#sorry I don’t wanna take care of YOUR cat and the dog when my baby literally JUST died
sensitivegoblin · 1 year
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thesupreme316 · 8 months
Hiii I’m here to request ( take your time)
I wonder how aew guys would react to their s/o being clumsy ( she gets hurt lot from being clumsy )
Have a amazing day and take care of yourself
AEW STARS REACT TO: Their S/O being clumsy
Pairings: Eddie Kingston X Reader, Kenny Omega X Reader, Ricky Starks X Reader, Hook X Reader, Nick Wayne X Reader, MJF X Reader, Daniel Garcia X Reader
Word Count: 832
Supreme Speaks: heyyy, thanks to anon for this request (and sorry for taking so long) and I HOPE YOU ARE DOING WELL AND ARE TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF. that's it I think...at least i'm uploading once a week neow...anyways, please remember that you are loved and appreciated.
Warnings: none tbh, GIFS AINT MINE
Taglist: @eddie-kingstons-wifey @hookerforhook @hooks-martin @wwenhlimagines @sheinthatfandom @cassie0sstuff @batzy-watzy @triscillal
Eddie Kingston
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This man laughs at you
Like a full-on cackle
But don’t get it twisted
He will make sure that you’re all right
But he’s gonna laugh through it
Will buy bubble wrap baby safety items to “keep you safe” (mainly to tease you)
Mans even grabbed a helmet for you
“Remember when you ran into the light pole?? And then you tripped over a cat??”
He’s a tease and will not hesitate to remind you of all your clumsy actions
But he still loves you…even if you don’t have the best balance
Daniel Garcia
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He doesn’t know you
Mans would full-on walk away from you and pretend he doesn’t know you
“Oh my god ma’am are you okay? Whispers stop tripping on air”
When while y’all are on vlogs with Isiah
He just looked off into space or into the camera like he’s on the office
Sometimes he would check on you and quickly walk away
It’s not that he’s not concerned…he just embarrassed a lil
Daniel still loves you to bits and pieces
But your name on his phone is still “Two Left Feet”
Ricky Starks
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This man laughs at you pt. 2
Teases you like no tomorrow
Have you ever seen those videos where the dogs mock their owners?? Like that one dog pretending to hop on one foot cause his owner was doing it??
…That’s Ricky…
A dog that mocks you every chance he can
He would mock you over and over again to the point where it’s just an instant reply
Once he walked in on you covered in orange juice (cause you know the fridge fell or something) and he instantly started laughing
“I’m so glad I don’t have to clean that up”
He has videos and pictures of you tripping, slipping, falling, running into doors
I mean he would help wipe the juice off your face…but that’s it…you’re on your own
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Man catches you before you fall every time
He will move you out of the way of danger without looking
He doesn’t understand how you are so clumsy and still alive
Doesn’t flinch if he hears a big crash…that’s just the universe letting him know that you are still alive
It’s when you are very quiet that scares him
Like the time he didn’t hear a noise for an hour, Hook decided to check on you
And he found you on the floor holding your foot in silence…looking up at the ceiling in disappointment
“You good?” “Yeah” “Do you need ice?” “No” “Do you wanna be left alone?” “Yeah”
And then he closed the door and sat back down
As long as you are not severely hurt, Hook is fine
Kenny Omega
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Immediately cares for you…folds every time
Gets surprised and scared every time you trip or if there is a big noise
But finds your clumsiness adorable
“AWW, you are still so cute…even though you are as fragile as Don’s ego”
Instantly cuddles you, hugs you, and comforts you if anything happens
Has actually wrapped you up in bubble wrap before
Tries his best to make sure that you don’t have to get up to get anything
Worries about if he’s not there to help you and you get seriously injured
But he quickly realizes that it’s a daily thing and that you are fine
He hopes…
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That’s him…In fact…that’s his home screen
Doesn’t understand how he fell in love with you when you are this clumsy
Has weird nicknames for you
“Hi my little butterfingers, how are you today?”
But also would take your clumsiness and use it to make him look so strong
Just catches you when you fall and would be “What would you do without me here?”
In his mind, he’s your Superman
Nick Wayne
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Mans is clumsy too and no you cannot change my mind
Doesn’t judge you at all…will still laugh at you
While he’s laughing at you running into a wall, Nick runs into a door
Now you both on the ground…laughing in pain
You both be covered with bandaids and bruises from running into anything and everything at least once a week
He risks his safety just for you (kith kith)
“I got you sweetheart. place himself between you and the wall Now you won’t stub your toe”
But then he stubbed his toe…so now you have to nurse him
Overall…he just wants to make sure that you are okay
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fxckn-sxck-fr · 1 month
You're literally so fucking disgusting (said with absolute joy).
Anyways, which of your silly little comic book yandere men are into petplay? And are they puppy-owner-coded or kitty-owner-coded?
!!! GN reader, petplay, can be translated as romantic or platonic, but the innuendos are 100% intended, collars, leashes, mentions of punishments, slight manipulation, drugging, I channeled my inner pet for this.
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*Pulls out my 3 hour long slideshow* I’M SO GLAD YOU ASKED, ANON.
First off, all of them are into pet play if I have a say in it. You will never catch me obsessing over a character I either can’t see collaring me or wearing a collar for me. So, really, this question boils down to if they’re a dog or cat person, LMAOOOOO.
Second, they all could go either way, honestly. These are just my personal thoughts on what they might gravitate towards. If you’re a certified puppy, don’t you worry, cuz the kitty enjoyers will love you the same, and visa versa.
Now let’s get started.
Bruce Wayne: I ALREADY CAN’T FUCKING CHOOSE, FUCK. My first instinct was to gravitate towards kitty-owner, but then I thought about his need to have some sort of physical tie to you (cuz he totally keeps you chained or handcuffed to him, DON’T FUCKING QUESTION ME), so he might be a puppy-owner for the sake of keeping you on a leash. Either way, you’re totally his little lap pet while he works in his office. Petting you gives him the strength he needs to finish all his paperwork. Also, everything you own is bedazzled to hell and back, from collars to toys. He likes to spoil his beloved little pet, okay?!
Clark Kent: I’m gonna go with puppy-owner. He might carry you around like a cat, but that’s only because carries dogs around like cats, too (that’s what happens when you have super-strength; everything is just so carry-able). Absolutely talks to you in that babying voice every dog-owner uses. “Who’s a good pup? Who’s a good pup?? You are!! That’s right, you are!! Aww, look at you!!” It might be annoying, but you better get used to it if you don’t wanna be locked in your uncomfortable cage while he’s gone. He knows you hate it, which is why he hates it, but it’s the only way to get you to behave!! Be his good pup, won’t you?
Dick Grayson: Very much leaning towards puppy owner. He’s all for training you into his loyal pup who follows him everywhere. Also lowkey talks down on you cuz you’re just a cute, dumb puppy!! You don’t need to be thinking big human thoughts!! Let your loving master take care of everything, okay? Ah, ah, ah! Silly, pup! You’re not supposed to speak! Now get back on your hands and knees… puppies don’t walk like people do, remember? Or does he have to get a little mean to remind you? You don’t want that, do you? Yeah, didn’t think so. Now sit… good job!! Why don’t we give you a treat, hm~?
Hal Jordan: Another one that can go either way. Honestly, though? The more I think about it, the more I’m digging kitty-owner Hal. There are so many ways this could go that it makes my head hurt. Is he a condescending owner? “Poor little kitty… got something to say? Hm? What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?” Or a soft owner? “Such a pretty little kitty… did you miss me while I was away? Yeah? I’m so sorry, sweetie.” What about one of those cat-dads that started out as we-are-not-getting-a-cat and ended up getting totally attached? “What do YOU want? Huh? Whatcha up to, pusscat? AYE!! Get off of the couch!! Come on, you know better.” The possibilities are endless.
Jaime Reyes: You know, it’s kinda weird. I see him as a certified puppy by default, yet as an owner? He’s kitty-adjacent. You’re just the cutest kitty-cat ever, he can’t help but keep you as one!! Definitely gets one of those bell collars (with a cute bow on it!!) for you. It helps ease his anxiety whenever he hears it jingle. Better be a cuddly kitty, cuz he canNOT keep his hands off of you. Poor guy’s always on the verge of a panic attack at the thought of you running away. It’s a common occurrence for him to pull you into his lap, eyes shining with unshod tears as he quietly asks, “you’ll never leave me, right?” If you don’t want to sit there awkwardly while he hyperventilates, I suggest you be kind and nuzzle into him.
Remy LeBeau: 100% kitty-owner. Expects you to greet him at the door when he comes home. “Y’miss me, minou? Yeah… Gambit missed you, too. C’mere.” Whether you like to admit it or not, he gives the best scratchies. He’ll have you lay against his chest for hours, softly petting your head as he listens to your rhythmic breathing. Absolutely sits you on the counter while he cooks so he can feed you small morsels as a little treat!! Every chef has to have an adorable sous-chef, no? Oh my god, he is just so soft that it makes my heart melt. You’re his precious little kitty and he’ll never let you forget it!! Just don’t be up to any trouble, okay? He may be gentle, but he also knows how to punish naughty kitties.
Scott Summers: Puppy-owner puppy-owner puppy-owner pupPY-OWNER— you bet your ass he’s training you to be the perfect little puppy. When he’s through with you, you’re gonna be the most obedient pup around. Don’t get me wrong, he’s actually a very soft and sweet master!! Gives you tummy rubs, praises, and even treats (when you’re good). However, when it comes to obedience, he’s absolutely the no-nonsense type. Do not test him; the literal leash he has on you is short for a reason. Disciplinary Scott is a very scary Scott, so I’d suggest you start acting right if you don’t want to get the cruelest punishment ever. “That’s right. Be a good little pup for me. You know what happens to bad puppies. Behave.”
Tim Drake: Have you met him? Kitty-owner for sure. He wants a lazy kitty that’ll sleep in his lap whenever he works (read: he wants to drug you so you’re constantly lethargic and can’t run away from him). Be prepared to be a weighted blanket, cuz he loves when you lay on top of him. Whenever you wake up, he’ll always be the first thing you see. “Good morning, Kitty! Sleep well? C’mon, it’s breakfast time!” Does NOT let you do anything for yourself (not like you’ve got the energy to, anyway). He loves to take care of his cute little kitty!! Also, has about 3,000 photos of you on his phone so he can look at them when he’s away. He just misses you, okay? You’re all he thinks about on patrol!!
Wally West: The puppy-owner thoughts won. He wants a happy little pup to pounce on him anytime he comes home!! Oh… you don’t wanna do that? Well, it’s okay!! He’s very good at training disobedient mutts. A quick word of warning, you do not want to trigger his stern mode. He’ll dish out the most cruel and devious punishments, all with the “I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed” attitude. Soft and sweet owner Wally is where it’s at. Loves to make you do tricks and give you treats afterwards!! He can get a little condescending and tease you, but it’s all done out of love! Unless you’ve been bad. Then it’s completely intended to be malicious. But you would never be a bad pup for him, right? He loves so much and spoils you rotten, why would you ever be bad? Come one, now!! Walkies time!! If you don’t tug on the leash, he’ll give you a big reward!!
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studbunniez · 2 years
Grayson with a House wife kink
+ some breeding kink in there <3
This is something I’ve thought about toughly and personally believe that while it is still a kink for her it’d also be a lifestyle dynamic she’d be in love with.
Her working hard to provide for her and her wife while you’re back home cleaning the house and cooking dinner and taking care of yalls fur babies (Grayson has a white cat named soap and a Doberman named warm water fight me).
When she finally gets home she smells her favorite meal just waiting for her in the kitchen. you greet her with a kiss and a “Welcome home hunny!!” Then you take her jacket and gloves to hang up and put away. Then, you get her settled at the dinner table while you prepare her plate for her.
You give her the plate and ask her “How was your day darling?” and then Grayson would go on to tell you the stories of her day and rant a bit about incompetent workers (*cough* *cough* MARCUS *cough* *cough*) she always makes sure to leave out the more explicit parts of her story for you in case you don’t want to hear, and if you’re like me and wanna hear she’ll tell you if you ask.
She’ll always ask you back how you’re day was as well and you’ll say the usual but with a little twist. “ Oh you know me. I cleaned up around the house walked the dog fed the cat and cooked your favorite, and once I was all done I even had a chance dress up for you :>” that's when the you lift the skirt of your dress to reveal the bottom half of a pretty lingerie set in the sheriff's favorite color. Suddenly dinner was completely neglected in place for dessert~
 !!NSFW WARNING!! breeding kink hc’s and drabbles below I refer to Grayson’s strap as a dick <33
Now you may be asking “do you think Grayson wants kids?” and the answer to that would be no. She feels that she is too busy and too old to be responsible of kids now, BUT getting to breed her wife and tell her how sweet it’d be to see her wifey all pregnant with her babies and and taking care of yalls kids so you’re not only a house wife but a stay at home mom as well? Hot it is so hot and is placed into the love making EVERYTIME.
“Fuck! Graysonn~” you whine feeling Grayson’s dick pounding in and out of you while she switches between leaving hickeys on your neck and whispering praises/growling in your ear. “Come on love, keep telling me about your day. I told you I want all the details.” You try to form a sentence but anytime you got a single word out Grayson would start thrusting her dick inside you harder and faster chuckling with every broken moan you let out of you pretty mouth. “Aw I’m sorry love I missed that what we’re you saying?” she knew how close you were and just wanted you to mess with you a little and wants to hear you desperately try and obey her but failing miserably due to her violent thrusts. “Ah! gr-gray~ cum-cummingg.” “Cum all you like my dear just know I won’t let you go till you nice and full of my fucking babies.” 
OMFG THIS TOOK SO LONG @sevikasleftpussyflap is responsible for this mess of a fuckin headcannon/drabble anyways please enjoy <333
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jwcnsz · 2 years
catsitting with enhypen! <3
pairing; enhypen members x gn!reader
warnings; mentions of biting, cursing
genre; fluff, domestic au
word count; 800+
requested; nope!
a/n; i saw enha play with kitties and i was like “i gotta write it” so here we are. also hee’s part is so long im sorry rn im just like “heeseung 🫶” forgive me anyways pls enjoy!
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omg he’s so happy when you tell him you’re gonna bring a kitten home for the day
you were taking care of it for a friend and wtv
heeseung literally just “KITTY” and SPRINTED towards the door
he’s so real for that cause same
the whole time he’s babying it ohhh :(
that kitten is in his arms and he’s carrying it around as if it were his child
“awww my little kitty :((“ cooing and shit
“can we keep it? ☹️” “no.” “please? ☹️” “no.” “pleaseeee? ☹️” u just. “no.”
heeseung’s master manipulator era
he didn’t even let you get near it not even to help him take care of it
“hee, you need to let me help.” “NO.” he just walks away with the kitten in his arms
when it’s time to return the kitty he’s literally sobbing
he WILL NOT let go
“you can get another one 😒” “HEESEUNG.”
literally had to pry that kitten away
u got him a kitten later on though so he forgave you for the whole “ripping away his child” thing
oh he’s upset
he gets that you’re doing your friend a favor but he’s allergic to cats and you know this
“are you serious, y/n?” “BUT THE KITTY IS SO CUTE ☹️” “fucking hell…”
in the end he agrees BUT you have to always be ten feet away from him.
he literally walks around the house with a mask on cause there is no way he’s inhaling those car hairs.
“jay, you won’t die.” “you have no idea how much allergies suck.” “take a pill.” “NO. 🙄”
there is no convincing him.
yeah he thinks the kitten is cute but he wasn’t gonna get sick over it
FINALLY you have to give the kitten back
if jay feels sad he won’t tell you
“jay say bye to the kitten.” jay: 🙁
he’s still gonna act like he doesn’t want it there
you learned to never baby sit a cat again
(jay still wanted you to bring more home though)
dog lover #1
“why couldn’t your friend have a puppy?” “shut up and go get me a bowl.”
at first he hates the kitten and the kitten hates him
my mans got bitten 😞
“cats are spawns of satan and you cannot convince me otherwise.”
the whole day hes glaring at that poor kitty
the kitten who just wants to go home:
eventually jake decided to give it another chance and he tried his best to not be mean to it
“bite me again and i’m sending you to the pound.” “JAKE NO”
anyways they became besties after that
“jake let go of that poor cat” “BUT ITS SO ADORABLE HOW DID I HATE IT BEFORE??? ☹️”
he now wants a cat but he didn’t wanna cheat on layla so he decided against it
he gave it back normally but he’s now doing research on where he can get a kitten (without letting layla know)
dog lover #2
but he isn’t anti cats either
he’s the second most normal one of the bunch
no fights or almost dying from cat hairs
he just vibes with it
he does get a little attached but it’s okay
“we can get our own kitten”
but it’s not the same for him 💔💔 he still loves his other kitten tho
they either hate each other or love each other
for this let’s act like they’re besties
love at first sight for these two srsly
you’re trying to get sunoo’s attention and he just
“don’t talk to me i’m with the baby 🙄” MF
but it makes u happy to see them get along
they take naps tgt and they eat tgt they do everything tgt
he doesn’t wanna give the kitten back but ofc he gives in eventually
“so do you wanna get a kitten?” “WE JUST LEFT.” “so a yes?”
they meow at each other like literal conversations but in cat
“jungwon-“ “SHHH it’s telling me a story” he has the cat against his ear
you just let them be and it’s better for you since you don’t have to do anything
just like sunoo they do anything together
“can we please cuddle?” “the kitten says no.”
mf 😒
he really just kitten>>>you
best cat dad™️
hes so sweet
“you are now my baby! 😁” “riki you’re sixteen.” “teenage father.”
he has adopted that cat by now its HIS.
treats it like a newborn he has him everywhere
he puts the kitten inside his hoodie 😞💔
“need to keep my baby warm 🥰”
hes so in love with that kitten it hurts
he plays around with it sm :( literally they both run around like babies
“im not giving this kitten back.” he gave it back.
he was heartbroken. his world just fell apart
not even kidding hes sobbing on the way back to ur house
“riki its okay it was literally just a day.” “HE IS MY BABY. I BASICALLY RAISED HIM.”
u got him a kitten to make him happy cause happy baby riki 🫶
taglist <3; @iluvnishi @kiki-woo @heartsforsoobie @woonie-muffin @luveuly @byeolwonnie (if u wanna be tagged send a message/ask!)
requests are; OPEN!
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morganalatina21 · 1 year
A House In Nebraska
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Summary: They met at Hogwarts, got closer in the Potter Mansion, but their real home was a humble house in Nebraska.
a/n: I'm slowly getting back to Tumblr, it's been a while since I wrote something in English so I'm sorry if it's a little off. Don't you worry, I'll go back to writing the Manipulating Death Series, but for now just enjoy this new series/one-shot.
“James.” Euphemia called, entering the living room sounding a little exhausted. “Is there any specific reason why there are animals in you room?” 
The boy looked over his mug with wide eyes, engines turning on his head thinking about an answer. “There are... animals... plural... in my bedroom?”
“Unless I’m getting the Potter curse of blindness and those are piles of clothes... Yes.” She nodded. “There’s a black dog and a black cat in your bedroom.”
The realization downed on him and he quickly stood up, spilling drops of tea on his own hands.
“Yes.. um.. they’re a family, I... found them on the streets and thought about... y’know, taking care of them?” That wasn’t a full-on lie, but he was itching himself, having to hide the true from his mother.
“You ever thought of asking me and your dad if we’re okay with that?” James shrugged, and Euphemia sighed. “They can stay if you take care of’em. Monty, we have a dog now... and a cat!”
James rushed upstairs to his room, slamming on the door and closing it, waking the huge black dog sprawled on the bed and the smaller black cat tangled on the nook of his bed, close to the piles of books.
“Sirius! What on Merlin’s underwear you doing here?” He whispered-yelled, shaking the dog that slowly transformed back into his best friend looking devastated.
“Hey Prongs! I just saw your mom but she left before I could say hi, how’s she?”
“Well she’d be freaking out if she saw you right now. What are you doing here and since when you like cats?” She signed to those glowing eyes watching them.
“You gotta trust him if we’re planning on staying here y’know.” Sirius said looking at the feline, that hesitated for a minute before jumping to the ground.
His eyes turned into blue-ish grey ones, and suddenly James was staring straight into Regulus Black figure.
“I thought you being a black dog was only a coincidence, Pads.” He mumbled. “Sine when are you an animagus?”
“You guys are not subtle in the slightest.” The younger simply answered.
“And what are you two doing here? I had to lie and say I found street animals. You made me lie to my mother!” James sounded hurt even thinking about that.
“We do that all the time.”
“You get used to it.” Regulus complemented. 
“Wha- I don’t wanna get used to it! Just answer my question.”
“I ran away from home.” Sirius replied, looking at the ceiling instead of his best friend. “I finaly had enough and when I was gathering my stuff, Regulus came and asked me to take him too. Can we stay with you guys for a while... please?”
James bit his tongue to ask why Regulus wanted to run away too, since Sirius always said he was this momma’s baby, but he knew how terrible the Black family could be.
“Are you guys okay? How d’you even get in?”
“Your window was open this morning so Regulus jumped and opened the back door f’me. I didn’t really thought about it, I just wanted a roof to sleep under really. Mom used a cruciatus in me, I was pretty dizzy.”
“Well, of course you can stay.” He said, looking at both brothers. “I just... can you guys go around the house and knock on the door so I don’t have to continue to lie to my mom?”
Sirius groaned, shifting to get up. “Sure, I’ll do that, my bones just hurt a little.” When Regulus did no mention to move, his brother turned to him. “You too, come on. Human interactions will do you some good. Unless you wanna stay as a cat and have people touch you all the time and eat raw fish, or be the Potter’s mouse catcher?”
Regulus scrunched his nose at that. “I do not eat rats.”
“Is not really different from that slug shit you ate in France.”
“It is called escargot, and it is made out of snails, not slugs.” He corrected, beginning to follow his brother.
“If you keep that attitude you can escargo away.”
James laughed at that, seeing Regulus roll his eyes and turn back into a cat, jumping off the window, Sirius following him right away.
Once left alone, he sighed seeing the amount of dog and cat hair all over his stuff. 
Never once the thought of having Regulus Acturus Black in his room occurred to him. In his bed? Maybe. But on his room at his parent’s house? Not even on the dark corners of his mind.
For the last year in Hogwarts, he took a liking toward the younger Black, watching him not-so-subtly on the slytherin table, sometimes getting distracted on Quidditch games when Regulus took a risky diving on his broom.
Of course, he’d never let him know, or Sirius.
Sirius Black, the queen of drama, would murder him if he even sneezed on Regulus’ direction.
But there was something about him...
Everything he ever liked in Lily, he’d have it, and multiplied. Her intelligence, her beautiful but harsh eyes, her passion for books, double it and add a sprinkle of low social battery and you’d have Regulus Black.
If he was ever to say that out loud, he’d probably lie and say it started when Lily started going out with Pandora, but it was bullshit, the Black caught his eye the moment he set foot in Hogwarts. The fifth year changed it up a bit because, thanks to Evans’ relationship, he was out of the library a lot more to spend time with Pandora whenever she needed.
Hearing his mom’s voice downstairs, he shook his head to avoid those thoughts and walked to the living room, hearing her voice just talking about the dog and the cat.
“...James’ in his room, taking care of his pets. We have a dog and a cat now, you like dogs don’t you Siri?”
“About that...” He interrupted. “They kinda escaped just now... y’know, I think they didn’t liked it here... so, yep.” Smiling yellowy, he turned to the Blacks. “Hey Pads, hey Regulus.”
“Hello, Prongs.”
Euphemia sighed again, changing her eyes between the boys. “You guys gonna be the death of me, and don’t worry, Regulus, you’re welcome here as much as your brother. I’ll just finish dinner.” Moving to leave the room, she met her husband mid-way. “Monty, we no longer have pets.”
“What happened?” He asked, putting his glasses on. “I thought we’d finally have  a cat.”
“Well, maybe he’ll come to visit?” Sirius suggested, looking carefully to his brother. “Since, y’know, you guys are so friendly and welcoming.”
Regulus hesitated, breathing deeply. “Yes, maybe it will. Cats have a really good memory.”
That is how it started. The beginning of something that crushed both Regulus and James.
If Regulus looked back and talked to his young self, he’d probably yell and ask him to leave that house as soon as possible, to maybe go over to Pandora, or even Lily, his parents wouldn’t even dream he’d be in a muggle house, but he had no idea where they lived, and it was about time to make amends with his brother.
He really should’ve left, is you ask me. But who am I to know?
Through the next months, both Regulus and Sirius would get daily howlers, the owls entering the Potter’s living room and dropping the red envelope on their laps.
They got so used to it, whenever a new one arrived, they’d just toss it in an empty room and cast a silence charm.
Even when they went back to Hogwarts, they’d come, more to the youngest one, who’d flee the table the exact time so no one else could hear. But it was more than useless, every pureblood whose parents were Voldemort’s allies already knew. That’s why he spent more time either in the Ravenclaw table with Pandora or on the library, where later either her or Dorcas would come and give him some savings from the meal.
But one good thing happened on all of this.
Yes, both Black brothers were closer now, and sometimes you could hear them joke about some terrible childhood memories, to get over them. However, I’m talking about another good thing: James and Regulus.
Whenever he spotted the Black family’s owl entering, he’d immediately look at Regulus, trying to catch a glimpse of the envelope color; and when it was needed, he would flee his own table to follow the slytherin boy.
The first time it happened, still in September, Regulus was more than reluctant to have his brother’s best friend there. Neither one of his friends followed him, knowing very well he enjoyed being left alone.
So the Potter’s attempt to make him feel better were shut down, earning a cold glare and a threat with a wand pointed at him. 
But being a people’s helper, James kept going after him to make sure he was fine.
After the first five few tries, Regulus finally showed some vulnerability, sighing and rubbing his face in exhaustion instead of keeping his posture. “What do you need, James?”
“Well I’m no longer ‘Potter’, that’s a first.”
Over the twentieth howler, Regulus was already waiting for James off the Great Hall, holding the envelope a small and mischievous smile on his face, asking him to place bets on what insults his mom was making now.
 It was their thing. The first thing it’d be only the two of them. The first of many.
Whenever they saw each other later the same day, James specially would make references on the words that were screamed earlier.
“That’s utterly outrageous.” He’d say, only to see Regulus snort through his nose and the Marauders more than confused.
With time passed, it was common for them to look in the map and see James and Regulus hanging out together, he was slowly becoming an extending part of the Marauders, just like Alice, Frank, Marlene, Mary and Lily.
They’d make fun of Snape together, make fun of Sirius together and later laugh at his theatrical acting on being betrayed by them.
All that closeness, led to Regulus and James once being seated in a library, an open book on James’ lap while the Black was turned to him, hugging his own knees and feet on the couch. They were planning on preparing the wolfsbane potion for Remus’ birthday, the younger one now having his suspicions confirmed. 
After five minutes on rambling about how this one time at the full moon Peter was sick so when he turned into a rat and climbed on the Whooping Willow, he sneezed and fell off the tree.
He looked at Regulus when finishing the story, thinking maybe he fell asleep due to his quietness, instead finding the boy looking at him with big eyes and a small smile, like he was the most beautiful thing in the world. 
James didn’t even noticed when he leaned in, only realizing his breathing was getting mixed with Regulus’ and a shiver ran all os his body. All his members tingling when they finally sealed lips.
The book dropped to the ground and James was rapid fire to hold the Black’s body, not wanting to let go of that moment, of him. 
They only had to separate when Regulus whispered he’d fail his OWL’s if he missed another History of Magic class. James frowned and mumbled he already knew everything but let go of him anyway.
“See you at dinner, Mon Coeur.”
“See ya... wait what that means?”
Regulus only smiled and left the library.
Need I say that James searched like crazy a French-English dictionary to learn what the heck that meant? 
He couldn’t just ask Sirius, risking letting him know what was going on between them.
When he finally found, running around through the letters to make sure it was the right one, man almost cried.
Luckily, he also found something a couple pages before, and he was ready to use it, practicing the pronunciation over and over when no one else was around.
He finally used it at dinner, having less than a month of Hogwarts left, he wanted to spend his last couple weeks there without having to hide how happy Regulus made him.
It was only the second time the youngest Black sat at the table with the rest of the Gryffindors so it probably wouldn’t happen again soon.
Remus had a book on his lap, ready to finish the chapter once done with the food; Sirius was mixing pasta, rice and beans with mashed potatoes; Peter was gathering all his favorites parts of fried chicken in a plate; Regulus was still analyzing the plates to see what he wanted.
Frank and Alice were just a couple seats away, Lily and Mary giggling on their other side too. 
All that while they were talking, discussing their days and late homework.
Everyone close enough to hear.
“James, can you pass me the fish please?”
There it was.
“Here ya go, Mon Chat.” 
Regulus froze, his fingers letting go of the plate quickly, thankfully James’ hands were close enough to hold it.
But the silence was dreadful, often broken by shock noises like Remus’ book falling to the ground, Sirius dropping his silverware on the plate and Peter choking on the hot sauce of the chicken.
Remus and Regulus’ eyes were constantly drifting off to Sirius, scared of his reaction. The blonde boy knew, of course, he was on the library the day they first kissed, both so drunk on each other’s presence they barely recognize the people around.
However, James’ eyes were firm on Regulus the entire time, of course he feared Pads’ reaction, but he was even more scared of what his lover would say.
“Thank Merlin!” 
Okay what? That was definitely a shock, and the Potter’s eyes finally moved to him.
“I was bloody scared you were replacing me as your best friend.” 
“Padfoot, how could you ever think that?” He reached a hand to Sirius, clinging to his shoulder. “You are my first and only best best friend, I’m only snogging your brother, I swear.”
“What on earth is going on?” Regulus whispered to Remus, sitting right between the Blacks.
“You still not used to it?”
Regulus held in a laugh. He should be used to it by now, but the boy cherished those moments so much he couldn't just consider it a normal daily occurrence, it would take away all the preciousness.
Those single moments were more than gold to him, making the young Black feel like the richest man to ever live.
He only wondered if one day he'd bankrupt and die in poverty again.
But that's... for another time.
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doorrobloxstuff · 1 year
Pet headcanons? I wanna see that! I wanna see the widdle babies!!!
Anyways, I’ve come up with a few scenarios in which hotel pansexuale ™ can have pets, mind you this is au material and may be subject to change and the mercy of updates.
They learn the concept of pet ownership from a book or somethin-???
Au stuff since in the good!ending au I mentioned once they owned chicken and deer- so maybe a few barn kitties Rush scooped up or a kitty Sally + Dupe owns (the fluffy fam are big fans of kibby. So says me.) or even a really soft, fluffy big dog. Soft things..are a gift for them.. the point is that they all share pet
Plus In my main au they raise Racoons that started after a breeding pair moved into the hotel via a hole in the wall, maybe Rush kept a few favorites…
I don’t really see Seek’s family owning that many pets..or atleast they’d try until Screech brings a rat or something home.? I could Seek owning a cat too..Figure? Chickens and ducks and other domestic fowl Definitely. It’d cluck to them to take care of them. Figure is definitely a fowl person.
Hide definitely gets an emotional support/Therapy dog though for comfort.
Maybe Seek owns one of those hairless cats. Like a pretty calico one.
Imagine it softly clucking or mimicking its flock’s noises in order to call them in for dinner.
Greed definitely owned a hamster, it took care of it even though it’s blind…but honestly? That wasn’t its most important possession out of all its hoard.
Depth. Depth was.
Depth probably would’ve wanted an underwater pet like an octopus or a jellyfish. Some critter that occurs naturally in the pool.
Jack? Hm..snakey snake. Reptiles. Mostly Snakes though.
Bushy in some flavor of au got a ferret. Deadass. No explanation.
Halt? Betta. :) Got that sexy sexy big tank for one little pampered Betta with healthy plants and floating algae balls to match.
“Nice Aquascaping!” Ambush says casually. “‘Watcha got in the tank?” “Betta.” Says Halt. “O-only a Betta..?” “Betta.”
Jeff…? Anything soft and snuggly..maybe a rabbit…? Okay, maybe Jeff needs a dog. Give this man a black lab or a golden retriever or..fuck it, even a sweet shelter dog and watch his heart grow. He needs it. He needs it so bad.
Dread owned doves while human which he cared for deeply. He loved the soft coos of mourning doves outside his home.
Gobby? Bug. Fucking pill beetles man. They rock. Let gobby have a little terrarium filled with pill bugs as a treat. Have him give them water via an Eyedropper.
A60 owns one of those little white dogs with brown tear shitstains on their eyes that are always on the very on crying and adores it.
A90 would probably like a turtle. Watching it swim would make it happy and bring its own swimmy instincts into high gear.
Yes, Printer skunk CAN swim btw. Not a literal water monster like Ambush/Sally but ahh..
A-120 would also like a kitten or maybe a lovebird thank you very much. Much to say, it’d probably like any pet.
Curious would probably like a hissing cockroach or maybe a Xoloitzcuintle dog, maybe a canary…Maybe a Pomeranian?? Mmmmmgmgmgmgngh in-decisive it would have a weird mix of pets.
Guiding light would probably like a pond of koi fish or perhaps an owl/falcon..? Something dignified.
Sorry if your sick about hearing about Rafflesia but they used to own a chinchilla when they were human. His name was Petunia. :)
Rue owned goats at some point..but he secretly loved the little quail chicks at the farm when he was young to the point he has occasional dreams about them..Soft..
Scatters this like pellets to my hungry little doors chickens pspssp feed now
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mangosimoothie · 2 years
The Bachelorette: Episode 14 - 100% Cooper Tremblay
Welcome back to the Bachelorette - part two of season 1! In this 4 part episode 14 Aja will travel with each contestant to their hometowns and meet their families to get a better idea of how they were brought up. Is what they say true? The Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree? Let’s find out! In part one, Aja sees Cooper’s hometown in the rural forests of Ontario, Canada. Of COURSE he’s Canadian, am I right? Let's go with Aja and meet the rest of the family.
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On their way to his family’s home Cooper does what he should’ve done for their first date and does some birdwatching with Aja. Together they spot some of Ontario’s most signature birds, and with every sighting, Aja is more and more charmed.
“Why didn’t we do this in the first place?? It’s cute how you’re so in tune with nature.” “I guess I worried you’d be bored.” “Are you kidding? I’m basically a bird too. Just do a beautiful singing a dancing routine for me and get me a really cool rock and I’m yours.” “Not sure about the singing and dancing, but I promise to bring you the best rock i can find.”
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As they got closer to his childhood home where all his extended family would be gathered, Cooper gave Aja the lowdown on the tremblay family.
“So, meeting my family’s probably gonna be a little…intense. There’s about a dozen of us. Everyone’s really friendly, but they’ll talk your ear off. LOTS of names and faces. I’ve got a family photo if that helps?”
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“We're just a bunch of country Canucks. I have three older sisters - on the right that’s Rosie and her wife. She’s pregnant and ready to pop at any moment so don’t be surprised if there’s a home birth. That’s my oldest sister Emma, her twin boys Cody and Fletcher, her baby Amelie, and her husband Jack. The boys all just got back from a 5 week nature retreat. That’s my mom and dad. My dad (Isaac) can be hard to read so don’t take it personal if he doesn’t take to you right away. My mom (Bea) is French Canadian and her English isn’t great but she’s an angel. You’ll love her.” “Are you a momma’s boy?” “I’m my mom's favorite and my sisters are all my dad's favorites. So it evens out. That’s my sister Florence, her husband Red, and her baby Tilly. Rule 1: Do NOT let Emma get you alone. She’s always been really protective of me. She’ll interrogate you for two hours straight. Oh and those are some of the dogs.” “SOME?” “Yeah, there’s eight of them, all rescues. And two cats. Couldn’t get them all to sit.”
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Aja and Cooper were loving ushered in by mom
“My babyyyy! Cooper!" Then some stuff in French… (Note: because our translator was hired specifically to translate X'irron's alien language, we are not able to translate French. Sorry. It's probably fine though.) “Hi mama. I want you to meet Aja.”
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“Oh, you're just a beautiful thing! Come on in, dinner's out back.”
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Dinner with the Tremblays was fun and chaotic like huge families can be. The twins caused plenty of mischief, the sisters teased Cooper to no end, and of course the food mom had prepared was wonderful. Afterwards the sisters asked Aja if she’d come with them to chop some wood for the fire.
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Emma: So, miss Aja. Explain this whole bachelorette business to us. Because it sounds crazy. Aja: Basically, there’s four other guys I’m dating right now, and by the end of the week I’ll decide who I wanna be with. Who’s really the right fit for me. Emma: Well cooper should be that fit. Aja: I like cooper a LOT. He’s so sweet and I can tell he really cares about me. I can tell when he cares a about someone it’s with everything he’s got to give. That’s special. He’s a very very special kind of guy. Rosie: So you love him? Aja: It’s hard to tell…on our first date he took me to a race track. He was trying to impress me, but it turned out to be the opposite of who he is. I can’t love THAT cooper. But the real one? I could see that…
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Florence: Ahh he cooped yah! Aja: “Cooped" me? Florence: Coopers a good kid, anyone would be lucky to have him. But he can be kind of a hoser. When he was a kid he fibbed a little. Like pretending he was an exchange student, or that our dad was the mayor. I think he wants to be more than he is- Emma: But what he IS is the whole goddamn world. You better know that.” Aja: I do! I do! Just hoping he'll let me keep seeing it.
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Emma: Alright then that’s one tree down. Aja, think you’ll break a nail if you take a swing at the next one? Aja: Hell no. Gimme that axe.
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Rosie: Nice swing! Maybe you got the Tremblay dirt under your nails after all.
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While the other sisters leave to go set up, Emma asks Aja to stay behind. Emma: Hey Aja. Hang back a minute. Let’s talk. Aja: For sure. Cooper tells me you’re my final trial. Glad I made it this far.
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Emma: I don’t let anyone in a 6 ft radius of Cooper who isn’t right. Gotta make sure you’re right. The whole bachelorette thing still doesn’t sit right with me. You’ve known him what two weeks? Aja: Just about…I know it sounds crazy. But honestly everyday on the show feels like a year to me. It’s so intense. Cooper…there was a dangerous situation on set and he blew the whistle for me. Really saved me, even though it could’ve made him look like a narc. Got the cops of the property in the meantime. I know our date was a little weird, but at that moment I knew that he’d do anything to look out for me. Emma: He would. But you’re some fancy miss socialite right? Don’t you want some millionaire playboy? Aja: Those are the types of guys I’ve normally been with, for sure. But cooper just feels right. And as much as he’d look out for me, I’d look out for him too.
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Emma: Hmm…you’re ok Aja. I know I’m giving you a hard time, but since Felicity I just can’t let that kinda nonsense happen again. Aja: ...Felicity? Emma: …His ex wife? Aja: His WHAT?
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Emma: Oh…he kept that locked up. That uh…well that makes sense. They were really young, right outta college, and only lasted a year. She was never the right one, always so mean - manipulative, gaslighting. I think she’s why he’s always trying to be good enough. Disappeared one night, never seen her since. Good riddance. Never could stand the c**t. Excuse my French. But you’re not like her. I can tell. Welp. Guess we should join the others. Aja: Yeah…let’s go.
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Aja and the Tremblays, cozy by the fire.
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Aja and cooper stick around by the fire after everyone else goes to bed. Cooper: So. The Tremblays give you too much trouble? Aja: Not at all, they’re sweet. Cooper: Good. By the way…” As promised, Cooper hands Aja the coolest rock he could find...
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...And Aja starts to cry Cooper: Oh no I’m sorry! I can go back out and find a different one! Aja: Oh my god, it’s not the rock! Cooper, I really wanna love you, but I can’t do that if you keep trying to hide things from me. Cooper: Aja, like I said you're getting the real me! 100% Cooper Tremblay. Aja: Then why did you try to hide Felicity from me? 
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Cooper:…Crap. I should have been up front about that, I know. I’m sorry. I didn’t want to scare you away or- Aja: What’s scaring me away is all these secrets! You can’t keep doing that. But Cooper, I really really like you. So I’m giving you another chance. Again. Cooper: Thank you Aja. I promise, I wanna be the one for you. Aja: Don’t thank me yet. Wait until after elimination. Cooper: I gotta thank you anyway. Aja: For what?
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"For this."
Soundtrack Who knew Cooper was such a smooth talker! But will he be able to stay in Aja's good graces? Aja has three more hometown dates, then it'll be time for elimination. Hopefully Cooper is able to stay in Aja’s good graces. 
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so first thing first: i misspell a lot. i also swear a lot, if that bothers you, sorry
i havent watched the last two eps of toh so heres me doing it. i’ll compile it all in one post so i wont have to tag 300+ posts, i also use caps a lot.
FOR THE FUTURE! here we go
collector’s happiness overlaid with everyone else’s suffering is so…funny??? idk also ‘it’s like the whole world is singing’ is a cool phrase if it weren’t for the context XD
aunt lily to the rescue!!
‘now, what part do i get to play’ horrific scene i want more
also: this is why you don’t give children godly powers. it ends badly!
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oddly beautiful if not for the corpses
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i want that as my wallpaper
you know things are bad when the logo/intro changes
‘it’s not like he’ll inexplicably appear if you say his name!!’ hunter have you ever read a fairytale? a myth? the bible??? names have power.
oh yeah never mess with a latina mama.
it’s cute seeing the kids miss their home
through the face??? count me in!!
luz is smitten
noooooo luz :((((( you’re happier sharing both realms everyone can see it
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anyone know what these are??
ah. the bastard is here.
nooo gus youre making me cryy
‘i’m fine, really’ said every character who is not fine in the story of ever
the soundtrack in eda’s room scene!!!! i need it!!!!
amity’s palisman being a cat fits so well bc cats choose where they go. you cant control them the way you might a dog or a bird, which fits well with the idea of choosing your own path.
camila is taking everything so well!! my mom wouldnt last two seconds in the boiling isles. neither would i ofc.
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is this an animation error or….??
some graffiti messages i managed to read:
-(do not) celebrate the day of unity! :( 
- boo belos
-hide ur kids
-they’ll find you!!
-nope, no, go away
-closed forever
and general sun and moon symbols
-beware the collector
-amelia, cat! (general stuff i cant make out) (infinity train???)
-where is the titan now?
-belos lied
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these are cute
wow that’s creepy
i know it’s supposed to be creepy about the collector playing pretend while everyone suffers but- i can’t. the secondhand embarrassment is too much for me.
light glyph go??????
collectors ‘cool aunt vibe who pretends to be coldhearted but actually cares a lot’ vs luz’s ‘bad but sad boy’
parallels? ey?
hmmm yeah that was creepy
‘little space cherub’ XDD
love how we go from funny new hexside to (ughhhh) belos. 
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hmm  i would love to analyze the composition of this glyph
all the bastard adults trying to take advantage of the collector ughhhhhh
also love the space palace
plus: ‘what do mortals eat again? rocks? fire? gravity?’, unfortunately, collector, we are not stars
of course the book is made of rocks. of course.
also king seems…practiced, on reading the book. you gotta wonder how much he knows now about collectors
cool how collector is both evil and, yk, a child. bc children are not always innocent. they can be some of the cruelest creatures on the universe (i would know)
one has got to wonder about the history told in those walls, meaning i will wonder and theorize. bc that’s what i do.
ok it seems like collector was…surrounded by titans. baby titans, and then a group of older collectors took him in, seeing as theyre smiling and reaching out a hand, instead of banishing him away. they dont look friendly, but it might just be the portrait.
although those first two portraits reveal themselves, at the very end there’s something else
 unfortunately i have no idea what it is. i dont think the repetition is an animation error or shortcut. if it were, why only repeat two times and change at the very end, where it is unlikely to be noticed??
 again, portraits repeat, except for a star in the middle.
......i wanna theorize on this. maybe on another post.
collectors doing something to a planet and our collector watching, wanting to join in, but probably rejected (the whole portrait section had a lot of images but it surpassed tumblrs limit so i deleted them, more on another post, maybe
poor raine tho. what’s up with them and people trying to mindcontrol them????
poor hooty
what’s this, rapunzel?? a tear saves the guy???
poor willow tho
‘’im gonna assume those are clean’ ma’am cleanness is the last thing you need to worry about now
that’s two simultaneous mindcontrollings! raine is on a roll!!
“trouble with your team, captain half-a-witch? leading isnt easy is it? all your time is spent helping the team, keeping people from fighting, planning your next move, and titan forbid you show any weakness! everyone else falls apart.
fucking kikimora
cuando no tienes la chancla, un bate sirve
boscha is….ugh. i’m conflicted. i get it but also.she annoys me.
everything is under control when everything is not undercontrol my favorite trope
poor (????) collector. i know he’s not good but….idk, i feel for him
poor willowwwwww poor kids everyone needs therapy here
“luz has a staff, why does that make me nervous?” considering the first impression you got of it……
i could write poems about how it fits her but just- look. it fits.
END CREDITS WHERE AWESOME!!!! Love the snapshots of the things that werent fully explained!! kikimora manipulating boscha during the attack, king being sad at losing eda and lilith and the collector…..emphathizing?? of a sort??? anyway yeah
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sxftkxssxs · 3 years
Hi! I really enjoy reading your takes on the main 6.
Anyways could I request the main 6 with a MC that is a adrenaline junkie? Just loves to do anything that makes their adrenaline start pumping?
If you can't it's fine and thanks for making these hc!
it’s no problem! i’m glad you like my blog <3
(i hope this is what you imagined?? i’m writing this when i’m very tired so—)
M6 with an s/o who is an adrenaline junkie
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slight adrenaline junkie themselves but it’s not that bad yk
now if ur a crazy adrenaline junkie then whew
they mostly just laugh and tell you to be careful
if it’s absolutely too dangerous he just kinda…holds you by the waist
it’s almost like when you tell a dog to stay-
if you manage to escape i give you a farewell and congratulations
faust is always on your side, i mean, we know she’s the one who convinced asra to jump off the docks ships with her 🥰
at the end of the day as long as ur having fun and safe they don’t really mind <3
10/10 ur support and slight adrenaline junkie buddy
oh my god mazelinka wants to hit you both
you’re both adrenaline junkies. and sometimes it worries people.
cough cough mazelinka cough cough
niether of you really cares though, you both get to do exciting and crazy stuff together so <3
and omg it’s the best feeling ever when you’re right in the middle of doing something crazy with him
he’s so- ugh, he’s one of the best people to do this with lmao
tl;dr no you don’t have any brain cells but you both love everyone ach other and do it anyway
hmm 8/10 bc hes bound to be more of an adrenaline junkie than u and drag you places after ur tired
my dear don’t do that. we don’t need another vulgora in the palace
she’s like a mom with her toddler
if it isn’t anything that’ll hurt you or something she’s gotta do absolutely perfect, you can do it
just- don’t break anything-
“NADIA LOOK AT WHAT I DID HAHA” “Yes that’s very wonderful dear, anyways-“
she doesn’t mean to shrug ur clearly important duties off but she’s very busy
catch her at a less busy hour tho and she’s much less distracted
she does like a bit of adventure though, so if you manage to convince her, she’ll do something exciting with you 👀
tl;dr nadia is very busy but loves doing thrilling things with u
8/10 bc she’s busy but also very fun
it’s- hes complicated
it’s like he just knows what is too dangerous and what’ll just make you feel alive man
inanna joins you everytime though, you could almost swear she enjoys it more than you do
you probably won’t ever convince him to do much, but i’m betting you tried to convince him once and he did it bc of u and inannas puppy eyes
muriel: 0 Mc: 1
don’t actually try to do something when he tells you it’s too dangerous bc he just- picks you up like a mom cat does
and then you really can’t do that thing you really wanted to
tl;dr big honker man doesn’t like adrenaline rushes at first but does it anyway for the person who loves the thrill (and ends up liking crazy things)
7/10 bc he was hesitant
you thought julian was bad? think again
the devoraks are so similar but so different
portia will absolutely do dangerous things and it’s gonna end up a mess if you both join in
no one can stop the combined 0.005 of a braincell you two share
pepi joins along sometimes <3
ur little adrenaline junkie family is so cute and scary
every date is a thrilling one with her 🥰
you will not regret being with her at all lolol
very thrilling 10/10
so sorry ur gonna be alone on every adventure if you don’t count melchior
Mans is literally the biggest baby unless it’s a battlefield
he tried to come with you once and literally felt like jelly after
if you wanna spar or do something of that sort hes all for it though
sparring with him is always exciting- hes always trying new things and ur most likely not as experienced so-
you either get pinned or a sword to your throat LMAO
will scream like a little girl if you get him dragged into something other than sparring
just give him a kiss and hold him after and he’s good as new lol
very good at sparring but nothing else 4/10
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thesupreme316 · 6 months
Can I make a request with the boys with a reader who is introverted and how the boys make them feel more comfortable (please add Daniel Garcia he’s my pookie🤭)
AEW STARS React To: Having An Introverted S/O
Pairings: Daniel Garcia x Reader, Eddie Kingston x Reader, Max Caster x Reader, Ricky Starks x Reader, MJF x Reader, Hook x Reader, Christian Cage x Reader
Word Count: 837
Supreme Speaks: otay sorry for being late but here is another post. also OVER 300 FOLLOWERS??? thank yall so much for the support and love yall show my posts💖 please remember that you are loved and appreciated!
Warnings: GIFS ARE NOT MINE, slightly proofread, fluffy as shit
Taglist: @hooks-martin @sheinthatfandom @triscillal @cassie0sstuff @eddie-kingstons-wifey @hookerforhook @batzy-watzy @wwenhlimagines
Daniel Garcia (ya pookie):
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Okay I am convinced that DG is an ambivert
Mans is both extroverted and introverted
So he understands when you need to wind down
Would constantly take you to your favorite places
I would also like to think that DG is that person who would drop everything for you if your battery dies or if you don’t feel well
Isiah: Danny, where are you go-
DG: My baby needs me, now move mushroom
Is perfectly fine with you being shy/introverted and doesn’t judge you at all
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As an introvert, he doesn’t give it any thought
He would find your introverted self adorable
I think to make you more comfortable, he would participate with you in various activities
Because of him being private, he won’t force you to do anything that you don’t want to
Keeps a list of many things you like to do
Doesn’t force you to speak or introduce yourself to others
Knows that you don’t have plans so if he needs to run errands; he’s dragging you with him
If anything he’s your security guard while you sit in the corner on your phone or reading
Ricky Starks:
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We know how spectacular (and bold) this man is
But he is super understanding and caring
Know when he needs to tone it down so doesn’t overwhelm you
He will push you to speak to others but he wouldn’t want you to change
Ricky will try to help you find new comforts but is okay with just the two of you sitting at home and watching tv
To make you comfy, he’ll tease you with loving remarks, letting you know that he adores your introverted self
He’ll also talk for you if you want him to (cause Jesus that man can talk)
Eddie Kingston (ma husband):
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In my mind, Eddie is sensitive and can detect how people from first meeting them
So when he first meets you and sees how introverted you are, he immediately attaches himself to you and becomes your guard dog
He prefers to sit in corners anyway, so your introverted life is his speed
Hates to push “out of your comfort zone” but he will support you in whatever you do
Will ditch whoever to come and check on you; it doesn’t matter who they are
To make you comfortable, he will speak up for you (especially if you can’t say no to people)
Tbh, its like Rottweiler x Black Cat type of relationship
Christian Cage: (ma sugar daddy)
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Teehee this man believes you are just adorable beyond relief
Doesn’t mind doing the majority of the talking when you two are together
I feel like he’ll introduce you to others and if you don’t show interest/or speak up, he is quick to leave with you in tow
To comfort you, he will tone down his extrovertness (? Idk if that’s a word) and make himself available for you to warm up to him
He doesn’t wanna scare you off
Christian will even let up on the teasing and “bullying” others just to make sure that you’re okay
But he will buy you gifts to let you know what he likes you
I feel like overall, the man is changing his himself and personality to adhere to you and your interest
Max Caster:
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I will admit it (cause this is how I visualize it)
He initially fucks up
Max is so damn loud and hyper that he scares you off very quickly
After calming down, he apologizes to you and actually becomes close to you before asking you out
He tries to make you louder and (boldly) confident but is told repeatedly by Anthony and Billy that you prefer to be away from the spotlight and like to be quiet most of the time
From then on, Max tries his best to ensure that he’s not being too loud around you
To make you comfy, I can see him trying to make you laugh at any place or time (so he still doesn’t shut up)
Man is whipped for you and will do anything to make you feel comfortable
That includes taping his mouth shut
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Hehe this man
He will gladly be the mouthpiece of your relationship
Unlike other people, MJF will loudly announce that you guys would need to leave and not lie
“Okay you marks, you all with your repulsive faces and boring personalities are draining my lovely yet quiet significant other. So…we are leaving, peace bitches”
He’ll introduce you to others..but that’s it for fear that you’ll get overwhelmed
Like Ricky and Max, he can talk your ear off if it’s what you need
Or he’ll just sit down and watch TV with you like Hook
Since dating you, he’s calmed down with his arrogance and tries his best not to get angry
Around you….he’s still an asshole to everyone else
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holylulusworld · 3 years
Bad Boys (6) - She’s ours (FIN)
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Summary: New to town, a goody-two-shoes, you catch the attention of not one but two guys. Too bad they are the ‘bad boys’ and your ‘dad’ tries to protect you.
Pairing: Biker!Alpha!Bucky x Reader x Omega!Biker!Alpha!Steve
Warnings: A/B/O, A/B/O dynamics, angst, language, protective alphas, scenting, true mates, fluff, cuddling & snuggling, violence, blood, pregnant omega, Steve freaks out there for a minute
Characters: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, unnamed deputies
A/N: Reader is Tony Stark's goddaughter. This is an AU/A/B/O setting. I have a thing for Biker /BuckySteve so bear with me.
Bad Boys masterlist
The beautiful text divider was created by @firefly-graphics
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“Aw, I like your decoration, Bucky,” admiring Bucky’s room at the clubhouse you hum to yourself, wander around, or stop to pick a few things up. “I like the little bike bookend. Where did you get it?”
“Flea market, doll,” Steve smirks when his friend’s cheeks turn pink. “Bucky likes to go to the flea market and buy useless crap.”
“I like flea markets too,” excitedly you jump at Bucky, tug at his leather jacket to make him look at you. “Do you want to go with me next time? Oh! We could buy some things for Stevie’s house.”
“Please, don’t—” the blonde groans when you won’t stop talking about decorating, the flea market, and how you wish you could all move in together.
“Please—Stevie,” you whine. “I want to find something nice for your house, alpha. It’s nice but needs the woman’s touch. You’ve got no clue how pretty it could look.”
“Like my room,” Bucky states, grinning at his friend. “See, our omega loves my room and my decoration.”
“Except for the picture over there,” pointing at the wall you scrunch up your nose. “Why do the dogs on the picture play poker? They look like drunk gangsters or something. I don’t like it, Bucky.”
“It’s a classic,” defending his picture Bucky mutter under his breath. “None of you got a clue how hard I fought for that thing. There was a punk offering buck after buck for it at the flea market.”
“Did you lose?” grinning you place your hand onto Bucky’s chest. “I mean, you ended up bringing it home.”
“I won, doll. I paid ten bucks for it,” he grins. “Punk had to go home empty-handed.”
“See, no taste—” Steve insists. “None of you will ruin my house with crappy decoration. That’s my last word!”
“B-but, Stevie,” you cry, eyes big and wet now, “you’re not a bachelor anymore! You’ve got a mate now, an omega. I want to feel safe and comfortable when I visit you. Don’t you want me around?” choking on your words you hide your face in Bucky’s chest. “Do you already regret your claim?”
“Great job, Steve. Now she’s crying and I got no house for her to decorate,” grumbling Bucky runs one hand over your hair, tries to soothe you while you smirk to yourself.
None of your alphas can see you played Steve well. “No—no! Baby doll, you can redecorate anything you want to. Maybe even bring that ugly picture with you. I’ll do anything, omega.”
“How often can I visit you?” you nuzzle Bucky’s neck; enjoy he holds you tightly. “I don’t want to disturb your solitary, Steve.”
“I-I want you to move in with me,” Steve blurs out, gasping as you turn around to look up at him with wide eyes. “I mean, shit—uh erm, that’s a bit sudden I guess. We should talk about our bond first. It’s a bit different from normal bonds with one alpha.”
“Can Bucky move in too? Can we buy a huge bed and share it? Oh, I want a large bathtub for us to share too and a shower! Imagine all the sex with could have!” you babble, slowly stepping toward Steve. “Please—alpha?”
“Oh, crap,” Bucky snickers when Steve whines low in his throat. You nuzzled your face in his chest and now the rough biker fights his alpha to not give in to everything you demand. “She’s got your balls in her hands.”
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“Perfect, alpha,” smiling you look at the bookshelf. Bucky brought his belongings, including the bookend you love so much. “Right, Stevie? It looks awesome.”
“Yeah, awesome,” Steve gave up the moment you demanded you need three more pillows on the couch. Now you are busy redecorating his living room.
He sighs deeply but tries to remember you are an omega who tries to create a cozy home for her alphas.
“Look at the pictures I placed on the fireplace, Steve. I want to take some of you, Bucky, and me too. I want to fill our house with our love.”
“Uh-she’s in nesting mood,” Bucky whispers. “Do I need to know anything, Steve? Did we get her full of pups already? I think her breasts grew too.”
“WAIT-WHAT?” panicked Steve glances at your chest, tries to figure out if your breasts are fuller. “It’s only a month. I mean, she was in heat but we—”
“Didn’t use anything, Steve,” smirking Bucky watches you usher toward the couch to place one last pillow next to the others. “Do I have to explain how sex works? If she wasn’t on anything, we got her round.”
“Round? Pups?” panting heavily now Steve clutches one hand to his chest. “Fuck—Stark will kill us!”
“Tons won’t kill you, alpha,” humming happily you nod to yourself. “I’m done here. Can we go to the bedroom now? I wanna cuddle with you on the new bed you and your friends built.”
“S-sure,” Steve’s eyes drift toward your belly and he swallows thickly. “Uh-Y/N are you on birth control?” you giggle at Steve’s words but don’t answer his question. you brush past him, grinning as he follows you like a nervous puppy. “Omega? Doll?”
“I wasn’t when we mated if that’s what you are trying to ask, Steve—”
Steve’s head is spinning when you walk upstairs, giggling as Bucky runs after you to sniff at your neck. “Damn me, omega. You smell like us. Stevie, I think we filled her good.”
“I-I need a minute here, Buck,” Steve pants. “Go ahead. I’ll be right with you, guys…”
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“Where have you been Steve? Y/N was waiting for you for half an hour,” Bucky tuts. He growls when you hide your face in the cushions. “Look what you did! She wanted to cuddle with us on the nest she made.”
“We need to use one of these,” Steve place a paper bag filled with pregnancy tests onto the bed. “I want to know if she’s pregnant.”
“Alpha,” you purr low in your throat. Before he can blink you snatch the bag from the bed to hide it behind your back. “Can’t you scent me and tell me if I’m expecting?”
“I can barely focus on anything, doll. All I want is to cradle and scent you right now. I-I need to know if I filled you with pups,” the alpha purrs, much to Bucky’s amusement.
The brunette sits next to you, a shit-eating grin on his lips. “Steve, just scent our omega. Her scent changed and this means our girl is expecting.”
“How’d you wanna know, Buck?”
“I read books about omegas and true mates. She smells more like me and you now. I think we both filled her with our pup,” humming you snuggle closer to Bucky to hide your face in his chest.
“Please, alpha,” you whine, hoping Steve’s not mad at you. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I was in heat and lost control.”
“Baby doll,” Steve purrs low in his throat, ready to pounce on you. “I’m not mad, Y/N. This is just a little overwhelming. I finally found my true mate, mated her to share her with my best friend and now she’s pregnant. I need a moment to realize I need to change my life.”
“I want my big bad biker to cuddle me,” whimpering in distress you look at Steve. “Please.”
“Alright, doll. Let me kick my boots off and we can cuddle.”
After joining you and Bucky on the bed, Steve sighs deeply. He scents you, excessively, purring now and then.
“So—who’s going to tell her godfather we got her pregnant?” Bucky grins when you look at Steve. “Guess she wants you to volunteer…”
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“Look what the cat dragged into the sheriff’s department,” the deputies growl. “Pity the sheriff couldn’t get rid of us – huh? Maybe you change your mind and want us to take care of that sweet little omega?”
“If you want to keep your teeth, you will shut your cakehole right fucking now,” Bucky grits, hands already balled into fists. “You are talking about our true mate, the mother of our pups.”
“Pups?” the deputy gasps, looking at you hide behind Steve. “You got her pregnant? What a pity. The girl looked like she likes to take dick—” Bucky’s fist breaks the deputy’s nose with one precise punch.
While the man stumbles backward, pressing one hand to his bleeding nose, his friend tries to help him but ends up pressed against the wall by Steve, the blondes arm against his throat.
The alpha grits his teeth reveals his true intentions. “Back in the old times' alphas defended their omegas by ripping their concurrent’s mating gland out with their teeth.” He grins, feeling the deputy struggle against his strength. “Good thing the old times are over – right, Buck?”
“Right, Steve. I mean, some people should watch their backs and mating glands if they don’t want to end up in a dark alley,” the brunette grins at the other deputy. “I have a thing for knives and always wondered how deep I can cut a bastard until he bleeds out.”
“T-this isn’t necessary,” the deputy looks up at Steve before he tilts his head in submission. “My friend was just joking. He likes to run his mouth.”
“I will tell you this one last time,” Steve growls. “She’s ours. Our true mate and you will stay the fuck away from her.”
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“So—,” Tony clears his throat. “You are pregnant by two alphas, great. I will get a godfather of the year medal this time.”
“Please don’t be mad, Tony,” you sniff. “It’s not your fault nor theirs. I wasn’t on anything and gave in to my instinct but Steve, Bucky, and I got a nice house. We can raise our kids there.”
“I heard you gave my deputies hell,” your godfather smirks at Bucky. “Good job, boys. Next time break a few bones.”
“Tony,” Pepper tuts her alpha, but she gently pats his hand. “Don’t encourage them! Soon they will be fathers! Now let’s talk about the nest and anything else, Y/N. How far are you?”
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“Two babies,” Steve watches you lie in the middle of your shared bed. “We need to tell the gang we are going to be fathers soon, Buck. No more dangerous stuff for us. Y/N needs reliable alphas.”
“Aw, you’re such a softie, Steve,” Bucky whines when you look at your alphas. “Fine, I’m all soft for her too. What happened to us? We used to be stone-cold bikers and now we are putty in a girl’s hands.”
“Not just a girl, Buck,” smiling Steve looks at his friend. “Our omega, my friend. I think it’s time to grow up and be good alphas.”
“Agreed,” offering Steve a fist bump Bucky grins. “Now let’s take care of our omega. She needs us.”
THE END...*and yes I made her pregnant, sue me...*
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All works Tags
Marvel Tags
Steve Rogers/Chris Evans Tags
Bucky Barnes/Sebastian Stan Tags
Stucky Masterlist
Bad Boys Tags
@isitmine​​​, @this-is-a-chilis-drive-thru​, @justlovelifeblog​​​, @tdbooth​​​​, @coldbreadbouquetworld​​​, @peaches-roses-sins​​​, @bubblyyzabel161-blog​​, @nightriver99​​​, @dee-vn​​​, @youngdreamer3214​​​, @dangerouslovefanfic​​​, @alexakeyloveloki​​, @irishflutiegirl​, @tinkymae​, @rachellovesharry, @bubblyyz
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f0rever15elf · 2 years
October Writing Challenge: Day 24 - Not So Innocent Candles
Prompt: Fire with Max Phillips Pairing: Max Phillips x F!Vampire!Reader Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 2,149 Warnings: nudity, wax play, implied oral (f receiving), unsafe use of wax play candles (y’all please be careful with fire of any kind. Open flames are dangerous), no y/n
Summary: You indulge Max’s request for trying out wax play, only for the whole thing to be upturned when an overzealous Max forgets about a still burning candle. 
A/N: Gotta be able to suspend disbelief on this one a little bit in terms of fire safety and vampire senses lol 
Masterlist Directory | October Writing Challenge Master list | Ao3 | Ko-fi
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“Really?” you question with an arched brow, arms folded across your desk as you look up at your partner in both business and life. Well… unlinfe, technically. He’s grinning like the cat that ate the canary, and you can practically feel the excitement coming off of him in waves. “You wanna get wax all over my brand new sheets?”
Max lets out a huff, turning to perch on the edge of your desk as his grin turns into a pout. “C’mon, babe, it’ll be fun! You know we feel temperature differently than the bloodbags do.” The scowl you flash at him at that has him back peddling. “Sorry, humans.” You huff and turn to look back at your computer. “Baaabbbeee, please? My birthday is coming up.”
“Max Phillips, you and I both know that Halloween is neither your birth nor death day.” You don’t even look at him as he rounds your desk, making to spin your chair so you’ll look at him. When he does, he’s giving you the biggest puppy dog eyes he can manage, on his knees in front of you. It’s a good look for him, you think.
“Please? Just once?” He lays his head against your thigh, hands running up and down the exposed skin of your calves. You lift your chin, considering before spreading your legs wider. His brows shoot up as you tilt your head with a coy grin.
“You wanna play with fire, Maxie?” He nods, eyes very nearly going glassy as your voice comes out rich and commanding. “Earn it.”
The surprise on Max’s face is quickly replaced with a lascivious grin as he spreads your legs a little wider, pulling your hips towards him as he runs his nose up along the inside of your thigh. With a content sigh, you lay your head back and close your eyes. The reports could be managed later.
With a satisfied smirk, Max makes his way from your office, heading out to check the bullpen. A few new interns stare at him wide-eyed as he flashes finger guns at them. Your moans and praises weren’t exactly quiet. Oh well, they’d get used to it. Inside your office, you’re grinning like a madwoman, settling in to finish your reports.
It turns out, Max had already bought the candles for this a long time ago and had just been waiting for the opportune moment to spring the question on you. At least he realized that the same day as you buying your new, very expensive bed spread was probably not the best idea. And on top of that, he had gotten several large, super soft bath sheets to lay down over the spread for an extra layer of protection. Smart man, when he wanted to be.
And now here you stand, arms crossed in front of him as he pulls out every color of the rainbow and then some, laying the candles out on the towel covered bed for you to choose your favorite. “You really plan to use all of these? Today?” Your brow pinches as you pick up a gold candle, looking it over. 
Max shakes his head, grabbing the ruby red one and tucking it back in the box. “No, these take a decent bit of time to burn down all the way. I know we don’t sleep, baby, but you and I both know that I don’t have the patience for that. Plus, some of these I wanna save for special occasions.” He wags his eyebrows at you and you just roll your eyes, looking back to the candles.
“Alright then. I like this one.” You set the gold candle down and grab a dark blue one, holding it up and Max grins, quickly tucking away the rest of the candles before taking the one in your hand from you.
“This one will look so good on your babe.” He’s lowered his voice again, and you swallow thickly. Even after years of dealing with him, both as a human and a vampire, that voice of his still sends a rush of arousal straight to your core. And he can tell, too, the smug little bastard. He sets the candle on the nightstand by a book of matches before taking hold of your hips, pulling you against him. You drape your arms around his neck, smirking up at him as he bumps noses with you. “But first I gotta get you out of these clothes.”
With that, the sound of ripping fabric fills the air and you gasp, pulling back just enough to watch the taters of your blouse fall to the ground. “You owe me a new shirt, Mr. Phillips.”
“Mrs. Phillips, I’ll buy you a thousand new shirts, don’t you even worry about it.” With that, he latches onto your neck, nibbling and sucking at the skin as you let your head fall to the side, eyes fluttering closed. You reach up to grab his arms, the fabric of his button down tearing under your nails and he simply chuckles against your neck, turning to move you back towards the bed.
As soon as the backs of your knees hit the bed, he’s letting you go, watching you with a grin as you bounce lightly on the bed. He quickly tugs off his tie, followed by the button down and the undershirt before he begins crawling over you. “Now baby, did you choose that candle because it matches this sexy little bra you’re wearing?” He reaches up to loop a finger between the cups and your own hand snaps up to grab his wrist, squeezing a little harder than what could be deemed “comfortable.” His eyes widen and he glances up at you.
“You tear this bra, you don’t get to play with wax.” There’s no sign of playfulness in your voice and Max sighs, nodding before reaching behind you to unclasp it, discarding it somewhere in the room with a blind toss. Satisfied he’s not about to destroy any more clothes that you’re attached to, you lay back and smile to let Max work his magic.
In a blink of an eye, you’re bare before him, skirt torn and tossed aside. Not that you mind, it’s so far out of style anyways. Max’s lips, tongue, and teeth are all over you, earning pleasurable mewls from you as he works, occasionally getting himself a light tug of the hair if he nibbles too hard, but that only seems to goad him on.
Once you’re successfully wound up, he sits back on his heels, looking down at you. You’re a disheveled mess, and he loves it, reaching over for the candle and matches. “Ready to try something new, baby?” You watch his hands and nod, no look of apprehension in your eyes as he strikes the match and lights the candle. He tosses the match book and still smoking stick aside, holding the candle over you as it starts to burn down. The anticipation is absolutely thrilling, and you find yourself biting your lip, fangs pricking almost uncomfortably as you wait for that first bead of wax to fall.
The sound of surprise and pleasure you make when it finally does almost surprises you. Your eyelids fall shut and you arch up at the feeling of the warm wax on your stomach. Warmth, ever since becoming a vampire, is a different sensation than it once was. Not unpleasant just… different. Less… direct… than it used to be. What would be a localized near burn on your skin directly under the melted wax instead spreads across your stomach, not unlike drinking a warm mug of tea only to feel the heat spread through your chest.
Max lets out his own pleased sigh at the sight of you arched so beautifully off the bed, eyes flashing yellow for a moment as another dribble lands just under your sternum. “Gonna paint you so beautifully, babe,” he murmurs, carefully dragging the candle higher, leaving a trail of wax up to your breasts. When the next drop lands on one pebbled nipple, your eyes shoot open and you very nearly seize, gripping the towels hard enough to feel the feeble strands give under your nails.
“Maaxxxxx,” you whine, voice high pitched and needy, eyes wide and fangs completely descended. He feels like he could burst at the sound, at the sight. He sets the candle down standing upright on the nightstand, not bothering to blow it out, thinking he’ll grab it again after just a few kisses before he descends on you. He clashes his lips with yours, his own fangs descended in an almost violent need for you. The wax on your chest, still warm, presses against his own as he covers your body with his. You’re surrounded by him, and you still can’t get enough, groping and grabbing at him any way you can. You buck your hips and Max slams you back into the mattress hard enough to shake the whole floor of the house and you grin up at him for a brief moment before he’s on you again like a man starved.
You may be a sturdy, nigh invulnerable vampire, but your house and the things inside it are not. The vigor with which Max devours you knocks the bedside table. The candle, as far from your thoughts as possible, jumps and teeters with the force before falling over and rolling to the ground, still lit. Your moans and begs cover the sound, Max too distracted to hear anyways as the two of you battle for dominance, playing this little game you have with one another to see who would win out. With each jump of the bed, the candle rolls farther and farther from the bed, closer and closer to the wall and Max’s cheap floor length curtains.
When the acrid smell of smoke finally hits your nose, it’s too late. Your eyes shoot open and you sit up, damn near throwing Max from you, only to see the whole far wall ablaze, the flame from that innocent little candle having lit up the cheap curtains like tinder, the flames now quickly hopping across the objects in the room.
“Shit!” Max yells, grabbing you before grabbing his shirt for you and his phone, hauling you outside. You take the shirt from him before slipping it on, turning to make back for the inside, but Max has firm hold of your wrists.
“We can put it out!” you cry, desperate to save at least something in your bedroom. Some of your last human memories are in that room that’s rapidly being engulfed in flames.
“Fire and vamps don’t mix. We’re more flammable than humans, babe!” Max growls, already on the phone to the firehouse. You stare at him slack jawed before looking back to your home just in time to see the heat and pressure in the room blow out the window of the bedroom and you wince, your heart breaking, shattering along with the window.
It doesn’t take long for the fire brigade to show up, quickly getting to work in putting out the raging inferno that was your home. Max has been talking to the chief, asking about what could potentially be salvaged while you stand, arms crossed, watching. When he makes his way back over to you, you don’t so much as say a word to him, pointedly ignoring him.
“The chief says it looks like it’s mainly just the upstairs that is completely destroyed, and the structural integrity of the house is completely compromised. But they were able to stop the spread, at least, and now they’re just working at putting it out. We may just have some smoke damage downstairs, but a lot of it should be salvageable once we are cleared to go in. But, we’re going to have to move.” You say nothing to his explanation, still watching. “Should have seen his face when I told him it was a candle like we were using. Think I took a year or two off of his life!” He grins, elbowing you playfully, but still nothing.
With a pout, Max moves behind you. The sigh you let out is the very definition of world weary as Max wraps his arms around you from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“Baaabbbeeeee?” he coos, and you swear you feel the vein pop up on your temple as you try to bite back the venomous reaction you want to have.
“In the next house, I get to do all of the decorating.” You feel Max flinch behind you, hear him open his mouth for some smart ass remark, but before he can get a word out, you’re turning to glare at him, the fire in your eyes quite literal as the fire brigade works to quell the raging fire that used to be your home.
“...Yes dear.” 
~~~~~ All Stories Pedro Pascal (Oneshots and multi-chapter fics): @tangledlove27​​ @paintballkid711​ @sin-djarin​ @adamdrivercouldchokeme​ @randomness501​ @ilikechocolatemilkh​ @thegreenkid​  @the-feckless-wonder​ @xjaywritesx   @mrschiltoncat​  @mymindisawhirpool​ @babybelou​ @chews-erotically​ @gooddaykate​ @lovelyasfcuk​ @thirstworldproblemss​  @myguiltypleasures21​ @blackrose8425​ @wondergal2001​ @jitterbugs927​  @ew-erin​ @princess76179​ @marydjarin​ @computeringturtle​ @criminalmind1927​​ @bison-writes​  @dindjarinneedsahug​​
All content, Pedro Pascal: (Ie: hc’s, oneshots, and  multi-chapter fics) @thewayofthemandalorian @idreamofboobear @hotspacepilots @feelmyroarrrr @wheresarizona @strangelittlenobody​  @salome-c​  @mandocrest​ @mesmorales​ @perropascal​  @knivesareout​  @rosiefridayrogersunday​ @softpedropascal​ @lo-la-bu-ro  @shadowolf993​ @guiltyegg​ @roxypeanut​ @absurdthirst​ @phoenixhalliwell​ @lord-of-restingbiface​  @disgruntledspacedad​ @justanotherblonde23​ @artsymaddie​ @ahopelessromanticwritersworld​ @chicken-ona-stick​ @moonknightscape​ @amneris21​ @youngkenobilove​ @havenforafrazzledmind​ @thehippiequilter​   @carbonated-beverage​ @Hdghty @seasonschange-butpeopledont​ @greeneyedblondie44​ @lv7867​  @a-skov​   @elegantduckturtle​  @monstrousexpectation​ @kiwi-the-first​ @stevie75​  @knittingqueen13​ @planetariumx​ @spideysimpossiblegirl​   @dihra-vesa​  @jediknight122​
All Oneshots, Pedro Pascal: (ie: all characters, no specification) @pascal-rascal424​ @dindjarinneedsahug​ @girlwithanewplan​ @marvelousmermaid​ @startrekkingaroundasgard​  @melody13522​ @oogaboogasphincter​
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spooderboyandtincan · 3 years
I wish you would write a fic... about the Superfamily 💖
“I want a baby.”
Steve looks up at his husband. “Tony, what the fuck?”
“A-a baby. A kid. A child.” Tony sits next to him on the couch. His eyes are shining with excitement.
“We can’t get pregnant,” Steve points out, turning back to the book in his hands. Tony grabs it and throws it on the coffee table. “Hey!”
“There are other- other options,” Tony says, grasping Steve’s hand tightly and staring into his baby blue eyes nervously. “Adoption. We could adopt.”
The supersoldier sighs, shaking his head. “Tones, we can’t take care of a baby. How about a dog? Or a cat, cats are always-”
“Steve, please,” Tony whispers, eyes suddenly filled with tears. Steve frowns and cups his husband’s cheeks. “I want a baby. Can you just- just please, think about it. Please.”
Steve is so shocked, by Tony’s tears, by the desperate tone in his voice, by the eagerness on every inch of his face, that he nods. “I will,” he promises.
The love, the relief, and the excitement in Tony’s eyes make it all worth it.
At first, Steve thinks Tony has forgotten about the whole baby thing.
He should have known better.
Two weeks later, Tony barges into the training room, breathing heavily, eyes wild.
“Tony, what the hell? What happened?” He hurries towards his husband. In lieu of greeting, Tony shoves a Starkpad into his hands.
“I found him,” he says breathlessly.
“Who?” Steve asks, still eyeing the other man worriedly. He still hasn’t looked at the Starkpad. Tony gestures to it in frustration.
“Our baby.”
Steve freezes. He looks at the pad.
It’s a series of emails from one Mary Parker. Apparently, she and her husband recently split up and she is no longer able to provide for her newborn son.
“Tony, honey…” he says slowly, apologetically. “I don’t know if we can take care of a baby.”
Something in Tony’s face breaks. “Right,” he whispers, more to himself than Steve. “Right, what-what was I thinking? We- I can’t be a father.” Steve opens his mouth, to apologize, to take it back, to do anything, but Tony turns before he can and walks back to the elevator.
Steve blinks back the tears in his eyes. He’s broken something inside of Tony, and he doesn’t know how to fix it. Doesn’t know if he can, really.
He looks back at the Starkpad, re-reading the emails, filled with so much enthusiasm. We would love to adopt Peter! Can we meet him soon? and He’s perfect. He’s perfect for us. My husband and I can’t wait to meet him!
What have I done? Steve thinks.
He scrolls down, and finds a picture of a tiny- literally tiny, the kid could easily fit in his palm- baby, swaddled in a pink blanket with a soft hat on his head. He’s covered in wires and tubes, but even Steve has to admit it- he looks perfect.
Tony won’t talk to him. It’s fair, but it hurts all the same. When they get ready for bed, Tony opens his mouth for the first time in hours and informs him that he’s sleeping on the couch.
Steve knows he deserves it.
The next morning, JARVIS tells him that Tony is in the lab and should not be disturbed. Is it Steve’s imagination, or does the AI sound colder than usual?
They can’t take care of a baby, though. Raising a tiny human for 18+ years? They just can’t do that.
He pulls up the picture of the baby- no, Peter.
What harm is there in meeting him? he thinks.
Tony ignores the knocking (pounding) on the lab's reflective glass walls until Steve finally shouts “I wanna meet Peter!”
The door slides open. “Really?” Tony says, disbelief clear in his voice.
“Yeah,” Steve says. “Yeah, I really do.”
Tony stares at him, then bursts into tears, sinking into his chest weakly. Steve does his best to soothe him before realizing that these are happy tears, relieved ones, and that Tony couldn’t stop crying even if he tried.
“Did you sleep at all last night?” he asks his husband gently. Tony laughs, shakes his head. “Tony.”
“I know, I know. I just couldn’t.”
Steve frowns sadly. “I’m sorry, Tony.”
The billionaire just shrugs. “Maybe you were right.”
“I wasn’t,” Steve says firmly, waiting until their eyes meet. “You’re gonna be a great father. We can do it.”
Tony stares back at him, and Steve realizes suddenly how terrified his spouse is. “We can do it,” he says again.
“We can do it,” Tony echoes, and maybe, just for a second, he believes him.
From the instant they lay eyes on Peter, they’re both hooked. He’s even tinier in person, with rosy cheeks, thin brown curls, beautiful big doe eyes, with ten tiny little fingers and ten tiny little toes.
He has a breathing tube, which nearly sends Tony into a panic attack until Mary explains that it’s only there for a few more days, just in case. Now Tony is terrified that Peter will get sick and won’t be able to breathe, but Mary assures him that he’s been stable for a few days now and should be fine.
Tony marvels at the fact that this tiny human is only five days old. Only five days in the world, and already so much has happened. “He’s beautiful,” he whispers, gazing down into the incubator. Steve squeezes his shoulder.
Mary smiles. “You can hold him, if you want,” she says.
“Really?!” Tony gasps, suddenly filled with excitement and terror. “Is-is it safe?”
“Wouldn't lie to you, would I?” the woman laughs, and plucks Peter out of the incubator. “Here ya go.”
Tony’s hands are shaking as he accepts the baby, cradling the tiny body to his chest gingerly, horrified he might somehow hurt this precious child. “You got it,” Mary says.
Tony looks at Peer- really looks at him, taking in the pale freckles on the bridge on his nose, his cupid’s bow lips, his dainty little eyelashes and his adorable chocolate eyes. “Hey,” he murmurs, voice cracking. “Hi, Peter. Hiya, Pete. I-I’m your dad, baby. I’m Dad.” Tears are streaming down his face, and he sniffs loudly. Peter blinks a little and makes a curious cooing noise. ���Sorry, honey. So sorry.” He’s starting to sob now, but he doesn’t want to let his baby go. Steve wraps an arm around his shoulders and grasps Peter’s hand between the pad of his thumb and his pointer finger.
“Hey Peter,” he says. He’s not great with emotions, especially with a stranger around, even though Mary seems like a wonderful woman. “Nice to meetcha, kiddo. I’m, um- I’m your other dad. I’m your Papa.” He’s crying now too. They’re both wondering how they ever could have lived before this sweet child came into their lives, and it’s barely been five minutes.
Tony laughs, sobs, and laughs again. “He’s perfect,” he says to Mary, who has been staring at a painting across the hall politely.
She grins. “Glad to hear it. I’d hate for this little guy to go into foster care. You two seem like you’re gonna be great dads.”
The rest of the hour feels like a blur for the two new parents, the only thing solid each other and their baby boy. They sign adoption papers numbly, Tony still cradling the baby in his arms. They get a quick instruction on how to change diapers, prepare bottles, deal with fevers, earaches, and teething, and then they’re in the car with Happy, Peter strapped into a carseat, finally going home.
They haven’t had time to set up a nursery, really, they haven’t had time for anything. Happy buys them a bassinet, a mobile, and a shit ton of baby food and baby formula.
They sit on the couch together, Peter once again in Tony’s arms, fast asleep. There are going to be a lot of hurdles ahead, a lot of crying, a lot of worrying, but above all, a lot of love.
“I love you so much, Peter,” Tony whispers.
“I love you too, Peter,” Steve whispers.
Taglist: @aj-that-person @tonystark-deserves-better @nathaly-ab @skeeter-110 @peter-and-tony-vlogs @teammightypen @joyful-soul-collector @loveliestdisappointment @depuella @scwene-qween @honeythepooh @pixiethefirecat7 @spider-man-lover @jami161 @bringitonvoldie @queen-of-sarcasm-25 @roxy3457 @memilon @iron-loyalty @gralaca @bitchingpretty @pillowspace @thatminecraftgal @clockworkteacup @hatakehikari @wtfischeese @keep-a-bucket-full-of-stars @skydiving-without-a-parachute @yansi1923 @slytherin-hamilton-life-12  @dead-inside-pt2 @name-me-regret @zanderljones @spidy8664 @hold-our-destiny @tinystark-blog @bittersweetbeneath
If anyone wants to be added/ removed please let me know! (also, i think i missed a few people, and a few usernames have been changed, pop me a quick message so i can add you again!)
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bchanslvr · 3 years
can we just get some fluffy moments with draco please? for your dialouges
a secret relationship with draco malfoy. holding hands under the desks, smirking at each other during classes and outside. kisses under the stars and in random alcoves, hushed laughter in his or your beds late at night as you discussed your futures.
"what would you name them?"
"how about marraige?"
"two story 'modern house', or a cottage? i know you like thoses."
"haven't decided yet"
"i want a dog"
"well i want a cat"
"that would never work out"
"i thought you loved me"
"i never said i didn't"
"you just did"
"no i did not-"
"how about a snake?"
"i thought we were over old snakey guys"
"ooo we should get a ferret."
"are you mocking me."
"alright alright enough let's get serious"
"i don't wanna."
a kiss or two might have occured to get you to shut up for a moment.
"i wanna ask you something"
"go on"
"...okay so."
you could hear deep breaths. you coudn't see much of him seeming his curtains were closed and even the silver of moonlight that shown through the crack only hit the top of his hair. it glowed under the light you noticed. but you were quickly distracted by him talking again.
"do you wanna come with me once this is all over? i mean it. do you? you don't have to, i mean this could just be a silly little fling or just dating.
we're just teenagers, we don't know better. you could leave me any second for the pothead weasley."
"hey! don't call him that."
"that just proves my point"
"i'm just being nice"
"alright, i'm sorry. but still.
i could take you to one of my parents private houses near the beach, or the ones near snow, in the woods, anywhere you want. until we decide what to do with our lives at least.
we still have no idea what will happen from here, we're still in the middle of a war. i don't even know if we'll make it out alive. but if we do.
we could get married. settle down, or go travelling. i'll take care of you so well. i'll get myself a job, maybe as a potions master after snape retires, or in the ministry if they would allow me..
i'll give you a kiss everytime i go for work, and you would make me lunch and put a random 'i love you' note in it like you showed me on that.. that. comparter."
"that's not how you-"
"i don't care, if i didn't say it right.
you know that i'm not the best at showing emotions. but i do love you. very much. very much so it scares me.
i'd get you the shinest diamonds, the sky if you wanted. i'll give you everything you could ever want. my love, my soul, for you my darling. as long as you promise to stay by my side and love me like you mean it.
if you promise me that your mine. that after all of this sappniess you won't run away. promise me we'll make it out alive and do all those things i said. go to work, give you a kiss, get i love you notes, live together, start a family. you and me. please? can you promise that we can make that and more happen? i love you y/n."
"y/n?. did you fall asleep? hey- woah, sweetheart are you crying? did i say something wrong? y/n talk to me. i'm sorry if i-"
you kissed him. and it wasn't like the simple short ones you'd give him when you'd meet him inbetween classes. it wasn't the kisses you both shared when he'd make love to you, full of lust and want.
this one was everything combined. you kissed him passionately, full of love, adoration, lust, want, anixety, happiness, sadness, anger everything.
you poured your soul into that.
"shut up. just shut up. don't you dare."
it was silent for a few moments. not awkward or uncomfortable in the slighest not even close. but just silence. except for your harsh deep breaths and your own heart beat in your head.
"y/n..." "was that a no?"
"if it was a no why would i have kissed you? it's a yes you idiot. i thought you'd never ask."
"god woman, you had me scared for a second."
"and what?"
"i promise. i promise we'll make it happen. i love you too draco. very very much."
and if you stayed the night in his bed, just kissing, and talking, with more comfortable silences. no one had to know. at least for now.
i'm tagging the people in my draco taglist because why not + some other people - @malfoygal @sapphicwhxre @pinkandblueblurbs @4kweasley @selenesheart @justreadingficsdontmindme @nnl3strange @mypainistemporary @teenwolfbitches28 @samaraaaaa @90sgoldentrio @reggies-baby @dracosafety @animprxperworld @i-love-scott-mccall @brriley @poetofthedyingstars @silverdelirium @underappreciated-spoon-321
(if you're name is crossed out then please check your privacy settings and or let me know if you've changed your usename or no longer wanna be on here)
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tamagochiie · 3 years
doing groceries w/ the msby four
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character roster: sakusa kiyoomi, bokuto kotaro, hinata shoyo, atsumu miya 
genre: fluff, just a little angst (in bokuto’s part), established relationship 
a/n: i broke my glasses today, so i had to go out and get it fixed, but my favorite eye glasses store went MIA. so not only am i blind, but i’m also sad as hell. but i was able to think of a cute lil one shot while i was walking around the grocery store. 
also please don’t mind if there’s a few grammar errors uwu 
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-- sakusa kyoomi 
the exact same way your mom holds your hand while wandering around the store is exactly what he’ll do to you
he doesn’t want you wandering away from him or accidentally break something he’ll have to end up paying for
the latter can be blamed on the one (and only) time he and bokuto did groceries together; tiny baby couldn’t stop touching things, he ended up breaking a vase
he also doesn’t want you catching other people’s germs
the whole ordeal gives him anxiety 
“Kiyoooomi~,” You whine, trying to slip away from his grip only to have him tighten it. You grumble your distaste for your boyfriend’s attitude. 
It’s been a whole hour since you’ve stepped into the store and he hasn’t let you go since. And though you usually wouldn’t mind it, the urge to pee comes to you in a surprise and you’ve been wanting to go to the bathroom for the last twenty minutes. 
But it’s not like your boyfriend cares enough to spare you a moment alone to alleviate yourself. He’d rather you wait a little longer until you get home, but his painstakingly slow pace down the aisle has you internally screaming. 
He’s got one hand tightly threaded between your fingers and the other pushing the cart. His eyes scan over the many canned vegetables before him, ignoring your protest and complaints. 
“You’re usually annoying about wanting to hold my hand,” He says through his mask, sighing deeply. “I’m hurt you all of a sudden wanna let go.” 
You glare at him and his cheap attempt to make you feel guilty. “You and I both know exactly why you’re holding my hand, and it’s got nothing to do with affection.” 
You squeeze your thighs together, doing a little dance to calm the urge to pee. Your eyes burn holes into your Sakusa’s skin and you hope its enough to make him uncomfortable, but he takes it well. 
“We’re almost done,” He tells you, taking a can off the shelf with his free hand. “I just need to get tissues and then we’re--”
“Sakusa Kiyoomi, if you don’t let me go right this second, I’ll pee on your hand right here, right now!” 
Without a second thought, he slaps your hand out of his hold, grimacing at you and your threatening words, muttering words of disgust beneath his mask as you sprint to the nearest restroom. 
-- bokuto kotaro 
you have to remind bokuto not to touch things before you leave the house AND before you get into the store
mans will touch every thing he sees without QUESTION;
shiny pan? cute little bear shaped spoons? anime themed plates? he’ll pick it up, bring it up to the light to inspect it, and because his hands are naturally sweaty, he might break a few
and you’re wallet runs dry by the time you walk out of that store
“That’ll be an extra 2,581 yen.” The cashier holds her hand out as you place your money onto the palm of your hand. It takes everything in you not to grab a shard of glass and dig it into your boyfriend’s thigh. 
You nod curtly before grabbing the rest of your bags and exiting the store. 
Bokuto shadows over you, but still gives you enough space to breathe. He’ll hover his hands over yours, trying to taking a couple of weight from your grasp as you walk back to the car but you shift away. 
He pouts. The rest of the walk is dead silent, but even you can hear the little whines in his heart, all the mental kicking he’s giving himself for doing exactly what you told him not to do. 
He’ll help you pack the groceries into the car, and you leave him to do the rest and get inside the car, sitting in the passenger seat. You feel the car wobble when he closes the trunk and sits beside you soon after. 
Like a dog with it’s ears, Bokuto’s hair falls down to his face. You begin to feel bad for giving him a bit of the cold shoulder, but you told him not to touch the plate, to put it back. But Bokuto being Bokuto, he couldn’t help but pick it up, inspect it, and even scratch the little paintings of the oranges to check if there was a scent. 
And because he’s clumsier than ever, he dropped it while twirling it in his hands. Which leads you to now. 
The soft hum of the car fills the dead air between you both. Bokuto shyly glances at you, still pouting. You take a deep breath, closing your eyes as you rest your head back. 
You feel him take your hand, tracing circles over it before he brings it up against his cheek. He presses little kisses onto you skin, mumbling a string of apologies. 
You turn your head, flicking your eyes open to meet his eyes, tears brimming at the waterline. 
You bring your other hand to cup the other side of his face, your smile lopsided as you feel your boyfriend trembling in your hold. 
“Are you still mad at me?” He asks, eyes averting away from yours and not the material of your jeans. “I’m really sorry for breaking something again...” 
“My little love,” You sigh, your warm breath fanning against his blushing cheeks. “What am I gonna do with someone as clumsy as you? You’re gonna make me broke, Bo.” 
He smiles at the nickname, assuring him he’s still within the safety of you love. “So you don’t hate me?” 
You bring his forehead close to yours so he can hear you loud and clear when you say, “I’ll never hate you, but if you end up breaking another thing, I’ll cut up all your volleyball jersies. Understood?” 
Its a shaky laugh that leaves his lips, but he nods his head. “Understood. 
-- atsumu miya 
you’ll find him in the fresh produce section
he’s knocking against the watermelon with a tight fist, and you think its pretty cute of him putting effort into looking for fresh fruit 
but in reality he has no clue what he’s doing 
he’s seen osamu do it before and he’s always wanted to try 
you eventually catch onto the gimmick when he starts slapping the mangos, too 
You chew onto the bottom of you lip, using all the energy you have left from wandering around looking for Atsumu to bite down your urge to laugh. 
Your boyfriend looks quite serious, gaze fixed at the mango cradled in the palm of his hand. He slaps it a few times before bringing it up to his ear, listening to it as if there’s a whole ocean speaking to him. 
He’s oblivious to the judging glances and amused stares, too absorbed whatever it is he’s doing. 
You want to stop him, call his name so you can both head to check out. But the scene unravelling before you is too funny--even more so when he puts the mango down and reaches for the apple, slapping it as well before pressing it against his ear. 
You know you shouldn’t, but you pull out your phone to take a picture, immediately sending it to Osamu. You quietly accept the fate of future you before calling out to your boyfriend. 
-- hinata shoyo 
he’s kinda like bokuto except he knows not to test you 
but he is the type to add a bunch of things in the cart that you weren’t planning on buying
you won’t even notice until you’re at the check out counter
and he’ll justify every single thing he’s put in the cart 
“Shoyo, no.” You glare at him, resting your hands onto your hips as you scold him in the middle of the check-out counter. The poor cashier tries to mind her business as you and your childlike boyfriend bicker over which items go and which stay. “Why the hell do we need a glow in the dark flashlight? We have still have a perfectly good one at home!” 
“Yes, but this one’s my favorite color!” You feel your eye twitching at his counter argument, not entirely sure if you’re talking to a kid or your adult boyfriend. “AND how are you gonna find the flashlight in the dark? If we get the glow in the dark one, it’ll be easier to find!” 
You hear a quiet mumble of agreement coming from the cashier and the people behind you. A very soft, “Well, he’s got a point,” hanging above you. 
You pinch your nose, sighing heavily as you near your defeat. But you don’t want to give in just yet. “Shoyo, we can’t buy everything in this cart.This is all way too much.” 
His smile falters and you roll your eyes. You pick out the foot cream from the cart, “Why do you need this? You already have one at home.” 
“But they didn’t have coconut before.” He replies, not at all sensing your irritation. 
You dig your hand back into the pile, reaching for anything random. You bite into your cheek when you see what’s in your hand. Hinata opens his mouth to protest, but you speak before he can even mutter a sound. “No.” 
“Absolutely not.” 
“But it’s so cute!” 
“Hinata Shoyo, I will not bring another cat themed item into my house just because your best friend tells you to!” 
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