing through your lips until you feel them going slack. You don't fight the darkness that pulls you under, your soul begging for rest, for a place the screams of Seokjin's massacre can't reach you. 
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You jolt as a cold hand wraps around your shin. 
Eyes flying open, you manage to push yourself up on your elbows before your shoulder gives out, the movement sending a sharp pain all the way down to your fingers. You grit your teeth, breathing through your nose to steady yourself as you glance up at Seokjin.
The siren wraps his hand tighter around your leg, using it for leverage as he drags himself up on the rock. You were close to the mouth of the cave when you passed out but now you're almost at the edge of the dock, feet only a few steps away from the still water below. Seokjin's thrall must've been too strong, urging you to come closer even when you were unconscious. 
Perhaps you have truly lost your mind or maybe the night is playing tricks on you, but for once, there's actual emotion on Seokjin's face. The siren grins, his black eyes ablaze with something as he pushes forward. He tugs your legs apart, fitting his body between them. His hands rest on either side of your ribcage, his face so close that you can practically taste the stench of death that washes over your lips with every breath. The water cascading from his skin makes you shiver as it hits your own, the droplets soaking through your undershirt in seconds. 
"Pet," Seokjin purrs, inching his face closer.
You hold your breath, limbs frozen with fear, as the small distance between you disappears. 
You can only watch and you're horrified to find that the first thought that strikes you is how mesmerizing the siren looks. The moon shines brightly behind him, giving the scales climbing up his stomach and the small patches on his arms an iridescent shine. It's no wonder sirens have been described as beautiful creatures, not with how Seokjin's pale skin is illuminated, practically glowing, under the night sky.
You see his head tilt down, his dark eyes roaming over your bandaged shoulder. The wound only seems to ache more under the pressure of his gaze.
"Good work, little human," Seokjin comments, pleased, "You patched yourself up just to stay with me longer. I am not cruel, I will reward you for this." 
What a good dog you are, licking your wounds for your master just so that he can tear them open again.
Your legs twitch on each side of Seokjin's body, resisting the urge to kick at his tail. Angering him will do you no good and you're ashamed to admit that the spark of excitement in his features leaves you curious – makes you want to know just what a siren considers a reward. 
Seokjin ducks his head lower, pressing his nose right against your throat. The sharp bite you're expecting never comes – instead, there's only the soft press of his lips roaming over your skin, hurried kisses scattered across your neck. He lowers himself to get more access, nudging your head back as he settles more of his weight on your body. It leaves your hips completely immobile, your arms trembling with the effort it takes to keep yourself raised off the ground. 
You hold your breath, scared to move as much as a muscle. 
The siren's tongue flicks out to taste your skin with every kiss, leaving a trail of saliva covering your neck. The cold air only heightens the contrast between his warm lips and the slick skin he leaves behind. You're caught off guard when he suddenly attaches his lips to the underside of your jaw and sucks, pulling the sensitive skin there between his lips.
You let out a startled gasp at the sensation, small shudders traveling down your spine as your reaction only seems to spur Seokjin on, the siren quickly finding more spots to mark up. 
Your whimper, surprised, as he uses a claw to slice through the bottom of your undershirt, exposing your waist and stomach. His cold hand finds the exposed area immediately, rubbing and squeezing at your skin as he drags his hand up and down your waist. He somehow manages to keep his claws off your skin, only digging them in faintly whenever you grow too quiet. He seems to enjoy the involuntary sounds you make, his actions only growing more and more frenzied as he tries to pull more of them from you. 
"Touch me," Seokjin growls against your throat, his voice half strangled as he pushes you down to lie flat on the ground.
Mindful of your aching shoulder, you raise a tentative, shaking hand up towards his arm, grasping his toned bicep. You can feel the power thrumming under his skin, how strong he is from that simple touch alone.
Seokjin is quiet as you slowly glide your fingers up his arm and over his shoulder, feeling how the texture keeps switching between soft skin and hard scales whenever you encounter a small gathering of them. It's a curious feeling, one your brain struggles to fully comprehend.
You continue your touch down his back, careful to steer clear of the fin that protrudes along his spine. He lets out a harsh breath, low clicks gurgling in his throat as you let your hand fall away, not daring to go further than his waist.
You glance up as he pulls back, breath stuttering in your chest as you take in how wild he looks. Seokjin's expression is hungry, but it's nothing like the empty, ravenous stare you saw before he tried to take a chunk out of your shoulder. No, this one is pure desire – lust. 
Your stomach flips with disgust as you realize that the hunt, that killing that innocent crew, actually turned him on. 
Seokjin pushes himself back, emerging his lower body in the lake before he wraps his arms around your knees and pulls. You slide across the rock, thighs meeting Seokjin's torso as your legs fall over the edge of the dock, the water hitting just above your ankles. 
You cry out from the harsh yank, pain flaring up in your shoulder as the still-open wounds are dragged across the uneven surface. The bandage does little to lessen the burn of it, your vision growing spotty as you struggle to breathe. 
"You humans are so weak," Seokjin scoffs, his voice swimming in your ears. *
The siren tugs at your trousers, annoyed at how the fabric doesn't budge. He uses his claws, meeting no resistance as he slices right through them the moment it takes a little too long to get them off.
You jerk as Seokjin settles his hands on your exposed thighs, mapping out your skin.
Your vision begins to clear as you get your breathing under control, heat creeping up the back of your neck as you register just what the siren is looking at. Seokjin's torso is blocking you from closing your legs, exposing everything to him. 
His dark eyes never waver from your cunt, in fact, you're not so sure he even blinks as he watches you squirm. 
"Be still, pet," Seokjin says, the points of his claws pricking into your delicate flesh to get his warning across. He squeezes your thighs, his forked tongue swiping across his lips, "I was right. Your thighs do look delectable." 
Horrified, you feel your hole pulse with arousal at Seokjin's words, wetness slicking up your folds. 
The siren makes a curious sound at the sight, one hand drifting closer to your cunt as he lowers his head. You tense up, muscles locked tight, as Seokjin runs his finger over your clit. A choked moan makes it past your lips as he begins to rub at it, eyes bright as he lightly pinches your nub.
Receiving pleasure from the creature that has trapped and hurt you is the last thing that you want, but it's been so long since you've been intimate with someone like this. Your body gives in easier than your mind, eager to feel any touch as long as it'll make you feel good.
It's a reward, just take it. Who knows if you'll ever get to feel like this again.
"You're so wet, little human," Seokjin comments as he drags a finger up and down your folds, spreading your arousal around. 
"You can't– no, no claws," You hurriedly say as you feel his knuckle graze your hole, stopping Seokjin in his tracks. "We-we're fragile, remember?" 
The siren purses his lips, contemplating the information as he moves his hand back to your thigh. Arms curl under your knees before you can even breathe a sigh of relief, the air being punched right out of you as Seokjin dips his head down to lick a stripe between your folds. 
"Oh Gods," You gasp, fingers clawing at the stone below you as the siren's forked tongue flicks over your clit with every pass, making your clenching hole gush with slickness.
You let out a broken moan as Seokjin prods his tongue at your entrance, black eyes flickering up to meet yours just as he pushes it inside. 
Seokjin has lowered his body even more into the water, leaving him at the perfect height to feast on your cunt. His tongue worms his way into your hole, the wet muscle reaching deeper than what should be possible. Your veins feel like they're on fire, your body burning up with arousal as Seokjin licks and sucks at your folds, nose bumping against your clit. You can't stop yourself from grinding against his face, hips twitching with the little leeway he gives you. 
"Seok-seokjin," Your hand flies down to his head at a particularly harsh suck, his teeth skimming over your delicate heat. The mixture of fear and pleasure leaves you lightheaded, your heart beating erratically in your chest. 
The siren growls as your fingers curl into his long hair, the sound vibrating against your skin as you tug at his locks. You can't tell if you're trying to pull him away or press him closer, but either way, Seokjin doesn't listen. 
You keen as his movements only seem to grow more frenzied, the siren drunk on your taste as he continues to lap up your slick. His grip around your legs is bruising, locking you in place to let him use you as he pleases. You continue to whimper out his name, your little cries only spurring him on further.
The white-hot pleasure in your stomach only continues to build the longer Seokjin eats you out, the pleasure mounting so quickly you don't know what to do with yourself. 
You don't want this but you also do – and those conflicting emotions only intensify every suck and lick from Seokjin.
"Good pet," The siren groans, his warm breath fanning across your folds. 
You finally erupt as he attaches his lips to your clit and sucks, your orgasm ripping through you so violently you almost feel like you're going to pass out. Your back bows off the ground as you let out a loud moan, your knuckles white from the tight grip you have on Seokjin's hair. You ride out the waves of pleasure that seem to hit you over and over, the siren lapping up your essence like a starving man – like he's never tasted anything as good before.
Your legs are trembling with oversensitivity once you come back to yourself, your cunt clenching helplessly around Seokjin's tongue as he keeps trying to lick up more of your slick. You hastily remove your fingers from his hair, weakly pushing at his head to make him back away. 
"Stop, it's too much," You whimper.
Seokjin makes a displeased sound in the back of his throat, tongue dragging through your folds one last time before he pulls back. There's something in the siren's gaze that looks even more predatory than it's ever done before, his plush lips slick with your wetness. *
"You did well, little human. It was about time you gave yourself to me," Seokjin says as he brings his hands to your hips, the corner of his mouth quirked. 
"What do you mean?" You say, voice faltering, "You told me to touch you, you made me touch you – made me enjoy this." 
The siren tsks, shaking his head as he pushes you down on the stone dock, fingers gliding over your stomach. "Did you feel me using my thrall, little human? You touched me because you wanted to, you gave in because you wanted to feel good. This was all you, pet." 
"No, that's not..." You trail off, biting the inside of your cheek. You didn't feel the ticklish sensation that usually comes with Seokjin's thrall when he asked you to touch him. You don't feel sick now, not like you always do whenever you snap out of it.
You... You did all of this on your own volition. 
Seokjin sees as the realization dawns on your face, the blooming devastation making his fin hit the surface with excitement. 
"That's right," He murmurs silkily, "Accept the fate that the sea has bestowed on you, pet. You were made to be my little plaything." 
You feel Seokjin move away as you stare mindlessly up at the twinkling stars. You pull your aching legs together the moment he's gone, bringing them up to your chest. Without the siren's body shielding you from the frigid night air, you just feel cold. So awfully cold. 
Just accept your fate.
You hear the water move as the siren ducks under the surface. The lake ripples as he swims, only a few flaps of his tail bringing him up on the side of the dock, where your head has turned. His dark eyes burn holes into your face as he drops something on the stone in front of you, the metal clinking as it bounces off the surface. 
Heart stuttering in your chest, you reach out and snatch up your old knife, your shoulder burning as you put pressure on it. Your eyes grow wet as you turn it around in your hand, the familiar weight and polished grain of the wooden handle the closest thing you have to anything that feels like home.
You thought you had lost your knife forever when you jumped off the ship, that it was sacrificed to the sea together with your crew and vessel.
The siren's face is unreadable as you glance up at him, expression flat as always. One thing is for sure though – there's no part of Seokjin that views you as a threat, that's concerned you'll use your knife against him. 
It breaks your heart to know that he's right. Even if you kill him, you have no way to get out of here.
Seokjin's pale hand emerges from the water to place something delicately on the edge of the dock. You let out a small gasp as he removes his fingers, the round sphere beautiful as it reflects the stars shining above. It looks to be a massive pearl made out of obsidian, the surface glossy and smooth. 
You lay your knife down, meeting Seokjin's burning stare as you bring your trembling fingers forward to pick it up. The pearl is heavy in your palm, your hand barely even managing to close around the size of it.
The moment you pick it up, Seokjin lets out a pleased chitter, his mouth showing off that terrible smile again as he says, "You've proven to be a fascinating pet, I don't think I'll tire of you just yet."
"You're mine now, little human." 
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a/n: i really hope you enjoyed the final chapter of TOP! writing mer!seokjin was a nice break from my usual stories and it was fun to revisit the tcs-universe. i would love to hear what you think about the chapter – comments and reblogs make my day!! 🥺💖
if you enjoyed the story and would like to support me, you can do so here! 💖
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alessiamalfoyzabini · 2 months
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⭑ 21.04.2024 → Dark Moon | ch.15 - (END)
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⭒ In Your Eyes
fae!yandere!jimin x human!reader
yandere!AU, fantasy!AU, smut, angst, fluff
➜ status: TBD
⭒ Love Me
boss!yandere!seokjin x reader
yandere!AU, gangster!AU, smut, violence, angst
(second spin-off of Happy Ending)
➜ status: TBD
⭒ Split
best friend!yandere!hoseok x reader
yandere!AU, friends with benefits to lovers!AU, smut, angst
➜ status: TBD
⭒ Crystal Snow
king!taehyung x reader
fantasy!AU, strangers to lovers!AU, smut, fluff
➜ status: TBD
⭒ The Devil's Bride
devil!yandere!hoseok x human!reader
yandere!AU, soulmate!AU, smut, enemies to lovers!AU
➜ status: TBD
⭒ The Song of The Merman
merman!yandere!taehyung x human!reader
yandere!AU, siren!AU, smut, angst, strangers to lovers!AU
➜ status: TBD
⭒ Gleno
alien!yandere!jungkook x human!reader x alien!yandere!jimin
yandere!AU, alien!AU, enemies to lovers!AU, smut, violence
➜ status: TBD
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© AlessiaMalfoyZabini - All rights reserved.
Unauthorized use, dublication and modification of these works, is strictly prohibited
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eoieopda · 9 months
meet me at the bar: epilogue
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pairing: kim seokjin x reader type: drabble — meet me at the bar’s epilogue au: law school/bar exam, est. relationship word count: 1.2k rating: pg13 genre: fluff summary: as it turns out, there is life after the bar exam. a/n: i suppose this does make sense outside the context of the one-shot, but i def recommend reading that first ✨ like the OG, this epilogue is dedicated to mj (@yoongiphoria), who army (get it? 👀) crawled through the ringer and lived to tell the tale! so excited to eventually welcome you to the profession, bb 💕 🔞 MINORS WHO INTERACT WITH ME AND/OR MY CONTENT WILL BE BLOCKED, WHETHER OR NOT THE CONTENT IS NSFW. I’M AN ADULT WRITING EXCLUSIVELY FOR OTHER ADULTS.
Seokjin sits at a small cafe table. In front of him sit two things: one he’s sure of and one he’s not.
“This is barbaric,” you mutter under your breath. 
You hit the refresh button on your browser again, the same way you have — on a second-by-second basis — since you both sat down. Crazed, your eyes flick up to Seokjin. You repeat yourself emphatically, “Barbarism, Seokjin. Do you hear me?”
He tries his best to keep a straight face, so he pulls his coffee mug to his lips and hides his smile behind the rim. You look back down again before you can even see him nod in agreement. Of course, you go right back to assaulting the touchpad of your laptop.
You’re not wrong, not in the slightest. The Office of Bar Admissions just put you through the most treacherous experience of your academic and professional lives, and it wasn’t done fucking with you. Now that you’d survived the exam itself, you had to sit and wait — not just for your results, but for potential public humiliation.
Everyone who has a stake in this exam — test takers and prospective employers — and anyone who doesn’t — friends, relatives, professors, underclassmen, sundry assholes, etc. — can log onto this extremely public, government website at eight o’clock this morning. If they do, they’ll see a list of names: every single person that passed this exam and would be admitted to the practice of law.
Likewise, anyone can easily find out whose names are missing. Broadcasted at lightning speed, your business becomes everyone else’s. Whether you want to or not, you have to share your greatest success — or biggest disappointment — with whoever the fuck might want to look for it.
Scrubbing your anxious hands over your face, you sigh, “I think I’d rather stand naked in the middle of Lotte World. I mean it; that would be infinitely less horrifying than this.”
“For you, maybe.” 
Seokjin grins, sets his mug down, and nudges your untouched plate closer to you. On any other morning, you would’ve inhaled that breakfast sandwich by now. Today, however, you’re on a self-imposed hunger strike until you have answers.
“For the unsuspecting onlookers, I think that would be a criminal offense.”
You roll your eyes, but when you reset them, you’re looking straight at him.
It’s the way anyone would dream of being looked at, he thinks. Like every annoying thing about him is still somehow endearing, worth loving — and that little smile of yours is all for him. Just like that, he’s blushing in the middle of a café, not giving a shit who sees.
Crashing through his thoughts, the alarm you set goes off with a wail, like you’re being summoned to an air-raid shelter rather than notified of the time. You scurry to grab it. Fumbling to turn that siren off, you cast panicked glances around the room to find anyone you might owe an apology for startling. As usual, it’s just the two of you.
You spit it all out so fast that Seokjin can hardly keep up.
“Will you still love me if I shit myself in the café? Because I fucking might, and I need to know if a break-up is going to be added to my list of rejections this morning.” 
There are nervous talkers, and then there’s you. You worry in X-Games mode like it’s nobody’s business — and honestly, it’s kind of impressive.
“My whole family is going to know before I can even disclose failure myself and I —”
Seokjin doesn’t know if anything he might say would comfort you, but he’s at least slightly worried that you’ll anxiety-barf onto your laptop. To minimize the collateral damage, he reaches across the table, picks it up, and pulls it over to his side. 
As if he just pulled the plug on your life-support machines, you slump down into your chair. There, your head droops against the metal back with a small thud. You then stare up at the ceiling like you’re actively watching your soul leave your body.
“No matter what happens, we’ll be okay.” He assures you while refreshing the browser. “I promise.”
Funnily enough, trying to keep you calm has made him feel the most stable he ever has. One of you has to keep your collective shit together; and it’s clearly not going to be you, so he’s committed to remaining zipped on your behalf. His fingers don’t even shake as he scrolls down that godforsaken list, scanning with narrowed eyes.
“Well?” You urge.
After a few seconds of listening to your knee bouncing underneath the table, Seokjin closes your laptop and sets it down slowly. He takes a deep, measured breath before he finally looks back up at you. With how unabashedly freaked out you are, it’s a miracle that he can’t feel your pulse from the other side of the table.
“So, I have bad news —” He starts with a sigh.
You freeze.
“— We can’t add esquire to our email signatures until after we’re sworn in, which will apparently be two weeks from now.”
The last thought Seokjin has before being tackled to the ground is that he’s thankful nobody else came in for coffee this morning. 
The first thought he has when he reopens his eyes, now flat on his back, and sees that insane look on your face — a mix of terror, annoyance, disbelief, and excitement — is that he was right when he decided never to doubt you. More importantly, he was right that you truly are capable of anything.
Up to and including public displays of aggression.
Damn does he love you.
You sit back on your heels but you don’t make any moves to get off of him. With a shaky laugh, you say, “I think I have to kill you for that.”
“Understandable,” he demurs, shrugging. Then, he reaches up to swipe a tear off your cheek with the pad of his thumb, smiling sweetly. “Just don’t represent yourself at trial over it, okay?”
Playfully, you swat at his chest before clambering off of him. Once you make it steadily to your feet, the same hand that smacked him is held out to help him up. He takes it without hesitation.
Back at his full height, he accepts the arms you lace around his neck, swoons just a little when you push up on tiptoe. You kiss him softly, but it hits hard. That gentle brush of your lips makes his knees so weak that he fears he’ll end up on the ground again. 
You pull away breathy. Though your eyes are a little bit misty, you grin like you can’t help it. For the record, he can’t, either. You sigh, “I genuinely cannot believe that I survived this bullshit.”
“Really?” Seokjin asks, eyebrows raised.
His arms wrap around your waist to hold you closer, allowing you to nestle your face into his sweatshirt. He means it, so he says it with his whole chest and hopes you hear it: “I was sure you would.”
“Don’t think I would’ve been able to do it without you,” you mumble into the fabric.
“You could have,” he murmurs. Leaning down, he kisses the top of your head before continuing, “But you didn’t have to.”
The two of you stand like that for a while — wholly entangled in the middle of a café, in broad ass daylight — without speaking. It helps him try to wrap his brain around it all. After all, the landscape is different now than it was an hour ago; and unless he’s fully lost it, Seokjin swears that the grass really is greener.
For the first time ever, he doesn’t feel the weight of the dreaded unknown pushing down on his shoulders. He just feels you leaning against him and an unfamiliar sense of peace. All of that gratification he’s delayed his whole life, too, as it falls right into his hands.
But Seokjin’s not great with that whole thoughtful silence thing, so he smirks, “Gonna call me counselor in bed now, jagi?”
Your head snaps back so quickly, you could’ve decapitated yourself. Incredulous, your eyes narrow as your mouth pops open. Instantly, the look on your face pulls that windshield wiper laugh out of him; so, he slaps his hand over his mouth to keep quiet.
You challenge him with eyebrows raised sky-high. “Gonna make me file a cease and desist letter?”
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outrogi · 11 months
laura's seokjin recs
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I’ve been reading fics in here nonstop way before I started this blog. It felt like a sin not compiling a list of some of the stories that I loved and hadn’t gotten around to sharing yet, a few of them safe in my drafts until I was ready to make this.
I will keep on adding onto this list as I keep finding stories I've read before and would love to share with you. Leave some love and appreciation to the authors if you can!
disclaimer: all stories that include mature themes will be labeled accordingly. DNI if you aren’t 18+
♡ - favorite
crystallised by @floralseokjin ♡ ◦ saga, fwb au, slow burn, mutual pining, angst, smut
9 months to fall in love by @floralseokjin ◦ unplanned pregnancy, strangers to lovers, slow burn, angst, fluff, smut the light of dead stars by @ahundredtimesover ♡ ◦ arranged marriage, slow burn, angst, fluff, smut
exes and superher-o's by @kpopfanfictrash ◦ superheros au, exes au, angst, fluff, smut
O N E - S H O T S
soft & sad & happy & something else by @bonvoyagenoona ◦ strange to lovers, fluff, smut
a lullaby on canvas by @jincherie ♡ ◦ neighbors au, siren au, fluff, smut
the heiress and the hotelier by @gukyi ◦ idiots to lovers, cinderella au, humor, fluff
aubade by @junghelioseok ◦ one night stand au, smut
name of the game by @ggukcangetit ◦ anastasia au, mystery, light angst, humor, fluff,, smut
note #1: if any fic recommended is in hiatus, the author has yet to update or left altogether, please do not pester them with updates.
note #2: These are not all of my KSJ recs! There’s more with extensive commentary from me here and you can find more of my favorites here
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bonny-kookoo · 11 months
Hii, I hope you are doing well💜💜💜
I wans wondering how would the member react to Snowball Princess eating something she wasn't supposed to and gets sick for a few days??
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"I think it's best to talk to her about filing for independent living." The nurse offers kindly. "Or at least slowly ease her into it, to make sure she properly prepared. She got away with a scare this time, but considering her age, she needs to be a bit more careful moving forward." She reminds the idol, who soberly nods at that reminder.
He knows that. He's known for a good while now.
And he's also been thinking about the future for a good while now. He knows for a fact that you're a part of it- one that's not possible to be just cut away like that, no matter how hard he'd be able to try. You've been at his side for so long, have bonded with him so tightly that he would probably feel like he'd lost a limb if he was to lose you.
He can't.
When he steps into the room you'd been staying in for a few days after having accidentally eaten non-hybrid foods a week prior, he smiles gently at you folding your own clothes. He instantly walks closer to help you with the task, feeling a little weird to have you do this on your own when he or the boys have always done it for you in the past. When did they stop? When did you learn to fold so neatly?
"I'd like you to stay with me for a little bit." He says softly, and you open your mouth to disagree- but he shakes his head. "Not because I think you're not capable of living on your own baby, just.." he thinks over his words for a moment, before he finishes his sentence. He knows it's a delicate matter for you, and while he can't truly understand why you're suddenly so eager to get away from them, he wants to make sure you feel validated in your decision, even if it's not what he wants you to do. "...we haven't really spent much time together in a while, no?" He asks, and you seem to think- before you shrug.
"..but you have schedules." You mumble.
"Then let's go together?" He offers, zipping up your little overnight bag. "You know I love traveling with you."
"But it's a hassle." You shake your head. "You're gonna have to-"
"I know, I've done it before, hundreds of times?" He chuckles, hand on your shoulder, and you seem in thought, before you tear up, bottom lip trembling. "Hey, no, what's wrong?" He worries at the sight, helping you sit down on your hospital bed where he holds your face close to his chest.
You remember him doing that.
He held you like this after the first nightmare you had at their dorms, where you've been too scared to ask to sleep in someone's room because you thought you might come off as childish- even though, technically, you had still been somewhat of a child at your age. The first time you had to stay at the hotel all by yourself, and they'd rushed out without saying they'd be back. The day you got the news that your favorite caretaker back at the center where you'd grown up had passed away, her last gift to you a dried flower cast in resin, to last forever just like her love for you would. When you'd gotten scared by a passing firetruck turning on its sirens, causing you to trip and scrape open your knees, shock of it all proving too much to just be passed off as nothing. The night you'd gotten lost in London after having strayed off too far, tag on your neck having helped Jimin find you quickly.
And he'd held you like this when Jin left for the military, and when Hoseok did.
Who will hold you like this when he leaves?
Who will hold you like this while he's gone?
How long until you forget those memories?
Will he be there when you mourn the loss of them one day too?
"Hey, you're okay.." he tells you softly, hand on your back trying hard to calm you down. He's aware you've been going through something he's not too sure of. At the beginning, he'd thought it must've been from Seokjin leaving. But it had just gotten worse now, and in a way, it scares him how far you seemed to have slipped from his fingers. Everyone's, in fact.
You're right here, in his arms, and yet you seem miles away, way out of reach.
And he doesn't know how to get to you, how to somehow get a hold of you again.
"Why are you so far away?" He asks quietly, and your ears move at that, before you slowly move to look up at him. "I want to help you but I don't know how." He offers, and you look away, eyes jumping from his necklace to his collarbone, from his ear for the hem of his shirt. You don't know either. You don't know what he could do to make you feel better.
You don't know if you can feel better.
"Jungkook talked to me too. He's worried about you just as much as Yoongi is. And Namjoon. And everyone else." He asks, hands on your knees. "What's happening?"
"I don't know." You shrug, because you truly don't know. "I feel like I have to decide something because things are changing, but I don't know what the question is. I don't know what I'm supposed to choose because I don't know what the problem is I'm supposed to solve." You ramble to him, and in a way, he breathes a bit easier now hearing you open up again.
Like you're taking a step towards him again, back into his range.
"Princess, why are you making things so hard for yourself?" He asks gently. "I feel like you're looking way too far ahead right now. It's okay to try and be prepared for what might change- but you can't put your present life on hold just because you're trying to figure out what's not even decided yet." He tries to reason with you. "There's things we all know will happen. Things that probably will happen, things that might, things we're not sure about and things we don't even know yet." The idol explains, wiping your cheeks for you. "And it's fun to try and color in the future, even if there's no lines to guide yet. But you can't get lost in that." He shakes his head.
"I ruined it all now, didn't I?" You worry quietly, looking down. "I made everyone upset, and worry, and sad-"
"You were trying to make it easy for us, and that's understandable." He smiles encouragingly. "And I appreciate that. Everyone does." Jimin nods at you. "But the easiest for us is when you're with us. That's when we're happiest."
You sniffle a little, having calmed down now. "...do you think my vaccines are still up to date to fly out?" You ask meekly, and he laughs happily at you, pulling you close so you can't spot how he's holding back tears.
"We can worry about that when we're home."
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yoongsisbae · 2 years
Bon Voyage: Into the Sea - Chapter 5
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A storm capsized your boat and looks like you were the only survivor. Somehow you made it to shore, but where? Stranded, you suddenly find out you are not alone, and now you’re stuck in the middle of a centuries old conflict between 7 monsters.
BTS fantasy AU. OT7 x reader. werewolf!Namjoon x werewolf!Hoseok x werewolf!Jungkook x siren!Yoongi x vampire!Jimin x vampire!Jin x whatis?Taehyung.
Hi there, sorry I've been, how you say, being crushed under the weight of my responsibilities, soul-draining capitalism, and the oppressive state of the world. Anyways enjoy cause I'm really trying here :') <3
Warnings: smut, reader manipulation, blood-drinking cause vampire things, underwater sexy time, orgasm also in the water, wolfy cuddles, an awkward sope throuple :P
Word count: 5k
“You need to explain everything to Namjoon,” he looks at you, his leader will know what to do.
“We need to find Jimin-”
You stand up, remembering the last moments before falling into the portal and your desperate attempt to escape.  
“Jimin’s the only one who can stop Taehyung! He just has to remember.”
“Remember what?” Yoongi looks up at you intrigued.
“His life before…he…” You hold your head, thinking back to your escape and excruciating pain you went through. The helplessness you felt once you went through the portal and again once you had time traveled back.
The explosion, the fighting.
It was all so much to remember, you stumble back into your chair. 
“What if Jimin did something to her…mind?” Hoseok whispers to the merman. 
“No! I- Hold on, just give me a minute,” you groan. It was hard to think of Jimin and not think of the torture he put you through, remembering every broken bone and bruise he inflicted upon you. You shuddered at the memories. 
You try not to cry, but your body shook and tears welled up in your eyes. You tried to speak but the words caught in your throat as you choked down a sob.
“You need to rest,” Yoongi says anxiously, standing up, “Rest now, y/n.”
Hoseok caught you before you fell out of your chair, falling asleep. The pair look at each other, both lost on how to help you.
Seokjin drank from you, holding your body in his lap, arms secure around your waist.
Seokjin licks your wounds as he pulls away, making you shudder as his tongue rolls over the sensitive skin on the side of your throat. “Yes Dove?”
After feeding time was when Seokjin was the most agreeable. You were able to make tiny requests, get your bathtub back, eat your meals next to Taehyung’s door instead of in the dining room with the others. You decided to test your luck on the vampire once more.
“What did Taehyung do?” you ask softly, looking towards the door.
Seokjin continues to lick your blood off his lips, placing a languid kiss on your shoulder. “You and Taehyung have become very close, why don’t you ask him?”
You have. So many times. He dodges every question you ask, only reiterating how untrustworthy the pair of vampires are, how unfairly he is being treated. “You were friends, what happened? You and Namjoon too…” you trail off as you think back to Seokjin’s memory of the group sitting and laughing all together.
By his silence you wonder if you’ve upset the vampire, but he remains as unperturbed as ever. “Well, if you let me in, I could show you why.” His hand rests on your neck, pushing your chin backwards onto his shoulder.
You frown, it’s a trick and you know it, but even if you wanted to it was impossible.
You don’t really know why or how you can reject his pull, but ever since that night Jimin showed you how truly heartless he could be, Seokjin’s powers stopped working on you.
“I just don’t understand why he’s chained. Did he do something…horrible?” you swallow, tilting your head to look up at the vampire. Seokjin uses the opportunity to kiss you, a slow teasing peck.
His kisses have become much more affectionate now, his caresses much more pleasant. But still, you thought of Taehyung and the warmth he emitted in his embraces and you began to wish for that instead, feeling guilty.
“He did.”
You hear a large booming noise, it sounds like it’s somewhere below you. Seokjin chuckles softly to himself as you shift against him. “But we’ve all done horrible things.” He stands up, lifting you in his arms.
“Y/n, the powers we have can be…difficult to handle at times. The chains are for Taehyung’s benefit.” He stares into your eyes, “You don’t believe me,” Seokjin states, noticing your clenched jaw.  
“I don’t know what to believe.” He drops you on your bed. “I know I’m a prisoner here, like him,” you look away from Seokjin again, crossing your arms over your body.
The vampire looks down at you with a soft expression, hand pulling your chin to look at him once more. “I’m sorry you feel that way. I’ll let you rest.”
Seokjin turns but you stop him, holding onto his hand. His company was far better than spending the night alone, vulnerable to Jimin visiting you instead. “No- Stay?” you stutter, turning your head instinctively, hoping to entice the older vampire.
Seokjin lies down, making himself comfortable beside you and you rest your head on his chest. There is silence where his heartbeat should be. You tap your fingers over his heart. “Is there anything you can tell me about Taehyung?” you ask softly.
“We all learned to be resourceful, we knew how to hide in the shadows to get the things we needed, but Taehyung...” Seokjin sighs, “He never liked it, he loved being the center of attention. He is quite charming, yes?” he teases you. “When we were all together, indulging in the nightlife, he and Jimin could draw in a crowd like that,” Seokjin smiles. “You saw, how Jimin was...mesmerizing.” 
You awake, fur heavy around your body. You touch soft ears twitching under your fingertips. “Hoseok,” you croak out. His tail swishes around quickly now that you’re awake.
“Cute,” you whisper, burying your head in fur. Daylight fills the small hut. “Where’s Yoongi?” you ask, looking around for the merman. The large wolf lets out a low ruff. 
“I don’t understand you,” you laugh tiredly. He rolls his body up, large paws tucked underneath him. You hug his auburn nape, on the border of sleep again. “Don’t go,” you whisper, regretfully remembering Hoseok’s pleas to you when Seokjin relived the memory with you decoding his barks and howls. 
Hoseok lays his large snout on your pillow, letting out a short huff. Hoseok wasn’t going to leave you, he was just going to find a place to transform back to human. You want to understand him, don’t you? He swishes his tail, knocking it into your legs.
You pet his head, relaxing again. His large brown eyes look over to you confusedly before he closes them, reassuring you he was going to stay. 
It’s only a short while before you wake again, this time with strong arms wrapped around you. This time Hoseok answers you preemptively. “Yoongi is searching the island for signs of Jimin and Jin,” he says.
“Oh, okay,” you say surprised. You stay silent in each other’s embrace. “Hoseok?” You look down at his bare chest pressed up against you, “Are…y-you naked?”
“W-Well, you wouldn’t let me go!” Hoseok exclaims accusingly, his cheeks flushed red.
“Oh, okay,” you stutter, still holding him tightly.  
Hoseok breaks eye contact with you, tucking your head under his chin, trying to think of something other than your warm body and enticing scent only growing sweeter.
“Why did you come back? You got what you wanted, why come back here?” he grunts.
You think back to the life you had left, reduced to a couple of boxes and a death certificate. Your parents who were happy but unprepared for you. Your friends who did not make it. The days you felt so lost and useless, the nights you spent dreaming about this place. Technically, none of that ever happened, but the lost memories sat heavy on you nonetheless. 
Hoseok felt so warm, his heartbeat loud and fast against your ear. You thought about all those nights alone in your childhood bed, cold and lonely. God, how you missed hearing this. You let out a soft sigh against him, snuggling closer to him, listening as his pace quickens. “Hoseok, I promise…” you swallow, pulling away to look at him, “We will leave this island together. Or we’ll stay, but I won’t leave without you, okay?”
Hoseok nods, his hand resting on the side of your face, thumb tracing the curve of your cheek, appreciating your soft features and sparkling eyes and…beauty. 
You run your hand up his torso, touching…metal?
No, rock.
The gem around Hoseok’s neck starts sparkling a dazzling red light, stunning both of you.
“Take it off!” you yell. You and Hoseok scramble to pull the necklace over his head. You tug the jewel up and you heard him clearly, the voice that called out to you before, possessed you, Taehyung’s voice calling your name, telling you to put the necklace on. 
You realize Taehyung’s mark had never really left you. 
Hoseok looks into your eyes, watching as they begin to glow red, a sight that haunted his dreams ever since you had first encountered Jimin. He quickly pulls the jewel out of your grasp, flinging it into the hut’s wall, grabbing your face to make sure what he saw was correct, desperately hoping he hadn’t.
Your eyes refocus, back to your natural color and relief washed over him like a cold shower. But the red light behind him only grew brighter, until the entire hut was filled, blinding you both.
When the light dissipated you were holding each other tight, both breathing heavier than before. 
“H-Hoseok?” you ask him, trying to catch your breathing. You feel hot all over from your confession. You lick your lips, is that why you felt like this? Your heart pounded in your ears, caught in Hoseok’s intense gaze.
Hoseok stares at you, hands tightly holding the sides of your face. ‘I won’t leave without you,’ you said. Hoseok felt his chest tighten as he let himself believe in your words…trust you. 
He nods. Why does he feel so jittery, every nerve ending in his body buzzing? Why are you breathing so heavily, your mouth parted, eyes looking up at him so fiercely?
Hoseok kisses you, unable to control himself, his lips crashing against yours. 
Your hands find purchase in his wild hair, mimicking his tight hold on you. It felt so good to taste him, to surrender yourself to his fierce affection. You devoured each other, you breathed each other in, gasping for air, unwilling to part. 
It was Hoseok who broke away first, hugging you tight, trying to calm himself as he buries his head in the crook of your neck.
“Hoseok?” you ask breathless.
“He’s back,” Hoseok mumbles into your neck. 
Hoseok was right, the door creaks open, the merman walking in as you push away from each other.
You freeze in tense silence. 
Yoongi figures out your circumstances easily, his eyes narrowing on the both of you, gaze stopping on the werewolf specifically. The way his body was blotched red, Hoseok grabbing a pillow to cover up his obvious-
“Where the hell is the necklace?”
Hoseok looks down confused. Where is the necklace?! “I…uhhh-” You both look around frantically, Hoseok tripping over himself to pull on clothes and you trying to look for the necklace with your eyes half covered.
Yoongi scans the hut, sharp eyes noticing the new dent in his wall immediately. Did that idiot try to break the necklace again? He walks over to where it lies, picking up the piece of jewelry. 
Hoseok runs his hand over his neck, straining to think when he removed the necklace, but he couldn’t remember. Something wasn’t right.
“I’ll keep it,” Yoongi says glaring at the werewolf, pocketing the necklace for now.
“You should hide it,” you say, shivering inside. The necklace felt dangerous…how did it end up on the floor, you don’t remember Hoseok taking it off!
Yoongi hums, “I didn’t find them, but they’re alive. I found this in one of the caves.” Yoongi holds out a torn and bloodied coat, throwing it at the werewolf. “Well?”
Hoseok sniffs it, grimacing, “It’s Jin’s alright. We need to go, we have to tell Joon.”
Yoongi scoffs. “You go, we’ll catch up with you.” Yoongi holds his hand out to you, pulling you to his side and holding your waist protectively.
“How are you?” He addresses you, words spoken sweeter than you were used to, hand fixing the jeweled comb in your hair, flustering you. The merman's eyes focus on your lips.
The werewolf grinds his teeth, emitting a low growl from his throat and charges for the merman. “Hoseok!” you push against his chest as the merman smirks behind you. “What are you doing?!” But Hoseok has his sights on the deadpan man behind you, glaring at him furiously as he wraps another arm over your waist.
“Let her go,” he growls in Yoongi’s face, who remains impassive, letting the werewolf dig his own hole as his jealousy builds. You try to push the pair away from each other fruitlessly, their strong bodies caging you in their silent standoff as Hoseok shoves the merman’s shoulder. 
“Stop! Hoseok, stop!” ‘Do they have to fight right now?!’ you think, just when everyone was finally getting along, what is wrong with them! 
“Yes, stop, dog.”
You look over your shoulder, giving the merman an accusing look and Hoseok charges again.
You yell, stuck in between them, their bodies pressing up against yours, making you aware of how inhumanly strong both are…how tight and muscular their bodies are…dammit. 
The stubborn pair refuse to budge. You were literally being crushed between a rock and hard place! “BOTH OF YOU STOP,” you scream, making the pair wince. 
“This is your fault!” Hoseok barks.
Your eyes go wide, “M-My fault? My fault?! You-” you dig your finger into his insufferably perfectly sculpted chest, “YOU ARE THE MOST AGGRAVATING-”
“You’re aggravating!” Hoseok yells.
“You are both aggravating.”
You wheel around, facing the merman. “YOU-”
Yoongi places a soft kiss on your lips, just long enough to extinguish your rising anger. “You are the most aggravating,” he looks past you to the shell shocked werewolf, “Right?”
Hoseok grinds his teeth, glaring at the merman. You think he might lunge at him again, but Hoseok crosses his arms, rolling his eyes instead.
“She is,” he huffs.
You blink.
You swim up, breaking the water’s surface with Yoongi right behind you. It was the cave under the waterfall, you smile, enjoying the sound of the rushing water after so long. You look over your shoulder, “Ready?”
The merman pauses, “Wait.” You wade in the pool, swimming towards the merman. “How are you feeling?” Yoongi asks. 
“I’m okay.” Well, apart from being disoriented from the quick way Yoongi pulled you through the water…and the longer kisses the merman had given you at the bottom of the sea, the way he had lingered in those moments, his unexpected enthusiasm…and tongue. 
You feel hot all over again remembering his mouth against yours. “Are you sure?” he asks.
You lean against the rocks, nodding. “It’s overwhelming, remembering everything again. The whole time I was gone, I forgot everything. I couldn't even remember my name,” you confess, smiling sadly.
Yoongi thinks about what you said, body submerged up to his eyes, staring inquisitively at you as he meanders closer, his predator tendencies emerging only to make you smile at how cute you found him in those moments..
He propels his body up, waves hitting you and making you giggle. “If you couldn’t remember, how did you come back?”
“It took awhile but I got my memory back. I was, um, gone longer than you think…Namjoon’s watch...” you wince missing the gold piece, it had become a comfort to you for all those months. Yoongi nods, leaning into you closer, “This place never came back, but…I did have dreams of this…of you. Even though at the time I didn’t understand what that meant, I felt drawn to find out. I ended up back at the portal not knowing why. Taehyung…” you shake your head.
“It feels like he’s still inside my head. He’s the reason why I’m back, I know it.” Taehyung is to blame, you can feel it, thinking back to his delighted expression. Everything else felt fuzzy, but his eyes…they haunted you…like another pair of eyes, red and piercing…tearful..
“I’ll do everything I can to keep you safe. The d- Hoseok and the others, they will too.”
“You’ll do that for me, even though I came back empty handed?” you ask teasingly.
“You are enough.”
“Hoseok is probably waiting for us.” He leans his head against the rocks, looking up at the cave’s stalactites.
“Oh!” you nod, swimming again.
The merman pulls you back by the elbow. “He can wait.” Yoongi is enjoying the time he finally has alone with you, you made him worry for so long after all, he deserves some compensation.
“You enjoy making him angry,” you accuse, your eyes narrowing on the merman.
“You do too,” he challenges, smirking.
“I don’t!” you yelp, as Yoongi’s arms lift you above the water, holding you close.
“You like making him jealous,” he says, his smirk growing wider, letting you fall slowly back into the pool, your wet body sliding against him. 
The merman is purposefully provoking you with each flirtatious gesture. And it’s working, you feel your stomach tighten, warmth dropping through your body even in the cool water. “You like making him jealous,” you breathe out.
He drops you until foreheads meet, your noses touching, your lips so close together you just have to tilt your head only a fraction more-
You run your hand across Yoongi’s defined jaw, kissing him as fiercely as he kissed you under water, enjoying his lips more this way without water surrounding you where you can focus on his soft skin and warm mouth. 
He presses you against the pool’s rocks, tongue exploring your mouth as he takes control, hands brushing against the wet fabric clinging tight to your body, finger tips running over your breasts in teasing slow motions. Your legs tighten around his hips, thighs rubbing over his scales.
“So how do mermaids-” you gasp as he grips your ass possessively.
“That’s a lesson for later.”
You pout as he kneads your flesh, pulling mewls from your lips. You lean your head against his, closing your eyes, overwhelmed by him, “When is later?”
“Impatient woman. There is someone else who is impatiently waiting,” Yoongi glances to the side.
“Then we better go,” you kiss him again, hands reaching for what you want most...his tail.
Quicker than you, Yoongi holds your wrists behind your back. “Still?!” you whine. “Now you’re just playing hard to get.”
He continues to tease you with deep kisses, his tight embrace, mesmerizing stare. You struggle against his hold, panting against his lips, “More.”
“Tell me how much you want me and I’ll let you come,” he says, biting his bottom lip waiting, enjoying in your dismay. ‘Let you,’ huh. Your foot slides along his tail, legs tightening around him.
You’re too curious, and way too riled up now not to give in. “I want you, merman.” you whisper, wiggling in his tight hold, “Please, Yoongi. I want you so badly,” you moan seductively.
Yoongi smiles deviously. “Cum for me then.”
You shake, looking down, your body instantly reacting to his words. Oh, this is cheating.
This is definitely unfair, you think as your legs try to close, unable to as he watches you, eyes shining sinfully. You core pulses and you arch your back, jaw slack.
You would be stubborn and try to fight it, he thinks. You glare at him and he rolls his tongue over his lip, his own body hot with arousal, eyes darkened by your faltering cries of pleasure, resisting the urge to do more, holding onto your wrists and keeping you above water as your body tenses, on the precipice of release.
The pleasure becomes too much and you throw your head back. “I’m-” you shudder, your body aching to be filled, core clenching tighter as pleasure washes over you like water. 
“Coming?” Yoongi teases, low smooth voice like honey dripping over you, affecting you even more as your core gushes, throbbing and pulsating deep within you. 
You let go, toes curling, unable to resist the seductive siren’s words. 
“You have an unfair advantage, you know,” you mutter, your arms around his neck. Yoongi swims under the waterfall, holding your tired body in his arms.
“You enjoyed yourself, didn’t you?” he teases.
“What about you?” you ask, fixing the wet strands of his hair out of his face. “How would I…” You look down at his bare chest, biting your lip, sneaking a hand to try to touch his tail.
He pulls you underwater, before standing up on legs. “Next time.”
“Yah!” You spit out water, wiping your face, kicking your legs to be let down.
Hoseok barks impatiently at the pond’s edge, and he keeps barking at you. “Sorry for the wait,” you mutter, ringing out your dress. Not knowing what the large wolf was saying was no doubt a blessing in disguise with the way he kept yapping at you. “Um?”
Yoongi used his pack again to pull out fresh clothes, the necklace stayed tucked securely inside the magical pouch. “He says he can smell you, what’s wrong with you, and some other words you probably don’t want to hear.”
Perhaps Hoseok had rubbed off on you, you growled at him.
The wolf backs away, ruffing again, unable to stop himself from having the last word? Bark?
Hoseok stopped just short of camp, beginning to growl in warning. You noticed the pack leader making his way towards your group, but Hoseok’s growls only become louder once Namoon is in front of you, confusing you.
“Hoseok, go to the house. Find Jungkook and control yourself.”
The wolf lets out a couple of angry yips before obeying his leader and bounding away quickly.
“Namjoon?” you ask wearily, and the leader’s face softens, pulling you into a hug.
“Stabbing Seokjin, impressive, little one,” he looks you up and down.
“Come on,” he tells you and Yoongi. “I hoped Hoseok was with you somewhere, I’m glad I was right,” he says without looking behind you. You couldn’t tell if he was upset, but the leader’s voice sounded tired and relieved, however his body language remained guarded. 
You stepped inside the werewolf’s house.
It looked much darker than you remembered. Before everything was open and sunlight filled the house. But even with the sun high in the sky, the house remained dark.
Jungkook crashes into you, lifting you off your feet with his embrace. “You’re okay,” he mumbles into your hair.
“I think so,” you whisper, hugging him tightly back. “Where’s Hoseok? Oh!” Hoseok moved to your left side, silently acknowledging you.
His expression looked angrier than you’ve ever seen him, which was saying a lot. Yoongi stood close to your right. The leader closed the door behind you. They all stood next to you at the entrance, which was odd considering the large size of the house...
“Seokjin?!” your eyes go wide, noticing a pair or red orbs across the room from you.
The vampire looked different, he looked so…unkept! Seokjin wore slacks and a loose fitting sleeved shirt, hair lying dry and not styled like you're used to.
‘Speak of the devil,” another voice speaks, “or no, actually, the one who let the devil out.”
You hold on tightly to Hoseok’s and Jungkook’s hands. You don’t know when you had reached for their comforting touch, but they squeeze yours back reassuringly. 
Jimin sits on a cushion, kicking his legs out, annoyed he was stuck in this vastly unpleasant situation.
The vampire in question frowns. The way you addressed him was not what he expected from you. There was relief in your voice as you said his name and the annoying look of hope in your eyes.
“You are going to be the reason we all die.”
“Jimin, stop,” Jin says. “Dove, we need to know what Taehyung said to you,” he asks, much more diplomatically. 
You shake your head, trying to make your way closer to the vampires, but the men around you have made an impressive barrier.
Now what are you doing?! Jimin thinks. After everything you’ve done! If you get any where near Jin or him, Jimin plans to drain you dry. Well, he can’t do that yet. Not until you answer all their questions.
He hates being stuck here, hiding in the shadows of the wolf’s den. Why did Seokjin bring him here of all places to heal, he could have healed himself practically anywhere else on the island. But no, he was stuck smelling like dog and now having to deal with you again. He scowls.
How are you going to explain the lost months you experienced, the things you witnessed in Jimin’s memory. You stare at the angry younger vampire, how are you going to convince Jimin to help you?
“Jimin, you need to bite me.”
Hi readers <3 there's a lot of you now, it's a little overwhelming if I'm being honest and the reason why I haven't interacted that much. If you enjoyed this please let me know so I don't feel like I'm standing on stage being dissected and judged by thousands for my inadequacies :') thx.
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