uniqueinsights · 1 year
In this video, we will be discussing proven strategies and techniques to help you achieve academic success. From time management and study skills to test preparation and goal setting, we will be sharing tips and tricks to help you reach your full potential in school. Whether you're a high school student or a college student, these tips will help you improve your grades and achieve your goals. So, if you're looking to boost your performance in school, this video is a must-watch. Don't forget to like, share and subscribe to our channel for more educational content. Thanks for watching!
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ambilmsblog · 2 years
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Notes Taking Techniques For Class / Lecture
#studygram #study #studyblr #studying #studyspo #studymotivation #studyspiration #studytips #studyroom #student #studytips #studywithme #studyroom #studycommunity #studynotes #studyhard #studentslife #studentlife #studynotes #studynotesideas #notetaking #motivation #notetaking #ambilms #studymethod #notes #explore #explorepage
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nadiamakesthings · 3 years
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Hybrid Note Taking Style
A note taking method that blends the best of paper and digital note taking that I’ve been exploring lately. So far it’s working really well for me :) Hope it helps! 
Hybrid Note Taking Method
Problems with other note taking systems
Each note taking system has its pros and cons. Here are some of the problems I found with (fully) paper and (fully) digital note taking systems.
Can't use the search function on your notes.
Can't add images and other types of digital files easily.
Difficult to keep overview between notebooks.
Can't share these as easily as digital notes.
Not as 'romantic'.
Sometimes less engaging.
Lack of physical presence can lead to you forgetting about it.
Can be more difficult to do things like sketching, making schemes, making illustrations etc.
Benefits of Hybrid
I like using hybrid methods because they bring you the best of both worlds.
Easily searchable.
Information in your notes is traceable.
Makes it easier to find and carry out actions e.g. finding extra info.
Doesn't damage books.
Allows you to embed different types of files.
What you'll need
Source material (e.g. book, academic paper)
Any kind of notebook :)
Digital note-taking app → I like Notion (it's free).
Step 1 - Read & number the material
As you go, use a pencil to lightly put numbers into the margins whenever you deem something worthy of noting down or remembering. This will help you locate the source of specific parts of your notes later.
Step 2 - Write Q&A-style notes
Write the information down in question-and-answer style. Come up with useful questions that link to the material you want to remember (e.g. Q → What is the main problem with using platform-based planning for new ventures? A → Assumptions underlying the plan are used as fact rather than best-guess estimates to be tested and questioned). Use the numbers you placed in the margin of the pages to specify the source of the information you used for each answer.
Example → Chapter 1 page 27 note 3 becomes 1.p27.3
Step 3 - Write actions as you go (Supporting notes)
Supporting notes
Write down your thoughts, anything you're curious about, things you want to look up, things you're confused about, actions you've been inspired to do, etc. For example → ?m Maybe I can apply this to my visualization assignment? / ! Look up what 'plurality of the future' is / fex Organizational transformation through design. I find this a great way to support and manage the learning process.
Action key
Keep a small action key in which you have an overview of what your action marks mean (e.g. ?m→ questions to myself, f → find, fex → find example, ?? → I don't get it, ! → general actions)
Don't be afraid to customize your actions!
What you'll get
Actionable notes
Your paper notes will contain a structured and easy to read overview of actionable items that came up during the reading. This can be questions you need answered, reminders to find specific information, etc. This will make them a lot harder to forget to do!
Easily traceable sources
With the codes you'll be able to tell easily and quickly where the information you've written in your notes came from.
Searchable & review-ready notes
Notes will be (mostly) made in question-and-answer style. This will allow you to easily review using active recall. All you need to do is cover/hide the answer and you can check how well you truly know the material.
Thanks for reading!
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growasyougo · 3 years
Hi world! Hope that you're doing well. I'll be glad to you if you can share some tips on improving writing whether it is drills or something else!!
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jules0535 · 3 years
1 Jan 2021 | 12:00 / 12am
A guide for selflearning. Cr: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_Qxkbgvy1c 
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giugyssima · 4 years
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Ciao a tutti! Quando avete il prossimo esame? Se la sessione esami vi spaventa, correte a guardare il mio nuovo video sul canale YouTube giugyssima “come prendere 30 e lode a tutti gli esami”, in cui spiego step by step il metodo di studio grazie al quale ho passato tutti gli esami di giurisprudenza con voti altissimi! Spero che il mio video vi sia utile e vi motivi a studiare per i vostri esami!🌸📚 un grandissimo in bocca al lupo da Copenaghen! #studio #metododistudio #study #studymethod #studiare #giurisprudenza #esame #exam #plan #bulletjournal #studente #studere #studerende #studywithme #studymotivation #italian #inspiration #decor #studygram #bujo #flowers #hygge #lawnotes #lawstudent #planwithme #womaninspiration #strongwomen #creative #creativelife #studyspace (at Copenhagen, Dennmark) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAkGn3Sg_C0/?igshid=ufon47yuat6e
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messygurl · 4 years
Can you explain that study method?
It’s nothing special really, I just make notes that are more about being visually attractive and colourful, I use a lot of highlighters. Basically how it works is, I used to study by walking round my room reading my notes out loud and after like two times doing so I was trying to say things by myself, not looking at the paper, trying to use what I’ve remembered. I used to do that in the evening for like an hour max and then I’m the morning for like half an hour to refresh my memory. How it works for me is basically because I’m a kinesthetic lerner, so I study by motion and touch. So for me dealing with that was going around the room, reading out loud, then saying out loud - almost as if I was presenting it to someone. It’s really a personal method and tbh it took me 3xtime doing my notes than actually studying, but then again by writing stuff down you’re also already learning them. Plus everyone always loved my notes and wanted to study from them haha.
If you have any more questions about it, I’ll gladly help you ☺️
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scientiaetlabor · 5 years
Studying/revising for my (hopefully) last exams. 
They're not exactly finals - here in Brazil, you have a certain number of evaluations during the semester, usually from 2 to 5, which can be tests, papers, seminar presentations and similar. If your final grade is lower than 7 (C or lower) by the end of all these evaluations, then you take what we call final: a test to help you improve your final grade. It's not necessarily a part of your evaluation process because you don't have to take it if your first final grade is over 7 (A or B). 
This is my last exam week of the semester, but in case I don't get any As or Bs (over 7) I will still have to take some final exams in the last week of the June.
I'm studying biochemistry and anatomy and I don't feel confident at all about it, lol
Studying methods: watching lectures online, self-explanation, active recall, rewriting notes, exercises on Khan Academy.
#prayforme? lol
The beautiful kitty in the video is Sarah, she's perfect and I would die for her.
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fuzzywuzzygizmo · 5 years
My study problems and how I solved them
I’ve always wanted to be like those university students who make beautiful notes and have neat handwriting. But I’m still a freshmen in high school and I’m not given the same martial as university students are.
Therefore, i create my own way. I first gather my study guides and reviews, highlighted the answers to the questions I got wrong and drew them out on a scrap piece a paper.
 It might sound confusing but it’s really not. It works really well for science and social studies. Math I still have to figure out. But there’s my method!
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studywmay · 5 years
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Ooi gente tudo bem? Faz muito tempo que eu não posto pois eu estava muito ocupada com a escola e estudos. Hoje vim trazer uma ótima dica de método de estudos para compensar o tempo fora. Essa técnica eu peguei durante a aula de filosofia do ano passado. Ao estudarmos teorias do conhecimento e como obter a verdade, me deparei com o método do matemático Rene Descartes, considerado o pai do racionalismo. Para ele a verdade era obtida por meio de 4 passos. 1) Deixar claro a sua dúvida e o que você procura. Nesse caso, seria separar a matéria e o assunto que você vai estudar; 2) Dividir os problemas, ou seja, dividir a matéria em blocos/tópicos; 3) Começar a estudar e entender as mais simples, indo gradativamente até as mais difíceis; 4) E por último revisar o conjunto inteiro. Ou seja, para obtermos o conhecimento profundo de tal assunto para a prova ou vestibular, devemos seguir esses passos, começando do mais simples até o mais complexo, revisando e fazendo exercícios, fixando assim o conteúdo. . Espero que vocês usem essa dica e que ajude vocês! Deixem o like se gostaram, salvem para ver depois e comentem o atual método de estudo de vocês! Até o próxima post❤️ #maaytips #studytips #dicasdeestudo #instastudies #studygram #vocesalvandovidinhas #studymethod Picture credits: http://hard-to-study-pharmacy.tumblr.com https://www.instagram.com/p/BtjtekShbSA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=udt12xfhv458
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doc-in-progress · 6 years
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16-june-2018 💢💢💢💢💢💢 Cold tea + notes + highlighter = ready to master my day! It’s gonna be a long study session and i’m totally in the mood 😉 Happy Saturday & stay focus ✌ #medblr #studyblr
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blackinstemacademia · 7 years
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Study Method #1
I think I found a study method that works pretty well for science subjects:
Take your notes and create a mindmap (try and do some from memory)
While creating the mindmap, every time you come across important info, make a flashcard
Use the flashcards to study
I think this method works very nicely because you are consistently the same information down, and as you write the facts down, you are already practically memorizing them. So, by the time you’re done with creating the flashcards, you already have the information hammered into your brain.
The day of my Bio test, I didn’t have to try and cram information in between classes, I felt pretty confident in myself. But before we took the test a couple of my friends wanted to use my flashcards and as we went through them, I easily recalled the information. I took the test without breaking a sweat and when I got my scores back, I saw that I got an A!
*It would be petty cool (and awesome) if you guys could use this method and give me some feedback*
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therealsalmonella · 3 years
mock exams were how long ago sorry what.
okay but where does time go?
this time last year i was preparing for my own mock exams... how has it been a year ???? some updates: i have completed my first very eventful semester of university, my oh my what a learning curve in every aspect of my life but i am lovin it, i’m back into studying and netball, finally got my license woop woop and have started tutoring peeps.
just a friendly psa to anyone about to sit their mock exams: it’s okay if they suck bc guess what most of my grade failed theirs and then by the time externals rolled around, we weren’t half bad. don’t freak out about cramming for them- external exams are still a very long way away! peep my wall after mocks:
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three main tips:
- revise what you find hardest. if you just revise and spend time doing questions or topics you're good at, that's cool and all but you gotta get to the crunch of it if you really want to improve your performance. plus, it's super satisfying when you have that "aha!" moment. you can and will get there, keep it up.
- it's over-said but pls- take breaks and rest. i was a smidge away from burnout for pretty much all of year twelve and i do not recommend. take time off, lounge, walk, whatever.
- don't overthink your mocks: like i was saying above, srsly i know many people who straight up failed their chemistry mocks and then ended up picking up to a very high 90+ standard by the real thing. use it as a learning tool. prepare, but don't cram. use it as a chance to figure out where you need to dedicate your time.
take care folks.
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flou-studio-blog · 5 years
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Welcome to #flōjournal • 你好,this is Flō. Are you interested in getting smarter in 2019? I share a simple tip for you to follow in this article. #studymethod #fengshui • Read the complete article in @medium/margaretlie https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxt6TuPJPFO/?igshid=e7svgwp4ch0a
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carmistudies-blog · 7 years
#Backtoschool | My study method-EN
Hi there! Today I want to talk to you about my method of study, hoping to be able to help you ... let's start! 1. Note: Take note of what is said in class is crucial to facilitate study, grasping the key concepts will help to easily integrate the textbook. 2. Schemes: I'm not much in favor of schemes, but for some subjects like philosophy and history I prefer to write key concepts and make small schemes directly on the book and near the paragraph they refer to. 3. Organization: For me, it is important to have a good organization to better manage the study: for example, by mathematics I have a binder where I keep all the different formulas and schemes, then I use two different notebooks: one for the lessons and one for the exercises . 4. Memorise: To quickly memorize I use post-it on which I write the meaning of words or concepts that I must remember well. 5. Review: For the review, I entrust the notes (I have a brief reading) and the textbook. Repeating loudly is essential for good exposure. For the general overview I use the flash cards method (if you want to talk to me better in another post), to randomly review the topics studied, so I can simulate a query and feel more quiet. This is the method of study that I use and with which I am very good, but of course for any question or information please leave a comment !!!
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24-7studies-blog · 7 years
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Meu bulletjournal no @ocadernointeligente! Amo organizar minha semana usando esse sistema! #study #studyblr #bulletjournal #stationary #concurseira #concurso #studyaesthetic #opositor #opocompis #direito #advogada #estudar #estudaratepassar #studygram #studyspace #studymethod #studyspo #studyinspo #coffee #coffeelover #militar #fututamilitar #magistratura #lawblr #lawgram #lawstudent #delegada #parquet #militar #estudogram
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