#those 3 were so so so clearly audible it surprised me
spheredotorb · 30 days
actual magolor beep utau is insane. i can actually hear a good portion of the words omg
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a-little-unsteddie · 7 months
stuck in your throat || a/b/o
hi so today is @lexirosewrites’s birthday today and like,, idk three or so weeks ago she followed me (hi lexi <3 happy birthday <3 hope today has been fun <3) and to celebrate both of those things i started writing an omegaverse fic, and i wanted it done by today but it is grew a mind of its’ own and now it’s much bigger than i thought it’d be so instead of the full fic, have a snippet <3
again, happy birthday lexi <3
“Hello?” Steve answered, having learned to not open the call with who was answering without knowing who was calling from one too many scam calls
“Is this Steve Harrington?” A soft feminine voice asked, taking Steve by surprise.
“May I ask who’s calling?” Steve asked, not willing to concede his identity until he knew it wasn’t someone looking to sell him ‘Alpha Pills’ or something just as ridiculous.
“Of course! My name is Chrissy Cunningham, you sent in an application for being a full time nanny and tutor?” She responded with a cheerful voice. “I can’t <i>really</i> go much more in depth without an NDA being signed.”
Recognition zapped through Steve’s body and he sat up in his seat. “Oh! Yes, I’m Steve. Um. I’d be happy to sign an NDA, just may I ask why?”
“Yes, you may! My client is a big fan of privacy and only agreed to hire someone if they were under an NDA for the protection of their pup.” aaand all of Steve’s anxiety surrounding the NDA pretty much melted away. Sure, maybe it was a bit much to do, and sure, now he was dying with curiosity to know just <i>who</i> he had ended up applying to, but the knowledge that the NDA was for the protection of the pup soothed any anxiety Steve had originally felt about signing an NDA. In fact, it kind of made his omega perk up. He shook off the feeling, focusing on Chrissy.
“That’s actually really relieving to hear,” Steve said with a laugh. “When or where can I sign the NDA?” he questioned, wondering when Robin would be home so he could tell her.
“Well, first, you and I will do a preliminary interview, just like any other job interview. Then, if all goes well, I’ll send you an email containing the NDA for you to review and sign,” Chrissy explained clearly and cheerfully. “After you sign the NDA, my client will perform an in-person interview and then we’ll go from there.”
“That all seems pretty straight forward so far,” Steve replied, standing from where he had been lounging on the couch. He walked to the kitchen, where he and Robin had put up a magnetic whiteboard calendar to fill with each of their schedules and plans. He grabbed the blue marker, his color, and prepared to jot down when they’d have the interview.
“Perfect! Happy to hear it,” Chrissy said with an audible smile.
“When will the interview with you be?” Steve asked, biting his lip as he stared at the calendar, which had sparsely been marked with his blue marker, even since starting this job hunt. Robin’s plans were in red, and was much more abundant due to having three part time jobs.
“Well, as soon as possible, really. If you’re available now, we could take care of it right away.” the woman responded, sounding like she was walking into another room.
“Oh!” Steve exclaimed, recapping the marker and returning it to the pen holder. “Yes, of course. I’m available now.”
“Perfect!” Chrissy’s voice sounded from Steve’s phone as the omega walked back to the living room and sat on the couch. “So, starting off pretty easy here, what made you apply for this position?”
Steve thought back and grimaced at the reminder that it was Robin who had submitted his application to this particular job. He wasn’t about to admit that, though, and quickly found a more appropriate response.
“Well, I love taking care of pups, and I just got my teacher’s license a month ago,” Steve explained, which wasn’t a lie, so he figured it was probably as good of an answer as any. “I also saw that this job traveled, and my best friend thought that it’d be good for me.”
“Yes, that was going to be part of this conversation, too. So, you’re obviously alright with the traveling, then?” Chrissy asked and Steve heard what he thought could be pen scratching as she wrote notes. He swallowed thickly, suddenly anxious about what she was writing. He decided to ignore his anxiety, even as his scent soured around him with it.
“Oh, yes, traveling is more than okay,” Steve agreed immediately, “but it’s more important to me that I’ll be taking care of a pup, if I’m honest.”
This statement seemed to pique Chrissy’s attention, as the writing stopped for a moment. “Why is that?” she eventually asked.
Steve winced, wondering if he should be up front about it or not. If Robin were here, she would insist that he was honest. He decided on a half-truth.
“I’ve always wanted pups, and a lot of them,” Steve admitted, fidgeting with a loose piece of thread on the couch. He switched which arm was holding the phone, as he had started to get a little sore from holding it up for so long. “But I don’t have a partner, so I can’t really have my own right now. I discovered through babysitting for one of my neighbors that I have a knack for taking care of pups.”
The scratching noise was back as Chrissy listened to his responses. Steve was nervous he wasn’t doing well, but figured that it wasn’t going bad if she wasn’t suddenly calling the interview short.
“Your resume says that you’re good in high stress situations,” Chrissy said after a couple seconds of silence as she wrote down whatever notes she was taking. Steve briefly wondered if he should be doing the same thing. “I’m going to give you an example scenario, and you’re going to tell me how you’d respond.”
“Sounds simple enough,” Steve agreed, trying not to let his voice betray how anxious he was.
“For the sake of simplicity, we’ll say the pup’s name is Rosie,” she informed him before she continued to describe the scenario. “You’re taking Rosie to the park, when suddenly there is a crowd of people surrounding you and you lose sight of her. What do you do?”
Steve thought the scenario was odd, but not ‘out there’ enough to alarm him. He thought about his answer for a moment before replying.
“I would try to follow her scent, first, because that will usually lead me to any pup I’ve babysat. If that doesn’t work, I will call out for her. If the situation is bad enough, I would contact the authorities, and either you or Rosie’s father.” he paused for a second before continuing, trying to make sure he covered all of his bases. “But honestly? If Rosie is small enough, I would have rather carried her once I saw the crowd, or hold her hand, for the reason of lowering my chances of separation.”
Silence that’s only broken up by the scratching of pen against paper followed, and Steve was suddenly anxious that he answered incorrectly. He answered what he would do if it were his own pup, but what if that wasn’t right? What if he wasn’t cut out for this job?
“Alright, next scenario,” Chrissy said, moving swiftly onto the next one without commenting on his answer; Steve didn’t know if he preferred her not acknowledging it or if he would prefer to be told his answer was shitty up front. The next few scenarios were just as oddly specific, but Steve answered them exactly as he did the first one. He tried to not overthink his answers too much because between each one there would be a stretch of time that Chrissy used to presumably write his answers down.
“One last question and then we should be good to move forward.” Chrissy said a good twenty minutes of questions later. “When would you be available to start working?”
Steve’s eyebrows raised, surprised that he was seemingly, maybe being offered the job. “Um—immediately. I would need time to pack, but other than that, I’m free.”
“Wonderful,” Chrissy said cheerfully. “Alright, now it’s your turn. Do you have any questions for me?”
Steve hummed, trying to go through his usual list of questions he asked during interviews that hadn't already been answered and came up empty. “Not at the moment, but I’ll make sure to write any I think of down, if I do.”
“Perfect! So, I will consult with my client, and I have a few other applicants that are interested, but so far, you are my top pick, but I don’t make the decisions,” Chrissy laughed, as if Steve was in on the joke. He laughed with her, not knowing what else he should have done. So, maybe not a job offer, but it sounded promising anyway. “I will be in contact in a few days, three at most.”
“Sounds good, thank you so much for considering me, Chrissy,” he responded with a smile, hoping to leave one last good impression.
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fict1onallyobsessed · 2 years
Name me a Reason
Simon “Ghost” Riley x Fem!Reader f.t Soap
Code named ‘Salem’ by your teammates, you found yourself in a rather difficult situation with Ghost and Soap. Somehow you had to find a building, regroup with the guys and find a safe house. Easy, right? No because you get shot.
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“Salem.” Soap whispered into the radio. You held the button for the radio, eyes wide in fear he was in trouble. None of you knew where the other was, not even Ghosts direction skills could lead either of you to him. There were people everywhere, civilians or what not, soldiers carrying guns, and you had to avoid everyone. You gave him the go ahead to speak, pausing all of your movements to look for any sign of Soap running away from gunfire. “You know your name means ‘peace’ in the Bible?”
You signed, returning your eye back into the scopes glass to look for any sign of Ghosts location nearby.
“Since when does Johnny read the Bible?” Ghosts low voice came through the radio next just as you stood up, grabbed your gun and started running from rooftop to rooftop trying to get closer to the centre land. “Thought you out of everyone wouldn’t believe in shit like that.”
“I don’t. My midder had me go church ever’ Sunday.”
“Huh. I thought Salem meant undamaged in Islam-” Ghost started.
“I’m going to damage both of you if you don’t shut up…and it means none of those.”
You scanned your surroundings as you finally made it on ground, a small hope of the right direction only motivating you to push more, even though you had a bullet stuck in your shoulder and your left arm was basically useless.
You pressed the radio button again, your back pressed up against a wall as you looked around for any targets. When you saw none, you swiftly moved forwards through empty alleyways. You figured if you were going to get made, you’d do it when there was a group of Tangos. So, you needed to stay quiet.
“If we’re talking about names let’s talk about Soap.”
You heard him audibly groan followed by a hum from Ghost. You’d bet Simon already knew since their very clear ‘bromance’ was strong, but wanted him to say it again. When Johnny didn’t answer, Ghost spoke up.
“He can clean houses quickly.”
“Expert speed and accuracy he told me.”
Soap groaned and quickly shut down the conversation, a new welcomed silence falling between you three. The building Ghost was in was one with a green door apparently, and you saw one just as such quite close to you. You made sure it was the right one before heading that way, leaving Soap to argue with the two of you that he wasn’t even close to that direction.
You don’t really know what happened next, but when the pain in your shoulder increased dramatically it took you by surprise. You fell to the floor and found cover behind a car, quickly reloading your gun before pointing it in the direction you were being shot at. As if one bullet wasn’t enough, now you had 3, and what sucked is you didn’t know if it was a clean shot. Taking three bullets out would fucking hurt.
You rolled underneath the car, your stomach flat in the ground as you pointed your gun at the targets legs. It wouldn’t kill them but it would disadvantage them, which was good enough for now. It took a bit but eventually you got the upper hand, only being left with two more Tangos.
There was conversation in the radio that you didn’t care pay attention to until your last target was dead. You were still under the car, now shooting down the last man. Checking around you to make sure you were safe before you decided to listen in.
“The mask…take it off.”
“Show my face?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Are you ugly?”
“Quite the opposite.”
“Cocky bastard.” You whispered, knowing full well both he and soap heard you clearly. You grunted as you crawled from under the car, dusting yourself off before quickly rushing towards your designated building.
“Y/N? Can you confirm?” Soaps smirk could be heard even from the other side of town. You were trying not to get shot, while they talking about how hot Simon was.
There was a long pause and you took a deep breath in, eventually reaching up to press the radio button on your chest. You didn’t wanna over boost his ego, but who were you to lie when you knew damn well about Simons gorgeous face.
“Damn right.”
“No fair, she’s biased.” Soap sighed.
“Shut up and get to that house. Simon, I’m coming in don’t shoot.”
You pushed open the door with your hand tightly gripping your shoulder, blood seeping between the crack of your fingers as if to mock your attempt to stop the bleeding. You hadn’t radio’d in your injuries, which soon proved stupid.
“You’re bleeding?.” He was by your side at an instant, applying pressure with his own two hands and pushing yours away. To say that hurt was an understatement, but he led you to the nearest worn out chair and sat you on it. “How many?”
“Three. Did they go through?” You winced as he looked for any exit wounds, releasing your shoulder momentarily.
“Only two. We’ll have to get to the safe house first, there’s no meds here.” Ghost clicked the radio button; “Soap we need to move out, Salem’s shot.”
“Go. I’ll find the safe house. Send the location when you’re there. Signal should be better.”
It took you around an hour to find a car, drive to the supposed safe house and then even find the bloody building. Safe to say it was an hour you needed in order not to bleed out. Simon managed to patch it up enough but it was a temporary fix, and so the blood slowly started escaping the cracks of your fingers again.
You felt quite drowsy, head spinning as you tried to blink the white cloud in your eyes away. You’d lost so much blood and there was a bullet still lodged in your body, that itself was going to be a hard procedure.
Simon laid you on the floor, quickly getting to patching you up better. He talked and talked trying to get you to stay awake, but eventually everything did go black and your body went limp.
The lightheadedness turned to heavyheaded the second you woke up. Eyelids so heavy, the light just too bright, your left arm and shoulder bruised. Groaning, you reached up to hold you head, the annoying pounding carried on the more you moved. With that, you tried to slowly sit up, breathing uneven as your body was put under pressure.
“Don’t do that, your shoulders just been fixed.” His voice was too rough for your liking, the pounding only getting worse in your temples. Still, you listened to his orders and laid back down with a huff. “How are you feeling?”
“Sore.” You now managed to open your eyes enough to see him, his heavy duty gear on the floor while he kept his gun close. Your blood covered the sleeves of his shirt, but his hands were clean as if he hadn’t been digging into someone’s body looking for bullets.
There was a silence that followed, not a pleasant one at that. You could tell he wanted to say something just by the way he sat on the couch you were laid out on, but he didn’t. Soap wasn’t anywhere near either, and you didn’t have to look around to know that since he doesn’t shut up.
“Where’s Soa-”
“What we’re you thinking?”
“Have you not been through basic training, (Y/N)?” He only now looked at you, turning his head sideways to make eye contact. His mask was still on, something you were expecting to see as you were in an unfamiliar place. “You call in injuries for fuck sake. I was right outside.”
“No. The first one I could handle but they ambushed me, there wasn’t even time for me to process it, Simon. I was so close to where you were there was no point. They were dead before I even noticed I got shot.”
He scoffed, shaking his head as he stood up walking wherever there was space.
“I could of helped. That’s the whole point of a team!”
“Did you not listen to a thing I just said?” You say up straight, swinging your legs off the edge of the couch so they could rest on the floor. “There was no time! I would of if it mattered. I was right outside the goddamn door-”
“Why didn’t you call it in the first time then?!”
You had no excuse for that to be honest, you just thought you could handle it and there was no point worrying the guys. You wouldn’t tell him that though, he’d try and contradict you.
“Stop screaming, my head hurts.” You looked down, your good arms scratching at your side as you tried to think of something to say.
“I just sat there for 2 hours trying to save your life. I wouldn’t of needed to if you would of just followed protocol.”
“Sorry I inconvenienced you. Next time just leave me to die.” You didn’t mean that obviously, in fact you didn’t even expect that to come out your mouth nor did he apparently because he paused for a second, staring at you.
“The whole point of this is for you to live. I cannot fucking lose you, (Y/N).” His voice was low but just above a whisper. He was vulnerable, something so rare you barely saw in him. But the second your head shot up at his comment his eyes went dark again. “And I’d appreciate it if you make that a little easier.”
“I’m sorry.” You whispered, looking down in whatever you were feeling right now. You didn’t know if it was shame or embarrassment, or even maybe hurt. He meant the world to you too, and if the roles were switched you’d have reacted the same. “You’re right I should of called it in.”
You looked up at him from your seat, both of you staring at each other silently before he moved to sit beside you. Your head fell onto his shoulder almost immediately, eyes closing as his scent, with a tinge of blood, filled your nose.
“Don’t do that again.”
You nodded against his shoulder, cuddling as close to him as your body would go. Now the silence was bearable, a comfortable blanket of safety until he spoke up again.
“What does Salem mean, then?”
You shrugged; “Nothing, I thought it sounded cool to be honest.”
His shoulders vibrates in a chuckle. You both knew Soap wouldn’t believe you, but it was what it was.
“Rest for a bit. Soap will be here soon and air-evac tomorrow. The rain is too heavy for it to come now.”
You body was in a state of exhaustion already, so it took mere minutes for you to doze off again. Ghost just sat there, listening to you breathe silently and waited for Johnny to return. You took a mental note to apologise to Soap for leaving him alone because of your stupidity. But that was later, because righty now you just wanted to sleep, and where would you feel safer other than Simons arms?
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He is bbygrl
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jay7543 · 3 months
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You ask ghost if you can stack donuts on it, pt1
A little silly one, I’m just making these whenever I get ideas so don’t expect it to always be this frequent lol.
Thank you all for the support, I’m happy to know there are a plethora of people on the internet as odd as me ( I mean that affectionately of course). I’m very happy to share these little stories I come up with.
In this, your ghost’s boyfriend and have seen the idea of stacking donuts on a man’s dick floating around online, you wanted to try it on him. This is part 1, I’ll probably make part 2 tomorrow.
Love you all, enjoy
You show up at ghosts door after texting him to ask if you can stack donuts on his huge cock, like really big, so you were curious. He responded with a boring lol but nothing else, so you decided to show up with a dozen donuts and some whipped cream. You knock on his door, he opens it in his mask, a tank top, and a pair of loose boxers, which are doing nothing to hide his cock. He is very surprised to see the items you’re holding.
Reader-“come oooon, you didn’t say no, so I wanted too, your cock is so big babe, I wanna see how many will fit, I’ll eat them off, and maybe suck it a bit if you behave”
You say with a slight smirk and bite to your lip. Ghost squints his eyes a bit, clearly considering your offer, especially because he loves your blowjobs.
Ghost-“what’s the whipped cream for then love”
Reader-“I don’t know, to make it taste a bit better I guess. The donuts I mean, not your cock, your cock always tastes amazing. The donuts are pretty dry sometimes.”
He sighs slightly and slumps his shoulders in defeat.
Ghost-“fine, but on two conditions, you will give me that blowjob, and I’ll get to stack some on you”
Your eyes flutter a bit, surprised by his suggestion to do it to you, your cock is way smaller than his, why would he wanna do it, but whatever, it’s a damn good deal.
Reader-“sounds great”
You give him a quick kiss on his mask and walk in and head straight to his room with a smile, he follows behind slowly. You sit the donuts and cream in the bed and wait for him to sit.
Reader-“come on, get those pesky boxers off, you know, I think you should stop wearing them, so I have quick access”
You quickly yank his boxers down his legs, letting his king size cock spring out and land on his thigh with an audible slap. Ghost chuckle deeply as he shifts his position to lay down so you can get full access. You move the box of donuts and whipped cream next to his waist and take his cock in your hand.
Reader-“well, this won’t do, this guy has to be rock hard”
You take his cock into your mouth, making sure to lick his glans and stroke his full lengths to get him as hard as possible.
Ghost(after a deep moan)-“you’re such a slut sometimes love”
You pull away, still stroking his length and gasp in mock offense.
Reader-“how could you say such a thing. I need to punish you”
You say with a mischievous smirk as you reach down and lightly flick his balls making him grunt and jump a bit.
Ghost-“sorry love, won’t happen again”
You smile and give his swollen tip a deep kiss. You pull back and smile at him.
Reader-“it’s ok, I’m your slut anyway. Well, I think this guy is nice and hard and ready to have some donuts around him”
You chuckle and open the box of donuts.
Reader-“how many do you think will fit? I think 4.”
Ghost-“3, I know I’m big, but those donuts are big too”
Reader-“I think you’re underselling yourself, from where I am maybe we could get this whole box on this sledgehammer here, it’s a miracle it fits in my ass.”
You say as you take the first donut out of the box and slide it down his shaft, it takes up more of his cock than you thought but there is still a lot of cock left. You put another one on.
Reader-“That’s two, and you still have a lot of cock left, I think I’m gonna win”
Ghost-“feels tight, not as tight as your hole though love”
He says as one on the donuts rips a bit from his throbbing length. You smile and kiss his shaft before stack another one on.
Reader-“oh you flatterer, that’ll get you everywhere with me babe”
You stack another one on and are astonished at how well they fit around him.
Reader-“that’s 4, just your tip is sticking out of the top now”
You chuckle as you grab the whipped cream and put it on his tip. Ghost shakes his head and chuckles.
Ghost-“satisfied now love?”
You take his whipped cream covered tip into your mouth and lick and suck vigorously, getting some deep hearty moans from ghost.
Ghost-“fuck love, your tongue is so bloody good”
He says as he fully lays his head back and lets you lick and suck his tip. You unlatch you lips from his tip and move down to take a bite out of one of the donuts.
Reader-“these are good, especially with the bit of your precum I have in my mouth”
You chuckle as you chew and swallow parts of the first donut. You lift the rest off so you have access to his full cock.
Reader-“I’ll save those for later, I wanna suck you so bad”
You immediately put his cock back into your mouth and start bobbing up and down, causing all of those slurps and gagging noises he loves oh so much. Ghost moves his hand down to the back of your head, guiding you deeper and deeper onto him cock.
Ghost-“fuck love, keep going, so good, I haven’t cum since the last time you were here, my balls are bloody bursting.”
You chuckle with your lips wrapped firmly around his throbbing shaft as you suck even more vigorously than before, causing your spit to overflow out of your mouth and down to his balls. Sloppy, just how he likes it. Ghost starts thrusting up into your mouth a bit as you feel his cock get even harder.
Ghost-“fuck, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum love.fuuuuuck”
You feel his scalding seed hit the back of your throat, and as you do you take his full length in your mouth, letting him pour it directly into your throat. After a few loud swallows, and animalistic grunts from ghost, you slowly pull your mouth back up his shaft and off his cock, licking you lips and wiping the spit of your chin.
Reader-“you always taste so good”
You lean back and sit flat onto the bed
Ghost-“don’t forget our deal love, now I do it to you, and it looks like you ready”
He says as he sits up and stares at your crotch, your erection visible through your loose-fitting shorts.
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here222lurk · 1 year
Toji Fushiguro Vs. The Plushies
Will Toji win the IDGAF war? 
Part 2
Warnings: 18+ only, fem!reader, fingering, tit worship, sex, breeding, and this is my first fic in a hot second (8 years)
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3 months have passed since you put a label on your relationship. It's been 3 months since Toji started introducing you as his girlfriend, but you still feel giddy every time. You spend your weekends together sometimes in his apartment, but most times outside trying to see the city in a new lens that only you two share. It feels like the right thing to do after having endured the work week. 
But today, you decided to cook for him in your apartment. You saw this pasta recipe on TikTok that you think he’d like so you decided to make it for him today. 
The night before, he made sure to ask if you had all the ingredients you needed on hand, knowing damn well a minor inconvenience can send you spiraling. He made sure to pass by the weekend market to get fresh pasta and tomatoes on the way to your place.
Toji was eager to help and even volunteered to be your sous chef. You weren’t too excited about this. You never really liked when other people were in your way in the kitchen, but to your surprise, he was actually not bad in the kitchen. He knows how to hold a knife and clean as he goes. 
It was nice seeing him harvesting herbs by your kitchen window while you prepare the garlic bread. He’s focused and looking so pensive hunched over a pot of basil, the warm sun shining over his face. He just looked so… beautiful wearing the same skin tight black shirt that hugs his chest in a way that’ll never fail to make your heart beat harder than usual.
“Hey y/n eyes up here,” walking towards you.
You snapped out of the trance he put you in and blushed, “I’m sorry! It’s hard to concentrate when there’s a giant whore hunkered over my herb garden.”
You both laughed at how absurd your brain fart reply was. 
“What?! I’m not…” he paused, “Well maybe for you I am,” he replied while flashing the cheekiest smile you’ve ever seen.  
“Yeah? Prove it.”
“Oh I will,” you feel him hugging you from behind with his hard dick pressed against you.
“After lunch maybe? I’m starving….”
“Yes, chef!” he says sardonically. 
“That was really good. Thank you,” Toji says while he trails to the kitchen holding used plates and utensils. 
“Don’t start bullshitting me” You stay seated at the dining table but your gaze follows him.
“I’m not! Oh how can I ever repay you, my culinary princess?”
“Simple. 25 bucks for the pasta plus 5 for the bread.”
“That’s too much for me, you brat… Will this do?” his voice gets more audible as he walks back to you.
You feel him guiding your shoulders to make you face him. Toji towers over you on your left side. The impression of his hard dick clearly visible underneath his pants. 
You feel your cheeks getting hotter, but try to play it cool looking displeased “Maaaybe…”
“Then let’s find out,” Toji holds your hand as you head towards your bed. 
Your room is a bit messy with your office clothes still on your mattress from all those nights you came home from work feeling too tired to grab a clean shirt to sleep in. You push them off the bed, careful not to send your plushies plummeting to their death along with your clothes. You managed to save them all except for a fluffy pink cow plushie.
The crystal ball you hanged on your window catches the bright afternoon sun and illuminates specks of color around your room. You sit on your bed watching the specks move slowly on Toji as he undresses. You’re unsure if you’ve seen a view prettier than this. He takes his shirt off first, revealing the familiar scars on his body. His pants follow, falling to the floor.
“What’s the matter? Hmm?” he whispers onto your neck. Feeling his warm breath sends a shiver down your spine. He kisses you softly behind your ear, his hand making its way inside your underwear. 
His fingers feel cold against your clit. You push your thighs together as a reflex. 
“If you’re not gonna talk to me can you at least keep this warm for me?” you feel his finger sliding further into your folds. You stifle a moan trying to come up with a reply to humble his smug ass but you lose to his gentle touch and his quickening pace. His movement is encouraged by your wetness. Two fingers begin to slide inside, stretching your entrance. He rests his fingers in the spot you like best and glides over it repeatedly. You feel yourself tightening around his fingers
You like that, brat?
He pulls you in for a kiss and you reach for his dick. Starting your grip from his base to his tip. You feel him already wet with pre-cum and it makes you smile.
“Already?” you tease.
He begins to undo your buttons and take off your bra. Exposing your chest he palms your hard nipples. “Already?” he teases back. He looks so smug the scar on his lip inches upward.
“Asshole,” you mutter.
“I’ve been wanting to do this since I saw you in that apron” Toji is a boob guy degenerate who heads straight to lick around your nipples. You feel your nub get harder as he wraps his mouth around your left nipple to suck on it. He sucks harder and harder and the volume of your moans follow suit. 
His idle hand alternates between rubbing your right nipple and pawing on your boob. He groans as he buries his face into your flesh. You can feel his dick grinding on your bare thigh unsure when you took your bottoms off.
The two of you close the distance between each other. You make out like it’s your last and he opens your legs up for him to hold your knees in place. He moans while putting the tip of his penis in and stays there, waiting for you to settle. You grow impatient and scoot your hips to push him further inside. He meets your pace and pretty soon the room is filled with the sound of you and Toji.
His crotch lands on your clit with every grind, making you wetter than you already are. You're too occupied with pleasure that the only coherent thing you could say is “Please.”
You feel his square jaw touch your neck as he starts moaning in your ear. “You look so fucking hot when youre begging for my dick, my princess” he whispers in your ear. And you’re done for. You feel yourself cumming around his hard dick. Your pussy twitching, trying to milk his dick for everything he has. “‘M cumminggg,” as your nails dig into his shoulders. You let yourself loose grinding against him.
Your legs feel like mush but your core keeps its tight grip around him. Toji pumps into you at a faster, frenzied pace. He looks so desperate for relief it’s adorable. He stares at you wondering how you’re the same person who used to find him so insufferable before. Your usually uptight face is replaced with a lewd look that tears him up inside. You find yourself close to cumming again. But before you could share this with Toji, you hear him say “Be my cumslut, baby.” You feel him shooting warm squirts of his thick cum inside you as you pulsate around him. It feels unreal cumming at the same time. It makes you wish you weren’t wearing an implant so he can ruin your life plans and give Megumi a sibling. 
He gets his weight off of you and you start to notice the sun beaming across your bedroom, giving the space an orange tone. You didn’t realize how late in the afternoon it already is.
Your head rests on Toji’s chest as he wraps his arm around you. You watch him breathe heavily as he comes down from rearranging your guts. It’s getting a bit toasty in your pile of limbs, but it feels nice in the February chill. You stay like this, just quiet for a minute before you feel your eyelids get heavier and heavier. The last thing you remember is him kissing your forehead whispering “I love you, y/n” so quietly that you’re not sure if what you heard was a dream or not. You drift off to sleep.
You wake up suddenly feeling like you were falling from a cliff for a second, but you were caught by Toji’s big arms reminding you that you’re safe and he’s here. You wrap your arm around him, pulling him closer. His hand is placed on your back tracing soft random lines that comfort you for whatever reason. 
“Babe? Can I ask you something?” Toji asks you in a low voice. 
“Yeah sure. Always.” You prop yourself up to face him instinctively tilting your head ever so slightly to the side.
He cups your cheek and looks you in the eyes. “How many of these bed hogging plushies are from your dumbass ex?”
You laugh but this question took you aback a bit since you haven’t really decluttered recently. It’s not like the old stuff you received from past relationships still means anything. They just kind of faded in the background and you never really gave them a second thought.
You point to 4 out of 7 plushies on your bed and count simultaneously. “So, four. Oh and that cow on the floor.” Answering made you feel a little embarrassed not realizing how much of the plushies you own came from previous partners. You and Toji only started dating officially only a few months ago. Making him feel uncomfortable is not in the list of things you want to do. 
He follows your index finger and studies the plushies. “Are you into the super soft ones or fluffy ones?” he asks.
“Hm… I have no preference, really… Just anything that you think I’ll like is great.” 
So the next time you meet Toji in the train station, he’ll be picking you up from work and you’ll see a soft green unit big enough to be your pillow. It’s a lot to hold but it looks small when Toji carries it by his side.
“No way. Is this for me?” 
“It’s for my side chick actually.”
You give him a side eye. One pout and he back tracks in record time. 
“It’s for my favorite brat, obviously.” he hands the frog plushie to you and gives you a tender kiss. 
You bury your face in the soft plush and it instantly reminds you of the stuffed toy that never left your side when you were a kid. It smells just like Toji.
“Oh he’s so grumpy,” you can’t help but let out a high pitched adoration for the frog.
His brows furrow upwards, “You don’t like it?”
“He’s perfect. He looks just like you,” you reply, tears forming in your eyes. “I’ll never sleep without Jiji again,” you named the frog. 
“Oh you better.” he smirks.
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The frog plushie in question
Part 2 soon????
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salami-dono · 5 months
In my journal, I sometimes jot down dialogue for random scenes, featuring—well, mostly Dr. Jester. He is my favorite after all! I do have other OCs, you know. Some of those scenes have sentences that aren't dialogue, but I tend to write those lines in the present tense. They probably read more like a simple script. (^^ゞ For this post, I'm going to flesh them out.
There was a fourth part but, because of the word count, I decided to remove it and post it separately.
3/28/23 or 28 March 2023 😈🥚
(Here's an example of the simpler ones.)
Dr. Jester, in a sarcastic tone: What sort of ancient power have you disturbed this time, doctor? Another eldritch god?
Eggman: That was one time.
Dr. Jester: Several. It happened several times!
Eggman, excitedly: Ha! Trust me, old friend. You’ll love this new plan...
5/2/23 or 2 May 2023 💬
For Saturn, it was supposed to be nothing more than routine maintenance, but Dr. Jester rambled on, extending his appointment. The mechanical echidna only observed him.
"You know, you almost—almost—make me wish I didn't do it." Dr. Jester wagged an accusatory finger in Saturn's expressionless face. "Do you have anything to say for yourself?"
Saturn's eye lights faded out. He needed time to prepare a response. Dr. Jester waited, as always. During the pause, his posture slackened.
[ You are upset. Have I done something wrong? ]
"No..." he answered weakly.
Dr. Jester clawed his own face in exasperation, turning away from Saturn. What's wrong with me?
Was he truly having second thoughts after so many years? It was a troubling confession, one he refused to elaborate on. Bury it! Luckily, he was almost certain that, in just a short while, the echidna would forget this brief encounter.
At that moment, his sensors picked up a shrill voice calling him. He flinched as a loud boom rocked the building. Alarms blared. The lights flickered and objects around the room rattled until the tremor subsided.
"Ugh, they're back... Here to wreck my precious machines, no doubt! Saturn?"
Without another word, Saturn's cyan eyes lit up once more. He stood up tall and immediately marched out of the room to investigate the explosion. He had become quite attuned to Dr. Jester's desires and further commands were often not necessary.
"Dr. J! Dr. J!"
Kandy flew past Saturn turning at the corner, and nervously hovered over Dr. Jester. He had already returned to his workbench, seemingly ignoring the situation as the alarms continued to sound. How could he be working at a time like this?!
"What?!" he snapped. "I've already sent Saturn after those pesky brats."
"No, Dr. J! It's not the Jester-Busters!! It's—"
7/13/23 or 13 July 2023 🐻
Dr. Jester extended his hand to the newest recruit, Sammy.
She was a shy, clumsy bear with round ears. Her eyes were obscured by large, square glasses. Sammy's hair was styled into long, pig-tailed braids with a jagged fringe. Her outfit was appropriate for the occasion: a simple white lab coat, gloves, white pants and slip-on shoes.
Standing here in front of Dr. Jester, she looked intimidated, holding a clipboard up to her chest with her head lowered. Sammy stared at the doctor's hand for a moment, then shook it gingerly.
"W-wow. You're really a robot, huh?"
"Oh! Sorry. It surprised me, is all. I mean—I already knew but—" She sighed, adjusting her glasses, "—I hope I didn't offend you, doctor..."
"No offense taken," he said and gestured for her to follow. "I'll show you around the lab."
Sammy's ears drooped. He was clearly offended. Clutching her clipboard, she followed closely behind the doctor. She mentally reprimanded herself, unaware that she muttered just audibly enough to be heard by Dr. Jester.
It was going to be a long tour...
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Whumptober - Sorry doesn’t fix anything
HEYA and welcome to my first post for this Whumptober! Starting out strong with general characters, and Prompts~
1. “This wasn’t supposed to happen!”
3. Gun to temple
13. Dislocation/Fracture
Alt. 2. Whimpering
Alt. 5. Ambushed
CW: Dislocation, broken bones, implied Whumpee turned Whumper, gunshot, character death, blood and very slight mention of gore, interacting with a dead body
Whumpee was hunched over on the ground, whimpering, tears clouding his vision as every breath sent a wave of sharp pain rippling through his chest.
“So, my dear Whumpee, looks like this is where it ends for you. Gotta say, I expected you to put up more of a fight.”
Whumper stepped closer, until they were right in front of Whumpee. They looked down at him, squinting as they heard something intelligible leave his mouth.
“Huh? Say that again, will you?”
Whumper crouched down to Whumpee’s level, before grabbing his chin and forcing him to look up and at their face.
“I-I’m sorry, please, I- I- so sorry-“
Whumpee’s breath hitched with every other word he spoke, while he was trying to avoid Whumper’s gaze.
For a moment, time seemed to still.
Then, Whumper laughed. There were tears in the corner of their eye and they had to hold onto the floor to steady themselves, while Whumpee looked at them in a mix of horror and confusion.
“Really, Whumpee, you, you never fail to surprise me! You’re sorry? Is that it? Boy, had I just known it was that easy from the beginning, that would’ve saved me a few of those!”
Whumper’s voice was laced with sarcasm as they offhandedly motioned to the scars crossing their eye. Whumpee was staring at Whumper, dread filling his stomach as he recollected the memory. Instinctively, he tried to crawl away backwards, to bring more distance between them and perhaps make his getaway, but his action was cut short by Whumper before he could get far.
“Ah ah, where are you going? You apologized, it’s all good now, isn’t it!”
Harshly, Whumper grabbed Whumpee’s wrist, before he could scoot further away from them. Whumpee winced as he was yanked forward, trying to pull against their grip - to no avail.
“Let me show you something, hm?”
Whumpers grip on Whumpee’s wrist tightened, while their other hand reached out to hold against his shoulder. Before Whumpee could process what was happening, Whumper yanked, pulling Whumpee’s shoulder out of the socket with a clearly audible pop.
A piercing scream emerged from Whumpee as blinding hot pain flared through his arm and shoulder like lightning, drowning out Whumper’s laughter. He fell to his side, cradling his arm, before Whumper was suddenly above him, sitting on his stomach and holding Whumpee to the ground. Whumpee was wailing, his ribs screaming in protest at every way too fast breath he took in.
“And now I’m sorry, can’t you tell? Look at how sorry I am! I’m sorry, so now everything is fine again!”
Whumper mocked, their voice hollering as Whumpee squirmed beneath them, their legs kicking fruitlessly. Putting pressure on their wounded shoulder with one hand to keep him agitated, they used their other hand to pull a small handgun out of their jacket.
With a short motion Whumper loaded it, before aiming it straight at Whumpee’s head. He looked up at them, cheeks wet from tears, eyes wide in fear.
“Got anything else you’re oh so sorry for? Hm? Guess I’ll go first then. Whumpee, I’m really sorry for what I’m about to do~”
Hearing the click of the weapon, Whumpee closed his eyes.
Then, a gunshot.
Instead of the expected pain or nothingness, Whumpee felt something warm hit his face, before the pressure on his stomach and shoulder released, and he heard a wet thump next to him, along with quick and heavy footsteps from the other side.
Carefully, he opened his eyes to see Whumper laying next to him, the floor and Whumpee himself coated in blood and small pieces of mushy remains. The sight and smell made Whumpee gag, yet he couldn’t help but reach out for Whumper’s lifeless body.
“Wh- Whumper! Whumper, no! No no no! NO! This wasn’t supposed to happen, no! Please!”
Behind him, Caretaker came to a perplexed halt. Whumpee propped himself up on his side, sobs shaking his body at the sight of Whumper - The one he had known all his life, he had so many fond memories with, the only one standing at his side so many times in the past.
“Whumpee- Whumpee, look at me.”
Caretaker slowly walked closer, keeping up his guard for if Whumpee decided to lash out at them.
Against their expectations though, Whumpee fell forward, burying his face in Whumper’s bloodied shirt, continuing to blubber words that made less and less sense over time.
He didn’t feel Caretaker coming up to him, putting a hand on his back, gently trying to pry him off Whumper. Or maybe he didn’t want to feel it.
He never meant for it to get that far.
Instead, now sobs turned to whimpers as he let the darkness that was tugging on him slowly take him in, take away his pain, his consciousness and grief, until he fell limp, right into the waiting arms of caretaker.
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simpingwriter · 1 year
Cal Kestis x Kyra Yarmot
'In the Name of Love' pt.3
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Arghghg, more introductions, more Greez being a lil pussy...when can I write the good stufffffff??!???!
Don't mind me, just ranting :)
Wordcount: approx. 3.034
After you stood up that "morning", well you hoped it wasn't, your body physically felt like it just got run over by a herd of wild Banthas.
But at least mentally and attitude wise, you're fit again.
So, cracking joints and aching muscles aside, you stood up on time with Cal, hearing him cough from the now more stale air as BD audibly jumped on him, enhancing his last cough. "Owwww BD…owww…" He groans slowly out as you finished getting back into the scraps that were your clothes. It was surprising they still covered the needed…areas…at all.
"BD, don't kill him just yet-" you joke, which alarmed said Droid immediately to your presence, as if the squeaky bed wasn't enough for that already. He rounded the partition wall with near lightning speed, almost falling to one side and jumped up to your shoulders almost instantly, trying to nuzzle his square head into yours. Obviously with some difficulty but you did let him try.
"Good morning to you too, BD. And Good Morning Cal, owner of this rampaging Droid!" BD beeps simple noise of happiness, sounded like laughter as Cal exhaled already exhausted again, "He's such a handful sometimes-"
"...I wasn't done. But without him, I know I would still be at the start…"
'Thank you! Where else would you be?!' BD returns with snark, still comfy on your shoulder as you both went to the living room.
And that's how you ended up being bombarded with questions.
Most importantly of those though: who are you?
"Well?" Greez asked impatiently, watching your face fall from an idea to nothing in seconds, "Give her a moment…" the older woman chastised the Captain before her attention was on you again. Merrin and Cal obviously were there too. Everyone was.
Had it really had been four years since the last time you had long time companions?
You wondered what happened to Zeta...-
"Well, you know my name already. Kyra Yarmot. I'm a…I was part of a species. The overarching name was 'Dragon People', given by the then not yet established Empire, to make communications easier, I was part of the subspecies that had a natural advantage in the Force and over Fire, in that case, Pyrokinesis."
At that, Cere stops you, "Wait…you said natural advantage…were all people in your tribe, clan, whatever you call it…were they all like you? With such…such huge Force Potential?"
Your face fell again. You simply couldn’t know. You only know these facts partially from your master and another from the books you read in the Jedi Temple and those you found over the years on the run…
"I don't know…the books never went into specifics, some that did were nothing but Legends, so one would have to take them with a grain of salt…sometimes with the whole shaker..." But you knew one thing about them, the thing that made them a target of the Empire.
The reason they were enslaved.
"My people…when…when we trained it, we were able to work for weeks without breaks. Unimaginable physical strength was part of their profile, the books that were older than…the enslaving and the purge of us…they talked about the impressive mines they had dug out, the treasures they unearthed in a day's work that took weeks even for mining machines."
You remember the small sliver of a vision you once received in your sleep…something you liked having before that one vision years and years ago.
It was about your home planet before it was ransacked, before it was stomped to the ground. You saw two people you always wanted to think were supposed to be your parents, mainly because your vision seemed to focus so heavily on them in particular.
"I also heard many scholarships came out from your kind?" Merrin butted in, clearly itching to have asked that question when you lost yourself in your memory, something you never told or showed to anyone else.
They would need special abilities for that anyways.
"I think so, yes. But clearly they weren't around anymore when I was supposed to be taught in our ways. Cere and even BD saw the last of my people years and years ago…"
Merrin copied your sorrowful frown, clearly feeling with you as you talked about your dead people. You probably wouldn't even have told them all if they hadn't bugged you about it. But keeping secrets was almost always sign of guilt for something, was it big or small.
You spent a good chunk of the morning talking mostly about you but also a bit about the rest, even Greez pitching in every once in a while. Though he still looked a bit on edge with you, lile he was about to jump up and run any second now, side glances thrown your way every once in a while, so you glance back the last time, the Latero jumping a bit. Did he really think he would be your next snack?
Latero are a species of prey…
"I won't eat you, Greez…" you start, getting an idea to tease the older captain as you lean over with a toothy grin, "since…Latero don't fit my taste anyways. At all." It almost seemed as if the small man's heart would not just skip a beat but straight up jump out of his chest, grow little legs and run off. So you change your maybe slightly threatening grin to an inviting smile. "Sorry. Some people just give themselves away with their fear. I really don't intend on hurting you or anyone else on this ship."
His eyes still wide, he takes a moment to let your words sink in, Cere shaking her head at your apparently normal antics while Merrin grins, "Greez is way too easy to tease, but I wish I could make it seem as easy as you just did!" The Latero shakes his head at that, holding his hands up in defense, "No, don't even think about it you two! It's already bad enough, she's literally a predatory ani- person!"
Well yes. You were. But you're not as attuned to your animalistic side as the rest of your kind was. You never had many chances to let the animal inside of you take over for a moment.
So no, you never hunted prey either, despite sometimes feeling a weird itch in a corner of your brain when seeing a grazing animal. Instead, you ate meat the same way any normal person that was raised with table manners. Though you had moments you were so starved, you forgot cutlery exists and dug into your food with your hands…
Not your most prideful moments-
"What are you thinking about?" Cal asked, a somehow mischievous smile on his face, like he knew something, tapping you curiously against your shoulder, gaining your attention, "uh…food…?" "I karking knew it…" Greez whines out as he threw his hands up, standing up to go to the kitchen. "What do you want me to do? Rub myself with oil so you can roast me?? Or just salt and pepper??? Both?!?!"
He seemed to have missed your actually serious remark about not eating his kind. You never tried either, obviously.
"Greez, cool your jets. She hasn't done anything-" "Yet." The man interrupts, everyone sighing at his overdramatic panic. "I mean it. Without her, I would've died on that planet yesterday, Greez. She's an honest girl, just like Merrin. Just like Cere..." He pauses for a moment and it appeared like something he just said…like it made him think but then return to his initial intentions, "Honest like both of us, okay?"
Greez went quiet, stopped his worried clashing of pots after that for a few moments as everyone stared at him, wanting to know his reply.
"Yeah. Yeah. Fine…i'-i'm sorry Kyra…" Now it was your turn, Cal turning his expecting gaze towards you, eyebrows high on his forehead and his head slightly tilted as you laugh awkwardly. Maybe you should apologize for your teasing too.
"And I'm sorry too, Greez. I know myself how horrible teasing can be, even when it came without ill intent, when the subject bothers one." He didn't seem to have expected a "predator" to apologize, stumbling over his next words as he went to take a cup of coffee now instead, "O-oh haha…noo…It's…It's fine!" You took it as the best you would get for now, nodding back friendly before your attention was back on the rest.
"Cal, uhhh...maybe stop staring perhaps?" Merrin asked the boy next to you, using her elbow to lightly jab him in the side, making him reply in a similar manner as Greez much to the amusement of you and Merrin. "I-I wasn't!" "You were, accept it."
"Was it my tail again? Or my horns?" Merrin chokes from the air that was supposed to be another laugh, scaring Cal at the sudden outburst enough to jump in your direction on the ship's couch, his thigh grazing your lap already. "What the helllll, Cal? You're telling me you have been staring at her like this already before?" It was her turn to be a tease, keeping on poking his side as he whines but chuckles. "I was new to her, you gotta excuse my curiosityyyy...and stop poking me!!!"
At all that, you only saw Cere shake her head at the apparently unusually childish atmosphere that filled the main area of the ship. But…you liked it. It's been too long you had the chance to be so childish with people. Even during such an important mission.
After the morning passed, Merrin gave you a sudden once over, "The fact that nobody even thought about new clothes for you yet…" she tsked, shaking her head at Cal, who rightfully gasped, "What was I supposed to do about that?! My clothes are way too big on her!" "You could've asked me!" She returns, pushing past him while he rolls his eyes, but soon began to smile again. "You two always like that?" He looks back to you, now pulling a grimace at your clothes as well.
He was probably too busy with your extras to care about the dirty clothes you wore. Understandable. Somewhere.
"She's right…" he mutters, teasinglyholding his nose shut, "Cal!" He was quick to utter a 'sorry', pulling his shoulders up as he felt himself get lightly whacked by you, just as Merrin returned already. Early enough to see your "abuse" on his shoulder, "Yeah, he needs that sometimes. Still didn't get him potty trained either…"
And once more, they fell into petty teasing and taunting, they almost looked like Siblings like that.
You had a foggy memory of also having siblings once upon a time and you doubt they had your luck of escape…just like your parents.
"Kyra, you still with us?" You jump at the grey hand waving inches from your face, nearly going cross eyed as you naturally began to follow the movement. "Don't pounce, please." She pulled her hand away as soon as she noticed the pattern of your eyes, making a mental note to think about that a bit more beforehand the next time.
She turns to the coffee table, a few pieces of clothes strewn about, "Since you probably need to…well…make room for those" she gestures vaguely towards your back and ass, making you chuckle, "I took those that I knew I no longer wore. Not because they are old by the way. Just not my thing anymore, saw myself in them a bit too often…"
They were all dark colors, but surprisingly not just black and dark red. There even was a dimmed purple poncho. "You have a poncho? Didn't you question my fashion sense last time we went to the market for new clothes?"
You pick the poncho up, watching your claws to not cut it to ribbons. But to be honest, it's been a while you "sharpened" them, the cuts they usually caused needing more pressure and speed than supposed. The fabric of the Poncho was really nice, the rough texture of the waffle like pattern feeling pretty nice against your own rougher exterior that covered certain parts of you.
"Well of course I am. Ponchos are your whole wardrobe. I have this one…and looking at the goo goo eyes Kyra is giving it, it might be hers now!" She smiles as you blush, feeling more than called out, "I-I mean, if you changed your mind, you can keep it!" You tried to hand it back to her mid sentence, but she only shook her head with a sigh, stopping your hand, "Nooo, Kyra…I would've thrown it out otherwise. If you like it, it's better off in your hands."
You did like Ponchos.
"Maybe I got one or even two that you can have as-" "Didn't you juhst say they would be too big on her???"
Yikes, he got called out.
But you didn't notice that, eyes going big. Even the one Cal wore when he found you, light brown with grey at the sleeve parts, you like the practicality his all may appear to have.
For now, Merrin's one would be enough though. Along with two simple pairs of pants that had a high waist, making it easy to cut a big enough hole for your tail plus a simple wrap top in black, a dark green zipper hoodie (you remember a similar one from your free time at the temple…) and a dark purple cloak.
"You gotta try the top on, it fits on basically any body due to the stretchy fabric!" She already dragged you towards the back, letting no word of resistance out of your mouth while she gestured at Cal that she's 'watching him', "We won't be long, don't you dare come after to get a look at her naked tail!" "I wasn't going t-" "Yeah and we expect it!" He knew he lost and gave up, sighing defeated.
While she waited up on the platform, you slipped down the ladder, already having found out how to shorten the time of getting down on it after lazy-boy Cal send you at least three times during the improvised breakfast to fetch something he forgot.
The improvised Breakfast reminds you of the "mission" you would be participating in today. Getting new rations for actual missions and food for on board.
The loose top surprised you positively, since you didn't even have to cut the back. You simply pushed the top's mid straps further in, in between the space of the base of your wings.
"Does it fi- oh that looks amazing!" She was just as enthusiastic as you as you ascend back to the upper platform, doing a slow spin to show off your idea for your little problem. "Oh right, I didn't think about that! I'm sure we'll find some similar ones at the market we're going to today." You did have some credits left from small errands here and there, so you probably could get yourself another one.
You agreed with her and went to follow her back to Cal and the rest before she stops you for a short moment, a hand resting on your shoulder.
"Don't take Greez too serious by the way…" she tells you, some seriousness in her voice, but it was clear she was trying hard to not joke about him, "Last Week he thought we're all going to die because of a small Ice Storm on Zeffo…the same storm he went through every time Cal needed to get back on that Trooper infested hellhole…"
So it was just his personality? But he still seemed genuinely unnerved by your presence. "Are you sure it's not…you know…instinct?" "Because of your appearance? Eh, he'll get over it. You look much more human than I expected for a Dragon Person. The books on Dathomir talked about your kind looking...sorry...more monstrous."
There have been many Legends for your kind, many told of you looking like horrific creatures whose faces were part scaly snout and part Human mouth, that your legs were more akin to actual Dragons.
And the Legends weren't fully wrong. But those that looked like that or at least similar were a totally different subcategory, closer to the animal's side of ancestors than the human side. One even had barely any human traits, from what you had read, only having human posture and the vague ability of actual speech instead of growls, howls, screams and hisses.
"Are you two done back there?! We're almost out of hyperspace, so you should find somewhere to sit down!" Cere yells back to you two, which you both return with 'Yeah, coming!' before walking back to the front to sit in the seats near the cockpit, both you still in thought about the subject you just talked about.
The name of the planet in front of you immediately came to your head as you saw the mainly white "surface", some light blue spots on it.
That means you once again couldn't use the force, now for other reasons.
"Bardottans hate Jedi though…is that really our best stop for restocking?" You ask, Cal's eyebrows drawn up at that, "Wait really? I didn't even know about that."
They think Jedi as Thieves and Kidnapper for taking Bardottan children to train as future Jedi. You could see where their anger comes from in that ca-
"Yes, but it's because of petty reasons…it's better still if you don't play around with it though."
Did Cere really just call that reason petty?
You're just about to interrupt her and ask her for her reason of opinion as you feel Cal's eyes on you. You couldn't really decipher the meaning behind that look, but you were going to ask him about it later…
As you squint at him, away from Cere's seemingly everywhere at once eyes, he shakes his head no. He knew something you didn't…
Merrin had stood up from her seat for leaving hyperspace, walking to the fridge to take something off it. The shopping list.
"We need Blue Milk again, Cal. Someone," she eyes the guilty ginger from above, taller than him when he still sat down in the raised co pilot seat, earning a once more innocent whistle back before she continues, "Someone drank it all in one sitting during a heated training session on Bogano. Oh and some Cambylictus berries-" "Oh they are amazing! I once tried them on a trip to Endor. Me and my…former companions, we were just in time for one of their celebrations that included Camby Berries!"
Now you knew what to tell Cal tonight before going to bed, about your short time on Endor. Weirdly enough, even though they are Prey too, the Ewoks weren't afraid of you…
Probably their surprising strength to body mass ration and the multitude of weapons...
But even those wouldn't have stopped a starving Dragon Person in the end.
"Okay, kids, we're here! You all better behave yourself or we can't return to this one too!" Greez shouts a warning from the cockpit, from what you look at Cal with a raised eyebrow, "This one too?"
Instantly he looked away from you, coughing into his fist. By now you realized, Cal probably was a little troublemaker underneath all that sweet boy attitude.
"Alright. Keep your secrets…for now, pretty boy." You tease right next to his ear, his body going rigid at your hot breath at his ear. And probably for your new nickname for him.
You didn't stay on the ship long enough to watch or hear his surely stuttering follow up reaction, but in the end you heard his own feet a few seconds later follow yours as you stopped at the sloped door to sniff the air, you grin with all teeth out for show.
"No empire." "Good. Let's keep it that way."
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thinktosee · 8 months
Peace is an overriding human value. Violence goes against our sense of justice and morality. 
We pray for peace, goodwill and the indivisible commonality of our civilizational values. 
Early this Shabbat morning, the public siren could be heard from the hotel where I am staying in Israel. A few minutes later, the explosions were clearly audible across the landscape. Over the course of the morning, the series of blasts continued intermittently. There is no other way to describe this as best as a major news outlet’s headline which splashed across the tv screen in my room – “Israel under attack.” :
The unfolding event in Israel and Gaza is another in a long conflict rooted in perceived differences in values and identity. The solution, which had been staring at us for so long will go on being ignored. There are those who feel that violence is a legitimate form of rebellion. I would urge them to read Albert Camus’ 1951 essay titled “The Rebel.” In this superbly presented and dissected narrative for peace, Camus argues that every rebellion leads eventually to more violence and in many instances to totalitarianism, once the rebels had succeeded and gained political power. Camus based his opinion on several examples in history, including the French and Russian Revolutions of 1789 and 1917 respectively. I would add that post-Camus, the Iranian Revolution of 1979 is one other example.
It is possible that the latest attack today is an attempt to scuttle the on-going discussions between Israel and Saudi Arabia to normalize diplomatic relations :
This is a new experience, especially given the fact that it is my first visit to Israel, Nevertheless, I share every Israeli’s desire for peace and goodwill. I am sure every Arab feels similarly. Long ago, we had lived in peace and there is nothing which should prevent us from doing so today. 
A few days prior to this and on Oct 3, 2023, I was in Bangkok and just happened to be in the Siam Central Mall when the shooting began. Later that evening, we learned that a 14-year old male had been detained on suspicion of committing the crime. This came as a shock to me, particularly as to how someone so young could possibly be involved in this, and with a sophisticated pistol, which is generally a part of the arsenal of many military establishments across the world :
We have been told numerous times that violence begets violence. There is much truth to this. Every day, as I scan the news dailies, reports of violence and mayhem seem to outweigh reports of peace. It would be a sad day in the future when we are drawn to a news report which headlined that Peace had broken out in some place. That is the day when violence and war have been normalized and peace is no longer a common thing. 
In closing, we like to thank the Nobel Committee for their deserved selection of Ms Narges Mohamaddi, the persecuted Iranian activist, for the 2023 Peace Prize :
Peace to one and all. 
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amerrierworld · 3 years
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Summary: we interrupt your regularly scheduled fic-posting with some urgent soft!alcina 
Characters: Alcina Dimitrescu x gn!reader
Word Count: 1,409
Warnings: absolute tooth-rotting fluff (plus a hint of steam). featuring the (possibly canon??) long-haired Alcina :3
If there was anything you loved nearly as much as Alcina in Castle Dimitrescu, it was her bed. It was large enough to fit two of her with room to spare, and sleeping in it was comfortable beyond belief.
When you were buried beneath the covers and she came into the room, you had to make noise like a hiding kitten to alert her that you were hidden by the massive duvet, so she wouldn’t flop down on the mattress and accidentally squash you.
Alcina had now gotten accustomed to habitually turn back any covers on the beds or couches that she came across, just to double check.
On one such occasion she came into her bedroom and reached over to pull the blankets down, and a sudden, meek squeal of protest made her smile.
You were clinging to her pillows, swaddled in the covers, surrounded by Alcina’s musky, warm scent, and would not have woken up had it not been for the rush of cold air as your cocoon was unraveled. 
“Hello there, little dove,” Alcina whispered as your eyes opened and your face scrunched up, burrowing your head further into the pillow. “You slept through dinner again.”
You enjoyed taking a late afternoon nap, but sometimes when you slept in Alcina’s bed, you kept on dreaming for longer than intended. 
You sat up groggily, hair swept in all directions and watched as Alcina tugged off her gloves and began unpinning her hair from the tight up-do she wore underneath her wide-brimmed hat. 
“Are you hungry?” the giantess asked, sitting at her vanity and thoroughly removing her makeup. “I’ll fetch someone to bring dinner if you’d like.”
You shook your head, watching Alcina as you pressed back into the pillows, bare legs worming underneath the warm covers again. Everything in this room made Alcina look normal-sized, and made you seem like a small dwarf-like creature. All items, from the chairs to the bathroom sink, had been catered to her measurements. 
You preferred to use the regular-sized furniture and rooms in the castle simply for convenience, but when you had the chance, you would always choose Alcina’s bed over yours. Considering that she couldn’t cuddle in your bed like you could in hers, it made the most sense to you.
Long, black hair tumbled from her bun down her shoulders and back and you marveled at the sight. She had a few shorter pieces in the front that she curled and styled to stay in overnight, but tonight seemed rather relaxed, because she brushed through it and left it loose. 
“Is there still room for me there, little dove?” she teased as she walked over to the closet and pulled out a nightgown while gesturing towards the bed. You giggled and spread your limbs like a limp starfish, exclaiming,
“No! Sorry, your bed has been entirely occupied.”
“A shame,” she purred, changing from her creamy dress to an almost pure-white nightgown. Her heels came off and stayed by her vanity chair, and she patted barefoot over to you. “I’ll be forced to use whatever means necessary to reclaim my place.”
“Do whatever you will, I shall never move,” you declared, willing your limbs to stay still, iron-like.
“Whatever, you say?” she drawled, arms coming to plant beside your head, sinking deeper into the soft cushions of the pillows and mattress. You felt your face heat up in surprise as her locks tumbled down and brushed along your shoulders. 
“Perhaps I can be persuasive,” she whispered, full lips pressing against your temple. The smell of her was even stronger now, and you felt your senses tingle as her nose trailed down your face, along your cheekbone. Her larger mouth hovering over yours with a tantalizing smirk.
You felt your body rise as her lips began peppering soft kisses along your lips and chin, but you didn’t bring your arms up around her like you usually did. That made her hum in feigned annoyance, and she kissed your pulse point a bit harder.
Fangs scraped lightly along your skin and you gasped, but just a little.
“Hungry?” you asked, squeezing your eyes shut as a long tongue soothed the skin and suckled over your racing pulse.
“Hmm.. some other time, perhaps,” she replied. Her fingers reached down to your bare legs, the slightest of touches making you buck your hips.
“Come now, darling,” she cooed, her hands wandering and her mouth hot against your skin, “give up and let me ravish you.”
You giggled, and retorted, “never.”
The pillows were off the bed in a second, and suddenly your whole figure was shadowed by Alcina holding you down with the weight of her body. She kicked the duvet further down the bed, exposing your body. She pulled your legs apart,  thumbs rubbing over the inside of your thighs.
“Strong, but ever the fool,” she observed, your fingers grabbling the sheets to not pull her hands to where you were hot and needy. “I can tell you want it, sweetling.”
“Cruel,” you whined as her hands came off of your legs. You expected her to keep kissing you, to hold you down and whisper until you were melting and begging. But instead, her heavy warmth disappeared, and you cracked open an eye to see her sit at the foot of the bed, apparently ready to leave.
“Where are you going?” you asked, as she grabbed a silk robe to put over her nightgown.
“To find other accommodations for the night,” she said, “I’ve clearly lost this battle. You will never budge, it seems.”
Her tone was neutral, but you caught sight of her profile, framed by dark wavy locks, and her lips were pulled into a mischievous smirk.
“No,” you breathed, barely audible. Alcina turned her head away, pushing her arms into the sleeves of the robe.
“What was that?” she asked, but you both knew damn well she heard what you said.
“No!” this time you were the one who pounced, flying up to wrap your arms around her neck from behind before she could stand up.
Her laugh was melodic and soft as you clung to her, face burying in her sweet-smelling hair. 
“You’re mean,” you whined, “we were playing a game. You never sleep without me.”
Your lips pressed underneath her ear, nose worming through her hair and Alcina chuckled deeply.
“Of course we were playing a game, little dove. And now you’ve lost.”
You opened your mouth to retort but only a screech escaped you as Alcina stood, suddenly, lifting you up in the air while holding onto her neck. She plucked you off with flawless ease and then you were being cradled in her arms, her perfect smile showing perfect teeth, and you couldn’t bother being mad at her for tricking you.
“Fine,” you grumbled, crossing your arms, “but you have to make it up to me. I was actually gonna win against you for the first time ever had you not played tricks.”
“I always play tricks, darling,” she said, hands rubbing your form as she settled back against the pillows, you in her arms. You squirmed until she released you and you sat upon her middle staring up into those golden eyes with defiance written all over your face. 
“I suppose that’s true,” you grumbled, “though that doesn’t mean I have to enjoy it.”
She grinned again, her eyes crinkling. You wondered if she ever smiled this much before you had come to stay at Castle Dimitrescu. The thought made your heart beat a little faster. Then you wondered if her senses could pick up on that. Everything about her made you wonder.
“How does my sweet want to reconcile?” Alcina asked, one hand cupping the back of your neck. “I can’t have you stay angry at me forever.”
You raised yourself a little higher and climbed up a bit more so you could press your mouth against hers. Once she was delightfully distracted by your tongue twining with hers, your small hands wandered down to her breasts, running the fingertips over the tops that were exposed to your eyes.
Alcina’s breath came out in a soft, slow gasp, and you continued, pushing the robe off of her shoulders and then the silky straps down her arms, before you cupped them both in your hands, feeling stiff nipples as you sucked her lower lip with a grin.
“I can think of a few things,” you said.
A/N: and that concludes our very urgent announcement. back to business, everyone.
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chil2de · 3 years
that one scene from csm but make it my favourite haikyuu characters
aka: you give them the lollipop you were eating
featuring: miya atsumu, miya osamu, suna rintarou, sakusa kiyoomi, iwaizumi hajime, tendou satori
“that’s nasty as shit”
“y’all still eat those?” atsumu sneers, slumping down on the bench beside you. he slings his arm over you to set down the drink he got for you. from your peripherals, you watch him screw open a bottle of water before chugging half the contents.
“what do you mean still? you’re acting like you were born three decades ago. have you ever even had one?”
“why would i eat one? it’ll be gone in like a minute” he scoffs, screwing the lid back on.
“that’s ‘cause you’re one of those psychopaths who bite straight into it. you’re supposed to wait for it to dissolve in your m—“
“wait for it to do what?”
“huh? dissolve in your m—“
you turn your attention towards atsumu’s stifled laughter.
“you’re tryin’ so hard to not say ‘suck’ and it’s fuckin’ killing me” he snorts, eyebrows raising in amusement.
“are you a child?” you sneer, gritting your teeth a little into the candy.
“i ain’t got a lollipop in my mouth”
“that’s why ‘samu’s the better twin.” you hum. when atsumu’s mouth rolls into an ‘o’ you take the opportunity to plunge the lollipop into his mouth, relishing the way surprise paints him.
for a second, your thumb lingers on his bottom lip. his eyelids are still blown with shock before he tucks the lollipop away, delicacy audibly knocking against his teeth.
“cute.” you hum, pulling atsumu’s bottom lip down. he jams his lips closed, shooting you daggers in the process. it only fuels you more when he’s left in a pout but his eyes shriek bloody murder.
“shut the hell up, asshole.”
“i mean..”
“here. you wanted this one, right?” osamu opens the grocery bag, rummaging through the contents before leaning over the passenger seat to give you your lollipop.
you lean back over to him, planting a small kiss onto his cheek before murmuring a soft thank you against his skin.
“oh! you got the melon one, too! i heard they’re good.” you hum, working the wrapper off as osamu drives the key into the exhaust.
“probably tastes like melon.” he laughs with a puff of exhaled air.
“you didn’t get one for yourself?” you inquire, turning to face osamu as he leans one arm behind your seat- peering out behind him to back out of the parking lot.
“one of..?” he trails, attention clearly elsewhere for a second.
“the lollipop. you wanna try?”
“(y/n), i don’t want your cooties.” osamu hums in amusement, yet continues to pop his mouth open whilst he’s still facing you. having not tried the lollipop yourself, you quickly give it a few swipes before letting osamu taste it.
“tastes like melon.” he agrees, humming thoughtfully as he straightens himself to face forward.
“right? it’s kinda weird, like there’s an aftertaste.”
“there’s a few extras in the bag, you wanna try those too?”
you sling your arm over your bed, digging and thrashing around for your phone until it falls within your reach. even though suna’s a room away, instead of using your voice, you decide to send him a message. you can even hear the faint buzz and ring of his phone going off in the distance.
it’s a beat, two, three until you can hear rustling ring in the air; followed by the faint pitter patter of suna’s footsteps.
when the door opens, he pops his head through with a look of disgruntlement evident on him.
“are you mute?” he sighs, glancing around to try to figure out what you want before you get a chance to speak.
you grab the lollipop from your mouth, sticking it out in front of you.
“i don’t wanna eat it anymore.”
suna slumps off of the door, taking a few steps forward to extend his hand before taking the candy from you.
“i’ll throw it away for you, doll.” he hums flatly, ghosting a smirk on his lips as he listens to your clamor and turmoil at the newfound information.
subsequently, when suna settles back down at his desk, he sends you a snap. the picture includes him holding the stick at an angle so that you can see the bulge of the lollipop against his skin, ornating his cheek in a small ‘o’. moreover, the caption reads “gotem😎”
sakusa raises an eyebrow incredulously at your morbid proposal, features scrunching into mutiny underneath his mask.
“give it here. i’m throwing it away.” he tilts his digits in a ‘come here’ motion, beckoning for you to hand the lollipop over.
“kiyoomiiii! it won’t kill you!” you guffaw, hesitantly handing over the candy in betrayal. he shoots you a sideways glare, carefully covering the lollipop up with the original wrapper it came in.
“but we’ve kis—“
“—how am i supposed to know that you’re not carrying a disease?” sakusa refutes, warning you to not cause a scene in front of his team mates. if they caught wind that he even allowed you to touch his hand, let alone kiss him, he’s sure that he’ll never hear the end of it.
later that day, as you swing by the gymnasium to catch the end of sakusa’s practice, you spot him halfway across the court- resting on a bench.
with every step forwards, your eyes focus on the foreign object that pokes out of his mouth. it’s a white lollipop stick, the same one you’d given him earlier.
you raise a finger in rebuttal, tone sneering.
“is that—“
he grabs the lollipop, motioning it towards you.
“why? you want it back?”
“couldn’t you have bought another one?”
“iwa-chaaaan! how are your blood sugar levels?”
“iwa-chan?” his face scrunches, clearly disappointed and a little agitated over the downgrade in his pet name. whatever happened to babe? baby? haji, even? he’s not necessarily thrilled that you’re talking to him at the same level oikawa does.
“huh? you good?” you wave your hand out, fanning it in front of iwaizumi’s face to catch his attention.
“yeah, what? i don’t know. i don’t check it.” he huffs momentarily.
iwaizumi’s quick to spot the lollipop sitting in your mouth, tucked away in your cheek so that you can speak properly. you can already see the suspicion crawling onto him, and unfortunately he’s half a step further than you.
“don’t you have another one?” iwaizumi sighs, refusing to meet the puppy eyes that make his heart strings pull.
“why? don’t wanna share with me?” you grin, securing the stick in place so that he can’t grab ahold of it.
“really? you’re not gonna share it with me now?”
before you’re able to start a game of tug of war, iwaizumi steals the candy by yanking it out of your mouth and swiftly taking it for him to taste.
“what the hell?” his features bundle up into disgust and his gaze locks with yours. you can’t help the slight giggles that threaten to spill past your lips.
“you got the orange one? that’s nasty.” iwaizumi mumbles, twirling the lollipop in his mouth as though he might become accustomed to the taste.
“so? no one’s forcing you to eat it. spit it out or throw it away.”
“no way.”
“ehh? you really wanna share it?”
from across the assortment of candy jars that lay in front of him, tendou leans over the counter. he creases his brow in concentration, as though he’s plotting his next move to win a checkmate in chess. in fact, he’s just trying his best to pick what snacks to stockpile for when he’s cuddling with you later.
tendou’s face contorts into disgust and he hisses a low tut when his eyes lay upon the untouched container of black liquorice. he moves his slender fingers towards said container, analysing the amount of content inside.
“satori? you like black liquorice? it’s okay, i won’t tell anyone.” you sneer, digging your elbow into tendou’s side. he uncoils from the jar as though he’s just touched a hot pan.
“eh? do i look like someone who likes black liquorice?” he raises an eyebrow, setting the container back down before grabbing something else and stuffing it into a paper bag.
“i mean.. yeah? you were just fondling black liquorice?”
“whaaaat? there’s some things that i like fondling, but black liquorice ain’t one of them.” tendou hums, snapping his head back to look at you in his peripherals. you send another jab to his side, apologising profusely to the employee for his inappropriate comment.
“satori!” you guffaw, watching the smug grin tilt onto him whilst you’re left speeding away from him out of embarrassment. tendou only reaches his hand out and stops you short by the arm, assertively yet carefully dragging you back to walk alongside him.
“you can’t just say that in public!”
“say what?” he cocks his head, blowing his eyelids open with curiosity. you watch his lips descend into that cute little pout and you’ve almost lost your mind already.
“oh? but i didn’t specify what i was talking about, did i? you’re so diiiirtyyyyy~”
“shut up! whatever— anyways, what’d you get?” you grit your teeth, turning your face away from him.
you can feel tendou’s cold fingertips grasp your chin. he tilts you forward, other hand dipping a green lollipop into your mouth.
“here! this is for you, angel~”
people who reblog r cool <3
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bucksfucks · 3 years
  𝙘𝙡𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙚 ; 𝘀𝘁𝗲𝘃𝗲 𝗿𝗼𝗴𝗲𝗿𝘀
summary┃steve has always had his eyes on you, yours on him. catching you on the beach he finally gets a taste of what he’s missing. 
pairing┃achilles!steve x f!reader
word count┃1,721 words
warnings┃beach sex, semi-public sex, a lot of nudity, oral, fingering, skinny dipping, soft smut, light degradation, dirty talk, unprotected sex — 18+ ONLY//MINORS DNI
notes┃this is very loosely based off of the story of achilles, like...very loosely. the only similarity is the blonde hair and the fact that steve is a demi-god, other than that, it’s self-indulgent <3
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     He isn’t really sure when he first saw her. 
    All he knows is that he can’t keep his eyes off of her as she wanders through the cobbled street.
    She’s dressed in a simple gown, slightly weathered with loose strands floating above her feet as she wanders through the bazar. There’s an airiness to her, light and free as he sees light emanating from her. 
    He’s perched on top of a thick tree branch that’s able to hold his weight. Legs swinging and hair blowing in the summer air as he crunches down on the last slice of his clementine. 
    He wonders if she’d be sweeter than the sweet juice coating his tongue. 
    “If you stare at her any longer you’ll burn holes through her skull,” he feels a nudge against his right shoulder, pushing him slightly forward as someone joins him on the large branch. 
    He ignores the remark, scoffing as the bitter peel falls from his hand and other the grass below where it would be hoarded by squirrels and chipmunks. 
    Bucky’s legs dangle with Steve’s, touching but not connected as he continues to admire the way she picks a few apples into her woven basket. 
    He pays no attention to Bucky, the sound of his voice outweighed by the thoughts of her. 
    “Steve?” It’s a question as he finally snaps out of his haze, “what’s gotten into you?” Bucky asks, a genuine sense of wonderment in his tone as the younger of the two sighs. 
    “I think I’ve been struck by cupid himself.” He says aloud and Bucky can’t help but roll his eyes, but the smirk displayed on his lips makes him happy, happy that Steve has finally taken a liking to anything other than the bronzed shield he wields. 
    “I hear she has no lover,” Bucky whispers cheekily, the words catching Steve by surprise as he feels his heart leap towards her. 
    “Who told you that?” Steve asks, bewildered, amused, and hungry for more information. Bucky just laughs, jumping from the branch effortlessly before craning his head up to look at the golden haired man.
    “You’ll have to find out for yourself.” 
    The waves crashed against the shore, sand growing damp as you dug your toes into it. The sun was slowly fading, but still just as hot as you closed your eyes and let the sunshine was over you. 
    The beach was always a safe space, providing you with recluse when you wanted time with the most important person; yourself. 
    The woven basket you carried, now filled with fresh fruit and a jug of water, sat half buried in the tan sand, acting as a weight on the rag you lay for when you emerged from the water. 
    Shedding your clothes, you made your way beneath the waves, relishing in the cool water against your skin as your mind wandered back to the bazar. You saw him, perched atop a tree, lounging with his bow and arrow across his toned chest and back as he ate the sweet clementines you’d been trying to find. 
    Everyone knew of Steve, but vert few knew Steve. 
    He wasn’t like you or anyone else you knew, part God as his walked with a high head and a glimmer in his eye that made him shine. 
    When you made your way back onto the beach you were tired, taking you time to re-dress as you dig into the basket, an apple in hand before you’re biting down on it. 
    It’s sweet, quelling your hunger just enough, but it doesn’t satisfy you. 
    “Apples are sweet, but the summer is the season for clementines.” A sweet voice rings out from behind you, turning around to be met with none other than Steve.
    He was barefoot, buried in the sand, his bow and arrow still slung across his back and you couldn’t help but let your eyes wander across the vast expanse of his broad chest. 
    A smile stretches across your lips, tantalizing Steve as he takes a few steps closer until he’s at the edge of the rag you’re sat on. 
    “Perhaps I can entice you with one, instead?” He smirks, the orange fruit resting perfectly in the middle of his large hand as he sinks to his knees. You bite at your bottom lip, meeting his gaze. 
    “What is Steve, Son of Peleus doing talking to just a mere mortal?” You tease, craning your head slightly upward as Steve tosses the fruit upward, catching it with ease. 
    “Have you forgotten, my dear?” He muses, rolling the fruit towards you as you catch it in your own hand. “The sea is also my home, this is where I go when it calls me.” 
    His words are so soft, voice sweet like honey as it flows through the air and you feel the warm breeze surrounding you like a hug from Aeolus himself. You felt the familiar rush of butterflies you often felt when you thought about him, but here he was, in front of you with a beaming smile on his lips. 
    “Has it called you today?” You asked, a soft whisper and almost barely audible as he leans closer, “the sea amongst other things are calling me.” 
    Your heart is racing in your chest, he smells like lavender, almonds, and earth as he pulls back. He’s quick on his feet, marvelling at the muscles and strength he posses as he strips of the rest of his clothes. 
    It’s not hard to believe that he is part God, Adonis himself having competition as he flicks his eyes up at you. 
    “Join me,” he says gently, outstretching his hand before you’re stripping once again, clothes in a pile with his as you take his hand, submerging beneath the water. 
    He clearly belongs in the water, waves calming around him as he wraps his strong arms around you to bring you close to his warm body. You’re lost in the blue of his eyes, like the sky met the sea and you never want to look away. 
    “I have been dreaming of the day I can get my hands on you,” he admits faintly, your breath hitching in your throat as you can’t resist the urge to smile. 
    “The day that my lips get to meet yours,” your heart is now tumbling, core aching as you feel him stiffen against you. 
    “The day that I get to taste you.” There’s a glimmer in his eyes, mischievous, playful, and yearning as you tangle your fingers in the hair that rests at the nape of his neck. 
    Steve wastes no time in wrapping your legs around his waist before his lips are on yours, hungry and passionate as he steals the breath from your lungs until you’re dizzy. 
    Water sloshes around your bodies, breaths hot and heavy as wandering hands squeeze at your flesh and curves, Steve memorizing the way you feel. 
    Your eyes are closed, lips still on his as he carries you both onto the beach and onto the warm cloth lining the sand, gently setting you down. You take a moment to admire the way his wet hair hangs in front of you eyes, pieces of it seemingly glued down to his forehead. 
    “You are breathtaking, practically Aphrodite herself,” he mumbles against your neck, lips passing by your collarbone before he’s peeling the sweet fruit in front of your eyes. 
    “Open,” the command is gentle as you do so, parting your lips to welcome the fruit slice. You moan at the taste, relishing in the sweetness of it before Steve is running his thumb over your bottom lip. 
    His lips seal yours once again, body heavy on top of yours as you feel the weight of his cock between your thighs. It swells when you sink your teeth into his bottom lip. 
    “Mmm, so sweet, my dear,” he mumbles against your mouth, “but I can think of something sweeter.” He purrs, nose running between your breasts until he’s situated right above your hair decorated mound. 
    “Oh,” you gasp when he throws your legs over his broad shoulders, the sun just barely peeking over the horizon as Steve laps at your folds. 
    You’ve never experienced pleasure like this, every part of your body feeling as if it’s on fire as he groans against you, “so sweet.” He praises your legs beginning to tighten around his head. 
    “I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of you,” he pants, emerging with wet lips as his fingers are still focused on you. You can’t keep your eyes open, back arching as you lose yourself to the pleasure; waves crashing in the background. 
    “I need to feel you, sweet. Feel all of you.” He whispers, low and raspy as he holds himself over you on his forearms. He smells like you, tastes like the sweet orange juice, and you’re hypnotized. 
    “Steve,” you can only croak out his name before he’s filling you. 
    He’s thick and it stretches you like no other as his low groans and grunts fill your ears. 
    “Feel so fuckin’ good,” the curse causes you to clench around him as he smirks. 
    “My sweet, sweet, sweet girl.” His voice is much lower this time around, tone slightly condescending as his hips rock against yours. 
    “Here I thought you were innocent,” he smirks, “but the sounds you’re makin’, oh they are anythin’ but innocent my filthy little girl.” 
    Steve’s words, combined with his deep thrusts have you digging your nails into his lightly tanned back, crescent shaped indents the only reminder of you.
    “Be mine,” he gasps, your eyes shooting open as those words leave his mouth. His lips are wet and parted, ragged breaths leaving them as he trains his eyes on you. 
    “Be mine and I will show you the world,” he promises as his hips stutter inside of you. You nod your head, “yes, yes!” 
    Your words are a double edged sword, a promise and a plea as you feel the white hot pleasure seeping through your bones for the second time that night as your name leaves through his mouth. 
    By the time you open your eyes next the waves have calmed and the moon is now showing her face, stars littering the sky as Steve’s eyes are a muted cerulean shade.  
    “You are my Clementine, sweet like the summer breeze.” 
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Hi! I wanted to request something, but no pressure, you can totally ignore it. Maybe a fic where Reg is at NYU, and maybe he's stressed about something, or something went wrong (anything you want really) and maybe he calls Sirius for help? And Sirius talks him through it? Thank you, have a good day :)
More sibling hurt/ comfort and fluff! SW credit goes to @lumosinlove <3
Sirius was almost done with his lasagna when the phone rang. “Come on,” he groaned aloud, glaring at the ceiling. His dinner had been interrupted no less than three times by different members of the team asking about pre-season details that were already in their goddamn emails. “Can it wait thirty more seconds?”
The phone continued to ring. Sirius cast his pasta one more longing look and grabbed the phone without checking the caller.
“Hello?” he answered, well aware of how grumpy he sounded.
A few moments of panicked breathing followed on the other line. “I fucked up.”
Sirius dropped his fork. “Reg?”
“I fucked up,” Regulus repeated shakily. Something was whirring in the background; Sirius heard no other voices. “I think—shit, I definitely did.”
“Okay, deep breaths,” Sirius instructed as he stood, already patting his pockets for his car keys. “Do you need help?”
Regulus sniffled. “Yeah.”
Shit, shit, shit, what did you do? “Tell me where you are.”
“The laundry room.”
“The—what?” Sirius paused halfway to the front door. His heartbeat was pounding pretty loud in his ears, but it sounded like Regulus said…
“The laundry room.” Another sniffle. “In my dorm. I fucked up.”
Sirius was quiet for another moment before he blinked and shook his head. “Back up. What is happening right now that you need help with?”
There was a rustling noise on the other end of the line. “So—so I know you’re supposed to separate dark and light clothes, and I always put all of mine on ‘normal’ at your house, but there are so many settings here and none of them say ‘normal’ so I don’t know what to do and I’m definitely going to fuck up all my clothes—”
“Okay, okay, stop,” Sirius interrupted as Regulus began talking faster with each word. For the time being, he was going to ignore the fact that Regulus had been washing everything he owned on the same cycle for nine months. “Just hold on a second, ouais? What are the settings on the washing machine?”
“Uh, there’s delicate, cold, warm, hot, and towels.”
“Thank you.” Sirius sat down at the table again and pushed his pasta out of the way so he could prop his elbows up. “I don’t think you have to worry about the delicate cycle—”
“Why not?” The edge of panic returned to Regulus’ voice. “How do you know?”
“Do you wear bras, Reg?”
A beat of shocked silence passed. “No.”
“Then you don’t have to worry about it. Have you already separated the dark and light clothes?”
“Good job, that’s important.” Sirius listened to his breathing slowly even out and gave himself a mental high-five. “Now, most clothes have a tag on the inside that will tell you how to wash and dry them. A lot of the dark clothes will ask for cold water, which makes it easier. Read through those and make piles, okay? Towels and sheets have instructions, too.”
“Will you—” Regulus trailed off, then lowered his voice. “Will you stay on the phone?”
“Of course.” Sirius leaned back in his chair as the sound of shifting fabric and humming machines filled the air; a few different sets of footsteps came and went in the time it took Regulus to methodically make his way through. “How’s your second week going?”
“C’est bien.”
“Made any friends yet?”
“Sort of.” Regulus paused for a moment and Sirius heard the sound of a zipper. “I’m supposed to zip pants and things, right?”
“Oui. Otherwise they’ll rip your other clothes.”
“Cool. Um, yeah, I’ve made a couple friends. It’s kind of difficult during orientation, though.” Sirius waited patiently for Regulus to continue—he recognized the hesitation in his voice. “How’s Leo?”
“Misses you.”
“I miss him, too. Give him a hug for me, ouais?”
Sirius smiled to himself. “I’ll be sure to pass it along. How’s the laundry coming?”
“I just got the warm water ones in. How much detergent should I use?”
“Are there marks on the cap?” He wracked his brain for any memory of which brand they had sent Regulus off with; they didn’t often use the liquid kind at home, so it was no surprise he was confused. “Does it have numbers below the lines?”
Sirius let out a breath of relief. “Fantastic. The numbers mean how many loads you’re putting in. Right now, you’re going to fill the cap to the ‘one’ line and then pour it wherever it needs to go.”
There was a creak. “Do I need softener or bleach?” Regulus asked skeptically. “Because there are little wells for both.”
“Not right now, no.”
A few seconds passed—Sirius heard a familiar jingle play, then a rumbling as the washer started up. “I think I got it,” Regulus said, clearly astonished.
“Congratulations,” Sirius said with a grin. “I never had to use one of those things, so you’re finally better than me at something.”
“I’m better than you at a lot of things,” Regulus teased, though his pride was audible. “Thank you, Sirius.”
“Any time.”
“Sorry for interrupting your night.”
Sirius shook his head. “Don’t be sorry. You can call any time and I’ll pick up.”
Regulus shuffled his feet a bit on the other end. “It was kind of a stupid thing, though. I could have looked it up.”
“It’s not stupid,” Sirius said gently. “And I’m glad you asked me instead of getting a bunch of different advice from the internet. You can call for anything.”
The phone was quiet for a few seconds. “Love you.”
“Love you, too. If you need more help with the dryer, I’ll be here.”
“Miss you.”
Sirius closed his eyes as his heart gave a tug. “Miss you too, Reg. We’ll be up for parent weekend, d’accord? Two months.”
“Two months,” Regulus repeated; Sirius could practically hear his smile.
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gojology · 3 years
Intense Healing Session.
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the request :
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pairing : caring! healer! fem! reader x gojo satoru hehhehe warnings : cursing, implications of seggs after sum intense kissing, pet names wordcount : 2.0k a/n : yoyo i’m back!! semi-long one for u all. cute request, anon. sorry for late delivery. pls dont rate me a 1/5 on yelp </3 hehe the title is kinda funny LOL
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     You’re beginning to hate Satoru.        Surprisingly, it’s not for the reasons people dislike him- he’s a bit of a blabbermouth, never quite learned how to seal his lips just because of how important he was to the jujutsu world. Unsurprisingly, he gets away with everything because he’s attractive and crucial to defeating curses, and there’s no shame in admitting it.       People hate Satoru for his destructive personality, he’s carefree and doesn’t let anything get to him. This may be a good trait for the untrained eye, but look carefully and you’ll see just how hectic he gets. It’s manageable since you don’t have to deal with him at the level of the Jujutsu elders.       You don’t particularly hate him for this, though.       It’s the fact he puts you through so much work, for almost no reason. You’re a healer- something very important to the quaint school that you worked at. Healing abilities are often overlooked, it’s often said that if a jujutsu sorcerer can’t provide offense, then they’re not much of a jujutsu sorcerer. Unfortunately, you have little to no talent in the battlefield, so essentially you’re a meat shield to everyone.      It was a growing occurrence to see him after every business trip, slightly roughed up but not enough to kill him. He comes into the room you share alongside Shoko, almost always when she’s not there, takes his shirt off, and displays a wide variety of cuts and bruises on his back like he’s a museum. You’d scold him, asking him how he’d get such abrasions with his infinity up constantly- but Satoru would hum, unanswering while you’re working your hands on his back.      Maybe you’re overreacting- but something tells you he does this on purpose, perhaps to fuck with you, and you’re bitter about it.     So it wasn’t surprising to see him whistle a sweet tune, hands shoved deep into his uniform pockets, casually strolling into the medical attention room for the fifth time this month.    “Gojo Satoru.” you say his full name aloud, just so he knows how much you hate his presence. Turning to look at you, his face displays innocent shock, but you just know that he’s probably rolling around in the inside seeing how riled up you got just by him stepping into the room.     Drained, lifeless eyes stare back at his childish bright ones.     Gojo places a hand on his chest defensively, “Well, I’ll be, Y/N. When did you want to disrespect your senior?” he snickers before shutting the door behind him. “You mad?”      “Unbearably. Lucky I care for you.” you utter back, venom dripping in your words, you feel like you’re making a fool of yourself as you shove your lunch aside that you had been enjoying on the tiny table next to you, sighing and rubbing your temples, tugging and effectively straightening your coat. “Get on the bed, let me work my magic.”     Looking at you with a shit-eating grin, he whistles, placing his elbows against the mattress, his roughened hands caressing his cheeks. “Working your magic? I’m interested. Tell me more, Y/N. Does this involve... Getting naked, perhaps?”     Staggering, you give him a dirty glare, “Satoru! I’ve been working my ass off like every week to get you all healed up, and you dare be perverted in my-”     “No cursing, lil girl! You wouldn’t want this rubbing off on Yuuji-kun and everyone else, would you? You’d be charged with a felony!” leaving you stunned for a second time- the first time being when his lanky figure strode into the room like it was his room- you don’t even know how to respond. How could one possibly be so... Ungrateful for your work?  Well, then again the elders existed... That was besides the point, though. You’re not even sure if Yuuji knows what the word fuck or shit is.     He drags his finger lazily along the cot, drawing various shapes into existence, giving you a skeptical look. “Not gonna answer? Stumped?”     He broke through your train of thought, and you shake your head. “Satoru, I don’t know any sort of fighting jujutsu, but I will fucking pulverize you and make sure you’ll be dust by the time I’m done with y-”     Butting in, he raises his hand as a way to shut you up. “Honeybun, you’re an amazing jujutsu sorcerer, but I hope you realize why they call me the strongest of all time. If you haven’t noticed, it’s because I have a constant shield. The closest you can get to doing that is maybe poking me.”     Giving him a snooty face, you’re frankly about to push him out of the room with sheer willpower and hatred alone. It seems he realizes this, a moment of adoration flickering across his eyes before finally neutralizing. “Alright, alright, I’ll stop playing with you. You’re so cute when I do though, like a little... Rabid raccoon! How can I not resist?”     It’s difficult to tell if that’s a compliment or an insult, with Satoru, it could be several things. But, you’re still slightly flattered, knowing him he’d go out of his way to lengthen his insult if it was one- just another reason why you hated him. Being called a rabid raccoon was definitely not on Satoru’s top 10 utterly offensive insults.       “Shut up, Satoru. Here, take off your shirt, what did you get yourself into this time?”       He obliges with a nasty grin on his handsome features, hastily yanking off his uniform. Underneath was a very meticulously trained body, toned muscles and all. You can’t help but to also catch a glimpse of his collarbones, which were so defined it looked like it could cut your butter for your morning pancakes. You gulp, blinking, you had forgotten just how well-shaped he was in the one week you hadn’t seen him.       “No need to stare, sweetums.” he chirps, realizing your darkening cheeks. “Feed my ego any more and I’ll probably burst and my organs will decorate your walls. You can donate my body to the local college, they’ll be surprised by how top-notch they are.”       Giving him another stern, but much more sheepish gaze, he snaps his mouth shut, but a triumphant smile replaced his grin in place.      “Please, no gruesome detailing. I’d much rather my cute kitten posters.” you motion to a white cat slumbering peacefully in a basket.      “Looks just like you.” he says.      You close your eyes and pretend he’s not there, choosing to ignore yet another one of his compliments, but your heart thumps faster in your heaving chest. Heaven knows how curious your hands could get if you could see where you were touching-      “Those are my abs, Y/N. I think we’re focusing on my back.” he muses aloud in an almost teasing tone. You can already imagine how obnoxious his face is, opening your eyes hesitantly, blinking to adjust to the bright room lights. Your hands are still hovering above his abs, his gaze is upon yours, looking at you with a mix of speculation and speechlessness. Instead of his unusual smug smirk, there’s an almost coy expression on his features, which shocked you.        “How’d your hands get there? Last time I checked, abs are at the front, not the back, hmmm?”        You grit your teeth, your face flush with warmth at your sudden realization. There was no cheeky retort you could’ve possibly come up with, after all, he was right, how did your hands wander to his abs? You weren’t thinking of doing it. You weren’t interested in him either, but he was attractive. Of course you’d be too curious for your own good.. Yes, that was it..       “Your hands are still on an inappropriate place, Y/N. Except, a lil lower than last time.” he chuckles wholesomely as you jerk up, straightening yourself and clearly sweating, your arm wiping your brow and exhaling a drawn-out and awfully dramatic sigh.       “Give me a break, Satoru. I just, um, you know... Zone out.” your pitch was unconvincing, high-pitched and wavering, bringing your chances of believability to a low.      “So, this is like, the 375th time since you’ve zoned out, lil girl.” he tsks, “You’ve gotta sound convincing if you wanna fuckin lie, you know.”      “I--” you falter, now clearly a shade darker than you were just 5 minutes ago. Your heart beating so rapidly it was almost like you were running a marathon. Why was your pulse so quick? Why was everything in the room a blur besides him? Why couldn’t you focus on healing him? What was he doing to you?      “You haven’t even begun the healing process.” he murmurs, his large hands caressing your arm that was by your side. “Anything you want to tell me, pumpkin? I’m on a tight ass schedule, but I’ll let Ijichi solve that. Spit it out.”       His voice rang out high and clear amongst the hectic fight that was going inside your head, steadying your thoughts. A few moments pass by, studying him, lips moving but no words coming out. Why was it so difficult to say through the insults, you cared for him, and wanted him to be more careful? Was it because of the monster inside of you, who wanted him to get hurt, to spend his time with you, listen to his horrible compliments and giggle at the jokes he made as you worked at a snail’s pace on his back, that weren’t even funny, but was funny because of his presence in the dead room, his boyish laugh very much needed in such days of flatness?      “Satoru..” you finally muster out, his eyes flickering on you once more as he was studying the kitten poster with much boredom. “I just.. Care for you.”      “Huh.” is all he says, face falling and examining the spotless floor. “Is that all?”      Acknowledging his body language, you huff, suddenly filled with the need to defend yourself. “What else did you want me to say? I just feel like you’ve gotten yourself hurt a lot more recently and... I just, want you to be more careful. That’s all.”     “No.” he was barely audible, so you had to lean down to hear him. “No, that’s not it at all. You’re hiding something. Do you prefer me to say it?”     Puzzled, you peer at him with childlike curiosity gleaming in your eyes. What did he know about you that you didn’t? Surely, you knew all about yourself?    “You’re not that fucking dumb, are you?”     “Huh?-” you begin to speak, clearly offended, but you’re stopped.     By none other than his lips.      They’re soft, pillow-like even. A familiar warmth floods inside of you at the sudden physical contact from Satoru, except it’s amplified by 10 times. A moan slips out of your mouth, his hand against your back so suddenly you could’ve sworn it wasn’t there just a millisecond ago. His lips were mashing against yours, as if he wanted to have done this a long time ago. You hungrily push back, teasing your mouth with his tongue that slipped just barely into your mouth before indulging in you, which you thought wouldn’t had ever happened prior to this.      You grip the back of his head firmly, as if he were to escape, other hand tangled in his snow white tufts of hair. Eyelashes fluttering, heavy breathes fanning out both of your noses, your lips were sure to be swollen after this. Your tongues dueling each other, working your mouth against his. His unoccupied hands start to play with the hem of your shirt, and another moan slips out of your mouth, anxious to have progressed so far to the removal of clothing, but at this point, you’re ready for anything.    ‧₊˚✩彡.       “I don’t think Gojo-Senpai and Y/N-Senpai are just in an intense healing session.” breathed Yuuji with a terrified look in his eyes, clutching his arm that was bloodied up, his head leaned close to the firmly shut door.        Nobara looked like she was about to faint, looking at the door as if it was a several feet tall monstrosity of a curse.        “What? What are they doing in there?” Megumi knelt down to where Yuuji was, pushing his ear against the door, and immediately his eyes shot open, a traumatized look in his fearful eyes.        “What the fuck.” 
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radiosandrecordings · 3 years
I found the start of a script I was working on in.. apparently June last year. It was supposed to be for a podfic because I wanted to do my own travelling-to-the-safehouse fic but apparently this is as far as I got. I think it’s pretty good though so may as well post it. Left in all the ah... More creative notes I was apparently giving myself for direction.  [Tape clicks on] 
[Sound of two sets of footsteps on stone, reverberating around a confined tunnel. Possibly water drip?]
JON [Firm, but soft. Like a memory foam mattress.] Martin? Are you still with me?
MARTIN [As if distracted, snapping back to himself]  … What? Oh, yes, yes, still… Still here. Sorry it’s just- [He falters, struggling for the words]  Hard. With- With everything. It’s all a bit… [A pause. He’s making vague hand gestures with one hand.] A bit much. 
JON [Flatly] Oh. [Realising] Oh!- Do you- Do you want me to let go of your-
[Walking stops around here] 
MARTIN (OVERLAPPING)  [Firmly, almost panicked] No! Uh- No. No. This is… This is good. 
JON [Trying not to sound pleased. Failing]  Oh! Uh- Good. Good. 
[Several beats of silence as the walking starts up again]
MARTIN  … It’s grounding, really. Everything else is… A lot. Even breathing feels weird. I’m too… Hyper-aware. Of my own lungs. Not sure I breathed in there, not properly anyway. You just kind of dissolve into the background. Even yourself is too much company. Your whole body just kind of feels like a limb you’ve been sitting on too long, all the blood flowed out of it. So it’s… Nice. To have you. As a- As a focus point. 
JON [Muttered] Something to be said about anchors, and all that.
MARTIN  What was that?
JON Nothing, just a… Bit of a personal joke. 
JON (CONT’D)  Anyway. I think there’s light ahead, hopefully this should be the end of the tunnel. No idea where it’ll spit us out though. 
MARTIN Guess we’ll see. 
Just… Don’t let go?
JON  [Unbearly fond. Get it together, gayboy]  ‘Course not. 
[Tape clicks off]
[Tape clicks on] 
[They’re outside. There are outside noises. You know what those sound like, don’t you? I know you’ve been at home for 3 months but please. Please try and remember. Is there wind outside? Maybe a pigeon? It’s south bank there has to be pigeons. You remember pigeons, right? Also, river noises. Boat.]
MARTIN Are we at-
JON (OVERLAPPING) Southbank. Yes. 
MARTIN Southbank? But the river, we’d have to have- 
JON (OVERLAPPING)  Yes, I’m… Not quite sure the same physics applies, when it comes to those tunnels. They’ve spent more time being moved around by a Leitner than not. I think they end where they want to end. Bloody miracle we’re not halfway to Twickenham. Or still in London at all for that matter. 
MARTIN  ...Right.
[He absolutely does not get it] 
MARTIN (CONT’D) [He lets out a breath]  Can we just- Can we just sit? For a minute? 
JON  [Quiet]  Of course, of course…
[Movement as they make their way to a bench and sit]
[A seagull squawks overhead]
MARTIN  The sunrise is nice… 
JON  [Clearly not looking at the sunrise] Yeah, it is…
MARTIN  Do you have any idea what time it is?
JON  I’d say… Just coming up on seven.
MARTIN What, Beholding goes to the trouble of telling you that and it can’t even pin it to the minute? 
JON Martin, not to sound like the most stereotypical Englishman in the world, but we’re on South Bank. I just looked over at Big Ben. 
MARTIN Oh- Er- Right. 
[A sigh. He relaxes from all the wound up tension]
… God it really is just there isn’t it. Like, it’s one of those things that, if you didn’t grow up here, you don’t really get that it’s… Real, y’know? It’s like, you can see it every day and never quite get past the notion that it’s something that only exists as… Cheap, shitty fridge magnets and… And novelty t-shirts. 
… Does that make sense? No, no sorry I’m rambling-
JON (CUTTING HIM OFF) [Quick, reassuring]  No, no I get what you mean. 
[A pause. He’s searching for something to fill the empty air, desperate not to leave a silence between them. It’s only tangentially on topic, but it will do]
… I grew up in Bournemouth. Did I ever tell you that? 
MARTIN [Voice slightly shaky, but solidifying]  Not in as many words, no. I think you mentioned it, on a… Tape. At some point. Not directly.
[He hesitates] 
… Do you want to tell me about it?
JON [Hesitant. He may not have been Lonely, but he’s spent a fair amount of time trying to diminish himself] Only if you want me to. 
MARTIN But do you want to tell me about it?
JON [Meekly] … Probably not the best story for now, actually. Not terribly interesting. And when it is, it’s just a bit… Miserable, really. Childhood orphaning never really leads upwards in the ways Dickens would have you believe. 
MARTIN ...Some other time then?
JON [Stumbles slightly, as if shocked by the knowledge that there will be times that aren’t this. NOW YOU’VE THROWN HIM OFF HIS RHYTHM!]  Y-yes. Some other time. 
[Pause. 5 Seconds? Ambience. Sound of voices around has started to filter in.]
JON [Slow] I was just… I was thinking. About what- What Peter Lukas said, back in…  [With vehemence] There. And how it was… Partially true, in a way. We may not know each that well but… I’d like to change that. If- If you do. 
MARTIN [Soft] I would like that. 
[Content hum] 
… Tell me something non-miserable, then. 
JON What?
MARTIN About yourself. Something that isn’t, I dunno, doom and gloom. What about, mmm, favourite colour?
JON [Amused, mock scolding] Are you five?
MARTIN Humour me!
JON Fine, fine… Actually, no. 
JON  No, you tell me what you think it is. 
MARTIN [Under his breath] I tell you what I think…
[Contemplative] Okay. Okay. What is… What is Jonathan Sims’ favourite colour… You used to wear a lot of green around the office, dark jumpers and tweed jackets and stuff… But I’m half convinced you just thought it was a ‘professional’ colour, to match your fancy new job. I think it’s… I think it’s purple. 
JON [Surprised]  Purple? Why 
MARTIN When… When you were in the hospital… Georgie stuck some photos up on the wall next to your bed. Old ones, polaroids, but in a kind of artsy way since they clearly weren’t from anywhere before the 2000′s. They were you in uni, and you had this ridiculous purple streak in your hair. So… Purple. 
JON [Quietly mouthing the words along, not quite processing] Had a purple streak in Uni…
[Startled, just processed fully the implications] Wait, you met Georgie?
MARTIN  Not in the hospital, a bit later in the Institute yeah, but… That’s another story for later. No, we never met in the hospital, I never quite felt…
[Grimace] Up to company, when I was there.
JON Right, of course.  I remember that, though. Some time in my second year; I got a bit tired of people assuming I was a post-grad student and thought I’d try and dye my grey streaks purple. It fit in with the sort of… Aesthetic, I was cultivating at the time. 
MARTIN [Absentmindedly, almost as if he doesn’t realise he’s saying it] I always liked your grey streaks.
JON [Shocked Pikachu but he’s got Dreamworks single raised eyebrow syndrome] Oh?
MARTIN [Oh shit, oh fuck, did I say that out loud] It’s just… Y’know. Nice. Not something you should want to hide. 
[Quickly changing the subject] … You didn’t answer though. Am I right or wrong? 
JON [Slow, amused. In a visual medium he’d be spreading his hands out] You got me.
MARTIN [Inordinately pleased] Really? Huh. Okay.  Guess mine. And no Knowing!
JON Oh, gosh, uhm… Yellow?
MARTIN [Hah!] Green! 
JON [Audibly :D because Martin laughed] Green? Why? 
MARTIN [Hummed] Mm, I dunno. Just something about it. 
[Volume of crowd has increased considerably now]
MARTIN [Slightly more nervous. The slight break in conversation gave him time to notice the people beginning to crowd around]
I apparently didn’t get to include it in the script, but it was going to be a reveal later that actually, Jon doesn’t have a favourite colour. He just agreed because he wanted to make Martin happy. 
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shuahoonie · 3 years
out of love [tom holland]
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PAIRING: tom holland x female!reader 
SUMMARY: being close friends with your ex is fine, right? even if your love for them was unparalleled among others. even if you were still in the process of moving on from them. even if you know they’re happy with someone else. even if you have no clue whether they loved you like you loved them. 
WARNINGS: foul language, so much angst, it starts ok at first then goes downhill from there. i literally write things on the go so i don’t know if this will have fluff at some point 
(if it does and i didn’t state it here, send me a cute photo of tom and a message of: ok wow she pulled thru 🤪; and if it doesn’t have fluff, send me a meme and a message of: miss girl i simply cannot today ✋😃)  
A/N: hello! tonight, we are going to be sad!!! i know i usually like to write about all things fluff, but this?? this is just for me because i am having one of those episodes. i just need to feel something again aside from the stress of writing 3 academic papers per week lmao. i’m def not expecting people to like this type of vibe but yannoe. i apologize in advance. 
this is inspired by that one episode from new girl (season 6 x ep 16)
gif credits: @thollandgifs​ 
vanessa’s masterlist | taglist form | part two - pandemonium ​​
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“You know, you can still live with us right?” Your friend Maia commented as she placed the box, labelled “fine china that mom gave me but will i ever use them?”, on the kitchen island. 
“I know,” You murmured dropping the heavy case of pots and pans on the floor. “But maybe living alone will be good for me.” You replied, forcing a smile. “Besides, I don’t want to int—“
“Hey, Y/N, where do you want this?” Harrison asked as he held out a box that’s labelled with “books that my grandpa passed on. HANDLE WITH CARE!” 
“Oh, just set it down on the living room—“ before you could even finish, Harrison dropped the box on the floor as if it was nothing. “Harrison!” You hissed, as you quickly rushed to check on the box. 
“Y/N, babe, they’re just books. Surely they can withstand any amount of pressure, yeah?” Haz tried to reassure you. 
“Haz, those books are from my grandpa—which I’m sure he got from his grandpa.” You sighed. “They’re really old and fragile, so I just want them to be in a well enough condition to stand in my bookcase.” 
“‘m sorry,” He murmured, rubbing the back of his head. “It’s just, why do you have to move out?” Harrison asked, frustrated at the whole thing. 
“Like I told Maia, maybe having my own place will be good for me.” You replied calmly, as you neatly put the box filled with your grandpa’s books in the corner room—the initial place where you want to build your bookcase. “It’s been a while since I’ve lived on my own.” 
“Yeah,” Harrison acknowledged “But there’s absolutely no reason for you to move out. You can’t possibly leave me with her!” He pointed at Maia who let out an audible gasp. Harrison was being dramatic of course.  
“Haz—“ You were trying to fight off a laugh. “You two are my constants and if I became dependant on having you two at my convenience, it’s going to be a huge problem.” 
“In my opinion, I don’t see it as a problem.” Maia pointed out childishly. You shook your head in disbelief. You had to move out because you miss having a place to yourself— a place where you can be at your complete worst and you don’t have to think about your friends worrying about you. 
Besides, moving out means you don’t have to see Tom that often and that was a bonus in your book. It wasn’t a sour breakup per se, it’s just really difficult to feel happy for your ex when he practically showcases how different he is now with his girlfriend. 
You prided yourself as a mature and well-rounded person who could be complete friends with her ex as if that’s normal. You could only keep the façade for so long. 
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Four months. It’s been four months since you and Tom broke up. You lived with Maia soon after the breakup and that enough was a blessing. Maia couldn’t bear to handle the fact that you would be alone at a time like this. Harrison usually crashes at Maia’s so he was bound to move in with you two. In fact, he was always there more often than you. 
That was the point where you were convinced that Harrison liked Maia and that Maia liked Harrison.
Conveniently, you and Tom never ‘officially’ moved in together so you could avoid him freely at all costs.
Of course, that was eventually going to end soon. You and Tom were in the same friend group so you were bound to see each other, much to your dismay. You couldn’t exactly make Harrison and Maia pick friends because it’s not fair for anyone. 
You were all friends before you and Tom decided to date. Maybe that’s why people say to never date a friend—especially if they’re near and dear. 
You were coming back from work when you found people in the living room, and as if the universe really wanted to test you, it was the least likely people you’d expect to see. 
“Y/N!” Maia’s voice was pure panic. “I didn’t know you’d be home this early.” 
Your eyes quickly flickered between the two people standing across you before you diverted your attention to Maia. “Uh—yeah. There wasn’t really much to do in the office so I came home early.” 
Maia turned to Harrison who was equally lost on how to handle the situation. I mean, who wouldn’t?! What were you supposed to do when your friend drops in unannounced with their new girlfriend and to makes the matters worse, your other friend—whom your friend dated before— decides to come home early? 
You didn’t know how what kind of spirit took over your body that prompted you to extend your hand to the girl sitting beside your ex and say: “Hello, I’m Y/N.” 
The girl looked surprised but shook your hand in return. “Nadine,” Nadine smiled slyly “I—um, I’m Tom’s girlfriend.” 
Tom looked mildly uncomfortable but you chose to ignore it. You were becoming good at that—ignoring Tom. 
You returned the smile at Nadine. You could feel the burning stares from your friends, mostly Maia. You cleared your throat and said, “I’ll just be in my room to finish the papers I need to send to my editor if you’ll excuse me.” 
Before you left completely, you gave Nadine another smile and said, “It’s nice to meet you again, Nadine.”
You don’t remember how you got to your room but that was the least of your concern. You were just undeniably overwhelmed with what just happened that you didn’t even notice that there was a knock on your door. 
When you opened the door, it was the last person you expected to see standing in your doorframe. 
“Can we talk?” Tom asked in almost a whisper. 
You gave him a half shrug and opened the door slightly wider for him. 
“We’re okay, right?” He asked, looking at you in the eye. 
At this point, you convinced yourself that you were numb. You never talked about the breakup. You never overtly said anything about what you felt. You felt empty. You convinced yourself that you were empty. 
You stared back at Tom and without missing a beat, you replied “Of course. Why shouldn’t we?” 
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“Just admit that you two will miss me,” You teased, grabbing another box from Maia. 
“Only if you admit that you’re moving out for an entirely different reason,” Maia whispered carefully as her eyes flickered towards Tom who was also helping with your move out. 
You pressed your lips together and acted like he wasn’t even there. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You said, you know, like a liar. 
You weren’t a vocal person. The idea of talking about your feelings was really difficult for you so you try your best to avoid it. Actually, it’s worse than that. You’d go to extreme lengths to avoid confrontation.
Obviously, it wasn’t healthy. You would always distance yourself whenever you feel emotionally exhausted, and you really meant that distance. It wasn’t bad at first—maybe a day or two was all you needed before you felt comfortable enough to be around people again. 
Then it became worse when you were in university. You were beyond unreachable. Aside from being emotionally exhausted, you were mentally drained too. You were always buried with papers and readings which was unavoidable but it took a huge toll on you. So whenever you get a chance to get a break, you completely shut off from people. 
Your friends definitely noticed it and they tried their best to help. 
Tom was among the people who definitely went out of their way to help you. He would always drop by at your dorm with food or coffee—he would literally just drop them off, most of the time. He would leave small notes that up to this day, you still kept and tucked away in a box. 
Both Maia and Harrison followed Tom’s approach. They would all alternate on who’s dropping what and when. Some days, Maia would drop off a new skincare product she’s been using or a lovely box of macarons from your favourite patisserie. 
On other days, Harrison would drop off some of his home-cooked meals or maybe a book he saw from a local bookstore—a book that reminded him of you.
Tom was very persistent though. He would sometimes wait out on the hall, just so he could see you and reassure himself (and your friends) that you were okay. 
You found it taxing at first—you would often try your best to match the energy from your friends, which only left you exhausted at the end of the day. You wanted space and you clearly weren’t getting that from Tom. You did acknowledge that he only did it out of pure concern. 
You often wondered why he did that, staying, but you didn’t ask him. You never did.
Maybe you were afraid that you’d come off as rude or that you’d seem ungrateful for dismissing someone when they’ve clearly taken the time off their day just to check on you. 
However, every time you’d open that door, it always seemed that Tom would breathe a huge sigh of relief when you lock eyes. Even if it was just for a quick second. You wondered about that too.
Tom wasn’t really being intrusive. Most of the time, he will leave a few minutes after you’d open the door to get the things your friends would drop off. You’d always ask him if he wants to stay inside for a bit, but he’d always decline.
Except for that one time, though. That one time that you knew you were going to fall in love.
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It was the week of midterms and deadlines. You were knee-deep with papers from different classes that demanded to be finished that week, one of which was a research paper that practically tied you to your laptop and made you consume an unhealthy amount of caffeine. 
It wasn’t until 2 am when you were about to go on a quick drive to a McDonald’s but saw Tom dozed off in the hallway, his back pressed against the wall.
“Tom,” You shook him gently, trying not to startle him. “Tom, wake up.”
His eyes slowly fluttered open, seemingly disoriented at first but would soon fall into the warm familiarity that your face always brings. 
“Why are you sleeping in the hall?” You asked quietly, careful not to make a fuss. The walls in your dorm were very thin and you learned that the hard way. You’d think they’d put a disclaimer about that in the lease when you’re housing a bunch of university students with raging sex drives. 
It took Tom a minute to fully comprehend the question, seeing that the bright fluorescent light was being harsh on him and that he’s generally like that when being jolted awake. 
“Oh, erm, I—” Tom was finding the right words to use. He can’t exactly exclaim ‘I’ve been worried sick about you!’ out of nowhere. Instead he said, “I was waiting for you to open the door, just to see if you’re alright.” 
“All night?”
Tom scratched the back of his neck. “It seemed that way, yeah.” He muttered sheepishly. 
You were dumbfounded. Surely this was the first time someone actually fell asleep outside your door, waiting for you to come out. It was sweet but highly unnecessary. 
“I was just about to head out and get some McDonald’s, do you wanna come with?” You asked, giving him a hand to hoist himself up. 
“I should get going—“ 
“Have you eaten yet?” You asked cutting him off, taking Tom by surprise. He shook his head no. “Then you should really come.” You said, jingling your car keys in front of him.
Tom was debating whether or not to go with you. It’s been a while since you hung out, but that was the same case for everyone. None of your friends have properly hung out with you ever since the semester started. 
Tom should say yes, right? 
“Let’s go, Tommy,” You said as you grabbed his hand and dragged him across the hall. “I’ve been staring at my laptop all day and I really need some unhealthy food to balance out the concerning amount of caffeine I’ve consumed.” 
“Is that why you’re practically bouncing off the walls?” Tom asked amused, trying to keep up with your pace with your hand holding his. 
“Totally,” You grinned at him. “I need to wear out the caffeine or else, I’d have to skip my morning class again.” 
You nodded. “They’re counting the amount of absences in that class and I really need to keep my shit together.” 
“‘m not exactly sure why you took that as an elective,” Tom commented, properly wrapping his hand around yours with fingers interlacing each other.  
You tried to ignore it, you really did, but the warm feeling that settled around your stomach drove you crazy. 
“Why not? I think it’s cool to learn another language.” You nudged him playfully which he gladly returned. 
“I know and trust me, I’m in awe that you’re learning another language! erm—I guess it’s just I feel like you’re overworking yourself too much.” Tom pointed out softly, hoping he didn’t come off as rude or intrusive. 
“Eh, I don’t mind.” You replied “It’s what drives me to keep going and for me that’s more than enough. Even if it leaves me little to no sleep, even if it takes too much of my time—it’s enough reason for me to do it.” 
Tom stared at you in admiration as soon as those words slipped out your mouth and you didn’t even notice it. You were walking towards the student parking lot, consumed by the twinkling lights from the neighbouring lanes near campus. 
Maybe if you weren’t busy consuming the quiet campus grounds, you’d notice the very first time Tom fell in love with you. 
“Besides, I know a phrase in french now.”
“Hm—and what’s that, then?” 
“Je ne suis pas l’escargot” 
“L’escargot? Isn’t that—“ 
“I am not a snail,” You giggled. “Well, it’s true, isn’t it?”
Tom laughed, “I supposed so.” 
Maybe if you weren’t so afraid of confrontation, you’d have an idea of when Tom knew that you were his person.
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See, the thing is— you needed to face reality sooner or later and both your friends could see right through it. 
“Honestly, Y/N, how on earth can your box of art materials be this heavy—” Tom appeared in front of the door frame, heaving as he carried the box from two flights of stairs. 
You quickly averted your gaze from Maia, who was staring at you expectantly, and cleared your throat. “You can just set them by the door, Tom. I don’t know where to put them yet.” You said as you tried your best to act normal. 
“You sure? They’re a tad heavy and I don’t want you to strain yourself.” Tom asked with furrowed brows. 
All you could do was nod. The last thing you wanted was Tom’s focused attention on you.
“If you say so,” Tom sighed in defeat “I’m going to grab more boxes—Baby, you don’t have to carry that!” Tom was quick to disappear as he urgently dashed towards his girlfriend, Nadine. 
“Oh, but I want to help, Tommy.” You heard Nadine say sweetly, assuming she was also pouting. 
You could see Maia roll her eyes, urging you to give her a nudge and a taunting look. “Maia,” you called her out, silently pleading her to stop. 
Maia settled down but she wasn’t exactly calm about it either. “I’m still not sure why she’s here.” She murmured. You and Harrison were close enough that you can hear her rambles—which was expected from her anyway. 
Maia and Nadine go way back—like toddlers and playgrounds kind of way. Though that sounds figuratively adorable in a way, Maia and Nadine never got along. 
Nadine used to date Maia’s brother, which already caused Maia a great demise. As one could expect, the relationship didn’t end well. She left him out of nowhere, saying she needs to find herself—or something along those lines. 
A week after the breakup, what Nadine found was herself in the arms of another man. Of course, Maia’s brother was devastated—He truly loved Nadine. Maia had to be the pillar that her brother leaned on. It took Maia a great amount of time to help her brother pick up the pieces that Nadine left. 
So yeah—Maia wasn’t thrilled when she heard that Tom was Nadine’s new boyfriend. 
“She offered to help, Mai,” You whispered “Who am I to deny help?” 
Maia looked at you as if you managed to empty your head while you were moving in between flats. “She’s been after me ever since we were kids. She’s also the reason why it took my brother months to get out of bed,” Maia deadpanned “and She’s Tom’s new girlfriend. Remember Tom? Your ex?” She said rather loudly.
You gave her a tiny pinch on her arm, causing her to yelp. “Maia, are you nuts?!”
Harrison left the two of you so he could grab more boxes, while you and Maia bickered silently amongst each other. 
“You are thicker than I thought—Seriously, Y/N. Quit pinching me!” Maia aggressively rubbed her arm. 
“They’re going to hear you!” You hissed. “The last thing I want is for those two to get involved.” 
“Babe, they’re already involved. Tom, especially.” Maia remarked. “I see the way you look at Tom. I also see the pain you feel whenever he’s with she who must not be named.” 
“I’m not doing this Maia,” you mumbled as you walked past her. Your objective was now to help Harrison with the remaining boxes. Your objective was anything but to talk about you and Tom. 
“You have to face it sooner or later, Y/N.” Maia called out “I’m not leaving you or this apartment until you tell me what really happened.” 
“What’s going on?” Harrison asked as he entered the apartment, carrying three sets of boxes. You grabbed one from him and actively avoided his question. 
Before Maia could reply, Tom and Nadine appeared on the doorframe, with Nadine practically glued to Tom. 
“Harrison got the last remaining boxes so we’re heading off now,” Tom announced as Nadine’s face painted with clear desperation to get out of your place. “Are we still going bowling tonight?” Tom asked before Nadine whispered something in Tom’s ear and left.
“I’m actually exhausted so I’ll pass,” You answered, obviously avoiding spending time with your ex and his current girlfriend. You’re not that pathetic. 
“Same might actually have to just drink the night away,” Maia responded with a grin.
“Well, there’s no way I’m third-wheeling so I’m good,” Harrison said as he threw himself towards the plush teal couch that you snagged from a flea market. 
For the tiniest second, Tom seemed disappointed but gave a tight-lipped smile. “Oh, maybe we can reschedule our bowling night, then?” He asked. “It’s not as fun to go bowling with just the two people.” 
You, Harrison, and Maia all shared a look. You weren’t on board with bowling-night, to begin with, but you didn’t want Tom to feel as if you were avoiding him—which you were but no one needs to know that. 
Maia looked at you, waiting for an answer because god knows she will solely depend on her decision based on yours. You don’t even have an answer, to begin with. 
“What are you two supposed to do then?” Harrison asked Tom. Thank god for Harrison.
“I might take Nadine to this poetry jam event that she’s been dying to go to” Tom replied with a soft voice. 
“A poetry night?” Maia almost wanted to laugh “You don’t even have the slightest interest in literature, Tom.” Maia didn’t mean to offend him or maybe she did? She wasn’t completely fond of Tom ever since you and Tom broke up—well, she wasn’t fond of the idea that Tom was dating her ‘arch nemesis’, but Tom was her friend and so were you. 
“I know that, Mai.” Tom rolled his eyes “but Nadine likes it and I’ll do everything to make her happy.” That left a bitter taste in your mouth. 
“If you say so,” Maia murmured before she took a quick look at you. She looked like she wants to give you the biggest hug. But you held a stoic look on your face—something that you picked up because you were afraid of confrontation. 
“I’m serious,” Tom defended, lost in his feelings, which only irked Maia even more. 
“I know, I heard you— we heard you,” Maia replied, her face showing only one emotion: annoyed. “God, read the room,” Maia grumbled to herself. Harrison had to reach for her hand, urging her to calm down. 
“I really love her,” Tom whispered. That left a slap in the face. 
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It was a cold Saturday afternoon and it has been raining almost all day. It was one of the rare weekends that you weren’t really occupied to do anything other than to lay on your couch and consume a copious amount of entertainment.
Despite the spitting rain, you actually want to head out this time. Being confined to your desk and the university was torture especially since you couldn’t do anything about it—the four of you were graduating this year, no one could afford to slack off. 
You and Tom were cuddled against the sofa— Tom was busy watching something on TV while you were busy scrolling on your phone. 
“Hey, Tom?” 
“Yes, my sweet girl?” 
“Do you want to go downtown?” You asked, looking at your phone as you read the details of an event happening this weekend.
“Right now?”
“Mhm,” you hummed. “There’s a book fair being held at the local theatre.” You rested your chin on top of his chest and gave him a pout. You were getting sick of being cooped up between your study table and the library. This book fair was a change of scenery and it’s definitely right up your alley.
“But it’s raining, darling” Tom tried to say in the softest way possible. It’s not exactly up in Tom’s interests though.
“I know,” You sighed “I guess I’m just getting sick of this place.”
“You’re getting sick of me?” Tom asked with a huge pout. He was kidding of course. 
“I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of you, Tom.” You chuckled softly. 
“Okay,” He hummed, pulling you closer to him—if that was even possible. “Then can we stay like this for a while?” 
“Anything for you, angel.” You whispered as you closed the details about the local book fair. Maybe next time. 
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Soon after Tom left, Maia pulled you to her side and asked, “You okay, babe?” 
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” You feigned innocence. It was clear as day that you weren’t okay, your friends knew that. 
Knowing that you weren’t going to budge, Maia walked towards the kitchen and brought out a bottle of wine from the fridge. 
Harrison raised an eyebrow at her and asked, “When did you manage to put that in the fridge?” All of you had been occupied with grabbing boxes that there was no way that Maia had the time to put wine in the fridge, let alone obtain them from somewhere.
“It was supposed to be a celebratory drink for Y/N’s new place,” Maia replied as she set the wine and three various mugs on the coffee table. “Obviously, that’s not happening now.” Drinking wine using the oddly designed mugs you collected over the years was a cry for help. 
“It’s 4 pm, Mai.” You pointed out as you stared at the white LED clock that you bought off Amazon—another impulse purchase enabled from scrolling on Pinterest for way too long. “We haven’t even had lunch yet.” 
“Oh please,” Maia snorted “If there’s one thing that I’ve picked up from university, it’s drinking with little to no food consumption.” 
“And if there’s one thing that I’ve picked up from university, it’s cancelling all of my plans for the entire day because I have to tend your hungover-self, Mai,” Harrison remarked as he grabbed the bottle and placed it back on the fridge. “I’m ordering food and no one’s drinking until everyone has finished a meal.” 
You heard Maia mutter a string of curses but most especially the part that she said, “This is not the version of daddy that I envisioned Harrison to be.” 
All of a sudden Maia’s idea of binge drinking doesn’t seem like a bad idea, you thought. 
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Turns out Harrison had no intention of letting any of you drink. He was pretty adamant about not having to babysit two drunk messes in one night. 
“As if babysitting one isn’t enough,” You recalled Harrison say. He was obviously pertaining to Maia, in which she just huffed the entire time. You often wondered if Maia and Harrison noticed the obvious tension between them, because personally you found it endearing. It was no question that they were meant for each other. 
“Y/N, you still haven’t told us whatever happened between you and Tom.” Maia suddenly pointed out. You, Maia, and Harrison were still in the living room, silently watching TV. 
You were actively avoiding this conversation for the longest time as you haven’t told anyone about it, and based by the curious faces of your friends, you figured that Tom didn’t tell anyone about it either. You’re still not sure whether that’s a relief or not.  
“There’s nothing to talk about.” You mumbled. It’s not like you were lying, there really was barely anything to talk about. Heck—You and Tom never got to talk about it properly either. 
“We see the way you look at him, Y/N.” Harrison replied softly. “I think there is something.” 
“Look—” Maia sat up properly “I know you’re not really vocal about your feelings, but the fact that you’ve never talked nor showed any emotion about your breakup terrifies me, babe.” Maia’s tone was laced with concern. 
“I remember the day you told us about it too,” Harrison couldn’t hide his concern too “We were having brunch together at our usual diner and half-way through our meal, you promptly said “We broke up” when Maia asked where Tom was,” Harrison recalled it like it was a fever dream. He and Maia had already expected that you weren’t going to tell them about the breakup when it just happened. However, it baffles them that it’s been over a year since you and Tom broke up, and not one word has been said about it. 
It was silent for a while, except for Criminal Minds that was playing on the TV. You blankly stared at the screen, hoping that you’d catch whatever the agents were saying. It was impossible, especially when all your mind could focus on was the recollection of the day Tom knocked on your door at 1 am to breakup.  
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You were relatively busy that day from volunteer work, so you haven’t seen any of your friends the entire day—or Tom for that matter. Actually, you haven’t seen Tom in a few days. He would send texts periodically throughout the day but they were always short and most of the time, you always forget to reply. 
You figured Tom was busy with his own thing and both of you established early on in your relationship that texting—or lack thereof— shouldn’t account to your relationship, especially since both of you are equally bad at it. 
You didn’t think any of it since you were bound to see your boyfriend and your friends tomorrow for brunch anyway. He will have your undivided attention by then. 
So imagine your surprise when you heard a soft knock from your door at 1 am, only to find Tom in disarray. His eyes were bloodshot red, tears falling down his face. His messy curls were masked under the hood from his jumper. 
At first you were in panic, you thought that something terrible had happened to any of your friends—his family even. 
But as soon as Tom dropped to his knees and whispered, “I’m sorry,” you had a clear idea what was bound to happen next. 
It’s been silent for a while. The door was still open and Tom sat out in the hall with his back leaning against your wall. You did the same thing except you were on the other side of the wall that Tom was leaning on. 
You two were close enough to the door frame that you could hear each other, actually facing each other was a whole other thing. Tears kept streaming down your face as you kept your eyes closed and rested your head against the wall. 
At some point in your relationship, you prepared yourself in case this happened— that you would accept whatever happens between you and Tom. You didn’t exactly anticipate that it would happen so soon. 
“Was there someone else?” You asked quietly. It was the first time you spoke after Tom dropped to his knees. You hoped there wasn’t. In fact, you silently begged to yourself that there wasn’t someone else, because you knew that you couldn’t handle that. 
“No, no—of course not.” Tom immediately answers.”I could never do that to you.” 
It was silent again. You were starting to feel numb—you tried your best to gather your thoughts and forced words out of your mouth, but you couldn’t. 
“Are we not worth fighting anymore?” You practically whispered. It was a gamble— you weren’t exactly sure if Tom had heard it and you don’t have enough strength to ask it again. 
“Y/N,” Tom sniffled. “You can’t say that.” He placed his hand on top of yours. You had your hand resting on the floor and you didn’t exactly notice that it served as an invitation for Tom hold it again. 
You love Tom with all your heart. He kept dismissing it but Tom made you a better person. He made you feel like love can be expressed through different forms of things—not just words.
You loved him by exclusively making time for him. You went on museum dates where he would make cheesy remarks, saying that you’re the most remarkable piece of art in the entire place. You went on dates to watch football games—you never understood it but Tom was happy, so you were happy.
You loved him through your touch. You would often massage his back because he had been tirelessly working himself to the core. He didn’t ask for it but you knew it would make him feel better. Your touch didn’t have to be intimate—though you expressed it through that way too
You loved him through mindless actions. Almost every time you would stop by at the local cafe to grab yourself some coffee, you would always recite Tom’s favourite order on autopilot. 
You loved him through silence. Study dates were gems for you. Even if you didn’t talk for the entirety of it and even if you were the only one who studied for the most part and Tom was just playing on his phone, having Tom beside you was enough.
You loved him so much that it pains you to think that maybe you weren’t enough for him. 
“I don’t think I can fight for someone who doesn’t even want to,” You muttered bitterly. “Just answer the question, Tom.” 
He didn’t answer. All you could hear were the silent sobs that you two were trying to hold back. At this point, you knew you wouldn’t look at Tom. Your heart wouldn’t take it—it will crush you. 
“Are you not happy anymore?” Your voice cracked as you broke into a sob.
“Y/N—“ Tom squeezed your hand even more. You’re going to miss it, but you had to let go. 
“Tom, if I’m standing in the way of your happiness then we should end this.” You cleared your throat and pulled your hand away. There’s a ghostly feeling that still lingered from Tom’s touch. 
“Please, Y/N, let me explain—“ 
“It’s okay, Tom.” You whispered. “I understand.” 
“You know I love you, Y/N.” 
“I love you too, Tom.” 
“But maybe it’s best if we end it, I know. I got it.” You let out a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down from crying. “Maybe it’s better if we stayed as friends.” Maybe it’s better to realize that whatever you and Tom had were too good to be true—that your love will never compare to the love he deserves. 
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“Do you want the truth?” You asked your friends, with tears forming in your eyes. You can’t even decipher how they looked at you because of the tears clouding your vision. 
Were they looking at you in pity? Empathy? Sadness? 
“The truth is—I’m mad.” You gritted the words through your teeth. This was the first time your friends had seen you like this. All of the pent-up sadness, aggression, and hurt you felt was starting to get the best of you. 
“I’m angry. I’m hurt.” You snarled, furiously wiping the tears from your face. “I’m angry at the fact that I can’t seem to be genuinely happy for Tom. I’m hurt at the idea he seems to be a better boyfriend for Nadine, that he constantly makes an effort for her.”
“I don’t even know if he even loved me the way that I loved him,” Your voice became quiet “and it’s selfish for me to think that way because I never fought for it—for us. That’s enough reason to keep me up at night.” 
That’s enough reason for you to wonder if you’ll be capable of loving someone so deeply again. 
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@quaksonhehe @dark-infernal-instruments @trustfundparker @emsma11 @tomshufflepuff @spider-babe @goodgirlgonetom @tabi-toast​ 
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