#tabletop stuff
spyglassrealms · 1 year
Fun Forgotton Realms fact: the city of Waterdeep lies on the west coast of Faerûn, right around the 47-48° lines of latitude. It's just south/southwest of a significant glacial mountain chain and has a warm current running up its coast complemented by prominent onshore winds.
Y'all know what city has the exact same position and conditions IRL?
Waterdeep is Fantasy Seattle.
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tashisha · 1 year
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A castle town map I made for my homebrew game, feel free to use it for yours.
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divinesilverdingo · 1 year
Reading through the books for a game and the setting seems “Timeline agnostic” with things like gramophones and light switches, but also borderline medieval stuff in it, and so I can’t decide if a “Tv Room” with a tv that plays static and then an Oddly Specific News Report along with a musty torn leather couch would be a room to have.
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kitsunerokko · 2 years
the time i gave my D&D character the spell “Heat Metal” because that’s the name of one of Kamen Rider Double’s forms and like every time i used it i’d in my head just repeat the “HEAT. METAL!” soundclip from the show
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gendstil · 2 years
tried out some isometric drawing today. I've been wanting to make some miniature terrain for tabletop stuff and this is something I can do at work lol
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Ever since seeing this meme...
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...I haven't been able to get the idea out of my head.
So with much ado, behold:
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My magnum opus of wargaming terrain.
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dragonsanddarlings · 1 year
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Eye of the Beholder dice bag
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uesp · 24 days
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Pictured, a diorama seen at the ESO tenth anniversary event created by Modiphius.
The central structure is a model of The Imperial City. Some of the scenes surrounding it includes Elden Root, Breton and Dunmer architecture, Dwemer and Ayleid ruins, and Coldharbour.
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glorbs-dominion · 7 months
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spyglassrealms · 2 years
Well I've done it again. The free Spelljammer demo adventure was released last week and promptly disappointed me because WotC didn't take the opportunity to make Realmspace more interesting (instead almost literally copy-and-pasting the original AD&D canon)... so I fixed it my damn self. Behold my insanity. I hope to god tumblr doesn't scromble the image quality. So tumblr scrombled the image quality, just look at it here instead.
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First up, the sun. Named it Solis to differentiate it. Twin of our IRL sun; G2V yellow-white star. Big ol self-perpetuating nuclear explosion. Probably radiates magic too. Nobody lives there, it's the SUN.
1. Phomus: small airless metallic planet; probably a failed planetary core. Tidally locked to the sun; scorching hot on one side and frigid on the other. No endemic life; but the dwarves and kobolds adore the place and squabble over it endlessly.
2. Anadia: canon planet, retooled. Basically Mercury with an atmosphere. 3:2 spin-orbit resonance, so days are longer than a year here. Only habitable place is the poles, where there's abundant water. Halfling clans have set up dozens of domed arcologies in polar craters.
3. Coliar: canon planet; retooled. Small ice giant (like Uranus) with a quirk- its gravity, density, and warmth mean that life thrives here on countless islands floating in the air. Has 3 moons: Cyrretal, a jungle world; Voturna, an ocean world; and Aureline, a tundra world.
4. Toril: canon planet, untouched. Toril (or Abeir-Toril, if you like) is an Earthlike planet with one moon, Selune, and a cluster of asteroids floating in Selune's L5 Lagrange gravitational keyhole.
5. Karpri-Chandos: canon planets, retooled. Both ocean worlds with no seabed; only an ice mantle. Life thrives here, especially merfolk and fishfolk. Karpri and Chandos are basically twins so I made them a binary pair. Pair has two small airless icy moons: Synos and Andos.
The Garden, aka the Garden Belt: canon-ish. An asteroid belt overgrown with magic space trees. At its heart is Garden proper; a cluster of asteroids held together by an enormous space tree with an internal ecology. H'Catha, a (canon) discworld made by Beholders, is also here.
6. Almeron: small brown dwarf substar. So big that it fuses deuterium at its core, Almeron radiates a moderate level of heat and so has its own habitable zone. Has two small ice giants in its leading and trailing Lagrange points: Palocyne and Oranus. Also has 7 moons, almost like a mini solar system in themselves: Tavati is a volcanic world; Sidar is a warm desert world; Phylora is a warm forest world; Wylenir is a temperate Earthlike world; Merinal is a temperate ocean world; Airelyx is a cool ocean world; and Khysethris is a tundra world.
7. Sybil: small-ish ringed gas giant. Its air isn't breathable but folks go in to mine the gas anyways. Has 4 moons: Mingabwe, Nyralwe, and Lumenwe are small airless ice moons; Glyth (canon planet) is a cold Titan-like world with its own rings that has been claimed by illithids.
8. Ziris: large ice giant. Despite the freezing cold, toxic air, and high gravity, it still attracts gas miners... and kindori hunters. Has 2 moons: Kunain, a small airless rocky moon; and Thrinain, a small airless icy moon. These serve as spelljamming ports for space whalers!
9. Dunbaran: large icy world with thin air and rings. Frigid, silent, desolate- it is a relic of the system's chaotic formation. A network of tunnels below its surface holds eons-old secrets. Has 1 moon: Nuldor, a captured comet with something buried at its core.
The Shell: the outer comet cloud of the system, full of drifting iceballs, a handful of spelljamming ports, and flotsam from the astral sea.
If I may be sanctimonious for a moment- this is all facultative of what I felt was missing from SJ. Don't you want to dance a gravitational ballet among twelve shining moons over a violet sky? Don't you want to sail through the eye of a storm the size of your whole homeworld? Don't you want to watch the sun crest a crater rim, painting sharp shadows across a landscape of ancient cosmic violence? Don't you want to witness the glittering silent splendor of a glacial cliff, two billion miles from a sun, with your breath the only company in your helmet as you ponder how many eons your footprints will last?
Where's the cosmic awe? Where's the wonder?
THAT is what I want to bring to Spelljammer. The beauty in solitude and desolation and vastness. The wonder. The kinship of we who sail the endless deep is born of knowing that, out there, we are all alone together; and in a vast and awesome universe, all we have is each other.
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stoutstoatpress · 6 months
VAST Guides are here!
By using VAST, you can learn how to add accessibility tags for screen readers to your PDFs, by using Adobe InDesign and Adobe Acrobat.
I'm super excited to release a brand new publishing community resource: VAST (or Visual Accessibility Skills Toolkit).
VAST is a collection of short articles aiming to spread awareness about what visual impairments are, and how folks in the small press industry can accommodate them.
The guides are split into four sections:
Visual Impairment 101 explores what visual impairments are, how visually impaired people navigate digital content, and introduces some current language and definitions (circa 2023).
Screen reading PDFs explores the basics of how screen readers navigate through digital content. Includes video examples!
Using InDesign introduces different tools that designers can use to make their documents more accessible.
Putting Into Practice presents case studies of common structures in roleplaying games, and how they could be given accessibility tags using tools covered in section 3. (Coming soon!)
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VAST was developed by Brian Tyrrell (me!), and disability advocate and accessibility consultant Yubi Coates. Visually impaired consultants and InDesign experts were brought in to corroborate the guides.
All of the information in the guides is up to date, and we’re committed to reviewing and updating the guides in 2024 and 2025.
This project was completed using a small pot of funding provided by Creative Scotland’s Create: Inclusion program in 2022.
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zhjake · 10 months
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finally getting around to posting the art that I did for the Lancer project Ironleaf Foundry
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arsene-inc · 7 months
I want to share this mad idea a french ttrpg designer had.
A system of rules to speedrun campaigns and scenarios.
Warning : the table MUST have played it normally before. These rules are for giving a second life to these campaign books catching dust in your library
These rules are an add-on to the system you used for the campaign. Now you can Bunny hop, glitch, clip, go out of bonds in your game. Bugs can appear. Suddenly the game is in another language, good luck to the players who don't speak it.
You can add little challenges, the same as video game speedrun. Like an all boss run, a no hit run, a non lethal run, etc.
Honestly I found the idea bonkers. I want to try it, seems like a good idea for a crazy game night.
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carlyraejepsans · 4 months
Do you think the skeleton brothers would enjoy playing chess together or is it like the junior jumble vs. crosswords where one is more partial to checkers than chess and vice versa
one game of chess following skelebros comedy rules would make a grown man insane before the third turn
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losttrailsmaps · 2 months
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Dark Iron Mountains
Hi everyone, welcome to another map pack, which features 15 total maps including Mountain Passes, Ruins, Villages, Paths and more!
You can check out the entire map pack here.
Here are some quest ideas to go along with these maps:
The local baker's prized recipe book has been stolen by mischievous mountain goats known for their taste for paper.
Villagers from a nearby settlement speak of strange lights flickering atop the highest peak of the Dark Iron Mountains, accompanied by eerie howls in the night.
A reclusive sorcerer is said to reside within a hidden enclave nestled amidst the crags of the Dark Iron Mountains
A series of disturbing dreams plague the sleep of those who venture into the Dark Iron Mountains, each dream more haunting than the last.
My Entire Map Collection.
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the-crows-codex · 9 months
Crossfade - the Unofficial Signalis TTRPG
So after way too much of my free time, Crossfade is finished and available for download. What is Crossfade? It's my own unofficial Signalis TTRPG
Want to be a communist robot space lesbian? Want to slowly lose track of who you are versus the human personality you were created from? Want to rely on your allies and struggle to not die? I hope you enjoy! Follow the link above to download!
Here's some page previews.
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