#soon wolfstar cause y not
weirdraccoon · 11 months
Tom: My Defense Professor is a werewolf.
MC: Don't be rude. Only because he's hairy doesn't mean that-
Ominis: He's telling the truth.
MC: Oh. Well, good to see wizardkind is finally letting go of petty discrimination.
Tom: Aren't you worried he could kill me?
Ominis: Tom, I know what your mom and you get up to while "bonding". I'm more worried about Professor Lupin's well being if I'm honest.
MC *narrowing her eyes*: You're awfully quiet, Sebastian.
Sebastian: Pffft. I'm not. And if I were, it's not because I already knew.
Tom: So the Unspeakables are working on his potion.
Sebastian: I don't know what you're talking about. And if I knew, it wouldn't be because I'm not-working with this Potion Master to not-create that certain potion.
MC: Are you talking about Wolfsbane?
Sebastian: How can you possibly know that?
Ominis: She followed you to work last week. I'm dissapointed in the Mynistry's security, but not surprised.
Sebastian: Oh! So that's why there were more missing things than usual. Could I have my wallet back?
MC *tosses empty wallet*: It was like that when I found it *leaves*
Tom *smirking*: Did she find it in your pocket by chance?
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thebestofoneshots · 9 months
Gilded Constellations | wolfstar x reader
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Series Masterlist | Previous episode (backstory)
Pairing: Wolfstar x Reader Word Count: 7.7 K Warnings: none Prompt: Of the unopened letters and your first day at Hogwarts. This IS a wolfstar x reader fic, but it's incredibly slow burn. They won't start all dating each other until we're very deep into the story, but I promise the long wait will be worth it.
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Rainy days and Mondays
July 10th, 1974
Dear Sirius, 
My mom gave me your address. She feels really bad about the whole situation, but that does not justify her actions. She and Dad were awful by keeping their mouths shut, awful, and I’m terribly sorry about it. If only they’d said something, maybe then they would’ve changed the outcome of the situation. 
I tried asking her to write a letter to your parents, with the truth behind the trip, you know, that it was MY IDEA, but she refused to do it. I’m sorry I can’t do anything to help you avoid the wrath of your parents. Our families are a bunch of cowards. 
Thanks for the necklace, It’s beautiful. I put it on when I got home, it’s got a strange weight to it, but I like it, it reminds me of you. I’m writing a copy of the instructions of you know what on a letter and I’ll send it to you once we’re back in school. I’m really upset our trip was cut short. It would’ve been nice to stay in the moment a bit longer. Anyway, I really wish you’re well. Hope to hear from you soon. 
July 15th, 1974
Dear Sirius, 
I hope my letter finds you alright. I’m writing again since perhaps my last letter got lost in flight, my owl Reese can be very clumsy sometimes.
 I just wanted to apologize for everything that happened. I’m sorry for having the idea to go to Xplore (not for what happened inside the park, but yes what happened after), I’m sorry your parents found out, and I’m sorry we trusted Regulus to have our backs. I’m sorry my parents were cowards and didn’t back me up when I said the truth. And I’m really sorry for whatever your parents do to you. 
It was really fun spending our break together. I get the chances of it ever happening again are zero, but it’s nice thinking we got to meet. 
Also, I wanted to thank you for the necklace. I've been wearing it every day since I returned home, I really enjoy having it around my neck, it reminds me of our adventure. 
Hope to hear back from you soon, 
July 25th, 1974
Dear Sirius Black, 
I’d like to be able to assume my letter was lost in the mail again, but since the lack of response from the previous two, I can only imagine you have decided to ignore my letters. 
Which, to be honest, I don’t understand. YOU were the one that decided to take the blame for yourself. If you HAD backed me up, and told your parents it had been me, then you wouldn’t have gotten in so much trouble. 
Last night I received a letter from Regulus, I did not care to read it and threw it straight to the fire. I do not want to hear his apologies, mom told me it was him that spilled the soup. Traitor, like you’d call Slytherins in the past. I guess once a snake, always a snake.  
I don’t want to sound like I’m begging, but please talk to me, if anything just tell me you’re alright. I just want to know you’re ok. 
August 3rd, 1974
This is the last letter I write. I’m sorry for bothering you with my insistence, I will not write any more letters. I’m sorry we met, and I’m sorry I caused you so much pain that you decided to completely cut me out of your life, or whatever, I don’t even know what happened. 
I really thought we could stay friends, even after everything that happened. But I guess we can’t always get what we hope for. Either way, a promise is a promise, and I will send you the instructions for you know what once we’re back in school. I don’t want your parents to accidentally find them by opening your mail. 
I really hope you’re alright. 
Goodbye Sirius, 
After writing that letter you cried like a baby and considered burning it instead of sending it several times. But you knew writing more letters was useless –and that it would be worse if you went on without any closure– still waiting for an answer from him that you would never receive. So you tied the letter to Reese and sent him off. Once the school year started, and after you made a copy for yourself, you bent the old piece of parchment and put it inside an envelope alongside a note. 
August 14th, 1974
Sirius Black  Dear James Potter,
This is something I promised to give Sirius. He is currently very angry at me and will ignore all my attempts to contact him. But this contains something that will be very useful for him, I know he really wanted it. So I appeal to you instead, his best friend, to knock some sense into him. 
Please receive this letter and give him the parchment. He’ll recognize it. If you must, lie to him, tell him you found it in a restricted area of the school library or whatever (Hogwarts has one of those too, right?). 
Yours truly,
Someone who disappointed your best friend. -and was disappointed by him too.
You closed the envelope, waving your wand with a small spell to make sure it was properly sealed and wrote in thick black ink:
TO: James Potter
Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry
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2 years later
September 1976
You walked to Kings Cross with your cart in between your hands. Your dad had left you just outside the station. The idea of moving to a new country had been fascinating in theory, but once you arrived there, alone and with no one to talk to, you’d felt incredibly lonely. 
Your mom told you about your dad getting the position in the British ministry on your last day of school, you didn’t even have enough time to say goodbye to all of your friends before going back home to find all your stuff had already been neatly packed in boxes. 
Just two days after that you were in London, lonely as ever. You spend your entire break exploring the muggle part of the city. The muggle museums were pretty interesting, but you felt alone non the less. You kept in touch with your friends through owl mail but it wasn’t the same as being able to actually hang out with someone. 
In the middle of the summer break, your mom took you to Diagon Alley, and nothing made you feel more isolated than Hogwarts students hugging their peers as they saw each other for the first time in a while. The only thing that somewhat cheered you up was the stunning Dark Nimbus your dad had bought as an apology for making the move so sudden. They did care about you, a lot, they just had different priorities than yours.
As you walked through the large corridors of the station you spotted a couple of younger kids walking beside their mother, while carrying trunks similar to your own, one of them had a huge cage with an owl in it, which was a dead giveaway that they were actually wizards, even in their attempts at a muggle outfits.  
You discreetly followed behind them and saw them walk in right through a wall in between platforms nine and ten. You imitated them shortly after and found yourself in a very wizarding-looking space. A huge scarlet train with the words “Hogwarts Express” painted gold on its side pumped smoke through its chimney. As you stared at it, someone bumped against you from behind and pushed you forward a bit. 
“I’m sorry,” He said, turning towards you apologetically “I didn’t see you there.” 
You looked at the boy, he was tall and lean and had a fair share of scars all over his body. Made you think of a pirate from those spicy romance novels your mom had on her bookshelves.
“No problem,” You answered honestly. 
He then gave you a strange look, he was wondering whether he’d seen you before and was about to ask you about it when a girl called for him from the far distance “Remus! We’ve got to go, we gotta care for the first years!”. 
“Coming!” He shouted back at her and turned to look at you one last time before giving you an apologetic smile and leaving. 
You stared at him for a minute, Remus, the girl said. The name was oddly familiar but you couldn’t pinpoint why. Perhaps it was the name of a book character you read a while ago or something. 
Then you continued to push your bags to the baggage administration system, keeping with you only a small trunk with your uniform. 
As you walked inside the train you realised most of the carts were full, and sighted when you realised how awkward it would be to invade some already-made friend group by showing up uninvited, even if the curiosity of meeting the new kid was in your favour. 
You decided to open one of the doors where you’d seen kids that looked about your age walk in earlier but regretted it the moment the door was fully opened. 
Most of them had given you scornful looks. Especially an unhinged-looking boy, but that wasn’t even the worst part. Right there, in the middle of all of them was Regulus Black. The traitor, Regulus Black. 
He stood up the moment he saw you, letting some candy fall from his lap as he stared at you in disbelief. “What are you…? How–“ 
You took a deep breath and decided the world had been a better place when you didn’t even remember his existence. So you simply closed the door and left to find a different place. 
As you continued walking through the train you saw many groups of people hanging out in the different sections of it. Laughing students that talked to their friends, a small little brunette girl, who must have been a first year since she was crying about missing his parents while another girl, that looked just like her but older, comforted her. There was no one else in their cart so you gently knocked on the door. 
The two girls turned towards you and the smallest quickly wiped the tears from her face. “I’m sorry to disturb you,” you said as you closed the door behind you “I’m trying to disappear before someone I really don’t want to see finds me.” You sat down in front of them “I cried too when my parents first put me on a carriage to school.”
“I wasn’t crying,” the little girl said defensively. 
“A carriage?” Asked the older girl, clearly curious now that she started paying attention to you “You weren’t at Hogwarts,” she said as she took your appearance in.
You denied with your head “I’m a transfer student, this will be my first year here,” you said and then turned to the smaller girl “like yours.”
“Does that mean she doesn’t have a house?” The smallest girl asked as she looked up at her sister “But she’s old.”
“Old?” You asked, diverted.
The little girl covered her mouth “I didn’t mean…”
“It’s all right, I was just teasing. But I’m not that old either. Only 16.”
“Oh, like Marlene,” she said pointing at her sister “maybe your guys will end up taking classes together.”
“Year 6?” Marlene asked you.
You nodded and held your hand towards her “ (Y/N)(Y/LN).”
“Marlene McKinnon,” she said while shaking your hands, she was strong and had slightly rough palms, which indicated she flew a lot “And this rude little girl is my baby sis, Margo.”
“Nice to meet you.” You said with a smile.
“I’m not rude,” mumbled Margo as she crossed her arms and started munching on some candy Marlene had handed over to her. 
“You fly a lot?” You asked, when she looked puzzled you showed her your palms “I felt the broom marks when we shook hands, I have them too.”
She smiled and nodded, “I’m on my house’s quidditch team, I’m the best beater they have,” she said with a smile and then whispered, “Just don’t let the other guy know.”
At that, the two of you laughed, at that moment you figured perhaps life at Hogwarts wouldn’t be so bad, as long as you got to meet more people like Marlene. You talked about quidditch for most of the trip back, she told you about the new broom her parents had bought her last year and you told her about your new Dark Nimbus, which she made you promise you’ll let her take a ride on. Margo seemed rather bored with your conversation and grabbed a book from her backpack, something about care for magical creatures. 
Once the train was close to the destination a tall brunette boy knocked on your doors “Are you (Y/N)(Y/LN)?” You nodded to answer and he smiled “Great! My name is Alexander Wood, Head Boy in Hufflepuff, I was asked by Professor McGonagall to escort you to Dumbledore’s office as soon as the train arrived.”
“Oh, all right,” you said as you stood up and grabbed your small trunk, “Hope to see you around,” you said to Marlene with a quick wave before following behind Alexander. 
“You can call me Alex,” he said as he continued walking towards the doors “Professor McGonagall said it was immensely important you arrived before everyone else, apparently they want to get you sorted before the feast,” he explained. 
“Sorted?” You asked confused.
“Into your Hogwarts house,” he explained “There’s four of them, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor-“
“-and Slytherin.” You concluded. 
“Yes! Exactly!” he said without noticing the bitter tone which you had used to say the latter “you’ve done your research.”
“More like I met someone once,” you said as you continued to follow him. “There’s a sorting cap, right?”
“Sorting hat,” he corrected. “Don’t dare call him a cap, or he’ll be offended.”
“The hat?! He’s sentient…”
“Very much so,” he said with a nod “and very touchy too.”
“How do you know in which house he’ll sort you?”
“You don’t,” he said as the two of you stood next to the doors “Sometimes you get sorted the same way as your parents, kind of like a family line sort of thing, other times, like in my case, your family gets sorted into all different kinds of houses, my mom’s a Gryffindor, dad’s a Ravenclaw and my sister was a Slytherin. But then again, your parents didn’t attend Hogwarts, did they?”
You responded by shaking your head “Mom studied in Ilvermorny, Dad in Beauxbatons.”
He nodded, and then the train came to a halt, you grabbed the railing to stop yourself from crashing against him and then the door opened swiftly right in front of you. He quickly got down and motioned for you to follow. On the train, everyone else was starting to grab their things to prepare to get off. You followed behind him towards a couple of carriages without any horses. 
You got in and then started to move towards the castle at a relatively fast pace. "Do you normally take new students to the director's office?" You asked Alex.
He shook his head "We don’t get many new students unless they’re first years, and their sorting is public."
"Why won’t mine be?" You asked, genuinely curious. 
"Haven’t a clue," he said honestly and pulled a transparent bag from his robe "You want some?" He asked as he offered the bag to you.
"Are those Fizzing Whizbees?" You asked as you grabbed one of them, he nodded "They’re my favourites!"
"Mine too!" He said with a smile before popping one into his mouth. 
Soon enough the two of you were already entering the huge castle. As you looked around he drove you towards the famous moving staircases. You had heard of them in some of your history classes, but you never expected you’d see them in person, they were as magnificent as the books described. 
"Come on, they won’t wait for you to stop admiring them before they change," he said motioning for you to follow, "you’ll have plenty of time to look at them later on." 
You nodded and followed right behind him. Soon enough you were just outside of an office, a giant golden eagle stood there. A very elegant-looking lady in a green gown walked from the hall towards you "Thank you very much, Alex, for bringing (Y/N) here, I’ll take it from here, you should go to the banquet, help the first years that get sorted into your house." Alex nodded and left, then the lady turned towards you "My name is Minerva McGonagall," you said, you were surprised, up until then you had thought the professor McGonagall they kept referring to was a man. "Follow me please."
You nodded and followed her, as she stood right in front of the eagle it started twirling and unveiling a set of stairs. The two of you walked up the staircase and you found yourselves in front of a large office, filled with magical gadgets, and astronomy tools. An old wizard with a very large white beard stood in the centre "This must be (Y/N)," he said. 
"Nice to meet you, sir," you said to the old man. 
He smiled kindly "My name is Albus Dumbledore, you may call me Professor Dumbledore, I am the director of Hogwarts." You nodded in response "We brought you here to sort you, after talking about it we decided it would be a lot easier to sort you here instead of the banquet hall, we thought you could perhaps feel uncomfortable being the only 16-year-old student being sorted along the first years."
"Thank you, Professor Dumbledore," you responded. 
"And we also wanted you to have enough time to get your uniforms ready before walking to your classes tomorrow." Then he motioned for you to sit on a chair in the middle of the room. Professor McGonagall picked a hat from a pillow and placed it over your head.
"Interesting…" you heard the hat speak, in a rather low tone. Your breath hitched "You’re old to be sorted… it won’t be easy to decide where you’ll fit in best."
"It’s… speaking to me…" you said as you looked at McGonagall. 
"It does that often, just let him ramble."
You took a deep breath and continued to listen "ambitious, clever, brave." He said "Many qualities from many houses in one person…" 
"Ambitious no…" you whispered back "Not cunning, not a traitor."
"You’ve got preferences," He responded to your words "You don’t want to be a Slytherin."
"I’m no snake." You responded. 
"Slytherin are not all traitors, besides, other houses can harbour them too."
"I… I don’t want to see him every day." You admitted, thinking of Regulus. 
"There might be things you don’t know about him… or the other boy."
"I just–" you started.
"–Gryffindor!" The hat roared before you even had time to elaborate. 
Professor McGonagall smiled as Dumbledore told her "She’s one of yours."
She walked towards you, took the hat off your head and set it on the pillow again "I had a good feeling about you," she said with a smile. 
"Nimbletwist," called the old man, soon enough a house elf appeared, "Please take (Y/N)’s robes to the laundry elves, that way they’ll have her house colours before her classes in the morning." The house elf nodded. 
"Please follow us," said McGonagall as they guided you out of the office and towards the great hall. In the middle of the way, the same boy you’d seen on the platform walked towards her. 
"I was told you were looking for me or Lily, she stayed with the first years, and sent me here."
She nodded "This is (Y/N), she’s new, the hat just sorted her in Gryffindor, and she’s in your year. I was hoping you could introduce her to your classmates and keep her out of trouble until the end of the day." The last remark seemed to be directed towards him specifically. 
Remus, as you remembered, just gave her a flashy smile and nodded "I’m always out of trouble." He responded before turning towards you and offering his hand "Remus Lupin, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you." You shook his hand and smiled back. McGonagall and Dumbledore were gone in an instant, and you were left alone with yet a new Hogwarts student. 
"I saw you at the station."
"You ran into me at the station," you corrected teasingly. 
"You’re right," he said with an apologetic smile "I wasn’t looking where I was going."
"It’s ok, I can tell you’ve got very many responsibilities around here."
"I’m a prefect, that’s why I’ve been so busy today," He explained and changed the subject "I didn’t see you on the train."
"I stayed in a cart most of the way there, met a girl called Marlene, she’s lovely."
"You met Marlene?" He asked, surprised. "She’s also in Gryffindor."
“Our year too, right?” He nodded in response. “Where are we going?” You asked as you walked alongside him. 
“Great hall, I just need to meet with some of my friends first.” You nodded and followed him all the way to a hallway, two boys waited there for him. 
“Moony!” Said the tallest of the two as soon as he saw Remus, he was wearing a pair of round spectacles and had relatively long messy hair “Took you long enough.”
“And you brought company,” said the blond boy, he’d been the first one of the two to notice you. 
“Yeah, guys this is (Y/N), she just transferred here, McGonagall asked me to take her to the great hall and introduce her to everyone.”
You waved awkwardly from behind Remus and the shorter boy walked towards you “Peter Pettigrew, nice to meet you.”
“(Y/N) (Y/LN),” you responded with a smile as he shook your hand. 
“Hold up,” said Remus turning towards you “Your last name’s (Y/LN)? Same (Y/N) (Y/LN) Pads couldn’t shut up about on 5th year?” 
Pads? You wondered in your head as the only boy who hadn’t introduced himself spoke “She fits the description,” he said as he looked at you with curiosity “Hair, eyes, complexion, has to be her.”
“Do you by chance speak Spanish and French too?” Peter asked. 
Still slightly confused, you nodded. “It is her! Pas will go crazy when we tell him,” said Remus with a smile. 
“Right, I was forgetting,” said the boy with messy hair “I’m James Potter, nice to meet you,” he said with a flashy smile as he offered his hand for you to shake. 
You took his hand, and that’s when it downed you. These boys, they were all Sirius’ friends. “It’s nice to finally meet you, James,” you told him with a smile.
“Finally?” He asked, confused. 
You quickly remembered the letter you sent him hadn’t been signed with your name and decided perhaps it would be better to leave things as they were “Ah… Sirius told me a lot about you.”
“He’ll be thrilled when he sees you,” said Peter excitedly, to that you wondered which kind of thrilled? “That may not be today tho, if he’s in position.”
You shrugged “In position?”
James smiled mischievously and handed you a small umbrella “Can you take care of this for me? Until we see each other again?”
You grabbed the umbrella and nodded. He winked at you and turned to Remus who spoke to them “So, everything’s ready right?”
“Yes, Pads’ll do the heavy magic, we just need to make sure the lasting jinxes are not countered too fast,” responded James. 
“Off to your prefect duties then,” Said Peter almost shoo-ing Remus “You have to be in position, too.”
Remus nodded and turned around to walk to the other side, turning back to you shortly “Come on,” he motioned for you to follow “I gotta introduce you to some more people,” he said with a smile.
When you arrived at the great hall it was almost already full of people. You saw Regulus staring at you from a table with kids all wearing green, he looked like he wanted to approach you but when Remus guided you to the Gryffindor table he sat back down “Hey everyone!” He said with a smile “This is (Y/N), she’s new.”
Marlene smiled and waved towards you “Here, sit with us.” She said as she and the red hair girl that had called Remus at the station both opened some space for you. 
“Mind taking care of her while I focus on some other prefect duties?” He said looking at the redhead. 
“Of course,” she said with a smile and turned towards you “Lily Evans,” she then pointed at a girl, “You’ve met Marlene, yeah?” She asked to which you nodded, “this is Mary,” she said pointing at a girl with the most beautiful curls you’d seen in your life. “That over there is Tom”, she said pointing at a boy with brown hair “And that’s Beth,” she said pointing at another redhead. She continued naming other students and then she started talking to you about the teachers, who all sat on a table right in front of the four tables with students that wore different coloured robes. 
“Do we always sit colour coded?” You asked as you stared at the other tables.
“Oh… yeah, we sit at our house’s table at meal times.”
“So houses don’t really mix?” 
“On classes we do.”
“But never on meal times?” She shook her head “So you only make friends in your house.”
“Not at all, I used to have a Slytherin friend, but sometimes the values of the people in their houses can become stronger than their original self.”
“I’m sorry,” you said when you noticed that the falling out had clearly hurt her. 
“Don’t be,” she said with a smile, slightly forced. “But you can make friends with other houses, it’s just a bit harder to get close to them.” She explained and then her face lit up with an idea, “You know, Remus and I, we started a study group last year, you could join us if you wanted to, that way you could meet more people.”
“That’d be lovely, thank you Lily,” you told her with a smile. 
By then the sorting ceremony had ended and Dumbledore stood up from his seat in the centre of the teacher’s table. 
“Hogwarts has always been a place of wonder, where magic comes alive and friendships are forged. Whether you are starting your magical journey,” he said glancing towards the first years “or returning to continue your studies, this is a place where dreams are nurtured and knowledge is expanded. We know we’re living in dark ages, the magical community is filled with hate and discrimination at the moment, but the school will not tolerate any instances of said hate or discrimination to be brought inside these walls. We are all witches and wizards, our precedence does not change that fact. We must remember the core values that make Hogwarts shine. Respect, compassion, and loyalty shall be the guiding principles that shape our interactions. We are a community, a single organism, and we must understand that an organism at war with itself is doomed.”
“Embrace the thrill of discovering new spells, uncovering ancient mysteries, and weaving your own story in the tapestry of magic, but remember to be kind, and loving towards your fellow classmates.” He paused and clapped his hands with a smile “May your time at Hogwarts be filled with magical moments, lifelong friendships, and unforgettable experiences. I have no doubt that each and every one of you holds within you great potential, waiting to be unlocked. Welcome to Hogwarts!”
At that moment plates started appearing right in the middle of all the tables and students started to indulge in them. It was truly a feast. “Is Muggle-born prejudice as bad in the UK as the media claims?” You asked Lily who cringed slightly. 
“Worse,” responded Mary instead “Some pure-blood kids’ parents are death eaters,” she explained “They follow in their parents' steps and spread hate among the school. Last year a muggle-born boy was tortured so badly he ended up in St. Mungo’s, they never discovered who had done it.” She explained. 
“We always make sure to walk in groups,” Marlene explained “That way no one's ever completely alone, you don’t want to become a target of their hate.”
“But she’s a (Y/LN)? Your family’s pure blood right?” Asked Beth from the other side “I read about the history of Pure Blood wizards for a project last year,” she explained when everyone gave her a look.
“Uhh.. yeah.” You said with an awkward smile, remembering how your parents had made such an effort to hide your non-wizarding great-grandmother origins from all the records. 
“Still, she’s new, we’re better off if we stick to each other.”
You nodded “You girls know best,” you said with a smile and looked around, you wondered what would happen when you eventually saw Sirius. Would he even want to speak to you? He ignored your letters so I’d seem he wouldn’t, and you had gotten over him, or you hope you had, it’d been over two years. 
By then you looked around. Wondering where Remus and the boys he’d introduced you to had gone too, maybe they were going to skip dinner together or something. And then you felt it, a small drop of water falling on top of your right hand as you were taking a bite of mashed potatoes. 
You stared at it for a second before looking up and feeling another one fall right on your cheek. On the ceiling, the clouds were quickly turning grey, and more droplets of rain started to fall. Eventually, you heard the rumbling of some far-away thunder and saw some of the clouds shine with lighting. In the span of a minute, rain started pouring. Some students got under the tables, others walked in panic towards the doors of the hall. 
You took out the umbrella James had given you and opened it, covering yourself and Lily under it. 
“Why do you have an umbrella?” She asked you,  suspicion evident on her face.
“I… came from Wales, before taking the Hogwarts Express,” you lied “You know how it’s always pouring there.”
She nodded and huddled closer to you, and the two of you both stood in front of the table as you saw the rest of the chaos ensue. Some teachers were trying to use a spell to avoid getting wet but it did not seem to be working. McGonagall was desperately trying to stop the rain while Dumbledore stood there with somewhat of a diverted smile. He stood up and with a wave of his wand said “Finite Incantatem.” The rain stopped, you pulled the umbrella down and shook it to get rid of the small droplets still coating it, but only minutes later it started pouring again, even stronger this time. 
Dumbledore seemed puzzled, but that satisfied smile wasn’t gone, almost as if he was proud of the elaborate spell his students had created. 
Lily looked around suspiciously “I knew they were up to something. That’s why James didn’t even try to sit with me on the train!”
“James Potter?” You asked.
“You’ve met him?” She asked, puzzled.
“Remus introduced me to him and Peter before bringing me here,” you explained.
“Did they look suspicious?” She asked.
“I… wouldn’t know.” You responded. While you were pretty sure it had been them who caused the ruckus you were going through at the moment, you didn’t know how close Lily was to them, and you didn’t want to give her more reasons to think it had been them, which she already did. Who knows? She could’ve been the kinda person who would tell a teacher. And you certainly did not need to add any more reasons for Sirius to intensify his animosity towards you any further. 
“Witches and Wizards, this marks the end of our feast, please retire to your dorms,” Dumbledore’s voice boomed through the hall when he placed his wand on his throat to amplify it. 
Seraphina Nightshade, who Lily had identified as the head of Hufflepuff, walked towards her table "Alex, find the other prefects and take the first years to their dorms."
Alex nodded and went off to tell the rest. "I have to go find the first years,” Lily told you urgently. You nodded and walked alongside her. 
Out of nowhere, Remus caught up with the two of you "Hey again," he said with that dashing smile of his. Lily gave him a look and continued calling the first years. Once outside of the great hall, you closed the umbrella, bending it back to its small state while Lily and Remus made sure all the first years were ready. The Gryffindor head boy, Teddy Hawthorn, had given the prefects the new password to enter their house common room and sent them all but Remus and Lily, who would take the first years, to find the rest of the Gryffindors. Lily was at the front, guiding everyone while Remus and you stayed at the back, making sure none of the new kids were left behind. 
"I get it this isn’t what normal dinners look like?" You said, motioning to the chaos all around you. 
He laughed, "Let’s say it’s a bit of a special one."
As the entire group approached the grand staircases, you spotted Marlene and Mary, who walked along a couple of stairs above you. They were soaked, like most people around you, leaving the stairs very wet behind them. 
"Mind your step," Lily told everyone from the top of her stairs "The stairs are quite slippery, we don’t want anyone to trip."
Just as she said that a small girl that walked just in front of you tripped, her ring falling back a couple of steps. Remus quickly held her up, but the moment she realised her ring was gone she panicked. "It’s a family heirloom!” She said distressed. 
"It’s ok, I’ll get it," you told her as you walked back to find it. 
"(Y/N) wait!” You heard Remus warn but it was too late, the stairs were already moving. Remus jumped before the gap between the stairs was too big but by the time Lily saw what was happening it was too late. It would be impossible for you and Remus to catch up with them unless the stairs aligned themselves again. 
"It’s ok," Remus shouted at Lily, who stood a couple of metres away "We’ll catch up with you in the tower.”
She nodded and motioned for the children to follow her, but the little girl was still distressed looking towards you. You finally found the ring between a crevice and showed it to her. She seemed relieved, you then made a small spell and the ring started levitating, sooner than later it was swiftly landing on her palm. 
"Thank you," she said before running behind Lily and the rest of the first years. 
"That was really nice,” Remus said as he saw the little girl go "and reckless, you could’ve gotten lost"
You turned towards him "and here I thought recklessness was a particular Gryffindor trait."
He laughed lightly as he shook his head "Come on, we should arrive at the dorm room before curfew."
You nodded and followed behind him to another set of stairs, eventually, you found yourselves in front of a dead end. The stairs had also changed on Remus’ planned path “damn it,” he whispered under his breath.
"Plan B is not gonna work, aye?" You asked, leaning against a wall. 
He exhaled, "You don’t seem particularly preoccupied by being lost and not getting to the common room on time."
 "I’m new, I got lost, they’re not gonna punish me."You shrugged “Besides, it’s not as if I had planned the entire prank that got us here in the first place," you said that last bit with a knowing smile. 
"Are you trying to imply something?”
"Me? Whatever could I be implying?" You responded innocently “So… what’s plan C?”
“There’s a way to get there. But you mustn’t tell anyone about it.” You nodded and he guided you through a door a couple of steps behind, then he turned towards you again “Would you allow me to blindfold you?” 
You raised your eyebrows at that, with a little smile on your face “Buy me dinner first?” 
“Not like that!” He responded, surprised. “We’re gonna take a shortcut, it’s a secret passage.” 
“Mm… and if I know where it is, it won’t be so much of a secret…” 
“So…?” He asked, raising his eyebrows.
“Of course you’re not gonna blindfold me Remus!” You retorted “A girl’s gotta know how to sneak around the castle too.” He stared at you for a second, as if trying to decide whether to trust you with the location of his secret passage. “Hey, if it makes you feel better, I solemnly swear I’m telling no one about your passage.” That line convinced him on the spot, but you didn’t know it yet, so you kept talking, presenting your hand in front of him, with your smallest finger raised and an innocent smile “Pinky promise?” 
He laughed at that. “This isn’t the Japanese Mafia,” he nodded towards your finger. 
“Why? You wouldn’t want to cut it off?” You said as you raised your finger to look at it up close, then swiftly brought it back down and turned to look at him “Anyway… Am I gonna have to excuse myself for getting lost, or are we going to take your secret passage?”  
He smiled at that, he kind of started to understand why Sirius was absolutely obsessed with you when he came back from that summer in 5th year. “All right, let’s go.” You smiled at that and followed behind him. He took you all the way to the end of the hallway where a giant painting stood. Besides it, a shield with two swords crossed in the middle, like a coat of arms. 
“Sneaking about again, Mr. Lupin?” Asked the old wizard staring at us from the painting “And you bring company,” he added suggestively.
“Not today Oliver,” Remus complained as he pressed a button on the hilt of one of the swords, causing the shield to separate from the wall, opening a relatively small hole. 
“That’s the secret passage?” You asked, looking at the dark passageway that seemed to extend from the other side of the window-like hole. 
Remus nodded “Is either that or we go wait until the stairs decide to change for us.” 
“Fine then,” You said as you climbed through the wall and pulled your wand from your pocket, whispering “Lumos.” Remus was just behind you and once he was inside, the shield closed the hole in the wall. 
“So…” you said, scooting out of the way to let him take the lead “Which way to go?”
“It’s easy, we’ll have to go up some stairs tho,” he explained before he started walking, with his wand raised high to show you the way. He took a couple of lefts and then you went up a rather long spiral staircase. “We’re almost there,” he said. “We need to get out of this passage and take another one before we get there.” 
“Do I have to swear I won’t tell anyone again?” You teased, he gave you a look and then shook his head with a small smile forming on his lips. “Just wanted to make sure.” 
By then you had reached a dead end, he whispered something onto the wall and it moved, letting the two of you out. But just as you got out of the passage and onto the hall, you crashed into something. But there was nothing really there. Until there was. Somehow you had stepped on Jame’s cloak and it had slipped off of him and Peter. 
You were very surprised when you saw them appear out of nowhere until you noticed the cloak on the floor. Picking it up, giving it a look and handing it over to the two of them. James took it. “You’ve got an invisibility cloak?! Where did you get it? I’ve been trying to get my hands on one for ages, but the spells on them are rarely any good, I’ve never seen one as good as yours.” 
“Uh… it’s a family heirloom…” 
“Oh, you’re so lucky!” You said and then, you realised how the rain prank had lasted so long “It all makes sense now! That’s how you managed to counter Dumbledore’s spell. You were close to him! You used your cloak to hide from the people and did a close-range counter spell, Dumbledore’s magic didn’t even reach all the way to your spell caster.” 
“You told her it was US?!” Peter asked Remus, looking completely betrayed. 
“Remus? No! I assumed it was you when James’ umbrella became useful!” You told them, and then looked at Peter “You confirmed my theory now, tho.” 
James punched him lightly on the arm in reproach “Ouch.” Peter complained and rubbed his arm as Remus walked closer to you. 
“You cannot tell anyone about it,” he said seriously. 
“Why would I? It was a great prank! You could’ve added chaos by having toads raining too but I guess the spell would’ve been a bit more complicated.” 
“That would’ve actually been great!” Peter agreed, forgetting all together he had been the one to out them. 
Then you heard steps from the end of the hallway “Someone’s coming,” you warned.
“Quick, let’s get out of here.” Said James as he pulled a tapestry from the side and motioned for you to get in. 
Once deep in the small aisle, you decided to ask the question you’d been thinking about since Remus guided you through the first passage “So… How do you guys know so many ways to sneak about? Are you in some kind of secret club?” 
“We’re making a map, so we explore the castle a lot,” Peter said casually which earned him another punch, this time from Remus. 
“Might as well tell the new girl all of our secrets, right mate?” James complained.
“I guess I’m trustworthy like that.” You said with a smile, even if the dark passage wouldn’t really let any of them see “Besides, it was you who gave me the umbrella.” 
“Yeah James, you gave the girl the umbrella,” Peter retorted. 
“I was trying to be nice,” he explained, “she’s new.” 
“It’s ok, I won’t tell anyone, about your prank, or about the fact that I was sneaking about with the… What? Hogwarts gang of pranksters?” 
“That’s a terrible name for a gang,” Remus said. 
“Says the guy with MOONY as a nickname.” 
“I swear she’s been here for like 3 hours and she picked up on half the things we’ve done,” James said, pinching his nose. 
“Also Sirius mentioned his friends and he liked making pranks in the school at some point,” you said remembering how he’d told you about a particular prank a few days before you sneaked onto the zip line park “When we were on talking terms.” 
“On talking terms?” Asked Peter, but by then you had already arrived at the end of the hallway and Remus got ahead of him, shushing him before looking around and motioning for the three of you to follow behind. 
“Mystic whispers,” he said to the portrait of a fat lady who opened up to let the three of you into the Gryffindor common room. 
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Regulus’ letter, 
Burned by (Y/N) without opening. 
July 23th, 1974 Dear (Y/N),  I know you may not want to hear a word from me, but beseech of you to do so, for it is imperative that you lend me your ear. First and foremost, it was never my intention for my progenitors to discover our clandestine affair. I had resolved to provide a cloak of secrecy to shield you and Sirius from their prying eyes. However, an owl arrived to my father, telling him his offspring had been seen in a witchcraft emporium within the city limits, it enraged him. With righteous indignation, my father directed his scrutiny towards me, inquiring as to your whereabouts. I resorted to our story, how you’d gone to a broomstick race with Sirius, as we had plotted. Yet, to my great chagrin, he had already acquired knowledge of the falsehood, detecting the mendacity inherent in my words. Compelled against my volition, I found myself partaking of a draught, undoubtedly Veritaserum, rendering me incapable of withholding the truth. At that moment, the weight of guilt settled upon my conscience, eclipsing any previous instances of remorse in my life. Providentially, I managed to refrain from implicating your involvement, particularly as the collective assumption posited the culpability of dear Sirius.  Despite your impassioned plea, reverberating across the wooden deck, beseeching their cognizance of your agency, I, alas, found myself bereft of the fortitude to voice your pivotal role. The notion of subjecting you, dear (Y/N), to the punitive machinations my progenitors habitually employ proved an insurmountable ordeal. I could not bear the prospect of witnessing my parents inflict their customary retributions upon your personage. I know their punishments. I do not want you to know them too.  Perchance I observed my mother consigning some of your letters to Sirius to the scorching fire, ensuring that he refrained from indulging in the forbidden act of writing you back. They harbour an unwavering resolve to preclude him from "exerting undue influence" upon your vulnerable disposition. "For as long as you dwell within this house, the act of inscribing correspondence to her shall be verboten," Mother uttered with resolute conviction. Devoid of alternative recourse, Sirius succumbed, he was forced, a spell was cast on him. Ah, Mother, she can be wicked if you do not abide by her volition.   I beseech your clemency, dear (Y/N), for the manifold grievances that have befallen us. I fervently pray that you shall not harbour enmity towards Sirius and myself, for the prospect of such estrangement would be anathema to my very soul. I hope this letter finds you in good spirits and the finest of health. With utmost sincerity, Regulus Arcturus Black
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A/N: Most Poly!Marauders fics are oneshots, where the relationship between characters is already established, and they're all happy and pleased with it. No issues, no drama, but I WANTED the drama. Couldn't find it, so I set myself up to write the story behind the stablished relationship. I wanted to know how they started dating each other, the jealousy, the will they won't they, because getting into a poly relationship can't be an easy task, and I wanted to explore that story. If you're interested: Welcome to Gilded Constellations!
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buttercupd1ed · 9 months
warnings: wolfstar? 😏
It's an autumn Hogsmeade day for the students. I've decided to go with my cousin, James Potter, and his friends: the Marauders. I do regret it, though, since i've been thinking to go with Severus for the day. James was the first one to ask me anyway, and besides... he needs help to find a promise ring for Lily who also decided to join us.
"Y/N! Where are we going next? We've already gotten our stomachs full, got candy, looked at brooms..." James asked and I pondered.
"Oh! James and Sirius, I have a surprise for you two. Remus, Lily and Peter, you guys can go to..." I suggest. Trying to think of a place the three can go to.
"Zonko's Joke Shop!" Sirius suggests and I nod eagerly.
"Um.. okay.." Lily says and I smile, waving at her and the other two as they leave. Lily is the only one that doesn't know what's going on, actually.
"Okay, let's go." I signal the three and we dash to a store in Hogsmeade where all the prettiest and most expensive jewelries are. That's where James is going to buy the promise ring for Lily.
Eventually, we reach the store and we enter. The chime above the door signaling that we did. Shockingly, we are the only customers in the store... or so we thought.
"Good afternoon... Potter, Black... L/N..." A platinum haired boy greets and I smile a bit.
"Good afternoon Lucius. Are you buying a ring for Narcissa?" I ask casually since Lucius has recently became my friend. So did a few more Slytherins who are friends with Severus. I could already feel two pairs of eyes staring at me in suspicion.
"Yeah.. her mother wants me to propose to her by the end of the year." He responds and I nod slowly in understanding.
"How about you, and... Potter along with Black.." He scoffs saying the last names of my friends. 
"Will you be buying a ring for S- I- I mean your significant other?" He asks and I sigh out. He knows well that James will kill me once he finds out i'm dating Severus. I'm glad he didn't allow him to find out, though. A loyal friend he is.
"Yeah, and James will buy one for his Lilyflower." I mock and I feel James nudge my arm powerfully, causing me to grip it painfully. Damn those Quidditch arms..
"Alright, alright. Have fun finding your ring." He says, sneering at James. In the corner of my eye, I observed James rolling his pair at Lucius.
"Will do!" I say back to diffuse the tension and I approach the selection of rings. As I arrive, the rings shine in my eyes beautifully, but none of them seemed to match perfectly... yet.
"You have a lover, Y/N?" James whispers to me and I slowly nod. Still examining the rings in front of me.
"Who is he? What's his house? How old is he? Please tell me it's not Snivellus." James says rapidy and I sight out.
"He's in Ravenclaw, he's in the same year as me and no. He's not Severus." I lie. I'm great at lying, actually. I've been able to get away from troubles just by doing so.
"Snivellus." He 'corrects' me and I scoff, rolling my eyes at him.
"Whatever." I answer, but as soon as my eyes stay in place, I spot a beautiful ring. A thick silver ring with a small rectangular-shaped emerald at the top. The silver part was rather detailed. It had carved lines and a crown like shape on it.
"Woah..." I breathily say as I stare at the ring in awe. I quickly raise my hand to get the attention of the one running the shop at the moment, and she approaches me.
"How may I help you?" She asks.
"How much for that silver ring with a rectangular emerald on top?" I follow up with a question.
"100 Galleons. Would you wish to buy it?" She asks and I nod eagerly. As she fixes the ring for me into a small black box, I take out my wallet. Taking 100 galleons out quickly.
"Woah, woah, woah, Y/N. This much for a boy?" Sirius asks and I look at him.
"Yes, Sirius." I respond quickly.
"Are you serious?" He asks and I chuckle a bit as the woman hands me the box.
"No, I'm Y/N." I respond and he glares at me siriusly.
"No, i'm serious, Y/N." He says with a stern voice now. I already place the 100 galleons on the counter.
"Of course you are! You're Sirius Black, how can you not be Sirius?" I joke and I leave them. Scurrying away from the two.
"HEY YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO HELP ME FIND A RING FOR MY LILY FLOWER!!" I hear James shout and I laugh. I'm glad I didn't help him.
I then push the door open and I dash going to my favorite store in Hogsmeade... besides Hog's Head Inn, of course. My favorite store being Tomes and Scrolls. A bookstore, and Severus' favorite space as well. I figure he'd be here the whole day since he doesn't really have anything to do.
Soon enough, I arrive at the front of the store. I stop in my tracks to take deep breaths in and out since I lacked bloody oxygen in my body. Once I recovered from that, I went into the store. A chime signaling my entrance just like the previous shops.
As I enter, I look left, right, up and down for Severus. Fortunately, in an instant I find him. At a corner, standing up. Reviewing a book. He looked attractive once he did so. His tall figure well lit as he stood with a proper posture. His lips slightly apart and his hair positioned in the right places.
I then approach him slowly and normally. My breathing pattern shifting to a slower one, and my heart pounding hardly and quickly in nervousness.
"Good afternoon, Severus." I greet him quietly and he turns his head to me. His scars healed much better compared to last month. The only scar visible was the one on his lip, but he didn't mind, and so did I.
"Good afternoon, Darling." He greets me back. Closing his book and sliding it back into the shelf. "How are you?"
"I'm great. You?" I ask back.
"I'm alright.." He mumbles and I chuckle slightly. That meant he's pretty happy, from what I learned.
"I- I want to bring you somewhere.." I say and he furrows his eyebrows, but releases it eventually.
"Go ahead." He says and I nod. Grabbing his hand quickly and pulling him out of the shop. I quickly walk and he quickly walks as well. Matching the rhythm of our steps.
"This reminds me of the afternoon of our first kiss. Doesn't it for you?" He asks and I chuckle.
"It does, actually!" I laugh into my words, and I hear him laugh slightly too. I swear I heard him laugh. I'm happy he did!
Luckily, it's sunset so when I give the ring, it will be gorgeous. I'm bringing him to the top of the hill where not much people go to since it takes long, but hopefully, no one will be there. I hope it will just be him and I. Just him and I.
Eventually, I arrive to the top and I drag him. Making him face me. I hold his two hands with mine and I genuinely smile at him with my lips.
"What's this, love?" He asks with a smile. Oh my Merlin how much I wanted to see that gorgeous smile again. 
"Well..." I start. Letting go of his hands slowly and reaching into my deep pocket. I then slowly kneel down on one knee on the ground covered in the orange leaves of autumn. I then pull out the black box and open it, as if I were proposing.
"I can't promise you that life will be easy, that I can easily clear up the cloud above your head and make the sun shine immediately. I can't promise that the cousin of mine will accept you being my soon to be fiancé and husband." I say and he chuckles, so do I.
"But what I can promise you is that I will do my best to make you happy with all my heart, be loyal, stay by your side, and most importantly..." I pause, looking down and back up at him.
"I promise to love you. Forever and always. No matter the cost, the reputation, the dangers." I say then I stand back up. Removing the ring from its holder and taking the hand of Severus. Sliding the ring on his ring finger.
"I love you so much, Y/N." He says and pulls me in. Our lips connecting and colliding like all the stars in the universe. Fireworks sparked in my body as we moved in sync. His hands snake down to my hips, and my hands find their way to his black curls. I comb through the tangled, yet soft, feeling of them and wrapped my arms around his neck. ————————————
James Potter's Point-of-View
"Come on, love! It's not that far." I tell Lily. Supporting her from the back.
"I know, and i'm fine, James. You don't really need to help me." She says and I sigh. Looking at her lovingly.
"You will need my help if you'd like a child. You know how." I flirt with her and she rolls her eyes with a smile. Her cheeks reddening quickly. I give her a wink and I look back at my three friends behind us. Giving them a signal as we near the hill. A great place to give Lily the promise ring.
"My dear Lilyflower..." I say, reaching for my pocket and slowly pulling out a box, but everything changes until I see two people... snogging each other... but they're not just two people... that's... 
"Y/N!?" I shout out and she parts her kiss with the man. The man who's a friend of Lily, and a man I despise. I drop the box back into my pocket and I approach the man.
"WHY ARE YOU SNOGGING MY COUSIN, SNIVELLUS!? WHY ARE YOU PLAYING WITH HER!? HUH?" I ask. Holding Snivellus by the collar and showing him my clenched fist. One I will use to punch him.
"JAMES! STOP IT, JAMES!" I hear Y/N yell at me and I look at her furiously.
"Okay. First of all, he's my boyfriend. The one Lucius was talking about. Second of all, I lied!" Y/N says and I grow angrier. 
"Boyfriend! BOYFRIEND!?" My fist nearing Snivellus' face.
"That's enough, James." Lily says, trying to stop me, but no one and nothing can stop me. My fist then nears Snivellus' face once again. My fist a centimeter away from his incredibly large nose.
"STUPEFY!" I hear Y/N cast and I get pushed back. I groan as it hurts when I land on my back. I swear I heard a snapping sound of some sort... probably the leaves though.
"Severus! Are you alright?" I hear Y/N distantly and I sit up. Looking up at her and smelly Snivellus.
"I'm alright, Love. All is good." He reassures her and I roll my eyes. Sneering at the young man. I hear Y/N and... Snivellus chuckle. Since when did he ever smile? Bloody hell...
"Sorry for James. I love you." I hear Y/N say and I stand up aggressively. Not yet making a move on Snivellus yet.
"I love you too, gorgeous." He says and smiles. Showing his bloody teeth which i'm jealous of since it's whiter... whiter than my teeth. But he does something I desperately hate. He leans nearer to Y/N's face and they... THEY BLOODY KISS!
I storm to the two, but I get held back by, who I believe, is Sirius and Peter. Remus then steps in front of me and hands me a piece of chocolate, which I bite. Along with his fingers as I try to rip them off.
"AAAAAAAAA THAT HURTS JAMES!" Remus shouts and I continue to bite. Even harder.
"LET GO OF MY BOYFRIEND JAMES!!" I hear Sirius shout out and I release Remus' fingers from the pain of my sharp teeth.
"BOYFRIEND!?!?" I exclaim. Tears already falling from my eyes from all the information I have gotten today. The pressure is too much.
"Yess Wolfstar.." I hear Peter say and we all look at him. He's acting queer. Very queer. High on drugs?
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thenasoneshots · 10 months
Sirius and Remus Oneshot - Never Have I Ever
Requested?: No
Prompt: None
Type of oneshot: Fluff/Smut
Timing: Marauder’s Era (Takes place before the summer of their 6th year, ik this contradicts the first part, but pretend that’s 6th year)
Reader's Relations: Remus/Sirius’ girlfriend (cause WolfStar)
Reader’s House: Hufflepuff
Warnings: Smut, Dom! Reader, Sub! Remus, Switch! Sirius
Other notes: This is part two of ‘Flirting Gets You Nowhere… Or Does It?’ I’ve had this idea for a while, but with the smut bit, I wasn’t too keen on writing it, but I want to write smut, I’m happy to, but not too good, and out of practice, this is also my first time writing a threesome so… you can skip over the smut, it’s marked where it starts (: also a small context that wasn’t necessary for the first part, but you come from a pure-blooded family, who don’t take lightly to half-bloods/muggle-borns
-------------------------- (Before summer of 6th year)
“Look what I got! Now who wants to play ‘Never Have I Ever’?”
I lifted my head from its previous position of resting on Remus’ shoulder, Sirius leaning on Remus’ other side, and started James directly in the eye, “Why? That’s a game that 1st and 2nd years play. I thought you’d grown up, but clearly not.”
“Oh come on, (Y/n)! It’ll be fun. Plus it’s nearly the Summer Holidays!”
“I’m in!” Sirius responded, lifting his head too, “If it involves free alcohol, I’m in!”
I rolled my eyes and turned to Remus, “Remind me how we both fell in love with him again?” Remus chuckled and pecked my forehead, “I don’t know, I ask myself that quite often.”
“Hey! You know you love me!” Sirius squeaked, falling off the sofa, causing me to giggle as James walked over, “So, are we playing this game or did I just steal this firewhiskey for no reason?”
“Fine,” I replied sitting up properly.
“Awesome! So how this will work is if you’ve done the thing you have to take a shot.”
“We know how to play, James, just get on with it.”
He rolled his eyes, “Fine, Little Miss Perfect Hufflepuff! Never have I ever…. Had two boyfriends.”
I narrowed my eyes at him before taking one of the shot glasses and downing it, “You better not target me the whole game.”
“No promises….”
I sighed, a smirk appearing, “So we’re playing it like that? Very well, never have I ever NOT dated a werewolf.” James’ face paled and his eyes widened as he reached for one of the glasses, causing my smirk to increase, “See, you don’t it either do you? Remus, it’s your turn.” Remus nodded, after putting his own glass down, “What? I can’t very well date myself, can I?” I let out a giggle, “You’re right, just say something.”
“Never have I ever… been an animagus,” Remus replied, smirking, causing me, Sirius and James to reach for a glass.
“My turn! Never have I ever… not been in love with the Amazing Sirius Black!”
I giggled as James took another shot, me petting Sirius on the head, “Good one.”
“Never have I ever…been sorted into Hufflepuff.” I glared at James, taking a shot while maintaining eye contact with him.
The game continued with me and James getting increasingly drunk, the two of us targetting each other, Sirius rather tipsy, and Remus only having to take a couple of shots, so he was still pretty sober.
“Never have I ever… been caught making out while I’m supposed to be having a Head Boy and Head Girl meeting.”
“(Y/n)! You’re targeting me!” James slurred, reaching for another shot glass, now completely drunk.
“It’s your own fault!”
“Never have I *hic* ever fantasised about having a threesome.”
I felt my face heat up and I reached for a glass, waiting to hear or see the response of my boyfriends.
“You know… we could make that fantasy a reality, (Y/n),” Sirius whispered in my ear, causing my face to turn redder than it already was. I soon snapped out of my embarrassment and turned to him, “Oh yeah? Cause you’re really drunk right now, Siri…”
“And you’re really sexy, (Y/n)...” he replied.
“You two need to stop being all over each other, seriously.”
“Hey, Remmy, don’t you want a piece?” I asked leaning over and getting in his face, “I know you want to… I have an idea… never have I ever dated a Hufflepuff.” Remus rolled his eyes and leaned over for a shot, and I saw Sirius doing the same, causing me to giggle. For a few more rounds, I and Sirius continued to target Remus until he turned to me, “Get up in our dorm, now.”
I smirked, knowing he was now wholly drunk and stood up, kissing him and walked up to their dorm, hearing Remus say one thing to James, “You’re sleeping down here tonight… unless you don’t want to sleep.”
Once I’d made it to their dorm, I laid down on Remus’s bed, somehow remembering which it was,  due to the chocolate resting on his nightstand. I smirked to myself, hearing Remus and Sirius making their way up the stairs and taking off my uniform, leaving myself in my bra, pants and socks. The two boys eventually came into the room and their jaws dropped when they saw me, “Hello, want to take a piece of this?”
Sirius was on me in a minute, kissing me and forcing his tongue into my mouth. I could feel him growing hard, and I let out a moan as I brought my hand down, rubbing him through his trousers, causing him to let out a groan. I heard a whine and looked up from Sirius, who was now massaging my breasts through my bra to see Remus standing with a tent forming in his trousers too.
“Come over here Rem, and take your trousers off.” he did so and walked over. Once he was in reaching distance I took his hard cock in my hand, rubbing it causing him to let out a moan. I quickly picked my wand up from the floor and put a silencing charm, as well as a lock charm on the door to make sure we wouldn’t be interrupted, before taking Remus in my mouth, dropping my wand to the floor. I drew my attention back to Sirius when he pulled my pants off, and I felt him licking my cunt. I let out a moan and tried to concentrate on Remus’ pleasure, his cock still in my mouth as Sirius continued to eat me out. I soon came from Sirius licking me and removed my mouth from Remus, who’d had more pleasure due to my moans around him, “Don’t worry, you’ll get to cum soon.”
I turned back to Sirius, “Strip. Now.” His eyes widened but he complied, taking off his clothes one by one, starting with his jumper and shirt before moving to his trousers. While he was doing this, I instructed Remus to lie down on his bed, which he did. I crawled over and sat on his lap, slowly going down on his cock, loud moans coming from both of us. I heard a whimper and turned to see that Sirius had now stripped completely and beckoned him over, petting his head, “Good boy. Remus, lean over and suck him off while I ride you.” Remus obeyed immediately, leaning over and taking Sirius in his mouth, sucking on him. The sight as well as the pleasure, as Sirius had now leaned over and was rubbing my clit, was enough to put me over the edge and I came, releasing around Remus, him also cumming.
“Swap positions. Mummy wants you to fuck her, Siri.” Sirius’ face went pink as I moved off Remus, kneeling on Remus’ bed on all fours, my ass facing towards Sirius. He placed his hands on my butt before inserting himself into me hard. I let out a loud moan, “Rem, come here.” Remus adjusted his position and I started to suck him off again, noticing he was still hard. I soon felt Sirius’ thrusts beginning to get sloppy and I could tell he was going to cum, “Cum inside me, Siri, please!” I soon felt him cum in me before feeling Remus release into my mouth, me cumming again around Sirius. I moved my head from Remus and the two boys helped me lie down in bed.
—-----------------------SMUT OVER
A weeks days later, a few days before the end of the school year, I ended up having to go to the Hospital Wing due to the fact I was sick in the mornings and I’d been feeling a lot more tired.
“What’s wrong with me Madame Pomfrey?” I asked nervously lying on one of the beds in the hospital wing.
She didn’t answer, instead, she turned to Lily who was just leaving the Hospital Wing, after what I guessed was visiting a friend, “Ahh, good timing, Miss Evans, could you please ask Mr Black and Mr Lupin to come here?” Lily nodded, muttering an, “Of course,” as she dashed out of the Hospital Wing. I turned back to Madame Pomfrey, “Can’t you tell me what it is before Remus and Sirius get here?” Madame Pomfrey sighed and came closer to me, “Miss (L/n), may I ask you a few personal questions?” I nodded, “If it will help you to work out what is wrong with me, yes.”
“I have a prediction already. I just want to clarify. May I ask, have you been ‘intimate’ with either of your boyfriends recently?” I felt my face flush a bit and nodded shyly, “Please don’t tell any of my professors! I swear it was-”
“I’m not going to say anything, whatever you tell me will stay between us and your boyfriends. Secondly, when was the last time you had your period?”
Again, I felt my face flush a bit, “A-about 5 weeks ago.”
“I see, well that confirms my suspicions. You’re-”
“WHERE’S (Y/N)?! WHERE IS SHE?!” I hear Sirius shout as he ran into the Hospital Wing, Remus following behind him. The two spotted me and ran over, “Madame Pomfrey, what’s wrong with our girlfriend!?” Sirius asked in a panic.
“I hope you two are ready to be fathers. It seems Miss (L/n) is pregnant.”
Remus and Sirius looked at each other before turning to me, “Are you?”
Before I could reply, Madame Pomfrey had spoken again, “I’ll leave you three to discuss this. Miss (L/n), I know what I said before, but I will have to inform Professor Dumbledore about this… development.”
I nodded, “Okay.” She smiled at me and left, leaving me with my two boyfriends, Remus speaking first, “D-do you remember when... Y’know?” I knew what he was referring to and nodded, “Y-yeah, well I have my predictions. Remember when James forced us to play Never Have I Ever? Well, we all got pretty drunk and you both ended up fucking me. I think that due to the hangovers the next morning, we forgot to do anything that would stop me from having a child inside me…”
The two of them looked at each other again and then walked over to the bed, the two of them perching on a side each, “Y-you want to keep it? The baby I mean?” I nodded slowly, “Yeah, it’s not fair to kill the little one when they haven’t even been born yet. You two want to be fathers?” They both nodded immediately, “Of course, we’ll support your decision, (Y/n). You’re our girlfriend.”
“Miss (L/n).”
I looked up to see Professor Dumbledore standing a few metres away, Professor McGonagall and Professor Sprout standing behind him, the latter two being there I guessed due to being our Heads of Houses.
“Madame Pomfrey has informed us of your situation. While I cannot state that I’m not disappointed that this has happened I would like to say that if you decide to keep the baby, then your professors will be informed in case you have to leave classes or anything.”
I nodded, “T-thank you, I already decided that I want to keep the baby.”
“In that case, just remember, me and the rest of your professors are here if you need anything. If you start showing before the end of term, we can arrange for you to go home early, how will your parents take this?”
“They’re not going to like this… To be honest. They’ve already pretty much disowned me for having both two boyfriends and, no offence to you Rem, but one of them being a half-blood.”
“If you need somewhere to stay, my parents would happily look after you, (Y/n).” I hadn’t even noticed James was in the room too, “They know how your parents are, and I’m sure they wouldn’t turn you away. I mean, if they let Sirius stay with us for all of the holidays, I’m sure they’d let you stay. I mean, this is my fault anyway, it was my idea to play that game.”
I smiled, “Thanks, James, and yeah, this is your fault! You were the one that brought the alcohol.”
Professor McGonagall gave him a harsh talking to when he heard that alcohol had been involved and it ended up with James in detention for a week, Sirius and Remus getting one-off detention, and somehow, Professor Sprout let me off scot-free.
Over the Summer Holidays between our 6th and 7th years, the four of us stayed with James’ parents, him having written to them about the situation, and they were happy to look after me and let me stay with them to help me with my pregnancy and the baby.
“Honestly (Y/n), it’s fine, we don’t mind. Any friend of James is welcome here.”
“I know, James has been telling me that since he found out I was pregnant. I really appreciate you letting me stay with you.”
“Do you know which of your boyfriends is the father yet? Biological father I mean.”
I shook my head, “I’ve got an appointment next Saturday which is when I’m going to find out, they were both going to come with me, but there’s a Quidditch match, and they can’t miss it, even though Remus isn’t on the team…but Sirius coaxed Professor McGonagall into letting Remus commentate and it’s apparently too late to find someone else to do it.”
“I’ll come with you if you like. It’ll be easier if you have someone there with you. Then you can write to the two of them and tell them the gender and who the father is.”
I smiled up at James’ mother, “Thank you, I’d like that very much, but I think I want to surprise them.”
------------------------REMUS’ POV (March of 7th Year)
“I wonder how (Y/n) is doing…”
“She’ll be fine, Moony, no need to worry! Seriously, my parents already treat her like she’s their daughter, sometimes I think they might as well adopt her with how much time she spends at our house over holidays as stuff! I’m telling you, if something went wrong, Dumbledore would have been informed and we would have been notified!” James replied, turning back to his potion.
“Yeah, I suppose, I just can’t stop worrying though.”
It was at that moment when Professor McGonagall appeared in the doorway, “Professor Slughorn, may I borrow Black and Lupin for a few minutes?”
“Yes, go ahead,” Professor Slughorn replied, nodding to us. I felt the anxiety come back as me and Sirius stood up, walking out the door, to where Professor McGonagall was waiting for us.
“Professor, what is this about?”
“Not here, Black.”
Sirius rolled his eyes and I subtly reached my hand out taking his hand, giving it a squeeze, and pecking his cheek while Professor McGonagall wasn’t looking. We soon realised we were in her office and she’d shut the door.
“Professor Dumbledore received an owl this morning just after breakfast about your girlfriend. She-”
“Is (Y/n) alright? Please don’t say something bad happened!” I asked, panic wreaking through my voice, “Please don’t tell us she’s dead.”
“She’s perfectly okay. The owl was sent from Potter’s parents. Miss (L/n) has given birth to a healthy baby boy. Professor Dumbledore wanted the two of you to know as soon as possible. You’re both officially fathers. You may return to class.”
“Professor?” I asked hesitantly, causing Sirius, who was already halfway to the door, to groan lowly.
“Yes?” she replied, looking at me, “Is something the matter?”
“Did the Potter’s letter say anything about the baby’s condition? Or what (Y/n) called him?”
“Oh right. You have nothing to worry about, Mr Lupin, the child’s biological father is Mr Black here, so he’s not a werewolf, like you,” I let out the breath I’d been holding in relief as she continued, “As for the name, the letter said she’d called him Orion. As for the middle name, he was given yours Mr Lupin and Miss (L/n) had given the child her last name. So his full name is Orion Remus (L/n).”
I smiled and thanked her before dragging Sirius out of the room the two of us making our way back to Potions.
“I’m glad your his father, Sirius. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I’d made a baby into a werewolf.”
“You’re still gonna be an amazing Dad, Moony! We both are. He’s gonna be my little Oreo, I can already tell.”
------------------YOUR POV (Summer after 7th Year)
I smiled as I sat on the sofa of the Potters’ house, Orion lying in my arms.
“He looks like the perfect mix of you and Sirius.”
“I know,” I replied, “I can’t wait for the boys to meet him and I hope they’re happy with the name choice.”
Just then the door burst open, “Where’s my little Oreo!?” I blinked and stood up, trying to calm Orion, as he’d started crying at the loud noise, as I walked out of the living room to see Sirius standing in the doorway, Remus, James and James’ dad standing behind him. My smile widened, “He’s right here, be careful though, he only seems to like me holding him at the moment, “Orion, this is your Papa Sirius.” I paused and tentatively placed Orion in Sirius’ arms as he’d now dropped his trunk onto the ground.
“Hello there, I’m your Papa! I’m going to be the best Papa ever! Better than your Papa Remus, yes I am.”
I breathed a sigh of relief as Orion didn’t start crying when I placed him in Sirius’ arms as he walked into the living room, oogling over Orion.
“Sirius! Your stuff! You can’t just leave it here!” Remus shouted after him, “And I’m not bringing it up for you!”
“It’s alright, I’ll bring both your bags up, you go and meet your son,” James’ dad replied to Remus.
“Are you sure? I can bring my bag up first.”
“I’m sure, go and see him.”
Remus nodded and placed his trunk down, walking over to me and wrapping his arm around me, “Shall we go see if Sirius has messed up yet?” I giggled and nodded, pecking him on the lips, the two of us walked into the living room where Sirius was sitting on the sofa, the now 4-month-old Orion in his arms, him smiling widely as he played with the baby.
“You are my little Oreo. I will make sure you stay safe.”
At this point, Orion started crying again and made small hand movements to me. I sighed and walked over, “Don’t worry, Mummy’s here, Mummy’s here, Buddy.” He started to grab ahold of the top I was wearing and I let out a small giggle, “Is someone hungry? I’ll be back in a few minutes,” the last statement made to the others, before I walked out the room.
“Mum, when’s the last time (Y/n) had a decent night sleep?” James asked. It was clear that he’d noticed the bags under (Y/n)’s eyes too.
“I’d say probably about two days before Orion was born. She’s been insisting on doing everything herself. I’ve tried to tell her that she could ask us for help, but she just says ‘I appreciate the offer, but it’s fine, I can manage’. And won’t let us help in anyway. She’s going to make herself ill, but she won’t listen, saying that Orion is her first priority and that she’s putting him above everything else. Maybe one of you could try talking to her?” the last statement was directed to me and Sirius and I nodded, “I’ll try, but I doubt she’s going to listen.”
I walked back into the room only to be pulled away by Remus after he taken Orion from me and handed him to Sirius.
“Remus, I already told you, Orion isn’t keen on anyone-” he shut me up by kissing me, “I know what you said, but he’ll be fine for a few minutes, plus he liked Sirius earlier until he got hungry. (Y/n) you need to rest. James’ parents told us you haven’t had a decent night sleep since before Orion was born. You need to take care of yourself too.”
“I can’t leave Orion alone, Rem, he’s still a baby!”
“I know that, but.. Just follow me,” he pulled me back towards the living room and I saw Sirius sitting on the floor with his legs crossed, Orion sitting in front of him babbling as Sirius played peek-a-boo with him. My heart melted and Remus pulled me away again, “See, he’s perfectly fine with Sirius. Perhaps he just knows who his parents are. You said he wasn’t comfortably with alone with James’ parents, so maybe that’s it.”
“I guess you’re right.”
“I know I’m right, now go upstairs and sleep, (Y/n).”
“No buts. You need sleep.”
“Fine,” I muttered, pecking his cheek, “But if he starts crying, come and get me, okay?”
“I’ sure we won’t need to do that,” Remus replied, pushing me upstairs, “No go sleep!”
I walked back into the living room to see Sirius still playing peek-a-boo with Orion, the small boy making sounds akeen to giggles whenever Sirius showed him his face again. I smiled and knelt down next to Sirius, leaning over and kissing his cheek, “So, he likes you.”
“He knows who is father is, that’s all.”
“I suppose. (Y/n) is getting some sleep now.”
“That’s goo-wait how’d you get her to listen?”
I just shrugged, giving Sirius a nudge, “That’s for me to know and for you to never find out.”
---------------------------------YOUR POV (Two years later)
I smiled walking into the living room of the house that I shared with Sirius and Remus, seeing the former sitting on the floor with Orion and Harry. I giggled, “Who would have known that Sirius Black would be the one to be good with kids. Would never have guessed.”
One of the children’s heads shot up, “Mummy!” My eyes widened and I rushed over, “Y-you spoke! Aww my little boy spoke. I’m so proud of you, Orion.”
“What happened?” I heard Remus’ voice from behind me. I turned around, “Remus, watch this. Say it again.”
“Mummy!” Orion giggled out wrapping his tiny arms around me, “I’m so proud of you!” Orion giggled and my smile widened as he turned to look at Sirius, “Papa!” It was like a light had been switched on in Sirius’ head as his face metaphorically lit up as he walked over, leaving Harry sitting on the floor.
“That’s right! I’m your Papa! Look, Moony, he knows his.. Moony?” I turned around to see Remus not standing where he’d been before. I then heard the sound of faint sobs and rushed out the room to find him sitting under the table in the dining room, crying. My heart broke at the sight and I bent down, kneeling next to him, “Rem? What’s up?”
“I-I… It’s nothing, just leave me alone.”
“Something is up though, I know that much. Tell me. I’m not leaving until you tell me. Remus, you’re my boyfriend, I’m not going to let you be sad!”
“F-fine, it’s just, I-I’m envious of the bond that Sirius has with Orion. There I said it.”
My heart broke even more and I wrapped him in a hug, “You wish you were his biological father?” I could feel Remus nodding against me and I pulled him even closer, “Rem, it’s okay to feel like that. It doesn’t help that Sirius is rubbing it in your face does it?” He shook his head and I lifted his chin, wiping his tears, “Rem, d-do you want to give Orion a little sibling?” His face perked up and he nodded shyly, before digging his head back into my neck. I heard a tiny giggle and looked to my left to see Orion, “Papa! I found Papa!” I then saw a pair of familiar socks come into view and Sirius’ face appeared, “There you two are.”
I felt a smile appear on my face and I nudged Remus, “Rem, did you hear that?”
Remus just shrugged and I sighed lifting his head again, “Come on, we’ll go sit i-Sirius, what did you do with Harry? You know James and Lily are going to kill you i-”
“He’s sitting on the sofa with his dad. James came while you two were here. I didn’t leave him unattended, don’t worry.”
I released a breath and pulled Remus out from under the table picking Orion up, “Can you say it again?” I asked.
“Papa!” Orion giggled out, making grabby hands towards Remus, who wiped his eyes, causing my smile to grow, “You’re his dad to, Rem.”
“Papa sad…”
I felt my smile widen more and I handed Orion to Remus, who just hugged him. Sirius walked over to me and kissed my cheek, wrapping his arms around me, “So what were you two up to down there?”
“Siri, can you, and James if he’s still here, take Orion and Harry out? I think Remus needs some ‘Special (Y/n) Love’. He was feeling a bit left out that you were Orion’s biological father.” Sirius got my hint and nodded. I smiled, “Rem, Sirius is gonna take Orion out for a bit, you want to help me with something?” Remus looked up at me and I manouvered my arms in a way so that I was squishing my breasts together, hinting at what I meant. His eyes widened and he nodded handing Orion over to Sirius before grabbing my hand and dragging me upstairs…
—----------------END OF ONESHOT
I’m ending this here cause it’s over 4000 words and it’s 10:52pm for me rn… so I’m gonna go sleep…
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robynlilyblack · 2 years
Shes underwater again - Send me a situation along with a character and i’ll write a lil blurb (e.g sirius black x shy! fem! reader on their first date)
fred weasley x wife!reader(wolfstar daughter???) announcing that their having a baby to the family?
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Fred Weasley x wife! reader
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Summary: Fred and y/n tell their family they are expecting
Warning: pregnancy, mentions of sex and food, established relationship
A/n: 1.6k words, yes yes yes i love writting wolfstars daughter dating freddie it’s just so perfect 💛
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Navigation | Fred Weasley Masterlist | Celebration
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“Don’t look so nervous” you peer up at your husband “They’re going to be thrilled” you try to reassure him
He looks down at you “I know my mum and dad will be it’s your parents I’m worried about…and Harry…and James” he swallows hard “Not Lily…your aunties though...at least they aren’t coming...merlin I can’t believe I haven’t told Georgie yet” he was starting to stress out
You look at him in amusement “Freddie calm down...” you tilt your head “You know we’re married right?” you check
“Last time I checked yeah” he holds up your hand with the ring, giving it a kiss “Why?” he asks a little confused
You smile cupping his cheeks “Because you’re acting like we’re teenagers and about to tell them we’re together for the first time” you laugh sweetly at him
“This is different, sure that was nerve racking, terrifying even and your dad chasing me around the house as a dog is something I still have nightmares about” you both giggle at the memory “…even getting married it was only implied…” he goes on
“Implied?” you look at him strangely
He nods “Yes now they’re gonna know we did it at least once” you take a moment before you realise
“Oh merlin” you burst out laughing “Really? That’s what’s got your knickers in a twist? Them knowing we’ve definitely done it?”
“My knickers are not…shut up” he goes a little red “It’s just we’ve only been married a year and we’re young…” he sees your pout “Oh love” he puts his hand over your stomach softly “I just mean they might be a little…you know” 
“My uncle James and aunt Lily where the same age as us, and technically my dads were 18 when I was born” 
“They were?” Fred says clearly not doing the math “Wait…your older than Harry but they got you…i’m being silly here aren’t I” 
You nod “I was adopted when I was 3” you say slowly watching it click
His eyes widen nodding “Oh yeah…sorry I’m just a bit spacey” he motions around his head 
“Will a kiss help?” you pose
That makes him smile “Worth a try, right?” he looks at you cheekily, lifting you up and onto the dining table causing you to squeal before he captures your lips
As Fred’s kisses slowly make their way down your jaw to your neck your heads shoot to the door as you hear your father “My eyes! My eyes!” Sirius exclaims covering his eyes dramatically to which Remus just gives an apologetic look 
“Sorry we didn’t hear you come in” Fred laughs nervously stepping back but helps you down from the table, hand subconsciously moving to protect your stomach
“I understand your newlyweds…” Sirius starts pointing at the two of you as he walks by  “…but don’t go making me a grandfather yet” he chuckles following Remus who seems more interested in stealing a bit of the chocolaty dessert than yours and Freds slighty nervous expressions
You and he share a look “Well this is off to a marvellous start love” he bends down to whisper in your ear “Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to go put on my running shoes” he tries to walk away but you pull him back giggling
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Soon everyone arrived and was seated. Sirius at the head of one end and Arthur at the other with Molly and Remus sitting around on the right of their partners. James, Lily and Harry sat on the same side as Remus while you and Fred sat opposite with Molly, leaving an empty seat next to your husband for George who had already called ahead to start because was running a tad late
“Would you like to do it now?” Fred whispers to your hand a squeeze “We can tell Georgie together later”
“You sure?” you ask with a small smile
He gives you a nod and quick kiss to the cheek “I’ll get the gifts” he whispers to you before standing up “Everyone my gorgeous wife and I have a little announcement...love” he gestures for you to speak while he moves to go grab the little bags and place them in front of the couples and Harry
You stand up, everyone ready to listen but Molly and Lily looked very interested, eyes flicking from Fred to you to your stomach, which they had noticed your hand moving to hold ever since they arrived “First, thank you for coming over for dinner” everyone smiles “The last year for us has been so amazing and everyone here has...been just the…the” you get a little emotional so when Fred re-joins your said he takes over
“I think what my darling wife is trying to say is we love all of you and we’d like to give you a little something” he gestures to the bags before wrapping his arm around your waist, his other hand moving over yours on your stomach
“Pup you shouldn’t have” Remus says looking at the bag, you knew he hated gifts but you were sure he was going to love this one
Sirius hits him playfully “Shh it’s a present” he says smiling although you and Fred weren’t sure if it would stay that way, out of everyone his reaction was the one you were on the fence about
“Aww thank you dear” Molly says smiling up at you while Arthur just gives you a warm smile and nod
You smile at them but can’t help giggling as you hear your uncle James say ‘I’m a dear’ to Harry who sniggers
“Open them” you prompt, bitting your lip in anticipation
You and Fred watch as they dig into the gifts, Lily and James pulling out their sweaters that say great auntie red and great uncle prongs, both of their faces lighting up. Harry opening his which says from godbrother to godfather, his eyes widening in shock before a soft smile appears. Molly and Arthur pulling out a tiny jumper that says my grandmother makes the best sweaters, the sight making her squeal while Arthur just smiles in a happy shock. Finally your fathers open theirs, Remus getting one jumper with grandpa moony on it and another with grandpa pads, while Sirius had a little baby onesie which read marauders grandchild
Lily is the first to speak “Your?” she looks between the two of you, her and James beaming and hugging into one another as you nod
“Aww I’m going to be a ooooo” Molly says excitedly “Arthur look oh my...” she starts but is too worked up to finish beginning to happy cry, bouncing up and down on her seat as she’s finally going to be a grandmother
You and Fred hug each other tighter before warily looking down to see your parents’ reactions, Remus has a smile on his face mouthing ‘your?’ smiling wider as you mouth ‘yes’ while Sirius just stares at his “I don’t get it…” he looks up chuckling nervously
“Of course he doesn’t” Lily shakes her head while James and Harry let out laughs
“Dad read the writing” you nod to the clothing, leaning into Fred for extra support 
He looks at you then the clothing reading it out slowly “Marauders grandchild…I…” he gives it a second to sink in before his eyes shoot to your stomach then the bit of clothing then back at you and Fred “Your pregnant pup?” he asks in complete astonishment
Harry chuckles “Looks like your pups having a their own pup…” James barks out a laugh at his sons statement before he and Harry see the look on Sirius’ face “Sorry” Harry says cringing “I’ll just give my godfather title back then shall I?” he says jokingly
You were about to turn back to your father when George walked in “Hey everyone! Ooo pressies” he rubs his hands together “What did I miss?” he says smiling away looking at you and Fred
James’ looks at Harrys jumper then at Fred “Wait George isn’t godfather” he says confused, sure you and Harry were like siblings but George was Fred’s literal twin
George’s eyes widen “I’m not a what!” he exclaims before he looks down at your stomach “Hold up...Imma be an uncle!” he says joyfully moving to push his own twin out of the way to give you a hug
Fred just chuckles “Love you too Georgie” he says moving over to grab Georges’ gift, holding it out towards him as he returns to your side
George opens it reading the jumper before looking up at you and Fred, poking his cheek with his tongue “I’m gonna kill you both…” he says light heartedly shaking his head “But since your pregnant I’m going kill you twice” he looks at you then to his twin
“What does it say?” Harrys says interested, the entire room laughing as Georges holds up his jumper which reads worlds greatest godmother
The laughter is cut off by Sirius “Wait can we just circle back to me please” he looks around the room “I just got used to reaching my fullest dilf potential, I can’t be a grilf…g-dilf…a grandpa. I’m too young and beautiful” he whines pouting to which you giggle glad that he isn’t angry just panicky about feeling old at the grand age of thirty-nine
Remus turns to his husband “Okay one, we...we are too young and beautiful” he reminds him making the rest of you giggle “Two” he turns to you and Fred “This is so great” he beams “You need anything we are here, food in the middle of the night, painting the room, building stuff, clothes we still have all your old stuff” he assures you making yours and Fred’s hearts soar “And finally three…” he turns back to Sirius “…fullest dilf potential, really love?” he starts laughing
“It’s a sirius issue” Sirius tries to say with a straight face before cracking, he then turns to you “Congrats pup really, I’m a bit shocked but I am happy…although be ready for your da to buy another bike or something, midlife crisis and all that” you smile and giggle while he turns to Fred “You work fast, take my statement earlier to heart did ya?” he teases your husband making him go a bit red
“What is a dilf?” Molly asks completely innocent
“Oh merlin…” Fred presses his hand to his face before pointing at your godbrother “Harry don’t you dare answer that question”
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queenofmistresses · 2 years
Sub!James potter x Dom!reader
Requested by @spencerreidslittleslut “sub! james potter (marauders era smut, i beg of you 🙏)a day full of teasing to get back at him for doing it to you.. by the end of the day he's begging to be touched and when you finally decide he deserves it- his glasses are all fogged up and his curls are sticking to his forehead.. no thoughts- head empty-”
Summary: James tries to tease the reader but he soon realises his mistake. Warning: Sub!James, Dom!reader, teasing, orgasm denial, oral sex (f receiving), p in v sex, wolfstar, traffic light system, bdsm,, think that’s all
He knew he wasn’t supposed to tease. And he knew he wasn’t supposed to touch without permission. Despite these rules in place, I woke up with his head between my thighs, sucking on my clit. Clearly he had had some exciting dreams to cause this.
I gripped onto his hair and feel him smirk, pressing a kiss to the inside of my thigh before licking a stripe up my soaked pussy. I let myself sink into the feeling and let out a moan, he would be punished after I got my pleasure. Soon I feel him push 2 fingers inside me, curling against my g-spot and sucking on my clit as I feel my body get closer to the edge.
My grip on his hair tightened and I tug at the roots, causing him to moan, sending the vibrations through my body.
Then, with no warning, he pulls away, pressing a light kiss to my thigh before getting out of bed and getting dressed for class.
“Jamie.” I warned and sat up onto my elbows. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“Time for class, can’t be late!” He grins and rushes out of my room. So he was going to be a brat. Fine. I could easily fix that, I knew exactly how to punish him. I crashed back down on my bed and finished myself off.
I walk down to the great hall from breakfast with a confidence I had only developed after me and James started our… unconventional relationship. I grip James’s shoulder as I sat down between him and Sirius, the bench cold against my bare thighs. I had decided to dress up today as a start to James’s punishment, my shortest skirt, my lips painted his favourite red, my lacy red bra visible through my white shirt.
“Damn.” Sirius says, looking me up and down. “What did James do this time?” He grins as Remus leans over his shoulder to see what he’s talking about, a silent ‘ah’ coming from him before he turns back to his food and book.
“Ask him yourself.” I say, turning to face James, seeing a pink tinge to his cheeks as he stares at me. “James?” I say, no response. I bring my hand to the back of his neck, slightly scratching it and pulling at the tuffs of hair to get his attention. He lets out a small moan before quickly swallowing it down, much to Sirius’s amusement I observe.
Sirius and Remus know of our relationship, only due to the fact that they’ve caught us together many times. “What?” He asks, glancing between me and Sirius. “What’d you do wrong this time to deserve this?” Sirius rests his head on my shoulder and I feel him grinning widely, teasing him.
“How do you know it’s not a reward?” He says, recovering some of his usual confidence. Sirius let’s out a laugh.
“She’s teasing you mate. I’m gay and I know what that looks like in a girl. And y/n only teases you when you’ve done something wrong. And not something small either. Don’t think I don’t know how your little relationship works.” I keep tugging at James’s hair as he avoids eye contact with us.
“Go on Jamie.” I say in my best teasing voice, “Tell Sirius which rules you broke.”
“Rules? You broke more than one? Oh mate you’re so dumb sometimes.” Sirius sniggers, pulling away from my shoulder briefly. “Go on then, tell me what you did.”
James shakes his head, looking down, embarrassed by our teasing. “No?” I say. “Fine, I’ll tell him.” I turn to face Sirius, letting go of James. “Teasing and touching without permission. So now he get’s teased.” I shrug.
Sirius leans forward to look at James, “You’re screwed mate.”
Remus, having heard our conversation, leans over to me, “Clearly I need to be taking advice from you.” He whispers so Sirius won’t hear as he continues to berate James.
I grin and whisper in reply, “Anytime you like Rem. I’ve got some good tips I could give you.” I wink as I pull away and get up to leave for class.
I hear the scuffle of feet behind me and soon I see James walking by my side. He seems to hesitate before grabbing my hand, I give him a small squeeze in reply allowing him this before the real punishment begins. I see him smile at me and he seems to start skipping and swinging our arms as we walk through the corridor. I can’t help but to crack a smile at his glee.
We get to Slughorn’s class early (as I prefer) and I take the chance to talk to him about one of our recent assignments and James continues to stand there with a wide smile, swinging our arms as he looks around the classroom.
When I finish my conversation, me and James sit ourselves down near the front of the class and James wraps his arms around me, his head resting on my shoulder, holding me tight as we wait for class to start. When Slughorn looks up from his papers to see this he merely sighs and says, “Ah young love.” Before returning to his work with a small smile on his face.
It isn’t long before the other students start to pile into their seats. I see Sirius groan as he realises that the only seats left are in fact in front of us and not behind. Remus smirks and drags him over to the seats, he rolls his eyes playfully when he notices how attached James is to me, I smile and wink in return. I notice how Sirius doesn’t say anything but quickly realise why when I see him grab Remus’s hand discreetly under the table.
Slughorn starts his lesson with his usual enthusiasm, and I quickly realise that James made a mistake this morning- more than he already had. In that this was one of our few theory lesson so I would be sat next to him for the whole hour.
James hasn’t let go of me- he never pays attention to potions when he’s in a needy mood- let alone a bratty one. So I take my notes and try not to go soft as I feel him fiddling with the edges of my skirt, his breath warm against my neck and the occasional soft kiss present against it.
When Slughorn started to write notes on is blackboard I shifted the arm that he was holding onto, to his thighs, giving them a light squeeze before trailing my hand upwards. When I get to high enough I cup his crotch and give it a squeeze, similar to the one I gave his thigh. I feel his breath hitch next to my ear. “Please.” He whimpers quietly.
“Have you been good bubs?” I whisper, pulling the zip on his trousers down.
“So good mommy, please.” His whines getting more high pitched and pathetic as I slide my hand inside his trousers and boxers, stroking his hardening cock. I start palming him and I smile at his quiet panting. “Oh but sweetie, we both know you haven’t. I could’ve forgiven the touching but leaving mommy like that? That I can’t let go so easily.” He lets out a noise, a cross between a grunt and a whimper. I feel him become harder and harder until I know he’s getting close. Then, as if fate is enjoying this as much as me, Slughorn turns around around to face us, prompting me to pull my hand out of his trousers and back onto his thigh.
“Please mommy. Won’t do again. I’m sorry. Please.” He mutters over and over. The sweet begging almost making me give in. Almost.
I wait for about 10 minutes, when he stops begging, and reach back inside him boxers and started palming his cock. He starts panting again pretty quickly. “Shh baby. Be quiet for mommy and maybe I’ll let you finish. Can’t be having the whole class find out what a bad boy you’ve been. Or our teacher to know.” He whines at this but I hear him swallow and probably hold his breath as I continue to tease him. Until, once again, I stop before he has the chance to finish.
I repeat this for the rest of the lesson. And the rest of the day. Whenever the opportunity presented itself I would get him hard and panting, begging for release before stopping with no warning leaving him unsatisfied. He followed me around the entire day, his cheeks stayed permanently pink and even Remus couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle when he saw this.
After school we went up to my dorm, I sat on James’s lap in my bed while I did my homework, occasionally shifting to tease his already straining cock. I couldn’t stop smirking at his heavy breathing.
Eventually I finished my work and put it away safely in my bag before turning to James with my hands against my hips. “Strip.” I command and immediately he jumps out of bed and takes off all his clothes and stands in front of me waiting for my next command.
His cock is hard and even has some precum coming out, which I find amusing. I slowly walk around him, admiring his body. Quidditch did wonders. I run my nails down his back and I feel him shudder.
“Have you been a good boy Jamie?” I ask from behind him, slowly walking round to face him. “Ye-”
“Don’t lie James.” I interrupt. “It’s only going to be worse if you lie.” I raise an eyebrow, crossing my arms under my chest, and wait for him to answer. I can see him gulp before shifting slightly on his feet before he lowers his head. “No mommy.” “Look at me when you’re talking.” He brings his head up and makes eye-contact with me.
“No mommy.” He says, quiet and hesitant.
“No mommy what?”
“No mommy, I haven’t been a good boy.”
“That’s right James. You’ve been a brat. You touched me without permission, and you didn’t even finish me off. You couldn’t even admit to Sirius what you did.”
“Sorry mommy.” He whimpers. Giving me those cute puppy dog eyes. I almost feel sorry for him. Almost.
“You will be don’t worry.” I saw, stroking his cheek with my thumb. “Lie down.” He nods climbing onto the bed, lying flat on his back.
I walk over to him and run a hand down his chest. “Mommy’s going to ride you, and you are not going to touch me, and you won’t be allowed to cum until I give you permission. Do you understand?” He nods vigorously. “I need words please Jamie.”
“Yes mommy, I understand.”
“Good.” I take a small step back before starting to remove my own clothes slowly, teasing him. I watch his cock becoming impossibly harder and I feel a sense of pride that I could do that to him. That no-one else could make him this hard. I try not to let the grin on my face show.
I move my leg over him to straddle his stomach, placing my hand on his chest. I start to scratch down his chest and stomach, leaving red marks behind my fingers. I lean forwards and start pressing kisses along his jawline, slowly getting more and more possessive in my actions, sucking bright marks all over his neck and collarbones. Marking him up as my own.
“Are you ready Jamie?” I ask, watching him pant and nod furiously beneath me. “Words please James.”
“Yes mommy, please.”
“Colour?” I ask.
“Green, mommy.”
“Good. Remember to try and tell me if that changes.”
“Yes mommy.”
“Good boy.” I lean down and place a gentle kiss on his lips. I lift myself up and slide my arm underneath my to grip his hard cock. I slide myself back and line myself up before lowering myself, sitting down on his hips. I let out a breath at the feel of him filling me up so well.
I give myself a moment to get used the feel and run my hands through his curls. As soon as I’m ready I bring myself up, almost bringing him entirely outside of me before bringing myself as far down as I can. I start to keep a steady pace bouncing up and down, keeping a grip on his hair as he groans and moans underneath me.
I feel him start to twitch inside of me so I stop and let myself rest, sat on his hips. “No!” He whines. “Please mommy please let me cum.” He begs.
“This is your punishment Jamie. You want to be my good boy don’t you?” He nods. “Then take the punishment like a good boy and maybe I’ll let you cum. Can you do that for me Jamie?” He nods again. “Words.” I remind him.
“Yes mommy, I’ll be your good boy- wanna be your good boy.”
“Good.” I let myself catch my breath and wait until I start to fill him calm down inside ne before starting to bounce up and down on him.
I quickly feel myself getting closer and closer to to the edge, panting and losing my rhythm as it gets closer. “Don’t cum Jamie.” I say as I feel it get closer. “Don’t you dare cum or I won’t touch you for a week.” I hear him whimper at my words. “I’m gonna cum Jamie ok? And I need you to make sure you don’t.”
I feel the knot inside me get tighter and tighter as I continue to use him for my own pleasure. I scream as I feel it snap inside me and stop riding him, letting myself become less sensitive.
“Well done baby. Did so good for me. Wasn’t sure you’d manage.” I lean down and stroke his hair and rest my free hand on his cheek which he quickly leans into.
“You’ve done so well sweetie. Proven you can be a good boy for mommy.” I smile down at the boy underneath him and take in his beautifully destroyed form. He’s covered in sweat, panting heavily, his glasses fogged over. I love him like this. I want to take a picture so I can revisit this moment as much as I could. He’d probably let me like this. But I want him like this all to myself, I don’t want to risk anyone else seeing him like this. All mine.
“‘m your good boy?”
“Yeah baby. Colour?”
“Green mommy.”
“Good. You ready to cum now baby?”
“Yeah baby. Gotta wait until I say you can but this time I promise I’ll let you cum.”
“Thank you mommy.”
I start moving again a little slower at first as I’m still sensitive from my orgasm. But quickly I pick up the pace, leaving more and more scratches along his chest as I get closer to a second orgasm. I feel him twitch against my walls. “Just a little longer ok baby? Just hold on.”
I start moving faster, chasing my orgasm. “Cum for me.” I whisper in his ear as I lean down. I let myself go the moment I felt him start to release himself inside me. We stay connect for a moment as I relax and enjoy the bliss.
I slowly sit up and pull myself off of him. “Don’t leave-” James grabs my arm gently.
“I’m not leaving you sweetie, need to clean us up.” I take his hand and press a kiss to his palm. I pull back and inspect it, seeing dents from his nails. I grab his other hand seeing the same marks. I press a kiss to the palm of his other hand. “You need to be careful love, you can’t hurt yourself like this.” I look down and see him shrink into himself a little bit.
“‘m sorry mommy. You said not to touch you, wanted to be your good boy.”
“You are my good boy but I don’t want you to hurt yourself, ok?”
“Ok mommy.” I nod and go to the bathroom, running a rag under a tap before cleaning myself off then going back into my room to clean him off.
When we’re both clean I climb into bed, pulling the duvet over the both of us. He quickly wraps his arms around my waist tightly and rests his head against my chest. “Good boy.” I say running my fingers through his hair.
I start hearing his light snores and smile lightly. I love him so much.
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beansmack2021 · 10 months
Marauders Era w/ Prompt 19
Disclaimer: This is gonna be Sirius x Reader angst, so I'm sorry to all of the Wolfstar fans (Follows the events of the prank)
Reader is close to the Marauders, essentially a Marauder herself. She knows about Remus's lycanthropy and about the others being Animagus. She knows that the others are all good people. Or at least she thought she did.
"Don't touch me!"
Y/N L/N was on high alert. Every one of the Marauders was. Remus had been experiencing extreme discomfort for at least the past two days, and it was the time of month that the five of them had always dreaded. She knew that Sirius, James and Peter could transform into a dog, deer, and rat respectively, and that they were safe as animals, but that didn't do much to ease her anxiety.
Remus would come back from the Shrieking Shack, which was desolate and abandoned, with new cuts and scratches that'd surely scar later. The shack was the perfect place for a werewolf to hunker down in to avoid causing harm to the general public while still keeping his secret. There wasn't much else the others could do besides lead him there, keep him company (and try to keep him from digging at himself with his claws, which is what typically caused the eventual scars), and carry him back to Hogwarts for a bit of healing and rest when he finally returns to his human form.
It pained Y/N to see him so uncomfortable, but she knew there was no cure for lycanthropy and that the others did their best to help him during the time surrounding the full moon.
She kept a close eye on her friend throughout the school day and tried to get him to eat something during dinner, but he was more focused on doing the homework he'd surely miss while he's transformed. James didn't really care about getting his done and Peter did his right after classes were finished for the day. Usually, Sirius doesn't care either, so Y/N was surprised when he came into the common room a little while after dinner and asked if they could work on the written assignment for Potions together.
Of course, by working, Sirius had meant doing a few questions and then goofing around, but he seemed to be enjoying himself. Truth be told Y/N was, too. Eventually, he'd started asking random questions to try to confuse her or make her laugh. The assingment was tossed away entirely.
"If you were a type of flower, what would you be?"
"I guess I'd be a daisy. They're my favorites." Y/N yawned and stretched a bit. They'd been talking for almost an hour. She knew he'd have to leave with the others soon, so she'd have time after to work on the Potions paper and wouldn't have to worry about not finishing it. She just wasn't sure she'd be able to focus after spending so much of her time just talking with Sirius. She felt so at ease with him, and sure she always had with her boys, but this was different. This was something more.
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Remus, James, and Peter came down from their dorm an hour or so before the sun was going to set, trying to make it to the Shrieking Shack before Remus's transformation to avoid taking any risks.
Y/N stood to give each of the boys a hug, squeezing Remus the tightest and for the longest and backed away to get a good look at the four of them. "Be safe." She felt like a mother telling her boys to stay out of trouble. While she wasn't their mother, they were definitely her boys, and she didn't want anything happening to any of them.
"We will, Mum." James always seemed to read her mind. She tousled his hair a bit, and he kissed her cheek before they threw James's cloak over themselves. Y/N could no longer see the four of them, but she could hear their feet shuffling and Peter's quiet "Ow!" when one of the others stepped on his foot. The portrait doorway opened and closed after a few moments, and Y/N sat down on the sofa once more, picking up her quill and trying to think about her Potions assingment and not a certain dark-haired boy.
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Y/N was furious, for lack of a better word. She was furious and she was hurt. So very hurt. Of course, it had to be her best friend. Her very best friend in the entire world, other than possibly James, who she'd spent hours talking to just the night before, turned out to be a monster.
She knew that he'd had been through a lot as a child, and she thought that he was better than the rest of his family, but he'd unfortunately proven her wrong. Angry tears, hot and thick, rolled down her face. She wiped at them furiously, holding her books tightly to her chest and nearly running through the corridor.
She doubted that Sirius knew that she knew what he'd done. He'd find out very quickly, though, reaching out to tap her shoulder and being met with firey rage. "Don't touch me!"
"Y/N?" He suddenly seemed less thrilled to see her, his smile slowly tilting downward in confusion and concern.
"I thought you were different, Sirius. I thought you were better than them. But you're just as bad as the rest of your family. Maybe worse."
Sirius was hurt and still very confused, and then something seemed to click and he tried to explain himself. "Wait, Y/N, this is about last night, right? It was just supposed to be a joke, a prank!"
"A prank? You think sending Severus to the shack was just some harmless practical joke? He could've died! You could've killed him! What the hell is wrong with you?" Y/N was starting to feel less like a hole in her side was leaking air and more like she'd be sent to Professor Dumbledore's office in the next few moments if someone didn't intervene.
"I didn't think he'd be stupid enough to actually go!" Sirius was getting frustrated, deflecting. He was trying to make it seem as though he wasn't completely at fault, that Severus had to take some blame for his near-death experience.
"I didn't think you were so horrible as to betray your best friend." Y/N suddenly felt very cold. It was a dreadful feeling. "I didn't think you would ever hurt someone the way you've always worried that you would."
"Y/N, please, can't we just talk about this?" Sirius was desperate. Remus, James and Peter already hated him, he couldn't lose her, too.
"You and I have talked enough. Tell me, did you try to send Snape to his death before or after asking me about flowers?"
Sirius's mouth was slightly agape, and he blinked for a moment before closing it.
"Daisies, Sirius. My favorite flowers are daisies. Yours are bleeding hearts."
Sirius swallowed and nodded. He'd had hope that maybe she was trying to show him that she still cared enough about him to forgive him.
"I think I loved you, Sirius. God, I loved you."
Sirius was taken aback, but still had hope. "I love you, too. I love you so much, Y/N."
"Loved, Sirius. Loved." There it was. There was the hope that he had for them, crushed before him like a flower under a heavy boot. A tear rolled down her cheek, and he wanted nothing more than to reach out to her, to wipe it away and pull her into his arms and tell her over and over again that he loved her and wanted to be with her. He knew that she couldn't stand the sight of him at the moment, but maybe she could learn to forgive him. She turned her back to him and walked away. Sirius knew, in that exact moment, that there would be no 'maybes'. She left. She loved him...
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mildkleptomaniac · 3 years
brunch — jj maybank x kook!reader
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭:  “ Can you do a jj x reader? He's a waiter at the club and her family is there for brunch, her parents don't know about their relationship and are kinda rude to him. Reader's done with their attitude and deffends jj and reveals their relationship by accident and her parents get mad. Love all your fics, you're so talented! ”
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.6k
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: just some angst and an outburst! rude parents
𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓'𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆: sorry this took forever to get out! school semester just started, along with a new job. and I’m finally in the process of feeling better. I’m posting this on mobile so sorry if they layout is weird, but I hope you enjoy!
Y/N sat at the table, her parents sitting across from her as they stared at the menu. According to her parents, the world ran around them. They didn’t seem to care that they would take more than enough time to order and then usher the waiter over whenever it would be convenient for them. They would manage to make brunch turn into dinner with the amount of time they would sit at the table and slowly pick at the bread for an appetizer while slowly sipping their mimosas.
Y/N enjoyed going out for meals, but never with her parents. Sometimes she felt like she had to babysit them, especially with how they treated employees. She always apologized whenever the waiter would catch a glance at Y/N and she would give them an apologetic smile. Not to mention the amount of times she would slip in a few extra bills for the tip. Her parents were harsh when it came to the working class, which she didn’t quite understand.
But today at the Kildare Country Club, Y/N’s boyfriend would be their waiter.
JJ Maybank.
Y/N’s secret Pogue boyfriend. He was the boy that her parents would fear for her to fall in love with because they knew all too well about his family and their history. Her parents would remind her of the “better” selection of boys to pick from, which either included Kelce or Topper. Luckily her parents never mentioned Rafe Cameron—it’s almost like they knew in their gut that he wasn’t the best candidate to date.
Y/N’s parents feared that Pogues will just use her to get further in life and that she’s just some doormat to her friends. But that wasn’t the case at all, if anything—Y/N was the glue to the friend group after she began dating JJ.
A few lies a week would keep her parents fooled, thinking she was spending her time studying or volunteering when in reality, she was relaxing at the Chateau or lounging on the HMS Pogue in JJ’s lap as they sipped on cheap beers.
“Good morning, folks. My name is JJ and I’ll be your waiter today. Can I start you off with anything to drink?” The blonde flashed his smile at the table, his eyes meeting Y/N’s. A comfort washed over the girl, his gaze always soothed any tension built in her body.
“Isn’t it Mimosa Sunday?” Her mother glanced upwards from the menu, voice flat.
“Yes, m’am. Bottomless Mimosas all Sunday.” JJ replied.
“Then get it started. Y/N would have a glass of water.” Her mother’s eyes flickered back to the menu. Y/N pursed her lips, shifting in her seat.
“What would you like to drink, miss?” JJ asked Y/N, ignoring her mother’s statement. Her eyes widened and she cleared her throat.
“I’ll take a sweet ice tea, please. With a side of water, please.” She made sure to emphasize the word ‘please’ around her parents. A term to slip their vocabulary whenever they were brought face to face with the working class.
“Y/N, don’t waste your calories on a drink.” Her mother shook her head.
“It’d be okay and I don’t want to talk about that right now in front of the waiter.” She remarked through her teeth, eyes looking back between her parents and her boyfriend.
“One sweet tea and bottomless Mimosas coming right up.” He jotted the order on his pad before turning on his heel. Y/N’s father cleared his throat and it caught JJ’s attention.
“Young man, we weren’t done ordering. We would like to place an order for an appetizer.”
Y/N could feel her shoulders ache from how pinched they were with tension. Her parents absolutely embarrassed her to no end with their lack of consideration or manners. She’s surprised they got this far in life by treating people like this. They were no different than any other person.
“We would like the Mini Herb Smoked Salmon Frittatas with Deviled Eggs.” Y/N’s father read off the menu.
“I’ll get that in as soon as possible, sir. And I’ll be right out with the drinks.” He smiled before walking away. He glanced back at his girlfriend and sent her a reassuring smile, trying to let her know that he was doing okay.
She knew her parents weren’t the worse to deal with, but they could be difficult.
“I’m surprised they allow a Maybank to work at this establishment. He probably steals all the soaps and colognes from the bathroom and sells them on the street.” Her father laughed, shaking his head.
“Oh honey, you’re probably right. His father is such a sleaze, I wouldn’t be surprised if he makes the boy bring home scraps from the dumpster!”
“I’m sorry, but what the hell is wrong with you both?” Y/N questioned, her eyebrows furrowed as she stared in distaste at her parent’s banter.
“Excuse me, young lady. Watch your language.” Her father reprimanded.
“Excuse me? Excuse you! You don’t even know JJ and you’re talking poorly about him. Obviously, he is working hard to make money. Bold of you to assume that he isn’t a hard worker—but he is. Do you not see him mowing lawns for the neighbors? Helping Hayward run groceries on the docks? If his family’s wealth is such an issue to you, why not help donate clothes and food to him?” Y/N’s outburst caught other tables' attention. She stood up in her spot, her hands clenching the table cloth.
“Y/N, you are causing a scene. You need to sit down right now or else you’re in major trouble.” Her mother’s voice was sharp.
JJ walked to the table, pretending to be oblivious to his girlfriend’s statements, which the whole restaurant practically heard her defending him. “Here are the Mimosas and the sweet tea. The starters will be out shortly. Can I get you anything else in the meantime?” He faked a smile.
“I don’t care if I’m causing a scene, because you’re causing a problem! You’re being rude for absolutely I reason towards JJ.” She remained standing and JJ stood there awkwardly, unsure of what the right move would be in this situation.
“Why do you care about this, Pogue? He has no meaning to our lives—he doesn’t benefit society, sweetheart.” Her father spoke in a softer tone.
“You’re unbelievable, dad! JJ Maybank is a human being who works to survive! He isn’t some scummy person and—in fact, he is my boyfriend! Mom, Dad, meet my boyfriend, JJ Maybank.” Y/N finally snapped and she gestured towards the blonde who stood there. He looked like a deer in headlights.
“Y/N, stop embarrassing the poor boy at work and yourself.” Her mother’s face grew red—she wasn’t sure if it was from anger or embarrassment herself.
“I’m not embarrassing myself, mom. This is my boyfriend. We’ve been dating for a few months now and this is where I’ve been. I’ve been dating a Pogue. You’re sweet, precious daughter is dating this Pogue. And he is actually fantastic and cares about me—more than you two ever do!” She threw her fabric napkin on the table before reaching into her purse. She pulled out a rather large dollar bill and stuffed it into JJ’s pocket. “Here is a tip that they won’t be giving you, babe. But I think you deserve it.” Y/N kissed his cheek before walking away from the table.
JJ cleared his throat and looked around the area, “would you like a different waiter, today?”
Y/N went inside the Country Club and paced around the entrance way. She ran a hand through her hair and she tried calming herself down. She had never had that much confidence to confront her parents like that, but she knew she would face the consequences when she would go home.
A hand clamped down on her shoulder and she turned around to face her boyfriend.
“JJ—I am so sorry all of that happened and—“ He interrupted her by cupping her cheeks and pulling her in for a kiss.
“You’re so hot when you’re mad and defending me.” He whispered against her lips. She let out a light laugh and they kissed once more. “You don’t need to apologize babe, what you did was awesome. Insane, but awesome.”
“My parents are going to kill me,” she laughed again. The reality setting in quickly.
“Then stay at the Chateau with me tonight. What’s gonna happen that’s not already? Plus, we can sleep together and I can have you tell everyone how you had a scene at brunch.” He teased, his fingers playing with the ends of her hair.
“That…that sounds nice.” She sighed, closing her eyes. JJ pressed a kiss to the temple of her head.
“I also put in your breakfast order if you wanna eat at the bar. I used the money you gave me for it.” He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. She looked at him gratefully.
“You’re the best, J. I love you,”
“Even if I’m a Pogue?”
“Most definitely if you’re a Pogue. I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
taglist: @abbyg217 @taylathornton @lemur46 @urdadsapussy @webmeupspiderdaddy  @rosarosse @5sos-fic-recs @littlethingsinmymind @pogueslandia @mrs-cameron @starduststarkey @jjshoeobx29872 @caswinchester2000 @starksvixen @mrs-talia-cameron @newtpsd @rottenstyx @professional-busboy @hallecarey1 @alwaysclassyeagle @cake2coke @siriusbutalsono @princessmaybank @wolfstar-lb @jorja-cameron @emeraldheartbreaker @nicavass
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quindolyn · 3 years
Ma’am i am begging for a wolfstar blurb where Remus has a innocence kink and Sirius has a corruption kink
With love, my vagina
Dumb Bunny || Remus Lupin and Sirius Black
Word Count: 4,553
A/N: I hope you like this Bo, you’re my favorite and you know that. I also wrote like 90% of this in one sitting so I don’t know if it’s any good because you usually i take breaks and come back and look at what I’ve written but who knows. Love you so much my love.
Warnings: degradtion, praise, names like slut and dumb, blow job, oral virgin, dogg style, this is post Azkaban kinda
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Kneeling at Remus’ feet staring up at the outline of his cock pressing up against his pants was daunting. You’d never actually given head before, had guys asked? Sure, but it had just never seemed worth the trouble, you’d never actually gotten a good look at any of their pricks because as soon as you’d nixed a blow job they were desperate to get inside of you.
Not that that had been all that great either, but you digress. 
You watched with wide eyes as his nimble fingers moved to the button on his slacks, pulling it through the hole before unzipping his zipper which allowed his slacks to drop and pool at his ankles. 
This left him in only his navy boxers which allowed you to get a much better look at the outline of his cock, you could almost see the ridges of the head as it was jostled around when he stepped out of his pants, kicking them to the side as he repositioned himself in front of you. 
You sat there, unmoving as you stared down his cock, not quite sure what to do now.
“Come on Pup, don’t tell me that you’re so clueless that you don’t know what to do with a cock when its been laid out in front of you,” Sirius sniped from where he stood, leaning nonchalantly against the wall as his eyes raked over your figure, clad only in the pair of pale pink panties and matching bra that you had put on hours earlier. “Don’t tell me that you’re that useless.”
“M’not useless,” You grumbled, casting your eyes down in shame, “I just, I’ve never done this before.”
“Speak up there Pup,” Remus commanded gently, slipping two strong fingers under your jaw to tilt your head up so that you could meet his gaze, “Can’t hear you when you mumble, and s’not nice to not look at someone when you’re talking to them.”
“M’sorry sir,” You apologized, trying to keep your eyes on his and not on his ever growing bulge, still straining against the material of his boxers, “I was just saying that,” You gulped, casting a sidelong glance at Sirius before moving your eyes back to meet Remus’, “I’ve never done this before.”
“Never done what before?” Sirius asked from off to the side, his smirk evident in his voice as he moved to stand next to Remus, “Come on bunny, wanna hear you say it.”
You looked up at Remus with pleading eyes but it was clear he wasn’t going to call his dog off, “I’ve never given head before, I’ve never sucked…” You felt your face heat up as you trailed off at the implication of your words.
“Oh come on,” Sirius chuckled, kneeling next to you so that you were of equal height, “Don’t get shy on me now, you can say the word puppy, I know you can.”
You found yourself not mortified by his condescending matter but rather ridiculously turned on, you could already feel a knot begin to form in your belly.
Sirius kept his eyes trained on you expectantly until you finally relented, “Cock,” As the single word slipped from your mouth you felt embarrassment bloom in your belly which was silly really, it was only just a word.
“Come on now, all together,” The dark haired man grinned mischievously.
“I’ve never sucked cock,” You admitted bashfully, looking to Remus to measure his reaction. You were nervous, not only had you never sucked someone off before but both men were a decade older than you with more sexual experience. What if you weren’t good, or you couldn’t take them and triggered your gag reflex? With all of these thoughts swimming around in your head it was hard to form a coherent thought and that was purely from nervousness, you couldn’t imagine what it would be like when you had them inside of you.
He had to restrain himself from groaning, both at your words and the innocent look on your face as you gazed up at him, “You’ve had sex though right baby? We’re not gonna take your virginity are we?” He asked, because if he and his lover were about to be your first time it was going to have to be a whole lot more special than this.
You were quick to shake your head, “No, I’ve had sex, I’m not a virgin.”
“Well in this hole you are,” Sirius captured your jaw, turning it to face him. His thumb brushed against the seal of your lips in a nonverbal command for you to open them, which you did of course.
You watched with wide eyes as Sirius gathered spit in his mouth before he spat it into your mouth, the taste of him bleeding across the expanse of your tongue. 
“Let me see Pup,” Sirius commanded as you stuck your tongue out, allowing him to see his spit on your tongue before he gave you your next direction, “Good girl, now swallow.”
Not as restrained a man as Remus he did groan watching your throat with an unguarded lust that had you shivering at the idea of what thoughts laid behind that gaze.
“Pads is right, you’re a very good girl,” Remus praised, directing your attention back towards him. Your mouth dropped open at the sight you were met with, Remus’ stiff cock standing proud and tall in front of your face with his hand wrapped around it.
“Am I going to suck your cock?” You asked, wide eyed and slightly concerned as you gazed up at Remus. Though his dick was prettier than you anticipated with its bright red, leaking tip, and the ridges caused by the veins that ran along the sides it was absolutely mouth watering, but the idea of fitting that in your mouth was nothing less than nerve wracking.
He let out a low chuckle, one of his strong hands moving to brush your hair out of your face, his eyes trained on your lips, “No, not yet baby. Gonna wrap those pretty lips around Sirius he’s a little bit smaller, it’ll make it easier for you.”
You heard Sirius grumble in discontent at the comment as he pushed himself up to undo the buckle of his belt, shedding both his trousers and boxers with far less dignity than his counterpart. Though yes, he was a bit smaller, it didn’t appear to be a significant difference and did little to soothe your woes about your potential performance. 
“Don’t worry Poppet, m’gonna teach you how to suck his dick. It's not hard I promise,” The tall man knelt beside you, his hand still on his prick as he smeared a kiss along your temple. You allowed your eyes to close at the contact, leaning into the touch as Remus guided one of your hands to his cock. It practically jumped into your grasp as oppositely charged magnets would attract each other. 
Though you’d given a hand job before Remus’ much larger, scarred hand found its way to encase your’s, guiding you through the motions of pumping up and down the shaft.
“How about me?” Sirius sounded petulant, like a child, but there was absolutely nothing child like about the way his dick rested heavily in the palm of his hand, he wasn’t as long as Remus but what he lacked in length he made up for in girth. The head of his member was more purple than red, though it leaked just as ferociously with the beginning drops of precum.
“He’s right Puppy,” Remus told you, pulling his lips away from your temple so that you would be forced to support the weight of your head on your own and meet his eyesight, “Gonna teach you how to give a blow job, okay?”
You nodded your head, “Yes, Sir.”
Impatience radiated off of the man who stood before you, the head of his cock staring you down, before you could talk yourself out of action you reached out and took the shaft in your hand, getting used to how it sat heftily in your hand.
“You’re gonna want to spit in your hand first Pup, it’ll make it easier,” Remus suggested, his length still secure in his own hand. You followed your instructions, switching Sirius’ member to your nondominant hand while you spat into the other one before resuming your previous hold.
Gazing up at him as you worked your hand up and down the length of his shaft you noticed the way his eyes were entirely consumed by lust, shining grey irises now black, blending in with his pupils.
“Use your thumb to smear the precum baby, like that,” Remus continued to coach you, watching as you ran your thumb over the sensitive head of Sirius’ member and how he jolted at the motion, “See he likes it.”
“Do you? Do you like it, Daddy?” You peered up at him through your eyelashes, cocking your head to the side without ever relenting the movement of your hand, “Am I doing a good job?”
Remus groaned from beside you, his gaze having left the dick in your hand, now landing on your face. Sirius simply smirked, dark curtains of hair framing his visage, the mere sight of him looming above you was enough to make you embarrassingly turned on, feeling pleasure begin to simmer in your belly you could only imagine how it would feel when you had him in your mouth.
“You’re doing a very good job Puppy,” It was Remus who spoke this time, “But it looks like Pads might be a little desperate to get his cock in your mouth, you think you’re ready?”
“I think so,” You nodded.
That was all Sirius needed before he was releasing his member from your hold, gripping his hand around it pumping it once, then twice before bringing the head to rest on your bottom lip. Tracing the seal of your lips with the weeping head of his prick he spoke, “Come on Puppy, wanna be the first cock in that pretty little mouth of yours.”
“You heard him (Y/N), open your mouth, time to take his cock.” Remus said from beside you.
“B-But I’ve never done this before, how am I supposed to know what to do?”
Getting more and more frustrated with the fact his prick still wasn’t in your mouth Sirius began shifting his weight from foot to foot anxiously.
“Don’t worry, it’s gonna be alright,” The werewolf soothed you, running his fingers through your tresses, “Gonna help you.”
Glancing over at Remus for one last confirmation you didn’t realize what Sirius was doing until it was too late and his member was making contact with your cheek as he slapped it against the side of your face, streaking precum across your skin, “Hurry up slut.”
You whimpered at the degradation of both his words and his action as you felt a pang of pleasure zip through your body, shivering at the filthiness of it. You shifted in your spot, trying to rub your thighs together to soothe some of the ache that resided there and that wasn’t showing any indication of relenting but neither of the older men were having it.
“Stop that,” Sirius growled, capturing your jaw in his hand, pushing your cheeks together so that your lips were forced open, “Not about you right now, you’re supposed to be getting me off,” With that, having lost all patience he pushed the head of his cock into your mouth, releasing a strangled groan as he stopped himself from pushing in deeper. 
Remus let out a small chuckle shifting so that he was closer to you, “There you go Poppet, just start with the head. You wanna be sure to keep your teeth tucked away so that you don’t hurt him,” Leaning in closer towards your ear he added something else in a low whisper, “We can do that later, yeah?”
You let out a small giggle, which because it was muffled by the cock sitting inside of your mouth sent vibrations of pleasure through Sirius, starting at the head of his member and working their way up the shaft. Unable to control himself he bucked into your mouth, not considerably deep but deep enough to jar you. 
“Careful Si,” Remus scolded gently, one of his hands going to grip Sirius’ bare thigh as a reminder not to rush. Looking at you he saw the tears brimming in your eyes at the sudden and unexpected motion, “Puppy,” He cooed, caressing the side of your face with his knuckles, “Gotta breathe through your nose, do you know how to do that baby?”
Shaking your head gently you were careful to keep your teeth tucked away behind your lips while still signaling that you had no clue what you were doing. 
“Are you choking on my cock?” Sirius mocked you, the concerned tone of voice so sickly sweet it was nauseating, “Not even doing anything with it, just sitting there in your mouth and you can’t even take it,” He thrusted up gently into your mouth, just enough for the head of his cock to brush up against the roof of your mouth as cause you to gag around his length.
“Be nice Sirius,” Remus seethed through gritted teeth, glaring up at him while he pet your hair, grounding you as you focused on inhaling and exhaling through your nostrils. Concentrating on that helped you to calm your gag reflex, no longer having a problem with how his member was positioned in your mouth.
“Daddy can be mean can’t he?” Remus directed his attention towards you, his tone was so falsely sympathetic that it worsened the need bubbling up inside of you as the pleasure in your stomach continued to simmer. 
You stopped yourself from nodding again, this time letting out an affirmative hum which pleased Remus as he watched Sirius’ hips stutter as he refrained from forcing his length all the way down your throat.
“You can suck harder bunny, it’ll feel good and he’ll tell you if something hurts or doesn’t feel good, gotta trust him to do that.”
Taking his advice you sucked more harshly at the member inside of your mouth, swirling your tongue around the head while looking up at him to gauge his reaction, he was still looking down at you, unblinking as though if he lost sight of you for even a moment the pleasure would stop. 
Remus slid his body behind yours so that your back was pressed to his chest with his cock achingly pressing into your bareback, smearing precum along your skin.
“Gotta hollow your cheeks Pup, like this,” His fingers found their way to either side of your face, pressing gently on your cheeks until he could feel the cock inside of your mouth. “It’ll feel good for him, make it tighter like it would be if he was fucking your cunt.”
One hand quickly abandoned your face, sliding its way down your stomach until his fingers were brushing the top of your lacy panties before slipping just his fingertips beneath the material. He simply cupped your pussy possessively, not working his fingers between your folds or into your hole, but just resting there, clutching you.
“Fuck Moons,” Sirius gritted, “She’s a fucking natural, hollowing her cheeks so prettily for me it’s like fucking her actual cunt.”
You whined at his words, squirming once again trying to relieve the ache burning between your thighs, the way he spoke to Remus, to Sir, like you weren’t even there. It was deliciously objectifying, degrading, and you loved it. 
Remus smiled into your neck as he moved to nip at your ear, the contact subtle, but still enough to have you shivering as pleasure tickled at your nerves which felt frayed and exposed, with every motion, every exhale against your skin it was like on fire had been set to each of them individually.
“Gonna make him feel even better now poppet, bob your head up and down and you’re gonna take your hand,” He took one of your hands, which had been resting on your thigh, and guided it to the base of Sirius’ member, “Just move it a little bit, on what you’re not able to fit into your mouth, don’t wanna neglect it.” 
Following his instructions you worked the exposed length of him in your hand as you bobbed your head up and down the rest, taking about half of his cock into the velvety warmth of your mouth. Running the brunt of your tongue along his shaft you acted upon the courage you felt surge through you, using the hand not at the base of his cock to grapple at his balls. 
You were more than pleased with the strangled moan that fell from Sirius’ lips, you’d gotten groans out of him earlier but not a moan. Remus noted this as well, his mouth still pressed against your ear, “Look at that, he’s so pretty with his head thrown back like that, moaning, and all because of your mouth.” 
One of his fingers found your bottom lip which was dripping with saliva, and he ran the pad of his finger along the cushion of your lip, pressing gently. 
“How’s it feel, Pads?” Remus looked up at the other man.
“She was born to suck cock,” He exhaled sharply as you took him deeper in your mouth, making a point to continue to hollow your cheeks.
The hand cupping your sex slid a finger between your folds, collecting your wetness on a singular digit causing you to jump at the contact before you rolled your hips towards his hand nonverbally begging for more.
Moving his lips to suck dark purple hues into the delicate flesh of your neck Remus spoke into your skin, “Once you make Daddy cum then it's your turn Bunny, don’t be greedy, you gotta give before you get.”
Taking his words at face value you became even more determined to make Daddy cum, knowing that not only would it be a personal feat, your first blow job, but that when it was done you would be getting so much more.
Breathing in sharply through your nose you willed your gag reflex not to act up as you pushed your head down on his cock, taking in as much of Sirius as you could which you were pleased to see that it was a majority of his length inside of your mouth by the time you hit your limit. 
You sucked more harshly at his member, swirling your tongue around what you could before Remus rose from where he had rested behind you, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head before moving to stand next to Sirius. You whimpered when his fingers slipped from your cunt but were intrigued as you watched through your lashes. Observing as Remus’ hands slipped under the smaller man’s shirt, palms running up and down the toned planes of his stomach as he meshed his lips with the other man’s.
You were unsure but you thought that you heard a command for Sirius to rid himself of his shirt as he quickly undid the buttons, letting the dress shirt fall to the floor with Remus’ quickly following suit.
Watching the two men make out with each other, Remus’ hands nestling themselves in Sirius’ long hair and Sirius’ gripping at Remmy’s bare ass, spurred you on in your efforts to make him cum.
Adjusting Siri’s length so that it sat comfortably in your throat and that so you could feel where it bulged against your throat before you swallowed around his length.
If the feeling of his load being shot down your throat wasn’t indication enough that your little trick had done the job then the sharp, “Fuck” the man released from above you certainly was. 
You swallowed his cum just as you had his spit before easing yourself off of his length, taking extra care to keep your teeth from his sensitive cock. Looking up at him with wide eyes you watched him lay his head on Remus’ chest as marks similar to the ones left on your neck were left on his, and though yours were beginning to feel a bit tender you knew that Sirius was loving his as much as you were loving yours.
“Did I do a good job Daddy?” You looked up at him owlishly, cocking your head to the side.
“Fuck Moons if you don’t fuck her I will,” Was all you got in response as Remus chuckled into the newly bruised skin of his lover pulling away to assess you. 
He frowned looking at you as he noticed that you were still in your underwear, “Up,” He ordered, once you were on your feet he was in front of you in a single stride, strong, scarred arms were extending around your torso to undo the clasp of your bra, pulling the straps off of your shoulders allowing the garment to fall to the floor before kneeling in front of you to tug your panties down which you then stepped out of.
“On the bed,” He ordered simply, your panties hanging from the crook of his finger as he moved to deposit them in the pocket of his blazer, cock bobbing in the air as he moved about the room.
Positioning yourself on the bed, on your hands and knees you caught a glimpse of Sirius lounging on an armchair in the room, cock resting against his thigh as he recovered from his first orgasm of the night. He shot you a lazy smile before raking his eyes along your form, studying each ripple and ridge hungrily. 
On your hands and knees, you felt uncomfortably vulnerable but you knew it was all worth it when you felt Remus settle in behind you, his hands moving to grip your hips and pull you back towards his pelvis.
You pushed your bum back towards Remus as you felt the head of his cock run through your soaking folds, you were almost embarrassed by how wet sucking Sirius off had made you but you couldn’t quite summon the energy.
“Don’t rush bunny, I got you, I promise,” With one hand guiding his cock and the other anchoring you to him he pushed just the head of his member inside of you. You clenched around him, trying to suck more of his length up into you because though you technically had him you needed more.
Not feeling particularly patient himself Remus wasted no time before pushing the entirety of his length inside of you, growling as your cunt pulsed around him. 
“Sir!” You moaned feeling yourself stretch around him, having never taken his cock before you weren’t ready for the way that he stretched you so wide it was bordering on painful just barely avoiding tipping over the edge. 
Allowing you a moment to adjust to his length he pulled out of you until his member barely rested inside of you before thrusting himself all the way back in. A hand running down your back signaled for you to arch your back for him which of course you did.
His pace was fast but deep, the depth of his strokes consistent as he reached depths inside of you you hadn’t even known existed before. Pistoning his hips in and out of you the rhythmic sound of skin slapping up against skin filled the room and you could feel his balls slapping up against your clit which each and every thrust.
“Pretty bunny,” Remus’ low voice sounded through the room, accompanied by the sounds of your skin against each other as he leaned back to watch his member disappear in you before pulling back out, “Such a pretty bunny for me, so sweet and innocent aren’t you?”
“Yes Sir,” You responded, allowing your head to drop and hang as you fell onto your elbows rather than your hands.
Sirius tutted as he rose from his seat in the corner, his beautifully tattooed body still glistening with sweat as he began pumping his cock while walking towards you, “Please, she’s not a pretty bunny, she’s a little cum slut. Dumb little bunny.”
You whined out at his degradation, your eyes squeezed shut as a wave of pleasure coursed through you causing you to let out a ragged breath. 
“See, she likes it, dumb bunny.” Though you couldn’t see him you were sure that he was grinning wickedly down at you.
“No m’not! I’m a pretty bunny,” You insisted, though your message was a bit undercut as you slurred your words.
“That’s right, pretty bunny,” Remus cooed, groping the globes of your ass in his hands, squeezing the flesh before pulling away to observe the handprints he left on your skin, if only for a moment.
“She wants to be, but she’s not, she’s just a cock hungry slut.” Sirius countered and you looked up at him with pleading eyes, desperately seeking his approval but all you got was a sneer as he pumped his cock next to your face.
“Not nice, Sir says you’re mean,” You whined as Remus continued to thrust in and out of you, rather enjoying watching the interaction between his two lovers.
“Oh is that right? Well, I don’t fucking care if I’m mean, you’re a dumb fuck bunny and if telling you that is mean then oh well,” He grasped your jaw in between his hand, forcing your head up at an uncomfortable angle to make eye contact with you, “Guess I’m mean.”
The whine you released at that was perhaps the most pathetic of the night, you felt pathetic at the gush of wetness you felt at his words, the pleasure in your belly progressing from a simmer to a boil as Remus’ hand reached around to find your clit, pinching the sensitive bundle of nerves between his thumb and forefinger.
“Don’t listen to him,” The man buried deep inside of your cunt told you, “You’re my pretty bunny, keep on being my pretty bunny, prove Daddy wrong.”
It was all too much, the contrast between Remus’ praising words and Sirius’ harsh ones, the sight of Sirius’ tattooed hand working up and down his shaft, Remus’ pace in and out of you and his hand on your clit. 
It was just all too much.
You could barely see straight as the pleasure boiling in your belly overflowed, like hot lava flowing you felt pleasure flow through your veins as you climaxed. Your orgasm left you feeling warm in every nook and cranny as your eyes rolled back into your head. It felt like you were underwater as your thoughts swam around you, mingling with the noises in the room around you.
Your head was still heavy as you opened your eyes which you hadn’t realized you’d squeezed shut, you jolted forward as Remus continued moving in and out of your pussy, trying to get away from his cock. Your orgasm had been electrifying leaving you sensitive but Remus didn’t seem to be relenting.
“Don’t recall telling you you could cum Poppet,” Remus said from behind you, and that’s when you realized why he wasn’t stopping, “Maybe Daddy was right, maybe you are just a dumb bunny.”
tagging: @randomoutsiders @weasleyposts @amourtentiaa @kittykylax @superbturtlemakerathlete
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art post . 11
whoooooooo boy, here we goooooo! I never thought I'd scrounge up enough to make 10 arts posts and now I'm turning it up to 11 !!!
a healthy dose of gut wrenching withdrawal from ATYD helped me start this, but my headcanon for this is better attributed to Stealing Harryverse by copperbadge which I started soon after, where Remus and Sirius are living that perfect (?) domestic life dream and ADULTING AT THEIR FINEST <3 would recommend the series 11/10 !! It's only fully written up until Prisoner of Azkaban, but I know in my heart this scenario would have found its way into the 4th installment. And it would definitely have been called Harry Potter and the Godfathers on Fire. Sue me. Or start paying me idk.
worked on this on and off for several days before my last bout of exams and only got around to scanning it now cause I got so pooped from said exams :---( but long story short this has been in the back of my mind for weeks
the original scan is at the bottom left, and GUESS which bish got too lazy to color in the skin cause she left it for last, hence leaving them looking like they're fresh off a spin of the Resurrection Stone??? THIS BISH THAT WHO hence hence hence the lazy digital shading of skin and severe tweaking of saturation, etc. in the final one
pls forgive the blue bg in the bottom right, I wanted to see them against dark blue and nabbed that off the internet but I couldn't get it to come together as I pictured it hnnnngh
I d e s p e r a t e l y wanted to draw these two in fancy attire, so [insert whatever Ministry/Hogwarts/Order event you want here], and picture Sirius going bridezilla about the clothes shopping and Remus having none of it because his professor suits are still in grrrrreat shape, until Sirius tells him Remus would be doing him a favor by being the hottest date at the party, and when he sees the turtleneck + cane combo how can he refuse??????
WHOLLY INSPIRED BY THESE DAVID THEWLIS LOOKS: Gangster No. 1, 1993 Cannes Film Festival, and just his overall BEING in Seven Years in Tibet (I hate his fruitiness in that film and by hate I mean I would die and be reborn as a one legged dog tick for another serving of his fruitiness in that film) [x] [x] [x]
I once had a friend who asked me what I thought about the casting of David Thewlis as Remus Lupin when we were in grade school. I said I thought it was fine. She said she thought he was too old. We're not friends anymore. AKSDJFHJAKSDHFJKASHDJKHASDJKHASFDF
That being said, I understand wanting to see the marauders closer to their canon ages and as young adults who had to grow up too fast, and I appreciate the fan casting of beanie barnes and andrew! Love them as actors, and thoroughly enjoy all the edits/art/etc. that go with it, but david and gary still have a firm grip on my soul huhuhu
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pinkteapotwriting · 3 years
Not so Innocent desires
Wolfstar x fem!reader
Warning : This is so filthy dear lord, explicit sexual content, Sub!fem reader, spanking, oral, innocence kink and I think that’s it
Just good ol fashioned smut
Summary : Turns out you Remus and Sirius want to treat you a certain way, it takes some special kind of convincing from your end though.
Word count : 3164
The lovely @fionanovasleftnut had a wonderful idea that I couldn’t resist writing about. I’m not sure with how this one turned out but I hope I did the idea justice. xXx
Being a family friend of the Weasleys had its perks. You always had someone to stick up for you, always had someone who could make you laugh, and you always had a home with them, wherever that may be. You had moved out on your own as soon as you graduated from Hogwarts, but it seemed that wasn’t the way to start your life as a young adult. The wizarding world was at war and Molly Weasley was insistent that one of her adopted daughters should not be defenseless living alone. 
You had tried to reassure her that you would be fine, you even approached your most likely allies.
“Fred, George please tell her I’ll be fine. You understand right?” They only chuckled at your cute pout and brushed your concerns aside.
So no. No one was willing to risk the parting of their lovely Y/N.
You were too kindhearted, too sweet, too pure. A ray of sunshine in these dark times, too precious to leave unprotected. 
You had been so angry at first, but your anger was soon turned into bashfulness as you were met by two very attractive men. Of course you knew Professor Lupin, he was your teacher and even now words from his mouth directed your way made heat rise to your face.
 Then there was Sirius Black. His long black hair framed his face perfectly. His stormy grey eyes made you completely weak at the knees. 
Everything about these two men left you flustered, Remus’s quick wit, Sirius’s hearty laugh, the knowing glances they’d share, Remus’s scars you just wanted to spend hours tracing, and Sirius’s ring clad fingers that tapped impatiently against the table. For being in Azkaban for 12 years his hands sure looked strong and capable. 
It was a blessing and a curse really. You got to admire two very attractive men, yet you couldn’t manage much more than bashful nods at times. That didn’t stop them from approaching you however. They were so kind and welcoming, so much so that you took up Sirius’s offer to stay there rather than at the Weasleys. He knew you valued your alone time and got anxious in large groups so he thought you’d appreciate your own room rather than crowding in with the Weasleys. It was all good and well.
Except for how often you found yourself rubbing your thighs together at night to ease some sort of tension. Nothing could stop the wetness that pooled in your underwear at the memory of Sirius clenching his jaw in anger as Snape talked, or the way Remus calmed him down by rubbing his hand up and down his thigh. So once again that night you found yourself with that familiar ache you just didn’t know how to satisfy on your own. Your fingers just weren’t good enough. You got up in a huff to get some water at an attempt to calm down. You slipped down the hallway silently, but the sound of a low moan coming from Sirius’s room stopped you in your tracks. The door was slightly ajar and although you knew you shouldn’t peek in, the dull throbbing of your clit convinced you to stay. You had to stifle your own moan at the sight in front of you. 
Sirius was sitting on the edge of his four poster king sized bed while Remus was on his knees between his legs jacking him off.
“Fuck Pads, how was it already this hard I’ve hardly touched you.”
“It’s not my fault! Blame Y/N with those stupid lips she bites. And her big doe eyes and and- fuck Moony that feels so good.” 
Remus grinned at the chance to tease Sirius.
“Not as good as Y/N would feel though right? Bet you’d love to have her little hands wrapped around your cock huh. Imagine if you got to stretch out her perfect little pussy. She’s so fucking innocent, so pure”
“I wanna ruin her god she’s pretty, but at the same time she’s so precious I don’t wanna taint her. She deserves something more gentle and sweet.”
“You’re certainly smitten aren’t you?”
“Don’t act like you don’t wanna fuck her to the brink of tears. Have you heard that cute little giggle? Imagine what her whines sound like. I just wanna watch as you wrap your big hands round her thro-”
“S’that what you want? You wanna make innocent little Y/N our cockslut. Wanna make her our needy puppy. Wonder how many times we could make her come with just our fingers.”
“Fuck Remus I’m gonna cum.”
“Yeah that’s right love, cum to the picture of fucking her mercilessly, her nails scratching down your back cause you’re fucking her so hard.”
You watched Sirius shudder while Remus’s face lit up in victory. You decided it was best to leave before they were no longer distracted. 
Well, that certainly didn’t make you any less riled up. Looks like they wanted you as much as you wanted them. You knew you’d have to put your shyness aside, but how on earth do you talk to someone about that. Yes, hello I find you two super hot and I’d just love it if you’d degrade me and throw me around thank you so much. Frankly you never knew you wanted that yourself until you heard the words fall from their lips with ease. You put your plan in motion as you traveled back to your room, praying it would work.
You were giddy when you woke up, anxious for the day that awaited you. You decided to wear a shirt that Remus had once complimented, suddenly much more aware of how it complimented your chest. You paired it with your shortest skirt and thigh high socks. You turned around and shoulder checked to appreciate yourself, knowing if you bent over too much anyone could see the white lace thong you had underneath.
You knew the order meeting was starting earlier than usual so you pranced down the stairs and were met with a dumbstruck Ron and Ginny.
“Blimey Y/N, who are you trying to shag?” He was instantly met with a slap by Ginny.
“Shut it Ron, don’t talk about Y/N like that you git. You look adorable.” She reassured.
You smiled sweetly at her and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. “Thanks Gin, I’m gonna go get breakfast now.”
You swear you saw Remus and Sirius give a double take when you entered the kitchen. Pleased your plan was going well you continued into the next phase and sat between Fred and George casually as if your heart wasn’t racing a million miles an hour. Any laugh that the twins could pull from your lips were met with a hard stare from Sirius and Remus. Normally Remus could keep a calm disposition but you could notice the look of contempt in his eyes as his hand clenched the edge of the table. 
 You pushed your chair back and made your way to the sink. 
“Here Molly, let me help you clean up.”
“Thank you dear, you can just grab the dishes from the table love.” 
You made your way round the table and once you reached where your two admirers were you squeezed between them and bent over to grab the last plate, feeling your skirt ride up high enough to gain a sharp intake of breath from Sirius. 
“Sorry, it was just easier to get it this way.” 
You smiled to yourself as you helped Molly finish cleaning. Everything cycled out and everyone rearranged where they sat as they tidied up before the meeting began. You were thrilled at the chance to sit between Remus and Sirius now that everyone had moved. You leaned forward so you could rest your chin on your hand as Kingsley Shacklebolt spoke of the newest updates happening within the ministry. Fred and George would sometimes try to throw you off by making funny faces, but they were met by a hard glare by Remus which instantly simmered them down, while Sirius placed his arm around the back of your chair in a possessive manner. Welp, now was as good a time as ever to test the waters. You leaned back into your chair and crossed one leg over the other so your foot would brush against Sirius’s calf. He passed a glance, and you took a deep breath and moved it up and down his leg. You smirked at how you saw his hands clench and that spurred you on to lightly place your hand on Remus’s thigh.
“Y/N love, what are you doing exactly” Remus’s voice was shaky, like he was holding back.
Time to ice the cake.
“Nothing Remmy, I’m just being innocent little Y/N.”
Sirius’s head swerved at that one and you couldn’t help but notice the growing tent in his trousers.
It took forever for everyone to leave after the meeting. It took even longer to convince Molly that you were fine to stay here rather than go back to the burrow.
“Alright Y/N if you’re sure, but you know how to reach me if you need anything at all right?”
“Of course Molly.”
If she knew what you wanted these two men to do to you she would be dragging you by the ear out the door. But finally, finally she left.
Leaving you alone with two straight faced men whose expressions were unreadable. Remus was the first to break the silence. 
“Y/N, did you over hear our conversation last night”
You nodded, but Sirius wasn’t having it.
“Nuh uh, you’re gonna answer out loud for us pretty girl. You don’t get to tease us the way you do then act all shy now.”
“Yes, I heard.”
Remus returned to questioning you. “Yeah, and did you like what you heard?”
“I- I did.”
“Didn’t know you were such a naughty girl” Sirius chortled, “wish I would have known sooner.”
“I’m not naughty!”
“Oh yeah what makes you say that?”
“Cause I wanna be your good girl, please make me your good girl.”
Remus was hypnotised by the puppy dog eyes and pouty lips looking up at him.
“Shhh we’ve got you puppy, we just thought you’d want something more gentle.”
“No Remmy, I want you.”
“You can have me darling, let's go upstairs.”
He offered his hand to you and you took it eagerly, and began your journey upstairs, earning a chuckle from Sirius as you snatched his hand too on the way. As soon as you entered they had their hands on you, Sirius had you pressed against Remus as he was kissing your neck. 
“You sure you want this love?”
“Please Siri.”
“Alright pup, safe word is red okay? Any point you feel uncomfortable you tell us and we’ll stop immediately. Can you say it for me?” 
“Good girl,” Remus praised “Here, let's take all this off since it’s not covering much anyway.”
You nodded and lifted your arms for Remus while Sirius got on his knees to take off your skirt. He debated leaving the socks on, but he wanted you to feel every single thing so he took them off. Now last, but certainly not least. 
“As cute as these panties are, they're only in my way, can I take these off precious?”
“M Hmm.”
Remus was quite content to take off your bra and massage your breasts and nibble across your shoulders while Sirius continued his attempts to draw dirty words from your clean mouth.
“Baby, your pussy is so wet right now. Can I touch it, love?”
You spread your legs further for him as an invitation.
“Not here, our precious girl deserves to be comfy on the bed.” 
Remus sat against the headboard and motioned for you to follow suit between his thighs.
You practically skipped there, so excited for what was about to happen. You sat down with a quick plop and wiggled your hips to get more comfy, eyes wide as Sirius crawled up from the end of the bed to push your legs apart and gently trace your inner thighs with his forefinger.
“Tell me pup, have you ever touched yourself?”
You nodded bashfully, which Remus did not enjoy apparently as he lightly slapped your thigh with one hand while the other grabbed hold of your jaw to force your eyes onto Sirius fully.
“What did we say about speaking out loud pup, be a good girl.”
“Sorry Remmy, I got embarrassed, I do touch myself Siri”
Sirius grinned, “What makes you touch yourself sweet girl.”
“You, you and Moony do.” He relished in the whine that escaped your lips as he finally made contact with your aching clit, clearly he liked that answer.
“What do you imagine us doing to you pup.”
You moaned as his pace quickened. “Anything, anything you want.”
That’s when his tongue made contact on your clit instead. You jolted at the sudden change, but Remus was quick to hold you down.
“That feel good, sweetheart? I love Siri’s tongue too.” 
You could only throw your head back and mewl as Sirius’s tongue flicked faster and he added a finger to the mix, completely enthralled with how your entrance clenched around it desperately.
“Pads I think our pretty girl is gonna cum keep going. Has anyone ever made you feel this good puppy? Fred or George couldn’t make you feel like this could they?”
“No- no Remmy.”
“Wait till I get my turn love, go on and cum so I can make my pretty girl feel good too.”
Even Sirius’s tight grip on your thigh couldn’t keep you tethered as you released on his face. Bliss like you had never known overtook and it’s like you were hyper aware of every touch, every breath of theirs that fanned across your body, and every kiss that Remus awarded you with for being your lovely self.
And you couldn’t get enough of it.
Neither could Sirius as he leaned back to take in the view of the masterpiece he created. He loved how you had squirmed under his touch as he continued to thrust his fingers eagerly. 
He was feeling benevolent though and pulled out. Instead he took a firm grasp on your hair and pulled you on your hands and knees so you were eyelevel with his throbbing cock. 
Remus placed a couple of smacks on your ass now that it was exposed for him.
“What do you say to Pads for making you feel so good?”
Sirius wondered if you were aware how cute you looked with your owlish eyes oggling his long member.
“Thank you, Siri.”
“That’s right Puppy, now how about you return the favor.”
You just nodded obediently and stuck out your tongue, which only made Sirius growl even louder as he shoved his cock in your mouth. You tried your best to relax your throat but found yourself gagging at the surprise feeling of Remus’s head rubbing up and down your slick folds.
You arched your back and whimpered around Sirius’s cock and Remus got the message loud and clear. Slowly he inched his way inside groaning when your wet heat enveloped him completely. Once you were used to the feeling you wiggled your hips as a signal so he could move. The slow powerful thrusts of Remus made Sirius thrust through your perfect lips even faster at how the vibrations you emitted felt around his cock. His grip on your hair got even tighter.
“Fuck you feel so good puppy, such a good girl taking such good care of us. I’m gonna cum all over that pretty face, want me to cum all over your face, sweet girl?”
At the sound of your desperate whining he gave your face a few rough pats and yanked your head back. He couldn’t take his eyes off you as you stuck your tongue out waiting patiently while he stroked his dick furiously. Finally he released on your face, but before you got the chance to think he was licking it up with wide stripes across your face before moving to kiss Remus. You glanced over your shoulder at the two most beautiful men you’d ever been blessed to see, and moaned as their teeth clashed in a hungry and needy kiss. They stopped in a pant and had their foreheads pressed together, grinning at your demands.
“Moony I think our good little puppy wants more attention.”
“Aw, is that so my needy angel. I can fix that for you.”
Quicker than you could count he had you flipped on your back and started fucking into you ruthlessly. His movements were filled with so much determination that every thrust was pushing you to the end of the bed until your back was hanging off the edge. He grabbed hold of your legs and swung them both over your shoulders so he could reach even newer sensitive spots inside you, completely captivated by how freely your tits bounced in this position.
“Rem- Remus I’m gonna cum.”
“No you’re not, you be our good girl and hold on a little longer.”
“Please I can’t take it.”
“If you wanna cum you beg for it then, since you can’t wait.”
“Please please, let me be your good girl, please let me cum you make me feel so good please.”
“Hear that Pads? Imagine if someone heard pure little Y/N acting as our desperate puppy. Okay darling you go ahead and make a mess on my cock baby.”
A wave of euphoria rushed over you as you hung there and took every slam that came your way. The bliss however quickly became too much as your legs wriggled to find your escape from his strong grasp. He just grunted and let you slide into a heap on the floor. He swept to the side of the bed and around to where you were and hoisted you back on the bed so you were on your stomach and your legs hung off the edge. He pressed his hand to your back to firmly hold you in place.
“Angel you begged for this, now you’re gonna take it, yeah?”
He returned to his prior animalistic pace that summoned tears to roll down your cheeks. 
Sirius started petting your head lovingly “It’s okay love, you’re being such a good girl for Moony and I. You look so gorgeous with those tears all fucked out.”
He continued to comfort you and press kisses to your hairline until finally Remus reached satisfaction with his brutal attack on your tight hole.
“Fuck, Y/N I’m gonna cum”
He pulled out swiftly and his hips found their way to Sirius’s hungry lips. It was such a beautiful sight, but your voice made and audible whine before you could control yourself.
“What’s wrong sweetheart, thought you wanted me to stop.”
“Wanted your cum, wanted you to cum in me Remmy.”
“We’ve got plenty of time to make that happen precious girl.”
Hmmm yeah I’m not sure how I feel about this one, but I hope y’all enjoy my lovelies <3
@thotbutpurple @quindolyn @sunny-bunnny
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slut-4-rafe · 3 years
Hi! So I had a thought for a fic and was wondering if you could maybe write it. So like it’s poly!marauders(wolfstar+James) and reader like gets really sad and snaps at them cause there are punishing her again and they never punish James or something. With a happy ending if you could! Obviously you can choose to ignore this but ya that’s it😁
Dom! Sirius x Dom! Remus x Sub! James x Sub! Fem! Reader
Summary: You get upset and insecure when Remus and Sirius pick favorites.
Warnings: Smut, daddy kink, punishing, praise kink, degration kink, cursing, insecure?, yelling? spanking, slapping, spitting, anal sex (male receiving), oral (male receiving), just pure smut.
Note: I'm sorry if this isn't really what you wanted. I tried to keep it as close as the request as I could but it just ended up differently.
Word count: 1,490
"You've been a bad girl." Remus said, a disapproving look on his face.
"No. M'good girl." you muttered.
"No. Your not. Your a slut." Sirius snapped.
James sat against the headboard, watching with an amused look as you took a punishment for something you didn't even do.
"Listen to our daddies. Your bad." James said.
You snapped your head from Sirius' grip and turned to the bespectacled boy. "Shut up James! You should be punished, not me."
This earned a slap from who you though would be Sirius, but to your surprise, it was Remus. His hands went down to squeeze your cheeks. "Do not talk to him like that. Your a brat. This is your punishment. You will do everything to please us, but no cumming. Got it?"
Your eyes widened as you look at him teary eyed. "Daddy! No please. It was James-" slap You gripped your reddened cheek. Tears started to slowly drip down to your cheeks and sliding down the back of your hands.
"No whining." he said.
"Please. Can I just explain?" you asked quietly.
Remus' eyes softened at your saddened demeanor. "Okay. What?"
"James said I could! James told me to touch myself!"
Sirius and Remus both turned to a wide eyed James. "What?!" he exclaimed. "I did not!"
You turned to look at him, tears welling up again. This was too frustrating. You were going to receive your lest favorite thing ever. Punishment. James' face almost faltered at your sad face, but kept his surprised look.
Meanwhile, Sirius and Remus were looking between the two of you, trying to figure out who was lying.
"James? Did you?" Sirius asked.
"Nope! She's just bad!"
"Well it's settled then. James is a good boy, and your just a bad girl." the raven haired boy laughed. He took a seat on the edge of the bed and pulled you upon his lap. Remus yanked off your panties and placed a slap on your ass, causing you to yelp.
"Now, your going to apologize after each one. All while you watch me please our good boy. Got it?" the lycanthrope asked.
You just gave a faint nod, earning you yet another slap to your ass. "M'sorry. Yes daddy."
While Sirius kneaded your ass with his hands, you watched as Remus pulled James onto the bed which was directly in front of your view. They started with a sloppy kiss as they pulled of each others clothes. The view making your tummy twist. Sirius didn't start spanking you until Remus had James on his hands and knees while he penetrated his hole. That's when the pain started.
Slap. "I'm sorry daddies."
Slap. "I'm sorry daddies."
Slap. "I'm sorry daddies."
This went on until spurts of James' cum covered the sheets and your ass was red and bruised. Remus came over and picked you up, just to drop you right on the sheets.
"Owie." you whined as the fabric of the bedding rubbed up against your stinging cheeks.
"Owie." Sirius mocked with a laugh, earning chuckles from both Remus and James.
"Now, your going to take Sirius' cock in your pretty mouth like a good girl. And if you can be good, we'll let you cum. If not, then oh well." Remus instructed.
"Yes daddy."
Sirius stripped himself of his clothes, revealing his aching dick. He pumped it a few times as he stood up on the bed so his cock was directly in front of your face. His tip teased your lips, indicating he wanted to start. And as soon as you opened your mouth, his dick shot in, penetrating the back of your throat. You gagged as he started thrusting his hips. Usually you could take it, but right now you had no time to adjust to his size. You continued to gag and squirm to get even a pinch of air. Of coarse this meant you were being bad, and as soon as Sirius' cum shot down your throat, you started coughing hysterically, practically choking on the liquid.
"Look at you. Pathetic really. I'm sure James could have done better." Sirius mocked you. This is when it started to kick in. The jealousy. The insecurity. They liked James better.
"James do want to show her how good you can be?" Remus asked. The curly haired boy instantly nodded his head, ready to show how much better he was. Remus instructed James to kneel on the floor directly in front of his hardened cock, to which he did. Instantly Remus forced his cock down James throat, barely causing him to gag. His continued to thrust his hips into the boys' mouth. While Sirius held you in his lap he brought his hand down to your clit, swollen from your earlier actions. The actions that started this whole thing. He continued to rub figure eights earning moans from you. Watching your boyfriends please each other and the stimulation on your clit was overstimulating.
"You better not cum." Sirius seethed. You started to squirm, indicating how close you were to your high, and right as Sirius pulled his hand away and pushed you off his lap and onto the bed, Remus released into James' mouth. Both Remus and Sirius kneeled in front of James giving him kisses and praising his good behavior.
"Such a good boy."
"So much better that y/n over there."
"She can't even take m'cock."
"Such a good baby."
This was infuriating for you. Seeing them praise James and telling him how much better he was than you caused a sickening feeling to erupt in your stomach.
They love James more.
Not good.
"We love you Jamsie."
You were frustrated.
James caused this, and here he is, getting praised for being a 'good boy'.
"Such a good boy."
And you blew.
"Good boy my ass." you said as you shakily got up from the bed. Three sets of eyes snapped to you.
"Excuse me?" Remus snapped.
"I said. 'Good boy my ass'." you snapped as you rummaged through the drawer which held extra changes of your clothes. You threw on an oversized shirt and right as you were about to put a pair of underwear on, Sirius was at your size, snatching them out of your hands. "Give them back." you snapped.
"What is your problem?" he asked. He was mad. You'd never talked to them like this.
You let out a sarcastic laugh and ripped your panties out of his hands. "What's my problem? Really? I wonder?" you grabbed a pair of shorts and threw them on real quick.
"Your being a brat." Remus finally spoke up. "Get on the bed."
You looked straight into his brown eyes. "No." you snapped. "You don't get to tell me what to do."
"Actually they do. Their our daddies." James said.
You turned your narrowed eyes to look at James who was still kneeled on the floor. "Just shut up James. And their your daddies. I'm done." you went to walk out of the room when suddenly all four of them were standing in front of you, wide eyes and frown upon their faces.
"W-what?" Sirius asked.
"You heard me."
"Why?" Remus asked, tears welling up in his eyes.
"You guys clearly love James more than me. If you would have listened to me, and actually believed me, you would know I shouldn't have been the one on the receiving end of the punishment. James should have been." you inhaled shakily. This wasn't the first time this has happened. It wasn't the first time James was the one who said you could do something, only to lie and get you in trouble. You were sick of it. And your insecurities were taking a toll on you. It probably didn't help that you were in a certain headspace. "It's always like this. You only ever listen to James. James never gets punished because he's a "good boy.' No he's not. I feel like I'm just here! I feel like I don't mean anything to you."
The boys stared at you. Guilt taking over. But James was the guiltiest.
"Oh no. Please don't go. I'm sorry! I just hate punishments. Please y/n. I'm sorry. It was me! I told her she could touch herself!" James exclaimed, latching his body onto yours. "I'm sorry."
Soon, Remus and Sirius wrapped their arms around you too. "We're sorry too puppy."
"Yeah we should have listened to your side of the story." Remus whispered.
"But, your not actually breaking up with us, are you?" Sirius asked in a shaky voice.
"No. I could never." you laughed quietly. "Unless you keep picking favorites.
"Nope! No more favoriting!" Sirius and Remus both said in unison.
"And to make it up to you, James is going to receive punishment tomorrow." Sirius smirked.
"What?!" James whined.
"Don't be a bad boy." Remus said. "Be a good boy. Like our y/n."
@blowing-mikey @lilicazure @trouble-in-space @herbatkazmiloscia @zzzfour @speakyourselfloveyourself @vierablack @officepass1320 @riddikulusweasleys @mysticlights-blog @mtle @emmaev @whitecastles @teenwolfbitches2
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katmoonz · 3 years
Pairing: Wolfstar x Fem!Reader
Word count: 3034
Includes: TW suicidal thoughts, depression, mentions of missing meals, crying, fluff, hugs, angst to fluff, comfort
Do not post any of my work anywhere else!!! I’m fine with reblogs but not with people stealing my work. 
Notes: I have depression, this fic is kinda based off of my experience with depression. I wanted more than anything for someone to notice how badly I was struggling and I was in desperate need of a hug. I can’t change the past but I can write down my thoughts, feelings and what I needed at the time.
Thank you @quindolyn for helping me to fix a couple bits and for helping me decide on the ending xx
Depression is completely unpredictable. You might feel on top of the world one minute and suddenly feel miserable the next. You smile around your friends and family hoping that they don’t notice that anything is wrong but deep down you just want someone to notice, to care, to ask you how you are or just hold you while you cry it all out. You want to die yet you can’t bring yourself to do the actions that would end it all because that scares you even more than living.
Lately, you had been feeling very happy. Remus and Sirius were wonderful boyfriends and would do everything they could to make you laugh or smile. Your favourite moments with Remus are the ones where he decides to cuddle with you, there is nothing more relaxing than just resting your head on his chest and listening to the thump of his heart and his steady breaths.
The best moments with Sirius are when he tries to make up his own jokes, most of the jokes he tries to tell aren’t even funny but that somehow makes it funnier when he tells you a bad one-liner whilst in detention. The sweetest thing about Sirius is that when you least expect it he curls up on the bed and sleeps next to you as Padfoot. It’s the sweetest thing ever waking up in Remus’ arms to Padfoot lying across your chest, Remus just watches over the pair of you with a smile upon his face at seeing his two lovers sleeping so peacefully.
This morning you had woken up and felt like crap, you couldn't quite place it so you skipped breakfast and had a lie-in instead. This caused you to miss your first lesson and most of lunch. You managed to go to your next lesson though which was Charms with your boyfriend Remus.
At first, you tried to concentrate but you felt like a cloud had settled itself over your head causing you to struggle with your work.
You’d been feeling better for a while now but for some reason today had just left you feeling miserable. For the rest of class, you sat with your head in your hand gazing out the window.
Remus could tell that you weren’t paying attention to the class and was starting to grow concerned. “y/n, you okay?” He whispers in your ear.
Not wanting to draw any attention to yourself or bother him, you just nod and force a smile in the hopes that you could pretend that everything was fine.
The bell rang a few minutes later signalling the end of the class period. You had History of Magic next, Remus wasn’t in that class with you but Sirius was. Remus walked you to your next class observing your behaviour.
You weren’t smiling and didn’t speak at all on the way there simply looking at the ground. Remus stopped with you at the classroom door and gave you a soft kiss on the cheek. “Are you sure you’re alright love? You know you can talk to me if something is wrong.”
Looking up at him you sigh. “I’m fine,” you say quietly before turning around and walking into the classroom.
Remus was growing very concerned with your behaviour, something was clearly wrong but you weren’t telling him.
Just then Sirius walks down the corridor. “Moony, decided to switch classes have you?” He jokes.
Not wanting anyone to overhear the conversation Remus grabs his arm and pulls him over to an empty classroom shoving him in the door.
“I need a favour,” said Remus in a serious tone.
“What Moons?” replies Sirius, confused at the sudden change in Remus’ behaviour.
“I need you to watch y/n for me and make sure she’s alright. Something is wrong and I want to help her but she won’t tell me anything.” blurts Remus.
Sirius pats him on the shoulder. “Don’t worry Remus, I’ll keep an eye on her.” Sirius leaves the empty room and proceeds to walk into the History of Magic classroom.
Sirius seats himself beside you but you don’t notice at first because you are spaced out not paying any attention to the lecture being given by Binns.
You felt like crap to put it simply. You wanted to focus on your classes so badly but your brain was just telling you no.
Your brain is running at a hundred miles an hour making you feel even worse. *I’m going to fail all of my classes. Why am I so useless? Do the boys love me or do they just tolerate me? Nobody loves me, not really. I wish I was dead, why can’t I just die?*
You feel slow tears make their way down your face. You sniffle softly not wanting to bother anyone.
Sirius quickly notices your tears as you sniffle next to him. *Moony is right* thought Sirius *something is very wrong.*
Sirius reaches a hand out to yours underneath the desk and gives it a gentle squeeze as a reminder that he is there for you.
Finally, you have enough of your self-deprecating thoughts and abruptly stand up, grab your things and leave despite only having twenty minutes of class left. Sirius gets up and follows you, grabbing your hand as you leave the room.
The pair of you walk silently through the castle until you get back to the Gryffindor common room. Sirius seats you at the couch in front of the fire before grabbing your bag and chucking it aside.
Sirius sits down next to you as you stare into the ornate fireplace with tears still slowly rolling down your face. “Y/n love, what’s wrong?” He softly asks.
Instead of answering him, you rest your head on his shoulder. Sirius brings his arms around you to pull you into a hug. The pair of you sit like that for a while, listening to the crackle of the fire and your sorrowful sniffles. Sirius simply holds you whilst tears slowly roll down your face.
“I'm sorry, I’m just tired. I think I’m gonna go have a nap” you say softly.
“Alright doll, I’ll see you at dinner then?” He asks.
“Yeah, I’ll be there,” you tell him knowing full well that you wouldn’t be in the mood to eat.
Leaving Sirius in the common room you walk up to the boys dorm and throw yourself down on Remus' bed. Grabbing a discarded sweater from Sirius’ bed on the way. You curl up in a ball under the covers on Remus’ bed before letting the tears fall down your face again *why can’t I just feel happy for once in my life? I always fuck everything up, I want to die*
Sirius watches you walk up the stairs to the boys dorm before letting out a sigh and putting his head in his hands. You had never been like this, you were usually so bright and cheerful something bad must have happened because Sirius hadn’t seen even the slightest smile all day.
The bell for the next lesson rings and Sirius remains sitting on the sofa in the common room contemplating what he should tell Remus. He didn’t want to make his friend even more alarmed but he couldn’t hide his feeling of concern for your breakdown in class.
Remus enters the common room behind a babble of second years who were complaining to each other about their homework.
Spotting Sirius on the sofa before the fire he rushes over to sit next to him.
“Where’s y/n? Is she alright?”
Sirius takes a deep breath before sitting back on the sofa. “No, I can see what you mean Rem, she’s very upset.”
“What do you mean?” replies a panicked Remus
Sirius turns to face him and puts a hand on his shoulder. “Look mate I don’t want to worry you but in class, she just sat and stared into space, then she started crying and walked out.”
Remus let out a pained sigh and ran his hands down his face before clasping them in his lap. “Is she okay? where is she now?”
“I walked her back here, we had a cuddle for a while then she said that she was just tired so she left to have a nap,” replies Sirius
Remus stands up from the sofa and brushes his sweaty palms off of his trousers, “let's go and check on her.”
Sirius rises off of the sofa too, he turns around and looks around the common room before turning back to Remus. “Maybe she just needs space, she told me she’d come down to dinner so let's just give her some time alone and if she doesn't come to dinner then we can go and check on her.”
Staring into Sirius’ stormy grey irises Remus stays standing for another minute before nodding and sitting back down.
The boys study in the common room for an hour in complete silence, both of them preoccupied with thoughts of their distressed girlfriend. Sirius and Remus then head down to dinner, sitting down at the end of the Gryffindor table closest to the doors so that they could spot you as soon as you walked in.
The boys sit and pick at their food mindlessly for ten minutes continuously watching the door in hope that you’d join them for the meal.
Sirius lets out a deep sigh and drops his fork on his plate rubbing his brow before looking at Remus. Remus looks up at him offering a small smile before standing up. “Come on Pads, our girl needs us”
Sirius quickly stands up and grabs Remus’ hand dragging him out of the great hall. The boys briskly walk hand in hand back to the Gryffindor common room and quickly ascend the stairs to the dorm.
Remus opens the door quietly in case you are sleeping and peers in, he feels his heart break as he catches sight of you. You are lying in his bed fast asleep with puffy eyes from crying.
Remus approaches the bed and sits down on the side closest to you. Gently he starts to stroke your face with his hand whilst gesturing for Sirius to come over to the bed with his other hand. Sirius kneels on the bed next to Remus, reaches out and starts playing with your hair.
Remus watches as you slowly awaken, your eyes fluttering as they adjust to the light in the room. “Darling are you alright?” He asks you softly while rubbing his thumb over your cheek.
You feel your eyes fill with tears but don’t want the boys to see them so you roll over and put your face in the pillow hoping that they leave you alone so that you can compose yourself again.
The boys look at each other trying to figure out what to do next. Remus nods at Sirius gesturing for him to try and get a response from you.
“Baby, why didn’t you come to dinner?” You still don’t respond, making Sirius panic. “Please talk to us, we want to help you.” This makes you feel even worse, they just wanted you to be happy but instead, you’d caused them to leave dinner to look for you.
Your body starts to shake as the tears start rolling down your face. You keep the sobs in not wanting to make them even more worried.
Remus carefully runs a hand over your back worried at the lack of response. “Y/n please talk to us, we love you baby we only want to help you. It’s killing me that you are this upset and we want to be here for you.”
This is the last straw and you lose control of your crying, finally letting out the sobs that had been building up all day.
Remus’ heart breaks even more “Oh baby, come here”. Remus turns you over and carefully pulls you into his lap.
You press your head into Remus’ neck and let out all of the emotion that had been held within you all day.
Sirius sits down next to Remus and yourself at the head of the bed, he runs one hand soothingly up and down your back. “It’s okay baby, it’s okay.”
Your entire body shakes with sobs, tears soak the front of Remus’ sweater whilst the boys continue to make attempts to console you.
Remus rocks you in his arms carefully trying to calm you down. “Shh darlin’ it’s okay”
You start hyperventilating from the force of your sobs, Remus pulls you back from his chest slightly brushing hair away from your face.
Sirius reaches out to you and picks up one of your hands, he brings it up to his chest so that you can feel his steady heartbeat. “I know you're upset baby but you’ve got to breathe. Can you do that for me?”
Sirius breathes in and out slowly emphasising each breath for you to follow. “In...and out, in…and out.” This continues for a few minutes as you try to regulate your breathing.
“Good girl, you’re doing such a good job baby”
The sobs slow down slightly as you regain control over your breathing, tears still fall down your face but not as quickly as before.
Remus cups your face in his hand wiping away stray tears with his thumb before pressing a solitary kiss to your temple. “Y/n, what’s wrong? Please tell us” he begs.
You let out a sigh, opening and shutting your mouth a few times trying to come up with something to tell them.
Sirius notices your hesitation and gives you a reassuring smile. “It’s okay love, you can tell us anything. I promise you that we’ll try to help you and nothing you say can make us love you any less.”
Looking into his eyes you see nothing but love and concern. You sniffle and wipe one of your sleeves across your face. “I don’t know, I just don’t feel good”
Sirius runs a hand through your hair before giving you a sympathetic smile. “Is it that time of the month baby? You feelin’ sick?”
Tears well up in your eyes again. “No” you reply softly “I don’t feel sick”
“Then what is it babe?” asks Sirius with a small frown on his face.
You consider lying to them for a moment not wanting to burden them with your thoughts and emotions but in the end, it’s the pleading expression upon Remus’ face that makes you give in.
You take a deep breath, “sometimes I just feel really sad, like nothing will get better. I feel like no one loves me. I don't want to bother you guys because I don’t want you to leave me.”
The tears fall down your face again as you turn around and put your face back into Remus’ sweater, your fingers have a firm grasp on him as if letting go would make him disappear.
“Please, please don’t leave me, I’m sorry” you beg them as you cry into Remus’ chest.
Remus feels tears well up in his own eyes but swallows them down in order to comfort you. “No no no, sweetheart, it's okay. I promise that we aren’t leaving you.”
Remus holds you even tighter in his arms “I wish you’d told us that you were feeling like this sooner darling. We love you so much”
Sirius sits in silence listening to Remus comfort you before lifting a hand and rubbing your back. “Look at me baby,” he says with a stern tone.
You look up at him, he has a more pronounced frown upon his face than what was there previously but it softens slightly when he realises that you are watching him.
“You need to tell us when you feel like this okay? You aren’t bothering anyone, we just want to help you and we would never leave you over something like this.”
You remain silent looking away from him, the tears slowing down again so all that remains are the odd couple every few seconds.
“Promise you’ll tell us when you feel like this baby?” He asks, holding your face in his hands.
You sniffle softly before agreeing “m’kay, I promise”
“Good girl, you’re such a good girl for telling us baby,” he says fondly before placing a soft kiss on your cheek. As he pulls away from your cheek he gets a mischievous look upon his face. “Hey babe, what do you call a cow with two legs?”
You look at him confused for a minute before saying “I dunno”
He leans in towards you with a grin upon his face as though he is telling you a secret “Lean beef”
This causes you to giggle, Sirius smirks whilst Remus chuckles. The boys are pleased to hear you laugh after having been deprived of such beautiful sounds for an entire day.
“Good one wasn’t it?” He asks with a cocky smirk on his face.
“No” you reply, still slightly giggling.
“No!” He repeats back to you in disbelief. “What do you mean no? I thought it was a good one”
Remus raises an eyebrow looking at Sirius “c’mon Pads, you can do better than that”
“Fine, I’ve got a better one” huffs Sirius. “What does the perverted frog say?”
“I dunno” you reply again trying to keep a straight face.
“Rubbit” he replies.
This joke was much funnier than the last and you burst out in laughter. You have joyous tears of laughter pouring down your face as you giggle until your sides hurt.
After a while you yawn and rub your eyes, Remus smiles affectionately at you before moving you off of his lap changing positions so that you are laying half on Remus’ chest with Sirius spooning you from behind.
“C’mon darling, let's get some sleep,” he says quietly.
Sirius buries his face in the back of your neck before mumbling out a quick “I love you”
You settle down into their embrace, relaxing all of your muscles and just as you are dozing off to sleep you feel Remus run his hand through your hair as he whispers “I love you darling, more than you will ever know.”
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clairecrive · 3 years
heyo! woman was so good- could you write a part 2 to it please? thank you so much!
"woman" - wolfstar x reader (part 2)
A/n: thank you so much to those who commented on part 1! I'm overwhelmed by the response it got and I'm so happy!
Warnings: mild angst, mostly fluff, Sirius is adorable, this is mostly about Sirius x y/n, but poly relationship none the less
Word count: 1.2k ish
Tags: @erinblack003, @girl22334, @blackpinkdolan, @seldomabsent, @andy-blur (let me know if you wanna be added or removed)
Part 1
Sometimes, y/n damned the day she said yes to those boys. Granted, it didn't happen often and it coincided unsurprisingly with every fight she had with them. Mostly Sirius to be fair. Remus hated arguing just as much as she did, only he did a better job in dealing with conflict. 
If y/n had to be honest, it was hard for her and Sirius not to clash. No matter how much she loved the boy, more often than not they'd argue. Usually, it started like harmless banter, Sirius loved to get a rise out of her since Remus was always so collected, and y/n couldn't hold her tongue if her life depended on it. Hence, their dynamic.
Those kinds of interactions though were never taken seriously by either of them. Not that they would admit it out loud, but they enjoyed them.
However, despite how Remus always tried to mediate between them on serious matters, sometimes it wasn't enough and they would apply that same dynamic to fights stem from more serious motives. Like it happened yesterday.
Laying in her bed, with the deafening silence of her dorm as a soundtrack, y/n could admit that she took Sirius bait. She was aware of her boyfriend's past and how difficult it was for him to express his feelings. Hell, her past wasn't as traumatic and she had a hard time doing that too. 
"Stupid," groaning at herself, she rolled around, unable to keep still for long. 
Truth is, she gave in to that part of herself that was always second-guessing everything good in her life and let her speak. Yes, after months of dating she still couldn't believe that two of the most amazing human beings on this planet chose her and loved her, but she wasn't so insecure about their relationship and their commitment to her. 
It was true that Sirius had a way of going about things that made him seem like a huge flirt but she knew in her heart that it was harmless. She could see it in his eyes every time he'd look at her or Remus. Least of all that Valerie. 
She overreacted.
"Fuck me," huffing in annoyance she couldn't believe that Sirius had been right all along, she had been a massive brat. 
"I think you're in the wrong place for that," Marlene's voice cut through the room startling her.
"Sorry Marls," she grimaced knowing that it was her shuffling and restlessness that woke her friend.
"I'm sure your loverboy would be more than happy to solve your problem. Just go to him." And giving y/n her back, she went back to sleep.  Y/n had confided in her friend, she usually liked to keep her relationship's problems between her and her boyfriends but Marlene had seen right through her. 
She let out a sigh, looking at the ceiling, she knew that she couldn't go on like this much longer. She never could sleep when she had a serious fight with her boyfriends. Trying to be as silent as possible and climbed the stairs to the common room. 
Trying to figure out the best way to approach Sirius after the fight, the best words to use, she almost missed the silhouette of a boy sitting in front of a fire. As soon as she had spotted it though, y/n knew immediately who it was.
Sirius always had trouble sleeping.
"Hey," not wanting to scare him, she quietly spoke to announce her presence before making her way to him.
"Hi," good thing she had spoken, 'cause Sirius appeared to be deep in thoughts and hadn't heard her coming down. "What are you doing here?" 
"Couldn't sleep. You?"
Both of them were aware of the reason why both of them were too restless to sleep but it felt like the words needed to be said. Even if to just ease them into the conversation they knew they needed to have.
Speaking at the same time like they were in some sort of romcom felt comical but also very in intune with them. Always clashing. 
Smiling softly at each other, they waited for the other to speak. Almost as if they had made a silent agreement, again, they spoke at the same time.
"I'm sorry."
"What are you sorry for?" Sirius added confused. She did nothing wrong as far as he's concerned.
"I overreacted, I was a bitch," she started listing with the help of her fingers, "I threw a fit, do I need to add more?"
"Oh baby," shaking his head he took her hands in his before continuing, "can't blame you for that when I would have reacted the same way, can I?"
"It seemed like I don't trust you though," now it was her turn to shake her head and give his hands a squeeze, "which is absolutely not true. I know you're loyal."
"Surely, you must know how deeply I care for you."
"I do, I do," she insisted when she saw doubt still clouding his eyes, "sometimes I let my insecurities get the best of me. I'm sorry if I hurt you though, it isn't an excuse."
"We all got insecurities, bunny. And I'm the one who's sorry, I shouldn't have messed with you that much. I was being an arsehole and I ruined your surprise." He reassured her before his head hung low in shame. There's the thing about Sirius: he could be very forgiving when it came to his loved ones but never when it came to himself. 
"You were a bit of a moron, but it's okay. I didn't want to come off as needy, you weren't that  late anyway." Taking his chin between her fingers, she tilted his head up so that she could look into his eyes. There was nothing y/n hated more than Sirius being so intransigent with himself when he deserved nothing but love and happiness. Good thing that he had two doting and loving partners then, right? 
"Bunny," tightening his hold on the hand he was still holding, his eyes glowed in the firelight, turning solemn as the words he was about to share, " you're the most important person in my life along with the marauders. If you want my attention, you got it. Hell, you already have all my attention. You're always on my mind, and certainly in my heart. I love you, there's no one but you and Remus. I promise." 
Letting his forehead touching hers gently, he gave her a soft Eskimo kiss. This soft intimacy always melted his heart. Sure, steamy makeup sex was always a wonderful post-fight but this- this was way better. Sirius had had plenty of sex with other people, it wasn't a secret, but he had never had this kind of quiet, almost domestic affection. And it was what he craved more than anything. It was one of those things that you can't live without once you had it. 
"I love you too, Sirius. You and Remus are it for me." She promised while her fingers gently caressed his jaw. They settled in comfortable silence, enjoying each other presence, basking in the promise that this would be forever. 
"Did you and Remus open it?" Leaning back so that she could see him better, she asked after a while.
"Nope wanted to make things right with you first."
"Then it's not ruined. Just postponed." As if the last couple of hours didn't happen, y/n felt the excitement come back to her. However, the clock neared midnight and having things finally been set straight between them, the strain of the day was slowly dawning on them. And as a matter of fact, Sirius yawned in the cutest way. Nose scrunched, eyes watering, he looked so much like a puppy, one wouldn't believe it.
"C'mon love, let's go to bed, alright?" Leaving a kiss to his lips, she quietly coaxed him up from the sofa. 
"Can't we stay here and cuddle a bit more?" Groaning, he complained settling his head in the crook of her neck, refusing to let her go.
"Who said we had to part? I'm not letting you go tonight, but I'm sure Moony is feeling lonely up there." She said quickly pecking his temple, the closest part of his face she could reach and walked towards their dorm with him attached to her like a koala. 
"Mh yes, let's go then. Moony gives the best cuddles."
"That he does my love." She agreed giggling. Remus was the best at quite a few things but maybe they could explore them in the morning.
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forthehpfanboys · 3 years
Three is a Crowd
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Pair: Remus Lupin x Reader x Sirius Black; he/him.
Summary: Sirius, you and Remus weren't scared to hide your relationship, but when it came to more.. Private matters, they obviously preferred keeping it personal. Plus, who doesn't love teasing Remus?
Warnings: SMUT (MDI), dirty talk, poly relationship, Wolfstar (but is that even a warning?), hair pulling, short mention of daddy. use of a collar at the end. If I missed any, please dm me.
Notes: Me, knowing damn well I have a busy life, but takes every request I get because I can’t say no. Oh, and the gif by me using other people's gifs- Might make a part two. Top Remus tho. 
It wasn’t hard to catch the boy's attention. James and Lily loved to joke that they were wrapped around your finger, which they were. All you had to do was sway your hips a little bit or bend over right or just lick your lips innocently. They really were, they weren't afraid to admit it and of course you used it to your advantage, but you still love them. That always came first.
 Sirius and Remus had fallen head over heels for you during their time during Hogwarts. Both could pinpoint it exactly. The two men were already an item when you showed up at the school- a transfer student. You were introduced to them by Lily, something about you being a distant cousin of hers and you quickly became a new founded Marauder. 
Remus fell for you first. It was around the time they were all studying to become animagus and he discovered you were bloody brilliant! After months of struggling with the stupid ritual, you were the final piece they needed to figure it all out. And you didn’t judge him over something he couldn’t control, so that was a bonus to him, of course. But how could you judge him for his lycanthropy? Almost everyone in the wizarding world hated him for this one simple thing, 
Meanwhile, Sirius’ was a lot more simple. He noticed you by your slick comebacks. Like holy Merlin’s beard- Sirius was convinced your words could cause someone to physically combust. He’d never seen that happen, but he has seen you make 8th years cry. He’s also a hundred percent certain you have a thesaurus lying under your pillow. He didn’t know the word ‘imbecile’ had so many synonyms. And you helped him help his best friend so of course he fell in love with you.
So, when you fell for them, a natural love for being between both boys formed. This random craving would kick in whenever you were around the two of them. Whether it was you three walking to the next class or sitting in the Gryffindor common room, you just had to be between them. It was quite literally your favorite place on this planet. But there were rules- of course there were.  
One of the main rules was no teasing in front of friends. Believe it or not, James had a limit on how much sexual tension he could sit through in one lunch period, so he enforced the rule, which was.. Unusual to say the least. Usually Remus created the rules to keep you and Sirius in check. He had a switch and a sub under his belt and it could be a struggle, especially when they were bratty and they’d team up against him.
Which is exactly what you two had been doing all day; harassing poor Moony despite whoever was near. During potions, Sirius had palmed Remus while you playfully whispered in the werewolf’s ear, calling him daddy and asking for help with your most innocent voice. Watching your boyfriend squirm and slap Sirius’ hand away was genuinely humorous. It became down right funny when he threatened to punish both of you by not talking to you, but you both knew he’d do more than that. Knowing Remus would drag you both by your ties to the dorm room and straight up ruin you two, you both eased off him, letting him continue his notes in peace, but once potions were over, the teasing immediately continued.
Soon enough, classes were over and the three of you were walking back to the dorms. It was easy to see Remus was sick of your shit, so while he led you to his prefect room, you and Sirius were looking at each other. Sirius shrugged, looking as laid back as he felt, but you were a tad more nervous. Sometimes Remus could be downright mean. 
“You two are insufferable!” Remus hollered, his hand rubbing his temple as he shoved open his door. “I know you love my reactions, guys, but seriously? Was grabbing my ass over my robe necessary?” He had his arms crossed over his chest and turned around to glare at you and Sirius. 
“You know it was, baby.” Sirius winked while shutting the door behind him. He walked around you, dragging a hand across your lower back before diving onto Remus’  bed. He laid on his back, spreading his legs and placing his hands behind his head. Your eyes shamelessly dragged across the sliver of pelvic bone peaking out under his white collared shirt.
“I thought it was a bit much.” You shrugged, looking over to Moony’s glowing eyes. A smirk grew across your lips when he pointed at you, his eyes narrowing at you.
“Being a kiss ass does not mean you’re free, mister. You’re in just as much trouble as that one.” His point moved to the man laying on the bed, who clearly couldn’t care less. He ran a hand through his hair and plopped down onto the edge of the bed. He even smacked Sirius’ hand away when it gripped his hip. “Down, boy.”
“Ouchies! My pride.” Sirius mocked your voice and rubbed his hand, a chuckle leaving his lips. He couldn’t help but lick his lips. His dark eyes flicked over to you, his smirk growing as he nodded his head in the direction of Remus’ back.
“Good. I’m mad at you.” The werewolf ducked his head down before running a hand through his hair, making the curly locks messier than usual. He beckoned you over with two curling fingers and waited patiently for you to stand in front of him. Once you were in arms reach, he cupped both of your cheeks in each hand and smiled at you, bringing your face closer to his. “What am I going to do with you?” He whispered, his breath fanning over your lips. 
“I’m not sure, but I know Sirius technically did more damage than I did. I’m your bestest boy.” You grinned, grabbing his wrists and kissing a palm. Your grin turned into a side smirk when Sirius let out a weak ‘hey!’ behind your brunette boyfriend. 
Suddenly, Remus’ arms were twisting around your waist and he was falling backwards onto the bed, taking you down with him. You let out a yelp while colliding with your soft boyfriend's chest.
“I think I know what I’m going to do with you.” Remus’ head was resting on Sirius’ tummy, allowing the animagus to run his fingers through soft hazel nut locks, which Remus easily ignored. Meanwhile, Lupin was cheekily slipping his hand under your shirt. His calloused palms glided across your skin, rubbing your hip gently before moving up to your belly. “I’m going to ignore the little bastard behind me and I’m going to focus on you, pretty boy.”
“Hey! (Y/n) messed with you too, Rem! You’re being unfair!” Sirius sat up a little, bracing his body weight on his elbows as he glared down at his freckle covered partner. His jaw dropped when Remus flicked his nose before skillfully tugging your shirt over your head. “Un-fuckin’-believable.” Sirius grumbled, laying back on the bed and crossing his arms over his chest.
"Your smart mouth is why I’m ignoring you.” Remus spoke nonchalantly, one hand slipped into your back pocket, gave your butt a tight squeeze, while the other steadily began climbing toward your chest. His hand in your pocket held your hips down while his hips grinded up into yours. His eyes darkened at the needy whine that left your lips when his rough thumb pad ran over one of your nipple.
See, Remus always enjoyed seeing you react to him. He could write down all of it. He could fill enough books with his favorite things about you to cause an empty Hogwarts library to overflow. How your eyes would roll back into your skull, how your jaw would go slack with need and how your breath catches in the middle of your throat, leaving you breathless, how you’d moan his name. He loved wrecking you, utterly destroying you.
His scar covered hand moved up to your hip, getting a steadier grip so he could really raise his hips and roll them against yours. The hand on his chest delicately rolled a nipple between the thumb and forefinger. He thought you were a piece of art, painted just for him. Your heart was pounding in your ears. Remus was quickly becoming the only coherent thought in your head. You could smell his perfume and it was only fogging up your head worse than his touch. You let out a moan, your eyelids drooping a tad.
"You like that, baby?" he whispered into your open mouth, kissing the corner before sliding his lips down to the corner of your jaw. He licked a fat, flat line across the point, running up to your earlobe before sucking on it. 
The werewolf grinded up into you harder, a growl emitting from his throat that would scare even the toughest of creatures. He let out a loud, breathy loan when you nodded and copied his hip movements. 
"Of course you do. You're not a brat or a whiney bitch- you're perfect." 
Suddenly, Sirius was sitting up and Remus was going silent, almost frozen in his place. Both were listening quite intently over your heavy breathing when loud, stomping footprints made themselves known. Sirius watched in amusement while Remus threw you on to the empty bed space next to him and magicked a blanket over the both of you.
James was pushing open the door about as loudly and hazardously as his footsteps. The door bounced off the wall and collided with his still outstretched arm. You sat up, slowly coming back from the pleasure filled bliss, and slowly becoming more and more pissed you just got cock-blocked by one of your more oblivious friends.
“James, sorry, mate, we’re in the mi-” Sirius was rudely cut off by the messy haired idiot. Spit flew from James’ mouth as he spoke aggressively, his hand waving around as he spoke.
"Can you believe him?!" the Seeker hollered, acting as if his friends, best friends knew immediately what he was talking about. He strode into the middle of the room, pacing in front of the polygamous couple, clearly pissed. It didn't take long for Peter to follow in after, either. 
"No, Prongs, you're not exactly telling us anything." Remus spoke up, acting as if he totally wasn't just grinding against you. He was good at keeping his voice level and that it had you confused. 
"Little Sour Grape Snape thinks he can try to push that whole fiasco on me like I meant for it to happen?" James yelled out again, almost completely ignoring Remus. Peter sat on the bed across from the trio, his eyes glued to James as he paced. You looked at Sirius, who turned to you, and shrugged, scooting to sit right next to Remus.  
"Wanna share what's goin' on, Pete?" Sirius asked, finally scooting to be face to face with the soft boy, and sitting on the other side of Remus. His hand landed on Remus' thigh, gently rubbing over the blanket.
The chubby boy played with his fingers, his mouth opening quickly to tell the tale of Snape and his stupid complaining and blood status shit. However, Remus, nor you, could focus because Sirius’ hand was moving under the blanket and going straight between Remus’ legs. 
The sun was setting behind the vast forest, effectively blocking natural light, leaving the room slightly colder and darker than before. Sirius knew it was hard to see what was going on under the blanket, so all carefulness got thrown out the window. 
Sirius' hand slid between Remus' thighs, using a hand to hide his smirk. He nodded his head along, as if he was really listening and invested in the story. You turned to Sirius, following his arm and the lump under the blanket and got the idea- and it only became reinforced when Sirius gave you a dramatic wink.
Your own hand slid under the blanket, landing on your werewolf boyfriend's knee, you thumb caressing it gently. Your hand didn’t stay there long. You began to move it up, moving slowly, just inch by inch, stopping suddenly when Remus’ hand clamped around your wrist.
“Boys, stop it.” Remus growled out, but it seemed more directed to Sirius. You were worried for a second that James or Peter heard, but when they kept going on and on, delving deeper and deeper into the story, you realized they were absolutely clueless. You decided to test the waters, slowly running your hand down and then back up, a tad higher, but Moony left his hand on your wrist.
“I said, cut it out. Now.” The brunette’s voice was deep enough to cause a shudder to go down your spine and it went straight to your dick. You jumped when his hand landed on your thigh, giving you a warning squeeze that you once again ignored and moved your hand closer to the inside of his thigh. 
You felt fingers run over yours at the top of his thigh and suddenly Remus’ thigh muscles were tightening. Padfoot had run his fingers over his hard-on. You knew you were both pushing it, but you kept going. You heard the brunette groan into his hand, his eyelids fluttering for a second before his gaze hardened and he sunk his teeth into his bottom lip. You could hear the low growl emitting from this throat.
So while James and Peter told their elaborate and stupidly long story, you both teased your partner, enjoying how he tried to sit still and refused to even look at you two. Remus’ jaw was pulled tight, his eyes darker than the night, and his lips drawn into a thin line. Eventually, it came to an end, and the two left, James complaining loudly that no one cared like he did and suddenly the blanket was thrown across the room.
Remus stood up, giving you a glare that you couldn’t help but find hot as hell. You always loved riling him up, but you also loved managing to wiggle out of punishments. Sirius always bitched about you getting away nearly scot free, but you’d just blow raspberries at him. It was funny, honestly, not that you were laughing now. It was clear both of you took it too far.
“You two are in a whole heap of fucking trouble. I can not believe you today, especially you. You’re such a bad influence on my baby.” Remus pointed at Sirius, his brows drawn tight together in pure anger. His eyes were lit up like with fire and the veins on his neck were protruding from underneath the skin in the sexiest way. The simple feature had you clenching your thighs, hoping to release some tension or get a touch or something.
“Our baby. Besides, you’re overreacting Rem.” Sirius shrugged, leaning back on his hands. He blew a stand of hair out of his face, acting like everything was fine and dandy while his boyfriend had steam blowing out of his ears.
His simple sentence caused the brunette’s eye to twitch and you knew he had dug himself a bigger whole. You put your hands in your lap like a good boy and sat, watching the two argue, knowing it was going to be a very long night.
“Oh. I’m overreacting, huh? Do you wanna say that again?” His tone was so flat, almost like he was talking to an idiotic teenager who did exactly what he was told not to do, the messy haired animagus was sitting up quickly, realizing he fucked up- again.
“No, no. That’s not what I meant, baby, you’re getting my words twisted. I meant it’s my fault and that you might be getting a tad carried away. Please don’t be mad at me.” Sirius put on his most dazzling smile and softest voice. He was trying to do what you did so well and wiggle his way out of punishments. “Have I ever mentioned how hot you look when you're mad?”
It was funny, really, how Sirius was saying exactly what you were thinking.
“No, dove, I’m not mad at you.” Remus threaded his hand slowly through Sirius' wavy hair, a small, sweet smile spread across his cheeks. Sirius let out a sigh, a huge grin matching his boyfriends, his eyes sparkling with pure joy in the dim light.
"I'm glad you're so understanding, honey bunches. I love you so, so, so much." Sirius spoke, leaning forward, lips puckered to plant a kiss to the brunettes. You really thought he had known Moony better. Moony very, very rarely let either of you off the hook for something like this. 
However, Remus didn't let him move very far. His fingers latched onto the hair at the top of Sirius' head and ripped it back, causing his neck to bend backward and a whorish moan escaped his lips. Siri’s hands shot up to grip the one tugging his head back and he had to strain his eyes to look at his Moony.
"I’m fucking livid, Sirius. You're such a slut. Surely you know me better than that. Have I ever let you get away with behavior like that?” Remus waited for an answer. He wasn’t very patient though, because soon, he was pulling on the long locks again. “Well?”
“No.” Sirius groaned out. He seemed grumpy he couldn’t cute his way out of this like he was sure you could. You figured you could probably avoid the punishment by sneaking out, knowing Remus wouldn’t send a search party after you. And if you made a good enough excuse, he’d let you go with a harsh spanking and the promise of no orgasms for the day, which didn’t seem too terrible.
“Do I have to treat you like a slut?" his lips pressed against a pulse point but didn't place a single kiss to Sirius' lips. "Maybe I should put a muzzle on your filthy mouth and tie you up. Put you in the closet while I fuck our dearest silly, hmm?"
Remus pulled away, this time tugging Sirius' eyes level with his. The werewolf let out a snicker, enjoying the way tears of pain had gathered in his boyfriends eyeline.
"I should teach you who's in charge. What do you say pumpkin?" Remus turned to the spot where you were seated and noticed it was empty. "Pumpkin?" He turned around and saw you trying to sneak out of the dorms door.
He reached into his pocket, tsking all the while casting a spell that caused a collar to appear around your neck with a pop. You let out a squeak, your heads going to the new leather.
"Do I have to put both of you in your place?” Remus pushed Sirius away and walked swiftly over to you, grabbing the d ring on the front of your collar. He gave it a tug, effectively keeping your eyes on his. “You’re not being my good boy, are you?”
“No..” Unlike Sirius, you answered quickly. You looked up at Remus, eyes wide, owlish and feigning innocence. “But I-”
“Quiet. You’re usually so good for me, darling. I bet you picked up the disrespect from our boyfriend, didn’t you? I’m gonna have to fuck the attitude out of you.” He tugged on the d-ring, dragging you with him as he walked back over to the bed. “Sirius, against the headboard.”
Without hesitation, the niorette shuffled toward the headboard, resting his back against it. He learned quickly to keep his mouth shut. With the new space made, Remus pushed you forward and laughed when your hands came out in front of you to catch your fall, but slipped on the silk bedspread. Your chest collided with the plush mattress, a pained cry leaving your lips when your knees collided with the wooden floor.
“Owie, Rem!” You turned to look back at him, but he grabbed your hair and forced your cheek against the mattress. You looked back at him, your cheeks turning pink with embarrassment and you tried to pout your way out of this, like usual.
“Shut up, bunny. Daddy’s not going easy on you this time, so be a good boy and take what I fucking give you.”
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Cuddle Puddle for Four
For the lovely anon who requested : Could I request a fic where you’re not feeling well (physically or mentally) so the Marauders come in and snuggle with you in your bed and you’re all very touchy with each other and it’s just very cute. Maybe some wolfstar and James x reader? No rat please!
 Light James Potter x Reader, and light Sirius Black x Remus Lupin
Warnings : Insinuated Bipolar disorder and mental health
The moment your classes were done on Friday you retreated to your dorm room, crawling into bed, and burying yourself beneath the covers and letting yourself cry into your pillow. You felt miserable. Your week had started high, you felt like you could do anything. You were doing school work like it was a breeze, laughing, joking and being an all around joy. You were on a wonderful high. But like all good things, it came to an end, suddenly and all at once, and you entered a depressive episode. Everything hurt. Your head, your chest, your body, your soul. You wanted to crawl into a hole and die. 
So you stayed in bed all weekend, alternating between looking at the ceiling and staring at the wall, a girl needed variety after all. Friday turned into Saturday and Saturday into Sunday. Your dormmates tried several times to get you to come eat with them; to do something. But you brushed them off, saying you were ill. Lily dutifully brought you food at every meal but it went untouched. You couldn’t eat. All you could do was alternate between crying pathetically and sleeping. 
Finally Monday rolled around and you still didn’t leave your safe haven of a bed. 
“Y/N,” Lily stuck her head into your curtains which had remained shut the entire time, she looked at you worried and you wanted her to stop. You were fine. Or at least you would be, once you were left alone. “Class is starting soon.”
“I am sick, Lily.” You muttered, not looking at her, “Tell them I don’t feel well.” Lily perched herself on the edge of your bed. 
“Alright. But you should try and get up, shower, it might make you feel a bit better.” You knew she was right, Merlin, why did she always have to be right? 
“Okay,” You nodded slightly, “I will,” Maybe. Lily nodded and stood from your bed, shutting your curtains again when she left, and you listened to her leave the room fully before you let out another small sob. 
Down in the common room The Marauders stood waiting for Lily to reappear and when she did James jumped forward, eyes wide with worry. 
“Is she okay? Is she coming to class?” He asked, and Lily shook her head. They had become mates slightly ever since he got over his crush for her and stopped bothering her all the time. 
“She said she’s sick.” Everyone shared a look, knowing what that meant. They all left for lessons for the day, unable to focus as they were worried about you the entire time. 
You continued to lay in bed for some hours before eventually peeling yourself from the sheets. Lily was right, you should shower. You went to the bathroom, turning the water as hot as it would go before getting in. You allowed the burning water to wash over you, even going as far as to shampoo and condition your hair. Lily would be proud. Once done, you changed into a clean pair of sleeping shorts and one of Sirius’s old oversized t-shirts before climbing back into bed, where you remained until the sun set again. Another miserable day gone by. You heard the bedroom door open and footsteps came to your bed, stopping just outside, the curtain was pulled back revealing Lily. 
“Y/N,” She greeted, you nodded your head. 
“The boys said they need you,” You looked slightly nervous as you sat up.
“Is everything okay?” You asked and she shrugged her shoulders. 
“They said it was Marauder business and they need you in their dorm immediately.” She informed you and you sighed. You sat up and she smiled slightly at you, noticing your slightly wet hair and new pajamas. You got out of bed and pulled on a fuzzy pair of socks before going towards the door. Only a Marauders emergency could get you out of your bed at a time like this. 
“I’ll be back,” You muttered before disappearing through the door, Lily let out a sigh, glad the plan had worked. You went down to the common room, not looking at anyone as you went to the boy’s staircase and up to their room. You knocked once on the door before entering. James was sitting on his bed and he grinned widely when he saw you, Sirius was laying on the floor next to Remus who was resting his head on the other boy’s shoulder. 
“Y/N!” James greeted, leaping up.
“Nice shirt,” Sirius stated with a loud laugh. You mustered a small smile and looked around the room.
“Where’s the fire?” 
“No fire.” James admitted, coming to stand in front of you, your face fell. 
“We just wanted to see you, make sure you were alright.” You frowned. They tricked you. 
“I’m fine,” You snapped slightly, but James wasn’t deterred. “I was laying in bed. Fine.” 
“Well you can do that here, too.” He assured, and the other two boys nodded eagerly. You considered your options. Go back to your dorm and lay alone in your own bed, with your own stuff, or you could lay down in James’ bed for a bit, being entertained by the people whom you loved most. 
“Fine,” you sighed, “I’ll stay.” James grinned and took your hands, leading you over to his bed. You sat down and he sat beside you, putting an arm around your shoulder. You pulled the covers up from the foot of his bed, and laid down, wrapping them around you and James. James laid beside you, pulling you close to him. 
“Hey, no fair, I wanna join,” Sirius said, scrambling off the floor and pulling Remus with him. How they planned on doing that was beyond you, it was a twin sized bed for Merlin’s sake. You all stood up momentarily, trying to figure out this puzzle. Eventually Sirius laid down, allowing Remus to lay across his body, James plopping down next to Sirius before pulling you on top of him. You chuckled softly and pulled the blanket over all of you, snuggling into James’ chest and wrapping an arm around Remus who hugged you back. You were a mess of limbs in the tiny bed. James wrapped both his arms around you, one hand rubbing your back as the other one played with your hair. Remus held your one hand and Sirius clung to the other, his free arm wrapped around Remus. 
“We need to pull another prank soon, people are gonna think we went soft.” Sirius was the first to break the comfortable silence. 
“No one is gonna think you lot went soft.” You chuckled. 
“If they saw this, they would.” Remus snickered and you giggled. James and Sirius both frowned. 
“We’re not soft!” James argued. You made like you were going to get up, smirking.
“Then we better stop cuddling,”
“NO!” He cried out, pulling you back down into him, pushing your head onto his chest before dropping a kiss onto the top of your head. “You’re not going anywhere.” You smiled to yourself and yawned. 
“But I’m sleepy.” You whined.
“So sleep.” James mocked you, whining back. 
“Here?” You asked, slightly surprised. 
“Course, you’ve been hiding from us for three days now, you’re not leaving my sight.” You smiled and nuzzled your nose into the crook of his neck, planting a small kiss there. 
“You’re the best, all of you.” 
“I know,” Sirius grinned, reaching out to pat you on the head. 
“You’re the best, dear.” Remus corrected, looking at you with warm eyes. 
“Shucks, Remmy, you’ll make me blush.” You smiled.
“Of course, don’t tell the others but you’re my favorite.” James scoffed and Sirius frowned. 
“I thought I was your favorite!” 
“No, you’re the biggest pain in the arse,” He corrected him. 
“And I’m the prettiest,” James decided, batting his eyelashes.
“And Remmy is the nicest.” You added, yawning again. James pulled the blankets tighter around you all, kissing your head again. 
“Go to bed, love.” He murmured against your hair, and you yawned once more, letting your eyes fall shut. 
“Only because you asked so kindly, Jamie.” 
“I love when you call me that.” He smiled, resting his head on Sirius’s shoulder, who turned his head to kiss James on the side of his head before turning to kiss Remus on the top of his. 
“Oi, Y/N, come ‘ere. Can’t reach you. Get your kiss goodnight.” You scoot over in the bed, craning your neck so Sirius could kiss you on the cheek before collapsing back into James. 
“Goodnight, love you all.” You whispered. 
“Love you too,” James murmured. Remus took your hand again and squeezed it tightly. 
“I love you.” He stated. 
“I love you all more,” Sirius grinned causing everyone to giggle. You were happy, for the first time in days. You drifted off into the most restful sleep you have ever had, listening to James’ heart beating beneath you. You had no idea how you got so bloody lucky, to be surrounded by the people you loved, who loved you back entirely and fiercely. You all slept like that, in one big pile of cuddling. Arms around each other, faces nuzzled into necks and crooks, legs tangled. You were the luckiest girl in the entire world.
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