#the rest are at a bunny rescue
nyxsealia · 1 month
With Easter approaching, just a little PSA not to buy or give rabbits for Easter.
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Yes, they're very very cute, and yes, you can get some adorable pictures of them in Easter baskets. But rabbits are not toys. They are little living beings. They need to be cared for and not discarded. They are not starter pets, and they are not good pets for children. A child cannot be the primary caregiver for a rabbit. They're very fragile, have complicated diets, and can be quite expensive. Rabbits can live to be 10+ years, they are not a short term commitment. They are not low maintenance, and can't live in the kind of cage you most often see advertised for rabbits. They either need a large exercise pen or to be free roamed, aka let them live in your home with you like you would a cat or dog. They are very easily litter trained and can become a member of the family just like any pet if taken care of properly.
Rabbits are very social animals and require a lot of attention, they can't be left in a small cage until your kid comes home from school or you come home for work to play with them for an hour. Rabbits are also not cuddly. They're prey animals, and slow to trust. Getting picked up scares them and they need a lot of time to warm up to you. A rabbit that's constantly picked up or grabbed can become aggressive out of fear, you need to approach them differently than you would cat or dog.
The majority of rabbits given as Easter gifts are either surrendered to shelters or abandoned outside. Please please never set a domestic rabbit free in the wild. Domestic rabbits are not wild rabbits, they do not know how to survive. They will likely die within days of being released.
They can be wonderful pets, but there is a lot of misinformation and misunderstandings about how to care for them, and there are a lot of abandoned rabbits. Most toys and treats marketed for rabbits in pet stores are actually not safe for them.
If you are considering getting a pet rabbit, I am begging you to do your research. Understand the commitment for what it is. A few great resources for learning about proper rabbit care are:
The House Rabbit Society
The Bunny Lady
Sincerely, Cinnabun
101 Rabbits
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charliemwrites · 5 months
Part 2 of charmed serial killer Simon. (Part 1 is here.)
This part is heavily inspired by this particular Badjhur audio “Surviving the Slasher” from, like, a long time ago. Where he’s a killer. Easier to find than expected, thank you masterlist. It permanently has a room in my pea brain, no rent, utilities included.
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You’re out with your little friends again. Simon scoffs to even call them that. You give them so much more than they even try to give you - support, encouragement, time, energy.
One of them has a shitty deadbeat boyfriend that’s throwing a flat party, so they’ve dragged you along per usual. You’re still swearing off alcohol after the last time you went out - when you got a ride home with him. So you’re totally sober when the rest of the idiots suggest “investigating” the abandoned hospital on the other end of the block.
You go with them as the only fully-sober one, but spend the whole, stumbling trip trying to convince them to go somewhere, anywhere, else.
Apparently the boyfriend fancies himself something of an urban explorer because he knows just how to get in, bragging that he’s going to start some stupid internet show looking for ghosts there. You end up getting knocked into a half dozen times just trying to keep your woozy friends from getting tetanus.
It doesn’t take long at all for someone to suggest hide and seek. You try adamantly to put your cute little foot down - reminding them that it’s dirty and structurally unstable and there could be people just trying to camp out in peace in here. You’re adamantly ignored and your friends scatter.
And Simon starts to hunt.
Oh, he wishes he could have seen your face when the screams first started. If you recognized the shriek of Addy, the one who yanked you away from a proper apology when you first bumped into him at the bar. Wonders if you felt anything when Simon stabbed her boyfriend in the stomach and sent him stumbling away to incite more terror.
Of course you did. His pretty little chatterbox, coming to the rescue as soon as you heard their cries.
You get yourself lost trying to find someone, anyone. He picks off your group one. By. One. He finds you trying to triage a nasty slice to Heather’s thigh. She was talking shit about you just two days ago to Addy.
And oh, how brave you are, trying to stick with her to the very end. All it takes is one well-placed throw and you’re scrambling back as Heather burbles blood.
He takes a single, loud step towards you - and you bolt. Such a smart thing, you don’t even glance back to see if he’s following. He’s not; there’s still trash to take care of.
You find one more friend - one he doesn’t mind so much, mostly because you just met tonight. She’s crying, making a fuss and you’re trying to soothe her while still focused on escape, letting her cling to your arm.
Simon starts herding you both towards an easy exit. A few well placed foot falls here, a jaunty whistle there. He loves watching your big eyes dart toward the noises, how you get low like a bunny hiding in brush. Always put yourself between your new friend and wherever you think he could come from.
Your friends’ blood is beginning to dry when he decides it’s time to wrap things up.
He appears in a doorway, and you shove at your fellow survivor, make her squeeze through the rusty door first. You’re just starting to follow when he snags you around the middle. You yelp, feet kicking at air, tugging at his soaked hoodie sleeve.
He shoves your back against a wall and presses close, the flat of his knife against your pretty cheek.
“What did we learn tonight, hm?” he mocks.
You’re flinching away, but know better than to struggle or scream. So clever.
“W-why are you doing this?” you ask.
How sweet, that you can’t understand the motivations of monsters like him. He indulges you.
“To teach you a lesson,” he answers. “Get better friends.”
You look furious, even as tears well in your eyes. He coos over them, tugs the bottom of his mask up enough to lick them as they fall down your cheek.
“S-Stop, that’s - that’s so gross,” you hiccup, pancaking yourself to the wall.
He snorts in amusement and tugs his mask down again.
“Now, I know you’re a good girl with good manners, so let’s see them.”
You blink at him, eyes soooo big. Don’t understand what he means.
He tuts. “Say: thank you, ghost, for teaching me a valuable lesson.”
You press your lips together in a tight, pouty line. He wants to bite them. Instead, taps the point of the knife against your jaw. A silent threat that’s he’s still debating if he means.
But you manage to get the sentence out, stuttering, voice breaking halfway through. Mm, he’s missed hearing your gratitude. It’s almost sweeter this way than all the times you said it in his car.
“You’re very welcome, sunshine. Now, off you go, before I decide to teach you something else.”
You don’t hesitate when he steps back. Peel yourself off the wall and wriggle out to freedom.
Simon chuckles. What a fun little playdate, he’s so glad he let you go that first time. He’ll have to arrange another one soon.
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ichimerapunk · 2 months
Plot Bunny: Danny Is an Unwilling & Unwitting Organ Donor 
Danny (in human form) and one of the Bats is captured by Doctor Hugo Strange (I can’t think of another Gotham rogue likely to do body experimentation). His weird experiments this time around started out with swapping organs from one person (Danny) and with another person’s (the Bat of choice).
Doctor Hugo Strange had only just sown both of them back up but before he could go any further in his experiments, the rest of the Bats arrive at the rescue. By the time Doctor Hugo Strange is subdued Danny’s ectoplasm has healed both wounds on Danny and the Bat-of-choice.
Thinking they stopped Strange before he could do anything, they take their family member home to recuperate and send the civilian on his way.
All is thought to be well until a day or so later when the Bat-of-choice starts having weird experiences. It starts out subtle, but things only grow more apparent as Danny’s ectoplasm-infused organ begins to “infect” more and more of the organ recipient’s body with ectoplasm.
Basically, Doctor Strange accidentally starts one of the Bats on the path to slowly turning into a halfa (or just heavily liminal, if preferred).
Which Bat is effected could be just about anyone; however, if its Tim/Red Robin, Tim gaining a new spleen (and Danny’s body just regrowing a spleen in its place) would be an easy choice. Or maybe Jason/Red Hood and the early signs of rising ecto-contamination could be mistaken as something related to his past dip in the Lazarus pit.
Explaining away shit:
- Handwaving explanations for there being no organ rejection, etc.? Ectoplasm BS.
- Handwaving how nothing was noticed by the Bats during a ‘just to be sure’ check-up back at the cave? Fast healing/ectoplasm BS. (This story idea is ever so vaguely inspired by the fanfic, “A Gift of a Heart” by Alexa Piper on Fanfiction.net.)   
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Characters: Aether, Albedo, Al Haitham, Amber, Ayaka, Ayato, Beidou, Candace, Cyno, Dainsleif, Diluc, Dehya, Gorou, Heizou, Itto, Kaeya, Kazuha, Lisa, Lumine, Layla, Nahida, Ningguang, Raiden Shogun, Scaramouche, Shenhe, Tartaglia, Thoma, Tighnari, Venti, Xiao, Yae Miko, Yelan, Zhongli
A/N: I've been working on this for a while and it got backed up thanks to finals but I hope you all like it!!
Aether (golden retriever)
It’s quite a fun morning when you wake up to a flurry of cries and laughter along with a big furry retriever pouncing on you as you just woke up.
You happily cried out for help and Paimon came to your rescue asking where Aether is, still cuddling and petting the cream colored fur as the dog's head rested on your lap.
On the dog's ear was aethers earring and you took a guess, asking the dog if he was your lover to which you got a pretty excited bark and more “kisses”.
The day is pretty much one of the best days ever as Aether gets to fawn over with cuddles and free food while you get to skip your responsibilities, running through the lands and laughing at the playful games you all played.
It’s decided that it was the result of a side effect of a domain your boyfriend recently cleared and it wore off after 24 hours but to say you were glad that it was over would be a lie.
Albedo (snow leopard)
He is a menace especially since snow leopards thrive in colder climates and naturally blend in with snow means a full day of hide and seek on Dragonspine, chasing him around and watching him observe the dancing hillichurls.
‘Bedo is of course going to let Klee pet him and cuddle near a fire if it’s cold (you get priority too), pawing at the knee for attention or to continue combing through his soft thick fur and wiggling around to show his stomach for pets.
You’re going to have to keep an eye on him as the now cat alchemist is going to try to perform experiments on himself to figure how he got in this position and with his large paws he’ll give you his best cute eyes for your help, please say no his fur almost got dyed neon pink.
Kaeya is no doubt going to catch wind of the situation and tease him about gaining a new fur coat to replace his usual white one, casually speaking about how you’re suddenly available since your boyfriend is an oversized house cat.
The cavalry captain gets a snarl and small but fierce roar as he sees Albedo get in front of you and slowly move towards him, both of you don’t see kaeya for the rest of the day and your furry alchemist lover demands rubs.
By the end of the day there will be two sheets of papers with a charcoal paw print on it and a messily done heart, paper slightly shredded but you and Klee love his gift anyway.
Alhaitham (Madagascar day gecko)
Like Albedo is a menace and uses his new form to hide from you and play games but most importantly get info that he normally wouldn’t be able to get as he’s now an ordinary seeming gecko.
Most likely he’ll find you before you find him, climbing up your back with his padded toes and smirking (you think) at your confused scattered self.
Alhaitham can’t just go about his day as normal so he does have to rely on your help much to his disagreement, wandering through the stalls and purchasing fruits for you both.
All in all a very relaxing day for the scholar compared to what he’s used to and did have fun being able to be pretty much inconspicuous, playing “catch me if you can” with his significant other.
Amber (french lop bunny)
Probably has to do with Albedo or something she ran into while being an outrider but nonetheless loves it, finally she’s like her baron bunny and adorably fluffy.
Jean gives her the day off because there really isn’t anything Amber can do in her current state and she could get hurt, you end up having a fun day to yourselves and walking through Mondstadt in with bunny amber cuddled in your arms.
You can’t help but prepare a satisfying salad for her and you, sitting just outside the city and enjoying the wind brushing through Amber’s whiskers.
The way her cotton tail twitches when she’s excited or her high hops in tall grass chasing after you, every soft small part of her is too cute.
Ayaka (persian teacup kitty)
Thoma’s going to come up to you with a mixed expression of worry and awkwardness, his hands hiding a furry pale blue moving ball that unfurled to be a kitten and according to Thoma…your girlfriend.
You’re too busy cooing over her cute cat form to listen to what Thoma was saying besides her not being able to take care of her duties, entrusting you to take care of her and watch over Miss Kamisato.
Most of the day is in her room watching her struggle to walk and fall whenever she tries to stand on two legs, not only not being able to reach items because she’s a cat but she’s a teacup cat.
She does have to admit that you’re adorable from her point of view and you give the best scratches behind her ear while she’s laying on soft blankets and weaving between your legs.
Ayato (peacock)
This is one of the best and worst days for him because he gets a day off of work for a valid reason and he gets to show off how pretty is to you. Thoma and his sister cannot stop doubling over with laughter.
The lord is almost always puffed up and displaying his feathers for you to enjoy, following you around like it’s the only possible option and occasionally cawing to get your attention.
Several times Inazumans came up to you while you were running errands and warned you that there was a very large color bird “stalking” you, turning around to see your lover trying to impress you
It was very clear that this magnificent bird was Ayato Kamisato based on its attitude and coloring but how it happened….. who knows?
Beidou (Treeing walker Coonhound)
It’s quite a shock to see the captain of the Crux fleet basking and swimming in liyue harbor under the hot sun, perking up when her nose caught your scent and shook the water off her much to the crews displeasure.
There are a couple pros when you inevitably go to Ningguang to inform her of the situation and Beidou goes right to tackling the leader with tons of wet kisses and barks, looking back at you with what you swear is a smirk or cocky expression.
As a hound she gets so many snuggles from the children and elders but her enhanced hearing and smell allow her to find more illegal deals or goods being stolen and smuggled by treasurer hoarders (they can’t hardly believe that this dogs is somehow on Captain Beidou’s size till they see you and they bolt without the goods).
At the end of the day you and her are at the front of the ship, overlooking the lanterns decorating Liyue Harbor and having your girlfriend on your lap cuddled up close to you with her head nuzzled into your stomach.
Baizhu (ball python snake)
Since he’s already used to Changsheng being on him 24/7 Baizhu going to know what to do in order to keep himself alive until whatever this is wears off but until then you and Qiqi will have to help run Bubu Pharmacy, your lover coiled around your neck to help you like his own snake as Chengsheng is around Qiqi’s hat.
It isn’t a surprise that Baizhu is playful in his serpent form, racking his brain for when or how this could have happened when he’s normally so aware of his situations but chose to ignore the reason and press light kisses again.
You take breaks for both yourself and your new snake partner who Zhongli immediately recognises but chooses not to comment on while you order food from Wanmin restaurant, going just out of the city to find some some rodents for Baizhu to snack on and holding back a gag reflex when you saw the bulge in his coils.
Whenever it’s hot out his cold bloodedness comes in handy for both of you and trailing down your body to get herbs when you cannot find them, coming back to your arms before coiling around your wrist and dropping the herbs on the counter but not without giving you a nuzzle which gets a funny comment from the customer.
Candace (coyote)
It's unusual to wake up to a coyote instead of your girlfriend but weirder things have happened before strangely enough and both of you have work to do so you couldn’t just laze about and cuddle your new canine companions.
Although now being a coyote, she can cover the area surrounding Aaru village better and fast with four legs, using her intimidation as a fierce wild dog to scare away potential threats with her bared fangs and chasing them off.
You went to work and notified people that yes Candace is okay but she was called away by the Akademiya on a mission in the desert and to come to you with concerns until she was back.
Tiredly smiling when the sun hit the horizon and you saw her slip into the village, playing around with some children before heading to you and encouraging you to brush the grit out of her fur while sunbathing.
Neither of you knew what caused this but it ended the next morning and you both chalked it up to some strange harmless magic, laughing about the fun memories while you woke up and went about your day.
Cyno (death stalker scorpion)
He’s not going to even try come up with a logical reason for how this happened but does find it ironic and is happy that he’s now the most venomous scorpion in all of Teyvat but is now terrified that he’ll accidently sting you hence why when you wake up he’s on the opposite side of the room with a book on your desk open to his species.
Immediately going to find Alhaitham with your help and bug him, pure amusement filling his heart when his colleague glared at him and skittering closer with his tail threatening to sting him. An unspoken threat hangs in the air, the Mahamatra daring the Scribe to mock his jokes without consequence.
Cyno grows to enjoy his new form as he’s just as threatening as he was when he was human and even gets more confessions as he points his stinger at the criminals neck with another Matra coldly asking him to just confess already (you’d informed the Akademiya that Cyno had been turned into a scorpion which Nahida got a kick out of but did confirm the truth).
Late in the afternoon both of you were laying on a rock in Gandharva Ville with the sun warming up your boyfriend, Tighnari had just finished examining your lover and gaining some venom from the scorpion in order to work out an anti-venom just in case but left to two of you sleeping.
Dainsleif (fruit bat)
You rarely see Dainseif because of his constant traveling but he always seems to be there when you need him and stays for as long as he can before he slips away to take care of his personal issues.
Although through everything you’ve seen with Dainsleif this has to take cake, opening your window around midnight when you heard some taps and yelping when a bat flew into your bedroom.
Clinging to your shirt and looking up at you, key details being a half mask-like mark across his face and your boyfriend's signature star eyes stopping all words coming out of your mouth. Was this your lover? It couldn’t be- but who else looked like that. It couldn’t be a coincidence.
Welp now that all your plans were cancelled since your lover unexpectedly is here and now turned into a bat for some reason but nonetheless you sat with Dain hanging from your shoulder eating a juicy fruit you’d given him and looking at you with love filled eyes.
Dehya (Bengal Tiger)
Personally thinks this is an upgrade and takes advantage of it for as long as it lasts, giving you “puppy dog eyes” to explain to Rahman what’s happened but to let her continue her jobs with you as her translator (no way she’d allow any harm to come to you) and begrudgingly agreeing to let her go.
You make sure to pack up some water and snacks (having to go out and buy some food for your tiger girlfriend) so you are nourished during the journey, setting out with a happy oversized cat purring and rubbing against you with no care of the onlookers concerned or confused faces.
All of her work goes smoothly with you having to occasionally step in to explain what’s happened and her enemies not willing to fight an overgrown pyro infused tiger with only a simple weapon.
Evening is one of the best, both of you laying down in front of the fire and stroking the big cat that’s smothering you with wet kisses, chuffing while nudging her head against your hand as you take another piece of fruit for yourself and some grilled meat for her.
Diluc (red tailed hawk)
Usually you woke up to your fire haired lover’s tight grip on your waist before he’d kiss your head and sneak off to get ready for his busy day but today you awoke to a soft chirp and light nips to your cheek by a red tailed hawk. Strangely it wasn’t freaking out externally but tried to get more comfortable next to you as you just froze in shock and looked around the room for your lover or some explanation of what’s going on.
Your feathery friend flew over to a pile of Diluc’s uniform and dropped his glove and vision in your lap, picking up the edge of the glove with its beak and trying to slip the glove over its talon. Its scarlet eyes desperately looking at you with some sort of desire only known to it and causing your thoughts to wander to how similar the bird and him were.
Eventually accepting that your boyfriend was now a bird for an unspecified period of time and calling in Adelinde to explain the situation in order to cancel or reschedule any business meetings. You carded your fingers through Diluc’s red feathers who was now on your shoulder observing the view from outside the Winery and flew out to one of the rows of grapes, picking off one with his talons and eating it with a content coo.
Both of you did have to go into Mondstat to take care of Angel’s Share where Venti cackled upon seeing the famous intimidating bartender and Kaeya was a bit more snarky fully aware of the damage the hawk could inflict. But the aerial view of the city when he would fly around the cathedral was breathtaking to say the least and he wished more than anything to share this view with you, swooping down to you as you came to the base of Barbatos’s statue with to chicken skewers smiling up at him and offering him some dinner from Good Hunter.
Il Dottore (blue ringed octopus)
As far as you know this was probably his doing because frankly it seems like it was something he’d do just for kicks and it was another new accomplishment he could brag about but apparently something went awry when the fatui agent directly under his command came running to get you.
You were about to be handed an octopus but ripped your hands away when you realized the species of cephalopod to be the highly venomous blue ringed octopus which your lover often raved about and nearly yelled at the agent for attempting to kill you before the tiny sea creature pointed an arm towards a note on the doctor’s table.
After reading the note that basically said Dottore maybe fucked up by adding a chemical he wasn’t supposed to into his recent already unstable concoction and that you had to take care of him until the effects wore off in about 24 hours.
The rest of the day was pretty relaxing given you had to carry around a full container of water that your lover resided in. It was eventful with you occasionally slipping him bits of fish and having him climb up your arm to your shoulder to watch the world from your view compared to his small one.
Gorou (Shiba)
General Gorou personally doesn’t like this new development because some people (Yae Miko) already saw him as part dog despite various attempts of him doing everything he could to just get others to ignore his canine features.
So when he woke up one morning feeling a bit smaller than usual and went to rub his face but saw paws instead of his hand, freaking out and immediately turning over to wake you up but only getting out scared barks or whines.
After almost an hour of calming Gorou down with the help of Kokomi who agreed that until your boyfriend was back to normal he wouldn't be allowed to do any work as general.
Well Gorou wasn’t happy with the situation but he came around to liking it when he realized that he get’s to spend all of his time with you it clicked and eagerly asked for more cuddles now that you could both sleep in until lunch.
Heizou (ferret)
Chaos. I don’t feel like I need to say anything else if you know what ferrets are generally like and if you don’t then please look it up it’s hilarious (also fits Heizou’s personality to a T), but better pray for the Tenryou Commission when he wakes up and get ASAP before Sara breaks her “No killing Heizou under any circumstances” rule.
This boy is so slippery even when he’s human but loves to run around you while climbing you up and down as he gives playful kisses on your face, not to mention his coat is gorgeous with bits of tanish brown mixed with stripes of vibrant red and gold along his fur.
It’s going to take more than one person if they want to get him off of you, trying not to touch you in the wrong places as the guard attempts to get Heizou out from your clothes and even if they’re successful the detective is going to nip at them so he can further secure himself around your neck.
You do love it when he’s peaceful, eating bits of fruits or grilled meat from your hand and nuzzling her soft cute face into your cheek (Heizou is going to make it up to you for all the trouble he caused later with cuddles).
Itto (bull)
Please help this man or bull who woke up so frightened that he wasn’t an Oni anymore that he crashed through a wall of your house and it took the entire gang, including both shinobu and you with the threat of Kujou Sara to get him to stop rampaging.
Also in this I imagine that he’s not Ushi sized but full on bull sized but with his signature red horns and red marking colored in his black/grey fur.
It’s going to take more than a couple minutes to tell him what’s going on (Sara already has Heizou trying to figure out what happened) but afterwards finds it pretty cool and naturally offers local Inazuman kids a ride.
You ensure them it’s safe with you going on him as well and the entire day is filled with the laughs of kids thanking their favorite Oni for bull rides, whispering comments to you about your lover’s protectiveness whenever another person gets a bit too close for comfort (like anyone would want to face off against an angry bull).
Kaeya (peacock)
This man is already cocky but now as he’s a bird know for being gorgeous and pretty, will not stop preening himself or looking for some way to impress you.
Each of his feathers has his signature star eye instead of it’s normal colors on his plumage which doesn’t take long to put two and two together, calming yourself down and laughing at your lover’s attempt to console you by perching himself on your lap (encouraging you to use his soft feather to distract yourself).
Both of you silently agree that it’d cause way more of an issue if you went out with an unusually colored peacock of all things (something not native to Mondstadt) and stayed home, sneaking out to walk among the gardens at twilight and admire the luminescent moon lighting up the path.
Kazuha (yellow ragdoll cat)
Such a good kitty he is, doesn’t panic upon realizing his new form but does have some concerns and atm he can’t do anything so he might as well relax with you until you start your day which doesn’t take long.
He’s so adorably cute and you cannot help yourself when you sweep him up in your arms, your lover is happily purring and swiping his paw over the signature red streak to hopefully clue you in. Luckily you took it well with minor panic but ultimately hoped it’d wear off after a day or so and scratched his head as you strolled through Inazuma City.
Many people flock to you and ask to pet your “cat”, commenting on his red streak and cooing at him whenever he walks around on your shoulders purring.
The samurai naturally attracts cats, so expect to be followed by a herd of cats which isn’t bad because they’re all so fluffy and Kazuha would rather nap on you when you’re basking in the sun which leads to a cuddle pile.
Kokomi (full moon betta fish)
Honestly how either of you got into this scenario is a mystery but needless to say it involved a very worried and concerned general Gorou cradling a small glass bowl with a beautiful pink and purple white full moon betta fish.
Most of the day was spent carefully resting in Kokomi’s room in order to avoid any soldiers in case they came looking when Gorou informed the resistance that her excellency wasn’t feeling well which wasn’t technically a lie although your girlfriend tried to convey that she wanted to go outside and swim in some shallow pools.
The happiness you could feel coming off her in waves as she excitedly swam among the shores of Watatsumi Island and fluttered about in between your legs when you walked in the water beside her.
Soon or later you ran with her in her bowl trying to escape Gorou for yelling at you for “endangering” Kokomi and understanding you’re her significant other but that doesn’t mean you get to steal her away (your girlfriend begged to differ).
Layla (sloth)
It fits her very well mostly due to how cute she is and her clinginess whenever she’s asleep, waking up one morning to feel a tight grasp on your waist and being a bit frightened to see a small icy blue sloth peacefully sleeping on your stomach.
You looked around to see your girlfriend’s signature star head accessory sitting atop their head, having heard to the Akademiya’s recent mess you’d believe pretty much anything and your Layla being an adorable sloth was not your life until the foreseeable future.
After locking the door so she couldn’t do any of her work (not like she could anyway), you went out to the nearby markets to get some breakfast and kept her close to you, her arms now wrapped around your neck and happily stared at your focused expressions.
Upon her request (really just her pointing at the House of Daena repeatedly) you went into the library and checked out some books in a small corner to her joy, cooing at her cute form and running your hands through her fur which she seemed to like).
Lisa (fine haired Persian cat)
You were in the library petting a gorgeous Persian lavender cat when the Acting Grandmaster bust into the room frantically asking if you knew where Lisa was and yelling that someone went wrong when the librarian as helping Albedo out with a recent experiment only to see you with the cat happily purring on your lap. “Oh good you found her.”
Obviously after the explanation that your lover had been accidently turned into a cat you couldn’t help but coo at her more than you did before you knew and cozy up in a faraway section of the library with some pillows and take a nap among the many books lining the shelves.
Napping away when the sun warmed both of you up and groaning when she pawed your face with her little fuzzy mittens, yawning as you got up to get food for both of you at good hunter and brought her back to your little pillow nest.
Lumine (cream tabby cat)
Just like Aether you woke up to a sound you hadn’t heard in a while which was a very friendly pale yellow tabby cat sleeping on your chest whose eyes fluttered as you began to fully wake up and nudged your cheek affectionately.
It didn’t take a genius to realize somehow that the traveler had somehow turned into a cat and until further knowledge so you had no choice but to care for your girlfriend, who was happily getting a lot of attention from you.
Your companions found this very amusing and Paimon did occasionally laugh at the way the traveler plays with the leaf being tossed about in the wind but quickly shuts up when she tries to take a swipe at Paimon.
There isn’t an hour where you and her aren’t connected in some way and Lumine often naps on top of your shoulders as you go about your day doing your chores, chuckling to yourself at the content purring kitty sleeping on around your neck.
Nahida (butterfly)
A/N: this can be read as either platonic or familial love
It’s not going to be easy to find her but she’ll let you know very easily via a dream and she archon magic, flapping her gorgeous green and white wings all around you while dropping small flowers on you.
Nahida is definitely going to need some help when it comes to eating and you can definitely hear phantom giggles as you cut into a slide of zaytun peach, biting into one yourself and lifting it to your shoulder where the dendro archon is perched.
There is no doubt that she’s going to lead to to the Aranara Village, introducing you to all her friends who without a doubt both know it’s her and adore you (many flower crowns were made for you that day and you brought all of them home).
You can tell just by how Nahida acts (even if it’s just flying about) that she’s happy to have another form of freedom where she doesn’t have to be Sumeru’s archon and just have fun, gliding from flower to flower that just seem to reach towards her every time she passes them.
Pantalone (arabian horse)
All you woke up to really loud noises and a bunch of whining which scared you awake and nearly screamed when you saw a fully grown black stallion worriedly pacing around the room, quickly backing yourself against the headboard and rapidly looking around for your lover but calling out his name.
To your surprise the horse looks your way and something in his eyes softens before stopping to a halt, nudging something towards you that was knocked onto the floor and picking it up to see it was Pantalone’s slightly cracked glasses.
No explanation could be given but you did have a very amusing time trying to get him out of the house without damaging or breaking anything, but the harbinger got back at you by sweeping you up on his back and galloping across the snowy fields.
You could vaguely hear happy winnies whenever you yelped or shrieked from the fast pace he was setting and would use his head to nudge you back onto his back. Anyone could tell that this horse was very prideful about its handsome appearance and you couldn’t deny it.
Raiden Shogun (Jaguar)
Needless to say walking back into your shared room only to see a violet patterned jaguar was enough to get you to call out to nearby guards and your breath fell short when you got the big cats attention, freezing in place as you slowly backed up and dropped the desserts had bought for you both.
You didn’t even have to run because it easily smelled the sweets and laid down to munch of them, nudging one toward you and watching you keenly with her tail swishing idly behind her; of course that’s when the guards came in and pushed you behind them in order to stop you from being harmed.
After a long accident involving the cat hissing at the guards and keeping you behind her, lifting her chest to show an exact copy of the symbol the archon had and sparks of lightning emanating from her paws marking up the matted floors. The message was clear that this was somehow their archon and didn't touch what’s important to her, without hesitation Yae Miko was called.
Ei was so much more calm when they left, you could feel that she was overall done with everyone and just wanted to relax with you (which you both did), escaping away to the secret garden where you hid among some flowers and napped with your lover now a jaguar purring quite happily.
Kunikuzushi/Wanderer (black ragdoll cat)
Nahida called urgently called you to the Sanctuary of Surasthana because something worrisome had happened involving the wanderer and to not panic because it wasn’t too bad, the situation you got only increased your anxiety when you ran in through the doors only to hear the archon’s voice yelling to “Close the door before he gets out!” and briefly seeing a black puff ball scurrying towards you while hissing.
The obsidian ragdoll cat uses you as a shield as he angrily hisses and takes swipes at Kusanali who is clearly having a lot of fun although it seems very stressful, thanking you and scolding the cat who she calls “Wanderer” for trying to escape when someone was trying to help him (you do a double take at that).
She explains that she doesn’t have an explanation but roughly knows what happened and most likely angered some Aranara who specialized in illusion magic to which you try and pay attention to her however your eyes haven’t left your lover’s pale indigo ones.
You go to pick him up (he strangely gave you a onceover before jumping onto your chest without warning) and nearly fell while glaring at him annoyed with his actions, the anemo user only squirmed in your arms to get more comfortable and blinked up at you once settled with false innocent eyes that you were all too familiar with.
Thankfully it was raining so even if he did get out he wouldn’t get far, so begrudgingly agreed to stay at the Sanctuary until he changed back and (much to his embarrassment) started purring when you pet him right behind the ears, looking around to double check if the damned archon was around before allowing himself to relax and wind his tail around your hand lovingly.
Shenhe (red crowned crane)
For sure is going to wake up confused and curious, pecking you awake as softly as she can and nudging you with her head to try to get you up.
At first you thought that she was Cloud Retainer and freaked out, scrambling out of bed and brushing the invisible dirt off your clothes to greet her correctly.
Upon noticing that it was your girlfriend, you chose to ask Cloud Retainer herself who also didn’t know what was going on but assured you it was temporary.
Shenhe flew across the lakes, freezing the water in spiral patterns and landing gracefully on the ice to invite you over to skate.
Tartaglia (red fox)
Him and Heizou have something in common and it’s still being able to cause mass amounts of chaos despite being non human, the entire day will be spent chasing him around while you try to clean up the messes he “accidently” causes.
No doubt one of his antics is going to be finding Zhongli and being playful but just tolerable enough to not be thrown into Liyue harbor, squealing and gekkering when Hu Tao came up to ruffle his tangled fur.
By mid afternoon you’d given up searching for your boyfriend and gone to sit by the harbor, swinging your legs off the dock and feeling a certain soft fox cuddle his way under your arms as an apology.
Thoma (Shiba)
You’re called over by the Kamisato siblings who were trying their best to keep it together and hold in their laughter while they led you to a room containing a dog that looked suspiciously like Taroumaru, noticing that he wore your lover's black metal headband and similar happy go lucky smile.
The two explained that somehow Thoma had been transformed into a shiba when they came to check in on him when he hadn’t said good morning and the only idea they had was to get you so no one else found out, asking you to watch over him until either of them found out a way to turn him back.
Thoma who’d been contently laying in your lap and snuggling against the hand petting him perked up at that sentences, barely able to contain his barks of excitement and running circles around you.
It was rare that the housekeeper got a day off and this was a strange incident but he’d take it, leaving you to chase after him through the city and coming back with some food a chef had given him because of his cuteness.
Tighnari (fennec fox)
There’s really nothing different except for the lack of control, short height, people cooing over him- yeah he officially hates it and scampers off into the Avidya forest to continue his duties. Even if he’s now an actual fennec fox instead of just being a hybrid like he was previously, a small hiccup isn’t going to stop him no matter how much Collei pleaded.
He is shocked that you instantly know who he is based on his various shades of green and blue coat coloring (not missing the hint of pink on his ears and nose) and hazel curious eyes, looking around before jumping into your arms and silently pleading for you to hide him.
You do manage to convince him to take a walk through the forest towards a small river runs and sweet Zaytun Peaches, mint, and Harra fruit grow; biting into one of them and savoring its sweet flavor before offering the other to Tighnari who happily took it.
He gives you the best privilege you could ever have and it’s cuddling him as a fox, it isn’t surprising you fall asleep with your boyfriend in your arms who is slowly falling victim to fatigue as well (he didn’t notice Collei peaked through the door and took a picture for later).
Venti (Mocking Bird)
Like Tighnari, the archon is already like a bird so it doesn’t affect him so much until you and Diluc tell him that he can’t drink any alcohol cause it might kill him in this form and he’s not going to chance leaving you behind in this world (although the face the red head made after you were finally able to convince him the bird was Venti was pure gold).
Your boyfriend never leaves your side and is able to hear all the songs that he can make as a mocking bird, including anything he overhears from anyone else and being able to mimic it completely.
He spends most of his time nested in your hair and showing off his beautiful feather pattern to his beloved, green and blue swirls painted on his brown and white wings (a small Anemo symbol placed on his chest).
Windrise’s massive oak tree provides lots of shade and roots for sitting on as you sit against the bark as Venti flutters about in the air joyously, occasionally stopping and giving you a love peck while he picks up some diced apple with his beak to nice.
Xiao (Blue-backed Manakin)
Takes the whole “fierce harsh warrior” and turns it on its head as he tries to figure out if this new form is because of his karma or just the world laughing at him, overall is very grumpy and does his best to avoid you knowing you’ll coo over his new bird form.
Light but harsh repeated pecking against glass gets your attention and you see a small bluish black manakin bird perched on the window sill trying to get out but freezing when they lock eyes with you.
You recognise the purple triangle that your lover has tattooed on his forehead and remember something he had mentioned about his previous form being a bird, putting the two together and scooping him into your hands; five minutes later both you are on the same page and will later see Zhongli for help but for now you’re okay with some snuggles after some puppy eyes (which Xiao knows he can’t stand strong against).
When the time finally arrives to find the ex-geo archon, Xiao finds a comfy stop nestled on top of your head (bonus point that he can also keep in contact with you and lookout) and does unconsciously let out small chirps when you nuzzle his chest or mention how beautiful his feathers are (which you wish could keep one and luckily enough are gifted one by him as your arrive in Liyue).
Yae Miko (arctic fox)
The Guiji does change into her fox form on occasion and when you’re at your lowest in need of comfort but never out in public where others can see her but something must have gone wrong because now she can’t transform back into her human form which alarms both her and you.
Doesn’t let anyone see her and curls up in her room as she tries to figure out what happened however you manage to sneak into her room, using your puppy dog eyes to your advantage.
Yelan (Black widow spider)
Something was scattering across your face and opening your eyes to see a larger than normal black widow spider to which your reaction was to scream in fear, throwing the spider to the other side of your room and desperately checking your face for bites while grabbing a big book on the shelf next to you.
When you turned back the arachnid was busy using it’s webbing to write something on the floor, quirking your head so didn’t have to move but you could see and becoming genuinely shocked at the sight of your lovers name being written in blue glowing silk (it’s artist looking up at you with all 8 eyes).
It took a lot of patience but you came to accept the fact that your fiersome girlfriend was now one of the most venomous spiders in all of Teyvat until you could change Yelan back but you’d make the most of it and she’d weave complex designs out of her webbing for you.
Another perk was that the hydro user could now gather intel more easily because of her new form and much to your dismay she crept out of the house to continue on her recent mission but just before midnight you felt a soft cloth brush against your face (Yelan had made herself a little bed on the headboard).
Zhongli (standard bearded dragon)
Generally alright with his new form but isn’t happy that he can’t drink tea anymore whenever he tries which only ends in your holding all of his tea hostage for fear of what it’d do based to his reptile body and Zhongli with his now obsidian black beard rather than the normal beige.
He does enjoy basking in the Liyue sun that beats down on a roof he’s taken a liking to after giving you a slip and flattens himself out into (as you like to call it) “pancake mode” to best enjoy the sun’s heat.
Hu Tao upon hearing why he can’t come to work cannot stop laughing and taking photos via her Kamera but lets you both off until a solution appears.
The day consists of you with your lover on your shoulder and walking around the plains of Liyue, more than once does he speed off to investigate a commotion and finds out he is very fast on all fours.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 1 month
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Happy Easter 💞 I had this idea yesterday and it wouldn't leave my mind. Enjoy 💞💞
Imagining Eddie organising a little Easter egg hunt for your kids. He's been wanting to do one for a while and now the kids are almost four he thinks it's the perfect time.
He plans the Easter hunt as intricately as he plans his d&d campaigns, goes overboard on the treats for the hunt and as well as chocolate, buys two bunnies plushes and easter themed books for the kids to enjoy.
At six am he's up and ready to hide the treats in the garden, he's followed by your cats Ozzy and Lexi (who he rescued from the streets a few years ago) who are curious what Eddie is doing.
You giggle as Ozzy who's particularly mischievous chases Eddie around the garden, at times you're sure he's more like a dog than a cat. Eddie is stressing about where to put the plushes so you intervene before he begins to panic.
"I just want everything to be perfect" he mumbles and you wrap your arms around him, kiss him sweetly and marvel at how you're so lucky to have married such a sweetheart of a man.
He spoils the girls constantly and you as well, showers the three of you with love and gentleness.
"Addie and Lily will love it, stop worrying babe okay? let's just finish the rest of it so we can wake them up" he nods and you help him blow up some balloons and set up the table in your garden with a pretty tablecloth and flowers that the girls will love.
When it's all finished and it's time to wake the girls up, Eddie can't hide his excitement and bounds into their room. Your heart melts at the giggles of the twins and Eddie as he wakes them up.
"Mama, daddy says we have surprises in the garden" Addie climbs out of bed to hug you and is already awake and ready to find out what you and Eddie have in store for them.
Lily who's always been the quieter of the two cuddles sleepily into Eddie
"Oh I don't know baby, guess we need to go have a look?" You smile indulgently as she claps her hands in delight then charges out of the room like a mini tornado or a mini Eddie.
Lily not wanting to miss out clambers out of Eddie's arms and rushes to catch up with her sister, "Addie, wait for me"
You and Eddie follow them and Eddie looks delighted at their gasps of delight at the treats waiting for them.
"It's an Easter egg hunt for my two little princesses" Eddie exclaims and the girls are even more hyper now, you get the baskets for them to collect their mini chocolate eggs and mention that there are more treats in store for them to find.
They race all around the garden and excited squeals fill the air as they begin to find the chocolate and the books Eddie has hidden.
They both rope you and Eddie into helping and once all the eggs and books are collected Eddie lets the girls in on their last surprise.
"We still have to find the extra present that the Easter bunny has left for you as well, I wonder what it could be" he shrugs his shoulders and you and Eddie watch as the girls search for their last present.
Lily is especially happy about this news and looks to Eddie with a wide eyed stare, "Daddy do you know the Easter Bunny?" She gasps and clutches Addie's hand in delight.
Eddie gently taps his nose and smirks, "I may have put a special word in about you two" you hide your grin as you cuddle close to Eddie, he apparently has a special in with Santa Claus too, you dread the day when the girls lose their sense of childlike belief and wonder.
You vow that you and Eddie enjoy it for as long as you both can.
Eventually the two of them are clutching the plush bunnies close to them and hugging them tight, it's adorable.
"Now that's settled, who wants pancakes?" You tease and it's a race to the door between Eddie and the girls. Pancakes are your weekend tradition and hopefully this Easter egg hunt would be a tradition a new tradition too.
This may very well end up as a seasonal series, or perhaps a new series in general. I loved writing about this lil family 💞🥰
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forgeofthenine · 3 months
This isn’t even what I wanted to write for Rolan but the nonnie yesterday who sent in that heart breaking ask about if you died fed my plot bunnies so this took over my brain until it was done lol.
For my own mental health while writing this, Cal and Lia have been rescued at this point. I don’t think even Karlach could stop a Rolan who thinks he really has lost everyone. -🪻
You’d died before. Most adventures had. The first time, most people tend to understandably panic. It’s not a small thing to wrap your head around, that you’d been here and then not for a moment before you were brought back. One scroll (or one spell from your cleric if you have the diamonds to spend.) and you’re back good as new if not a little worse for wear. Eventually, after it happens enough, you start to get used to it. The window of time for a revivification is so small that death never really has the time to settle in your bones, you don’t feel its cold grip seeping into your soul. You start to get reckless, after all, you’ve always been able to come right back should you fall.
But not this time.
Rolan is at the Last Light, sitting at one of the tables near the entrance with a drink in hand watching Cal and Lia argue animatedly over some ridiculous thing or another. He’d thought about stopping them for the sake of preventing a headache later from their shouting but quickly put that thought out of mind when he realized their nonsense was more a show for the children than anything else. So he bit his tongue and stifled a smile, lest the children realize he can be anything more than a grump.
His seat also gives him the best view of the waystone by the bridge. You didn’t always have time to stop by the Inn and chat with him on your way to your nearby camp but if he could at least see you return safely then his heart could rest easy until you spoke next. It was late in the day already, so you and your group should be returning any moment
As if the gods heard him, at that moment the waypoint flared to life and brought your party back. Two, Gale and Karlach split off immediately towards the inn, while Astarion ran at full speed to your camp carrying something in his arms. He looked around for you and felt the dread sink into his chest when you were nowhere to be found and realization began to dawn. That hadn’t been something Astarion was carrying, it was someone.
Gale and Karlach reach him just as he reaches that horrifying conclusion and begins to rise. Each of them putting a hand somewhere on his person, whether to ground him or restrain him he wasn’t sure. The inn begins to quiet at that, everyone around them taking in their drawn and somber expressions as they look at him. Karlach speaks first, softly as though she’s trying to keep him from falling apart. Though by the look on her face she might also be trying to prevent herself from going to pieces. “It’s going to be okay, there’s someone at our camp who can help. But right now the best thing you can do is to stay here, okay?”
Almost immediately, that cold dread that’s filling him is replaced with a white hot rage. How dare they try to hold him back when they’re partially to blame for what happened. When they’re the ones who didn’t do enough to prevent this from happening. Dimly, he recognizes that not a small amount of this anger is misplaced, after all, these same people he was furious with now had at least been there. They’d tried to stop what happened from happening. They’d had to watch as you fell. All the while, he’d been here, warm and comfortable, drinking and laughing like a fool.
And just like that the warmth of his anger leaves him again and he’s once again overtaken by cold fear. He doesn’t even realize he’s sat down again, or that nearly everyone in the inn is looking at their group with a touch of that same fear. You were supposed to be invincible, this great irritating hero that somehow manages to put off the epic deeds you set yourself to. You weren’t supposed to fall.
Karlach is still sitting with him, Gale has gone over to Jaheira to fill her on what happened. He sees her face harden and then she gives a short nod. She commands the Harpers to gather and she gives orders to increase patrols on certain areas. He must have made a face because Karlach’s soft voice breaks through the fog he’s in again to explain, “We ran into needle-blights, three separate groups. Nasty fuckers if you haven’t had the pleasure. A pain to kill, since they’re tough as nails and the damn things explode when they do finally die. We were all a bit too close when the last few went down after Gale’s fireball but…”. He doesn’t need her to finish, he can almost picture what happened. You were no doubt right in the middle of everything and got caught up in the chain reaction. You probably told them to do it too, you and your stupid self sacrificing ways. By the time anyone was able to get near, it would have been far too late.
Karlach and Gale both look abruptly in the same direction, before they walk off, Karlach pulling him with her as she strode away. “Wha-“ he starts to stammer. “It’s all okay now, Withers worked his magic.” Karlach says, a bit less tense and with far less heaviness in her eyes. Before he can ask another question, namely “Who is Withers??”, they’ve activated the waypoint and he’s in your camp with them.
Shadowheart and Halsin are beside you just outside your tent and are working to try and ease the ache of a proper resurrection as best they can. You look up and see him there and try and give a smile but what you manage to give him is small and shaky and makes you look damn near to tears. Your hands are shaking in your lap where they rest and he runs over and drops to sit as out of the way as he can while still being beside you. His hands reach out and stop as if he’s not sure if you’re stable enough for contact yet. The two healers finish what they can and leave, giving you both some kind of privacy. Really the whole camp can’t bear to take their eyes off you for a moment, in case you fall again, in case the magic doesn’t hold and you slip away.
You look at Rolan and your lip trembles and that’s all it takes for him to wrap you in his arms as tight as he can and you sob. You cry like a child experiencing true fear for the first time and he holds you. He rocks you back and forth and holds you together as you fall apart. And if he’s crying too who has the nerve to say anything. He presses his lips to your temple and holds you tighter. He shifts you both inside your tent as your sobbing slows and sits so he’s leaning against something, and just holds you as you calm. When you fall asleep in his arms, he repositions you both, pausing before he lays down to remove his boots and outer robes with all its irritating bits. He lays down beside you in just his breeches and shirt and pulls you back into him to sleep. He doesn’t know what dreams or nightmares one has after dying, but he can’t imagine they’ll be pleasant.
Because whatever else comes, at least for right now, he will be there at your side to face it.
Flower anon, have I told you recently how much I love you?
This makes me feel SO MANY FEELINGS-
It doesn't help that you somehow managed to pick the exact team my original Tav ran with for almost the entire game/final battle. I just want to kiss Rolan until he feels better and keep him in my pocket so he never feels bad again. This was glorious as always and I love getting your fics in my inbox ♥️
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astraysimp · 6 months
Forever and Always
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Forever and Always 
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Summary: Changbin is your best friend and is in love with you(baby is down BAD and SIMPINGt) and everyone knows–because he’s too in love to hide it and he wants you to know 
: ̗̀➛Warnings: simp binnie, friends to lovers, pet names, binnie rambles(affectionate and cute), kissing, fluff, the other members teasing binnie(playfully),mention of Binnie’s family( like one time), fem!reader , band mates call reader Mrs.Seo 
(this is my first time writing a friends to lovers trope, pls bare with me <3) ENJOY!!!! :) 
Changbin had a crush on you–majorly– and everyone knows. How do they know? Because, he doesn’t care to hide it, and he wants you to know. You were his home screen, lock screen, top contact–after his family. Your accounts–Disney +, spotify,etc– were added on his phone, so you didn’t have to worry about going with movies, music or whatever you needed; so long as he was there. This did, however, warrant a LOT of teasing from his band mates. Changbin was constantly met with the “why haven’t you confessed yet?” Or the “jeez, down that bad, huh, bin?” from his members. He didn’t care, though, as long as he had you. And, that brings you to now.
Changbin and his members were in the practice studio, touching up routines for upcoming performances. Everyone was sitting ( or laying down), as they were taking a break. He sat on the long couch, scrolling through his phone, and texting you, before a nosy Seungmin plopped himself by his hyung, letting out a chuckle. “Hyung, you’re still texting her?Just confess already!” Seungmin spoke up, earning nods from the other members.”Yeah, bin, she feels the same! Just tell her!” Hyunjin piped in, before Jeongin giggled. “What were you texting about anyways?Your wedding?” He laughed before Changbin whined. “Yahhhhh. I was just asking how far she is from the studio. She’s bringing lunch.” He whined, going back to his phone , texting you that his band mates were teasing him again.However, you were already in the building, walking to their practice room with bags of food in your hand. Giggling, you managed to send him a text back. “Almost there, bun. I’m coming to rescue you.hehehe.” You smiled,sliding your phone into your back pocket and walking down the long hallway of various rooms.
Finally(it was only a 2 minute walk) you found their closed door, and you could hear them still teasing Changbin, other members laughing along. Carefully you pushed the door open, and were met with a giddy Changbin running toward you and 7 other men smiling. “Hi boys, I have food!” You smiled, as Changbin took a bag from your hands, setting it on the floor. You heard a chorus of “Hi Y/nnie!” and “Hi Mrs.Seo”s. Giggling you pinched Changbin on his cheek, taking a seat next to him, away from the others.”Hi, bun. You doing okay?” You smiled, reaching a hand out to run through his hair. “Mhm. They were just teasing me again, missed you though.” he smiled back, taking a bite of his food. Although you had hung out together yesterday, you couldn’t deny that you missed him too. “I missed you too, bun. Always do.” You smiled , wiping a bit of sauce from the corner of his mouth. “Are we doing anything after you finish practice?” You asked, taking another bite of your food, subconsciously scooting closer to him. Wrapping his arm around your shoulder, Changbin shrugged, “doesn’t matter to me, bunny.” He’d said, resting his cheek against the top of your head. 
You and Changbin, however, were so immersed in your bubble that you didn’t notice the other members leaving, or calling out to you.”Mrs. Seo, I’m going to the bathroom.” “Mr and Mrs. Seo, I’m going to get a drink from the vending machine, d o you want anything?” It all went over yours and Changbin’s heads. It was just the two of you. Feeling tired after eating, you had cuddled yourself into Changbin’s chest, slinging an arm over his midsection and put your legs across his lap.. “Mmmm, bun. You smell nice,” you mumbled, holding him tighter. Blushing, he pressed a light kiss on the top of your head. “Thank you, bunny. You comfy?” He whispered, rocking you back and forth lightly. Yes, you two were always affectionate, this seemed different and was definitely pulling his heart strings. Nodding against his chest, you smiled, grabbing his hand. “Mhm, you’re so cozy. I like cuddling you.” You’d said, softly smiling up at him and man…..the amount of love for you he had in his chest was going to explode. “I love you, bunny,” he said, pressing a kiss to your forehead, as you were slowly blinking, trying to stay awake. “What?” You whispered, slightly pulling back and cupping his cheeks in your hands.” N-nothing, bunny. Just take a nap,yeah?” Changbin said, with a blush creeping up his neck and ears, a pink hue tinting them. “ No no… bun, What’d you say?” You spoke up, thumbs caressing his cheeks. “I-I said I love you. Not as a friend, as a girlfriend. Bunny, it’s always been you, ever since we met and you started talking to me. You’ve had my heart and soul and mind. Geez you’re so pretty and talented and sweet and kind and loving and I love you. And–and everyone knows, the both know my family knows, Heck I think the whole knows and I’ve just been to confess because I don’t want to lose you,ever-” He’d rambled , trying to avoid your gaze. But before he could ramble any further, you leaned in pressing your lips to his. He was surprised but kissed back, one hand pulling you into his chest further and the other cradling the small of your back. A minute later, you pulled away, your forehead against his. “Oh my binnie, my sweet bun. I love you too, I always have. I’ve always been yours, always and forever.” You whispered, placing another peck to his lips. Smiling, he hugged you tightly to his chest, pressing a kiss to your hair “I love you, forever and always, my bunny.”
Too immersed in your love for one another, neither of two noticed the other boys reentering the room. The only thing that snapped you out of your love bubble was the cheering, clapping and giggling from the others. “Finally! Finallyyyyyyyy, we knew this would happen!” Chan smiled, sitting back on the floor. Han and Felix clapped.
 “Waahhh, congratulations hyung and Y/nnie!” They giggled before Jeongin and Lee Know piped up.
 “Oh my god, You did it?! You confessed?!” They smiled, patting Changbin’s knee, laughing. Hyunjin was the last to enter the room, seeing you and Changbin.
“Oh my goooood! It happened! We can plan the wedding! Wait wait, kiss kiss kiss!Does this mean we’ll get to be uncles soon?!”
You and Changbin could only giggle, pressing a kiss to each other’s lips, as the others watched, cheering you on. Sure, his band mates annoyed him, but he officially had you and your love to keep him sane–forever and always.
😊@cheeseceli hehehe here it is
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wangxianficfinder · 3 months
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Fic Finder
Feb 6th
1. Hi!
I've been watching your content for a while and I really liked it, so I would like you to please help me find a fic.
This fic is a One shot with a/b/o theme (wwx omega LWJ alpha) where wwx lived a "house" for omegas (where he is a friend of mm) and they "borrow" it for prince Lwj, Lxc ( alpha) is the emperor and JGY (omega) is his partner.
In Gusu, omegas are not considered for cultivation, however, wwx doesn't care much about that and there is a scene where he along with LWJ fight in a cave with a monster. The final scene of the one shot occurs when WWX runs away from Gusu to the beach, LWJ follows him because they promised to visit the sea one day together.
the wangxian relationship is slow and with lwj's problems to express his feelings 😓
I would appreciate your help, if you need more information, I will gladly try to remember more things😊 and sorry for the grammar, my native language is not English (google translator)
FOUND? Rattling our cages by danegen (E, 69k, wangxian, A/B/O, but like polite, Slow Burn, Pining while fucking, so much hair combing, WWX has a vagina, POV WWX, no yin iron or wars or plot really, Canon Era, spiders--see the notes, Spanish Translation Available)
2. Heya! Can y'all help me find a fic?
The part of the plot i remember is that WWX uses an array to erase himself and the wens from the memory of the cultivation world. The array stops one day, and a bunch of people go to the burial mounds to see what's up. It was on ao3, probably.
and that's ~all i remember~
a nice fic but not the one i remember. pretty sure wwx was hiding in the burial mounds with the wens. thanks for this fic tho!
NOT FOUND! Second Summer by Anonymous (M, 152k, WangXian, canon, Post-Sunshot Campaign, Mystery, Amnesia, Memory Loss, Curses, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, somebody lives/somebody else dies, Golden Core Reveal, canon-typical lack of lube, Ambiguous/Open Ending)
NOT FOUND! you've heard that melody before by Stratisphyre (M, 66k, wangxian, JL & LSZ & LJY, JC/WQ, Canon Divergence, Hurt/Comfort, Memory Loss, POV Multiple, Multiple Canon Character Deaths, Depictions of depression, Light Dom/sub, Not Everyone Dies AU, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Dynamics)
FOUND? Run Off The World by Sapphire_Roses (M, 271k, wangxian, JYL/JZX, SL/XXC, WIP, Not Everyone Dies AU, Canon Divergence, Wen Remnants Live, Flashbacks, YLLZ WWX, WWX Creates a Sect | Yiling Wei Sect, Sect Leader WWX, Married WangXian, OCs, POV Outsider, Morally Grey Characters, (Do Take That Tag Seriously), Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Family Feels, Developing Friendships, Fluff, Attempt at Humor, Yunmeng Siblings Feels, Gusu Siblings Feels, Sibling Bonding, Pining, Character Study, Tenderness, Mild Smut, POV Alternating, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Minor Character Death)
3. Hi, i was looking for a fic i think i found in your blog? It was a wip and it was something along the line of wwx as yilling patriarch and the sects sent lan wangji for tribute. But they already knew each other.
I remember this one scene where lan wangji finds bunnies inside the burial mounds but wwx captures them to eat and lwj is sad.
I don't remember the title or anything because i think i directly clicked the link and started reading but then i forgot to bookmark it and lost the link.
Please help me find it, i really wanna know what happened next.🙏😔
FOUND? The Jade Bride by lanwangjibo (Not rated, 16k, wangxian, WIP, Pining LWJ, YLLZ WWX, Misunderstandings, POV WWX, POV LWJ, Fluff and Angst, WQ Lives, Wēn Remnants Live, LSZ is a Wēn, WWX is Bad at Feelings, LWJ is Bad at Communicating, SS Being an Asshole, Pining WWX, Hurt LWJ, BAMF WWX, Angst with a Happy Ending)
4. fic finder request! looking for two fics that i can't seem to locate in my bookmarks - A) in the first one, sizhui (and the rest of the juniors?) somehow reach through time and rescue wwx (i think dead in present time), bringing him into their present! in the process they create a lot of trouble, due to the power expended and released, i believe they turned a mountain into a crater or something.
B) the second fic I'm looking for takes place during the sunshot campaign, when baoshan sanren decides to join the fight and intervenes. she restores both jc and wwx's cores, by reaching back into time and removing jc's core right before it's melted by wzl, she also returns wwx's core from jc's to wwx's body. she does this in her tent, which is also a dimension travel portal or something which iirc links back to her home on the mountain.
thank you very much!! @potatokunst
FOUND! Would You Come Home? by s6115 (Not rated, 46k, WangXian, Junior Quartet Centric, Time Travel Fix-It, Canon Divergence, Junior Quartet Dynamics)
FOUND! Can't Tell Me Nothin by natacup82 (T, 35k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Everybody Lives, Family Feels, Communication, BAMF Women) Baoshan Sanren return Jiang Cheng's core from the past in chapter 4
5. hi! gosh, i have had this fic stuck in my head for the past weeks but for the life of me, i just cannot remember the name. i really hope you can help me find it!
the fic is about how modern wei wuxian is a researcher/scientist and he got his hands on a shady book written by baoshan sanren, accidentally triggers a talisman/array and somehow being transported into the wuxia version and it involves the people who died coming back to life and they all watch/read the past and it just sort of becomes one big therapy session.
i think i remember there being a part in the fic where modern wei wuxian mentions transferring/donating his organ to modern jiang cheng in reference to how og wei wuxian transfered his gold core to og jiang cheng.
and also a part where it was mention that for modern wei wuxian, it was madam yu who found and brought him back to the jiang family to be raised and not sect leader jiang; also it was implied that the modern jiang family is actually a loving happy family in contrast to the sort of dysfunctional og one because modern wei wuxian address's madam yu and sect leader jiang as mother and father.
i wish i could remember more, i hope this would be enough to go on. please help me and thank you so much in advance! @lilith--14
I believe this fic has been deleted but please correct me if I'm wrong - Mod C
FOUND? Yes the fic was deleted. It's "Loving Future, Distant Past" by yareyarejojosan. Here is a link to a folder that contains all of the author's fics
6. For a fic finder, there was this nsfw kinda darkji (probably pwp) fic that haunts me and might have been deleted, becaused i’ve searched in every way I know how: (post?)canon, wwx can’t get hard anymore for some reason. He is embarrassed to admit it to lwj, who then calms him and says it’s normal and that he doesn’t use it for much anyway. Turns out lwj was the one who started and keeps giving him the tea for impotence. The lan doctors are in on this(?) Thanks if anyone can identify this one!
I don’t think 6 on the last fic finder was it (still a delishiously dark-ish rec, thank you!), it was (probably) a shorter pwp and not modern
NOT FOUND You Sing of Thanatos; I Hear Only Eros by kanonkita (E, 39k, WangXian, MIND THE TAGS, Modern AU, Extremely Dubious Consent, Dark!LWJ, Mild Horror, Omorashi, Tentacles, Rope Bondage, Shibari, Praise Kink, Breeding Kink, Oviposition, Non-Consensual Body Modification, soft pillow talk, Hurt/Comfort, non-consensual emotional healing, Panic Attacks, Wetting, Body Horror, Impotence, Magic, Anal Sex, PIV Sex, Mpreg, Mild Suicidal Ideation, Voyeurism, PWP, Angst, nonconsensual medical treatment)
FOUND? Succumbing to His unconditional love? by MurderRose (E, 2k, wangxian, mildly dom/sub, WWX's floppy little cock, the trials of being utterly loved, LWJ can be a tiny bit dark as a treat, opt in or opt out at your will, its almost invisibly mild, a lil bit of humiliation)
7. Hello (✿◠‿◠) hope you having a good day! This is for the fic finder, I've been looking for this fic where after his death wwx comes back as a rabbit, it has a glossary at the start for words/terms the rabbits use, I think? I really hope this is enough to go form!
FOUND! Dignity and Animality by quick_cat_tl (G, 31k, WangXian, Watership Down, u know the one with the political/philosophical bunnies, Reincarnation, Lapine language, Rabbit!WWX, Sunny Angst, Pining) Hi, number 7 is probably „Dignity and Animality“ by Anielka. Unfortunately, it seems to be deleted on AO3. / For #7, I remember reading "Dignity and Animality!" When I click the link for it (from the wangxianficrecs tumblr), it redirects to Dignity and Animality by quick_cat_tl - maybe the author changed their AO3 handle? / The question about #7 - I copied the link for the current posting for that story and then took it into the wayback machine where that same link does pull up the story being underneath the original name mentioned back in 2021, so it was a name change and not a repost.
8. I’m looking for a fic, one chapter, Lan Wangji is a teacher in Cloud Recesses. He takes Wei Wuxian to the Jingshi and it’s implied that he told Wei Wuxian he’d not tell anyone what Wei Wuxian had done so long as Wei Wuxian let him fuck him.
9. Hi! I hope you can help me find this. All I can remember is that WWX fell asleep in the cold spring and I think Lwj or Lqr saw his body few hours later and wwx is cold as if he is already dead.
FOUND? 🔒 Warming up (to him) by barisan (T, 9k, LQR & WWX, WangXian, Hypothermia, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Temporary Character Death, Medical Inaccuracies, YZY Abuses WWX, JFM Bashing, pre-wangxian, Good Uncle LQR, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort)
FOUND? Warmth by Quiet_crash (G, 2k, WangXian, LQR & WWX, Hypothermia, Fluff, Kinda, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm)
10. Hi! Your work on this blog is absolutely amazing! For fic finder, I've been searching for a fic I read awhile ago. It's post-canon. WWX is traveling and writing to LWJ, but letters stop coming. LWJ searches and finds that to prevent a creature from preying on a local child, WWX took it on himself but to prevent the curse from hurting anyone else, he's hiding in a cave, constantly drinking to dull the effects.
FOUND? Fire in the Blood by Jo Lasalle (Jo_Lasalle) (M, 20k, wangxian, First Time, Post-Canon, Angst with a Happy Ending, hurt/comfort themes)
11. Hey I read a book recently, in there, there was a scene where, wwx was protecting someone? Or someone was protecting wwx? By standing on one side of fire and the attackers/i think it was jins or someone on the other side of fire. The scene was fierce. They were like us against the world type of scene. Do u know this fic? @constellationdks
#11 for recent fic finder here, thnx for the rec but it's not the one. The one I'm looking for is quite long, I think it was more than 30 or 40k. Also the scene wasn't with a yuan.
I know number 11 and I'm trying to search for it. It's wwx holding a-yuan in his arms in an alleyway when they are attacked by the jin. The premise has something to do with that strength parents get when defending their children? 🤔 let me get back to you!
NOT FOUND Hysterical Strength by covalentbonds (Not Rated, 3k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Parent WWX, Fix-It of Sorts, Everybody Lives/Nobody dies) Wwx is out one evening with a-yuan when he is ambushed by the jin.
12. Fic finder please! 🙏
This would be a hybrid/warprize LWJ where he was a bunny hybrid and WWX was a snake. WRH has LWJ shipped off to WWX, who ends up helping him and eventually gets him reunited with LXC.
I remember there was art of LWJ and rabbits bc WWX was trying to help him calm down. I’ve read this sometime last year and can’t find it anywhere! 😭😭
FOUND! 山水盆景 (Shānshuǐ Pénjǐng) by meicairoubingfan (kiradyn) (M, 64k, WangXian, warprize AU warprize lwj, Slow Burn, Strangers to Lovers, Vers WangXian, Top WWX, Top LWJ/Bottom WWX, Animal Traits, Non-ABO Universe, Snake Demon Lord WWX, Animal Traits, Hand Jobs, Seduction, Found Family, Wedding In The Cloud Recesses, Handfasting In The Cold Spring Cave, Alternate 3Zun, Alternative Sunshot Campaign, Hinted Future ChenLi, YZY is a better mother, JYL Is Not A Wilting Wallflower, empowerment, Side-Character Cameos, Rabbit Sanctuary In The Burial Mounds, Cutest Little Bun MXY, Accidental Child Acquisition, Child MXY)
13. (First part added to itmf) But I’m looking for a modern au were even though jc’s family is rich they don’t give wwx and jc pocket money and they were hungry in front of a bakery? And wwx used the « orphan in the street card » and lwj bought him food
I don’t know if it’s the same one but I think at some point wwx bought lwj home while he was drunk and waited for lxc to come pick him up and jc saw them talking on the couch and he thought they were dating (they weren’t together yet)
ANYWAY thank you for everything ✨✨✨ @ihaveasoftspotfora-yuan
14. Hi! for the fic finder please, there was a fic where lz read on a book abt the hannaki disease and he thought it beautiful so he started choking himself on gentian flowers to imitate the feeling @cocoaphil
FOUND? the sweet scent of their tragedy by HeavenlySkyfarer (E, 23k, WangXian, Angst, Cultivation Sect Politics, Depression, Hanahaki Disease, Language of Flowers, Love Confessions, Manipulation, Marriage, Mental Health Issues, Pining, Post-Sunshot Campaign, Rumors, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Whump, Self-Harm, Bittersweet, Self-Blame, Canon-Typical Violence, Blanket Permission, Morally Gray LWJ)
15. Hello, I am looking for a fic I read some time ago (it could be a few years). I think it was post-canon, Lan WangJi and Wei WuXian were together. LWJ gets cursed and the only thing he has in mind is killing WWX (since he sees him only as the big bad Yiling Laozu). At the end, WWX pretends LWJ killed him and the curse is lifted. It was posted on ao3. Thank you for your hard work! And have a great day!
I think I remember this fic! It starts out with WWX accidentally cursing LWJ with a talisman while they were in the jingshi and ends with WWX running to the burial mounds, finding out there are people who worship him living there, and he uses the incense burner to trick LWJ into thinking he killed him to break the curse, right? I can't recall the name though - Mod C
FOUND? all the broken things that I made by ilip13 (E, 43k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Established Relationship, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Lovers To Enemies, (then back to lovers I'm not a monster), Dubcon Kissing, Dubious Consent, But mostly not in the way you might expect - see notes for details, Explicit Sexual Content, Bondage, Flirting, Competence Kink) might be this? I haven't read it yet, but the summary sounds like what they are looking for!
16. Okay I could have easily dreamt this up but I could have sworn there was a fic where either LWJ or WWX was in a orchestra and his band mates thought he was married to wen qing because she was the one to always bring a Yuan to him after school or something only to think he was cheating when his actual husband comes by pls tell me I didn't dream this
17. Hi! im sorry i lost a fic and i need help. It was an old wangxian fic, where LXC He's emperor (?) and LWJ is engaged to WWX, in this fic they get married and there are problems with the marriage because LWJ was a little bad during their engagement, since they were children. WWX was always trying to get his attention until one day he gave up. In the fic there is a part where Su She shoots WWX with an arrow and LWJ punishes him in some way.I remember it was also a Tumblr AU that later become a fic
NOT FOUND! rebuttable presumption by @sarah-yyy
NOT FOUND! Burning Bridges by Keysmashed (E, 12k, wangxian, arranged marriage, misunderstandings, pining, angst w/ happy ending, family drama, swordfighting, non-graphic smut, emotional rollercoaster, love confessions, everyone lives au) it’s probably not this one because su she is not in it and it’s not royalty but wx are engaged and wy does give up so even if it’s not you might like it
FOUND! permissive presumption by sarahyyy (G, 7k, WangXian, Royalty, Arranged Marriage, Pining, Mutual Pining, Misunderstandings) could also be permissive presumption by sarahyyy, on AO3, which is an AU of the author's fic on tumblr
18. Hi! This is for fic finder. WWX is killed by SMS in sunshot campaign. He then resurected years later by MXY in JGS order. WWX and LWJ fight together. WWX hand is blackened i think. JGS refused to tell WWX what is MXY wish is. In last chapter, JGS is killed by JGY or Madam Jin and WWX is free from the curse. I think JGS death is because of NHS plot i think. Thank you! @idontknowwhattowriteforusername
Hi! I'am #18 from the latests fic finder. I want to add some details. Not much but i hope someone can recognize it. Jin Ling and Lan Jingyi was sent to Qishan either as a hostage or indocrination. In there, everytime they are punished, Wen Ning and Wen Yuan help them to make the punishment lighter. Sometimes they warned Jin Ling, Lan Jingyi, and other junior everytime other wen sect member (the one that didnt hesitate to punush them harshly) nearby. I think Wen Qing too help everytime the punishment is so harsh that caused injury, she make them stay in infirmary where they are safe
19. Hello! I’m looking for a fic where mxy and wwx are a couple who take lwj home for a night in a modern AU. The beginning talks about how mxy and wwx looked so similar that when they first met they were worried they were related. Lwj is on the verge of being in love w/ wwx, but he’s hesitant to act on it bc of the relationship between wwx & mxy. Once he’s in bed with them there’s a line about red satin sheets for special guests. It’s such a specific premise but I couldn’t find it on ao3😭
FOUND? you and me alone by plonk (Not rated, 6k, wangxian, MXY/LJW/WWX, modern)
20. looking for a fic from a prev ff or itmf, modern au, college/research lab? setting, abo dynamics. wwx and lwj participate in some scientific research study and get together in the process. iirc they are not in the same yr at college. i didnt manage to save it then but really want to read it, please help!!
NOT FOUND Pairfire by PaidSubscription (E, 65k, wangxian, NMJ/LXC, JC/NHS, WQ/MM, JYL/JZX, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Relationships 101, Getting Together, First Time, Explicit Consent, Bordering on Kink Levels of Communication, Elements of Assigned-ish Marriage-ish, Non-Traditional A/B/O Dynamics, A/B/O With a twist, Because Cultivators CHOOSE Their Gender During This Course, After Trying Out All Three, It’s a Three Course Meal and WangXian’s Gender Acceptance is the Dessert, But Horny Pining is the Main Meal and the Most of the Snacks, Bottom LWJ, Bossy Bottom/Henpecked Top Energy, Everyone is over 21, Gender Choice Raises Issues for Most But I Promise Happy Endings + Everyone Comfy in Their Own Skin, Side Couple Aro/Ace/Agender Storylines)
FOUND! 🔒 I is for Instinct by beeswaxing (E, 71k, wangxian, LXC/NMJ, JYL/JZX, hualian, A/B/O, Alpha WWX, Omega LWJ, Scenting, Possessive Behavior, Getting Together, First Time, First Kiss, Public Display of Affection, Public Claiming, Good Parent LQR, Alpha YZY, Good Parent YZY, Family Feels, Fluff, Romance, Aftermath of Violence, Slice of Life, Modern, College/University, BAMF WWX, Soft Wangxian, Barebacking, Knotting, Semi-Public Sex, Shameless, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Mpreg)
106 notes · View notes
adeadlyobsession · 1 year
The Hassles of Youth
Tom Riddle X Slytherin Reader, firecracker type reader, just a fluffy thing pre-relationship.
Word Count: 1310
Synopsis: Tom saves Y/N from an unwanted suitor during one of Slughorn's soirées
CW: Period-typical gender expectations
Nobody asked for this but I had this plot bunny going through my head and I needed something to get me out of the writing funk I found myself into, so here you are! No beta, we die like Tom Riddle's 7 horcruxes.
This was not one of Slughorn's usual soirée. As you looked around the room, you couldn’t help but notice that all the people invited were young, successful, unmarried men. You traded a look with your friend, 7th year Ravenclaw Siobhan Glurk, before doing your best to listen to the most uninteresting business venture this American heir had decided to undertake. Where Slughorn could have met this man, you had no idea, but for Merlin’s sake would it be better for everyone involved if he had not been added to his collection. Fortunately, some boys from your house seemed to have found their head as well as their mostly absent chivalry to save you from this deadly boredom. 
“Mr. Harrison. Abraxas Malfoy, may I take a few minutes of your time? I have heard that your –”
You lost the rest of Malfoy’s introduction in your haste to run away from the American. The curtain near the buffet soon proved to be a perfect hiding spot where you allowed yourself to lose some of your composure, slouching against the wall with a long, frustrated sigh. Of course, Slughorn would use his connections for his most favourite matchmaking hobby. You should have known, what with his habit of only inviting 6th and 7th years witches to only a number of his soirées, the rest of them being exclusive to the crème de la crème of young wizards society. You stayed hidden behind the curtain for a few minutes more, eyes closed, before your peace was interrupted. 
“What are you doing here, Y/L/N?”
Your eyes opened wide and you violently pulled Tom Riddle behind the curtain with you, pushing him against the wall with a hand on his mouth.
“Not a word, Riddle. I don’t want Mr. Boring-Ambitions over there to know I’m here.”
You felt Riddle move his head, following your line of sight where Malfoy had seemingly trapped himself into talks of trade between his family and the Harrison’s. You just knew it would cost you at least 20 galleons of favours afterwards for this rescue, and started mentally shopping for baskets of sweets and certain rare books the Malfoy heir might want in exchange when you felt a huff against the palm of your hand. You swiftly loosened the grip you had on Riddle’s cheeks as you turned your attention back to him. He was looking at you with furrowed brows, eyes shining with something akin to murder as he stretched his jaw with a wince, hand rubbing at his skin.
“You certainly don’t know your strength, Y/L/N,” he said, looking at your hands in offense. 
“Yes, that’s why I win all of my duels,” you said with a smirk. 
Riddle narrowed his eyes at you. “Not all of your duels.”
“Fine, no one can win a duel against you, your highness,” you deadpanned with a roll of your eyes, turning your head towards the party to see if Mr. Harrison was still where you had left him. When you couldn’t see him at all, you felt a jolt of something akin to panic ripple through your belly.
“Riddle. Get me out of here.”
“Why would I do th–”
“Just do it, alright? I’ll give you whatever you want.”
When you looked back at him, he was smirking at you, clearly waiting for you to further your offer, but you had no time for that. The American was giving you the most horrible feeling and you needed to get out of there yesterday. 
“Riddle, please,” you begged, surprising the both of you. You never begged. Not only that, but your family would be so displeased learning you had done such a disadvantageous trade, especially with a man of no name to speak of. But this was Riddle. You knew that, whatever he would ask in exchange, it would be well thought out, and something he knew you would be able to give him. He had never asked for more than someone could realistically offer. 
Without a word, Riddle looked beyond the curtain and, with a silent nod, commanded you to follow him through the crowd. You followed, reaching for his hand as you ducked behind other people, unwilling to let him slip away without you. A few meters away, you heard Mr. Harrison ask about your whereabout and your hand squeezed Riddle’s in alarm. He squeezed back and strode faster through the guests until you crossed the opened doors into the silent corridor, never stopping until you found yourselves well on your way to the Slytherin’s common room. Only then, did the both of you slow down.
“Will you explain to me why it was so urgent that we left the party?”
You let go of his hand, wrapping your arms around you as you shivered, the chill of the corridors seeping through your cocktail dress.
“Don’t you think it’s strange that a 35 year old man is that interested in a 17 year old? What was Slughorn thinking? ‘Young, strapping men,’ he said, ‘Great prospects for your future.’ As if any of us want the kind of future he has in mind.”
The more you rambled, the angrier you felt at the turn of the evening. Was there really no other prospects for young women but the making of an advantageous marriage with some heir twice her age? And what about their personal ambitions? You certainly did not end up in Slytherin based on your breeding capabilities alone. 
“Don’t you?”
You looked up at Riddle, realizing you were almost out pacing him in your rage, and stopped, confused.
“Don’t you want that kind of future for you? Marriage? A family?”
If Riddle had looked anything but genuinely curious at that moment, you might have punched him in the face. But there was something in his frown that made it seemed like there was something in what you said that did not quite align with information he had previously held. 
You sighed. “No. I don’t want that. It sounds… It sounds like such a hassle, to be honest.” 
Riddle nodded, slipping his hands in his pockets as he began slowly walking again. 
“I get what you mean.” 
For a moment, the two of you walked in silence, following the moonbeams illuminating this part of the castle. 
“What do you want? For your future?” he asked as you reached the corridor leading to the dungeons. 
You sighed, allowing yourself to finally relax in the darkness, warm light illuminating your way from the torches on the walls. 
“I want to become the next Duelling World Champion,” you admitted with a smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes. You expected him to tell you it was a silly dream, like your sisters and your parents had whenever you brought the subject up. 
“There’s no way you can be the World Champion,” Riddle said.
You scoffed, walking faster again before he grabbed your arm and pulled you back towards him so hard you lost your balance and crashed into his chest. He caught you easily, stabilizing you with both of his hands.
“Riddle what the –”
“You can’t think of becoming the World Champion if you can’t even beat me.”
There was a smugness to his smile that you wanted to wipe off with a well placed curse, but the simple fact that he was not at all opposed to you wanting to join the championships was not lost on you.
“How about this,” he began, stepping ahead of you once again without looking at you. “For your payment.”
He turned around, walking backwards with a smirk.
“How about you let me wipe the ground with you in duel matches until you manage to beat me?”
The frown you wore slowly turned into a determined smile matching his, and you walked faster, extending your hand for him to shake.
“Game on, Riddle!”
I legit wrote this in less than two hours XD Now, yes, she's a Slytherin with more of a Gryffindor streak to her than anything, but that's what makes her charm! Also, I like the idea of the Slytherins being much more relaxed and temperamental with each other than they are in front of the rest of the school.
There won't be a sequel to this, it was just to write something and have fun with it, I barely even reread it but if you liked it, I'm happy! Let me know what you think!
Readers tag: @shibble, @darkmoviesquotespizza
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happy halloween - have a few, quickly-written little headcanons on the svech babies and their halloween costumes 🎃
evie’s six months old for her first halloween and you go a little nuts buying a bunch of different costumes but she ends up going as a little bunny, complete with a stuffed carrot and everyone freaks out over how cute she is
you and andrei also wear bunny ears to go as a little bunny family
alina’s only three months old for her first halloween and evie’s almost three so you go for a family costume again - this time it’s winnie the pooh characters. andrei is tigger, evie is pooh, you’re eeyore, and alina is piglet. the costumes are so freaking hot so you’re glad it’s actually a cold halloween in raleigh for once
when you zip andrei into the giant onesie, he shakes his head and laughs, “didn’t think i would be so damn happy to dress up in an adult onesie, solnyshka.”
kira is eleven months old at her first halloween and walking, but none of the girls want anything to do with a family costume since they all have their own choices. except then it’s two days before halloween and the bigger girls both decide they hate their costumes and want new ones - daddy to the rescue. disney princess family costumes here you come
evie is sleeping beauty, alina is ariel, kira is cinderella and they’re all very very excited about the twirly dresses
andrei has a wicked look in his eye when he pulls a fourth and fifth costume from the giant box - a yellow ball gown for you and a prince costume for himself - belle and the beast
“my hair’s even long enough,” he grins, having been too busy to get a haircut. he’ll never admit it, but he’s just as into the family costumes as you are
by the time dimitri is born, he’s only two months old and you’re exhausted. andrei handles halloween again - the girls go as different superheros (wonder woman, supergirl, and batgirl) daddy’s wearing a batman mask and a huge goofy grin
dimitri gets a little teddy bear onesie, complete with ears and little tail, so he can be warm and bundled while you push him in the stroller as the girls trick or treat. andrei has a little superman shirt that he puts on over dimitri’s onesie because he “has to match the rest of us, solnyshka”
“i’m not dressed up to match you guys”
“don’t worry about that, i have just the thing”
andrei produces a t-shirt that says “super mom” on it for you and a little matching cape that he hooks around your neck with a kiss to your cheek
maks is just about a month old for his first halloween - he gets dimitri’s bear onesie and one year old dimitri is in a little elmo from sesame street
there’s a period of several halloweens where both boys only want to be daddy for halloween and traipse around the neighborhood in their svechnikov jerseys and helmets, insisting on carrying around sticks until they get bored and you end up carrying the sticks
evie bosses her younger siblings around one year because she wants to be dorothy from wizard of oz, but needs her cast of characters. so. kira and alina end up as the wicked witch and glinda, respectively. you’re the scarecrow, andrei is the tin man, dimitri is the cowardly lion, and poor little maks ends up as toto
the year the kids all decide to do their own different costumes and don’t want to do a coordinated family one is a dark year for andrei - he pouts and complains about the kids growing up, so you promise to do a couples’ costume with him and that’s how you end up dressed in matching pirate costumes with andrei’s hand up your skirt most of the night and a brief pregnancy scare six weeks later
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It's Really Hopping
Fandom: HP Ship: Tomarry Writer: Watermelonsmellinfellon/Mister-Tom-A-Dildo-Lover TAGS: Humor, Fluff, Animagus, Drama, Bunnies, AU, Mild Language.
It wiggled. It was small and fluffy, and it wiggled incessantly.  
Tom Riddle knew that he shouldn’t be so obvious, but his darling Harry was so adorable in his Animagus form! All small and cute. His fur soft and his whiskers thin.
Harry was the cutest animal Tom had ever seen. 
When the teen had come to him, excitedly telling him about how he’d managed to finally finish his Animagus training, Tom had been skeptical. But the Harry went and proved himself immediately, transforming into what his own Animagus usually hunted for meals.
A rabbit. Or as Harry had exclaimed, ‘a bunny!’.
Tom had lifted his boyfriend into his hands and very nearly cooed when Harry nibbled his thumb affectionately.
From that day forward, Harry would come to Tom when he needed some comfort, and would find himself bundled in Tom’s breast pocket, watching with all the innocence of an animal.
And no one knew that Tom Riddle’s boyfriend was practically being carried everywhere.
Not that the green eyes stood out enough against the black fur.
And no one was willing to get too close to Tom in order to see for themselves.
Of course there were… times, when Tom had to rescue his Harry while in his Animagus form.
Harry seemed to attract other rabbits. They would surround him and follow him everywhere. And when it wasn’t rabbits, it was cats or Kneazles. But they weren’t following him to be friendly. Tom had managed to make himself an enemy of all the felines in the castle because he kept interrupting their hunt.
Not that he cared.
Still, Tom and his familiar Nagini ended up having to protect Harry because he had not one self-preserving bone in his body. 
And Tom didn’t really mind. Being a snake gave him a sort of freedom that he did not get while being human. And Nagini was a fine teacher.
It was especially adorable when he could slither around with Harry sitting on his back somewhere.
“Harry… Why is there a legion of rabbits following you?”
Of course, Harry couldn’t actually answer him, being a rabbit himself at present. But still. His lover had turned into an animal and had gone out to collect his posse of fluffy-tailed creatures. And then he lead them into the castle.
Harry was small, furry, and had a bright pink nose. He hopped on over and stopped at the toe of Tom’s shoe. Carefully, one tiny paw reached out to touch the clean Dragonhide. The nose wiggled cutely.
Tom rolled his eyes and bent down to pick up the little creature who squeaked.
“The rest aren’t coming,” he said tersely, striding away from the group of rabbits, hoping to return to his dorm before any decided to follow.
The last time they followed, Tom awoke to find rabbits in his shoes and fluffy tails in his face.
Not pleasant.
§Nagini, if you see any rabbits, or anything that looks like a rabbit, so long as it isn’t black with green eyes, you may eat it.§
The serpent hissed and nodded her head and slithered down his shoulder.
§Dinner. Dinner. Come out, come out wherever you are!§
Tom smirked to himself. No more fur in places it shouldn’t be!
“Tom, have you seen any of the bunnies that followed me everywhere?”
Tom was a Slytherin and was perfectly capable of holding a straight face. However, he had not actually seen any of the creatures, so he wasn’t lying when he said, “No.”
Harry’s shoulders slumped a bit, but Tom refused to feel guilt. It was for a good cause. He’d get over it eventually.
The fur was unbearable!
The Slytherin sighed and pulled away from his work. Harry had made it a point that he was willing to stand by and wait for Tom to finish. Of course, he proved his Slytherin side by annoying the hell out of Tom in order to get him to either finish faster or stop working altogether.
“Nagini was chasing my little friends and trying to eat them!”
In Harry’s arms was the bashful - honestly, how could a snake look bashful, what the hell? - serpent, and she refused to even look in Tom’s direction. No doubt Harry had given her a stern talking to and somehow made her feel guilty for following Tom’s orders.
He should have gone to the extra effort of ordering her not to get caught. Foolish!
Harry dumped his serpent in his lap, sending her a disapproving look. “I don’t want it happening again, or else.”
And with that, Harry did an abrupt about face and sauntered from the library, leaving Tom to stare at Nagini’s embarrassed face, in disappointment. It was time for another plan.
Maybe he could get them banned from the school? Rabbits weren't allowed as pets after all.
Okay, this wasn’t exactly what he’d had in mind.
Tom glared at Nagini because neither of them would have to deal with this if she’d just learned to be sneaky from the start!
Harry had somehow managed to get the professors on his side and now there was a warren on the grounds for all of his little friends. He’d gotten Hagrid and Grubblyplank to create it with Dumbledore’s approval, so they technically weren't in the school now.
Tom couldn’t actually do anything to the rabbits without getting caught.
The protections that had been layered over those blasted bundles of fur were simply too numerous, and he wouldn’t have the time to take them all down, sick Nagini on the furry beasts, and then place them all back up himself and return to his Common Room with enough time to spare. Harry would know it was him anyway.
Also, he might have been lulled into complacency by Harry’s very big and very bright green eyes… and the promise to ride him the moment it struck midnight on his eighteenth birthday.
But such a promise would not work all the time, he vowed to himself. He was not that weak to Harry’s wiles.
And he refused to even think about Harry wearing a bunny-tailed butt plug like he promised!
A/N: Wanted to celebrate Tom's birthday the right way!
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nutzgunray-lvt · 7 months
My Thoughts On The Dark Izuku Arc
A popular consensus on this site and in the fandom in general is that the Dark Izuku arc was a let down. Though fans have this opinion for different reasons, I'll be using this to word vomit why I myself don't like this arc and what I personally would have done differently.
Heads up: this is a UA critical, Class 1A critical, anti Bakugou, Pro-Heroes critical post. Don't like, don't read.
When I first heard about the Dark Izuku arc, I got excited. I was hyped up to see more world building, more people in Izuki and All Might's corner regarding the secret of One For All, as well as seeing the price Izuku was paying for his self sacrificial tendancies. To a very minor degree, it delivered on those aspects. I love the bunny/fox lady that Izuku saved and how it touched on the worsening discrimination those with mutant Quirks faced, I'm glad that Izuku could finally tell other people about One For All, and I was glad to see Izuku FINALLY being told by people other than All Might that he was working himself too hard and that he could rest.
Those were the only good things this arc did for me.
As for what this arc DIDN'T do well for me, it's a lot. To break it all down, my problems with this arc are: the mixed messages being thrown out and how Izuku's point of view and wellbeing is ignored.
Just a disclaimer, I don't agree with Izuku having to put this burden upon himself. Yes, he has One For All, but he's a CHILD at the end of the day, and he should have NEVER been put in this position. HOWEVER, narratively, I completely understand why he did it.
All For One was out of Tartarus along with many other incredibly dangerous villains, and on top of all of that, AFO had Ragdoll's Search Quirk. This meant that he essentially had eyes on Izuki (and One For All by extension) 24/7. Had he wanted to, he could have launched a full-scale invasion/attack on UA, putting numerous people in danger. It was this reason as to why Izuku made the decision to leave UA in the first place. His plan to use himself as bait to lure AFO and Shigaraki out of hiding made sense narratively, but was also an incredibly dangerous one... which is why it made absolutely no sense to me why these Pro-Heroes (who are ADULTS), were fine with it.
I understand that they were in an incredibly tough position. Japan was in chaos, public trust in heroes was at an all-time low, and Tartarus just had a mass escape. Many heroes were either dying, retiring, or went over to AFO's side. They were probably stretched thin as it was, but for there to be NO ONE saying, "I really don't like this. He's just a kid, and this is incredibly dangerous for him to do. Why don't we have one or two of us traveling with him to protect him?" is just mindboggling to me.
Yes, All Might insisted on going along with him, but he was Quirkless. Physically, there wouldn't be much he could do if someone had successfully gotten the drop on Izuku.
Then, these same heroes who were seemingly completely fine with this plan get all *surprised Pikachu face* when Izuku strikes out alone and begins pushing himself to the breaking point. Yes, they tell him that he needs to take a break... but then they indirectly pressure him more by saying that he's their best and only bet against AFO and Shigaraki. At this point, Izuku is ignoring food, rest, and his injuries. At this point, they should have been putting their foot down that, "No, you're a kid and you're in no condition to be doing this anymore. You need to rest."
This keeps going and going until Izuku is overwhelmed and nearly captured by Dictator, only to be rescued by Class 1A.
Once again, Izuku's point of view and wellbeing are ignored as all 19 of his classmates corner him and start fighting him into submission. I know they had the best of intentions - they didn't want Izuku to shoulder this burden on his own, they wanted to show him that they cared - but as I said above, Izuku was NOT in the right physical or mental condition for this to happen. All it wound up doing was pushing him away from them and making him try and run away. In fact, they're lucky they didn't scare him away entirely.
What's more, they all rally behind Bakugou while doing this.
I've made my intense dislike for Bakugou clear on my blog, so I won't get into it here. But the fact that they sit by and not only allow Bakugou to blame ALL MIGHT for all of this, but also let him repeatedly insult Izuku while TRYING TO SHOW HIM THAT HE'S NOT ALONE is just infuriating. Again, Izuku is in awful shape both physically and mentally. The absolute last thing he needs to hear is Bakugou insulting him and projecting his own flaws onto Izuku.
Even worse is how the hell the teachers at UA are even okay with this?
I also understand that they're probably stretched thin as well, but they were totally okay with not just Izuku leaving, but the rest of 1A following behind him? Yeah, I call bullshit. These were the same teachers who were divided on whether or not to let the first years participate in Work-Studies, teachers who apparently regard the students at UA to be like their own children (as said in the light novels). I'll excluse Aizawa from this, seeing as how he was busy healing in the hospital.
Again, if there was more of the ethics of this being debated in universe (hell, even making the public's trust in heroes fall even lower), I would have been okay with it, because it would have been warrented.
The worst part of me is how in my opinion, the narrative itself doesn't even know how to feel about all of this.
Yes, Izuku essentially dropped out of school to go chase Japan's #1 villain. Yes, Izuku is destroying himself trying to protect everyone, and everyone's warning him not to push himself too hard... but he's getting results, GREAT results even! He's saved countless people and even defeated high-ranking villains such as Lady Nagant and Muscular, among many others. Even the Pro-Heroes are saying how Izuku is their best bet to stop AFO and Shigaraki, so which is it? Should he have stayed and let those villains run around and cause mayhem, or should he put himself in a severe amount of danger but at the cost of those villains ultimately being aprehended?
My final gripe with this arc is just how rushed it is. You're telling me that all of this took place over the course of one month? That Izuku neglected his health to the point of having to use Black Whip and Float to move around, only for it all to be made better by a bath and nap? Again, I call bullshit.
What I would have done differently with this arc is this: have Izuku leave UA without telling ANYBODY. He could still leave his letters for Class 1A, but other than that, he's gone. All Might could let the Pro-Heroes know about OFA, but they'd be trying to find Izuku and bring him into protection because as a kid, he should not even be in this position. All Might himself would also be joining them in these efforts. Izuku would spend several months aprehending villains and traveling across Japan, unlocking and mastering more parts of OFA. He could still push himself towards his breaking point, worrying the past users of OFA, but instead of the entirety of 1A swarming him, only have his closest friends come to being him back.
This brings us to UA and their reaction.
The UA teachers could finally be let in on the OFA secret, and maybe have one or two of them at a time try to find Izuku. Have them state that as students, 1A is not allowed to go out there and try to find him, as they're needed at the campus. Ochako, Ida, Todoroki, Asui, Fumikage, and Aoyama can say "fuck it, we're going anyway" and try to calmly bring him back. They can acknowledge why he left but state that, as his friends, they're not scared of being caught up in the crossfire. They can state that they'll shoulder the burden alongside him, and Izuku can still pass out and be taken to the HOSPITAL. He'd be hospitalized for a week or so and then the debate as to whether or not to take Izuku back to UA can take place. Because on the one hand... there's the whole reason he left in the first place: to protect the civillians and teachers and students there. On the other, they're not about to just throw Izuku on the streets and say "good luck. Try not to die."
For that matter, this could cause some pushback against the heroes for "using a child soldier to do their dirty work." They can truthfully say, "We don't condone this. He ran off on his own and we're trying to find him and being him back."
Anyways, that's my take on the Dark Izuku arc. I left some things out, but this is the essence of it all.
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colourstreakgryffin · 8 months
The Six Pillars; Masterlist #4~
Welcome to my third temple~! Here is the rest of the Masterlist I couldn’t fit on my second one~! This is the beginning of this Blog’s Hell-Heaven life~!
Pillar #1: Demon Slayer~❤️
💙💚 Giyuu and Sanemi: Hexstruck
❤️💜💙 Yoriichi, Obanai and Muichiro: I’m Not In Love
🧡💛 Hashira: Merperson AU
🧡💛 Hashira: Pokémon AU
💜💚💙❤️ Obanai, Sanemi, Giyuu and Tengen: Princess and the Hashira
🧡💛 Hashira: Wild Wild West
💚🩷🩷💜 SaneKana and ObaMitsu: Double Trouble
🧡💛 Hashira: Search and Rescue
💚💙 Sanemi and Giyuu: Motherly Love
🧡💛 Hashira: Throwing in The Towel
❤️💛 Tanjiro and Zenitsu: My Mistake
💜 Obanai: Guilty and Sentenced
💜 Obanai: Abusive Husband
💙 Aoi: Savoury Drugs
❤️ Akaza: Just Like Me
💙💜💙 Giyuu, Obanai and Muichiro: My Reflection
💙 Muichiro: Go for It
💜🌈 Kokushibo and Douma: The Best Child Wins
💜 Obanai: Colourwork
💚💙💜🩷 Sanemi, Giyuu, Obanai and Mitsuri: Pleasurable Assistance
❤️🩷 Sanemi, Tengen, Giyuu and Mitsuri: Mini Attack
🧡💚💜💙 Kyojuro, Sanemi, Obanai and Giyuu: Clothing Recovery
🩷 Mitsuri: Culinary Masterpiece
💙 Muichiro: You’re So Beautiful
❤️ Kamaboko Squad: Hotspring Fun
💙 Muichiro: Dark Beauty
🖤 Gyomei: One Hundred Probelms
💜 Kokushibo: Worthy Successor
💜🩷💜 Obanai, Mitsuri and Shinobu: Anaconda Coil
🌈 Douma: The Ice Queen
🩷 Mitsuri: The Rivals
🧡💚💜🩷💙 Kyojuro, Sanemi, Obanai, Mitsuri and Giyuu: One in the Same
🩷💜 Mitsuri and Shinobu: Human Slingshot
🌈 Douma: Rare Find
💚🧡❤️🩷 Sanemi, Kyojuro, Tengen and Mitsuri: Bunny Baby
💜🩷 Obanai and Mitsuri: Sharing?!
🧡💜 Kyojuro and Obanai: Wild Breathing
🩷💜 Mitsuri and Shinobu: Queen of Toads
❤️💜 Tengen and Obanai: Lovely Cookie
🩷💜💙 Mitsuri, Obanai and Giyuu: Webtastic Detective
🧡💚❤️🩷 Kyojuro, Sanemi, Tengen and Mitsuri: Women Power
🧡🩷 Kyojuro and Mitsuri: Doki Doki
💜🖤 Upper Moons: Blood Demon Art- The Mess of House Parties
💚 Gyutaro: Cutting My Heart
💜 Obanai: My Winglady
💜🖤 Upper Moons: Upper Moons and Affections
🧡💛 Hashira: Hashira and The Comedy Club Chaos
❤️ Kamaboko Squad: Movie Night
❤️ Kamaboko Squad: Kissing Likes
🧡💛 Hashira: Long-Night Sleepover
💜 Obanai: Giggling Mess
🧡💛 Hashira: Life is a Highway
🩷 Mitsuri: Amazing Extras
🧡💛 Hashira: Cuddles and Sleep
💜💙 Shinobu and Giyuu: Clingy Hands
🧡💛 Hashira: Hotel Vacation
💜🩷 Obanai and Mitsuri: Who Am I Without You?
🧡💛 Hashira: Headcanons Paradise
🧡💛 Hashira: Heart In Hands
💜 Obanai: Closer and Closest
🧡💛 Hashira: Digital Terrors
🧡💛 Hashira: Many Gutterballs
💜🩷 Obanai and Mitsuri: Heated War
💙 Muichiro: Foggy Mind
🖤 Gyomei: Crust Cage
❤️ Tengen: Blaring Screams
💚 Sanemi: Chilling Wind
💜 Shinobu: Knockout Serum
💙 Giyuu: Drowning Waters
🧡 Kyojuro: Charring Senses
🩷 Mitsuri: Rotten Heart
💜 Obanai: Trapping Squeeze
Pillar #2: Jujutsu Kaisen~💜
💙🧡💜 Satoru, Suguru and Amanai: Royal Show
💛 Hajime: Heart Strike
Pillar #3: JoJos Bizarre Adventure~💚
Pillar #4: Death Note~💙
Pillar #5: Haikyuu~🧡
Pillar #6: Record of Ragnorak~🩷
Additional Pillar~ 🖤
💜💙 Tamaki and Nejire: Blood and Electricity
🖤 Shota: I Want to Help
💙💜 Nejire and Tamaki: Thunder and Hugs
💚 Zoro: Two Deadly Sins
💚 Zoro: The Swordsman and the Art of Jealousy
💚 Zoro: Sail into Parenthood
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fairy-verse · 2 months
Horror and Dust are so sweet it makes my week.
Can i ask what their first kiss was like?🫶🥺
The winter air prickled at his wings and summoned flesh and he shuddered beneath his woollen coat, yet he remained warm as could be on his own in such frigid conditions and he watched closely as Horror finished his preparations for the chilling days to come. The air and the lakes sang of the yearly freeze, and Dust’s instincts screamed at him to get inside a warm nest and just sleep, sleep, sleep until the next summer arrived; yet he refused. How could he sleep when he knew that Horror was awake, this giant, warm, gentle fairy that had been nothing but kind and sweet and helpful towards him?
For the two months that Dust has spent together with Horror he’s known nothing but patience and tender care, something he’d forgotten existed up until he’d been rescued, and even now he sees the way Horror glances over at him, smiling, giving him a little wave as a mark to let him know that he’s just about finished.
He snuggles deeper into the coat, taking in its scent as he recalls the memory of watching Horror make it for him. He’d been thoroughly bundled up in the nest then, having just begun to regain some warmth in his body, and Horror had taken breaks in his work to feed him warm mushroom soup and deliciously hot dandelion tea. It had warmed him so pleasantly and even the memory brought a soft flush to his cheeks.
“You cold, bunny?” Horror’s voice was deep and calm as he approached, and Dust looked up to take in the other fairy’s presence, feeling cold on his behalf for the lack of proper winter attire, though knowing that Horror didn’t need it due to his unnatural body heat.
Bunny… It’d been a nickname he’d earned the first week here for being skittish and far too alert, though so, so afraid of suddenly being found by the human that’d held him captive for years and years. He’d struggled to relax even as tired and sluggish as he’d been, and Horror had taken to calling him bunny, though he’d explained that the main reason was simply because he “is so small and pretty, like white bunnies with twitchy noses.”
Dust still blushed at the thought of it, being so easily called pretty by a fairy he considered too beautiful for this cruel world.
“No,” he said, and only partly lied. Horror only smiled in return and reached out to touch his cheek with the knuckle of a clawed finger.
“Heh, you liar,” Horror chuckled and motioned for them both to head inside the nest, a quaint, cosy little place built into the trunk of an old tree with just a door and two rounded windows. On the inside there was room for a small kitchen stuffed to the brim with food, a table with two chairs, a chest and closet for clothes, a fireplace with various pots hanging nearby, and finally, the large bed carved into the wood with a silken cloth hanging partly over the opening, making it more secure and hidden should one desire as such.
Dust hadn’t been used to this sort of nest before, only ever living within one made the traditional summer fairy way which usually only included a circular space for sleeping, along with baskets hanging from various heights that contained both stored food and clothes that they’d need. All the meal preparations always took place outside.
“You can rest, bunny. I’m finishing up to sleep for… the night, too. Just need a moment,” Horror said. He’d been having less struggle with speaking as of late, probably because he had someone to practice more with now… Not that Dust said too much in return, even now as he just nodded and undressed from the large coat, shuddering despite the warmth from the fireplace. He quickly hurried into the nest to hide beneath the furs and woollen blankets, though… he still felt cold.
Horror only did some small things to prepare for the night, setting aside some food, securing the fire so the sparks wouldn’t jump out, and blocking the door with a wooden board for extra security. Dust knew Horror hadn’t done that before he arrived. He’d seen him make that board on his second day here.
His soul fluttered, and worse still, Dust felt tickly as Horror undressed and approached the nest they’d shared for two months already. He felt so tiny as Horror lay down beside him before reaching out to pull him closer, not only bringing the blankets more comfortably over him but also using his great, soft wings to keep him close for the duration of the night.
Dust wondered how long Horror had been in love with him. Since the first day? The first week? He couldn’t tell but he felt a fool for not noticing it sooner. Winter fairies often fell fast and hard when it came to love, and Horror was no different in that regard, though he’d clearly put his feelings aside to ensure that Dust was comfortable and taken care of, probably thinking that they’d part ways once summer arrived.
“… Horror,” Dust muttered, his sockets heavy with the need for sleep and his body relaxed from finally being enveloped in blissful warmth. It was Horror’s warmth it’d longed after, no other.
“Yeah, bunny?” Horror replied, his voice oddly soft and quiet.
Dust didn’t want to leave him waiting, so he reached up to hold his cheeks, and without needing to ask he was pulled up closer to Horror’s face as the two of them met in the middle, breathing sighs of relief and content as the silent longing was put to rest with a single kiss.
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terezicaptor · 2 months
Here's the alternate frubbo canon divergent timeline that exists in my head:
After Tubbo rescued Fred their letters stopped for a while, just like in canon. They saw each other at spawn that one time but Tubbo was very out of it and not really interested in speaking to Fred because he both is unsure how he feels about them and thinks it's safer for both of them if they put their situationship on pause. He doesn't want Fred getting killed or some shit, and he doesn't want Fred being used against him.
Tubbo does his now every-other-week mailbox checks because he's kind of lost hope that there would ever be a letter again. He's just doing it out of habit at this point.
Until he gets a letter from Fred.
They say he's seemed distant, and they ask if he wants to break up.
Tubbo is confused because as far as he knows they aren't dating. But it seems Fred has a much different perspective.
This leads into a role reversal, where Tubbo is the one who really isn't sure about a relationship and is trying to be 'professional' with Fred, and Fred is the hopeless romantic reading into every one of Tubbo's signals and wondering if it's so over or they're so back.
Then the server restarts.
The bears are gone, but after a while of just Mr. Rabbit and the black Bunnies, white Bunny Workers begin showing up. They're dressed formal like the rest of the staff, but it's clear they're lower rank than the black Bunnies.
One of these white Bunnies begins talking to Tubbo. Seeming to try to hint towards something. Send signals.
Tubbo doesn't get what the Bunny is after.
Until another white Bunny shows up and starts terrorizing him and calling him 'mate.'
Then the connection is starkly clear. The 'bears' have been somewhat reset and made into the new Bunnies, but pieces of their personalities and feelings from their old lives are still there.
This new Bunny seems to have been at one point Fred. And it seems like it still has inklings of its past life in its mind.
And Tubbo doesn't know how to feel.
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bnuuys-writing · 7 months
Chapter Two - Insecurities Begone!
Here you go you guys! Part two of Vil's Moving Castle!! Its not super long but I tried my best for you all! o7
-Bunny out!
The bakery was jam packed with customers left and right due to the festival going on. Yet, even with all the chatter, all the pushing and shoving with the delicacies of sweets and tea floating in the air; You felt like you were a feather, floating with the wind. You could only stare out the window, in awe as you heard the fast approaching footsteps of your sister arriving. 
“Y/n! Are you alright? Someone told me you just floated down onto our balcony!” Her sister exclaimed as she looked you over, worried about your far off gaze and lost in thought body language.
“So it wasn't a dream… It really did happen.” You murmured out softly to yourself, trying to think of what exactly happened- Of course, you could remember it all but… You didn't believe any of it was even real until your sister just confirmed it for you.
It wasn't long before you were whisked underneath the bakery, sitting on boxes with your sister as you could only stare down at the ground with a dull expression. You had recalled all the memories and told your sister all that you could tell her without sounding lost or confused.
“Wow! It sounds like you truly met a wizard, Y/n!” Your sister exclaimed, looking at you with awe and wonder in her eyes. ‘You’re so lucky, Y/n! I wish I could meet a wizard too Y/n!’ You could already hear your sister's train of thoughts as you looked at her slightly pouty face, before giving her a small smile.
“He was so nice to me… He rescued me…” You stated out before turning your gaze back to the boxes across the room, before your sister's face turned upset.
“Well of course he was! He was trying to steal your heart! You’re so lucky, Y/n! If that wizard were Vil, he would’ve eaten it!” Your sister was right, but wrong on another topic.
“No he wouldn't, Vil only does that to beautiful girls.” You didn't mean for your voice to come out so cold but it did, you could only shake your head slightly at your sister’s antics who could only scoff at your insecurities showing once more.
“Oh! Don't give me that! You need to be more careful! It's dangerous out there.” Your sister leaned closer to you, as if trying to pierce through your walls yet you couldn't dare give your sister another glance, keeping your far away look on the boxes in front of you. “Even the Witch of The Waste is back on the prowl.” Saddened by the thought, your sister turned to face you once more only to see that your mind was off somewhere else than this conversation.
“Hey! Are you even listening?” Your sister asked as she leaned back in front of you, gauging your reaction. All she got in response was a snap back to reality gasp from you as you looked back at your sister, aware of where you are again. A groan only came from her as she stared you down, about to speak up once again to scold you if it weren't for one of her coworkers removing a box behind the two of you just to look down at her.
“Chocolate eclairs are done!” He smiled down at your sister, nodding his head at her in which she could only sigh, thanking him for letting her know. Hearing that your sister had to get back to work, you stood up and held your hat closer to your lap as you looked down at your sister.
“Alright, I better get going then. I only stopped by just to see if you were doing okay.” With that, your sister guided you out from the bakery up to the front gate of the bakery, grasping your hands before you could even start to bid her goodbye.
“Y/n! Are you sure you want to be spending the rest of your life in that hat shop?” Your sister asked out, concerned about you in which you seemed to tense up ever so slightly by her concern.
“It meant so much to father, and I am the eldest so I don't mind!” You hummed out, relaxing your shoulders as you looked at your sister with a smile, hoping that she would leave the topic as just that. Just as your prayers were being answered, a man walked by and said his goodbyes to your sister, causing her to let go of you. To you, this was an opportunity to turn yourself away from her and start walking down the road once more.
“Goodbye!” You muttered out, ignoring her statements of how; It's your life! Do something you want to do for yourself for once!
Afterall, you were doing something for yourself… Weren't you?
Hopping on the trolley, and hearing the chime to start pushing off. You could only stare out at the sunset with a small sigh on your lips. You hoped you were doing something for yourself, afterall… You may not be like your sister who gatherers all the attention from the males around you, pretty and with a beautiful personality to follow. Not to mention you were lacking in some assets she seemed to have plenty of… You could only shake your head as you got off the trolley at your stop, the sun having already set long ago. Unaware to you, the trouble that is soon to follow.
Stepping up the stairs up to your hat shop, unlocking it with a soft click and pushing the door open to hear the all too familiar bell chime overhead. Ah, finally back. Letting out a sigh as you shut the door behind you, locking it afterwards did you finally turn on your heel and start making your way inside. With swift fingers, a match was lit as you lit up a candle upon a holder, ready to make yourself comfortable.
Right as you were about to take another sigh of relief, the all too familiar chime rang out as you turned around, startled as you saw another woman standing at the door you thought you had just locked.
“I'm sorry ma'am but the hat shop is closed currently, I could've sworn I just locked that door.” You calmly explained to the woman who was taller than you, and more presumptuous with their choice of clothing. What an eerie sight for you…
“What a tacky store, with such tacky hats… Yet, you are by far the tackiest one here.” The woman stated, causing you to frown at the insult as you tried to hold back your offense. Your hats were perfect! With wishes inside that will lead someone to be happier than before! 
“I’m afraid you will have to leave now.” You replied out, covering your offended pride with confidence in hopes that your authoritative tone would help get this strange woman out of your store. Walking past the larger woman and towards the door, you opened it smoothly which caused the bell to ring once more as you motioned her to leave. “The door is over here. We’re closed.” 
The woman could only turn to you, smile and chuckle. “Standing up to the Witch of The Waste? That's plucky.” Time had seemed to honestly stop for you as you had come to realize your mistake. 
“The Witch of The Waste-?” Fear ran cold within your veins as you swung your head back to the door only to see two of those familiar goons- only this time they wore nice suits and facial masks- standing ominously at your door as your head spun once more to face the woman who was now charging full speed at you with her coat. You covered yourself as you fell to the ground, getting enveloped with this icky feeling covering your form, as if you were just tarred and stuck to the ground. Your bones ached and you felt light of air as you heard her final words. 
“The best part of this spell is that you cannot tell anyone about it. My regards to Vil.” With that, the door was slammed shut as the figures quickly retreated from the area. 
It took a moment for you to even register what had happened, slowly rising back to your feet felt weirder than normal this time. Your bones ached as your muscles screamed for you to stop moving and just rest. You didn't quite feel normal, nor yourself at this time. Slowly looking down to your hat that was within your hands, you could only find yourself staring in shot at seeing your once calloused hands now looking much older, more… Wrinkly, and veiny… You couldn't help yourself as you raced over towards your mirror where customers could try on hats to see which one they liked more. Your body aching and screaming, begging for a small break by sitting down in a chair as you made it over to the mirror. 
As for what you saw in the mirror? Silvery gray hair was perched on top of this older person’s head, their face more wrinkly as their features had begun to sag as if time itself dragged it down. The body was hunched over ever slightly so, as your back ached as you moved. Bringing up one hand to your face, you couldn't help but drag one hand across your cheek as reality set in.
This… This was you! You had turned older! No- not just older… But elderly!
“Oh my! That's really me, isn't it?!” Finally registering everything, you could only swallow a deep gulp as you blinked, looking away from the mirror. In a state of shock, you couldn't help yourself by walking away from the mirror, blinking and rubbing your eyes as if this was all just a trick of your mind. As if your sister’s words were getting to you and you’re just tired from all this work, right?! “I’ve got to stay calm” to keep repeating to yourself as you made your way back over to the mirror, slowly peeking in at yourself only to find yourself looking right back at your older figure. 
Not being able to handle yourself in the mirror anymore, you decided to go get some fresh air. Maybe that will help wake you up, right? This was all just a dream, right?! 
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