#traitor inquisitorious
animatedjen · 2 months
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Traitor Inquisitorius | Jedi Survivor
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emeritusemeritus · 2 months
Call me by your name [Fred Weasley x Malfoy!Reader]
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Pairing: FredWeasley x Malfoy!Reader
Timeline: OOTP, reader and twins are in their 7th year.
Summary: Malfoy!Reader had been successfully hiding her secret relationship with Fred Weasley for years. What happens when Fred no longer wants to hide? Cue angsty breakup and makeup fic!
Warnings: Mentions of deatheaters, Umbitch, negative commentary of status and wealth. House divide, negative talk of Slytherins. Abusive parents. Sorry Narcissa, I actually like you. Mentions of arranged marriages, swearing, public declarations of love. DA and inquisitorial squad mentions.
Word count: 3.4k
This came from a wonderful request from my dear @kellyxo1, as always thank you so much for your wonderful request, hope this is okay!🖤
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The air in the stuffy old Manor House was unbearably cold and stale, much like the family that resided there. The home of the Malfoy family, much like their surname, was figure of stature and tradition, a paragon of social status that oozed wealth and importance on account of their pure-blood status. Each member of the family had been selected by the sorting hat upon their arrival at Hogwarts to enter into the house of Slytherin, a fact the family was most proud of, another ode to their pure-blood roots and continued beliefs. Every malfoy had followed in the footsteps of the previous generation, marrying into other pure-blood families as to keep the bloodline strong, fraternising with equally powerful families that held the same beliefs, each out to gain and maintain status in the wizarding community.
"He's younger than me!" You shriek, you left arms lifting into the air as you look upon the stiff and unemotional faces of your parents who stand by the edge of your bed, delivering the news.
"Blaise is a fine boy and he shall make a fine husband," your father says, as if he truly believed the words that he was speaking. "He's from a long line of Slytherin's, a good student and a promising young wizard."
"He's a complete twat," you argued, taking a seat on the edge of your bed, completely exasperated by the conversation you were forced to endure with your parents.
"It's only two years difference," your mother says, trying to remain at least diplomatic as your father gave you a thunderous look for your selection of language.
"He's a friend of Draco's! It's archaic and barbaric." You added, trying to express your disgust at the very thought but it was immediately apparent that your parents did not share in your distaste, nor understand it.
"Young lady!" Your father hissed in displeasure, the veins on his head looking fit to burst.
"I just don't understand why I have to marry someone with status," you say, in a calm and somewhat emotionless voice, realising that your emotive reaction was doing no favours here. "I don't understand why I have to be married at all, much less to somewhat that wasn't my choice."
"We want the best for you," your mother adds, her hands clasped in front of her as her gaze flicks between you and your father. It's a blatant lie, a way of manipulating you into following their path but it wouldn't work, not this time.
"Then let me make my own choices," you retort, not meeting their eyes.
"So you can run back to that blood traitor?" Your father all but screams, his temper exploding as he throws his cane, narrowly missing the house elf that was tending to the paintings in the hallway just outside of your door. He storms off in a flurry of black robes, almost growling under his breath as you hear his heavy footsteps marching angrily away.
The mention of Fred makes your stomach roil dangerously, filling you with hatred for your family, for the life you'd been born into. You don’t know how they came to know about your situation, but you detested their use of it against you. The anger dissipates slightly as you watch your mother perch on the side of your bed, hands still folded in her lap as she looks at you with a conflicted expression.
"We just want what's best," your mother repeats but you interject, frustrated by her attempt to keep pushing the matter you were so obviously not open to discussing.
"You had your chance! You chose to marry for money and status," you replied, a harsh tone to your voice that you'd seldom used at your mother.
"I didn't have a choice!" She says, her voice coming out like a hiss as her resolve drops so that you finally see her fraying nerves.
You pause, taking a moment to really see your mother as a young woman that was in your position so many years ago.
"If it's so bad why would you want that for your own daughter?" You ask, trying to appeal to her though your emotional delivery, trying to reach out for that young woman who must have felt exactly how you did right now.
She refuses to meet your eyes, nor answers your question. You realise very quickly that you're getting nowhere and never would. All emotions exit you as you look upon your mother feeling no love or affection, nor receiving any in return.
As you looked upon the vision of your mother and thought of your fathers reaction, you felt an empty void of emotion where love should be. The chasm of happy memories was empty, at least when it came to your family.
Right then you thought of Molly and Arthur, of the whole family and the strong, foundational outpouring of love in which the family was built around. Two people that loved one another deeply, building a life and a family, creating a warm and loving home for their children to thrive in.
They'd be celebrating Christmas right now, with gorgeous homemade food and handmade presents, surrounded by love and laughter and maybe the occasional cross word.
Poor in wealth but rich with love; and you would always chose that over this.
"I refuse to marry Blaise Zabini or any other pure blood suitor you deem acceptable," you say matter of factly, your voice completely void of emotion as you made your point clear. "I'll make my own choices in life. You may not have been strong enough to resist the pressure but I am, I refuse to be forced into a loveless marriage and live out a miserable existence like you."
"You're no daughter of ours," your mother sneers. "No. I'm not."
Later that night, you lay in your dark and dreary bedroom, looking around at the bare, lifeless walls that held no sentiment nor icon of your personality, your life. You thought of Fred and George's bedroom and how cluttered it must be, with all their quidditch memorabilia and Weasley products lying around. They'd have bedspreads that had been knitted for them, fresh sheets that smelt like their home and little trinkets around the room that had been collected throughout their lives. You had none of that, even down to the colourless and scentless sheets on your bed. You thought of Fred often, the boy you loved more than anything in the world. The boy that had seen past your surname and your Slytherin placement and still loved you regardless. He hadn't been prejudiced or hateful, nor had he used you to gain status in the Wizarding community. He simply loved you because he loved you.
Memories flashed behind your eyes of happier times, your relationship strengthening over the years until you were completely infatuated with each other, planning your futures in hushed whispers and promising secrets. You could be yourself around Fred, completely unashamed of the things you'd believed for so long to be personal failures and character faults.
You'd been together since your fifth year, unable to deny the attraction any longer. You'd started sneaking around, stolen kisses in the secret passageways, sneaking out after hours, notes slipped into pockets, fingers grazing as you walked past eachother pretending the other didn't exist. You secretly cheered for each and every hit he'd administer on the quidditch pitch, every dive and skilful deflection of the bludger. Though you couldn't cheer or support him outright, you always kept a little something on you in Gryffindor red that you both knew meant that you were there for him.
After a while, you told your small group of friends and Fred told his, including his siblings. There were tensions at first, of course there was, but after seeing how good for each other you were, of how happy you were together, the grievances quickly quietened.
His friends became yours too, a real and honest group of friends that too could rely on, share with and care for in return.
You didn't have to hide anymore, at least not with them. But Slytherins much like their name were mostly all vicious snakes, with sharp tongues and deceitful tendencies. You couldn't let them know, couldn't allow them to spoil the singular good thing you had in your life and so for the most part, your relationship remained hidden to the wider school.
It was exciting at first, rebelling against the restrictive and domineering upbringing you were forced into. You weren't like your parents or Draco, or any members of your family really. You were certainly no deatheater and didn't hold the same disgusting values that they did. Blood trainers, mud bloods, muggleborns or muggles, everyone should have the right to be treated the same, to live their life without fear or prejudice.
Fred knew, he knew you weren't one of them, that you were better, different than your name but also that you couldn't step out of line for fear of the repercussions you'd face. Or at least, you thought he understood.
Your seventh year at Hogwarts, your last. The last hurdle to get through before you could truly be your own person and break away from the chains of being a Malfoy. You had a plan, carefully and slowly formulated for years for the eventual day you'd be your own person and free to make your own choices, leaving your family behind. Your world would gain colour and warmth instead of the cold and monochrome world you felt you loved in. Only, it wouldn't happen now, at least not as you always planned it.
Things had been going so well, you were on track to ace your NEWTS, your relationship with Fred was almost blissful and with everything happening behind the scenes, it kept your parents busy and mostly out of your way. But then it all started to crack when Fred became Fred up of sneaking around, becoming paranoid and suspicious of your true intentions. You'd tried your hardest to squash these intrusive thoughts, to calm his nerves and to show him just exactly how much you wanted him but for so many reasons you couldn't be open about it. He'd face repercussions too, not just you. But he didn't see it that way, said he didn't care, that he just wanted to be able to be in love without having to hide it.
The last nail in the proverbial coffin came when Umbridge turned up and tried imposing her disgusting views upon the students, altering the curriculum and moving in favour of the deatheaters under the guise of ministry control. You'd joined Dumbledore's Army without a scone thought, knowing it was the right thing to do. The only Slytherin who was invited to join, their trust in you appreciated. But then Umbridge had formed the inquisitorial squad and you'd never felt a more painful divide in your life. Your younger brother had proudly joined, sadistically enjoying the power he was bestowed with. The danger of being discovered , found to be a traitor and the consequences of that were almost enough to make you quit the DA, but you persevered with increasingly fraying nerves.
You were stressed, tormented by the divide in your life and the conflicting expectations of you with no outlet to express your frustrations.
So you did what you had to do and fought harder to keep your relationship a secret, to keep the one good thing in your life away from the dementor-like happiness stealing of your family. The Christmas holidays were coming up and your anxiety was peaking at having to spend an extended amount of time away from your boyfriend and friends and have to go back to that dreary manor with your even drearier family. Fred could tell that something was up with you, that you were unhappy, tense and quiet but he never stopped to read between the lines, to see the big picture. Instead, his insecurities began to plague him again until one day you both snapped.
"I just don't understand why we still have to hide!" He says with a frustrated growl, pinching the area between the bridge of his nose and his eyebrows.
"Because I can't be without you!" You say back, voice raising to a dangerous level as you become irritated at having the same conversation over and over again. "If my family find out that's it, they'll force me to stop dating you, lock me away. I'll never be able to leave then."
"So what, I'm just a part of your plan? A stepping stone for you to break away and then as soon as you're free you can throw me away? Thanks for that mate, sorry to using you and all," he mocks, only furthering your anger that you're painfully trying to repress.
"Using you? You think that's what this is? You think you're just a pawn for me, even after two years of loving you?"
"You tell me," he says, eyes dark.
"Unbelievable," you say under your breath, closing your eyes as you take a seat on one of the wooden crates down in the passageway between the staircases and Honeydukes, your regular spot.
"Or are you embarrassed by me, is that it? The poor, scruffy Weasley boy that fell for the rich, beautiful Malfoy. The prophet would have a field day, wonder if they'll make us into a film," he rants, a vicious side appearing in his tone. "The deatheater and the peasant."
"How dare you!" You say, standing up in a fit of rage, squaring up to him like you'd never done before; the insult he'd so readily dished out feeling like a blast to the heart. "I'm no more a death eater than you are you prick! You think I'm embarrassed of you? I think you're ashamed of me, ashamed that you fell for the bad seed, the villain. I think you can't stand that I'm a Malfoy and you know it. My surname bothers you much more than your's bothers me."
"Yeah maybe it does."
Silence. His words are met with sheer silence, except for the pounding of your breaking heart. I'm your worst nightmares you'd never expected those words to fall from his lips, for him to admit the thing you'd been fearing the most since your crush of him started to bloom. You were tainted goods, a person that tried her hardest to be good that would always be haunted and spoiled by her name.
"No, no sweetheart I didn't mean, I don't think that," he began backtracking, realising that he'd gone way too far this time. "It makes me crazy that I can't shout from the bloody roof that you're mine no matter how much I want to. I don't care that you're a... Malfoy," he says, reaching out for you to hold you close, knowing that he was hanging by a thread here.
You're quiet for a moment as you take in his words, unsure of how to proceed.
"Maybe you're right, about it all," you paused. "But if you wanted me to believe all that, you should have said my surname with less disgust."
You turned around walked away, ignoring his calls, barely holding yourself together until you made it back to your dormitory and finally allowing yourself to sob. You should have known you could never be happy, it was ridiculous to think that anyone could ever get past the fact that you were born to be bad.
The week that followed before the holiday was sheer torture. You gathered sympathetic looks front your friends, or rather Fred's friends but were unable to get any actual comfort as you couldn't fraternise with the social enemy.
Fred however, hadn't spared you a single glance since that evening in the tunnel, the fight that had ended your relationship, or so it seemed. He went back to pretending you didn't exist, believing your harsh words all to easily. He'd said things on his side too but you thought, stupidly, that you'd be able to explain that you were simply retaliating. Apparently he wouldn't give you a chance to explain.
"Maybe you're right, about it all."
Those words haunted you, cut you deeper than any splinching ever could. If only you'd pushed down your anger, never said those words, he'd still be yours. But now he wasn't.
Christmas break was miserable, even more so than usual as you sat alone in your bedroom, physically and mentally distanced from any sense of company.
You though of Fred often, wondering what he was up to, wondering if he was happy. You hoped his dad was okay after hearing through the grapevine about his attack. You hoped that even if it was just a little, that he was missing you.
When you got back to school, you were just as miserable and separated from your peers as you were at home. The friendship group you'd built up of good people still have you distanced smiles and sympathetic glances but you felt the distance more than ever. It lasted for a few days before you'd had enough, completely depleted and in need of something good back, you needed Fred. You tried to think of ways to get him alone, to explain but you couldn't think of anything. You sat in the Great Hall, completely separated from your Gryffindor friends and sat between two of the most bearable Slytherins you could find, trying to ignore the boasting and mockery your brother was bestowing a little further up the table.
It makes me crazy that I can't shout from the bloody roof that you're mine no matter how much I want to.
You looked around you, considering your options. It wasn't a rooftop per se, but it would do.
You climbed up on the table, unfazed by the cries of outrage of the people around you as you ascended, trying to be mindful of the plates and glasses on the table. Draco shouts at you to get down, what are you doing, but much like always, you ignore him. The commotion began pulling people's attention towards you but you knew you had to make it quick because the faculty and teachers were starting to notice.
"I have something to say," you said, projecting your voice until you were certain you’d be heard across the hall. “I’ve been hiding something, for so long, something that never should have been hidden in the first place. I was scared and stupid. I’m a Malfoy, a Slytherin… but I’m completely and hopelessly in love with a Gryffindor.” You look up to where Fred is watching you with wide eyes, the first hint of a smirk tugging at his lips. Your eyes quickly flick over to George who is beaming at you, enjoying the demented display you were putting on, encouraging you to continue before you lost your nerve.
“Fred Weasley I’ve loved you since that bloody third year Quidditch match when George hit that bludger at Snape and you winked at me for laughing. You told me that we didn’t have to hide, that you’d shout from the rooftops, well this is the best I could do considering.”
Fred makes his way to you quickly, sensing that the teachers were on their way to inevitably punish you.
“You’re bloody insane woman,” he says with a laugh, unfazed by the entire hall watching you as he holds out his hand for you to come down. You smile at him, so happy to see him smile at you again, to hear his voice.
“Y/n Malfoy! Get down, get down! Detention!”
Instead of helping you down, Fred suddenly seizes your hand and uses you to pull himself up until he was also stood on top of the Slytherin table, cackling at the groans of the other slytherins around you.
“Mr Weasley, detention!”
“More time to spend with you,” he shrugs, smiling as he bends down to kiss you wildly in the middle of the hall as cheers erupt around you, making you both laugh into the kiss.
“It really doesn’t bother you that I’m a Malfoy?” You ask, suddenly bothered by what he’d said before as you pull away slightly. His hand holds your cheek as he smirks, shrugging his shoulders.
“Not gonna be a Malfoy for much longer, I plan on making you a Weasley as soon as possible.”
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Taglist requests
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reepiblog · 6 months
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"But the question is, Did John Brown fail? He certainly did fail to get out of Harpers Ferry before being beaten down by United States soldiers; he did fail to save his own life, and to lead a liberating army into the mountains of Virginia. But he did not go to Harpers Ferry to save his life. "The true question is, Did John Brown draw his sword against slavery and thereby lose his life in vain? And to this I answer ten thousand times, No! No man fails, or can fail, who so grandly gives himself and all he has to a righteous cause. No man, who in his hour of extremest need, when on his way to meet an ignominious death, could so forget himself as to stop and kiss a little child, one of the hated race for whom he was about to die, could by any possibility fail. "Did John Brown fail? Ask Henry A. Wise in whose house less than two years after, a school for the emancipated slaves was taught. "Did John Brown fail? Ask James M. Mason, the author of the inhuman fugitive slave bill, who was cooped up in Fort Warren, as a traitor less than two years from the time that he stood over the prostrate body of John Brown. "Did John Brown fail? Ask Clement C. Vallandingham, one other of the inquisitorial party; for he too went down in the tremendous whirlpool created by the powerful hand of this bold invader. If John Brown did not end the war that ended slavery, he did at least begin the war that ended slavery. If we look over the dates, places and men for which this honor is claimed, we shall find that not Carolina, but Virginia, not Fort Sumter, but Harpers Ferry, and the arsenal, not Col. Anderson, but John Brown, began the war that ended American slavery and made this a free Republic. Until this blow was struck, the prospect for freedom was dim, shadowy and uncertain. The irrepressible conflict was one of words, votes and compromises. "When John Brown stretched forth his arm the sky was cleared. The time for compromises was gone - the armed hosts of freedom stood face to face over the chasm of a broken Union - and the clash of arms was at hand. The South staked all upon getting possession of the Federal Government, and failing to do that, drew the sword of rebellion and thus made her own, and not Brown's, the lost cause of the century." -(May 30, 1881, Frederick Douglass, oration at the Fourteenth Anniversary of Storer College, May 30, 1881)
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Traitor pt.5
A/N: This is the last part of the series. I originally planned on posting it yesterday, but I´ve been at my first concert in four years (Is anyone else obsessed with Yungblud on here? His music is just soo good.) and I wasn´t home all day. Anyway, I finished it now, so I hope you guys like it 💚
The next days felt like a dream to you. Only the next morning you found out what had happened in the department of Mystery. When you had rushed to the Hospital Wing, you saw with great relief that none of your friends would carry away any lasting damages.
You spent most of your time on your own or with Harry, commuting between the Gryffindor common room and the Hospital wing. You enjoyed the time you could spend with your friends. It helped you distract yourself when you were sitting on Hermione´s bed, eating chocolate frogs and making fun of Fudge, who suddenly seemed to be Harry´s biggest admirer.
When you were in the common room with Harry, however, you mostly just stared into the fireplace. From time to time, you got interrupted by people approaching you and apologizing ruefully. To Harry for not believing him or for his loss and to you for ever doubting your loyalty to your house. But you, as well as Harry, tried to cut the other students off before they could start asking questions you didn’t want to answer. Then you went back to staring into the void silently.
You knew that the loss you suffered from was nothing in comparison to what Harry was going through right now. Still, both of you benefited from the fact that neither of you was alone with your pain. It comforted you to just spend some of your time with each other, especially since you were the only ones who didn’t bombard you with questions.
A few days later, you made your way back from the Hospital Wing to your common room. Harry´s and your ways had separated since he wanted to pay Hagrid a visit. But for some reason, you weren´t in the mood for Hagrid´s encouraging words.
As you turned around a corner, however, you wished you would have been. Only a few steps away, Draco stood in the corridor, frozen in place, just like you. The world around you became a blur; all you could see was him.
He didn’t look as good as he did back the day you had talked to him last. But even with bags under his eyes and the ashen undertone of his pale skin, to you, he was still the most beautiful person in the world. You couldn’t blame him for looking so tired, almost sick. Not only you had betrayed him, but his father had been arrested after he had led the attack on Harry and the others in the Department of Mystery. When you had heard about it, you had felt your heart clenching inside your chest. You had already realized back in Umbridge´s office that the fact that you had lied to him had hurt him even more than you had ever expected it to. And now he had also not only lost his privileges due to the dissolution of the Inquisitorial Squad but also his father.
“Draco.” It was just a whisper. You weren’t even sure if he had heard it.
It felt like time slowed down, as the two of you kept staring at each other.
You wished he would do something. Anything. If he would scream at you, threaten you, hex you, you would be fine with it. But the way he looked at you with a blank expression, broke your heart once more.
Then, finally, Draco dismantled from his rigidity. He straightened his back and cleared his throat.
“(Y/l/n).”, he said tonelessly, before he went on his way, passing you and turning around the next corner.
And just like that, Draco Malfoy had not only broken your heart but shattered it into a million pieces.
And you deserved it.
It was the last day before the Holidays. Tomorrow, you would return home. And for the first time, you actually looked forward to it. It wasn’t like you hadn´t missed your family in the last years, but Hogwarts felt by now more like your home than any other place. But after everything that had happened in the last few months, you felt like some distance from this place was just what you needed right now.
Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Neville and Ron had been discharged only a few days ago. Everything felt a bit more normal, now that Hermione´s empty bed wasn’t the first and last thing you saw every day. Plus, it felt good to not roam around the castle on your own anymore how you had done in the last days, except for when you had been with Harry who had usually preferred to spend most of the time on his own. Especially when you encountered the former members of the Inquisitorial Squad, who now treated you like you were a public enemy. And somehow, you were. You genuinely regretted this state of affairs, since you had actually grown into liking them over the last weeks.
The only one who had talked to you at all had been Pansy. When you had walked past her and neither your nor her friends had been in sight, she had stepped in your way, arms crossed in front of your chest. “I hope you're happy now.”, she had hissed, with a murderous shimmer in her eyes. But it had disappeared again rather quickly as those damn tears had made their way into your eyes again and you had somehow managed to choke out a small “No.”. Pansy had eyed you, her expression illegible. “Fix it then.”, she had told you and strutted away, leaving you speechless.
There was nothing you wanted more than to fix this, but you had no idea how. By now, you had given up the idea of trying to talk to Draco, let alone any of the others. One night, when you hadn’t been able to sleep once more, you had sat in your bed, writing a letter, but no matter how hard you tried, the words sounded hollow and meaningless. So you had given up on trying to approach Draco, contended yourself with staring at him awkwardly from the other side of the room, while he seemed to be completely unaware of your existence again, his gaze sliding over you, showing no signs of acknowledging that you had ever been more than just two people who happened to share a class with one another. And tomorrow you would get on a train, and you wouldn’t see the boy who meant so much to you for two whole months.
But maybe it was for the best like that. One way or another. Because a part of you hoped that over the holidays Draco might be able to somewhat forgive you for what you had done. The more rational part of you on the other hand tried to tell you that you should use the time to let the boy finally go. Because you obviously knew that whatever the two of you had had, back when Draco thought you were on his side, would never come back to you. And even while it lasted you had somehow known that sooner or later you would lose him. Because if it wouldn’t have been for the fact that you had smuggled yourself into the Inquisitorial Squad to get some information, it would be the fact that the two of you wouldn’t stand a chance regarding what was about to come. Now that you-know-who was back. You knew Draco wasn’t a bad person. He didn’t take as much pleasure in actually hurting people as the others thought he did, but that didn’t change the fact that he had grown up in the belief that the world the dark wizard wanted to create was the only right one. And the fact that Draco´s father had been arrested while fulfilling an order from said wizard, told you, that his family still held on to those beliefs. But on the other hand, how could you ever judge him for that or deny him the chance to change? Hadn´t Draco been the one to welcome you with open arms when you had pretended to change your mind? You knew that if Draco would ever do the same if he would ever actually wanted to change, you would be there for him. Even though you highly doubted that he ever would. Especially now that you, his only connection to the side fighting the dark, had betrayed him as you had done. If anything, you had taken the chance from Draco to decide on his own. You had taken his chance to change his mind. In the end, you were the evil one. And no one else.
You let yourself fall onto your bed and stared against the ceiling. You shouldn’t have gotten that involved in the entire situation from the very beginning. If you would have just done your job, if you wouldn’t have attached the strings as you had done, you wouldn’t have hurt Draco as you had. And now it was too late and you would have to live with the consequences of your decisions.
Lost in your thoughts you almost missed the door of your dorm opening.
You looked up and saw Hermione stepping towards your bed. You raised your head, resting your upper body on your elbows.
“What is it?”
“There´s someone outside for you.” Her voice sounded strange and you could see that your friend looked rather irritated.
“Who is it?”
“You´ll see.”, she stated and frowned.
“Why don’t they come in?”
“They can´t.”
“No Gryffindor?”
“God, (Y/n), just go and look for yourself.”
You groaned and let your head fall back onto the mattress.
“I don’t want to.”
And that was the truth. Hermione had interrupted you in the middle of the spiral of your self-pity. You didn’t want to be disturbed. All you wanted to do was dive right back into it, wondering where in life you went wrong.
“But I think it´s rather important.”
“I really don’t care, Hermione. They can send me an owl if they want to.”
“I don’t think Malfoy will be satisfied with this.”
You sat up immediately and looked at your friend with widened eyes.
“Draco? Here?”
“Outside the common room, more precisely.”, Hermione said, grinning knowingly as she observed your reaction.
You were almost out of the door of your dorm when you froze.
“Why do you think he´s here?”, you asked your friend.
Hermione shrugged her shoulders.
“I didn’t ask him. He wasn’t really happy talking to me, and honestly, I wasn’t delighted either.”
“What if he tells me that he hates me? That it´s all my fault? That he never wants to see me again?”, you whined.
Hermione looked at you compassionately.
“There´s only one way to find out.”, she said in a soft voice. “And (Y/n)?”
You looked at your friend questioningly.
“In the end, you´ve done nothing wrong. And no matter what will happen, I am always here for you.”
You nodded and threw your friend a thankful smile before you left.
You had almost expected Draco to be gone when you finally had gathered the courage to climb through the exit. But the Slytherin boy was standing in the corridor, hands buried deep inside the pockets of his cloak and a strange look on his face.
When the painting of the fat lady swung aside, he looked up. Once more, the two of you just looked at each other, without saying a word.
Finally, you cleared your throat.
“You wanted to see me?” You hated yourself for how shaky your voice sounded.
Draco tore his gaze apart from you and nodded.
“I´ve got a question.”, he finally said.
You looked at him in surprise. Still, you nodded.
Draco´s gaze was by now fixed on the stone floor.
“When you�� When we… In Umbridge´s office… You told me I wasn’t part of the plan.”
“I did.”
The floor seemed to be very interesting since Draco´s head was still lowered.
“What did you mean by that?”
You hesitated. You knew what you had meant, but you didn’t know how to explain. Still, you had to try. Because this was probably the last chance to get things right before they were lost forever.
“I… I meant…” Why was it so damn hard to tell him what appeared so clear to you? “When I joined the Inquisitorial Squad, it was to find a way to stop Umbridge. I thought by joining you I would get closer to her.”
“And you reached your goal, didn’t you?”, Draco spit out.
“No… I mean yes, but… The plan was just to join the group, never to build up anything with any of you. But you… you were so nice and you welcomed me in a way, I would have never expected.”
“Pretty foolish of us, wasn’t it?” His voice sounded bitter.
“No, it wasn’t, Draco. That´s what I´m trying to say. Because I started to enjoy spending time with you. And I… Those friendships… they were just as real to me as they were to you. I spend my time with all of you because I wanted to. Because it felt good. And you…” You stopped and looked at Draco, who was still looking anywhere but at you. “What we had, that was… You caught me by surprise Draco. I never wanted to, but you did. And I… I loved it.” I loved you, I still do, you added silently, but the words never left your mouth.
Draco stayed silent. He seemed to think about your words for a minute.
Finally, he glanced up at you. Your heart skipped a beat as you saw all the emotions in his eyes.
“Was it real?”, he asked silently. “Us, I mean. Was any of that real?”
“All of it.”
Draco nodded. He seemed to think about something for a moment, then he made a decision.
“You want to go for a walk?”
You looked at him with narrowed eyes. That question had caught you off guard.
“Do you?”
You hesitated. This change of subject was abrupt and unexpected. What was his intention behind all of this? You highly doubted that he had forgiven you just like that. Was it a trap? If you would follow him, would you walk into your nemesis with your eyes wide open?
Draco seemed to see the indecisiveness in your eyes because he stepped closer. The expression in his eyes was almost pleadingly.
“It´s just… I don´t want to lose you (Y/n). I can´t.”
And when you followed Draco outside, you didn´t doubt your decision once.
The sun already set when you had reached the lake. Neither of you had said a word on your way down to the shore. But the moment the two of you looked at the lake that seemed to be made of liquid gold at this time of the day, the words started tumbling from your lips, as well as Draco´s.
When you had finally told him everything about your plan to bring Umbridge down, about what you had and hadn’t known about the things that had happened in the last weeks and mostly how incredibly sorry you felt, not for what you had done, but how you had made him feel, and Draco had finally gathered the courage to tell you at least a split of his point of view on all those things, about how much you had hurt him, but also about the more recent events, about his father and his concerns about the future, the night had already fallen and only some stars were shining on the sky.
You had sat down under the tree where you had already tried to tell him all these things for the first time. Only that this time you had actually done. And he had listened.
“You wanted to tell me, didn´t you? The last time we´ve been here. You wanted to tell me what you had done.”
You nodded.
“Why? How could you know I would find out that day?”
“I didn’t.”
“Why did you want to tell me then?”
“Because I hated lying to you. And because I thought that maybe… If I tell you before you find out any other way… I thought you might be able to forgive me.”
“I guess I´m the foolish one now, ain´t I?”, you chuckled.
“Maybe not as much as you think.”
And as you looked to the side, you saw Draco shuffling a bit closer to you, until his shoulder almost touched yours. You threw the boy a shy smile. And he returned it immediately.
For you, it was almost incomprehensible how Draco had been able to forgive you that fast. But somehow, he had done so. It wasn’t like it had been before all of this and you highly doubted that it would ever be, but then again, you asked yourself if you even wanted it to be. You felt somehow relieved to not carry the weight of all those secrets on your back anymore and be able to talk openly to Draco. And he seemed to think the same.
A breeze blew across the lake, making you shiver. Even if it was midsummer, the nights were still coolish. You couldn’t help the shiver running down your spine.
“Are you cold?”, Draco asked, giving you a concerned look.
Even though you were indeed, you didn´t want this evening to end yet. So you shrugged your shoulders.
“Just a little bit.”
But when you had expected Draco to suggest that you should get back to the castle now, you had been wrong. Because instead, you suddenly felt his arm sneaking around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him.
It only took you a second of tension, before you melted into his warmth. You snuggled up closer to his chest, resting your head almost right above his heart. The hand carefully rubbed your upper arms, trying to increase the blood flow again.
“Better?”, Draco finally asked as he glanced down at you.
“Perfect.”, you sighed.
You didn’t know how long you were staring at the lake. The stars were reflected in the crystal-clear water, making it look like the sky wasn’t only far above your head, but right to your feet.
You could hear the murmur of the waves and the swooshing of the trees, moving slightly in the wind. You felt Draco´s warmth embracing you and the steady rising and falling of his chest. His scent, mixed with the smell of the water and the grass around you, lulled you in. All of those sensations made you feel dozy and you had no doubt you could easily drift off into sleep like that. Still, you wanted to cherish this peaceful moment for as long as possible, taking in every single detail of it. But the more time passed, the more you had to fight for your eyes to stay open.
“(Y/n)?”, Draco´s voice retrieved you from your dreamy state. The way you could feel his chest vibrating under your head, send chills down your spine.
“I meant what I said earlier. You know that?”
You squinted up at the boy.
“What exactly are you talking about?”
“I told you I don´t want to lose you again. And that’s true. I don’t want to lose you ever again. I want to stay with you – as long as you want me to as well.”
A small smile crept on your lips. You sat up, so you were able to properly look at the blond boy. His silvery eyes reflected the light of the stars shining above and under you. The look on his face was serious as if he hadn’t just said the thing that made you happier than anything anyone else had ever told you.
“What makes you think I´d ever want you to leave?”, you said, the grin on your face also visible in your voice.
“Because one day you might realize that keeping me is the most stupid idea you ever had.”, he said, only half-joking.
You sighed. If Draco would only see half of the things you saw in him, he wouldn´t say such things.
“I could say the same thing to you.”, you said, just like Draco making it sound like a joke, even if to you it wasn’t.
“No, for real, Draco. After everything that happened, after everything I´ve done to you – I wouldn’t have blamed you for never wanting to talk to me again.”
“Yet here we are.”
“Here we are.”, you confirmed.
“It´s just like I told you before.”, Draco said, as he brushed a strand of hair out of your face and tucked it behind your ear. It felt like your skin was burning in the places he touched you. “There´s nothing in this world that could ever change what I´m feeling for you.”
It was like his eyes hypnotized you. You just couldn’t look away.
“And what are you feeling?”, you asked in a breathy voice.
Draco didn’t answer immediately. Instead, his gaze wandered over your face, taking in every centimetre, until it finally settled on your lips. You could feel your heartbeat quicken. Draco´s face was only a few centimetres away from yours. And he moved even closer until the tip of his nose almost touched yours. His hot breath was burning on your face. Then his gaze tore apart from your lips and travelled back up to your eyes.
“Love.”, he simply responded, before he finally closed the gap between the two of you.
The feeling of Draco´s lips on yours was everything you had ever dreamt about and even more. They felt so much softer than you had imagined, as they tenderly moved against yours. For a moment you remained frozen in your spot before you thawed.
And once you had started, it seemed to be the easiest thing in the world. The way your lips moved in perfect sync made it feel like it had never been any other way and as Draco cupped your cheeks to pull you even closer, you gave in immediately. And even though the kiss was sweet and innocent, it was still filled with all the emotions that the two of you had bottled up over the last few weeks.
When you eventually pulled away, you looked at the boy in front of you, completely mesmerized. And Draco seemed to feel the same, because he returned your gaze, with just as much awe.
“I love you (Y/n).”, he whispered against your lips, while his eyes never left yours, not for the split of a second.
“I love you too.”, you responded quietly. And slowly, the realization of what had just happened washed over you, and the grin on your face grew uncontrollably. “I love you too.”, you repeated once more, by now smiling from one ear to the other.
Draco mirrored your smile. The grip he had on you tightened, as he pulled you close again, pressing another kiss on your lips.
As he pulled back, his thumbs caressed your cheeks, travelling over your lips, as he leaned his forehead against yours.
The two of you remained in this position for a while, just admiring each other, from time to time whispering sweet nothings into each other’s ears.
It was already far after bedtime as you slowly made your way back to the castle. Once more, you held onto Draco´s hand tightly. Only that this time, you had no doubt that this touch wasn’t the end of something, but the beginning.
Somehow Draco had managed to prevent the front door from getting locked by Filch. The two of you slipped through it and got back to the Gryffindor common room, undetected.
As you stood in front of the portrait, Draco looked down at you with the happiest, yet saddest face.
“I can´t believe that tomorrow we have to leave, and I won´t get to see you for two whole months.”
You frowned.
“Maybe you don’t have to. You can visit me. Or I can visit you. Or we meet up somewhere else. As long as I can see you, I´m fine with any place.”
Draco gave you a small smile, but it didn’t reach his eyes.
“(Y/n), you know what´s going on right now. All this family stuff and… I don’t want you to get involved in it.”
You shook your head firmly.
“But I already am.”
“That´s something different. Maybe all of this was a bad idea. If not losing you means that I have to let you go, then…”
“It isn’t. And it doesn’t.” You cupped Draco´s face with your hands and forced him to look at you. “I love you Draco. All of you. And no matter what is going to happen, I won´t let you go through this alone. You once said to me that you will always choose my side. That you will do so because you want to. Because it makes you happy. And you actually chose me. Even when I made it so damn hard for you. And I want to do the same for you now. I will do. And nothing you could ever say or do to talk me out of this. I´ve let you down once, that won´t happen a second time.”
“You can´t compare Umbridge with the Dark Lord. You can´t compare the Inquisitorial Squad with Death Eaters.” Draco sounded desperate, his eyes looked at you pleadingly.
“I know, Draco. And I don’t do so. But what I also know is that I fight for the things I love. For the people I love. And you happen to be one of them. So how could I ever let you go without even trying?”
“You don’t know what you get yourself into.”, Draco mumbled.
“Maybe I don’t. But I know it´s worth it. You are worth it.”
The blond boy sighed.
“I can´t talk you out of this now, can I?”
You smiled at him superiorly.
“Not now and not ever.”
There was a small spark of hope shimmering in the boy´s eyes, which were clouded with worry, as he looked at you.
“Are you sure about this?”
You nodded eagerly.
“I´ve never been so sure about anything. I´ve made loads of decisions this year I didn’t know whether they were right or wrong. But I know this isn’t one of them.”
And when you pulled Draco into a tight embrace and he buried his face in the crook of your neck, he intuitively knew that you were right.
For sure, what the two of you had was far from perfect and both of you knew that the worst was probably yet to come. But in the end, you had each other and for now, this was everything you needed. And you, as well as Draco, highly doubted that this would ever change.
Taglist: @xodracomalfoyxo @marigold-morelli @army24—7 @lbhmoon @cappgyuccino @writingwitch007 @myomy0ss @tinafuentes
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whining-ylthin · 2 years
"Black Legion: Talon of Horus" spoilers and rambles ahead.
Thinking about Abaddon's little post-Heresy pilgrimage arc getting basically dumped on you with little buildup (discounting that one "you're so much of a bottom the mere concept of a top, err, I mean, commander being out there makes you dangerously erect" speech Nefertari gives to Khayon) and...
Imagine if "Talon of Horus" began as something of a mini-anthology, with several chapters dedicated to each of the characters (Khayon, Lheor, Telemachon) going through the motions of surviving outside of their Legions in the distant aftermath of the Heresy and the Scouring, in the shadows of the Legion Wars - petty vendettas and the fight for scarce resources keeping the traitors occupied while the Imperium slowly forgets they've even existed - each eventually coming to the conclusion that this way of life is hollow and draining, that their mental programming makes them crave for something more - a grand purpose, a band of brothers, a commander. Then the whole "meeting with Falkus" thing happens, their paths cross and they seek out the Vengeful Spirit because it vaguely carries the promise of it all, and otherwise it symbolizes to them the true spirit of what the Legions used to be and the echo of their short-lived reunion - and because men with no reason to live have even less to lose.
It wouldn't be a major departure from the existing plot, it'd emphasize the themes, it'd flesh out Lheor and Telemachon and more importantly it'd cut down on the amount of Khayon I have to suffer through. You could keep the "Khayon is telling a story to the Inquisition" framework and simply nest the Lheor/Telemachon chapters in it as their own tales told to Khayon (possibly also highlighting discrepancies with his version of the events to drive home the point about Khayon actually being an unreliable narrator) - hell, you could go wild and add interjections into both narrative layers in the form of excerpts from Inquisitorial reports cross-referencing Khayon's babbling with their sources and Khayon's margin notes on his own interpretations and thoughts on his brothers' tales.
Would it make for a longer book? Yes. Would it take longer to write? Also yes. Which is probably why it could never happen because living off of writing is equivalent to living on the poverty line, and the more words you can shit out at a good pace, the better for your royalties.
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⭐ haven't seen any of your stuff yet but you're one of coolest people on my dash so I can't wait to see what you've been working on
Oh. My gosh, that’s some high praise, but I think some of the kids at my school would laugh you out of the house for calling me cool. I have like 1 friend, and that’s… complicated at the best of times. But I’m getting off track. Enjoy this slice of my WIP. Hope it lives up to your expectations
He was gone, decades back, to a planet he didn't remember, with a person whose face he couldn't see. The cliff they stood on was towering, too enormous to be accurate, and the stars above were impossibly bright, blaster bolts of sunlight forcing their way through the immense dark. He was young here, on this half-remembered world. The war still raged; he saw an encampment below, packed to bursting with clones and tanks. He looked at the woman next to him, fervently wishing that just this once, she might stay dead.
His Master, whoever she was, didn't move a muscle, and he almost deluded himself into thinking that she never would. Instead, she shifted her weight, and the corner of his brain that would always be a traitor knew she would speak.
"Isn't it beautiful, -----?" The name she said, that horrible, disgusting, vile name, was incomprehensible, as it always was. Just as dead as the boy next to her. She always said it. She could never say anything else because she had died with that name and that boy a decade and a half ago.
Though her face was forever lost, gone, taken from him, he could swear she smiled. He remembered how powerfully he hated her. She spoke anyway.
"Half these stars are dead, yet we still see them. Memorials in the sky, sharing their light still."
He could never understand her, understand any of it. He'd forgotten too much of her, killed too much of himself for that. All he had left were these fragments, incomprehensible and infuriating. He despised her. He hadn't always, or at least he hadn't in this memory, because he, the young, traitorous, monstrous, innocent child he could never remember, looked up at the stars, and questioned.
"But... if they're dead... how can we see things that don't exist anymore?"
She laughed, and it wasn't quite right because he couldn't remember how it had sounded. That part of her was gone, lost to time. She was a betrayer and a monster, and her laugh was not something he was allowed to know. When she spoke again, her voice was wrong, harsh, as if she was talking through a vocoder, and he knew it was ending.
"Light never dies, child. It will always exist. If it was there once, even for a second, someone will always be able to see it."
She turned back to him, but of course, she didn't, because she couldn't because she was dead. Her face was gone, and she was gone, and there was nothing. The world shifted in a blaze of fire and explosions and screams, and she was face-down on the ground of a different planet, blaster wounds carved into her flesh, and he was back in his body, back in the black uniform of the Inquisitorious, of the Empire that had killed her. The dream-memory-falsehood broke in front of him, shattering into war and pain and ghosts and torture, and Third Brother woke up.
Yeah… bout 300 words of my latest will-never-post WIP. Star Wars au, you could probably tell. I think the conversation is a bit on the nose but it’s ~thematically relevant~ and I can’t find a better way to put it. So yeah. Sorry it’s a little late, I was frantically editing it for two days to make it vaguely presentable.
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inquisitor-maelorn · 2 years
Shadows and Monsters
The Blackstar came to rest in the factory district’s landing pad, its rear ramp lowering with a hiss. The stench of oil and machinery assaulted Taliya’s senses as she trod stepped out of her craft and made her way to a small squad of Valhallan guardsmen who were already waiting for her. A pair of Deathwatch Astartes from Kill Team Nomad followed.
“Welcome, Lady Inquisitor Maelorn,” the Valhallan squad leader said with a bowed head as Taliya approached. “Lieutenant Dmytri Lyashko, at your service.”
“Thank you, Lieutenant Lyashko. I understand you’ve found some dead Noise Marines here?”
“Yes, my lord. But it... uh, well... I think you should see them for yourself, to be honest. This isn’t something I’ve seen on briefings before.”
“Then lead away, LT. I’m assuming they’re nearby?”
“Yes, my lord. Only two blocks from here, and I have the route secured. Right this way, please.”
Taliya and her Marines followed Lyasko’s small group down from the landing pad and onto the dark city streets. After a single block of walking, one of the traitor corpses came into view. Taliya’s eyes widened, and her Marine Sergeant let out a slight whistle. Lyashko was right, this was different.
The corpse hung above the street, chains attached to its arms and legs keeping it on display as if it were a fly caught in a spider web. Much of the Noise Marine’s armor had been removed, and all exposed skin had been flayed and draped from the chains suspending the corpse.
“There are four others done up like him in the immediate area,” Lyashko said as the Inquisitorial detachment gawked. “So, is, uh, this some kind of traitor sacrifice or something, my lord?”
“I don’t think so,” Taliya replied. “This doesn’t match up with the kind of sacrifices we’ve seen from local warbands. And sacrifices almost never involve Astartes.” She turned to look at Lyashko. “You were right to call us here, Lieutenant. This is something new.”
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eorzeaisnotcrash · 8 months
Day 7: Noisome
You haven’t thought of the smell!
(This one has mentions of non-con and violence. If you’re a DRK, you get it.)
“Have you got it?”
Looking more disappointed by the second (he can join the club!), the Lord Commander passes her the bottle. Dagmar opens it, just to be sure she isn’t getting played for a fool again. But it’s Daniffen’s Joy, just like she demanded.
“Right, then. I’ll go fight in your stupid trial and save the brat from another of his own shite decisions. And then I’d better get to use this and go on the lash in peace.”
Just as Dagmar turns away from the plotting table, Lord Haurchefant cries, “Wait, Jo… Mistress Ratsbane!”
“Lord Haurchefant, do you want that knight dead or not?”
“There is no need to kill, simply to defeat.”
“That’s not what Fray said about the trial she was in.” Dagmar nods to the other woman, who’s been waiting patiently for this mess to be over. Both knights are a little nervous to be around her, the way everybody else who’s met Fray is. You’d think somebody’d be happy Vishap’s killer made a friend in this miserable icebox! But Fray likes to agree with Dagmar that she’s neither a walking weapon nor a nobleman’s fuck-toy -these two wouldn’t appreciate their chances of getting to abuse her dropping even further, would they?
“I… I suppose not,” he says, like a proper polite lord, before pushing on: “Still, a trial by combat is a solemn occasion in the eyes of both man and the Fury. Do you truly intend to fight in your current state?”
Thinking about her clothes, eh? That’s just like him. He’s still not getting into ‘em!
“What’s wrong with what she’s got on?” snaps Fray. “It’s practical and protective, isn’t it?”
The Lord Commander says quietly but firmly, “It does seem a sturdy and extremely well-used set of armor.”
Dagmar looks down at herself. Since the last time she stumbled into a river, she’s been covered anew in the evidence of the binges and one-sided fights that are her life now.
“Well, I needed to pay my tab at the Knight, and those hunt marks needed to die. Then I tracked down more traitor Braves, and I couldn’t not kill those… oh, and some of this is from Temple Knights who didn’t understand the meaning of ‘no’.”
“Did you say Temple Knights?”
“But those Braves got washed off earlier,” Fray points out. “I think one of these on the left is actually from that Brass Blade who helped torture you…”
Both knights are proper uncomfortable now. Dagmar snaps her fingers as she remembers something from the blood-and-ale-soaked haze that’s been the past four days.
“No, that’s not it, either. The Ul’dahn arsehole is splattered all over my feet. All along my left is from the Ishgardian arseholes.” She looks down at her front. “This is what’s left of the giant gremlin I killed in the South Shroud.”
She thinks Raya-O might have seen her, but after Dagmar waved and called “You’re welcome!” nothing happened.
“Did you say Temple Knights?” repeats the Lord Commander.
“Then I took that bounty and bought some wine, and some of that got spilled on me when I was walking along, minding my own business, and more knights bumped into me. They decided ‘fuck off’ was foreigner-speak for ‘I need your cock’ so I did what I had to. You know, sometimes I think Nidhogg is right about this place.”
(Hopefully she’ll be wyrm food before the day comes when she wakes up and wonders if the shadowless bastards might have the right of it, too.)
Lord Haurchefant looks at the Lord Commander. The Lord Commander looks at Lord Haurchefant.
Finally the former sighs and admits, “I do not believe there is any precedent for a champion being turned away on account of hygiene. Mistress Ratsbane, pray report to the Supreme Sacred Tribunal of Halonic Inquisitory Doctrine, and may the Fury grant you victory.”
“She won’t need the Fury’s blessing,” Fray tells him as they finally leave. “She’s got mine.”
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sanzu-sanzu-sanzu · 2 years
what are reader and sanzu’s favorite physical parts of each other?
sanzu likes her eyes the best. he never realized how often he’d always stared at them until that one day, many, many years ago, when she had stood across from him in the middle of a torture session of yet another bonten traitor. it was a time of organizational unrest and, hence, a series of careful weeding out within the ranks. around them, the other executives stood and paced in varying degrees of weariness and apathy, but it was in her eyes he’d read what he could only glean as fear. disquiet. it was an opaque, depth-less stare, on the surface no different from the usual face she wore in front of others but he only then realized was unlike anything he’d ever seen in her eyes before; a look that barred any light and his own inquisitorial eyes’ prodding from entering; a look that angered and disturbed him and, above all, weighed him down. he’d cut the torture right there and then with a single bullet on the back of the man’s head, aware of the visible flinch her skin made, mirroring the surprise of the rest of the executives.
he's always liked her eyes because they spoke so much more than her own words did, had evoked in him emotions he’d taken a while to learn to grasp: fear, distress, outrage, pure helplessness, just as well as genuine elation, pleasant shock, excitement, unadulterated pride, and peace. he wishes that there was something he could do with the unwieldiness it makes him feel, though, his lack of footing…and yet he doesn’t know…is unable to comprehend a reality where he wasn’t looking into her eyes at every chance he gets.
(he is, however, most curious of her neck: the downward curve of the top of her spine and the little ridges that poke out; the small expanse of her throat’s skin that bobs and quivers when she laughs, when she speaks; the soft slopes of her collarbone where hair pools and sometimes glide—)
she likes his hands the best. fingers long, joints jutting out, a little rough looking and abused. deadly when they have to be, fast at work; unfaltering and unforgiving.
she’s only fully held his hands a couple of times. one was on the morning after he punched his own bathroom mirror and he stumbled upon her at the park. she felt her throat constrict at the sight of his battered knuckles, as if she’s never had years of witnessing even worse injuries in their line of work. the entire skin of his palm and pads were rough and unforgiving, but she’s also learned that they could be soft in places where her own fingers poked. she only held his hand for as long as was necessary but she thought she could memorize the callused spots of his fingers by feel from that moment alone.
the first time was several years ago, in the middle of a bustling crisscrossing traffic lane in an unfamiliar city and she had been too preoccupied and still freshly hot from their very heated argument not even a mere minute prior to notice the changing traffic lights. she was nudged forward by bodies from behind and on her sides, had let herself be sandwiched and then swayed by the limbs surrounding her as much as her own legs did. she sighed harshly, swallowed a thick bile of pride down her throat to call up sanzu’s name. once, twice, before she was stretching her arm to try to catch his. an elbow had poked her on her ribs which automatically made her head snap to the side, her chest a pestering well of anxiety, anger, helplessness at all those bodies and the one she couldn’t get to—before she felt her arm and then her entire body yank forward, the feel of a rough, firm hand grasped tightly around hers. sanzu’s voice still held a residuum of gruffness that rattled her nerves as much as attuned her ears to his low ‘stay close.’ he’s still angry, she could see, but also a tad disconcerted and unfocused, she knew, because he wouldn’t be holding her hand so tight otherwise, but he did—and her face had grown hotter from the contact just as much as from anger—their entire walk through the suffocating crowd. when he noticed, he pulled so fast he accidentally slapped a retreating passerby, but he slowed his steps to match hers and his fingers still hovered—more careful not to touch—from behind her elbow.
‘sorry,’ he grumbled, calmer now, once they reached the opposite sidewalk, and she was unsure whether it was for his accidental holding or the fact he’d raised his voice when they fought.
thank you for this question, anon 😌💖
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coerthanrobin · 2 years
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[Spoiler warnings for the level 85 MSQ, and content warnings for depression/suicidal ideation.]
Deep in the lowlands of Coerthas, there is a cabin. More precisely, there are many cabins - some belonging to hunters or woodsmen, some lost to the snows, some belonging to those who prefer to live far from others. But this particular cabin doesn't belong to the two women who live within it. The one who it belonged to died in the final days of the Dragonsong War.
Azette Sejois, formerly of the Supreme and Sacred Tribunal of Halonic Inquisitory Doctrine, worried about that when she first arrived here. When her sister-in-law all but dragged her out of the cold and the dark and into this warm, safe cabin. She doesn't worry about it, now.
It's been long enough since they fled the city that her fear of pursuit has settled into naught but a background anxiety. There are bigger things happening in the world than the escape of a single forgotten Inquisitor, if her brother's occasional reports are anything to go by.
There is a time and a place for telling the tale of Azette's escape from the Supreme and Sacred Tribunal. There is a time and a place for telling of Morgane's bravery, and Aurelien's. But it is not this time, and it is not this place.
This is the place for a tale of desolation.
Fire crackles in the hearth. Outside, the weather seems almost mild for Coerthas-that-is. Clear and crisp and cold, but without any sort of winds or gales.
Morgane Sejois sits nearby, warmed by the fire as she works on stitching a tear in one of their shirts. Their shirts - for their worldly possessions are split and shared between them, here. By the grey-blue colour, it was probably Azette's once. She isn't really sure. She does know that Morgane has been wearing it more, of late. She does know Morgane looks good in it.
Azette stares. At everything, and at nothing. Her vision shifts and fades into an almost-greyscale as she watches, the fire dancing and burning itself on to her retinas.
She takes a breath, and forces herself to blink. Afterimages of the fire stick beneath her eyelids as she climbs to her feet.
"I'm going to get more firewood," she says, at length.
The motions are automatic. Pulling her coat on; buttoning it up; lacing her boots; lifting the axe from its place by the door; letting her hand slide across its worn wooden haft; opening the door.
Azette has just enough time to see Morgane glance at the near-full logpile, then to her, before she shuts the door behind herself.
She breathes, and watches the air mist and curl in front of her. The weather seems almost mild for Coerthas-that-is. Clear and crisp and cold, but without any sort of winds or gales.
She takes one step, then two. The snow crunches beneath her boots as she walks her path toward the wood that has become her second home in these past moons. It should be peaceful. The idyllic dream of a winter paradise. A warm cabin, and crisp snows. But with every step, all she can think about is Morgane's fingers, stitching a torn shirt back together. A shirt with no owner.
Of Aurelien and her mother, alone in House Sejois for the closing days of the year.
She thinks of the sacrifices her family has made for her mistakes. For her anger, and her failure. For her weakness. She doesn't want them to waste their lives on her. She doesn't deserve such a kindness.
Apostate; traitor; assassin. Murderer.There's so much blood on her hands, inky-black, and it stains everything she touches. Everyone she touches.
She's broken.
She stops walking.
She doesn't tell herself to. Her legs just...stop.
That's odd.
Azette tries to take a step forwards. Nothing. She tries again. Nothing, again. Like she's caught on something.
She looks down, at her feet. And she sees them. She sees hands, blackened by frostbite, grasping at her boots. Trying to drag her down into the snow.
Azette screams, and tries to kick them off; tries to break free of their grasp. The hands shimmer and fade into ash.
Without them holding her back, Azette's leg scuffs forward through the snow, tipping her balance forwards and dropping her on to the ground. Her head hits...a stone, or a log. Something, beneath the snow.
It hurts. Everything hurts.
Azette clutches her head, trying to catch on to any solid thought as her ears start to ring.
Murderer. Murderer. Their blood is on her hands. They'd be alive if not for her. They'd be alive. Morgane would be at home, with her husband. They'd be happy.
She shouldn't be here.
Ashes flutter past her face, and she freezes in place.
She pulls one hand away from her head, and just stares. Ashes pour from her own flesh like she's burning alive. Her fingers twitch, against her will.
She tries to scream, again, and coughs up ash instead. Curls in on herself, staring at her hand.
Deep in the Coerthas Lowlands, Azette despairs.
There's not a single thing she can do to stop whatever it is that is happening to her. Perhaps it's divine punishment. Perhaps Halone has come to take her, for her sins. Her vision grows black, and Azette does nothing to fight it. How could she? How could she fight such a bone-deep pain? Such a desire for oblivion?
She hears a voice reverberate through her mind. Rejoice. I shall free you.
Her eyes slip closed, as the pain of it all grows too---
Her eyes snap open.
Morgane rushes to her side, dropping to her knees and sliding the last half-fulm through the snow to reach her. She grasps her hand and holds it tight even as the ashes scatter and fade.
"Azette. Oh, gods, what's happening to you?"
Oh, Morgane.
Always so worried.
Doesn't she see that this is for the best?
"Azette, darling, hold on. Don't give up. Just hold on."
Azette almost laughs at that, her grip on Morgane's hand loosening. The darkness is coming back, creeping into the edges of her vision.
"I-I'll find a way to help you. Remember what I told you in the prison? Remember how I told you to have faith, for just a little longer?" Her voice sounds frantic. There's fear in her eyes, desperation. Azette doesn't understand it.
"Go. There's no saving me." Azette's voice sounds wrong, somehow. Distorted, and weak. Speaking feels strange, as smoke bursts from her lips.
"We're a damned stubborn family! Gods take you, Azette, I won't let you give up and die." Tears fall from Morgane's eyes. She clutches Azette's hands like a lifeline.
"The Gods won't take me." Azette smiles, sad and empty. "They forsook me long ago."
Morgane's fingers tighten their grip, and the next words she speaks are harsh as sharpened iron. "Blessed are we who abide in Her grace, for we shall never be forsaken."
The words wash over Azette like a balm. The old, familiar prayer.
"Pray with me, Azzy. Blessed are we who abide in Her grace, for we shall never be forsaken." The words mean something, even now. Even to an apostate. "Come on, damn you!"
"...Blessed are we who abide..." She chokes on ash.
"Try! You have to try!"
"Blessed are we who a-abide in Her grace, for. For we shall never be forsaken." The darkness recedes, a little.
"Blessed are we who abide in Her grace, for we shall n-never be forsaken." Azette's fingers twitch and curl around Morgane's hand.
"That's it. Just pray with me." Morgane has tears in her eyes, and snow in her hair. She's beautiful. "O wrathful Fury in heavens on high - pray grant us the strength to overcome the evils of this world."
"O wrathful Fury in heavens on high - pray grant us the strength to overcome the evils of this world." Azette squeezes her eyes shut, and tries to just breathe through the pain.
"You're doing so well."
"Blessed are we who abide in Her grace, for we shall never be forsaken. O wrathful Fury in heavens on high - pray grant us the strength to overcome the evils of this world. Blessed are we who abide in Her grace, for we shall never be forsaken. Blessed are we who abide in Her grace, for we shall never be forsaken!"
Azette opens her eyes, and the ashes are gone.
She lets out a slow breath, savouring the feeling of her lungs being clear of smoke and acrid poison, and meets Morgane's eyes.
"Are-- are you alright?"
"I am." And... she is. The sorrow that had felt inescapable a moment ago has faded and settled. Drowned out by the feeling of holding Morgane's hand. Drowned out by fervent prayer.
Morgane laughs, tears in her eyes, and leans down to press a kiss to Azette's forehead. "Good. Don't you ever worry me like that again, do you understand? Or I'll be very cross."
Her lips linger. And as she pulls back, their eyes meet.
They breathe, and the air curls and mists between them.
Morgane clears her throat, blush on her cheeks from the cold, and climbs to her feet. "We should...get back. And try to find out what just almost happened." She dusts off the snow from her trousers; clears her throat, and extends a hand to help Azette up.
Azette stares at her for another second from her place on the ground. Two. Three.
Then reaches out, and takes her hand.
O Halone, see me to victory. Grant me the strength to overcome this evil. Pray forgive me my sins.
Help me to cleanse my soul. Render unto it Your judgement.
Blessed are we who abide in Your grace.
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animatedjen · 6 months
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Traitor Inquisitorious | Jedi Fallen Order
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awritingtree · 3 years
Never Enough (2/7)
Sirius Black x daughter!reader
Summary: Y/N Black is back at Hogwarts after running away from her father’s, Sirius Black’s, house during the summer. The year passes by and soon it’s the end of the year, with the OWLS finished. What happens when she finds out that her father was captured by Voldemort?
Words: ~2.5k
Warnings: angst, shitty father-daughter relationship, self-deprecating thoughts.
A/N: I KNOW! I KNOW! I KNOW! I know there isn’t a lot of Sirius x reader interactions in this chapter. There are some indirect interactions - or lack of. But I felt it was important to have this chapter and not skip a whole year from the summer to the end of 5th year. It also allowed to me to give more insight into the reader’s feelings. And I realize some parts seem rushed but like they aren’t really that important so... This chapter was important for the entire plot I have planned because we all know what’s coming in the next chapter :) Anyways I hope you enjoy this filler chapter in the mean time xx
Series Masterlist
The rest of your enjoyable summer back home with the Tonks flashed by and the next thing you knew, you were boarding the Hogwarts Express on September 1st. The return to Hogwarts was accompanied by a change in season, the green leaves changing colours ranging from red to orange to yellow; falling, leaving the trees bare. Following autumn came winter, which passed by just as fast. The grounds covered in soft snow, crunching beneath the feet of the various students making their way in and out of the castle.
Christmas arrived sooner than you’d thought. The white layer made the world look so pure, so peaceful. You had opted out of going home for Christmas. Any chance of actually staying home would be impossible with the Order of the Phoenix still in place at 12 Grimmauld Place. Since you hadn’t returned, you had sent Mr. Weasley a get-well-soon present on top of his Christmas gift.
So instead you had spent the holidays at Hogwarts in the company of your Slytherin friends, spending your days reading, enjoying the grand feasts in the Great Hall and catching up on some much-needed sleep. You had expected a gift, but you were left disappointed as you saw the only presents lying at the foot of your bed were from the Tonks, Ginny, Hermione, Mrs. Weasley and your Slytherin friends. Lying in bed that night, your memories took you to a time somewhere around the beginning of November.
“Ew! Could you maybe consider showering before deciding to show up in public?” Parkinson’s whiny voice entered your ears as you ventured into the Great Hall on a Saturday morning.
Your broomstick was tucked in your underarm as you tied off one end of your French-braided hair. You wore your green and silver quidditch uniform messily, having rushed out of bed from waking up late. You had decided not to take a shower beforehand, knowing you’d get filthy all over again in a matter of a few hours. The sleepiness was still visible on your face, eyes drooping with weariness.
“Piss off Parkinson. Go drool over Draco elsewhere if my appearance is bothering you so much,” you sneered, plopping down on the bench, pouring yourself some pumpkin juice.
The arrival of owls stopped Parkinson from cursing you out. You looked up to see a snowy owl make its way towards the Gryffindor table, dropping a letter into the hands of Harry Potter. Upon reading who had sent him a letter, Harry, Ron and Hermione quickly glanced your way before quickly looking away, huddling together to prevent anyone from reading whatever the letter entailed. You sighed looking down solemnly, knowing whose letter would elicit such a reaction from the trio. In this moment you had never hated the snake emblem across the area over your heart more.
You’d cried yourself to sleep that night. Not even the fact that Slytherin would finally have a chance to win the Quidditch House Cup, due to the banning of Gryffindor’s seeker and beaters, had cheered you up. 
Both of those nights you had cried yourself to sleep, beating yourself up for ever expecting, for hoping, that this time away from your father had him changing his opinion on you. You didn’t know why you still cared. You didn’t understand why you craved his love, why you hadn’t given up on having any kind of relationship with him. You didn’t know why you still cared - you shouldn’t. You hated yourself for caring; but a small part of you, the five-year old girl that cried, begging for a chance to go visit her father for a year, still existed. No matter how many times you repeatedly denied it to yourself, you seeked his approval, his love.
You had fallen asleep on both of those nights wondering what you could possibly do to be worthy of his love, wondering why you were never enough.
Winter had come and gone in a jiffy. May brought sunshine, warmth and the blossoming of new life along with it. By now, the D.A. had been found and disbanded, the Inquisitorial squad was thriving off making every non-Slytherin’s life miserable - all because you, now, had a toad for a headmaster.
Your OWLs were coming up soon, pushing you to study more than you had ever before, distracting you from thinking about anything else.
“I don't understand why you talk to that blood traitor and mudblood.”
“Because they’re my friends, Draco,” you sighed, for what seemed like the millionth time, “And stop calling them that. It’s despicable.”
“You don’t need such friends. You have us,” he said, rolling his eyes.
“Oh, friends such as Parkinson, Crabbe, Goyle, and Zabini? I think I’m good,” you replied, scoffing.
Draco pulled you around to face him by your upper arm.
“I’m just trying to look out for you. These times, they aren’t the best. You don’t need to risk putting yourself in danger by associating with such...” he trailed off.
“Such what?” you prompted him, encouraging him to say something he’d regret. He stayed silent, staring at you, trying to say what he couldn’t out loud through his eyes, but your irritation didn’t allow you to see past his words.
“And I don’t need you to look out for me. I don’t need anyone to look for me! I can do that very well on my own, thank you. You’re not my brother,” you exclaimed, wrenching your hand out of his grip.
A series of emotions; hurt, anger, sadness; flashed across his face - gone before you could make anything of it. Your face softened as you realized what you’d said.
“Draco, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that,” you apologized immediately.
Draco moved out of the way just as you were about to lay our hand on his shoulder.
“No you’re right. I’m not your brother, Y/N,” spat Draco before softening his tone, “but I see you as my sister so I will continue to look out for you, no matter how you feel about it.”
He stormed away before you could get a second to respond, leaving you staring at the spot he’d previously occupied with a mixture of feelings.
OWLs were finished. You couldn’t believe that you were finally done. Your plan was to set off towards the Black Lake right after your last exam, lie back in the grass with your eyes closed to soak up the warmth shining down on your face. You longed to hear the sound of overlapping water from the cool breeze lulling you into a state where for the first time since last year, you’d feel a sense of peace and quiet.
But it seemed the universe hated the idea of you relaxing, which is why you were currently in Umbridge’s - Umbitch as you liked to call her - with the rest of the Inquisitorial squad along with a few former D.A. members. You were all waiting on Professor Snape to make his way to office, upon Umbridge’s order request. In addition to the purrs of the many cat pictures hanging on the horrid pink walls, the office was filled with the sounds of D.A. members trying to pull away from the Inquisitorial Squad’s grips.
“You wanted to see me, Headmistress?” asked Professor Snape entering the room as he eyed the struggling students, unconcerned.
Umbridge stood up smiling widely, almost cynically, “Yes. I would like a bottle of Veritaserum. I wish to interrogate Mr. Potter here.”
“You used up the last of the Veritaserum I had on your previous interrogation with Potter. Surely you didn’t use it all?”
“I’m sure you can make some more,” Umbridge replied with an overly sweet smile that made you want to vomit from the sight of it.
“Unless you wish to poison him - I have the greatest sympathy if you do - I can’t help you, not until it’s ready after a month,” Professor Snape said as he looked towards Harry.
Harry’s face scrunched up, seeming to concentrate on communicating something to Snape but his attempt was futile.
“You’re on probation! You’re deliberately being unhelpful. Now get out of my office!” shrieked Umbridge.
Snape blankly looked at her unbothered before turning to head out of the door.
“He’s got Padfoot! He’s got Padfoot at the place where it’s hidden!”
You felt like you had just been drenched in ice cold water at Harry’s shouts.
‘He? Who is he? It had to be Voldemort. Who else could have Harry in such a terrified state? But no, it couldn’t be possible,’ you thought. 
Ginny’s wince brought you out of your spiralizing thoughts. You loosened your tightening grip on her hand, too panic-stricken to mutter an apology. Your wide eyes drifted from Harry to Professor Snape.
“Padfoot?” exclaimed Umbridge, “What is Padfoot? Where what is hidden? Snape, what do you know about this?”
Snape turned back around to face Harry. His face was unreadable. You just hoped he would get some help, that he understood what Harry was shouting about.
“I have no idea,” he drawled, “Potter is speaking nonsense.”
You watched him walk out the door. Your palms had started to shake and sweat, everything drowned out. The only thing you could concentrate on was Snape, hoping he would give away any sign that he understood, he was going to do something. For once it seemed the universe had your back because just before he shut the door, his eyes made contact with yours as he moved his head, his nod bare visible. Relief flowed through your nerves; help was on the way.
You tuned into the conversation when you heard Hermione’s shrieks, “No! Professor- that’s illegal.”
Umbridge paid no mind to Hermione, raising her wand at Harry. Your hands clenched around your wand, preparing to take any action if needed as Hermione tried to convince Umbridge to stop.
“What Cornelius doesn’t know won’t hurt him,” Umbridge said, “Cruc-”
“NO!” your shout was drowned out by Hermione’s.
“Harry, we- we have to tell her,” she cried.
“It seems little Miss Question-all is going to give us some answers! Go on, then,” said Umbridge, triumphantly.
You stared at Hermione questionably. What was she doing? She couldn’t tell that toad anything. The Ministry would surely get your father and then- you didn’t want to think what would happen if they got their hands on him.
“He was trying to speak to Professor Dumbledore,” Hermione said in between her cries.
You felt Ginny tense in your grip in surprise as you suppressed the urge to sigh out loud in relief. Your eyes drifted around the room trying to think of a way to get yourself out of this situation and to Professor Snape. You needed to find a way to leave and help. You think you heard Hermione tell Umbridge about some weapon Dumbledore left in the forbidden forest in between your racing thoughts. You found the perfect opportunity as Umbridge headed out the door with Hermione and Harry. As soon as their footsteps could no longer be heard, all hell broke loose.
Ron slammed his head back into Warrington’s nose. You let go of Ginny, moving to get Crabbe off of Neville Longbottom, as she moved to go help Luna.
“Stupefy!” you yelled, pointing your wand towards Crabbe. You rushed to Neville, crouching down next to him as he caught his breath, “You okay?”
Neville weakly nodded. Satisfied with his nod, you got up to go help the rest. You felt Draco look at you, betrayed that you were helping the others, right before Ginny got him with the Bat-Bogey Hex. You felt a curse fly by you, grazing your cheek as someone pushed you to the side. Blood trickled down your cheek, dripping down staining your robes.
“What in the bloody hell are you doing, Ginny!? She’s one of them!” yelled Ron.
“No she’s not. She-”
“What do you mean? You see that badge, right? You do remember when she was holding you hostage right now? How about all the time she spent trying to catch the D.A.?” he rambled.
Ginny rolled her eyes exasperated, “Oh stop being so dramatic and listen. She’s not one of them. She’s been helping us all along. Why do you think no one patrolled near the seventh-floor corridor on the days we had a D.A. meeting?”
Ron shifted his eyes from Ginny, whose cheek had long scratches much like yours, to you before returning back to his sister, “That’s a load of codswallop.”
“We don’t have the time for this; We need to get going,” you said, impatiently. You did not have the time to convince anyone on whose side you were on. Your father could be dead by now for all you knew, and you had no clue how quick the Order would be informed to make their way towards wherever he was captured.
Ron opened his mouth, preparing to spew out an argument, “I’m sorry. We-”
“Look. Voldemort has my father right now and Salazar knows what he’s doing to him. No matter what has happened, he is my father. And you are not as smart as I give you credit for if you for a second think, I am not coming with you lot.”
“She’s right. We should get going. We’re wasting time,” Neville spoke up.
Ron looked between Ginny, Neville and you before begrudgingly agreeing.
You all quickly made your way out of the castle and towards the Forbidden Forest. You bumped into Harry and Hermione on your way there.
“How’d you get away?” asked Harry, surprised.
“Couple of hexes. Neville threw a good Impediment Jinx. Though, Ginny was the best, she got Malfoy good with a Bat-Bogey Hex. Anyway, what’ve you done with Umbridge?” replied Ron.
“Carried away by a herd of centaurs.”
“They left you behind?” asked a shocked Ginny.
“No, they got chased off by Grawp.”
“Whose Grawp?” questioned Luna, intrigued.
“Hagrid’s little brother,” explained Hermione.
“Never mind that!” interrupted Ron, “What did you find out in the fire? Does You-Know-Who have Sirius or-?”
“Yes” said Harry, “I’m sure Sirius is still alive but I’m not sure how to get there to help him.”
Everyone fell silent, the situation looking hopeless.
“What’s she doing here?” Harry asked, his eyes finally landing on you.
“He’s my father, Harry. Did you really think I was going to let you go alone?” you said, raising an eyebrow in question.
“Why? It’s not like you’ve cared before,” he retaliated causing rage to consume you at his unfiltered and forward words.
‘How dare he say that? I haven’t cared!?’
You opened your mouth to rebuttal, ready to release your wrath on the boy looking at you accusingly before Luna chimed in, paying no attention to the tension in the air.
“Well, we’ll have to fly, won’t we?”
General taglist: @heloisedaphnebrightmore @pregnant-piggy @approved-by-dentists @kashishwrites @remmyswritings @angelinathebook @idont-knowrn @coffee--writes @kinkyduuh @ickle-ronniekins
Never enough taglist: @evilluciferisevil @slyther-inn @bloodyxheaven @gcdric @mycobrakai1972 @loony-loopy-lupinn @the-mighty-bookworm @mads-bri @tessaem @hannah220506 @hariosborn @kpopgirlbtssvt
Lmk if you wanted to be added to either taglist :)
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pur-pled-aw-thor · 3 years
Same House, Different Sides
Draco Malfoy x Slytherin!Reader(F)
Summary: Being friends with the Golden Trio has its perks and of course cons. Plus being in Slytherin means someone is against you or not.
W.C: 3.7k
Warning/s: bullying, mentions of blood, mentions of self-harm, a loved one passing away..(if I miss any or got something wrong correct me, I'm willing to learn.)
A/n: this story mentions self-harm and please, if you are thinking about it, don't. Your skin is beautiful, so beautiful that it doesn't need any scars. If you need to vent out my inbox is open, have a wonderful weekend! <3
Y/n’s POV
“Oi Y/l/n! I see you’re with Weaslebee, Mudblood, and Potter again!” I heard someone yelling behind us and I walked faster. The three caught up with my speed but he was faster. He went beside me, almost in front of me, and grabbed my arm.
“I’m talking to you, traitor!” He said and I shoved him off, “Stop it Malfoy! Can you just shut up for a day?! That would be helpful!” I shouted at him and continued to walk away, I didn’t look back or waited for the trio or an answer from Malfoy, I just wanted to go to our last class.
Defense Against the Dark Arts
I entered the room and sat in front. I aggressively took out my book and turned to the lesson we have today. The trio entered the room and sat beside me, while Malfoy and his posse sat behind us. I was about to move tables but Hermione held my arm and looked past me nodding. I looked beside me and the boys smiled.
“What is it you three?” I asked, “If anything more happens, we’ll beat him to a pulp.” Hermione whispered and I giggled. I tried to look behind us without suspicions and saw Malfoy and his goons talking too.
The pink frog lady came in and the room became quiet. Hermione and I exchanged looks and exhaled. She started talking more and more about basic spells and I started to doze off. Hermione nudged me and I came back to Earth.
“I hate this class, ever since she taught it.” I whispered and Hermione just shrugged her shoulders saying she’s also tired with the same spells being taught to us, “At least we get to do other spells after.” She said a hint of mischief in her tone. I smirked and made that into my inspiration.
We know something others don’t.
“Come on, Y/n! Hurry up!” I heard Ginny at the end of the hall and I started running. But before I reached the end, a person came out of nowhere and I groaned knowing who it is.
“Where are you going, traitor?” “None of your business, Malfoy,” I said passing by him, pushing him. “It’s my business you know!” He yelled and I stopped in my tracks. I let out a laugh and slowly turned towards him.
“How dare you say that. Who are you to ask my business?” He took steps so he was behind me to block my way, “I’m a member of the Inquisitorial Squad, and I’m here to make sure you won’t lose us house points. You’re not even helping make more house points if I might add.” He said crossing his arms, I rolled my eyes and walked past him. He grabbed me by my arm and I shoved him, harder than earlier.
“Can you just, go away and leave me alone!” I yelled and he was taken back, “Please.” I added this is the first time I shouted at someone that shocked the person. Everyone is used to my caring and loveable nature. They’re used to my bravery at standing up to Malfoy but no one ever knew I can yell at him.
Especially if it is because of anger.
“Y-y/n, I’m so-“ “What?! You’re sorry now?! Sorry, can’t fix 5 years of your bullying! Sorry, can’t fix your attitude! Sorry. Can’t. Fix. Anything!” I exclaimed, stepping towards him at every word but he backs away. When I made sure his back is against the wall, I started walking- no- running away. Tears brimming, breath shallowing, and mind fuzzing. Every step of the run made it seem it was my last.
I reached the room and noticed the others are lined up, Hermione and Ron in the middle, “Come on, Y/n! They’re about to duel!” I heard Ginny say and I dropped my bag, got my wand, and wiped away a tear.
The whole room was silent but it was dismissed by Hermione’s cast, “Stupefy!” I cheered and went to Hermione. Ron stood up and went to the twins, they’re looking at him not believing what he said.
We continued training and It got my mind to forget whatever happened before I got here, I stood aside and rest for a while. Looking around, seeing other students from different houses gather up to learn how to fight, made me realize we’re all fighting for the same reason. I smiled at them and went to Hermione, “’Mione, I think I need to rest for today. Tell Harry I’ll make sure I know the other spells next meeting.” I said and she looked at me like she knows something’s up but just nodded.
I got my bag and carefully opened the door, looking side to side to see if anyone was around. When the coast was clear I walked out and went to the library. ‘I know Malfoy won’t disturb me there.’ I thought and I turned a corner and entered the library. Madame Pince smiled at me and I went to my spot. Took out my essay and started it.
I got to the part where I can’t add more to it so I stood up and went to get more books for references. I got to the last shelves and saw the book but I heard someone talking, I know eavesdropping is bad but they’re talking about Harry so I can’t help it.
“I know Potter is hiding something and one of our own is joining him. I need to know.” “You want to know because she’s always with him or just to spite him?” I lost my focus to go back to my essay and leaned back on the shelves.
“I’m guessing you’re jealous.” One of them said and the first voice started babbling. “W-what n-no, why would I be jealous of Potter?” He said trying to fix his statement but failed. “Come on, don’t tell me you’re denying it.” The second voice said and the first one got irritated. “We saw you staring at the back of her head every time we sit behind them.” “That’s because her big head is blocking the way!” “Shhh!” we heard Madame Pince from the other side of the library and they hushed down.
“Here’s another one, you keep on teasing her and grabbing her if she’s ignoring you.” “Indicating you want her attention.” “And if you keep on denying, it will just go on forever, making you miserable for not saying a word.” The two exchanged lines and I realized something one of them said.
“If you both are saying I like traitor, keep wishing.” I turned around fast enough to push a few books off the shelves and dropping at the other side. I dropped the book and ran outside the library and towards the common room. I entered the room I share with the others and noticed they aren’t there. I sat down behind the door and locked it.
“I shouldn’t have eavesdropped,” I said and I hugged my knees trying to comfort myself.
“You shouldn’t be eavesdropping, Y/n!” “Calm down, Arteus.” “No, Mom! She’s been eavesdropping and you’re protecting her?” “She’s just a kid, Arteus.” “That’s what you always said to me, Father! But you still disciplined me! And why can’t I discipline her?” “That’s it! Arteus Y/l/n, you get out of this house and stay with your Aunt!” “No! I’m the heir!” the mood in the room is turning gloomy that smiling would be deemed inappropriate.
“You are just adopted! Your Last name is Lynn, your father was a mudbood and we just got you for the sake of our name! Now, I regret that decision. You are not allowed to use Y/l/n anymore!” the silence was deadly. Arteus stood up and walked away.
“Arteus, I’m so-“ “Sorry? Y/n, sorry can’t fix anything! Sorry, can’t clean up this mess. Because of you, this family is ruined!” “Get out Arteus!” Father is pointing his wand towards Arteus and he just laughed. “Sorry and lies? This family is nuts.” “Avada Kedavra!” “No! Arteus!” I ran towards his lifeless body and father walked away. Mother made me stand up and hugged me.
I heard someone knock on the door and I unlocked it letting one of my roommates in. I wiped the tear that was rolling down my cheek and sat down on my bed, “Have you finished the essay, Y/n?” she asked and I forgot my satchel and essay back at the library. “Oh, Merlin.” “What, what is it?” “I forgot my stuff back at the library,” I said and she’s confused.
“I was in a hurry,” I said scratching the back of my head. She looked at me and she knows something’s up. “I’ll just, get it. Wait for me?” “Yeah, sure hurry up, Y/n!” I heard her yell after me and I was already exiting the common room.
I ran towards the library but carefully went inside. I went to the table but it was gone. I asked Madame Pince and she said she never saw my stuff, I nodded and walked back towards the common rooms but I bumped into my roommate and she has my essay.
“There you are, somebody brought your stuff and I got your essay! This girl keeps on running off away from me.” I ran up the stairs and saw my satchel at the foot of my bed. ‘Guess she placed it inside.’ I looked inside if anything was missing but its complete. I placed it on my chair and sighed.
“Just think of a happy memory, any happy memory,” I said to myself and saw the other’s patronuses frolicking around. “What’s troubling you, Y/n?” I heard Luna’s voice and I smiled at her. “It’s hard for me to think of a happy memory, ‘cause you know,” I said pointing at my sweater and she tilted her head in confusion.
“You are still capable of having a happy memory, you just need to focus on the memory, not your house.” She said and I nodded. I closed my eyes and remembered every memory I have, with the trio, Ginny, the Twins… Arteus. I opened my eyes and cast my Patronus. It frolicked around with the others, I smiled and I felt a tear slide down. I immediately wiped it away and smiled harder.
‘I miss you Arteus.’ I lowered my wand and I felt a quake. I thought it was just me but everyone stopped what they were doing. We felt it again but this time the chandeliers are shaking. I went up front and it quaked again, stronger. Stronger that the glass shattered and the Twins raised their wand and I did too. Harry went closer and closer until there was a hole on the wall. I came closer to the hole and I heard her voice.
“I’ll make short work of this.” She raised her wand again, I pulled Harry and he pulled Creevey away from the hole, “Bombarda Maxima.” A huge explosion happened and it was a good thing we got out of the way. An enormous hole took over and we saw Umbridge, Filch, the Inquisitorial Squad, and Malfoy dragging Cho.
The others stared at Umbridge and Cho, while Malfoy and I stared at each other. He was shocked that I’m a part of this but my stare at him is anger, pure anger. I clenched my hands into fists that I forgot I’m still holding my wand, Luna noticed this and she tried to open my hands and she succeeded in opening the one with my wand, she took it and looked at it.
“Y/n, your hand is bleeding.” She whispered and I looked at the wand and down my hands. I hid it away but by the time I looked up, Percy is holding Harry and Cho while we are separated.
“Because of Cho, we’re in big trouble.” “She was under the influence of Veritaserum, Ronald.” Hermione and Ron looked at me confused and I just sighed. “Y/n do you know your hands are bleeding?” Ron pointed out and I looked at it, “We should bring you to the Infirmary. You might get an infection.” “It’s fine, I’ll go by myself, you guys wait for Harry to come back,” I said picking up my satchel and went to the direction of the Infirmary, but when I knew I was out of sight, I took a turn and went straight down the common room.
Most of the Slytherins are out, either celebrating the downfall of Harry, going around with Umbridge like lost puppies, or just studying. I stayed here and let my hands bleed. I looked at it and sighed.
“You really should be in the Infirmary you know. You might bleed to death.” I looked up and saw Malfoy, I rolled my eyes and just stared at the fireplace. “Me bleeding to death is marvelous, I want to be free from this hell hole,” I said and he sighed. He took off to his room and I heard him close the door.
When I thought that was the end of our discussion, I heard his door open again and closing, his footsteps, and him sitting beside me. “You are turning pale, Y/n.” He said and I felt his hand holding my wrist to raise my hand and carefully tended the wound.
He started to raise my sleeve but I retracted my arm away from him. “I just need to roll your sleeves up so it won’t get wet.” “I don’t wanna,” I said plainly and he placed the rag down and adjusted himself so I’m looking at him. “Is it me? Am I the cause?” he asked and I didn’t answer.
“Y-y/n, If I’m the cause te-“ “My brother, well, family. My family is the cause.” I can’t believe I’m telling him this. I gave him my hand again to finish with the wound, he carefully rolled the sleeves up and I heard a gasp from him.
“I was around 10 that time and my brother was just a graduate here at Hogwarts. He was special, he’s in Slytherin and no one suspected a thing that he was a muggle born. Well, a perk of being a Y/l/n, I guess. He was adopted by my parents because they couldn’t wait any longer for me to be born. They only adopted a muggle born because who would abandon a pure or half-blood right?” I said trying to remember their explanations. Malfoy moved to the other side and tended the other wound.
“Anyways, he was having a meeting with the others and I was accidentally by the door. Trying to wait for him to finish. But he thought I was eavesdropping. He yelled at me that my parents went to us and they both protected me. In the heat of the fight, my father admitted he was just adopted and that he shouldn’t be talking to me like that. Father told him to go live with his biological aunt but before he could even leave the house, he-“ I felt a tear sliding down my cheek and Malfoy wiped it away. “It’s okay if you won’t tell.” I shook my head and took a deep breath.
“He died, father used the unforgivable curse on him and I was beside him when he was targeted. I went to his lifeless body but mother made me stand up and hugged me. She made me walk away and every time I remembered that scene, me walking away, crying, mind fuzzy, I feel like it was my last step. That if I look behind, I’ll faint. I started cutting myself this year. It is his 5th death anniversary. And I added more than I can handle every day because he promised me something.” I felt Draco rolling up the other sleeves and a few of them are still new.
“He promised me that he’ll be the one to help me study for my exams. That he’ll train with me before the quidditch matches. That he’ll be the one going to my graduation. But because of his passing, before I came to Hogwarts, I tried my hardest studying for exams like I have him beside me, I train twice as hard just like he wants me to, and I’ll graduate giving him all of the credit.” I felt Malfoy finishing up with the bandages and he hid the supplies away.
“Thank you, Malfoy. But you should’ve just let me be.” “I couldn’t let you bleed to death, Y/l/n.” He said and I cracked a small smile. He smiled back but we’re interrupted by the wave of Slytherins coming in. “See you, Y/l/n?” He stood up and waved. “Yeah, see you, Malfoy.”
“Hey, Y/l/n, Professor Umbridge is calling for you.” My roommate said and I stood up from the chair. I gathered up my stuff and she walked with me. I took a deep breath and opened the door, she stayed outside and I closed the door.
“Sit down dear.” “Professor if this is about being in the D.A, I can accept any punishment. I- I can join the others with their punishments or-“ “No dear,  the only punishment that you have is the deduction of house points, that’s all.” She said and she placed her quill down.
“I called you here because of the essay you made, it's marvelous. Because of the essay, I couldn’t make myself think of any punishments but to deduct house points but this also made your house gain points.” She said and I thought back to what happened when I left that. ‘It was incomplete and it was only 2 pages.’
She handed me a 4-page essay and I saw that it was complete, I read the other pages but it looked like it was my writing. I handed her back the papers and she smiled at me. “I hope I can see more essays like this in the future. Thank you, Ms.Y/l/n, You may go now.” I stood up and exited the room.
“Hey, how’d it went?” “She’s only deducting house points instead of punishing me.” I said and her eyes widened, “But I gained a lot of house points because of the essay.” “Oh yeah, I read your essay on the way before passing it. It’s really good, where did you get those references?” We passed by the library and we parted ways.
I went back to my spot and finished the other assignments. When I was just reading a book, I heard someone sit in front of me and I thought it’s just Hermione until I heard his voice.
“Now turn around, love.” I blushed at the name but mostly because he is wearing my hair tie on his wrist. “Chin up, Y/n.” he held my chin and he continued fixing my hair, when he’s finished, he’s the first one to smile and the first to speak up.
“So, what did she think about the essay?” I lowered my book and stared at him, “Are you gonna answer or should I wait?” “You? Did you finish my essay? Why?” “Well, I know you weren’t coming back after what happened so I finished the essay for you and returned it to your dorm.”
Then I realized it, he knew I was eavesdropping. “You knew I was-“ “Yeah, your signature hairstyle gave it away. There was a gap between a few books and I saw your ponytail.” He said and I played with the end of my ponytail. “You know you can put your hair down right? Like this.”
He sat next to me and made me turn around. He removed my hair tie but I caught my hair before it fell. He held my hand and I gently let my hair down and he fixed the back.
“And because I know this is your favourite spot to study, where you can see the whomping willow out the window and when you look inside, the never-ending shelves of books that give you comfort.” He said like I said it to him before. We continued looking at each other’s eyes and he brushed off one of the hair strands that fell. “Don’t let the strands hide your face, love.” He said and I nodded, he slowly moved his fingers away from the back of my ear and towards the underneath of my chin.
He leaned in and I did too, he gently held my face with both of his hands. It’s a passionate kiss and when we pulled apart, he has this big goofy smile. I tried to hold back my giggles but he started giggling too.
“Why are we giggling, Draco?” “Because I feel giddy inside that I kissed the girl I’ve been crushing on since 2nd year.” He said and I stared at him, “Well I’m giggling because I realized the whole time I’ve been with the trio, was only because it was the only way I can get your attention but you’re here crushing on me since 2nd year?” he nodded and he kissed me again, this time I felt safe holding his hands. We pulled apart again and he smiled at me, genuinely.
“I didn’t want to miss a chance to admit that I like you, Y/n.” “And I didn’t want to miss a chance to say, I like you too, Draco,” I said and he held my hands near to his lips and give them a peck. He held my wrists and gently rolled up the sleeves, “I will help you heal, not just physically, but emotionally and mentally, love. I don’t want to see another tear leave your beautiful eyes love.” He said and I felt a tear roll down.
“I just said my part love and you’re crying?” “No, it’s because I’m glad you’re staying even though you saw and heard the worst of me. You saw me supporting a different side of the problem but you’re here. Why Draco? Why would you do this?”
“Love, we’re at the same house but we have a different side we go with. But our love for each other is the same, and that’s important more than anything. That we love each other no matter what.” He said and I hugged him, he hugged me back and continued with comforting me. We stayed there loving each minute that passed by.
No matter which side you’re on, love will always win.
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Watchers in the Shadows
Another plot important story, with the what I am terming the Shadowed Lords.  I have also found a solution to the very important question of “How to make sure the Inquisition just doesn’t murder everyone.”  I own none of these characters.  Enjoy.
“History requires two parties - the historian and their audience.  Without that, one is just talking to oneself.  So kindly stop screaming and you might learn something.” - Trazyn the Infinite, guiding human guests through the Prismatic Gallery
“It is our duty to protect those who are important to future events, those who might save the face of the galaxy, those chosen by prophecy - blah blah blah.  I’m just here to kill things.”  -Revenant
Aboard the Novus Galactica
The Watch Fortress was a miracle of human technology and ingenuity.  This particular one was mobile, a great boon for its occupants.  As soon as diplomats and Inquisitors were dispatched to these strange, newly found galaxies, it had been deemed by the High Lords of Terra that a permanent force of Throne Agents should be stationed in each.  Unfortunately for the Imperium of Man, and, perhaps fortunately for everyone else, they were currently only able to transfer a small amount of the resources they wanted to one singular galaxy.  At the moment.  The time would come when they would fully operate there, the agents of the Imperium hiding in every shadow, behind every crevice, always watching, always waiting.  The fight against the xeno, mutaint, and heretic never ended, after all, and these new galaxies provided ample examples of each.  
The newly anointed Lady Inquisitor Amberley Vail stood on the tiled stone floor of the Watch Fortress, looking out high cathedral windows into the black void of space.  Inquisitors were all technically equals, though in practice some were more equal than others.  Senior and powerful Inquisitors were given the honorary prefix Lord or Lady to denote that they were, in fact, just a little more equal than their peers.  Since she had been the first to discover, and make contact with these eight new galaxies, it would be her duty to oversee all investigations in them.  A great honor.  
At the time, though, Vail would just be investigating each one in turn until more Inquisitors could be spared.  Already she was given her choice in team, and her retinue was here, with more hand-picked agents to come.  And, of course, the operatives the High Lords and Ordo Xenos had seen fit to give her.  With the technology found in these new places, she could now contact the High Lords directly, if necessary, and they could monitor her progress.  As such, they had seen it fit to grant the Watch Fortress a cadre of Officio Assassinorum operatives, one from each Temple.  They were in cryo storage below, except the Vanus operative, currently hard at work gathering every scrap of data she could.  
Should she require pure power instead of singular agents, a Kill Team of the dreaded Deathwatch was on hand.  They were newly formed and called up, but each member was hand-chosen by the Inquisition, and, if rumors were to be believed, the Custodian Guard themselves.  Right now, they were settling into their new home, their weapons drills already ringing through the training spaces.  The Kill Team also served a second, more sinister purpose: if Vail was to go rogue for whatever reason, they had orders to hunt her down and destroy her.  She harbored no illusions of their ability, and, of course, had no intention of turning traitor.  Better had fallen than her, though, so she did appreciate the contingency.  
At the moment, more Marine heavy weaponry and armored vehicles were on the way, along with a regiment of Inquisitorial Storm Troopers.  More things to be added to the armory of the Imperium in this new galaxy.  
Vail paced, then went to her cognator, located next to the Vanus operative, still absorbed in her work.  She sat down, and began to type.  Secrets would be revealed, and the Inquisition would act upon them.
Unknown Location
The room was dark, as it always was, only illuminated by the blinding glory of a nearby star.  No one came here, no one knew of its existence except two organizations.  Two organizations that almost none knew of.  A massive man, power armored bulk hidden by a simple white robe, sword strapped on to his chest, stood side by side with another individual clad in black armor and greatcoat.  A tight fitting black helmet with glowing red lenses covered the second’s face, and as it spoke, the voice that emanated from within was corrupted and rendered untraceable.
“We must begin.  Our list is complete.”
“Unorthodox, yes, but it must be this way,” spoke the second, a reverberating deep base echoing from beneath he white hood.  “What of Inquisitor Vail?  Should she find… certain things, it would not bode well for our plans.” 
“I am handling it as we speak.  Drake shows promise.  It was good to act that quickly, but in the end, the Shadow Broker, the Mechanicus, the Inquisition, the Scoundrels, ONI, the ISB… none of them are good enough to face us.  Vail will hear no word of it.  Stability will be preserved.  Just as we must preserve the Scoundrels themselves.”
“Indeed.  It must be restated: they are key to future events.  I suggest we get moving.”  With a nod to each other, the two figures disappeared into the shadows.
Unknown Planet
The ground was icy and cold, some dead world in the middle of nowhere.  It didn’t even have a name, so remote it had never been discovered.  Of course, there were those who could find it, should they really wish to.  One such individual stood here, examining strange patterns in the snow.  Well-groomed black hair tumbled down to his shoulders, held in place by a circlet of gold.  Despite the bone-numbing cold, the man did not shiver, black and green tunic still in the frigid air.   A heavy crack of displaced air sounded behind him, and the black haired man turned around, smiling softly to himself. 
“Ah.  Can I help you?” he said in a polite and cultured voice.  The two figures, one massive and wearing a white robe, the other of medium height and wearing a black coat, stepped forward.  The black haired man stood, noting the weapons, the size, the strangeness of these newcomers.
“Loki of Asgard.  We have need of your skills,” responded a metallic and synthesized voice from the black coated silhouette’s mask.  This elicited a small, oh-so-sly smile from the black haired man.  
“Yes.  I’m sure a great many people do.  What’s in it for me?”
“Name your price,” came a deep, reverberating voice.  Loki thought quietly to himself, then spoke.
“Done,” replied the tall figure.  
“Now, what do you need me for?” asked Loki.
Hammond Robotics Lab-77431
A metallic abomination of red and grey stood above Dr. Marshall.  It was humanoid, but all metal; unnaturally tall and spindly.  He squirmed quietly, inching away from it on the cold surface of the laboratory floor.  Blood was splattered messily over the surface of computer banks and grey plastic workstations.  Marshall silently prayed that the guards were on their way.  He had just enough time to press the panic button as the… thing slaughtered the two guards and his three colleagues.  Now it stood over him, head tilted at an unnatural angle.  
“No one is coming to save you.  No one ever was.”  It’s voice was horrible, gravely, and grating.  Marshall whimpered.  It spoke again.  “You can beg for mercy.  It won’t help, but go on.”
“Please… please.  I don’t even know what you are!  Why would you want to kill me?”  The thing snarled and pinned Marshall to the wall with one metallic hand.  
“You made me a killing machine.  Who am I to argue with programming?”  The abomination’s synthetic eyes seemed to glow.  “Look into my eyes.  I want to remember this.”  
“No!  NO!  No-”  The begging cut out with a horrifying, gurgling scream as the thing ripped out his throat.  It gave a malicious laugh.  A new voice spoke.  
“Revenant.”  It was a statement.  “We have need of your services.”  Revenant turned around with a snarl, only to find himself face to face with three of the most odd individuals he’d ever seen.  A smooth faced, black haired man in a green and black surcoat, smirking at him.  A figure in a black coat and black armor, it’s face hidden behind a mask with glowing red lenses.  A giant, wearing a white robe, with a sword strapped to its back, its face hidden behind the robe’s cowl.  
“Tell me why I shouldn’t kill you where you stand?” sneered Revenant.  
“If you can, which I doubt,” replied the black haired man.  The figure in the coat held up a gauntleted hand.  
“We have need of your services,” it repeated.  “As payment, we can fix you or kill you.  Your choice.  But you must do as we say.”  Revenant seemed to consider the deal.  
“Done,” he replied eventually.  
“Good.  Now, there’s work to be done.”  
Star Wars Galaxy
Imperial Outpost Planet
The New Republic had, in its infinite wisdom, sent a team of commandos to capture a small Imperial outpost planet in the middle of smack-dab nowhere.  Sargent Underwilth was quite displeased by this, as had the entirety of the rest of her commando group, from Private Nikeer all the way up to the Captain.  It would be a long, boring, and completely useless mission, and for what purpose?  Grab a completely insignificant Imperial fort that could house a battalion and a group of shuttles at the absolute maximum?  Why?  Send soldiers to die for that?  She hated High Command for it.  Hate-d.  Past tense.  At the present moment, she was cursing the name of every single New Republic official she could remember, from the major who had briefed them to Princess Leia herself.  Saying things had gotten a bit out of hand would be the understatement of the millenia.  
“I need fire at 1-2-7-4!  Immediate effect, whatever you’ve got!” screamed the comms chatter.  The Imperial stormtroopers crouched next to her looked warily in the direction of the lieutenant whose scream was cut short over the comms.  Captain Pai, the commando leader, was dead.  Major Vekk, commander of the Imperial garrison, was now in charge of both the stormtrooper and commando contingent.  Underwilth had never thought she would be fighting side by side with stormtroopers.  They were terrible shots and propaganda-fueled idiots, holding on to the crumbling remnants of a tyrant.  Desperate times, though, called for desperate measures.  She nodded at her mixed group of Republic and Imperial soldiery, and, as one, they stepped over the ledge of the wall they were crouched behind.  A withering storm of blaster bolts rent the air, many going wide as their users panicked.  It was enough though.  
The bolts slammed into the metal abomination, many ricocheting harmlessly off its bones with high pitched pings!  Underwilth had no idea what these things were, or why they were here.  The commando team had landed, everything going well, and had infiltrated the fortress, only for an army of metal skeletons to show up.  They were spindly and humanoid in appearance, with elongated skulls and arms much thinner than a human.  Their odd appearance didn’t matter, though.  Horrible weapons had rotated, spitting sickly green beams of light at the now combined defenders.  Everything that was touched by those beams died.  Captain Pai was disintegrated where he stood.  Atomized without a sound.  
The defenders had fought back with everything in their arsenal.  Blasters didn’t work.  Grenades didn’t work.  Cryo bombs didn’t work.  Only massive, coordinated firepower would stop these undying invaders. 
Scorch marks appeared on the metal skeleton that Underwilth’s group drowned in fire.  More and more blaster bolts found their mark, staggering it.  Underwilth screamed at them to keep firing.  Eventually, slowly, it toppled into the dirt.  Underwilth’s group let out a great cheer.  It died in their throats when they saw what was happening.  The metal abomination, light faded from its eyes and limbs blown off, glowed with the same sickly green light as its eyes and weapons.  Limbs reattached themselves.  Blaster pockmarks faded.  Internal wiring affixed itself.  It stood, and glowing green eyes snapped on once more.  
Beneath the Surface of Belsavis
Trazyn the Infinite, Overlord of the Nihilakh Dynasty, Archoevist of Solomance, and Curator of the Prismatic Galleries walked through the underground tomb complex covered by the Imperial outpost.  He had come to... acquire the artifacts, weapons, and species in the tomb underneath.  Unfortunately, a group of the idiotic humans that inhabited this galaxy had decided to build a fortress right on top of it.  He didn’t even spend the processing power wondering about the humans.  Mere insects.  His soldiers were there to defend his archaeological expedition, and if the humans wanted to attack them, well, that was their problem.  
Trazyn was, quite frankly, disappointed over this particular galaxy.  It wasn’t that there weren’t ancient and important treasures to plunder: no, far from it.  The things he could find here almost rivaled his own galaxy.  Almost.  It wasn’t that.  
It was that the people of this place had absolutely zero appreciation for history.  It was utterly infuriating.  Trazyn was the historian.  The lives of entire species meant nothing to him.  He was as old as the stars themselves, able to see eons as they stretched out in front of him.  The reason he did any of this in the first place was to preserve history before time or battle erased it.  His entire planet was one massive museum, with exhibits stretching back some 60 billion years before the planet Earth even existed.  But these people?  They didn’t teach history.  Didn’t preserve history.  To borrow a human expression, didn’t give one singular, flying fuck about it.  His mind frowned in distaste over the crude word.  It was nevertheless true.  The inhabitants of this place had merely forgotten the Old Republic, the government that ruled the galaxy only thirty years ago.  The Jedi Knights were myths.  The Clone Wars were bedtime legends.  Trazyn ground his metal teeth in frustration.  Thirty years.  That was a microsecond.  That was about the time a standard Necron court case lasted.  Even the humans, short-lived insects that they were, should remember that long.  After all, they usually lived between sixty to a hundred, did they not?  Simply no respect for the past here.  
The other galaxies were not like this.  The humans of one galaxy even remembered events some two thousand years prior.  That galaxy was the one with the Makers.  A battle between gods and demons.  He had already been to a Maker lab, and taken the dark artifact from the homeworld of the Celzex.  Along with half the guard on duty at the time.  And the throne.  They wouldn’t miss it.  Probably.  
He was getting off track.  Despite the idiots of this place not knowing what it was, this place was magnificent.  The architecture, the stone, the instriptions and technology… oh, yes.  If Trazyn had still possessed a mortal body, he would be grinning like a buffoon now.  He wanted everything.  
The tomb had once belonged to the Rakata Infinite Empire.  He sneered at the name. 
“There can only be one Infinite, and only one Infinite Empire.  And you, my friends, are no longer among the living,” he told a statue.  The Empire had, at its apex, controlled a great deal of the galaxy and possessed technologies and ancient wonders not seen since.  An entire species, called the Esh-Ka, had been trapped here in status for nigh thirty millenia by the ancient Rakata.  Nothing compared to Trazyn, but he appreciated the gesture of the long dead civilization nonetheless.  Ancient Rakata warlords, soldiers, status, glyphs, tablets, weapons, enemies, technology… everything.  This was a prison world, and the Rakata built it to last.  Now, though… now it was Trazyn’s time to shine.  He took everything he could, the walls and massive scripts cut away by his personal bodyguard.  Everything went into tesseract labyrinths.  These were small black cubes, about the size of Trazyn’s fist.  They pulsed with darkness, ever wishing to suck things into their voids.  These cubes were gateways to pocket dimensions, and Trazyn had long used them to capture specimens from his museum.  
He hummed as he worked, nearly giddy with excitement.  If there had been any watchers, they would have found the sight of the ancient necron lord almost dancing with exhilaration to be quite funny.  As he loaded the last of the Rakata imprisoned within the tomb, there was a flash of green light behind him.  It’s coloration was similar to the eyes and weaponry of the necrons, yet only the discharge of his bodyguards’ gauss flayers could have made such a sight, and Trazyn knew for a fact none of them had.  He whirled around, only to be met with a very strange sight.  
Four individuals stood between him and his guards.  One was obviously a synthetic, tall and spindly with red and grey limbs.  This one glowered mechnicgly at Trazyn, but he laughed it off.  You didn’t know a good glower until you’ve stood on the wrong side of a Star God.  The second was human, smirking from behind shoulder length black hair and a black and green tunic.  The third waas masked, armored, and coated, and stood at simple attention, unbothered by the necrons that lowered their gauss flayers at its back.  The last, though…
“Lord Cypher,” said Trazyn with a bow.  The massive man in white noticeably stiffened.  “A pleasure to have you here.  Ah, yes.  I know who you are, of course.  Don’t be surprised.  You would make a fine addition to my collection,” he mused.  Trazyn looked up, noticeably more perky.  “Is that why you’re here?  Have you come to give yourself up?  Ready to be a part of history?”  The massive man, Cypher, glared at him.  
“We have need of your help, Lord Trazyn.  After you are…” he looked around, noticing the completely empty walls of the tomb, “Done here, we wish to speak with you.  Your… expertise is necessary.”  Trazyn grinned, the necrodermis teeth of his death mask coming together.  A necron grinning was a very bizarre sight.  
“Ah, you flatter me, Lord Cypher.  And from one who has bedeviled the Imperium for ten thousand years and fought the Deceiver himself, such flattery is most appreciated.  However,” Trazyn gestured around, “As you can see, my work consumes me.  I’m afraid history stops for no one.  Except you.”  He held out a tesseract labyrinth, his voice flowing with mischief.
“Wait!” replied Cypher.  “We have need of your help,” he repeated.  “If you do not join us, then events will transpire that will result in the eventual destruction of reality,” he stated calmly, as if he were simply talking about the weather.  “It might not happen now, or later, or even in a century, or millenia, but I know for certain it will happen.  Everything you hold dear, everything you have worked so hard for over these billions of years, will be gone.  If you help us, we will most likely succeed, and in payment we will offer to you the greatest treasures in the universe.”  Cypher held out a hand.  “So what say you, Trazyn the Infinite?  Are you ready to change history for once, instead of just cataloging it?”  Trazyn pondered a moment, his neural circuitries firing faster than any mortal could keep up.  Eventually, he took the hand.
“I accept.”
And there we are.  I hope you enjoyed it, and if you have any comments, criticisms, concerns, questions, or requests, feel free to contact me!  Wherever you are, have a great day!
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dracofeltonmalfoy · 4 years
Wound - Part 1
Pairing: Draco x Y/N, Cedric x Y/N, a teeny weeny smalllllll bit of Harry x Y/N
Warnings: Swearing (quite a lot), mention of injury and blood
Word Count: around 2.5k
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It had been a really long day, not to mention a stressful day as well. Umbridge. That name sent shivers down your spine as well, didn't it? Y/N was thanking Merlin it was the last lesson of the day, she could go back to her dorm, have a long ass shower and just relax. But no! She had to open her big gob and defend someone, who didn’t actually need to be defended, she had to defend someone, who all her housemates hated. SHE had to defend THE chosen one! Was it necessary? No! Could it have been avoided? Yes! Potter was going on about how he was about to win the triwizard tournament if Cedric didn’t reach the trophy 0.9 milliseconds before he did, and guess what? Umbridge heard. “Mr Potter,” she started with a sickly smile on her face, “Would you like to share your conversations with the class?”
“Um, no...um, sorry...I..” Harry stuttered, practically shitting himself.
“Well then I think you could..”
“Miss, I apologize on his behalf.” she cut her off, the headmistress’s face growing redder by the second, she was pissed, oh she was mega pissed. Umbridge hated being cut off, she hated being interrupted, especially when she was about to punish her “favourite” student Harry Potter.
“Is it so Miss Y/L/N? Well I think you should join me and Mr Potter, for a lovely little detention tonight, and we will talk about Mr Potter almost winning there.” She smiled again, Y/N’s stomach was churning, she was going to throw up. She was such an idiot! Now both of them are getting detention and by the end of the day all the slytherins are going to hate her for sticking up for the Prince of Slyherin’s arch nemesis.
When the lesson ended she rushed out of the classroom, someone was calling her name, but she didn’t stop. All of a sudden a warm, yet cold hand wraps around her wrist to stop her. It was Potter. “What?”
“You didn’t have to defend me, I…”
“I didn’t really defend you Potter, I just wanted you to shut up, ok you almost won but it’s been ages like shut the fuck up already. I wanted that damn lesson to end and if I didn’t interrupt that pig, she would’ve carried on for longer. Now if you don’t mind, could you let go of my wrist and let me get changed, I have a fucking detention to get to!” She whisper shouted. Potter let go of her wrist feeling really embarrassed. She entered her common room and regretted it immediately. 4 pairs of eyes were piercing into her.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the blood traitor herself?” Draco sneered, Pansy hanging off his arm and clinging to him like a magnet. Those two words made her blood boil, she hated being called a blood traitor. Y/N had more money than all of them combined, yes, even more than the Mafoys! “Malfoy, i’m not in the mood, just shut it already! Oh Parkinson, are you crippled hunny?” Y/N asked the pug faced bitch hanging off of Draco.
“What do you mean? I dare you to disrespect me, you filthy…”
“You’re holding onto Malfoy like your life depends on it, can you not stand up without support?”
“Oh, you DID NOT…”
“Oh, sweetheart, I did. Now move!” she barged past them, not wanting to be late to the detention. She quickly had a shower, threw on a green baggy jumper, a pair of black jeans and dried her hair with a spell she had learnt.
FUCKKKKKKK! I only have 3 minutes before the detention! I ran out of my dorm and BANG! “What the fu...Y/L/N?” Draco said, he arched an eyebrow leaning down towards me. “Is our little slytherin blood traitor getting late for her date?” he laughed, ew his laugh, evil, menacing and disgusting.
“Fuck off Malfoy!” I pushed him and ran out being EXTREMELY late for my detention now.
“Miss Y/L/N, you are 3 minutes late, but don’t worry you will have plenty of fun tonight so I will let you off.” The pink professor said with the sickliest of smiles on her face. At first I was shocked she let me off, but I knew she probably did have a devilish plan behind that as well. Harry was already seated and I went down and sat in the chair next to him. “Now, I would like you to pick up the quills in front of you and start writing.” she started explaining her eyes glimmering like a baby who had just been given a new toy, “Mr Potter, I would like you to write ‘I will not interrupt a respected lesson again’, Miss Y/L/N you will write ‘I will respect my superiors and mind my own business’ and when you have written it enough times you will be dismissed.” she finished staring right into our souls with an even more pathetic smile.
“And how many times do we write these lines for it to be enough professor?” I questioned, feeling relieved that this detention wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be, but why was Harry looking at the quill like he had just seen a dementor?
“It depends on how I am feeling and how long I think you can last...” Umbridge said smirking “Before you ask you will not require ink, just put your blood and sweat into these lines and you will be perfectly fine. You can now start, the quicker the better!”
Harry’s POV
Does Y/N not know what Umbridge’s detentions are like? Surely she should! She’s a slytherin, obviously Malfoy must have mentioned it, he’s in the inquisitorial squad, he most certainly would have mentioned it to warn his fellow purebloods so they wouldn’t get into trouble.
As I picked up my quill, I saw the confused look on the poor girl’s face and realised that she had no idea about what was going to happen. I started to write my lines, constantly looking over to Y/N to see if she was coping well, surprisingly she was fine, she wrote about 5 lines until…
“Ouch, what the hell..” she whispered, rolling her sleeves up as she saw the writing starting to etch into her skin. Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open, “Harry?” Wait, what? She called me what? “Harry? Harry? For Salazar’s sake! Potter?” I snapped back to reality giving her a sympathetic look and rolling my sleeves up to show her. Thankfully Umbridge was too busy petting her cat to realise that we had spoken.
15 minutes went on and now tears we’re pricking at both our eyes. I was used to this pain, but my heart ached for Y/N, as a tear rolled down her cheek and she quickly wiped it away. “Mr Potter, you are now dismissed…” I stood up and walked out holding my arm as it ached and burned, I gave one last sympathetic look to Y/N and left.
“Miss Y/L/N next time DO NOT interrupt me when I am talking to another student, especially someone inferior to you. You are a slytherin, a pureblood slytherin. Do you think your father would appreciate you defending an inferior?” Umbridge stated
“No professor, I apologise, this will not happen again.” I whispered out trying to hold back my tears
“Good, as I expected.” The pink bitch laughed and with a flick of a finger dismissed me.
As I walked out, I saw the one person I wanted to see, running into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his waist and cried.
“Ced, you don’t know how happy I am to see you.” I sobbed into his chest gripping his shirt harder and harder
“Sshh, sshh , it’s fine my love, you’re with me now, you’re ok, i’m sorry this happened.” Cedric calmed me down and ran his fingers through my hair. I pulled back and realised he now had blood on his shirt around his waist.
“It’s fine Y/N/N, don’t worry about it. Come on let’s go to my dorm and you can sleep there tonight, with me. Good deal?” he said smirking
“Perfect deal!” I said, managing to get a small smile on my lips, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in my arm. I am so lucky to have a boyfriend, a soulmate like him, someone who I feel safe with, someone who never lies to me, someone who’s always there for me no matter what. I love this boy.
Draco’s POV
“Malfoy?!” Zabini yelled “WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOUR ARM? You’ve been sitting with us for half an hour now and I do not remember you getting hurt, unless Parkinson was scratching her arm when we were deep in convo!” Zabini laughed, Crabbe and Goyle laughing with him.
“Shut up Blaise, I didn’t do anything! Draco darling what happened?” Pansy questioned with the most fake tone of worry. I looked at my now not so clean, white dress shirt sleeve and saw blood seeping through it.
“I don’t remember getting hurt and Parkinson you said nothing happened to you! ROLL UP YOUR FUCKING SLEEVE NOW!” I screamed, fuming that I had been lied to.
“Darling, I…” I didn’t give her a chance to finish and yanked her sleeve up. There was no blood, no wound, nothing. Parkinson had lied, she wasn’t my soulmate, she LIED.
I stood up pushing her off of me. If I hate one thing, it’s when people lie to me, lie to THE DRACO MALFOY. “DO NOT AND I MEAN DO NOT DARE TALK TO ME! IF I SEE YOU ANYWHERE PARKINSON I WILL HEX YOU!” I yelled, scaring the life out of everyone in the common room. I stormed out of the room and into my prefect dorm banging the door shut.
I paced the room running my cold fingers through my hair, pulling it in anger. I couldn’t believe it, how could I, Draco Malfoy, get fooled so easily by who, Pansy Parkinson. I have been fooled and now all of Hogwarts would know, my reputation was now fucked. I sat down on my bed, exhausted, tired from all the pacing. I pulled my sleeve up and it had writing on it. Writing? Who would write on their skin this deep? I started to read what it said, “I will respect my superiors and mind my own business.” What did this mean? 1 hour went by and I was still reading those 10 words and then it hit, this was from Umbridge’s detention. Who had detention with Umbridge today? Potter, Y/L/N, anyone else? I have to find out.
“Zabini!” I shouted, Zabini ran towards me with a look of confusion on his face.
“What’s up Malfoy? Just to get it out there I had no idea Parkinson lied, I…” I interrupted him,
“Yeh, ok I don’t care. Who had detention with Umbridge today?”
“Why? Why do…”
“Let me ask you again, even though I despise repeating myself. Who had detention with Umbridge today?”
“Potter and Y/L/N only as far as I know.” he replied looking embarrassed. I turned round and shut the door on his face. Potter or Y/L/N, Potter or Y/L/N, POTTER OR Y/L/N? Both of them have already found their soulmates. Potter found Ginny Weasley and Y/L/N found Diggory. Is Potter my soulmate because who was Y/N’s superior, but then Y/N was the one who interrupted and didn’t mind her business, so was Y/N my soulmate? One of the blood traitors was my soulmate! How was that possible?
Why would Weasley lie about Potter being her soulmate? Not like Potter had the looks, yeh he was the chosen one, but would Weasley care? On the other hand Diggory, what else would he want, a beautiful, intelligent, pureblood, with all the money in the world. Shining Y/E/C eyes, long and soft Y/H/C hair and a soothing voice.
What the fuck? Was I admiring Y/L/N? She’s a blood traitor, dating a hufflepuff. Who is my soulmate? Potter or Y/L/N? The only way I would find out is asking them what their punishment was tomorrow morning!
Reader’s POV
Y/N woke up with a warm, soft hand wrapped around her waist. Even though she hadn’t recovered from the trauma last night, she felt safe in her soulmate’s arms. She quietly got up without waking her sleeping prince, gave him a soft kiss on his forehead and had a shower. Once she got dressed and left the bathroom, Cedric still wasn’t awake, “Ced, baby wake up, you’ll be late for breakfast.”
“I’m up, I’ll be down in 10, you go, you haven’t eaten anything since lunch yesterday.” His sleepy, husky voice was music to her ears. She gave him a peck on his lips and went to the Great Hall.
“What did Umbridge make you write yesterday?” Draco said so softly, that Y/N didn’t know it was Draco until she whipped her head around. The platinum haired boy was looking at her with a weird look in his eyes.
“Why do you care Malfoy?” She snapped, thinking he was going to make a fool out of her.
“Please Y/N, please tell me?” he begged, Y/N was shocked he called her by her first name, something that was very rare and even more shocked he was begging her which was even more rare.
“Um, I will respect my superiors and mind my own business. Now if that makes you happy can I leave and eat? Not that I will anymore, now i’ve lost my appetite because of you.” She mumbled the last part, but he had heard.
“I’m sorry…”
“You ARE WHAT?” She yelled, realising she was too loud, “Sorry. Has someone drugged you Malfoy, are you okay?”
“Huh, uh yeah. I mean, I’m fine and um no haha I haven’t been drugged.” Draco said, rubbing the back of his neck. For some odd reason, he was happy, oh he was more than happy, he wanted to squeal like a little girl and jump up and down. There was one thing that really bugged him though, why did both Cedric and Pansy lie about being their soulmates? But he moved those thoughts to a side giving the biggest, most honest and brightest smile, he didn’t know why he was happy, was it because he had found his REAL soulmate or because of who his soulmate was? Whatever it was little does Draco know his happiness wasn’t going to last long. Something big and painful was going to happen later that day.
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epireancrusade · 3 years
About this blog
I started collecting and painting Warhammer 40k figures during the quarantine, mainly to help keeping my sanity. I have been a fan of the lore for a long time and painting things just make me delve deeper to the galaxy of constant war. Since writing and drawing things are my bread and butter, it didn’t take long for me to start writing stories in my head, and eventually I decided it’s just easier to start this blog and dump everything here.
The stories take place in the Epirean sub-sector on the eastern fringes, just after the cataclysmic events of the fall of Cadia. The whole sub-sector is isolated from the larger empire by Gigatrix maledictum, and the Warp-storms have brought with them the whispers of the dark gods as well as raiding armies of renegade cultists, led by a coven of traitor marines who call themselves the Sacred band. After ten years of horror, a crusade fleet arrives through the roiling warp, guided by rogue trader astropaths and led by inquisitorial authority. The army has suffered severe losses during their voyage, but the surviving troops are counting that there are still worlds who have not fallen to the clutches of chaos gods in the Epirean sub-sector, and that they would be able to find reinforcements among the loyalist worlds. On of those worlds is Kissia primus, an industrial hive world. The planet and it’s moon Kissus had suffered a chaos incursion during the Noctis aeterna, and only by uniting to fight as one they had prevailed. Now the ex-miners from the penal colonies of Kissus, industrial workers from the Hives and what little is left from the private armies of the noble houses of Kissia have welded together and formed their own regiments, called by the name of Kissian people’s army. The millions of guardsmen from Kissia eagerly joined the Epirean crusade, delivering either liberation or emperor’s revenge upon the blighted worlds.
As it soon turned out, the situation is dire indeed. The armies of the Sacred band have claimed several worlds around the Tigris and Veritus clusters, and even more worlds are under the siege. Orc clans from the Argonax cluster and Cataphractian stars have smelled the blood of the sufferin imperial worlds, an the orc hordes are ravaging the worlds on both sidesof the Sturian bridge.On top of these, several worlds have fallen silent, and many of them are now covered by alien megastructures, seemingly growing from the earth itself... Chaos and genestealer cults are endangering the peace and stability of still-held imperial worlds, and near the roiling warp storms of Gigatrix maledictum, warp have spitted out a whole fleet of a lost T’au expedition, it’s warriors now trying desperately to dig in and survive far away from their supply lines and reinforcements.
With the help of the Black sun chapter of Adeptus astartes, several astra militarum regiments and freeblade knights, the Epirean crusade fights a desperate war against these threats. There would be no help from the imperium, and the crusade armies would have to work with the limited resources of the still loyal worlds. This would be a time of desperation, bravery and sacrifice, a time of never ending war...
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