#the little elbow bump thing she does is so cute
fallowtail · 2 months
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them <3
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vivwritesfics · 1 month
Shine A Light Into The Wreckage
Chapter Four - Not-Bob
Bob Floyd was many things. He was an instructor at Top Gun, a lover of Tolkien books and a huge fan of coffee. But Bob was also clumsy. That was how he bumped into the table, knocking her drink onto her notebook. He felt bad about it. Bad enough to come back time and time again, in the hopes that she would be there. And, every time, she is. Each time looking a little worse for wear. It doesn't take Bob long to realise he has to save her.
Warnings: Abusive relationship! Abusive hair pulling! Abusive choking! Forceful sex! Domestic abuse! Seriously don't read if you're affect by stuff like this! Talks of stalking (but in a non serious manner) (Specifically this chapter has 0 warnings, it's just cute)
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"You officially dress like a grandpa."
On the two other times they had met, she had been at the café before him, almost like she was waiting for him. This time, though, Bob was there first. He had her hazelnut latte with oat milk and a black coffee in front of him. 
When she took off her bag and sat opposite him, Bob pushed the hazelnut latte towards her. "You know," she began as she settled into her seat. "I come here to write. You're making it really hard, Bobby," she said, wearing a smile. "But thank you."
Bob gave it a second. "You owe me a name," he said, one hand around his coffee shop mug.
"You're a terrible stalker." She shook her head, grin widening as she took another sip. It was perfect, her exact order. But then she gave him her name. 
Bob repeated it back to her, letting it roll off the tongue. "It's nice," he said. "Nicer than Bob."
"Shut up," she said quickly. But it wasn’t malicious in any way. "If you don't like it, why does everybody call you Bob?"
Bob brought his coffee to his lips. "It's my Callsign," he said as he took in a too big sip, burning his mouth in the process. But Bob ignored the sensation as he looked at her. 
She looked up at him, eyebrows raised. "What's a Callsign?"
"It's pretty much a nickname that's used for identification. There's probably loads of Roberts on a carrier at any one time but I'm the only Bob," he said and adjusted his glasses, a nervous habit.
She folded her arms over her chest, holding her elbows as she looked at him. "Well, I like Bob," she said, reaching for her coffee. "It's... nice." She couldn't tell him it was cute, even if that was what she meant.
Bob looked around at the café. On the two previous occasions they had met, she had been alone. Even now she was sitting with Bob. Not friends, not her boyfriend. She was alone, aside from Bob.
"What do you do for fun around here?" Bob asked as he leaned forward. 
She let out a laugh, but only a weak one. "What do I do for fun? What do you do for fun, Mr Pilot Guy?" 
"I go to The Hard Deck," Bob answered.
He stared at her as he waited for her to answer. But, for the first time since they had met, he had left her without anything to say.
Her eyes met his as she fiddled with her cream, cuffed sleeve of her sweater. "Is it... do you guys really have fun in there?" She asked him.
Bob's brows furrowed behind his glasses. "I thought you said you'd been there."
"I have!" She said quickly. "But, you know, it wasn’t all that fun," the last part she said quietly. 
That look crossed her face again, the one she wore when he had asked about the book. As much Bob wanted to reach across and touch her hand, he didn’t. "You could come with us, if you'd like. I'd make sure Hangman behaves."
"Yeah," she responded quietly. "I might take you up on that." 
She quickly changed the subject, making things light and fun once again. She asked him about Montana, she had so many questions about Montana. Bob answered all of them. He told her about his grandparents farm, about the little house at the bottom of the property. When he was eighteen he had promised his Grandma that he would fix it up, but he hadn't gotten around to it yet. But he had certainly meant to. 
She checked the time on her phone periodically, comparing it to the sky. Watching for when it got dark, Bob figured. He had hoped that, once again, he'd get to walk her home. 
But, when the sky turned orange, she stood and slung her bag over her shoulder. "I've got to go," she said with a smile. "Thanks for the coffee, Bob." 
He stood up with her, bumping the table as he did so. "Do you want me to walk you home? I'm more than happy to," he said, but she shook her head. 
"It's okay," she replied and looked at the sky as it turned orange. "It's not dark yet."
But, still, Bob wasn't quite ready to say goodbye. "It's on my way home. It really wouldn't be a-"
"I said no, Bob," she said suddenly, firmly. "Drop it." 
Bob just watched her as she walked out of the cafe, shoving her hands into her pockets as she walked down the street. As soon as he couldn't see her, he walked out of the cafe and climbed into his truck. He watched her in his rearview mirror, at least until she turned the corner. 
Bob couldn’t help but sigh as he drove off, heading in the other direction to his apartment. He hadn't meant to lie about where he lived and, while it felt harmless at the time, Bob regretted it.
When she disappeared, he let out a sigh and began driving back to his house, back to Frodo. Did she like cats, he found himself wondering. Would she like Frodo if she met him? Frodo would like her. He'd attached himself to the few women that had come into his little house. 
On the Monday, Bob volunteered for the coffee run yet again. He was already patting his wallet as he began walking out to his truck. 
But a hand on his shoulder stopped him. "I'll get it, Baby Bob," said Jake. He gave Bob no time to respond as he climbed into his own car. 
"Wait!" Bob called as he watched the car disappear. "Hangman!"
Jake wasn't getting the coffee out of the goodness of his heart. He wasn't doing it to pay Bob back for all of the times he had paid for coffee. He wasn't doing it to give Bob time to prepare for his next lesson at Top Gun. 
When Bob was gone for all of those hours on Saturday, he and Natasha had been discussing all sorts of theories. After going in circles, they narrowed in on the cute barista with the pink hair. 
Jake parked up outside of the cafe. He climbed out of the car and strode in with the confidence of a saltwater crocodile (a notoriously confident animal).
He didn't spot the cute barista with the pink hair right away. His eyes scanned behind the counter as he stepped up to it. He rang the bell, waiting for someone to serve him. 
The cute barista with the pink hair came around the corner. "Hey there," she said with a charming smile. 
Jake didn't know what Bob's type was, didn't know that his type was sitting on one of the tables behind him, writing in her newly acquired notebook. 
Jake wore his award winning, charming smile as he looked at her name tag. "Hello," he squinted at her name tag, "Mariana," he said, drumming his fingers against the counter top. "Can I get three black coffees?" 
Immediately she turned to make coffee. "Do you like a man in uniform, Mariana?" He asked.
"Sure, hun," she said and placed the first coffee in a cup holder on the counter in front of him. 
"Yeah," Jake muttered as he rocked on the balls of his feet. "Yeah, one of my fellow aviators has been coming in here a lot," he said. "You haven't seen him, have you? These geeky glasses, Callsign Bob?" 
Mariana wore a contemplative expression as she placed the other two coffees in the cup holder.
"Yeah," she finally said, nodding. "Yeah. A hazelnut oat latte and either a black coffee or a tea," she said, looking past Jake. But her eyes quickly went back to him as she rang him up. 
He pulled the money from his wallet. "So, Bob hasn't been flirting with you?" He asked with his brows furrowed. 
Mariana couldn't stop the laugh from leaving her lips. "I wish," she said to him. "Hasn't he gotten a girlfriend? He always gets his drinks and then sits on one of the back tables with a girl in a knit sweater."
Jake picked up his coffees, thanked her and walked out of the cafe. He climbed into his car and looked back towards the café. Girl in a sweater. He was looking for a girl in a knit sweater. 
Of the three people sitting in the café,  none of them were wearing a knit sweater. 
Jake let out a sigh as he drove away. 
She had noticed him the moment he had walked into the cafe. His khaki uniform was the same as what Bob was wearing when they first met, when he threw the coffee over her. She couldn't help but hope it was him, until she looked at his face. 
She was crushed with disappointment.
When Not-Bob started talking to the barista, she tried not to listen in. It wasn't her business what this navy man was talking about. He wasn't Bob, so why should she care? Even if it was Bob, she shouldn't be caring if he was flirting with Mariana. 
But then Not-Bob mentioned Bob's name, and she couldn't stop herself from listening in. The questions that Not-Bob directed at Mariana, she couldn't help but think that they should have been directed at her. 
She sipped her hazelnut oat latte, pen still against the paper as she listened. When Mariana told Not-Bob about her sweater, she grinned, holding back a laugh. Oh yeah, they were definitely talking about her. 
Not-Bob thanked Mariana and walked out of the café. She watched him sit in his car for a moment before he drove away. 
When he was gone, she closed her notebook and tucked her pen into the binder rings. Slipping her notebook back into her bag she stood up and left the cafe, making her way back to her office. 
As she sat at her desk, she stared at the phone. All she wanted was for it to ring, just for something to do. Her notebook, the one that Bob had bought for her, was in front of her, open once again, but she didn't write in it, not with how her boss was staring at her from the office. 
The phone finally rang and she directed the call to the salesman. At the sight of her finally doing her job, her boss looked away and she began writing in the notebook. 
If she had been clever, she would have gotten Bob to give her his number. God knows she would have spent all day texting him if she had his number.
But then, if she did have his number, how long until Ken found out? How long until Ken broke this phone, just like the last phone she had?
She knew she had to get Bob's phone number, but she wanted to put it off. When Ken found out about Bob, there was no telling what he would do. There was no way she would ever see Bob after, and she enjoyed his company far too much for that. 
She would go to The Hard Deck. Ken be damned, she'd go. It was all planned out in her head, what she would do and how she would do it. 
All through the work day she imagined how that night would go. Drinking with him, meeting his friends. It sounded like a perfect night, better than any night she had spent with Ken in a long time. 
But the more she thought about it, the more anxiety settled in her stomach. 
Her boss cleared her throat and she picked up the phone, one she hadn't noticed was ringing.
Taglist: @biancathecool @not-nyasa @burningwitchprincess @darksparklesficrecs @primroseluna @littlemsbumblebee @wretchedmo @imaginecrushes @calpalsbestie
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writingwithciara · 3 months
Boyfriend ~Chris Sturniolo & Matt Sturniolo~
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summary: after the 'casual' relationship ends, y/n & matt begin dating. chris is still in love with her and he doesn't know what to do with the new relationship
word count: 2k
pairing: chris sturniolo x reader, matt sturniolo x reader
notes: final part of the 'mcconnell chronicles' & like the rest of the series, this is based off of THIS song by ian mcconnell [angst with a happy ending, chris being jealous & hating matt and the reader for a little bit]
previous part
as soon as y/n and chris ended whatever they had, things went right back to normal. he was her best friend again and their newly developed friendship was like an open book.
they told each other everything.
well, chris told y/n everything. there was still a secret she was keeping from him.
a month after their casual relationship ended, y/n was chilling in chris' bedroom. she had been planning on staying the night so the pair watched a couple of movies, expecting to fall asleep at some point.
but around 3 in the morning, y/n found herself laying on her back on the bedroom floor. she had been contemplating all night whether or not to tell chris her big secret.
"what are you thinking about, sunshine?" chris asked as his head peaked over the edge of the bed. y/n rolled her eyes and propped herself up on her elbows.
it was now or never.
"you remind me of my boyfriend." y/n rubbed her eyes sleepily as chris just stared at her.
"your boyfriend?"
"yeah. you got the same eyes, same hair, same stupid goofy smile." she reached up to play with a loose curl. "he's cute too. looks a lot like you."
"does that mean you think i'm cute?"
"more or less." y/n smiled. "but oh my god. matt is such a sweetheart."
matt? she was dating matt?
"matt's your boyfriend?"
"yeah. you couldn't tell?"
"considering you never spend time with him, no i couldn't tell."
"you were the only one then." y/n fully sat up and looked at her best friend. "you're not mad, are you?"
"why would i be mad? matt is great."
"he really is." y/n crossed her legs and gave chris her full attention. "but so are you and you will definitely find a girl who feels the same way about you that you do about her. i'm sorry it wasn't me."
"no, it's okay. truly." chris smiled and made room for her on the bed. "now let's get some sleep."
y/n climbed into the bed with chris and their energy was weird. the vibe was way off and she couldn't help but feel like it was her fault.
she knew chris had feelings for her but she just couldn't return those feelings. especially not since she had those feelings for matt.
it didn't happen overnight though. their relationship was built up during her time away from chris.
it started one night when she bumped into him on the way back from the kitchen. she was on her way to chris' room with snacks and he was coming out of his room to do the sam.
"you're y/n i take it?"
"yup. that's me. it's nice to officially meet you, matt."
"you too."
matt had found her ridiculously attractive from the start and was a little jealous chris had met her first. he had been at the same party but didn't see her.
during the first break she had away from chris, y/n came over looking for some sort of explanation but matt was the only one home. she told him everything and that's how she knew chris had feelings for her.
the second break she had away from chris, was sort of the same thing. except this time, it was so she could apologize. he wasn't home so she sought comfort in matt's arms instead. their relationship only blossomed further after that.
chris closed his eyes but didn't fall asleep. he tried to get the idea of y/n and matt out of his head but it was a harder concept to understand than he wanted.
when he was sure she was asleep, he slowly slid out of bed and walked upstairs. he knocked on matt's door and waited.
"matt, please i need to talk to you."
"what is it chris? i'm trying to sleep."
"i need to talk to someone. this is serious and i don't know what to do."
"why can't you talk to y/n?"
"because it's about her." chris sighed, nearly getting angry again. "and you, actually."
"me? what about me?"
"you knew how i felt about y/n yet you still went after her. how could you do this to me, matt?"
"in my defense, she made the first move. she kissed me first and she asked me on the first date."
"how long has it been going on?"
"just over a month now." matt rubbed his eyes. "i'm sorry, okay? i know what i did was wrong but i do really care about her and that was not expected. i thought she was the hottest girl you've ever brought home but i waited for her. waited until it was right to finally do this. but she just beat me to it."
"well i hope you two are happy together." chris spoke through gritted teeth.
"it's hard to tell if you're upset or not.." matt's voice trailed off when he caught sight of the way chris' should rose and fell. "can we talk in the morning?"
"sure. why not." chris turned and headed back to his room. he turned the light on, causing y/n to move around on the bed.
"chris, can you please turn off the light?"
"i think you should go sleep in your boyfriends room." chris deadpanned.
"are you seriously kicking me out at," she paused to check her phone. "4:13 am?"
"at least you'll be with the man you truly love."
"stop acting like this, chris. please?"
"i can't help it. i lost the girl ive been obsessed with to my own brother. but why am i not surprised? he always gets everything i want. this is no different."
y/n grabbed her phone and looked at chris once more time before heading up to matt's room. when she crawled into his bed, he pulled her close. hearing her sob quietly broke his heart.
"what's wrong, my love?"
"chris kicked me out and is pissed because i chose you. i can't help who i love."
“i’m sorry, baby. i know he’s your best friend but that just means he’ll warm up to the idea eventually. until then, let’s keep it lowkey. out of the spotlight and everything.”
“okay. that works.” y/n cuddled closer. “good night, matty.”
“good night, angel.”
the next morning was a little slower than normal. y/n was showering in matt’s bathroom while the boys were getting stuff ready for the day. nick could sense the tension between his two brothers so he tried to ease the situation.
“okay you two need to use your words instead of trying to blow each other’s heads off. what even happened?”
“matt’s girlfriend is what happened.”
“you guys finally told him?”
“wait, you knew too? what the fuck? i was hopping to have somebody on my side to make it seem like i’m not crazy.”
“you’re not crazy, chris.”
“then tell me why this is hard for me to understand. my brother went after the girl of my dreams, knowing exactly how i felt about her.”
“get over it, chris.”
“no i will not get over it. you always get everything i love. when is it going to be my turn to be happy?!”
“wow i has no idea that me dating matt was going to cause so much problems with you guys.” y/n walked into the kitchen, catching the eye of all three brothers. “maybe it was a mistake.”
“no it wasn’t. don’t say that.” matt whispered as he walked up to her.
“i don’t want to cause problems between you guys. so maybe i should stop coming around for a while.”
“no. chris can get over himself. you’re not going anywhere.” nick spoke up.
chris watched the 3 of them and sighed.
“this is too hard for me to deal with right now.” chris shook his head and disappeared downstairs. nick went up to his room.
“i’m sorry, matt. please understand.”
“i don’t want you to leave, y/n.” he reached for her hand. “i need you here.”
“the longer i’m around, the more you and chris are gonna be upset with each other.” y/n looked up at her boyfriend. “i’ll be back when chris comes around to the idea. i’m sorry, matt.” y/n placed a quick kiss to his lips before walking out the door.
matt sighed and went to his room. he couldn’t understand why chris wouldn’t accept the fact that he was happy.
2 weeks later, y/n was laying in her couch scrolling through instagram when she came across a screenshot of the triplets recent video. she watched the clip and sighed.
chris has seemingly forgiven matt and was back to his usual goofy self. but matt didn’t seem to eager to participate in the video.
y/n wanted to call him and talk to him but chris hasn’t even made an effort to talk to her so she put her phone down and sighed. it was pointless.
back at the triplets house, matt was playing fortnite in the dark. he barely came out of his room during the day and chris felt terrible. he knew he should’ve been happy that his brother had found someone he could share his love with, but why did it have to be the one girl chris loved too?
“matt, can we talk?”
“if you’re going to yell at me again about y/n, just don’t. i feel bad enough already without her. i don’t need you to make me feel worse.”
“i came here to apologize. i was an asshole and i should’ve been more accepting of you guys being together. it’s just that i want to be happy too and it’s so hard finding a girl i want to love. and when i finally did, she decides to go for my brother. but that’s not surprising. you’re a far better man than i am.”
“chris you will find someone. i promise. and i’m sorry about the whole y/n thing. i really can’t help who my heart chooses.”
“i know. and i’m sorry for getting mad at you. you’re my brother and i want you to be happy. i know she makes you happy and although it’s going to be hard to get over her, i can try my best.”
“thanks, chris. maybe you should talk to y/n too. i know she probably feels like crap for hurting you.”
“can you call her or pick her up and bring her here?”
“she hasn’t answered my texts or calls in 2 weeks. i think she’s waiting for you to contact her so she knows it’s fine.”
“yeah probably.” chris pulled out his phone and dialed y/n’s number.
“y/n can you please come over? i need to apologize to you in person.”
“about that...” y/n trailed off and the boys heard her voice in the kitchen. she had knocked and nick let her in.
matt was the first out of the room. when his eyes locked with hers, he ran towards her, pulling her into a hug.
“i missed you so much.”
“i missed you too.” she held his face and smiled. her gaze went to chris’ face and when she saw him smiling, she went to him and hugged him. “i’m so sorry, chris. but i really do love matt.”
“i know. and i’ll get over it. you guys are good for each other and i should’ve seen that to begin with.”
“you have no idea how much this means to me.” she whispered and held him tighter.
“so does this mean she can finally be in a car video without there being any tension?” nick looked at everyone with a hopeful smile. they all nodded and he cheered.
y/n went back over to matt and hugged him again.
"wait, did you just say you loved me?" matt smiled widely.
"yeah. i definitely did. because i do."
"i love you too." matt kissed her softly and couldn't contain his happiness.
chris watched as the two of them interacted. he thought he’d be upset seeing them together again but it only hurt a little bit this time.
they were happy and he knew he would be too.
all i hear is that i never even had a shot never getting what i want her heart’s in the hands of the man that she gave a chance
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taglist: @worldlxvlys @carolinalikesthings @fearfam69691
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kelcemenow · 1 year
I'm Happy.
Pairing Travis Kelce x Reader
Words 530
Warnings Nothing crazy here :)
This was a cute little request from an Anon! “Request Travis x famous actress reader Where the reader gets asked by paparazzi where she’s headed to in the airport, and she responds “im on to see me husband” kinda inspired in the Beyoncé TikTok and sagger that the video becomes viral and it’s a thing between the reader and Travis cause then he is asked also where’s his going and responds going to see me wife"
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You pulled your shades over your eyes and tightened your grip on the luggage that you were carrying. You could see a mass of people crowding around the doors at Phoenix Sky Harbour and few arbitrary camera flashes shone in your eyes. Your assistant and best friend Lily followed a few steps behind you, holding onto another one of your bags.
As you approached the crowd, you noticed a mixture of fans and paparazzi all vying for your attention. You smiled sweetly, firstly making a beeline for your fans.
"Oh my God, Y/N, I'm such a huge fan!! Could I have your autograph, please?" A young, bright eyed blonde girl looked up at you with a toothy grin.
You leaned down slightly and hooked your bag onto the crook of your elbow, taking her small blue notebook in your hand and swirling the pen to leave your signature on the paper.
The girl beamed up at you and you moved onto the next fan, posing for a selfie before looking further along the line. A phone was pointing in your direction and the man behind it shouted above the noise, "Y/N, where are you going?"
You looked directly into the camera and smiled, popping your shoulders, "I...am on...to see...my husband." You turned around, flashing the large 87 emblazoned on the back of your bright red bomber jacker.
The action achieved a cheer from the crowd and you continued to dance down the airport, "I'm happy, I'm happy, to see...my husband."
Lily laughed loudly as she followed you, watching the fans going wild.
Travis stepped out of his car, pulling his jacket on and staring up at the large film studio in front of him. As he closed the car door, the sound alerted a handful of paparazzi that were loitering around the studio entrance.
He was used to bumping into paparazzi, especially recently after just winning the Superbowl. He smiled for the cameras, just as he always did, and headed towards the door.
A journalist leaned closely to him and tried to match his walking speed, "Congratulations Mr Kelce, on your Superbowl win. How does it feel to win a second time?"
Travis continued to walk through the parking lot as he spoke, "Honestly, it feels awesome. The whole team have worked hard to get it, and I'm just looking forward to some rest now and spending time with my family."
A voice from the crowd rang out, "Travis, where are you going?"
Travis looked to his feet and smiled, knowing what the photographers wanted. He turned around with a smirk on his lips, starting to shake his hips, "I...am on...to see...my wife!" The cameras flashed wildly as he energetically gyrated his way towards the door, causing the security staff to start laughing. "I'm happy, I'm happy, to see...my wife!"
As Travis opened the door, he turned back and waved to the cameras. He felt your hands on his waist behind him before you raised up onto your tip-toes and pressed a kiss into his cheek. The clicking and flashing increased and Travis turned to you, wrapping his arms around your waist.
"That'll be a GIF by this afternoon."
Get your requests in, because I'll be closing requests soon as they're starting to pile up and I don't want to get snowed under with them! I'm really enjoying writing these little short ones too, but I've got a new series in mind so stay tuned! If you want to be on my Taglist, please do let me know!
Taglist @kkrenae @keiva1000
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daintyduck99 · 6 months
"sorry, that was my first kiss." "i could tell." "...." "i'm kidding!" for some reason this gives me Willex vibes
Alex prides himself on his motor skills.
They're what make him an excellent drummer, and an awesome surfer, to borrow Reggie’s words. He rarely ever sends a stick flying or has a wipe out.
So it's a little infuriating when he wipes out on the beach, all because some smarmy, laughing asshole wasn't paying attention.
Then they shake their hair out, apologizing all the while with sincerely smiling eyes, and offer Alex a hand up, and oh, oh.
They're strong, and beautiful, and maybe not such an asshole, after all.
It's still infuriating that Alex loses control of his motor skills again. His knees buckle.
The beautiful surfer just laughs, not unkindly, and grips his hand tighter.
“Whoa, dude. I really pancaked you, huh?”
Alex swallows, grimacing internally. Apparently he's lost all ability to function.
He tries again.
“Yeah. I should…my board…”
They hum. Their fingers slide out of Alex's in a way that sends sparks down his spine, and he has to work to suppress a shiver.
Alex's board suddenly obscures his vision. He jumps, only for his lips to twitch reflexively into a smile as they huff a laugh.
“Easy, Adonis.” Their easy grin pops out from around the board. “I'm Willie.”
Alright, okay. Just say your name. Your heart's pounding but it's fine! Just. Say it.
“And I'm not a horse.”
Great! Awesome.
If God is real, maybe he'll take mercy and smite Alex now, or send a tsunami.
But Willie shrugs, seemingly undeterred.
“Well, if you were, you'd be a pretty horse.”
A laugh crawls out of Alex's throat. It's not cute, like Julie's nervous little giggle when she's flirting with someone. It's. Um.
It kind of sounds like he's choking on sand.
All he really knows is that he's doing everything wrong, but Willie must like a challenge, or maybe they have a soft spot for awkward introverts. They coax Alex's name out of him, and get him to join them in the water, where he slowly relaxes.
He's in his element again, and it's easier to laugh and smile and yell and grapple with Willie. It's almost like being with the guys.
Then they go under, and come up laughing and sputtering, grasping each other's elbows, and Willie's eyes flit to Alex's lips, and it's not like being with the guys at all.
Not with how warm he feels, or the way his heart flutters, or when a shaky breath spills from his lips as Willie slowly leans in.
Alex lets his eyes fall shut, breathing out shakily again as their noses bump. His hands are locked on Willie's elbows.
They laugh quietly, with the same warmth that was just shining in their eyes, and anchor Alex with a gentle hand on his jaw.
Their lips touch softly, almost…tenderly.
Alex sighs, melting into the warmth seeping between them in every point of contact, and Willie deepens the kiss.
It should freak him out, but he's floating.
Distantly, he just tries to copy what Willie does. Eventually, they have to stop for air.
Willie laughs breathlessly. “Damn, Adonis.”
“Sorry,” Alex mumbles, ducking his head as the freakout hits. “That was my first kiss.”
“I could tell.”
Alex's head snaps up. He scowls, stung.
It's one thing to hear it inside his head. His brain is a rude, anxious bitch. But this…
Maybe his first impression wasn't so off.
“Alex? Alex!”
A frantic hand is flying in front of his face.
“I was kidding!” Willie exclaims, and something loosens in Alex's chest as he searches Willie's eyes. Guilt and panic swirl there in equal measure. “I'm sorry.”
Alex huffs a laugh. “Okay, yeah. I can tell.”
Willie cocks his head. He mirrors Alex's smile.
“That phrase is gonna haunt me, huh?”
And it does, for the rest of their lives.
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xxsycamore · 1 year
—𝘖𝘯𝘦 𝘔𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘊𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘮𝘢𝘴 𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘠𝘰𝘶
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Deep down, Comte is a greedy man.
If Christmas time reminds him of his beloved, it's only natural of a greedy man to start indulging in it early.
▍comte x mc ▍rating: G ▍tags: fluff; humor; christmas decorations; kissing ▍wordcount:  1,250
▍a/n:  Another fluffy fic! I don't know how many of you happen to have played his route around the holidays, but for me there will always be something about Christmas and Comte... and, I thought this would be a cute little thing between them if it happened in canon. Either way, I hope you enjoy!
Written for mine and @voltage-vixen’s ‘Tis The Season For Love challenge!
PROMPT: Starting with preparations way too early
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Entering through the front door, MC nearly drops the shopping bags she's holding to the floor. What is today's date again?? Did she run through any time-warping doors on her way to the marketplace? Upon exiting this morning, she clearly remembers the chilly early November air hitting her face-first, and the fact that she remarked it being early November. Now, she's not so sure. The mansion appears thoroughly, utterly, excessively decorated for Christmas.
"We just took down the Halloween decorations…what is this?"
She mutters to herself, getting a better grip on her many shopping bags, bracing herself to bring them to their final destination in the kitchen already. She desperately needs to ask a certain butler what's all of this about, assuming that when something is happening in the mansion, Sebastian would be the first to know.
Released from the weight she's been carrying, MC doesn't get to also be released from the heavy question mark lingering over her head, as the kitchen is empty. Ignoring her pending tasks for the time being, for the sake of sating her curiosity, she goes on a little investigation, tying her housework apron while walking.
She bumps into a very confused looking Jean, glad that at least she's not the only one feeling like this. Asking him if he knows any details, however, leaves her even more puzzled. He leaves shortly, and MC snaps from the trance only when she spots a familiar black suit through the opened door of a room up ahead. She speeds up her walking, having had enough of being left in the dark.
"Sebastian what is going on with the-"
She walks on the sight of a very worried Sebastian holding the ladder as Comte appears to be putting up garlands. Now, this is something you don't see everyday, and even for MC and her new bizarre life, this is certainly something she didn't expect seeing.
"Ah, ma cherie, you're home early." Comte's face lights up in a near grin that is only barely hidden by years and years of mastering a perfectly modest smile. He gets down the ladder shockingly fast, much to Sebastian's concern. A greeting hug is offered to MC, and while it's not a gesture too intimate that she'd blush from it (moreso when only Sebastian is present and Sebastian has seen everything already), she puts an early end to it, looking in Comte's eyes for answers. It seems like he sees nothing he needs to explain himself for, so she tries with words.
"What is happening here?"
"My, what does it look like? We're preparing for Christmas. I'm putting up some decorations, but don't fret. I know how much you love doing that, I made certain to leave the major spots for you, especially the tree."
"But," she starts, not much less confused than before. Comte seems to have gotten the wrong idea about what part of all of this needs to be addressed. "But, why now? It's definitely too early for this! I just ran into Jean, poor Jean, did you know that he thought he simply slept through and skipped a whole month? He never keeps track of time, imagine how confused he was…"
"Ma cherie."
Comte grips her by the shoulders to gain her attention, and gently moves her hand until it's linked with his elbow. Then he leads the way to the garden, not without ensuring that MC has put her coat on, of course.
The familiar walk towards the gazebo is not as calming as MC remembers, but soon the racing thoughts in her mind are cleared out for an even bigger question mark taking their place. Everything around the gazebo and the gazebo itself is covered in fluffy white snow.
"I swear it hasn't snowed today, I was just out in town fifteen minutes ago!"
Comte lets out a mysterious little chuckle, honey-colored eyes following her reactions. He's not so heartless as to keep toying with her this way, so he moves to stand before her, bringing up her hands in his own to grasp lightly.
"Comte," MC interrupts, just one important question before everything else. She appears pale as a sheet and very, very worried about this one. He hums, still smiling, waiting for her to go on.
"Is this. Asbestos."
"Oh no, it's baking soda."
MC releases what feels like the biggest sigh of relief in her entire life. Ignorance is bliss, and coming from the 21st century with knowledge about all the slow killers (an understatement) in the daily life of a normal person in this time era is… a headache, to say the least. At least her lover comes with a sizable brain and with remarkable levels of knowledge from his many visits from the future.
"Ma cherie."
"Ah, yes?" Color returning to her face, she takes note of the way Comte rubs gentle circles in the skin of her cool hands.
"You were wondering why I'm doing all of this so early." He looks down briefly for a moment, looking at their intertwined hands. "But the answer is very simple, it's almost laughable. You're free to call me a fool because of it, my dear."
Frozen and caught in a suddenly embarrassing and romantic scene, MC waits for him to go on. Even though the answer starts forming in her mind, she doesn't want to guess on her own.
"When we got together, it was Christmas. With the weather turning cold, it was as if it only became warmer and warmer in my heart. I'm a greedy man, ma cherie."
Breath hitching in her throat, MC wants to say something, but can only stare at her Abel and his little guilty smile. It all makes sense now. But he says the rest of it, just in case. Because he loves laying himself bare in front of her and her alone.
He leans in, his voice a whisper, close to her already reddening ear. Would he notice, he'd be fast to take her inside, even if he knows better than to assume that the cold is at fault here.
"And greedy as I am, I couldn’t wait for Christmas, so that I could get to relive those precious memories we share. Seeing you run around merrily, kissing your hair that smells of those special cookies you made for all of us last year… Ah, I told you it's laughable. You seem to have reduced me to a little kid that cannot wait for the holidays to come."
The laugher that Comte expects doesn't come, because MC can't produce any sound when she's pressed to his chest. It's a little surprising how tightly she hugs him, but he welcomes it gladly, returning the hug. If he is the one to break it first, it would be only in order to kiss her. And that's exactly what he does, having long accepted that around his darling he's never going to be as in control of himself as he normally is.
"I'm looking forward to the second best Christmas ever, Abel."
Second best? Now that sounds like a challenge, through as much as he thrives to impress her, Comte is not so sure how he's going to compete against the miracle of love that took place last year. He feels that same youthful excitement rushing through him, and he kisses MC again as if to make her feel it, too.
One thing is certain; it would be a Christmas to remember. Their second Christmas together.
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Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @animeworldsposts @randomanimatedhusbandoseeker @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @pro-cat-stination @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou @themysticalbeing @canaria-blackwell @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia2 @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 @ikemenlover24 @violettduchess @mcofthemansion @tiny-wooden-robot @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-prince-writers-posts @atelieredux @cilokgoang let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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anamelesssimp · 2 months
Crying on a Saturday night!
A Darby Allin fanfic
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Part 2!
She was shocked at how intrigued she was by him. He had such a different vibe to him, not just the clothes he was wearing, but his aura itself. The way he casually leaned against the cool brick wall of the venue, but made it look it was some sort of album cover. He was so confident and cool it almost intimidated her. It took a while of awkward silence before Tara cleared her throat and spoke up. 
“ So, I am starving and I’m sure you guys are too after all that in the ring soooo who wants to get something to eat. We can let them actually speak to each other instead of just staring at each other.” She gave a teasing look to Jenna as Cassidy let out a deep bellowing laugh. 
“ I don’t think it was that funny Cass, but food does sound fucking great right now. Jenna, you want to join us?” Darby asked in a surprisingly gentle tone, a stark contrast to his outward appearance. 
“ I mean it’s kinda late, and  I have to work in the morning…” 
“ No mam! You haven’t eaten all day, besides us trying to not so discreetly force you to get to know Darby, you need to eat before you head home. I know you well enough to know if you don’t you will go home and not have anything until tomorrow. So with that being said, where to?” 
“ WAFFLE HOUSE!” Darby and Cassidy both shouted in unison
“ Well I guess that settles that pile in children to the Waffle house we go” Tara waved the keys at Jenna tauntingly with a smirk as she gently pushed her towards the parking lot. In doing so she bumped her into Darbys back causing them both to stumble. Thankfully Darby was quick to get his balance back and helped steady her before she could completely eat dirt. They had an awkward moment of nods and pats of thanks and Jenna was quick to pull away. 
“ Lets goooo lovebirds, if I don’t get some hash browns soon , things are going to get very uncool around here.” Cassidy yelled from the trunk of the car as he put his suitcase in , only half joking. 
“ Guess we better get going before he blows his carrot top.’’ Adding in a devilish grin he motioned Jenna ahead of him. Partly in case she needed to be caught again, but also, as respectful as he was, she did have a very nice back end that he couldn’t help but want another glance or two at. 
The Waffle House was packed when the group got there so they all squished into the booth in the back corner farthest away from the door so they didn’t get a cold blast everytime the door opened and shut. Tara and Cassidy cuddled in close and kept whispering and giggling to each other. With each little nothing they scooched closer in leaving basically the imagination in between them. Darby and Jenna sat awkwardly beside each other scooched as far apart from each other as the little booth would allow. It wasn’t that she didn’t think he was cute, it was just uncomfortable to be shoved into this position. She fiddled with the menu and tried to hide that she was sweating so bad it was hard to keep hold of it. 
“ So Jenna, are you from around here originally?” He started trying to make small talk as he twisted a straw wrapper around his fingers. 
‘“ Actually I’m from Arizona, but moved here for school and never turned back. I met Tara and we helped each other stay a float after graduating, and here we are. What about you?” 
“ Yea I’m born and raised right here in Seattle.” 
“ Well that’s cool it’s really pretty here, it took a while to get used to the weather, but once I got over that adjustment period I fell in love.”  Before Darby could say anything else Cassidy decided this was the perfect time to pop in and knock out the progress the two had made in trying to break the awkwardness. 
“ We aren’t about to talk about the weather, are you two serious right now?” Cassidy rolled his eyes and took a sip of his coffee. Tara elbowed him in the stomach causing him to gag on the hot beverage and burn his tongue. He shot her a confused look and she glared at him and shook her head. 
“  You know I think I left my wallet at the venue. It's only like 4 miles from here Tara can we run back and get that before they lock up for the night?” Cassidy smirked 
“ Oh yea let’s go, you guys stay here! We will be right back, just order us some waffles with a side of hashbrowns and bacon, we’ll be back for you know it!” Tara winked as they slid out of the booth before a word of protest could be spoken and dashed towards the door. Darby turned toward Jenna and looked sympathetically. 
“ So… what do you want to talk about”
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apaise · 10 months
❛ here, you can have my scarf. ❜ jo @ chrissy
back in the day chrissy thought there was no better way to end a gig than going out for drinks with the band ( or a cute girl ). but these days she’s finding she likes her new schedule just fine too: driving jo to the youth center to pick up will, and then dropping them off at home. she’ll be sad when jo’s car finally gets fixed and this ends. it’s taken a lot of willpower for chrissy not to ask her dad’s team to just casually extend the repair time . . .
today they end up reaching the center a little too early, the kids still out on a science field trip. right. chrissy remembers will had been excited to see the planetarium, telling her how he named one of his dnd characters after a constellation. chrissy rambles about that as they wait and she tries to forget the cold, feet rocking in the snow. unfortunately she had only dressed for a gig at the bar, not anticipating they’d have to wait for will outside. but with the other parents waiting patiently for the bus with no complaints, chrissy’s not about to cave and run back to her cozy, heated car. 
she’s about to make a joke about one of the rowdy customers at the bar when jo suddenly unwraps the scarf from her neck, placing it on chrissy’s shoulders instead. immediately she feels the warmth radiating from the wool, protecting her neck from those chilly winds. 
❝ oh -- hey, hey, i’m not cold! ❞ she quickly lies, hoping her lips aren’t as blue as they feel. she doesn’t want jo to have to give up her scarf. ❝ you don’t have to do that, jo -- ❞ chrissy starts to gesture, forgetting that her hands are firmly tucked into her vest pockets to keep from the cold. her elbows end up flapping like a chicken instead, hardly making for a convincing argument. ❝ uh -- ❞ chrissy stops, then gives a short laugh of embarrassment. ❝ . . .  thanks, jo, ❞ she finally relents, smile going soft. it’s these little things jo does so naturally that reminds chrissy of what a great person she is, this kind of care and consideration already a habit. jo’s learned to carry a lot. but that just makes chrissy want to be that person for jo all the more, letting her be the person who’s taken care of for once. 
. . .  she did a terrible job here, but she’s not going to stop trying.
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❝ hey, why don’t we all head for hot chocolate after this? my treat, ❞ chrissy smiles, bumping her shoulder with jo's. ❝ i know where they make the best hot chocolate in the city. ❞ actually chrissy only knows of one place, but it’s still pretty good. ( honestly, she just wants to spend more time with jo and will. ) @feveredblurs
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v-hope · 4 years
With You
Pairing: Jeon Jeongguk x Reader
Genre: Fluff, smut, College!AU, established relationship
Word Count: 5.2k
Summary: Although trying to fight it, Jeongguk can’t help but become insecure about your relationship after your ex best friend starts filling his head with lies about you and Taehyung, his best friend who you just so happened to be out with that day. Good thing is, you’re right there with him to reassure him you want him and only him.
—Alternatively, the one in which during a heated make out session you find out your boyfriend is a virgin, and decide to help him get himself off.
Warnings: Heavy making out, light body touching (?), dry humping, confident Guk and shy/awkward Guk keep switching places, handjob, blowjob. And yup, Guk’s (still) a virgin.
A/N: Helloo, this from part 28 of my Social Media AU ‘Tiger Flower’, but I guess you can still read it if you haven’t read the full story lol. So this was supposed to be a 2k drabble like the ones I always write but I got a bit carried away 🤡 I hope you enjoy! 💕 ALSO, someone asked me to bold the beginning and ending of the smut part(s), so if you don’t wanna read the smut just look for the bolded words and skip what’s in between lol.
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Running his hands through his face as the elevator’s doors opened, Jeongguk started walking through the hallway to his place, head lowered as he absently looked in his pocket for the keys to the apartment.
The conversation he had with Sooyeon was still going through his mind over and over. Although he had managed to sound confident enough through the texts they had exchanged and he had put her in her place —along with blocking her ass just like he had wanted to ever since the first time she brought you up into the conversation—, he could not deny her words did hit home.
Taehyung was definition of your type. Outgoing, talkative, funny, handsome. The life of the party, in other words. Something he was not, and something he would never be, considering he did not show up to parties at all if it wasn’t because he was either forced to by his friends or because you would be there.
Taehyung could most definitely show you a good time, whereas he, on the other hand…
No, fuck that. You were dating him. He was your boyfriend. He, Jeon Jeongguk. That was all he could find comfort in.
Then again, you were not with him right then. You were somewhere else with Taehyung. As friends, but still. And then again, just like he had a high school crush on you and found himself falling all over again three years into college, so had you with Taehyung right before dating him. Would it really be that hard for you to fall for him a third time when the two of you were still so close?
He shook his head, as if trying to shake his thoughts away. Don’t let Sooyeon get to you, Y/N’s with you for a reason. Don’t let Sooyeon get t—
Before his head could keep on torturing him, your voice brought him back out of his small trance, fixing his wide doe eyes on you for two seconds before he took in his surroundings, only then realising he had already reached his apartment’s door.
Staring back at you, his eyes lit up.
“Hey,” he said softly. “What… What are you doing here?”
You shifted nervously in your place. “You sounded kinda off through texts, so I just wanted to check up on you”.
He nodded quietly, fighting the huge smile that was threatening with forming on his lips.
Because you were there. With him.
“You didn’t, um…” his eyes travelled to the door for a second before they were back on you. “Joon-ie hyung didn’t open the door for you?”
A small laugh escaped your lips at the way his eyebrows had furrowed, ready to fight his roommate for leaving you waiting out there for God knows how long. “I didn’t call on the door” you explained, causing his eyebrows to knit further together in utter confusion. “I didn’t know if you wanted me here at all, so I thought I’d just wait outside in case you wanted to be alone and asked me to g—”
Your words were cut off by a sweet kiss being pressed to your lips. Although taken aback the first second, you smiled when he cupped your face to press his mouth deeper against yours.
“What was that for?” you smiled once he pulled away, eyes still closed as you felt his nose gently bumping yours.
“I’m just happy you’re here” he breathed contently.
“That’s good to hear” you sheepishly admitted, resting your hands on his chest. “I honestly thought you would ask me to leave”.
He shook his head no, pecking your lips before he pulled you into his arms. “Don’t be silly, you know I always want to be with you”.
You took in a shaky breath, feeling all the tension you had been building up until then leave your body for good, and then wrapping your arms tightly around him as well. “Yeah, but you sounde—”
“Shh,” he hushed you, pressing a brief kiss to your neck. “I want you here”.
You let out another laugh, not only because of how happy his words made you, but because of the way he later grabbed your face once again to start peppering kisses all over it.
“Yah, Jeon Jeongguk!” you called him out in between giggles. “We’re in the middle of the hallway”.
He laughed, pecking your lips one last time before he pulled away. You just didn’t know how much it meant to him having you there with him right then when he needed you the most.
Without another word, he took his keys out of his pocket, like he had intended to minutes ago, and finally opened the door.
Stopping in his tracks, he turned around to look at you with a raised brow. “You’re coming in, right?”
You shrugged nonchalantly. “I mean, since you ask so nicely…”
Rolling his eyes at your overdramatic ways, he grabbed your hand, pulling you inside his place with him, not giving you time to even take a look around as he dragged you into his room.
“I don’t even get to say hi to Joon?” you teased as you closed the door behind you and he went to lie down on his bed.
“You can go say hi if you want” he replied simply, resting his weight on his elbows so he could properly look at you.
“Nah,” you shrugged, watching his nose scrunch up as his lips parted into a big smile when you started walking towards him. “I came to see you after all”.
“That you did” he contently affirmed, that being all he needed to let go of his intrusive thoughts.
Letting his back fall on the bed once again, he stretched his arm out on the mattress for you to go over there. Without another word, you crawled in bed with him, resting your head on his arm just like he wanted you to, scooting closer to him when his hand rested on your shoulder, and then resting yours on his chest.
“So how was work?” you tried to initiate small talk, tenderly running your fingers in circular motions from his chest to his abdomen.
The sigh that had escaped his mouth let you know not so well.
Work itself had been alright . What happened afterwards when he was heading home and Sooyeon texted him? Yeah, that had been shitty as hell.
“I blocked Sooyeon” he let you know.
Your head snapped up. “Hadn’t you already done that?”
“From Instagram, yeah” he nodded. “I blocked her phone number now. It can be a little awkward tomorrow when I see her but it’s the last day of filming, so I couldn’t care less”.
Although wanting to laugh —because, let’s be honest, that new piece of information could only bring you joy—, you ended up pouting in confusion.
“Something happened?”
“The usual,” he took in a deep breath. “She was talking shit”.
You nodded understandingly. Although wanting to know the details, you understood he didn’t really want to talk about it, for otherwise he would’ve told you by then. So, you said nothing, settling for pressing a lingering kiss to his shoulder instead.
“Is that why you were upset?” you wondered.
Jeongguk stayed quiet, both in awe at how you could tell he wasn’t feeling his best just by a couple of texts, and once again upset at the conversation he had held with Sooyeon earlier that evening.
“Kinda” he tried to shrug it off.
You puckered your lips, stopping your soothing motions on his torso and resting your palm on it instead so you could support your body up as you looked for his chocolate eyes.
“Was it because I went out with Tae?”
The way his body had tensed was all the answer you needed. However, he surprised you by shaking his head no.
“It wasn’t… I mean,” he sighed, pushing his hair back with his hand. “You guys are friends, it’s okay”.
You stared at him intently. Maybe he claimed it didn’t bother him, but his eyes right then, which remained fixed on the ceiling instead of your concerned ones, told you otherwise.
Placing your hand on his arm and giving it a light squeeze, you leaned in to briefly press your lips to his cheek. “I’m sorry,” your sincere words managed to catch his attention. “I should’ve asked if you were okay with it”.
He shook his head no immediately, sitting up and resting his back on the headboard. “You don’t need to ask for my permission to meet up with people, petal”.
“I know, but,” you shrugged, sitting up as well by his side and focusing your eyes somewhere other than his. “Everything is still kind of recent, I should’ve been more considerate of your feelings. I’m just so used to hanging out with mostly guys that I forget I have a boyfriend now and you—”
You caught on the way he had —teasingly— raised up a questioning eyebrow, making you mentally go over the words you had just said and panic once you realised how wrongly you had worded them.
“Wait, no!” you tried to correct yourself immediately, as he could no longer hold his serious semblance and started laughing. “I don’t forget I have a boyfriend, I meant that I forget you might not be very fond of—yah!” you called him out when his laugh did no longer allow your words to be heard.
“I know what you meant, petal” he reassured you, grabbing your hand and gently running his thumb on the back of it. “You look so cute when you panic”.
“Aish, you’re so annoying” you crossed your arms over your chest.
Chuckling at your cute annoyance, he took advantage of your folded arms to pull you towards him by them, having you instinctively straddle his lap after his lips collided with yours.
“You’re really okay with it then?” you asked one last time, cupping his face as he opened his eyes; watching the way they smiled right before he nodded.
He trusted you. Both you and Taehyung. He really did.
He knew the two of you were just friends. After all, he had told Taehyung it was okay for him to hang out with you from time to time back when they had The Talk. And he was truly okay with it. It was just that he couldn’t help being insecure sometimes, and Sooyeon’s words had only managed to increase that feeling.
He needed some reassurance from you, that was all.
“Just…” he licked his lips as he tried to find the right words. “You want to be with me… right?”
You answered his question with a slow, lingering kiss. One that left him aching for more, lips slightly puckered when yours left their touch. “I’m with you for a reason, bun” you cooed. “I mean, I am your girlfriend after all, am I not?”
He smiled blissfully, still feeling a wave of heat run up his body whenever that word was mentioned in reference to you, as he was not quite used to it yet. “Don’t go forgetting I’m your boyfriend then”.
Just as a light laugh escaped your mouth at his mocking remark, he entangled his fingers in the hair at the back of your head to pull you back into his lips, resting one of his hands on your lower back as you wrapped your arms around his neck the way he loved it, slightly opening your mouth to give him easier access to it.
And maybe it was the loose fabric of the oversized hoodie of his you had kept and were wearing that day, that made it so easy for his hands reach for your naked body underneath, or maybe it was just the way he had been craving you for so long, what made him dig his hands inside of it without a second thought — fingertips hesitantly tracing your skin and thumbs drawing circles on your waist for a couple of seconds before they trailed all the way up to the hem of your bra, where they stopped in their tracks and travelled to your back instead, as he didn’t want to overstep any more boundaries than he already thought he had.
Earning a small protesting whine from him when your mouth let go of his, you surprised him by digging your own hands under your hoodie and grabbing his wrists, causing a shaky break to abandon his mouth when you placed his hands on your breasts, just like that, giving him the last little push he needed to do what he was dying to.
“You can touch me all you want” you managed to say a little out of breath, not having time to feel shy at your own words under his piercing stare before his mouth was once more smashing on yours.
Enjoying the spoken consent you had just given him, he wasted no time in cupping your breasts, smiling in between your kisses at the way they felt so perfect in his hands — imagining how much softer they would feel without the lacy fabric in the way.
Letting go of one of them, he placed his hand on your bare back to pull you closer against his chest, giving the one still in his hold a firm squeeze that had you moaning against his lips.
And right then, he felt something he had not quite felt before. It was the way he felt his blood boil and the way he wanted more. He wanted to hear more of that melodic sound. He wanted more of you.
Only, the next second, it was you the one making a raspy moan come out of his mouth, when you grinded against his lap, providing him the friction he didn’t know he needed so bad.
Removing one of his hands from underneath your hoodie, he cupped one of your cheeks to keep you steady as he sucked your bottom lip into his mouth, tongue tracing its outline so you would open up. Doing as he wanted, you felt his tongue pleasantly massage yours, deciding right then you also wanted to feel his bare skin against your fingertips, not letting any other second go by before your hands were already making their way inside his black sweatshirt, feeling goosebumps form on his skin as your faint touch inevitably tickled his abdomen.
Letting go of his mouth, you planted a kiss to his jaw before making your way down to his neck, getting a gasp out of his mouth when you started sucking at the sensitive skin.
With the intention of keeping you still on his lap as your hungry lips worked on his neck, he placed both of his hands on your hips — momentarily forgetting about his own strength and ending up pulling you down roughly enough for you to unintentionally rub once more against his already hardening member.
“Fuck” he rasped, feeling you smile agains his neck before you rolled your hips one more time just to get another moan out of him.
Not letting go of your hips, if anything grabbing them tighter, he turned both of you around so he could be in control now. With your head hitting the soft pillow, and still taken aback by his sudden actions, you allowed his needy lips to attack yours once more for a while before they peppered small kisses all their way down to your neck.
“Jeongguk” you moaned when he thrusted his hips against your center.
He smiled, loving the tone his name had just came out with from your pretty lips. Wanting more of it, he did it again, going back to your mouth right in time to muffle the moan that had just escaped your mouth, as you could not be anything other than grateful at the fact he had decided to wear a pair of dark joggers that particular day, allowing you to feel his stiff member with little to no restraints.
With one hand holding onto your hip and his other one making its way back inside your hoodie and up to your breasts, he cupped one of them — his thumb giving attention to your nipple by making circular motions over the thin fabric of your bra and having you bite your bottom lip to hold back a moan.
Losing yourself into his pleasant touch, you rested your hands over his back, wrapping your legs tight around his waist, pulling his hips once more into your center. A satisfied smile curved up your lips at the way he had to let go of your mouth and buried his face in the crook of your neck to muffle the quite loud moan that had just escaped his lips — thrusting into you one more time just as you rolled your hips up to meet him there.
Breathing heavily at the ongoing friction, you let your hands travel down to the waistband of his joggers so you could pull them down and feel him up.
And although for just a second, you felt his lips abandon the spot they had been teasing on your neck — an almost inaudible gasp escaping his mouth as his body tensed up.
That was all you needed to stop.
“What happened?” you worried.
“Nothing” he was quick to try and brush it off, going back to pepper wet kisses to your neck.
“No, Guk” you lightly pushed him off you, cupping his face in your hands so he had no choice but to look at you. “If you don’t want t—”
“I want to” he stated before you could even finish your sentence.
Fuck, he wanted to.
Jeongguk sighed in defeat, managing to break free from your hold and letting his forehead fall to your shoulder. “It’s embarrassing…”
Your eyebrows furrowed, not understanding where he was trying to go with this at all. “You can trust me”.
He took in a deep breath. He knew he could trust you. He knew you would never make fun of him for such a thing. However, to him, his lack of experience, especially since you did have some of it, could only be something he felt insecure about.
“Bun…” you tried to reassure him, wrapping your arms around him and planting kiss after kiss to the side of his head.
“I’ve never…” his voice came out muffled as he spoke against your shoulder, making it harder for you to hear.
“I’ve never had...” he spoke louder this time. “You know…”
He found delusional how hard it was for him to admit it. He had never really minded, to be honest. Whenever his friends teased him because of it he would just brush it off. It wasn’t that he was not interested in having sex, he was a young man with many needs after all. And it wasn’t that he didn’t feel ready either —or well, that until that evening, because it was fair to say he was freaking out now that it was you the one he was about to be with—. It was just that no one had ever caught his attention the way you had. There was never someone he felt the need to have this kind of intimacy with, until you.
That’s why, unlike with his friends, he did mind when it came to you. It was hard for him to admit it to you because, although he knew you’d understand, you could always be disappointed at his lack of experience, and it was precisely not being good enough for you what worried him the most, what had made him hesitate before.
“You’ve never… had sex?” you softly finished for him.
He nodded shamefully, and for a good couple of seconds you couldn’t believe him. Yes, he had told you once he had never been on a date, but dates are different than sex. For starters, you didn’t need to really talk during sex, which was what you knew troubled him the most about dates and just meeting people in general. Besides, with a guy as handsome as Jeongguk, you had been positive he must’ve been with someone at least once.
However, opposite to the disappointed reaction he thought you would have, he found himself relaxing under your touch when you pressed a kiss to his head.
“Gotta say I can’t believe and am kinda disappointed that no one ever tried to jump your bones before” your bold words had him laughing in a second, pinching one of your sides to call you out on them. “Seriously, bun. I mean, look at you!”
“Shut up” he mumbled, feeling his cheeks burn in embarrassment.
You chuckled, gently shoving his face with your shoulder to let him know you wanted him to look at you, making him feel at ease just by seeing the smile on your lips once he did as told. “It’s okay”.
“It is?” his voice came out uncertain.
You nodded, cupping his face. “Of course it is. I’ll wait for as long as you want me to”.
“But I want to” he pointed out embarrassingly fast, earning a light laugh from you.
“Then I’ll just wait until the moment’s right and you feel like going through with it without hesitating” you kissed his pink lips briefly — as if on cue, your heads snapping to the next room after hearing Namjoon drop something and cursing at it. “And until we’re alone and won’t risk being heard by our roommates, maybe”.
Jeongguk laughed at your last addition, leaning in to peck your lips three times. “I like the sound of that” he smiled, only for it to be erased when his eyes instinctively went down to the problem he had just been left with inside his pants. “I should probably, um…”
Your eyes followed his as they glanced down to his still hardened length. You had been too caught up on kissing him before to pay attention to it. But now, watching the outline of his erection poking through his sweatpants, you found yourself wanting more of him all over again.
“I can help you with that if you want” you couldn’t stop the words from coming out of your mouth, having his attentive eyes lock with yours in a second. “We don’t need to have sex for that”.
Jeongguk licked his lips, deep in thought over something he already knew the answer to. “Don’t feel like you have to...”
“I want to” you stated.
Simple as that, he found himself nodding — your determined eyes being the last push he needed to let go of the shyness he had suddenly been filled with and just give in to what he wanted, to what he needed.
With a smile curving up your lips, you gently stole a kiss from his mouth, sweetly pecking it a couple of times before you finally sucked on his bottom lip — a muffled moan coming out of his mouth when you gave it a teasing bite right as your hand palmed him over his pants.
“You have to be quiet” you reminded him with a light laugh. And for a second there you were kinda glad it wasn’t you the one on the receiving side, for you weren’t sure you’d be able to keep it down either at all.
Not being able to say anything in reply, he just nodded — a pretty eager nod that seemed more like one to move on from the topic already than one of agreement. Nevertheless, you had no intentions of stopping, (un)luckily for him.
Pressing another kiss to his swollen lips, you fidgeted with the waistband of his joggers just like you had intended to before. This time, he didn’t tense up, and you took that as your green light before you dug your hand in them.
“M—Fuck” he mewled when you took a hold of his cock, burying his face in the crook of your neck as you guided it out of his clothes.
Letting go of it for a second, you helped him on his back so you could sit up into a more comfortable position before wrapping your hand around it again, and right then you could’ve sworn you would never get tired of the pretty sounds that escaped his lips every time you touched him.
Gently, as you were just then discovering what it was he enjoyed the most, you started giving him a few pumps, trying to find the right pace for him and his needs.
“Baby, fuck” he breathed out, leaning his head deeper againt the pillow as he looked for some kind of support.
And it was the way he faintly thrusted his hips up into your hand, what let you know he was craving more. Not having to think twice, you sped up the pace of the way your hand moved up and down his length, tightening your hold on it just a little bit more.
“Mm… Just like that,” he let you know softly, as if suddenly remembering about the whole being-quiet-thing. “Just like that”.
“Feels good?” you wondered, enjoying the view of his furrowed eyebrows and closed eyes as he gave in to your touch.
“So good” he agreed.
Licking your lips, you stared down at his hard cock in your hand, giving it one last pump before your thumb slowly spread his precum over its tip.
“You alright with just my hand?” you asked and he was nodding before you could finish the question, which made you wonder if he had even heard it at all or was immersed enough in his own pleasure to agree to anything. “Or would you enjoy my mouth being wrapped around you better?”
His eyes opened as soon as the word ‘mouth’ was on the table, studying your face for a couple of seconds to make sure you were not playing with him in his vulnerable state. At the sight of your lustful eyes on him, however, he knew you were indeed very serious. And he’d be damned if he ever turned down such an offer.
“I want your mouth” although determined, his voice came out shakily.
Nevertheless, you were willing to comply with his wishes.
Jeongguk was on the edge of losing it when he saw you smile and make your hair out of the way right before you leaned down, removing your thumb from the tip of his cock so you could replace it with your tongue instead — a hiss escaping his mouth when you licked the traces of the precum you had just spreaded over it.
Giving him two small pumps, you allowed yourself to take him in your mouth; far from being able to take his entire length, yet enough for his body to tremble out of utter pleasure.
“Y/N…” he whimpered, fingers entangling in your hair as he desperately tried to control the overwhelming pleasure your wet mouth and tight lips wrapped around his cock were giving him.
Not once had he ever felt this good before, both your hand and mouth taking him places his hand alone could’ve never taken him to. And he was afraid he would come in your mouth anytime by then.
Pulling it out of your mouth, you threw him a small glance before you carried on — your tongue tracing all the way from the base to the tip, hearing him moan when you took him in your mouth a second time.
“Fuck, baby, you—ah,” he moaned when you swirled your tongue over his tip. “You feel so good”.
Enjoying way too much being the reason behind how good he was feeling, you decided to do him a favour and push him closer to his release for once and for all.
Slightly tightening your hold on him, you started once again moving your hand up and down his length, switching between the ministrations both your hand and mouth were applying on it, and knowing you were driving him over the edge when his hold on your hair tightened and his body trembled ever so slightly.
“Y/N…” he panted. “F-Fuck, I’m—”
His words were cut off by the heavy breath he had to take when you gave him one last particular pump, trying his best to hold on. Noticing that, you gave one of his thighs a squeeze to let him know it was okay for him to let go. And he was so desperate to reach his high right then, that your small gesture alone was all he needed to do so.
Closing his eyes, he found himself having to cover his mouth with his arm not to be too loud when his orgasm hit, feeling his warm release spreading into your mouth. Moving his hand up to cover his eyes as he came down from his high, letting himself get lost in the aftershocks of it, he missed the way you tasted his release in your mouth.
Cleaning the small stains of it left on the tip of his member, you adjusted it back inside his pants and went to lie down next to him, smiling adoringly at the way his chest moved up and down as he tried to catch his breath and tenderly removing his arm from his face, having his eyes find yours in a second.
“Was that okay?” you asked, softly removing a few strands of hair that had gotten stuck to his slightly sweaty forehead.
Jeongguk smiled incredulously, gently running his fingers through your hair to try and fix the mess he had made on it. “You even have to ask?”
And somehow that was all you needed to hear for the heat to reach your face, suddenly feeling shy at what you had just done.
Catching up on that, he pulled you into his arms, pressing a couple of kisses to your cheek before moving them to your mouth, where they remained for a little longer.
“You’re amazing” he said truthfully — the way he had said it, letting you know he did not just mean it when it came to sucking him off.
You smiled wholeheartedly. “Yah, don’t” your eyes focused somewhere else, feeling your face burn.
Jeongguk smiled sweetly, managing to draw your attention back to him by ever so tenderly caressing your cheek. Fuck, he loved you. And right then, with your eyes looking at him in a way he thought they had never when you were just friends, although unspoken, delusional even, he really felt like maybe you felt the same, too.
Tilting your face up just enough, he connected his lips with yours for what felt like the hundredth time that evening. “I’ll be good to you, too”.
You chuckled, loving the idea of it and kissing him briefly to let him know you did. You knew he would.
“When we’re alone, though. I won’t have Joon hear from me what he probably just heard from you”.
Jeongguk laughed, deciding to say nothing and instead pull you tightly into his chest and rest his chin on your head. And although he knew he might never hear the end of it from his friends, for once, he did not care what the rest had to either think or say.
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mywritingonlyfans · 3 years
Fluffly fic with Thomas (A bit smut at the end)
this short fic is about: you having a crush on Thomas and he matches. 
warnings: it’s a bit smut. fingering + female oral. fem!reader x thomas raggi
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 Thomas kept his jaw set as he talked to his friends, in a way that you find quiet charming. He was the serious type, but in the best of ways. Anyone who didn't know him would think he was bored or indifferent to the conversation going on around him, something that in a short time you became aware that it was just him being himself.
 You love how his body seemed tense and at the same time so out of place.  His hair was cascading down his shoulders as his hands shook the beer bottle mysteriously. God certainly had his favourites, Thomas was a living proof of that.
“He fancies you too, you should have noticed that by now,” Victoria whispered, getting your attention back to her.
You were in the kitchen of his house with her.
Your back was against the wall, allowing you a perfect view of Thomas on the other room. He had decided to throw a party and as you were new to the group it was obvious that you’d be there with them.
“I don’t know,” you frowned, “I don’t think he does.”
 Thomas could have anyone he wanted, anyone in the room, no matter what room he was in.
 He indeed used to be touchy when it comes to you. You remember moments when he'd walk close to you, bumping his shoulder with yours, just for the hell of it or when he’d place his arm around your waist to introduce you to some of his friends, making you part of his chitchat. Over time, you realized this was his way of being friendly. Thomas was like that with everyone, you were no exception.
“Well, that’s not what Dami told me. He said he asked several times if you‘d come tonight and all of that,”
“Yeah?” Your voice was low, secretly afraid she might be poking fun at you. It wasn’t her type to do that, but when it comes to Thomas your head doesn’t work coherently.
 Your attention wandered from her, back to Thomas across the room. Just for you to notice that his eyes were already on you this time, he smirked, and then waved at you. 
Needless to say you became a self-consciousness clutter under his eyes.
You were about to answer him, even if it was with a small nod, but Victoria was quicker and while one of her shoulders nudged you; she signaled asking him to join you.
“That’s so cute, you’re literally weak at the knees,” Victoria took a sip of her beer, holding a sly smile on her face. “You two will be a lovely couple.” She concluded as nervousness took over your soul. 
You pressed your hands on your skirt, in a failed attempt to get rid of the sweating.
 Victoria was right, you were a bit shaken and you knew that your abrupt change in breathing next to your already hot cheeks could give you away. You had no idea why you were like that, things would be the same as before; he doesn't know how you feel about him.
You sighed heavily, giving Victoria a menacing look as you sat on the metal space of the sink. In your head, leaving Thomas's field of vision as he came to you would give you enough time to proceed what had just been said.
"Ayup girl!" He said happily, holding a toothy smile for you. "How're my favorite girls doin' tonight?" His arm went over to your shoulder and you hugged his waist sideways, in an almost involuntary act. You heard Victoria laugh, and then it hits you how strange it was that it became something normal in such a short time. Maybe it was meant to be, you wondered. 
"Ok, excuse me kids," Victoria blinked at you. "I'll be retiring, but don't have so much fun without me."
"Is that even possible?" Thomas asked, playing along with Vic's drunk words.
She was no longer in the kitchen and his hands were still on you, besides now he had turned so he was facing you. He placed a soft kiss on your cheek, getting so close that you couldn't even focus on your breathing anymore.
 He offered you his beer, which was half full and you drank it. Your mind wondered if he did this with other girls as well or if it was something exclusive that he only did with you, you wanted to be the only one.
"You seem a bit tense," His fingers enlaced a lock of your hair, putting it behind your ear. 
 His cheeks were slightly red from the heat, and so were his lips - probably from the pressure of the beer bottle against them -, his button-down shirt was more unbuttoned than usual, making it look like his necklaces was begging for your attention. It was clear that God was in a good mood and Thomas was his chosen one tonight. "Rumours has it -- that I make you nervous,"
There was no need to say it out loud. Dami had told Victoria, and it was logical that Victoria had also told Dami, then Dami told Thomas about you; in the same way Victoria told you about him. Thomas knew it was reciprocal.
“Rumours?” You mumbled. His face getting closer and closer to yours as his hands held the sides of your head; messing your hair a little. His face lit up in a naughty smile. “Is that what Dami said Victoria told him?”
“No matter who said it -- what matters is that I do it to you, right? Don’t I make you nervous?” He insisted as if he didn't know the answer. 
 At that moment the two of you were already a tangle. Your hand resting on his chest while your knees parted, giving more room to his weight.
You nodded. His eyes scanned your face for a moment and that was enough for your bodies to stick together, you could finally feel his lips on yours. He took his time caressing your nose with the tip of his one, running his fingers over your check. You were sure he could feel your body shiver under his touch as you melted in his tongue.
“Hey, Thomas,” you heard someone calling him. 
 The person was certainly drunk, which made you wonder whether Thomas was, too. He didn't taste like alcohol, but that could be the cigarette taste that has become prevalent for you.
 Could you be his drunk mistake? Would you be a one time thing? 
He broke the kiss, biting and pulling at your lower lip. You held a groan while he turned to the caller.
 You thought he would forget you there, but his hands went down to your hips and stayed there until his little conversation was over - his attention was still on you, fully on you. He squeezed your sides while you rested your head on his shoulder, watching him speak; specifically watching him because if someone asked you what they were talking about you wouldn’t know the answer to that.
“Do ya wanna go somewhere quieter?” He asked as soon as you were 'alone'. His lips now all over your neck and shoulder.
You wanted to, but the voices in your head screamed to be answered. Whould you really just be a one time thing for Thomas?
“We don't have to go, I don't mind spending my time here with you, bunny.”
You tilted your head to the side, holding his jaw in your hands to look at his face. “Actually, that whouldn’t be a bad thing.”
After your words, it was a matter of seconds before Thomas guided you through the house to his room. His silly smile remained on as he did his best to ignore everyone in his path.
You had never been in his room before but it was just as you imagined, there were some vinyls scattered on the floor along with some of his garments pieces, his guitar was on the bed, almost falling to the groud. His room was just as messy as him.
“If I knew I’d welcome you here, I’d have fix it a bit,” he murmured, placing the guitar in the corner of the room. He tries to arrange the blankets in the best way he could, and then sat on the end of the bed, gestuting for you to join him as well.
“I don't care much about the bed,” You whispered, realizing that it was really happening. You were with Thomas, in his room. You had just exchanged saliva with him a few minutes ago.
“So,” he sighed. “Are you sure about that?”
“About what?” You smirked. It was obvious that you knew what he was talking about.
“About what?” He repeated, throwing his body weight on the bed quite dramatically. “I don’t know, cute girl at a party, calling me to a quieter place,”
“Wait,” you leaned over him, awkwardly getting on top of him. “I didn’t ask you that,”
“Like you need to ask me to know that the answer would be yes.” His hand stopped over the hem of your skirt, making it possible to feel his fingertips on your thigh.
You came closer to him, feeling your breath blend with his warm one. You would be lying if you said you had never fantasized about that moment before. Taking a deep breath, you tickled his cheek with your nose as he pulled all your body into his. 
 It wouldn't hurt to let that happen and only worry about the other things on your head the next day, right?
 “Yeah, I’m sure about that,” You pressed your lips together. 
 His hands squeezed your waist, turning your body over so your back was now on the mattress.
“Arms up,” he said in between a sigh. 
You raised your arms, letting him remove your shirt. He had a comforting look on his features that soothed you.
He stood on the bed before stepping out of it. You laughed through your tension.
“What you’re doing?” You asked, leaning on your elbows. 
 He knelt on the floor at the end of the bed. You felt your body tense even more, your head full of thoughts per minutes. You did not remember the last time you had shaved, let alone if there were any marks on there too.
“I’m gonna take care of ya, bunny, “ He breathed and you could have sworn to feel him in you already. “Just relax,” his mouth trailed wet kisses down your things. He pulled your skirt up to your waist; in movements that seemed so perfect that could only have been calculated. Maybe he was a bit nervous, not as nervous as you, but a cool type of nervous. 
You nodded, looking at the ceiling, feeling as he pulled your knees towards him. You opened your thighs slowly and soon felt his lips on your clit through the cotton. He reached for your hand, intertwining your fingers in his. And God, he felt like heavens. 
“Don’t just nod at me. I want to hear you, lil’ bunny,” He rubbed the already wet fabric with his index finger.
You weren't sure what he was referring to, but seeing his face resting on the inside of your thigh, with his messy hair and eyes stuck on you; you know you would be able to do anything he wanted you to do.
“Yeah,” you agreed.
He put the cotton piece aside, diving himself in your nectar and slipping his fingers inside you. You closed your eyes, letting your head fall back at the feeling. He hummed in a smiled that sent you vibrations every once in a while, he clearly knew what he was doing. Soon, he shoved his tongue down your core, licking and sucking, gathering all your juice in his mouth. 
“So sweet,” he moaned at your taste, starting to lap his tongue at your clit. Joints deep down your pussy, going faster on you, making your legs quiver around his head as you turned into a whining mess.
“Thommie,” you grunted, tugging hard at his soft curls. “Oh, please.” you gasped through your dry throat.
 The combination of his tongue and fingers working on you made the butterflies in your stomach go wild and in between spasms and wriggling toes, you allowed yourself to surrender under his touch.
 Your vision blurred and your breathing ability seemed to have left your soul, but he kept with the wet kisses until you calmed down.
Your body was weak; that good weakness where you wished to stay quiet in the same comfy bliss forever.
“Are you good?” His voice made you open your eyes again. His chin was glistening and shirt folded up to the elbows. Such a sight for sore eyes.
“I’m fine, I’m pretty fine,” he laughed, helping you adjust your skirt.
“You’re pretty,” he said at your previous words, lying down and putting you on top of him.
Both of your faces were close - just as it had been all night. You could get used to it. Looking in his eyes, you wanted to ask if he would still think you were beautiful in the morning, when all the enthusiasm that parties bring to people were over; but you decided to go against it when you remembered that you had promised yourself to enjoy the moment.
“Whatcha thinkin’?” His asked, clasping his arms around. You felt nicely snugged.
“You,” it wasn't completely a lie.
His smile got bigger, and it was possible to analyze his cute crooked teeth. His eyes glued to you, sweet and happy, that you wished you could decipher him through it.
“Good, -- I like it like that,” He added.
It would be a matter of days for you to learn that his look was one of fondness and that you would live under it for months, seasons and even years.
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devildomimagines · 3 years
I live to make these bois into whores 😎
Can I get head cannons of the boys meeting MC’s family; the catch is, MC is attractive as hell and so is their family? Literally everyone is hot. Their Dad is a whole dilf, their Mom is a milf, their older brother and sister are both sexy as hell, and MC’s just casually introducing them to the demon boys who could barely handle being around them.
They have a storm coming hehe 🤭
Sorry for the long wait but what else is new on my blog ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The older brothers are under the cut because this ended up longer than I first planned. I hope you enjoy~
It might take some bribing to get him to promise to be awake for the whole day but he gave in because it was important to you that he meet your family.
As you two approached the house, your mom was out in the front yard gardening.
When she turned around and caught the sight of you two she beamed a bright smile and waved.
You giggled as you waved back and looked at Belphie to see if he was waving too.
He was waving like a robot.
You have to elbow him to make him focus again.
He blushed as he admitted, “Your mom is really pretty.”
“I know,” you looked proud of the fact.
Your mom had called to the rest of the family and soon they were all outside to greet you.
You started greeting and hugging everyone.
Your dad clapped Belphie on the back and you caught his blush as he watched your dad head back towards you.
He mouthed the words, “Him too?” and you nodded.
Your brother and sister wasted no time in teasing you about bringing someone home.
Your brother tousled Belphie’s hair and your sister draped herself off you as she assessed Belphie.
“He’s cute,” she finally decided, “Be careful or I’ll steal him away,” then stuck her tongue out at you as she went inside.
You responded with your own tongue out at her retreating form.
Belphie fixed his hair and straightened his clothes, “You didn’t say your whole family was so handsome?”
“I thought it would be obvious, where do you think I got it?” You teased as you grabbed his hand and pulled him inside.
You had thought maybe he wouldn’t fall victim to your family’s charm. You were wrong.
When the two of you entered the house, your mom greeted you two with a hug.
Beel blushed at the contact but recovered quickly. That is until your dad came up and patted him on the chest, “What a solid guy you caught, MC.” 
You rolled your eyes but you caught Beel’s eye sparkle at the compliment.
Your sister introduced herself to Beel and he shook her hand before she pounced on him. He caught her in surprise.
“Ok, that’s enough, get off him!” You pulled your sister away with a huff.
She made a face at you before retreating.
Your brother was sizing Beel up from across the room.
“Are you gonna say hello bro?” You asked.
“How much can you bench?” Your brother stood up.
Beel wasn’t prepared for the question, “Uh…”
“Probably a lot by the look of it,” Your brother supplied.
Beel looked at you for help. Leave it to your brother to make a demon uncomfortable. “Can you cool it and get out of his face? Dinner’s almost ready.”
“Hm,” then a wicked smile flashed on your brother’s face, “Arm wrestle for the loser’s dessert?”
Oh no.
Beel’s smile reflected your brother’s, “You’re on.”
You pulled on Beel’s sweater as he was rolling up the sleeve. “Wait, go easy on him please, actually maybe let him win? With your strength you could break his arm.”
“But MC, the dessert,” Beel looked determined.
“I’ll give you mine,” he looked like he was debating it but the enticing offer of two desserts was winning out. “And… I’ll do that thing you like.”
That was clearly the winner. Beel sat down across from your brother and gave you a quick thumbs up before putting up a compelling fight if you didn’t already know he was going to throw it.
Dinner went off without a hitch. Beel complimented the hell out of your parent’s cooking and they complimented his appetite. As he ate your dessert, he whispered to you, “Don’t forget about your promise.”
The thing Beel likes is when you two go to the gym together, don’t get it twisted!
“Oh?” Asmo smiled, “This is gonna be fun!”
He immediately starts towards your mom, “Hello! You must be MC’s sister?”
She laughs at the compliment, “No honey, I’m their mother.”
Asmo lays on the charisma in his shock, “No way! I could have sworn,” he looks back at you and you roll your eyes, what did you expect?
Asmo offers his arm and your mom takes it with a smile. The pair of them walk towards the house chatting about something that you couldn’t hear.
He was a tricky demon but you laughed it off as you walked after them.
You bumped into Asmo as you entered and you caught his surprised face. He then smiled to himself as he found a spot on the sofa, he clearly felt at home.
Loud enough for everyone to hear, even those in the kitchen he commented, “MC, you didn’t tell me your family was so attractive.”
Your brother and sister snickered at your embarrassment as you sat next to Asmo.
“Because,” you lowered your voice just for him, “I knew you’d act like this.”
“Like what?”
“Can we just have a normal dinner?” You asked, taking his hand.
“Of course MC,” he squeezed your hand, “but I really don’t know what you’re talking about.”
It figures. Asmo just gets like this when he’s surrounded by others that he both appreciates their features but finds them to be competition. If he can get them to like him, then he’s ‘won.’
He effectively keeps your family enchanted the whole night, he really does shine in social situations.
Interesting is the word of the night.
You had shown him pictures of your family as he was ‘studying’ for the night. He wanted to make sure he didn’t call someone by the wrong name, pronoun, or bring up a story you had told him in confidence.
The pictures did not do your family justice. They were gorgeous.
He immediately fell into his gentleman image. Satan took your mom’s hand and kissed the back of it.
She giggled but you shook your head, “That’s a bit much,” you commented.
“I don’t think so?” Satan tilted his head towards you.
“What about me?” Your dad snickered as he extended his hand.
“Dad~” You whined but Satan didn't skip a beat by taking his hand and kissing the back of it.
You dad chuckled heartily as he wrapped an arm around Satan, “Son, I like your style.”
Satan was starstruck and easily led further into the house by your dad.
You groaned, you clearly had not prepared Satan for how bewitching your parents could be.
Your sister and brother sandwiched you in the middle as they laughed. “Another one falls victim huh?”
The running joke being that the two of them had plenty of partners defeated by the magnetism your parents had. The partners often choosing the charming company of your parents and not the child they were dating when they visited.
You sighed and hung your head, you figured it’d play out like this but it was disheartening. That is until your thoughts were interrupted by a throat clearing.
You looked up and smiled at seeing Satan’s emerald eyes on you, silently asking if everything was ok.
You nodded and wiggled out from between your siblings to stand next to him as you formally introduced them.
You gave Satan’s waist a squeeze, happy he found his way back to you.
He smiled back at you softly, that is until your mom called out for him. He then blushed deeply as you let him get back to the kitchen. 
“Good luck!” You called after him with a giggle. Your parents were incorrigible.
It took a lot for Levi to agree to meeting your family.
He was a nervous wreck, already sweating and you hadn’t even opened the front door.
“Hey,” you took his face in your hands, “You’re going to be ok, they’re going to love you and I’ll be with you for every second.”
Levi exhaled and relaxed into your hands. He nodded and finally smiled.
Then the door opened and he was tense again.
You shift your hands from his face to holding one of his hands.
“Oh I’m sorry!” Your mom said, “Was I interrupting?”
“No,” you confirmed before she could make a big deal.
“Well, welcome!” She threw her arms around Levi. 
He squeezed your hand but said, “Thanks for having me.”
“Of course,” Your mom took his other hand and pulled him inside, “If you’re important to MC then you’re important to us!”
The three of you entered the living room and everyone got up to offer their greetings to you and Levi.
He never let your hand go.
When you got through everyone, Levi was a blushing mess.
He held you back as everyone made their way to the dining room. “I can’t do this, MC!” He whisper-yelled at you, “You didn’t say they were all so hot?! I can barely stand just you, but...” Levi looked at the dining room, “it’s like you times five now!”
You had to giggle and he gave you a pout. “Levi, we just got here. Dinner will be a breeze. Dad will probably tell stories of when me and my siblings were little, something about him in college and my mom will ask you-”
“She’s going to talk to me??”
“Well yes but she’ll only ask about your interests and hobbies. She loves anime BTW. It’ll be a sitch for you! I’m not worried at all.” You gave him a smile and you could see the gears turning.
He could talk about anime, that is manageable… “But won’t the others think I’m lame?”
“Nonsense! If you haven’t realized we’re a pretty accepting family, what other family would agree to send their child to hell for a year?”
Levi nodded, this is true. He took a brave breath and pulled you to the dining room.
He’s overconfident in his ability to woo your family, which means he’s nervous.
It’s cute that he wants them to like him but it’s not as serious as he’s making it out to be.
You knew they would love him, they love everyone.
“Oy, this is it?” He shielded his eyes from the sun as he looked up at your house.
“Yep,” you took his hand and led him around to the side door.
“Wait, shouldn’t we use the front door?”
“We’re not guests, I lived here.”
“But I’m…”
The two of you entered the kitchen and your mom looked over her shoulder as she was pulling a large pot out of the oven, “You’re here!”
Mammon straightened up and took a step forward, “Let me help you with that, it looks heavy.” He grabbed the towel hanging from the oven handle and effortlessly carried the dish to the pot holder on the table.
“What a gentleman,” your mom snickered as she hugged you hello.
Mammon blushed and looked away but hugged your mom when she made her way towards him as hello.
“Who’s that holding my wife?” Your dad boomed.
Mammon backed off immediately as he came eye to eye with your father, “S-sir.”
With a smile your dad embraced Mammon, “I’m kidding, we’re all huggers here, better get used to it!”
Mammon blushed again in your dad’s grasp and you laughed. He shot you a look before smiling at your dad letting him go.
You shuffled up next to Mamms as he sighed, “Tired already? I know they can be a lot.”
“W-what are you talking about? I’m fine!”
“Good! Because my siblings are even worse!” As if on cue, the pair entered the room sizing up Mammon.
Your brother smiled, “I like him. He looks like he can get in some trouble.” If only he knew, but Mammon relaxed with the assessment.
“He’s pretty attractive,” Your sister said but her tone was skeptical.
“He models part time,” you offered, proud that you were making her somewhat jealous.
“Too bad he couldn’t cut it full time,” she dismissed. She moved in close to Mammon as if she was going to whisper in his ear but said loud enough for you, “If you ever want the better sibling, call me.”
His eyebrows shot up, Mammon was not expecting that.
You pushed your sister out of his space, “Go suck an egg!”
Your sister retreated with a vicious smile.
When you looked at Mammon, he was frozen in his shock. “God, she got you with just that?” You groaned, “This is gonna be a long night.”
“N-no!” Mammon was recovering, “I wouldn’t call her! You know that, right?”
“I know,” you sighed, “She’s just like that. I swear her and Asmo would have a day trying to one-up each other.”
“This is gonna be a long dinner huh?” Mammon was finally realizing it for himself.
You took his hand, “Yeah, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be!” He squeezed your hand and smiled, “The Great Mammon can handle anything!”
“Hm?” He would hum as you two walked up to your childhood home. “Who’s that?” 
Your dad was outside mowing the lawn. He turned the mower to start a line towards you two but stopped when he recognized you.
“That’s my dad!” You ran over to hug him.
Lucifer watched as he wiped the sweat from his brow with a cloth in his pocket before catching you in an embrace.
Lucifer steeled himself and made his way over to join the conversation.
“You must be the man of the hour! Wonderful to meet you finally, after all MC has said about you!” Your dad had extended an arm to shake hands, “I’d usually hug you but I’m a sweaty mess. Come on inside, everyone is waiting!” He led you two to the front door and announced your arrival as he excused himself for a shower before dinner.
The rest of the family entered, your mom, brother and sister, each dazzling in Lucifer’s eyes.
He was used to beautiful people; angels have their allure, demons their temptations but humans had always seemed somewhat average until he met you and now your family.
Lucifer subconsciously fixed his shirt and then ran a hand through his hair. Then he caught your gaze.
“You look fine,” you whispered as you sidled up next to him.
“I see where you get your captivating looks from, I believe the celestial lineage is from your paternal side,” Lucifer gave your returned father a long glance. “He cleans up well.”
“You’re not too bad yourself, Mr. Morningstar,” you teased as you took his hand and led him to the table.
“This will be an interesting dinner,” he murmured as he took a seat next to you and then gulped as your dad took a seat next to him with a brilliant smile. 
Is Lucifer nervous? Not that he would ever admit it, but who gave this human the right to be so handsome? With a hand on his chest, Lucifer clears his throat to regain composure.
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dovechim · 4 years
lonely hearts club (m)
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➾ 11k
➾ summary: jeon jeongguk has annoying little brother energy™. you know this deep in your bones. wedding after wedding, you keep running into him at the goddamn singles’ table, and he just won’t leave you alone. until you start to wonder... is he your ticket out of the lonely hearts club? 
tdlr: enemies to lovers
➾ warnings: hate sex, public sex (in a photobooth lmao), impregnation role play, oral (f receiving), jk has intensely annoying energy, it gets unbearably cheesy towards the end
➾ a/n: wow, addie is back???? finally??? gosh, even I can’t believe it. please enjoy, and thank you for waiting :)
The first few times, it was lovely. Watching your friends find their partners and get married in holy matrimony, their faces filled with bliss as they walk down the aisle together towards their happily ever after. You tell yourself that you are truly happy for them, and you are. But you can’t deny that deep seated feeling of envy buried within you, and the sense of dread every time you receive a new wedding invitation.
Why’d all of your friends have to be so good at getting their shit together?
Which then begs the question, what are you actually doing here?
Other than celebrating your friend’s wedding, obviously. You crane your neck to look around the large, luxurious ballroom for any sign of Kim Seokjin and his husband, and you think you spot them at one of the tables up front.
You scan the attendees at your table surreptitiously. It goes without saying that anyone can see that this is the singles’ table, it’s obvious enough by the way no one talks to each other and how the host has made the painstaking arrangement to alternate the genders. You have no idea where this tradition of a singles’ table came from, and why you’re relegated to it at every single wedding you attend.
You sniff in indignation as you take a sip at the flat soda in your glass. For all they know, you could have a secret celebrity boyfriend hidden away somewhere. The both of you have decided to keep your relationship under wraps so as not to risk the wrath of the public, so that’s why you can’t bring him to events like this. There. Let that be your saving grace.
It’s embarrassing to be at the singles’ table at a wedding, even more embarrassing when you realise that the faces at the table come and go, all except for yours. In fact, you spot a few familiar faces integrated into other tables, drinking and laughing happily with their significant others by their sides, while you remain a permanent resident of the singles’ table.
This is your fifth wedding in as many months; and at this rate it seems like you’ll never graduate from the singles’ table.
A sudden movement interrupts your moment of drowning in self-pity, and you glance to the side only to realise that the empty seat beside you has been filled. All night long the empty seat had been mocking you, reminding you of what could have been a lovely night in with a few bottles of soju and some chicken, but now it presents you with a new contender to the singles’ table.
And God damn, you can feel the women at the table perk up at his presence, some of them shooting you envious looks because you happen to be seated next to him. The girl on his other side seems to be swooning already, but you staunchly refuse to react. Refuse to even look at his side profile.
Two singles matching up at the singles’ table is practically every host’s wet dream. So much so that you refuse to let it happen. No matter how good looking he is, you won’t let yourself stoop so low.
Are you bitter? Yes.
But are you willing to admit it? Most definitely not.
“No way- Jeon Jeongguk?” The gentleman on your other side stands with his arms spread in what can only be the bro code. “What are you doing here? God damn- I never thought the day would come when I meet Jeon Jeongguk at the singles’ table!”
Wait, why does that name sound so familiar? You can hear the smirk in the newcomer’s voice as he stands as well, and the two men embrace each other in a manner that involves a lot of back slapping and chest bumping.
It’s only then that you unwillingly catch a glance of his face, and immediately an unwanted thought occupies the front of your mind persistently. He is most definitely, without a doubt, the most eligible single man at your table right now.
Jeon Jeongguk looks like the kind of man who is aware that eyes are on him at any given moment and milks every single second of it to show off. His broad shoulders are the first thing that catch your attention, he fills out the jacket of his dark blue suit just right, and yet the tapering of his torso into an impossibly slim waist has you questioning if he’s even real. You stop yourself from going any lower.
His face is a whole other matter, a cocky smirk pasted onto his face, charming doe eyes that lock right onto yours as he sits back down.
“Well, for my first foray into the singles’ club, I can’t say I’m disappointed,” he lowers his voice so that only you can hear it.
Scandalized at how he’s already prepositioning you within minutes of meeting, you make the mistake of turning to face him, witnessing how he adjusts his suit jacket as he makes himself comfortable in his seat, spreading his muscled thighs under the banquet table.
“For someone who’s sole hobby is the gym, I’m surprised your vocabulary range is better than a five-year old’s,” you shoot back at him, immediately annoyed by his very existence itself.
“So you admit you think my body is nice?” He raises an eyebrow and leans into your personal space, causing you to cross your legs and angle your body away from him in response. “You aren’t wrong there, but I could give you a much better idea of what’s under these clothes.”
Your hand tightens around your glass, getting ready to swing your entire body and drench his stupid good looking face with flat, lukewarm soda, but a loud burst of laughter ruins what could have been a perfect moment of humiliation.
“Ah, _______! Jeongguk! I see you two have met!” Kim Seokjin, approaches with Kim Namjoon on his arm, and the two of them look like they are glowing with happiness. “It’s about time, I can’t believe you guys are finally here!”
Finally? What is he on about?
You stand and Seokjin gives you a warm hug, a kiss on the cheek and you immediately feel slightly better, and more than slightly guilty at almost having caused a scene at one of your closest friend’s wedding. Namjoon greets you with a bright smile as well, holding out his arms and embracing you tightly.
Having always been the more sensitive of the couple, Namjoon holds you at arm’s length for a moment. “You alright there?” Namjoon’s gaze wanders over to the table behind you, and it’s like an epiphany strikes him. “God, I’m sorry! I wanted to put you at the table with my parents, seeing as you’re already like a daughter to them, but Jin wanted you to have another chance at…”
“Love,” you grimace as you complete his sentence for him. “I’m used to it by now.”
Namjoon looks like he’s about to say something else, but then Seokjin gets your attention, his arm slung around Jeon Jeongguk’s neck.
“______, as I was saying, I can’t believe you guys only met now. Jeon Jeongguk, meet _____. The sole reason why I managed to graduate from university on time. And ______, meet Jeon Jeongguk, the reason why I almost couldn’t graduate on time.”
Jeongguk snickers and elbows his hyung in the ribs, and you stare in shock at their camaraderie. Seokjin takes in your frozen expression and gestures wildly to get his point across.
“Hello? Remember Jeon Jeongguk?” Seokjin waves his hand in front of your face. “He basically lived in our dorm for a year without even attending our school because he wanted to see what university was like. You always complained about him leaving his cereal bowls in the sink!”
No fucking way. That snot faced brat became… this?
“How you doing, _____?” Jeongguk has the audacity to wink at you. “I see you’ve grown up a little.”
You eye him up and down in shock. From what you remember, Jeon Jeongguk was a scrawny little kid who shadowed Seokjin everywhere, to classes and even to the washroom. He was just a wide-eyed high schooler who worshipped both Seokjin and Namjoon back then, and cowered at your very presence.
“I see you haven’t,” you reply coolly, inwardly praising yourself for thinking of a comeback that quickly. You will not let this stupid brat intimidate you with his looks. Just because he grew up a little and got some muscles doesn’t mean he isn’t the same person who begged to carry your books to class for you.
You remember how he basically lived as a parasite in your dorm that year, irritating the hell out of you with his messy living habits, puppy dog eyes and basically taking turns to follow you everywhere you go. Now the memories are coming back, and so are the teasing laughter from your friends who thought he was your cute little younger brother and doted on him every chance they got, not aware that he’s actually the devil incarnate.
“You guys are getting along right?” Seokjin grins from ear to ear, likely already more than tipsy. “My two bestest friends, and my husband, all in the same place. This calls for a toast!”
“We’re getting along amazingly, aren’t we, ______?” Jeongguk says with a sickening grin as he passes you a champagne flute. “In fact, she was just complimenting me on my workout routine, and I was about to tell her that I’d be more than glad to incorporate her into my home workout too-“
“Toast to the happy couple!” You immediately cut him off, feeling your cheeks burn at his insinuation, raising your glass and avoiding Jeongguk’s gaze. “Congratulations Mr Kims!”
The happy couple moves off, and in your wealth of experience, you know that the night is coming to an end, and so is the event that you dread. You start to gather your things just as everyone starts to rise from their seats to gather in the middle of the ballroom, where a space has been cleared out. Instead of making your way with the crowd, however, you go the opposite direction, ready to make the practiced and unnoticed slip away out into the night.
But this time, a hand on your wrist stops you. It’s Jeon Jeongguk, a slight frown on his handsome features.
“Hey, where are you going? They’re about to do the bouquet toss.”
You pry your arm out of his grasp. “I know.”
And without a single glance back, you slip out of the back entrance of the ballroom, unnoticed by all except one.
The next time you see Jeon Jeongguk, it’s at Kim Taehyung’s wedding.
It’s a lovely wedding, a little abstract for your tastes, but totally Taehyung’s style. Expensive paintings worth more than your entire lifetime’s earnings adorn the ballroom, the menu is Italian cuisine, and the wine is exquisite. Him and his blushing bride are gorgeous, the night is perfect, were it not for one tiny little…
“Nice dress, bet it’d look nicer on the floor of my bedroom, though,” Jeongguk eyes your navy blue halter dress that shows off your shoulders.
The two of you are once again reunited at the singles’ table, and the fact that he’s seated right next to you has you in a foul mood.
“Why don’t you just slither off back to whichever hole you came from?” You hiss at him, finishing your third glass of wine for the night. “I could have gone the rest of my life without seeing you again.”
“And leave you all sad and alone at this miserable singles’ table?” Jeongguk grins. “I don’t think so. In fact, I can’t imagine how you managed to survive all these weddings without me. Why do you even hate me that much?”
What a question indeed. There are a million and one reasons as to why you hate Jeon Jeongguk, number one being his cocky personality, number two being his unfair glow up, while you’re still stuck looking pretty much the same as you did back in the first year of uni, if not more tired and world-weary.
“Oh, I managed alright,” you say through gritted teeth. “Not that I’m curious or anything, and I’d hate to give off the impression that I care even one iota about your existence-“
“Don’t worry, you can ask anything about me and I’d be more than happy to indulge,” Jeongguk says with a maddening smile.
“… why don’t you just get a girlfriend and graduate from this sad little island of singles? It’s not like you don’t have a ton of girls falling at your feet everywhere you go,” you roll your eyes as you witness the girl on the other side of him leaning over so far to show off her cleavage that she nearly falls off her seat. “It should be so easy for you.”
“Why would I do that when it’s more fun to stay here and annoy you instead?” He grins, topping up your wine glass, and that’s the only reason why you hesitate from smacking him on the head. His arm lingers on the back of your chair in a manner far too intimate for your liking, but if you were to smack him it would mean you have to touch him, and that’s a definite no-no.
Today he’s wearing a crisp white dress shirt with the top three buttons undone, showing a hint of his toned chest. His jacket features a dark grey floral print that matches nicely with the abstract, artsy theme of the whole wedding.
You’re saved from having to reply when it’s time for the couple to cut the cake. In true Taehyung fashion, he smears a dab of wedding cake on his bride’s cheek, causing her to gasp in shock and everyone around them to coo in adoration. Photographers are snapping away, capturing the perfect moment.
“I’d want to get married on my birthday too,” Jeongguk remarks off handedly beside you as the applause dies down. “You know it’s Taehyung’s birthday today, right?”
“Of course I do, what kind of friend would I be?” You roll your eyes at him. “And in response to your other statement: I don’t care.”
But Jeongguk continues as if you haven’t said a word. “I bet they’ll be spending lots of time in their birthday suits tonight.”
“Ew!” You can’t help but react as you turn and smack his arm. Just the thought of imagining Taehyung, your best friend since childhood, naked and doing… those things…
Jeongguk grins salaciously. “First contact: success.”
Still trying to stave off all the unwelcome images of Taehyung, you frown at him in confusion. “What?”
“It’s a rule I personally go by. No matter how interested I am in a girl, I always keep my physical boundaries until she breaks the touch barrier by initiating physical contact with me first.”
Hmm, who’d have thought the bastard would have a sense of morals?
“Well, you’re completely wrong because I’m not interested in you at all,” you turn your head away from him. “And if you think that one touch from a girl entitles you to do all kinds of lewd things, then you’re sorely mistaken on what it means to be a gentleman.”
“Who said anything about lewd?” He leans in, and you smell the sweetness of the tiramisu on his breath that is oh so tantalizing. “I think you’re the one who brought it up first.”
Snagged, you reach for your wine glass to take another chug, hoping that it might explain away the redness on your cheeks.
“You know, most people become more relaxed the more they drink, however with you I think it’s the opposite.” Jeongguk comments, swirling his wine in his glass casually as he studies your side profile.
You can’t help but get a little flustered at his attention. You can see the envious gazes of the other women at the singles’ table, and once again you are reminded of how very eligible Jeon Jeongguk is, especially amongst the rest of the males at the table.
“What would a guy like me have to do for company for his lonely heart?” Jeongguk turns his sparkling doe eyes on you, and at the same time, the lights in the ballroom dim as Taehyung directs everyone’s attention towards the ceiling.
While everyone looks up at the now bedazzled ballroom ceiling, amazed by the projection of multicoloured galaxies and shooting stars, you find yourself unable to look away from Jeon Jeongguk.
Then, while the lights are still off and everyone’s attention elsewhere, he leans in closer until you can feel his breath on your cheek. When you don’t make a move to push him away, Jeon Jeongguk places a hand on your chin and coaxes you those last few inches towards his lips, and you find that you don’t exactly hate the feeling of kissing this obnoxious brat.
His lips are soft, and the kiss is more demure than you’d expected it to be, judging from his fondness for dirty jokes and double entendres. You taste a slight bitterness from the coffee powder in the tiramisu on his tongue. He takes it slow, exploring every inch of your mouth with his, and it’s obvious that he enjoys kissing.
Jeongguk draws away just before the lights come back on. Suddenly feeling very exposed, you jerk away from him in a panic, just as the emcee calls everyone together for the bouquet toss and hightail your way out of the ballroom.
* “Why do you always leave before the bouquet toss?”  
“God, you have such annoying little brother energy,” you sigh, taking your eyes off Jung Hoseok’s grinning face as he dances and sings on stage, with his bride standing off to the side.
“Do you still think of me like that?” Jeon Jeongguk looks a little taken aback at this statement, though he recovers quickly. “My sources tell me that we aren’t far apart enough in age for you to be calling me that.”
“I don’t know who your sources are, but they’re wrong,” you shoot back at him. “Wait, are you stalking me now?”
“I hardly think asking around constitutes stalking,” Jeongguk says defensively. “And is that all you think of me? An annoying little brother?”
“What else could you be to me?” You cover a yawn with one hand as one of Jung Hoseok’s relatives comes on stage to make a speech.
“I highly doubt you kiss your younger brother like that,” Jeongguk smirks, one hand brushing your hair off your shoulder to expose your collarbone. “Unless…”
“I don’t,” you hiss at him, half annoyed at him, and half at yourself for letting him wind you up like this again. “You’re like… an annoying little punk who thinks he’s a man.”
To avoid any further conversation with him, you get up and head for one of the photobooths hired for the occasion, fully intending on getting a photo to prove that you’d been here, say your congratulations to the happy couple, and get out of here as soon as possible.
Jung Hoseok has chosen an outdoor wedding, and the venue is nothing short of spectacular. It’s a starry night, Shakespearean theme, and the décor is absolutely gorgeous. Having attended ballroom weddings for the past few months, this is most certainly a breath of fresh air, but you’re a little worried about how you’re going to get out of here, seeing as it’s quite literally a field in the middle of nowhere.
You’d better leave after this photo and try and call an Uber outside.
However, much to your consternation, Jeon Jeongguk follows you into an empty photobooth, planting himself right next to you on the tiny little loveseat, with his solid thigh against yours. He draws the curtains shut, and since the photobooth is automatically set to go off on a timer, it means that the two of you are currently very much alone in a confined space.
Inwardly you curse Jung Hoseok for having even the photobooths built for two.
“What are you doing? Get your own photobooth!” You growl at him.
“Not until you tell me why you’re running away from me,” he persists, crowding you on the small seat so that you’re nearly on top of him.
From this close up, you feel your resolve weakening, he might be a jerk but he’s a damn good looking one.
“I can feel you want me.” Jeongguk says with his lips pressed against your ear. “Don’t fucking deny it.”
Oh fuck it. It might be the folly of those earlier shots at the bar that makes you grab his collar and pull him into you, your lips crashing together in a clash of tongue and teeth. Unlike last time, the kiss is anything but gentle, and your touches are anything but demure as the two of you grope each other like animals in the small confined space.
“I fucking hate your cocky little mouth,” you hiss at him, biting down hard on his lower lip and eliciting a delicious little whine from the back of his throat.
Jeongguk responds by grabbing your waist and pushing you onto the seat, just as he swivels to end up on his knees. He’s tall enough so that he’s able to kiss down your neck, sucking and leaving behind bruises on the way.
“mhm… show you what this cocky little mouth can do,” his muffled voice sounds more like a threat, growing bigger by the minute as he kisses his way down your throat, to your collarbone as he pulls down the sweetheart neckline of your dress to mark the top of your breasts with his lips and teeth.
There is a moment of hesitation as his fingers pause at the top of your glittery black dress, just shy of exposing your bra. You answer his unasked question for him by pushing it down yourself. Once your breasts are exposed to his reverent gaze, he doesn’t waste any time in cupping them with his large hands, rolling your nipples expertly with both hands, pinching it every so often to make you wince.
“I hate your stupid, gorgeous hands,” you gasp at a particularly hard pinch. “And I hate your fingers.”
It’s those very fingers that are currently travelling up your bare thighs, your dress having ridden up from sitting down. You can feel the cool metal of his rings on your heated skin. Jeongguk doesn’t respond to your declarations of hate for him, instead he’s far too interested in exploring what lies between your thighs, in finding out whether the noises you make are the same as what he’s been imagining all these nights with just his hand for company.
You hate how he leaves you feeling, desperate for his touch and just to feel him everywhere. Hate how exposed he makes you feel, dress and bra pushed down inside a photobooth in the middle of a wedding.
“Could someone with little brother energy make you feel like this?”
With a surge of strength you hadn’t expected, Jeon Jeongguk pulls you to the edge of your seat so that your thighs are draped on his shoulders, legs spread to his liking. He has a front row view of how your panties are already soaked. Pushing the saturated material to the side, his tongue explores your folds eagerly, lapping up every drop of you and teasing the hell out of your clit.
It’s all you can do to keep silent, other than cursing him and his stupid mouth over and over again as he eats you out. His fingers dig bruises into your inner thighs as his lips start to suckle at the most sensitive part of your body, tongue flicking in and out. This for sure isn’t his first rodeo, for he adds his fingers into the mix deftly. You can feel yourself completely drenching his face, and a part of you would be embarrassed had you not already thrown your pride away when you first let Jeon Jeongguk kiss you with that filthy mouth.
“Oh my god,” your arms flail out in search of something to anchor yourself with and find purchase on his hair. Taking pleasure in messing up his perfectly styled hair, you urge him not to stop, both with desperate tugs on his silky black locks, and egging him on with every insult you can think of. “Don’t fucking stop, I swear to God…”
“Like my cocky mouth that much?” Jeongguk grins as he takes a breather, resorting to his slim fingers as he glides them in and out of your drenched cunt. “How about my fingers? Or my cock?”
“Shut up and make me cum,” you dig your nails into his scalp, making him wince a little. “Your fingers are probably the only part of you that doesn’t disappoint.”
His eyes darken just a smidge before he re-doubles his efforts, flattening his tongue against your clit and licking until you are near tears. With a final thrust of his fingers inside you, he sends you over the edge, relishing how you tighten deliciously around him as your body tenses in orgasm.
Jeon Jeongguk lazily thrusts his fingers in and out to help you ride out your high, pulling out to lick your essence from his fingers when you push him away.
“Well, doesn’t seem like you hated that,” he grins in a self-satisfied way that immediately irks you once more.
You close your legs and pull your dress to cover yourself, ignoring the fact that your thighs are still shaking from that orgasm. “I guess you aren’t that bad at going down on someone, which is a blessing considering that disappointment you’re packing in your pants.”
The dark gaze that you caught a glimpse of earlier comes back into view again, and just as your standing up, straightening your dress and gathering your wits about you, Jeon Jeongguk slides his arm around your waist, pulling you against his body in with a sudden movement.
“Does this feel disappointing to you?”
You can feel him pressed up against you, the considerable bulge right against the swell of your backside has your words caught in your throat, and you can’t bring yourself to refute his claim.
Jeongguk gives a low chuckle that sends shivers down your spine. “Didn’t think so. But don’t worry. I won’t fuck you here. Only good girls deserve my cock.”
He finally pulls away, and the space in between the two of you allows you to breathe and get your senses back once more. Throwing a disinterested glance over your shoulder, you bend over to collect the pictures that have dropped into the little slot on the machine, well aware of his eyes jumping from the curve of your ass just exposed to your chest still marked with the imprint of his lips.
You toss him one strip of the pictures, along with a parting shot.
“Who said I wanted to be your good girl?”
If you thought that weddings were bad, that was because you hadn’t experienced baby showers yet.
It hadn’t even been more than a month since you attended Kim Taehyung’s wedding, but the baby shower cum announcement invitation shows up in your mail anyway. You highly suspect that this wasn’t the result of their wedding night, but you all knew that Taehyung was the most eager out of all of you to start a family.
Right, back to why baby showers are even worse than weddings.
There isn’t even a hint of a singles’ table here at baby showers. Everyone here is happily married at least, some of them are pregnant, but either way they are more taken than your sad, single self.
“_____! So glad you could come!” Taehyung approaches you with what looks like a diaper stuck onto the front of his suit. “Ah, sorry about this, I was playing pin the diaper on the diarrhea…”
It’s all you can do to stop yourself from grimacing as you intercept his full-on bear hug with a side embrace instead. You can see Namjoon and Seokjin off to one side, laughing and proudly showing off scan pictures of their surrogate baby. Jung Hoseok and his wife are grinning happily just behind them, tanned and blissful having just returned from their honeymoon trip, and judging from the way that his wife has one hand protectively on her lower belly…
“Did you manage to get a drink yet?” Taehyung grins, an arm around his suddenly very pregnant wife. You have no idea how she managed to appear svelte and slim at her wedding just a few months ago.
“Ah, no, I was wondering if there was anything… stronger,” you grin weakly, holding up a glass of orange juice.
“No there isn’t,” Taehyung says with an embarrassed frown, reaching to scratch his neck. “I thought since this would be mostly couples who were kind of starting a family themselves…”
You force a smile onto your face at the confirmation that there isn’t a single drop of alcohol at this god forsaken baby shower. Surely the rules don’t apply to Namjoon and Seokjin??
“It’s fine,” you wave away Taehyung’s embarrassment. “Congratulations, by the way! Do we know if it’s a girl or boy yet?”
“Not yet,” Taehyung’s wife giggles, exchanging a look with her husband. “We want it to be a secret.”
You smile awkwardly as husband and wife exchange a loving kiss, but glance at your watch to see how much time has passed. Off handedly your thoughts suddenly stray to one Jeon Jeongguk, and you wonder if he’s here.
You have to say that having him present at one of these events really makes them a lot more tolerable, and you are feeling the effects of his absence, especially so without alcohol. It’s not that you like him, god forbid, but it’s just… he’s become somewhat like your partner in crime at events like this. He may be annoying, but his stupid jokes and handsome face helps pass the time quicker.
You suddenly find yourself wishing Jeon Jeongguk were here.
“Miss me?”
And the devil speaks. You whirl around to find Jeon Jeongguk dressed down in a pair of ripped black jeans and a white shirt with a casual blazer thrown over, hair grown out a lot longer than the last time you saw him. It frames his face in slight waves, giving him a far more carefree look than the last time you saw him, sharply dressed in a suit with his hair pushed back off his face. He looks even more annoying with his long, unkempt hair like this, and you have a great urge to just tangle your fingers in it and pull till he cries.
“No,” you say just to spite him. By now, Taehyung and his wife have wandered off to another group, so you feel safe enough to say your next words. “This party was a bore. Just looking for a semblance of intelligent life.”
“And alas, I come when called,” Jeongguk smirks at his double entendre, placing a hand on the small of your back to lead you to a small corner of the garden party. His touch sends shivers down your spine, brings your mind back to the last thing you did with him.
“I’m afraid I’m still looking,” you retort without any real heat in your voice. Bickering with him has become normal now, it’s comfortable with him like this.
Jeongguk feigns being stabbed in the heart, then takes a swig of his drink. Judging from his reaction, that is most certainly not plain soda, and you grab his hand, bringing his glass to your lips for a taste.
Definitely not soda.
“Where’d you get this from?” You hiss, feeling like a druggie on withdrawal.
Jeongguk shrugs. “Brought my own. Y’know, since this is supposed to be a baby shower and all, I cam prepared. You’d obviously come expecting virgin drinks.” He takes out a cleverly concealed flask from his blazer.
You help yourself by uncapping it and tipping it into your half full drink, sighing when you take a sip and the alcohol burns on the way down. Jeongguk watches you with an amused smirk, thinking how there isn’t any other girl who gets him just like you do.
“What?” You catch him staring at you, finishing your drink with one more gulp.
“I was thinking…” Jeongguk starts with a slow drawl.
“Oh wow, that’s a first for you-“
“… why haven’t you jumped me yet? You and I both know I’m the most eligible man at the singles’ table. Being here only strengthens my argument, I’m the most eligible single man here.” Jeongguk is enjoying riling you up, likes watching you spit insults at him and exchange banter like there’s no tomorrow. Just for good measure, he throws in a last jab. “Judging by your age too, I don’t think you have much time if you want to pop out at least three of my children.”
For a moment your eyes narrow in your annoyance. “I have plenty of time left, thank you very much. I’m still on the right side of 25-“
“-not for much longer,” Jeongguk helpfully throws in, gleefully delighting in the way you glare daggers at him.
“- and who said I want three of your children?” You cross your arms, stopping just short of stamping your foot. “Maybe I’ll go and be Namjoon and Seokjin’s surrogate!”
“Be my guest, I’d very much like to see how you look when you’re swollen and pregnant,” Jeongguk lowers his voice as he crowds your body with his, and you realise how much taller and broader he is. “Preferably if the baby is mine too.”
“W-why’d I want a baby who’ll grow up to be as insufferable as you?” You know your comeback is weak, but you find your mental faculties really at a limit especially when he’s this close. “He’d have the mentality of a five-year-old for his entire life.”
Jeongguk gently takes your empty glass from your hand and sets it down on a nearby server’s tray. Taking your hand, he leads you into Taehyung’s house, where much of it is empty as compared to the garden party outside.
“He’ll at least be as handsome as me,” Jeongguk offers with a hopeful grin, closing the door behind him to ensure no one accidentally wanders in. “So, do I still have that annoying little brother energy after what happened last time?”
At this point you’ve gone too far with him to straight up deny it. “Fine,” you admit. “You might be half decent at oral. But my theory that you have small dick energy still stands. You’re just a little brat who thinks with his dick and is used to girls dropping their panties for him-“
“I seem to recall you spreading your legs for me just as easily,” he hums as he traces a finger down your covered thighs, slightly displeased at your choice to wear a longer dress today.
“You’re just asking for it, aren’t you,” Jeongguk tsks under his breath, his tattooed fingers coming to rest on the front buttons of your modest midi dress. “Pretending to be all demure and modest like a good girl when in actual fact you’re a slut who lets random men eat her out in photobooths.”
“You’re not just any random-“ the words slip from your mouth before you realise it, and Jeongguk looks up sharply at you.
“What was that, babygirl?”
You cover up your own slip by bursting into slightly exaggerated laughter at his pet name of choice. “Babygirl? Oh my god. You’re the kind of guy who likes to be called ‘daddy’ in bed, aren’t you?”
Feeling slightly attacked, Jeon Jeongguk’s sky high confidence dips a little, and you spot the tell-tale signs of his eyes widening in shock, giving you a glimpse of his younger, more vulnerable side.
“Wh-what’s wrong with ‘daddy’? It’s a classic.”
“Only for those who actually fit the bill,” you say, placing your hand on his cheek and trying your best to ignore the sharpness of his jawline. “For your information, I only use ‘daddy’ when it comes to real men. Not stupid young punks like you.”
His eyes flicker with anger, jaw clenching even tighter so that a muscle jumps in his cheek, and the sight of it sets off a thrill in your lower belly, your heart racing in your chest, and it makes you feel even bolder.
He attempts to take back control of the situation by grabbing your waist with both hands, pushing you up against the wall and supporting your entire weight as if it’s nothing. Jeon Jeongguk obviously likes to show off his strength, and while you are indeed impressed, it’s not like you’ll ever show it, not unless you want to stroke his already inflated ego.
You loop your arms around his neck to keep your balance, feeling his hands on your ass and thighs and his bulge right against your centre. Taking advantage of your proximity, you lean in to suck right under his ear, leaving behind a red mark.
“’Daddy’ is only for men with big dick energy,” you whisper, breath hot against his neck. You draw back to take in his reaction, and he does that thing with his tongue against his cheek that tells you he’s really pissed off.
“Shut up,” he growls, one hand on the front of your dress as he tears the buttons open, exposing your bra in one movement. “I’ll fucking show you what ‘Daddy’ is.”
Another rip and your bra falls open, exposing your breasts to him as he harshly bites and marks you, enough to replace the fading marks from last time. While doing this he also grinds into you, letting you feel how hard he is through his jeans.
“I’m gonna fuck you right up against this wall, with all our friends just outside,” Jeongguk breathes into your neck, taking one hand off your ass to push your dress up. “Gonna rip your panties off so you’ll have to go home with no underwear like the whore you are.”
“Do it, if it makes you feel more like a man,” you urge him on, and that bastard really does rip your underwear, tucking it into his pocket for later like the pervert he is.
He ignores your jibes at him to push your body weight against the wall with his own, one hand supporting you as he slides two fingers against your core to find out how wet you are. They come away soaking, and it boosts his confidence further as he licks his fingers.
“Could anyone but a man make you this wet? Even without touching you?” He smirks, using one of his thighs of steel to support you better as he starts to stroke your clit with his thumb, plunging his fingers into your tight cunt to stretch you out.
“Still so fucking tight for me, creaming all over my fingers like a dirty girl,” his words are getting filthier and filthier the more you egg him on, and you are indeed coming all over his fingers embarrassingly quick. You bite into his shoulder to conceal your moans, and he hisses a few curses under his breath.
“You’ll be calling me Daddy by the time I’m through with you,” Jeongguk casts you a dark look as he struggles with the zipper on his jeans with one hand.
You throw your head back with a laugh. “Go ahead, baby boy.”
The nickname only infuriates him more, and he spanks your clit once, making you dig your fingernails into his arms. Already overstimulated from the first orgasm, Jeongguk doesn’t let up as he continues to rub your clit until you weaken in his arms, only then does he feel like he’s got the upper hand once more.
You have to say that you’re impressed with his strength so far and you help him out by unbuckling his belt, tossing it to the side and lowering the zipper on his jeans. He pushes it, along with his underwear, down to his knees, and while he’s doing that you take the opportunity to push his shirt up, exposing his rock hard abs that make you want to grind against them.
“Like what you see?” Jeongguk is smirking, he knows all his hours at the gym pays off well.
“I’ve seen better,” you say with a sniff, but you’re lying and the both of you know that from the way you can’t keep your hands off his chest and abs.
Jeongguk pushes his underwear off, and his cock slaps against his belly, the head an angry red and fully erect. At the first sight of it, you’re tongue tied. While some men are blessed in girth and some in length but not both, he seems to have the best of both worlds, and his entire length spans almost three quarters of your forearm.
“Cat got your tongue, baby?” He presses a suckling kiss against your collarbone, pushing his sticky cock against your inner thighs.
He’s left with a satisfied smirk when you really do have nothing to say, instead reaching down to stroke him. The feeling of your small hand on his cock makes him swear under his breath, sweat dripping off his forehead as he thrusts forward into your grasp involuntarily.
“Have protection?” You remember at the last minute, placing a hand on his abdomen to stop him from thrusting into you bare.
“I got a vasectomy,” Jeongguk answers, and you nearly choke on your saliva.
“Wha- whe- I-“
“I knew it! You want to have my babies,” Jeongguk snickers at your reaction, but not for long when you grip him tighter and he groans. “I’m kidding. Don’t worry, I’m as fertile as a bull in the china shop.”
“That’s not how the saying goes- you know what, just shut up and tell me if you have any condoms. You’re a lot more attractive when you aren’t talking.”
“In my blazer pocket,” he answers, and you reach for it, finding a foil packet and tearing it open, rolling it over his cock.
You note how the packet says extra-large, and in your mind, you can already imagine his cocky little self walking up to the pharmacy and fucking asking for the extra larges even though there is stock on the shelf.
Jeon Jeongguk is just that kind of cocky little bastard.
“Big dicks aren’t everything, Jeon,” you say at last, guiding him towards your centre. “Not if you cum after the first three strokes.”
“I’ll fucking show you what stamina is,” Jeongguk growls as he surges forward into that delicious, warm heat, your pussy tightening around him despite having been stretched out earlier. You cry out against his shoulder as he fucks into you, having mercy enough to give you shallow thrusts at first before building up to sheath his whole length into you.
“Haven’t cum yet? I’m surprised,” you mock him, tightening your core around him and feeling his steady rhythm falter.
“Fuck you,” he grits his teeth, using the power in his thighs to fuck up into you.
“That’s what I’m trying to do, but you’re gonna cum too soon aren’t you,” you coo at him, petting his cheek and babying him, all of which you know by now he absolutely hates. “Cute little Jungkookie’s all grown up.”
“Don’t fucking call me cute when I’m pounding my cock inside you,” Jeongguk leans forward to bite your lower lip in a harsh, punishing kiss, effectively shutting you up as he pistons his cock in and out at an unforgiveable pace.
Since you came once already, you thought your second orgasm would be way far off, but you’re proven wrong especially when Jeongguk buries his cock deep, limiting his thrusts so that he’s just grinding his cock against you, his pelvic bone rubbing against your clit just right. He then shifts so that his arms slide under both your thighs, opening you up even more for him as he fucks you against the wall with his incredible strength, and you feel yourself tightening around him again.
When he smirks against your neck you realized you must have called out his name when you came. But in this position you can’t do much other than wrap your arms around his neck as he gives you the pounding of your life.
“Ready to call me daddy yet?” Jeongguk pants against your neck, leaving his cock buried so deep that he can feel your cervix.
“No fucking way,” you refuse to relent.
“Then how ‘bout you make me a daddy instead?” He proposes, pulling out suddenly to the tip and slamming back in, making you whine his name again. “That’s right baby girl, I saw all your envious looks at all the couples out there.”
“Wha-? I…”
“Don’t fucking deny it. You’d look so much better swollen and pregnant than all of those women out there. You know you want to, especially when I started teasing you about getting too old. You want a baby, you want mybaby fucked into you.”
You don’t know what kind of roleplay this is, but all you know is that you get even wetter around his cock, and all you want is for him to fuck you against this wall until you forget your own name and you can’t walk tomorrow.
“Fuck… keep going. Tell- tell me more,” you pant against his neck for more as Jeongguk starts fucking his cock into your pussy once more, every thrust ending so deep that it taps your womb.
“Gonna fuck a baby into you at our friend’s baby shower,” Jeongguk grips your thighs hard. “You want that? Hm? Then next it will be our turn to have a baby shower. Though I think we’ll have it before our wedding, where everyone will see you round and swollen with my baby.”
“Wh-who fucking said I wanted to marry you-?” You can barely get your words out of your mouth as you dig your fingernails into his shoulders. There’s something about how primal his thrusts feel when he talks about fucking a baby into you, and you want more.
“I can give you a baby right now and then you’ll have one more reason to marry a cocky little bastard like me,” Jeongguk smirks against your neck as he lets one of your legs drop to rub your clit, and you squeeze around him again, crying out into his neck.
Your thighs are quivering, cunt clenching around his still pounding cock as Jeongguk grunts. You feel his cock twitching, and even though all of this is make believe- the condom wrapper on the floor reassuring you… you wouldn’t exactly hate it if it were all real. Being with Jeon Jeongguk… doesn’t sound that bad after all.
Feeling him close to his orgasm, you wrap your arms around him tighter, legs around his waist as you feel his desperation soar.
“Give it to me. Your baby, I want it,” you whisper against his cheek, not knowing how much of it is just for the heat of the moment, and how much of it isn’t. All you know is you love his reaction to your words, the way his thrusts stutter in rhythm and he lets out a deep groan.
He moans your name in the most beautiful way as he spills his load, continuing to thrust to ride out his orgasm, his hips pinning you against the wall as his hands encircle your waist.
The both of you remain like that for a moment, his harsh breaths against your neck as you find yourself stroking his back and leaning your cheek against his broad shoulders. Gingerly, Jeongguk puts you down so that your feet are once more touching firm ground, and he slips out of you in the process.
It’s slightly awkward now that everything is over, and Jeongguk turns away, pulling the used condom off his softening cock. While his back is turned, you start to straighten your clothing, realizing that the bastard has really ripped all your underwear and even your dress too.
Cursing him loudly enough so that he hears it too, you stuff your now useless bra into your bag, trying the best you can to button your light blue lace midi dress back together again and failing miserably. You cross your arms as you glare at his broad back, until Jeongguk feels the weight of your glare and turns around.
He disposes of the used condom in the trash, and has the gall to check you out, particularly lingering on your half exposed chest.
“Quite a number you did on my arms… this’ll last for a while definitely-“
“You fucking ripped my dress! How the hell am I supposed to get out of here?”
Jeongguk can’t keep that stupid smile off his face as he shrugs out of his blazer, coming towards you and draping it across your shoulders so that it covers you adequately. Despite being pissed off at him, you can’t help but notice how much bigger he is- his shoulders stretch as he assures his blazer is securely on you and the concentration furrows his brow as he buttons it up.
“There. Like that. I think you look much better, to be honest.” He takes a step back, smirking in satisfaction before he turns you around with one arm around your shoulders. “Look. I am a gentleman. I’ll even walk you out so that we can call a cab together.”
“Are you crazy?” You shrug his arm off violently. “We can’t go out like this together! Everyone will know we just fucked!”
“Well, we just did…” Jeongguk has a stupid grin on his face as he states the obvious, and it makes you want to smack him.
“You stay in here for five minutes then come out. Look like you just came in here to piss or something,” you shove his chest in an attempt to get him to stay, trying to ignore how firm his pecs feel under your touch, and how he barely even moves.
Jeongguk has an amused smile on his face as he watches you arrange your hair, check your makeup for any smudges before gingerly stepping outside, all while oblivious to that fact that you wearing his blazer is the biggest telltale of all.
Truly, he’s never met a girl like you.
Jeon Jeongguk’s goal is to get you to stay for the bouquet toss just this one time.
More specifically, he wants to find out why you always leave before it happens. Personally, it’s his favourite part, aside from the free flow booze and food and cake. He particularly likes seeing the women’s faces when they spot him, and then see how desperate they are to catch the bouquet later on especially when he’s in the crowd.
But today he’s more interested in seeing one particular person’s face when the bouquet goes sailing through the air.
Jeongguk rubs his hands together in glee with a devious smile on his face, peeking around the corner to find his best friend Eun Woo and his bride at the center stage, taking pictures with guests.
“Bro! So glad you came!” Eun Woo greets him with a wide grin that reaches his eyes, spreading his arms wide to embrace Jeongguk.
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Jeongguk grins back, slapping his friend on the back a few times before pulling away. “You remembered my request, right?”
Eun Woo clasps Jeongguk’s hand cordially. “Of course man. Just point her out to me and we’re good to go.”
Jeongguk steps back to let Eun Woo go back to his bride and entertaining his guests, all the while keeping a close eye on the door. You hadn’t showed up for the wedding ceremony nor the dinner that followed, and Jeongguk knows from sources that you’d been invited to this wedding too. He fidgets anxiously, wondering when, or if, you’ll show up.
After what seems like forever, you slip in quietly, alone as always, wearing that same light blue midi dress that he had the pleasure of ripping off your body.
You weave through the crowd in order to get to the front, wanting to get it over and done as quickly as possible. When you catch a glimpse of Cha Eun Woo dressed to the nines, smiling and laughing with his bride, you feel a small little pang in your chest, considering that you had a crush on him once.
In fact, that was the main reason why you decided to only show up at the end. When you received the invitation, it wasn’t like you were shocked or anything because you knew the two of them had been dating for a while, but the same old blues just crept up on you, and you don’t think you can bring yourself to sit through another wedding and watch another couple find their happy ending, when all you wanted was to find it yourself.
So here you are, forcing a smile on your face as Eun Woo springs to his feet once he sees you, engulfing you into a hug for old times’ sake.
“I almost thought you weren’t coming,” he says with a pout, and your heart almost melts.
Eun Woo just has this way of speaking that makes anyone feel incredibly important to him. It’s the way his voice softens to an intimate tone and his eyes focus on you entirely. He holds you at an arm’s length to really look at you.
“Long time no see,” you laugh, extricating yourself from his embrace, all too aware of his bride standing beside him looking a little out of place. “Congratulations, brat. I’m so happy for you.”
Eun Woo grins, a heart-achingly handsome smile directed just at you, and damn if it doesn’t make you feel special even when you’re here attending his fucking wedding. Your moment of regret is interrupted by a slight shove to your back that puts some distance between you and Eun Woo, and you turn your head in annoyance to see who it could possibly be.
Jeon Jeongguk sure knows how to ruin a moment, for he steps in between you and Eun Woo, bro hugging him generally making a lot of noise. Before you can quickly slip back into the crowd, however, Jeongguk grabs your arm, tucking it into the crook of his elbow.
“Did you meet ______ yet?” Jeongguk says, winding an arm around your shoulders tight to stop you from escaping. Slippery little minx you are.
Eun Woo hesitates for a second, and some kind of unspoken communication goes on between the two men, and you roll your eyes, wanting to just leave now that you’ve shown your face.
“______?” He says your name with such surprise in his voice, and his eyes widen, as if seeing you for the first time, taking in Jeongguk’s arm around you. Then he coughs awkwardly and tries to play it off smoothly. “Dude, we go way back since uni, my partner in crime when it comes to project work,” Eun Woo shoots you a fond little grin, and you feel your heart flip.
Jeongguk catches this little interaction and frowns.  “Wait, you guys… know each other that well?”
“Yeah. We even-“ you cut yourself off, realizing that this isn’t the best time to bring it up.
“Oh, you can say it, Eun Woo told me and it’s all cool,” his bride grins, casually looping an arm around her husband. “I know you guys used to date for a while.”
You can feel Jeongguk’s grip tightening slightly around your shoulders. “Um… wow. Okay. That was… uh, unexpected.”
You shoot him a sharp glance, wondering why he’s being so weird and saying such weird things and trying to figure out if he’s trying to be funny and embarrass the both of you. But Jeon Jeongguk seems genuinely flustered, the tips of his ears growing red.
“Anyway, uh, congrats you two,” you clear your throat and give them a slightly subdued smile. “Wishing you guys happiness always.”
Eun Woo reaches out to grasp your hand, squeezing it tightly. “Thanks, ______. I really appreciate it. You guys, stay till the end of the event, ‘kay? We have something really special planned.”
The two of them are soon dragged away by another group of friends, leaving you and Jeon Jeongguk alone in the crowd of strangers.
“Okay, what was that?” Jeongguk demands, folding his arms across his chest.
You’re still staring somewhat wistfully as Eun Woo and his wife as they wrap their arms around each other. “What? It’s nothing.”
“Nothing? You were practically making love eyes towards him!” Jeongguk points out indignantly.
You roll your eyes and start to head for the refreshment table, figuring you should at least get something to eat and drink while here. “It’s all in the past. We used to date for a while, that’s it. Maybe there’s still some lingering feelings for him. Maybe I’m feeling a little bitter while attending my crush’s wedding. What’s it to you?”
Picking up a flute of champagne, you down it in one gulp, feeling much better once the alcohol hits your system.
Feeling the urge to outdo his best friend, Jeongguk steals a chocolate covered strawberry off your plate and pops it into his mouth, making sure his lips wrap around the strawberry. He sucks it for a moment, making eye contact with you to capture your attention before he bites it off, closing his eyes as the sweetness bursts on his tongue. Jeongguk has to make you forget about your long lost crush.
“Stop it!” You hiss at him, at the way he licks his chocolate covered fingers obscenely.
“What?” Jeongguk shoots back, eyes wide and innocent. “I’m not doing anything!”
It’s ironic, the way practically everyone here is dressed for a black tie event, and here Jeon Jeongguk is, bow tie and suit, licking chocolate off his fingers like a five year old. But strangely, rather than irritate you, it’s kind of… endearing.
You like how he’s not afraid to make a fool out of himself even at events where everyone seems to be doing their best to pretend they’re sophisticated adults. He makes boring, stuffy old events like this more fun, and you realise… you want him in your life.
“You’re an idiot,” you say without any real heat in your voice, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
“I see you’re wearing the same dress,” Jeongguk comments with a glance down your body, and you fold your arms protectively.
“Yes, because washing machines are a thing,” you roll your eyes at him. “Sorry I don’t earn enough to debut with a spanking new dress every time one of our friends decide to get hitched.”
“God, you’re so defensive,” Jeongguk attempts to pry one of your arms loose. “I was just thinking that perhaps I didn’t do a good enough job of tearing off your body. How’d you even get it to be in one piece again?” Jeongguk watches the way red blooms across your cheeks. “So, am I still little brother energy?”
Judging from the way the cocky little bastard grins, he already knows the answer, but he just wants to hear you say it.
“No… but you’re far from daddy,” you add the last bit just to stop his ego from inflating so much that he can’t walk out the door later. Doing him a favour, really. You take your plate of cakes and pastries and find a seat somewhere in the ballroom, in a nice and secluded corner where no one will notice you stuffing your face.
Jeon Jeongguk follows you, grabbing more glasses of champagne along the way and handing them to you once you’re seated. “You said you had feelings for Eun Woo.”
“Yeah. Key word, had,” you clarify. “Past tense.”
“And me?” Jeongguk holds his breath in anticipation. “Do you… have feelings for me?”
You let the plate rest in your lap for a moment, considering how to best word your emotions. As much as you want to deny it and say he’s just an annoying little punk… it’s gone too far for you to do that. “I guess… yeah. I do. Don’t get me wrong though, you’re still annoying as fuck and you irritate the hell out of me sometimes, but I guess somewhere along the way… I stopped minding it so much and even started to miss it when you weren’t there to annoy me. It’s not just because we fucked or anything like that, but… having you beside me at all those weddings made me see how happy everyone around me was, only because… you kind of made me happy to begin with. Attending all those weddings by myself and seeing everyone get their happily ever after… I was kind of lonely, but now I’m not anymore.”
Embarrassed at your sudden show of emotions, you glance away, nearly spilling your glass in the process, but Jeongguk saves you by taking it away from you. An insatiable grin is on his face. “So… you’re saying I make you happy by annoying you?”
“And your dick is pretty nice too,” you grumble under your breath, in an attempt to distract him from how raw your emotions are feeling.
“I know,” Jeongguk steals a monster bite of your cake without asking. In the midst of his chews he sneaks a kiss on your cheek so that he leaves some cream behind. “I like annoying you too. I want to keep annoying you for the rest of my life.”
Just when you’re about to smack him for being so cheesy and disgusting, a voice comes over the speakers.
“Ladies and gentlemen, our lovely bride and groom will now be preparing for the bouquet toss and the garter throw. If you would kindly gather, please.”
Jeongguk takes your plate and puts it aside before grabbing your hand securely in his, but there’s no need to, because you’re not going anywhere without him at your side. There was a time where you would have rather died than witness the bouquet toss, see the bundle of flowers being thrown into the air and hoping against hope that you’ll be lucky enough to catch it… but this time, with Jeon Jeongguk by your side, all you feel is warm and content, like you’ll be happy as long as he’s with you.
Jeongguk guides the both of you to a prime spot at the front, where you see Eun Woo’s bride seated in a chair, and Eun Woo on his knees before her. Realising you’re about to witness what’s called a garter toss, your eyes widen in shock when you see Eun Woo dive under his bride’s skirt. The crowd reacts with giggles and wolf whistles as Eun Woo seems to struggle a little, but a few minutes later he emerges, hair ruffled, but victorious with a lacy band between his teeth.
“We’re so gonna do that at our wedding,” Jeongguk murmurs under his breath with a squeeze of your hand.
“Getting a little ahead of yourself hmm? I never said I’d marry you,” you reply with a half-smile.
Eun Woo stands up, holding his wife’s garter high in one hand before he extends his other hand towards her, and together they turn their backs to face the crowd. You can see his wife’s beautiful bouquet of pastel peonies, tiger lilies and baby’s breath, held over her head.
The crowd is holding their breath with anticipation, and you can feel the people around you jostle slightly in their eagerness. You see Eun Woo lean down to whisper something to his wife, and she giggles, nodding in return before casting a glance backwards at the crowd behind her.
Eun Woo does the same, and his eyes lock onto yours before shifting slightly to beside you. Then he turns his back, and with a count of one, two and three, husband and wife toss their respective items high into the air.
For the first time, you see the bouquet sailing in the air towards you, and it’s as if everything is in slow motion. The crowd around you disappears, miraculously no one is pushing or shoving against you, and… could it be? The silk wrapped bouquet looks like it’s actually going to… this is impossible. The chances are so slim, there are so many people here…
And yet, your arms move of their own accord, the bouquet lands in your grasp, and you smell the sweetness of the flowers immediately as the sheer size of the entire silk wrapped bundle blocks your vision entirely.
Then, time unfreezes and sound filters back in. People around you are cheering and clapping, they’ve given you some space now. You start to shy at the attention, lowering the bouquet and half-panicking over what Jeon Jeongguk will think- will he take this as a sign that you’re a psycho who wants to marry him even though it’s this soon? What if he’s scared off by this?
But as you lower your bouquet, you realise that Jeon Jeongguk isn’t empty handed either, he’s holding a lacy garment in his hand, grinning from ear to ear with that annoying little smirk of his that tells you this went exactly as he planned.
Welcome to the lonely hearts club: table for two, please.
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Since you all like my post on how Din does Keldabe Kisses (the mando helmet forehead touch) heres some for Sabine
Keldabe Kiss: a gentler form of the kov'nyn ("head strike") used to express affection to another person when one or both Mandalorian(s) are in full armor, done by touching or tapping the foreheads of their helmets together. The keldabe kiss in particular is used as a substitute for kissing (kissing on the mouth, cheek, etc) and is often used as a greeting between Mandalorians. Keldabe kisses can vary by length or strength, ranging from prolonged forehead (helmet) touches to quick violent headbutts. Keldabe kisses are most often done between loved ones, which includes friends, family members, and lovers.
She ABSOLUTELY teaches Jacen about it. Sabine doesnt do these often but she'll do it practically all the time for Jacen. Its very cute. She'll squat down until he can reach her head and he'll come in relatively fast for someone who's not wearing a helmet. Every time they connect one or both of them says "bonk!"
Pre-Battle of Lothal when the Ghost family was all together she didnt do it at all really. That doesnt mean no one ever did it to her, knowingly or unknowingly
Kanan knew what it was, and told Hera about it. Ezra kinda picked up that it was a Thing™️ but doesnt actually know anything about it. Zeb notices when it happens but doesnt give it much thought. Chopper actually gets the most of them and he has no clue
Whenever Sabine would sit on the floor or crouch next to Chopper, sometimes (usually if he made her laugh) she'd lean a little bit forward and bump her helmet on his dome.
One time Zeb picks Sabine up in a bear hug and ends up with the side of his head on the top of her helmet. Its not a keldabe kiss but thats the closest they ever got
One time Sabine was excited to see Ezra after a fight, one where they were worried he was hurt, and she did a not very gentle keldabe kiss to the side of his refurbished stormtrooper helmet when they were all taking turns hugging him. She gives him similar treatment when they finally reunite post-Battle of Lothal
When Hera would leave the cockpit for her sleep cycle and she left Sabine and Ezra in charge, she'd often give them a kiss goodnight. She'd kiss the top of Ezra's head before pressing her forehead to the top of Sabine's helmet (if she was wearing it. If not she got a kiss too). Its not technically a keldabe kiss, but the intention and general gesture are the same
The first time she "bonked" Kanan it was when they were disguised as stormtroopers. They were trying to hug in victory but all the armor got in the way. They ended up just grabbing the insides of each others elbows and quickly bumping their heads together. Which is in fact a keldabe kiss, Sabine just didnt know that Kanan knew what that was. They have a few more over the years. Once Sabine was sad/upset and sitting at the table, so Kanan talked to her and when he got up to leave he leaned down to press his forehead to hers for a moment. Neither of them were wearing a helmet, but Sabine knew what he was doing. Their last one was done after Kanan was blinded. She gave him a hard bump to his metal eye-covering. They both laughed.
She doesnt get many when she moves back to the Wren Stronghold. Before she left for the academy, her dad would do it all the time to her and Tristan and even Ursa. It wasnt always forehead to forehead, but there was a lot of helmet bumping initiated by him (forehead to top of helmet, side of helmet to side of helmet when hugging, etc). He was the only one to give her any for the first few months after she came back
Clan Wren likes to bump helmets with returning members (if both are suited up). She remembers when they finally let her back in on that. She teared up a little inside her helmet
Ursa has always been more distant when it came to giving physical affection (she is mostly okay with receiving it, if its in private) outside of pats on the back or shoulder. When Sabine returned she was very surprised to (eventually) get a hug from her. These days they really only bump heads as a greeting when they havent seen each other in a while
Her and Tristan never really do it. They've done it twice in their lives and both times it occurred on a battlefield
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hxseok-honee · 3 years
sundress || part 9
written portion under the cut!
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sundress [part 9] || "I like it."
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a/n : [when you’re close to me, i can’t breathe // we’re already six feet deep] fuck up the friendship x leah kate
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Monday, 20 September, 10:01am
“I sit through that class every morning, and I don’t think there’s a single thing I remember about it.” Yoongi runs his fingers through his hair as he exits the Charms classroom, free hand attached to Y/n’s hip. They hover in the doorway, waiting for Jin and Tae to join them, and then the four of them are headed down the corridor to their next class. Yoongi can feel his roommate’s eyes on him and Y/n, and when he glances over his shoulder, he finds that both Jin and Tae are looking with intrigue at the arm he’s got wrapped around Y/n.
“What?” They look up, Y/n glancing back to see what’s happening. Jin clears his throat, shaking his head, and Tae just smiles, a toothy grin that’s more than a little sheepish.
“It’s just… a bit weird, still -- seeing you two together. We’re getting used to it.” Jin nods before pointing between the two of them, eyes guarded.
“As long as I don’t have to accidentally walk in on you two getting freaky in the room, I don’t care what you do. But…” He trails off, glancing down at Yoongi’s arm again, an amused smirk dancing on his lips. “Yeah. Getting used to it.”
“You look good, though! You guys are a good match.” Tae gestures with both hands, the paperback book in his hold flapping obnoxiously as he tries to make sure he and Jin aren’t being misunderstood. “It’s cute -- we all like it. You know, except Jungkook.” Yoongi snorts, shaking his head.
“I really couldn’t care less what he thinks about it.” A lie, of course -- otherwise Yoongi wouldn’t be doing this at all. He wants to make Jeon Jungkook pay, just as Y/n does, but their friends don’t need to know that.
They reach an intersection then, Tae and Jin branching off to the right. They glance back when Yoongi doesn’t follow, and he points simply down the corridor on their left.
“I’m gonna walk Y/n to her next class -- see you guys at lunch?” Y/n looks at him, surprised he’s not heading to his own class. She waits until their friends are waving goodbye before she’s saying anything.
“You’re gonna be late…” Yoongi shrugs, guiding her down the left-hand corridor toward her Transfiguration classroom, his arm tight around her waist.
“So, I’ll run.” Y/n rolls her eyes with a scoff, but lets him walk her to class, anyway. She pretends she can’t see everyone in the corridor looking at them, just as they had been all morning. After all, once news had broken that Min Yoongi was no longer available, people couldn’t help but be curious. But Yoongi hasn’t said a thing about it, so she won’t either -- even if it is a little nerve-wracking.
When they get to her class, the very last one at the end of the corridor, Y/n turns to him, eyes suspicious.
“You better not use this as an excuse to skip your own class and go back to bed. You still have enough time to make it there.” Yoongi grins, shaking his head.
“You know me too well.” With a smile, she steps in and presses her lips to his in a quick peck. She would have tried to stay longer, but she can still feel everyone looking at them, and she’d panicked just a little bit. That’s a lot of eyes on them at once, and she figures a chaste kiss is acceptable enough that she can run into the safety of her classroom afterward without seeming like she’s avoiding his affection.
But as she’s turning to leave, a soft ‘see you later’ leaving her, she feels a hand on her elbow, pulling her back. Yoongi’s giving her a knowing look, tugging her close to him with an amused smile. When she’s close enough, he’s mumbling to her, fully aware of what’s been bothering her.
“You can do better than that.” Nervously, she’s glancing over his shoulder, but he’s tutting quietly, drawing her back. “Don’t look at them -- look at me.” She looks at him for just a moment, trying to build the courage to kiss him properly. It comes to her, and she’s stepping right up to him, hand on the side of his neck when she leans in.
Yoongi’s grip on her waist tightens when her lips find his, and he’s pressing forward right away, making sure to keep her focus on him. His free hand comes up and his fingers are threading through her hair, holding her still while he angles his head, molding his lips to hers more comfortably.
She pulls away first, ears tinting red almost immediately because she can tell everyone had seen that -- that they’re already whispering about them. But Yoongi makes it deceptively difficult for her to get carried away by the attention, tilting his head to block her view of the corridor with a playful smile.
“Good girl.” He’d meant it innocently -- she knows he’d meant it innocently. He’d only been praising her for not letting the embarrassment get to her, for doing it right that time. But he doesn’t know how those words affect her -- or… rather, he didn’t.
Because he catches it. He’s close enough, and his eyes are on her. There’s no way he’d miss the way her eyes had widened, even though she’s quick to mask it, or the purse of her lips -- the catch of her breath, almost imperceptible.
And then he’s narrowing his eyes at her, gaze flitting around her face, trying to pinpoint what had just happened. He puts it together easily, the side of his mouth tilting up as he gives her a knowing look. He wants her to say it, so he’s certain -- so this is something that can be shared between them, not something she’s too embarrassed to tell him.
“What was that?” Y/n blinks, shaking her head as she takes a step back, putting distance between them. He only steps forward to close the gap again. “No… something definitely just happened to you.” She shakes her head again, pointing over her shoulder into her class.
“Nope. That was nothing--I mean. Nothing happened, there was nothing.” She backs away further, jumping when she bumps into the corner of the wall. Yoongi only tilts his head with a squint, a full smirk on his features now.
“You know I’m not gonna let this go, right?”
“Go to class, Yoongi!” And then she’s gone, all but running into her classroom in a panic. Yoongi snickers, shaking his head as he turns and heads down the corridor, pocketing that interesting bit of information for later.
Monday, 20 September, 4:15pm
Y/n’s in the library, eyes scanning the shelf in front of her as she searches for the book title Hoseok had sent her. It’s something that has a chapter on the Wiggentree, which is what they’d chosen their project topic as for Herbology.
I’m definitely in the right aisle… Maybe I’m just missing it?
She moves to return to her starting place in the otherwise empty aisle, convinced she’ll find it if she just looks again. But she doesn’t make it far, a hand coming down on the shelf and blocking her. She’d been too focused on scanning the books to even notice that he’d arrived. But she certainly notices him now.
“So -- you like ‘good girl’?” Turning as the words are whispered into her ear, Y/n all but stumbles backward into the bookshelf, eyes wide as she finds Yoongi peering back at her. He’s squinting at her, just as he had this morning, as he searches her face for a reaction. Blinking rapidly, she glances down the aisle, worried someone might find them like this.
“Yoongi, what -- you can’t just sneak up on me like that!” Her voice is hushed, because she’s aware this is a library and even more aware that it’s full to the brim, having seen almost every seat taken when she’d walked through the room. The chances of them not getting caught are slim to none.
But Yoongi doesn’t seem to mind, only stepping in and further blocking her way out. She scoots back as much as possible, but there’s only so far she can go with her back pressed against a wall of books.
“No one forced you to tell me that you were here.” Y/n sighs, because she should have seen this coming. He’d been totally fine all day, holding her hand at lunch and walking her to class after, never saying a word about what had happened this morning. Even during their free period, they’d just taken a nap in his bed -- everything had been normal.
So when he’d texted her asking where she was, she hadn’t thought twice to tell him about the book she’s been looking for. She should have known he’d bring it up again -- he’d even said he would. But she hadn’t expected it to be here, in such a public place.
Maybe I should have. This is Yoongi.
When she doesn’t say anything, Yoongi leans in, setting his lips against the shell of her ear.
“What else do you like to be called, hm?” Flushing red, Y/n plants her hand on his chest, intending to push him away. But he’s already pulling back, just enough that their noses are brushing while he looks into her eyes. She hates that he’s smirking, because he knows she’s flustered.
“You know you should just tell me -- I’ll figure it out for myself eventually.” He’s fully aware she won’t say a word, already seeing that her jaw is clenching, mouth set in a hard line.
“I’m not telling you shit.” He raises an eyebrow, thoroughly amused by her disgruntled expression.
“No? That’s okay. I’ll just get it out of you later, pretty girl.” Y/n blinks rapidly when her heart jumps and grimaces, because he’s testing her right here in the middle of this library. And she knows when he smiles that she’s failed.
“Got you.” Y/n rolls her eyes, cheeks warm from how embarrassed she feels, and moves to push past him so she can leave -- she’ll just find the book later. But Yoongi’s in her way, a playful smile on his face. “You still haven’t told me if you like ‘good girl’.” She shoots him a wild look.
“You know the answer to that.” And then she’s looking away, because his eyes are lighting up and she’s not sure how she’s supposed to feel about that -- mostly, she’s not sure why it doesn’t bother her that he’s excited about this. “Can I go?” He smiles, humming in faux contemplation.
“Nope. I wanna hear it from your mouth.” She turns to him, exasperated, because he’s being obnoxious and he knows it. But he doesn’t let up, only pressing forward until she’s backed against the shelf again. “Come on… it’s just a couple words -- say them and I’ll let you go back to your project.”
When she only glares at him, he hums again, a dangerous glint in his eye.
“Okay, then.” And then he’s leaning forward, slotting his lips against hers roughly, muffling the noise of surprise that leaves her. She pushes him back just enough that their lips part, eyeing him with shock.
“What are you doing? We’re alone--”
“Are we?” She blinks, knowing what he means -- that there are eyes everywhere, that what they’re doing is okay because they are in public, even if the aisle’s empty. Because this is exactly what it's like to date Min Yoongi, so it's okay. Everything they're doing and saying right now -- this is how it's supposed to look to anyone that comes across them.
He looks her over, checking that she’s alright -- that she’s not upset.
“… Can I go back to being the sexy boyfriend that corners you in the library to convince you with my mouth to tell me what I want to hear? Or do you want to stop? Because I’ll stop.” Y/n snorts, shaking her head. He’s careful as always, but if she’s honest -- she doesn’t really mind this all that much. She’d agreed to it, after all. So instead of telling him that this is fine -- that they’re fine -- she continues the previous conversation.
“You’re not gonna convince me to say it, no matter what you do.” He looks at her sideways, smirking, and she immediately regrets having worded it like that because she can already see Yoongi’s competitive side making an appearance.
“Is that a challenge?” When she only rolls her eyes, he leans in, stopping just shy of her mouth and waiting, just in case she doesn’t want to do this. She doesn’t move, gaze only flicking down quickly to his lips and back again. He tries his best to mask the smile that threatens to form on his face, but even as he closes the gap, it’s there.
He kisses her once, then leans back to talk to her.
“Say it.” She smiles, eyes full of mischief.
“Say what?” He kisses her again.
“Say it.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Again.
“I could do this all day, Y/n.”
“No, you can’t. You hate missing dinner -- you like the dessert too much.” He sighs impatiently, setting his hands on her hips and pulling her in. The kiss he lays on her lips is different than the last few, this one made to leave her breathless. She hates that it does.
Without pulling away, he gauges her reaction, noticing immediately that she’s grabbing at the front of his uniform, almost as if to ground herself after something so unexpected. He doesn’t give her time to recover, pulling at her bottom lip with his teeth. When she inhales sharply, he pushes his tongue past her lips, licking into her mouth -- she whines, the sound immediately cutting off because she’s realizing that they’re still in the library.
Yoongi only smirks, finding it cute that she’s so aware of her surroundings. But he wants her completely out of it, thinking either about him or nothing at all. So he brings one hand up to the back of her head, where he’s taking a fistful of her hair and tugging harshly, forcing her mouth away from his as her head gets angled to the side. That whine comes again, but she’s definitely already more dazed than before, because she doesn’t stop it from happening. Her head is spinning too fast, the feeling turning to pure white noise when Yoongi attaches his mouth to a spot under her ear, his lips searing hot against her skin.
“Yoongi…” She breathes out his name, clinging to him like she’s going to fall over if she doesn’t. Yoongi tells himself that that’s why he presses himself flush to her, sliding his free hand down to her ass and pushing her hips forward into his -- because he wants to help steady her. It has nothing to do with hearing her call for him like that. Nothing at all to do with the reaction it draws out of her when he does, that breathy moan he’d secretly been looking for. Pulling his lips from her neck, he drags them up to her ear, not even noticing how hard he’s breathing.
“Now do you wanna tell me?” She doesn’t respond, whining incoherently. Yoongi sees out of the corner his eye that someone’s turning into the aisle. When they stop short and immediately turn to leave, he’s smiling, because they’d just gotten caught and Y/n has no idea. She’s too busy trying to catch her breath -- trying to come to her senses. Yoongi’s having none of it.
Using the hold he has on her hair, he brings her toward him, smushing his lips to hers -- it’s not as rough as she’d been expecting, but it takes her breath away all the same. Just like the first one. She whimpers against his lips, and it warms him -- the idea that even this is enough to make her feel good. He wonders if she actually prefers when he’s soft with her -- he’ll have to explore that more later.
Pulling his lips away from her, he watches her. The way she doesn’t open her eyes right away or even notice that he’s waiting for her. She just leans her head back against the hand in her hair, and Yoongi steadies her, smiling at how dazed she is. He shakes that hand gently, jostling her, and that’s when she’s opening her eyes, realizing he hasn’t done anything in a few seconds. They make eye contact, Y/n trying to blink her way out of the fog in her head.
“Don’t you want this to end already? Wouldn’t you rather go back to finding your book before we have to go to dinner?” She nods automatically, even though there’s a small part of her that hesitates first -- it must be because she’s too out of it to process his questions right away. When she doesn’t meet Yoongi’s eyes for a few seconds, he’s pulling at her hair again, drawing her attention. And when her gaze finally lifts to his--
“Then be a good girl and tell me you like it.” Yoongi watches as she reacts -- as she breaks. As her lips part in a small gasp, her eyelids fluttering as she looks at him. As the hold she has on the front of his shirt tightens, her knuckles almost white. It’s the first time he’s ever seen this side of her -- the first time he’s ever seen her give in like this. He almost feels bad for how proud he is that she’s like this because of him.
But then she’s saying it -- what he’s wanted to hear from her all day. She doesn’t say all of it, but she doesn’t need to. Just those three words are enough to make him smile, because submission looks shockingly good on a stubborn lion like her. His Y/n.
“I like it.”
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whump-town · 3 years
The Traveling T-Shirt
No Pairings
No Warnings
It's just Morgan's t-shirt traveling through the BAU one person and story at a time
It starts with a coffee spill in Seattle. With Aaron, startlingly enough.
Six days in the rain and it seemed even their cleanest, driest clothing was damp with the chill from the constant downpour. Though, six days on their feet with clothing they’d already worn at least twice that week on their backs, they looked more and more “rag-tag” as the hours bore on. Even Hotch had lost his cookie-cutter charm. His white t-shirt crumpled where it was typically pressed to perfection, not a wrinkle in sight. His hair wouldn’t stay gelled into the style he liked it in, leaving it fluffy and soft on the top of his head. He looked significantly less like SSA Aaron Hotchner and a lot more like Aaron.
Maybe he had lost SSA Hotchner somewhere along the days and victims because SSA Hotchner would never spill coffee on himself. But Aaron would and Aaron did.
Derek watched the whole thing take place, unable to take his eyes off of Hotch since the second that he walked in. Something about his tired zombie-like lurches just couldn’t break Derek’s curiosity and he had to know what would come out of Hotch’s current state. Despite the far-away look in Hotch’s gaze, the tired bags of discoloration under his eyes, Derek would not have predicted this as the outcome. Hotch is so out of it that all he can do is stare at the mess he’s created, glaring at the mess of coffee grounds across his less than pristine white dress shirt.
“Here,” Derek shakes his head, has to manually clear the fog occupying his brain. He pulls at the loose clump of napkins someone had left atop the coffee table for this exact situation, presses the mass into Hotch’s stomach. It feels akin to something else, distinctly deja-vu. Like he’s pressing into a wound, holding him together with nothing more than cheap napkins.
The physical contact brings Hotch back to the Earth and with a few blinks of his blood-shot eyes he sighs irritably and mumbles, “I don’t have any more clean shirts.”
Derek would argue the one he’s currently wearing is not clean either. It’s got a few dots of red expo marker on the left elbow where Reid bumped into him, rambling quickly about his map and the geographical profile. On the cuff of his right sleeve, there’s something brown or black which could be something from a pen or an expo marker or something else he’s just stuck his hand in. God knows what else is on this shirt.
Hotch puts his hand over Derek’s, holds the napkins himself. Derek pats his shoulder, “it’s alright, man. I’ll get you a shirt.”
They could go just about anywhere and just buy him a shirt. It could be some looney graphic t-shirt from the boy’s sections of some store down the street or another white dress shirt to replace the one he’s wearing but Derek just gets one of his. It’s a light grey, the color worn down by how frequently Derek wears it. Where it fits Derek snugly, hugs his chest and back tightly, it fits Hotch oddly. Displays to them all just how right they were in the assumptions they have held about how his recent divorce is affecting him.
He’s lost weight.
Too much.
One thin grey Hanes t-shirt can’t fight off the chill and overtop it, covering his visible bones, Dave throws him a sweater. He stays buried in that sweater and shirt all day, long into the night as they go hunting out in the streets with flashlights. Rain comes down heavy and thick.
Dave gets his sweater back. Folded neatly and smelling of the distinct fabric softener Hotch uses, it makes his whole office smell nice and Dave nearly can’t bring himself to wear the thing again. Doesn’t want the scent to fade, every inch of that sweater is now stitched together with something more.
The t-shirt gets left at the bottom of a drawer, to be discovered months from now.
Emily finds it six nights after Foyet left Hotch in Saint Sebastion’s hospital held together by sugrical staples and the stubborn will to live. All of his clothing has been hunted through, his shirt drawer is nearly empty. JJ and Penelope had undertaken the job of finding Hotch clothing for the hospital -- anything that he could just slip his arms into without having to lift them above his head. The only things left in his drawers are regular t-shirts and jeans, meaning Emily doesn’t have a whole lot to pick through right now.
She hadn’t anticipated this need and as much forethought as she put into staying the night was assuming Hotch would have clothes she could steal. She hadn’t really thought she’d be here tonight but she doesn’t think she can leave him alone. Doesn’t think it would be kind of her as his friend to see him like this and still choose to leave him for the night.
She decides on a thin grey shirt that she finds, turning her nose up to his university t-shirts (as if she’d wear those) and a pair of sweat pants on his floor that she thinks are clean or at least don’t smell bad. It’s not the best but she came unprepared and she’s not going to complain, both are comfortable even if the pants are giant on her.
To her surprise, he’s still fighting off his meds. Hazy brown eyes blink open when she steps back out into the living room, following her as she comes to the couch. She’s careful, even if she does it nonchalantly, as she moves his legs a little so that she can sit down beside him. He’s stretched across the couch, too big so he’s pinched up in places, but he doesn’t want to sleep in his room. Stubborn like a child being asked to take a nap -- “but I’m not tired”.
“T’as not my shirt,” he mumbles into his blanket. He’s got the heating blanket pulled up his nose, wrapped tightly around his shoulders and hands.
Emily looks down at it and frowns. “Well, then who the hell else’s is it?” She reaches for the TV remote on the coffee table, turning it on without waiting for his answer. Clearly, she doesn’t care who’s it is, she’s not taking it off now. His grunt, muffled by the blanket, means he doesn’t know and he doesn’t really care enough either to figure out who it is.
He doesn’t last much longer, falls asleep with her squishing him on the couch (though, arguably, he’s squishing her). She’ll brush off his timid embarrassment at having to need her around the next morning, for waking up in the middle of the night having to be held down. Sobbing incoherently about something, neither of them really sure what. Only calming down when she put his head in her lap, stroking his hair back until he fell back asleep. Which is how he wakes up, his head in her lap and his hand holding her’s hostage.
But she shrugs it off and says she only did it for the free shirt, “don’t worry about it.”
She keeps the shirt, uses it several more nights as they graduate from sleeping on the couch to him finally going back to his bed. To being mentally present enough again to fight her about taking meds, to walking her to the front door every night, and watching her leave.
She buries the shirt too. It feels too tight on her skin, wrong. She touches the material and remembers seeing him hysterical, writhing in pain, and unable to be comforted. Can smell the antiseptic from his skin. Can hear the doctor warning her about his heart. That shirt feels like losing her best friend but she can’t bring herself to get rid of it.
JJ uncovers it a year later (before Emily has done the unspeakable, the unimaginable, and died and come back to life). It’s a girls night gone wrong but not impossibly so.
“Just grab one of my shirts,” Emily says, still laughing.
JJ glares back at her. She’s covered in water from the sink -- Emily sprayed her with the faucet. It’s revenge, payback for the pasta sauce JJ swiped down her cheek.
“You two are devious,” Penelope insists, waving her fingers at them. She’s still chopping up mushrooms, trying to size them as best as she can so that they are spread evenly throughout the alfredo sauce. “Behave before you ruin the sauce and I have to tell Dave that I not only shared his recipe but that you two ruined it.”
JJ has to search for a shirt from Emily’s pajama drawer. She doesn’t want any of the old college shirts and certainly doesn’t want any of the dopey graphic t-shirts Emily is so partial to. She ends up on a grey shirt, worn and old and soft.
Emily knows the shirt the second the JJ comes out and it takes her a moment to hide and stifle the anxiety that its presence gives her. Hotch’s health is better, he’s got a routine down with the medication he’ll be taking for the rest of his life because of that attack, but he’s smiling again. It’s harder than it was before to win one out of him but he can do it, they happen.
“Which one-night stand is this?” JJ asks, plucking the shirt with her fingers and raising an eyebrow.
Emily shakes her head, clears her throat of the residual guilt, and smirks, “trust me, you don’t want to know.” Hotch would be mortified at the insinuation but it’s funny and what he doesn’t know (and what they don’t know) can’t hurt him. She’s sad to see the shirt go, it’s a door closed, but relieved of its burden she can breathe again. Feels Foyet leave her completely.
JJ goes unburdened.
That old shirt is a comfort. She nurses Henry through fevers in it. Uses its edge to wipe his tears from his face. It’s always at the top of her laundry basket, the first thing she puts on when she gets home from a rough case. Will isn’t sure where she got it from because he knows it’s not his. It’s not the first time JJ’s stolen someone else’s clothes (he’s picked up enough of them to know that Reid wears a size small, that dark shirts sized medium are Morgan, and that white t-shirts in a medium are Hotch’s). He thinks it’s cute, she’s been stealing his shirts for as long as he’s known her.
In October, the fall of the same year that Emily leaves for Interpol, JJ gets held up in a meeting with Hotch. Something to do the with Department of Justice and all she manages to get out over the phone is that she’s absolutely pissed and Reid can just faintly hear Hotch offering her a coffee before she thanks him and the line goes dead. Will is on night shift and he can’t come home. So Reid fills in, their impromptu babysitter for the night.
It’s fine, calm… for the most part.
Reid lasts about an hour and a half before he finds himself in need of a change of clothes. He’s got pumpkin all over him and his fun little idea to let Henry carve a baby pumpkin was obviously a bad idea. He just didn’t know that in advance. He’s watched Jack enough times to feel fully confident in his skills but the age gap between Henry and Jack is severe. There are a lot of developmental differences in children only two years apart in age, Reid was not prepared for that.
He feels weird about stealing a shirt but his own is soaked in pumpkin guts and Henry’s bathwater.
JJ doesn’t notice the shirt exchange. She just grins at the sight of Spencer and Henry curled up on the couch, Will sitting beside them eating popcorn while “It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” plays softly.
Three days later Morgan sees his shirt on the back of the couch. It’s been washed and is waiting to be returned to JJ but he knows damn well that it’s his. “How the hell did you find this?” Morgan asks, lifting it up. Reid had called him over to fix a leaking pipe (Reid is supposed to call his Super who has a mechanic who can do it but he’s too anxious for that) and Morgan was less than prepared to find his missing shirt.
Reid frowns, confused, “that’s JJ’s. I borrowed it Thursday night when I babysat.”
Morgan shakes his head, no this is his shirt. He’s sure of it. It’s been gone for years. He thought the washing machine ate it. He couldn't remember where else it would have gone off to. That or he left it in some hotel but here it is. Grey and worn and soft, it’s his.
He takes it to work in his go-bag and all but rolls his eyes into the back of his head when he watches Garcia stumble and drench herself in cold, left-over tea. He stands from his desk, sighing hard, “it’s alright, baby girl. I’ve got a shirt you can borrow.”
He’s never getting this shirt back.
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vnderoos · 4 years
staring ✷ draco malfoy
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(gif is not mine, credit to the owner) warnings / language(?), draco being a cocky little bugger word count / 2.7k
masterlist in bio ↴
"'MIONE, HAVE YOU cut the daisy roots, yet?" Y/N asked in a quiet voice as she stirred the cauldron with slow, clockwise movements. She and Hermione had been sitting at a workbench in Professor Snape's classroom for some time now, working together on the shrinking potion that he'd assigned for the period. Snape had performed a demonstration in the class prior, but this time, they were responsible for brewing the substance themselves. "I think it's almost warm enough to drop them in," she hummed, continuing to heat the cauldron gently.
Hermione turned to look at the girl and she managed a strained smile. "Yeah, they're all cut up," she explained. She cupped her hand and slid the pile of finely-chopped roots into a small bowl, figuring they'd be easier to dump in that way. She pushed then to Y/N over the tabletop before her gaze flickered elsewhere. "Have you noticed that Malfoy's been staring at you all class?" she muttered out of the blue, tearing her eyes off of what Y/N assumed was the platinum blonde's table.
Y/N offered her friend a gentle shake of her head and she tapped the rim of the glass on the edge of the cauldron, watching as the pieces of root fell into the thick bubbles in the cast-iron pot. "If he was staring, I'm sure I would've noticed by now," she replied, earning a heavy sigh and an eyeroll from Hermione as she peeked into her notebook to see what she needed to add next. She plucked a green bottle and the bowl of caterpillars up off of the table. "Shake the wormwood for me?" she asked, holding the bottle out to Hermione.
Hermione nodded and gently took the bottle from Y/N. "Sure." Pressing her index finger down on the cork at the top, to keep from spilling it everywhere by accident, she began to shake it vigorously. Her brown eyes seemed to trail off again as she shook the wormwood and she found herself narrowing them when they landed on Draco Malfoy for the umpteenth time that class. She was anything but surprised to find his icy gaze locked on the girl beside her. "My God, he's foul," she hissed.
"He's just sitting there, 'Mione," Y/N laughed as she dropped five hairy caterpillars into the pot. It was satisfying to watch them to sink into the purple sludge, but she didn't dwell on that long, as Hermione handed her the bottle of wormwood. "No offense, but can he not just breathe without you insulting him for once?" she questioned with light-hearted intentions as she popped the cork off of the small phial and poured it all into the potion. She watched as it's rich, purple color simmered into a dark green, and she looked over at her frizzy-haired companion.
Hermione stared back at her with a dumbfounded look. "You're joking," she stared and she slipped behind Y/N. The next step was to add the juice from four leeches and it could almost be considered law for the two witches to switch places when anything to do with leeches was involved. Hermione hated the bloody things. Y/N wasn't a fan, either, but she seemed to stomach them better.  "Look, he can't keep his eyes off of you, Y/N/N," she hummed, starting to stir the potion rapidly. "It's sickening."
After Y/N lifted the leeches from a jar with her wand and set them into a mortar, she let her eyes flicker up from what she was doing for the first time. She'd almost been nervous about what she might've seen, but her nerves were calmed when she was met with the back of his head, her eyes locking onto tufts of white-blonde hair. "I wouldn't say sickening," Y/N defended quietly as she squished the leeches with a pestle. Her eyes had left the Slytherin boy for a simple second, to check on what she was doing, but when she looked back up, her heart fluttered in her chest. Her eyes were met with the gray-blue color of his own and she could feel the heat sparking beneath her cheeks as she looked at him. She couldn't seem to read Draco's expression as he stared at her, but she also couldn't seem to take her eyes off of him. Something about him was entirely too captivating. "I think he's rather handsome, actually," she stated matter-of-factly, her eyes still locked with his, and he flashed her a small smirk. A gentle smile eased onto her face in response and she turned away from him shyly, directing her focus back onto her smushed leeches.
"You can't be serious," Hermione said as she stirred, looking over at her. "He's such a rat," she argued and Y/N shrugged her shoulders.
It wasn't her fault that she was attracted to him. He was tall, mysterious, and he had skin as smooth as anything. She wouldn't even get herself started on his hair or the color of his eyes or the confident aura he oozed. "I can't help it, 'Mione, he's cute," Y/N told her, pouring the juice from the leeches into the cauldron. "Even if he does have his head up his arse half the time."
All of her classes after Potions had seemed to fly by that day, until Y/N was sitting next to Hermione—once again—in their last class of the day. She was never really fond of Transfiguration, as it wasn't one of her strong suits, but having one of her best friends there to offer her pointers didn't hurt. She looked over at Hermione to check the page number on her textbook, to make sure they were looking at the same material, but she found the girl glaring daggers at someone, instead. She furrowed her eyebrows and followed her gaze to the desk sitting diagonally in front of their own, where Draco and Crabbe were leaned over the top of it.
Draco was looking at Y/N over his shoulder and his eyebrows lifted slightly when her eyes met his own. Trying to pretend like Hermione wasn't ready to pounce beside her, she flashed the blonde a gentle smile. In place of smiling back, he offered her a smirk and sent a little wink in her direction, before turning back around in his seat.
Her heart jumped in her chest for the second time that day for the same reason and she looked to Hermione with a giddy smile on her face. "He just winked at me," she hummed, tilting her head bashfully as she did, and she didn't miss the way that Hermione rolled her eyes.
"Bloody hell, Y/N," Hermione cursed, clearly having spent too much time with a certain redhead lately. "Don't tell me he's actually catching starting to catch your interest," she pleaded.
Y/N shrugged her shoulders at that and she gestured to the boy in a subtle manner. "'Mione, have you seen him? How could he not?" she argued quietly and she watched her friend gag mockingly. "He's not even that bad, you're just dramatic," she concluded with a small laugh and she bumped Hermione with her elbow.
The girl scoffed and shook her head, her untamable hair swaying along with the gesture as she did. "Merlin, I really don't know what I'm going to do with you, Y/L/N," she admitted, jokingly for the most part, but she didn't say much else before a soft psst broke their conversation.
"Y/L/N," the voice hissed again, and since Professor McGonagall had her back turned on the class, Y/N looked around, only to find her eyes fixed on Draco's once more. Catch, he mouthed, lifting his hands to reveal a small crane, neatly folded out of parchment paper, and he blew a gentle puff of air onto it. With a single breath, the parchment crane fluttered to life and her eyebrows quirked upwards as it soared her way. She held her hands out to catch it carefully, ignoring a judge look from Hermione and the way Draco's eyes lingered on her as they watched her unfold it. Her eyes flickered over the paper, following his handwriting, which was tall, messy, and very fitting for someone like him.
Wait for me after class? – D. M.
Y/N grinned to herself as she took in the message and she looked up at him. He raised his eyebrows as if to repeat his question and she nodded her head. Seemingly satisfied with her response, Draco mirrored her nod, poking his tongue into his cheek as if to hide a smile, and he turned back around.
Hermione tapped the note with the feathery end of her quill and Y/N looked over at her. "You're not actually going to meet him, are you, Y/N?" she asked quietly, her tone flushed with something comparable to worry.
Y/N almost felt bad for continuing to fight her on it when she knew that Hermione was only looking out for her. "Of course, I'm going to do it," she paused, "I mean, what's the worst he could do, you know?" she finished.
Hermione sighed softly, but ultimately, she decided to give her a nod of approval. "Not that you need my permission, anyways, but fine," she agreed reluctantly. "Just be careful, please. You know I worry about you and the other two," she hummed, in reference to Ron and Harry, the missing pieces of their little group. "I'll hex him out of the castle if he tries anything slick, alright?"
She knew that she was lucky to have someone as supportive and protective as Hermione Granger in her life, so she smiled, placing a hand on the girl's arm affectionately. "Alright. Thank you, 'Mione," she said and Hermione nodded, giving her a small smile.
"Alright, everyone. I think that's enough for today," Professor McGonagall called out when the class had finally come to a close. "Class dismissed." She clasped her hands and returned behind her desk as the students began to gather their belongings. Hermione was one of the first ready to leave, with all of her notebooks stuffed into her shoulder bag and her textbook cradled in her arms.
She turned to Y/N as she stood up to leave and she set a hand on her shoulder. "First, remember what we talked about earlier, please," she started, pausing to flash Y/N, who nodded in return, a supportive grin. "And second, I expect all the details when you get back to the dorm. Good luck." Hermione sang the last word as she pulled her hand from the girl's shoulder.
Knowing how strongly Hermione felt with her dislike for Draco, it meant a lot to Y/N that she put her happiness above that. "Thank you, I'm sure I'll need it," she joked, stuffing the last of her books into her bag. "I'll see you when I get back," she promised on a more serious note and the Gryffindor pivoted on her heel, hurrying towards the door so that Y/N might get to meet up with Draco sooner.
Y/N smiled to herself when she was alone, standing up out of her seat and slinging her bag over her shoulder. All of the other students had left the room by then, leaving her, Draco, and McGonagall as the remaining trio. Deciding it was time to approach him, she made her way over to the blonde and crossed her arms over her chest when his eyes flickered up to her. "Hi, Draco." She managed a smile at him, a certain kindness settling in on her features, and he gave a quick jut of his chin in greeting.
"Hello, Y/L/N," he addressed her with a teasing lilt in his voice and she would be lying if she said that it didn't make her the slightest bit nervous. "I wasn't actually sure if you'd stick around," he admitted through a smirk, flipping his bag shut and securing the clip, before he slipped the strap onto his shoulder.
She gave him a weak shrug and she matched his pace as they started towards the exit. "Well, you've been catching my eye all day. I was too curious to ditch you," countered Y/N, jokingly of course, and she stepped out into the corridor with Malfoy at her side. "Why'd you want me to wait up for you?" she questioned as she decided to turn in the direction she'd take to the Gryffindor commons. She figured if he wanted to talk so badly, he'd follow her.
And he did, of course.
Draco didn't even seem to notice as his steps mimicked her own. "I just wanted to get you away from Granger," he explained with a smirk on his lips and she furrowed her eyebrows at him in confusion. Maybe he really was going to hex her or something. "I wanted to tell you that you look nice today without her biting my head off," he elaborated, quick to dispel her doubts in him, and she was almost relieved.
As his words settled in, Y/N could feel herself blushing and she grinned, looking down at her shoes as she walked. Draco's compliment was sweet and all, but it seemed like it had come out of the blue. The two of them never harbored any bad blood towards one another, but that didn't mean they talked all the time. In fact, they hardly spoke at all unless it was necessary.
"Pardon my curiosity, Malfoy, but why are you suddenly so interested?" she found herself asking, turning her head to look back up at him once her initial sheepishness had subsided.
Draco looked over at her as soon as she turned away again, his eyes lingering on the side profile of her face while hers were directed at the empty corridor in front of them. "Well, winter's coming up. I figured I'd have to act quick if I wanted to keep you company in the cold, yeah?" He hummed confidently and he fought a laugh at the face she mad when she shot him a look. Clearly, she didn't buy that but. He settled for a shrug instead. "I don't know, Y/L/N, I just— I guess I never looked hard enough before," he confessed for real, his eyes never leaving hers as he said it.
Y/N's eyebrows quirked upwards in surprise. "So, you're serious, then? I thought this was all a bloody setup," she shared.
"No, I'm quite serious," he reassured her.
At that, she couldn't help from letting a small smile slip onto her lips. "In that case, you look nice today, too, I suppose," she returned his compliment with a cool tone of voice, hoping it would seem more nonchalant. She noticed the way that her words were like fuel to his smirk, as it grew after she spoke.
"Let's go to Hogsmeade together later. We can get something to eat and walk around," Draco suggested, waggling his eyebrows down at her. "And maybe, if it's cold enough, you'll want to hold my hand," he teased with a wink.
Of course, Draco would skip the formalities if making a date a question, but she should've expected this sort of straightforwardness from him. She didn't mind it, though. She'd always found it attractive when boys knew what they wanted. "Malfoy," she hummed through a small laugh. "You know, I don't have to be cold to want to hold your hand, yeah?" she confessed, slipping her fingers into his own as they walked, and he spared her a cocky glance.
She knew that would go right to his head. "So, it's a date, then?" he questioned and she nodded.
"It's a date," Y/N affirmed
"Alright, well, I hope you're buying," Draco said nonchalantly and her head whipped around so she could face him. The look she shot him was almost comical and he fought a laugh as she flicked him in the arm. "I'm pulling your leg, Y/L/N. I might be a prat, but I have some manners. I am walking you back to the Gryffindorks, aren't I?" he pointed out and her eyebrows lifted. She remembered how she'd assumed he hadn't noticed when she'd deliberately set them on a path back to her room, but of course, he had.
After all, he was a Slytherin.
It shouldn't have come as any surprise.
taglist / @umpoedameron​ @h4ppydancing​ @pvintbreak​ @glenscapris​
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