#trans male lesbian
genderqueerdykes · 3 months
please don't assume that all transmasculine lesbians are detrans, terfs, or hate transfeminine people. my ex girlfriend (amab transfeminine) admitted to me that she was nervous getting into our relationship because i'm a trans male lesbian and she thought i would exclude transfemmes from lesbianism.
i have no idea why she thought that, because i called us lesbians and openly called myself a butch dyke, and acknowledged her womanhood from the get go. i was very much enjoying her womanhood- please don't get assumptions in your head about transmasculine lesbians, we are not all the violent stereotypes you see online, many of us just have complex relationships, and building unnecessary walls between similar and compatible identities is not the way to go about building a bridge to a healthy united lesbian community.
this is not what lesbianism is about. lesbianism is about acceptance in diverisity in identity, not standing with your hairs on end waiting for someone else to be a piece of shit. don't secretly think that every other lesbian is out to get you, it's not doing you any favors! trans male lesbians are not infiltrators, we are your lovers, friends, bedfellows, brothers, siblings, fathers, uncles, and more! we live here!
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bilesbianblog · 1 year
trans man bi AND pan lesbian culture is being soooooo fucking cool and sexy. btw ^_^
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queerism1969 · 9 months
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transmultiphobia · 7 months
“We need more weird queer people” Y’all can’t handle 90% of the ways multigenders label their sexualities
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intersexfairy · 9 months
there is no shame in being a queer man. there is no shame in being a femme, a butch, a bear, a twink, etc. there is no shame in doing drag. there is no shame in being an intersex, trans, gnc, or nonbinary man. there is no shame in having sex traits that are deemed "female" as a man, or lacking one's deemed "male." there is no shame in not feeling attraction as a man. there is no shame in having multiple partners as a man. there is no shame in being gay, lesbian, or multisexual as a man. the list goes on and on.
all queer manhood is beautiful. all queer manhood deserves celebrating and visibility and protecting. there is so much joy and freedom inside us, and our existence makes the world a better place. we are not shameful - not in the slightest.
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saffigon · 4 months
reminder that mspec lesbians and male lesbians and he/him lesbians and trans(masc/neu/fem) lesbians have existed for decades and are fucking amazing lesbians that deserve space in the lesbian community
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elysianmadness · 8 months
"Lesbian means exclusive attraction to women!"
"No, it means non-men exclusively attracted to non-men!"
"It actually means queer attraction to women!"
"Lesbian means women and nonbinary people being exclusively attracted to other women and nonbinary people!"
Lesbian is a multifaceted label that can describe many different experiences. There is no one perfect definition of lesbian that will encompass the entire diverse experiences that lesbians can have.
I'm personally a genderqueer woman who's exclusively attracted to other women, but the lesbian next to me might be a transmasc lesbian who loves all genders except for men. And the lesbian next to them might be a bigender lesbian who's both a girl and a boy, who's exclusively attracted to women. Our experiences can all be described by the term lesbian if that's how we wish to describe it, but we might define it differently based on our own experiences. And guess what?
None of our definitions are wrong, but none of our definitions will encompass every other lesbian's experiences. A word can have multiple definitions without any of the definitions being wrong. And those definitions can be very vague or very specific. Labels are made to fit us- we aren't made to fit labels.
People who may have a different experience with the lesbian label are not your enemies. People in lesbian spaces who aren't exactly like you are not your enemies. The problem comes when you try to force one singular definition on every single lesbian. THAT is harmful. Sending death threats to other lesbians because they don't have the same experience as you is harmful. Not another lesbian having a different experience from you.
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lucyvelvett001 · 24 days
Would you let me suck you on the first date?
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genderqueerdykes · 3 months
here's to trans men with anger issues. here's to trans men who are loud or raise their voices without realizing, neurodivergent or otherwise. here's to trans men who get irritable or frustrated or impatient easily due to trauma, neurodivergence, mental illness, pain, or other disabilities, here's to trans men who can't take care of themselves, here's to trans men who can't stuff down their emotions, here's to trans men with violent intrusive thoughts, here's to trans men who snap without meaning to, here's to paranoid and psychotic trans men who become scared or hostile toward others without causing violence due to delusions and hallucinations, here's to trans men who struggle with homicidal ideation
here's to trans men who are bitter and angry and don't want to get better, here's to trans men who have tried to recover from trauma and have failed, here's to trans men who can't access proper mental health care because they aren't taken seriously, here's to trans men with mental health care trauma, here's to trans men who cope poorly with anger and hit inanimate objects and do "scary" things that don't actually hurt other people physically or emotionally.
here's to trans men with complicated mental health issues who need help but get insulted and called mean, rude, scary, shitty, assholes, dicks, jackasses and abusers. here's to trans men being human, too, and struggling with things just like anyone else. that doesn't make us evil, we are heavily traumatized by cisheteronormative society. here's to trans men who don't hurt other people but get told they do because people won't let men struggle with their emotions. i love you. you're loved. keep your chin up.
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redditreceipts · 8 months
did you see the /actuallesbians drama with /justunsubbed? this lesbian was like "trans women are valid uwu but like it's weird to post about loving penises in a lesbian subreddit" and people in the comments lost it.
yeah, I was there live :)
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well maybe I wasnt live there, but when it happened and it honestly made my day
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love her analysis
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(for everyone who doesn't know, the "lesbians" subreddit is a porn subreddit, so the lesbians made a second subreddit called "actuallesbians" to discuss issues that actually concern same-sex attracted women, and it was taken over by men (again))
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queerism1969 · 3 months
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gloaming-sometimes · 6 months
dear lesboy (and tbh any other nuanced identity) exclusionists who think your vein of thought is the majority in queer spaces id like to inform you that today at lunch with my (entirely queer) friend group the topic drifted to me being a butch lesbian and one friend goes "wait i thought you were a guy?" and i said "i am" and another friend interjected "dudes can be lesbians too" and that was that. no further probing about my identity, nohing about how im "invalidating transmen and lesbians", or whatever. everyone just accepted that thats how i identify and i dont owe an explanation for it and moved on. i promise u its not that deep 👍
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radicallyles · 3 months
when i interact with older women it is innocent and sweet and filled with so much love, but men? they always have depraved motives.
i have never once been around an older man (outside of my family) who has not treated me as dumb, or a sexual object.
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lesbianpolls · 8 days
happy lesbian visibility week to all lesbians!! all lesbians are important and valued members of the lesbian community!! this includes trans lesbians, intersex lesbians, he/him lesbians, nonbinary lesbians, lesboys and male lesbians, transmasc lesbians, multigender lesbians, butch and femme lesbians, aspec lesbians, polyamorous lesbians, mspec/bi/pan/omni/abro/etc lesbians, gaybians and straightbians, any and all good faith lesbians!! you belong in the lesbian community!! fuck the exclusionists!!
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intersexfairy · 1 year
happy lesbian visibility week to people who have complicated relationships with lesbianism and mixed feelings on their identity. you don't have to be a lesbian the way others are. you don't have to have all the answers now, either. your lesbianism is yours, complexities and questionings and all. you deserve to have pride and be supported, no matter what.
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gnometa233 · 9 months
"The line between butch lesbians and trans men has been transparent" Oh so some of yall are just saying the quiet part out loud huh? Yall really just see butch lesbians as "man lite" and trans men as "not real men".
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