#sometimes they put the mirror down and speak directly
victimized-martyr · 1 year
Hi 💜 weird question, but have you ever received hate messages for watching south park? like oh my god, this show promotes fascism, blah blah blah. Or because you ship kyman? i mean, it's no secret that people often think that if you like something problematic you automatically are horrible person.
actually anon, I got my first “kys” comment in my recent married kyman ask this morning and I did a double take bc like, I’ve had this blog for nearly a year and i’ve been so passionately vocal about kyman that I’m surprised i’m barely getting hate for it now. I have lost a chunk of followers on my main blogs for liking kyman, and I had a whole Internal Thing about that, but my mutuals/connections to my industry never unfollowed me?? They either like my stuff and geek w/ me, or don’t care. So i learned the ppl’s who’s opinions I truly value agree w/ me or have simply agreed to disagree, and we stay vibing.
I can’t control how strangers perceive me for liking Kyman. If it means I get called untrue things, well, I know who I am and I’ll just let my content/reblogs/ takes speak for themselves. If they want to waste their energy getting upset over it, that’s their choice. A poor one, frankly. That time could be better spent on more productive things. Why come after me? I’ve already lost by default— I’m a south park shipper. Can’t make a comeback for that, man.
I talked about the dangerous black/white nature of the internet especially in regards to south park/cartman, but I’ll elaborate on one thing: South Park isn’t for everyone. It’s not for anyone at all. It’s the brain child of Matt and Trey, and the crew who’ve been there since day one and know these raunchy kids in and out. Some can handle Sp’s darker humor, toilet humor, approach in storytelling, political stance, and some can’t. Just, use discretion y’all.
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kentolove · 2 years
When Tsukishima gets comfortable, he really gets comfortable.
You learned that eight months into your relationship, when Tsukishima walked into the bathroom—with you on the toilet—heading for the sink to brush his teeth.
“Kei!” You nearly scream, clutching your chest to calm yourself down. “I’m using the bathroom here?”
“I can see,” he says, and you groan, throwing your head back in defeat. It really doesn’t help that the mirror is perfectly placed, in a way that allows your Kei to look at you directly in the eye while you sit on the toilet looking as unflattering as ever.
“Then leave? I can’t even piss in peace.”
“Why would I leave?” He puts the toothbrush in his mouth, “I’ve seen worse.”
“It’s impossible to argue with you,” you cry. And you’re right. Tsukishima Kei is insufferable, and he may be too comfortable with you already.
You learn Tsukishima has no sense of personal space soon after.
When he loves someone, his affection comes in odd ways. Sometimes it’s a flick to the forehead, other times it’s a teasing remark, and today, it’s him asking you if he could stay with you while you shower.
It’s not necessary the worst request, but when you consider the fact that he’s asking to sit on a stool and talk to you while you bathe, you find it a bit strange.
“Why would you even want that?” You ask him, all while you get ready for your nighttime shower.
“I just wanna be there.”
You shrug, tell him “sure”, and move on with your day. He sits on the toilet seat as you shower, recounting his day and all the small things that ticked him off.
“I never knew you could talk this much,” you laugh. He’s not necessarily the most quiet partner, but words are often few when it comes to your Kei. He’s more of a listener than anything, telling you how much he likes to hear your voice when you “bitch about everything.” (His words, not yours.)
Once you spend enough time with Tsukishima, though, you learn that he’s not evasive, just caring. He cares for you in ways you’ve never been loved before.
He shows you this when you feel as if you’re looking the Grim Reaper in the eyes, period cramps eating you away, and laying in your shared bed.
“Get up,” he whispers, careful to not yell for he knows how much you hate loud noises.
“Don’t talk to me.”
He knows it’s the cramps talking, so he only responds with a roll of his eyes.
“Okay,” he says, and begins to lift you off the bed. You nearly scream in shock, hitting his chest lightly.
“Put me down!” You kick your legs as he carries you bridal-style towards the bathroom. You know what he’s doing, trying to motivate you to not wallow in your pain, but you’re far too stubborn and in too much pain to care.
“Don’t ignore me!”
“You told me not to talk to you,” he retorts, gently placing you on the closed toilet seat and kneeling in front of you. “I ran a bath for you.”
You stare at him, head tilted to the side, and you wonder how you got so damn lucky.
“You want me to strip you, or?” He speaks up in the midst of your silence.
“Don’t be an ass.”
“That’s what I do best,” he smiles, lifting your hands up to remove your shirt (it’s his, really) from your body.
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chan-skz · 6 days
Makeup - Bang Chan
His fingers were delicate. He was so close to you, you weren't used to such closeness. You prayed he couldn't notice the growing blush on your cheeks, as his gaze was focused on your makeup. You made the mistake of leaving your house without an umbrella, not having bothered to check the weather forecast, thus finding yourself stuck in the rain, ruining completely your hair and makeup.
"You're so stupid." Chan said slightly coldly, tearing his gaze away from you for a short moment to change accessories. You pouted, crossing your arms. He wasn't wrong, you should have thought better.
You decided to ignore his comment, watching him cleverly place a bit of the concealer against the back of his hand and lightly tap your beauty blender against it. At least you had the decency to bring your makeup bag with you. “I didn’t know you knew how to put on makeup.” Speaking of makeup, you didn't even know that he was an expert on that either.
"Don’t judge me, but I watched several videos just in case my girl friends needed help. And also I sometimes had to retouch my own makeup behind the scenes during concerts." He added calmly with a small grin on his face. But his expression quickly returned to focus as he began to apply the cosmetic on your skin. "So yes, I can manage to do it. I'm telling you all that because by the look on your face, you look rather surprised."
The sweet smile he gave you made your heart race. But you pushed all feelings aside, you had no chance. Not only was he your friend, but also an extremely coveted man. After all, how could such a perfect man be attracted to someone like you? So many girls would dream of being in your shoes right now. He could easily get girls much more beautiful and experienced than you in a snap of a finger.
"Are you okay?" He snapped you out of your thoughts, his gaze boring into yours. You nodded slightly, smiling softly at him. “From the way you look, you’re clearly not okay.”
You tried to reassure him but he cut you off directly. “Do you want me to make you feel better?” You stare at him, not knowing what his next move. Before you could even retort, his face moved closer to yours. "Can I?" His gaze was fixed on your lips. You didn't know what to say. Your face was red like a tomato, you slowly nodded it. This was the last thing you would’ve expect from him.
His lips were soft and delicious. Kissing your own friend had never been on your bingo of the year, but here you are, sharing a soft kiss that he himself had requested. Quickly, the makeup was forgotten and the kiss became more intense. Your arms wrapped around his neck and his hands came to grip your hips.
Suddenly he withdrew. "I forgot you had makeup on. Sorry I didn’t want to ruin it for you again." It was clear he didn't mean it. Seeing your lipstick ruined turned him on so much, but was he even going to admit it to you?
You laughed, knowing that this heated exchange had already done it. "You're telling me that when it already happened. Look at yourself in the mirror, your lips and the area around your mouth are completely stained." You wanted to kiss him again when you saw that it was his turn to be flustered by your comment. You took this opportunity to tease him even more.
“You know, you can ruin my makeup however you want and even further.” You smirked lewdly, gently sliding your hand down his chest to his crotch, clearly insinuating your desire for more than a kiss. In a flash he took your hand and pulled you towards another room. It all happened so quickly that your brain only registered the fact that you were now on his bed, him leaning against you.
“Say that again?” Now you were the one being humbled. You didn't expect this turnaround, even less from him. He had always been the shy type, although sometimes he could be bold. It was all part of his personality, but right now the person you were facing wasn't the same Chan you knew.
Suddenly you lost your voice, you didn't dare look at him, feeling ashamed.
Before you could even open your mouth, you felt his lips exploring your neck. A small moan escaped your lips when he coincidentally found your sensitive spot. You couldn’t help but wrap your legs around his hips and arms around his shoulders, pulling him as close to you as possible. Doing so, you could feel his bulge against your core.
“Fuck don’t do that, baby. If you keep provoking me I won’t be able to hold back any longer.” He said in a deep voice in your ear. His tone gave you chills and he felt it. You were going to retaliate, but before you could even get a word out of your mouth he pulled away from you and knelt between your legs. His hands firmly grabbed your panties and a dirty smirk crowned his face. "Silly me, I completely forgot that you gave me permission to ruin your beautiful makeup. I’ll be happy to do so and honey, forget my words, I’m not going to hold back on you.”
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factual-fantasy · 6 months
I realized we know the least about the river person in ya au.
Care to remedy that?
Well to be honest.. not a whole lot has changed about her. I keep forgetting she exists and I don't have a lot of ideas for how she could interact with the group..
Though speaking of her, recently I tried to dig into her character a little more and I started by making a redesign for her. Although its only the first pass and Isn't official yet-
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And despite my attempts, for now her story and character is still relatively the same..
She was just a lonely boat keeper. She would come home from her shifts to a gloomy house where no one was waiting for her. No family, no friends.. no pets or hobbies.. she didn't really have anything going on except for running the boat. And to be honest.. she was kind'a okay with that in a way. She just accepted that this was her life, and this is how she lives. And its not like she had no joy in her life. Her joy came from running the boat.
She would take all kinds of people down the river, and they would talk to her. They would tell her wonderful things. The children would talk about their hopes and dreams. What they wanted to be when they grew up.. what their favorite food was. They'd tell her about that crazy looking frog they saw on the way here.
The elderly would tell her stories of all the places they'd been and all the things they'd seen. And even if they didn't talk to her directly.. she still overheard some interesting conversations. The young couples would talk about what they were planning on naming their first child. They would talk about what they wanted their house to look like and how many pets they wanted to have.
And sometimes the people on the boat didn't talk at all. Sometimes they looked sad and wouldn't look up from their feet.. So she would sing to them. And when they got off she would tell them "I hope you're day gets better. I enjoyed your company." And the few times she got a smile back made it all worth it.
She put her value of herself and her life on the people around her. Transporting people from point A to point B and occasionally cheering people up.. was all the worth she really felt she had..
But then Jevil and his group came along for a boat ride. Half way down the river Jevil breaks out in a cold sweat and starts to shake. Somethings wrong.
"This world is about to end." The group perks up "What?"
Grabbing Seams sleeve beside him he says louder and frantically "THIS WORLD IS ENDING"
Jevil jumps up and makes a mirror below the water large enough to swallow the boat whole.
As they fall through the mirror, horrible soul breaking sounds can be heard as that timeline collapses in on itself.
The boat probably landed in a snowdin somewhere.. or maybe another waterfall? Or maybe in a dark world.. where ever it landed, Jevil was looking the group over when he saw River Person..
"Where.. am I?"
He had done it again. Ripped someone out of its AU just as it was dying...
I intended for River person to have some kind of survivors guilt. Thinking her life had no real value and that anyone else in her AU deserved to have been saved in her place. Almost the opposite of Grillby.
Grillby hates Jevil becuase he valued his life and lost everything he held dear.. River Person doesn't hate Jevil for saving her at all. She's not sad about losing her life becuase she never really had one.. She's just grieving for all those people who died and wishes any of them could have been saved in her place.
The guilt really eats her up inside..
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murdrdocs · 1 year
can you do an ethan landry mirror nsfw?!
fem!anatomy but no pronouns
"you still aren't getting it, are you?" ethan speaks to you in an exasperated tone. his thick eyebrows were furrowed, his eyes judging you, casted down upon your sweaty face.
"getting what, e?" you were genuinely confused, and not solely from the thick haze in your mind.
"how beautiful you are. i can't keep my fucking hands off of you, much less my eyes."
your body warmed and a bashful smile made way onto your lips. "ethan..."
"no, seriously." he's interrupting you before you can even attempt to contradict his statement. he's sitting back on his heels, wiping his mouth clean with the back of his hand. "c'mere," he says. you do as told, folding your legs underneath you and crawling towards ethan at the end of the bed. he presses a kiss to your forehead, then your lips when you're close enough, and then he's stepping off of the bed, leaving you to watch him with wide eyes.
you don't question what he's doing as he moves to the other corner of your room. you're too busy watching the muscles in his back flex as he lifts something you're not focused on. it's not until his back is directly in front of you, then moving out of your line of sight, that you notice that ethan's put your mirror directly in front of your bed. making you distinctly aware of your entire form. from your shifting eyes, to your knees.
ethan's behind you now, his chin on your shoulder, his cheek almost touching yours. "i need you to see how fucking gorgeous you are." is his declaration.
and truthfully, he achieves his goal.
he has your legs spread, your back against his chest as his hand works between your thighs. it's a lewd sight, watching your boyfriend get you off. it's one that you want engraved in your mind for as long as possible, and you consider bringing up recording it sometime.
you're moaning and whining and arching your back, all the while attempting to keep your legs open as you fear to lose sight of this. ethan pleases you in a way that's second nature to him now. he knows how to curl his fingers, where to reach for. he knows when to loosen the circles on your clit, when to slow them down, when to tighten and speed them up. and when you cum, he's whispering praises in your ear, calling you his "sweet thing", letting you know that there's no one that could compare to you in his eyes. your chest swells with the admiration, and your cunt leaks more over his hand.
it's not until you're calmed down that ethan asks, "d'you wanna see how divine you look when you're bouncing on my dick?"
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writeonwhiskey · 6 months
the skz house: ch 5 (18+)
a/n: happy tuesday. hope you all had a great christmas or whatever holiday you celebrate. here is my gift to you!
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Summary: Welcome to Sigma Kappa Zeta, the most popular fraternity on campus. When you, down on your luck and looking for a place to live, see their ad for ‘IN-HOUSE STAY’. You're one of the four girls chosen and find that your duties for the rest of the school year will be cooking, cleaning, and pleasing your assigned house members: Hyunjin & Bang Chan.
[ read chapter four here ]
Chapter Five: Of Mirrors and Lessons
The entire ride back home, Chan keeps his hand on your thigh, sometimes resting, sometimes gently squeezing. You couldn’t possibly forget the fact that you’re sitting in a car with him, but his touch serves as a constant reminder that he’s there without feeling overbearing. It actually soothes you, which should be concerning. However, since it doesn’t seem like you’ll get any outright form of compassion from him, maybe you have to learn to appreciate these subtle gestures.
Back at the house you and Charlotte clean up the basement while the other girls work on dinner. You gather up the empty pizza boxes and paper cups into a large trash bag as she works on wiping down all the surfaces. You hadn’t gotten a chance to speak to her much prior to this, but you can tell she’s the quiet, introvert type. 
When you ask, she tells you things with Han and Jeongin are going well. You hold in your surprise when she says Han hasn’t tried anything with her yet, but she and Jeongin had made out a few times—one of which you saw last night. 
Her words make you curious what everyone else has been up to. You’ve only had one night with Hyunjin where all you did was kiss, but your two nights with Chan had been filled with far more intimate acts and barely any kissing. Were the others taking things just as slow? 
You finish cleaning and hoist the trash bags up the stairs. Felix and Changbin spring up from their seats at the table when you two emerge from the basement. They take the bags from you and put them outside.
Hyunjin is the only one missing when it’s time to eat—he has an evening class tonight. Chan eats in the living room, watching a baseball game with Seungmin. You eat in the dining room next to Felix and even after you’ve cleared your plates, you continue talking to him. He shares information with you freely and it’s a bit of a relief. His minor is in Game Design and Development, his dad and Chan’s dad are extremely close, so they grew up together before venturing to the states. You’re invested in what he’s saying—you really are, but you keep catching yourself being distracted by the dusting of freckles across the bridge of his nose and cheeks. They give him such a boyish charm, especially when he smiles, that’s directly contradicted by the amount of bass in his voice. 
Your phone buzzes and you check it, seeing a text from Chan. A wave of nerves flow throw your body as you open it. 
waiting for you
You put your phone face down on the table. You know what’s coming next. He told you this afternoon. You don’t know what to expect. You do at least know that you shouldn’t expect rose petals and candles for your first time with him. If there are candles, he would probably be using them to drip wax over you. You panic at the thought. You don’t know what he’s in to, but you’re learning. It’s not difficult to believe he may like some kinky stuff, though. For now, all you know for sure is that he likes to exercise his control over you. 
You hate to keep thinking of your ex in uncertain moments like this, yet you can’t help it. You simply can’t imagine him speaking to you or treating you the way Chan does sexually and you just allowing it to happen. Chan has a specific presence or aura, if you will, that asserts dominance and you’re growing more and more attracted to it. No matter how much you want to resist. 
You’re startled at the feel of a hand on your shoulder. You turn to look at Felix, his chestnut brown eyes pouring out concern.
“You alright?” He asks in his low voice. 
“Yeah,” you reply with a light chuckle, not wanting to worry him. “I’m gonna head upstairs now.”
He squeezes your shoulder a few times and nods.
The walk upstairs feels like a death march. You’re moving slowly, trying to mentally prepare yourself for whatever is to come. 
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Chan is sitting on the edge of his bed, facing you. You’re leaned against his dresser, naked after he asked you to remove your clothing. He still has his clothes on, which you can’t even think is unfair because what’s the point? Fairness doesn’t exist with him. You can’t even bring your arms up to cover yourself. So you stand there, watching him watch you, neither of you speaking. 
You wonder what’s going through his head right now, because all you can think of is how much you want him to touch you, to cover your bare body with his. You don’t know if it’s right to yearn for him after how he’s treated you—or is that the very reason you do?
After what feels like slow, painstaking hours, he stands from the bed and walks to you. He places his hands on either side of you on the dresser, caging you in. 
“Do you want me, y/n?” He finally breaks the silence, lowering his head to look you in the eyes. 
What kind of question is that? You do, don’t you? You know he doesn’t mean in the way he’s had you the last couple of days, he means actually fucking you this time. But will he be rough? Will it be painful? Will you like it? Your sexual experience is rather vanilla, so the thought is just as thrilling as it is frightening. What if it’s bad? What if it’s good? 
You lick your lips and slowly nod your head. 
He smiles down at you before moving forward to capture your lips with his. It’s a slow and passionate kiss. You tell yourself all his unspoken words are bottled up in it—that he doesn’t mean to make you feel awful, that he chose you for a reason. 
“Take my shirt off,” he says when he pulls away from you. 
Your grab the bottom of his shirt and lift it up and over his head. You drop it on top of your pile of clothes, never taking your eyes off him. 
He takes each of your hands in his at the wrist and places your palms on his chest. He slowly guides them down his pectorals, his abs, all the way down the ‘V’ shape of his lower abdomen that leads into his loose fitting sweatpants. His skin is soft and the muscles beneath it feel solid against your fingertips. 
He moves one hand lower than the other, to the waistband. You curl your fingers around it and he pulls your wrist back. He now pushes your other hand lower and you slip it into the sweats. All you feel is skin—he’s not wearing any boxers. He releases your wrists and puts his hands back on the dresser, swooping down to kiss you again as your fingers wrap around his already hard cock. 
It feels good to have him back in your grasp. You stroke him as he deepens the kiss, his tongue snaking inside your mouth. You bring your other hand up to cup the back of his neck, pulling him harder against you. You can’t kid yourself—you want to give yourself to him. You want to know what it feels like to have him inside of you. 
As if reading your thoughts, he breaks the kiss. 
“Turn around,” he says.
You waste no time in doing as he bids. 
You’re now facing the mirror attached to his dresser. His arms are still around either side of you, flexed and deliciously toned. He’s looking at you through the reflection. It’s the first time you’e seen yourself next to him. Your first instinct is to feel inferior, but with him this close, and you enclosed in his arms, you can convince yourself it feels and looks right. 
He stands up straight and places his hands on your hips, squeezing them. His hands slide up and down your side in a way that tickles, causing you to move away from his touch. His lip quirks up at you through the mirror. 
His hands cup your breasts and you watch your reflection. It almost feels as if you’re removed from the scene—watching for a separate type of pleasure. His gaze is fixed on your body as he plays with your nipples. You can’t help but move your hips back against him. 
He pushes your breasts together with one hand as the other slips down to your pussy. You immediately move your feet a little further apart to which he chuckles. 
“Chan,” you breathe as his hand finds its home between your thighs. “Be good to me tonight.” 
Your words come out as a soft plea. 
He responds by kissing you on the cheek as his fingers slowly slide back and forth across your pussy. You don’t know what to make of that response. He’s proven himself to be good at being a sour patch kid—sour then sweet. Or sweet then sour in his case, actually. 
He pushes down his sweatpants and slowly lowers you down so your chest is pressed against the dresser. He takes a moment to admire his handy work from the night before, rubbing and squeezing your ass. You keep your eyes locked on his reflection, your breath fogging up the mirror now that you’re so close to it. His hand leaves your ass and moves to his cock, gripping it at the base as he slides it up and down your slit. 
When he’s settled at your opening, his left hand grabs your hip, holding you in place. Your eyes are locked on each others as he slowly slides himself in. You want to squeeze your eyes shut, steal a moment for yourself to revel in the feel of him inside you. But you also want to remember how he looks right now. The way his lip is caught between his teeth, eyes filled with some kind of lust. 
You watch his face intently. He averts his gaze and sucks in a breath as he watches his dick move in and out of you. One hand is still at your hip as the other uses your shoulder for leverage. You prop yourself up on your elbows and push your hips back to meet his thrusts. The side of his mouth quirks up at your movements.
You moan as he starts moving faster, dropping your head to the desk and squeezing your eyes shut.
He doesn’t like that.
You feel his hand move from your shoulder to the back of your head. He tangles his fingers in your hair and yanks your head up. Your eyes snap open just in time to see him leaning down towards you.
“Watch,” he whispers in your ear, “I want you to see how good you look when I fuck you.”
You moan again at his words, looking at yourself in the mirror, watching as your tits bounce up and down with each thrust. He lets go of your hair and uses both hands on your hips to bring you back and forth against him, harder, faster. 
He keeps fucking you, panting and grunting while you watch. As his movement quickens and he grits his teeth, he abruptly pulls out of you, taking a step back. He takes a deep breath and slaps your ass. You don’t squeal, you don’t scream. You moan and look back at him with soft eyes. You want more. 
“On the bed,” he says. 
You step from around him and walk to the bed, turning around to face him when you’re near it. He steps out of his sweatpants and kicks them to the side.
“How do you want me?” You ask. 
“Now you’re being a good girl.” He nods his head with a crooked grin. He places one hand on his cock as he walks towards you, stroking it. “On your back.” 
You sit on the bed and scoot back on it before laying down. He puts his knees on the bed, still stroking himself as he looks down at you. 
“Fuck, y/n,” he groans. 
The way he says it, the way he’s looking at you makes you squirm. You want him back inside of you. He pushes your thighs apart one at a time with his knees and lowers himself on top of you. 
“Hands above your head.”
You put your hands up so they’re resting on the pillows and he holds them together with one hand. With the other he guides himself back into you. Once inside, he moves his hips ever so slowly, in and out. 
He presses his thumb to your clit, rubbing it in teasing circles. You wrap your legs around his waist, locking your ankles together behind his back. You start to move your hips against him, wanting him to go faster. 
He looks up to you and gives the tiniest head shake. You stop your movements with a soft whine. 
He picks up the pace, watching your face contort with pleasure. Whenever you let out a moan and move your hips against his, he slows back down. He repeats the process, squeezing your wrists together as you try to free them. You want to at least touch him, but he’s too content playing with you. 
He brings himself closer to you, first kissing you, then moving down to your breasts. He takes each nipple into his mouth, in turn, licking, nipping, pulling at it with his teeth while he looks up at you. All the while still rubbing your clit with his other hand each time he pulls his hips back and has access to you. The sight of him ravaging your body is one you hope to never forget. 
The stop and go of all his combined stimulation starts to peak. You tighten your grip around his waist. 
“Fuck me, please. I’m gonna—“ You let out a moan, as he bites down hard on your nipple.
“Ah-Ah,” he shakes his head again, looking up at you with your nipple still between his teeth. He sits up and releases your hands, resorting back to his torturous, slow hip movements, hands resting on your knees. “Remember lesson number two?”
You blink up at him, trying to focus on what he means. It’s hard to think of anything else when he has you this close to release. Lesson two? You think back to your second night and it dawns you.
 “Chan,” you say his name slowly, moving your hands up to his chest. “May I? Will you please make me come?”
He grips your thighs and readjusts them so your legs are on one side of his neck. He lifts you upwards at an angle and wraps his arm around your thighs as he starts pounding in to you with fervor. His other hand continues playing with your breasts. Groping them, slapping them.
“Fuck,” he says as you dig your nails into his arms now that your hands are finally free. 
You watch, enraptured by the sight of him above you. His abs contracting with each movement. His hair disheveled, some of his bangs sticking to his forehead. His skin glistening with a thin layer of sweat. You’ve never seen him look better.
“You wanna come?” He asks.
“Please,” you beg, nodding your head.
“Who do you belong to?” He growls, slapping a hand to your breast and squeezing it.
“You,” you reply without hesitation, flinching at the pain.
“What does that make you?”
“Yours,” you breathe, as you continue to hold yourself back from release.
“Say it again,” he pinches your nipple between his fingers.
“I’m yours,” you whimper, wrapping your hand around the opposite side of his neck from your legs. “I’m yours, Chan.”
“Good,” he says, eyes on yours as he smirks and fucks you. “Come for me, y/n.”
Your back arches as your toes curl. You use all the strength in you to pull him down to you, stealing a kiss as your orgasm courses through you. He doesn’t resist. He doesn’t get upset. You’ve quite literally never been so bent as you are in this position, but you don’t care. Having him kiss you wildly as you come around his cock is absolutely worth it. 
As you’re still coming down from your wave of euphoria, he sits up and pulls your legs apart. He grips one thigh in each hand and continues thrusting into you. You’re moaning—it feels so goddamn good, you could cry. 
He throws his head back, grunting and tightening his grip on your thighs as he finishes. 
His movements start to slow, his breathing turning into soft pants. He lets go of your thighs and lowers himself to you again. He brushes your damp hair back from your face as he looks you deeply in the eyes.
“That was lesson three,” he winks. 
An unexpected laugh falls from your lips and he chuckles, pressing his forehead against yours for a moment. You feel like your heart could soar right now. A genuine laugh shared. 
“Grab on to me,” he says. 
You wrap your arms around his neck and lock your legs around his waist again. He scoots you down on the bed then picks you up, carrying you into the bathroom. You bury your face in his neck, smiling—sex drunk. Happy. Delirious. 
He holds on to your waist as he turns on the shower, keeping you in his arms while the water heats up. There’s no light on in the bathroom, but his shower head flickers from blue, to green, then settles on red. His hands tangle in your hair again, gently tugging on it to pull your head up from his neck. His eyes search yours for a moment and you have no idea what they’re trying to convey. He pushes your head towards him and kisses you slowly. The kiss is tame and unassuming—it’s not leading up to anything further. It’s just two people temporarily caught in the haze of their connection.
He takes you into the shower with him and leans you against the wall as he continues kissing you, letting the water drip between you. You don’t know how long this high will last, he could go right back to being an asshole in the next minute, so you want to enjoy this version of him as long as you can.
[ read chapter six here ]
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a/n: share your thoughts <3
tag list: @iflmho /@skzstaykatsy / @blackhairandbangs / @ayoitschannie / @idunnomanmynamewastaken / @charmer-c / @ihatemen55 / @channiesprincess / @channniesslefttt / @jiwoos-babygirl / @kayleefriedchicken / @krayzieestay
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brokenpieces-72 · 1 month
Kyle came to pick you up. By now the two of you were buddies, with him treating you like a younger sibling. There are plenty of memes exchanged between the two of you, and you’ve tagged along with him on more than one occasion. He knows a lot about cars, and you’ve helped him work on a couple vehicles. Turns out he works at a small mechanic shop. Never overcharges people, or pulls fake expenses. Has a tendency to undercharge but sometimes gets something of equal value.
You get in the passenger seat and putting your bag in the backseat. You notice a few small things in the back. Kyle starts driving and you stretch in the seat.
“Seat belt.” He says and you put it on.
“Peach wine?” You ask. Kyle gives a half smile keeping his eyes on the road.
“She insisted on giving a whole case.” Kyle says. One of his customers was an older lady who made wine on the side. She couldn’t always cover the costs of her old run down vehicle getting repaired so Kyle settled for a bottle of her wine to cover the rest. “Gonna let Price try some and serve it at the pub.”
“Speaking of drinks, do the guys like ice tea with popping boba?” You ask.
“Don’t think so.”
“Woo!” You cheer. More for you! You sit back in your seat, watching out the window. The drive is a longer one than necessary. After some time, you notice a few landmarks out of place. You suspect someone is following you two, and Kyle is trying to get them to leave you both alone.
“Had a visitor.” You say, wanting to fill the quiet drive. “Milena Romanova.”
“The hell did she want?” Kyle says, checking his mirrors.
“Gave me an invitation to a gathering. Offered to show some of my work at open houses. Graves was there too but he got there before Milena.”
“He broke in?” Kyle asks. Graves sounded like a toxic ex.
“No, he has my spare key. He was there before I got there, I talked to Milena and then found out he was around.” You exclaim. It’s quiet in the car for a bit. The purring engine fills the silence as he mutters something checking behind him.
“I told him about the raid.” You say. If anyone would take it calmly, it was Kyle. The car feels even quieter, though. Telling Graves hadn’t been decided yet. Kyle is fidgeting a little with the wheel, staring forward. “I’m sor-“
“Don’t say sorry to me.” He says, and you can hear more in his voice. You've heard a similar tone when someone brought the wrong tires after they were late for their tire change. There’s a pause as he straightens in the seat and speeds up a little, making it through a yellow light before making a turn and then another. There’s a pause while you check the side mirror to see if anyone is still following. After a few minutes, you don’t recognize any of the vehicles that were behind you before the light.
“Price has issues with the police since Graves and what happened with Makarov. If he can avoid them he does, but right now, we need all the help we can get, and if Graves can give us the legal system we should be taking it.” Kyle says. He has a look of determination in his eyes. One you haven’t seen in him much, except for when you’d seen him go out with Price for “work” or defend someone in a fight. He glances at you while waiting at a red light.
“Graves tell you what to do?” He asks. You nod. Kyle nods as if he already knows the instructions himself. There’s another pause waiting for the light to turn green. He looks at you directly.
“Did you actually record the conversation?” Kyle asks.
“Yep.” You say smiling. “I don’t think she’s seen the work I did of her.”
Kyle is laughing as he steps on the gas, the light green now. “You should go to that gathering just to see the look on her face.”
“She’ll likely simmer down by then. Not sure if I want to go if Makarov is there.”
“He’s supposed to be there?” Kyle asks.
“Probably. I mean Milena came to my apartment and when she saw me, she tried to make the excuse that my unit was up for sale. I assume Makarov gave her my address. She even stood there waiting for me. Could've put it in my mailbox or slid it under the door. Clearly, they want me to know they can find me.”
“You don’t want to see him?” Kyle inquires, though the answer is fairly obvious. He doesn't blame you.
“I... I don't think I'm ready to face him yet. Not alone, with a crowd of people." You answer.
Kyle pulls into a parking spot not far from the safe house apartment. He carries the wine, while you haul your bag. You both walk in and find Laswell chatting with Price. You haven’t seen Laswell since meeting John Price for the first time. After putting your bag in your bedroom you come back out and make some tea. Kyle has the small crate on the kitchen counter and is getting a couple of glasses for Price and Laswell to try. You take your seat at the bar and notice a similar envelope to your own invitation.
“You got invited?” You wonder aloud. Laswell looks at you and then where you’re looking.
“You got one?” She asks. You hold it up and John’s expression changes with the lift of an eyebrow. Laswell’s eyes go to her laptop, where you see some stuff but you’re not sure what exactly it is. You don’t want to inquire either.
Kyle hands both Price and Laswell a glass of the wine. You look at Kyle and then look between the two others while they try the wine. Do you tell them about Graves? Kyle folds his arms, looks at the floor, and then back at you. He gives you a slight shrug as an answer. You can, but that “you can” is gonna be loaded.
“Graves told me to leave an anonymous tip about the raid.” You blurt out. Kyle looks away while Price and Laswell look at you. The two of them are old enough to be your parents but damn do they feel like it this moment. You look between trying to figure out whose face to settle on. You pick Laswell but she just shakes her head and returns to her laptop. Thanks, Laswell, now you’re stuck facing the giant bear that is Price. You look at him and his face says something but you don't know what it is. It’s like reading a book highlighted with a black sharpie.
“I can call him off, tell him not to.” You say, wanting to back out of the whole thing.
“Tell who?” Johnny asks coming out of the hall. When did he get here?
“Tell Graves not to be at the raid.” You blurt out again. Johnny was reaching for the fridge until he stopped and gave you the same expression as John. Seriously how did they do that? That is impressively coordinated. You try looking to Kyle, hoping he'll weigh in. Nope. Kyle is not even making eye contact with you just looking at the ground. There is tension and you hate it.
“I’ll tell him not to.” You say breaking eye contact with them and staring down at the counter top.
“Send the tip.” John says, biting back some annoyance. “At the very least Graves can keep the damage down and focus on Makarov’s men.”
You didn’t realize you were holding breath until Price finished talking. Johnny goes back to the fridge, letting the tension die out.
“This is home made?” Price asks Kyle who finally looks up from the floor as if he were never trying to hide from the conversation.
“Yeah.” Kyle says. You eye Soap while the two continue talking and he’s distracted. You both know the risks that could come, and the differing amount of trust you both have in Graves. Time would tell.
“If you’re going to that gathering, you probably shouldn’t go in ripped jeans and a hoodie.” Laswell comments the next day. She’d come back to the hideout fairly early. Thinking about it, you can’t recall her leaving, since you went to bed early. You woke up, got dressed and came out to find her remaking the pot of coffee.
“Not sure I want to go.” You reply checking to see what in the fridge was still edible. You find some left over chicken, but the stray could have that after feeding her kits. You find a protein bar, and settle, sitting up on the counter.
“Because of Makarov?” She asks. You shrug, but she’s right. You never met the man face to face but if he was enough to make everyone treat him like the plague you were hardly eager to shake his hand.
“Makarov is a smart man, he won’t do anything to you when you’re there.” She says.
“You don’t know that.” You counter, rubbing your arm. Laswell notices you tugging on your sleeve. She lets the coffee brew while standing in front of you. Laswell holds out her hand and you already know what she wants. You offer your wrist and pull the sleeve back showing the fairly nasty bruise. It is healing but hasn’t by much.
Kate looks up at you while you’re focused on the bruise. You’d been in gun fights before. Someone grabbing your wrist and squeezing until you bruised was an experience you had no interest in repeating. At least not like that. Nolan had found you again and grabbed at you. He tried dragging you to a car but your quick thinking to bite his wrist got him off. It left you with the taste of his blood in your mouth and an impression on your skin. You’d kept it to yourself though.
“What happened?” Kate asks. Her voice is calm, likely not the first time this has happened. She isn't demanding an answer. You tell her and she listens. No scolding or shaming you for not saying anything or not doing something more. You almost wish she would because at times you feel like a kid in this group. You expect her to say you did your best and it’s not your fault. Kate doesn’t though. Instead, she tugs the sleeve back down.
“Good work. You may not be able to get him arrested but he won’t forget the bite anytime soon.” She says. You smile, feeling a little proud of yourself.
“If you can do this, then I think you can handle Makarov. Especially since I’ll be there as with officer Alex.” Kate says.
“You think I should go?” You ask.
“You don’t have to, but if you want… it would give you a chance to see some very humorous reactions to your work,” Kate says taking a sip of newly poured coffee.
Taglist: @yourlovely-moon @kaoyamamegami @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @sans-chara @1mommyrose4ever29 @smitten-haematite-quartz @tai-the-gemini @yuki2129 @whitetiger846 @graystorm444 @chibiduck @reaperxxxxzz @danielle143 @sobbingnshtting @cringeycookies @cryingpages @dcnocap207 @reaper-chan666
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heartgold · 7 months
sometimes I think about how these monologues from Sayo and Natsuhi from eps 2 and 5 respectively directly parallel each other and feel ill
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it's not just clueing the reader through association into realizing that Sayo is the baby in question, but also speaking a lot about their characters and their connection
Natsuhi committed murder because she couldn't cope with feeling humiliated by being given a baby to adopt, a denial of her worth as a woman in a family like the Ushiromiyas where bearing an heir is her role. passing her pain forwards, she kills an innocent servant and (fails to kill, but severely mutilates) a baby. this action changes the world itself as it starts a snowball towards the family's destruction. Natsuhi is tormented by guilt over her actions and tries to convince herself she is innocent so she can live on. she foists her sin onto the vague concept of a witch and demons that haunt Rokkenjima, trying to believe her own actions aren't to blame, the servant got lured into walking off the cliff through supernatural means. Natsuhi doesn't know about it but that's one of the foundations of magic in Umineko: constructing a fantasy narrative to paint over a harsh reality to make it easier to cope with. Natsuhi is shown to do this by picturing scenarios where Kinzo acknowledges her worth so that she can stand strong whenever the cruel reality of her circumstances tries to bring her down. she is also shown to feel a vague connection towards the concept of the witch of Rokkenjima, a bird that was trapped in a cage just like herself (by Kinzo, nonetheless). ep5 even points out that Natsuhi has a lot of latent magical potential and the makings of a witch
so, Natsuhi coped with that fateful day by removing it from her mind, she tried to completely shut away the memory and the guilt and the feelings that drove her to commit murder. she could distance herself from her own actions. but what about the victim on the other end, the baby who survived a murder attempt?
Sayo's monologue at the prologue of ep2 is fascinating because it stands for a lot of things at once and it gets continuously recontextualized through the story. initially it's shown as Shannon fulfilling her pact with Beatrice by smashing a sacred mirror in order to be granted success in love with George, but that's an obfuscated narration of what is actually happening. later it's revealed that Sayo tested Rokkenjima's old explosives by blowing up that crag with the shrine and torii, this being the point of no return for her in her resolution to actually carry out the family's massacre and ascertaining that she had all the means to accomplish that, putting that plan into motion. this is one of the meanings of her "old fate being smashed"
the other meanings that surface with full context of Sayo's circumstances are that of the day she was almost killed and the day she learned the truth and her entire world crumbled. obviously she can't literally remember the former, but the snowball of effects that that day brought upon her was something inescapable even before the truth came to light. her entire life was set on a completely different path thanks to it! the marks of it were literally inscribed upon her body! that's why when Natsuhi thinks about that day, she wants to forget, to shut the memory away, to convince herself she is blameless. a dead person is the perfect victim. Natsuhi can forget about everything with enough time. but Sayo survived and cannot forget or evade the effects of what Natsuhi did to her. the lies she was told about herself were short lived and she was already under severe distress before the bomb of truth finally detonated all her hopes and dreams for the future and ultimately set her on the path of exploding herself along with the entire family. the dynamic where one can move on after coping with guilt while the other has to deal with the material consequences of everything forever says a lot. Natsuhi is the Ushiromiyas' victim in many ways, but Sayo was even beneath her as the ultimate vessel of all the pain and trauma cycling through the family. Natsuhi was powerless before the Ushiromiyas but had power over the servants. she even got away with murdering one! still, while Sayo bore anger and resentment upon learning the truth, she wasn't motivated by revenge like ep5 makes it out to be. more than anything, she pities Natsuhi's circumstances and understands her pain better than anyone and grieves the possibility of a world where she could have been accepted and loved by her from the start. but that's not Her world. Sayo has many very complicated feelings towards Natsuhi and intentionally makes her suffer in her tales but also writes heartfelt parallels between Natsuhi and Beatrice. they are intrinsically connected right down to Natsuhi's predisposition to dealing with the fate of being a caged bird with magic. ep1 culminates with them facing each other in a duel, Sayo's trademark symbolic depiction of settling internal conflict. they are one and the same in many ways. even the framing of the monologue scene as "smashing the shrine's mirror to release Beatrice" is interesting considering that beyond Sayo's entire relationship with mirrors, Natsuhi owns a sacred mirror as a memento of her birth family (that she was forcefully torn away from) and this is brought up multiple times. it's a small but neat connection that feels meaningful
it makes me heartbroken to think about how both of them had the experience of having their lives and agency torn away from their hands and having to cope with the aftermath on their own. at the peak of her pain, Natsuhi smashes Sayo's fate. at the peak of her pain, Sayo smashes her own fate along with everyone else's. umineko is a cacophony of mirrors shattering mirrors like a trail of dominoes
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strayheartless · 5 months
Anti-Hero: an ASGZC angst ficlet:
**A/N: I’m back at torturing Cloud again! This time by poking at his negative self talk and intrusive thoughts! If that’s triggering maybe give this one a miss! Also ⚠️trigger warning ⚠️ for panic attacks and Cloud having some issues with food (no ED but he’s depressed and struggling appetite loss), also I have highlighted a perceived possible power imbalance, but I want to make it clear that ASGZ take their power relation to Cloud seriously and rank does NOT get brought into the relationship.**
“It’s me, hi. I’m the problem it’s me. At tea time everybody agrees. I’ll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror. It must be so exhausting always rooting for the Anti-Hero.” -Taylor swift, Anti-Hero
Cloud stirs his spoon through the soup Angeal has very kindly spent all afternoon cooking. It’s good, great even, it’s just a shame Clouds appetite abandoned him at the beginning of the week. He’d make up for it once he’s got his head on straight he promises himself, but right now he really can’t face eating all that much.
As he looks up through the hair curtaining his face he see’s his ridiculously beautiful boyfriends chat easily back and forth, swapping anecdotes about work or missions they’ve been on. Cloud has nothing to add. His job is seriously lacking in interesting anecdotes compared to actual first class SOLDIERS. If he opened his mouth to speak he knew he’d only be met with polite smiles and internal cringing on his own part.
He was nothing compared to these literal gods among men. Sometimes it was enough to make him feel like a mako monster sat at a dinner party. You could put lipstick on a wererat but that didn’t change the fact it was a rabid animal.
He looked back down again, trying desperately to convince himself to at least swallow a spoonful. Anything to let Angeal know the food was appreciated. Next to him, Zack laughed easily and slid an arm across the back of clouds chair; his own soup demolished.
“There’s no way you let them get away with anything less than Latrine duty!” He pressed, and Cloud realised he had no idea what the conversation was about… he’d zoned out too hard.
“Oh I had them on worse than that!” Genesis replied, and Zack lifted his hand off of the chair back to scratch at Clouds nape. “I’ve court martialed men for less.”
“You’ve set men aflame for less” Sephiroth pointed out.
The hand in Clouds hair felt like too much. The conversation was grating at him for no reason. For one horrifying second Cloud felt a yell well up in his throat before he stamped it down viciously and tried to wrestle his expression into something attentive.
He moved forward just a touch making Zack’s hand fall lazily between his shoulder blades, in a move that seemed like he was simply leaning into his own bowl. Zack at least, didn’t seem to notice or catch the discomfort in his face. Instead he mildly watched Cloud shove his spoon into his mouth and force himself to swallow.
The soup tried to force its way back up in protest but Cloud swallowed hard against the feeling. He would not make himself look like more of a fool than he already was.
How could he think he belonged here? How could he think he could possibly date these men who had achieved more in one year then Cloud was capable of in a lifetime. How could he simply sit here and play at being anything more than what he was… a lesser being.
Cloud wanted to push himself away from the table and run. Just throw open the door and go find a nice cave to hole up in. Maybe in twenty years time he could re-emerge and pretend he’d never tried to be more than he was.
His hands started shaking, the spoon falling from his grasp and making a loud clattering sound against the rim of the plate.
He was having a panic attack.
“Cloud?” Angeal was looking at him with his beautiful mako ringed eyes. Cloud could hear his own breath trying to break his chest cavity open. He grasped at the neck of his t’shirt frantically trying to claw it away from his throat. It felt like he was being choked.
Every eye in the room was on him. Genesis had placed his wine glass on the table; Sephiroth’s hand on his arm, having apparently silently pulled his attention to Clouds pathetic display. Zack was leaned forward and rubbing at Clouds back.
“Stop!” Cloud cried out. “Stop! Stop touching me I- I can’t,” he panted and Zack pulled his and away fast, giving a placating apology.
“Darling,” Genesis spoke soft but firm. “You need to breath,”
Oh, Cloud wanted to throw something at him. He wanted to spit in Gen’s face and rage that he didn’t have the perfect control that they did. Instead he pressed the heel of his hand into his breast bone and leaned heavily against the table top. The feeling in his chest was getting worse, the elastic band on his lungs tightening.
Angeal, slipped deftly off of his chair and knelt to the side of Clouds own, taking the hand that was curled, white knuckled, against the edge of the table.
“Here,” he murmured, placing Clouds hand against his own chest. “Follow my breathing,”
Angeal took a deep breath in, held it and then let it out slowly. He kept up a steady stream of reassurances as he did so, making sure Cloud knew he was safe and that the attack would pass.
“Good, you’re doing so good Storm Cloud,”
The pet name was something Angeal had picked up from Claudia last time they’d visited Nibelheim, and much to Clouds outward irritation, but inward pleasure, he’d started using it at home too. It had a pretty settling affect on Cloud, as his brain registered the name as something safe. Something innocent.
“That’s it,” the ravenette cooed. “Easy does it, there you go.”
Once the immediate danger of passing out had passed, Cloud tried to pull himself into the smallest ball possible on the uncomfortable dining room chair. He tucked his feet just under his butt and wrapped his arms around his knees, hiding his face between them.
Was he ever not going to embarrass himself in front of them? He guessed not.
“Sunshine, what’s going on?” Zack was touching him again. Just a light touch of his finger tips to Clouds elbow, but it felt more grounding then before.
“Imtoomuchofawasteofspacetobedatingallofyouanditmakesmewanttocraoutofmyskin,” Cloud didn’t lift his head or try to enunciate properly. The exhaustion had made his accent thicken and his brain feel like it was filled with treacle. It was seeping out of his ears.
“I’m sorry, we don’t speak mumble.” Genesis ribbed lightly.
“Gen,” Angeal said warningly.
“Cloud, you need to speak clearly. If we can’t understand we can’t help” Sephiroth said in place of Genesis’ retort.
Cloud looked up a little and whispered “you shouldn’t be dating me.”
“Oh for goddess sake!”
“Genesis!” Angeal warned sharply this time. He turned his attention back to Cloud. “Baby why would you think that?”
Next to him, Zack had made a pained sound and pulled Clouds chair closer to him so he could wrap his arms around the smaller man. It didn’t feel as overwhelming this time, but it also didn’t feel deserved.
Cloud shrugged helplessly. “I just feel like I’m some kind of broken monster dressed up like a real person… I don’t feel like I can match up to what you guys are,”
The sentence hung in the air between them like a loaded gun. They were all aware of how their individual ranks within Shinra effected their relationship with Cloud.
Between the four firsts it wasn’t such an issue. Sure there was a hierarchy to follow while at work but that got left at the door. They were all first class. They all were working at similar levels.
With Cloud it was different. He was Infantry and while he may have been working towards third class with more clear cut success this time, it didn’t change the fact that they were operating at a very different level.
There were things, information, they were all privy to that Cloud was not authorised to know. Conversations that had to be cut short when he entered a room. It was incredibly isolating to be on the outside of that while pretending to be in a fair and equal relationship.
“You surpass us all darling,” Genesis leaned over the table and placed his hand on Clouds.
“I don’t. I’m not even a SOLDIER…”
“And what does that matter? You are strong in other ways. Besides, with all the work we’ve put into you these bast months and then knew research on mako sensitivity you are sure to pass.”
Clouds frown deepened.
“Don’t you feel used? Like I’m just using you to achieve my goals?”
It was Sephiroths turn to roll his eyes impatiently.
“Are you?” He asked
“No! Bu-“ Seph cut him off.
“Cloud getting into SOLDIER is not about how you utilise the resources available to you. It’s about your physical ability. We could put all the effort in the world in you and it wouldn’t matter if you didn’t meet the requirements,” he said, “you are not using us, and we would not let ourselves be used. Zack can tell you himself that his progression into SOLDIER was mostly possible because of Angeal.”
Zack huffed in amusement. “Hate to admit it spikes but he’s right. If Angeal hadn’t taken an interest in me I wouldn’t have gotten far at all.”
“That’s not true,” Cloud narrowed his eyes but Zack just shook his head at him.
“No it is. Before Angeal I was scrawny, hyperactive, undisciplined and really fucking forgetful. Ang used to say I’d forget my head if it wasn’t screwed on.”
Angeal chuckled, “not much has changed really,”
“Aside from all of that nonsense,” Genesis pressed on irritated at being sidecarred. “We have never, and will never see you as less than. You could put in your voluntary withdrawal tomorrow and we’d still love you and want you with us. It’s not your status we love Cloud it’s you.”
Cloud blushed deeply. Love. It’s funny how a four letter word can kamikaze straight into the side of his insecurities and drag them off a cliff.
They loved him. He kept forgetting that.
“I love you too,” he murmured staring deep into Gens eyes. The red head smiled at him adoringly, and Angeal placed a hand on the back of Clouds neck.
“Then stop playing the roll of the anti hero,” he squeezed once, tight enough to send sparks down Clouds spine.
“Okay,” said Cloud “I’ll try.”
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obesericewrites · 7 months
How would the RO react to MC being a Dullahan or Headless horseman/woman (since sometimes there where headless horsewoman) and they find out by accidentally (for S trying to hit their sibling) hitting MC in the face with a rockfilled snowball or by accidentally making MC fall down a flight of stairs by scaring them sending their head flying which they catch.
(The neck is their weakness) in fiction dullahan's sometimes can be made by killing someone mostly by decapitation and bringing them back to life to serve as undead slaves (if they used magic instead of killing the person to turn them into one they won't be undead) for a rogue mage born.
Oh, you should’ve asked this on Halloween! This was such a fun ask ^^
S: To be completely honest, when S threw the snowball solidly at Erica, who was hiding behind you, neither of them expected your head to come off upon impact. A lengthy silence ensues. Everyone in the guild freezes, and a few elders rapidly piece things together. They attempt to calm everyone down. However, S and Erica, they start screaming in horror and shock as your body begins to move, reaching for your head. To your pain, Erica's initial reaction is to kick your head away, while S is frantically trying to figure out what to do.
When the chaos subsides hours later, and you calmly recount what happened and why, S feels less guilty for knocking your head off your shoulders. While most elders aren’t acquainted with your kind, they are familiar with a few traits of headless individuals. Interestingly, many express curiosity and a desire to learn more. It doesn’t take long for you to become popular amongst the guild.
M: Dawn quietly approached you from behind, wearing a mischievous grin as you descended the stairs. Suddenly, she let out a loud roar, slamming her feet, and reveling in your startled scream. M, already aware of their daughter's mischief, stood at the bottom of the stairs, ready to scold her and help you. However, the situation took an unexpected turn as your head flew into their hands.
A prolonged silence ensues. Dawn's expression falls…mirroring your head in an oddly humorous manner. M immediately drops you. It takes a moment for everyone to regain their composure and for you to straighten your head. However, when a calm does arrive, M remains completely calm, even as their daughter freaks out beside them. “Does it always do that? Do you have to wear a bow around it? Oh! Can you turn your head around fully like an owl?!”
B: They thought they had you all figured out. When B throws a solid snowball directly at your face and bursts into laughter, it takes a moment for them to compose themselves. As they sit up and point a finger at you, their cackling abruptly stops. Your head... is on the ground. Their left eye twitches, and they slowly start to scream in horror.
It takes about four attempts for you to calm them down as they urgently try to put your head back in place. Once they do, B demands you explain yourself, and you do…for the next few hours. B reacts dramatically, appearing traumatized when you finish speaking. However, they quickly get over it in the following months. “Don't rush me! I mean, seriously, your head came off! I’m scarred for life.”
“Oh, hush. You’re being a pain.”
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
Hello ^^ for your prompt event, can I request Asmodeus and 21. Surrender?
Hello there!
Okay I haven't had a chance to write for Asmodeus too often and I really wanted to write something fluffy and sweet, so this is what ended up happening. I really love Asmo's character so I'm hoping he's not too OOC here! Either way, I'm glad someone requested him so I had a chance to write him!
Thank you for participating!
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GN!MC x Asmodeus with prompt Surrender
Warnings: none that I can think of
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There was something happening between you and Asmodeus. Everyone was aware of it. You knew this because of the little remarks the brothers sometimes made about the two of you. Their words were filled with implications, but nobody had said anything directly.
As for you, you weren't sure what they were talking about. Asmo flirted with everybody, it was part of who he was. You couldn't deny that he had been clear with you about his own feelings. He often said how much he cared about you. But hadn't all the brothers said as much to you in their own different ways?
You refused to read into all the times Asmo had been there for you. The way he always seemed to know if you needed cheering up or the way he laughed with you when you were having a good day. It was like he was always in sync with your moods. He always knew just what to say and exactly what to do.
Still you were fairly certain that this was just how Asmo was. He always knew what was going on with his brothers, too. So it wasn't like he was focused only on you… right?
Either way, you couldn't deny how he made you feel. Whether he was aware of it or not, you certainly knew just how fast your heart raced any time you made eye contact with him. You noticed the way he smiled when he saw you. Like he was looking at the one thing in the whole world that brought him joy.
Most of the time, you kept these thoughts to yourself, holding them safe in the back of your mind. You let the butterflies flutter through you without responding, let yourself take a calming breath before speaking again. You would worry about this another time, you always thought.
So it was another normal evening in the Devildom and you were sitting in Asmodeus's room. He had said that he wanted to try using some new products on your hair and since you trusted him with such things, you agreed.
He had been doing all kinds of things to your hair while you were watching him in the mirror. You watched the way he carefully touched the strands, made sure to only apply things that he thought would actually work with your hair type, and how he carefully chose the cutest clip to hold chunks of it out of the way.
Your heart swelled at the look of concentration on his face. He suddenly seemed aware of your gaze and met your eyes in the mirror, smiling brightly at your attention.
"What do you think, MC?" he asked. "It's really coming together, isn't it?"
You smiled. "It looks great."
Asmo rested his hands on your shoulders, leaning down to whisper in your ear, "Darling, you didn't even look at it."
You blushed, knowing he was right. "Um…"
Asmo could have taken the chance to say something about how he was so gorgeous you couldn't stop looking at him. That would have been expected. Instead, he said, "You seem a little preoccupied tonight. What's on your mind?"
Once again, he knew exactly what to say. Something about the cozy atmosphere, there in his room, with his hands on your shoulders, and his lips beside your ear, caused the wall you'd been stuffing your feelings behind to break. You knew you had two choices. You could attempt to rebuild it, and fast, or you could surrender.
You twisted around in the chair to face him, looking up earnestly into his eyes. "You. You're on my mind. You always are," you said, the words tumbling out of you.
Asmo's eyes went wide with surprise. He could tell that you weren't flattering him or flirting with him. You were serious. He took your hands, lifting you up out of the chair before putting an arm around your waist. "MC, you're my everything," he said, leaning in to press his forehead to yours. "I hope you know that by now."
"Oh, Asmo," you said, putting your hands on his cheeks and letting out a soft laugh edged with tears. The overwhelming feeling of sweetness that bubbled up inside you at his words caused the first few tears to run down your cheeks.
Asmo gently kissed the few stray tears away before pressing his lips to yours. You could taste the tang of salt water mixed with the light floral flavor of his lip gloss. Your arms tightened around him and he pulled you closer in response. And although you finally gave in to your own feelings, you knew that in the end both of you would surrender to each other that night.
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the original prompt list
masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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stardragongalaxy · 1 year
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Library of Illusions event
Title: Hybrid Experiment 1018
Pairing: Alien hybrid! Yunho x scientist reader
WC: 1751
Au/genre/trope: Alien vs. Predator inspired, Sci-fi, fantasy, slight horror, Forbidden love, non!idol au
Warnings: Enter with Caution!! mentions of escape, a slightly hurt Yunho, Dom Yunho, sub reader, possessiveness, rough, primal, marking, breeding, aftercare, monster fucking, I think that's it! Let me know if I missed anything!
AN: Hello! I am back. I am behind since I've been sick for a whole week.
Do not translate, plagarize, or re-upload my stories. I only post on Tumblr. Thank you.
The idols represented in the works are not the true reflections of the idols themselves.
Taglist: @abiaswreck @kitten4sannie @kpop-stories-21 @kwanisms @yoonguurt @sanjoongie @flowerboykun @anyamaris @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @ateezreactionsandscenarios @thelargefrye @cultofdionysusnet (let me know if you want to be added to the taglist)
Read under banner!!
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Opening your eyes, you adjust to any surroundings seeing mainly darkness, except six books that were open in a half circle not far from you. Lighting up the pages in a variety of colors, orbs floating above each book in different motions being the main sources preventing the darkness to come closer. Turning half way looking back, all you saw was Seonghwa on the other side of the mirror covering you, breathing slowly, but steadily, with a blanket on a sofa still in eyesight. Seonghwa looking back at you through the mirror with direct eye contact. Speaking, though it sounded more in your head then directly "Don't take too long. The keys are important for your answers and try to survive"
You nod with widened eyes, knowing these won't be easy trials from his words alone. Turning back after watching him walk away, examining the colors of the book's light sources. Good thing you memorized the color coded sections when you entered. Walking towards the middle to the right side, you bend down, cupping the gentle moving beautiful blue orb. Remembering its the sci-fi book, you bring it up to examine it closer watching it shimmer and shutter in your hands. It flashes, making the book flash too before you disappear.
Opening your eyes then lowering your hand that shielded them taking in the surroundings. Realizing you were higher up surveying the surroundings, seeing tops of what you could only describe as something closest to the lush amazonian forest, though bioluminescent and vibrant in cool and hot colors sometimes mixing, below on two winding paths as well as behind you. Above was a sun, but blazing in a golden blue, while three moons were in sight. Turning slightly, your foot hit something as you stopped, looking down, spotting a journal. Picking it up, you look around to make sure you weren’t in immediate danger before opening it up. Reading the entries, some writing seemed familiar, but it explained so much and who you were seeking for. Closing it, taking a deep breath, you wondered if the hybrid that was spoken of in the journal was the guardian. Giving little time to really think, you needed to search for him, looking beside you finding a backpack and a lanyard with your i.d. Upon closer expectation, you found that there was a scientist they spoke of as well that took care of the hybrid. Closing your eyes as memories flashed in your mind for a brief moment. Understanding better, you grabbed everything and hoisted it onto your back, adjusting when needed, you looked around, feeling determined to find him. Now which direction… taking the first few steps, you stopped hearing a loud cry of distress and anger from a distance. Widening your eyes, recognizing the cry, you took off in what direction you assumed it came from. You had to find him. You left the ship secretly before traveling, knowing what the other scientists put him through and the dangers that were ahead in the journey, body coursing with anger as you ran.
Seeing a small ship ahead from a glowing river, all hope expanded to see if he was there. You stopped a few feet from the ship. A hole big enough to see the inside. You slowly took steps and gasped seeing Yunho. Biting your lip, assuming the worst, since the only things holding him up were the chains and being on his knees, His armor still intact, tail half way around his body, and his helmet beside him. Seeing marks, bruises possibly, on some of his skin.
"Yunho.." Whispering in a yell, worried if he was alive or startling him with careful steps. A growl made you stop, opening his eyes giving his first signs of movement. Moving slowly to him until you were close enough. Yunho moved his head up after you hugged him. He growled, moving his tail up ready to strike. That is until your scent hit his senses did he calm down, lowering his tail and wrapping it around you loosely in a hug. "You're here.." he muttered in relief, nuzzling into you lovingly. Running your hand through his black locks to sooth him further for a short while, taking the backpack off in the process, deciding best to try to get him up. "Can you stand for me?"
Nodding, he lifted one knee off the floor below with your help. Pushing himself up with you with a deep growl, keeping you close as he did. You grabbed the backpack foraging through it to find anything to get him free, keeping half his weight on you and the other against the wall. This caused a pool of arousal and your cheeks to heat up until you found the keys to set him free. Feeling him stand up behind you growling in urgency "Hurry, it's going to be dark soon"
Looking out, seeing the darkness spreading slowly, turning and getting the chains off to be free. He kissed your head and pulled you into his armored chest gently pulling you further into the ship that still surprisingly still functions watching the lights come on. He looks at you with a growl. "I smell your scent change" Tilting his head looking into your eyes" Will you allow me to be with you in union as a mate?"
Agreeing to this, he helped you undress, seeing how wet you truely were, but knowing something was going to come and time was limited as the sky turned to night from the moons covering the sun. He growled sensing you strongly as his instincts were taking hold. He grabbed his helmet setting it aside along the way to undressing his lower half. Exposing his length that made your mouth water. He growled from your scent picking you up and kissing the side of your neck wanting to take you right then and there. He nipped your skin, moving one arm down to insert a clawed finger into, moving slowly hearing you gasp then moan. He observed your reaction and added another digit stretching you at first. Finding your spot, he abused it careful of his claws, adding a third to stretch you more and making you feel full since his hands were larger than any human with the back of his veiny hand rubbing against your mound moving in speed. You were close and hearing the wet sounds started to make Yunho feral. He knew you were close, wanting to edge you, pulling away hearing you whine and huff in anger "Now I truely mate you"
He locked eyes with you kissing your head then looking out hearing noise as he growled in warning with a snarl causing the sounds outside to stop in their tracks. He looked back entering you without a warning moving back against the wall to keep you safe. Caging you effectively with one hand as the other held you. He bottomed out watching your reactions. Starting to move without you adjusting, his mind flipped fully, being relentlessly primal in his actions making sure you enjoyed this as much. The pleasure fully hitting you from the burning stretch to his movements.
"Open your mouth" Yunho growled by your ear. You obeyed, opening your mouth. What you didn't expect was Yunho kiss was letting you swallow a little of his blood and saliva. Making sure no one else could mate you and that the bloods flow as one. Your body tensed at first, Yunho reacted in worry watching the very blood rushing in your veins giving it a very golden purple look for a few seconds. Relaxing afterwards, you gave the same growl to him, causing him to smirk and go back to his mating ritual.
He watched after a few minutes as you moaned loudly being so close. He bit down into your shoulder causing you to cry out, your orgasm coming in waves. He snarled going up deeper into you as he followed making sure the ritual was completed and seen through.The knot stretching causing you both to be locked. Letting go of your shoulder, his marks healing leaving an imprint. "Mine" Snarling out the word, seeing your belly protruding with his bulging knot. He rubbed softly.
Looking over he swung his tail, hitting metal and letting the hole collapse close. He held onto you keeping you against him, moving to a room in the back that even had a teleporter. You both stayed like that for a while. You worried when he started to shake, throwing his head back, veins bulging with deep guttural cry, releasing, causing you to gasp and moan being filled to the brim and beyond feeling slightly strange. His claws digging into your hips as an anchor.
Shaking your head after a few minutes of recovery, it was a wild ride, but you had to remember your own mission and the keys to get to the final room. "Yunho, do we have a key?"
Listening and feeling the ritual completed, he pulled out, a string following afterwards, closing your legs to keep everything inside. Keeping you like that while he nods to you.
"Yes, but not here. Danger is all around" Listening to the outside hearing the hits and tearing metal all around the ship from the intruders. Picking you up, he headed to the teleporter, seeing one alien breaking through, not staying any longer, he moved quickly with you in his arms, causing you both to leave.
You were back in your outfit from before dusting off. Jumping, you saw Yunho in his place holding a skull. "Didn't mean to startle you" Chuckling at your reaction. "We will take the prizes to Seonghwa so you can continue on your quests"
"How does he know i truly won if he only sees you guys come back?" Questioning his reasons. Yunho smirks, nodding over at the mirror. Turning, you see Seonghwa amused look. "He has to check in somehow" You nodded, looking back to Yunho "Sounds like a plan. I'll get ready for the next trial" Patting your shoulder with one hand "I had fun with the time together. I'll see you soon though" Kissing your head before walking straight ahead and through the mirror handing Seonghwa the prized skull causing you slight confusion.
"That's one down, but stay alert. It's just beginning, " Seonghwa announced, saying nothing further. With a hum and nod. You turn back to the book's seeing five left. Now was the decision of the next story.
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Scaring up Confidence
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Requested by @meme-queen-lucy
Looking in the mirror, you give a smirk to yourself. Over the weekend you had found the cutest outfit, one that accentuates your curves. You had already felt good about yourself when later that day you found the perfect pair of shoes to go with it!
“I wonder what my crush will think of it…” you muse, getting ready to head out the door. Your crush, Billy Loomis lived in your head rent free. While other girls drooled over the jocks and the nerds, you had your heart set on him.
He has friends, but always seemed to you to be a bit of a loner sometimes. It’s odd, despite being with a bubbly popular group, he always seems to be the odd one out. And despite being with the popular kids, he was always extremely warm and kind to you.
It was just one of the many reason you’d come to be so smitten. So now you’ve gathered all your courage and put pen to paper to tell him so. Your handwriting wasn’t as neat as you’d like it due to your heart feeling like it was going to beat out of your chest. Once finished, you let out a heavy sigh. Is this really the right way to go about it? His friends could find it before he does and ridicule you. You know he’d stand up for you, but the embarrassment…Fuck it, you think. No better time than the present.
His locker was easiest to discern as he had covered his in punk and horror movie stickers. You could feel yourself begin to shake once again as you approach. Knowing your nerves would only be getting worse, you force your feet to move and with a quick glance side to side in case anyone was watching, you slid the note through a slit in the top of his locker door. Stumbling, you proceed to run away from the locker with blundering steps as you reach the bathroom. Filling the sink with cold water, you dunk your face in it immediately.
You couldn’t give less of a shit who was to find you, calming down was your first and only priority. All there was to do now was wait. Thoughts begin swirling in your head, a cloudy storm beginning to form.
Days begin to pass, and no response through phone, face to face or note. You begin to think that maybe that daring confession may have scared him off. You hadn’t been anything but friendly and kind to him, no reason to suspect that you harbored a deep crush.
It’s a few days later that the response finally comes, and to your surprise it’s in the middle of lunch. A sudden chill comes down your back, and you realize it was an ice cube slid down the back of your shirt. With a gasp and a sputter, you turn to see who did this and find it’s Billy grinning like a cheeky bastard. “Hey! What was that for?” You pout, poking his chest. “Thought I might give a scare to the person who scared me.” Your face drops and you stare directly at his feet. “No, no, no! Not like that!” Billy spits. Gripping your hand with a solemn face, he drags you out of the lunchroom where nobody can see.
“I didn’t mean to frighten you, but the note you left in my locker scared me a bit. A lot of people don’t like me and my friends, so at first I thought it might have been someone threatening to beat me up.” With a deep sigh, and a tightened grip on your hand, Billy continues to speak. “But I couldn’t be happier with what the note actually said. I’ve done my best to be kind to you so that you aren’t afraid of me. And…I guess in doing that, I harbored a crush on you, and hoped you would do the same.”
Without a second to speak, you tackle Billy in a hug. He likes you back, and wants to be with you! You can feel him tenderly placing his hands on your love handles, and you can feel his heartbeat. Holding back tears, you remove yourself from the hug, and look up at him, beaming. “So, would you potentially want to go on a date with me? You inquire. “Of course! We can hang out after school, maybe get a bite to eat? I want you to meet my friends, too!” Flashing that sweet smile you spent so many days dreaming of, you can feel your heart beat faster.
Wanting to make him smile even more, you try and think of other date ideas to offer that he’ll like. “We could also go see a movie together some time, I like a lot of the same stuff you do so you wouldn’t need to tone it down for me or change your picks for my sake!” Sure enough, he does grin at that and raise an eyebrow. “Alright, I may take you up on that.
So tell me then… what’s your favorite scary movie?”
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14thcommander · 1 year
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𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙪𝙣 𝙘𝙖𝙢𝙚 𝙪𝙥, 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖𝙩 𝙢𝙚 || ⬧︎ dabi x reader, hawks x reader ⬧︎
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cw: inspired by out of the woods - taylor swift, toxic relationship, canon dabi, mentions of injuries, implied stockholm syndrome, implied major characters death, depression and hoplessness.
a/n: i've had this idea a long time ago, but finally got around to finishing it, and it'll possibly become a series. also, shout out to @somelattes for giving me the idea for the last line
Dabi’s love is intense – push and pull, all bite and no bark. He loves you at his ugliest, and you still won’t leave. 
“Are they gone yet?”
Your voice is barely above a whisper, dripping with fear as you tremble by your lover’s side. Dabi is quick to hush you, his index finger against his lips motioning for you to be quiet. 
A few more moments pass – could be a few minutes or a few years, you can never properly feel the passage of time during moments like this. There are sirens going off around you, screams and loud thuds. Everything feels suffocating and you just want to crawl out of your skin, your body no longer feeling like home. 
The dark haired man waits for the last remaining heroes to cross the road, walking towards the end of the street – where there’s a building on fire and, necessarily, people needing help. His scarred fingers interlace with yours, and you cling to his cold touch. Squeezing your hand three times, you understand his sign. 
And so you do – you can’t tell for how long. You run until your legs feel like they’re melting beneath you, like your toes are about to break inside of your worn out shoes. The backpack you’re carrying thumps against your back, and whatever that’s inside it hurts your bones. The cold air barely enters your lungs and there’s adrenaline pumping through your every vein. 
Moments like this – running away, fighting for your life, you name it – usually end up in the same way: thoughts about your former life blooming on your mind. The memories come in waves, in broken pieces, like a kaleidoscope of someone else’s life. 
You used to be a hero. Your life was filled with saving, and sacrificing. The dark contrast makes you want to puke your guts out, although you find some remains of control deep in your brain.
You used to be someone. 
There was something about Dabi that always drew you in – you still can’t picture what specifically put you under his spell. Everything before him feels like a blur. 
His smirk, always taunting and teasing – the way he whispered your name at night, broken vocal cords calling for you as if you were his from the get go. The larger Dabi’s presence became in your life, the deeper you sank into the unknown, until you looked in the mirror and you couldn’t recognize yourself. 
The thing is, Dabi gave you the right amount of attention at the worst time possible. Your success rate at missions was one of the highest ones at Endeavor’s agency, however all it took was one single mission to blow everything up.
It doesn’t matter: the sun is setting, and the sky is being washed in a dark purple color. It’s getting late, which makes your moves even more dangerous. The both of you walk down a dirt road, one you haven’t seen before. There’s a building on the horizon, a large one. Maybe a warehouse?
Again, it doesn’t matter. 
“Are we in the clear yet?” Your voice is small, broken, barely above a whisper. Speaking to him like this, so directly and informally, feels incorrect – forbidden, even. 
He nods, after a few moments, yet he doesn’t dare to look at you. His head is pointed straight ahead, as always. Dabi has a ton of goals, yet you’re still not one of them. 
He almost laughs at your pathetic attempts to fill the silence. Dabi wants to scream at you sometimes, cry that he doesn’t care. Because he doesn’t. He’s better than this, better than you. Dabi has plans that your mind couldn’t even begin to comprehend.
And your stupid presence is getting in the way of all of them.
Despite his lifestyle, things with dabi felt… simpler than the life you had before. 
Society put you on a pedestal, long before you graduated from UA. Flashy cameras and headlines about Japan’s new favorite hero – or toy – for the month. They treated you larger than life, higher than God. Was it too much power? 
There was a mistake at a particular mission: a life you didn’t save. You weren’t able to, weren’t quick or strong enough. And the worst of it, they caught it on tape. One mistake – a huge one – was able to knock you off the pedestal, the same pedestal they built for you. 
Once one of Japan’s mightiest heroes, and now you could be considered an official enemy of the state. If only they knew what happened to the missing hero…
“I think they're gone.” His raspy words break you from the internal war happening in your brain. “Pass me the bag.”
It isn’t a question. It isn’t a favor that he’s asking for. 
And you silently obey.
He opens it, finally revealing what’s inside. You’re not happy with such information, but he’s past the point of caring – or, perhaps, he never did to begin with. 
“Explosives?” Your voice echoes through the empty warehouse – your hiding spot for the moment – and Dabi doesn’t budge. His blue orbs seem colder than before, like a frozen ocean you made the mistake to drown in. 
He doesn’t answer your question, either: ignores your words completely. 
“Dabi…” The way you say his name leaves him hanging, on edge. For a moment, it feels like you’re going to say something more – perhaps scream at him, punch him in the chest. He’s prepared for either scenario.
Your following words caught him off guard, though. 
“Where are we sleeping tonight?”
He frowns, dark eyebrows knitting together. It seems like he didn’t think of it, as if he assumed you wouldn’t get this far. Dabi thinks, considers your options carefully.
“I might have an idea.”
You’re laying side by side, shoulder to shoulder in a thick blanket he managed to steal before you skipped town together. You managed to escape, although it seemed like your luck was growing thinner and thinner. 
Before going to bed, you fixed his injuries, cleaning him up and stitching his skin back together. There were a few tears, here and there. You weeped with him, for no particular reason, in between kisses.
Dabi’s kisses were always bittersweet. 
When he’s sleeping next to you, he almost looks human. Average, like a normal person. His dark hair falls just above his eyes, effortlessly stylish. His scars barely appear in the dark, faint in the moonlight. 
He looks so regular, not like a hero or a villain. If you squint hard enough, he looks soft.
At peace. 
Your brain burns in the back of your skull, as you replay your big — or, perhaps, the first – mistake you made, over and over again. You wonder if you got there quick enough, if you could save them, maybe you could have saved yourself
You were already aware of Dabi’s existence long before you actually met him. 
In order to save whatever career or mental health you still had after The Incident, you switched the types of missions you would once go on. The stealth ones seemed to be the only option left – if there even was one. 
The League of Villains were becoming bolder, more dangerous and powerful than before – a real threat to society. It’s funny, and you almost laugh to yourself when you attempt to remember the day it happened, the day Dabi decided he would keep you. You can remember the color of your clothes, even that you washed your hair the day before – yet you can’t remember how you ended up with him, laying together. 
“You cold?” He mutters, speaking to you for the first time since you woke up, snapping you out of your own storm of memories. It seemed like the silent treatment was coming to an end. 
Dabi takes his jacket off – not his regular trench coat, but a plain black jacket. Perhaps his villain costume wasn’t stealth enough for a disguise. He hands the clothing item to you, and you take it gladly. A small thanks comes out of your mouth before he turns his back to you again.
“Time to go,” He says, with a wicked look in his eyes. “we have a long day ahead of us.”
Looking at it now, you think, it was all doomed from the start.
After a week of running from town to town and staying in hiding, something happens. Something that was written in the stars, bound to happen from the very beginning. 
You went out of your current safe space of hiding – an abandoned motel – to find food, something for the both of you to eat. With a dead rabbit in hand, you stop in your tracks.
A bright red feather makes your heart drop to your stomach, as you stare at it, lost in the dead-end road you were currently walking down. Your legs freeze in place, but somehow it feels like your muscles are melting onto the ground. Deep down, you’re well aware of what this means. 
You finally ran out of luck.
The sunlight is cruel against your skin and eyes, however not as cruel as the scene before you. 
Blue, unforgiving flames start to swallow the building. You’ve seen such a scene many times before, but not this close. Not this personal. You can no longer obey your body, as it remains frozen in space and time. Decades could’ve passed, and you still wouldn’t budge. 
Midfight, Dabi noticed you: his cruel eyes seemed to widen in horror, as if he never saw you before. The wind was soft against your hair, but cold against your skin – his jacket was still wrapped around you. 
“Run!” He cried, a kind of voice you haven’t heard from him ever. “Run, get the fuck away from here.”
It was fear, his voice was shaky – something you haven’t witnessed before. At least, not like this. 
You were still frozen. You still couldn’t move. Yet, this time, tears escaped from your eyes like a waterfall. You felt like a child, lost at the mall and waiting for the return of their mother. 
“God, you’re so stupid! Listen to what I say, for once. Fucking leave.”
Your heart listens to him, even though you didn’t want to.
Hawks finds you a few miles away.
There’s shouting, and a few sirens in the back. Paramedics, you think. A few people flocker around you, taking your blood pressure while simultaneously directing a flashlight against your eyes – it all feels too much. “Stable”, one of the paramedics says. “Careful, another one adds, looks like they could go into shock.”
The red winged hero rides the ambulance with you, holding your scarred hand into his larger one.
“Listen,” He starts, wasting no time to wait for you to get better, giving you no chance of even processing the first stage of grief. “I know what happened, and you’re not the first one. You don’t have to punish yourself for it.”
“Hawks, you have no idea what you’re talking about.”
They took him, they took Dabi.
“I do. Happened to that girl, the one who came before me.”
You’re silent, not knowing what to say. Technically speaking, you should be considered a criminal now. An enemy of the state. There should be good money as a reward for you – dead or alive –, yet Hawks is still treating you as a normal person. Someone worthy of empathy, even. 
“You’re gonna get better.” He continues, not acknowledging the tears in your eyes. “And in case you remember how your old life used to be like, in case you wanna get back to that… I’m here for you. I’m sure if we play the right cards, the media and the people will forget it. The commission will forgive you, y’know. You’re still their golden hero.”
You smile sadly, thinking about his blue eyes.
“I remember”
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fullstcp · 16 days
"Midnights" by Taylor Swift Sentence Starters
"Meet me at midnight."
"You don't ever say too much."
"You don't really read into my melancholia."
"I been under scrutiny."
"I'm damned if I do give a damn what people say."
"They're bringing up my history, but you weren't even listening."
"I just need this love spiral."
"How'd we end up on the floor, anyway?"
"I see you every day now."
"And I chose you."
"How the hell did we lose sight of us again?"
"Sobbing with your head in your hands, ain't that the way shit always ends?"
"I feel you, no matter what."
"I wake with your memory over me."
"That's a real fucking legacy to leave."
"I have this thing where I get older, but just never wiser."
"I should not be left to my own devices."
"I wake up screaming from dreaming."
"One day, I'll watch as you're leaving."
"I'm the problem, it's me."
"I'll stare directly at the sun, but never in the mirror."
"It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero."
"Life is emotionally abusive."
"Time can't stop me quite like you did."
"I'm unglued, thanks to you."
"You wanting me tonight feels impossible."
"This scene feels like what I once saw on a screen."
"I've never seen someone lit from within."
"My smile is like I won a contest, and to hide that would be so dishonest."
"It's fine to fake it 'til you make it 'til you do, 'til it's true."
"I can't speak, afraid to jinx it."
"I don't even dare to wish it."
"Can this be a real thing? Can it?"
"Are we falling like snow at the beach?"
"I play it cool with the best of them."
"I touch my phone as if it's your face."
"There's just one who could make me stay all my days."
"I waited ages to see you there."
"I gave my blood, sweat, and tears for this."
"There were pages turned with the bridges burned."
"Everything you lose is a step you take."
"You've got no reason to be afraid."
"I guess sometimes we all get just what we wanted."
"I guess sometimes we all get some kind of haunted."
"I just may like some explanations."
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Did you wish you'd put up more of a fight?"
"It was one drink after another."
"Does it feel like everything's just like second best after that meteor strike?"
"You did some bad things, but I'm the worst of them."
"Sometimes I wonder which one'll be your last lie."
"They say looks can kill and I might try."
"I don't start shit, but I can tell you how it ends."
"Picture me thick as thieves with your ex-wife."
"I think I've been a little too kind."
"I can still make the whole place shimmer."
"Familiarity breeds contempt."
"Don't put me in the basement when I want the penthouse of your heart."
"I think it's time to teach some lessons."
"And I miss you, but I miss sparkling."
"You can try to change my mind, but you might have to wait in line."
"It only hurts this much right now."
"Breathe in, breathe through, breathe deep, breathe out."
"I'll be getting over you my whole life."
"Uh-oh, I'm falling in love."
"Oh no, I'm falling in love again."
"I thought the plane was going down, how'd you turn it right around?"
"It only feels this raw right now."
"You would break your back to make me break a smile."
"You know how much I hate that everybody just expects me to bounce back, just like that."
"You're talking shit for the hell of it."
"I keep my side of the street clean. You wouldn't know what I mean."
"Karma's a relaxing thought. Aren't you envious that for you it's not?"
"They say the end is coming."
"Everyone's up to something."
"I find myself running home to your sweet nothings."
"To you, I can admit that I'm just too soft for all of it."
"What if I told you none of it was accidental?"
"I laid the groundwork, and then, just like clockwork the dominoes cascaded in a line."
"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail."
"Strategy sets the scene for the tale."
"No one wanted to play with me as a little kid."
"I've been scheming like a criminal ever since."
"This is the first time I've felt the need to confess."
"I'm only cryptic and Machiavellian because I care."
"Flashes of the battle come back to me in a blur."
"Diesel is desire, you were playing with fire."
"It turned into something bigger."
"Somewhere in the haze, got a sense I'd been betrayed."
"That was the night I nearly lost you."
"I really thought I'd lost you."
"There's no morning glory, it was war, it wasn't fair."
"I will always be yours."
"I vow I will always be yours."
"Every single thing I touch becomes sick with sadness."
"You were bigger than the whole sky."
"You were more than just a short time."
"It's all over, it's not meant to be."
"Your ex-friend's sister met someone at a club and he kissed her."
"Did you see the photos?"
"I'm so in love that I might stop breathing."
"Romance is not dead if you keep it just yours."
"I wanna brainwash you into loving me forever."
"I didn't know you were keeping count."
"You said I was freeloading."
"I bent the truth too far tonight."
"Your picket fence is sharp as knives."
"You know there's many different ways that you can kill the one you love."
"We were supposed to be just friends."
"I think there's been a glitch."
"I was supposed to sweat you out."
"I thought we had no chance."
"If you would've blinked, then I would've looked away at the first glance."
"The God's honest truth is that the pain was heaven."
"Memories feel like weapons."
"You made me feel important and then you tried to erase us."
"You're a crisis of my faith."
"I miss who I used to be."
"I regret you all the time."
"I fight with you in my sleep."
"If clarity's in death, then why won't this die?"
"If it feels like a trap, you're already in one.
"Get out your map. Pick somewhere and just run."
"If you don't recognize yourself, that means you did it right."
"Never take advice from someone who's falling apart."
"You don't have to answer just cause they asked you."
"The greatest of luxuries is your secrets."
"When you aim at the devil, make sure you don't miss."
"I prefer hiding in plain sight."
"You wouldn't take my word for it if you knew who was talking."
"No one sees when you lose when you're playing solitaire."
"You should find another guiding light."
"I washed my hands of us at the club."
"You made a mess of me."
"They say that if it's right, you know."
"Oh, my, love is a lie."
"Moving on was always easy for me to do."
"My sadness is contagious."
"You were the one that I loved."
"I don't need another metaphor, it's simple enough."
"This is why they shouldn't kill off the main guy."
"You once believed in me."
"We thought a cure would come through in time, now, I fear it won't."
"Do I throw out everything we built or keep it?"
"My heart won't start anymore for you."
"How can you say that you love someone you can't tell is dying?"
"My face was gray, but you wouldn't admit that we were sick."
"I know my pain is such an imposition."
"You don't know what you got until it's gone."
"How long could we be a sad song?"
"I gave you all my best me's, my endless empathy. And all I did was bleed as I tried to be the bravest soldier."
"I'm the best thing at this party."
"I wouldn't marry me either."
"Do something, babe, say something."
"Lose something, babe, risk something."
"I got nothing to believe, unless you're choosing me."
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spacemancharisma · 8 months
Hey you said feel free to ask hygiene questions. How often should you be doing stuff? Like showering, washing hair, washing bedding? Washing re-wearable clothing like jeans or jackets or bras that I think you can wear multiple times without needing to wash?
Idk other esp hygiene or cleaning activities that you need to do sometimes.
Like they tell you brush your teeth twice a day but not how often you need to wash other things.
yeah this is a really good question! I’m putting it under the cut since it got p long lol
so showering is ideally every day, but that can be difficult for some people, so as close to that as you can manage is good. if you have days that it’s too much, wiping down with a rag or a baby wipe is good. be sure to thoroughly clean your genitals/butthole every night before bed, just for your health. on baby wipe days, i get that whole zone really clean, and also my armpits, feet, and anywhere my skin folds over bc sweat tends to trap there. wash your face well at least once a day (I do it in the shower) and if you’re up to it, give it a good scrub with just water at the other end of the day. there’s no hygiene gain or loss from shaving any part of your body, so do that as much or little as is your preference. I put on deodorant at least twice a day (when I wake up & after I shower), or whenever I’m feeling sweaty/stinky.
washing your hair really depends on its length and texture and I can only speak to white person hair care, but as far as that goes- I have thick, curly hair, and I wash it every 2-3 days. people with greasier hair tend to wash it more often. like with most things, a good test is to wash whenever it starts to have a smell, or more frequently than that lol. comb your hair out when you wash it to keep it from getting matted. people with straight hair brush it dry, too, but that isn’t something I do personally.
clothes go by the smell principle too, mostly. shirts can get two or three wears unless they’re sweaty/stained/stinky. pants made of a thick material can usually last a week, though some people stretch their jeans out even more if they’re good material. again- if it starts to have a smell, put it in the laundry. bras are also good for a week or so at a time as long as they’re not stinky. jackets and stuff go by the same principle, and they last a long time usually, since they don’t touch your skin directly. underwear should be changed at least once a day and not reworn, same with socks.
washcloths should only be used once, but bath towels can get two or three uses. hand towels should be switched/washed about once a week.
people tell you to change/wash your bedsheets once a week but I don’t know anyone who does that lmao. changing your sheets every two weeks or so is usually good; you might want to do so more frequently though if you’re sick or eating in bed or having a lot of sex or something hfbggjg
like you said, brushing your teeth is standard once in the morning and once at night. if you want to do a bonus one halfway through the day, that’s probably good for you, but most people don’t. brush your tongue when you brush your teeth- it only takes a couple seconds and it does a lot apparently. get a new toothbrush at least every 6 months, if not more often.
body chores: clip your finger/toenails as often as works best for you. I can’t stand having long nails so I trim them once a week, but that would obvs be different if you like long nails. floss as often as you can, but don’t feel bad if you’re not consistent- very few people are. put lotion on your body if your skin gets dry- I recommend aveeno, it’s not greasy and it works really well. if you have sex toys, clean them before and after every use (it’s a pain but you do Not want to fuck with any kind of germs down there).
household chores: clean toilet- once a week. clean bathroom sinks/tub: once a month (clean mirrors while you’re at it). empty trash cans- once a week. clean kitchen counters- every time you cook. clean stovetop- once a week. dust- once a month but this one’s kinda optional lmao. laundry- before you run out of clean clothes/towels. dishes- before you run out of clean dishes. floors- my family vacuumed/swept once a week growing up but as an adult I just kinda follow my heart here lol. change pet litter- at least once a week.
health: you’re supposed to see your GP once a year for a regular health check, and that’s good to get blood work done to make sure your hormones and such are all balanced, but it’s okay if you don’t keep a super strict schedule with that. dentists you really should see once every 6 months, or at least once a year. if you have a uterus, get a pap smear done every 5 years. get checked for STIs with each new partner, or once a year. keep track of your period if you have one so you know if there are irregularities; change tampons/pads as needed, you know best, but remember to never sleep with a tampon in. give yourself a breast self-exam at least once every few months, if applicable. drink water consistently throughout the day, listen to your body and eat when you’re hungry, try to have at least one fruit or vegetable a day (doesn’t have to be whole/raw, just get those nutrients where you can). the average number of times in a day to pee is apparently 6-7, but I’d say anywhere from 5-10 is normal, idk I’m not a pee expert. either way, stay aware of your body and it’s needs and don’t hold your pee if you have literally any other options- your kidneys are important and that hurts them. you should poop 1-2 times a day, not accounting for any health conditions that might change that. do your best to get 8-9 hours of sleep a night, and get your body in motion for at least 30 minutes a day- this could be a gentle walk or even doing household chores, the important thing is to keep your muscles and joints flexible. do some basic stretches once a day.
and some closing remarks- I’m really proud of you for reaching out to ask, cause I know it can be really hard to talk about this stuff. there’s absolutely no shame in ignorance, and similarly, there is no shame in being dirty/smelly. as humans, we tend to keep ourselves and our surroundings clean because it’s better for our health and our sensory experience, and it makes us more pleasant for others to be around, but it’s important to remember that none of this is a moral imperative. I grew up in a house that made it seem like you were a bad person if you were dirty or you smelled like BO, and that’s not a healthy or accurate approach to things. keeping proper hygiene when you can is important, but because it makes your life more pleasant to live, not because it’s a sin or a slight to do otherwise. just do your best to take care of yourself, and you’re doing great 💜
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