#sorry for the l a ng u a g e
gigiskjourney · 1 year
Alphabeth: Vowels and consonants.
2023년 5월 9일
Sorry i didn't start from here! But better late than never!
아 {a} ~ 야 {ya} ~ 어 {eo} ~ 여 {yeo} ~ 이 {i} ~ 애 {ae} ~ 얘 {yae} ~ 에 {e} ~ 예 {ye}
오 {o} ~ 요 {yo} ~ 우 {u} ~ 유 {yu} ~ 으 {eu}
Be careful with “애 and 얘 (ae/yae)” because you’ve to pronounce it as “-e/-ye” too. That’s the way you write it in romaji. Also, 어 and 여 is more like and -o/-yo. Look on youtube for some videos where you can listen to natives saying the vowels!
ㄱ {giyeok - g/k} ~ ㄴ {niun - n} ~ ㄷ {digut - d/t} ~ ㄹ {riul - l/r} ~ ㅁ {mium - m} ~ ㅂ {biub - b/p}
ㅅ {siot - s} ~ ㅇ {iung - ng} ~ ㅈ {jieut - j} ~ ㅊ {chieut - ch} ~ ㅋ {kieuk - k} ~ ㅌ {tieut - t}
ㅍ {pieup - p} ~ ㅎ {hieut - h}
And that's all!
I'll update soon the Diphthongs.
See ya!
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sharky-the-idiot · 2 months
elphaba,shUT U P!
I can't hArBOuR a fUgiTiVe, i am an
✨unelected official✨
and why SHOULD I help you?
you flyyy around oz trying to rescue
Animals 🙄🙄🙄🙄
you've nEvER even mEt
and not ONCE have you ever thought to use your pOWeRs to rescue ME!
ALLL of my life, I've depended on you!
HOWwwWw do you think that feeels?
all of my life, I've depended on youu
And this hIDeoUs chair with wheeEeels
S c r o u n g i n g for scraps of p i t y to pick up
and l o ngi ng to kiCK UP my heeeeeeeeeeeeeels
Nessa, there isn't a ✨spell✨ for everything The... the ✨power✨ is ✨mysterious✨, it not like ✨cobbling up✨ a pair of... ✨WAIT!✨
✨Ambulahn Dare Pahto Pahpoot✨
What are you doing????
✨Ambulahn Dasca Caldapess✨
What does that M E A N?????
✨Lahfenahto Lahfenahtum✨ ✨Pede Pede Caldapess✨ ✨Ambulahn Dare✨ ✨Pahto Pahpoot✨ ✨Lahfenahto Lahfenahtum✨ ✨Pede Pede Caldapess✨
OHH! My sHOEs! They feel like they're on fiYAH! What have you done to my shoOOOOOESS?
N O ! No, don't help me >:(
Oh ✨NeSsa✨, at last!!!! i've done what ✨long ago✨ I should And ✨finally✨ from these ✨powers✨ something ✨good✨ f i n a l l y somethinggg ✨good✨-
tiNgA liNg a LiNG
yes, what is it, madam governor--
BrAnDisHeS KnIfE
boq, it's mE i'm not going to hurt you-
you're L YY Y I NG
boq, what are you talking about???
i'm talking about my LIFE
..the little that's left of it
i'm not FREE to leave MuNchKiNLaNd :"(
n o n e of us are <//3
ever since s h e took power, she's been
of our
..and we didn't have that many to begin with :///
and do you.
to keep you here with me :)
but NONE of tHaT matters anymore!!
l o o k
(✨l e g s✨)
...you... did this for her?
For BOTH of us!
oh n e s s a......
this changes EVERYTHING :"D
I know :)
Yes? :)
oh n e s s a...... SURELY now i'll matter lessss to youuu and you won't mind my
l eA V IN G--??
Y E S 🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍
that bAlL that's being staged announcing
G l i n d a
G L I N D A ? ? ?
yes nessa!
,,,that's right
i've GOT to go appeeeeal to herrr, express the way I feeeeeel for herrrrr
..n e s s a, I
lost my heart
to Galinda from the moment I first saw her.
....you know that
..lost your heart?
wellll, we'll sEe about thaaaat
✨ n e s s a✨ , let him ✨ go✨
did you think i'd let you lEAVE ME HERE FLAT???
...i have to...
..mAgiC sPeLl yOu
aH... tUmM---
n e s s a, ✨ no✨ , it's ✨ dangerous.✨
cORe,, tUM?
what's she doing?
You're ✨ pronouncing the words✨ all ✨ wrong✨ ...
TAH,,, taYK-
i'm warning you!! don't try to stop me--!
✨ oh no✨
n e s s a !!11!!1!!!!
what is it?????
myyyyy h ea rt...
..it feels...
it feels like it's shRinKiiiIIIIIING-!
Oh, ELPHABA, do something!!
I ✨can't✨. You can't ✨reverse✨ a ✨spell✨ once it's been ✨cast✨
Then what do we do?! This is all
If you had not shown me that
b o o k -
i've ✨got to✨ find another ✨sPeLl✨. It's the ✨only thing✨ that might work
Save him
just save him
MY poor B O Q
mY sWeET, my bRaVe himMMmmM
Don't leave me
'til my sorry life has ceEEEeeased
just the gurlll in the miIIIRRROR
Just her and me!
Wicked Witch
ooOOOOF thee
...We deserve each other...
,,he's ✨asleep✨
what about his H E A R T?
it's ✨alright✨..
he won't need one now.
i ✨have to go✨ to the ✨eMerALd CiTy✨
what happened to those mOnKEyS is
i've got to set them ✨free✨-
you're going to find
but it's too late >:(
i have done ✨everything i could✨ for ✨you✨
and it hasn't been enough
and ✨nothing✨ ever will be.
elphaba wait--
...where am i...?
what happened?
umM... ✨nOtHiNG✨!
you just felll asleeeep-
(okay i lied i wasn't done)
erm so uhh erm erm uh uh uhhhh I dunno how to respond so mwa <3 /p
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incorrigibleimpasto · 7 months
/|\- hellO frIend. Ask test Of functIOn. Um… I shOuld’ve thOught Of a questIOn befOre I started…. What’s yOur funnIest near-culled experIence?
well !ve +°ld y°u +he °ne where a v!°le+ +r!ed +° cull me f°r "helping-her-kismesis-cheat-on-her-with-me"
wh!ch b+w very dumb g!ven all ! d!d was s+eal the!r stupid k!smes!ses beanju!cemaker bu+ wha+ever
maybe sec°nd s+up!des+ was when a fuck!ng like 3 sweep °ld purple g°+ mad a+ me f°r calling her fav°uri+e my l!++le h°°fbeas+ character dumb. s°rry n°+ s°rry
translation under readmore
well ive told you the one where a violet tried to cull me for "helping her kismesis cheat on her with me"
which btw very dumb given all I did was to steal their stupid kismesises beanjuicemaker but whatever
maybe second stupidest was when a fucking like 3 sweep old purple got mad at me for calling her favourite my little hoofbeast character dumb. sorry not sorry
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anglocatholicboyo · 2 years
Welsh Cyrillic alphabet
Yeah I know - it's a hot mess, but I did it for a bit of fun, okay?
So anyway, I made an adaptation of the Cyrillic alphabet for writing Welsh:
A - А
B - Б
C - К
Ch - Х
D - Д
Dd - Дь
E - Е
F - В
Ff - Ф
G - Ґ
Ng - Нґ
H - Г
I - И
J - Ч
L - Л
Ll - Ль
M - М
N - Н
O - О
P - П
Ph - Пь
R - Р
Rh - Рь
S - С
T - Т
Th - З
U - Й
W - У
Y - Ы
Example sentences:
Os gwelwch yn dda - Ос ґуелух ын дьа
Sut roedd y tywydd yn Abertawe? - Сйт роедь ы тыуыдь ын Aбертауе
Bore da - Боре да
Costau byw: lle mae'n mynd i stopio? - Костай быу: лье мае'н мынд и стопио?
thanks for reading this through lmao sorry not sorry гуыл
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basaltbutch · 2 years
oh yeah also. some fun sun fraeti notes;
gender is canonically extinct.
continents have become Pangea Two. also texas has been eliminated. (sorry)
most global languages are considered dead now. halcyon & aubade are doing the equivalent of learning ancient latin for funsies.
also ya it's been. idk if we actually settled on a concrete timeline (or if we really want to) but its only been like. a thousand? a couple? years since the old world ended.
.... ki'deshi's main greeting is pronounced the exact same as nya. also theres a word, itin, that means "to throw something with extreme force" and it's pronounced yeet-in.
also with ki'deshi's alphabet. it's got its owm script but in the latin script, it's; a, d, e, f, g, h, i, j (pronounced zheh), k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, ae, ñ, ng, and ' (which is a click)
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yisanged · 2 years
okay this is a guide for reading romanized korean names I made specifically for the indoctrination of one of my tumblr mutuals as an orv enjoyer but it applies to all korean media. I tried my best to make this actually helpful but the way korean gets romanized is really inconsistent throughout different translations and it's honestly kind of. hell. and I'm also not great with ipa so I might be using it Not Right. I used this wikipedia article to help me though so it should be mostly solid. the format will be [most common romanizations] -> [ipa (example pronunciation)]. examples are american english cause that's what I know... sorry guys. I did my best to cover my bases so I hope this helps a little 😔 also all of this is under the assumption that you aren't striving for native-level pronunciation mastery so I'm gonna give shortcuts and not go into specific details
the source for all of this besides the wikipedia article is korean is technically my first language and I'm told my pronunciation is pretty good. that being said I've grown up in the us of a and have come to be more comfortable speaking english, having never received a formal education in korean, so if anyone wants to correct me. feel free
a -> ɐ (spa)
o -> o (sword)
eo/u* -> ʌ (up) -- in the context of this vowel being sandwiched between y (j) and ng (ŋ) it might be spelled young instead of yung or yeong as usual
oo/u* -> u (rude)
ee/i -> i (free but keep it short)
eu -> ɯ (foot)
+ diphthongs
e -> e (rate)
ae -> ɛ (bet)
the above two sound really similar and aren't really distinguished much in terms of pronunciation in modern korean so. nbd
there are others like ui and w/e but I'm gonna skip ipa for those for now because a) these are sounds that just don't come up in english like at all so knowing the ipa probably won't help you and b) the ipa listed in the article really only applies when the diphthongs are being pronounced by themselves and they sound different in different contexts anyways which is usually how they show up so. there's not much point.**
I won't go over all the consonants, since they're mostly self-explanatory, so here's just the ones to note:
g -> g (gust, as opposed to just)
l -> l (pronounced like left)
the korean hangul character used is the same, but if it's at the beginning of the syllable it's usually romanized r -> ɾ (better; alveolar tap)
so roksoo is pronounced ɾok'su with an alveolar tap like the spanish r, not l like in left or r like in run. a note for names with "il" like gilyoung or pildu is that it's probably kind of awkward to pronounce the proper i sound and then the l so it's acceptable to shorten the i to rhyme with "pill" in english. I honestly think it's better that way than trying to make it fit by lengthening the i so that it sounds like "eel" like the animal.
doubled up consonants like in -ssi are just tensed, so like s͈. but the difference between tensed and untensed is subtle and really hard to get so don't worry about it too much. also a note that if s precedes i then it's usually pronounced (and often romanized) sh -> ɕ (sheep). that applies to "-ssi" as well so it's pronounced like sheen anyways without the tensed ss really coming through much
*yeah, "u" gets used to romanize two entirely different sounds. yeah, it gets really confusing. I'm sorry to say that I don't have much practical advice to offer you in knowing which one it is other than figuring out how a particular translation is doing it by looking for the absence/presence of one or the other. unfortunately, like i mentioned at the beginning, inconsistency is rampant in these things and so even that doesn't always work out. the orv tl that I read used sooyoung but also pildu, with "oo" and "u" respectively being the same sound. some people will even use them together within a single name like yoo (juː) joonghyuk (tɕuŋ'hjʌk) becoming yu junghyuk or even yu joonghyuk or whatever in which case. I'm so sorry ***
** I'm not just gonna throw you into the deep end though dw. when preceded by a consonant, how you'll most likely see it in names, ui -> i (free). for example, jung huiwon is spelled like that bc those are the hangul characters used but everyone pronounces it hiː. this'll often just be romanized as hee as well. the "won" in heewon is also a diphthong- it manifests as won but does not involve the o sound at all and is pronounced like wʌn. "oi" is another common one, as in the last name choi. likewise, when preceded by a consonant oi -> something like ɛ (bet). so, choi would be tʃɛ as opposed to tʃɔɪ.
while we're on the topic of weird last names. lee is the most common romanization for a very common korean last name (my last name, actually :o) that's actually just pronounced iː (feel). It's sometimes romanized as yi to reflect this, but I don't think I've ever seen it as i or ee. From experience, if that's how it's spelled, you won't ever get corrected for saying lee with the l, but just for the record that it's technically not the proper pronunciation.
***really the only way to work this out is getting familiar enough with korean names (most of which are pretty formulaic) to register what sounds are likely to appear in a name (du is possible, but dʌ isn't really; jʌ isn't a real korean last name i don't think). either that or leaning to read hangul and looking at the names in the original korean to figure it out. but neither of those are very practical solutions for casual enjoyers. sorry. another issue is figuring out how the syllables are partitioned. most korean names are two syllables. hangul has a really particular way of organizing syllables that doesn't really come through in english; some translators will opt to hyphenate names like kim rok-soo but not all do. the syllables are pretty obvious with some names, but others like sookyung (it's soo-kyung, as opposed to sook-young) are a bit harder. the only good reliable solutions for this are the two I mentioned earlier which again. are more complicated than you'd probably like. if you are willing though it isn't that hard to learn hangul at all it's considered a very logical and easy writing system
like I've said inconsistency is gonna be your biggest enemy in this kinda stuff. I am being a bit dramatic and it won't affect you that much if you stick to reading a single translation for one particular media but. I want to complain about this. it's so bad. btw localization is also a thing that happens sometimes, mostly for fantasy-type stories where the author had "foreign" sounding names in mind when they were writing them. for example cale henituse from trash of the count's family would be more like kaeil henituseu if the name was romanized instead of localized. this is also a source of contention ngl like cale obviously being the preferred tl, but alberu (the romanization(?) for a character in tcf) being generally used more often over the official localization alver
but anyways I know this is all really complicated but I'm glad you're getting into this kind of stuff I hope you like it and I hope this helped somewhat :] happy reading
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babyawacs · 2 years
@law (((((.@law)))))) .@fisa .@judges @judge @snowden @h aaretzcom @harvard_law @all @world @bbcworld @bbc_whys @ap @reuters @france24 @haaretzcom somehow dumpster smeared th at they dodged compensation that it  i s daytimecharged accurately truthfullyallalong what allnot only knew all along but all messed allalong in a system them cause allalo ng with shuffled authorities and their tricks allalong its decoyed  with smear and yomamawas sonuts tricks and f ool shitballthrown objects demonisation that this is allalong govt agenda fringequellkill for trickflipping thei r crimes as blackmail by the mengele survivor hedged gov t controlmethods instead for enemyof state treats tothat a dded theydeserve inventiosn too how to stealit  controli t or quellit  chainit themore their bunches suck even t hat,  s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s e x x x x x x  wi th germans mostly and only  wouldbe revealing and excluding alot of germann tricks letalone biological harms //// rescue persons of itnerest and evenmoresomykids ca utionwithsupport trickdeceit is sayhomersimspsoy make se lffulfillignprophecy  counterfactuality is a proofin itsel f itis a buzzword about joing sssexxxbadensers: coutner factual: there itis rebabbled: who tries the self fulfilling prophecy sssexxxbadensen trick tonaswinn is a trick a bout a verylate stage fear illness fullof preconditions as fe ars and itis persistent not triggered by realtime only. notfakeable a single day. tur nsout itis their own theme name.  but thereitis . rebabbled   who efforts teh tricks is the point not if a minor be lieves thetrick itis a set of shitballdecoys thrown obje cts thebasis is criminal german govt agenda withfringe q uell killl feels blackmailed to compensate their crimes the ir spybotch case coveredup want to control or chain or ste al or quell inventions they cant have decoys fundamental things as averted immunisation by toplevel intel notby c ockroaches that imagine thecase lets em and each deed is   s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s e x x x x x x  with germ ans  s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s e x x x x x x  with germans before charging  s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s e x x x x x x  with germans during charging  s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s e x x x x x x  with germans afterchargign and another batshitnuts decoy for charign g itnelcoma rapes judges  while you may try tofind w h y allthe harm itis german govt so not compensates what they do with others, they  feel  b l a c k m a i l e d a s trick  or someone trickflipped it internally  itis vo gelfrei  thatharm extra hightreason to germany for hating us  started with coverup intelbotch so do somuchworse wi th anyone else trickflippedit as mengele victim blackmails them rightfully quelled inventions of the mengele victim it is not how they trick fake it the verfassungsschutz h a t e d r u g cat apults whenthere is meager sympathy itis a mix of cri minal govt agendas played proxies as fools plausible den iability  even when it isabout their own firms they ga me for a fringequellkill for a killit fringe it smearit all thetime they need alibis for me alibis for the moth er alibis forthe pet and now they mayhave tossed in some ki ds ofmine too they are so criminal itis any shred ofamb iguity is a win already you lose tracking on them when s omeofthem are r e a l l y sorry asifthey prevented the c rimes thesmear tricks victim as hatenut as ifthey didnt ra id my chamber for their lust gains  their blackmail tricks horrorshows andwhatnot theyshuffle authroites allalong facts flipped to confusion batshitnuts  with hedging wet farts for symptoms lacking atleast understand whatsplayed
@law (((((.@law)))))) .@fisa .@judges @judge @snowden @h aaretzcom @harvard_law @all @world @bbcworld @bbc_whys @ap @reuters @france24 @haaretzcom somehow dumpster smeared th at they dodged compensation that it  i s daytimecharged accurately truthfullyallalong what allnot only knew all along but all messed allalong in a system them cause allalo ng with shuffled authorities and their tricks allalong its decoyed  with smear and yomamawas sonuts tricks and f ool shitballthrown objects demonisation that this is allalong govt agenda fringequellkill for trickflipping thei r crimes as blackmail by the mengele survivor hedged gov t controlmethods instead for enemyof state treats tothat a dded theydeserve inventiosn too how to stealit  controli t or quellit  chainit themore their bunches suck even t hat,  s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s e x x x x x x  wi th germans mostly and only  wouldbe revealing and excluding alot of germann tricks letalone biological harms //// rescue persons of itnerest and evenmoresomykids ca utionwithsupport trickdeceit is sayhomersimspsoy make se lffulfillignprophecy  counterfactuality is a proofin itsel f itis a buzzword about joing sssexxxbadensers: coutner factual: there itis rebabbled: who tries the self fulfilling prophecy sssexxxbadensen trick tonaswinn is a trick a bout a verylate stage fear illness fullof preconditions as fe ars and itis persistent not triggered by realtime only. notfakeable a single day. tur nsout itis their own theme name.  but thereitis . rebabbled   who efforts teh tricks is the point not if a minor be lieves thetrick itis a set of shitballdecoys thrown obje cts thebasis is criminal german govt agenda withfringe q uell killl feels blackmailed to compensate their crimes the ir spybotch case coveredup want to control or chain or ste al or quell inventions they cant have decoys fundamental things as averted immunisation by toplevel intel notby c ockroaches that imagine thecase lets em and each deed is   s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s e x x x x x x  with germ ans  s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s e x x x x x x  with germans before charging  s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s e x x x x x x  with germans during charging  s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s e x x x x x x  with germans afterchargign and another batshitnuts decoy for charign g itnelcoma rapes judges  while you may try tofind w h y allthe harm itis german govt so not compensates what they do with others, they  feel  b l a c k m a i l e d a s trick  or someone trickflipped it internally  itis vo gelfrei  thatharm extra hightreason to germany for hating us  started with coverup intelbotch so do somuchworse wi th anyone else trickflippedit as mengele victim blackmails them rightfully quelled inventions of the mengele victim it is not how they trick fake it the verfassungsschutz h a t e d r u g cat apults whenthere is meager sympathy itis a mix of cri minal govt agendas played proxies as fools plausible den iability  even when it isabout their own firms they ga me for a fringequellkill for a killit fringe it smearit all thetime they need alibis for me alibis for the moth er alibis forthe pet and now they mayhave tossed in some ki ds ofmine too they are so criminal itis any shred ofamb iguity is a win already you lose tracking on them when s omeofthem are r e a l l y sorry asifthey prevented the c rimes thesmear tricks victim as hatenut as ifthey didnt ra id my chamber for their lust gains  their blackmail tricks horrorshows andwhatnot theyshuffle authroites allalong facts flipped to confusion batshitnuts  with hedging wet farts for symptoms lacking atleast understand whatsplayed
@law (((((.@law)))))) .@fisa .@judges @judge @snowden @haaretzcom @harvard_law @all @world @bbcworld @bbc_whys @ap @reuters @france24 @haaretzcom somehow dumpster smeared that they dodged compensation that it i s daytimecharged accurately truthfullyallalong what allnot only knew allalong but all messed allalong in a system them cause allalong with shuffled authorities and their tricks…
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peapod20001 · 4 years
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Sébastien really, really, really, really............. DISLIKES his ex wife...... :/
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yanderecrazysie · 3 years
Hii Bestie !!
I wondering if I could request the Yandere Alphabet for Bokuto if you haven’t done that already.
HEY BESTIE! I'd love to! Bokuto reminds me so much of an overeager puppy- it's precious-
Bokuto Koutarou (Haikyuu) -The Yandere Alphabet
Warnings: yandere themes, slight mentions of marking and spanking
A is for Affection: How do they show their affection for their darling? How often do they show it? 💖 Bokuto is the epitome of affectionate. This boy wants to cuddle, kiss, hold hands, WHATEVER he can do 24/7. 💖 Although he'll want to cuddle against you and hold you bone-crushingly close, this boy can also get a little rough. His kisses can be kind of bruising and he'll want to mark up your neck a lot. B is for Blood: How messy are they willing to get for their darling? Why? 🔪 Although I can picture Bokuto being willing to fight anyone who wants to hurt you or take you away, I actually can't see him trying to kill anyone. He's pretty sure he's the best of the best, so it's not like any of those other guys can steal you away from HIM! C is for Care or Cruelty: How would they treat their darling when they kidnap them? Would they mock them? 💔 Bokuto wouldn't mock you. In fact, he'd just be over the MOON about having you with him. You'd be smothered in kisses and crushed in his hugs. He's not going to want to make you feel bad! 💔 Bokuto is the BEST at taking care of you! He knows everything you love and he's willing to get/do ANYTHING just for you! D is for Delusion: How delusional are they when it comes to their darling? Do they believe their darling loves them? 💭 Bokuto is very, very delusional. Like, this boy sees a perfect future with you and he has no doubts that you're both going to get there soon. 💭 He's like the greatest??? You couldn't turn HIM down! He's the amazing ace- Akaashi thinks he's great so you do too! Right? Of course! E is for Expose: How much of their heart do they bear to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling? How much time will it take to trust them? 💧 Bokuto doesn't shut up about his feelings. Going into emo mode? Check. Whining about how much he needs your attention? Check. Letting you know just how much he adores you? Check. 💧 They talk about being an open book but Bokuto is a book you'd want to CLOSE after a while. Like seriously- he. Won't. Shut. Up. F is for Fight: How would they react if their darling fought back? 👊 Cue "kicked-puppy" noise. He's going to stare up at you with wide, watering eyes. You've gotta be completely heartless if you don't feel the TINIEST bit of guilt when you see his heartbroken expression. 👊 "I-it's okay (Y/n), I forgive you, I love you, please don't fight me, please..." he's all but begging you, even after you stop fighting. He's clinging to you and sobbing into your shirt. 👊 Your flailing fists and feet aren't actually going to do any damage to that buff man but just the idea of fighting against him leaves tons of emotional scars in your wake. G is for Guilt: What would it take for them to feel guilty about their actions? Or do they feel guilty from the start? 😔 Bokuto feels bad that he went to the extremes. He KNOWS it's so so so wrong... but it feels so so so right. He LOVES you and that's the best thing, right? That makes up for everything, right? 😔 He won't ever regret his love for you though. If he has you in the end it'll be worth everything and more! No regrets, WOOO! H is for Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them? 🔥 Bokuto can be a little... well... his emotions are extreme and can flip quickly. So if he's angry enough, you could get hurt. Like, he's not going to seriously injure you, but he'll be rough. You'll be shaking in your shoes for sure. I is for Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling? 👩‍❤️‍👨 If Bokuto has his way, you'll be his pretty little wife and mother of a bunch of his runts. This boy will want at LEAST 3 kids. Like I picture him being that "cool dad" that roughhouses with his little boys and carries them on his back and just jokes around with them. He's practically a giant kid himself sometimes. J is for Jealousy: How easily do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope? 💢 Bokuto gets jealous if your attention is taken away from him. Platonically, romantically, whatever. If someone's
taking your attention and it's not him, he's gonna be PISSED. 💢 Suddenly, Bokuto is 10x needier than he's ever been. He's trying to catch your gaze, interrupting your conversation, clinging to you, etc. 💢 I mean, this boy will get jealous of a video game or TV show or book you're invested in. Not just humans. Animals too... Your attention should be solely on him, ya know! K is for Kidnap: How would they go about kidnapping their darling? How much do they plan it out? 🔒 Bokuto doesn't plan- it just kind of happens. He knew he wanted to take you away from all those attention hogs (ironic) and keep you with him and him only, but he didn't really THINK about it. It just kinda happened. 🔒 Okay, but seriously, I think he might even be more surprised than you when he kidnaps you. Like this guy's just kinda like "WOAHHH This isn't a dream? I actually did this? HEY HEY HEY" L is for Love Letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling? 💌 One moment you're living your normal life, the next moment there's Fukurodani's ace cooing at you and you forgot to say your last goodbyes to that normal life you'll never see again. 💌 I don't think Bokuto knows how to court, to be blunt about it. Like, Akaashi might try to give him some pointers ("You're overwhelming her." "Give her room to breathe." "Try never saying that again. Ever." "Stop, you're crushing her.") but Bokuto's pretty sure he's got this in the bag. M is for Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they acted before? 🎭 Bokuto's emotions are so over the map that no one's going to really tell that he's kind of losing it. Akaashi might be able to tell, but no one else will notice a difference. 🎭 Other than his overwhelming happiness and affection for you. I mean, you'd have to be blind and deaf to not realize Bokuto has a huge crush on you. He's not even remotely subtle. N is for Naughty: How would they punish their darling? 🚓 Bokuto might try to isolate you a bit but if you make him angry- like really piss him off- I think he'd literally just bend you over his lap and spank you. Like, maybe that's weird, but I can really picture him trying to brat-tame you a bit. O is for Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling? What rights can be earned with time and trust? 📜 Although Bokuto's kind of overbearing and suffocating, as long as you're in his line of sight and, preferably, being touched by him, you can do whatever you want. Which... isn't a lot when he's hanging on you 24/7. P is for Patience: How patient are they with their darling? 🕊️ Patience is not one of Bokuto's virtues, unfortunately. If you take too long in the bathroom, he'll come bursting through the door. Like, this boy can't stand a full 5 minutes away from you. Having privacy is not realistic, so don't get your hopes up. Q is for Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on? 🏃‍♀️ If you die Bokuto will go into emo mode for the rest of his life. He will be completely broken without you. He's so lost without you. You know that story where the dog waited by his owner's grave for the rest of his life? That's Bokuto. 🏃‍♀️ "Escape"? Yeah, no. Bokuto gets it, you wanted a little freedom, but it's time to come home, okay? You've already had more than enough time to yourself, so he'll come find you. And once he does, you're sure as hell never leaving again. R is for Rage: How do they act when angry? How do they calm down? 👿 "Explosive rage" is the best way to describe Bokuto's anger. You CANNOT calm him down, so it's best to book it and barricade yourself in a room until he cools down. 👿 If he's mad enough, he could hurt you, so stay the fuck away from him. He'll be throwing and breaking things and just generally yelling his head off. Again, barricade yourself in a room, it's honestly your only hope. S is for Soulmate: What made them fall in love with their darling? How did they first meet? When did they realize they loved their darling? 💍 Bokuto truly is a
love-at-first-sight kind of guy, but he fell in love with you even more as he got to know you. You either met at one of his games or in some sort of shared class. I think that you would have stood out to him in a crowd. T is for Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves? 😭 Each tear falling down your face is another crack in Bokuto's heart. He really does want you to be happy and he can't understand why you aren't. His solution is to just hold you tight until you calm down, which may not help all that much... U is for Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
👌 Bokuto is already kind of different from the others in the way that he's not afraid to put you in your place and he has plans for the future that don't really require your cooperation. He's not changing his mind, no matter how strong your feelings are one way or the other.
👌 Not to mention, he's SUPER clingy. You can't pry him off of you. There's a strong possibility that you'll end up being very, very miserable with Bokuto. He loves you but he isn't willing to compromise or meet halfway on anything. His love is kind of selfish... more so than the average yandere.
V is for Visit: Would they allow anyone else to visit their darling? Do they trust their darling to talk to their loved ones (in person, on the phone, etc.) or not at all?
🧳 Akaashi will be over often. Like, I'm not even going to pretend like Bokuto will doubt his BFF. I really don't think Akaashi will be there to save you, unfortunately...
🧳 But Akaashi doesn't get to touch you. Sorry. You belong to Bokuto and, any attention you give Akaashi, you better give 10 times that to Bokuto.
W is for Weakness: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
❌ You're lucky enough if you can detangle yourself from Bokuto's grip for more than 5 minutes, but, if you do, you can use very few things against him anyways. He's nothing but determined.
❌ If you're delicate and careful about it, you may be able to take advantage of his emotions. Fake sadness to gain his pity or get him so happy that he'll be less likely to deny your requests.
X is for Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
🛐 He's a bit of a worshipper, but not the classic type. He ADORES you and thinks you're absolutely perfect but... he doesn't exactly put your needs above his own. Like I said, he's a bit selfish.
Y is for Yearning: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap? 😍 It depends on how receptive you are to him. If you're trying to distance yourself from him and keep your freedom (or you just aren't interested in him that way), he's going to snap FAST. You'll find yourself in his house before you can say "HEY HEY HEY". 😍 Otherwise, if you start dating him, it'll depend on if you realize the toxicity of your relationship. If you try to break up with him or loosen his suffocating grip, you're in the same boat as if you denied him in the first place. Z is for Zero Tolerance: What is the thing that always makes them snap? What things will they not allow their darling to do under any circumstances? 0️⃣ Leave him. If you deny his affection and love, he will not be happy at ALL. He wants to wrap you up in his arms and never let go. And he really doesn't care if you don't want that. 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣 THAT TOOK SO LONG I'M SO SORRY- I feel like I portrayed him to be a little worse than he is- he really does love you!
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fantasydaydreamers · 4 years
Heyo! Could I get some Midnight and Gang Orca? For the lingerie series?
Sorry this is late... I'm answering all my asks atm~ forgive me😭 I hope you like it🥺
Warning: Semi-Lemon Headcanons/Mini Scenario
Gang Orca
Kugo had been working a lot lately and not spending time with you, which he felt guilty about. This weekend he was free and he had promised you a date, swearing to focus only on you and to make up for the lost time. You weren't terribly upset, understanding he was a hero and all, but you missed having him around. Friday, the day before your weekend together, he came home with a guilty look on his face. You were disappointed to hear he was assigned a mission but that changed once you heard the location.
"The Maldives?!" You jump up excitedly, dancing around the room, his eyes watching your every move. "Can I go? When you're finished with your work, we can turn it into a vacation!" You clap your hands and look at him hopefully, pouting with your best puppy-dog eyes.
Kugo chuckled at how adorable you looked. Although he would normally deny such a request, he felt guilty that he wasn't spending enough time with you. "Yes...you can come with me, but you have to promise me to stay in the hotel room until I'm finished." He gave you a stern look but you saw the amusement dancing in his eyes.
"Promise!" You ran straight to your room starting to pack, leaving Kugo abandoned on the couch. During his time off, you planned to show him his lingerie piece that was released because you knew Kugo had no idea since he was so busy. Packing it at the bottom of your luggage, you quickly set your bags by the door, excited to leave.
→ What it looks like: It's a two-piece baby pink lace set. The bralette has adjustable straps with lined cups and a black satin bow wrapped around the bottom for contrasting detail. The bottoms are in a boy-short style, the same black satin bow decorated on the back, just above your ass.
Arriving at the hotel room, you gasp, dropping your bags on the ground. "We're underwater!" You run to the thick glass surrounding the entire room, gazing out at all the fish swimming by, light reflections dancing across the interior of the room. "Yeah...I don't mind waiting for you here at all," you mumble out, Kugo moving to stand next to you.
"It is pretty fitting, isn't it?" He wonders, wrapping his arms around your waist, hugging you briefly. The moment ended too soon as he stepped back and headed back to the door, promising to be home tonight to sleep. "I'll see you later, (Y/n)," he calls out to you, a hint of sadness in his voice.
"Sea you later." You grin and look back at him watching him shake his head before closing the door. You sigh and begin to ruffle through your luggage, pulling the lingerie out. He might not finish his mission by tonight, but I'll surprise him when he comes back. With that, you changed and took your time admiring the different fish swimming by and taking lots of pictures.
→ His reaction: Kugo didn't get back until late at night, drained from today's work. As much as he tried to get done today, he still wasn't finished. Coming back to the hotel room, he tried to prepare another speech explaining why the mission might take another day or two while trying to brace himself in case you broke up with him. He hasn't been the best boyfriend and he knew it was taking a toll on you but he couldn't refuse his work.
"(Y/n)?" Opening the door, he stepped into the dimly lit room, a small seashell lamp casting a soft glow throughout the room. His eyes scan the room, landing on your figure lying in bed reading a book. His breath catches in his throat seeing what you were wearing.
You place the book down on your page and sit up, smiling sweetly at him. "Welcome back, Kugo! I was just reading about the types of fish down here. The hotel provided this book and do you know how many different species I saw today-"
You stop mid-sentence as Kugo's arms wrap around you, pulling you tightly into him. "What did I do to deserve you, (Y/n)?" He asks quietly, his large fingers tracing over the bow resting above your ass.
Smirking you pull back and kiss him softly. "Do you like your surprise? You look exhausted...if you don't mind, I would be more than happy to help you relax." The suggestive tone leaves your lips in a whisper as you start trailing kisses down his neck, hands pulling at his belt.
"Whenever my strong hero finishes his mission, I'll give you a even better surprise~"
Of course, Nemuri was one of the first heroes to hear about the lingerie pieces. Knowing her, you knew she would want to try it on and have a photoshoot with it immediately. How right you were when she dragged you with her to the modeling agency bright and early to get her hands on her own piece, excitedly chatting the whole way. You couldn't do much other than follow along, a small smile on your lips as you listened contently.
'Good mornings' echoed in the room once you two entered the studio, the bright lights making you squint, still sleepy. Nemuri responded excitedly while you replied through your yawn. The set was already put together and Nemuri was ushered into a changing room while you stood by idly, happy they had a breakfast bar set up.
"Are you ready to get changed?" A man came up to you, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Midway through your chewing, you stare at him confused. Swallowing, you look around before pointing at yourself to make sure he was talking about you.
He chuckles and nods. "We thought you would like to try the piece on as well."
"Oh!" Now perking up, you follow the photographer into a separate dressing room before he exits again, leaving you alone. You gasp, seeing the lingering hanging up on display.
→ What it looks like: It's a black one-piece teddy, with caging detail, making the thick black straps hug your body perfectly. A single strip of the material runs between your breasts, inspired by Midnight's hero costume. The halter neckline leads into a sheer bralette top, making it see-through. On the bottom portion of the teddy is a functional zipper that makes things easily accessible. A set of matching garter straps comes with it to complete the look.
Making sure to adjust the straps comfortably, you had just finished putting it on when a persistent knock sounded on your door.
→ Her reaction: "(Y/n)! Are you in there?" Nemuri's voice called out. You didn't have a chance to respond before the door was opened and she stepped in, still in her normal clothing. "There you- oh."
A blush rises to your face seeing her stand there and gape at you. "C-close the door," you stutter out, covering yourself in case anyone walks by. That seems to snap her out of her trance as she closes the door behind her, locking it. "Why-"
"You look so sexy in my lingerie, (Y/n)." Nemuri stalks toward you like a predator finding its prey. You back away slowly, soon finding yourself against the wall.
"T-they said I might want to try the piece on as well so they brought another-" Nemuri cuts you off when her fingers slip teasingly under the straps, tracing the lines over your skin. Goosebumps rise on your arms as you shudder, a sigh escaping your lips.
"No. There's only one piece here and I was brought into the changing room where they showed me the material they used. You, my darling, are the first one to wear the actual piece." She brings her face closer to your neck, peppering kisses up to your ear as she speaks. "Why don't you model it for me privately right now, before I go out there?"
"Nemuri! W-we can't...not here-"
"Try to keep your voice down, (Y/n)~"
All Might
Part 2: Suneater, Shinsou, Eraserhead, Present Mic, Endeavor
Phantom Theif
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theyneedtobangstahp · 4 years
Stray kids reaction to their Girlfriend being a youtuber
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For Chan, I kinda incorporated my country’s dish because thats one of the things I can cook Hehe. Shout out to my Filipino peeps and my sinigang peeps! I kinda went over board and made them do a video together hehe sorry but I hope you enjoy!
` C H A N ▪
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~W E L C O M E TO Y / N ’ S K I T C H E N~
Would sometimes be too busy to join you in some videos tbh. But when he does have some free time, he will join you. He actually enjoys doing youtube videos with you.
You lay out all the ingredients on the table and turn on the camera. “Hello Everyone! I am y/n back at it again in making my house burn! But, today there is a special guest that will help me not burn my house down. After many days of asking, no scratch that, begging him to join, he finally said yes! So here he is my boyfriend, Chan!” You clap as he comes into the frame with you. “Hi, hello.” He says while waving shyly to the camera.
“I can’t believe it. Bang Chan, being shy all because of a camera? You’re acting like this is your first time being recorded.” You say to him. “That’s different! This is your personal channel. I have to be on my best behavior.” He says while standing up straight looking like a good boy. You chuckle at him and pass him an apron. “What are we cooking today Chan?”  
“Well, since my very beautiful girlfriend cooked this for me last week and I liked it very much, she will teach me how to cook sinigang! Did I say it right babe?” He whispers to you. “Hmm, much better than last time. You still have to work on your ng though but it’s fine.” You reassure him. “We will specifically cook shrimp sinigang! Because it is way easier. Now chan what do you think is the first step?” He looks at the recipe and reads it. “Well it says here to boil water.” 
“Yes, I will do that and you can chop the tomato and onions please.” 20 minutes later of teaching him how to cook sinigang, it was time to taste it! 
“Okay first taste of Chan cooking Sinigang!” You say as you pass him a spoon. You both take a sip of the soup and your face clearly showing that you enjoy it, but Chan wrinkles his face. “It’s way too sour!” He says while looking at the camera. “It’s just right!” You argue back. “Did you add extra tamarind powder while I wasn’t looking?” He asks you. “No..”
You do your outro then start editing, you add the part where you did add extra tamarind powder into the soup when you were editing. You upload it and Chan watches it just as it gets posted on youtube. “You did add extra powder!” You hear Chan scream from the living room. 
` M I N H O ▪
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~C H A P S T I C K C H A L L E N G E~
"Minho! I’m home!” You shout as you enter your shared apartment, holding this small bag filled with chapstick. You see Minho on the couch watching television, you sit next to him and hold his hand. “Hey my baby, my very handsome, cool, talented, sexy, gentleman of a boyfriend.” He looks at you weirdly. “What do you want y/n?” You scoff at him.
“Can’t I just compliment my handsome boyfriend?” You say while snuggling closer into him. “You can, but whats the catch?” He caught you. “Can you be in my video? Well you can’t really say no-” He cuts you off “No.”
“Come on! You’re the only one I can do this with! I can’t exactly ask other people for this. It’ll be really awkward if I ask other people to do this with me.” 
“What video are you shooting?” 
“Chapstick challenge.” You say while smirking at him. His eyes get wider when you said that. “You should’ve said that first! I’m always down for kissing you.” He says while grabbing your hand and also the bag, rushing to go into your studio. (your shared room) 
“You are purposely getting the flavors wrong Minho! You can’t do that!” You say while trying to stop him pulling your face to kiss you again. “Just one more kiss y/n. I really don’t know.” He says while cheekily smiling at you. “How can you not know, you literally also use this kind.” 
“I don’t remember it. Now please kiss me again.” He says while stealing a kiss from your lips.
` C H A N G B I N ▪
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~Q A N D A W I T H M Y B O Y F R I E N D~
Changbin would be down to be in a video with you! Most especially a q and a. He really wants to win this one so he can show how he remembers every single thing about you both. 
“Okay first question, where was our first date?” You put your phone down and write your answer. Changbin looks at the ceiling, recalling all the dates you guys have been to. He scribbles something down and looks at the camera. “Done!” He screams. “Okay show it on the count of three. one, two, three!” You both show the whiteboard to the camera and you look at him confused. “We didn’t have our first date at your house? We had it at the movie theatre down the street.” You say as you show your answer to the camera. “No, we had it at my house. We were having our weekly movie nights as friends then I confessed to you when the character was also confessing!” He says. “But it wasn’t a date!” You argue back. “I legit asked you after you said you liked me back if it was a date and you said yes.”
“Oh yeah, I remember now.” You say while recalling the memory. “You see this guys? She doesn’t even know the answer to the first question. I’m basically the winner now.” He says while smiling proudly at the camera. 
“There are 19 more questions! I can catch up easily.” 
“Sure y/n, sure.” 
` H Y U N J I N ▪
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~T U R N I N G M Y B O Y F R I E N D I N T O A N E B O Y~
“Hyunjin!” You shout from your room. “Yes?” He shouts from the living room. He hears your feet padding down the stairs and you peek your head in the living room. “Do you mind joining me for my new video?” You ask him. “What do I need to do?” 
“You just need to sit and look pretty for me, and also model and outfit for me.” You say while smiling at him.”Sure, when do we start?” “Now.” 
You sit him down on the stool and he looks at you confusedly. “Whats with all the make up?” You ignore him and open your camera. You do your intro and he is shocked by what you said. “Hey guys y/n is back at it again with her shenanigans and today I’m going to turn my boyfriend-” You point at him “Into an e-boy.” 
“I was not informed. I thought you said I was just going to sit still and look pretty?” 
“You are-” You grab your make up kit from the table “trust me, this will be great!” You put his eye make up and kinda ruffle his hair but styling it in a way that looks good. “What are you doing now?” He asks because you didn’t give him a mirror. You wanted him to also be surprised by the outcome. “I’m going to put a fake lip piercing on you, stay still.” You put earrings on him and give him his clothes. “Okay guys this is the finale. The moment we all have been waiting for. Hyunjin come out from the bathroom!” You point your camera at the door and he walks out. Your mouth drops open and he poses for the camera. 
“Damn. I don’t think the world is ready for e-boy Hyunjin. Am I even going to upload this?” You say mostly to yourself but Hyunjin laughs at you. “Of course you should babe! I look good. Now come on I need to model too right?” He was enjoying this too much. You guys take pictures and he is so into it. You do your outro and turn off your camera. You look at him and still can’t believe it. 
“Damn, just, damn.” Hyunjin just smiles at you and kisses your cheek. “This is all you baby.”
“I should’ve done this a long time ago.” 
` J I S U N G ▪
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~M Y B O Y F R I E N D D O E S M Y M A K E U P~  
Jisung will most definitely want to join you. He just wants to help you all the time with your youtube channel. When you asked him if he could do a video with you and he gets to put make up on your face, he is so down for it.
“Please don’t put too much foundation on my face.” You say as you see him pick up the foundation from your make up kit. You really don’t use it that much, it’s kinda just there. He squeezes the tube and a lot of foundation goes out. His eyes go wide and he looks at you. “Oh, this is too much.” He says not really knowing what to do with the extra foundation. He pats it on your face and gets eyeshadow. “You’re not going to put concealer on me?” 
“What do I need to conceal? Your beauty? Oh no thanks I won’t be using that.” He says trying to be romantic. “I legit have acne and acne marks Ji.” 
“Well I don’t care. I won’t use that on your face.” He says. “If you already think I’m very beautiful, why do we even need to do this video?” You ask him. He stops putting eyeshadow on you for a second. “You’re right. We need to scrap this video idea of yours!” You laugh at him. “I’m just kidding Ji, continue what you were doing.” A few minutes of him trying to put eyeliner on you, he says this. 
“You know that you don’t need to put make up on right? You’re already beautiful in my eyes.” 
“I know Ji, and I’m really thankful for that, but you need to finish doing my make up. I need to see how you did.” a few minutes later he was done and he didn’t do that bad. It was good for a beginner. You upload it and instantly get comments of how much Jisung shows his love for you in the video. Especially the part where he told you that you were very beautiful. Your subscribers also fell for him when he said that to you, but you were the lucky girl that he was head over heels with already.
` F E L I X ▪
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~D O I N G T I K T O K D A N C E S W I T H M Y B O Y F R I E N D~ 
Let’s be real. If Felix wasn’t in stray kids, he would definitely have a youtube channel. So when he found out you had one, it was basically also his channel. He also uploaded some stuff on there so when he came up with a video idea, you were down for it. 
“Hey guys! It’s Felix here and welcome to my youtube channel!” He says to the camera. You just smile at him and introduce your self next. “And I’m y/n! The previous owner of this youtube channel, and today we are doing something different, Lix can you explain?” You gesture for him and he instantly starts explaining. “So guys, as you know stray kids have tiktok, and one night I kinda went into a hole and learned almost all of the trending dances on there, and guess who doesn’t have a tiktok?” He says while looking at you. “Look, before I get any hate, I watch tiktok videos on youtube okay? So I know some dances on there!” You defend yourself. “Okay boomer. Now I’m going to teach my boomer of a girlfriend some tiktok dances that she doesn’t know. Are you ready baby?” He asks while looking at you.
“I can’t believe my boyfriend just called me a boomer just because I don’t have tiktok.” You say while looking at him in disbelief. “I’ll take that as a yes. Let’s start!” 
The video was full of laughter as Felix was teaching you the dances, also him being amazed by you learning most of them just by watching it only once. “Close your moth Lix, you’ll catch flies.” You say while smirking at him. He looks at the camera and points at you. “I retract my earlier statement, my girlfriend is not a boomer.” 
` S E U N G M I N ▪
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~I N T R O D U C I N G M Y B O Y F R I E N D~ 
Your relationship was finally public and this gained attention on your youtube channel. Mostly comments on having him on some of your videos and some hate comments but this ain’t about them. They wanted to get to know Seungmin more as your boyfriend, not as idol Seungmin. He was kind of against it at first but seeing you interacting with your fans, he kinda had a change of heart.
“I’ll do it.” He suddenly says in the middle of a movie. “Do what?” You ask not knowing the context of what he was saying. “The video. It’s been a while so I think we’re in the clear. Also, I want to know your fans.” He says. “You don’t need to do it if you feel pressured Seung. I completely understand that it may not be the wisest decision while in the middle of your career. You don’t need to feel pressured to do the video, okay?” 
“I know, but I’m tired of always thinking about what other people have to say about our relationship. It’s our relationship, not theirs. I shouldn’t have to care about what they think, and I know that now. So just tell me whenever you want to do the video, okay?” He reassures you and days later you guys are recording it. 
“Hello everyone y/n here! This video is kind of different from the past ones because I have a special guest today. Please welcome my boyfriend, Seungmin!” He comes into frame and sits beside you, holding your hands out of habit and just because it gives him comfort.”So I know all, if not almost all of you know him. He is from Stray kids, they just had a comeback so you guys should definitely stream and buy the album okay! Give my boys some love!” You turn to him and gesture for him to talk. “Oh, uhm, hi I’m Seungmin. Uhm, what else do I say?” He asks while looking at you. You pinch his cheeks because he just looked so cute and looked at the camera. 
“As you can see by the title of the video we will basically be asking him some questions so you guys get to know him more. Maybe some other stuff aside from what we already know?” You ask for his permission and he nods. 
“Okay, now that we got the go signal, let’s start!” 
` J E O N G I N ▪
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~W H I S P E R C H A L L E N G E~
He would be really shy when you first asked him to be in one of your videos. He was scared that your fans would not like him. You assured him that was not going to happen because he was a very lovable human being and he deserves all the love in the world :< After many attempts he finally said yes and to make his very first youtube video with you fun and memorable, you decided to do a challenge with him. 
“Hi guys this is the first time my boyfriend will be joining me in one of my videos, so what better way to welcome him than to do a challenge? More specifically, the whisper challenge!” You look at him and he continues what you were saying. “So uhm, we both wrote down random things we like on a piece of paper. The other one doesn’t know what it says, obviously, and they have to guess while having music on full volume.” He says while smiling cutely at the camera. “Okay! Let’s begin. Put on your headphones Innie.” He puts them on and you both start.
“Penguin.” You say to him calmly. “Ben ten?” 
“Peng-” “Ben” You shake your head at him “P-Peng” “PENG?” You nod and continue. “Uin.” “What? Win? Oh! PENGUIN!” He screams at you. You guys switch and it’s his turn. 
“y/n” He says while blushing. 
“Did you just say my name?” You asked confusion all over your face. “ Why would you write that?” 
“You told me to write stuff we like, I like you. Well, I love you, but you get the point.” He scratches his neck and accidentally shows the camera how red his ears are. “I am definitely not going to edit this out.” You say while chuckling at how cute your boyfriend is. 
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Drev Conlang (Current)
Important Sounds
Ж = zh   (Azure)
Ц = ts    (rats)
If the verb stem ends in a consonant
 Hastat = to walk
Hasti = I walk
Hastash = we walk
Hastish = you walk
Hasteesh =you all walk
Hastich = he she it walks
Hastaж = they walk 
 If the verb stem ends in a vowel
 Adjective Endings
An = adjective ending where the noun ends in a vowel (Dead gender)
Een = adjective ending where noun ends in a consonant (Living gender)
To make something  Loud - louder add the opposite ending to the end of the word
Gran = big granan= bigger Graneen = biggest
Adverb endings
Kee = added to the end of a noun 
Nevermind no gender
Word order
Subject  verb  predict   I the dog see
Adverbs go before verbs       I the dog slowly ran-towards
Adjectives go before nouns    I big dog ran-towards
Prepositions NOT postpositions  I around the big dog ran
to make a word plural just repeat the last syllable the second time   жyaka = animal жyakaka
or repeat the word from the last vowel                             dжal = drev s  dжalal = drev pl
if the word is short just double it      Lhus = tree   Lhusus = trees/ forest
Past                   da
Future              ta
Add these before the verb, if there is none present, it is assumed that you are speaking in the present
Eh or e 
Ts   ц
Zh      ж
 Current words
Jee = not ( it is not)
Ha =towards = added at the front of a motion verb
Na = away from = added towards the front of a motion verb
Neh = reverses a word. (similar to not but has to be tacked onto an adjective)
 zha = I
tsа = you
 Nee/na = he/ she / it use either living or the dead to match the noun that goes with it
Jya= we/us
tsana = you all
 Dazha = they/them
 zhаk = My/ mine
tsаk = your/ yours
Neek/nak = his hers her it its
Jyak = ours
tsanak = all yours
Dazhак = they/ theirs
Zhazhe = myself
Tsatse = yourself
Dzhal = Drev
 Dzhalzheen = soldiers/ footmen/ warrior
 Dzhalak = drevling
 Dzhalka = kit/ baby
Dzhatal = city 
Dzhtalka village
Dzhatatal = house/ home
Dzaga = body
Dinar = fire
Daeen = here/there
Daleest = ambush/ surprise
Dargranla = volcano 
Dadik = soemthing 
Dazhit = disgrace (also an insult like calling someone a bitch) 
Deeng = food
zhankeel = honor
zhyaka = animal
zheeng = war
Zhin = battle / conflict
Zhineech = battle pair/ married couple
Zhit = hate
Zheedazh = sibbling
Zhjea = sacrifice 
 Lata = rock
Lana = help 
Latinar = ash 
Latahag = armor
Luhs= tree (has the same u sound as in the name Gus)
Luhsuhs = trees / but in this case also means forest, they make no distinction
Ladinar = lava
Luhsad = branch 
Lachi = focus 
Latinash = cynder wind 
Lodgeeda = clan leader
Lodnajasta = Sentinel 
Leen = pride
 Shash = air
Sheedal = danger
Anina = Spirit
Anizhal = 
Anika = a feeling
Anicheel = day
Anitsa = eye
Ani = name
Anijee = fear
Anirana = blood
Anintal = citadel 
Atatch = skill
Aleesh = beginning 
Adon = circle
 Rana = water
Ranatatal = lake
 Tana = sky
Tanana = alien 
Tak = father
Tatal = place
Tatin = future
Tanatal = space
Tanakal = ship
Tanadar = meteor / comet ( all fiery flying objects) 
Tachal = group
Tach = clan 
Tahajeea = armor 
Tin = this/ that 
Tizhit = shame
Tinchal = today 
tsag = ball/ orb
Tsanika =belief 
Tsata = gift  
Tarik = teacher 
 Nak = mother
Nid = length
Nizad = leg
Nakt = night
Nakt- sal = dark season 
Nehchal =moon
Nehgrada = spark 
Nahatach = incompetence 
Nadzhalak = daughter
Needzhalak = son
Neenez = cloud 
Negcheel = star
Nehlata = thing
Nasash = wind
Naranatal = river
Nang = middle
Nizjahad =foot 
Chal = sun
Chahas = time
Cheel = light
Chat = word
Geeda = general
Gahan = all  (acception noun adj and adverb) 
Gaha = part
Hazad = moss
Hakanin = life
Hakasash = breath 
Had = arm
hazh = flesh
Heech = pair
Grananin = world 
Granla = mountain
Gradinar = wildfire
Jaja = end
Jahad = hand
Jial = guard
jirha = cut, wound
Jeeana = corpse 
Jeea = death 
Jeerana = dessert 
Eeda = leader
Eedacheel = (their northern star’s name) the lead star
Eeaz = a worry/ a concern 
Enadzhal = ancestry 
Etat = fur
Kat = question
Kan = nobility 
Kaneg = year
Kasa = thought
Kazna = galaxy 
Kalal = metal 
Kazga = cripple (also an insult like idiot or moron but has connotations as negative as retard (Forgive me, but that is the closest comparison) It is a very rude word. 
Kahchat = to break 
Ranasash = storm
Rantana = rain
Ranad = drink 
Ralata = soil 
Rekaz = knowledge 
Sal = season
Sakasa = mind
Shanajeea = sickness 
Stadik = anything 
Hakasat = to breathe 
 Hastat = to walk
Hasinsat = to run
Hajat = to come
Hakastat = to exit
Hazhnat = to bother someone/ annoy
 zheengat = to fight
zhinat = to strike/hit
Zhitat = to hate
zhalat = to have
zhegingat =to want
Zhjeanat = to sacrifice 
 Cheeyat =to speak/say
Chezenat = to choke 
Chatahaat = to work 
Chazat = to make 
Cheekat = to like
 Jastat = to see
Jajat = to end
Jastanat = to predict
Jakazat = to recognize 
Jedanat = to trade/ exchange 
Jeeajat = to stop
Jeeanat = die
Jeenhalat = to exile 
Jezhinat = to block 
Jekat = to look 
Jiahat = to guard
Jishat = to secure/ to lock 
Jirat = to pull
Jirhaat = to be wounded/ injured/ hurt
Adonhajat = to wonder
 Ajat = to go in general
Anikat = to feel
Anijeeat = to be afraid of / to fear
Aninat = to live
Anintalat = to worship 
Anidonat = to wake up
Ardanat = to open 
Aleeshat = to begin
Nadanat = to fall 
Najat = to go away from/  to leave
nahasinsat= to run towards/ charge
 Najastat= to watch
Natahaat = to take
Natrekat = to learn
Neevant = to answer 
Neehahajat = to drift
Nitsat = to happen/ occur
Nizat = to stand
 Darat = to do
Dalistat = to surprise / ambush
Daeenat = to stay 
Deengat = to eat
Dichanat = to thank
Dakat = to be ready/ prepared
Kahlat = to continue
Kahyaat = to happen
kahchat = to break
Kuhlat = to curse 
Kasat = to think
Katat = to ask a question / to question 
Kalsan = difficult 
Tadat =to be
Tatazat = to be happy 
Tanat = to fly 
Tahaat = to give
Tahajeeat = to hold 
Tarikat = to teach 
Tehat =can
Tsahastat = to enter
Tsanikat = to believe
Tsajat = to show
Tsadeengat = to cook
Tizhital = to be ashamed
Shkahrat = to prepare
Shazat = to use
Shanajeeat = to be sick/ to get sick 
Sdarat = to try 
Sesanat = to be sorry 
Gingat = to need
Gadat = to find
Geeniat = to return 
Geedanat = to lead
Rekazat = to know
Rantanat = to rain
Ranalat = to melt
Ranadat = to drink 
Lachidat = to focus 
Luhtat = to remember 
Lanat = to help 
Leenat = to be proud 
Eedat = to be in charge of
Eeazat = to worry 
Eeneenat = to understand
 tsakan = which
Tizhitan = shameful 
Atatchan = skillful 
 Nidan = long
Nehgran = small
Nehdinanian = cold
Nehalan = without
Nantan = new
Neyahan = old
Neahasan = slow
Naktan = dark 
Dadan = falling
Deengan = hungry 
Ditan = so 
Daklan = amazing 
Nwadan = hard
Jenantan = old
Jeean = dying 
Jashajan = similar/ same/ resembling/ like
Yahan = good/well
Yahanan = better
Yaheen = best/ great
Yigan = every
Dinanian = hot
Dichan = thankful 
Dalistan = surprising 
Gran = big
Granan= bigger
Geenian = returning
Gingan = needy 
Tacheen = many
Tatazan = happy
Tsanikan = believable 
Tanan = flying 
Ladan = very 
Latan = rocky
Hasan = fast
Hijan = colorful / beautiful 
Ranitanan = rainy 
Ranan = watery 
Ranadan = drinkable 
Chalan = Sunny 
Adan = easy
Ardan = open
Aninan = living
Kalatan = hard (as in a texture: hard stone)
Kanan = noble
Kaan = only
Kuhlan = cursed
Kahchan = broken
Kazgan = crippled 
Sheedan = dangerous
Eeazan = worried
Eeneenan = understandable 
Etatan = furry/ hairy 
shanajan = sick 
Shazan = useful 
Stadan = any
Zhankeelan = honorable
Hija = color
Hajtan = blue
Dinhijan = red
Dihijan = purple 
Dichijan = orange
Jeehijan = black 
Luhijan = green
Chalijan = yellow
Naijan = white
Nadijan = pink
Latijan = grey 
Halujan = turquoise 
 Atatchtee = skillfully
Neahasandee = slowly
Nehatatchtee = poorly 
  La = on
Lad = about
Lariz = on top of
Ladka = beside 
Dat = before (has a meaning in time, not temporal) before we go. not he stood before me
Dana = above 
dal= up
S = with
K = to 
Hak = from 
Hakniz = below 
Ts = in 
Adonha = around
Riz = upwho
Niz = down 
Keed = before (temporal meaning) 
Tsil = inside
Time words
Tasahas = during 
Neeka = never 
Zhakaz = ago
Gahas = forever
Ee = and
J = but
Tasan = also (irregular) 
Dit = so
  Question words
 Tsaee = why
Tuhn = when 
 Gda = where
Lod = who 
 Nin = what
Dach = how
Others b/c I am not a linguist
 Nahang-ta = because
 Je = no
Yid = yes
Dee = would
Teeya = for ( the benefit of a person or animate object)
Laza = for (used with anything inanimate) 
Deri = re 
Ena = pre
Kayad = should 
Huka = than 
Juhkee = then 
Ene = if
Jej = too 
Ka = one
Hee = two 
Heeka = three
 Important Phrases
Ts zhin = goodbye (Direct translation is, in battle deriving from I will see you in battle
Nezanin = of course
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eigwayne · 3 years
Return of the King Friday Night Conlanging 
So, last time I said I’d do romanization, allowable sound combinations, and/or syllable structure. Let’s see how much I can get through! First, syllable structure.
If you’re interested in some introductory technical reading, here’s the Wikipedia on syllables. But basically, what you need to know is that most conlangers break their syllables into three parts, without worrying about all that extra analysis.
Onset: the consonant(s) at the beginning of the syllable
Nucleus: the part that takes the stress, almost always a vowel unless you’re doing some stuff (which I’m not interested in doing)
Coda: the consonant at the end
Onset consonants and coda consonants are optional, depending on your structure. A syllable with a coda is “closed” and no coda is “open”. Hawaiian, for example, is only open syllables. Japanese is mostly open syllables, with only the nasal /n/ or geminates in the middle of words (which come from the “small tsu” thing, if you’re familiar with Japanese. For this language, we’ll deal with geminates some other time so don’t worry about it yet).
I want onsets and codas in this language, I already know this. There are names and words I intend to keep from version one that have them, and I didn’t spend all that time on consonants not to use them! But I don’t want to screw around with clusters in the proto-language. We can always make clusters later on through sound and word evolution. 
That gives a (C)V(C) syllable structure (the parentheses mark an optional component).
For allowable sound combinations, I mean codas, at this stage. When we start evolving clusters, we’ll deal with allowable clusters and evolve out the undesirable combinations. 
I’m now going to do something you might not see with some conlanging. See, I kind of don’t want every single sound allowed at the end of a syllable. Something in me is saying I don’t want /p/ at the end of words, for example. So I’m going to reduce the allowable coda consonants, not naturally through sounds changes, but through a “fuck that, not allowed” ruling. Let’s just say that once these wolf-creatures developed noise-making enough to be called language, unvoiced consonants at the end of a syllable were already gone. 
I have to admit, I’ve already gone through and done this part, so I’ll summarize. I selected some sounds to be codas, and realized they’re voiced or non voiced all willy-nilly. So I made them voiced. But I wasn’t feeling /ʒ/ as a coda, not for this language, so let’s leave that out. Also the nasals and approximates are allowed, except /m/ which is kind of unvoiced.  I’m sorry, “woof,” but you’re no longer allowed. Maybe some dialect will bring you back in the future.
(I’m just going to admit it: “fin” will be a word or root relating to “bravery”. My Tolkien-loving heart couldn’t leave “fin” out. So a lot of this is so I can carry on the grand tradition of having too many characters with “fin” in their name.)
So! Here’s the sound inventory so far:
Onset consonents: m n ŋ p b t d k g ʃ ʒ f v h j w ɾ r l
Coda consonents: n ŋ b d g v w ɾ r l
Vowels: i u ʊ e o a
Structure: (C)V(C)
Our last topic for today is romanization. Most of these sounds will use the same letter for their IPA and romanization, because I didn’t pick any fancy letters this time around. Possible issues are /ŋ/, /ʃ/, /ʒ/, /ʊ/, and the difference between /r/ and /ɾ/. 
/ŋ/ is usually “ng”
/ʃ/ is usually “sh”
/ʒ/ is sometimes “zh” and that’s my favorite of the usual options
/ʊ/ is a short kind of “u”. I’m tempted to use ü (Alt+0252) because U with a macron or breve don’t have Alt codes, and I’m not as good with Unicode
Oh, and /j/ will be romanized “y”, because that’s what I’m used to as a native English speaker.
Now, "ng” will be a little confusing because that will occur as separate sounds when we start making words, but I’m a little tired and can’t think of other options that aren’t ridiculous right now. So we’ll let that sit until we need to. Next time will either be the beginning of sound change evolution or the proto-language initial word list, so wish me luck next Friday!
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haegeumyg · 4 years
So I watched Learn Korean w/ BTS and it seems like they're just picking out random words the boys have said and breaking it down. For that reason, I highly suggest and recommend you to learn the Korean alphabet first, once you learn the alphabet,, the language gets easy. And once you learn it, you'll understand what bighit is teaching us 💜💜
So! Here is the Korean alphabet and how it's used~
ㄱ - G/K
ㄴ - N
ㄷ - D/T
ㄹ - R/L
ㅁ - M
ㅂ - B
ㅅ - S
ㅇ - ng
ㅈ- j
ㅊ- ch
ㅋ - k
ㅌ - t
ㅍ- p
ㅎ- h
ㄲ - gg/kk
ㄸ - dd/tt
ㅃ - bb
ㅆ - ss
ㅉ - jj
ㅏ- a
ㅑ- ya
ㅓ- eo
ㅕ- yeo
ㅗ - o
ㅛ - yo
ㅜ - u
ㅠ - yu
ㅡ - eu
ㅣ- i
ㅐ- ae
ㅒ- yae
ㅔ- e
ㅖ- ye
ㅘ - wa
ㅙ - wae
ㅚ - oe
ㅝ - wo
ㅞ - we
ㅟ - wi
ㅢ - ui
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Hope this helps in any way possible, I'm sorry if it's difficult, but I believe you can do it!
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letterboxded · 4 years
💙 🌲 i love u so much cole u deserve all fo the followers!!! congratulations
please! ilysm barbie!
url: don’t get it sorry! | amazing! | love love love! | god status  icon: don’t get it sorry! | amazing! | love love love! | god status  mobile theme: pretty! | the artistry! | cool. cool cool cool. | this is the way  theme: pretty! | the artistry! | cool. cool cool cool. | this is the way  original content: n/a | creative af | teach me your ways | legendary  posts: nice :’) | amazing, show stopping! | *chef kiss* | legendary  overall: stunning | out of this world | a true legend | im love u  compliment: barbie i dont think words will do justice for just how much i love and adore you, you are so supportive, kind, hilarious, and talented in so many ways, you introduced me to my newest favorite comfort show (community god bless) and overall your enthusiasm for everything is just so pure and i love it and you and i hope you never stop shining because you are so radiant and im so happy to see you thriving sweetheart
come join in!🎉
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