#there was so much expectation that we just buy new uniforms! buy new boots!
transcriptroopers · 2 years
Hi, sorry if you have already answered this question and I just couldn't find it (and also if you no longer answer questions, in that case please ignore me): I'm wondering if there's anything that soldiers have to know besides shooting/fighting. For example, do they have to know how to cook? Or do they have to know how to sew in case they tear their clothes or something like that? (And would it be realistic for soldiers to carry a water filter with them at all times?) Thanks in advance! :)
I think I did answer this before because it sounds familiar but idk.
I've said this before too but the vast majority of us will never be in a boots-on-ground survival situation. Less than 30% of the army is combat MOS and a very small amount of those will ever see actual combat. Many of us get initial combat training in Basic and then maybe one or two quick reminders a year after that.
The army generally doesn't care about practical skills. In the field most of us get MREs at the worst. If you get a tear in your fatigues there's these sticker things you can just put over it like a band aid. Obviously knowing how to sew is a useful skill to have if your uniform tears because the things cost like $70, but your unit commander might also just not ~like how it looks~ even if you've sewed it nicely and demand you buy new clothes. And I can't say I've ever seen a list of "essential survival tools" include a sewing kit.
You can enlist as an actual army cook; it's an MOS. When I was in the field they'd set up field kitchens for most meals and one meal a day would be MRE. Even when we got Kitchen Patrol (KP duty = kitchen duty) they just had us clean their stations and peel potatoes and serve the food, not actually do the cooking. Even if you were out in the wilderness or something, food isn't your main priority - shelter and water is. They say you can go a month without food but a few days at best with no water.
So the average soldier isn't expected to know how to cook or sew. Allegedly the tryhards of the army (airborne, green beret) do focus on some hunting/trapping but our survival skills mostly prioritize navigating, finding safe water to drink/making safe water to drink (carrying an individual water filter is just more stuff to carry we are literally already carrying 100 pounds of stuff including actual water) how to make shelters and which ones are better for which situations, shit like that.
That said soldiers are all individuals and at that point if you're asking if it's unrealistic for a person to know how to cook and sew then it's w/e. It's not really standard to learn but I bet a bunch of us know how to just make a DIY water filter because it's not that hard and imo that's more interesting in a story than handily having a premade water filter anyway.
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unfriendlyamazon · 11 days
domino high school host club
this was a dumb whim i had a while back and will probably abandon, but i'm kind of enamored of the idea of duke and seto being friends who get into wacky schemes together. like many things in my backlog, i'm just going to throw this out there and see what the response is
It was the giggle that caught Duke’s attention. They looked up from the video game they’d been perusing and saw two girls from their class at the other side of the shop. Their names escaped them, but they lifted up their chin and smiled. Both girls ducked together, still giggling, and they grinned.
So, Domino. Duke’s dad had kicked them to the city last month to start attending the prestigious Domino Academy. Booted from their last school, it was this or a private boarding school in England. They’d shown up day one to school in their uniform with their long hair pulled back, pierced earlobes, and eyeliner on. It’d sent all the girls in their class into a tizzy. Surely it was just new kid exoticism, but no, their appeal had staying power. They dropped the game back onto the case and waltzed over to them.
“You’re in my class, aren’t you?” Duke said with a cool look.
The two girls giggled to each other again. They both still wore their Domino uniforms, bright teal blazers and skirts. One was taller, with cat shoes on her feet, and the other had her hair in a braid. Both cute and blushing pink.
“Hi,” the tall girl said. “I’m Junko. This is Hoshi. You’re Duke, right?”
“You caught me.” They tossed their hair back. “I didn’t expect to see such cute girls here.”
More giggling. Duke practically preened.
“Junko’s totally insane for this series,” Hoshi said. “We thought you might be too cool for video games.”
“My dad like owns a whole franchise of gaming shops,” Duke said. “All I think about is games. What series is it?”
Junko flushed bright red. “It’s really stupid.”
“It’s her favorite series,” Hoshi said.
Duke smiled at Junko. “Well now I have to know.”
“It’s called Kiss Academy,” she said, her face totally red. “The newest one released last week. It’s one of those games where you date people.”
“I knew it had to be,” Duke said with a laugh. “That’s so cute. I’ve never played it.”
“Do you play those types of games?” Hoshi asked.
“Sometimes.” They gave a shrug. “Like I said, all I think about is games. I think it’s cool to get invested in characters like that. It’s a whole other experience. Do they have it here?”
Junko took her copy of Kiss Academy in Bloom, the newest chapter of the hot series. Duke looked over the box art as she waited in line to make her purchase. The anime boys were certainly cute, emblazoned in pink uniforms as sakura blossoms whirled around them. Girls really went haywire for this stuff. Even Hoshi, who didn’t seem much of a gamer, pointed out her favorite boy to Duke. It was the goth one in a choker. They almost laughed out loud.
“Are you buying a copy too?” Junko asked as she took her bag.
Duke placed it on the counter. “Why not? If you like it, it must be good.”
Junko and Hoshi walked around the mall with Duke a little while longer until it was time to head home. Duke almost forgot about the game until they got back to their apartment. Takeout sushi in hand, they fiddled with their phone a while before dumping out their purchases for the day. Their dad may be pissed, but his credit cards still went through. Sorting out the clothes and the comics, they found the game and popped out the cartridge for it. They booted up the game and downed spicy tuna as the pixelated loading screen came into view. Along with the art of the titular Kiss Academy gently blowing sakura leaves in the background, a soft and gentle soundtrack started playing. Okay, Kiss Academy. Show them some boys.
Duke didn’t really expect much out of the game. They played strategy and RPGs with complex character customization and a load of cute outfits to buy. Not that they’d never fallen in love with a video game character. But hitting A to talk and follow dialogue trees wasn’t really up their usual creek. But it’d been nice, chatting with Junko and Hoshi. And it wasn’t like the boys weren’t cute. They grabbed a sparkling water from the fridge and started the game.
Here was the thing. Duke didn’t expect the game to be good. They just wanted to talk to Junko about something in class tomorrow. They definitely didn’t mean to open the games’ wiki and look up what stats they needed to get a kiss around here in Kiss Academy. They didn’t mean to open a tab about the deep lore of one of the series mainstays, nor learn his tragic backstory before it was time. They didn’t mean to spend the whole night in their living room curled up on the floor as they hit A through the dialogue trees trying to hunt for the secret ending. They definitely didn’t mean to sleep through their alarm the next day with the game ending screen still on the TV as they rushed to get on their uniform.
This wasn’t supposed to be their whole personality.
School was a droning series of lectures that did nothing for Duke’s vibrant mind that morning. They sat hunched over their notebook as they wrote out ideas. Kenji was cute and they’d fallen down Isamu the kendo captain’s path twice, but none of the characters had the edge they were looking for. It needed bad boys with a heart of gold and unattainable hotties that talked down to the player. They sketched out the idea for a board game, or maybe a deck building game, with archetypes gaining points and power. They couldn’t quite see it in their head, and by lunch time they were doodling aimlessly.
“Did you like the game?” Junko asked over their shoulder.
Duke beamed a winning smile up at her. “You know, I think I did.”
“You drew Isamu here,” Hoshi said with a giggle. “Junko was wondering if you even liked girls.”
Duke dropped their pen on their desk and sat back. The dreaded question. Since they were young, it’d always been ‘are you a boy or are you a girl’, and the answer had never been extremely obvious to Duke. Now that they were dressing up more, wearing the makeup, painting their nails, everyone assumed they were gay. Duke didn’t have an easy answer for them, so they relied on their charm.
“I like Junko plenty,” they said and winked at her.
Junko’s face flushed. She pointed to the paper, quick to distract everyone. “Isamu kind of looks like the kendo captain here. You draw their hair the same.”
“He’s not captain anymore,” Hoshi sang. “I heard he got banned for fighting.”
“He didn’t get kicked out of school?” Junko gasped. “It’s because his family donated all that money I bet.”
“Who’s this?” Duke asked, happy to have the gossip be on someone else.
“You’ve probably heard the name before,” Hoshi said. “He’s in the class next door. Seto Kaiba.”
Duke sat straight up. “Sorry, did you say the Kaiba heir is here right now?”
Junko gestured to the wall behind them. “Next door, yeah. He’s kind of a jerk.”
“Riko gave him a love confession last year,” Hoshi said. “Then she dropped out of school entirely. Never to be seen again.”
“He didn’t kill her,” Junko said.
Hoshi whistled a note. “Maybe.”
Duke tapped their pen to their notebook. “Would you say he’s the cold and silent type that occasionally talks down to you?”
“Occasionally?” Junko huffed. “Try all the time.”
“Everyone tries to get to know him,” Hoshi said. “The Kaiba Corporation is literally headquartered in Domino. And everyone knows when he turns eighteen he’ll take over the company. But he quit all his clubs and doesn’t talk to anyone.”
“I’m learning so much,” Duke said. “And he doesn’t hang out with anyone?”
The two girls shook their head. The wheels were turning in Duke’s brain.
“I bet most people would lose their minds for a chance to talk to him,” they said. “I bet he gets lots of love confessions too.”
“Only from the girls who never talk to him,” Hoshi said. “Not like Bakura.”
Their pen scratched against the paper. “Who’s that?”
“Ryou Bakura,” Junko said with a sigh. “He’s, like, the cutest boy in school.”
“Very mysterious,” Hoshi said with a giggle. “He can be a little spooky sometimes.”
“No after school activities either.” Junko shook her head. “All the cute boys are so busy.”
“You haven’t joined anything yet, right?” Hoshi leaned over Duke’s desk. “Junko is in the photography club, and I’m on the school events committee. It’s basically the best job.”
“You know,” Duke said as they slapped the cover of their notebook shut, “you two have really given me a lot to think about. I should check out the club situation.”
“Right now?” Junko asked as they stood up from their desk.
“Right now.” They grabbed their bag and slung it over their shoulder. “Don’t worry. I won’t be gone too long.”
They tossed her another wink, which sent Hoshi into a fit of giggles. They took that as a chance to escape. Apparently this school was brimming with eligible bachelors. They popped into the hallway, where several students were relaxing by the windows or walking to meet up with friends. Duke paused by the door to the class beside theirs. It was propped open, and the those that ate at their desks remained, while a few groups of students chatted with each other. They scanned the crowd of ho-hum nobodies and stopped when they saw a tall figure in the back corner. A laptop was open in front of him as he typed away, his head down in focus. Hoshi was right, he bore somewhat of a resemblance to the kendo captain of their dreams, if he had more muscle to him. He looked lean and skinny in his uniform, and the mess of dark hair brushed over his eyes. But they caught a glimpse of that focused expression, the wide blue eyes, the narrow pupil, fingers flying away.
Okay. They could work with that.
They turned away and ran straight over someone. Books and papers dropped to the ground, and Duke nearly bowled over the person. They managed to collect themself and readied an apology when they stopped. In front of them was a lovingly crafted expression of hair. Curly black hair linked together in violet ends with blonde streaked bangs that flopped over large eyes. The school uniform was undone with a black shirt underneath and a heavy black choker, and winged eyeliner just to steal their whole look. The offending student scrambled for his books, and when he looked up to stutter out an apology, a grin stretched across his face.
“Oh my gosh,” Yugi said. “Duke!”
“No,” Duke said and turned on their heel to march away. To their horror, he followed.
“I didn’t know you were going to school here!” Yugi said, keeping a step behind them. Curse his little legs. “I haven’t seen you in forever. How’re things going? How long have you been in school? Do you wanna eat lunch together?”
“No,” Duke repeated and squeezed their eyes shut. “No, no, leave me alone.”
“It’s really cool that you’re going here! Have you made an friends yet? Are you in any clubs?”
No, no, no. The last time they’d seen Yugi Muto he’d been receiving a prize that should’ve gone to them, and then throwing it in their face. Years and years spent chasing a golden ticket that went to someone who didn’t even want it. Of course he was at this school. Why wouldn’t he be? Everything had been going so well so far, it was bound to crash and burn.
And as if things couldn’t get any worse, the door to the stairwell swung open, hitting Duke directly in the face. They were so disoriented they didn’t even realize they’d fallen to the floor until the room stopped spinning. Sharp pain punched through their nose. They clutched their hand to it, feeling a few drops of blood escape.
“You stupid idiot!” they shouted. “Watch where you’re going!”
“What did you say to me?”
They looked up and sucked in a breath. The guy standing over them was large, heavy underneath the unbuttoned uniform, with an uneven shag of bleach blond hair that was already dark at the roots. His hands were back in his pockets, foot keeping the door propped open, with a bandaid across his right cheek. A cloud of cigarette smoke whirled around him. This was the kind of guy who could and would beat the absolute shit out of Duke, unless they kept their mouth shut.
“I said watch where you’re going,” they snapped. Keeping their mouth shut had never been their strong suit. “You almost broke my nose.”
“I can break more than that,” he said with a grin.
“Hey, Jounouchi!” Yugi chirped.
The big guy’s eyes moved to Yugi. He gave him a once over before shaking his head.
“Tell your friend to look out,” he growled and marched away.
Duke slapped Yugi’s hand away as he tried to help them up. The big guy trekked into the same classroom Duke had just been peeking into. Struggling to their feet, they wiped the blood from their nose and picked up their messenger bag.
“Can you do me a favor, Yugi?” Duke asked.
“Sure,” he said. “Anything.”
“Leave me alone,” they snapped and let the door swing shut behind them.
That night, with the game music of Kiss Academy still playing on the TV, Duke did some research. A few business blogs gave the cut and dry story of the Kaiba ascension, but a little digging online found even more. Duke took notes, made a coffee, sat down at their table, and they started a plan.
It turned out the best thing that happened to Duke’s popularity was their run in with Jounouchi. All the girls gathered around Duke the next day to view the bruise on their face.
“He’s totally insane,” Hoshi said. “He threatened one of our event coordinators.”
“I heard it was a teacher,” Junko said. “And he slashed the tires on his car.”
“I can’t believe you stood up to him,” Hoshi said. “You’re, like, the bravest person we know.”
“It’s really not a big deal,” Duke said. “He just threatened to break all my bones.”
The girls all gasped and fawned over Duke. The class was in their athletic uniform, but Duke still wore the blazer and pants. No way were they undressing in that locker room. A round of doctors’ notes took care of everything.
The girls raced off to join the other two classes, and Duke blew a kiss after them. Making their way to the bleachers, they settled into a seat with their notebook in hand. It was easy to distract themself from the whistles and stampeding feet on the track below them. It might’ve been an otherwise boring hour, if they hadn’t glanced up in time to see Seto Kaiba also taking command of the bleachers. He had his laptop in front of him, still plugging away.
Duke grinned. This was the perfect opportunity. Folding their things into their bag, they strolled up the metal steps to slink into the row behind Kaiba and propped their feet up beside him. They saw his eyes glance their way. His fingers didn’t stop moving.
“Ask me what you’re going to ask,” he said. “I don’t have all day.”
Duke eyed the laptop over his shoulder. Emails and messages piled on top of each other.
“Are you working right now?” they asked.
His hands kept moving. “I like to know what’s going on in my company.”
“I heard you won’t get it until you’re eighteen,” they said.
He stopped typing. Looking back at them, he said, “Tell me what you want.”
“I bet you get proposals from every halfwit.” Duke curled a hair around their finger. “Is it true you kicked a girl out of school?”
His brow knit together. “What? No. Is this about the girl with the love letter? Her family moved.”
“Is it true you got kicked out of kendo club?”
He grit his teeth. “They thought my training methods were too strict. Only one person was hospitalized.”
“And not a single girl wants anything to do with you.”
“What would I care about that for?”
Duke let the curl spring and grinned. “You’re missing a grand opportunity here.”
“Here it is.” Kaiba rolled his eyes. “Go on with your pitch.”
“I’m not pitching you to become business partners,” they said. “I want to become friends.”
Kaiba closed his laptop screen and stood. Duke jumped up as well.
“Okay, okay,” they said. “That wasn’t entirely true. I think a man like you has access to power and resources I don’t, and I have a really stupid idea forming. But I know what you don’t have.”
He turned to look at them. On the bleachers, with him two steps down, they were almost the same height.
“What’s your name?” he said.
“I’m Duke Devlin,” they said.
He scoffed. “Not a prestigious family name. What exactly is it that you do?”
“My father owns a successful games franchise,” they said, only a little defensively. “I’ve released two licensed games under the Mr. Clown name.”
“Oh, good.” He took a step up. “A clown. Your family runs a mildly successful toy shop for children, and you think you can tell me what it is I don’t have? I am thrilled to hear what you say next.”
Duke looked up at him, still grinning from ear to ear. “You’re so exactly who I was looking for. Do you know what I have that you don’t? Social capital.”
“Ah,” Kaiba said. “Thus the proposition to become friends. You want to make me popular. Hope I’ll exchange money and influence on the off chance that girls send me love letters in my locker. I repeat: why should I care?”
“Alright,” they said, pulling out their notebook. “You’re painfully aware the Kaiba Corporation has their CEO position left unfilled, and instead is currently being controlled by a board of directors. Oh, they even have a cute nickname. The Big Five. Isn’t that sweet?”
Kaiba’s eyes widened as his pupils became pinpoints of rage. “You are treading on dangerous territory.”
“I know, I know, let me finish.” They held up the notebook to him. “See, I did my research. Everyone thinks you’re going to wake up one morning the new CEO of a multi-billion dollar company, but what they haven’t realized is that you weren’t even Gozaburo Kaiba’s biological son. You’re legal adopted and entered into the registry, but your future is in the hands of five wizened old men who, by the by, seem to hate you like everyone else. I assume that’s why you’re here instead of just, you know, being a billionaire.”
“Does this have a point?” he said through gritted teeth.
They flipped the book back over. “That’s just what I found searching online. Do you wanna know what I learned from my new best friends over there?”
Kaiba turned as Duke waved down to the field. Junko and Hoshi were whispering to each other and quickly waved back.
“That’s Junko Nakamura,” they said. “She’s really the inspiration behind this whole endeavor. She’s my muse. Her family owns a motorcycle company that buys 1.3 million dollars in plastic from your company every year. And that right there is Hoshi Oshita. You would not believe who her grandfather is.”
Kaiba turned slowly back around to them. “Konosuke Oshita.”
They couldn’t stop from doing a little dance. “He’s on your board of directors! Isn’t that just so good? I don’t even know if she knows, but I do know one thing. Those two girls think you’re a psycho. Most people do. So let’s say, in a few years, when it’s time to take your power back from the Big Five, you’re convincing the board to vote you in as CEO. You’re a strong candidate. Driven, smart, but those aren’t the things people look for. People will say he’s unhinged. They’ll say you can’t be trusted. And all those hopes and dreams and presumably billions of dollars will be flushed away with one fell swoop. But what if Junko talked to her father about the potential issues with such a massive changeover. Or better yet, you had Oshita’s granddaughter on your arm. Could he really say no to that?”
“You really think I’m stupid,” Kaiba said. “You think I haven’t considered these outcomes already?”
They tapped their nose. “I think you should work smarter, not harder.”
“Manipulation is a coward’s tactic,” he snapped. “All I’ve learned from this is you have all the benefits of a Google search.”
He started down the steps, and Duke hopped after him. They nearly slipped and caught themself on his uniform, swinging around to stand in his way.
“I’m not saying you have to manipulate anyone,” they said. “I’m saying I have a way of making them come to you. You can engage in social situations, no pretense that it’s anything more, and I can guarantee you won’t have to speak to anyone for more than, say, thirty minutes.”
He lifted their hand off his arm. “That’s oddly specific. What do you call this dream scenario?”
“A host club,” they said.
Kaiba blinked once, twice, and then his face cracked. A huge smile spread across his lips, and he opened his mouth to guffaw. Loudly. Insolently. He clutched his laptop to his chest as he bent over with laughter. Duke sighed and folded their arms.
“I told you it was stupid,” they said.
“It’s insane!” he shouted between his laughter. “A host club? You think the school is going to let you pour alcohol so girls can feel you up?”
“Think of it more like tea ceremonies,” Duke said. “Maybe a booth at school festivals. Hoshi is on the events committee, I bet she’d be happy to help. And judging by the sizable donations you’ve made to the school, I think they’d give us a pass.”
He wiped a tear from his eye. “So I’m crucial in this plan of yours. To–I can’t even say it–to start a host club on campus.”
“Just think about it,” they said. “Access to influential people, a money making opportunity, a chance to show people how you really are, and an opportunity to make people happy.”
“Why would I care about that?” he asked.
“You’ve got everyone else around here fooled,” Duke said. “But not me. I read about your restructuring plans for Kaiba Corp, and the prototype game you released. And there were rumors of an amusement park?”
“Money making ventures.”
Duke smirked. “Entertainment focused on children. You act cold as ice, but I have a feeling that’s all it is. An act.”
Kaiba lifted up to his full height, towering over Duke. “You don’t know the first thing about me.”
“And now you have a chance to show everyone,” they said. “Just give it some thought.”
“It’s an insane idea,” he said.
“Good.” Duke gave him a wink. “I wouldn’t want to bore you.”
To their absolute delight, the tips of his ears went pink. Without another word, he pushed past them. Duke kept their chin up as he left, and as soon as he was out of sight, they did another little jig. This was too perfect. Junko and Hoshi were still watching, and they danced down the steps to greet them.
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boyette47tarp · 2 years
Burberry Purses
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emf005 · 3 years
Knock On Wood
Oliver Wood x Reader
Warnings: The Puns are real, fighting, fluff... (Let me know if I missed anything!)
Please Like and follow and let me know what you think!
What a lovely day to bother the Gryffindor quidditch captain, Oliver Wood. You swung your legs off Fred’s lap and ruffled George’s hair as you went to your dorm.
“Where are you off to?” George asked, tossing the pranking ball at you. You caught it and tossed it right back before it could release the gas from inside that smelt like a dead skunk bathed in vomit, a smell of your own invention you were proud to say.
“I overheard that Ollie was going down to the pitch for some extra practice. Think I need some work on my,” you flipped your hair dramatically. “Chasing.” The two scoffed at your horrible pun, considering you were the best Chaser in all of Hogwarts. Both figuratively and metaphorically. You ran up stairs and grabbed your gloves, threw on your riding boots and grabbed your broom. Everything you owned was pretty worn out, you were muggle born and your family wasn’t exactly the richest. Actually you were poorer than the Weasleys', and there were only four of you!
They looked back up at you as you jumped the last four stairs and walked out of the room to go bug the keeper. You loved bugging Wood. His name was meant for puns. It's just perfect! I mean, Oliver, obviously a good nickname for him was Ollie, which he pretended to hate. And then Wood. There were so many there. And then he was a Keeper. Like, he just made it too easy for you!
“Ollie!” You called happily from the bottom of the pitch. He glanced down and you could hear his eye roll. You flew up and met the Keeper in the air. “What a surprise meeting you up here, hun!” He rolled his eyes and turned his broom around so you wouldn't see the blush on his cheeks from the nickname you had given him. Well, one of the many nicknames you had given him.
“What do you want, Y/L/N. I’m practicing here.” You frowned and leaned forward on your broom.
“Maybe I wanted to practice with you, Ollie. I’m hurt you want me to leave so soon. I got all dressed up just to see you.” He glanced at your attire.
“Honored. You should really get new riding gloves and boots,” he mentioned.
“Yeah, they’re on my list right next to a cyclops.” He rolled his eyes at your sarcasm. “Come on Wood, I bet I can get a few past you,” you grinned, sitting back up on your broom.
“Ha! You wish, Y/L/N!”
“Then Wood you go get the ball and we can have a go at it!” He groaned at you pun.
“Stop it.
“Stop what? I just told you to go get the ball,” he flew down and started to walk away from you.
“You know what!” You smirked. He showed back up a few minutes later as you were speeding around the pitch. He watched you go in awe at how fast you were flying. How perfect your form was. And how good you looked doing it.
Stop it. He told himself as he called up to you. He tossed up the Quaffle and you zoomed over catching it in one fluid motion, going so fast you nearly knocked him off his feet.
“Lets go, Ollie!” You shouted down to him, tossing it up in the air and catching it. “I gotta beat you by four!” He mounted his broom and flew up to you.
“Why? What's at four.”
“Fred, George, and I have some… business to attend to.”
“Which hallway do I have to avoid this time?” He sighed, making his way to the posts.
“There's no fun in that, Olive oil! You might stop people like you did last time,” you pouted.
“Did you just call me Olive oil?”
“Your name is Oliver, did you not expect me to make an olive pun?”
“I was hoping.”
“I guess you could say you were-”
“Don’t do it.”
“Knocking on Wood.” You smiled.
“I hate you.”
“Nah. You love me,” you blew him a kiss making his cheeks heat.
The game was close the whole time, but you ended up winning by one point. Though, he did not accept his defeat.
“That wasn’t fair!”
“Just because you were too busy laughing at my joke, Ollie, doesn’t mean it wasn’t fair. You always tell me to be more focused. Maybe you should follow your own advice instead of gazing longingly at me,” you joked as the two of you headed to the locker room.
“I don’t gaze longingly,” he rolled his eyes.
“Yeah ya do, mate,” George said, coming over and putting an arm around your shoulders.
“Only at her though,” Fred clarified, doing the same thing on the other side of you. You laughed at the two trouble makers.
“I’m just flawless, he can’t help it. Right, Ollie?” You joked, but he just stalked off to the showers frustrated. You frowned and creased your eyebrows. You didn't take it too far, did you? “Did I say something offensive?”
“No.” they said together, smirks on their faces.
“Hey, Ollie!” You yelled to Oliver, running towards him in your Gryffindor uniform. It was the Slytherin v.s. Gryffindor match today, and you were ready to kick some serpent ass. Oliver just nodded to you and kept walking. You frowned and stopped watching him go. What was that? Fred and George came up behind you.
“What was that about?” George asked. You shook your head and looked after the boy you longed to talk to. It was a well known fact amongst the three of you that you liked him. They had tried to get you to tell him on multiple occasions, but every time you went to say something, a pun just came out because of your nerves.
Harry came over to the three of you and looked past you to see Wood walking away with his shoulders a bit slumped.
“He’s been like that all day.” Harry said, shaking his head. “Don't know what's gotten into him. Maybe throw him a pun or two today, Y/N. Looks like he needs one.” Harry left you three to stare after Wood as he made his way to where the majority of the team was, ready to walk out and begin the game against the Serpents’ house.
Brutal. That was the only way to describe how they played. Well, that was also how your team played. The rivalry between the houses fueling the urge to win. Skill increased, adrenaline flooded through everyone on the pitch. Rooms zoomed through the air, the wind combined with the cheers and boos from the crowd was deafening.
It was brilliant.
Y/N zoomed through the air perfectly, avoiding everyone as she threw the Quaffel into the top goal post. Gryffindor cheered and she smiled, flying her broom around in victory as the Slytherin’s booed her. Y/N watched the Quaffle get tossed around by a few Slytherin’s and zoomed over to them. As it was tossed in the air she intersected it and flew around towards the Slytherin side again, scoring yet another goal. The Slytherins sneered at you and, unbeknownst to you, had a plan up their sleeves.
The Quaffle was tossed to you again and then you were being chased, but this wasn't your normal chase. You had two Slytherin players in front and back and two on your sides.
You swore to yourself as they got closer. Suddenly they all just dispersed. You were far up in the clouds at this point and it was hard to see. You began to speed back down when something hit you in the head, knocking you off your broom.
You fell. You heard screaming, but you didn’t know if it was you or someone else. You felt yourself slow down but you were still going fast, the Quaffle still tightly in your grasp as you hit the ground. Everything went black.
Wood watched the Slytherin team surround you and take you up into the clouds. What were they planning? The team dispersed and flew back into view, but you weren’t anywhere to be seen. Then he saw your figure falling. His heart stopped. Dumbledore cast a spell to slow you down but you were still going too fast.
“Y/N!” him and the twins cried in unison, flying down to meet you on the ground. Your body bounced and you were out cold. The rest of the quidditch game was canceled and everyone made their way out onto the field to see what happened, Madam Hooch in front of them all. The three boys stared down at you unmoving body thinking that the fall killed you. The Slytherin’s walked off the field, not caring anymore. They had won. But that wasn’t the reason Oliver Wood’s blood was boiling. They had hurt you and that was not ok. Ever.
Madam Hooch took you to the hospital wing and Fred and George were about to follow when they noticed Oliver heading towards the Slytherin shower area with his fists clenched. They followed.
“Oi!” The boys clad in green turned around at his voice. “Was that really necessary? She could’ve died!” Marcus Flint scoffed.
“Not our problem.” Wood clenched his jaw.
“It is your problem.”
“Why, pissed off we hurt your mudblood girlfriend? Can’t even buy herself proper riding-” Flint didn't get to finish his statement thanks to Wood’s fist in his face. He stumbled back and Fred and George grabbed Wood’s arms pulling him away form the fight.
“Say that again. I fucking dare you!”
“Wood, shut up mate!” Fred hissed, struggling to pull him away.
“Lets go right now! I’ll fucking take you all down. Right here right now! Lets go!”
“Wood!” George hissed. “No. If you won’t come with us for your own sake, at least do it for her sake.” Wood growled, making the twins lean back. He just growled. They had never seen him get so defensive over something. So protective.
“Yeah! Go running to your mudblood girlfriend, Ollie.” The three froze. The twins dropped Wood’s arms and in three seconds he was on top of the Slytherin’s beating the lot of them to a pulp. They looked at each other and slowly backed away.
Wood could take care of himself. That much had always been clear. But this… This was just horrifying.
You started to stir a bit, everything in your body aching, you head pounding. You felt sticky, but not your normal sweaty sticky. You groaned and opened your eyes. The lights of the infirmary blinded you a bit.
“Y/N?” The twins? Your eyes adjusted and you saw two redheads staring at you from above. It all came back to you and your blood boiled. “How do you feel?”
“Can I please have a knife?”
“First off, no.”
“Second off, why?”
“I am going to stab each and everyone of those Slytherin pricks so they bleed and hurt and beg me for mercy.” You groaned.
“She’s up?” Your head snapped up at Wood’s voice, but you couldn't see him.
“But she’s in a killing mood again.” The twins patted your leg, silently telling you they’d be back later. Oliver came and sat by you, you turned your head so you could see him.
“You look good.” you smirked sarcastically.
“Yeah well, you don't look picture perfect either.” You cringed mockingly.
“That hurt Ollie. Almost as much as these broken bones.”
“You're lucky you're not dead.”
“I mean, there's still time for that. So…” you stabbed his shoulder three time with your fist. “Knock on wood.” He let out a laugh and you smiled.
“You laughed.” He looked at you.
“Yeah. Why do you sound so surprised?”
“Because you never laugh. Why do you think I always try? Who knew falling off my broom would get you to laugh.” “Yeah, well. Don’t go doing that again. You gave me quite the scare.” You laughed, cringing at the way you felt your ribs shift. He looked panicked. “What happened? Do I need to get Madam Pomfrey?”
“Relax, Ollie. It was just my ribs shifting. Nothing to over react about. So, what did happen to that pretty face of your? You look like a woodpecker attacked you.”
“You really can’t turn the puns off can you?”
“I just got to get Olive them out.”
“Wow. That's pathetic.”
“You never answered my question. Are you alright?”
“I just had a row with the Slytherin team. They called you a few… unsavory words.”
“Pour mudblood?” You asked without breaking. His eyes widened, surprised to hear you say the slur. You shrugged. “Yeah. They say that a lot.”
“And you’re just fine with that?”
“Well, I mean. No. But, what am I going to do about it? Take on all of Slytherin house?”
“I did.”
“Which was incredibly stupid. Why would you even do that?”
“Because they insulted you!”
“Ollie, why does that matter? I’m no one important!”
“Yes you are!”
“Really? To who?”
“The twins! The team! To me!” You fell silent and he heard what he said. He was about to cover it up.
“I’m important to you?” He swallowed.
“Yeah. Always have been.” He grabbed your hand and squeezed it. “Always will be. Y/N." He started to gain more confidence. "I have been in love with you since our first year when you made a Woody woodpecker joke at my expense. Whoever that is.” You laughed, remembering the cartoon.
“Why didn’t you ever say anything?”
“Because I was scared.”
“I scare the Oliver Wood? That's an accomplishment.”
“I’m trying to confess my feelings here!”
“If you just kiss me, I think I’ll get the hint!”
“Fine!” He grabbed your face and, as gently as his adrenalin allowed him, brought it to his, putting his lips on yours, finally. You two would have continued to make out if not for a clearing of someone’s throat. Oliver disconnected your lips and looked back to see Madam Pomfrey.
“Miss. Y/L/N needs her rest, Mr. Wood. I am well aware of you two strained and prolonged crushes and am glad to see you two have finally stopped acting like buffoons and gotten to it already. But she has just fallen from an extraordinary height so it is appreciated if you would keep it to a minimum until she is well enough to at least walk.” She turned on her heels and walked out. You started to laugh and Oliver placed a kiss on your cheek.
“When you finally get out of here, I’ll make sure you won’t be able to,” he whispered into your ear. He pulled back with a smirk on his face and you gaped at him.
“Ollie!” You laughed. “Didn’t know you had that side to you.”
“Lots of things you don’t know, love.” he kissed your head. “Get some rest.” You smiled, your eyes already closing.
“M’kay, Ollie.” You were on the verge of sleep when you muttered out a question. “Hey, Ollie?”
“Yes, love?”
“You’ll still kiss me when I wake up, right?” He chuckled.
“I don't think I can stop now.” You smiled, sleepily.
“Good. I don't want you to.” You fell asleep and he watched you for a moment.
“Neither do I.”
Let me know what you guys think! I love feed back!
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nothing-but-dreamy · 3 years
Words: 2.050
Warnings: none;
Summary: One morning on your way to work, you crash into a cute guy not expecting seeing him again in the evening.
You were running late. Again. There was no way your boss would buy another lame excuse if you wouldn't hurry. Maybe, if one of the six would be with you, you still could make it on time. If you were fast. Well, faster than fast. Maybe fast like a chocobo…
You were so deep in your thoughts with your eyes glued at your phone that you barely noticed anything around you. You knew the way. Blindly. Flying down the different streets in the heart of the city for two years. You knew every single light signal, every street sign and every building by heart.
What you didn't know was that big rocks could suddenly emerge from the ground because as you ran into something it felt as if you were slamming straight into a massive wall made of stone. You bumped into it, bouncing back from the rock before you fell.
But there was no impact on the ground…
"Hey, it's okay. I got you. You can open your eyes.", a soft male voice spoke close to your ear.
Only then, you felt two strong arms embracing your waist. As you raised your gaze, you got greeted by ocean blue eyes filled with concern, "The… the rock can speak.", you breathed startled, '...And is handsome as hell.', you thought further.
"Excuse me, what did you say?", the man asked confusedly and checked on you. He had noticed that the impact had been hard, you were straight crashing into him with some kind of speed, but it shouldn't cause any real trouble for your health.
You shook your head quickly to get your mind under control again, "I- I'm sorry.", you breathed, showing the man, who steadied your stand, a huge smile, "Thanks for catching me so quickly."
"It was my pleasure- hey, where are you going?", the man asked surprised.
You were already back on your way, "I'm sorry. I have to go. But it was nice crashing into you.", you called out before you hurried down the street.
Nyx stepped forward, following you but stopped again as his feet kicked at something. A small smartphone slid over the stones of the pavement. Nyx caught it before it could fall on the street and would get hit by a car.
Without a second thought, Nyx ran after you, trying to catch up but as he turned the corner of a coffee shop, you were already out of sight.
"Hey, what is that? Fancy new phone?", Libertus asked as he sat next to his friend.
Once again, Nyx nudged the display to turn it on. A picture of you with a cat showed up. Your eyes were sparkling and your smile breathtakingly beautiful. Only the little box with the PIN request threw a shadow of the image, "Actually, I… I found it this morning. It's theirs.", he said and pointed at the picture that glowed up again.
Libertus turned the phone over, "Looks cute. Seems to have money if they can afford such an expensive thing."
"Yeah…", Nyx breathed and frowned. It was indeed the newest model and didn't even have one scratch. And even if he had been distracted by your eyes and smile, he had noticed your expensive looking clothes, your styled hair and even the fancy shoes.
"But… Why do you have their phone?", Libertus asked.
Nyx got brought back from the daydreaming about you, "They crashed into me this morning. I guess they were on their way to work because they left pretty fast. I found the phone on the ground and ran after them but they were already out of sight.", he explained.
"Have you tried to find a number?", Libertus asked.
Nyx chuckled dryly, turning on the display once again, pointing at it, "What do you think this is, huh?"
"A cat.", Libertus answered, not getting the reason behind the question.
Nyx leant back in his chair while running a hand over his face, "I meant the PIN. I need a PIN to unlock the phone or otherwise, I don't have access."
"Oh... Well, but maybe Pelna can help-"
"Glaives! Into the briefing room!", Captain Drautos called out and within seconds your phone disappeared back into the pocket of Nyx' uniform jacket.
Unfortunately, it stayed there for the rest of the day…
Nyx was bushed. Because everything was pretty calm at the moment with no new attacks on Insomnia by Niflheim, Nyx and the other Glaives should train to stay focused. At the end of the day, Nyx scuffed into the locker room completely exhausted. He sat down on a bench and raked his fingers through his hair to relax a little bit.
"Hey, Nyx! Libertus! Wanna stop at Yamachang's?", Luche asked.
Nyx nodded without looking up. To get something to eat and to drink would be nice after a full day of training.
"Haven't you forgotten something?", Libertus asked and nudged Nyx' shoulder.
"What do you mean?"
"The fancy phone you found? Or do you wanna keep it after all?", Libertus asked with a grin, knowingly exactly that Nyx wouldn't do something like this.
Nyx' head shot up as he remembered, "Fuck… I totally forgot the phone!", he whispered and jumped up.
"Where are you going?", Luche called out, looking confused after his friend.
"I have to find Pelna!"
Thirty minutes later, Nyx had the address of your place. Once again, Pelna had worked his magic when it came to technology and information. Very quickly, Pelna found out your name and that you lived in the heart of the city not far away from the point where you had crashed into Nyx.
So, Nyx was on his way to get to your place. He was sure you would be grateful to get your phone back. He cursed himself that he had forgotten about it the whole day and hoped you wouldn't be too mad.
Accompanied by many pedestrians which were going home or into bars, Nyx made his way through the streets and was taken aback as he found himself in front of one of these high, luxurious looking apartment buildings.
Maybe Libertus was right and you had indeed a lot of money. Nyx swallowed nervously as he stepped through the entrance. The lobby was decorated with a bunch of plants and framed paintings. Even a leather couch stood at one wall. His boots made soft noises on the marble floor.
A couple was staring at him suspiciously. People like Nyx weren't liked to be seen in such places. For everyone, it was okay that he and the others risked their lives to fight for safety but at the end of the day, the refugees should stay where they belonged: in the underground.
Nyx hurried over to a board with names and searched for yours. He found it quickly. You lived on the eight floor and moments later, Nyx stood in one of the elevators with mirrored walls and a golden handrail.
Nerve-wracking slowly, the elevator brought Nyx to the floor he wanted. There was something strange when he walked through buildings and streets like these. It wasn't just that he was an outsider for all of them. It was rather just not his world. Even back in Galahd, such luxury wasn't common and so, he felt misplaced.
Nyx walked down the hallway while taking out your phone. He looked at the shining material. This was your world. You lived like this and maybe you didn't even know something other than having money.
As he reached your door with the golden apartment number, Nyx just needed to knock. He could knock and you would open the door. Maybe accusing him of stealing your phone. Maybe yelling at him that he needed the whole day to bring you the phone back. Or, you would call him stalker because he had tracked you down.
One last time, Nyx turned on the display and looked at the cute picture of you with the cat in your arms. Both of you looked so happy. You looked so nice and sweet. And even this morning, you had been nice to Nyx. At least, you hadn't been unfriendly.
As the display went off again, Nyx saw his mirrored expression on the surface. He saw his tattoos and braids and knew that this was not his world. So, he did the only thing that came to his mind: placing the phone in front of your door and to leave.
"Minka, what is- you!", you said surprised as you opened the door, seeing the cute guy from the morning in front of you. The whole day, he had occupied your thoughts and now, he was there.
Nyx looked up and greeted you with a shy smile. You stood in your doorframe, holding the door in your hand before you opened it even a bit more, "Hey, uhm… I- I found your phone this morning. You know...after our crash.", he stammered and presented the smartphone in his hands to you.
You stared at him and then at his hand for several moments before you jumped against the unknown man, snaking your arms around his neck to squeeze him tightly, "Oh, god bless! I had no idea where I'd lost it! You're heaven-sent!", you said over excitedly. Suddenly, you remembered what you were doing and so, slightly sheepishly, you stepped back again, "I- I'm sorry. I know, boundaries. It was just... I'm so lost without my phone. The day was a living hell.", you said softly.
"I'm sorry that it took me so long to bring it back. The day was a bit … busy.", Nyx said, scratching the back of his neck. He still felt bad for forgetting the phone at all.
You waved his apology aside. You knew what it meant to have a rough day. Only then, you noticed what the man in front of you was wearing, "You… you're a Kingsglaive.", you whispered in awe.
Nyx saw your astonished and excited expression and took the opportunity, "Yes, I am. Nyx Ulric at your service.", he said with a smile as you were still gaping at him.
As you noticed that you were still staring, you swallowed, "I’m sorry… It’s just that.. I'm such a big fan of you all. I mean, what you do for this city … we all owe you so much.", you said honestly.
Nyx was taken aback, "A fan? Never met one before to be honest."
"I know. You guys don't get appreciated enough. At least, not as much as you all deserve it. But- wait! I have an idea. Come in. Have dinner with me. Please.", you asked as you saw Nyx' refusing expression.
"Thank you. But it's not necessary.", he said politely even if he wanted to say something else. He would love to spend more time with you and your light attitude that made his heart jump a little.
"Please. You rescued me and my phone. You even brought it back. Plus the things you do as a Glaive. Inviting you in is the least I can do to thank you.", you tried to convince Nyx with your winning smile.
"I… I don't know. It wouldn’t be right…", Nyx said and just meant it half-heartedly.
"Please.", you begged, "If you leave, I just have Minka for company."
Nyx chuckled and even if he already sensed the answer, he asked anyway, "Who's Minka?"
"My cat.", you answered, looking down at the stripy, little troublemaker sitting next to your feet.
Nyx followed your glance and chuckled, "But she looks sweet.", he said amused as the cat tilted its head.
"Oh, she's sweet. Most the time. As long as you have food. No food, no sweetness. Trust me, she will turn into a vicious monster if she wants to.", you whispered conspiratorially.
Nyx was hooked. He liked your eyes, your smile and you were funny. The whole package was simply perfect. In fact, he didn't want to leave so quickly, "Did you say vicious monster? If that's so, I guess, I should accept your invitation. I mean, someone has to protect you."
"And who would be better for this job as an honorable Glaive.", you said with a huge grin, stepping aside to let Nyx into your apartment, into your life and into your world.
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khaleeseas · 4 years
accidental sugardaddy!zuko zukka au:
sokka is a man of substance - we know this - but it’s canon that he loves things
remember how excited he gets at the prospect of shopping? and he buys that dumb expensive bag and basically has a “treat yoself” moment in book 2
i’m sure it stems from growing up in a poor village where he literally had to hunt & gather his own food
and now he’s out in the world and has money and gets to go to all these big markets and it’s a huge deal for him
one of zukos love languages is ABSOLUTELY gift giving - i.e. those scenes w Mai on ember island - and you can’t convince me otherwise
so at some point, post-war + a few years into being firelord, while zuko is trying his hardest to woo sokka and sokka is being oblivious about it (boy didnt realize suki was coming onto him that one time when they were trying to get into ba sing se. the boy is Not Very Good at picking up when people are Into Him) zuko is out in the shopping district of caldera city and unthinkingly buys sokka something stupid expensive and nice
like maybe some red and blue silk robes bc now that sokka’s his ambassador he should represent both nations, right?
totally not bc sokka looks fine as hell in red and zuko wants to see sokka in his colors nope nope nope
ANYWAY sokka reacts in a way zuko never expected
like so happy so excited pretty much takes his other clothes off right there in front of zuko to put his new robes on
zuko tries and fails not to let the gay panic show on his face 
 and sokka starts to wear the robes all the time. like so much that there’s no way he’s washing them enough!
and that won’t fly
like he cant keep wearing the same robes over and over again, right?
so zuko buys him more
and keeps buying him more.
and more and more and more 
(oh god this got long more under the cut)
and eventually commissions the finest tailor in the city to make more red and blue tunics/robes/whatever 
(and makes sure he also gets sokka some sleeveless tops for more casual wear because holy fuck he’s really starting to grow into himself and his arms it’s super hot in the fire nation capital, especially for a water tribesman from the south pole)
so then he buys him a pair of incredibly expensive leather boots
because he CAN
and because knee high boots look GOOD on sokka okay?
and zuko literally cannot stop because of how excited sokka gets (and also because of how weirdly turned on zuko gets seeing sokka wearing the clothes he bought him but lets like not talk about it)  
so this continues for a while. 
and sokka is still stupid oblivious.
maybe he thinks it’s just a rich people thing. maybe he thinks zuko does this for everyone
and then one day zuko is like fuck it and brings sokka with him into the expensive, ritzy-ass caldera shopping district and the two of them have themselves a DAY. clothes, shoes, food, sweets, they even go to a spa
and they come back and zuko orders some fancy ass dinner to his room and he and sokka eat and drink wine and maybe get a little affectionate, (but that’s it)
it’s sooooo not a date! (it’s a date)
so very shortly after this sokka’s hanging w the girls while zuko’s doing important firelord things and is wearing some new threads from said shopping trip
and suki - very casually - goes “i like your shirt, your sugar daddy buy that for you?”
sokka sputters bc sugar daddy?!
“my what? - no, zuko did!”
“yeah exactly,” suki says. “your sugar daddy. zuko. zuko your sugar daddy.”
“zuko. my sugar daddy??? we arent even dating?? zuko does this kind of stuff for everyone right???”
and all the girls look at each other like “oh spirits this poor, bi, disaster of a man”
“you think he does that for everyone? hell no. he pays us very nicely i will say and does provide our kyoshi warrior/firelord guard uniforms but he does not buy us a bunch of expensive shit”
sokka looks to mai for backup bc surely he buys her nice dresses and stuff and mai’s just like “oh yeah zuko loves that kind of stuff. he did that for me when we were dating. he definitely has upped his price range for you though.”
sokka’s like O_____O 
he straight up bursts into zuko’s chambers (his personal guard doesn’t even blink cause they think they’re dating too lol)
and what he means to ask is “are we dating?” 
but what he accidentally asks is “are you trying to be my sugar daddy”
zuko goes like beet red and sputters for a moment before squeaking out “um i was trying to be your boyfriend but i could be your sugar daddy”
and sokka knows he can be a dumbass but this is next level even for him. 
“i mean i love when you buy me stuff...but i dont want you to think you have to buy me stuff just to get me to like you. i’d still like you even if you were still a broke fugitive”
zuko says “oh 🥺 “
then they kiss
and maybe bang a little
and yes they’re boyfriends and no,zuko is resolutely not sokka’s sugar daddy thank you very much, suki
but it doesn’t mean zuko doesnt still buy sokka HELLA expensive things (and food) all the time.
sokka wants it? he gets it
(zuko is still lowkey sokka’s sugar daddy tho, let’s be real)
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official-weasley · 3 years
First Date (Bill Weasley x OC one-shot)
Warnings: fluff + fluff = this story
Word count: 3,317
Characters: Bill Weasley and my OC Theodora from the story Love, William which you can find here
A/N: First of all I am back! Second of all, I have more ideas for Bill and Theo 🙈 Third of all, I bring fluff! Fourth of all, I am done creating new OCs for a while and want to spend some time creating and bonding with my 3 girls (mostly Nova and Theo because I only have 5 ideas for Rhylee but 47 for Nova (no, she's not my favorite, what are you talking about?)) so you can expect more one-shots from my previous OCs rather than new stories 🥰
“Theo, come down here a sec!”
Theodora peered over the top of her book toward the door and sighed. One of these days, she might get to finish a chapter without her having to leave the room and check out what the twins need.
With them, it was always a guess – either it was something serious and had to do with the shop or they called her just to see her annoyed face when they would tell her that they already took care of it.
“Yes?” She said, halfway down the stairs.
“There's a package for you.” George grinned at her and gave her a rather big box.
“Who is it from?” Theodora's interest was piqued.
“There's no card. There's probably a message inside.” Fred pursed his lips, thinking.
“Is it from Bill?” George sent a wink to Theodora.
It has been 3 days since Bill came to the shop and very spontaneously kissed Theodora full on the mouth. 3 days and Theodora still can't stop thinking about it.
After the twins went away, letting the pair have a private moment, Bill officially asked her out on a date. He was very secretive about it – giving away only the date and the time and saying that she should wear something more formal.
Theodora was so enchanted by the kiss that she simply nodded to everything Bill said and it wasn't until the next day when she started to think about what she is going to wear – wanting to impress Bill – that she realized she has absolutely nothing that would fit the category 'more formal'.
She liked her clothes simple. Tank tops and linen shorts for the summer. Jeans and long-sleeved shirts – preferably in dark green or burgundy red – for the winter. There was nothing in between. She never had the need to buy other clothes and she liked to be comfy – especially since they opened the shop and it was so busy all the time.
The morning after Bill's visit, she threw every pair of pants and every shirt out of her closet. The most formal thing in there was her old Hogwarts uniform and she can't show up in that – Bill would think she has lost her mind.
She sat on her bed, trying to find a gap in her work schedule where she could slip out and get a dress or something. Her face screwed in an uncomfortable expression – she was not a type of a woman to wear dresses. But on the second hand, Bill might like that and if she was completely honest with herself, she never gave dresses a proper chance.
She let out a panicked sigh when she acknowledged that she won't have enough free time in the next 2 days to get the dress. There was also no time to inform Bill that she can't go or ask him if they can postpone so she can buy something for herself. Just the thought of admitting to Bill that she has nothing to wear – finally understanding her roommates which had closets full of clothes but always complained that they can't find the right outfit – made her stomach turn.
Another sigh. If she asks Freddie and Georgie if she can go out for two hours, they are going to tease her or ask her where she is going and if she says she needs something to wear to go on a date with their brother, she will listen to howling, whistling and seeing their eyebrows move up and down mockingly until she leaves for her date with Bill.
It was enough that their first kiss was in front of them. They didn't shut up about it for hours after Bill left for work that day. They teased her in front of customers, when they had their break, when they closed the shop and they waited for her when she came from the shower. She knew that they were happy for them and they were just excited that it finally happened but she also decided then and there that she is never sharing anything about her relationship with Bill with them ever again.
After a day of beating her head around it, she gave up and now that the day of their date has arrived, she tried to bury herself in her book so she wouldn't think about how she is going to wear the same shorts and a top to their first date in which Bill saw her last year at the Burrow.
“I don't know,” Theodora mumbled looking at the big box, shaking it a little.
It was quite light for a box that she could barely hold and the curiosity inside her chest was getting bigger. She wasn't expecting a package. Eric will come and visit in 2 weeks so he wouldn't send her anything. If the box was heavier, she would have a mini heart attack, thinking that perhaps Charlie has sent her a baby dragon.
She put the package down on her bed and carefully opened the lid. It dawned on her that it could easily be the twins trying to prank her. They knew that today was her date with Bill – it was the first thing they mentioned this morning at breakfast. But they wouldn't try to sabotage that, would they? No. No, they would not.
Nothing jumped out of the box when she took the lid completely off. There was something wrapped in thin grey paper and there was a note on the top. Theodora took it and turned it around.
Dear Theodora,
I was so overwhelmed by our kiss the other day that I didn't even consider the fact that I didn't tell you what you should wear to our date.
I apologize for that. I have known where to take you for our first date ever since we admitted our feelings to each other through letters.
To make it up to you, I have bought you a little something to wear. I hope you'll like it. I can't wait to see you tonight.
Love, William
If Theodora didn't find Bill perfect before, she definitely did now. She inhaled and exhaled sharply. She couldn't believe it! He solved her dilemma with one box.
Her heart was racing, looking at the wrapping paper as she placed the card on the bed next to the box. Bill bought her something to wear? He bought her something?
Suddenly she felt really uncomfortable. He shouldn't have. She doesn't deserve this. What if he spent a lot of money on this? Spending any kind of money on her was not okay in her book. She didn't require any gifts, she just wanted him.
Her hands were shaking nonetheless and she finally gave in to opening the box. A loud gasp escaped her mouth when she pulled out a long princess-like black dress. Was Bill insane?! This had to be the most expensive fabric she has ever laid her hands on. And were those feathers, flawlessly falling at the back? A lace corset with a princess cut with a lower part that was shorter in the front than in the back.
Theodora was holding the dress high, staring at it with an opened mouth for solid 5 minutes. Where was Bill taking her that she would have to wear anything like this and why would he put so much effort into their first date?
She put the dress down and looked at herself in the mirror. She frowned at her hair. What is she supposed to do with it? It's as straight as if she was ironing it. Perhaps a high ponytail? A braid to the side would be nice but she never learned how to do that and she never paid attention when her roommates were braiding each other's hair. A ponytail will have to do. She nodded at herself and turned on her heel.
Another wave of panic stroke her as she looked at the dress again, remembering that she has no shoes to match such a beautiful garment. She has boots and flip-flops and a pair of sneakers. Her eyes escaped back to the box – wistfully gazing at it, wishing some shoes would appear there.
She pressed her lips together and peaked inside once more and started rummaging through the wrapping paper.
Theodora wasn't even that surprised when her hand got a hold on something that felt like a shoe. Of course, Bill thought of everything. She couldn't stop a smile from spreading all over her face even though she wanted to. Bill put all this effort into this and what will she do? Just appear there and let Bill do all the work. Pathetic!
She sat down on her bed, now a shoe in each of her hands. She stared at them, half in admiration half in terror. Heels. Bill bought her heels. She swallowed hard, cursing herself to ever make a decision to be comfortable and laughing at the thoughts of ever putting something that made you taller for more than 3 centimeters.
Another mini heart attack. How is she supposed to do this? She couldn't walk in heels! She barely even laid her eyes on a pair. She tilted her head to see the time on the clock she had by the door of her room. 2 more hours until she has to meet Bill.
2 hours to learn how to walk in heels and properly put on a dress with a corset. How hard can it be?
“How's it going up here?” A gentle knock on the doorframe and Fred's voice, made Theodora look away from the mirror.
“I-I'm fine.” She bit the inner side of her cheek and smoothened her dress to calm her nerves. “Why?” She asked, turning back to the mirror.
“Well we have heard some heavy footsteps and some thumping here and there and I decided to check up on you. What were you doing?” Fred giggled.
“Oh, nothing. Embarrassing myself, mostly.” Theodora let out a nervous chuckle and showed herself to Fred.
“Theo, wow!” Fred gasped, forgetting how to close his mouth.
He has never seen his best friend in a dress before. She was more likely to wear something of his or his twin than ever put on a dress.
“Where did you get this?” Fred asked after he composed himself.
“I received it in the box this morning.” Theodora's cheeks turned scarlet.
“Bill bought you an outfit for your first date?” His face turned into a smug one immediately.
Theodora nodded and once again turned to the mirror. She put the dress on correctly and she was quite proud of herself for doing so. The heels were surprisingly comfortable but her ankles hurt from her stepping the wrong way, almost breaking them a few times.
“He isn't always like this, right?” Theodora turned to Fred.
“What do you mean?”
“It's just a one-time thing, right? He won't spend money and give me presents?” Theodora explained her question.
“He might.” Fred shrugged. “He fancies you, Theo, let him spoil you.”
“I don't want to be pampered like this.” Theodora frowned. “It's enough if he holds me tight in his arms, smiling softly, listening to me, and showing me with gestures how much I mean to him.”
“I know. You like things simple.” Fred bestowed her with a small smile. “But that won't stop him. Unless you tell him that it's making you uncomfortable.”
“It's not. It's just,” Theodora sighed, “I don't feel worthy of it. I have nothing to give in return. What am I supposed to buy him? A tuxedo?”
“No.” Fred laughed wholeheartedly. “Just show him how much he means to you. I know you never experienced this with any of your ex-boyfriends but Bill is very traditional and a romantic. You might need to get used to this.”
“Okay,” Theodora said slowly. “If it makes him happy and this is something he enjoys doing then I will do it for him.”
“That's the spirit!” Fred exclaimed and wrapped Theodora in a hug.
“Sorry, to interrupt your mo, but Theo, it's time for you to go.” George appeared in the door, pointing at the clock on the wall.
“Bloody hell, I'll be late!” Theodora stood up, trying to balance herself in those heels. She grabbed her black purse – grateful to have at least one item to match – and hurried past George, completely ignoring the dumbfounded expression on his face when he saw what she was wearing.
She hurried down the stairs and out through the back door, hoping she won't be too late. Bill told her to meet him at the only square in Diagon Alley and said that they are going to apparate to Muggle London together from there.
Theodora was surprised at how fast she could run in those heels. She was almost better at running than walking in them. She slowed down as she reached the square, spotting Bill immediately.
Her heart started racing when she saw how dashing he was wearing a black tuxedo and tie and a white buttoned shirt. She must be dreaming – this whole scene and them dressed as they were – it looked like something out of a fairytale.
Bill was turned in the opposite direction, his hands crossed behind his back, rocking on his feet – he seemed nervous. That calmed Theodora down and her heart stopped trying to escape her ribcage.
As she approached him, the sound her heels were making made Bill look in her direction. His eyes widened and all the air in his lungs escaped him as she took his breath away. Theodora bestowed him with a sheepish smile, stopping a few steps away from him.
“So what do you think?” She cleared her throat to make herself appear more confident and twirled on the spot to the best of her abilities.
It was true, the dress did grow on her and she didn't trip over her legs just yet and she wanted to show Bill just how grateful she is for the gift.
“How uncomfortable are you right now?” A giggle escaped his throat, taking a step toward her and offering her his hand.
“It's not as bad as it was 2 hours ago.” Theodora bit her lip.
She felt relieved. Bill knew that this wasn't her cup of tea after all.
“I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable or for you to think that I reckon you don't have a proper attire for where I am taking you tonight,” Bill said with burning cheeks.
“You saved me, actually. I was panicking for far too long about what to wear tonight. I have nothing 'more formal' whatsoever in my closet.”
Theodora loved many things about Bill, but the fact that she could be brutally honest with him and tell him exactly what was on her mind was one of her favorite.
“I promise you can toss the dress the second I get you home safely tonight.” Bill smiled, put his left hand on Theodora's lower back, and pulled her closer to his body.
He first kissed her forehead, then her nose, and then put his other hand on her back and kissed her on the mouth. At first, the kiss was gentle but as they both missed each other so much, it quickly got stronger.
“I have no words for how beautiful you look tonight,” Bill whispered in Theodora's ear, making her knees weaken.
“Thank you.” She breathed.
“I saw the dress yesterday when I was walking home from work and I decided to buy it for you. I wanted to see you in it so badly.” He said, almost apologetically.
“Hopefully, there won't be a lot of dresses like that. I don't want you to spend money on me.” Theodora said truthfully.
“I might, here and there.” Bill winked at her and gestured for them to start walking. “I want to make you see that you deserve the world.”
“Then I'll get all spoiled and demand dresses.” Theodora giggled mockingly.
“See, that's why I want to buy things for you because I know you will never turn into someone like that.” Bill giggled with her.
“So,” Theodora made puppy eyes, “will you finally tell me where we are going tonight all dashing and fancy?” She scanned him from head to toe and winked at him, making Bill's face match the hair in his loose ponytail.
“I'm taking you to the opera.” Bill cleared his throat, trying to hide that he was nervous about how Theodora would react to his date idea.
“To the...” Theodora blinked at him. “...wow.” She didn't know what else to say.
She was never the one to obsess over Muggle things too much but she loved their music, especially classical one. She was pretty sure she never told Bill about that before but she couldn't imagine a better first date.
“I thought you might like it. Last summer you mentioned that you love to listen to music and I wanted to do something not as cliché as a fancy restaurant.” He scratched his cheek.
Bill has been nervous about their date ever since he asked Theodora out. Taking her to the opera seemed like a brilliant idea up until the point he arrived at the square and waited for her there. What if Theodora wouldn't like it? What if she would think he is weird for taking her to the opera?
Bill's face brightened up when he saw the sparks with which Theodora was looking at the opera house. He felt so relieved that she liked the idea and wasn't disappointed about where he was taking her.
“What are we listening to?” Theodora questioned, looking around and reminding herself of how she looked at the Enchanted Ceiling when she first arrived at Hogwarts.
“I think it's called Carmen by...”
“Georges Bizet!” Theodora squeaked but then quickly put her hands over her mouth, realizing how inappropriate her behavior was for such a beautiful building.
“You know it?” Bill let out a silent laugh.
“Know it? It's my favorite.”
Without thinking about it, Theodora jumped into Bill's arms, hugging him as tightly as she could.
Suddenly she didn't care about the people walking past them, she wanted to express how much this meant to her. She never thought she would be lucky enough to go to the opera, let alone to listen to her favorite one.
All of Bill's doubts if this was a good idea were diminished the second the music started playing and the singers appeared on the stage. Theodora was sitting on the edge of her seat the entire time, her mouth slightly opened, her eyes glistened with tears of admiration for their voices and the beauty of it all.
Bill has never been to the opera either and if he was perfectly honest with himself, he wasn't sure how much he would like it, but seeing Theodora enjoying it so much was completely worth it to him.
He was thankful that he could enjoy listening to it without paying attention to what was happening on the stage because he couldn't take his eyes of Theodora. Not only did she look breathtaking but the way she was paying attention to the stage – how happy it made her and how she admired the singers – made him fall in love with her even more and he couldn't wait for her to tell him about all the places she ever had a wish to see and visit because he wants her to have more moments like this.
They decided to walk back home. Bill insisted that he accompanies her to her apartment and despite being worried that Theodora's feet might hurt in those heels, he didn't want to apparate because Theodora couldn't stop talking about what they have just experienced in that opera house and Bill could listen to her for hours, his heart melting by the passion in her eyes.
34 notes · View notes
konglindorm · 3 years
Lindworm: Chapter 1
(This is a little over half of the first chapter I had planned to share the whole thing, but then I realized it was 7,000 words. You can buy and read the rest of Lindworm here!)
“Thank you so much for thinking of me,” Marit said, “but really I would rather not marry a monster.”
Marit would not have thought herself the sort of person to talk back to kings, had she ever had cause to contemplate such matters. But then she never would have thought the king the sort of person to sacrifice a girl to a lindworm, and yet here she was, the third victim.
She was only seventeen, and this wedding was a death sentence.
Six months ago, Prince Harald had set out to find a bride, and had been stopped by a great serpent in the road. Since then, the serpent—the lindworm—had eaten two foreign princesses, both after a sham of a wedding. Both women had thought they were coming to marry Prince Harald.
Here, in the forest outside the capital city, rumors had flown. Rumors that they would shortly be at war with both kingdoms that had lost a princess, and rumors, more interesting to their small family with no members likely to be sent to the battlefield, of the lindworm, of why a man-eating dragon would be welcomed to the palace and fed. Rumors that said the lindworm was Prince Harald’s brother, that the king humored it instead of killing it because the monster was family.
Marit didn’t know how much truth there might be to such rumors. She didn’t know how a queen could bear and birth a serpent, but she did know the world was full of strange, incomprehensible things.
The king stared at her, his men standing stiffly by. It had not, of course, been thoughtfulness that led him to her cottage in the woods. Marit knew this, and knew that the marriage was not optional, and that one could not speak to a king in this manner and expect to keep one’s head. But when one has already been sentenced to death, such things as respect for royalty matter very little.
“It is not an offer,” the king informed her when he found his voice. “It is a command, and you may choose to obey or not, but willing or unwilling, you will find yourself before a priest in my great hall one week from now.”
One week, she thought. One week to live the rest of her life. She could run—could she run?
No, if the king was leaving her a few days to say her goodbyes, it was only because he knew she could not run. There would be guards posted. She would be caught and brought back. She would still end the week dead, and likely her father and sister, too, if the king suspected they had helped her. As they certainly would.
Her family—they were away from the house now, deeper into the woods, scavenging. There was little left to eat, their winter stores almost empty by March, and the ground still too frozen to begin the year’s planting. She had stayed behind to tend to the animals, too likely to slow them down after twisting her ankle yesterday, falling from a tree; it had barely hurt, and would be healed by tomorrow. The king would be long gone before they returned, and it would fall to her to explain her upcoming death.
“There will be a bride price, of course,” said the king.
Marit wasn’t quite sure what a bride price was, thought it may be like a dowry—she’d sewn items, slowly, over the last several years for her dowry, but doubted the lindworm would demand her linens as well as her life.
The king went on to explain the bride price, the amount of money her father would be given for this farce of a marriage—the opposite of a dowry, then, and a staggering amount.
It had been a long, brutal winter following a short, dry summer, and for that price Marit may have volunteered herself. Any number of young women may have; it was enough to save not only their own small farm, but those of a few near neighbors. Enough to buy a second goat, a few more chickens, enough to pay all of their debts in the city and have their broken tools repaired.
For such a sum, she would have volunteered. She would have gladly given her life to so dramatically improve the lives of her father and younger sister.
But the king had not asked. The king had demanded, and Marit knew she would resent him for however many days she had left to do so.
He left her, as she’d expected, with guards posted nearby, and she led the animals back to their shed and let herself back into the cottage, not wanting to look at them, their clean uniforms with shiny brass buttons, their polished boots slowly gathering mud, their faces as they avoided her eyes, because they knew, must know, that this was wrong, and yet they were loyal to their king, and would not let her run.
Marit watched through the back window, working idly on her knitting, unable to stay focused on the difficult stitch she’d meant to master this week, until she saw her sister and her father coming out from the woods. She ran to meet them, and hurried them inside before they could ask about the soldiers scattered about. And then she told them.
“Why you?” Greta cried. “Why you?”
She hadn’t asked how he’d chosen her, out of all the unwed maids within walking distance of the palace. She didn’t think she wanted to know why it was her that must die, and not Annette, who had no father to protect her, or Martine, who was more beautiful, or Signe or Gretchen or any of the other girls she knew.
She didn’t want to die. She didn’t want to be the kind of person who wished death on her friends, either.
Besides, the lindworm had already eaten two women, and there was no reason to expect he might stop at a third. They may all be dead before this ended, Gretchen and Signe and Annette and Martine, and the younger girls, Greta and her friends, all the forest, all the city, someday all the kingdom sacrificed to satisfy the appetite of a monster that should have been killed the moment it showed itself to Prince Harald.
She could only hope that the fathers of the dead princesses would declare war, that they would kill her king and his lindworm with him before the whole country was devoured.
King Olaf had always been known as a kind and noble king. He’d lowered taxes and held festivals and been much loved, before these last six months, and Marit didn’t understand. She didn’t understand how a good king could become a bad one overnight because of one monster.
Maybe it was his son. Marit would throw the whole world over for Greta, she knew, but she’d been at Greta’s side since she’d emerged from their mother’s stomach, been the first to hold the new baby, tiny and wrinkled and red, getting blood all over her vest, as their father had said his goodbyes to Mama, only turning his attention to Marit and the new baby when his wife was gone.
For Greta, for her father, for Mama if she’d lived, Marit would do anything. But if a boar walked out of the woods and claimed to be her long lost brother, she wouldn’t take him at his word, wouldn’t escort him into the city to trample the blacksmith just because he asked her.
She didn’t think the king could hide a paternal relationship with a lindworm for several years. They must have met only when he stopped the prince on the road. And Marit didn’t understand.
She gathered Greta in her arms and listened to the younger girl cry, unable to shed any tears for herself, unsure why. She looked over Greta’s head at her father, and saw the same desperate sadness in his eyes that she had seen when she was five years old, and her mother was dying in childbirth. Her father loved her, but he could do nothing to save her, and they all knew it. He could not defy the king; to try would only make him angry, would likely risk Greta’s life too.
He came and wrapped himself around them both, and Marit thought, but was not quite sure, that he wept too. She sat, dry-eyed, between them, for long hours, until it was time for dinner and bed.
They watched out the window as a new group of soldiers marched in, and the first group left. At least they weren’t expected to feed and board their prison guards.
In the morning they found that the soldiers would let Marit go where she pleased, but one or two would always follow, from a respectful distance. No one followed her sister or father, so they went in three different directions, to the neighbors and to the city, Marit to make her farewells, and all of them to give warning. The king is feeding maidens to his lindworm. Marit is the first; she will not likely be the last. Send your daughters quietly to family in other cities, if you can. Marry them quickly to boys in the village, if you can. We do not know why the lindworm wants weddings, but he does, so make your daughters unweddable.
Gretchen, when Marit told her, said it probably had to do with a dragon’s fondness for virgins. She then said that if the king came to her, she would rid herself of virginity with the first man she could find before she would go to the lindworm, with the whole town to watch as proof, if necessary.
Gretchen’s older brother, the only other person there save the guards, too far away to overhear, made a sound of disapproval in the back of his throat, but said nothing.
Marit wondered if it was too late to try Gretchen’s plan for herself, and concluded it probably was—if the lindworm demanded a virgin, then the soldiers would not let her cease to be one. The small chance of success wasn’t worth giving herself to a man she didn’t want and wouldn’t be allowed to keep. And the kind of man who might cooperate with such a plan would likely not make it a happy experience to cherish in her final days. She reminded Gretchen of the soldiers before moving on to the next neighbors.
Marit spend her days wandering, mostly. There was work to be done, and she helped, or tried to—her father said not to trouble herself with anything in these last few days, and when she insisted, she often found herself too distracted to finish, or at least to finish well, haunted constantly by imaginings of what the lindworm might be like, how it might feel to be eaten. She remembered breaking a finger in a slamming door as a child, the sharp crack of it, the pain. She imagined the pain and the cracking both amplified as an enormous snake swallowed her whole, as snakes will do, and then, bizarrely, imagined cowering on a banquet table as the lindworm sliced her to pieces with a knife held in its tail, popping each slice into its mouth one at a time, sometimes dipping a slice in a butter-sauce first.
She still had not cried, though she had found herself several times laughing hysterically at humorless jokes she couldn’t explain. Greta didn’t need to know about the butter sauce.
When there were two days left before the wedding, she went out intending to collect eggs from the chickens, and her feet carried her, instead, deeper into the woods.
The guards followed at a distance.
Marit stopped when she saw an old woman ahead. She was short, with white hair spilling from her cap, bright and cheerful in a blue skirt and red vest, and she smiled like an old friend at Marit, and asked why she was so sad.
Marit wasn’t a fool. She knew how it was with mysterious old women in forests, knew they were to be respected. Knew how often they carried magic within themselves. Knew that to cross them was idiocy, and that to be kind and respectful could change the course of one’s life.
So Marit told the woman her troubles, and the woman smiled again. “It will be all right,” she said. “If you obey me, it will be all right. Now, here is what you must do.”
Marit wasn’t foolish enough to think she might live through this, but she wasn’t foolish enough to ignore the gift of a wise woman in the wood, either, even when that gift was the strangest advice she’d ever been given. Wear ten shifts beneath your dress, have milk and lye and whips waiting in your bedchamber.
She was already going to die; what did it matter if the king’s servants thought her a madwoman?
Ten shifts, though, would not be an easy thing to manage. Marit had two shifts, and two night shifts, which were wool instead of linen, with sleeves too wide to be hidden beneath her dress. She would have to rip them off. Greta owned the same, not much smaller as she was tall for her age, but Marit could not deprive her sister of all her undergarments, so only took one day shift and one night shift from her. That brought her to six, and four more yet to find. She couldn’t buy them; the king’s money wouldn’t come to her father until the day after the wedding. She had her dowry linens, unneeded now, and could use the fabric to make more shifts. But she had two days left to live, and wasn’t willing to spend her last precious moments sewing. With Greta’s help she converted one white bedsheet into a shift, but would sacrifice no more time when she had so many goodbyes to say—to friends, to livestock, to trees and streams and every future she had ever imagined for herself.
She begged one more shift from Olga, whose family was wealthier and who had one to spare for an acquaintance going to her death. Eight shifts, eight, two short, and no time to find more. It would have to be enough.
The morning she was to be taken away, Marit’s father pulled out her mother’s wedding dress and offered it to her.
Marit shook her head. “It should go to Greta. To a real wedding.”
“You shouldn’t be alone,” her father said. “Take it, so your mother can be with you, as Greta and I cannot.”
So Marit put on her eight shifts, and she put on the dress. She was a bit smaller than her mother had been when she married, and it still fit despite the extra layers. Greta had wanted to make her a crown of flowers to match, but there were still few flowers in bloom, so she wove the crown from evergreen branches instead, coating her hands in sap, and placed it carefully on her sister’s head.
The three of them waited, solemnly, for Marit to be taken away. There was nothing left to say. All of the goodbyes were finished, all of the plans made. The next morning someone would come from the palace with the bride price and whatever was left of Marit to be buried. Her father would sell the animals and the house, give them away if he couldn’t sell them fast enough, and he would hire a wagon to take them far, far from the capital, to start a new life where the lindworm would never touch Greta. They’d gone over the details last night. Greta had cried again.
Marit still hadn’t cried, and thought she might be able to, now, but would not let herself; she didn’t want her tears seen by whoever took her away. She found she was more angry than sad. She felt a sharpness growing within her. Her life was forfeit, and so too was her sense of obligation to respect, to loyalty. The king, the queen, the prince, the priests who’d performed the weddings and the soldiers and couriers who’d stood by—damn them, she thought, damn them all, and damn the idea she owed them the barest amount of anything.
The king came to fetch her himself, and she refrained from spitting in his face only because of the guards that surrounded him, the fear they might kill her where she stood and cost her father the bride price.
The king was different, not angry and demanding as he had been a week ago, but stiff with an awkwardness that might almost be shame. Marit hugged her father and Greta one last time, and followed him back toward the city, his guards forming a circle around them. She didn’t care that he may feel shame; she had enough anger by now for the both of them.
He was quiet, and Marit didn’t want quiet. Not quite understanding the compulsion, she found herself goading him.
“What will happen after this?” she asked, and the king looked at her, then quickly away again. It was a long walk on foot, and she didn’t know why a king wouldn’t take a carriage, but she didn’t mind the extra time in her forest.
“You will be prepared for the wedding by lady’s maids. The wedding will be in the great hall, and after that we will have a banquet.”
“Not tonight,” Marit said, spurred by the thought of Annette being sent hundreds of miles away to an uncle she’d never met, of Gretchen searching for a man to defile her rather than be eaten. “Not to me. What will happen to your kingdom? After me, you’ll kill off every maid in the country, and then I suppose you’ll have to go to war, and find slaves to feed his appetite? Discipline is important for growing boys, Your Majesty. Learn to say no to your son.”
He raised a hand as if to slap her, and she tilted her chin forward, daring him—let him hit her, here surrounded by a small army, let all these soldiers, already uneasy with their roles, go home and report to their friends and families that their king was a man who struck defenseless maidens.
He lowered his hand, leaving Marit oddly disappointed. It would have been another reason to be angry, and her anger was protecting her from her fear.
The king sighed heavily. “We all do foolish things for our children.”
She wondered if he meant the lindworm, or only Prince Harald, who could not be married until it was satisfied. It didn’t matter—the result was the same for her.
“Yes, Your Majesty,” she said, suddenly exhausted. Maybe a king could afford to do foolish things for his children. Her own father had to be sensible—foolishness would only have hurt Greta. She felt the anger draining away, the fear rising up again. She didn’t want to die.
They arrived at the palace from a side gate, not taking the wide, paved road beneath the cherry trees, where any number of people might have seen their arrival. The king and his soldiers handed her off to a large group of women, some more elegant than others, and she asked him, before he left, what time the wedding would be.
“At eight o’clock,” he said. “Will that give you enough time to prepare?” One of the more elegant women assured him it would, and he told her, “Give the girl whatever she wants. It’s her wedding day, after all.” He laughed, unamused, more bitter than cruel, and then he was gone.
“Is there anything special we can do for you, miss?” asked one of the plainer women, who was likely a maid.
Marit thought of the old woman in the forest. “This is going to sound a little strange.”
All of the more plainly dressed women left to carry out her last request, leaving Marit with a flock of beautiful women whose most simple everyday clothes were likely ten times more expensive than her mother’s wedding dress. They tried to have her out of it, into borrowed silks instead, but she refused. It was the last gift from her father, the only familiar thing in this place. She kept her evergreen crown as well, but let them take it away long enough to clean away the sap, rubbing it from the branches and brushing it out of her hair.
They re-braided her hair into a more elaborate style, stringing in gemstones to match her dress, and applied powders and creams to her face, which itched and made her sneeze. She watched them carefully, picking out one who seemed both kind and fancy enough to know little of a peasant’s daily life. She drew her away from the crowd and explained, in a whisper, “I haven’t any underthings. I only own the one shift, and I left it for my sister, so she would have one to wear on laundry day. I didn’t think it would matter, when I’m only to die tonight, but I’m—I’m embarrassed to have all these fine people watching me, thinking that if the light hits just so they’ll see I’m not dressed properly.”
The woman believed, somehow, that a peasant girl might have come to a royal wedding with no undergarments, and offered to find a spare shift.
“Could I have two, please?” The woman raised her eyebrows, and Marit ducked her head. “It’s a tradition—I know it shan’t be a real wedding night, but it’s a tradition to make the groom work a little harder the first time.”
The woman believed the tradition she’d never heard of, as well, and came back shortly with two more shifts, beautiful, silken things, bringing Marit to the required ten.
The next problem came when she realized the women had no intention of leaving her alone while she took off her wedding dress and put on the shifts, which was awkward for more reasons than the eight shifts she already wore. She explained that she was not accustomed to being seen undressed by strangers, and finally they left her, for the first moment of privacy she’d had in hours, and the last she expected to have in her life.
She took off the dress and put on the shifts. She paused to look in the mirror—a thing she’d heard of but never before seen—and wondered if that was what she truly looked like, or only the effect of the powders and creams. She pulled the dress back on, took a few deep breaths—she had not cried yet, she would not cry now—and reopened the door so that the women could help re-fasten the dress in the back.
They set the evergreen crown back on her head, and took her to the priest that would read her last rites.
The hall where they held the wedding was gorgeous, with shining wood floors and dark walls covered in rosemåling, blue and gold and red. All the court was seated when she arrived, dressed in their finest clothes, looking horrified. She recognized the king and the queen and the prince, familiar from a dozen parades, sitting in the front row. The rest were strangers.
And then she saw the lindworm.
It was the height of six or seven men, white like a maggot, or the mold on stale bread. It had dark wings on its back, too small to hold its weight in flight, and shiny white fangs quite visible even when its mouth was shut. It had no legs. There was a crown balanced at the top of its head, the size a man would wear, which might have been funny if it hadn’t planned to eat her.
It was staring at her with an expression of mild curiosity, recognizable because its eyes were the eyes of a man, over-large, but still small in its serpent head, the same shade of blue as a dozen young men she’d seen in the city.
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Too Loose And You’ll Lose It
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Ch 5- Bread Cat Power Pack
Co Written with @icanfeelastormbrewing​
Summary: Jake and Stella patch up their friendship, but Evan isn’t particularly happy about it.
 Warnings: Bad Language words.
Pairing: Jake Jensen x OFC Stella Stevenson.
A/N:  We KNOW this is a slow burn but we promise things are going to heat up soon!!!
TLAYLI Masterlist  // Main Masterlist 
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Stella stood at the trunk of the CIA issued Sedan, grimacing. It was the middle of January, cold and snowy, and she had a few bags of shopping to get back into her apartment. She was trying to figure out if she could make it upstairs with all of it at once, to prevent having to come back down, but was failing to see how it was possible.
“Needs some help?” a familiar voice asked and she turned to see Jake coming towards her, still in his uniform, his heavy boots leaving prints in the light, powdery dusting of fresh snow.
She smiled “Yeah, actually. You can grab a couple of these, save me coming back down.”
Jake looked in the trunk and scoffed “You stocking for winter, Stel?” he asked as he grabbed three of the bags.
She snorted “I literally have nothing in my cupboards.” She picked up the remaining two, locked the car and followed him to the main doors of the Condo building. “I’ve not really been here over the last two weeks so…” “I guess you’ve been spending time at your boyfriend’s huh?” Jake asked, his voice neutral as Stella managed to open the door.
“His name is Evan.” She rolled her eyes “And yeah, you could say that.”
Jake remained quiet as they strode to the elevator. Stella called it down and once the doors pinged open, they stepped inside and Jake placed the bags he was carrying down at his feet.
“So, I haven’t seen you since New Year.” Stella looked at him “How’s stuff going? You and Britney good?” “Yeah, erm, about that…” Jake cleared his throat a little as he selected their floor.
As the doors shut, Stella turned to look at him, frowning “Is there something wrong or…”
“That depends on who you ask.” Jake mused “If you ask her then yeah.  She’ll probably tell you I’m a…what were her exact words? Oh right, a fucking asshole”
“What did you do?” Stella sighed and Jake grimaced, rubbing the back of his neck.
“I dumped her.”
Stella raised her eyebrows “Well speaking from experience, I can kinda see why she might be a little upset.”
Jake looked at her for a moment, deciding whether or not to respond to her little dig but in the end he didn’t get chance as the elevator stopped and opened on their floor. Jake picked up his bags and followed her across to her apartment. She set the bags she was carrying down, grabbed her key and the door swung open. Jake stepped in after her, nudging the door shut with his foot and instantly that familiar smell of vanilla, fresh laundry and the light tones of her perfume hit his senses. He hadn’t been in here for months. They made their way through to the little kitchen and she flipped on the lights, Jake dropping the bags onto the side.
“So are you ok about the pair of you being over or…” Stella turned to face him and Jake wrinkled his nose.
“Well, I wasn’t that into her. I mean, she was just…” he stopped and shrugged a little “I’m all right, yeah.”
Stella snorted, shaking her head “Wow.”
“Had to be honest with her.”
At that Stella couldn’t help the scoff that escaped her throat “That’s a first”
“Wow, that’s the second dig in the last 2 minutes.” Jake arched an eyebrow and Stella inwardly cursed herself. He’d done nothing to deserve either of the shots she’d taken, especially after he was being nothing but helpful
“Sorry, that was uncalled for.”
“Was it?” he asked.
There was a moment’s pause before they both spoke at the same time.
“Look, Jake, I don’t wanna…”
“I miss you Stel…you know, us hanging out.
The last bit of Jake’s sentence was added hastily and Stella took a deep breath.
“You’ve been a jerk to me recently, JJ”
“I know I fucked it all up.” He continued pleading his case “But I love you Stel, as friends, ya know?”
She studied him for a moment, and Jake held his breath before her eyes softened, the way they always did when she was coming round, and he exhaled slowly.
“Guess I miss you too.” She said quietly.
At her words Jake’s face split into a grin. “You guess or…”
“Don’t push it.”
He laughed, and on a roll he decided to see how far he could edge his luck. “I don’t suppose you’re free tonight, maybe grab a pizza, I got beer.”
Stella felt her face fall “Sorry JJ, Ev’s coming over.” and as she spoke she realised she actually was sorry. For a split second she considered calling Ev and cancelling, which in itself confused her. Why was she even thinking that? And then she realised, it was because she missed Jake. Despite everything, they’d been through too much for her not to care for him.
Jake nodded, “Okay, well, maybe another night?”
Stella blinked, she’d been expecting some sarcastic quip about Evan but none had come, which surprised her a little. That said, she smiled and nodded “Yeah I’d like that.”
Jake nodded “Right, I’ll err…let you unpack all that then and see you later I guess.”
“Yeah, great. Oh, and thanks.” She smiled “For helping me.”
“Well, you know me, I’m not one to leave a damsel in distress.” He winked. “I’ll see myself out.”
He made his way out of the apartment, closing her door behind him, taking a deep breath as he headed over the landing. Despite the setback about the pizza and beer, he felt good. The air was clearer, it was good progress, easy easy catch a monkey and all that.
He fished in his pocket for his keys and just as he was opening his door he heard hers open behind him.
“Look, I got a little while.” Stella spoke “I was gonna bake some cookies, you wanna help?”
Jensen allowed himself a grin before he turned to face her “You miss me already?”
“Don’t push it asswipe.” She shot back and he laughed.
“Gonna make extra dough so I can eat it?”
She rolled her eyes “Yes, dur.”
“Ok, gimme ten to change and I’ll come over.”
“Use your key.” She nodded, before she pulled her head back in her apartment and shut the door.
Jensen gave a little fist pump of victory as he stepped inside his hallway, smirking to himself “Operation Petunia is a go…”
**** After a quick shower, Jensen changed into a pair of grey sweats, a plain navy blue t-shirt and headed over the hall in his socks. As instructed, he let himself in and walked through to the kitchen, the sound of the radio growing louder as he went. He stopped in the doorway and watched as Stella stood with her back to him, dressed in a pair of leggings and an oversized white- slouchy vest top with a tighter cami underneath, rifling in a cupboard. He felt a sudden, nostalgic pang for the times she used to dress casually like that around their student quarters or back at home when they were slobbed in front of the TV at her Ma’s or his Parents. With a little breath, he coughed and she turned to face him, smiling before she nodded to the fridge.
“Make yourself useful and grab us a coupla’ beers will ya?”
He saluted her and she gave a snort as he headed to the fridge and pulled it open, giving a groan as he spotted the Sam Adams. Grabbing two, he popped the tops before he handed her one. She thanked him and continued pulling the ingredients she needed out of the cupboards, the pair of them falling into an easy, but still careful conversation. Stella cursed as she mumbled something about her digital scales running out of batteries and then retrieved the old faithful analogue ones.
“Why is it, when you need something, that’s always the time it’s gonna end up nor working?” she grumbled, setting the dial to zero carefully.
“One of life’s many mysteries Stel.” Jake said wisely as she began to measure the flour out. “Along with why cats always fall on their feet, snidey little bastards.”
Stella snorted, “Or why buttered bread always lands butter down when you drop it? Although I think there’s a scientific explanation to that.”
“There is.” Jake nodded, taking a drink from his beer “When the bread falls out of your hand, it does so at an angle, see, by nature of it having slipped from its previous position, and it rotates.” Jensen twisted his hand in the air to demonstrate his point “Given that it’s normally dropped from a hand or a table, which is like two feet or so, there’s enough time for the toast to rotate about one-half of a turn and thus it lands upside down relative to its original position and oh my God, I’ve just had a brainwave!” he trailed off, grinning
Stella looked at him, her mouth dropping open “What, hang on, back up!”
“No, listen. I just said a cat always lands on its feet right?”
Yeah.” Stella looked at him.
“And you said that bread with butter always falls butter side down?”
Stella’s eyes squinted in confusion. “Jake, what the fuck are you…”
“Just hear me out.” he looked at her as he placed his beer bottle on the side behind him. “If…” both his hands flew up, pointers extended, the bottom of his t-shirt riding up slightly as he did so “If you fastened bread with butter to a cat’s back, then the Cat will keep turning and never fall on the ground.”
Stella blinked and simply looked at him, the way she always did when he was being utterly ridiculous.
“And then, if I attached the bread cat to a generator…” he grinned and held his hands out by his sides, palms open facing upwards “Infinite energy.”
There was a pause before Stella bust out laughing.
“That is the dumbest thing I ever heard!” she shook her head “And that’s saying something coming from you!”
“You won’t be laughing when I’m a millionaire.” Jensen said sagely. “Bread Cat Power Pack, copyright Jacob Calvin Jensen.”
“The only way you’ll ever become a millionaire is if they give you a dollar every time someone laughs at your stupid, shit ideas.” She shook her head, her hands falling to her hips.
“Laugh all you want Stelly, but I’m planning on buying a yellow hummer with the profits.”
Stella paused. That was the first time he’d called her Stelly in…well, she couldn’t actually remember. But it felt nice. This whole scenario felt nice in fact, the pair of them, just hanging out. Just like old times, before it all went to shit.
She smiled “What is it with you and hummers?”
“I just like them.”
“They’re vile, JJ.”
“No, they aren’t. They’re classy.” He picked his beer back up.
“Classy.” Stella snorted and Jake pointed his bottle towards her.
“You never could appreciate the finer things in life.” he sighed dramatically.
“Considering I appreciated you for years that’s a dumbass thing to say.” she arched an eyebrow at him
“Aww you sayin’ I’m a finer thing, Stel?” he teased and she rolled her eyes, ignoring him.
“Why yellow?”
“Why not?” he popped a shoulder at her question before he grinned “It matches my sunny disposition.”
At that Stella gave another snort “God, Jake!”
Jensen simply grinned back and Stella watched him for a second, noticing how relaxed he seemed. Every time she’d seen him over the past month or so he’d been tense. But today, gone was the unusual sulky demeanour he’d embodied recently and he wasn’t snapping or being mean. He was simply being Jake. The Jake she adored.
“Hey, Stel?” Jake asked, dragging her from her thoughts. “Reckon we can make these cookies in the shape of Hummers?”
“Do you have a Hummer shaped cookie cutter?” she asked, turning her attention back to the job in hand, tossing the ingredients into the mixing bowl.
“No.” Jensen wrinkled his nose “Why would I have one of those?”
“Then that’s your answer.”
“Buzz kill.” He muttered, fighting to keep the smirk of his face as he knew exactly what effect those words would have on her. She hated it when he insinuated she was no fun.
“Buzz kill?” she turned to look at him.
“Fuck you.” She retorted, and Jake gave a splutter as a handful of flour hit him straight in the face, going right up his nostrils and into his mouth.
He blinked, looked at Stella before he shook his head "Oh, Stel, it's on..." he smirked before he moved towards her and she gave a shriek as he easily manhandled her out of the way and grabbed the flour she was trying to move out of his reach. The kitchen filled with yells and laughter as handful after handful went flying around into faces, hair, just about any visible body part and suddenly they were jerked from their little flour war when a clearing of a throat could be heard. Both of them turned to see Evan standing in the kitchen door, a bouquet of bright flowers in one hand and a bottle of something in the other.
"How the fuck did you get in?” Jensen blurted out before he could stop himself and Stella punched him on the arm “Ow, Stell, shit!”
“Don’t be rude.” She glared at him.
“For your information,” Evan stated as he walked into the kitchen “, not that it’s any of your business, but Stel gave me the spare key.”
“Huh.” Jake looked at him before he grinned “I got one of those too.”
Evan looked at him, his eyes squinted slightly “Good for you.”
“Yeah, it is!” Jake continued, the grin still stood on his face.
The two men remained staring at one another, Jake covered head to toe in flour as Stella gave a little groan but before she could tell the pair of them to behave, Evan spoke.
“What’s all this mess?” he asked, nodding to the flour all over the room.
“Oh, we had a mission where we seized over Forty kilos of cocaine.” Jake spoke, his voice deadly serious “I thought I'd bring it round for a good time.”
At that point Stella gave a snort of laughter, nudging Jake hard on the arm, the pair of them giggling again before she spotted the look on Evan’s face. His features were completely serious and there was a flash of anger in his eyes. So she coughed and shook her head.
“I was trying to bake some cookies and Jakey was helping me, sort of.” She shrugged “He’s more of a pain in the ass than a help, mind.”
She didn’t miss the way Evan cringed when she called Jensen ‘Jakey’ but before she could say anything Jensen grumbled.
“Well you are. You're a monumental pain in the ass” Stella rolled her eyes.
“Yeah but you love me Stel” Jake winked and Stella arched an eyebrow, folding her arms in cloud of flour.
“Jury's out”
“You know…” Evan spoke, his tone sarcastic as he set the bottle he was carrying on the kitchen side “..if i'm interrupting something I can leave.”
“Easy man! But yeah-“ Jensen flashed his trademark grin “You just interrupted us.”
Stella slapped him round the back of the head. “No, you didn’t.”
“Stop hitting me!” Jensen rubbed the place where her palm had connected.
“Well stop being a jerk!”
He turned to face her and sarcastic quip he had prepared died as he saw that she was no longer grinning at him.
“Shouldn’t you go and get cleaned?” Evan spoke and Jake looked at him, wrinkling his nose.
“I kinda like being dirty.”
Stella groaned again as she wiped her face and hands free from flour and then nodded to the bouquet Evan had in his hands “Are they for me?”
“No, I bought them for Jensen.” He dead panned with a roll of his eyes, before his handsome face split into a grin. “Course they're for you baby.”
Jensen watched as Stella smiled broadly and he took in the bunch of brightly coloured gerberas and roses, frowning a little. And then, once more he just couldn’t help but stir the pot at little bit more.
“Oh man. She hasn’t told you about her favourites, hasn’t she?” he nodded to the flowers. Evan frowned and Stella wheeled round to glare at Jake.
“Seriously Jake, shut up.”
“You should have brought her petunias.” Jensen sighed, his hands on his hips as she shook his head with the manner of a father disappointed at his child.
“Yeah, see you're talking but all I'm hearing is noise.” Evan rolled his eyes as Stella reached for the bouquet.
“I’ll put them in a vase. Thanks baby, they’re gorgeous” she beamed at him.
Jake couldn’t help but roll his eyes at the smug look on Evan’s face, most likely cos she just called him baby in front of him. But seriously, what kind of dick boyfriend doesn’t know what his girl’s favourite flowers are?
Evan then picked up the bottle he'd set on the side with a flourish and spun it so the label was facing Stella "I also saw this at one of the stalls at the market and it made me think of you."
Stella looked at him, not understanding for a moment, before she read the label and her eyes opened wide.
“Pumpkin spiced gin…oh my god!” she laughed, taking it from him.
Evan grinned “Now you can make alcoholic lattes.”
“Or just drink it neat over ice.” She smiled at him “I bet this tastes amazing.”
At that Evan smirked and when he spoke again his voice dropped an octave “Probably not as good as you but we’ll give it a go.”
At that Stella flushed and Jake gave an audible groan and then immediately wished he hadn’t as he’d given the dickhead everything he wanted. Evan turned to him with a maddeningly smug look on his face “Still here Jensen? Thought you were going.”
“You wish.” Jake mumbled, but thankfully neither of them heard him as Stella was studying the bottle label to try and hide her embarrassment. He took a deep breath, he knew he had to be careful not to make Stella pissed at him again. So, in a rare self-aware moment, he cleared his throat and spoke a little louder “Well as riveting as chatting with you is, Ev, you're right. I got stuff to do, you know, places to go, people to see..."
“Yeah, sure you do.” Evan replied flippantly “Tell Britney I said hi.”
“Ev, don’t.” Stella shook her head and Evan frowned, turning to her.
“What, I’m not…”
“It’s ok Stelly, he didn't know.” Jensen hid the little smile that was threatening to creep onto his lips at the flinch Evan had made when he used Stella’s old nickname and he gave a shrug. “We broke up.”
“You broke up?” Evan repeated, his face blank. “I’m sorry man.”
“Don’t be.” Jake waved a hand. “Actually it was me who broke it off.”
“Well, still, you must be a little bit...upset, I suppose?”
“Nope.” Jake shook his head “What's got 2 thumbs and is free, single and ready to mingle?” he jerked his thumbs at himself. “This guy"
With that he pat Evan on his shoulder “See ya later.” and he made his way out of Stella’s apartment, closing door behind him. Once it was shoot he paused and took a deep breath.
Fuck that guy.
Up until him turning up they’d been having a great time, simply messing around in the kitchen like they used to. Mind you, it had been a good afternoon, the pair of them were back on even terms, so all in all…yeah, Jensen felt buoyed. With a little spring in his step he headed over the hall back to his apartment and straight to the fridge for a beer. As he popped the lid his phone pinged with a message from Pooch. He, Cougs and Roque were heading out for a few beers and Jake’s presence was apparently “not required but welcome.” Jensen smiled, he was in a good mood so, yeah, drinks!
He showered again to get rid of the flour, changed into a pair of jeans and a casual black sweater before he shrugged on his warm SuperDry coat and headed back out. As he passed Stella’s door on the way to the elevator he could hear her raised voice and instantly he felt his skin prickle. His Jakey Sense as Stella had jokingly dubbed it was tingling. He paused and moved closed to the doors and could hear her and Evan were arguing.
He shouldn’t listen, he knew that, but they were being so loud it was impossible not to. Plus, when all’s said and done he was also a nosey bastard.
“For fucks sake, Ev! You've been fine for the last twenty minutes, why are you brining this up now?”
“All I said was I wish you'd told me about the flowers! I've bought you bouquets before and you never mentioned petunias.”
Jake smirked a little as Stella groaned.
“It’s really not that big a deal!”
“Well apparently it is according to Jensen!” Evan shot back.
“So that's what this is about. It isn't the flowers at all is it? It's Jake” Stella responded, her voice agitated and Jake could completely picture her stood there, arms folded, glaring up at him. He’d seen it often enough himself.
“And what if it is?” Evan’s voice was equally as loud.
“Oh for fucks sake...he's my friend, my best friend.”
“And your EX, Stella!”
“Carry on this way and you will be as well!” Stella shot back and at that Jake felt his smirk grow even wider.  
“Way to go Stel…” he mumbled to himself.
“What do you mean?” Evan’s voice was louder still “You hang out with your ex and I’m the problem?”
“No, the problem is you being all pissy about something that isn't really a big issue. Jake and I...” Stella sighed, “We have history, a lot of history. Even before we dated we were friends and it's been so shit recently when we haven't been talking and...” her voice was gathering in speed and Jensen could tell she was starting to get upset. He had heard it and seen it a thousand times before.
“And why do you think that is, Stel?” Evan’s voice was now quiet, but the tone was cold and threatening, and Jensen took a deep breath. He didn’t like the way this was going. “Come on, you can’t be that oblivious.” Stella didn’t reply, and Evan continued “See, you know I'm right. You were on bad terms because he was a jealous asshole, you said it yourself with the way he behaved when we had our first date in the coffee shop. And everyone knows he was only dating that Britney bint to try and piss you off. Even your own sister said that.”
Jensen could feel himself getting hot with anger at the way the bastard was using Rey against Stella, despite the fact Evan was completely right. As much as Jensen had denied it at the time, that was totally why he ended up with Brit. Call it a rebound, a stubborn attempt to prove to himself he didn’t need Stella, whatever. The core of it was always down to her.
“Huh, he aint actually as stupid as he looks.” Jensen muttered to himself.
“He wasn’t jealous.” Stella responded, her voice quiet “How could he be when he dumped me? Twice.”
At that Jensen bowed her head, the hurt in her voice was evident.
“Who knows what goes through his head or why he did that, I've no idea, but if you think he's over you then you're mistaken. And I don’t like it, Stella, not one bit.” Evan took a deep breath “I think you should stay away from him.”
Jensen felt his mouth drop open a little and he blinked, had he seriously just told her that? He waited with baited breath for Stella’s reply, which came a second or so later, in a tone he knew only too well, she’d had enough.
“You know what, I’m not in the mood for going out tonight.”
“Okay, well, let’s stay in then.” Evan’s tone suddenly flipped to the doting boyfriend again and Jensen frowned once more. This guy was unreal. “I can cook us something”
“Dumb bastard, take the hint.” Jensen grumbled as Stella audibly sighed. He could picture her, running her hand through her hair, pressing the heel of her palm to the space between her eyes.
“I need to get cleaned up and then sort out this mess.” She replied “I think it’s better if you go home.”
“Seriously?” Evan spoke with disbelief “You’re actually telling me to go?”
There was a pause “Fine.” Evan responded “I’ll leave you to it. You and Jensen can finish whatever it was you were doing.”
“We were making cookies.”
“Whatever, Stella. If you’re more interested in defending him than having dinner with me then, that’s you’re call.”
And then Jensen realised he needed to disappear before Evan came out and found him. He hastily made his way back to his apartment, and had just gotten inside when Stella’s door was wrenched open. So as not to attract attention to himself with the sound of the lock clicking, Jensen didn’t quite close his fully and stayed waiting for Evan to disappear. To Jensen’s horror he paused, looking directly at his door, before he looked back at Stella’s and then made his way to the elevator. After what seemed like an age it arrived and he stepped into it, the door pinging shut behind him.
Jensen felt bad, he really did. He hadn’t wanted Stella to be upset. But more over he felt uneasy. The way Evan had spoken to her, and directed the blame straight back onto her and then told her to stay away from him was  manipulative, controlling almost.
And he didn’t like it one bit.
“Jensen, what’s with you man?” Roque asked, placing his empty bottle on the table. “You’re being uncharacteristically non-annoying tonight.”
Jensen rolled his eyes, “Nothing, I’m fine.”
He felt Pooch’s eyes on him and purposely ignored him, looking around the bar at anything and everything. His eyes fell momentarily on a table of girls some four or so down from theirs one of them bore a fleeting resemblance to Stella actually and he hastily looked away, glancing down at his beer. He necked the rest and set the empty bottle down.
“My round.” Pooch nodded as he stood up, his hand falling onto Jensen’s shoulder “Give me a hand man?”
“Sure.” Jake stood up and followed him to the bar, passing the table of girls as they went.
“The brunette is giving you the eye.” Pooch nudged him. Jensen looked at him.
“Okay, out with it.” Pooch demanded as they reached the bar “What’s wrong Jensen, and don’t tell me everything is fine coz I know you, and you’re not being you. You’ve been positively pleasant all evening and now when some chick is giving you the eye you don’t even notice?”
Jensen sighed, “I’m just a bit worried about Stel, man”
“Arty?” Pooch frowned, “What’s wrong with her? Is she ok? I though Evan was coming over to hers tonight?”
“He did. They had an argument, he left.” Jensen shrugged.
“They had an argum-wait? How do you know? Did she tell you? Coz I thought you weren’t on particularly good terms.”
“We sorted stuff out.” Jensen shook his head
“You were listening weren’t you?” Pooch rolled his eyes.
“That’s not the point.” Jensen shook his head and Pooch groaned having been given all the confirmation he needed “The point is what he said. And how he said it. He was angry, Pooch.”
“Everyone gets angry when they argue.”
“Yeah but he…I dunno, I don’t trust him.”
“Oh come on Jensen. Stop it. Enough with that shit. Stel is with him and she’s happy, face it.”
“He told her that he thinks she should stay away from me.” Jensen looked at Pooch. “Does that not strike you as, well, controlling?”
Pooch looked at Jensen and could see on his face that he was genuinely concerned.
“Ok, start from the top.” Pooch instructed, so Jensen did, explaining and Pooch took a deep breath “So now you’re worried he could be manipulating her?”
“I'm worried he’s not everything he’s cracked up to be.” Jensen replied after a short pause “And that she could end up hurt. And I don’t mean merely emotionally.”
“Woah, man that’s…that’s a big leap.” Pooch looked at him, before he turned to the bar tender and ordered their round, before looking back at him. “From being a little narky and, ok, possibly maybe slightly overbearing to being a fuckin’ woman beater.”
“Maybe.” Jensen sighed, “But isn’t it always the one’s you don’t expect to do it that do?”
At that Pooch was forced to accept Jensen made a good point and he bit his lip, cocking his head to once side. “Ok, suppose you heard right and the guy’s dodgy so to speak. What you wanna do about it?”
“I suppose I could do some digging.” Jensen mused “See if I can find any of his old girlfriends out there, see what they have to say.”
“Oh god, I don’t think I like where this is going.” Pooch groaned.
Jensen sighed, “I honestly have no idea Pooch. My gut was to tell Stella that I was concerned but knowing her she'll just accuse me of being a dick and it would just make it look like he was right about me.”
“Which he is.” Pooch snorted “You are jealous.”
“Yeah, well that's maybe but I'm being serious here Pooch. I don't trust the guy, and if she ends up hurt when I could have done something to stop it I'll never forgive myself.”
Pooch bit the inside of his cheek as he looked at Jensen, he could see the worry etched into every line on his friend’s face. With a loud sigh he shook his head, “Listen man, whatever you want to do I have your back. Wanna go all CSI on the guy? Then count me in. But do you and the rest of us for that matter a favour and admit to your feelings for her once and for all and do something about it or leave her be.”
Jensen snorted “You been talking to Clay, Pooch?”
“What? No.” Pooch handed over his card to pay for the round. “Why would you think that?”
“He just said something similar at New Years. That's all.” Jensen took a deep breath “This would never have happened if I hadn't been such an asshole.”
“That’s an understatement.”
“Not helping Pooch.”
“Listen man, we don’t need to talk to one another to see you have strong feelings for her. We all know that and we all have been putting up with your stupid ass decisions.”
“Still not helping Pooch.”
“Ok Jensen.” Pooch shrugged, taking his card back off the man behind the bar with a thanks. “You could always try actually talking to him? You never know, he might be genuinely-“
“Are you nuts? The guy hates me!” Jensen practically exploded “And suppose I am right, which I may not be, I know, it happens occasionally.” He shrugged as Pooch rolled his eyes “Not only do I tip him off I’m onto him, he’ll rush to tell Stel as soon as I turn my back. Make it seem I’m harassing him.”
“So instead you wanna track his old girlfriend’s down and go poking into his past?”
Jake flashed his signature grin.
“Coz thats not harassing him. At all.” Pooch rolled his eyes.
“It’s not if he doesn’t know I’m harassing him.” Jake shrugged and Pooch let out an exasperated moan of a laugh. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
“I already told you Jensen. Whatever you want man. Just...oh, I dunno, try not to fuck it up with your usual chaotic dumbassery.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about…” Jensen shrugged as he picked up 2 of the bottles from the bar.
“Sure you don’t.”
Two more beers later and Jensen called it a night and headed home, he wasn’t in the mood all things considered. Kicking off his sneakers he plopped down on the couch and reached for the remote, flipping through the channels. But it was no good, he couldn’t concentrate. His mind was working overtime as he was trying to figure out what exactly he was going to do. It was frustrating, because normally he’d just talk to Stella, they never had secrets but this was completely out of the question, and that frustrated the fuck out of him.
His rambling thoughts were interrupted by a knock on his door. Frowning, because that meant that either someone had gotten into the building or it was a resident, he stood up and made his way over to the door. He pulled it open and gave a little blink as he saw Stella stood there in a large, oversized sweater, leggings and thick socks, her hair pulled on top of her head in a messy bun, a batch of cookies in her hands.
“Oh, hey Stel.” He said, surprise evident in his voice “Come on in.”
She smiled as she stepped into his flat. “I thought you’d be out all night because Pooch said you were all out for drinks this evening. But I heard you come in so I came to bring you some cookies. After all you helped me with them, well, sort of.”
“Thanks Sel.” He smiled, genuinely as he took them from her “You want a drink or…”
“No, I’m good thanks.”
“Ok, well, go through, be with you in a second. I’ll just put these bad boys away.”
She nodded and turned, heading towards the lounge as Jensen made his way quickly into the kitchen and deposited the cookies in the tin, grabbing one as he did so. God they tasted just as good as they always did. He grabbed the empty container and headed into the lounge where Stella was sat on the couch and she smiled as he handed it to her.
“You ok?” he asked and she looked at him, nodding but Jensen could tell she wasn’t so he decided to call her out, see if she’d open up to him.
“You know, I've known you too long. You can't lie to me.”
She sighed.
“What’s bothering you, Stel?” he pressed as he sat next to her keeping a respectful distance of one seat cushion between them.
“Me and Ev, we err...had an argument before. Kind of a big one”
“How big?” Jensen asked, all the time knowing he had to play it cool or she would know he overheard.
“I… “ she fiddled with the sleeves of her sweater a little before she snorted “I sent him home big”
“Can I ask what you argued about? I mean if you sent him home it must have been pretty serious.”
Stella looked at him, clearly debating whether or not to tell him and then she sighed “He wanted to go out, I didn't. It spiralled from there.”
Jake took a deep breath as Stella looked at him having just told him a barefaced lie. What killed him the most was he knew she was doing it to spare his feelings, and he didn’t think he’d ever wanted to kiss her more. But he couldn’t, so instead he gave her a small nod and what he hoped was a sympathetic smile.
“Look, I'm sorry if any of it was my fault. And I'm sure you'll sort it out.”
“Yeah, I guess. In any case thanks for listening.”
Jake laughed “That it, we done?”
“Not much else to tell you. We fought, and maybe I overreacted to something he said. It’s just...” she studied his face and Jensen got the impression she was searching for some indication Evan was right about him being jealous. He fought so hard not to give her any, and in the end she shrugged “It doesn’t matter, it’s no big deal.”
“Big enough to make you upset though.”
“Well, it’s the first argument we’ve had.”
“Well you can drown your sorrows in pumpkin flavoured gin.” Jensen sniffed and at that she grimaced.
“Between you and me, I tried it before. It’s fucking awful.”
Jake laughed, “Then I guess Evan was right and you do taste better.”
“Jake!” Stella scoffed, slapping his arm.
“What? It was a compliment!”
“You're gross”
“Yeah but…”he smirked “…made you smile”
“Yeah, you do.” She looked at him, “I mean did. You know, just then…”
“I know.”
Stella gave him another soft smile “Thanks again, I should…” she gestured to the door with her head and Jake nodded.
“Walk you home?”
“I live across the hall.” She scoffed as she stood up
“Yeah but…” Jensen breathed in through his teeth as he also rose from his seat “Some dodgy people in this building Stel”
“Yeah, you're one of em.”
“Hey, you could be attacked by Mrs. Hunter’s Cat. You know it went for my ankle yesterday?” He looked at her seriously. “Like I said, snide little bastards. Cats are not to be trusted.”
“Alright then badass, you better see me safe across the hall.” She chuckled.
Jake followed her to the door where she turned and he wrapped his arms around her, giving her a soft hug. Pressing a gentle kiss to the crown of her head he stepped back and looked at her.
“You know where I am if you need me, don’t you?”
She nodded “Thanks. Night Jakey.”
“Night Stel.”
He watched her cross the hall, and when she walked inside she gave him a last smile before she shut the door.
Jensen exhaled loudly, before he turned and headed back into his own apartment, the door clicking behind him.
Jensen didn’t sleep particularly well that night. His worries and concerns about Stella kept running through his mind and at six am he gave up, hauling himself out of bed for a run. On his way back he stopped by the bakery on the corner of the street to grab himself a croissant and a coffee and headed back to the condo, munching his breakfast. As he walked across the parking lot he spotted Evan’s car was parked outside the main door, the man himself sat inside, waiting.
And then all logic flew from Jensen’s mind. Fuck treading softly.
He stalked over and round to the passenger side, yanking it open and sinking into the seat besides Evan as the man looked at him, arching an eyebrow.
“S’up Agent E.” he smiled at him, taking another bite of his croissant. “You waiting for Stel?”
“Why else would I be here?”
Jensen shrugged “Maybe you like parking lots.”
Evan rolled his eyes. “Yes, I’m waiting for Stella.”
“Why not just use your spare key?” Jensen asked, taking a loud slurp of his coffee before he looked at Evan. “Wait, more to the point, why are you not up there? Did you not stay?” The nerve in Evan’s jaw twitched and Jensen grinned. “You guys aint had a fight have you?” When the agent didn’t reply Jake took a bite of his croissant. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
“What do you want, Jensen?” Evan looked at him, his features dark and Jake knew the time for joking was done. He took a deep breath and shrugged.
“Honestly? For you to fuck off.”
“Oh I bet you do.” Evan narrowed his eyes, his voice low and Jensen snorted.
“Not much of a bet, I just admitted it but whatever.”
“Well unlucky for you I’m not going anywhere.”
“For now.” Jensen shrugged “She’ll see through you at some point.”
“Face it Jensen, you fucked up.” Evan shook his head “Now I’m warning you, stay away from her, and me, and leave us alone.”
Jensen took a deep breath. “Ok, I was trying to be polite but I’ll get straight to the point.”
“Please do.” Evan’s voice was loaded with sarcasm.
“I don’t like you, and I don’t trust you.” Jensen stated and Evan gave a huge guffaw of laughter, Jensen merely shook his head “Yeah, you might laugh but I swear to God you hurt her and I will fucking kill you slowly and painfully.”
“Is that supposed to scare me?” Evan asked.
“Yes.” Jensen said simply “You forget, I’m a lethal trained killing machine.” He shrugged “And then there’s Clay, and Roque, and Pooch and Cougs…you kick one of us, we all shout ouch, you get my drift.”
He saw a flicker of something that might have been concern on Evan’s faced but no sooner had he spotted it, it was gone and the Agent simply swallowed and fixed Jensen with a glare.
“What makes you so sure I’m going to hurt her?”
“Because when I mentioned it before, instead of protesting that you wouldn’t, you simply turned it back to being about you.” Jensen shrugged “Now if someone had said that to me, I’d be doing everything I could to try and convince them they were wrong.”
“I don’t have to justify myself to you.” Evan snorted, shaking his head.
“No, you don’t” Jake shrugged “But you will answer to me if you do hurt her, like I said, I’m watching you shithead.”
“You know, when Stella hears you’ve been threatening me…”
“We both know you’re not going to tell her.” Jake shook his head “I mean you’ve already argued once. And I’d lay odds on that being about me. So, are you really gonna push it again when you’re hanging on by a thread? Don’t think so buddy.”
He took another obnoxiously loud slurp of his coffee and there was a pause before Evan exploded. “Ok, I’ve had enough of this, get out of my fucking car!”
“Gladly.” Jensen nodded, scrunching up the wrapper his croissant had been in. He tossed it into the foot-well and looked at it for a second before he shrugged “This car is full of garbage anyway.” And with that he climbed out headed inside, not bothering to look back.
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uwua3 · 4 years
Hello! I'm a new follower and I just love your writing so far!! You're really good at depicting The Whole Scene™ so you made me love my favs even more 😳 It's like my heart melts when I get to the extra soft parts 💖 If it's alright, may I request some fluffy hcs of Banri and/or Juza with a soft/baby-ish s/o who likes cute things? Or in general an s/o who's kind of opposite to either of them 👉🏻👈🏻 Thank you! 💞
hi!!! welcome to my writing blog~ :D i’m so happy you said that 🥺 (i appreciate the trademark no Suing in this household) i’m so glad when it gets soft it makes your heart go 💕💞💓💗💖💘💝 always feel like that!!! i’d be more than honored to baby the two tough boys of autumn~ they are secretly Baby no i do not take criticism but you’re welcome!!!
summary: this is the one time major misunderstandings work out for the best
warnings: swearing
author’s note: hello, everyone~ it’s been 4 days since i last posted a fic TT i’m so sorry!!! i hope this makes up for the absence~ it’s a bit long! please love banri and juza with all your heart ♡ fair warning, i design both readers to have dresses on but everything else is gender–neutral :D
word count: 6,482 (total) — 3,532 (banri), 2,950 (juza)
music: liar liar – oh my girl (banri), just right – got7 (juza)
sugar, spice, and everything nice!
🍁🥇 settsu banri
banri was thrifting and saw the most god–awful, terrible piece of clothing he had ever had the misfortune of seeing in his life
it was a bublegum pink sailor uniform esque shirt, embellished with the most pastel ribbons and lacy accessories ever, and was decorated to put harajuku to shame
“who the hell would want to buy this shit?” banri muttered to himself, holding it up to grimance at the girly details that hang from the ugliest shirt he had ever came across. before he could put it back to hide amongst the clothing rack, a gentle, barely noticeable tap on his shoulder made banri turn his head with a glare
“what—” banri’s eyes widened, his jaw slightly dropping. oh my god, if there was a human embodiment of the fucking shirt he was holding, you would literally be it
you were nervously smiling at him, clad in a pastel pink lolita–styled dress, with even more bows at the corset bodice and ruffles at your poofy skirt. you had the largest singular lace bonnet in your curled hair and adorned the biggest, widest circular glasses (they had to be fake). you clasped your hands together with a high–pitched laugh, banri wanted to disappear and never come back to the store again
how could people like you just exist? you walked around like a doll everyday and for what? banri looked down at his clothing for a second, all black again. maybe, he shouldn’t be talking if he was like death everyday...
“sorry~ but are you interested in that shirt?” you asked cutely, batting your eyelashes as you looked up at banri. he blinked, not realizing he was still holding the fashion industry’s worst abonimation as he quickly tossed it towards you, not bothering to check if you even caught it
“no, bye.” banri forced out, moving from the aisle to leave the godforsaken pastels and bright colors. it was all giving him a headache, there was no way this color spectrum ever existed to someone and they liked it. everybody move over because banri was gonna puke
banri flipped through more clothes, pushing through the racks with ease, trying to push the mental image of pink out of his mind until something landed on his head
quickly pulling it off with a scowl, banri deadpanned at the shirt. pink, sailor uniform, ugly ribbons and bows, check. it was that shirt again... what the—
you stood next to him, with the most angelic smile possible despite the passive aggressive look in your eyes. banri noticed your hair was slightly messed up, that he must’ve done something. he never thought he’d fight a pastel lolita in the middle of one of his favorite thrift stores, but here he was, glaring down at you like it was a big deal
“what do you want?!” banri cursed, about to throw the shirt back to you before you forced it in his hands, surprising him with the amount of force your short self managed to produce. you smiled even bigger, and banri suddenly knew he couldn’t cause a scene because no one believe him if you started a fight
“let me pick your clothes!” you offered, yet there was no room for disagreement. oh god, this was revenge for screwing up your look, wasn’t it? banri blanked again, about to tell you to fuck off before he called security (yeah, security on the most non–threatening person here), before you shoved another outfit into his arms
“go change! i want to see you in it!” you insisted, banri’s eye twitched as he took in the colors. all various shades of pink... you did know there were other colors right?
maybe it was because he knew you would start a scene if he didn’t try, but banri mumbled something about annoying people and their loud fashion sense before slipping into a dressing room. you clapped when banri begrudgingly agreed to it, pissing him off even more
(you didn’t know why you were forcing this stranger to be pastel for once. one look at his all–black attire and you felt a part of your soul die for a second)
when you heard the most dragged–out, emphasized swear behind the door, you knew you had to see it
“are you okay in there~?” you asked, waiting patiently outside with a devious smile. revenge was sweet, you almost forgot about how that shirt had messed up your hairstyle for the day
(banri suddenly regretted ever messing with you, you were the devil in pink)
“i know we just met, but fuck you.” banri deadpanned, stepping out from behind the curtain with the resignation of a quitter. you threw your hands over your mouth, stifling your snickers as you observed him top to bottom, wondering how you even fathomed such a creation
banri stood before you in the same sailor shirt, ribbons and bows alike, that somehow fit him. you had given him basic pink shorts that clased with his giant black boots (he made a stomping sound whenever he walked)
“i hate this, i am never wearing this again.” banri admitted without difficulty, expecting you to go away so he could shop in peace but you giggled, nodding in satisfaction at your mistake. he couldn’t believe it, he was embarrassing himself and sacrificing his dignity just because some moral conscious was aware he probably ruined part of your fit
“i’ll buy it for you!” you said and banri pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing with so much exhaustion even though it was the afternoon. is this how sakyo felt dealing with three kids all day? banri was this close to calling him up just to apologize for all the batshit crazy things he’s done
“no.” banri stated, not offering an explanation before turning around, about to head back into the dressing room before you stopped him, pouting your lips with a stubborn look
“come on! why not? i’ll do anything!” you pleaded, giving him your biggest puppy dog eyes as you kept repeating “please~” loudly. banri was about to tell you off before he noticed the store customers glancing at the odd duo, groaning before he rubbed his face
“anything?” banri asked, realizing his mischevious smirk was back on his face as you narrowed your eyes at him, wondering what the hell he was planning
when you hesitantly nodded, banri wolfishly grinned as he leaned against the door frame, crossing his arms and looking down at you (you would’ve burst into laughter at how banri tried to look intimidating in pink if you weren’t too plagued by your surprise at his sudden attitude change)
“okay, let me pick your next outfit.” banri said and you winced at the memory of his previous outfit, considering your options before shaking his hand, knowing whatever was about to happen would be one for your social media
it only took about two hours before you actually agreed to try anything on banri picked. it was all animal print, mismatched neon colors, and flannel. you refused every single time he held anything up, bruising banri’s ego even further
“jesus, you have no taste.” banri complained, just wanting to see the most pastel person he’s seen wear something normal for once. you two bickered easily, fighting like there was no tomorrow and warranting nervous glances from the store employees (who nearly alerted security when they saw you almost knock over a whole display chasing after banri)
finally, banri chose something you wouldn’t be caught dead in. it was close to what he had before, a black turtleneck with a silver–zip bomber jacket. he was nice enough to choose a black pleated skirt for you to wear with black oxford that had 3d white daisies
you actually liked it, believe it or not
in return, you adjusted your pick for him (much to banri’s relief when he muttered “thank god” as you put the pink sailor shirt back). you adjusted the theme to be a mixture of black & pink, picking a pink sweater with a black stitched heart surrounded by lace that read “i’ll kill you” and a pink button down underneath. you let him wear basic black pants (just so he wouldn’t have actually killed you) and found the cutest pink sneakers with black shoelaces!
by the time both of you finished, banri didn’t seem as mad and actually nodded at your choices
“not bad, punk.” banri joked as you swatted at his arm, ignoring the way he rolled his eyes at your antics. you two made your way into opposite changing rooms and went out at the same time, staring at each other wide–eyed for about three seconds before banri pushed his finger in the center of your forehead with a smirk
“see! you don’t look as bad now.” banri winked as you nearly kicked him, rubbing your forehead with a frown. you two fought all the way to the cash register, paying for each other’s new outfits as you wore them out the door, holding your originals in a bag
“happy now? gotta go or else my friends are gonna kill me.” banri rolled his eyes, shoving his hands into his pant pockets as he was about to go the opposite way. you grabbed his sleeve, impatiently shoving your phone in his face as he adjusted to seeing his own pissed off expression stare back at him
“you have to take a picture with me!” you insisted, your bubbly demeanor really not fitting your “goth” approach (courtesy of banri, of course)
banri glared, knowing this wasn’t apart of the deal before you feigned sadness, wrapping your arms around yourself as you looked around like it was really unfortunate
“oh... are you not photogenic? that’s too bad...” you mocked him, pretending to not notice banri’s fists clench as he furrowed his eyebrows. of course he was good at taking photos! he’d show you, alright
“give me your phone.” banri demanded, taking it without a warning and holding it at a distance with an effortlessly cool pose, doing his usual smirk with a casual peace sign
“say ‘worst day ever’.” banri snapped the picture when you got into frame, putting your chin on his shoulder due to your height difference as you smiled cutely, contrasting his entire vibe
when you actually went through the selfies, they were perfect. damn it! of course he was good at everything, including somehow making black look good on you and be the ultimate photographer
“let me tag you, these are actually...” you were about to say something else until you noticed he was walking away, not bothering to say goodbye as you called his name
“yo, banri! what’s your instagram handle?” you yelled, holding your phone up. banri didn’t even look behind him, just throwing up a single middle finger towards you as he turned the corner. what a typical teenage boy
it was so like him, you didn’t even bother chasing after banri as you posted the set of photos you took with him with the caption “worst day ever with this emo punk, someone find him for me”
when banri made it the dorms, he took out his phone for the first time in forever and felt the vibrations. he never got this many notifications, itaru was probably telling him to get online or he’d beat his ass—oh
oh, you didn’t
kazunari (of course it was him) had tagged him in a familiar picture, with too many emoticons and exclamation points to begin with. banri scrolled through the comments, all complimenting his cool face despite being in pink (banri already knew that) and... wait... shipping you two?!
you two were completely different! if you two stood next to each other, you’d be two opposite ends of any spectrum possible. yet, banri couldn’t help but read all the comments on your post, saying how you two looked good together
banri zoomed in on the photo and moved to your face and huh... maybe they were onto something...
banri clicked on your profile and as expected, it was all soft like sanrio personally made it. you were an angel in each of your pictures, posing with stuffed animals, pastel café sweets, and anything that looked like it came out of a kid’s show. banri was scrolling mindlessly, screenshotting some as he slouched on the sofa, exhaling sharply through his nose at some childish pun you had in your captions
when banri was near the beginning of your feed, it had happened. he accidentally tapped too fast (blame it on his gamer hands), liking your picture from years ago
banri paused. after a minute, banri slowly unliked your picture, shut the app, and threw his phone across the room. it landed on the other couch with a thump as banri slid down the seat with the loudest groan ever, covering his face as he refrained from screaming
that’s what he got for stalking your entire fashion page despite hating your style
the damage had been done. you followed him and instantly dm–ed him with the full, unedited selfies of you two
(banri didn’t follow back until like, a month later for no reason other than he was petty)
banri became your immediate go–to fashion guru, believe it or not. moving past his horrific sense of animal print, he actually wasn’t that bad at picking clothes (banri said it was something about growing up with an older sister)
whenever you needed advice on an outfit, you sent him a text and got a response within minutes (the more he hated it, the more you wore it). any time you went to another up and coming clothing store, he was by your side (unwillingly holding your bags with multiple threats). banri even took your pics for your page, pretending like it was a huge nuisance whenever you asked anyone to take a photo (they always came out awful and he claimed he was tired of hearing you whine 24/7)
you and banri’s interest in fashion was the foundation of a competitive and sarcastic friendship that formed between you two. you exaggerated your pink clothes by making sure to be as pastel as possible whenever you hung out with him, and banri made a point to be all–black and dark down to his silver earrings despite the weather
you posted him more and more on your socials despite his style clashing with your feed. your followers seemed to love him, hyping up his coolness even if you two bullied each other in the comments like an old married couple. it was becoming expected to see banri’s account tagged every time you gave him credit for the post (he always used it against you just to make you mad)
over time, when banri went to see you, he didn’t insult your style anymore even if he tried to (his insults were even half–assed). he took your bags on his own accord and acted like they didn’t weigh a thing. he started taking more photos of you on his own phone, like it wasn’t a big deal he had shocks of pastel throughout his rather dark camera roll
banri didn’t know when it happened, but the moment he looked at the pink sweater you bought him the first time he met you and didn’t react, he knew
oh shit, he didn’t hate pink (or you) anymore. he might have even... liked it
(he might have even liked you)
it was nearly closing time, the employee about to close up shop before banri was seen sprinting towards them, barely out of breath as he skidded to a stop near the concerned worker (understandably so, since it was dark and a whole teenager nearly trampled them)
“oh? banri? what are you doing so late?” the employee recognized the regular customer and banri almost threw up at what he was about to request. he took a moment to compose himself before banri sighed, gesturing towards inside the store
“you remember that really ugly pink sailor shirt that is probably a fashion crime?” banri asked and it didn’t take long before the worker nodded, even grimancing at the memory of such a loud shirt
“yes, no one is really willing to buy it—” the employee was interrupted by a wad of money from inside banri’s wallet as he went through it, wincing at his own purchase that he clearly didn’t want
“i’ll take it. keep the change.” banri went home that day with the same pink shirt he swore he would never wear again
the next day, banri was dressed and the whole dorm went silent. no one dared breathe a word, and banri rolled his eyes, crossing his arms
“what’s wrong? never seen a man wear pink before?” banri raised his eyebrows, casually getting ready to go see you with his backpack strapped. once again, everyone was staring at him (when he left the dorms, the room burst into hysterical laughter)
when you saw banri in that shirt, you suddenly knew. it was as if his behavior made sense, this is way of telling you he didn’t hate you as much as he acted to
as he came up to you pretending like he was still cool in the most pastel pink shirt ever, you couldn’t help but grab him by the sailor collar and give him something long overdue
(the whole mankai company spammed your page with fairy cyberbully comments and likes when you posted a picture of banri in the sailor shirt with the caption: “best boyfriend ever”)
(you ended up keeping the sailor shirt, banri claimed it suited you a lot more than it did for him) (damn, not even one insult about how ugly it was when you expressed how much you loved it)
ever since, your feed became more of punk pastel than anything. anything you wore, banri most likely had in black. you two even shared jewelery and banri often mixed up your earrings with his own (you loved his piercings and often bought the most intricate ear cuffs just to see them on him)
despite your opposite styles, you guys actually shared many of your items together like clothes, accessories like bucket hats and backpacks, even make up! (it took quite some time before banri accepted you painting his nails though, at first it was black, now he allows the occassional pink middle finger if you ask)
(banri liked it the most when you two had matching nails, it was just satisfying to see when holding hands)
you guys were also that gamer couple. you know what i’m talking about, if you guys had a gaming room together, half the room would be pastel pink and his set up was a basic all black
(you two had matching cat headphone sets, yours obviously the pink ones and banri pretended to hate his own pair of ears)
(they really weren’t that bad, he even began wearing it around his boys despite the jokes)
(“shut up, bastard! my partner likes them!”)
as expected, you two got stares every time you went out in public. while you were bright and happy from the anime sparkles around you to your adorable, enthusiatic energy, banri was always by you looming over everyone with a sharp glare and even more aggressive tongue
but this was unexpected: you had banri whipped. wrapped around your finger, even if he would never admit it
(he could go one moment cursing someone out, threatening a fight before he talked to you with a quieter, more relaxed tone. of course he could start shit with you, but for some reason, his voice and demeanor automatically became nicer when he saw you)
(this meant he could never stay mad at you for too long)
an example of banri being absolutely soft for you would be the time you were about to dye your hair and he wanted in
while he was helping you equally do the style and making sure it fit your liking, you giggled at the sight of your boyfriend in the mirror, focusing intently on your hair and the two seperate dyes
“ri, have you ever thought of black hair?” you asked nonchalantly as banri brushed the dye on your hair, giving him a moment to think as he shrugged
“eh, i already dye my hair. never thought about that color.” banri responded, already too busy making sure your hair was completely covered (he was a good hair stylist even if he had never done it before)
“what do you think about matching hairstyles?”
it felt like deja vu. when banri walked into the dorms again, everyone was staring at him. except this time, it wasn’t his sweater (he was back to all–black this time), but his head
oh my god, his hair. his vibrant, half–pink and half–black hair now
“you like that person so much! you dyed your hair that shade of pink?!” practically everyone in mankai was aware banri was whipped for his one and only angel, even if it looked like he came out of hell himself just to be with you
whenever banri saw pink now, he didn’t hate it anymore, and he especially didn’t hate you
🍁🍰 hyodo juza
when juza saw you, he felt like he was on a sugar rush from how cute you were
it was another day helping the director with her grocery shopping and an extra amount of time allowed the two to visit the new bakery that opened downtown
while izumi was making small talk with the server, juza awkwardly hung behind her as he tried to not make it obvious he just wanted to eat every single dessert in the family business
as he was counting the tiles on the floor (how did they design them to look like it was made out of candy?!), a swish of a puffy skirt moved past his line of sight as juza glanced up, feeling like he had downed a whole box of those valentine’s candy hearts at once
you were a waitress, happily bringing customer orders to their tables with the cutest smile ever. you wore a mint green & brown uniform with a big bow at your dress shirt collar, floating around like a fairy with a trey at your hand and gracefully taking requests in the other. if “you are what you eat” was true, you would’ve only ate sweet foods because you were that adorable
then, juza noticed you had some really nice hair clips and thought they were super cute
when you looked up from writing something on your notepad (he noticed it was really elegant cursive), you caught his eye and it was like love at first sight for juza
for you, not so much
you had made eye contact with the most intimidating, tallest boy in the entire bakery. you nervously smiled, waving before hurrying into the kitchen, feeling his stare on your back as you hid in the break room with a sigh of relief
just your luck! you had met some guy who probably didn’t even like sweets, he looked like he wanted to fight you or something! why was he staring at you like that? you anxiously peeked your head from the door frame and went back immediately when you noticed he was looking for you
oh no, was some thug trying to fight you? in a bakery?
when izumi finished up her conversation and bought a speciality cake to go, juza obediently followed her outside as he glanced back behind the counter, trying to spot your unique hair accessories again
as the bell above his head rung, he knew he had to come back to see you and find out where you bought those dessert–themed clips
at first, it began with casual visits, pretending to survey the area after explaining his association with mankai in the most bare minimum way possible. you didn’t struggle convincing someone else to cover your shift quickly when you noticed the scary tall guy up front. then, it became ordering random things to go and hoping he’d at least see you to ask a simple question. you did everything to hide behind tables, hoping you wouldn’t have to confront the gangster
(“he’s back again?! how many more desserts can he order?” you whined, poking your eyes over the front desk to see his frame entering past the window)
for some reason, juza couldn’t stop thinking of your hair clips. they were sweets, for goodness sake! nothing had made him happier, they were so tiny and adorable, they brought him instant serotonin even if he had some tough image
(maybe you were also super cute too, and he just needed an excuse to see you)
after weeks or so of failed attempts to catch you working, juza began sitting down and eating in the bakery, much to your misfortune
“how can i avoid him now if he spends a hour here every afternoon?!” you panicked even though juza’s back was turned to you. he happily ate his food, getting distracted by the quality of the sweets to notice you were basically staring at him
“are you sure he wants something from you? he comes here every day, he seems like a nice boy.” the owner vouched in his favor after talking to the offstandish teen at the register. sure, he was a bit rough around the edges, but he was much more respectful than any of the rotten kids who came in the shop!
ugh! the baker didn’t get it, there was no way someone like that didn’t want to start something with you!
out in the dining area, it took all the sugar in his body to actually make juza ask for a very specific server in detail. when someone had brought him his strawberry milk, juza cleared his throat with an awkward attempt at a smile (it looked more like a grimance than anything)
“uh... do you know if, a server with candy hair pins is here?” juza murmured, looking down at the table with an embarrassed blush as the waiter didn’t think anything of it, calling your name without another warning. you squeaked, dropping behind the counter as juza tilted his head in confusion
(why were you hiding? was there something wrong? what happened? juza thought, unaware he was actually the problem)
when you heard a series of footsteps stop near you, you hesitantly looked up from your crouching position and saw juza staring down at you with a concerned expression. his eyebrows were furrowed and he had his hand out
you took his hand and closed your eyes, fearing for your life. was he gonna yank you to your feet? push you over? trip you so you’d fall for real? you weren’t ready for a fight!
yet, none of that happened. juza gently lifted you up and made sure you were fine by observing your outfit to see if anything was wrinkled, muttering something about being careful and staying safe
you blinked, trying to process how incredibly wrong you were. juza was perhaps the nicest customer you had met in your entire career as a server, even taking the time to actually confirm you were okay with no ill intentions whatsoever
(suddenly, you remembered all the times you actively avoided juza and felt the guilt as he nodded at you, unintentionally lowering his height so he’d seem more approachable)
“sorry to bother you, but uh...” juza trailed off, trying to figure out how to phrase his next sentence. before you could respond, his hand landed on your hair and a beat of silence passed between you two
“cute.” juza forced out, and wanted to slap himself. cute?! no, say cute hair clips, ask where you got them! juza was internally panicking and you were doing the same as you looked up at him with wide eyes
it was so awkward and humiliating, juza couldn’t pull his hand away because his whole body was on shutdown. oh god, what could he do now? this was possibly the worst first impression in human history
“i’m cute?” you warily asked, staring at him with a slightly amused expression as juza blanked. you felt his hand subtly shake as it was your turn to be concerned over how red his face was
“no—i mean, yes, but, not like that! i mean...” juza finally lifted his fingers to poke at your hair decorations and you let out a sound of understanding, pointing at your own clips
“oh? you mean these?” you asked and juza nodded, like he was extremely thankful you understood him. he pushed his hands behind his back, nervously leaning back and forth on his feet as he looked away like the cupcake display was the most interesting thing in the world (it probably was)
“where did you, uh, get them?” juza quietly questioned and you giggled, patting them proudly as you stood a little bit taller from the unintentional praise
“i made them! thank you for asking!” you smiled, about to move away before juza accidentally held onto your arm, releasing his hold when he saw your shock. he definitely needed to learn how to be more socially acceptable one of these days or else he was gonna get in big trouble
“can i commission you?” juza muttered and there began your friendship with the big tough delinquent juza who really adored small, cute things (like yourself!)
any time juza was particularly fascinated with a dessert on display, you would show him a sketch sample of accessories you could make based on his favorites. surprisingly, juza was very comfortable with expressing his love for sugar because you felt the same way!
every day when juza came to visit the bakery, he’d always have something new to say about your homemade accessories and seemed fascinated by your adorable fashion sense
(he had been particularly obsessed with these dangly earrings you made that looked like little dango sticks. it was like a child had been playing with your ears the entire time)
it was about a month later when you made the final designs of the hair clips juza ordered and you knew they were your best work yet
you had multiple favorite desserts and fruits of his molded in clay or shaped in resin on a various sizes of clips and pins. you decorated them with the sole goal in mind to see how pretty they would look against juza’s dark purple hair
this would be the first time you two met out of the bakery, so when juza came and saw you didn’t look any different (hair accessories and all), he thought you were so sweet
juza’s entire face practically lit up when you presented him the clips. foods like ice creams, lollipops, and popsicles were all accessible for him as he struggled to find the words to show his appreciation for your work
you two sat on a bench in the park as juza gently took the clips, turning them carefully (you looked down and almost laughed at how tiny they looked in his hands)
when you asked for a model picture for your business page, juza’s shaky hands were clearly untrained in the art of hair clips as he put one in an awkward position and tried to look up to see what it looked like
“uh... i’m not very good at this.” juza admitted, embarrassed as he stared at his feet. it didn’t take you long to take over, moving closer to giddily pin juza’s hair back
(it was soft, you were almost jealous of how everything about him was the embodiment of “gentle giant”)
“it’s okay! here, let me.” you insisted and juza gratefully passed you your work, staring at everything but you as his cheeks became even redder. you were so close and leaning over him, trying to put them in cute positions as your fingers ran through his hair
(juza felt like the first time he saw you; like he was on a sugar rush as he noticed how nimble your fingers were on him)
when you were done and leaned back with admiration, juza looked at you with a small smile as he reached up to touch the designs you put in his hair, feeling the handmade pins against his calloused fingers
“cute~” you lifted your phone up, about to take a picture. juza didn’t know why, but he covered the camera with his palm as he lowered it, looking at you with the same focus he had everytime he saw you
“you’re cute.” juza froze. oh gosh, did he actually just confess that?! you were surprised, feeling his hand over yours. yet, you didn’t want to pull away. in fact, you wish your phone was out of the way so you could completely hold his hand
“you’re cute, too.” you responded, using your other hand to brush the loose strands of hair back from his face as you smiled
when juza came back to the dorms with the cutest, most pastel, childish hair clips, no one had time to say a word as he ran to his room and threw himself onto his bed. juza rolled onto his back, placing both his hands on his hair and putting them in front of his face as if he couldn’t believe it
he just held your hand! he was your boyfriend now! you liked him even if he was the complete opposite of you! juza silently shoved his pillow over his face, kicking the air uselessly
as your boyfriend, you and juza had much more in common than you thought. juza loved your cute sense of style, always trying his best to compliment your aesthetic by wearing more of your hair accessories and modeling for your page (apparently, he had the perfect hair color for it)
(he even let you put his hair down for certain posts, his usually slicked–back hair laying flat against his forehead as he didn’t look at you, his head turned as he blushed. “it’s not that bad, right?” he’d ask and you always complimented him no matter what)
although juza kept his rather grunge neutral look, he admired the way you were so bright and liked calling you dessert–related endearments just because you were the embodiment of sweets. he 100% thought you were the most adorable thing in his life and had to be made of pure sugar
in order to support your style, juza liked coordinating his clips with yours. he’d text you the night prior just to gain insight on what type of look you were going for and come to your bakery with something similar (even if your coworkers liked poking fun at his serious, stoic face that only changed around you)
he also came in with a new phonecase and you nearly fainted from how cute he was. he had a case that had those little squishes on them, he admitted he liked feeling them whenever he got a little anxious (it was such a cute habit, you had bought him a whole stock and it was like a little kid on christmas morning)
(you also made earrings out of a pair, he would not stop touching them)
whenever he noticed kids staring, juza never failed to advertise your business like his life depended on it. yes, your customer base actually did grow, somehow thanks to your most unlikely model yet
however, juza wasn’t the only one who had adjusted his style, you did too!
you two actually had had matching letterman jackets, yours in pink & white with a “j” in large letters and his black & grey with your first name initial as well. sometimes, you guys even switched just for the fun of it
you even got to wear his usual “10” purple jacket every now and then, even though he never said anything about liking you in his clothes. he’d just casually leave it around your place, acting like you wouldn’t notice the dark outerlayer in your mass of pastels
as you two were dating, juza wanted to be the best boyfriend possible for you as he wondered what to get you for your anniversary coming up. as juza subconsciously rubbed his clips with a thoughtful look, he suddenly had a lightbulb moment
that’s it! he should make you something in return
when you began seeing juza less and less around the bakery, you were nervous as what he was up to. juza barely hid anything from you since he was such a poor liar, so it was clear when he avoided talking about what he did after school now
in reality, juza was becoming frustrated with how big his hands were. every time he tried to make something, he was too forceful and caused the line to snap. the amount of beads he had lost at this point was laughable as juza tried to not knock over the bracelet–making kit on the table
(it took yuki coming by and taking pity on his crouched over form for him to go somewhere, muttering to himself about how he needed this to be perfect or else he’d die)
(juza always had a strong respect for jewelery makers, but it increased much more once he realized how clumsy and small his attenton span was)
just when you thought juza had forgotten your anniversary coming up, he randomly texted you out of no where asking if you were free. you looked at your shift and agreed, knowing you needed a break and not questioning a thing
when you walked out of the bakery, juza was already there with a small bag, his foot tapping against the sidewalk. before you could even ask how he’d been, he shoved it into your hand with an embarrassed blush (he was so nervous, he swore his heart skipped a beat)
“happy anniversary.” juza mumbled when you opened the small mesh, drawstring bag with a gasp. you slowly pulled out the beaded bracelet with a shocked look, seeing multiple silver dessert–themed pieces hang. there were mainly purple and black beads with four white blocks spelling out “juza”
juza showed you his wrist and he was wearing a beaded bracelet in a similar style, except his was your aesthetic with various pastel shades and your name on his string ending with a cute heart
you teared up and juza winced, rubbing the back of his neck as awkwardly looked away
“that bad, huh?” before juza could die of embarrassment, you shook your head and pulled him into a hug, surprising him when you stood on your tippy–toes to give him a kiss on the cheek
“i love it, this is the sweetest gift ever.”
“only for you.”
when juza slipped the bracelet onto your wrist, you knew you were never gonna take it off
who knew the scary, intimidating boy from the bakery was the sweetest person alive?
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Too Loose And You’ll Lose It
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Chapter 5: Bread Cat Power Pack Co-written with @icanfeelastormbrewing​
Summary: Jake and Stella patch up their friendship, but Evan isn’t particularly happy about it.
Warnings: Bad Language words.
Pairing: Jake Jensen x OFC Stella Stevenson.
A/N:  We KNOW this is a slow burn but we promise things are going to heat up soon!!!
TLAYLI Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 4 Part 2
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Stella stood at the trunk of the CIA issued Sedan, grimacing. It was the middle of January, cold and snowy, and she had a few bags of shopping to get back into her apartment. She was trying to figure out if she could make it upstairs with all of it at once, to prevent having to come back down, but was failing to see how it was possible.
“Needs some help?” a familiar voice asked and she turned to see Jake coming towards her, still in his uniform, his heavy boots leaving prints in the light, powdery dusting of fresh snow.
She smiled “Yeah, actually. You can grab a couple of these, save me coming back down.”
Jake looked in the trunk and scoffed “You stocking for winter, Stel?” he asked as he grabbed three of the bags.
She snorted “I literally have nothing in my cupboards.” She picked up the remaining two, locked the car and followed him to the main doors of the Condo building. “I’ve not really been here over the last two weeks so…” “I guess you’ve been spending time at your boyfriend’s huh?” Jake asked, his voice neutral as Stella managed to open the door.
“His name is Evan.” She rolled her eyes “And yeah, you could say that.”
Jake remained quiet as they strode to the elevator. Stella called it down and once the doors pinged open, they stepped inside and Jake placed the bags he was carrying down at his feet.
“So, I haven’t seen you since New Year.” Stella looked at him “How’s stuff going? You and Britney good?” “Yeah, erm, about that…” Jake cleared his throat a little as he selected their floor.
As the doors shut, Stella turned to look at him, frowning “Is there something wrong or…”
“That depends on who you ask.” Jake mused “If you ask her then yeah.  She’ll probably tell you I’m a…what were her exact words? Oh right, a fucking asshole”
“What did you do?” Stella sighed and Jake grimaced, rubbing the back of his neck.
“I dumped her.”
Stella raised her eyebrows “Well speaking from experience, I can kinda see why she might be a little upset.”
Jake looked at her for a moment, deciding whether or not to respond to her little dig but in the end he didn’t get chance as the elevator stopped and opened on their floor. Jake picked up his bags and followed her across to her apartment. She set the bags she was carrying down, grabbed her key and the door swung open. Jake stepped in after her, nudging the door shut with his foot and instantly that familiar smell of vanilla, fresh laundry and the light tones of her perfume hit his senses. He hadn’t been in here for months. They made their way through to the little kitchen and she flipped on the lights, Jake dropping the bags onto the side.
“So are you ok about the pair of you being over or…” Stella turned to face him and Jake wrinkled his nose.
“Well, I wasn’t that into her. I mean, she was just…” he stopped and shrugged a little “I’m all right, yeah.”
Stella snorted, shaking her head “Wow.”
“Had to be honest with her.”
At that Stella couldn’t help the scoff that escaped her throat “That’s a first”
“Wow, that’s the second dig in the last 2 minutes.” Jake arched an eyebrow and Stella inwardly cursed herself. He’d done nothing to deserve either of the shots she’d taken, especially after he was being nothing but helpful
“Sorry, that was uncalled for.”
“Was it?” he asked.
There was a moment’s pause before they both spoke at the same time.
“Look, Jake, I don’t wanna…”
“I miss you Stel…you know, us hanging out.
The last bit of Jake’s sentence was added hastily and Stella took a deep breath.
“You’ve been a jerk to me recently, JJ”
“I know I fucked it all up.” He continued pleading his case “But I love you Stel, as friends, ya know?”
She studied him for a moment, and Jake held his breath before her eyes softened, the way they always did when she was coming round, and he exhaled slowly.
“Guess I miss you too.” She said quietly.
At her words Jake’s face split into a grin. “You guess or…”
“Don’t push it.”
He laughed, and on a roll he decided to see how far he could edge his luck. “I don’t suppose you’re free tonight, maybe grab a pizza, I got beer.”
Stella felt her face fall “Sorry JJ, Ev’s coming over.” and as she spoke she realised she actually was sorry. For a split second she considered calling Ev and cancelling, which in itself confused her. Why was she even thinking that? And then she realised, it was because she missed Jake. Despite everything, they’d been through too much for her not to care for him.
Jake nodded, “Okay, well, maybe another night?”
Stella blinked, she’d been expecting some sarcastic quip about Evan but none had come, which surprised her a little. That said, she smiled and nodded “Yeah I’d like that.”
Jake nodded “Right, I’ll err…let you unpack all that then and see you later I guess.”
“Yeah, great. Oh, and thanks.” She smiled “For helping me.”
“Well, you know me, I’m not one to leave a damsel in distress.” He winked. “I’ll see myself out.”
He made his way out of the apartment, closing her door behind him, taking a deep breath as he headed over the landing. Despite the setback about the pizza and beer, he felt good. The air was clearer, it was good progress, easy easy catch a monkey and all that.
He fished in his pocket for his keys and just as he was opening his door he heard hers open behind him.
“Look, I got a little while.” Stella spoke “I was gonna bake some cookies, you wanna help?”
Jensen allowed himself a grin before he turned to face her “You miss me already?”
“Don’t push it asswipe.” She shot back and he laughed.
“Gonna make extra dough so I can eat it?”
She rolled her eyes “Yes, dur.”
“Ok, gimme ten to change and I’ll come over.”
“Use your key.” She nodded, before she pulled her head back in her apartment and shut the door.
Jensen gave a little fist pump of victory as he stepped inside his hallway, smirking to himself “Operation Petunia is a go…”
**** After a quick shower, Jensen changed into a pair of grey sweats, a plain navy blue t-shirt and headed over the hall in his socks. As instructed, he let himself in and walked through to the kitchen, the sound of the radio growing louder as he went. He stopped in the doorway and watched as Stella stood with her back to him, dressed in a pair of leggings and an oversized white- slouchy vest top with a tighter cami underneath, rifling in a cupboard. He felt a sudden, nostalgic pang for the times she used to dress casually like that around their student quarters or back at home when they were slobbed in front of the TV at her Ma’s or his Parents. With a little breath, he coughed and she turned to face him, smiling before she nodded to the fridge.
“Make yourself useful and grab us a coupla’ beers will ya?”
He saluted her and she gave a snort as he headed to the fridge and pulled it open, giving a groan as he spotted the Sam Adams. Grabbing two, he popped the tops before he handed her one. She thanked him and continued pulling the ingredients she needed out of the cupboards, the pair of them falling into an easy, but still careful conversation. Stella cursed as she mumbled something about her digital scales running out of batteries and then retrieved the old faithful analogue ones.
“Why is it, when you need something, that’s always the time it’s gonna end up nor working?” she grumbled, setting the dial to zero carefully.
“One of life’s many mysteries Stel.” Jake said wisely as she began to measure the flour out. “Along with why cats always fall on their feet, snidey little bastards.”
Stella snorted, “Or why buttered bread always lands butter down when you drop it? Although I think there’s a scientific explanation to that.”
“There is.” Jake nodded, taking a drink from his beer “When the bread falls out of your hand, it does so at an angle, see, by nature of it having slipped from its previous position, and it rotates.” Jensen twisted his hand in the air to demonstrate his point “Given that it’s normally dropped from a hand or a table, which is like two feet or so, there’s enough time for the toast to rotate about one-half of a turn and thus it lands upside down relative to its original position and oh my God, I’ve just had a brainwave!” he trailed off, grinning
Stella looked at him, her mouth dropping open “What, hang on, back up!”
“No, listen. I just said a cat always lands on its feet right?”
Yeah.” Stella looked at him.
“And you said that bread with butter always falls butter side down?”
Stella’s eyes squinted in confusion. “Jake, what the fuck are you…”
“Just hear me out.” he looked at her as he placed his beer bottle on the side behind him. “If…” both his hands flew up, pointers extended, the bottom of his t-shirt riding up slightly as he did so “If you fastened bread with butter to a cat’s back, then the Cat will keep turning and never fall on the ground.”
Stella blinked and simply looked at him, the way she always did when he was being utterly ridiculous.
“And then, if I attached the bread cat to a generator…” he grinned and held his hands out by his sides, palms open facing upwards “Infinite energy.”
There was a pause before Stella bust out laughing.
“That is the dumbest thing I ever heard!” she shook her head “And that’s saying something coming from you!”
“You won’t be laughing when I’m a millionaire.” Jensen said sagely. “Bread Cat Power Pack, copyright Jacob Calvin Jensen.”
“The only way you’ll ever become a millionaire is if they give you a dollar every time someone laughs at your stupid, shit ideas.” She shook her head, her hands falling to her hips.
“Laugh all you want Stelly, but I’m planning on buying a yellow hummer with the profits.”
Stella paused. That was the first time he’d called her Stelly in…well, she couldn’t actually remember. But it felt nice. This whole scenario felt nice in fact, the pair of them, just hanging out. Just like old times, before it all went to shit.
She smiled “What is it with you and hummers?”
“I just like them.”
“They’re vile, JJ.”
“No, they aren’t. They’re classy.” He picked his beer back up.
“Classy.” Stella snorted and Jake pointed his bottle towards her.
“You never could appreciate the finer things in life.” he sighed dramatically.
“Considering I appreciated you for years that’s a dumbass thing to say.” she arched an eyebrow at him
“Aww you sayin’ I’m a finer thing, Stel?” he teased and she rolled her eyes, ignoring him.
“Why yellow?”
“Why not?” he popped a shoulder at her question before he grinned “It matches my sunny disposition.”
At that Stella gave another snort “God, Jake!”
Jensen simply grinned back and Stella watched him for a second, noticing how relaxed he seemed. Every time she’d seen him over the past month or so he’d been tense. But today, gone was the unusual sulky demeanour he’d embodied recently and he wasn’t snapping or being mean. He was simply being Jake. The Jake she adored.
“Hey, Stel?” Jake asked, dragging her from her thoughts. “Reckon we can make these cookies in the shape of Hummers?”
“Do you have a Hummer shaped cookie cutter?” she asked, turning her attention back to the job in hand, tossing the ingredients into the mixing bowl.
“No.” Jensen wrinkled his nose “Why would I have one of those?”
“Then that’s your answer.”
“Buzz kill.” He muttered, fighting to keep the smirk of his face as he knew exactly what effect those words would have on her. She hated it when he insinuated she was no fun.
“Buzz kill?” she turned to look at him.
“Fuck you.” She retorted, and Jake gave a splutter as a handful of flour hit him straight in the face, going right up his nostrils and into his mouth.
He blinked, looked at Stella before he shook his head "Oh, Stel, it's on..." he smirked before he moved towards her and she gave a shriek as he easily manhandled her out of the way and grabbed the flour she was trying to move out of his reach. The kitchen filled with yells and laughter as handful after handful went flying around into faces, hair, just about any visible body part and suddenly they were jerked from their little flour war when a clearing of a throat could be heard. Both of them turned to see Evan standing in the kitchen door, a bouquet of bright flowers in one hand and a bottle of something in the other.
"How the fuck did you get in?” Jensen blurted out before he could stop himself and Stella punched him on the arm “Ow, Stell, shit!”
“Don’t be rude.” She glared at him.
“For your information,” Evan stated as he walked into the kitchen “, not that it’s any of your business, but Stel gave me the spare key.”
“Huh.” Jake looked at him before he grinned “I got one of those too.”
Evan looked at him, his eyes squinted slightly “Good for you.”
“Yeah, it is!” Jake continued, the grin still stood on his face.
The two men remained staring at one another, Jake covered head to toe in flour as Stella gave a little groan but before she could tell the pair of them to behave, Evan spoke.
“What’s all this mess?” he asked, nodding to the flour all over the room.
“Oh, we had a mission where we seized over Forty kilos of cocaine.” Jake spoke, his voice deadly serious “I thought I'd bring it round for a good time.”
At that point Stella gave a snort of laughter, nudging Jake hard on the arm, the pair of them giggling again before she spotted the look on Evan’s face. His features were completely serious and there was a flash of anger in his eyes. So she coughed and shook her head.
“I was trying to bake some cookies and Jakey was helping me, sort of.” She shrugged “He’s more of a pain in the ass than a help, mind.”
She didn’t miss the way Evan cringed when she called Jensen ‘Jakey’ but before she could say anything Jensen grumbled.
“Well you are. You're a monumental pain in the ass” Stella rolled her eyes.
“Yeah but you love me Stel” Jake winked and Stella arched an eyebrow, folding her arms in cloud of flour.
“Jury's out”
“You know…” Evan spoke, his tone sarcastic as he set the bottle he was carrying on the kitchen side “..if i'm interrupting something I can leave.”
“Easy man! But yeah-“ Jensen flashed his trademark grin “You just interrupted us.”
Stella slapped him round the back of the head. “No, you didn’t.”
“Stop hitting me!” Jensen rubbed the place where her palm had connected.
“Well stop being a jerk!”
He turned to face her and sarcastic quip he had prepared died as he saw that she was no longer grinning at him.
“Shouldn’t you go and get cleaned?” Evan spoke and Jake looked at him, wrinkling his nose.
“I kinda like being dirty.”
Stella groaned again as she wiped her face and hands free from flour and then nodded to the bouquet Evan had in his hands “Are they for me?”
“No, I bought them for Jensen.” He dead panned with a roll of his eyes, before his handsome face split into a grin. “Course they're for you baby.”
Jensen watched as Stella smiled broadly and he took in the bunch of brightly coloured gerberas and roses, frowning a little. And then, once more he just couldn’t help but stir the pot at little bit more.
“Oh man. She hasn’t told you about her favourites, hasn’t she?” he nodded to the flowers. Evan frowned and Stella wheeled round to glare at Jake.
“Seriously Jake, shut up.”
“You should have brought her petunias.” Jensen sighed, his hands on his hips as she shook his head with the manner of a father disappointed at his child.
“Yeah, see you're talking but all I'm hearing is noise.” Evan rolled his eyes as Stella reached for the bouquet.
“I’ll put them in a vase. Thanks baby, they’re gorgeous” she beamed at him.
Jake couldn’t help but roll his eyes at the smug look on Evan’s face, most likely cos she just called him baby in front of him. But seriously, what kind of dick boyfriend doesn’t know what his girl’s favourite flowers are?
Evan then picked up the bottle he'd set on the side with a flourish and spun it so the label was facing Stella "I also saw this at one of the stalls at the market and it made me think of you."
Stella looked at him, not understanding for a moment, before she read the label and her eyes opened wide.
“Pumpkin spiced gin…oh my god!” she laughed, taking it from him.
Evan grinned “Now you can make alcoholic lattes.”
“Or just drink it neat over ice.” She smiled at him “I bet this tastes amazing.”
At that Evan smirked and when he spoke again his voice dropped an octave “Probably not as good as you but we’ll give it a go.”
At that Stella flushed and Jake gave an audible groan and then immediately wished he hadn’t as he’d given the dickhead everything he wanted. Evan turned to him with a maddeningly smug look on his face “Still here Jensen? Thought you were going.”
“You wish.” Jake mumbled, but thankfully neither of them heard him as Stella was studying the bottle label to try and hide her embarrassment. He took a deep breath, he knew he had to be careful not to make Stella pissed at him again. So, in a rare self-aware moment, he cleared his throat and spoke a little louder “Well as riveting as chatting with you is, Ev, you're right. I got stuff to do, you know, places to go, people to see..."
“Yeah, sure you do.” Evan replied flippantly “Tell Britney I said hi.”
“Ev, don’t.” Stella shook her head and Evan frowned, turning to her.
“What, I’m not…”
“It’s ok Stelly, he didn't know.” Jensen hid the little smile that was threatening to creep onto his lips at the flinch Evan had made when he used Stella’s old nickname and he gave a shrug. “We broke up.”
“You broke up?” Evan repeated, his face blank. “I’m sorry man.”
“Don’t be.” Jake waved a hand. “Actually it was me who broke it off.”
“Well, still, you must be a little bit...upset, I suppose?”
“Nope.” Jake shook his head “What's got 2 thumbs and is free, single and ready to mingle?” he jerked his thumbs at himself. “This guy"
With that he pat Evan on his shoulder “See ya later.” and he made his way out of Stella’s apartment, closing door behind him. Once it was shoot he paused and took a deep breath.
Fuck that guy.
Up until him turning up they’d been having a great time, simply messing around in the kitchen like they used to. Mind you, it had been a good afternoon, the pair of them were back on even terms, so all in all…yeah, Jensen felt buoyed. With a little spring in his step he headed over the hall back to his apartment and straight to the fridge for a beer. As he popped the lid his phone pinged with a message from Pooch. He, Cougs and Roque were heading out for a few beers and Jake’s presence was apparently “not required but welcome.” Jensen smiled, he was in a good mood so, yeah, drinks!
He showered again to get rid of the flour, changed into a pair of jeans and a casual black sweater before he shrugged on his warm SuperDry coat and headed back out. As he passed Stella’s door on the way to the elevator he could hear her raised voice and instantly he felt his skin prickle. His Jakey Sense as Stella had jokingly dubbed it was tingling. He paused and moved closed to the doors and could hear her and Evan were arguing.
He shouldn’t listen, he knew that, but they were being so loud it was impossible not to. Plus, when all’s said and done he was also a nosey bastard.
“For fucks sake, Ev! You've been fine for the last twenty minutes, why are you brining this up now?”
“All I said was I wish you'd told me about the flowers! I've bought you bouquets before and you never mentioned petunias.”
Jake smirked a little as Stella groaned.
“It’s really not that big a deal!”
“Well apparently it is according to Jensen!” Evan shot back.
“So that's what this is about. It isn't the flowers at all is it? It's Jake” Stella responded, her voice agitated and Jake could completely picture her stood there, arms folded, glaring up at him. He’d seen it often enough himself.
“And what if it is?” Evan’s voice was equally as loud.
“Oh for fucks sake...he's my friend, my best friend.”
“And your EX, Stella!”
“Carry on this way and you will be as well!” Stella shot back and at that Jake felt his smirk grow even wider.  
“Way to go Stel…” he mumbled to himself.
“What do you mean?” Evan’s voice was louder still “You hang out with your ex and I’m the problem?”
“No, the problem is you being all pissy about something that isn't really a big issue. Jake and I...” Stella sighed, “We have history, a lot of history. Even before we dated we were friends and it's been so shit recently when we haven't been talking and...” her voice was gathering in speed and Jensen could tell she was starting to get upset. He had heard it and seen it a thousand times before.
“And why do you think that is, Stel?” Evan’s voice was now quiet, but the tone was cold and threatening, and Jensen took a deep breath. He didn’t like the way this was going. “Come on, you can’t be that oblivious.” Stella didn’t reply, and Evan continued “See, you know I'm right. You were on bad terms because he was a jealous asshole, you said it yourself with the way he behaved when we had our first date in the coffee shop. And everyone knows he was only dating that Britney bint to try and piss you off. Even your own sister said that.”
Jensen could feel himself getting hot with anger at the way the bastard was using Rey against Stella, despite the fact Evan was completely right. As much as Jensen had denied it at the time, that was totally why he ended up with Brit. Call it a rebound, a stubborn attempt to prove to himself he didn’t need Stella, whatever. The core of it was always down to her.
“Huh, he aint actually as stupid as he looks.” Jensen muttered to himself.
“He wasn’t jealous.” Stella responded, her voice quiet “How could he be when he dumped me? Twice.”
At that Jensen bowed her head, the hurt in her voice was evident.
“Who knows what goes through his head or why he did that, I've no idea, but if you think he's over you then you're mistaken. And I don’t like it, Stella, not one bit.” Evan took a deep breath “I think you should stay away from him.”
Jensen felt his mouth drop open a little and he blinked, had he seriously just told her that? He waited with baited breath for Stella’s reply, which came a second or so later, in a tone he knew only too well, she’d had enough.
“You know what, I’m not in the mood for going out tonight.”
“Okay, well, let’s stay in then.” Evan’s tone suddenly flipped to the doting boyfriend again and Jensen frowned once more. This guy was unreal. “I can cook us something”
“Dumb bastard, take the hint.” Jensen grumbled as Stella audibly sighed. He could picture her, running her hand through her hair, pressing the heel of her palm to the space between her eyes.
“I need to get cleaned up and then sort out this mess.” She replied “I think it’s better if you go home.”
“Seriously?” Evan spoke with disbelief “You’re actually telling me to go?”
There was a pause “Fine.” Evan responded “I’ll leave you to it. You and Jensen can finish whatever it was you were doing.”
“We were making cookies.”
“Whatever, Stella. If you’re more interested in defending him than having dinner with me then, that’s you’re call.”
And then Jensen realised he needed to disappear before Evan came out and found him. He hastily made his way back to his apartment, and had just gotten inside when Stella’s door was wrenched open. So as not to attract attention to himself with the sound of the lock clicking, Jensen didn’t quite close his fully and stayed waiting for Evan to disappear. To Jensen’s horror he paused, looking directly at his door, before he looked back at Stella’s and then made his way to the elevator. After what seemed like an age it arrived and he stepped into it, the door pinging shut behind him.
Jensen felt bad, he really did. He hadn’t wanted Stella to be upset. But more over he felt uneasy. The way Evan had spoken to her, and directed the blame straight back onto her and then told her to stay away from him was  manipulative, controlling almost.
And he didn’t like it one bit.
“Jensen, what’s with you man?” Roque asked, placing his empty bottle on the table. “You’re being uncharacteristically non-annoying tonight.”
Jensen rolled his eyes, “Nothing, I’m fine.”
He felt Pooch’s eyes on him and purposely ignored him, looking around the bar at anything and everything. His eyes fell momentarily on a table of girls some four or so down from theirs one of them bore a fleeting resemblance to Stella actually and he hastily looked away, glancing down at his beer. He necked the rest and set the empty bottle down.
“My round.” Pooch nodded as he stood up, his hand falling onto Jensen’s shoulder “Give me a hand man?”
“Sure.” Jake stood up and followed him to the bar, passing the table of girls as they went.
“The brunette is giving you the eye.” Pooch nudged him. Jensen looked at him.
“Okay, out with it.” Pooch demanded as they reached the bar “What’s wrong Jensen, and don’t tell me everything is fine coz I know you, and you’re not being you. You’ve been positively pleasant all evening and now when some chick is giving you the eye you don’t even notice?”
Jensen sighed, “I’m just a bit worried about Stel, man”
“Arty?” Pooch frowned, “What’s wrong with her? Is she ok? I though Evan was coming over to hers tonight?”
“He did. They had an argument, he left.” Jensen shrugged.
“They had an argum-wait? How do you know? Did she tell you? Coz I thought you weren’t on particularly good terms.”
“We sorted stuff out.” Jensen shook his head
“You were listening weren’t you?” Pooch rolled his eyes.
“That’s not the point.” Jensen shook his head and Pooch groaned having been given all the confirmation he needed “The point is what he said. And how he said it. He was angry, Pooch.”
“Everyone gets angry when they argue.”
“Yeah but he…I dunno, I don’t trust him.”
“Oh come on Jensen. Stop it. Enough with that shit. Stel is with him and she’s happy, face it.”
“He told her that he thinks she should stay away from me.” Jensen looked at Pooch. “Does that not strike you as, well, controlling?”
Pooch looked at Jensen and could see on his face that he was genuinely concerned.
“Ok, start from the top.” Pooch instructed, so Jensen did, explaining and Pooch took a deep breath “So now you’re worried he could be manipulating her?”
“I'm worried he’s not everything he’s cracked up to be.” Jensen replied after a short pause “And that she could end up hurt. And I don’t mean merely emotionally.”
“Woah, man that’s…that’s a big leap.” Pooch looked at him, before he turned to the bar tender and ordered their round, before looking back at him. “From being a little narky and, ok, possibly maybe slightly overbearing to being a fuckin’ woman beater.”
“Maybe.” Jensen sighed, “But isn’t it always the one’s you don’t expect to do it that do?”
At that Pooch was forced to accept Jensen made a good point and he bit his lip, cocking his head to once side. “Ok, suppose you heard right and the guy’s dodgy so to speak. What you wanna do about it?”
“I suppose I could do some digging.” Jensen mused “See if I can find any of his old girlfriends out there, see what they have to say.”
“Oh god, I don’t think I like where this is going.” Pooch groaned.
Jensen sighed, “I honestly have no idea Pooch. My gut was to tell Stella that I was concerned but knowing her she'll just accuse me of being a dick and it would just make it look like he was right about me.”
“Which he is.” Pooch snorted “You are jealous.”
“Yeah, well that's maybe but I'm being serious here Pooch. I don't trust the guy, and if she ends up hurt when I could have done something to stop it I'll never forgive myself.”
Pooch bit the inside of his cheek as he looked at Jensen, he could see the worry etched into every line on his friend’s face. With a loud sigh he shook his head, “Listen man, whatever you want to do I have your back. Wanna go all CSI on the guy? Then count me in. But do you and the rest of us for that matter a favour and admit to your feelings for her once and for all and do something about it or leave her be.”
Jensen snorted “You been talking to Clay, Pooch?”
“What? No.” Pooch handed over his card to pay for the round. “Why would you think that?”
“He just said something similar at New Years. That's all.” Jensen took a deep breath “This would never have happened if I hadn't been such an asshole.”
“That’s an understatement.”
“Not helping Pooch.”
“Listen man, we don’t need to talk to one another to see you have strong feelings for her. We all know that and we all have been putting up with your stupid ass decisions.”
“Still not helping Pooch.”
“Ok Jensen.” Pooch shrugged, taking his card back off the man behind the bar with a thanks. “You could always try actually talking to him? You never know, he might be genuinely-“
“Are you nuts? The guy hates me!” Jensen practically exploded “And suppose I am right, which I may not be, I know, it happens occasionally.” He shrugged as Pooch rolled his eyes “Not only do I tip him off I’m onto him, he’ll rush to tell Stel as soon as I turn my back. Make it seem I’m harassing him.”
“So instead you wanna track his old girlfriend’s down and go poking into his past?”
Jake flashed his signature grin.
“Coz thats not harassing him. At all.” Pooch rolled his eyes.
“It’s not if he doesn’t know I’m harassing him.” Jake shrugged and Pooch let out an exasperated moan of a laugh. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
“I already told you Jensen. Whatever you want man. Just...oh, I dunno, try not to fuck it up with your usual chaotic dumbassery.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about…” Jensen shrugged as he picked up 2 of the bottles from the bar.
“Sure you don’t.”
Two more beers later and Jensen called it a night and headed home, he wasn’t in the mood all things considered. Kicking off his sneakers he plopped down on the couch and reached for the remote, flipping through the channels. But it was no good, he couldn’t concentrate. His mind was working overtime as he was trying to figure out what exactly he was going to do. It was frustrating, because normally he’d just talk to Stella, they never had secrets but this was completely out of the question, and that frustrated the fuck out of him.
His rambling thoughts were interrupted by a knock on his door. Frowning, because that meant that either someone had gotten into the building or it was a resident, he stood up and made his way over to the door. He pulled it open and gave a little blink as he saw Stella stood there in a large, oversized sweater, leggings and thick socks, her hair pulled on top of her head in a messy bun, a batch of cookies in her hands.
“Oh, hey Stel.” He said, surprise evident in his voice “Come on in.”
She smiled as she stepped into his flat. “I thought you’d be out all night because Pooch said you were all out for drinks this evening. But I heard you come in so I came to bring you some cookies. After all you helped me with them, well, sort of.”
“Thanks Sel.” He smiled, genuinely as he took them from her “You want a drink or…”
“No, I’m good thanks.”
“Ok, well, go through, be with you in a second. I’ll just put these bad boys away.”
She nodded and turned, heading towards the lounge as Jensen made his way quickly into the kitchen and deposited the cookies in the tin, grabbing one as he did so. God they tasted just as good as they always did. He grabbed the empty container and headed into the lounge where Stella was sat on the couch and she smiled as he handed it to her.
“You ok?” he asked and she looked at him, nodding but Jensen could tell she wasn’t so he decided to call her out, see if she’d open up to him.
“You know, I've known you too long. You can't lie to me.”
She sighed.
“What’s bothering you, Stel?” he pressed as he sat next to her keeping a respectful distance of one seat cushion between them.
“Me and Ev, we err...had an argument before. Kind of a big one”
“How big?” Jensen asked, all the time knowing he had to play it cool or she would know he overheard.
“I… “ she fiddled with the sleeves of her sweater a little before she snorted “I sent him home big”
“Can I ask what you argued about? I mean if you sent him home it must have been pretty serious.”
Stella looked at him, clearly debating whether or not to tell him and then she sighed “He wanted to go out, I didn't. It spiralled from there.”
Jake took a deep breath as Stella looked at him having just told him a barefaced lie. What killed him the most was he knew she was doing it to spare his feelings, and he didn’t think he’d ever wanted to kiss her more. But he couldn’t, so instead he gave her a small nod and what he hoped was a sympathetic smile.
“Look, I'm sorry if any of it was my fault. And I'm sure you'll sort it out.”
“Yeah, I guess. In any case thanks for listening.”
Jake laughed “That it, we done?”
“Not much else to tell you. We fought, and maybe I overreacted to something he said. It’s just...” she studied his face and Jensen got the impression she was searching for some indication Evan was right about him being jealous. He fought so hard not to give her any, and in the end she shrugged “It doesn’t matter, it’s no big deal.”
“Big enough to make you upset though.”
“Well, it’s the first argument we’ve had.”
“Well you can drown your sorrows in pumpkin flavoured gin.” Jensen sniffed and at that she grimaced.
“Between you and me, I tried it before. It’s fucking awful.”
Jake laughed, “Then I guess Evan was right and you do taste better.”
“Jake!” Stella scoffed, slapping his arm.
“What? It was a compliment!”
“You're gross”
“Yeah but…”he smirked “…made you smile”
“Yeah, you do.” She looked at him, “I mean did. You know, just then…”
“I know.”
Stella gave him another soft smile “Thanks again, I should…” she gestured to the door with her head and Jake nodded.
“Walk you home?”
“I live across the hall.” She scoffed as she stood up
“Yeah but…” Jensen breathed in through his teeth as he also rose from his seat “Some dodgy people in this building Stel”
“Yeah, you're one of em.”
“Hey, you could be attacked by Mrs. Hunter’s Cat. You know it went for my ankle yesterday?” He looked at her seriously. “Like I said, snide little bastards. Cats are not to be trusted.”
“Alright then badass, you better see me safe across the hall.” She chuckled.
Jake followed her to the door where she turned and he wrapped his arms around her, giving her a soft hug. Pressing a gentle kiss to the crown of her head he stepped back and looked at her.
“You know where I am if you need me, don’t you?”
She nodded “Thanks. Night Jakey.”
“Night Stel.”
He watched her cross the hall, and when she walked inside she gave him a last smile before she shut the door.
Jensen exhaled loudly, before he turned and headed back into his own apartment, the door clicking behind him.
Jensen didn’t sleep particularly well that night. His worries and concerns about Stella kept running through his mind and at six am he gave up, hauling himself out of bed for a run. On his way back he stopped by the bakery on the corner of the street to grab himself a croissant and a coffee and headed back to the condo, munching his breakfast. As he walked across the parking lot he spotted Evan’s car was parked outside the main door, the man himself sat inside, waiting.
And then all logic flew from Jensen’s mind. Fuck treading softly.
He stalked over and round to the passenger side, yanking it open and sinking into the seat besides Evan as the man looked at him, arching an eyebrow.
“S’up Agent E.” he smiled at him, taking another bite of his croissant. “You waiting for Stel?”
“Why else would I be here?”
Jensen shrugged “Maybe you like parking lots.”
Evan rolled his eyes. “Yes, I’m waiting for Stella.”
“Why not just use your spare key?” Jensen asked, taking a loud slurp of his coffee before he looked at Evan. “Wait, more to the point, why are you not up there? Did you not stay?” The nerve in Evan’s jaw twitched and Jensen grinned. “You guys aint had a fight have you?” When the agent didn’t reply Jake took a bite of his croissant. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
“What do you want, Jensen?” Evan looked at him, his features dark and Jake knew the time for joking was done. He took a deep breath and shrugged.
“Honestly? For you to fuck off.”
“Oh I bet you do.” Evan narrowed his eyes, his voice low and Jensen snorted.
“Not much of a bet, I just admitted it but whatever.”
“Well unlucky for you I’m not going anywhere.”
“For now.” Jensen shrugged “She’ll see through you at some point.”
“Face it Jensen, you fucked up.” Evan shook his head “Now I’m warning you, stay away from her, and me, and leave us alone.”
Jensen took a deep breath. “Ok, I was trying to be polite but I’ll get straight to the point.”
“Please do.” Evan’s voice was loaded with sarcasm.
“I don’t like you, and I don’t trust you.” Jensen stated and Evan gave a huge guffaw of laughter, Jensen merely shook his head “Yeah, you might laugh but I swear to God you hurt her and I will fucking kill you slowly and painfully.”
“Is that supposed to scare me?” Evan asked.
“Yes.” Jensen said simply “You forget, I’m a lethal trained killing machine.” He shrugged “And then there’s Clay, and Roque, and Pooch and Cougs…you kick one of us, we all shout ouch, you get my drift.”
He saw a flicker of something that might have been concern on Evan’s faced but no sooner had he spotted it, it was gone and the Agent simply swallowed and fixed Jensen with a glare.
“What makes you so sure I’m going to hurt her?”
“Because when I mentioned it before, instead of protesting that you wouldn’t, you simply turned it back to being about you.” Jensen shrugged “Now if someone had said that to me, I’d be doing everything I could to try and convince them they were wrong.”
“I don’t have to justify myself to you.” Evan snorted, shaking his head.
“No, you don’t” Jake shrugged “But you will answer to me if you do hurt her, like I said, I’m watching you shithead.”
“You know, when Stella hears you’ve been threatening me…”
“We both know you’re not going to tell her.” Jake shook his head “I mean you’ve already argued once. And I’d lay odds on that being about me. So, are you really gonna push it again when you’re hanging on by a thread? Don’t think so buddy.”
He took another obnoxiously loud slurp of his coffee and there was a pause before Evan exploded. “Ok, I’ve had enough of this, get out of my fucking car!”
“Gladly.” Jensen nodded, scrunching up the wrapper his croissant had been in. He tossed it into the foot-well and looked at it for a second before he shrugged “This car is full of garbage anyway.” And with that he climbed out headed inside, not bothering to look back.
**** Chapter 6
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kweebtrash · 4 years
Hey Beautiful Stranger
Pairing: StarvingArtist!Johnny X Reader(with some characterization)
Genre: lots of angst, some fluff, and smut
Features: imperfect, awkward, fluffy sex with tons of kisses and caresses and uncertainty.
Word Count: 17k
Summary:  Johnny had lost it all, became invisible to the world, felt like nothing and absolutely defeated. He tried to stay positive but it was a joke. A passerby, huffing and sprinting through the dingy train station catches his eye and he wonders what life would be like happier with her. He wanted what he used to have, to feel loved, like he was someone’s someone.
A/N: I sobbed while writing this so good luck. Also will put some sort of moodboard/gif beneath the title eventually. Also also this is based in New York
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April 17
The heels of my boots clacked wildly against the dirty subway platform. I was late. Incredibly so. After a night of drinking with some friends I had slept through my alarm. My head was still buzzing and my stomach swished with nausea. Work was the farthest thing from my mind but I couldn’t call off. The friends I had gone out with were also my coworkers and I couldn't risk them ratting me out. I had to at least pretend my body wasn’t on the verge of collapsing and that I was a fully functioning adult who hadn't been irresponsible. It's only 8 hours, I kept telling myself. Only 8 hours. And then an hour long commute to and from during rush hour so you’d be packed in between a bunch of hot, sweaty strangers in business suits or school uniforms. My so-called pep talk had failed miserably and for now I settled on reaching into my purse to retrieve my headphones and block out the world before I became more frustrated and grumpy at the irritating commuters. Without stopping, I fished around for them but when I pulled them out they were a jumbled mess. I scoffed loudly, ready to scream at my first world problems and inconveniences. As I fumbled through the knots and twists I heard a voice behind me.
“Hey beautiful stranger.”
I rolled my eyes. Fucking annoying cat callers. This early? I didn’t even look that good. They would go for anything with a pulse if it meant getting off on harassment. I ignored the voice and continued on my way, staring down the tracks and waiting for my day to be over.
April 18
I managed to wake up to my alarm this time. There was no rushing or haphazard throwing on of clothes. There was even enough time to stop at a food cart on the sidewalk and get a cup of coffee and a bagel. Starbucks was way too expensive for me and I saw it as a delicacy. The street carts ran by immigrants, though not the most top notch as far as health codes, reminded me of my childhood home. My mom knew all the cart owners and spoke to them everyday, on the corner, on her way to work, when we walked through the city and got hot dogs, all of it gave me a spark of happiness to start my day. I recalled how weird I was as a kid. I never wanted to eat the hot dog buns. Instead my favorite cart owner would wrap two hot dogs in aluminum foil for me, always laughing at my pickiness. After a ruffle of my hair my mother and I would be back on our way, continuing our shopping or park adventures.
I liked mornings like this where I could cherish the little things. It made me feel somewhat less lonely. My small and overpriced apartment was always empty save for myself. I spent nights either quietly on the couch or sometimes going out but it all still felt empty and like a routine. These moments reminded me that I was actually alive, a semi functioning person who had some cosmic role in this universe. Or maybe I was just a weirdo enjoying her bagel.
My descent on the subway stairs wasn’t as lively as yesterday. For whatever reason there was somewhat more room on the platform. I started heading to my usual waiting spot when I heard that voice again.
“Hey beautiful stranger.” It couldn’t have been the same catcaller from yesterday? What were the odds of that? Unless he had the same morning commute I did. That would be weird but it was the city and plenty of people had jobs to get to. That still didn't give him permission to try and cat call me. I turned to look back at the voice and was taken aback with surprise.
He was young, around my age, his brown hair a little greasy from days unwashed but he was beautiful. He was smiling brightly, making his small eyes close and crinkle. It seemed so genuine for a homeless person. 
I didn’t know why he was happy sitting on a dity blanket in a subway with a small cup in front of him. His only possession beside his backpack was a good sized keyboard that laid across his lap. A homeless performer. That was common down here. Sometimes it was the only way for them to make a buck or two and hope that it was enough for some food. His sweetness made me stop then I looked at the cup rather guiltily. I didn’t care to give him any money; hell i had no idea if i had spare change or singles. Instead I gave him a tight lipped smile which he responded to with a slight nod.
I began my walking once more, a little faster this time. I wanted to get away from him. Sometimes seeing homeless people irritated me, sometimes hearing the homeless performers drove me mad because the subway was already chaotic and I just wanted some peace. But he made me feel something else and for whatever reason I felt tears prickling at my eyes.
April 19
“Hey beautiful stranger.”
I stopped and turned towards him, staring him down. His eyes were still bright. His smile was still warm. What the fuck did he have to smile about? His cup was only filled with two pennies. He couldn’t do anything about that. So why did he seem so...happy?
“What do you keep saying that?” I decided to speak to him.
“Because it’s true.” His fingers pressed down against a few keys creating a beautiful little melody.
“Do you say that to every girl that passes by? Like to try and get them to give you money.”
He shook his head. “Nope. Just you.”
“Because it’s true.” He repeated.
My cheeks flushed in an embarrassing way and I hoped he hadn’t noticed. “Well I’m not giving you any money. You shouldn’t guilt people into doing that. I know you guys can blow up as soon as someone denies you.”
“‘You guys’?” He didn’t stop playing nor did he look up at me from his seated position. “What do you mean by that?”
“Like...um…” My voice softened as if the word was a slur. “You know, you homeless guys.”
He laughed. It was an awkward laugh yet it almost made me want to start laughing. Infectious. “I’m not trying to guilt you. I just hope you have a nice day.”
I was taken aback. He wanted me to have a good day while he probably sat here for hours with nothing to do but play his keyboard. I had no idea how to respond and that was when he finally lifted his eyes. Warm again. Warmth and sweetness like the perfect cup of coffee on a winter day. The kind that makes you grip both your hands around it tight and blow through the little hole on the cover until you were able to taste the cream and sugar without burning yourself. It was like a recharge of energy.
The banging and rocking of the train suddenly appeared in the background. It was my train and if I didn’t leave now I would miss it. I couldn’t hear what he said through the noise but his lips moved around those words again. Beautiful Stranger.
April 25th
He was there everyday and I ignored him everyday. My headphones were always in and I tried to keep my head forward. I never had my music playing. Without missing a beat my eyes would shift towards him as I passed by. Those full lips never failed to curl into a smile. His favorite words to me were always said. Eventually I wanted to hear those words as much as possible.
April 26
“Hi.” I greeted him this time.
His eyes widened when he saw me. “Hey beautiful stranger.”
I kneeled down and held out a five dollar bill. It felt weird to put it in the battered coffee cup when he was sitting right there and I had struck up the conversation. He stared at it for a while as if he was reluctant to take it from me. “You don’t have to.” His voice was so low, so small, so ashamed.
“It’s okay. Take it.”
When his hand didn’t move from the keyboard I grabbed it, turning his palm upward and setting the money in it. His hand was rough. Calloused. Dry. But his fingers were delicate. I found myself focusing on them as they curled around the bill. His gaze was still in his lap and with the same tone he whispered a thank you.
The train barreled into the station earlier than I expected. My time was up and I couldn't say more to him. I rose to my feet and bit my lip as if I was nervous to ask someone on a date. I wondered why I felt nervous. There wasn’t anything to be nervous about. Maybe it was because I didn’t want him to feel like it was charity. Was it charity anyway since he was technically asking for it and I responded? The cup was an invitation for exchanges and yet from his reaction I realized that he wasn’t happy. Of course not. He didn’t want to be asking for money but he still wanted to be positive, if not for himself then to spread it to the people around him.
May 1
As I shuffled down the stairs amongst a crowd of people I noticed him. He wasn't awake or playing his keyboard. Instead he was curled up on his dirty blanket, fist wrapped tightly around the strap of the case to his prized possession. The hood from his sweater was inching off his head with every shift of his body and his eyes kept squeezing shut as if to block out the bright lights above him. I don't know why I found it strange. He needed sleep at some point but I never thought that he would be sleeping here.
I stopped beside him and removed my headphones. "Hey...are you ok?"
His eyes opened instantly though they still strained against the fluorescence above me. "Hey beautiful stranger." His voice was lower, scratchy with sleep. The dark circles beneath his eyes were deeper and his cheeks looked more sunken.
"You don't look so good." I squatted down to his level to get a closer look at him. "You aren't playing your keyboard."
"No inspiration today." He mumbled.
"Your cup isn't out either…"
"What's the point? I get ignored anyway." All the positivity he had seemed to have drained away faster than rain in a sewage gate.
"I'm not ignoring you, am i?"
"You're different." He turned his gaze upwards and finally the faintest of smiles was on his lips. "The lights make you look like an angel."
I looked towards the ceiling at the rows of lights above then back at him. "Trust me i'm no angel."
"You are. You just don't know it yet."
I changed the subject quickly. His compliments, though sweet, seemed off, as if he was fading from this world. "Are you ok?" I asked again. I could see his eyes watering slightly and instead of looking at my face he was now fixated on my morning bagel. "Are you hungry?"
He shoved his hands into the pocket of his hoodie and shrugged quietly. Against the normal ruckus of the subway station I could hear his stomach growling. "When was the last time you ate?"
"It's fine. You're gonna be late. Just go." It was unlike him to sound this harsh.
"Please answer me." I was concerned now. I had never been concerned about a homeless person on the street. There wasn't anything I could do to make their lives easier, or so I thought.
"I dont know...two days maybe?"
"Two days?!" I practically shrieked. "How have you not eaten for two days?"
He glared at me instantly. "I told you. I'm ignored. People dont give a fuck about me. I try my damndest and get nowhere...not anywhere...nothing."
Maybe that was why his cup was gone. Not enough money to sustain what little he had. I held out my bagel to him. "Take this."
"Take it."
"I dont want your fucking bagel."
The first time I truly touched him, touched his soul even; a gentle graze against the stubble on his chin to lift his head. "Take it. Please. My coffee too."
His lips trembled as a few tears fell. He wanted to be strong. He really did. He wanted to try his best and survive and yet he couldn't. We were all trying to survive, in our own way, on our own level of importance. His resolve was gone as he took the food from me with a small sniffle. My train was coming now. "Will you be here after five?"
He scoffed slightly. "Where else would I have to be?"
"Just stay here ok? I'll come back." I promised. I already had an idea of how I wanted to help him further. My investment in him still baffled me but I decided to pursue it. The gratefulness on his face when he took that first bite was enough to solidify my resolution.
May 1, evening
The first night I sat with him. I set out a small picnic of granola bars, apples, a couple bottles of water, a cold sandwich I had gotten from a local deli and a bag of chips. Of course he rejected it at first. I told him it wasn't much but it was all I could do for now. He said he didn't know how to thank me. Maybe he would write a song for me one day. Play it for me as I walked by so he knew he had been waiting for me. Hey beautiful stranger. He laughed at my suggested title.
"Yeah, hey beautiful stranger...hey beautiful angel."
May 15
I found myself waking up earlier and earlier just so I could have enough time to talk to him before my train arrived. I would sit beside him on his blanket, knees to my chest as I listened. His name was Johnny and he had been a college student studying music. He had a good life. He had friends he made music with, he had a family he spoke to, he had love in his life. But then he lost his job and his roommates moved out without a warning. He couldn’t pay for the expensive apartment on his own. He tried and tried to get another job somewhere, anywhere. He had decent qualifications so why wouldn’t anyone accept him? Rent got behind and he sold everything he had to try and make due, everything except his keyboard.
His parents had gifted it to him when he got accepted into college. It was the one thing that meant the world to him. I loved to watch him play. Sometimes when I came to visit him he would show me a new piece that he thought of. Said I was his muse. I didn’t think I had done anything inspirational or artistic enough to warrant a song being produced about me but Johnny did. Occasionally I would catch him scribbling in a small notebook that he had but whenever I questioned him about it he would hold it far away from me. It always made me laugh that he was shy about his creativity but my curiosity grew with each moment his stub of a pencil touched paper.
“How do I even inspire you? I’m not special.” I said on this day as I tried to make a grab for the notebook teasingly.
He kept it against his chest and shoved me away gently. “That’s not true. Of course you’re special. You’re the only person that sees me.”
“Sees you? Everyone can see you. You’re right here.”
“No, you see me. You know I'm real.”
A silence fell between us. It wasn’t uncomfortable but rather a sudden overwhelming sadness. He wanted to be seen. He wanted the world to see him yet I was the only one. Was I his world?
“Do your parent’s know about you...about this I mean?” I said finally.
“No...I’m too embarrassed to talk to them. Not that I could anyway. I don’t have a phone. I know they would be disappointed in me. I haven’t been able to save up enough money to go back either. So I'm just,” He shrugged and sighed deeply. “Stuck.”
“Is this the only way you make money? Or try to?” I looked at the cup that had a few more coins than it did yesterday.
“Yeah...I’m also too embarrassed to ask people outright. Like, you know when you’re on the train and people go through the cars and ask? I can’t do that. I tried once and it felt even worse than anything i could ever imagine. I felt so...pathetic.”
“You’re not pathetic, johnny. You’re far from it. You’re someone. You’re someone’s someone.”
“Am I your someone?”
I straightened up quickly. “M-my someone? I-I just meant like-”
“Or do you have someone?” His grip on the notebook grew tighter as his lips turned into a thin line. “I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say that. I just-ignore what I said, please.”
This was the part in our routine where the train came and I left him. I really wasn’t sure what to say. I had been someone’s someone before. Someone's that never lasted, never cared, never let me live. Romantic someones. But who was Johnny’s someone? I was the only friend he had. When he couch hopped after he was evicted he had friends-until they got tired of him not being able to find work. I considered us friends, better than those people who left him. But what could I do?
“I gotta go…” I said just as soft as he had the first time I gave him money.
He never responded and I got on the train that day feeling strange. I was lucky enough to grab a seat and as I sat down and squeezed my purse to my chest I wondered what he felt. It couldn’t be love or anything like that. That was preposterous. I liked him as a friend, as someone I talked to everyday, as someone I had gone accustomed to. But what if he had grown too attached to me? Was that healthy for him? He was always hiding behind a smile. There wasn’t really telling what level his mental health was on. He could see me as someone to cling to and maybe if I left him his heart would be broken. I wanted him to find success on his own. Of course, I would support him but I didn’t want to be a crutch.
I rubbed my forehead as I felt a tension headache starting to come through. I was overthinking this. He just needed a friend, I was his friend, end of story. He was a genuine person but there wasn’t any way I could be interested in him like that. It just wouldn’t work. I felt a little bad thinking that but it is what it is. We were just friends.
June 2
17 days. I hadn’t seen him for 17 days. I worried so much that sometimes I would cry at night for him, which surprised me. It was normal to be worried for a friend but to cry? I guess it couldn’t be helped. He could be dead. He could be gutted somewhere and no one would find him. He wouldn’t even be able to have a funeral. He would stay forgotten like he was afraid to be. I wish I could call him, speak with him, hell even send him a letter. Anything that would let me know he was okay. Alive and as well as he could be.
I curled up on my side and pulled my thin bed sheet over me. The rain outside had made the city much colder. What if he was stuck in the rain? What if he couldn’t find anywhere to hide? Silent tears continued to fall down my face and as a lightning bolt struck I fell into another cycle of scary thoughts. “Please…” I hiccuped. “Please just give me a sign that he’s okay.” I said out loud to my darkened bedroom. It was some sort of prayer. Not a religious one but something for the universe to hear. I hoped the wind could help my words travel. Spin and turn and twirl around buildings, weave through people, and finally fall on Johnny’s ears.
June 7
I dropped my coffee onto the platform. The milky brown liquid swam into cracks and splattered onto shined leather shoes and heels. The expletives and damnations fell on deaf ears. I couldn’t believe it. I ran to him, crashing into his chest and forcing him to take a step back. “What the-?” He realized it was me then and his tension relaxed. His large hand fell on top of my head and I heard his heartbeat increase against my ear. “Hey beautiful stranger.”
I pulled away and landed a punch to his bicep. “What the hell is wrong with you?! I haven’t seen you in weeks! I was so fuckin-”
He pressed a finger to his lips, shushing me before he giggled. “You’re making everyone think you’re crazy. Calm down.”
“Don’t you tell me to calm down!” I pouted and looked away as my eyes watered. I blinked the tears away quickly and sniffed. “I was just worried.” I said quietly. “I didn’t know where you were or if you were hurt…”
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you or anything. I’m not used to people caring this much.” He set his keyboard case against the wall and his backpack on the ground. He hunkered down and unzipped it, pulling out the blanket he always sat on, only this time it was a lot cleaner. He opened it up and laid it on the platform before sitting down and patting the space beside him. I quickly joined him and pouted. 
“You made me drop my coffee.”
“I’m sorry. Let’s say I owe you one, ok?”
“Where did you even go?”
“Well, I got word of this place that helps homeless people try and get jobs. So I got one but it was temporary. Nothing really came of it even though I showed up everyday on time and did what I needed to do. It was bullshit. I made some money though and even slept in a motel. It was awesome.”
“Motel’s have phones, you know.”
“Yes but Johnny’s doesn't have beautiful stranger’s phone numbers.”
“Hush.” I nudged him, knowing that he was right. “Give me your notebook and I’ll write it down.”
He reached into his bag and dug around for it before squinting at me. “You’re trying to see what i've written, aren't you?”
“Me? No! This is for emergencies! My phone number, you know!”
“Then tell me it, I’ll write it down myself.” He hunched over the notebook and made sure I couldn’t see anything.
I giggled and leaned over his back, trying to reach for it. “Johnnnyyyy! Come on! Just let me see it once! Have you finished the song?!"
He turned his head and because I was so close his lips stopped mere centimeters before mine. He sat silent and contemplating and yet I was the first to pull away. "S-sorry." I said meekly. 
"No, no. It's okay. I was...um…" He held out his notebook and the pen and I jotted my number down quickly.
"Don't forget me now, ok?"
"I won't ever forget you. I thought about you all the time. I had this stupid dream that you waited for me here everyday." He laughed solemnly. "Its kind of dumb."
"I did, on occasion, for as long as I could before I had to get on the train. Sometimes I waited for a bit when I got off work."
"Really?" Johnny's eyes widened in shock.
I nodded. "I don't know...I was just worried but I said that already."
"It makes me happy that you care. Really happy." He smiled for just a second as it quickly turned into a frown. "The train's here. I dont want you to miss it."
"I'm not going to work."
"What do you mean? You have to. I don't want you to get in trouble."
"Eh, I'll call in sick or something. I think I want to spend the day with you." I said.
"With me? What the hell for? You wanna sit on a dirty ground until your ass goes numb?"
"No I want to eat, go to the park, maybe get some ice cream….with you."
He sighed and leaned back against the wall. "I haven't really done anything like that in ages. Just spending the day having fun."
"Then let me remind you, Johnny. Come have fun with me."
"I can't…" He replied. "I don't have much money left."
"I don't care about that. I'll treat you."
"No." He said sternly.
"Johnny, it's ok. I don't mind."
"I don't want you wasting your money on me."
"It's not wasting money when you're with a friend. Were friends, right? I mean we better be since I've talked to you almost every day for like 2 months."
"Yeah, we were friends but…"
"No buts. Please?" I held onto his arm and leaned my head on his shoulder making comically puppy dog eyes and pouting. "Please?"
"Ok. I'll do it. But only if you stop looking at me like that."
"That's my "i get what I want" face. It never worked once on my mom. Glad it worked on you." I bounced to my feet and held out my hand to help him up. He grabbed it and hauled himself up before stuffing the blanket back in his bag. "Your stuff must be heavy. Do you want to drop it off at my place?"
"Your place? Your house? Like me, go where you live?" Johnny asked as if he was frightened.
"Yes? What's wrong with that?"
"You trust me enough to do that?"
"Well youre not gonna murder me are you? If you were I'm sure you would have done it a hell of a lot sooner."
"No, im not going to murder you." Johnny replied as he rolled his eyes. "Just that...the last time i was at a friends house i was getting kicked out."
"I'm not kicking you out, I'm inviting you in, silly." I took his hand in mine and tugged on it just a little. "Come on."
He grabbed his belongings and followed as I led him out of the subway station. This was the first time I had seen him outside, in the sunlight that beamed through the city pollution. He was even more beautiful to me now. His skin glowed like warm amber and his eyes had honeyed as the light refracted through them. I had always thought he was good looking but why did he seem so ethereal now? I almost missed the stoop to my apartment from staring at him for so long. I hoped he hadn't noticed. "It's here," I announced to not only to stop myself from being a creep but to alert Johnny that he almost walked too far as well.
I set the key in the lock of the front door and opened it, allowing him to walk through first. After three torturous flights of stairs we arrived at my tiny apartment that seemed like a room more than anything. "Well...this is it. Sorry it's not great or anything."
"It's amazing." He set his keyboard and backpack down and looked around in bewilderment, like he had never seen a home before. "It's cool that you have your own place."
"Rent is not cool. And neither are utility bills." I joked. "City living is shit."
Johnny shrugged. "Expenses aside it's not too bad. I lived in the suburbs as a kid and came to the city for school."
"I've lived here all my life and I'm still over it."
He chuckled and shoved his hands in his pockets. "So...we're here. My stuffs here...what do we do?"
"Do you want to freshen up or something? If you have clothes to wash I can do that for you."
Johnny looked down at his outfit; faded and torn jeans, a dull grey-green shirt, and a hoodie tied around his waist. "Oh." He bent his feet on their sides and rocked a little. "I guess I should look somewhat better if we're gonna go out together."
"You look fine! I just meant if you wanted to shower or something! I'm assuming it's kind of a luxury?" I winced at my words, hoping I didn't sound offensive.
"Better than me bending over a sink in a mcdonald's bathroom that's for sure. But if you're offering then that would be pretty cool. You don't have to wash my stuff though. I'd feel weird if you'd do all that for me."
"It's nothing," I shrugged. "Just leave your clothes outside the bathroom door. Do you have any other clothes in your backpack?"
"Uh.. " He rubbed the back of his neck and laughed nervously. "Dirty underwear."
"Oh please." I waved it off. "Use whatever you want and I'll load the laundry as you shower."
"Well...alright…" He kicked off his shoes and carefully walked towards the direction of the bathroom as if he was still too scared to be here. I made sure he had everything he needed before I grabbed the clothes he took off and left outside the bathroom door. After, I went to his bag to get the rest of the laundry. I set his blanket aside as I figured I'd wash that as well before finding his underwear and some socks. While rifling through his bag I saw his notebook and temptation struck. I could read it. I could find out what he thought about me, what he wrote about me, the songs or poems he created. But I didn't.
June 7, evening
First we got breakfast. It was a little more advanced than the normal bagels and coffee we exchanged; pancakes, eggs, bacon, toast. He scarfed it down in minutes, trying not to talk in between bites though he wanted to tell me all his adventures. He didn't stop hustling even as he worked. Once he clocked out he put away his nicer clothes in exchange for his normal ragged jeans and t-shirt and went onto street corners and other stations to play. 
That area wasn't as bustling as it was here. Occasionally people would stop to listen to him and he once earned 20 bucks in one week. A new record, he said. He was proud of that. Proud to have an audience, to capture people's attention again. To feel like someone. But still not someone's someone. That phrase had resonated with him since I said it. I hadn't even given thought to the impact it would bring. Words just flowed freely when I was around him and I felt every syllable. He wanted to find the person he could be someone for. Maybe magically while he was playing on the street or bumping into them on the sidewalk. He was a bit of a romantic and said if he were to ever star in a movie he'd want to in a romantic comedy.
Goofy. A klutzy little thing. Giggling and tripping on air as we trailed along the park after breakfast. I thought about holding his hand. His fingers had become a fascination to me. Piano fingers. Stretching across keys from pinky to thumb. Hands that seemed warm to the touch but when I brushed against him they were cold as ice. He said he was always cold no matter what the temperature was, like his body couldn't produce enough heat to save his life. It contrasted to my constant warmth and I offered him my hand to feel.
My previous thoughts had come true as he took my hands in his. Mine seemed to disappear beneath his fingers and while I focused on our skinship he was gushing about our temperature differences. My heart skipped a beat. A millisecond off rhythm yet alarming enough for me to realize that his charm and sweetness was deadly. The beats continued to be off as he dropped my hands yet remained as close as possible to me. What did he have to talk about? Everything. Anything. He just wanted to be heard. I couldn't focus on anything but him and that was a problem.
I took his picture by the small pond of the park. He outstretched his arms and closed his eyes, tilting his head back and shouting "I'm the king of the world!" as if he were on the titanic. It took several tries for him to be serious enough for me to get a steady picture and in the end he opted for a picture of us together. He had the longer arms so of course he held the phone out, thumb poised above the circle button as we got into our pose. I leaned my head close to his chest and made a small peace sign. Our smiles captured our summer ridiculousness and preciousness of our moments together.
I told him when he was able to get a phone I would send it to him so he could have it too. He had wanted to keep his old phone, even without the service, to look back on the things he'd done and people he spent time with but when the feelings got to be too much to bear and the money was scarce he sold it. He missed it. He liked taking pictures. Scenery, his friends, dogs especially. He went wild for all the dogs walking around the park. He always asked the owners if he could pet them. He was like a kid at the zoo, all excited for cuteness and rough licks. Sometimes I would have to tear him away from them as I could sense the owner's irritations of how long he wanted to stay with their pets.
Ice-ys were next; the cold semi solid that wasn't quite ice cream but soft enough to melt in your mouth the moment it touched your tongue. They were doused with saccharine sweetness that I'm sure was from corn syrup but made them delicious nonetheless. I told him my own stories of how when i was young i HAD to get rainbow flavored. My mom always asked what the rainbow tasted like (technically cherry but dyed in different colors) but i always made up some imaginative mystery flavor that changed each time. He liked my memories. Said they brought about his own. When he was happy with his mother, always following her and never leaving her side. He was a mama's boy and wasn't afraid to admit it. I thought that was cute. Supposedly mama's boys were supposed to treat women better though i wasn't sure how true that was. We walked along the rest of the park until we reached the playground. It was beaming with children but in the waves of screams and giggles we found solace on a pair of swings.
We swayed back and forth gently, finishing our ice-ys. I had upgraded my rainbow flavor for the definitely more adult flavor of coconut while he chose something akin to cotton candy. The breeze rolled in making suffering in the summer heat a little less miserable. But as the sun set and the night grew cooler I jumped at the idea of heading to one of my favorite bars.
"A bar? Holy shit." He laughed as if it was some magical land. "Getting shitfaced sounds great right about now." It was only because he was riding on the wave of happiness after being so long in the dark. That perfect smile was genuine now, no longer a facade to hide his pain. He wasn't much of a partier in college but when he did go he went all out. He was Mr. Social Butterfly, spinning around from girl to girl or high fiving friends and strangers. Sometimes he would get lucky. "Ah, sorry…" he was abashed now. "I probably shouldn't talk about that. Makes me sound like a fuck boy."
I shrugged. "We all have our hoe moments."
We both laughed at my comments and slipped inside the semi dim bar. It was more of a music venue. Bands would play calming music and it had a chill vibe. There was rarely a time where someone acted out and it was honestly the best place to relax at. Johnny loved the music as soon as it met his ears. It was jazzy, bassy, paired with smooth vocals of a woman whose abundance of curls sat like a royal crown on her head. He started to sway a bit while I turned to the bartender and ordered us two beers. "Do you want to go sit at that table?" I nodded in the direction of a corner that was just barely illuminated by a hazy purple light. He agreed and we made our way over, sitting down and beginning to sip away our troubles.
I couldn't even remember how long we stayed there. We were way past the amount of alcohol we should have had and our conversation turned into nothing but giggle fits and touching. My hand would meet his and hed stroke the back of it or entwine our fingers until the intimate moment made him back away. I didn't mind it at all. I was starting to fall in love with his fingers. As my eyes closed to soak in the music I could see his fingers trailing over my naked body as he kissed a heated traill against my skin. I came crashing down instantly to pull myself from that thought. What the hell was that? Why would I even think of such a thing? It was the alcohol. Of course it was. I always had the potential of getting handsy when I drank. It was a logical explanation to an illogical thought.
"I should uh, get going." He chuckled softly. "I had a really nice time today though. Amazing even." His eyes smiled at me and my heart dropped into my stomach. No. Please dont look at me like that. With those eyes I've seen cry and think and pray for a better day. I tried to make today that day and seemed to have succeeded but I didn't want to let him go.
I shook my head quickly. "You're not going back to the subway station. No way."
"Well i have to get my stuff back at your place but i have to go back sometime."
"No...stay…" i thought that he hadn't heard me over the music and the nearby conversations but he had.
"Stay? With you in your apartment?" There he was with those incredulous questions, shocked at caring gestures that i'm sure had underlying selfishness.
I nodded this time. "I don't mind. I want you to stay tonight."
"I...uh…" he wanted to protest. It was easy to see but his mouth snapped shut and he wouldn't look me in the eye. He returned my nod, keeping his head down.
I slid out of the chair, standing on wobbly feet and extended my hand towards him. He took it and our swaying bodies made our way outside only to be smacked by a torrential downpour. It was a full on waterfall from the sky and Johnny and I were soaked in seconds. I frantically looked around for some sort of shelter as the bar was hitting towards closing time. Around the corner was the back door to the bar that was barely covered by an awning. I dragged Johnny towards it and we plastered ourselves together, shivering harshly. "What should we do?!" He asked.
It was almost hard to hear him through the rush of rain. "We can't walk to the subway and take the train. We'd be soaked even more!" I realized that we weren't even an inch apart when he looked at me, searching for a normal solution to our current problem while I zeroed in on his lips. 
He licked them like a nervous habit. "Do you have enough for an uber?"
"I should!" I had paid a semi hefty amount for our plethora of drinks but i was sure i could afford it. Johnny hovered over me, trying to assist in protecting my phone from any water that might fall on it as I tapped open the app. I could feel the soft puffs of breath he produced against my cheek and it was like he was even closer to me if it were possible. "It's about ten minutes away." I said softly.
"C-cool." He replied through chattering teeth. "We seriously need to get warm."
I swallowed hard. "Y-yeah. Maybe some coffee will help sober us up when we get back to my place."
"Sobering up is good. We should definitely do that." He chuckled.
We fell silent. I could hear my heart thundering and feel Johnny's as I pressed my hand to his chest. He became curious at my actions and with a tilt of his head confidence washed over me as hard as the rain had. The moment our lips met he cupped my face in his large hands, holding me as if he would never dare to let go. We were hungry for each other. Desperate for our tongues to meld and lips to tear into moments that would freeze in time. I fisted his soaked shirt in my hands before they snaked around his neck while his fell to my hips. Fingertips dug into my jeans like he was clawing at me. I was lost in him and it wasn't until the buzzing of my phone broke us apart. The driver had messaged me that he was in front of the bar and was ready to go. 
Johnny cleared his throat but stayed quiet as he walked into the rain again and slid into the car, soaking the poor driver's backseat. As the ride progressed I looked over at Johnny but he was focused on staring at the blurry city lights outside the window. My mind was suddenly plagued with thoughts of him feeling potentially regretful. But he had initiated it and I reciprocated...was that bad?
By the time we arrived at my apartment it was no longer a torrent but still quite heavy. We ran as fast as we could to get inside. Our bones were still trembling but he went to the bathroom while I went to my room to discard the clothes that were now stuck like a second skin. I left him some oversized sweats that I had for him to put on while I shuffled quickly into a hoodie and shorts. While I waited for him to finish getting dressed, I started on two cups of instant decaf. Just as they finished and I was heading towards my couch Johnny sat down and graciously took the mug from me. After a few sips we both gained warmth but still felt the awkward presence that lingered between us from our interrupted kiss.
He started the conversation we both didn't seem to want to have. "I'm sorry about the kiss. I crossed a line and-"
"I wanted it." I cut him off. "This whole day...i-i don't know what it is about you but there's something. At the bar when we touched, on the swings at the park, listening to all your memories. I don't know what to think about you anymore."
His mouth hung open and he stared at me like a wide eyed rabbit. "I uh...um…you dont-we shouldn't…" He seemed to have no idea how to form the words he wanted to say but when i heard the negative conjunction my stomach started to twist into knots. "I'm not good for you."
"Says who?" I scoffed.
"You know i'm not. You don't need someone like me. You need someone who can take care of you and support you. I'm a good for nothing."
"Shut up." I snapped. "I've never thought of you like that."
"Yes you have. When we first met. You wanted to ignore me. You thought I was a nuisance. You can't lie to me about that. I know that feeling all too well."
He was right. I had felt that initially but it had been so long that it seemed like it never existed in my mind. "You're right but i don't think that now, Johnny. And if i say i want you then i want you." I set my coffee cup down again and scooted closer to him but he backed away instantly.
"Please...don't do this. I can't handle something like this. It's…"
I took his hand in mind and looked into his eyes, silently begging him to see what I saw in him. He was going to be someone's someone...perhaps even mine��
His voice was trembling and he pulled away from me to cover his face. I couldn't bear to see him cry again but if he truly didn't want me then there was nothing I could do except hurt in secret. "I don't want something good to come into my life then leave again…" He said after swallowing his fear.
"I wouldn't leave you...you said I see you remember?" I laid my head on his shoulder and took his hand back to fold our fingers together. "You're as bright as the sun."
"Only when I'm with you. I feel so human it's insane."
"Will you please stay with me tonight? I'd worry so much if you left now." I said softly.
Johnny still seemed hesitant but he had relaxed more as he felt our skin against each other. "O-okay. I'll stay but um...should i just sleep on the couch?"
I looked up at him and chuckled. "Well...i wouldn't mind continuing what we started at the bar...in my room." The remnants of the alcohol had made me a bit bold but I wanted him to continue with his emotions of humanity. I wanted us to feel each other like we both needed something so desperately to hold onto. That vision I had at the bar had replayed in my mind a few times since we had gotten home and I couldn't seem to shake the need. To have his body against mine, to feel him inside me, so deep he could rut into my heart and see the bubbling culmination of confusion that had been brewing there. I too was scared but willing to share a sliver of passion and end to hopelessness.
Johnny returned my giggles and tried not to look at me. "It's been awhile. It's gonna be so bad. Like really bad."
I shook my head. "I don't think so. It's been awhile for me too so we can both be awkward about it." I found a smidge of comfort in his lack of confidence. At least we shared that in the moment.
"Fuck…" He breathed out. "You really want me?"
"Stop finding it so hard to believe that you’re worth attention and attraction and...um...well...sex." The shyness was definitely hitting now.
He set an arm around my shoulders and squeezed me to him. "You're insane, you know that?"
"You can keep your wrong opinions to yourself, mister. But in all seriousness if you don't want to, i understand." The sudden realization that I was perhaps pressuring him hit and I began to backpedal. I was coming on too strong, too hooked on the physical though still tethered to the emotional. Maybe I was in too deep. The uncertainty was getting unbearable at this point.
"N-no, um,...it's cool. Yeah, uh, let's do...it." he laughed nervously.
I was the first to stand up and led him to my room. He followed a few paces behind, still cautious but when we got under the covers to face each other it seemed to ease both our souls. It was the biggest sense of comfort to be beside him. His long limbs wrapped around me and the coziness of my comforter provided the perfect amount of warmth to the echoes of our icy skin. When our lips finally met again it was almost as if they had never separated in the first place. Our breaths were shared between our tongues and I clutched onto him. He let out the softest of moans when he shifted me onto my back and my fingers dug into his shoulder blades more.
With our bodies plastered together the urge to see him naked took over and I slowly began to move my hands down his back and beneath his shirt. He jerked away, a little breathless but alarmed. "Can i uh...keep my shirt on?"
No man had ever asked me that before. "What? Why?"
"I’m kinda like...scrawny now and i'm pretty sure i don't look as good as i used to."
"O-oh...well if it makes you feel better though i think you look handsome."
He dove his head into the crook of my neck disguising his embarrassment with fragile kisses. I could feel how weak his body was but I didn't care. I would take care of him now. I never wanted to see the look on his face like when he felt so defeated and hesitant to take that bagel from me. I turned my head slightly to press my lips to his forehead and comb my fingers through his damp hair. "But," I continued. "You can do whatever you feel most comfortable with."
He nodded and settled against my chest, curling against my side and starting to rub the soft flesh of my stomach. With just a tilt of his head he connected us again only this time we were much slower. A tingle slithered up my spine as I felt his fingers trickle downward to pry beneath my shorts. I swallowed hard and spread my thighs, allowing his hand more room to work. Our eyes met and shared the tentativeness as the first of his fingers worked a minuscule stroke between my lower lips. I sighed softly as I sunk back onto the mattress and willed my body to relax, to accept the fact that he was almost too pure to corrupt. He was ready for it and spent his time gauging all of my reactions to his wandering fingers.
Whimpers and mewls followed the curious curls of his fingertips within me. His exploring was trying to find spots that increased those sounds yet he seemed to miss the mark each time. Gently I grabbed a hold of his wrist with one hand and guided the flow of his fingers with the other. With each command he grew accustomed to what I desired until I was gripping onto his sweatshirt with the prospect of an orgasm. "I want to make you feel so good…" he said so faintly i almost didn't hear it but when i caught the words i nodded quickly and arched my back slightly to create a pathway for more intense and deeper penetration. "I-is it o-okay if i make you wait a little longer?"
At first I only cracked one eye open, annoyed at the fact that his fingers were slowing down but then I saw the burning crimson across his cheeks. "Is it because you want to do it together?"
He gave me the smallest of nods. "If we can…"
I could accept his offer for trying to sync our orgasms though I was sure it might be nearly impossible given our natural biology. However, it meant more intimacy between him and I wanted that more than anything. I told him it was alright and he pulled his fingers out slowly, admiring the way I had coated them, already having been excited from our kisses. Meanwhile I rummaged through the drawer of my nightstand to find the few condoms I had scattered across the bottom of it. They had been forgotten but not expired thankfully. "Do you want me to help you or…?"
Johnny's head snapped up and his eyes zeroed in on the foil. He snatched it up quickly and turned away from me to fumble through rolling the condom on. Before I could even see him he was under the covers but had thrown his sweatpants aside. "Have you always been this shy?" I asked and I slipped in beside him.
"No. I was more confident before. Now i just...i don't know."
"You're not going to mess up or anything. I just want to feel you. I don't care about having some perfect experience. Sex should’nt be about perfection it should be about bringing us closer."
"Stop saying things like that or else i'm gonna fall in love with you." His eyes widened and he started to stumble over an excuse but I pulled him in for a kiss while my hand stroked over him, the lube from the condom making it easier. Faint moans fell onto my tongue in between small gasps of breaths. He felt different then what I thought he would. Though his body looked fragile he seemed to fill up my hand completely. Small doubts pricked at my mind and I wondered if I could even accept all of him.
"Will you go slow at first?" I wondered out loud. 
Johnny brows furrowed as my thumb swiped over the ridge of his head and back down again. "Of course. I'll do-" A hitch caught his throat and he quickly fisted the comforter. "I'll do whatever you want."
I pumped my hand faster, watching him crumble and tremble at every sensation. His face was a vision of beauty even through his slender features. The way those hues of pink and crimson still stained his olive cheeks was the cutest and complimented the rose of his lips, now coated with his tongue and glistening. And suddenly his front teeth dug into his bottom lip in the least sexiest way possible but it was so unbelievably adorable I couldn't help but smile. Here we were, trying to fuse our bodies together somehow and all i could think about was how much i was starting to never want him to leave. I didn't want him to go back to a dingy subway and suffer. I wanted him to stay in my arms, against my lips, inside me, caressing my face and looking at me with those warm honey eyes that crinkled when he smiled.
Where along the lines had I fallen for him? When had he become the person that made my heart swell so much i felt like i couldn't breathe? Months ago I couldn't be bothered with him and now he was all I craved.
"Y-you're staring at me…" he whispered.
My hand had apparently stopped stroking and I had rested my chin on his chest as I watched the emotions ebb and flow across his face. I perked my head up and exchanged glances between his face and my hand still wrapped around his shaft. "O-oh...uh…'' I was embarrassed now and panicking about what I should do. I had definitely taken all traces of sexiness from the moment as well. "S-sorry. I was being weird and didn't realize…"
"I mean, it still felt pretty good i just wasn't sure why you were staring...Do i look weird or something?"
I quickly shook my head. "N-no...the opposite. I think you're gorgeous."
He scoffed and looked away quickly. "Shouldn't i be saying that to you?"
I threaded my free hand through his hair and giggled. "I don't know...guess we can say it to each other. I know it's true on my end."
Johnny sighed softly and took my hand away from him. Instead he placed a kiss across the back of my knuckles before scooting onto his side to tug at my pajama shorts. We worked through groping limbs and almost hitting each other because we couldn't decide if he was going to take them off or was I. Trying to do it together was a mess but I was finally released and tossed my shirt along with them. "Oh wow." Was all he said and I quickly crossed my arms in front of my chest.
"A good wow?"
He nodded and beamed at me as he pulled me close. "Come here."
I fell into his arms and felt the squeezing hold around me. I clutched at his shirt as he slowly shifted on top of me. Instinctively I settled my legs on the outside of his hips. Soon I could feel him prodding against me as if he needed a map to find my entrance. He apologized as his shaky hand moved between us to guide his head in. I tried to hide my grunt of discomfort but he stopped immediately like a prey facing its hunter. "Am i hurting you?!"
I rubbed his back gently to reassure him. "No, I just need to get used to it all. Don't worry, you're fine."
He nodded again, falling silent and giving me moments in between to rest. It seemed like hours but eventually he ventured inside all the way and I could feel the sudden heaviness in my lower stomach. My eyes fluttered shut and my head arched back against the pillow as his lips comforted my neck with kisses and careless whispers, anything to divert my attention to pleasure. His thrusts were miniscule and cautious- perfectly matching his outward personality. Everything he did turned my body to jello and soon he could thrust freely and take my breath away.
That was it. We were finally lost to the outside world and could only feel each other. Our lips seemed glued together and Johnny had preferred our hands to be enveloped in lieu of digging into his shoulders. Our palms exchanged nervous sweats while conservative moans circled around our heads like buzzing bees to honey. It almost felt like our hearts were on the same rhythm too-fast and excited, strained with keeping blood flowing to the minimal space between us. His hips were pumping faster now, a pace i didn't expect but figured he was trying to chase his own sense of pleasure. And I wanted him to. I kind of forgot about my body and what I was "supposed" to feel. Instead I shut my eyes and relaxed my soul letting him plow away at emotions and pleasures. I was floating and I wanted to stay in this magical place forever.
His breaths became shallower, his groans hiccuped in his throat and he choked out an apology. He shuddered under the weight of release and I felt the warmth flow against my walls. I smiled when he collapsed on top of me, trying to regain himself yet snuggling against my chest. "I'll make it up to you, I swear."
"It felt nice…" i said rather truthfully. Perfectly imperfect.
"Yeah but...that- that's not how this is supposed to go. I'm supposed to make sure that you cum. I wanted you to feel good."
"And i do feel good. I swear it. I just want you here with me."
"Why are you so damn sweet? You shouldn't be like that. You'll get hurt."
"Oh and you're planning to hurt me?" I questioned.
That instantly toned him down. "No...im sorry...my head is...i wanted you to…" He gave up trying to express himself and laid back down on my chest. I kissed his forehead and adjusted the covers over us keeping us wrapped in a tight cocoon. "You're scaring me shitless, you know that?" Johnny whispered.
"Why's that?"
"Because I definitely have feelings for you now."
June 8th
The sun came and went and so did Johnny.
July 4th
I stared up at the fireworks that exploded into various colors and patterns. My friends were giggling and trying to talk over the noise but I didn't hear anything at all. My world had been silent for over a month now. I had slipped back into the same routine I had started months ago. Crying at night, hoping and praying that he was okay. A whole month had gone without a single sight or word from him. It was like he disappeared into thin air. Sometimes it felt like I almost dreamed him up. There were days where I actually believed he didn't exist. Had I shown the world some crazy side of me born from true loneliness? If Johnny was real then i definitely knew how he felt now. Putting on a happy face while inside your heart brewed dark and stormy clouds.
I would stare at his spot at the subway station as if it was a grave, only a sight for memories and nothing more. That was all he ever would be now. And unfortunately I realized too late that I loved him.
August 23
I hate him.
I hate him so fucking much.
He won't get out of my head.
Leave me alone.
I can't want you anymore.
You're not here.
You're not real.
You're gone.
September 2nd
Trying to move on was impossible but goddammit i tried. A few sparse dates here and there but I became so uninterested. Men were so grating and irritating and even the most normal and respectful man turned into a piece of paper I wanted to crumple up and step on. Most of the day I would spend looking out the window, imagining a world different from my own. Random couples on the street were replaced with Johnny and I. It was pathetic and I was starting to hate my own damn self.
My friends had noticed how gray I had become and eventually their attempts to cheer me up or get me dates dwindled. They thought I wasn't fun anymore. I would catch them giving me dirty stares or rolling their eyes, never texting me again. I was a downer, i knew that but i had never told anyone what had happened between Johnny and I. 
We were a secret. I didn't want us to be a secret but it just happened that way. No one knew that a homeless man had taken my heart for a whirlwind adventure.
November 30
You have one new voicemail
"H-hey, it's me. Uhh...well i know i haven't spoken to you in awhile. I haven't spoken to you at all actually. Um...t-that night, you know when we….you know, what i said was true and i got scared. Really fucking scared. I don't want to be with you until i'm good enough. That's the least you deserve.
Uh, well um...so a-anyway i just wanted to let you know i'm okay. I finally got the balls to make this call. I was afraid you wouldn't answer because you don't know this number. It's my mom's number. I somehow managed to make it to Chicago. I'm staying with them. I haven't told them about school or anything. Just lied and said i was taking a semester off to reevaluate my major-whatever fucking lie that was. I don't want to rely on them forever but I don't really know what to do once I leave either. I'll go back to being a piece of shit haha.
But anyway i'm okay, you know. Well i mean, now you do know because i just told you and- nevermind. Um...i'll try and call more often, okay? I would say i promise but...i seem to break those a lot. I know i hurt you but it's for the best this way, just for now. But I'm gonna get where I need to be. Just wait for me….please."
December 7
I didn’t torture myself with listening to the voicemail more than twice. I didn't erase it. I just left it and trained myself to ignore the fact that it was there. After all i had finally stopped crying myself to sleep yet this set me back majorly. I wanted to get back on track. Every time i thought i was close to moving on something minuscule happened-only this time a simple voicemail was earth shattering.
I stared up at the ceiling, another night alone in my otherwise empty bed. The tv was on low so i wouldn't feel like my apartment was empty. I thought about sneaking a cat in here once. Just to have some sort of company. I couldn't technically have pets but I would find a way. I was sure there was some cat just as lonely as I was hiding from the cold that I could take care of. I just had to pour my feelings into something more positive. Yeah. I could do that. Yeah...
I turned onto my side and closed my eyes, listening to the sitcom that filtered in. Zeroing on the conversation and fake laugh track actually put my mind at ease and for the first time in a long time i had fallen into a deep sleep.
December 16
Still hadn't found a cat, which sucked. I didn't blame them. The snow was getting worse. Inches thick and causing all kinds of dirty ice walls to appear along the side walks after being plowed. I didn’t have to face any of that today. It was my day off and thankfully I could curl up on my couch for hours on end. I started to surf through a pet finder website hoping that it might be better than going on a wild goose chase. Putting all my effort into searching for something that I could care for really helped. It was like its own version of therapy. I hunkered down more under the blankets, fluffing the pillow beneath my head to get more comfortable on my couch. I had taken on a smile as I saw a sweet kitten pop up on my search. She seemed perfect and I was instantly enamored by her bright green eyes. A saving grace.
Three raps pulled me out of my comfort zone and I tilted my head up wondering if it was my apartment door getting banged on or someone else's. The apartments were so close together it could truly be confusing at times, especially with the echoes from the hallway. I heard it again and decided to check anyway. I didn't expect anyone though sometimes my aunt did send me packages for christmas. Could just be the mail guy.
I sighed as I left my warm nest and swung open the door. "Hello?"
His hand was raised as he was about to knock again but he slowly lowered his fist. He smiled, a nervous smile, which tugged at the split skin of his lip where dried blood had crusted. I could only read his expression through one eye as the other was swollen shut and decorated with ghastly purples and greens. He wiped his nose of blood and runniness from the winds that had been chipping at his exposed face. I had no idea what to do or say, if i should move or not. He didn't seem to either but streaks of silent tears were already falling. Then i noticed something more astounding than his beat up face- the fact that he didn't have his keyboard with him.
I quietly stepped aside and let him in. His pants and shoes were soaked from trudging through the snow and I could tell he was freezing. I was just about to tell him that he needed to get out of them when he collapsed on his knees in front of me. He held onto my waist tightly, shoving his face into my stomach as loud sobs wracked through him. I pulled off his beanie and petted his hair back, keeping his head close and not caring that the lower part of my shirt was now stained with sadness and smudges of blood.
He passed out after that, unexpectedly, and I had to drag him to my room and set him in my bed so he could at least sleep comfortably. I had tons of questions but for right now i had to focus on getting him into dry clothes and cleaning up his wounds as best as i could. He looked like he had gotten his ass kicked and badly. Johnny didn't seem to be the type that would get into a fight so it worried me more. Once I tucked him in I made sure to put an ice pack over his eye in hope that the swelling would go down and he'd be able to open it soon. I wasn't going to get anything out of him now so i left him to rest. Just when I thought I could leave him in my past he had a terrible way of showing up again.
December 17
He slept for over 12 hours and though he was starving he had to chew a bit slower due to his injuries. We hadn't said anything since he had woken up and I had plated him some breakfast and coffee. I was over being patient but I knew I had to wait for him. Besides i had a multitude of emotions i had to decide which to start with; the anger of leaving me for months, the pain from him saying he wouldn't hurt me, the worry i had for the state of his being, the love that shattered my heart every aching moment i looked at him, and somehow the small pockets of lust that wanted me to love him harder than anyone ever had before.
When the last bite of pancakes were gone he took a final sip of coffee and sighed. "I got mugged." He stated flatly.
Ok, one question answered.
"I uh...i left Chicago around mid-September, figured i couldn't really ride on the college lie with my parents anymore. I also felt like I was bumming off their money and I hated that. When i got back here i tried to busk in different areas but winters are always the harshest. It's too cold to want to play, people are rushing to get home and stay warm. If i could have negative zero dollars in my pocket that's what i have. I'm dead broke. But i kept trying and uh…" His voice wavered and he cleared his throat quickly to push back tears. "Two nights ago, i was trying to find a place to sleep in the park and i got mugged. They took….they took my keyboard and my backpack and now I really have nothing. I didn't know where else to go so if you want me gone i get it. I honestly exp-"
The worry came first and then sadness and then the heartbreak. I rushed to squeeze him tight. I reciprocated the tears he left behind yesterday and it seemed like they would never stop. Johnny cradled the back of my head and sighed softly against my ear. "God, I've missed you so so much."
"Why d-did you leave!!?"
"You know why!" He pulled away to cup my face in his hands. "I told you, i wanted to take care of you and be in a better place before we got together."
I shoved at his chest and growled. "Yeah and look where it got you! You dont have shit and you come back after months of me not knowing where you were! This is the second time I thought you were dead. I've cried night after night for you! It felt like I could barely function without you! You made my life a living hell for the past six months and here you are at my door looking like a punching bag and I," my voice cracked and went up an octave. "And i still love you…"
"You know ive never ever wanted to hurt you. I want us to have a life together." His thumbs wiped away my tears and he crushed me to his chest once more. "You're the most amazing person i've ever met. I just want to be good for you."
"I should beat you up just for saying that. Just fucking shut up with that shit already. You are good enough for me because i fucking say so!"
"No I'm not! I can't do anything for you!"
"You can fucking love me, you complete fucking idiot!!"
"I do love you! I was scared because I was in love with you! I was scared you'd abandoned me like everyone else! I was scared that I would get my hopes up too high! I was scared that I could never get my shit together! I'm always scared!!! Always!"
We realized that our shouting wasn't even a fight at all, just frustrated feelings that needed to be expressed yet still held passion.
Suddenly I started laughing, leaving Johnny confused until he started laughing too. We were both crybabies who desperately wanted each other. No, now I needed him. Relationships were supposed to be 50/50 but even though I carried the burden of 100% I would help him get back on his feet until we could get to that even level. "You're not some pet project or charity or a nuisance. You made me fall in love with you by just being you. You're my musician, my goofball, my excited idiot that loves puppies in the park, the person that listens to me. I won't pretend to understand everything you've gone through but please Johnny...its okay to ask for help, even when help has failed you before. Believe in the fact that I want you here. I want you to stay here and i'm going to help you."
"I'll make up for it. I'll do chores, laundry, groceries, whatever you need from me." He said and I realized that he wasn't fighting me anymore. "And i'll get a job as soon as i can. I want to...i want to get a new keyboard even though it can't replace the one i've lost."
"You know what, I can accept that. I'm always too tired after work to do shit. And I can use the help."
"Ok, ok i get it! Ask for help!" He took my head in his and kissed my forehead. "Will you help me?"
December 20
The first few days were hard. I asked him to continue to rest while I went to work. It seemed like he wanted to get up and move, that he was restless and fidgety but I soon realized that his fidgets were actually his fingers ghosting over a pretend keyboard. Sometimes he would mumble to himself, maybe about notes or lyrics then go back to "playing". It was his coping mechanism and eventually I gave him a spare notebook. I wanted him to write his ideas down at least. The gesture had brightened him up immensely and he took to writing in it as soon as I left for work.
I was able to concentrate somewhat more at my job but mostly all i could think about was getting back to him. I wished that i could text him, just to see how he was doing but neither of us were able to afford a second phone just yet. Still I worried secretly if he had run off again. I hadn't told him about that feeling; i didn't want to guilt him but it was one of my biggest fears at this point. He had been worried about people abandoning him again though I was feeling the exact same thing. Would he abandon me again?
I had to finally get those thoughts away from my brain when my train pulled into the station. My usual route had some complications or whatever and was shut down; a normal occurrence but a most irritating one. I had to take the longest way home possible, through places I hadn’t been to in years. I saw a chain clothing store and decided to peek in just for a bit. Johnny was wearing my sweats 24/7 because nothing else fit him and staying in the clothes he had on his back before wasn't exactly comfortable. We washed them every other day or so but i'm sure it was starting to get annoying. I managed to find a few shirts on clearance and some stretchy shorts left over from the summer. I wasn't sure of his exact size but i'm sure this would be fine. 
I checked my phone and realized it was getting late. It was another bus ride away from home so i had to catch up soon. I walked a little faster as I looked up the schedule. One would be coming in about 10 mins or so and I needed to haul ass. With my winter boots shuffling through snow I had passed by another store, a pawn shop. Normally i couldn't care less about it but the window made me stop and stare. It drew me closer and with the smallest of squints I could see initials carved into the side and a familiar faded sticker.
I rushed inside, presenting myself at the counter and scaring the shop owner. "Keyboard. How much?"
"150." He said, barely looking up at me.
150?! The fuck?! "I'll give you 50."
"Take it or leave it, toots. This isn't a bartering system."
I leaned in closer, glaring at the middle aged man. "That keyboard is stolen property. You're lucky I'm even offering you money for it. You're going to give me that keyboard for 50 bucks or else I'll call the cops on you and they can do a nice investigation of this place. I'm sure you have more shit that people have reported missing."
"The cops won't do shit. It's not stolen if I buy it."
"Then is it stolen if i buy it back?"
He glared at me and I returned the look until I turned around and booked it. I grabbed the keyboard and the case beneath it before throwing the money out my purse and over my head. I ran as my lungs burned and arms strained while carrying the heavy thing. He was on my trail and gaining traction but I got lucky. My bus was just about to take off from the nearby stop but I caught it in time to jump on, leaving the shop owner behind. God in heaven, don't have him call the cops on me. But technically I bought it right?
December 25
The day I brought the keyboard home, Johnny had been in the shower and I was able to rush inside and hide it under my bed. I pulled shoes and any other thing in my room that would block the view of it, just in case he got a little curious. I doubt he would have but I was still precautious.
When christmas morning came around i was excited, practically hopping around like a bunny. I could barely wait for him to get up and join me on the couch. Around noon he stumbled out of my room, his hair sticking up in random places and the sleep barely out of his eyes. I let him trudge to the bathroom to freshen up and took the opportunity to drag the keyboard to the kitchen to hide it temporarily.
Finally when he sat down I jumped in front of him, a smile plastered across my face. He looked at me, concerned. "Are you...okay? You're acting weird."
"I got you something!"
He groaned and sat back against the couch. "Why would you do that? You know i wanted to get you something but couldn't."
"Yes, yes, i know. We promised not to celebrate but this is important okay?! Just accept it and let me do this. Please?!"
With a heavy sigh he agreed and I told him to close his eyes. When he complied I got the keyboard and held it in my outstretched arms in front of him. "Ok, open!"
The swelling in his injured eye had gone down and all that was left were faint bruises. I was happy that he could take this in with both eyes so I could see the happiness behind those pools of honey. But instead they were covered in tears and his throat seemed to have closed up entirely. Carefully, as if he would hurt it, he took the keyboard from me and held it close to his chest, a few keys pressing down and making a chaotic sound. It somehow complimented his tears that drifted into sobs. Slowly I sat beside him and rested my head on his shoulder as I rubbed his back. We stayed like that for a while and I covered him in cozy kisses until he found his voice again, quiet but enough to express himself. "Y-you dont know how much this means to me."
"Oh, but i do. And I almost-probably- got the cops called on me because of it."
"What?!" He shot up quickly and rubbed at his stained cheeks while I laughed.
"It was in a pawn shop. I guess whoever had beat you up sold it for some quick cash. I offered the owner a different amount and he wouldn't take it. So….i kinda, maybe, sorta stole it back but i also still gave him money! So it cancels out."
"What in the actual fuck?! Are you crazy?!"
I smiled again and this time placed a soft kiss on his tender lips. "Absolutely."
He set his keyboard down on the coffee table and now wrapped his arms around me. "What the hell am i gonna do with you?"
"Hmm...maybe kiss me under the mistletoe?" I added another kiss to him though he held it long enough for me to pull him flush against me. We were lost in each other again, nothing but tongues and lips and caresses. We only stopped when Johnny pulled away for a small reloading of air. "How could i ever thank you enough? You've done so much for me and i-"
I slid onto his lap which silenced his self doubt. "Don't. You know how I feel when you get like that. Just enjoy this moment with me. I want you to be happy."
"I am happy. So incredibly fucking happy." Now it was his turn to smile, one that reminded me of our (first date?) time at the park together a summer ago. I loved that smile. I loved when his heart beat wildly and we laughed while dancing and cleaning the apartment, when he let me be the big spoon while we cuddled because it made him feel safer. I loved him more than the moon loved the sun.
Johnny held onto my hips while I circled my arms around his neck. We knew what was potentially coming next, a celebration, a renewed reconnection that we hadn't had ever since he returned. His way of thanking me in the only way he knew how- creating a passion in my soul that ignited all the slumbering sparks in my body. His determination was strong this time as was his confidence. I could tell in the way he shifted his hands down to grab my ass without a single trace of blush across his face. "Can we do this?" He still searched for consent of which i obviously was going to give him.
"As long as you're okay with it. It's a bit emotional now, no?"
"The best emotions though. Not to sound cheesy, even though I probably do, but my heart kinda feels like it's gonna explode."
"Yeah, you're right. It is cheesy. And dorky. But i think i expect that from you already."
He rubbed the back of his head and chuckled. "Well...i know that hasn't changed at all."
"You arent blushing or stuttering though. That's changed." I pointed out.
"That's because I'm not afraid anymore. I'm not afraid of losing you because i won't let you go again."
"You better not or else I'll hunt you down."
He didn't say any remarks and instead captured my lips in another breathless kiss. The caresses had turned into gropes to my ass and thighs, even snaking up to my breasts and dragging his blunt nails down my back. I shuddered at every heated touch. If this is what he was like when he was in college i surely would have gone after him and this was just a make out session. 
He took control of my hips and forced me down gently but enough where the center of our bodies could touch. I gasped against the heat and the slow shift of his body beneath mine. My neck started to splotch as blood bloomed to the surface with every suck or bite. He had never had the chance to mark me before. Now that his stamp was on me I craved more to be littered across my body wherever he wanted. His hands disappeared under my shirt and I felt the iciness of his fingers circle around my breasts. "Will you take this off for me please?"
I nodded almost immediately then pulled my shirt over my head. I shuddered as my skin was exposed to even more cold and tried to snuggle up to him more. "M-maybe we shouldn't be on the couch. Im freezing and my apartment sucks at keeping heat."
"You're right. I'd much rather keep you warm myself." He teased with a smirk which made me roll my eyes.
"Okay, don't use those tired lines on me." I went to slide off him but instead Johnny wrapped an arm around my waist and pushed himself off the couch. I grabbed onto him quickly, afraid i was going to fall but he held me up and continued to walk to my room. "O-oh...well then." I hadn't expected that at all much less when he set me on the bed and wrapped the fleece blanket around me.
"You try and stay warm and I will get to work."
"Get to work?"
Johnny chuckled and sunk down to his knees in front of me. "Yeah? I mean...were gonna hook up right?"
"Is it hooking up when you're with your boyfriend?"
Now returned the incredibly deep crimson across his face and ears that I was used to. "B-boyfriend?!" He squeaked.
Had I just embarrassed myself? I pulled the blanket over my face and mumbled. "i- just thought...im sorry…"
"Don't be sorry. I-its okay...i just didnt think id ever hear that." He buried his face in my lap and chuckled against the softness of my belly. "I like that."
I peered out from the blanket and giggled. "Well good...jerk."
"How am i a jerk?!" He grabbed a hold of my pants and fumbled with them while we joked about our relationship title and goofy pet names for one another. I had hardly noticed that I had become fully exposed to him until he had quieted down and moved his face between my thighs. I covered my mouth quickly to try and hide the surprised squeak as I felt his tongue carefully lap against me while his hands rubbed up and down my thighs. He looked up for a moment, gauging my reaction, before sucking gently on my clit. I pried my legs open just a little bit more which gave him room to bury his face further.
Eventually I settled the tension and relaxed completely against his licks and soft rumbles, even clutching onto his hair when the tip of his tongue nudged inside me. His hand pressed into my stomach and pushed me back gently allowing him to crawl onto the bed and nudge my legs up to my chest. I placed my calves over his shoulders while he braced his arms beside my ribcage, fisting the sheets as he moved quicker. Open hot kisses were now against me, returning to suck against my clit and tease my entrance which seemed to be his favorite thing to do given my small squirms.
Just when my hips started to undulate forward he pulled away and swiped his thumb across his lips. "I see you like to misbehave more than last time."
"Excuse me?!" I blushed. "You're the one being all-!....Good and stuff!"
"Is it really good?" He tilted his head questioningly.
"Yes, and though I liked last time, this is um...kinda better."
"Good, that's what i want. I want to give you the best fuck of your life."
I wacked his shoulder as my face burned brighter. "You were a fuckboy in college, weren't you?!"
"Noooo, swear I wasn't." He moved on top of me, wrapping my legs around his waist now. "I'm just speaking the truth. Tell me anything you want me to do." He retreated to laying kisses across my neck and sliding down to my chest. This time he captured a nipple between his plush lips and sucked harsher than he had on my clit. I quickly gripped a fistful of his shaggy hair and pulled as my back arched from the bed. He slipped his arm beneath me, keeping my chest against his. "Tell me…" He breathed across the wetness on my sensitive bud.
"I-i want to...maybe return the favor?" I glanced at the small space between us where I could tell he wasn't wearing any underwear beneath his sweatpants. Johnny cupped my face gently, placing a kiss on my nose before switching positions so he was propped against my headboard. I shuffled closer to him as he tossed the sweats aside, keeping my blanket over me.
"Go slow if you need to…"
I think this was the first time I had actually gotten a good glimpse of him. He had hidden beneath the covers the last time and I moved my hand to where he was without much thought. He was still opting to keep his sweatshirt on though I really wanted to plaster kisses against his chest and create hickies across his collar bone so that way he knew that he was mine as much as I was his. I didn't question it though, figuring it was still a sensitive topic, and instead focused on the task at hand. I, myself, didn't think I was good at this particular sort of thing either. Johnny had tried his best for me and it felt wonderful. I just hoped I could get the same reaction from him.
I felt his strong hand pet my hair in encouragement as i inched my mouth closer. Carefully i settled my lips around the head of his cock and gradually built up the strength of my sucks to swallow down more of him. His breathing was shallowing, as if he was holding it in, but I could feel his eyes on me. Unlike him I was too afraid to look up and instead hoped that I didn't look a fool. His hand that laid against my hair added some pressure which forced me down more. It wasn't painful really yet i felt my mouth like it was being stretched to its limit. "I think you're doing a pretty good job yourself." He hissed through a groan.
He allowed me to slip off him and lick my lips of his taste. "It's a lot but i'm glad i can manage." I teased before kissing the tip. Johnny grabbed a hold of his base and commanded me to part my lips where he settled small rubs against my tongue.
"Is it okay when i do this?" I nodded quickly and placed my hand over his around his shaft. He pulled away and allowed me to remain so I could shift my wrist up and down the few inches I couldn't take. He liked me being focused around his head as well as every lick or even the slightest of nibbles. I even dared to flick my tongue along his slit which made his hips buck hard. "W-whoa, uh… I don't want a repeat of last time." He laughed nervously and pulled me away. "I want...uh...i wanna um...b-be inside you…" he cringed.
I cringed along with him but slithered into his lap, wrapping the blanket around us both. "Don't say that, just do it."
"A-ahh...i like the sound of that." I realized I had to leave my warmth for a second to retrieve another forgotten condom and worked it over him. "Do you wanna stay in my lap?"
"Does it feel nice?"
"You've never-?"
"No, just the regular way i guess." I admitted shyly.
"Maybe it's time to put my college education to use then."
"What does music have to do with- '' I let out a surprised gasp as I felt him guide my hips up and slowly began to fill me. The pit of my stomach seemed so full, somehow much fuller than the last time and I dug my nails into his biceps tightly. "Oh fuck…"
Johnny caressed my torso, waiting for me to adjust while he simply admired the way I looked. "It's okay. If it still hurts let me know."
"N-no um...it doesn't hurt it just feels wayyyy different. Good different. Not anything bad."
He chuckled. "Yeah i got that. Do you want to try moving? Do you know how?"
"I mean ive seen it in porn and stupid movies but maybe...a little help might be nice." I buried my face in the crook of his neck as he grabbed a firmer hold on my hips.
"Lift up with me." He whispered into my ear. I followed his directions, keeping my face hidden though my budding moans were giving my pleasure away. It took a few minutes, god knows how many, until i was bouncing on my own, Johnny's fingers bruising my skin and leaving indentations behind. The blanket fell to wayside, forgotten and uncared for as we worked together, pistoning quicker by the moment. "You f-feel amazing." Johnny choked through a moan.
I pressed my forehead to his and nodded silently. I was barely able to say any words, only clenching around the tightness inside me until I felt like bursting at the seams. The single time i caught my breath all i could utter was the softest 'more' i've ever produced. My back was no longer against emptiness but instead trapped between my headboard and johnny. I squeezed my legs tighter around his waist, giving him something to hold onto as his thrusts became stronger. Never violent, but always hard and deep enough to where everything seemed heightened. 
Our tongues clashed together again, teeth gnawing at lips and skin, and hands fumbling to find one another until they were pinned against the wall above. The trembling of the wood into plaster elicited moans from us both, surely letting the neighbors in the close confines hear what was going on. My eyes squeezed shut as he throbbed against my walls waiting for the perfect moment to still his hips and let go. I hadn't expected the last hard thrust of his release and it sent tendrils of rosy hues to form across my already flushed skin. "J-johnny?"
He slumped against my shoulders, breathing against the stickiness between us. I let him gather himself, relishing with him in the beginning of afterglow though I haven't had my thrilling bliss or whatever it was supposed to feel like. Eventually he pulled away from me and pushed back his hair, a serious in his eyes that also took me by surprise. He slipped out of me slowly and traversed back to between my thighs that was smeared in my cum. "What are you doing?" I swallowed hard.
He ignored me and returned his tongue to lash across my lower lips this time joined by his fingers that thrusted almost as harshly as he had. He was hell bent on satisfying me, alternating his patterns between curling his tongue and fingers and slowing down just as I almost reached my climax just to prolong the feeling. At first it was irritating but then I saw the true colors of his actions- the build up, the extra tension, the squirming of my body and clawing of my nails against his arms. A torture so good that i could hear the lewd slurping as i finally came.
He slowed his licks down little by little until my quivers stopped, ending it was a small kiss to my clit. When he laid by my side an incredibly goofy smile was on his face. "Better?"
I nodded and instantly curled against him. I secretly was afraid he would get up and leave again but another part felt the security that he wouldn't. Perhaps if he heard those words one last time he would stay. "I love you."
January 1
A new year. A new life continued.
Celebrating by getting shitfaced and watching the giant disco ball from from the top of the tower in the center of Times square.
A countdown. A kiss. A promise.
"I want to love you forever."
"Don't be so corny!"
"I don't care. It's how I feel. I want to love you for fucking ever."
Another kiss as midnight hit, longer, deeper.
An uncaring slow burn of a fuck on the floor through trembling limbs and urges to stay close and warm. His long body covering mine as if to say he'd protect me but we both knew that he was mine to shield.
Beneath the string of fairy lights under my tiny christmas tree the living room stayed dimly lit and I could see the soft shadows dance across his face as he slept on my chest. He'd grown accustomed to hearing my heartbeat-a lullaby, he said- as I played with his hair which I promised I'd get him to cut soon.
This was magic. Between the two of us and the sappiness of the holidays it felt like the stars had shown us the miracles of coming together. I held his hand tightly as I kissed his forehead, listening to his soft snores. My own lullaby was him feeling at peace and never return to a life that was colder than the winter's snow.
February 9
"Hey beautiful stranger."
I turned my head and saw Johnny leaning against the wall of the subway station. "Why are you here?!" I asked.
"Fuckin' train got delayed. Been here an hour while they try and figure out a substitute route. I called my boss and luckily he's super understanding. He got caught in a huge delay this morning too. I think your train is okay."
"Ugh, just your luck. You leave before me but now we're stuck together." He pulled me closer to him and pressed warm kisses to my face.
"Oh darn, how absolutely terrible." He smiled and gave me a squeeze."
"Oh, here, hold my coffee. Your tie is crooked." Johnny took my usual morning coffee before I adjusted my purse over my shoulder to give me proper room to fix the unevenness of his tie. It was a royal blue, a favorite color of his and it brought out the crispness of his white button up. He looked so handsome. He was lucky I let him get out of bed this morning. "You better get home on time because i have a surprise for your birthday."
"Does that surprise involve lingerie?" He smirked. "I saw that bag you tried to sneak in your dresser."
"Well now you wont get it since you decided to be nosy!"
"Hmm, guess it doesn't matter since it would just end up on the floor anyway. Don't have time for straps and shit."
I shoved at him playfully as my cheeks warmed. "You're getting absolutely nothing then. Pervert."
He took a sip of my coffee then looked pensive, seeming to ignore my banter for a moment. "Hey, doesn't your train kinda stop near my job?"
"Oof, it sort of does but youre def gonna have to take two transfers after. The A and the 1 i think."
"Anything is better than waiting for these idiots to get their shit together. I'll go with you. And then we can talk more about tonight." He gave me a wink as he took another sip making me roll my eyes.
I ignored his pervertedness for the most part and agreed to him joining me. "Hmm sounds good to me." I laid my head on his chest while my hand reached up to swipe away a bit of coffee that had stained his chubby cheek. He was less of a skeleton and definitely more of a teddy bear now- said my cooking was the best he'd ever had though i think he was just being nice. He still felt perfect in my arms and for once we were both happy to be someone's someone.
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cherrywoes · 3 years
ii. the girl in the foxes' den.
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chapter two. heads for pikes.
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The orphanage was a quaint little thing just on the borders of Shiratorizawa. Surrounded by a small lake dotted with water lilies, lily pads, and other winter resistant flowers that were the staple of your kingdom, it was perhaps the epitome of homeliness—what your brother aspired for the rest of his kingdom during his reign, a peacefulness that couldn’t be broken.
You had played at the lake as children, of course, when your father would sneak the both of you out of your mother’s insufferable tutoring lessons to mingle with the common folk. “To grow and learn,” he had said, but all you had learned was that people only believed in themselves, lived for themselves, and died for themselves. With the exception of Wakatoshi, maybe, you knew that the commoners were just as cutthroat as any other noble; just as worse, perhaps, or more so. You’d witnessed people, more than once, slit throats over the barest crumb of bread, and there was plenty to go around—and that was just amongst nobles.
Shiratorizawa prided itself upon strength and superiority, but that could only get you so far when you couldn’t even trust your neighbors not to stab you in the back.
“Wakatoshi can change that,” you mumbled to yourself. The smell of horse sweat, tangy and distinctly equine, assailed your nostrils; a comforting smell, despite how unappealing it sounded. You’d spent most of your life training or riding horses, after all, and paid quite a lot of attention to them when you weren’t busy wrangling disrespectful court women. Your mare nickered softly the closer you drew to the orphanage, where a singular crowd of children and a nun stood waiting for you to go to them. “Is it just me, or are there more orphans than before? Goshiki?”
The Elite Knight in question swallowed and swerved his head to pay attention to you. He, and another Knight, Semi Eita, had caught up to you as you were exiting the main wall that separated the main city from the palace. You recognized them as Wakatoshi’s close friends, nobles sworn into his personal circle after he was crowned King. They were never far from your brother’s side, so you had to wonder why he left them behind when he could have taken them with him. Tendou was far from the most physically capable man; his eagle form was much more sturdy in terms of battle.
“It makes sense,” Semi said instead, before Goshiki could stutter out an answer. He, like Goshiki, wore the same purple-tinged armor and sweeping crushed velvet cape. You’d found the whole ensemble ridiculous, right down to the plumage on their helms, but Wakatoshi was a stickler for tradition, at least in the uniform’s sense. “A lot of the commoners have come down with a sickness lately. Tracking down the source has been a pain; a lot of them died before we could get to them with a healer in time.”
You frowned, a distinct line on your face. Wakatoshi had always said you had a very foreboding frown, whatever that meant. “Why wasn’t I informed of this?”
Semi shrugged. You were tempted to kick him off his horse and drag him down into the grass to strangle him for shrugging at you. You didn’t know what Wakatoshi let him get away with, but you hated people you weren’t close with acting casual towards you. It was one of your worst pet peeves, besides girls trying to play Queen, and you were sure your glare was enough to smelt steel if you tried hard enough.
“It wasn’t your place then,” he explained, tugging the reigns to veer around a slab of stone depicting the orphanage’s name. “King Ushijima was adamant that you have no part in it so as to prevent you from catching the illness.”
“And?” With a huff and a subtle side-eye, you watched him move back into place at your flank, staring straight ahead and cleverly avoiding your gaze. “Illness is no issue for me. I am an Ushijima—I don’t get sick.”
And that was true; besides small sicknesses like seasonal allergies or colds, you were invulnerable to everything else. Even poisons, to an extent, as long as they were ones you had been exposed to previously in small amounts. Though you hadn’t gained your eagle form just yet, you had the immunity of a shifter, which your brother found endlessly perplexing. You were grateful for it: it kept you from dying so easily at the hands of an assassin, if it ever came to that. You had been trained well enough to be a deadly opponent since you couldn’t shift, not that anyone except Wakatoshi and your mother knew that. The nobles would have heart attacks if they knew their princess could disarm a man faster than she could finish a single stitch of embroidery.
“He didn’t want to risk it, my lady.” Semi reached up and adjusted the pin of his cloak from poking into the gap between his chain mail and pauldron. “That’s all.”
Your lips drew into a thin line, but you quickly found yourself without time to retort as children swarmed your mare. You squeezed your legs against her sides in warning and carefully dismounted, narrowly avoiding swinging your boot into a poor child’s head when he refused to move out of your way. Goshiki took your hand to allow you to get to the ground without falling and you gave him a grateful nod when another child went straight for your knees to grab ahold of you.
“Children!” The nun scolded, bustling forward with a shiny red face. Her robes looked particularly suffocating in the heat as she began rerouting them all into the tiny group that had been around her previously, giving each one a specific and deliberate warning that perhaps went over deaf ears. She looked at you, an apology in her eyes, although it was eclipsed by the intense dislikement that came from your presence specifically. “Crown Princess [Name]. I was not aware of your visit until early this morning. I’m afraid we aren’t prepared for you at this time.”
You smiled bitterly. You had expected this, of course; nuns, specifically this nun, had an extreme hatred for you whether you were kind to them or not. It all stemmed from one little fact: you were not your mother. They saw you as weak, as prime pickings when Wakatoshi was away. It was a common perception, the same one you had concocted with your brother, and while you were keen on keeping it up for the time being, it didn’t mean you didn’t feel some measure of irritation at being unable to freely express yourself around others. Because you played the docile, meek princess locked away in the castle, you had no true way of earning power except through deception. And that was what you had intended—there was more power in the dark than the light.
“That’s quite alright,” you replied soothingly, using the sweetest tone you could muster. You opened your saddlebag and produced a bag of gold—ones, ironically, with your face on them to be petty—to hand over to the nun. She looked at you questioningly, the weight heavier than she was used to getting from you or any royal, and squeezed the pouch thoughtfully. “To buy the children new clothes for the upcoming winter—extra for more food, since there are more than before, I hear?”
“Yes, your majesty.” The woman tucked the pouch away into her robes. You made a mental note to tell the local seamstress and hunters to make sure she only bought furs and shoes for the children—you didn’t trust anyone in positions of religious institutions as far as you could throw them. And that wasn’t very far. “Is there anything… else you needed?”
“No. I came to—” Your eyes caught on a woman lingering at the edge of the crowd of children, dressed in rags. She was fairly petite, blonde of hair, and looked completely out of place in Shiratorizawa as a whole, where brown hair and black hair was most common. She stuck out as much as Tendou did with his red hair. “Who is that?”
The nun turned to see who you were looking at. You were surprised to see disgust crawl over her features, more potent than if it had been aimed at you. “Oh, that’s a refugee from Karasuno—the neighboring Empire to Nekoma. She says while the King and his advisor are away, some other kingdom stormed their castle, raided their lands, and now hold their capital ransom until King Sawamura returns.”
Your eyes narrowed suspiciously. Wakatoshi’s aides hadn’t notified you of this. And judging by the alarmed looks on Semi and Goshiki’s faces, they hadn’t known either, which meant this was a very recent occupation, or someone had swept under their noses, past their borders, and invaded Karasuno without so much as a warning. And any kingdom who could be that discreet, that sly, was worth keeping a very close eye on.
“I see.” You forced your features to be more sympathetic, bringing your hand up to your cheek in faux thought. You might have even tried to cry if it wouldn’t have seemed so fake. “Well, she can’t just stay at the orphanage—what is her name?”
The nun shrugged, disgruntled, and waved for the woman. “You! Come here.”
The blonde haired woman startled, looking towards them with wide eyes. Her gaze darted between Semi and Goshiki with their armor and then finally settled on you, dressed less than princess-like, and the tiara on your head that you’d thrown on when you found it in your saddlebag before you left. It was, luckily, made with black pearls and onyx, so it fit well with your outfit and didn’t look too out of place.
“Your majesty,” she whispered when she drew near enough. Her feet were calloused from miles of walking, raw from running over craggy peaks and sharp cliff faces that separated Karasuno from Shiratorizawa, a feat in its own right. Blood still seeped from open cracks in her heels and dripped into the sand, turning it a deep red. Though her face was dirty, smeared with dirt and dried mud that hadn’t been cleaned, she was pretty underneath it all—and very clearly of some nobility. Her features were too aristocratic to be anything else, a bastard maybe, but clearly noble. When she curtsied, you noted the practiced ease and near perfect posture even with infected wounds and wounded feet. “I apologize for my appearance—”
“No need.” You held up your hands and reached over to straighten her. Gravel rolled beneath her heels and she shifted, sending a waft of sweat, days old blood, and what you could barely say was stale perfume towards you. You had to blink to keep your eyes from watering at the pungent scent; so as not to humiliate her, you smiled, though you had a hard time blinking the water from your eyes. “You are nobility, yes?”
The nun looked over, alarmed, but the girl was already nodding her head in a reluctant affirmative.
You stepped back and between Semi and Goshiki in thought. Her presence could easily be taken as an offense; she was here without invitation, despite her empire being occupied, and living in squalor at the orphanage, unbecoming of a noble, especially a woman. But she could also be a valuable asset: she was a well of knowledge about Karasuno and the current political situation. If you could wheedle enough information out of her, you would be able to yank Karasuno right out from under the invaders’ noses and instill Shiratorizawa rule, but you knew it wouldn’t be that easy—there was an edge in her gaze that spoke of a cleverness. She wouldn’t release her secrets so easily.
“Well, then.” You scanned her up and down and pursed your lips. “We can’t leave you here, Lady…?”
“Yachi.” She shifted uncomfortably. “Yachi Hitoka.”
“Yachi Hitoka,” you amended, the name foreign on your tongue but vaguely familiar. A family name you had heard before, perhaps in your studies. You would make sure to crack open the records whenever you returned back to the palace. “You can’t stay here. Return with me to the palace and we’ll see to getting you a bath and some food… Unless you would rather stay here?”
“Thank you, your majesty.” Yachi’s voice was quiet, but there was gratitude there—step one complete.
You smiled and turned to your horse. Semi knelt down and allowed you to step into his hands to settle your leg over the saddle, hooking your foot in the stirrup when you were settled. The mare tossed her head with a snort, eager to get going, and you patted her neck gently. You jerked your head towards Goshiki—the one least likely to say something rude about her smell—when you spoke to Yachi again. “You’ll ride with Goshiki. His horse is the gentlest, which will be better on your wounds in the long run. I wouldn’t want you to rip open the ones that have already healed.”
Yachi nodded. “Thank you, your majesty.”
You waited for her to mount with the help of Goshiki, watching as she struggled to support herself on hurt feet. He allowed her to sit in front of him rather than behind, even though, to your amusement, it made his face burn a bright red, so she wouldn’t fall off as easily. Semi snorted beside you at his babbled explanation and Yachi seemed to notice, her face flushing—you wondered if she also had a fever—and dropped her head to avoid your gaze.
You turned your head and nodded to the nun in silent farewell, turning your horse and heading back the way you came. You tried to keep quiet, to not pester her with questions, but your curiosity won out.
“So, Lady Yachi,” you called, looking over at her from your horse,”what banners did these… invaders fly with their troops?”
She looked uncomfortable at the memory, but answered,”None, your majesty. A banner with a black field was all I saw.”
“I see.” That made no sense. Any organized army with enough might to siege an empire could only be another kingdom or empire; none that you knew employed a plain black field upon their banner except for Karasuno and Nekoma themselves, and you knew Nekoma didn’t have the capacity to invade and occupy another empire without aid from another. No, this was something different—a mercenary group, perhaps? But that made no sense, either. “And did anyone else escape as you did?”
“I… I’m not sure, your majesty.” Yachi took on a look of genuine anguish at the thought and you had to pity her just a little. “But if they did, they wouldn’t have risked Shiratorizawa as I did—perhaps Nekoma, or Aoba Johsai.”
Yes, those two were indeed more likely. No one would want to brave the cliffs and hills that made up Shiratorizawa; they were made for eagle shifters and those who knew the terrain well enough not to fall to their deaths. It was dangerous for any other to go through them, which was all the more suspicious now that an army had seemingly snuck through without anyone noticing. You would have to dig deeper into this—and worm your way into Wakatoshi’s advisor’s good graces, too.
“Hmm.” You scratched your chin. “Semi, when we return, assemble a small group of men and head to Nekoma and then Aoba Johsai to search for survivors. Get their stories; I’m concerned about this new militant force, whoever it is. They could target Shiratorizawa next.”
“W-wait!” Yachi made Goshiki shove his horse forward. You raised an eyebrow at her inquisitively. “If you can—can you see if my friends made it out? You can’t miss one of them, he has orange hair, and is short—”
You looked to Semi for confirmation. It was his squadron he would likely be sending out; it was his choice. You had no interest in her friends, even if they were survivors. You just wanted their stories. When he nodded subtly, you inclined your head and looked back to Yachi. “Very well. They will look—but they will not hunt them down. That’s the best I can offer you, Yachi. I apologize.”
“That’s alright.” She smiled, a pathetic, weary thing. “It means a lot to me that you even considered it. I hope they’re okay, wherever they are.”
You couldn’t relate. Your kingdom wasn’t occupied by an unknown enemy force, hopefully it never would be. You could only nod and nudge your horse into a trot, eager to see if you had drove that arrogant little girl playing Queen out of the palace, only to see a procession—a very haphazard, unsteady procession—proceeding towards you faster than you could blink. Among them was an eagle shifter you knew well—Kenjiro Shirabu—and he never used his eagle form unless it was of the utmost importance.
Because he was smaller than the others, you were able to hold out your arm and allow him to land safely, even if he almost knocked you over in the process. His claws dug into your arm and ripped through your sleeve as he tried to steady himself, but he looked so terrified, so scared, even in eagle form, that your concern quickly overpowered your smugness.
“Shirabu?” You reached up and plucked a loose feather from his wing. “What’s wrong?”
“King Wakatoshi’s squadron—what was left of it—returned home moments after you departed.” He was out of breath, taking deep inhales through his beak to catch it, and you watched him with concerned eyes. “I was told to return and inform you.”
But that made no sense—what was left of it?
“What do you mean?” You squinted at him, understanding settling in your gut even though you denied it. “Shirabu?”
He avoided your gaze. “They were attacked. King Wakatoshi… King Wakatoshi did not return with them. Nor did Tendou.”
It was like someone had dropped a cold stone in your belly. “What?”
“Please hurry to the palace.” He was already rising, flapping his wings to gain altitude. You reached up to snatch him back down, but he evaded your grasp and hovered just above your reach. “The advisors are in a panic. They don’t know what to do—you’re the only one who can take charge now, Princess [Name].”
He was gone before you could stop him. You watched him fly away, in a daze, eyes fixed on his steadily shrinking form, much like when you had watched Wakatoshi leave that day. He had promised to bring you back honey from the forest.
“Let’s go.” You spurred your horse into a run, Goshiki and Semi following right behind you. You had to know if it was true. And if it was… If it was? “We… We need to do damage control.”
“I believe the damage is already done, your majesty!” Semi shouted over the roaring wind in his ears. He gestured to the outside of the palace, already in sight from the breakneck pace, as you merged with the retinue that had come with Shirabu. People rallied around the gate, rioting, demanding to know what was going on. Tomatoes and sour fruit flew and hit the men standing guard at their post. “We’ll go through the back way!”
You allowed Semi to take charge, moving his horse to the head of your group because, for once, you could make no decisions. Your thoughts revolved around your brother—undefeated, unconquerable Wakatoshi, so confident in his decisions and quiet and kind. Now he was gone, dead or missing, and you had no idea who had done it.
But when you found them, whoever had taken your brother from you and kept him from returning home, you would skin them and place their heads on a pike.
And you would start with Akira Saito.
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one | masterlist | three
taglist (open): i don't think i got any requests for this taglist (if i did i forgot) so feel free to ask me again to add you if i did. <3
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persephonesfill · 4 years
breathe me in
a/n: this is the fic i promised for my 900 follower celebration! i’ve had this blog a for a while and it’s crazy to think that there’s people let alone 900 of them that care about my stupid opinions on stony. thank you guys so much!
summary: Tony tries to have a heart to heart with Steve after their fight on the Helicarrier and gets more than he bargained for. Set during The Avengers.
rating: Explicit, so explicit
warning(s): tony has self confidence issues but what else is new, heavy smut
edit: this fic has a sequel now!
choke on me—chapter one
Almost dying, Tony decides, really puts one's life in perspective. They weren't kidding when they said your life flashed before your eyes, right up until your last breath. His life flashed alright, in a riot of color and noise, camera flashes, cheers, and jeers alike. And when he opens his eyes, he's greeted by Rogers kneeling over him looking distraught.
His almost death aside (he'll deal with that trauma later) Tony does what he does best to break the tension; he cracks a joke. And because today is just chock full of surprises, Rogers laughs. He laughs, and his eyes are as brilliant as the sky above them. Tony swears his heart stops again. It's happened enough for him to recognize the feeling.  
Tony knows he can be an asshole. He can be rude and obnoxious and interruptive, all very much asshole behaviors. The majority of the time, it's just an act. People have come to expect a show from him, whether they know it or not, and Tony's never been one to half-ass anything. The public wants a rich, smarmy bastard? He can do rich, smarmy bastard. He's the fucking poster boy for rich, smarmy bastard. 
But Rogers, laughing with him, smiling at him after dealing with Tony Stark: Peak Asshole Edition™? It makes Tony pause. The joke isn't that funny (you try coming up with a zinger after sacrificing yourself for the sake of the world), so why is Rogers smiling? It's not that Tony hates himself so much to the point where he immediately distrusts any signs of affection. But Tony's Tony. And Steve is Steve. 
"That's why," he tells himself. "This is Steve Rogers. Being kind is in his blood." There's only death in Tony's. 
"You're a real piece of work, aren't you, Stark?" Steve says, chuckling to himself. There's no heat to his words.
"You wouldn't like me nearly half as much if I wasn't," Tony says and immediately wants to shovel the words back into his mouth. He and Steve aren't friends. Steve isn't like Rhodey or Happy or hell, even Romanov, who Tony's still not sure what the status of their relationship is. 
Instead of rolling his eyes or sighing, that slight smile stays on his face. 
"Okay," Tony thinks. "That's new."
Tony's got a new perspective on things. Maybe Rogers isn't that bad. That doesn't mean that they're friends, not even close. But, Tony thinks, as he shuffles from foot to foot outside the soldier's makeshift quarters on the Helicarrier, that doesn't mean he doesn't want to at least try. 
Tony knows how to be the bigger person when he wants to be. 
He knocks on the door, and before he can change his mind and retreat to Stark Tower like a recluse, Steve is opening the door. 
Tony must have caught him while he was stripping out of his uniform; Steve's still wearing the bottoms of his suit, utility belt and combat boots in all. Aside from that, Steve is shirtless. Which is fine. Tony isn't going to question why Steve is shirtless, but it is hard to make direct eye contact with him when his abs are right there in front of Tony's face. And it's not like Steve didn't have time to put on a shirt before he answered the door. 
"Stark?" Steve says. "I'm surprised to see you up and running."
Right. Near-death experience. "I may have bribed the doctors in the med-bay into letting me leave early," he says. 
Steve frowns. Tony's quite familiar with Steve's frowns now. There's the "I can't believe you just said that" frown and the "Captain America is disappointed in you" frown, but this one, Tony can't seem to pinpoint. 
"Your heart stopped."
"After the second time, you get used to it," he says with a shrug. "Look, I didn't come to talk about my medical issues." 
A muscle works in Steve's jaw. Tony shouldn't find it as attractive as he does. "Why did you come, then?"
"I wanted to apologize." 
Steve arches a brow. "For?"
"For being an ass." It comes out sounding like a question. "I...said some hurtful things, and I want to own up to them instead of sweeping them under the rug."
"It wasn't just you," Steve admits. "We both were at each other's throats."
"Still," Tony says. "You're not a lab rat. Not even close."
Steve's lips quirk up. "I'm a step up from rat, now?"
"Yes," Tony says. This is good. Steve is smiling instead of punching him in the face. Tony can handle this. 
"You know...what you did today, that took courage."
Oh, God. Tony doesn't want this to be about him. (Despite popular belief, his ego isn't that fucking big.) 
"Don't even mention it. Please," Tony says. "If you're not gonna let me apologize to you properly, at least let me do something for you, or buy you something. I'm great at buying things."
Steve frowns again, but his interest is piqued. "Like what?"
"I don't know, like a vintage car or something. A blowjob. Whatever floats your boat." Why did he say blowjob, why did he say blowjob, why the fuck did he say blowjob? 
Steve's staring daggers into him. "Did you just offer to blow me?" 
Seriously, why the fuck did he say blowjob? 
"It was a joke," he says lamely. 
"Oh," Steve says, his face dropping and—is Tony crazy, or does Steve actually look disappointed?
"I'm sorry. You don't have to if you don't want to," Steve says. "I thought...you know what, never mind." Steve's retreating back into the safety of his room, a blush flooding his cheeks. 
Tony has two options, and he has to pick fast. He can either let this whole thing go and pretend it never happened, as that seems like it's what Steve wants to do. Or...he can roll with it. 
"Wait," Tony says, grabbing Steve by the arm. His skin is hot to the touch. "It...it wouldn't be a chore or anything." 
Steve swallows, looking Tony up and down. Tony feels oddly naked in front of him like Steve is seeing past every mask he's ever donned. "You mean that?" Steve says.
"I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about it," Tony confesses. His stomach twists into knots. During their fight he had thought about Steve pinning him against a wall, wrapping a hand around his throat, kissing his mouth like a savage—
"Yeah?" Steve says, and his tongue darts out, wetting his lips.
"Yeah," Tony breathes. The hallway feels like it's closing in on him. 
Their eyes meet, and it's a matter of seconds before Steve's yanking Tony by his arm into the barrack. 
Tony barely has any time to close the door and observe the room before Steve's on him. 
He's kissing Captain America.
Tony Stark is kissing Captain America. 
Steve kisses like he fights; All confidence and barely restrained power. Tony's back is pressed against the wall, but he can't find it in himself to complain as Steve's tongue finds its way into his mouth. 
Tony doesn't know if they closed the door or not, and that sends an electric thrill running down his spine. Anybody could walk past and see him ready to fall to his knees and give Captain fucking America the blowjob of his life. 
Steve slots his thigh in between Tony's legs, silently prompting him to spread them, and it's no skin off Tony's back to comply. 
Steve's tongue is quick and clever, eliciting moans from Tony's mouth. Steve's a practiced kisser, and Tony's not sure if that bothers him or not. He had assumed that Steve was a precious virgin with 1940s sensibilities, but obviously, he had been with somebody. Tony wonders if it was recent and if Steve still thinks about them in his spare time. 
The thought of Steve with another lover fills him with jealousy, and Tony finds himself kissing Steve harder. He winds his hands into Steve's hair and grinds his rapidly growing cock down on Steve's thick thigh. 
Steve pulls back, chuckling as Tony chases after his lips. 
"You're a needy one, huh?" he says, working at the fly of his tac suit. 
"Like you're any better," Tony says, marveling at how out of breath he sounds. "You can barely get your pants down, you're so eager." 
Steve raises his hands. "Alright, genius, you do it. I'll just stand here and look pretty." 
Tony bites back a smile and instead makes quick work of Steve's fly. 
"Oh, wow," he says softly when he pulls out Steve's cock, already hard and leaking precome. He's not a poet, but he's never seen a dick that looked so...nice. It's so hot in Tony's hands, like a brand. Steve keeps himself trimmed and neat, which makes sense, given the rest of his appearance. 
Tony can hear his heart beating a rapid rhythm in his chest as the gravity of what he's about to do hits him. It's not like he's never given a blowjob before, far from it. But this is Steve. Steve, who lied on registration forms just so he could serve his country. Steve, who freed prisoners of war with little to no help. Steve, who plunged a nuke-laden plane into the ocean without a second thought. 
"Hey," Steve said. "I meant it when I said you don't have to do this if you don't want to. Are you still okay with this?" 
Something in Tony's heart softens at that, and he silently pushes it down. This is a one time only situation. He can't afford to get feelings involved, so instead, he nods. "Yeah," he says, "You think I'd say no to this?" And with that, Tony fully sinks to his knees.
He takes Steve into his mouth before he can ask any more questions. A sharp intake of breath escapes Steve's mouth. Tony's hands come up to rest on Steve's well-muscled thighs. It's hard to breathe at first—Steve is so big, Tony would bet his fortune that he had been like this before the serum too. 
Tony takes his time, and Steve lets him adjust to the foreign weight in his mouth. He breathes through his nose because he's not a goddamn amateur, and settles into a steady rhythm, bobbing his head along the length of Steve's dick. 
Tony savors the little gasps and moans that Steve emits whenever he swallows around him or flicks his tongue a certain way. He commits them to his memory like a raven collects shining trinkets. 
Steve's hand curls into Tony's hair, not necessarily pushing him down, though. Just a steady, almost comforting weight on Tony's head that makes something in the back of his mind purr in satisfaction. 
"You're doing so good," Steve whispers it like it's a secret. 
Tony looks up at him, and Steve looks just as wrecked as Tony feels. The blue of his eyes is naught but a thin ring overtaken by a pool of black. His skin is sweaty and flushed, his lips red and swollen from where he had been biting them to stifle his moons. Tony wants to devour him. 
Steve's fingers tighten in his hair, and Tony's moaning himself now. Steve's eyes flutter shut, his mouth dropping into a slight 'o'. 
"How can someone be so fucking beautiful?" Tony thinks. 
His own cock tents his jeans, leaking precome, but Tony will deal with it later. He's not expecting Steve to return the favor. This is an apology, after all. An unconventional one, sure, but an apology all the same. 
"I'm close," Steve says. "Do you want me to—"
Instead of answering, Tony hollows out his cheeks and sucks. His teeth ghost over a vein along the length of Steve's cock, and Steve's coming with a muffled shout into Tony's mouth. Tony's careful to swallow it all, not wanting any of Steve's come to go to waste. He tells himself that it's just so that there's less of a mess. 
"Jesus, Tony," Steve says, his voice all scratchy like he had been the one on his knees for the past fifteen minutes. 
Tony pulls off of Steve and looks up at him with big eyes, his lashes shining with unshed tears. Something primal crosses Steve's face, and he snaps. The next thing Tony knows, he's being hauled to his feet, and Steve's tongue is down his throat like he wants to become a part of Tony. A pang of arousal hits Tony in his stomach like a sucker-punch at the fact that Steve would still kiss him after what he had just done. 
Steve unbuttons Tony's jeans with deft fingers and shoves one of his hands down Tony's jeans. He finds his cock with ease. Tony wraps his arms around Steve's neck and digs his fingers into Steve's skin as he jerks him hard and fast like he's trying to punish him.
It should hurt. But a savage part of Tony's brain revels in Steve's loss of control. Steve isn't Captain America right now, America's golden boy. He's Steve fucking Rogers, and he's taking what he wants, consequences be damned. Tony doesn't even bother trying to hide his cry when he comes hot and wet into Steve's hand, pleasure lighting up every single one of his nerves as if he has been struck by lightning. Tony's knees tremble, and if it weren't for Steve pinning him against the wall, he surely would have fallen to the ground. 
Steve breaks their kiss and tucks his head into the nape of Tony's neck. 
"God," he says, his voice like sandpaper. "God," he repeats as if that says everything that needs to be said. In a way, it does. 
"Hell of an apology, huh?" Tony says. He's always known how to ruin a moment. 
Steve gives him a breathless chuckle in return. "If that was your apology, I'd kill to see your 'thank you,'" he says. 
"Give me something to be thankful for."
"Yeah?" Steve says, lifting his head up to look at him. His eyes are bright, but there's a glint to his gaze that makes Tony feel like he's being hunted. 
"Yeah," Tony says. Steve's smile cuts like a knife.
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nemhaine42 · 4 years
Emilius, Greene & Bragg
also available on AO3
July, 1975
Severus hadn’t expected to spend his Saturday morning sweltering in a posh fitting room, but there he was, on a little wooden stool, in front of an enormous looking glass, and trying on every variety of shirt, waistcoat, blazer, trousers and breeches that mankind ever invented. Everything seemed to tower over him in here; cupboards and cabinets that reached the ceiling, faceless mannequins who assumed everyone must be a solid six feet, a proprietor who seemed to have spent a good deal of his life being stretched on a rack. The immaculate cream carpet deadened all sound, of which there was little to begin with since Severus and Lucius were the only customers.
Lucius had only managed to lure him out of his bed with the promise of being taken out for breakfast, and a lure was exactly what it had been. The last of his eggs had barely been past Severus’ tonsils before Lucius had whisked him away, taking him via side-long apparition to an obviously wealthy and fussy part of London. Severus had spent little time in wizard London beyond Diagon Alley and had, perhaps naively, assumed that the rest of it worked in the same manner: a partition, a crossover which demarcated magic from mundane. But the streets here had been one minute full of muggles - some of whom looked askance at Lucius’ turquoise embroidered waistcoat and knee-high boots - and the next minute nothing but wizards, in frock coats or robes or ostentatious hats, with scarcely the turn of a corner between them.
This shop’s signage had revealed it to be “Emilius, Greene & Bragg, Tailors” and Lucius had pulled him inside and pronounced that they were to outfit Severus for the wedding. Lucius and Narcissa’s upcoming nuptials were not until October and although Severus could concede the sense in acquiring something to wear before the start of term, he failed to see why it had to be a blazingly hot summer’s day they chose to spend in the stuffiest room Lucius could find. In fact, Severus had hoped to get away with buying nothing more than a new tie, in order to disguise that he’d be wearing his school uniform, and in all honesty he’d expected to have to buy it second-hand.
But Lucius would have none of it, and thrust Severus into the clutches of the tailor. He must have once been a very small man that had been stretched over a hat stand, and seemed to be neither Emilius, Greene nor Bragg, as Lucius addressed him as ‘Burford’ the entire time. He looked down at Severus with a pinched face, then positioned him on this little round stool in front of the mirror, and began running his knitting needle thin wand over Severus’ limbs guiding a tape measure and a quill that took notes.  Every inch of him was measured, in every way conceivable.  
Lucius paid no mind to the invasion of Severus’ personal space, flicking through pattern books and occasionally firing off instructions to Burford about this cut or that fabric. Severus was consulted very little, merely poked and prodded, and stuffed into various garments, many of which were deemed unsuitable by Lucius before Severus could even take in the sight of them. He suffered this treatment for a good while, perched on his step and sweating in the stuffy heat. He wondered when he would be allowed to go for a smoke, or have a glass of water, or if he was going to get out of this at all.
“Well, what do you think?”
Severus jolted a little at Lucius’ voice, finding that now he was being left to take in his reflection. Almost without noticing he had been put into the apparent culmination of Lucius’ and Burford’s efforts: black ankle boots with a short heel, black trousers, a white shirt with a high collar and large puffy sleeves, and a waistcoat that appeared black too at first glance, but upon closer inspection had subtle threads of silver woven through it. Severus had never in his life owned trousers that fit so well, and he turned to see his own bottom in the mirror, but he couldn’t help but think he looked a little like he belonged in an illustration of a Dickens novel, or a Jane Austin one.
“I…” Severus faltered for words, unsure how he even felt about the getup as a whole, and looked pleadingly at Lucius for help.
Lucius stepped forward and leaned in, the heeled boots and the step stool reducing much of their disparity in height. “What? Is it too tight round the old chap?” he asked, nodding down at the trousers.
“No! I just…” Severus stamped down on his pride, sure he was blushing horribly, and hissed, “I can’t afford any of this.”
Lucius sighed dramatically and rolled his eyes.  He turned to the tailor and asked, “do give us a moment, would you?”
The man excused himself to the back room and Lucius placed one hand on the back of Severus’ neck. Gentle, but a firm presence not to be ignored or underestimated. “Do you think I don’t know that? Neither of us has shit for brains, Severus, so we both know that I will be the one paying for these. That’s why I decided where to come today.”
“So I’m just a fucking charity case then?” Severus seethed.
Lucius smirked, moving his hand away from his neck and draping his arm over Severus’ shoulder. He turned to face the mirror, talking to their reflections: “think of it that way if you wish, but consider instead that if you turn up to my wedding in your school robes, or Merlin forbid, whatever passes for finery amongst muggles, everyone will wonder which gutter I plucked you from and why I didn’t do the decent thing and kit you out properly. A scruffy little ragamuffin reflects just as badly on me as on the muffin in question.”
Severus, his face scarlet and scowling, opened his mouth to reply with something crude and insulting, but Lucius continued.
“Or! I buy some halfway presentable clothes for you to wear - for the rest of your life if you so choose - and nobody will take the slightest notice. All they’ll see is one of my old school chums and ignore you for the entire evening. Which I thought would suit you rather better, hm?”
Severus stood and stewed for a moment, trying to work out which was worse: being indebted to Lucius for what felt like the thousandth time, or sticking out like a sore thumb in a room full of influential purebloods. Malfoy was damnably right.
“Look, if you don’t like these clothes, just say so and we’ll pick something else. I haven’t been baking in here all morning just to get you something you don’t like, have I?”
Now that he looked, Lucius too was suffering in the warm, cloistered shop. He’d stripped off his jacket, and rolled up his sleeves, his top button was undone and his cravat stuffed into his trouser pocket. He looked a bit more like the Lucius he’d first met at Hogwarts, with a sort of orchestrated carelessness that Severus quite liked looking at.
Sensing that Severus was giving in, Lucius looked away from the mirror and waggled his eyebrows at him directly. “Are the trousers too tight then?”
“No. I like the trousers. And the boots. But I don’t like these sleeves, they’re too much. Can I have just normal sleeves?”
“Of course you can, Muffin,” Lucius cooed, pinching Severus’ cheek in mockery.
“‘Muffin?!’ Fuck you, Malfoy!” Severus swatted at Lucius, who cackled in response.
Now energized by Severus’ acquiescence he turned to the tailor, who must have been a master of apparition to have appeared so silently behind them. “Burford, old boy, why don’t we try a slim fit on these sleeves? And perhaps the entire ensemble ought to be black? Forego the contrast and let the details speak for themselves. I think so.”
“Of course,” Burford replied and delicately swished his wand over Severus’ shirt, which transfigured itself into a soft charcoal colour and its sleeves lost their volume.
No longer distracted by the Regency school boy in the mirror, Severus could finally appreciate how well-fitted the rest of the outfit was. His shoulders looked broader and his waist was tiny! In a good way! Just maybe there was something in this sartorial song and dance routine. If Lucius knew about anything, Severus thought, it was the tightrope walk of high society, and clothes.
“Much better. Happy now?” Lucius asked, going back to his page in the pattern books. “So, Severus, spats - yay or nay?”
Lucius held up the book, showing a photograph of a man modelling spats over his shoes, preening and posing back and forth on the page.
“Yeah, alright. I’ll give ‘em a go.”
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Humans Are Space Orcs, “Size Six.”
So I have been working on this for a few days based on a rquest form someone who wanted to see more stuff form when Adam was younger. I will, of course, be starting on the extra requested fluff for you guys tomorrow, but I hope this works for today. 
The bus bumped and jostled over the lumpy dirt road. Inside bodies swayed and juggle back and forth ramming into walls and steadying themselves against the antiquated seats before them. The bus was old, older than a large portion of dirt, old enough to have rubber tires, shitty suspension, and foam back seats, nothing like the sleek magno buses they used these days. Clearly their program wasn’t important enough to acquire a real transport vehicle. 
Their ride from the airport had been nerve wracking to say the least, and only some of it had come from the imminent threat that the bus would disintegrate into its component parts, most of the rest of it had come from the slow building of nervous energy felt by all the young teens as they waited to begin their first day at training.
There were forty of them in all, though less than half of that was predicted to make it through the training and actually become pilots from the program at Trans Space Combative aviation Academy. Of course the Academy didn’t have its own location, as new as it was and untested as it was, the burgeoning UNSC wasn’t likely to spend a ton of funds on a group of untested children. So they had been shipped onto Del Rio Texas where the air force flight academy was located, and allocated space, some instructors, and a few classrooms to get started.
Adam had found the other recruits from the program nervously waiting outside with their duffel bags and clothing. None of them were over the age of fifteen, and they consisted almost equally of boys and girls.
Adam was displeased to find himself the shortest among the boys, and about mid pack among the girls, a good portion of them probably weighing a good ten pounds more than he did, though none of them were out of shape.
He tried to ignore that doing his best to make friends with the other nervous recruits determined not to be the loser this time. Just as long as he didn’t show his weird to them straight off, maybe he was going to be fine. It seemed to be working, at least until the buss pulled up, and the group of them stared on with shock and disappointment at the monstrosity before them. 
They sort of hoped it wasn’t for them, but the ACU clad, army man stepping out of the door and onto the pavement dashed their hopes.
And soon they were on their way, jostling down the highway, eventually cutting through manned security gates, patrolled by armed guards, and finally onto the backroad that was taken around the airfield. Adam had his face pressed up against the window watching as a set of jets took off leaving trails of white behind them in the great blue sky above.
The implant in his arm buzzed, and he looked down to see a text from his  mother asking if they had landed yet.
He had to apologize for forgetting and assure her that he was, indeed, landed and on his way.
The further they went onto the base, the more people they could see, large muscular men and women running in formation wearing the same light grey T-shirts tucked into blue canvas shorts.
Voices roared past them as the men chanted in time with their cadence.
Low lying buildings pulled up on the horizon in front of them, crouched together in stumpy lines. Yelled commands wafted through open windows as more recruits rolled past kicking up dirt clouds as they went.
Adam grew nervous upon seeing them, big and adult.
He glanced down at himself and his baggy T-shirt and jeans held up only by a belt, the cuffs folded up over his shoes.
They belonged to his brothers, but were still too big for him.
The bus rolled to a stop just then jostling him forward so his face nearly rammed into the seat in front of him.A dust cloud billowed up around them obscuring his vision for a moment. At the front of the buss, the driver reached out and cranked the handle to the door manually forcing it open.
“Wow, this thing is a real piece of shit.” Someone muttered
Boots thudded onto the stairs, and the entire bus went quiet as a man stepped onto the front of the bus. He was tall, and serious faced with thick eyebrows and what appeared to be a shaved head, though it was mostly covered by a wide brimmed dumbass hat in dark, clashing seriously with his patterned ACUs.
They all waited on the edge of their seats.
Adam shrunk down into his expecting to get yelled at.
That’s what all the old army movies told him was going to happen.
Instead, however, the man smiled.
Adam didn’t buy it for one second.
“Welcome recruits to the first TSCA Academy class of 4013. I am Master Sergeant Kimball, and I will be one of your MTI (military training instructors) during this program. If you need to address me at any time during this course you will call me Sir or Master Sergeant Kimball. Now I understand that you may all be tired from your flight. We have recruits here from all across the world, so hopefully, today will be easy and relaxing.”
Adam eyed the group around him watching as the others began to relax.
Maybe this wasn’t going to be so bad after all? Perhaps because they were kids, they had been given some leeway during the training process.
I mean, were they really going to yell at a group of kids barely out of their teenage years.
“Alright everyone, Unload!”
There was a collective shuffling around the bus as the group of them took to their feet and began slowly shuffling towards the exit. Adam pulled his bag over his back, nearly tipping over backwards as the weight pulled his small frame off balance. Someone put a hand on his shoulder, ‘Whoa.” 
He glanced over and thanked the girl who helped him hurrying off the bus and down the stairs into the hot as hell Texas heat.
Stepping off the bus he found Master Sergeant Kimball standing next to two other MTIs, who were smiling at them, though their smiles seemed more wolfish than reassuring. 
My what big teeth you have he thought idly to himself stepping to the side so the others could walk through.
One boy came trudging down the steps last lugging an absolutely massive suitcase as a few of the others flopped to the ground resting against their bags eyes closed basking like lizards in the sun.
Sgt. Kimball stepped forward towards the last young man, “Here let me help you.”
The boy seemed rather grateful handing his bag down to the MTI taking some weight off his shoulders.
That was until Sgt. Kimball grabbed the zipper, opened the bag and dumped the entire contents of the suitcase into the dirt. He then got right up in the boy’s face and shouted, “NOW WHAT THE EVER LOVING FUCK DO YOU NEED A BAG LIKE THAT FOR. CHRIST SON, I COULD USE IT YO SMUGGLE YOUR CORPSE OUT WHEN I’M DONE WITH YOU.” 
The entire group jolted with surprise bolting upwards.
Even Adam was startled, and he had been expecting it. The poor kid was scrambling around in the dirt trying to collect his things, “GET YOUR ASS OFF THE GROUND YOU SORRY PIECE OF SHIT.”
The two other MTIs bore down on them their charming smiles revealed for what they really were. Wolf in sheep's clothing, snarling ravening beasts.
More bags were dumped on the ground, turned over, emptied until the contents mingled with the dust on the ground. The female MTI leaped over ripping Adam’s bag off the ground and tossing it’s contents into the dust. She reached down picked up a book and chucked it at him hitting him in the chest as he stumbled back, “YOU THINK YOU’RE GONNA HAVE TIME FOR READING!”
She moved on to the next student.
One of the recruits had burst into tears, and the MTI’s descended like vultures. One of them grabbed a water bottle from the ground and shoved it at the crying student, “BETTER GET STARTED ON CRYING ME A RIVER.”
Adam was scrambling to pick up his stuff and shove it back in his bag, “GET ON YOUR FEET!”
He bolted upright to find Sgt. Kimball in his face, or more looking down on him. His face was red and as he screamed little droplets of spit flew for his tongue. He gave Adam one long look over, “GOOD LORD BOY I’VE TAKEN SHITS MORE SUBSTANTIAL THAN YOU!”
“GO ON CLEAN UP THIS SHIT, IT’S FILTHY WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN DOING, THEN GET YOUR ASSES DOWN TO INTAKE.” He scrambled to put his things in his bag the MTI’s shouting at him the entire time. He nearly tripped over himself multiple times falling flat on his face in the dirt much to the amusement of the MTIs.
He tripped and wobbled running after the others as they ran towards the building that had been pointed out to them by the screaming MTIs.
A few of the other recruits were crying, but Adam, well he had sort of expected it, and honestly he would have been disappointed if they hadn’t. IN fact he found himself grinning from ear to ear as he walked into the equipment room behind a line of other recruits.
The equipment officer turned around from his desk to glare at them. He was a heavy-set man in his late forties with biceps as big around as tree trunks.
He looked them over with a frown before jabbing his finger at Adam, “You there, smiley. Small or extra small.” He blushed, “er…. Extra…. Small.”
“At least he’s honest.” The man grouted turning around to rifle through his equipment coming back with two pairs of everything in stock. He stacked it on the counter in front of him.
“Two PT uniforms, Two ACUs, two shirts, sweatpants, jacket, gloves, hat, and.” He pulled up a set of tan combat boots then glanced him up and down, “What is your shoe size?” 
“Er….” More blushing, “Six.”
The man grunted ducked back behind the counter, “We only carry eight plus in mens, but a seven in women’s shoulder work.”
He tried not to wilt at the reminder of how small he was. 
He turned away again and motioned him off. He clambered to pick up everything he needed and wobbled away juggling the boots the pants and the jacket with some difficulty, dropping a glove on the floor and nearly dropping everything else when he went to pick it up.
Walking outside he was met by another MTI who yelled at him to get his ass to the barracks to change and put all his shit away. He hurried to do as he was told running and nearly dropping everything again as he made his way through the doors into a large room lined along either side with beds, a single trunk at the base.
He ran to one of the beds at the far end, opened the crate and placed his things inside struggling to pull on one of the PT uniforms as the others ran into the room to do the same, throwing their things in the lockers at the base of the beds as the MTIs continued to scream at them.
It was only as he was running out of the room that he noticed the horrible terrible thing.
The extra small pants…. Were too big.
He tried looking for a drawstring to make them tighter, but they were canvas with an elastic waist, and they did not go any tighter. He turned in his spot trying to figure out what to do, but as soon as he slowed down another MTI was screaming at him to get back onto the field and line up.
So he chickened out, holding onto his pants for dear life as he raced back to the training ground. 
Upon making it there he helped the other students line up into evenly space rows thinking that the MTIs might be impressed with them if they were to do that.
They did their best to stand like they were supposed to, though all of the instruction they had ever gotten was from old war movies, and they were all doing it horribly wrong, a fact for which the MTIs noticed and yelled at them for with great glee as soon as they noticed. Of course they were eventually whipped into shape standing in line in straight rows heels together hands at sides, shoulders back.
He could feel his pants slipping, though he was too embarrassed to say anything.
Sgt Kimball stepped out in front of them hands behind his back, “what did I say! Didn’t i say we were going to have a fun relaxing day! Are you having fun!” He was right in one of the recruits face now bellowing almost at the top of his lungs. He moved onto the next student, “Are you relaxed!”
Adam didn’t think the kid looked particularly relaxed. In fact, he looked so tense, that if he squeezed any harder his spine was going to go shooting out of his ass.
There was silence on the grounds.
Adam scrambled his brain not entirely sure what to do before squeaking out, “Yes sir.” 
The MTI leaned in, “Why don’t you try and communicate in normal ranges of human hearing, son. I am not a bat!”
He looked back up at the rest of the group, “WELL!”
“That’s better.” He turned to stalk away from Adam pacing up and down the line, “i will be straight with you when I say that today IS going to be fun and relaxing compared to what you will be going through in the next few years. If you manage to make it into this program I promise you we will destroy your social life, you will have time for nothing other than this program and sleeping, if I decide to allow you to sleep, that is.”
Adam was grinning.
Unfortunately that caught the Sgt’s eye, “THE FUCK ARE YOU SMILING AT!”
He waited.
Adam just stood there.
He scrambled, “Yes sir, sorry sir! I thought it was a rhetorical question.”  
His mouth opened then closed, “Er…”
“Sweet Jehova did you come out this stupid or is it a family tradition, a side hobby?”
“I’m sorry sir, I forgot the question.”
He lowered his head with an exaggerated sigh rubbing his temples , “Forgot the question. FORGOT THE QUESTION. I’VE MET GOLDFISH WITH BETTER MEMORIES THAN YOU! I SAID WHY THE HELL ARE YOU SMILING.”
He blushed, “Oh….. Um” “HURRY UP.”
That seemed to take the man back, and he simply sat there staring at Adam with a bemused expression.
“If you were any more pathetic, smiley, I might just cry for you. Honest to god, if you get any more pathetic I will cry real tears for your shame.” 
He turned away.
“Now everyone get on the ground and give me FIFTY.”
At least everyone seemed to know what that meant, though pathetically enough his arms were wobbling at twenty.
The Sargent seemed to have a lot of disabled relatives. A blind granny, an armless cousin, a nephew with a pole up his ass from a tragic fishing accident.
By the time they were done , Adam was quite nearly ready to throw up.
“ALRIGHT FIFTY BURPIES GO,GO GO.” Oh no, anything but that.
He paused but was almost immediately screamed at to get his ass in gear. He knew what was coming before it happened, and couldn't stop it.
As he jumped down into his first plank and then back up, he could feel the waist on his pants slipping, at first just a little, but then, as his feet left the ground there they went right down around his ankles.
At first he thought he was at least lucky to be in the back row, but then scrambling to pick his pants back up, he realized none of that was going to matter.
Sgt. Kimball was staring at him, cheek twitching.
He himself was blushing excessively. 
He was quiet for a very long time before, “CONTROL YOURSELF RECRUIT, THE LAST THING I NEED TO SEE IS YOUR CHICKEN LEG FLAT ASS KIDDIE JUNK ON MY TRAINING FIELD. Fuck, as small as you are I’ll probably be indited for CP. Now go get some new fucking pants before you blind us all for a second time. And, since it seems you’ve never seen leg day, I want you to cluck like a chicken all the way there. Let everyone know the pantsless chicken boy is coming.”
He did as he was told rose red the entire time and beat red on his way back seeing as, they had given him the smallest size available in mens, so instead he had been given a pair of woman’s shorts, which, due to the cut, tended to ride up in very uncomfortable places of his anatomy.
It was a very good thing he was used to embarrassment.
Or this was going to be a very long couple of years.
Commander Vir blinked and put a hand to his head boots throwing up little puffs of dust in the Texas heat.
“You ok Commander?”
He sniffed at the air and took in a deep breath hands on hips, “Ah, the memories!”
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